#i've been waiting for this chapter
masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
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Get to safety sweetie, Nommy is about to kick some ass
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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whip you into shape!!
print on my etsy
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I love outlining fics
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skania · 19 days
AquaKane & OnK 148
Ohhhhh boy. I thought we would have to wait until July to get back to Aqua and Akane, so this chapter blindsided me lol
I know that the most on-the-nose reading of this chapter is that Aka is preparing to pull the classic romcom trope where the love interest gives up on the MC only so the rest of the cast can reassure her that she is the one who makes the MC happy, etc. etc. Considering that this is happening two chapters after Aqua told Kana that he has fun with her, it's like Aka is leading us all to believe that's where it's going. It's all very tropey and in-your-face and perfectly on brand with the way Aka has always written that particular ship.
So instead of talking about the obvious, I'd like to indulge my hopes for good writing and discuss the possibility of Aka actually subverting those tropes by playing this straight, regardless of how likely or unlikely it may be. Because if he does, then all of the stuff I've always loved about Aqua and Akane may just end up meaning something.
This is the possibility I'm rooting for against all odds after all, so I figure that I may as well go down throwing my ship the hurrahs it deserves while I can still do so lol
So buckle up because this is going to be long!
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This chapter is a wild ride because it touches upon a lot of different things at once.
First, Aqua supposedly didn't want to be involved with Akane any longer in order to keep her safe.
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However, when Akane announced that she would stop his plans — in other words, that she would stay involved in his life — Aqua looked giddy.
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Look at him. When Aka allows him to actually emote and be an actual character, Aqua can be so funny!
True to form, in this chapter we see Akane come up to him and Aqua just... welcome her. In fact, he even asks her if she feels awkward around him. Instead of acting like they never dated (which is exactly what Akane has been doing, mind you), he himself brings their former relationship to the forefront.
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There's a pause splitting his question in two, meaning that this is something Aqua hesitates to ask. Almost like he is scared of the reply. Or like he may be feeling a little awkward himself.
Which is no surprise, because that is how Aka himself presents their current era. Akane isn't just Akane and she isn't just a friend; she is Aqua's ex girlfriend, a title that never fails to bring attention to the fact that they used to be romantically involved.
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From colleagues, to a fake couple, to partners, to a real couple and now they're in their Exes era. I've been waiting for Aka to explore all the tension and complexity that should bring, but he's been kind of busy off-paneling most things Aqua. Alas!
When I commented on Chapter 131, I mentioned that (to me) it feels like after Chapter 116, Akane found something to focus on. She isn't thinking about her relationship with Aqua, the only thing she has in mind is Aqua. Keeping him safe, helping him achieve happiness.
Even here during this chapter, she goes to him to ease his loneliness and remind him that he has people worth living for and that he deserves to be happy, but... nothing she says includes her. It's all about Aqua and the others, the others and Aqua.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Akane walks away from him with her eyes closed. Her mind is consumed with thoughts about wanting Aqua to be happy, and so she doesn't even notice the way he turns to look at her retreating back.
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Until Kana shines her proverbial light on her, making Akane open her eyes.
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The way the chapter is structured, it's like Kana is there to give Akane the answer — the missing piece to solve the Aqua Happiness Conundrum™ that Akane is so focused on. It's easy to think that the answer is predictably Kana herself, but since I'm here for Aqua and Akane, I'd like to believe the answer can be just as Kana says.
After all, who is prominently featured in what Aqua considers to be his happy days?
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Kana's words are abrupt, yes, but the silver lining is that they reflect what Aqua himself has already told us.
Akane is front and center in what Aqua has come to know as happiness.
One may wonder: How TF does Kana know that though?? And it's a fair question that I'll talk about in a little bit, but maybe what matters most is that she knows it at all.
In a way, it feels almost like meta commentary. Like the story has finally reached the point where Aka can afford to go back to Aqua and Akane, and so he is getting ready to reap all the seeds he sowed during the previous arcs fingers crossed.
And this is the very first one of those seeds: Aqua was happy with Akane, but Akane never let herself think that she played an instrumental part in his happiness. She seems to think that it was just being freed from his revenge.
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I'd even argue this right here was the true reason of their downfall. It wasn't Aqua finding out about the loophole and Akane not coming clean, it was the reason why she didn't come clean.
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Aqua's happiness mattered so much to her that Akane failed to consider that risking her life for him was the last thing Aqua wanted.
So when I read the leaks and Kana's comment, my kneejerk reaction was to think Finally! because this could be setting in motion something I've been waiting for all along.
For Aqua and Akane to revisit their dynamic, their relationship, and come clean about what they mean to each other — wherever that may lead them.
