#i mean he definitely does it in a joking way bc that’s the type of friendship we have but still lol
thefleshyougoveggie · 4 months
cishets (and some queer ppl too…) think it’s an insult to say “you seem like you had a steven universe phase” and it’s like??? yes i did???
and i honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
oh i’m so sorry for liking a cartoon with queer characters and positive messages
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scribbledghost · 8 months
Ok I want your most controversial Ghost headcanons bc I'm curious 👀
Oh boy. Uh. Well, alright, here we go (and truthfully idek if these are really "controversial" so much as "me going against the fandom grain" here):
He's not some mean hard vicious Dom type in bed. Sorry. Don't see it. He's not gonna beat his partner. He's not gonna choke them out. Not gonna degrade them. One night he accidentally leaves some bruises on their hips from grabbing so hard and he doesn't touch them for a week. (He will give hickies, but thats it).
He doesn't show his face to anyone unless he explicitly trusts them. He won't wear the full skull balaclava if he's in civvie dress, but he will wear a hood and a standard mask that covers his nose and mouth.
Scary Dog Privileges but hear me out: he wants his partner to lean into it too. Treat him like a former fighting dog that you're trying to domesticate. He'll live for that shit.
Anyone else other than his military superiors tries to order him around and they'll get decked. But his partner? They could snap their fingers and tell him to jump and he'd ask how high.
A caregiver if I ever did see one. Need food? He's on it. Water? He's got it. Cold but didn't bring a jacket after he told you to? He'll moan and complain but somehow he winds up bare-chested in the dead of winter while you're wearing his shirt and his jacket AND his coat. (He's still got his mask on tho)
Make him laugh and he's putty in your hands. This can mostly be achieved by telling shitty jokes that rival his. (Protip: his favorite is "what part of your body dies last? Your pupils. Cause they die-late.")
He can be cold, quiet, and calculated, sure. But this is mostly reserved for field work. In everyday scenarios, he's still quiet, but he's not as harsh and jagged.
Does not do crowds. You will not catch this man in a bar of his own volition, and if you do, he's been dragged there by the rest of the 141 and he's got his back to a corner somewhere.
Deep down, deeper than he's probably willing to admit, he needs someone to need him. Like, truly need him. Let him be a tool to use, a pillar to lean on, a soft place to land. Something, anything, as long as he's needed. He doesn't know any other way to exist.
He likes to say he's got a cold heart, but truthfully it's just very well-guarded. If someone were to weasel their way past his carefully-built defenses, they'd find out damn quick that his heart is definitely not cold. In fact, its open and bleeding. Terrified and waiting for someone to treat it with even an ounce of love and gentleness.
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coquettetoji · 7 months
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★ general toji hcs ★
— let’s just pretend in this world he doesn’t have a son to actually care for yk.
— biggest beefiest juiciest (ok i’m exaggerating) but holy shit this guy is huge. i’m talking mma boxer huge, he takes great pride in his physic. and is guilty of being a gym rat.
— cockiest mf ever but in a hot way, he does that cheek tongue thing unintentionally and omlllllll
— toji definitely wasn’t the smartest in school, neither math smart, science smart or reading smart. he fucked most of his teachers but i mean he passed?
— although he wasn’t very academically smart, his skill in business and negotiating led to him earning a high position for a large financial group. drugs like hand over that amex????
— drives a motorcycle, i’m thinking ducati, as a hobby. 😏😏
— smokes cigarettes and drinks, his fav is hennessy, but other than that he’s a clean man
— was an emo in highschool, we don’t talk about that though. and neither does he.
— multitudes of tattoos across his body, mainly on his chest and arms though.
— his dream job as a highschooler was to open a tattoo parlor. he was surprisingly a good artist when it came to sketches.
— silver chains and silver jewelry, he’s pale so his complexion matches the colors better.
— sarcastic humor that would make kids cry. this guy treats everyone the same as if they’ll understand his humor and that makes him not so great around kids
— has a soft spot for cats, really wants to have a kitten but won’t ever commit to it/taking care of it
— has every single dating app downloaded not to date but just to get validation from everyone who swiped right on him. (gets at minimum 83 swipes per day)
— speaking of, his most used apps on his phone are phone (calls), messages, and instagram to watch his instagram reels 😋
— respectful towards women. although he seems like a d bag he does know how to treat a lady right
— drives a blacked out mercedes benz s class, ofc with tinted windows in case of.. yeah
— the scar running from the middle of his cheek down the side of his lip is from a fight during high school that got violent, he won though don’t worry
— grey/silver/green eyes, with jet black hair. he was genuinely gifted with godly genetics
— when he does smile, his lip corners turn up sharply giving him that joker smile type of look, my legs are wide open
— the most laid back chill guy ever, he doesn’t take life seriously enough for him to actually give a fuck
—6’4. argue with the wall.
— his hands are huge and the veins 😩😩😫😩😫 HEHEHE
— wears black compression shirts or black t shirts with sweat pants all day everyday, it’s his signature look
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— he smells a bit like cigarettes and Maison Margiela Replica Jazz Club, just an overall eye rolling back into head type of scent
— makes dad jokes all the time minus the part of him being an actual dad
— played basketball growing up just in his neighborhood, was good enough to go pro but his grades were ass lol
— he listens to these actual underground rock bands that literally no one has heard of or the sports podcast on the radio like a true dad
— kinda behind on everything going on in the world right now, but it’s okay bc we love toji for it regardless
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💌 new message from mica ‧₊˚✧
my favorite incoming dilf with a midlife crisis 😫
honestly one of my fav boards yet, i tried so hard to find the perfect resemblance of toji and omg the scar too kinda works perfectly
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myslutwritings · 11 months
Playing minecraft headcanons with the uppermoons (+Muzan & Enmu)
this will be a modern!AU (they’re still demons tho)
(this is also my first post lmao)
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okay it takes a HELL ton of convincing to have Muzan himself play with you.
he views any sort of game as ‘dumb’ or ‘childish’
you try to remind him that it’s not in the slightest but it doesn’t do anything much (bro is stubborn)
he’s the demon king? why should he associate himself with the idiotic games mortals play?
eventually he goes give in (bc he loves you in his own weird demonic way..)
strictly on survival mode. doesn’t care what you do but he sees creative mode as a ‘easy way out’ and he wants to be a hard ass (no surprises here)
kills any mob in sight and any mob that comes near you (claims he does it because he’s the demon king and wants to overpower everything and everyone but in reality he just wants to look out for you)
loses his SHIT when he gets dies in the game (triggers his fear of death lol)
you made a joke about him being like the mobs in minecraft because they burn in the sunlight (like him)
he doesn’t play with you after that but he secretly enjoyed spending time with you! (shh, you’ll never hear it from him)
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doesn’t take too much convincing (thank god)
he lowkey enjoys trying out new things with you! you’ve always done everything for him so the least he can do is return the favor.
probably doesn’t really understand it at first so you gotta explain the game to him
gets frustrated easily in the game but it’s more of a silent rage. you take notice of it because his body language changes so it’s not exactly difficult to spot.
like muzan he’ll kill anything that goes near you. (he’s protective even in the game)
most likely will envy your game abilities. (it’s okay you’ll teach him!)
you find it cute that he’s so serious about it sometimes
The both of y’all share jobs in the game and end up creating a lovely little house!
spoiler alert he burns it down after he finds out you can burn things in the game. he did it for no reason whatsoever.
you don’t really mind all that much though. you’re just grateful you got to play with him!
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douma loves and i mean LOVES playing with you!!
this man is bored. (like all the time) so doing something like this will definitely keep him occupied! but he may grow bored quickly because that’s just how he is.
he still adores playing with you though and wants to do it again!
he’ll praise you for how great you are at the game. literally head over heals for you<33
the type of mf to pick up a flower (specifically a rose) and drop it at your feet in the game.
pouts like a toddler when you don’t notice it:((
“Y/N?! didn’t you see the flower i dropped right in front of you!”
he’s clingy even in the game and will follow you around EVERYWHERE.
he is jealous of your building skills and begs you to build him a house💀
Douma’s fav biome is probably the ice plains spikes biome. anything that has to do with snow or ice!
he too also gets frustrated in the game sometimes and SUCKS at hiding it. he doesn’t have outbursts though (surprisingly)
most likely will rizz you up even in the fucking game😭
then after like a few hours of playing he gets bored and either wants to eat (women) or cuddle with you. (maybe both)
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Akaza is the most interesting to play with out of them all (because he’s just so goofy when playing)
the only thing that’s annoying is that he’ll chase danger quite literally for fun. he will fight anything. I MEAN ANYTHING.
i pity the mobs who (tried) to attack you..
game rage? it’s in his veins. (it’s semi-amusing to witness him get pissed off)
make sure he doesn’t punch a hole in your TV or your computer (whatever you play on) that shits expensive.
like during his battles bro uses only his fists to kill everything. weapons? nah. pro is anti-weapons. uses his fists for quite literally everything and will throw a fit when he dies.
he’ll praise you whenever you kill anything though! (he’s a sweetheart like that)
he’s like a guard dog even in the silly game. (over protective is an understatement)
he attempts to build you a house (it isn’t too horrible, surprisingly)
one time when the two of you were mining deep within the caves for diamonds Akaza found some and broke/mined it with his fist. (you got so pissed)
he apologized and found you some new ones though! thankfully, he didn’t use his fists to break the block this time.
overall, Akaza really does enjoy playing with you! he grows fond of it and now playing minecraft with him is one of y’all’s favorite things to do together<33
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Hantengu Clones
(i’m writing the four of them all together because i’m lazy)
want to know what’s more than chaotic? playing some challenging game with 4 very emotional demons.
