#i need to follow new ppl but i don’t go outside
aweina · 4 months
still following some ppl from high school makes me hate going on insta …
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droolypupboy · 4 months
thread of things you can do to feel more puppy!!
warning, this is not for puppy regressors!! this is an nsfw post and probably not safe for u if you regress while online. stay safe, sfw puppies.
anyway. back to content for puppies who r fucking degenerates. i’m a switch & not only do i own a puppy sub but i am also one!! this is applicable for both partnered and solo pups, dw, there’s likely to be something here for everyone.
૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა
🐾 grind on pillows and/or furniture!! pillows are an accessible option for everyone, not everyone has furniture they can feel comfortable doing that on because maybe they don’t live alone or what have you. but pillows are an amazing option for any and all needy puppies.
🐾 snacks can help u feel puppy a lotttt!! while it can be fun to have your partner feed you little treats, you can also absolutely do this on your own. while you’re not in the headspace, set up small little snacks for you to have for when you follow rules or actions you set up for yourself. ppl often underestimate how satisfying solo play can be!! but it can be awesome. good ideas for pup snacks can be small cookies reminiscent of dog treats (scooby snack graham cracker cookies if you’re in the u.s., highly recommend), little cubes of meat and cheese, or dry cereal. it doesn’t have to be those things though, it can be anything broken up into small pieces. be creative!!
🐾 some people enjoy eating or drinking out of dog bowls but for some, that’s inaccessible or maybe just not to their taste. another option can be water bottles with spouts you have to suck on (oral fixation is so so so puppy!!). smaller sized snack bowls also work well for this. anything notably small can help a lot with headspace i find because a large part of puppyspace for many is feeling tiny and :3. if you know you know pfffft.
🐾 here’s a simple one!! have an article of clothing or jewelry you wear only during puppy time :) of course there’s the obvious ones; harnesses, ears, collars. but even just a bracelet or a sweater can work if you only wear it during pupspace and get your brain to associate it.
🐾 if you go into the headspace online (as i’m sure many of you reading do if ur here), you can do certain typing things to help you feel even more puppy. using certain emojis or doing a little :3 or :> it’s pretty common to have your voice change tone and your words get more simple when in a smaller mindset so it can be fun to have your typing also reflect this!! typing out “woof” or “arf” r silly but they r cute and i recommend it, 10/10.
🐾 find something you can safely bite on!! nothing you could choke on or that could hurt you. chewelry is rlly good for this, i’d recommend looking on etsy for some. but you can also just buy a new actual dog toy (fresh, not used, clean it before). puppies need to teethe!! the urge to bite is super common.
🐾 if you have enough privacy, play fetch with yourself. why not?? you can bounce a ball off the walls and even if you’re in a small room where you don’t have far to get to it, you’re still pretty likely to get excitable abt it!! if you’re doing this outside don’t put the toy in your mouth, if you’re indoors you can probably feel more comfortable to do this safely if you’re using something big enough not to choke yourself with.
🐾 ride toys!! it’s hard to do things yourself, riding or suction cupping a toy to a wall so you can just lay down and move ur needy hips against it can be wonderful for puppyspace.
🐾 suck your fingers or your partners fingers!! puppies need our mouths occupied. gently chewing on fingers, probably not enough to hurt (maybe tho, good for you), just enough to feel like you’re gnawing a bit, is SO so so good. this doesn’t even have to be sexual, drifting off to sleep with fingers or a gag (nothing that you could accidentally swallow) in your mouth can help you wake up puppy!! i wouldn’t recommend sleeping with a gag in long term, that’s more for naps or on special occasions. like i mentioned before; oral fixation oral fixation oral fixation!! you should also suck toys and cock 🤍🤍
🐾 wag your hips or kick your feet!! it’s like wagging ur tail :> wiggles can come naturally when in pupspace so embrace them as ur “phantom tail” pfffft
🐾 “puppyparts” “puppycunt” “puppyholes” “puppycock” “puppyanything”🏃🏃
remember, if some of these aren’t applicable to you and how you like to play, you are not any less puppy. these are general, not one size fits all. there are countless different ways to be puppy and i don’t think any two people should be doing it the EXACT same way. we all have our quirks, we all have our individual headspaces.
have fun and play safe, puppies 🐾🦴🎾
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 61
This turned out to be way longer then i planned. It was just meant to be a quick idea. Not a full like plan. So quick prompt below then a full idea.
Amanda Waller started the GIW. They captured small ghost at first. Had success in controlling them. Catch Danny. Convince him the league is in cahoots with him in case of an escape. He escapes. They get other ghosts and launch attacks against the league as an outside force obviously no connection to Amanda Waller. So Danny now is trying to deal with mind controlled ghosts all while avoiding the government and league. During a direct attack on the league Danny breaks a ghost out the mind control. Danny is then forced to work alongside them as the one he freed actually talked thing out with the league.
Imma give Danny an big reason to not trust the justice league. The Giw are working for Amanda Waller. Obviously trying to figure out a way to use those from the infinite realm as tools/weapons. These beings have proven to be a force to to deal with. Plants taking over, citizens forced into sweet dreams, kidnapping and the over shadowing of a whole town to vote in a mayor.
It’s the perfect way to take down the justice league. It won’t even look like the government played a part in it.
Now after freak show proved they could be controlled things get more intense. They begin capturing ghosts and trying out ways to control them. Test after test until they started to have successful trial runs.
They start with the animal ones, those who can’t actively communicate what’s going on if they escape. Figuring out ways to stop/force powers and stuff along those lines. They work extremely well in on the animals.
Animal ghost began to commander items for the group never getting caught. Following orders with no hesitation.
They get competent quickly this time around. Successfully capturing phantom. The one who was originally under freak shows mind control. Now imma give Danny even more altered dna cause he’s half human. Things don’t work on him the same as the others. If he’s a ghost it works just fine but as a human not so much. So freak show only controlled phantom never Danny.
Now obviously this is problematic for Giw and Amanda. The first time he turned back all progress had been lost. Danny had full control of himself again. Now She can’t have him going off and telling ppl about this. Their pretty positive he won’t be able to escape. Both ghost and human restraints are in use. Just in case convinces him the Justin league all work with them. That no one would help them.
Now Danny escapes. Not unharmed. He has injures and newly made scars. He avoided going ghost at all costs the second time they controlled him. It’s far easier to force him back into his natural human state then to get him to unwillingly go ghost.
How he escaped well he had some help. One of the agents perhaps an undercover hero helped aid him.
Danny is on his own and doesn’t know what to do. Slowly beings of the realm get captured. Coming under there control.
With enough members of the infinite realm the attack happens. Under the disguise of otherworldly beings. No need for Amanda or the GIW to be known.
So the justice league has a new threat. Danny won’t even consider the justice league to help or going to Sam or tucker. He didn’t want his human friends or family to be involved. He didn’t even manage to warn the realm.
When his rogues and his ghostly allies start attacking the human realm Danny knows what’s up. He knows it’s not them. Skulker could be bought out, but he wasn’t even threatening to take his pelt. So Danny knows he’s under control as well. He starts to counter them best he can. Theres just too many of them. Danny never manages to get close to any to occupied trying to protect the human civilians from the ghosts.
It would have been far too suspicious of the ghosts just attacked the league right away. Better to force the league to go out and protect a town or two.
A direct attack on the league is when Danny is fully revealed to the league. They already knew about phantom protecting civilians. They had to have noticed. One of his Allie’s maybe frostbite, Dora or maybe even pandora is leading the charge. Whoever it is Danny breaks the control on them. Only do to the fact the league is holding off some of the ghosts. Imma go with pandora.
He breaks pandora free after getting a near fatal blow. Her eyes no longer glowing under control. She comes to with him injured. Pandora is powerful and decimates the remaining ghosts forcing them to retreat.
The justice league has questions. Now they know it’s some form of mind control. Obviously they are aware of phantom as he publicly has been defending against attacks. At this point there is no way they haven’t figured out how to hit the ghosts. Tech works on them in cannon, magic works so they had to have figured out something. Now the problem comes in with the number they are facing. How they ghosts just keep growing in number.
Where the league requires weapons or magic Danny and Pandora just then had taken out huge swarms of the ghosts without any weapons.
Here’s where the problem kicks in. Danny is convinced the league is apart of the problem. Danny hasnt really connect the dots yet. He is terrified they’ll cause pandora to be mind controlled again. Despite the fact the attack was against the league. The two dip before anything is said between the parties.
