#i mean arthur is completely right hes like a child learning emotions so of course he has a right not to know how to handle them
eldritchqueerture · 3 months
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The Love Yet Known Part 2
Summary: Tommy Shelby needs to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of his family. So he concocts a plan to marry off his sister to the one and only Alfie Solomons.
Thanks for the love for the first part! Heres for you, @97freaknik. Sorry the tagging system isn’t working. 
And thank you to my permanent tag who have yet to block me despite my spamming of works. 
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          The drive to London was almost absolutely silent. Neither Alfie nor Eliza really knew what to say to one another. It was as if they were just acting out something for the sake of Tommy. Neither of them exactly knew how they’d ended up in such a predicament.
            Alfie’s mind was racing, wondering how stupid he was to agree to something like marrying a Shelby. He thought about the ramifications, was there even a rabbi who would consider converting her and allowing them to marry? What sort of effect would this have on his life in the long run?
            He glanced to his left where Eliza had been sitting quietly since they’d left Warwickshire. Her eyes were locked on the window, never turning her head. He wondered if she was wishing she was on the outside, not in the car with him. Maybe she figured if she didn’t look at him, she wouldn’t have to think of the arrangement.  
            Alfie cleared his throat, the silence too uncomfortable for his liking. “Erm, you like dogs?” He asked.
            She looked away from the window to show she had heard him. “Pardon?”
            “Dogs? Do you like dogs? I have a dog.” He clarified. “He ain’t mean or anything. I bought him to be a guard dog but he had other plans. Too nice for his own good.”
            A hint of a smile formed on her lips. The sense of humor didn’t exactly fit his image. But it did help her relax a little. “Yes, I like dogs.”
            “Good. That’s good. I sorta have a nasty habit of picking up strays.” He admitted. “I don’t keep all of ‘em. There’s a charity that a dear friend of mine runs. They train dogs to help blind people. So, they take in most of the strays.” He rubbed the back of his neck. It was strange. It was almost as if he was trying to list off his good traits so Eliza wouldn’t look at him like he was a monster. Maybe he could put her mind at ease. “But, Cyril I kept. Cyril’s me dog. I kept him, couldn’t give him away.” The silence on Eliza’s end was killing him. He wanted her to say exactly what she thought about him. Most people who worked for him kept their opinions to themselves. Most of his business partners/enemies were vocal about what they thought. But neither of those opinions mattered. Because none of those people were intending to marry him. If they were to marry, Alfie wanted to know Eliza’s opinion of him. Even if she said she hated him and wished him dead, at least he would know.
            “He sounds lovely.” She said politely.
            “Yeah…he is.” Alfie fiddled with one of his rings. He wasn’t sure how he was going to make this work. It gave him a headache thinking about it.
            Much to Alfie’s relief, Eliza took immediately to Cyril. The bullmastiff seemed to enjoy a female presence in the flat. At least she didn’t feel completely alone in Camden Town. Alfie just felt a little guilty that her only companion was a slobbery, goofy dog.
            Still, he capitalized on her affection for the mutt. He allowed her to take Cyril out for walks whenever she pleased and didn’t say anything when Cyril started to sleep in her bedroom.
            Meanwhile, Alfie was trying to figure out the complicated matters of converting Eliza so they could get married. Tommy continued to call to push the matter. It was clear over the phone that he was desperate to make the union complete. The Italians would be closing in at any time and Tommy didn’t need another threat from Camden Town to weigh on him.
            “Y’know, I know you’re godless, Tommy. I understand that, but us godly men have rules and those rules simply cannot be tampered with. Centuries of laws, mate, can’t be overturned ‘cause you find it inconvenient.” Alfie said over the phone.
            “I gave you money to ensure it.”
            “Right, well some rabbis take bribes as an insult, mate.”
            “Alfie, if you’re holding out on me…” Tommy warned.
            “She’s been living with me for nearly a month, Thomas, if I really wanted to back out, I would’ve sent her home to you.” He cut the man off.
            Tommy muttered something over the line but Alfie couldn’t hear what it was.
            “There’s a rabbi that Ollie found that might go through with the conversion and marriage,” Alfie said. “When I hear from him, I’ll let you know.”
            The Blinder seemed to have his worries put to rest at least for the time being. “And how is she doing there?”
            “Well, her best friend is me dog,” Alfie replied honestly. “She hardly speaks to me, not that I blame her much.”
            “She’s always been quiet,” Tommy assured him.
            “Well, circumstances ‘n such.” Alfie sighed and cracked his knuckles. “Anyways, I’ll let you know, Tom. I’ll let you know.”
            One night a couple of days later, Alfie and Eliza were sat down together for dinner. “I just wanted you to know that I’ve found rabbis who are willing to convert you.” He brought up the topic.
            “Oh. Okay.” She nodded.
            Alfie had learned over the few weeks together that she was a difficult person to read. She was a lot like Tommy, and less like her other brothers who were prone to showing their emotions on the outside. She always spoke to him in a calm, steady, and polite manner. Almost as if she were afraid of setting him off, or it was simply just her demeanor. Alfie would’ve preferred if she were a bit more like Arthur, as terrible as that would be. At least he would know what she was thinking instead of having to guess.
            “Didya…well…have ya put any thought into it? I mean, ain’t a small decision.”
            Eliza shrugged as she pushed her food around the plate with her fork. “I haven’t put much thought into religion.” She admitted. “Polly was the only one who took Christianity seriously in our family.”
            “Right.” He nodded. “Still, being Jewish is more a way of life, innit?”
            “That’s what I’ve been told.” Alfie had arranged for Ollie’s wife to give some insight to Eliza into what it meant to be a Jewish wife. He assumed they’d bonded, but Eliza didn’t say much about it. Though, she did frequently visit Ruth and her and Ollie’s pack of kids. She never said what they spoke about.
            “Right. Well, just wanted to know what your thoughts about it were.” He posed the question again, hoping to get a little further into her mindset.
            “Ruth said if we were going to have children, they needed to be brought up fully Jewish. Or at least, that’s what she thought your intentions were.”
            Alfie cleared his throat. How could they discuss children? Of course, it was a factor but a child wouldn’t just magically appear once they were married. And they hadn’t even touched each other aside from the mistaken brush of an arm. “Well, right.” He tilted his head to the side, hoping suddenly for an interruption so he could leave the conversation.
            The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. It was the first time she had addressed him by name. The way she spoke his name was so soft. Like nothing, he’d heard before. “Hm?” He couldn’t exactly speak properly.
            “Do you think I’m afraid of you?”
            He raised an eyebrow. “Afraid? Well, I’d hope not. I told your brothers that I ain’t here to hurt you.”
            “Then why do you walk on eggshells around me?”
            Alfie opened his mouth but only let out a small, confused grumble. It must’ve been that Shelby wit that had gotten them there. She was so good at concealing her feelings that Alfie looked like a fool. Dancing around the topic, trying to please her, giving her everything she wanted. God, he must’ve looked like a sap.
            She smiled slightly. “I didn’t expect you to try to impress me so much. The way my brothers spoke of you, I was expecting something else entirely.”
            He drummed his fingers on the table. “There’s a difference, yeah, ‘tween business and me personal life. What your brothers see ain’t what you’ll see.” He tried to explain.
            It was different from her family’s mentality, or Tommy’s to be more specific. In the Shelby family, everyone dealt with family business. There were no exceptions unless you absconded. Even then, it was tricky to escape business. But it appeared Alfie was keener to keep his two lives separate. Eliza considered how this difference might benefit her.
            “All the day’s shit, yeah, it gets left at the fucking door.” He pointed down the hall toward the front door. “This is sorta a sanctuary, innit?”
            Eliza nodded. “That sounds nice.”
            “Nice, yeah it is nice.” He agreed.
            They were quiet for a moment, neither of them really wanted to return to the conversation topic of children. It seemed too fresh.
            “Ruth is trying to teach me how to cook kosher.” She spoke up after a bit. It was the first time she offered any information without Alfie prompting her. Maybe because now she felt the flat was a safe place for her. “Just, I dunno if you were wondering why I’m there for so long.”
            Alfie shrugged. “I’m glad you two have gotten along. Didn’t want you to feel lonely here.” He admitted and went back to eating before his dinner went cold.  
            Eliza watched him for a split second. So, he cared about how she felt? Imagine that.
            It took quite a bit of convincing to get the rabbis to convert Eliza. Wrestling with tradition, Alfie knew he was asking for a lot. But the conversion went through and under Jewish law, he was allowed to marry her. Not that he was looking for some massive wedding. It would be best to call the least amount of attention to himself as possible. The Camden community might not take kindly to his bride-to-be if they found out she was a convert. And if they found out she was a Shelby? Well, granted, Alfie was scary enough to thwart off criticism. But he didn’t want the rumors to get around to Eliza. He didn’t want her to feel unwelcome.
            In reality, Alfie felt as though he was going mad. Since when had he given two shits about someone’s comfort? His job was basically to make people feel uncomfortable so they’d be more willing to listen. But apparently, Eliza had made quite an impact on him.
            She fit in very nicely in his flat. Never made a fuss or anything. That wasn’t to say she was like a little dormouse. She wasn’t very tidy. Alfie chalked this up to her growing up with five siblings. He didn’t particularly mind, though. It was nice to see the flat actually lived in. For so long it had been just a place to sleep. But Alfie realized he had grown fond of coming home late from work and finding traces of Eliza throughout the house.
            A dirty pan in the sink, her book on the sofa, a couple of hairpins on the coffee table, and the stray teacup with cold tea that had been forgotten about.
            For a brief moment, as he cleaned up, he wondered if their children would be just as messy. Alfie could imagine coming home to the floor littered with toys. It brought a smile to his face.
            Of course, children was still a conversation they had to have. Alfie loathed the fact that they had to get over that little mountain of a decision. He wouldn’t dare force anything onto her. Purely by his own standards and morals. Plus, the added benefit of getting a bullet in his head courtesy of the Shelby boys.
            So, he waited and hoped that was something they could get to. Because, despite their relationship still being merely two people who lived together, he did like her. More so, even.
            The wedding, although very traditional in the ritual sense, was very small. Only a few people very close to Alfie attended if only to witness the union. There wasn’t a reception or party to follow. No grand affair.
            They simply walked out of the building as man and wife.
            “Alfie, can I ask you something?”
            “’Course.” It was a bit strange. Eliza was standing in the foyer as he went to go feed Cyril. Standing in her wedding dress, she looked a bit out of place.
            “I know what is…expected of us tonight.” She wrung her hands together. “But I don’t think I’m quite ready. I’m sorry I just…”
            Alfie felt oddly relieved. He was hoping she would say something, otherwise, he’d feel like a monster if she went through with consummating the marriage and she wasn’t ready. “No reason to apologize, love.” He walked back out of the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket. “Ain’t any rush.”
            “I appreciate that.” She said softly. “Thank you.”
            “So…I’ll see you tomorrow then? I’ve got to work early.”
            “I’ll make breakfast.” She offered.
            “Nah, that’s alright. You don’t need to get up so early.”
            “I don’t mind…”
            “S’alright, love.” He gave her a warm smile and held out an arm, allowing her to go upstairs first.
            Eliza smiled back, feeling her cheeks warm a bit. She went upstairs, allowing Cyril to trot by her.
            “I had a few things shipped in from Paris. Sorta wedding gift, if you will. I hope you don’t mind, I asked Ruth if she could help me.” Alfie said as he climbed the stairs behind her. “I left it on your bed.”
            “Oh, Alfie, you didn’t need to-”
            “S’alright.” He assured her, meeting her at the top of the stairs. “You Shelbys like nice things, aye?”
            She shrugged. “I’m a Solomons now.” She pointed out.
            He let out a brief chuckle. “Yeah, that’s true. F’ya want, we can get a nice box for your dress. Maybe to store it? I dunno, me mum did the same thing. I still have her dress, fuck if I know what I’m gonna do with it. But she-well it were the only thing she brought from Russia.”
            “I understand, it’s important to you.” Eliza agreed.
            Alfie rubbed a hand over his beard. “Yeah. Yeah, it is. Well, I won’t keep you up.”
            “Goodnight, Alfie.” She smiled at him before going down the hall to her room. Like he said, there was a large box on her bed. After shutting the door, Eliza opened the top and found an array of beautiful pieces of clothing that must’ve cost a fortune. Beaded gowns, satin gloves, a fur-lined coat, and much more. Eliza carefully unpacked everything, folding the items or hanging them up in the closet. Then she landed on a pair of silk pajamas that looked like what picture stars wore. A gorgeous burgundy color with embroidered designs on the cuffs of the shirt and pants.
            She smiled and felt her heart skip a beat. It had been a little unnerving knowing that she would become a Jewish wife. There were a lot of changes she had to make, moving to Camden, marrying Alfie, and trying to keep her end of the bargain by converting. But in the end, she was still married to a gangster. One who, although he looked simply, did like luxury items. And maybe it was how he was trying to show his affection for her.
            Married life wasn’t all that different for Alfie. He continued to work the same tireless hours and continued to keep up his agenda of legal and illegal operations. Mostly illegal.
            What changed was coming home to a gentle person who had a good skill of keeping the flat calm. Alfie assumed that like the other Shelbys, Eliza would manage to only raise his blood pressure. But she had the opposite effect.
            She had become more of an open book with him, which led Alfie to believe they were moving in the right direction. She told him more about what she did during the day. Mainly, she spent her time with Ruth and some of the other women in the neighborhood.
            It was nice to hear things that weren’t related to business. Alfie’s entire life was business. Now he had someone else to occupy his thoughts.
            As the weeks wore on, both Eliza and Alfie began talking on a more intimate level. Soon she found she was telling him things not even her siblings knew. Things that were very personal to her.       