At first Sekido immediately rejects the idea of playing the game with you and his three other brothers (the hantengu clones are brothers in this AU)
After a shit ton of persistent begging from you and Karaku and Urogi he only submits in the end and plays (mostly because of you)
Karaku and Urogi literally are beefing the entire time (Sekido’s rage is at it’s boiling point because of those two jackasses)
Aizetsu cries like a baby whenever he accidentally kills anything (except for the mobs)
whenever he sees a mob his scaredy-cat ass sprints away in the opposite direction.
Urogi and Karaku bully him RELENTLESSLY for this. (Aizetsu is a victim)
Urogi is the type to secretly go into creative mode grab a shit tone of diamonds or netherite and is like; “Heyy, lookie what i found!!”
no one falls for his bullishit.
they all protect you in the game and show off in front of you. (it’s embarrassing)
Karaku is surprisingly good at the game but like Akaza he’ll chase danger for fun.
Aizetsu only feels safe around you so he’ll follow you around and cling to you in the game so his two brothers stop harassing him.
Sekido only plays for a few minutes before getting aggravated and just abandoning the game as a whole.
(he is the type to punch everyone playing the game. even you sometimes but Karaku and Urogi mostly fall victim to his attacks)
Sekido surprisingly leaves Aizetsu alone.
the five of you try to create a world where it’s just peaceful (Keep on dreaming, kid. that ain’t happening)
everything goes downhill, half of the world is ENTIRELY demolished and all of you died over 1000 times.
playing with all of them is too chaotic. you can’t really take it seriously. You only can when you’re playing with one of the clones one on one.
y’all didn’t play again after that madness. 😭
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now Gyutaro here is the only chill one to play with. (finally a normal one)
like Kokushibo, it doesn’t take that much convincing! in fact, he agrees to it almost immediately.
at first he is confused and doesn’t understand how to play minecraft but he is a quick learner and figures it out on his own.
Gyutaro doesn’t have a preference for survival or creative mode. He just does whatever you want.
Whenever y’all play in a survival world you two share tasks and duties and actually create a pretty decent looking world!
he still has your back though. Will kill any mobs that interfere with his little home he created with you.
he enjoys building houses and is surprisingly really amazing at it! he finds comfort in building.
however, whenever you, Daki and Gyutaro all play together it’s mostly him and Daki arguing and being all competitive. It’s mostly Daki’s fault because she’s the cause for half of the mayhem that happens in the world.
sometimes Gyutaro plays even without you. (he grew fond of the game quickly and likes the game)
the both of you play together everyday and go onto the same world every time because y’all created a beautiful old-fashioned city on there. (he cherishes it immensely and is insanely proud of the masterpiece of a world the two of you made as a team)
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Daki is infuriatingly annoying but also entertaining to play with at the same time.
she is a giant rage quitter like Sekido and Akaza.
throws tantrums frequently over the smallest things that go wrong in the game.
she will be jealous of any item you get that’s better than hers.
this lil shit steals everything you earn that’s better than what she has. (you notice every time)
you confront her about it and she has the audacity to lie. (like girl yk damn well)
you end up taking your stuff back and she will BATTLE you for it. (you win these matches every time. that alone only adds to her angered state😭)
she will deliberately quit whenever something doesn’t go her way but later come back and declares she wants to try again.
it’s like a endless loop because this happens every. single. time.
(she’s such a brat istg)
will always steal your diamonds and put them in her chest and say she found them first.
while you’re asleep she will secretly go into the world and take all your shit and you’ll wake up back at square one.
(lowkey you want to stop playing with her)
y’all barely even work as a team but when y’all it’s always ha fight (mostly her fault btw)
once she notices your frustrations. She’ll level it down for you so no need to worry! (this earns your respect)
but whenever y’all are in creative mode shes so much more fun and enjoyable to play with!
you two usually build big ass mansions together and with y’all’s godly building skills you two make an incredible looking house and live in it together!
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Enmu absolutely looooves doing everything with you! he says yes immediately when you ask him to play with you.
after all he’s your personal simp. this fucker will gladly do whatever you say w/o any hesitation.
Enmu has actually heard of the game ‘minecraft’ before but never actually played it and barely knew what it was really about.
oh boy, but when he does he becomes OBSESSED.
I kinda feel like he dislikes survival mode and prefers to be in creative mode! but if you like survival mode he won’t mind trying it out with you.
he likes killing the animals for fun.. will randomly slaughter anything even if it has a family (bro is a sadist after all)
you tell him it’s not necessary to be doing that but he doesn’t care nor listen.
his love language is building you trains in the game. (you love them very much)
Enmu is usually very calm when he’s not on a mission so playing this game only soothes him further and he doesn’t act overly crazy and zesty like he usually does around Muzan
Builds trains every time y’all play and is somehow INSANELY skilled when building them (??)
Similar to douma, he’s the type to rizz you up in the game.
Sulks when you don’t notice him when he attempts to.
He constantly nags you to play with him some more and gets a lil upset when you become tired.
“Oh, Y/N!, how can you be tired? we’re having soooo much fun!!”
forces you to stay up just so he can introduce you his own train world he made for himself. (he named all the trains)
you’re out cold after playing with him every time. High key finds it adorable when you pass out after hours of playing with him. He’s so amused how humans can grow tired so easily.
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tryingtofindava · 26 days
creeps with a goth gf
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰 𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡! 𝐆𝐅*ೃ༄
lolz didn’t know what specific creeps u wanted so imma just choose who!! ^_^ ALSO THE READER IS A TRAD GOTH!!
(INCLUDES: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Kate the Chaser, Clockwork.)
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Has at least nearly roundhouse kicked you bcs he thought u were Jane on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS… (he’ll say he’s sorry in the most dull non apologetic way ever and probs doesn’t mean it.)
“My bad, I guess.”
He doesn’t care abt aesthetic that much I believe, as long as he finds you hot lolz.
Though when he’s out killing people and he sees something that catches his eye that he’d class ‘gothy as fuck’ he’d snatch it for you… so that’s sweet ig.
He deadass brought you a dead bat once…
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲
Midwest emo x trad goth, what a combo :3
His first words to you ever was that you looked like you crawled out a Tim Burton movie (he was tryna impress u with his film knowledge).
Type of guy to ask to make a shared Spotify playlist and try and learn all of the songs you like and force himself to learn the lyrics for you.
“T-this would luh-look so cool o-on you!!”
╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She’s a trad goth too lmao.
You two definitely share clothes, no matter what it may be. Corsets, dresses, boots, gloves. Anything in the closet really you two own together :)
ALSO she WILL help you doing your makeup, not because you need the help just because she likes to practice so she doesn’t get rusty. (She mostly wears her mask so she doesn’t rlly do a whole lotta makeup besides lashes and lipstick)
Like Toby will take you thrifting (without the breaking in part).
╰┈➤ 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She thinks your so so so super duper awesome sauce.
She’s a scene girly, so she LOVES the fact that your twos aesthetics are so different and unique from eachother.
Also likes helping to do your makeup, because she just wants to be able to do trad makeup to impress you.
WILL ASLO TAKE YOU TO THE THRIFT SHOP. (these guys like thrift shops okay)
Would love if you guys swapped wardrobes for a day.
And you’ve deffo caught her in your clothes MULTIPLE times :3
╰┈➤ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
She doesn’t care all that much what you’re aesthetic is lolz.
She just wants someone in her life to love and to love her back.
But she does compliment your look nervously when the convo gets a lil too quiet.
Though you to catch her staring at you lovingly while doing your makeup.
She may bring you back little things that caught her eye that reminds her of you, that being anything rlly. BUT ESPECIALLY CLOTHING.
╰┈➤ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
She will compliment you every chance she gets. Mostly calling you hot and sexy.
SHE’S GOT THE HUMOUR OF A 12 YEAR OLD BOY WHO HASN’T HIT PUBERTY!! (And you love it and hate it at the exact same time.)
Like I mean she makes goth mommy jokes ALL THE TIME… there’s no stopping her. She cackles so hard afterwards after u scold her for it too.
“I love my big tiddy goth girlfriend<3”
“Nat, I swear to fuck-“
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myseungsunglove · 10 months
The Master of Flirting | Bc
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Pairing: Chan  x Reader 
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, language
Word Count: 2k
Summary: The reader and Chan forge an unlikely connection and bond and venture into territory that is unfamiliar to both. 
A/N: This thought came to me while Chan was sending messages on bubble Sunday. I’m completely delulu. You can join me or not. Whatever floats your boat. I’m not picky. Inspiration hit, and I had to pump this out. Maybe there will be more. We’ll see. 
◠ ◡ ◠᭚ιαᵕ̈
Feedback Welcome
「© August 13, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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Sunday Bubble Messages from Chan.
Channie: I heard that supposedly I’m the master of flirting. 
Y/n: oh? Is that so? 
You knew how Bubble worked, but it was always fun when Chan got into these playful moods on Bubble. You couldn’t help but feel like you were having a conversation with him. 
