#i went to take some cause im getting super dizzy and i think i might get a migraine soon
c0rpseductor · 1 year
i love walgreens ibuprofen because they are those beautiful shiny translucent green caplets. My deliciouslittle healing emeralds. my magical forest elf mediicnienes
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i pop in and out on this app so much i’m sorry ☠️ the last time i checked on u tho i think you were how are you feeling now? 🥺
idk at what point i accidentally unfollowed you my phone is rude for that but i fixed it 😤 as a bestie i feel i have to explain a bit why i wasn’t here so little update if you remember that time i told u i had a cavity that was hurting, i did eventually get to the dentist and the funnier thing is i have to go back like three or four times really according to them bc the lady said i actually have like ten cavities 🤦‍♀️ and they can’t do them all in the day.
But nothing stopping me from eating sooo i might get some more but let’s hope not 😭 i like ice cream to much i can’t help it. Have you ever tried mint chocolate chip ice cream? I wanted to try it bc certain idols i like always talk about it so I did try it maybe last weekend fun fact i can’t eat it anymore bc i got super dizzy my stomach was hurting. I literally scared my mom to the point she thought she would have to take me to the hospital it was not a cool feeling. That’s what i get for for following idols then i learned that chocolate can cause vertigo ☠️ so i had to just take a nap. Crazy thing is i only had a few spoons anyways
i may not know what to post on this app anymore but i still like checking on ppl i’ve met here. I hope your doing better than you were last time i saw. I’m also waiting for more song recommendations 🤔 and speaking of which i’m not really a fan of aespa but their most recent song “drama” i actually didn’t dislike have you heard it?
Hey bestie, you're alive, I was worried😭❤️
I thought you left Tumblr or something similar, and yeah, I was definitely surprise seeing the notification of you following me, because I was like "when did she stop to follow me?🤔🥺". I thought you were mad at me or something like that, but luckily everything is fine🫶
Also I'm fine, the atmosphere is way more calm now respect to that silly incident. Also, I started writing again, or at least I'm trying between small fictions and reactions. Trying my best to write at least 3 times at week and the first week was a success.
I'm sorry to hear about your problema with sweets and teeth. When I was younger I had a lot of problem with cavities. Then I started doing the teeth cleaning by my dentist every 6 months and everything went way better. I suggest you to do the same. And, bestie, stop eating ice creams, it's november FFS😭 It's not healthy eating that much🙈
And about music and suggestions, I was waiting for a month like this. Red Velvet, Aespa and later we'll have mother Taeyeon comeback too. Is this maybe Heaven? Drama is one of my soty canditates and Chill Kill album is at 90% my aoty. Such a blessed month🥰🤩
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s13e1 lost and found (w. andrew dabb)
metallica's nothing else matters for the road so far recap? mmmk. i loved the black album.* it's in my big playlist right now! and nothing else matters was very teen angst sad boy shit appropriate for me (album came out when i was 11 and i remember it featuring at middle school dances) but this song is way too downtempo for the clips/editing as it progresses before we get to the loud parts. weird choice. and maybe shows do this all the time and it's not with songs i know well enough to notice, but splitting the song up midway through is very jarring. i get cutting down the long instrumental intro, but segueing into lyrics differently? buh. stranger things did it with atmosphere by joy division and it wasn't terrible, but noticeable. but the scene/song combo was so impactful to me i didn't care because i was a mess
the overriding theme here with this song and clip selection is like 🚨FAMILY 🚨okay bro, i get it. calm down. is this why i see people harping on how the show is about family, not just sam and dean? is this gonna be A Thing? or am i projecting? both?? i have literally nothing else i might want do if i don't watch this. but i also don't really want to watch this. sigh.
and now i'm all distracted by them using some new fancy filming technique while they're driving where they're being paced and we're seeing the conversation from the outside and it was cool at first but it keeps going and now i'm just too busy trying to figure out where the camera is and where it's going and getting vaguely dizzy.
i get what and why they're doing this thing with jack being at the station with the sheriff but also. im tired
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all right. this also reminds me of hmm. combo leo in titanic and ...josh hartnett in pearl harbor?? o.0
glad sam is totally freaked out and afraid of jack, as he should be
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JACK (still fondling the wall) Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel.
LOL transcriber! fondling?? how about touching. anyway. papa castiel it is
MIRIAM I don't know what he's told you. I mean, I can guess. Some line about how he and his brother… (deepens voice) save the world. Grr. So macho. (she sighs and speaks in her normal voice) But really, he's not a hero. He's Becky. DEAN Becky? The roommate Becky? MIRIAM You take things and break things and piss people off, and just do whatever you want, no matter who it hurts. Also, you're a giant super bitch. DEAN Well, it takes one to know one. MIRIAM So, yeah, you're Becky, and Becky needs to die.
really odd choice to go with becky for this whole story business, unless they're invoking the actual becky from the show it's just confusing. i really hope it's not show-becky.
i think these are the angels that were in the script in 12x23? got 'em in now, i guess. so i thought carver was around for s12 but apparently it switched to dabb/singer as showrunners that season
....why did the angel just stab the sheriff's kid...? i know they're generally not big on humans but stabbing one for no real reason other than some distraction seems a bit excessive.
MIRIAM: Oh, sweetie. Almost anything. Castiel, he's dead. All the way dead, because of you.
rolling my eyes. that's a reach to try to induce a guilt trip
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conveniently got confirmation that jack can't be killed easily, as expected being how they talk him up like he's more powerful than anything basically for whatever reason
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DEAN Okay, Chuck… or God, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said… You said the earth would be fine because it had me… and it had Sam, but it’s not, and we’re not. We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back. Okay? You’re gonna bring back Cas, you’re gonna bring back Mom, you’re gonna bring ‘em all back. All of ‘em. Even Crowley. ’Cause after everything that you’ve done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now.
being a cynical asshole but ok scenic backdrop for this praying to chuck that he could have done in the car. and he's giving my kids when they want something. need some foot stomping. punch something and risk breaking your hand instead, good choice
i think there's a handful of reasons** but i have never emotionally connected with cas and this... angsting and preparing to burn him and all, knowing that it's all going to be walked back at some point, it's just frustrating and exhausting. and now we're mourning cas, kelly, mom, crowley....
i didn't want to be sitting and stewing over pondering the logistics of how cas comes backs so i went and looked it up. and um, okay. i'm sure i'll have some thoughts about when it rolls around.
well, suffice it to say, i didn't particularly enjoy this episode. and had surprisingly little (for me) to say about it.
**his characterization that seems to change week to week is part of it and how the show talked up his relationship with the boys but didn't match up to what they were showing us for seasons on end. and unfortunately, how some sectors of fandom are about him also i think has an effect. which is a bummer all the way around
*oh james. i do enjoy your voice. i saw them live once or twice i think, but i don't really remember it. it was in the days of the album with the blood and jizz on the cover, which people didn't like. the songs or the jizz, i think
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according to wikipedia, james also didn't like the blood and jizz artwork, and says homophobic shit in his explanation. great!
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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aizawa shouta x shy!reader ; yamada hizashi x shy!reader
warnings: i think theres cussing LOL IDK
a/n: okay so these are hard for a few reasons.... one im not a shy person... so im i dont capture the essence of a shy reader im so sorry D: and i havent written for mic yet. love the man sososo much, but... he’s so scary to write for....but i love these two idiots! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME ANON
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Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa was standing right next to you. The two of you were out for a movie date night, waiting in the too long of a line for the midnight premiere.
You bundled up in so many coats that Aizawa found it cute! But your eyes kept jittering between the front of the line to the title of the movie over and over. You looked like a marshmallow. Aizawa knew you were already reciting what you were going to say to the employee when you got there. Something that wouldn’t happen for another thirty minutes.
Aizawa found your quiet excitement to be entertaining to watch. The way your hands would clap with every step forward. Aizawa had already asked you over a hundred times this week alone, but Aizawa couldn’t help but he couldn't resist another one. “What’s this move about again?”
Despite what should be an annoyance on your face, an award-winning smile present itself on your face. Aizawa watched as you explained what the movie is about. You spare no detail, giving away the background to the movie without going into what the actual movie was about. The small stutters and embarrassed flush still evident in your speech. This went by unnoticed as Aizawa could not hear it over the excitement that fills your speech.
“Oh my god, are you a super fan too?” The man in front of you states, he whips around, his own eyes sparkling. “I dragged all my friends with me here, but no one is as excited as me!”
Aizawa watches on without a word. The two of you chatting about the series that Aizawa wasn’t knowledgeable about at all. Furthermore, his lack of knowledge in this series irked him now. You were blushing and stuttering a lot more now that you were speaking with a stranger. Yet you still had that undeniable excitement in your voice.
“If you and your friend want to sit with us, I’m sure none of my friends would mind! Having a pretty girl who knows what’s going on during the movie is my actual dream come true.” The man says as he places an arm around your shoulder, to which you attempt to get off.
Now, he had passed a boundary.
Aizawa grabs your wrist, and within seconds he has you pressed into his side. Aizawa stands glowering at the stranger in front of him who sneers back. “The hell bro, she isn’t fucking yours.” He says rolling his eyes as he attempts to grab you back.
Aizawa outmaneuvers him, putting himself in front of you. Acting on what could only be high school boy emotions, he presses his lips against yours. Aizawa could not think straight as he bit down onto your bottom lip. Something he knew never failed to make you moan. Sure enough, a moan left your lips, and Aizawa made sure to make it obvious that he was putting his tongue in your mouth.
It lasts only a few seconds more before he can feel your arms weakly pushing against him, a weak protest against your actions. So, Aizawa complies. He pulls away. Making sure to look deep into your eyes which were swimming with different emotions. He smiles at you before snapping his attention to the stranger who was looking away. Fury, embarrassment, and envy on his face.
“Of course she’s not fucking mine, she’s her own damn person,” Aizawa glares as the words stab like knives. “But I am the one fucking her.”
Now that causes a series of shrieks and squeaks from you.
You groan as you bury your face into Aizawa’s chest, wanting nothing more than to disappear from the line. The reaction of the crowd made it known that little make-out had caught peoples attention.
“Sho-Shouta...” You whisper as he now wraps his arm around your waist as the two of you walk, following the line. The man in front now refusing to look backward, which makes Aizawa smile. “That was embarrassing.”
Aizawa winks, even so, having quite enjoyed the spur of emotion from himself, “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Like hell you are.” You retort into his arm and Aizawa chuckles as he presses a kiss to your temple as the ticket booth calls the two of you up.
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Yamada Hizashi
“And here with me tonight, listeners! Is the ONE, the ONLY, the AMAZING, Y/L/N Y/N!” Hizashi screamed into his mic. Hizashi was feeling ecstatic that you finally agreed to go on his radio show after years of begging.
“Hi!” You meekly say unto the microphone, unsure if you should wave given no one could actually see you.
“So, y/l/n, tell the audience a little bit about yourself! Let them know all the deets about you!”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. You watch your boyfriend stare at you with the widest grin you’ve ever seen in your life. He was just so outspoken, genuine, and kin that sometimes it made you wonder how someone so... well shy, could ever make him interested in you.
“I’m here too, Mic.” The annoyed voice of Aizawa says, and you laugh some more as Hizashi scoffs, throwing his best friend a wink.
Aizawa had also agreed to join only because you would be there. Being your boyfriend's best friend, he wanted to help you out in case Hizashi became too much Present Mic. Besides, you would get most of the attention! Nevertheless, Aizawa still wanted an introduction.
“Ah yes, the noble Eraserhead is here tonight, too! Listeners, I don’t know if I ever told you, but did you know that I chose his Pro-Hero name?!”
“You were discussing y/l/n.” Aizawa groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose, the tips of his ears turning red.
“OH, YEAH!” Hizashi exclaims as his attention is back onto you. You glance over at Aizawa who sighs and without further hesitation, the night rolls on.
You can’t believe it, but you’re actually enjoying yourself on the Present Mic Radio Show. Hizashi made it easy to talk to the void. Pretty soon, you felt as if it wasn’t even broadcasted as you felt at ease with the conversations. In fact, you had finished a conversation surrounding the latest news with the up and coming new Pro-Heroes. After all, all three of you knew them!
“Moving to the last segment of the night, we’ll be taking in some calls from you beautiful listeners!” Hizashi says throwing his fists into the air, “Start calling in folks, we only have ten minutes!”
You smiled as the calls started, and most of them didn’t need much of your attention. Most of them were more obsessed over the two Pro-Heroes on the show, that is until the very last call.
“Hi,” The scratchy phone audio plays through your headphones, “My question is actually for, y/l/n!”
This stuns all three of you. Because although you had been participating, you weren’t exactly a well-known name. You glanced over at Hizashi. An encouraging smile and thumbs up from Hizashi sent your lips near your mic and you spoke, “Go, um, go ahead?”
“Oh great, well, uh... this might sound weird, but I really love the sound of your voice. I was wondering if, by chance, you would like to go out with me—“
“That’s a hard no,” Hizashi speaks up before you can, a smile on his face as he can’t believe what’s happening, and your cheeks blush scarlet.
“I’m sorry, but why not?”
“Well besides the fact that we don’t know who you are, listener, but y/l/n is my girlfriend!” Hizashi cooly states as he looks down at his fingernails as if it was some sort of power move.
“Oh... well, my offer still stands!” The man continues, “She obviously didn’t say no, it was you who said no.”
You feel dizzy, this was not happening.
“You’re right listener,” Hizashi sighs as if he wasn’t thinking things through. “Instead of being rejected by me, you’re going to get double rejected by my adorable girlfriend! Who’s way out of your league anyway!”
You shake your head at Aizawa who is grinning at this interaction, “I’m sorry, listener. Um, well my answer, my answer is no.”
“Oh looks like the caller hung up, alongside his pride!” Hizashi fakes pouts before cackling, “Alright, until next time! PRESENT MIC, OUT!”
Hizashi rolls his eyes as the On-Air sign turns off. He tosses his glasses aside looking at you with a tired, but victorious smile. “Now get your cute ass over here and show me I’m yours.”
You pretend to scoff, but stand up anyways.
“And that’s my cue,” Aizawa says leaving followed by the echoing laughter of you and Hizashi.
after writing this, i can now confirm i love daddy aizawa and present mic, peace OUT HOMIES
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Sorry for asking so much but if u dont mind i like to think that blossom sees boomer like his little bro so lile one day boomer having panic attack and blossom helping him. God i love my bby boy suffering
Oh don’t apologize! I love it! Ask as much as you want love. Fun fact, I used to have panic disorder from the age of 6- 17 so I know all about panic attacks. That wasn’t a very fun fact but uhhh, hope you enjoy!
