#idk who is who in that gif tbh goes both ways
armageddidnt · 8 months
Welcome to My Collection of Random Thoughts during my nth* rewatch of Good Omens Season 2
*only amazon prime knows the exact number at this point but I’m fairly certain it’s in the double digits
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Episode 1: Gabriel’s fly lurking in the box when Aziraphale first takes it inside 👀
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Crowley’s promise of “two minutes” basically means that he’s been homeless and living in his car for the past 4 years strictly so that he can be within 2 driving minutes of Aziraphale at all times in case his angel needs him I’m not crying you are
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So here I think the key word is “fragile,” Crowley knows they are ostensibly safe from their respective sides but that could change at any moment so he’s basically spent the last 4 years in anxiety-ridden terror hovering as close to Aziraphale as he can to try and protect him from heaven, hell, and anyone else that would want to bring him harm after all that business they pulled in season 1 with stopping Armageddon
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Episode 2: I just happened to pause the episode while Aziraphale is lying to the angels about his miracle and LOL Michael really outdid himself here (Sheen, not the Archangel)
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Gabriel trying to swat flies and almost smashing the repository of every single one of his memories
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I’m cAckling
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So if Good Omens exists in Good Omens, does that mean Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett exist in Good Omens?? Do you think they based their Aziraphale and Crowley characters on Aziraphale and Crowley??
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Episode 3: So I’m trying to find any hints or foreshadowing of the Gabriel Beelzebub thing bc tbh I did kind of feel like it came out of nowhere which is really the only issue I have with them. I found this one scene where Beelzebub almost ?? seems to be concerned about Gabriel ?? But it’s blink and you miss it and there could be lots of other reasons why Beelzebub doesn’t want to fail in locating Gabriel (pressure from/leverage over heaven, etc) so idk
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More Foreshadowing Fly content 🪰
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Episode 4: So here we’ve seen that Shax can just appear inside the Bentley bc she did it earlier to talk to Crowley. Shax only pretended to be a hitchhiker so she could be invited in because Azirpahale was driving so technically she needed permission to cross the threshold of an angel 👀
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This scene will never not destroy me the 1941 flashback is the absolute sOFTEST thing ever to happen on this show
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We really need more context here I need to see the Crowley-Furfur Monkey Rides
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Episode 5: ahahaha thank you google translate for absolutely destroying my sanity this evening
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POP goes the Ziraphale
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Okay I know you can’t hear it in the gif but just before Nina takes Maggie’s hand, there’s a very quiet miracle noise, like Azirpahale literally MADE Nina dance with Maggie, he said I’m writing a Mina Jane-Austen-Ball-AU and my otp will KISS godDAMMIT
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Azirpahale seems lowkey kind of manic this whole scene tho, he’s controlling literally everyone to force Nina and Maggie together and whenever Crowley says anything that pokes holes in Aziraphale’s Magical Jane Austen Ball Fairytale, Aziraphale just straight up denies it. He wants Nina and Maggie to dance and he wants him and Crowley to dance and he refuses to acknowledge anything beyond that.
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Is this just Shax insulting Crowley for how much of a nuisance he’s been or a reference to his former status as an angel ???
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They’re both completely dismissive of each other when they’re trying to say something important and that’s the main issue they’ve been having this entire season tbh
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Episode 6: I think it’s funny that Crowley describes the angels as bees here because in the book, Neil/Terry describe humans the same way. Guess we have more in common than we thought huh?
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So the metatron was the one who originally decided Gabriel would be memory wiped and not sent to hell, and he was also the one that decided not to sound an alarm about Gabriel for some reason and said ‘just go find him yourself’ instead. The metatron has definitely got his own agenda and you can bet he doesn’t want Aziraphale up there in heaven because he’s a “leader” and he’s “honest” like that’s exactly what Gabriel was and look where it got him 👀
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There’s just something I can’t quite put my finger on about the metatron bringing Aziraphale a coffee from “give me coffee or give me death” and then asking Aziraphale if he’s going to take the coffee he’s giving him…
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I have not seen a single person talk about this since s2 came out but Nina literally calls Maggie “angel” because that’s the term of endearment they hear Crowley using for Aziraphale !!!! I’m still going fERAL over this and I can’t believe no one else is eitHER
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Something about this part of The Final Fifteen compared to this scene from the first episode is so representative of the entire season. Azirpahale keeps saying “my way or get out” and Crowley finally hits a wall and can follow Aziraphale no further. So he does just that. He goes.
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I’m sure a lot of us by now have seen this post that brings up how Aziraphale literally pushes the remains of Crowley into his mouth and swallows and it’s the only thing I see when I watch this now
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We still don’t know for certain if Crowley queued up this song to play on their way to the Ritz or if the Bentley started playing it all on its own and it’s driving me insane
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Basically how I am doing after my Truly-Alarming-Number-th watch of this traumatizing episode/season. WELP hope you enjoyed this garbage dump of my thoughts and feelings time to go cry for a bit again BYE
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astr0logywh0r3 · 4 months
astro observations pt. 2
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1.) venus square mars ppl have trouble with balancing their masculine and feminine energies. they can feel this internally and it can make them feel insecure. one second they feel hyper feminine and the next they feel more masculine. they wish they could find a way to balance both sides of them but it’s a struggle. they could come off too strong from time to time as a result of their inner conflict (might come off too strongly feminine or masc in the moment) and then they’d feel bad ab it later
2.) i think neptune in the 1st/conjunct the asc might be good at making other people feel special 🤨
3.) mars-pluto ppl have that confident inner power within themselves
4.) cancer risings remind me of fluttershy from mlp 💀
5.) saturn conjunct asc/in 1st house might have been extremely shy kids. they have a lot of determination within themselves though. makes a very strong-willed person. go after what they want with resilience and understand the importance of taking calculated steps to achieve their desires. definitely the no-bullshit type
6.) pluto on the ascendant always reminds me of tony montana from scarface for some reason 😭. i guess it makes sense since al pacino has pluto conjunct his asc so idk. it’s just that archetype. tony wasn’t afraid and didn’t stop at anything to reach where he got. a phoenix risen from the ashes. stubborn. that “don’t tell me what tf to do” type energy. intense, babe. their eyes are crazy too (it’s like they store all their inner intensity and deep emotions in their eyes ..lotta depth). also the no-bullshit type. if they’re mad at you ……be afraid 💀 they will plot revenge and start conspiring some shit
7.) taurus risings are pretty in a “oh, they’re cute” way. they have short little noses and pretty eyes
8.) pisces risings… are y’all good at telling stories? 😭 i think you guys get a little sidetracked
9.) chart ruler in the 9th makes someone adventurous… they just wanna explore and do everything. try everything there is at least once. could have a great sense of humor too
10.) scorpio moons are really protective of their family. they guard their families just like they guard their emotions
11.) unpopular opinion but scorpios aren’t mysterious to me 😐 i’m not sure id call any zodiac sign mysterious tbh it really depends on the whole chart. scorpios to me are just super honest people who have pragmatic opinions that they aren’t afraid to state out loud. if a scorpio has an opinion they feel strongly about they won’t be afraid to let others know how they feel, which i admire about them to an extent. they like getting to the nitty gritty of situations. some of them can actually be very kind people. funny as well due to their honesty and boldness. oh, and they just love dark reds. search up “maroon” and that is literally their staple color you cannot tell me otherwise
12.) i’ve met leos who i’ve found boring before which goes against their stereotype 💀 sometimes their personalities are just the bare minimum honestly unless the rest of the chart says otherwise
13.) mars in the 11th have big dreams for themselves. they wanna make a difference.
14.) 8th house sun makes someone intriguing and mysterious. it can also be a placement that grants beauty.
15.) moon in the 4th just wanna belong.
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I've seen a lot of people comparing Huskerdust to a healthy version of Stolitz and it's kinda got me thinking... Staticmoth as the evil fucked up version of Fizzmodeus.
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THINK ABOUT IT!!!!! The parallels between Val and Ozzie are obvious. Like that man wants to be Ozzie so bad it's insane, from the way he dresses to the way he decorates to straight up OWNING A ROBO FIZZ, Val clearly wishes he was the embodiment of Lust. But are there parallels between Vox and Fizz? Actually, surprisingly yeah. They're both showmen, like aggressively so. They're very public figures, with their face all over every product in Hell(albeit Vox is doing it a lot more purposefully then Fizz). Fizz's antagonism towards Blitzø is actually pretty reminiscent of Vox's towards Alastor(except Fizz and Blitzø have a lot more baggage lmao), and they even share some aesthetic similarities! Specifically the colors of Fizz's robotic limbs matching Vox's overall color scheme. Which speaking of robots, that's probably their biggest similarity overall: they're both partially made of technology. I hesitate to say cyborg because Idk how much that applies to Vox, since object heads aren't typically classified as cyborgs as far as I know, and we don't actually know how much of Vox is organic(also cyborg is just one of those words I have an inexplicable dislike of Idk-), but like. Think cyborg I guess. Like Vox is a LOT more of a dick and probably doesn't have a very tragic backstory? Maybe? Unclear. But the similarities are undeniable.
Okay, now that individual parallels are out of the way, how could their relationship to eachother parallel Fizzmodeus? Starting with baseline aesthetics: they got the height difference. It's not as dramatic as Fizz and Ozzie's but TO BE FAIR, Huskerdust are the same way(their height difference is obvious, but not as massive as Blitzø and Stolas'). Staticmoth is also very buisness-partners-with-benefits and some hints at deeper feelings, which is how we were introduced to Fizzmodeus. I don't think Val and Vox feel the need to hide their romantic feelings? But tbh it could go either way we haven't seen much of their dynamic yet. That's kinda where the similarities I could spot find because see previous sentence, so let's move onto the differences!
I think a good way to breakdown what makes Staticmoth toxic Fizzmodeus is actually by bringing Alastor and Blitzø back in to compare and contrast how Val handles Vox's rivalry with how Ozzie handles Fizz's. In Radio Killed the Video Star, the only reason Val tells Vox that Alastor is at the hotel is to piss him off. He clearly enjoys Vox's reaction, and keeps egging him on. Teasing him about it. Which like, friendly teasing between partners is well and good, but Val is clearly just doing it cause he wants to see a fight and doesn't care about how distressed Vox is about this. Vox goes off on his own and sings a fuckin banger, gets publically humiliated, causes a massive blackout. Val doesn't really do shit to help him out, just kinda sits there and. Idk watches? Unclear what the other Vees are actually doing because most of Stayed Gone takes place in funny TV land where Vox is capable of bending reality to his whim for the sake of visual interest. But what Val is actively doing during the musical number isn't important so who cares. What's important is that he egged Vox on, convinced him that confronting Alastor right then was a good idea, and then just sat back as Vox got so pissed off he had a meltdown. Which I SWEAR I'm not trying to dramatize this scene it just sounds really fucking bad when you write it all down from this perspective. I think it's also worth noting that all of this is DIRECTLY AFTER Vox did the exact opposite for Val, calming him down so he doesn't make a fool of himself in public.
Meanwhile compare that to how Ozzie handles Fizz and Blitzø's relationship. During House of Asmodeus, once Fizz realizes Blitzø is there, he starts publically roasting him about how shitty his love life is. Ozzie encourages him, and even gives him a little congratualtions in the background when Verosika joins in for changing the subject, but the difference here is that House of Asmodeus takes place in a much more controlled environment, so it's less likely either of them will have to face consequences for being assholes. There's also how Ozzie's encouragement is just a lot more genuine. Like "yeah babe, go insult that guy who traumatized and abandoned you whoo!" rather then "hey hey look there's that guy you hate. You should go fight with him lmao show him who's boss." Then there's the ending. At the end of both Stayed Gone and House of Asmodeus, Vox and Fizz eat shit and die. Don't worry they're both fine like immediately after, but while in House of Asmodeus Ozzie immediately rushes over to Fizz to make sure okay, we uh. Do not see Vox interact with anybody but Alastor in the direct aftermath of his eating shit and dying, which is fair because he's in his weird little gamer cave. Then we skip straight to the Vees having a meeting to decide what they're gonna do about Alastor, and we don't really know what any of them were doing in the interim between the end of Stayed Gone and the meeting, so uh this part of the comparison kinda falls flat. But again something worth noting is that Val just straight up. Does not care about Alastor during the meeting scene. He's sitting there bedazzling his fucking gun BY HAND with school glue and rhinestones, not even paying attention to the meeting, despite being the one to get Vox all riled up about Alastor IN THE FIRST PLACE.
In short: Val encourages Vox to fight Alastor without thinking it through, doesn't bother to help out during the actual fight, and then immediately stops caring the moment the fights over. Meanwhile Ozzie, while encouraging Fizz to pick on Blitzø, backs him up the whole time, and while still supportive of his boyfriend, doesn't actively encourage Fizz to do things that would get him hurt. Ozzie also supports Fizz by refusing to let Blitzø have an Asmodean crystal because he knows Fizz wouldn't like it! Which is the exact opposite of pissing your partner off on purpose so you can watch a fight!!! And if that isn't enough evidence for you, then uh. I guess you could compare how Val treats... just everybody around him, really, with how Ozzie does(but that's more individual character analysis than relationship analysis). Or you could talk about how fed up with Val's shit Vox clearly is in comparison to the mutual support of Fizzmodeus. Or how. Val throws a glass at Vox. And breaks his phone. And then Vox has to scream in his face to get him to listen-
Idk how to end this so uh. DEMON ATTACK RAH!!! 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
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curtsycream · 3 months
bro PLEASEEE WRITE any poly 141 smut x reader i’ll DIEEE
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Sons Of Anarchy AU
President!Price x Bartender!Reader x Prospect!Gaz
Hints at Vice-President!Simon x Reader, Sergeant in Arms!Soap x Reader. It’s Poly!141 x Reader all round. Reader is basically all four of their old lady she’s the HBIC tbh
I wanted to try something new and why not have them be apart of a motorcycle club/ mechanic shop owners. It’s a hot concept I couldn’t help it but here is the smut! I hope you like it <33
warnings: size kink, manhandling, threesome, blowjob, public sex, slight cock worshiping, ball play (idk a little), throat bulging, and not proofread (yikes), afab reader (its become a force of habit nowadays, thanks to my agere fics)
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Putting away the last of the shot glasses on the bar counter she lets out a hum. The chime of the bell above the front door caused her to stand up. Her eyes take in John in all of his glory the MC’s President with a grin on his face.
“John, I thought you guys were heading to New Mexico for that thing with the KorTac MC?”
“Ghost and Soap went with the others, I decided to stay back.”
Placing a shot of whiskey in front of him she raises an eyebrow. She knew there was more to his story than he let on. After a few years of bartending for the MC, she pieced up on mannerisms and behaviors. “Lay it on me, boss, what’s the real reason?”
Looking from the shot to her he shakes his head, “Who’s ta say I have a reason? Maybe I just didn’t feel like going because I’m getting older.”
“Bullshit, we both know you’re as healthy as a stallion,” her focus goes back to cleaning up the bar.
“Oh, am I? Didn’t know you were my doctor,” his voice was drowned out by the sound of the bunnies entering the clubhouse.
Pointing at the door she scowls, “Out girls…y’all know not to come in here around this time.”
Her words were met with eye rolls and huffs of disappointment. It wasn’t anything new as she grew used to the disorderly behavior of the prostitutes. They were always ready to jump at the chance to be with one of the men. They assumed it would earn them a place as an old lady as long as the man they fucked had a kuttle.
“I swear it’s like they don’t give up, just last week I had to scare off a few that were hounding Roach,” she grumbled.
John folded his arms his eyes never leaving the ranting woman before him. It wasn’t a surprise that she was upset she was practically the head old lady in the MC. Aside from being a bartender, she was the support system for 141. He was sure without her being the backbone of their operations they wouldn’t have gotten so far.
“You know what I think,” he mused leaning forward on the counter. The shot glass is in his hand as he twirls the remaining sip of whiskey around. “I think you need to release some stress. When was the last time you moved away from that bar?”
The question hung heavy above her head as she covered her face with her hands. Letting out a groan she shakes her head, “Since last night the party.” The realization of just how long she had been at the clubhouse was finally catching up to her. Removing her hands from her face she looks at the man, “I think I need a break.”
“I figured as much.”
When she first thought over his words of releasing some stress she didn’t think it through. She should have known what he meant but it was too late and he was in deep.
“Keep your hands right there, darling.”
She did just that her hands didn’t move an inch from the bar counter. With each thrust her body jerked forward colliding either the counter. Her moans were ragged, her nails digging into the polished wood before her. The way John’s cock barely fit inside of her was more than a turn-on. He was only halfway in but it was still enough to leave her keening.
“You can take more of me, can’t you girl? You can take all of me if ya want to,” his voice was a rumble.
“Mm—can take more promise, boss.”
That was all it took before his hand raised her leg until it was propped on the countertop. Pulling his cock out he lined himself up with her heat again. It took everything in him not to thrust all the way in the second he felt her wetness coat his cock. “Sweet Lord..” he muttered as he slowly sank into her until he bottomed out.
“Shit..John, need more. Fuck me,” her words direct while she arched her back.
“Yes ma’am,” the roughness in his voice a reflection of his current state. The moment he got the okay he pulled out until only the tip was inside before he slammed back inside. His hands moved up the front of her body rubbing and pulling her nipples. Each sound she made was like heaven to him. She wasn’t shy that much was evident due to where they were.
Bucking his hips forward he buried his face against the side of her neck. His lips left kisses as he whispered praise to her. His words fed a primal urge inside of her, “Always fuck me so good…love your fucking cock.”
If it wasn’t for him holding her up she would have collapsed from his spurt of energy. Her words seemed to do the trick as his thrusts became faster in pace and rougher in intensity. Her grip on the counter loosened up some when she felt his tip hit her cervix repeatedly. The action causes her to clamp around him trying to milk him early.
“Like that, love how you feel inside of me,” she babbled. The words flowing from her lips slowly became nonsensical as she felt him stretch her out due to his size. It was more than enough leaving her stuffed as he grabbed her arms. A gasp left her lips as he held her arms behind her back. Each time he thrusted her body would jerk back and forth. She felt like a toy for his use as he didn’t hold back.