Now the league are dealing with ghosts under mind control and the person who managed to break one of them out looked terrified of them. Maybe it was Wonder Woman who originally approached it is pandora after all.
Pandora who is not a scared teenager working purely on impulse connects the dots.
Danny is a not the most logical person at this time. She’s the one who actually approaches the league. To get both sides of the story despite Danny’s protests. She does meet him halfway and just arranged a meeting with wonderwoman. Away from the watchtower.
Her meeting with wonder woman only confirms things.
This leads to Danny begrudgingly working with them. He doesn’t trust them by any means. But he trusts pandora. Pandora sends a message to the realm. About what’s going on.
She stays because the GIW have her box. Just to add more drama. So ghost and evil running amok. They can stop and influx of at least one.
The infinite realm cut access to the human realm. They won’t risk more of there people getting taken. If a portal opens up a team goes through to destroy it. Natural portals are rare and and not a big problem. But happen. Those ones get heavily guarded going forward.
No new ghost. The rest still under control. Pandora could fight them off. The issue is the mind control. She’s susceptible. At one point she nearly gets under control again. Danny steps in.
He went through it all. Knows what they are doing, how they are doing it. He lived it.
Danny has been phantom whenever around the league. At one point the mind control is directed back at him. He goes human right in front of them.
With the leagues help they find a way to massively break the control on the ghosts. Danny has had time to realize he had been in fact lied to. Sam, Tucker and Jazz get a chance to yell at Danny for leaving them behind. Because i like the angst it brings it get brought up that it was the Fenton parents who sold him out.
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mangoposts · 3 months
omg i have smthing to rant about and it isn’t even me being fake i just needddd to get this off my chest
basically there’s this one girl in my friendship group but me and her never talk, we don’t even follow eachother on social media anywhere , the only reason we are close in proximity is bc my friends are friends with her but every time she opens her mouth or laughs it triggers me like STFUUUU
me and her were never close and she’s mean she doesn’t understand boundaries and she would be too touchy with one of my friends although my friend told her to stop multiple times (weirdo)
and i remember when her and one of her friends used to like be quite mean with me and like laugh at my makeup touching my face without consent trying to wipe it off but when i brought it up today with her she laughed in front of everyone and was like “i never did that and i remember that day well” k well i remember my face being touched by your crusty musty dirty hands
and she gets offended every time me and one of my friends from the friendship group separate and go on side quests together bc i love my friends and value quality time , i remember a time i walked off with one of my friends to watch matt edits with her bc she loves matt and only both of us know who the triplets are , so that girl made it suchhhh a big deal and started shit talking me to other people about how i always avoid her and walk off and i should respect the fact that the ppl i walk off with are her friends too like girl stfu theres a reason why they are coming with me and not staying with you like sorry ur insecure if you have a problem with what i do , tell it to me straight
and she babies me ……….. she’s like 4’9 and i’m 5’4
she is wants to be so relevant and leader of the group core I HATE IT
i want her goneeeeeeee my life is so perfect when i dont see her just seeing her today made me upset i had to go hang out with my crush and take a walk outside with some new friends i made (love them 💞)
(i need a diary) (sorry)
This reminds me of a person i know i literally got triggered reading this ignore that woman she is a problem 😭😭😭 And confront her if she tries saying sum
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
So I’ve been going through a lot of TW files for my patreon stuff (still wading through those and working my way down the list to the Dick Grayson stuff, Batfam followers) and while I don’t know when I’ll get back to this one unless someone specifically requests I add to it there, enough people still ask me for more of Where Wild Things Are that I’m just tossing this mini-update out here. Not going on Ao3 as this is just the first part of the chapter and some dialogue for the rest, but again, I’m trying to do less of the whole ‘just let things sit pointlessly on my computer when other ppl might at least enjoy having some more of it, even if its not the whole thing yet, since its not like its not a WIP anyway.’
Anyway. Enjoy if you’re interested!
CHAPTER FIVE And when a monster is lurking right outside your door and there’s nowhere left to run, ask yourself this:
Would you rather be prey? Or a bigger monster?
There’s not always an option c. ****** Freshmen were kind of adorable, Allison decided a week into the mentoring program. At least that was something. The way Liam lit up as she and her friends made their way to the freshmen down the hall was particularly endearing. She had to keep her glare from surfacing and pinning Brett against the lockers he leaned against, right beside Liam, Mason, Garrett and Violet. What had begun as a way to repay the debt she felt to Scott while still doing her duty had quickly graduated to true protective instincts for the young teenagers. A slight shudder ran through her body as she remembered the gashes across Scott’s chest and the defeat in his eyes - - none of us wanted this, but it happened and we’re stuck now - No. That would not be happening to Liam and his friends. Not on her watch. “Hello children. And how is everyone this morning?” Lydia made even her casual greetings a regal proclamation. It was with no small amount of amusement that Allison watched the freshmen war between their instinctive reaction to being labeled ‘children’ and their awe at being on first names basis with the undisputed queen of Beacon Hills High. This was all wildly against the natural order of things. Her eyes drifted in Brett’s direction to find his narrowed at her, and her good humor evaporated. Ugh. Why couldn’t she ever have nice things? “Everyone’s coming to my place after school, right? Your first archery lessons!” Allison cut in before any of the freshmen could muster a response to Lydia.  Brett flinched, and a dangerous grin worked its way across her lips. She might not be the only predator interested in these kids, but she could damn well make sure her competition knew she was bringing claws of her own to the fight. “For sure!” Liam enthused. “I still can’t believe you know how to shoot a bow and arrow. And your parents are really cool with you teaching us?” “Oh yeah, no big deal,” Allison shrugged. In truth, it hadn’t been. Even if her father might have had slight reservations, Grandpa Gerard had practically salivated at the notion of her starting a How To Kill Werewolves 101 course for local teens. He was already planning how to use this to start recruiting new hunters from Allison’s handpicked group. She wasn’t about to let things get that far, but Brett didn’t need to know that. Let him worry. “I still don’t think Allison’s parents are the only ones who should have been informed of this little extracurricular,” Danny said. “Isn’t this the kind of thing that should require signed consent forms from everyone’s parents?” “Oh, live a little Danny,” Allison said. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” “No, but the sharp pointy sticks might hurt their kids, and then there are these things called lawsuits…” “Don’t be such a Danny Downer,” Stiles said. He clapped their friend on the back, but his eyes were on her. “I’m sure Allison knows exactly what she’s doing.” She smirked back.
“I can’t make it,” Brett spoke up at last, sparking cries of complaint from his ‘friends.’ “What the hell man, I thought we were all gonna do this?” As much as Allison hated to admit it, she wasn’t sure she did know what she was doing though. She had her work cut out for her in trying to drive a wedge between Liam and Brett. The younger boy had latched onto the sophomore as a confidant before they’d gotten their mentoring program up and running, and Brett’s claws were already in deep. Liam idolized the kid, and it didn’t help that whatever she might know about the pack’s true nature, to everyone else they were simply the cool, mysterious bad-asses that everyone secretly wanted to know more about.
“Got stuff to deal with at home,” was all the taller boy said, deliberately vague. She considered that. Was he just trying to get out of going to a hunter’s house - not that she’d ever expected he’d show, really - or was that code for the pack would be up to something later? “Family stuff?” Allison asked casually. “More like chores at the group home I live at. My family’s dead,” Brett retorted. She wondered if anyone else picked up on the bitter menace underscoring his calm tone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” “How could you? It’s not like peoples’ families being murdered by burning their houses down around them is an everyday thing. Who would ever think that was a thing that happened as often as it does?” “Jesus,” Mason whispered in horror. The other freshmen looked as sick as she felt suddenly, and she felt her own friends shuffle uncomfortably behind her. That hadn’t come up in her research at all, but she didn’t doubt for a second that the werewolf was being truthful. The naked pain in his eyes was entirely too human for that. “I didn’t know,” Allison repeated again. It wasn’t an excuse, it was just all she had. He snorted. “Whatever. I’ve gotta go. Be careful with them, yeah?” She bit her lip and nodded, wondering how much he really knew about what she was doing. Had Scott clued in any of his pack about her plans? He’d seemed protective of Brett, and the younger boy seemed to be one of the ones who followed his lead over Cora’s, but who knew how pack politics really worked…god, could she just have five complete moments to feel on top of things and not totally in over her head? “Damn,” Violet said once Brett had disappeared around a corner in the hall. “I mean, I knew he was an orphan too, but I didn’t know he had…shit.” “Well, he probably doesn’t advertise because he doesn’t want people gossiping about it,” Allison said. Jackson and Danny nodded in agreement, the freshmen looking thoughtful, but Lydia and Stiles were both just watching her, the same as they’d been through she and Brett’s entire little tété-a-tété. Feeling an abrupt need to be elsewhere, she chose the better part of valor and fled. “Look, I gotta get going too, but you all have directions, right? See you after school!” Weak, Allison. She circled the school, doing a lap across the quad and around the outer edges of the buildings to calm herself. Almost predictably at this point, her efforts were thwarted by the appearance of one Scott McCall sitting cross-legged on the grass behind the Liberal Arts building.   She pulled up short for half a second at the sight of him, wavering slightly in her choice of routes at the abrupt memory of not the smile she’d been obsessing - not obsessing, mulling - over for the past week, but rather the heated nature of their actual last encounter.  *******
*Later end part of the chapter, as Allison asks Lydia for a ride home, who responds by mentioning that she thought Allison drove to school that morning. Ties into something that happened between these parts* 
Allison: “I must not have, else why would I need a ride?” Lydia: ”You’re in a mood. I’d ask what’s actually got you in a snit but I have a sense we’re not there yet, and I wouldn’t want to add to your stress by making you lie to me. Seeing as how we’re obviously already best friends who are way past the lying and using each other stage.”
