#i think his name is blair but im not sure ;A;
wooldawn · 30 days
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loneliestluvr · 1 month
𝑻𝒐 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝑰 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒐, 𝒊𝒊𝒊.
i. ii. iii.
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Archeron OC
Synopsis: Caught up in a world of hollow grief for her people, her life, and her father, Blair Archeron is forced into a life under the light she wants no part of after ghosting through immortality since being Made. But what she finds, is not what she expects.
Warnings: beron😒, abuse in general(like triggering af please be warned), me being a rhysand hater, brief suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 4.1k— this took me all day to write(from 7-9 am and then 3-now please be thankful😞🙏🏼)
taryn thinks: YES I DID CHANGE THE NAME. IT FITS BETTER. I HAD NO IDEA WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS WHEN I STARTED. HUSH. i would like to choose this very moment to tell you there will be a happy ending and to say they WILL end up with babies. still unsure how many parts this will be though 💃🏼 im just a gorl. @readychilledwine this is my payment for that tamlin baby and domestic fluff(smut if you’d like) bonus chapter for lost bonds 🤗
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There was glass shattered on the floor by the windows.
Eris’s head was down as he stood before his father, pieces of deep auburn hair hanging by his eyes as he tried not to move and tried not to let any emotion pass over his face. Just as Beron expected when he took his lashings— whether that be from a whip, his tongue, or his powers.
However indignant, the fact his father had chosen his tongue today was a mercy.
“You are insignificant,” Beron seethed, spit spraying from his mouth as he yelled. The deep, cruel, voice booming off the walls of his fathers study. “—a bastard, truly. A bastard because you surely can not be this stupid and be born of me. A worthless excuse for a first son.”
Eris kept his stature wane, making himself small for his father despite the fact he was a few good inches taller than the male.
Sometimes, he thought the High Lord’s need to belittle and denigrate everyone around him, raise his voice and grow violent, was driven by some sort of lust. For power, respect, whatever it may be. Something he lacked.
That maybe the fact he put energy into minimizing his court, his family, his wife even, was because he didn’t even respect himself. That he needed to create room for his anger and hatred by pushing others down.
What had happened to him that made him so cruel? Is this how his father had been to him? Was this love to him?
“How is it that we’ve only just learned there’s a fourth sister, Eris? Tell me,” Beron’s voice grew lethally quiet as he spoke and Eris forced himself to breathe, bracing mentally. “—tell me so I know who better to put on the throne instead of your pathetic fucking excuse of life.”
His words grated against his ears, voice tight and angry and again growing louder as he spoke.
Another glass was thrown, and shattered. Hitting the wall so close to Eris’s head that a piece flew at him, slicing across his cheek lightly. He barely moved.
The crystal thin enough, knife-like enough, that he felt the warmth of his blood start to slowly seep from his skin.
Like moisture collecting on the petal of a white poppy in the early morning dew when he sat in the meadows by the Forest House, Saydee’s head in his lap as he talked to the earth. A small reprieve from the chaos of the palace.
Eris was there, in his mind.
Petting his hounds grey coat as he whispered, just as he always did when the sun came over the horizon and woke for the day. Like he had since he was just a faeling sitting in his mothers lap as she did the same.
His mother had explained it so gently one morning, sat in the grass, about when the sun comes over the skyline to say good morning. Not to speak too loudly or too brash so that he didn’t startle the earth, because she too deserved kindness. The Mother.
So almost everyday for as long as he could remember, he sat in that meadow, lazing in the tall grasses as those vibrant hues of blue and orange and pink and yellow streaked across the sky— and he whispered to Her.
About his hopes and dreams that would never be fulfilled or sought after, talked of the life he wished to have. That he wished his own mother had. Asked for her days to be gentler, kinder, prayed on every wild dandelion he found, for someone to share his days with, to talk to— however boring.
And he had. He had his dogs, and he had the fields surrounded with the creeks that ran through their property, and he had the sky.
He wished he was there most of the time. So he created a place in his head, to escape in moments like this.
Acres of meadows, full of flowers and taller grass than he could dream of. Up to his hips, his bloodhounds disappearing beneath the blades as he strolled leisurely. Hands wading through the soft thicket. Sometimes he dreamed of others with him, his mother, Lucien, someone else.
Locked away that piece of himself to disappear into whenever being in his body became too much.
It’s where he had spent nearly fifty torturous years Under the Mountain, spending every waking moment protecting the female who had raised him for his father didn’t care to. Spending fifty years away from those grasslands and that beautiful savoy grandeur. His meadows.
Throwing stick after stick out into those pastures as he walked further and further, his best girl running every time he threw— chasing bunnies and jumping into the streams. Getting lost in his mind. When he knew it was morning, which was so very rare down in that dark and decrepit nightmare, he prayed. He prayed for some divine force to step in, for Her to save him and his family. To be kinder. The first time he cried and spoke his despair aloud, Feyre Archeron had come three days later.
Eris was deep in fern grasses as the blood dripped down his face, but he still did not move.
He hadn’t even taken his coat and finery off from Hewn City yet, having told his father he was coming from the lookout on the northern border. He didn’t bring attention to it.
He heard his fathers deep breath and the creaking of the chair behind his desk as he sat, maybe seeing reason now that the heady scent of his sons blood filled his study.
“You will go to Rhysand as soon as possible,” Beron started, pinching the bridge of his nose. Eris still didn’t look up, just blinked at the floor. “—do what you must. Find a way in, figure out what else those wretched girls took from us. I do not care if you kill or maim or whatever else takes your interest these days.”
His voice trailed off as if remembering something significant and Eris heard the wood groan again and then footsteps, his heart remaining steady despite the screaming that filled his head. Then he saw the polished toes of Beron’s shoes.
“You always were the smartest of my sons. So much like me, so brutal.”
Male pride laced those words. Eris wanted to throw up, he wanted to scream, and he did want to kill. He wanted to kill the man before him, wanted to kill the ruination that circled this court. That ripped its beauty from her chest, chewed it up, and spat it out.
But he did not move.
A hand gripped his chin, turning his face to the side and up. Eris let his eyes flick to his fathers face and saw the warning there.
“Where did you get this.” It wasn’t a question, Eris knew.
“I was playing with Saydee and tripped too close to a jagged rock, it cut me. It didn’t hurt.”
Beron released his chin if only to land a sharp slap on his other cheek and then immediately grabbed his face again. His grip burned, like molten ire, making the flesh of his cheeks dig into his teeth.
“Where did you get it.”
“I was practicing my swordsmanship with Brenton and he sliced me with his rapier, it was an accident. He got the proper punishment for hurting me.”
Beron released his son’s face and stepped back.
“Get out, don’t let your mother see you.”
Doubtless that the reason he wanted him gone was because he didn’t want his sons blood to drip onto those precious carpets.
Eris didn’t need to be told twice, so he walked. As calmly as he could until he got to his rooms, making sure to take the long way around and avoid where his mother was no doubt waiting by her own door to hear Eris’s footsteps walk by.
To know he was safe, or to know what his father did. Either way, he didn’t want her to see him like this.
Closing the door behind him, he finally loosed a breath, opening his eyes as he shucked off his jacket and draped it over the chaise by the hearth. Walking to his tray of decanters, lightly touching the blood on his face with one hand as he picked a bottle up in the other.
His scarred fingers came back crimson.
A slow boiling rage, like simmering sugar, filled his body. His muscles, gritting his teeth silently. Grip growing tight as he looked at that blood.
And then that was all he saw as the glass bottle shattered into the brick fireplace, sending the flames roaring and him stumbling back a few steps into the post of his bed.
He hadn’t noticed it was lit, vision glazed over.
He was breathing heavily, eyes wide as he watched the flames fulminate, casting an orange glow on his room and his face. So bright and wild he felt the heat from feet away as he watched the fire roar and gutter back down.
Eris thought that maybe he really wasn’t any better than the man that sired him at all.
Spring in Velaris was beautiful.
The mid-day sun warmed the air around the River House, a gentle breeze kissing Blair’s skin and ruffling through her curled hair.
She’d let her little sister braid it back this morning, a thin coronet that made a beautiful pleated flower on the back of her head. Though her loose bangs tickled her eyes, Blair thought she had looked rather pretty.
She wasn’t so outside of her body when she sat in the open air. And she felt… alright.
Though she would have preferred a fir to scale, as they allowed for easier climbing, but the willow she had found herself in made for a good view of Elain working in Feyre’s garden.
It was a welcome change from her window. Like there was no need to run away and hide in the forests of her mind, digging her own hands into the soul of the earth just to make sure her mind didn’t numb away.
She was almost laying down against the bark, the large trunk and spindling branches wide enough two people could have sat up here side by side. As uncomfortable as it may have been, the rough corking crust digging into wherever it touched through her pale yellow gown, it felt like home.
It’d been a week since Starfall at the House of Wind, almost a month since that all too brief introduction she had made to the world in Hewn City on Winter Solstice. Of Prythian’s world, at least.
Blair hadn’t expected anything for it, she had been there for a short half hour and had been… occupied the whole time.
Sometimes her skin still burned when she was alone. In the bath, when she stirred honey into her tea, late at night in the too cool sheets of her bed.
She’d felt her own since Hewn City, able to think and manage conversations, elating to Feyre and Elain and she quite enjoyed conversing with her little sisters now. But she still laid by the fire, night after night just to feel that warmth fill her.
But after that, after the surplus of gifts from their small gathering that followed, presents hadn’t stopped when the Solstice holiday ended— but they weren’t coming from her family.
Baskets and boards and chests and boxes were sent to Rhysand’s palace and then were brought to the House. Welcoming’s and courtiers from every place in Prythian it seemed, branching out to welcome her.
Well wishes, mostly. Some off-notes and letters, claiming that Blair Archeron’s beauty could be used to fix the rifts in this continent and between courts. That had been the most absurd one, a letter for Rhysand asking for her hand in marriage. He laughed as he read it to her, sitting by the window— knees tucked into her chest.
It angered her more than anything. That she was already a prize to be had, or that it was Rhys they were asking.
Slowly, as days passed and she spent more time outside breathing clear air, the anger grew. The realizations came in waves, of things she had missed, times where she should have spoke up and didn’t.
Resentment, frustration, shame, guilt.
She didn’t let it show, bottling it up and shoving it down. Killing the urges inside her to scream at everyone, to bellow and seeth and grow violent. Something so awake in her, gnashing and bloody teethed. The need to give into that voice in her head that told her to let it go.
That she needed to in order to go on, in order to have a sense of normalcy. That exploding was the only was to settle her bones. She felt particularly nasty towards Rhysand.
The betterment he had to achieve and grovel over, should grovel over, was stacked against the High Lord.
The anger was what took her the most, forcing her fingers to loosen the grip she had on her fork at dinner nightly as she listened to him ramble and laugh. Watched Feyre go on like she would not die having his child, closer and closer to being due.
She wanted to watch him bleed as her sister was going to.
Wanted to scream for all he had made Nesta do.
The entitlement.
But Blair buried it.
So she would glare to herself when he wasn’t looking, lip pulled back slightly and passed off as a twitch, before she took in what was sent as an attempt to woo her.
Blair had thought they were for Feyre in all honesty, before Cassian explained that it was bad luck. A few days ago when he walked with her along the Sidra— Elain had dragged her out and in return she made the Illyrian come with her— he had said it was a grim omen and wish of terrible luck to send an expecting mother gifts for a babe that hadn’t yet been born. To the fae at least.
She listened mindlessly. Noting the scent of her older sister that came from him in waves. She needed to talk to Nesta, and soon. A conversation was owed on both ends.
The thin parchment of the book she was reading scraped against the soft pads of Blair’s fingers as she leaned back against the large trunk of the willow.