Now, going back to Kana and that earlier question of how does she know? Perhaps she saw something we haven't been privy to (in classic Aka fashion). Or maybe it's as simple as Kana finally realizing that Aqua is deeply unwell, and knowing that the last time she saw him happy was back when he was dating Akane.
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Considering the information Kana has and — especially — all the information she lacks, it's not far-fetched for her to come to the conclusion that Aqua's state is partly to blame on his break-up with Akane.
Once again, it would be easy for Aka to say that Kana got it wrong because she doesn't know anything about Aqua's revenge. But wouldn't it be ironic if Kana's lack of insight into that particular side of Aqua is what allows her to see something so simple that the very parties involved are missing it?
Regardless of the road she took to get there, I'd like to think the manga has given us enough reasons to believe Kana is not quite wrong.
After all, Aqua didn't get his black stars when he found out that his father was alive. It wasn't finding out about his father's identity that did it, either.
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It was turning his back on Akane and on the naive thoughts of being happy in order to walk down the Revenge Road, on a chapter aptly titled "Going Astray", that gave Aqua his two black stars.
If that was the chapter where Aqua stepped away from the "correct path", so to speak, then it stands to reason to believe that Akane may be front and center in the path Aqua is meant to take.
Coincidentally, this was the last interaction Aqua and Akane were allowed to have before this chapter.
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Another thing I find very important in c148 is the way Kana words her realization. Kana isn't telling all of this to Akane as an observer. She's saying it as someone who likes Aqua romantically.
This is in contrast to Akane and Aqua, who are two hot messes when it comes to identifying the nature of their own feelings.
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Throughout the entire manga, we've never seen Akane put a label on the way she feels about Aqua. We've seen her realize why she feels the way she does, but we haven't seen her say what she feels, even though Aqua himself has questioned it.
Closest we got was this, and they broke up a chapter later.
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Aqua has unexpectedly been more open than Akane in that regard, but... once again, they broke up literally one chapter after Aqua was at his most candid.
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And considering everything that happened before and after that, I'm not sure if Akane actually got the message.
But before I get to that, there is an important difference in the way Akane was thinking of Aqua's happiness back then and the way she's thinking about it now.
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Chapter 97 was even titled Together. Akane wanted to make Aqua happy, yes, and she also wanted to be together with him always. Just like Aqua wanted them to, according to his own admission: "I don't want to let go of these days... when you're by my side."
But all of that is missing in this most recent chapter. She no longer includes herself as part of the equation at all.
It truly feels like Akane is back to completely underestimating how much she means to Aqua.
Back when Aqua told her this:
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Akane reacted like this:
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And what is her reaction to Kana's words this chapter?
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Every single time, Akane is taken aback by the thought of meaning more to Aqua than she thinks. Every. Single. Time.
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This is sad and a little frustrating, but it's far from surprising. After all, this is how Akane has always interpreted their relationship:
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As far as Akane is concerned, their relationship was a lie that was turning into truth little by little. She never dared to hope that he loved her back; hell, she even thought that he was attracted to Kana and wondered why he decided to date her instead.
To make matters worse, in Chapter 98, Aqua deliberately set the stage so that Akane's trust in him — the very basis of their relationship — would be broken.
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So while Akane realizes that Aqua doesn't want to use her, she may have explained that away as Aqua being his kind self rather than as Aqua harboring any kind of special feelings towards her.
Regardless of how she interpreted his actions though, it seems likely that Akane thinks that she failed him.
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She couldn't save him as his girlfriend and Aqua told her he would have nothing to do with her anymore, and so Akane is now trying to save him as something else entirely. Not even as a friend, because she hardly interacts with him at all.
She's trying to save him while staying away just like he wanted her to. While only stepping in when she deems it appropriate and/or necessary.
But is that really and truly what Aqua wants?
Most importantly, is that what Aqua needs?
This chapter suggests that may not be the case, and the rest of the manga agrees. Staying away is not how Akane saved Aqua little by little. This is how she did it:
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That's why the way Kana worded her realization is important. It isn't only that Kana — the very girl Akane thought Aqua was attracted to — is bringing romance to the forefront and thus setting the stage for the nature of Akane's (and Aqua's) feelings to be finally cleared up.
It's also that Kana is showing Akane that it's possible to own her feelings while being selfless about his happiness.
After all, the ball right now is in Akane's court. In the state he is now, Aqua would never ever allow himself to chase his own happiness. Even when he thought he was free to do so, he felt that Akane deserved better than to be held back by him.
