#i still cant believe those poses and expressions are real
swanpit · 1 year
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From the recent..um.. certain tiktok video
And a bonus
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bonefries · 3 years
I rate Sigma Overwatch’s sprays from 0-10
alright lets go, just going in the order that these files come in this folder
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1000/10: Because I get to see him sitting and even though he’s thinking hard about something he’s throwing a bouncy ball to help him focus. Also his hair is particularly white here and I think thats very sexy old man of him.
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50/10: Catbox, Catboy, its all the same theory. Sigma likes catboys, not up for debate. We know why. 
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3/10: Just not fond of it. I know the sprays and their rendering gets super obscured but this one just got absolutely decimated I guess. Just being real with yall. 
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10/10: Like the shading colors, he’s smirking. Rock vaguely looks like a heart. Love that for him. 
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6/10: I just don’t like how the hat was drawn. I don’t think it needed to be there or could’ve been shaped better. Other than that decent spray. Wish he was happier looking though. 
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9/10: I have this spray as a sticker and its just very cute fsr. Its simple and the color is exquisite and nice on the eyes. 
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100000000000/10: There is something mysteriously and eerily sexy about this spray and it’s one of my favorites.  
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2/10: Just because he is my husband doesn’t mean I’m not going to be an honest man. I Highly Dislike this spray because I think the art style is unappealing af. It’s just a personal preference, I hate all of the sprays that come in this style.  i didnt realize how long this post was going to be so im doing the rest under the cut to spare everyone else’s life: 
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9/10: Solid rating with no goofing. While I take up some issues with some of the expressions in his other sprays showing pain, there is something about the composition of this one that I absolutely love. Its very aesthetic for me, speaks to his character, and the colors are beautiful. Wish his eyes were his usual periwinkle though which is why this isn’t receiving a perfect score. 
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5/10: Not really sure what it is about this one that I’m not so fond of. I can appreciate the colors and his profile. But other than that theres something visually here that I don’t find appealing. Not sure what it is.
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8/10: Decent rating, its nothing crazy. Since reference and has nice colors but thats about all my critique for this one.
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11/10: Lovely hand, lovely gesture. Wanna squish the bean pads. Nice colors. 
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6/10: This one is actually one of my favorites despite the rating not being solid. Only because while I love the colors and the concept, the idea of it makes me sad. The idea that it reflects Sieb’s trauma makes me sad, despite it being a rational depiction of such. 
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50000000/10: love little christmas charm sieb, hope he gets a skin of this outfit some day. Hes so cute. Happy smiles thats all I want. I could kiss him.
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3/10: CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF I’M NOT ACTUALLY SUPER ABOUT THIS SPRAY. WHY? Because I’m being nitpicky and I want him receptors on the sides to be THE TEAL THAT THEY ARE. Not GREEN. 
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5/10: I feel like halfway rating with this one is fair. I like to imagine that thats Sieb’s hand writing and that makes me happy. But this spray is hard to look at for long periods of time because this kind of text squish is hurtful on my eyes. 
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9/10: I actually hate this skin but fsr the spray makes it incredibly sexy. It actually got sexier the second time (this time) that I looked at it. Good for him.
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6/10: Reasons for this rating, while I love the pose and intimidation this spray is posing, I also get sad to see Sieb’s strained expressions. I think his powers do have limits and they do effect him depending. And seeing all this big ass heavy equipment on him gives me conflicted feelings. He has a lot to carry, and he’s just lucky he has gravity powers to help. (I mean this metaphorically and literally.)
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7/10: I love the art and concept on this one. He’s just so grumpy looking is all. My poor boy. 
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9/10: He’s 7 ft tall and it shows and I am here for it. 
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9/10: Remember when I said I was conflicted about seeing all that equiptment on him? Well its true, but I’m just going full thirst on this spray to say look at how fucking massive this man is. I want him to grab me with those hands and pitch me like a baseball. 
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4/10: The pained expression in this along with the concept of it (as well as connection once again to his trauma) unsettles me and makes me feel the brain hurting juice. Nothing further.
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1000000000000000000/10: This is one of my favorite sprays because its just casual work setting and gives me more insight on his lab uniform. His hair here also gets me barking like a rabid chihuahua. 
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10/10: This gets a solid rating for A) Lab Coat Outfit and B) Seeing him again with the help of an object to stim while he thinks. (The squeeze ball) 
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10/10: I cant not give halloween Sieb a solid score. I think this is adorable, but I don’t believe it’s Sieb as a kid. I think it’s just a child dressed up like him with no attachment to lore or anything. But its still very cute. 
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100/10: I love the pixel sprays so much, simple and cute. 
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6/10: I’m really not too crazy about the pose for the dragon spray. I feel like they could’ve done something a little more dynamic especially given he has gravity powers. But alas. 
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9/10: This spray is on the same level as the apple head spray from earlier on in the post. Congrats if you’ve made it this far btw. But I love the soft expression on the left being challenged with the frightened/frustrated one on the right. 
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0/10: I am not fond of this spray because of how much pain he appears to be in along with the implications all the junk flying around him has. Upsets me. 
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50/10: I don’t care about the fish onions I just care about looking at my husbands huge ass arms and seeing him enjoy a smelly fish treat. Its what he deserves. Also what that mouth do. 
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10/10: Solid perfect score because I have strong emotions about Van Gogh. And I think the interest between Siebren and Van Gogh, especially as two men who were/are fighting with mental illness speaks volumes about Sieb’s character. This spray makes me feel something in my chest that I can’t whole heartedly explain, but it isn’t a bad thing. 
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10/10: Another perfect score, because I think this spray is a good mixture of Sieb’s character between the musical elements and his scientific work. He’s also smiling which is rare to find in his sprays.  
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544386238043723507435742634387236804307403857435748035474803548744307384385740385748037408357438570480bark bark barK BARK /10: sexiest image in the entire game of overwatch nobody @ me i dont take constructive criticism 
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violetnotez · 4 years
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request:  It’s the the first time I send a request so I hope I’m doing it right 🥺 can I request a kirishima x reader one-shot with the reader being the traitor and during a fight with the LOV she betrays her classmates and her boyfriend and they found everything out. Possibly angst ofc and you can choose if end it with angst or not, as you prefer. Please I love your blog 🥰
hi anon! So I really loved this idea, and I kinda took it in a different direction, hope thats alright! <3
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Kirishima x reader
Genre: Angst, PG
Word Count: 2.6k 
Warnings: none!
Prompt:  #3, “you cant tell me you dont feel the same way” from @bnhabookclub​ Provisional Licensing Exam event
Summary: You have been recruited by Shigaraki to spy on UA as a student. You mistakenly fall in love with Eijirou Kirishima during your time there, dating him for almost 6 months. But now Shigaraki needs you back, and in order to keep Kirishima safe, you have to break his heart
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You let out a deep sigh, your chest feeling heavy and full of despair.
You didn't want to do this- you didn't want to hurt him, or let him go.
But to keep him safe- you had to do it.
Shigaraki had revealed the night before that his new plan was complete, and that your spying operation at UA was no longer needed. You had been recruited by Shigaraki at a young age to pose as a student attending UA High, your powerful quirk allowing you to get into the famous Class 1-A. For the last few months you had been pretending to be a hero-in-training, befriending every member in the class in order to win their trust. It was tiring work, trying to study on your own as well as memorize each student's strengths and weaknesses for Shigaraki to use. But by being so friendly with them, you began to realize you actually liked some of the students, making it difficult to hate them as much as you used to. They were so carefree and hopeful about the future, not realizing how cold the real world was like you did. You surprised yourself by loving every moment you were with 1-A, especially with your boyfriend, Eijirou Kirishima. It was hard to stay away from him- he was so bright and charismatic, his smile able to be seen from a mile away. His warmth was so intoxicating, lighting up your life in love and affection. He was the sweetest boy you had ever met, and quite handsome as well, sealing the deal for the massive crush you had grown to have on him. You felt guilty for dating him, knowing that a large portion of your life was hidden from him. It was a frigid lie that had once tried to hold you back from crushing on Kirishima, yet his brilliant warmth melted it away. He unknowingly helped you feel safe, to momentarily believe the world wasn't so bad after all.
Even though you had grown to love the redhead and his bright personality as you spied on Class 1-A, you knew the consequences that one day you would have to leave, yet you followed your heart anyway.
But now the dreaded day had come- Shigaraki needed you to disappear from this new life you had learned to love. He had received all the information he needed from your snooping around, and it was time for you to leave.
Guilt flooded your body, drowning your lungs and heart in regret and misery by the news: you should never have dated poor Kirishima in the first place. You knew it would break his heart once he knew your time together would end, but it had to be done: if Shigaraki ever knew a student from 1-A was romantically in love with you, he wouldn't hesitate to use Kirishima against you as bait to keep you wrapped around his clammy finger. You wouldn't allow Kirishima to get hurt over you, not on your watch.
The only way to ensure you could slip away without worrying about Kirishima was to make him forget about you. That was a close to impossible task, so that idea you scratched out from your mind. You only had two options left: tell him the truth or break his heart.
If you told him the truth, you would have to admit that you were a villain, and most likely would break his heart from the pain away. It would mean revealing your whole life and reason to be a "hero" was a complete and utter lie, most likely destroying the boy in the process. But you already knew Kirishima like the back your hand, and could guess his actions in an instant. He would most likely try to help you, attempt to fix your ways and tell you could leave: but you knew better. You were too involved with the LOV to ever leave and live an everyday life. They would hunt you down if you so much as even admitted to wanting to leave.
You decided the best course of action was to tell Kirishima you were over and down with your relationship- it killed you to even think of speaking such lies, but you didn't want to see him getting hurt. The boy would be heartbroken, yes, but after a while, he'd get over it. His friends were so supportive, so he was sure to have many people consoling him out of his blues. He would forget about you one day and find someone else, someone who wouldn't lie and hurt him. It hurt you to admit it, but this was the best plan you could think of to keep him completely safe.
You were going to miss Kiri and his strong embraces, though, as they were only things that made you feel safe and protected. He was so bright, cheerful, and kind, and it was hard not to resist those warm emotions when your world felt so cold and menacing. But the only way to keep the light inside Kirishima bright was to cut ties with him permanently- you had to break his heart.
Kirishima bounded into the common room cheerfully from his normal workout routine, a warm towel wrapped around his shoulders as he greeted some of his friends. His eyes fell on you, and his heart soared- you looked so pretty sitting there, the setting sun making strands of your hair sparkle like spun gold. His smile grew wider, his perfect teeth sparkling- how was he so lucky to land such an amazing girl like you? His strong arms wrapped around your body from behind the couch, his skin radiating heat as he rubbed his cheek against your hair. "Hey princess, how are you?" he mumbled your pet name into your ear, making your heart churn painfully- this would be the last time he'd hold you like this, the last time he'd speak so softly and sweetly to you. You sighed sadly, meekly wrapping a hand around his skin. 'Hey Kiri," you replied numbly, your voice depressed. You rose from the couch, your legs feeling heavy like lead as you wrapped your arms around your body- why did it feel so cold? Kirishima's smile faded slightly- you didn't sound at all happy. You usually greeted him so adorably, always giving him a big hug or a peck on his cheek. Now you seemed defeated, your hands wrapped around your body as if to protect yourself from something. "Hey, whats going on? You alright- is something bothering you?" he asked sweetly, clueless to why you were feeling this way as he closed the gap between you. He placed his calloused palm on the small of your back, reassuringly, his thumb rubbing against the fabric of your shirt. You swallowed hesitantly, your eyes unable to look into his- it felt too painful to look at him, his innocence to the whole situation making you feel so conflicted and guilty. "We need to talk," you forced yourself to say, his face instantly masked in worry. "Uh-uh sure!" he replied quickly, his speech a little flustered as he tried to seem unbothered, "do you want to talk in my room or yours?" "Let's go in mine," You quickly began walking to your room, Kirishima's footsteps following close behind. He was perplexed and worried- you seemed like something was really bothering you, your voice free of any brightness and joy like it usually was.
You felt like each step to your room made your heart fall heavier and heavier, opening up your room door slowly and letting him enter your room. He flipped on the lights, illuminating the space as you closed the door- even though you'd be long gone by the morning, you felt you at least owed Kirishima some privacy by having the door closed. It made the room feel so much smaller now that Kirishima's aura took over the room. Guilt and shame were eating up at you as you remembered all the hangout sessions and study dates you had in this room, hating how worried and compassionate he looked towards you. "What did you want to talk about? Is it something I did or do? I'm really sorry if I hurt you some way," he was already thinking it was his fault, making you cringe in internal pain- god why was he so sweet? It was you, it was your own personal issues, not him.   "No Kiri, no!" you frantically reassured him, your hands going out in front of you in protest. "Its not you, its- its just," "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" he affirmed sweetly, his eyes soft with concern. You nodded your head numbly, your mouth feeling dry like sandpaper. Kirishima walked close to your body, placing his palms around  your elbows, your arms full of tension as he tried to melt it away with his touch. He was looking down at you with so much worry, so much adoration and love, it made your stomach turn painfully. Why did this have to be so hard-it was so agonizing, like pulling off a bandage slowly and painfully. You just needed to get it done, to rip off the metaphorical bandage as quickly as possible- the longer you wait, the longer the stinging and the pain will be for the both of you. "Then tell me whats wrong," he instructed softly, still utterly oblivious to the whole situation. You swallowed thickly, your voice and throat feeling hoarse and tight. It was now or never. "Kiri, I- we need to break up."
