#if i do then yes xiao xingchen and song lan are coming in too
shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy Pride! One of the genderbendy stories, please? Lady Mo, maybe?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Xuanyu groans and rolls her eyes when Lan Wangji insists on treating her wounds before they continue, but apparently decides she's tested his patience enough for one evening because she says, "Fine," and and begins to untie her robe.
He steps closer and grabs her wrists. "What are you doing?"
She looks up at him and this close he can see the exhaustion lingering in her dark eyes. "You just said you wanted to bandage me up before we left again!"
"You cannot undress in front of," he gestures around them.
She frowns, following his hand, and then looks down at herself. "Oh. Right, forgot that mattered now." He quirks an eyebrow and she blinks, face going a shade paler before she pastes a too wide smile across her face. "Okay, well, the carriage then?" She doesn't wait for him to answer, instead raising her voice to shout, "Sizhui, make sure our guests get something to eat before we get moving."
"Yes, Lady Xuanyu," Sizhui says, more formerly than he would normally, but Sizhui takes after him in that he tends to fall back on formality when he's feeling out of sorts.
Lan Wangji sighs and leads her to the carriage with a hand on the small of her back. His instinct is to grab her arm and drag her there, but she gets squirmy and argumentative, and he's had quite enough of both.
She hops into the carriage, only wincing at little at the sudden motions, and he follows her in, setting down the supplies he'd grabbed and then closing the doors firmly behind them.
"It's really not that bad," she says as she undoes her robes and slides them down her shoulders. "We'll have time to bathe when we arrive at Koi Tower and I could have just cleaned them there. They don't really need bandages."
He ignores her and doesn't let his eyes linger on her breasts even as he gets flash of memory of closing his lips around a small, dark nipple and biting, his tongue running the indents his teeth had left in soft flesh.
"You didn't need to go running off alone," he says, hoping it's dark enough that she doesn't see the flush he can feel crawling up his neck.
She scoffs as he presses a damp cloth against the stab wound between her shoulder and collarbone, cleaning away the tacky blood. "Song Lan needed help and he's my friend."
Lan Wangji wants to ask once again how in the world she knew were Xiao Xingchen was, how she'd been able to lead Song Lan right to him, but one issue at a time. "You could have told us that and we would have helped."
"Uh huh," she says.
He presses down harder than he'd intended and she hisses in pain. He pulls back, grudgingly admitting to himself that she was right. The wound has already closed and the bruises covering her chest have turned a sickly yellow, looking days old rather than hours. He's never seen anyone improve a golden core so quickly before, especially using such dubious methods.
He doesn't want to say the wrong thing, so he gives himself time to gather his thoughts as he wrings out the cloth. "We are not the Mo. Or the Jin."
"Uh, yeah? I noticed," she answers, pulling her robes open even wider to reveal even more bruised skin and the curved slice around her right hip.
"Have you," he asks quietly, keeping his touch gentle as he cleans the blood from thigh. "You are not - you don't have to," he stops, taking a deep breath and pausing his motions so he doesn't accidentally hurt her again. "You are not required to tell me anything that you don't want me to know. However. I am your husband."
"I noticed that too," she says, voice coming out low, and Lan Wangji does not allow himself to be distracted by the fact that he's kneeling over his mostly naked wife, her body small and soft and strong, evening bleeding and bruised.
"Then you should act like it," he returns, and odd reversal of their argument after the waterfall. "In the Lan you are not a bastard daughter but my legitimate wife. If you'd told me you wished to assist Song Lan, I would have helped you, and others would have volunteered to accompany us. You would not have needed to go alone. "
Xuanyu glares at him, somehow even more compelling with the anger brightening her eyes. "I was fine alone. I didn't need you."
"This is not about needing," he says softly, "but about having. Whether you need me or not is irrelevant. You have me. Next time I hope you remember that."
He ties her inner robe together before jumping out of the carriage, leaving her to redress herself. He feels the weight of her gaze on him, but she doesn't say anything.
Lan Wangi sighs, rubbing at his forehead. He drops into the seat next to his brother, noting Sizhui and Jingyi sitting at the same table as their guests and insistently putting more and more food on their plates over their protests. Well, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen's protests. A-Qing seems quite happy to eat everything put in front of her.
Xichen raises an eyebrow.
"How long did it take Jin Guangyao to trust you?" he asks impulsively, regretting asking almost as soon as it's out of his mouth.
Xichen sighs, "Oh, Wangji," and doesn't answer.
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canary3d-obsessed · 10 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 38 part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)    
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!  
Shopping and Night Hunting
Xue Yang convinces Xiao Xingchen to take him along as his night hunting assistant, and the Empathy session jumps forward. The next thing we see is a whole street full of dead people with Xiao Xingchen standing over them with his sword, while Xue Yang looks on approvingly.  
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Xiao Xingchen explains that the whole village was Puppets, with no living people. Dude. DUDE. Even by the standards of a world that contains Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen, you are way too trusting of shit that people tell you.  
A-Qing checks the corpses and they have white eyes, which makes her think they might really be puppets. Xue Yang makes some insane faces just so we know he's not actually turned over a new leaf.
Next we see Xiao Xingchen trying to buy potatoes (this is fantasy China, not pre-Qing historical China; they can have all the potatoes they want) and a vendor telling him to scram. Is Xiao Xingchen just asking for free potatoes? Is this the first time he’s realized that doesn’t generally work?. Xue Yang menaces the vendor by loudly stabbing a potato, and then calls Xiao Xingchen back over. 
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The vendor gasps and fills up their basket with food, and Xiao Xingchen smiles because he thinks that his buddy silently convinced the guy to give them food by...being nice? Unclear.
I Ain’t Gonna Play Yi City
Next we see ultrahot Song Lan arriving at the gate of Yi City, where A-Qing is happily picking up a money purse. ...whose? Do enough living people come through here that they just casually drop money on the ground? Song Lan twigs to her not being blind pretty quickly, although for politeness sake he lets her continue to pretend.
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Song Lan asks if she's seen a white-clad sword-bearing daoist priest, and she quizzes him to make sure he's a good guy before helping him. Her entire set of security questions:
1. are you friends? 2. How tall is he?  3. is he hot? 4. What does his sword look like?
If this is not a mistranslation, these are not very good questions to ask if you want someone to believe you’re blind, incidentally.
Song Lan's answers:
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1. ............... .... ...yes 2. me and him match like a set of salt and pepper shakers 3. like, SO hot 4. It’s named Shuanghua (”splendid frost,” per Viki), as all True Sword Fans know
(more after the cut!)
These answers are correct, pretty much, so he passes the security check and she leads him into the city. He comes carrying his sword Fuxue (”blowing away snow,” roughly), his horsetail flail, and his messy, messy feelings, which are going to be his undoing.
They walk through the super-abandoned town, which has paper decorations hanging up. These paper decorations are really well made, considering that they are still there when WangXian roll up several years later.
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Song Lan has a little crisis trying to psych himself up to see Xiao Xingchen. Bro, you have been walking around looking for him for literally YEARS, and you haven't figured out what to say yet? Contrast with Lan Wangji, who went for the wrist-grab mere moments after discovering that Wei Wuxian was back, and followed it up by carrying him off to his bed. 
Enemy Mine
While he's dithering, Xue Yang comes back, and A-Qing hides while Song Lan stands there being shocked. 
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We're treated to the Xue Yang version of sweet banter, where he tricks Xiao Xingchen into picking a short straw for chores, and then tells him he was tricking him because he was blind. 
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They have a laugh together and Xue Yang is handsy with XXC, causing Song Lan to clench his fist so strongly that we can hear his knuckles cracking. 
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You knew your ex was going to be at the party; if you can’t handle seeing him with a new guy you shouldn’t have come.
Then he sees Xue Yang go out to get groceries, and he grips his flail so hard that his palm starts bleeding. That sentence is about a weapon, not about his dick, incidentally.
More Empathy
But then empathy skips ahead, showing Xiao Xingchen stabbing Song Lan, while Wei Wuxian's hands shake and he says "Song Lan, don't!" like he’s in the audience of a horror movie. A-Qing, in the present, drools up some blood, which is pretty normal for her, TBH. 
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The Lan kids are alarmed and want to wake them up, but Jin Ling says to hang in there for a bit more. For a kid, Jin Ling isn’t bad at wielding authority. 
A distraught Jingyi insists, however, so Jin Ling starts ringing the bell, and Wei Wuxian opens his eyes but doesn't come out of Empathy. He does stop skipping ahead, though, so we go back to Song Lan & Xue Yang's confrontation, which is possibly the best fight in the whole dang show.
We’re Gonna Get It On ‘Cause We Don’t Get Along
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Xue Yang comes back from the grocery store to find Song Lan perched on his roof like a sexy vengeful raven. Xue Yang greets him sexily politely and with no anxiety at all, and Song Lan attacks.
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Song Lan has had literally years to settle his mind and get his emotions under control and...he has not done that. Like, at all.
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He could have cleared this whole situation up with about four words to Xiao Xingchen, and they could have fought Xue Yang together. But he was so unready to hug it out with his ex that he opted to face Xue Yang all on his own. Dumb. Ass. 
Contrast this with Lan Wangji, who always talked to Wei Wuxian, no matter how estranged they had become. Trying to stab him counts as talking. And also contrast this with Jiang Cheng, who hashed everything out with Wei Wuxian in an excruciating public confrontation, after which they teamed up to save their nephew.  Neither of those guys let their ooky feelings stand in the way of a reconnection, and their outcomes were way, way, way better than Song Lan’s. 
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Xue Yang and Song Lan get busy fighting, and Song Lan starts asking what the fuck Xue Yang is playing at, how long has he been deceiving Xiao Xingchen, etc.   
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Xue Yang is a perceptive guy, and he points out that Song Lan is holding back because he wants to ask these questions. He’s absolutely right; Song Lan wants to feel indignant and righteous, partly because he knows he himself has mistreated Xiao Xingchen. He’s putting himself in the role of Xiao Xingchen’s protector, when he doesn’t actually have that relationship with him any more. 
I love this fight sequence for two reasons.  First, because it showcases the actors doing a lot of moves themselves, and they both look amazing and move beautifully. (OP has slowed most of these gifs down quite a bit to avoid giving everybody a migraine, incidentally--the camera operator was moving around as much as the actors in these shots)
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Second, because a lot of story happens in this fight; the dynamic between them, as two people with a very complex mutual hatred, is played out in their moves. Song Lan's moves are all strong attacks, expressing his anger and frustration, while Xue Yang’s are mainly defensive, avoidant, and slippery, because he is more interested in hurting Song Lan with words than with his blade at this point. He knows he has an unbeatable advantage up his sleeve, so he’s not particularly worried, even when Song Lan lands a couple of hits. 
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Xue Yang lays it all out for Song Lan, explaining that Xiao Xingchen, being blind, relies on his sword to point toward resentful energy. Hey, isn't that what Wei Wuxian's Compass of Evil does? So WWX only needs that thing because he can't carry a sword? That...actually makes sense. Anyway, Xue Yang figured out if he cuts people's tongues out, Shuanghua can't tell living people from monsters, which is so awesome and fun for Xue Yang.
Song Lan starts to lose his composure and calls Xue Yang a “villain,” which leads Xue Yang to mock him for his weaksauce cussing ability.
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Xue Yang: You educated people have a disadvantage when cursing someone out. Song Lan: Eat a bag of dicks, fuckstick.
Then he criticizes Xue Yang for taking advantage of Xiao Xingchen's blindness. 
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He gets a couple of licks in but then Xue Yang stops and points out that Xiao Xingchen is only blind because of giving his eyes to Song Lan.
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This stops Song Lan in his tracks; I am not sure if he already knew that’s where his eyeballs came from, or if he thought it was a coincidence that Xiao Xingchen became blind after he, Song Lan, got new eyeballs. Then Xue Yang challenges Song Lan's standing to be fighting on Xiao Xingchen's behalf, reminding him that he's not actually Xiao Xingchen's friend. These are the same tactics that Jin Guangyao will later use on righteous, insecure Jiang Cheng. 
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Back when Xue Yang killed Song Lan's sect/temple buddies, Song Lan blamed Xiao Xingchen, and Xue Yang says now that that was his plan; he killed them to turn Song Lan against Xiao Xingchen. 
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It totally worked. Song Lan said that they should never see each other again, and Xiao Xingchen took it to heart and fucked off forever - after giving Song Lan his eyes. Contrast this with Wei Wuxian, who stuck by Jiang Cheng despite being blamed & choked by him after the Lotus Pier massacre.