Everything in this fic is from my own experience and I also took psychology as well. 
So I’m going to write this with my version of my own attacks so what you see boomer having is equivalent to mine. From my own experience just so that no one comes for me, I can’t speak for about ten minutes and its had to move so im either sitting or under neath something like a desk. Once I can talk, I stutter and can barely form full sentences. Its important to know that panic attack and anxiety attacks are much different as the first doesn’t have triggers but the second does. Also the first thought you have when you going into a panic attack is thinking you are about to die, scary but its true. 
Now that is out of the way, I hope you enjoy this fic and sorry that it took so long to do!
Pairing: Blossom and Boomer (non shipping) 
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls 
She never really knew how or why she heard it. Super hearing gave you many things but hearing the worlds smallest sob escape trembling lips was never something she usually picked up on. 
It buzzed in her ear and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up with a slight chill. Soon her feet were taking her upstairs and it was the first time she had ignored the hall pass rule. 
Being a hero meant she had to be ready for anything. Monster attacks, demons rising from the pits of hell and even gangs shooting up stores, it was all part of the deal, yet there were some problems that not even super powers could handle. 
She opened the door to the roof slowly before stepping out and feeling the crisp and cool air of the morning. It would have been peaceful if someone wasn’t crying. Her foot steps were that of a ghost as she walked towards the other end and she dropped to her knees before placing a hand on a trembling shoulder. 
“Boomer?” she asked quietly. 
The blond boy looked up, his eyes had been blown wide and were rubbed red to the point that they might scar. His lips trembled as he said nothing stared at her with an empty look. 
She felt frightened in that moment, not for her well being but his. She watched as his lips parted but nothing came out. He tried to speak but his voice was like a desert. Dry and bare. 
His eyes searched for an answer, something to cling and grab onto so he could swim.
“Boomer, are you okay?” She asked knowing the answer already. Again, no words but blue eyes that begged for help. 
His breathing picked up, hyperventilation coming into play and he brought his hands to his ears and slammed his foot down as if to drown out the silence. Blossom searched for any sign of what could have hurt him, she had to think. There was nothing, no monster or attack and he didn’t seem physically hurt, so what could- 
Oh. Oh. OH. 
She should have known what was happening the minute it she saw him. Her advanced psychology classes came into handy just now. 
“Boomer.” She said softly and he opened his eyes. “I think you are having a panic attack.” His eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lip. “Okay maybe you are aware of that but I’m going to help you through this, okay?” 
Boomer said nothing and she didn’t expect him too. She made a mental note that he was going non verbal during these and maybe that's why he couldn’t call for help. 
Blossom dug through her bag for her notes and found it in record time. “Okay lets see, panic attacks.” She began to read. “The first thing that happens during an attack is the thought of death. Oh.” She frown. “There is a constant state of panic that last five to ten minutes but the after math of the fear could last hours. In order to stop a panic attack, the person experiencing it must wait it out or an extreme reaction can help quicken the process, other than that, there's nothing to do.” She scoffed. “Gee that was helpful.” 
All she needed was a distraction, she could do that. She could tell a joke? No, she wasn’t good at those and only got a humorous reaction from her clumsiness. Instead of trying to figure it out, her phone was her next best guess. 
“Don’t worry Boomer, I got you.” She smiled. She went to a few different sources and found one. “Ice in the mouth. It should trick your brain into thinking about it instead.” Blossom looked around. “Where can I get ice?”
She suddenly felt a finger poke at her cheek. She looked at Boomer who was point at his mouth then to her. Oh! 
“My ice breath!” She cheered and held out her hand and carefully blowed until a small cube formed in her hand. “I’m not sure Boomer that might be a little gross-” 
The cube was taken and before she could protest, it was in his mouth. 
“Okay then, how's that working?” She questioned with a soft expression. 
He looked from the left then to the right as he shifted the ice in his mouth. Slowly he opened his mouth, his voice breaking as he spoke. 
“I-” He tried to say as tears formed in his eyes again. 
Blossom put her hand on his and ushered him not to speak. 
“Its okay, you don't have to say anything. You got through it, I’m sorry I was only here at the end but you did it, Boomer.” She said proudly. 
He wiped his tears with his sleeve that was already soaked from earlier and leaned to grab her shoulder and pull her into a hug. She felt the tension from his shoulders fall instantly and his heart rate slower to a more desired rate as he hugged her tighter and held her for a moment. She didn’t dare budge but gave him a squeeze and ruffled his hair as he pulled away. 
“Your face is awfully red, maybe you should go home.” She said as she helped him stand. 
He nodded and grabbed his bag. “T-thank you.” He croaked. “No one has ever been with me before.” He said sadly. 
She frowned. “Does Brick know?” 
Boomer shifted on the balls of his feet. “No.” 
“Do...do you have these often?” She was almost afraid to ask. 
“Once a month maybe. Most of the time I’m at home, haven’t have a public one in a while.” 
“Was there anything that could have caused it?” 
He bit his lip and shrugged. “No. You read those books, they are random but Brick and Butch fighting constantly and the stress of school doesn’t help. But it's okay.” He offered her a smile. “That ice trick worked really well. Without you, I probably would have been there until school got out. I’m just really happy it was you and not anyone else.” He said honestly. 
“I think you should tell your brothers. You can barely speak in that state and I would hate for something to happen when you couldn’t call out for anyone.” 
He tightened his hold on his backpack and gulped. “I don’t want to. Its embarrassing. I’d rather keep it to myself, I can handle it.” 
She knew there was no way he would budge. She exhaled and pulled his phone  from his pocket. 
“hey what are-”
“Im installing a safety button. My sisters and I have a button that we can push that automatic lets us know when we are in danger and can’t speak. It's mostly for missions and things like that but this is just as important.” She handed him his phone back. “So when ever this happens and you feel like you need some help or someone to just sit there with you, I’m one click away.” 
He stared at the button and placed his thumb over it. A beeping noise came from Blossoms phone and she pulled it out to silence it. “See like that.” 
A wave of emotions came over Boomer as he began to tear up for the hundredth time. “Blossom, I don’t think you know how much this means to me.” 
Blossom brought him in for another hug. “You won’t be alone any longer, I promise.” 
She felt him nod against her shoulder and wiped the tear steaming down his cheek with her thumb. “Lets go get you check out to the office and sent home, you should rest.” 
“Yeah. I’m a little dizzy.” 
She wrapped her arm around his and the began to walk towards the office just as the bell rang. 
“Damn it, I miss third period.” Boomer sighed. 
“Its fine. Buttercup will give you the homework and I’ll get anything else you need.” 
“You really don’t have to Bloss.” 
“As a hero and more importantly, a friend, I will.” Blossom said.
“Boomer.” They heard a voice behind and she knew instantly it was Brick. 
They stopped walking just as Brick came in front of them. “The hell are you doing?” Brick asked as he looked at their conjoined arms. 
Boomer was about to say something but Blossom squeezed his arm. 
“Hes not feeling well and I’m sending him home.” Blossom stated. 
“You were fine this morning.” Brick narrowed his eyes. “Buttercup said you ditched class.” 
“He didn’t ditch. Some of us have emotions and right now Boomer is not feeling too well, he can explain on his own time but as his now older sister, I am making him go home and rest.”
“What she said.” Boomer said just as he yawned. 
Brick rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Fine, go home.” 
Boomer gave him a small smile. 
“Go on ahead, I’ll meet you in the office.” Blossom said as Boomer walked ahead. 
“Is he really sick?” Brick asked and she could sense that he was really worried.
“I wouldn’t say that but its also not my place. Just go easy on him, he's having a hard time right now and I think having his brother help him through it would be good for both of you.” She reassured him. 
“Alright, whatever. I’ll make sure Boomer is fine.” 
Blossom smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek. “You're so sweet.” She gushed dramatically. 
Bricks face flushed slightly as he took her hand and tried to hide his smirk. “Yeah. Yeah. Let’s not be late to chemistry.” 
“Would love too but I have to go use my puff powers to get my new little brother home.” 
“Little brother?” Brick shook his head. “What are you adopting him next?” 
“I just might.” She smiled. “I’ll see ya in class.” She winked as she headed towards the office. 
She found Boomer sitting in one of the chairs. “If you could stop canoodling with my brother, I would like to leave, I got a massive headache and my face is a disaster from crying.”
“We weren’t canoodling.” She said under her breath as she went up to the office lady. 
Boomer sat and watched as she talked. He felt better by a landslide since she came to help him and hearing her refer to him as a little brother made him a little more happy then he cared to admit. Watching Blossom talk and win over the woman made him smile as he hugged his arms together. 
“Yeah, big sis would be nice.” He said to himself but he didn't miss the way her lips turned up into a small smile. 
I hope you enjoyed! I actually really liked this prompt and sometimes its good to read things that can help you in daily life. 
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Inside the office of the guildmaster of the Bersekers of Ikebukuro, Where a transient is sitting on his chair,quitely reading the documents in his hands,The silence is then disturb by the knocking of the double doors infront of him, he signals the knocker to come in and white lion dressed in very formal attire with documents on his hands,placed it on his desk and kneels before him as a sign of respect.
Snow: My darling Master,All preparations for the event have been completed.Everything that has been requested has been accomatated.
Claude: Yes! Excellent! It seems there have been no problems at all.
Snow; If i may ask my darling Master? Should i start preparing it right now?
Claude: Yes!, these will truly show the might of the Bersekers to the other guilds including the Tycoons, the Aoyama Missionaries, and offcourse the summoners,This will be a grand event...Snow start preparing  everything for the events that will take place.
Snow: i may ask my darling master? Where should this event take place?
Claude:Kasai Rinkai Park.
Here they are, E-class has safely arrived on bus as they approach the beach,because the school is having a summer getaway with everyone,offcourse everyone is super excited to go the beach,to be able to enjoy the sun skewing your skin,playing by the beach,and having a delicious BBQ with everyone...except one of course.The one person that the summoners wish to enjoy with, is currently not present ,because he had something of outmost importance to do,He wished to come,but he”s friend said that its really important and that it will surprise everyone.He didn’t know offcourse and he already knows that he”s bound to get into some deep trouble,but because the  person was so cute,He couldn’t refuse,
Now the summoners are both excited and a little bit sad there friend is not there to enjoy it with,He would absolutely love to go the beach. But thats not going to stop them from having a good time on the beach, even when he’s not around.
One by one everyone slowly exits the bus,to find themselves assaulted by a sunlight so bright it bleaches the world white.As a breeze is scented with a light musk,along with the distant cries of happiness around and the sounds of waves harmonizing with them. The summoners leaped out to shout in captivation.
Tries to run away to the beach only to be stopped by Shiro”s warning message.
Shiro: Ryota! Don”t run off on your own,And keep it down will you or you’ll be cause a disturbance to the other beachgoers.
Ryota stopped to apologize to Shiro because of his excitement.
Ryota: Sorry Shiro, It just feels so good to be at the beach!
Shiro: I know how you feel,but we’re not here to just do outdoor activities...We’re still here for class, even if its a summer getaway. And if we cause trouble here, it will reflect back on Shinjuku Academy.
Kengo:Come on,Don’t be a such a stick in mud,whats wrong with having a little fun?
Shiro:Expecially you Kengo!, Im expecting that you”l stop yourself from getting into fights.Understand?
Kengo:What are you my nanny or something?
Moritaka: Now,now Shiro, you have to stop worrying or you’ll  get stress. Its only natural that everyone will be excited,since will be here for only 3 days.They are just want to get the most out of this trip.
Moritaka being the voice of reason calms Shiro down and let his guard down since they’’l be spending 3 days at the beach.
Shiro: You’re right ,we’ll be spending 3 days together,although with the past experiences with Kengo,i have to keep a close eye on him.
Kengo: Why do you always have to be such a pain in the ass!?,goody two shoes.!
Moritaka: This heat, i think is a bit too strong for my taste.For a therian with fur like mine,this heat is really brutal.
Ryota: Oh yeah,Your fur is really fluffy and warm when its winter, its gotta be uncomfortable for you,
Moritaka: What!!.. Im a warrior!! .... i should be...able to....handle this.....heat.
The assault of sunlight on Moriaka”s fur has made him quite dizzy resulting to nearly fainting.But Ryota and Kengo quickly catch him before he could hit the heated ground,Carrying him to a nearby tree for shade and fanning him to quickly drop his temperature.But its a good thing one of the teachers were to quick to respond.
Mr Triton: A student suffering from the heat? i Triton shall assist you matter what the ailment!..Shiro there is a cooler full of ice on the side of the bus,please get it quickly.
Shiro: Im on it.
As swift as the wind Shiro rushes to get the cooler full of ice to cool down Moritaka, Mr Mononobe who was near the scene quickly went to the scene to try and assist his student,
Mr Mononobe: What happened? Oh i see heatstroke,Well we need to get him to the nearby clinic to make sure he”s okay.
Mr Triton: Excellent work!.
Shiro gives the cooler to Mr Triton and to everyone”s surprise he just throws the ice on top of Moritka”s head.Though it seems to be working, but at the very least Moritaka doesn’t seem to be hot anymore.
Mr Triton: Im sorry,but its the quickest way to cool him down.
Moritaka: Its actually working everyone,Im starting to feel better already.
With Moritaka in bath full of ice he looks like he”s starting to get back up his feet again.
Mr Mononobe: HAHA,Well thank goodness for that, Anyhow you kids better get going,Mr Jinn might start to get worried. 
Shiro: We’l do Mr Mononobe,Everyone! Lets go.
While the summoners hurried to the hotel,Mr Mononobe lets out a slight giggle while looking at the kids rushing.Mr Triton could’nt helped but to be curious about it.
Mr Triton: Mr Mononobe?
Mr Mononobe: OH, its just seeing those kids full of energy really makes an old man happy,
Mr Triton:I know what you mean Mr Mononobe,It feels us teachers with pride and joy to see our students live their youth full of happiness.
Mr Mononobe: Im wondering,.... where is Harumo right now?
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Fall Back to the Jet
Summary- Bucky x Y/N (Steve, Natasha, and Sam features) Cap tells you to fall back to the Quinnjet, but you decide on another option. Lucky Buckys close by. Warning- Violence, swearing. Written for @hopingforbarnes​ 250 Writing Challenge. Congrats!!!! Prompt is in bold italiacs. 