The notification buzzes on your phone. You chuckle and open the app. 
Channie: makes no sense 
Y/n: Very few things in this life make sense, if we’re being honest. 
Channie: I don’t even know what flirting is. 
Y/n: me either, frankly. Can I get a dictionary definition please? It may help clear things up for both of us. 
The messages continue in the app, and you can’t help but chuckle at how adorable he is. He proceeds to tell STAYS they’re pretty and that that isn’t flirting, it’s just facts. He even goes as far as to remind everyone they’re perfect, and bless him he knows the right things to say to make anyone giggle like they are something special. Eventually the messages die down, and it makes you wish there would be a Chan’s room to look forward to. Damn do you miss those. 
You flip over to instagram and scroll through your fyp and some of the messages from your roommate spamming you with videos they found funny. Right before you’re about to return to your scrolling, you notice you have a request to receive a message. Your account is private, so it’s rare that anyone ever requests to message you. Everyone you want to have access to you there already has it. Curiosity wins over though and you click on the small request box. 
You stop dead in your tracks. 
gnabnahc wants to send you a message. 
This has to be a joke. Chan only started his account a couple weeks ago. It’s sad that he must’ve been hacked already. How does that even happen, you wonder to yourself. 
You can’t help but click on the message though, curiosity eating away at you. 
Bang Chan: flirting - as defined by the dictionary - to behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
What the hell? You think to yourself. Wait. How would a hacker know what you said in Bubble. Better yet, how the hell would someone find your insta from Bubble?
Then you remember you use the same username and picture in both Bubble and Instagram. What. An. Idiot. You can’t help but think. 
You click accept on the message and open up the chat. There is more there and your mouth continues to gape as you read on. 
Bang Chan: Damn. That definition is kind of harsh. I’m not sure that clears anything up for me. Hahahahaha 
Okay. That’s definitely Chan. There is no way this is a coincidence. You think carefully before doing anything. You click on the profile and it takes you to Chan’s official instagram. These messages are coming from the account that he just started weeks ago. Your mind is racing at the thought. 
You hop back over to messages quickly. 
Y/username: to be fair, I think it accurately describes me. 😂😂 
You see his username pop up immediately as he starts to type. 
Bang Chan: You mean you actually flirt for amusement with no serious intentions? I’m wounded. *clutches chest dramatically* 
Y/username: Christopher. You can’t tell me you don’t do the same damn thing. Be honest. You’re delulu but not seriously that bad, right? 
Bang Chan: delulu? Whatever do you mean? 
Bang Chan: Okay, fine. I’m caught. But I do mean the things I say when I tell STAYS how proud I am of them. And how beautiful they are. And that I love them. 
Bang Chan: I guess flirting makes it feel a little less lonely sometimes. 
You’re surprised at the honesty coming from him. And you still can’t believe this conversation is happening. 
Y/username: In a crowded room, surrounded by people but still feel alone. 
Bang Chan: exactly. 
Y/username: why me? 
Bang Chan: what do you mean? 
Y/username: like how did you find me? Are you really Bang Chan? I have so many questions. *laughs nervously* 
Bang Chan: hmmm
Bang Chan: first, your username and picture are the same in Bubble and Insta. I kind of shot in the dark on that one. But even your quotes were the same, so I took a chance. I always see your replies in Bubble. You’re funny. And sometimes I feel like I’m just talking to you. And I wanted to actually talk to you for once. 
Y/username: Wow. I—
Bang Chan: second, I’ll prove this isn’t a joke. 
Immediately you get a bubble notification. Chan has sent another message. You open the app and it’s a selfie and a picture of him in the studio, clearly it’s current. He is sitting in the chair you’ve seen hundreds of times in the room that has become so familiar to STAYS. 
Shortly after that, your notification dings in instagram. 
Bang Chan: *video  sent* 
You watch the video.
“Hi!” Chan giggles on the screen. He is wearing the same clothes as the selfie he sent on Bubble and is sitting in the studio. 
“This is the craziest thing I’ve done in a long time,” he laughs nervously. “Maybe ever,” he amends, smiling so bright his eyes disappear into tiny slits. “I hope this is proof enough, yeah? Cause I really like talking to you and uh,” he laughs again, looking away from the camera for a moment. “And I’d really like to keep talking if that’s okay, yeah?” 
The video ends there. You sit staring at your phone, absolutely dumbfounded. You can’t believe this is happening to you. 
Y/username: okay. You’re really you. 
Bang Chan: I’m really me
Y/username: hullo *runs and hides in the corner*
Bang Chan: okay, you’re too cute. Don’t get shy now. You’re always the funniest responses in Bubble. This isn’t different. 
Y/username: okay, but to be fair I never in a million years thought you’d ever actually SEE my responses there. Even if it did feel like sometimes you were responding to me, I wasn’t about to think that was true or remotely possible. 
Bang Chan: well, think again? I guess? Because I definitely was gearing my conversations towards you on multiple occasions over the last few months when I sent messages. And honestly, I needed to actually talk to you because, well, I wanted you to know we were talking.No real way to do that on Bubble without it being weird and the company jumping on my ass, so now you know. 
Y/username: now I know. 
Bang Chan: so tell me about yourself. I know you’re the same age as me. I recall you live in the states. You’ve said that on Bubble a time or two. *smiles* You love rainy days. You melt when I sing, especially if I’m singing with Han or Seungmin. You’re a sucker for a good rap line. 
Y/username: you remember all that? Hell you saw all that? 
Bang Chan: told you I was paying attention. I’m nothing if not honest. 
Y/username: duly noted. Honesty is the best policy after all. 
Bang Chan: let’s see. You’re really beautiful. You said once you loved singing which I’m dying to hear. 
Y/username: correction: not beautiful. Just kind of exist. Also, trust me, I’m nothing compared to you guys in the vocal department. You don’t want to hear me. nope. no way. 
Bang Chan: don’t say that about yourself. Please. And can I please hear your voice? You’ve heard mine. It’s only fair. 
Y/username: *glares* 
Bang Chan: *sends picture* 
He is pouting at the camera, his eyes big and pleading and you can’t help but smile. 
Y/username: you’re kind of a little shit, you know that? 
Bang Chan: me? Never? *sends picture* 
This one he is smiling big, his eye disappearing he is smiling so big. 
Y/username: god. And you’re cute. Fine. 
Bang Chan: fine? do i win? 
Y/username: *sends video* You send a video of you singing a verse from “Iris” a Goo Goo Dolls song. 
“And I’d give up forever to touch you. 
Cause I know that you feel me somehow. 
You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be. 
And I don’t wanna go home right now. 
And all I can taste is this moment. 
And all I can breathe is your life. 
When sooner or later it’s over. 
I just don’t wanna miss you tonight.” 
Bang Chan: oh my god. That was fucking incredible. 
*sends video* 
“Seriously, y/n. Your voice is incredible.” He smiles brightly. “I really am blown away. Damn. I—…” he laughs, covering his face, his ears turning red. “I know this seems crazy, but I really wanna meet you, yeah? I just, feel this connection. I know this is crazy. God, what am I doing? Any chance you can come to KCon? I’d get you VIP tickets, hell, I’d pay for your flight at this point. And you could stay where we’re staying. Meet the boys, god, Chan, what are you doin?” 
The video ends there and you’re stunned. You can’t believe what just happened. Your mind is racing. 
*audio call from instagram Bang Chan is calling* 
You don’t know what you’re thinking when you hit accept. The little phone turns green. 
“Hullo? Y/n? Ya there?” Chan’s voice comes through your speaker and shakes you from your trance. 
“Yeah, I’m here. Hi,” you chuckle, your voice squeaking a bit. 
“Hi,” he responds and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I meant everything I said in that video. I know it’s crazy and I— well I had to say it. Take a chance.” 
“You meant it?” you asked, still unsure and in disbelief at the course of events over the last hour. 
“Every word,” he assures you. “In fact, I maybe already have the ticket and am currently looking at flights,” he admits. 
“Holy shit, Chan. Seriously?” 
“I know,” he laughs nervously. “I don’t know what’s getting into me.” 
“I like it, whatever it is,” you chuckle. “God, I just don’t want to massively disappoint you because that feels like that will happen. Since we’re being honest.” You pause. “We’re still doing that, right? The honesty thing?” you joke.
“We are. And you won’t be a disappointment. I don’t do things like this, so trust me when I say, I want to meet you. I  need to,” he sounds so vulnerable admitting that. “And I hope you want to come out to LA.” 
“I really do,” you admit. “So am I really doing this?” 
“Just say the word, and I’ll get everything arranged. And I mean everything, so don’t argue,” he says firmly. 
You can’t help but laugh. “Okay.” 
“Okay?” he asks tentatively. 
“Do your thang, Bang Chan,” you laugh. You don’t know what’s gotten into you either, but you’re gonna go with the punches at this point. This is absolutely the craziest and possibly the most reckless thing you’ve ever done, but hell it feels good. 
“Wow! Okay,” he laughs. “Okay! I need to get off here and arrange everything. I’ll call you back with all the details, yeah? I need your address for your airport pickup and to book the flight. I can take care of everything else. My manager will arrange for the hotel. God this is really happening.” 
“It would seem so,” you laugh. 
“This is crazy,” you say at the same time. Then you both laugh. 
