#i was sweating like crazy. vomiting
muscosus · 10 months
just got my period. 5470 dead, 67843 injured
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contentloadinggg · 4 months
Insane, Baby - Hozier Drabble
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Author’s Note: I have no words for this fic. Just, I can’t. It just a spew of horny nonsense.
Summary: Me making Andrew feral. That’s it. (Genderneutral!Reader) (~200 words)
Warnings: Smut, but like, not very explicit smut, possessive Andrew, one dialogue line of dirty talk, unbeta read and generally just a word vomit.
This is a work fiction and is not a reflection of who Hozier is.
Fic Under the Cut❤️ 18+ only, you’ve been warned.
Andrew wasn’t insane, he wasn’t. But that was so hard to remember when he was on top of you. Struggling so hard to control himself. Grunting and practically growling in your ear. His hips meet yours in another, nearly brutal thrust. His fingers grip your waist hard enough to leave bruises. He’ll kiss over them later, apologizing as he showers you with his affection. He’ll shove down the beast that stirs inside of him. In the depths of his stomach. It purrs at the sight of you marked as his so tangably. 
He buries his face into the crook of your neck. The scent of your combined arousal filling his nose. Andrew can’t help himself. Lapping up the glistening sweat on your neck. Groaning at the taste of your skin before sinking his teeth into it. Using them to pull and turn your skin red. 
His panting brushes over your cheek as he whispers into your ear. His voice rough and thickened with his accent. A side of Andrew nobody else gets to see.
“Just want you to be all mine, all mine. I need you.”
The words are hot against your skin. Just like his front against you. Sweat slick between your bodies. 
Andrew isn’t insane. He isn’t. But he forgets who he is with you and that’s who’s insane.
I’m crazy, but I’m free.
Oh, expect the Valentine’s Fic to actually be on time. :)
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saint-siren · 7 months
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summary: cooking for someone is the sweetest expression of love.
pairing: mark grayson x gn!reader
content warnings: soft yan!reader, poisoning, gaslighting, caretaking, fluffy if you ignore that reader is a lil crazy
author’s note: I never posted this here but in honor of s2 of invincible, here’s this fic I wrote after s1 😵‍💫 my first mark fic
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Mark remembered his mom making pancakes on the weekends. It was his favorite breakfast when he was a kid. There was less time for sit down breakfasts as he grew older and spent more time outside the house working, going to school or hanging out with William, it remained a nostalgic thing for him. The smell of butter, the sizzle of the batter hitting the hot pan, he hadn’t realized he missed it.
Not until he woke up to the clattering of pans downstairs. Debbie was out for the day already, busying herself with work. As of late, the house had become stifling and she felt ill at ease. Mark was mostly left to his own devices for food and Mark being Mark, mostly subsisted on take out.
You had slept over (in the guest room, per Debbie’s request) and woken up early to make breakfast. Into the dry ingredients, you added a vial of powder as white as flour. You sprinkled it all in, hand inside the bowl, careful not to let it spill anywhere. You mixed carefully. With a focus as complete as ever, batter dropped onto the pan, sizzling. 
“Making breakfast?” His voice almost made you jump. You thought you were used to him sneaking up on you.
“Good morning to you too, Mark” You smiled to yourself, not looking up at him. “And yes, I’m making you pancakes.”
You didn’t look up but you could tell he was surprised by the pause and the awkward shift of his silhouette.
“I didn't…I know I only eat out these days but I don’t need you to cook for me, I feel kind of like an asshole watching you cook for me in my own house” He mumbled, looking away.
“I know I don’t need to, I want to. I’d feel better if you didn’t eat pizza everyday for breakfast.” 
“It’s not everyday, just…most of the time” He was embarrassed you’d noticed. “Are you not gonna have some?” He changed the topic. 
“I had four bowls of captain crunch at 5am, I’m not exactly sure more sugar is a good idea for me right now.”
You flipped the pancakes onto a plate, sliced a pat of butter onto the top and poured the syrup. Mark, even in his quest to be somewhat gentlemanly, could not resist. The first bite of the buttery pancakes drenched in the syrup evoked strong feelings. Longing, gratitude and love. The yearning for an innocence abandoned and the feeling of being loved was so strong he could cry.
Mark, like most teenage boys, could eat. You silently kept cooking pancakes and he kept eating them. It was a lovely morning, the air was sweet and the sky was a vibrant blue. You spent the day in Mark’s room, in pajamas, tracing shapes over his skin with your fingertips as you watched a marathon of movies he liked. He eagerly explained every gag and bit of trivia. But as the sky began to darken with the day’s end, Mark’s energy declined.
He was sluggish and he felt a bit warm. When he insisted he was alright, you still stayed by his side. A comfort he was secretly grateful for. Even when Debbie came home, fatigued, you kindly asserted that you would stay up with Mark and watch over him. It was only right, Debbie already had enough to deal with and she fussed over Mark until the early hours. If there was anyone she could trust Mark to, it would be you, just while she got some sleep at least.
You wiped the sweat from Mark’s brow with a gentle hand. You brought him water and aspirin, you rubbed his tender muscles, you changed his sheets soaked by sweat. Mark felt like shit but knowing you were there, unperturbed by his frequent vomiting, was a comfort beyond words. You even slept in the same bed as him now, holding his hand, rubbing over it with your fingers. He felt like a kid again, cared for and safe.
Even though after more than a week, Debbie wanted to bring him to the hospital, you waved away her concerns. “Part of this might be coming from Mark’s emotional state after what happened, maybe we have grief to blame for this, in part. Mark doesn’t need a hospital, his symptoms aren’t worse than the stomach flu, he just needs to be cared for” you had said, so convincingly, so knowingly, that it made her hesitate. You only had his best interests at heart. Mark even spoke up and said he didn’t need to go to the hospital. He had been in the hospital so often, he was sick of it. Even the memory of the strong antiseptic smell brought a sense of dread. He would rather be with you, at home being touched by your familiar, healing, hands.
He loved you so much, and told you as much very often. When you were showering with him, washing him because he was too winded; your wet, warm skin carefully cleaning his, he murmured ‘I love you.’ He was vulnerable, tender, worn and tired but he was certain of one thing. He couldn’t live without your warmth. Everyone else counted on him, they needed something from him and if he failed to deliver he’d be letting them down. It’d be another fuck up to add to the roster and yet another time someone he loved would look at him like a loser. But with you, he felt the closest thing to unconditional love he had ever experienced from anyone besides his mom. You didn’t care who he decided to help or what he messed up, you would always accept him. Even if you weren’t always pleased with what he did, you never judged him harshly for his mistakes. For his wins or his fails, you loved him. Mark thought it was way more than he deserved and part of him really did regret his actions more in the face of your forgiveness. He did feel like such an asshole when he found comfort in your acceptance, when you consoled him as if he really deserved it. But fuck if he didn’t need it.
He obviously couldn’t rush off saving people like he had, so he stayed safely inside. His world was small and manageable. His body was whole, if aching and feverish. That was what you intended. For Mark to be safe. He was always putting himself in danger like it didn’t matter, running off to save the world like no one else. Sometimes he would come back intact and sometimes he wouldn’t. Sometimes he was a hair’s breadth away from death. But Mark didn’t want to stay put, you weren’t strong enough to protect him directly and you couldn’t order him to. What were you to do?
A bit of poison wouldn’t do him in, in fact, you were certain it wouldn’t even keep him down very long. But buying even this amount of time was a blessing. You wanted to keep him safe, keep him inside forever if that’s what it took but that wouldn’t work. For now, you were just buying a little time and some peace of mind. You tell yourself you were driven to this.
A few days later, Mark’s strength had recovered somewhat. You fed him soup and he kept all of it down. He was relieved to be recovering even though he would miss being babied by you and Debbie’s worries eased meaning you were safe from her suspicion. He went back to school, back to saving the world eventually. You waited until enough time passed. Until you could return things to how they should be.
The moment came six months later, the previous night you two had been out with William and Eve. He’d rushed off to the city with Eve while you were in the middle of eating at some greasy pizza joint. Your heart fluttered as you gazed at the empty space next to you in the booth. At least Eve was with him, though it was a poor consolation. They were fighting the same aliens they were overwhelmed by a few weeks ago. He came home in one piece, thankfully, but he had been fighting so much lately. Cecil asked so much of him, he’d been flying off to this and that attack. He was bound to be hurt again soon, even just that month there had been threats he’d barely escaped from. It was your misfortune to fall in love with a hero, it meant that he would never really be safe and neither would you.
You called Mark to sleep over at yours when he came back that night. Your mother worked late or sometimes, simply didn’t want to come home so the house was yours. The two of you watched mafia movies, argued about whether the godfather was overrated or not and ate an ungodly amount of popcorn. The following morning, you cooked a big breakfast, muffins, bacon, omelets. Pancakes. 
He ate so hungrily it hurt your heart. He truly did love your cooking. Even though Debbie had gradually started making dinner for him again months ago, he had really missed your cooking. It wasn’t that her’s wasn't delicious, it was just…there was something that made him warm inside about the idea that you should make something for him. That you thought about him, cared about him enough. That much effort wasn’t necessarily a given in a high school relationship. It was new and nice to be with someone who showed their love for him so frankly.
You watched him eat with such a sweet look on your face. You ate with him, an omelette and bacon, for the sake of appearance. Planned out in anticipation of Mark’s tastes and in the interest of keeping suspicion to a minimum, you added your remedy to both the muffins and the pancakes. The muffins had less of it, as you knew Mark would be likely to eat more pancakes than muffins but if he chose to forgo that for the opposite, he would still be made ill. You even had plans for the unlikely event that he chose to eat neither. But Mark wasn’t rude enough to pass up food made for him by someone he loves.
Shortly after breakfast, Mark was in the bathroom vomiting. It seemed far more likely that the pizza joint with the sticky seats and chain smoking cooks gave him food poisoning than anything having been wrong with your food. In his head, it didn’t even occur to him. When you helped him into bed, he felt grateful that he was with you. It was such a relief not to say that he was fine, not to have to be brave. Nobody cared for him as gently as you did. 
Your sheets and your pillows smelled like you. Mark felt weird smelling your things but it was nice to be surrounded by comfort. You washed him in your soap so he smelled like you too. He couldn’t have wanted you more in that moment, he wanted your skin against yours. He wanted your voice, the brush of your fingertips against his. When he was well, he wanted to be someone you would be proud to be with. To be that hero you deserve. When he was this sick, he still had that desire lingering somewhere in the background but he melted down into the barest of wants. And what remained was a need for you, an uncomplicated desire. He felt as if he’d dissolve into your mattress if he couldn’t feel you.
“I’m right here, Mark” You murmured, cleaning the sweat from his chest with a cloth. You have such gentle hands, your eyes stay on his to make sure you’re not hurting him. Under your loving attention, a few tears roll down Mark’s cheek. He can’t help it, you’re always there for him. Without you, who does he have to lean on like this? His mom was already a wreck, Eve had her own problems, William had no idea how to deal with something as big as what he went through — he doesn’t even know how to deal with it. He cannot live without you, who doesn’t understand what he went through but understands what he needs better than anyone.
“What’s the matter? Does something hurt?” You asked, panicked at his tears. Mark didn’t cry easily, you hadn’t meant to put him in so much pain he’d cry. You had added just enough, you always operated on that balance. Just enough pain, just enough sickness, just enough time.
“No, it’s just-” Mark’s voice was raw. “I’m glad I’m with you, that’s all.”
You softened. Hearing him say that made you melt into a puddle of sticky sweet syrup. It only strengthened your resolve and you were overcome with the need to keep him safe. And with the knowledge that if something happened to him, you would die. When the savage, gruesome fight happened, your stomach was in knots for days while you heard no news. Your heart squeezed painfully as if you were going to have a heart attack and it went on for days. When you slept to escape the constant anxiety, you had nightmares. You didn’t even go to school, you couldn’t get out of bed for anything other than checking whether or not he’d come home. For weeks you lived in hell, thinking you would lose him. And although he was alright that time, a piece of that moment lived in you every time he flew off toward danger. 
“I love you so much, Mark” You bowed your head and rested it against his chest, hearing his strong heart beating. You pressed a kiss there, along the contours of his chest, right over his heart.
“I love you too” He mumbled weakly. There couldn’t be anything sweeter than you.
Your love was falling over him like powdered sugar. These moments, without knowing it, he had come to need them. Being sick was the only time he was allowed to fully be human. No one needed or expected anything of him. Under your care, he could be briefly vulnerable. 
That was all you needed to ease that inkling of guilt that rose in the back of your mind. Who was protecting him like he protected everyone else? No one but you. It was why you had to resort to using underhanded methods, if everyone was trying to protect him, if they only cared — you wouldn’t need to. That was what you reasoned, anyway.
Mark needed you, anyone with eyes could see that. And you had no intention of abandoning him. Whatever you had to do, in your eyes it was all the desperation of a powerless human trying to save the man they love. It was romantic, even. You anticipated the moment where Mark might put two and two together. It made you anxious and you had practiced the speech you’d give him a thousand times. “I love you and I’m scared. I’m so scared for you. I always am." But you soothed yourself with the knowledge that Mark would understand, above anyone else, you’d earned the benefit of the doubt.