Word Count- 1.9k
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It was all going smooth till Steve spoke directly to you in his com “Y/N, we have it from here, fall back to the quinnjet” 
You were still the rookie although its been a year, and Steve was the Captain, No one defies the captain, except for you. You eyed the open doorway the hydra agent just went into, taking a deep breath as your resolve settled, you werent going to sit on the quinjet any longer while the rest cleaned up. Ducking into the dark doorway, you stalked down the stairs while hearing your name being yelled at in the com “Y/N, I TOLD YOU TO FALL BACK” Sorry Cap, not this time. 
There are times in your life you maybe regret a decision, this was one of them. You thought the room was clear, sweeping your sights back and forth from the other end of a rifle, when there was a clip to the back of your head, knocking you forward and stupidly dropping your gun. “You Mother Fucker!” you yelp, and turn to face your opponent, twisting your head slightly to knock out the kink he put in your neck. He was well over twice your size, his meaty hands flexing to get around that slim column of your neck, you could see it in his eyes when he lunged at you, side stepping around him with a kick. It was like bouncing your foot off cement and didnt phase him much, smirking at you as he came at you again. “SHIT!” you state as you start blocking and trying to attack back. 
“Bucky you got her?” Steve hissed as they barged into a lab and Steve threw up the shield, blocking the barrage of bullets aimed at the two men. 
“Yea I got her” Bucky ducking behind the shield and once in a while lifting behind from it and aiming his own specially trained on targets rounds, he twisted away and went back out the way he came, using his vibranium arm to slam open doors to see them empty. “Come on Y/N, where the hell are you?” He snarled, until he heard you cussing out someone and the shallow sound of flesh getting pounded on. He hoped that it would be you doing the pounding, but when he opened the door, that certainly wasnt the case. 
Bucky came into you looking twisted around the mans arm, and him slamming you down into the floor, doing your best to keep your head from being bashed in, attempting a kick into his face, his throat, just about anywhere to get him to release his hold. Blood ran down the side of your face from your scalp and your words were flying just as much as anytime youve ever been pissed off, regardless of the situation. “If you dont let me the fuck go you dick wilted asswipe, Im gonna rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat.” If Bucky wasnt scared as hell for you at the moment, he would have rolled his eyes at you, once he realized the way you were being flung back and forth wasnt gonna allow him to take a shot, he shouldered the weapon.Close attack it would be 
Without another pause, Bucky strode forward, his strides wide and his metal arm slammed into the hyrdra agents side of the head, jarring his hand to open wrapped around your neck and you fell to the floor from a considerable height,snapping the back of your skull against the cement with a sharp cry. Rolling away from the two men clashing like titans above you. Bucky was shorter in stature then the hydra agent was, but much more quick on his feet, as well as being a super soldier, it wasnt exactly a fair hand on hand fight. Within minutes the agent was merely blocking the bone rattling blows Bucky was issuing, you were crawling across the floor to where you dropped your weapon, sitting back and putting it to your shoulder, waiting to get a clear shot.
Buckys silver hand wrapped around the back of the mans neck, the plates clinking as he tightened pressure and swung him around right in the aim of your shot, you lining hydra right up in your cross hairs, and pulling the trigger. Barnes turned his face away to keep from getting splattered from brain matter and blood. Loosening his hold, the hydras body, minus the top of his skull, collapsed with a dull thud. You lower the rifle and wince, placing your hand against your head. “Bucky... he got me pretty good.” Your vision going in and out at the moment. 
“Jesus Christ Doll” He hisses as he sidesteps around the body and goes to you, his hands cupping your face to look in your eyes. “Can you focus on me?” You blink a few times and wide eyed stare right at him best you can. 
“Hows that?” You question, grinning stupidly since your just glad Bucky got there in time. He frowned a bit and sighed, wrapping you in his arm to get you to stand. 
“Steve, I got her, Im taking her back to the Jet.” He spoke, not to you though and you didnt bother trying to get an answer. With his assistance, you two hobbled, less with sleuth, but with plenty of pauses for Bucky to check to make sure the coast was clear, the two of you headed outside. Sam was already in the jet, waiting on the two of you. 
“Steve and Nat are finishing up downloading the computer files, then they will join us. Come on Kid, I got a spot waiting for you.” 
“She had her head hit pretty badly” Bucky stated as you two followed Sam inside, going to sit you down, a wave of nausea threatened to upchuck whatever breakfast was, which what was that again? Oh yea, bowl of Wheaties, you remarking to Steve and Bucky this morning across the table. 
“Breakfast of Champs!” You werent exactly feeling like a champ right now. 
Sam looked you over to, prying one eyelid open, then the other. “I think shes going to be okay, but once we reach the compound we will be able to take a closer look.” Bucky settled in beside you and you pried them open once more. 
“Thanks for coming for me.” 
It was this moment Steve and Natasha returned, Steve snapping past you without acknowledging you at the moment. “Get us home Sam” his voice clipped, and Natasha plopped down next to you, her eyes brimming with worry. “Hey, we win some, we loose some right? You also got a hard head, I know.” She teased, having sparred and tumbled with you plenty of times. Steve stayed up at the front with Sam for the moment, but once he was sure you were okay, back home, you were most likely gonna get one of the famous Cap speeches youve seen him dish out to other agents. For now you were content to lay your head on Buckys shoulder, his hand resting against his knee, palm up. Without hesitating, you weave your fingers with his and he gives them a gentle squeeze. It might amaze others just how gentle he could be with that vibranium limb of his. Not you though. 
When the jet lands, you walk off, much more in control then before, but Bucky still hovers nearby and follows you into the medic bay. Quickly your head is checked over, a flashlight shining in your eyes, follow the finger, clean up the scrapes and blood. “Your gonna be dizzy for a few days, so nothing strenuous.” 
In this moment, you were okay with that. 
Steve came in, his demeanor still snapping in anger, but a touch calmer then before. He glanced at the medic and asked “Please, give us a few moments Ma’am, then you can have your patient back.” Bucky moved to take over bandaging the rest of you up as the medic left the room to the three of you. 
He looked at you, hands moving to rest against his hips as he seemed to asses you. “I heard your okay, Y/N. Good, you gave your team quite a scare.” You did have the audacity to look a bit sheepish, but felt the need to defend your actions. “I know, I honestly thought I had him.” 
“Thought, not good enough. Your still fairly new to the team...” This caused a look from you while Bucky patched up the back of your head as best he could. “So I think a bit more team building practices are in order Y/N. Until then, field work is off the table.” 
“What? Steve, come on.” You go to push Bucky back so you can stand up, but hes firm, firmer then you can give him credit for. “It was one mistake, I made a bad call.” 
“Yea, could have gotten you killed. Your always trying to think solo and you just cant. Were a team Y/N. We work together. Ive already made the decision.” 
You kinda gape as Steve turns to leave, fuming. You swear your heads going to blow like in those old bugs bunny cartoons where it goes off like a train whistle. “That son of a bitch just benched me. BENCHED ME!” This time you manage to move to a stand, about to storm off after Steve, but Bucky caught your arm and sat your ass back down. 
“Youve got to calm down before I can fix you up, Okay?” Bucky said calmly as he works diligently. His hands just as gentle as ever, you can barely even tell hes doing anything. You stay as still as you can, fighting back frustrated tears at the Captain benching you like this. Your tired and sore, your reaction just adding to your already bad day. “It was one mistake, one. I just hate always being told to go back to the jet when I could be helping you guys out. It was a bad call on my part, but fuck... I just wanted to be useful. I cant believe how bad this has turned into.” 
Bucky is silent for a moment before he pulls back and studies your face momentarily, and sighs. “Listen, I will talk to Steve, okay? Right now hes just being a dick. He will give everyone else crap about not following orders, but damned if he does.” You wipe at your face to get rid of the frustrated tears build up and arched your brows, hopeful. 
“You would really do that Bucky? If he says yes, I promise I wont mess up again.” 
“Course I would, and let me tell you, Steve wouldnt have listened either.” He went to pick up the tools and waste sitting on the table nearby, and scrubbed his hands clean. “Let him just cool off, hes probably speaking in worry as well Y/N. He doesnt always show it, but your just as much family as the rest of us.” 
Tentatively you go to stand, touching the bandages he finished securing gently and wincing. Without even asking he held out some aspirin that you popped immediately. “How about we go crash on the couch? You still owe me live commentary on that second little people going to drop some jewelry in a fiery hole movie. What was it again?”
This caused you to laugh. “The Twin Towers? Sounds good Bucky” 
@what-is-your-plan-today​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @p8tn0lish​ 
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himbohargreeves · 5 years
hallo here are the hc's i whipped up for the teacher au!! i'm sorry this turned into an essay i'm just a dumbass who loves soft teacher au a lot!!
“not sure what the others would teach in this teacher au tho-” *wakes up in the dead of night with cold sweat* *kicks down the door* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS!!
oh boy…get ready….cause it’s A LOT
- Submitted by @katgreeves
luther: physics teacher, cause you know…spaceboy……everyone is scared at the beginning of the year when they get him as a teacher cause he’s TALL AND HUGE AS FUUUUUCK, but then fast forward two months later and everyone is chill because turns out he’s a really easygoing and soft teacher…just really socially awkward and lowkey dumb sometimes
asshole kids in his classes use his softness to his disadvantage and pull pranks on him constantly, poor guy….the other kids tho always tell them to shove it tho because he may be soft and dumb and socially awkward but he’S OUR SOFT AND DUMB AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD TEACHER DON’T TOUCH HIM!! the first time they protected him he had to remind himself not to tear up because HE FELT SO LOVED!!!! 
he gets them snacks even if they’re not supposed in the science classrooms because “eXPeriMENts and CHEmIcALsSsSsssSS!!!” and will rant for hours about space and starts and THE MOOOOON cause when he was a kid he always wanted to be an astronaut ( :’))))))) ) and his kids get fed up one day and go “why don’t you just make an astrology club mr luther????” and he does and IT’S A REAL SUCCESS WITH THE SCHOOL BODY YAY!!!
(five when he grows up also becomes a physics teacher and pesters luther all the time like “I AM 10 TIMES THE TEACHER YOU EVER WERE-” “NO YOU AREN’T STFU” and he’s technically wrong and right because material wise??? yes he’s 100% the better teacher and he always has answers to the kids questions and teaches them extra content cause he’s always been a genius but as a physics teacher that kids really like????? no siree that title goes to luther because he was a soft teddy bear to his students and they trusted him while five is eccentric and strict the the point where his kids are scared the FUCK out of him)
diego: pe teacher, SWEARS SO MUCH IN FRONT OF THE KIDS IN CLASS OMG HOW IS HE NOT FIRED YET?? is tough on the kids sometimes so push harder but IS ALSO SOFT AND REALLY ENCOURAGING THE KIDS TO WORK AND TRY THEIR BEST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM!!! (except for the group of cocky assholes he’ll get in every class and don’t want to listen to them…he has personally removed their rights in the class)
whenever the self-defense unit comes around he’s sooooo dedicated to it and makes sure that the kids master everything to a t, cause who knows when it might come in handy??? he wants to make sure that the kids know how to protect themselves as the world is a shitty place and you never know when shit will go bad (except he does…he’s had enough bullshit and scared happen to him and has gotten involved in so many fights that he wants to make sure that the kids won’t hurt like him :“’))))))))) ) 
he’s a secret softie that will protect the kind kids that are not as good at pe and get bullied by the cocky assholes in the class becAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WOULD DO NO IM NOT SELF PROJECTING OF WHAT I WANTED OUT OF MY PE TEACHERS SHUT U-
also eudora is a pe teacher and the two of them are very competitive to be the best pe teacher and this rivalry turns into playful flirting and big ass crushes that they’re way too stubborn to admit, the entire school still ships it anyways (the entire school also ships klaus and dave because gay rights!!!!!)
allison: either school counselor or principal i can’t decide because she can be super kind and open to talk and gives advice that helps a LOT but she’s also a hbic THAT CAN AND WILL run the place. 
anyways, whatever job she has, she also helps with the drama club and school plays, and literally every year the theatre kids BEG HER to kick out the current drama teachers and replace them because allison>>>>>>>>>>>> all of the existing drama teachers there  
ben: is either a literature or philosophy teacher. super smart and knowledgable but is also really laid back and fun to talk to. he’s got a dark and snarky sense of humor and his students always have sass battles with him. the number of INSANE inside jokes his students and him share is HUGE.
anyways…he is really considerate to what students need and makes them as relaxed as possible because school is HELL. students LOOOOOVE HIM. HE’S THE ONE TEACHER BESIDES DAVE THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE LIKES. (highkey inspired by my philosophy and lit teachers because they’re also really smart but sassy and cool like ben and I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT)
vanya: strings orchestra teacher for obvious reasons. she was real shy at first when she first got hired but the the strings department at that time was soooo small and crappy that she went “oh HELL no,” rolled up her sleeves, and set to revitalize it just because she cares about music so much.
she recruited more students, got more advanced music so the kids could feel a challenge and be motivated to improve, and collaborated with the choir and band departments to provide more clubs, events and opportunities outside of class for kids to do music.
she is a no business type of teacher when it comes to arrogant people that put other players down or people who don’t practice and goof around and will snap at them SO HARD because everyone needs to be at their a game for a concert and in an orchestra no single person is bigger that the collective. she’s however SOOOO SOFT with really soft playing and shy kids because she understands how it feels when you think your playing isn’t good enough, so gives them extra help, gives them solo lines or solos to play so they gain more confidence in themselves, all while constantly giving encouraging words about how much they’ve improved that always makes them feel better and more motivated to improve.
she’s an absolute anxious and cranky maniac a week before the concert but she throws parties with food, drinks, and games afterwards to celebrate with her kids. she constantly gets them to play music related games and challenges that they do as a class for team bonding to make things more entertaining in class. she makes dumb music puns a lot too! 
she also will in the class say crazy stories of her childhood and the crazy shit she and her siblings did and then somehow always relate it back to the lesson and make it some sage advice…the kids never understand how she does it
(me???? self projecting more of my teachers into this au cause they’re cool??? more likely than you think)
also one day she chops her hair real short and cute and the conversation with her students basically went like this:
students: miss vanya you cut your hair???
vanya: yes kids I’m a lesbian
students: !!!!!!!!!!!!
vanya: ;))))))))
vanya: HELL YE I DID!!!
bonus grace yayyyy!!!!!: is the school nurse…she’s so sweet, so soft….has precisely whatever people need when they feel sick/injured…helps them calm down in they’re freaking out…always has a couple of beds in the nurse’s office so people can lie if they feel dizzy…gives out candy/sweets/food to people so they feel better!!
diego meets her a lot because a lot of kids in his class gets injuries and he takes them to the nurse and he jUST LOVES HER SM!!! INSTANT MOM FIGURE!! THEY TALK AND JOKE AND LAUGH TOGETHER AND GRACE WILL ALWAYS GIVE HIM A PASTRY SHE MADE WHENEVER HE COMES BY AND HE JUST IS SO SOFT AROUND HER ITS GREAT (his students find his sudden change in his demeanour amusing “hey mr diego is nurse grace your MMMmoooOoOooOOOmMMMMMMmmmmmM??” “kid your a good one but say that shit to me one more time and I will beat the sh-”)
she always has a smile on her and everyone LOVES HER…..except for the administration that always want to get her fired because they are assholes and they think she’s too weird to stay. however, every time they try to fire her, a certain teacher comes by the office for what they claim is a civil discussion...and after an hour of yelling, death threats, and the door getting 10 knife marks they go “you know what grace…you can stay" 
those assholes are persistant though, and one time though not even a certain teacher could get them away from firing her so once the news breaks out that nurse grace is leaving the whole school is FURIOUS and throws a 1 week riot and the administration get so scared and tired that they just go "OK WERE SORRY JUST KIDDIN- OK OK SHE’S STAYING FOR GOOD JESUS”
grace is so grateful that she makes a whole bunch of cake for everyone and everyone with tears in their eyes just goes “this…is why we love you sm nurse mom”
~~okkkieee that’s the end of it sorry it’s a literal essay I just got very passionate about this au lmao rip!!! I’m slowly tempted to write a fic about it even though i’ve never written a fic before in my LIFE and I already have like 3 other au fic ideas in my head already smh
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the-coolest-mallard · 4 years
Like a Kickass Guy | ASC
Louie gets high at Mei’s party and texts Nemo and Tae.