“Okay, I gotta go finalize this because I’m not missing my chance to meet you. I’ll call back. God, I’m so excited. Talk soon, yeah?” 
“Yeah, talk soon. Bye Chan.” 
“Byeom darling.” 
He ends the call and you're stunned in silence once more. He called you darling. What on earth was happening!? The reality of the situation hits you head on. You’re going to LA. To see Bang fucking Chan. And to meet all of the Stray Kids. Holy shit. How was this your life? You jump up and immediately start making arrangements. You’re not sure how long you’ll be gone, but everything else can wait because opportunities like this never just happen and you’re not gonna let this one pass you by. 
Not on your life. KCon or bust! Look out LA because y/n is coming to town! 
| Pt. 2 - The Mystery of You >
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
I literally love the “crazy idea, let’s make out” it it very good!!! It is supper good!! Can I request the bat boys type? Thank you for your time! Please take care!
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I had to read other peoples make out scene bc I honestly did not know how to write one. I think I did an okay job tho😭
Writing for Dick is so effing hard for some reason
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Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
I whole heartily believe he likes taller women. No doubt about it
But if you’re bit on the shorter side that’s fine too.
I feel like he wants someone who’s independent and doesn’t rely on others
Someone who wouldn’t mind him being away from days to months at a time because of work and all .
Wants someone who matches his energy.
For like a thirty something year old he does have a lot of energy.
He wants someone who can take a joke and doesn’t take it the wrong way. He wants someone to laugh with him and not get mad.
Definitely wants someone who’s laid back but not to laid back where it becomes a problem.
100% wants someone to cry with him when he watches a very sad drama.
I think it’s cannon that he’s on the more talkative side?
Idk but if he is he wants someone can he can talk with—hours on end and the conversation never get boring.
Would 100% date a superhero
Jason todd
Jason like chubby girls. 100% you can’t change my mind about it
I also feel like he has a thing for strong women too.
When It comes to Jason I think he has two types.
The first time is obviously the strong type
Someone he doesn’t take shit from know one
Is really just a badass person In general
Or type 2
Someone who’s really soft spoken
Someone who’s quiet but not to quiet where they don’t even bother to communicate. Like a shy person.
Said person who’s also very caring and kind.
Jason definitely wants someone who shares the same interests. Not all of them but the small ones like reading.
Headcannon: Jason prefers the book copies instead of the online ones. He likes the smell of new books fight me.
Jason also wants someone who deals with his shit better then he does honestly
This man has been through a lot no doubt about.
And he’s not great when he has to deal with his problems that are emotionally and mentally.
So someone who can help him and guide him (even if he does deny it at first) trust he will be grateful for it
He would not date someone who’s a hero or vigilante.
He tried but failed
Tim Drake
Definitely likes shorter women
I mean mans only like 5’4? “5’4?
So technically he’s tall but not that tall like the others 💀
He’s good at technology and really wants someone who’s interested in his hobbies. Most people don’t find them interesting. (But I mean cmon if he was able to tell the world he hacks things to get information on them for Batman—then that has them sold, but he can’t)
He gives me bad girl x Nerd boy vibe 😔
I’m kidding no I’m not
I feel like he would want someone who’s more on the quiet side and someone who’s willing able to lay down next to him for a long periods of time bc we all know this man can sleep anywhere at anytime if he felt like it.
So having someone who can just lay there while he sleeps are pointers.
This isn’t a preference but he 100% needs someone who can take care of him.
Because him not sleeping for long periods of time results in him not eating and only serving off coffee. Not good for him.
Tim seems like the kind to date someone who’s a superhero or whatever.
That way they can be closer.
Damian Wayne
Damian doesn’t have a preference.
I Don’t think he would care if your short, tall, Skinny or chubby.
Like Jason I also think he has two types.
The first type would someone who’s very mysterious. He likes that.
Someone who’s mature and calm during rough times or situations.
Like Dick, someone who is very independent.
Second type is quiet literately the opposite of what his personality is
Someone who’s kind and warm to others.
Bubbly kind of personality.
He doesn’t want someone who talks to much.
Like at all.
he wants someone who shares the same interest as him—Y’know fighting for animal right and what not.
Not a preference but I think Damian needs someone who can help him with the reality of the world and stuff
Because I believe Damian does not know how to act like a kid his age until he meets his partner who show him.
Would not date anyone who’s in the superhero gig.
Like at all. He hates the idea
He would rather date a civilian. They are less likely to get killed during a mission.
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Writing for them is so much fun I might do more headcannons about them 😭🤚
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jaylver · 1 year
jay as your bee eff <3
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PAIRINGS: boyfie!jongseong x gn!reader
GENRE: established relationship, romance, fluff
WARNINGS: none, except this might be a little messy
WC: 575
A/N: in celebration of jay being back, here's something hehe, it's also really random and sudden but being a jay girl, i needed to write these down and delulu a little (come join me) share some of your thoughts with me through asks if you wants! (it's the best option bc i can't reply to comments help)
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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– most likely met through someone. friends or family, maybe even family friends. very invisible strings coded ngl.
– IMO he's very gold rush coded too! everybody wants him and that made you second guess, so that's why you never really chased after him
– but knowing jay, he's the type to never back down, he wants you, he is gonna get you. period.
– he's a passionate lover, he's the one to fall harder and deeper
– he would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get you
– sacrificing his own to make time for you, bringing you out, listening to you, planning dates together
– cinema dates, dinner dates, he'll always find a way to spend time with you
– he would ALWAYS remember the smallest details about you
– "oh i remembered you said you like xx" and he turns up with that next
– you liked the cake he bought? it's going to be in his hands the next time you meet
– very lowkey about being rich, it's basically like the 'crazy rich asians' scene where she founds out he's rich 😭
– is the type to shower you with gifts even though you already said it's no need, but it's his way to showing you love by gift giving
– mutual pining, lots of mutual pining before being official
– he probably confessed to you in a really romantic poetic way let's be fr
– he's very affectionate, he loves with his HEART
– lowkey pda, doesn't like kissing in public but he does like skinships, he does like small kisses on cheeks, forehead pecks!
– holding hands, hands around your waist/shoulder, reassuring squeezes
– your family LOVES HIM!!! he might seem shy at first but he KNOWS how to charm your relatives
– your mum loves him, he's always over and helping her out, being the gentleman as ever!!
– family dinners with relatives, he would check up on you from time to time, squeezing your thigh in reassurance, telling you jokes and making you laugh
– from a 3rd pov y'all just seem like you're in your own world #cute
– as someone who gets really quiet when mad, i feel like he'll definitely know, giving you space to calm down and then approaching you, making you feel better
– good with words, he knows what to say to make you feel better/less anxious
– for my swifties out there, he's very "all of the girls you loved before" coded to me ☹️☹️
– he gets possessive sometimes, but nothing serious, also can be a jealous boy at times
– he needs words of affirmation! he can get a little worried/insecure sometimes, so it's important to give assurance!
– he's talkative, you'll give all ears and listen to his rants
– being talkative, it also means he CAN NEVER stop talking about you <3
– to his friends, family, he'll just be saying "oh y/n loves this" whenever he sees something that reminds him of you, he's a big sweetheart wbk
– secretly loves it when you come and bug him when he works
– enjoys cuddling in bed, running his hand over your back and playing with your hair.
– loves when you play with his hair, his hands, just the most simple things ever and he loves them all
– when the lights are off and you two are still awake, best believe you'll be talking until late into the night.
– at the end of the day, he'll give you the most healthy and stable relationship ever <3 he's the absolute best !!!
– super husband material, get ready for your family/friends to start asking "when are you guys getting married?"
– soon!!
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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frogserotonin · 1 year
Hiiii, I badly need more Anthony Lockwood x reader on this app so could you do one where reader joins the agency and there are immediate sparks between her and lockwood (he's always flirting with her, he always does small things for her and he always protects her first in a mission) and one day he gets really injured trying to save her during their missions and at home she's really worried when patching him up and they end up confessing to eachother after they have a mini argument. Then they kiss and make up or makeout 😘
god yeah anon, i get what you mean, the reason im writing is literally bc i need more fanfic 😭 i have read every fucking lockwood x reader on here and ao3 if ya'll want anything written just ask :D - lots of love, mars
everything - anthony lockwood x reader
warnings: violence, ooc, kissing, cursing
You weren’t exactly sure when it had started, this weird tension between you and Anthony Lockwood. It was an odd thing that the both of you left unspoken about, despite the numerous jokes, comments and questions from Lucy and George.
Maybe it had been when you’d first joined the agency. When he’d opened the door to see who was knocking and gone completely slack jawed at the sight of you, before collecting himself and adorning his prize-winning smirk.
“Well hello love, how may we help you?” he’d said, casually resting against the doorframe.
“Are you Lockwood of Lockwood and Co?” your cheeks had reddened from the cold and nothing else. Most definitely not because of the casual pet name he’d thrown in.
“That would indeed be me.” he nodded, easy smirk still resting on his lips. “I assume you’re here for an interview then, come on in and we’ll get you sorted.”
After you’d passed the interview with flying colours, he’d told you how much he looked forward to working with you with a wink and a charming toothy grin. Even now, your heart rate went up a considerable amount every time you saw that fucking smile.
