#if you have questions or want opinion on certain parts feel free to ask but im not gonna write an essay about it
Jam, have you read the new Time article about Ze and the war?! I'm so fucking angry about it!!!!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Never thought Simon Shuster, of all people, would become a traitor! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I have and it is, indeed, a bullshit article.
If anyone had planned to read the new TIME article - don't. Use your time for something more useful (it has one, maybe two good parts but not really anything new or what I would say is worth a read). The article is full of bullshit, pro-Russian propaganda (to a point were you could play bingo and actually get one - think of any Russian Propaganda point and you'll most likely find it in the article) and basically a backstab from Simon Shuster.
Very sad to see that Shuster is now a pro-Russian Propaganda mouthpiece (again).
The article is awful in so many ways and he throws Ze under the bus, portraying him in an unfair, unjustified and very wrong light. Truly despictable article, not worth anyone's time.
The article is actually in fact so awful, I'm going to cancel my pre-order of Shuster's book about Ze. Because now I assume the book (who's title and summary changed in the past, btw) will now be written in the same style and I'm certainly not going to throw money into an awful Russian Propaganda mouth. I'll wait for reviews, maybe I'll get my hands on a copy in book store and I can glimpse into it.
Very sad to see that Shuster had this change in attitude and support regarding Ukraine (especially after his pro-Ukraine stance last year and his insightful and good reports about Ze), but given his history maybe it shouldn't be such a surprise (he wrote several pro-Russian and Propaganda articles in the past, mainly 2014 - I always assumed last year his case is one of the typical "didn't know it better, fell for Propaganda, learnt my lesson, now I support" ... well, looks like a "no").
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
Some of my opinions, in no particular order
golf courses should be abolished. mini golf can stay. actual golf? no. golf courses take up so much water to maintain their grass, grass which, btw, is a monoculture and bad for wildlife. the area that golf courses take up could be used for affordable housing, or natural areas left to grow with wild native plants that are better for the insect populations. but nooo, we gotta use all this land so that stuck up rich people can play the most boring game ever invented. bullshit.
the police should be abolished. i would settle for defunding but really they just need to go.
children are people, treat them as such. kids have thoughts and feelings that are just as real and valid as yours.
on a similar vein, you are allowed to not want children, but that doesn't give you a free pass to hate kids or be mean to kids. they didnt ask to be here, be kind.
there should be a maximum wage. after a certain point, there is no amount of labour you could possibly do to Earn that much money. your workers earned that money, and you are stealing it from them.
there is a difference between millionaires and billionaires. when i say eat the rich im not talking about actors and musicians, im talking about people who are directly responsible for poverty, hunger, suffering, and homelessness around the world. people who hoard obscene amounts of wealth that No One could ever hope to spend in an entire lifetime and simply watch while minimum wage workers struggle to put food on the table and the elderly freeze in their homes.
sex ed should start in primary school, at an age-appropriate level. if kids are old enough to ask questions about sex, they are old enough to learn about it in a safe environment. they should be taught correct anatomical names for body parts (penis, vulva, vagina, etc.).
there should be more research into autism and ADHD in adults, this shit doesn't just go away when you grow up.
diagnostic criteria for disabilities, disorders, and mental health conditions should be written by people who have or have had these conditions. how is someone supposed to know if they have autism, for example, if the symptoms are written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced it?? doesn't make any fucking sense.
hostile architecture should be illegal. unhoused people deserve a place to sleep. or better yet, give them houses. there are literal studies done that prove that housing people saves the government money in the long run, so why aren't we doing that? make it make sense
edit: updated to add more clarity to the golf thing. didn't explain that one well enough and left some people confused
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meanbossart · 2 months
Lore Ask Compilation: "Every Other Question Is About The Drow's Dick" edition
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Oh I LOVE Minthara, her dialogue is absolutely fascinating and in my opinion some of the best written In the game. Experiencing her in my Evil Durge playthrough without having been spoiled to her companion scenes prior was great - the amount of depth they managed to add to her, without it at all feeling forced or rushed, and considering how much less time she gets to develop at our side is really well done. While nearly everyone's quests had me immersed, she was one of the few characters who really made me pause and think about the things she had to say to me, what she truly meant by them, and what they meant for me as an avatar doing an evil run.
We have a lot of characters in this game that are meant to be full of wisdom and experience, who are meant to be the ones who say the right thing at the right time that inspires us to make the correct choices, but I don't think either Halsin or Jaheira (and I love Jaheira) made me feel like I knew so little about life quite as Minthara did.
And, of course, she's absolutely hysterical. 10/10 I wish she had a proper companion quest past being rescued but I understand why she doesn't.
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It doesn't connect to the urethra since the slit in on top, so he nuts and pisses normal.
Also you 100% are not sorry, stop lying to me.
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Man, I thought a lot about this one because I play so fast and loose with the content the game gives us that I'm positive there must be SOMETHING I'm completely disregarding, but I couldn't think of anything! I've chosen to pick slightly less obvious interpretations to some lines and text but nothing that completely deviates from canon, I don't think. If anyone has noticed something I neglected to mention, feel free to let me know - not because I want to revise it, but just because I'm curious!
For the second part of the question, not really. Larian did a great job of giving us plenty of room to play around in the dark urge's background, I think I'm yet to see something that I find to truly "not fit" in the ample freedom they've given us. I have my preferences, of course - I'm shocked to find that most dark urge's are NOT big hulking beasts, for example - in fact that seems to be the minority by far, but I realize that I have my... Uh... Biases.
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You can see a cute little divot through the fabric if you look closely LOL
And nah, I think his penis has seen enough sharp points for a lifetime.
Unless someone decided to add some bite-marks to it.
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HMMM, I... Don't think so.
He didn't cry as a baby, he didn't cry as a child (and this isn't something I just decided on now - this is a major reason why his foster drow mother even kept him around) he didn't really cry growing up or at any point during the campaign. I think he is capable of it - sadness in him just tends to be far more confusing a feeling than anything else.
He will have emotional moments in ANE, whether or not that will culminate in crying is something you will have to wait to find out LOL
Astarion has noticed this and just took it as a character trait - the drow doesn't cry, he just gets confused, angry, frustrated or simply bottles it up. While he can be demanding of his emotional maturity, he isn't going to try and dictate how he should experience his own feelings. If it did happen it would definitely catch him majorly off-guard, perhaps even shift the perception he has of him to a certain extent.
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Oh my god you just know they All managed to be utterly quiet about it for as long as humanly (and unhumanly) possible until like, I don't even know, halfway through the Shadow-cursed lands where one day Karlach finally turns back to the group around the campfire after a half-nude drow has strut past and she's like "SO
And Wyll is like :0... Karlach you can't just ask people that.
And then she pointedly turns to Astarion and starts trying to interrogate him on how it works while Gale covers his ears and Shadowheart is like:
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This is gonna blow you guys backwards but he does not do those things in front of people and thinks its rude if you do.
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HMMM Mostly physically but it's a little subtle. He really enjoys interacting with Astarion's (and previously Orin's) hands - kissing, holding, caressing. Touching hair and faces as well. He can engage in more overt physical affection but usually Astarion has to be the one to initiate.
A disarmingly earnest proclamation of love and adoration here and there as well - he isn't shy in the slightest to tell people how he feels about them, he just isn't constantly reminding them of it unless inspiration strikes.
Most of all I think he expects his loved-ones to see his care for them in his tendency to go out of his way to help them achieve their goals.
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He went with them to the Shadow-cursed lands but I never helped him fix the curse, so he stayed behind when the gang went onwards to the city. DU Drow didn't really like him so it was good-riddance as far as he was concerned.
If he had come along and propositioned him during act 3 - uh, you know the really mean rejection line you have as a choice during that dialogue? Yeah, that one lmao.
Alas, DU drow is just monogamous. He could entertain group-sex with a partner for fun at the most, but not ever a third person in the relationship. And In my personal interpretation (but by all means - everyone else have fun with their poly arrangements!) of Astarion and his delivery of the "this is about Halsin" line, I also thought he was lying about being comfortable with it, so I write him as monogamous as well.
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Nothing. Nada. Not a thing. Say what you'd like about Bhaal but he sure knows how sculpt them out of his murder-meat.
(Thank you!!!)
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writerswall26 · 3 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 5)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, Student-Teacher relations, Anger rage. Other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 1.7k
Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: This chapter is a bit of a let down in my opinion, but we finally got something about what happened to Y/N's dad. Happy Reading!
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Cairo met up with Y/N before the day of the meeting. Cairo was smiling, walking to her like there was nothing wrong. But Cairo's smile faltered immediately as soon as she saw Y/N's distant face. She was not smiling, she didn't look happy like she usually does, she was not welcoming Cairo in her arms. There was nothing.
"What's wrong, babe?" Cairo finally asked when she got in front of Y/N.
"Drop the charges against Mr. Miller." Y/N went straight to business.
Cairo furrowed her brows. "What? I was just doing what was supposed to be done. He was going to fail me for midterms." Cairo reasoned but Y/N was having none of it.
"He gave you a chance, didn't he? He told you to write another story. Why didn't you?"
"Because! I wanted to write something different, I know I can and I did! If he can't accept that I did way better than he would ever be, then I'm sorry."
"Why are you doing this, Cairo? You're gonna ruin his life, his career, for what? He's a great teacher and you know that, so why?!" Y/N shouted, making Cairo flinch as she saw the anger in Y/N's eyes.
"Baby, please." Cairo tried to hold Y/N's hand but it was swatted away, making Cairo furrow her brows, pain written all over her eyes. "You're supposed to be on my side. I'm your girlfriend, I am the victim here."
Y/N stayed quiet, staring at Cairo who was looking at her with pained, pleading eyes.
"You seduced him, didn't you?" Y/N finally spoke, vindication in her voice. Cairo's eyes widened with the accusation, tears streaming down her face. "You seduced him, because you thought he was an easy target. You seduced him so you could get an inspiration to write on your admission essay. And then you turned to me."
Cairo's head was shaking at this point but Y/N continued on. "You know as well as I do that even if I fail a class, my GPA would still be far ahead of yours. I'm in the way of you being the valedictorian, of you putting something in your portfolio. You used me, just like how you used Mr. Miller and Winnie. Because that's what you do, Cairo, you use people."
"You don't know what you're talking about, Y/N so stop right now." Cairo said, her voice shaking as she stared at Y/N who was standing tall in front of her, her eyes cold and emotionless.
"You know what you are, Cairo? You're a fucking trash in this world. You and your kind, spoiled rich girls who would do anything just to get what they want, to get what they need just because they can. Everyone who loved you... Winnie, Mr. Miller, me, even your fucking parents gave up on you because you're a fucking trash!" Y/N got a slap on the face because of that. But Cairo immediately regretted what she did.
The taller girl turned to face her with a devilish smirk. "Your kind killed my father... and I will not let you do the same to Mr. Miller." Y/N said before she walked away from Cairo who slumped on the wall, tears flowing down her eyes, sobs being heard in the silence of the night.
