Drinking with the Devil (Day 4 of Hello Spring 2020)
Title: Drinking with the Devil
Summary: When Chloe suggests a night of drinking as a way of blowing off some stress, you never imagined that it would lead to a meeting with a man that would have such an effect on you.    
Author: @supernaturallymarvellous
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, Chloe Decker, Ella Lopez
Word Count: 556
Warnings: None
A/N: @itsbuckysworld is hosting a new challenge - Hello Spring 2020 (check it out here). The prompt for Day 4 is “Cocktail”
It had been a long day.  In fact, it had been an incredibly long week.  Working for the LA District Attorney was hard but ultimately rewarding.  However the past five days had been some of the hardest you’d ever dealt with in your time working in Los Angeles.  Case after case had passed over your desk – you seen people hurt in the most horrific ways, ways that you wouldn’t even wish upon your worse enemy – and you had decided that the only way to get rid of the horrendous images swirling around your head was to drown them in a vat of alcohol. When Chloe and Ella had suggested a girls night out, you had jumped at the chance.  
You had squeezed into one of the few glamorous dresses that you owned, slipped on a pair of high heels and headed towards downtown LA to meet up with your friends at a club called LUX.  Chloe has insisted that she’d be able to get you all in for free and probably get complimentary drinks too.  That was too good an offer to refuse; your job didn’t exactly pay well and your friends were rolling in the green stuff either so getting something for nothing sounded like the best offer you were going to get that night.
Or that was what you had thought right up until the point that you’d met the owner of the club, one Lucifer Morningstar.  
He’d sauntered over to where the three of you were sitting, a bottle of champagne in his hand and a smirk on his face that was almost sinful.  Without asking, he’d sat down in the booth, so close to you that you could feel his thigh pressing against yours.
“So ladies, girls night out is it?  Well don’t stop me from letting you enjoy yourself.  In fact, I would actively encourage it……indulge yourself.”
Chloe laughed his comments off before grabbing the bottle from him and pouring out drinks for you and Ella.  Lucifer however didn’t move.  He stayed right where he was and turned his attention towards you.  
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?  Yes, Chloe has told me all about you but know I want to know something more.  Tell me Y/N….what is it you desire?  What do you want most out of this sordid little human life?”
For the next few moments, it felt as though a spell had been cast over you. You looked at the man sitting next to you, the man that you’d heard so much about – so many silly rumours – and found yourself unable to look away.  You were intoxicated by every part of his being; his voice flowed like silk, his eyes kept a constant lock with your own, his hand moved ever so slightly further up your leg.  You couldn’t help but open up and provide him with an answer.
“I want you.  I want to spend all night in your bed…….” You trailed off as those words left your mouth, shocked at your frankly lustful admission.  
He smiled before standing up and straightening his jacket.  After he’d said his goodbyes to the other women in your little group, he bent down and whispered in your ear, his voice so low that only you could here.
“I’ll be upstairs in about ten minutes if you want to fulfil that debauched desire….”
Tagging: @ibwhellowriting   @waywardimpalawriter   @zepppie   @helvonasche @81mysteriouslyme   @caplanbuckybarnes
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Aliens and Cocktails
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 554
Warnings: Some mild blood and gore
Summary: Bucky has his own way of dealing with alien hordes. 
A/N:  This is my Day 4 entry for @ibwhellowriting ‘s 31 day Hello Spring Challenge. Its short but fun. 
Prompt: Cocktail
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Pop pop pop. You and Bucky stood back to back, guns raised in the middle of a blown out street. The alien of the week was gaining ground on either side as you and Bucky stood firm, holding them off. Suddenly you felt fire on your left side and put your hand over the wound only to pull it back covered in blood.
“Uh oh,” you said as you dropped to your knees. Bucky was by your side before your head could hit the ground.
“Idiot,” he muttered, “what’d you do that for?” His voice was calm but you could see the terror in his eyes as he examined your wound. He kept firing off shots to keep the aliens at bay while his other hand put pressure on your side. You looked around and noticed a bar with the large front window blown out.
“Over there Buck,” you spluttered. You tasted blood in your mouth. Shit.
Bucky spotted the bar and quickly scooped you up in his arms. He fired off a few more shots as he leaped through the window somehow managing to hold you steady.
“I got most of them but there are more coming.” He said as he laid you down behind the bar. Your vision was growing blurry and you and Bucky both knew that if he didn’t stop the bleeding, aliens were going to be the least of your worries. He lightly leapt up on the bar and pulled down a few soccer jerseys that had been pinned up above the mirror.
“Crap sport anyway,” Bucky muttered as he pulled out his knife and started cutting one of the jerseys into strips. He knelt down and bound up your wound with the strips of fabric as best he could. In the distance you could hear another hoard of aliens approaching. They were getting closer with every second and you fumbled for your gun, though you were pretty sure you couldn’t hold your arm up.
“Don’t worry about that, doll,” Bucky said as he reached for two whiskey bottles. He unstoppered them with his teeth and then tore the other jersey into long strips. He stuffed the strips of fabric down into the bottles and pulled a lighter out of his pocket.
“Not again, Buck,” you mumbled.