Vines of cream wisteria flowing in the soft wind that sent the caps of her bell sleeves fluttering, watching Elain out of the corner of her eye as she dug her bare hands into the soil. Choosing not to use the enchanted gloves Lucien had gifted to her as she tended to the flower beds at the back of the house.
Despite the cool air surrounding Blair from the river flowing a few paces away, a warmth bloomed past her skin, not from the sun, but from something else, and her chest melted or sparked or roared as she saw a flash of deep auburn hair— walking towards where she was in the tree.
The second oldest Archeron’s brow furrowed so slightly. That scent— that heated mahogany and citrus, burning embers, floated to her on a soft wind and brushed through her hair in a soothing caress.
Eris’s hand skimmed along the brush of a white rose hedge as he strolled, his gait loose but strong. Blair kept her focus on the pages she was reading, but a sudden pounding in her heart had her unable to focus on any of the words.
She heard him approach, feet light and careless, she wouldn’t have heard it if she were still human. But with her new ears, the new senses she was still getting used to, she could.
The feet stopped, just under her, and Blair flipped the page. The thin and gauzy skirt of her dress draped and hung down the branch she lounged on, leg crossed over the other.
Eris cleared his throat then, and Blair could see his tall stature blurred in the peripheral of her vision. Hands tucked appropriately behind his back.
“I’m shocked Rhys let you come here, especially with my baby sister in her condition.” Blair said without lifting her head to look at him. Eris hid his smile by lowering his head. “Or should I be worried you’ve come to steal Nesta away? She’s not here, by the way.”
The words poured out of her mouth so quickly that Elain lifted her head in wonder, the same furrow as her older sister’s she’d seen play out in her face so many times. Rhys was standing with his arms crossed on the stone walkway when Elain looked to the back doors. Not pleased, but something willing.
“Now, smart, beautiful thing.” He tsked his tongue, amusement lacing every word. “I wanted to see you, and I told you that Nesta was not what I wanted anymore.”
Blair lifted her head at that, looking down at his wretchedly beautiful face and he smiled that wicked smile at her that spoke of pure sin. The level of her belief was in her eyes.
Whatever he offered that was big enough for Rhys to allow him to come to Velaris, she didn’t believe it would be just for her. Eris had given something to gain something— that’s what they all said of him.
“I told him I’d spoil our fun and tell my father of our plans or he could let me see you and I’d send a legion tomorrow for him to direct.” Eris added, as if reading her mind or face or body. She forced herself to keep looking at him.
“I could have met with you somewhere else.”
“Would you have? Left this place?” A raise of his brows.
Blair didn’t know, she didn’t know why she said it. Why her tongue just moved before she could think with him. Her eyes said as much and then a sudden, unknown, panic filled her and the life guttered so quickly from her eyes.
“It is safer here anyway.” Eris said lightly a few seconds later, followed by a quiet sigh.
There was a thin white gash along his cheek, almost healed, but it wasn’t there the last time she’d seen him. Blair remembered every inch of his face whether she wanted to or not. A face that followed her.
“No gift to try and sweep me into a marriage with you?” She said as gently as she could, face a bit flat.
“I thought I gave you one.” Eris smiled and at Blair’s squinted eyes, he continued. She closed her book and tossed it to the ground, narrowly missing him as it thudded to the ground. “Our dances, I did give you three I believe. Is that not the correct number in the mortal realm when a male is courting a female?”
The female blinked down at him, pausing as she swung her legs over the side of the branch, face drawing ever tighter and then she couldn’t control it.
It was the wording that sent her laughing she supposed. The sound rich and full of life, not empty and deserted or even strained, a song that skittered over Eris’s skin. Soft and silky as a fawn’s coat, gentle and easy as a gliding dove.
“I suppose,” Blair started, grunting slightly as she slid on her stomach— using the little strength she had in her arms to hold tight to the trunk she was dangling from. “—if we were in the mortal realm.” Blair panted slightly and Eris’s mouth formed a tight line as he watched the female struggling to climb back to the ground.
Her palms quickly formed indents from the grooves and bumps and ridges she clung to, nails digging into the wood.
“But,” Slipping slowly, trying to find a place for her dangling bare feet to land or stick to so she didn’t drop seven or eight feet right to the grass. The thin sleeves of her dress catching and snagging on sharp ribs in the bark. “—I so graciously have the rest of my immortal life ahead of me,”
“Would you…” Eris’s hands trail off as he watched, hands behind his back and head tilted.
“I have choices, to make—” Blair interrupted, toes splaying as she reached and reached for the next thing down but there was just nothing. “So I think it fair I take,” She huffed, hands slipping and sweating as she tried to grapple. “My,”
Eris raised an amused brow to her backside, arms crossing over his chest as he just watched. Her full body dangling there and then Blair yelped, right hand slipping and then she was falling with a gasp.
Eris was there a second later, large hands firmly gripping her waist as her knees bent over something. Scratching up her hands as she went, skin ripping on the rough bark and she grappled for anything. Body twisting.
It was Eris who caught her, who she tangled herself onto so she wouldn’t slam against the ground. Panting, heart beating, arms around his neck before she looked at him.
Blue, rust-flecked eyes met amber ones.
“Time.” She whispered, staring at his face. He’d caught her. She couldn’t tell if it was her pulse she could feel inside her hand, or his, as it held to the junction between his neck and shoulder. His eyes flicked down.
“Yellow was a choice, my dear Blair.” She scrambled from his arms, dropping another foot before touching the ground as she stood on her own again.
“I like yellow.” She spoke quietly, brushing her hands along her dress and halting when it streaked the fabric with a dirty red. Looking up at him with a breath, she crossed her arms instead.
“Beautiful as a rare star, then.”
Blair rolled her eyes.
“What is it you want, Eris?”
The male nearly fell to his knees at the look in her eyes, the sound of his name on her tongue for the first time.
Out loud, that is. He’d rewatched her beautiful lips play with it in his head for the past month, over and over. Kept it for himself, for when he was alone or bored or…
Eris feigned a pout.
“No polite courtier? I just saved you, my fair damsel.” He said, face serious until he smiled again and Blair started walking back towards the house. Rhys mouth twisted into a satisfied smirk as he watched.
“I do not need saving, the worst that would have happened was a few scratches or a bruise. I would have lived.” Even if she didn’t particularly care to. She didn’t say that out loud, though. But the despair seeped into something, she didn’t care enough to stop and think about the feeling.
“Mm,” He hummed, following behind her. “I suppose so.” He wanted to grab her, to touch and feel her beneath the flesh of his hands just because. Something inside his chest dragging him along behind her, he was not himself.
Blair just kept walking, right up the stones and the marble stairs off the back of the house, feet padding to the doors. Eris stopped at the steps where Rhys made him halt.
“Don’t let them hold you.” Eris called and she looked over her shoulder just briefly before flinging the doors open and disappearing inside the house that was warded off. Eris couldn’t follow after her if he wanted to.
“You saw her. For whatever reason you needed, she clearly did not have an interest in the same.” Rhys sighed, stepping in front of Elain subconsciously as Eris stood there— still looking into the House. “Now leave my city before I kill you, you know not to speak of this place to anyone.”
Eris was still staring after her when he disappeared in a rush of wind and warm light.
Elain looked back at the tree where her sister and the male had come through moments ago, only to find a particular trail of higher grass where Blair had walked and suddenly grown dandelions were blooming.
From the slam of the back door seconds later and the vacant yard that Elain was now left alone in, nobody else had noticed.
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🏷️: @prythianpages @readychilledwine @impossibelle @anuttellaa @aelincaddel @umgatochamadopercyval @mirandasidefics
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trashbins-stuff · 6 months
Hello. I have seen that you have been tagged by @neobixiscool on one of their posts. I am planning to make a rant post on them. If you can provide some background info and your side of the story, that would be great. If you feel uncomfortable discussing this, that's ok. Have a good day/evening.
rub hands together like flies. my time has come/silly 😋😋
and thank you for coming to me :3 i appreciate it/gen also i get to go all cabby on this hehe
oh and, im not really hurt-hurted by them, i feel like mocha (mochablogger), liam (moonmxple) and mac (blairdrawzstuff) are most affected. They did have a book with my character in it but in a different universe or something (without my consent nor credit btw). Anyway under the cut is my observant. Honestly i think i might have jsut make the rant post for you lmao hrgbnhe 😭😭
the background/before:
mocha was working on a little story and xe said we could be in it! so obviously me and my friends signed up for the fun, not really expecting anything, the story was called "The Traumatized Cup", thats when we first meet him.
In one of the chapter mocha had introduced rubix, at first i didnt really think much about him, i was just aware of his presence, i do notice him and mocha started to become friends and i thought that was great :)
something that you should probably contact cuppy for more info:
so rubix (or according to rubix, "jasp" was roleplaying) and mocha were friends on facebook, and they roleplayed there i think, this i just know but apparently he said crap about liam (mocha's platonic partner and my best friend). Mocha is very sensitive and even in roleplay xe's still uncomfortable with what rubix said
"bezel's" divorce headcanon (and possible influence on further problems):
i heard people talked about it but never knew where it came from, but thne i found out and,,
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tdlr; 1st one is about mocha and rubix, i dont know if mocha consent to it. 2nd one is uh a bit weird i i guess like he could have ask facemoji to make another one ;-;. 3rd ah yes the divorce that i had heard about!/vneg
rubix said bezel forced him into making the 1st one, even if thats true, rubix said the divorce was bezel's headcanon but hes the one that decided to post the 3rd one ("okay i asked facemoji again..")
seem kinda sus not gonna lie..but what do i nose right :-)
bezel probably influence more but even after all these months im still not sure if he really did do those things, idk lul, it is pretty weird that bezel's blog was a sideblog though (liam told me)
heres a bunch of words with link attach, those r my opinions lmao:
these u can just click to read so i hope thats okay
on wattpad he have a book in which he painted mocha, hazel and blair as manipulative (admittedly his writing was good, he could have used it for something different though)
he also uses some of our characters (such as mocha cuppy, hazel, blair, harp, blueberry, winter, bin (mine btw), seedling, galaxy journal,...etc) he did the delete that book tho, anyway heres more screenshot proof (credit @moonmxple )
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mocha asked liam and neobix said its cringe
i remember this one also
the one where he tried to ban pet name and online dating (in 2023) (check the comment and other reblogs also theres alot, its practically a goldmine/silly)
and can i say he barely knows our friend group? like sure he knows mocha but hes trying to fit into our group (very poorly)
please read what cass wrote in the comment (thanks cass for speaking out about it ily)
the ask i sent him
NOT to get all bitchy here but mocha blocked you therefore you literally dont appear anywhere on xer dash, you're out of xer life and xe had no reason to pester you, not everything has to be about mocha. You guy's relationship (or supposedly lack there of) had change but honestly? thats okay they dont have to like the same people that they liked yesterday. You might think you know that's them but it wasnt, mocha in real life is kinder and better than the version inside of your head and they're happier now and its so sad that you cant see (because you're blocked)
and again, not everything has to be about YOU
he also made it all about HIM like excuse me ???? can i not complain for little bit without you coming in and nag about your problem ??? if you're suffering go talk to someone dont talk to online strangers ??? :)))???????
bro cant even read a long paragraph post like go back to elementary school lmao, also reporting ppl just because they use their right to not forgive you is such a sore loser move, it make you sound like petty six year old (also max be spitting facts tho)
bro brought out HIS right (reporting mocha, which he actually cant do if he doesnt have a valid reason) while ignore MOCHA's right (not forgiving him, which isnt a valid reason for him to report xem). The definition of petty is literally complain way too much about unimportant things that could have and should have ended already
"you dont have to relate to everything you see on the internet, somethings are simply not about you" :)
did you know that to report someone you have to click alot of buttons??
