#i'm sorry i can't talk to people i'm a pisces
noteveryoneis · 10 months
The door hasn’t even opened the whole way that Ava is already being swooped up in a hug, nearly crushed to death by two strong arms that wrap around her. 
Nova has the reflex of catching the bag that was hanging from Ava’s arm, thankfully.
“God, we’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too, Shannon, but uh… I can’t breathe.”
“Oh right, sorry.”
Shannon puts her down, both hands on her shoulders and a smile that could light up the whole goddamn planet on her lips. She’s good at that, Shannon. Always was and still is.
Ava can only smile back at her, thinking about all the times Shannon hugged her before and how her door was always open for when she needed it — even though it was probably a breach of professional secrecy or something like that.
Sometimes Ava feels like she will always be sixteen in front of Shannon.
But then Shannon looks behind her, at the three little girls almost hiding behind her, Nova struggling under the weight of the bag.
“Oh crap, sorry,” Ava laughs, taking the bag and gesturing around her daughters. “You already know the girls. Girls, this is Shannon. We love her a lot.”
Shannon smiles even brighter, extends a hand to shake each of their little hands, always so careful to make little kids feel seen and appreciated.
“Hi, Neves,” she says, as little Neves hides behind Ava’s leg. “You’ve grown, I like your hair clip. You must be Nina,” she greets the girl, grinning when the little girl seriously shakes her hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
She shakes Nova’s hand then, looking her up and down.
“Jesus Christ, you’re short.”
Nova laughs so hard she nearly chokes on her own saliva, as Shannon ushers them inside, Ava following her into the kitchen where a couple of people she doesn’t know are already preparing things. Ava gives a friendly wave, all three of the girls following after her like little ducklings.
“Camila’s already here,” Shannon announces. “I’m glad to see you’re still turning up late as always.
“It’s part of my charm,” Ava grins, flipping her hair back and turning around with a frown when she hears three little mocking giggles behind her.
Having kids is having little assholes roasting you 24/7.
“We made cake,” she explains, taking out items from her bag — a bottle of wine, a box full of cake slices, Neves’ sippy cup (two little hands shoot out from under the counter to take it and Neves sticks in her mouth).
“You didn’t have to bring anything, you know that, right?” Shannon says, crossing her arms over her chest.
Ava points her thumb behind her.
“Nina insisted.”
“Oh. You did great, then,” Shannon smiles. “Come on, girls, let’s introduce you to everyone.”
Nova’s hand fists itself into the back of Ava’s shirt as they make their way to the glass doors leading to the backyard, where about twenty people are chatting happily with each other. Neves hides into Ava’s leg, but Nina follows after Shannon with her chest puffed out, like she wants to show that she’s better than her sisters and therefore braver.
Mary appears next to them, big grin on her face.
“Late as always?”
“Yeah, yeah, okay, it’s not my fault time is inconsistent.”
“Sure, it isn’t. Where’s your comedian kid?”
“I’m right here,” Nina says, making Mary look down, Shannon’s arm looping around her shoulders.
“Hey kid. You guys hungry—”
She’s cut off by a dog that runs past her legs, straight for Nina. Nina, in all her brazen glory, doesn’t falter, facing the attacker fully with her hands on her hips. The dog circles around her, sniffs Ava’s legs where Neves is hiding, returns to Nina who is grinning happily.
“You have a dog?”
“Yeah, his name is Snoop.”
Ava’s head snaps back towards her.
“Snoop as in…?”
“Snoop the dog,” Mary grins, like this is the best joke in the world and Shannon rolls her eyes as she presses a kiss to her temple.
Since the dawn of times, it was always the two of them. Shannon and Mary. Mary and Shannon. Never one without the other, always moving into each other’s space like it was their own. Ava has seen them communicate with just a blink of an eye once or twice, not even bothering to finish their sentences as the others already knew. If it wasn’t for them, Ava would have lost all hope in Love with a capital L, but they were truly making her believe in miracles.
“In my defense, it wasn’t totally my idea. Bea said it first, although she probably never thought I’d actually use it,” Mary argues.
“What brand of dog is that?” Neves asks, and smiles when both Shannon and Mary laugh at her joke.
“I don’t even know,” Mary says. “He’s a rescue, Bea and I found him as a puppy on the side of the road one day. I don’t know what they put in him, but he’s weird.”
Snoop the dog licks at Nina’s cheek, making her giggle, and then runs off after stealing Neves’ sippy cup, and Neves, Nina and Mary run after him, yelling for him to let it go.
Nova is still hiding in the back of Ava’s shirt as Shannon leads them towards a table where drinks are set up, greeting a few people on the way. And Ava wishes she could ease her worry, tell her it’s okay, but 1. It never does anything to help and 2. She’s starting to feel a bit nervous herself as she greets people she has never met before but has probably seen around town ten years ago (but doesn’t remember because she was too busy looking at JC and how cool he was).
Mary, Nina and Neves are still running after Snoop, yelling and laughing at each other. At least Ava doesn’t have to worry about those two, Mary’s got it handed.
Camila sends her a discreet wave and a wink from where she’s talking to… Is that Lilith Villaumbrosia The Librarian? And she’s not just giving her sunny-Camila-smile, no, she’s full on flirting with her, dimples on display and a teasing light in her eyes. Villaumbrosia has never looked more confused as she’s listening to her, a glass of red wine in her hand.
You go, Camila. The Silva family stands with you and your weird taste.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t put myself in the middle of that,” Shannon giggles as she hands Ava a drink.
Looking around, she realizes that she has seen a few of them since her return. Emeline, over there, the cashier at the grocery store around the corner and whose son Diego is in Nina’s class, Dora who teaches gym class at the high school and coaches the soccer team, Todd who is just… Around, basically.
Her gaze wanders towards the end of the backyard, where an old forgotten picnic table sits — it was already there ten years ago when Mary and Shannon got the house — and she stops. Because Teacher-Slash-Hot-Neighbour Beatrice is sitting there, all alone. And she looks completely out of place, mouth doing that little wiggly thing Ava has only seen in comics so far, uncomfortable and borderline panicking as she looks down at the patch of grass at her feet.
“Oh yeah,” Shannon says, having followed her gaze. “I’m not sure you remember her. That’s Beatrice, she teaches 3rd grade.”
“Yeah, I know, she’s Nina’s teacher,” Ava tells her, turning back towards Shannon.
“Oh, right, I forgot,” Shannon nods. “She’s not really good with people, but she’s trying. Poor Beatrice,” she says, shaking her head. “She came back a few years ago and since then Mary has been trying to introduce her to everyone, but she doesn’t like it very much.”
“Wait, she’s from here?” Ava asks, surprised.
“Well, yeah, did you seriously think that someone would purposefully move here without knowing their way around?” Shannon says, snorting a laugh.
“But the accent…”
“British parents exist, Ava.”
“How come I don’t remember her? She’s not much older than me, we were probably at school at the same time,” Ava asks, frowning and sweeping through her memory to try and find a face like Beatrice’s — most of the adults here were kids with braces and acne, but even with her imagination she can’t remember Beatrice’s face.
Shannon wets her lips, shifting from one foot to the other uncomfortably.
“It’s not my story to tell, Ava, but she just wasn’t around much at the time. She came back with a teaching degree about three years ago and hasn’t talked much since then. But she’s a good person, big bookworm and smartass,” she smiles. “Nina is in good hands.”
Ava has never doubted that for a second.
She turns around to look back at Beatrice, only to realize that Nova has let go of her shirt. And for a good reason: she’s sitting next to Beatrice, her hands tucked under her thigh like she does when she’s shy, but she’s smiling slightly and nodding as Beatrice talks about something, looking at least a little bit more relaxed than before.
“Oh,” Shannon says, next to her. “Well that’s a surprise.”
Ava smiles, pride warming up her chest.
“No, yeah, I kinda have a feeling they’re a little bit alike.”
She grins at Shannon.
“Nerds,” Shannon grins back.
Ava doesn’t worry about either of them for a while. They’ve got it handled too.
(‘Beatrice’ is all Nova and Nina talk about for the next few weeks.
Nina, because Beatrice ‘knows aikido and she can fight bad guys and she says she might teach us at the end of the year’.
And Nova, because ‘she has read all of Tolkien’s books and has studied the linguistics of the lore and she said I could borrow her copy of the Silmarillion if I wanted’.
Ava needs to step up her game if she wants to stay first place in her kids top three of coolest people.)
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#5 Astrology Observations
People with Lilith conjunct personal planet(s) really triggers jealously in others so easily. They could just be sitting somewhere doing nothing and just breathes and that sh*t really trigger people
Mercury in 8th house in Solar Return Chart means that there will be circumstances where you will have no choice but to be honest about your deepest feelings and thoughts. You will also be able to see through other people's lies and their thought patterns
Nessus doesn't always means an abuser or someone who will abuse you. It can show someone who, regardless of intentions, might put you in dangerous situations even without them meaning to. They also will be the one who might lead you to make wrong decisions or giving advice that will ruin your life
Aquarius Moon people are not robots without feelings. They are detached, but they often feel things intensely too, especially when it comes to social issues that they care about. They just don't have that warmth that their opposite, Leo Moon, have. Leo Moons that I know are so expressive and have this need to constantly express, make it known. But not Aquarius Moon. I suspect that oftentimes due to their detachment, they intelectualise their feelings so much
Sister signs can play each other's characters so well in movie roles. A Virgo can act like a Pisces so well, all their somewhat innocent or idealistic tendencies, and a Pisces can act like a Virgo so well, all with their perfectionistic and goody-two shoes demeanour
The easiest to find someone that you can get along with, almost with no effort, is someone who's Sun Signs conjunct your Moon Sign. The moon person feels deeply understood even without the Sun person trying to, and the Sun person represent all the things that the Moon person feels like always has (internally) but perhaps too shy to express outwardly
You will easily connect with the sign that the dominant sign that you have on your Solar Return Chart (for ex. you have a lot of Leo in your SR chart, you will easily connect with Leos)
You know what I find interesting with 8th house synastry? Once you experience this with someone, this create some sort of a pattern in your life that you must break. So for ex. you have abandonment issues with someone that you have 8th house synastry with. Even after you break up with them, this abandonment issues will show up again in your next relationship, even if there is no 8th house synastry with this new person. This 8th house synastry is giving you the chance to truly see your weaknesses/issues and heal them, or you will continue this pattern
Juno-Sun synastry, it's usually the Sun person who is so attracted to the Juno person. The Juno person unconsciously see that the Sun person has what they need in a partner, but the Sun person will see the Juno person as someone who represents the ideal partner (like they oh so perfect for me)
In my experience, Libras are type of people who would pick a bad company rather than being alone. Even if those friends or s/o hates them or abuse them, Libra would pick them, just so that they don't have to be alone. It's one of the reason why they have these people-pleaser tendencies. It's pathetic, really. Because the second you can't be with them all time, they will choose someone else and talk sh*t about you just to please others, while you may not be there for them all the time but you have more heart or loyalties. I'm sorry if this upsets some people, but this is my experience with them.