Maybe it had been your first case, when you and Lockwood had had to hide from a very persistent Type Two and you’d dragged Lockwood into the nearest open room and shoved him into the wall. You’d pinned him there with one hand on his arm, pressing it to the wall, and the other over his mouth. Afterwards he’d tried to charm his way out of your teasing his red face.
You didn’t know when it’d started but far out, you knew that it was there and that if nothing happened soon you might just kiss him the next time he speaks.
“George, Luce, angel, we’ve got a new case.” Lockwood called from the hall, placing the phone down and smiling widely. (Damn that smile, it made your heart weak and your brain fuzzy) “We’re going as soon as possible so it’s best we get ready as fast as we can.”
And that was that. You all packed the necessities, like you always did. You all loaded into a taxi and waited patiently until you were at the clients house, like you always did. Lockwood checked with you to see if you had everything you needed, like he always did.
“George!” Lucy called from her place halfway up the stairs. “Come with me, we need to check out the drawing room you read about.” You almost missed the wink she directed your way.
Great, now you and Lockwood were alone. Fan-fucking-tastic.
“Shall we?” he offered his hand and pulled you towards some of the creepier looking closed doors, not-so-discreetly pulling you behind him. Slowly he opens the furthest door, nothing happens. You open the second door, and suddenly you’re thrown against the wall.
“Y/N!” Lockwood cried, pulling his rapier out and swinging it at the ghost that’d materialised. For a bit he succeeded in pushing it back, allowing you time to reorient yourself, before he too was thrown away from the ghost, his rapier landing near his head. You groaned and hauled yourself up, grabbing your own rapier and stabbing at the ghost. It disappeared, then reappeared behind you, causing you to swing around wildly, accidentally putting yourself in the ghosts close vicinity. You felt your limbs start to lock up as you held eye contact with your doom, hoping and praying that Lucy and George had found the source and were covering it with the silver net. The ghost moved closer and closer to you, and you silently mourned all the things you never got to say.
And then, just as you’d accepted your fate, Anthony fucking Lockwood pushed you out of the way. You didn’t have time to dwell on that though, the both of you rolling in opposite directions so as to avoid the ghost swiping at you, before disappearing. You sat up and looked at Lockwood, catching his eye and sending a wobbly smile his way.
“You okay?” he asked, voice a bit strained. You nodded and asked him the same question.
“Yeah…I’m good.” he said, lying through his teeth.
“The fuck you are.” You forced your sore body to stand up so you could walk towards him and check him for injuries.
“Y/N! Lockwood!” Lucy ran towards you, halting your endeavour. “Are you two okay?”
The taxi drive home was awkward and tense. You fought a raging battle against the urge to call him out for being injured, to ask him what was wrong.
When you got home you dragged Anthony into the kitchen and sat him down on a chair.
“Tell me where the fuck you’re hurt right now or I swear I will find out what your worst fear is and make it real.” Lockwood chuckled.
“Love, I’m fine, really.”
“Don’t lie to me, Lockwood.”
Then silence and a slight guilt and still, somehow, that damned fucking tension. So you, do what any normal person would do and pull his jacket off, immediately spotting where he was injured due to the blood staining his white shirt. More silence and more guilt, that stays in the air while you wrap his cut.
“I’m sorry-” He starts but you’re quick to cut him off.
“If you were sorry you’d stop throwing yourself at danger at every given opportunity. You’re so fucking reckless, all the damn time!” You didn’t mean to start berating him but now you couldn’t stop, because he did need to hear this. “Do you know how much you worry us? Do you think George and Lucy and I like seeing you get injured? Goddamn it we care so much about you. Why do you pull these stunts?”
You only now realise how close your faces are. You could feel his breath on you face.
“I don’t think you realise how deeply I care for you.” he whispered, voice husky and low. “You are...everything. I can't breathe when you're not around me and I can't think when you're near me. I would set the entire world aflame if you asked me to. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I sleep. I love you so much it hurts my heart and my head and my entire being."
You didn't know what to say to respond to that. You were a mess. God maybe-
Fuck it.
His lips were soft against yours. His hair between your fingers, softer. His hands on the sides of your face, gentle. You were kissing him and he was kissing you and you were losing your mind.
"Darling, you drive me insane." he whispered against your lips, matching smiles painting both of your faces.
"I love you too, idiot."
"Of course you do."
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flowerinjuries · 1 year
Hii!, can u do a jaehyun or jeno type of bf? i loved the ones u did already
jaehyun as a boyfriend…
the soft side:
you two were probably good friends before you decided to say fuck it and start dating
very very casual thing at first
maybe he was just your fwb
jaehyun definitely caught feelings though
would start paying attention to the smallest details about you
what made you laugh, what made you angry, what you were wearing…
you just kept him on his toes and he liked that
he always looked forward to seeing you
then he started reaching out to you more and more because he was just addicted to talking to you
he’s more of a listener than a talker so he can just listen to you ramble on about the most random things allll day
he shuts you up by kissing you though
you two never really made it “official” but everyone knew you two were exclusive and super into each other
he’s super protective of you
always has an arm wrapped around you
only you make him smile so wide
he’s honestly miserable whenever you’re not in the same room as him
i think he gets irritated by people pretty easily, but around you he’s so easy going and patient
he really admires you and values your opinions on everything
jaehyun is a curious person and he loves that you’re so intelligent and passionate about whatever you love
so he just wants to be open ears for you
he thinks you’re so cute
he definitely babies you
coos and uses his baby voice
but if the guys caught him speaking this way lol they’d make fun of him
he’d get red and embarrassed but he won’t stop
bc you’re his baby :((
he feels the most comfortable around you
and wants you to feel safe around him
when it comes to you two, “home” isn’t a place, rather it’s each other
lmao that’s cheesy but it’s true ok!!
jaehyun is just the definition of comfy boyfriend
you love wearing his hoodies bc they smell like his boyish cologne and laundry detergent
jaehyun is kind of a goofball
he’s really clumsy and makes stupid jokes all the time
you roll your eyes but he still manages to make you giggle
he’s probably the type of boyfriend who likes to tickle fight lmao
he’s just overall super boyfriend vibes if you get what i mean
jaehyun also loves to spoil you
you like to dress up and go out to eat somewhere fancy and order expensive wine and dessert
he literally plans all your dates
he never forgets important days
he’s literally the valentine boy!!!
such a romantic
he’s the perfect guy to introduce to your friends/family
they all love him immediately
seriously when will you two get married?
jaehyun best boyfriend!
the not-so-soft side (18+ / nsfw):
daddy dom
he expects you to praise him
he obviously praises you too, but he wants you to treat him like a king
i think he has a god complex
as he should though because he does fuck like one
knows exactly how to use his big cock
loves when you choke on it and cry
thinks you look so pretty like this
if he’s being nice and soft he will call you sweet names like angel, pretty baby, my good girl/boy, doll, bunny, etc.
but if he wants to be mean he will degrade you and call you names like cockslut, filthy whore, fuckdoll
either way is good with you
you love to please jaehyun
you both think each other is the sexiest person alive so obviously the sex is great and hot
can we talk about his happy trail
you love to tease him by licking his abs, then go down his happy trail, until you finally reach his huge cock
he loves watching you do this
and it feels great for both of you
even though he almost always doms, you both are equally pleasured
he loves wrapping his hands around your throat
this is how he guides you
god jae loves to fuck you from behind like some type of cheap whore
sticks his fingers in your mouth so you can taste yourself and so that he can muffle your screams
sticks them so far down your wet throat you gag
i think if he’s into any toys it would be gag balls and handcuffs
but he thinks he’s too good for toys
like i said i think he has a god complex
strokes his dick in you just right
hits all the perfect spots to get you to cum hard
literally you cum so hard each time on his dick your body collapses
jaehyun just laughs and brags to you about it later
“what? want me to fuck you so hard you turn into my little rag doll? whatever you want, sweet girl/boy”
yes you want that :(
he wants it too!!
he feels so powerful knowing he fucks his girl/boy so good
just like you deserve
and he loves when you praise him telling him how hot he is or how big his dick is
boosts his ego
getting fucked by jaehyun is a dream
thanks for reading!! asks are always open btw! and i’m working on writing more nct members as boyfriends :)
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Marble hornets driving headcannons
Can not drive for shit
There are not enough words in the english language to describe what an awful driver he is
He’s the type of guy to put on his turn signal 2 seconds before trying to cut across 6 lanes of traffic
One time he gave Alex a ride to set and Alex vowed to never get in a car with him again
“Shit this is where we’re supposed to turn, hold on.”
Proceeds to slam on his breaks, jerks the wheel so hard he almost flips the car and nearly causes a 12 car pile up
It is a miracle he hasn’t died in a car crash.
He is banned from borrowing anyones car ever
Despite all this he still says he’s not that bad of a driver.
“See guys! We made it here in one piece. I told you I’m not a shitty driver” meanwhile Alex is riding shotgun with his life flashing before his eyes, Tim is in the backseat trying to make peace with god, and Brian is squeezing the door handle so hard it looks like he’s trying to break it.
They all unanimously agree to take Jay off the carpooling rotation.
Surprisingly his car would be relatively clean. Other than some crumbs and a few half empty water bottles I don’t think his car would be that messy.
Two words. Road rage.