Allison: “I’m so sorry - “
 Lydia: “Oh stop apologizing, I was just pricking to see if you bleed, it wasn’t actually an invitation to start gushing. I decided I was over it like five full seconds after it happened.”
Allison: “I’m really off the hook that easy?”
Lydia: “Well, its a matter of priorities. Most things are with me. I briefly weighed the pros and cons of continuing with this friendship versus never talking to you again, and the only reason I let you 'manipulate me’ into setting all this up in pursuit of whatever agenda you actually have in the first place, was I have the strangest feeling you’re doing it for good reasons. As inexplicably ephemeral a conclusion as that is. God, next thing you know I’m going to be talking about vibes and shopping at New Age emporiums. Ugh. Regardless. In addition to of all of the above, there’s the little matter of you clearly being enmeshed in something beyond normal ken, and likely the only way I’ll ever know what that is lies in our continued friendship. And I want to know.”
 Allison: “Why?”
Lydia, primly as she shrugs and fixes her makeup in the mirror: “I like to know things.”
 Allison: “Maybe you’re better off not knowing some things.”
 Lydia: “Oh I’m sure, but that’s one of those pesky little realizations that only ever comes with hindsight unfortunately. Cryptic pronouncements sadly have a very poor track record offsetting the pursuits of curiosity once its been unleashed.”
Allison: “You could always just trust me.”
Lydia: “Mmm. Quoth the admitted liar.”
Lydia: “So you see, I can’t be persuaded that knowing what you don’t want me to know is a bad idea without a frame of reference I can’t have without knowing what you know. Bit of a quandary there.”
Allison: “You might want to be careful with words like that. Wouldn’t want it getting out that you know them. Could ruin your carefully cultivated reputation.”
Lydia: “Oh, I’m sure my secret’s safe along with the rest locked up nice and tight in Fort Allison. Now if you’re going to insist on changing the subject please do pick an actual subject to change to. Shoddy deflection is so beneath us.”
Allison: “There’s really nothing I can say to convince you to not sniff around more here, huh?”
Lydia: “Fraid not, unless you want to unpack that frame of reference for me yourself.”
Allison: “Yeah, sorry. I’m going to have to pass on that.”
Lydia: “Not even if I appeal to your pragmatic side? Look at it this way, telling me yourself and getting this over with is simply the most efficient path forward. After all, I will find out eventually, one way or another. Or hadn’t you heard? I always get my way.”
Allison: “Maybe, but it won’t be because of me.”
Lydia: “Challenge accepted.”
Allison: "Not really not where I was going with that.”
Lydia: “Oh sweetie, the sooner you accept you’re not in control here, the smoother the rest of our friendship will go.”
Allison: “You’re a piece of work.”
Lydia: “Oh, you damn me with faint praise. I’m nothing short of a masterpiece.”
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Hi🌻 Congrats for reaching this milestone! I have been following u for a long time so I m happy to see u reach this in no time. I would like to join in this compatibility with Yeonjun. U can do kinky spread or any nsfw spread to see the compatibility since I m above 18 alrdy lol. Tbh, Yeonjun is not my bias but I m bored so this idea has intruiged me to try it.
Impression of ur blog: Pretty organized. Like when I first saw ur blog, it def looks like u knows wht to do and how to make it work around here. Like u alrdy have an idea in ur mind that u have set for this blog. Like the lists, mastelist, rules, readings, everything. I like that about ur blog honestly. We can just easily access the readings u did in the past or just read the rules before sending in. U make it accessible and easy for us to understand how it works so it's great.
A little info abt myself: hmm, if u are going to do 18+ spreads, then I must say tht I am Dom and yes I knw. It's rlly rare for female doms to exist in this world. I guess I was born to be that way since I hate being told to do ever since I was a kid lol. Another fact abt me is that I am not a morning person and I prefer staying up late at night. I rlly like envy ppl who can jux wake up pretty early and be all happy and active lolll. Like how do y'all do tht when u jux woke up?🤨😂 like how do y'all have the energy and mood for it?🤣 anyways, are u a morning person or a night person Kleo?👀 lemme knw.
Hello dear!
Thank you for participating in this event!
Yes, I’m a super early morning person. Like I can easily not only wake up but also immediately get up at 3 am or 4 am or 5 am. My usual routine means getting up from bed and going for a dog walk straight away, like within 10 minutes of waking up, I’m already outside, before anything else. I have breakfast after the walk. So yeah, I’m one of those special people. Lol. I was born that way.
And it’s so great to meet another female dom here! Yes, we are super rare. I’m also a dom. I don’t mind being told what to do if it makes sense for me like when I’m learning something new and need an expert to teach but someone who just thinks I will respect them only because of what they have in their pants will learn a painful lesson.
And thank you! I’m indeed a very organised person. If I’m away from home and someone asks me where something is there, I’m able to tell them the location precisely because everything is sorted. 
Anyway! Let’s dive into your reading!
18+ content ahead!
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bae127 + Yeonjun (TXT) Compatibility Reading
Cards: 5 of Wands, X The Wheel of Fortune, II The High Priestess (Tarot in Wonderland), XIII The Death, XIV Temperance, VIII Justice (Tarot of Casanova), 3. The Alchemist (Oracle of the Roses), 16. Solar Calm (Starcodes Astro Oracle)
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I can see right away that Yeonjun doesn’t exactly spark passion in you. That might be the reason for you two quarrelling and feeling like fighting an already lost battle. You might somewhat consider him too shallow for your taste, his interests are not aligned with yours and while you can easily see deeper, there’s nothing much to be found in him. You might tend to treat him more like a child than a grown up man, taking care of his carnal needs but without lust or passion occuring.
As for the sexual aspect of your relationship, I’m afraid that even if he tried he wouldn’t be able to satisfy you. The cards suggest you might end up pleasuring yourself when he fails his mission and falls asleep. You are pretty much the one doing all the magic and work here. You might be able to deliver blinding pleasure to him but there’s no reciprocity. You might enjoy Yeonjun whispering praises while you play with him but he’s not really the one to make you scream in return.
Your inner sun is calm and there are no eruptions when Yeonjun is around. You might try but same like the figures on 5 of Wands, you’re not likely to build a functioning relationship and only feel like running in a hamster wheel without escape.
Thank you for reading!
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nikethestatue · 2 years
so let’s break something down here because my mind is like ?????
i was reading this random thread and someone pointed out how majority of the acotar shippers for Az are gwynr*els.
now, how in the world is that logically possible? Canonly possible? there was no hint of any romance between the two in the acosf or the bonus chapter per se. now you can ship who you like but I’m m just trying to understand this by logic and numbers.
I do not know how true this is, so correct me if I am wrong but how can there be so many of them with nothing in canon to go off of? there needs to be a scientific research on this.
there is no way all these people are gwyr*el or gw*n fans because if they are claiming that we don’t know a lot about Elain, heck than what do we know or a side character who was only introduced in the most recent book? Also how well do we know Azriel outside of everyone else pov just like Elaine?
Now I want to hear your thoughts and others from the fandom that want to chime in. But here is what i think: a good majority of gwynr*els are first and foremost Elain haters/dislikers and that can only be for the following reasons plus more, give me some of yours if you can.