People with Lilith in 8th house in the natal chart are usually the ones that keep the secrets that's not even theirs to begin with. They have this aura about them that tells people that they are trustworthy, and will take these secrets to the grave. And they are, but I think it's unfair to them. Sometimes these secrets are dangerous and burdensome to them mentally. I wish that people will just keep their own secrets rather than telling others and ask these people to keep these secrets that they can't even keep themselves.
People with Mercury in Scorpio really out here thinking that they can read other people's mind while the truth is that is their own paranoia. I've heard about Scorpio placement being paranoid, but the mercury is really the worst. They will ended up accusing others of f*cked up things, and when they can't provide prove except (it's my intuition), their ego get bruised so bad.
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jupitermoontarot24 · 3 months
🤍What Make You Beautiful? 💋
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Come Check Out Why You're Beautiful Inside and Out!
Pile 1 💕
Hello pile one welcome to your reading.
First things first I feel like What Makes You Beautiful is that you are very generous. Everyone who meets you can honestly say that you are a very generous person. I feel like you're also a gangster. Like you keep it real but you're nice and generous so it's a very good balance. I feel like a lot of people enjoy this part, enjoy this duality of you. I feel like they know that you have very strong boundaries and that you're not going to take certain things or situations. So when people are with you they're like I know nothing will go down pile one is not going for it, they have it covered. Like there's no disrespect around here for you. Also Because of this I feel like a lot of suitors or people that you're involved with romantically they see you as a perfect match. They even see themselves going through ups and downs with you so that's like arguing with you some people romanticize arguing with you, or you telling them off and them being like I'm sorry you're right because it's sexy seeing you be assertive. People see you as wifey / hubby. Like you’re the type of person you want to be your spouse. I feel like when people think of a spouse they think of somebody who has balance. who has Duality somebody who can stand up for themselves. because at the end of the day whether you're feminine or masculine if something happens to your partner and they can't be at 100% they want somebody who can pick up some of that whether it's emotionally mentally or whatever and that’s you. What Makes You Beautiful is people feel like you do have a conscience, a great conscience. So it's not like you just tell people off. You give people the benefit of the doubt and you give people chances especially if you love them but when it's time to cut the cord, you cut the cord. but it's all because of valid reasons. you can also be very nostalgic like you give 2000s Vibes you could give Lizzie McGuire vibes. You could have a bob. You can even give off Pi Syrian energy because I know Hillary duff is a Pisces LOL. Basically What Makes You Beautiful is that you are a beautiful heart soul mind body, face you are beautiful you give unapproachable nice hot girl. that girl that you see in the hallway that you might not say anything too because she’s mesmerizing. She's gorgeous and she's nice and anybody who's ever talked to her is like yes she's actually so nice she was so nice to me but she's just majestically beautiful. like when you walk through the hallway there is wind blowing through your hair and sunlight beaming directly on you and your skin is beautiful and you're wearing a beautiful outfit and your hair is luscious and beautiful and your smile is gorgeous like literally in a movie scene pile one.
Pile 2 🤩
Do you not know you're beautiful? LOL. Pile 2 I feel like you're very humble and you might just be focused on more worldly things like being stable or being committed to whatever it is that you are committed to. and because of that I feel like you have slept on your looks way too long. I am here to get on you lol spirit is calling me to get on you! stop sleeping on your looks pile two!! they want me to yell at you. you need to be using the pretty privilege that you have. higher power God whoever you believe in didn't make you that beautiful for you to not do anything with it. it's like if you were given a beautiful voice it would be to sing that's not something that should be hidden. your body, Your Vessel, your face was created specifically for you to pursue your dreams with. looks are not everything yes but you look a certain way for a specific reason so remember that!!  I feel like also because of this you might stay with people that are beneath you or people that's not in your league because you don't see how beautiful you are. that could be inside or out but I feel like because of that people can give you/have been giving you the bare minimum and you let it slide for a little bit longer than you should have. Yea people giving you things of physical material matter is cool but at the same time these people need to be stroking your ego too pile 2. you need your ego stroked, you need somebody who's going to tell you you're beautiful. That you're the most beautiful girl that they ever met, the most beautiful person they've ever met. inside and out!  That you can have anybody you want to and That you deserve the world because you do!. you should be surrounded by people who say stuff like that to you, stay away from ppl who try to humble you. Your partner should say stuff like that to you x100 fr because you can forget. People giving you money, feeding you, and taking you places is not enough, that is literally the basic needs of a humans. you need more emotional and mental stimulation from people, somebody who waters you spiritually too as well. it’s more in this world than just physical things I hope you realize that. so listen! Usually I’m not yelling in my readings lol but I feel like I have to be a little bit more aggressive with you pile two, you might be stubborn. this could be my fixed sign pile lol. My taurus and Aquarius ‘s heavy. I feel like you're like this because you've been through a lot of things. I don't think that you expect things from people. at this point I think you've had to be independent and build a name and your own stability on you own. because of this you don't really depend on people to give you things like mental stimulation or physical stimulation or money you don't expect things from those people. so when people do come in and do those things for you, you can feel like it’s enough but it's really not you should be getting much more. What Makes You Beautiful is that you are very self-sufficient. you are a one man woman show and you're okay with that. you don't blame anybody for your problems You Don't Stray away from your problems either you sit and Ponder on what you should do next and then you do it. you will never let anybody keep you down or be the reason why you didn't become the person who you wanted to become. you are amazing pile 2.I want to tell you that you are an inspiration to people you will have the type of story that is looked at as a testimony almost like Jesus Christ. I got that I channeled that but that type of energy where it's like you have a testimony of your life if you read the Bible not to get all religious because I'm not but if you read the Bible Jesus went through a lot of things like his life was not perfect At All by any means and that's what you give pile 2. So ask for more from people !! and if they don’t give you that drop them!!!  Please use that information wisely.
My love is that shh….-something for the people
Pile 3 💗
What Makes You Beautiful pile 3 is you always know where it hurts. your hands could be certified they're golden. like your touch is very spiritual. you have healing hands so know that. you are so cute pile three I feel like your inner child is very beautiful very sweet. What Makes You Beautiful is that you're not afraid to feed your inner child and let them come out. What Makes You Beautiful is that you like to make memories, you're very adventurous and you and other people can find themselves in all different types of situations when they're with you. you're fun, you're funny and you have charisma. you're like people's favorite person to spend time with, people know that they will always have a good time with you. time could go really fast when people are with you because you're having so much fun. people will spend everyday with you if they could. this could be a specific person if that resonates. I want to say this person but ppl too want to have kids. What Makes You Beautiful is that people see you being a really good mother/father. people see you being a great partner, a great spouse, a great parent. What makes you beautiful is you are a great addition to anybody's team. Everybody wishes you were on their team. What Makes You Beautiful is that people feel like you're their soulmate. Your love feels Cosmic. feels spiritual, something that is not worldly or Earthly. something that a lot of people have never felt before. Your energy gives a roller coaster like it might seem intimidating when you get on it then you just laugh the whole time and it's thrilling and it's fun. and you get off and you tell everybody about it because it was so liberating. That's how you feel, that's how your energy is. You could have a purple I'm getting Orange maybe some blue aura. you're made of Stardust! You are so easy to love pile three!!  you might notice a lot of people fall in love with you easily that's why. I'm about to fall in love with you pile 3 LMAO myself You giving me the heart eyes xoxoxo
Pile 4 ❤️‍🔥
Hi pile 4. I smiled as soon as I started thinking about your pile. You could smile when you talk Idk if you know that's a thing or people know what I'm talking about but some people show their teeth when they talk so it looks like they're always smiling you could do that. What Makes You Beautiful is that you're a very supportive and loyal person. People can depend on you and know that it's not because you want to gain from it but because you genuinely care to do it. You can move out of a certain chakra a lot. So this could be your heart chakra or your sacral chakra or another one. It's different for everyone. You might want to research and see what chakra you operate from and see if it's overactive as well. so you don't overuse it. you can have Virgo placements. You can fix everybody's problems if you want to pile four. You could have water and Earth placements that make you more susceptible to helping people and figuring out their problems. so focus on yourself going forward and not what other people need help with. You can be going through a breakup or a cheating scandal. That's for some people. If you did just get hurt by someone you are very beautiful, know that, it has nothing to do with who you are as a person or your looks or anything. certain things just don't work out because they're not meant to. That doesn't mean that you're a bad person or this person is a bad person but if spirit wanted y’all to happen it would happen. What Makes You Beautiful is that you are a lovely person and you would be a really good parent. you are a really good girlfriend, boyfriend, sister, friend, daughter so you name it!. make sure you are loyal to yourself as well. What Makes You Beautiful is that you are creative. You can create new looks through your wardrobe and new styles for your hair. I feel like your house would be really creative and Chic and minimalistic at the same time. you have a specific aesthetic that nobody can recreate. you give very ethereal fairy energy. you could look really good in blue. you also look cute with your glasses if you have them. you look cute in dresses, anything that is dainty you look very attractive in. What Makes You Beautiful is that you never ask for help. you are able to separate yourself and dedicate yourself to other people. you have a true Pure Heart pile 4. You are an Earth angel. I just hope that you give that much love to yourself at the end of the day. You are the type to hide a body with somebody and never bring it up again and not judge them for it also.
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
PAC18+ Who Is Your FS? ❤️‍🔥🔥💎
💋take a moment to breathe 🧘‍♀️ Before I start this reading, I would just like to take a moment and say that I’m really going through it financially being unemployed and shit, I would love some bookings for readings even tips anyway that you can help I’ll truly appreciate guys thanks. Center yourself and choose through the photos. Choose the pile that pulls you in the most!
