#if you're thinking of getting a pet jumping spider
kedreeva · 11 months
I love her little self soothing palp movement and how she tippity taps things.
Today was the first time she's been out in about 3 weeks- she holed herself up in a nice hammock to molt and just came out a week ago. I fed her once she kicked the molt out, and I've been sitting with her with the cage open daily since. Today she was brave!!
She's also practically doubled in size! She's SO big now compared to her i8 size. She's supposed to move into the bigger enclosure but I still have a few things to get and put in before she can go in, and she couldn't go in there until she was willing to come out of the sling box. I'm hoping she'll come out for a little daily now that she remembers it's okay, so I can move her in before her next molt.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
10 year old spider girl: I’m not your pet. I won’t do what you say. I’ve never liked you. I bite.
Miguel: I want this one
Frrrrr. Miguel could've had any kid but he decided he wants the most feral one because idk he thinks you're all bark, no bite (u do bite, just very gently) and he may have overheard you asking God (it was Satan actually, but he knows u meant Santa or God) for your dad to return home (he can't, Miguel may have accidentally killed him).
I like to imagine 10 year old spider girl just wearing her DIY costume to "fight" villains because its a coping mechanism and to carry on stopping crime like her cop dad did. But the villain in question is just Miguel wearing a very menacing costume for u and just pretending to lose each battle very badly because if it makes you jump with joy and happy, then Miguel has won too and he's the richest man in the world.
Like imagine Miles coming up with the latest tech to defeat Miguel and my man just punts him into the next time zone, meanwhile you just hit him with a small pebble and Miguel somersaults his way off the roof with a dramatic scream "I'll get you next time, spider girllll!"
And miles is there like ????😧😧😧
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spiderfunkz · 10 months
"you're comfy" with peter parker?
it's a bit vague so don't worry if you don't want to use this, i could just see peter coming home or something very tired and cuddling into reader and murmuring such nonsense into their clothes because he's too tired!
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✧.* you're comfy
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— summary : after a tired day, all peter wants is to lay beside you.
— pairings : tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
— word count : 0,3k
— warnings : cuddling obviously, established relationship (they share an apartment), pet names, sleepy peter, tired peter, kisses, andddd i think that's it!!
a/n : mary!! sorry this took a bit i kinda forgot about my drafts whoopsies. thank u sm for the request sleepy peter is so😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 hope u enjoy this!
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nights in new york were cold. the streets are busy and loud, you could hear cats meowing from your neighbours fire escape, and you were freezing under peter's sweater.
huddled up in your blanket, you grab the remote and play whatevers on tv to pass the time. you're waiting for your boyfriend, peter, to come home from patrol. you kept an eye for any new notifications from peter, or any new news article about a certain spider.
a few hours went by and your eyes started to flutter shut, your body was relaxing, and the noise from the tv is slowly fading.
but a knock came from the window that made your entire body jump. it was peter, he was smiling and waving, but you could still see how tired his expression was.
he came through the window and dropped his bag on the floor, spiderman suit peaking through the broken zipper. he already changed his clothes, his hair is still messy, his shoulders were slouched, and he smelled nice. (or was that your perfume?).
peter's body was sore, tired, all he wanted was to sleep and cuddle with you.
"you okay?" your voice whispered. peter laid near you, resting his head on your chest. "your comfy." peter's voice was hoarse, "and cold, but that's nice." peter's warm hands are wrapped around your waist.
you smiled. "how was patrol?" — "it was okay, i fought some bad dudes, and went swinging for a bit." his voice getting quieter, and quieter.
"i also went to the mmmmshsjshshd." he mumbled. "the what?" you ask, his face is buried in your sweater now. "you know the thing down mhehehshd mmmhmdnsjjahssj." now he's just saying gibberish.
he was just too tired at this point. "i also saw the majshsjsmmsmh." he continued, "that's cool." you just nodded. "i think you should go to sleep first, baby. you can tell me all about the majshsjsmmsmh tomorrow." you gently brushed his hair with your fingers.
"okay." peter yawns, falling asleep.
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februarybluues · 1 year
enemies with benefits || 2. - wounded.
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warnings: tw shirtless hobie, slight flirting tbh, cursing, arguing, slight angst to fluff, hobie gets injured, horrible british (i'm very sorry🙏 ) read part one here - series masterlist here part three - can't be love
After a few months of being partnered up with Hobie, you found yourself growing to like him. Well, slightly. There was no denying that he was a dick. Miguel paired you up together multiple times, and soon enough your hangouts with pav, miles and gwen, now included hobie. Normally this wouldn’t be a bad thing, right? Except for the fact that he was insufferable. He was smooth and pitiful. He knew he could get away with anything, and that’s exactly what he did. “Did you just take that from miguel?” You asked him, looking right at his shit-eating grin. He had pocketed a few ‘spare’ parts from around the spider-society. What he was planning to do with them was beyond your concerns. He shrugged at you, his hands planted in his vest’s pocket. “Yeah I did. It’s easy to nick from that lad. He either doesn’t care or he’s too daft t’notice.” he said, pulling the mechanical piece from his pocket and showing it off. He was so difficult. “So, what? You’re an asshole and a thief? Pick a struggle.” you insulted him, annoyed. “Aye i’m no thief! I’m tellin’ ya, them big corporations are plannin’ somethin’. Prob’ly gonna use it for new brainwashin’ tech anyways. Pigs.” “So, your theft is justified by the fact that the government are brainwashers?” he shook his head at you. “Big businesses don’t need th’money. They get more people to buy their stuff, and make it more expensive. It’s a scam, innit?” he concluded. You stopped walking and he turned back to look at you. “I don’t think Miguel is a big business. You just robbed an old man.” you said, and the both of you shared a quick laugh. He was kind of cute when he laughed. I guess. That happened a few weeks ago. It was the last peaceful moment between you two. Soon after you had a huge argument, that almost got physical.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You shouted at him, interrupting his speech. “Wha’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! Y’show up one day n’suddenly you’re better than everyone else! It’s a load of bollocks!” your eyebrow furrowed as the both of you got angrier. “Oh you think i’m bad? Says the dickhead that practically feeds off of the attention of others.. I’ll tell you what you are, you're a greedy, narcissistic, self-absorbed cunt that is so far up his own ass he doesn’t even realise there are other people around him! You never listen to what anyone has to say as long as it doesn’t inconvenience you in the slightest, because god forbid you actually help out for once in your life. Typical fucking punk. Maybe one day you’ll rebel against your own jacket for being too small.” you enunciated each word with venom laced in your words. Your fists were clenched so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Hobie looked at you with the intention to kill. His piercing gaze burned right through your eyes. You never saw him that mad. Ever. “That’s fuckin’ it.” he cursed, before standing up. You stood up right after him and rolled up your sleeves, about to fight. Luckily, Pav jumped in between you two before a fight broke out. “Guys, guys, guys! There are better ways to settle things than with violence! Come on, sit down. Let’s just talk it out. Share your feelings with each other.” he said, his hands still barely keeping you apart from each other. You scoffed. “If he keeps talking shit I’ll be sharing a punch in the face with him.” “Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try, love.” The pet name was spoken, but not in a romantic or cute way. It was teasing, and insulting. You rolled your eyes at him, before turning around. “I’ve had enough of this bullshit.” you muttered before storming out of the room. Now, almost three weeks after that had happened, you hadn’t seen him since. You hadn’t seen much of anyone since. Miles and Pav tried to talk to you about what happened but you just shrugged them away. You couldn’t be bothered to deal with what had happened anyways. You were still so furious at him. You never wanted to see him again after that fight, and you were sure he didn’t either.  But, of course you’d be wrong. As he approached the window of your apartment, he was grateful that you had left it open. He clung to the wall next to it, peeking inside to see if you were there. The light was on in your bedroom, but you were nowhere to be seen. Or at least he thought it was your bedroom. This was his first time at your apartment. You both never hung out besides when you were paired up by miguel or when you were with miles, pav and Gwen. He'd never so much as been in your dimension at all. You were in the living room, eyes glued to the tv screen as you had been watching whatever had been on for the past few hours to pass time. It was then that you heard him climb inside through the window. Or rather, you heard the sound of him landing face-first on the ground. You sprung up, sneaking to your bedroom in order to investigate the sound. To your dismay, there he was. Standing right in the door frame; his hands inside of his vest pockets, posed strangely, as if he were hiding something. Your eyes widened at the sight of him. “Hobie? What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get here?” you asked, looking at him with shock. His face remained blank and he looked at the ground. “Miles told me.” was all he said. He refused to look at you. As much as it pained you to say it, you really missed the sound of his voice. - Despite claiming to hate him. But whatever! “Why are you here?” you asked, this time your voice wobbled – not that you were sad. Well, you were sad. - and angry. And frustrated. God, you were just confused. Your voice wobbled with concern. You could only think of a few reasons as to why he’d decided to pay you a visit, and none of them were good. “Well, I uh.. Missed you?” “Bullshit,” you crossed your arms. You saw right through his lies. “Why are you actually here?” you asked, and he hesitated before speaking up again. 
“I… I need y’help.” He then  stood up straight, and pulled his vest off; now revealing a concerning wound that spread across his chest. He got hurt, badly. You looked at him and barely kept your jaw intact. You had so many questions, but you were sure none of them would be answered. “You… What…? Hobie what the fuck happened? Why- Why did you come to me for help?” your words were uttered with pure panic. He shrugged. He just looked at you and fucking shrugged. “Hobie, talk to me you dickhead!” you demanded, and for the first time in weeks, he looked into your eyes. But this wasn’t his usual hatred and spiteful look, He looked genuinely hurt. “Jus’ got hurt fightin’. No need to worry ‘bout me, princess.” you gave him a look that said both “are you serious right now?” and “are you okay?” He’d be lying if he said It didn’t make him laugh. You took a sharp breath, “Okay. Here’s what’s gonna happen.” you began. He tilted his head, curiously. “I’m gonna grab the first-aid kit in the bathroom, and I'm gonna patch you up.” without uttering a word, he nodded, and with that you led him to the bathroom. “Knew you loved me.” he muttered, and your head snapped back to look at him. “What?” he smirked. “You talk all this big talk ‘bout ‘ow much y’hate me, but ‘ere you are.” you laughed at his words, turning back around and grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink.
“I don’t love you. It’s just that if you bleed out on me, I won't have anyone to make fun of.” you said as you walked back up to him. But, he didn’t seem convinced, mumbling a quiet “sure..” “Shut up or I won’t help you.” much to your surprise, he actually did end up shutting up. You carefully examined his wound. And definitely not his abs. Nope. The side of his chest, and a little bit of the front was all-but ripped up. His skin was littered in almost cat-like scratches. But these marks weren’t from a cat. You grazed your thumb over a particularly nasty scratch, and he winced in pain. It hurt you to see him like this. He was suffering badly. Mumbling a quick apology, you opened up the first aid kit and began cleaning him up. He didn’t say anything the entire time. Which must’ve been a record for him. You wiped the dampened cloth around his chest, carefully and gently cleaning the blood. Once the wound was clean, you stitched and bandaged him up. You didn’t notice your face gradually getting closer to him, as you focused on the bandaging. It wasn’t until you felt his eyes boring into you that you looked up; your faces now a smile distance apart from one another. Embarrassed, you backed up slightly. “I’m almost done.” you mumbled, finishing up the bandages. “There, all done.” you looked up at him and smiled. A warm and genuine smile, he smiled back. There was such sweet bliss in that moment, for a split second you forgot that you were still mad at him. “Thanks, love.” The pet name was a common insult that he spoke like a prayer, never once failing to piss you off. But this time it wasn’t teasing. There was something about it that just felt real. genuine. He tried to stand up, but you grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down onto the closed toilet seat. “Nuh uh. You’re not going anywhere yet. You need to answer my question.” his eyebrow furrowed with confusion. “Question? Wha' question?”
“Why are you here? Why did you choose to come to me for help, instead of like – anyone else?” “Dunno.” he shrugged, smiling at you. You couldn’t believe him. “What do you mean you don’t know? You could’ve gone to anyone. Why did you choose me? We literally almost killed each other last time we saw each other.” “I don’t believe in consistency.” He stood up, and put his shirt back on. “What-” he cut you off before you could furthermore question him. “Goin’ to someone else woulda been the smart thing to do. It’s what they woulda expected.” “They? Who’s they?” you asked, and his smile got bigger. “Doesn’t matter. I also just wanted to see you I guess.” he mumbled that last part, silently hoping you didn’t hear what he said, but at the same time wishing you did. In truth, he missed you. He missed the pointless conversations you had shared when the room fell silent. – Almost always ending in a dumb battle over who had the best insults. He missed the joy and relief he felt when Miguel assigned you to a mission together. He just missed you. Although it had only been a few weeks since you’d last seen each other, let alone only knowing each other for a few months, he quickly found himself enjoying your presence much more than he did others. He’d choose to be around you in a heartbeat. But, It’s not like he liked you. Of course he didn’t! He just felt happier when he was around you. While, yes, his heart would beat a bit faster when he was around you, and his cheeks and ears grew hotter when your arm accidentally grazed against his– that didn’t mean he liked you! Of course not! If anything, he hated you! He hated your stupid face, your dumb smile, your annoying mannerisms that he definitely didn’t have memorised, and he especially hated the way your nose scrunched up when you got embarrassed or flustered.  
“You missed me?” Suddenly, your confusion was forgotten. Now replaced by a grin. He quickly sprung up and grabbed his sleeveless jacket “Well, would’ya look at the time! I gotta get back to um, – yeah! Thank you for the help, my love.” He pulled his spider-mask over his head and opened the window. “Bye hobie.” he nodded at you, before climbing out and going god-knows-where. “My love.” the sentence repeated in your head an embarrassing amount of times that night. That was the first time he had ever called you that. And one thing’s for sure, it wouldn’t be the last time. Your relationship definitely changed after that. – but who’s to say that wasn’t a good thing?
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taglist: literally no one help dm me or comment or send an ask if you wanna be added idk
hope u enjoyed this part guys because it's getting juicy now mwa
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the-kr8tor · 6 days
Hie hie I love love your Hobie stories I was wondering if you could please could write something cute . So it’s about the twins asking their parents for a pet and they like seven but age is up to you and Hobie’s being all cheeky asking them if they would be good pet owners typical parent behaviour so they give them babydoll eyes to reader who can’t resist them and I guess the rest is up to you if that’s ok don’t wanna offend you in any way I love your work but if you can’t it’s no the end of the world thanks 😊
You didn't offend me dw dw! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Dad AU, Billie and Ramona AU, FLUFF.