“Oh yes!” Bucky exclaimed with a wild look on in his eyes. The aliens had found you two and were closing in around the broken front window. Bucky quickly lit the fabric and tossed both bottles into the crowd. Exploding glass and licking flames were everywhere as the aliens beat at their own skin to try and put the fire out. The front door started to catch and Bucky new it was time to get out of there. He scooped you up and ran for the backdoor and the alleyway beyond. He flipped on his comms as he continued running down the street.
“Stark, we need a medical evac, quick. Y/N is badly hurt.” Bucky said.
“Sure thing, where are you guys?” Tony replied.
“Just look for the fire,” Bucky said.
“Damnit Tinman! We’ve talked about this! A Molotov cocktail is not the answer to every situation!” Tony shouted into his comms.
“Hey, there were aliens chasing us and now there’s not. Seems like it was the answer to this situation.”
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Momentary Panic
For itsbuckysworld’s Hello Spring Short Fiction Writing Event! @ibwhellospring
Day 4: “____ is lost! Help me find it/them”
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x female Reader, with a concerned John
Warnings: None. This is honestly the closest I have come to fluff in awhile.
Word Count: 581
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John placed the market bags down on the kitchen table, too distracted by his phone screen to bother focusing on what his flatmate was doing. It was a flurry of rapid movements, papers fluttering and what he only assumed to be a lithe knife the size of a pen in his peripheral.
He had been sending you texts since the early hours of the morning. First, inviting you out to breakfast, then out to run errands with him as it was a particularly beautiful Saturday morning and he knew how much you treasured your time in the sunlight. But all his texts had been left unanswered. Brow furrowing and lips pursing, John began to worry.
“Sherlock,” He called, quickly sending another text asking if you were okay. Stepping into the living room, John found Sherlock bent over his desk scribbling notes onto scrap paper. “Sherlock, have you heard from Y/N?”
The man grunted in response, before holding the paper up to the light of the window and squinting.
“Sher…” John shut his eyes and exhaled to ease the tension quickly seizing his shoulders. “Sherlock, I’m a bit worried.”
“Oh, what now?” Sherlock tossed over his shoulder brushing by John in a flurry towards the kitchen.
“Y/N, she hasn’t returned any of my texts. I haven’t heard from her in a couple of days now come to think of it. Have you?” Again, his eyes dropped to his phone screen, thumbing through the last messages between you two as the sound of creaking and banging cabinets filled the air.
Nothing out of the ordinary that he could see. He had forgotten to cancel plans with you as he had acquired a date with a lovely woman he met at the hospital. You had brought over takeout but had insisted that he not feel bad and to have fun on his date.
The sudden clatter of dishes startled John from his musings. For the first time since he arrived, he assessed the actions of his flatmate. A white bowl, surprisingly cleaned and dried was shoved on the counter along with a stout black mug with dried…tomato seeds stuck to the side.
“What are you doing?” He asked curiously, stepping back into the kitchen.
“I’m sure she’s fine, John.” Sherlock answered instead, rummaging through the bags that John had earlier dropped.
“I don’t know. I’m really starting to think something may have happened.” When this brought no reaction from Sherlock, John sighed and straightened. “Sherlock…Sherlock…Sherlock for Christ’s sake!”
“What?!” Sherlock spun around and clenched his hands in the air like the madman that he was.
“I really think Y/N could be lost! Would you stop for a moment and help me find her?”
The floor creaked behind him. John spun on his heel and found you, staring at them with bleary eyes, hair a mess and dressed in crumpled pajamas with a throw wrapped around your shoulders.
“What’s going on?” You ask hesitantly.
John turns back to Sherlock, mouth agape.
Sherlock, for his part, appeared quite conflicted at having been caught with you. Instead of responding to John’s wordless inquiry that spoke volumes, he addressed your verbal one.
“John has brought us breakfast.”
Your expression cleared considerably as you smiled at John in thanks. “You’re a godsend, John. I’m starving after last night!”
As you passed John to inspect the food in the bags, you missed the further drop of John’s jaw. Sherlock smiled at him and said nothing to disuade his assumptions.
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beckzorz · 5 years
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The door isn’t locked.
You step back, keys still dangling from the knob, and stare at your door.
You always lock your door.
One step back, then another. Your bags hit the floor, the thump startling you into action. You turn tail and run, flying down the stairs, heart pounding in your ears. You burst out into the street and make a break for it, racing west down your street, north up the next, down the stairs into the subway.
You fumble for your wallet—shit! It’s with your shopping, your purse, abandoned in front of your apartment door.
Eyes wild, you glance around. There’s no one you recognize—no surprise there, given how short a time you’ve been in this city—and in every curious face you see a threat.
Back to the street.
You freeze halfway up the stairs. The man behind you, buried in his phone, knocks into you, and you catch yourself a few steps up and shrink against the wall. He mumbles an apology, but all you can hear is the call of a woman’s voice.
“My sister is lost, can you help me find her?”
You stand straight, hands shaking as you back down the stairs.
“Excuse me, have you seen this woman?”
Her voice pounds in your skull. You know it all too well. It’s the same voice that’s haunted your nightmares and every waking dream for years.