            She also began to notice Alfie stealing a few looks her way. Meanwhile, she found herself looking forward to seeing him every day and often was disappointed if he worked late and she fell asleep before he came home. Her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her or called her pet names. She figured it was just instinct, something he did to everyone. But it felt special to her.
            Eliza realized, when winter came, that there was no reason for her sheepishness. They were married, after all. If she wanted to further their relationship, all she had to do was ask.
            So, she did. One night, Alfie came home late from work. He picked at some leftovers waiting for him, before heading upstairs. His hip was bothering him as the days got colder, so he wasn’t in a grand mood. When he reached the second floor, the door to Eliza’s room opened.           
            “Sorry, love, didn’t mean to wake you.”
            “You didn’t, I was waiting for you to get home.” She lingered in the doorway for a moment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in, I would’ve kept you company while you ate.”
            “S’alright, didn’t eat much.” He shrugged. “There something you needed?”
            “Well, yes.” She walked into the hallway. It felt a little silly asking her husband what she was going to ask. So, Eliza gained some of that Shelby confidence and looked him in the eye. “Will you kiss me?”
            It certainly wasn’t what Alfie expected. He thought maybe she wanted to use the car or needed some spending cash. So, he felt a little bad that he was silent for so long, but he didn’t know what to say. “Erm, I didn’t-well-”
          �� Eliza began to clam up, fearing she had overstepped a line. Maybe it was all in her head and Alfie didn’t really like her all that much. “Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve asked…”
            Alfie caught her hand before she could scurry back to her room. He drew her closer and his other hand cupped her cheek. His eyes searched her face before he kissed her, trying to get a mental image of her locked in his head. The tiny bit of freckles on her face, the wintery blue eyes looking up, yearning, and the way her lips parted slightly. He would catalog the little bits of information away because he couldn’t imagine how this would last long. Nothing good in life ever lasted long and Eliza was one of the best damn things that ever happened to him.
            That night, Eliza slept in Alfie’s room for the first time. It was how she came to the realization that her husband was just a big bear. Grumpy, stubborn, yet he cared for his own. Eliza liked that. She had grown up around bristly love. Polly marched them to mass every Sunday no matter how much they complained because she wanted to ‘save their souls’. Arthur would gladly murder any boy who gave her even the slightest of looks. Tommy was stern but she found out later it was because they had no father figure so he had to take on the role. And John? Well, John pretended to hate his twin sister. He wanted to appear tough in front of his friends and teased her at school. But every night, when there was no available light to read, he conjured up a story for her.
            Other people may not have understood, but Eliza knew that real relationships couldn’t be found in the pages of her books. She liked Alfie because he was real. The most real thing she’d ever known.
            After that night, their relationship bloomed much faster. They found married life soothing when others found it stressful. They enjoyed each other’s company so much that Alfie started to cut back on late nights at the bakery. It meant more to Eliza than he might have realized.
            As the situation with the Italians got more intense, Alfie started to realize how much their relationship had grown. He found himself contacting Tommy more often, demanding information about what Luca Changretta was doing. He wanted to ensure there would be no threat to his London empire and there would be no threat to his wife.
            His anxiety about everything reached a boiling point when Eliza disappeared one morning. Had he looked in his study, he would’ve seen the note she left for him saying that she was taking the car to visit her family in Small Heath.
            But he didn’t. So, he naturally assumed something bad happened and rallied a search team. He was at his wit's end, practically tearing his hair out.
            When Eliza arrived home, unharmed and acting normally, he lost his cool.
            “Where the fuck have you been?” He demanded when she walked through the door as if nothing had happened.
            Eliza looked taken aback. He’d never taken such a harsh tone with her. “Pardon?”
            “I’ve half me men out looking for you, you think it’s alright to just disappear like that?”
            “Alfie, I left you a fucking note on your desk.” She snapped, not happy he was talking to her in such a way. He usually was very respectful.
            He looked a bit hesitant, maybe he had neglected to see the note. But he was still too upset to admit he was in the wrong. “You could’ve told me, aye? Where were you?”
            “What does it matter?” She asked defensively, trying to pass by him in the hallway.
            “Because there’s a man out there who wants to wipe out your entire family, Liz!” He snapped, standing in her way so she couldn’t shrug off his concern.
            “You don’t think I know that?”
            “You have no idea where he could be or what he could’ve done to you!”
            “I was in Small Heath, I was perfectly okay.” She retorted. “I have the right to go where I please.”
            “Small Heath?” Alfie looked at her in disbelief. To think she could go that far and think she would be fine on her own. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
            “Do not take that tone with me!” She held strong against him. “If I want to see my family, I can. You can’t keep me locked up in Camden.”
            “That ain’t…” He let out a frustrated noise. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel trapped. “I don’t understand why you just up and left. What did you need to do there?”
            “That’s my business.”
            “You don’t control me, Alfie.”
            “I know!” He shouted. “You don’t think I know that? But I care too much about you to let you be killed because of what your fucking brother has gotten your family into!”
            Eliza’s lower lip wobbled and she crossed her arms over her chest. “I went because I was late. My aunt confirmed it, I’m pregnant.”
            Alfie was knocked right in the gut by the news. What he thought would never happen was now a reality. “Liz…”
            “Just fuck off.” She spat and turned to head upstairs. But she paused halfway. “I was so excited to tell you and this is how I’m treated? You can sleep on the couch.” She stomped upstairs and slammed the door shut before locking it.
            Alfie felt like an absolute imbecile. He was notorious for letting his temper get the better of him. But he was proud of himself for never letting Eliza see that side of him. Now he had mucked up what they’d been building for months.
            Eliza didn’t come down for dinner or breakfast the next day. Alfie decided to try and speak with her before he went to the bakery for the day.
            His first knock was met with silence.
            “Eliza, please, just let me apologize.” He said as he knocked again.
            “Go to hell, Alfie.” She finally replied.
            He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Love, I’m tryna apologize, here!” He exclaimed. “What else do you want me to do?”
            There was another bout of silence before the door swung open. “You think an apology is some grandiose gesture?” She demanded. “Alfie, I’ve walked across hot coals for you and you don’t even realize.”
            “M’tryna…I don’t know what you want me to say.” He grimaced, realizing how shit he was at relationships sometimes.
            “I went to Small Heath and you know what Ada said to me? She asked me about my headscarf. She said it was oppressive and I never should’ve converted for you. She said you would never be able to do anything that comes close to what I’ve done for you. Do you want to know what I said?”
            Alfie nodded.
            “I said she was wrong. I told her that you treated me right. You respected me. You were there for me and appreciated the person I was. I converted for you, I married you, and now I’m going to give you a child. So, don’t act like you have this authority over me when I’ve done so much for you.”
            He sighed. “You’re right, love. It were wrong for me to treat you like that.” He acknowledged in a rare event of humility. “But me worst fear is losing you. ‘Cause you’re the only thing on this Earth that means a damn to me. If I lost you if that fucker killed you? I’d never forgive myself. I would spend the rest of me days mourning.”
            Eliza’s tense stance relaxed a bit when she heard the genuine concern in his voice. His anger was out of fear. She knew men like Alfie had a hard time addressing their fears because they weren’t meant to be scared of anything. Her voice softened. “I’m not going anywhere.” She promised. “You have me until the end of time.”
            “And you have me.”
            She smiled and stepped into his arms so he could hold her close. “That’s good to know.”
              Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @giftofdreams @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe
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rein-ette · 3 years
Engport HC Series: Part 1a/?
oh my god ok so i just realized after @mr-nauseam liked my post (thank you) that i actually began writing iacta alea est to fulfill the "narrative of engport" request but i got so caught up trying to go all the way back to the beginning that i ended up planning a whole fic thats 99.99% about Other Things and only 0.01% actual engport and then promptly forgot who i wrote it for adsjcnlksjcelckjl i'm so sorry
As an apology here's some actual engport hcs about the beginning of their relationship, focused mostly on the feels rather than the specific historical events because that's usually how I think about character relationships (that is, i think about some aspect of a relationship that i want to explore, then choose an appropriate historical setting which reveals that aspect).
Headcanons Ahoy
So the major question I keep asking myself with engport, especially when I think about how they first met, is Why them? Why do these two kids click when they meet, and what draws them back to each other? I set Arthur and Ports meeting as the Seige of Lisbon in my timeline thing because i just think crusade + seige is such a dramatic setting fit for two Drama Queens ™ , but the 12th century is not favourable for budding relationships between two young nations that aren't even neighbours — how the hell would they have ever seen each other again? This isn't a "I found an italian in a crate and now after being forced to endure his presence for 10230482358 hours i think i'm gay for him" situation; history pretty much provided one shot for England and Port to make it work — if hadn't met and gone, "that's him, this is the one", then they wouldn't have seen each other again for centuries.
I think this holds true even if you change the setting and timing of their first meeting as well. Sure, the Anglo-Portuguese alliance is the longest ongoing alliance in history, but if we're being completely objective Port and England weren't each other's most important foreign relationship, like, ever. For Port that would probably have been Spain, and for England France or his brothers. So even after their alliance, why would they ever be more than passing friends? Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that the foundation of Arthur and Port's relationship was personal attraction, not proximity or chance; something in the time before they met each other prepared them to need each other, so that once they did meet they wouldn't let go.
That's why I went down the whole rabbit hole of the Roman Empire, because I think losing his mother and his time under Rome were formative experiences for Port, which changed him in a way that made him uniquely receptive (or should I say susceptible) to all of young Arthur's charms. Since humans have their earliest describable memories when their about 6 or 7, being torn away from his mother in a brutal war would have been one of Port's first clear memories. The ensueing years were no easier on him, as he (which i willl explore in the fic) and his brother were trained brutally before joining the Roman army. These are the years where Port learned discipline as a coping mechanism, as opposed to Toni who learned to obey. These might seem similar, but by discipline I mean forcing himself to carry out (often unnecessarily harsh) acts or measures, and seeking out unnecessarily dangerous experiences himself in order to release some of the tension inside. These are, of course, behaviours that Port continues to display even as an adult. In contrast Toni's obedience is more about wiping his mind and obeying like a toy soldier — if you have no choice anyways, why think and make yourself suffer?
Hence when he met Arthur, in the 12th century, Portugal was a somewhat subdued child of about twelve already disillusioned with much of the world and harbouring a hatred that he himself did not completely recognize or know where to direct. In fact, he was probably more disillusioned and suspicious than he is now, though he hid it under a mask of silence and cold, feigned disinterest. Of course, not all this has to do with Port's circumstances — its pretty contrived to attribute all of a character's bad traits to a "traumatic childhood", and in many instances Port simply acted and felt the way he did because he was a child who growing up in turbulent times did not yet know how to manage his anger, fear, or frustration.
But what does all this have to do with Arthur? Well, I think Arthur would have had (and still has) just the right type of personality to cut through all of this bullshit. Whereas Portugal wraps layer after layer of his grievances and unexamined feelings around himself, Arthur personality is like a firebrand in the night — destructive when handled incorrectly, but fierce and enthralling. As a child, Arthur wore his emotions not just on his sleeve but around him like a colour-changing flame; especially for someone as perceptive as Port it was just so incredibly obvious and fresh, so different from the scheming adults Port grew up with and Port's own tendency to shove everything inside and let it stew till it turned into toxic waste or something.
(if this is somewhat different from their current personalities, its because — obviously — they changed as they grew older, but also because they adopted things from each other: Port became more spontaneous, relaxed, generous with his emotions, whereas England became more introspective, pensive, learned to mislead and conceal)
anddddd this is longer than I thought so will do part 1b from england's perspective another day
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monkeebratz · 5 years
Gotham Seamstress Marinette - Wayne Gala
Initial Idea | Uncle Ozzy | Wayne Gala (you are here) |
So we have the whole Cobblepot Crew at the Wayne Gala. Mari is off wondering, scribbling away in a palm sized sketchbook all the ideas this beautiful place is giving her! (She smuggled it, along with Tikki and Sass, in her purse. Its a little crowded but they can snuggle.) Peri is following behind her quietly, smiling to herself. Not that anybody can see. 
Meanwhile Gale and Ozzy have started talking to dear ol’ Brucie boy. At this point, its been a couple years since Ozzy has declared his vendetta and has calmed the fuck down. It also helps that Bruce is not suck a dick about things and Ozzy can relax the stuffy old Gothamite Socialite act around him. They get to talking and Bruce kinda chuckles about how he heard Oswald brought a plus one? Who’s the lucky lady? And he points out Mari, who’s slowly making their way back to the Cobblepot Crew with Peri gently steering her in that direction. And Bruce, dad of all dads, immediately sorta puffs up. “Oswald.” 
“Eh? What, Brucie boy?” 
“That’s your plus one? She can’t be any older than my youngest-” 
“Oh, get your bird-brain out of the gutter! Just doing this as a little favor to the girl, she’s my favorite seamstress, y’know. Made me and the Girls outfits for this little soiree, her own dress too. Figured I’d get her some more... legitimate business, you see. Sweet songbird’s had a rough go, recently.” 
And Bruce is even MORE side eye-ing bc wtf does all THAT mean, Cobblepot? Wtf? Should he be Batman concerned or Bruce Wayne concerned? There’ll be a full blown investigation in the Bat Cave when he gets home from this but for now he puts on a smile as Oswald introduces them. Mari is, of course, completely flustered. What an honor to meet Mr. Wayne himself! The Gala is so pretty, and she’s heard all about his charitable work, she’s such a fan! 
Bruce is kinda blown away by this little French Sunshine Child and gives her the Father Smile, letting her ramble. Ozzy is preening bc hell yes, his Songbird has Bruce Wayne’s approval. Bruce asks about her designs for the Cobblepot Crew and commends her skills. Gets Mari out for a dance and then she’s dancing with everybody! Bruce, Ozzy, the Girls, even some strangers. Its a great time! 