Closing her eyes she let out a loud moan, “‘m so close..please John needa cum. Wanna cum on your cock please,” she felt ready to burst. The warmth pooling in her lower stomach made that clear.
Grunting John leaned forward his lips near her ear, “cum then darling, make a mess on my cock for me.”
His words were her downfall as she came undone right away. All he gave her was a few seconds before he was thrusting into her again. She was still riding out her orgasm as he prepared to send her into another one. “Good girl, such a good girl for me.”
“Always, boss.”
The nickname had more of an effect on him than he would like to admit. Pulling her flush against his chest he grabbed her by the thighs. Holding her legs wide open he thrusted up into her. The sight of her gushing pussy with his cock moving in and out was on display to their invisible audience. “Oh…fuck..” she let out as her fingers moved down to her pussy as she rubbed her clit. Her fingers fast as she heard him shudder. She knew he was close it was all in the lazy strokes and his heavy breathing.
Her breathing hitched as she felt his cock pride at her spot before he came inside of her. A guttural moan left his throat at the same time that she let out a cry. Her fingers still rubbing her clit as she squirted coating her fingers and his cock in her juices.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
Looking up she noticed Gaz the man had a grin on his face. The look of lust in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by either of them.
“Am I late? Don’t tell me you forgot about me,” he asked a small pout playing at his lips.
Smiling at him she shakes her head, “never we’re just getting started.”
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Her throat flexed as she took Gaz’s cock down her throat. Though he was slightly smaller in girth compared to John he made up for it in length. His hands rest on either side of her head holding her in place as he thrusted in and out of her mouth. His cock disappeared behind her lips as he watched with bated breath.
A moan ripped from her throat vibrating against his cock. His hands twitched as he groaned from the feeling. The reason behind her moans was John whose head was between her thighs. His tongue lapped at her folds sucking on the glistening skin.
Her fingers lace in his hair as he raises her hips while his tongue licks from top to bottom. Looking up at Gaz she kept her eyes on his face. His closed eyes, knit brows, and parted lips that released a sound with each thrust. Using her free hand she raises it past his length to cradle his balls. She knew her men inside and out when it came to their spots and their weaknesses. Her thumb gently runs along his balls evoking a loud groan from him. A gasp left her own lips when John’s tongue flicked her clit.
It was hard to focus as her hand continued to gently stroke and rub his balls. Her other hand twitched as she kept a loose grip on John’s hair. She took note of the signs as Gaz seemed to move slower his hips stuttering with each thrust. Slowly but surely she was coaxing his release out of him. It was in the way her hand caressed his balls and how she would bob her head forward gagging on his cock. In that same way, John’s skillful attack on her swollen cunt was leading her into another orgasm.
“Shit baby,” Gaz said as his hand rested on her throat feeling as his cock would reach the back of her throat. He was over with the second he felt it, her little noises didn’t help either. Keeping his hand on her throat he tossed his head back cumming down her throat.
She was swallowing as her eyebrows furrowed when her own orgasm came. Her thighs shook as she came with John holding her firmly in place. Even as her hips rocked forward he didn’t let up until he raised his head. Her eyes focused on him as he swallowed with a cheeky smile. The pounding in her heart was hard as she watched him move away. It allowed her to sit up a bit when Gaz finally removed his cock from her mouth. Leaning up on her knees she wipes the drool from her chin.
With the help of Gaz, she got down from the bar counter standing on her feet. The ache between her thighs filled her with a rush of adrenaline. “I think we should take this upstairs, loves…I’m sure we can find use of that shower.”
A chuckle left John as he nodded, “I like the sound of that, darling.”
Pulling her close to his side Gaz smiles, “I’m not complaining. Need to see if you can take two like Soap said.”
“I can promise you, I can take more than two,” she said with a wink before sauntering away. The two men weren’t far behind ready to try a few more things before the day ended.
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urdrowning · 1 year
Hi :)
If you are taking requests, could you please do a Leah oneshot?
Maybe one where reader is really famous (a singer/model/actress/or whatever) and her and Leah have been dating for a while in secret. And Leah’s teammates are suspicious of who’s she’s always spending time with or texting.
Also if you could, could you include Leah introducing reader to them?
Could be England or Arsenal teammates. Or both lol.
Thank you :))
AN - tysm for the request !! i kinda got lazy at the end cause i caught covid while writing LMAO. i don’t really like the ending. MAYBEEEE i have a part two in mind of a soft launch.. maybe i don’t..
superstar / l. williamson
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celebrity relationships are always awkward. when you’re under constant spotlight, it can be hard to settle down. finding someone who actually loves you for yourself, and not for your status isn’t easy. so that’s why you truly believe yourself to be the luckiest of the bunch.
leah williamson, your diamond in the rough.
you met leah at the BRIT awards in 2022. the minute you made eye contact with her brilliant blue eyes, electricity coursed its way through the both of you. the two of you spent the entire night together, getting to know each other. sat on tables next to each other, conversing through the speeches and nominations.
“if you win this award, i’ll take you on a date.”
she smirks at you and you’re taken aback. you’ve been so caught up in her presence that you didn’t realise that your section was up. you and your band have been nominated for the best upcoming artist award (tbh idk if this is a thing. if it’s not, pretend it is) before you even know it, the announcer has taken the stage and begins to announce the winner.
“and the winner of the best upcoming artist award is..”
you can barely even comprehend what they are saying, you’re rather distracted by leah’s hand, as she moves it to discreetly hold yours under the table. you’re in a blur as the announcer continues and you don’t even hear who wins. but, judging by how your band mates have all stood-up and look like they’ve won the lottery, you’ve got a pretty decent bet. you get hoisted up by your band mates as you walk on stage for the group’s acceptance speech. you let your band mates do the talking, as you’re too dazed to even think. (this very much goes viral in with your fans. your ‘fish out of water look’ is now a fan favourite meme)
despite suffering from equally massive hangovers, she’s true to her word, leah took you out on a date the following night. even though it was a small date at the arcade, you would probably still consider it one of your most fondest memories. on your third date, you kissed her. then, on the following night, she showed up on your doorstep, flowers in hand, asking you to be her girlfriend.
your one year anniversary together is approaching and the two of you are still as inseparable as you were when you first met. despite not being together for long, the both of you are unable to picture a future without the other in it.
leah is a private person, as are you. you both agreed to keep your relationship quiet and between yourselves. but, with your relationship approaching it’s first milestone, the both of you are getting restless. neither your family nor your friends are aware of your relationship.
how you’ve managed to keep it a secret from your band mates is a mystery of scooby doo fame. especially since you literally share an apartment with one of them. you consider your band mates your own found family, your forever bestfriends. each of you have been best friends since secondary school, and clearly, have been inseparable since. ironically, you’re all major football enthusiasts as well. you and your band mates are die hard lioness fans, even attending the euro’s competition in support (again, it’s a mystery how they didn’t find out. leah wouldn’t stop smiling at you in the crowd) leah struggled as well, her teammates are getting suspicious. the way she hides her phone from them as she giggles at it when you text.
“you’re seeing someone, aren’t you.”
leah’s head shoots up from her phone at the voice, only to be met with a suspicious looking keira walsh. looking at her with an accusatory stare.
“w.. what are you talking about?”
leah stutters out in an attempts to deny it all, but keira can see right through her, and is determined to get the truth out.
“don’t pretend leah, i know somethings up.”
leah sighs and looks down, avoiding kiera’s glare. she shrugs her shoulders lightly and appears similar to a child who’s got caught breaking the rules. she then reluctantly and awkwardly mutters
“yeah, i guess i’ve being seeing someone..”
keira’s stern gaze breaks as she excitedly sits down next to her friend and grabs her arms, flinging her about as she rapidly fires questions at her.
“who is it? what are they like? how long have you guys been together? are you being safe?”
leah looks mortified. she’s getting overwhelmed with the amount of questions that are being fired at her.
“keira, for gods sake, slow down! we’ve been together for almost a year now, and she treats me well.”
keira pauses her movements, looking at leah with her mouth agape.
“.. a YEAR?? who is she?”
“i’m so sorry, babe. i didn’t mean for this.”
leah feels incredibly guilty. she stares at you through the phone screen after relaying the earlier events to you. you’ve been quiet since she started telling you, appearing to be lost in thought. after leah’s fifth apology, it seems you snap out of your trance and smile at her.
“leah, honey, breathe. it’s okay, i’m not mad. it’s about time we started telling people.”
you truly mean it, you honestly feel quite relieved that she made the first move in telling her teammates, as you’ve been fairly close to cracking the news to your band mates yourself.
the thought of telling your band mates makes you nervous, you don’t know why. there’s nothing bad about your relationship. it’s not like you’re dating someone 29 years younger than you (looking at you, leo dicaprio) besides, they are lioness fans themselves and would most likely be elated at the news of you dating their team captain.
“i know, but i should’ve talked with you before-hand.”
leah secretly is filled with relief as well, she no longer has to hide her love from her friends. but it doesn’t make her feel any better about how she told them.
“you’re talking to me about it now, i think that’s enough.”
she shakes her head lightly, fighting off a smile. you always manage to cheer her up, no matter what. it’s as if you have super powers.
“i would’ve told you sooner, but keira’s loudmouth blabbed it to the rest of the team. i’ve been questioned all night.”
the minute she had free time, she’d facetimed you straight away. after she found out who leah was dating, keira’s shocked exclamation of your name definitely didn’t go unheard. her england teammates had hounded her with question after question about you and your relationship together.
you’re about to reply to her before she lets out a yawn. you check the time and realise it’s late into the night.
“go rest, sleepy. i’ll talk to rory and get her to speak to my other band mates for me. i’ll speak to you in the morning, okay? love you.”
she smiles at you sleepily as she mumbles
“love you too, goodnight..”
you end the call and take a deep breathe as you prepare to face your bandmate/roommate, rory. you and her have been inseparable for years. you always planned on telling her first out of your friends and family, you have the utmost trust for her and you’re hoping she’ll be understanding and not upset at you for hiding your relationship from her. you exhale slowly as you get up from your bed and knock on her door.
leah 💗:
‘my teammates want to meet you x’
the text almost instantaneously shoots anxiety through your veins. despite being a big fan of them, meeting leah’s teammates is an incredibly daunting thing. they intimidate the hell out of you.
y/n 🤍:
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leah 💗:
‘baby it’s okay. if you’re not comfortable with it i’ll tell them no x’
yn 🤍:
‘no no. ofc i want to meet them, they’re just intimidating is all’
leah 💗:
‘aw babe you’re cute 🥰 they’re harmless. and i’ll stop them if they make u uncomfortable. promise x’
you both texted for a little while longer while agreeing that leah would come pick you up and take you to meet her teammates.
you told your band mates last night and it went down well. they were slightly hurt that you kept it from them but were mostly just excited for you and in shock that you managed to pull leah williamson herself. your train of thought is interrupted from the vibration of your phone, lighting up with a text from leah to let you know she’s outside.
she grins at you as you get into the passenger side of her car, leaning over to kiss you cheek.
“are you sure about this?”
she mumbles against your cheek, you can sense her nerves. she’s not nervous because she’s ashamed of you. she’s nervous because she can’t guarantee that her teammates will behave around you.
“i’m sure. i want to do this, it’s important to me.”
she smiles slightly at you, your words holding a great value to her. she then gives you one last kiss on the cheek before she starts the car and drives.
“girls, this is y/n. i’m sure you already know her, but please, be nice. she’s really important to me.”
leah’s grip on your hand tightens towards the end of her sentence as her sincerity shines through. it’s true, she cares about you enough to go to the ends of the earth for you.
“hi, it’s really good to meet you all. i’m a big fan.”
the rest of the girls sit there, disbelieving.
“YOU’RE a fan of US”
you chuckle sheepishly, using your freehand to play with the hem of your shirt nervously, one glance at the lionesses faces and you know you’re in for a tornado’s worth of questions. with a deep inhale, you smile and look at them.
“ask away.”
after being bombarded with question after question, the awkward and intense atmosphere has long left the room and you’re sat comfortable between leah and georgia. leah’s arm is wrapped comfortably and protectively around your shoulders, one glance at her face and you can see that she’s on cloud nine. all her favourite people are seamlessly bonding and she couldn’t be happier about it.
“let’s play a game!”
the loud voice of ella toone shouts, followed by the loud agreements of the lionesses. ella then excitedly follows up with a shout of ‘duck, duck goose’ but nobody else wants to play that. (ella hmu i wanna play duck duck goose with you so bad)
“y/n! if i win, i get to choose your next album cover!”
mary shouts, you smile at her and agree, feeling confident.
(you lost, now you have to explain to your band mates that mary earp’s is in charge of your next album cover.)
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 days
Hello my wonderful fandom family :) We're finally back to new eps. I wasn't ready for this episode in the least. Idk I was ever gonna be ready tbh. If this isn’t the most apt ep name ever following the last ep. Bare with me as I once again sort through my thoughts and such. I'm really struggling with the 'mini' portion of these reviews the last few eps.
Ain't nothing mini about my emotions haha But I am sure come summer they'll be more refined for sure. Also thank you to anyone who reads these thoughts and enjoys them. It's still a trip to me people appreciate my thoughts. I just want to be a ray of sunshine and positivity with these.
A source of comfort while we all go through this together. Cause that's the beauty of fandom. Going through it together. Once again wanna preface there will be ZERO tolerance for bashing of any kind. They are both going through it right now. We all love these characters so much its why we're on here. I love conversation and comments but not spreading hate. With that in mind let's start eh?
6x07 Crushed
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Tamara moving out still..... Ugh. I’m so sad about this. Truly the end of an era right here everyone. Also Lucy not wearing her necklace gut punch already to my feels...Poor Lucy wants her to stay but would never ask Tamara to do that. I wanna cry already for Lucy....I hate her necklace being missing and it's very obvious it's missing. *sad sigh*
I do love Lucy taking Tamara out to fancy dinner least. Channeling her emotions into something positive. Wanting to love on her before she goes. Tamara mentioning Tim getting kicked out of Metro…She isn’t wrong it is down hill after the pinnacle of Lucy indeed. Trying to give her a compliment but Lucy isn't taking it that way. I wanna cry for a second time. She looks so distressed. *sigh* Two massive pillars in her life are now gone and it's felt in this brief moment.
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Tim in his old Metro office disassembling it. My heart. You all know how much I loved him In Metro. Killing me. Also just shows how much of a nose dive he took after this Ray debacle. Grey seeing this and sighing before going in after him. Tim seems like he’s in robot mode when Wade enters. Saying all the things he thinks Grey wants to hear since he’s back. No real emotion behind it. Just the grunt mentality he thinks he should have.
Gonna be more than just his trust you’re gonna need to earn back my love….Love Wade having him to ride along with Dr. London. Anyone needs it our boy does right now. Of course Tim bites back on this idea why wouldn’t he? Wouldn’t be Tim if he didn’t. Tim saying breaking up with Lucy has nothing to do with the Ray situation. Uh... it has everything to do with that my love EVERYTHING.
Grey standing his ground saying if he wants to regain his trust this is where it starts. I love him saying breaking up with Lucy and being bounced back to patrol due to being reckless makes him question his judgement. As it should…You forget Timothy this man watched you grow with Lucy for years. Saw how much she made you grew and joy she brought out in you. Of course he is questioning your actions. He just watched you throw away the best thing ever that's ever happened to you. Your judgement is being judged severely....
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I adore Wade Grey. He's not only putting Tim in his place and saying he could mandate therapy (which he would be justified in doing...) Or take the ride along. Then saying he’s taking Lucy out too. Just so he knows he is looking out for them both in this moment. The man knows what he is doing.
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I can’t believe Smitty doing breakup odds. I’m incensed by this tbh. Also I want punch the dude who said Tim would’ve cheated. He would NEVER. How very dare you. I hate that list. It makes me wanna rage out so hard. If any of them knew them at all they’d know it would never be something like that. Also her and Aaron? Ewww no no no.... Lucy had every right to ream Smitty out more than she did. So inappropriate it's insane. For shame sir truly.
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I'm glad she shut it down. Last thing they need is the station gossiping about them like this. They're going to anyways but Ugh I hate this whole thing. I feel sick. Of course she runs into Tim right after.... Worst timing ever. Breaks my heart because he still is excited to see her but she isn't ready for him. How could she be? He looks so sad. But Tim what are you expecting my love? No way she is ready to be near you let alone talk. This hurts to watch…Lucy trying so hard just not to have a meltdown right there in the station.
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I was very excited for him to have this ride along I will say and this opening scene is why. Dr London on his ass already. I love it. As she should be. Saying he’s bringing Aaron as a buffer. Which he is… Classic avoidance attachment style. That’s our boy. She’s not wrong he prefers surface level relationships (other than Lucy...) to a deep intimacy. His default state with anyone who isn't his girl.
She has him dead to rights already. Saying it’s a defense mechanism when someone is raised by an overly strict or domineering parent. A father. She’s not wrong. We all know his history. Tim of course isn’t about this whatsoever only making her assessment about him even more valid. Their scenes starting off real strong.
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Grey wanting to check in on Lucy I do love it. He’s not wrong she’s been through HELL this year. The detectives exam, Jeff Budney and now losing Tim. God this hasn’t been an easy season for her. To say she's going through it is the understatement of the century. I'm hurting for her so very much. Her entire world has been rocked to it's very core in the last week alone. Not mention everything else before this.
It’s so awkward Lucy inviting everyone but Tim to Tamara’s going away dinner…. In front of Dr. London too. That shot from Tim’s body cam seems very intentional. As he looks at everyone she’s inviting but him. Way his head goes back and forth. Grey patting Tim on the arm on the way out. *phew* Rough start to the shift.
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Of course their first call is disturbingly close to what she and Tim are dealing with. Not exactly what Lucy needs. Hearing this woman talking about thinking he was the one then it just ended. *heart clutch* Crushed is an apt name for how I was feeling during this episode.
Lucy has clearly kept this all inside for too long with her reaction to the situation. Wade would never set you up like that. Just shows how hyper sensitive she is atm. Why he's doing this ride along with her. He wants to keep you sane not crazy. I wanna hug her so much. 'I do watch too much reality tv. It's my bad' Lmao. Needed a little levity. This made me chuckle.