Someone coming from the street frowns at you, then looks back behind them. You turn and hurry down ahead of them, chin tucked against your chest, eyes burning.
An arm wraps around your shoulders, and before you can do anything more than tense, a low voice hisses in your ear.
“Stick with me. I’ll get you out of here.”
You falter, eyes widening. The solid arm guides you to the turnstile. Two quick beeps, and you and your savior—if he is that—are through. A brimmed cap settles over your hair as the two of you make your way through the tunnels to the platform. Only once you’re there do you chance a peek at the man beside you.
He’s tall, with long legs, narrow waist, broad chest. With your face still low, you can just make out his scruffy jaw, plush lips, and dark hair brushing his chin. He tightens his arm around your shoulders, but you don’t feel captured. The steely set of his jaw is far more comfort than her cruel smile, flickering even now in your mind. You stare at his mouth, memorizing every little line, trying to wash her away with something different.
Something sweeter. Something good.
A rumble, and you turn away. The tunnel starts to glow with the lights of the next train. You watch, biting your tongue, as the train grins to a halt. The doors slide open with a ding. Three steps, and you’re in.
The man lifts his arm from your shoulder only to guide you into a seat. He stands in front of you, his knees brushing yours as he hangs on to the overhead bar. You gaze up at him, stunned. Before, when all you could see was his mouth, you’d stared. Now…
He looks like an angel. Serious face, leather jacket, and all.
You grab his free hand. He glances down at you, eyes wide in surprise.
“Thank you,” you mouth.
His lips, pink and plump and perfect, curve into a small smile. He ducks his head and twists his hand so he can grip yours.
“Anytime,” he whispers.
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A/N: Day 4 of @ibwhellospring’s Spring Short Story Writing Event! Prompt for today was “____ is lost! Help me find it/them.” Hope you enjoyed—let me know what you think! xoxo
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notimetoblog · 5 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (kinda)
Category: N/A
Warnings: mentions of blood (just in passing)
Day 4: “____ is lost! Help me find it/them” from @ibwhellospring ‘s Spring Short Story Writing Event [hosted by @itsbuckysworld ]. 
A/N: This is late and I know…. I couldn’t get it up earlier, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I have to thank the always awesome @just-add-butter for sharing this idea with me. I hope to one day flesh this out a bit more , but for now it’s a small little drabble :D Thanks for reading!!
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 This had to be a mistake. You must’ve heard incorrectly. 
“I’m sorry,” you heard yourself speak barely above a whisper, a face full of fear on your colleague in front of you. “Can you say that one more time?”
  “Captain Rogers’ original uniform is missing.”
  Something cold spread throughout your veins, a chilly, icy feeling that filled you up completely.
  “How is that even possible?” you voice started to raise, frustration and total confusion more than evident. “A uniform can’t simply vanish.”
“We’ve called the authorities and we’re also checking the cameras to see what happened. But the first we heard of it the security guard with the night shift, Stan I think his name is, first called this in.”
  “Exhibit is beyond closed today,” you said, quickly gathering your phone and laptop and rushing out of your office. “No one even think about letting any visitor within one hundred feet of the exhibit.”
  You heard her your colleague doing their best to keep up with you.
  “Someone get me in touch with this Stan person, I need to speak to him now!”
  “He’s in the security office,” you faintly heard your colleague’s voice a few feet behind you, voice audibly shaken.
  Quickly redirecting your steps to the security office, you tried to process exactly what was happening. In your almost 5 years as collections manager of American History at the Smithsonian, nothing like this had ever happened. Did things always go smoothly? No, but artifacts under your department surely never turned up missing. Not under your watch. Not ever.
  “Hi Stan,” you tried your best to keep calm in front of the elderly man sitting in the security office, guilt all over his face. “I’m the collections manager of American History. I’ve been told you were the guard on duty last night.”
  “Yes ma’am, “he spoke, looking up shyly.
  “How did this happen?”
  “Im – Im not sure, ma’am. I was keeping watch over the security cameras and didn’t notice anything in particular. Nothing that raised any flags. I do a walk-around around 2 in the morning, just to make sure everything is where it should be and that’s when I noticed the uniform missing. No alarms were triggered, no windows broken. It’s like a ghost took it.”
  “Stan,” your voice now had a sharper edge to it. “Captain Rogers’ original uniform, the one he wore during World War II, the one he defeated HYDRA in, the one I poured countless of hours into to help preserve is missing. I need you to help me find it. I need you to do better that this.”
  “Ma’am?” another security guard spoke up, his gaze shifting from the security camera footage to you. “The cameras didn’t catch anything. The suit just vanishes from one second to another.”
  “You realize that’s impossible, right?” you asked, peeking at the footage yourself. “Nothing just vanishes.”
  “This was done by a professional thief, ma’am.”
  “A professional? Why take just this one suit, then?”
  “I said a professional, ma’am. That doesn’t mean this person acted rationally. And besides, Captain Rogers was been on the news the last few days and well, they do say all press is good press, but they haven’t been treating him kindly. So much for being the face of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
  “What’s your name?” you asked, solely stepping away from Stan and making your way over to him.