The girls gasp simultaneously, a cute reaction that would have you smiling sweetly and cooing at them but when you followed their line of sight, you almost audibly groaned.
In each hand you have their tiny palms in yours, Ramona jumps excitedly, eyes sparkling at the luminescent fishes on display in the window of the pet shop. While Billie screeches unabashedly, the sound gets the attention of the nearby people who are coming out of the grocery store. Her hands tugs you towards the store. You swear that they've gotten stronger even though they're only five years old.
“Mummy!” Billie yells at the top of her lungs, pink trainers scrapping on the rough pavement. “They have a puppy!”
“Okay, okay, don't drag mommy around like your doll.”
Hobie chuckles behind you, hands full of groceries. You stare at him with a pout, wordlessly calling for help. He raises both hands, plastic bags crinkling, shrugging.
With a quick glare, he changes course from the teasing. “Listen to mum, Bee. Mon, your shoes are untied, you're gonna trip.”
“‘m okay!” Mona says, ribbons falling off her pigtails from all the jumping. “Can we see the fishes?” You crouch down to tie her shoes, an impossible feat while Billie tries to coax you into going inside the store.
Billie's voice triumphs over Mona's. “The dogs, mum!”
You inhale, wrangling the twins in your arms. “We'll go inside, only if you promise me to behave. And what did dad tell you last time?”
“Don't put your fingers inside the cages.” They both speak at the same time with the same flat cadence.
“And?” Hobie continues for you.
“Don't tap at the aquariums.” They simultaneously say, “can we go now?” Now their twin telepathy has you giggling and almost creeped if not for their cute faces staring at you, waiting for a response.
You decide to tease, hands holding onto their overalls. “Hmm, what do you think, dad?”
Hobie fakes a huff. “Dunno, love, these bags are heavy.”
“Dad!” Billie exclaims, stomping her little foot.
“Please, daddy?” Mona has a different plan, she pouts at Hobie, eyes all big, staring up and pleading with him.
The second Hobie nodded, you're sure that you won't be able to say no to a pet this time. You're already running out of excuses as to why they can't have one. The girls run off, leaving you in the dust.
“I'll just bring these to the car—” Hobie starts.
“Nuh uh” you grab him by his sleeve. “I need backup, I know they're gonna ask again. ‘sides, you can handle the bags, right?” Hobie scrunches his face, a resemblance of both girls when you ask them to eat their veggies. “You're my big strong spider—”
“Fine!” He says before you could finish your teasing. “I am strong.” He murmurs, pecking your cheek before following the girls inside.
“You are so strong!” Ragging him on, you race after him, quickly reciprocating the kiss by smooching his cheek with a resounding smack.
Hobie's lips curl into a sly smile, eyes roaming around the shop for his gremlins. You loop your arm around his own, carefully not adding to the weight. Hand kneading softly at his skin. He grins wider from how you lovingly hold him close.
“Ooh!” Billie's voice acts as a beacon for you and Hobie to follow. You see them both crouched down, eyes big and curious at the lonesome angel fish swimming in the tank.
“She's so pretty!” Mona adds, you're wishing that you brought your camera with you to capture the moment.
Sure enough, when you peek at the aquarium, the cobalt scales of the angelfish has you mesmerized too. “She is gorgeous.”
Both girls turn towards you simultaneously, smile all toothy with a few missing teeth in between their milk teeth. You already know what they're about to ask.
“Please?” Mona starts.
“We'll take good care of her!” Billie finishes with the perfect puppy dog eyes that you know the girls got from Hobie.
“Angelfish is a bit hard to take care of for a first pet. Maybe we should start off with a goldfish?” Hobie joins in unexpectedly, smile identical to the twins. You sometimes think it's unfair that you carried them for nine grueling months only for the girls to end up looking almost exactly like their father. This day is one of those days, because you know you cannot say no to that face. You've even joked about it to Hobie, to which he always replies with a ‘maybe the next one will look like you more.’ When you're too flabbergasted to reply, Hobie brings the other bag of groceries to his other hand to hold yours and then to bring your knuckles to his lips. You've lost, again. “Ain't that right, love?”
You sigh, surrendering to the whims of your adorable yet menace of a family. “Only if they promise to take good care of the fish.” The girls gasp, Billie even embraces Mona like they've won the war. “And it has to be a goldfish, okay?”
The girls can't hold their excitement any longer, they shriek happily, bounding over towards the goldfish section. Hobie kisses your hand again, this time longer, you can feel his smug grin through it. You shake your head with a groan, but you still peck his hand back.
“Wait, girls!” Hobie suddenly calls for them back. They both come hopping over to you. Billie and Mona getting what they want has turned them more obedient. Or they're just biased because their dad finally convinced you to agree. They look up at you sweetly, they know the effect of their cuteness, probably because of uncle Ned who gives them whatever they want if they just look at him all adorable like. “What do you say? Especially to mum?”
“Thank you, mummy!” Mona hugs your leg, while Billie joins in a second later.
Billie looks up, “kiss?” She asks, pouting her lips. No DNA test needed, definitely Hobie's kid, like there was any doubt.
“Of course, baby.” With a quick smooch, she smiles gratefully.
“Thank you, mummy, love you.” She murmurs into the denim of your pants, she's bringing out her big guns for this fish.
“I love you too!” Ramona joins in, puckering her lips too. You give her the same amount of smooch. “Thank you, love you.”
“And I love you both.”
“Okay, stop hounding mum, go pick out your fish.” Hobie pats them both on their curly heads, then both girls give him a not so sly thumbs up.
Mona gestures for her dad to lean down, Hobie obliges. She whispers in his ear but she still doesn't understand the concept of whispering so her tone is as loud as her usual one. “A doggy next time, daddy.”
Billie pipes up, of course hearing the entire thing. “Or a kitten!” You can see from Hobie's face that he wants the monitor lizard in the corner to eat him up.
Your family has played you like a fiddle.
They walk away giggling, talking about what name they should give their fish. Hobie looks back at a glaring you. “I love you so much—”
“You’re cleaning the tank.”
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Good Omens incorrect quotes:
Aziraphale: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Crowley, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Aziraphale: Violence isn't the answer.
Crowley: You’re right.
Aziraphale: *sighs in relief*
Crowley: Violence is the question.
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Aziraphale, running after them: NO-
Aziraphale: Do you take constructive criticism?
Crowley: I only take cash or credit.
Aziraphale: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Crowley: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Aziraphale: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Crowley: What did you do?
Aziraphale: Nobody died.
Aziraphale: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Crowley: Killed without hesitation.
Aziraphale: No.
*how season 3 should start*
Aziraphale: Top 30 reasons why Aziraphale is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Crowley: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Crowley: You're right.
Aziraphale: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Beelzebub: I’m going to take you out
Gabriel: great, it’s a date!
Beelzebub: I meant that as a threat.
Gabriel: See you at five!
Crowley: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Beelzebub: I made tea.
Crowley: I don’t want tea.
Beelzebub: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Crowley: Then why are you telling me?
Beelzebub: It is a conversation starter.
Crowley: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Beelzebub: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Aziraphale: This is bothering me.
Crowley: Well, you are digging up a corpse.
Aziraphale: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
Aziraphale: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Gabriel, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Aziraphale: fsh
Crowley: God, give me patience.
Gabriel: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Crowley: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Aziraphale: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Crowley: That's why I carry two swords.
Gabriel: So what’s for dinner?
Beelzebub, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Muriel: Why are you on the floor?
Crowley: I'm depressed.
Crowley: Also I was stabbed, can you get Aziraphale, please.
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Fell please come to the front desk?
Aziraphale, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Crowley and Muriel
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Crowley and Muriel, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Aziraphale: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Muriel: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Crowley: The cow???
Muriel: What?
Aziraphale: Crowley, W H Y?
Aziraphale: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Crowley?
Crowley: … No.
Muriel: I do!
Aziraphale: I know, Muriel.
Muriel: I’m sad!
Aziraphale: I know, Muriel.
Muriel: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Crowley: The car takes a screenshot.
Aziraphale: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Crowley: Aziraphale and I don’t use pet names.
Nina: I see. Hey, what are those things with the halos called again??
Crowley: Angel?
Aziraphale: Yes, dear?
Nina: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Muriel: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Crowley: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Aziraphale isn’t
Aziraphale: We need a distraction.
Crowley: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Muriel, whispering: My time has come
Aziraphale: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Muriel: Okay, but in my defense, Mr. Crowley bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Aziraphale: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
Aziraphale: Crowley, keep an eye on Gabriel today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Crowley: Sure, I’d love to see Gabriel get punched.
Aziraphale: Try again.
Crowley, sighing: I will stop Gabriel from getting punched.
Maggie: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Crowley: I'm a knife.
Aziraphale, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
Aziraphale, driving Crowley and Muriel: So how was your day?
Muriel: We almost got surprise adopted!
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: We almost got kidnapped.
Aziraphale: Oh, okay.
Aziraphale: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?
Aziraphale: You have to apologize to Gabriel
Crowley: Fine.
Crowley: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Crowley: Hey angel,
Aziraphale: Yes?
Crowley: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Aziraphale: Where’s Gabriel?
Aziraphale: WHY. why did you give Muriel a KNIFE?!
Crowley: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe.
Aziraphale: Now I feel unsafe!
Crowley: I’m sorry.
Crowley: ... would you like a knife?
Muriel: Hey, Mr. Crowley? Can I get some dating advice?
Crowley: Just because I’m with Aziraphale doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Aziraphale: Crowley and I are having a baby.
Muriel: That's gre-
Aziraphale, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Muriel: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Crowley: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Aziraphale: In that case, we're definitely lost
Muriel: What do you think Mr. Crowley will do for a distraction?
Aziraphale: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Aziraphale: ... or they could do that.
Aziraphale: I trust Crowley.
Muriel: You think they know what they're doing?
Aziraphale: I wouldn't go that far.
Aziraphale: While I’m gone, Muriel, you’re in charge.
Muriel: Yes!!!
Aziraphale, whispering: Crowley, you’re secretly in charge.
Crowley: Obviously.
Aziraphale: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Crowley: *turning to Gabriel* How tall are you?
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dawnoftime22 · 27 days
for the loss of my life.
| W.M -> N.R
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 11
Chapter Warnings: One swear word, overthinking.
Summary: Making yourself at home with someone else's heart but holding no communications of the love clear between you two, has a chance for consequences to happen. What will the outcome be if you speak up about it?
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 3.3k
Category: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
A/N: I hope you're all taking care of yourselves <3
Series Playlist
| Started on 07/05/2024, 2:02 PM |
| Finished on 11/05/2024, 10:53 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
"Run yourself in a circle, bury yourself a deeper hole, but it won't end unless you stop and take control."
Started with a kiss, oh, we must stop meeting like this!
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was an early day at Nat's place. You were hanging out in her room, taking a look through physical photos she's taken that had been retrieved from a dusty box, sitting under her bed, along with some cassettes.
Meanwhile, she was going through the photos on her digital camera and clearing some accidental takes. her lips raises up when sees the photo you had taken of her, the day you first came over to her apartment. She didn't ever delete the picture.
"Hey, you have any batteries?" You ask, gently breaking the comforting quietness that had overcome the two of you. She looks up, taking her gaze off the camera screen.
"Yeah, there should be some in the top drawer." She nods towards her chestdrawer, and you get up, going off to open the top one, inside holding a small pack of batteries.
You grab two, then slide them into the battery slot for the cassette player, making sure it was properly inside before closing it and turning back to her.
Her eyes watch you as you picked up a cassette tape, placing it inside to play it. You already had your headphones on your head and connected to the output.
With some faith and a miracle, the player works after you heard some white noise. You hoped it'll last that way.
Nat tilted her head, and peeks to see the wheels of the player spinning, a clear indication it was working. When you turn up the volume a little, she could hear the music coming out from the old headphones she kept.
Thank everything the dust hadn't gotten into the box. Although there was a dead black spider within it just earlier and you had jumped when you saw it. She took care of it though, after also making sure there wasn't anything else, especially things such as...spider eggs.
You nod your head to the music as you sat back down on the bed, your hand going back through the photos scattered in a pile atop each other and every now and then petting Liho, beside you. It was all indeed scenery, and no portraits, selfies, or even people at all.
A specific one that was a bright glow of a sunset with water reflecting its own beauty had caught your attention, your eyes focused on it before your hand reached out.
"This one's pretty," you said, holding it up before leaning closer to Nat and tilting it to show it to her. She looked at it, and her eyebrows raised.
"Oh, I took that one a while after I saw the orca." She pointed out, and you realize how familiar it did look. The grass below, the rocks just ahead. It was the same spot as the pictures and videos she had showed you before. You guessed she wanted a physical memory of it too.
"There should be a picture of the orca here somewhere, but I think the film got a leak..." She murmured with a tinge of sadness as her hand ruffled through the pictures slightly, some with dates on them and some having nothing.
"I love that you waited for the sunset," you said, still staring at the shot she took in your hand. The sun was a bright orange, nearly similar in color as her hair.
"Well, the view was too pretty not to." She looked at you. You were also too adorable for her to not further fall in love with you as she saw you admiring the photos she took. That's what she thought, but it was never said out loud.
Liho, was laying down and purring between the two of you. She was quiet, and unmoving, too comfortable to do anything else but sit with the two people she liked the most.
When Nat's eyes went down to the pictures closer to your crossed legs, she spots the photo that had the orca, although just barely visible through the orange light leak that covered nearly the entire photo.
"Here it is," she said, her hand carefully taking ahold of it to give to you. You gently grabbed it, rotating it when you realize she gave it to you in the opposite way.
You raised your eyebrows, taking in the picture. It took a few seconds, with some squinting, but you soon see the orca jumping from the water, although small. "I think it looks prettier with the light leak."
She hums, taking another look to the picture in your hand. You smiled softly, and her eyes flickered up to your lips for a small moment before she turns back to her camera.
You notice the way she goes back to her camera, almost as if she was distracting herself, but you hadn't seen the flicker in her eyes. Tilting your head, you check the cassette player for a bit before looking up at her.
"You wanna listen?" You asked with a soft gaze, taking off the headphones on your head and holding it out to her.