@justkeepdancing-nemo​ @moon-yeongtae​
Louie: holy shit u guyyyyyy Louie: shit has been going dowwwwwwwwn. Or upside down? down and up really lol Louie: i may not have muscles n shit but guess WHAT I DID Tae: hulked out and killed someone? Louie: woah man no! Duuuuuude have u seen me? impossible Louie: i'm too cute to go to jail yet Louie: i mean EVER Louie: im too cute to go to jail EVER Louie: did a keg stand lol. sorta Tae: whoa nice Tae: how you feelin? Louie: a m a z i n g Louie: you won't BELIEVE how good i am Louie: i felt like IRON - no. i felt like CAPTAIN AMERICA. LIKE A KICK ASS Louie: GUY Tae: nice dude i'm glad ur having fun Tae: is mark there Louie: he was here somewhere. he asked me to come Louie: dunno where he went. maybe he's with johnny idk Louie: but who cares lol Louie: i'm great Louie: no more sads Tae: wow you're really drunk huh? Louie: nooooooooooooo Louie: haha I was gonna drink Louie: but then this weird girl showed up Louie: and now i'm super
Tae: but you said you did a keg stand Tae: that's like drinking isnt it? Louie: is it? i thought it was just a hand stand on a keg lol Louie: who knows? not me Tae: i mean i guess Tae: what weird girl Louie: idk blond. weird. she wanted me to CHEAT ON MARK WTF Louie: i mean she seriously helped me out but also Louie: wtf Louie: weird. so weird. but we went to the bathroom and she Louie: gave me t his stuff n i'm like Louie: wow i mean i can't stop talking Louie: i think I've said some seriously stupid shit Tae: wait Tae: what? Louie: what? i didn't tell you anything stupid did I? Louie: i don't think i did. thank god. imaigngi f i told u that Louie: lololol i'd die forever Tae: louie what are you taking about what stuff Louie: stuff? which stuff Louie: im not tellig Tae: what did she give you Louie: ohhhhhhhhhhh Louie: oh i can tell u that haha Louie: she called it all kinds of weird stuff like snow white or whatever which is bizarre af but whatever Louie: i like sniffed it and it felt super whack Tae: LOUIE WHAT THE FUCK Louie: and then it was like Louie: wow Louie: idk man i wanted to not feel sad and i feel good now Tae: holy shit what the fuck i cannot believe Tae: louie that was so dumb Louie: you're so dumb! Louie: no that's not true Louie: you're my faovriedgof person ever Tae: where the fuck is nemo why isn't he here to tell you how stupid that was where are you Tae: you're at mei's right Louie: yeh i crashed lol Louie: well no mark and johnny wanted to crash Louie: and since mark's been cool and let me stay at his place i was like Louie: well i should probs go Tae: yeah well THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD'VE FUCKING DONE COKE OR WHATEVER YOU DID jesus fuck Nemo: wait wtf did i just read Tae: yeah Tae: i have to go fucking get him Louie: why are you maddddd? im not bugging anyone! i'm having fun! Nemo: wait whats going on! Nemo: louie are you okay? Louie: i'm FINE Louie: i'm super Nemo: he did cocaine? Louie: super human Tae: he's at mei's party and he fucking YES Louie: you could say Louie: ughhh stop making this so big Tae: do you know how many kids my brother had to see in the hospital bc of drugs louie? Nemo: yeah that stuffs really bad Nemo: its human chemicals Nemo: do you feel okay? are you dizzy? Louie: do you know what else is bad? life. being sad. freddie mercury leaving too soon. presidents. earthquakes Nemo: louie D: Louie: tthe hunger games Tae: hey louie seriously how are you feeling like Tae: in your body Louie: that's a weird thing 2 akks dud Louie: im fine! Tae: okay but like Tae: if u close ur eyes and like idk try to feel what's happening like is your heart beating really fast? do you feel like puking? do you feel like you're moving? Louie: oh i mean yeah lol Louie: my heart is skipping faster n when i Louie: wait i gotta shut up shut up Nemo: tae yah is that bad? Nemo: would jun hyung know? Tae: i'm asking him right nwo Louie: so fussy you guys are fussy im gooood Nemo: louie just keep texting u ok Louie: look how good i am Louie: 
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Nemo: very pretty Tae: yeah gorgeous how's your breathing Louie: wouldnt u like 2 kno Louie: how's your butt Louie: bet its still kicckable Tae: you have literally never kicked my ass at anything Tae: nemo does your appa know about this stuff? you probably shouldn't ask him huh? Louie: DON'T AOISFJPDOGN Nemo: its human drugs Nemo: so not really Louie: 4 THE LOV OF GOD Louie: that guy lredy probs haaaaaates me Nemo: his magic wouldnt work either i dont think Louie: im a toxin to freidn parnets Nemo: yeah if he ever finds out we woudl be banned from being in the same school i think he'd transfer me to that catholic place and appa hates catholicism Nemo: this is why you shouldnt do drugs louie :heart: dont yu wanna keep being my friend Louie: :cry: :cry: :cry: Louie: you're my best mate wgodidpsdggdfh Louie: you too tae Tae: wow rude Tae: oh okay Louie: wow Louie: dont be such a bitch tae Tae: well you started it when you did cocaine Louie: i used to think u were the coolest but maybe  im demoting u n promoing Louie: nemo Louie: nemo ur the new hottie Tae: the what Louie: what? Tae: louie i'm coming to get you Louie: whyyyyy the partys still partying Louie: ppl be FITIN Louie: man ud fit right in with your muscle bod Louie: well cept one fitghts girls Tae: where are you in the house Louie: idk the dance place. the life space Louie: where everyone is? Nemo: is jun going too? Nemo: aghaldkfjaskldfj Tae: yeah Louie: wait wait wait wait wait Nemo: ugh im sorry i cant be there Louie: where u going Nemo: louie im so sorry just keep texting us Louie: no Louie: i should dkslefadkad Tae: hey louie what's your favorite queen song Louie: skedlolde Louie: what? ohhhhh wow tough choice man i mean Louie: there are soooo many good SONGS Louie: lately i've been listening 2 somebody to love a lot cause i been dfpsogdpsjsd Louie: buuuuuut Tae: i like don't stop me now Louie: that's my OTHER FAVORITE Louie: man u vibe so well with me i hate it Louie: ha ha ha Louie: j k this is why we're bffs Nemo: hey queen was on the CD you gave me Nemo: ive been listening to it! Louie: reallyyyyy? did you like it? Louie: hey hey tae tae. taeeeeeeee. tae you should send a slefdie Louie: slefit Louie: sel fie Nemo: course! i love it Nemo: maybe i'll pick a song and choreo a dance for it Tae: you want a selfie? Louie: oooooo yes please nemo Louie: and def yes pls tae Louie: do smehthing cute Nemo [deleted]: ugh louiealkf Nemo: where's mark again? Nemo: im gonna text mark Louie: idkkkkkkk Tae: 
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Louie: he went to do some stuff with johnny Louie: woahhhhhhhhh Louie: waogdisjdpsgjosg Louie: shit Tae: that's me coming to get ur dumb ass Louie: wait ur coming to get me? Louie: shit shit shit wait i gotta skedoled Louie: skedadled Tae: what? Louie: well much as i think ur great im ok Louie: also i thinkk hoooo shit Louie: gotta ifnd a window lol Tae: louie if you don't stay there i will fucking murder you Tae: i'm serious Louie: deth by tae or tdeth by uncle d when he fins out Louie: shit mn if i stay its a double featur Nemo: :/ Nemo: please louie, we're worried about you Nemo: we love you! we just want to make sure you're okay Tae: yeah Tae: you're gonna stay the night with me okay Louie: oh god Tae: it'll be great Louie: hahaahahahahahaha Louie: N E M O Louie: tell him why i suddenly Louie: sgosigdsgsdg Nemo: louie  i think you should Nemo: um drink water Louie: im good ill just find Louie: makr Louie: mark Nemo: that's also good please find mark Louie: n go to his place? Tae: what did i say Nemo: nothing he's on drugs Tae: i said stay put Louie: im really good thouuuugh Louie: n mark will look out for me Louie: marks nce Tae: well mark left u alone and you did cocaine so i mean not that that's his fault i'm just saying Nemo: ugh what if mark did cocaine Nemo: u dont think mark did cocaine did he Louie: dont blae me him 4 ME BEING ME Tae: DID MARK DO COCAINE Louie: honestly i dont dieossgodkh Louie: NO Tae: fuck Nemo: he might not have! we dont know Louie: i dont deesrve mrk naywayl ol Tae: nemo never do cocaine please Nemo: i cant see mark lee doing cocaine unless someone told him it was fun dip Louie: he n johnny were just doing fun stuff 2gether Tae: lmfao Nemo: id probably DIE if i did cocaine so dont worry ahha Nemo: big no no for fairies Louie: speaking of immenditd death Louie: we sure windows r no go Nemo: which is why u shouldnt do it solidarity c'mon louie Tae: if you aren't there when i get there i will be very upset Nemo: he will be Nemo: wont u louie Louie: im scared i dont want the lady 2 yell at me Louie: pls i wanna leave Tae: I'm almost there Louie: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD= Louie: what if i hid in the bathroom Nemo: its gonna be okay louie :heart: Nemo: just um, sing a little queen Louie: no its not ill be ded 4ever n dragged home n stuck with my asshole fam n never escape n ded Nemo: you won't be dead you'll be safe Louie: shit someone said its the COPS Louie: im double triple dead Louie: n thats bullshit Louie: my fam isnt safe they suuuuuuuck Tae: WHERE ARE YOU Tae: fuck there are so many people Louie: trapped in the prison of xistance Louie: a house of horrs Louie: horors Tae: i'm serious louie i can't find you Louie: just make urself taller Louie: ill see you Tae: i'm gonna yell for you Louie: ok ok ok Nemo: ugh fksjf
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"YOU MOCK MY LAIR?!" Noxus grabbed the man by the collar. "You dare come into my place of dwelling with lll words?!"
"We're really doing this?" Big problem asked with a sigh as he watched his smaller friend building up steam to torment the man in his clutches.
"I will reach inside of your meager brain."
"Yeah now I know we're definitely doing this." BP sat down, awaiting a long monologue.
"And when I'm finish twisting and turning every spark in your meager mentality…"
"Oh come on this is often the funnest part of the day!" Tranquill said to big problem, poking him in his gorilla like shoulders.
"...and when all that's left of your brain is the shallow pleadings of a child's mind you will kiss my boot and beg for me to end your life."
"Dude I'm not even the one who gets to keep the rent money I just collect it. The management decides the when the inspection happens! They only pay me like 50 bucks a month," the young man grumbled, held tight in the rubber fists of Noxious.
“Is it worth your life?” “Fine dude we can do the inspection next week. You need to be on medication bruv,” he remarked as noxious loosened his grip on him.
“The whole world needs to be on medication…” Noxious said slowly as the man walked away. He then turned around to face his audience who was already snickering at him “That was Jeff, the supers assistant. Good kid. So let's get down to business”
“To COMPLETE! The PUN!” Tranquill shouted, smiling widely. Her joke found no success however, in a crowd where one was too old for reference and the other was too uncultured.
“Is this really the place to talk… Private? Like that dude weird girl across the road has been sitting there filming you for the past twenty minutes.” BP pointed across to the set of parallel storage containers on the other side of the lot.
“That's um…. That's my PR TEAM! FOR FILMING PROPAGANDA!”
“YO BIG GUY TAKE OFF YO PANTS!” the woman yelled.
Big Problem shot her a puzzled look. “Lets go to my place Nox. This place smells like raccoons and sadness.”
“You have a place?” Tranquill asked as she grabbed her coat.
“Yeah of course. Do you guys think i only exist in the world to help ya then when i'm done i teleport to another dimension and sit around waiting for you to need help again??” “That would be very useful” Noxious replied.
“SHAZAM!” Tranquill added.
“Well that's not my power. Although i met a guy like that, nice dude, gay as a rainbow on a unicorns butt, now can we go to my place?”
“That's homophobic” Tranquill accused.
“Im quoting the guy, besides i'm a villain, social standards are the laws i’m LEAST worried about breaking.”
“We shall ride to your lair and resume our business there,” decided Noxious, “Um…. we need a ride though.”