Because Mark knew what he needed, even if it was something he couldn’t have expressed on his own. Even if it was something that he shouldn’t. He was only human — even if he was half viltrumite — could he really deny your feelings and his own? No. Not when you were his saving grace. How could he not understand what you were trying to do when his sentiments were nearly the same?
You were watching Mark sleep, laying next to him, his arm around you. His skin was warm and his breaths were labored. You reassured yourself as you pulled the blanket up to his chest. You would take good care of him, he knew that. He had to, he had to know. He just had to.
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Summary:Your sweet looks hid your insanity, which Sukuna took advantage of.
Type:Scenario:Horror(?):Sukuna X M!Reader
⚠️Warning! Heavy gore!⚠️
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The sorcerer Sukuna brought back stared down at him, looking a little confused that Sukuna had 'left'. You looked so sweet, so...nice? The sorcerer laughed, gently poking your face.
"Whose this cutie?" The sorcerer mocked, leaning down to your size with a smirk. "Whats a beautiful man like you in a place like this?"
The flirting from the sorcerer wasn't ideal, but it only made you snicker as his head suddenly hit the ground. Time seemed to freeze- rewinding in a few seconds, with the sweetest look on your face you grabbed the sorcerers hand as he stared down at you bewildered.
"Would you like a tour of the temple before meeting Lord Sukuna?" The sweet look on your face was suddenly unsettling, almost like you were a curse yourself. "It's much more fun than what I had in mind"
The sorcerer was to stunned to be able to say no. Letting you drag you around the temple. The other servants moves out of your way, an unhappy look on all their faces. For some it was anger, or disgust, and some horrified. It made the sorcerer sweat. Who exactly where you? And why was such a happy man in a place like this.
The temple was alright. It wasn't goresome and filled with corpses. It was truly a temple for a king. It could almost be...beautiful if it weren't for the blood spatters and eerie silence everywhere. The blood and silence was a constant reminder of who lived here- who this temple was built for. The king of curses himself- Sukuna Ryomen. He was known throughout Japan, a thing so terrifying that he had Japan under his palm. He was blood thirsty in such a monstrous way that even Samurai would fight him. They bowed.
The sight of the kitchen had the sorcerer gagging and vomiting onto the ground, shaking as he puked out blood rather than food. The servants around didn't seem amused- but you did, the biggest smile on your face as you watched the man who had marched in here with a army break down by the sight of a kitchen.
"What? Not hungry?" Your sickening laugh made the sorcerer shiver. "Come on, he's waiting"
The sorcerer looked up at you, horrified. He'd rather he dead than face that man again. You didn't give him an option, dragging the man up and towards the throne room. The man tried to resist against your hold, but a few servants shoved him forward, making it impossible for him not to get dragged by you. His bare feet tried to dig into the concrete, tear the flesh on his feet off, his feet burned, but he didn't stop, there was no way he was willingly going to Sukunas throne room. Suddenly, you turned to him with a blank look- it happened so fast he didn't understand how he was suddenly in the throne room, staring at you as you happily jogged up the stairs to Sukuna. What happened? The sorcerer looked around, his eyes widening as he saw about twenty of his men behind him, all staring down at him with a horrified look. When he looked back, he practically choked. You had sat on his armrest, hugging Sukunas head with one of his arms around your waist. The sorcerer was to scared to speak, reaching up to feel his neck and face. Something was wrong, it felt wrong. He gulped, glaring at you again.
"Y-You...wha-" He didn't finish his sentence. Blood fell to the floor, as well as half of both his arms and his upper torso.
Yet as soon as it happened he was back, gasping loudly he choked as he coughed, grasping his chest as he desperately felt his body- not understanding how he was alive.
"I didn't say you could speak." Sukunas voice boomed throughout the room, making everyone but you and Uraume freeze.
The sorcerer trembled, putting his hands on the ground. The blood showed he wasn't crazy. He should be dead. Why was he alive. A giggle made him look up, you. You were just sitting there, giggling at his misery as you played with Sukunas hair.
"At least let him speak his mind. I'm curious about what he thinks" Your smile was more unsettling than your voice, you looked so sweet- how where you able to just sit there?!
Sukuna was clearly thinking about it, his four eyes all locked on the sorcerer. Sukuna pointed at the sorcerer, making him tense and look down in a bow.
"Speak." The sorcerer looked up at Sukuna stunned. Clearly shocked he listened to you. "Now."
The sorcerer sat up, having so many thoughts running through his head, so many questions that all led back to you. His eyes landed back on you, he wished you gave him some sympathy, Sukuna would clearly listen to you. But sympathy didn't get you there, it was foolish to think you'd have any left in you.
"H-How..." That's it. How was all his questions in one word. How is he alive, how are you sitting so close, how are you alive, how this how that.
An amused look grew on Sukunas face, he leaned, a smirk growing on his face.
"Would you like to see how?" Sukuna had no good intentions, the sorcerer should've said no, but be couldn't find it in him to say no to Sukuna.
Sukunas smirk grew wider, looking at you, using his arm to nudge you off the armrest.
"Show him. Answer his question. " The sorcerer froze as he watched you walk towards him.
His eyes watched you grab a club that was near by- probably placed there on purpose. He tried to move away, but he couldn't. To frozen in fear to move away. Only when the club was coming down did he realize. His legs didn't move fast enough.
The sickening crack of bone filled the room, the wooden club in your hand coming down faster as he dropped to the ground. The servants stopped back, quickly rushing to get you more tools to torture this man with. The sorcerers screams echoed throughout the temple, being empathized by the tall walls. His head throbbed and bleed heavily, his hands shooting up to try and stop you- yet he couldn't get a grip. The club was pulled away to quickly for him to grasp, not that Sukuna would let him keep a hold on it anyways.
The club beat through his hands, crushing his fingers, and his palm down into his forearm until his arms dropped out of pain, giving you access to his face. The crushing of his nose made the other sorcerers flinch, the sight was so sickening some had to look away- and the others couldn't. Your knuckles turned white, beating his head to mush before finally stepping away when your arms arched.
With a deep breath you closed your eyes for a moment time froze again, the surrounding becoming so dense it was hard to breath. The sorcerers eyes suddenly opened, a sickening gasp coming from him as his hands shoot up. He looked at your bloodied form, a sob coming from him as he started to crawl away. You giggled and dropped the club, deciding to ruin his day even more.
With a knife now in your hand, you walked over to him, grasping his hair and tugging it back, pulling his until his neck started to strain and bend in away a neck should never bend. The knife came down quickly, repeated stabbing the bend in his neck. The squirting blood everywhere made you laugh loudly, stabbing the knife down even faster as he choked on his own blood. You threw his corpse onto the ground before bringing him back.
When he came back, the sorcerer finally realized what was happening. Your curse technique lets you bring people back from the dead - or a time based on where you could go back in time and bring him back so he'd remember everything he felt beforehand.
The sorcerer sobbed as you walked over to him again. Crawling away from you as fast as he could.
"Enough. Come here" Sukuna called you back to him, which you followed without a second thought.
Your bloodied form jogged back up the stairs, plopping right back onto the arm rest to hug his head once more. Sukuna seemed please to see you covered in blood, eyeing your soiled clothes with a small smirk before looking back at the sorcerer. A smirk growing on his face, before Sukuna could speak the man yelled at him.
"Y-You.. you both are monsters! I-I hope you all get dragged down to hell!" The man started to run, using what little engery he had to dash.
Your laughter scared man more than anything, running faster. Sukuna let him hope, watching him run until he was almost to the door and killed him without even getting up.
"Pathetic..." Sukuna bumped his head against your chest as he tilted it.
The other sorcerers gulped, knowing they were next. Luckily, Sukuna was too annoyed to mess with them. With a flick if his wrist the rest of the sorcerers were killed, making you huff annoyed.
"I was enjoying that..." Sukuna chuckled, lifting you onto his shoulder as he stood up. He walked down the stairs, holding you tightly.
"Your disgusting...letting that man touch you..." Your giggles filled the room as Sukuna walked away.
[A/n:would you guys believe me if I said I was listening to threater kid music while writing this? I hope you enjoyed]
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astralnymphh · 6 months
okay vamp! ellie who maybe walks past reader in a public area and getting a whiff of the scent of reader’s blood and just gets fully riled up as her fangs drop, embarrassing the fuck out of herself lmaooo
took me a toot little while to get to this, but omg, it would be totes more embarrassing if she had a crush on reader too.. she'd be so conflicted cause like— strong blood scent equates to a wound. okay! so obviously that would concern her enough to scurry on over and offer help. ellie's a sweetheart, even in this vampire trope; a fucking heart swell for you— even if her heart drums significantly slower, or not at all. so let's say, hand wound? her deft hand would pat down the tender flesh circling said wound, cupping the opposing side of your wrist in her bunched palm, her other hand minding the nostrils so eager— so thirsty to suck up that metallic scent, she just has to stifle a growl about it. n you peek up and wonder,
"what's wrong?" with a cadence so alluring. alluringly distressing on her hungry ears, wanting to consummate that urge. fucking devil–bestowed urge to just.. bite. those concentrated brows pulling up at the center like an artist swoops their hand, gulping those ill–omened words that wanted to vomit up.
i say omen, cause fuck— would her twist of tongue wrench your gut in all the wrong ways? or would you be lulled in tender as a lamb and fall for her. both are bound to hurt. on that note, all she can utter past pursing, thin lips is:
"nothing, just— hate the sight of blood, hmmph." and reaching for a wind of gauze. ellie couldn't take this shit a teardrop longer. more skin will break if she remains, gleam of her forehead caused by a taunting kiss of sweat.
but there's some figment of her that's just.. giddy, excitement stretching from her heart to her core. who could blame her? damn that's embarrassing though.
(little rushed im like tired and going crazy rn so this is just raw thrown-at-the-wall ideas)
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sturniololoco · 5 months
C. Sturniolo x fem reader
Requested: nope!
Warnings: sickness, vomit, etc. fluff 
I woke up this morning with an awful pain in my stomach and my head. I was also sweating like crazy, and was glad, for the first time ever, that Chris was on his side of the bed for once. I lean over and look at the clock on my nightstand.
3:27 am
Just as I decided I would try and get a little more rest before morning, my mouth went dry and a horrible pain shot through my stomach, coming up my through.
Not caring about waking Chris, I tore off the covers and sprinted to the bathroom, just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.
Suddenly, I feel my hair being pulled back out of my face and off my neck. 
Chris I assume. 
After about two more rounds of vomit, I leaned back into Chris sitting on the cold tile floor, shaking. 
Taking the hair tie he kept in his wrist just for me, he tied my hair into a loose bun in the back of my head, and then held me close.
Only then did I notice the tears streaming down my sweaty face.
“Shh, you’re ok mama, you’re ok. Good job getting all that up, do you feel any better?” He cooed in my ear.
I start to shake my head yes, but the sudden movement caused a sudden wave of nausea, and my head was back over the toilet bowl. Chris continued whispering praises and comforting words onto my ear.
“I-I think I’m d-done.” I said in a shaky tone. Throwing up has always been one of my biggest fears and I was terrified that I would do it again.
“Ok mama, why don’t we go get you back in bed-“ Chris started to say but I cut him off.
“N-No, I wanna lay on the floor.” I’m still sweating like crazy and I could never imagine getting back under those covers.
Chris gave me a confused look but agreed all the same. He gently picked me up and walked me back to our room, and laid me down on the cool floor. After he let me go, he started to walk for the door.
“Chris? Where are you going? Don’t leave me.” I whined, giving him grabby hands. 
He walked back over and kneeled in front of me.
“I’m just gunna run upstairs and get you some ginger ale and crackers to help your tummy, ok mama? I’ll be right back, I promise.” 
“Can I have cuddles when you get back?” I asked, my voice sounding strained from throwing up, but whiny from being sick.
“Of course ma, anything you want.” He gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head and made his way upstairs, leaving the door open. 
The cool flooring of Chris’s room was cooling me down and I was begging to stop sweating. I was actually starting to get a little cold and started to shiver.
Chris came back with ginger ale and crackers like he promised, but also brought a heating pad, some medicine, and a thermometer.
He then grabbed some pillows of his bed for me to lay on, plugged in the heating pad, and carefully adjusted it on my tummy.
“Ahh” Chris said with the thermometer in his hand, tapping my chin lightly with the other, motioning for me to open my mouth. I did so quietly and waited for the beep. 
Chris took the thermometer out of my mouth and looked down at it with wide eyes. 
“Damn, 103.2”
I groaned, knowing that this was NOT going to be going away soon. I gave Chris grabby hands again, wanting to be held, but instant he handed me two crackers and a little cup of ginger ale with a straw.
“If you can eat at least one of those crackers and have a sip of ginger ale, I’ll give you some cuddles.” He said, giving me a look because he knew I wanted to complain.
I gave him a pout but took a sip of ginger ale and slowly started nibbling at one of the saltine crackers in my hand.
“Good girl, ma” he told once I finished tue last of the cracker in my hand. I shoved the other one back in his hand not even wanting to think about eating another thing.
He chuckled and put the cracker back on the nightstand, then scooped me up into his lap, being careful not to mess up my heating pad. My eyes slowly started to close as I began to drift off, listening to Chris whispering sweet stuff into my ear.
About 30 minutes later I sprang up from Chris’s lap and, once again, sprinted to the bathroom, throwing up that cracker and single sip of ginger ale. The rest was all acid.