1. First: the read acosf as a stand alone: which still makes no sense but if someone doesn’t have the brain capacity to think wait this can’t possibly be a stand alone? How can we expect them to have the reading comprehension to pick up on all the 4 books and the novela’s foreshadowing and clear evidence that Elaine has been involved in every single aspect. Even though we don’t see her often, we still see that she does so much. How does your brain not register that? outside of ships, let’s be real for a second. This is ridiculous to me.
2 . She has more feminine traits and they want all woman to be warrior princess with a sword. apparently you are strong or exciting if you don’t sword play or ar
3. they self insert
Azriel wants Elaine and you have to be delusional to deny that lol. but moreover this whole Elaine doesn’t challenge Azriel thing sends me because first of all we don’t know them enough to assume they don’t challenge one another. But also, not everyone wants to be challenged. Have you all ever wondered why Azriel choose Elaine and not anyone else? Because maybe just because he wants peace and quiet??
Honestly I forgot where I was going with this lol but yeah I’m saying the numbers aren’t adding up. I feel like on tiktok/insta a lot of casual viewers + like, like things and move along but it’s in the polls where we see the actual numbers. for instance that whole Romeo&Juliette art send them freaking with “we refrained from voting” 😭
Sorry for the rant, but in hindsight, what I am asking is: how do these numbers make sense? How does this ship make any sense? Where are these ppl getting the nerve from?
One word answer to all your questions:
The rise of Gwynriel directly coincides with the rise of booktok and TikTok.
Now, you can just blather on and on without anyone checking for facts. You can make up any headcanon, and if you are someone with lots of followers or convincing enough, people will simply think that you are telling the truth. That it actually happened in the books.
That's why the most common questions from newly minted Gwynriels, who've been drinking from the TikTok and Insta firehouse, is 'where is the Gwynriel book?' 'where can i read all the cute Gwynriel scenes?" 'i saw adorable art of Gwyn and Az, what scene was it?"
The answer is:
But essentially, that's how it got started and how it spread. No other vehicle was more useful to useful idiots than TikTok.
They think that ACOSF is chockful of Gwynriel, and then, when they finally read the book, it they are very disappointed because there are no Gwynriel scenes.
They attribute 'you are the new ribbon' saying to Gwyn, even though of course it was Nesta who said it.
They think that Gwyn is walking around parading in her regifted necklace. No she isn't.
They think Azriel just about confessed his love to her, where as all he thinks about is Elain.
It's really quite sad.
But that's why you have to check your sources and your facts.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
ppl don’t need to be following you to have seen your post about the campaign since you tagged legends of tomorrow. the show isn’t as important to you as for those who were there watching for years, it impacts ppl differently. they were able to turn the cancellation, something that made them angry, into having a sense of purpose. they’re not dense to think doing these thing will most likely save the show, it’s more of a message of what they have done and the ppl they have affected, same with batwoman. fanfiction won’t bring ppl together, it won’t get word out to ppl outside of the fandom. there have been articles about these campaigns. they have a little hope, why are you trying to dash and criticise their little hope? no one is forced to donate and no one is donating if they can’t afford it. it’s not going to go on forever, but if this helps them cope for a while, putting in a little money each is worth it to them. doing these things for cancelled shows aren’t new, it’s just some are luckier than others to get picked up. legends and batwoman campaigns started before shit really hit the fan with wb/discovery merge and more projects started getting cancelled. more queer shows have been cancelled and believe me, there’ll be billboards to save those shows eventually. that’s just how it is.
i'm sorry but if you think your indie billboard campaign is going to save legends of tomorrow then you are either very ignorant or you are actively lying to yourself. that is just not how that works! i am criticizing their hope because not only are their efforts misplaced, they are extremely expensive and it is such a shame to see people waste their money in this way! and not a little infuriating to me that they claim to be trying to support diverse stories yet are not putting that money directly toward storytellers who come from marginalized backgrounds, but instead are just putting it toward this cause that will not accomplish anything. if you're going to be spending all that money, at least let it be for something that MEANS something. these billboards mean nothing.
also fanfiction DOES bring people together! there are people who have met their future spouse through fanfiction! i promise you this billboard campaign is not the only way to make friends in fandom. start a fandom discord! go to a local fandom convention! there are other options that are far less expensive than a FUCKING billboard fundraiser.
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stormtheskyelf · 1 year
Second Chances
Tw: Vore, digestion/reformation, ppl getting oofed by car, some sadness
Isabell and I were only teens when she went.
I didn’t even know that man, yet he went for us.
We were having fun, and the car just came out of nowhere. She pushed me out of the way- a selfless, generous, loving gesture- and I couldn’t do anything.
I still remember the news report.
 “16-year-old Isabell Richer is dead after a horrific attack by a family enemy. She was taken to a nearby hospital and later died a hero, as she donated her organs to a local charity. Truly a horrible thing.”
 15 years later, here I am. A 31-year-old, still missing her childhood friend.
My parents tell me it wasn’t my fault.
But when I remember it, I can’t stop myself from dissolving into an ugly mess of tears.
It’s worse that the man- named “AL Jackson”- is now on the streets. I’m constantly living in fear.
 I’m walking to the nearby Starbucks now. I need sugar, and marshmallows don’t cut it. It’s something to do with anxiety or some sh1-. Oh well.
When I get there, I order a Pink Drink and a cake pop.
“Order for Skylar!” I pick it up and go back to my table. I feel like I’m being watched...
 A black Mazda.
 Straight out of nowhere.
  “Welcome to Fox News everyone. AL Jackson has yet again ran over a number of innocent people while drunk driving, starting with 31-year-old Skylar Flightson, 46-year-old John Kiffin…”
   I wake up to a white sky. It’s very bright. I thought the Mazda ran into me?
“Welcome to the Gateway.”
 I turn around to see two tall figures, one with russet horns and tail, and dragon-like wings. The H3ll Gate.
To the left, however, the second, with feathery wings and a halo, who must be the Heaven Gate-
 “Isa – Isabell?” I choke out. She smiles at me softly. “You took so long to wake up, sleepyhead.” She says. I stand up and start towards her, only to stop in my tracks. “But- where will I go...?”
“You must be reborn.”  She answers. The demon is suddenly gone, and I’m in her hand. I’m around the size of a fly, and I feel even smaller as she brings me closer to her face.
She explained what she needed to do in order for me to be reborn.
“So basically, you need to swallow me whole and digest me so you can cough up my soul and send me back to earth.”
“Pretty much.”
“Can we spend some time together before you do all that?”
She cracks a smile. “Might as well.”
 We spend some time together.
She beats me at Uno several times.
I chase her for a few minutes.
She grabs me and flies around the room.
 Finally, she looks down at the clouds below us. “They’re giving up hope that your still alive...” She murmurs.
“I guess it’s time then.” My shoulders droop. We were having such fun... and I’m not really looking forward to being eaten.
               Isabell goes back to giant mode and picks me up gently. She must’ve seen the anxiety in my eyes, because the next thing she says is: “Don’t worry, it’s painless. Do you want me to cast a sleeping spell on you?”
              I shake my head no and she nods, taking a deep breath. I’m moved to her mouth and set inside. She closes it behind me, and... woah. Her mouth is a deep purple, almost like amethysts, and her teeth are sharper than normal people. I’m so interested in it that I don’t even notice that I’m now at the back of her mouth. She pauses, as if asking a question.
Are you ready?
 I feel as if I can’t speak- but I manage a small, soothing patting motion.
Isabell tilts her head back ever so slightly- and swallows.
 I stay as still as possible, and I can feel a slight pressure from the outside. She’s following my path with her fingers, I realize, and as I do that, I’m suddenly emptied into an indigo pouch- the stomach.
It’s filling with a slight mist, and I can already tell that I’m being dissolved. I lift my hand up and see my fingers flowing off into blue smoke.
I press my hand against my stomach. Skylar was so brave- usually they ask if there’s another way.
That’s why I was her friend, after all.
“Isabell...?” I hear a quiet voice from my middle.
“Will I ever see you again?”
“You might not, but you will always have my blessing.”
She lets out a quiet sigh.
 A few moments later, I open my mouth and catch the blue soul of my friend. Just a ball of light.
I smile and teleport to the hospital room, normal sized. I rest my hand over her chest and the light seeps into her.
Suddenly, she gasps and sits up, breathing heavily. She locks eyes with me, and I give her a last smile before disappearing.