common salad W <3333
oh yeah, this doesnt have links but jasp/neobix is being so casual abt bezel's death but also uses it as a way to make people feel bad for getting upset with what he did
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Sorry for playing the dickhead role, but you wouldn't be laughing if you knew how we felt about every single one of you. (why it sound serious all the sudden lol)
why i still doubt (uh and heads up, galaxy brush, kodu, cuppy,..others who think @/rubixisanidi0t was saying the truth, im not saying he isnt but you cant blame me for not trusting can you? please skip this part if you're sensitive):
naw so if this was suppose to be jasp then whats jasp motive lmao :/..he dont gain anything from this + who tell people their secret plan publicly?? + how did jasp know about rubixs hallucination?? rubix please dont tell such personal things to jsut your friends and please just talk to an adult in real life. And jasp, dont let these kind of things on the internet its not safe/srs
this is just straight up weird and also why did neobix/jasp said "old friend" like hes rubix?? when he supposedly told rubix and i quote "yeah.. Soo.... This person named @/mochablogger seemed like some cool person, and when I tried to talk with them... Nothing happened, so when I figured they didn't care... It all happened at once." neobix/jasp and mocha werent even friend to begin with why was he SO obssess over getting mochas forgiveness when they supposedly barely interact much??
aint it a bit weird how this is supposedly jasp/neobix but why would they make this video??? it???doesnt make any sense?? and like were rubix and jasp still good friend??? why wood bezel make jasp of all people do it??? unless yk
HOL UP, WAIT A MINUTE..if rose jelly dated rubix but rubix tunred out to be jasp then..WHO IS ROSE JELLY ACTUALLY DATING??????
if @/neobixiscool is suppose to be jasp then how did he get a screenshot for a show rubix was making???
i translated it and head up. it has death threat in it
you know, if someone stole my account and ruin my reputation i wouldnt be following them and be mutuals with them :)
i appreciate him saying hell save us but like..why would @/neobixiscool linked the real rubix's yt and discord knowing full well that the real rubix was there and could told joiners the truth??? that seem kinda dumb ngl also on the channel you can find a video called "waitng for forgiveness" which @/neobixiscool had talked about. and lets do a bit of timing here, if rubix really was telling the truth and havent been on social media since his alst post on @/rubixcuix (last posted in august) and the divorce arc and the roleplay thing and EVERYTHING had started in september, and if the yt belonged to rubix, then he shouldnt have known that mocha didnt forgive him and make that video????? bc he wasnt suppose to be there since august??? bc if anything he shouldnt be waiting for forgiveness bc if jasp really did steal his tumblr account then its not his fault?? like i find it absoltuely HILARIOUS that the evidence agaisnt what rubix said was on both the account @/neobixiscool AND @/rubixisanidi0t's PINNED post?? and it boggles my mind how no one talks abt this???/lh/nm i mean its quite obvious maybe im jsut really observant though idk
if you got your account stolen and jasp supposedly brought back a wattpad book, i dont think you should be continuing it?? and didnt you said your reported him on wattpad?? on the same account where the book is?? why are you acting like "yes i did promise them this and im fully aware of what happen even though i supposedly havent been here since august and i will continue this book" has it hit you?
uh yeah so these are just my silly little takes, but hey! what do i nose? :-)
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therealpontius · 1 year
Are you dunn yet? (Pt2) ~ did we do it?
Plot: you had no updates of your crush untill… “hello my names johnny knoxville welcome to jackass!”
Warnings: drug misuse
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A day or two had passed and you still had no word from steve-o. You spent hours thinking of what he said his name was. It was either brian or jake.
You sat on your couch after a six hour shift as a barmaid, reeking of beer. Even though you where dissapointed that you probably will never get to speak to brian or jake again you slowly exepted it, not like you will get a random strike of luck and see him again.
"Hello my name is johnny knoxville... welcome to jackass!" The tv in the backround spoke making you frown, you heard about the tv show and the thought of it gave you a headache. ' jackass the movie' the logo read "oh they made a movie? Might be better"
The first scene was johnny renting a car and crashing it up and you where ashamed everytime you heard a childish laugh come out of your mouth.
Next was these two idiots skating in a bowling alley "knoxville knocked my nuts in half!" One of the men shouted making you laugh once more. The next stunt you didnt see since you where off to the kitchen getting some fruit and juice to settle down
You returned to a bigger man running away with his ass out from his split trousers, the public in total shock. Rock music played and four men appeared on golf carts one reading "GNARKILL" the other "GOOCH" they idiotically drove around a golf course bashing into anything they could. Wait. You paused your tv screen.
That looks like... surley not
You unpaused just assuming it was a look alike
The golf car crahsed horrifically and you gasped seeing johnny crushed under it, everyone screaming for medics. The screen panned to him and you didnt even noticed brians look alike sitting next to him, wait that is him, definitely.
Your heart raced and you ran for your computer "jackass cast" you looked at them all and recognised brian or ryan dunn even. "Oh my god" you whisper to yourself, he was so beautiful. If only steve-o ha-
*RING* your phone chimed from the living room, making you sprint like your life depended on it
"hello?" You answered, clearly out of breath
"are you having sex?" A raspy yet familiar voiced asked
"um no just went on a run" you lied trying not to sound un fit "is this steve-o?"
"Sure is baby, did we do it? If so im having a party tonight and there is like zero to none chicks"
You scoffed "no we did not idiot. I gave you my number for your friend? Remember?"
"Friend? Damn. Who? You know what come round sweetie, he might be here"
Your face beemed at the thought of seeing ryan, ignoring the pet name "sure give me the adress!"
An hour later you sat in your small red car that smelt like vanilla and mcdonalds. As you left in your new black slinky dress you could hear loud music from the shitty apartment you prayed wasnt where the adress led you too. But its all for ryan, right?
After walking up three flights of stairs you met with his door, stinking of weed and blairing music. So out of your comfort zone. You opened the door figuring it would be too loud in there to hear the door. "Hello?" You shouted, weaving past a few really drunk men untill you got to the living room where you saw steve-o and johnny sitting. "Potato lady!" Steve-o shouted and johnny waved you over "hello sugar" the drunk man shook your hand as you sat inbetween him and steve-o, the only space there was left on the couch due to how small it was and how big they where.
"So what brings you here, its a shit hole so dont even say its an honour to be here" johnny asks "normally i would back my house up but i can agree, its a shit hole" you three laugh "well its definitely not pretty. But um im here because im waiting for someone arriving" you say akwardly, looking back at the door that was visible from the couch "ooo whos that special someone" johnny asks, bringing himself down to your level and looking to the door "oh yeah thats right who is it?" Steve-o added "its um.. its ryan" you felt your cheeks go red "him? I mean okay not bad" steve-o says making you question what he ment but just chose to ignore him.
You sat in conversation with johnny as steve-o had gone to find weed, and you realised how weird this was. You old friend from school had the biggest crush on johnny yet you where sat on a couch in a shite hole getting drunk with him. He noticed you laugh "hm? Whats so funny" you shake your head "its just weird, i had a friend who was obsessed with you in the 90s and now i dont speak to her and im getting drunk with you" you shake the bottle of beer that sat in your hands "that is weird. But if you happen to have her number, dont hold back and give it to me" you both laugh. He made you feel so comfortable.
40 minutes later a good few of the passed out drunk men had left and a group of new men arrived you could only recognise chris and the curly haired man who you saw on tv and who thought steve-o had paid for you to talk about potatoes, you soon found out his name was bam. "So bam, will ryan be coming tonight?" Johnny asked him "uh of course? Why?" Johnny nudged you and steve-o nodded his head towards you "this little lady is looking for him" bam looked at you and raised his brow "wait, potato lady?" Chris laughed still finding this nickname silly "you didnt call him back so why you looking for him?" You felt guilty "the paper slipped into a puddle and smudged the pen" you held the paper up showing it smudged. You brought it to show him he had won
20 minutes later the door flung open "ryan!" Bam celebrated "oh wait" he said quiter walking up to him fast, chris turned to steve-o with a worried look. Five minutes later ryan walked in and you smiled up at him before realising he was with a woman, a very very pretty woman. Johnnys head darted to yours as you felt your cheeks go red in embarrassment. You and ryan exchanged glances occasionally and the boys made conversation to take the pressure away from you, the woman sat on ryans thighs, glancing at you too getting what was going on.
You started to drink more to take your mind off it, yeah maybe he wasnt your boyfriend or whatever but you just spent two full days thinking of him endlessly. "Steve-o. Got a blunt?" You ask under your breath and he turns to you "a blunt? Yeah sure man" he reaches into his pocket and puts the blunt in your hand "how much?" He shakes his head "take it for free, your a cool one dude" you smile at him genuinely "only one issue, ive smoked but not weed" he raises his eyebrow "really?" You nod and he laughs "its fine me and johnny have got your back, me and you will share this one so you dont get too high."
Five puffs later and you where feeling your eyes getting heavy, you and steve-o didnt make it a big deal you where smoking just sorta kept quite "ry, whats that smell" you heard the girl on ryans thigh say loudly "ugh! Shes smoking weed! I need a window" she says, getting up at strutting away. Ryan looked over to you, ignoring her little hissy fit "kitchen?" You nod and he takes your hand, walking to the kitchen
You enter and find it hard to concentrate as the weed kicked in "soooo what happened? I mean you didnt call me now your here" you sigh "look" handing him the number his eyes frown "right, how did this happen exactly?" "It fell in a puddle infront of the whole parking lot, so embarrassing man" you cover your face and you both laugh "bright side is, look at the back" he turns it round "yeah a bingo ticket?" "You won" his face changed and he started his smiling "for real?" You nod and he runs out of the kitchen, you follow behind "lucy! I won the bingo!" He says to the girl making your heart sink as you stood infront of the whole group of boys. They realised it was the bingo ticket with his number on and started making sour faces and whispering things like "damn" "oh shit"
They both squealed "sorry guys i gotta go celebrate" ryan grabbed the girls hand and ran out the door leaving the boys to look at you in pity "that was a tough watch" johnny said and the group all nodded
"Im just going to go home" you say defeated "how are you going to get there?" Chris asked "ill just walk its only like ten minutes away "no, me and steve-o will walk you home"
After chris somehow managing to convince steve-o to walk you home too you three left, the boys brought there skate boards. The air was cold but you didnt mind "so, potato, when did you become a fan of our work" you laughed "i was never a fan, i just saw it on mtv tonight after hating it for ages, i thought it was quite good though." The guys sounded supprised "i thought thats why you wouldve wanted to date ryan" steve-o added "nono i just think hes cute" they both laughed "name one cute thing about him" "his eyes" they go silent "no i understand that one give us another like one we wouldnt understand" you sigh "his hair and his stuble are cute" chrus scoffs "makes him look homeless" "chris, dude have you saw yourself?" Steve-o said sarcastically making you all laugh.
When you arrive home both the boys give you a hug goodbye and you head to bed feeling defeated and let down.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
hi hi is this ship game thingy still going ?? ignore this if it isnt lol but i <3 ur writing so im sending one in :P my name is blair, i use she/her prns, bisexual, im short, chubby, white hair, grey eyes, LOTS of facial piercings (eyebrows, bridge, septum, angelbites, snakebites, dahlias :3), and a ton of patchwork tattoos. my style is ??? uhmmm random shit i thrifted and or crocheted, i crochet a lot of clothes my typical outfit is like. crochet top, random thrifted pants. my hobbies r obv crochet, art of various forms, rollerskating, and for some reason collecting toys as a grown ass women. my personality is a bit two-faced, i come across as rather extroverted and silly online but in real life im extremely shy and suffer from selective mutism. it's kind of like you only unlock my real personality by becoming friends with me. my friends consider me funny, kind, passionate, and really really helpful. i love love love animals and my dream future is becoming a crazy cat lady, and dog lady, and rat lady, and generally having a home that could be considered an animal sanctuary. i like all sorts of people, because i cant ever really speak in public i really like to observe so i know a lot more about the people around me then they think i know. characters im very similar to would be kobeni from chainsaw man, bee from bee and puppycat, todd anderson from dead poets society, willow from the owl house, and fluttershy from my little pony c: thank youu veryyy much in advance for the matchup <33
Hi Blair!!