Despite all this emotional turmoil, Song Lan is holding his own...until Xue Yang pulls out his secret weapon; half of a yin tiger seal.  
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He starts hitting Song Lan with corpse poison and resentment blasts and very quickly has him on the ropes.
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He finishes up by cutting his tongue out. Yikes.
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At this point it’s clear that Xue Yang was never in any serious danger; this was his plan for Song Lan all along.  Song Lan goes to attack Xue Yang but now that he’s been modded, Splendid Frost thinks he’s a zombie, so Xiao Xingchen comes sailing in and stabs him. 
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Song Lan tries to raise his sword to XXC's fingers so he can identify himself, but at the last moment his eyes turn solid black and he drops the sword. Does that mean Xue Yang stuck a nail in his head already? *shrug* 
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Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen head back into the coffin house -- seriously, why do they live there instead of one of the many actual houses in this town? -- and leave Song Lan lying in the street, with A-Qing, who saw the whole thing, hiding behind a hay stack.
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Xue Yang Must Die...eventually
After some more bell ringing, Wei Wuxian emerges from Empathy, pretty overwhelmed. 
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He gets up and goes over to Xiao Xingchen's coffin and looks closely at the wound on his neck, understanding that XXC killed himself, and why.
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His face, in this moment. Suicide isn’t something he expected to have in common with his uncle. 
He tells the kids and A-Qing to stay in the coffin house; he won't explain what he saw, except to say that Xue Yang must die. Then he goes off to kill Xue Yang, by which I mean to assemble his Xue-Yang killing team, rather than try to take him mano a mano like Song Lan did.
The first order of business is to finish rebooting Song Lan, which he does by pulling the second nail out of his head like he should have done four hours ago. 
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Note that Wen Ning and Song Lan were fighting for the ENTIRE time Wei Wuxian was doing Empathy. Corpses don’t get tired, I guess.
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As soon as the nail comes out of his head, Song Lan quiets down, looking bereft, and crouches on the ground to try to reassemble his shattered consciousness. Unlike Wen Ning, he doesn’t have to bake in a cave for a month to achieve this. 
We get a nice shot of Wei Wuxian, Song Lan, and Wen Ning looking like the cultivation world’s handsomest goth band. 
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Next, Lan Wangji cuts open Xue Yang's shirt so he can yoink his spirit-trapping bag, which he then tosses to Wei Wuxian. 
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Now Xue Yang is the one who's overly emotional. 
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Wei Wuxian, despite being very upset by what he saw in Empathy, is completely cool and in control of himself now, because that's just how he is in a fight. (Unless you kill his sister. That gets him very emotional, but the emotion is rage, at least initially, so it’s not a safe tactic.)
Lan Wangji gets in another poke with Bichen while Xue Yang is distracted.
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Camera operator: Spare me!
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Xue Yang decides to take his ball amulet and go home, disappearing into the fog while Wei Wuxian keeps talking smack at him.
Holy Abrupt Episode Ending, Batman!
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thesilversun · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
Thank you @bbcphile for the tag :) 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 (A few are art rather than fic - but over 100 of them are fics) 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
953,545 (17 years and getting close to the 1 million words mark)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Mysterious Lotus Casebook and MDZS. Previously Torchwood, Doctor Who, Primeval, Being Human, Rivers of London, Shetland, (these are ones with 2+ there are others with just 1 fic)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Futures Written on Shifting Sand   My only fic to pass 4 digit kudos at 2134 kudos. Unfinished wip, that I might still go back to.   My first MDZS fic, Canon divergent AU where Lan Wangji is brought back to Lotus Pier after the Xuanwu cave incident and is there for the Wen attack. 
Time Enough and Life 486 kudos. A Torchwood bigbang fic for one of the big bangs that I ran back on Livejournal. 
Writing up the report on the Night Travellers, Jack finds one line in the Electro guide book that confuses him – it closed in 1977. It leaves him with one question, how did Ianto watch films there if it closed six years before he was born?
As Spring Will Surely Come
MDZS. Written for the Bottomji big bang early this year, 464 kudos. 
Now in their forth year of marriage Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are settled into their life together in the Cloud Recesses, looking forward to a quiet, cozy winter together in the Jingshi. A night hunt at a haunted water mill, old injuries and family illness make it a very difficult winter instead.
Going On 351 kudos. One my earliest fics, written and posted while the first series of Torchwood was still airing. 
Conversations, realisations and angst set after Countrycide. 
Secrets and Hope 339 Kudos. Fix it fic written in the wake of Torchwood series 3. 
As Torchwood slowly rebuilds following the 456 the government is still keeping secrets from them and it's up to Ianto to reveal the truth.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to/mean to then it goes past a few days and I wonder if people really want a reply from me. Then it feels like it’s too long, that I’ve missed the timeframe for it to be reasonable. 
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably In Darkness one of the many Torchwood fics that I wrote.
The ending lines being:
Because if living forever is a terrifying thought, then living forever and losing himself in the process is beyond terrifying. It's something that Jack isn't sure there's a word to describe the sheer horror of it.
Huddling against Ianto, Jack supposes that at least he's got all the time in the universe to come up with one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe New Horizons Canon Divergent SongXiao in the CQL setting (I tend to write novel setting) 
The decision to help a small village threatened by a vicious yaoguai brings with it danger and upsetting news that Xiao Xingchen never expected to receive. With the news comes a choice, one that will change the course of both Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan’s lives in ways that neither of them expect.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, the occasional annoying/odd comment - like asking me to use US spelling grammar or to re-write in past tense as they didn’t like present tense, or leaving a ‘sadly unfinished’ bookmark in a completed big bang fic
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, not so much in recent fandoms - but I have ideas, but Torchwood and Primeval it was a bigger part of it. Most of it had a strong kink element. Generally with the focus being on trust
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Occasionally.  The most ridiculous has to be Hex, Mainframe and the Temporal Trouser Error.
Discworld, Torchwood and Primeval. A conversation across time and space between Hex and Mainframe, two sentient computers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of, that is to say if anyone had they’ve not told me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, as part of a fic writing challenge event, Out of Dark Places, written with Harkpad.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly I have many ships in every fandom I’ve been in. Although Jack/Ianto will always hold as special place, because it was that ship that really brought me into fandom circles. 
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably the ridiculously ambitious alternative 4 season of Torchwood, which used my fic Secrets and Hope as a bridge between series 3 and hypothetical series 4.
13 fic ‘episodes’ which were a mix of creature of the week and had an overarching plot behind it all, using the Rift and Bilis Manger. It was all plotted out, and some ‘episodes’ partially written - but the whole thing would have been something like 300k-400k
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I don’t know. People have said that I’m good at getting inside characters’ heads. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many thoughts and description and not enough action, probably.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I can’t write well enough in another language to attempt it. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Highlander: The TV series. That was never posted online/shared. The first to be posted/shared was Torchwood.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
That’s a difficult one, there are so many over the years - it’s been 17 years I posted by first fic online 
Maybe  Northern Lights
An unlikely case fic crossover between Shetland and Rivers of London, written with fondness for the times I spent working on an archaeological dig in Shetland 23 years ago. 
The theft of three Pictish stone carvings from a museum in London lead Peter and Nightingale to Shetland. The reason for the theft is clear: The stones are ancient storage devices for magical energy. Who took them and why is a lot less so. That Shetland has its own mythology and magics which are far closer to that of Scandinavia than London doesn't help matters.
Between the lack of information, the cold and wet January weather and Nightingale's cold, Peter can't help but wish they were back in London.
I always feel like imposing on people somehow by tagging them in things, so don’t feel like you have to do this, I do tag you @heyholmesletsgo @hils79 @galadriel1010 and anyone else who wants to do it
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deathbyoctopi · 2 months
Rarepair April! Yaaay!!! >w<
So! For the past couple weeks I've been working a lot with Gotcha for Gaza and another event, writing some oneshots for prompts, and the wonderful rare ships I was asked about are just so cute!!
So, for those already lost on just what I have and haven't written (me included), here's the recent Rarepair Festival >w<
🚢Wen Chao / Wen Zhuliu🚢
Shouting was heard from the ancestral hall of Lotus Pier. Which wasn’t too strange on the warmest summer days, when the youngest disciples took refuge in the cool shade and played games (making them grow quite rowdy), ensuing the even louder screams from the closest responsible adult that came to yell at them young irreverent ruffians.
Ah, but it wasn’t summer anymore, and the shouting now was far from joyful. Also, all the disciples were dead.  
From: A helping hand, a nsfw nasty little dub-con because if Wen-er-gongzi discovers he likes being spanked, can his faithful bodyguard actually refuse? (he should and he almost does! XD)
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🚢Nie Huaisang/Lan Wangji🚢
Lan Xichen eyes nervously the other members of the meeting. Judging by the little monitors on his screen, no one else seems to be noticing that Wangji is having some sort of inappropriate fun right now, thank God. Although he can’t understand why, since it’s so obvious…
But well, Lan Xichen has been long aware that, for some reason, he seems to be the only person able to read Wangji’s solemn expression, which Jin Guangyao has called on some occasion “the most perfect poker face” he’s ever seen.
From: Just another corporate secret, a naughty Lan Wangji / Nie Huaisang from the pov of Lan Xichen, that gets in an online meeting and realizes what's going on under his brother's table.
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Nie Huaisang🚢
“Tell me, a-Yao…”
The tinkle of golden wrist bells rang soft and delicate, glittering against the dark golden silks of the bed. The light was low and the perfumed incense thick, and there was a heavy suggestion of alcohol in the room.
Enough to make Nie Huaisang’s voice pass for something even more light and feminine.
“…have you been a good boy?”
“Yes, a-niang.”
From: Tell it to your mumsy, a nsfw HuaiYao where a drunk Jin Guangyao misses his mum very, very much (and Nie Huaisang takes advantage of that to learn all his little secrets >w<)
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Wen Ruohan🚢
“Show me what do you do to them. The prisoners.” Wen Ruohan sat calmly on a wooden chair, which the local guard had very wisely left free the second he saw those two turning the corner of the corridor.
Meng Yao’s voice didn’t betray his thoughts, but even so the sightliest hesitation dripped through. He looked at the prison guards, still lounging by the nearest cell.
“As your Excellency wishes, but… Here?”
“Wouldn’t it be more suitable to... perform such acts in the comfort of your Excellency's bed?”
“Here, a-Yao.”
From: Keep an ace up your sleeve (it will come handy) a very nsfw insight at some special methods Meng Yao came up with to torture prisoners during his internship with the Wen...
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Lastly, not a ship but a very special pair I hold very dear to my heart...
🍃Xiao Xignchen & Cangse Sanren🍃
Cangse Sanren put her arm around Xiao Xingchen’s shoulder and her voice took a conspiratorial tone.
“You too, you must get yourself a good and reliable cultivation partner, do you hear? Like that young man you fought with. What's his name? Song Something."
"Whatever. If you like him, tie the knot as fast as possible. Life is so short, and so precious!”
Xiao Xingchen could have blushed, if it wasn’t because he had lost quite a lot of blood and was feeling a bit light-headed.
“Shijie, please, don’t tease…” he said hiding a smile.
From: Relentless in love (and dodging nettles), where Xiao Xingchen comes across a mischievous spirit and realizes she is non other than his legendary martial sister...
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There! Now I'm up to date with the weird shit I've written lately XD
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ba0shanblack · 10 months
My current WIPs- A game: pt.2.
My luvely author-buddy @10holmes picked snippets from ''Dark Pete Fic'' and ''SXX Bdsm Prompt'' Who am I to say no?
VP Dark Pete Fic: NSFW & watch out folks. It gets TOO DARK.
''Since when are you defending him?'' Pete cut Porsche off and only when the man took a step back Pete realized he was yelling. ''What?'', he went on with a scornful smirk, ''You like him or something?''
Porsche's eyes widened like never before. ''He came to find you!'' he yelled back at Pete, ''He begged me to help him!''
Pete's gaze grew distant.
He was ready to ask why. But then– he knew why. Wasn't it easy to guess? Vegas got a little too bored in the safe house. Missed fooling around. Missed his toy–his pet–his emotional fluffer-his-
''Pete!'' Porsche's voice betrayed he had been calling him for at least a minute now ''What the fuck has happened between you two?''
''Nothing happened,''
''If you hate him so much why do you keep protecting him? You think I'm an idiot?''
If things were different Pete would have said yes, and they would have laughed but right now nothing was funny about Pete's unmet feelings.