The tears were flowing again a Chris came in and fixed the hair tie holding up my bun. 
Once I was finally done, I collapsed back into Chris’s arms and sobbed,
“M-Make it stop…please make it s-stop” I begged gripping onto Chris’s arm with as much force as I could muster.
“I know mama, it’ll get better soon, you’re doing so good.”
He was right. Over the next week, we went to see a doctor, finding out that I had gotten food poisoning. However, Chris was with me every step of the way, always taking care of me.
“Thank you for taking care of me Chrissy. I love you.” I said as I snuggled into his chest before going to sleep one night.
“I love you too mama, I’ll always be there for you whenever you need me. I promise.”
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
is that bluey? - dr3
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
summary: being home alone with a migraine, you turn on a show that reminds you of your boyfriend
word count: 803
warnings: if you have emetophobia, you probably shouldn’t read it…
note: i myself am currently suffering from a migraine and i am just listening to bluey to not feel so alone, yay me
masterlist / taglist
The toilet was your favourite place right now. With a blanket laid down on the floor and a cushion under the toilet, you were curled up in the bathroom. You installed a power strip, so every electronic device could be charged, such as the humidifier, your iPad, the kettle and your phone. Plus it was the only room without a window, which usually was something bad, but that day it was a blessing.
You were home alone, Daniel was away with Scotty, either training or doing some shit. You wanted him here, but you also didn’t want to disturb him. You had a migraine, it was one of the milder ones, you had worse of 'em, but still bad enough to stick to the toilet. The cold floor helped you stick to reality. You were sweating like crazy and your left side of your head was pounding. It was like your heart was in your head.
Nausea overtook your body once in a while, but there was something that helped you through it all; Bluey! Even though you usually didn’t like the blue-light of the electronics, today it was some relief because you felt less alone. You couldn’t wait until Daniel got back.
You knew the show because of Danny‘s nieces and nephews, they were always watching the show. Daniel was always invested in the show, trying to watch it at home with you, but you always refused. But now it reminded you of him, especially the way Bandit is treating Bluey and Bingo. It reminded you of him and his sisters kids. You missed Daniel, having a migraine without someone caring for you was the worst.
That’s why, when you heard the key in the door, you were so excited you almost felt your eye pop out of its socket.
„Baby? I‘m home, where are you?“, he shouted through the flat. His loud voice pounded through your head. You loved him, really, but you could’ve killed him that moment. He opened the door to the bathroom and saw you lying on the floor. His mind instantly connected the dots; you had a migraine!
„Aww my poor baby, how can I help?“, his voice now in a hush, not wanting to worsen the ache in your head. You whined and opened your arms. He snickered and tried to fit his lanky body on the floor. You cuddled into his body and closed your eyes.
„Are you watching Bluey?“, he tried to contain his excitement in his voice, but failed miserably. You hummed and he just smiled at you. „Finally“, he whispered.
„But why?“ - „I missed you, s‘all.“
After a while, you felt the nausea kicking in and you wrestled yourself out of Danny’s arms. Thank god you were already in the bathroom, because you didn’t know how long you could’ve contained yourself.
You felt Danny trying to make a ponytail with your hair and a soothing hand rubbing over your back.
„Let it all out, my sweet girl. That’s good, let it all out“, he whispered to you. You hated vomiting, it’s the worst. You were just dry heaving after some time, your body still trying to eject everything from your stomach. Tears were hitting the toilet ring and Daniel wiped your eyes with his thump.
„I know, I know, everything’s gonna be good. Just a few more moments.“
„Can you please get me a glass of water and a new ice packet?“, your voice barely over a whisper. Daniel stood up and came back with all the stuff needed. He even brought you a coke, the wives tale or getting rid of nausea. He also brought a painkiller, having seen you take one only 15 minutes earlier, but when you vomited, you probably flushed the painkiller out of your body already. He was such a thoughtful person.
Later in bed, you had a bit of a moment where you felt better. „I am so happy you finally wanna watch Bluey“, Daniel exclaimed with excitement. You giggled, you knew he’d be happy to see you watching Bluey. „It reminded me of you“, you shyly smiled at him. „Aww baby.“
„You know, I think Bingo is the glue of the family, you know what I mean? Like, she’s the piece that’s holding all of the together“, you explained to your boyfriend. He chuckled lightly, he knew you’d be invested in the kids show. „Yeah, I think so too, honey“, he whispered against your temple. He kissed it and closed your eyes with his hands. „We can watch some tomorrow, hopefully your migraine‘s gone by then.“ You nodded your head, instantly regretting it.
You put the cold packet on your neck and cuddled into Daniels side. His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you even closer. „Night night, love you“, you whispered. „Love you too, darling.“
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
"You want my chest to be like this?" Sophie asked her boyfriend, James, as he did some photos for her Instagram.
"Yes! Just like that.... I think you'd look incredible with a flat chest. I love seeing you press them down like that....."
"You're too much! So you love small boobs, like totally flat chested girls and you swiped right on me? A girl with a GG-Cup?"
"Why not? Your breasts can always be reduced, Sophie. Plus the way you smile when I talk about it tells me you're considering it."
"But we've only been going out a bit over a month! Don't you think this is a bit extreme.....? I have two million followers on Instagram and they totally love my big boobs..... If anything I'd want to go bigger."
"Come on, that's no fun! Imagine how riled up they'd get, especially if you taunted and teased them about getting a reduction."
"That does sound like fun, not gonna lie....."
"Come on, press them down flat, I'll take a few pics, you upload them and say something like 'Who wants to see me go this flat chested?' I bet you'll be surprised how many guys want to see you lose those fat breasts of yours."
Sophie bit her lip, doing as James asked, pressing them down as far as they would go, proudly sticking out her 'flat' chest, smiling. James took the pics and handed Sophie her phone. She uploaded them, watching to see if anybody would even bother reading what she wrote in the description. James told her to wait a few minutes, so Sophie did what any good girlfriend would do and sucked him off, letting him face fuck her as they waited. A couple minutes later she refreshed, skimming through the comments as he pounded her throat, puke now on her breasts, a string of it hanging from her chin as she eagerly let him continue to pound away, eager to satisfy his urges.
Her eyes lit up as he kept going, coughing up yet more of her lunch, dressing her boobs with this mess he loved to parade her around wearing, and she more than happily wore..... She smiled as he pounded like crazy, reading the comments. Two thirds were positive, mostly men telling her to chop off her boobs, to please record the surgery live, to go as flat as possible. The other third called her a useless slut or an idiot for doing this, that her boobs were the only thing that mattered about her.
James stopped, his cock still lodged down her throat. "Well?" he asked.
Sophie tried to speak but gagged another big strand of puke down her chin. So she eagerly nodded.
"I take it that means you plan on getting your big fat titties chopped off?"
She nodded even more enthusiastically.
James grabbed Sophie's pigtails and face fucked her super hard, finally cumming down her throat after another minute, pulling out as she gasped for air, covered in sweat, vomit, and drool. He slapped her face a few times in quick succession as she winced. "Now then, what say you and I celebrate you becoming flat chested, my new favorite pet? I was thinking a nice, sleazy bar to show you off in, and maybe if you're lucky I'll let you get fucked by a few bikers again."
She cough up a bit more and smiled. "Sounds perfect! Thank you so much for treating me so well! Let's find a surgeon who will make me flat chested as soon as possible! I can't wait to see myself with almost no boobs..... and I can't wait to see how crazy it drives you." She giggled as he took her hand, walking her out the door in just her panties, barefoot, her huge breasts, soon to be flattened, bounced like crazy, covered in puke, exposed for everyone to see.....
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s-4pphics · 1 year
rip, halloweekend! (e.w.)
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hi😳 it’s my last week as a student and i felt sad so i wrote fratadjacent!ellie lol. literally just wanted to reminisce on party hookups since they’re over for me </3 
wc;cw: 3.4k mmm, MDNI!!, NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL IM VERY BUSY LOL, all ocs r black coded y’all see it, mentions of (faux)blood and vomit like once, alcohol weed it’s a party duh, 21 and tee grizzley promo like pay me, girls kissing🤭, dubcon(every1 is faded af lol), ellie’s sleazy, mentions of orgies and anal? uh oh, ellie’s so cocky <3, dirty talk, fingering, eating out no mcdonalds, spanking ass and tits lol, okie yeah dassit <3 
everyone say thank u to the loml @fandomshitpostingqueen 4 the title :3
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Your school always turned up and out for Halloween. 
You and your friends had been complaining about how trash the parties have been for months, but now the streets are littered with people dressed as bare as possible in the freezing cold. They were all shotgunning beers in the middle of the street, blasting trap music through their portable speakers, throwing up everywhere. 
And you were so excited! This was going to be fun. 
You never particularly liked going to frat parties: their houses were never clean, it was always boiling hot in the basement, and the cops almost always showed up to shut the entire place down (only for another party to blow up in the early hours in the morning, and they shut them down, too! Fuckers!). But after your first ever mind-numbing, toe-curling, drunken fuck with… her at the Alpha Sigma Phi house in September last year, you hardly ever stepped foot in clubs again. 
You two weren’t super close even though you fucked on and off, but you were friends with her housemate, Riley, so whenever she invited you over, you would discreetly watch Ellie silently making cereal—high out of her mind—in only her sports bra and gray sweats. You hadn’t seen her since the start of the semester, when she’d dropped off your wobbly, highly intoxicated roommate with after she’d snapped you a hey. ur roomie drank alooottt and is really fucked up rn imma drop her off leave the door unlocked pls lol. 
It was a mystery how they got past your building's security since your roommate could barely hold up her I.D. according to Ellie, but you didn’t press since she seemed in a rush to get back to the party she was at. She quickly laid your friend in her bed before throwing you a quick see ya! before fleeing out the door. You didn’t even have a chance to properly look at her before your own door slammed in your face. 
And now here you are, standing in the frat entry line freezing your ass off in your slutty, glittery angel costume with a cheap, but feathered halo atop your head. Your dress barely passed your thighs, and your white, lace-up heels were getting scuffed on the concrete. You didn’t even want to be an angel, but your friends forced you to match with them with their demands of Were gonna be Charlie’s Angels, bitch I’m not playing!, to which you’d argue, they weren’t actually angels, clown! But after three days of consistent glares and pleading from your googly-eyed group, you gave in. 
“Bro, I’m so fuckin’ excited. I need more shots, I need more shots! —“
“Can you shut the fuck up, you sound crazy,” your good friend, Cleo said to your… feening friend, Evelyn. A gust of Fall wind blew past all of you, and you shivered in unison. 
“It’s too fucking cold for this shit! If y’all would’ve let me down that Svedka bottle, I would be warm as fuck right now!” Evelyn pressed at both of you between chattering teeth. 
“Bitch, you almost peed in these people's kitchen sink the last time you did some stupid shit like that! In front of everyone!” Cleo scolded with a glare, and Evelyn scoffed before turning away to look at the moving line. Your friend then turned her attention to you. 
“You tryna see your girlfriend?” Cleo said to you with a smirk while she hit her dab, and you rolled your eyes so hard, they almost fell out. 
“She’s not my fuckin’ girlfriend, shut up,” you tried to say as convincingly as possible. They both snorted at your attempts, clearly in denial. 
Your friends always made it sound like you were in love with Ellie when she was brought up. You could admit to having a crush on her, sure, but you weren’t always craving her attention. You let her come and go as she pleased, and you did the same. 
Your thoughts were cut off by some drunk, obnoxious asshole screaming at the two of you to pull out your school I.Ds. You all did, and the door immediately pulled open, and you were hit in the face with the bass from the speakers. You all entered, hand in hand, and watched people dance in masks, people making out, people twerking on the counter. And you all were finally warm. 
You moved through the packed, LED lit house to where everyone was dancing, and you and your friends made a small circle in the middle of the crowded floor. Evelyn managed to snag an unopened bottle of Tito’s from the counter and you, and Cleo stared in shock as she downed three large gulps like it was water. You snatched the bottle from her before she could get any more down, only to take three large sips of your own, before turning to Cleo, ushering her to lean her head back so you could pour some in her mouth. 
You felt lighter. 
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Thirty minutes passed, and Cleo was throwing it back on you, and you were throwing it back on Evelyn as she clumsily thrusted her hips into your ass, bottle in hand. Your halo was tipping, you were sweating out your press, and your glittery liner was smudging, but you couldn’t give a fuck. 21 was on, and nothing else mattered. 
Until Evelyn stopped, pulling you up to her chest and sloppily whispered that she had to pee. You shook your head as you giggled, pulling a very high Cleo up to guide her to the bathroom by her iced-out wrist.
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The line for the bathroom was so fucking long. What the fuck. 
But you and your friends were finally next. Evelyn was leaning back against the wall as she squeezed her legs together, whining out quiet dontpeedontpeedontpee’s to herself with her eyes shut. You shook your head at her. 
However, you all immediately stiffened when you heard a desired squeal of fuck yes, like that! coming from the bathroom. That’s why y’all were standing here for so fucking long?! So somebody could get their nut?! 
Cleo shook her head with a I know you fuckin’ lying before banging her fist on the door. “Bro, hurry the fuck up! We don’t have time for this shit!”