Kirishima froze, his heart stopping in his chest. He didn't hear you correctly, right? Maybe he heard you wrong? There was no way you wanted to break up with him, no way at all- "I-Im sorry, I just-I just don't love you," You hated how these words were coming out of your mouth, these lies that were obviously ripping you and Kirishima apart from the inside. You watched his expression turn from worry to agony, his eyes wide with shock. It hurt too much to see him look so frozen, as if your words had caused him to shut down. His hands were still on your body, the air changing so suddenly- it was stuffy, stale, and uncomfortable. And it was your fault. You shimmied out of his embrace, turning around so you wouldn't be forced to face him. The guilt was eating at you- you couldn't bear to look at him look so defeated when you knew you had caused it. Your abrupt movement seemed to wake him up out of his heartbroken daze, his hands instantly grasping for you, spinning you around quickly. You breathed hitched painfully in your throat- you had never seen him look so defeated, so desperate. His palms were wrapped around your shoulders tightly, almost painfully, making it practically impossible to escape his hold on you. "y/n, please, please just tell me what's wrong," his voice was wavering, his eyes already gleaming with tears, "I-I know this isn't you, if I did something, y/n, I'll fix it, I promise! I can't lose you, please, please dont do this-" he was practically begging "Kiri, I-I, I cant," your voice was becoming weaker from the stress of trying to hold back a sob, "I-I never loved you." "Y/n, no, I cant accept that," tears were gliding against his cheeks, his voice full of passion, "you cant tell me you dont feel the same way." "I-I love you so, so much, you have no idea," he looked down at you with his wide, puppy-like eyes, begging you to change your mind with his words. "Your all I think about- when I wake up, when I fall asleep, everything I see reminds me of you. You make me so happy, the way you smile, your laugh, your hugs- I-I cant live without those things y/n. I cant live without you. When I asked you out that day, I was so nervous- I had been planning for weeks before, and when you agreed to go out, you made me the happiest man alive." Tears were falling down your cheeks now, your heart screaming in agony. You wanted to tell him that's how you felt as well- Kirishima was your whole entire life, enveloping your every waking moment in his wonderfully bright aura. He was your light, your sun, your anchor in the crazy mess of the galaxy of your life. There was no love and no warmth until Kirishima came around. But now you needed to keep him safe- you had to sacrifice your happiness with each other in order to keep him out of harm's way. "Kiri, I only dated you because I felt pity," you lied straight through your teeth, wishing you could melt into the wall seeing Kirishima's face break. "I was too afraid to say no," His heart couldn't take anymore clearly, his face conflicted with so many emotions you couldn't differentiate between any of them. You felt like this was the most ultimate betrayal to the boy, making him think his love he had with you was all a lie. It wasn't, and you wished you could just tell him the truth, but you knew that would be worse. He'd never allow you to leave- you had to, to protect yourself and him. You put yourself in a crappy situation- you wouldn't drag him along with you. "So-it-it was all fake?" He asked, his voice quiet and terrified. He didn't want to hear the answer he knew would spill out of your mouth. "Yes," The room was deadly quiet, Kirishima completely dumb founded-all the times you hugged him, made him feel accepted in your life, laughed at his jokes, kissed him, made him smile, made him happy-was all a lie? A cruel joke in order to spare his feelings? He felt like such an idiot-he should have known this was too good to be true. He felt deep down he wasn't good enough for you, strong enough, smart enough, manly enough. This was just confirming that fear by 10 fold. You were sniffling, watching the love you had for the boy only grow out of misery, while his love for you was diminishing. "Y-n, I-"he was so confused, his hands running through his hair in anguish. "Why?!? Why did you-you were my first everything! You are everything to me! I can't believe you, there's gotta be another reason-I love you, you love me!" You were so quiet, your shoulders shaking in misery and guilt as tear after salty tear fell against your cheek. Your silence was painful, confirming what he feared with each passing second, your averted eyes hiding the actual truth "You love me, right?" You were too afraid to speak, knowing what you had to say to break him from you-but you couldn't. The lie of saying you didn't love him was eating up your insides, clogging your lungs and your throat to the point you felt you couldn't speak. You couldn't tell him you didn't love him-it was too painful. You already lied to him enough. "I'm sorry," you whispered, looking at him with reddened eyes. What he thought you were sorry for was your lack of care for him, the lies you had told him for the past 6 months, and it burnt his insides in a gut wrenching flame, the fire licking and eating his insides in agony.  He had to leave-he couldn't take this anymore, his body walking right past you and opening the door quickly to get fresh air. You were now sobbing, broken gasps crying out his name as he shut the door behind you, closing his heart off from ever accepting you again. You were sorry that you were in love with him, and by being in love with him, you had broken him.
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 (if you would like to be added, message me via my inbox- if you would to specify a certain character youd like to be added for, that is fine as well!)
@weebartistinc​ @yuueimagines​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​
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the209social · 3 years
I Waited A Lifetime To See His Face
1:45pm 7.19.2021
Anyone who is close to me knows that i never met my real dad. I had never even seen a picture of my real father. I always wondered if i looked like him. I wondered what features were more of my dad than my mom. I always thought that a family member would eventually show me a picture of him. Many people in my family knew him and they were old friends of his, but every time that i would ask for a picture of him, for some reason the universe would put up obstacles and the picture never made it to my hands. Little did i know that a friend of mine would be the link that would unite me with a picture of my father. The Universe has a weird way of working and it has its perfect timing. 
I remember when i was a small child i asked my mother for a picture of my real dad. Unbeknownst to me my mom ripped out a picture from a magazine of an old man and made me believe the man in said picture was my father. I was ecstatic to finally see my dad. One day in elementary school, as we were studying science i came across my dads picture in one of our science books. I told everyone that the man in the book was my father. My teacher at the time told me that the man in the book was Albert Einstein and in fact not my dad. I’m sure my teacher didn’t not do it with the intention of hurting me, but i was heart broken. I remember walking home from school with my head down as tears seemed to flow freely down my face. When i got home i told my mom what had happened and she apologized. She was not aware that the picture she gave to me was of a famous German physicist. Now that i look back i believe that moment was my first heart break.
As the years went by i came to the conclusion that it was just not meant to be for me to know who my real dad was. Every time someone suggested that they had a connection to a picture of my dad, i agreed when they said they would get it to me, but the picture never came and i never kept my hopes up. To be completely honest i never wanted to meet my dad. I just wanted to see what he looked like. My mother has provided me with a very comfortable life without the help of any man. My family and friends have given me all the love that my father never did. Maybe this is why i value friendships so much. I mean, i was ghosted by my own dad. Maybe this is why i’m terrified of losing friendships and i give more than i should to the ones i love, to avoid anyone from walking out of my life again, but that has not been the case. I love so hard so no one ever feels worthless like i did growing up.
A few years ago my friend Yuli introduced me to a wonderful guy that i’m so proud of calling a friend. We call him Lalo. I would have never thought that Lalo would be the link to finding the picture of my father and also providing a way for me to communicate with him if i ever wanted to reach out. Lalo would sometimes come over to my house when we had events or if i through a party. I found out that Lalo and his family are from a neighboring town from where we are from in Mexico. One day Lalo and i sat down and had a deep conversation about our lives and things we had been through. I told him i never met my dad and i had no clue what he looked like. All i knew was that my father was an english professor in the town Lalo is from and his full name. Lalo went home and told his mother but when he told her the story he gave her the wrong name.
So all this time goes by and Lalo’s birthday comes up and on Saturday he invited us over to his place to celebrate. I had a really nice time at his birthday celebration and around midnight i excused myself because i was tired. I went to say goodbye to his mom and she asked me about my dad. “Lalo told me your dad was professor so and so, is this true?” I looked at her with confusion in my face because she had mentioned a weird name i had never heard before. I told her my dads name and her eyes went wide open. She asked me if my dad was an english professor. I told her that as far as i knew, he was. She then said, “If the man you are talking about is your father then i know him. He was my english professor and his daughter, who is your sister is my very close friend, we graduated together and are friends on facebook.” I smiled but didn’t get my hopes up, because what were the probabilities that my friend who i just met a couple years ago, mother, would know my real father and his family. Thats like hitting the lottery. “Would you like to see a picture of my friend?” Lalo’s mother asked me. “Sure, but even if this lady is my sister i wouldn’t know because i have never seen a pictures of my dad or my half brothers,” i said to her. She ran to look for her phone and brought it back. She was more nervous than i as she attempted to go through her facebook friends. She was finally able to pull up her page. She handed me the phone so that i could navigate through her pictures because she was so excited she could not keep still.
I stood there looking at a picture of a woman i had never seen before. I went into her gallery and Lalo’s mother showed me a picture where this woman was posing with a much older man. “That is her father in the picture and i believe that is your real dad,” she said. Something deep down told me that there were too many connections and that i had finally found a picture of my dad. I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture to show my mother and ask before i jumped into conclusions and broke my heart again like Albert Einstein had done so many years ago to that little child who all he wanted was to see the face of the man that created him. I drove some friends home. The entire car ride all i could do was think of what i would do if it turned out to be true that i had found a link to my father. I got home around 1:30am and got ready for bed. I turned off the light, got into bed, pulled out my cell phone and took one last look at the picture to see if i could notice any similarities between that stranger and myself.
That morning i woke up and the first thing i did was go to my parents bedroom. I pulled up the picture of this stranger and handed my mom my phone and asked her if she recognized the man in the picture. She had just woken up so she looked at it with no interest in mind. After staring at it for what seemed like a lifetime her eyes went wide. It was at that moment that through my mothers expression i knew that the man in the picture was my father. “Its your father!” My mother exclaimed. “But how? How did you? Who?” My mothers was in shock and tongue twisted. “Lalo’s mom is my half sisters very close friend and after a short talk last night she came to the conclusion that she knew my dad and showed me my half sisters facebook and these pictures.” I told my mom as she stared at my dads picture. Her eyes filled with tears. I’m sure in that brief instant memories and old emotions flooded my mothers mind. It didn’t occur to me that at one point this was the man she loved more than anything and anyone. I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen a picture of him in many years. My mother also hadn’t seen or heard of my dad for the length of practically my entire life. “You should reach out to your half sister and your dad,” my mom said as i began to walk back to my room. “No!” i exclaimed.
It’s weird that i’ve waited so long to see a picture of my father and now that i have access to one i barely take it out to look at it. I always thought that i was going to have one of those movie moments where my heart would fill with joy and tears would flow. All i see is a stranger when i look at his image. I don’t even see any physical similarities between us, nor with my half sister. I showed a handful of friends his picture and they also say i look like my mother. None of my friends see much of a similarity between my father and i or my sister and i. Also when i see his pictures i see a happy family that i don’t want to step into and disturb. Just like my life is full of happiness and i wouldn’t want a stranger to come and disturb the peace i currently feel. To be honest all i would want to know is does my dad’s family have any medical conditions that i should be aware of as i get older. Maybe where our family comes from so that i can piece together the other half of me that has been missing for my entire life. I don’t want a relationship, friendship, or an acquaintance with someone who had all the resources to find me as a child and he never tried. I don’t hold a grudge against my dad. He had his reasons for not being in my life. I’m glad i had a father who was non existent in my life, rather than a father who probably would have been there part time or in-and-out of my life all the time. I think that would have caused me more damage.
I don’t see myself reaching out to my half sister or my father anytime soon. I’m just glad to finally be able to put a face to the name of the man that made it possible for me to walk this earth. Its been a great journey so far, i cant wait to see what lies ahead.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
Bnha 277; The boy who is being Left Behind
Lets talk about chapter 277.
War arc vs Gentle Arc;
First, THIS
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Source; https://twitter.com/CDCubed/status/1279821074373283841
Most people pointed that they looked like Allmight and Afo but i think that scene is clearly is more like Gentle vs Deku fight.
Deku vs Shigaraki is really looks like Deku vs Gentle but difference is Deku is the one who is up, like he is kinda in villain pose or like he is the one who is trying to supress him.
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Remember that Gentle is also Deku’s foil just like Shigaraki. In spor festival arc, Deku fight it to protect Eri’s smile and other people’s hard work while now Deku is fighting with another Eri.
After their fight, Gentle was redeemed and they both realized that they are kinda similar too. (Which in Izuku and Tenko’s case, their similarities are more, their origins are literally same.)
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Also Deku realized that how Gentle’s existence is a light for someone else so maybe in the future, he might realize that Shigaraki’s existence is light for some people too (league).
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Gentle was saved (a villain who was saved by a hero) and after the fight, he wished that Deku’s feelings can reach out to others.
(Like since their pose is very similar,and clearly meant to be parallels, maybe, those scenes might be hints for the the future encounters between Deku and Shigaraki.)
Shigaraki’s smile & Dehumanization by Proheroes;
First, it started with Miruko who enjoy by killing noumus, dead people who were kidnapped and tortured. She called Shigaraki as thing.
Aizawa who is ready kill the cat that Shirakumo/Kurogiri wished to save.
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Then, there is another hero who call Shigaraki as monster, only because of this smile.
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He doesnt smile to mock heroes, he smiles cause it hurts.
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Shigaraki always give this reaction to pain. Smilling is how he express his pain.
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He laughed when he was tortured cause he can not handle the pain of that surgery.
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He smiled when the thinks he is about to die cause he was scared.
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He also smiled when he remembered his origin, his worst trauma.
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And Shigaraki’s smile is how he express his pain. This is also norrmal reaction for real life trauma,abuse victims.
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Source; https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/healing-trauma-s-wounds/201509/why-clients-smile-when-talking-about-trauma-part-1
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Also i already mentioned before how Shigaraki’s sitution is similar to Pop’s sitution from Bnha. So this is not the first time that Endeavour tried to kill a victim who should have saved.
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And also Shouto is not here, yeah but Endeavour would want him to be here. Probably reason is he still wants him to carry his legacy. Notice; unlike Gran Torino or Aizawa, he didnt even say them to “stay away from Shigaraki”. Bringing children to war, fighting with them is not a big deal for Endeavour cause he is used to raising a child soldiers.
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This guy is hero who supposed to save people. He is also Nana’s friend, also someone who knows a lot of things about him. He is the one who decided to neglected Nana’s son. So its also his responsibility but insteda of facing his mistakes, he didnt just dehumanize him but also he blamed Shigaraki for everything.
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Let me remind you. It’s not Shigaraki’s fault for being Nana’s grandson, borning with a decay quirk, being ignored by society, being kidnapped by Afo..etc. Shigaraki’s all life is out of his control and not only he suffer more and more but he is also blamed for existing.
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“Your existence brigns pain”, well, tell this to League, to people like Twice. To them, meeting with Shigaraki, league is the only blessing thing in their life.
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(Even kids are blind. Tokoyami is blinded by hero society, he thinks what Hwaks did is right, thats probably why the chapter name is “Dark cloud”. Deku who wanted to save everyone fights with another Eri.)
Rejecting Nana and Afo;
Most people are happy to see that Shigaraki rejects them but unfortunately, despite rejecting them, Shigaraki also cant let them go at the same time.
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Shigaraki ‘s biggest desire is freedom, a little agency but he is someone who always carry the burden of his past. Despite destroying them, he keeps remembering them againd and again.