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So all in all, it's like with this chapter alone Aka has laid the groundwork to address all the AquaKane elephants in the room. Just in time for the very season that will be showing AquaKane in all its glory to all the anime-only watchers, at that.
In each of the last arcs, Aqua has reconciled with someone important to him. Kana and Ruby are fully back in his life now, yet he isn't doing any better. Maybe it's finally Akane's turn to try again.
So yes, Kana's change of heart is so abrupt that it may be a red herring leading to a very predictable end.
But since I've made it this far, I may as well keep hoping for the opposite to be true: maybe, just maybe, Aka is planning to tie all of this together and lead it to a satisfying conclusion. I can only hope that is the case, because it's where I feel that the writing is at its best.
Besides, if "giving up on Aqua" and "turning his black star white" are so-called "winning flags", well... Akane did both of those first 😂
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charamelwrites · 1 year
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he's ready for your date!
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nonokoko13 · 5 months
So, chapter 93. Starting with Anya scores...
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(Let's take a moment to appreciate what a good and supportive friend Becky is too 💖)
As I expected Anya passed classical language (with a huge improvement!) but in the large, tedious walk on Hell that is school not everyone can get exceptional grades in every subject unless you're a Desmond apparently and Anya, as many people who preceded her and will come after her, failed math.
I have seen many people make theories about how certain older student who we shall discuss next could be her tutor. However, my theory is that she will receive help from Bill in the future
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It makes more sense: both already know each other, Anya has more chances of Bill accepting or suggesting to help her than the-one-I-shall-name-later and overall Bill seems more communicative and better at socialising and explaining himself. Let's not forget he received a stella in math after all. So for me Bill seems like the most plausible option (maybe we will get jealous Damian with this friendship?)
Back at the Forgers residence the Authens pay a visit to congratulate Anya as well. When I read Sigmund's sentence about how rewarding is to have a payment for your hard work my mind automatically thought "But sometimes no matter how hard you try you don't get a reward. Sometimes the result is just not worth the effort" (I think many people has a canon event that reveals them that, specially when you're in highschool, middle school or college)
And right after thinking that he agreed with me lol. My mind really anticipates things before finishing a panel
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Speaking of hard work and grades, I'm taking this chance to give my opinion: a system based on giving stars to those who have the highest grades while those who fail face the possibility of being expelled is awful. Not getting a star and comparing yourself to your peers already make horrors to your self esteem, imagine a child getting expelled for repeatedly fail a exam that may not be adapted to their needs (or getting many tonitrus for things your teachers disapprove of you but you didn't know it was wrong or for something about yourself you cannot control. For example a kid with ADHD unintentionally interrupting someone, disconnecting in the middle of a conversation or making noise with their leg when they stay still for too long. No need to go as far as talking about neurodivergent kids, look at that chapter where Anya got a tonitrus for not having a handkerchief. Who the fuck is punished for that when you're an adult anyway)
Enough of that, back to the chapter. Let's talk about what hyped me the most: Demetrius finally appearing on screen!
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We already had crumbs of him before. Given Damian inferiority complex when comparing himself to him when he had talked about school and Twilight noticing his exams barely had any mistakes back in the chapter where Daybreak was welcomed to this world, him being a exceptional student when it comes to academics isn't surprising in the least.
Many say he's ugly and exactly like his father but I disagree. Donovan looks like a goddamn Frankenstein if Frankenstein was ugly, Demetrius take after his dead eyes look but he's pretty like Melinda. Not conventionally pretty like Damian or Melinda but kinda pretty. Like a zombie with sleep deprivation but in an endearing way. It's not his fault he's built like a Tim Burton or Don't Starve Together character... anyway I'm sure his appearance can grow up on you, hopefully (;´ ▾ `)
About the theories regarding this panel
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It may be true something's going on, maybe he was really experimented on... But I can't stop thinking he was in that very moment "No thoughts, head empty" mode
I mean, he looks like a walking corpse in dire need of a proper nap, can you blame him if his thoughts are mainly focused on studies when Donovan probably spent time with him only for the sake of producing a good grades, not independent thinking machine as his heir? "He watch him study all the time."
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I don't think it was necessary for a tragic incident to change Donovan and made him distant from his family. I suspect he has always been like that, perhaps even before having Demetrius, so it was less a traumatic big event and more the exhausting everyday life Demetrius has been having as far as he remembers of being supervised by his father in order to be the best at school and everything that turned him into the probably burnt out teenager he is.