It was pathetic-unfair and– infuriating.
He rushed out ignoring Porsche's swearing about him being an asshole. Heading where all of his denied feelings and hopes were trapped behind bars.
Pete stepped toward Vegas and shoved him backwards– inside the cell's tiny bathroom that had no door, but neither a camera in it. ''Pete, what is g–''
Vegas didn't have any time to react before Pete undid his belt and his fingers brushed Vegas' naked skin, grabbing on his core firmly. He leaned his face towards Pete's left collarbone. He wanted to kiss him but Pete's other hand on Vegas' chest pushed him back on the wall. Vegas was looking for something in  Pete's expresion but there was nothing to be found–just Pete's hand moving up and down on him– in a pace that release was about to break Vegas in two any minute now.
He didn't let Vegas raise his hand when he tried to cup his cheek. Wearing an intensely colored detached gaze that made Vegas' heart decay and sink to his stomach.
Pete was whispering something to his ear– the moment he made him come– "Hope this makes it up for the risk you took for me.''
Pleasure died down on the spot and Vegas curled into himself looking at Pete who was already washing his hands on the sink. The disinterest in his features frightfully confusing.
Vegas thought he heard a sob when Pete slammed the iron-door behind him.
It was probably his idea.
SXX Modern AU-Discussing the Scene. Mentions of Fear Play
''I'm not sure I can hurt him that much. Can you? I'm not even sure I'm ok with the fact we brainstormed all these extreme ideas.'', Song Lan confessed nervously.
Xiao Xingchen pecked a kiss on his cheek '' I love the fact that you're being so considerate with him'', he purred leaning on the man's shoulder.
Song Lan let out a muffled sound that could have meant Yeah, whatever.
''Zichen...'' Xiao Xingchen started again, ''We three have been discussing this for months. A-Yang is the one who always brings it up and I'm afraid this whole lingering might have started to get a little kink-avoidant.''
''I'm not kink-avoidant Xingchen!'' Song Lan exclaimed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling, ''We've been in like–what? A 100 BDSM dinners–parties–bondage shows? You've seen me!''
''I know baby, I'm just saying-''
''No, I was just saying this might be way too harsh for him.''
''For heaven's sake! He can safe-word out. He is a consenting adult and this was his idea! What's gotten into you?''
Song Lan's cheeks flushed.
''Nothing–It's just–Look! After I've watched him having this seizure or what the fuck that was–I don't want this happening to him again–''
A 'because of us' lingered in his voice, but remained untold.   
''You really think if there was the slightest chance of him getting harmed I would have agreed to this?''
Xiao Xingchen's tone suggesting he truly wasn't sure about his answer fucked Song Lan up good.
''No,'' he murmured and reached for Xiao Xinghen's hand kissing it, ''Never,''
Xiao Xingchen breathed in but offered a little warm smile. ''The three of us have done similar scenes in the past. The one thing that changes is boundaries will be more open now,''
''Fun fact,'' Song Lan mumbled, ''This isn't just open boundaries. This is specifically designed to evoke anxiety and horror.''
''Yes. Welcome to fear play, where you don’t run from the things that scare you: You step right in! Nevertheless Zichen, the goal remains the same! Have fun– experience emotions– intimacy and connection'', Xingchen twitched his hands in front of Song Lan's perplexed eyes. ''He wants to try it and he trusts us. We can make this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.''
Song Lan exclaimed and moistened his dry lips nervously.
''Do you want to get through the scene again? Delete some things? It's pointless and off the table for me if you won't enjoy it.'' Xiao Xingchen's voice softened.
Song Lan loved him so much. He was always so eager to stop fighting, come up with a solution, wouldn't hold a grudge, or put on a long face afterwards.
So they went through the scene again and again.
''Can we tell him when he's back home?" Xingchen asked, anticipation buzzing on his features.
''Fine'', Song Lan grumbled.
He couldn't help but admire how Xingchen was so confident about this, but when Xue Yang got to know the news he seemed ecstatic as well.
Song Lan mumbled something about 'killing the both of them if this ended up with someone in the madhouse' followed by Xue Yang's disapproving 'Party pooper of the house'.
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jaimebluesq · 11 months
Struck by a plot bunny, don't know if I should let it die.
All righty...
"The Full MDZS". Yes, it's a "The Full Monty" parody.
Modern Day AU, NHS et al are in their 20s and most of them are just surviving and paying off their student loans (*glares at Jin Zixuan, who does NOT have to do this because daddy did it for him*). NHS and Mianmian have a night out and check out a Chippendale's/Magic Mike type strip show and come out feeling 'meh' about it - NHS criticizes the terrible choreography, Mianmian the 'sexy' dancing that isn't sexy at all, and both lament the lack of Asian dancers.
Mianmian: Ugh, it's like they believe all those stupid stereotypes about race and dick size
NHS: They obviously haven't heard Wei Ying wax poetic about Lan Zhan's dick.
They start talking about all the men they know in their circle that would be ten times hotter than the ones dancing in the show they just watched, and after NHS goes home, his brain begins to work. Because NHS does NOT like to work, and has been wishing he could find a way to make money without actually working so he could pay off those stupid student loans.
And then NHS comes up with the idea of gathering a bunch of his hot male friends together to do a strip show of their own - they'll make a fortune! Not only that, but he might finally get to ogle some of his favourite friends naked (save for a thong - that's the plan at this point of the story).
So of course he goes to Wei Ying first, who's easy to convince, which means Lan Zhan will be in as well because he'll cave the moment Wei Ying asks him to participate. Then:
Wei Ying: You do know who you need to ask, the ONE PERSON every single one of your friends has had a crush on since they day they met him - even the straight ones.
NHS: *groans* do I really have to ask Da-ge?
He does, and NMJ is reluctant, but eventually gives in if only in the hope that NHS might actually put work into the damn thing. **Of note, Trans!NMJ, thus far perfectly fine with stripping down to a thong figuring he has a couple of packers to choose from that will do the job.
Wei Ying then brings JC on board - way too easy, we all know how competitive JC is with Wei Ying, and NHS is over the moon at getting to see him strip down. NMJ shows up with LXC ready to join, to everyone's shock (possible awkwardness of LXC being NHS' ex? Dunno, maybe?). Then 2 last dancers are recruited - Xiao XingChen & Song Lan. That makes 7 dancers and NHS who's happily playing choreographer and sitting back to direct all the action while the others do the work.
Everyone: Where will we even do this thing?
NMJ: *coughs to get everyone's attention* I know a guy.
The guy is Meng Yao, who managed a strip club. NMJ calls in a favour to get the hall at a very low price, and so they have a plan.
Over the weeks, much shenanigans happen. They find out another event is happening to conflict with theirs and realize they need something bigger to draw an audience. NHS suggests and Wei Ying agrees that they should do away with the thongs and go full nude, and eventually the rest are convinced - all but NMJ who is absolutely adamant about not doing it. There will be a tender brotherly scene about NMJ's insecurities about going bottomless - he's comfortable enough with his physique, but his relationship with his genitals is *complicated*. They talk, NMJ eventually agrees to go along with it no matter how anxious he is. Other dancers express misgivings or hesitance at other times, and NHS is always the one talking them up and encouraging them.
So it's almost the date of the show, and two days before showtime, one of the dancers (prob XX or SL) gets into a minor accident - they're mostly fine, but they can't dance. The choreography was made specifically for 7 dancers and the group gather to try and figure out what to do. NHS laments the worst... and then Wei Ying puts his arm over his shoulder, gives him a shake, and then...
WY: You know... you know all the choreography too.
NHS: What?
JC: He's right. Hell, you're a better dancer than half of us!
NHS: What, me? No, no, you can't possibly mean-
Every remaining dancers goes about repeating NHS' words of encouragement back at him (how dare they?!), and he fights worse than ANY of them did. They want him to WORK? To strip with the rest of them, all of whom are hot and he's just NHS?
Well, the show must go on, so NHS gives in.
The show goes well and the boys not only make lots of money but they gain self-confidence and new perspective on themselves. The end.
Other than WangXian, other pairings (if any) are yet to be decided.
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I posted 17,291 times in 2022
25 posts created (0%)
17,266 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,316 of my posts in 2022
#dmbj - 446 posts
#mdzs - 146 posts
#guardian - 50 posts
#heihua - 41 posts
#the untamed - 33 posts
#xiaoge - 26 posts
#yin yang master dream of eternity - 25 posts
#hei xiazi - 25 posts
#fo ye - 19 posts
#save for later - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#40 year old kitchenaid mixer i love you but you’re so messy…… i have to stir around the flour a bit so it doesn’t get all over the counter
My Top Posts in 2022:
all the prime numbers on that salty ask list, just to make you do math on a saturday morning >:3
........................ man come on
Okay fine we're doing all the prime numbers on this list. I'll humor you.
2. Any popular fandom OTPs that you only BroTP?
Fuck idk uhh I was never really a fan of SangYao romantically?
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
I will just say yes and leave it at that.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Pingxie isn't that bad and I see the appeal behind it but some of y'all are too much there I said it.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
I mean... those of you who have known me for a while probably know that I used to be into h*talia but keep that shit away from me now.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Not really? No one is coming to mind.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think we should let Xiaoge be a weird little guy. He's been through enough shit he should be able to do whatever the hell he wants he can't be sexy all the time.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of The Entirety of Yi City Happening, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen stay together and wander the world and eventually settle down and found a sect together I think that would be nice.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Oh boy. *cracks knuckles*
I was not looking forward to this section but I think some of you need to chill. Please. We're here to have fun. This may be a hard pill to swallow but sometimes you gotta accept that people didn't ask. They didn't ask for shipping opinions, they didn't ask for watchlists, they didn't ask to have the same fandom experiences as you. And sometimes things that are canon are worse. There's more to a show than romance and more to romance than two conventionally attractive people making eye contact. Thank you.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Song Lan did nothing wrong.
4 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
for the character bingo: qingming~
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Bisexual legend, foxy boy, my beloved, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. When I say he doesn’t have enough screen time I mean that I nEED THE SECOND MOVIE.
AND HIS CHARACTER ARC………… FINDING SOMEONE HE WANTS TO PROTECT………. (chef kiss) Delicious. I love him so much. My darling. My funny man.
Thank you for asking!!!!
4 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Tag Trope Game
I was tagged by @forerussake, thank you friend!
found family or soulmates || slow burn or established but complicated || enemies-to-friends-to-lovers or best friends-to-lovers || love at first sight or get back together || morally grey character or unreliable narrator || sunshine character or sarcastic character (both, and I think they should kiss) || self-sacrificing or teamwork || fire-forged friends or childhood friends || description-heavy or dialogue-heavy || fluff or angst || high school au or college au || flower symbolism or color symbolism || hero from the start or reveal the hero near the end || body swap or gender swap || bed sharing or clothes sharing (both) || magic au or human au || de-aged or future fic
This was fun!  Tagging @pangzi @bi-disaster-wei-wuxian @psychic-waffles @beanmaster-pika @enjaami @scaredysap @cuterocks @tinydragondreamer @s1utspeare
4 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
for the fandom blorbo ask thing did you already get dmbj?? if u did that one already then i'll take a shovel and dig out any memories of bnk characters you've got
My dear friend my beloved thank you for giving me another opportunity to dump more of this bullshit on you.
Blorbo: Pangzi my beloved my everything. He's supposed to be the fat guy comic relief but carries the series honestly.
Skrunkly: I'd say Zhang Rishan but just the bright eyed young man he is in Mystic Nine, not yet the Juimen President and weirdo that he is in Tomb of the Sea. Off topic but it's very important to me that I tell you about this one scene from Tomb of the Sea in which he and Liang Wan, a miraculously still alive female character and his love interest are leaving the desert and she tells him "hey I'm still kinda in love with you" to which he responds "sorry. I've dedicated my life to Fo Ye, my dead boss from the 1930s." And then she blasts him with pepper spray. In the desert.
Scrimblo bimblo: Ba Ye. This funky little man. I've only had him for three episodes of Mystic Nine and I love him.
Glup shitto: Kanjian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what has made my brain latch onto that slingshot himbo but I don't care. Highlights include teaching Wu Xie how to use a slingshot so he can cheat on a test and a guy dragging him into a meeting like "hey I found this guy outside can we keep him?"
Poor little meow meow: Wang Can I guess. He's an asshole but by god was he fun. And Hei Xiazi, who only falls under the pathetic category.
Horse plinko: Liu Sang. He gets whumped to hell and back and we love to see it.