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Just cuz I was thinking of it, this is usually what my OC profiles look like (for Derry and Lia, my DAO protags).  I found that in writing original stuff I needed templates like this to help me keep from getting my characters ‘muddy’.  When editing or if a character starts to feel off character I can go back and look it over.  
The character traits help guide me to look at how they would make a choice or cause a wrinkle in the story.  Likes and dislikes are good for conversations and how they interact with other ppl.  The emotional arc of the character, so I don’t forget to give them growth throughout the story (I make them even for small bit players, just make the arc suitably small or petty).  This isn’t like...guided by any book or writing advice or anything smart like that.  
It’s just what I’ve found helps me.
Name:  Liana Mahariel
Age:  24-30s
Foster mother- Ashalle
BF- Zevran Arainai
BF- Darian Tabris
Nicknames:  Lia, Mouse (z&d, leli), Pebble(aeducan), Lily(zevran), Fawn(ashalle), Killer (anders)
Class and Spec:  Mage, Blood Mage
Associations:  The Wardens, The Dalish Federation
Alignment:  True Neutral
Height:  5'
Hair: Chestnut Brown, 3A
Eyes: Dark Brown
5 Adjectives:  Stoic, Cautious, Protective, Ruthless, Intelligent
'Negative' character traits: Standoffish, casual liar, single-minded, poor social skills, vengeful
'Positive' character traits: Goal-oriented, active listener, pragmatic, humble, thoughtful
Most likely to: mercy-kill someone without guilt
Least likely to: speak up for herself when someone upsets her
Likes: The color orange, lily of the valley and lilacs, autumn, swimming, wine, blackberries, seafood, writing poetry, photography and videography, traveling, animals, gardening
Dislikes: Skirts, impracticality, crowds and elevators (agoraphobia), slobs, hotels, smoking, fast food, beer, anything apple flavored, television, people who will not choose a restaurant when offered suggestions, second chances
Character arc 1:  Due to severe generational trauma, does not easily open up to or accept others. Because of that, tends to simply ignore or accept poor behavior towards her with the assumption that it  is simply how others are and saying anything would be wasted.  Has a very dim view of people as a whole.  Also has a very dim view of herself- tends to see her own attitudes and behaviors as 'unchangeable' because she doesn't really believe anyone can change.  In following Darian and being exposed to his unrelenting love for the city of Denerim and the people of the alienage, she begins to see the worth of the world outside her own, and Zevran's unquestioning support and unobtrusive sympathy helps her learn to forgive and understand herself.  She grows to be honest and trust (a few select people, let's not go crazy here).
Name: Darian Adaian Tabris
Age:  20- late 20s
Father- Cyrion
Cousin- Shianni
Cousin- Soris
GF- Liana Mahariel
BF- Zevran Arainai
Nicknames:  Derry, Troublemaker (L&Z), Kid(aeducan)
Class and Spec:  Warrior, Champion
Associations:  His band
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height:  5'11”
Hair:  Dark ginger, 1B
Eyes: Blue
5 Adjectives: Enthusiastic, Aggressive, Emotive, Supportive, Impulsive
'Negative' character traits: Prone to violence, bad listener, self-centered, unpredictable, judgmental
'Positive' character traits:  Loving, protective, strong sense of justice, community-minded, charismatic
Most likely to: start a fight without understanding the situation
Least likely to: buy thoughtful presents :(
Likes:  The color black, fashion, summer, cheap beer, good chocolate, junk food, music, fist fights, self-expression, art in general, being surrounded by friends, causing problems on purpose, dogs and cats, running, physical contact
Dislikes: practicality, schedules (ADHD), wildlife; especially insects and snakes, strawberries (allergy), being sick, licorice, fancy food, rich people, television, lying, snobs, hypocrisy, new things (esp food)
Character arc 1:  Due to Andrastian religious upbringing, both thrives on and wallows in guilt.  Finds it very motivating (sometimes positively) but also punishes himself deeply for perceived 'wrongs' and 'evils'.  But on the other hand, has a natural rulebreaker's spirit, and enjoys indulging in a great many 'minor' sins with a hedonistic bent; claims it's so he has something to confess.  Intially clings to the Chantry's definition of right and wrong even when it directly contradicts his own morality. Grows to let go of his childish view of good and evil, and to focus more on understanding and combating what causes harm to others.  Allows him to accept the idea of a) being in love with a man, and b) being in a relationship with more than one person.
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Do you have any tips for writing? Or do you just have an unbelievable natural talent?
I don’t— I don’t even know how to answer this bc…😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 I would not consider myself talented at all 😫 I personally feel like I’m breaking all the rules when I write bc I don’t know them, the do’s and don’ts. I read an article the other day, and I def did everything on their “never do this” list. I look at other ppl’s writing and constantly think “dammit, I’ll never be that good!” So I dunno. I’m just making it up as I go along and learning a bit more each time. I still feel like a newbie even tho I’ve been writing fic for 2 years now. Since I never wrote before that, I feel like I’m playing catch up all the time. So yeah, no idea if this made sense, but I was blown away and am kinda reeling about your ask. Like, “who me?” So thank you from the bottom of my heart 💕💕💕 gonna turn into a puddle now 😭
To get to the other part, I did answer an ask awhile back that included suggestions for writing motivation and what works for me (again with the caveat that I’m more familiar with nonfiction writing). It’s super long, but I think it applies to your ask. I’ll link it here. There’s a lot of info there. I will say. I did try writing sprints after I wrote this, and honestly they got me thru last year’s Skam Big Bang. I’m easily distracted, but the sprints kept me focused. No sneaking off to tumblr 😂. And I also liked seeing how much progress I was making in real time. So yeah, sprints are great!
Other advice I didn’t mention in that post:
Write what makes you happy, what excites you, what brings you joy. It’s so easy to get bogged down with “will anyone like this? ” It doesn’t matter. Unless you’re trying to publish, which is a whole diff world outside of my experience, fic writing is for you and about you. It’s about your love for the characters or the show or the world. You’re sharing that love with ppl, and whether 30 or 300 or 3000 ppl read it, you’ve made someone’s life better. I still struggle with this, but in the end I ask myself what matters most, being proud of my story and being happy that I wrote it, or the kudos? I have a fic with 11 kudos, and that’s okay. So I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t focus on the numbers. Focus on writing what makes you happy. (Also the age old, write what you know 😂—but I have a whole shadowhunters collection, and I’ve def never swung a sword or fought a demon, so...).
So in a similar vein, there’s also the “is this any good?” question that haunts us. Honestly, just put words on the paper!! It doesn’t matter. Try something new. Experiment. See what you’ve got in you. You’ll never know if you don’t try. Try try again. You’ll grow and improve and learn about yourself, but that only works if you start somewhere. Fic writing isn’t about being a perfect, great literary author, it’s about finding joy in sharing the story that’s in your head with ppl who also love those characters. Plenty of ppl slap up unedited stories. There’s no expectation. We’re out there having fun. And anyway, writing is a process, your stories will improve from one to the next. Just keep writing. 
Don’t be afraid to take ideas from real life. So many of my fics are grounded in reality. Anything can be inspiration for a story. I had an ER nurse who looked like Merlin, and a sobbe fic was born (odd correlation, i know). I got bogged down thinking about how kinnporsche got their shirts off while handcuffed together, and another sobbe fic was born. You can also use fic/plot generators or ask for prompts if you need ideas. 
I don’t do this bc I don’t like being bombarded by information, but a lot of ppl follow writing and author’s blogs. They give out great advice, and Neil Gaiman in particular is very active and often adds to posts. 
Internet searches are your best friend. I have at least 30 tabs open when I’m writing fic. A thesaurus tab and all kinds of research tabs. You can google anything. Need to know what exact set list Queen with Adam Lambert played in Brussels in 2019, you can find that. (I did, haha). Sometimes it helps to ground your story in reality so that it feels more real to you. Will anyone notice? Probably not, but we can get a lot of enjoyment out of our research dives, and you’ll know, which is all that matters.
Read, read, read. As I said before, I never wrote stories, nor did I study creative writing. But i read a hell of a lot. I think that helps. I understand plot and character. I know grammar. I know the mechanics of story writing. I think there’s something to be said that the more you expose yourself to the literary world, the more you will be able to function within it. You’ll pick up on how things are done--plot organization, character development, etc. Also sometimes it can be just as helpful to learn what not to do.
I don’t know if this is even remotely helpful. I hope it is. I am a very insecure writer, and I still don’t think of myself as one. I’m still surprised I’ve written half a million words of fic. I hope this came across as more hopeful and helpful than negative nancy, but i do understand the woes and struggles of writing too. Please let me know if there’s something more specific. This was very general.
