#idk LMFAO
maggisaaart · 6 days
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Two old men without their hats
What will they do???
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beansterpie · 4 months
K I threw together a translation for the new es21 anniversary chapter! There's probably mistakes and some awkward phrasing because I always end up prioritizing accuracy over flow rip. Hopefully the way I've formatted this isn't a total pain to read. I recommend looking at the page first, and then referring to the translation when you can't read something. I skipped any panels that don't have dialogue/text so just reading the translations might be confusing. Anyway it's under the cut!
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(Lol sorry I didn't bother translating character blurbs on the right)
Page 1 Panel 1: Announcer: “Noooooww, there’s barely any time left on the clock! This final play will decide the outcome of the match!!” Panel 2: “One of these teams will command the University American Football World!! Panel 3: Which one will it be!? Panel 4: Two star players who once fought together now face off— Panel 5: in this Final Decisive Match”
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Page 2-3 Panel 1: Eyeshield 21 aka: Kobayakawa Sena!! VS. The Commander from Hell: Hiruma Yoichi!! Panel 2: Set, Hut!!!
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Cover page (4-5): Their First Collision!! Sena [Eyeshield 21] and Hiruma [the one who named him (literally the ‘parent’ who named him)]—
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Page 6 Panel 1: [Some months earlier—] Panel 3: DEVILBAT GHOST!!
Page 7 Panel 1: TRIDENT TACKLE!!!
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Page 8-9 Panel 1: The ball was fumbled!! Whichever team manages to claim it will win….!! Panel 2: [An American Football rule you can understand in 1 SECOND] Devilbat: YA—HA— It’s stupidly simple! Carry the ball to the enemy line and score (a touchdown)! DB jr.: You can get around 7 points! Panel 4: Monta: CATCH MAX!!! Panel 5: Suzuna: YA—!!! Panel 6: Announcer: The Kanto representatives for the Japanese National American Football University Championships is the team lead by Eyeshield 21 aka. Kobayakawa Sena— the Enma Fires…..!!!!
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Page 10 Panel 1: Sakuraba: You really got revenge on us this year. It’s frustrating but it was our total defeat….! Panel 2: Sena: Though, one-on-one, for the most part I couldn’t really get past you (Shin-san) until the very end… Panel 4: Shin: undecipherable Panel 6: Ootawara: OOOOHHHHH MAKE SURE YOU HIT THEM HARD ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US, KURITA—!! Panel 7: Takami: Finally, you’ve earned the right to challenge the undefeated champions Page 11 Panel 1 & 2: Takami: The championship finals against the team lead by Hiruma, the Saikyodai Wizards— at the Koushien Bowl….!!! Panel 3: Sena: Yes….!!
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Page 12 Panel 4: Monta: Mukya! What the hell, we can’t get into the club room! Riku: Looks like we have a few visitors— Panel 5: Crowd: The United States President’s son?? Even SP (I believe this is a tv channel) is here… Page 13 Panel 3: Sena: T-this is way too crazy… Kurita: To clear away people like this…..
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Page 14 Panel…2?: Hiruma: Kekekekeke, you’re late fucking Fatty and fucking Shrimps Panel 3: Kurita: HIRUMA! Sena: —san!! Monta: And that guy’s from the American Match, the ultimate boss… wait actually, he’s a NFL player now! Page 15 Panel 1: It’s the President’s Junior, Mr. Don….!! Panel 2: Don: An ordinary person goes to a foreign country to run rampant for their own entertainment. A champion (or king lol) goes to a foreign country to express his respect. Panel 3: Don: In this country, it seems excessive meddling from pros in the affairs of amateurs isn’t appreciated, so I’ll get straight to the heart of the matter. Panel 4: Don: Together we will fight and acquire the throne. I’ve come to welcome/receive one hero. Panel 6: Kurita: ?? Monta: What does that mean? Sena: Isn’t this excessive meddling…..
