#i will TRY my hardest to present an idea first
astraystayyh · 11 months
The alternative
Brother's best friend changbin x reader. Fluff and slight angst. (Han is the brother).
Based on my interpretation of The Alternative by Lyn Lapid (if u can, play it after the •••)
You've diligently chased the idea of being with Changbin out of your mind. That is until he picks you up from a bad date, making your steadfast resolve unravel all around you.
skz song series masterlist
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"Yn?" Changbin’s voice echoes clearly through the phone, and you startle, leaning away to check if you mistakenly dialed the wrong person. But there it is- Han's contact name illuminating your screen, confirming your intended call.
"Changbin? Where is Han?" you ask hesitantly, confused as to why your brother did not pick up his phone.
"He left his phone at home. I wasn't going to answer but I saw five missed calls from you, so I figured something might be wrong. Are you okay?" he asks, his voice softening at the last question.
His concern tugs at your heart, causing you to bite your lower lip forcefully. You've been sitting across from your date for the past two hours, and yet Changbin managed to pay more attention to you in the span of five seconds. 
"I'm okay, don't worry about it," you reassure, trying your best to sound composed.
"Did you need something?"
"I just... I'm on a date right now and I wanted Han to come pick me up. But it's okay."
"Did they do something to you?" he asks, his voice carrying an edge to it that hadn't been present moments ago.
"No!" you quickly reassure. "I just... I don't know, it feels off but it's okay. I'm sorry for bothering you." The practiced apology rolls off your tongue effortlessly, without you having to think about uttering it.
You're accustomed to shrinking yourself, trying your hardest not take up space with your feelings. It has become second nature to you to bury your problems in a dusty box at the back of your mind, as soon as they threaten to affect those around you.
"Where are you?" he asks as you hear shuffling from his end, "I'm coming to pick you up."
"You don't have to," you murmur, regret already welling up inside you. You should've stopped calling your brother when he didn't pick up the first time.
"You are uncomfortable. That's reason enough for me."
You attempt to contradict him, but the words dissolve in your mouth, swallowed back down your throat. There's something about Changbin's unwavering voice that makes you pause. You don't have the strength to contradict him.
"Okay, thank you," you exhale a ragged breath in relief. "I'll text you the address."
You hang up, leaving the bathroom you were hiding in and sitting in front of your date once again. They resume talking, but you tune them out, your thoughts solely revolving around Changbin- the way the planets rotate unwaveringly around the sun. His concern made a pleasing warmth seep through your heart, like a sun ray piercing through clouds after a gloomy day.
You dig your fingers into your palm, desperately trying to banish thoughts of him- just as you’ve been doing for the past few months.
You met Changbin before you knew he was your brother’s best friend. In the campus café, where he almost spilled his drink on you. You thought he was adorable, apologizing profusely to you, a faint pink hue tinting his cheeks. And then he bought you a cookie, three to be exact, because he didn’t know which flavor you’d prefer. A token of his remorse as he explained to you. He was a year older, and you found talking to him as natural as being with yourself.
But for some reason, your brain didn’t register that this was the Changbin your brother told you about. Until you’ve visited Han’s dorm for the first time and there he was, opening the door for you. Changbin was never yours to begin with, a reminder you continually admonish yourself with, but you still felt as if you lost him that day.
You knew it wouldn't be wrong, per se, to date him. But the potential confrontations that would unfold from it made you recoil into your hiding. Loving Changbin holds within it numerous uncertainties, and you cannot venture into the unknown, regardless of how much you yearn for it. For him.
“Yn!” a loud voice startles you, and you snap your head towards the entrance of the restaurant where you find Changbin. He’s clad in grey sweatpants and a snug black t-shirt, standing out like a sore thumb in the high-end restaurant. He didn't take the time to change, you realize, his sole focus on reaching you as quickly as possible.
"We have to go!" he says, as soon as he's in front of your table, and your date glances at you curiously.
"You do?" they ask and you chuckle nervously. "We do?" You didn’t think of an excuse as to why you needed to leave so suddenly, and you hoped Changbin did.
"Yes, come on," he urges, outstretching his hand toward you. "There is an emergency… You know, with Han, very urgent."
"Who's this? And who's Han?" 
"I already told you who Han is," you roll your eyes, grabbing Changbin’s hand and rising from your seat. "Maybe if you stopped talking about yourself for a second then you'd remember."
Changbin places a couple of bills on the table, a polite smile on his face. "For the dinner", he says, before pulling you outside with him.
"What was that?" you chuckle as soon as you're out. Changbin doesn't let go of your hand as you walk to his car, and you can't find it in you to drop it. 
"What?" he giggles, "did you not like my acting skills?"
"Did you have to shout my name from across the restaurant?" you playfully punch his shoulder and he feigns a wince.
"I had to be convincing," he nods solemnly, opening the door for you. His hand rests on the top of the car, ensuring you don't bump your head while getting in.
"Here," Changbin hands you a pair of slippers from the backseat, and you furrow your brows in confusion. "I assumed you'd be wearing heels and your feet are probably tired, so I brought you this," he explains, and you are suddenly thankful for the dim lighting in the car that's hiding your crimson blush. 
"So, tell me, what did they do? Do I need to beat them up?" Changbin asks once more and you groan, leaning your head against the car window. 
"They're so... pretentious. The only thing they care about is themselves, their career and their achievements. They even tried to downplay mine so they'd feel better about themselves."
"It's their loss honestly, for wasting a date with someone like you." 
"You're the only one who thinks so," you smile sadly, trailing your fingers across your knee. 
"What do you mean?" he asks, turning his body around to give you his undivided attention. 
"This is my fourth bad date in a row. I think I'm just destined for horrible relationships," you try to joke, but it did weigh heavily on you. Was there something wrong in you that prompted everyone to treat you so lowly?
"You are very smart and witty and interesting. I like talking to you, especially about things you are passionate about. It's their loss for not seeing it. Doesn't mean you are any less incredible," he says, his voice filled with genuine conviction.
A surge of emotion pulses through you, your heart beating wildly in your chest like a bird fluttering its wing to break free from its cage. You've always thought Changbin was all these things as well, but you never knew he held you with the same regard.
"Thank you," you beam at him, "for this and for coming to pick me up."
"Don’t mention it," he responds with a warm smile before sudden mischief dances in his eyes. "You know what? We should go on a date right now."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"A fake date," he clarifies and your heart chips a little more at your foolish hope. "So you'd see how well you deserve to be treated."
"You don't have to do that," you shake your head. 'You shouldn't do that', you wanted to add, 'it’s hard enough to forget about you'.
"I want to," he insists, his assurance evident in his smile. He leans in, reaching over to buckle your seatbelt, bringing his face mere inches from yours. His cologne envelops you, trapping you in a web carefully woven by him. It was unfair- for him to smell this nice and not be yours.
"You look pretty," he compliments, his penetrating gaze locked with yours as the seatbelt finally clicks into place.
"Is this how you start all your dates," you chuckle, in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
"No, I'm just saying the truth," he replies simply, starting the car and resting his hand on the back of your headrest.
"So, what are you craving?" he asks, and you sigh in defeat.
"Can we have fried chicken?" 
"Of course, we can," he replies with a smile, shifting the car into reverse and leaving the parking lot.
You hoped your time with Changbin would be horrible, you wished you’d feel bored or uncomfortable, just so it’d cement the idea that he wasn’t the one for you. But unsurprisingly, you had an amazing time. Your stomach ached from laughing so hard throughout the night, and there was a new found lightness in your steps as you walked around a picturesque garden.
You knew that you will revisit this night countless times, that you’d sift through every detail- every time your eyes met and every time you made him smile. That it’d keep you warm on cold nights when you’re all alone.
"Here," Changbin says, handing you a plucked rose. "You deserve a bouquet but I didn’t plan on this, I’m sorry," he smiles sheepishly and you giggle, taking it out of his hands.
"Thank you," you grin happily, before taking a step forward toward him. There, you tuck the rose behind his ear, smoothing down his hair in the process.
"I’m blushing, aren’t I?" he chuckles, bringing a hand to his flushed cheeks and you gleefully nod.
"You’re matching the rose," you point out and he shrugs happily. "Pink is my color."
You admired how Changbin didn’t shy away from his emotions, embracing them without reservation. It made you feel secure, in the sense where you’d never have to second guess his words and their truthfulness.
Changbin takes out his phone to play a soft melody, before putting it in his back pocket.
"Let's dance."
"Changbin..." you trail off. It feels bittersweet to get a taste of what you could have, of what you two could be. He'll move on, surely, going on real dates while you'd still be stuck on the way he makes you feel.
"It's part of the date package, come on." 
You sigh, before grabbing his hand in yours. They fit so naturally together, and you think you can easily commit the sensation to memory- the coldness of his palm and the callouses on his finger pads. With a few more holds, you're certain you could recognize his touch among a thousand others.
Changbin raises your free hand and places it on his shoulder, before holding your waist gently, swaying you from left to right.
Being with him felt like pressing on a blueish bruise, a pleasurable pain you would willingly endure to have him by your side. You're already in his arms, you told yourself. Maybe you should tune out the thoughts in your head berating you, and finally follow what your heart wants.
You suck in a deep breath, before tentatively leaning your head on his chest. He immediately brings his hand to your hair, smoothing it down gently. His chest is broad, serving as a shield for the delicate emotions flowing within him. Because Changbin is gentle with everything he does and everyone he meets. And you'd settle for this, for being his fake date if it meant experiencing his gentleness for the rest of your life.
"Can I tell you something?" you say after a while.
"I think this is the nicest date I've ever been on. I wish all of them were like this."
"They could be if you want to."
"What do you mean?"
"I've always liked you, yn. From the moment I’ve met you,” he confesses easily, and his words feel like the hands of an expert violinist, tugging at your vulnerable heartstrings.
He likes you, you aren't alone in this feeling, and for a second, raw happiness courses through you at this thought. But it's fleeting, like the sugar rush you'd get when you eat too much sweets. And so it naturally wears off, as the consequences of his words dawn on you.
"Changbin, we shouldn't," you shake your head vehemently and he frowns. "Why?"
"Because you're my brother's best friend." The excuse streams from your mouth instantly.
"But I'm still Changbin. Your Changbin if you'll have me," he adds softly.
"Han will find it weird, and if we don't work out then your friendship with him will become strained and-"
"Why are you thinking about everyone but yourself?" He interrupts. "Don’t you want this?" 
A few silent beats pass by, and Changbin doesn't stop swaying you around, his gentle place lulling your heart to calmness, clearing the foggy thoughts in your mind.
"I do," you finally admit, and a smile lightens up his face instantly. It's so bright that it makes you second-guess the words you're about to say. "But I don't want to risk our friendship too." 
"Love is a risk, I understand, I agree. But what's the alternative, yn? if it's not having you at all then I'd risk it," he drops your waist, his hands cradling your face tenderly. "You are worth the risk to me." 
You’ve stopped dancing, the music long forgotten by you. "You really think so?"
"I know so." 
"What if we things don't workout?"
"What if they do, hm? we can never really know until we try. And i want to try with you. Please, give us a chance?" he smiles at you, his vulnerability on full display. He's offering you his heart on a silver platter, not caring if you'll safely guard it or pierce it through, as long as it's yours.
You gaze into his warm brown eyes, before glancing at his tousled hair and the rose tucked behind his ear. And your fear doesn't matter anymore, not in the face of the man in front of you.
"You have amazing convincing skills. Have you ever considered being a diplomat?" you tease and his eyes widen slightly. "Is this a yes? are you saying yes?"
"I am," you giggle, an uncontrollable smile drawn on your lips. "And... I've always liked you too. I think Han might've suspected it because whenever I brought you up, he glared at me," you confess with a laugh, as Changbin presses a soft kiss on your wrist. Right where your pulse is. Beating wildly for him. 
"He’ll have to deal with it. Now tell me, is tomorrow at 6 pm good for you?"
"What for?" you giggle, as he waltzes you around once more, a cheeky smile adorning his face.
"Our first real date, of course.”
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voonroo · 4 months
Could I please request some platonic HCs for Sir Pentious and Angel Dust with a more reserved/naïve teen!reader sinner that’s relatively new to hell, somewhat overwhelmed by just all that chaos beyond the hotel, and ends up forming a paternal/sibling-like bond with them? Like they got the impression early on that Pentious/Angel either were fun to be around or maybe even helped them feel safe, and so they’ve kind of been hanging around them and coming to them for advice ever since? Thanks!
Cover Your Ears I'm About To Say Something You Don't Need To Hear!
⌐‣Angel & Pentious + Teen Reader REQ
Want more? Check out the masterlist↩︎
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Angel & Teen Reader
When he first saw you in the hotel not looking your hottest, he immediately felt a pang of pity.
News spread quickly in the hotel that you were new to hell. So he gave you some time before striking up a conversation.
You two hit it off without a hitch!
Angel often just calls you “kid” but it's in the most loving way possible.
He doesn't mind your reserved nature, easily talking enough for the both of you. So often, he’ll lead the conversation (a rant) and ask for your input every so often.
He tries his hardest not to spit dirty jokes in your presence, he doesn't really give two shits if you're naive, he's gonna try to keep you that way.
He wouldn't tell you what he does for a living and would probably try to avoid you after a rough shift to make absolutely sure that he doesn't pop off at you.
When you begin to come to (him!) for advice— oh that's when he takes the title of big brother.
He’d try his hardest to give you the best advice for anything you ask. If he can't think of something on the spot then expect a message with step-by-step advice at like 1 am.
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Pentious & Teen Reader
When he met you in the hotel and saw how young you were and how stressed you looked, tears could be seen in his eyes. (he's an empath I swear.)
He’d try to distract you from your own negative feelings frequently.
He calls you “my child” at first- even though you're a teenager… But soon it changes to him calling you your name like a normal person.
Another one who talks (rants) enough for the two of you. However, he’d be talking inventor and even if you don't know what he's talking about (you will soon) he will ask you your recommendations, thoughts, ideas, etcetera etcetera.
He loves trying to teach you how to build things. Whenever you're successful he claps his hands excitedly with the proudest smile on his face– and he's crying…
He grows attached very easily and will gladly take on the title of “father” The egg bois call you “the boss’s child”
Pentious won't allow any disrespect on your name even if it means he gets all the disrespect himself.
“You're naive? Oh don't worry I can be that too sssometimes—”
He knows he's so happy when you come to him for advice. He may not give the best advice but god damn it, with how he presents his answer to you with so much confidence- it might as well be.
“We ssshould nuke them!”
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Word Count: 443
Inbox is open!!
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vanya-evergreen · 1 month
How to remember.(Chapter 1)
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Relationship: BatFam x reader (platonic)
Summary: At the age of 11, you woke up in an other world without any guidance and all the money you once lacked. You were left with only your memeories and your other memories.
You tired to remember, their life, but it seemed like they didn't want you too. So when trying to navigate the intricate sides of an elite schoo, but you always got in trouble when it came to faces and names.
Cw: brief description of gore
No use of Y/n
Wc: 5k+
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A/n- Woo first post! Exciting but so nerve racking, honestly have never posted my fanfic before. So, sorry if its kinda rough, had no one to beta, bare with me please. The characters are probably OOC, since I only recently got back into DC after seeing the "do the butts match post?" from the ai voice reddit post on tik tok. But you what that's more fun anyways, right? anyway please enjoy a really really random idea
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Tick tick tick tick
The room was quiet, with only a few scribbles of pens or pencils to fill the void. You resided at your desk, hunched over, while resting your face on your hand. Your eyes lazily review the assignment in front of you for the 7th time. You had finished the assignments for the day, with each answer being correct that  left you with only your thoughts. Your eye twitched, turning your head slowly toward the window, while slowly moving your head from your hand to the desk. You went through your day just to try and remember, waking up, first 2 classes, all fine. Until, on your way to your current period, you ran into a younger student, probably a sophomore, maybe a junior. 
You cringed silently, you were just in your mind, really your memories from both this world and your original world. When you ran into a younger student, you both fell and could only manage a quick sorry before moving on. He was barely getting to his feet when you turned away, you were so stuck in your mind that you couldn’t even offer a proper apology, let alone your hand. You can't help but think back to the faint whisper you heard as you walked away. You made a mental note to find and properly apologize to him during lunch, if you could remember what he looked like, seeing as you only really saw his keychains on his backpack as they jingled when he got up.
Your head started throbbing as you thought too much, you shut your eyes tightly, wiping your mind clean, then opening them again .You stared out the window, trying not to think much, just trying to learn to just exist. Why is existing one of the hardest things to learn? You watch the clouds clash into each other slowly creating an ocean of a scale of whites and grays. You slowly let your mind blank, even just for a moment, it was nice. 
You could slowly feel your drifting off, almost like you were disconnecting from your physical body. Until the sound of mindless chatter started up in the back of the room, pencils still wrote, notably faster than before. This means the period was almost up, so that means lunch and trying to find that one guy. You sat up, collected the assignments from your desk, then got up and turned them in. You got back to your seat right as the bell rang. 
You picked up your stuff and got out of there as quickly as you could, just to round the corner to be surprised by an underclassman. He had green eyes that made very uncomfortable eye contact with yours. You almost immediately looked away from his very intense glare. You side eye him and see his bag. The keychains. 
“Shit” you let out under your breath as you released your present problem. Your eye drifted back to his face, he didn't look all that happy to see you. ‘definitely him’. “Hey man, listen…” you started. You felt genuinely bad about earlier, you could only imagine how big of an asshole it made you seem like.
“Who are you?” his tone was blunt, with a twinge of annoyance. 
Your mind stalled, that's not what you expected him to say. You thought he would threaten you or maybe pull the ‘do you know who i am card?’ or ‘I am going to ruin your life’. You felt the hostility he emulated, you felt uneasy. You furrowed your eyebrows, opening and closing your mouth a couple of times. The almost seemingly endless stream of words in your mind were stuck in your throat. “ ___ ___” you choked out with your last bit of brain cells.
“ Where are you from?” His voice shot straight through you. He gave you no time to collect your thoughts from the initial question. Your mind was scattered from how fast questions came at you. The unease in your stomach grew. 
“Uh, gotham, like everyone here.” Confusion clouded your already foggy mind , ‘what did this have to do with me running into him earlier?’ “ I am sorry about earlier by the way.” you added quickly with a sorrowful expression, the cloudiness didn’t consume your intention to apologize.
“Gotha, hm, how come I have never seen any event?” he ignored your apology. ‘Okay, that's rude.’ You tried to grasp at whatever you could to respond.
“What events?” was all you could get. You felt like you were going to faint from the speed of his questions. Why did he care so much about what you did, you were just a stranger to him. 
“Galas, business meetings…” he listed off different types of high end events, but you didn’t really listen after the first two. Your head was spinning, you had to try and collect the scattered pieces of your mind. 
You rushed your recovery, you went from being up in your head for the last 20 minutes to being pulled down, through the earth’s crust, into a cave being interrogated by someone you have never talked to before this. ‘Who the hell is this guy?’
“I am sorry, but who are you?” You interrupted him midway through his next question, ‘that was a great idea’. “Am I meant to know you or something?” Ah yes, your most infamous line. You put your hand on your forehead, trying to rationalize this interaction. His mouth was open, he looked almost offended by your question.
“you’re joking?” he exclaimed agitated, he creased his eyebrows. You had to get out of there.
“No.“ You turn your head to the side, throwing your hands up in the air while turning your upper body away.
“ Well okay then, have you ever heard of the Waynes?” You do remember hearing about Wayne enterprise last time you went to the doctors, like when you first woke up in this world, which was like, 6 years ago, maybe. That doesn’t really matter. You had heard of it.
 “The company?” you questioned. He groaned, if in relief or annoyance, that was beyond you. 
“Yes, but what have you heard about the Wayne family?” he looked you square in the eyes, you turned away slowly not really saying anything. You looked guilty. “Nothing?” you nodded assuring his previous statement. Still not meeting his eye, not wanting to deal with that memory for the rest of the day. “How?”
“I don’t read the gossip columns?” You suggested with an awkward shrug and chuckle. You only now realized that there was a wall of students formed around you and him. You definitely had to get out there now.
“What? What do you mean” he was really pissed now, but you didn't even hear half of what he was saying you were just trying to find the quickest way out of here. You looked around looking for an opening within the students. You noticed one right behind him so you had to be quick about it.