The meeting started with the directors questioning Mr. Miller and Cairo in the same room. There were certain instances that they would have the same answer but usually, Mr. Miller's answers were on the safe side while Cairo's stuck with her answers during her talk with the Vice Principal.
Everything was falling down bit by bit for Mr. Miller when Y/N was called inside the room to be questioned as well.
"Will you testify against Ms. Sweet?" One of the board members asked Y/N who nodded.
"Yes, sir." She answered, not even giving Cairo a glance.
"How do we know your credibility on the matter?" Another director asked.
"Cairo Sweet is my girlfriend, or rather, was my girlfriend. I know it would seem a little bit off and you might think I'm doing this to get my revenge on her but I'm not. I've been Mr. Miller's student way before she was his student so I can vouch that I know Mr. Miller better than Cairo's ever known him." She spoke with precision and confidence.
The board of directors looked at one another before the head nodded. "Thank you." Y/N said.
"What do you know about Mr. Miller's extracurricular activities outside the class? Did you ever see them leave the school together? Did Mr. Miller give favouritism towards Ms. Sweet? Anything you know." One of the directors asked.
"I might've seen them together once or twice outside of school, but it did not seem anything intimate. I saw them at Vanderbilt once, they were talking, I didn't see anything wrong with it though. It's a poetry parlour, they're both writers." Y/N said, slightly twisting the truth for Mr. Miller's favour.
"And the other instance you saw them together?"
"I was riding my bike on the way home, I'd pass by Cairo's house before I got to mine. I saw Mr. Miller pulled up in front of Cairo's house. I thought it was weird seeing him there but I also saw him giving back her phone. He left after that. She even told me that herself."
"What?! What are you talking about? You weren't there!" Cairo was getting frustrated. If anything, she knows Y/N's stories sounded more credible than hers, but for some reason, she still couldn't find it in her heart to hate this person who's ruining her life.
"Mr. Miller did not deny when he was asked if he entered the house, Y/N, I'm giving you one chance to tell the truth." Vice Principal Manor told Y/N who turned to her with a pointed look.
"Miss, you know as well as I do that the accusation of a student against a teacher for inappropriate relations outside of school is not easily overlooked. Whatever Mr. Miller's gonna say to you, there would always be suspicions in your mind if he was telling the truth or not and yet, you could easily believe a student without proof? Why is that?" Y/N said, slamming her hand on the table, making them jump in their seats.
"Calm down, Ms. Y/L/N. We just want to get to the bottom of this, on why Ms. Sweet passed an inappropriate print of a short story, telling us that Mr. Miller agreed to it." One of the directors said.
"But he didn't. He gave her another chance to change the short story, he did not accept that story. Look, I lost my father, because of a case like this—" she was about to be stopped but she stood her ground. "No, I promise you this is relevant. Please." She said, looking at all of them. And when no one said anything or protested, she continued.
"My father was a professor back in Australia, one semester he had a student who was so wise for her age. He was amazed by her. Like Mr. Miller here, he showed favouritism, gave her special treatment, if you must say. But like Cairo here, she mistaken my father's favouritism for something different, something inappropriate. And when my father told her that it was strictly a student-teacher thing, she blew up. Reported my father, told baseless lies about him until he was gone, his career, his reputation, all gone. No one stood up for him. And then he shot himself in the head."
Y/N could see the uncomfortable fidgets of everyone inside the room. She could hear their thoughts loud and clear. But she was not done yet.
"So why do you think, Ma'ams and sirs, would I lie about something as incriminating as this? You're crucifying this man, who by the way, did nothing wrong. What? Because of a student, whose ego is so bruised by the rejection of her teacher? She was the one who came on to him, not the other way around, I can assure you that much." And she was done.
There was silence inside the room for a couple of moments before the head cleared his throat and straightened himself up. He gave Y/N a small smile before he nodded.
"We'll take your words in heavy consideration with regards to this case, Ms. Y/L/N. Thank you." He said.
Y/N nodded once. "I hope you make the right decision. Thank you for letting me talk." And she was out of the door just like that.
She waited outside of the meeting anxiously, her legs are bouncing and she's even paced back and forth until the door opens and out goes Mr. Miller.
"What did they say? Did you lose your job?" Y/N asked anxiously, staring at her teacher who smiled at her.
"Suspended. For the entire semester so I won't see you be a valedictorian. They took your words for it. Thank you." Mr. Miller said, holding a hand on Y/N's shoulder.
The taller girl smiled widely. "You're not gonna lose your job. But what are they gonna do? Students would speculate and all that. Are they gonna release an announcement?" She asked, her brows furrowed.
Mr. Miller nodded. "To prevent further rumours and speculations from ensuing, they're gonna release an announcement saying that all charges against me are dropped and untrue."
"How about the lady wife?"
"We've already filed for divorce. It's better that way."
"That's too bad. But hey, for what it's worth, maybe you'll find inspiration to write again." Y/N said with a huge smile, slight back handing her teacher's arm which made him laugh.
"And how would you know that?" Mr. Miller asked, looking at her with a knowing smile.
"Because I know that when I get to Harvard and you happen to have it in yourself to finally release a book, that I would brag to my mates that my English teacher back in Tennessee wrote it and would laugh at how unique it would be." Y/N said, a flash of pride seen in her eyes as she said that.
"You talk too much, let's get some coffee."
"You gotta apologize for being a dick to Coach Boris, you know? He's kinda like your only friend in this town." Y/N told her teacher when they got their coffee and finally sat down.
Mr. Miller hummed, looking kind of guilty as well. "I really do need to." He agreed.
"Buy his biscuits." She joked which made him laugh. "No, but seriously, Mr. Miller. Take accountability for what you said to him. He's not actually quite wrong, you know? He wasn't cleaning his own dirt, he knows it's there, but he owns up to it. I'm not saying that what he's doing is right, but you know what I mean."
Mr. Miller nodded, giving her a small smile. "Sometimes I forget that you're still young." He said, smiling proudly like a father.
"People tend to think of me that way, yeah." She smiled before they continued to talk about literature and harvard.
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pt II our flag means death but I've never watched it
HELLO OFMD FANDOM! It's the Good Omens Mascot and Resident Dumbass, back again for part II. First, let's clear the air of all controversy!
Some of you lovely maggots were kind enough to warn me about certain discourse about a salad spoon and also about a certain gentleman named Izzy. I was warned not to make assumptions and not to take sides, and I hear some members had to leave the fandom for a while because it got toxic. Maggots. All the rest of you. Worry not about me. I'm here to unite the OFMD fandom! How, you ask? By being so undeniably stupid in my own opinions that you all will have to unite to disagree with me. You underestimate the power of my dumbassery. Well, let's not dilly dally and dawdle, here's the updated summary:
I have been informed there is cannibalism on this ship but it is not real. Someone pretends to eat someone and then their wife helps them fake their death while they run away from the ship though their lover wanted them to run to China.
There are BDSM lesbians, which is honestly such a slay, Pinterest has let me down by not informing me of that when I made Part I. I will no longer be using Pinterest a reliable source in future academic essays.
Mermaid Stede performs necromancy while a song called Kate Bush plays (I don't know who this is, a politician? Idk whether of US or UK).
Gravy Basket is a destination and Buttons is a sea witch and there is educational stabbing. Buttons is then a bird because of the BDSM lesbians.
There is a lady who is extremely beautiful and intimidating and powerful and she has twenty husbands and I assumed incorrectly that you were all talking about a Jack Russel terrier.
Let's start with the controversy! Izzy. Secondary protagonist or antagonist? Good or bad? Kindly father figure or homoerotically charged friend? Necessary death or not? No no no. Behold:
I present a new question, a hot take sizzling from the pan: Did Izzy really exist?
Personally, I firmly believe that no, he did not. I believe that the rum on the ship was spiked with hallucinogens.
Izzy was simply the manifestation of Ed's Freudian subconscious, taking the shape of a human being, vaguely resembling a humanoid potato Ed was forced to boil as a kid. I was a psychology student with a final grade of 99% and I accept only destructive criticism on my posts thank you. Feel free to discuss whether he boiled the potato in a fit of rage or whether he was forced to.
There are assorted Ned's, Mary's and an uncertain number of Jeff's on ship.
One of the Jeff's is an accountant, and there is a nonbinary talking sword named Jim. Actually I'm not sure if they talk.
Love you all, rooting for the show to be renewed.
REMINDERS. Be polite to each other in the reblogs, on tumblr reblogs spread posts and not likes (which don't do anything for visibility) unlike other social media sites, but MOST IMPORTANTLY.
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broomsick · 6 months
any tips for starting out when working with deities?
Hi, friend! Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the late reply. I've posted tips for beginners many times in the past, most of which you can find via links in this post. But now, since we're talking about working with deities more specifically, I'll list a few quick tips in a point form!
The golden rule to deity work, in my opinion, is respect. Everyone interacts with their deities with varying amounts of familiarity, but one quality always remains no matter the worshipper, and that is respect. But that goes without saying, right? 'Treat others how you want to be treated' makes no exceptions, even with non-human entities.
To me, the first step to respecting a deity is acknowledging their depth and multi-faceted nature. Mythological sources may describe this or that deity as the 'God of this or that', but in the context of religion, they are much more. The believer views the God as more than a mythological figure, but as a complex existing being.
For this reason, another tip I'll give is to get to know them. Learn as much as you can about them, and never stop learning. Not only about the deity/deities themselves, but also (and I think it's crucial not to neglect this!) about the cultural context in which they were first worshipped. I can't stress enough how big of a difference this makes when it comes to understanding a God. If you're interested, I've linked here a few of my favorite sources pertaining to nordic cultures, religions and history!
To me, offerings are not transactional. That is just my own belief, of course, but I don't adhere to the idea that 'one must give to the Gods in order to earn blessings and vice versa'. Paganism is not a trade market, but rather a way to experience spirituality. I believe in making offerings when you can, if you can, as a gesture of gratitude and not as a way to somehow 'earn blessings'. As a pagan, you do not "owe" anything to the Gods they do not "owe" you anything either.
Do not be afraid to simply spend time with them. While we may not always feel their presence, you can have faith in the fact that they watch over you. And for this reason, it's perfectly okay for you to sit down at your altar, or in the outdoors, to simply talk to them, symbolically sharing a drink/meal, telling them of your troubles or of how they inspire you. Developing this habit can help make you feel connected to a deity, even on a tight schedule, or during times when you feel disconnected from your spirituality.
In the same vein, it can be fulfilling and fun for you to dedicate certain activities to a deity of your choice! For example, practicing your instrument in honor of Bragi, or hiking in honor of Jörð, etc... What's more, whenever you dedicate an activity to a deity, you can invite them to partake in it, as I've described in this previous post!
Start to notice what things in your life reminds you of them. Maybe a certain smell? Or a song? What animals, meals, stories of else bring this deity to mind? Either because of the similar feeling they instill in you, or because you think this or that deity might enjoy them.