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👉🏾9 Of Swords, Page Of Pentacles, and King Of Cups.
Pile 1: It seems that Your FS negatively self-talk themselves. I won't say that they don't have any confidence but they just need to pushher on themselves. It seems that your FS doesn't have good friends around them. They got bad negative people surrounding them that just wanna tear your FS down. I can feel them wanting to cry but they can’t. So they cry in silence. They have the 9 Of Swords Rx. I’m sorry to them. Now they are curious and adventurous. I think that your FS can be a Sagittarius or a Pisces. Either way, they love to travel. But people stump on their hearts and they will still forgive these friends. I can see them trying to balance their emotions. But few of your future Spouses are well-balanced with their emotions. A few of you. But some of you, your FS are having nightmares. They just wanna wake up from these bad nightmares. I'm not surprised that they are drinking. Probably partying too hard. They are manifesting new opportunities in their life and wants a new beginning. Ahhh!! I'm gagging yes. The Sun card. Wow, they are moving forward. They are slowly moving. Either way, I'm guessing that they are a Capricorn ♑ Moon or Sun. Probably because they are workaholics and they drown themselves in their work. Like that shit sucks. I'm sorry. See! VAMPIRE! Like OMG! I wanna cry for them. They are getting drained. I can hear them say “Nowhere I can't escape.” I feel so bad for them. I can see them go through a dark place. So they talk bad about themselves saying “They ain't shit”. That shit is fucking wack. I don't want to say this but whenever your FS is in a dark place these vampires come in and take advantage of them. They are wounded. They are such caregivers. They don't like to disappoint anyone. No one they'll sacrifice their own life if they have to. Make sure that their Friends are good. That's sad because they don't check up on themself. They are an extrovert. Yes! Their personality is out of this world, you probably never thought they can do those adventurous things. They would always keep surprising you. Ahh, what did I say? Achievers wow. They are workaholics. They will get the work done on that day. It seems that your FS is aggressive and dominant too. I think that when they are confident, Their Friends be scared 😱 of them. Don't know what to say to them. Even when they are mad, your FS gives people the cold shoulder and yes they can be childish and petty. But they don't like to get mad 😡. That shit cuts them to the cord. Your FS had once loved someone before but they had hurt them. Yes, they are a bit of a control freak. They like things a center way. They are romantic as well. They would draw you a bubble bath or they like to draw themselves a bubble bath. Light up some sexy candles 🕯️ and just relax. Ahh! Your FS is your star family 👪 you both come from the stars. You guys are spiritually connected. This FS is an old man not like Grandpa but older than you. Wow, again False Disguise. Again these fucking pretenders! See they are walking on eggshells with them. These friends don't want your FS to see them as fake ass friends but they are fake. They lied to them, steal from them, and gossip about them. It's like they drained their energy. Fucking asshole friends. Your FS has karmic debts with their friends and business partners is what I feel. They got a lot of karma with these partners. See! I was right. Co-workers, business partners, friendships, and lovers your FS got karma with these people. These lovers, business partners, and friends are wearing false disguises. They are very passionate lovers. I don't think they are Italian but they fuck like one. They are always horny. Always. The second they see you dirty thoughts run through their minds. I was right. Karmic Friends they got a big lesson with these friends. I was right, Drug Abuse! Geez probably popping pills or again they are partying hard. They love to take things slow. When you guys are together. It's a very slow pace with them. Very slow.
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🔅7 Of Wands, Queen Of Pentacles, 4 Of Wands, and Judgement.
Pile 2: I can see that your FS is spiritually grounded or at least trying to be. I see that they are such nurtures, they like to comfort you. They like to be relaxed. So they'll keep you safe and secure. Wow, I think that they think about marriage or have a whole different perspective on marriage. In my opinion, Everything you do they wanna celebrate they love to be happy. Even for their enemies, they would be. They don't have enemies but they do have some bad people around them. I don't know if they know that they do. I can see that they do meditate a lot. I can see that when you both meditate you guys connected. Let me explain that. You guys visit each other while meditating. Ahh! What I say they are well-balanced or at least trying to be. I can see them manifesting you. I can see that they trying to avoid bad energy 🔋. I don't know if people using them. Yes! This FS is waking up. So again I believe that some people are waking on eggshells with them. This is a little tiny bit similar to pile 1. Wow, they probably are an Air sign. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. OR They have these placements in their chart. You knew them before in a past life and you guys have past life karma. I can see that. Lilith this makes me feel that they are probably a Lilith-dominant. They are sexy and they are not afraid to show off their beauty. Some of your FS is a pretty man. Or they got a body of a God. Very built they are. Works out a lot. I was right! People are walking on eggshells with them too. Their Friends are intimated by them. So they are aggressive and dominant. They don't play any games. They will confront issues if they see the issue is getting out of hand they will confront it. They are a bit of a control freak, I also sense a Taurus vibe from them. This FS is older than you. If I had to guess probably like 5-8 or 10 years old then you. They are dealing with a lot of false twin flames 🔥. Pretending that they are their twin flames but they are not. See they are draining their energy. Maybe some of you are probably not experienced. Some of you are virgins or not but you are going to lose your virginity to your husband. They are freaks in the sheets like they have sex outdoors. Probably lose your virginity outside. It won't be in the morning but at night I believe. They do have a romantic soulmate but in my opinion, you are their romantic soulmate, and vice versa. I think that your husband went through a lot of difficult situations in their life. Probably had a bad addiction or still going through an addiction. They don't feel like a man. I don't know what happened in their past. I will not dig into it but they probably suffer from depression. They emotionally eat. They are heavily passionate. They are heavily attracted. They would want that eternal love ❤️ but they have plenty of soul contracts with these false ass twin flames and other soulmates including you. For some of you, they probably are a big-bone husband. But they are good-looking no matter what size they are. Didn't I say that they are spiritually connected? Higher self. They are practicing self-control. Accepting the truth of what it is. They want a deeply happily ever after marriage. I believe exactly they want that. Solving issues, I think that they are making amends with these old friends and family too. They probably get cyberbullied by the media. Because of their platform, I believe that they get tease not in a good way. Maybe because of the way they look. Some of them might be too feminine or masculine or skinny or too big. People in the media are rude. I don't think your husband pays them no mind.
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👏🏽3 of Wands, 2 Of Swords, King Of Pentacles, and 7 Of Pentacles
Pile 3: I can see that your FS got a lot of money. I think that they can be indecisive. Sometimes for them, I believe that they like routes to keep them grounded. I can see that they are slowly growing their abundance back up. They lose focus quickly so they stick to a routine to keep them focused. I don't blame them. It's hard for me to keep myself grounded as well. Yes, they have money. See they are older than you. But not far old I don't feel it for this one. With the 3 Of Wands, I can see them waiting for their creation to flourish. They are always planning something amazing and they wanna share. Look at that! 9 Of cups, I can see them waiting for their creation to burst out. They are so excited to make it known to the world. But they are being patient about it. They are manifesting. Death card makes me feel that they are rebirth themselves. The Sun ☀️ card I can see that they are so positive and they have their arms open wide. I sense that they are strong believers. Page of Pentacles I can see that they are adventurous and curious too. They are making plans for their new reality. Wow, they are a hot nerd and also good-looking. They got hot bodies👏🏾. Awe Cancer ♋ Maybe they are a Cancer Sun, Moon, or a Rising. Awww such a sweetheart. Yes, they are highly intuitive. I can see that they are visionary they can tell something will happen. This shadow Queen is very draining to them. She is dark! I can see that this lady or whoever she is. She is toxic to them and I can see she wants your FS and wants to drain them. Once they have you, they will cling to you instantly. High Roller! They are drop-dead GORGEOUS!!. Geez!! They are an Aries Sun, Moon, or Rising. For some of you, your FS can be an Aries and for a few of you, your FS can be a Cancer. Erotic, they are highly sexual. They are horny. I can see that they wanna be your Daddy. Lol 😆. Didn't I say that they would wanna be married? Their whole perspective changed about marriage. I can see people might be scared of them. Walking on eggshells it seems like all the piles of people are walking on eggshells doesn't mean that they ain't doing any sneak shit behind their backs. They made some mistakes and they are trying to make up for it. If some of you haven't gone to prom they'll make a prom for you or vice versa. They probably haven't gone to their prom. Ahh! Right now they are a fuckboy. They are a player. They are very charming and good-looking. I told you that They have a new perspective on things. Changing their mindset, seeing things as they are. Taking a huge step back and looking at things with clear eyes. They are healing their inner child. Watching movies, probably Disney movies, and doing childhood activities. They've isolated themselves from people. They don't like people who are not honest about their words. They go through depression 😭. Once they fall they fall hard. With all the false promises people lied to them or they are the unreliable ones. I believe that when they are depressed they neglect their wounds. They don't like to face their truth😒. It's hard for them to admit the truth. They would love to make their own family. They would want everything on their own. Their kids, their own friends, and their own businesses. They just want everything of their own. Nothing else. They wanna raise their kids how they want to. I believe that they are probably a rebel. They are a homebody. They love being at home. I told you that your FS is older than you.
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candeathbereal · 2 months
Astro observations
Sister signs are the funniest to look at sometimes, because much like sisters there will be the similarites. For instance, Leo and Aquarius are both cocky asf but you know what the difference is between them? Idk if it's just the leos I've met or what but they will say they don't care what others think of them and yet when you say something about them all of the sudden they in their feelings. I can say this as a leo rising too cause bitch, no puedo mentir....if you talk about my looks I might feel some kind of way lowkey. Mostly because it is one of those things that I take seriously about myself so it feels really odd when someone who (in my opinon) doesn't look as good as me and disses me on the way I look...I'm going to be acting (with a lack of better words) like a bitch. I think this is why I get along with libra placements so well because I swear if a libra calls you ugly, you know they can say that shit with no worry of pushback. Like have you see libra placements...motherfuckers rule Venus for a reason (taurus are also pretty but it is definitely different if you know what I mean, I jsut wanted to point that out since Taurus also rule Venus and I didn't want any confusion). Moving on what I wanted to point out is that Aquarius (at least from the ones I've met) honestly don't seem to care. Like I think depending on the placements of the person it could change some stuff up but overall most Aquarius I have met in certain things say they don't care and they won't. Like if you say shit about something they don't care about...they simply won't really react as opposed to thier sister sign leos (fire signs can't help it, it is me I am the fire sign).