“Hold the fuck on, damn!” and your back straightened at the voice, eyebrows furrowing. Ohh, shit oh fuck! —
And the door swung open, revealing a very flushed Ellie, lips glistening and eyes tinted pink with a black cloak on, Scream mask in hand. She even had fake blood smeared on her face. And a girl in a devil costume hopping off the counter, adjusting the horns on her head. 
You made eye contact with Ellie, and she froze, only to quirk her slit brow at you, slowly gazing at your attire from top to bottom before reconnecting your eyes. You shivered, and she smirked. 
The demon girl snatched Ellie’s wrist to lead her out of the bathroom as Evelyn rushed in, barely shutting the door behind her. You held Ellie’s searing contact as she trailed behind the girl, nodding her head in greeting as she brushed past you, leaving the hallway. You turned towards Cleo, who’d been barricading the door for Evelyn, shaking her head at you with a knowing grin. You let out a quiet fuck you as she busted out laughing. 
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Sometime in the night, you all scurried back to the dance for when First Day Out blasted through the speakers. You have zero recollection of what happened after you ran towards the packed dance floor(all your liquor body-slammed you at once!), but your tongue was shoved in Cleo’s mouth as she grinded on Evelyn, holding her by her thigh to pull her closer. She pulled away, licking your bottom lip as you both smiled before your hazy gaze traveled behind Evelyn, locking with the ones you were conflicted about seeing tonight. 
Ellie was smoking by herself, just watching you. You held her stare as you wrapped your arms around Cleo, drunkenly waving your hand to lure her over. She smirked around her blunt before shrugging, shaking her head no. You sent her a pout. 
“Ellie’s over there,” you bent down to talk in Cleo’s ear. 
She hummed in acknowledgment against your neck, “We’ll be alright. Go see her.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, I got her,” She said in reference to a very drunk Evelyn screaming out YOU KNOW I BROUGHT MY KNIFE!
“Text me if anything happens, okay?” You demanded, and she nodded before encouragingly patting your ass. 
You unwrapped yourself from your friend, squeezing through the crowd until you reached a very… calm Ellie. She was leaning back with her head propped up against the wall, doing tricks with every exhale of smoke. You leaned up next to her, shoulder to shoulder. 
Neither of you said anything, but she held her blunt up to your face. You accepted, parting your lips to inhale the smoke as you watched the lit tip shine orange. You pulled away, leaving the remnants of your gloss behind, and breathed in before exhaling away from her. 
You watched as she pulled her phone out, slowly typing something out with one hand as she ripped from the blunt again. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your bra. 
You looked at her suspiciously before pulling it out, unlocking it to open the snap from Ellie.
e: cum upstairs? 
y: 😐
You turned to her and watched her smile before typing. You looked back down at your phone. 
e: lemme give u some imsorry head :(
y: 😐
e: pleek 
y: where
e: upstairs duh 
e: jesses gone 4 the weekend so ye
e: fuckin u in his room lol 
… Who the fuck is Jesse?
You didn’t get an opportunity to respond before you felt her grab your wrist, pulling you into the crowd. You couldn’t help but look up at her frame, loose strands of her ponytail falling out, her dangly earrings, her fucking shoulders, her neck moving every time she looked back to check on you. She looked so fucking good, fuck—
You felt a smack on your ass, and before you could turn to beat the fuck out of whoever it was, you caught your friends giggling at you. Cleo suddenly made her O-face as Evelyn pretended to hit it from the back before they started laughing at you again. You stared blankly at them. 
“Okay?” You heard Ellie say in your ear, lips brushing against yours. You only nodded before turning back to face her. 
You watched as she looked behind you before smiling and looking back down at you with a headshake. She turned and led you towards the staircase. 
She pulled open a door—Jesse’s, you guess— at the end of the hall. It was a bit messy, but you ignored it as she closed the door behind you. 
“Where’s Riley? I haven’t seen her at all,” you said as she looked at you. 
“Dunno.” She replied simply, ripping from her roach. 
“…You got bored quick,” You hoped she knew what you meant. 
“Mhm,” she said as she exhaled before stubbing it out on the dresser. 
And then silence. 
This is awkward. You hoped she would be ripping your halo off by now.  
“You look cute.” 
“You don’t,” you replied sharply. Fuck, yes she does, she always does. 
She snickered at you before kicking her chucks off, “That girl thought I did.” 
You’re going to strangle her. 
“Fuck you.” 
“You’re gonna,” she said as she stepped closer. 
“You’re a slut.” 
“I am,” Another step. She said with a slimy grin. “The dirtiest.” 
You hated how wet that made you. 
“Your friends are funny,” She said with another step, finally in your space as she spoke quietly. “And they’re hot.” 
“I know they are.” 
“Orgy?” She asked with a bright smile.
“Ellie, are we fucking or not? M’feet hurt,” you slurred out, rolling your eyes. 
“You look so good right now,” she said more to herself than to you, it seemed. She’d been so quiet, tone filled with awe. Your face ran hot. 
“Wanna kiss,” She said as she leaned forward. 
You placed a hand on her chest. “‘M not about to kiss you, you were just giving somebody head, like, an hour ago.” 
“So?” She said, grinning wider. 
“The fuck d’you mean so? That’s gross, Ellie.” you said with an agitated tone. 
“Wanna bend you over his dresser,” She said silkily, and it made you clench tight. “Missed you, y’know?” 
You didn’t reply as you looked at her skeptically. She didn’t care, grabbing you by your hips to pull you closer, bodies now flush against each other. She bent down to plant soft kisses on your neck. You would’ve complained, but her mouth felt so good, fuck.
“You wet enough?” She whispered out against your throat before sucking on the wet spot. You threw your arms around her neck, your knees buckling. 
“Gettin’ there, keep kissing me like that,” you breathed out in a shaky whisper. You felt her smile against you before licking over where she sucked. 
You felt her hands travel down to your ass, as she grabbed both cheeks tightly in both hands. You let out a breathy moan at her grip before you felt her slap a cheek, and then the other. 
“Take this shit off,” she whispered out as she hiked your dress over your hips. You pulled it over your head, tossing it near the bed along with your halo. 
“Fuck you, I spent time making this,” you said with a pout as she laughed softly. She grabbed your bare tits in her hands before sucking a nipple into her mouth. You moaned as you peered down to watch her flick it. 
She switched sides, sucking the hardened bud into her mouth while she hummed quietly. Your hips pressed against her.
“Prettiest fuckin’ tits,” She whispered against your breast. “Gonna fuck ‘em one day, I swear to god.” 
You moaned at her promise as you felt her slap your ass again before whispering a get over there, nodding towards the dresser. You scurried over as quickly as your heeled feet could manage, tits bouncing with every step. You leaned back against it with your hands propped up behind you as you watched her pull your halo from your discarded fabric. 
“Gotta keep this on,” she said as she walked over, dangling it between two fingers. “For… affect, and whatnot.” 
“Mhm,” she said as she carefully placed it on your head. “Turn around.” 
You listened without question, and you were faced with your own reflection. Your wet nipples, your rising and falling chest, your wet thong. And her darkly looming behind you closely, all bloody and grinning. Another gush of wetness in your underwear. 
“You know what I think?” She said into your ear, meeting your eyes in the mirror. 
You hummed out questioningly. 
“We’d make a sexy cam-couple,” She whispered huskily as she licked your ear and you couldn’t stop squirming, pushing back on her as she grinded forward. “I could see it now: ‘slutty Scream murders cute angelic pussy’, we’d get paid so fuckin’ good.” 
“You’re stupid,” you shakily whispered out as she reached around to pull at your nipples. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned back against her, one hand reaching behind you to wrap around her neck while the other dug into her jean-covered thigh. 
She slapped your tits as she messily kissed your neck, sucking more bruises into the skin as she moaned against you. You felt one of her hands disappear from your tits, and before you could move to bring it back, you felt it grab the back of your neck to push you down against the dresser, arms falling in front of you in reflex. Your eyes tore open, and you were met with your sloppy-looking reflection. Lip gloss completely gone, eye-makeup smeared, sweated-out press sticking to your forehead(dammit!), and your halo lopsidedly hanging off your head. 
“Uh huh,” she muttered out as she watched you through the mirror, slowly thrusting her hips forward like she was fucking you and fuck, you wanted to fuck so bad. You hated how you instinctively pushed back on her, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Would make a sexy little pornstar.” 
“Fuck, El, ‘m so wet, c’mon, please! —” 
“Gonna baby, just lemme look at you,” she said back, and you whined, pushing back on her again. You wish she had her dick with her! 
“Make me cum, El, pleeease,” you whined out again, and you felt her slam a hot hand on your ass. You cried out as your cheek seared. 
You felt her slowly pull your panties to the side. You lifted your head to watch her through the mirror: her brows pulled down, her lip between her teeth, and she had the audacity to release a glob of spit on your pussy. You felt a gush of wetness leave you as it trailed down your pussy. 
“You’re so nasty,” you slurred out quietly. 
She reconnected your eyes in the mirror, and she grinned cunningly. You felt her free hand come up to run slow, deep circles on your slippery clit, and you moaned out as your eyes fluttered shut. You dropped your chin on the dresser in relief. 
“Cutest fuckin’ pussy, can tell she missed me,” you clenched tighter gushed wetter at her tone, your pussy screaming missed you so much, daddy! You could tell she noticed when she snickered out a small yeah, you did.
And then you felt her slide a finger in. Your jaw dropped as you gasped wetly, and you hated how she immediately found that spot that makes you scream. Your walls were gripping her finger tight tight tight—
“Fuck, angel, gonna gimme this pussy later?” 
“Fuck yes, ‘s yours!” 
“Yeah? Say it again,” and she dug her finger in deeper. 
“‘S your pussy, daddy, make me cum!” 
She gently pushed another finger in and she grinded them into you, barely pulling out. You hadn’t even noticed that the grip she had on your neck disappeared, her other hand reaching around you to massage your clit. You stayed bent over the dresser so she could hit it deeper, and fuck, she made you feel so good!
Your eyes were glued shut as you breathed and moaned out, but you felt her press kisses all over your ass, biting the cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open as she sat up, slowing down her fucking. She met your eyes to ask, “You ever get your ass fucked?” 
You barely reacted at her bluntness due to your hazy mind, but you shook your head no. She nodded as she pouted. She went back to fingering your cunt. 
“Mmh, you can if you w-wanna, when you take me home later, shit—“
“Who said I was takin’ you home? Hm?” She said and you heard the smirk in her voice. She pressed up against that spot harder as she slid another finger in. 
“Yes, baby, yesyesyes!—“
You watched her drop to her knees and felt her suck your clit in her mouth and your eyes rolled back and it was about to make you cum—
The sloppy noises of her sucking your pussy and the soppy sounds of her fingers inside you made you hotter, and you felt that burning feeling pulling in your gut.
“El, fuck, baby, I’m gonna— “ 
“C’mon angel, get me wet, want it all over my fuckin’ face— “ 
You couldn’t hear all the nasty shit she was muttering on your pussy as she fucked you through your nut, her lips taking your throbbing clit back in your mouth as she massaged that spot inside you. She was eating you like you were paying her for it and fuck you would if she asked. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good, no one tastes this good, what the fuck,” she said dazed. You knew she was watching your pussy twitch as you rode out the aftershocks on your orgasm, slowly fucking her fingers into you. 
You felt her stand up, slowly rubbing your clit as you calmed down, planting gentle, wet kisses onto your back. 
“You good?” She whispered against you, and you nodded against the desk. 
She chuckled gently, massaging your ass in both her hands before pressing a kiss on a cheek, “C’mon, we’re leaving.” 
You barely could catch your breath, “W’na dance, still.” 
“No, you don’t,” she said, licking up your spine. You felt her press her lips to your ear before she whispered. “Text your friends and tell ‘em we’re leaving. ‘M dropping them off so I can fuck this ass.” 
You shuddered. 
And nodded. 
And she cheesed wide. 
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see yall inna week or so lol c:
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watermelonlovershigh · 9 months
Can you write something where Reader had taken care of Harry all night because he was sick and then she has to wake up to care for their child and maybe the child wants to give Harry cuddles to make him feel better.
Sick Daddy /concept/
AN: had this in my inbox for a while but am trying to clear some of my requests out so here you finally go. its very short because this ask just felt like it didn't need to be crazy long. hope you enjoy still. send you feedback. xoxo
This story contains: mentions of throw up, the rest is fluff
{ husbandrry - dad!harry - any harry era }
word count- 566
You and your son Oliver make Harry a breakfast to hopefully feel better because he'd been sick the previous night. Then after Harry's better, you and Ollie catch the same bug and Harry takes care of you both as you did for him.
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You'd been up off and on with Harry all night. He seemed to have caught some type of stomach bug and nearly every hour of the night woke up to be sick. Though Harry insisted you just stay in bed, of course you were gonna be right by his side. Placing a little clip in his hair to hold his bangs out of his face and rub his back as he heaved over the toilet.
Now it's eight in the morning and your little one, Oliver, who's five, is awake. Though you're dead tired from you lack of sleep, you go into Ollies bedroom and help him get dressed and brush his teeth. Once that's all done, Oliver asks, "Where's daddy? Wanna go see him."
Kneeling down to his level, you reply, "Daddy's feeling a bit ill today, loves. He'll probably be in bed for a while. But, how about you help mummy make daddy some tea and toast to hopefully feel better."