I apologize for the length of this and for the length of the linked ask. You know me, I always write too much. I wish you all the best in your writing journey, and I hope to read your work some day!!!  Thank you for this ask and for blowing my mind and making my day and making me cry. 💕💕💕
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ladegaard59campbell · 2 years
Where To Purchase The Most Effective Stockx Ua Prime Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Rare ***low Stock Alert*** Hypedripz Is One Of The Best High Quality Trusted Clone Replica Pretend Designer Hypebeast Seller Website 2021
Your thoughts on the bag's general form, flap form, leather-based trim and color, hardware/buckle/ shape and engravings, strap, and logo stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet handbag, and medium and large look precisely the same, many girls shall be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior purse bag printed with the brand iconic cannage sample, and Diorrismo purse is not any modification of the sleek leather-based. These skilled craftsmen, shall be leather drilling, stitching processing, and eventually the colour of the leather-based. Handbag inside and outside the 2 colors with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” purse can be very involved concerning the aspect of the dyeing, giving its unique graphics appearance. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make certain to examine the “8500” text on the interior side of the shoes. Mostly, the pretend Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their textual content using a different font than the one used to print the text on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the final step of the guide on the way to spot pretend vs actual Air Jordan 1 Dior High shoes, we are going to take a look at the Dior 1 Highs for his or her textual content on the particular field. Gonna go ahead and pull the trigger ❤️ Such a surprising bag certainly. This is why I do not do pre liked, however with all the scams going within the actual shops with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who is aware of whag we will trust these days. I notice she by no means sent me manufacturing unit photographs since I specified I wished it from Angel manufacturing unit. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we're a well-known online useful resource and editorial companies web site in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will value a complete of $8,755, not together with the accessories, which are available at the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens right now. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are supplied here. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are offered right here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are provided here. Not only is every single bag handmade, however each bag can be directly impressed by the haute couture clothes and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the last remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR offers you the prospect to be part of a protracted tradition of fantastic luxury items. When each bag is made just for you, it’s exhausting to move up! With all of this being said for the inside tongue label’s side with a quantity of strains of textual content for the pretend vs real AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the following step of the guide on the method to spot fake Air Jordan 1 Dior footwear. With a score of ninety three.2%, this new age retailer has a great assortment of products. They take care of all kinds of merchandise such as leather-based handbags, designer summer season luggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling bags, wallets and more. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you might get it for $100 or lesser? Most of those replicas, look the same, really feel the identical and have a similar craftsmanship. On the up aspect, you ought to purchase a couple of bag when you're looking for a replica, for the explanation that these alternate bags shall be inexpensive. What this implies is that you could change up your appearance a few times with the replicas, whenever you would doubtless solely be capable of purchase one genuine purse at any given time. But, if you don't wish anybody to acknowledge that your bag is a faux, do your best not to buy your luggage in too many eccentric colours. I myself can actually see why Princess Diana loved the bag. The eleven detailed steps outlined above may not be so sensible when you're in a hurry or whenever you need to buy the sneakers on-line. Basically, the state of affairs right here is basically just like the one we’ve previously analysed at the Jumpman logo. Let’s take a look at two other versions of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s colour on the only with the assistance of the image below. https://phoenet.tw/dior-replica.html The steps we’ve written thus far are the best ways to authenticate this merchandise. The authentic shoes should look like an hourglass, which signifies that they have to be curvy on the upper and decrease sides of the shoes, and within the middle, they are alleged to have a narrowing. wikipedia handbags
0 notes
Where To Buy The Most Effective Stockx Ua High Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Uncommon ***low Stock Alert*** Hypedripz Is The Best Top Quality Trusted Clone Replica Faux Designer Hypebeast Seller Website 2021
Your ideas on the bag's general shape, flap form, leather-based trim and shade, hardware/buckle/ form and engravings, strap, and emblem stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet purse, and medium and enormous look exactly the same, many women will be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior handbag bag printed with the model iconic cannage pattern, and Diorrismo handbag is not any modification of the graceful leather. These skilled craftsmen, will be leather drilling, sewing processing, and finally the colour of the leather-based. Handbag inside and outside the 2 colours with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” purse is also very involved about the side of the dyeing, giving its distinctive graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. wikipedia handbags Make sure to verify the “8500” text on the interior facet of the footwear. Mostly, the faux Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their textual content using a unique font than the one used to print the textual content on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the last step of the guide on how to spot pretend vs real Air Jordan 1 Dior High sneakers, we are going to have a look at the Dior 1 Highs for their text on the particular box. Gonna go ahead and pull the trigger ❤️ Such a stunning bag indeed. This is why I don't do pre loved, but with all the scams going within the actual stores with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who is conscious of whag we can belief these days. I notice she by no means sent me manufacturing facility pictures since I specified I needed it from Angel factory. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we're a well-known on-line resource and editorial services site in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will value a complete of $8,755, not together with the accessories, which are available on the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens at present. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are offered right here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are offered here. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are provided here. Not solely is every single bag handmade, but every bag can be directly impressed by the high fashion clothes and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the last remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR presents you the chance to be part of a protracted custom of nice luxurious items. When each bag is made just for you, it’s hard to cross up! With all of this being mentioned for the interior tongue label’s facet with multiple strains of textual content for the faux vs actual AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the following step of the information on how to spot pretend Air Jordan 1 Dior footwear. With a score of 93.2%, this new age store has a good collection of merchandise. They cope with all kinds of products such as leather handbags, designer summer luggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling baggage, wallets and more. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you will get it for $100 or lesser? Most of those replicas, look the same, feel the same and have an analogous craftsmanship. On the up side, you ought to purchase multiple bag when you're purchasing for a reproduction, for the reason that these alternate luggage shall be cheaper. What this implies is that you could change up your appearance a few times with the replicas, if you would doubtless only have the power to purchase one authentic purse at any given time. https://phoenet.tw/dior-replica.html But, if you don't wish anybody to recognize that your bag is a pretend, do your greatest not to purchase your luggage in too many eccentric colors. I myself can actually see why Princess Diana liked the bag. The 11 detailed steps outlined above might not be so practical when you're in a hurry or whenever you wish to purchase the sneakers on-line. Basically, the scenario right here is basically much like the one we’ve beforehand analysed at the Jumpman brand. Let’s take a look at two other versions of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s color on the sole with the help of the image beneath. The steps we’ve written so far are the most effective ways to authenticate this merchandise. The genuine shoes must look like an hourglass, which implies that they need to be curvy on the upper and lower sides of the footwear, and in the center, they are imagined to have a narrowing.
0 notes
fr0st-km · 2 years
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GN! S/O . NO warnings(?) . HEADCANONS/DRABLE
NOTE : guess who finally went out of their grave? Anyways, have these headcanons of my favorite boys as an apology for disappearing 😢
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- He thinks that you are an interesting individual, an attractive one, to be exact.
- You can be as quiet as a mouse and as shy as a rabbit, perhaps you have the side of an enthusiastic one too <3
- He noticed that you have a thing for sharp items. For ex: He noticed you staring at a knife with awe in the Mostro Lounge’s kitchen. Is this normal or…?
- Jade also realized that you don’t really have the specialty in cooking. He knew immediately after her tried your…curry…Since he didn’t want to make you feel bad and all, he continued eating with a suffering smile on his face.
- He ended up having a stomachache in the end so you had to carry him all the way to the infirmary. You went really fast and Jade was so damn confused on how quick a human being could be 😭 you’re as quick as he is when he’s in his eel form underwater.
- When he asks how your agility is so high, you keep on making excuses too like “Oh— uh…I joined a track club back in middle school!”
- Yeah he knows you’re lying and is hiding something…Perhaps use his unique magic to confirm it…
- My guy new something was off about you ever since you two had met.
- Especially when you insisted to help him on cooking 😰 when he instructed you to cut the tomatoes, you did cut the tomatoes perfectly but along with the CUTTING BOARD????
- He deadpanned at you in shock while you went into apology overload. How can you even…
- Just like Jade, he noticed you have a thing for sharp items and is very much concerned.
- But he does know how good you are at cleaning. When he visited the Ramshackle dorm, it was spotless! He’s impressed, really. But the dorm still needs a lot of makeovers…
- Then he learns about your special abilities. You have very quick reflexes and superhuman strength. Even though you always wear heels, you can run with ease and with just a single hit, you can send a man or two flying to a wall.