  “It’s Harry.”
  “Harry,” you began, voice low. “My job is to help preserve our history. To try and ensure that future generations can take a glimpse of the past and somehow feel a connection to it. To bring to life events that happened decades, centuries, ago. I couldn’t care less how they’re treating Captain Rogers in the press. All I care about is that there is a priceless artifact missing and your passing comments on his public image is not going to bring that artifact back. So instead of commenting on issues that have no importance, why don’t you use your training and think about how this could’ve happened or let somebody who can actually help take over your position.”
  With that you left the office, phone in hand trying to think for yourself how on earth you could’ve let this happen.
  The day could not have gone any worse. Not only had the suit turned up missing, but large and armed airships had been blown up over the Triskelion building sending the entire city into a panic.
  Arriving home, you wished you could erase the day from memory, act like it hadn’t existed. But much like all of the events that had unfolded today, that seemed impossible.
  So, begrudgingly you sat on your couch, flipping the channels hoping to find something that could drown out the mess of today.
  “More details of the explosions witnessed today are pouring in,” you heard a news anchor say, his voice stern. “Captain Rogers, previously reported as having had a fallout with the S.H.I.E.L.D organization, is said to be involved. He was seen being lifted onto an ambulance suffering from multiple injuries.”
  The image shifted into one of Steve Rogers being lifted onto an ambulance, wearing a very familiar uniform now bloodied and torn.
  “Rogers, you son of a –“
  Are you watching the news?
  Your phone flashed with a text message from your colleague.
  Guess we know who took the suit
  “The extent of his injuries are unknown,” the news anchor concluded his report.
  I hope he lives, you typed out quickly. I have a MASSIVE bone to pick with him.
  If he lives he’s gonna wish he hadn’t lol, read the reply. Poor guy.
  Poor guy, indeed.
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader Category: fluffy meet cute ft Bucky’s dog Zeus. (which is what i wanna call one of my dogs in the future T.T the other will be Athena) Warnings: rushed, fluffy, not that great.  Word Count: 1K Guest Appearance: Steeef Rawgers, Zeus the dog
Day 4: "___ is lost! help me find it/them” for my Spring Short Story Writing Event.
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“Zeus is lost!” Bucky barged into his best friend’s room, frantically trying to wake the blonde man up and succeeding. Steve opens his eyes in a frenzy, so much for his afternoon nap.
With eyes still adjusting to the brightness coming from the open door, he can see Bucky’s figure pacing up a storm, about to make a ditch on the hardwood flooring. For a second he didn’t understand what was happening, his brain still slow and rebooting like an old computer, after all he’d just returned home from a very long and non stop shift at work. Stupid overtimes.
And then the sentence his best friend and roommate had said started to seep in. Zeus…
“Wait what? How?” Steve sat up, his torso barely covered by the falling covers as he swung out his legs over the side of his mattress.
“Zeus, I… I took him for a walk and we stopped and he just took off running, which he’s done before, but he just followed this random person and was gone before I could catch him and I lost him through all the people and intersections” Bucky’s hair was pointing every which way with how much he kept running his hands through the long chocolate strands.
His dog was everything to him. Despite it not being trained to be a help dog, Steve knew how much the dog helped Bucky in many ways and getting that big ball of fur was the joy of his life. He remembers all the arguments over having the dog in the apartment at the beginning but he couldn’t deny he was so fond of the silly animal he considered it his child almost as much as Bucky.
“Well, he has his collar, someone will call…” Steve tried to reason and calm his friend down but Bucky only shook his head desperately.
“No, no. His… I… You know his leash has been getting stuck on the collar hook right?” Steve nodded “I took it off for a second to stop tugging on it too harshly and that’s when… he ran, he just ran.”
“fuck” the blonde one muttered, now rubbing his face at the new obstacle. Fuck, now what?
“You gotta help me find him Steve”
“Yes I know, I know…”
It took Steve a few minutes to come up with some sort of plan. Bucky was certain the dog wasn’t far, he was smart and ran almost in the same direction of the apartment complex, which means he couldn’t be far. Most of their neighbors knew the dog, and if there was something the pair had was plenty of photos of the pup. So quickly opening his laptop, Steve got to work on some quick lost dog posters with Zeus’ photos and their contact information. They’d plaster them all over the neighborhood and then some, the quicker they acted the better.
“Ok, you go up the street, I��ll head down towards the-“ Bucky was coming out of their apartment, Steve close behind, a stack of 50+ papers on each of their hands, when a strong, loud bark from upstairs interrupted their frenzy. Both men looked up the stair so fast it almost gave them whiplash. A quick glance back at each other to assess that it must be Zeus, no one has a dog as big as Zeus in the building, so no dog could bark so loud, and their feet took them up the flight of stairs in a second.
“Zeus!” Bucky screamed when he saw the familiar down the hall, and it came running to him, almost tumbling him back with the force of the excitement over the reunion. “Buddy you scared me!” Bucky scratched behind his ears and under his snout, the pupper adoring the attention as it whined for more scratches. Steve cleared his throat and Bucky looked up to find a girl standing outside the apartment at the end of the hall looking at the reunion with a wide smile. “Hey, you found him?”