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Even after he destroyed them (because they rejected Shimura Tenko), he still take the hand besides him.
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Shigaraki cant reject his family cause he cant get rid of this guilty feeling that he he had to be punished for what he did so he has to remember. So Shigaraki destroy his memories but then, he will come back to them cause he believes he had to be punished, he cant just continue his life after what he had done.
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Then, we see that Afo is trying to take Shigaraki’s will, full control of him but this is too much even for him.
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Look how he feels gratefull the person who ruined his entire life. Shigaraki is fighting for little agency, for his will, for the power he gained (remember how Shigaraki had to endure those full of hell-horrible surgery for this power).
Despite rejecting Afo, he is saying “i wanna be greater than you” like Shigaraki doesnt want to be Afo, yeah but he is trying to be his successor, he is still carrying his legacy anyway cause to him, he owed this to him.
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Look at how he is still going after One for all, despite saying that its his own will. Shigaraki is not the one who wants One for all. Its Afo. Shigaraki is living his life for the sake of Afo. He still does what Afo wanted him to do.
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(His face is not happy smile face, he is smilling cause he is afraid of loosing his will.)
Afo goes far to take Shigaraki’s only agency and Shigaraki still doesnt reject him completely. He doesnt even see this as betrayal, like this is normal to him. His only reaction is “No, this is too much.” like you already took a lot but no more. Shigaraki wont reject Afo completely. he will come back to him eventually cause thats how he used to.
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Shigaraki was abused his all life and he is trapped with cycle of abuse, he will eventually return to his abuser’s hands. Despite rejecting and trying to escape from them, he will come back to them.
Shigaraki cant get out of this prison by himself but its impossible for him in those conditions. Shigaraki’s biggest desire is being treated as person but he cant see himself as person cause he was never treated as person.
(This is also i believe that will chage later when one hero saves im and league, the people who saved by Shigaraki tell him that he is not a thing, his existence is not destruction, that meeting with him is a miracle for them.)
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Shigaraki was dehumanized by Afo and Ujiko.
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He was dehumanized by random people he never met before.
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He was dehumanized by heroes who should have saved people. He is abandoned by everyone.
Overhaul Arc vs War arc;
This was mentioned by a lot of people how this arc is opposite of overhaul arc. Since this was mentioned, i wont mention about it a lot. Just a summary;
- Heroes came to save Eri in overhaul arc, heroes came to kill Shigaraki in war arc.
- Heroes/teachers are worried about sudents in ovrehaul arc, heroes /teachers are bringig students to the war and focusing on revenge/destruction in war arc.
- Overhaul experemented on human, Eri and heroes defeated him by saving Eri and her power. Ujiko expremineted on many people, heroes killed all the victims of science and they also tried to kill Shigaraki. They didnt even really Ujiko and they didnt dehumanize him the way they did with Shigaraki, despite Shigaraki is the one who is victim here.
- Overhaul’s arc’s victim is Eri, This arc’s Eri is Shigaraki. Heroes won that arc with saving Eri, heroes are loosing in this arc cause they dehumanized Shigaraki. (Narrative punishment for heroes cause they didnt act like heroes).
- Extra; In overhaul arc, Nighteye was killed by a villain and Uraraka understood the meaning of the life, this became her own motivation to save people, just like Deku. In war arc, Twice was killed by a hero and Toga understood the meaning of life, this became her own motivation to destroy hero society, just like Shigaraki.
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I think meaning of this arc is to show that how far heroes can go, how they are not different from what they fought, like the true face or lets say dark side of heroes, hero society. How much they are blinded by system and dont realize what they did is horrible but also how they saved people depends on to their situtions. Saving Eri and destroying another Eri, only because one of them cant cry like another. since Shigaraki cant cry and cant ask for help, i wonder how they will see his pain.
Cause in this chapter, he showed his pain, he was distracted by Afo, pretty much was fighting for his own will, he was literally cried (yeah its crying, remember how his smile is no differen tthan his crying, its obvious that he was suffering) but heroes, all of them, even Deku ignored it.
So since this is the story of how Deku became the greatest hero and there is a clear set up for to fix the flaws of society, i think something will happen to change their perspectives. But it has to be something different like that they will feel so regret that what they have done, especially what they have done to Shigaraki. Since they are heroes.
(I might edit a little things later but for now, thats it. This became random cause i wrote analysis before but i accidently deleted it :’/ so i had to write different version of it again. Well, i hope i didnt forget to write anything. )
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
and if she leads
Pairing: Altaïr & Maria (platonic) Word count: 2028
                 Discovering he’s kind is the worst mistake of Maria’s life.
                 Hating them, disdaining them, has been easy especially after Robert’s death. She bore no undue fondness for the man, an ass who paid her no favors and only brought her on because her wages cost less than a man’s, but he had given her opportunity where no one else would. Continuing his grudge was easy tribute.
                 She looks up, hands already forming fists, to see the Assassin offering out a waterskin.
                 “You haven’t drunk anything and your face is” — he fans his fingers across his face as if to indicate a flush — “red. You need to drink.”
                 “I’m fine,” she snaps.
                 “Drink it,” he insists. “You’ll be ill.”
                 She takes it from him mostly to get it out of her face and scowls for good measure. Her face feels hot as a fire iron, dry and cracking from the heat in this cargo hold.
                 “I don’t need you babysitting me,” she snaps in Arabic, “and I speak your tongue better than you speak French.”
                 He doesn’t protest but only holds his hands up in placation and takes the skin back when she’s done. They sit in silence a long while, only broken by the sway of the ship and the slosh of waves against its sides. The Assassin seems unbothered, his arms resting over his knees and eyes half-lidded as if dozing. She doesn’t share his patience, and watching him only makes irritation crawl up her spine like spiders’ legs.
                 “What are you running from?” she asks at last.
                 “I am not running from anything,” he retorts.
                 Raising an eyebrow, she looks pointedly to the dismal cargo hold. No one chooses to travel in such accommodations unless they’re desperate. The barrels lashed to the floor groan with the swaying of the ship, scraping against each other with tired whines.
“I’m looking for something,” the Assassin finally mutters, grudging.
                 He doesn’t offer any more or ask what she’s running from, and so the swaying silence settles in again. It isn’t any more welcome the second time around, and Maria tilts her head back against the wall to keep from smacking her forehead into it just to relieve the tedium. She’s never been one for sitting still, for waiting for something rather than reaching out and making it happen herself. Growing up, her mother berated her for her lack of patience and her bullheadedness, as if reprimands could reshape what nature wrought.
                 “Is is true your leader is a prophet favored by old gods?”
                 That earns a sound almost like a laugh from the Assassin, a snort that is equal parts amused and tired. Running a hand back over his hair, he drops his white hood to his shoulders and leans his head against the wall in a mirror of her pose.
                 “I do not feel like a prophet,” he remarks, quiet, “nor favored by any gods.”
                 With his face out of the shadow of his hood, he looks surprisingly young and his answer stops Maria short. Even with tired shadows under his eyes and the whisper of stubble along his cheeks and jaw, he looks young. Far too young to be the Old Man of the mountain. He cannot be much older than her, if any at all, and the stories of the Assassins’ leader stretch far into antiquity.
                 “You?” she demands. “But the stories are of an old man, a long white beard — you cannot be the great Mentor of the Assassins.”
                 His lips twist, displeasure in their curl.
                 “He was old,” is all he says.
                 A sneer curls Maria’s lips before she can think better of it. Haste has ever been her saving grace and downfall all tied together.
                 “So that’s it,” she says. “You killed the old man for glory and ambition, to steal his own seat. How base of you, to turn like animals against your master.”
                 “There was no glory in it,” he snaps, straightening. “I did not do it for ambition.”
                 He’s straightened, turned toward her with jaw tight and amber eyes hard. His hands have tensed to fists, and she half expects that wrist-borne dagger to jut forth and cut her throat for the asking. Lifting her chin in challenge, she meets his stormy glare with her own. He looks away first, turning sharply from her and pulling his knees back close to his chest. His shoulders are still tense, hiked up, and he flicks his hood over his head once more with a sharp gesture.
                 It’s not like she cares what he thinks or what his motivations really are, but Maria can’t swallow down the strange guilt that worms up her chest. His fury seemed genuine, lashing out as if to protect an open wound. She doesn’t care about him, but it still feels wrong to have probed a hurt like that with so little finesse. He’s a far cry from a gentleman, but in all their interactions, he’s seemed an honest man. It seems unfair to have questioned that so rudely.
                 “Was he your father?” she asks after a moment, trying at a gentler tone.
                 The Assassin exhales, short, and doesn’t answer immediately. There isn’t any surprise on what she can see of his face, though, only the tight-lipped look of someone unsure of the right answer. That, more than what he says, gives her the answer she sought.
                 Close enough to one, though, if she judges right. That hesitance didn’t come from an easy answer. Lacing her fingers together, she toys with the ring on her middle finger and lets her questions die. It was a gift from Robert, a token from a man she killed for him. It’s morbid, perhaps, but it was the first time he commended her for something other than simply not being in the way.
                 “Why did you join the Templars?”
                 The question startles her, pulls her gaze from the past to the Assassin instead. He watches her, patient, the temper gone out of his posture and expression. He doesn’t look any happier, either, just — blank. There’s a coldness to his expression, a mask of impassivity. He can’t have scrubbed the fatigue from his features, but he seems to have found some way to coil it into armor, that earlier vulnerability bound tightly away.
                 “I was looking for something,” she replies, dry, before sighing and releasing the ring to interlace her fingers. “Back in England, I was expected to be a — a very specific image of a lady. To dress well, to mind my tongue, to bear sons for my husband. I wanted something else.”
                 “And did you find it here?” he asks.
                 He sounds genuinely interested, as if he’s truly asking for the answer rather than just to be nosey or needling. Seeking an answer to his own search? she wonders but doesn’t ask aloud.
                 “Yes,” she answers truthfully, “in a way.”
                 The life she’s lived here in this desert land has been rough and bloody, rarely honorable and never glorious. Still, it’s given her freedom, raw-fingered and dirty as it is. She thinks back to England, to the girl she was on her wedding day, and knows that that girl would be proud of the bared-teeth grin she sports now instead of a bridal veil.
                 “And you? I hear the Assassins recruit from cradles,” she says, trying not to make it sound like she’s provoking him. “Or did you join of your own will?”
                 “There is always choice,” he says, as though it’s an automatic response.
                 Dropping his head back against the wall, he tilts it to one side as if in thought. He’s quiet a moment, though she’s starting to get used to these pauses. Before now, she would not have called him a thoughtful man, but then, she hardly knows him at all.
                 “I was born to the Brotherhood and joined when I was of age — some years out of the cradle, at least.” He shoots her a look, half-teasing, before carrying on, “But I have chosen this life.”
                 If she was looking for any answer in particular, that wasn’t it. She doesn’t know what would be. It seems too mild, too settled an answer for a bloody young leader chasing the unknown as a stowaway. Perhaps she is more romantic than she wants to admit.
                 “So you believe your Order is right, then?” she asks.
                 “Yes,” he answers before pausing. “I believe that we carve the path to truth, and that the path is as fallible as the men who make it but the pursuit of freedom, of truth, is worth the errors. Plato himself believed in the pursuit, even within his—”
                 “What, are you a monk now?” Maria demands
                 She’s heard strange tales of the Assassins, but never that they would wax poetic about dead men’s beliefs. The stories around them were ever of the mystical and bloody sort, about their ability to vanish from thin air and reappear in places no man could reach. Magicians, she would not be surprised by, but scholars?
                 Now, the assassin pauses, looking surprised. The bemusement on his face is enough to make her almost laugh, and she stifles the smile that threatens her lips.
                 “You do not care for philosophy?” he asks, in the same tone as someone shocked that she does not like fish or incense.
                 “For the thoughts of long-dead men who believed all the answers of the universe were contained in their own minds?” She scoffs. “Show me one who did something with those grand thoughts, made some real change in the world, or better yet, show me a woman, and perhaps I will care for it.”
                 He stops short, seeming to process her words before relenting with a slight inclination of his head, something like concession in the gesture. Amused, Maria offers out her hand.
                 “My name’s Maria, by the way,” she says, “Maria Thorpe.”
                 He cants his head, eyeing her hand as if uncertain of the gesture. Instead of shaking her hand, he clasps her forearm instead, hand firm even if his attitude isn’t.
                 “Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad,” he replies, releasing the hold.
                 By now, she’s become used to the descriptiveness of the names here, and her eyebrows rise slightly at his own. How handy of their titles to provide such information, though she does wonder at the thought of an orphan being made a leader of his people.
                 “I’m sorry about what I said earlier about you,” she says, folding her arms over her knees, “and your French isn’t really that bad.”
                 “It is fine. Your Arabic is” — he pauses, wiggles his hand as if in ambivalence — “passable.”
                 Startled, she looks to him sharply and finds a grin pulls up the corner of his lips, curling the pink scar cutting through them. The start of her irritation fades, irrationally won over by something like amusement. She probably deserves it, anyway.
                 As the ship docks and they separate to steal onto land, she has a feeling a bookmark has been placed in this conversation, that the final chapter is not yet written. Despite her better judgment, she likes the thought.
                 “Aristoclea!” he calls the next time they meet.
                 She freezes with one hand on the top rung of the ladder and twists around to squint at him. Is he having some sort of attack? Is it a code for a band of assassins to trap or kill her? He’s two arms’ lengths below her, scaling the wall instead of the ladder like some overgrown spider.
                 “What?” she demands.
                 “A female philosopher, who did more than sit and talk,” he says, leveling with her. “The teacher of Pythagoras.”
                 Before she can form a reply, his quick hand has snatched the Piece of Eden from hers, and he hauls himself over the edge of the roof with a single fluid roll. Before he’s fully on the roof, his feet are under him and propelling him forward. She scrambles after him, irritated at being duped, but she can’t fight the smile pulling at her lips. Even without seeing his face, she knows he wears a matching one as they race across the rooftops.
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Hey. I’m making a new post instead of reblogging yours because I don't keep track of who's blocked me yet and I’m too lazy to bother checking heh.
In case you were asking for real (and in case you can still see this), here goes mine:
Because "CC believers" take to any outlet they can to directly harrass Darren and Chris and their friends and family. That's where we inevitably see your conspiracy theories and their harmful effects.