I hc that before Marble Hornets Alex wasn’t an angry dude 99% of the time
Yeah that 1% of the time is when he’s behind the wheel
Scares the shit out of everyone in the car when he’s driving
He just gets so mad that someone’s putting him and his friends in danger because they can’t follow the rules of the road
Has a lot of anxiety about driving which manifests in him yelling for 20 minutes when some asshole cuts him off in traffic
His car is super clean, he absolutely hates it messy
He isn’t just a backseat driver he is the backseat driver
The only thing worse than letting him drive is having him sit next to you while you drive
He gets possessed by the spirit of a middle aged dad teaching his teenage kid how to drive every time he gets in the car with anyone
“Hey don’t you think you’re going a little fast? Maybe you should slow down a little?” While aggressively holding onto the ceiling handle thing by the door type deal
Idk he just seems like the type to be very passionate about road safety
His car has a “back off grumpy driver on board” sticker bc Brian put it there as a joke and Alex just never took it off
He says he hates it but secretly he does think its a little funny
He just does not give a fuck
Like he’s not going out of his way to be super reckless but he’s also not giving himself a panic attack over road saftey
He just accepted it is what it is, if he gets into an accident then it be like that sometimes
“Buckle your seatbelts everyone, or don’t its your funeral I guess. Just be on the lookout for cops I don’t want a ticket.”
His car reeks of cigarette smoke
He’s not a heathen, he won’t smoke when other people are in his car, but he smokes so much it hardly makes a difference
His car is also an absolute mess
Empty soda bottles, food wrappers, random papers, flannels, his car is so messy he could have anything in there
He’ll make an effort to clean it if he knows he’s gonna have people in his car, but his definition of clean is “everyone has a space to sit and a relatively clean section of floor to put their feet”
Does not put up with Alex’s backseat driving, if he tries it he’ll just turn the radio louder to drown him out.
Brian is also a bad driver, but unlike Jay it’s intentional
I mean what’s the point in driving if you’re not going 20 miles over the speed limit at all times?
The first time he carpooled everyone to set, he scared the shit out of them because (besides Tim) no one had ever been in a car with him
Like you look at Brian with his dorky smile, get in his car that has a million stupid bumper stickers on the back, and you expect a normal drive
Then Brian starts blasting the worst music you can think of and tearing down the street like he’s the main character in a fast and furious movie
He was also voted off the carpool rotation
Has a playlist specifically for when he’s in the car with other people and its just the worst music you can think of
Think like the gummy bear song and crazy frog (did those exist in 2006??? Well now they do)
He has actually good taste in music, he’s just a massive troll and thinks its funny
Same with the bumper stickers, bro has a million “honk if you’re homo” and “my other ride is your mom” type bumper stickers all over the back of his car
Still he’s a bad driver in a fully intentional good driver kinda way? Idk how to describe it but unlike Jay he actually knows what the fuck he’s doing
The only time he’s been pulled over was when he was with Alex. He managed to convince the officer that he was only driving so crazy because he was trying to get his friend to the hospital because he was having an asthma attack.
The cop bought it both because I mean look at Brian he looks like an honest stand up dude, and because Alex was actually having a panic attack at being pulled over so he sold it pretty well
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khoipyan · 2 years
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how many photos would he have of you? (REMASTERED)
how many photos would octavinelle have of their s/o?
warnings; none, also this isn’t meant to be seen in a creepy way! it’s actually meant to be romantic and cute! reader is also implied shorter than floyd in his part, but there's no actual description of HOW MUCH shorter you are in height.
notes; you can tell how much i love writing for these fish men omg. also this is a rewritten and reuploaded fic that i previously wrote on my deactivated acc! same general idea, but i want to put it back up for people who want to read something similar again.
notes2; *cutely searches up synonyms for photos..* anyways this won’t be worded the EXACT same as my precious one, but the general idea will! thanks for the support btw, 3 days and already 26 followers?! 😭 ily guys /p
notes3; i feel like this one was longer than the original one bc i added some stuff... but it's all generally the same idea ok have fun reading
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azul ashengrotto
okay. unfortunately, he’s not going to put photos of you publicly like in the vip room in mostro lounge.
he’s not embarrassed of you! he just doesn’t find the need to display you everywhere (as much as he wants to).
however, he’ll definitely have a small photo or two of you in his wallet. one of the photos is just you, and the other one would be a photo of him AND you.
(my definition: he gets to carry you around like a pocket chibi in his wallet /j)
can't really see the guy having pics of you plastered all over his walls, if somebody walked in and saw that he would absolutely DIE (which is why he can't do that).
but on his nightstand beside his bed, he'll have a small framed photo of you. azul always wishes you a goodnight everytime he heads to bed, wishing that both you and him have the sweetest of dreams.
he may or may not give you a goodnight kiss... but you didn't get this info from me.
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jade leech
i can't really see him as the type of guy who takes many photos. he's more of the, "spend time together for memories" instead of "take photos for memories" type.
however, if you want him to take more portraits of you, he won't exactly be opposed. after all, he does enjoy making you happy (as well as having memories that he can actually look back at)
jade probably does have a photo of you in his wallet, but the problem is that it's probably hidden behind several cards and receipts, so he'd likely never get the chance to even see the photo while opening his wallet.
but what he DOES have a framed photo of you on the wall. it's not tremendously large, but it's average sized. of course, framed with silver and pearls as decoration. you deserve to look beautiful on his wall!
but that's it.
hey, you guys should have a photo of each other so you can be matching...
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floyd leech
has 3 to 5 photos of you on his wall just above his desk (they're fairly small). that's it!
just joking, this is floyd we're talking about. do you really think he wouldn't take so many photos?
they're ALL on his phone, and he has a LOT too. from the extremely blurry ones from his chasing you, to the really good quality ones, you name it! they're all entirely in his gallery.
he likes specifically taking photos from the top angle (you know how you hold your camera above your head and look at it?) because it makes you look much shorter than him. you could even be 1 centimeter shorter and he'll still take those photos just to emphasize how small you are to him.
refuses to delete any of the bad shots if it includes you in it (unless you're the one asking him to). what do you mean he doesn't need 24 blurry photos of you running away from him?
anyways, he has the most photographs out of the trio. simply because he takes away too many photos, needed or not.
friendly reminder to not let him steal your phone or else you'll have 56 photos of him goofing around by the time you get it back.
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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1-up-chump · 2 years
Mortal kombat MK 1 roster general SFW relationship HC
Liu kang
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A relationship with liu kang is a sweet one, he's the type who would never be afraid to hold your hand in public. Although before an established relationship, would get annoyed with "ooo you like them" comments from others, which yeah he likes you but also "shut up they're not my bf/gf" until he gets over himself and just goes "yeah and?"
Liu kang would give meaningful gifts, something he knows you would like but also use. But obsesses a little bit over it being your "favorite color"
If you're not "kombat ready" liu kang would at least want you to know how to defend yourself bc he knows he can't always be there to protect you (but by the elder gods he will always try anyways)
Johnny cage
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Mr Hollywood himself takes absolute pride and joy in your relationship, Johnny may be a funny cocky man but he is 100% loyal to a fault and will go above and beyond for you. No price is too high for his sweetheart, the financial kind or the life risking kind. And contrary to what some might think, Johnny prefers more privacy between you two bc paparazzi is a bitch and a half, but also his love is something thats for you and nothing to prove to anyone else.
Johnny gives all the "klassic" romantic gifts, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears dressed up as scorpion. The amount of cheese this man gives off when it comes to love is astounding, but Johnny is just too charming to completely say "no" to when he's trying to woo you.
Despite the glamour and dramatic cinematic esque romance, Johnny would literally die for you no questions asked "Kombat ready" or not. But if you can kick some ass he wouldn't mind being "damsel in distress" for a moment even if it might hurt his pride a little (who knows, Johnny might find it kinda hot)
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Raiden's affection for you in private vs public is like night and day, but one thing no one can deny, you make him so much happier. He's more reserved in public but he's not going to deny you a kiss to the hand or a flirty, playful wink that's so quick you might miss it. But in private he's so much more relaxed around you, expect like, a lot of kisses and cuddling. Raiden might be a little touch starved, but even then he always asks for consent even if you already agreed to it before. He's also sassy as hell (raiden absolutely has personality and a sense of humor and just bc nrs forgot doesn't mean I did too)
Raiden is more of an "acts of service" type than a gift giver. But if he does give a gift it's either practical like clothing or maybe a little treat, or something very sentimental like a protective charm, something to give you peace of mind and to remind you he's always there for you even if not physically.
Raiden is definitely making sure you can handle yourself to some degree however capable you can be. If you are very willing to be "kombat ready" be prepared for some pretty intense training, but raiden is fair and won't push you unnecessarily anymore than you can handle
Scorpion/hanzo hasashi
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Baby is so fucking protective of you its no joke, has the energy of a big looming dog if someone so much as look at you the wrong way. Very circumstantial with showing affection publicly, only comfortable when it's around people he knows wouldn't lay a finger on you. In private he is the biggest sweetheart, very very touchy and cuddly, and not afraid to show just how much he loves you and how much you mean everything to him.
Hanzo isn't much for gift giving, rather doing things for you more than anything. However he gives small but very thoughtful gifts, be it your favorite treat or a beautiful piece of jewelry that you once eyed like a week ago. He sees the little things that you like and takes note to give it to you, especially if it makes you smile, your smile gives him life.