“He found me really” she exclaimed with a little giggle that Bucky found incredibly endrearing. Her features were soft and bright and young, deserving of a magazine photoshoot. “Followed me to the store and back. Thought I could post a photo to find his owner if he had one” She nodded and with a little bit of shyness took a few steps towards the two men. “Y/N, just moved in yesterday”
“Steve” “B-Bucky” both men shook hands with the woman, welcoming her to the neighborhood and Zeus barked, as if saying hello as well. “And this is Zeus, who scared me half to death earlier, thought I’d lost him” he concluded, still unable to tear his eyes away from the woman that had kind of indirectly got him his dog back.
“Nice to meet you too Zeus! He’s a cutie” you complimented, kneeling to pet the dog some more. “Considered stealing him if I didn’t hear from an owner in a week, you’re lucky” Zeus licked her face and her hand at her joke, almost rolling on the floor trying to get more cuddles with his new friend.
“Well, he seems to like you, so I think he’d be okay with that.” Bucky kneeled as well, ruffling Zeus’ fur and half noticing how Steve slowly exited the scene with a knowing grin. Bucky looked up at you. “Say, could I invite you for a coffee? You know as… as a thanks for finding Zeus for me” his cheeks tinted red a little and he noticed yours did as well. “Again, he found me… But I won’t turn down coffee with a cute boy” “You think I’m cute?” “I was referring to Zeus” Bucky’s smile falters for a moment before he sees your grin that lets him know you’re only half serious about that. He chuckles handing you one of the lost dog flyers with his contact, and you pull out a pen from your bag, scribbling down yours on the back of another. “See you two soon then?” with one last pet to Zeus’ head you stand up and walk into your apartment and all Bucky can do is continue staring with a dumb grin plastered on his face.
Zeus breaks the trance his in with a long lick to the side of his face. “Good boy Zeus, what a wingman” Bucky whispers, pressing a kiss between Zeus’ eyes as the dorky mutt smiles cheekily at him. Couldn’t have gone even better if they had rehearsed it. Bucky puts his collar around him again “No more running away though, scared me enough for a lifetime”
Feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged! Thank you so much for reading! this was just something quick and fluffy!
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Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Leo Fitz, mentions of Vision and Natasha Romanoff, reader
Warning/s: Language
Word Count: 990
Note/s: Totally enjoying writing for this challenge! Thank you for reading. 
Prompt: Day 4: “_____ is lost! Help me find it/them.” from @ibwhellospring ‘s Spring Short Story Writing Event
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You go through the things in your desk one more time. Nope. Still not there. Shit.
You run out of your room, alarmed. Finding Wanda’s door, you try the knob but it’s locked. You knock desperately. “Wanda? Are you there?” You wait a while and knock again. Still no answer.
Going down the common area, you find her with Vis in the kitchen.
“Hey, you two!” Your greeting comes out a squeak. “Wanda can I talk to you for a sec?”
“You okay, Y/N? You’re kinda pale.” She stops slicing whatever it was she was slicing and walks around the counter to you.
“Not really.”  You lead her a little away and whisper, “My art journal is lost! Help me find it.”
“What?! Did you check in your room?”
“Oh, why haven’t I thought of that?” You drawl. “Of course I checked! About five times. Still not there.”
Wanda rolls her eyes. “Okay. Do you remember where’d you bring it today?”
“I do. I thought I had some downtime earlier at the labs so I came to get it but when I came back that’s when the Bravo team arrived with the weapons confiscated from the Riga facility. There were truckloads to sort so we had to get to work immediately. I totally forgot about the journal through all that but when I looked for it this afternoon it was no longer there.”
“Well who was working the shift with you?”
A light bulb goes off in your head. “Right! Fitz. I’ll go check. Thanks, Wanda.”
You’re about to leave when you hear a group chattering.
“Something smells good in here,” Sam proclaims as he, Nat, Steve and Bucky enter the room. You feel your whole body stiffen as the group make their way to you.
“Hey, it’s Vis and Wanda! Figures,” he adds. “Hello there, Y/N. You okay? No offense but you kinda look like--”
“Shit?” You finish for him. That’s what he tells you most of the time, anyway. Almost six months of back and forth retorts and teasing had made these exchanges rather predictable. Most of the time it’s playful but with the journal lost your response comes out spiteful, annoyed.
Before Sam can say anything, Wanda interjects. “Not today, Sam.”
You wordlessly leave and take the exit for the right wing of the compound.
“Aw come on, not even a hi for Steve or Bucky?” He calls. You grit your teeth but you ignore him. You hear a smack, silently hoping that was Nat hitting Sam.  
For some reason, Sam has formed the idea that you had a thing either for Steve or Bucky. Amid the banter and insults, he has made it his quest to uncover who it is. This has brought you nothing but embarrassment when it came to the two super soldiers, despite them being polite and always scolding Sam about it.
You’re about to disappear around the corner when you hear Fitz from the other end of the hall. “Y/N! Y/NNNNNNNNN!”
You groan. You don’t want to make your way back to the group in the kitchen but it could be the journal he’s on about. You begrudgingly trace back your steps.