I ship you with Reagan Ridley
I can absolutely see the two of you getting along, her appreciating how you still have a love for things beyond the parameters of age like toys. She can’t say much with her adoration for the Space Jam dress, but finding a solidarity in how you have that same affection for things and encouraging her to do the same with stuff from her own childhood.
As someone who’s more blunt and direct but does have a lot of compassion herself, I think Reagan would enjoy your personality and demeanor, finding solace in how you both have softer halves and have to work at the other to unlock them. She may not understand the mutism immediately but would def respect it, probably researching it too to better understand it and get to know about the multiple facets that make up you.
Reagan would love placing kisses, like little kisses, over your piercings, trailing down from your brow piercing and dotting kisses over each of them, maybe even tugging with her teeth at the ones near your lips, taking her time to kiss over your snake and angel bites, paying special attention to the dahlias as well.
Note, if you ever crocheted her a top or something she’d wear it all the time at home, probably having you make extras of the same one in case she pulls a loop accidentally or stains it — Reagan would hate to ruin all the work you put into it.
She’d also not like if you ever made things for the gang, you’re hers damnit.
I’m not sure if Reagan would vibe immediately with the animal sanctuary but I do know she’d love some of the more reclusive animals and the reptiles. It’s probably a 50/50 with cats after the one she held of Dr. Skullfinger’s. If you ever listened to her talk about her childhood and get her a snake or a turtle, or some other reptile, she’d be so excited. Reagan def struggles with displaying her gratitude accurately but would try to let you know how much it meant to her.
I can see you teaching her how to roller skate and it going well or terribly, and honestly it would take a lot of encouragement to keep her going after falling or tripping in her skates — but then again, she’s got you to help catch her, and isn’t that what it’s all about?
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starh-rtsh · 2 years
⸺ starh-rtsh ˜”°•.
mathieu simoneau, cis man, he/him — there goes RIVER SHAW JR. who appears to be a 24 year old WEREWOLF. i think they’re headed towards THE FOREST. word is the STUDENT has been in town for SEVENTEEN YEARS. you might know them as +RESERVED and -SELF RELIANT. the last time i talked to them, they told me their favourite song was IVY by FRANK OCEAN.
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"all the things i didn't mean to say, i didn't mean to do......."
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name | river shaw jr. age | 24 birthdate | 27th october gender | cis male sexuality | confidential pronouns | he/him height | 6'4 ft/195 cm species |  werewolf (born werewolf) occupation | student (majors in computer science) hobbies | strolling around the forest at night. reading. playing his guitar. hanging out with his bestfriend, blair.
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positive traits | confident. open-minded. logical. independent. negative traits | reserved. self-reliant. sometimes a little insensitive. overall | reserved, self-reliant, confident, independent, open-minded and logical. river is independent down to his core. he does not need and want the assistance of others and only relies on his self. he is confident that he's got everything covered and believes his opinion to be of greater value than anyone else's. his lone wolf ways can come across to many as insensitive and crass because he acts in his own best interest and doesn't really give a flying fly about other's opinion when he strongly believes in his, but he is always open for other ideas and ways. he wasn't going to let his ego get the best of him… although sometimes it does, but he always catches himself before it happens. despite this uncaring, stoic, unable-to-feel-emotion façade, he cares deeply about his family and the people he loves but doesn't really want to show. he keeps his feelings in a bottle and seals it shut. only resealing it once he finds himself showing too much. he finds that his own feelings aren't really as valuable. logical reasoning and rationality are above everything else. and because of this philosophy, he is sometimes dismissive of people's emotions without knowing it. often people ask for his "honest opinion" and he's clueless as to why they're trying to claw him afterwards. but, you can always trust him to be honest, that's for sure! don't worry, though, he doesn't bite. (subject to change tbh)
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short background
he adored his father growing up. his father taught him everything he knew, from riding a bike, how to deal with his first transformation, how important family was, how to catch fish, how to play chess, how to fix a broken toaster.. he taught him everything except how to go on without him. ----under construction----
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syekick-powers · 2 years
Some OC Questions ask game: 1, 4, 5, 11, 12 (for an extra challenge - not a Clear Queer), 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 36, 46, and 49.
i can definitely tell you took to heart my comment about liking to receive a lot of questions in a single ask huh 😂
Your first OC ever?
my very first OC ever created was a naruto fancharacter named hanari. she was definitely what you would call a mary sue, but i enjoyed writing her a LOT at first; i made her story into like 16pt font and got really excited when i managed to reach 50 pages, but then out of curiosity i shrunk the text down to like 12pt times new roman and it was only 16 pages and it instantly ruined my desire to continue working on her story. so instead i created my character seyna (her name was different back then but that's what her name is now) and her universe and everything and that started a lifelong addiction to writing and creating characters/universes.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
some characters i have that i rarely talk about are probably the mutant ghost hunters from my old 2014 nanowrimo attempt. i created them when i was fairly young and the story still holds up pretty well considering i was a teenager when i started working on it. the only reason it's not something i've been working on lately is because of Figuring Out Logistics Issues (which has killed a lot of my WIPs lately..... 😭).
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
honestly i don't think i could limit it to just one OC, because if i elevated one single OC from a story but all the rest of them didn't get to be popular the entire rest of the cast will be like "well why the fuck does THIS asshole get to be the only one who gets popularity??" like my first thought with this question was salaphiel or selius but if only ONE of the two got to be popular and the other one didn't i'd literally never fucking hear the end of it. ever. i think if i had to pick one WIP to make popular it'd probably be my HOSTS story actually just because my vision for the final product of that is "horror game with supplemental lore novel released after the game" and if i could get the game made and released i would LOVE to see people get into the universe.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
oh for sure. karini, and kass. ironically both of these characters fall under a common character archetype of mine, which is "girl with a ponytail who is very kind, sweet, and sunshiney, but could absolutely murder you with very little effort." karini is like super buff and an ace archer whose entire specialty is firing arrows with such force that they can pierce through a fucking tree, and kass went to martial arts classes since she was like seven years old and because she's trans she's gotten into a lot of actual fights so any time she's in a fight in the body of the HOSTS story she ALWAYS beats the living hell out of anyone who tries to corner/fight her even if she's outnumbered 3 to 1. both of them are deadly as hell but also just so kind, the sweetest girls you've ever met.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
since you said i couldn't name a clear queer im gonna say i love @websterweaver 's boys maphisto and arachna. absolutely QUALITY character dynamic between those two. cannot get enough of them. chefs kiss. i also love my qpp’s character jay pratt.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
I Have A Few. 😂 the ones that make the most trouble for me are usually the terrible trio (gareth, aiden, and blair, with blair ESPECIALLY being a huge pain in the ass) and selius. sometimes other self-inserts can also be a huge pain in the ass. in hellbent heavensent isaac/isaiah is also a pain in the ass, but that's partially just me empathically feeling salaphiel's hatred of his tendency to ask incredibly insightful Armor Piercing Questions that cut through their stupid facade of lies.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
honestly i feel like kusiel wins this one from sheer power of Constant Thirst For Knowledge and access to an item that literally gives them limited omniscience so i'm sure that when they're not Scheming they're probably spending time scrolling through tons of scientific information in the fragment absorbing as much knowledge as possible.
17. Any OC OTPs?
oh yeah definitely. dustin/seth, aiden/kass, aiden/gareth, aiden/gareth/blair romantic trio, any incarnation of the hh protag with any incarnation of their love interest (too many incarnations to go through the whole list tbh), any incarnation of the hh protag platonically with their best friend/qpp. there are more but those are the main ones really.
18. Any OC crackships?
i think probably the most prominent OC crackship that i got really really into was seth/aiden enemies to lovers. i started writing a stupid fanfic like story about those two ending up in a weird semi-relationship which started with hatefucking in an alley and gradually turned into a full-blown romantic relationship and it was absolutely bizarre to me how well they worked together as a romantic pairing. originally i was 100% convinced that i'd never enjoy imagining the two of them together because they're such incredibly different polar opposites that i figured it would be impossible for them to get along. but when i wrote it, it was truly amazing how the differences in their personalities complimented each other so well.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
honestly i don't get enough people interacting with my OCs enough to really see people mischaracterizing them? i think about the only time someone said something "mischaracterizing" about one of my characters was when i showed the first draft of one of my WIPs to my dad and he complained to me about the protagonist narrating the story in long, rambling sentences and generalized that tendency as a feature of my writing in general when it was in fact a peculiarity of this character specifically.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
honestly i feel like i’d like to actually spend time with selius. despite them being a horrible gremlin most of the time, they have moments of genuine kindness and compassion that i feel would make them very soothing to talk to in the right situations.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
i don’t think there were any OCs that were specifically inspired by a song? for me, songs generally tend to remind me more of specific scenes or things like that rather than being the inspiration for a whole character. i usually don’t start associating a character with a song until a character has been developed a certain amount.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
probably any of the mutant ghost hunters except for lucinda. she’s the only one who wouldn’t fuck with that shit unless she was getting a paycheck.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
kass, most definitely. i feel like plushies are thing she would’ve bought a lot of when she was human and dealing with manic episodes. just a big fuckin pile of plushies on her bed that gets bigger every time she’s manic again because the mania spendy impulses be like that.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
honestly a good question?? like my brain goes to the HOSTS characters first because i imagine them BEING in a horror game, but the important distinction is that almost all of the named characters in that story are horror antagonists rather than protags, so i honestly do not know. maybe the mutant ghost hunters would be best as an answer to this question too considering they’re dealing with ghosts constantly.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
honestly i’m not sure i 100% understand this question but i guess the hh protag and their love interest are kinda like that because the hh protag is really close with their qpp and some of their other friends??? idk i dont get this q.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
i’ve honestly told myself that i’m mean to my OCs, lol. like i said in an earlier question, i don’t usually get people interacting with my OCs a lot, so i don’t usually get people saying things like this to me unprompted. but i am aware that i am definitely mean to some of my OCs. just ask selius
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes?
oh this one’s easy. blair. 100%. blair is one of those people who copes with trauma via humor and memes, and i definitely imagine them just using memes in any situation where they’d possibly be applicable. aiden will often respond with similar memes or jokes, whereas gareth is just like “smh. It’s 2am, go to bed.” and blair’s just like “no :)”
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leanatulipa · 2 months
Okay so I picked up Gossip Girl because I was bored and packing. I figured why not log my opinions (because I’m still kind of bored)
- Serena coming back and expecting everything to be the same is kinda like…idk fair but also not fair? I can’t remember how long she was gone for but Yknow
- Serena’s relationship with her brother (Eric!!) is the best. It’s so sad their mom is hiding him because of his attempt. That’s fucked.
- Blair gives me the cattiest, rudest, most annoying bitchy vibes ever. She is the problem I swear.
- Nate and his buddy (Chuck) that I don’t know the name of are side characters. They look like side characters, they feel like side characters.
- I’m going to forget a lot of names…
- Jen is cute. I like Jen. She feels real. I kinda sorta really want her and Serena to be friends.
- okay if Serena would just tell Blair what happened and opened up I think she’d be a lot more understanding of her situation. Like Eric almost died that’s a really valid thing to disappear over. But Blair doesn’t know that because of Mom and she’s the original problem.