With a concerned look on his small face, Oliver nods, "Alright, mummy. Then can I cuddle daddy? Daddy cuddles me when I don't feel very well so it might make him feel better."
Thinking for a moment, you answer, "Maybe. We'll have to see. I don't want you catching whatever bug he has though."
Oliver helped you prepare an easy breakfast for Harry. One that will hopefully not bother his stomach. Once it's ready, you carry it on a tray and Ollie walks up the stairs beside you, excited to finally see his daddy today.
When you walk in the bedroom, Harry is curled up under the covers sleeping, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. You set the tray down and nudge his shoulder, "Harry babe, wake up for me. Got you something to drink and eat that you'll hopefully be able to keep down."
Harry slowly turns over and sits up. With his very messy bed-head, he croaks out, "Awe, thank you, m'love. I'll try to eat some of it. Not really that hungry though."
Oliver steps to the side of the bed and asks, "Daddy sick?"
Harry looks down and answers, "Yeah baby, daddy's tummy hasn't been well. But mummy is the best doctor around so I'm sure I'll be good to go in no time."
Harry sat in bed and munched on his plain toast and sipped his tea while you and Oliver sat at the foot of the bed to keep him company. After some persuasion, you finally let Oliver cuddle Harry. You knew it was a risk of him getting sick too but you were also at risk from just being in the same house as him.
Luckily Harry was able to keep that food down and with some more rest, got to feeling better within twelve hours. Unluckily to you and Ollie though, two days later you both woke up to sick tummies and it was Harry's turn to play doctor. With the amount of vomit he had to clean up he should become a professional cleaner.
It got so bad that he had to migrate everyone to the living room where he could watch you both at the same time. One moment holding up the barf bucket for Oliver and the next moment holding it up for you. He gave y'all tons of cuddles and extra love and within a day everyone was well again.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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gummishiki · 1 year
hello ~~~ i know it might be a little sick but how about if you want of course one that wally kidnaps the reader after they've seen him do something bad? he keeps them in the basement but the reader refuses to eat driving wally crazy, what will he do to make the reader eat????
that's what i wanted to do
( I love you friend )
It's what's inside that counts 🍎 [ part 1 ]
of course friend :D I shall do my best
(y/n) is a farmer puppet :D not really an important thing I just thought it would be cute :))
tw : kidnapping, vomit, blood, force feeding, obsession, overall dark themes, wally being a silly messed up lil fella
🍎 you had never intended to intrude on wallys personal time with home, everyone in the neighbourhood knew how much he cherished their time together and you had all subconsciously agreed to not question wally whenever he claimed to want to spend some time with home.
🍎 you had only wanted to deliver him some fresh new apples, picked just that morning from your apple tree which brings you to where you are now with your felt knuckles repeatedly knocking on homes door.
🍎 after a few minutes with no answer, you grew slightly concerned. wally was known to always answer the door immediately, he would "never leave his beloved neighbours to stand outside for to long" in his words. you found his consideration sweet.
🍎 with a slight hesitation (you cared about your neighbours privacy of course, you'd never purposely Intrude on them) you twisted the handle of homes door noticing how it was left unlocked which wasn't all that uncommon in the neighbourhood.
🍎 what was uncommon however was how unsettlingly dark home was. you moved forwards and away from the entrance, not taking any notice of how the door slowly closed by itself. with fear in each step you continued to walk forwards in hope of finding wally.
🍎 "wally, you there buddy ?" you felt your voice waver as you attempted to stay calm. a sudden creak of a floorboard caused you to yelp slightly, looking in the direction in which the creak came from you noticed a door slightly ajar. ignoring every survival instinct in your body, you placed the basket of apples down and you felt yourself move towards the door and peak through the gap it had left.
🍎 you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the sight in front of you.
🍎 taking in the scene infront of you, you couldn't help but shake at the sight of endless amounts of canvases around the room, all in which had eerily accurate and realistic portraits of some oddly recognisable creature that you found looked familiar.
🍎 they didn't look like puppets, they didn't have brightly coloured skin or oddly shaped eyes. they had no stitches, no obnoxious hair styles or bright clothing.
🍎 they weren't puppets, they weren't from the neighbourhood. so how did you recognise all the different faces staring back at you ? why did you recognise them ? you sworn you had never seen them before so why do you feel like you have ?
🍎 "just adorable, aren't they ?" you shrieked at the sound of a voice behind you, turning around as fast as you could. "wally, there you are !" sweat built itself down the side of your face as you stared at your dear friend. his eyes blank, pupils dilated as he stared at you, unblinking.
🍎 "I'm sorry, I never meant to Intrude" you attempted to explain yourself as wallys eyes never left yours. "it's just, well you weren't answering and I got concerned so..." you trailed off as wally made no movement to move his gaze away from you.
🍎 a sudden chuckle from your dear friend caused you to blink in surprise. "its alright neighbour, don't worry" his voice sounded hollow, no noticeable emotion could be found in his tone. it unsettled you.
🍎 "um..." you finally managed to find your voice and speak up. "my apologies if this is a rather personal question friend but, who are they ?" you noticed how wally seemed to lighten up slightly at the mention of 'them'.
🍎 his smile seemed to stretch as his pupils expanded. "why they my dear neighbours, they are the viewers" his voice still remained emotionless despite the bright expression on his face.
🍎 "the...viewers ?" your voice wavered, what ever was your dear friend talking about ? were these 'viewers' from a book or show he watched ?, they must be.
🍎 noticing your questioning expression, wally wordlessly took both your felt hands and locked them in his own as he stared at you with an elated expression on his face. "yes, yes !" he exclaimed. "the viewers, they are the ones who are watching us !" you jolted at his sudden claim, wally however gave you no time to think as he continued. "they are the ones who we perform for, the ones we teach valuable lessons to, the ones we were created to entertain !" you felt yourself begin to shake.
🍎 "w-what do you mean wally ?" you attempted to say in a humorous tone. surely he was joking, surely this had to be some sick joke he decided to pull on you.
🍎 "we aren't performing for anyone wally, we weren't created for entertainment. what are you going on about ?" you notice wallys demeanour deflate slightly as his grip on your hands tighten.
🍎 you felt an eerie feeling fill you as wally continued to wordlessly stare at you, not once had he blinked throughout your entire interaction.
🍎 "ha, ha, ha" wallys laugh had always sounded off to you. there was never any tone or humour behind it. just a hallow fake sounding laugh. "my dear neighbour, surely you must believe me" he suddenly pulled you forward causing you to stumble over your legs. " I have proof !" his voice raised, desperation evident in his voice. "I have proof of their existence, that they are the ones who created us and that they are the ones watching us!" he gave you no time to process your thoughts as he hastily dragged you along with him as he turned and rushed forwards towards a door you had never noticed on pervious visits to home.
🍎 you were dragged behind him as he hurriedly ran down jagged creaky steps. you felt cold and unsettled the second you heard the door slam shut behind you. wally paused, finally reaching the bottom step of what you now gathered to be a basement, causing you to nearly topple over him.
🍎 he gently shoved you forward towards a TV with nothing but static showing on the screen. "home showed me this when I was feeling lonely..." wally trailed off, you could still hear desperation in his tone. "I sat here for hours, watching them" his gaze remained unmoving from the static.
🍎 he turned to you, looking at you softly as he spoke "now you can see them too friend, you won't be lonely ever again knowing that they are watching us" he smiled gently at your shaking form.
🍎 "wally..." you hadn't realised how sympathetic your tone sounded, but wally sure did. "wally, I don't see anyone".
🍎 wallys gaze shifted back to the screen. still, only static was shown. "whatever do you mean neighbour ? don't you see them ?" he remained staring at the screen, his smile never leaving his face.
🍎 a sudden jolt from your friend caused you to yelp as he pulled you to the ground in a sitting position. " ah ! I understand now " not once had he blinked. "it took me a while before I could see them too, perhaps all you need is time friend !". you didn't like how that sounded as he held both his hands on your arms.
🍎 " you can stay here, until you see them." his tone sounded demanding yet desperate. "nonono, wally I can't stay here !" you yelled. "let me go home okay, I'll forget this, I'll forget everything I saw and forget everything you said" you didn't want to stay in this cold dark basement any longer, you just wanted to go back to your farm and pretend this never happened.
🍎 wallys grip on you tightened, "no ! no you can't leave until you see them !" tears of frustration poured down his soft felt face causing you to stare at him in both sympathy and anger.
🍎 before you could open your mouth to protest, a thick black substance fell from the ceilings pipe and into your mouth causing you to choke. your vision began to fade as you ripped your arms away from wallys grasps and brought your hands up to your throat.
🍎 the last thing you see before blacking at was wallys blank, dilated pupils staring down at you with desperation.
🍎 you lost count of how long you had been kept in that cold dark basement, unmoving from the TV that remained only displaying static that had begun to drive you insane.
🍎 everyday, every morning, afternoon and night withouf fail, wally would visit you. he would sit next to you for hours on end gripped onto you telling you how sorry his was and how he couldn't let you go until you saw 'the viewers' just like he claimed to had.
🍎 one afternoon no different than all the others for you, wally had made his presence know to you as he sat next to you. the same routine as every other day. however, this time you noted how wally held a familiar basket in his hands. it was the same apple filled basket you brought to home that you had intended to give him.
🍎 "my dear neighbour" he spoke in a shakey tone as he stared up at you. " I never thanked you for the apples, but I thought of how bad of a friend I would be if I were to not share them with you" he smiled at you. your expression remained blank as you stared at the screen Infront of you. you can't recall the last time you spoke or moved, you felt trapped, stuck in this position.
🍎 wallys shoulders dropped slightly as his smile wavered. he picked up an apple, now visibly molding and held it up to your mouth. "please (y/n) " his voice shook with desperation and emotion as he attempted to open your mouth. you remained unmoving.
🍎 wally began to shake as he finally opened your mouth, the sudden movment caused you to snap out of your daze as you thrashed about. the rope wally used to tie you down in a sitting position seemed to tighten around your form.
🍎 "get away from me !" your voice was hoarse as you yelled at him. "don't touch me, I'm not eating anything, go away !" you made an attempt to bite at wallys hand as he shoved the apples into your mouth.
🍎 you choked back a sob as you thrashed around. the molded apple felt like mush in your mouth. you cried, screaming at someone you once viewed as a dear friend. you began to heave, bile quickly rising in your throat.
🍎 wally hesitated, but he moved backwards slightly as you spewed out the molded apple he had just forced down your throat. your frame shook as you heaved at the sight.
🍎 "I-I'm sorry friend, I didn't mean to-" wallys shoulders shook as he felt tears build up as he stared at you frail form. "don't come near me !" you cut him off, not wanting to hear any apologies or sympathy from him. "get the fuck out, get away from me, leave! " you screamed, tears still streaming down your face as the vomit below you began to spread.
🍎 wally stared at you, on the verge of crying again. he didn't understand, what had he done wrong ? why weren't you seeing them ? why wasn't anything working ?.
🍎 "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT !" your voice cracked with emotions as you screamed at wally who was now trembling. he turned away from the sight of your pathetic form and wordlessly made his way up the creaking stairs.
🍎 as you heard the basement door gently shut, you felt like you could finally breath again. you turned your head towards the tv.
🍎 "you won't leave me, right neighbour..." you trailed off, gaze unmoving from the tv as you began trembling again.
🍎 the tv remained showing nothing but static. who are you talking to (y/n) ?.
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fanfictionalraven · 3 months
Piece by Piece Pt. 10
Title: Piece By Piece Pt. 10
Summary: The aftermath of being taken by the angels.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Original Character
Word Count: 2,937
Warnings: Vomitting, angst
Author’s Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published in 2017.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 9 here.
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Dean continues to drive through the day, stopping for food and gas. He tells Sam what Zachariah had told him and why they’d created the alternate reality. Later in the afternoon, M.K. falls asleep spread across the front seat between yourself and Dean. Her head is resting on his leg and her legs on yours. Dean’s fingers are running through her curls gently as you run a hand over her calf.
All of a sudden, you feel the nausea start up out of nowhere and groan, laying your head back against the seat. You squeeze your eyes closed, trying to fight back the sick feeling. The car was currently flying down a back road in the middle of nowhere, no bathrooms in sight.
“Y/N? You okay?” Dean asks, glancing over at you. You shake your head slowly.
“Pull over,” you tell him, eyes still closed. Your main goal right now was to not throw up all over his car. You can feel the car steadily slow down and you carefully push M.K.’s legs off of your own.
Before the car even comes to a complete stop, you clamber out the door. You manage to get a few feet away before your lunch decides to make its reappearance. You hit your knees, bracing yourself against the ground. Two hands are on you a second later, one holding your hair and the other rubbing soothing circles into your back.
Once your stomach is empty, you sit up. Dean hands you a rag and a bottle of water he’d found in the car and you thank him before wiping at your mouth. You unscrew the lid on the bottle and drink about half of it before sighing. Your eyes meet Dean’s and you find his full of that same concern he’d always had for you.
“Are you really pregnant?” He asks. You nod, watching his face. “Did you know before?”
“I’m three months now. I’ve known for about two,” you confess, your voice raw from your previous heaving. He frowns and shakes his head quickly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks. You sigh and run the rag across your sweat-damp forehead.