“Heh… I'll bring the truck around but you’re going to be a little cramped.”
The truck putted down an empty highway, bellowing black smoke out from its aged, rusted exhaust. It slipped and stumbled in momentum each time Big Problem had to jam the clutch down and shift. The old metal shifter smacking into Noxious’ leg every time the lowest or highest gear was used. Tranquil, leaned in on Noxious’ shoulders affectionately, squishing him closer to BP who already took up most of the truck.
“Ok so we can start talking now. I need to know how seriously you two take this. How focused are you?”
“I take it very seriously,” Tranquill said.
“Well now you do,” Noxious contradicted.
“Well ok sure for the first few months i was pretty sure we were larping but im totally caught up now. I share his passions for this world and this work. I agree with every word of his personal diary.”
BP raised an eyebrow. “You guys share your diaries?”
“Define shaRE-” Noxious was cut off as first gear needed to be used again.
“What you two need is money.”
“We’re not greedy though,” Tranquil rolled down the window slightly, noticing her boyfriend sweating a bit due to his awkward seat status.
“OF COURSE YOU’RE NOT! You’re poor. Greed is a rich man's game. Look you don't have to have a mansion in the hills, but no one accomplishes change in the world without money. I know a guy who works for a place. That's not me being coy that's literally how you refer to his business. Anyway, he can really make the difference for you guys. How do you currently wash your money?”
Noxious spoke up before Tranquill could make a joke, “we basically don't. But we don’t make enough to require it. We have been seeking out some form of fence for jewelry or other valuable things that are easy to sell.”
“That’s adorable. Yeah just sign up at the evil guildhall and they introduce you to ye olde jewelry fence. Look little guy...”
“That's why you’re sitting in the middle then?” BP says as he rams the shifter into Nox’s leg and slows at a stop sign “Anyway, hear me out. You don't just run around town looking for random junk worth money, you’re a villain not a crackhead. You need to talk to the right people, the ones i'm going to introduce you to, and find out what they would want. Sometimes it’s an object, sometimes it’s a service. Sometimes it might be something right up your alley like gassing someone or making menacing threats.”
Tranquill chimed in, “this is what we need, he makes so many menacing threats for free currently.”
“Exactly. Now if ya find a bar of gold on the ground, or happen upon a car made of diamonds, then sure you bet your ass you take it and just give it to the guy and he’ll give you credit. But nothing compares to what you can make by finding them just what they need at a given time… Ok we’re here.”
The truck pulls up to an old iron security gate. Before them is a long driveway, weaving through clusters of lavish landscaping. He presses a button on the worn out sun visor then shuts it as the fabric nearly tears. The gate in front of them opens and he begins driving through.
“Wait… When… What…” Noxious stuttered, “ARE WE ROBBING SOMEONE RIGHT NOW?!”
“Yeah cause if we were, im wanting you to just scream about it,“ BP joked, “no this is my house, and it's nice to know you seeing it makes you want to rob it. Guess i'm doing a good job with it. Were gonna pull around back, wait, how the hell would i have a gate opener for a place i'm robbing?”
“I don't know…. Stole it ahead of time? Hacked it?” noxious knew he was digging his own grave deeper.
They pulled around to the back of the quite sizable home and into a ramp leading to a parking garage, one story below ground. This presented a stark contrast to the lush gardens they had recently passed. This basement was empty and plain, with a sofa on one wall crowded around a large tv, and a bed across the way on the adjacent wall. BP slowly pulled into a parking spot next to a luxurious looking car.
“See look at this place we have WAY more privacy to talk here. The whole place is sound proof. I'll have Alfred order a pizza and we can start talking about real business.”
“No you have to explain first,” Noxious insisted.
“Explain what?”
BP leaned back on the broken tailgate of the truck “Uhhh… So in the beginning there was nothing, then BAM than mars and stars and cows and shit.”
“How about first WHO’S ALFRED?”
“The butler.”
“You have a butler named Alfred?” Tranquill giggled.
“Yeah i thought it would be funny.”
“What would be?” Noxious asked, getting dizzy at all he's had to take in.
“To name my butler Alfred.”
“WAIT YOU NAMED A BUTLER?” Tranquill protested in sheer confusion.
“You guys have a hard time staying on topic.” BP guided them over to the rather homely couch and they each took a seat. “So missy. I'm gonna ask you again. How serious are you about being a criminal.”
The tone of the room became more serious all of a sudden.
“I would follow him wherever he goes. Seriously. Even into the bathroom.”
“She’s like a cat,” added Noxious.
BP interrupted them. “You need to quit your job.”
 Tranq looked at the ground for a moment. “But… My debts. I worked hard to get a job in my field.”
“And you'll never be worse off for it, you'll take those skills with you into whatever you do but do you really wanna be working an office job when the cops show up? You guys have to start living this, it ain't the kinda lifestyle someone does on the weekends. You gotta be done with the nine to five, done with the rented storage shack and done with the BS small time jobs. I want you guys to move your lair in here, i want you guys to start taking jobs with me and get yourselves a proper home. I want you guys to win on this and i'll help but if it's not what you want, what you truly desire, then you gotta walk away before someone gets hurt.”
“This is…. A lot.”
Noxious stepped forward. “My burden of fixing this world is not something i want dragged into.”
BP stood up to outmatch noxious in height if not determination. “You’re not going to get what you want without help.”
A moment went by. The two of them stood in a quiet stillness like an old western movie. The energy seemed aggressive but it felt more compassionate than that. Noxious knew that in this moment BP was not questioning his motive, but instead he's being forced to question it himself.
“I want to quit my job,” Tranquil broke the silence, “I want out of that stupid storage container. I want the neighbor girl to stop whistling when i wash the van. I WANT TO GET RID OF THE VAN! I HATE THE STUPID VAN!”
“I HATE THE VAN TOO!” Noxious matched her energy “I HATE THE STUPID SHIFTER KNOB! It has no button and my thumb sits on the side of it funny.”
“I hate my job. I hate my debt. “
“Even if the button didn't function, it should still be there.”
“I hate all of my co workers. All of them. There's not one redeemable thought made in that building all day. I hate work i hate school and i hate everyone. That’s why i'm here. I want to wreck this world not just live in it.”
Noxious moved his hand in a ‘kinda’ gesture. “I'm more on the fixing it side… With gas.”
“YEAH let's tear down society!!!” Tranquill exclaimed.
“I'm like… Chaotic good if anything.”
Noxious looked at both of them. “Screw it, burn the world down” he said as he reached down for a beer for him and Tranquill. They all clanked cans, BP and Tranq opened and chugged their beers. Noxious paused for a moment, then opened his beer, pulled up his mask and met their pace.
“He was choking me man. He threatened me!”
“The little gas mask guy. The one from space 25.”
“Oh him. Leave em alone he just talks that way.”
“Out of everyone in this whole park he's the only one who visits my mom. No clue how they met but she loves the little guy. He's got a big heart. Since he's been around her depression is unnoticeable. She's baking more, laughing more. Seeing her happy and tasting her food again has lifted my spirits too. Leave him be, he makes people happy.”
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theonetrueblue1 · 7 years
Portal portal meets camp camp
Ava/blue: Sudden thought. What if the crossover between camp camp and portal portal went the other way around?? Pp!max who is in the middle of trying to fight daniel. Daniel causes a major malfunction with the portals. Next thing Pp!max knows he is finally outside. But just, pp!max being mistaken for cc!max trying to run away?? But the other campers are like, “Your clothes?? What is that strange device you’re holding? You look like max but you havent yelled at us yet?? wHO ARE YOU?? Cc!gwen finds pp!max and drags him to camp (he appeared a little bit away from it). Ollie: Poor pp!max has no clue what the hell is going on. Onyx: Being forcefully grabbed and dragged away seems awfully familiar…. Ava/blue: Pp!max is just internally screaming. Onyx: oooohh no! He isnt even sure about cc!gwen since she hasnt casted herself in a very positive light. Ava/blue: poor pp!max is AMAZED and SHOCKED that he is outside. Be he is also freaking terrified. Onyx: of course kinda predispositioned to behave around david. But gwen is a new factor entirely! Ava/blue: its so many people at once. Plus the unwanted touch and OTHER HUMANS?????? Plus the emotional mess that is having to fight A GIANT ROBOT THAT WANTS TO KILL YOU. Pp!max is on the verge of a emotional and mental breakdown. Someone save him pls. Onyx: oh god if he hasn’t broken down already he definitely is right now. Of course since this is cc!david’s first interaction he’ll probably try to physically comfort pp!max but it makes it 100X worse. Ava/blue: ABSOLUTELY. //IMMEDIATELY FLASHBACKS TO ALL THE TIMES PP!DAVID HAS TRIED TO ‘HELP’ MAX Onyx: of course there is no moonrock floor to use the portal gun on so, and they are probably in a cabin. So there is no immediate escape. Ava/blue: pp!max would probably kick all their asses if he wasn’t a mess rn. Onyx: like a caged animal tbh. Ava/blue: id imagine that the cc!crew would realize that what their doing isn’t working. Ollie: AWWWWWWW Onyx: since he’s been fighting for survival since day one Ava/blue: so they give him space. Onyx: gwen would probably notice first tbh, psychology major? Ava/blue:^^^ YEP Ollie: YES Onyx: manhandles cc!david to back off and everyone else is just kinda standing there dumbfounded. Ava/blue: everyone wont stop staring at pp!max and its starting to make him uncomfortable. Onyx: probably cant stop looking at him because he shouldn’t be there Ava/blue: how much you wanna bet pp!max is covered in scars? Ollie: watch pp!max not even talk, but make small noises instead. Onyx: probably even snarls. Ollie: HAHA ohmygod he goes to base animalistic instincts and growls. They’d DEFINITELY know its not their max by then. They’d sooner think he and nikki traded bodies. Onyx: anything to look threatening to these people he has no idea how to interact with. Ollie: what if like. Nikki is the one to calm him down? Ava/blue: OH MY GOD YES. Ollie: because she has the whole interspecies communication thing. And can probably communicate beyond words. Onyx: use submissive gestures to get her point across that she means no harm. Ollie: HAHA she gets on the ground and rolls over Onyx: no teeth baring Ava: Nikki is just like, step aside. I GOT THIS. Ollie: D'AWWWWW Onyx: since our poor bean hasn’t really seen smiles save for those that literally brought them pain. He just doesn’t understand human facial expression that well. Ollie: Nikki keeps her mouth closed when she smiles and after max warms up to her she goes to gently touch his arm. He pulls away uncertain.. Onyx: because teeth baring in literally any other species means a threat gesture. Ollie: and she just nods and does it again and he sits there, taking in the she’s touching him, and he slowly calms down. Ava/blue: nikki eventually softly hugs him. Ollie: Y E S Onyx: and it isn’t hurting and he can get away Ollie: YEAH she totally demonstrates that he can break away first. Onyx: lotta failed attempts before this of him shying away and putting distance between them, nikki lets him. Ollie: and she yells at the campers who start to circle Ava/blue: cc!nikki and pp!max is a brotp i didn’t know i needed until now Onyx: they give him a separate tent to retreat to. Its empty, no one allowed in without permission since god knows this kid wasn’t allowed boundaries before. Ollie: He’s comforted by nature because you know, too much technology. So he takes walks into the forest with nikki Onyx: brings back all sorts of leaves and stuff back to his tent. Ollie:!!!!!!!! So he and nikki have a need for nature that’s so cute Onyx: he might even obsess over texture since he’s used to smooth white walls. Ava/blue: tbh i highkey headcannon that pp!max tends to cradle his right arm, because he’s so used to carrying a portal gun. Ollie: ^^^^^ BOTH OF THESE THINGS Onyx: different leaves, pieces of bark and stones all litter the inside of his tent. Ollie:… guys Onyx: he likes to pick them up randomly to just examine and feel them. Ollie:…………guys Onyx: yeah? Ava/blue: yes? Ollie: when he finally decides to let nikki on she’s COMPLETELY HONORED. Onyx: oh yes!! Ollie: like her eyes get all wide and starry. Onyx: she probably makes an effort not to touch anything tho. Wants to establish that it is his stuff and he doesn’t have to share it. Ollie: BUT HE DOES GIVER HER THINGS. HE DROPPS THINGS INTO HER HANDS Onyx: that it wont be taken away from him….. like mr.honeynuts. Ava/blue: awww because he never really got to have things of his own!! Personal belongings are nonexistent in aperture science. Onyx: David might try to get him nice blankets and stuff. Nikki might actually tell him or he might notice that he likes different textures. Ollie: AWWWWW! Im a sucker for hurt/comfort so like. Cc!David hurting for pp!max and trying to keep his distance so he doesn’t make him uncomfortable. And just being sad and asking nikki about him all the time. Onyx: i’d imagine pp!max would favor really fluffy stuff like fleece. Ava/blue: HE LOVES SOFT THINGS. Ollie: YEAH SOFT AAA, he’s never felt a soft! What is a soft? Ava/blue: EVERYTHING AT APERTURE IS EITHER SMOOTH OR ROUGH (debris) Onyx: FLEECE PJS, also they might try to get pp!max new clothes. No more nasty jumpsuit. Ollie: the first thing they try to do is get him a camper outfit Onyx: he might even view it similarly to a jumpsuit Ava/blue: his jumpsuit must be so dirty. IT HAS BEEN QUITE SOME TIME SINCE THIS BOY WAS CLEANED Onyx: because it has a logo, and its practically mandatory to wear it. Over half the campers wear it. So he might wear it at first, but starts to piece it together as being a uniform. Ava/blue: ok but, nikki and gwen slowly helping pp!max talk. And gwen figuring out what happened to pp!max through what little he speaks about it. And, what’s mentally and emotionally wrong with him. Onyx: and scars Ava/blue: they notice the scars early on. Onyx: this bean needs a full on fleece pj set tho. He is wearing cloths. They might notice worser ones underneath. Ava/blue: some scars are too clean looking (lazers) some are from bullets a few from being nearly killed. Onyx: burns Ava/blue: He’s definitely covered on bruises and cuts as well. Onyx: acid is a hazard, he might have almost fallen a few times. Ava/blue: absolutely!! There is no way to get through many tests without trial and error Daisy: omg i love this….. what is cc!david’s first reaction to the scars? Ava/blue: OH GOD HE WOULD BE HORRIFIED Onyx: maybe whimper Ava/blue: so many scars on such a small child Onyx: probably paralyzed by so many past wounds. Daisy: AWWWWWWMAXX Ava/blue: I feel like they would be wondering what would cause a child to act so feral and wild towards others and when they see the scars its just…….. ‘Oh’ Onyx: how do you think pp!max would react to the actual lake? The only large bodies of liquid he’s seen literally melt skin and bones. Daisy: i wonder if max would super freaked out by people seeing his scars or just he’s so used to them. Ava/blue: second option. He’s a lab rat essentially so he is definitely used to it. Ollie: OH! He’s not used to others not being used to the scars. So they all gasp and step back a little and he tilts his head in confusion. Onyx: he thinks there is something else wrong with him, i’d figure. Did he not do a good job? Did he break a rule? Daisy: He sees them and he’s like ”……where’s your scars?“ Onyx: when he gets somewhat past being touched he might check nikki closer for scars. Ollie: and she has none and he starts to sense something is up. Onyx: Pushing up her sleeves, closely examining sections of skin for lasting damage. Ollie: AWWW thought lets be honest, its NIKKI, she has SOME scars. Onyx: but nothing like his. No too clean ones no acid burns. And most are relatively small and faded. Ava/blue: pp!max’s scars are so much more fresh. Onyx: do you think the labs were sterile? Ava/blue: i would think so. Onyx: hell he might be getting infections when he meets the cc!crew Ava/blue: OH LIKE THE OLD LABS AND STUFF? BECAUSE HE WOULD DEFINITELY GET INFECTIONS DOWN THERE. Onyx: cuts without access to medical supplies? Ollie: OH NO Onyx: the laser wounds might not be as bad since they were cauterized. Ava/blue: no access to medical supplies and no one to help him. Onyx: he’d suddenly just feel so sick and not understand whats going on. Ollie: and it’s like a time urgent thing so nikki has a lot of pressure to get his trust because they have to treat the wounds. Onyx: god. Imagine how he’d react to his body fighting the infection! Pus in wounds is something he hasn’t seen before and doesn’t know it’s a natural reaction. Redness that gets worse and swelling that doesn’t go down. Ava/blue: he would be so terrified Onyx: dizziness, he literally thinks he is dying and could honestly be on the path to it. Ollie: and then right when he trusts Nikki, she has to start treating him. And what is this liquid she is putting on his arm?? WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH??? WHY IS NIKKI HURTING HIM?? Onyx: he’d probably collapse due to dehydration because of his fever. Fever fucks with your system, makes you really dehydrated. Ollie: ok but what if he and nikki have a COMPLETELY non-verbal argument. Like, he’s angry with her and shoving her away and she acts super submissive but then she gets angry too. And eventually she grabs him roughly by the arm and gestures to it. And he looks at it and realizes that he is healing. Onyx: he isn’t as sick he feels better. Daisy: AND HES SO SURPRISED “they…. they dont look the same.” Onyx: heck he probably has crap immune system being in a mostly sterile lab. Ollie: and he slowly looks back at her and she softly touches his arm just like the beginning. Daisy: And she smiles “Their getting better max. We’re going to help you feel better!” Ollie: oh fuck i just got a REALLY longwinded storyline. Ava/blue: TELL US OLLIE Daisy: OHOHOHOHO Ollie: my brain just fucking completed a plot. Ok so like…
After a while he gets to know all the campers, they all understand how to gesture and understand him, david being the last of all. He slowly learns to separate GLaDOS david from cc!david. They get an understanding and he learns about all their personalities and they become close with him, but we’ve been forgetting about the other max. He’s in a lot of trouble at the facility. PP!max reveals more and more about the facility and everyone at camp becomes more worried then ever, guessing that is where CC!max is. They’re eventually able to put the facts together and nikki IMMEDIATELY starts a rescue mission to save cc!max. She’s about to go without pp!max, but in the last moment he grabs her arm, like she did for him and nods. She gives him a pointed look like “Are you sure?” He sighs reluctantly and squeezes her arm and she smiles. Ava/blue: (does pp!max still have his portal gun?) Ollie: (he could! It wouldn’t change the story i have in mind!)