- sigh. I hate plot sex.
- Why the fuck does it matter what Nate and Serena did if Serena isn’t into him anymore?? Blair drop this whore ass man he’s not helping either of you. Mf is a worse drama whore than everyone involved.
- I’m going to kill Chuck.
- Dan is kind of swag. And I love that Serena doesn’t ignore him I know that’s an intentional trope but still. She’s not a bad person clearly
- I do not feel bad for Nate and I will not feel bad for Nate. He’s a pussy. He folds to his parents and manipulates girls because he’s too much of a coward to stand up for himself. His whole problem that he won’t face is hurting people.
- BLAIR DO NOT DO THAT CATTY BULLSHIT BECAUSE YOURE JEALOUS I SWEAR. Ugh she’s just a stereotype and I hate the stereotype. But I’m going to choke down this show anyways because I’ve got nothing better to do.
- Dad (Rufus) is actually kind of cool. I’m enjoying him handing Mom’s ass to her. It’s funny.
- Damn all the moms in this show suck.
- this stupid song about how hard it is for these privileged ass kids annoys me and it will very quickly become a political rant. Y’all have SO MUCH and here you are whining about “oh the limo is full of too much dramaaa” meanwhile y’all would probably run over a homeless persons tent on the way to the party. This rant is going to be frequent and constant. Like yeah it sucks to have no agency in your lives but it’s not the worst problem in the world and this show makes it so melodramatic. I’m sure society recognizes this (or I at least hope it does) but that’s my biggest ick. Oh and Chuck.
- IM GOING TO KILL CHUCK fucking gross ass whore ass bitch WHY ARE WE NORMALIZING THIS GROSS BASTARD please Serena get her away from him
- Oh thank god Jen is smart and recognizes how creepy this is. Chuck don’t pretend to be the cool guy who actually asks DAMMIT DONT
- this show is going to give me an aneurysm
- while I think it’s stupid to focus on Serena’s social life I appreciate her immediately going to worry about Jen because of Chuck’s behavior. That shows true kindness
- there is so much SA in this show so guys be safe, buddy system, keep your phones on and tracked, be aware of your drinks, etc etc. it’s concerning
- Once again loving how Serena cares more about Jen and keeping her safe than her own social life and all that petty stuff. It’s honestly kind of refreshing
- oh god Nate kiss my ASS. You too Blair you petty bitch you are the problem.
That’s the first episode. We’ll see if I can tolerate this show for very long
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outlustings · 2 years
Jeremy x employee but with employee soft dom? You cant tell me our Jer boy wouldnt provoke someone until they slap the shit out of him and call him a shitbag of a person. And then hed get off on it
(okay but anon why are you so right? degradee jeremy blaire is now a kink i didn't know i had. so thanks for that.
don't know if this is really soft dom but OH WELL.
nsfw below. gender neutral. kind of includes orgasm denial and jeremy topping from the bottom if you squint. office sex because im not creative. im hungover.)
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So, getting in an affair with Jeremy Blaire is all about being a match for him, being able to be just as cruel and bitchy as he is. He enjoys the chase, enjoys arguments and bickering in a way that makes everyone else in the office uncomfortable. Jeremy likes to make the others think he's fully in control. He wants to make sure people don't see him as weak.
But what he doesn't want to admit is that he loves it when you insult him.
As your friendship/courtship eventually deepens and you start to become more and more comfortable around him, especially at work. You'll start with the snide remarks in front of others, personal insults disguised as jokes to him, countering him at every chance you get. Dishing it out in the same manner that he does.
He has to hide his flushed face and the slight tent in his slacks as you call him an asshole, call him a stupid boy or a filthy bastard as you catch him ogling at you.
You drive him insane.
He needs to excuse himself to go to the bathroom - disguising his trip as doing a line, but in reality, he leans against the sink and jerks off, thinking about you and your words.
He's so desperate for your attention it's actually kind of pathetic.
But he cums so hard, thinking about how you'd laugh at him, so needy that he'll stroke his cock in the office bathroom.
He loves bickering with you, provoking you, making you so annoyed and frustrated that you can't stop yourself from swearibg at him in front of others because he's being such a fucking pain in the ass.
And he just grins like a madman, takes your berating until you stop mid-sentence and eye him suspiciously.
It clicks. And he knows you're onto him.
You corner him in his office.
"Listen," he clicks his tongue, rolls his eyes as you stomp over to his desk, challenging him to stand up and face you as he slams his hand against the stapler, the dull sound slicing the air, "I don't have the time to hear you whine and mope right now. Come back later."
"You like that shit, don't you?"
You can barely get the words out. His eyes move to you, he doesn't speak. Just watches your chest heave as you grip the edge of his desk with a grin. Calculating.
You lick your lips.
"You love being called all those names, don't you? It's because you know you are -...," you stopped to take a deep breath, deciding to throw all caution to the wind, "...- deep down, a fucking terrible cunt, and you deserve to be punished."
He jumps up from his chair, his lips a thin line.
"Really?" his voice is low, too low, "Says who?"
He saunters to the other side of the desk, and you can smell his bitter sweat, his cologne as he moves closer to you, only inches away. You can feel the heat of his body as he shoves his hands in his pockets, tries to smirk.
You laugh.
"The little guy."
You gesture to his crotch. You watch his eye twitch, watch how his lips curl upwards, a glint of his bared teeth flashing before you. You stare at him defiantly. You didn't even care if he killed you with his bare hands and a stapler. Not anymore.
"You know, I've always hated how you think you have all this influence over people, Y/N. You don't. You're powerless, it's actually quite pathetic, isn't it? All alone, arguing with your boss, thinking that pretty mouth will save you just because I pretend to like you? It's embarassing."
You only register the sting on your skin as your palm tingles, your breaths shallow as your slap against his face echoes in your head. For a moment, you hated him more than anything.
He grunts, his head cocked to the side, the flushed welt right in front of your eyes. You raise your hand again, but he doesn't flinch. He licks his lips, savors the sting, turns to you with a crooked smile.
And then, you didn't hate him anymore. You loved him.
You let out a small noise in the back of your throat, partly out of surprise, of shock, but partly out of the effort of your hand moving to his face again. You slap him, a bitter laugh bubbling in your chest as he recoils, bites his lip.
"You sick fuck," you gasp, grinning as you watch his chest rise and fall, watch how his hands tremble as he braces himself back on the desk, leaning his narrow hips against the heavy wood.
You grip the lapels of his jacket, pushing him back, pressing your face against his.
And so it begins.
Riding his cock with your hand cupped over his mouth, fingers dragging against his stubble with your other hand cupping his balls as you bounce on his lap.
"You're not allowed to cum yet, Jeremy. Not when you humiliated me like that in front of everyone. Do you understand?"
If he cums before he's allowed, he has to kneel before you and give you oral while you sit in his chair. If he cums inside you when he's not allowed to, you're allowed to crack open one of his finest whiskeys.
His moans are so breathy and needy, almost feral as he begs you to fuck him up - and you do.
And he's immediately hard again as he sucks desperate hickeys into your inner thighs, grinning up at you while you sip on his pricey whiskey to stifle your moans on the rim of the glass.
It's a game between the two of you.
"You filthy thing, you love this, don't you, Mr. Blaire? Such a dirty bastard."
He just nods obediently, his tongue inside you.
Pull his hair, shove his face flush against your hips so that all he can smell and taste is you while you fuck his flushed face, mocking how much his cock is dripping, getting the hardwood floor all messy. Who'd knew the great and infamous Jeremy Blaire liked to have his hair pulled like a good little fuckslut?
Slap his face as he surfaces for air, squeeze his cheeks as he kisses you with his mouth tasting of your cum, pull on his tie and spread your legs, let him fuck you with him on top, as a treat. But make sure to pull on his tie, keep him on a leash, keep talking dirty, degrading him.
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theasexuwhalestuff · 2 years
Thoughts while watching Part III of the Kenobi Series
Looking at the title card for the umpteenth time and wondering why tf they couldn't just have gone with Kenobi. Most people already call it that instead of his full name. Lesser chance for confusion, and sounds way better. Similar ring to Andor.
Was looking forward to seeing Obi-Wan resume his panic/anxiety attack and completely lose his shit. But I guess him calling out to his master for the millionth time also works.
But seriously, Qui-Gon you bitch where are you when your son needs you answer him FFS.
I really have to commend Ewan for his portrayal of Obi-Wan during this stage of his life. I know he's mentioned that he's had to relearn Obi-Wan's accent, and I can hear hints of his Scottish accent coming through, but something else still sounded off. It took me a while to figure out the way his whole inflection and tone had changed. This was a conscious choice on Ewan's part, since the Obi-Wan he's playing now is very different to the one he's played before. He's portraying a broken, dejected man, and it's reflected in the way he speaks and interacts with the world around him. He doesn't help the Jedi who sought him out, and is unwilling to help Bail. His attitude towards Leia borders on indifferent and in this episode he even snaps at her, saying not everyone is good. I mean sure she can be annoying and something of a know-it-all, but I don't think I could ever have imagined Obi-Wan snapping at a child during the prequel era. Gone are his easygoing smile, the somewhat dramatic cadence of his voice, and the sarcastic remarks. Goes to show just how much research and care has been put into the state the character is in at this point in time. A person's experience is truly what shapes them, and here we're fortunate enough to get a glimpse of who this man could be in much different circumstances, and just how much he can bend before he breaks.
Mapuzo is a nice planet. I like the aesthetic.
Leia's actress, Vivien Lyra Blair was likely only 8 years old during filming, and it doesn't help that she easily looks like she could be 6 at the youngest. Adorable and very talented though. I've seen some of her other work.
Leia stepping up to the role of caretaker, because really, this man needs some serious help.
Damn, Order 66 rlly did a number on the great Negotiator, huh? Man can barely form words.
Why tf is this dumbass wandering around planet-to-planet in his old Jedi robes and the most Jedi-looking outfit in existence. Couldn't have picked out a different colour?? Different style and cut of clothes?? You're public enemy number one, man. Common sense be flying out the airlock.
That slip-up in front of the troopers gave me second-hand embarassment.
Ok, nice save. Negotiator back in his element, kinda.
Aw, Obi saying he wishes he could say he was Leia's father, and being soft to her 😭
Remembering his parents and his baby brother goddamnit.
But why tf are they talking so freely at the back of that space truck.
Ok, I love that unlike in the prequels, The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, the fight scenes here are a lot slower since Obi-Wan is woefully out of practice, but is still kicking ass cuz well, Stormtroopers.
Leia running to Obi-Wan exactly the same way Grogu ran to his papa after being snatched by those bandits in Season 2 😭😭😭
Leia looking distraught and hugging Lola, so Obi-Wan goes to comfort her 😭❤
Quinlan Vos lives??? Also, Obi-Wan's tiny smile at finding out his little shit of a friend is still alive.
Reva starting to piss me off ngl.
Vader suddenly appearing with his saber scared the shit outta me.
Man rlly just took out his lightsaber only to immediately bolt outta there lmao.
Ok but when did lightsabers get so thick.
Im sorry but why are you walking away from Vader?? RUN my dude.
Yeah, this is why I loved The Mandalorian so much. Sick of Jedi and Sith devilry, and watching the SAME two men trade lightsaber blows, fucking boring. There's more to Star Wars than the fucking Jedi. Pls no more Jedi in future Mando seasons, Favloni 🤲
No rlly, how is he gonna come back alive after this? He's barely hanging onto life.
Yeah man, he's right. Really shoulda skewered this asshole when he choked his pregnant wife nearly to death. A child-killer not to mention.
I can already hear the dudebros lamenting the quality of the last epic duel lmfao.
Letting Leia go alone was a stupid ass decision, but Tala and NED-B to Obi-Wan's rescue!