“Listen, I am so sorry about being early, I didn't mean to make you fall, really.” you seemed less sincere than before, you were trying to make sure that you didn't seem rushed. “I really didn’t and if it had been any other time I would have made sure that I had offered my hand but I just wasn’t entirely aware. I am sorry, again.” You had made your way around him away around him as you talked, you maintained eye contact with him until you were able to slip in between the students. “Please forgive me, and I am sorry I couldn't answer your question adequately.”
 “Wait-” you heard him shout as you speed walked away, trying to blend in with a group of students that were walking down the hallway. He, of course, saw you slip into the group and approached you. You had to think quickly, thankfully there was another group of students that was going the opposite way. You quickly slipped into another group, successfully avoiding him. You could only finally breathe when you made it to the dining hall without running into him again. 
You went into the lunch line, trying to just forget whatever the hell that was. You moved through the line slowly, grabbing whatever looked appetizing today. One of the many good things about going to a rich school was that the food was edible. You were grabbing the last bit of your lunch before you felt a cold air run up your spine, you said a silent prayer in hope that it wasn’t who you thought it was. You tried not to look, Maybe if you didn’t look he would leave. You remained calm and walked with your food to the table where you sat with your friends, making sure to make yourself as unnoticeable as possible. You were able to sit down and eat most of your lunch before you felt him approach your table, you could feel a cold sweat develop on your shoulders as you took your last couple of bites.
He gradually approached, carefully looking over everyone trying to figure where you were. Your friends were having a typical conversation, what they were doing that night or where they are going to college and what they are going to study. Until one of them saw him approach. “Is that Damian Wayne approaching us, right now?” that when you realized why he was having a hard time with you early, you couldn’t recognize him or his family, but your friends, who never cared for status and the tabloid’s talk recognized him, or Damian now that you had a name to the face. You straightened up when you heard this. 
Your friends looked at you strangely until they realized you were the one he was looking for, and you did not want to be found. They acted quickly. They, as naturally as possible, started to clean up. Throwing away trash, and putting away their food. They even helped you pack up, and as a group you slipped out of the dining hall into a hallway, then out into the courtyard. You would have to thank them later with some homemade baked goods. They really came to your rescue today.
You looked at your phone, 12:45. Lunch was almost over, never would have you thought that you would be grateful for that. ‘Only 5 more minutes’. Your relief was somewhat short lived as you had to now answer their question. “So, what happened?” one of them, Leah, asked flatly.
“Well you see…” You started not really wanting to talk. You looked around trying to procrastinate this conversation.
“Stop putting this off” Another one, Warren, jabbed you in your side with a pencil causing you to flinch.
“Fine…” you sighed feeling defeated, ” So, today I may have, made him fall, but I also fell.” you signed as you talked. you looked down and then back up at Wynn hoping for their pity only to be met with a vaguely threatening look to continue. “And after 3rd period he was waiting for me in the hallway and he asked who I was. I told him my name and then asked who he was because he was asking me a lot of questions.”You smiled with fear behind your eyes. They looked at you mouth agape, no one could be as out of tune with the news as you are.
‘What the hell? Did you even apologize??’ Wynn signed, they were not happy with you.
“ The fuck you mean you didn’t know him?” Leah exclaimed, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you very violently, making you feel sick. You knew you fucked up bad when Warren did have anything to say. 
“Wynn, I did apologize!! Like 3 times too, and I am sorry I am too busy thinking of other things!” You continued to sign as you talked, trying to defend yourself. Warren and Leah were lecturing you about how stupid your actions were and Wynn was just shaking their head. You started to tune them out when you saw the door open and of course Damian came outside. You quickly got up and picked up your stuff.
“We need to finish our-” he started before being interrupted by the bell ring. Much to your luck.
“Hey, well see you guys later, I need to get to class” you waved goodbye to your friend and signed ‘please don't kill me’ to Wynn, before you ran past Damian to your 4th class, They all exchanged looks with each other before you friends quickly walked away to their own classes. You made it to your 4th period without much trouble, besides a few stares the class went perfectly, boring but fine. The next 2 classes were a mix and repeat of your 4th period, only with increasing whispers every time you walked in a class.
 It was finally your 8th class, study hall, you were able to get to your normal spot without much trouble. You were even able to put in your headphones and start working on a rough draft to a machine that you were designing. You sat most of the day up until this point, so your arms always felt stiff. So you stretched your arms, only to hit something. Quickly retracting your arms back to your side, you turned around. ‘FUUUUUU-’ It was Damian. “Heyyyy.” you slowly turned back to your computer in front of you, taking off your headphones.
“Are you gonna avoid me again?” He was looming over you, you could feel the burning on top of your head from the way he glared at you. You shut your laptop and braced yourself for all the questions he was going to ask. 
“No.” You shook your head, he sat down across from you. You looked anywhere but at him.
“The events, why have I never seen you?” He went straight to it.
“I don't think I am famous enough to go.” You shrugged, he raised an eyebrow at you suggesting that you were lying. You were ticked off by this. “ Listen, If I have gotten an invite, I have never seen it.” You folded your arms. 
“ How did you get into this school?” You didn't really have a clear answer to this one, “I have heard about how you could never recognize people who are from well known families in Gotham, and some that were even famous by themselves.”
“A trust fund.” That was your typical go to answer, but in all honesty you didn't know. While you had some memories, a very limited amount, of this body's life, they were almost all blurry. None of them were really clear, but you could feel what they, the other you, were feeling. You could make really rough assumptions. Like you knew you had a mother (or a female figure) that you loved, and somewhere along the way she got remarried and you had step-parent up until she died. You could feel the way the memories would cause a physical reaction so you tried not to think about it too much. “And I just have never really had the mental space to pay attention to that, plus faces and names aren’t my thing.”
He wasn’t satisfied with your answers “So what? You just don't know anything about the world?”
“No, of course I pay attention to the crimes in Gotham, and the people that handle them.” This wasn’t a lie, you did pay attention to that, you even knew their names, a big honor to have, in your mind at least. You were a huge fan of them, even before- you know. 
“Hm.” He slouched as he contemplated your answers, while resting his hands intertwined together maintaining eye contact with you. There was silence between you two, it was too long. You restlessly tapped your fingers on the table while resting your head on the other hand, watching him. Waiting for whatever comes next of his seeming never ended questions, but he seemed to be stumped.
“Is that it?” You broke the silence “You have everything you need to know. Right?” You straighten your back, now sitting up right. He only continued to stare. Internally you rolled your eyes before you put one of your headphones on. 
You opened your laptop, quickly glancing over the blueprint for the machine. You were getting bored of this. you looked blankly at your computer screen. ‘I wonder what I can find about Damian's family.’  What a dangerous thought to have. You, with a renewed vigor, quickly opened a new search window and started simple. ‘Wayne family’ you were overwhelmed with the number of results. 2 billion. 2 billion. You understood why Damian was so shocked now. That was just for the family too; you count the profiles, 9. 
First, you clicked on ‘Thomas Wayne’, you were somewhat familiar with the name. You read about the tragedy of how he died, you knew this story, you watched a true crime video on it a couple of years back. You felt it was only appropriate to make your way down the family tree so you clicked on ‘Bruce Wayne’. Of course you could assume he was Damian's father. There were links to articles about some scandal of his or how his business was doing. You read a bit further only to find out that the man adopted a lot. Like, you had wondered how he had 6 children but guess that was your answer. You were about to click on Damian's profile only to stop.
“What exactly are you doing?” So he didn’t lose his vocal cords. You snapped out of your trance by his voice.you realized how funky what you just did was.You felt a bit like a creep now, searching up his family in front of him was not the best idea.
You coughed clearing your throat “Why do you care?” You tried to keep an even voice. 
“You were staring so intently at your computer that it almost looked like you were planning something.” He leaned back with his arms folded. 
“Well,” You closed your search tab later, planning on continuing to research (basically stalk) them later. “I am working on a machine.” You ignored the underlying implication that you were possibly evil. You pulled up the blue prints and math for the machine and turned it around to show him. 
“What does it do?” His glare intensified.
“It’s meant to be a multi-dimensional portal, of sorts.” This was the truth. “It's more of a concept than anything.” This was a lie. “I have to make this for my engineering class, we have an assignment where we make up a theoretical invention and try to come up with a way to make them real” Another truth.
“Interesting,” he became more vigilant, yet interested because of  your words. “And have you figured it out?” 
“No, and if I did it probably wouldn’t work,” much to your dismay. “This assignment is more about how well we can explain our logic than the actual realism of it.”
“Oh,” You couldn’t tell if he was more relieved or disappointed. “Well you must enjoy the class if you are putting this much work into it.”
“Yep ,” you said through slightly gritted teeth. You didn’t mind the class, in fact you would’ve loved it, if you were still in your original word. “I guess.” You smiled tightly, turning your laptop back around. “So what about you? Do you have a favorite class?” Your smile shifted from tight and sharp to curved and soft, this was classic. You did this when you were trying to shift the attention away from something you didn’t want to discuss. You could almost see him relax, ever so slightly, but still he’s coming around. Maybe.
“Art” his arms were still folded, but his eyes didn’t seem so analytical or hostile. While it wasn’t a lot it was better than what you had gotten out of him from most of the conversation. 
“Really, would you be willing to show me some of your pieces?” you asked ever so politely. 
“Why would I show you?” And there is the defensiveness.
“Because I showed you my blueprints.” your smile faltered for a moment only to return within a second, you looked back to your laptop.
“Right,” his arms were more loosely folded. “Still I don't have too.” his arms tighten back up again.
“That is true,” you nodded in agreement, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing them, but that's your choice.”  You weren’t going to force him to do anything, it wasn’t your job. He was quiet. You peered over your laptop to see what was going on. He looked at you, eyes wide, arms barely folded. He looked like a cat after finding something interesting. “What?”
“Nothing.” He returned to his vigilante mood. You shrugged it off and continued to work on your draft. He continued to observe you, you continued to work. You both stayed this way for a while’ it was like you were in a mental battle with him, a really one-sided one. You didn’t really have any intention of resuming the conversation. 
The silence was very welcomed. It allowed you to get your work done, you would’ve been done in 30 minutes if he didn’t show up. The silence was interrupted but the sound of a zipper opening. You didn’t look up from your laptop; slowly a sketch book came into your peripheral. You glanced at it, with a bit of hesitation you reached for it. Closing and sliding your laptop to the side, replacing it with the sketch book. you opened the cover and started going through the sketch book carefully. While had only shifted the conversation to get the heat off of you, you were nicely surprised with his talent.
The sketches in the beginning were good, in quality. They were all of different gorey situations, from a man having his head torn apart, to a woman with her skin falling off, it said something about his childhood, but that was his therapist's job to decide what this said. The theme changed after a few more pages of graphics images, which had become much less violent. There were first a few of just some plants, they were nice but not as nice as the first bug you saw, you could deduct that he had real references to base them off of. You flipped through the page, seeing pages full of multiple individual sketches, to pages of only one, fully detailed, landscapes. WIth some gore but it was far fewer than before . 
You could see his improvement. They were good to begin with but they were too focused on the bigger image, they were missing something. You felt like he figured whatever he was missing, this was shown in the recurring dog, Titus, or that's what he labeled the drawing. You flipped  through a few more pages, mostly animals and plants, until you saw the first human sketch that wasn’t a subject of a horrific act. You had seen the face only 20 minutes prior, it was Bruce Wayne, but he wasn’t wearing his playboy smile, he wasn’t even smiling. It was only a headshot but you could tell he wasn’t present in his mind. He was wearing a thoughtful look, a distant look. 
You looked over the page more carefully now, there was still an overall theme of live studies of plants and animals, with some small landscapes, but there was new addition with people now, they were all labeled with their names, you roughly could recalled some of them from early search on his family, they were greatly detail, they all seem to show some sort of part of their personality, their real personalities. Not the public image they upheld but who they really were. You felt like you shouldn’t be looking at this, but you think he would’ve stopped you if he didnt want you seeing this. You turned more pages, he had improved a lot, he had not only found what he was missing, but more. Every drawing and sketch, you left no drawing unseen.
You stopped at one page, it was a full page dedicated to a  family portrait, or a sketch of one. The portrait was the formal ones you were used to. They were casual clothes, no one was looking straight forward. No poses, no one sitting, nor was their hair combed neatly. It looked like just a family out and about. They all seemed so close, it seemed to be more of a wish than a reality but you were not close to him so maybe it was his reality. You looked over the page a final time before turning to the page. The rest of the sketchbook was architecture and landscapes with sprinkles of animals that you assumed were his pets. The talent he had was special, you would honestly tell him that he should pursue art, even if just on the side.
You slid it to Damian. “You have some real talent.” You expressed with a calm tone.
“I know.” He stated as if it was a known fact.  You choked on the air in your throat trying to hold back your laughter. He held a blank expression, he wasn’t cocky, if he was he would be smiling. 
“I am glad that you see it,” You look at your phone, 5 minutes before school ends, “I always get annoyed when people try to deflect praise.” You closed your laptop and put it into your bag. “I think it's a waste of time, it's just an attempt to seem humble”  you secured your bag to your back, “but that’s kinda hypocritical of me to say, don't you think?” The bell rings.
“Yes it is.” he agrees, nodding his head.
“By the way, what class did you skip to talk to me?” There was no way he had study hall this period.
“Well,” he paused. He just stood there not really wanting to answer you, you chuckled. He wasn’t happy that you laughed at him.
“Alright, good to know. Anyways, have a good day.” You walk away, still chuckling. before leaving through the door, you turned back, looking at him “Feel free to show me more art if you ever choose to.” You gave him a wide grin as you span around on your heel and continued to walk away with the typical bounce in your step. You didn't see his reaction, but it didn’t matter. You were able to get away from him without him asking you anymore questions you wouldn’t have been able to answer. 
The hallway was crowded, a sea of students were either trying to head home or back to their dorms. You got through it quickly as you had taken to the window method, where if you see an opening in between students, you take it. Something seemed off today, well more off than normal.  You didn’t pay attention to that. You made it to the front of the school and found your driver waiting for you, you waved and smiled before getting in and heading home.
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Damian wasn’t sure how to feel about this, or he couldn’t pinpoint how he felt. You were so nice but he was suspicious of you. I mean, wouldn’t you be too? You were rich enough to go to Gotham academy. Which was known for being a school for the elite, yet he couldn’t connect you to any of the elite families. You also didn’t know any other elite family, especially the Wayne's. A founding family of Gotham, and always had something going around on the news. It's like you just dropped on to the face of the earth randomly when you were 11. 
He had already pulled your file from both cityhall and the school. Your school record was almost squeaky clean, only one instant of a fight that was deemed not your fault and bullying targeted towards you. Your city record only showed that you were an orphan with no listed legal guardian and that you have lived in the same penthouse for almost 7 years, near old Gotham. “No named father and mother is dead” he read his notes out loud. “What the fu-”
“Master Damian.” Alfred was standing in the doorway with a steamed suit for this weekend's gala. “Excuse the intrusion, I just came to put your formal suit away and say that Master Bruce is ready for patrol.”
“Thank you Alfred,” Damian gathered the pages, straightened them, and put everything into a file. He placed it to the side for later.
“Also,” Alfred continued to speak as he hung Damians suit in his closet. “I got a call from the school” Damian stopped and looked at him. Damian’s eyes followed Alfred as he walked towards the door. “Master bruce doesn’t know, yet, but I wouldn't recommend doing that again” Alfred warned him as he shut the door. Damian was glad Alfred would keep his secret, even if just for this once.
Damian heads down to the Batcave. He was still annoyed, he hated how easily he could let his guard falter so easily around you. You were too nice to a practical stranger. He thought, no, he knew that there was something up with you. There is no one still this decent in Gotham, not in the city where they needed a rich family to handle their criminal problem, or where there seems to be a S-level threat every couple of months. You simply could not exist in a city like this.
He passed many large frames with paintings, he never really paid attention to them, like he would be now. There were points where there were smaller frames with photos and he looked over at just the right time to see a very familiar face. He stared for a moment before continuing to walk but much faster now. After he was suited up, he met his father as he was sitting at the computer.
“Damian.” Bruce greeted him, still reading over files pulled up on the screen. Damian to a quick read over the files, it was a missing boy’s case. Probably kidnapped and being held for ransom or maybe because her parents did know something they shouldn’t.
“Father.” Damian replied. He eyed his father, he wanted to ask straight up but he knew his father would easily hide his reaction if he did so directly. So he waited for the question he typically hated disliked answering.
“How was school today?” Bruce was never the most attentive father but he tried, this was one of his few ways of trying to stay in tune with his children's lives. Damian would always say mostly the same thing ‘unchallenging’ or something along those lines. But tonight was different.
“Fine, but I met this person today,” Damian said.
“Oh really” Bruce raised an eyebrow and turned his chair around to face him, Damian has never mentioned meeting someone before. “Who are they?”
“___ ___, they are a senior.” Bruce tensed for a second at the mention of your name. That was all Damian needed to see from him. Bruce, of course, regained his composure within milliseconds.
“Hm, good to hear” Bruce almost mumbled. “I hope they are nice.” He turned back to the computer. Damian was a bit smug about getting that reaction from his father, what a long night it was going to be for Bruce.
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demonpiratehuntress · 7 months
the best gift is you
OPLA!Zoro x F!Reader
Summary - You're having an incredibly difficult time finding an appropriate birthday present for Zoro.
Warnings - none, i think? I just wrote this right after hosting a soccer festival for an orphanage at my club, so I'm pretty much dead but wanted to get something out for my favourite Straw Hat's birthday <3 please excuse any errors, and happy birthday Zoro <3 <3 <3
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"Usopp! Come with me."
You were just dragging the confused and slightly startled sharpshooter - because why did you want him to go shopping with you? - across the deck when you heard your boyfriend call out to you.
"Where are you going?"
You froze, having not expected him to be up from his nap so soon, "Um, grocery shopping?"
He frowned, "I can go with you."
"No!" You said quickly, then backtracked when you noticed how he became even more confused - and slightly hurt. "I mean, sorry babe but I really need Usopp's help with this specific trip."
This only confused the swordsman more, but before he could argue you were pulling the blabbering, protesting Usopp off the ship and into the small town. You could explain later, and make it up with the present, because you wanted this to be a surprise.
Zoro was left more puzzled than ever, wondering why you didn't even want him to go with for protection. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, so he guessed you must have your reasons. Then it hit him.
"You two fighting or something?" Sanji asked from above.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Was Zoro's snarky response, coupled with an annoyed eyeroll. Sanji scoffed, but even he knew better than to further antagonise the already upset swordsman.
A few hours later...
"Ugh! Why is this so hard?!"
Your frustrated protest alarmed your crewmate, who had been eyeing a pair of sniper goggles at a nearby stand. You were practically pulling your hair out, on the verge of hot, angry tears, and your bottom lip was trembling.
"I can't go back without one!"
"You still haven't told me exactly what we're looking for," Usopp reminded you.
"Something Zoro would like," you sighed, "Or need. But there's nothing here. And it's almost dark out."
"Can't you just find something at the next island?"
"No! It has to be today, it has to..." You trailed off, biting your lip and trying your hardest to hold back tears.
"I...Because it has to."
You'd spent the last few hours scouring every shop on this island, but you had no idea what to get your boyfriend. He already had everything he needed, and there was nothing he wanted to your knowledge, so he was pretty difficult to shop for. He wasn't a typical boyfriend, that much you knew, so matching chains or charms wouldn't be appropriate. It was bugging you so much that you wanted to cry.
"Let's get back to the ship."
You took off before Usopp could question you, so he just followed without a word. Your behaviour baffled him, and slightly worried him, but he wasn't going to press any more if you didn't want to tell him. When you both got back to the ship, the green-haired swordsman was anxiously pacing the deck - the first time Usopp had seen him this nervous. The first time any of them - minus you - had seen him this nervous. But when you boarded, he breathed a sigh of relief.
His relief quickly morphed into concern when he noticed your eyes glistening with tears, and within seconds he was in front of you, hands gripping your forearms gently.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry," you choked out, the tears free-falling. "I couldn't find anything. I looked everywhere. I looked so hard. I don't know...I didn't...I'm sorry..." You tried to wipe your tears away, but he beat you to it.