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Page 16 Panel 1: Crack! Panel 2: Sena: ….?? Inside my shoulder pad… Panel 3: Sena: What is this, it’s tiny… A white chip? Monta: Ooh, it’s in our shoulder pads too!! Riku: Since when… Panel 4: Hiruma: It’s called an RFID (radio frequency identification (apparently lol)) chip. When you have this on— Panel 5: Glasses: The current location of each player can be determined and measured by inches. Stats like speed and acceleration, it can analyze all data in real time. Enma Babes (presumably): A SCI-FI MACHINE LIKE THAT EXISTS!? Page 17 Panel 1: Don: There’s nothing Sci-Fi about it. Within the NFL world, all players have been using this for a number of years now. Sena & Monta: REALLY!!? Hiruma: They even have them inside the balls. Since you can measure the rotations that way Devibat: It’s true!! DB jr.: The actual pro sports world sure is turning into something amazing! Panel 2: Riku: So, this data analysis chip… Panel 3: Riku: Why are they in our protective equipment…?? Sena: I mean, there’s only one person in this world who would be devilish enough to quietly do something like that… Panel 4: Glasses: With this hoard of collected data, and by using the help of something like Google Brain, we can rely on machine learning to— Sena: Goo… what? Machine…?? Panel 5: Don: How sad~ Oohh, AI, AI! Civilization has simply taken the human privilege of ‘thinking’, and given it up to machines.
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Page 18 Panel 1: Don: Most of all, humanity’s been dulled by favoritism, politics and social correctness. Well, compared to a slow/primitive ruler, it’s (AI) infinitely more reliable. Panel 2: [For our team to reach victory, what kind of player is indispensable? The answer provided by the AI was—] Panel 3: A running back with the speed of light! Or— A phantasmagoric (look it up) quarterback! Panel 5: Glasses: International Player Pass Way Program. In short, there is one slot available for a foreign student trainee as the Japanese representative. Don: Which means that we would be receiving you into our team. Page 19 Panel 1: Kobayakawa Sena, Hiruma Yoichi: between the two of you, only one—
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Page 20 Panel 3: (I believe this is some sort of form that Sena filled out about what he wants to pursue after graduation— he says after graduation he wants to become a pro American Football athlete) Panel 4: Hiruma: With my physical abilities, I won’t be able to get into the NFL the usual way. Panel 5: Hiruma: Obviously, I’ll struggle for the top even if it kills me. That’s the thing that makes it fun….! Page 21 Panel 1: Don: When I consulted the man at the top, Panther, about which one to pick— he gave me a truly straightforward answer. Panel 2: Panther: Hm? Well they’re going to have a confrontation directly in the Koshien Bowl, aren’t they? Panel 3: Panther: Sena VS. Hiruma!! We’ll just take whoever wins. Because, isn’t that American Football…!!
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Page 22 Panel 1: Sena: …… this contest against Hiruma-san, I’m glad that it’s an American football match. Panel 2: Sena: If it wasn’t, there’s no way I could win against Hiruma-san, you’d bring out your blackmail book and in an instant…. Hiruma: Kekeke, seems like you understand the situation reeeeal well Panel 3: Sena: I mean, whether it’s Don-san’s AI verdict or the pro tryouts— if you put your mind to it, you could use your blackmail book to get whatever you wanted. But, Hiruma-san, when it comes to American football, you’ve always…. you’ve always— Panel 5: Toss~ Panel 6: Hiruma: Well, since I’m going to win against you and become a top pro, I don’t need this thing. Page 23 Panel 5: Sena: But, the one who’ll win is me
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Page 24 Sena: I’ll go to defeat you with all my strength. So, Hiruma-san, you also— Hiruma: Kekeke, naturally Page 25 Panel 1: HANSHIN KOSHIEN STADIUM Panel 3: Kurita: Truthfully, I want to root for both of their dreams— For Sena-kun, and for Hiruma. But if I really can’t choose both—
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Page 26-27 Panel 1: Kurita: FUNNURABAAA!!!!! Panel 2: Kurita: For the sake of my team, and for Sena-kun’s sake, I’ll defeat Hiruma…..!!! Panel 3: Announcer: Koshien Bowl, the final, decisive match! Against the Saikyodai Wizards, made up of all star members throughout the country— Panel 4: Announcer: Somehow!! The Enma Fires are just slightly in the lead!! Panel 5: Gaou: Fuh… Half of American football is decided by the power of the line. This is the unmatched power of Kurita when he has something to protect….!!!