Fitz is clutching the thing as he reaches the group. You meet him near the huddle, cautious not to give anything away.
“You left this at the lab earlier. Brought it with me in case it got more messy in there,” he explains, almost out of breath. He must have been running. He’s about to hand it to you when Sam snatches it out of his hands.
“Ahhh, this must be the reason why you’re in quite a mood, huh?” Sam teases. “Is this where you pour your heart out? Hmmm, what scribbles will I see--Y/N Barnes or Y/N Rogers?”
You want to move, grab the journal and run, but you’re paralyzed. Your mouth is dry and suddenly you feel a throbbing in your neck and ear.
“Oh, Sam. You really don’t want to do that.” Wanda warns. She looks at you, panic in her eyes.
“Come on, buddy, maybe now’s not the time for jokes. Y/N is clearly upset about something.” Steve speaks up.
You just stare at him. The throbbing you feel intensifies and you feel numb in your extremities. It occurs to you that maybe you’ve had enough.
You swallow before speaking. “You know what, Sam, go on. Why don’t you open it?” You challenge him.
This is it. If it comes out at least it comes out with a bang. You find yourself smirking at the thought.
Sam’s smile falters but then he regains composure. “Okay! Let it be put on record that Y/N gave her permission to open this little book of secrets.” He turns to the group then looks at you. “You ready?”
You shrug, crossing your arms around your chest.
He handles the journal in his palms as he opens it. He lands in the first few pages which are of some random sketches and watercolor works of landscapes and skylines you followed from Youtube videos. He nods his head but doesn’t say anything. He flips more pages and you learn the exact moment he discovers it because you watch him tense, jaw clenched.
His head shoots up, eyes wide looking at you. He opens his mouth, probably to say something, but nothing comes out.
“Some discoveries can be quite disappointing, huh?” You say. When he still doesn’t say anything, you walk away from the group for the second time, hoping you really get out of there this time.
You quicken your steps and round the corner but not before you hear Bucky speak. “God, man. You’re such an idiot.”
You smile despite the situation. He really is.
Bucky and the rest must have checked the art journal too, and they would’ve seen different versions of Sam Wilson staring at them from the pages.
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buckys-old-habits · 5 years
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Category: fluff
Warnings: swearing (?)
Word Count: 331
Day 4: “___ is lost! Help me find it / them.” from @ibwhellospring ‘s Spring Short Story Writing Event.
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You were sighing the whole day, just annoyed and not satisfied with the things you have done today. So many things to do and somehow you felt like you did nothing. Your motivation pummeled into the ground and you don’t bother to pick it up again.
Lazing around on the couch in the common room sounds so much better than sitting in front of the laptop and writing a stupid report. You will have to do it, but you push that thought away, the whole thing can wait.
“What are you doing?”, Steve hums when he stops behind the couch and looks down at you, watching you flick through the channels on TV. “Bored”, you answer him without taking your eyes from the screen. “Don’t you need to write the report? Fury will have your ass for it.” “Like he has yours, Mister America’s ass?”
Steve sighs behind you and takes the remote from your hands, ignoring your pathetic whining for it back. “Come on, what’s gotten into you? You are always the first to hand it in”, Steve tilts his head to the side and you sigh, flopping back in your seat. “I lost it.”
He frowns and tries to figure out what you mean. “You lost what? Your notes? Your weapons? Your draft? Your-” “My motivation is lost. Help me find it”, you explain and sit up, looking at Steve with a pout. He blinks and chuckles softly, making you stand up and slap his arm.
“That’s not funny.” “No”, he nods. “No, it’s not. But if it’s only lost, it can be found. Four eyes see more than two.” Now you are the confused one and frown at him.
“I will help you write the report”, Steve explains. “And when we finish it, we will have some fun. Deal?” “Deal”, you grin and hop over the couch and walk with Steve towards your room. Ready to tackle that report and get your motivation back.
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boom-its-chris · 5 years
Pairing: none Category: humor Warnings: swear words Word Count: 815
Day 4: “___ is lost! Help me find it/them.” from @ibwhellospring ‘s Spring Short Story Writing Event
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“Shit! Sam!” Bucky shouted as he kicked open the door and ran into the room.
Sam jumped in his seat and grab his chest in shock. He turned towards the frantic man in the doorway with a death glare on his face.
“The hell do you want, man?”
“I lost Steve’s shield! Help me find it!”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Why would I help you find it? It’s your fault you lost it.”
Bucky glared back at Sam. “Because I know you’ve taken it before, too.”
“So, if you don’t help me find it, I’ll rat you out to Steve.”
“Screw you, dude. I don’t care. Steve likes me. He’s not gonna get mad if he finds out I’ve borrowed his shield a few times when he wasn’t using it.”
“Maybe, but do you really wanna deal with Tony and T’Challa when they find out we lost the shield and they have to make him a new one.”
“Dude, I didn’t lose his shield. You did. Why are you making this out to be an ‘us’ situation?”
“I’m taking you down with me, fucker.”
Sam stood up from his seat. He was just about ready to fight Bucky right then and there, and they both knew it.