- You could seriously break someone’s ribs without even trying and having the intentions to do so (haha…)
- In general of Idia headcanons, he never expected to date someone like you. YOU’RE LITERALLY A BEAUTY HELLO????
- He finds you to be rather interesting! Especially with your superhuman strength.
- One day, he asked you to get the manga book he ordered online since he was too scared to interact with people. However, you dragged him out of his bed and made him follow you, Idia yelled for Ortho’s help but his younger brother just shrugged and agreed with the fact that he should go outside more. Great betrayal Ortho 😢
- During the walk to the gates, apparently a magic wheel was rushing towards you both out of nowhere. Covering his head with his hand, Idia thought that he was about to die when all of the sudden he heard something crash onto a tree. The magic wheel crashed into the tree while the student riding it was on the floor unharmed. The fiery-haired male realized that his lover was the one who sent the magic wheel flying towards the tree, such superhuman strength!!
- Next thing you knew was your boyfriend on the floor unconscious. 😰
- Like Jamil and Jade, he also realized that you…Have a thing for sharp items…
- I’ll be damn honest with the fact that Idia fears you so much that every time you visit him he’d have a pale face and stutter more than he used to. You thought that he was just embarrassed but he’s actually so scared 😭
- He really does find you intimidating 😢 But a reminder that he has a thing for attractive and intimidating ppl 👁
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Note: I’ll be answering those 50+ asks later, too lazy to do it now 😢
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realcube · 3 years
trying to be nice to their crush hcs
navi | masterlist | taglist
thank you to 🍦anon for this cute request!
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characters: tsukishima, kyōtani, sakusa & suna
content warning: swearing & sexual references 
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kei tsukishima 
♡ this is all yamaguchi’s fault (︶^︶)
♡ he found out tsukki had a crush on you bc he mentioned you a lot in conversation so yamaguchi interrogated him for answers then lo and behold, the beanpole had a lil thing for you 
♡ you sit in front of tsukishima in homeroom while yamaguchi sits beside him so when you leaned back and asked him if you could borrow a pencil and he spat back a snarky remark about you being too irresponsible to care for your own pencils, yamaguchi hastily offered you one of his own before scolding tsukishima 
♡ he explained to his clueless friend that being nasty to people isn’t a good way to get them to like you 
♡ so perhaps he should be nicer :)
♡ honestly, tsukishima would’ve just looked yamaguchi straight in the eyes and went ‘no’, if it wasn’t for the fact you shot tadashi the sweetest smile anD PLAYFULLY BLEW HIM A KISS AFTER HE JUST GAVE YOU A DAMN PENCIL LIKE WTF 
♡ after that, he decided to give up his current personality and pick up a new one 
♡ jk jk 
♡ but he had to binge a whole bunch of those youtube psychology videos that are like ‘psychological tricks to make people like you’ and ‘THESE 5 MIND TRICKS WILL MAKE YOU THE MOST POPULAR PERSON *EVER*’!!
♡ spoiler alert: he wasn’t the most popular person but perhaps that was bc he only went to the effort of using those tricks on you 
♡ god bless him; he tries hard, he really does. (not his best, just hard)
♡ but you don’t have to be extremely observant to realise that he’s began acting different around you and of course, it confused you seeing tsukishima being nice
♡ what irritated you was how dismissive he was being of your questions though, as he was clearly trying to lead you to believe that you were crazy and he’s just always been a nice guy 
♡ but as soon as he figures out that he angered you, he’ll instantly switch back to him normal self - draining his mind of the hours of phycology studying he did last night to just pretend like it never happened 
♡ and if he’s feeling flirty, he might be extra mean to you ( ̄︶ ̄)
♡ also he makes a mental note to never take yamaguchi’s romance advice ever again 🙄
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed, removing your hand from your bag after desperately rummaging through it in search of a pencil once again - deja vu. once you accepted that a pencil wasn’t going to materialise out of thin air, you peered over your shoulder and tapped the corner of yamaguchi’s desk, who wore a suspicious grin which you decided against questioning. 
“yamaguchi, do you think i could borrow a pencil again? sorry, this is the last time, i swear. i’ll be sure to get some on my way home after school tod--” 
yamaguchi dropped the line him and tsukishima had rehearsed many times beforehand, while clutching his pencilcase dear to his chest, “woah, (y/n). you’re so irresponsible. sorry, i can’t lend one of my pristine pencils to someone who is too forgetful to remember to buy some; what if you forget to return it to me?” 
tsukishima cringed at how forced it sounded but he couldn’t help but admire yamaguchi's dedication to his role. this allowed tsukishima to swoop in, pencil in hand, “here.” that wasn’t in the script but he panicked! okay, now, eye contact. 
you just sat there and stared at both of them with the most dumbfounded look plastered on your face. what just happened?  why were they both acting like they were in drama class?  and why are they both so bad at acting? they’re both passing performing arts for fucks’ sake!
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kentarō kyōtani 
♡ sorry but i firmly believe kyōtani is the sorta guy to be extra mean to ppl he fancies smh
♡ the rest of them just act (somewhat) like themselves around their crush but kyōtani is himself2 (himself^2)
♡ like one time yahaba found you trembling in your locker bc you had gotten mud on mad dog’s white shoes so he chased you through the hallways of the school, threatening to trek mud on your forehead 
♡ yahaba took it upon himself to investigate as to why kyōtani was so rude to you and he got his answer as soon as he mentioned your name to mad dog and the boy’s face immediately flushed red 
♡ so after practise, yahaba schools mad dog on how to get chicks (⌐■_■)
♡ in short, his advice was ‘good guys get laid’ and for kyōtani’s understanding, ‘good’ and ‘kind’ were interchangeable 
♡ mad dog wasn’t completely oblivious to how he treated you and he was aware that he was far from ‘kind’
♡ although he usually doesn’t listen to people in general, yahaba seemed to know what he was talking about so he figured there was no harm in trying to be nice 
♡ but ngl, he just spent the rest of the day wondering...what is kind?
♡ after a few messages back and forth with yahaba, he figured that the best place to start was by apologising for - y’know - chasing you around the whole school 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“oi!” kyōtani bellowed through hallway, paying no mind to the students that cast him dirty looks as his sights were locked on you. standing unsuspecting by your locker, stuffing your textbooks into your bag until you heard his deep voice echo through the hall, to which you visibly perked up and began frantically looking around.
he marched towards you, hands in pockets and when you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, you were more than ready to drop all your shit and bolt away. but he didn’t let you as before you were able to take off on your heels, he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face him - then he noticed your hands raised in defence by your face and your head hung low.
his heart sank and his grip on your shoulder immediately softened, “i’m not gonna punch you, idiot.” he spat, rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth, trying to appear angry in hopes you’d mistake his light blush for pure rage. 
“i just wanted to say that i felt bad for chasing you through the halls yesterday - you didn’t stand a chance so i guess it was a bit unfair.” he said, frowning as you replied with silence so the duty fell on him to fill it, “and i got the stain out, anyway so.” 
more silence. lovely.
suddenly, he puffed his cheeks out as his eyes snapped to meet yours and he roared, “ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING SAY SOMETHING OR ARE YOU TOO BRAINDE-”
“are you wearing eyeliner?” 
and that was the true story behind why you missed last period, because you and kyōtani had a 30 minute conversation about eyeliner and make-up, then he convinced you to skip the rest of class with him so he could buy you ramen as an apology gift.
so yeah, he figured that perhaps he should try being nice more often.
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he didn’t need someone to tell him to be nicer, he’s just predisposed to attempt to show kindness to someone he is fond of
♡ in his mind, showing kindness, respect and stripping himself of all his personality = the only way to be desirable 
♡ (ofc this takes place before he meets atsumu tho lol)
♡ so it’s not the realisation that’s the problem for him, it’s the execution 
♡ like how is he supposed to be nice without either sounding creepy or condescending? 
♡ *cut to sakusa practising in the bathroom mirror* ‘your hand looks- no-’ he scoffs, flicking cold water onto his face, ‘your hair looks cool- pretty- nice?’
♡ *camera pans to sakusa laying in bed, staring intently at the ceiling while imagining vivid and scarily detailed scenarios about ways he could mess up while talking to you* 
♡ *camera zooms in on sakusa’s face as he manifests a nicer version of himself*
♡ he might - depending on how insecure he is - watch one of those psychology videos or read a wikihow for help
♡ but other than that, he independently tries to alter his personality in order to gain your favour bc..true love ?