She raised an eyebrow, but took it from you, putting it on. "Sure." the music was already flowing through her ears. 'American Pie'. She remembered this album. It was what she had listened to whenever she was alone, in the car peacefully. But it was different with the headphones-- capturing more details she hadn't noticed. Or, maybe, she just hasn't listened to it in a while and had forgotten.
You smiled as you see her involuntarily moving her head to the song, her attention going to inspect the cassette player, either watching the wheels turning or putting the volume up.
Soon after, you finish looking at every photo and get out of bed, deciding to walk towards the bathroom, but was too close to the bed, causing you to accidentally hit your hand against the wooden bedframe, it making a loud sound echo through the room.
"Ow, fuck!" You winced and cursed, grimacing at the pain. Both Nat and Liho looks at you, shocked. You were focused on your stinging hand though, shaking the pain away. It took everything in you to not crumple up like a shrimp to the floor.
"Are you okay?" she asks quickly, her eyes filling with concern. But you nod repetitively, unwilling to admit it still hurt. Your other hand was firmly gripping your wrist, as if it would help.
"I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!" you say, most probably trying to convince yourself, too. She lets out a small laugh when she sees you wave her off and struggle as you moved to take a step forward.
"Sure you are. Come here." She says quietly, but you still heard her. You purse your lips and your eyes travel to her, but you follow nonetheless, two pair of eyes watching you.
"Which hand?" She asked gently, looking at your hands. You hesitate for a moment, but stepped closer, holding it out.
"Right." She grabs your hand and rubs her thumb on the skin slightly to where you held it, knowing thats where the pain is. She blows a little, as if you would magically take pain away from a child.
"There. Better." She says, and a red tint goes over your face. The redhead cheekily smiles. Just when she was about to pull her hand away from yours, the cat sitting in her lap had been looking at you two the whole time, and it decides to lean up, going up to your hand.
Both you and Nat watch curiously as to what it was doing. Liho's yellow eyes were focused before a paw gently lands on your wrist, her face going closer to lick on your skin, making the pain slowly go away even more. You chuckled, both at getting your skin tickled and the fact the cat tried to help ease the pain.
Then you see Nat's eyes travel to her cassette player, concern growing in her face as she heard some warbly music. She takes off the headphones, feeling uneasy at the sound.
"I think it's breaking." She said, looking at the headphones in her hands that you now heard the messed up music from. Pulling your hand away from the cat's face, your eyebrows furrowed as your attention moved to her.
"Why, what happened?" You check on the cassette player, seeing that it was slowing down or speeding up, changing its pace however much it wants.
Nat stops the player with a click and hands both items back to you. The feel of her skin brushing with yours glided over for a mere second, but you try to focus on the player in your hand. Changing its batteries after taking the tape out, rewinding or fast forwarding a bit. But nothing other than a broken noise.
You sighed softly, knowing you'll need to open it up to check its insides. "It probably needs a new belt..." You murmured, turning around while Nat blinked at you and tilted her head, probably unfamiliar with the workings of a portable player.
"It's what makes the wheels spin. I'll search for one," you explained, then left the player on the chestdrawer to deal with later before storing the tape and sitting down on the bed once more, helping her sort the pictures. Nat nods, leaning closer to show you some things on her digital camera.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was one of the many times once again, you were sitting in Natasha's apartment, and it was the beginning of something you were starting to get lost in.
The city bustles. Sounds of car tires, motorcycles revving, a nearby cat somewhere in an alleyway, and most of all, the birds chirping in the skies.
The wind was gentle as it glided against your skin, the chair you were sat in being a wooden one. You should get up from it. It was starting to make your body sore. But you couldn't help but stay, the balcony being peaceful.
Every thought in your head floated on by, with some sticking, being nothing but damaging. You still haven't gotten a belt yet for the cassette player. Kate's been just here and there, keeping a natural presence in your life. You haven't seen Wanda at all since. But your mind questioned if she was still waiting on you, lost too, or had moved on after your rejection.
A sigh leaves your mouth. To put a pause on all of it for however long you'd want would make you be able to relieve your body of any exhaustion it held. But would it really? Perhaps for a moment. Moving forward would have you release the things from before and have the opportunities to experience things in a better way.
And what about Nat...? You've been growing close, closer to going over the line you weren't sure you were ready to cross. And it seems like she wasn't either. The many touches you've shared, the months and months that held the many times you've visited her. And the kiss that you couldn't shake off...were you actually falling in love with her?
You shook your head, not wanting to even think about it. But you should. The longer you leave it be the more it could lead to torment and perhaps worser consequences. Problems don't fix themselves...most of the time.
Suddenly, you feel arms go around your waist, and you take a breath in, gasping softly in surprise, then turning your head to look behind you. The familiar touch was recognized soon enough, but seeing the redhead you cherished dearly makes you relax and lean back into her.
"I'm home." She said, resting her head on your shoulder as she gazed at you from behind, looking adorable. How can you not absolutely fall for this woman? You smiled softly, feeling your heart grow a little lighter, now that you weren't alone.
"Hi," you whispered, your hand gliding to your front to put over hers that was still on your waist. You hesitated on your next words, but the connection you felt with her urged you to. "I missed you."
Her eyes went to yours, but she didn't question it, replying back quietly, "I've missed you, too, любов." There it was again. You weren't imagining things when you had gotten drunk just a few days ago.
Wanda always said things in Russian, such as малыш (baby), but you've never heard of that word. Or maybe it wasn't Russian at all, and you were mixing up languages, but the accent made it lean towards being so.
You were going to ask her what it meant, but she spoke first. "You been okay?" She asks, her hands slipping off your waist as she pulls herself away from you and stood beside your standing figure. You watched her, seeing her gaze off to the view you've been staring off at the past hour.
"Yeah...I..." The words utter from your mouth quietly, then you licked your dry lips, diverting your own gaze. Should you tell her about the encounter you had a few days ago?
There was no harm in it, but your fingers fiddle with your pocket, the jean fabric rough against your skin before you slid your hand in the pockets. A sound of an ambulance siren sounded out distantly from the city, and you wait until it fades further away before talking.
"I saw Wanda a few days ago," You said, within a breath that could be counted as a sigh. At the mention of your ex's name, her eyes flash with surprise for a moment as she looks back to you, but she regains her composure fast enough.
Nat's head goes through her own thoughts, wondering if you meant intentionally or accidentally. Surely, accidentally. Or she hoped so. Why was she hoping so? She didn't know. Maybe simply because she was worried you'd fall into a dark hole, and not because her own heart was aiming for you...surely.
"Anything happen?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. The redhead also leaned on the balcony rails beside you, feeling the gentle wind. The sun was falling down, so the skies were colored with gentle hues of orange and purple.
You didn't say anything back for just a few seconds, staying quiet as you were lost in decision, your eyes focused on a space elsewhere that wasn't her own eyes. Her face soften when she notices, and her voice was somehow gentler. "...That you're comfortable of sharing?"
Your lips raise up in the smallest smile for a moment, the swell in your heart obvious due to her thought to care in such a way. But the smile slowly fades as you remembered the memory.
"She wanted to get back together..." You start. Already, Nat raised a brow, a frown on her face. The metal rails of the balcony was cold on your skin when you stepped forward to lean against it.
Your shoulders were tense. When you realized they were, you let them relax and fall down just slightly with a quiet breath. "I didn't want to though." You whispered.
"I just can't get it out of my head." She didn't really know what to say to anything of it, afraid to touch on the sensitive subject. For you, it did some small damage, your head possibly going overboard with its roaming thoughts.
You can tell she had hesitancy to respond, but you didn't mind. Who could ever come up with a reply to that anyway? But Nat was kind, that was for sure. She just has some walls you just can't yet break through. Yet, how caring she's been, and gentle...you almost couldn't help but feel you're not half as decent as her.
You inhaled. "...What if she was just too good for me?" The words were under your breath, your gaze distant as you watch the city lights turning on with the growing darkness of the skies. The shops had a glow to them, almost alluringly.
"What if I don't deserve any of it?" Your hands gently gripped the metal it was against, but it slowly loosened when you feel the cold going too much against your skin. Nat's breath gets caught in her throat at your sentence, and she kept her eyes on you.
"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice gentle as her concern grew. She knew exactly what you meant, but she hoped she just imagined it. You turned to look at her, worry deep in your eyes that had her heart clenching.
"This. You...anything good in my life." Your volume lowered to a slight murmur, your hands going to run down your face when you rested your elbows further on the rails.
"I mean-- I've...done some good things but so...many horrible things." You said slowly, and she analyzed your movements and words. She knows it herself. She's accused herself of such a thing too, having gone through the same thing your mind is going through.
"Y/N." When she says your name with a serious tone, everything stops, as if the world freezes along with your mind, and only she was the living thing beside you. She had put one of her hands on your shoulder nearest to her, making you look at her again.
"You deserve everything. Please, don't think any less." She shook her head lightly, honesty in her eyes. Your heart stutters at her words as you swallowed a lump in your throat.
"She didn't..." she trails off, thinking her words carefully. She was going to say Wanda didn't deserve such a love like yours, but it simply sounded...wrong.
"You deserve a love that makes you happy and...makes your world feel like sunshine or just...takes the weight off your shoulders after a long day." The redhead explained slowly, making sure you were hearing her. Really, she was speaking a description of you. Even if she wasn't trying.
She had gotten home, saw you in her apartment, and any heaviness in her body had lightened, even if just slightly, your presence did a great deal.
Nat took a moment, gathering her words. "And if you're not enough for her, then she's not enough for you," she gently added, but anxiety was creeping in her heart.
You processed her words, your heart surprisingly steady, but that may be the cause of her very own calm presence beside you. At least, on the outside. She was right. The situation of the brunette was basically done and over with. You had to focus on yourself. But now stood the question right next to you.
"...And what are we?" You asked slowly and quietly, looking up at her. Your eyes met her green ones, the ones that look like a forest, but inviting, soft, as if they'd keep you safe.
She searches your pupils, taking a deep breath as her eyebrows furrowed, trying to think it over. Her mouth opened to speak, but she only ended up taking another breath in.
"I don't know." She whispers. Sounds of birds were heard flying over in the distance. She was right there. She was so close. But she couldn't say it. Not yet, not just yet. The light and hope in your eyes dimmed, a breath slowly and quietly exhaling out your lips.
"Well, it's getting late," you said. You weren't really disappointed, more so just...sad. You pushed yourself back from the rails. She saw the words that was coming next, but she almost didn't want to hear it.
"I should...probably get back to my place." You whispered under your breath, turning around to face the entrance of the balcony, where you could see her familiar furnished apartment. She nods.
Steps were taken, shots in the dark had gone, the only thing left was to sit and think. But you were getting bored of doing such a thing. Just as you stepped a single foot inside again, she turns her body calmly.
"Text me," she said suddenly, her eyes hesitantly traveling to yours. You stopped in your tracks and looked at her from over your shoulder, a somber look in your eyes she could just barely make out.
"...When you get back home," she continued, her voice quiet, but it held care. Your shoulders went down. Your home was her, where her heart was. There was something else, but you couldn't quite reach to whatever it was.
"I will." The words left your mouth softly, but it seems no tears had pricked your eyes at all. Maybe it was because you couldn't seem to form any at all anymore, or was it the fact she even cared to know you arrived home safely?
Your steps were quiet as you went out the apartment, Liho meowing softly before you closed the door. You don't want her like a best friend. Or just someone you could love without anything connected. You wanted more.
And you wondered if she thought the same.
end of chapter 11. <3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
to mend a broken heart is to restart.
"I don't truly deserve a love like yours." W.M
"She doesn't deserve a love like yours." N.R
"What if I...don't deserve anyone's love?" R.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @slutforabbyanderson @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @animealways @may-z3 @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @natsbiggestfan1 @fawnedolly @blacklightsposts @canvascoloredin @autorasexy @taliiiaasteria @wandanatlov3r @glorioushamsterqueen @shaniaauld03 @yvungmxshroom
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
What if the 141 Team had a y/n that LOVES spiders and has like 5 big ass spiders at home and everytime they see one ( even if it is the ugly ass scary ones) they will go like "omg! How cute!! I am going to keep it!" And gives them stupid names.
✎ i hate spiders with every fiber in my body irl like if they all went extinct i think all my mental illness would be cured but this is cute lol
✎ tags: uhh spiders?, young military reader, gender neutral reader, platonic, fluff, not proofread as usual
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♡ you never make any outright mention of it, but they notice your not-so-common love pretty quick. it's not like they expect you to jump up onto a table and scream when you see a spider, but this isn't what they expected either.
♡ you're all at a safehouse, it's your first mission with them and they don't know you very well yet. kyle, price, and you are sitting at a table going over countless building plans while ghost and soap are fiddling with the armory currently set on a coffee table.
♡ kyle looks over at one of the empty chairs and is just like "oh, a spider" and starts rolling up a piece of paper to smack it with, but you've already got it scooped up in your hands. he watches you walk out of the front door, basically coddling it, holding it much closer to your face than most people would.
♡ it happens a couple more times on that mission (the safehouse is kind of old and grungy, just the usual) and everyone sort of takes notice then. soap mentions it while they're scraping the last of whatever is left out of their rations and you're in another room.
♡ "what's with the kid and spiders? why don't they just kill 'em?" he asks, and kyle shrugs, muttering that you just seem to like them. soap shakes his head and suppresses a soft shudder (he does not like them).
♡ later, you're all in a forest surrounding the building you're scoping out. it's all quiet and you're passing along hushed counts of people and potential entrance points through your mics when they hear you let out a soft gasp.
♡ price asks if you're alright and you whisper-yell through the mics "sorry, there's a huge spider here!" and kyle and soap raise their eyebrows at each other while price rolls his eyes. they think that's the end of it, and eventually price says it's time to go back to the safehouse.
♡ you're the first one back and they all walk in to see you at the table with a grungy tupperware box containing, lo and behold, a huge spider. you've poked holes in the top of the box to make sure it could breathe.
♡ soap is the first to speak. "ah, c'mon kid, what the hell is that thing doin' in here?" you give him a slight side-eye and keep cooing at it through the plastic. "i'm keeping it!" you proclaim. "i can do that, right?" you're looking at price with practically doe-eyes now.
♡ price tries to protest that you shouldn't, it could be an invasive species or something, but you shake your head and tell them what type of spider it is, that it's actually pretty common in most countries, you'll make sure it doesn't get out, that you've had a couple of these before in the past so you know how to take care of it.