Usopp was long gone, not sticking around to see yours and Zoro's inevitable affection - the rest of the crew seemed allergic to your displays. So Zoro pulled you close, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. He reached up with one hand to brush the tears falling away, his expression softening.
"Hey," he spoke softly, "Look at me." He continued only once you met his gaze, "I don't need anything. I don't want anything. You are enough, okay? More than enough, actually. You don't need to get me anything, because you've already given me the greatest gift in the world. You." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds.
A soft blush crossed your cheeks, the disappointment in you slowly deflating until it was nothing more than an afterthought. You sniffled as you smiled up at him, your body filling with warmth at his words - and at the look of absolute love and adoration he was blessing you with right now.
"I love you. You are all that I want, and all that I need. Don't ever apologise for something as silly as a birthday gift."
Before you could protest, his lips were on yours and he was locking you in the most loving, passionate kiss he had ever given you. He was trying to convey his message through the kiss, proving that you were all he craved. Proving that you were his favourite gift of all.
"I love you too," you smiled even more when he pulled away to let you breathe - ironically you were breathless.
"Good, now can we please go and sleep?"
You laughed, allowing him to pick you up and carry you off to bed.
"Whatever the birthday boy wants."
"Whatever I want, huh?"
"I thought you wanted to sleep!"
"...Changed my mind."
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
I think I wanna marry you
Pairing: Rhysand x reader 
Plot: Though they had a mating ceremony, Rhysand plans to propose to his lovely mate with the the help from the inner circle.
A/n This is based off of this request. It’s a fun little Rhysand story to make up for all the angst I've been posting lately.
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Rhysand always presented himself as a cool, laid-back male, and he was, but that demeanor disappears whenever you’re around him. He frequently thanked the Cauldron that he was gifted you as his mate. Your fun and carefree personality balanced him perfectly, and he knew he would be lost if you weren’t in his life.
One thing he only regretted in his life was the fact that he didn’t give you a big mating ceremony.
Knowing they would be at war with Hybern, Rhysand suggested you have a small mating ceremony with just the two of you and a Priestess.
After the war though, he couldn’t help but feel guilty that you didn’t get the celebration you deserved. He knew you’ve always dreamed of having a big mating ceremony with all your friends, and he felt like he robbed you of that experience. 
That’s when he had the idea to propose to you. He knew it was crazy for him to do that, especially knowing you’d already committed to be by his side. Still, he wanted you to have the celebration you deserved. The only problem was that he was nervous about asking you to marry him.
Mor had to smack some sense into him when he confessed he was scared you wouldn’t agree to marry him. “First of all, you two already had a mating ceremony. A ceremony I’m still bitter you didn’t invite me to. Do you seriously think she’ll say no?” Mor complained to her cousin. Mor never let Rhysand forget how much it hurt her and the rest of the inner circle that they didn’t attend your mating ceremony: “Of course, she’s going to want a wedding ceremony as well. If you need any help with anything, let us know. You know we’d be more than happy to help.”
Rhysand knew she was right and decided to take her up on helping him propose.
He was glad he did because she also managed to rope the rest of their friend to help him propose. Feyre, Nesta, and Elain helped by doing your hair and makeup and getting you ready for what they said was a girl's night. Amren took it upon herself to confirm their dinner reservations at your favorite restaurant, and Mor, Cassian, and Azriel were setting up the post-dinner celebration at Rita’s.
While all of them were working hard to get everything perfect for your surprise, Rhysand was locked in his office trying to write the speech he was going to recite to you before proposing. It took a while, but he was proud of the thoughts he came up with.
Once Amren let Rhysand know everything was set up at the restaurant, he decided to head over and wait. Amren, Cassian, Azriel, and Mor soon joined Rhysand and were pestering him about what he had planned to say to you when you finally arrived. He was about to scold them for annoying him when he noticed you were walking towards the table.
He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he took in your surprised expression. “You set this all up for me?” you asked and rushed over to your mate. Rhysand simply nodded at you: “Best.Mate.Ever,” you kissed Rhysand after every word.
You spent the next hour eating, drinking, and enjoying each other's company. Once it was time for dessert, you asked to see the menu so you could choose what you wanted: “Actually, my love, I have something you might want more than what is on this menu,” Rhysand took the menu from your hands and passed it off to Mor.
You stared at Rhysand, confused, before asking: “Are you sure? You know how much I love their desserts.”
Everyone tried their hardest not to laugh at your comment. “Trust me, my love, you will love this.”
Rhysand was about to recite the words he had carefully thought of for the past hour, but they disappeared the second you looked him in the eyes. “I-I,” Rhysand stammered. Are you ok, my love? Rhysand heard you speak to him through the bond: “Yes, I am.”
Taking a sharp breath, Rhysand stood from his chair before kneeling down in front of you: “My darling y/n. You know how much I love you, how much I adore spending every waking moment by your side.” You nodded as you listened to your mate: “I know this is silly, seeing as we already had a mating ceremony, but I love you so much that-” 
You stiffened as you watched Rhysand reach into his coat pocket and pull out a small box: “My beautiful y/n, will you marry me?” Your heart was racing when Rhysand opened the box and revealed a gorgeous ring with the biggest and shiniest diamond you’ve ever seen.
“Yes ! ! !” you exclaimed and tackled Rhysand to the ground out of excitement. You earned gasps from not only your friends but also from others in the restaurant.
Rhysand just chuckled at your reaction before he slipped the ring onto your finger and helped you up. “I’M ENGAGED ! ! !” you flashed your ring to everyone in the restaurant and earned some cheers from them.
“I have another surprise for you,” Rhysand whispered into your ear: “Do you want to go see what it is, or do you still want dessert?”
You furiously shook your head no: “Take me to my other surprise.”
After paying for your dinner, Rhysand took you and your friends to Rita’s: “I paid to rent out Rita’s so we could celebrate our engagement in peace,” Rhysand explained when you realized you were the only ones in the building.
You turned and planted a passionate kiss on your mate's lips before you headed straight to the bar. 
Rhysand had a permanent smile the entire night as he watched you drink, dance, and sing with your friends. “You’re fortunate to have someone like her in your life,” Azriel commented to Rhysand as they watched you and Cassian singing karaoke.
“I know I am,” Rhysand replies: “Gods, I know I am.”
Just as Azriel was about to ask something else, the brothers heard your voice and got their attention: “Rhys, come sing with me ! ! !” you shouted.
Rhysand patted Azriel’s shoulder before joining you on stage and decided to sing a love song in front of your friends.
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pennylanefics · 11 days
Farmer's Market - Quinn Hughes
a/n: trying my hardest to find motivation for these so i can keep getting them out :) i'm still 10 days behind but it doesn't entirely matter. anyways. enjoy as always! <3
sumarry: you and quinn tape a trip to your local farmer's market and he buys you a special present when you are distracted
word count: ~1.4k
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Every Saturday in your little Vancouver town, there’s a farmer’s market that’s filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, homemade goods like jams, chocolates and baked goods, and even handmade items, ranging from jewelry to shirts, and even decorations.
When you first moved here, Quinn wasn’t too keen on the idea, mainly because he liked to go on a run Saturday mornings and then clean things around the house. But the third week that you had been living there, he agreed to move his routine around and went with you.
Since then, he’s made it a habit of going for a run early in the morning before you are even awake, coming back to shower, get ready with you, and head into town for the market. There are some days where the weather is bad so you are unable to go, but weather permitting, you try to make it every week, just to have some fresh fruit in the house.
Quinn also loves picking out a new dessert to snack on for the week, talking with the people that make his favorite goods about how it was, if he disliked anything about it, and what he was wanting to try this week.
Your favorite item from them was slices of banana bread that they make fresh every Friday, with pieces of walnut mixed into the soft, cake-like structure; that was one thing you made sure to get every week.
As you and Quinn drive into town, it was a cloudy spring day, and both of you were dressed appropriately, in cozy sweaters, yours you actually bought locally made from the market by a vendor who no longer has a stall there due to family emergencies.
Quinn finds a parking spot and you walk around the front of the car to grab his hand, resting your head on his shoulder as you walk to where the stalls are located. You go right to the fruit section, parting ways with your boyfriend to pick out your favorite fruits independently.
He has his reusable tote bag and after paying for everything altogether, he puts the fruit in the bag and guides you over to the vegetables.
“I found this recipe for sautéed green beans and steak that I want to try this week,” he says, walking past a large lot of string beans, pausing to look at the price. He picks out a good handful and sets them in the basket provided. You pick out some cucumbers and broccoli as well, ringing out with that vendor shortly after. 
After getting the rest of your usual things, including a new dessert for Quinn, a peach cobbler that they made specially for him, you stroll around, looking at the new stalls and scanning over the handmade items they have.
Quinn spots a new jewelry stand and smiles to himself, suddenly getting an idea
“Hey, weren’t you mentioning how you needed a new bag?” He asks you, pointing in the opposite direction at the stall he was needing to look at. “It looks like they have some new stuff.” You cheer quietly and run off to the booth that has tote bags with different sayings and designs on them.
Quinn waits until you are far enough away to walk to the jewelry stall, looking down at all the silver and gold gemstone rings.
“Wow,” he whispers to himself, picking up a pink sapphire ring.
“All are handmade sterling silver or gold-filled, stones are ethically sourced, and these,” the guy gestures to a different section, “are sea glass I collected from different parts of the world.”
“They’re beautiful, oh my gosh,” Quinn compliments, looking over everything. He glances over his shoulder to make sure you were still distracted. “I’m looking for a ring for my girlfriend as an anniversary present. She loves gems and I think she’d love one of these.”
“Do you have an idea of what color she’d like?”
“I’m not sure…” his voice tapers off, running his fingers over different shades of blue and pink stones, to clear quartz and finally, he lands on a peridot ring, a simple band with a smooth bezel and a hammered band. It was slightly rustic but still quite elegant. “This one.”
The guy looks down at it and smiles.
“That’s peridot.”
“I remember her saying she wanted a green ring because it matches my eyes,” Quinn blushes as he thinks back your words. “It’s perfect.”
“Great! That’ll be…” the guy looks up the price of the ring on a sheet of laminated paper, “Forty-five dollars.”
Quinn sticks out the exact amount of cash to the guy, who carefully sets the ring in a small ring box, handing it off to the brunette.
“I hope she enjoys it,” the guy grins as Quinn drops the box into his bag.
“Thanks so much, I’ll let you know.” 
Quinn walks over to you, still standing at the designed tote bags that you have a large collection of at this point, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Find something you like?” He asks, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“I did.” You show him the bag that you spent some time picking out, a simple design on it with some saying about reading. “We can share it.”
He laughs, taking it in his hands to get a better look at it.
“Nice choice. Think we’re done for the day?” He wonders, glancing around at the rather quiet market space. Suddenly, you feel a drop of rain on your forehead, both you and Quinn looking up to the sky and then to each other.
“I guess so,” you giggle, grabbing his hand and heading for his car. The rain picks up rather quickly, but luckily, you shut the doors and are sheltered just as it starts to pour down rain. Quinn looks over at you and laughs loudly, running his hands through his hair.
“Looks like got lucky,” he says, starting the car and putting it in reverse to back out of his spot.
“I didn’t think it was supposed to rain,” you say, staring out the window as he drives back home.
“I thought they said in the afternoon, so it must have changed.”
As soon as you get home, Quinn takes the liberty of stocking the fruits in veggies in the places that you keep them, taking the small black box and putting it in his pocket. He wanted to wait to give it to you, but he was so excited and he knew it was going to be difficult to sit on it.
You step into the kitchen just as he shuts the fridge, walking over to give him a hug. His arms circle around your shoulders, holding you close to him.
“I bought you something today,” he whispers against your forehead. Raising your head, you narrow your eyes at him.
“You were with me the whole time…?” Your voice tapers off into a question, confusion crossing your face. 
“Not when you went to go look at tote bags. I got this for you.” He pulls the ring box from his pocket and hands it to you, allowing you to open it up. Your eyebrows furrow together when he places it on your hands, but as you open it, a gasp escapes you and your hand flies up to your face.
“Wh…” you are rendered speechless as you stare at the gorgeous ring in front of you.
“I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary, but I really couldn’t wait, I wanted you to have it,” he says, stepping closer to you and setting his hands on your waist.
“It’s beautiful, Quinn. Where did you even find it?”
“There was a new jewelry stall and I had to distract you, which is why i sent you over to pick out a bag,” he chuckles nervously, his fingertips fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“I love it, holy shit.” He laughs and you slide the ring onto a finger to try and gauge the size, and surprisingly, it fit your ring finger perfectly. Quinn smiles, relief washing over him when he sees that it fits at least one finger, and brings your hand up to his face.
“It looks perfect on you,” he whispers, kissing your knuckles just below the ring, gazing lovingly at you.
“It reminds me of your eyes,” you say, staring down at it, admiring the way it sparkles ever so slightly in the light. Quinn’s cheeks heat up and he looks down at the floor.
“That’s, uh, that’s why I picked it out. I knew you would think that.” Your hands cup your lover’s cheeks and you kiss him sweetly, his hands tightening around your waist.
“You know me so well, darling.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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abibliophobiaa · 7 months
Idea for ya: Reader and Eddie are in a competition to see if Elena's first word will be "mama" or "dada," with no success thus far. Uncle Steve comes over and picks her up, only to be greeted with an ecstatic: "TEEB!"
Elena's first word is Steve.
xoxo @munson-blurbs
a blurb from the daylight world.
dad!eddie munson x mom!reader.
It started around the time Elena began trying to form words. Granted, they were never full ones. Just the rounding of vowels, the formation of letters, all of which she seemed entirely enthused with.
And because of it, Eddie had started a sort of competition. Your ever competitive (now) husband thought you’d make a game of what Elena’s first would be. Which led to countless dinners spent with her little feet kicking in her high chair as you both took turns cooing, “Say Mama” and “Say Dada,” in voices that seemed out of place on your thoroughly tattooed rockstar.
But for her — for her he was always unabashed, ever doting, in love beyond words would ever come close to explaining. Those first months of tour, when you’d been unable to join him, he made true to his promise to call nearly every day. Trying his hardest to never go a night without telling you he loved you, nor a day without talking to his baby girl before she laid her head down to rest at night.
Tonight, however, happened to be one of those nights. Chrissy and Steve would be arriving soon, their newest baby girl, Brie, and Melody along with them. And given that your table would be expanded to fit from seating three to seven in mere moments, Eddie worked overtime.
He presently had his fingers curled around a waving fist, his lips smacking loudly into his giggly baby’s cheek as he repeated, “Dada” over and over again into a wrinkly neck. Repetition was his game, but you were relentless too. Distracted her with her dinner, which earned a pouted argument from Eddie, as you then reminded her “Mama” was the one who fed her from quite literally your own body for the first months of her short life, and still continued to do so now even as she’d moved onto more solid foods. And if you’d thrown strawberries onto her plate in a form of bribery she wouldn’t even understand, which you knew were her favorite, then so be it.
“She was close to saying it,” Eddie argued, watching Elena struggle a bit to force a piece of macaroni into her mouth, orange already mushing against her cheek.
“Technically the doctor says she’ll talk when she talks,” you told him, moving over to the kitchen to throw some final ingredients into the salad bowl you'd started. “And then she won’t stop after that. But I know how much it means to you, what with you being away so much.”
“I just don’t want to miss anything,” he exhaled, fingers running through his curly mane, “She'll be walking soon too.”
“I know, baby.” He leaned into your hip as you slid up to his side, fingers rubbing against his shoulder. “I know it weighs on you, but everyone always says how happy of a baby Elena is. A lot of that is thanks to her dad, you know?”
The edges of his smile spread across the palm that came up to stroke along his cheek, his fingers reaching up to tangle with your free hand. “I love you, Mrs. Munson.”
“Still with the Mrs. Munson, huh?” you teased, dropping a kiss to the top of his head, slinking back to the countertop.
“Until I get over the shock of calling you my wife, yeah,” he said, a pair of arms looping around your waist from behind, your body shuddering as lips pressed to the curve of your neck. “Which, by my estimation, will be till death do us part, and all of that romantic hub-bub.”
“You are a flirt, Eddie Munson.”
“I do what I can,” he chuckled, dropping another kiss to your temple, fingers edging along the hem of your jeans to dance along delicate skin, just as the doorbell rang out. “I got it.”
Said husband disappeared down the hall in a flash, voices filtering through the front door as you lifted Elena from her high chair, using her bib to wipe her dinner from her messy cheeks. The baby on your hip immediately bounced in attention as Chrissy called her name into the living room, Brie’s carrier clutched in one hand, with Melody rushing in ahead.
And then, the room fell into silence as Elena shrieked out, “TEEB.”
Oh no.
Your eyes darted to Eddie.
Then to Chrissy.
Lastly, to Steve, who only chuckled awkwardly, a hand curled around the back of his neck.
Eddie’s face reddened. “Oh, you’ve got to be f —”
Steve clapped a hand over Eddie’s mouth.
“Can’t believe Steve was her first word,” Eddie grumbled, head resting against your stomach, fingers curled around your hip.
“Technically it was ‘Teeb,’” you teased, laughter making Eddie’s head shake.
“Not helping.”
“How do you think I feel? I grew her in my body and pushed her out of it a few months later. I have the stretch marks to prove it.”
“Maybe we can start charging her rent,” Eddie murmured, squeezing your hip tighter. “Start charging her now, so when she’s older she can’t leave the house until she pays it off.”
“Fine, fine,” he groaned, rubbing a hand down his face. “I hope Harrington realizes I’m going to make sure Brie’s first word is Eddie. Only fair.”
Your reply was another laugh.
True to his word, that next weekend when you gathered around Steve’s living room, Eddie perched in front of baby Brie, repeating Eddie over and over again (careless to the fact she was quite literally a few weeks old).
“What is he doing?” Steve asked, appearing at your side in the kitchen, peering out at the sight together.
“He’s playing the long game of revenge,” you giggled, nose wrinkling humorously as Steve tipped his head to the side.
“I see,” Steve said in understanding, snorting.
Elena didn’t learn any new words that week. Nor the next. Nor the one after it. But a month after the now dubbed ‘TEEB Travesty,’ Elena was settled on her bottom in the living room, crashing blocks together where they lay scattered around her on the floor. You sat behind her, her form tucked between the curve of your thighs, leaning in to receive a kiss when Eddie appeared.
“Dada!” Elena wailed, chuckling her block to the floor, arms elevated in front of her on the floor where she immediately began to whimper and whine for his attention.
And Eddie beamed — brighter than you’d ever seen before as he leaned down to grab her, and told his favorite girl he loved her more than anything else in this world.
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httpsyeons · 5 months
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⭑ — comeback photoshoot : minnie yontararak x fem!reader
☆ warnings! : smut. praise kink. hand kink. semi-public sex. fingering. slight dom/sub. soft dom minnie. sub reader. use of Minnie's actual name. written under the cut!
☆ word count : 1.8k
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Minnie had to have been doing this on purpose. It was photo shoot time for the first concept image of the new (G)I-dle album. Since you were Minnie's girlfriend you got to be present on the set, just had to stay out of the way while things were handled. That was honestly the hardest part for you, because how were you expected to not have your hands all over Minnie in that outfit?
She was dressed in a pair of black short shorts, he long legs completely accessible to you. Her stomach and sides were slightly exposed by the sheer mesh glittery fabric they seemed to deem a 'shirt', and god. That black almost sailor-like jacket? And the diamond encrusted hat? You could just die.
And Minnie knew this, and she found it amusing. Watching her little girlfriend try and sit still during each photo they took. Watching the way you squirmed when she would look over with her piercing eyes and stare directly into your soul- somehow seductive and alluring. She'd smirk, watch you bite your lip, and then she'd look away as if she'd done nothing at all.
Such a tease. Minnie just adored teasing you, didn't she?
God, and you loved every minute of it. She was so hot. From her head down. You wanted every part of her. Those eyes, those lips, those hands. You were practically begging for this shoot to be over with so she could just drive you home and take you. Maybe even right there in the car. Honestly you didn't mind. You just wanted her, needed her, and-
"Y/n," A voice to your left calls. It's Minnie's assistant. "Could you run to the dressing room and grab the flat brush for me? We're about to go on a hold and I need to fix something."
Nodding along, you force down the lump in your throat and momentarily press your thighs together briefly- hustling out of the studio and to the dressing rooms. Honestly your partially happy to be out of the room, breathing a sigh of relief as you enter the empty dressing room.