On a small scale, this hinders my fandom experience.
On a much larger scale, these people are spreading misogyny, homophobia and transphobia among other nasty things. This isn't about anyone "believing" anything about Darren (people who are not conspiracy theorists simply accept what he tells us about his own private personal life because why the hell wouldn't we? It's his business).
I know what you're going to say: "I have never addressed the actors directly on social media" and "not ALL ccers" etc
It doesn't matter. CCers who don't tweet hate at people still foster those attitudes here on tumblr and do so in the hopes of roping more people into it. You believing whatever doesn't concern us until you start acting on those beliefs to the detriment of others.
You've possibly never posted a single hateful word and simply delight in reading RPF and daydreaming. In that case, anti-CT posts are not for you, they are for the people who promote the terrible attitudes I mentioned. But you asked why some people were bothered by what CCers say, so I took it to mean you were asking fans. If you wanted to know instead why “Miarren stans” send CCers insults, then sorry for butting in :P (I don’t know any Miarren stans, I can’t answer for them). Tbh that practice seems to me like old, nasty ship wars and it’s something usually both sides feed (though I can’t really offer input in, as I don’t partake in RPS, nor do I stan anyone. I don’t endorse these practices and generally disencourage shippers from behaving like this).
CCers could also take their own advice: If they’re so sure Darren goes home to Chris every night, they could relish in that certainty without the need to use their public blogs to throw insults at their fave’s female partner (including whore and alcoholic, which btw gives you a glimpse into what kind of people they are), who they have CHOSEN to assign the role of villain to in their theories out of entirely subjectively disliking her. What they are certain are mere “PR stunts” shouldn’t ultimately bother them. But they want to hate Mia more than they want to just believe Darren and Chris are holding hands out there somewhere. They’re not the only ones. It’s a defining trait in tinhats across fandoms (Supernatural, Outlander, One Direction, Prince Harry, Twilight, Benedict Cumberbatch, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and sadly so many others - you’ll find they use practically the same arguments, lore, “evidence” and insults).
And it’s nice that you say that proven wrong you’d just accept it. It is. Problem is I don’t know what you guys think will prove you wrong if from the very beginning Darren outright said specifically who he was and you decided he was lying. After that, there really is nothing he could ever say with his own mouth or otherwise that would prove you wrong. The words “Chris and I are not dating” have been uttered. Clearly a wedding doesn’t do it for you (it only makes your theories all the more convulted and outlandish). I know for sure that having kids wouldn’t prove it to you either (see those other fandoms for fake baby theories). Your reasons for dismissing his words are 0% objective. Because you think their wedding attires were awful? Plenty of people without bias would agree and plenty would disagree. I fail to see how one’s personal taste in fashion is confirmation of anything. You want to take snapshots, moments in time, in which Darren is being photographed with neutral expressions while going about his business and call them proof? Still being 0% objective, because you are adding your own (wild) interpretations to them (not to mention if people simply walked down the street with a smile on their face, they would look deranged). And with those methods you could “prove” myriad ridiculous statements. There already is a compilation of Darren looking miserable while holding instruments and you haven’t said he hates music. There is a compilation of Lea Michele and Chris Colfer looking and acting and posing like actual lovers. Why aren’t we stating that they are in love as if it were a fact? This could be endless. Whether you think somebody has chemistry or not is ultimately just that, an opinion. Opinions are not facts. You personally hating the color yellow doesn’t make the color yellow universally shit. So, while you may label the wedding as “trashy” and think “well, if it was trashy, it must be fake,” there actually are people out there who thought it looked great. And you would both be correct in your assessments, because they are opinions. The things is, neither opinion has any correlation to the veracity of the event. Zero.
If someone you don't even know personally one day tells you something about themselves like "So my favourite color is yellow" and you go "Fine. Good for you, I guess," instead of deciding it's a lie and then trying to cling on to anything that could however remotely back up your already solidified conclusion, you'd probably be less stressed out whenever they wore yellow sneakers.
There are plenty of contexts in which skepticism is vital, but people’s sexual orientations are not it. And battling homophobia is very important, but making an unwilling participant your champion for it is completely inappropriate. CCers keep talking about how outing someone is bad. But are their blogs not an effort in doing exactly that? If all they wanted to do was vent amongst themselves, they would have passworded these blogs. But they’ve been trying to make these conspiracy theories spread for ages, because that is what conspiracy theorists do.
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111papilio · 5 years
hello!! i recently came across ur art and im,,, honestly,,,, so shocked at how good it is!! its p hard to believe that you are only 14!! any tips for drawing poses nd such?? bc the characters you draw always seem so lively,, and i cant for the life of me draw charas with natural poses lol
uuuuuuua thank you!!!! eheh if you look at drawings from 2017 you can totally tell it was drawn by a kid. i’m not an expert on poses but here’s some advice:
i reference poses from cartoons/mangas more so than real photos just because they’re more exaggerated and expressive. however!! only do this if you have a good understanding of anatomy first so your drawing doesn’t end up more wonky rather than dynamic. 
i actually learned a lot abt poses from other’s art lol… when i see a drawing i like on my dash or tl i always open up the full pic and observe it, kinda take mental notes of what they did that i liked or looks good. i feel like it’s easier to apply something you see from a drawing to another drawing than a photo to drawings. 
don’t over-rely on the reference! most artists have talked about how it’s okay to trace esp for beginners (without claiming it as yours, ofc) however if you copy your ref too heavily you won’t be able to learn much from it. i usually just sketch the frame of the figure then i’m done with the ref.
draw a lot!! give some variety!! a lot of people say this for a good reason. it doesn’t even have to good at all. just go sicko mode on your sketchbook. my sketchbooks are filled with shitty anime girl doodles, but because i’ve drawn so many of them i’ve actually improved from it?? basically what i do here is take what i took note of from others’ art and try to emit that. i never/rarely drew those faceless naked figures things. they’re very helpful but i always ended up adding stuff to it on impulse lmao…
there’s a lot of better artists who can give tips that goes more in depth. i still have a lot more room to grow on poses, but here’s just what i’ve learned from experience. keep on working hard, anon!!
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5hfanfiction · 5 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part Twenty Nine: I cant see a life without you
Do you believe in soulmates?
Or maybe, love at first sight?
I believe that there’s a very few selected moments in your life that you’re going to meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because she or he; whatever you’re into, was perfect, because no one is perfect. But rather when both your flaws were combined and arranged in a way that created a bond so strong, that it could’ve only been described as love.
Do you remember your first love?
Maybe you’re both no longer together. Maybe you still are. Maybe you’re still friends and can look back, reminisce and laugh at the times you once shared together.
Or maybe, you hate the person, and you hate the memories you once shared.
But, if we’re being honest, at one point in your life, you liked the person, even if they turned out to be someone you never thought they’d be.
And in some cases, you probably still love them. I’m not saying that you may have felt sparks when he touched you, or your heart might’ve skipped beats when she were around. I don’t even know if that’s real, but I’m sure you’ll be lying if you said that you didn’t scoot closer to her whenever she sat next to you, because she made you feel safe.
Or that you didn’t randomly wake up during the night just to kiss his forehead. You’ll be lying if you said he didn’t make you happy, and that you weren’t going to miss him.
I’m not saying that it was love, and I’m definitely not trying to say that it didn’t hurt you, but you can admit that at some point in your life, she did matter and possibly still matters to you.
But sweetheart, it’s time to let them go. I know you want to hold on to those precious memories and the time together that you once shared. You want to keep the hope alive, that one day she’s going to find her way back into your arms. You can’t keep making up fantasies of how happy you’re both going to be, but deep down, I know that you know, he’s never going to come back.
You know she doesn’t feel the same way she once did, and yet you keep trying to force something that’s not there anymore.
He’s your security blanket, that’s why you’re so damn terrified to let him go, so you keep lying to yourself instead of facing reality.
I know it’s sad the way you both act like strangers now, after everything you both had.
You act like you’ve never met….but it’s time to let go.
“Well isn’t it my favourite niece,” Becky stooped to her niece’s height and ruffled the child’s already messy hair. Tonight, Becky and Hailee would’ve been babysitting the child as Ariana wasn’t in the country, nor was Maggie. “How are you doing, Squirt?”
Izzy wrapped her arms around her aunt and placed a kiss on the girl’s cheek. “I’m great!” She said happily, looking around for someone else. “Is Nugget with you?”
Becky laughed and shook her head ‘no’. “I’m starting to think you don’t actually like me.”
“No!” Izzy said hurriedly. “I like you, very much. But I miss Nugget and you don’t bring him around anymore.” The child pouted cutely. “Can you ask your mummy to bring him?”
“Princesa!” Camila called out from the living room. “Stop bullying your tía with your cuteness to get your way. It’s not fair. No one can resist you.” She smiled when she saw her younger sister. “Hey, Beckster. C'mere and give me some love.”
Becky laughed and went to wrap her sister into a long overdue hug. Due to both of their busy schedules; Camila with her career and Becky with school, it had been quite some time since they had last seen each other. “I miss you, loser. It’s been so long.”
The older Cabello sister sighed dramatically. “I know. I’ve missed annoying your ass. Just drop out of school and let’s become a singing duo. The Cabello Sisters.” They posed back to back with each other, they formed a gun with their fingers as Izzy watched their shenanigans.
“Can I join too?” The child asked. “I can sing and you and my mummy can play the instruments.”
Becky laughed. “Of course, Squirt. You’re the real star here anyway.” She picked the child up in her arms, and began to mindlessly play with her hair. “Will Hailee be here soon?”
Camila checked her watch. “I think so. She texted that she’ll be running a bit late. Do you think you can handle being alone with Izzy until Hailee comes? Or do you want us to wait?”
“Your daughter is an angel,” Becky smiled. “I think I can survive a couple minutes without help. You and Lauren should go be on your date.”
Lauren popped out of the kitchen at the mention of her name. She was preparing dinner for the babysitters and her daughter. Izzy wanted pizza, and not just any pizza, she wanted her mother’s famous Hawaiian pizza, and as any good mother, Lauren obliged.
“I heard my name,” Lauren said. “Y'all gossiping about me, huh?” She fake glared at her newly discovered sister in law. “Hey, Beck,” she wrapped her in a side hug. “How are you? I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you. Can’t say the same about my sister, she’s literally always in the house.”
As soon as Maggie Jauregui was mentioned, Lauren’s phone dinged.
“Aw,” Lauren cooed. “Look at this. I think our Maggie is in love.”
Becky sighed heavily. “And to think, if I were a couple years older or she a couple years younger, we could’ve been a power couple.”
Camila scrunched her nose at her sister. “Wouldn’t that be kinda weird though? You’re both technically, I don’t know, sister in laws?”
“I’m Lauren’s sister in law, not Maggie’s,” Becky winked at her sister.
“Okay,” Lauren pretended to faint from the cuteness. “Maggie is in love. I literally never thought that we would live to see the day.”
“Why do you have Maggie’s notifications on and not mine?” Camila pouted at her wife. She helped her off the couch, still pouting. “I’m your wife for Christ’s sake!”
“I do have your notifications on.”
“But you never like or retweet any of my stuff!” Camila continued to pout. “You’re literally the worst wife ever.”
The photographer laughed. “Becky, can you give us a moment? I need to borrow Camila for a second.” She pulled her wife back upstairs and into their bedroom. “Let’s get you ready!”
“But, I’m already ready and I think I look pretty cute,” Camila gestured to her blue skinny jeans, green crop top and her wife’s favourite leather jacket. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
Lauren walked towards their shared closet and pulled an outfit out of it. It was a blue wildflower skirt suit, with some red pumps to complement the outfit. “Where we’re going, I think you’ll like to dress differently. And plus, I picked it out for you. Isn’t that cute? Isn’t that romantic?”
Camila laughed. She saw that cheesy smile on her wife’s face and her heart couldn’t help but melt. “Yes, amor. It’s very romantic.” She placed a lingering kiss on her wife’s lips. “It’s actually a very cute outfit as well. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Lauren wrapped her arms around her wife for a quick hug. “Now get ready. I don’t want us to reach too late.”
Ten minutes later, Camila descended the stairs again, her wife waiting at the bottom of it. Once green eyes locked with brown, Lauren smiled brightly, her heart beating wildly against her chest. “You look absolutely gorgeous, Mrs Jauregui. Stunning, spectacular, show stopping, beautiful. You’re utter perfection.”
Camila blushed, and tried to hide it, as she took her wife’s arm.
“Wow,” Izzy popped out of nowhere. “You look very pretty mummy.” Becky stooped next to her niece and whispered something into the child’s ear. “But not as pretty as aunty Becky.”
Camila laughed and playfully shoved her sister. “Stop corrupting my child.”
“But it’s fun,” Becky laughed.
“We should probably get going. Call us if you need anything, okay?” Lauren directed at her sister in law. “Hailee said she’s picking up some food and dessert, I think. After I told her she doesn’t need to.” She shook her head. “So she’s going to be here soon.”
The couple said their 'byes’ to their daughter as they left on their way for their date.
“Have fun on your date, kids,” Becky and Izzy waved at them, as Lauren’s car sped away from the driveway. She turned to her niece and smiled. “Let the fun begin!”
“Where are you taking me?” Camila asked Lauren as she was blinding leading the woman into an impending doom. Lauren had her hands over Camila’s eyes, so she wasn’t able to decipher what their date was going to be as yet.
“Can you relax?” Lauren chuckled. “I’m not going to murder you.” She leaned in closer to her wife’s ear. “Yet.”
Camila stopped walking. “Lauren, I swear…” But before she could even start protesting, the photographer uncovered her eyes.
“Tada,” Lauren said excitedly as she gestured to where they were. They were on a street in Miami that looked as though they were gearing up for a full fledged Cuban/Latino party. The street was already beginning to fill with people, there were a few good vendors who were selling their delectable foods from Cuba or other Latin countries.
And last but not least, the guest performer tonight was going to be, non other than the Grammy award winning, Cuban singing legend… drum roll please.
Gloria Estefan.
Also known as, Camila’s greatest musical inspiration.
“Lauren…what…the…fuck,” Camila breathed out as her eyes moved over everything within her view. When it landed on the stage and she saw Gloria Estefan’s name, she almost passed out. She took a moment to collect herself before she grabbed her wife; who was beaming from ear to ear, by her shirt and pulled her in for a searing kiss. “I am utterly in love with you. I cannot begin to put to words just how happy I feel right now. Thank you. Thank youu!” She kept repeating to Lauren who was beyond happy that her wife liked her surprise.