As a beginner, you needn't feel bad about how many deities you work with, or which deities you reach out to (so long as they are not part of a closed practice). I've always thought it weird how in some books centered around witchcraft, they'll rank deities in order of 'how experienced you need to be to reach out to them'. If you want my own honest opinion, anyone is free to reach out to any deity. No God is more difficult to work with than others. It all comes down to the individual, their values and the way they choose to work with the deity in question. I'm also not a big fan of such sources encouraging calling out to a deity during a ritual/spell like they're a tool for a magical working, if the practionner doesn't plan to really get to know them. But that's a topic for another day.
It can be greatly fulfilling as well to simply ponder a deity from time to time. What do they teach you? What can you learn from their example? What do they represent in your life? I listed in this post a few ideas of questions to ask yourself in order to better understand a deity and their presence in your life.
Take it step by step, day by day, and don't feel bad if you think you've made a mistake. We are all constantly learning. The Gods know we are human, and they reflect us in that way: they themselves have their strengths and weaknesses.
I hope this helps, but please do keep in mind that these are all my personal views on paganism, and that not every practionner will resonate with them. In any case, don't hesitate to ask if you have any other question(s) regarding practice or belief in the nordic path. Have a good day, my friend.
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the-power-of-stuff · 3 months
The Live-Action Sukka Manifesto that I Just Couldn't Keep in My Head
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So I've been marinating in my live-action Sukka thoughts for the past three days, and when someone sent me an anon asking if I had any thoughts about the changes, at first I went, "DO I EVER?!" and proceeded to dump my entire brain on the page.
But then I worried maybe the anon wouldn't want to see my entire brain and figured I'd make my own post with my Many, Many Thoughts, and reel it in a bit when I answer the ask. And then link here if they're interested in the dissertation.
I'll put all the excessive details and spoilery stuff under a cut, but I'll start by saying, I didn't hate it! And I was afraid that I would.
There were things that I was bummed or had mixed feelings about, but there was also a lot that I genuinely enjoyed. All the Sukka interactions were cute and still had some decent character development, and I had fun with the episode overall (I've watched it thrice mind you, and definitely have not given the rest of the series that kind of attention). And I didn't necessarily dislike the differences from the original; I think I've just taken more of a "that was an interesting interpretation" approach.
But I better start that cut now, because I'm about to go on and on about this. I'd love to know what others think, though!! Even if the opinions aren't the same as mine! Please feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me an ask. If nothing else, I'm excited that the LA has gotten people talking about ATLA again.
So, I want to start with Suki’s characterization, which overall I found to be delightful, even if it was a bit of a watered-down version of her animated self.
In the original show, Suki is confident, sassy, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. She’s proud to the point of almost being arrogant, and even a little mean. What we get in the LA is someone who’s still confident in terms of her status and her skills, and still proud of her heritage and her role in her community, but with significantly less sass. And while LA Suki still seems like someone who wouldn’t take anyone’s shit, we don’t actually see LA Suki deal with that much shit from anyone (because Sokka isn’t really giving her any). 
There is one moment in the show where her interaction with Sokka is a little contentious, which is when he tries to relate to her as a fellow guardian of his people. I think Suki’s question to Sokka about how is he protecting his village if he’s not there is meant to be a challenge to his swagger. However, the line is delivered with a softness that makes it seem as though Suki is, at least in part, genuinely curious. (This curiosity makes even more sense when we consider the fact that Suki’s eventually going to leave Kyoshi Island so she and her Warriors can take part in the war effort, and that she will have to contend with the question of “how do you do that without abandoning your people?” when coming to that decision. The LA lays a lot more of this groundwork than the animated show did: Suki outwardly expressing her desire to see the world, her mother’s secretive looks every time Suki gazes longingly at Sokka the possibilities…)
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Compare these two moments, for example. These are both scenes where Suki expresses disbelief at Sokka's claims about his warrior-hood. But in the LA, Suki speaks rather quietly and mildly, in contrast to the brash sarcasm of her animated counterpart. LA Suki is also tilting her head down and away, looking at Sokka indirectly. OG Suki is leaning in close, getting in his face, smirking derisively with her hands on her hips.  
I think there’s something to be said about the LA in general smoothing away certain personality traits that could be seen as negatives but that are actually strengths that are so narratively well-developed they occasionally show up as flaws (for instance, Katara’s fury, or lack thereof). Animated Suki is prideful and stubborn; she berates Sokka until he gives her sad puppy-dog eyes and has zero hesitation about making an example of him in front of her whole class. It’s a little ruthless, but these traits are also 1) what gets through Sokka’s thick skull (he, too, is prideful and stubborn), and 2) what makes her such a dedicated ambassador of Kyoshi and such a strong leader of the island’s Warriors at such a young age. I feel like the LA writers were afraid of making any of the protagonists seem too abrasive—everyone in the LA has had their edges sanded down, including Zuko, including Aang—and in general this tends to lead to less realistic representations of humanity and conflict, less satisfying character development arcs, and fewer opportunities for reflection and learning. 
That being said! I went into watching the LA with negative expectations about what we would see in terms of character development, and thus was pleasantly surprised. 
The LA removed the need for Suki to be as ruthlessly stubborn as she is in the animated show because LA Sokka’s skull is not so thick (and I'll get into that a bit more later). So what we get instead is a sheltered Suki with a helicopter mom who is so hilariously awkward that she has no idea how to interact with other humans. And, to be honest, I enjoyed this version of her so much that I even thought to myself, “I wish I’d thought of that!”
Suki is a straight-up weirdo in the LA and I love that for her. The way she puts Sokka in a chokehold and then looks at him after she sets him free like, “That was good flirting, yes? Would you like to be my boyfriend now?” And then her disappointment when Sokka walks away as if she’s thinking, “Why didn’t that go well, I thought boys loved getting put in chokeholds?” She is so precious, I just want to put her in my pocket. And this characterization might even be more broadly relatable than a super-confident Suki brimming with sass. Who among us hasn’t made a complete fool of ourselves in front of a crush by coming on way too strong and having no idea how to flirt? I mean…real. 
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And because Sokka is also mostly just making a fool of himself trying to impress a pretty and talented peer (instead of covering up his insecurities by wrapping himself in misogyny) this leaves room for the two of them to be attracted to each other right off the bat and for their interactions to be more overtly romantic throughout the entire episode. Which, avid shipper that I am, I have to admit I have been gobbling up for the past three days straight. This episode was an IV drip of romantic tropes hooked straight to every Sukka shipper’s veins. 
Shy glances from across the room? Check.
Walking in on the other person half-naked? Check. (Y’all, Suki looks Sokka up and down for a FULL TWENTY SECONDS yes I timed it from the moment she appears in the background, yes you should count it to see how long that really is. Talk about awkward.) 
Tripping so they end up falling into each other’s arms? Check.
Wide-eyed shock that turns into surprise thirst after being pinned to the ground? Check.
Shooting each other satisfied smirks as they kick ass side-by-side? Check.
Jumping in front of literal fire for each other? Check and check!
Like, I could live off this for the rest of the year. 
But look, there’s a lot that I love about the way Sokka and Suki’s relationship is portrayed in this episode besides those romantically indulgent tension-creating moments, and it has to do with Suki’s admiration and validation of Sokka. 
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Suki really looked at this boy with his mouth stuffed half-full of steamed bun and went, “Must have.”
With the removal of overt sexism from this episode (for better or worse), the story focused much more heavily on Sokka’s development as a leader. He still has that sort of posturing display of self-confidence that comes from inexperience and trying too hard to prove oneself (“Ferociously…deadly tiger whales…”), and while at first Suki seems put off by this and his attempts to liken himself to her (“I’m not just a warrior, I’m a Kyoshi warrior”) it doesn’t take her long to decide (*cough*after seeing him shirtless*cough*) that she doesn’t actually mind this behavior (and in fact maybe she kind of likes it because maybe it means he likes her and maybe it means she can show him how much she likes him by slicing the tops off all those melons with her fan). She seems genuinely interested in his boomerang and impressed that he hunts, and then later, she immediately takes interest in training him in the Kyoshi Warrior style. 
After they spar, she casually refers back to the fact that he’s his village’s protector, and this time, she does it without the disbelief and defensiveness. Because he’s finally stopped posturing. He opened himself up and gave himself over to Suki’s expertise, and in that way he proved that he has the will and desire—the heart—of a warrior. And Suki tells him so while touching him gently and gazing at him longingly in the soft golden glow of the late-afternoon sun. And as a die-hard Sokka stan, I love seeing him loved and appreciated like this. Adamantly. Ardently. The Sokka cheerleader in my head is going wild. “YEESSSS!! Our boy deserves this!!” Because we know that, in the animated show, he goes through a lot more struggle and self-doubt before he receives this kind of external validation. And while we also know that this makes for an incredibly satisfying growth arc, I gotta admit that it’s a fun bit of indulgence to watch Suki talk Sokka up directly to his face and then want to kiss him really bad. Y’know. As a treat.
That said, I'm very attached to and appreciative of the way their relationship is framed in the animated series. I love that their respect and affection for each other grows even after the disaster that is their first few interactions. In the LA, they are drawn to each other immediately, and the only barrier seems to be a bit of awkward stepping-in-it-ness. In the original, they have legitimate conflict, and they both have to give a little—Sokka becomes more humble, Suki becomes more tender—before they get to that point of potential romantic interest. And I think it says a lot about Sokka’s character and his desire to learn and grow that he is willing to humble himself in front of someone who, as far as he’s seen, has very little regard for him (slash has a good deal of animosity towards him). Giving himself over to Suki’s expertise costs him more in the animated show. But once he does, he and Suki learn and grow together. He shows Suki who he really is, shows her how dedicated and determined (and fun and a quick learner) he is, to the point that, by the end of the episode, she can allow herself to be vulnerable with him. And she does validate him in the original Kyoshi Warriors episode, just less directly than the LA. Her kiss on his cheek and “...but I’m a girl, too” is about forgiveness and acceptance and acknowledgement and respect, as much as or even more than it is about affection. There’s a little bit of romance, too, but it’s just little baby seeds of it, and it feels very natural to let those seeds germinate over time until we see Suki again later in the series. 
Which brings me to the live-action kiss. 
I’ll be honest, I was a little on the fence about the kiss. I want Sokka and Suki to kiss as much as possible in every conceivable universe. So there’s a part of me that was banging on the table and whistling with obscene joy. But the other part of me thought it was too much too soon. However, my hesitance pre-supposes some things about the second season (not least of which that there will be one), namely that it will handle the reunion with Suki and crossing the Serpent’s Pass anything like how it was done in the original. (Of course, one thing we now know for certain can't happen in a hypothetical LA season 2 is Suki pranking Sokka at the ferry station because he doesn't recognize her without her makeup. Do I love the expression on LA Sokka's face the first time he sees Suki's? Yes. Am I sad that this completely ruins their whole "You don't remember me? Maybe you'll remember this!" game? Also yes. But truthfully, I don't know if LA Suki would've been up to the prank, anyway. Not sassy enough. ;))
The Serpent’s Pass is one of my favorite episodes of all time, and that moment on the bluffs when Sokka and Suki are talking around Sokka’s loss, with the moon shining down on them all the while, and they almost kiss with the moon hanging between them in the background, and then Sokka pulls away without any other explanation besides, “I can’t”? That scene is so absurdly powerful and beautiful and an amazing moment of character development for them both, and I feel like it loses a lot of impact if they’ve already made out once. The fact that they kiss for the first time after that moonlit moment, when Sokka realizes that Suki doesn’t need protecting the way he thought she did, and in fact she was there to protect him, and he can finally just let go of this burden that he’s been carrying with him since Suki first mentioned she was joining them (slash since his dad put him in charge of an entire village at 13), and then and only then can he open his heart to what he feels for Suki, and in fact opens it so wide that he just cannot help but jam his mouth onto hers before she’s even finished talking…? I mean. C’mon. That’s poetry. But, again…loses impact if they’ve already had a first kiss.