♡ "you've had a couple? like as pets?" soap asks incredulously and you just nod without giving him a glance. he gives you a weird look before following ghost to dump his gear off next to his cot. ghost has already been giving you weird looks through the mask, but he doesn't say anything.
♡ price gives up pretty quick and saying no and just tells you to make sure it stays in the box and you nod and promise you will. kyle sits down with you, albeit across from you instead of next to you, and eyes it warily.
♡ "it won't bite! this one's nice. the ones i have at home will though," you joke, and kyle scoots his chair back a teensy bit. price laughs at him.
♡ they learn that you have five other spiders at home. you whip out your phone, eager to show them pictures when they express vague interest, and soap leaves the room entirely. ghost rolls his eyes at him but doesn't move to come see the pictures either. kyle just says "oh... nice!" and price nods along.
♡ they try to limit your collecting habit in the future, but it's hard for them to say no to you. you keep showing them you're ever-growing collection every time you guys see each other again, and kyle ends up knowing all your spiders by name (regardless of if he actually wanted to or not, he just doesn't want to be mean).
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✎ hnghhn sorry i've been gone so long again lol i'm writing again tho i promise <3
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spdrvyn · 10 months
reader (an average human) is the owner of spider cat (who does not know the cat has spider abilities) and accidentally enters a portal into 2099 only to get in trouble with miguel for trespassing and it escalates into a brawl of who knows the cat more (this goes on for weeks) and eventually is resolved by a date and co-parenting the fur baby like its their child SOBS (ill let u the name the cat whatever u want it to be tbh)
tooth and claw — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: you love your cat more than anything else in the whole world, the whole multiverse possibly. however, your limits are tested when you find out that he's been hiding a huge secret from you.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: silliness. fluff. lotsa romance. a grown ass man tussling with a little cat. gender neutral reader.
NOTES: i love this request so much!!! i fucking love cats yo!!! sorry for getting to this request so late, but i hope you enjoy it anyway!!!!! not proofread because it is LATE as i post this but ya 🙏 this was so much longer than it needed to be holy SHIT
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Pawker was a good kitty. Most of the time.
He was polite to you, in his own special little ways. While being a complete, irrevocable asshole to literally anybody else that just so happens to cross paths with him.
But at the same time, that's what you enjoyed so much about being his owner. He was special, loyal to you and you only. All the affections, purring, soothing pets were reserved for just you.
He also doesn't weirdly abide by regular cat law, he enjoys being groomed. At least, by you. He enjoys taking baths if you're in the tub, whenever you have to give him a nice bath every once in a while he'll always be patiently sitting still and giving you the cutest look ever as if he's expecting you to get in with him. It made your heart melt.
That's not what most of your family would think anyway, you still remember the messages of unmistaken horror that practically sent your phone vibrating off of your desk when your mom sent you picture after picture of her arms littered with scratch marks after she tried giving your precious cat a bath.
Whenever you had people over, it would be a challenge. Pawker would normally stay in one spot that seemed always designated for him while he tried to jump anyone that walked by, or he'd hide under the couch and you'd always have to pry him out, soothing him by placing him on your lap and giving him scratches on his ear while repeatedly apologizing to whoever you were talking to.
You still loved him all the same.
You've built your whole lifestyle around him, your sleep schedule could now be compared to that of a literal vampire because of how often Pawker would run around your now shared bedroom, accidentally knocking things over in his wake.
One time, you had passed out on your bed after an exhausting night of typing your soul away on your laptop that you had mistakenly left open from how tired you were. Pawker got zoomies, and you were spending money on a new laptop the next morning.
This night was no different, maybe a little as you were up by choice. The only part that really hadn't changed was Pawker's frantic zooms across the room, over your bed, bouncing off of your feet at the end of it. It made you giggle at the sight, he was so cute.
Your thumb was working hard, scrolling endlessly through the never-ending posts popping up on your social media. Watching people you barely knew live sad, cat-less lives unlike you who was blessed with this spawn sent from above made you feel better about having Pawker in your life.
It also made you sleepy apparently, your eyes growing heavy from looking at a screen for a concerning amount of time. You fall asleep with your phone still in your clutches, light snores sneaking past your mouth while Pawker still remains as lively as ever.
Weird dreams were also a common occurence for you. This time, you were falling. From a really great height, you've been thrown off by some villain that you couldn't recognize that was in a fight with your city's vigilante, Spider-Cat.
Spider-Cat let out a drawn-out meow when it caught sight of you being thrown off of the skyscraper, running to you on it's tiny four legs before falling off itself to catch you. It reaches out an itty bitty and a web shoots out, attaching to your chest however it doesn't break your fall as you hit the street of New York City with a hard, resounding, bloody—
You jolt awake, in a pool of your own sweat. Eyes blown wide, like you actually met your own demise on that street in your dream. Rubbing your temples, you groan. It was still relatively early in the morning, you could get a peek of the sky brightening up from your window but there was no sun. Not yet. It was too fucking early for this.
You set aside your phone on your bedside drawer, grabbing hold of your blanket, and getting ready to pass out again until you hear it.
Loud meows ringing in your ears, those familiar loud meows that keep you up at night. With a sigh, you throw your covers to the side and get up from the bed. Opening your door, you walk into the living room of your apartment, and are met with an unexpected sight.
Pawker— your Pawker— in Spider-Cat's get-up. His attention seemed to be drawn on something that he was wearing on his wrist, a tiny little watch that had a small hologram talking to him?
What the fuck was going on exactly?
"Pawker?" He jumped in place, turning his head back to you. The lenses of his mask, combined with his mouth contorting into a more than guilty expression. You put your hands on your hips, looking him up and down like a father who caught his son with a hand in the cookie jar.
"What are you doing? What's that?" You continued to question the fluffy fiend as if he could grow the ability to speak at any given moment. He hid this from you for so long, so who knows? Maybe there were other abilities that you just didn't know about.
Step-by-step, you slowly approached Pawker. Ready to scoop him up into your arms and rip that watch off of his cutesy little paws, his ears move to what you're used to calling 'airplane ears', which means he's ready to fight you. Challenge accepted then.
Before you could even think of snatching him up, Pawker manages to somehow press a few buttons on that goober of his and it opens up–
A portal?!
A portal that he looks like he's about to jump through and he does, "Pawker, wait!" You yell out, but no. You're just met with a dizzying array of colors from the portal, and the miscellaneous items in your home floating all around you.
Where was your cat even going? You wanted to follow him so badly, see wherever this thing took you, but there's a chance that without that gadget he had on his wrist that it wasn't safe for you to do that at all. Maybe you'd lose Pawker forever at this point.
No, no. You were not going to lose your cat. Even if it meant hopping from portal to portal, from dystopian landscape to dystopian landscape to do so. You were going to get that fucking kitty back.
You jump in without a second thought, your only motivations were getting your vigilante feline back even if it's with a fight.
Your first impressions of traversing the multiverse were a lot more different than what you experienced in reality. Instead of ending up instantly in the dimension that Pawker had went to, you were flown straight into what appeared to be a tunnel?
You'd look around aimlessly as you continued to be surged through this strange pathway, a burst of pain shoots through every single part of your body, and it feels like you're dying and being resurrected all at the same time. It was madness.
There was so much going on, in the distance you could see webs strung together like they were all connecting somehow. Octagons it looked like you were flying through, but it all passes quickly once you're thrown once again into something.
Rubbing your head and groaning in pain, you try to reassemble your bearings and your thoughts after trying to piece together what the fuck just happened. As you looked around, taking around your surroundings even more. You sigh of relief when you're not completely swarmed by eye-bleeding colors, but rather met with the darkness of an empty hallway.
It's as empty as it can get anyway, there's tech literally everywhere. Some gadgets and gizmos a little too complicated and advanced for you to understand, it didn't help that you already had a searing migraine boiling to the surface because of what just happened for you to get here too.
To the best of your ability, you walked through the hallway, occasionally tripping over yourself from the absurd amount of tech junk that littered each tile that you walked on. You were probably going to kill whoever let it get this messy, your body had suffered enough in such a short amount of time, and you were still clad in your pajamas because why would you even think to change?
You had tripped over one final wire before ending up at— god, how could you even begin to describe what this place looked like? There were multiple brewing strands, different kinds of messes that you'd probably kill yourself to try cleaning, but the most eye-catching of all in this cave is the elevated platform in the middle of it all.
You'd inspect even further, maybe even try to climb the damn thing, but for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, you're caught off-guard when you feel something attach to your chest. You look down, red neon ropes stuck to your torso.
Of course, you were too caught up in your investigation to even notice the pair of red lenses peering at you in the darkness of this mad laboratory. You gasped as you were tugged harshly, way too harshly to the point where you were pulled onto your knees. Two more shots of that strange red rope were on your hands, effectively pinning you to the ground as you continued to struggle.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was not how your night was supposed to go!
Whoever attached these webs to you seem to walk out of the shadows, your eyes train on to each detail of this guy's suit. A Spider-Cat, Spider-Man? logo that looks so edgy that you'd mistake it for a skull, futuristic lights emenate a small glow and they decorate different parts of his suit.
He had broad shoulders, which made his waist look absolutely criminal. His wrist was held out and as he walked closer to you, you understood where that webbing was coming from now. He was also tall, impossibly tall as he towered over you while you were on your knees, presumably on the floor of his office.
Hello, sailor!
Your gaze trailed to his other hand, under the faint gleam of the monitors of the platform above, you swore you could see claws. It only convinced you to keep tugging at your bindings, otherwise you were going to get completely shredded to bits at this point.
Your heart bounced off of the walls of you ribcage, you could practically hear it in your ear. Loud, repetitive, rapid thumps as from the corner of your eye, you can see him getting closer and closer.
However, he stops. Just in front of you that you practically have to crane your neck up to get a good look at his face.
"You know them?" His voice is rough, gravelly, his claws retract and he puts a hand on his hip before turning his head sidewards and out from the darkness strides Pawker.
Your face brightens up at the sight of him, your pounding heart doesn't slow, but now it's for an entirely different reason as you relish in the familiar and fluffy feeling of Pawker rubbing and purring up against your restrained arms.
"Pawker!" You all but squeal, cooing at him especially as he begun making biscuits on the webs that stuck your hands to the ground. The noise makes the other, less important man in the room flinch and he puts his wrist down. Bringing his hand to rub his head.
Still, even once you were reunited with your cat. There were still a lot of unanswered questions, who was this man that he was just with? Was he a threat? Maybe Pawker is a supervillain rather than a crime-fighting vigilante and this guy is apart of the whole operation? Although, judging from the awfully snide face that Spider-Man carried even with the mask covering his face, it seemed he had his own suspicions towards you as well.
You were the first to break the silence, the assumption that you were your cat's owner had already been confirmed so it was safe to assume that he wasn't going to kill you. "What were you doing with my cat?" You tried to keep your tone level with his, but it was so hard. How could you when your pet was confiding with him?
Your question probably pissed him off from the way that a nearly silent groan slips past his lips, curses uttered under his breath. He kneels down before you, retracting his talons again, and cuts you free from the webs. A pang of relief crashes over you as you rub your wrists - still looking at him, eyes filled with curiosity.
He stands up once more, outstretching an arm to you. "Get up, you're going to have to pay a lot of attention to understand."
Once he was able to get you seated and able to get some sort of wristband on you, he had finally explained exactly what was going on. You understood a little more than half of what he was saying, one would assume that he was a scientist of some sort from the extremely fancy, almost pretentious choice of words he has.
Down to the basics though, his name was Miguel O'Hara. He was the leader of an elite strike force that apparently your cat was apart of, the same cat that you've grown to love over years of being and living with each other that would practically yodel for your attention after five fucking seconds of not getting pet.
You almost couldn't believe it, yet you were also so impressed. Who knew your little baby was a superhero?
After finishing the long-winded discussion, Miguel waited for you to ask your share of questions, and you had plenty. Some of them were miniscule, just idle queries that he begrudgingly answered - although one that you had in mind was Pawker's schedule.
He was a fat cat, there was no denying that. Constant check-ins with the vet, scheduled meals (you had no money for a fancy automatic feeder), and not to mention regular pet care stuff.
You were quickly dismissed by Miguel after a short amount of time though, something something anomalies something something. You weren't able to catch most of it. Again, fancy language and scientific terms you couldn't bother understanding.
Before you left, Miguel promised that he'd probably drop by your apartment sometime in the following week to discuss details on your cat. You didn't know whether to be excited or intimidated. But it was best that you pondered on that once you were done being sent back through the tunnels of multiverse travelling, which was less painful now that it was back to your dimension.
A few nights pass, almost too many nights, and you almost think that he's not gonna come. It'd make sense, he seemed very busy. Hell, that was the reason why you weren't able to stick around his 'spider-cave' any longer.
Soon enough and just as you're about to switch the kitchen lights off, the scattered papers and calendar that you'd set down on the counter hours ago begun to float. Yellow, pink, purple, and so many other colored hues shined against the surfaces of your kitchen. Next thing you knew, Miguel was here.
He was still clad in the exact same suit that he wore the night that you met him, mask on and everything. You thought that you'd get to at least meet him again with his face shown, but it was fine. Mostly.
The discussion went as smoothly as you thought it would. Awkward silences were common throughout, it was to the point you faked bathroom breaks just so that you didn't have to sit through it all. At times, Pawker even had to interrupt by hopping on the counter and knocking things over.
Throughout it all, Miguel kept his mask on. Even as you offered him a glass of ice cold water, considering how it was going to be a long night, he declined. You set it on the counter for him anyway, just in case he'd change his mind later.
It's an hour and a half into the night, he had to drink something.
"You're going to get a headache if you stay dehydrated," You bluntly pointed out just as he finished explaining only god knows what, you could feel the stress that'd built up from his job in the sigh that he lets out. "I'm fine." He insists.
Rolling your eyes, you lean forward on the surface of your counter and a little bit forward to him. Seeing if there's any signs that he's going to pass out soon, "If this is about your secret identity, you already told me your name. How shameful is showing me your face?"
You don't get much of a response from him besides an annoyed huff, that is it. You grab the glass of water on his side and slide it over to you, taking it in your hand. "Just a sip, and I'll drop it. Okay?"
He doesn't seem to relent, you want to raise your voice but Pawker is napping. "I think I reserved the rights to see the face of my cat's dad."