Eeby deeby: Oh absolutely Chen Pi. I've only had him for three episodes of Mystic Nine and I hate him. The living embodiment of "I also choose this guy's dead wife" and a freak (derogatory) among freaks (affectionate). Crimes include wanting to fuck his master's wife and putting Zhang Qiling in a basket.
4 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have been working on this one for a couple months, and I’m really happy with how it turned out.  This movie was one that I watched nearly every day as a kid and it was fun to combine it with heihua, so please give it a read!!!!!
10 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hii petri! for ship bingo, your favorite ship from kinnporsche and/or your favorite ship from the untamed?
mint, i know you wanted to give me choice and creative freedom and i appreciate it so much but my gOSH am i not the person to do that for 😂 not only do i rarely have favourites of anything but i have to figure out my emotions for these unnamed blorbos? this is how you end up with five answers for the price of one ✨
so, for kinnporsche i came to the conclusion i have two - one for the earlier part of the show and one for the last episodes (i think the green is..fairly obvious)
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first one is the men themselves who made me feel so many things throughout the show and turnt it into the amazing experience it was for me, watching them learn how to understand each other and open up, the tender scenes, the chemistry, following the discussions on here about kinn and his trust issues (omg especially around the tawan episodes, that was crazy) - their journey was so much fun!
the second one..what can i say, vegaspete were what everyone seemed to anticipate and i was kinda neutral until their episodes actually hit, then i went insane lmao, i just love pathetic men and "only i understand him, only i can tame him" type of stuff - i got plenty of that and some top notch chemistry and they were what made the last episodes for me
onto the untamed.. i don't like thinking about it too much because one cql viewing later i'm a broken woman, i do not understand how people watch it more than once and choose to actively think about it, write analyses, delve into the lore - i'm not built like you guys and you have my respect 💕 all of that is to say i dont think bout the ships too much either, i picked these as faves because they had a certain smth
I don't think anyone could possibly guess what the three couples are they're - not the most popular 😂 except for wangxian, those are my babies:
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the next one is jiang cheng with... *drums*
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...wen qing 🥰 i didn't ship them as divorced until i saw the option and decided that yes, they would be so amazing as divorced parents or smth and i would read about it for sure; not the comb, not the post-war conversations - that inn scene always comes to mind, it feels like a checkpoint at which you could take a different route and change the outcome, a spot where you can stop and think "what if"... jiang cheng before the weight of zidian, the only thing of importance at the moment - his brother's safety... wen qing with only her brother to look out for, testing how far she'd go for an outsider while risking everything... or, y'know, i just find the scene fun, smart and rewatchable 🤷‍♀️ they're a very interesting ship for me cause i don't mind them not being together, either way is fine and makes sense and i never really feel this way about ships i care about, they usually HAVE to be together y'know but with these two i just have many thoughts and feelings that don't actually make me go crazy which is so refreshing
and the one ship that i'm not sure i even ship but b o y they make me feel things...
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...xiao xingchen and xue yang YES I KNOW, still to this day am not sure about some story details lol that whole arc left me shaken to my core and i've worked on forgetting it so it took a while to even remember they exist .. anyways, they found home in each other and could've been happy but they are who they are and they acted how they acted and that's that :) also my feels on song lan (and him with xiao xingchen) are mixed but this might be the one triangle i can see myself enjoying as a throuple.. i avoided stuff about that whole psychological horror arc so stuff that could sway me in any particular direction haven't been encountered in a while ✨
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peridot-tears · 4 years
A better life for Jiang Yanli, if her brother achieved immortality
Wen Ning remembers Jiejie saying, “It is said that Meng Po cried down the wall for her husband, and now stands guard at the gate of death, drinking a soup that will wipe away like tears on others’ faces. They get to move on, and she doesn’t, but that’s the cross she chooses to bear.”
Wen Ning also remembers thinking, So we choose the burdens and fears we have in this life.
When he first met Jiang Yanli, Wei-gongzi’s older sister, and tasted her soup, he thought he wouldn’t mind if it were the last thing in this world -- or the underworld -- that he would taste.
He wonders now if that soup was slow-acting when he gave it to A-Yuan. A-Yuan lived for a second life, but he may not ever fully recover his memories.
In which case, Jiang Yanli’s soup saved his life.
Wen Ning slipped away from that child once he was grown; it was his goodbye, for when he finally died a second time.
This time, he went down to Meng Po, and when he descended to the bridge leading into Diyu, she was not a lone, stooped figure, as he imagined her his whole life. She was finely-lined in the face, sitting and chatting with two other women.
And that was the first time in his death that he heard, again, someone call him, “A-Ning.”
“Ah,” said Jiang Yanli, smiling pleasantly from her tea and lotuses. “A-Ning is here.”
Jiejie clasped Jiang Yanli’s hand, quickly telling her, “And one day, perhaps your A-Xian,” and leaped towards her brother. And Wen Ning sank and sank into his sister’s arms.
To say they cried would be an understatement. Wen Ning, as though making up for the second life where he was physically unable to, bawled.
And finally, they clasped hands and walked into death together, like they were supposed to.
Wen Ning sat down for soup and tea with his sister, Jiang Yanli, and Meng Po.
The underworld was seamless. It was black and blue like a bruised porcelain orb, and they were sitting in the center of it, not sure where the sky was sewn into the water. It was as cold as porcelain too -- the pleasant kind. It teased at his hair, his fingers, as they raised their cups to each other.
Meng Po was a cute little lady. She wrinkled a smile at him as she filled the bowls.
“A-Ning,” Jiejie said excitedly, “we’re here waiting for our brothers, but you came back sooner than Wei Wuxian. This soup” -- she placed one hand on her bowl -- “will never grow cold. So whenever you’re ready, we can drink it together. But we should talk before that. In our 来生,we can continue together.”
“What about Jiang-guniang?” Wen Ning asked. “No, I mean...Jiang-furen,” he said apologetically.
Jiang Yanli lowered her eyes prettily and smiled. That was how she tried to cover up the wistful look in her eyes -- the way a furen does -- but Wen Ning knew the sister of Wei Wuxian better than that. He knew all the tricks his own sister used to put others before herself.
“I will stay here and keep Meng Po company,” she said, lifting her eyes, so that she smiled the same way Wei-gongzi did when he wanted others to feel better. “A-Xian is set for a long life with Lan-er-gongzi, or so I’m told.”
“That Wei Wuxian really terrorized the hell judges when he was here,” Jiejie laughed. “When he left, they wanted him to stay alive as long as possible.”
That sounded like Wei-gongzi.
Wen Ning laughed with his sister for the first time, then planted himself firmly in his seat.
“Then...I will wait with you,” he said to Jiejie and Jiang Yanli. “And we’ll also keep Meng Po company.”
A hundred years passed. And then another, and another. Wen Ning was not sure how many hundreds went by, when the sphere they lived in only went in a circle, and never forward. Meng Po sat warmly by their sides, only lifting herself when others came by, and drank their soup. It was never Wei-gongzi or Lan-er-gongzi.
“They must have achieved immortality by now,” Jiang Yanli said, watching Jiejie burst a bubble in the water beneath them with a well-aimed needle. “A-Po, can you tell?”
Meng Po turned to them. She rarely spoke, and now was such a case as well. She nodded.
Wen Ning glanced excitedly at Jiejie.
“Our A-Xian is incredible,” Jiang Yanli said, shaking her head slowly. “And so is A-Cheng. Who knew they would achieve what so many cultivators did?”
She turned her gaze to the bowls of soup, which had never stopped steaming in these centuries past. Nor had they collected dust.
Jiejie was already taking Wen Ning’s hand, but she took Jiang Yanli’s with the other too. “Your 来生 will treat you better,” she told her. “There is no doubt, for someone like you.”
Jiang Yanli’s cheek dimpled. Her face relaxed as she turned to Meng Po. “We are sorry to leave you, A-Po,” she said.
A-Po, whose wrinkles had remained unchanged without increase nor decrease to their number, smiled with teeth. Just another eternity turning into another eternity, she seemed to say.
With a final nod to each other, the three of them lifted their spoons and drank their soup.
Wen Ning realized, before it all kicked in, that there were lotuses under the bridge too. They burst from the black like bubbles, like they were sending Jiang Yanli off as she deserved.
The lotuses were around them, wrapping them tightly in the protection of their petals. Meng Po’s now-toothless smile. Jiejie’s gentle, fierce eyes. Jiang Yanli thinking of her brothers one last time.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian indeed arrived at the gates of death, hand-in-hand, though it was for a visit and not for soup.
Meng Po’s face did not change, which was fine; Wei Wuxian could not recognize her, anyway.
“I didn’t know there were so many lotuses here below,” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, clueless as to what was in that cluster now writhing over the bridge.
“Wei Ying...,” Lan Wangji started. But Wei Wuxian had just begun another round of lotus-growing at Gusu, and was fascinated with the hell lotuses.
“A-Po,” he asked, prodding the living things, “种的好。What did you do to make them this chaotic? I must know your secrets.”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji stated.
“I love this,” Wei Wuxian practically squeed. “Anyway, we’re here to see if my sister has made it into the next life. Do you think -- ”
“Wei Ying!” Wei Wuxian’s head whipped around in the direction of his husband’s voice, but it was the sight of Meng Po pointing that redirected him.
She did not need to wave a hand -- her abilities were beyond even those of immortals -- in order for the petals to become translucent. In the center, the three of her greatest companions -- Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning -- slept around a table, their bowls emptied of soup.
Understanding dawned on Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji caught him as he broke, asking, “So...we were too late.”
Meng Po opened her mouth. For the first time since her companions had left her side, she spoke.
Lan Wangji had expected her voice to be like this -- not creaky in the least, but smooth, the kind that carried. “They waited for you,” she said. “And now they are on their way to their 来生。”
Wei Wuxian caught up with his own clever mind. He whirled on her, asking, “Then...where are they going?” he demanded. “How do we find them?”
Lan Wangji caught his arm, trailing down the length of it until he could grasp the hand at the end.
When Meng Po spoke to him, her voice was indeed creaky. All the better to mess with Wei Wuxian with. “Listen, and wait,” she said. “I know you’re not good at either, but you did it once, here with me. You’ll do it again. When you find them, you’ll know.”
Again? Wei Wuxian had no memory of being dead, but that was only because he thought he death had been nothing but darkness -- and, of course, no paper money.
“Will they live good lives, though?” he demanded some more. “They have to. They deserve it more than anyone.” His voice trembled. Lan Wangji patted his hand cutely.
“They’ll get what they deserve,” Meng Po assured him.
Empty-handed, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian returned to 人间, and searched for three people, either separate or together. They thought they found had found them over the years, but it didn’t take long for them to realize that it was just a fluke, brewed with wishful thinking. Sizhui helped them too, though they assured their son that he needn’t to -- he was still looking for Jingyi, and he seemed to be getting close.
One night, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fell asleep nestled in the branches of a tree.
A puff of clouds sprang from Wei Wuxian’s fingers as he slept, like Gusu magic.
That was the night they found Wen Ning.
Days passed, and Wen Ning led them to his sister, a girl armed with needles and matchsticks to help the war effort.
They looked and looked for Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian’s fingers permanently curled into frustrated fists that Lan Wangji had to kiss open for him to hope again.
And another night, and another night, and a girl stabbed through the tree they were sleeping under, demanding with moon-cool eyes who they were.
That girl was Jiang Yanli.
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silentstep · 2 years
chengqing for the ask game?