But who knows what, if anything, they’ll actually do with that storyline. So for now, I’ll just enjoy my live-action Sukka kiss because, honestly, dream come true.    
Or almost a dream come true. Because there's a huge camelephant in the room that I haven't addressed yet, isn't there? The lack of Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform...
And I don’t think we can talk about the omission of Sokka’s Kyoshi Warrior uniform without talking about the omission of Sokka’s sexism. Because if Sokka isn’t sexist, then why do you have to put him in the dress and makeup of traditionally female warriors to make a point about how women are strong and capable, too? So here’s what I’ll say about that (and I know there’s a lot that people have said already, so I’ll try not to belabor the point.) I don’t think leaving out Sokka’s sexism was necessarily a detriment to his character arc. I do think, however, that leaving out Sokka’s sexism was a detriment to the message the show was trying to convey about sexism. 
Now, in the Northern Water Tribe episodes, the LA still gives us a message about fighting against the kind of systemic, institutionalized sexism that you might not be surprised to encounter within a very old-fashioned society or from a very old-fashioned gray-haired man. But what about the off-the-cuff, everyday kind of sexism that you might experience from an otherwise good person who is close to you? A person who loves you and would do anything for you but who gets carried away teasing you about “girly” things because of intrinsically-held biases that they’re not even that conscious of having? 
I think it’s important and meaningful for male and female audiences alike, and everyone in between, to see these different forms of sexism and misogyny—to see them, to recognize those behaviors in others and in ourselves, to be able to name them, and to have examples of fighting against them. We see the former kind—institutionalized, systemic—in Pakku. And we did see the latter kind—familiar, personal—in Sokka. And now that’s lost.
Not only that, but there’s the form of sexism that says boys aren’t allowed to do feminine things lest they relinquish their maleness. And in the animated show, we got to see Sokka combating this form of sexism, too. Not only does Suki show him that girls can be fierce warriors as well as boys, but he learns that wearing makeup and a dress does not make him any less of a young man.  
So, yes, I think the lack of Sokka in Kyoshi Warrior garb was a missed opportunity. And not just because Sokka looked really good in uniform and we all should have had the chance to see that, including and especially Suki. 
Alright, this is more than long enough, so I'll leave off with a moment from the LA that gave me great pleasure.
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I needed this moment, y'all. And I was so afraid it wouldn't happen. I needed Sokka being protective, I needed him using his newfound Kyoshi Warrior skills to fight, and I needed him jumping in front of fire for the girl who'd taught him. If we couldn't have Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform, at least we had this.
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Book Review: Book 1: Stop People Pleasing (a 9-part series by Patrick King, “Be Confident and Fearless.”)
I’m reading a 9-part series by Patrick King, “Be Confident and Fearless.” His books talk about becoming assertive, saying no, not people pleasing anymore and being confident. Generally, such books are quite generic but I found his take on the subject interesting. His techniques to handle certain situations seem to be quite doable too. His techniques have been highlighted in bold.
Book One: “Stop People Pleasing”
A people-pleaser is worried about rejection. They have a need, as we all do, to be accepted and treasured—to be loved. But in people-pleasers, this need is amplified to the extent that they will bend over backward just to not lose that love or acceptance. This is more invalidating than giving an honest opinion.
In reality, people-pleasers continued promises and inaction just tick their friends off, as it becomes apparent that they are willing to be dishonest and only say what people want to hear.
They’re not really doing what they do to improve someone else’s life—they just want to feel more positive about themselves.
Living under the limitations of our own viewpoint, we tend to think everyone in our circle is looking at and judging how we look and behave. At most, maybe a couple of people are paying attention to most of your moves, and they’re likely people you’re already close to who are supposed to know you better than anyone else.
When you’re so consumed with the perceived needs of others, you’re not paying yourself any attention. You could be overlooking or ignoring things you need to do to take care of yourself.
Avoiding confrontation for fear that it might only make things worse ironically results in the very outcomes it’s meant to deflect. The absence of confrontations doesn’t mean your relationship is all healthy, and the presence of confrontations doesn’t mean your relationship has gone to the dogs.
The BLUE model is a specific CBT strategy developed by PracticeWise to help counter negative thinking. BLUE is an acronym that stands for the kind of extremely negative thoughts you should recognize in yourself when they do pop into your head. “B” stands for blaming myself, “L” is looking for bad news, “U” means unhappy guessing, and “E” represents exaggeratedly negative thoughts.
What many people-pleasers fail to see is that sacrificing so much of themselves in pursuit of serving everyone else around them is sabotaging their very capacity to continue being there for others when it truly matters.
Rejecting an invite is not the same as rejecting your friend and that prioritizing your own peace of mind by just settling into a restful weekend is totally okay.
Ask yourself, “What are the things I do to be happy?” or “What are the core beliefs I have about my worth as a person?”
Exposure therapy is the process of deliberately placing yourself in situations that cause you fear and anxiety. You’ll need to immerse yourself in your feared situations in a gradual and progressive manner, starting from situations that cause the least anxiety and later advancing to those that cause the most intense feelings of fear.
Creating your fear hierarchy. The fear hierarchy is an ordered list of situations that elicit your fears and anxieties.
The first habit we must develop is the habit of self-awareness. We don’t understand why we people-please, and we’re not aware when we’re doing it.
This begins with questioning the motives for your actions: “Why exactly am I going out of my way for this person?” “Do I genuinely care for them, or am I just afraid of what might happen without them?” “Would I be doing this out of free will, or am I doing it for someone else?”
Take note of the moment you’re starting to feel internal resistance. When that happens, stop everything and question why you’re doing it.
The second habit to cultivate is the habit of personal autonomy. An autonomous person knows what they truly believe and why they believe it. But the differences that you’ve valued your own opinion over that of others. Or you’ve at least valued it equally and not by habit put your own opinion as inferior to that of others.
That’s why it’s important to get into the habit of expressing yourself honestly. The more you communicate where you stand, the more people will know where you’re coming from (and what your limits are). After all, people can’t read minds, and to expect others to know what you want is an impossible task.
Remain strong under pressure. When you stop people-pleasing, you will face some angry reactions. It’s not necessarily their fault because you have conditioned their expectations. But this is where you must not fold under pressure, like you previously would have. It only takes five seconds of extreme willpower, and it gets easier every time thereafter.
How to set boundaries:
1. Determine your core values
2. Change yourself and only yourself. You dont control other people
3. Set consequences of someone else breaking your boundaries. Write down the boundaries you have, the actions others might take that trespass those boundaries, and exactly what you will do when they’ve violated your boundaries.
4. Communicate your boundaries to others in very exact terms. Make sure everybody’s very, very clear on what your limits are.
If you tell yourself “I can’t,” you’re simply reminding yourself of the limitations you’ve set for yourself. You’re creating a feedback loop in your brain that tells you that you can’t do something that you would normally want to do.
When you tell yourself “I don’t,” you’re creating a feedback loop that reminds you of your power and control of the situation. You’ve given yourself a line in the sand that takes the situation out of your hands. Your choice was premade to say no and thus you can stick to it more easily.
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marciaillust · 1 year
Heyooo! It’s me again (i hope i’m not bothering you by asking questions like these) I started making a comic and I’m struggling with the typography
Any tips or recs to look? I really like your work and that’s why I am asking :)
I can dish out a few tips but they aren't really hard rules so take them with a grain of salt and artistic freedom.
The most important thing imo is the presentation of the text on the page. The shape and number of speech bubbles will be registered way before any of the contents so it needs to looks the part. 
The first tip would be generally avoid the speech bubbles being overly thin and long. The example below is pretty tame but believe me, I’ve read comics with the wormiest of speech bubbles and they tend to not look good.
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Sometimes the automatic alignment of the text will look closer to a square (especially if there are many short words in a sentence) so feel free to go in and move the text around via the enter key so it looks more like the rhombus. You won't always be able to achieve it especially if the first word in a sentence is long (e.g. the word "hypothetically") but a rhombus should be the goal.
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While we're on the topic of speech bubbles I like mine to have really short "tails" (the bits that indicate who is speaking), unless I REALLY want to make sure the reader knows who is speaking in a scene.
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 Also I always make the tails point directly towards characters mouth unless it would make the scene confusing (for example if two characters have mouths really close to each other or something, I might make one tail point a bit higher/lower/to the left/right to differentiate between the two speakers. But that’s like a super specific problem and could be avoided with proper frame layout.)
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And like, never skip the tails unless its the same character monologuing at length. Nothing breaks emersion more than when you have to stop and turn into an investigator to determine who is speaking in a scene.
Now for the fonts themselves, in my opinion the size of text should be unified between speech bubbles and across pages when it comes to a single font. Example, all casual speech - arial, 14; all thought bubbles - Calibri, 15. 
That is of course unless there is artistic merit to changing the font and/or font's size. Making someone yell, suggesting a threat or sarcasm, indicating a playful tone or something akin to that -  lean into what you're trying to communicate visually.
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All fonts are not made equal and sometimes you will have to adjust things manually e.g. letter spacing or line spacing. Generally I try to keep the spacing the same regardless of the font, e.g. "yay exciting" had massive gaps between the lines which I've shrunk to make it look more visually cohesive with the rest of the dialogue. Same with these ones:
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At the end of the day typography and everything pertaining to speech bubbles is design work and what designs do is communicate a message and serve a function. I’ve had this picture saved on my pc for years now (reverse google search doesn’t tell me who made it but it’s like the bible to me so I will share it, I am almost certain it was made by tryinghuman but I might be wrong):
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Really every part of a speech bubble can be “designed” down to a single word. The position of text, fonts, the shape of the bubble etc. And every change will culminate in an effect and the goal is to have that effect reflect what you’re going for.
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Make it legible or illegible, make it see-through, capitalise one word, cover speech bubbles up with other objects, make them crack or fall apart. Not every speech bubble needs special treatment! But once in a while it’s nice to throw something different in to spice things up.
Also, and this is a rule that was bestowed upon me during a graphic design class, don’t use more than 3 fonts per page (again, unless there is artistic merit to it like e.g. purposefully trying to communicate a sense of chaos. Otherwise it just looks a bit unprofessional. In my opinion anyway.)
And the last thing I will say, and this mostly applies to comics in English, is some “speech” fonts include capital “I”s both with and without serifs. The serif I should generally be reserved for the pronoun “I”.