Same with Melinda, being married to somebody you might not have even loved when you first got together, a man who doesn't try to understand others or seem capable of caring for anyone, a man who is not precisely publicly known for his kindness (remember Millie and Yor's boss when Donovan was brought up?)... Being married to that kind of person for years and then having kids with that person and have to keep being related to them for at least until your kids graduate sound like a miserable life indeed
The Desmond have a common theme going around that is understanding the world around them, or rather the lack of it. I can say for sure that Demetrius feeling overwhelmed simply with a bunch of kids and thinking he can't understand people have its roots in Donovan
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• For Donovan is his narrow minded belief that nobody can't understand — therefore neither trust — each other because people is different; and as long as that phrase of "two people can't think the same" lives to the reality it finds itself in reaching a common ground is impossible.
• Donovan influenced Demetrius. Perhaps Demetrius doesn't share his father belief and that's not why he can't understand others, maybe it is because he was possibly deprived of a normal childhood where he could socialise with others of his age without his father expectations onto him.
Many academic gifted children reach a part of their lives where their habit is to think inside the box of "Good grades is all I'm good at or all I should care about; good grades = doing fine; it's all about what you can prove to those who expect something from you, not what you can prove to yourself to make you feel satisfied and happy".
When people who raised you condition you to act, live and think the way they wanted you to do is difficult to break and separate yourself from that. Plus he's going through the middle school phase, from personal experience that makes you x10 times angsty and complicated to understand yourself, much less everyone else.
• With Damian it is less discussed and pointed out because he's been able to have a relatively normal —if anything very neglected — childhood up to this point. He has friends, he acts like a kid of his age, his life doesn't revolve around his grades all the time... But that's the bare minimum of what a good childhood should be like.
It may be because of his age, but he doesn't see the bigger picture of his family. He can't see what is wrong with them (yet) because in his eyes nothing is wrong. Sure, he feels lonely and works hard for his dad to notice him, but that happens in many families right? He's not even in denial, he doesn't phantom the idea that what his family is, how they behave towards each other or towards him, isn't normal.
Don't make me start with how his future plans is following Donovan's footsteps in politics because he's trying that hard to approach him. He works hard at school because in his mind being like Demetrius or how he believes Donovan wants him to be would bring them closer, receive an understanding relationship from his dad when we know there might not be genuine affection between them from Donovan's side to start with.
He's teaching himself that love is conditioned by your "worth" or by whether you get to the expectations your loved ones have. That reminds me of what Sigmund told Anya because it sounds like a foretelling of Damian's life: [...] And one day you'll experience the frustration of realizing that hard work is not always rewarded. He doesn't many things and his age may explain it but it doesn't justify, if he continues thinking like that he'll have his hopes crushed and may turn out like Demetrius.
• As for Melinda, is difficult to talk about the point she stands in the understanding theme. Unlike her family she does seem able to understand people, perhaps because she wasn't raised like her kids have been. She's aware that her husband party made a lot of damage to their country, she seems aware and attentive to what surrounds her.
I don't think she cannot be understanding or perceptive, I think it's the other way around: the people she's surrounded by cannot understand her. Neither Yor, Anya, Damian, surely Demetrius and Donovan neither, her "friends" of the association she's in... Not even us can't understand the reason why she's so conflictive about Damian yet.
In just one appearance Donovan made his belief clear, thus giving us an idea of what type of feelings he has towards Damian. We can get so much of his character as a person with one chapter, but Melinda has appeared more than him and her true self is unknown. Donovan is reserved in a physical way, he isolates himself by not going outside and socialising, but he's not against the idea of explaining a stranger his stance in life. Melinda surrounds herself of people and listens to them but she keeps to herself.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to see more of Demetrius and the Desmonds. Hope we get more screen time of them, unless Endo has decided to drop such episode only to give us a one-shot chapter next and not elaborate further before introducing a complete different arc 💦
Although with what we have I'm already bought and entertained enough. Our favorite family is great but hooray for secondary characters being given depth and spotlight in this manga 🥳
See you next chapter reaction! If I made another one after other 25 full moons. I'm probably forgetting to talk about something...Oh well
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codenamesazanka · 12 days
Deku is an ass character. awful. i've been saying so from the beginning!!! save shigaraki? lmao
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greenconverses · 1 year
i am so very curious who these new pjo-verse books are being written for
and before you come at me with the it’s middle grade they’ve always been middle grade stuff, consider
it’s literally been almost 20 years since TLT was published. fans of the original pjo books are well into their 20s, if not their early 30s by now (heeeey). second generation with HoO are also now in their 20s, with the third gen of ToA readers being in their late teens. there’s a whole range of audience members who are not fifth graders mainlining the series in one summer. 
is he just going to keep pretending there’s not an audience who would be here for more mature writing? and that doesn’t mean making things ~sexy or super dark and bloody or whatever because pjo has never been about that. it means elevating the style and characterization on a deeper level and, idk, paying attention to your fucking universe. i thought RR did a great job of maturing the writing for ToA, but it always got held down by the fart humor and stupid pop culture references. 
making the “it’s for middle schoolers!” excuse every book cycle when someone points out that hey, this is inconsistent with what you wrote two books ago or why does percy never grow up is such a lazy co-opt. you have a huge audience of all ages! if you insist on continuing to write in this universe, acknowledge us! up the quality, i dare you! i dare you!!!!!