When they get there, pp!max is their only navigator. He knows exactly where cc!max is being tested. The campers are there, using those crazy talents of theirs to pass through. But things get tough and eventually pp!max has to take the lead. He starts using what he has learned about the campers’ personalities against their respective turrets. He’s able to defeat their counterparts. Because he knows them. Onyx:(god how horrified the others would feel when they meet their doubles.) ollie: (HAHAH RIGHT.)
And he eventually gets to where cc!max is. He’s screaming at pp!david, as pp!daid is trying to talk to him and break his spirit. “But Max, this is good for you! For us! For all of us? R i gHt??!!” /zaps/ Pp!max drops down to the floor in front of pp!david and cc!max. Pp!david: “You’re back!! Oh wonderful!” Pp!max glares at him, and then boss battle ensues. The campers try to help but it is ultimately pp!max vs pp!david. Daisy: (AND EVERYONE IS CONCERNED FOR BOTH OF THE MAX) Ollie: though cc!David ends up in the fight. Onyx: (cc!david would feel like absolute shit.) Ollie: cc!David and everyone go and comfort cc!max while the portal portal two fight. Ava/blue: (EVERYONE FEEL SHIT SINCE THEIR ROBOT COUNTERPARTS HAD A HAND IN THIS) Onyx: (BUT DAVID WOULD FEEL THE WORST) Ava/blue: (HE WOULD) Daisy: (OMG DAVID WOULD FEEL SO B A D) Ollie: eventually pp!max is able to defeat pp!david through something he learned about cc!david only when he was able to open up to him. Which in a way is unnerving to Cc!david but he’s also touched that pp!max?? Actually listened to him?? But in the last second as the facility is falling to pieces pp!max gets stuck under debris as the others are escaping. And as if it were a final act to solidify the trust, cc!david frees him and carries him to safety. The first time he’s actually made contact. And then towards the end of it all, pp!max is now back at the camp with the others and cc!max is now traumatized much like the other max was, all the other campers go to help him and offer comforting words. But pp!max just waves them all off, he gestures to cc!max in a sort of “come on lets take a walk in the woods” way. The end.
Ollie: imagine like- cc!david able to give lectures to his portal self. OHMYGOD WHAT ABOUT CC!DAVID WORRYING HE MIGHT BECOME HIS PORTAL SELF. Ava/blue: OH M Y G OD Ollie: “kids… im not… ignoring your needs am I?? Am-am I overworking you with activities?? Y-You know what?! Break time… no activities today” //hugs arms and walks into the counselor cabin. Ava/blue: OOOOHHHHH GWEN WOULD TOTALLY COMFORT HIM!! Ollie: AWWWWWW Ava/blue: pp!max would definitely talk to david eventually as well. “becaUSE FIRST OF ALL. YOU’RE ALREADY BETTER THEN HIM BY WORRYING. second of all YOU’RE HUMAN. SO YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT HUMANS NEED TO LIVE. third of all, NONE OF THESE ACTIVITIES ARE INTENTIONALLY LIFE THREATENING. Fourth of all, YOU’RE HUMAN. mistakes are meant to be made!!” Even pp!max understands this. Ollie: AWWWWWWWWW Ava/blue: THIS IS LIKE THE OPPOSITE OF THE SEASON 1 FINALE. MAX MAKES DAVID FEEL BETTER. INSTEAD OF MAKING DAVID FEEL BAD AND SEE REALITY. IN THIS CASE. PP!MAX IS TRYING TO MAKE DAVID TO FEEL BETTER AND SEE REALITY. /OH THAT PARALLELS ARE BEAUTIFUL/ Ollie:OWNXOWMXAOXKDNOXNWOXNAOZ AWWWWW.
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topazpearl · 7 years
A Charitable Risk
Hello I wrote a fic that I’ve had in my head for literally years and im posting it now cause im excited about it. (i submitted it to my friend to beta read and she accidentally posted it so thats why you’re seeing it twice)
Rating: General, post-series
Length: 2,251
“Can you even imagine..?” Ms. Margaret said, covering her mouth in awe.
Nana had stars in her eyes. “You could make so many dresses… shirts.. anything!”
Husky and Cooro stood outside the mass of women, only catching glances of the object of adoration. Cooro’s curiosity got the better of him and he went into the crowd. Husky grimaced, but didn’t follow; he would’ve only gone in if somebody paid him. Cooro picked up Nana’s familiar voice. “The price though…” she said dejectedly.
“Yes… I suppose that’s expected,” Margaret said.
Finally getting to the shop window, Cooro gawked at the machine too, oblivious to some stares from older ladies.
“It’s a sewing machine,” Nana said to him. “It makes the needle go way faster than a hand can, so you can make a lot of clothes really fast!”
“Whoa…” Cooro said as the crowd cleared enough that Husky felt comfortable coming over.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Nana said.
“Like you’d be able to afford it,” Husky scoffed after giving the machine a good look over.
Nana huffed. “I…I know that!”
“Clothes hand-stitched are made with more love anyhow,” Margaret cooed, gently moving Nana away from the window to continue their shopping, though sparing one last glance at the machine.
Husky followed, since another wave of women were coming to awe. “The stuff girls are willing to spend money on…”
“If they saved enough, they could buy it, right?” Cooro said behind him.
“Yeah, but that money is needed for food, next winter’s stock, Mr. Harden and Ms. Margaret have taxes they need to pay. I will admit it’s an interesting machine, but there are more important things. Besides, it’s so big and bulky. Nana couldn’t carry that thing around if…” Husky trailed off. ‘If we leave,’ he thought.
“But y’know…” Cooro said, “we’ve already been staying with Mr. Harden and Ms. Margaret for a year now, and they’ve said they’re happy to have us.”
Husky furrowed his brow. Their group had talked about leaving off and on for months, but for whatever reasons, they had continued to stay. Harden had been ordered another big smithing job from the military, and they had helped. Or when winter came and it was a place to wait it out. They were getting quite comfortable here. Husky wouldn’t point it out, but he could sense Harden and Margaret had become like parents to the others. As for him… well, the two adults were very nice (he’d never admit that Ms. Margaret had earned a spot on his very short “Bearable Women” list), but his mom would always be his mom.
Husky shot a glance at Margaret; she had revealed to be a +anima in the past to them a while back, which had made her and Nana grow incredibly close. It seemed like they were in safe, warm hands…
“Do you really think we could..?” Husky responded in a low voice, looking at the ground. His anxiety just wouldn’t let him say yes. It’d been a miracle the nearby town hadn’t found out they were +anima yet. But what if they did? Surely it was inevitable with people like Cooro and Senri in their group. Would they force Mr. harden and Ms. Margaret to kick them out? His thoughts were so heavy he almost missed Cooro’s answer.
“We won’t know until we try,” the boy smiled.
“We’re home,” Margaret called as she and the kids entered the house.
Harden and Senri paused their work, peering into the room. “Hello,” the older man said.
“Mr. Harden, Senri!” Nana piped up. “You wouldn’t believe what we saw in town today!”
“Hmm? What?” the man said, leaning on the door frame separating the house from his workshop.
“There was a machine that would do sewing for you! They say you can make clothes almost seven times as fast!” The girl’s face lit up just talking about it.
Harden looked at Margaret, who stopped putting groceries away to slightly smile. “Yes, it looked amazing,” she said.
“I had heard rumors of such a machine being patented. Looks like it’s official,” Harden said, crossing his arms.
“I wish I had one,” Nana groaned. “But it’s… super expensive.”
“You’d be able to get more work,” Harden said to Margaret.
“Yes,” she said, her eyes soft and wistful. “I could even have time to make some of the ideas I’ve had for clothes…”
“Right?” Nana piped in. “I’d be able to have more than just a couple dresses at a time.”
Margaret could feel Harden’s thoughtful gaze on her. “Like we said, we wouldn’t be able to afford it. We’ve gotten by without one all this time, after all,” she smiled, though showing disappointment on her face. “Come on Nana, let’s go get firewood for dinner.” She lead the girl out back. Despite the woman’s attempt to change the conversation, Nana still continued to gush about the sewing machine, her voice muffled outside the house.
Husky sighed, slightly annoyed the topic was brought up again, though he hadn’t considered what Harden had said, about Ms. Margaret making more money.
Cooro and Harden exchanged a look. “Come in here, boys,” Harden said, motioning into his workshop.
The air was still light with spring, though the streets were starting to become shaded by new leaves. Senri and Nana were alone running errands. Out of the corner of his eye, Senri saw a stack of golden jars on a vendor’s table. He stopped and picked one up, inspecting the sweet syrup inside.
Nana took notice. “Oh! That’s probably some of the first honey of the season. I know we still have some, but it might be nice to buy a small fresh batch. I know you like it.”
Senri closed his eye in thought. He shook his head after a moment, and put the honey jar back on the table.
“Oh,” Nana blinked. “You sure?”
Senri nodded, looking at her.
“Alright… I suppose it might be better in a few months anyway,” she said, continuing down the street.
“it’s soooo hoooot,” Cooro whined as the kids sat in the shade. It wasn’t even noon yet, but the air was already incredibly heavy with humidity. Husky knew if he wasn’t careful his pale skin would completely fry today in the summer sun.
“Ooh!” Cooro said excitedly. “The sweets shop has ice cream now! We should get some!”
“No,” Husky said before anyone else could agree.
“Ah..” Cooro fumbled a bit. “C’mon Husky just this once would be ok, right?” he said.
“He can do what he wants with his money, Husky,” Nana piped in. “That sounds really good actually.” Her eyes kinda glazed over thinking about the cold treat.
“Because,” Husky said, his voice like daggers, giving Cooro a wide-eyed glare, “it’ll only cool you off for a few minutes, and then you’ll be hot again.”
Nana was about to object, but Cooro gave a small sigh, “Yeah.”
Nana stared at him incredulously for a second. Cooro? Being this easily convinced not to have food?? What? “Cooro, are you feeling ok?” she said, rushing at the boy and putting a hand on his forehead. “Is the heat getting to you? Are you dizzy?”
“No, Nana I’m fine,” Cooro laughed, leaning away.
“But you never say no to food..!” she said, still not completely believing him.
“He’s just finally starting to listen to me,” Husky said, standing up. “Let’s just go swimming in the river again. It’s free.”
Cooro followed. “You should get me some fish to make up for it. Or crawdads!” he smiled.
“…Fine.” Husky did his best to ignore Nana’s burning stare on the back of his head.