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Page 28 Panel 1: Announcer: Noooooww, there’s barely any time left on the clock! This final play will decide the outcome of the match!! Panel 2: Announcer: Two star players who once fought together now face off— Panel 3: Announcer: In this Final Decisive Match!! Panel 4: Announcer: Eyeshield 21 aka. Kobayakawa Sena!! Vs. The Commander from Hell, Hiruma Yoichi!! Page 29 Panel 1: Hiruma: KILL! KILL! Panel 2: Suzuna: K.I.L.L…..to kill? What’s it mean? Doburoku: In American football, it’s a sign that’s given by the pitcher. It means to completely kill the strategy that had been agreed upon. To put it simply, it’s a signal to hurriedly reset the strategy of the play. Panel 3: Mizumachi: After seeing our defense formation, looks like they want to change things up! Panel 4: Sena: Hiruma-san’s— that ever-changing adaptability’s strength—
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Page 30 Panel 1: Hiruma: Kill— Panel 4: Unsui: NO!! THERE HASN’T BEEN ANY CHANGE IN HIS PLAN!! Page 31 Panel 1: Hiruma (I think): This was just a snap counter from the get go— A signal to start the play after the 4th KILL…!!! Panel 2: Enma player: Shit, even though we know what kind of guy he is! Enma player 2: He’s gonna throw a pass— Enma player 3: No, don’t let Hiruma trick you! He’s not throwing— he’s still holding it!! Panel 3: This is a run….!! Panel 5: Shit, that’s wrong, it’s a pass after all….!!!
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Page 32 TOUCHDOOOOWN!!! Page 33 Panel 1: Hiruma: YA— HA—!!! Panel 2: Announcer: The final decisive battle was completely controlled by the sorcerer of the field-- Hiruma Yoichi! (there's actually a word in this line I don't understand lol, but this should be the general gist) Panel 3: Announcer: In a sudden turnabout victory, the Saikyodai Wizards win the championship—
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Page 34 Panel 1: Announcer: —No, the remaining time on the clock is 1 second!! Panel 2: Hiruma: !! Taka: That was my bad. Panel 3: Taka: On the ground was Sena-kun with his light speed, and in the air Monta was closing in. I had no choice but to catch the ball one second earlier than planned. Panel 5: Unsui (presumably): — 1 second left. Whether we laugh or cry about it, this will be the final play— Page 35 Panel 1: Sena: These sort of seriously close calls… I dunno if you’d call it deja vu or— Panel 2: Monta: That’s right! This is the kind of cliff’s edge that we’ve run along a bunch of times! Panel 3: Agon: Aaaahhh? Ain’t this match already certain victory— Panel 4: Agon: —If we weren’t up against the tiny trash brigade, that is. Hiruma: Kekeke yo~~~ You also know what’s up huh, fucking dreads. Panel 6: Yamato: That’s right, all of us should know by now well enough that it hurts. Panel 7: Yamato: That there are demon-like men out there whose power explodes during dire straits like this.
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Page 36 Panel 1: That there was once a miraculous team called the Devilbats— Panel 2: Hiruma: The last play will be Eyeshield 21! They’ll 100,000,000,000% comes at us with Sena’s run!! Anything else is a ruse, completely ignore it, don’t even think 1mm that it’ll be anything else!! Panel 3: Unsui: There’s only one way to go: Sena’s run. All of us will open a path!! Page 37 Panel 1 & 2: Sena’s Run, Complete Specialized All Star Team!! VS. Anti-Sena formation, Complete Specialized All Star Team!!
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Page 38: — DON! Page 39 Panel 1: Announcer: Remaining time: 0 seconds! Panel 2: Announcer: With this last play, it’s game set! Panel 4: Yamabushi: Rodio Drive!! Are they coming with Riku!? Taka: No— Panel 6: Riku: Sena…!!
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Page 40 Panel 3: IKKYUU…!! Panel 4: How can he reach it, to go into a cut from such a distance…..
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Page 42 Panel 1: Sena: UUOOOOOOOOHH!! Panel 2: Mamori: Sena…! Panel 3: Ikkyuu: That guy’s too damn fast— I already knew that but…..!! Panel 4: Announcer: Sure enough, in the end they went with the light speed running back, Eyeshield 21!!! Page 43 Panel 1: Mizumachi: Uha! I said make way! Panel 3: Chuubou: A path for Sena-senpai….!!!
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Page 44-45 Panel 3: Announcer: He’s passed everyone! At this rate it’s a touchdown—!!! Panel 4: Hiruma: Kekeke, dig out your eyeballs and give them a good wash— take another look. It’s not over. Panel 5: Kid: He’ll stand in the way— in the end, the ultimate opponent—
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Page 46 Panel 1: AGON!!! Page 47 Panel 2: Shin: Sena’s Devilbat Ghost has been fully realized. Panel 3: Shin: It’s a perfect technique for a runner to get past his opponent. The Optimal Technique/Solution.