Literally Leos it's okay to care about shit...like own up to it. It's better than contradicting yourself. And yes ranting a whole bunch about something does count as caring about it. I'm sorry to break the news to you (i know breaking news people care about things). I do wanna repeat that this is based off my own personal experience as a leo rising with my sun in aries (17 degree) and my venus in the fifth degree (if you don't know those are leo degrees), so I am calling myself out a bit when I wrote this.
Moving on, I might write more about the sister signs in another post
Is it just me or are a lot of Pisces suns I've met happen to be left handed? Like I assume being left handed and a Pisces is one of the biggest coincidences I have experienced in my life. It's even funnier cause I remember meeting a person who was ambidextrous and they had a Gemini sun, libra moon, and a Pisces mars. I asked them if they were left handed and just had to learn how to write with their right hand (apparently left handed is connected to Satan or something like that) , but actually they just decided to write with their left hand as well because it felt more balanced to them. I find it funny because of the whole thing of doubles in these three signs. Gemini= Twins, Libra= Scales, and Pisces = two fish.
Alright final thing, mercury in the fifth house in synastry is definitely a moment to experience. It is one of my favorite house overlays in synastry from usually being one of the most fun conversations I have had with someone with this overlay. Generally speaking air house overlays with mercury is great but something about the fifth house really goes for me. I want to assume it's because my fifth house is in sag and I already have a ninth house stellium natally plus a sag mars. Plus my Aries mercury is helpful in this as well but ehh.
Anyways I would love to hear you guy's thoughts, or even any suggestions on what I should talk about next.
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
If Astrology is Real..
yep I lied... sorta
♨The degree of your ascendant is the age in which you act the most like the sign. You might also physically embody the sign that rules that degree the most then, or start to do so.
♨Pisces with Aquarius placements say the most out of pocket things and come up with the most creative explanations/ insults.
♨Libras with Virgo placements care a lot about appearances, in a more muted and blending in way.
♨6th house Pisces have the wildest everyday experiences. They also have some very strong protection, even if they are a bit... Ditzy when it comes to trusting others
♨Scorpios with Libra placements can be some of the most openly expressive people when it comes to love.
♨12h house Leos (Virgo Risings) take everything personal. Like every time they called out its seen as them having a personal flaw that needs to be corrected. They will end up seeking reassurance that they aren't said flaw and try to consciously reject it while subconsciously embodying it due to focusing on it so much. 
♨I know people say Taurus placements hate drama, in reality they hate to BE in drama. They love all the messy stories and gossip however.
♨I'd argue that Taureans have more of a tendency to try to organize everything in their life more than Caps or Virgos. The second house is the house of self worth, so the more you can control the "higher" your self worth feels.
🕳That does mean they struggle a lot with the idea of letting go, it implies they can't control everything and have to simply let it go✨
♨Taurus women definitely the folks that had a "I hate pink👀" phase just to later admit they didn't want to get bullied for liking it when they were younger. (Of course this applies to Taurus men and enbies as well, I highlighted women because they easily fall victim to misogyny (internalized and other).
♨Sorry, imma say it. Sagittarius women have a high tendency to be very misogynistic. Like they all about women empowerment in terms of "I'm better than xyz" "Down with the Patriarchy" and "women should be in the same positions of power as men (regardless if said position is harmful for the masses)". Yet they view other women as competition for the spots they want, and will easily drag another woman for something they wouldn't want another to say about them.
Example... Nicki M
♨Bout to air out my fellow Scorpios. Its not healthy to defend your partner/ ex when you hear someone talking about their behaviors, when you know damn well you dragged them for the same shit. Stop defending stuff you don't like about someone you (did) like because only you can drag them.
~These next couple of observations shouldn't be used to diagnose anyone or yourself. If you believe that you or someone you know fits in any of these categories, please seek out professional help. And know you (and them) aren't alone~
♨Almost every single person I've known with Scorpio in their big three/ Venus has had a cluster B personality disorder(ASPD- psychopathy/sociopath, NPD- narcissist, BPD- borderline, HPD- histrionic) and/or some other form of Neurodivergence (typically ADHD or Autism, some were Bipolar or another personality disorder cluster).
♨Speaking of Neurodivergence, almost every Sagittarius placement ive known has had what most people think of when mentioning ND (Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, tuorettes ). It was especially prominent in those with Virgo/6th house placements.
♨Pisces and 12th housers might actually deny getting help. They would acknowledge there is a problem and even speak on how much it impacts their lives, and then say they don't want to go to therapy or a psychiatrist. Its not that they don't believe in the mental health field, its more of a unconscious fear of being judged or mistreated due to their differences. (Might have also actually sought out help in the past just to be misled or belittled)
♨Gemini can be linked to dysgraphia, dyscalica, dyslexia etc.
🕳Gemini rules over communication, hands and short term/ quick thoughts. Due to that people with certain planets or even Gemini ruled have a higher chance of having one of the above.
🕳The third house having certain placements as well. (Saturn with restricting, Neptune with confusion and the Sun with ego)
♨Pisces/12th house could be looked at in terms of Body dysmorphia. The reason being is the 12th house is linked to the subconscious as well as that which is hidden from us. While Pisces is linked to illusions and fantasy. Having a heavy concentration of either could lead to certain thoughts about oneself. The house Pisces is in could show the area in which BDD is had.
♨Martians (Scorpios and Aries) need to keep their mental health in check. Aries starts to suffer from headaches, migraines and vision problems related to stress. While Scorpios suffer from reproductive organ issues (endometriosis, PCOS, erectile dysfunction etc) as well as increased bladder infections + hemorrhoids. 
🕳Both these signs have a tendency to internalize stress (yes, even the imma punch you Aries), and their body suffers until they release it (healthily).
♨People with heavy Venusian (Taurus and/or Libra) traits need to look out in terms of stress experienced via relationships. When they get too stressed it starts to effect their metabolism. Higher lactic acid (leg cramp juice) and higher cortisone (stress juice) can lead to thyroid problems and  bladder issues (infections galore).
♨Capricorns, while being known for good bone health are probably suffering due to Pluto being in Cap right now.
🕳Pluto being the planet of extremes means folks are pushing themselves further or just having some bad health in terms of their bones.
🕳The house Capricorn is in can hint to what bones are more effected during this time. (Check both your current Solar return and Natal chart)
  🕳12th~feet and ankles, they probably hate you right now. In fact you should probably invest in some better shoes/see a podiatrist
  🕳2nd~ your neck/ upper spine... invest in a neck pillow
  🕳5th~ your spine and ribs, be careful while lifting things and sitting certain ways. Back pillows will be your best friend
♨Libras have a higher chance of being constipated (having IBS-C) while Virgos have a higher chance of diarrhea (having IBS-D).
🕳Libras also need to be careful in terms of hemorrhoids, reverse anus (please don't google this, if you do that's ya own fault hardheaded), and colon issues.
🕳Virgos need to be careful with dairy (the amount of lactose intolerant Virgos 🥴), gluten and any allergies they have because their guts (and ass) will definitely suffer if not.
♨Yet another point on Virgos... High stress leads to bad gut health. Bad gut health leads to bad mental health. The guts and mind are connected, please look out for both.
Any who... Err I am not "back" per say. I've just decided that its always going to be more important to take care of my physical and mental wellbeing. That does mean even when I like something I can't just push myself. I'm still healing from my surgeries and whatnot, yet being not able to walk around much has made my brain go on overdrive. So that three second "break" I took still applies. I'm just not going to be dramatic or whatever bout it anymore.
And no my readings are NOT open. At least not for now.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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yourfavepookiebear · 6 months
Introduction (again 😭)
Requests: open (?)
I'm currently less active since I have exams coming up, so I'd rather answer any requests once my exams have passed. I'm gonna post my WIP soon, I just have to finish it first
Again, my only side account is @thepookiestpookiebear
Request Rules :
Character limit : generally 4 unless it's a group
I don't write incest, racist, homophobic, or that kinda stuff
Uhh I don't have much rules
I can write yandere stuff, I can also write self aware stuff
I write for twisted wonderland and genshin impact, and maybe tokyo revengers too !
And that's all, moving on :
Feel free to chat, I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS and i love talking/chatting ❤
If you don't like my works, just ignore them. If you don't like my account, block me. If I offend you somehow, either ignore me or block me.
I don't argue with people (most of the time)
I'm a pacifist, I have a teeny weeny wittle tiny eety beety bitty bit of anger issues
I haven't made a masterlist yet bc I don't know how to sorry
Do not steal my works, they are mine. Do not do anything with my works unless I consent to it, please. Don't copy !
Pookie, come and have some chai with me ♡♧ (or some coffee if that's what you prefer idk)
Hi pookies! I'm a beginner fic writer. I write for twisted wonderland, self aware twisted wonderland, and a slight bit of genshin impact, but mostly sagau. I'm a ✨FaLLeN AnGeL✨ /HJ SORRY 😞
My pronouns are she/her
I'm half European half Asian (specifically middle-eastern asian) my first language is French and my second language is English (chronologically), oh and I can speak in total 3-4 languages.
Edit: I have a lot of names and nicknames, so you can call me whatever you'd like, but here is a list of what most people call me, both online and irl :
Pookie bear
Jessica (rarely)
Catastrophe (a nickname my previous classmates used to give me)
Sometimes even Catharina, or Catherine/Katherine
In conclusion, I have a lot of names and nicknames, so just call me whatever you'd prefer to call me, I just gave that list so maybe you'd have an idea.
Sometimes I'm dumb sometimes I'm smart, it all depends and varies.
I'm a girl, bisexual + greysexual (basically a biromantic greysexual). I'm a huge simp -> (edit: sometimes), and I like cute things.
requests are almost always open pookies
Proud member of the pookie nation.
I will call u pookie or pookie bear no matter who or what you are.
I'm a pisces, my birthmonth is March. I'm not a huge fan of astrology but I do like astronomy tho
Subjects/topics I like:
Fashion, modeling, models.