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aeoneskova · 2 months
Perciver wip snippet!
In honour of our great success on the battlefield (ao3 is back up) I thought I'd share a sneak peak of the next Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy chapter :)
“There you are, Percy!” George exclaimed breathlessly. He then nodded at Penelope. “And Percy’s girlfriend…”
“If you say so,” Penelope mumbled.
Priya rose her hand. “I’m here too.”
“What’re you doing here, George?” Percy questioned. “Where’s Fred?”
“Trying to have a bloody shower, though he’s not having much luck. We can’t get Oliver out.”
Percy frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean he’s gone and locked himself in the changing rooms. The shower’s been running for the last half hour and the rest of us need to get in.”
“Okay… what’s that got to do with me?”
“You’re Head Boy, aren’t you?”
Percy scoffed. “Since when do you care about that?”
“Since our Captain’s trying to drown himself, that’s when I care. You’re his roommate, you know how to deal with him, don’t you?”
“He does,” Penelope supplied unhelpfully.
“Great!” George dragged Percy up by the arm. “Come on!”
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drbtinglecannon · 10 months
No other fake marriage has ever done it like Loid and Yor have
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iris-nonsense · 4 months
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Sukuna's philosophy is finally being challenged in a significant way. Unlike the fights with yorozu, gojo and kashimo (who all agreed with him they just misinterpreted how he felt about it) the fight with yuuji is affecting him and his ideals which have been stagnant and static for the last one thousand years. And it's not a coincidence that he's also thinking about jogo and higuruma, the only two people he fought who were standing for something other than just being strong for strength sake. And in all of this yuuji is the ultimate opponent for sukuna because he never agreed with sukuna's ideal, he never recognized strength to be valuable in itself and he naver stood down. Sukuna needs to break yuuji to prove that he's right but yuuji is not easily broken
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I feel so stupid but I do want cross guild to have some kind of genuine bond
NO, NO. I SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, ANON, ME TOO!!!!!!!! I've talked about this before. I talk about this a lot. I- I love talking about this, actually. I think it could happen. I think it should happen. In canon, and in my weird homosexual romantic fantasies of these three. You're not stupid, you're a genius. Big, big brain.
Gotta be brief about it because I have to go to work, even if some of you think I'm in here 24/7. I am not. Sadly. I wish I could:
I love the Cross Guild dynamic. It's SO good. Buggy's backstory revolves around being jealous of Shanks and the way other people talked about him and his potential and put all of Roger's legacy on his shoulders and ignored Buggy. In fact, Buggy has always been treated like shit. Like a clown, in a bad way. Like "oh, yes, Shanks' friend" and not just Buggy. Whatever. The thing is- Wouldn't it be great for his character (especially after chapter 1082) (I swear to God why do I have to mention that chapter every day. I have a thing with it it's pathological I can't stop thinking about it) to actually be respected/cared for for these two big people in the pirate world? Like the story starts with Croc and Mihawk hating Buggy's guts and only using him for their own plans, but after Buggy shows determination and hope and tells them he actually has dreams? Mihawk is bored with his life and Crocodile hasn't let himself actually follow his dreams since Arabasta. I think they're actually going to end up liking the clown at some point, even if it's just a little bit of respect. And it's not even unrealistic to think about, really. They just complement each other perfectly (Oda really put the three characters people expected to be together less in the same trio and somehow made it work. Excellent writing).
And if we talk about the ship, I just think they should kiss and be protective of their clown. I need it. My soul needs it.
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cuubism · 9 months
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the better to see you with, my dear | spy hob/king dream au
canon-adjacent, spy!hob, post-character death, blood & violence, king & loyal knight dynamic, slow burn, developing relationship, loyalty devotion and sacrifice, power dynamics, hob gadling - royal spy of the dreaming
Hob escapes from Death and finds himself in the Dreaming. Instead of sending him back, the King of Dreams makes him an offer: will you be my spy?
[cover image from Arthur Rackham's illustration for Little Red Riding Hood]
The... person? creature? that dragged Hob from his hiding place in the forest had six arms, and three sets of eyes.
Though that seemed to be on the more normal end of things that went on around here, so Hob wasn’t too fazed.