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We hit the ground running about breakups with Dr. London. Honestly no need to beat around the bush for this observation of Tim. ‘Breakups are a trigger for many men. Especially since stereotypical gender roles prevent them from seeking out help. For fear of appearing weak.’ If that isn’t Tim and this entire situation right now…
Hell that's his ENTIRE life. He was shamed into never wanting help and if he did he was meant to feel weak for it. Just like she is stating above. She is very good at her job and just getting started. Tim can't hide in any of his normal brush off statements. Which I love. She has him pegged already and it shows. Quite the opening jab from her to start this off.
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Lucy looks on verge of tears at all times right now and I’m dying. Especially when Grey brings up his name. Asking if they’ve talked since the breakup? Melissa straight killing me in this shop right now everyone. Those pre tears.....Saying she thought he didn’t care about her personal life. He’s not wrong if it affects her job it does matter. The point of this ride-along. To gauge where she is currently.
‘Smart to make the connection between IA and them breaking up. ‘Just a bad week.’ Oh its so much more than that…. Lucy protects him of course with the unethical portion. Bad place or not she's not going to cast any suspicion with that. But It’s so very clear she is painfully unaware why he did this to her. To them.
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Only that he’s not emotionally available to her. *sigh* This is true. The man is a disaster zone atm. I mean he’s definitely occupied mentally in a way she doesn’t understand yet. Hell I don’t even think Tim understands it really. All he knows is he think's he's toxic and she’s better off without him. Which is a huge part of this episode tbh.
So she isn't wrong he is not emotionally available right now. That much is painfully true. The joke about the Diamondbacks was funny but sad at the same time. They found good way of getting little funnies in there with Grey. I do appreciate that. I'm a sports girl so I this made me smile.
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Dr London really coming at Tim in this next section. She is wasting ZERO time with him. ‘Lot of romantic feelings start out as platonic love.’ Going right for it when she says he and Lucy were friends first right? His reaction…Gonna makes me bawl Eric. Hurts to watch this. Looks like he wants to cry. Ugh Tim. Killing me softly. She is getting under his skin quicker than he was expecting and you can tell. Hitting at a very raw nerve he's trying to keep hidden. He looks so distraught and emotional when he replies 'I was her T.O.'
Tim saying he’s not depressed. Oh my love….but you are. Depressed and wracked with a massive amount of guilt. ‘I broke up with her.’ So so defensive. Can’t let good doctor see this whole thing is crushing him. That would be weakness. He is fighting off a panic attack in this moment. So unsettled by this entire interaction. She is picking up on that guilt that is all but exuding out of him in this moment.
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She really brings it home saying internalizing guilt and shame leads to self directed anger. Self harm and suicide. If that isn't Tim Bradford my god. The self directed anger is him in spades. His face while she tells him all this.. Oh my lord. She has him dead to rights once again. He is experiencing so much guilt about it and it’s written all over his face. Tim is barely keeping it together while she is telling him stonewalling will only get him sidelined. Honestly I’m glad she’s confronting him like this. Coming at him so hard cause Tim needs that especially right now.
He can’t have passive people in this life when it comes to this kind of stuff. The one person who could knock sense into him he’s pushed away. So Dr. London being here is much needed. Of course Tim snaps at Aaron cause he can’t handle what he’s currently going through. Lashing out because what she is saying to him is true and he isn't able to handle it. Hitting very close to home. So he's defaulting back to S1 Tim in this moment. Destroying Aaron in the process..
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I love them talking about Tamara and the unconditional love Lucy has shown her. It’s so true. It’s that love that gave her courage to leave. Even though it's hard to watch happen. It shows what accepting unconditional love can do for you. Lucy bringing back to Tim because how could she not? Mentioning about letting people go even if you really care about them them. *sigh*. You can tell she is on the verge of tears once again.
That feeling where you've been keeping it inside for far too long. It comes out in anything you talk about. Like right now in this moment. Even talking about Tamara is cycling back to Tim and it shows how deeply upset she is. How could she not be? She is losing two of her people in one fail swoop. It's a miracle she hadn't lost it sooner than this moment tbh.
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Lucy crushing me some more in this episode. Further proving she has zero idea why Tim did what he did. How he could let go so easily. It was a blindside for us all but none more than for her. His person. The one who never ever expected him to leave her side. Tim did leave her with a cheap cliche nonsense about deserving better. It's so much complex than that but I can see why she is so angry about that. She deserved better than that.
It’s what upset her so much in that 6x06 scene. Because it felt like a cop out to her. When it’s so much deeper than that but Lucy doesn’t know that. Thats what killing me and her. Lucy going off saying it was her decision to make what she deserves. It’s true. She is so justified in saying this. Sadly Tim made that decision despite her willingness to love him no matter what.
Took away her choice to keep him even if he felt he wasn't worthy. Wasn't just HIS choice to make. That's what pissing her off and rightfully so. He doesn’t understand the unconditional love she had to give him or how to accept it. All he could see was how much better she was without him. All she wants is a real conversation with him and she didn't get to have that. He took the choice away from her and she's left holding the emotional bag of it all and it sucks.
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Punches keep rolling with Dr London. Attacking his problem at it's damaged root. As much as he is trying to bury it he cannot hide from her and her assessment of him. This is a huge turning point in the ep. Tim saying he owns his mistakes and moves on. So cut and dry and she isn’t having ANY of it. Nor should she. He hasn’t moved on in the slightest. Once again pegging him for not only not being over it but having his whole identity being wrapped up in acting honorably. If he was past that he wouldn’t have ended things with Lucy. We wouldn't be here. But he feels not worthy and not honorable enough for Lucy so he cut ties.
Her noting it’s had a devastating effect on his self esteem. Which is why he is punishing himself. i.e He let the love of his life go. He feels he doesn’t deserve such things for being so un-honorable. My broken boy. Tim isn’t sure what’s she is getting at. Asking what she's talking about? She continues to portray him accurately. That he is punishing himself by depriving himself of something he loves. Something that brings him joy. Or someone....Clearly that someone being Lucy.
The joy she brought to his life he no longer feels he deserves. Lucy was the one constant in his life that made him happy. So he’s depriving himself of it in order to punish himself. This sounds so harsh and severe but I relate to this. When I was new at my current job. I wasn’t very good at first. I was down right on the verge of being fired. I got a game plan to fix myself from my leader. BUT I was punishing myself for not being good enough in the first place. How did I do this? I took away something I loved and brought me joy. Music.
I refused to listen to music during my job because I felt I didn’t deserve it. I wouldn’t let myself enjoy it till I was better and had earned it back. I got to a place where I let myself have something I loved back and it helped so much and ultimately got me through it. So I relate to Tim doing this to himself i really do. He is denying the one person who brings him joy because of that self-punishment. He feels he has failed who he should be therefore he can't have what he wants and needs most. Lucy. You can really see it hit Tim by time Aaron rejoins them. She hit the nail on the head and Tim is feeling it.
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Lucy spotting Tim and touching her tattoo SO MUCH. Ugh my heart. Her grounding method to remind herself she's a survivor. The problem with all that is him being the reason for that reminder. Which just hurts. I'm not crying you are....Tim so out of his depth all he can do is be awkward with his ‘Clocking out?’ Babe....No...(Also I feel personally attacked by this song they chose for this scene.)
Lucy calling him out for it instantly. Because well she’s his person. Bad place or not she is always gonna tell him what he needs to hear. Won't let him hide behind niceties. Confronting that things aren't ok between them and she won't let him use it to hide. Asking for a real adult conversation with him. One which he is NOT ready for. This hurt to watch not gonna lie. This whole situation hurts.
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Tim deflects….with another cheap answer of saying he can’t give her what she wants. Ugh. You are everything she wants you foolish man. I don’t blame Lucy for cutting that convo off at the knees. She wanted more depth from him and got nothing in return. Telling him he has more to figure out than she realized…and feeling like she is no longer than person to help him with that.
My heart is breaking all over again… Lucy always felt she was his person to get him through anything and to hear this only hurts her further. Coming to that realization and taking off because of it. The song running through this scene is poignant and hurtful…Also the continual clutching to her tattoo as she departs from him. I'll just be weeping in the corner don't mind me....
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I wasn't expecting the scene we got here in Grey's office. But was so pleasantly surprised. My hope was that Dr. London broke through to him. That his ride along with her wouldn't be a one-off. I’m so proud of Tim I can't even tell you. To not only see he has work to do but to ask if he could start seeing her as a patient. He seemed disappointed she didn't mandate sessions. Which he needed so he could advocate for himself. Blair had pegged him early on and I think this will be so so good for him.
His healing journey is starting now and I’m so excited for him. Even though my heart is outside my chest right now for our couple. This is going to be good for Tim. I know people have been weird about Dr London. I haven’t gotten a bad feeling from her. I could be wrong but haven't gotten that. I think this is the healing Eric was talking about. That journey he needs to be in order to find his way back to Lucy. Grey's line was perfect. It's SO hard to ask for help. Tim can see something is wrong and wants to fix it. This is a beautiful start to this journey for him.
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This final scene with Tamara and Lucy made me cry. This whole ep has made me cry really. Their relationship has always been one of my favorites. To watch how they’ve both grown. How Tamara learned to trust again and receive that unconditional love Lucy had to give. Gah I love it so much. Took a broken untrusting girl and molded her into a confident bad ass. I've never been able to classify what they are. They're sisters, friends and family all wrapped up in one.
Hard to watch Lucy lose this piece of her life on top of everything else. Tim may have a lot of growth to do but I think Lucy too has room to grow from this all as well. She has been given quite the bad hand in this season. Maybe she can get some direction and clarity what she wants to do with career and such. I hate that she has to be the collateral damage to everything this year. It's hard to watch. But I am interested to see how she handles it all. See how she stands after all this. I think as hard as this is will end up making her more resilient.
Lucy been struggling with her own stuff this year as well. Being so good about pegging everyone around her but being blind in her own self awareness. it's going to be interesting to see how Lucy handles everything moving forward. I hope you all know how deeply my heart breaks for her. I don't like seeing her hurt anymore than I do Tim. I wanted to cry for her most of this episode. That being said I do think this growth journey will be good for her as well. Like Eric said she'll be ok they'll grow stronger from it. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
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I wasn’t expecting one more scene with him reaching out like this. Telling her she was right. He’s mad himself. That stark realization that is coming over him. My god I’m so proud of him I could burst. Not only advocating for himself but telling her it was an emergency. When everything inside him is trying to do the 'honorable thing' and not call it an emergency when it is. To see he's not being a burden by reaching out like this. It’s so hard to take care of yourself when you don’t think much of yourself. It’s a foreign feeling and to act on it even more so.
Learning it’s ok to ask for help, to be imperfect, to set healthy boundaries and grow. Not an easy place to get to. This scene is HUGE for Tim. Now I mean this in the nicest way I can muster but If you can't grasp how groundbreaking this is for him you don't get him as a character at all. Nor do you understand the gravity of this SL/situation. Of what this final scene represents for him. Tim is seeing something is broken within himself and he doesn't know how to fix it. All he knows is something is wrong and he doesn't want to feel this way anymore. He wants to understand why and to get better.
I know I spent most of my 20's running away from therapy. Saying I didn't need it. That it was non sense. Pushing everything down and deflecting like Tim did. Wrapping my identity in the same things. Being SO DAMN HARD on myself. I still struggle with this but learning to give myself more grace. I can't properly explain the feeling you get when you realize you can't out run your demons anymore. What sets off something inside you that says 'I don't feel right, I don't know how to fix it but I know it's time to.' All I know is what sets it off is different for everyone.
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For me it was the fact that I was set off by a kind comment. It was from a sweet lady who was a client of mine. Who commented on earrings my mother had gotten me. I hadn't thought much of it then she looked me in the eye with so much sincerity and said 'Your mother must love you very much.' That comment just hit me so hard. Triggered me. Cause some of my deepest seated trauma comes from my mom. I remember getting in my car and crying after. Texting my sister and telling her I thought it was time I got help. All I knew was something was wrong and it was clawing to the surface and I couldn't ignore it any longer.
That's Tim in this moment. Ray resurfacing was his demons coming up for air and not going away. This is his 'Come to Jesus.' moment about himself. Knowing what Dr. London was telling him today rang true. He just doesn't know to handle it and is reaching out for help to sort it out. Now He couldn’t gotten to this place without Lucy let’s not forget that. Tim wouldn't be in the place he is without her. BUT this is not Lucy's responsibility to fix. Nor should it be. As much as we love her being his person, this is Tim journey to go on.
Now my family/friends got me to place where I could see I needed help. Just like Lucy has for Tim. But it was up to me to take the first step. That's what this scene represents for him. His first step on his journey to healing himself. He knows he has work to do and I know he'll do it. He and I are alike and he will put his all into this. I'm excited the writers did what they did in this ep. Shows they're going to put the proper care into this SL. I can see a pathway way to their healing now and I feel like I can breathe for the first time in three weeks. I'm excited to see where the rest of the season goes for them both I really am. As always thank you for any likes, comments or reblogs I get for these they mean the world.
Side notes-non Chenford. Mostly lol
I like the idea of Celina moving in but she’s not wrong it would be an emotional minefield… but do love the idea of her living Lucy I don’t want her to be alone. Have one little win for her.
This was the song during that finale scene. Thank you D to finding the link above. it's Chenford Personified in this ep. Once again whoever is doing this songs. You need a damn raise this hurt so good. The lyrics were so Poignant and painful. These one were my fav. 'I miss you. I miss you. I’ll always forgive you."
She will forgive Tim because that's who Lucy is. One of the many reasons Tim fell in love with her. That never ending desire to trust people and forgive them. To see the best in them. She will look at the deeper meaning of his actions and help him past them once he gets there himself. He will have to earn that forgiveness of hers and I have no doubt he will.
This will be a process of that I have no doubt. It won't be quick or easy but my god it'll be worth it. They always are. I don't expect this to be resolved by seasons end but I do expect them to be on their way there by the finale. This is a beautiful growth journey they're about to embark on and I'm ready to go on it.
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billfarrah · 2 years
I've been off tumblr for a few days since season 2 premiered so idk if it's been mentioned before, but here I go anyway.
I love the fight scene between W & S in the changing room in episode 4. Simon not being able to hold back from talking about the Felice thing. Simon trying to come up (lol) with reasons why Marcus is a 'better' option and Wille making it clear he's always accepted and loved Simon for who he is.
But what I find particularly interesting and what I actually wanted to talk about is how Wille is the one to walk away and walk out from their conversation. I think it's the first (and only) time he's the one to leave during a conversation/fight with Simon (if I'm not mistaken). And then Simon's reaction when he leaves and what looks like to be some remorse? is very similar to Wille finding himself alone in the music room in both season 1 and season 2 episode 5.
I just really love this scene and I think it was brilliantly done (like most of this season tbh).
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You’re so right. So, so right. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve rewatched that scene lol everyone wilmon scene this season absolutely slapped but this was one of my favourites because this is when their dynamic really, really starts to shift.
Up until this point in the story, it’s been Simon walking away from their fights/interactions and Simon asking for Wille to give him space. At the end of episode 3, we see the beginning of Wille accepting that he has to let Simon go - him wistfully staring at the few pictures he has of them on his phone, his little emo walk to the lake, and his kiss with Felice to try and see if he can replicate his feelings for Simon with someone else, because he’s starting to lose hope.
When Simon finds out about Wille kissing Felice, Wille has already decided he’s going to let him go, and here comes Simon whipping a dodgeball at him and snidely belittling Wille in the locker room. Wille is clearly very tired in this scene; he’s tired of fighting for Simon only to be met with resistance and he’s definitely having none of Simon’s vitriol. Simon kissed Marcus in front of him and now he’s pissed that Wille kissed Felice? Simon’s motivations here are very clear to us as an audience (or at least they were for me) - he’s jealous that Wille kissed someone that wasn’t him and he’s angry because even though he asked Wille for space, deep down, he wants Wille to fight for them, to fight for him, and now it seems like Wille isn’t fighting anymore and that makes Simon angry. He’s purposely pushing Wille’s buttons here - giving reasons why Marcus is better for him when he knows those reasons are complete bullshit, you know he only said “he likes my singing” because that would piss Wille off, Simon absolutely knows how Wille feels about his singing - but his jabs don’t hit the way he wants them to. He goes too far and he ends up really hurting Wille in a deeply personal way - saying he can’t accept Wille for who he is is not a petty jab. That one cut deep, and this time, as you said, it’s Wille walking away. This action from Wille - the I’m done fighting with you and I’m done fighting for you - shapes Simon’s actions for the rest of the episode.
I think Simon’s reaction is a mix of remorse and utter frustration. He’s so conflicted and it’s resulting in him giving off very mixed signals to Wille, which ends up pushing Wille away from him, which is what he claimed he wanted but in reality it’s the opposite. Simon is in love with him, and he knows it - he desperately wants Wille to choose him. You can see this in the locker room scene in episode 2 when Wille says his parents support him and Simon sits down. He was listening! He was hoping in that scene Wille would tell him he didn’t have to be a secret anymore, but was of course disappointed. Simon never wanted Wille to stop fighting for them and that’s why we see him using Marcus to make Wille jealous at the party, and why he panics so much when Wille finally tells him he’s moving on for real. It shakes Simon deeply.
No matter how much he said he wanted space, Simon never truly wanted Wille to let him go.
Ultimately Simon’s arc this season is him trying to keep his integrity and not sacrifice anything for love, and it isn’t until he understands that what he’s asking of Wille will result in Wille needing to make a sacrifice, which he himself was not willing to do (for good reason of course, Simon was right to end things between them in season 1). That’s when his perspective shifted. And even more so following Sara’s betrayal, where Simon really just doesn’t know or understand anything anymore, that’s when he says fuck it, I don’t care, I’m in love with you, I want to be with you, fuck all the rest.
It’s such a beautiful arc and I’m so happy Simon got to experience such a wide array of emotions this season. Omar crushed it.
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smalls-words · 2 years
Healing Hands
Summary: The attack on Kamar-Taj goes a bit differently than the stories say.