Do i even need to tell you how devoted this man is? The man literally went through all manners of literal hell for his family before, the same applies to you. Only this time he will be better to not let rage blind him, should the worst happen. But by the elder gods whoever hurt you will pay dearly
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(Listen i know thats his noob-saibot form but i couldn't find a better gif of him)
Like hanzo, very devoted and passionate but less intense about it. It's cheesy as hell but you warm his heart, he might not like being overly affectionate with you on the account someone might "attack his soft spot" but regardless he still loves you no matter what, his actions will always say otherwise even if he's being "cold"
He's traditional with the gifts, flowers, hand written notes, and on rarer occasions he might give you a frozen treat. His letters however is where he can pour his heart out comfortably, where verbal words fail him, written poetry tells you just how soft you make him
Bi-han might be distant with you, at least to outsiders. But you know better, you know he'd do anything for you when it comes down to it. Perhaps even challenge his other loyalties if it comes to it
Sonya blade
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Sonya is a bit awkward with affection, she's not the touchy feely type but she does love to sneak kisses when no one is looking or paying attention. She does love and care for you but she shows it a bit differently
Acts of service all the way, sonya would rather do something for you or with you. Not really the material type at all, but not to say she wouldn't give practical gifts like clothes or an item you would use often. However sonya would give you flowers on a very special occasion, sunflowers. Roses are usually the "klassic" but she thinks sunflowers are prettier anyways
Sonya cares so much she absolutely would die and kill for you. She'd probably also make sure you're "kombat ready" too, as much as you can as she knows she won't always be there to protect you, but by fuckin elder gods she'll try anyways
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Kano is a stinky bastard, the obvious being said, it's no secret you're his soft spot. And kano makes sure to dial up the "big macho man tough guy" to 11, just to make sure no one even thinks about using you against him. Which may include kano being mean to you in public on purpose to keep up certain reputations. But in private? Like a whole new man, he's rough around the edges but he genuinely tries to be considerate. Super touchy and handsy, there's no inch of you he hasn't laid his hands on and thats not even in a raunchy way, he just likes holding you.
Kano is definitely the type to get you anything you want, but mostly gives you some nice (totally stolen black market) jewelry. You can have literally anything as long as you don't ask where kano got it (bc the answer is always something illegal probably)
Kano will never give you up without a fight and by elder gods he's gonna put up a fight because no one is gonna touch you except him. And perhaps fighting because of you he has some shred of honor. Although he wouldn't mind you defending yourself at all, hell that makes his life a lot easier
Shang tsung
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Shang tsung isn't afraid to show affection, however in public it feels more like a display of "look at my pretty little toy" than something closer to a legit relationship, but that's only because shang knows better than to ever let anyone know the truth that you have his heart and soul. In private he is sensual, he's intense, passionate and all consuming. Shang is very vocal about showing his love to you in private and he will always remind you that not only your soul belongs to him, but his belongs to you. A rare gift you shouldn't take lightly.
Speaking of gifts, they are the most extravagant and expensive things. But shang pays attention, he knows exactly what you want when you want before you even know what it is that you want. Basically shang tsung's gifts are flawless and he will settle for nothing less.
Shang tsung may not seem like it to others (for obvious reasons) but he would quite literally raise hell if anything bad were to happen to you to a point he'd put his own ambitions on hold if it ment you'd be safe. Which is very significant for a man like him, consider yourself the most lucky (or unlucky depending on who you ask) person in the whole universe to ever had won his heart
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Everyone is shocked to see syzoth take a lover, but for syzoth this is very much a big deal. Therefore he protects you fiercely, the one person to show him not only the respect he deserves, but also kindness. His race never truly had this sort of show of affection, they were lizard folk so they're detached from those sorts of bonds. However this doesn't mean syzoth can't feel love, he actually loves how warm you are. And as such will cuddle you to a point you might get annoyed bc good luck trying to get this big lizard off of you.
Food is a big gift you're gonna get, it's going to be a lot of raw meat so definitely tell him what you actually can and like to eat. Syzoth tries his best to give you things he thinks you'll like, so if you don't actually tell him what you like he'll give you shiny things and flowers (that are mostly weeds)
Syzoth absolutely defends you to the death and no one is gonna keep a limb if they dare hurt you. Although you might have to watch out bc syzoth might attack anyone else around even if they weren't involved in hurting you. You'll have to calm him down
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Goro is the type to pick you up and go "look at my lover they are amazing" if the shokan prince takes a lover he's gonna show them off like a prize. But make no mistake he loves you and someone's gonna have to have some balls to disrespect you in front of goro.
Goro will make sure you have everything you ever need or want, although he's not much of the spoiling type, he might just make an exception if you bat your eyes at him and "put on your charm" so to speak. Depending on his mood goro might give you something no problem, but he might be either cheeky or moody and you'll probably have to literally fight him for that so, don't even try if you know you can't beat him in a fight.
It's a bad idea to hurt goro's beloved so rest assured that goro is gonna tear the limbs clean off whoever so much as dare threatens your life. And then proceed to beat them to death with their own limbs with one pair of arms, while holding you close with the other
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theghostbunnie · 3 months
(bcs they're scarily similar to mine)
TYSM????❤️♥️💕💝 and I always have so many opinions I'm the fuckin yapinator
I was literally talking just the other day about how Nikki has a detachment from feminity as she's literally been reprimanded for doing it wrong before even her two best friends doing an 'eh' with an iffy handshake when she even REFERS to herself as a girl and I do strongly believe it's bc she's at that age where she's learned feminity does equal something shameful or weak, or in her case maybe even thinks it makes you mean and shallow. While SIMULTANEOUSLY still being a young feminist and trying to not have that subconsciously!!! Creates a sort of "it's for others not for me" mentality accidentally bc she's supposed to be Nikki™ and thinks she'll be less respectable, or less herself if she's feminine.
But she's actually been this way in the show before she's willingly wore pink on two occasions willingly, as casted as Juliet, and wearing Indian traditional clothing. (I'd argue even further on the second one as it wasn't given to her for play but she made it!! And it was pretty!!) In the episode Neil and her get stuck in the flowerscouts he just WAKES UP with makeup and a seaweed wig on and I'm firm that like she did that and knows how to lmao. (Further proved by her literally doing her own makeup in this episode)
But back on topic yeah when she was enjoying herself until she realized ofc her worries weren't upfront exactly "oh no I look girly!" It was oh no I look like a FLOWERSCOUT, a "type" of feminity she's tried to push away from bc she associates it with a specific type of woman, and worries who she is as a person if she likes this.
I hope the fandom takes this episode as Nikki being a more rounded character instead of like, just erasing her masculine side or something :/
Bc most importantly; Nikki's expression of feminity in this episode *wasn't performative* she was doing it by herself for how it felt
I love their character ok like everyone in camp campbell is an asshole in their own way and their own degree, and I know early fandom liked to demonize the hell out of Nerris but I actually love how their character flaws compared to the other campers way more just scream "child" to me. They do shit and I go "yeah this is definitely a character acting immature with not a full grasp of their actions" and it's cute in a way to me idk!!! Like girl that's someone's DIARY WHY DID YOU POUR YOURSELF SOME JUICE AND KICK YOUR FEET AND GIGGLE READING IT YOUR SO SILLY ! Nerris often prioritizes themself in selfish ways but also in very childlike ways so yeah reading someone's diary because they connect with them and gain a little crush on them through that is adorable, esp jumping straight to "is this LOVE?"
Nerris liking girls- also something!!! Hinted towards in past episodes!! ((Nikki too some people call It "just admiration" but she literally has blushed at Ered and called her "my baby")) Nerris' scene where they're profusely sweating asking Ered to hang out with them i want to say could be a sign she has a crush on her too, but honestly? I'd be more inclined to believe the "it's just admiration" argument more here, I could see it going either way.
NERRIS WITH NIKKI THOUGH, IN NIKKI'S LAST DAY ON EARTH, Does that god modding type play little kids do where they narrate what they want to happen and get huffy when the other kids don't play along, which again back to my previous point of Nerris honestly being a small time offender compared to most the cast and also adorable.
But specifically she was trying to lowk boss Nikki into running into her arms and to me that's always been🫵🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
So I find it really funny how Ered, a character most the fandom hasn't really paid attention to or been a favorite or anything, always gets HC'd as a lesbian (often just for the jokes, or because her parents are gay, or because she's colored hair pronouns and skateboard/hj)
Absolutely no hate to the HC itself I'm sure there's someone who loves her character alot who has it but sometimes you can kind of tell when most are just slapping labels on characters they don't care about, and Ered out of the three of them is the ONLY one who hasn't shown cannonically interest in girls??? 😭 Like most of the cast, hasn't in anyone or any gender!! Nerris and Nikki have been exceptions in that, and now it's even official for Nerris!
Nerris and Nikki have cannonically only shown interest in girls. Unless some specific brief scene is slipping my mind atm/gen
ALSO GONNA TALK A LIL MORE ABOUT ERED BC I LOVE HER also need to specify the difference between a hc and a theory RN as I know it's very likely not cannon but the fact Ered doesn't know a lot of "being a woman" or periods (like an alarming amount missing for someone 14 ALSO CAN I GLOAT A LITTLE BIT ABOUT BEING RIGHT SHE WAS 13 IN S1-S4 !!??? OTHER PEOPLE WOULD SAY LIKE UP TO LIKE 17 SOMETIMES) (also context it's bc she says "other freshmen" and freshmen are 14-15.)