Autumn leaves blew across the ground as Cooro, Husky, and Senri walked to meet up with Mr. Harden in town. They moved quickly, anxious to ditch the large sums of money they were carrying hidden in their bags. Husky felt it the most. He still couldn’t quite believe they were doing this. As they approached to pass the jewelry shop, a place Husky was all too familiar with, he tried to create tunnel vision for himself. But his heart and eyes failed him, as a huge blue jewel centerpiece caught his attention. It was pretty high quality, Husky could tell just by looking at it. He loved the cut, too. Even in the cold, dreary light it shined bright-
“Husky? What’s up?” Cooro’s voice broke his trance. The crow +anima came back to him, standing still in front of the shop’s window.
“Nothing,” Husky lied, glancing away from the jewel’s high ticket price. Now he was extremely aware of the saved money in his bag. He just stared at the ground in conflicted thought. ‘I can actually afford it. When am I even going to have this much money again?’
Cooro and Senri glanced between the jewels in the glass case and Husky’s face.
“Husky… Mr. Harden’s waiting for us,” Cooro said in an uncharacteristically small voice.
“I-I know, I’m-“ Husky looked at his friends’ uneasy faces, and sighed. He could not believe he was doing this. “I’m coming.” He forced himself to walk away, one foot in front of the other. The tension broken, Senri and Cooro followed, smiling at him.
“Shut up,” Husky growled.
“We didn’t say anything Husky.”
“I swear to God Cooro if you don’t take that down I’m gonna throw it in the fireplace,” Husky frowned, his bangs flipping around as Cooro’s wings stirred the air in the house.
“Aw but it’s a tradition Husky,” Cooro said from the ceiling.
“I don’t care, I’m not kissing anyone in this house.”
“Husky’s a Grinch,” Nana said from the kitchen.
“You get stuck under that thing and see how you like it,” Husky scowled.
Ms. Margaret came over, wiping her hands on her apron. “Nobody’s going to force you to do anything,” she assured. “Besides, you can avoid it all together if you want.” Husky still stared at the mistletoe as if it was going to sting him.
Cooro landed on the floor, wings splayed excitedly behind him. “Is dinner ready yet?”
“Yes,” Margaret smiled.
After everyone had stuffed their faces, Nana leaned forward in her chair and said, “Can we open presents now?”
“Of course,” Margaret said, and Harden added with a nod. Cooro rushed to the Christmas tree with a cheer, as if he hadn’t just filled his gut to the brim with food. The others followed. After they had opened all the presents under the tree and wrapping paper strew the floor, Margaret leaned back in her chair. “I guess we should start cleaning this mess up.”
The boys exchanged knowing glances, and Harden’s mustache bristled with a smile. “There’s one more,” he said.
Harden and Senri went into his workshop, and came back out carrying a big box. Cooro’s smile broadened as Margaret raised a hand to her mouth. “Oh my goodness!”
“Wh-what did you get?” Nana exclaimed, coming over to the box.
“Open it and find out,” Husky said, his face showing the faintest of smiles.
“It’s for both of you ladies,” Harden said. The two females looked at each other before unwrapping the brown paper, their hearts beating in excited curiosity. Margaret cut open the simple box. She and Nana gasped, seeing the shiny sewing machine and cabinet stand inside.
Nana’s hands flew to her mouth, eyes already becoming watery. “Oh my gosh! You guys..! You guys!” she said, looking at her friends, her voice high and muffled.
“Merry Christmas Nana, Ms. Margaret,” Cooro beamed.
“Merry Christmas,” Senri smiled.
Tears streamed down Nana’s face as she hugged each one of them, even Husky.
“Alright, alright, yeah, Merry Christmas,” Husky said, lightly patting her.
Margaret continued to stare at the sewing machine in shock and awe. “Harden…”
“The boys and I saved up all year for it,” Harden smiled, returning Nana’s hug.
“Thank you so much! Thank you!” Nana said, trying to wipe tears off her face. She eagerly removed the rest of the box, revealing the machine in its full glory.
“You’re welcome,” Harden and Cooro chimed.
“Th-thank you… all of you,” Margaret smiled at Harden and the boys. “You didn’t have to do this.” Husky fiddled with his hair, becoming flustered by the girls’ gratitude.
“We wanted to,” Cooro said. “You obviously really wanted it.”
Nana looked up from the instruction manual she was now reading. “It explains why you guys never bought anything for yourselves all year. I never thought it’d be for this…” She glanced around at the other gifts strewn around the room. She had been satisfied with what she had made for the boys for Christmas, and they said they liked it, but it all felt unequal now.
“I’m going to make you all something with this,” Nana said to the guys. “Something really special. Anything you want! In repayment for this…”
“Really?” Gooro gasped. Senri blinked in surprise.
“You don’t need to do that,”Harden replied. “This was a gift.”
“You already make most of our clothes anyway,” Husky mumbled.
“I..I want to,” Nana said firmly.
“I’ll help her,” Margaret said, a same firmness in her usually soft eyes. “It’s the least we can do. You boys worked so hard for this.” Nana nodded with Margaret’s statement.
Harden sighed and crossed his arms. “Well alright. There’s probably no use trying to stop you gals anyway.”
“I see no better way to make first use of this machine,” Ms. Margaret smiled at Nana. “Right?”
“Yeah,” the girl said, smiling too.
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jwnbwnjwn · 3 years
Entry 9 (05.09.2021) - (06.04.2021)
Before I get into things, I cant believe I haven’t been on here in almost half a year. Well, to be fair I do get on here, but just for a quick minute to see my small feed and then get off, or whenever I get those notifications from tumblr desperately trying to get me to open their app again. I actually have been meaning to get on here and write, but I guess it became one of things you say and never do. I just felt that there was so much on my life to update on that I kept pushing it back further and further. I know I don't have to, but someday I’d like to see what was going on in my time back in the day - both good and bad, Besides, it’d be an interesting thing for my kids and for my older self to look back upon and see what bullshit went on. Reading off my last entry, I see I brought up that keto diet again. Yeah, that shit never stuck. It was one of those things that I tried once and it went great, and then I kept trying it time after time and it failed every time. Even now, this month, Im still trying to get back into it. And by “getting back into it”, I mean I told Mr. that I was gonna do this diet with him, and then i continued eating like crap - but wait I have an excuse. My sisters birthday was the week that we were supposed to start, so I mean, I couldn’t step out on my sisters birthday bro, I had to eat that good good you know? 
Covid is still a thing. Update on that though, I did get vaccinated. My university opened up vaccinations for students and so me and Mr. The first vaccination didn’t hurt at all, to be honest I didn’t even feel the dang thing go in. And it was so funny because after you get the vaccine they monitor you for fifteen minutes and Mr. legit had the worst luck and sat in the only available seat which was in the corner between an Asian girl who was on the verge of throwing up and someone who was laying down in a bed about to pass out. I mean, it was hilarious imagining if they were to throw up on him, and besides with the jokes we made, It was so hard to keep in my laughter. The second vaccine was about two weeks after the first, and there was some sting to that one. I didn’t get any crazy symptoms, but my head was spinning and i felt very tired, the best way I could describe it is when you’re really sleepy and you just wanna sleep all day and your eyes are heavy, like that. Like, the best type of sleepy where you’re about to knock out. The only bad thing to it was your head spinning but thats it, I guess it made you feel very weak aswell. 
*Sidenote: It literally took me almost a whole month to come back to this draft and finish it. It is currently 06.04.2021.
Last thing I was talking about was the Covid vaccine. Yeah, the symptoms weren’t too bad, it was just the dizziness I guess. My sister got the vaccine this past month and she experienced the same symptoms as well, and so did Mr., Ice, and my mom. I already finished with my spring semester, and summer classes just started. I’m taking a Crij course this summer just to get it out of the way already, and I am retaking Biol 1 in Summer 2. Aside from this, it has been really shitty. I guess the least worst thing that’s happened so far is that my older brother came to visit back in March this year. I haven’t seen him in a long time, but it wasn’t all exciting. I’m not sure if I’ve talked about him before on here, but long story short, he’s caused my siblings and I a lot of trauma from when we were at a younger age. When he came, it was just one of those things where it was really awkward at first and then it just kind of became a “faking everythings good” type of thing. After this, shit really hit the fan. 
I never thought this would be anywhere near a part of my story but,
*Trigger Warning: child exploitation*.
I believe I have mentioned before that I had gone to couples counseling with Mr. This was back in early-midway 2020. We had gotten better, so our counselor saw fit that we stop going. It was scary at first, because we felt like things were just going to collapse again now that no one was going to be there to help support our relationship in a healthy way, but it was actually great. Individually, I was really scared too. I mean, I was used to things blowing up eventually over and over again, so you could imagine the hesitation I had when I had to actually trust Mr. again, and I mean like actually trust. I was practically forced to put my walls down and trust him, and I fought him and our counselor so hard on it, but it was like the whole world was against me because left and right people were telling me to trust him, so I did. I was really worried at first. The first couple of months were normal, but there was several times where I would overthink things, and look for things to go wrong. I’d stay up and stalk his social medias, his friends social medias, like, I was looking everywhere. I guess this is what gave me the slightest hint about what was going on. I had gone through his likes on twitter and saw that he had “hearted” a photo of a girls onlyfans. And it wasn’t just a regular girl, It was someone we knew and went to highschool with. This girl was someone that Mr. and his friends would always tease and bully, and I don’t know why, maybe it’s some misogony, but there is always going to be something sketchy when it comes to a certain group of guys and girls they tease. They say all this stuff about them, but once that girl is exposed in the slightest, they are all there jerking their meat to them. Anyways, I confronted him about it and he said that he had clicked on the profile just to see what it was and once he realized what it was he exited out. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and moved on. Towards the end of the year, I’d say around late October, I started believing that things were okay. I even talked to my friends about it and stated how weird it felt for things to be okay, almost as if it felt wrong, but they assured me that if I had nothing to worry about, then don’t. To just be free, be happy. And then my world was crushed. In early to mid December, I woke up to several messages on my phone from a girl I recognized, but never had any contact with. I had previously known her because she was an ex to a former friend of mine. However, because she messaged me on messanger and deleted the messages before I had the chance to read them, I couldn’t see what was said. I was only able to see that I had gotten messages and that they were deleted. I replied to her and asked what was up, because I was extremely confused as to why this girl was messaging me in the first place. Her reply was, “Do you know “Mr.”?. This legit shook me to the fucking core because it is what I had feared all along. I was so tense for months, and once I had finally relaxed, this shit gets thrown in my face. She started asking if I knew my own boyfriend, and said that I might want to talk to him. I remember I kept asking her what was going on, but she just kept repeating the same thing; to talk to him first. And it was really odd because the night before, Mr. had messaged me a long paragraph explaining how he loved me, and how he’s made mistakes, and how life is so hard on him, and just basically explaining himself to me in such a vague way. But I took it to heart, because he opened up to me on his own after months of me asking him to. I didn’t wait to think of it as an apology for what was coming. That was the last message he had sent me before I got the message from this girl. Lets call her Desert. I was spamming Mr. with calls, texts, I even tracked his location and he had turned it off. Eventually I came to the conclusion that he had gone back to doing what he used to, which was something dealing with nudes or that he had cheated on me, or both. I ran to my friends scared half to death; I couldn’t eat, talk, I was freaking the fuck out. It’s almost as if my body knew, and was preparing itself. Mr. got back to me later at night, but he didn’t want to tell me anything about what was going on until I threatened to leave him. I recall telling him that I’m done waiting, and that I needed answers now or I was going to bombard Desert with them and hear it from someone else and leave. This is when he told me. He told me that months ago, after our couples therapy had ended, an old friend of his, someone we went to highschool with, lets call him Bucket. For some insight, Bucket is some bad fucking news. This guy is the last person you would want any of your family around. And I remember he had started talking to bucket and some other friends from highschool again, but I don’t know why my peanut brain didn’t think exactly who he was getting involved with again. Anyways, he told me that Bucket had reached out to him and asked if Mr. had any lewd photos of girls. Reminder: this was something they had been doing back in highschool. Mr. told him no, and that was that. Bucket kept coming back and asking, over and over again, and after Mr. gave some more thought to it, he remembered that he had his old SIM card from his old phone and that he might have something on there. He checked it, and sure enough there was. Let me pause you right here. When we were in couples counseling and as it was coming to an end, I expressed my worries about the SIM card. I had known that Mr. was doing this stuff back then, so I knew he had photos on this card. I think his phone had cracked or something like that, so thats why he got a new phone. When I asked about the SIM card, he said he had given the phone and SIM card to his sister, and that they were gone. I thought it was super weird because not long before that he said that he was hesitant to give the phone to his sister and idk what, it was weird. Anyways, back to the story. Mr. sent the photos to Bucket, and from there was the start of our downfall. Mr. got invested in it, and he got back into trading nudes and lewd photos of girls. This already sounds bad, but the worst part is that these were old photos. This SIM card went years back, and I mean years back to when he was in highschool doing this. What I am trying to get at is that he had photos of girls from highschool, meaning underage for the most part. Mr. is 22, and he was 22 at the time he got invested into this again. I didn’t even know what to think of it. I felt like throwing up, like my intestines were going to come out of my mouth and like I was going to die. I literally had a feeling of disgust and anger, not only for him lusting over other people, but the ages of the people he was lusting over. I, as well as many others, consider this child p^rn. I now had this idea that I was dating this pedophile for years, and was barely finding out. I felt like fucking dying, all those sacrifices, are for this? That was at worst as it got. Desert reached out to me to tell me about this, because Desert was Buckets ex girlfriend, and now babymomma. She had found out and let me know. However, Mr. found out she was doing this and talked to her, and convinced her that he would let me know and that it was for the better, and she let him. Desert sent me screenshots that she had found through Buckets account between him and Mr., and I can’t even begin to describe how hard my heart fell through my ass. It hurt like i just got shot in the throat. It was through her and these screenshots that I also found out that he had previously planned to hook up with one of our old friends, as well as other people. I’m not even going to go into the degrading words he had said about the fellow girlies I (used) to be friends with. It was a fucking mess when I met up with him. I told him that he was a pedophile, and it went to hell from there. I’m talking massive breakdowns, crying, yelling, you name it. I was telling him people were going to report this, hell, I told him I was going to report this. I’ll save you the hours of repetition, I didnt report shit, well, not at this moment. He also let me know that he had been buying this girls onlyfans, remember the girl I mentioned earlier, the one who I caught him hearting photos of? Yeah, he had been buying her onlyfans, and his friends and him were pitching in for it. What ended up happening was that Desert had told me and let me know that she was going to be notifying the girls that these pigs had photos of, and that it was up to them what they wanted to do. I let her know that it was fine, and that I would support whatever it was they did, meaning, if they were to make a report on them, so be it. He’s a grown man, he dug himself in this hole. What ended up coming of it all; I believe she is still notifying the girls about the photos and the pigs, because it’s still being brought up recently. I’m still with Mr., if that’s what you want to know. It hurt a lot, hearing it all, and I took some time for myself to figure out what I want to do, to figure out how to go about it, hell, to catch a breather. We didn’t spend valentines day together because of this. I was there to support him though, because he was scared that each day was going to be his last, meaning either the cops were going to get to him first or he was himself. I was there for him, I supported him, cared for him, even though I was supposed to be the one to receive that treatment. But I did it because I love him. I know it sounds stupid, especially if you consider everything. But I do love him. I’ve known this man for about 5 years, and even though he is such a fucking stupid person, I could tell this wasn’t the way he wanted things for himself. I could tell that he never wanted to be in that place, but it’s where he ended up. Mr. has been going through a rough time lately, I know how difficult things are for him. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but he’s at home all the time taking care of his very ill father. I can only imagine the lengths that something like that would take you through. I know many people suffer with many different things, and many use different outlets to release themselves of this pressure and stress. I believe because this was something that Mr. had previously been involved with, and because Bucket reached out at the time, this was the path that led him to the biggest mistake of his life. He found his comfort in these photos, this environment, these people. I know many struggle with porn addiction, drinking, sex addiction, intrusive thoughts, etc. I just think the demons caught him at the “perfect” timing. I believe he had been suffering through intrusive thoughts for a while. And with the stress and pressure from his family duties and his friends, it led to this. I know it hurt, and I never would’ve pictured ourselves in that situation, ever. But, I also knew that that person I was dealing with, was not the Mr. I knew. I knew he was somewhere in there, but I also knew that he was dealing with something greater than just stress. It was a whole mountain of ugly things. And yeah, I could’ve walked away and moved on with my life, but once you get to know somebody inside and out, and get to know and fall in love with them for every ounce of their being, I don’t believe the choice to “walk out” is there anymore. I believe at that point they become a part of you, they become family. It’s not that I didn’t have the strength or the choice to leave, because I did. It’s more that I couldn’t leave him to suffer knowing that’s what he was doing; suffering. I wanted him to get better, I didn’t want to see him behind bar cells, or even worse. I needed him to get better for himself, and for his future. I know many won’t understand, but that’s alright. As long as we understand, that’s all I needed. We stayed together, and overtime we took care of one another. We now stand in a better place, one where forgiving has been a big part of. It’s going well again. We tried going to couples counseling, but our counselor had a waitlist and pushed it all the way until the coming fall, and I mean im not going to be here so there is not going to be any couples counseling to begin with, but thats alright. We did do it for a week before she had to push us back, and in that week when I opened up to her about what had taken place, she believed it to be the extreme measures to involve cps and make a report. She made a vague report, and since I was the one to speak on it, it was as if I had made the report. However, nothing came out of it because it was not ongoing and cps didn’t think it was extreme enough to open up a case about. I think we have come to a place where were good now though. Recently, one of the explosive girls that they had photos of reached out to Ice, my very close friend, and warned her about the people she was involving herself with. She was talking about me, and how I am involved with Mr. I guess she warned her because people are starting to look at me weirdly for being his girlfriend. Ice let me know, and I told my friends that I would never put them in such a bad situation where they have to like who my partner is, and I let them know that if they felt like I was someone they no longer wanted to be associated with, then I would understand if they left. They didn’t leave. I don’t really care for people to start looking at me weirdly, because it simply isn’t like that. We know the truth, Mr., my close friends, and I, and I am okay with that. He started going to counseling again, and I have found myself at peace with the world. I understand how crazy it can all be y’know? I don’t know how I’ve come to be the person I am today, but I’m thankful for it. I know peace, I know life, and I know what love is. I strive to fill my life with these and live as comfortable of a life that I possibly can. My relationship is good, work is still being done, but it is good. I can ask for nothing more but for us to be blessed with another day of being together. 