Warnings: Blood, death, burns.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Sorceress!Reader
A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! So I feel like I haven’t updated in ages, so this is a little excerpt from my WIPs that I thought you might like! Idk what I should do with it tbh :’) This is also like a prologue!
pt. i, pt. ii, pt. iii, pt. iv, pt. v, pt. vi
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*not my gif*
The battle was lost. There was no denying it. As soon as the Scarlet Witch had broken through the mind of a single sorcerer, the battle was lost. 
Death followed her. Your friends, lifelong friends, were gone. Those in the beds in front of you were clinging onto life with a deceivingly weak grip. 
Sparks flew next to you, but they didn’t alarm you. “Y/N, you need to leave. The Scarlet Witch cannot find you.” 
“If anybody needs to leave, it’s you, Wong. You’re Sorcerer Supreme, you know more than all of us combined. She’ll try to expunge that knowledge from you, in any way she knows how.” You barked as your hands hovered above an injured young sorcerer, charred burn wounds running the length of his left side.
The blue wisps falling from your fingertips streaked around the young boy’s body. He couldn’t be more than 9 or 10, and yet he was fighting for his life against the most powerful force known to you. 
Your hands began to shake before the tips of your magic, the ones that surrounded the boy’s body, turned black. You fought against it, you really did, but Wong pulled you away as the boy passed on.
“She’s infecting them, Wong. Some sort of dark magic, trying to seep energy out of anything it touches.” You grimaced, angered that you lost him.
You looked at the dead bodies around you. You could have saved them, but the Scarlet Witch was powerful. 
You turned to Wong. “Go. Protect the girl. I’ll hold her off.”
“Absolutely not!” He snarled, but you took his shoulders gently.
“Wong… She cannot take her power. Go.”
He gave you a defeated look before hugging you tightly. “It’s been a pleasure to be your friend.”
“Please, let it be mine.” You chuckled.
You stepped back from him before bowing traditionally, bidding him goodbye as he portalled away. You also made your own portal, your Slingy wrapped neatly around your fingers until you came face-to-face with the outside of Kamar-Taj.
The once masterful fortress had crumbled beneath the touch of the Scarlet Witch. Pillars had crumbled to the ground, cannons had destroyed the roofs of nearby healing huts, and you recognised the bodies writhing in the Witch’s grip.
“Where is he?!” She demanded of them, a hiss in her tone - an accent, perhaps?
She turned around at the feeling of your mind. It was bright, much brighter than those in her clutch. Almost warm, in fact. “The Sorcerer Supreme will not be speaking with you today.” You spoke monotonously, your fingers interlocked as they hung by your waist.
“And who might you be?” She asked, her magic no longer torturing your friends but they were still in her hold.
“Healer Y/N, get away! Run!” Rintrah bellowed at you, but she covered his mouth with a red seal.
“Y/N, huh?”
“I am Healer Y/N, yes.” You replied.
“And what exactly does a healer do?” She queried, taking a few steps closer to you as you stood at the top of the stone stairs.
“It is in the name, Wanda Maximoff - I heal those who are wounded.” 
Wanda hadn’t heard her full name for a while, amused that you would both know and use it. 
“Tell me, Y/N, what kind of wounds can you heal?”
You eyed her foot as she stepped up. “Burns, as of late. But lacerations, bruises, broken bones-”
“How about a broken heart?” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m afraid those kinds of injuries take a bit longer to heal.”
“How long would you say? If you had to estimate?” 
Even though the urge to step back came when she climbed the second set of stairs, you kept your ground, leaving you one more set between the two of you. “Depends. What damage did the heart take? What love was lost?”
“Parental.” A step. “Brotherly.” Another. “Motherly. Marital.”
She came to your eye length on the second last step, taking the final two to stand a few inches above. “Familial.”
“Then I’m sorry, Ms Maximoff, but your heart will need time to heal. Long, precarious time, with abilities beyond my own-”
“Oh, but you can learn, can’t you?” Wanda interrupted, raising her blackened fingertips to your cheek. 
“Isn’t that how the world works? By learning?”
“Time is but a human construct to comprehend the vastness of the universe. The multiverse. Is there nothing you could do to learn more, to be faster than you are now?”
You held up a hand to her, your eyebrows furrowing. “If you wish for an answer, then you will give me time to speak.”
She smiled at you, stepping back once. It wasn’t much, but she was then silent as she waited for your response. 
You sighed, folding your arms. Wanda’s eyebrows raised in alarm - a sorcerer’s arms were its weapons. What on earth were you?
“There is a way I can heal you faster than originally thought.”
Her eyes widened before her smile grew. “Great. How?”
“Let my friends go.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “No.”
“Then may you suffer for as long as your heart desires.” You turned around.
Anger bubbled inside of the witch before she threw a blast at your turned back, surprised when a barrier of blue blocked it. You turned again, your glowing eyes a frightening sight.
“Harming me will do you no good, Ms Maximoff.”
“ARGH!” She growled, whipping a wisp around you before she brought you closer, a firm grip on your healer cloak.
“If you will not give me an answer, I will reap it out of you, one day at a time.”
A glowing red sigil to your right alarmed Rintrah and his horns glowed, eldritch magic shooting out to grab your ankle. Wanda looked between him, the golden chain, and you, watching you shake your head at the R'Vaalian before blue magic cut through the chain like a hot knife.
*She needs it, Master Rintrah. Tell Wong not to come for me - this is something that must be done to protect the multiverse.* You sent the thought to him before Wanda’s sigil consumed you, red dust clouding your vision as she knocked you unconscious.
A/N - Ideas are welcomed!
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
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Tom Holland x Pregnant!Reader
You go on set with Tom, both of you thinking it’s harmless, but technically it’s not the safest place you could be while your 8 months pregnant
Warning⚠️: this not like regular ones reader doesn’t have the baby after getting hurt, Tom has a panic attack
»»——⍟——««A/n: wellll am I back? Idk tbh. I just felt like actually sitting down and writing something real not just the little bits lolol. Maybe I’m back maybe this was just a adrenaline rush but hey enjoy hehe
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It's perfect. That's the only way you could describe it. There's nothing better than this moment. If someone you're close to asked where your favorite place was, no hesitation, you'd say laying in Tom's arm. Call it corny, cringe, cliche, but it was true.
That fact only grows when you're pregnant. Now, you're pregnant with Tom's babies, twins, and that only makes you love being around him more. Some girls want their space when they're pregnant, but not you, not at all. You usually want to be around Tom as much as possible, and it only doubles when you're pregnant.
Tom knows. He's used to it by now. The first time you got pregnant, he noticed the way you were clingier. Not that he minded. He loved holding you and having his arms around you any time, so no big deal.
Now that you're pregnant again, he knows what to expect. He knows that as it goes on and you get more uncomfortable, he has to be around as much as possible, knowing he's the only thing that keeps you sane and happy while you're uncomfortable in your own skin.
Some days are better than others, but it's tricky, especially since Tom has to be on set. After you passed around five months, it got worse. He always tries to slip away when he can, leaving you things you need in the bedroom, wanting you to stay in bed as long as you can and not move around too much. Tom leaves you pillows and snacks, plus his hoodie so you can cuddle your big pillow and pretend he's there.
The one thing that was always extra ticky was sleep. No matter how much you'd lay on Tom's hoodie and cuddle with his pillow or how long you'd lay still in bed during the day, you can't sleep without him. During the earlier stages of your pregnancy, you'd trick yourself and act like he was there, napping during the day and being fine while he's gone, but that only lasts so long.
You're eight months pregnant now, and some days you almost can't bare him not being home. It made it that much worse that he had to leave early, and no matter how careful he was trying to remove himself from bed, you always woke up. You woke up, and you couldn't get back to sleep without him, leaving you in bed for the rest of the day, missing him.
Part of you did feel bad. Bad that you're so dependent on him, but the feeling always went away with how caring he'd be. Tom never complained, and he always found a way to help you however he could. Any time he did that, it'd make you so happy, and you wouldn't think about the slight guilt. He loved doing it anyway, so there was no reason to feel guilty.
Today is another regular day. Tom's alarm went off at 6 am, making him wake up and quickly turn it off, then look at you, who's curled up against him. He put his arm back where it was, laid across you, his hand on your swollen stomach, his thumb slowly rubbing circles, a small smile spreading across his lips.
He takes a few minutes, staying in that position and savoring the moment. Your back is against his chest, his other arm under your pillow, and your hands curled around his hand that peeks from under the pillow, both of you in a bubble of warmth and tranquility.
Then the moment he dreaded, after stretching the time as much as he could, Tom knew he had to get up. Slowly, he lifted the arm that laid on top of you, meanwhile trying to slide back and remove his body from yours.
To no use, tho, the very second his warmth left yours, you stirred awake, immediately knowing he was about to leave and not wanting it, turning around and trying to get him to stay.
"Tommy, no, no, stay! Please, stay," you whined. Your voice sounded broken and tired from sleep.
If you didn't sound so sad, Tom could've almost laughed at how you awkwardly tried to curl your body around his, trying to cling to him to make him stay. It is pretty impossible cause of your big stomach.
"M'sorry, Love. You know I have to go," he said, his voice also still thick with sleep. He brings his hand up and rubs your arm, looking into your pleading eyes.
"No, not today, just today, please. Don't want you to go," you pouted, still trying to lean into Tom, getting frustrated at how your stomach was preventing it.
Tom takes note, trying to think of a solution, not wanting you to be upset this early in the day. "Hold on, Love," he says. "Cmere." Tom turns you on your back, settling down on his side, curling his arms around you, pulling you sideways into his chest. "Better?" he asks, making you nod, tired pout still on your face. He thought for a moment, trying to come up with the best solution, only coming up with a single one that he wasn't super fond of, but it was the only thing his morning brain could come up with at the second.
"Alright, how about this; how about you come on set with me today?"
"Really?" your eyes light up at the thought.
"Yeah... I mean, as long as you promise to stay safe, I'm sure just one time won't be too bad," he smiles at you.
Tom, in general, is very protective, meaning he'd barely let you out of the house without him, not wanting something to happen to you or now your babies. In Tom's mind, there were plenty of things that could go wrong bringing you on set, but it's either that or leave you unhappy at home all day, and stress is bad for you right now plus, what's the odds something will happen anyway?
After you agreed, he called his manager, telling him he'll be a little late today, giving you time to take your time and get ready, plus time for you to wait for Tom's mom to come to pick up Mya, you and Tom's three-year-old, as she usually does every day to watch her while Tom is away.
Two hours later, you're on set.
"You sure about this, Love? I don't mind driving you back home if you like?" Tom says as you walk away from the car, starting to have his doubts.
"Yes, Tom," you smile. "You know I love watching you film anyways."
He can't help but smile, leaning to give you a kiss on your forehead as he slips his hand into yours and head closer.
You follow Tom as he gets ready in Hair & Makeup, then heads to his trailer to change. Pretty much everyone knew you, and you had fun seeing everyone again. Mostly, while Tom gets ready, you're sitting a few feet from him, out of the way, and just watching. Occasionally someone will say hi, but mostly everyone focused on other stuff.
Eventually, it's time to start filming. You and Tom walk to where he's supposed to be, him showing you and place you can sit and watch. It all goes smoothly. You smile as you watch Tom's scenes, even though you know little about what's going on, and you, every once in a while, will snack on the snacks you brought that are in your backpack.
At one point, they need to film scenes inside one of the set buildings. Everyone makes their way inside, Tom stopping to check on you for a few minutes before getting in his position.
The show Tom's filming is known for great CGI. Part of that reason is the custom big wing canon they use. When it's turned on, not only does it make it look like the wind hit Tom, but a lot of the time, it's powerful enough to make other things move, making it all look natural and less pressure on the CGI editing.
There's no way to know what it was about today. Everything was the same as any other day. The prop placement. The canon placement. There's no reason for any of it to change. Yet, that doesn't change the fact that when the wind canon gets turned on, and they started filming, all the wind and things moving, nobody could've predicted one of the prop rocks would go flying from its place.
Directly toward where you're sitting.
You didn't see it coming. You didn't have time to see it coming. Tom barely saw it coming, only noticed by the side of his eye how one object, compared to everything else, flew out into your general direction, making his heart immediately stop. His head snaps toward you, watching just in time as it hits you, sending you flying out of your chair and to the ground.
Most the things on set aren't real, the rocks and cars. Anything and everything around is for show, but it also needs to look like it's not fake. Soft, light prop rocks aren't going to pass.
It hit you right in the chest, and you were immediately unconscious. When Tom saw you not moving, he froze. Everything around him was too much. His lungs felt heavy, his throat felt dry, and he couldn't yell. Everything was within seconds, but he was the quickest to react, well, try to react. At first, he couldn't do anything, but a scream of your name eventually erupted from his throat.
For the scene he's doing, he was standing on a high-up ledge, also attached to a harness so he won't fall. Because of that, when he tries to jump and lung down to you, he can't. Instead, he's stuck dangling mid-air and strangling to get out of the harness, all while screaming your name.
Y/n!? Y/n! Are you ok? Y/n!"
"Tom. Tom! Calm down, stop moving so we can get you down!" Henry, the director, says. "Marcus, help Tom down, and Harmony call an ambulance for Mrs. Holland." Everyone scatters at the directions. Some go to kneel at your side, trying to be of any help.
Tom has to swallow his instincts and stay still so Marcus can control the harness strings and let him down. The second, Tom's feet are on (somewhat) stable ground, back where he started on the ledge he's pulling, tugging at the harness and throwing it away from him.
If this wasn't a terrible situation, and Tom focused on you, he would've stopped and been excited about the flip and sticking the landing off the 20-foot-high ledge he was standing on.
Once he's on the ground, he runs to you, trying not to trip over his feet, pushing the people around you out of the way, and gets by your side. His throat is dry again, mouth open, but nothing comes out. Tom's eyes wide, hands shaking as they ghost over your body. His gaze focuses on the small trail of blood going down your forehead. That's when his whole body starts shaking.
His vision goes blurry, and he doesn't know what to do. He starts hyperventilating. He feels like there's too much air in his lungs, but at the same time, he can't breathe. Everyone around you notices when he starts panicking, and they try to help, but it's too no use. He can't hear anyone or see their attempts. He only sees you.
In Tom's eyes, there's no telling how much time went by before he feels his body get pulled to the side and sees medics next to you. There are two more medics, one by him and one asking what happened. He still can't feel anything, numbness spreading around his whole body. He's unable to acknowledge the medic next to him, trying to ask if he's ok or needs assistance.
It doesn't take long for the medic to pick up on his incoherent state, his breathing uneven, and the crazed look on his face. The medic calls for an oxygen mask, quickly taking it and putting it over Tom's face.
It does help a little, making Tom come back to reality the slightest amount, enough for him to see the other medics get you on a gurney and wheel you toward the ambulance.
That makes Tom stand up, pulling the mask off his face and ignoring the calls from people around him, telling him to wait. He follows them, watching as they get inside the ambulance and close the door. And everything goes black.
Tom wakes up in a hospital bed. White walls and the sound of a beeping heart monitor. It takes him a second, but everything comes flooding back, and suddenly he's trying to get up, to get to you.
"Woah! Woah, Woah, mate! Settle down, settle down," Harry urges, getting up from his seat and standing next to Tom's bed.
'Y-Y/n- she- where-" Tom pants, unable to finish one sentence before starting another.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's ok, mate, she's fine."
Tom hears what he says, but something in him still can't fully comprehend it, and e continues to struggle and try to get up. "Tom, dude, stop, or they'll have to sedate you again," Harry chuckles, putting his hand on Tom's shoulder, wanting to keep him down.
"She's ok?" Tom asks, still now fully there.
"Yes. Y/n is ok, and the babies are ok.
"Wan' see her."
"Please- mate, please," Tom whines, not caring how pathetic he sounds.
Harry sighs in defeat. Henry called Harry to meet Tom at the hospital to tell him what happened and when he arrived, the doctors said Tom had a panic attack, plus his oxygen levels went down. He'd be pretty out of it for a while.
Harry knew it probably wasn't the best idea to get Tom out of his bed, but he also knew Tom wouldn't stop until he saw you.
It takes a few minutes, but he finds a wheelchair and wheels Tom to your room. He wheels him next to you and leaves for you two to have time.
Seeing you brings him to reality just a little. You're still unconscious, and you have a heart monitor hooked up, but other than that, you look fine.
At that moment, exhaustion hits Tom like a truck. The full extent of the day's activities really come flooding in, and he's tired, incredibly tired. All he can do is smile, seeing with his own eyes that you're ok. He slides one hand and rests it on top of your stomach, sliding his other into your limp one, then just rests his head on the side of your bed, his eyes immediately shutting.
Ahem: @scandescent @tomhollandfics
@mcushvft @lnmp89
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fbfh · 1 year
rocks at your window pt. 10 - ricky bowen x reader
disclaimer: this series contains smut and chapter by chapter warnings, so as with all nsfw works, ricky is aged up to 18+!! ricky and reader are 18 and in their senior year
additionally, we're working towards a ricky x therapy plot so he's going to start expressing some symptoms of mental illness and bpd but he does get therapy eventually and has a good support system but he gets worse before he gets better yk. Obviously I'm not a professional and this is for entertainment so while I have done my research pls take this with a grain of salt!! or several!! /lh
!! contains some spoilers for season 1 of hsmtmts, and previous chapters of this fic !!
wc: 10.1k
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, more high highs and a lot of low lows, tooth rotting fluff
pairing: ricky bowen x (afab she/her) reader
warnings: saucy flashbacks, nini and ej are very unprofessional, more fake texts, more coping through the arts, ricky realizes he's a real theatre kid, ricky is simping for you, seb being seb/a good friend/an absolute sweetheart, ricky distancing himself from lynne (slay), spilling tea (after getting permission to do so), conflicted feelings, nini (and ej but mostly nini) ruins the show, three seperate nini pick me moments, reader is about to snap, ricky and reader are mvps, one playful 'babe' from reader to ricky, nini is one delusional bitch!, brief mention of reader's trauma (jumpy at loud noises, flinches when someone raises their voice), ricky and big red are bros, big red has good opinions bc he stans dr phil, minor big red x ashlyn, kourtney and ricky do not get along lol, reader DOES snap, nini is terrible idk how else to rephrase it she's just the worst, nini gets yelled at by both you and ricky (slay), realizations happen, jones BIGASS love confessions and neck kisses.html, flowery descriptions, ricky picks you up briefly, making out, ricky is good with kids and it's adorable, nini is the only one who calls it YAC, theatre kids at denny's jumpscare, mike is a good dad, you wear one of ricky's shirts, saccrine amounts of love declarations, tooth rotting fluff
summary: after the disaster that was act one, act two also finds some way to go unplanned, causing you to be completely fed up with Nini's unprofessional behavior. you turn a night of confrontations around as you realize something and ricky finally gets something important off his chest.
song recs: entr'acte (hands clean) - jagged little pill obc, smiling - jagged little pill obc, what am I to you - rm, you stupid bitch - crazy ex girlfriend cast, first - niki and gabi, for a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic - paramore, I hear a symphony - cody fry, something to believe in - newsies obc, let's go to the movies - annie (1982), sunrise - in the heights obc
a/n: fangz again 2 cici for beta reading, prepz fuk off. I'm watching american horror story murder house so uh. i'll let you know how that goes. it's hilarious so far tbh i love basement babyman. also this is ricky at you
tags @yesv01 @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @hopefullhearts @pikzel @demirunner @brinaslittlefreak @girlfriendwhoseawitch @matiere-detoiles @ifilwtmfc @uselesssapphickitten @nxstalgicnxbxdy @ggclarissa @n-slayaaaaa @stormi-ames @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @rainforest-daisies @sunshineangel-reads
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You had heard the first part of their argument from your dressing room. After that it was muffled yelling - most of which you hoped was Ricky’s. When Natalie called for places, they were still going at it. You found Miss Jenn as quickly as you could, worried about Ricky, unsure if he was still okay to perform. 