“I’m so happy you’re happy,” Lauren admitted. She intertwined their fingers once they separated from their embrace. “Once I saw Gloria was coming to Miami, I knew I needed to take you.”
“You’re making my date seem lame now.”
Lauren laughed at the adorable expression on her wife’s face. “You cannot compare our dates, babe. What you did for me, meant a lot to me. And what we’re doing tonight, means a lot to you. As long as we’re experiencing these moments together, I think that’s all that really matters.” She looked into her wife’s beautiful brown eyes, and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Laur,” Camila smiled. “How did I become blessed with such an amazing wife? What did I do to deserve this?”
“Quite frankly, I think you hit the jackpot,” Lauren smirked cockily.
“Wow, and humble too?” Camila rolled her eyes playfully and laughed. “The whole enchilada.”
The couple decided to walk around and enjoy the entertainment before Gloria Estefan came to perform. Truth is, Lauren had remembered when Camila talked about the Cuban singer in therapy, and how she had won a competition singing 'Rhythm Is Gonna Get You.’ She remembered how Camila said she was freaking out before actually performing and her mother came onstage with her.
That’s the thing about when you’re in love, you always remember the little things about them. It’s the littlest things that seems to mean more than the grand gestures. Don’t get me wrong, we all would love for someone to rent out a movie theatre just for the both of us to watch a movie and enjoy each other’s company. However, sentimentally speaking, it means more when someone remembers something you said and to you, it might seem like such a tiny, irrelevant thing, but when the one you love remembers it now that’s special.
That’s love.
You should be treated the way you deserve. You should be loved the way you love, and you should be fought for the way you fight.
When there are more tears than smiles, leave.
When there are more fights than jokes, leave.
When it hurts you more than it feels good, leave.
They don’t have the right to destroy you just because you’re in love with them. And loving them, being hopelessly head over heels in love with them, doesn’t mean you have to stay.
Remember that.
“Stay there,” Lauren pulled out her phone. “You look too beautiful right now not to take a picture.”
Camila blushed and rolled her eyes. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“I’ve only ever said that to one girl, and she ended up being my wife,” Lauren looked at her wife, with love in her eyes. “I think my charm won her over.” She snapped a few photos and swiped through them. “You look perfect in all, but I’m posting this one.”
Camila gasped. “You mean… you’re actually going on Instagram?! I am shocked. The last time you posted wasn’t it Christmas?”
Lauren flipped her wife off and typed away on her phone.
503,783 likes @ lmjauregui I cant see a life without you. Even though you’re annoying as hell 🙄🖤
Camila laughed loudly when she checked her phone. “After all the cute things I’ve told you today, I take it all back.”
Lauren pecked her on the lips. “No takesies backsies. You think I’m great and you love meee.”
“Ugh. I’m married to a child.” Camila felt a tap on her shoulder, when she spun around, she came face to face with two teenagers. “Hi there!” She smiled at them.
They returned the smile. “Hi, Camila…we don’t want to interrupt but my friend and I have been looking at you since you came here, and we finally built up the courage to talk to you.”
“Aw! I don’t bite,” Camila cooed. She was always so happy to talk to her fans. “What’s your names? Oh this is my amazing wife, Lauren, by the way,” she slipped her arm into the woman’s. “She’s just so shy when it comes to meeting my fans.”
Lauren blushed red in embarrassment. She was never one for the limelight. Every time they had gone out and Camila met a fan, she would always slink into the shadows. “Hey.” Lauren muttered, she nodded in acknowledgment at them.
“Hi, Lauren! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Chloe, and this is my friend Sasha. I love your photography, by the way! I’m so glad you’re finally working with Nicholas. Since I’ve been following you, I knew it was like your childhood dream, right?” Chloe started talking animatedly to Lauren and Camila. Lauren was a bit shocked to say the least, because of this fan knowing about her. She had never really come across any 'fans’ even though she had a few times, so it was always a bit shocking to her.
“We should probably leave you to your date now,” Sasha said after spending about ten minutes talking to the couple. “Is it okay if we get a picture?” Lauren nodded and was about to take the girl’s phone but that’s when she stopped her. “No, I mean like a group picture.”
“Oh,” Lauren kinked an eyebrow. “Um, yeah sure.” They had asked a random stranger to snap the picture of them. A few tries later, the girls thanked the couple for entertaining them, and left. “That was…different.”
Camila smiled and placed a kiss on her wife’s cheek. “You’re always so adorably awkward when you meet my fans.”
“I just don’t do well when it comes to socialising,” Lauren shrugged. “And it doesn’t matter anyway, I have you and Izzy. I don’t need to meet knew people.”
Camila laughed. “I guess you’re right, babe.” Her eyes landed on an Argentinian stall and she dragged her wife to it. “Oh my god, Laur!” She squealed in excitement. “They have Choripán, Lomito, Empanadas and oh my god! Sandwiches de miga. When my dad used to take me for our daily walks, he would buy this for us from this old guy named Pablo. It was so delicious.” Camila sighed dramatically. “I miss Argentina.”
Lauren wrapped an arm around her wife’s shoulder. “Hi!” She smiled politely at the vendor. “Did you hear everything she said?” The elderly woman, who was selling the foods smiled and nodded her head. “Can I get one of each?”
The vendor began to make and package the street foods for Lauren as her wife began to reminisce about her old country.
“I don’t think I ever heard you say that you miss Argentina,” Lauren admitted.
The singer shrugged. “I know. Life is better here, for sure, but I miss how life was so much simpler and peaceful back home. I guess I just miss the memories.”
“We’ll visit again one day soon,” Lauren told her. “Izzy needs to know about her culture, and you need to go home once in a while.”
Camila turned to look at her wife. “You’re my home.”
Lauren cupped her cheeks. “That may be true, but Argentina is part of who you are, and I’ll be a terrible wife if I didn’t take you back there ever so often. So once life is quiet again, we’re going.”
Camila smiled. “You’re perfect.”
“What would you like to drink?” The vendor interrupted the couple.
“Do you have any Chimarrão?” Camila asked. “I always loved that.”
The elderly woman nodded. “Sí.” She whipped up two cups of Chimarrão and handed it to the couple. Lauren paid the woman, and gave her a huge tip. She thanked the woman for her generosity and even offered to give her more food for the money, but Lauren kept refusing. “Gracias.” The woman smiled fondly at the couple.
“I need you to try like every single one of these,” Camila said as she took a bite of her empanada. “I know you guys have like this in Venezuela, but the Argentinian empanadas outsold.”
She fed Lauren a piece. With every single bite of these traditional Argentinian street foods, it brought back a lot of fond memories for Camila when she and her family lived there many years ago.
“Okay, it’s delicious,” Lauren admitted. “But being true to my country, it definitely isn’t better than the Venezuelan empanadas,” she stuck her tongue out playfully at her wife.
Camila laughed and rolled her eyes. She finished eating the empanada and took a sip of her drink. “You just lack taste, babe.”
They couple shared the other various foods and enjoyed the music of a Mariachi band.
“I swear, I always loved Miami but I love it even more after tonight,” Camila reached across the table and took Lauren’s hand in her own. “Can you stop eating for one second and let me be cute?”
Lauren laughed and placed the Lomito back on her plate. “You have my full attention, amor. Lay the cuteness on me.”
The brunette smiled. She knew her wife was only messing with her. Camila had loved how their relationship had gone back to the typical banter and sarcastic remarks that they once shared. “You know when a house becomes a home.” The singer said randomly. “You know which stair creaks more than the others, you know exactly where you can find the pots and pans with your eyes closed. You know every turn like the back of your hand. And truth is, I’ve never had a home before…until now. Home is green eyes that sparkle a little brighter than the sun. It’s a scar right above your left eye after getting injured from playing soccer back in high school, because you were pretty uncoordinated back then. Home is when you smile and your eyes crinkle. I know what home feels like…home feels like you.”
Yet again, Lauren was at a lost for words. Her wife always did this to her; left her speechless.
The butterfly effect.
I’m sure most of us are familiar with the term, and if you’re not, it’s simply an interesting concept. To think that every single decision you’ve ever made has resulted in you being exactly where you are right now.
A complete mess.
Someone who’s successful.
Head over heels in love with someone.
Everything you did led you to where you are right now.
And if the smallest thing in your past, you would’ve done differently, it would’ve impacted your life in another way.
Everything Lauren did in her past led her to this very moment. Sitting across the table from this very beautiful woman who owns her heart. The mother of her child and the love for her life.
“Camz…I..don’t know what to say,” Lauren admitted. “I don’t know where we’re going to be five years from now, but I hope it’s somewhere next to you. I hope we’re still in love with one another. I hope Izzy never has to doubt her parents love for her and each other. I hope I never make you question my feelings for you ever again. I hope that we still love each other the way we do right now, right this very moment. I want to love you until I can’t love you anymore, and when I can’t, I’ll find more love to give to you.”
Camila wiped at her eyes, smiling through her happy tears. “I thought you said that you were speechless?” She laughed.
“Speechless and having so much to say,” Lauren smiled. “Come,” she stretched an arm out towards her wife. “Gloria should be performing by now.”
“What about the food?” Camila looked at the remaining Argentinian food and then back at her wife.
Lauren laughed. “Okay, let’s finish these first and then we can go.”
When they were finished eating, the couple went closer to the stage that Gloria Estefan was expected to be performing at. A crowd had already gathered; murmurs of excitement about seeing the legend herself perform could’ve been heard throughout the crowd, despite the blasting of music.
“I swear, if Gloria makes eye contact with me,” Camila yelled over the music to her wife. “I will faint. This is a trust exercise, if you let me fall, I hate you.”
Lauren looked at her wife and shook her head in amusement. She had never seen Camila fangirl so hard to seeing a celebrity before, well besides that one time she had met Ricky Martin; another singer she had grown up listening to. Camila was a stuttering mess, and was a lost for words. Ricky, however, found her reaction cute so it saved Camila from being too embarrassed. “I’ll catch you, babe. I promise.”
Camila didn’t have the chance to respond because the lights had dimmed, a single spotlight came on the stage, and the music to one of Gloria’s hits 'Conga’ started playing.
“OH MY GOD!” Camila screamed along with the hundreds of other fans who were there.
The moment Gloria’s mouth opened, Camila felt everything else fade away. She started swaying her hips to the beat, and danced along with her wife.
She was happy.
She couldn’t help the huge smile that didn’t leave her lips the moment she came here.
Lauren’s eyes didn’t once leave Camila. Even when they had stopped dancing together, she kept watching her wife. She was so lost in the music, and filled with pure happiness.
The purpose of this entire night was to remind Camila that Lauren saw her. That Lauren was still her biggest fan. She wanted to bring Camila back to the time when she sang for fun. Not because it was her career, not because she wanted to make others happy, but rather when she was just singing because she loved it. And even though she still loves what she does, this entire night was sentimental.
Lauren was Camila’s person.
For the love of all things good, Lauren wanted to be the person who woke up at 7am every morning next to this beautiful human being. She wanted to look at Camila every morning, with tousled hair, and sleep filled eyes but somehow she still managed to be effortlessly beautiful.
Camila wanted to be the person Lauren would text throughout the day and tell her how much she missed her. She wanted to randomly pop into her wife’s photography studio, to deliver food for her and to get a kiss because she missed the taste of her lips.
But most importantly, Lauren wanted to whisper into Camila’s ear at 3am, telling her 'I love you’, causing her to stir awake with a sleepy smile on her face as she would say 'I love you too.’
And even then, Camila would cuddle into Lauren and fall asleep in her arms.
They just wanted to be each other’s person.
“When I first met you, I thought I was sent to save you,” Lauren said to Camila but she knew her wife couldn’t have heard her. “But then your soul opened up and welcomed me in, that’s when I knew you were sent to save me.” A small smile found it’s way on Lauren’s lips. She reached out and gently ran her fingers down Camila’s spine; the brunette shivered and turned to look at her wife. She placed a kiss on Lauren’s lips and went back to enjoying the show. “You love me even though you know I’m not perfect. You love me even though I’ve hurt you on more than one occasion. You encourage me to achieve my dreams because you know exactly what I’m capable of.”
Gloria stopped singing for a moment, her eyes locked on Camila. Lauren was standing directly behind her, hands on her wife’s shoulders.
“I’m seeing someone here in the crowd,” Gloria Estefan began. “And her loving wife personally asked me, to bring her up on stage to help me with this song.” She pointed at Camila who gasped.
“Lauren, what the fuck?!” Camila turned to look at her wife, then back at a smiling Gloria Estefan. “You met her?! You fucking met my idol and you told her to bring me on stage?! Without a warning?!” Despite the initial shock, Camila was beaming with excitement. “Oh my god! I can’t sing to save my life. I’m going to embarrass myself.” She said completely forgetting the fact that she was a singer.
Lauren laughed and kissed her wife’s cheek. “C'mon, amor. Don’t keep Gloria waiting.” She gave Camila’s hand a light squeeze and released it as she walked towards the stage.
Gloria pulled the woman in a quick embrace, whispering something into her ear, which caused Camila to grin widely.
The beat to 'Rhythm Is Gonna Get You’ began to flow through the speakers, and before long, both singers voices began to fill everyone’s ears.
“You’re flawed but you understand it,” Lauren shook her head smiling as her wife performed on stage. “You’re beautiful, but it’s not just skin deep, your heart is one of the most beautiful things about you. You’re magic and you know it.”
Camila finished the song with a rowdy sound of applause from the audience. She and Gloria snapped a quick selfie on stage, before Camila rejoined her wife.
“I can’t believe that just happened!” The brunette was still bubbling with excitement. She threw her arms around Lauren, who spun her around. “I’m so fucking happy.”
The couple connected their lips in a slow, sweet kiss. Savouring this moment, savouring the feel of each other’s lips against theirs.
“I’m glad you’re happy, baby.”
Date someone who’s interested in you. I don’t mean someone who just thinks you’re cute, or you’re funny. I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant thing about you. Someone who wants to read every word that you write. Someone who wants to hear every song that you have to sing.