Ship It, ship it, shiiiiiip iiiiiiiit, my otp
What made you ship it?
a nebulous sort of question! Who know what alchemy makes these things happen? But: Jiang Cheng is very very much my character type, and in a lot of ways Wen Qing is too, although we spend less narrative space with her; they're both incredibly lonely people in their positions and circumstances, who want to have partners on whom they can rely and trust, and they would like to be that person for their own partner, and they very much want each other, and they would be so good as partners, and they both! have! nobody, basically! who can really fill that position in their lives, or who would be so well suited, AND YET THEY ARE SO TRAGICALLY DENIED—
What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're both loud, strong-willed, stubborn people, who live beneath seventeen layers of hard bitter self-protective shell, and yet beneath them they are just. actually sweet. and they're so devoted, so devoted, they'll walk themselves to their deaths in contentment for the people they love and never even say a word about it, they're so fucking dutiful. I'm so so so weak to dutiful characters. CHARACTERS TORN BETWEEN LOVE AND DUTY, is there anything better, THERE IS NOT.
but my actual favorite thing is just how good a match they are for each other! they are 110% on the same page about pretty much everything, in that they agree with each other about what the right decision is in every situation. are My People in danger? Move heaven and earth to save them, up to and including sacrificing innocent outsiders. They don't want to do that— they both have perfectly functional moral compasses, they don't want to hurt innocents— but they'll do it for Their People's sake, when push comes to shove. If only they could yoke together, imagine how well they'd sort!
and you know what else? I like that they both know it. There are so many relationships where the central tragedy is that neither ever really knew how much they meant to the other until it was too late, like Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen have a touch of that, too, and so do Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. But Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing actually don't have any of that. Jiang Cheng, when he first meets her, has no idea of the extent of the malice and destruction that Wen Ruohan means to bring to bear on the cultivation world and his clan in particular, and she at that point already knows that it's going to be her people or his, and that she's choosing hers, and that she is consciously already betraying every good faith effort he's making to reach out— when he sees her in their cabin and goes "Wen-guniang!! Why are you here? :) :) :D" and she can't even respond because the real answer is "to help my uncle bring fire and death to this sanctuary of peace and learning, for the sake of the lives of my family and clan" and it breaks my heart— but like. that's the last time they don't understand each others' situations. They know that they want each other, and they know that it doesn't matter, because they can't have each other. </3
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hahahahahahahha!! yes. it's: she's not domming him. He's not ~submissive and breedable~ and she doesn't peg him about it. So sorry, you're just going to have to get over the fact that it's ew icky het without any femdom to make it better. They're actually completely equal partners! or, if anything— no, listen, this mostly isn't even out of spite, but like— I mean, I look at Wen Qing, who has been gritting her teeth under all her burdens that she's refused to let anyone share for so long, and like…
WQ:  what if I 😳 let go of control for a hot minute 😳 and it resulted in nice things happening to me and not things like, say, my entire family dying
Canon:  no  :)
& I'm just so so so annoyed by all the jokes and memes that are just "lol Jiang Cheng wants Wen Qing but she doesn't want him back I mean can you imagine haha! imagine a female character wanting a male character; imagine a female character having vulnerabilities instead of being Strong™… she must always stay in perfect control at all times and none of the feelings can be on her side or else she's not Strong" and no!!  her strength and tragedy are that she DOES want him and she knows she can't have him and she holds herself back because of it!  it's that she doesn't ever get to focus on just the things she wants for herself because she always has to be in full-on survival mode!  it's horribly sad!  it's not a good thing!  it's a sad thing!  give Wen Qing someone she can trust to handle things sometimes!!  she's so alone in shouldering everything all the time; it hurts my heart.  During their time in the Burial Mounds she & WWX are absolutely bros & it's great, but in a lot of ways he's also someone she's got to manage.  Jiang Cheng's number 1 good characteristic is that he shows up and pulls his weight every single day no matter how boring and unglamorous.  and I just want that for her, let her be attracted to his strength, come on, come on
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also on his side, my g-d, let Jiang Cheng get to feel actually valued for his strengths for once in his life???? let his reliability and dedication and work ethic be valued by an important person in his life! His entire family made him and his mother feel like the bad guys for not being ~fun~ when there was important work to be done, and for him I want someone who'll consider that a good thing instead. And she would.
and I do think, honestly, that they would both find a relationship in which neither of them has to always be the Caretaker or the Nag to be a huge relief and a safe harbor.
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silenteyes · 3 years
If Wei Wuxian Grew Up In Different Sects (or with our lovely Rogue Cultivators)
ft. fanfictions I’ve read for each of them - excluding Yunmeng Jiang Sect
Warnings: Spoilers for MDZS, Canon-typical Yu Ziyuan and her treatment to WWX, a few uncensored cursing
Yunmeng Jiang Sect
Clearly, we know that he and the Jiangs have a- complicated relationship. With Jiang FengMian it’s on a thin line, and though it’s clear he cares for WWX - JFM still sees WWX as just a disciple, not a son because the last words he says to WWX are “A-Ying, A-Cheng... you must look after him.”
With Madam Yu it’s clear that their relationship is unhealthy, she basically abuses him. With Jiang Cheng it’s also unhealthy - as much as I loathe to say it, they will NEVER get the reconciliation we want because WWX has done too much for JC to forgive and JC and his anger issues are not safe for WWX. The only ACTUAL healthy relationship he’s got in the Jiang Sect is with Jiang Yanli. She forgives a lot and it’s clear she loves WWX.
Gusu Lan Sect
Ah - yes, this one. In all honesty, if he WERE to be found by the Lans he would’ve probably be well-behaved since he was just a child and easy to, how do I say it - teach. 
He might still have his playfulness but it would be toned down quite a lot. I also like to think that he would get along with Madam Lan and most probably prevent her death. This may be an unpopular opinion, but he and Lan Xichen would get along well, and LXC would be the one to make him comfortable first. WWX would still grow close with Lan Wangji of course, but if anything happens he would not go to LWJ first.
If they grew up together, I’m sorry - but I can’t imagine that he would date LWJ then. But, you can think the other way around! I don’t boss you and tell you who to ship and who not to ship! 
Fanfiction: ‘Some call it kidnapping. The Lan Clan call it adoption.’ by IceBreeze 
Summary: “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, look!” Wei Ying did a twirl. “I’m the same as you now! Am I pretty? Say Lan Zhan, am I pretty?”
Huan muffled a laugh behind his sleeve as A-Zhan said “Mn,” eyes never once leaving Wei Ying. There was something a little like awe in his stare, like Wei Ying was the only one in the world to him at that moment, and if Huan hadn’t already known that his little brother cared deeply for Wei Ying then that look would have been all the confirmation he needed.
(If A-Zhan knew what marriage and romance was beyond the vague explanations he’d heard then he’d probably already be courting Wei Ying, with all the dogged determination he shows everything he puts his mind to. It’s adorable, and Huan supports it wholeheartedly, no matter what direction it heads in the end).
Or: an AU Wei Wuxian is taken in by the Lan clan instead of the Jiangs.
Qishan Wen Sect
Hm, this one is quite complicated. To be honest, WWX would probably fit in well in the sect, and Wen Ruohan most possibly cares about power, and WWX is powerful so he’d care for him AND Wen Xu. Wen Chao is just there in the background being bullied, I like to think.
WWX would make Wen Qing their head doctor and give her more power, while he would also help Wen Ning with archery. All and all he would be alright in the Wen Sect, but there would still be a couple casualties here and there, because of Wen Chao’s jealousy.
Fanfiction:  ‘ He was brighter than the Sun’ by AncientOceanmelody
Summary:  Wei Wuxian was the head disciple of Yunmengjiang Sect, he was the pride of Yunmeng. Jiang Fengmian see him like a son, everyone (except Madam Yu) love him.
He would do everything for those who were dear to him.
So why do is feel horrible when Uncle Jiang didn't hesitate when he offer himself to the Wens instead of Jiang Cheng?
Why is he crying?
After all, he was just the son of a friend, the son of a servant, is was obvious his Uncle would prefer his Sect over him.
Qinghe Nie Sect
Again, I’m gonna be honest, but this sect would be the BEST one for WWX to grow up in. Nie Mingjue would get along great with WWX (we’re ignoring canon GROWN WWX) and Nie Huaisang has another brother :D
NHS and WWX would use their time to cause mischief and plot stuff while NMJ is like “These are my brothers. They’re annoying. Don’t you fucking dare lay a finger on them.”
Just - THEY WOULD BE THE HEALTHIEST RELATIONSHIP EVER IN ALL THE SECTS! NMJ taking care of WWX and NHS, NHS constantly worrying over WWX and NMJ because they fight (you know- war I mean) and WWX just being the self-sacrificing moron he is and protecting NMJ and NHS
Fanfiction: ‘shades of grey’ by cl410
Summary: This was why he didn’t like to leave the Unclean Realm, Nie Mingjue thought with dismay. Guileless dark eyes blinked up at him, tiny hands clutching at his robes.
Or: Nie Mingjue comes across Wei Wuxian before Jiang Fengmian, and decides Nie Huaisang could use a friend.
Lanling Jin Sect
OH BOY! I just love Jin Zixuan getting along with WWX and being an older brother to him. I would think that if JZX (Not Zixun, I despise him) grew up with WWX they would definitely get along and have a healthier relationship than the Yunmeng Bros. Jin Guangshan would definitely not see the point in having WWX in there, and Madam Jin is much more empathetic and she would be the on to take care of WWX.
You may be wondering - Jin Zixuan is Jin Zixuan. Wouldn’t his pride get in the way of things? He’s not called a peacock for no reason, and yes! I can see why you think that! But look at MianMian! She’s JZX best friend BECAUSE she probably grew up with him, and it’s clear in terms of temperament she’s better than JZX and she might even rival him in swordsmanship. If given the choice to grow up with him, WWX would have an amazing brotherly relationship with JZX, and would most likely accept the fact that WWX is amazing and would be PROUD of him. 
Also JZX’s relationship with Jiang Yanli may improve JUST BECAUSE WWX is there
(I might just be biased, idk)
Fanfiction: ‘Twin Treasures’ by crossdressingdeath
Summary: When Madame Jin happens to come across Cangse Sanren's orphaned son on a trip to Yiling, she can't bring herself to leave him there. Wei Wuxian finds a somewhat different family. Jin Zixuan finds a little brother. The course of history changes accordingly.
(Some things are written in fate, but even fate itself changes.)
Rogue Cultivators - Song Zichen and Xiao Xingchen
Let me point out first that Xingchen is ETHEREAL! HE’S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ON THE PLANET! (Song Jiyang is amazing istg I’ve never watched The Untamed but I’ve SEEN clips of them like 哥你怎样那么美). 
ANYWAYS, BACK TO THE POINT! Xiao Xingchen and Song Zichen would be amazing parents, don’t deny it. SZC would be rocky at taking care of WWX at first but he would get the hang of it and be the most over-protective person on the planet and would KILL ANYONE who hurts his family. Xiao Xingchen on the other hand would be the doting and loving parent. He spoils WWX but not as much as SZC (though he would never admit it). SZC and XXC would be the best if you want WWX to have parental figures.
Fanfiction:  ‘Frost moon's sun’ by RenaFair
Summary: Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan had dreamed of founding a sect together, that is until Xingchen heard what happened to his shijie. The two then decides to put their little dream on hold as they care for a pair of tiny hands between them, protecting the little boy with a sunshine smile as best as they can.
Alternately; Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan adopted Wei Ying after his parents' death.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Yi City family (xxc, xy, a-qing) modern au headcanons?
hey here’s another one of your extremely old asks that I’m only just now getting around to! you never know when I might do that, I like to keep things unpredictable
so this isn’t going to be organized or anything I’m just going to kind of bullet point ramble this
so 90% of the time when I am writing modern aus with yi city folks it’s somehow reincarnation au flavored, because that’s fun and I love giving people trauma headcanons that they don’t fully understand
It’s very important to me in a general sense that they all continue to be kind of on the fringes of things, a little on the outside. definitely they don’t have money. well, not mostly. I feel like Song Lan is the only one with a real steady income (this is the case regardless of if he is a fierce corpse or not). Xiao Xingchen has a job but it doesn’t pay much and he is also just not very good at managing money. It’s not that he spends a lot on frivolous things for himself - it’s just that he gives it away to anyone who asks. Song Lan has tried to talk to him about this but it never seems to stick for very long.
Xue Yang, meanwhile, mostly lives off contract work, only sometimes he’ll come into surprising amounts of money all at once. This generates questions that Xue Yang is very good at dodging.
A-Qing is not technically related to anyone but she spends the vast majority of her time not in her own home. She’s never elaborated about her family situation and careful questions result in loud changes of subject. Xiao Xingchen has stopped asking questions and just makes sure her favorite snacks are always around. 
Xiao Xingchen has a little bit of an anxiety disorder - this is one of those trauma hangover things I mentioned - and tends to lean almost too hard in a pacifist direction, which drives Xue Yang absolutely insane. Most of the time he does alright but he doesn’t handle conflict well. He also doesn’t handle being upset with people he cares about well, mostly because he doesn’t want to start a fight so he just gets kind of bitchily passive aggressive about it, which isn’t actually better.
Xiao Xingchen has a lot of people who know and like him but very few actual friends. He doesn’t really connect with people very well - it’s not that he doesn’t want to it’s just that people seem to read something aloof or distant about him, and/or think he’s just...kind of weird. Nice! Friendly! But weird, the kind of person you’d have a friendly conversation with but not go out to dinner with in a small group, or anything. Xiao Xingchen pretends this doesn’t bother him but it kind of does. He wants very badly to be liked.