Bruce introduces Mari to Damien, who is unimpressed and bored out of his mind. He can appreciate the aesthetics of Mari’s designs but holds to the idea that she shouldn’t be so willing to design for criminals like The Penguin. Not that he says any of this out loud, of course. Offers to take Mari out for a dance and there’s a lot of Mari apologizing for being such a horrible dancer. (It was one thing with the Cobblepot Crew, who she knew didn’t mind, or Bruce, who seemed so nice. But Damien is sorta angry looking and she’s nervous as hell.) Damien tells her its no problem and manages to lead her around with minimal toe tromping. 
BUUUUUT of course this couldn’t last, right? A certain blonde model boy notices Mari and breaks up their dance. In the middle of the dance floor. Like the oblivious boy he is. 
And you have panicked French as Adrian grabs Mari’s arm and keeps going on about how glad he is to see her! Where has she been, doesn’t she know how worried everybody has been? Mari, how could she leave him like that? Really, he knew she was upset about the little mishap with their identities and his Father, but did she have to throw such a tantrum about it? 
Marinette, meanwhile, is digging her nails into his wrist and trying to get him off of her, practically tripping on her dress in her haste to get away. Adrian still has a firm grip on her arm, though, and she falls back into Damien who, in perfect French, is asking what the hell does he think he’s doing Agreste? And Adrian puffs up and tells him that he doesn’t need to worry about it, its none of his business-! 
(Mari stops panicking long enough to catch Ozzy’s eye and the Girls make their way over with extreme prejudiced. None of them notice Marinette grabbing something from Adrian’s finger and slipping it into her purse. Nobody but Damien.) 
The Girls pull Adrian away from Mari and Damien and there have their claw hands out, making those upset bird coos. Adrian is kicking about and Bruce is getting an explanation from his son, while Ozzy is trying to comfort Marinette. Its a disaster. 
And then. It gets worse. Because Gabriel fucking Agreste notices the commotion and his sons name attached to it and goes over to figure out what the hell is going on. 
He grips the back of Adrian’s neck and shakes him a bit because he recognizes Mari and, of course, apologizes profusely for his behavior Miss Marin-
“Mari. Its... Its just Mari, now.” 
And Gabriel just nods and apologizes again. “Miss Mari, then. I’m sure this incident will not affect our... agreement?” And Marinette shakes her head and Gabriel nods again and drags Adrian off to leave because not only is this embarrassing, this could jeopardize everything! You stupid, stupid boy!
Mari’s scrubbing tears away from her face and Bruce is apologizing profusely, he had no idea she knew the Agreste’s, or he’d have ensured they didn’t have to interact, and Mari tells him its fine, he couldn’t have known. 
Ozzy bundles her up and takes her back to Arthur’s and seethes. The Agreste’s might be having a little accident soon. He drops her off and Mari shuts herself up in her room and slips on the ring and Plagg fizzes into existence and Tikki tackles him and its an emotional night for everybody. 
Because you see, when Marinette has found out Gabriel and Adrian’s identities as Hawkmoth and Chat Noir, she’d panicked, and when she’d confronted Gabriel and learned why he was doing what he did... She helped him. Used her Guardian training, and Tikki, to fix the Peacock Miraculous, and heal Mrs. Agreste. In return, Gabriel gave her both the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculi back, saying good riddance as long as he had his wife back. Marinette agreed to keep this between them, as long as he worked to fixing the damage he’d caused, with the city, its people, and his family. And Gabriel has sworn to, less she go back on her own promise to ensure Mrs. Agreste’s health. 
Adrian had, of course, figured out Marinette’s identity as Ladybug, and what she had done for his family, and gotten... worse. Not horrible, really, but gradually going from not taking her denial of his advances but becoming more and more pushy about it. Because of course they were meant to be together! And idk if any of you have ever dealt with men like this but its awful. Because Adrian doesn’t understand that what he’s doing is only scaring Mari, and the worse he gets, the more scared she gets. The more desperate to get away. And one day, when Fu names her the official Guardian, she does. She flees to Gotham and never looks back, because Fu remembers so little now, and her family had ignored how her love for Adrian had turned into fear. Everybody had. 
So she left. And here she was. 
(As far as the Fu thing goes, I haven’t watched season 3′s finale(s) so please don’t spoil them. The idea of Fu losing his memories has more to do with the fact that he’s almost 200 years old and the human body just isn’t made to last that long, magic or no magic. So he starts losing his memory and doesn’t always recognize Marinette so in a moment of clarity he passes the torch, unfinished training or not. Marianne comes to live with Fu and take care of him, remind him of things. They didn’t have their time in their prime, but they’ll take it now.) 
Tag List! If you’d like to be added, please send me an ask! Just a little easier for me to keep track of that way, lol
@destinationdesignation @xxmadamjinxx @emjrabbitwolf @meg-chi @officiallyathiana @graduatedmelon @seraphichana (I’m so sorry I can’t figure out why it won’t tag you?) @theatreandcomicfreak @beaversuenightly @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess
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bi-bard · 4 years
Long Forgotten Past- Arthur Pendragon Imagine (Merlin)
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Title: Long Forgotten Past
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon X Reader (I tried to make this gender neutral but if I slipped up, I’m sorry)
Requested: Nope... 
Warning(s): Mentions of past abandonment and memory loss
Summary: Someone made a decision that changed (Y/n)’s life forever. Now things are changing and the truth will be revealed. A visitor coming to Camelot makes sure that the truth comes out and (Y/n) learns more in a day than they had in forever.  
Author’s Note: I have had this sitting in my drafts for so long! This was originally a musical prompt but I drifted very far from that original idea... whoops!
“Merlin, let go of my wrist,” I hissed as he dragged me through the halls of the castle. 
“No, this is important,” he replied, continuing to drag me along.
“Merlin,” we heard someone shout behind us. Merlin stopped with an angry sigh, tuning around to face Arthur. “Hello, (Y/n).”
“Hello, Arthur,” I smiled. 
“Merlin,” Arthur turned his attention to the boy that was still grabbing onto my wrist. “What on Earth are you doing?”
“I need to speak to Gaius and it’s important that (Y/n) is there,” Merlin explained. “You can make me do any chores you want afterwards.”
“(Y/n), are you alright,” Arthur touched my arm gently.
“I’m fine,” I said with- what probably looked like- a dumb smile. He nodded before waving us off. “Bye.”
“Bye,” he replied.
“God, you two are pathetic,” Merlin muttered once Arthur was out of earshot and you had continued following him to see Gaius. “He is absolutely in love with you.”
“No, no he is not,” I insisted. We had this discussion all too often. Merlin had this idea that Arthur loved me... which wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true. 
“Gaius,” Merlin shouted as opened the door of their room. “I’ve discovered something.”
“What is it,” Gaius asked, stepping away from whatever potion he was making. 
“There’s a king missing his child,” Merlin explained. “His wife died when the kingdom was attacked and the child disappeared.”
“Merlin, where is this going,” Gaius asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.
“(Y/n) is that child,” Merlin exclaimed.
“What,” Gaius and I shouted at the same time. 
“Is it impossible,” Merlin asked.
“Yes,” I replied. 
“You have no memories from before... about eight years old,” Merlin added. “You know that your parents didn’t give birth to you. Why can’t you even think that this is a possibility?”
“Gaius,” I turned to look at the old man. “Please tell him that he has lost it.”
“Well...,” Gaius started.
“Gaius,” I shouted. 
“We need to tell Uther that there’s a chance,” he continued. “The only one who could confirm this is the man who is potentially your father.”
“You’re kidding,” I shook my head and looked down.
“Come with me, we’ll speak with him before his meeting with the knights,” Gaius said, motioning for Merlin and me to follow him. 
“We’re doing this right now,” I asked. I was scared. I shouldn’t have been scared. None of this was possible. They both nodded. “Okay.”
“Sire,” Gaius said as we all walked into the throne room. “I have an important issue to discuss with you.”
“Make it quick, Gauis, I have a meeting soon,” Uther replied.
“You may have heard about King Rowan,” Gaius explained. “He lost his wife when their kingdom was attacked and his child seemed to disappear at random. Merlin and I have reason to believe that we’ve found his child.”
“Really,” Uther looked stunned. “His child has been missing for almost fifteen years. Who do you believe it is?”
“(Y/n),” I straightened my spine when Uther looked at me when Gaius said my name. “The only person who can confirm that is King Rowan.”
“I’ll have someone go and deliver a message to him,” Uther promised, walking over to us. He placed a hand on my shoulder. “It should only take a few days for him to arrive. We’ll find out the truth.”
“Thank you, Sire,” I said, nodding before going to leave. I still had work to get done... even if my thoughts were in a mess now.
**A Few Days Later**
I ran through the hallways once Gwen and Morgana finally let me go. They had insisted on making sure I looked my best when my potential father showed up. I understood why but it made me even more nervous. 
I only stopped when I was right outside the doors to the throne room. The guards at the doors gave me nods that I think were supposed to comfort me. I nodded back and they opened the large doors for me.
“This is (Y/n),” Uther said as I walked in. Another man was standing there. That must have been King Rowan.
The room was completely silent. I stood in the middle of the room, scared out of my mind. King Rowan walked over slowly. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.
“Your necklace,” Rowan said. I touched in out of instinct. It wasn’t much. A single charm on some string. But I had always had it. “It belonged to my wife. She told me to give it to my child. It was her last wish on her deathbed.”
“That... That means...”
“(Y/n),” King Rowan pulled me into a tight hug. I felt him shaking. I let tears fall from my eyes. “My child.”
“Father,” I mumbled. I stepped away after a minute, trying to wipe my eyes so I could look presentable. “Why can’t I remember that time? I would’ve been old enough to have memories.”
“That was my doing,” he looked down. “I had a warlock wipe the first ten years from your mind. I didn’t want you to hold onto that pain. Now that you’re here, we can find a way to restore them.”
“Gaius,” Uther said. “He would be able to fix this, yes?”
“I could certainly try, Sire,” Gaius nodded. I turned around and hugged him.
“Thank you,” I mumbled. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied before stepping back to look at everyone. “(Y/n) will need to stay in my chambers and I will need to be able to work with her in private.”
“Of course,” Rowan nodded. He gave me one last hug before following Uther, who was offering him a tour of the castle. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Of course,” I nodded. Everyone had left the room except for Gaius, Merlin, and Arthur.
“I told you so,” Merlin said. I rolled my eyes at him.
“Merlin,” Arthur warned. “One more word, you’ll be sleeping in the stables.”
“Sorry,” Merlin held his hands up. He moved over to hug me. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” I mumbled. 
“Gaius and I will go off to prepare for... whatever is going to happen,” Merlin said before following Gaius out of the throne room.
“So, you’re royalty,” Arthur said after the door shut behind them.
“Apparently,” I looked down. I was caught off guard when he hugged me and twirled me around. “What is it?”
“This is the best news,” he replied. “This is perfect.”
“Why is it so perfect?”
“We’ll talk about that later,” he shrugged with a smirk before kissing my forehead. “Good luck.”
“Thank you,” I gave him a nervous smile before heading off to see Gaius and Merlin.
I walked through the door, fiddling with my hands. My stomach was full of butterflies and I was scared that I would actually throw up. Merlin gave me a comforting smile once he saw me shifting from one foot to another. 
“Come lay down,” Gaius said. I nodded and sat on the cot that Gaius had. 
“How is this going to work,” I asked.
“Well, I’m going to give you this potion,” Gaius held up a bottle. “It should start bringing your memory back but it will cause you to fall asleep because the process of regaining memories can be...”
“Overwhelming,” I completed his thought. He nodded. “Have you done this before?”
“Never had to,” Gaius replied, kind of shrugging at me. I let out a heavy sigh. “It’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” I shook my hands out before holding one out to take the bottle from him. 
I shifted so I was laying down, then took a huge gulp of the potion. I winced at the flavor as Gaius took it from me. My wincing stopped as I started feeling drowsy, my eyelids struggling to stay open. After what could’ve been seconds, I was falling asleep.
**Time Skip**
I slowly blinked as my brain became less and less cloudy. I rolled my neck before moving to sit up on the cot. I jumped a little when I saw how many people were there... just looking at me.
“Hello,” my father said softly, sitting next to me. I smiled at him. “I know this is going to sound a little silly but... can you tell me the name of your mother?”
“My mother’s name was Aleida,” I replied, my eyes filling with tears. “She was killed by a neighboring kingdom when I was eight. And I just forgot her.”
“No, no, no,” my father hugged me, rubbing my back. “You did nothing wrong. I am so sorry. I am so sorry for everything.”
“May I have a few minutes,” I asked. “I just want to collect my thoughts.”
“Of course,” my father nodded, moving to stand and guide everyone out.
Once the door closed, I felt all of my emotions truly come out. I was scared and I was confused. I placed a hand over my mouth as I cried. Almost eight years of lost memories came crashing back in less than a minute. I couldn’t sort through all of my thoughts.
Whether or not I understood what was going on, my tears eventually stopped. I finally stood from the cot and walked towards the door. Everyone was waiting just outside. 
“Sorry,” I mumbled. “I just needed to pull myself together.”
“You’re alright,” Arthur stepped forward and touched my shoulder. I smiled at him.
“Merlin, I believe you and I have some work to finish up, don’t we,” Gaius asked. Merlin nodded, a very smug smile on his face as they walked back into Gaius’ chambers. 
“Rowan, I believe we have a deal to discuss,” Uther announced. “Would you like to go discuss the matter?”
“Of course,” my father replied, walking towards the throne room.