Run, Leia, run.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
I am curious: what are your favorite scenes from your main ships (date, dair, derena...)?
scenes involving milo don't count, sorry!
for me, it's really not just scenes, but body language & just in general, how they are with each other, you know? dan and serena grin at each other and hug SO much, you can tell that being around each other in s1 made them both so happy, and even after that glow fades the way they look for comfort in each other... top level stuff. the way blair looks at dan... we never see her as radiant at any other point. she was not looking at anyone else like this. and gosh, dan and nate. they're both so comfortable around each other that there's absolutely nothing weird about like. discussing that one ex girlfriend whom they both share AND both were in love with. there is literally no other duo who trusts/enjoys each other's company so much that they're comfortable in a love triangle. (probably because they're more in love with each other than with the girl, but that is not the point. or is it?)
anyway, more specific answers. under the cut. this is one of the longest answers i've ever written on this blog possibly but you KNEW that would happen when you sent this ask, didn't you? (affectionate)
derena: i tagged one of my ds reblogs as 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and like. look at them! this hug from 1x10 kills me in the best way. they are both the literal embodiment of :D when they see each other! i love 1x10 as a whole moment, their entire thing at cotillion is so sweet and they're both so happy. the fact that he is talking about his chemistry teacher during this kiss in 1x07. that bit at the end of 1x05 when they talk about their siblings (being there for their sibling because of fallible parents being a derena parallel makes me simultaneously really sad and really soft, tbh). 1x05 gives me SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT but the way they walk off together arms around each other does something to me - these are two people who are still getting to know each other but who really like what they see, and who trust each other and. are just having a good time together! back when derena was my OTP, the 1x11 "your story's about me?" was absolutely a fave, too, and i still adore it, albeit in a different, more nostalgic way. i like a dan who writes cute stories about serena. no empty shell sabrina van skoneker bullshit. she is so much like you, daniel! you'd be shattered if she did this to you. don't do this to her. tbh, most derena moments from s1 are just A+ romance. the bit in 2x02 in the jitney is so funny, they're SO bad at being exes. the bit in... 3x03 i think?? i don't remember... on the contrary. when they're talking about dan's fling w/ georgina and serena's relationship with carter, the ease with which they talk and how happy/supportive they are of each other's new relationships... yeah. love to see it.
i also really like any instance of them having honest/open conversations. 1x13, talking about how serena is concerned about blair. 1x08, serena talking to dan about feeling jealous of vanessa. this bit from the touch of eva or whatever that episode is. 4x04 i think. this is the conversation everyone is trying to get dan to have and he's avoiding EVERYONE else. derena interactions in 3x21 (can't find a gif right now) - the fact that dan is with serena when her dad abandons them, the fact that he goes all the way there with her. 2x07, "i'm really glad you're nate's friend. he really needs someone like you right now" (though i'm cheating, that's technically a d/n moment too klhdflkgf). there's a bit in s4 where he's advising her against having an affair w/ colin, i don't remember the ep number, but the way he takes her side so easily and naturally and puts due blame/responsibility solely on her professor... yeah. 4x10 i think this ep is?? idk. but like my tags say, im sentimental about this moment because while what dan was doing was irresponsible, sneaking her out of the ostroff, he was the only person in this episode who was actually talking to her and listening to her and taking her seriously. nobody else was doing that!!
i probably have more moments i'm not remembering, but we're only 1/3 into this answer and LOOK AT THE WORDS, good lord, i'm sorry.
dair: my favourite dair episode is hands down despicable b (5x21) which i have heard is an uncommon answer. i just love the conflict resolution of it all, okay!!! 1x04 & 2x08 are like. standard answers any dair shipper will give, and i'm no different. i love dan being able to give blair advice and blair actually taking his advice even though they're not friends yet!!! be right back, yelling at the intimacy of it all!! 5x16, with their getting together (this little kiss and dan being so startled by it), blair admitting a flaw she genuinely does have and dan saying it's not awful because it's her, which is just. romance at its finest. those vows, good lord. 5x18.... they're having fun! blair showing up at the loft in lingerie for dan... the delight on her face.... (i know this moment blows up in their face but when she's there she looks so happy and proud of herself and this was like THE moment when i was like. oh. dair is really the heart of this garbage show huh).
i think for me, the thing that really sells dan & blair together is the serena of it all. both of them love serena more fiercely than anyone else, and that is what brings them together. (fwiw i definitely think nate loved serena this much and this deeply, too; the writers just wanted to pop the serenate balloon, which even i think was extremely unnecessary and ooc.) but (& i have so much meta about this) their relationship grows beyond serena. their entire s4 arc is SO good. i love how comfortable around each other they are, in such an adult way, in the sense of like. they both bring so much stability to each other? morgan tagged this edit "the marrieds" and like. yeah. b offers to help him shave. they're having breakfast & reading the paper together.
all the love declarations we got that weren't a simple 'i love you.' be your charming wonderful self (how could she not love you/ tell me what would make you happy, dan) i told chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore (you spent your life earning the keys to set you free when you were free all along!!!!) dan's pep talk to blair in 5x21 (already linked a gifset earlier, here's another one if you want i guess). there's definitely more... but honestly, the way the dair arc was executed was so good - while i do have my complaints, i also think keeping those aside, it was SO close to perfect. i love dan & blair's banter and gradually becoming closer and closer and closer. it felt very organic and real and GOSH. the way penn & leighton looked at each other while playing dan and blair...... it's just SO MUCH.
date: this is the hardest, because it's. *screams*. maybe you saw me losing my mind over those 2 seconds of nate handing dan a waffle? i love almost every scene with these two, even the hellish s6 breakup scene. my favourite episode for d/n (& also favourite gg episode in general) is 2x06 - i love the homoerotic subtext of it all. nate pretending to be dan because dan's name is the first name that came to his head. dan flirting w/ nate while tied to that thing, in his underwear. them becoming friends. and 2x07 as a follow-up to that! dan getting nate to live in the loft with the humphreys for a while. i am so soft.
4x09 is a terrible episode in general, especially for serena my beloved, but the d/n moments in that one? off the CHARTS. this weird overly macho flirting, in some ways THE most iconic d/n line. this entire finish each other's sentences nonsense. someone (i think it was ana but im not sure?) compared the energy of those scenes i just linked to the book blairenate love triangle resolution, blairena choosing each other over nate in the books, date choosing each other over serena in the show (if only! RIP.) after the saints & sinners ball, this cute little moment of 'youre the only one who understands me. please tell me they went home together. i mean. how could they not have.
3x07, them watching vampire porn together. a tag i used on ao3 (& also on here, once) is 'nate brings out the himbo in dan'. here is a prime example. 'is she levitating?' i don't fucking know, dan, what do you think?? (i was telling my partner that that's what i love abt dair vs date. around blair dan is an intellectual, a librarian, an art historian, a museum curator. around nate it's like dan is competing to be #1 himbo on the show. can my girlfriend actually fly? i don't know, dan. i can't believe you're seriously asking such a question.)
3x12 pep talk. (sorry about the shitty quality!) essentially nate telling dan that he (dan) is hot and that he shouldn't talk himself down so much.
dan making nate gay in his book. you know. his book from which blair found out he was in love with her. nads (who i will not tag in this billion word long gushy meta, because i value her sanity) once called inside "wish fulfilment' and. i mean. yeah
nate checking dan out at the derena wedding continues to be hilarious. hilarious in the same way as dan sexually fantasising about nate. canon really went 'let's give ivy some special easter eggs' and i appreciate them a lot!
i love the way they are around each other - so quietly attuned to each other. i showed my sister my date!husbands gifset, and she was like. yeah they're so married. and it's just stuff like how dan looks for nate over his shoulder, it's not even an active action, it's as easy and natural and intuitive as breathing, checking to see if nate is still there.
oh, that wasn't as hard as it could've been! okay. cool. im SURE there's more things i could scream about, because it's DN, the fact that they're non-canon makes me THAT much fiercer about them than dair/derena, to be honest. so many dots to connect!! anyway.
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katewaliss · 3 years
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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conservativetranny · 3 years
2020 blog update
Hello. No idea if any of you ‘remember’ me but I do seem to have a fair few followers on here. I managed to access the login information for this account and it is safe to say this blog is dead. I denounce everything I stood for on this stupid shit. 
I’m writing this because it’s what the blog deserves. Not looking to be dramatic, not looking for sympathy, in fact I think i’ll get a bit of backlash for this but bring it on. 
The past and the present- a summary
I had this blog when I was 14, unfortunately way too young to have a social media presence (one which carried any responsibility like this one anyway). No matter what age I said I was, no matter how I portrayed myself or how you, my followers interpreted me, I was a sad young trans guy desperately hoping to look big, cool, masculine and stoic, and that manifested in the most toxic way possible. 
I’m 17 now, still very very young, and after developments in my life, especially pursuing my medical transition and becoming happy within myself, I no longer hold such toxic beliefs as I once did. I am happier with myself and no longer feel the need to sacrifice others’ dignity, respect, and unfortunately sometimes on this blog, privacy, for my own. I was a very insecure, stubborn, and ignorant teenager, who dealt with a lot of denial. I’m not blaming the way I treated people online on other factors, but of course external factors came into play. I was dealing with bullying and insecurity, with parental problems, and with loneliness and depression. I seeked some sort of community, and I wanted to push myself away from the ‘weak’ trans community (the way I viewed it at the time). I wasn’t in denial personally, with the fact that I was trans (being gay is a different story- I was in complete denial with the fact that I’m gay), more just with the way other people viewed me (I will expand on this). I could elaborate on the way in which I viewed other people and the way that projected onto my conduction online, but it is a complex and confusing story. I have completely changed my viewpoint on trans ‘discourse’, I am open minded, I am close friends with people I would have turned my ignorant nose up at years ago. I am so proud to say that I am a completely different person now. I grow every day, it seems, and I can assure that I will never return to this ignorant mindset.
With experience, I have grown too. Obviously, from 14-17 i have become more mature. I have different experiences now as well, for example, I don’t bind often at all really anymore, because its more comfortable and can sometimes make me more dysphoric to know I am binding. I’m bringing this up because I bet you back when I was active on this blog, I would’ve laughed at the more mature, tolerant me, and probably went on a tyrade about how I was a fake trans guy or less of a man for not binding. I often wonder what ‘old me’ would think of ‘new me’. Now obviously, three years isn’t a hell of a big difference, but to a 17 come 18 year old it is. I understand I am not an adult yet, but I’ve always taken pride in conducting myself with a sense of maturity and articulacy, and for this post and platform especially I feel it is appropriate.
The Truscum Mindset
Back when I ran this blog, I was in an echo chamber of like minded people, which didn’t help my ideological development. I watched youtubers like Blaire White and Kalvin Garrah, who I thought gave me a balanced, moderate, and fair opinion which is clear is not the case. Back then I would’ve scoffed at the idea of Blaire and Kalvin and other similar people as being radical or a gateway, but I urge you, if you feel you are slipping to obsession with those ideologies, to seek to widen your opinions and associations. I understand it’s a fairly niche discourse topic, but for me it opened a wider rabbit hole into the alt right. From wanting to fit into the lgbt and wider communities as a masculine male, this opened up the black hole of the alt right, I browsed (now deleted) subreddits and 4chan boards, and forums that put me in a very negative and dangerous place. If you’d like me to make a post elaborating on this, I am more than happy to, but this post is to address conservativetranny.
Denial and owning up to responsibility
Back in 2017/18, I was very much in denial of certain aspects of myself, especially my sexuality. I am gay. I thought that this was, and especially as a trans guy, a demasculating quality. I still deal with those feelings sometimes, as a lot of young gay guys do, but thankfully it does not manifest itself as toxic as it once did. I just wanted to portray myself online as how I thought I wanted to be viewed-I didn’t want to be viewed like ‘any other trans guy’. I wanted to be different, but now I can appreciate individuality and I can also embrace being trans as well.