“EJ is already getting ready to go on.” She tells you. It’s the only answer you need for how ugly things got. She ushers everyone to their places, trying her best to squash their questions and speculations of what’s going on. 
“Nothing you need to worry about, just find you places, get in character, get ready for act two…” she instructs. She pulls you aside before you enter the wings. 
“Mr. Mazzara is escorting her out as we speak.” she informs you quietly. 
“Wait, Mr. Mazzara is here?” you ask. She pauses.
“Uh, yes. He’s been… helping run the lights up in the control booth. It was a last minute-” she shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter. The point is, the… shrew is leaving and Mike is on his way back to check on Ricky.” You’re relieved that his dad is here for him - and Miss Jenn. You look around momentarily. 
“Where is he?” you ask. 
“That dusty storage room we shoved the creepy mannequins in.” 
The one with the piano. The one where he helped you come down from a panic attack your first day at the El Rey, and… 
“...So they’re probably going to wait until the show is over, then head home.” You snap out of the onslaught of memories that stirred up at the mention of that storage room, catching the last half of what she said. “You can keep your phone in the wings to stay in touch, just make sure it’s not a distraction.” 
“Okay,” you agree, already feeling it buzzing in your pocket. She nudges you toward the wings as the intro to I Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You starts playing, Nini and EJ’s voices should be floating through the house. 
“Now, go be Sharpay!” she says with a smile, and you start to turn the corner, then pause. 
“Miss Jenn!” you whisper-yell, and she looks back up at you. “Thank you! For everything.” you say sincerely. She places her hands on her chest, smiling, and you finally find your place backstage. 
“Like, full on screaming,” you hear Zeke say to Martha. You try to ignore them, and everyone else talking and whispering. You knew it would spread like wildfire, backstage drama always does. You pull out your phone, blowing up with texts from Ricky and his dad. You keep switching between the two text threads, trying to figure out what happened, to make sure Ricky’s okay. As you type out replies to both him and his dad, you look out onto the stage. Something doesn’t sound right, the gaps between the dialog are too long. 
Your brow furrows, trying to figure out what’s going on. EJ’s hand comes up to his collar and he leans forward. Nina delivers her next line more stilted and awkward and out of character than anything you’ve ever seen. You watch, confusion turning into disbelief as Nina covers her mic with her hand, and whispers something to EJ. Being so close to where they’re standing, you’re able to catch most of what she says - ‘seriously, EJ, where’s Ricky?’, or something to that effect. 
High pitched feedback whines at the disturbance to her mic, and for a moment you think you must have imagined it. There’s no way, no chance in hell she covered her mic with her hand, broke character onstage, and got EJ to break character too. You take a few breaths, reminding yourself that you’re not the director. Miss Jenn will have to deal with that one. Your phone buzzes as you get more texts from Ricky, and you check it again. 
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Ricky stares at the little gray box on his screen, letting your words sink in. He still has four shows to perform in. He has more than just tonight to look forward to. All of those shows, every single one of them, is going to go just fine. Even now, through the worst possible nightmare of a thing that could have happened, the show is still continuing; the show must go on. And it will. It is, right in front of his eyes, as he and his dad enter the auditorium, taking two empty seats, Ricky’s right on the aisle. EJ and Nini harmonize, dancing around the stage - like he was supposed to. They finish the last verse of Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You, as the audience applauds. He claps politely as the lights go down. 
He mentally runs through what he would be doing if he were back there with you guys. You’re probably getting ready for the scene at Sharpay’s locker with Zeke, standing center stage in the dark, looking at the prop accessories in the pink locker, while Zeke mentally goes over his lines and blocking in the stage left wing. The lights go up, and he’s right. He knows this whole show inside and out, he realizes, and it makes his chest squeeze. Instead of dwelling on that, he leans forward, watching the scene begin to play out. He realizes suddenly that he gets to actually watch you perform. Not just from the wings or during rehearsals or in a grainy camcorder video, but he gets to watch you live. 
He smiles a little, realizing how special that is. You deliver your lines flawlessly, bringing a chuckle from the audience with your attitude right when you want one. It’s crazy how you play the mean girl so well, when it couldn’t be further from your real personality. He figures you’re just that amazing. You let out a shrill, frustrated scream, then storm off stage with Zeke trailing after you. When the lights go down, he claps loudly, letting out a cheer. He lets out a shaky breath, knowing you’ll be in the next scene, too - you’re probably quick changing for it right now. 
He’s right again, and backstage, you pull on your jacket, relieved to be done a little earlier than usual. It’s probably nerves from everything that happened tonight making you go a little quicker, but you’re not complaining. 
“So,” Seb says quietly next to you, bending over to tug on his heels, “what happened earlier? It sounded bad…” You let out a slow, frustrated sigh. He gets the sense it wasn’t just bad, it was really bad. 
“Just…” you search for the words, “some personal stuff. Family stuff, I guess.” 
“Bad enough for him to leave halfway through the show?” he asks, and you can tell he’s concerned. You pause fixing your belt, looking up to the catwalk and praying for the strength to get through tonight. Seb is one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met, and you know he wouldn’t hurt a fly, but the last thing you need to do is add to the whispers, the desire for someone to spill the tea on what happened during intermission. 
“It’s really not for me to say…” you trail off, glancing at the other groups of castmates waiting to go on and techies listening for their cues. ‘Later’, you mouth to him. You have to go on any minute, and you want to text Ricky about it before you tell anyone anything. It’s really not your place to tell anyone what’s going on in his homelife. You pull out your phone, sending him a quick text that says some of your friends are worried about him, and does he want you to say anything or keep it under wraps for now. You turn your phone on silent and hide it in your bra before making your entrance on time. 
Seb lets out a huff, then follows you off stage as the ensemble runs in from the wings and the music for Wildcat Cheer reprise starts playing. As the ensemble begins dancing, Ricky checks his phone again, seeing a new text from you. ‘What do you want me to say?’ He pauses, staring at the screen. What does he want you to say? Nothing, at first. For a painful, fleeting moment, he wishes none of this had ever happened in the first place, he wishes he didn’t have to keep making up excuses and brushing things off. He doesn’t have to, he realizes. He doesn’t have to keep covering for her, and overcompensating for her shitty decisions. He bites the inside of his cheek, then texts you back. 
Backstage, you return to the stage right wing, ready for your next scene. You check to see if Ricky has texted you back, and he did. ‘Tell them she showed up unannounced and we got in a fight. I’m not trying to make her look good anymore.’ You agree, and a part of you is glad he’s not making himself responsible for his mother’s emotions anymore. When your scene is over, you rush to your dressing room to get ready for Bop to the Top. You have a full costume and hair change, and you need to tweak your makeup a little, so it usually takes you the longest to get ready for. Once you’ve applied enough body glitter to choke a bratz doll, you leave your dressing room, meeting Seb on the way to the wings. 
Most of the cast is onstage right now, so it’s not very crowded backstage where you stand, waiting for the current song to end. Seb moves a little closer to you and lowers his voice.
“I know it’s probably not a good time to ask, but what in the Mount Saint Helens happened with Ricky?” He asks in a hushed, worried tone. You bite back a smile at his turns of phrase, and sigh. You think back to Ricky’s text, how he said he’s done covering for her. 
“His mother showed up…” you say slowly, pausing at the shocked expression on his face. 
“She what?” he exclaims quietly. 
“And she tried to corner Ricky during intermission,” he gasps, and you continue, “and they got into a huge fight.” 
“Oh my god.” he says, thinking back to the yelling he’d heard. 
“Mhm.” you confirm, “Miss Jenn had to kick her out so she wouldn’t cause more of a scene.” 
“Oh my god!” he gasps in disbelief that it got that bad. He feels like he’s on an episode of Real Housewives. Or maybe Dance Moms. 
“Poor Ricky… Is he okay?” His mind constructs different images of Ricky’s mother ambushing him while he tries to get ready for act two. He can’t imagine how terrible that must have been. 
“As much as he can be right now,” you say. Seb can see how worried you are about him. This night took a toll on you, and he’s sure Ricky’s dad and Miss Jenn can’t be doing much better. It makes sense, and he’s glad to at least know what happened. 
“That’s pretty much it, but I’ll give you the details later.” you say, noting that you have to go on soon, and walking over to Ashlyn so you can enter together. 
The music starts, and Ricky has never been more excited for Bop to the Top. He’s never had the opportunity to see you and Seb perform full out like this from the audience, he’s always been just out of view before because of the blocking and where he was supposed to stand on stage. But now, he’s front and center, watching the light bounce off the glitter scattered across your chest and arms. You’re in a gorgeous, glittering teal dress that bounces and moves with every step you take. Your silver sparkling heels match your bracelets, and your hair is pinned up with big pink and white flowers on the side. Seb begins to dance with you, wearing a coordinating outfit that’s just as flashy. 
As the music cuts between the basketball game and science decathlon, you and Seb continue to steal the show. Your singing is gorgeous and your choreography is flawless. You harmonize as you spin around, totally in sync. Your attitude, your charisma is overflowing. The two most important events of the show are happening on either side of you, and you’re keeping all eyes center stage. He’s never seen a number with this much energy, this much flare, and based on the way the crowd is reacting, they feel the same way. 
As the tension builds, as the time to score the winning shot runs out and the science questions get harder and harder, as the music builds, Ricky’s breath is taken away. At the climax of the number, the East High Wildcats win the championship basketball game, and the science decathlon at the same moment. You and Seb hit the final note, holding it out as you strike your ending pose. Right as you’re done, Taylor kills the lights. 
Ricky is stunned at how good the show looks from the audience. But in spite of how amazing it’s been, he can’t ignore the gnawing in his chest anymore. He’s been trying so hard to focus on you, to not be jealous of EJ standing up there reciting his lines, singing his parts and doing his choreography. Seeing EJ up there, seeing Carlos struggle to fill in as Chad makes his stomach sink. It’s supposed to be him up there. He’s supposed to be the one scrambling to make it to callbacks on time, just like he did in real life all those months ago. He turns his attention back to you, as you begin your biggest Sharpay diva moment of the show. 
You storm off with Seb at your heels, and you both begin to get changed for the finale. As you get dressed into your white and red outfits, you can’t resist telling him a little more about what happened during act one and intermission. 
“...And she just stormed up to me, demanding to see him. Like, I told her, ‘you’re not cast or crew, you are so not allowed to be back here’, but she didn’t care!” Your voice is intense, but hushed. 
“Are you kidding?” he demands, shock evident on his face. 
“I wish I was…” you laugh softly, just as flabbergasted by the recent turn of events as he is. You inch closer to the curtain, and see Ricky wave to you in the audience - or more specifically in the general direction of where he knows you’d be right about now. His eyes are still a little pink and puffy, and it’s obvious how much everything that happened tonight has fucked him up. Your chest squeezes at the sight, and you wish you could hug him or do something to help. You sigh, trying to think of something encouraging to text him when you get a spare minute to. You snap out of your train of thought when you realize it’s quiet onstage. Your stomach sinks as EJ repeats his line, trying to cue Nina.
“Oh god,” you mutter next to Seb. 
“Did she forget her lines?” he asks. Her head turns, and you see what she’s looking at - who she’s looking at. You’re minutes away from the finale of the show, and she’s staring at Ricky. EJ begins speaking again, reciting his lines, but he just keeps going.
“Is he improving?” you ask rhetorically. “Why is he improving?” 
You have no idea what’s going on, but this show is going off the rails so fast. It’s like a slow motion trainwreck, and you find yourself unable to look away as Nina whispers to him out of character, for the second time in the last hour. You can feel your blood pressure rise as she breaks character too, the both of them floundering onstage and deviating from every rule of theatre Miss Jenn has been drilling into your heads for the last three months. Again, EJ speaks up, not even trying at this point. 
“I’m not the Troy you want,” he says melancholically. 
“What the fuck are they doing?” you hiss, and Seb can tell that after everything that happened tonight, this is really the last straw for you - you’re out for blood. You watch in disbelief as EJ just… walks offstage. And that’s it. You think it’s a really good thing he exited to the other side of the stage, because you sure have some choice words for him right now. 
“What is he doing?!” you question again, more pissed off than Seb has ever seen you. As if things couldn’t possibly get worse, you can’t believe what you’re seeing. Nina picks up her mic and begins to walk toward the edge of the stage, singing acapella. 
“She better not fucking do what I think she’s doing.” your voice is quiet, dangerous, and Seb is momentarily worried on her behalf. Even though you’re like, the nicest person ever, he doesn’t think anyone would want to be on your bad side.
Your hand flies over your mouth in utter disbelief as she walks into the audience and right over to Ricky, signaling for Big Red to follow her with a spotlight. Just when you think this couldn’t be more of an amature hour shit show, she pulls out her phone, turning her flashlight on him. You have no idea what she thinks that’s going to do, and thank god when she puts it away after a minute. She grabs Ricky’s hand, trying multiple times to pull him out of his seat. His heart is pounding, and he can feel himself freezing up. He has no idea what’s happening or why she’s doing this, and he has even less of an idea what he’s supposed to do. 
“I’m… really not at my best right now…” he manages to choke out. She doesn’t listen, and grips his hand, limp in hers. 
“Just look at me, Ricky. Right at me.” She smiles, like that will fix anything. He shouldn’t go up there, he shouldn’t go onstage when he’s like this. He and his dad had a whole conversation about it after intermission. But with everyone staring at him, Nini begins to sing. When she holds out the mic for him to finish the verse, he does, almost on instinct. He can’t leave her hanging, not like this. He panics, and next thing he knows, he’s letting her drag him onstage. He doesn’t know what’s happening, why she’s doing this, but he moves automatically and lets her drag him onstage. 
He’s struggling to keep his voice level, using all his effort to push past the pain, and smile at her. As she finally brings him center stage, taking his shaking hands in hers, he fights with everything inside him to make this work, to make it convincing, and be the finale it was supposed to be. He just has to keep it together for this last number, work through the pain, the ache in his chest and stomach that’s killing him as he stands up there, just for three minutes. As the rest of the cast begins to hit their cues, the energy has never been higher. They’re giving it everything they’ve got to hype him up, give him something to hold onto. He can feel them reaching out to him, singing and dancing their hearts out to lift him up. 
He’s trying so hard to be Troy, to seem convincing, to smile sincerely - not at Nini, but at Gabriella. He holds her hands, beaming, thinking about how badly Troy wants to kiss her. He clings onto this moment, the music, this role like a lifeboat. Troy has a great relationship with both his parents, Troy doesn’t come from a broken home. Troy is okay, he’s never been better, which means that Ricky gets to be okay vicariously through him, just for a little while. Just for a few minutes. He holds onto this catharsis as tightly as he can. He’s not going to let this moment be taken away from him too. The audience is cheering louder than ever as they make their way to the end of the song, incredibly confused at the cast changes and Nini’s actions, but they cheer everyone on - especially Ricky - nonetheless. 
He smiles at her through misty eyes, holding her hands and gazing at her in adoration. ‘This is it,’ Nini thinks, ‘my Ricky has come back to me. It’s always going to be us.’ He caresses her cheek, and looks at her like he really wants to kiss her as they harmonize. She knows he wants to kiss her, he’s always loved her and he’s always going to. They’ve had their ups and downs, but she knows that Ricky will always be hers. She was his first love, his first everything, and that’s what really matters. They have history, and you can’t fake that, you can’t manufacture that. 
The song ends and she drags him into the wings away from you and Seb, shoving his finale costume at him. He fumbles to take off his jacket, desperately trying to stay in motion, to keep moving, keep smiling, keep being Troy. He throws the sparkly white and red tracksuit on over his remaining clothes, and has seconds before he’s going to get dragged back out for the finale of a show he was only able to half participate in. He hates her so much for ruining this for him. He hates Nini for dragging him back up here, for literally putting him in a spotlight in the aftermath of the worst event of his life. He sucks it up, putting on a smile and getting hyped up to sing along to the megamix. 
It takes one look at your face for Seb to know just how bad this is. He can feel the rage, the disbelief radiating off of you, and he has no idea what’s going to happen after this. He thinks it’s nice that Nini tried to include Ricky, but she definitely didn’t go about it the right way. He’s sure you’d feel that’s probably the biggest understatement that could be made about the situation. 
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly, really worried. There’s already been so much drama tonight, he knows your bullshit tolerance is in the negatives right now. You stare at Nina across the stage, watching her whisper something to Kourtney with an expression on her face that infuriates you.
“Not sure yet.” You answer quietly, voice dangerous. Finally, you hear your cue, and you and Seb enter the stage.