Science (general base)
Philosophy (self-explanatory)
Edit : Sometimes history/SS too
Things I like/LOVE:
Vacuum cleaners ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💞 (love of my life <33333333333333)
Food (everything except some seafood and mushrooms)
Cats (self-explanatory)
Cute things (self-explanatory)
Social media (sometimes, depends on the type)
My friends
My (new) classmates
My old school
Chicken nuggets
Dried bacon
Bacon and eggs
Scrambled eggs
Tuna fish cans (canned tuna fish 🔛🔝)
Basically any food
Chocolate, ex : chocolate cakes, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate bars, chocolate tablets
Nutella/chocolate milkshakes
Writing (depends, sometimes)
Ducks (And he waddled away waddle waddle waddle 🥲.)
MONEY (no need to explain)
My extra-curricular classes (kinda, sometimes I also hate them 😞)
Uh, a Lotta things, I'm just too lazy to write all of it (it would take hours)
Music too
My personality type:
I'm ambiverted actually so it depends, so idk.
Edit: I'm an INTP pookies
Little details about me:
I could talk about food for hours. (It's one of the only things I like more than astronomy and money.)
I can't focus for too long.
I have a wild imagination (not in a bad way tho)
I love mostly everything, except for a few people/things that I still hold grudges to. (For a good reason tho).
I have a super packed schedule most of the time, it's mainly cuz I go to 2 schools at the same time, along with extracurricular classes, and both school's homeworks, and school projects
My hobbies:
Writing (sometimes)
Studying (only rarely)
Jogging (but mostly cycling)
Track running
Cycling (every day, except for when I'm sick or not in form)
I don't like:
Judgemental people
People who have massive egos
Dirty people
Unsanitary people
Dirty food
Dirty water
Unhygienic people
People who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
Some things you should probably know if you're one of my mutuals:
1. This isn't that much important, but I usually Ieave my home at around 8am and I come back at around 5pm. So sorry if I reply late to any of your asks or messages. if I don't reply or the reply is late then I'm most-likely outside, or just came home.
2. Also not that inportant, but I try to be nice to people because they already have enough problems and I don't need/want to be one of them. Sometimes though I may be rude or mean on accident, srry.
4. Also not important but I don't really think much before subscribing to someone, if I see a random stranger on the internet who has good humor, then I'll hit the plus button. Sometimes though it can be troublesome, since i don't really check people's bios.
ALSO this is my beloved creature that I found on the streets on a snowy day, it's my best friend now @farfarurfav
I'm in a lot of fandoms, mainly Twisted Wonderland, Genshin impact, Attack on Titan, Jujustu Kaisen, Honkai Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Boruto, Assassination Classroom, Spy x Family, KNY, Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/ That time I reincarnated as a slime, Obey me, Dark Fall, Etc etc and also I'm a manga, manhua, manhwa, and anime enjoyer and I also know some webtoons too !
ONLY Side account : @thepookiestpookiebear
Tags :
See "#yourfavepookiebear" for anything related to me !
See "#pookiebear rants" for whatever rants I've posted !
See "#pookie talks" for me talking with people or just chatting and stuff like that
See "#thepookiestwrites" for some of my newest works !
For now these are the only tags I'll introduce.
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hermeticimp · 9 months
Full Moon in Pisces (8.30.23) - Savior Complex
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So, the Full Moon is in Pisces right now and my favorite artist's birthday was yesterday, so I'm dealing with a lot of feelings. I was encouraged to share them by @adapembroke and we've been trying to get me to post more, so here's hoping this is the full start of that. I won't get into my adoration for Michael here. That is something I will do in future posts because I have plenty I plan to write on him. This is about the raw emotions and realization that hit me in the last 24 hours. Just know that love goes deep and is unshakeable. Continues under the cut
I have feelings - especially since Michael's birthday was literally yesterday and he has a Pisces Rising (like me) conjunct his Pisces Moon. I spent Monday and Tuesday listening to him - the first day my brother was cooking for school, so we spent the day downstairs listening to his albums and going back and forth on what we appreciated about them. I find his album Dangerous from '92 is a surprise favorite since it's very 90s but even 30 years later still speaks on things we deal with now.
Then yesterday, I watched one of his live tour performances. I was having fun for awhile, but then it hit me just how much I miss and love him and why I fear shining too much as a sensitive person - because I watched one of my idols be destroyed by the world he was in. A person I share all my critical angles with, a person who also has Leo and Virgo placements and a Libra NN, his being conjunct my natal Chiron. He was a star who loved and shared his heart and he was crucified for what he said. That terrifies me. Michael's music was one of a handful of artists' that got me through the hardest times and his death was a changing point in my life. I love him much more than I would ever want to admit - even to myself, which makes that fear all the more real. I don't want to go out like he did. I don't wanna be destroyed for daring to be a voice against the crowd. It feels like all kinds of past life wounds and fears have been dredged up with this moon transiting my 12th and 1st houses.
So that was a lot. I've been really reflective. At the same time as this fear, I found a podcast last night about learning to embrace your voice and I've spent part of today reading the book "My Friend Fear". I even managed writing the characters I've been meaning to write for months this past week. So I don't want to let fear stop me, regardless of how valid. I just need to figure out balancing my fear and my need to use my voice. I think Michael being so relevant right now is meant to help with that.
Another theme that's been prevalent in the last few weeks, but feels pretty poignant on top of what I said is the concept of being someone's "savior". That theme has come up a lot. There's even a song ("Savior") by someone I look up to - Kendrick Lamar - where he talked about how he couldn't be anyone's savior even though people wanted him to be. On another song on the same album ("Mirror"), he apologizes for choosing to save himself and his family and not being that savior - which irked me when it came out (last year) because I never felt he needed to be sorry for that. You can't save everyone. You shouldn't be sorry for choosing yourself, especially when you've already given so much.
And yet, that's what Pisces does. It gives and gives and gives until it has nothing for itself. And it fails to have compassion for itself. It's inconjunct Leo, who healthily does take care of itself. They both have to learn the balance between healthily self-focus and giving compassionately and genuinely. And I've been struggling with that. Michael struggled with it and in the end, the Pisces shadow is how he left the world. I don't want that. If these Leo transits have taught me anything, it's that I don't want that. Sure, being vulnerable is scary, but I've spent my whole life being self-sacrificial and not valuing myself. It didn't get me anywhere good - not in the long-term. So why not embrace myself and who I really am? Why not embrace self-compassion and love while still giving people room to be themselves? I won't allow myself to stay transfixed by my pain. I will continue to dive deep and transmute it into light while exploring my depths and the depths of the world around me - to go underneath the underneath.
I will be me, even in this world that says that's wrong. I don't have a choice. Even if that means confronting what scares me most. I have to live for me.
I'm not anyone's savior but my own. You can't be anyone's savior but your own. The best you can do is lead by example - to be an inspiration, a Muse - the last of which is hilariously on the nose for me since I played a Greek mythology video game called Stray Gods: A Roleplaying Musical this past week where you play as a Muse who helps solve people's issues by getting them to sing what's in their heart. She can't force them to lie or go against their true nature, but she can elicit and inspire them to express themselves truthfully (to an extent). Even funnier is that the character's name - Grace - is one of the meanings for my nickname irl - Anna.
Michael's asteroid - like Hermes - lies in my 11H in Cap. He's an inspiration, a guiding light, a Muse… but he isn't my savior. He shouldn't have been anyone's but his own. And I won't try to be anyone else's either. Not if I want to make it out of this life the way I want to. I can't fall into the Neptunian illusion or Jupiterian delusion of grandeur. I have a voice and I will share it. If people resonate, they do and that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. It's not my job to save everyone - only to be share what I feel needs to be said and expressed for us to start healing as a whole. To share what I need to to express myself and be of service by doing so. I don't want to lose my faith and magic in this world, my sense of wonder. Michael is one of those that reminds me of that - for good and bad. I will honor myself first and foremost. I won't drown in this ocean inside me.
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torialefay · 5 months
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Here it is! Sorry for my struggles with technology 😅
youre all good baby! here you are ❤️
Okay woah, starting off, these are some pretty impressive placements! just looking at them, you def could be someone who gains a lottttt in life. let's dig a lil deeper.
ascendant in virgo:
i place virgo on the service axis with pisces, which is cool because your moon rests in pisces. it shows me you have an internal longing to help others (moon) and you are usual able to carry this out via a practical approach (ascendant). because of this, you may come across as someone who talks the talk and walks the walk. virgo ascendants usually come across as very sure of themselves and very competent. think managerial roles. HOWEVER, you COULD sometimes come across as bossy. not necessarily that that's how you mean to be, but because you think you know the best way to go about doing things and you want others to be able to see it from that perspective as well. you could also come across as very technical- if you want to know about something, you REALLY dive into it so you're able to deeply think about it and apply what you've learned.
this is pretty good sign for chan. he would most likely be interested in the knowledge you had to offer. whatever you're into, he would likely learn a lot and appreciate your thinking patterns.
sun in leo in 11th:
i saw this a lot, but i feel like leos get a bad rep. leos tend to be the star of the show (either in person or in their head lol), but not from a place of vanity. leos tend to find themselves as important people, but it's because of their INDIVIDUALITY that they see themselves as having a lot to offer to the world. leos tend to be very individualistic and like to encourage others to shine as well. it's likely that you're a hype-girl type of friend, and others love being around you because of this. you're able to see the good, quirky things in others even if they can't see it themselves. you are most likely pretty quirky yourself <3
i think this placement is actually really good for chan the more i think about it. chan struggles a lot with his individuality, trying to balance it with what he thinks others want from him. leos are less likely to care about what others think. you could help him embrace his uniqueness and let him shine against what the rest of the world may think.
moon in pisces in 7th:
ooooh so you're a deep girlie ❤️ i think this lends itself quite well to the leo's view in individuality, but pisces already experiences it on a deeper, more emotional level. you probably find a lot of beauty in others' differences. you also likely value people who have a whimsical or alt. style/nature about them. you probably highly value creative outlets and are interested in alternative means of "higher powers" to guide you. you're probably very respectful of nature and feel ties to the world as unique individuals. it's also very likely that you feel deeeeeply, not only for yourself, but for others around you.
moon in pisces is a great match for his moon and sun in libra. both very passive signs, i think it would bring an underlying gentle and understanding nature to the relationship.
mercury in cancer in 11th:
this placements tells me that you are great are relating to others and could easily use this to your advantage both in your creative circles or through work. you're able to see into the deepest parts of people and connect with them on that level. think of a like therapeutic approach to talking with others. that's what i'm getting here.
this, i believe could be one weak point with chan. you and chan are both cardinal signs in mercury... and both signs tend to avoid initiating conversations that could hurt the other person. you feel deeply, so you want to make sure to not impose those negative emotions onto another. if you and chan dont talk about things as they come up (ie be HONEST and not sugar coat things to each other) there could be problems
venus in virgo in the 1st house:
this tells me that love and beauty is a part of your everyday life and is also the way you initially present yourself. it's likely that you initially have some sort of sensuality about you upon first meeting, BUT through the virgo placement, i dont think it's anything that would be overbearing. you probably have some sort of implicit style or mannerisms that you know are attractive and express OR some unique aspect of yourself that you use to your advantage when meeting people, which people view as you being intelligent and alluring.
chan would loveeee this. i do think in the bedroom that virgo could balance out chan's wild tendencies too. virgo can get down with his shenanigans (esp w your pisces moon), but not let him take it tooooo far. i mean come on, we've gotta be practical now.
mars in gemini in the 10th:
you probably are the type of person to go after what you want. i've already spoken before about how you see people as individuals, and it's likely that you are genuinely curious in others as well. you can def use this to your advantage throyghout your career and through making friendships.
honestly, i think this is a great placement for chan. both of you will value your freedom and not try to control the other (too much lol). together, i think you guys could tackle some big things!