It caught him by luck, followed him when Hob had made the—foolish in retrospect—decision to sneak into the nearby town to try to learn something about this strange realm he’d found himself in. Curiosity had done him in. His mum had always said it would, when he’d fallen in streams chasing minnows and gotten sick from eating berries picked in the woods. Touch with your eyes, Hob, not with your hands. Hob had never been very good at that.
Up ’til then, Hob had sequestered himself in the forest, keeping to himself and scavenging for plants to eat. He hadn’t seemed to need much food, didn’t get hungry often or lose weight when he didn’t eat, which he supposed made sense considering— well. Considering. But it kept him occupied. Kept him from thinking about it too much.
And he explored the fantastical forest. Its trees broader than he could wrap his arms around, reaching up into the sky higher than he could see. Its grassy dells, with wildflowers in detail and variety he’d never seen, its bird and insect life, its towering waterfalls and quiet brooks. Hob loved the forest. There was something truly ancient about it, something wilder than he could comprehend.
It was almost enough to distract him from why he was there.
But he got too curious. He wanted to know more, he wanted to understand the rest of this world, what realm he was in— so he’d gone searching for people.
And drawn something back with him.
Inevitable, really. Hob couldn’t hide in some place he didn’t belong forever.
The six-legged thing that had caught him was now dragging him across a wide, grassy field, traveling faster than Hob would have thought possible. Its claws dug into his arm, nearly drawing blood. Hob didn’t bother fighting back. He’d tried, once along the way, and gotten what felt like a sack of bricks to the face from the creature’s fist. No use trying to take it in a fight; better to keep his wits about him and look for a chance to escape. Nor did he bother asking it any questions. He’d tried that, too, and gotten only stony silence.
In any case, he was too preoccupied with taking in the scene around him.
Hob had been aware that this place, this… realm, he supposed, had a castle. He had seen the strange silhouette of it in the distance whenever he was at the forest’s edge, had heard occasional gossip by eavesdropping on actual denizens of the realm. But despite his curiosity, he’d steered far clear; the last thing he’d needed was to attract powerful attention.
Now, they were approaching said castle, and Hob let his curiosity run free, gaping up at the towering marble spires. The seemingly endless wings, the intricate carvings, hell, the elevated bridge that crossed the river to the front gates… he had never seen nor even heard of anything approaching its like back in his world. It was like something out of a children’s story, a fairy tale.
Was that where he was? The land of faerie? That couldn’t possibly be good.
Better than death, though, had to be. Hell, Hob would join ranks with the bloody fey if it kept him alive, what did he care where his loyalty lay? 
The palace gates creaked open at their approach, and the creature pulled Hob through into the chill, shadowed rooms within. They stepped into a hall so massive Hob couldn’t see the ceiling or the end of it, but he had barely a moment to take any of it in before his captor was flinging him down onto the marble floor. 
Hob just barely managed to catch himself on his bound hands. He panted, trying to catch his breath from the forced uphill march to get there, hair hanging in his eyes.
"There is no need for the dramatics," said a voice. A voice that seemed to come from the sky above and the shadows beneath his body and from within his own chest, resounding like the perpetual hum of the heavens turning. “Leave him to me.”
In his peripheral vision, the creature bowed jerkily and scurried off, leaving Hob alone with the owner of that voice.
He wrenched his tired head up. He was in an immense throne room, grander than anything he could have imagined, pillars reaching up to a ceiling that faded away into starlight, massive stained-glass windows that cast triangles of red light down on Hob’s face. How there could be sunlight and a night sky up above at once, Hob didn't know, but then, he still didn’t know what this place was. What kingdom he had found himself in. He had been too preoccupied with not getting caught to risk asking.
The owner of that voice was seated at the top of a long, winding staircase, the windows at his back, sprawled on one of the top steps rather than on the throne that was presumably there for that purpose. From a distance, Hob could only really make out the shape of him – the sweeping black lines of his cloak, the sharp angles of his limbs, his dark hair, his unnaturally bright eyes. 
He didn't look like a king as Hob was used to seeing them depicted, with all their gold and finery. But he felt like one, in the way Hob stood at the altar of a church and felt the presence of the Lord.
The King stood, a slow, fluid motion like the rising of the moon. He strode down the steps toward Hob, cloak dragging at his ankles.
Hob could have run for it. There was nobody else in the room, nobody holding him captive, no guards, no retinue. 
It was precisely because of that that he did not. No guards meant the King was absolutely confident in his ability to restrain Hob himself if need be, and more besides.
What the hell kind of kingdom was this?