He watches you change on a dime, transforming into a sassy, fun, reformed mean girl. You dance with him, and flirt with Zeke effortlessly. He can’t find a trace of your previous rage once you’re past the curtain, singing and dancing as Sharpay. There’s a light, fun, playful energy around you, and it’s infectious, making Seb and Zeke and everyone else around you have even more fun out there. For a moment, he forgets how ugly this is going to get once the lights go down. 
You make your way over to Gabriella, doing a little dance with her, just like you’re supposed to. You flash her a thumbs up, and wink at her supportively when Troy pulls her closer to dance, just like you’ve been practicing at every rehearsal leading up to this moment. Nina smiles at you when you do, interpreting yours and Ricky’s behavior as more than just stage directions. She feels a sense of benevolent camaraderie with you in these fleeting moments. Maybe she will be the bigger person, maybe she will extend her friendship to you, because even though you did try to steal Ricky from her - unsuccessfully at that - fighting over dumb boys is stupid. 
She and Gina run off to pull Miss Jenn onstage so she can deliver her infamous deleted line. It was your idea initially, but you made sure to tell the rest of the cast before tonight so the surprise could be from all of you. The cast and house cheer as she delivers her line, and you can see how much it means to her. You get a minute to dance with Ricky, and make your way over to him as quickly and naturally as possible. You couldn’t seem happier or more care free, but when you speak, your voice is strained. 
“I am so sorry that happened…” you say, barely loud enough for him to hear over the swell of the music and the rhythmic clapping as the audience keeps time. He can see it, the frustration being masked by your energetic, jovial nature. You’re doing the same thing he is, he realizes. You’re using this moment onstage and in character to keep the real world at bay. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt closer to you than he does right now. He wants to say something, he wants to feel horrible - he’s sure it’s justified - but when he looks at you, he can’t 
You’re onstage together at the end of your opening night performance, with a full house clapping and cheering and singing along with you both, with the whole cast. And in this moment, you’re worried about him. You’re worried about him. He’s so overwhelmed by this feeling of being onstage with all his friends, an audience full of people who came here and bought tickets and watched the show and are now cheering them on for this, the penultimate moment of all their hard work and dedication and doubts over the last three months culminating to this. He knows you know this feeling well, that this is the first show you’ve done in so long and how badly you’ve missed it - and you’re still up here, worried about him. 
“There were some… hiccups, but…” he starts, locking eyes with yours, looking at you that way that he does. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt more strongly for you than he does right now. “This is kind of the best, right?” You smile suddenly at his words, relief evident on your face. You feel like you can breathe a little easier knowing he’s doing okay - or at least, better than he was. 
“This is just the tip of the iceberg babe,” you chuckle, nudging him playfully. You’re still livid at that… stunt Nina pulled, that hasn’t slipped your mind. But for now, Ricky is okay. That’s what’s important. You’ll deal with her later, if you get the chance. 
“Just wait till you see what I have picked out for the spring musical!” you both look over at Miss Jenn as she smiles, drawing an excited laugh from you and Ricky. 
Nina looks over, hearing you laughing with Ricky. It makes her stomach sink. She scoffs, figuring it must be platonic. He’s probably just giving you closure, or something. She looks back out into the crowd, and stops dancing as she watches the scout from YAC leave. Her mouth hangs open in disbelief. If she doesn’t get into YAC, the performing arts school of her dreams, what was the point of all this?
After everyone runs forward in groups, then individually to bow in front of the audience, You, Nina, and Ricky are the last to go. He stands between you, lined up with everyone else, holding both your hands as you and all your friends bow as a cast.  He snaps to attention as he hears a certain part of the music, squeezing your hand in warning. Confetti cannons go off from the wings moments later, drawing out a new wave of cheers and applause from the audience. You’re grateful for the warning, and you squeeze his hand back as a thank you. Your heart is warmed that even now, after so many difficult things happening back to back in one night, he still remembered that loud noises can make you jumpy. 
When Nina goes to share a look with Ricky, her smile drops. He’s already looking at you. There’s a certain type of joy in his eye, the kind you can only find amidst the ashes of misery, as he realizes that through everything that happened, he’s still okay. You’re still here. That’s the important part. You’re still right here with him, holding his hand. He made it to bows. Everything is going to be okay. In sharing this eye contact with him, you can’t help but reflect on how pretty he looks in the blue cast of the stage lights as he looks at you that way that makes your stomach twist. 
The curtains begin to draw closed, and you all wave at the audience until they’re out of sight. Sporadic cheers are let out around you as hugs are initiated here and there, and everyone begins flooding to the dressing rooms to get changed. As you make your way to the back, Ashlyn already leading everyone in a very loud, high energy reprise of We’re All in This Together, you squeeze Ricky’s arm. When he looks at you, he seems to be doing exactly as well as you’d expect - okay for now, the massive high from the end of the show keeping him afloat for now, but you know it won’t last forever. 
“I’m gonna go get changed real quick, I’ll say hi to my mom then we can go home, okay?” you say quietly, and he can tell from your tone of voice that you’re here for him, he just needs to hang in there a little longer. 
“Okay,” he says with a shaky breath. He doesn’t really need to get changed since he has his street clothes on under his tracksuit, so after hanging it up in its place, he waits in the hall outside the dressing rooms. A few minutes later, everyone who got changed the fastest are in the halls and on the stairs outside the dressing rooms, talking and congratulating each other before they go to the lobby. There's a silent understanding that you're all waiting just a few more minutes before you have to leave, before you have to acknowledge that the show is over. Big Red runs over to Ricky as soon as he spots him. 
“Are you okay, dude?” he asks quietly, clearly worried about him. Ricky lets out a breathy laugh. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.” Ricky realizes how stressed he must be, having no idea of anything that was going on until half way through the show. "There’s a lot to fill you in on." Ricky nods his head, and they move to a more secluded area so Ricky can begin catching him up. He goes over the series of events from earlier tonight quickly, trying not to get worked up over all of it again. Soon he's wrapping up his summary of the horrible things that happened in such a short span of time, and his eyes are much less misty than he was worried they'd be. 
"Oh. My. God." Red states, laughing in disbelief that his mother would do something like that. 
"Yeah." Ricky nods, still in shock. 
"Don't take this the wrong way, dude," Red says tentatively, "but that does sound like something she would do; the guilt tripping, mind games, all of it." Ricky can't help but agree. In retrospect, Red does remember her using a lot of language that read as passive aggressive or guilt  tripping. There’s no way they could have picked up on that as kids, but hindsight is 20/20. Ricky loses Red's attention real quick as Ashlyn walks toward her friends, no longer loitering outside the dressing room she shares with you and Nini - and soon, Gina. She holds up a piece of paper from the mystery bouquet she'd been inspecting more closely. 
“We found a card!” she says excitedly. Ricky nudges Red, encouraging him to tell Ashlyn that he was the one to send the flowers. He looks at Ricky, nervous, and gets an encouraging nod. Big Red takes a breath, steadying himself, then stands up and walks towards Ashlyn. 
"Actually…" he starts. He doesn't need to say anything else, watching the realization hit. They walk a few feet away, talking animatedly and seeming to have a good time. More people start to filter out to see their friends and family, and as they dissipate, he realizes he still hasn't seen you since you went to change. He spots Kourtney passing by a few feet away and runs over to her. 
"Hey, uh," he starts carefully. He knows Kourtney hasn't been too fond of him for a while. "Do you know where Nini is?" He knows where Gina and Ashlyn are, and he really just wants to grab you and get out of here without even more drama. Kourtney sucks her teeth, considering how to respond for a moment. She could say something, she always has something to say when it comes to Ricky, but she knows tonight was hard on him. She doesn't know the details, but she's sure the last thing she'd want in his position is more animosity. 
"The scout left, and she's taking it hard. I think she's with her moms, but I don't know for sure." He waits a beat, realizing there's no other shoe that's going to drop, no glares or snarky comments.
"Thanks," he says quietly, before making his way to your dressing room. You're probably just having trouble getting everything back in your bag. He thought you had way over packed when you showed him the huge tote bag you got ready for tech week, but by the end, every 'just in case you had brought had been needed more than once. You really know your way around a theater, he thinks. 
When you first enter your dressing room, all you want to do is get changed and get out. Ashlyn talks a little - mostly to herself - about how excited she is for the next show. You reply as politely as possible, doing everything you can to avoid Nina, ignore her as much as you can. You just have to get changed and get out. You have bigger issues to deal with, bigger fish to fry than to chew her out for what she did back there. 
"Yeah," she replies, a faux chipper tone to her voice "hopefully we won't have as many last minute cast changes tomorrow night," you pause, gripping the empty plastic hanger so hard your knuckles turn white. "But who knows, right?" 
You've tried your best, you really have, but you can't take her bullshit anymore. The hanger snaps in your hands with a loud crack. Ashlyn's eyes widen in surprise, and now out of costume, she makes her way to the door. 
"I'll give you two a minute…"
The cacophony of voices get louder for a moment as she opens the door to leave, then it's quiet again. You turn away from her to tug on your shoes, praying to god she'll just leave it alone, let you get out of here quietly. 
"Sorry," her voice is dripping with a passive aggressive ignorance that grates on your ears. "Did you have something to say to me?" Before she can scoff and drop a yeah, that's what I thought, you turn, looking over your shoulder at her with a stone cold glare. When you speak, your voice is so deadly, so sharp she feels like she's been stung. 
"Count yourself fucking lucky that I don't have time to hang around right now, but I swear to god, Nina, if you pull shit like that again-"
"Wh-" she sputters, "excuse me? Pull what? Including Ricky, and helping him?"
"You think you were helping him?" You repeat, turning to face her. You roll your eyes scoffing. "Wow." She starts to say something, but you cut her off. 
"Look, I don't know why you're here, but some of us actually take this seriously. This actually means something- this matters to some people, and nobody needs you turning it into a little three ring Nina circus, and ruining it for the people who actually want to be here!" Your voice rises as you continue, driving your point home, and refusing to let her interrupt you. By the time you’re done, her mouth is hanging open.
“I don’t care what you do in your free time,” you continue decisively, “I really don’t, but don’t ruin everything for the people who actually give a fuck!” you say, a humorless laugh at the end. You don’t know who’s been coddling her up until now, but you are sure as hell are not going to let someone get away with a stunt like that. It’s clear from her reaction that no one has ever spoken to her like this, and you think it’s long overdue. “That was the most unprofessional load of bullshit I have ever fucking seen! And I’ve been around the rodeo a few times.” 
Nina blinks hard, fighting tears prickling the corners of her eyes. She feels like she’s just been slapped. Her? Unprofessional? Wow. You’re really reaching now. She’s the most professional person at this whole school, she just… She freezes as it hits her in a split second of clarity, that she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. She broke the cardinal rules of theatre; she broke character, went into the audience, broke the immersion. She ruined opening night. You can see the moment of lucidity where she realizes she’s in the wrong, and it’s gone just as fast. 
“You’re one to talk about being a professional.” She spits. You look at her incredulously. Once again you have no idea where she’s going with this. When you don’t react, don’t instantly get it, she continues. 
“You had a Broadway career handed to you on a silver platter, and you threw it away!” she searches your face for shock that she figured out your secret, continuing, “And for what, so you could slum it at some midwestern high school full of amateurs?” 
You figured it was a matter of time before someone found out you’ve done professional theatre before, so if she’s waiting for a reaction from you, she’s not going to get one. The only reason you didn’t tell anyone, the only reason you kept quiet about it is because you didn’t want to come across as cocky or seem like you were bragging. Plus, with how hard things got towards the end, you don’t really want to go around and dig up memories from that time in your life. Besides, you’re not in New York right now, you’re at East High. You’re here with all your friends, finally getting a little piece of normalcy. You’re exactly where you want to be, so why would you waste it living in the past?
Before you can answer, she continues.
“The point is, you need to stay away from Ricky and stop lying to him. Okay?” she demands. Her voice is muffled through the door, but right outside, Ricky hears her loud and clear. He didn’t hear you two before, but now the halls and dressing rooms are mostly empty.
Is she still seriously going on about that? You let out a breath, trying to regain your composure. 
“I really do not have the time to keep having the same conversation with you over and over - or explain to you that you can’t tell people who they can and can’t date!” you exclaim. You’re about to drop it, but there’s one more thing you need to get off your chest. “And for the fucking record, you don’t know jack shit about what else was going on in my life when I left New York. And I don’t owe you an explanation either.” you say coldly. You’ve said your peace, the only thing you need to do is fucking get out of here and find Ricky. 
“I can’t believe I actually used to look up to you!” she exclaims. “Look. It was cute, or whatever, at first, but this little game of yours has gone on for long enough. He’s mine. Now can you leave him alone, please?” she demands. She’s dripping that passive aggression you’re really starting to get sick of. You look at her in the mirror, illuminated with lights. 
“Seriously? You seriously want to do this right now.” You say, exhausted. She either doesn’t hear you or pretends not to as she continues.
“I knew him first! I dated him first, I kissed him first. Everything he’s done with you, he did with me first.” she states. She doesn’t know how else to get it into your head that she was his first everything, and you’re just a rebound or something. What they have isn’t something you can just get over like that.
“You weren’t… every first, Nini.” You both look over at Ricky, and you wonder how long he’s been standing in the doorway, how much he heard. 
“Ricky… what?” she whips around at the sound of his voice. He stares back at her, teary eyed and serious. 
“You weren’t every first.” he repeats. You both look at him in disbelief. Nina furrows her brow. She can’t believe he’s disrespecting their relationship like this. You stare at him, thinking back, reanalyzing your memories. He can’t be saying what you think he’s saying. There’s no way you were his first time. That couldn’t have been his first time. There’s no way that Ricky Bowen was a virgin before he showed up at your house that night, there’s no way that you took his virginity. ‘Oh god, I did, didn’t I?’ you think, remembering the way he looked at you, how nervous and desperate he was. Heat floods to your cheeks. You have no idea what to do with this information.
“How could you say that?” she demands. She was his first crush, his first kiss, his first date, girlfriend, heartbreak. She was all of it. 
“Because it’s true!” he exclaims. “The only first I care about, the only first that matters, is right there.” he gestures to you. 
Oh yeah, no, you definitely did take his virginity. You did not expect this, much less that it would make you feel so… tender? Flattered? Warm and fuzzy maybe? You hold back a flustered laugh. Whatever warm thing it is, you’re sure feeling a lot of it. You stare at the ground, cheeks hot, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you process this in the back of your mind. The majority of your attention is still on Ricky. You’ve been so worried, but he seems okay, which is a huge relief. He catches your eye, and your stomach twists. He’s looking at you like that again, and you’re sure you must be looking at him the same way. Anyone could see it. You snap back to attention, remembering Nina is still in the room with you. 
“We should get going-” you start quietly, reaching for your bag.
“Stay out of this!” she snaps, and you recoil at the sudden sharpness to her voice. “This is between Ricky and me.”  She turns to him, continuing, “And we are not done talking about this.” 
“Don’t talk to her like that.” He says quickly, more defensive of you after what happened earlier. He walks over to you, standing in between you and her. “Anything you have to say to me, you can say it in front of her.” Even though his voice wavers with emotion for a moment, Nina can tell he’s not backing down on this. She weighs her options. 
“Okay.” she starts, sucking her teeth. “I think she’s manipulating you.”
He lets out a breathy laugh with a bitter edge. He rolls his eyes, looking away for a second.
“That’s… hilarious, coming from you…” he mutters. 
“What? She’s been lying to you this whole time! She’s been doing professional theatre for years, Ricky, she-”
“That’s what this is about?” He realizes. “Oh my god, I already knew that!” he yells. Relief floods him as it clicks that all the bullshit she’s been spewing is nothing he didn’t know about already. She really was just trying to get into his head. “She’s not manipulating me, Nini, she’s there for me! There’s a difference! She actually cares about me - unlike you, and Lynne, and everybody else.” 
“That’s not fair-”
“She’s actually there for me, and she doesn’t just bail when shit gets hard. Not like you’d know anything about that.” he says the last part quieter, but she still hears it. She doesn’t have a comeback, she doesn’t have anything she can say to that. 
“I don’t have to listen to this.” She grabs her bag, brushing past him. Before she leaves, he turns to her, finally saying something he never thought he’d be able to. 
“I’m starting to think I wasn’t the problem in our relationship.” 
She freezes, turning to him slowly, eyes glistening.
“You heard me.” he states. 
“You know what?” There’s nothing she can say, no comeback, no way to defend herself. She lets a single tear fall. “Screw you, Ricky.” She leaves quickly, huffing at what he said. He turns to you, still staring at where she left in disbelief. You exhale for what feels like the first time since this confrontation began, then immediately turn your attention back to Ricky. You’re grabbing your stuff as quickly as you can, desperate to finally get out of here, laughing nervously. 
“I can’t believe this night keeps getting worse. Look, we can just go home, we don’t have to go to Denny’s or anything if you don’t want to, I just want to make sure you’re okay, because obviously a lot of-” 
“I love you.” 
It tears from his throat with more raw emotion than you’ve ever heard, stopping you in your tracks. Your eyes widen as his hands come up to hold your face. He wants to kiss you so badly, more than he’s wanted anything, and you can feel it. He keeps going.
“I love you so much, I wanted to say it before. I’ve wanted to say it since that first amazing night we spent together. Ever since you snuck me into your room, and we talked and watched old episodes of cartoons, and you took me in when I needed you, I have loved you. And then you got those little plastic rings when we were running late for rehearsal, because we stopped for coffee and peach scones, and- and we traded colors, I felt like my heart was going to explode.” 
His thumbs caress your cheeks, and it makes you light headed. 
“I wanted to say it when we were dancing at homecoming and you were so beautiful I thought I’d die, I wanted to say it every time we kissed, and every time you laugh so hard your nose scrunches up, I wanted to say it. You made me fall in love with theatre, and this beautiful place, and with you. You love everyone around you so selflessly,” his voice breaks, “please, let me love you. The way you deserve to be loved. Even if you don’t want to say it back-” 
“I love you too.” You can’t help interrupting him, unable to ignore how true they are any longer. He’s stopped dead in his tracks. “I would have said something sooner, but the last thing I wanted was for you to feel pressured, so I… figured I’d follow your lead.” The room is quiet as he tries to get the air back in his lungs. 
“You love me?” he breathes.
“Yeah,” you confirm, nodding, “I do.” 