“Are you sure you wanna go there, old man?”
Bucky sighed in defeat. “No, alright. I just really need your help. I don’t want Steve to be mad at me.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “You idiot. I don’t know a damn thing you could do to make Steve mad at you.”
“Whatever. I still need help finding it. Can you please help me?” Bucky pleaded.
“Fine. I’ll do it for Steve. Next time don’t threaten me and try start a fight, and then maybe I’ll be more inclined to say yes.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go. I heard that Steve is leaving for a mission in a few hours.”
Sam rolled his eyes and groaned. “Of course he is.”
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“Hey, Cap,” Tony greeted Steve, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, except I can’t find my shield.”
“You lost your shield? You’re not that old, Steve.” Tony chuckled.
“No, I didn’t lose it. I left it right by my suit, but it wasn’t there when I went to change.”
“If you didn’t lose it, then who did?”
It only took Steve a few seconds to deduce what happened to his shield. He sighed in exasperation and shook his head.
“Friday, where are Sam and Bucky?”
“They are currently in your bedroom,” the AI replied.
Steve nodded and headed for the elevator. On the ride up to his floor he wondered what excuse he was going to get from the pair.
Once he reached his floor, he walked down the hallway and up to his closed bedroom door. He could hear Sam and Bucky quietly arguing on the other side of the door for a minute before it opened. Steve stood in front of them with his arms crossed and serious expression on his face.
Sam and Bucky were shocked to find Steve waiting for them. They quickly glanced at each other nervously before Bucky spoke up.
“Hey, Steve. What’s up?” he tried to sound casual and not guilty.
“Oh, I was just looking for my shield,” he played along, “Have either of you seen it?”
“Yeah, it’s your closet like it always is.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, really,” Sam replied, “You should grab it and head out for your mission. You don’t want to be late.”
He promptly grabbed Bucky’s hand and started dragging him towards the elevator, trying to get away before Steve could ask anymore questions.
“I know you guys took my shield.”
They both stopped dead in their tracks and turned back to Steve to see his reaction, but he kept his face blank, seemingly waiting for a confession.
Bucky sighed. “Fine. We borrowed it and lost it. I’m sorry Steve.”
Sam turned to Bucky and punched his shoulder.
“‘We’? Again? I didn’t lose it, dumbass!”
Bucky grabbed the collar of Sam shirt and glared at him.
“I told you I’m taking you down with me.”
Steve shook his head in disappointment and stepped forward to break the pair up. He was already late, and he didn’t want to have to stop a full blown fight between his two hot headed friends.
“Calm down. I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?” Bucky asked. Both he and Sam visibly relaxed.
“Of course not. How about you guys just ask next time?” he suggested.
“That’s fair,” Sam conceded.
“Good,” Steve smiled at them both, “Now behave while I’m gone. Friday will tell me if you guys get into a another fight.”
Sam and Bucky rolled their eyes.
“We’re not children, Steve. We don’t need a robot babysitting us while you’re gone,” Bucky argued.
Steve chuckled.
“I’m not so sure about that,” he commented before heading into room to finally retrieve his shield.
Also posted on Ao3
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Author: @supernaturallymarvellous
Characters: Tony Stark x Reader (mentioned: Steve Rogers)
Word Count: 563
Warnings: None
A/N: I’m taking part in the Hello Spring 31 Day Fiction Short Story Event being hosted by @itsbuckysworld.  The prompt for Day 4 is “Lost”.
Tag Lists are also open for this series of fics - Marvel fandom, characters to be decided as I get inspired by each prompt. 
The sound of Y/N’s voice rings loudly throughout the Tower.  There’s panic etched into her words, and that’s how Tony knows that there really must be something to worry about; in all of the years he’s known her, Tony can count on one hand the amount of times that he’s encountered a scared and panicked Y/N.
“Tony!  I need your help!”
By this point, he’s racing out of his lab and down the corridor, repulsor beams ready to be activated at the first sign of trouble.  What he finds though confuses him.  As he rounds the corner and bounds into Y/N’s lab, he’s greeted by a scene of carnage and disarray, the likes of which he hasn’t seen since his time in the caves of Afghanistan.  The normally pristine room is in chaos.  Y/N is usually a stickler for cleanliness – everything has its place and is tided away at the end of each day – however now it looks as though she hasn’t cleaned for a month.  Tools are scattered across the floor, experiments are haphazardly dumped on benches and slap bang in the middle of this mess is Y/N, crouched on her hands and knees, peering under furniture, flashlight in hand.
Hearing his voice, Y/N clambers up from the floor and spins to face Tony, her hands shooting out to capture his upper arms in a vice like grip.
“Oh thank god you’re here.  I need your help!”
“Yeah, I got that.  First of all, take a breath and tell me why it looks like Banner accidentally Hulked out in here.”
In a stream of garbled and hurried words, Y/N recounts the last few hours, explaining how she’d been conducting a few tests on a vital piece of equipment.  Tony lets her ramble, knowing that she needs to get all of this out of her brain so that she can finally focus on the problem at hand.  And eventually she gets to the point: “Steve’s shield is lost! Help me find it.”