“You haven’t been home since Valentine’s Day, Dean. And I wasn’t going to tell you over the phone,” you tell him. His face falls as the realization hits.
“Valentine’s Day. That’s what you were going to tell me,” he says. You nod and he hangs his head with a sigh. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Sorry?” You ask, panic rising up in your chest. He looks back at you and his eyes widen.
“No!! Not – not sorry about the baby. I could never – I mean, it’s really terrible timing but – that would be like regretting M.K. or being with you and – there’s no way I could ever do that,” he says, reaching out and brushing his fingers against your cheek. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. Things have been crazy and when Cas showed up at the house like that – I thought staying away from you would keep you safer. I guess I was wrong.”
“Well it wasn’t exactly like we spent the last three weeks being tortured,” you start. “Penthouse apartment. Fancy private school.”
“Pregnant yoga and no caffeine?” He asks, trying not to laugh. You narrow your eyes at him.
“Yea, that was the torture,” you say. “And don’t go getting any wild ideas.” He laughs now and helps you to your feet.
“So was the nausea this bad with M.K.?” He asks. You shake your head as the two of you make your way back to the car.
“I actually got lucky with M.K. I was never sick. This time around though,” you trail off and sigh. Dean nods and presses a kiss to your temple before opening the passenger side door for you.
“Well it’s your turn to get some rest,” he says. You look into the car and see that M.K. is now laid out across the backseat, curled into Sam’s side. You smile and slide in, Dean closing the door behind you. He comes around and gets back in. “C’mon,” he says, patting the seat between you. You lay across the front seat, your head coming to rest on his leg. He lays his arm across your side. You quickly drift off to sleep as his fingers brush lightly against your stomach.
You wake up sometime later, groggy and confused. You don’t remember moving from the car to a bed yet here you were on a comfortable mattress with a blanket draped over you. Sitting up slowly, you look around. It was an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. Willing yourself to remain calm, you push yourself up from the bed.
The cool air meets your legs and you look down to find them bare. You’re only wearing a grey t-shirt that you immediately recognized as one of Dean’s. A pair of jeans are sitting folded on the dresser across the room. They look brand new you realize as you pull them on quickly. A perfect fit. You sigh, thankful for the familiar denim after three weeks of wearing nothing but dresses and skirts.
Opening the door, you’re greeted by a familiar scent. The smell of fresh cooked bacon wafts up the staircase to you. You can hear M.K. giggling as you slowly make your way down to the rest of the strange house. Following the sound and scent, you find the kitchen. An older man in a vest and baseball cap is standing over the stove, frying up the bacon. M.K. is seated at the table behind him, a wide grin spread across her face.
“Momma!! You’re awake!!” She exclaims. The man looks at you and smiles warmly. “Look!! Grandpa Bobby is real!!” Bobby. Of course. The man who was like a father to Dean and Sam. Any panic you had been feeling quickly subsides. You knew this was a man you could trust even if you’d never actually met him.
“I don’t know why she’s calling me that,” Bobby mumbles, a blush creeping into his cheeks. He turns, setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. You hear a door open and a moment later Dean comes into the room, wiping grease from his hands.
“Hey!! Morning, Gorgeous,” he says, planting a quick kiss on your cheek. “How you feeling?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders slightly.
“Confused. Hungry,” you tell him. He laughs and pulls you to a chair at the table. You sit down and Bobby sets a plate in front of you as well. “Thank you.” He smiles and nods. Dean’s hand comes to rest on your shoulder.
“Well since your actually conscious now,” Dean says, winking down at you. “This is Bobby. Bobby, this is Y/N my…” He stops and you look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Ummm.”
“Girlfriend, Dean. She’s your girlfriend,” Sam says from the adjacent room. You look over and find him sitting at a desk, several books open in front of him. M.K. giggles as she takes a bite of bacon.
“Just girlfriend?” Bobby asks. You look at him quickly and he smiles, glancing at your left hand. Your eyes widen and shoot to the diamond ring and silver band still on your finger.
“You changed my clothes but didn’t take these off?” You ask, looking up at Dean. He rubs the back of his neck and stammers.
“Well — Ummm — I just thought — you might like to keep them,” he says. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“If this is a proposal it isn’t a very good one,” you tell him. His eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly.
“No!! I’m not — I mean, not that I wouldn’t — but this isn’t —,” he stops. Sam starts to snigger and Dean shoots a glare at him. You smile and reach over, taking Dean’s hand.
“Calm down. I’m kidding,” you tell him. He smiles now and squeezes your hand.
“Dean,” Sam says, his voice shifting from its early teasing tone. You all look over and find Cas standing in the middle of the room. Dean drops your hand and immediately moves to stand in front of you. Bobby makes his way around the table, shielding M.K.
“The hell do you want? You swore you’d keep them out of this,” Dean says, pointing an accusatory finger at Cas. The angel furrows his brow and shakes his head.
“I did not know of Zachariah’s plan. If I had, I would have warned you. I do not wish harm on any of you. Especially Y/N, Mary Katherine, or your unborn child,” he says. Dean’s hands clench at his sides.
“What do you want, Cas?” He asks.
“I came to apologize to all of you,” he says, glancing at you as well. Dean crosses his arms and shakes his head. “I didn’t know, Dean. I swear. I am sorry.” The room is quiet as you glance at each of the men. M.K. stands from her chair and takes a step around Bobby.
“I forgive you,” she says, starting towards him. Bobby’s hand shoots out, landing on her shoulder. She shrugs him off and takes a few more steps.
“Mary Katherine,” you call to her quickly. She stops dead in her tracks. You very rarely ever use her full name like that and it always gets her attention. But she isn’t looking at you now with the pitiful look she always does when she’s in trouble. She’s almost surprised.
“You always say when someone apologizes and they really mean it that we have to be the bigger person and forgive them even if we don’t want to,” she says. You stare at her as she continues towards Cas. He looks down at her, curiously. “Do you really mean it?”
“I — I do. I’m sorry, Mary Katherine,” he says. She smiles and wraps her arms around his legs.
“M.K. I’m only Mary Katherine when I’m in trouble,” she tells him. You all stare in disbelief as a small smile spreads across the angel’s face. He reaches down and pats her head awkwardly before she lets him go and returns to her breakfast. Dean sighs and shakes his head.
“They’re staying here for now with Bobby. If anything happens to them again, Cas, I swear there isn’t a force on this earth that will stop me from killing every last one of you,” he tells him. Cas nods once then disappears. You look down at your plate. There’s a tense silence before Dean breaks it with a chuckle. “Why’d you have to go and raise her to be such a good person?” Dean asks, looking back at you.
“What do you mean we’re staying here with Bobby?” You ask, ignoring his question as you look up at him. He sighs, as though he’d been dreading this conversation, then kneels down next to you.
“I gotta keep you two — you three safe,” he says, his hand reaching towards your stomach. You swat at his hand quickly and he arches an eyebrow at you.
“For how long?” You ask. He shrugs.
“However long it takes,” he says. You stare at him and shake your head slightly.
“We can’t just stay here, Dean. We’ve got lives to get back to. Lives we’ve already missed three weeks of. I may not even have a job to go back to but she has to go back to school,” you tell him.
“I can’t leave you unprotected. Bobby can keep you safe while I’m out trying to stop all this,” he says, rising to his feet. You frown and look up at him.
“No offense to Bobby but Cas just came and went like it was nothing. You really think an army of angels couldn’t do the same if they wanted us bad enough?” You ask, standing from your chair. Dean crosses his arms over his chest, determined. You glance over at M.K. to find she’s watching you both closely.
Sighing, you leave the kitchen and quickly make your way back up the stairs to the bedroom you’d been in earlier. You close the door and lean against it for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. Your phone is sitting on the table next to the bed. You make your way across the room and grab it, quickly finding Lily’s name in your contacts. It rings twice before your best friend’s voice comes over the line.
“Hey!! Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s the vacation?” She asks. You stare at the wall in front of you.
“Va – vacation?” You ask, your voice trembling. You hear Lily laugh on the other end.
“Yea? Dean whisked you two away suddenly for a family vacation. You left me a voicemail saying you were gonna be gone for a while,” she says. You fall onto the edge of the bed, your hand over your mouth. “Y/N? You okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m – ummm – just checking in,” you tell her, fighting back tears. After a brief conversation, you set the phone aside again. Laying back on the bed, you run your hands over your face. You hear someone walking up to the door and it opens then closes again. A second later, the bed dips beside you. “I called Lily. Everyone thinks we’re on vacation apparently.” You look over at Dean and he nods slightly. “But we have to get back Dean. She has to get back to school.”
“Your lives are more important, Y/N,” he says. You sigh and sit up.
“The only difference in us staying here is that Bobby is in danger. And I am not going to be the reason he gets killed. I’m not,” you tell him. “We’re going home.”
“Well I don’t know how you’re getting there cause I’m not taking you,” he says. You look at him quickly.
“That’s kidnapping, Dean,” you say. He rolls his eyes, rising from the bed. “Fine. I’ll ask Sam or Bobby to do it.”
“They wouldn’t dare,” he says. You stare at him-, your anger building quickly.
“Then we’ll take the bus because we are not staying,” you tell him defiantly. He shakes his head as he watches you.
“I can’t let you leave,” he says. “That’s my daughter and you’re carrying my baby and you’re my –.” He stops short and you look back at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Your what, Dean? You can’t even say it!! That’s what the real torture was, these past three weeks. Hearing you say that you love me knowing I’ll never hear it again now!! You don’t even tell M.K. that you love her!!” You snap at him. “So don’t try and give me some crap about how you want to keep us safe because you care about us or we’re your family. You want to keep us safe to keep your conscious clear. So, no thank you. We don’t need your protection. We’re leaving.” You turn for the door quickly.
“And the baby?” Dean asks, his voice unnaturally calm. You freeze, your hand on the handle.
“I raised M.K. for 10 years without you. What’s another one?” You ask, your words biting. You pull the door open and march down the stairs. Three pairs of eyes land on you as you step into the kitchen, Sam having joined the other two now. “Would you be willing to take us to the closest bus stop, Sam?” He frowns and looks down at the table. You nod and turn to the other man. “Bobby, please?” He sighs and nods, rising from the table. “M.K. tell Uncle Sam bye. We’re leaving.”
“But Momma,” she starts.
“Mary Katherine,” you snap. She hangs her head and jumps down from the chair. She slowly walks over to Sam and he wraps her up in a tight hug.
“Bye Uncle Sam,” she tells him quietly. He kisses her forehead then lets her go.
“Bye M.K.,” he says. You put your hand on her back, guiding her to the door as Bobby picks up the keys to his truck.
“What about Daddy?” She asks, looking up at you. There’s a sadness in her eyes as though she knows what’s happening.
“I’m right here, Baby girl,” he says. You turn and find Dean standing on the steps about halfway down. She runs up to him and he picks her up in his arms. “Listen to your mom, kid.”
“Aren’t you coming home too?” She asks, her voice thick with tears. You frown and avert your eyes quickly. Dean kisses her hair and sets her down.
“Be good,” he says, avoiding her question. She comes back down the stairs, dejected, and you take her hand. You glance up at Dean and find him staring at the floor. Bobby opens the door and you pull M.K. from the house quickly.
Dean squeezes his eyes closed when the door closes then sits down on the step beneath him. Sam comes into front hall and leans against the door frame, crossing his arms. Dean runs his hands over his face and lets out a sigh.
“That was a stupid plan,” Sam says. Dean shrugs slightly, looking back at his brother.
“Worked didn’t it?” He asks. Sam shakes his head in disbelief.
“How’d you know she’d leave?” He asks. Dean smiles a little and looks at his hands.
“I love her. You think I don’t know what would piss her off enough to make her leave me?” He asks. Sam shakes his head again and goes back into Bobby’s study, leaving Dean sitting on the steps, staring at the silver band that was still on his left hand.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 11 here.
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kining-the-evil · 11 months
Hi omg I love your writing so much!!!!!!
I was wondering if you could please write a Jason Dean x little sister where she gets sick and he is the only one there to help her (cuz their dad is crazy).
Thank you and it is 200% your choice
Cough Syrup
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/Summary/: you get sick at school, and Jd is the only one who can come an pick you up
/An/: thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing! This is more of a Drabble but I hope you like!
/warnings/: vomiting, fever, fem!sister!reader, mentions of a shity dad, mentions of Jd and Veronica’s toxic relationship, soft!jd that may seem slightly out of character but i dong care, I like him being soft for reader
/heathers taglist/: Let me know if you want added!
Heathers masterlist All masterlists
Jason Dean really was having a shity day. For starters, you had been late waking up, throwing off his whole schedule and making you both late to school. And now Veronica was ignoring him. Again. Some bullshit he couldn’t even remember had made her mad, so now he had to think of a way to apologize without really apologizing.
He was staring off into space during 4th period when the school intercom called him to the office. While Jason was always happy to miss his language arts class, he worried slightly about what they wanted. As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything recently that would warnt being called to the office.
“Jason Dean?” The main secretary questioned when he walked in. Jason had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes and nodded. “Phone call for you.” She held out the phone for him to take.
“Is This Jason Dean?” A shrill voice asked.
“Yes, who is this?”
“I’m Mss. Daniels, I’m the nurse at Sherwood elementary. I have y/n here in the office, she threw up in class. I wasn’t able to get a hold of your father-“
“Does she needs picked up?” Jd was leaning against the wall in the office, glancing at the few people coming in and out of the office.