“So,” Arthur said slowly. “It’s true.”
“It’s true,” I chuckled. “So, you can tell me why this was such great news.”
“Well,” he looked down for a moment. “I just want you to know that I love you.”
“Oh,” I froze up for a moment. “As in you’re in love with me?”
“Yes,” he confirmed with a small smile. “I didn’t want to say anything because of the stupid rule about royals not being with people that aren’t also royals... but this was the best stroke of luck because now no one can do anything to you if I was to say anything... which I did.”
“I am very happy that I do know,” I replied. I glanced around the nearby hallway before leaning up and kissing his cheek. “Let’s go see what our dads are so adamantly discussing.”
 “Alright,” he nodded, holding his arm out so I could wrap mine around. I leaned on his shoulder while we walked down the hallway. It was nice. This was a definitely a nice moment.
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When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist)
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"You Alright?!"
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Hello again folks! Hope you're all keeping well! I'm sure some of you may have heard the recent rumours floating around social media recently, to my knowledge there has been no confirmation or truth in any of the rumours as of yet, but the rumours circulating happen to mention that Maisie Smith has quit her role as Tiffany Butcher after 13 years of playing the character to peruse a career in Hollywood, following the paths of her co-stars Ben Hardy and Himesh Patel! (Peter Beale and Tamwar Masood). In regards to these rumours, I personally won't be saying anything about it until something official has been announced, whether it's from EastEnders or Maisie Smith herself. What do you guys make of the rumour?
Focusing on today's episode, there's quite a bit for us to cover, so I'll start first with Ash and Iqra. Out of the blue Iqra gets a phone call from her sister, at first we're unsure what could be happening. It's only late when she rushes home that she reveals that Habiba is pregnant with Jag's child! This news seems to leave Ash feeling even more guilty than ever, even though that over time the guilt has seemed to be eating away inside of her, it seems like this is thing that would tip it over the edge. She decides to take a visit to her Mum, informing her of the news that she's just heard herself. However, after Ash informs Suki that she's going to be a Grandma, Suki drops the bombshell that she's known for a while, informing her daughter that Habiba sent her a letter the other week. Ash is completely stunned that her Mother has no remorse for what she's done, considering the fact that Jags perhaps doesn't know he's going to be a Dad, and that with him being in prison, he's not going to have the opportunity to see his child grow up. Ash can't stand it anymore and she begins to stand up to her Mother, it looks as if this has also been eating away at her also. She voices how much she was dreading her Mum turning up to the Square, and how much she actually has hated her being there since she arrived. Calling her a "Bitch" and more names under the sun, Suki strikes and slaps her daughter across the face. I guess it's fair to say that Suki really is a nasty, evil piece of work. Ash informs her Mother that she's going to do everything she can to keep Habiba and Jags' baby away from her. But horrifically, Suki mentions that she doesn't even care about her unborn Grandchild and the only children she'll make sure she has contact with is Ash's, and not for being the doting Grandmother, but for feeding her children awful stories about their Mum! - Personally, I thought that was just awful, how horrid can one woman be?! Even though we can all agree that we absolutely hate Suki, I have to say that Balvinder Sopal plays the role so fantastically! After learning about Habiba's pregnancy, her confrontation with her Mother, and the guilt building inside of her, Ash takes it upon herself to approach Iqra and finally reveal the truth. After so long, she finally reveals to her girlfriend that she's been lying to her and that Jags was never the one who hurt Martin, but in fact Vinny was the culprit. What does this mean for Iqra and Ash now? How is Iqra ever going to trust her girlfriend again?! What do you guys think? Could this be the end of Iqra and Ash?!
The next thing we have to focus on has to be Mick and Frankie! It has to be doesn't it?! The day appears to be Mick's birthday and it also just happens to be the day were Frankie is supposed to be leaving for Australia. Through-out the day, Mick can't seem to enjoy the celebrations, his mind seems to be completely on Frankie, especially after the way he spoke to her the previous day. However, Frankie seems to be getting her things together. Even though she seems to have consoled herself after yesterday, Ben still seems worried for his friend, informing her that he wants to make sure she's alright before she leaves for Australia. After being able to get a hands on a birthday card for Mick, she contemplates dropping it off to his house, but Shirley confronts her - am I still right in thinking that Shirley doesn't know who she is?! I'm sure she just knows that she's Katy's daughter? But not that she's Mick? Am I right? Please someone enlighten me if I'm right or wrong! Anyway, after being confronted by Shirley, Frankie flees, crumpling up the birthday card in her hands. Later, Mick is alone in the gardens as he sits on Arthur's bench, Frankie still playing on his mind. As he's alone with his thoughts, he appears to overhear a conversation between Phil and Denise. Phil pleads to her to let him see Raymond more often, he has a right to see his son as he's his Dad, all he really wants to get to know his son and spend time with him. After some contemplating, Denise agrees and informs him to collect Raymond later in the day, but before she leaves to head inside the house, Phil whole-heartedly thanks her, and you can see how genuine his thanks towards her is. This moment also seems to play on Mick's mind as he later confronts Denise and informs her how good it was of her for letting Phil see Raymond, it's then Denise makes a very valid point - every child needs their Dad. Later on in the episode, Linda takes Mick to the Prince Albert, but once again, he can't seem to focus on his birthday celebrations. He informs Linda that no matter what Katy has done, Frankie is a part of him and she is also a victim as well as he is. It seems that Mick has finally come to his senses and realises he needs to see/speak to his daughter. He approaches Ben and asks where she might be, it's then he learns that she's due to leave for Australia at any minute. Desperate to find her before she leaves, Mick hurries out the bar in search for her. Fortunately he manages to find her at the tube, now I have to say that this scene was absolutely beautiful, so touching it almost made me cry!! After so long, Frankie gets to hear the words she's been longing to hear. Mick opens up and acknowledges that he's her Dad, and no matter what kind of life they've both had, they have a special connection being Father and Daughter. He makes the very important statement that he genuinely wants her to be a part of his life, she's his daughter and the one thing he notifies that he's good at, is being a Dad! The look on Frankie's face is overwhelm and pure happiness, through happy tears she reaches into her pocket and pulls out the birthday card she crumpled up earlier and passes it to her Dad - "Happy Birthday, Dad!" - Mick opens the card in front of her and is completely touched, teary he pulls her in for a hug and they hold each other, with happy teary eyes. I found this scene so emotional, I was so happy for them I want to cry and yet cheer at the screen! Beautiful acting from both Danny Dyer and Rose Ayling-Ellis. Does this mean that Frankie will now be staying on the Square? Will the rest of the Carter family be able to accept her? I'm sure Linda will, but how will Shirley react when she learns the truth about Frankie's identity?!
The final thing I want to talk about of course is Sharon and Ian! During the last episode, Sharon left Phil a voicemail, claiming that she's come to the decision to call the plan of killing Ian off! At the beginning of this episode, Phil is the first one to make it through the Queen Vic doors to confront Sharon about her change of mind, she claims that the reason behind her decision is that she can't put Kathy through what she has been through, for some reason, it just doesn't seem fair. But her decision doesn't seem to sit right with Phil. Later, as Ian leaves the pub in an attempt to get some fresh Ian, Max approaches him from behind and happens to ask two - has heard about his test results? and whether he's confronted Sharon about their suspicion? However, Ian once again seems to brush off the idea that Sharon could be behind him feeling unwell. But interestingly, Max makes a very valid point - if there was one person who would want him actually dead, the realistic culprit would be him! However, he also seems to mention to Ian that he overheard Kathy having an altercation with Sharon. Returning to the Vic, Sharon is upstairsgetting rid of some pills as she washes them away down the sink, as she's doing so, Ian approaches her from behind - asking her what she's doing. She turns around in a shock and uses the excuse that she's getting rid of some old medication as she doesn't want Albie getting hold of them. It's then he takes his opportunity to question whether she has something she wants to tell him. However when she denies wanting to talk about anything, he questions her about the confrontation she had with his Mum, it's then that she explains that people care in different ways and his Mother was just simply asking her to look after him. Later on in the episode, Sharon bumps into Phil at the park as he kicks a ball around with little Raymond. It's then they begin to discuss their plan with no lurking ears around them. Phil can't seem to understand why Sharon has changed her mind, he devastatingly recalls the evening that Dennis died, that he was actually on the boat at the time! This seems to really affect both of them and as Phil begins to carry on describing how poor Dennis must've felt being locked in the room by Ian, Sharon stops him as she can't bare to hear another word. Phil insists that Ian has to pay for what he's done to their boy and he promises her that he'll get something stronger, something that will work much quicker! It look as if their plan to get rid of Ian is back on, as during the final scene of the episode, as Sharon is working away behind the bar, Ian is sat on the opposite side of the bar, beside her. Phil makes his way inside and Sharon begins to poor him a glass of orange juice, only the one thing I noticed is that as soon as they step to one side, Ian watches them, looking incredibly suspicious. Could he maybe jump to conclusions and think that Phil is behind him being ill? Or will he put two and two together and maybe come up with the possibility that Sharon and Phil are working together?! But, the one thing he doesn't tend to see, is Phil passing Sharon a little pouch of powder as well as money to pay for his drink. Very discreetly, she pops the powder inside her jeans pocket as Phil takes a sit in the pub. It looks as if the plan to finish off Ian is still all systems go! Will Ian click on to their plan?!
At the end of every episode I feel like I have so many questions to ask, and honestly, I can't wait to see how each and every storyline continues/ends. Is there a current storyline that you're enjoying at the moment? Is there a certain outcome that you want to see? Please feel free to leave me a comment or a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! Thank you again for reading, your on-going support really does mean the world, and I just want to let you know, that every like, every follow, every comment - I see you and it means the extra bit more to see your support! Thank you everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day! Love you all xXx
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emjenwrites · 4 years
Title: Baby, I’m not made of stone, it hurts For: @arowrimo (I’m also going to mention @arospecfanworksweek because I think this might be something they’re interested in, though I literally just discovered their blog) Teaser: Things with the Russians and Section D had started bad and ended worse, and that was before Polly, Arthur, John, and Michael went and got fucking arrested. Or Tommy Shelby grapples with loneliness, guilt, health issues, and romantic orientation in the aftermath of s3. Language: English Category: Fanfiction Fandom: Peaky Blinders BBC Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study Word count: 22.6K (only the first 1.7K on tumblr, follow the links to AO3 for the rest) Content warnings: romance (character is demiromantic), implied/referenced sexual content, implied/referenced pedophilia (basically the same level of implication as canon), implied/referenced suicide, one instance of antiziganism, internalized arophobia (so much internalized arophobia), arophobia, self-hatred, canon-typical language, child abuse, parentification, codependency, prostitution, kidnapping, emetophobia, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, headaches and migraines
Read the whole fic on AO3
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! Here, have 22K of angst because I’m incapable of writing anything else. This fic was written for @arowrimo, though I have ignored their prompts and used their fest as an excuse for a fic that’s been floating around in my head for months.
Warnings: Honestly basically everything you can think of. Read the tags, please.
Title from “Hurts” by Emeli Sandé.
Special thanks to @oceanaromantic for beta reading this fic and putting up with my inability to finish anything on a decent schedule (though in my defense I did not expect this to become my third longest fic on AO3 when I started it).
This fic started out life as an idea for a fic for @boundinshallows‘s Tommy x Alfie prompt fest. Eventually, I decided that fest was the wrong place for a fic like this. Who knows if this is the right place for it either, but we’re giving it a shot anyway.
Admittedly, some of the language might be a little ahistorical. I don’t know how to talk about sexuality—especially aro/ace sexuality—without using modern words and some basic understanding of the Split Attraction Model.
I’ll be completely honest; this fic is a literal cesspool of angst. I’m almost sorry for subjecting you all to it, but not sorry enough not to post it.
People made a lot of assumptions about Tommy Shelby. Hell, his own family made a lot of assumptions about him at times. Some assumptions were useful, others were just flat out annoying, and over the years Tommy had learned to ignore them and not bother wasting time correcting people.
One of the common assumptions people made about him was that he was a liar. That was not actually true, or at the very least, not very true. Tommy was actually a fairly dismal liar, though he could get away with it in situations where all he had to do was pretend to be serious until the other person decided that no one would be that serious about something if they didn’t intend to actually do it.
Unfortunately, this was one of the assumptions his family made about him, which was frustrating because Tommy didn’t actually lie to the family. If he didn’t want them to know something he simply didn’t bring it up or refused to answer questions about it. It was unfortunate the family had never managed to figure that out.
All this to say that while Tommy didn’t lie to the family, there were a lot of things that he’d never told them and had no intentions of ever telling them. One of them was that he liked men just like he liked women. Another was that until he’d been seventeen years old he hadn’t thought he could fall in love.
That was a bit of an oversimplification. It wasn’t just a matter of not falling in love. It was more that he hadn’t thought he got crushes. Sure, he found people—both women and men—attractive but there always seemed to be something missing. When people “caught feelings” as Polly liked to say, they always got soppy and wanted to spend as much time as possible with the other person, even if they didn’t know them and were in no way compatible. Tommy didn’t feel that way.
In fact, it had taken him a few years to even notice. Arthur was three years older than Tommy, so obviously he hit the sexual/romantic awakening stage before Tommy did. Unsurprisingly, he did it with the overwhelming intensity that was characteristic of all Arthur’s emotions. When Arthur had a crush, thoughts of that person consumed his every waking moment. They were all he could think about, so therefore they were all he could talk about. It drove Tommy—who already had enough on his plate as a kid who was basically parenting all his siblings—insane. He’d had enough trouble getting Arthur to do anything useful before he’d started mooning after girls.