My relationship with my father has plummeted. I had reached out to him early in the year about what was happening in my relationship, and I did find my comfort in my own dad. However, what I failed to realize was that my own father was a man who had misogynist views of his own. I forgot that he was a creep, and someone who Mr. would end up like if he didn’t try to make himself better. Along with this, I realized the absence he made in my family and the way he treated my siblings. My sister and mom have talked to him, and oh man, did my sister and I let him have it. He knows why we aren’t speaking. He constantly apologizes, says he’s been “joking” about the way he sees woman, as if joking about it for the last 20 years is even possible. It’s just gaslighting, and it’s not working. That’s why we don’t talk anymore. He can’t even realize how sick he is, and tries to save his ass from losing his daughters by calling it “joking”, which evidently makes it worse. 
I have reached out to a former professor of mine to be my mentor, and he has said yes. This man is someone I highly respect who I took for an Engl course for my basics. He’s an older man, who just recently retired from teaching. I’m just glad I can be able to remain in contact with someone who I see myself in. 
I can also finally say that I am finally moving to my dream university this coming fall. It has all been approved, and I have a dorm and all. I’m very excited, but also saddened to be leaving my family and friends. I also have to share that I have a job now! I am currently a hotel receptionist working night hours, which is where I am writing this blog at right now. I love this job, and I love the people and the hours. It’s very peaceful for a college student like myself. 
Well, I’ve finally caught you guys up. I hope it brings you a giggle to say that through writing this, I have a slight lag to my typing because of all the shit I had to say. I’ll try to write more often. I hope you guys remain safe. See you soon. 
Ended this at 06.04.2021 at 5:28 AM.
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adhdphilosopher · 5 years
vent post, ya ready?
im super incredibly frustrated
for at least two years, probably longer, my breathing has been a lil fucked up and im not sure why
last time i went to a medical professional about it was at my campus health center (notoriously not the best health service ever but better than nothing) because i felt like... this is weird, but only the top-front quarter of my lungs would fill as i breathed. once in a while i might get a good breath, but like, with a lot of concerted effort.
it was frustrating junior year, but it became an actual concern senior year when i got so dizzy i fell over because i cant breathe properly.
when i got to the health center the next morning, though, i passed the breathing test thingy where you exhale and blow the little measure thingy up the tube?? and the lady said my lungs sound normal through the stethoscope
so this weird breathing thing isn’t constantly every day 24/7 always, but it like comes and goes
it feels simultaneously like i’d been swimming and crying really hard and so i have to gasp for air. it’s so frustrating and i cant stop complaining about it at home because it’s like really causing me some concern. my parents are getting rather short with me because i just can’t keep my annoyance to myself. i just!!!!!! i have an appointment set with the family gp on the 31 but im constantly on the verge of tears because i CANNOT FUCKING BREATHE and im so afraid that no one is going to take me seriously
i do have a large lung capacity because ive played flute since i was 9 and spent the last 8 years in marching band, so i supposedly have great breath control - except now i DON’T and i am SO UPSET ALL THE TIME because everyone thinks im mad at them or bored something but all im actually mad about is that my LUNGS AREN’T FILLING UP AS THEY SHOULD
im breathing enough to function mostly but i also get dizzy because i have to fucking gasp and it takes me so many, many tries before i can get a breath that is satisfactory and comfortable
i have to wait until the 31 to be checked out and i mean ill make it ill survive but im just so !! distraught!! it’s probably nothing serious i think, like, i’m not worried im gonna die or anything, but im tired of this im tired of feeling dizzy and weak because i can’t breathe
dad thinks it’s just because im overweight and like sure that may be a factor im not gonna deny that about myself but it’s not that, i really don’t think. mom thinks it’s a side effect of my meds, but i don’t think it’s that, either. dizziness and drowsiness are listed side effects, but not inability to inhale well
idk if theres a way to be tested for allergies or asthma or something but just fuckin idk
theres a lot more on my mind right now as well but ill leave it there for the time being
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strawberryspeachy · 7 years
So I came home from Miami with a really bad cold - I wasn't worried I figured I'll just sleep it off but my mother freaked out and made me go to the doctor (because when I'm gone she cares about me) so I went and was rudely told I don't have insurrance... my health insurance was stopped a month ago and they never notified me
That's shitty in general but more so because a couple days later I've gotten a bunch of gynecological problems.... ones I'd REALLYY like to go see a doc about
Well my mother only cares about stuff for a second - she made me drive to the doc when I was super sick and felt dizzy and didn't wanna go - but now she doesn't give a fuck because I actually really do need help
She told me it's my fault I lost my insurrance because obviously one of the 50 spam calls I get a day was my insurrance and I just hung up on them!! Cause you know they wouldn't leave a voicemail or anything
And how dare I want any medication or worry about it
Like as if worrying that I have an std isn't bad enough I have this psycho woman screaming at me everyday
Today I asked her if she would like some garlic bread - she then came to the kitchen and told me I was in her way - as if it's a shocker that after I asked her if she'd like food I'd be in the kitchen cooking said food
And then she asked what I made with it
As if I was supposed to make her a whole meal and that if I had made someone elselse for myself I should give her some
The other day I went to a work meeting and it was soooo cold and I was still relatively sick and I came home thinking about making this ramen I have that I can only buy hours away - she came into the kitchen as I was cooking it and because it smelled good I should give her some because SHE WANTS IT AND IS HUNGRY
Just since I came home she has
1) complained that we don't have a microwave (she broke the microwave - the 3rd one in a fucking year) but acts like this is a tragedy that's happened to her
2) screamed at me for asking her to clean the floor being that it's only fair since I've scrubbed it clean every time it needs it for the past 5 years - because she does SOOOO MUCH - including going to the laundry mat to do laundry but screamed at me for suggesting she help me convince my grandfather get a washer and drying (because she likes complaining that I don't drive her out to the laundry to do said laundry)
Um just screamed at me for random shit every day in general including some fit where she randomly went off on me for literally no reason at all and started calling me names then got angrier when I got angry in response
Someone left a mother and kitten at my farm again - the mom got hit on the road before we found them but we have the month old kitten now - my friend and I took her up near where she was found and put her in a tent hoping that any sounds she made might lure out her probable siblings that were hiding (it didn't) I came back to the house where my friend and I are playing with the kitten very visably and my mother asks if I brought the kitten back to the house - as if I just abandoned the kitten like an asshole
Later she told me to get away from her room with the kitten that has fleas because you know - if we get fleas she'll be sparred from them cause she's just so much better than the rest of us and two days later told me I have to feed the kitten - as if I I'm stupid and hadn't already been feeding the kitten --- literally yelling at me about this kitten like I'm the one who abandoned her
This is mind you the exact way she acted toward the last kitten we saved and have to feed milk --- she's mean and tosses the kittens away (literally tosses and then acts like she's a nice fucking person) when I yell at her for being cruel to them she screams at me that SHE DOESNT WANT TO DEAL WITH THEM ITS NOT HER JOB --- the kitten we had to feed milk she would dunk her face into the milk and yell at her to drink or else she wasn't gonna eat and screamed at me for daring to ask for help despite the fact that I was working at the point - something that woman has refused to ever do
Then she flipped out at me for giving the kitten away to someone who actually wanted her because THAT WAS HER KITTEN- she only started calling her her kitten when I said I might have found someone to take her
I also told her she could keep the kitten if she was going to be nice to her and take care of her properly and not expect other people to do it for her and she made her usual 'feel bad for me I'm such a victim' face and said no she didn't want her cause the correct way for me to handle that in her eyes is "I'll take care of this kitten but you can call her yours"
I fucked up the other day and while trying to get rid of the fleas on the kitten and stop them from going on my other cats I used frontline...... for dogs and then had a panic attack and washed all my cats and cried thinking I might have killed them all (luckally they're all fine) but I said it and my mother started yelling at me about how stupid I am for something about the frontline but not even the issue that was at hand - as if she didn't take out puppy outside without a leash (which we all told her never to do 10000000 times) but she knows best and as a direct result of her thinking she could call a puppies name and he'll listen - he got hit and killed on the road -- that was an accident that's not her fault at all in her mind btw
Like jfc I don't wanna be back in this house... i wish she had never moved into my house
Like it sucks because even if I got her kicked out my grandfather has gotten used to her taking over my moms role of taking care of him - he thinks someone should take care of him even though he's fully capable of taking care of himself - but refuses since my 1930's mindset mom and great grandmother treated him like a child his whole life and I don't wanna cook his meals and fix his stuff and call people for him and wake him up for work
And quite honestly the only thing she does that I actually like that would need done is make sure my mom eats and takes her pills - and my mom now acts like a 2 year old who doesn't wanna eat their broccoli with every meal so... yeah it is actually a fucking pain
My whole life I've wanted a boyfriend for companionship and emotional support and someone to actually celebrate occasions with since my family sucks... and for the past 6 I NEED ONE SO I CAN MOVE OUT OF MY HOUSE WITH HIM LIKE EVERY OTHER COUPLE I FUCKING KNOW
I wanna die being stuck here with all of this bullshit
Like my mom is basically gone now... not like she was when I freaked out in the summer - she's much better than that but now her only responses to you talking to her is to immediately laugh before you even finish speaking if she likes you ----- if you don't sound happy she either makes a surprised face or a face like she'll cry - whichever she thinks is the face you want to see ---- she has no idea what I'm ever talking about
If I ask her a question she starts trying to answer whatever one popped up in her head first or goes off the first word you say for example: I say "where" she'll immediately start looking and walking around. She has no new input to anything she has memorized her answers to the most common subjects people talk to her about and she'll recite the same answer no matter the context of the conversation and if it's a topic she doesn't have a memorized answer to - it's a free for all - she'll still recite an answer
She didn't even tell me happy birthday this year unprovoked.... I feel like maybe I used up all my sadness... or I'm just too angry... but I can't even be upset by it anymore... I'm starting to forget what it was like for her to be all there... I'm forgetting what real conversations with her were like.... like all I can remember now are the times when it was apparent she was getting dementia ... things that's she says that she used to say... I remember the things she did and what life used to be like... I remember the things she said over and over again... but I don't remember our actual conversations
Probably because the last time my mom was ok I not only was in that phase of my life where parents are just sooooo embarrassing but I was depressed and detached from life and angry all the time... I don't remember much of what anyone said...
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