I used to think that having alt views was the coolest thing ever, which contributed to my slip into the alt right, something on which I’ll elaborate on in later posts. I am now an advocate for deradicalisation, and being rational, truly rational. I’m also an advocate for maturity and owning up to your mistakes.
I have hurt people, especially in my personal life, throughout my time as a stupid, thoughtless immature teenager and i am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, for that. I now respect the hell out of those people and unfortunately, but definitely rightfully so, they have lost their respect for me. I don’t blame them, because as I said, up until very recently I was a horrible, toxic person. With maturity, in the past half a year I have been able to own up to my mistakes and I am now taking responsibility for that. No excuses, because I was a shitty person. Of course there is a line between excuses and justification, and I hope those which are reading this can distinguish and appreciate this difference.
Self Hatred and Truscum
Back when I ran this blog, it was very easy to tell I was self hating. Everything I wrote on here, pretty much, was hateful except for the odd two posts that were about something unrelated to my ideology. I was extremely dysphoric and in a bad place when I wrote these things and certainly projected my insecurities onto others. I wanted to find a community of different thinking people that would accept me, and this community was certainly the wrong turn. I had a feeling that it was wrong at the time, but I was too naive and cowardly to own up to it and seek a way out. I kind of just naturally fell out of it, a a lot of things happened in my personal life in late 2018 that forced me out of trans discourse and into much more toxic places like the alt right and true crime fandoms, and I think I’ve only recently ‘found myself’ in the past year or so. I might make a post on self growth on the future as I intend to keep this blog to elaborate and voice my opinions on deradicalisation and highlight the importance of owning up and self awareness.
Don’t fall into the rabbithole
I’m not too acquainted with trans discourse anymore, so I’m out of the loop on this one, but I’d imagine that there’s still ‘transmed vs tucute’ ideas. Kalvin Garrah’s community comes to mind, I haven’t watched his videos ‘as a fan’, if that makes sense, for a while now but I am aware he has a large fanbase of young trans teens that were in a similar mindset to where I was back when I ran this blog. I would love for this post to reach his opposers and supporters for that matter, as a means to show them that they don’t have to fall into this cycle of hate which can be very damaging. I used to be an avid fan of Kalvin, and Blaire White, amongst others. I watched exclusively their content alone and formed my opinions around theirs. If you’re doing that now, I urge you to consider other people when you do. Think about the people like Brennan Beckwith, people who were severely impacted and hurt by hateful rhetoric. Those people are human too, and with maturity you will learn that people with different experiences and views are, at the end of the day, the same as you, and they have feelings as well .I’m going to make a post in the future about Kalvin Garrah, certainly, but maybe Blaire White as well.
Why now?
You may be wondering why this post is being made now of all times, and that is a question that has every right to be asked. I feel as if this timing is right because I finally possess the level of maturity needed to own up to my mistakes and tell you that I was wrong and it was certainly wrong to post those opinions and mistakes online for all to see, and put people in my real life on blast like I did.
I had completely forgotten about this blog, and forgot about the rude and ignorant words I had written towards the people in my real life, until chance had it that I was in contact with one of the people mentioned in this post. [https://conservativetranny.tumblr.com/post/169351517511/no-one-pretends-to-be-trans]
I’m not going to go into the nuances of the conversation we had, but it turns out they had, for a while and definitely rightfully so been hurt by the fact that I had mentioned them, by name, in this post. And while I’d of course still like to keep these people anonymous and will not sacrifice their anonymity in order to tell a story or ‘save myself’, this post is quite funny to read back on as I am good friends with the people referred to as ‘P’ and ‘Shadow’ now.
This is the end of this post, as I feel I have said everything I have wanted to say regarding my previous conduct on this blog. I’m going to change my name on this blog and my bio as I do intend on further posts in the future. I’m not sure how many people, if any, this post will reach, but I’m satisfied I have written this anyway. I certainly do plan on writing future posts but I’m not exactly sure how to formulate them. But thank you so much for reading this far, and if you have, I appreciate it.
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canisterofsoda · 3 years
incoming long list of incorrect quotes because im getting annoying on discord so you people have to deal with me now
Kei: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right
Han: Looking right because you left
Rose: Looking up cause you let me down
Oliver: Looking down cause you fucked up
Blair: What is wrong with you guys
Kei: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Han: Tubular AF!
Rose: Mood to the max!
Oliver, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Blair, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Kei: What’s something you guys are better than Han at?
Rose: Mario Kart.
Oliver: Yeah, video games.
Blair: Emotional vulnerability.
Kei: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Han: Have everyone stand.
Rose: Bring three more chairs!
Oliver: The most important ones can sit down.
Blair: Kill three.
Kei: Favorite horror movie?
Han: It
Rose: Saw
Oliver: Annabelle
Blair: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Kei: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Han: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Rose: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Oliver: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Blair: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Kei: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Han: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Rose: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Oliver: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Blair: My moral code, is that you?
Kei: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Kei: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Han: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
Blair: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Oliver: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Han: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
Blair: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Oliver: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Rose, annoyed: You are disappointments
Kei: Where's Han, Rose, and Oliver?
Blair: They're playing hide and seek.
Kei: Where?
Blair: I don't think you get how this game works.
Kei: You kidnapped Han? That’s illegal!
Rose: But Kei, what’s more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Han, or destroying our dreams?
Kei: Kidnapping Han, Rose!!!
Oliver: Kei, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these guys are counting on you to inspire them!
Kei: What, to kidnap people?!?!
Oliver: To work together!
Blair: Kei, we all agreed a Han is a not a people.
Kei: Anyone d-
Han: Depressed?
Rose: Drained?
Oliver: Dumb?
Blair: Disliked?
Kei: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
Kei: Nothing in life is free.
Han: Love is free!
Rose: Adventure is free.
Oliver: Knowledge is free.
Blair: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Kei: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Han: ... Your what?
Kei: My friends.
Rose: Are they saying “friends”?
Oliver: I think they're being sarcastic.
Blair: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Kei! All of your friends are in this room.
Kei: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Kei: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Han: Rude.
Rose: That’s fair.
Oliver: Not again.
Blair: Are you going to want this back?
Kei: Are we really going to let Han keep Rose?
Oliver: We kept Blair.
Kei: What does 'take out' mean?
Han: Food.
Rose: Dating
Oliver: Murder
Kei: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Han: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Rose: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Han, learn to listen.
Oliver: What if it bites itself and I die?
Blair: That’s voodoo.
Himari: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Han: That’s correlation, not causation.
Oliver: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Blair: That’s kinky.
Kei: Oh my God.
*The squad is over at Kei's house*
Han: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Kei: ... N-No...
Kei, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Han, motioning to their kitchen: Three, I thought!
Rose: I see a-
Kei, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Han: Oh, well I-
Kei: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Kei, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Oliver: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Blair: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Kei: Now I've just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to roshambo nothin!
Kei: I am someone who owns four ovens...
Kei, louder and way too happy: I am someone... who owns FOUR OVENS...
Kei: I didn't know I was so rich with ovens...
Himari, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Han: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
Kei: Rules are made to be broken.
Han: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Rose: Uh, piñatas.
Oliver: Glow sticks.
Blair: Karate boards.
Himari: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Kei: Rules.
Kei: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Han: >:O language
Rose: Yeah watch your fucking language
Blair: 'The fuck word'.
Himari: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Rose: Oh my god they censored it
Blair: Say fuck, Himari.
Rose: Do it, Himari. Say fuck.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Kei: I can help you with it!
Han: Yeah, sure.
Rose: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Oliver: lol nope.
Blair: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Himari: *Read 5:55pm*
Kei: Time for plan G.
Han: Don’t you mean plan B?
Kei: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Rose: What about plan D?
Kei: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Oliver: What about plan E?
Kei: I’m hoping not to use it. Blair dies in plan E.
Himari: I like plan E.
Kei: We need to distract these guys
Han: Leave it to me
Han: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Rose, Oliver, and Blair: *Immediately begin arguing*
Himari, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
*The squad right before Kei's wedding*
Han: Well I have to go, I have a wedding to attend.
Rose: Wait... Oh! I have a wedding to attend too!
Oliver: Oh, I have a wedding to attend as well
Kei: Croissants: dropped
Han: Road: works ahead
Rose: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Oliver: Shavacado: fre
Blair: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Himari, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Kei: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Han: Okay, but what is updog?
Rose: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Oliver: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Blair: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Himari: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Kei: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Oliver: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Rose: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Han: What’s a henway??
Kei: Oh, about five pounds.
Kei: Just be yourself.
Han: 'Be myself'? Kei, I have one day to win Rose over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Oliver: Couple weeks.
Blair: Six months.
Himari: Jury’s still out.
Han: See, Kei?
Han: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
Han, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Kei: I appreciate it,
Oliver: Kei-
Blair: Kei we gotta-
Kei: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Kei, motioning to Himari: NOT FUCKING THIS
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Kei: Thanks fam!
Han: oh no
Rose: *cries* I love you too
Oliver: Sounds fake but okay
Blair: *A flustered mess*
Himari: can i get a refund
Kei: Hewwo.
Han: Hihiiiiii!
Rose: Greetings, Humans.
Blair: Three kinds of people.
Oliver: I want pudding.
Kei: Four kinds of people.
Blair: Five kinds of people.
Kei, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Han: Hey.
Rose: Hi.
Oliver: Hello.
Blair: Hey!
Kei: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Himari: We were out of Doritos.
Kei: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Han: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Kei: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Rose: Actually I did the math, Han would have $225, not $0.15.
Han: Fam I’m right here....
Oliver: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Kei: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Oliver: Sorry I only have a dollar
Kei: :(
Rose: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Han would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Oliver: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Rose: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Blair: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Rose: Apply juice to what
Himari: Directly to the forehead
Han: Great chat everyone
Kei: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Han: Nope, absolutely not.
Rose: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Oliver: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Blair: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Himari: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Spooky AU!: the reader thought taking a short cut to get home would be a good idea. Wrong! The forest was not the best shortcut to go. Suddenly the reader hears groaning and moaning. The reader looks behind her and notices...a zombie!Izuku coming after her. Blood dripping from eyes and his arms were reached out towards reader. The reader screamed and started running away. The zombie chasing after her...
Oh geez!! Tryna scare me, anon? 😭
Ahh thats so cool tho!
Ughh i love zombies.
Oh oh oh!!
What if its like that zombie movie, Warm Bodies.?💙💙💙. This got out of hand im sorryfesgfjdrs
Forest Of Flesh.
Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Zombie Au
Summary: Perhaps you should never have took that shortcut, but you wouldn’t have met such a cute, rotting rod of meat if you didn’t.
Category: Fluff?? Maybe?
Word Count: 700+
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Of course, you never should have gone through those terrifying woods. You never should have even really thought about it.
No, you were always warned how they were haunted, some sort of Blair Witch Project spooky shit going down in its dark depths.
Perhaps you should have known something like this would happen.
That you’d get lost, searching tirelessly for where you came from but only finding places you haven’t been.
If only it was light enough that you could see, the damn trees blocking out the moon, if only it wasn’t 3 AM, and if only you have more than 15% battery percentage on your dumbass old iPhone4, then maybe you could find your way out.
But alas.
Instead, you’re left to sob in a forest all too dense and all too quiet, your own steps echoing in your ears as you crunched down on dead leaves and frail twigs.
But then you heard it, a noise other than the ones you were making.
It sounded like a moan of sorts in the foggy distance, a human one at that, the type to send a heat flash across your body and burn your cheeks red.