The biggest fight Tommy and Arthur ever had was during in this period. Arthur had gone out to try to get the attention of some girl who worked in a shop when all Tommy had needed him to do was sit home with John and Ada—both of whom were sick—while Tommy saw to the delicate task of stealing medicine from the storerooms of Small Heath’s only doctor. Arthur obviously hadn’t stayed, and Tommy had come home to find that John and Ada had been left on their own for hours while burning up with fevers. Tommy had soothed them as best he could, fed them the medicine he’d brought, and then settled down to wait for Arthur. Arthur had come back hours later in a very good mood. Tommy hadn’t even given him a chance to start making excuses, he’d simply marched right up to him and punched him in the teeth.
The following fight knocked over most of the furniture in the kitchen, woken John and Ada, and drawn their father from where he’d been drinking in the betting shop. By the time he arrived, Tommy had Arthur pinned to the floor, something impressive given that he’d been half Arthur’s size at the time. If Polly had been the one to catch them they might have just gotten off with a strict lecture, but Arthur Shelby Sr. liked getting to lay down the law with his fists and belt. To make matters worse, he’d already figured out that his second son was smarter than he was, which was not something his ego could stand. When Arthur told their father Tommy had started it, Arthur Sr. was more than happy to dole out what he saw as an appropriate punishment. Tommy had never been able to figure out if Arthur knew what Tommy was angry about, or if what would happen to John and Ada if he didn’t do as Tommy said had never crossed his mind.
With most other children relegated to the position of unnecessary distractions from the serious business of keeping two younger siblings and one older sibling alive, it was perhaps unsurprising that Tommy spent several years operating under the delusion that crushes where just another piece of Arthur’s nonsense and that everyone else approached relationships and attraction in a more sensible way.
Then there was Sara Walker.
Sara Walker was a girl from school. Tommy was not the one who had a crush on her; that was his best friend, Freddie Thorne. It took him an embarrassingly long time to realize that was what was going on. Freddie was much less dramatic about the whole thing than Arthur was. Tommy had been confused about why Freddie suddenly wanted to spend so much time hanging out with Sara, but he hadn’t grasped what was going on until one day on the way home from school when Freddie suddenly stopped walking and asked very seriously, “Tommy, I need your honest opinion; do you think Sara likes me?”
Tommy blinked in confusion. “Of course, she likes you,” he said. “You’re friends, aren’t you? Besides, Sara likes everyone: even me.” Tommy had something of a reputation of being an odd and sour child who preferred the company of horses to people. The fact that he’d been raising his siblings for years meant he was too mature for most children his age, as well. Neither of those things made one many friends.
Freddie rolled his eyes dramatically. “Quit playing dense, Tom, you know what I mean.”
Tommy did not in fact know what Freddie meant, and that must have shown on his face, because Freddie heaved a sigh. “Do you think she likes me,” he said with heavy emphasis on the word like. “Like, boyfriend likes me.”
Tommy blinked again and cleared his throat. “Why does that matter?” he asked. “Because I girlfriend like her, you idiot,” Freddie said, like Tommy was the one who had suddenly taken leave of his common sense not the other way around.
Tommy felt like someone had ripped the earth out from under his feet. He stared at Freddie while his understanding of the world reworked itself. “You can’t be serious,” he said.
Freddie gave him a look that was just as incredulous as the one Tommy was sure was on his face. “Of course, I’m serious,” he said. “Why wouldn’t I be?” When Tommy didn’t respond he shook his head. “What’s up with you? You’re acting like you’ve never heard of a crush before.”
I just thought they were the sort of thing that only happened to people like Arthur. He knew better than to say that, because something told him that wasn’t the right answer.
“I don’t understand you sometimes, Tom,” Freddie said. He was obviously able to tell this conversation was making Tommy uncomfortable, but didn’t seem to know why. “But tell me honestly; do you think Sara likes me?”
“Sure,” Tommy said. He wasn’t sure how you would tell if Sara did like Freddie, and he wasn’t about to ask.
“I think she does too,” Freddie said. He bit his lip. “Do you think I should tell her?”
“Yeah,” Tommy said, because that felt like the right thing to say.
Freddie nodded with an air of finality and lapsed into silence. Tommy let his shoulders relax. He was glad this conversation was over.
He’d relaxed too soon. “What about you?” Freddie asked.
Tommy immediately went tense again. “I don’t have a crush.”
Freddie groaned in the good-natured way he did when he was making a joke. It did not feel good-natured. “Don’t be that way, Tommy. Tell me who it is.”
“I don’t have a crush,” he repeated, his voice rising a little. “I never have.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Freddie said. “Everyone gets crushes. That’s how it works.” He paused and thought. “Actually, I’ll bet Mr. Hall has never had a crush. He’s soulless.”
Tommy winced. Mr. Hall lived next door to Freddie. He was old as dirt and twice as bad tempered. Tommy and Freddie hated him.
“The only people who don’t have crushes have something wrong with them, Tom,” Freddie went on, obvious to Tommy’s spiraling. “So, you’re not fooling me. Tell me who it is. It must be someone embarrassing.”
Tommy wasn’t sure what to say. He couldn’t continue insisting he’d never had a crush now that he knew that only soulless people didn’t have them, but it wasn’t like knowing that suddenly gave him a crush to offer up. He had to say something. Just pick someone, he told himself, searching his brain for a likely candidate. “Maggie Allen,” he got out.
“Oh, that’s not bad,” Freddie said. “Maggie’s really nice. I was starting to worry you were going to say someone like Doris Green. I don’t understand why you were so embarrassed to tell me you like Maggie.”
Tommy shrugged to avoid having to say anything more. Maggie Allen was pretty and smiled even more than Sara Walker did. Tommy also owed her because last winter she’d noticed Ada had no mittens and handed over one of her old pairs despite the risk that her parents would find out. Tommy had been trying to find a way to get her to let him pay her back ever since, but she kept refusing. Maggie was a super nice person and Tommy liked her…just not the way he’d just claimed to.
“You know, we should both tell them how we feel,” Freddie said. “Sara and Maggie, I mean. That’s what you’re supposed to do in this situation.”
“I think I’ll wait a while,” Tommy said, panic rushing through him. He needed to avoid that at all costs. “I’m not ready for her to know.”
Freddie nodded. “I guess that’s fair. I mean, you could barely tell me. How are you supposed to tell her?”
Tommy didn’t comment.
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
Legacy: Arrow 7x12 Review (Emerald Archer)
Spoiler alert: I loved the 100th episode. I know this is a controversial opinion because it is universally hated in the fandom (I think), but I truly loved the episode for where Oliver was at in his story. So, I didn’t go into the 150th with a lot of expectations. The 150th didn’t need to fix anything for me. Were there some misfires? Yeah and we’ll get into those, but overall I enjoyed this episode. 
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Let’s dig in…
Queen Family
William is home and our Queen family is reunited. FINALLY. 
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Yes, I know it’s technically the Queen-Smoak-Clayton family, but nobody is really expecting me to hyphenate three names over a dozen times? If you are then that’s crazy. I won’t do it.
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Oliver and Felicity are overjoyed to see William, 
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but unfortunately the sentiment is not returned. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
“Emerald Archer” introduces us to William’s alter ego: THE MOODY TEENAGER. 
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This may be the toughest foe Oliver and Felicity have ever faced. 
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Kidding. Not really. I’m knee deep in preteen years and the teenage ones are barreling at me with lightning speed, so I identity with this storyline A LOT.  
Felicity deftly navigates the creature otherwise known as MOODY TEEN by complimenting his ability to find her virus (our budding computer genius. I am so proud.) 
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and then lovingly prodding William into discussing whatever is bothering him 
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by threatening grounding (for a rude & sassy attitude). 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Y’all I am taking notes. MOM ICON AT WORK.
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William is ticked because his parents didn’t bring him home for Christmas. Is that what happened? 
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It’s so hard to figure out what holidays Arrow is acknowledging. Oliver said in 7x08, “Christmas vacation seems like 20 years from now,” so I assumed William came home sometime after 7x09, but I guess not. 
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Yeah, I get it kid. That sucks. #TeamWilliam.
In your parents’ defense they were hashing out the emotional evolution of their marriage while Oliver was body swapping with Bart. But that’s just a regular Monday for Arrow, so I understand the kid’s beef. 
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Source: ebett
Oliver playing television star (hehehe SO META) via this documentary doesn’t exactly scream crisis to William either. But-but-but all the shaky camera shots for gritty realism are cool though right honey? Yeah, William doesn’t care.
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HOWEVER, if I spoke to my mother the way William spoke to Felicity and violently shoved an electronic device she paid for in her face while making demands regarding the wifi security (which she also pays for), I would be taking my life into my hands. My mother would have removed me from this earth, which is her right.  
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Same goes for my kid. I once asked my child during a temper tantrum if she wanted to do this the nice way or the nasty way. She put her little hands on her hips, all of age 3, and said with absolute conviction while glaring at me, “NASTY.” She is now 11, going on 12, and I assure you she has never made that mistake again. So, I commend Felicity’s reserve. I’m afraid I do not share that level of parenting patience.
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Why is Felicity taking all the heat when it was Oliver who screwed the pooch by going to prison in the first place? Well, yes one can always trace the source of the problem back to the biggest pine tree to ever live, 
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but in this particular circumstance I agree with William. It was Felicity’s decision to send him away to boarding school. I’m not saying she shouldn’t have done it. Felicity had extremely good reasons to send William away.
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Source: ebett
However, a large part of Felicity’s beef with Oliver after his release from prison was his constant Monday morning quarterbacking of her decisions. Oliver can hero however he wants, but he doesn’t get to question how Felicity deals with the consequences of his heroism. That was the agreement right? RIGHT. Felicity said the buck stops with her.  So, the buck stops with her. Sending William away was her call, so now she’s dealing with some fallout.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Don’t worry, I fully expect Daddy to get looped in, but I like how they are focusing on William and Felicity first. It’s rare to run into problems with your child when both parents are in the room. One or the other fields the play first and then you loop your partner in. At least, that’s how it works in my house. (Seriously, I don’t know how single parents do it. Y’all are kings and queens among peasants.)
Side note: you never ever contradict your partner’s parenting decisions in front of the little human. It shows weakness. The wee nugget can smell it like fear and it gives them a tactical advantage. These are tools of the trade. Get a pen. Write it down.
It was just William and Felicity for six months. They built their own family without Oliver together. Of course, Oliver was still a part of the family and they missed him like crazy, but the day to day was just the two of them. Some of those decisions are coming home to roost, so it makes sense to me Felicity is taking the parenting lead. She was William’s only parent for quite some time.
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Felicity, being the super hacker mom that she is, figures out what is really going on – William is lying to her. It seems he has been expelled from school. Oops.
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The reason for his expulsion will be revealed to us next week I am sure, but I would say now is the time to loop Dad in.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
These scenes between William and Felicity were the best in the episode and it never ceases to amaze me how far their relationship has progressed in such a short amount of time. There is nothing Felicity can’t do and no man she cannot smoak. Life with a teenage William is going to become more complicated and the parenting more challenging. But William will be a better person for having Felicity in his life. No matter where this story goes that’s a solid fact.
It’s been 150 episodes and we’ve come a looooong way with Oliver Queen. 
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He’s so at peace with himself in these interviews. 
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Oliver has merged both personas, the hood is down, mask is off, he's married to the love of his life, his boy is home, and his life is filled with purpose. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
This man was snapping necks in the pilot and now he’s the softest teddy bear to ever exist because his son is home from school. MY HEART IS FULL.
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Source: olicitygifs
To begin where Oliver began, and to be where he is now, is nothing short of miraculous. He may not be a saint, as Curtis notes later, but that’s exactly where he is headed. That’s who fully realized superheroes are.
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But we still have some road to travel. Oliver’s only real area of doubt is his leadership abilities. I still don’t understand what mistakes Oliver made with Team Arrow. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He’s constantly referencing these “mistakes” particularly in “Emerald Archer.” This is a failing of Season 6. I truly think the writers believe the NTA versus OTA storyline was evenly handled, but in reality Oliver was completely in the right and the Newbies were acting like spoiled toddlers.
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Oliver went to jail in some part to atone for his sins, but I do not feel any of those sins happened in Season 6. I view Oliver’s stint at Slabside as atonement for killing. 
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We can debate the necessities of that atonement, but this season feels like an ultimate purging of Oliver’s sins – venial and/or mortal. Whatever debt Oliver owed society, he paid it and then some. This only makes his soul more pure. If you don’t believe Oliver deserved to go to prison at all then it just adds more fuel to the martyr fire - all good things in the evolution of a saint.
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However, now Oliver is questioning his ability to lead because of these so called “mistakes.” Based on statements Oliver has made in previous episodes, those mistakes would be lack of trust and lying. 
I’m with him on the lying. Time to nip that in the bud, but that doesn’t mean Oliver owes everyone the truth immediately. He’s perfectly within his rights to take some time, yes even a month, to process the introduction of a new sister in his life. The man still has a right to some privacy and space.
Oliver’s guilt over not trusting the Newbies is fairly ridiculous since they gave him very good reasons not to trust them. 
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In case Oliver has forgotten, Dinah had a secret criminal boyfriend and Rene sold him out to the Feds. These are untrustworthy actions and they have consequences. I can’t remember what Curtis did, if anything. His crime is  unceasing uselessness, so Oliver can and should ignore the man.
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Oliver is not sure he’s meant to lead, which of course means he is absolutely the right person for the job. Only true leaders question their worthiness. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He returns to the destroyed bunker with a renewed commitment to rebuild the bunker
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(with handy dandy deputy badges for the team) and learn from his mistakes.
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Source:  smoakmonster
I imagine Oliver’s new leadership style will be more trusting and democratic, but inclusion only gets you so far. Team Arrow may be the kindling in the Star City fire, but the citizens need Oliver Queen to set it ablaze.