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There is so much more when it comes to text in comics like the flow of bubbles across pages, splicing text across bubbles for communicating speech patterns or intentions of the characters, and there are tutorials about it out there but I wasn’t able to find my favourites on command............. sorry................ But I’m peppering this in just so you’re on the lookout for all the other cool things that go into comic making :)
Hope this helped!
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perfectly-unsad · 2 years
Attack on Titan Headcanons
Warnings - 18+, SFW + NSFW headcanons for all characters, general h/cs, their favourite body parts, kinks I think they’d have, fem anatomy assumed for reader, mentions of mental illness in Reiners section, not proof read
Includes - Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Historia, Ymir, Levi, Erwin, Miche, Hange, Reiner, Bertholt, Annie, Porco, Zeke, Pieck
A/N - Writing these with the canon universe in mind! I’ve tried to include most characters because I hate when I see my favs left out! If I missed anyone that you want to read, or you want more details on a certain topic or character feel free to submit it as a request <3
He has a huge sweet tooth, loves to treat himself with chocolates or pastries but loves them even more when you buy them for him, but if you MADE them for him!!!! He’s in love
He is VERY temperamental and any little thing can change his mood but luckily for you he is also a very good communicator and will always tell you what’s upset him
I feel like his love language would be quality time. You don’t have to be doing the same thing, just knowing you’re with him brings him a lot of comfort
Eren is a brat tamer!! He likes it when you act up because he loves putting you in your place. He’ll tolerate your attitude in public but don’t make the mistake of thinking he didn’t notice how you rolled your eyes at something he said or how you replied far too sarcastically to his question because he’ll definitely get a whimpering apology out of you later
Besties this may be the monster fucker in me talking but if you asked him he would definitely be willing to let you see what that Titan form tongue does
His favourite body part of yours is your hair. He’ll run his hands through it when you guys cuddle, he’ll always smell it when you hug, he’ll absent-mindedly twirl the ends whenever he can and of course he’d ball it up in his fist to pull your head up when he’s hitting it from behind<3
Kinks include light bondage, impact play, hair pulling, and risky public sex, he’s definitely a thrill seeker
The best boyfriend! Will always notice when something is wrong and does whatever he can to fix it or comfort you.
If you have trouble sleeping he will read to you as a background noise to try get you to sleep
Always kisses you goodnight and goodbye
His love language is physical touch. Hear me out! He spends a lot of time thinking stuff through, and gentle touches really help ground him and bring him back to reality. Touching his arm, wrapping your arms around him, kissing him, it all reminds him to be present in the moment with you
10000% a sub. I cannot in any universe see this man as a dom in any scenario, it’s just not on the cards. He would definitely try for you if you asked but I don’t think it would go very well and you would end up in chargeo
He will let you peg him
His favourite body part of yours is your lips. He loves loves LOVES kissing and will especially want to kiss you when you’re being intimate. He also loves hearing you talking about literally anything and everything
Kinks include sensory deprivation (he likes being blindfolded), temperature play (especially using ice) and he wants all the praise in the world!
We already know that she will do literally anything for you, anything…
She’s definitely the type to absolutely spoil you with romantic moments! She’ll dance with you in the rain, she’ll pick up flowers and pretty rocks that remind her of you, she’ll watch the sunset with you and she will take the best care of you when you’re sick
Her love language is acts of service, hands down. Anything she can do for you, she will. You casually mentioned how you miss the muffins your mother used to make for you? Better believe she’s trying thousands of muffin recipes in an attempt to recreate them for you.
She is a switch but is definitely more of a sub. To everyone else she is the baddest bitch around, right? She’s never been one to shy away from voicing her opinions and doing what she believes is right regardless of her orders. However, she loves that she trusts you enough to allow you to take control, and with her love comes her obedience so she will follow all of your orders<3
Her favourite body part of yours is your legs. Wrap your legs around her when you’re cuddling and she melts! Rest your legs on her when you’re laying down, she loves it!
Kinks include mutual masturbation, orgasm denial and praise
Huge flirt! Even after years of being together his flirtatious playful comments still leave you red faced and swooning (which is good because at first he was a very awkward flirter)
It takes a while for him to open up to you but once he does he becomes sooooo soft and will often confide in you, especially when he’s having a hard day
He has a good relationship with his mother and as such I do think he would like to be “looked after” by his s/o. Not in a demanding or entitled way, and he would definitely show you how grateful he is every time you make him food, wash his clothes, clean the dishes etc. he isn’t ever taking you for granted!
His love language is gift giving and it’s really cute because he does it in kind of an awkward way? He’ll be shy when presenting you a gift, at first you think he’s embarrassed to be admitting that he thought of you when he saw some silly little knick knack but actually he’s just worried you won’t like it! This sweet man!
A true switch. He can be a dom or sub depending on the mood but his main goal is always making sure you’re having a good time. We love a considerate king. His favourite position is cowgirl because he loves making eye contact and kissing your neck while you ride him.
His favourite body part of yours is your neck! Better believe he marks you the fuck up with hickies! He loves feeling your pulse on his lips and the sounds you make when his teeth graze your sensitive skin
Kinks include wax play, edging, oral sex giving and receiving. He will definitely finish while eating you out, and around here we find that incredibly sexy
This man loves playing games. Not mind games, like, actual games. He’s super competitive though so it’s never going to just be a chill game of charades with Connie because he is always playing to win, especially if Jean is playing too.
He will defend you about anything to anyone. You’re trying to convince everyone that 2+2=5? Connie will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to prove that you are right, however, as soon as it’s just you two he is definitely gonna be like “babe, what the fuck?” Defend in public, correct in private!
His love language is physical touch and he will practically be glued to your hip. You’re watching a movie and get up to get some water? Connie is following you into the kitchen holding your hand. He always has to be touching you in some way
Connie is more of a dom, but if you occasionally take the lead and encourage him to sub he will be soooooo into it
His favourite body part of yours is your skin (sounds super creepy actually but trust me), he loves to see you shiver under his touch and when you get goose bumps as he lightly grazes your shoulder with his fingertips! He’s mesmerised!
Kinks include degradation (complete juxtaposition to how he talks to you outside of the bedroom!), body worship and breath play
I headcanon that Sasha isn’t a great cook, she’ll just eat anything so if you can cook one good meal for her then you’ve won her over
She loves pet names and general cutesy relationship stuff! She doesn’t do big romantic moments like Mikasa but she will never stop doing little things like take you out for dinner, buy you flowers and plan anniversary events
Her love language is gift giving, especially food. We all know that it’s pretty rare for Sasha to share food, but she’ll even give you the bigger half of food she breaks in two<3
Pillow princess! She feels bad about it, but she’s really shy when it comes to intimacy like that at first
However, once you get her more comfortable she is the BEST at eating you out. Lay on your back, sit on her face, she’ll also eat you out from behind she really cannot get enough!
Her favourite body part of yours is your tongue. She really likes making out, slow and sensual or heated and passionate she loves it all. She also likes other things you do with your tongue and I h/c that she’s got quite a high libido
Kinks include food play (obvious but true, starts with something simple like coconut oil but Sasha will lick whipped cream off of any part of your body with GUSTO), lots and lots of praise and light pain
Ride or die kind of girlfriend. She’s very sweet and nice until someone hurts you physically or just hurts your feelings, then she’s out for blood
She’s very protective and if she sees someone flirting with you she does get jealous and it’s adorable because she gets all moody but is very easy to make her smile again
Will always put your happiness first, for better or worse
Her love language is acts of service. Remember how she carried Daz around that snowy mountain? She would do so much more for you
She is more of a sub and wouldn’t take it upon herself to try and be dominant
Her favourite body part of yours is your waist. She loves she wrap her arms around your waist when she hugs you and she’ll often trace the curves of your body with a gentle touch
Kinks include teasing, lingerie (especially anything lacy), gags and forced orgasm
You really do not need a man to feel safe because Ymir will, without hesitation, cut a bitch for you
Unlike Historia, if she sees someone flirting with you or working themselves up to flirt with you she’ll encourage them “yeah, she’s so hot, right? You should go and talk to her” and then when they get rejected she makes sure they see her walking out with you wrapped around her arm
She really fell for you when you actually took the time to get to know her, rather than being turned away by her initial off putting personality you continued to want to get to know her
Her love language is quality time. She loves being around you as often as possible and never gets sick of you
Dom energy all the way. It would take a lot to get her to sub for anyone and she is a huge service dom, she gets all her pleasure from seeing how good she makes you feel
Her favourite part of your body is your forehead. She’s quite tall and loves to give you forehead kisses, as well as forehead flicks when you’re being dumb. She’ll also press her forehead against yours to look into your eyes when she’s feeling extra sappy
Kinks include body worship, begging, hand cuffs and over stimulation
Very much a “cold person, except when it comes to you” kind of man but he’s still never overly lenient with you and would probably actually hold you to a higher standard than others
He is very used to having to look after himself and others so I think he’d be really taken aback if you looked after him. Cooked him food, bought him gifts, cleaned up any mess, and omg if you washed his hair for him? He might just cry (but won’t ever admit that)
He will grow his own food whenever possible. He loves eating fruit, veggies, herbs that he has grown in his own little garden, although he doesn’t grow any flowers or unusable plants
Will sometimes act like he isn’t too interested in some things you’re saying but he will remember pretty much everything you tell him about yourself
His love language is acts of service, he isn’t exactly “loud” with his love and I think he’d be shy to verbally express just how much he loves you so he would show you in quieter ways. Tea in the morning, fixing anything out of place on your outfit, double checking ODM gear. All are his subtle way of saying he loves you.
Bonus: Levi loves to receive words of affirmation, especially on unexpected things! People often tell him how strong he is, so when you mention that you love how gentle his touch is he melts
There are two common Levi headcanons that I personally don’t agree with, the first is that people think he’d be a really rough dom that uses a lot of slapping, choking, degradation etc but… that just doesn’t add up for me? His mother was a prostitue and I believe that although she tried to shelter as much of that lifestyle from him as possible he would have some idea of how violent men can be with women and he HATES it! The second headcanon is that fellow Levi stans love the idea of him having a huge fat cock and I get it, I really do, we all love that, but girlies, this man is 5’3 there is no way he’s packing 7+ inches. I h/c he’s probably 5.5 inches and it’s literally the prettiest one you’d ever see
Saying that, Levi is most definitely a service dom. Another man who would finish as he eats you out, and I will reiterate we LOVE THAT AROUND HERE!
His favourite body part of yours is your chest (not your boobs). When you’re sleeping, he will sometimes place a hand on your chest just to feel your heartbeat and remind himself that you’re alive and you’re his. He’s lost a lot of people he cares about, and whenever you can’t be with him when he wakes up he can feel quite anxious until he sees you
Speaking of, this man takes his title as “humanity’s strongest soldier” VERY seriously when it comes to you, regardless of your skill. He will not let you go anywhere dangerous without him to watch your back unless there is absolutely no other choice
Kinks include handcuffs, slight power play (the way that you specifically call him Captain), begging, light biting + back scratching and heavy on the praise
Doesn’t seem like it but is low-key a huge romantic! Candle lit dinners, dancing in the living room to your favourite song, tracks when there will be meteor showers so you can watch them together, going on horse rides together etc
Loves listening to you talk about things you’re passionate about, equally loves telling you about things he’s passionate about
Secretly assigns you to the safer positions on missions beyond the wall in the Long Range Scouting Formation
His love language is quality time and you CANNOT convince me otherwise! He spends so much time doing paperwork, can you imagine how much he’d love it if you came to just be around him while he did that? Immediately he’s smiling
Erwin is a dom, there’s no debating it. Getting him to sub? Impossible
Now… I just know this man is slinging a horse cock. It’s big. It’s fucking huge.