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
Hii thank u for doing free tarot readings♡♡ Can you please tell me who is the jealous/fake friend I have? Lots of readings are telling me abt it but I can't think of anyone
Good-day, friend! I'm happy to help. Im real sorry you have fake people around you. lets see how i can help with that. i am using the True Black Tarot today!
cards: page of cups, death, 8 of wands, star, 7 of swords
oh boy. im not surprised you couldnt figure out who it was. you might have gotten confused because there are actually two people around you who dont have the best of intentions for you. the one who is fake as fuck is an aquarius. the one who is jealous of you is 100% a water sign but i cant tell if they are a pisces or a scorpio. these two talk so much shit behind your back. the aquarius has dark straight hair that comes down to about their shoulders. they probably like to wear a lot of black clothes. the pisces/scorpio likes wolves, has very light hair and wears a lot of red or gold. the thing is both of these people are really good at hiding their true intentions from you to your face. but as soon as they are away from you, they can not shut the fuck up about you. like they really talk about you in every conversation. its like they have nothing in common with eachother besides hating you??? i see these two have mile long texts just about you. theyre both obsessed and yet they see you as this innocent/clueless person. aquarius sees you like a rat. pisces/scorpio sees you as a rabbit. im gonna tell you right now. pisces/scorpio is very very close to you. they love bomb you all the time and feed you these bullshit stories about how on your side they are. aquarius just flat out lies to you and does shit that is incredibly inconsiderate to you. i am so sorry you have thse two around you. i hope this narrowed it down, my friend!
- ghost 👻🖤🩵🤍
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 10 months
Hey , i love your matchups 👍
Can i get a The Hobbit* male ,( and if its not to much a female*Lotr ) matchup
My Pronouns are She / Her (pansexual , ace ) , i'm 5'8 and my mbti is intp-t , my zodiac is pisces , my aesthetic would be dark academia and witchy like dark colors and long skirts and plattform boots .
i'm a person who is mostly alone or with my pets than with an other person , i love comedy and trash - TV and i have almost everywhere i go my headphones on , i love podcasts and music , i'm pretty funny and can be loud and open if i know i can trust people wich is hard because i have trust issues also ADHD , but i'm insecure and need someone i can rely on . I love baking , dancing and mostly i sit on a swing in my garden while i watch the sun go down , i love all my pets ( i have 6) , i would like to travel the world sonetime with someone , i always want to help people and want a harmonic surrounding , my love language is physical touch .
I don't like people who are closed and cold all the time , or talk behind others backs . Or someone who is overly protective and controlling .
All in all i need a person who is okay with with what they have , loyal , caring , can get me to laugh and smile and loves me with all their heart .
( i'm sorry it's to short , or when there are any mistakes , English us not my first language )
hey that's no problem at all, this is absolutely long enough! i hope you enjoy your matchup!!!
also can i just say. after reading through your introduction a few times i um, you are scarily accurately me. this is probably of zero interest to you but you are really terrifyingly similar to me. still i focused on who i think would fit you (me? us? sorry i'll stop) best instead of who i dream of most so yeah. whatever you know
I ship you with...
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It's harmonic and quiet and calm at home, as always. And you love that, you do. But when your brother gets a surprise visit by a company of thirteen dwarves and decides not to help (in favour of his own harmonic and quiet and calm at home), you're physically incapable of not helping in his place. Helping is your thing, plus you feel like the dwarves should be able to enjoy that same peaceful quiet in a home the way you can, and the only way that could possibly happen is with your help. So you do help.
The first time you meet Bard you're wet and worn out on some big rock in the middle of a river. You've been through literal hell and you're definitely far from your best, but he's obviously attractive and for a second there you try to wring out your skirt and comb through your hair and make yourself look presentable again. Not that that you manage in the slightest, so you do your best to shrink into the background and stay quiet the way you usually do.
What follows is worse (you reek of fish and you don't think you'll ever fully recover from swimming through toilet water) so when you finally stand steadily on both your feet in Bard's home, you feel nauseous. But you push through and you clean yourself off and when Bard comes in to see you fight against disgusting wet clothing, he addresses you directly for the very first time. And that to offer you a bath and some of his daughter's dresses (if they fit you, of course).
Your brother is the only one who actually talks to Bard. The dwarves all aren't too fond of him, but Bilbo is happy about the first cultured person on this entire journey (no matter how fond he's become of the dwarves) and since you're mostly with him... well, you're mostly with Bard now, too. He holds good conversation, he's open and honest and he's funny too, quick-witted and sarcastic and if at first glance you were already a bit in love, now you definitely are. This isn't the right place or time in the slightest, but you're dry and cozy and he's tall (or maybe you're just tiny?) and intelligent and nice and you can't help yourself after that dreadful journey you went through. You wanted to travel the world, you did, but you'd stumbled into just a few too many vile creatures until now to actually have enjoyed it, so you liked the comfort of an actual home much more.
It wasn't particularly comfortable, of course, because there were thirteen dwarves with you and one of them was deadly injured, so in that helpful manner of yours that you'd shown so many times already, you did your best to help out Kili too. It's why you miss out on a mighty few things - Thorin and Bard verbally facing off, for example, and most of the party the master of Lake Town throws for the entire company, but it does mean that when eleven out of thirteen dwarves plus your brother go out to drink, you're pretty much left alone with Bard, who would rather have thrown himself off the Lonely Mountain than join in these festivities.
So when Bard sits in a corner, with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands and all his children are asleep and Kili is in some state of delirium and Fili is staring out of the windows at the party outside (not that he couldn't have gone, but he wanted to stay with his brother), you feel the overwhelming urge to somehow comfort him. You push back the gnawing insecurity in your mind, try to ignore your growing attraction to him and do your best to remind yourself of the fact that you've had quite a few conversations already, of the fact that he's nice and funny and apparently upset. So you talk to him.
You talk to him the entire night. At first it's to ease his discomfort, then it's to talk about anything and everything - to laugh and to smile and to forget about everything bad happening for a minute. Only when you yawn for the first time do you realise that it's way past midnight already, that even Fili has fallen into some kind of slumber by now and that you're actually really, really tired, and Bard smiles and tells you to go to sleep. And after a night of talking to this lovely man in front of you, you've come to trust him a bit - maybe that's irrational and maybe it's dumb, but he feels safe - so you end up with your head on his shoulder. He's still right there next to you when you wake up in the morning, his arm wrapped around your waist safely, and at first you recoil - you're not used to anyone touching you, not anyone but Bilbo. But this feels strangely comfortable, he's warm and cozy and after a second of shock, you decide to allow this to feel exactly that way. Maybe it's all a bit quick and you're definitely stressing about it - it's hard to let someone in and let someone touch you and trust them not to try and imprison and kill you like the last few times you were grabbed and manhandled, but all of that was rough and this is soft and deliberate. You've known this man for a few days now and you decide that that's enough to let him hold you like this. For just another few minutes.
That morning you face quite a hard choice. It's relatively easy in the end, but the thing you'd worked so hard for (reclaiming Erebor) stood in direct conflict with helping Kili not to die, so it took a bit of thinking and stressing for you and Bilbo to eventually come to an agreement - he'd go with Thorin to fulfill the part of the burglar, and you'd stay with the princes to look after Kili. It wasn't like you were a skilled healer or anything of the sort, but with all the pets you'd had over the years, you'd picked up on at least some things to do when someone was injured, and that was better than most things the dwarves could do. And luckily, even though he's certainly no fan of them, Bard is a decent human being, kind and empathetic, and he doesn't want anyone to die a horrible death, so he helps where he can, makes sure to get you everything you need and generally stays by your side until Tauriel shows up.
You pretty much collapse after that (you'd gladly helped Kili out, of course, but it had been straining to say the least), sinking into a little pile in a corner of the room and breathing in and out a few times, and then Bard is there right next to you, handing you water and bread and asking if he can hug you, and you look up at him and debate it - debate whether you're going to let this man in, this man who you've been talking and laughing with for over a week now, this man who has been nothing but kind and understanding and responsible, who may have opposed your entire journey, but with good reasoning - and besides, Thorin has barely been anything other than a complete arse, so you don't mind that much that Bard isn't totally fond of him.
So? Do you let him in? This man who ticks off all your boxes? Who's compassionate and loyal and helpful and reliable?
Of course. Of course you do. It's the one time you decide to bite the bullet, to push back the insecurities and the anxiety because he's here and he's been here, he's been there for you practically more than anyone else has, and that's only been the last week or so. You decide that yes, you trust him, you trust this hunk of a man, because he's asking for your consent instead of just touching you, because he's been making you laugh and luring you out of your shell step by step, because - yes, because he's here, right now, when you need him.