Miguel pauses his scribbling on your calendar, lenses of his mask noticeable widening as he slowly turns his head to you. The marker in his grasp tightens as well as he says, "What?"
You want to chuckle at his reaction. "Am I wrong?"
He seems to just stare at you like a deer in headlights, before his eyes narrow at you once more. You raise an eyebrow, a playful smirk erupting on your lips. "Why? You think you're too pretty for me or something?" You tease.
Even as he's masked, you could feel him roll his eyes. "Yes, my face is too handsome for mere mortals." He quips sarcastically, and before you're able to get out any more smartass remarks, he reaches a hand out to yours. "Give me the shockin' glass."
You move your hand towards him just a few more centimeters before he snatches it from you, holding it in front of him as he takes off his mask. It fades out, pixel by pixel.
Now you're the one in headlights as you slowly take in every detail of Miguel's face. He looks like a marble statue, you think. Slicked back, dark brown hair save for some messy strands that fall onto his forehead, ones that he has to run his hand through to fix. Cheekbones sharper than any knife that you probably have in your kitchen, a refined jawline, thick eyebrows, plump lips, and his nose-
Hello... sailor...
"Happy?" His voice cuts through whatever thoughts were running rampant through your mind as he takes a sip from the glass.
Your composure slips. "Yeah, very."
The night passes quickly, so do the next few nights. With that time, you get to know Miguel and Miguel gets to know you.
If you were lucky, you would be able to hear more about the nature of his job past the missions or operations that your cat was involved in. Sometimes you'd get to hear small utterances from under his breath about canon events and anomalies.
Your job wasn't as important as his, just a simple desk job that you were allowed to work from home sometimes. Which was beneficial for you because that meant long and peaceful afternoons with Pawker on your lap, purring away.
Even if you felt that your occupation wasn't as life-saving as Miguel's every time you remotely even brought up your personal life, talking about plans you have later in the week or dinner dates with some of your friends, he always seemed so intrigued.
Leaning forward in his seat, dark crimson eyes concentrated on yours as you went on long rambles about random niche topics, with his head resting in his palm. He'd think you haven't noticed, but you most definitely have.
You mostly only talked about yourself though, it made you feel a little entitled. You didn't know if you were just self-obsessed or if Miguel didn't want to even talk a single peep about his personal life.
But after a while, batting your eyelashes, encouraging teases, he relented. It felt like all hell broke loose.
There was definitely something more in this partnership, if you could even call it that anymore. That joke you made about Miguel being Pawker's cat dad started to feel like less of a joke as time went on.
It started with more visits, sometimes even in the middle of the day rather than the dead of night like usual. He (and his A.I. assistant that you only found out about a couple days ago) found a way to hack into your phone so that you could receive direct messages from him.
It moved on to treats for Pawker. Whenever you begun to run low on cat food for him, a fresh supply would enter your pantry mysteriously followed by a text from Miguel minutes later asking if it was okay.
The gifts continued to upscale in size and expense, going from cat beds to a new, advanced automatic feeder.
When you thought that Miguel was done emptying his wallet for Pawker, the gifts started to direct towards you instead. Although, they were still cat related. Sometimes, little phone charms with a polite looking ginger cat decorated at the end of it would end up on your nightstand. Once you two settled down on the stools behind your kitchen counter, he'd even pass you small tokens moving from cat to more you related.
His excuses? I happened to be shopping in this store and I thought of you. There was a great deal and I just couldn't pass it up. They gave me an extra one for free.
And as he dished out each one, the least convinced you got. It was so hard for you to try returning the gestures as well, but when you could you saw in his eyes how much he appreciated it.
Love was a constant feeling in your everyday life, seeing Pawker curled up at your side after waking up from a long night always made your heart squeeze. However as you continued to talk and talk and talk with Miguel, there was this unfamiliar ardor that grew and grew and grew in your heart.
It was undeniable, you were in love.
And you were going to do something about it.
Miguel's schedule conflicted with yours most times, even if you tried being sneaky with finding out what days he was free, it was like fighting a losing battle. Which meant that there was only one option left for the both of you.
You knew that Miguel was going to be coming over again tonight, which meant that it was time to spruce up your apartment. You had cleaned the moment you got home from work, dug a little deeper in your wardrobe for your better items of clothing, and brought out the good wine.
It seemed that you weren't the only one excited for this surprise date, Pawker was oddly more well-behaved tonight compared to any other night. Staying inside your room, and you haven't heard any claws scratching at the door or vocals for the past thirty minutes.
You waited for midnight to hit as you anxiously clutched the bouquet of flowers that you bought on the way home, you basically feel the petals falling out from how tight you were holding it.
When you sensed the shift in gravity, saw the colours light up the dimness of your apartment, and smiled once Miguel walked through, you'd prayed he wouldn't jump hack into the portal once he caught sight of you.
And thank god, he didn't.
"Hi." is all you're able to say as you hand out the flowers for Miguel, it seems that he dressed up for the occasion. Partially at least, you could still see his suit from under the long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. His large hands take the bouquet from you, eyes darting back and forth as if he was in a dream.
"What's all this?" He asks, tone dripping in absolute disbelief at what's happening right now. Perching himself down on one of your stools like he was about to pass out. God, you were amazing.
"I know you don't have time for things like this so, I took matters in to my own hands." You sat down beside him like you always do, pouring wine into his glass then into yours before taking a big sip.
The look of wonder and awe as Miguel admired your little date set-up made you feel absolutely victorious, he had to put the flowers you got him on the counter otherwise they were going to fall out of his hands from how stunned he was.
"I thought I'd take initiative, you know before you go bankrupt from constantly buying me and Pawker gifts." Miguel chuckles at your witty comment, taking your hands in his, brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. This is probably the happiest you've ever seen him, and you took even more pride knowing that you'll be the only person to make him feel this type of way from now on.
"I've– I've been wanting to ask you out for a while, with the gifts and all, but our schedules and I wasn't a hundred percent sure that you liked me."
As he says that, one of your hands slip out from his grasp and your fingers cup his cheek. He leans into the touch, hearts in his eyes as he does so. You were addicted to him.
"I think you'd have to buy me a new heart too because there's no way that I wouldn't like you back," It was strange to think that all of this happened because you found out that your cat was a vigilante, you never could have imagined that your first love would be a grumpy, emotionally constipated, superhero from another dimension, but you were more than happy with what you got now.
After your words sat in the atmosphere a little longer, Miguel brings your hand to his chest where you could feel his heart beating faster than a race car. "I want to kiss you, please let me kiss you, cariño."
You frantically nodded your head, standing up from your seat so that you could be on par with his height as your arms move to his shoulders for support. "Okay."
Then he kisses you.
Bold, passionate and those two are words aren't even enough to describe it. Your fingers find his curls, tugging at them softly to try getting him closer to you and he moans into your mouth. His hands paw at your waist, digging into the sides of your body so that you can slot in-between his legs.
Once you two separate, it's hard to catch your breath. You pant heavily, head lolled against his shoulder before small snickers slip past your mouth. You couldn't believe you just fucking did that.
Miguel pulls you off of him, but still keeps you close. Looking you deep in the eye, thinking that he's going to pull you in for another kiss until—
You freeze in place, brows furrowing as you quickly turn your head to your bedroom door, waiting for a few seconds before that grating sound of claw marks against wood rings in your ears again and you sigh. Miguel doesn't seem entirely fazed though, his grip on your waist loosens as he allows you to step back.
"Someone's upset." You state, taking slow strides over to your door. You don't want to leave Miguel yet.
"You can take it if you want," He shrugs his shoulders, spinning the wine in the glass then taking a sip. "Then we could continue where we left off." A wolfish grin curls at his lips.
Without hesitation, you open the door. Cooing and reassuring Pawker that you still loved him even though Miguel's tongue was down your throat not even a minute ago.
What a cat he was.
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requests closed, masterlist here
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fairykazu · 6 months
vi. how did they meet? ft. scaramouche and tofu
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"shit." scaramouche murmured as his phone died. he's lost in the town he moved into with his friends, getting away from his family and all the drama that came with it. it was cold as the breeze danced and swayed his, biting him through the sweatshirt that was nearly thinning out. he kept walking, the street was bathed in the golden light. what a headache... he thought to himself.
what the hell was that? scaramouche looked up as a cat went falling down. can cats land on their feet? as he kept questioning this theory, he panicked and tried to catch the black cat into his hands. he managed to catch the cat on the collar just before putting on the ground. "oh my god."
"meow!" the cat replied back... or seemed like it was. its green eyes bored into his indigo ones. "do you have an owner little guy? where's your home?" scaramouche asked politely, sitting on his knees as the cat blinked at him.
"i dont think you have a home?"
the cat seemed to sass back, "meow?" then it pranced around scaramouche, making the bell on the collar ring. a little lightbulb appeared on his head, scaramouche pet the cat a little. "oh of course you do. why were you jumping out of windows? you are not a spiderman... erm... spider-cat."
"ok sure. but where is your home? i don't think i can hand you back like this? you're super dirty from the fall."
the cat looked like it scoffed at scaramouche, as if it was saying, "how dare you!"
"sorry... um," he glanced at the collar's nametag. it was silver and engraved on it was "tofu", he flipped it around to see if the collar label had the owner's number or address. it didn't. what??? "tofu. i dont know where you live."
"ok, im taking you home with me until we find your owner. i'll ask kokomi to print out flyers or something."
masterlist previously + next
theres the newest member in the cat cafe you regularly visit after school. hes kind of cute in a cat-looklike way. but then you realize, oh shit thats the thief who stole my cat!!
notes: the divider is made by cafekitsune
@whycantscarabereal @sakiimeo @cofijelli @xiaosonlybeloved @shewolfmiko @ash-in-lavender @kunisblog @beriiov @scaraapologist @sentieence @vodkistt @ynkinnie @naheana @jaiistg @liliumaraneae @featuredtofu @violettathewriter @xiaossocksniffer @karma-gisa @kazemiya @quacking-simp @neuvilutz @yumiaur
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Spidey Gang X Hyper, chaotic reader who always needs saving
Gwen, Miles, Pavitr and Hobie x Harley Quinn/Gwenpool(inspired) GN!reader Platonic and general HCs for the whole group(together)
BIG warning: unfortunately, I have never read any Gwenpool or Harley Quinn comics! Most of the things I know about them are just from pinterest, so I'm sorry if this is totally inaccurate, the reader was mostly based on my own preferences either way, I just did this inspired by them because I saved some cute icons and fragments of comics on my board and they inspired me.
Other warnings: cussing? idk if I gotta put a warning for this, but yeah, very brief mention of wounds
A/N: I made this first one with all the characters together, but I'm making one with specific sections for each character, still platonic
edit: part. 2 here!
This is how I'm healing my inner child, sorry if it seems too childish
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How they met you
When you were first introduced to the Spider Society by Jess and Miguel, let's just say it was hard to not notice you
You were so excited, asking them a hundread questions and talking so fast and loud, you caught many eyes just by stepping out of the elevator while rambling to them about how you had been dealing with this whole "Spider-Person" thing
You were so focused on your super interesting story(at least for you, it was!) that you didn't even notice how the four Spideys were staring at you - so curious and intrigued by this new recruit
The three boys somehow convinced Gwen to ask Jess later about who was the new Spidey that caught their eyes
For a while, they just keep an eye out at the HQ, trying to get a glimpse of you and find out more about this new recruit
Soon enough, you all get properly introduced for a mission together
Your excitement was totally contagious, and you were so friendly and fun that it was only a matter of time until you became friends
After that mission, they just decide to adopt you basically. You're part of the group now, no escape(and you were so happy about it)
How they are with you(general group HCs)
Whenever you see them at HQ, your first instinct to greet them is to run towards them and jump into their arms or on their back, and they always catch you(specially because of their Spider-Senses), usually spinning you around before letting go of you
You are a menace to Miguel - he totally hates you, specially when Hobie teams up with you to annoy the shit outta him. But you get the job done, one way or another, so he doesn't really have a reason to kick you out of the Society
And unfortunately for him, the five of you work really well in missions, so most of the time, you all get paired together
They're always giving you piggyback rides, not only because you think it's fun, but because that's how they make sure they know where you are and they keep you from running into more problems
You also get thrown over their shoulders more times than you can count - they always gotta drag you away from trouble because you do not know when to stop messing around
They got used to you always running into trouble, so now their protectiveness is almost intuitive
Like catching you right before you trip, without batting an eye
They're not even that surprised anymore when their Spider Sense alerts them that you're in danger during missions(or other occasions), they just rescue you right in time
You tend to get easily(but briefly) distracted during missions. There's always something colorful and sparkly catching your eye, or maybe something cute like a stray cat!
So you just have to stop for a second to pet it and take a picture with it, leading it away from danger until the others are yelling at you to focus on the mission
Or once, when the five of you were in a fight in your universe, and you ended up seeing a cute little kid with a costume just like your Spider-Suit. It was the first time you saw that. You couldn't resist it, you had to go talk to the kiddo(who could blame you, though? so cute!!)
It was adorable, but you quickly lead them away from the fight because everyone was yelling at you to focus on fighting the villain
Internally, they were melting over your cute interaction, but that should be gushed over later, when no one was trying to kill all of you
They had to make deals with you at some point, because Miguel was almost done with your shenanigans: if you didn't get distracted during important missions, they'd take you to your favorite burguer joint after, or let you plan a sleepover for the five of you, or play some game you'd been begging them to play with you... anything they could bribe you with, really
You couldn't refuse, the deals were always too good not to take. They'd accept any hang out ideas you had just because you focused on kicking the villain's ass and saving people?? Oh, you'll have so much fun planning these hang outs
Also, how do you manage to always eat or drink something during missions? No idea. But you do keep everyone fed by sharing your snacks, even when you're fighting some villain in another universe
That's only for snack though, they're actually the ones to make sure you have eaten enough meals, and not only candy and chips
You never mess up that badly during missions though, if there's something you're good at(besides being a menace and causing trouble) is kicking villain ass
You're always giggling and having fun while you're fighting them, and your Spidey friends always appreciated your excitement and playful energy
You insist on taking group selfies when the mission is over, usually with the villain tied up in a web-cocoon in the background, and they just go with it lol
They'd take turns on who would patch you up after you almost got your ass beaten during more demanding missions(not that they mind it, though, because they do love you)
You keep a collection of cute band-aids and first aid items, like Hello Kitty(my personal favorites) or other cartoon themed band-aids, and they always use those for you because they know you love them(and they find it adorable, too)
And you always make them laugh when you ramble about the mission or something cute that caugh your eye while they're taking care of your scratches and wounds
You thank them with friendly kisses on the cheek and tight hugs, which they love
Your 'thank you's were also taking care of their scratches when they got hurt as well, making sure to clean them properly(because you might be reckless but you don't want any of your friends to get sick or hurt even more) and treat their bruises gently
They really appreciate how calm and focused you are in those moments, showing just how much you care for them(even though they already knew)
During Miguel's meetings and 'lecture sessions', they had to be even more careful with you lmao
You were on thin ice with him, and being bored was not something you delt well with...