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The Team Arrow table is round both in the destroyed present and flash forward bunkers. It gives it a very Knights of the Round Table feel. Everyone can have an opinion and equal say, but in the end it was King Arthur’s kingdom. He pulled the sword from the stone, built Camelot and paid the ultimate price for his dream.
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Oliver is King Arthur and Star City is his Camelot – or what he dreams Star City may one day become. He may pay the ultimate price for that dream like Arthur, but ultimately the loss of the hero teaches us the dream isn’t possible without the hero. Oliver may need Team Arrow, but the team and the city will soon discover they need him even more.
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Source: ebett
This is something Felicity Smoak has always understood. Her belief in Oliver Queen and crystal clear understanding of who he is has never wavered in seven years. Even when they were separated romantically, Felicity saw Oliver as the man who would save Star City. 
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This belief became a compass for Oliver- his North Star. Felicity became the voice in Oliver’s head guiding him on his hero’s journey. 
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Her belief made Oliver believe and thus became a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Edward: So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?
Vivian: She rescues him right back. (Pretty Woman)
There is no Green Arrow without Felicity Smoak and there is no Felicity Smoak without Green Arrow. Each is dependent on the other. Their love is amalgamation of give and take & push and pull. Oliver and Felicity never cease in their pursuit to become their best selves, yet remain a beautiful example of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.
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Love changes us and it cements who we are. It is a constant drive of two diametrically opposed forces working in perfect cohesion. We find clarity in the swirl of finding love, falling in love and then settling into love. Oliver and Felicity found themselves in each other. It’s how we all do, regardless of whom or what you love.
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All it took was one sweet and simple smile for Felicity to know exactly who Oliver Queen is.  
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Yet, who is he is equally about who they became together. Felicity saw Oliver’s light because of how brightly hers shined. Their heroic evolution is perfectly entwined.  
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Source: @olicitygifs
So, there is no better person to speak on this topic. The word vigilante falls woefully short. It cannot encompass everything her husband is or what their love has built together. It barely hints at the goodness Felicity saw hiding behind a ridiculous lie and a bullet ridden computer.
Felicity’s interview doesn’t shine a big enough spot light on her own contributions, but I think that’s primarily because she hasn’t been outed as Overwatch to the city.  However, she has always been the truthsayer of Arrow and that’s her role in the documentary as well.
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Felicity understands who Oliver is because she is his equal in every way. 
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Recognition of his heroism is recognition of hers as well. And someday the world will see everything Felicity sees with unwavering
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Source: @olicitygifs​
Should there have been more of Felicity and Olicity in "Emerald Archer”? Yes, absolutely. 
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My thirst will never be satiated, but I’ve long since acclimated myself to quality over quantity. This was Felicity as she’s always been. I love whenever this show showcases her ability to cut through the bullshit and shine a light on the truth. The scenes between her and William were the best in the episode too. That said, an Olicity kiss and/or joint interview wouldn’t have killed them.
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Welcome Back Guest Stars!
A good returning guest star angle works for me 99.999% of the time on any television show. What can I say? I’m nostalgic. Let us wile away the dull hours and spin a tale or two about the days of old.
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Nostalgia in these types of retrospective episodes can get a little tricky. You need a good reason to bring back five or six actors who’ve left the show and we’ve heard almost nothing from for a few years, particularly the dead characters. Arrow’s documentary film idea for the 150th episode really works for me. It gives a legitimate reason to bring all of these characters back, but not necessarily keep them around. It’s not aliens so right there we’re already light years ahead. 
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HA! Get it? Light years? Yeah, you might not be laughing now but you’ll realize how funny that is later on.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Arrow starts with Quentin and boy is that ever the right call. This documentary is very pro vigilante. It was put on the shelf because Star City became anti vigilante, so who better to advocate for the masked heroes than the man who ran the SCPD for the last twenty odd years? 
Quentin was always the touchstone to the real world. He was the bridge between Oliver and the citizens of Star City. He was also someone Oliver wanted to earn the respect of and that’s what he’s trying to do now. He’s trying to earn Star City’s respect EVEN THOUGH THESE UNGRATEFUL TWATS SHOULD ALREADY RESPECT HIM. Even though I believe it was time to let Quentin Lance go, I still miss him and whenever Paul Blackthorne comes on my television screen I cry big baby dumbo tears.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Then we roll right into the reason Oliver began this mission in the first place: FAMILY. Family for Oliver is and will always be Thea Queen. I shrieked when I saw her.  I officially take back my “We’ll never see Willa Holland again” prediction. I was happy to be wrong.
Thea being the representative for all her dead family members is the most Thea thing this show has ever done. Kid is a walking poster child for bereavement. I think it’s really important to remember Starling City was a hot mess before Oliver showed up. This city wasn’t hitting anyone’s nifty top fifty places to raise a family. There was a serious cost to all the violence and Thea’s interview is a powerful reminder.
Oliver is seldom given his due. The newbies, Star City, officials, villains, and other superheroes are always ragging on him. But when Thea found out Oliver was the Arrow she thanked him. She was one of the few people who understood right from the start the good Oliver was doing. (Felicity is the other few people).
Oliver started this fight for many reasons, but chief among them was his love for his family. Thea has always returned that love tenfold. She is ride or die for her big bro and even though we had AMAZING Queen sibling scenes in the 100th it’s nice to see them honor their relationship no matter how far away Thea is. They do lose points for zero Queen sibling interaction though.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Sara gives one hell of a speech doesn’t she? It’s in a similar vein as Thea’s – reminding Star City of the cost of unchecked crime. She acknowledges it doesn’t matter whether or not a person is wearing a mask. This is a classy way of calling out Star City’s double standard. Honestly, who cares if it’s a cop or a guy dressed in leather saving your ass?  What matters is someone stepped up to save your life. 
It’s also a nice subtle acknowledgement of Felicity’s contributions. Sara has worn a mask as the Canary and fought without one as White Canary. She knows what matters is a person’s heart and not what they wear.  Sara has always understood the importance of the unmasked in this line of work.
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This feels like a not so subtle way of sticking it to anti Felicity fans, but that’s just me.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE YOU BEEN BABY GIRL? Honestly, my biggest annoyance with these return guest star scenes is we didn’t get much of an update on where the characters are at. Does Sin have a home now? Does she know Sara is alive? I have questions. 
Sin was a fairly minor character in Season 2 and even more so in Season 3, but seeing her brings back all those Season 2 memories. 
Memories, Like the corners of my mind Misty water-colored memories
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Sorry. Sidetracked by Barbara Streisand.
Again, the use of Sin is brilliant because she represents the people Team Arrow has saved. We spend a lot of time on Oliver’s mistakes. We remember all the people Oliver couldn’t save and how deep those losses cut him. However, we seldom talk about those he has saved and Oliver has saved THOUSANDS – maybe even millions. The man deserves a cookie at the very least. Sin is a box of double chocolate chip.
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Oliver is not the only unmasked vigilante – Ragman is too. He’s out doing good, but the people know he’s Ragman. We don’t know if he unmasked before or after Oliver, but I would bet after. Oliver is always the first domino to fall in this universe. 
Rory’s interview is super short and is therefore criminally underused. He is primarily used to set up the Star City Slayer. Ragman’s mask is among the first Oliver found. Even the angles on his documentary interview have an artistic/retrospective/forlorn feel to it like we are seeing someone who is gone. I swear to God if this serial killer killed my Rory I am going to light things on fire and throw them.  I’m not even sure killing Curtis will ease my pain (but it’ll help).
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Rory’s albeit short message is pretty simple as is the premise of this show.
“People need help.”
What matters is there are those in the city willing to help the helpless (NAME THAT SHOW). Their methods matter less. Rene, Curtis and Dinah COMBINED still do not compare to Rory Regan. How we ended up with those three louts and lost that beautiful sparkling jewel of a character remains a mystery and still chaps my ass.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Who invited Bart? I am only tolerating his appearance because he needs to pay his respects, but – UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU BETTER COME UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER THAN THAT YOU LITTLE DICKHEAD BECAUSE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE A SHOW WITHOUT THE UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED OLIVER QUEEN. Oh wait he’s still talking. Rewind... alright, Barry said some nice stuff. I’m better now.
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Honestly, just the way this scene played it’s like the writers anticipated all my yelling after “unbelievably damaged.” They wrote the rest of the scene like Barry was reacting to my yelling as he cleaned up his statement. HAHAHA. That’s damn right fool. I’ll come for your ass. You better run.
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If you’re going to pick a character among the four shows Arrow has launched I guess you go B*rry All*n. It makes a statement about Arrow’s influence on the DCTV universe, which I appreciate for the 150th episode. This was something extremely lacking in the 100th episode. Arrow is the reason a whole lot of people have jobs, so it’s an apropos time to pay due respect.
We’re constantly stuck in this Barry is light and Oliver is dark comparison and it annoys me to no end because I don’t believe either character is that clear cut. Both men have light and dark. But I do love how Barry acknowledges that the darkness Oliver survived also fuels his light. 
Oliver Queen is incredibly protective. He doesn’t want anyone to suffer like he did, which includes not only his family and friends but strangers. Oliver uses his pain for good. He finds the light in the darkness, which why I love him so much.
Barry isn’t saying anything Felicity or Diggle haven’t already said for years. However, as the likely pass-the-torch candidate, Barry is commending the essence of Oliver in a way the insanely disrespectful crossover failed to do. Of course, we all know there is a reason for this disrespect – Oliver must be persecuted even by those who “know” him before he can be seen as the Messiah of superheroes. 
But we are Arrow fans. We know the truth. We see Oliver for who he truly is and for just one moment, in this 150th episode milestone, the comic f*ckboys’ fuzzy bunny, rainbow puking superhero acknowledged the truth.
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Also his faux shock about Oliver being the Green Arrow was hilarious.
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Source:  flashallens
Diggle and the Newbies
Sweet holy Moses. There are times this show is so tone deaf it truly blows my mind. It’s sort of like watching Wile E Coyote barrel off the mountain top. Does he see the ledge or does he simply not care there is a ledge? These are my deep thoughts for the day.
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Diggle didn’t even know Emiko was Oliver’s sister.  That’s where we’re at folks! These two brothers could finish each other’s sentences and predict one another’s movements at one point, but now they are like strangers. Ugh, I hate this. FIX IT NOW.
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Arrow is going to fix Diggle in an extremely Arrow way. Anyone who has listened to Watchover with Jen & Calli knows this is what we said would happen. The writers are never going to dive deep like I do in these reviews. For one, they aren’t crazy and two it just ain’t the show fam. The Arrow way of fixing a problem is:
1. Pretending it never happened.
2. Slap a bow on it and call it fixed without doing any of the actual character development to earn the moment.
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Annnnd that’s what we got. Things are a little tense between Diggle and Oliver. John is put out Oliver didn’t clue him in about Emiko, even though he’s known for about a month. Oliver correctly points out Diggle hasn’t run in his circle for the better part of a year, so he gets the info when he gets it. YASS! PREACH IT SON.
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John at least has the good sense to admit what Oliver said was true. He also decides this superhero slayer is too much for the SCPD to handle (isn’t everything though?) and it’s time to get the band back together. 
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Source:  legends-of-today
There’s some back and forth between the two men about the other team members risking jail, but Oliver going to prison never sat right with Diggle. 
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
It is good John is acting honorably, steadfastly having Oliver’s back, and just generally dispensing some good old fashioned Yoda wisdom. 
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However, he says what has to be the most ridiculous line I have heard on this show in a loooong time.
“Oliver when you were in jail we had each other’s backs.”
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I swear to God I screamed. And then I fell off the chair laughing because NONSENSE. 
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Arrow ignores its own storyline when it doesn’t fit with the goals of the episode. It’s so blatantly obstinate and counter to what their audience wants, hell I almost admire them a little for it.
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Writers: The storyline is not what you’ve witnessed on screen. The storyline is what we tell you and that will change week to week.
Us: Umm that’s not how television works but okay. Have at it.
Obviously, the writers wanted to reunite Team Arrow in a very “Ra Ra Go Team!” way, but haven’t done any of the leg work so the moment feels earned or makes any sense at all. 
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Of course, the team didn’t have each other’s backs. 
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Diggle abandoned Felicity and was upset when any of her attempts to free her husband interfered with his useless A.R.G.U.S. soldiering. His annoyance, admonishments, refusals of help and threats weren’t limited to Felicity. It also included anyone who helped Felicity like Rene, Bl*ck S*ren and Emiko. He also did bupkis to help free Oliver from prison. But okay, you had their backs John.
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Maybe he’s speaking about Curtis who joined A.R.G.U.S. John seemed okay with Dinah policing. Perhaps he has a highly compartmentalized way of looking at team support. Regardless, it’s a ludicrous statement and is one that makes you wonder if the Arrow writers actually watch Arrow.
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But as I said, we were expecting this because this is typically what Arrow does. Sometimes they force the story even when its counter to everything we’ve seen for weeks on end. That’s what happened in “Emerald Archer.” The writers are done with the team fighting. They want everyone to reunite and rebuild the team, so it has to begin with Oliver and Diggle. 
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Team Arrow started with the two of them, which is why they repeated their iconic handshake basked in the sunlight. And yes, to a certain extent what Diggle said is true. They are family and families fight, but it doesn’t mean you stop being a family.  
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Source:  legends-of-today
But you also don’t get to act like a selfish jackass for the better part of a year and then sweep it all away by playing the family card. Families have to work through their issues by 1) being honest about what those issues are 2) talking about the issues 3) and apologizing. The writers missed steps 1 through 3.