Date someone who wants to watch your favourite movie even if it’s something cliche and super lame. Someone who wants to know your favourite brand of toothpaste, or know if you prefer your sandwiches with or without the crusts.
Date someone who wants to know what quotes you love and which ones resonate deep within your bones.
You see, the thing is, there’s a difference between attraction and interest.
Find someone who wants to know every single aspect of who you are.
“You are who you are, and that’s what saves me everyday.”
*** Wattpad: Commander_Camren
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satyrykal · 5 years
Fairy Tail - Miraculous Crossover!
Title: Miraculous Fairy Tail
Author: Satyrykal
Pairing: Natsu x Lucy
Genre: Romance/ Super Hero Crossover
Rating: M
Spoiler Warning: Not in the canon-verse, but pays homage to ideas in the Alvarez arc. It also has spoilers for the show Miraculous Ladybug!
Summary: In the daytime, Natsu was the rambunctious son of a mechanic while Lucy was the elegant daughter of a world class art curator. She was in love, but he was oblivious. At night, they donned their masks - fighting side by side to protect the streets of Magnolia. He was crazy for her, but she rebuked his advances. They were best friends. They were strangers. They were Lady Bug and Chat Noir. Super Hero Crossover AU.
Based on fanart by the amazing @nanashiart!
Read the story here, or preview the excerpt below!
CHAPTER 1 Excerpt – L’anniversaire
The breeze whistled through the night air, cool in the balmy heat of early September. The lights of the city stretched out in a sea of gold flecks, flickering in the reflection of the canals and cobblestone streets. It was quiet in the lazy hours past twilight and the evening crowds had begun to disperse, a scattering of stragglers scurrying quickly to their destinations. The park across the hill was lush, the tree canopies swaying slightly in sharp contrast with the brick and white-stone buildings lining the avenues.
The main throughway opened up to a marbled pavilion in the city center, low shrubbery and flower beds embellishing the walkways that led to the imposing building on the northside of the square. Six slender spires reached toward the heavens, towering above the rest of the skyline.
Kardia Cathedral's heavy wooden door was intricately carved, well-kept but ancient. It was flanked by massive glass mosaics, gleaming in a kaleidoscope of colour. The high pitched roof was covered in curved shingles, coated in patina, and broken only by the main steeple where the polished brass bells tolled midnight.
An elderly couple held hands as they passed under the streetlamps below. Glancing at the church as they made their way, they missed the flicker of movement hidden between the gables.
A lone figure leaned against the belfry with her ankles crossed, allowing the shadows to swallow her form.
Her blonde hair was gathered into two parted pigtails, just brushing her clavicle as her gloved hand idly playing with the strands. She gazed out at her city, a small smile on her lips as her honeyed eyes scanned the horizon, waiting. Those bright orbs were bordered by a slim spotted band, the seams secured flush against her skin.
A near silent thump sounded behind her. She perked her ears as she canted her head towards it but remained otherwise motionless. She bit the inside of her cheek as she heard the pitter-patter of familiar footsteps, her spine relaxing as warmth curled around her waist, spinning her to face her truant companion.
She blinked, staring up into wide roguish jade – a thick onyx mask framing the emerald sparkling in the depths of his irises. The magic of his lenses tinted his eyes in a gold sheen even as his pupils narrowed to slits – utterly feline.
Just like the two black ears peeking through the rosy locks on the crown of his head.
Her back was braced against the stone as the arm released her, one clawed hand coming to rest by her head, while the other stayed out of her sightline. The man leaned over her, close enough that she could count his lashes, but not enough that he was invading her personal space.
She let her gaze travel across the expanse of his broad chest, the dips and rivets of his corded muscles clear under the dark leather of his skin-tight suit. She watched as his lungs expanded with each breath, his thick biceps flexing slightly as he rolled his shoulders with a raspy chuckle.
Her eyes glanced up at the sound, tracing his sharp jawline and the smirk plastered across his face, incisors visible between his lips.
"My Lady." He purred, the deep rumble vibrating through him.
She giggled, taking her index and pushing on his nose so he stumbled back a few inches, his grin stretching despite the new distance.
She narrowed her eyes at him, seeing the mischief gilding his features – catching on the arm that was still hidden behind his back. His belt hung lazily by his knee like a tail, and she swore if it were real it would be lashing about with leashed energy.
"You've kept me waiting tonight, it's not like you to be late for patrol." Ladybug told him, leaning her weight on her right hip as she crossed her arms. He drank in the pose, the deep ruby of her suit vibrant through his mask – bringing out the bronze in her irises.
"I a-paw-logize, I had to make a quick detour."
Her mouth twitched, biting back amusement as she clicked her tongue.
"That was a terrible pun."
"I think you mean clawesome." Chat Noir winked.
"You are the worst!" She groaned, smacking her forehead at the glee lighting her partner's face. She could hear him snicker as he reached for her hand, his taloned fingers curling around hers as he brought them to his lips.
He kissed her covered knuckles gently, giving her hand a parting squeeze before letting it fall between them.
"Mercy, I'll stop." He promised, his expression soft before it shifted. "I have a peace offering for you."
She cocked an eyebrow in response. His smile widened as he gave an elegant bow, the movement fluid as his concealed arm twisted forward – offering her a single pink rose.
Hesitantly she took the long stem, noticing it had already been clipped of its thorns. He was quiet, watching her carefully after he stood up straight.
"Chat, we've been through this before – you know I'm in love with someone else." She started, her voice a bit strained only for him to raise his hands up in placation.
"I know, don't you worry." He murmured. His grin was still present but it was tempered – his eyes duller than they had been a moment ago. "This is a gift, pure and simple."
She furrowed her brows suspiciously, letting the pad of her thumb brush against the velvet petals as she considered him – mentally doing the math. Her birthday had been last month, though he wouldn't have known it anyway.
He wasn't familiar with her civilian self.
"What for?"
The spark reignited in his eyes as he sauntered up to her, folding his arms behind his head.
"Our anniversary of course."
He sniggered as her jaw dropped slightly, blinking at him owlishly. He waggled his eyebrows at her, pushing the rose closer so she had it braced against her sternum before he crouched to sit over the ledge of the roof.
"It's been two years to the day that I met you," he offered with a simper. "Do you remember it?"
She threw her head back in a laugh, memories flickering behind her eyelids of a small wooden box, a flash of light, and a butterfly.
"I don't think I could forget it if I tried. We really made quite the team back then, didn't we?"
Her fingers grasped onto the side of a buttress, leveraging it so she could settle down next to him. Her legs dangled in the open air, the flower in her lap as she looked at him from beneath her lashes.
"We still do." He answered, letting his shoulder nudge hers slightly – the heat of him lingering as his scent curled around her like tendrils of hickory smoke. He canted his head in her direction, knocking their feet together playfully. "It's always more fun when we're together."
She beamed at him, bumping her own arm against his before looking back out at Magnolia before them.
"Thanks, Minou."
He followed her line of sight, warmth blooming within him as the fragrance of jasmine flooded his senses.
"Anything for you, Buginette."
Two Years Earlier…
"Can you believe it? Her father is the biggest name in art curation in the whole of Earthland—"
"—Her mother was the head choreographer for the Royal Ballet…"
"I heard she was offered a spot as the youngest ballerina in the Crocus Ballet Company!"
It had been like that all morning; the school was flushed with rumours and excitement over their long-expected transfer student. Magnolia Académie des Beaux-Arts was nationally ranked for its performance and design curricula, training the best and brightest young minds as they maneuvered the competitive landscape to rise to the top of their fields.
Some of them had been recruited through the school's local talent discovery programme while still studying for their baccalauréat – attending weekend courses before they had even graduated. Others hailed from every corner of the country, submitting portfolios and audition tapes to secure their spots at the most prestigious institute in Fiore.
Yet despite the considerable gifts of the current student body, the name on everyone's lips today was the same – Lucy Heartfilia.
It wasn't surprising, not really.
She was a familiar figure – gracing the covers of fashion magazines as well as the celebrity stage from a young age. Her family connections had cultivated her public image, though her skills in dance cemented it – proving her own merit, especially among haute society and those within the art community.
And today was going to be her first day at the academy.
End of excerpt.
Read the rest of the story here at Fanfiction.net!
Chapter 1
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foursideharmony · 6 years
Changeling AU: The Good Doctor
Word Count: 1,799
Warnings: Therapy visit, sad family story, vomit mention
Pairing: None
Summary: How did Roman survive his time in the special needs school without being Undone? He had help...
A/N: I actually went to a psychiatrist as a child. This was roughly 30 years ago at this point, I remember very little about it, and anyway it didn't actually help me. So apologizing in advance if this doesn't accurately reflect contemporary therapy visits.
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The couch was soft, at least—upholstered with brown faux-leather that had worn a little in spots but was still perfectly serviceable. It reminded Roman of some of the antique furnishings at Caer Flamingo…which would have been more comforting if he had more confidence that he would ever see Caer Flamingo again once St. Dymphna’s was done with him.
“Just wait right here, Roman,” the receptionist said in a sickly-sweet, chirpy tone, “and the counselor will be with you in few minutes. Feel free to play with any of the soft toys or action figures in here, but please don’t touch the figurines on the shelves. Do you want a cup of water before I leave you alone?”
“No thanks,” said Roman, flinching at the slight tremor that came unbidden to his voice.
“All right.”
She left the room and swung the door until it was just ajar, leaving Roman alone with his thoughts and about twenty different stuffed animals and superheroes. He didn’t pick any of them up right away, instead investigating the contents of the room.
The figurines the receptionist had mentioned were clustered along the numerous bookshelves, and like the toys, consisted entirely of cartoon characters. The groupings were more-or-less sensible—three Looney Tunes characters, a couple Disney Princesses, a few others that Roman didn't recognize but that shared an art style. If he wasn't supposed to touch them, did that mean they were there for the counselor's own enjoyment? If so, that was...unexpected.
Directly across from the couch was an armchair upholstered in the same faux-leather. Presumably that was where the counselor would sit while interrogating him, although at the moment it was occupied by an absurdly large plush of Winnie the Pooh. Someone had put a fake lab coat and a pair of spectacles on it. Roman wrinkled his nose at the crude attempt at humor, and decided he'd seen enough. He turned sideways on the couch and drew his knees up to his chest. It wouldn't be long now...the counselor would arrive, barrage him with questions, and pick apart his soul. They would declare that Roman was abnormal and needed to be fixed, and maybe put him on some sort of medication, and just like that, his life as one of the Shining Host would be over when it had barely begun. Lady Valerie had said so.
Roman balled up his fists and pressed them to his forehead, forcing himself not to sink into despair. Lady Valerie had said...but Thomas had said something quite different, something much more hopeful...he had to hold onto that.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone abruptly started singing baritone right outside the room. There were no words—just “dum da dum” syllables, but the tune was...a fanfare? Roman was painfully reminded again of Caer Flamingo, with its trumpeters and troubadours...but then the song continued. A hand came through the narrow gap in the doorway, fingers wiggling in time to the music, which sounded more and more awkward the longer it continued. Finally, the singer reached a crescendo and flung the door wide, springing into the room like a jazz dancer closing out Act 1.
The counselor—as Roman assumed this was—wore a tan suit, a grass-green necktie, dark-rimmed eyeglasses, and a goofy grin. “Good afternoon! My name is Dr. Picani, I use he/him pronouns, and I will be your counselor for today and the foreseeable future! You must be Roman...unless you prefer a different name?”
Roman could only blink in confusion. He had never met a regular mortal grown-up who behaved like this. Was it a trick of some kind?
“Um...Roman's fine,” he said.
“Ah!” Dr. Picani continued, shutting the door firmly and crossing to the armchair. “Dr. Pooh Bear! Thank you for keeping my seat warm!” He moved the plush to the floor and settled into the chair, pulling a small notepad and pen out of his jacket pocket. “So then. I'll start with the same question I ask all my new patients: Do you how do, Roman?”
Had he heard that right? “Do I...what?”
“Listen again,” said Dr. Picani, in a tone of hushed excitement. “Do you...how do? Did you hear it that time?”
“'How do you do'...backwards?” Roman guessed.
“Not backwards, exactly. More...turned inside out. Like the Simpsons, in that one Halloween episode! You've seen it, right? No?” He cleared his throat and shifted in the chair, changing the mood of the interview. “Roman, do you know why you're here?”
Roman looked away. “Because my parents think I'm crazy,” he said bitterly. “And my teachers, too. At my real school, I mean.”
“Let me stop you there,” said Dr. Picani. “I don't want you to think St. Dymphna's isn't your real school. It can seem like a different world here, and maybe you've heard it's only for people who are full of delusions, and it's only going to be temporary...but it's still real. As real as the Ghostbusters.”
Roman's gaze snapped back into position. Despite that out-of-the-clear-blue reference to some old movie, that description was almost suspiciously relatable. That first week, after the theme park...
“Let me explain the situation as I understand it,” the counselor continued. “Roman, you're here because you're having trouble living in the world outside your head. My job is to help you figure out how to do that...without necessarily changing who you are as a person. The unique person that you are is a worthwhile one, and you shouldn't have to turn into someone else in order to get by. I want you to know that.”
Roman felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes. This was reminding him so much of what Thomas had said in the junk pile that it was painful. He blinked the moisture down and put on the haughtiest expression in his repertoire. “You're reciting,” he said. “Like a speech. You don't really mean it.”
“It's true, I do practice saying things like that. Using the right words is an important skill in my job here. But I also mean it. My goal is to help you, Roman. But I can't do that unless you cooperate with me.” He turned a page in his notebook. “Why don't I let you do some of the talking for a while? Do you remember how your troubles started?”
Troubles... Roman decided to humor the misconception for the time being, and suddenly the words were spilling out. “Yeah, it was when we went on vacation to Disney over Christmas. Everything there was just so...wonderful. It's like every kind of story come to life, all in the same place. They make it so you can really believe in magic. And so...so...so I did. And I found out that it was real, all of it, even after our vacation was over and we left.” The tears came again, too thick and fast to be stopped. “There really is magic. Why won't anyone believe in it?”
He fully expected Dr. Picani to shoot him down, but to his amazement, the counselor was nodding thoughtfully. “That makes a lot of sense. You're probably not the first.”
“The first...what?”