Favourite body part is the small of your back. He often rests his hand there when you’re in public and he loves how you react to his touch
Kinks include thigh riding (he’s too busy working so you have to use his thigh to get off, Erwin please give me one chance!), cock warming, spanking, discipline and voyeurism (you’re not allowed to touch him or yourself if you’ve been particularly bratty)
More of the oblivious type. He genuinely doesn’t understand why you get so flustered when he gets super close to sniff you
I feel like when you were first assigned to his squad and he sniffed you, you slapped him thinking he was some creep. Gelgar would burst out laughing and Nanaba would let you know you just slapped your new Captain and that he isn’t a creep he just has an incredible sense of smell… instant regret
He fell in love with you when you bought him a succulent plant instead of flowers and told him that you thought he’d prefer something with a less overwhelming scent. He keeps every single thing you bring him, pretty rocks, unique leaves, he loves it all
His love language is words of affirmation. He is a man of few words, but will always tell you when you do a good job and he never fails to compliment you on your actions or appearance!
Miche is a switch but leans more towards being a dom
He’s a panty sniffer, it’s literally canon (it’s not)
His favourite body part of yours is your thighs. He likes putting his hand on your thigh when you sit next to each other, and he likes resting his head on your thighs when he’s laying down
Kinks include crotch sniffing, sleep play, orgasm control and rope bondage
They have this ability mastered where they are able to get you to try new stuff and do new things just outside of your comfort zone but without overwhelming you. It’s opened you up to a lot of fun new stuff to do together!
You are the only person they prioritises over their Titan research! Saying that, they are still super passionate about their work and you and Moblit are constantly sweating it about their safety
They love love LOVE surprising you. They’ll spend the entire day acting like they’ve forgotten about your anniversary or some other special day and you fall for it every time, but they’ve actually planned some kind of elaborate thoughtful gesture for you
Speaking of celebrating, never again will you hate your birthday! They makes you feel so special and will dote on you all day
They are very mothering! “What have you eaten today?” “Did you warm up before this exercise?” “You shouldn’t wear those wet clothes, you’ll get sick!”
Their love language is physical touch. They will often brush against you, grab your hands in excitement, lean on you etc they find it very comforting and grounding to just feel you
They are definitely a dom but can be convinced to sub for you, but it takes some persuading
Their favourite body part of yours is your ears. Look at Hange and tell me they aren’t an ear nibbler. You can’t fucking do it because it’s true!
Kinks include shibari, blood play (mild), whips, dacryphilia as a result of overstimulation (not pain!)
I think people often shy away from talking about Reiners mental health, but fuck that, I will speak this man’s truth. I mean, we saw how he reacted as he came to terms with betraying all of his friends and now add in him betraying us, the person he has fallen so very deeply in love with!
Reiner is, at first, very reluctant to fall for you but he just can’t help it. Once he’s accepted that it’s very difficult for him and his Dissociative Identity Disorder really helps him cope with that. I mean, he loves you more than anything, right? So how could he…?
If you were from Marley and defended him against Porco, he’s instantly falling for you
He often has bad dreams and while everyone else sees him as the “reliable big brother” you get glimpses of how much he really struggles behind the scenes. So, when he wakes up to you cuddled up close to him it’s a big relief and source of comfort. Who would have thought that the big tough guy of the 104th is actually a big teddy bear
Unlike Levi, I agree with a lot of the fan headcanons for Reiner, include his desperate need for a hug and someone to tell him that they’re proud of him! Do this, and his heart will belong to you forever
As such, his love language is physical touch. He often tries to initiate gentle touches in the hope that you do it back. E.g. he will wrap his arms around you and lay his head on your chest hoping you’d play with his hair, rub his back, put your hand on his arm just anything!
He would dom at first, but once he’s more comfortable with you he likes it when you take over sometimes
I h/c that Reiner is pretty big and girthy, he doesn’t want to hurt you so the first couple of times it’s a little clumsy but when this man learns how to properly use it + his intense desire to make you feel good? Fucking. Hell.
His favourite body part of yours is your butt. Reiner is an ass man (I mean, did you guys see how many times he talked about asses? Way more than any other character!), not sexually but he will also rest his hand on your butt absent-mindedly and give it a gentle squeeze
Kinks include body worship (giving and receiving), anything with nipples (big titty sucker), BREEDING, voyeurism, light teasing and PRAISE
Bonus: not really a kink but Reiner will often hold your hand when he fucks you<3
Simp, simp, simp, SIIIIMMMPPPP!!! He’s super shy at first but once you’re in an established relationship this man will worship the ground you walk on and he’s always hitting you with the “you look so beautiful today” type compliments
He will always brag about you to other people, your skills, how kind you are, how funny you are, your achievements, he is your biggest fan honestly
I h/c that Bertolt has a huge soft spot for stray animals. He is forever bringing back stray cats and dogs to your house and sometimes injured wildlife
His love language is quality time! He would literally spend every waking moment with you if he could. Whenever you’re not next to him he’s always keeping an eye out for you
Sub. This man is a complete sub.
His favourite body part of yours is your back. He often runs his fingers down your back to make you shiver and loves planting gentle kisses along your spine
Kinks include orgasm denial (receiving), face sitting, teasing and massages (giving) that lead to sex
Surprisingly very romantic. When you get closer to her she becomes less cold and distant and reveals her much softer, romantic side
Annie gives off major friends to lovers vibes
Eager to please, she will do things for you to make you happy like bring you cool stuff she finds that reminds her of you and will go way outside of her comfort zone as long as the end result makes you smile
I feel like she has a hard time verbalising her emotions so she often writes you letters to express her feelings for you and omg they are some of the most beautiful and poetic words you could ever hope to read
Her love language is gift giving. Not only will she buy you gifts whenever they remind her of you, but she will also collect things like rocks and feathers to give to you and she will make stuff for you too like cute little daisy chains!
Annie is another true switch, she’s perfectly comfortable being a sub or a dom!
Her favourite part of your body is your eyes! Although she isn’t very expressive, the closer you get to her the more you come to recognise her minor body language details that others might miss. One perfect example of this is how her brow ever so slightly relaxes and her eyes soften when she looks into yours. It’s her happy place
Kinks include silk/satin use, degradation, wax and mutual masturbation
His method of flirting is definitely bullying you. It’s childish but he never grew out of it!
Very easy to make him jealous and he is so fine when he’s jealous. He’d never admit how much it annoyed him that Zeke said you looked nice one day, he tries to act like he didn’t care at all but it was sooooo obvious that he was jealous!
He acts annoyed doing chivalrous things for you but he secretly loves doing them. He’ll give a “be careful, idiot” when you’re walking on the side of the pavement that the cars drive on and quickly swap places with you. He’ll playfully roll his eyes when you thank him for holding a door open for you and he’ll act like he was “too hot anyway” when you mention that you’re cold and he gives you his coat.
His love language is words of affirmation but with a slightly mean twist. He would notice you’re feeling insecure and when you tell him why he’ll be all “what? Are you blind? You look beautiful”
Dom, and he’s a mean one too! Not every time, he does enjoy softer intimate sex when you both feel like that
His favourite body part of yours is your hips. He loves biting them and bruising the, with his fingertips while he holds you in place while fucking you. Romance isn’t dead<3
Kinks include rough sex, impact play, marking, exhibitionism (not so much having people watch but definitely letting them hear you screaming for him), hair pulling and knife play
Forever picking you flowers. He doesn’t really buy flowers, but whenever he sees a pretty one he’ll think of you and have to pick it
Enjoys having very philosophical conversations with you, especially at night when you guys are just laying together
The type of guy who will secretly take dance classes so that he can surprise you with a romantic moment on an anniversary
His love language is quality time. As long as you’re nearby he is happy, the closer the better of course but when he’s focusing on work it helps him concentrate on finishing it faster so that he can actually enjoy your company
Zeke is a dom but wouldn’t mind subbing for you occasionally. It would take some convincing but I firmly believe he’d let you peg him eventually
His favourite part of your body is your feet. I’m so sorry but I get MAJOR foot fetish vibes from Zeke
Kinks include daddy kink, face fucking, bondage and humiliation (giving)
Pieck is the type to mark pages in poetry books that remind her of you
Always greets you with a kiss, without fail! She also really enjoys doing domestic chores together with you. Cooking with Pieck is always really fun and silly
She will spoil you soooooo much. Mention that you want something? Consider it yours. Take a second glance at a piece of clothing and she’s grabbing it to buy for you. Honestly she just wants you to be happy
Her love language is physical touch. She always presses against you when you’re sitting together, she’ll make sure to intertwine your fingers when you walk together and she doesn’t care how hot it gets you WILL spoon
She is a perfect switch. When she’s domming she can be a little mean, but when she’s subbing she’s so good for you<3
Her favourite body part of yours is your fingers. She loves intertwining her fingers with yours, she loves giving you manicures, she loves buying you rings and she loves when you use your fingers to make her cum
Kinks include orgasm control (giving and receiving), begging, toys - especially a strap, and restraints
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vouam · 15 days
Hi! I’m new to tumblr and the radfem ideology and so coming across your page I’m rly curious about certain part of the “gender abolition” movement. If there was society where people base each other off of sex, but don’t attribute the stereotypes of gender onto it, then would everyone just be a collective “them?” (Without pronouns like she/him) How would pronouns work and would everyone be considered “non binary?” Also does that mean being trans and identifying as a woman is inherently against this idea? Genuinely curious because I want to know more in depth about this from your perspective:)
Hiii thanks for your question & welcome :) feel free to ask me anything else!
I’ll answer each part of your ask in bullet points.
- Pronouns
No it would not necessarily mean there’s no gendered pronouns. Every language is different and english just happens to have a female, male, collective, unspecified pronouns (he, she, they) some languages have one gender neutral pronoun, some have even more! Someone’s preferred pronouns are irrelevant tbh. If someone wants to be called he/they and they’re female it doesn’t matter - just as long as we dont redefine what woman or man means (biology)
- Would everyone be considered non-binary?
The term non-binary only exists in a world where there is social gender, it basically implies someone has ‘opted out’ of social gender and identifies with neither. In a way, yes, people in a non gendered society would technically be non binary because social gender wouldn’t exist, but a term for it wouldn’t be necessary.
- Is being trans against this idea?
Yes, because trans ideology states that socialised gender is a thing. They believe biological sex and gender are different. In my opinion, socialised gender is oppressive and also makes no logical sense, it puts men and women into social boxes which is essentially the same thing as stereotypes. It’s insensitive to claim that being a woman is a feeling or an identity when this is something biological women are oppressed for, face difficulties for since birth. Why would a male ‘identify’ as an oppressed class? It’s often rooted in fetishisation and implies that if they like feminine things, or like to present feminine - that means they’re a woman. Which is just misogynistic and implies gender non conforming women are not actually women.