Surely no one would do something so sinful in a forest like this, right?
Even as you pushed on to try and find the potential human saviors, you lost your trail once more, ears straining for more noises to follow, even if they were potentially lewd.
It wasn’t until you heard something fumbling a little ways behind you that suspicion grew and momentary arousal got replace by spine chilling fear.
Whatever it was, it was coming closer, its step pattern irregular and the pant of a groan under its breath.
You wanted to run, but that stupid voice inside you told you this could be an injured human seeking help.
Until finally, it was right behind you.
Huffing, you whipped your head around, only to let out a shrill scream at the sight before you.
Cold green eyes bleeding syrupy blood, the red staining his pale, pudgy cheeks and jaw hanging open as if it was broken. Dirt stained fingers reached out to you-
But you didn’t think as you began running in a random direction, forcing yourself to believe it wasn’t chasing you despite the irregular steps still licking at your ears.
Your breath screamed in your body, tears flying from your eyes as you ran and ran, a breathy voice calling out to you - one that could only belong to whatever the hell you just saw.
You wanted to run until you left the forest, but exhaustion was already chewing at your bones before you even saw the creature, and it all went downhill when your foot caught on a tree root- one you couldn’t see.
You screamed as your knee scraped against the jagged wood, palms burning as you slid on them on the rough forest floor.
You expected to meet your end, and yet- you never did.
Instead, there was a thump beside you, clumsy hands shaking in front of your face, “Oh  gosh! I’m so sorry ma’am..!” Something thick and cold splattered onto your bare arm, but you could care less at that moment, too shaken up about being chased and suddenly not dying.
Hesitantly, you glanced up, flinging yourself away from the figuring in front of you as soon as you connected eyes with it. Your back slammed against the large tree’s trunk, nearly knocking the breath from your lungs.
“W-wh-at a-are you..?” you sputtered out as if on instinct, cradling your stinging hands to your heaving chest.
“My name is Izuku!” ‘he’ cheerily responded, smiling boyishly at you with strangely perfect teeth as blood framed his face. Reaching into his pocket, he handed you a clean handkerchief to wipe your palms with, as well as wipe his own blood off that fell to your arm.
The moonlight suddenly dripped down between the forest’s thick canopy, cascading down just to shine brightly on the figure in front of you. You finally got a good look at this thing, and boy.. Were you confused. Previously horrifying features we softened by the moons everlasting embrace, lighting up his viridescent orbs and caressing his soft, freckled cheeks, you could even see your reflection in the blood dripping from his eyes, something that never seemed to stop flowing down his dirty yet cute face. Twigs and leaves were stuck in his bushy green locks, and his clothes were torn and stained by grass and mud. He looked like some sort of cosplayer-
“A zombie!”
His eye suddenly fell out, and you promptly fainted.
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rvseate · 4 years
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welcome  to  bee  tries  to  write  a  coherent  intro  challenge  !
(   𝘩𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑦  𝑙𝑢  𝑟𝑖𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑛  &  𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑐𝑎  𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒   )   bopping  along  to  𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬  𝐟𝐥𝐲  by  𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫  𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭  is  𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐄  𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍  ,  the  𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲  𝐨𝐧𝐞  year  old  𝐜𝐢𝐬  𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞  thrown  back  to  their  𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞  𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠  days  with  𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞  of  her  memories  .  voted  𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲  𝐭𝐨  𝐛𝐞  𝐨𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫  ,  𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘  was  known  for  being  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  &  𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜  ,  go  figures  you'd  always  find  them  𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐧𝐞𝐰  𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬  ,  but  grew  up  to  be  𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜  &  𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭  .   ✎   𝑏𝑒𝑒  ,  𝟸𝟷  ,  𝑠𝘩𝑒/𝘩𝑒𝑟  ,  𝑒𝑠𝑡  .
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NAME  :   penelope  dahlia  buchanan
NICKNAMES  :  penny
D.O.B.  :  june  25,  1989
GENDER  /  PRONOUNS  :  cis  female  /  she  +  her
SEXUALITY  :  biromantic  bisexual
BORN  :  san  antonio,  texas
RAISED  :  san  antonio,  texas
CURRENT  RESIDENCE  :  rom  valley  university  dorms  (  past  )   /  san  francisco,  california  (  present  )
NATIONALITY  :  american
SOCIOECONOMIC  CLASS  :  upper  middle  class
OCCUPATION  :  full  stack  developer
PARENTS  :  glenn  &  tammy  buchanan
SIBLINGS  :  blair  buchanan,  lucille  buchanan,  stella  buchanan
CHILDREN  :  none  (  past  )   /   madison,  3  y/o  (  present  )
RELIGION  :  christian  (  past  )   /   agnostic  (  present  )
HEIGHT  :  5′5″
BUILD  :   a  little  curvy,  not  much  muscle  definition
HAIR  :  dirty  blonde,  wavy
EYE  COLOUR  :  a  murky  grayish  blue
SKIN  :  fair,  prone  to  acne,  easily  flushed
DOMINANT  HAND  :  right
SCENT  :  vanilla  &  lavender
ACCENT  :  texan
TATTOOS  /  PIERCINGS  :  no  tattoos,  ears  pierced  (  past  )   /   a  simple  hello  world  tattoo  on  her  wrist,  ears  pierced  (  present  )
STRENGTHS  :  conscientious,  kindhearted,  intelligent,  affable,  humble
WEAKNESSES  :  jealous,  self-conscious,  intransigent,  pessimistic,  dependent
ZODIAC  :  cancer  sun,  libra  moon
MBTI  :  infj
TEMPERAMENT  :  phlegmatic
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  lawful  neutral
HOGWARTS  HOUSE  :  hufflepuff
penny  buchanan  is,  and  always  has  been,  unremarkable,  at  least  in  her  own  eyes.  a  christian  sorority  girl  from  texas  ?  they’re  a  dime  a  dozen.  not  to  mention  penny  is  the  second  youngest  of  four  girls,  all  of  whom  look  remarkably  similar.  the  buchanan  girls  came  as  a  package  deal.  penny  spent  every  minute  with  her  sisters  growing  up  (  though  many  of  those  minutes  were  spent  at  war  ),  trying  to  ignore  their  parents’  relationship  crumbling  irreversibly  as  the  years  went  on.  it  was  an  open  secret  that  glenn  buchanan  was  not  entirely  faithful  to  his  wife.  but  they  brushed  it  under  the  rug;  after  all,  what  else  were  they  supposed  to  do,  divorce  ?  now  that  wouldn’t  be  very  christian,  would  it  ?
penny  first  discovered  a  love  for  computers  in  her  sophomore  year  of  high  school,  when  she  signed  up  for  a  computer  class  because  the  boy  she  was  crushing  on  was  taking  it.  well,  crushes  fade,  but  her  interest  in  the  ones  and  zeroes  that  composed  the  modern  computer  didn’t.  the  first  week  of  her  first  year  at  rvu,  penny  cried  herself  to  sleep  every  night.  she’d  never  been  apart  from  her  sisters  for  so  long.  not  to  mention  she  stuck  out  like  a  sore  thumb  in  her  software  engineering  classes,  which  were  overwhelmingly  male  (  and  in  need  of  deodorant  ).  
but  she  quickly  found  a  home  in  the  sorority  sigma  delta  nu,  all  too  happy  to  bake  cookies  for  their  bake  sales  and  play  sidekick  to  the  bolder,  more  outgoing  girls,  as  long  as  she  was  part  of  a  sisterhood  once  more.  she’s  always  defined  herself  by  her  relationship  to  other  people,  and  a  sorority  is  right  up  her  alley.  she’s  a  little  embarrassed  by  her  major,  since  it’s  probably  seen  as  pretty  nerdy  and  masculine,  and  definitely  downplays  it  lmao  even  though  she  loves  it  a  lot.  she  definitely  was  more  of  a  follower  than  a  leader,  so  if  another  of  her  sorority  sisters  had  drama  with  someone,  penny  definitely  stood  behind  them  and  stayed  quiet  instead  of  maybe  forming  her  own  opinion.
totally  into  the  bachelor  lmfao.  she's  seen  every  season  and  lives  for  the  drama  of  it  all.  just  loves  reality  shows  in  general.  also  loves  romcoms.  she’s  a  total  hopeless  romantic  who  gets  crushes  on  people  way  too  easily
WANTED  PLOT  !!!  something  i’d  love  is  if  penny  had  a  boyfriend  in  her  college  days.  super  cute,  been  dating  a  while,  people  probably  expect  them  to  get  married.  but  she’s  secretly  cheating  on  him.  the  drama  !!!  up  to  you  how  much  he  remembers  of  the  future.  extra  bonus  points  if  she’s  cheating  on  him  with  a  girl,  im  so  gay  and  so  is  penny
college  tl;dr  :  penny  is  your  average  christian  sorority  girl,  sweet  but  a  lil  insecure  and  dependent,  Confused™  about  her  sexuality,  loves  software  eng  &  actually  really  good  at  it  but  embarrassed  abt  it.  can  be  jealous  and  honestly  a  little  spiteful.  way  too  concerned  about  her  image
after  college  !!  i  imagine  the  boyfriend  finds  out  about  her  cheating  and  breaks  up  with  her  lol.  she  got  a  job  in  silicone  valley  and  makes  like,  a  lot  of  money  tbh.  she  gained  more  confidence  and  independence,  but  still  tends  to  make  herself  smaller  and  stick  to  the  shadows  while  her  coworkers  get  the  glory.  i  feel  like  she’s  had  a  few  short  relationships  but  nothing  super  serious.  definitely  had  an  okcupid  account  lmfao.  
she’s  always  wanted  to  be  a  mother  and  at  some  point  after  a  certain  amount  of  failed  relationships  she  was  like  …  ya  know  what  ?  i’m  gonna  do  this  on  my  own.  so  she  got  artificially  inseminated  and  now  has  the  cutest  daughter  named  madison.  it’s  been  tough  being  a  single  mother,  but  it’s  been  so  worth  it.
after  the  reunion,  she  remembers  some  of  her  future,  but  it’s  very  much  like  remembering  a  dream,  where  you’re  not  sure  if  it  even  happened.  the  only  parts  she  remembers  clearly  are  with  madison.
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
these  are  all  lame  bc  i’m  tired  i  am  sorry
ex-boyfriend.  like  i  said,  a  college  boyfriend  who  she  was  cheating   on.  pleaseee
college  fling.  the  person  she  cheated  with.  would  love  this  to  be  a  girl/enby  but  would  also  be  ok  with  a  guy.  taken  by  vivienne  hale
skinny  love.  maybe  they  were  just  friends  but  always  lowkey  had  a  crush  on  each  other,  but  it  never  worked  out  cause  they  were  never  single  at  the  same  time
sorority  sisters.  pleeeease  give  penny  her  sorority  sisters  !!  her  girls  !!
hbic.  penny’s  more  of  a  sidekick,  so  i’d  love  a  female  friend  who’s  more  confident  and  outgoing.  think  like,  jennifer  &  needy  from  jennifer’s  body
classmates.  any  other  engineers  out  there  ??  doesn’t  even  need  to  be  software  engineers  lol
childhood  /  high  school  friends.  someone  also  from  texas  who  penny  knew  growing  up
victims  ?  maybe  some  of  her  sorority  sisters  tended  to  be  snotty  and  mean,  and  penny  just  stood  by  instead  of  standing  up  for  their  victims
one-sided  crush.  either  way  bbyyyy
sperm  donor.  i  know  sperm  donors  are  anonymous  but  how  fucking  funny  would  it  be  if  penny  found  out  the  father  of  her  child  was  an  old  classmate
annoyance.  someone  who  irritates  penny
bad  influence  /  good  influence
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