Every time someone asks Xue Yang how he lost a finger he gives a different answer.
Song Lan is generally polite and reasonable with people but also doesn’t have many close friends; unlike Xiao Xingchen, however, this suits him fine. He just doesn’t really feel the need, most of the time. He and a-Qing have kind of a funny relationship where she ribs him mercilessly and he mostly just doesn’t react, but they’re very fond of each other.
Xue Yang got really, genuinely violent with Xiao Xingchen once - not to the point of hurting him badly, but certainly it scared him - and then took off and disappeared for a week and half and has never done it again. Gets nasty verbally, yes, but never anything physical. At least not with Xiao Xingchen.
Xiao Xingchen loves cooking for people but isn’t very good at it. Song Lan doesn’t particularly enjoy it but is very good at it. Xue Yang isn’t good at cooking anything real but is very good at making surprisingly decent and definitely inventive meals out of a nearly empty fridge/pantry. A-Qing refuses to make food for anyone else.
While Xiao Xingchen’s living urban for the moment (because that’s where the work is, where a-Qing is, and where Xue Yang emphatically wants to be) it’s not actually what he really wants. He wants to live out in the middle of nowhere on a farm. He has the whole thing figured out in his head but no idea how to make it happen. He mentions this to Song Lan, who is just a little too nice to explain all the practical reasons that’s a difficult proposition.
Xue Yang bitches about doing any chores but somehow always does them anyway, in a way that if you weren’t paying attention you’d have no idea he was doing it particularly given how much he complains.
One time when Xue Yang is home by himself (date night? idk) a-Qing shows up with a pile of blankets and announces that she’s spending the night, very clearly upset and trying not to seem upset, and Xue Yang sort of stares at her for a minute and then is like “as long as you don’t mind sleeping on the floor” and they end up having a horror movie marathon and both falling asleep on the floor at 2 am. 
Xiao Xingchen is a cuddler. Song Lan is not, generally speaking, but he’s very good at it, actually, and he will do it because it makes Xiao Xingchen happy and that goes a long way. When Xue Yang figures this out he starts trying to, like, trick Song Lan into cuddling him, which isn’t terribly effective. He could ask, but he won’t.
Xue Yang will refer to Song Lan as “my boyfriend” or “Xingchen’s boyfriend” or “Xingchen’s other boyfriend” depending on how annoyed with him he is at any given time.
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Pleeeeeeease get into the class one at some point because I very much want to understand the class dynamics happening in the story but I have yet to find a meta that dives into it
god anon you want me dead don’t you alsjdfljks
referring to this post
okay, so -- my specific salt about class interpretations in mdzs are very targeted. I can’t pretend to have a deep understanding of how class works in mdzs generally because uhhhhh yeah i don’t think i have that. i’m just not familiar enough with the genre and/or the particulars of chinese class systems. but! i can talk in general terms as to why I feel a certain way about the class dynamics that I do think I understand and how I think they relate to the themes of the novel! i’m gonna talk about wei wuxian, the daozhangs, xue yang, and 3zun with, I’m sure, a bunch of digressions along the way.
the usual disclaimers: i do not think you are a bad person if you hold opinions contrary to my own. i may disagree with you very strongly, but like. this isn’t a moral judgment, fandom is transformative and interpretive etc. etc. and i may change my mind. who knows what the future will bring!
OKAY so let’s begin!
here’s the thing about wei wuxian: he’s not poor. I think because characters use “son of a servant” kind of often when they’re trying to insult him, a lot of people latch onto that and think that it’s a much stronger indication of his societal status than it actually is. iirc, most of the insults that fall along the “son of a servant” line come after wei wuxian starts breaking severely from tradition. it’s a convenient thing to attack him for, but doesn’t actually indicate anything about his wealth. (exception: yu ziyuan, but that’s a personal familial issue) this is in direct contrast to jin guangyao who is constantly mocked for his family line, publicly and privately, no matter what he does.
so this, coupled with all the jokes about wwx never having any money (wei wuqian, sizhui’s “i’ve long since known you had no money” etc.), plus his like, rough years on the street as a child ends up producing this interpretation of wei wuxian, especially in modern aus, as someone who is very class conscious and “eat the rich”. but the fact of the matter is, wei wuxian IS rich. aside from the years in his childhood and the last two years of his life in yiling, like -- wei wuxian had money and status. he is gentry. he is respected as gentry. he is treated as a son by the sect leader of yunmeng jiang -- he does not have the jiang name, but it is so very clear that jiang fengmian favors him. wei wuxian is ranked fourth of all the eligible young masters in the cultivation world -- that is not a ranking he could have attained without being accepted into the upper class.
wei wuxian’s poverty does not affect him in the way that it affects jin guangyao or xue yang. he is of low-ish birth (still the son of jiang fengmian’s right hand man though! ok sure, “son of a servant” but like. >_> whatever anyways), but for most of his life he had money. he, jiang cheng, and their sect brothers go into town and steal lotus pods with the understanding that “jiang-shushu will pay for it”. this is a regular thing! that’s fucking rich kid behavior!!! wei wuxian is careless with money because he doesn’t have to worry about it. he still has almost all the benefits of being upper class: education, food security, respect, recognition etc. I think there may also be a misconception that wei wuxian was always on the verge of being kicked out by yu ziyuan, or that he was constantly walking on eggshells around her for fear of being disowned, but that is just textually untrue. i could provide receipts, but I admittedly don’t really feel like digging them up just now ;;
even in his last years in yiling, he was not the one who was dealing with the acute knowledge of poverty: wen qing is the one managing the money, and as far as we know, wei wuxian did little to no management of daily life during the burial mounds days -- mostly, he’s described as hiding in his cave for days on end, working on his inventions, running around like a force of chaos, frivolously making a mess of things -- it’s very very cute that he buries a’yuan in the dirt, but in classic wei wuxian fashion, he did Not think about the practical consequences of it -- that A’Yuan has no other clean clothes, and now he’s gotten this set dirty and has no intention of washing them. is this a personality thing? yeah, but I think it’s also indicative of his lack of concern over the logistics of everyday survival, re: wealth.
furthermore, i think it is important to remember that wei wuxian, when he is protecting the wen remnants, is not protecting common folk: he is still protecting gentry. fallen gentry, yes! but gentry nonetheless. wen qing was favored by wen ruohan, and wen ning himself says that he has a retinue of people under his command (the remnants, essentially). their branch of the family do not have the experience of living and growing in poverty -- they are impoverished and persecuted in their last years, but that’s a very different thing from being impoverished your whole life. (sidenote: I do not believe wei wuxian’s primary motivation for defending the wen remnants was justice -- i believe he did it because he felt he owed wen ning and wen qing a life debt, and once he was there, he wasn’t going to stand around and let the work camps go on. yes, he is concerned about justice and doing the right thing, but that’s not why he went in the first place. anyways, that’s another meta)
after wei wuxian returns, he then marries back into gentry, and very wealthy gentry at that. lwj provides him all the money he could ever want, he is never worried about going homeless, starving, being denied opportunities based on his class and accompanying disadvantages. who would dare? and neither wei wuxian nor lan wangji seem to have much interest in shaking up the order of things, except in little things like the way they teach the juniors. they live in gusu, under the auspices of the lan, and they live a happy, domestic life.
were his years on the street traumatizing? yes, of course they were, there’s so much delicious character exploration to be done re: wei wuxian’s relationship to food, his relationship to his own needs, and his relationship to the people he loves. it’s all important and good! but I feel very strongly that that experience, while it was formative for him, did not impart any true understanding of poverty and the common person’s everyday struggles, nor do I think he ever really gains that understanding. he is observant and canny and aware of class and blood, certainly, but not in a way that makes it his primary hill to die on (badum-tss).
this is in very stark contrast to characters like jin guangyao and xue yang, and to some extent, xiao xingchen and song lan. I’ll start with the daozhangs, because I think they’re the simplest (??).
I think both xiao xingchen and song lan have class consciousness, but in a very simplified, broad-strokes kind of way (at least, given the information we know about them). we know that the two of them share similar values and want to one day form their own sect that gives no weight to the nobility of your lineage and has no concern with your wealth. we also know that they both disdain intersect politics and are more concerned with ideals and principles rather than status. but, I think because of that, this actually somewhat limits their perception and understanding of how status is used to oppress. as far as we know, neither of them participated on any side in sunshot and they demonstrate much more interest in relating to the commoners. honestly, i hc that they were flitting around trying to help decimated towns, protecting defenseless villages etc. I ALSO think this has a lot of interesting potential in terms of xiao xingchen and wei wuxian’s relationship, if xiao xingchen is ever revived. regardless of whether you’re in CQL or novel verse, xiao xingchen really doesn’t know wei wuxian at all, other than knowing that he’s his shijie’s son. he knows that cangse-sanren met with a tragic end, like yanling-daoren before her, and that he wants to be different. but here is cangse-sanren’s son, laying waste to entire cities, desecrating the dead. I would very much like to get into xiao xingchen’s head during that period of time (and i think, if i do it right, i can write some of it into the songxiao fixit), but that’s neither here nor there, because i’ve wandered off from my point again.
i would posit that song lan is used to an ascetic lifestyle, and xiao xingchen probably is too -- but that’s different from poverty because there’s an element of choice to it. I also think that neither of them is particularly worldly, xiao xingchen especially. he lived on an isolated mountain until he was like, seventeen, and he came down full of ideals and naivete about how the world worked. I think that both of them see inequality, that they are angered by it, and that they want to do something about it -- but their solution is neither to topple the sects, nor is it to reform the system. rather, it seems to be more about withdrawing and creating their own removed world. I think that the daozhangs embody a kind of utopianism that isn’t present in the minds of any of the other characters, not even wangxian. honestly, baoshan-sanren’s mountain is a utopian ideal, but one that is not described. it exists outside of and beyond the world. i have a lot of jumbled, vague thoughts about utopianism generally, mostly informed by china miéville and ursula k. le guin, and I don’t think i have the ability to articulate them here, but i wanted to. hm. say something? there is something about the inherent dystopianism contained within every utopia, that utopias are necessary, but also reflections of the existence of terrible things in their conception. idk. there’s something in there, I know it!! but i suppose what I want to say is -- i do not think the daozhangs understand class and social hierarchy very deeply because they don’t see a need to examine it deeply. for their goals, the details aren’t the point. they’re not looking to reform within the system, they’re looking to build something outside of it. I think they spend a lot of time concerned with alleviating the symptoms of social oppression, and their values reflect the injustices they witness there.
regardless, even if their story ends in tragedy and there is a certain amount of critique re: the utopian approach, i think the text still emphasizes that xiao xingchen left a utopia and that he thought that people mattered enough for him to try, and that was an incredibly honorable, kind, and human thing to do.
YEAH SURE THE DAOZHANGS ARE THE SIMPLEST ok ok RETURNING to class and moving forward: xue yang.
i also don’t think xue yang has class consciousness lol, or not in any way that really matters, but I do think poverty impacted him in a much stronger way than it impacted wei wuxian. wei wuxian spent some years on the street as a child. xue yang grew up on the streets. chang ci’an’s horrific treatment of him was directly due to his class and social standing: chang ci’an is a nobleman and xue yang is not even worth the dirt beneath the wheels of his cart. what I think is the seminal point though, is that this does not make xue yang think particularly deeply about systemic injustice, because xue yang is so self-centered, self-driven, and individualistic. he is not even slightly concerned about how poverty and class might affect other people -- they’re other people. what he takes away from his experience is not an anger at being wrongfully cheated by a system, but an anger at being wrongfully cheated by a specific man.
xue yang is not particularly concerned with the politics of the aristocracy -- he has no obvious ambitions other than, “i want to eat sweets whenever i please”, “i want to hurt anyone who wrongs me”, and “i want to be so strong that no one can hurt me”. like, he just doesn’t care -- it’s not the kind of power he wants. he sneers at people for like, personal reasons, not class reasons -- “you think you’re better than me” re: xiao xingchen and song lan. to him, all people -- poor, wealthy, noble, common -- are essentially equal, and they are all beneath him. after all, what does he care what family someone comes from, how much money they have? everyone bleeds when you cut them. some of them might be harder to get to than others, but xue yang does not fear that sort of thing. it’s just another obstacle he needs to vault on his way to getting revenge and/or a pastry.