Hope this made sense! If you need any of this explained more just let me know 💖
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sirenjose · 19 days
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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angelfleurry · 4 months
hii! id like to ask a nagito x fem! ultimate hope! reader, if thats ok??! thanks for the attention!! <3
♡ Nagito X Fem!! Ultimate Hope!! Reader: ♡
Thank you so much for requesting, Anon! I just LOVE writing for Nagito honestly. I’m not the most perfect at it, but something about his particular character makes it really fun to write for! I just did little headcanons if that’s okay! I wrote it assuming it was light-hearted, but if you wanted something more serious I can!!
That being said, I really hope you like it! Have a wonderful day, my love, and feel free to request again whenever!
♡ You really do live up to the title!!
♡ You’re so determined it’s incredible.
♡ Whatever you set your mind on, it will be done. You don’t quit, you don’t give up.
♡ Most of all, you encourage others to continue alongside your own journey.
♡ That inspired Nagito so very much.
♡ As the Ultimate Hope, there was no falsity in the fact that you had gone through some intense events within your life. Whatever the nature of these events, you always seemed to rise above them in some way, never letting it affect your hope.
♡ In fact, living through these events only seemed to strengthen your hope.
♡ You often felt a little silly being within Hope’s Peak. You didn’t see how your talent could compare to the rest of the student body.
♡ But when a certain Ultimate Lucky Student started gravitating towards you, you had to rethink that opinion.
♡ It was a little confusing at first, what with him suddenly seeming to devote himself entirely to you, but you came to find a friend in him.
♡ Slowly, you too had begun to devote yourself to him.
♡ Eventually, it became more than a friend you’d found.
♡ You made a point to compliment and praise Nagito whenever you could.
♡ Something about his bewildered reactions amused you, but they also do come from your heart.
♡ You knew Nagito held a rather…degrading view towards himself, and sometimes it could be incredibly difficult to break him out of it.
♡ While aware you could not magically change his self-view, you were determined to make him feel as loved as possible.
♡ And, needless to say, you did that wonderfully!
♡ It didn’t even have to be direct words of affection, once Nagito would be met with your smiling face and a sweet welcome; he’d be in a frenzy.
♡ He didn’t understand - he couldn’t understand - why him?!
♡ What he did understand, however, was that he was completely and utterly undeserving of you.
♡ You were everything he admired, everything he wanted to embody, everything good he craved in the world.
♡ You were so incredible, so determined, so very kind…
♡ And, you were devoting yourself to him. *Him*, of all people!!
♡ He couldn’t comprehend it; what were you doing?!
♡ Still, though, it was working.
♡ Slowly, but surely, he was becoming aware that you intended to stay, and that you genuinely loved him for who he was; flaws and all.
♡ He adored you, and made sure that the act of giving affection didn’t just fall upon you.
♡ Words of affirmation were an incredibly important part of your relationship, both from you to him and him to you.
♡ You were everything to him; there was nobody else he treasured more.
♡ He just couldn’t understand how he was the same to you.
♡ He sung your praises constantly, regardless as to whether or not you were around. The praise in question would be about literally anything; your talent, you as an individual, the outfit you chose to wear - you name it.
♡ He is very poetic in the way he talks about you.
♡ Cuddles are a definite must between the two of you. It took a while, with Nagito being hesitant under the belief of him tarring your perfection, but you slowly managed to get him comfortable with it.
♡ Nagito appreciates the verbal affection you give him, but something about the physical affection you give sends him spiralling.
♡ He won’t say it, but he ADORES it when you lean into him desperate to be held.
♡ He feels you wrap your arms around him, feels your head against him, and he’s a GONER. Any source of oxygen he previously had is gone.
♡ He himself doesn’t tend to initiate physical contact though. He still feels like he needs to keep a distance from you, for your own protection from his luck, but it’s not as if he doesn’t enjoy the contact you give him. He loves it, even.
♡ But then, at the same time, there are moments where Nagito has a weird surge in confidence.
♡ He’ll reach you first, keeping you close, before then apologising and reverting.
♡ It’s confusing, and you try to encourage him to just do what he wants.
♡ He’ll just a give a light hum at that.
♡ Nagito loves listening to stories about your life. It doesn’t matter if he’s heard them all, he will be listening again, and he loves it.
♡ He loves hearing about the event that made you become the Ultimate Hope, but he also loves hearing little things as well. Anything about you, anything at all, he’ll whole-heartedly listen.
♡ You two can often be found curled up reading books together. It can be your own individual tastes, or you’ll both have a copy of the same book.
♡ The silence isn’t awkward, it’s rather calming. Nagito appreciates that you can be in his company without needing much communication. It brings him some reassurance about the nature of his luck.
♡ Sometimes you’ll go to the river and read, which is always so lovely. The birds and the gentle gushing sounds of the water always bring such a charm to the activity.
♡ You have this selection of perfume and scented body scrubs that you rotate on a monthly basis and he ADORES IT.
♡ He just thinks it’s so precious how you find joy in pampering yourself, and the gorgeous scents are always welcomed.
♡ In fact, you’ve offered some of your stuff to him before, and he loves the designs of the products. He finds them so beautiful.
♡ Certain scents just remind him of you now.
♡ He’s a darling when you’re on your period.
♡ He’s a little hesitant, unsure of whether or not he’s being patronising, but he tries to envision himself in your situation and is just so great at making sure you’re comfortable; even if you know how to live with it.
♡ To him, you’re so very dear, and he wants you to be happy.
♡ That ties in to the physical affection once again. You’ve both shared kisses on a few occasions, and everytime he finds himself questioning why you, the Ultimate Hope herself, are willing to partake in such intimacy with him.
♡ He worries he’s going to do something wrong, or that his luck will play up, or that you’ll grow tired of him and leave, but…
♡ Once your lips meet his, his mind kind of clouds over.
♡ You’re so delicate as he holds you close, butterflies kicking his stomach from all angles, fingers gently caressing the ends of your hair.
♡ Even just little, quick, kisses are everything to him. When you kiss his hand, or peck his forehead, or even plant one upon his nose, he’s smitten every time.
♡ You’ve fallen asleep whilst with him a few times, and every time he always stops to gaze at you in awe.
♡ “So peaceful..” he’d whisper, breath hitching, a soft fuzziness in his chest, “So…perfect.”
♡ He just likes to watch.
♡ He’s fallen asleep as well, and sometimes awakens to you playing with his hair.
♡ You do that when he’s awake as well, gently brushing through it and just fluffing it around.
♡ He just adores and appreciates you whole-heartedly. You really are his hope, his light, and he would do anything for you.
♡ He would die for you, self-inflicted or not.
♡ But, just having you there with him will do.
♡ He likes that a lot.
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Tism, but military propaganda
Task force 141 x Autistic!Gn!Reader Warnings: None really A/N: I feel like theres a good chunk of the cod fandom is people who saw the mw2 remake and heard "A new hand touches the beacon". But with a special interest y'know, anyways shout out the the autistic propaganda enjoyers, I love y'all. John Price
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Once you tell Price, he had to do a lot of research. He knew autism existed and you would have sensory needs because of it, but that was about it.
He goes through his entire house to make sure you'd be comfortable in it (When he learned how certain fabrics make you feel he found any he had in his house and chucked them in the bin.)
Horrible at remembering information and lore about your special interest(s), that doesn't mean he doesn't try though.
Every time you start talking about it Price stops what he's doing if he can and listens to you and asks questions even if it's a very niche topic.
Sometimes when he has a stack of paperwork to do he'll ask you to talk to him about it because he knows it makes you happy and he loves your voice.
When he can, Price will stock up on all of your safe foods so even while he's deployed you'll have a little stash to eat. When his missions last months on end don't be surprised if you find "random" packages of your safe foods and snacks at your doorstep.
If or when you both move in together, you have free rein to make the house perfect for your needs.
Posters, figures or stuffies you want to put around the house because they make you happy? Weird little thing you picked up on a whim that looks a little questionable? Copious amounts of little trinkets?
Put them anywhere you'd like.
Tell him offhandedly one day about how much you despise the overhead lights in rooms Price is already asking your opinions on different small lamps.
Doesn't completely understand what stimming is but he's supportive. He buys you any fidget toys, chew-able things or anything of the like if you want them.
He'll be a little concerned if you vocal stim a lot but tell him it's a normal thing and he'll just say "Oh, alright"
The second you start getting overstimulated or just done with being in public, Price already has his keys out. If your not happy he's not happy, if he can you'll find yourself out of that situation and going home in record timing. Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Lets be honest, Ghost is too.
When you tell him he gives you a thumbs up and asks what some of your sensory needs are.
His special interest is anything knives, so if yours is anything related to knives you're in luck. One of the only times he'll be extremely talkative is if you ask him about them.
For the most part though, Ghost prefers to listen to you talk about what you like. He likes listening to your voice, it calms him down.
If you see some merch of something you really love, or a stuffed animal of your favorite animal he'll not-so-discreetly use his military money to good use.
Not only is Ghost extremely good at listening to you talk about your special interest(s), but he has a weirdly good memory when it comes to it as well.
He could forget what he had for breakfast but he could repeat that fun fact you told him a week ago word for word.
Not great at cooking, actually pretty bad at it, but if he can find a recipe on a dish that you love he'll make sure that it's cooked perfectly to how you like it. Just for you.
Ghost understands how hard it can be to de-mask, both literally and mentally, and he still struggles sometimes on what is him and what is his mask. So if you start trying to learn to de-mask more he'll be extremely supportive.
If you ever go non-verbal around him, Ghost would not care at all (In a good way)
Most likely already knows BSL if you want to sign with him, otherwise he doesn't mind trying to find a way to communicate.
Chances are if you start getting over stimulated or uncomfortable somewhere, he doesn't want to be there either so he'll be happy to just up and leave. If you're too nervous to excuse yourself, he'll bluntly tell whoever is there that you're both leaving and do just that.
Ghost doesn't stim a lot but he loves when you do. He sees it as you feeling safe and comfortable enough around him that you're open with your expression.
When he goes on deployment, he always leaves some little trinket he knows you'll love on the kitchen counter for you to find
Usually it's a new fidget, something related to your special interest, or something skull related
He always feels so happy when he sees or hears you stimming around him in any way, it just reminds him how he loves you. Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
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The king of making sure all your needs are met
Also, amazing communication skills, he always makes sure to check in with you to see how you're doing throughout the day
If you let him, he'll host little 'slumber parties' where he'll gather a bunch of snacks, blankets and let you pick a show/movie for you both to watch.
Bonus points if it's something you've seen a million times before, he loves when you know little tid-bits about your favorite movies
Loves listening to you talk about any special interest you may have
He's a curious lad so expect him to ask a lot of questions about everything
Off topic, Gaz makes really good french toast.
Gaz is really good at memorizing the brands you like, he absolutely refuses to buy you a different brand without consulting you first.