Tony can’t quite believe the words he’s just heard.  Is she serious?  Is Y/N so convinced that she’s lost an invaluable weapon that’s she turned her lab upside down in an attempt to locate it?!  Tony knows he shouldn’t laugh and desperately tries not to, but this whole situation is just too much to handle.  Soon enough, he’s almost doubled over, clutching his sides having succumb to a fit of giggles.  That is until he looks up and see’s Y/N’s face, now transformed from worry to sadness, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.  This tops his mirth and he realises that Y/N genuinely has forgotten what’s taken place over the last few hours.  
Moving to her side to comfort her, Tony gently reminds Y/N:
“Honey, don’t you remember that Rogers had to go off on a mission?  He stopped by and picked up the shield hours ago, just before you went to lunch.  I guess pregnancy really is taking it out of you.  What’s say we get you and Tony junior up to bed for some rest?”
Y/N doesn’t put up a fight and willingly allows herself to be led towards the apartment she shares with Tony.  It’s not until Tony has tucked her under the blankets, dimmed the lights and is leaving the bedroom that he hears her voice again.
“We’re not naming our baby after you!”    
Tagging:  @ibwhellospring  @waywardimpalawriter    @zepppie     @helvonasche  @xxloki81xx    @redlipstickandplaid   @iamskyefox
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 750 Category: fluffy neighbor AU Warnings: none
A/N: This is my entry for Day 4 of @ibwhellospring ‘s 31 day short story writing challenge. Today’s prompt was ____ is lost! Help me find it/them.  I’ll put links for each day on my masterlist if you want to catch up.
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Your feet pounded up the stairs of your apartment as hot tears streamed down your face. You gulped down sobs as you made it to the third story, your chest heaving and a stitch tearing at your side. You ran to the door and practically pounded it down until it opened. Bucky stared at you his face increasingly worried as his whole body went into defense mode. He scanned the hall as he quickly pulled you inside, locking the door. He placed his hands on your shoulders and dropped down to eye level.
“What is it, what’s happened. Someone tried to hurt you?” His eyes flick back and forth between yours as his hands squeeze on your shoulders. His ears are tuned searching for the sound of your pursuer. You shake your head and gulp down breaths, tears still staining your face. 
“No..” you gasp, “I… lost… him.” Sobs shake your body once again. Bucky looks truly confused now. “I… lost… Dodger!” At this point you collapse into Bucky’s arms sobbing, unable to catch your breath. 
“Okay, okay, Doll. This way.” Bucky scoops you up and sets you on the couch. Quickly he moves to get you a glass of water and hands you your favorite fluffy throw pillow. His hand moves in smooth circles along your back between your shoulder. Somewhere underneath your panic your heart flutters at the caring attention from your obscenely handsome neighbor. “Tell me what happened, Darlin’”
You take a huge gulp of water and then a deep shaking breath, squeezing your pillow a little tighter. “I was talking to someone I met in the park. She had this gorgeous English Bulldog. And I just got distracted and Dodger saw one of those damn squirrels and he just yanked the leash out of my hand and I.. and I…” your breaths were becoming ragged again. Bucky stooped down in front of you and you realize he’d put on his boots and leather jacket while you had been talking. 
He extended his hand toward you, “Let’s go find him then.” You look up at him to see a firm, comforting smile in his lips and his eyes crinkled in the most adorable way. Yup, that was definitely your heart smashing against your rib cage as you took his hand and he lead you out of the apartment. 
It had been hours of “Dodger! Doooodger!!! Here boy!” and shrill whistles. It was getting dark and you were giving up hope. Your shoulders slumped and you wrapped your arms around yourself as sobs wracked your body. You had held it together as best you could and Bucky’s comforting presence had helped. But now you knew there was nothing you could do. Dodger was gone. 
Bucky saw you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Okay, new plan. We’re going to get pizza and beer and make missing dog posters. We’re going to post on the building bulletin, and post on the Brooklyn neighborhood forums, and call all the vets, and all the shelters, and we’re going to find him okay. I promise Y/N, we’re going to find him.” His steel grey eyes looked at you with such piercing sincerity that your breath caught in your chest. You nodded glumly and let him lead you out of the park, towards home. 
You stopped at your local for a large pepperoni and at the corner store for a six pack of beer, even though you didn’t feel much like any of it. Bucky insisted that you needed something after such a trying day. You rounded the corner to the block of your apartment with your head down and it took you a minute to realize Bucky had stopped a few feet behind you. You look around at him to see the hugest grin plastered on his face crinkling his eyes and nose. “That damn menace,” he said. He looked at you and nodded toward your building and as you turned you saw your beautiful grey pittie bounding toward you with his leash in his mouth. 
You dropped to your knees and opened your arms to receive his boundless energy and sloppy kisses. Only to have him skirt past you and jump up on Bucky, sniffing at the box of pizza. 
“Yeah,” you reply, “he’s a menace.” 
Bucky put the beer down and grabbed Dodger’s leash, smiling and laughing at the rambunctious pup. “Come on, Doll, let’s go celebrate,” Bucky says flashing you his biggest smile yet. You picked up the beer and followed your boys into the apartment. 
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