So they always have to find ways to distract you, or you and Miguel will start an argument and this will last hours
Sometimes, you do that job yourself. Distracting yourself by climbing on the walls, or sitting on the ceiling, spinning around in a rolling chair... you couldn't stay still for very long
Whether in a meeting or just hanging out, though, they're always amused by the way you're always climbing and sitting in unusual places
Or swinging upside down with your webs
Once you got stuck in your own spider web, they all laughed for a while before helping you get out of it lol
(Miles kept taking pictures of you just to tease you later)(he loves you tho)
You're always saying weird, conspiratory stuff they never understand, but it always gets a laugh out of them
Like those 3am "What if..." theories, or silly questions like "can worms have feelings?"
Or even weirder things when it comes to spiritual/universe/philosophical themes, "are you real? can you prove it to me? how can you be sure? how can I be sure?"
If they have time(like, not during a mission), they'll take some time to think about your questions and continue the topic lol
It's even funnier when Miguel is around, because he's trying to get you to listen to him but the five of you are just discussing whether or not someone can prove if they're real to someone else
It's just like that scene where he's like "no puedo más, no puedo más", hilarious
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shujohajohaminnie · 7 months
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Pairing: Yang Jeongin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count:2771
Summary: What happens when there's a serial killer in love with you who will kill anyone who’s near you. 
Afab!reader, Profanity, Dark Concepts, Talks of murder, Blood, Possessive behavior, Obsessive behavior, pet names, Raw Sex. Let me know if I miss anything. 
“Okay, so what do we know so far” “Whoever the killer is, is in love with y/n” “Oh my god, not this again” “WHAT IT’S TRUE” “Ji do you have any proof” “Well everyone who either slept with y/n, tired to get with y/n or has a thing-” “Had” “As I was saying… had a thing for y/n is now… dead” “That’s purely coincidental” “Is it?” “Yes, it is… and if that was the case why the hell is Chan in the hospital right now” “I mean, even I thought Chris was into you” “Well he isn’t” You rolled your eyes laying back down on the couch your phone in hand. “Okay so let's make a list of people in love with y/n” “Okay first one… that weird kid from her English class, that’s always following her around… what's his name” “Dae” Jisung sapped his fingers writing the name on the board in big bold font. “Who’s next” “ Add Johnny” “Sorry to break it hon… but that piece of shit you call a boyfriend does not love you” “Yes he does” “No… he doesn’t” “Hiah” Hyunjin yelled jumping in his seat from excitement, he loved to play detective. “Think you missed a chapter Jinnie… he’s already dead” “Really” “Mhmm knife to the face” “Gross”. “Can we stop” “What” “Doing this… we’re not the cops, Plus it’s just weirding me out” “She’s right we should drop it” “Jeongin” “Hmmm?” “Add Jeongin to the list” “Come on you can’t be serious” “Of course we’re not being serious, it’s Jeongin were talking about. He could barely kill a spider, but it’s just because he’s madly in love with you…so if I were you innie, I’d be careful” “Is that a threat, are you the killer Hannie” “Puh-lease… you wish I was obsessed with you” “Whatever, I’m gonna go” “What where” “To my room calm down mom. I have to start getting ready for the party”. “You aren’t serious right” “Yeah… why” “Maybe because there's a killer out there taregting us” “Well Ji… if we're going based on your theory, the killer is only going for people in love with me. So you guys are safe” You laughed before closing your bedroom door excited to attend the hottest party of the year. Was it the smartest idea? No, but you were dumb college kids, not every idea that you and your group of friends came up with was the brightest.
“I don’t think this is a good idea” Jisung looked down at the ground nervously  “Han everything will be fine, we’ve got a black belt with us and buff daddy Changbin for security” “We said the killer is in love with y/n right” “Yes” “No” “Well he, or she might be in the room with us right now” “Thank you Hyunjin for that inclusivity” Your newest friend rolled her eyes at Hyunjins subtle, not so subtle ‘look’ shot directly at her. “But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not the killer” “Mhmm… I’m not buying it” “If you’re so sure it’s me why don’t you tell the police so they can arrest me” “I’ve tried that, they said there's no evidence” “BECAUSE IT’S NOT ME” “Guys guys stop… Jinnie, I love you but it’s not Joon, don’t you remember she was attacked too” “It just seems perfectly planned that she was there when Chan almost got killed and she ended up with only a paper cut on her arm” “IT WASN’T A PAPER CUT, I ALMOST LOST MY ARM” “Yeah right. I’ve got my eyes on you new girl” “Jinnie just cause you're dressed up like Sherlock Holmes doesn’t mean you have the detective skills” “Pfttt speak for yourself” “Didn’t you guess the killer was someone who died three weeks ago” “Way to go detective” Joon laughed interlocking your hands and walking you out the door. You pulled down your ghost face mask and walked out of the building towards the blasting music coming from the on-campus frat house. 
The night was only getting more interesting as the students continued to drink. “Hey where's your little boyfriend” “With his friends” You nodded in the direction of your boyfriend with his two closest friends. “Doesn’t it bother you that he only hangs out with them two, I mean they’re kinda known for sleeping around” “No” Of course it bothered you that your boyfriend only hung out with the two prettiest sluttiest girls on campus. “Come on don’t lie to me” “Fine Lee it does bug me, but what am I supposed to do just tell them to back off” “Yes, that's exactly what you need to do” Felix interrupted Lee Know handing you and Han a cup. “What the hell is this” Han recoiled after smelling the mystery beverage. “Jungle Juice… it’s so good” “Absolutely not” he shook his head taking your cup and placing it down on the table along with his and Minho’s. “How many have you had” “Two” “Oh that's not bad” “Two red cups and two blue cups” “Well there goes our black belt” “Hey I have a reason” “And what’s that Yongbook” “Shit he’s mad mad” “The red cups are if you think we're going to win the game on Friday, the blue is if we're going to lose… so I’m staying neutral” “And you couldn’t just drink two” “Well I could’ve but then I wanted a third and I needed to balance it out… but I’m not the worst one guess how much Binnie’s had” “Five?” “Eight… he’s also staying neutral” He motioned over to Chagbin who was passed out on the couch. “Great not only have we lost our black belt but he lost our big boy Binnie” “Han it’s going to be fine, just chill out” “Chill out…. CHILL OUT, I CAN’T CHILL OUT WHEN I COULD DIE” “Then die knowing you had a good time instead of worrying. You wanna hit of this to calm down” “NO” He yelled snatching the blunt out of Lee Know’s hand, and tossing it who knows where. “That’s a hazard” “Guys… we need to be on high alert” You groaned resting your head on Lee Know’s shoulder while Jisung proceeded to lecture the three of you on your carelessness in the current situation.  “Ji Ji calm down we’ll be fine there are so many people around us I seriously doubt the killer whoever she is-” “IT’S NOT ME” “Is going to strike right now” Hyunjin smiled wrapping his arm around Jisung’s shoulder trying to calm down your anxious friend. “And how many did you have” “This is my first one” “Jin” “Fine it’s my sixth one… but it doesn’t hit til your 5th one I swear” “Well like I was saying we shouldn’t be drinking because we need to be paying attention just in case who ever it is, is here” “Who’s here” Jeongin joined the group with a water bottle in hand. “Good job I.N staying sober I like it” “Who’s here” Seungmin asked joining the group discussion in the kitchen. “The masked crusader” Lee Know laughed wiggling his fingers towards Jisung. “Isn’t that Batman?” “Well if Batman’s here there's nothing to worry about” “Guysssss” Han whined 
“Okay never have I ever tried to seduce a teacher for a higher grade” You clinked cups with Hyunjin while you took a sip of your drink with a smile. “Who?” “Professor Choi” “Is that why he’s dead” “Mhmm… you know what guys I have just come to realize that I’m going to end up single for life if there's a killer going after anyone and everyone that wants me” “Well that got depressing” “Shut up bitch” “GUYS GUYS” Han ran towards the couch where you all were sitting down. “I saw someone else here with a ghost face costume that could be the killer” “Ji calm down hon… that’s just Johnny we did couple costumes this year” “Yeah along with half of the other students here” “I have an idea” “WE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER” Changbin laughed in your lap nuzzling closer and closer to you while he drifted off to sleep yet again. “He’s gonna end up dead” Lee Know laughed looking at the subtle affection you were giving your best friend. I mean after all, all Chan had to do to end up on the killer's hit list was give you a ride home from a party, now here Binnie was cuddling you. “No, I was going to say we should split up-” “and look for clues.” “Yeah okay, shaggy” “Han you do know that's how people end up dead right” “Yeah man splitting up is a no for me” “You can count me out, I’m going to stay right here where I’m safe” “Don’t worry y/n I’ll stay here with you” “Aww true love… y/n when are you going to leave Johnny and date our little Innie” “In-ah being with me is going to get you killed” “No it won’t that’s a stupid theory” “It’s not stupid it’s real” “I still think we should look for clues” “I think we should let the cops handle it and live our fucking lives… it’s Halloween we should be having fun” “Having fun?” “Yes drinking, dancing, smoking, and having meaningless sex” “I don’t think you could have meaningless sex even if you wanted to Jinnie” “Yeah didn't you fall in love with your last sneaky link and were forced to end it” “Okay fuck you” “No fuck you what the fuck” “Guys guys should we leave early or no?” “No” “Everyone in favor of leaving early says I” Silence of course. “Don’t worry Hannie we’re here” 
And you were, you and the boys stayed on that couch stuck at each other's hip for about an hour after that conversation. That was until you saw a familiar somebody walking towards you. You checked his shoes to make sure it was really him. “Hey” You smiled looking up at him. He extended his gloved hand out for you to take not saying a word. “What?” You asked taking his hand, he pulled you up signaling you to the restroom. You smiled walking away when a hand held you back. “Do you really want to have drunk sex with your shitty boyfriend in the Kappa restroom” “Yes now shut up and stick together before Jisung loses it again” “Y/n you can’t leave what if he gets you” “You said it yourself Ji, If the killer’s in love with me, he wouldn’t hurt me” 
But of course not even Jisung was sure about that. Jimmy pushed you up against the door sliding his hand up your thigh towards your heat. You sighed throwing your head back as you felt him take off his gloves. His long fingers beginning to draw circles on your clit. Wait long fingers? “J-Johnny… take off your mask I want to see you” No answer you reached your hand up in an attempt to take off the mask yourself, but he moved his head away from you. "Come on Johnny take off the mask I'm serious" "I'm not Johnny" You looked down at his left sleeve that held your waist against the door, you noted the way the material looked darker than the rest. You looked at your hip noticing the red trail staining your skin. "What the fuck... is that blood?". He pulled off his mask to reveal Jeongin with his sly smirk. “Jeongin what the fuck wheres Johhny” “In one of the bedrooms upstairs with his throat slit” “I told you to wait for me Jeongin I wanted to see his fucking face” “Baby but-” “No honey, I was going to lead him in here, you were going to hide behind the curtain and when I shut the door I was going stab him and then you were going to finish him off that was the plan” “I know I know baby, but if it makes you feel better I passed down your message” “It does… so how was it” “Just like you thought it was going to be …he cried and begged for his life” “Good, fucking asshole” You laughed throwing your head back as he continued with his previous movements. You moved the costume gown up unbucking his pants. You couldn’t wait anymore you needed him. You needed him ever since he was in your apartment when you were getting ready, but you couldn’t not with the boys there. It would blow your cover. You had a plan and you were going to stick to it. They were going to find Johnny, you were going to mourn and in your mourning Jeongin was going to ‘comfort’ you, giving you two the perfect excuse for getting together. 
You wrapped your leg around his waist leading him into your heat. “I told you not to go for Chan” You moaned feeling the all-familiar stretch. You didn’t feel bad for sleeping with Jeongin while being Johnny. You weren’t cheating on him in your head you were over since the moment he cheated on you with his ‘friends’. You wanted to dump him, but that's when Jeongin came to you with the wonderful idea to pay him back for the pain he had caused you, caused his pretty girl. “He was all over you” Jeongin groaned beginning to slide in and out of you “Plus I wasn’t going to kill him, it was just a warning” he grunted pulling down your dress straps to release your tits for its confinement. “He was just giving me a ride Jeongin, he wouldn’t have to if you had your license”. You moaned as you felt him begin to kiss down your jaw to your chest. Taking one of your sensitive nipples into his mouth. He rolled the other in between his fingers driving you absolutely insane. “You know why I don’t have it” he whispered pulling his hand away from your breast and dragging it down to your clit drawing figure eights on it once again. “Yeah because you’re so busy slicing anyone that gets close to me” You moaned grabbing his forearm as he increased his speed. Only your two could have a full-blown argument in the middle of having sex. But you were in love, a love so toxic, that you felt like you were being suffocated when around each other. But when you two were apart it felt like you were being torn apart limb by limb. It was a love that you both couldn’t let go. You felt yourself reach closer and closer analyzing the words he was saying to you. He would do something that was so illegal, just for you. You tightened around him feeling that oh-so-familiar feeling in your lower stomach. “Jeongin I’m I’m”  “I’m protecting you” He grunted thrusting into you once more before you felt him paint your walls in white. You cummed around his cock hearing those last words. You’ve never been with someone who loved you the way that he did. He sighed pulling away from the crook of your neck to look at you. “I love you”. He whispered stroking your cheek. He didn’t stop thrusting into you, fucking you through both of your orgasms. “I love you too” You moaned kissing his lips while you wrapped your arms around him. Now that you had him you weren’t going to let go. 