"Angel, they're out of the normal one, should I get something else or forget it?"
Researches your special interest(s), especially if it's really niche or taboo, so he can keep up with you
If he sees anything with your special interest on it he'll buy it without a thought if you don't stop him
He finds any of your stimming adorable
If you own any chelwery/things to chew on he'd get interested and buy one for himself
Absentmindedly gnaws on it when he's doing something mundane, not a big fan of how much it makes him salivate though
If you get overstimulated when you're both out and about Gaz would find a quiet and secluded area for you both to take a break at.
If you tell him you just want to head home he won't judge you, he'd do anything to make sure you're happy and comfortable John 'Soap' Mactavish
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*Cough* diagnosed ADHD *cough*
Will spend 30 minutes looking at two different brands of one of your safe food trying to remember which is the 'good' one
He ended up having to call you after he started convincing himself you didn't even like the food
Heard you joking about liking sharks once and now he buys everything shark themed he saw
100% will talk to people if you don't want to/feel uncomfortable talking
Will also punch someone if they make fun of your autistic traits within 50 miles of him
He'll trade facts about your special interests for facts about different explosives
Soap would try to teach you how to make a bomb
Soap would deny ever trying to teach you how to make a bomb
Soap would high five you if you ever "somehow" learned how to make a bomb and then blew something up with it
If you don't like overhead lights because they're icky he'll replace all of the normal lights in the house with disco bulbs
Can't fold like a wet tissue to bright lights if you're too busy boogieing
Usually hates doing dishes by hand because of, ironically, the soap
But if it comes down to it and you cringe at the mere thought of touching wet food, he'd happily wash dishes in your honor
He knows that he can be pretty loud so when he's around you he'll make a conscious effort to be a little quieter
Painfully oblivious most of the time so if you start to get overstimulated and need to leave someplace, you’ll probably have to point blank tell him
Once you do though you're both out of there
Soap does everything short of picking you up and sprinting to the exit
--------------- Hope this was good, please don't steal this and reposts are appreciated. Thanks for readin'
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Spoilers under the cut of course
Disclaimer: I spent 2 hours on this post making theories up as I went. It's probably not making sense in some ways but at this point I just want to finish it because even if it was fun to write I'm kind of too tired of it to reread it for typos and everything. Please feel free to point out things that do not make sence and make your own theories (I love reading them and will probably reply but I'm just done at the moment), but I won't change anything on this post because I don't want to spend another 2 hours or more theorising.
Okay so there a lot happening in this episode... Let's talk about Today's "Protagonist" statement, Darrien.
Statement and Research assessment for candidate PD553 Magnus Institute – Oxford Outreach Centre. Private and confidential. Viability as subject – low Viability as agent – low Viability as catalyst – low Recommend continued incarceration as part of Welling Mutare Materia research program.
The Magnus institute makes a comeback ! In this document, Darrien is said to be a candidate, not a patient, not a suspect, a candidate.
And with it's viability on everything, I'm part of the people convinced TMAGP Magnus Institute served the same purpose as the Institute for TMA.
Viability as catalyst - For me, a catalyst would be the tipping point to send the world into an apocalypse, (so the equivalent of Jon/the Archivists).
Viability as agent – For the Agents, I think this would be more like the Assistants in TMA. Here to "help" the catalyst reach the goal of the Institute. Or also maybe something kind of similar to the Externals of the OIAR, to take care of "nuisances" Viability as subject – I'm a bit more lost considering the subjects. But it could perhaps be "Test subjects", in a trying artefacts and spooky powers on them way ? This is the one I'm less certain about.
One question I'm wondering, is the Magnus Institute still fully Eye aligned, perhaps being more controled by the Web, or since the fears have been said to be more muddled in TMAGP (Said by Jonny or Alex if I'm right), just wanting to bring the apocalypse without any perticular Fear getting more control ?
Coming back to Darrien.
He got caught, probably having Sharon tipping the institute off (With a Statement perhaps ? Having your violent boss mysterious half-brother/doppleganger killing him and taking his place would probably work as a statement)
I’ve lived Darien’s life for four years now. It wasn’t as hard as you’d think, turns out your world and mine are pretty similar.
The whole statement makes me think of the woman in TMA with Hill Top Road, who 'slipped' into another world.
And of course, of the person classifying this statement, our dear Celia.
The Case finishes and CELIA considers it for a moment. ALICE is sat nearby working with headphones on. CELIA (to computer) Thanks, I guess. Not exactly the same is it? ALICE (removing earbuds) What's up? Got a good one? CELIA Nothing useful. ALICE (returning earbuds) I mean when are they ever? CELIA True. Beat. She sighs. CELIA CONT. (to herself) True.
I have to admit first, one of the first thoughts that came to mind on the Celia situation after this episode was "She didn't kill her other self to steal her son and her place, right ?"
But, this part makes me think otherwise
Thanks, I guess. Not exactly the same is it?
Not exactly the same, so I'm more of the opinion that she relates more to the 'getting stuck in another world' part rather then the 'murdering your other self'.
The baby, Jack could have came from her pre-TMA apocalypse life, which could explain the lack of father (hard to ask for child support from a man you don't remember in another world (if she is the same Celia as in TMA, and don't even remember her own name, Id say it's not too far fetched that she might not remember a significant other), with the pregnancy perhaps having been halted from progressing by the domains, a cryptic pregnancy or just something that wasn't mentioned in the TMA episodes or more simply, it could be a one night stand that lead to nowhere in TMAGP world.
Now at this point, I think it's pretty safe to say that Celia came to work in the OIAR looking for information, on how she came to this world or the reason she seems to sleepwalk.
Talking about her sleepwalking accidents, she woke up next to an highway and on the tracks of a train. Now I wonder why whatever is trying to kill her by putting her in dangerous situations, because I don't think normal sleepwalking takes you to Oxford.
Writing this I realised the document mentionned Oxford Outreach Center as some kind of a branch of the Magnus Institute, and it's also mentioned as a place where the rich Darrien had gone to university.
So there the possibility that something is trying to kill her (perhaps because she doesn't belong in this world), but also she could be attracted to some kind of place ?
1: It's located in Oxford
2: There is multiple universities around it
So she could be attracted to Hill Top Road because there might be some kind of pull to it for people from other universes. Because at this point I don't think her and Darrien are the only ones that ended up in another universe.
Anyway, there was a new receptionist behind the old front desk, some big, soft looking guy who stumbled over every word. A year ago, it would have probably wound me right up but what can I say? Therapy works. There was another patient too, some bookish-looking guy with serious city miles. I used to play the game “what are you in for” where I would pass the time guessing… well, you know. In my head he was definitely some kind of weird pervert, really into stroking orchids or something. Thinking back, I almost wonder if the same thing happened to them… Do you know? Would you even tell me if you did?
This feels a LOT like a red hearing, I can almost hear Jonny and Alex cackling knowing we would freak out about those descriptions. I want JonMart to be okay, but I think they could just be lookalikes of TMA Jmart. Or just alternate universe versions of Jon and Martin because i'm still dead set on the TMA Jon, Martin and Jonah are stuck in the putter theory.
If I'm following the dopplegangers we have here, Darrien ended up with his other self and killed him. Celia (aka probably TMA Lynne Hammond), couldn't remember her own name, so it could probably be difficult to track her TMAGP self (who would probably still be name Lynne since Celia only lost her name in the apocalypse) if she has one, suffer from sleepwalking that tries to kill her/bring her back to Hill Top Road.
Could something try to eliminate doppegangers so there is only one left in a universe ? And since Celia can't find TMAGP Lynne, something could try to make things "right" by killing one the double.
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ok so i accidentally deleted the draft but a while back an anon asked me basically saying they had read Gone (are the Days) and wanted other good fanfic recs. and this was my response LMAO
hmm !! this may surprise you but i actually don’t consume that much fanfic. partially because i’m picky, partially bc i tend to consume content slowly or bounce around a lot, etc
i will say a general tip is to sort by bookmarks or kudos to get the good stuff and filter by specific tags as well! like i just read mage pride which is the top bookmarked item in the viravos tag and it was definitely worth the hype!!
if you enjoyed gone are the days,
you’d probably like the Professor Next Door by detectiphoenix (also a professor au but high school teachers!) besides that, here are some viravos fanfic i’ve enjoyed, off the top of my head:
(for context i’m not hyper into smut personally or try to find variety/creativity and i’m biased towards certain things lol but)
Mage Pride by luminiex - This is the top bookmarked fic in the viravos tag, and for good reason! While it is written after S2 and has more sympathetic Aaravos than in canon, it is still very well done in my opinion. I also love whatever it takes by them, it’s great if you don’t like smut too! Aaravos and Viren living together in this plane together lives rent free in my head 😭 I also love their fic where Aaravos gets to meet Viren’s family :)
Recidivism by indefensibleselfindulgence/ @iamalivenow - the viren characterization is everything, it takes place in s2 prison era, and it’s very humorous!
The Sound of His Voice by portmanteau_press - very very cool setup/worldbuilding concept i think
Constellation of the Heart by @yurayuramiharin - This fic is one of my absolute favorites and has inspired some of the art I’ve done as well! As someone who loves vintage & goth subculture & IS a baby bat in college I feel like I resonate with it really well! I love the taking of the worldbuilding of the dragon prince recontextualized in a college setting and the way Aaravos was actually an inspiration for Bowie & caused Viren to question his sexuality!! It’s so deliciously perfect but sadly unfinished, but I would say it’s still definitely worth the read! It doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger either, just one of the best burns ever 😁
Touch of a Star by @detectiphoenix - really unique take on what it’s like to touch Aaravos, I adore it sm and think about it everyday too. Fluffy S5 extrapolation/continuation
To Serve or Slaughter by beastlybrooke - viravos recontextualized as vampires like castlevania my other recent fixation? sign me up. it’s interesting how viren’s prejudice towards elves is recast as a prejudice towards vampires, and aaravos’s fight towards the elves and view towards humans i love it everything
honorary mention ficlets:
the stars they lie by rikku - this is short but i really like the way they incorporate virrow and mindgames, as well as enby aaravos :)
Checkmate by @thrandilf is also short and sweet but i adore it, i think about the alternate versions of the s5 trailer sm and even tried writing my own a few times but they never went that far but yeah i love it and they have other fics that are great too
respect his decision by @vestaldestroyer because aaravos didn’t have to revive viren s4 but he did and ughgghhghh while i don’t think he cares that much cause he might have just been using the revival as a way in with claudia and continuation of all that, there’s always that off chance and he doesn’t even realize how attached he is and love is just that huge when you’re that old and powerful, large enough to move mountains and yeah </3
i’d put my own can you stay by @self-spaghettification but that’d seem a bit unfair lol
there’s probably others i’ve yet to read or that are cool but i don’t remember or that have some good parts but are kind of iffy imo but those are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head i’m sorry </3
but i’ve also have been compiling a list of fic ratings on a google doc and uhh its not really sharable in any way, but a while ago I also had a website concept where people could share fic ratings like goodreads but for ao3 with some other site inspo in the mix that i spent a few hours sketching out the concept of but idk if i should share but yeah :)
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