Smaug's attack and the battle that follows are a blur. Afterwards, you don't remember that much about it, and you're honestly not too mad about it. You remember Bard being a hero and a leader and a saviour - your saviour, specifically. You remember fighting and screaming and blood and the desire to help out, to help as much as you can, and you remember surviving. You remember the dread, the gut-wrenching dread because you weren't sure just who had survived - had Bard died? Had Bilbo? How many of the dwarves were still alive?
But then it all becomes crystal-clear. The hazy, foggy memories turn sharp and bright from one very particular moment on: That moment that the raging battlefield clears, that the screaming dies, that Bard returns to you with blood all over and a limp and a sword in his hand but alive, well and alive, breathing and with a beating heart. That moment that you drop everything you'd been holding, throw your arms around his neck and kiss him. Because he'd made it. Because you'd been terrified for him. Because, just maybe, you'd fallen in love with him.
Your brother is alive and so is the rest of the company, which makes the whole thing a little easier to deal with. At least there's no major death problems. While you were busy with your own little romance, your brother's now engaged to a king, so your home back in the Shire is available to you and to you only - and while Bard feels a responsibility to help rebuild his town, the promises of not one, but two kings (Thranduil included, of course) and a very powerful consort (your brother, that is) plus twelve other dwarves and a wizard are quite enough for him to realise that his people are in good hands, that the town will be restored and that until then, they will have food and water and shelter and so he takes his things and his children and goes back to the Shire with you.
It's a little small (a little a lot) and you have to make quite some changes, but it does work out in the end. It's new to all of you, of course, the whole situation - you've never been in love like that, but especially not with a man who already has children of his own, and it's not always easy to manage a relationship like this. But Bard is just a little too perfect for you not to give it your all, so you do exactly that. Bard loves nature and he loves animals and his kids do too, he loves the swing in your garden and so do they, he loves your baking and he loves to dance with you and he especially loves when Bilbo and Thorin visit, or when you visit them, because his children are occupied then and he can steal you away to a tavern or an inn and dance long into the night. He holds you in his arms and carries you wherever you could possibly want to go and if it were up to him, he would never let go of you again until the end of times.
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1218-814 · 3 months
I decided to make a profile for my OC, which I changed more things than I thought I would. Also because I can't find my Wacom pen and I was bored.
(by the way, this child is a carbon copy of me but cuter so-)
Name: Yuu Lupine (Very much a fake name)
Grade/Class: 1-A
Birthday: 3/10 (Pisces)
Age: 16 (?)
Hight: 163 (Looks smaller than/as tall as Riddle because of posture)
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: The World Beyond The Mirror
Club: Board Games. Can't go sometimes because they work at Sam's.
Best Subject: Magical History
Hobby: Sleeping and drawing
Dislikes: Betrayers/surprises
Favorite food: Salmon/ikura
Least favorite food: Depends on the mood
Talents: Fast reading skills
Main Base: Mickey and all the people who wandered into a foreign place. (Same as Yuu, basically)
Sub Base: Loki, Mulan, Gogo, Edna (will add more if felt like it/some are taken what I assume canonically)
Black Butler Base (similarity): Sascha and Othello
Magic: No, but actually yes.
Idia did make something for them to have the ability to use magic. Based on Loki's staff, it holds a magical artifact inside. Blot will work the same; basically magic pen, but not pen. Only uses it sometimes, to prevent overblots.
Rollo comes in later and he dislikes it a lot.
Doesn't tell a few people, for some reason.
Lv up 1: ...What is this "level up" for-
Lv up 2: I wonder if I can get stronger...
Lv up 3: Maybe I can be strong in this world...
Card lv max: Wait, hold up, I'm pretty sure this isn't magic. What do I need this for!? Well, they do say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
Limit break: I think you should re-think this-
Groovy: I feel like I can beat some of the dorm leaders now! ...Never mind, I'm back to normal.
Episode lv up: Freinds are cool... I can't explain it, but it feels kind of nice and warm inside... Sorry, that was embarrassing, pretend I said nothing. We should have tea some time to talk again.
Lesson 1: You should let me follow you to class, I don't know where I'm supposed to go.
Lesson 2: Ditching class is an option, you know. I mean I think it's good for us to go to class though.
Lesson 3: Wait we have a quiz?
Lesson start: Let's get this over with.
Lesson End: I think I want to have a snack now.
Battle start: I can't use magic... Let me just cheer you, people, on.
Battle win: well, rip to you people who lost.
Attack/duo/etc.: N/A
Magic history ★1: Grim, give me some snacks/ Lucius is as cute as always/ meowww nyaaaa/I'm really bored right now...
Magic history ★2: I've read this before/ I finished this!/I memorized this part/So it's the same thing back in my world?/ My ink...
Magic history ★3: I could write an essay on this in 40 mins/I guess I got some luck today.
Crowley/Special lesson: Did you find a way back for me? No? Then why are you here./ It's not going to matter in the end anyways...
Flying: N/A, just watches (sometimes with Idia)
Alchemy: N/A, just watches. (For now, at least)
Same as MC, but doesn't vibe with a few. (Including Kalim, Cater, Trey, etc.)
Also, friends with my other OC, Sice (Mob who was friends with Riddle for a short period of time).
Anyways my other OCs are:
Since- number 6 of the Hearts dorm. He's based off of Doll. NRC
Bishop Hunt: Twin of Rook, very opposite lore. RSA
There are 2 or 3 OCs for the movie "Frozen". Elsa boy is very powerful bc of his UM being similar to Trey's
Might post some art of them in the future?
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Alright, babydoll, sign me up for the match up!
Star Sign: Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, Pisces Rising
Age: 25
Height: 5'4" / 163.2cm
Identity: Bisexual with a preference to masculine features
Occupation: Student/Student Doctor
Favorite things: My makeup, food, my bed, learning new things, singing/music, shopping, chocolate
Hobbies/What I do in my spare time: writing and drawing for my horny little sinners. Learning a new language. Studying. Shopping.
Fav Obey Me Character: Girl, you already know, but Diavolo, clearly
What I look for in a partner: attentive. Trustworthy/honest [lying to me is a good way to die]. Kind to others as well as me. Good sexual chemistry. Enjoys good food and taking me out to get food or have food made because I get hangry. Conversationalist because I like talking but also someone who can talk when I dont feel like it. But also a good listener. Curious/looking to learn new things. Stability is a requirement, financially, and in other ways. I can't do flaky people.
About Me (visually): You already have my socials lmao but I can describe maybe what isn't as clear in photos. I'm actually short [see my height] and very curvy/stalky. I have an hourglass shape, but I hide it because I have a lot of sand in mine [read: I'm fat/plus size]. I love my makeup and being put together, with full outfits, coordinating hair, makeup, and shoes, the whole shebang. But otherwise, you can just look at what I've posted. (Please don't include any photos of me in the reply)
Thank you again, and congratulations! You deserve it!
-The Royal SK
🌻 500 Followers Bite Sized Event 🌻
SK, My Queen, my pink cult sister, my demon fucker darling. I'm so glad we're friends! I'm more than happy to be the third wheel in yours and delphi friendship 💕 I feel like I bring a certain uncertainty to your pairing and I quite like that! 😂😚☺️
NSFW in parts so minors begone! 18+ MDNI
Match up:
Diavolo Prince of the Devildom
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There really was no other choice for you, I will admit I thought about Barb, but I just kept coming back to his highness. He knows just how to treat you, he's like putty in your hands, he'll give you everything you want and more... If he knows whats good for him! Baby boy would take such good care of you, he'll take you out to eat and listen to you for hours. He's goddamn obsessed. Can you blame a guy though?
Head canons for you both:
I know you're a swiftie so imma put this out there. That song enchanted to meet you... That's literally the both of you. Except there is no wondeing who you both love. It's clearly each other.
Ok but when you first got together there was a lot of sneaking around! Escaping the castle together (as if barb doesn't know 😂 he thinks it's cute so he lets it slide for now), slipping out of HOL unnoticed is a fucking chore but you do it! Playing hooky at rad. Pulling the "Diavolo would like to see the exchange student in his office" Once you guys left the intercom on and the entire school heard you both giggling and kissing and.... Other things!
He loves to show you off, he thinks you're the most beautiful woman that has ever existed or that will ever exist. So as long as he can keep you, he'll have you by his side.
Sleep overs at the castle? Check! Sleep overs at HOL? Keep it to a minimum. The boys are jealous enough! What with you giving your heart to the prince, now he wants to encroach on family time? Nu-huh! No way! Get fucked! Fuck off! (Sorry had to put my aussie rock band reference in there.)
Does his angel face want a gift? Yeah! Great he's gonna spoil you rotten and then some. You will be completely taken care of! You don't even need to ask, he just wants to give you everything you need!
He loves to kiss you. Soft forehead kisses, cute cheek kisses, teasing neck kisses, lingering kisses on your sweet lips. He can't get enough of them. The way your body softens in his hold.
He's all about pet names for you! He called you princess, baby, chicken, honey, my love, my life, sweetheart, pretty thing, good girl.
Baby girl I hope you like big cock because ya boy's packing! Are you going to take it like a good girl? "S'too biig! Pleeeeaase!" "Sorry princess... Think you can take just the tip, yeah? Fuuuck you feel so good... s'tiiiight. Little more, yeah? Being so good for me. You can take it, I know you can." Yeah you're gonna take a lot more than just the tip. Don't worry, he's the king of prep. He'll make you cum on his tongue before he stretches you out on his fingers first. He only needs to force it a little bit by the time he's done.
You ever been fucked on a throne? Would you like to? That's what you whisper to him before you push him down on the thing. Well, when he lets you push him down onto the thing, good luck trying if he doesn't want to. Daddy Dia is B I G. He actually hadn't believe it or not, but I think he's going to want to make it a regular thing. He likes the way you ride him slow, he likes it even more when you're tired and he can take control. Holding you by your hips, dragging your pussy up and down his cock. Using you how he wants too.
You know how I said he likes kissing your on your lips? Yeah I meant your downstairs lips 😂 jk. But kinda serious. There is something about your taste he can't get enough of. He'll eat you out anytime anywhere so be warned. It's breakfast time, he's hungry but not for the breakfast that Barbatos has prepared. Oops you're no longer in your chair, suddenly you're lying on your back on the table with your skirt lifted and your panties being ripped off. Protesting until his mouth latches around your clit and suddenly you can't remember why you're saying no???