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The scene felt like Oliver was apologizing to Diggle when really it should be the other way around. When did this become about Oliver’s mistakes and not John’s? Am I watching the right show? Let’s not forget in the midst of all this bromance healing the one who really needs an apology is Felicity.
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I’m not too mad because I don’t think this is the end of the conversation. I think Arrow put the cart before the horse and reunited Oliver & Diggle before they actually dealt with their issues, but what else is new? They decided it was time for the reunion because it was the 150th episode. Uhhh... okay then.
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It’s entirely possible additional conversations are coming though. Hopefully ones including Felicity. Diggle still has to confess about Diaz, which he was about to do but was interrupted. It should drop a bomb on OTA and kick up some very much needed, no holds bar, come to Jesus style drama. We have ten episodes to go which is a lot of season left. I haven’t given up completely on Diggle’s arc for this year.
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But also, I’m tired y’all. If they aren’t going to examine John’s actions with a modicum of reflection then I’d prefer for it to be over as quickly and painlessly as possible because this is terrible storyline. I’m sick of Pod Diggle. I miss his friendship with Oliver and Felicity. I hate whatever the hell he’s doing at A.R.G.U.S. I’m tired of everyone doing their own thing. I miss OTA. I want the show to go back to vigilantes hunting bad guys.
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And yes, that goes for the Newbies too. They aren’t going away – well two of them aren’t. Arrow is completely ignoring all of their horrible behavior in Season 6, so fine. They will never resolve this storyline to my satisfaction so let’s just be done with it. Does the reunion fall flat because Arrow refuses to deal with the consequences of the Newbies’ actions in a truthful way? Yes. But I can’t care more than the writers do. So, I’m done. Moving on.
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This will not preclude me from snarking however. Nothing ever will stop the snark. Dinah and Rene were in rare form in “Emerald Archer.” Both were pretty snotty. 
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I actually liked Rene’s interview, but then he has the nerve to cop an attitude with Oliver.  Apparently, Oliver didn’t fawn over Rene enough. This is their first conversation since Oliver’s release and Rene is bitching about Oliver not asking how he is. FOR REAL???? There is only one person who should be asking how the other is doing and it’s the one who turned state’s evidence.
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He’s also annoyed Oliver has gainful employment with the police department while Rene “I Can’t Go Down That Road With You Hoss” Ramirez is left out in the vigilante cold. POOR BABY. Maybe if you hadn’t sold Oliver out to the feds the team could have stayed together.
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Dinah cops an attitude as well (pun intended). Oliver is about to share deeply personal information with her and admits he’s had the information for some time. Dinah says it’s par for the course with him. ANY NEW SECRET BOYFRIENDS  DINAH? I do not know where the Newbies got the idea they were on the moral high ground, but this horrific writing keeps perpetuating that myth. For the love of God writers REWATCH SEASON 6.
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On to happier developments.
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Source:  legends-of-today
Curtis called Oliver a hero, had a cool moment with his T-spheres and remarked about being a team “even if it was for one last time.” Cue close up and Oliver looking fondly at him as if Curtis was already a ghost. Of course, he’s talking their impending jail sentences for breaking the anti vigilante laws, but we know different. CURTIS IS GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIE.
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I was supposed to be pressed when Diggle, Curtis and Rene were arrested, but they all were annoying me so they can go to prison.
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Finally the show does away with one of their more ridiculous plot holes. The mayor deputizes all of Team Arrow so they can fight crime in leather, but legally. Did she not see all the other times Team Arrow saved lives? They are only worthwhile if they are saving her life? They are friends with the DA too. BS is not going to press charges. So, why even have a law the DA won’t enforce? You know what? I’m not even gonna go there. Whatever.
It took Dinah several episodes to show some loyalty, but she was prepared to resign if her friends went to jail. Of course, Oliver “I’m Trying To Be Jesus” Queen puts his head on the chopping block again for these dinks too.
“After speaking with my family, I’m here to turn myself in.”
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Here’s something I’ve been mulling over. Clearly some of the Newbies are here to stay and a great deal of the 150th episode was devoted to this concept of legacy. 
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
These characters exist so what Oliver has built can live on beyond him. It doesn’t automatically equate to Dinah, Rene and Curtis being good characters, but Arrow is incredibly invested in the idea of Oliver Queen’s legacy.  
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
We want the show to be about Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. They want the show to be about more than Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. And thus an immovable force meets an unstoppable object.
The problem is Arrow, once again, is putting the cart before the horse. They are focusing on Oliver’s legacy (and all the superhero characters he’s launched), but he hasn’t achieved what he set out to do. Camelot doesn’t exist yet! Oliver’s legacy can’t be built until the dream is achieved. There’s still work to be done. We need to focus on Oliver, Felicity and Diggle before worrying about the next generation. I wish Arrow could do both at the same time, but they can’t. 
Do I think we’ll ever get that kind of focus? Nope. Arrow is committed to these new characters and their definition of legacy. It is what it is my friends. Either I make my peace with it or turn the channel, I guess.
Flash Forwards
Blackstar’s name is Mia. I couldn’t be happier. 
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I still think it could be a nickname for Moira, but they aren’t going to cough up that golden nugget yet. Obviously, yes all the comic f*ckboys are going to think she’s Mia Dearden and Oliver’s ward. Go ahead and keep thinkin’ that. We’ll see who lands on top.
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Source:  smoakmonster
Mia obtained a bootleg copy of the outlawed vigilante documentary and she practically bored holes into the television watching her father speak. There is no other reason to shoot the scene like that, with Oliver reflecting in Mia’s eyes, if she’s not his child. The shot clearly communicates a connection to OLIVER. She wants to find the location of Team Arrow’s bunker and the video provides the necessary clues.
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Source:  amunetblack
JJ, Diggle and Lyla’s son, makes his flash forward debut and he tags along with Mia. I felt a protective vibe from him. I think Mia gets into trouble all the time and JJ tries to keep her out of it, but absolutely they are ride or die. I may have been picking out wedding dresses for her during the scene. If Arrow does not put Diggle’s son and Oliver’s daughter together and make OTA in-laws then it is a crime against humanity.
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I don’t know why JJ is going by Connor Hawke. He adopted the moniker in the Legends alternate future because he didn’t feel worth of the name John Diggle Jr. Frankly, I think Connor Hawke is a code name similar to Blackstar and the sole function of it is to make us think John is dead. But we know Diggle is alive because David let the cat out of the bag. *blows kisses to that beautiful man*
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Mia hates vigilantes because the vigilante lifestyle stole her father and childhood.  Simple is that.
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Source:  amunetblack
I don’t have all the answers yet. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know how the Queen family was separated. I don’t know why William doesn’t know his own sister, but I certainly wasn’t expecting Mia to call Oliver “Dad” anymore than she would call Felicity "Mom” at this point. Answers lead to more questions and I am perfectly content with Arrow revealing the truth when they are good and ready.
If you refuse to believe Mia is Oliver and Felicity’s daughter, fine. If you are convinced she’s Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter, fine. 
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There is literally no evidence they hired the lead of Shadowhunters to play a supporting character’s daughter, but go off I guess. And no, Oliver is not cheating on Felicity with BS. Take that nonsense somewhere else. 
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They held off on introducing JJ because Diggle is one of the three main characters, but sure they’re keeping Bl*ck Si*en’s kid a secret. Not Oliver and Felicity’s kid, ya know, the characters who are the male and female leads of the show. Nope. Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter is the big surprise. 
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It doesn’t automatically make them mother and daughter simply because Bl*ck S*ren was singing the anti vigilante party line and Mia hates vigilantes. By that logic, Diaz, Quentin and the Mayor all have a shot at Mia being their progeny. If BS was as anti vigilante as she said then she would have pressed charges against Diggle, Curtis and Rene. She didn’t. Thank you. Next.
My point is I am convinced she is their daughter.  Every episode just adds more evidence.  My belief is unwavering.  You won’t convince me otherwise, so save yourself the energy. You believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want. Then we’ll see how it shakes out in the end.
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Stray Thoughts
Director Pedowitz might be one step over the meta line, but also hahaha.
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Documentary intro was sweet. Can we make that the permanent one? Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
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Did they reshoot old fight scenes for the documentary? That feels like a lot of work. I wonder if it was film they had on hand but didn’t use from the old episodes. Either way it looked legit and I was impressed.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
Slightly odd how Oliver or anyone else on Team Arrow never mentioned they are being followed around by a camera. That’s just details. Imma let it go.
It is official. Star City knows Oliver is the Hood, the Arrow and the Green Arrow. We can stop debating. This means these thankless twiddle twits know he saved them from Merlyn, Slade, Ra’s Al Ghul and Damien Darhk. HOW MANY MORE TIMES DOES HE NEED TO SAVE YOUR SORRY ASSES TO GET SOME RESPECT?
Why does no one ever remember the undertaking on this show? Moira Queen admitted to a long term plan, led by Malcolm Merlyn, to destroy the Glades. This plan was hatched while Oliver Queen was on the island. No wait BEFORE the island. There was a freaking trial! How the hell does this make the Undertaking Oliver’s fault Madame Mayor?
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Overwatch is back and the world makes sense again. Source: arrowdaily
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Oliver shading Curtis with Felicity's superior abilities is LIFE AFFIRMING. Source: olicitygifs
Bl*ck C*nary fighting looks equally as ridiculous on documentary film as she does on regular film, so that question is answered and we can go on with our lives.
I really can't listen to Bl*ck S*ren pretending to be E1 L*urel Lnce. It's too annoying. Zip it fishnets.
I can’t pin point what “season” Thea’s interview was filmed during and it’s kind of bugging me, so hit the comments with your guess.
I’m not talking about Diaz. I cannot even believe they included him in the documentary. He’s gone here for a minute.
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Didn’t love the Annie Hall look on Dinah. Misfire. Source:  redfield5x5
One of the reasons why writers choose to film a faux documentary is so their characters can constantly tell the camera operator to turn the camera off. It’s a trademark of the trope.
“We need to come up with a better name immediately.” PREACH IT SON.
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Baby William and Baby Zoe making friends is adorbs. Rene is all worried William is gonna make a move on Zoe. First of all, they are like 14. Calm down. Second of all, William is a short stop for the other team, but feel free to twist yourself into a pretzel Rene. The wasted energy will amuse me enormously. Source:  feilcityqueen
This serial killer seems to collect masks regardless of whether or not the vigilante is actually dead, so I’m holding out hope Rory Regan is alive. 
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The documentary film shots of the fight scene were AMAZING. The last action scene was pretty sweet. It was nice seeing the team work together cohesively again.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
I know I’ve said this before but Rene and Emiko are so happening.
“Fans have a strange way of showing their affection.” Oh yeah this guy was a hired gun by Stan the Fan. Kevin Meltzer was recently released from a psychiatric hospital which I am sure Stan has seen the inside of a time or two. No way is that line a coincidence. Or it’s a commentary on fandom. One or the other.
I had no idea Dinah’s vigilante identity was still secret.
Hahaha. Rene didn't know Emiko was related to Oliver. He's the new L*urel. I just decided.
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Bl*ck S*ren agrees to give an interview for the documentary, but later on acts like she didn't agree to be on the documentary and threatens the camera operator. Yeah, that sounds about right.
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This cupcake owns my heart. Source:  ebett
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jq37 · 5 years
sooo.... what’s the tea on the new ep? :)
**spoilers for family in flames**
I have so much to say I’m not drafting this on tumblr lest it crash and I lose a soul-crushing amount of yelling into the void.
And, I gotta say, THIS episode is the reason I haven’t posted my adult rankings list yet. THIS RIGHT HERE. I KNEW some crap was gonna go down and force me to make some HUGE adjustments.
Also, We are feeling vindicated in this house today! But let’s start from the top and work our way down.
“Raise your hands if you really care about your parents.”
Fabian having to be like, “Look, your parents suck but don’t you have siblings?” (Kristen: Ugh, I guess)
Adaine pointing out that she cares about Gorgug’s parents.
Brennan listening to them argue about what to do like he doesn’t know they’re about to be arrested for a whole ass MONTH.
Fig wanting to method act while texting the phone, pretending to be scared.
So is the arcade owner (Frank Dunford) relevant? Brennan had the name on hand. But maybe it was just him being a good worldbuilder and anticipating the question. I feel like it’s probably that because this is late in the game to be introducing new people who are super relevant.
“Gilear’s got a little knife”
I KNEW those arcade prizes were gonna be gear they could pick up! ALWAYS RAID THE ROOM. Some of that stuff might have helped in the fight. I loved the group silently reading the cards and exchanging them to whoever they thought it would help most in the background as Brennan did the ID spell.
“This has been, if I may say so, the *best* use of the identify spell.”
I love that Adaine thanks everyone, including her inanimate spells. She’s just a good person.
OK so this episode addressed a LOT of questions I had about how these literal children were getting away with all of these murders and such. Apparently, the adventuring academy kids traditionally just get away with this stuff because of Arthur’s influence and the nature of adventurers.
Adaine coming in hot with the diplomatic immunity and then remembering, oh wait, we’re at war w/ Falinel.
Fig immediately starting smoking when she gets arrested.
I love the federal agent outsider with perspective coming in and being rightfully horrified by the absolute nonsense that’s been going on the past 15 episodes.
Is Riz’s mom the only competent cop at this station? Is there a one competent adult per location rule?
Bill Seacaster Upon Learning the Bad Kids are In Jail: Did you try to escape?
“How are things going?”/“I mean bad. I’m in jail.”
Fig upon offhandedly and indirectly being called a vigilante by Sklonda: Thank you.
Emily loses it whenever anything happens in Gilear’s orbit.
Wild that Adaine decided to spontaneously call Goldenhoard considering what happened later. Like, it wasn’t a completely out of nowhere decision and it was totally logical but they could have easily overlooked that decision. 