You took your previous spot on the couch going on your phone. “Oh, so we're not going to talk about it” “Talk about what” “How you just had sex with your boyfriend and how you’re just sitting here like he didn’t just fill you up” “Changbin” Felix cringed hearing your friends out loud thought. “We didn’t fuck, he just wanted to talk to me” “Is everything okay” Jisung looked at you worryingly. “Yeah we’re fine… just school stuff” You smiled wrapping your arms around him comforting, he shook his head backing away from you. “Nuh-uh, I don’t wanna die” “Don’t worry Hannie you’re not gonna die… I have a feeling we're done with all of this mystery killer crap”. You laughed watching as Jeongin joined the group again with a drink in hand, wearing his previous costume. It was all going according to plan. 
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voidandabyssal · 2 months
Just had an incredible Idea lmao. How do you think the UT and US bros would react to their s/o losing a tarantula in the back seat of their car? Kinda like that one meme: https://youtu.be/3wxagY29aKw?si=k-FaQHpUadVCGSyv
lost my shit watching that video, that was funny as hell lolol
he's in the backseat with you, knocked out cold as Papyrus drives you both to work
He only wakes up once you start nervously shaking his shoulders whispering about your lost pet
he's more calm about then you'd think he'd be.
he cracks some spider puns and helps you look for him but that's the most you got out of him
until he noticed the spider slowly creeping up Papyrus's head
oh shit
you're both in so much trouble
Sans is silently freaking out trying to figure out how to get the spider off of Papyrus before his brother notices and crashes the car
he manages to lift the spider off without Papyrus noticing and drops it into its jar
imagine this
it's a beautiful day. You, your boyfriend, and your hungry, hellspawn pet are all on a drive to the beach
then, said hellspawn disappears.
neither of you notice
then Papyrus feels its hairy legs crawling up against his head,
he grabs it with his hand
crashes the car
congratulations! You're all now stuck on the side of the road with no way home!
Papyrus is not happy,
the spider is tho :))
he notices the second the spider is gone and jumps out of the moving car
he was driving the car
the crash wasn't bad (luckily)
everyone was okay! Including the spider!
well, Blue is probably in a lot of trouble
but the spider is totally a-okay!
him and this spider have been enemies since day one
each competing for your affections
how the spider gets your attention more than he does, Stretch doesn't know
maybe it's the way its fangs curl up, or it bats its many eyes
regardless! Stretch will not be bested this time!
He plans a very romantic and special date, just for the two of you
Stretch even offers to drive, which is unusual for him with how lazy he is.
sadly, the spider is a stronger foe....
it manages to crawl into your bag and sneaks out mid-drive.
its fangs sink into Stretch's hand
Another car ruined, damn.
and that stupid spider still wins! Your too busy comforting it to notice it bit him!!
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tiyawnyana · 8 months
Kinktober: Day 20
A/N: hiii i hope everyone has been doing well
Pairing: Spider x (Fem) Omiticaya reader
Warnings: teasing, edging, blowjob, size difference, hair pulling, cum swallowing, slight cock warming
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Ever since your little escapade a few weeks prior with Spider, you found him and his body ever more fascinating.
You had already been infatuated with him before, but it bloomed tremendously and you were so happy that the feelings were reciprocated. You spent so much more time with him now, whether or not it was berry picking, hunting, or now other fun.
"Fuck- shit, wait-" He whines, clinging to your shoulders and keening,"Please- please!"
You grin around the tip of his cock, licking languidly. You're sat before him, gripping his hips as he attempts to buck his cock deeper into your mouth. He groans, panting and glaring down at you.
"Please- that's the 3rd time you pulled away-" his voice is desperate and whiney, it has your cunt dripping under your tewng.
You gaze up at him through your lashes and dip your head further down his cock until he's all the way to the hilt. His cockhead presses into your throat and you moan around his length.
The reaction is instant, his head cranes backwards and he moans breathlessly and grapples at your hands.
You pull up, sinking your head up and down his length while dragging your tongue around it. You can hear it in his breath; it gets choppier, faster, and by this point he's trying to remain silent enough to not warn you that he's close. But you can feel it too, his cock twitching just slightly against your tongue, feel his abs tensing as you glide a hand up his front, and you feel his grip on your shoulders change. He's tugging, hoping he can get you to finally let him cum down your throat.
He doesn't even know why you're edging him like this. But you had grown so irritated with how a certain navi girl had begun to get attached to him. He just couldn't seem to see it.
So you drag your mouth off of his cock, withholding another orgasm and he chokes out a cry, groaning in frustration.
"Why- please!" He whines, cheeks red beneath his breathing mask.
You say nothing, leaning in to tenderly kiss the skin around the base, flicking your tongue out and licking hot and wet up the side of his cock.
You really did love winding him up like this.. it was rewarding, seeing him all blushy and whiney, desperate for your mouth. And with all of the differences between the two of you, you couldn't seem to get over what hung between his legs. He was just so delicious.
You drift that hand up from his abs, petting over his pecks softly, then trace over his neck with your fingertips. He sighs softly, huffing and you feel his pulse jump as you thumb there.
He makes eye contact and he whimpers just slightly enough to make you have a change of heart.
You dart your hand up into his hair and tug just right, simultaneously wrapping your lips around his cock and dropping down his length. The moan he releases is loud, unfiltered and has you clenching your thighs hard to ease that ache.
You bob your head quick, licking sloppily and taking him deep into your throat. His hands clench hard over your shoulders and your hand tugs his hair.
He cries out, hips bucking into you and you nose your way down until you're flush with his navel, swallowing every drop of him as he cums down your throat.
Your throat massages his length as it feels he cums for an eternity. You shiver, holding his cock deep in your throat and you can't seem to think of a better place to be.
A/N: god
(Lmk if you want to be added!)
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theredofoctober · 10 months
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Crossposted from AO3
Synopsis: Reader is a double agent, struggling with the guilt of informing on the Boys' movements to Homelander. Butcher gets suspicious, and corners Reader in the office to get to the bottom of his feelings...
Reader's gender is not specified
TW: noncon/dubcon, threat, idk Billy is his own warning
Story after the cut, keep reading
It's dark when you return to base, the night swallowing the city like a pothole as you edge furtively through the front door, hoping to pass through it unseen.
You hate coming here. The precarious balance of risk, an asp-coil of danger; you loathe every aspect of your employment, yet you are bound to it through your need to do what's right. Through your loyalty to each member of the operation, who consider you one of them, now.
Even him.
Billy Butcher's rough voice lunges out of the the gloom like a jumping spider, all grinding catankerous gravel.
"What bloody time do you call this?"
He's been waiting for you for hours, must have been, broiling in a stew of his own temper.
"Uh, I don't think it's that late, sir," you stammer. "It's only 9.30..."
"Cunt o'clock, is what it is."
The boss watches you remove your coat, his every motion electric with distrust. One eye squints, a swollen pomegranate ripened by some stranger's fist, and there is blood under the black scruff of beard along his jawline. It scares you how often Butcher seeks out an uneven fight, a masochist, for all his posturing ego.
From across the room you smell him: the musk of sweat, stale cologne, the fug of beer. Rancid. 
"You were due in at seven," Butcher gripes. "Been snuggling up to your pet Supe Homelander all night, have you?"
Primly, you hang up your hat and scarf on the wall hooks, each layer seeming to unearth a new vulnerability.
"Yes, I've been spending time with him," you say. "On your orders, sir."
You hate that Butcher holds this over you, the jig you're forced to dance between him and the tyrannical leader of the Seven. By day, you're the Homelander's latest fling, gleaning intel and private dirt from every interaction. By night, you belong to the Boys, although not entirely, nor could you ever be when the most powerful man in the world scents, on your skin, wherever you go, and who with.
Homelander lets you come here. He seems to thoroughly enjoy whatever game it is he's playing with these lesser beings, their fumbling attempts to end his monstrous reign.
If Butcher ever knew of this particular truth you suspect that you'd be dead. A traitor's end, luridly bloody in the manner of all things pertaining to this man and his hard justice.
"Sometimes I think you stretch my orders to the bloody limit," Butcher complains.
He can't let go of his resentment; more prodding comes, like devilish clockwork, quick, and cutting, and predictable.
"Sleepovers with Supertwat weren't on the fucking schedule. I'm starting to think you like the bastard."
"No," you murmur, placatingly. "Of course not. How could I? He's horrible."
Still, you don't meet the boss's eye as you hand him the folder you've been carrying under one arm, only linger, fidgeting, as he rifles through your painstakingly typed-out notes.
Of the rest of the team only two others are present: the Female, Kimiko, hunching low over a desk, and Frenchie, who watches you with an unhappy empathy, his arms wrapped tightly around his thin knees. They both look tired, strung out, as keen to leave as you are.
"At least Starlight had an excuse to fratsernise with Homelander," sneers Butcher, warming to his theme. "I don't like all this extracurricular you're putting in, alright?"
Tiring of the conversation, you mumble, timidly, "If Homelander asks me to stay late with him, then I have to do it. He gets so agitated; at any second he could hurt me, kill me. If he gets suspicious—"
"Always an excuse, eh, Two-Time?" 
At this you physically flinch.
"Please don't call me that."
"Everyone gets a name here, treacle," says Butcher, grinning widely, proud to have struck a nerve. "Cheer up; least I haven't called you a cunt."
"Not yet," Frenchie mutters, and the boss looks up sharply. 
"Got something to say, have you?"
The smaller man turns up the collar of his jacket and shrinks away into it.
"Nothing, nothing, mon ami."
Kimiko glances up from the table and signs quickly at Frenchie. You only know a smattering of the language, but one particular phrase you do understand, and tighten your lips against a laugh. You can't afford to rankle Butcher any further, who is clearly looking to start a fight with everyone, anyone, and no one in particular.
Attempting to placate him, you say, "Butcher, please. I think I'm starting to gain Homelander's trust. He tells me things about his feelings. He's very insecure. If we use that, we have a way in. To take him down."
Butcher merely grumbles under his breath, engrossed in your notes again. There is more to his mood than suspicion: a seething, reluctant jealousy, threatened by your proximity to Homelander, with whom he shares a vicious rivalry. Neither man can stand to have his authority shaken, but at times you almost fear Butcher more for his sheer lack of limitations.
Sensing the ugliness of his mood, you persist with your attempts to soothe him, aware, as you do so, of how low your self-respect has sunk.
"I'm sorry that I wasn't back on time," you rasp. "I'll do better. I didn't mean to undermine you, sir."
"Should fucking hope not."
Butcher's mood recedes slightly, and in the corner of your eye you see Frenchie shaking his head. He knows how to grovel better than anyone; you've heard it whispered that he's knelt to many men and women, and taken pleasure in it, as well as suffering.
Has Frenchie ever been on his knees for Butcher in this way?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. The thin line of Frenchie's mouth suggests that even he disapproves of your weakness.
Ashamed, you twist away, glancing longingly at your coat again.
"I... I should go," you falter. "Everything I got out of Homelander today is in that file. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess."
"Stay right there," says Butcher, sharply. "You and me are gonna have a private natter, one to one."
You blood runs like Arctic water, and you sense Frenchie's tension, Kimiko's mutinous stare.
"Is something wrong, sir?" you ask, quietly.
Butcher shrugs, a dangerous smile playing on his lips.
"You tell me," he says. "If you're as squeaky clean as you claim to be then you've got nothing to worry about, have you, love?"
He claps his rough hands together, and you almost jump out of your skin.
"Come on, then. Let's get it over with."
You scamper at his heels, your gut churning with nerves.
Butcher swaggers into a seldom used office and sits behind the desk, swinging his boots up onto its surface.
"Shut the door," he says. "Don't want them two lovebirds earwigging."
With quivering hands you obey, your eyes cast downwards, anywhere away from him.
"Got any idea what you're doing here?" asks Butcher, straight to business.
You shake your head with a perhaps telling quickness.
"No, I don't, sir."
Butcher groans softly.
"Fucking listen to ya. Like butter wouldn't melt. Makes a difference from the usual cuntery I have to put up with."
You don't reply, only shift from foot to foot like a student pulled up before the headteacher.
"Here's the thing," says Butcher. "I think there's a lot more to you than meets the eye. By which I mean to say, I reckon that you're a fucking liar."
Fear makes rigid every tendon in your body, and you shrink into yourself, your gaze still fixed on the floor, picking out every speck of dust and groove in the boards.
"I— I haven't lied about anything," you murmur, tremulously.
But as Butcher's mouth twists upwards like the grimace of a Halloween mask you regret the words, a stupid falsehood.
"Your report's lacking in some serious detail," Butcher announces. "You haven't said one piddly word about what Homelander has to say about me, and believe me, I know he's said something. Thinks about me like a school girl who's been sent a Valentines' card, the creepy fucker."
"He... he hasn't mentioned you to me lately," you say, clinging to bland denial. "We're close, but there's still a lot of stuff he won't talk about. This is what I was trying to tell you, I need more time—"
Butcher brings his boots down from the desk and leans towards you, his head at a predatory angle.
"You're hiding something."
Your mouth clicks dryly, robbed of its saliva.
"Sir, I—"
"'Sir' my left bollock. Wanna guess how I know there's something up?"
He's been following you, or some unknown party has ratted you out, or else Homelander himself has stopped by to gloat, and make you look the fool.
Perspiration gathers at the back of your neck, and you don't dare reach up to wipe it away.
Butcher says, "I can tell there's something wrong 'cause you can never look me in the fucking eye."
You glance up, unable to shield your surprise.
"Oh. That— that isn't because of Homelander. It's— I—"
Your voice is small, a humiliating wisp.
You can't look at him because you're afraid of him, and would be even if you were not guilty.
A new emotion blooms in Butcher's black eyes, something cruel, and clever, and gleeful. It boils your core with a nervous anticipation of what he may do to you, what you've long imagined him doing, in the sweating darkness of your bedroom, in the night.
"What was that, darlin'?" asks Butcher "You went a bit quiet there."
He stands up from the desk and prowls towards you, and you realise, with a start, how tall he is, his stature—draped in clashing shirt and black overcoat—of the the kind that might engulf you with a mere embrace.
You feel small, so very small, exhilarated, and afraid.
"Oi," says Butcher. "Look at me."
With effort you raise your eyes to his. He seems to like what he sees there, for some of his aggression narrows away, or else morphs into a more playful version of itself.
"Butcher," you almost-whisper, and he lists over you, holding your stare for so long that you wish you'd thought to drop the report and run.
"Nervy little thing, ain'tcha?" he says, mockingly. "Scared shitless. Think I'm gonna hurt you?"
You nod, incapable of speech.