If you'll allow it he'll mark you anyway he can. Especially in cheeky places that are slightly visible. Places you would really have to look to notice. Like just below your ear. The back of your shoulder. Your bicep, your hips, your tummy. He also likes cumming on your face. You just look so pretty covered in his cum, eyes all wide. Mouth open, tongue out hoping to get a taste of him.
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I hope you like my little head canons for you and dia, princess! Thank you so much for requesting ☺️ I love you, you're pretty perfect, did you know? 💕💕🌻
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a romantic matchup for one of the boys from bungou stray dogs and genshin impact?
I'm 20 years old and I'm an ENTP. my zodiac sign is Pisces and my enanegram is 7w8. I am an extrovert who loves meeting new people and learning new things! I love learning languages and can speak 3 already (learning a 4th one rn) as it allows me to speak with so many more people more comfortably and also learn more about their cultures and things that I wouldn't know otherwise. A few more of my hobbies include drawing, exploring new places/travelling, gardening, cooking, baking, tarot reading, collecting stuff (mostly crystals and books or just anything that looks cool or pretty) tea brewing,  making terrariums, singing, needle felting, sewing, and fashion. I am very big on gardening though, I love making terrarium and taking care of plants! I have an entire notebook dedicated to different plants ive learnt about and how to care for them well. Personality wise, I'm often described as having 'dog energy'? I'm just very expressive, energetic, and get excited very easily. I'm a confident person who isn't afraid to stand out (appearance wise and personality wise) and I do enjoy getting positive attention from people. However, I do have a bit of a short temper and get frustrated easily, especially at people who can't keep up with my energy but it is something that I'm working on. I also get stressed easily, I'm a very hard worker but to the point that I overwork myself a lot and burn out quickly.
I don't think I have a specific type or ideal person but I would like someone who is able to keep up with me and my love for new things. I like people who are okay with being dragged along to different places by me and also being very spontaneous. I love doing most things unplanned when I feel like it so someone who wouldn't mind that would be nice ahaha. Also someone who is alright me me talking and rambling a lot. I don't mind if they talk back with me or if they just listen as long as they don't get annoyed at me talking a lot. Also I have OCD, so someone who is understanding of that instead of just telling me 'deal with it' would be nice.
Other than that I don't have much of a preference/type
So sorry this was such a big long read but thank you if you read through all of it! I hope you have a good day!!
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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I don't know whenever someone even remembers this guy, but I do. Expressive, energetic as well, and can perfectly put up with your energy perfectly. Just ask this guy to fetch anything you wanna do, and he will be in maybe half of an hour back? (maybe it helps that he might or not be rich thanks to papa Fitzgerald? So he helps to support any hobby you need to?)
Definitely curious and enthusiastic on what you can do, with all the hobbies you have. So you might even teach him something (do you have space for shooting on you hobby list? Just a small suggestion from him. You know, as for how much enthusiast about shooting)
At the same time, he is laid back as a person: relaxing somehow is always good after all! You don't need to push yourself too much. He won't stress you, so you don't need to as well. Just there to help whenever you need to!
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I know this guy looks like he is totally on something strong 24/7 to be as chill as he is, but as you said you need someone to put on with your energy? Kazuha definitely can.
Definitely as curious on what you are able to do, maybe not in an enthusiastic way but will be there to silently watch you do all the work.
Also I feel he would definitely like taking care of plants with you, as he is absolutely tuned with nature. Maybe more as a helper, I'm not sure how green his thumb is, but with the right instructions he can do anything. Just like Mark, he is extremely laid back and knows many ways to relax, like meditation, strolling around nature, making Haikus.
Kazuha is also an understanding person, he definitely wouldn't tell you "deal with it" at any problem you can have with your situation, and even supportive about it. Ready to help you to relax and encourage you at any moment!
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giraffefeather · 6 months
Hi, I'm drunk on wine and too deep in astrology, read more included as a courtesy.
Everything makes so much sense. Like I was one of the "Ooh astrology is so cool but totally not real" girlies, but uh...
Quick reference: I am pisces sun, gemini moon, aquarius rising. And right off the bat, I always notice before anyone else when I start talking too much (gemini stereotype) and always question if I'm being manipulative or not (hi again, bad side of gemini) but try so so hard not to (oh hey, there you are pisces). I can never pick a goddamn side in an argument (ahem, pisces? gemini? both known to see both or all sides). Meanwhile, I attract the "outcasts," for lack of better word - the people that don't always fit in (hello aquarius, ya weird little noodle).
Okay but then we have the VENUS. God, the amount of times I questioned if I was asexual, but then dated friends and thought no... thats not right... must be demi. And then I'll enjoy sex for a while, get really obsessed for like a week. but get bored of it and move on to something else. And I'm thinking... huh, is this autism? Adhd? Perhaps. But ALSO have you read up on venus in aquarius? That bastard is 100% on my love life.
Hi, quick disclaimer. I absolutely believe neurodivergency is something not assigned by the stars. It is a separate matter entirely. I am NOT diagnosed with anything, and although I have tendencies that align with both autism and adhd, it does not affect my daily life enough to seek diagnosis. I just think it's interesting that it may not be a true neurodivergency in my case, but just aligning with my signs.
I skipped mercury, hold up, that's aquarius too. It fits, but it's boring. Except the bit I read where they dislike schedules, especially if paired with a Pisces sun (hello, called me out).
And I was so mad that my Mars was in leo, thinking no no no, I can't have a Leo anywhere in my chart, that's not right! Bitch, it fits. All of it. 100% turn into a Leo when I'm angry. Other parts of Mars (motivation, sex, etc) seem to be muted by the rest of my signs, but anger? Aggression? Yikes, hello Leo loud intensity.
And I just think it's interesting that my least favorite sign (Capricorn... sorry, I just have met too many manipulative Caps) is also my Uranus and Neptune.
But back to my favorite sign (Aquarius!), I have 3 of those fuckers and I wonder if it's why I always love other Aquas. Or of it's just because my dad is an Aqua sun. But my mom is a Taurus sun and while I never thought I had attachment to the sign (I love my mom, I just see her flaws too), my best friend growing up was a Taurus, and that's the sign I can spot a mile away. Hell, I worked with someone who reminded me so much of my mom, that it didn't even surprise me when I found they shared a birthday. I wa just like oh... yeah that makes sense, you're basically the same person.
And following true Pisces comparability, I've been dating a Virgo for 7 years. Since day 1, I've been saying we're opposites but it works. And then find out that's one of the most recommended pairings for a Pisces sun for that exact reason. To balance each other out. And as Virgo is literally the only sign not to be found on my chart, i need that energy in my life. Funny, I always used to love libras before him. But isn't that just typical of libras - their allure? And I would kill for an Aqua friend, please someone come talk to me about conspiracies and cryptic!
I still need to delve into Jupiter and beyond, see if those actually fit. I'm starting to suspect they will.
But what if that's just my pisces dreaming, understanding every sign so that of course whatever I have fits? Then... do we question that I fit the pisces personality too? Or am I just a wishy-washy person, and believe everything?
Interesting that a simple Google search reveals so much about the signs too... and not even with the info available. I've found that there's so many hits if you search pisces, possibly more than any other sign. Gemini has plenty, too. But Leo? Sagittarius? A huge decline in results. And if looking at images on Google, its even more pronounced. Pisces and Gemini have so many artistic interpretations. Leo? I found like... 1 cool lion. Compared to the millions of fish and mermaid art with pisces.
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hi!! i saw your matchup guidelines today and i was hoping they’re open — if they are, could i request a matchup for chainsaw man and/or jujutsu kaisen?
my nickname is sylve, i use he/it/she pronouns, and i have no gender preference! i am also a minor. my mbti is entp (i THINK) and my enneagram is 2w3 :). oh and my zodiac is pisces! i show my love through quality time and physical affection, and i prefer to receive quality time over everything else.
for a physical description, i’ve got short reddish-brown hair that i put in a half-up half-down style. i’m pretty short (5’1” ish ;;), i wear glasses, and i’ve got brown eyes. i’m also fair-skinned with noticeable dark circles under my eyes dkshdj. i’ll try to send a picrew as well if it works — if not i’ll just send it separately ^^
as for my hobbies & likes, i’m super into video games, writing, drawing, listening to music, making characters, and collecting stuff! i love collecting plushies and cute things, and i won’t hesitate to tell you all about my interests if i’m given permission to. i love zoology and biology - they’re so fascinating to me and honestly i love animals in general. i also love sweet things and any good iced tea/coffee or boba! and i really like places where i can just let loose and have fun with some close friends, so think like an arcade, carnival/fair, amusement park, bowling alley, etc.
on the other hand, i’d have to say my dislikes are really any stressful situation. meeting new people or being in an unfamiliar environment is so awful, especially when there’s a lot of focus on you. another dislike i have is when people generally lack empathy/understanding :(
personality-wise, i’m very passionate about what i love!!! i’m also easily excited. i try to be friendly and easygoing since i want to be approachable! and i love to make people smile and laugh, so there’s that. i tend to be really talkative with people i’m close/comfortable with. i also have the habit of being a perfectionist and being pretty sensitive. ;;
sorry if this is so long — but thank you for your time and i hope you have a great day!
i match you with...
Itadori Yuji and Power!
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Song: Shower - Becky G
Itadori is definitely an outgoing person in my opinion so I think he would be perfect for you.
Whenever after begging Gojo to do so, you go to an amusement park, he goes on every ride with you and protests whenever he can't sit next to you on the rides.
He wins all the prizes he can at shooting games to give them all to you and also treats you with boba after.
Your relationship is made of plushies, boba and coffee.
Sometimes you stay awake all night to play videogames drinking just a few cups of coffee so you can focus on your games.
Nobara complains about your eyebags the next day and gives you a cucumber under-eye cream to treat them.
He always holds you, you guys are never too far away from each other.
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Song: Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me - Tata Young
If you guys are going at the arcade, I'm joining- sorry, personal notes hahah.
Anyways Power is surprisily good at winning arcade games and gets a lot of tickets for the best prizes.
She's the type of person to do a lot of crazy things, so you'll never get bored.
You make fun of Denji because he can't get a strike at the bowling alley.
Has a sweet tooth, in fact her teeth look like shit.
You should get her and take her to a dentist, but she's like too scared to go though she fights with a chainsaw demon by her side which she compares with the dentist's tools
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