“She does. We were hoping you could get a hold of-“
“I’ll be there soon.” And he hung up the phone before passing it to the secretary. He quickly went to his locker before leaving the building to get to your school. Mentally, he wondered if you were actually sick, it wouldn’t be the first time you faked to get out of class. If you had he may tell you off for a bit, but ultimately he didn’t care much. School was a waist of time at your age anyways now that you could do math, read, and write.
All thoughts of you faking, however, were quickly gone when he got to the school and saw you. You were curled up on one of the chairs in the office, shivering slightly. You looked pale, and had a good layer of sweat covering you. He immediately felt like shit for yelling at you this morning. You must of felt like shit, and him yelling couldn’t have helped.
“I’m head to pick y/n up.”
“Are you her father?”
“Yep.” Jd easily lied to the women, knowing it would be easier if she thought that. He just prayed she thought he’d had you when he was really young. He had to sign a few papers before getting the ok to take you, in which he took your backpack and led you outside. Jd froze however when he realized he only had his bike.
“Do- do you think you can handle riding?” You were already leaning your body on his, eyes half closed, but you nodded.
Your brother sighed loudly, he probably shouldn’t let you ride with him but your house was to far away to walk and he sure as hell didn’t want to leave his bike here. Maybe, if he’d thought ahead he could have asked Veronica…
“Can we Go?” You whined slightly, pulling Jd back to the present.
“Ya, Just keep a tight hold, ok?” When you nodded he climbed on, helping you on as well before taking off. Luckily, the ride seemed to go quickly and before you knew it he was pulling up to the large house you called home.
“Ok, why don’t-“ Jd was cut off when you practically jumped off of the bike and threw up in the flower bed. He cringed slightly at the idea of what the flowers would look- and smell, like after words, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he rubbed up and down your back, trying to comfort you until you were done.
“Finished?” He asked, earning him a nod. “Ok, let’s get you inside then. Go change and then come back down to the living room.”
“Ok.” And you disappeared upstairs while jd went on a hunt for everything he’d need. Some cough syrup, which would hopefully help since it was the only medication they had in the house, some extra blankets, a cool compression, and he even started some tea to bring out to you.
This wasn’t the first time Jd had to take care of you while you were sick. Hell, he’d practically been raising you since your mom died. He wasn’t even surprised that your dad hadn’t answered when the school called, he probably wouldn’t even notice you were sick. Asshole.
“Ok, I know it’s going to taste like shit but you’ve got it take it-“ Jd stoped when he didn’t see you laying on the couch like he’d expected. It had been a good 20 minutes, you should already be down here, maybe playing a tape you liked or listening to the radio.
“Y/n?” He called out, carrying the stuff up the stairs and checking your room. Nothing. Bathroom? Nope. Guest room? No. Finally he checked his own bedroom, which is where he found you.
You were curled up in his bed, eyes shut as you slept. His blanket was pulled tightly to your body, and when he got closer he recognized one of his shirts on you. He sighed slightly before shaking you gently. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he needed to see if this medicine would help or if he’s have to go to the story later.
“Come on, wake up.” He tried to be gentle, watching your eyes flutter open.
“Sorry kid, but you need to take this.” He held up the small cup of cough syrup. You reached for it, sleep making your brain foggy as you swallowed it. It wasn’t until after that you reacted to the taste.
“Gross.” You mumbled, handing the cup to him and hearing him chuckle.
“I know. But you can go back to sleep now-“ you grabbed his arm when he tried to stand up.
“Stay, please,” you whined.
“You’re going to make me lay in bed with you?” Jd tried to joke, but your eyes quickly filled with tears. “Hey! No, I was just joking. If you want me to lay with you I will.”
He quickly pulled back the covers to slid into bed with you. “See?” You seemed to calm down, cuddling into your brothers body with your arms wrapped around him as you drifted back to sleep.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
I have a request: Steve has emetophobia, but also suffers from chronic migraines that are almost always accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Eddie helps support and soothe Steve through a really bad migraine attack.
(As someone who has both emetophobia and chronic migraines, it is a hell combination.)
PLEASE DO NOT READ IF READING EVEN A LITTLE BIT ABOUT VOMITING OR NAUSEA BOTHERS YOU! I am also a migraine sufferer, and as much as I hate throwing up, I wouldn't put myself in the emetophobia category. I don't go into extreme detail, but it would definitely be enough for someone who is sensitive to even the discussion of it to be bothered by it. There's a lot of comfort in this fic, so hopefully that makes up for it all. Eddie is such a good caretaker for Steve. I hope you love! - Mickala ❤️
Sometimes, Steve gets warning signs before a migraine: light and sound sensitivity, a dull ache in his neck and jaw, blurry vision.
But sometimes, they come out of nowhere. He’ll be perfectly fine, and then he’ll be doubled over in so much pain he can barely breathe.
The doctors said that it’s normal for cases of head trauma like his, that there’s not much that can be done except keep pain medication on hand, that this could get worse as he gets older.
But the pain is better than the accompanying nausea.
Nothing makes that better. In fact, sometimes his meds or laying down make it worse.
He hates throwing up. The moment he gets that fluttery feeling in his stomach and his mouth starts to build up too much saliva, he’s ready to beg for someone to sedate him so he doesn’t have to throw up.
Once he does the five or six swallows in a row, he knows it’s game over.
His heart starts racing, his whole body breaks into an instant sweat, and he feels his legs go numb.
He usually makes it to the bathroom just in time, but he’s had instances where it all came on so quickly he had to get to the kitchen sink or the trash can, or one time, the floor of the hall.
He hates the way it feels so much, losing control of his body even temporarily while it expels whatever he’d dared eat or drink, he’s become genuinely afraid of it happening.
So when a migraine hits him out of nowhere while he’s cooking dinner for the Hellfire Club meeting in his dining room, he just knows he’s in for it.
He’d been lucky for the last three weeks, not even a hint of a headache to be felt. The sharp pulse of the sudden onset migraine made him nearly buckle at the knees at the counter where he was cutting up vegetables that he was hiding in the sauce for the kids.
He held back as much of a whimper as he could, but the second pulse of pain coursed through his head, down his neck, into his shoulders, and he couldn’t keep quiet.
He heard the group in the other room get quiet, and then heavy footsteps, Eddie’s boots, on the floor.
“Steve? What happened? Did you cut yourself?” Eddie asked from the doorway.
Steve couldn’t quite answer, his eyes squeezed shut and his whole weight against the counter in front of him, all focus he had going to not screaming out in pain.
“Jesus. Okay.” Eddie must have realized what was happening. He hit the main light switch off, only the stove light remaining on. He walked over to Steve and gently wrapped an arm around his middle, shifting him away from the counter so he could lean against him. “C’mon Stevie. Let me get you to your room.”
“Can’t,” Steve managed to say through gritted teeth.
“Okay. Um. Okay. How about I carry you?”
Steve and Eddie both knew he couldn’t carry him upstairs. To the other room, maybe, but Eddie wasn’t built with the type of muscles it would take to get them both up the staircase.
“Okay, you’re right.” Steve hadn’t even said anything, but Eddie must have realized how crazy that sounded. “I’ll carry you to the stairs, then we’ll make our way up slowly, and then I can carry you the rest of the way.”
That didn’t sound impossible, but Steve knew the moment he was jostled, he’d start dry heaving.
He could feel the way his stomach was turning, the heat of the zing of pain in his belly making him wish he could pass out before he vomited.
He tried to get Eddie to stop moving him, maybe if he stood still for a minute, he could mentally convince the nausea to go away.
He couldn’t speak, though, and it was already too late.
One, two, three, four, five swallows.
He started gagging before he could even warn Eddie.
“Shit. It’s okay, sweetheart. Take in a deep breath, hold it, then let it back out.” Eddie was doing his best to get him over the sink or the trash can before anything came out, but he was already dead weight against him and could feel his body heaving. “Alright, let it out, I’ll clean it up after.”
Steve was crying silently, his body curling over the sink that he’d just put a few dirty dishes into, his mouth drooling the excess spit out.
Eddie’s left hand was rubbing his back and his right was pushing his bangs off his face so he could feel the cool air against his forehead.
It still didn’t help.
Steve was throwing up into the sink, tears streaming down his face, his stomach clenching every time he tried to catch his breath.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. It’ll be over in a minute,” Eddie was saying quietly next to him.
It felt like time dragged on, and the smell and sight of everything was making it worse.
Eddie was doing his best to run water to rinse the sink, but it wasn’t enough, and Steve kept thinking about how he would have to touch it to get it all out.
“Is Steve okay?” he overheard Dustin ask quietly from the door.
“Yeah, bud. Just got hit with a migraine. Can you call Nancy and see if she can bring you all home?”
Steve didn’t know what Dustin responded with, but he assumed he agreed because Eddie turned all of his attention back to him.
Steve’s stomach rolled again, another set of smaller, almost dry heaves making fresh tears roll down his cheeks as he tried to reach a shaking hand over to cover Eddie’s hand on his hip.
He felt weak, which was almost worse than everything else. Being unable to hold himself up, or walk, or even talk was terrifying to him.
“Hate this,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper, rough from heaving for the last three minutes.
“I know, sugar. Do you think you’re done?”
It was hard to know. Sometimes, it was one and done and he just had to ride out the migraine in bed for however long it took to go away. Sometimes, he’d be heaving into a toilet off and on for hours. The nausea usually didn’t go away either way.
Eddie didn’t wait for a response; he knew Steve didn’t know for sure.
“Let’s get you in bed,” he said as he used a wet paper towel to wipe Steve’s face. “Might be better if you aren’t standing.”
Logically, yeah. But physically, if Steve had to go up the stairs right now, he would probably end up worse off.
“You want a bath down here?”
It would be much easier, and keeps him close to a toilet just in case he has to throw up again. Plus, Eddie would wash his hair to help him relax and he needed that.
“Mkay, love. Let’s get you in the bath, then,” Eddie kissed his temple, letting his lips linger for a few seconds.
He slowly moved Steve down the hall, towards the only bathroom on the ground floor, designed for guests and remodeled in the last year to be a haven for any of the kids who stayed over with him.
He’d made it a stipulation when his parents signed the house over into his name, that they paid for the bottom floor bathroom and guest room to be made over completely. They felt just bad enough about leaving him in a desolate town that they agreed.
Eddie went through filling the tub, stripping Steve, and pouring the peppermint oil that helped Steve’s migraine and his nausea into the water.
He helped Steve get in, his legs shaking like a newborn calf standing for the first time, and made sure he got settled all the way back.
“Let me get you some water and make sure the kids are getting picked up. Yell if you need me, I’ll come running.”
“I know.”
He always did.
The moment Steve needed him, didn’t matter what time of night or day, or what they were doing, or where they were, if Steve needed him, Eddie would come.
He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, the peppermint cleansing his nose of the vomit smell from before.
He couldn’t hear anyone, but he knew they would all be doing their best to keep quiet since he had a migraine.
They were good kids.
And Gareth, who apparently had a secret crush on Steve for a while and only got over it when he met a girl at one of their shows, and wouldn’t dream of disrupting him.
He let his mind slow, the nausea mostly going away for now, but the sharp pain of his head keeping him from being able to fully relax.
He felt hands on his shoulders soon enough, guiding him forward so Eddie could slide in behind him.He loved this bath for this exact reason: being able to comfortably rest against Eddie’s front.
“Any better?” Eddie whispered, his breath fluffing Steve’s hair.
“Tiny bit.”
“Want me to wash your hair?”
He just wanted to relax for a few minutes, enjoy the hot water keeping him warm, his boyfriend’s hands gliding across his chest and arms to keep him safe.
“Tell me when you’re ready, love.”
“Stay forever.”
Words were hard when he had a migraine. Everyone, especially Eddie, was used to the broken words and barely-there sentences.
That was a hell of a sentence to get out though.
“Not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me forever.”
Eddie kissed his shoulder when he turned his head to rest it further against Eddie’s shoulder.
Eventually, he knew he needed to get out, or he’d end up falling asleep and Eddie wouldn’t be able to get him out of there easily once that happened.
“You got it.”
Eddie was so careful, his fingers gently gliding through the ends and scratching his scalp softly. He applied just enough pressure along his hairline for Steve to feel temporary relief, the intense pain turning to a dull pulsing sensation while he worked.
“Lean back to rinse, I’ll hold you,” Eddie slowly guided him back and down into the water, one hand on his back to hold him steady, another running through his hair to get the bubbles out.
“All set, sweetheart.”
Eddie got out first, wrapped a towel around his waist, and then helped Steve out. He wrapped a towel around Steve’s waist, and another one around his shoulders to keep him warm. He kicked his foot out to drain the tub, and then let Steve rest his head on his shoulder while they walked to his room upstairs.
Eddie threw on a pair of boxers, ignoring the fact that he was still a little damp. He started slowly drying Steve off, patting along his skin as slowly as he could get away with without Steve getting too cold.
“No clothes.”
Sometimes, migraines made every touch of something against his skin unbearable. It was rare, but it made even his softest and comfiest clothes feel like sandpaper.
“You’ll get cold,” Eddie reminded him.
“Got you.”