Trying to be quick you peak around all of the stuff on Minnie's space, gently moving things aside and looking around them. But that damn brush isn't anywhere. Did the stylist misplace it? You're losing your mind, huffing softly as you look.
It feels like forever, when you finally hear. "Looking for something?"
And it's right in your ear. Her warm body pressing flush with yours and pressing you against the vanity. You let out a soft whimper at the feeling, and you can hear Minnie's breathy laugh as she smirks. "What's the matter, baby? You've been here for so long. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to avoid me..."
"That's not it.." You breathe. Glancing back, bad idea, you're met with her piercing siren-like eyes. A half smirk on her face. Teasing. "You... took it, didn't you?"
Minnie shrugs, her hands moving up to hold your hips, pressing you against her from behind. "I may have misplaced it, yes."
Her voice is a soft purr, and god it drives you crazy.
"Why?" You manage to squeak out.
Minnie chuckles but doesn't give you a straight answer. She comes forward and nuzzles her head against your warm neck, pressing soft kisses under your jaw. You shiver at the sensation and your hands press against the vanity, gripping it for dear life.
"Shhh..." Minnie murmurs, nipping at your neck. "You're such a good girl, aren't you baby?"
Your body freezes under the praise, and you bite your lip- nodding faintly. Minnie smirks. "That's right. My good girl..." Her hands, those beautiful...beautiful hands, slide up from your hips to your waist, and then up further until they're at your neck, squeezing slightly. "Baby wants me bad, hm?"
You whimper softly. "Please Nicha-"
"Oh?" Minnie purrs. "We're using my name now? God, you must be so desperate for me. I love it, keep going baby."
She squeezes a little more. "Nicha..my god.."
Minnie's chuckle is breathless, one hand coming up and parting your lips. And immediately you know what she wants you to do. Your lips part fully and you take two of her pretty fingers into your mouth, looking back at her as they push down- pressing those sharp nails against your throat. Minnie's eyes are hooded slightly, watching you.
"Fuck..." She breathes out in that husky, needy tone of hers. "Atta girl, baby, atta girl."
Her praises make your head spin, and you softly wrap your lips around her flushed joints, sucking softly. Minnie nods along, sliding her other hand back down your body. She drags it under your shirt and pushes up your bra, her hand coming to cup one of your breasts. She tweaks and flicks at the firm budding nipple there, making you moan out around her fingers.
It always feels like euphoria when Minnie touches you. Her hands are so delicate and soft, where her movements are lustful and passionate. She knocks her head back softly and makes the hat fall to the floor, and you don't even have time to worry about how expensive that is as she comes back down and resumes biting at your throat.
Her nails trace circles over your nipples and you press into the touch, shivering and whimpering at every tiny caress. "Ni...cha.." You moan around her fingers. She grunts into your neck, her hand squeezing your breast and then pushing back down your body. She reaches your pants and flicks the button undone with ease, her hand grabs your panties elastic and pull it away from you slightly.
Minnie's fingers slide out of your throat and you pant at the sudden rush of air, but she sucks the breath from you again anyway when she pushes her hand into your panties, those wet fingers pushing through your folds and rubbing at your clit. You buck instantly, whining and pressing your butt back into her.
"You like that, baby?" She husks. "You're such a good girl. So wet for me, huh? You like it baby? You like when I touch you like this?"
You did. God you did. You loved it so so much.
"Yes Nicha.." You whimper, thighs trembling from being touched by her. "So good, baby...please give me more.."
Minnie hums. "Baby thinks she can handle more," She purrs, her fingers moving into a V shape- spreading your embarrassingly wet folds apart, arousal coating her fingers.
You squeak at the feeling. "Ah..don't do that.."
She merely giggles at your request, her fingers rubbing over your pussy before dipping down and circling your entrance. "You want me here? Are you gonna be a good girl if I bend you over my vanity and fuck your brains out?"
"Y-yes..." You squeak, nodding quick. "Please-"
"Are you sure?" Minnie smiles, pressing you into the vanity more. "You want me that bad? Even if someone comes in?"
You're huffing and growing slightly impatient. "Please- I can't wait anymore.."
Minnie hums and seems to test the thought in her head, before her middle and ring finger prod at your entrance, pushing in soon after with little resistance. You let out a sharp moan, thighs pressing together under the feeling. Minnie forces her knee between your thighs from behind, keeping your legs spread as she grunts and slowly moves her fingers in and out of you.
The wet noise it makes is so lewd and erotic, borderline embarrassing. But Minnie doesn't let you feel embarrassed. She takes her free hand and presses you down against the vanity, fucking a little easier into you as she husks. "Good girl. So wet for me, so fucking pretty.."
Your eyes nearly roll back at the sensation of her fucking you down onto her fingers, praising you as a pretty and good girl while she does something so intimate. Jesus, the juxtaposition of it all.
Minnie's breath is a little strangled as she fucks you, and its clear she wants more. Her fingers curl and twist deep inside you, hitting your G-spot repeatedly as she does. "Fuh...fuck Nicha...that's.."
"Shh," She whispers. "I know baby. You love it, huh?"
You nod loosely, head slight bobbing. The sight makes Minnie's tongue jet out to wet her lips, her hips moving back against you with each thrust of her fingers. The feeling is fucking euphoric. She fucks you so good.
Minnie can't even resist it anymore. She slides a third finger inside you, watching your whine as your knuckles turn white when you grip the vanity. She stretches you wide for her- adoring the feeling of being so deep inside her baby.
"You're such a good girl, such a good fucking girl..."
Your eyes shut, breathy whines and moans leaving you every second. You can hardly even catch your breath as her movements grow faster and a bit rougher, hitting you so deep inside her pretty fingers and getting you so close and-
"Nicha...!" You whine loudly, feeling that ever familiar peak coming quick like a tidal wave. She speeds impossibly further, grunting incoherent praises to you. You can't make any of them out. Your senses are completely and utterly drowned in the pure ecstasy she's bringing you.
"Pretty fucking girl," She coos, slamming in again. "Cum for me, pretty girl."
And you do. That tidal wave crashes hard, leaving you practically limp against the vanity as you try so hard to catch your breath- you legs, and honestly your whole body, trembling from the force of your high crashing down so hard on you.
Minnie pants softly behind you, feeling the cramps forming in her fingers already. But she doesn't pull them out. She leaves them there so you can come down from your high, and leans down only to pepper kisses against the back of your head. "Good job, you did so well..." She coos.
You murmur in response, finding it even a bit hard to stand. But Minnie is there, and she happily helps hold you up. After a few long minutes she slides her fingers out of you with a pop, and lets them linger by her side as she kisses near your ear. "Look at me baby.."
And you do, albeit a bit slowly. Your eyes are tired but you manage a soft smile. "The shit you do with your fingers is...incredible."
Minnie chuckles. "Yeah?"
She can tell you're a little loopy right now, and helps to slide you up to a standing position- zipping up your pants and rebuttoning them. Minnie's clean hand squeezes your hip, and she smiles lovingly at you. "How're you feeling?"
"I'm okay," You breathe softly, nodding. "A little worn out now..."
"Of course," Minnie leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips. She lingers there for a few moments, just feeling your breath against her lips. "I love you.." She murmurs.
You smile happily. "I love you more.."
Minnie scrunches her nose as she smiles again, kissing your lips again and again and again. She just can't seem to let you go. And you're fine with that. You don't want to be let go anyway.
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luvsturniolo · 6 months
hi!! i rlly love ur writing and i wanted to ask if i could request something where readers reputation is ruined by a false rumor which leads reader to thinking they aren’t loveable but chris doesn’t think that cause he’s in love with her?
basically the trope “one believes they’re hard to love and someone who loves them like it’s breathing”.
ー ★ !! unloveable
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pairing : chris sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : after some bad rumors are past around social media, you begin to overthink about whether or not you’re even loveable
a/n : ok but why this is request so fucking adorable ???? like the trope u put at the end makes me want to put my blood, sweat, and tears into this. UGHHHHH no matter who it's written, i'm gonna be 100% convinced it's not good enough because i love this prompt so insanely much
wc : 3.7k
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you have been friends with the triplets for a few years now, and you all agreed to keep your face off of social media. it started when you jokingly voiced that you were a bit scared to be judged by the entire world. the triplets — mainly chris — took this seriously, though. they know how difficult it can be to have millions of eyes glued to you at all times. due to their awareness, nick suggested that you stayed off of their platforms to avoid any backlash that you're not ready for.
to be honest, at first you were a bit skeptical of his idea. i mean, you'd never had a ton of random people watching you like they always do. it seems easy enough, though. just make sure to keep your privacy hidden and don't do anything bad on camera. despite your questions, you agreed with nick's proposal. plus, the triplets are the experts here ; not you.
it's been three years since you guys came to this agreement. and it's been working out pretty well, frankly. nobody knows that you're friends with the triplets at all. nobody even has had the thought cross their mind. you're a random chick with a few hundred followers and they're famous youtubers with millions. no sane person would make that connection.
a year and a half ago, you and chris started dating. your relationship is the healthiest you've ever been in. he's caring, he listens when you talk, he hugs you a lot, he likes to compliment you, he buys 'just because' flowers.
you have had a past of toxic relationships. you told chris about them and he's been trying his hardest to heal the mental scars your exes have left behind. one of your past boyfriends was manipulative, another one was narcissistic, another was a proud cheater, and the last wasn't even present in your life.
"hey," you whisper into the darkness before you.
you're currently at the triplets' house, staying the night. nick texted you and asked if you wanted to have a sleepover — which you happily agreed to. you'd been watching a movie with nick in his room for the past hour or two, but he fell asleep a few minutes ago. you were on your way to sneak into chris's room when you heard someone rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
overtaken by curiosity, you tip-toed down the hall to see who it was. you poked your head around the corner to make sure it wasn't an intruder. your nerves instantly calmed down at the sight of your boyfriend, hungrily searching for a midnight snack.
"hey," he answers, turning around to face you as you stand in the doorway, "why are you still up? it's late."
"i could ask you the same thing." you tell him with a light chuckle shaking your chest. you then walk into the kitchen and over to where chris stands in front of the pantry. he smiles down at you, causing your stomach to twist. its pretty crazy to think that you still get butterflies from him. most people say that you won't feel giddy forever, but you seem to have proven that theory to be incorrect. it's been nearly two years and you still get flustered when he smiles at you.
you lift your hands into the air before dramatically flopping down onto his chest. your wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into his shirt. he smells like home, a comforting scent that always makes you relax as it meets your nostrils. chris grins down at you before wrapping his arms around your torso, holding you by the waist lovingly.
"i'm assuming nick fell asleep?" he asks you.
not in the mood to open your mouth, you simply nod in response. he feels your head shift against his chest and he accepts the answer. normally, he teases you for being lazy. but chris loves it when you're sleepy like this. he loves seeing you all delirious and disoriented. teasing you would be like taunting a lost puppy — it's not right. morally.
"he always falls asleep when you guys watch movies together." chris says as though you didn't know that. "didn't he promise to stay awake this time? i thought you guys were planning to pull and all-nighter."
"that didn't happen." you say. your voice comes out muffled from his shirt presses to your face. "he pinky promised to stay awake, but fell asleep thirty minutes into the film we were watching. i stayed up and finished it, though."
"you finished it before or after you came to find me?" chris asks with a laugh. you just roll your eyes as a smile grazes your lips. he can feel the way your mouth pulls upward against his skin. knowing that you're smiling and he can't see it kinda pisses him off. your smile is his favorite thing in the whole world and he's missing it? that's completely unacceptable.
you yawn, blinking a few times to keep yourself from succumbing to slumber. chris notices your fatigue and asks if you're ready for bed. "yes, please!" you respond eagerly, excited to lay down with him and go to sleep in his arms. chris laughs at your excitement, honestly finding it adorable that you're so impatient to sleep.
the two of you walk back to his room together and you grin at the sight of his bed. you rush ahead of him and flop down onto the mattress. your face is pointed up at the ceiling as chris plops down next to you, looking at the ceiling as well.
"is this your equivalent to star gazing?" he asks you, knowing how obsessed you are with the thought of looking at stars together. it's something you've always begged him to do with you. but chris has refused. not because he doesn't want to, but because he wants to do it right. you're looking forward to doing this so bad that he refuses to settle for anything less than the absolute best.
he thinks the stars aren't bright enough in the city. he wants to bring you out to a field and look at them. but you still complain about it constantly — unaware of his little plan.
"yeah," you say with a groan, "since my boyfriend won't look at stars with me, i have to look at your popcorn ceiling instead. my standards have been lowered for you by a lot, i hope you know!"
chris laughs, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead. he stays hovering over you before he whispers "soon, baby." against your skin. the feeling of his lips grazing your head tickles, making you giggle a little. chris's grin widens at the sound. he sits up and watches your giggles fade away, enjoying the bliss of seeing you smile like this.
"what?" you ask with a laugh, noticing the way your boyfriend is staring at you shamelessly.
"nothing." he replies with a shrug. "you're just so beautiful, i can't help but stare."
you look at him with nothing but admiration behind your gaze. it's truly surreal how far you've come in such a little amount of time. just a few years ago, you were in a toxic relationship with a guy who cheated on you with a different girl each night. and whenever you would confront him about it, he would turn it into an argument — which he would win every time. but now? now you're with chris. who is the literal epitome of perfection. you genuinely want to spend the rest of your life with him. nothing else matters but you two.
you and chris end the night in each other's arms. he holds your body against his side, your face buried in the crook of his neck.
the both of you find yourselves falling into an easy, dreamless slumber. this is your favorite place in the world — his arms. no matter what's wrong in your life, the feeling of security always patches every issue. regardless of how messy.
after a few hours of bliss, you jump awake at the sound of chris's bedroom door slamming open. the back of the door hits his wall, the sound of impact waking up chris as well. you feel his shift next to you, his arms still wrapped around your waist. you groan, not wanting to open your eyes.
suddenly, you hear chris gasp. then he pulls the blanket over your face, holding you against his chest protectively. of course, your mind jumps to the worst conclusion — someone broke in and you're all gonna die! you find out that this wasn't this case, though, when you hear chris's voice begin to scold his brother.
"nicolas!" chris shouts. the anger in his voice tells you that this is serious and you should stay out of it. "what the actual fuck are you thinking!?"
"i didn't know you guys were cuddling!" nick tries to defend himself. "if i'd known, i wouldn't have come in! you know i respect your decision to keep y/n hidden! why the hell would i ever do this on purpose!?"
"well where else would she be sleeping if she wasn't with you!?" chris argues back.
slowly, you peak your head out from under the blanket before cautiously asking, "what happened?"
"nick thought it'd be clever to start a live stream at eleven in the fucking morning! then, he had the bright idea to come in here and surprise us!" chris explains, still very very pissed off. "and of course he didn't think to knock like a normal person. he instead took it upon himself to walk right on in and record us!"
"i thought it was just chris!" nick says, stuffing his phone in his pocket now that he's ended the live. "i don't even know if anyone saw her. maybe they missed it and we can just say that it was matt?"
"why the fuck would i be snuggling matt?"
you laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "chris, lets be real. you cuddle your brother more than your girlfriend."
"i love you," chris says softly, "but it's now is not the time for jokes. this could be a huge fucking problem."
"okay, i'm sorry." you're quick to apologize, stretching up to press a kiss to his cheek before gently whispering, "i love you too." against skin.
you notice nick slowly back out of chris's room, not wanting to be around if chris decides to get angry again. you glance up at your boyfriend only to see that he's already staring at nick's departing form. chris is obviously still angry, but he doesn't seem to care enough to argue with his brother again. so he lets nick leave without giving him a hard time.
once nick is completely out of the room, you hear chris sigh. like it's a pained, saddened sigh that makes you want to cry for him. you look up to meet his worried eyes already glancing down at you.
"hey," you whisper, propping yourself up on your elbow to look at him better. "it'll be okay. we'll work it out like we always do." chris smiles at this before leaning down to press a slow, gentle kiss to your lips. you kiss him back before giggling and grimacing away from it. "i have horrid morning breath. let me brush my teeth before you kiss me."
you begin to move around toward the edge of the bed, aiming to leave and brush your teeth so you can start the day. before you can even make it to the side of the mattress, you feel chris's arms wrap around your torso and pull your body backward against his chest.
"i don't care about your breath," he tells you, "i just want you to stay with me a while longer. brush your teeth later."
you chuckle, "that's so nasty."
"pleeeease," he begs, tightening his grip around you, pulling your body firmly against his own. "stay with me, baby."
chris know how you feel about pet names. you hate them. they make you cringe. but when he whispers it against the back of your neck and you feel his breath against the hairs of your skin, you can't help the butterflies that swarm your stomach. you instantly give in and twist around to hug him.
"okay. i'll stay." you inform him, returning to the position you guys were in while sleeping. you shut your eyes before continuing. "but don't ever call me baby again."
"why not?" chris asks, clearly upset. "i could tell you liked it by the way you gave in so quickly. why can't i call you a nickname every once in a while. i think they're cute."
you groan, "i'm sleepy. let's talk about this later."
chris agrees and you both fall back asleep, enjoying the comfort of being in each other's arms. you know that no matter what happens with the media seeing your face, you'll always have chris by your side. nothing else is important as long as he is next to you.
the next time you wake up, it's bright outside.
you're no longer in chris's arms with him spooning you. you're now laying diagonally across the bed with your head in his lap as he scrolls through his phone. you blink a few times to let your eyes focus to the light of the room.
"mornin' baby." he says, quickly shutting off his phone and hiding it under his leg.
the action of him hiding his phone is enough to distract you from the use of the pet name. you raise a brow at his behavior, growing a bit concerned. you trust chris more than anything, but considering your history with cheaters, you can't help the annoyance that resides in your gut.
"what were you looking at, hm?" you ask him, trying not to be rude or anything. you want to stay calm with him because it's probably nothing.
"nothing, babe."
again, you ignore the nickname and focus on his suspicious demeanor. you thin your eyes at him, trying to read his body language. but it's difficult. he doesn't seem like he was texting some random chick, but why else would he hide his phone from you? you guys always share everything because he knows how you can get with this sort of thing.
curiosity overtaking your mind, you reach over and snatch his phone out from under his leg. chris opens his mouth to argue, but doesn't do anything to stop you from opening it and going to his recently opened app.
he was on tiktok, scrolling through the comments of some random fan page. you shoot chris a weird look before reading a few of them, your heart dropping to your ass from a mix of embarrassment and shame.
"did y'all see nick's live this morning?"
"who tf was that girl w chris? lmao she's not even pretty 💀"
"i found the chick's insta and she's apparently been in some rly shitty relationships. i mean lets be real. chris has never seriously dated anyone but this girl has been cheated on, manipulated, and abused? there's a clear denominator here. she's def done smth to cause that (for attention i'm guessing) "
"guys chris won't stay w her for long anyway after he finds out ab her ugly history!"
you read through the comments with an expression of pure disgust. how the fuck are these people going to sit here and talk bad about you when you've never even shown your face on the triplets channel? it's completely unfair.
you look at chris, but he's looking away. you wonder why he hasn't defended you on this. also, he was reading these people's opinions with a straight face. you begin to worry if he believes what they're saying. you glance back down at his screen, reading the third comment over and over.
there's a clear denominator here they had said. i mean, they're not necessarily wrong about that. you've been in bad relationships whereas chris has never dated anyone for a long period of time. in this light, of course you look like the bad guy. you can't technically blame their fans for judging you. you're easy to judge.
tears begin to prick your eye and you hand chris back his phone before wordlessly standing up from the bed and leaving his room. not once did he try to stop you or ask you to stay with him. you walk down the triplets' hallway and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting down on the closed toilet seat.
you hold your face in your hands and try your hardest not to start crying over a bunch of teenagers talking shit on your name. but you can't help the intense weight on your chest and the lump in your throat.
to be honest, you don't give a shit about their insults. what you care about is the fact that they're right. you don't deserve someone like chris. he's so sweet and kind and understanding while you're irritable and skeptical of every little thing he does. you've done nothing to earn someone like him. maybe you have only ever been in toxic situations because that's what you deserve.
before you can stop them, tears begin to pour from your eyes. your cheeks become soaked with your pain. your entire body trembles as you sob into your hands, making it harder and harder to breathe correctly.
you love chris. you love him more than anything. you want to share the rest of your life with him. but you don't want to make him settle for less — the less in this case being your relationship. he deserves someone better. someone who won't snatch his phone from him when he's only trying to protect you from pain. someone who will let him call you pentanes because he loves them. someone who will be better. someone who's not you.
suddenly, you hear a knock at the door.
already knowing who it is, you tell chris to go away. your voice comes out shaky and hoarse, making it incredibly easy to know you'd been crying. the tone practically screams at him, saying that you're upset over something he tried to save you from in the first place.