ANYWAYS onto jin guangyao (wow this is hm. getting rather long ahaha oh dear): I would argue that the two characters with the most acute understanding of class/societal politics and the injustice of them are jin guangyao and lan xichen. i’ll start with jin guangyao for obvious reasons.
where xue yang took the damaging effects of poverty as personal slights, I think jin guangyao is painfully aware that there is nothing personal about them, which is, in some ways, much worse. why are two sons, born on the same day to the same father, treated so differently? just because.
he watched his mother struggle and starve and work herself to the bone in a profession where she was constantly disrespected and abused for almost nothing in return, while his father could have lifted her out of poverty with the wave of a finger. why didn’t he? because he didn’t like her? no -- because he didn’t care, and the structures of the society they live in protect that kind of blase treatment of the lower class.
“so my mother couldn’t choose her own fate, is that her fault?” jin guangyao demands. he knows that he is unbelievably talented, that he has ambition, that he has potential, and that all of it is beyond his grasp just because his father didn’t want to bother with it. his mother’s life was destroyed, and his own opportunities were crippled with that negligence. it isn’t personal. that’s just the way things are. your individual identity is meaningless, your humanity does not exist. when he’s kicked down the steps of jinlin tai, it’s just more confirmation that no matter how talented or hardworking he is, no one will give him the time of day unless he finds a way to take it himself and become someone who “matters”.
jin guangyao’s cultivation is weak because he had a poor foundation, and he had a poor foundation because he was denied access to a good one. he copies others because that’s all he can do at this point, and he copies so well that he can hold his own against some of the strongest cultivators of his generation. he’s disparaged for copying and “stealing” techniques, but -- he never would have had to if only he had been born/accepted into the upper class. the fact is that i really do think jin guangyao was the most promising cultivator of his generation that we meet, including the twin jades and wei wuxian: he had natural talent, ambition, creativity, determination and cunning in spades. in some ways, I think that’s one of the overlooked tragedies of jin guangyao: the loss of not just the good man he could have been, but the powerful one too. imagine what he could have done.
jin guangyao spends his entire time in the world of the aristocracy feeling unsteady and terrified because he knows exactly how precarious his position is. he knows how easy it is to lose power, especially for someone like him. he’s working against so many disadvantages, and every scrap of honor he gets is a vicious battle. jin guangyao fears, and I think that’s something that’s lacking in xue yang, wei wuxian and the daozhangs’ experiences/understandings of poverty. i think it’s precisely that fear that emphasizes jin guangyao’s understanding of class and blood. jin guangyao exhibits an anxiety that neither wei wuxian nor xue yang do, and it’s because he truly knows how little he is worth in the eyes of society and how little there is he can do to change that. to me, it very much feels related to the anxiety of not knowing if tomorrow you’ll have something to eat, if tomorrow you’ll still have a home, if tomorrow someone will destroy you and never have to answer for it. it’s the anxiety of knowing helplessness intimately.
moreover, jin guangyao is the only person shown to use the wealth and power at his disposal to take concrete steps to actually help the common people typically ignored by the powerful -- the watchtowers. they’re described in chapter 42. it’s a system that is designed to cover remote areas that most cultivators are reluctant to go due to their inconvenience and the lack of means of the people who live there. the watchtowers assign cultivators to different posts, give aid to those previously forgotten, and if the people are too poor to pay what the cultivators demand, the lanling jin sect pays for it. jin guangyao worked on this for five years and burned a lot of bridges over it. people were strongly opposed to it, thinking that it was some kind of ploy for lanling jin’s personal benefit. but the thing is -- it worked. they were effective. people were helped.
i believe CQL frames the watchtowers as an allegory for a surveillance state/centralized control (i think?? it’s been a minute -- that’s the hazy impression i remember, something like a parallel to the wen supervisory offices?), but I personally don’t think that was the intent in the novel. the watchtowers are a public good. lanling jin doesn’t staff them with their own sect members -- they get nearby sects to staff them. it’s a warning network that they fund that’s supposed to benefit everyone, even those that everyone had considered expendable.
(did jin guangyao do terrible things to achieve this goal? yeah lol. it’s not confirmed, but his son sure did die... suspiciously...... at the hands of an outspoken critic of the watchtowers........ whom he then executed....... so like, maybe just a convenient coincidence for jin guangyao, two birds one stone, but. it seems. Unlikely.)
lan xichen is the only member of the gentry that ever shows serious compassion for and nuanced understanding of jin guangyao’s circumstances. lan xichen treats him as his equal regardless of jin guangyao’s current status -- even when he was meng yao, lan xichen treated him as a human being worthy of respect, as someone with great merits, as someone he would choose as a friend, but he did so knowing full well the delicate position meng yao occupied. this is in direct contrast to nie mingjue, who also believed that meng yao was worthy of respect as a human being, but was completely unable to comprehend the complexities of his circumstances and unwilling to grant him any grace. you know, the difference between “i acknowledge that your birth and status have had effects upon you, but I don’t think less of you for it” and “i don’t consider your birth and status at all when i interact with you because i think it is irrelevant” (“i don’t see color” anyone?)
to illustrate, from chapter 48:
rough tl:
Probably because they believed that the son of a prostitute might also carry some unclean things upon his person, after these few cultivators took the teacups offered from [Meng Yao’s] two hands, they did not drink, but instead put them to one side, and furthermore brought out snow white handkerchiefs. Quite uncomfortably, and whether they were aware of it or not, they repeatedly wiped the fingers they had just used to touch the teacups. Nie Mingjue was not a detail-oriented person and never took note of such particulars, but Wei Wuxian caught these in the corner of his eye. Meng Yao appeared as if he had not seen, his smile unwavering in the slightest, and continued to serve tea. When Lan Xichen took the teacup, he glanced up at him and, smiling, said, “Thank you.”
He immediately dipped his head to take a sip, and only then continued to converse with Nie Mingjue. Seeing this, the nearby cultivators began to feel somewhat uneasy.
all right, since we’re in full cyan-rampaging-through-the-weeds mode at this point, i’m going to talk about how this is one of my favorite 3zun moments in the entire novel for characterization purposes because it really highlights how they all relate to one another, and to what degree each of them is aware of their own position in relation to the others and society as a whole.
1. nie mingjue, who is a forthright and blunt person, sets meng yao to serving tea and is done with it. he notices nothing wrong or inappropriate about the reactions of the people in the room because it’s not the sort of thing he considers important.
2. meng yao, knowing that his only avenue is to take it lying down with a smile, masks perfectly.
3. lan xichen, noticing all this, uses his own reputation to achieve two things at once: pointedly shame the other cultivators in attendance, and show meng yao that regardless of others’ opinions, he considers him an equal and does not endorse such behavior--and he does it while taking care that no fallout will come down on meng yao’s head.
is this yet another installment of cyan’s endless lxc defense thesis? why yes it is! no one is surprised! but this is my whole point: both meng yao and lan xichen understand the respective hierarchy and power dynamics within the room, while nie mingjue very much does not. this is not because nie mingjue is a bad person or because nie mingjue is stupid--it’s a combination of personality and upbringing. nie mingjue is straightforward and has no patience for such games. but then again, he can afford not to play because he was born into such a high position: that’s a privilege.
to break it down: meng yao knows that he is the lowest-ranked person in the room, sees the way people are subtly disrespecting him in full view of his general who is doing nothing about it. in some ways, this is good -- nie mingjue’s style of dealing with conflict is very direct and not at all suited to delicate political maneuvering. after all, the way he promoted meng yao was actually quite dangerous to meng yao: he essentially guaranteed that his men would bear meng yao a grudge and that their disrespect for him would only be compounded by their bitterness at being punished on his behalf. (it’s like, why often getting parents or teachers to intervene ineffectively in bullying can just be an incitement to more bullying -- same concept) meng yao’s reaction during that scene shows that he’s pretty painfully aware of this and is trying to defuse the situation to no avail. nie mingjue gives him a bootstrap speech (rip nie mingjue i love u so much but. sir) and then promotes him, which is pretty much the only saving grace of that entire exchange, for meng yao at least.
lan xichen, on the other hand, understands both that meng yao is the lowest-ranked person in the room and that any direct attempt to chastise the other cultivators in the room will only serve to hurt meng yao in the long run. he knows that if this were brought to nie mingjue’s attention, he would be outraged and not shy about it -- also bad for meng yao. so he uses what he has: his immaculate reputation. by acting contrary to the other cultivators’ behavior, he demonstrates that he finds their actions unacceptable but with the plausible deniability that it wasn’t directed at them, that this is just zewu-jun being his usual generous self. this means that the other cultivators have no one to blame but themselves, nothing to do but question their own actions. there is nowhere to cast off their discomfort. meng yao didn’t do anything. lan xichen didn’t do anything -- he just thanked meng yao and drank his tea, isn’t that what it’s there for? he doesn’t disrupt the peace, he doesn’t attack anyone and put them on the defensive, but he does make his position very clear.
i know this is a really small thing and i’m probably beating it to death, but I really think this shows just how cognizant lan xichen is of politics and emotional cause and effect in such situations. certainly, out of context I think the scene reads kind of cliche, but within the greater narrative of the story and within the arc of these characters specifically, I think it was a really smart scene to include. it also showcases lan xichen’s style of action: that he moves around and with a problematic situation as opposed to moving straight through.
not to be salty on main again, but this is why it’s very frustrating to me when I see people call lan xichen passive when he is anything but. his actions just don’t look like traditional “actions”, especially to an american audience. it’s easy to understand lan wangji and wei wuxian’s style of problem-solving: taking a stand, moving through, staying strong. lan xichen is juggling an inconceivable number of factors in any given situation, weighing his responsibilities in one role against those in another, and then trying to find the path through the thicket that will cause the least harm, both to himself and the thicket. lan wangji and wei wuxian are not particularly good at considering the far-reaching consequences of their actions -- again, not because they are bad people, but because of a combination of personality and upbringing. they’d just hack through the thicket, not thinking about the creatures that live in it. that is not a terrible thing! it isn’t. it’s a different way of approaching a problem, and it has different priorities. that’s okay. there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides, and where you come down is going to depend on your personal values.
okay we’ve spiraled far and away from my original point, but let’s circle back: i was talking about class.
I think it’s undeniable that class, birthright, fate etc. are some of the driving forces of thematic conflict in mdzs, and the way each character interacts with those forces reveals a lot about themselves and also about the larger themes of fate, chance, and what it means to be righteous and good and how that is and isn’t rewarded. a lot of the tragedy of mdzs (the tragedy that isn’t caused by direct aggression on the part of one group or another) stems from the injustices and slights that people suffered due to their lot in life. it isn’t fair. none of it is fair! we sympathize with jin guangyao because we recognize that what he suffered was unconscionable, even if we don’t excuse him. i sympathize A Lot with xue yang as well for similar reasons, though I understand that’s a harder sell. this is a story focused on the mistakes of an entrenched, aging gentry and the effects that those mistakes had on their children, and a lot of it has to do with prejudice based in class and birth status. whether the prejudice was the true reason or whether it was just a convenient excuse, the fact remains that the systems in place rewarded and protected the people in power who used it to cling to that power. mdzs is also a story of how the circumstances of one’s life can offer you impossible choices that you cannot abstain from, and it asks us to be compassionate to the people who made terrible choices in terrible times. it’s about the inherent complexity in all things! that sometimes, there are no good choices, and i don’t know, i’d like to think that people would show me compassion if I had to make the choices some of these characters did. not just wei wuxian, mind you, every single one of them. except jin guangshan because I Do Hate Him sorry. and i guess wen ruohan. i think that’s it.
good. GOD this is clocking in at //checks notes -- just over 5k. 8′D *stuffs some weeds into my mouth like the clown i am*
(ko-fi? :’D *lies down*)
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sinni-ok-sessi · 4 years
Characters of The Untamed rated on how nice I think it would be to get a hug from them (a non-exhaustive list in no particular order)
Lan Xichen: The Obvious Choice™. Strong Lan arms, perfect for hugging. The exact right height to rest his chin on my head. Enfold me in those five million layers of robes, er-ge, and tell me everything will be OK. Possible downsides: high likelihood of waking up dead if Jin Guangyao finds out about it. 10/10, worth it.
Jiang Yanli: another Obvious Choice. The kind of hugger who pays attention to the accompanying gestures, not just the squeezy arms. Definitely a hair-stroker. Probably would kiss the top of my head and I’d be OK with that. 10/10, but wouldn’t it be nice for her to be the huggee rather than the hugger for once?
Nie Mingjue: an excellent choice if what you like in a hug is the comforting weight of steel bands round your torso. And I Do. 9/10
Nie Huaisang: I feel like any time Nie Huaisang hugs you, it turns into you hugging Nie Huaisang, since he is Just Baby when he wants to be. 6/10, still a good time.