You could argue she simply is a late bloomer but girl you yelled at the word uterus like you simply can't understand 🏳️‍⚧️🫵🤨⁉️⁉️ and "what happens at NIGHT TIME??" like the whole conversation gave me the vibe she only knew things on a surface level and wanted to know more simply to be included!! I also wanna point out Ered never says anything that could confirm or deny she even gets one, just that Gwen thought she did, which could've been assumption or simply the wording she chose to phrase.
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angel-thoughts-dump · 11 months
times they call/insinuate angel is gay/“too feminine for a man”/is attractive to men, in ats - Season 1
ep 1 A manager says to Angel he is a very beautiful man, and he wants to represent him. "Call me, this isn't a come-on"
ep 2 In the club, Angel has to "search for someone that's in trouble" and everyone thinks he is just flirting, including a man, Angel tells him "seriously I wasn't hitting on you"
ep 3 Spike, while watching him from afar, makes a LONG hilarious joke about him being gay, and caring too much about his hair and using “nancy boy hair gel”.
Later while fighting, Spike says to Angel "What’s next ? Vampire cowboy ? Vampire fireman ? Oh, vampire ballerina?" to which Angel responds "I do like to work with my legs" and kicks him
ep 4 Doyle legit admits he is attracted to him
ep 5 Cordy: "do you have (hair)mousse?...       of course you do"
ep 6 Mafia boss calls him “nancy boy”. Angel hits him with a chair.
Also, there's a joke where Cordy nags Angel for not noticing her new shoes, Angel is about to say that "men don't notice that staff" when Doyle enters and says to her "Nice shoes!". This is a 'Doyle =gay' joke but it also shows Angel has funny ideas of what makes you a man, and it's funny that the entire plot of the ep is about repressing emotions, and unwinding when you touch a magic stick.
ep 7 Angel and Doyle going to fight a vamp nest is paralleled with Cordy going on a romantic date. Doyle: “everyone has dinner plans”.
The first thing the new husband of Doyle’s ex does when he comes in, is insist on how handsome Angel is. (Doyle’s ex had also just met him, didn’t say a thing, neither did other women this ep)
ep 8, 9, 10 and 11 I didn’t catch any
ep 12 friends of Cordelia meet Wesley and Angel for the first time, the way they act and respond to their flirting and invitations to a party makes them think they are gay “the good ones are always gay” one says. Angel is not bothered about it, Wesley a little. Later they have this conversation in which Angel seems to have noticed that insecurity, and he says to Wesley that the girls liked him, that his clumsiness was charming, and that the fact they think they are gay adds mystery
(also why does angel quickly bit his lip, looks him up and down, and smiles to him like that??? asdfasdfasd)
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ep 13 (refer to this post bc it needs context) in short yeah a guy is definitely attracted to him
ep 14 nothing again I guess
ep15 Kate’s dad asks her if Angel is gay, she laughs and says "no, he is just not my type, or I'm not his type".
Also, it felt like the dialogs were specially 'supernatural=queer' this episode, and he WAS getting homophobia by Kate lmao
"you don't get to kill a demon in front of me and then act like we are going to have a cappuccino together" "No offense, I know you are probably a decent guy for, you know, what you are..." "If you insist on talking about this, can you pls not call it that? It makes me uncomfortable.(don't say demon) say evil thing" "What? they are evil things that are not evil? - well yeah(me) - OH right, sorry" Then the scenes of his father calling him a disappointment make it even more uuughhh, and then he says "It was a son I wished for, a man! Instead, god gave me you".
All scenes from his past as human point to him being a fuck boy, meaning that, even if not queer, in a way, he also didn't follow the conventional norms of romance or sexuality. But it's also funny to point out the first thing he does as a vampire is feed from a man, to which Darla says "now you can have anyone you want"
ep 16 Cordelia ends up saying “if anyone is wearing a push-up bra here its-- Angel!” when Angel surprises her entering the room, (Also, Wesley describes a type of demon that howls when they are preparing to fight or mate, next scene angel is fighting them while they howl(they appear male), I know this one is a reach, but I’m putting it here bc it made me laugh).
ep 17 so he reads girl-celebs magazines and remembers this rumor about an actor? sure
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also this ep Cordy(known fashion lover) compliment's Angelus fashion sense "Angelus would never wear those pants".
In the buffyverse they say everything is the same without the soul except there's no guilt, meaning no repression about what he would like to wear. So if it hadn't been obvious from before, Angel is also a fashion lover, except repressed about it.
ep 18 there was nothing much here except if you count that Darla asks him "have you met someone else?" no gender-specific.
And/or this interaction with Linsdey cuz come on the tension, the banter, the 'was it necessary getting this close?'
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ep 19 Again nothing textual unless you count that Wesley risks his life and goes against the Watchers council for him, even if it means helping someone he hates(Faith), and his loyalty to Angel is called a perversion(also how does angel look so small here??asdfsas)
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ep 20 two little things, first, does this joke "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" Angel says to intimidate a guy count? lol
Second, in this ep they get paid to search for blackmail pictures of a guy who went to a demon script club, after Angel takes them back Wesley looks at them, and he seems weirded out. Angel is besides him and only with a quick look he is able to tell the pictures are upside down, Wesley turns them and looks at them again, he says "oh, I can't imagine it was pleasant" to which angel makes this face like uhm???
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In any case I put it here cuz even if its not an "angel=gay" moment it certainly shows he has experience with Unconventional sex staff
eps 21 and 22 I didn't catch anything, but in the last ep the "supernatural= other(queer/disabled/etc)" thing is easier to see. Because there's Kate again with the irrational hate like "I'll rid the city of your kind" etc just after Angel saves someone.
And the last scene shows the way your friends don't mind the "weird" parts of you even if you or most people do
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a super endearing moment that happens just before the show promises Angel that he will "as a reward" be normal eventually, which weird, cuz then, Is the message of the story that you can find peace by finding a mission and loved ones who accept you as you are? or is it you can find peace only as long as you are useful to the normal 'innocent' people around you, and you work toward being normal? idk
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lionheartedmusings · 11 months
oh boy, listen, the qsmp election should just be renamed the broken telephone event bc there's no way people are misrepresenting everyone's platform and to be fair character (and, a note, literally all of this is also about characters AT NO POINT DO I MEAN CCS i just get lazy typing the q! tbh) so much. maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe it's difficulty in being the devil's advocate but it's wild to see in real time.
i watch bad religiously, try to watch as much of forever's pov i can live and what i can't i watch in vods, cellbit i catch when i can, baghera i do my best but french and me don't mix well in my head. this is coming from someone who is a native portuguese speaker and perfectly bilingual when it comes to english. i say this to illustrate that especially between the english and portuguese speakers, i'm not getting lost in buggy translations or difficulty undestanding.
do i disagree with insaneduo? yep, but that's a personal opinion. i also entirely understand not only their stance during the debates (do i enjoy it? not really, the tone — which is not aggressive, it's assertive — is anxiety inducing TO ME PERSONALLY and so i struggle) but also their platform. they're doing the best with what they've been given, and keeping your enemies close is the only thing in their opinion has truly shown any sort of result. using the federation's resources is an opportunity they can't pass up! they have great ideas, good implementation plans, and cellbit isn't even running so really, forever is doing the most as he should. i understand why he doesn't understand the anarchy route in this situation. yes, their platform has been misrepresented, but that's because ultimately what they showcase in public forums aka debates for all to see does come across as very assertive (which is what debates are for, asserting your stance) and at times a bit tunnel vision imo. listening to them properly out of the debates would do a lot to stop whatever circus has been going on.
now, i have seen an insane amount of people almost mischaracterising bad and baghera as a response to the misinterpretation of insaneduo, and that's not fair either. bad and baghera have spoken at length about their issues with presidency, how they don't want to centralise power, how they don't trust the federation and they definitely don't trust anyone who will be actively pulled around by them. are they all puppets? yes, but do you want to give power to someone who willingly or not is giving up their own strings? it's normal that they're reluctant or just blatantly refusing of that idea. they don't think insaneduo are power hungry dictators, they've in fact spoken multiple times talking about how they think BOTH cellbit and forever would be good presidents (bad specifically mentioned it even last night) but that the concern isn't them, it's the federation.
bad making a joke about helping foolish assassinate anyone other than baghera and gegg is… a joke. it's literally a silly goofy joke based on "my coalition vs everyone else" and the idea of political assassination. there's quite literally no need, and frankly imo a disservice to the relationship that bad and forever have to mischaracterise that. if i remember correctly, wasn't forever the one talking about how they should be killing each other bc it'd be fun? i might be wrong there, but i vividly remember that.
my point being, this election is ultimately an exercise in futility bc they're all fucked regardless, this isn't "giving someone power" it's the federation sticking a pacifier in their mouth for soothing and telling them they'll sleep better. it'll end terribly either way, and no character is safe. it's a ridiculous plotline but a wildly interesting one, BECAUSE it's doomed to fail and yet everyone's doing the song and dance.
enjoy the content. laugh. analyse the character dynamics, motivations and plans. don't go out of your way to mischaracterise and demonise any character bc that not only goes against everything the qsmp stands for, but it also sucks the fun out of it for you and everyone else. no one is after anyone, no one is isolating anyone to be mean to them, these people are friends playing characters who are friends. have fun! my god!
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