"will you please let me in, baby?" chris asks. his voice is soft and gentle. you're suddenly craving the feeling of being in his arms. the feeling of being loved. the feeling of having him comfort you.
the greedy emotions you feel paired with the nickname makes it impossible to not open the door for him. you shuffle over to the door and let him in. you sit back down on the toilet seat, keeping your head downcast the whole time as to not see his face or show your tears.
you stare at the floor, watching his feet pad across the tiled floor before he stops in front of you. he drops to his knees so his face is in line with yours. you quickly turn away and stare at the shower curtain, letting your hair to cover your puffy eyes.
chris sighs before grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. he lifts his other hand to your hair, tucking it behind your ears so he can admire every inch of your beauty with no veil to cover the rawness of it. he lets out a shaky exhale, using his thumb to wipe away your tears. all the while, you keep your eyes pinned to his face. you watch every single movement he makes, knowing that you don't deserve any of the kindness he's offering you.
knowing that this relationship will not last forever, you begin to cry again. you lean forward and rest your forehead against chris's shoulder, allowing tears to pool from your eyes as he rubs a hand up and down your back.
"what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" he asks with his voice in a whisper. "i wanna know what you're thinking so i can tell you how irrational it is."
you laugh at him, but it just causes you to let out a choked sob. his humor is your favorite part about him. the fact that chris can make you laugh in any given situation is what you adore most. hearing him do it while you're thinking of how to break the news that you're leaving him so he can find someone better? this is gut wrenching.
"i love you." you tell him. "so, so fucking much."
"i love you too." he replies easily, not thinking anything of the fact that you're telling him this right now. but when you continue, chris begins to put the pieces together and he starts vigorously shaking his head in refusal.
"these past two years have been the best of my whole life," you tell him with a wavering voice. "but you deserve better. you deserve the world. and i can't offer that to you, chris."
"i don't want the fucking world." he says, grabbing you by the shoulders and pulling you to be in front of him to look you in the eyes. "i want you and only you."
"no." he interrupts. "i don't give a single fuck what anyone else thinks. and i'm sorry, but i don't even really care what you think right now. because you're all wrong. i belong with you and i don't want anyone else even if i was paid a million dollars."
you stare at him with wide eyes, your dried tears still adorning your skin. the would could be ending outside, and you would stay in this bathroom and continue to stare at chris. his eyes are so gorgeously blue that you find yourself getting lost in them.
if you guys get married and live the rest of your lives together, your bodies will change. your skin will wrinkle. your hair will grey. your lips will thin. your hands will shake. your back will hunch. nothing about your appearance is permanent. nothing except the eyes. the shade, the hue, and the iris will all stay the same until they close for the last time. and you can't wait to look into chris's eyes for the rest of your life.
"i think you would be crazy to reject a million dollars for me." you tell him with a little giggle, wiping at your cheeks to rid them of the leftover tears.
chris's heart flutters at the sight of your smile, "there she is."
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq
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tobifuyu · 1 year
Shopping with the Haitani Ran goes wrong!
RAN HAITANI x f!reader
Ran thinks you're too cute to be dressing this badly. He takes you shopping, finally gives in to his own desires and touches you in the dressing room. Chaos ensues.
cw: nsfw, mdni, smut, vaginal fingering, orgasm denial.
words count: 5,398
a/n: this is actually my first time writing smut, or anything at all, so bear with me. the one shot is part of a longer fic that I will start posting pretty soon, set in the Bonten timeline, I just wanted to put out something in the meantime, mostly as practice. english is not my first language! enjoy.
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If you think shopping with a man such as Haitani Ran would be an enjoyment of sorts, well, you’d be wrong.
If your damnation could be encased in a day it would be today out of all of them.
Haitani Ran is already a handful as it is, put him in a store-filled street, already dressed to the nines and parading around like he owns the motherfucking moon and stars and what comes out is a big ass headache and a lot of self-deprecation.
In theory, the idea was not half bad. Ran knows a lot about this kind of stuff: fashion, styling, brands… at least more than you do, no matter how much you’d like to keep up. And the amount of money in his bank account is – well, still a mystery to you – you can only imagine a lot, considering what he is wearing and the place he’s dragging you to with a big hand wrapped around your wrist.
So in theory him helping you pick out a few pieces of clothing you could buy with your weekly allowance didn’t sound too bad. Considering how extravagant he and his brother are, you were expecting to head over to Harajuku, and maybe try to dig out something he could style for you from a cool vintage store.
You didn’t think he would bring you to a mall.
You don’t even think you’d be allowed in such a place, normally, not in the way you’re dressed anyway.
I mean, you did try your hardest to look somewhat presentable, knowing you’d be running around with the Haitani Ran, but with your laughable budget and a very confused sense of style, you look like Ran had just picked you up from the sidewalk like one of those lone puppies you’d see in a sad movie and brought you around to keep him company while squatting at his feet and wiggling your tail.
You’ve just always liked too many trendy styles, buying a few pieces here and there and leaving you with no basics and nothing to match them with, and so y ou look out of place, walking into a brand store practically hand in hand with one of the most handsome guys those judgy store clerks have probably ever seen, with a timeless and classy outfit that makes him look like he belongs there.
And most importantly, that he can afford it.
Maybe the only thing that makes up for it is his crazy two-toned braids. Doesn’t make him look nearly as bad as you, but at least you know how to use a toner.
He spends some time looking around the racks after shooing the shopping assistant who tried to approach the two of you away, and you trail behind him like – yeah, you guessed it – a lost puppy with eyes cast down, as if trying to disappear, maybe then they’d stop staring holes through your bland white cardigan that’s a little too big for your frame since you eyeballed its size and then found it too comfy to size down.
And that’s because you and fitting rooms just don’t click. You find the whole process a little too tiring, both mentally and physically.
Who enjoys spending that much time undressing yourself to wear clothes that have been worn by god knows how many others and have yet to see a washing machine, just to cry the moment you get them on because fast fashion sizes don’t fit people but want people to fit in them? Also having to recollect yourself and patch up your makeup while redressing as quickly as possible cause a line has already formed outside the door, you can hear them, and you can already feel their judging stares the moment you are gonna leave all the clothes you tried on with the clerk, nonetheless, cause everything looked like absolute shit on you–
Draining, that’s what it is.
But it’s dread that you feel creeping up on you while approaching the said fitting rooms with one of Ran’s arms now circling your waist, the other doing the most to hold up a bunch of clothes that you can barely make out but you know he has picked out, just for you.
“We can skip this part.”
You had tried reasoning, just to get hit with a “Skip this part my ass, there’s no buying clothes without trying them on. That’s how you end up with that cardigan. And I’m paying for this shit, so we’ll do as I say, princess.”
Ouch, what a little bitch.
Maybe you shouldn’t be feeling remorse, after he’s reminded you so kindly of why he’s decided to do this in the first place, knowing he wants to pull out his wallet to soothe his pretty eyes from having to see you dressed like a mess all the time.
But you’re better than this, so you decide you’ll only pick something you can afford.
He’s nothing to you but a new acquaintance, after all.
A means to an end, you like to remind yourself. You’re not using him, not a hundred percent at least, cause he’s getting your shining company in return. But yeah… you just need him to get to Manjirou. Nothing more. Nothing fun… you swear to yourself.
You’re doing Toman a favor, continuing Draken’s underground work now that he’s gone. You know Takemichi and sweet Chifuyu don’t add up to much when it comes to planning.
You’ve heard about Ran’s little fixation on you from the grapevine. His own brother had admitted to him relentlessly talking about you. And now, with Kantou Manji looming over the future of you all, you knew you had to get involved.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Ran’s lazy lavender eyes have had you in a chokehold from the very first time the two of you met, years ago.
He and Rindou wanting to fight you and your brother – only the latter, really – just to find out that you don’t back down from a challenge.
(From that day onward, if you were to ask Rindou, he would say that’s when his brother started talking about you.)
So you let him lock you in the fitting room, one of those cool ones with mirrors and lights all around you but, most importantly, a sturdy door.
One you know, in a store this expensive, no one will start knocking on if you take too long squeezing into one of those tiny dresses.
Not that it does anything to stop Ran once you’ve declared you’ve tried on the first one.
A pretty lilac piece, that would complement him and his eyes more – you mentally decide you’d like to see that – but you would look pretty (for once) standing at his side.
If it weren’t for the fact that it’s a tad too little on your frame, as expected, squeezing all the wrong places, skin spilling over and all that (you can’t possibly know he’s picked it a size or two too small on purpose).
Especially your cleavage, meaning this is all but a dress you could just wear to parade around the streets with a gang member. It would send the wrong message. And god knows what would happen if that message were to reach someone from Toman. A blond-haired guy in particular.
Shame on you.
But you can’t dwell on it too much, with Ran bursting through the door, then closing it behind his frame with all the nonchalance in the world, as if it isn’t quite scandalous the way you’re half clad and enclosed in a tight space with a man older than you (not by much, but still), in a luxury store, with clerks circling the both of you like hawks.
He approaches your body, and you can tell he’s making a decision his head while scrutinizing the dress, or rather you, from over your shoulder.
You’re facing forward and can feel the heat of his body approaching way before you feel his front touch your back, his hands momentarily settling at your hips.
They then move lower, trying to smooth the fabric of the dress as if it would make it fit better, and you feel a shiver run through your spine at the contact.
The tips of his fingers are cold where they brush your naked thighs, so you blame it on that.
“Looks perfect on you.” his warm breath hits your neck as he speaks with that low voice of his.
Focus, goddamnit.
“I hope you’re joking. I can barely breathe, and I think my ass might be hanging out.”
You can feel his body shake with giggles, and you know he’s trying to contain them for your sake, even though he’s never been the one to shy away from public shaming, especially when it comes to you. Sigh.
“Mh, I don’t know about that, but the front looks good.” His hands make a b-line for your waist, squeezing the fat there before moving upwards to rest a breath away from your tits. The dress is so tight you didn’t need to wear a bra with that. “Gosh, would you look at that? Fucking perfect.”
“Ran,” you warn him, you know he’s just teasing you again, or rather, testing you.
You meet his eyes in the reflection of the mirror, and you don’t want him to win one of the many little challenges he poses you with daily, so you hold his gaze, leaning the back of your head against his left shoulder.
He’s sure you’re the one tempting him at this point, deciding to play along in his little game that’s gonna ruin the both of you sooner or later, cause with that movement alone you’ve exposed your neck and cleavage like a white canvas, only his to paint.
“Fuck baby,” he groans and you feel yourself shivering once again, “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, do you? Or maybe you do, you little vixen.”
You laugh, “Is that all it takes to bring down the Haitani Ran? A dress that’s a little too small?” you want to hit his ego back, at least, for the way he’s making you feel.
So exposed and vulnerable.
And little, which you’re very much not, but the way he’s encasing you with his bigger body is making you look ridiculously tiny.
“Paired with these tits and hips yeah, might just be the one thing that’s gonna put an end to the Haitani’s reign.”
It’s mesmerizing, his tone of voice, the deep baritone laced with a hint of teasing and sass that drips from his lips like honey straight to your pliant ears and reverberates through your even more pliant body.
One of his fingers creeps up to the neckline of the dress and drags over its seams with such a delicately that you wouldn’t even have caught it if you weren’t so busy trying to follow his every move and breath, leaving the haze of his purple eyes that split second enough to record the very movement.
“Ran, I don’t think this is appropriate.” You try to hide your smirk as you say that, knowing that is not gonna stop him but rather rile him up.
He smirks back, grabbing you by the chin with his free hand so he can turn your head to face him. “Since when have you become such a prude, uh?”
“I have always been, you’re the one trying to taint my innocence, remember?”
You’re not completely joking at this point, he’s been trying to get a reaction out of you since you’ve started hanging out more frequently.
He knows you shouldn’t, but he’s adamant in getting you to admit he can rile you up just as easily.
A dark set of lashes shade his lavender hues as he stares down at you, pondering over what to do next without scaring you too badly.
“Can I kiss you?” There he goes, he just couldn’t resist himself, could he?
You just look so good, dressed in something he picked for you, standing in this tiny space with him draped around you. He wants to eat you up.
Ouch. That hurts. How could you say no to him? Look at me, he thinks, and as if you can read his twisted mind, you do just that.
He is so irresistible, with one of his long braids slipping past your shoulder, hair tickling your skin the same way his hand is still doing over the hem of the dress. Pink full lips shaped in a pout you think he’s sporting more to get pity out of you rather than because he cares. But you’re a woman of great self-control.
Or so you thought.
“Just– you can touch me. To fix the dress.”
You two are so close, practically glued to each other, it’s not the first time it’s happened but your body still reacts like it’s being shocked every time he touches you.
And Ran thinks it’s more than he thought you’d allow yourself to go, so he does just that, to fix the dress, that is.
It’s to fix the dress that he grasps the fullness of both your tits in his big palms, no need to use one hand to hold your face to him anymore as you instantly rotate towards his frame to hide your face in the curve of his neck, soft lips pushed against his pale skin to muffle the sighs that you’re letting out at his bold move.
He doesn’t hesitate to squeeze them, pushing them up to prop the fat against the hem of the dress as if to make it fit properly, or as properly as the set image he has in his head, which is everything but proper.
“Fuck, you have such pretty tits.” He’s groaning in your ear at this point, enjoying the way you’re letting him touch you a little too much if the way he starts rubbing against you from behind is of any indication.
You can’t help your body from trying to mold to his touch, back arching and pushing against the hands caressing you over the skimpy fabric of the dress.
One of them is heading lower, running over the hills of your torso and hip before grabbing onto the flesh of your right thigh. The other keeps teasing you with precision and reaches over the hem to pull it down and expose your skin to the cold of the fitting room.
A perked nipple is encased by his long fingers, nails scraping over the bud to tease a soft moan out of your mouth. You grab onto one of his braids, slightly pulling before blindly looking for the hair tie. It’s removed with swift hands that you then run along its length to free it from the twists, so you can bury a hand at the back of his nape, pulling him towards you – as if he could get any closer – scratching the skin there as payback.
“R-Ran” your body is starting to heat up, the cold air surrounding the two of you doing nothing to cool you down. “‘Need more, please.”
“Since you asked so nicely…” At that the hand that has been massaging the fat of your thigh creeps under the bottom of the infamous dress, making you unable to see his next move even from the reflation of the mirror.
But you can feel him skimming over your panties with his fingertips, pressing against the wet patch that has formed there.
“You got wet just from this? Must be really desperate, uh. ‘ve barely touched you.”
What a piece of shit, you think.
But your body likes this side of his, the degrading and teasing, and it especially likes the way the pad of his finger is now pressing against your clit, unexpectedly making you let out a moan that you didn’t think you’d be capable of. Always the quiet one.
“Shh, you wouldn’t want them to hear us, now, would you?” He’s rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves, touching it just right, just like you would, alone in your room (while thinking about him, probably), making it hard to think or even remotely feel shame. “Maybe you’d like that? Mh? Want them to know making you feel good, right, pretty girl?”
When you don’t care enough to answer he pinches your clit over the wet fabric of your underwear, the whimpering noise you let out like music to his ears.
You just really want to feel his skin on yours, but too shy to ask for it you decide to do the next best thing. With the hand that is not too busy pulling the back of his head, you reach between your legs and push the fabric of your panties aside, exposing your pussy to the air without a care in the world.
If desperation had a face, at this point, it would most definitely look like yours.
“Ah shit, pretty-“
“Touch me, Ran.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He finds your clit once again, not before running through the dripping folds and collecting the wetness with the pad of his fingers, just to rub it over your soft spot with careful precision.
His hand gives one final flick to your nipple before joining the other between your thighs, raising the lower hem of the dress to fully expose your wetness under the bright lights of the fitting room, just so he can take a good look in the reflection of the mirror.
You’re no saint, but also no one has ever touched you like this before, and the pleasure is pushing you to do things you probably would never even think of when the two of you are apart (but maybe you will, from this day forward).
That is why you reach down to grasp the wrist of his other hand, redirecting him to where you want to feel his touch, before slipping your fingers through his as if to show him what to do to you.
You feel his lips move against your ear before you register him talking, “Princess, you want my fingers? Hm?”
At that, you couldn’t nod faster, waiting for his touch to finally skim your opening, and once it does, you know he understands how much you need him, cause you see him raise his fingers as if to take a double look at the viscous liquid now wetting his skin. He rubs it over you then, spreading it on top of your clit to make his other hand work smoothly.
He stops right before he could slip in, making you whine in disagreement. “Need to hear you say it, baby.”
All these pet names are new to you, he usually sticks to one a day, trying them out on his tongue before throwing the chosen one at you with the most annoying tone he could muster to, simply put, annoy the fuck out of you, as he does with pretty much everything else.
But the way he’s saying them now, between rushed breaths and a voice so strained that nearly makes you believe he’s the one being played with, does unspeakable things to you.
So you give in like you’ve learned to do with him lately. “R-rannie, please, want you… to touch me.”
“What do you need me to do, pretty? Speak up, use your big girl’s words.”
“Need your fingers. Inside me.” You feel like the air in the dressing room is thinning out, and you need to get this done as fast as possible.
That’s until his pointer slips past your hole. The moment his other fingers resume their rubbing over your bundle of nerves, while he’s opening you up, that’s when you actually start praying for time to stop.
Maybe if his hands were to leave your frame now you would crumble to the ground and die. That’s a new fear you have just unlocked because you don’t think you could ever go back to how life was before he made you feel what you’re feeling right now.
Like every nerve ending is tingling and responding to the sweet sounds he’s making, or maybe the ones he’s pulling out of you. You don’t know what makes you more turned on, the effect you have on him, or the grip he has on you.
He starts moving his lone finger in and out, gently, testing out how far he can reach before you clench around him in pain.
He rubs over the ridges of your walls looking for something, trying out different patterns, and bumping against the outside of your hole with the palm of his hand to stimulate all of you once he slips completely inside, reaching as deep as his long digit permits.
At first, it doesn’t feel like much, you can tell he’s an expert but he’s just getting to know you. You think the feeling of fullness alone is enough to get a kick out of you, as long as he keeps massaging your clit in a, now, slower motion, as if he has nothing to rush about, not one care in the world. But it creeps up on you when you least expect it.
You thought he oversold himself with that oozing confidence that he sports 24/7, but as he starts laying open-mouthed kisses over your neck, running up its column, until he finds your sweet spot nested just below your ear and right by your clenching jaw, so does his finger.
“Fuuck. Oh my fucking god.” you heave.
Yeah, his lips are a godsend, but the way he’s bumping against that one spot inside of you with the tip of his digit just now is downright delicious.
He builds up a rhythm then. Fucking into you with more force and confidence, not forgetting to hit that patch of skin even for a single time.
“You like that, uh?” he asks like he doesn’t know, pressing his mouth against the underside of your jaw to drag his tongue along your salty skin, moaning at the taste. He asks as if you’re not clenching around his finger like your life depends on it, as if you want to capture it and hold him inside you to never feel empty again.
He realizes you need more, and he wants to give you his cock. Wants to stuff you full to the brim, cause he can feel how greedy your cunt is, so he knows you would eventually take him all inside, no matter how big.
You’re thinking the same, imagining how good it would feel to have him fuck you against the mirror that’s fogging up in front of you. You’re seeing the moon and the fucking stars with the tip of his finger alone. You wonder if his cock is big enough to kiss that little spot just right with his leaky tip.
He leaves you little to wonder, with the way his hips are bumping against you from behind. You can clearly make out the size of his length, now fully erected, as it rubs against your ass.
“Ran, fuck, I need more!”
And you both know that, but he also knows how ridiculously tight you are, how much he would have to open you up to take his cock, how he might need to spend hours with his head between your legs, fasting on your wet cunt just to make you loosen up. He’d do that gladly, but not now, in this fitting room.
So he just joins his pointer with his middle finger, carefully trying to fit in a second one through your squeezing muscles.