Mianmian: not much of a hugger, but would probably oblige if asked nicely. Feel yourself enveloped in the warmth of competence and a strong moral core. 7/10, over too soon.
Jiang Cheng: clearly, Canonically a giver of Great Hugs if you can get him to admit he feels one (1) positive emotion towards you. Excellent arm pressure, bonus points for his efforts to full-body meld with the huggee. 11/10 if you can get ‘em.
Wei Wuxian: this may be heresy, but I very much feel like unless you’re Lan Zhan or one of his siblings, it’s quantity over quality from Wei Wuxian. Good for regular, casual hugs, not so much l i ng e r i n g ones. 7/10, would rather hug him instead.
Jin Xixuan: probably an acceptable hugger after extensive coaching from Jiang Yanli, but it’ll never come naturally. He tries so hard though. 4/10.
Jin Guangyao: absolutely not, no way in hell. A hug would just leave his hands in the exact right position to slip a knife between my shoulderblades. I’ll pass, thanks. -3/10. However, I would hug younger!Meng Yao. It’d probably be a deeply uncomfortable experience for both of us, but I think he needs it.
Song Lan: does Not do hugs, but would give you a nod of acknowledgement that leaves you feeling fantastic about yourself. 5/10.
Xiao Xingchen: hell yes. He’s got the Strong Cultivator Arms™, the boundless love for humanity, the perfect height advantage (look, I am very much a connoisseur of hugs from the short person perspective). He is not, perhaps, a natural at it, but he’s Worked Hard and Put In The Effort and oh boy has it paid off. 10/10.
Lan Qiren: oh so very awkward. He would, if he thought it was necessary, but you’d end up kind of wishing he’d just left you there feeling sad on your own. 3/10.
Lan Wangji: very good hugs (look, he has the Lan Arms™ and also a lot of pent-up emotions better expressed through actions rather than words), but only available to three, maybe four, people in the world. 13/10 if you’re on the Hug List, 5/10 for wistful, daydreamed hugs if not.
Xue Yang: as with Jin Guangyao above, absolutely not. In many ways, a worse time than Jin Guangyao because of the high chance that your hug will be mysteriously Sticky™. Is it blood? Is it candy? Is it viscera? Probably! -10/10.
Wen Qing: very proficient at hugs - perfect pressure, perfect duration - but actually heartfelt ones are restricted to a very limited list of people. 6/10, is this hug a cover for some impromptu acupuncture?
Wen Ning: once he’s figured out the super-strength thing enough to not crack your ribs, an excellent and comfortingly solid hugger. You would absolutely feel loved in a Wen Ning hug. 9/10, one point deducted for lack of body heat.
Jin Ling: much like Jiang Cheng, difficult to persuade to hug you rather than fight you, but if you’re one of the lucky few, prepare to be hugged to within an inch of your life. In a good way. 8/10.
Lan Sizhui: has learnt from both his dads, not to mention Uncle Xichen, and combines quantity and quality of hug to perfection. 15/10.
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gloriousmonsters · 3 years
filed under ‘fics that i don’t know if i’ll write because i don’t know where it would GO but the idea is just really funny to me’: scenario where xue yang was basically supposed to leave out the front door and come back in thru the back when jgy publicly disowned him, and he got attacked by unrelated/not In the Know people which is how he wound up in that ditch, so jgy’s just been sitting in jinlintai like ‘...is he dead? no, he’s too mean to die. where is he doesn’t he know we have a work contract’ (xy doesn’t think work contracts are real. if he likes you very very much he will consider complying with it, but it’s like. a suggestion)
and in the second-ish year of xy living in Yi City sends su she to look for him like Could You Please Remind Him That As Per My Last Email He Was Supposed To Check In :) Thank You anyway sms manages to successfully hunt him up and is treated to the EXTREMELY fucking baffling sight of xy shopping for groceries. with a blind priest. and an extremely foulmouthed teen girl. xy is making frantic shushing motions at him. is this some kind of elaborate prank
(under the cut bc it got a bit long lol)
of course sms winds up invited to dinner because xxc is like ‘oh, a friend of... my friend! please join us!’ and sms is silently mouthing is that xiao fucking xingchen at xy and a-qing is losing her shit internally over New Suspicious Guy but can’t do anything about it and xy really doesn’t want sms to come to dinner because he’s out of that life now!! he’s gotta think of the family and he doesn’t want to come back for one last job! but he can’t say that without (a) being suspicious and (b) looking uncool so. dinner it is
but like, it’s FINE despite everything being super awkward until a-qing swears at the table and xxc apologizes and sms, without thinking, is like ‘it’s fine. some of my disciples come off the streets, i know what it’s like’
xxc suddenly gets interested and also lights up like--my friend, your friend is a sect leader? one who takes in children from the streets? sms, mildly panicked, is like uhhh yes, i started my sect pretty recently, have my default little speech about how i think inner/outer disciple separations and too much value placed on blood relation are both bad ideas. xxc is vehemently like i absolutely agree and this is about the time xue yang remembers right, he and song lan wanted to start a sect that was all equal and unaffiliated and shit, and his stomach drops. he tries to inject sarcastic commentary but it’s too late. sms and xxc are talking enthusiastically now
It Gets Worse because then sms has to bring up the watchtowers and xxc is like ‘....there’s a chief cultivator who implemented something like that? wow maybe things aren’t as bad as I thought’ which is just an open invitation for sms to wax fucking POETIC about jin guangyao, and xy is on the verge of stabbing him and taking what may come after when sms gets the utterly terrifying look of having had an Idea and says ‘actually, your friend and I met while working for him’
(xy is mouthing both what are you doing and i am going to fucking gut you across the table. sms ignores him, which is annoying. clearly two years have given him an unforgivable amount of confidence)
xxc is like ???! but quickly states that he didn’t want to talk about the past if his friend didn’t (thank you, daozhang) but sms is like ‘of course, we’ve just been quite worried about him--he did important work and then he vanished...’ significant pause ‘around the time jin-zongzhu came into the position and began to try and change things, so we thought...’ and xy is staring at him like. are you trying to imply I wound up in a ditch because someone attacked me due to working for an unpopular humanitarian leader. that’s the stupidest shit I ever--glances to the side, finds out that xxc is clearly coming to that conclusion too, and he looks fucking enchanted. he is clearly forming a whole possible narrative in his head where xy worked to improve the world and was just too humble to mention it or something
at this point xy starts trying to do some calculation in his head for a minute like ‘i mean did my corpse research indirectly contribute to all the front-facing nice shit a-yao does? i guess i killed a fair few political opponents and etc for him’ and doesn’t answer ‘he’s talking shit’ with quite enough conviction when xxc asks ‘my friend, is that true?’. it’s done for. xxc is convinced he had a Secret Noble Past now
and of course this is about the time sms swings into his ‘why don’t all of you come back to koi tower’ pitch with all the subtlety of someone trying to sell them on a pyramid scheme
xy’s pissed but also conflicted like... he did like working with a-yao, and more importantly he guesses that saying no would make things a lot less friendly between them, and xxc is clearly torn between not wanting to get involved in the world again but... if you have important work you could be doing, my friend... and a-qing could go to a Good School... and neither of you want to just. leave me behind (the one thing a-qing and xy are vehemently agreeing on) maybe... maybe we should think about it? a-qing is against it until sms, who’s managed to sink a few skill points into convincing kids that being a cultivator would be cool, actually, suggests that if she learned some cultivational skills she could hit people with her stick way more effectively, and then she’s conflicted too. although this whole thing seems super suspicious
at one point sms accidentally (’accidentally’) calls xy ‘chengmei’ and xxc is just quietly having a Moment over ‘oh my god his name relates to gentlemanly and helpful behavior that’s amazing...’ while xy fumes
this is point where i like. have no idea where it would really Go and a number of the places would be pretty dark, but in some other respects it could be a.... fix-it? fix-some-things-and-make-others-worse? but obv i have spent a While thinking about the first part so hopefully it can be exorcised from my brain now
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featherfur · 3 years
Lowkey been thinking of a crossover of MDZS and TGCF where Xue Yang became a ghost obsessed with returning Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing’s souls and it actually starts to work except Hua Cheng really doesn’t appreciate some upstart fucking around Ghost City and murdering his ghosts to practice piecing them back together so Xue Yang has to run but ends up running into Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji and try to keep himself from being killed again and it only works because he’s waving a decently patched together soul of A-Qing who’s cursing up a storm that could put Qi Rong to shame.
Xue Yang finally admits that Hua Cheng managed to get Xiao Xingchen’s spirit pouch from him when he bolted because Xue Yang was in the middle of stitching some pieces back together and now Wei Wuxian can’t just leave XXC in the hands of anyone because that’s his martial uncle/brother (?) via mom and also because in general he and LWJ are good people.
They don’t even really know who this ‘Ghost King’ is because they really don’t bother with ghosts that aren’t hurting people nor do they associate with gods except on accident so they follow Xue Yang to Ghost City, on a magic leash connected to WWX who’s having maybe too much fun seeing what he can do with a fully formed powerful sapient ghost instead of the demonic restless spirits he normally handles.
Except Hua Cheng does know Wei Wuxian he just thought that surpreme died within months of appearing so he’d never thought of him again when he was told he got torn to shreds by his own power after his reason to continue got murdered (e.I. The Wens) but now he’s extremely confused because uh “you? Should not be alive.” “Yeah I get that a lot”
The most powerful supreme Hua Cheng ever met (beyond himself) that rose to Supreme level in three months and then preceded to fuck off and die, is apparently now alive again? Hua Cheng has dealt with some shit but it’s been like 400 years since Jun Wu and he’s just not doing this alone also Xie Lian has a sensor for danger and shows up anyways when Hua Cheng is trying to interrogate Wei Wuxian on how the fuck his shattered soul was pieced together perfectly, even better then when he’d actually been a supreme, and returned to a body.
(Xue Yang is magically leashed by Hua Cheng as well just for funsies because Hua Cheng is not done with him yet)
They finally manage to get to the reason they’re here, when A-Qing starts yelling from Lan Wangji’s sleeve. Hua Cheng is more than willing to let A-Qing stay and fix herself because he thinks this is funny and he has a tiny soft spot for kids and Gege likes her, but A-Qing wants to protect Xiao Xingchen and that’s her Reason for existing.
Xiao Xingchen’s spirit pouch is finally returned by Hua Cheng who quite honestly just wants to kill Xue Yang and move on with his life as a married man, and Xiao Xingcheng is just existing and only reacts to say he’s sorry to A-Qing and a very firm “No.” when Xue Yang asks to have him back which leads to a pouty and grumbling Xue Yang but the only person who cares is Xue Yang so he gets ignored. (A-Qing does eventually asked to be handed to him after he’s gagged just so she can insult him but settles down after two hours of yelling because she does need his help to be while again and he can help Xiao Xingchen but as soon as she gets feet she’s kicking him in the face)
Now Hua Cheng is even willing to let Xue Yang go if WWX just fucking leaves because, yes even when WWX was a Supreme Hua Cheng still out ranked him in power but if he could reach Supreme that fast Hua Cheng doesn’t want him anywhere near Gege on principal but Xie Lian is soft on people in red who are devoted to their husbands and are down with murder so Hua Cheng can’t just kill them. So they can just leave please
Except apparently Xie Lian knows Xiao Xingchen because they got confused for each other on more than one occasion and met a few times before his eyes were carved out and Xie Lian wants to help his friend and the only way to fix him is to find Song Lan, except no ones seen him in a while and Hua Cheng does NOT know how that translated to ‘let’s go on a cross country hunting trip for someone who very well could be dead because my husband got mistaken for a 17 year old cultivator twice and apparently adopted him like every other slightly trying to be good person he meets’ but it’s not like he’s going to say no to spending more time with Gege
Lan Wangji has to come to terms with the fact that his husband was straight up a Supreme Ghost and nobody noticed that he was dead and also with the fact that while he didn’t really want to be immortal now he has to be because he doesn’t want his husband to be lonely if he dies and returns to being a ghost. Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian think that’s the most romantic thing every, Xue Yang and A-Qing want to die, Xiao Xingchen is scolding them for being rude but also thinks it’s sweet and Hua Cheng realizes that he’s both a glorified baby sitter and that he actually respects that and wants to see how it turns out.
Idk how but Feng Xin and Mu Qing end up bothering Jiang Cheng just because I want to watch that shit go down for fun
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