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you smiled as a basketball rolled up to your feet during gym class, followed by the sound of someone approaching you and upon raising your gaze, your eyes met sakusa’s unmistakable black ones. his face hovered only a few inches away from yours due to the fact you had both reached down to pick up the ball at the same time.
he quickly pulled himself away, tucking the basketball under his elbow as he adjusted his mask so it properly covered his face to ensure that you didn’t see the light blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. he then proceeded to blurt out what he had been rehearsing for the past few nights, “oh, thank you, (y/n). your hair looks lovely today, by the way.”
you giggled, holding your hands firmly by your side to avoid fidgeting and making it obvious that his sudden comment flustered you, “thanks, sakusa. and, if we’re handing out compliments today, i didn’t know you were good at any sport other than volleyball but you’re doing surprisingly well at basketball.” you joked, your lips slowly curling into a cocky smirk, “though, i don’t think you’d stand a chance against my team.” 
god, you’re such a tease. you make it so hard for him to be nice to you. so, of course, your comment returned his ability to utter almost every sarcastic comment that comes to mind - screw being likeable. “you think so?” he quirked a brow, tossing the ball onto your lap then pacing backwards, “go on, then.”
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rintarō suna
♡ it was probably those tips on social media that told him he has to be nicer 
♡ and plus he saw terushima get all the chicks and he was just sitting there like ‘where are my bitches at? 🥺’
♡ anyway, all the guys on social media that had girls lining up outside their door always had one thing in common: misogyny  obnoxious personalities !!
♡ and his whole personality was a sacrifice suna was willing and ready to make for just a crumb of cooch  🤲
♡ though you weren’t exactly his crush yet, suna thought you were the best person to carry out this experiment with bc he heard through the grapevine that you had a crush on him so perhaps this would make you happy
♡ he didn’t prepare much beforehand though which he immediately regretted as soon as he approached you bc admittedly, his game plan of ‘be self-assured but friendly’ was a bit vague 
♡ so he basically just had to bullshit through a whole, awkward conversation with you while wearing a forced ‘bold’ smirk which, in reality, looked as though he had just seen tiddies for the first time 
♡ hardly self-assured or friendly 
♡ also, the fact you thought he was playing a prank on you must’ve drastically altered the results of his experiment 
♡ at one point he says something extremely stupid you’d just quit playing along and just blurt out ‘wtf is wrong with you today’
♡ to which he’d be like ‘ahaha, nuthin much bbg, how bout you?’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you rubbed your temples in order to soothe the throbbing headache suna gave you simply by existing. like yes, you had a crush on him 10 minutes ago - but that was before he came up to you and started acting like terushima on dodgy medication. “oh and your skin is glowing bab--”
“jesus christ, rintarō, shut up!” you cried, gripping the edge of your skirt to prevent your self from delivering a swift punch right to his stupid face. he’s seriously gotten on all your nerves at this point; firstly, by spamming your phone in the middle of the night asking for homework answers (accompanied by cursed memes) as he actually managed to wake you up. secondly, by acting so oblivious to the fact you clearly had a crush on him and now, this!
heat rose to his cheeks in embarrassment as his creepy smile instantly fell right back into his resting bitch face, “this isn’t working, is it?” 
“what’s not working?”
suna scoffed, rolling his eyes - his façade having evidently disappeared. “this.” he sighed, looking around as if someone was going to save him before his eyes finally settled on you and he was reminded of what he wanted in the first place, his sparkle was rekindled for just a moment which caused him to blurt out, “just fuck me already, i’m not asking for much.”
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e-b-reads · 2 years
saw the post you reblogged ft. diana wynne jones' enchanted glass and was curious what you thought about its framing of aidan's real parentage, which i found to be... tonally very weird?? [spoilers to follow, in the outside chance you were mentioning the book without having finished it!] like, i'm absolutely not opposed to the depiction of creepy/predatory &c dynamics in fiction, even YA; but the last-minute revelation that andrew's beloved grandfather had sex with, and what's more got pregnant, a troubled teenager a good half-century his junior, who'd been entrusted into his care for 'sorting out,' and then on top of all that failed to disclose his role in this ethical shitshow (as per the letters in chapter twelve) to the girl's parent, whose confidant he remained? pretty seriously jarring imo! and then for the only intradiegetic reaction to be andrew's sputtering “well, i’ll be—!” twice, after which the book promptly ends...? i mean, andrew's admittedly a bit of a buffoon, so it's not out of character that he'd duck away from really engaging with a development like this, but. just struck me as an awfully lead balloon to drop on your readers, particularly young ones, without any real in-text acknowledgment of just how heavy it is! anyway, the casual addition of that twist really colored my overall reaction to the book, so seeing you give it a thumbs-up made me wonder if you had any thoughts on that particular aspect. either way, happy hammocking! :)
First, it is probably safe to assume I’ve finished any DWJ book I blog about b/c I have read all those I can get my hands on! (So there’s a few I haven’t read, but not many.) Which does segue into my general response to this, which is that I guess I just discovered DWJ at the right age (Charmed Life at age 10 was the first) to, idk, imprint on her? in such a way that I go into every book of hers determined to love it, and then kind of deal with any qualms as they come. I don’t expect other ppl to do this! But it is both a nice thing for me—any time I read something new-to-me by her, I know I’ll enjoy it, even if I don’t know quite what I’m getting—and possibly makes me not the best person to rec them to others. (I do rec them to others anyways, but I try to be choosy about it!)
more specific response to the rest of this under the cut b/c it got quite long (and also has Enchanted Glass spoilers)
To be specific about Enchanted Glass, I do really like it, probably partly just because (as has been overstated by now) I like her voice; also I like that the humans (as opposed to “them who can’t use iron”) are themselves a force to be reckoned with (OK, so some can use magic, but they’re still definitely human, and I’ve read a few human-vs-fae books where any humans who don’t have some fae ancestry are just collateral damage); I also like that the sides aren’t actually quite as simple as humans vs. fae. BUT I do kind of need to process that ending every time I read. I do wish there was more there, that the characters spent a little more time w/ the revelation. I think that Andrew’s response is pretty Andrew-y of him; particularly, I think he’s been feeling vaguely guilty about claiming Adrian as a relative when he isn’t much of one, so his first reaction is self-centered relief that this part is true after all. And he does at least wonder briefly about what to tell Adrian, so you know (hope?) there will be more considering/processing. But it does sour me on Jocelyn as a character (to put it mildly), and tbh, skimming over some of the end bits, I’m not sure that’s what DWJ intends. It’s possible the reader is supposed to put the onus on Adrian’s mom and decide she seduced this way older man who just sort of succumbed to her. Which (hopefully obviously) I think is some BS; like if you’re sixty or whatever and a 17-y-o you’re responsible for comes on to you, just don’t sleep w/ her?! I wonder if yr also supposed to assume she slept w/ Mr. Brown too, and Jocelyn assumed the kid really was his (Brown’s) and not Jocelyn’s, so that’s why he never came clean…still not great. (Maybe if DWJ wrote the actual interactions themselves, she’d be able to make me, NOT absolve Jocelyn, but sympathize(?) w/ him more, but I’m not sure. And she didn’t, she wrote a kid’s book.) Which also makes me wonder, b/c I read this book for the first time in…maybe high school, but possibly I was a little older than that. So I have no idea what I wld have thought as a younger kid, and I do agree w/ DWJ (from essays/interviews) that kids can handle stuff in books that adults don’t expect, but also agree w/ you that, at least to close-to-adult me, this was a somewhat jarring tone shift at the end of the book, and it might possibly be a bit much for a young reader.
So yeah, the kinda flippant “it’s weird” in my tag was definitely meant to convey some of all this, but I do still love the book myself (without necessarily expecting others to) b/c of all the other stuff in it. Like I saw your post abt Power of Three a little while ago and…I haven’t read it myself in quite a while (it’s one I don’t own) and I hope I wld have picked up on the squidgyness of the fat phobia myself on my next reread, b/c when I read your post I was like “oh…yeah that does happen and I can see now it’s not great;” but I also expect to read it again someday and still enjoy the parts I enjoyed before. idk. I think part of my reaction to all DWJ books is like…I have friends irl who I don’t always agree w/ about everything, but I still like and respect them and we can still talk about the things we disagree on. Well, published authors aren’t that, they are putting out a polished product for ppl (sometimes children!) to consume, but I spent such a foundational, awkward time in my life “getting to know/spending time w/” DWJ via her books that she is still like my friend in the little juvenile corner of my mind that loves her, and I will always give her books more of a pass than I will other ppl’s.
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