He takes one look at you, holding you intensely in his gaze, confirming that you really just said that. In one swift motion, he pulls you close to him, dipping you, and finally connects his lips to yours. He kisses you more passionately than anything he’s ever done. He kisses the air out of your lungs, kisses away the little space between you, desperately kissing everything he feels for you onto your lips. You lose yourself for a beautiful moment in that kiss. You’re not sure how long you stay like that, holding each other as close as you can get, with kissing as the only means of expressing the depths of your feelings, but it’s long enough that your lungs burn when you finally pull away. He barely moves his face away from yours as you attempt in sync to catch your breath. 
“Say it again,” he murmurs against your lips. 
“I love you,” you say, soft and sincere, that beautiful smile on your lips where his ache to be again. He reacts instantly to your words, picking you up, and kissing you again and again. You wrap your legs around his waist, giggling in surprise. He sets you on the table in front of the big dressing room mirror where Ashlyn’s character shoes still sit. The mental note to make sure she doesn’t forget them flies out of your mind as Ricky kisses you again and again, mouth open against yours. His lips are all over your face and your neck, turning you into a giggling mess as he holds you tight. He mutters sweet nothings against your skin that turn sensual very quick, but mostly he keeps telling you how much he loves you between kisses, mumbling the three words into your skin over and over. 
“Ricky…” you trail off as he bites your neck playfully, causing you to let out a flustered noise. “We have to go upstairs…” you start to forget what you were saying as he runs his tongue over your skin. “Our parents are waiting!” you laugh, desperately holding onto the train of thought. 
“Let them wait…” he murmurs, “You said we could kiss after the show, and… it’s after.” The flustered look on your face is too much for him, and he presses his lips to yours again, pushing his tongue into your mouth. You feel so good, your skin is so soft and you smell so sweet, and it’s all so much more now that he’s said it, now that you said it back to him. He squeezes your thigh and bites your lip and moans into your mouth, loving every noise you make, every tug of his hair and grab of his shirt. He’s so desperate for you and your touch, he would fuck you right here if he could. He considers it for a moment. 
After eavesdropping too long for her own good, Nina feels a solitary tear roll down her cheek. Ricky’s words ring in her ears. He loves you. He didn’t just say it back, he initiated it. She didn’t stick around too long, just enough for it to hurt. She reaches into her bag, pulling out her songwriting book. She’s sure this will give her plenty to write about, she thinks bitterly. She could probably get a whole album out of it. ‘At least then the pain would be worth something…’ she muses, taking one last look over her shoulder before leaving the dressing rooms - and Ricky - out of her sight.
Eventually, you and Ricky manage to drag yourselves upstairs and greet people in the lobby. Mike finds him quickly, pulling him aside to check on him. He looks back over at you, accepting flowers from your mom and pulling her in for a hug. 
“Yeah,” he says. “I’m okay.” He doesn’t look away from you, and Mike doesn’t miss this. His son is a lot of wonderful things, but he sure wouldn’t describe him as subtle. Ricky watches you as a girl in a pink dress walks up nervously to you with who he presumes is her sister. He’s too far away to hear your conversation over the chatter from people milling about, but your face lights up after she speaks. You pull a hot pink sharpie out of your bag and sign her playbill before handing it back to her. The sight makes his chest squeeze. He didn’t know you were good with kids, but it makes total sense - you’re good with everybody. 
Mike nudges him toward you.
“Go ahead,” he smiles, so Ricky does. 
“Hey,” he starts, pausing when a woman walks up to him, a little girl hiding behind her leg, looking up at Ricky in admiration. 
“Excuse me,” the woman says, getting his attention. “You were fantastic. She really loves High School Musical, and we wanted to know if you’d sign her playbill…” 
The girl looks up at him nervously, and he smiles, letting out a flustered chuckle. He didn’t expect this, he doesn’t even have a pen - but luckily as always you’re right behind him, extending a sharpie his way. 
“Yeah,” he smiles, “sure, of course!” He scribbles his name across the front before handing it back. “What was your favorite part?” he asks. She considers. 
“We’re All in This Together.” she decides, singing out the song title. 
“No way, that’s my favorite song too!” The way her face lights up is something he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget. She jumps excitedly that someone as cool as Troy Bolton has the same favorite song as her before hiding behind her mom’s legs again. The mom thanks him again before picking up her daughter. Ricky turns to you, not even needing to say anything. 
“I know,” you smile, “it’s the best, right?” 
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It is.” Your eyes light up that way they do when you remember something, and you reach into your bag. You pull out Ashlyn’s character shoes - thank god you remembered to bring them out with you - and gesture down the hall to where Ashlyn is talking to some of her friends that came to see the show. 
“I’m gonna give these back to Ashlyn, and I’ll meet you and our parents by the doors in like, two seconds.” He agrees, and you part ways. 
“Thank you!” Ashlyn gasps when you hand her the shoes. “I was looking everywhere for these.” 
She pauses, remembering how tense things got between you and Nini earlier before she left. 
“Was everything okay with…” she trails off, jogging your memory. 
“Oh,” you start, a little unsure of how to answer. “Yeah. Everything’s fine now.” You look off to the side, and she follows your gaze to Ricky. He’s talking to his dad and seems to be doing a lot better now, and you seem to be doing better too. 
As you make your way down the hall and across the lobby you’re stopped by a woman you don’t recognize, but she seems to know you, addressing you by name as she introduces herself. 
“I’m Kalyani Patel, the dean of the Youth Actors Conservatory in Denver. I’ve been following your career for some time, and I have to say, I’m very impressed. You’re incredibly talented and have a lot of notable credits for someone as young as you are. We have one more available place available for the upcoming semester, and we would be thrilled for you to attend.” 
“Thank you so much, Kalyani. I’ve heard a lot about Youth Actors Conservatory, and I’m so honored by your offer, but I’m not planning on switching schools at the moment.” You say as graciously as you can. 
“Of course, I understand.” She smiles. 
“Thank you again for the opportunity, and I hope we can work together in the future.” You smile back, saying goodbye, and making your way over to Ricky and your parents. 
After returning to the dressing rooms to write sad song lyrics and watch herself cry in the mirror, when Nina finally finds her moms in the lobby, she has a piece of good news for once.
“The dean of YAC!” she exclaims. 
“I thought they were full, sweetie.” Carol says. She and Dana had gotten a rejection letter addressed to Nini a few days ago, and were trying to find the right time to break the news. 
“She said a spot opened up,” she beams, “which means I’m going to YAC!” 
Her moms hug her, congratulating her on the good news, and that they’d discuss it in detail at home. Nina looks over to where you and Ricky are standing. He holds your hands in his while you talk quietly. You have no idea that soon she’ll be out of here, and you’ll never see her again. She was on the fence, but after what he said to you, she’s made up her mind. She’s leaving this town, and going somewhere that she’ll be appreciated, somewhere she’s wanted. If that happens to be a boarding school in Colorado, then so be it. ‘Take a good look’, she thinks, ‘because that’s the last you’ll ever see of Nini Salazar-Roberts.’ 
 After more mingling, congratulations, flowers, and playbill signing, you turn to Ricky.
“You ready to go home?” you ask, walking toward your car. He stops, turning to look at you. 
“You know what? No.” he lets out a breathy laugh. “I don’t want to go home. I… want to go to Denny’s! I’m a theatre kid, and I just finished my first show, and it’s like, tradition to go to Denny’s, so I want to!” You smile at his sudden enthusiasm, laughter matching his. 
“Yeah, okay,” you smile, “let’s go!” 
You both walk over to your castmates, who are trying to figure out a carpool to get everyone there before it gets any later. You nudge Ricky.
“So, does anyone need a ride to Denny’s, or should we just meet you there?” he asks. For what feels like the millionth time, everyone erupts into cheers. You know all your friends were worried about him after what happened, and Seb instigates a group hug, that everyone quickly jumps on to. You think it’s important to end the night on a good note like this, spending time with your castmates, cramming into booths and singing obnoxiously in an empty restaurant. It’s sort of a rite of passage, and you’re glad that Ricky’s able to participate, especially after opening night of his first show. 
You sleep over at his place that night. After everything Ricky’s been through, after he seems to finally be okay again, the last thing Mike wants to do is not let him spend time with someone he’s so close to - especially considering what a good influence Mike thinks you are on him. From what Ricky told him, you didn’t instigate any drama tonight, and spent every spare moment off stage trying to help Ricky through what was going on. It’s not the first time you’ve helped Ricky navigate the ups and downs of growing up in the time you’ve known him, so when Ricky asked if you could stay the night, he agreed. While you’re brushing your teeth, Mike pulls Ricky aside to talk. 
“I spoke to Nini’s moms,” he starts, and Ricky braces himself. “They’re going to talk to her, and I said I’d talk to you to make sure these last shows go smoothly, alright? So, no more fights, no arguing, no more of this… reality tv stuff.” 
“Believe me,” Ricky sighs, “I don’t want any more drama. Especially at the expense of the show.” 
“I know,” Mike agrees. “So just… it’s only a few more shows. Try your best to…” he looks for the words.
“Politely avoid each other?” Ricky supplements.
“Exactly.” Mike nods. “Just politely avoid each other for a few more days, and all this will blow over.” 
When he finally reenters his room, he hands you a t shirt to wear. He knows you probably brought pajamas, but he wants to tell you he loves you in as many ways as he can, like wearing his clothes. When you come back in and sit on his bed in his big shirt and your little shorts, he doesn’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful. 
“Do you want to talk about anything?” you ask tentatively. 
“Not really,” he chuckles. “I feel like I’ve kind of talked it all to death by now.”
“You know what we haven’t talked about?” you ask, a look in your eye that immediately has his attention. “How Nina and EJ - but like, mostly Nina - ruined the finale of the show.” 
“Yeah,” he starts, remembering how stunned he was. “What the fuck was that?” 
You talk shit until you have nothing else to say about it, and soon you’re curled up under the covers together. You’re laughing and talking, and things almost feel normal again. It’s like every bad thing never happened tonight. He doesn’t know how you do it, how you make things feel so okay again, but he holds you tight, clinging onto the feeling. He was going to say it earlier, but he was so distracted by you, by how beautiful you are. 
“I love you.” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He feels you smile against his chest. 
“I love you too, Ricky.” 
You sound so content, so comfortable with him, and he feels like his heart is going to burst. 
“I love you,” he says again, running his fingers along your waist. 
“I love you too,” you giggle sleepily. Every time you think he’s asleep, he says it again, and again, and again. He can’t help himself, he loves the way you blush and giggle, loves how warm you are against him, loves the way you say it back to him. It’s quiet for a little while, but you feel his hands still tracing little shapes into your skin. You glance up at him to find him staring at you  in that way that makes your stomach twist. 
“Close your eyes,” you mutter, drowsy. 
“But I love you.” he replies quietly, and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I love looking at you. I love everything about you.” 
“I love you too,” you answer groggily, and he doesn’t think he’s ever felt better than he does when you say it like that. “But we have a full day of school in the morning, then homework, then another show to perform in, so we have to get at least a little sleep.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, eyes growing heavy as the day catches up to him. “As long as we have time for coffee and peach scones.”
“There is literally always time for coffee and peach scones.” he chuckles at how quickly you respond. You lean up, pressing a kiss to his nose, then snuggle back into his chest. It’s his favorite time of day again, he realizes, where he gets to sleep next to you, and kiss, and cuddle. Except this time, it’s better than it ever has been, because right before you fall asleep, he gets to say it.
“I love you.” he breathes, kissing your forehead.
“‘Love you too.” you mutter, barely awake. Your words reverberate and replay in his mind as he closes his eyes, finally drifting off. He doesn’t know how the next shows are going to go, he doesn't know what’s going to happen tomorrow, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about what will happen when the sun rises,  he’s just excited for it to happen with you. He sleeps better than he has in a long time. 
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Listen Kat, my love, it took me forever to pick a song but I feel like I finally have a good song choice. SOOOOO. I want Sure Thing(idk who sings this tbh) because I love what the lyrics imply. There will be the specific lyrics at the end of this.
I would like pretty much a fluff piece(a little angst if you want) obviously with LEVI love of my life. CanonAU please! Pre-Established relationship. Basically where we say I love you for the first time because I can’t think of anything else that goes with the song(if you have a better idea than go for it cause my brain sucks, as long as it’s pre-established because for some reason I love that)
Thankyou and I love you so so much ❤️🥰
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i hope this is somewhat along the lines of what you're looking for :3
Have Faith | 1k Follower Event
✧ word count ➼ 745 ✧ notes ➼ canon!verse, hurt/comfort, established relationship, levi being comforting in his levi way
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You weren't acting like yourself. Although you could hardly be described as someone that was unrealistically positive or "bubbly" all the time, seeing you silent, pensive, and dismissive for multiple days in a row was strange. You couldn't even describe it yourself.
Deep down, you knew why you were upset. It was the night before Levi had to leave for a dangerous expedition. This wasn't the first time that you've watched him leave. However, this was the first time since you started dating.
You had only been dating for a few weeks, but you quickly found yourself getting attached and legitimately caring about the man. Thus, when you realized that the next expedition was rapidly approaching, you found yourself shutting down.
"What's going on with you?" Levi asked.
He had noticed that you've been dismissive and disengaged and to be quite frank—it pissed him off. If he wasn't leaving in a few hours, he'd be willing to spend more time to figure out what was going on in your head, but he didn't have that time right now.
"_____, can we please not fight the night before an expedition?"
Upon hearing that, you finally made eye contact with him again for a few seconds before looking down once more.
"I'm sorry, Levi," you said quietly. "Just seeing you and knowing that you're going on a dangerous mission tomorrow makes me so anxious that I feel like I'm going to puke."
His look softened, but he slightly tilted his head in confusion as he slowly approached you. He placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him, speaking quietly as he looked down at you.
"What's going on with you?" he repeated. "We've done plenty of these before."
You looked up into his eyes, feeling your heartbeat hasten. You weren't sure if it was from the anxiety or from how close he was holding you.
"I just can't bear the thought of losing you," you said quietly. "Ever since we got together, every time the doors open and I see more and more Scouts that have lost their lives, I'm terrified that I'll see you in one of the carriages instead of riding on one of the horses."
You looked down, gripping at his arm in an attempt to ground yourself.
"Or that I won't see you at all."
You heard Levi take a deep breath after listening to you. He held you so close that you could feel his pulse against yours.
"_____, I-"
"I love you too much to be able to let you go," you said, interrupting whatever it was he was planning on saying.
As soon as you said that, you felt your face heat up. You felt him tense as well. It was your first time telling him that you loved him. It was true and you both knew it, but it was your first time vocalizing it, which dramatically increased the intensity of the meaning behind the word.
Levi gently placed his hand on your chin, lifting up your gaze as he pulled you into a gentle kiss.
"Have faith that we'll both make it home," he whispered to you. "No matter how bad it gets out there."
You gently returned the kiss, taking in a shaky inhale as he pulled you into a hug and you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"Do you have faith?" you asked.
"I do," he responded without hesitation, immediately interlacing his fingers with yours.
You took a deep breath.
"Okay," you finally responded. "I'll have faith."
You squeezed at his hand as you let yourself fall into his embrace, burying your face into his shoulder. You wanted to hold on to this feeling of being on him for as long as you could—but you knew you had limited time.
"...I guess you should go get ready now, right?" you said quietly.
You felt him nod against you and you took the message, beginning to pull away.
His grip on your waist tightened, not letting you fully pull away.
"I love you, too," he whispered into your ear before finally pulling away, shooting you a slight smile as he turned away to head back towards his office.
Your lips parted to speak again, but you couldn't get anything to come out as he walked into and shut the door behind him. All you could do from that point was to have faith that you would see him again when he returned.
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Come participate in my 1K follower event!
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36 notes · View notes
ashes-writing · 2 years
filth alphabet | jimmy darling ; ahs freak show
taglist babes || req rules / fandoms+characters || send ?s || masterlist
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For the lovely anon who sent both names to me yesterday in case I didn't write for one or the other. Hey sweetheart, I did promise you this. I hope you're out there and you see this and enjoy it? I love this man, your honor.
Minors, I think the entire fuck not. This content is for 18+ only. breeding kink, hosiery kink, choking/biting/marking/hairpulling - rough sex, body fluids, dick size, aftercare, d*ddy kink, praise kink, nipple play, spanking, overstimulation, orgasm control/denial, underwear, the usual stuff you find on one of these tbh.
@krys-orion and @sporadiccherryblossomgladiator are the only people on my american horror story taglist. If you'd like to be on it, click the little link up top.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
... he loves to hold you, play with your hair, talk to you in this soft and whispery voice while he's kissing you. He will baby the hell out of you, especially if he got a little rough. He's so good at taking care of you and it's all the time, not just during or post sex..
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Legs. This man loves legs. And lips. But he really loves eyes? Eyes are the first thing he notices on a girl and they'll sucker him in every single time.
His favorite body part on himself is also the part he wishes were normal. Hands. Because he's had them for so long he can do anything that a normal guy would -and in the case of using them to get you off, a thousand times better, but... He loves and hates them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
.... he loves to cum inside you, ugh. If he's not cumming inside you, he'll cum on your stomach, ass, tits.. When he cums, it's a lot and it's hard. You will be leaking when he's gotten off and sometimes, when he sees it, he'll fuck it back into you or push it back in with his fingers. He loves to kiss you after oral (when you're giving to each other 69) because he loves the way you taste mixed with him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
... doesn't really have one. he strikes me as another open book.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
... He is very, very experienced. Very.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Edge of the bed, your legs on his shoulders, him standing. Missionary. Cowgirl.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
... He's more serious than anything, to be honest. He can be goofy, he's just not typically goofy in bed unless it's a rare moment.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
... He's clean down there but it's hairy. I feel like he dyes his hair the shade of brown it is, idk why, but anyway. The hair down there is darker, coarse curls. He keeps himself spotless clean, but he doesn't like.. groom it that much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
... he's so intimate. so intimate. even when he knows it's just a money for sex exchange, he can't help it, some part of him like.. gets attached briefly. He's constantly kissing and touching you, praising you and making sure you're okay, that he's doing good enough, that he's pleasing you. And it's so sweet.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
... he's got a dirty picture or two of you (taken at the carnival's photo booth) and those are literally all he needs to jack it if you're not around. He keeps these photos in his overalls or tucked into a mirror in his little trailer, btw. He loves to masturbate together, he loves to watch you get yourself off while he gets himself off.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
hosiery, listen he fucking loves thigh highs with the lil fancy lace straps. I mean he's got brute strength enough to rip 'em right off but anyway, nipples / nipple play -he loves to bite, lick, suck and fondle your breasts because it gets him hard when he sees the way they stand up, poke through your little lingerie or slips or whatever, orgasm control, breeding kink -this man wants a family, marking/biting/choking/hair pulling, soft!Dom, praise kink -giving and getting, body worship -this man will go on for hours about your body, dominance kink -call him sir or daddy. see what the hell happens, i dare you oh my god., food play, underwear -he's stolen so damn many pairs of your panties..