“Robert Gadling.” The King stopped before Hob, close enough that Hob had to tilt his head up to look at him from where he was still kneeling on the floor. He had a beautiful face, a regal face, imperious tilt to it and all. Eyes like moonlight on winter’s first snowfall.
“Hob, if you please,” said Hob, because he had never known when to shut the fuck up. 
The King’s lips twitched, and Hob had no way of knowing but he would have sworn it was amusement. “Hob, then.” Despite the stone walls, the empty space, his voice did not echo. It was simply there. Hob felt it inside his head, inside his heart. “Would you care to explain to me what you are doing in the Dreaming?”
“The Dreaming?” Hob asked.
The King raised an eyebrow. “You stand in the Kingdom of Dreams, my kingdom. You do not know this?”
“Uh.” Hob ducked his head, abashed. “No? I kind of just... found myself here,” he hedged.
Then there was a hand in his hair, tugging his head back. His grip was strong, and Hob winced. He met the King of Dreams’s eyes again and found the impression of very sharp teeth deep within them. The moment Hob presented as even somewhat of a real threat, he would find those teeth in his throat, he was sure.
He supposed he’d have to try not to be a real threat.
“Only living souls find themselves in the Dreaming,” said the King of Dreams, voice the rumbling growl of shifting ice. “Perhaps you would like to try for a different answer.”
“Alright, alright!” Hob relented, and the King's grip on his hair eased, just a smidge. “Alright. I escaped from Death.”
“Escaped,” repeated the King of Dreams. “From Death.”
“I swear,” said Hob. He would have raised his arms in surrender if they weren’t bound. “That’s the truth.”
“One cannot escape from Death’s grasp.”
"Guess I’m just really determined?”
The King's jaw clenched. “Very well. I will call her, then, and we shall see.”
Dread pitted Hob's stomach, but then the King of Dreams paused in thought, head tilting. He looked Hob up and down, calculating, cleverness spinning in those eyes.
“It takes quite a bit of skill to hide from me in my own realm,” he observed. 
Hob didn't know what answer to this would prevent him getting chucked into the void, and for once in his life, wisely remained silent. 
The King released him, and Hob swayed forward in the wake of his grip, nearly falling. “Walk with me,” he said, and turned and strode away across the throne room, leaving Hob scrambling to catch up. 
He followed at the King’s side, just a step behind, as they turned into a side hall that seemed to unfold from nowhere as they walked. Hob looked at the man—being?—beside him. He was smaller than he seemed, slighter than Hob and almost delicate, but still Hob didn't fancy his chances in a fight. Not here, at the seat of his power. He'd be better off trying to wrestle the sun.
He just kept following.
“I have read the book of your life, Hob Gadling,” said the King of Dreams. It was said casually, like this was a usual occurrence, but a shiver ran up Hob’s spine nonetheless. Unnerving, to think his story was just accessible like that, and so easily summarized. “I did so as soon as my subject caught you to bring you before me. Your life was cut short by violence, but before that, it involved a rather interesting occupation.”
“I… suppose you could say so, my lord,” Hob agreed. The hall they strode down was infinitely long, lined by columns that let in streams of moonlight. Again, with the time of day shifting from room to room. Maybe this really was the land of dreams.
The King hummed. “Relations between the Dreaming and several other realms have been tense, of late,” he told Hob. “I would prefer to avoid war, but to do so requires inside knowledge that I am currently lacking.” He looked at Hob out of the corner of his eye. “For any man who could get me that information, perhaps making use of certain hidden talents—I could be persuaded to make an exception to my usual rule of sending stowaway souls back where they belong.”
So Hob wasn’t going to be killed?
“You don’t—” his head was reeling— “you don’t already... have spies?”
The King sighed. “Dreams cannot leave the Dreaming. My ravens can, but they are known across the realms as my messengers, and I would not put them at such risk, besides.”
He did not have to say, I would easily put you at such risk, for it to be heard.
“I did, you know…” Hob said, though he wasn’t sure why he was arguing with salvation, “die in my role, you’re aware. I’m not sure you want a failed spy working for you.”
The King made a dismissive noise. “Your skills were solid. Your commanders were reckless and wasteful. Sending you scurrying back and forth like a courier and wasting your better expertise. The Kingdom of Dreams is not like the kingdoms of men. I do not wage war on petty whims, and I do not waste my resources.”
Something in Hob coiled tight at the thought of being a resource, a tool of this man. Or entity. He wasn’t sure if it was nerves, or anticipation. 
“Before you answer,” continued the King, “it is only fair that you know the risks. The realms that span this universe are myriad, with a variety of dangers. While you would not die, you could be hurt, captured, tortured, imprisoned. Especially if your purpose were to be found out.