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Page 48 Panel 2: vvrrrrr (vibration sounds) Panel 3: Glasses: The Optimal Solution for this situation is none other than the Devilbat Ghost. But even then, Agon who possesses inherent superhuman reaction speed will likely stop him. Panel 4: [That is the judgement the machine learning system has made based on the real time analysis from the RFID chip] Page 49 Panel 3: Shin: The essential thing you need to reach new heights, is to surpass your Optimal Technique/Solution™— with Courage™ Panel 5: Sena: That’s right— my road isn’t limited only to the two directions that I can dodge Panel 6: Shin: It relies on his light speed cuts. A third option, much like a trident. In a manner of speaking—
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Page 50 Panel 1: DEVILBAT TRIDENT!!! Page 51 Panel 1: Mizumachi: You mean he might not dodge!? Riku: A headlong collision!! There’s no way… Panel 2: Glasses: It’s absolutely impossible, how reckless. There’s no chance of winning. The AI declares that this is at most a feint. In the end, Sena will definitely move to evade him! Panel 3: Hiruma: Kekeke, you’re wrong. It’s a hundred billion years too early to try getting past using that hand. Panel 4: Hiruma: But that’s why you’ll go for it. Isn’t that right, Sena. Panel 5: Agon: Aaahhh~~ Hiruma, I’ve fought with you so many times it makes me sick, so I already know all of that….!!!
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Page 52 Panel 1: Hiruma ??: The Human brain hasn’t been able to compete with semiconductors for a long time. I’m sure it’ll aaaalll become like that in the future. Panel 2: Hiruma: When it comes to searching for Optimal Solutions™, no one can compete against Sir AI anymore. But— Panel 3: Shin: Beyond the Optimal Solution™ Panel 4: Beyond even the very summit— you continue to struggle with only courage at your back. Page 53 Panel 1: THAT IS WHAT AN ATHLETE IS Panel 3: ??: I’LL GO PRO AND KILL EVERYONE!! Panel 4: ??: I’LL SURPASS THE TOP!!! Panel 5: ??: That athlete will be—
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Page 54-55 Panel 1: Hiruma: ME Panel 2: Sena: ME Panel 3: [He surpasses theory, with his light speed courage—!!]
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quiet-saint · 3 months
Fellas. I love a demanding, filthy, dominant Gortash, but I also really love the idea of a soft gortash. A gortash that breaks Durge down with slow, deep kisses.
And Durge isn't used to this kind of touch. This gentle, tender, achingly sweet kind of contact. It makes them uneasy. Gortash cups their face, his palm warm and his touch soft. Durge is a conflicted, nervous mess. Torn between running away and staying. But staying would make what they have all the more real.
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nateslehky · 1 year
nathan can you at least TRY to keep it together
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kaizokuniichan · 8 months
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Something Light for Law’s Birthday
Summary: I don’t know what this is. I don’t know why this is. This isn’t compliant with Attention but it could be? Don’t question any canon-compliance either, it makes absolutely no sense but it’s fun (to me)
You and Zoro force Law to come join you to celebrate his birthday.
Pairing: none really…it might be a lil something if you squint. GN!Reader.
Word Count: 950+
Warnings: alcohol consumption.
(Divider by @/cafekitsune)
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“Come on man, you gotta loosen up.”
Law’s eyes were downcast, scowl deepening as he crossed his arms.
“I’m loose enough Zoro-ya.”
“Come on Law. One puff of a badly-concealed joint every six months is not what I would call “loosening up,” you nudged, knocking your hip into his. Eyes bulged as the preparation of a denial sat on the tip of his tongue.
“Law it’s your birthday, please just have a drink with us.”
Your feigned puppy dog eyes were your most abused weapon in your arsenal, and yet their impact was just as effective every time.
Zoro snorted as Law’s body went limp, allowing you to drag him towards the thunderous din of the pub.
“Stop trying to fight it Torao, you know it’s inevitable. Just let it happen.”
Placing his hands on stiff shoulders, you and Zoro worked in tandem to push and pull the grumbling man through the saloon-like doors.
The pub was loud, filled to the brim with a jubilant energy that wove it’s way throughout the staggering bodies. Everything in Law’s being wanted to reject the place, but he’d unfortunately fallen victim to the loathsome combination of your emotional blackmail and Zoro’s aggressive strong-arming.
Finding a place to settle was far too easy when you had two notorious pirates, toting bounties well into the hundred millions, at your side. Various grizzled patrons scattered like pests escaping fluorescents, and within seconds a worn-down booth tucked away in a darkened corner appeared—slightly obscured and just cozy enough for the three of you to squeeze into.
As you and Law sunk into the ripped cushions, Zoro tugged on the collar of a passing bar man, swiping the four tankards of ale sloshing about on the tray. Taking a seat on the other side of Law, he passed you each a pint, keeping the remaining two for himself.