“No, Ran-“ you’re ready to beg, get on the ground on your knees, and plead him to have his way with you.
This is so not like you.
Or maybe it was, all along. You just needed someone to free you at last.
“You’re not ready to take my cock yet.” His tone is firm like he’s trying to convince himself more than you. “I can barely fit two fingers in, pretty. You need to let me in, gonna make you cream around them, ‘kay?”
You swear the way he’s looking at you through the mirror alone is your undoing. You see his eyes running back and forth to your half-open ones, so you follow the gaze rolling over your exposed tits, heaving with your labored breaths, until reaching the apex of your thighs.
Two of his fingers are now plunging into your wet opening, the squelching sound being so loud to tint both of your cheeks red, and a ring of white collecting around the circumference of his digits, before dripping down your parted legs at the force of his thrusts. Your clit is still being rubbed raw, the intensity increasing with every passing minute, making you twitch in his firm grasp.
The whole picture is insanely erotic, something you haven’t even experienced in your fantasies yet.
It’s so intense that you feel your cheeks get wet from the unexpected tears now streaming down your face.
You’re a cryer, he’s elated.
You’re trying hard to muffle a scream, but Ran has you blocked in his grasp with both of his arms running over yours, so you have to turn and bite at the skin of his collarbone to do so, as you grip over his forearms, leaving behind the half-moon indentation of your nails.
He groans, letting his head lol back as you lick over the bruise; the skin has torn and you can taste the blood. As he speeds up the fingers that are massaging your clit, you realize that both of you might enjoy a little pain mixed with pleasure.
The overstimulation is so overbearing that you know you should’ve come long ago, but he’s taking you to such heights that you just can’t seem to let yourself go when alone in your bed you would have long given up and just taken a shitty orgasm as a win before retiring to sleep.
“Feel so- god, it’s so fucking good, Ran. Don’t stop, please please-“You don’t stop begging and he doesn’t stop thrusting, both his fingers and his hips behind your frame, chasing his orgasm against the plush of your ass.
He wants to pull his cock out of his pants and rub it against your skin. The dress has raised over the globes of your behind, he wishes he could just come all over it.
But he has no intention of ever slowing down his hands, not with the way you’re trembling against him, and not until you come, completely undone and fucked up from just two of his fingers.
You look so beautiful like this, with tears streaming down your reddening face, lips bitten, unfortunately not by him, and your cunt taking his fingers so well. Like the good girl he knows you are under all that sass.
He glances down at the scene one more time.
Your pussy is so pretty, glistening wet, he could finish right here and then.
He wants you to fucking come while screaming his name, no one else’s. He doesn’t care if they hear, he wants them to.
Ran wishes for more than just the clerks hearing you come undone for him.
At that thought something snaps inside of him.
“Who’s making you feel this good? Fucking tell me.” You snap out of the blubbering mess you’ve become, not because of the inexplicably angry tone of his request, but because he’s slowing down his movements and you were not expecting that.
Does he not know by now that you like his roughness? You need to come so badly.
“Please fuck don’t stop, please-“
“I said who’s making you feel this fucking good.” Ran doesn’t like to think he’s a jealous guy.
He’s The Haitani Ran, after all. There has never been any need for him to be.
But now that he has tasted heaven, here in this tiny dressing room with you, he doesn’t think he can stop.
He wants to make you his, and if that means he has to deprive you of your very first orgasm given by someone else so that you can come back running for more, so be it.
“You, Ran! Fuck it’s all you! You make me feel so go-” The slap that resonates in the small space it’s the thing that stops you from completing your praise.
Ran’s fingers have stopped moving inside of you completely, and his other hand has raised to slap your spasming cunt.
A scream of his name finally does rip out of your parted lips. There’s no way you could’ve avoided that.
And the new canting of your hips that are raising to chase a ruined orgasm is to little avail, you just don’t seem to reach the promised land.
Against all odds, Ran doesn’t resume touching you, even his hips are now resting firmly some inches away from yours, not even letting you feel him anymore.
He presses father light kisses from the column of your neck up to the side of your jaw, retracing the path he had run with languish before, until he can sweetly kiss your burning cheek as if to gently bring you down from the orgasm that never happened while he removes his fingers from inside of you, leaving you eerily empty.
“I- I didn’t come.” you’re still trembling at this point, but for a different reason. You think he might have mistaken any of your reactions for you reaching your long-awaited end.
You’ve heard some stories, you know some guys can’t even tell right from left when it comes to a woman's body.
But you’re wrong about him. “I know.”
More kisses are left on the side of your face, you’d think the gesture sweet if it weren’t for the ever-present grin you can feel against your skin.
“What- why?” the way you’re asking nearly breaks his heart, you sound so confused, broken. But that’s exactly what he needs, right? He needs to be the one to guide you.
“Because I’m not letting you come. You’re not my girl.” Your eyes are big like saucers, and you’ve turned your head to stare at him, he thinks this situation is so fun he could giggle.
“But I thought-“
“Just leave him, pretty girl. You’ve already forgotten about him, haven’t you? It was my name you were screaming, it was my cock you were begging for. Leave him, and come back crawling to me. Maybe then, I’ll think about letting you come.”
He takes some steps further away from you then, cold but still careful enough to make sure you won’t fall the moment he lets you on your own, bringing his soiled fingers up to his mouth. You watch in silence as he licks them clean. He’s making a show of it, engulfing the digits in his mouth and sucking around them as he moans. You’re so turned on you could die right there and then.
He then hits you with a “Fuck, you taste like heaven, he doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Before diving right back in, licking the skin one last time for safekeeping.
And now, you don’t know what’s worse: the cheshire grin stretching the pinkish of Ran’s lips while he’s downright degrading you after depriving you of an orgasm and, honestly, your self-respect;
Maybe it’s the fact that sweet Chifuyu’s face had only flashed behind your eyelids at his mention, after you’ve probably done one of the worst things you could ever do to him, or in your life, really;
… or the fact that you had to walk out of there, and wait for Ran to pay for the stained dress, cause he wouldn’t let you leave without making a scene. Knowing damn well that everyone in the shop had heard the two of you and is now looking with a mix of: reverence towards Ran, and hatred for you, by all women and men who rightfully wished to be in your stand.
At the end of the day, you were right. Fitting rooms would ever only leave you a crying mess, with clothes too little to fit; and shopping with Ran Haitani was hell made on earth.
At least you were convinced this was gonna be the last time you would ever accompany him – anywhere, really – or so you thought…
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Hey, remember the soulmate au by tiyoin(?) I recently read your post abt idia and Leona reacting to yuu being their mates, but I wanna take it a step further since I saw idias line abt the family curse (this has yandere implications so if it's not your cup of tea please feel free to just ignore, nothing is outright mentioned tho)
What if yuu has a family curse similar to the aishi family in yandere simulator? (It's been years since I touched the game so if the lore changed I'm basing it off of 2018 ish lore, just with my own twist) basically yes, yuu CAN feel emotions, they're just muted and barely there. Given the right conditions (like falling in love or spending time with friends) and/or antidepressants they'll basically be like any other person, without them it's like a less severe version of the aishi women pre-falling in love
So, afab ppl born in yuus family, once falling in love, start losing their sanities and adopt yandere like behavior (stalking, increasing rage and jealousy, willingness to murder, etc) unfortunately this means they usually die young (20s or 30s) how quickly/young they die is based on their willpower (resisting the urges) and when/if they fall in love (so someone falling in love for the first time in their 40s and having insane willpower, caving in 20 years later in their 60s has more luck than a 16 year old falling in love and caving in almost immediately). Unfortunately everyone is a carrier, men carry the gene and can pass it to their daughters, but it only presents in the women/afab ppl, so transfems won't be affected but transmascs will.
What if yuu fell in love already (in their own world) and has just been doing a really REALLY good job at Resisting The Urges™️. Like, sometimes they slip up and cave in to anger or get ridiculously jealous, but they try their hardest to tamp down the feelings. Yuu has sworn off falling in love (again) and has given up their dream of having a big family bc of the curse, they're even distancing themselves from their object of affection in an attempt to "be normal again" at the cost of their own sanity.
So yuu gets transported to twst, and without their darling, they have the chance to be normal again, assuming they can get past the initial panic frenzy. Then the soul bond is revealed and they just go "nope. Not this shit again" and spouts cryptic messages about a family curse and swearing off love. I'm pretty sure most of the boys would feel a bit hurt by that lmao
This is mostly made for idia since his segment is what sparked the idea in the first place, but which characters from most to least likely do you think would try to pursue mc and figure out the truth to leave them alone and try to move on? I personally can't see someone like kalim giving up on both but I think the octatrio would try to look for the truth but be 50/50 on pursuing yuu or dropping them like a hot potato. Idia I think would try to relate to yuu and try to pursue them, but I think he'd probably be a bit put off once yuu starts dropping hints about the curse (he's a weeb so it won't take long for him and maybe Ortho to put 2+2 together and figure out the curse)
tiyon's soulmate au can be found here, their first post inspired some asks, which led to my own soulbound au the rules of which can be found here. Please support tiyon and interact with their soulmate au! They're a very creative blog and deserve the attention~ give them some reblogs!
so. uh. I got this ask when I first woke up and 1) very happy to hear from you Rose, always lovely to get a new ask and 2) yandere? sim? has lore? I did not think people actually played the game? help. i've fallen and misplaced my life alert. As a rule I don't really write for a Yuu who is just x character from y game/anime (it is in my rules) so while I was at work realizing I might be old I was trying to think of a way to do this that wasn't just yan sim (I wanted something properly gn) and I think I've got something? I am currently beating away the desire to info dump on you about the myth of Sigurd and Brunhilde (i could scream about that for hours oh god oh please i have written an actual au for that but efkjbekjrgbjrthnytrh) So here is the basic idea:
Yuu ran afoul of a witch in their world and was appropriately cursed. Given the myth I was inspired by I don't think Yuu did anything bad, but they still made the witch mad so they got cursed to lose all reason should they ever fall in love.
"You will be thine own destruction!" Cackles the witch and Yuu, who is actually normal unlike trey this person takes a deep breath and resigns themselves to researching a way to minimize the effects and maybe break it? They don't know they thought magic was fake until they thought they were just doing a favor for someone but turns out they pissed off Baba fucking Yaga.
They start to isolate themselves since they notice the curse starting to eat at them when they are around anyone the love; they consider going back to the witch and asking for further clarification but they can't seem to find them anywhere so they take some deep breaths and do their best to just be normal.
When they end up in Twisted Wonderland, and start feeling... weird. And it only gets worse when Crowley speculates that they might have been brought to Twisted Wonderland because they posses a soulbond.
And Yuu immediately freaks out because they don't want to kill anyone.
Now as for your question for who would try to pursue Yuu vs just leave them... well I don't really like writing un reciprocated feelings so I hesitate to say any of the cast would drop Yuu. In my au it isn't possible for soulbonds to not be reciprocated, and they are already sort of seen as a curse by mages so this... complication might not be normal but it isn't unexpected if that makes sense. Which would probably make Yuu swearing off love hurt even worse.
Kalim wouldn't want to abandon Yuu. Not ever, no matter how much of a danger they could be to him. Hell, he's willing to forgive people who are trying to poison him on the off chance they might regret it. But he is the heir of House Al-Asim, and I could see his dad paying someone to take Yuu out to keep his son safe. Something Jamil sees coming from a mile away and has to just keep quiet about. Something I can see Jamil feeling bad about, he might not like Kalim but you didn't ask for anything that happened to you. And yet the Asim's took your life from you anyway.
Have to disagree about the octatrio just a bit. Floyd would be into this. And so would Jade. But especially Floyd, oh hee hee ha ha his soul mate wants to kill him? Say less he is on his way to get his ass eat beat with an engagement ring in hand. Both he and Jade would be a little disappointed when the curse is broken and you aren't actively trying to kill him anymore... maybe you could try and poison him huh? Like old times?
I wrote 20 paper pages of soulbond au stuff for Azul so I will try to be brief here but... I don't think this situation would be one that made him try to break the bond. He has... complicated feelings about soulbonds already. If anything I could see him thinking he deserves this.
Now Idia. He's complicated. Pre-overblot he has given up on the concept of breaking his own curse, and I could see him feeling the same way about yours. Ortho on the other hand... even before he gets his soul he wants to help. After the overblot I can see Idia pursuing Yuu determined to find the truth and save them. Not that he wouldn't interact with them before that, he's a bit nihilistic so I can see him just making a bunch of jokes about the situation or promising to let Yuu kill him "after this next round." Or just straight up asking them to when he has to hit pity in one of his gachas. It's just cringe enough that it snaps Yuu out of the curse fog for long enough for the two of them to be normal around each other. And by normal I mean incredibly awkward
Anyway that's all I've got. Thank you for the ask ♡
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deceasedream69 · 1 month
Museum pt.1
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I did it. I finally had the courage to ask her out.
We're going to the museum on Sunday night, it's a date. I can tell she's excited too, I was worried the museum decision was a little... nerd, but I'll guess she'll like it.
We set the time, 6:00 pm, I was going to pick her up but she said she had to do some things before meeting so she'll get there by herself.
It's 6:00 already. My hands are sweating and I can feel this... like, energy flowing through my body, it's making my stomach feel a little heavy, but I'm pretty sure it's excitement.
it's already 6:15 but I'm pretty sure she'll be here anytime, beautiful as always.
After 6:30 I decided to just go home. How could I be so stupid and think that going to a museum was a good idea for a date. I walked inside my apartment, took my shoes off and plopped onto the couch. I was too scared to even call her. I should just wait to see her tomorrow at the office, maybe she had something come up, something so important she couldn't even bother to call.
Y/n's pov
I don't know how long I've been here. I've been punched, spit on, almost drowned and electrocuted. My body felt extremely heavy and sore, my ears and head were killing me and I was cold. I just wanted to go home.
-"hey, princess, ready for another round?"
-"I just want to know why"
-"Is it not obvious yet?"
I just shook my head, slowly, of course.
-"hm, and to think that everyone tells me I look just like my father", he turned around, "or maybe, little miss agent here already forgot about every life she ruined, don't worry, I'll make you remember this day forever", he said pulling me by my hair.
Spencer's pov
I slept very well that night, suprisingly and given the circumstances. I guess crying really makes people tired. I had to put some ice on my eyes to get down the inflammation and redness.
I entered the office, my hands sweating and that feeling in my stomach again. I could do this, tho, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to ask here why she couldn't make it, or why, specially if she lies to my face and I detect it.
The team was already in a meeting when I entered the office, I quickly made my way into the meeting, everyone turning to look at me when I entered. That's when I noticed who was on the screen.
- "I know this might be a tough case for us..." Hotch started.
I sat quickly, I couldn't feel my legs, was this real? Is it my imagination trying to find an excuse for y/n to miss our date last night? Am I having a nightmare?!
- "But we're the ones who'll work the hardest to get to her", Derek said, angry as natural for him.
I wasn't angry, more like confused, sad, angry only at myself for not calling her, trying to reach her or something more than the pathetic "I'll ask her tomorrow" thing I did.
- "it's so sad, I can't even look at the pictures so I didn't put them in the presentation but...' Garcia sniffled... "But you can watch them in your tablets..."
I was too scared to look, although in my case it was a file, but not looking would be too suspicious as well, why wouldn't I look? It's supposed to be my friend, and she needed our help.
With my trembling hands I opened the file slowly, reading the first things, I opened it even more, but no pictures.
- "I couldn't dare to print them either", Garcia said looking at me trying to find the pictures.
The meeting was quick, everyone already assigned to do something different. I haven't looked at the pictures, I'm scared, but I also feel that would be a good way to motivate myself. Regardless, it's a little too late for that now, everyone's busy doing their different tasks, and I should be completing mine, too.
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uplatterme · 1 year
(can be found under my pinned 🤧)
cw: cw: sub!ei, dom!reader, gender-neutral reader, implied poly!eimiko and poly!reader, oral (ei!receiving), fingers 😵‍💫, praise
“Ei, darling. Let me out.”
The Electro Archon had entrapped you in her Plane of Euthymia without warning and no matter how many times you ask her to let you go. She wouldn’t listen.
“A-Aren’t I enough? You won’t need the outside world. I swear it.” She stuttered out, the most that she had said for the entire day.
You stood there dumbfounded, more disappointed at yourself than anything despite the woman’s words.
Did you accidentally say something wrong? Did you act out of line during your trip earlier?
You knit your eyebrows in confusion, trying to recall the things that happened. When, exactly, did things start going this way?
You didn’t mean to spend that much time in Inazuma, only wanting to see how things have been ever since the big change that had happened and is still currently happening. Well, where else to catch up with the latest news other than the Mischievous Shrine Maiden of Inazuma?
“Ah, It’s you. It’s certainly been a long time, hasn’t it?” She said, pleased that you'd come to visit her.
“I suppose. I’m just passing by, really. A bit busy and all.” You admitted, following after her lead as she walked by.
Miko hummed. “And you’re…not visiting Ei?”
You let out an awkward chuckle, shaking your head. 
“She has been pretty lonely.” She said.
“Well, you keep her company.” 
“She’d like your presence too.” Miko added.
You smiled at this.  “You’re very kind. Although, I think you spoil her quite a bit.”
“We spoil her. Don’t think you’re excluded.” She brought up.
The woman handed over the box of fortune slips to you. You were never a strong believer when it came to things like these, yet you humored the kitsune, taking the nearest bamboo slip. She exchanges it with a small fortune slip from behind the counter, giving it to you after a quick read.
“Great Fortune. Isn’t that nice?” She complimented your luck.
“Today the wind will pick up, and you will succeed effortlessly in whatever you do. The people around you will be exceptionally content, and no conflicts will occur. You will dine on delicacies that you have wished for but not eaten in a long time. In your work and in your travels, everything will go smoothly. Seize the day and advance with zeal.” You read out loud.
Despite your words, you still ended up seeing the archon. It came as a surprise seeing her actually present in a physical being when you’d thought you’d have to knock through the doors of her puppet.
Ei was timid, waiting for you to say something first. 
“Care to give me a tour?” You asked.
“I–Yes. Gladly.” Ei answered.
It didn’t take long for you to realize that Ei did not have any idea what she was doing as you walked the streets of Inazuma. You forgot that she hadn’t been out for years, not that you’d tell her you knew, finding it amusing how she tried her hardest to describe what she could see.
What she did seem to be knowledgeable of, was the stall selling Dango Milk. 
It was honestly adorable seeing her wonder if she should get another bottle or whether that would be considered shameful. 
“Are you…having fun? Forgive me, it’s been a while and with you coming without even a letter is surprising.” She questioned.
You joined your fingers with hers, smiling. “Don’t worry. You’re doing a great job.”
She flushed, the sudden praise and touch making her heart thump more than usual. 
“I…” Ei wanted to say more, yet she couldn’t find the right words to say. Not that she wasn’t content with holding hands, of course!
You laid your head on her shoulder, having a normal day like this was nice. “Morax and Barbatos could be a bit too much for me sometimes.” You murmured.
Ei tensed up, the shift of her movements not going unnoticed.
“Are you alright?” You asked the archon who had now let go of your hand.
She stilled, biting the bottom of her lips.
You sighed deeply. That was it, wasn’t it? 
“Is this because I mentioned those two?” You asked her, your voice echoing inside the plane.
Ei pursed her lips. 
The Electro Archon’s mind was everywhere but peace. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she’d been separated from you for so long. She didn’t want you to leave, not now when she has you in front of her.
“When Miko said you needed me, I didn’t think it was this bad.” You walked towards Ei, crossing your arms around her neck.
“Y-You and Miko talked?” She said flustered, with you being so close to her.
“You make such outrageous actions with boldness, yet here you are, out of breath just from me being this close.” You bring up her chin, forcing her to look at you.
“Please don’t leave.” Ei breathed softly.
You give her a smile, burying your face into her neck.
“Venti’s pushy and has no filter whatsoever, Zhongli’s patient but clingy at the same time.” You kissed Ei’s collar, Ei’s head tilting up, purring as you used your arm and brought her closer to you.
“And you’re assertive. You know what you want and you’ll do what you think is best for others. However, you’re also timid. You never share what it is you think of, keeping everything down.”
“Mmm:..” She hummed, feeling your teeth against her skin and marking her as yours.
“So, I want you to let everything out.”