"Aww," says Butcher, and pats your cheek mockingly. "Don't be stupid. You ain't a Supe; I got no reason to smack you about unless you give me one."
A current of anticipation sparks through you, and you nod again, swallowing a filmy clot of spit.
"That's the ticket," Butcher growls, and tilts back your head with a coarse gentleness, admiring your mouth, your throat, your body under the many layers of clothes. 
It's cold in New York, and you've dressed for it, although you suspect that this measure won't last long.
"I wanna see you prove that you're my soldier," says Butcher, slyly. "Dedicated to the bloody cause."
You dither, feeling stupid and clumsy and eager, at pains not to make a greater fool of yourself. 
"I... do you want me to..."
Your eyes dart about madly, resting, finally, at the buckle of Butcher's belt, thinking of Homelander, the usual manner of settling his temper.
Butcher notices the path of your gaze, and revels in it.
"Go on," he urges. "Don't be shy."
He's grinning ear to ear, observing your flustered glances and desperate want to please him. When you reach out shaking fingers to the front of his trousers and touch his groin you find it hard, and wonder how long it's been so. 
"Fucking hell," Butcher breathes.
He watches you with remarkable restraint as you undo his belt buckle and zipper, releasing his rigid heat into your palm. Guilt thrums in a sickly undercurrent as you work your hand along him, thinking how quickly Butcher would turn if he knew all the nastiness Homelander has spilled into your ear about him. All the admiration, the hatred, and the love.
Butcher jerks your face upright again, giving you a little shake of warning.
"If I wanted to stare at the back of your head I'd fuck you over the desk. Keep looking at me, love."
With your fist still around his cock Butcher kisses you, forcefully, but not without a certain affection. It takes you aback, having assumed, through his relentless taunting, that he despises you. 
Now you're not so sure. 
"Get on your knees, Two-Time" Butcher says, softly, and although you wince at the moniker you lower yourself down with murmured assent.
"Yes, sir."
"Sir," Butcher repeats, and laughs. "Where did that even come from, eh?"
Still, you can tell he loves the submission in your voice, the fumbling quickness with which you scramble down onto the floor to take him. He's big, suffocating you with his girth as he rocks into your throat, one large hand coming to the back of your head to force you, struggling, against him.
You pull back, gasping a whooping breath.
"Please, Butcher..."
"Too rough for you, darlin'?"
You think he'll shove you back down again, but he pets your hair coarsely and leers.
"Look at them fucking puppy eyes. Can't say no to that, can I? There you go, then. Do the work yourself."
He releases you, allowing you to take his arousal at your own pace. You lap at his shaft, feeling stupid and unskilled and still so wanting of his praise. Yet you don't even need him to speak: every grunt and mutter and clash of his teeth feeds you with the knowing that he adores every second of the attention.
"Been thinking about doing this for months," he rasps. "I could have been fucking you all over the place, and I waited this long..."
Butcher tugs himself free of your throat on a stream of glittering drool and leers as you wait wordlessly for his command. 
"I'm gonna fuck you silly," he says, "and when I'm finished you'll thank me for such a lovely time."
Then he barks, abruptly, "Oi! Where are you going?"
This added as you scramble up, towards the door, caught in a sudden crisis of conscience and common sense.
"We— we can't do this," you stammer. "I can't. Homelander—"
"He can go fuck himself," snaps Butcher. "You're mine, not his. He can fight me for you."
"You gonna keep arguing with me, sunshine?"
You stand, one hand pressed to your slick mouth in horror of what you've allowed to go so far. All too easy to envision Homelander boiling your core to acid with a bolt of his stare, breaking your skull as simply as shattering a tea cup.
Butcher clearly reads these thoughts in your expression, for he says, in a slightly gentler tone, "He won't hurt you, alright? I won't let him. Trust the boss."
Unconvinced, you only dither, and the softness in Butcher skids away.
"You want this," he grinds out, "or you would've buggered off out of here already. Wouldn't ya?"
You hold your silence, shaking so violently that you catch a fragment of your tongue between your teeth and taste the salt tang of blood. In some sideways fashion Butcher is giving you the opportunity to flee, and yet you remain, shackled by your coward's yearning to appease him.
A shuddering breath escapes you, and Butcher twitches his head irritably.
"Say somethin', will you?" he grumbles.
His length is a stone in his fist, and you sense that he holds himself back from you only to preserve some unspoken rule, waiting for permission with the trembling violence of an attack dog, which, with a word, might be called down.
"I—" you start, and cough, your voice so thin that there is no substance to it. 
Moistening your lips, you try again.
"I, uh, I want to follow orders, sir."
Butcher looks at you sideways, and you feel want roll off him with the heaviness of a dream.
"Well, it's your lucky day, darlin', 'cause I've got one for you. See that cabinet over there? I want you stood, facing it, your hands on the doors. No moving about, no noise; don't want them nosy cunts in the other room asking questions."
Nodding, you cross the room and stand as you've been asked, shuddering gently as Butcher steps up behind you, his hot breath upon your neck. You know, both of you, that this is a very bad decision, and proves nothing but that each of you are prey to individual weakness.
Butcher is so still that you wonder if it is he, now, that's changing his mind, but then one vast hand pushes at your back, thrusting you flat against against the cabinet with a tinny jingle.
"Get your fucking legs apart," he growls, and you almost slip in your rush to acquiesce. "That's it. Nice and wide."
His fingers rip at your clothes with a black bear's savagery, baring your skin to him, the space between your thighs he's thought about, before now, in derisive and idle lust. Again he pauses, only to thrust two broad fingers into your mouth. You dare not think of the likelihood of them being unclean.
"Get 'em wet for me," says Butcher, and presses his knuckles to your tongue until they come away dripping with spittle.
You hear him snarl a coarse breath as he blunts his fingers inside you, as taken up by your plaintive moans as with your tightness. His hardness is like a switchblade against your thigh, and you remember, acutely, that you fear this man as much as you desire him. He knows it; you feel the smugness of it in his rough kisses on your neck and mouth as he ruts against you.
One palm cups the back of your skull, flattening your cheek to the filing cabinet as, in a ragged motion, he enters your yearning heat. He's so big that you cry out, the wounded whimper of a trapped coyote.
"Keep it down, I said," Butcher reminds you, but you hear the grin in his voice, endure, through his rough strokes, the madness of his appetite. 
And you— you're afloat in pleasure and submission, inebriated with it, like some God of drink and sex. Every curse and demand from Butcher lures another butterfly of sensation through you, and in the thicket of feeling you forget Homelander, forget that the man fucking you now is bad, and exploiting you for what you've so feebly offered up to him.
You've wanted, achingly, the freedom of being controlled, the pathetic thrill of degradation. The coarseness of it all is cheap, and filthy, and necessary. 
Butcher twists you about so that your back is against the cabinet, your legs a knot about his waist. He juts his face close to yours, and with a start of terror you realise that you're looking him in the eye, unable to escape their directness.
"Tell me who fucking owns you," says Butcher, and his possession coils about you like a strangling weed. "Say it."
He still thrusts within you, but slowly, brutally, until you have to ball your fists to prevent yourself from grasping him for support.
"Start talking. Who do you fucking belong to?"
"You!" you blurt out, at last. "You, not him, not Homelander—"
Butcher's mouth crushes yours in a grappling kiss, and there is a desperation in it as well as conceit. The pitiful nature of it somehow only strengthens your arousal, and as his strokes resume their previous force you slip into a quick and stunning ecstasy.
Butcher's eyes glaze, and you think, again, of some stupid, brutish animal, spirit of athirst, wild and thoughtless. He comes so hard that, in a slip of teeth, he bites your lip, and that slip of authority awakens, in you, an endless wonder.
"Shit," mutters Butcher.
He lets you down from him almost gently, then turns away, scrubbing your blood from his chin. Suddenly he is all shifting agitation, but if he regrets what he's done then he does not show it, smoothing away his inner thoughts with bluster.
"Glad we could clear the air, Two-Time. You get yourself cleaned up, then go home and write up that report the way you should have done the first time. I want it back here tomorrow. No pissing about."
Stuffing yourself back into your clothes you make conversation with the floor again.
"No, sir. I mean, yes, I'll do that. Of course."
You touch your lip gingerly, and Butcher has enough reluctant grace to acknowledge it.
"Better put something on that, love. Don't wanna spoil that pretty little face."
The compliment—a mockery, but a compliment, still—flowers a dim flush across your features. Butcher reaches up to pinch your cheek playfully as he saunters past you on his way to the door, his thumb grazing your warmth.
"Night, then."
It's only when Butcher is gone and you're standing alone, loose-limbed and quaking with exertion, that you think of Homelander again.
Fuck. What is he going to do to you when he finds out what you've done?
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the-kr8tor · 9 months
Hii, this is my first time requesting, but I had a cute fluff idea I wanted to give.
I really wanna see hobie and Crowely having like some kind of truce. like for example, reader is busy with work or wtv, giving neither hobie nor crowely any attention, so they kinda join forces to get readers attention and its all cute and stuff. Yk just something light and sweet.
Hope you like this ❤️
Thank you for the request! Any request with the cats is a favourite of mine 🥰 hope you like it!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF
The cats are based on this fic
Hobie watches you from the bedroom's doorway, hands on his hip, sighing deeply. You look up from your laptop propped on your knees, the blanket providing a thin barrier between your legs and the warmth of the computer. Your back aches from the position, the pillow you use to prop yourself up is not helping your posture, you hear your neck creak when you look at Hobie through tired eyes.
"You okay?" You say, throat scratchy.
"Am I okay? Love, you've been in the same position since I left, did you even take a break?"
Crowley appears behind Hobie's legs, meowing in agreement, he's been trying to get your attention since you sat down. But alas you need to finish this paper before midnight or your grade will tank. You've only taken a few five minute breaks for when you absolutely needed to, like when you need to feed the cats, go to the bathroom, and scream into the void, (aka your pillow)
Crumpet and Teacup gave up seeking your attention hours ago. Tea has never left your side though, curling herself next to your warm laptop. You can see a glimpse of Crumpet lounging in her cat condo through the open door.
Crowley has been an absolute menace, crawling over your laptop, making you guiltily move him away. He paws at you, meowing for a second of your attention. You give him quick pets, but that seemed to not be enough for him.
Now Crowley has an ally, Hobie tilts his head at you questioningly, Crowley copies his movements, making you raise your brow. Sometimes you think Crowley is actually a human trapped in a cat's body. His action makes you go back to your little conspiracy theory.
"Did he just copy you?" You ask, bewildered.
"You're avoiding the question," Hobie takes a few steps towards the foot of the bed, leaning with both hands over the soft mattress. Crowley does the same, swiftly jumping next to your covered feet. He meows loudly. "Your lips are bloody cracked!" Hobie squints his eyes, looking at your dry lips, you would've gotten flustered with his staring but his concern makes you look up at him apologetically.
Crowley looks at Hobie for a second before squinting his emerald eyes back to you. He clearly agrees with Hobie.
" 'm sorry, I did take breaks, promise! I just really need to finish this before the deadline, I'm only a few words behind the word count needed" you bat your eyes prettily at Hobie, his eyes soften, you slyly smile victoriously.
Crowley seems to notice Hobie falling for your tactic, he puts his paw over Hobie's hand, looking up at him. They have a silent conversation, you question reality, maybe you are severely dehydrated. Crowley has never initiated touch towards Hobie, he never even goes near him, always staring at him with narrowed eyes and an angry mewl.
You notice they're in a truce. Hobie nods his head at Crowley while the demon spawn looks back at you, adorable face looking down smugly. You look at them confused at what they're planning.
"You said you're only a few words behind, right?" You nod, fingers itching to type again, Hobie continues "it's only half past nine, you have enough time to complete it. C'mon stretch your legs for me" Hobie moves to your side, trying to flip away the blanket, but you stay glued to it. Teacup stretches next to you, ignoring the conversation before going back to sleep. Sometimes you wish you were a cat instead.
"I can't, I still have to proofread and edit it" you pout your lips "I'll stretch after" you cup his jaw, pressing a sweet kiss on his lips, Hobie completely melts at your touch. Crowley looks at him judgingly. If only cats could roll their eyes, Crowley would be rolling them right now.
"Fine" Hobie sighs, giving up "but you need to drink some water, yeah? I'll bring it to you" he stands up, Crowley stares at him, meowing softly, he swears that was a scoff. "Don't look at me like that, you would've fallen for it too"
You barely registered the interaction, your attention now back to your work, the words swirling around, typing up a storm.
Hobie brings you a glass, you quickly gulp it down, going back to work, sparing only a quick thanks to Hobie. The faster you finish it, the sooner you can get back to your boys.
Hobie lays down next to you a few minutes later, now in clean and comfy clothes. He doesn't want to bother you while you're focused so instead of cuddling, he sighs, bringing his long leg over yours, closing his eyes, waiting for sleep. Well if you can't beat them join them right?
Crowley has one last idea to get your attention. As you type away, you don't notice the black void walking between you and Hobie, he curls up next to his neck, purring loudly. He waits for you to notice.
Hobie savors the rare affection from Crowley, knowing that it's him right away through his familiar purring that he only hears when Crowley cuddles up next to you.
Hours later, You still haven't noticed them, hands almost cramping, you finish the final proofread and edit, sending it a few minutes before the deadline. You smile and stretch your aching back and arms, closing the laptop victoriously.
You look to your left, Teacup still asleep, spread out over your blanket, through the open door you see Crumpet take a stroll in your flat, you tilt your head at what she's doing up this late. You gesture for her to get in bed next to you, she happily trots up, jumping to your right, you follow her movements. She lies between you and Hobie, mirroring Tea's position.
You glance up at Hobie's sleeping face, the sight takes your breath away, Crowley sleeps peacefully next to Hobie's neck, curled around himself. Hobie's face is right on top of Crowley's fur, snuggling into him.
You clutch your chest at how adorable the scene is, you quietly take your phone from the nightstand, making sure the camera's shutter is on silent and the flash off. You must've taken a hundred pictures of them, you have a huge grin on your lips, eyes sparkling, finally they've warmed up to each other after months of them bickering (mostly on Crowley's part)
You sigh longingly wanting to be a part of their little cuddle pile. You realize you can, so you take your devices over to the side table, slowly and quietly sliding down to lay next to them, careful not to wake them. Looking at Hobie's face, you can't help but press a quick kiss on his forehead, wishing he has a good dream. You close your eyes, content.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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