“The first to enter Chrysalis in a theme park.” Roman's eyes bulged with shock, but Dr. Picani was forging ahead. “After all, don't they call it The Most Magical Place on Earth? Where Dreams Come True? I always found those commercials to be pretty corny, but the place is focused on imagination and art. Why shouldn't it be capable of connecting susceptible individuals to the Dreaming?”
Roman leapt to his feet, hand scrabbling at his hip to draw the sword that he was not presently wearing. “How do you know these things?” he demanded. “You're not Kithain! I'd be able to see it if you were!”
The counselor slowly stood up, walked over to the desk in the corner, and took a framed photograph from it. He handed it to Roman, who examined it. It was an older photo, in color but with that slight smudginess that indicated it was taken using film rather than a digital camera, and depicted a girl in her early teens, and a boy several years younger, posing on monkey bars in a playground. The boy was just recognizable as a young Picani, while the girl...
Roman's eyes widened again. The girl shared a family resemblance with the boy, but...while the camera could only capture the mortal seeming, there were the little tells in her appearance, in the cant of her eyes and the shape of her nose. She was a changeling.
“No, Roman, I am not one of you. But my sister is. Or was, I guess. She's still alive, but we've barely spoken in years. She was...she lost her fae self, you see.”
“She was Undone,” Roman stated, running his fingers over the glass in the photo frame.
“Thank you, that's the word I was looking for. Our parents thought she was crazy. And so did her teachers. They wouldn't believe in magic.” Roman looked up. Dr. Picani was still smiling, but now it was a sad smile. “So Laura was put into psychotherapy in order to 'cure' her of her 'delusions.' The therapists wouldn't believe in magic either, and by the time they were done, Laura was a normal—completely human—girl.”
Roman felt the blood leaving his face and he began to grow dizzy. Autumn People... He let himself fall back onto the couch, setting the photo aside lest he drop it from his trembling hands. The dizziness got worse and he leaned over, letting his head droop between his knees.
“Easy there,” said Dr. Picani's voice, sounding oddly far away. He sat beside Roman—he felt the movement of the cushions—and rubbed his back. “Do you need the nurse? Or something to throw up into?” Roman shook his head as the dizziness subsided. “Roman, I'm not going to let that happen to you. That's the main reason I became a therapist—so that if I met any other young changelings, I could help them come to terms with their place in the world without making them turn out like Laura. And now I've met you. When they gave us your file, I found your story so familiar...I requested to have you as my patient. You can talk to me about your world, and I'll know that it's real. You're going to be all right. You're going to be you. Are you willing to work with me on that?”
Roman carefully sat up, noting with satisfaction that his head no longer spun. He allowed himself a careful smile. “I think so.”
“Then permit me to ask once more—third time's the charm, right?—do you how do?”
“Do...I...pretty good?” Roman guessed.
Dr. Picani beamed.
A/N: As of this writing, there have been two “Cartoon Therapy” episodes, and Dr. Picani's tie is color-coded for each. I chose to continue that theme here. Green is a color often associated with faeries in folklore because of their ties to nature.
Taglist: @k9cat
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ochoa83ochoa-blog · 5 years
Oversized IPhone Killer is Noted by Samsung Galaxy?
Soil Rally - In this style you race on slide, rubber burning, hill bending programs and different slip against adversaries. Participants take your competitors online in multiplayer, uncover fresh rides, improve the people they've, or could work their way through the career mode. Guaranteed, several of those games have chances or advertisements to pay money, but those tiny problems are often outweighed by long-lasting and great enjoyment entertainment. Most Horizon, of all: Zero Start is strictly the sort of sport that E3 needs would be argued by some more of: authentic IPs that aren't scared to take chances. From gorgeously made car skins to the most delicate of weather and lighting improvements are available to raise the core game exactly that tiny bit greater. Sony can help the PS3 with improvements and new game releases for some more years. Several game titles have advantage products available only to clients who preorder the game. With http://saveurs-aines.info that are significant and modern technology, it is still a remarkable task when a sport can cause wonderful stories, nuanced people. This fiendishly addictive free sport takes its sticks from Frogger, however it becomes that common strategy into An unlimited rating challenge: you are going to tap to poke forward one lane at any given time, and side to side to prevent obstacles and dodge vehicles. Nevertheless now, I do believe JotterPad X, two and a half years later, will be the writing application that I would like for Android. I havent discovered every other decent RPG game for that iphone so I truly cant d how were you disapointed from this, you have to understand that Final Fantasy I and two are merely remakes and their design arent even near to Turmoil Rings, its difficult to create a game-like FF for an ipod with those kind-of graphics because the hardware has many limits. What I will do is examine the instructions we learned from these games and examine several of the effective games that have affected our development's direction. http://saveurs-aines.info/phendora-garcinia-minceur-sans-obstacles/ may not get anywhere near to the expertise of handle as possible if you have physical handles, but Capcom have built a significant stab of earning the overall game usable, and have produced some additions to greatly help with all movements and the more challenging combos. You should buy more coins but the sport is actually pretty good using what you are accorded inside the single-player mode. The sport retains it retro in regards towards music, recreation sounds, and the sprite types. Truly, every player's vision hasbeen since March, whenever through integrating with DeNA we learned of its arrangements to release games on portable websites, on Nintendo. 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Bounty Hands is probably worth checking out if you'd like an enjoyable activity game that is shamelessly, and is $4.99 on both platforms. Keep in mind to copy the overall game ROM ZERO files via iTunes File-Transfer, as you could do with games. I also have faith that is utter in its ongoing development for a long time ahead and can't propose it powerfully enough. Showdown presents participants all the tactical awesomeness of the real time game without fuss and every one of the muss of micro-managing methods. As usually, the overall game with the most votes as of Tuesday afternoon will be proclaimed our indie game of the week in addition to being included on our site! Instead, although the software, named Droid09, posed being an online bank interface was a phishing device made to achieve account numbers and lender logins. Falling Light, is just a software game where you have to navigate a cube of light via a maze before it fades out. What's trendy concerning the emulator is it currently works along with touchpad or your mouse, in your mac, and it is effective. Callofduty: World at War Zombies is a long name for a game with only one level, but all the action-packed into that claustrophobic place a lot more than comprises for your insufficient assortment. The app's options panel Is thin and mainly concerns itself with with control arrangement selection preservation, and auto auto - filling and saving of games. Terms With Friends popularized the genre, delivering it for the multiplatform masses (though I'm still shocked Zynga has not advanced to Windows Phone or possibly a straightforward online software) the situation, though, is that the enjoyment of the capability to perform online against really simply carried this game up to now. That could be more of an issue, easily were an individual, but iOS functions excellent with Trade and has many Office-compatible programs that work very well. Overview: Kingdom Rush Origins is actually a portable that is fantastic strategy game that can rekindle your love of structure defense. For that person that is curious, the sport features a total Codex, Technique websites, and information on the book line. It really is worth expressing that Android N is coming shortly with a new Vulkan API for Android, and with it involved games are likely to be a lot better than actually throughout 2016. You are accountable for the different devices and samples also offers an expression of control over tracks to you that flow that is other -action games can't really match. As is regular with something from Ironhide Games, audio style and the design in Kingdom Rush Sources are spot on having a humorous flair that helps maintain things upbeat. With acquiring friends to play with however, Facebook or Twitter integration would enable.
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louise27ann · 6 years
Fake Love MV: A Theory
So this is in the perspective that the boys represent parts of Jin.
Let’s begin with this image and take note of it: The Smeraldo flower is in the lamp. And it is an established fact in the bangtan-army galaxy that Smeraldo flowers mean “The truth that can’t be told”. So let’s assume this means, Jin is still trying to hide from his past. Conceal his unhappiness. Therefore, refusing to acknowledge the truth.
*sidenote: Smeraldo was encoded as “Seokjin’s flower”. Meaning Seokjin’s truth that can’t be told.
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And then we saw Jin in the room, closing the curtains. And on the other side, in the dark was JK. Let’s say JK is the ‘him’, the real him who is lost. So he locked him in the dark. A symbolism of him shutting down his real self.
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Then this scene. And lyrics. From one person, 6 personas came out. “I could pretend”, maybe those are the masks/characters/personalities he invented to pretend he’s happy and that’s he’s doing fine.
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The next scenes, the lyrics were pretty important. It’s like he’s slowly realizing that even if he tries to hide and escape from the past. It’s still there. Because tbh, in reality, unsolved conflicts in the past, will bite back later if not sooner. As they say, before you need to learn to love yourself first before you can love others. So in that context just “love” in a romantic way(assuming this is connected to the Highlight Reel), is not enough to fix you, as a person.
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And then there’s this scene, shattered windows. The ones Jin decided to shut. He tried to protect the Smeraldo (his truth that cant be told). But he was not able to. Because the time has come, he can no longer run from his past. From himself.
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His consciousness is slowly asking, searching for his real identity. “Who are you?”
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In this one, Hobi is surrounded by carnival/themepark stuff. And we all know from the Highlight Reel that it was about his bitter childhood memory where his mom left him. That memory was locked away but been wanting to break free! So it’s not that it’s gone, it’s not that Jin was able to escape. He just chose to lock away everything. Because it’s easier.
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And there’s Tae with so much photoframes(memories) flashing before him. He kept walking back and forth. But can’t go out too.
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Jimin’s scene defined the feeling of emptiness. Because he believed he’s insignificant? A nobody? Like he has nothing? I think even in the highlight reel. He’s idolizing Hobi, secretly liking the girl bc he thinks he has nothing to offer and that there are a lot more people who are much better than him.
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T/N: Yoongi and Jimin are locked out in their respective rooms too. And they were doing nothing. JUST WAITING.  
Then there these flashes of JK observing as if he just discovered them, Jimin and Yoongi. I defined JK earlier as the locked out Jin. So I think this one means he’s slowly acknowledging the truth he’s been hiding.
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And then THIS SCENE. The Smeraldo (Seokjin’s truth) is no longer in the lamp after the glasses were shuttered. So basically, quite literally, the truth is out. And if you can see, Jin’s facing towards the door. He was about to run out.
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Right after the scene of Jin running out of the door, JK was scene was right after. He was running away from the crumbling building/house. I’m making a guess that it’s not only the floor but basically the whole house. See Yoongi’s and Jimin’s explanation later. The house is just a representation of the cage where Jin locked out his real self.
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He can finally see his reflection. And he was reaching out for it.
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As I said earlier, it’s the whole house (cage) that is crumbling down. The photo frames started flashing on and off rapidly. The fire reached Yoongi, the water broke into Jimin’s empty room.  Notice Yoongi’s expression tho, he smirked. As if he knew it would happen and was just waiting for it. Jimin wasn't fazed as well. I think it represents, that deep inside, Jin has always known, this day when he needs to face the truth will come. Sooner or later.
*Flashback to the Highlight Reel, in Jin’s narration, he said: “Looking back, I had known all along that underneath the glittering world before my eyes, lay my deception.” 
Also a thought for you to ponder on: Do you think the girl Jin who’s suppose to meet was ‘purposely’ hit by a car? Was it to remind Jin of Jungkook’s existence? 
okay back to the Fake Love MV.
Now the thing here is, when you try to suppress or lockout something for a very long time, it will crash down on you the moment it breaks free. Hence, the pool of snickers, the surge of fire and water.
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So finally, it comes down to it, where he acknowledged that it was not “IM FINE” but rather it is “SAVE ME” because he is not okay. He is not happy. He is not fine. But that’s okay, because the first step to moving on, is accepting that there’s something wrong instead of denying it.
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So JK, Jin’s locked out self, was led to this room, where Tae was in Singularity MV. Idw to theorize too early but let’s say that guy in hoodie is Tae or whoever. But it is a possibility, because Tae’s symbolism has always been giving in to evil? So maybe he’s prepared to face the worst version of himself? And accept him with all his flaws and everything.
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T/N: Highlight Reel, Jin’s Narration: “Even if this were a DREAM, this is where I choose to be,” 
dream = the world with the girls(?)
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Finally, this pose. JK was initially holding on to Jin’s hand but let it go. It can mean other things but I’m interpreting it as Jin’s real self emerging from all his persona, and beginning to know who he really is. Yeah.
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The remaining puzzle to me is, the 7 wooden stand hanger. Hmmmmm.
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What would Suharto think of Indonesia's 2019 election?
Some carry political news and views, and get quite heated. Other are more serious, such as the group run by Pak Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the head of comms for the national disaster mitigation agency, who brings news of the latest earthquake, flood, or volcano in parts of our vast country.
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Indonesia's young democracy has encouraged more open debate.Credit:Bloomberg As the election is gets closer, journalists join more and more Whatsapp groups linked to the official campaign teams to get updated information on schedules or official statements. WhatsApp is the platform of choice in Indonesia for information delivery. The changes since 1997, when I first started covering politics then for the Japanese newspaper, the Yomiuri Shimbun are vast. Back then, we largely ignored the actual elections because everyone knew what the result was going to be. President Suhartos autocratic rule lasted from 1968 to 1998 and was supported by an inner circle of cronies, the military and the bureaucracy. Together, they had an iron grip on our elections. There was no real active public participation in selecting who ran our country for 30 years. Aside from Suhartos dominant Golkar party which all public servants, and the families of the military and police had to vote for there were only two other "real" political parties allowed to contest parliamentary elections the Islam-based PPP party and nationalist PDI party.
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A voter poses for a photograph while showing a finger stained with electoral ink after casting her ballot at a polling station during the presidential election in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2014.Credit:Bloomberg J. Osdar, a veteran journalist at Indonesians most-respected newspaper, Kompas, joked to me about the Suharto-era arrangements: There was even one election where journalists already knew the percentage of votes Golkar would get months before voting day! A veteran politician, who was active in the old regime days and is still active now, he tells me that civil servants who did not vote for Golkar would be punished and, for example, could have applications for bank loans rejected if they wanted to start a business or buy a house. The point of all the political manoeuvring in those days, which would see MPs both appointed and elected to parliament, was always the same: the re-election of Suharto as president. It wasnt until the financial crisis of 1997 , when students took to the streets in major cities all over the country and violent protests broke out, venting their anger toward Suharto, that the strongman was forced to step down in May, 1998.