Ei’s soft. Her skin which could put even the finest of fabric to shame, her hair which flowed beautifully as you undid her braid, and her voice. God, her voice.
Every part of her was lovely, even the way she breathed.
Ei pulled down her kimono, not that it did much to cover with how short it was. Her cheeks were red, complementing the bruises you’d decorated on her chest. 
She was lucky that this wasn’t her physical body, she’d never find herself a way to hide those especially not with the revealing kimono she wore.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I-It’s unsightly.” She stated out, embarrassed at how she was reacting.
“I want you to let it out, remember? We can take things slow if you want.” 
You caressed the insides of Ei’s thighs, she closed her eyes, keeping her mouth shut while you carefully lifted up her kimono. She didn’t want to see it herself, yet she knew what it must have looked like.
Her underwear was stained with her juices, already wet despite only being touched so minimally. She couldn’t help but let out a squeak as she felt your fingers trace against her wet folds.
“It’ll be fine, Ei. You’re doing so good already.” You praised.
You undid the obi around her waist, allowing you to see Ei halfway naked. Her breasts and stomach bare, all there for you to savor.
You touched her breasts softly, your fingers on her already hard and sensitive nipples. The archon moaned beneath you, though she quickly regretted it and moved her hands to her face, hiding from you.
You spread her thighs away from each other, admiring the pretty sight in front of you. 
“Look at you, darling. So wet. I don’t even need to lubricate my fingers.” You said, bringing your fingers to her eyes and wanting her to see how her body was reacting.
“Hn–Sorry…” She whined.
“Ah, don’t be. You want my attention, right? I’m giving it to you.”
Ei shuddered as you traced her cunt, purposely missing her clit each time. Her voice became much louder and needier. 
“Hmm! W-Wait!” She cried out, feeling a finger slip inside of her. She could feel herself clench, wanting more of you. 
“I should’ve asked Miko about this if I knew this is where our outing would end up.” Ei’s insides were just as warm and wet as it was outside, 
You added another, her walls taking you in so freely. She gasped, breath taken at how much she was enjoying it, not that she would let you know that.
“Can you take three fingers, Ei?” 
She moaned, the way your fingers moved inside of her hitting just that right spot. “So sweet, I’ll be taking that as a yes then.”
Once she heard this, Ei tried to sit up, wanting to tell you to give her a breather but was immediately put down again once a third finger was inside of her. She was close, she still hadn’t gotten used to the warmth of others yet after being separated from them for years and here you were sharing yours inside of her.
Her chest heaved, your pace hastening but still maintaining that same motion you did before. Close–Oh, she was so close.
“Haah–Ah!” Ei cried out, head dizzy as she squirted from your fingers.
She flinched as you removed your fingers right after, licking them in front of her. Red once again blossomed on her cheeks, she didn’t mean to be that loud and yet she could hear it echo through the plane, it was already embarrassing that she had cum that quickly but hearing it herself even more so.
“You taste undeniably sweet. I’d like to have more.” You stated, putting your mouth against Ei’s wet pussy.
She could feel your tongue on her clit, finally giving the sensitive bud its attention. She squirmed, needing you to use both your hands on her thighs, not that it mattered since your mouth would be the one doing all the work.
Ei could barely contain herself, her mind going crazy as your tongue tasted every part of her, her head hitting the ground as she arched her back. You wanted to praise her for being so good but since you were currently unable to, you settled by digging your nails into Ei’s thighs that sent a shiver throughout her whole body.
You supposed this was the one thing your fortune got right. You were dining on such delicacy, all right.
“M-More! Please–ah!” Ei begged and who were you to refuse such adorable pleas?
You bit her clit softly with your lips, the archon screaming out your name. She was still sensitive from earlier and playing around with her whole body was something you found amusing.
The way her body writhed on the ground, her breasts bouncing with each shake she made while she enjoyed herself with your mouth. Yet you held her still, not letting her move away and forcing her to embrace the pleasure and make the wonderful noises she was sobbing out. The way she sang your name, stuttering and gasping while staring into the empty void of the sky she’d made.
This was supposed to reassure her, right? Then why is it that this was making her even more possessive? The fact that others were also receiving your touches, that she had to share. 
Ei snapped out of her thoughts, feeling another wave of climax about to hit her. Your pace quickened as if you were reading her mind and telling her to stop thinking too much.
“C-Can’t! Haah!” Ei held onto your head, the pressure in her cunt becoming too much making her cum once again.
She closed her eyes in pleasure, her thighs wanting to wrap themselves against your head and they would’ve, if not for your hands separating the two.
You raised your head to a breathless Ei, thighs still quivering and the ground wet with all her juices.
You went on top of her, crossing your hands together with hers. Her eyes closed and breathing deeply each time she exhaled, you doubted that she could hear your request to let her out even if you said it into her ear.
“Oh well, I guess I could stay a bit longer.” You said, chuckling at the girl.
Three Archons, all wrapped around your fingers. Anyone would want the power you held. Yet, you were content. Even if meant having to listen to the bard’s tales as he performed nightly, having to assist in picking the right flowers for the funeral consultant, or having to deal with the shogun being out of touch with current times.
The day these three would cross paths was something you both dreaded and looked forward to. Only time could tell how exactly that would have ended up.
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bl00dst41ned · 8 months
*.·:·.✦ timeless redamancy ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: kóstas tsimíkas x female reader
summary: in which you and kóstas' relationship evolve through each yearly interview
author's note: greek scouser been looking a little too yummy lately. had this idea from a kóstas fic by @curiousthyme but also trent’s interview for channel 4 sport and the pregnant presenter
word count: 1072
“Hello everyone, welcome to a new interview. Today, we are joined by Liverpool’s Kóstas Tsimíkas as he recently celebrated his first year at the English club. Hello Kóstas”
He responded with a quick “hello” as you continued the interview’s introduction. Out of the corner of your eye, you could feel his eyes set on the side of your face. His strong gaze unsettled you as you tried your best to keep your composure in front of the lens.
“So, back in 2020, you joined LFC. How do you feel about this first year at this new club?”
“Well, it has been a great start. I’m enjoying myself with the team. We work hard everyday and try to improve ourselves each day so…it’s good”
With each question, Kóstas didn’t look away from your eyes. Throughout all the years, he would always lose himself in your iris, drowning in your pupils. Every part of you fascinated him and he showed it, regularly gazing.
“Moving on, I’ll go back to your first year in Liverpool and I’ll get a bit more personal. How did you get used to the city and overall new life?”
“Well…it was hard at first but now it’s okay” You watched as he thought of what to say. “My family is a bit far but I still have people here. My teammates, my girlfriend so I’m good”
It was hard to keep a straight face as he mentioned you. He never talked about your relationship but he thought it was a good opportunity to destabilise you.
“Oh, your girlfriend ? Nice”
You both shared a smile before going back to the interview.
“Hello everyone, welcome to a new interview” You smiled at the camera, sitted on the comfortable chair, legs crossed “Today, we are joined by Liverpool’s Kóstas Tsimíkas. Hi Kóstas, how are you?”
“I’m good, thank you, how are you ?”
“I’m great, thanks for asking. So first, I’d like to know how life has been recently ?”
No matter how much professionalism you gained within the year, interviewing your boyfriend was still the hardest challenge you had to face. You still felt the butterflies in your stomach just from him looking at you in your eyes. Kóstas knew about it and loved teasing you in public, trying to make you break character at each interview. Just like he did now.
“I had to face hard moments, but life has been good. I’m still enjoying myself at the club and yeah…I love it here”
As you asked your questions, your right hand played with your ring finger where sat a shiny diamond ring. You twisted it from time to time, stopping once you noticed your producer’s widened eyes, wordlessly warning you about your unnecessary movements.
“How do you try to improve your performances each game ?”
“By training, keeping a good diet and a healthy lifestyle in general. At the club, we always try to do better than the game before so the team’s mentality influences my determination”
You opened your mouth to ask your next question only to be interrupted by your partner.
“I see you got a ring, you’re married ?” Kóstas asked, a smirk on his face.
You blushed, struggling to find the words to answer.
“Yes I just got engaged. I didn’t know you were so observant”
“Yeah, I proposed to my girlfriend recently so my mind is set in that mood”
You quickly moved on since you knew any more words on it would distract you from your job.
You silently mouthed as he answered the question you just asked: “You’re the worst”.
“Hello everyone, welcome to a new interview” You smiled at the camera, a hand on your hard 7 month-old pregnant belly, body slightly inclined on the armrest for comfort. “Today, we are joined by Liverpool’s Kóstas Tsimíkas as he signed a new deal with the club, hi Kóstas, how are you?”
It had become a known fact to the public that you were his wife but you loved to play it off during interviews and never be straightforward.
“I’m good, I see that you're expecting, congratulations. How are you?”
“It’s a tad tiring but my husband’s always there to help if I need” You winked at him discreetly as his smile got wider.
“I’m sure, he’s a great man” He added, making you chuckle at the way he praised himself.
“So tell me, what made you want to extend your contract?”
“I just feel comfortable here at the club and in the city. I don’t think there’s another club that’ll make me feel like this right now. And with things happening in my life, I’d rather be somewhere I’m settled”
He eyed your stomach while answering, seeing it move as your baby pushed it. He tried his hardest not to be disturbed and keep his focus on your questions. 
The two of you had gone through a lot. You grew to go from a simple relationship to being married. And after all of these years, Kóstas always seemed to be amazed by you. 
Your beauty had never changed 
“So, last time we saw each other, you had gotten engaged, now you’re a married man, how does it feel ?” As you read the question, you turned to the producer behind the camera who wrote the question.
“It’s the best feeling ever” Kóstas held the biggest grin on his face as he looked into your eyes. “I have the greatest wife ever so taking this step was evident, you know. She’s my biggest supporter, always there for me so I’m glad to be able to call her my wife”
Your heart fluttered at his words. He rarely talked about you publicly but each time he did, he never forgot to praise you. And it made you blush each time. But today was different as your hormones were all over the place. And as much as you tried not to cry, tears brimmed up in your eyes.
“Oh my god, that is too cute” You waved your hand to dry the tears away.
“I know I’m the luckiest man ever”
You calmed down before going back to your questions and succeeding to finish it without another emotional excess.
“Well, we’ve come to an end with this encounter. Thank you to you guys for watching and a big thank you to you, Kóstas for your time”
“Your welcome, Mrs Tsimíkas” He winked at you, earning a laugh from you.
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firewhiskykiss · 1 year
you start to think your friend harry potter is quite attractive.
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a/n • idk what the fuck this is! my first time writing in about 5 years and i’ve also never written for hp characters despite loving harry from the age of 5.
theme • angsty and fluffy, i don’t write smut (for now!!!)
warnings • mentions of death, grieving harry, violence
word count is 4.1k, i wrote this in one sitting.
you weren’t exactly irrelevant, your name was at least recognised, however you were also perfectly and plainly ordinary. you didn’t have a huge number of friends at hogwarts, however you were lucky to be well acquainted with harry potter. you weren’t close enough with him to spill your deepest and innermost thoughts, but you enjoyed laughing with him on the way to dinner most evenings; you greeted each other warmly whenever you passed him in the corridor and even offered to help him with his homework on the odd occasion. it was a simple friendship - nice. your conversations never got much deeper than, “hello”, “how are you?”, “have you handed your essay on werewolves in yet?”, but they were pleasant nevertheless. the most you knew about him was that he had triumphed against voldemort (but who didn’t) and lived in an awfully dull neighbourhood called little whinging, but he never went into any detail about his encounters, you assumed that he saved those stories for his best friends ron and hermione. in fact, the more you considered it, you realised that harry was actually a very private, quiet boy, who said as little as he could get away with. sometimes when you said “hello” you felt as though you’d bothered him, he always seemed to have a sad look in his eyes, even when he was laughing his hardest.
you never really took much time to consider finding harry attractive, until you overheard two gryffindor girls oggling over his photo in the daily prophet on the way to your lesson one morning. you revised the idea in your head, and admittedly agreed that his eyes were really gorgeous, and recalled the times you’d caught his cold eyes in class. most of the time it was because he was deep in thought, staring at the wall past you and you happened to be looking in his direction.
professor slughorn was in the middle of teaching potions. you weren’t completely invested in the lesson because you couldn’t concentrate. your mind kept distractingly returning to the idea that harry’s eyes were infact really pretty. you turned discreetly to your right and saw him sat there. to your startled dismay his blue eyes were staring right at you. you weren’t good at things like this and sat there stiffening, knuckles turning white as you gripped the edges of your desk at your attempt to hide the fact that you’d been oggling at him like all of the other girls in your year.
when the lesson had come to an end, you heard harry’s soft voice call after you, because you’d been trying to hurry out amongst the rest of the bustling students to escape the embarrassment of the escapade at the beginning of the hour. as much as you’d wanted to, you couldn’t ignore him, you were supposed to be good friends, so you paused whilst teetering out of the arched doorway and turned on heel.
“hey harry.”
he seemed even more troubled than usual, and you immediately felt your stomach lurch. “slughorn’s loving you these days, isn’t he?” you continued whilst the conversation remained in the archway of the classroom even as the other students dispersed back to their common rooms.
harry nodded before slowly presenting you with his potions book. you were confused until he opened it to the blank page prefacing the table of contents.
this book is property of the half-blood prince.
“i’m not quite sure what this means.” you followed dryly, screwing your eyebrows together at the peculiar text, it seemed to have been inked in by a student.
harry hadn’t talked much yet aside from calling your name. his thin lips pressed into a frown and he shook his head too, “me neither. this book is the reason i’ve been coming out on top of the class”, your eyes found his whilst he spoke, “hermione would tell me to hand it over to slughorn, and ron might get jealous, so i thought i would show you. you’re easy-going.” your lips curled up at the compliment he had just paid you. for the first time, he’d confided in you before either of his best friends, and it gave you butterflies for some reason.
ever since your conversation with harry after potions, you two had been meeting regularly in the library. you had asked harry if you could copy the notes from the strange book into your own for academic purposes, and unbeknownst to you harry had agreed because he found your company oddly comforting.
this particular evening was unlike any other until harry broke the silence in a way that was strikingly unfamiliar to you. he started venting.
“being the chosen one isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” he sighed with comedic, adolescent frustration and pressed his cheek against a stack of books on the desk. he was watching your quill scribble away and fought back the urge to yawn. he was grumpy a lot of the time, he’d become a very temperamental boy in the recent stages of his teen-hood - it made you giggle. you put your quill down, and entertained his complaint by asking him “why?”.
he rolled his eyes and pointed at two fourth year girls sat in the corner of the library, “i haven’t gone a day this year without some girl coming up to flirt with me,” he consciously tugged the hood of his jumper closer around his neck, ”i think i preferred it when everybody hated me last year, to be honest.” you managed a laugh and put your hand on the boy’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly.
“i can picture your frustration. i don’t blame them though.” you immediately bit your tongue, you hadn’t meant to insinuate anything, but luckily harry thought nothing of what you’d said and shrugged, still visibly annoyed. it was also uncommon for you and harry to engage in any skinship whatsoever and, realising this, you quickly withdrew your hand from his shoulder, pretending to tuck a tuft of hair back behind your ear.
by the time you and harry were ready to leave for bed that night, you’d long been finished taking notes, but you enjoyed small talk with harry beside the candlelight, and he enjoyed it too. by habit of his escapist nature, he’d been enjoying your company more than anyone else’s for the past two or three weeks because there was nothing complicated to your friendship, and he never gave you any indication of struggling so you never asked. harry liked that. he had a feeling that you probably knew he had his personal impediments being “the chosen one”, but you accepted them blindly with a kind smile, and treated him indifferently. it was all very convenient and comfortable. he was also starting to consider the idea that you had very nice eyes too.
and the school year continued just like that. you and harry grew closer than ever; you revelled in eachother’s company; you spent your evenings together in the library; you spent your mornings together in the great hall revising. most crucially, you were best friends denying the presence of anything more because you were both too shy. harry also didn’t want to risk overcomplicating one of the few relationships in his life that took his mind off voldemort.
in his time away from you throughout the year, he continued to carry out dumbledore’s endeavours and courted slughorn into revealing his vices. in the month leading up to this, harry had been distancing himself from you. although he thought it better to keep you at arm’s length from his business with dumbledore, he hadn’t been intentionally trying to avoid you, he was just so very busy. he felt guilty nonetheless.
you took harry’s absence on the chin, you knew he dealt with a lot of things, things he didn’t disclose in casual conversations with you because that would spoil the light-heartedness of the time you spent together. you took it as an opportunity to resume the studies you’d fallen behind on, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit… lonely. you hadn’t been on your own like this since harry had called for you after that one potions lesson.
reminiscently, you opened your potions book on the notes you had taken when you were with harry, and smiled fondly. but then your heart sank. it wasn’t abnormal to miss your friends, but what you felt was beyond yearning, you just kept it hidden from harry and the other students, not that harry had the time to notice these days. at most, he managed a quick “hello” as he passed in and out of the common room, until one morning he had disappeared altogether.
you attended breakfast alone. you attended your first class of the day alone. you felt so miffed that you decided not to attend your defence against the dark art’s class, in fact you were truant for the rest of the school day. the fact that you hadn’t seen harry at all today worried you immensely, even when he was busy he was always loitering somewhere about the grounds. yesterday he’d returned from hagrid’s fairly late, you guessed that maybe he was tired and sleeping it off, but a dark hunch that you had implied otherwise.
that night, your intuition summoned you to the astronomy tower, one of few places you visited for undisrupted pondering. your chest felt clogged with an indescribable feeling, it felt almost like a sixth sense, or something similar to unease. the sky foreshadowed a storm, you felt it in the humid air too. usually you would feel lost without harry, but for some reason the fear inspired an unusual confidence in you, and you balled your hands into two determined fists as you stared out over the grounds. it all felt nostalgic, the sweep of grey trees in the distance reminded you of the life that had inhabited the school when you were a little girl. you couldn’t decide why you were crying exactly. maybe you missed harry. maybe you just hated being alone. you soaked it up with the sleeve of your school jumper and turned to leave, and you would have done if not for the indistinct sound of footsteps.
you took off down the stairs and uttered a soft “lumos” to your wand, illuminating a pair of blue eyes, but they weren’t harry’s. your eyes winced at the mop of silver-blonde hair infront of you. the male you recognised easily as malfoy pinned you suddenly to the wall with his forearm and despite looking fairly scrawny, his forearm was bigger than you anticipated - you couldn’t move.
“what are you doing up here”, he asked bluntly, yet whispered at the same time. malfoy’s clothes carried a smell that you likened to an old cupboard, or dusty furniture. he was someone that you knew to be unpleasant, due to harry’s recollection of their quarrellings, but you had exchanged few words with him during your time at school. you weren’t aware of harry’s extra-curricular activities, and even less aware of harry’s speculations about malfoy. your expressionless face mocked draco’s attempt to scare you, you raised a cocky eyebrow and retorted, repeating the same question he had asked you.