“Zoro, stop being stingy and give me half of that extra one.”
“I’m the one that got these for us, you want another one, go get it yourself.”
“All you did was make that poor guy’s job harder by stealing someone else’s. What you should’ve done was get us some shots, we’re supposed to be celebrating his birthday. Do it properly.”
You and Zoro—having leaned over Law’s body to fuss at each other—switched your attention back to the guest of honor, whose temples throbbed with irritation.
“You two have stolen me away from my crew and dragged me to this dump to celebrate my shitty birthday. Shut up and cheers my drink so we can leave.”
Your eyes ping-ponged between Zoro and Law’s, taking hold of your tankard and raising it in front of you.
“Alright Captain grump, come lend me your ear.”
Mildly perplexed and begrudgingly amused, he followed your lead. Zoro snickered beside him, stealing a few gulps of his ale.
“Trafalgar Law, you are one of the most irritable, emotionally-constipated, uptight men I’ve ever met.”
He sighed. “Is this really what you dragged me out here for?”
“But-“ you continued, “you are also one of the most thoughtful, insightful, and kindest people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Not to mention, you’re a total smoke show.”
“And ‘with cool tattoos’” Zoro mocked, slapping Law on the back as the other man choked on his drink.
“And with cool tattoos. Law, you’re a better person than you give yourself credit for, and I hope you know how much you mean to people. You deserve to be celebrated, okay?”
Catching Zoro’s eye again, you leaned in close to rest you chin on his shoulder. Zoro mirrored you on his other side.
“I said,” you hissed through gritted teeth,” you deserve to be celebrated. Say it back.”
“Say it back Law,” Zoro parroted.
If he really wanted to, he could warp himself away from your clutches and back onto the pier where his sub was docked, sinking back into the ocean’s depths. He could easily make an escape despite the weight of your threatening eyes and Zoro’s grip holding him in place. He really, really could.
“I…deserve to be celebrated,” he muttered with a resigned sigh. You blinked, a satisfied smile painting your lips.
“I can’t believe you got him to actually say it,” Zoro guffawed as he wrapped an arm around his neck. Law balked as he was jostled, drink splashing onto his jeans.
“I know, I didn’t think I’d have this much influence over him. I’m glad you’ve began your self-love journey Law.”
He slapped your hand away before you could pinch his cheek, shaking his mug in his other hand.
“Alright, I listened to your senseless babble. Fucking cheers me now.
With a chirping laugh you each took your mugs, raising them into the air.
“Happy Birthday Law!” you hooted, clinking his mug and taking a sip.
“Happy Birthday Torao,” Zoro grunted, tapping his mug and downing the rest.
Law sat still with his arm outstretched, a small smile etching his face. Without another word he chugged his nearly full mug, reaching for the second stolen tankard on Zoro’s side and draining that too. You sat with your mouth agape, eyes fixed on the space where the two empty mugs should have been, now replaced with a tray of short glasses filled with an amber liquid.
“Close your mouths and come grab a shot. We’re supposed to be celebrating me, aren’t we?”
Further invading his space, you and Zoro reached over and took a glass.
“I hope you don’t think that just because it’s your birthday you can hang with the big boys. You better pace yourself, we got a long night ahead of us!”
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porty-clone-king · 3 months
The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them, either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew, so too did his shadow, and soon, the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero...
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theoverboardgaygirl · 2 months
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literallybreadsticks · 3 months
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Ugly lookin’
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rystiel · 4 months
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ughh this guy stole my heart bruh
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A fist fight can be romantic.
-Beelzebub probably
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shorttcakie · 1 year
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﹙♡﹚! ⭒ ࣭ ˚ ₊mwa mwa
follow pweacch on ig!!
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thysilus · 1 year
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o yeah. this ws a thing tht happnd @ work
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heisen-heimer · 9 months
It's ovulation time my dudes
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clovreat3r · 7 months
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The pizza ingredients delivery supply arriving at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place after a delay
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zzzbugs-in-spacezzz · 3 months
thanks fizzy!
i learned italian from fizzarolli and puzza lasagna, contorno alle limoncello, forte piano, buongiorno alla vongole, luigi, florence, bucatini, cinghiale, cinghiale.
fuckin' awesome dude
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cannedsoupcansoup · 4 months
Oooo I just figured it out!!! The adult version of the "I don't want people to touch my toys because they play with them wrong" is "no one understands my favourite characters correctly"
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