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The Age and SMH's assistant Indonesian correspondent Karuni Rompies has seen a change in her country's political culture.Credit:Karuni Rompies/The Age/SMH Now, over 20 years later, what does our democratic life look like? Overall, the changes have kept coming and they have mostly been positive. The biggest change was in 2004, when we directly elected our president for the first time. The days of our pseudo-democracy were truly over. This election is, in some ways, a re-run of 2014 Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, versus the same challenger, former military general turned Gerindra politician Prabowo Subianto. Jokowis running mate is Muslim cleric Maruf Amin and Prabowo's is the millionaire businessman Sandiaga Uno. And as happened in 2014, religious identity is influencing the atmosphere of the 2019 election season. Although both pairs of presidential candidates are Muslims - Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia - supporters of the Prabowo ticket believe their candidate is more Islamic. To combat this, Widodo chose the Muslim cleric as his running mate and it appears to be working. The vast-majority of pre-election surveys show Joko-Marufs electability is far higher than their opponents. Putting the polls to one side, the rise of Islamic identity as a feature of Indonesian politics is another big change from the Suharto era. While the autocrat kept a tight control on the role of Islam in politics, now, some analysts believe Prabowo is seeking to capitalise on religion to win political points. What strikes me most of all in 2019, is just how much things have changed in the 22 years since I began covering Jakartas politics. Back then what mattered was what happened behind closed doors, what decisions were taken by our largely-unelected leaders. Now, although it is far from perfect, Indonesians actually participate in their political system. Everybody talks politics publicly rather than quietly in their homes or only with trusted friends - and discussion is free and open on digital, social media platforms. The downside is that there are hoaxes, fake news and hate speech on social media too. People attempt to defame their opponents' candidate, something no one would ever have dared to do in the time of president Suharto. But nor were people free to express their views publicly about their government, or their country. Indonesias democracy is far from perfect no democracy is. I cant help but wonder what Suharto would think of todays Indonesia, if he were still alive. Would he have been proud that we are the worlds third largest democracy? I am. Karuni Rompies is Assistant Indonesia Correspondent for Fairfax Media. Most Viewed in World Loading https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/what-would-suharto-think-of-indonesia-s-2019-election-20190404-p51ayy.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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zarafoodrecipe · 5 years
What would Suharto think of Indonesia's 2019 election?
Some carry political news and views, and get quite heated. Other are more serious, such as the group run by Pak Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the head of comms for the national disaster mitigation agency, who brings news of the latest earthquake, flood, or volcano in parts of our vast country.
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Indonesia's young democracy has encouraged more open debate.Credit:Bloomberg As the election is gets closer, journalists join more and more Whatsapp groups linked to the official campaign teams to get updated information on schedules or official statements. WhatsApp is the platform of choice in Indonesia for information delivery. The changes since 1997, when I first started covering politics then for the Japanese newspaper, the Yomiuri Shimbun are vast. Back then, we largely ignored the actual elections because everyone knew what the result was going to be. President Suhartos autocratic rule lasted from 1968 to 1998 and was supported by an inner circle of cronies, the military and the bureaucracy. Together, they had an iron grip on our elections. There was no real active public participation in selecting who ran our country for 30 years. Aside from Suhartos dominant Golkar party which all public servants, and the families of the military and police had to vote for there were only two other "real" political parties allowed to contest parliamentary elections the Islam-based PPP party and nationalist PDI party.
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A voter poses for a photograph while showing a finger stained with electoral ink after casting her ballot at a polling station during the presidential election in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2014.Credit:Bloomberg J. Osdar, a veteran journalist at Indonesians most-respected newspaper, Kompas, joked to me about the Suharto-era arrangements: There was even one election where journalists already knew the percentage of votes Golkar would get months before voting day! A veteran politician, who was active in the old regime days and is still active now, he tells me that civil servants who did not vote for Golkar would be punished and, for example, could have applications for bank loans rejected if they wanted to start a business or buy a house. The point of all the political manoeuvring in those days, which would see MPs both appointed and elected to parliament, was always the same: the re-election of Suharto as president. It wasnt until the financial crisis of 1997 , when students took to the streets in major cities all over the country and violent protests broke out, venting their anger toward Suharto, that the strongman was forced to step down in May, 1998.
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The Age and SMH's assistant Indonesian correspondent Karuni Rompies has seen a change in her country's political culture.Credit:Karuni Rompies/The Age/SMH Now, over 20 years later, what does our democratic life look like? Overall, the changes have kept coming and they have mostly been positive. The biggest change was in 2004, when we directly elected our president for the first time. The days of our pseudo-democracy were truly over. This election is, in some ways, a re-run of 2014 Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, versus the same challenger, former military general turned Gerindra politician Prabowo Subianto. Jokowis running mate is Muslim cleric Maruf Amin and Prabowo's is the millionaire businessman Sandiaga Uno. And as happened in 2014, religious identity is influencing the atmosphere of the 2019 election season. Although both pairs of presidential candidates are Muslims - Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia - supporters of the Prabowo ticket believe their candidate is more Islamic. To combat this, Widodo chose the Muslim cleric as his running mate and it appears to be working. The vast-majority of pre-election surveys show Joko-Marufs electability is far higher than their opponents. Putting the polls to one side, the rise of Islamic identity as a feature of Indonesian politics is another big change from the Suharto era. While the autocrat kept a tight control on the role of Islam in politics, now, some analysts believe Prabowo is seeking to capitalise on religion to win political points. What strikes me most of all in 2019, is just how much things have changed in the 22 years since I began covering Jakartas politics. Back then what mattered was what happened behind closed doors, what decisions were taken by our largely-unelected leaders. Now, although it is far from perfect, Indonesians actually participate in their political system. Everybody talks politics publicly rather than quietly in their homes or only with trusted friends - and discussion is free and open on digital, social media platforms. The downside is that there are hoaxes, fake news and hate speech on social media too. People attempt to defame their opponents' candidate, something no one would ever have dared to do in the time of president Suharto. But nor were people free to express their views publicly about their government, or their country. Indonesias democracy is far from perfect no democracy is. I cant help but wonder what Suharto would think of todays Indonesia, if he were still alive. Would he have been proud that we are the worlds third largest democracy? I am. Karuni Rompies is Assistant Indonesia Correspondent for Fairfax Media. Most Viewed in World Loading https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/what-would-suharto-think-of-indonesia-s-2019-election-20190404-p51ayy.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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r-o-se · 7 years
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A bit less than 101 comment summary abt produce 101 season 2 ep 6  [watch it here]
Noone even reads those anymore but I like doing them so you know what fuck it lol 
1.      Omg this subber adds full names and ent companies I’m in love theyre just showing the rankings rn
2.      The benefit is now 10k for the team that gets 1st place by individual points but the 1st place trainees for each category is 100 fucking 000
3.      The position songs are
a.      RAP- Zico – Boys and Girls // iKON – Rhythm Ta // SMTM – I’m not the person you used to know // Mino – Fear
b.      VOCAL – BoA – Amazing Kiss // SJung Seunghwan – If it was you // Blackpink – Playing with Fire // BTS – Spring day // I.O.I – Downpour
c.      DANCE – Ed Sheeran – Shape of You // Flo Rida – Right Round // Jason Derulo – Get Ugly // NSync – POP
4.      Good luck kiddos the choosing is hidden so they won’t see who chose what before they’ve chosen themselves
5.      Seungwoo just dragged my baby Hyunbin through mud and said he doesn’t wanna be in a dance team with him again lol I understand him fully though aahahahahha
6.      Samuel just said he’s a bit afraid of Jihoon so he wants to avoid him but they’re in the same team again aaaaaaahahahhahaha  THIS IS SO CUTEE
10.   Hyunbin is up and BoA is like…. Bro u alright?? U sure about this?
12.   Big Woojin was the last to choose Get Ugly and closes it goddamn
13.   Gunhees mouth opens so wide holy shit
15.   Fuck this show I’m so so sad how could they do this to Woodam
16.   Everyone are looking forward to Playing with Fire Team bc they all know how arranging music works
17.   Baekho: Disagrees w Sewoon
Mnet: *tense aggressive music* *montage of angry eyed Baekho* *red filter*
18.   This team has troubles with agreeing on the style of the stage
20.   This stage has Alpaca Youngmin, BNM Donghyun and Dongbin the crybaby
21.   But it looks like theyre having disagreements too RIP
22.   Dongbin doesn’t even know how to rap baby why did you go there someone save Youngmin
24.   Mnet is tryna pit Jinwoo and Seongri againste eachother aahahah fuck off anyways Seongri is the center
25.   Kim Yehyeon just gave everyone a full course in music theory and composition WELL FUCKING DONE DUDE YOU GOT MY RESPECT
26.   Save Yongguk who others haven’t even noticed before I NOTICED U I STILL LOVE U IM A PESSIMIST TOO WE CAN BE NEGATIVE TOGETHER
27.    This team works so well and sweet together I love it
28.   Shape of you team now with Noh Taehyun and oldie tiptoes Seongwoo and Namhyung and Justin and others
29.   Taehyun doesn’t wanna teach anyone because he hates teaching but good fucking luck with thet aahahah
30.   They’re doing expressions to figure out the leader its so EMBARRASSING AAHAH AWWW
33.   JR TEAM
34.   Baby was right away like ‘I don’t think I can be center so forget me’ but Guanlin and Moonbok want the position so that’s a thing
35.   Jr thinks Guanlin fits the center and eventho Moonbok wanted the position too he didn’t say anything because he wants to ggive others a chance ngl I really have started to like Moonbok hes friendly and not as annoying as I thought before
37.   Everyone are shook while practicing cause their harmonies are so gooddd
38.   Kim Yongguk is a baby with low self esteem but he improved a loootttt I’m PROUD HE GOT PRAISED BY SEOKHOON
39.   During the actual concert BoA is in Japan doing a concert so she’s gonna oversee everyone rn which is really nice of her
41.   Ok but they aren’t giving the others screentime at all which is a bit sad IDK I WANNA SEE OTHERS TOO
43.   Jinwoo just sitting there being pretty is enough to make my day ngl AND HIS VOICEEEE
44.   ‘your body will react now’ my what anyways its right round time
45.   Cheetah is so adorable this season anyways this stage is LIT AND DAEHWI IMMITATING THEM IS CUTE AS FUCK AND THEYRE SYNCED AS HELLLLL
46.   They keep filming one girl in the audience I stg she gets more screentime than most trainees
47.   If Hwiseung and Byunmin get eliminated I’m gonna be Real Fuckin Sad
48.   Eunki is the leader and wants to be the new Bang Bang team
49.   Besides him, the team has Haknyeon plus Hwiseung and Hwanoong and K-Tiger Hyunmin and some others as well, Hwanoong is the center which makes Haknyeon salty ripppp
50.   Eunki has a death wish I stg he picks on Haknyeon and obvi Mnet grasped onto it and bam evil edit eventho Eunki has a reason to pick, Haknyeon is kind of behind on the choreo eventho he has a point since he doesn’t have a big part
51.   Eunki and Haknyeon talked it out I’m glad and everything goes really well and smoothly on the practice stage IM SO HAPPY
52.   THE PERFORMANCE HAS SUCH GOOD ENERGYYYY also they did scorption dance but didn’t fully show it?? Mnet the fuck
54.   Boys and girls Donnghyunnnnnnn is a CUTIE CUTIE but bnm kids are worried about the high standards everyone have for them goddamnit Dongbin poor baby
58.   A trend that needs to stop: Leaders blaming themselves for everything and apologizing for first place
59.   SHAPE OF YOU TEAM YOOO BOYYYYYYYYYY IM LOOKING FOWARD TO THIS HARD eventho I already saw the vid of how they got evil edited and screentime cut and whatnot
60.   Oh nooooooo it’s a dance battle obvi Taehyun is out there fuckin KILLIN it best dancer in broduce I stg I LOVE HIMMMM everyone are thinking he will win first dance position
62.   Their team has a loooot of small mistakes which makes me sad and yeah exactly as the vid said, they didn’t give them screentime and fucking cut out the killing part I’m so angry
64.   The crowd is shouting encore…. Is this why Mnet evil edited them…. Jesus fucking Christ I’m so angry
66.   The others are still so happy for Taehyun this team has such good teamwork I’m cryin Mnet fuckin rudeeeee
68.    Save Guanlin who can’t perform well in front of teachers I UNDERSTAND U BOO I GET IT AND HE GOT EVEN PRAISED BABYYY
69.   Their entire team got pencils in their mouths CUTIESSS
70.   Can’t believe Guanlin has two NU’EST guardians now god bless JR and Baekho BOA PRAISED HIS PRONOUNCIATION IM SO HAPPY I LOVE JR GOD BLESS NATIONS LEADER
71.   Taemin has been a trainee for 5 years????? Holy shit SAVE THIS BOY I’M SAD
72.   Moonbok made his rap for Hyunwoo bc he’s sad IM SAD TOO AAA
77.   Everyone are shook while practicing cause their harmonies are so gooddd
78.   Kim Yongguk is a baby with low self esteem but he improved a loootttt I’m PROUD HE GOT PRAISED BY SEOKHOON
79.   During the actual concert BoA is in Japan doing a concert so she’s gonna oversee everyone rn which is really nice of her
81.   Ok but they aren’t giving the others screentime at all which is a bit sad IDK I WANNA SEE OTHERS TOO
83.   Jinwoo just sitting there being pretty is enough to make my day ngl AND HIS VOICEEEE
84.   ‘your body will react now’ my what anyways its right round time
85.   Its basically the exact same footage as before Haknyeon vs Eunki
86.   Cheetah is so adorable this season anyways this stage is LIT AND DAEHWI IMMITATING THEM IS CUTE AS FUCK AND THEYRE SYNCED AS HELLLLL
87.   They keep filming one girl in the audience I stg she gets more screentime than most trainees
88.   If Hwiseung and Byunmin get eliminated I’m gonna be Real Fuckin Sad
89.   ITS BLACKPINK STAGE TIME YE BOIIIIIIIIIIII It’s Baekho, Ren, Daehwi and Sewoon
90.   They got some problems with Sewoon playing guitar but it all GOOD they got em solved
91.   Ren got shades on lookin like the love child of Zion.T and Lady gaga
92.   Daehwi just blowed some red god damn CONFETTI it looks GOOD AS HELL YOOO THAT BOY LOOKS FUCKING FINE HERE
93.   Ren was last, Sewoon third, Baekho second and Daehwi first
94.   Cant believe Sewoon and Daehwi got over their Baekhophobia tru character development
96.   Danik my dude doin all sorts of handstand bboy things bruh I bet his arms look hella nice
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