“Should you be caught—” the King studied Hob’s face, “you would be utterly disavowed. You are not one of my creations, and I would risk nothing for you, nor claim you; I would deny any association between you and the Dreaming. You may find yourself trapped eternally in Hell. Or somewhere worse.” 
There was somewhere worse? Hob thought.
Still, perhaps it was the reckless brigand in him, but he hadn’t yet heard anything that made him want to pick death instead. If anything, it was all sounding like a rather grand adventure.
“What say you, Hob Gadling?” asked the King of Dreams, with a tiny smirk. He clearly didn’t think Hob was going to say yes. “How far will you go to avoid death? Would you be my spy? My agent in the dark?”
Hob thought it might be worth being trapped eternally in Hell just to see the surprise on the King’s face when he said, “Oh, hell yes.”
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Update for the one where Clark panic-adopts his teenage clones. Yes, including the supervillain one.
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notnormalme · 19 days
I will also say that I am sad that we didn't get any sketches of Dante or Olivier and I hope that we'll get to see them in future (I will spend the rest of my money on it as I did this time) 😭
I thought I'd share more Noé
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The initial idea for Noé reminds me a lot of Kunikida from bsd and I'm very happy about it because Kunikida is my favorite character
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Also, as you can see, Noé has been working as a waiter for a very long time
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I'm sorry that some of the photos have a different color, but I took them under a different light 😭
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At one point, Mrs. Jun said that she was missing something in the character of Vanitas and when she asked her friend for advice, he said that he was very much in the style of her main characters. When asked to present his vision of the main character's appearance HE SUGGESTED THIS HAIRSTYLE
Jun ultimately rejected it BUT some of it was preserved in Vanitas' bangs! As you'll notice earlier, his hair was much messier and then it started to look more cut
Personally, I think he looks like aph Poland
I think that's all I've prepared???
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Nice art in question
Yes, I'm one of those people who watches this one scene from the opening on a loop (⁠・⁠// –⁠ //・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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ask-the-royal-absol · 7 months
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*Felix, using his ghostly abilities, turned invisible. He didn’t want to squish in with the both of them. Though he could see Destino’s parents coming down through the tunnel. He had to warn Destino and Hope quietly. Phasing through the wardrobe, he whispered to the both of them.*
Felix: I can see they’re comin’ down now. Ya both better keep quiet if ya wanna sneak up.
*that silenced their squabbling. Felix kept outside of the wardrobe, being lookout to see when the King and Queen had left. They came through the entrance of the tunnel, looking rather confused and angry at each other.*
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King Nox: Oh I’m sorry. I forgot how perfect you are and how you could never make a simple mistake like this. Karma, you were behind me when we went up.
Queen Karma: Nox, you know I would never leave this unlocked. We wouldn’t want Destino to find out about this before they need to.
King Nox: You’re going to tell them anyway! At this point, I’m surprised they haven’t discovered it yet!
Queen Karma: How would they possibly be able to?! They know what happens if they enter our room without my permission.
King Nox: Oh I don’t know! Maybe Princess Hope who’s down in our dungeon at this very second would tell Destino everything!
Queen Karma: Oh, I guarantee she wouldn’t.
*the conversation fades as the two leave the room. Felix heard muffled conversations through the wooden door. They got quieter and quieter. Now would be the perfect opportunity.*
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Hope: I didn’t like being in there with you either, you know. It’s not exactly fun having someone pushing you away.
Destino: That’s why you should have made room for me. Come on Hope. I’m the chosen one. I’m kinda important here. You’ve gotta make accommodations for me.
*Hope could feel herself getting frustrated. Soon she would be rid of them. Delivered to the guardian. And then she wouldn’t have to see their stupid face again. Luckily, Destino’s parents kept the door for the tunnel opened. Considering the noise it made when it did open, the three of them probably would have been caught. She began walking past the entrance of the tunnel. Felix started to float behind. Destino was going to head up too but could hear their parents quiet voices through the bedroom door. They secretly hoped Roy and Hershel would be ok dealing with the King and Queen.*
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*And so it was time to head up. The first thing Destino noticed was the storage area before walking into the tunnel with a few crates and barrels in. It must be where they kept items that they had brought from the surface. As much as Destino was curious as to what was inside of them, they had to keep moving. They could see Hope and Felix continuing on. Quickly, they moved past Hope to take the lead. It was quite interesting noticing all of the crystals that had lined the walls. Destino wasn’t sure what they were but they knew they were similar to the ones the majority of the furniture inside of their home was made from.*
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*Destino, Felix and Hope are available for 5 asks as they make their way to the surface.*
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