“it’s none of your business.” his voice quivered briefly, you recognised this as fear, but ignored it when you heard the sound of someone apparating into the castle, soon followed by the sound of harry’s voice. draco’s head turned almost as quickly as yours. his plans had not accommodated harry. it was hard to say who was more staggered by this. the inches between you and draco were quickly severed when the blonde boy pulled out his wand and took up the stairs. you immediately thought it best to stay hidden beneath the floorboards, you didn’t think harry would take kindly to finding out that you were there, even though it was highly unintentional, he liked to keep you separate from his dealings. plus, it was late. malfoy was joined by a few unrecognisable characters dressed anonymously in black, and snape. breath hitched, you crouched behind one of the pillars and eavesdropped on the conversation happening above you, and it didn’t take you long to understand that it wasn’t going to be a friendly encounter, however it sounded unlike any of the altercations harry had previously described to you. you knew malfoy to be a snobby, sneering sod, but you hadn’t thought of him as an accomplice until you heard snape strain “avada kedavra” discernibly above the conflict.
you clamped a hand over your mouth to stifle a staggered, gagging cry. you felt as though you couldn’t breathe. you supposed this is what grief felt like, but it had all happened so quickly, you’d hardly processed the events you’d just heard before you felt it curdle with rage in your gut. harry was long gone, judging by his outburst you assumed he was chasing after snape. before he fled after the teacher, harry’s tone had become unrecognisably cruel, a tone that had never occurred to you in all the years you’d known the bright boy. it made you shiver.
you could still hear malfoy’s discordant sobs on top of the tower, so you confronted him quickly, casting bereaved spells at him with your wand. if harry knew you were involving yourself…
it didn’t matter.
he looked reluctant to engage in this duel with you, but that didn’t stop him from disarming you. your wand flew from your hand and you inelegantly dived after it. malfoy dived after your wand, simultaneously, and as you both landed on the floor with a thud, you raised your palm to his pale cheek and slapped him. it was so harsh that you felt your palm stinging too, but the pain didn’t phase you as you wrestled your wand from the slytherin boy’s puny hand. flecks of spit from draco’s mouth landed on your face because he was gritting his teeth so angrily, he portrayed a level of fury you thought was impossible for a 16 year old boy to feel. he stopped resisting you, there was something heartbreakingly defeated about the cowardly slytherin. you led slumped against a pillar opposite him, panting in a deathly silence.
harry couldn’t hear anything, besides the sound of blood gushing in his ears and a slight pulse. he recalled how snape’s cloak had coiled back and swept over harry’s exhausted body before the gaunt-looking man accompanied a cloaked woman into the dark forest.
he knelt honourably beside dumbledore’s lifeless body, caressing the man’s silver beard with his fingertips. it was inconsolable, his pain. harry only knew loss. everybody that he held close seemed to die and slowly the amount of people that he could trust seemed to be growing smaller, and smaller. with every loss, he felt a small part of the excited 11 year old boy he once was die too. he was too young to feel this way, it was excruciating, but even though he felt this way, he remained nonchalant and concealed what few tears fell down his cheeks.
you stood with the rest of the grieving students, but you felt scared stepping forward to comfort harry, it had been a good few weeks since you had felt close to the boy. he had his back to the crowd, it confirmed the trauma you had only guessed at for years every time you looked into his shy, blue eyes across the classroom. your heart ached.
you waded quietly past the others students as they held their illuminated wands to the sky above and lowered to your knees beside harry, his eyes didn’t meet yours. all magic aside, your held your friends’ hand with a human understanding of his agony and set your wand aside, squeezing his hand weakly with what strength you had left. he was never very open about his trauma, but he didn’t need to be at that moment, you collected his soft, soft sobs in your shoulder as you pulled him in against your chest and held him. you could feel how badly he was hurting. you wished you could take it all away.
and you stayed there holding him late into the night, long after the other students had cleared and returned to their dormitories. professor mcgonagall stayed with dumbledore too.
two weeks had passed since dumbledore’s passing. your friendship with harry wasn’t quite the same. it was common knowledge that you had been there on the astronomy tower, you’d also told him about your brawl with malfoy. you didn’t talk about much else after airing that, harry was reluctant to talk about what had happened, mostly because it was too painful, but also because then he would have no choice but to accept the events as factual. that also meant accepting that hogwarts would never be the same, accepting that everything had irreversibly changed.
conversations were duller than ever. harry had become even more temperamental. you often heard him lashing out late at night, when he was alone in his dormitory, or heard his footsteps on the cold floor in the common room when he went to sit by the fire to relieve himself of a nightmare or a terror. you recognised them as harry’s footsteps because you too stayed awake all night, and noticed that you never heard his footsteps returning to bed, and often found him sat there the next morning staring bitterly into the fire wearing the same damp pyjamas that he had soaked that night.
one memorable night, you were pulled aside before bed by hermione granger. you knew she was one of harry’s best friends, though you’d never spoken to her. you hadn’t anything against her, and you hoped the feeling was mutual, even greater than that you hoped she didn’t sense you as a threat to her long-lasting friendship with him. you weren’t like that.
you pulled your dressing gown robe around your body and tied it at the front as she began to murmur, “i’m sure you know harry’s in an awful way.” you nodded silently. “he’s never been keen on relying on people, you know. the whole time i’ve known him i’ve never seen him ask somebody for help. except maybe dumbledore…” she trailed off cautiously, even she treated dumbledore as a delicate topic of conversation since he had passed away.
she pulled her curls back into a ponytail and frowned. “but i also don’t think he would be so against relying on you.” you couldn’t help but feel as though hermione was suggesting you hadn’t been there for harry as much as you could have been. perhaps you’d neglected him through fear of seeming like you were prying when all he really needed was for you to try and persist. get through to him. you also guessed at the very obvious hint hermione had dropped that sounded as though both you and harry had feelings for the other that were unspoken for. you thanked hermione sincerely, and rushed down to the common room in your nightwear. you didn’t have any socks on, the stone castle floor was freezing.
you knew harry would be down soon, he came and sat by the fire every night without fail. you sat there too, melting into the sofa, hoping it would eat you alive because the anxiety was gnawing away at you. what if harry snapped at you? told you you were being troublesome or bothering him? when you saw his face descend down from the stairs to the boy’s dormitories, you regretted your instinct to come downstairs entirely. harry didn’t look bothered yet though.
he sat beside you quietly and sighed, pulling the collar of his pyjamas shirt away from his neck. it was damp from where he had been sweating already. without much thought, you stopped his trembling hand from tugging at the fabric and held yours clasped over his before opening your mouth, “i’m sorry, harry.”
he didn’t say anything. he looked like someone who’d heard sorry too many times in the past two weeks.
“we used to have fun together…” you started, unsure of where you were actually going with this. “i’m not here to pity you, like most of the others. i do understand, you know. not quite as fully as you, i haven’t been through nearly as much, but when i see you crying, harry, i…”
you brought his hand down from his neck and held it firmly in your lap, “i can’t watch you in pain and-“ you breathed and reticent as you were said very plainly, “i don’t mean that as a friend either, harry.”
you met harry’s blue eyes. they seemed surprised, although you weren’t sure why. he was brilliant, you wish he saw that. not brilliant because he was “the chosen one”, or because he was somewhat of a celebrity, but because of how brave and exceedingly kind he was.
“i don’t understand, y/n.”
“yes, you do.”
harry knew he’d understood you as well. but he hadn’t expected your friendship to take so much of a dark turn so quickly, he wanted to keep you away from that. and he didn’t like you seeing the vulnerable side of him either, despite however pleasantly intimate it was to have you comfort him. maybe this was enough, though. maybe this was close enough.
you were sat inches from eachother on the sofa before the fire. but you were close enough that he could smell your perfume. it made him smile. it wasn’t a big smile at all, unlike the huge grins that practically stretched to his ears when he was a little boy. but it was a smile nevertheless. he also decided against fighting the urge to smile because your determination made you that much prettier.
eyes straying, harry made a confession of his own, “do you know what i could smell when slughorn took the lid off of the amortentia in potions?”
“something a bit like honeysuckle”, he paused, smiling into the fire, “i didn’t recognise it until you held me two weeks ago. i’d never gotten close enough to notice that you smell like that.”
your mouth fell open slightly but conscious that you were catching flies, you quickly shut it and smile too. this conversation suddenly felt nice, unlike the tension that had been brewing between you previously. you felt warm again, just like you had done when you shared your evenings together in the library.
“i’ve liked you for a long time, harry, but i didn’t want you to think i was taking advantage of you.”
“why would i think that?” suddenly his bushy, black eyebrows were knotted together above his nose.
“all that talk of you being “the chosen one”, i didn’t want you to think that’s the only reason i took any interest. especially when you despised other girls for that very reason.”
he scoffed, you were right, those girls had been awfully annoying. he turned his head slightly, commanding a shy pink colour to creep into your cheeks. even when you and harry had been at your closest, you became bashful when he held eye contact with you, it felt very intense. without giving any thought to his actions, he cupped your face with one hand and brought you in for a kiss.
it was a very slow kiss, his thin lips slotted in gently against yours. you’d never contemplated what harry was like as a kisser but he exceeded all of the expectations. it was a nice feeling. warm. your pining hands reached for his pyjama shirt and tugged longingly at the fabric, not in a suggestive manner but as a means of saying that you had waited so long to feel harry surrender like this. it didn’t last for very long, he pulled away with a sigh and pressed his forehead to yours, glasses falling further down the slope of his nose. harry felt like a normal teenage boy and for a moment failed to remember that he was really a wizard and his life was really about to change for the worst now that dumbledore was gone and voldemort was back. you were still forehead-to-forehead, breathing florally against his mouth when he realised that soon he would have to confront his new reality.
for now, harry wanted to remain ignorant for a while longer.
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youunravelme · 1 year
drops of jupiter pt. 1
author’s note: this is not a super light read, deals heavily with depression, though it’s never explicitly stated. think liability by lorde/this is me trying by taylor swift. also, this was meant to be one part but it got very long winded so i’ll try to release the second part within the next day or so.
warnings: cursing, drinking/getting drunk, depression
summary: being friends with your ex wasn’t the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, breaking up with him took that slot.
prompts: “I thought I was going to lose you.” / “i just need you.” / “what the hell were you thinking? / “i don’t know who you think i am but i’m not leaving.” / “feel my fucking heartbeat right now and tell me i don’t love you.”
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you weren’t quite sure what made you have that difficult conversation with him. what triggered the need to end things and get out of dodge? maybe it was the look in his eye when you joked around with his brothers? or how he said i love you later that night? was it because you were the first phone call he made after every game? or was it the comment he made in passing about his mom asking about you?
the reason, at the end of the day, didn’t matter. because you broke up with him four months ago, watched the joy drain from his eyes, and then stupidly agreed to stay in touch despite knowing that would have to be the hardest thing to date that you’ve ever done.
which is how you found yourself laying in bed, staring at the ceiling fan go around and around with the same sad song playing in the background like you were in some shitty coming of age indie film.
if jack were there, he’d be in bed right beside you, stroking your hair and offering to change the song. but he wasn’t. because you pushed him away before he could see you devolve into a shell of a human being. he only saw glimpses of that version of you before you ended things.
the thing no one told you about breaking up with someone is that you don’t magically forget everything you ever knew about that person. you could still remember how jack took his mornings slow and easy, which brand of protein power he used, and if you tried hard enough, you could still smell the scent of burnt broccoli.
he still lived rent free in your mind, and no amount of alcohol would ever change that.
“i don’t understand where this is coming from,” he started. “i thought we were happy.”
you looked down at your feet. “we were, i was, but i don’t know. something changed.”
he nodded and clenched his jaw. “is there someone else?”
your head snapped up to look at him. “what?”
“is there someone else? do you love him? i know i haven’t been very present lately but i at least thought that--”
“no!” you cut his rambling off as soon as you found the words. “i would never. i could never.”
“then why?”
you threw your hands in the air before putting your face in them and collapsing on the couch behind you. “i don’t know,” you said. “i don’t know. i think something’s wrong with me. i should be happy but i’m not and i don’t know how to fix it.”
“we can fix it together.” jack took the seat next to you and pulled your hands from your face to hold in his own. “we can do it.”
but you shook your head. “i don’t think we can.”
“so what’re you saying?”
“i think we need to stop this.”
“as in break up?” you refused to look him in the eye, scared you might find tears, or worse, he might notice yours. “if you’re gonna break up with me, at least look me in the eye when you do it.”
so you looked up and found that your fears were correct. the tears in his eyes only served to make them more blue. “i’m breaking up with you.”
in hindsight, maybe going to a bar alone wasn’t the best idea. but when you and jack broke up, he took your entire friend group with him. not that you blamed them, they were teammates after all.
“back again?” the bartender greeted you as you sat down. “the usual?” you nodded instead of speaking, just looking forward to the burn of the alcohol.
she placed the shot down in front of you, and you knocked it back a beat later.
“fancy seeing you here.” you nearly choked at the sound of the voice. or was it the burn of the alcohol? you couldn’t tell. you turned your head to see a smiling nico leaning against the bar.
the bartender furrowed her brow and walked back over to you. “are you okay? is this man bothering you?”
you shook your head. “old friend,” you explained.
“and her drinks are on me tonight,” nico said before ordering you both another round. 
“what’re you doing here?” you asked.
he shrugged lightly and took the seat next to you. “didn’t feel like sitting at home by myself so i came out to the closest bar to my place. why are you here?”
what would you tell him? you drink to forget? to feel? “i also didn’t want to be home alone.”
he pursed his lips but didn’t contradict you despite his face giving away that he didn’t believe a word that came out of your mouth. “how have you been? it’s been awhile since i’ve seen you.”
translation: since you broke things off with his teammate.
you shrugged. “nothing much, just going to school and working. i haven’t really done anything important in awhile.” nico didn’t respond, just chose to keep staring at you. “what?” you asked.
“you don’t look alright. are you okay? do you need something? money? groceries? if you need something--”
“i’m fine, nico. besides...” you trailed off.
“...besides what?”
“you’re his friend, i don’t want there to be conflict between you two.”
he laughed, like a full belly laugh. “last i heard, you two are still friends.”
“i wouldn’t say that--”
“i would! and besides, any friend of jack’s is a friend of mine.” you sighed and picked at the grain of the bar top. “listen, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine. but are you talking to anyone about what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours? you don’t seem like yourself.”
you met his earnest eyes and blinked back tears. “i don’t even know who that is.” and it was the most honest thing you’d said for months.
you sat in the chairs of prudential center staring blankly as your boyfriend warmed up. normally, you’d be staring intently at his smiling face, but all you could think about was the nearly failing grade you got on your most recent test. it was so bad your professor didn’t even hand it back, she just asked to “see you after class” where she asked if you were okay.
you were so tired of people asking you that.
winter was hard, but wasn’t it for everyone?
jack skated up to the glass and smiled, placing his hand on the surface. he didn’t say anything, but you could see the love all the same. you placed your hand in the same spot and gave him your best toothy grin.
it dropped the second he turned around.
you sunk back into your chair and waited for the game to start so you’d have something to focus on other than the gaping hole in your chest.
jack played well, scoring two goals and having a few assists here and there. the best part of the night was how happy he looked.
he’d be happier if you weren’t the dark cloud hovering over his head.
you pushed the thought away like you always did and met him after the game to say congratulations.
he beamed when he came out of the locker room, greeting you with a hug and a kiss. “have you eaten?” he asked, voice low enough just for you to hear. “dinner’s on me.”
“hey hughes! let’s go out and celebrate!” nico called from over jack’s shoulder. “i could go for a burger and a beer right about now.”
“i was planning on taking my girlfriend out tonight--”
“no it’s fine, jack,” you started. “nico can come. i’d love the company.” and i’m too scared that you’ll see right through me.
he didn’t look convinced of your answer, but nodded anyway. “where do you wanna go?”
you shrugged. “doesn’t matter to me, you should pick.”
which is how you found yourself sitting in a random sports bar, watching as random men came up and congratulated your boyfriend and his friend. by the fifth person who came up to the table, you excused yourself from the table.
“you okay?” jack asked.
“yeah,” you replied. “just have to go to the bathroom.” you got up from the table and grabbed your bag just in case. it wasn’t that you thought someone would steal it, rather you didn’t trust nico and jack to keep a close enough eye on it and you’d seen too many apple air tag stories on the internet to be okay with leaving it unattended.
thankfully, the bathroom was empty, probably because it had seen better days, but that was neither here nor there. you took one look in the mirror before bursting into tears. you kept trying to wipe them away, but as soon as you did, more tears fell.
“what is wrong with me? get it together,” you whispered to the reflection in the mirror. you weren’t sure how long you were standing in there, wiping away tears until your phone buzzed with a text from jack.
you okay?
everything in you wanted to confess and tell him the truth. no i’m not okay. i’m having a mental breakdown in the most disgusting bathroom i’ve ever seen, i’m not even sure this sink water is clean.
but you didn’t. you couldn’t bring yourself to make him worry.
i’ll be out in a minute.
you and nico were stumbling out of the bar with your arms linked, giggling at something that definitely wasn’t funny. you weren’t sure how many you had to drink, but this was the first time you felt great in months.
“i can’t believe you said that to him,” you giggled.
“jacky boy was getting too uptight, had to loosen him up somehow,” nico slurred.
“why was he uptight?”
“you’d just broken up with him silly.”
oh right. 
you laughed.
“he should be here any second,” he said.
you stopped walking. “what?”
“well you can’t walk home this late and i can’t let you just take an uber. i texted him when you went to the bathroom.”
like he knew he was being summoned, jack pulled up in his car and parallel parked before hopping out. “you alright?” he directed his question to both of you, but his eyes were locked on yours.
“she needs a ride home,” nico said.
“looks like you do too, hischier,” jack replied. 
but nico shook his head. “nah, i’m two blocks away but,’ he leaned in and gestured for jack to do the same. “i think she needs a friend, she’s been sad all night,” he stage-whispered.
if you had any cares, you might’ve flushed with embarrassment and denied it, but the stars were out that night and you couldn’t remember the last time you got a good look at them. you were too busy gazing to notice jack look at you, and really look at you. it had been weeks since you’d seen each other, the last time being when you accidentally face timed him and he picked up immediately.
“you sure you can make it home in one piece?” jack asked.
“not my first time doing this, hughes,” nico grinned.
that didn’t seem to comfort jack any, but he let it go. “i want a text when you get home, got it?”
“yes, mom.” nico made a gentle attempt to pass you off to jack, but what he thought was gentle was more like a shove that ended up with your face in jack’s chest and his arms around your waist.
“i got you,” he mumbled. “let’s get you home.” he secured you in the front seat before jogging around the front of the car to get in the driver’s seat. he unlocked his phone and handed it to you. “put your address in.”
you shook your head. “i’m still at our place.”
he didn’t say anything, but you could feel his stare on the side of your face.
“guess we need to split our stuff up, huh?” jack said the morning after you broke up. he slept on the couch and ordered breakfast, getting exactly what you wanted. it was gonna hurt like a bitch to let him go, but it was what was best.
for him.
you sat at the kitchen table and started eating, waiting for him to start speaking again, a habit he’d picked up the past few weeks.
“i can move out, stay with nico or someone from the team until i find a place.”
you wanted to argue, wanted to be courteous and say you could do it, but you both know you couldn’t afford to find another place in such short notice. and with your lack of social circle, you didn’t have many friends who had room to house you.
“you can take what you want,” you mumbled. “doesn’t matter to me.”
if you weren’t staring at your food, you’d be able to see the pained look jack gave you. “none of this matters to you? we made a life here, and you don’t care what happens to any of it?”
you shrugged. “it’s just stuff.”
“just stuff,” he mumbled. “and i suppose what we had was just a relationship?”
your head shot up to look at his tear filled eyes for the first time that morning. “jack, i--” but no words came out. he even sat waiting for you to say something else before getting up from the table altogether and leaving you there.
you put your fork down.
you weren’t that hungry anyway.
jack slung your arm over his shoulder and walked you up to your second floor apartment. you dug your keys out of your pocket and shakily unlocked the door after missing the keyhole a few times.
if you were sober, you might’ve been embarrassed by the state of your apartment with the take out containers littering the coffee table and the unfolded blankets on the floor. you used to be the clean one in the relationship, now you lived in a pig sty.
but jack made no comment of it. he shut and locked the door behind you and propped you up against a wall so he could take off your shoes. he tossed them next to the door and led you to your bedroom. 
“why are you being so nice to me?” you asked as he pulled pajamas out of your drawers.
“put these on,” was all he said.
you changed in the bathroom and came out to him placing a glass of water and what looked like ibuprofen on your nightstand. “you never answered my question, jack.”
he looked up at you and sighed. “we’re still friends. friends do nice things for each other, right?”
“but i haven’t done anything for you?”
he shrugged and helped you into bed. “you don’t need to.”
he made his way to the door when you spoke up again. “jack, will you stay?”
jack sighed and turned around to face you. “i don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“i promise i’ll be good. i just need you.”
“you have me,” he said. “i’ll be in the living room if you need something.”
you fell asleep shortly thereafter and woke up to the sun streaming through the blinds and your head pounding like a drum. the alarm on your nightstand read noon. you’d slept longer than anticipated. you took the ibuprofen on your nightstand and stood up, the night before coming back like a tidal wave.
i just need you.
you wanted to throw up.
but you walked into the living room, fully ready to do a little dance around the piles of trash, only to find it spotless. the trash was gone, the blankets were folded, it even looked like the surfaces had been dusted.
there was a little note on the coffee table with his handwriting written all over it.
i meant to stay until you woke up, but i had practice. hope you feel better. it was good seeing you last night. don’t be a stranger.
you were gonna throw up.
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