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
... Anywhere, to be perfectly honest. Just not right out in public, god knows he gets watched enough when he's performing in the show. I feel like he's the kind of guy who will absolutely rail you on the kitchen counter or against your closed front door or a wall.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
... kissing his neck. Drag your tongue over the outline of your lips -or his. Your hand against his chest, clutching at his shirt. playing with your hair, biting your lips, grinding his lap or riding his thigh, snuggling yourself against him -do anything that makes him feel like the strong and protective man he is, ugh, fuck...
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
... Sharing you, esp if he really loves you. He's not fond of bondage after the hands incident, he hates anything to do with piss or shit, he's not into people watching, either.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
... He prefers to get, but he loves to give 'em too and whew, listen.. If you think his fucking hands are magic.. That tongue, holy shit. He knows exactly how to work his tongue and fingers?hands? to get you screaming and shaking. He is a messy, messy boy though. Because he really does enjoy giving, so he's just going to town with it, the most lewd -and hot sounds, saliva, your juices, ugh, fuck. And I'm down bad again, your honor.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
... Typically, he's fast and rough -esp if it's a situation like I wrote down in the q answer. But if he's really in love with someone and he has limitless time oh my god. This man will make it last all night, he is huuuuge into teasing and foreplay and he tries to get you off as many times as he can before he ever gets inside you because it's the one way he really knows how to show love.. with his body..
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
... Jimmy will take sex however he can get it. If a quickie is all that's offered, he's taking that quickie. They happen a lot too, because girls will call him over -if he's not with someone, and then he'll have to rush through the act because their husbands will be due home in less than an hour...
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
... He loves risks, are you kidding me? Will screw you in an alley up against a wall if you're into it and the mood hits to do so. Now, experimentation, I feel like he's got mixed feelings. Depends on what it is, tbh.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Two rounds, tops. Has to rest up between 'em too. Those two rounds last so long though, especially with all the teasing and overstim.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
... His hands. His hands are his toys. If his hands, mouth and cock don't get the job done, why are you even around him?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
... He loves to tease, mostly because he feels like it'll go no further than teasing because of his hands. Women tend to run for the hills when he takes the gloves off. Which is dumb, but anyway.. He teases so much, holy shit. He likes to try to break 'em before they bolt?
... in the case of a lover, he teases because he's horny, he wants your attention and he needs to be inside of you. Still a constant tease, only this time around it's because he's in l-o-v-e with you entirely and he just can't get enough of you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jimmy's laughing quietly against your tits neck and ears, whispered praises against your skin, groans and grunts and the occasional slightly louder growl. Lots of swearing under his breath, lots of telling him he loves you -particularly if you're with him with him and this isn't just a tryst or paid action he's taken to make side money. He's quieter, but he's not silent.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
... I lowkey feel like he was/is touch starved, but his is totally different from the norm? Like.. most people it's haven't been touched at all and they go feral. Jimmy, it's hasn't been touched intimately by a person who actually loves him and isn't using him for his hands or cock and isn't family. I feel like even as a child, Ethel wasn't the most physically affectionate parent? So.. yeah. The first time he's with someone and they touch him intimately and he knows that they love him as much as he loves them, whew boyyy.. He will go absolutely off the rails and he won't be able to stop touching you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
... Slightly above average girth but average length. I feel like he knows how to work with it though and personally on my end, the verdict is still out on whether he's cut or not. I feel like he might not be, a lot of men probably weren't back then, but anyway. The tip is reddish pink and he has a thick vein down one side of his cock. When he first pushes into you, it will burn because he's just slightly above average in girth.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Hiiiigh, oh my god. But here's the thing... Jimmy can absolutely ignore it if there's nobody he's pulled to or attracted to present. So it's there, but he kinda ignores it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
... he takes longer to fall asleep. likes to lie awake holding you and talk for a little while. Or you hum to him and play with his hair, he loves that. But it takes a little while for him to fall asleep after it's over because he likes to bask in the afterglow.
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oddball-artz · 2 months
OMG YOU HAVE SPOONS!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!! (probably bc you got a good night's sleep)
And if you know me at all, be prepared for the sea of questions>:]
1) Go into detail about Dalia and Sabrina and their family in the second Gen au. Any Hcs or stuff?
2) Nyx and his relationship with his family.
3) (idk if it was onyx or nyx who had the ED, I forgor their names are so similar).Go into detail Abt thier ED, tho.
4) For the love of God drop Hcs till I die, I don't care for who, I just NEED them.
And, if you have spoons don't be afraid to look in your inbox for any other asks I may have sent/nf (bc both me and you forget about the asks tbh)
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And as always, ily platonically, man :333
It is not the sleep, I don't need sleep, idk what it was if it wasn't the sleep, but im not being proven wrong /j
I've only got a couple, and they're pretty Dalia centric, but you can have em
Dalia picked up a bunch of tips and tricks for dealing with kids both from helping raise her siblings and from treating kids as a nurse, uses them all the time, her personal favorite thay she's picked up is doubling bedsheets when kids are sick so that if they get dirty you can just take it off and make it a later problem while you comfort said sick child. Dalia is also very sentimental as a parent, cries at every ceremony and graduation. Sometimes she'll say something that sounds like her mother and she goes quiet for a while after that. I have a feeling that Sabrina and Dalia's house tends to be the designated 'safe house' for Vee and Jasper's friends. Dalia's actually kind of happy about this, in her mind it's confirmation that she's not her mother. (This may or may not be based on the fact that my house irl is the safehouse). All I have rn, sorry
Next up Nyx, my boy. He feels like a walking second place trophy compared to all his siblings. Brushes it off in an Rottmnt Leo sort of way, through humor and a facade of confidence. Desperately wants anyone to be proud of him. Takes his little siblings out crimeing™️ together sometimes, and is like the number one supporter of their shenanigans. Let's them steal his shit, as long as they don't get caught(bc he taught them better than that). The only thing he'd put up a fight against having stolen is his binder, but that's about it.
Oh and Onyx is the one with an ED, she has anorexia specifically. It started with her just trying to lose weight, she's fairly light, but her frame is wide, so she didn't see any results and things got drastic from there, especially when people started making fun of her for her body. She's super sensitive to comments about her body, and the bullying just made it so much worse. She hates looking at herself, in mirrors, in pictures, anything. It's like her eyes pick out the flaws every time and she can't stand it. So she's trying to 'fix' herself, much to the worry of the people around her. She eats in the dream bubbles, but that's only because she knows that it isn't real. Harlow noticed this and has started sneaking food into the dream bubbles just so Onyx eats for once. Onyx still hasn't caught onto this.
And various hcs about the sillies
Onyx spins her drumsticks between her fingers when she's bored, she can do it really fast too
Nyx's hoodie he wears in his sprite is his dysphoria hoodie
Gray has a lot of little interests she keeps hidden. They tend to be niche and geeky, so she hides them to protect her image
Nyx can project his voice loud enough to yell over the band
Onyx is only ever quiet when she's flustered or thinking about somthing, other than that there's usually at least a dull chatter coming from her
Onyx is very physically affectionate, she straight up tackle hugs people.
Gray was a pageant kid,and his parents were very competitive about it. They still have all their sashes from it too
Onyx doesn't fight for herself, but if you say something bad about someone she cares about that's when she starts a fight. Starting fights like that is what got her thrown through a window that one time
Onyx is the one who started calling Alison peepaw, and it just stuck after that
When Alison sleeps she doesn't snore, she shuffles through radio channels under her breath, kind of like sleeptalking
Speaking of Alison, he's insecure about the radio affect his voice has
Alison is very protective of the kids she's 'adopted' (usually underclassmen, but they've also taken most of the radio class under their wing)
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velvetineblue · 3 months
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NAME?: winter~
PRONOUNS?: any! agender hoes rise up
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: telepathy ( but seriously: i'm really bad replying sometimes, but i do appreciate im's whether on tumblr or discord ajdjj. my discord is open to any mutuals!! )
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: overall, this gremlin, by far. i have periods where i'll write a different character a lot for a couple days/weeks (mostly on discord) but tai-muse always eventually demands that the bulk of the attention be back on him u . u
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i've been roleplaying on tumblr since like....... 2011ish??? (DO NOT @ ME, I KNOW THAT'S INSANE) and i was roleplaying elsewhere even before that...
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I'm seconding what ferre said and screaming: PLOTTED GROUP VERSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rly, anytime we do in-depth plotting that you get really engrossed into, and go crazy world-building & expanding the lore and plotline.... that's the besttt.
RP PET PEEVES?: hmmmm........... tbh nothing is really coming to mind at this moment, probably because my dash is so small & curated to only blogs who i really like seeing on my dash, so i think i've temporarily forgotten about the annoying parts of rp??? LOL. check back with me next time i go out looking for blogs to follow; then i'm sure i'll have much to say kjhkjh
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I like all of them !! angst is prob my fav of those genres, but if i wrote too much of it, i think it would get tiring for me because it may feel less impactful/geuine?? IDK. but fluff is definitely needed sometimes. and smut can also be fun, in moderate doses! fluffy smut and/or smutty fluff tho... 👌that's good shit, LMAO
PLOTS OR MEMES?: again, both are fun! i think a balance ( maybe not 50-50, but a balanced amount ) is ideal. as much as i do love plotting, it does require a lot of energy and social battery. so meme's are perfect for times when you are running low on that, but still want to rp~ ( and i'm going to do the ones in my inbox soon I PROMISE )
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: my replies usually end up being long. but for starters or meme's, short sometimes makes the most sense... I know the fact I often write novels might seem intimidating to people who aren't novella, but I don't mind short replies . . . lengthy replies is just more of my personal 'writing style', but I don't require partners to adapt to it?? yOU DO YOU
TIME TO WRITE?: NEVER, APPARANTLY. ( jk i have time but i spend most of it rotting and watching 5 hour long video essays about pointless shit ajsjaj )
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: hmm... I don't know! but compared to my other muses, I'd say, I guess Tai is one of my characters who is more 'similar' to me in some ways. I think because he's one of my oldest; his very first incarnation as a character I wrote goes back to when I was like 12. so he does have a lot of personal touches-- things that are probably quite specific to mE & my personal tastes. as I got older, I started to make a wide variety of characters, some of which I have nothinggg in common with... but Tai isn't one of those ajsja. we're not extremely similar, but we're not complete opposites either ? I think I partially fear saying that because I don't want anyone to think he's a 'self-insert', but... meh. I would hope it's pretty obvious that he's not :sob:
tagged by: @stillresolved thank you for tagging me and thinking of me, ferre!! 🥹 tagging: UMM whoever wants it tbh, i don't know whose done it while i've been MIA !!!
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Patrivan Drives Me Nuts, And Here's Why: Part 8
S5E5: Please, Tell The Truth [prev, first]
->Because Patrick Gets His "Five Seconds" (And We Get The Most Intimate Sex Scene On Elite)
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S4E2: Five Seconds | S5E5: Please, Tell The Truth
Back in part 6, I mentioned something I noticed in one of episode five's scenes that goes back to Patrick's little "five seconds" moment in season 4. And here's me bothering y'all about it.
Let me explain.
Quick recap: So after Patrick walks out of Ivan's room, he decides to sleep in the guest room instead. While in there, he receives a message from Cruz reminding him that he's waiting for Patrick in his room. Patrick hesitates for like, 2 seconds, then gets up to do it anyway. I mean, if Ivan can't do it, his dad's a good enough substitute, no? 😂 Anyway-
Patrick swings the door open and steps out into the hallway, almost bumps into IVAN, who's there just in time to catch him.
What do you know. Ivan finally grows the balls to actually go after Patrick.
And yeah, he's nervous as hell, understandably so, but he's doing his best to just be honest - with Patrick and with himself, especially. He already started 'telling the truth' back in his room when he confessed his attraction to Patrick despite his fear. So why the hell would he regress back into the closet, right? So he won't, and he doesn't.
And he wholeheartedly tells Patrick:
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Then he goes right in for that kiss that they've been dangling over our heads since episode 1. LIKE-
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He just grabs Patrick by the back of his neck and **smooches**. Lol. I fucking love it.
Okay, so, now this is where my little observation comes in. Some of y'all (if not all) will say I'm just reaching at this point, but idgaf tbh.
Just LOOK-
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So, the background music fades out just as their kiss ends, and they both pull back to look at each other's eyes, right? And, so, okay, now LISTEN. If you play the scene and look closely, or monitor the time stamps, or count it yourself, you will see/notice that there is exactly FIVE seconds of gap in the transition from the first background music to the next, which is Brian Eno's By This River.
NOW. Moving on. Of course, we know what happens next 😏😏😏. And, idk, maybe y'all don't agree with what I said in the title of this post that Patrick and Ivan's sex scene is the most intimate one on Elite yet, but let's agree to disagree if that is so. Because I have seen every sex scene on Elite, and there's nothing quite like what occured between our boys.
"Como por cinco segundos, no existe nada más que él." - this line, this line is exactly what happens. For five seconds, Ivan is all that exists to him 🥲. I don't care what anyone says, but the fact that there's five seconds of faded out music in this scene, couldn't have been purely accidental. Remember Patrick also adds "and you can't help but smile" in the S4 scene, AND THEY BOTH SMILE LIKE SMITTEN FOOLS after the kiss in this scene? I refuse to be told otherwise. I have already planted my feet on this hill, and I will die on it.
I can't be normal after this tbh 🥲🥲🥲. Because Patrick deserves it 🥲🥲🥲. *SOBS* 😭😭😭
I mean. It's also the longest, most explicit sex scene yet. They didn't hold back, did they? Like, Elite has no chill.
No chill whatsoever. Ivan giving his first bj on-screen 👀. Ivan receiving his first rim on-screen. Ivan topping a man for the first time on-screen 👀👀👀. All in 5 minutes 👀👀👀 (lol, no I didn't actually count...)
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It's just-
It's the loveliest scene. And with that background music? 🥲 I will riot if they don't end up together happily in the next season.
Also, additionally: notice the way Patrick's so red in the face? Like his cheeks, and the tips of his ears are on fire. And, gosh, I might sound so perverted, but his moan? Yeah.... 🥲👏
I have replayed the entire sequence tens of times now, and I'm not done yet. It's just so *CHEF'S KISS* *SMOOCH* HANDS DOWN, perfect.
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gothamslostboy · 7 months
Matchmaking for The Lost Boys for me???
Physical appearance: I have dark brown/black hair that nearly goes down to my neck, brown eyes and i have little small earrings. Idk how else to describe my appearance sorry
Style: I usually wear more comfortable clothes like hoodies and baggy pants. I also wear some band shirts. But if I really have to dress up, leather jacket
Favourite food: I'm not picky when it comes to food but if I had to pick a favourite, fried chicken sushi, especially with soy sauce
Gender preference: I like all genders so I don't really mind but I do lean mostly more to men
1-2 hobbies: I like to draw and practise playing my drums. I find it all fun!
Music tastes: Rock and metal all the way. It's just the best music out there in my opinion
Favourite animal: Now this is a weird one but it's a tie between tigers and axolotls. I don't know why but I like them
Favourite movie/genre: For my favourite movie, it's a rough tie between This is Spinal Tap and Bill and Ted. For my favourite genre, comedy, you just gotta have a laugh sometimes
1-2 personality traits: I'm usually pretty quiet but much more talkative when you get to know me. I'm also basically the peacemaker type
Gender: I'm male (ftm)
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
1-2 traits you look for in partner: I want someone who's like affectionate and likes similar things. It's just my type
A/N:Hey dude! This too way to long for me to post and I’m sorry, hope you can still find it
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Dwayne:] you two have plenty of things in common and your differences complement eachother very well
He’ll ask to borrow one of your earrings, and give you one of his as a subtle way to let others around Santa Carla know you’re both spoken for. He adds a painting of a tiger to the other sleeve of his jacket as well, but that’s more to help with him missing you while you guys are separated. He asks for your permission to paint his favorite animal on your jacket, but if you prefer to have it plain he steals you a hoodie and paints it on there
He himself wears mostly hoodies and baggy pants (his preference is sweats) when lounging around the cave, unless it’s a night he feels like being shirtless, and leaves them around hoping you’ll decide to wear one. (He doesn’t want to ask you straight up, he wants it to be something you do yourself) if you guys share the same taste in bands, which given your music taste I’d say you do, he takes two matching shirts in your guy’s sizes after every concert he sees
He listens to you playing drums everytime you play, which eventually leads to you guys forming a band with Paul(he plays guitar while Paul sings)
One of his favorite date ideas is recreating each other’s previous drawings, though other than this the only art experience he has is painting clothes. He keeps every piece of art you’ve given him in a binder and guards it like it’s a million dollars
He’s a supportive person to lgbtq+ in general, so he knows how to help you. Whatever you want to do he’s there to help. Want to start hormones? He’s making you a list of every specialist in California and helping narrow it down, same with top surgeons. If you’re feeling dysphoric he does whatever he can to relieve you of some of it. Even though hes not normally a big words of affirmation guy, he tells you how handsome you are whenever he realizes you’re struggling. Also points out your masculine features and compliments them.
When you first meet it is a little awkward, both of you are quiet around people you don’t know, but once you warm up to each other there’s never a moment where you two struggle in a conversation with each other. There are still many times you guys sit in a comfortable silence though.
It’s not his favorite genre, but he does enjoy comedies, especially if it means he gets to see you laughing and enjoying yourself. He spends more time watching you than he does the movie tbh
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