Eddie sighed, but gave in. He’d try to bundle him up in a blanket once he was asleep so he didn’t catch a cold.
He helped Steve get into bed, and quickly got in next to him so he could cuddle into his side, using his arm to block out any light from the lamp in the corner.
He hated darkness, but the migraines made it nearly impossible to keep lights on. They’d finally found a lamp that had a dim orange glow, and it was known as his migraine mood lighting.
Steve lay naked in the bed, the cool sheets under him providing some relief, his body curling into Eddie’s side.
Eddie placed a hand on his head, just a light pressure to let him know he was there.
“Got me?”
“Got you, love. Always. Just go to sleep. It’ll be better when you wake up.”
Eddie couldn’t quite kiss him, not at the angle they were laying, but he felt him pull his hand away for a moment, heard him kiss his palm, then place his hand back on his head.
He sighed contentedly, or at least as content as one can be with a migraine, and let himself fall asleep. If things got bad again, Eddie would be there.
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weirdmorefics · 6 months
Unmasked Chpt 1- The Call
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Word Count- 1,461
Morning came slowly I stayed up most of the night with nightmares. The nightmares are usually worse this time of year, I think it is my mind's way of reminding me of the anniversary of the first Ghostface murders. My brain is wrong though I need no reminder. The only thing keeping me at all sane during the night is the fact that Spencer is not lecturing today and I will get to see him in the morning at work.
I walk into the BAU with a box of donuts for the team since we are all stuck doing boring paperwork today.
"Morning kid, you look like shit. Long night?" Rossi says full of humor.
I roll my eyes and open the box of donuts, "Hey, don't bite the hand that feeds you."
Rossi puts his hands up in surrender then grabs a donut, "Thanks, kid."
As he walks away I shout "Could you stop calling me kid too because that would be great!"
I set the donuts down in the breakroom and picked out one of Spencer's favorites to set on his desk.
I approach Spencer's desk and set the napkin-wrapped donut down on his desk. "Morning Reid,"
"Thank you, Y/n morning to you too. Did you know Americans consume ten billion donuts every year?"
I smile "Well let's make that ten billion and one." My phone cuts off the conversation and I see my sister's contact photo, "Excuse me I have to take this..." I hope he didn't notice my face shift to an anxious one.
Sidney never calls only texts and she still barely does that. She thinks I am an idiot for chasing after the crazy people who kill when enough killers already come after us.
"Do not come to Woodsboro," Sidney states in a serious tone as soon as I pick up my cell.
"Wow, what a lovely way to begin a call! No, hey sis how are you?" I bite back sarcastically.
"Did you hear me Y/n? Do not come to Woodsboro!" She repeats.
" I wasn't planning on going to that hell town anytime soon. What's going on with you? Shouldn't you be busy with your book tour or something?" I respond trying not to sound concerned.
"He's back Y/n," she whines out.
I swallow deeply and walk away from the desks and towards Penelope's office she is never here this early anyway. "This isn't funny Sidney."
"I am in Woodsboro and my rental car has a murder weapon in it and ripped-up pictures of my face and yours. Oh and did I forget to mention two kids were murdered in the same exact way as the original ones... so yeah I'd say he's back." She responds quickly in an angry panic.
I slam open Penelope's door and proceed to vomit my guts out in her trash can. I hear the wheels of her chair squeak as Penelope looks at me with concern as I dry heave in her trashcan. I definitely should have checked if anyone was in here first.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Penelope asks softly.
"Sidney, I got to let you go," I breathe out and hang up on her.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead. Why does no one ever mention how exhausting dry heaving is?
"I'm fine Garcia," I try to sound detached. I can't be here. One thing that makes the Ghostface all the same is they want to kill the Prescotts and everyone they love.
"You really don't look fine," she says full of concern.
I try to exit without a word but Penelope is quick to follow to make sure I am okay. It must be an odd scene as Penelope chases me and I speed walk away. Especially since we are always attached at the hip.
I ignore everyone's gaze and walk into Prentiss's office without a word.
Prentiss was doing paperwork of her own and did not even look up, " I need a leave of absence as soon as possible... preferably today"
That statement made her head quickly whip away from her mess of papers, "This is awfully unlike you Y/n... has something happened."
The stress of the anniversary, Ghostface, and the worry of losing Spencer Reid after we just got him back from prison seem to boil all over at once. "I JUST NEED A LEAVE OF ABSENCE IS THAT SO HARD TO DO EMILY!" I shout so loud and instantly regret as I see all my team members' eyes on me from Emily's office window.
"I am sorry Prentiss," I put my hand to my forehead fighting back the anger and fear-induced tears. I have seen so many murders I should be used to it at this point but Ghostface will always be different he always comes back as someone new.
Emily stands up shutting the blinds to her office to halt the onlookers. "L/N you need to tell me what this is about, right now! I have never once seen you act like this."
I pace back and forth the last name I made up did nothing to protect me I will always be a Prescott. I just need to get out of here before they find that out. I take a deep breath, "I am really sorry I can't, I just can't tell you. It will just get you hurt. It will get the whole team hurt and I can't do that! Spencer just got back, Scratch is gone, and the team is almost back to normal I will not ruin it. I am going to leave either way I just needed you to know."
I turn to leave but Emily grabs my arm, "Agent, if you are in danger I need to know. One more thing you also seem to be forgetting is this team won't be normal without you."
A knock follows her statement, "Is everything okay? Garcia told me Y/n was sick. Does she need a drive home?" It's Spencer's voice I can tell immediately. The question makes this even harder. Why must he be so kind? Why can't I stand to leave him?"
Emily's gaze meets mine, "I recognize that look."
"Prentiss I don't have time for your profile," I whisper shout to prevent Spencer from hearing me.
"I know all too well what it's like to be undercover Y/n," Emily states compassionately.
"I have no idea what you mean?"
"Your file is suspiciously blank and sealed of all past background and Strauss assured me it's for the better. It is similar to what my file used to look like." Emily unfortunately continues to profile me.
I feel trapped I can't go to the door Spencer is there and there is no escaping Emily's questions.
Spencer proceeds to knock again, "Everything alright in there?"
I sigh, "Emily I will tell you everything if you leave the team out of this."
"Y/n you know I can't promise that," she frowns.
I grab her hands tightly, "You have to because I know how to deal with this but every time he comes back someone around me dies!"
"Who comes back Y/n?" Emily's tone changes to a demanding one like the one she uses in the interrogation room.
"Promise me you won't tell the team! Promise me you won't let Reid get involved." Tears prick my eyes I don't care that I am being blatant about my feelings for Reid nothing can happen because I am cursed to repeat the same horrors for the rest of my life.
Emily sighs, "I promise."
"Ghostface is back... and my last name isn't L/N... it's- it's Prescott," I stutter as the words come out like saying them would make this more real than it already is.
"As in the Woodsboro killings?" Emily asks in utter disbelief.
"Unfortunately... and I have to go back there, for my sister," I state. "You can not convince me not to, I can't lose her."
"Y/n we solve cases just like this we can do this as a team," She soothes.
"Tell that to the last agent who tried to help my sister and nearly died," my stress getting the better of me causing me to shout and not notice Spencer opening Prentiss's office door.
I felt the eyes on me once again, I doubt I can talk myself out of this one. The chance of a silent escape gone stuck in a room of profiles who could sense I am on the urge to bolt out the door. Then my phone starts to ring in my pocket, none of the team seems to notice when Emily gives me a knowing look. She clearly knows the Ghostface cases well they all start with a phone call.
Taglist- @bunbunbl0gs
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rachetmath · 5 months
A Schnee Outing(Pt. 1)
Ren and Nora were heading back to their dorm room after a long day of work. Once they enter however they were shocked for what they saw. Weiss was on her knees in front of Jaune. She was begging and they just had to know why.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: Not going to happen.
Weiss: Please, Jaune, I beg you.
Nora: Hey what's going on?
Weiss: Nothing important.
Nora: *not buying it.* Jaune.
Jaune: Weiss and Ruby want to hang out except Winter, who promised to schedule a day with her is coming with them.
Ren: Okay, so what does this have to do with Weiss on her knees begging?
Jaune: She wants me to ask her sister out on a date.
Nora and Ren jaws were dropped after hearing that and in a few seconds, they snapped out of it.
Nora: WHAT!? Is that true?
Weiss: *embarrassed and starts crying* Yes!!! It's true!!! I want to hang out with Ruby and I don't mind Winter wanting to tag along but I also don't want her to feel like a third wheel!
Ren: I don't think Winter minds that.
Weiss: Plus she'll ask a variety of questions, and wanting a very detailed answers to each one!
Jaune: Oh so she's Yang but more deadly and insane. And better.
JNPR door opens with an angry Yang barging through. Her eyes were red with fury as Jaune felt a disturbance, knowing he’ll die if he doesn’t change the subject.
Yang: What was that vomit boy!?
Jaune: *while sweating* I said, Yang, you’re beautiful and sexy, and you shine brighter than any sun in the galaxy.
Yang accepts the answer and step back. However she wants Jaune to know one thing before she leaves. Warning him of what’s to come as she slowly walks back to the door.
Yang: Okay. Don't slip. I have ears. And these hands are not scared to punch you. Got it?
Jaune: Of course.
Yang closes the door leaving Jaune relieved he can live another day.
Jaune: (Shit that was close.) Anyways no.
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes* Please!?
Nora: Come on, help the girl out. It's just one date.
Ren: Plus, it'll be good experience for you since you never been on a date before.
Jaune: Screw you, Ren. And that is true, but I prefer when it's natural not forced.
Weiss: Oh come on, Jaune, please, I'll do anything!
Jaune: The answer is still no.
The conversation was going nowhere, so Ren, wanting Jaune to go on date, decides to give some ‘encouragement’.
Ren: Hm... what if I happen to send Yang that video clip of you cutting and dying her hair back at Beacon.
Jaune: *shocked* What?
Nora: Oh, I think Yang may still be wondering how her hair got that way. If I were to recall she said if she finds the perpetrator, then she will make them wish they were never born. Last time, she suspected Cardin and she stomp the living crap out his balls.
Ren: She then proceeded to hunt down anyone she suspected, almost destroying the school. Maybe we should-
Jaune: *death stares* You wouldn't.
Ren: *death stares back* Try me. Bitch.
Jaune and Ren continued to stare each other down, until Jaune gives up and decides to help.
Jaune: *sigh* Fine.
Weiss: You'll help? Really?
Jaune: Like I have a choice. I would rather let a Beowulf kill me than Yang. Not after what happened last time.
Nora: Oh yeah.
Ren: That woman went Yandere crazy.
Jaune: So, when is this supposed to happen?
Weiss: Next Saturday.
Jaune checks his wallet and bank account and sees he might not have enough cash to pay for Winter, let alone for what he needs for going out for a casual stroll. He knew while he had time he needed to make preparations.
Jaune: Okay that gives me some time. Nora? Can you help me shop for something to wear?
Nora: Sure thing. When?
Jaune: Friday will have to do.
Ren: But that will be the day before the date arrives. Why then?
Jaune: Look I don't have a lot of money, so I need to pull extra shifts if I'm going to make this work. Anyways, Weiss-
Weiss: *happily hugs Jaune* Oh thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jaune: No problem. Now lead me to your sister.
Weiss leads Jaune to Winter's room. While walking they discussed how to approach the situation so Winter can accept Jaune invite to go on a date. Weiss tries to tell Jaune about the things Winter like however she didn't really know Winter to well beyond just playing with her as a child and training with so he was out of luck. When they arrived Jaune was nervous and no can blame him, after all he couldn't get Weiss to go on a date with him, so how on earth will he get the Ice Queen's sister to accept his offer. Jaune then stopped and took deep breathes and was to knock only to see Winter already opened it.
Winter: Oh hello Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Um... Ms. Schnee…
Winter: What brings you and Weiss here to my room?
Weiss: Well, Jaune wanted to ask you something. Right, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah.
Winter: Okay, but can it wait, I need-
Jaune: Ms. Schnee?
Winter: …
Jaune: Will you-
Winter: Will I?
Jaune: Will you -will you- will you (Damn it, come on, Jaune, just say it. Don't be a wimp. Remember your doing this to survive and help a friend. Now, SAY IT.) Ms. Schnee, may I go on a date with you!?
Winter: A date?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: With me?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: ...When?
Jaune: Saturday.
Winter: Oh really? I'm sorry but Saturday I'll be with my sister and her partner Ms. Rose. Maybe-
Weiss: He can come with us.
Winter: Are you sure?
Weiss: Of course, the more the merrier. Plus, I mean he's perfect for carrying our bags.
Jaune: (Oh you ice cold bitch.)
Winter: Hm… very well. As long as Mr. Arc is comfortable, I'll gladly accept his proposal.
Jaune: (Oh brothers really?)
Winter: *up in Jaune's face* Saturday, at the entrance of the school, at 9:00 am. Don't be late.
Jaune: Yes ma'am.
Winter: And rule number one, call me by my first name.
Jaune: Yes Ms.- I mean, Winter.
Winter: Good, see you then.
Winter walks away to attend to her duties while Jaune was left speechless.
Weiss: Well that went great.
Jaune: Really? Carrying your bags.
Weiss: It worked. Now, I'll take my leave. See you Saturday.
Weiss walks away leaving Jaune to sign.
Jaune: Well I better get busy.
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