Like, I know things happen later that make this kinda moot but I loved Goldenhoard’s conversation with Adaine in jail. “Don’t to talk to anyone without a lawyer and kill anyone you have to to get out. The school will pay for the rezzes.”/“That’s exactly what our plan was. God, I love this school.”
Although, sidenote, I feel like you can only easily rez someone within a minute? Like, I know there are other D&D spells that let you do it after a longer period of time but with the whole phoenix egg thing and the fact that they haven’t come up so far, I feel like Brennan isn’t using the in this setting for stakes reasons.
Man that whole conversation with Fig and her mom. Emily plays Fig so balls to the wall that I kinda forget sometimes that she’s actually an intelligent adult woman who knows what she’s doing with the character so I really shouldn’t be surprised with how well she stuck the emotional beats of this episode.
Gorthalax man! TyraWeWereAllRootingForYou.gif If he left, like, actually left and isn’t just held up somehow, then that’s gonna be really not great for Fig’s general psyche. 
Kristen COMPLETELY undercutting the moment by point blank asking if they had sex.
No wonder Sandra-Lynn was so worried about Fig. She was totally Fig growing up. Which, lol, she’s not even half tiefling. She was just *like that*
Oh so Gilear has always been super lame. Good to know.
Fig: I think I have mommy issues./The Rest of the Party: You have all the issues.
Fabian: You’re trying to hook up with a 25 year old adult./Fig: What do you mean trying?I’m successfully kissing him once every couple weeks. (Which, lol but also I’m glad that’s as far as it got…you know if it has to go any amount forward).
They just let Bill into the cell?????
Lou when Zac rolls a 1 for perception on Bill Secaster and he knows what’s coming: Don’t fucking do this. (Everyone else: Already trying not to lose it)
Zac’s Gorgug being contemplative and also completely wrong face is so funny to me every time.
“Why would you kill me?”/“Why would you know that?”
Who is more insane? Gorgug for suggesting him and Fabian could be twins (aren’t they different ages????) or Bill for thinking he’s so awesome he could somehow do that?
Kristen trying to help FIg distract Bill by blurting out, “Have you ever had sex?” After the conversation where he said point blank he’s slept with 100s of orc women. 
Fabian yelling at his dad is kinda undercut by continuing to call him papa in the most poncy accent.
I don’t think I’ve articulated this properly before but this episode really drove it home: Fabian and Bill have a *close* relationship but not an entirely healthy one. Like, better than Adaine and her parents by leaps and bounds but he wrestled his son in a jail cell while his friends just watched. Like, who does that?
Imagine if Riz had tried to get between Bill and Fabian. 
Also imagine being the rest of the party just sitting there, watching that go down.
“We’ve spent so much of our lives obsessed with our dads and we’ve completely ignored our moms.”/“You’re just again talking about yourself.”
I can’t believe Fig’s suggestion spell would have worked if head boss in charge fed lady hadn’t been there. Speaking of her, as soon as she showed up I knew they weren’t going to be able to shenanigan their way out of this one (which is literally the word Emily used, hilariously). I don’t think even a nat 20 would have gotten them very far. Remember last week when I said that I was sure there was going to be a prom finale but I was also pretty sure there was still a good chunk of time before prom? As soon as they got arrested and the feds showed up I was like, “Oh they are not getting out until prom for sure.”
Siobhan trying not to laugh while Emily tries a ridiculous plan that might have worked in a different episode honestly.
Ally trying to Pirates of the Carribean her way out of the jail cell.
The cops didn’t even take their stuff in a month!
“I’m glad this is in my head and no one else can hear things like this.”
I love how Fabian rolls his eyes at Adaine for thanking her spells but he always thanks the Hangman.
Realistically the Hangman would have told Fabian the plan before it happened but the way it played out was soooo good.
The return of Mr. Cubby!!!! I was hoping it would be him but man! It was still so awesome to see happen. I wonder if Brennan introduced that family specifically in case the group ever needed to be busted out of jail (a likely need).
“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group of a given nation.”
“You guys wanna make some bacon?”
“That was on fire the whole time? You’re so brave!” Adaine likes adults who aren’t her parents so much.
Riz being like uhhhhh my mom works here.
“To the AV club!”/“It’s been months!”
OK so they took a palimpsest from Bill in this episode. That was there to tip them off that he’s up to something I’m sure, but I feel like that could also turn out to be a Chekov’s gun for next ep. I’m sure the ability to trap someone’s should would be useful in the finale.
S/O to Brennan for his excellent foreshadowing throughout the episode and honestly the whole series.
Siobhan thinking to check the trash folder of his computer was a good move, even if it didn’t end up being the right one.
OK, strap in guys. This is where things get WILD.
Siobhan’s “Oh shit!” when she got halfway down the page of Watches and Wards and then that Harry Potter sounding sting in the background.
(Before I get any further, I love that Adaine’s first thought was well that means my sister isn’t Kal Vaxis because she thinks her sister is the root of all evil).
But WOW. After all the trash talking of the old oracle, it turns out Adaine is the new eleven oracle! And she has been since EPISODE ONE. I almost thought she was gonna be *that* elven oracle because of the questions the cast was asking but nope. It is, as Zac and Siobhan put it, a The Santa Clause situation where the last one dies and someone else gets the job.
Brennan’s faint amusement as they work through that is so good.
You know what’s kinda hilarious in hindsight about that? I said before that, so far, every person Adaine has pegged as trash has ended up being trash of the highest order and an enemy of the party and of course she’s been good at predicting things! She’s the literal oracle.
Am I reading this wrong or is the Religious Studies teacher name Yolanda Badgood?
Also the sheet says “Lunchlad (Official Title)” RIP dude.
Emily low key thinking this is going to be about pay disparity between the races.
Will putting the book back retroactively get rid of anything bad currently cast in school?
Brennan going, “Nothing happens.”/“You see an upside down waste paper basket.” Is such a GM mood. I had a session once where I spent half an hour just saying, “You’re looking at the door,” in various ways.
No one knows what Goldenhoard’s name actually is and it’s the second to last episode.
I feel like Brennan must have gotten forehead/cheek kissed a lot as a child because he’s constantly having NPCs do it. 
Are elves in this setting actually immortal (barring being actually killed) or just long lived? Because Adaine talks like she’s immortal but I wasn’t sure. Anyway, newsflash Adaine. You’ve been mortal this whole campaign! Because apparently, the elven oracle always eventually dies. 
I love that Adaine finally confronted the oracle about sinking on a ship and actually ended up kinda sympathizing with her. I can’t believe this is how that running joke ends.
Fabian at the ghost of the past eleven oracle who’s imparting wisdom on Adaine: Who are you?
Ally: Can I do something weird? (Dude, when do you not?)
Ally mumbling through an inspiring spell as Murph clues in to the paperwork discrepancy that blows the plot twist wide open. And then miming the whole thing in the background as the scene goes on.
“He was mean so I thought that meant he was a good guy.” More stern than mean really but yeah! Same Murph!
You know how you know things are about to get real? When the DM starts letting you do stuff like bust down doors without even rolling for it because there are bigger fish to fry.
The 69 glyphs of binding. Nice.
But in seriousness, Kal Vaxis (apparently it’s spelled Kalvaxus but I can’t be bothered to change that in this post) was apparently trapped by Arthur and bound to work at Aguefort (as Goldenhoard) because…he’s a wildcard I guess. Sidenote, can you imagine what this season might have looked like if Arthur hadn’t died? Or was that always the plan for him to die in some way? Like to resurrect an NPC maybe if the crew hadn’t lost 2 party members.
Man when he said last ep that the girls were going back to school I thought OK that makes sense because it’s the AV computer that Biz used or maybe it’s Penelope. But I totally overlooked teachers.
OK so the binding spell specifically says “as long as I live” and Arthur is dead. So….what does that mean exactly? And this plan seems to have been in motion from before Arthur died. What does that mean? Also, if that wording means he’s freed when Arthur dies, what was Arthur thinking killing himself???? Did he need Kristen to sneak him into heaven so he could talk to Sol and do some scheming or something? AHHHHH I have so many questions.
Also in the binding is a clause about tea. Now, first of all, Arthur, bro. Come on. Second of all, a lawyer really should have looked at that. “I will drink anything you give me”? I work at a law firm. I’m a lowly first year but even I know that’s a terrible thing to put in a contract. I’m sure y'all non lawyers know that too!
Karam-Kajam (the binding spell words) kinda looks like “magic maker” backwards. That doesn’t mean anything. I just wanted y'all to know I was freeze framing every thing that might be a clue.
OK ok ok, so I’ve been saying for a while now (in posts but mainly over chat) that all this bad stuff must be like connected to a central person in service of a central goal but the players were probably all unconnected wild cards acting in self interest. The one thing I couldn’t quite put together was what because these plots have been mainly unconnected. But now, we have it! All the weird things starting a war (by manipulating the harvestmen), getting 7 maidens (by manipulating Biz), and reinstating prom king/queen (by manipulating (?) Penelope and Dayne, also yes! my wild card guess was that prom king/queen was going to be part of a spell or curse or something. Guess it was prophecy but yes! vindication!) are parts of a prophecy on how to bring back Kalvaxis! (Along with him getting his “glittering treasure”?)
But yeah! No wonder it was so hard to put the pieces together! They all connected but only through a prophecy. Good job Bren!
“The sun shall fall from the heavens” is part of the prophecy which makes me think Sol or Helios might be involved in this somehow.
Ally: There are definitely going to be 7 virgins at prom. (That deserved a rim shot).
Good on Murph for making sure none of them were on the virgin list bc that would have been a pain in the ass to find out mid-fight. Also, I KNEW “Where are their bodies” was the question to ask last ep when Biz said they were going back to their bodies.
“Who told you that? An oracle?”
I hope Adaine just uses her oracle status to make sick one liners like, “I predict this is gonna hurt,” before she witchbolts someone. She never does her actual job. 
Adaine who hates her family, righteously indignant: Between our houses and the world, you expect us to choose our houses?
The rest of the group who loves their family: BYEEEEE.
Well, no. Kristen also had reservations before she remembered her brothers existed.
Adaine texting her mom: You should probably leave.
Siobahn and Ally fistbumping over their mutual not caring about their parents.
OK so what’s up with the rat? What’s so important about the rat? And what’s up with Zayne? We still haven’t figured out what’s up with him.
Still not clear on if the crystals trap your physical body or just your spirit and leave your physical body dormant irl.
So that’s how they got rid of the adults for the fight. Nice job again Brennan.
As far as I can tell, Brennan made up this usage of the word palimpsest and I’d never heard of the word before and now I type it so much. Wild.
“I’m calling an Uber. You use the minute to go look at as much shit as you can. Jump in the Uber with me, come to my house. Look Rudolpho will be here in two minutes in a Honda Civic. Use one of those minutes. Go.”
A Knight to Remember. 
They freaking Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to Kristen’s house.
I love how Uber Drivers in this world are still gunning for 5 stars.
OK, time for the most stressful 30 minutes of Fantasy High (so far).
I think the wagering mechanic Brennan used for the fights was brilliant. For each conflict a d20 was rolled. 1-6=epic fail. 7-14=bad but not awful. 15-20=favorable outcome. The twist was that if the person chose to help their family they could give up half their HP and 14 spell levels and he would roll with advantage.
Everyone quickly took that deal except Adaine who truly does not give a damn about her family (and also, reasonably, thought that they wouldn’t even be at home. Idk why they apparently were tbh).
When Emily said, “She’s a complex person and she’s allowed to be,” that was the moment I was like, “Oh yeah. She’s not actually Fig. IRL she knows what’s happening.”
Siobhan uses her divination roll of 18 to save Kristen’s family without having to risk anything but the Ally turns around and decides to take the deal to try and save Adaine’s family WHEN ADAINE DOESN’T EVEN CARE. But it makes sense that Kristen would.
Lou’s monolog as Brennan rolls about how nerve wracking and terrible it is to have no idea what’s going on.
“This is the worst thing I’ve been a part of.”
“I was wondering why my mom visited me and humanized herself and this is exactly why.”
Lou/Fabian: What if my fucking family dies? (F O R E S H A D O W I N G, albeit unknowingly)
Brennan (sagely): It couldn’t have been any other way./Siobhan: It could’ve been!
lol at Adaine trying to trigger that ice cream later wish at their darkest moment (so far). Also, not that I think Brennan ever forgot about it but now I’m for sure it’s gonna come up next ep bc if nothing else that would have reminded him.
OK first up, Fig and her mom.
“Dang they’re already organized with costumes?”
That was so boss, her mom getting revived and then IMMEDIATELY shooting two guys w/ her bow.
Emily LEGIT crying through that scene. The whole room was on an emotional tightrope. You can tell.
Where in the mountains Sandra-Lynn!? I want specifics Sandra-Lynn!!
I love the idea of her jumping out of a window onto a dope griffin’s back. Fig’s mom just bought herself a bunch of spots on my grown-up rankings list.
Next Riz at Strongtower
I knew Sklonda was going to be in the secret room!
I love that apparently Riz can recognize his mom’s gun by hearing it.
I know it was in the promo but Riz’s mom being like, “I was so scared you were gonna ask me to prom” was hysterical.
You just know Sklonda and Agent Angela have been fighting like cats and dogs this past month.
Riz and his mom high fiving. They have the best relationship.
Gorgug and the Thistlesprings
lol, looks like his parents had the easiest time wrecking their intruders.
But based on how it was described as compared to everyone else (bar Fabian–we’re getting there), it sounds like he got pretty dang hurt.
And I guess they have a tank (which they usually use to mow the lawn) and a bomb chest? Wild.
Anyway, if anything had happened to them insert Rosa B99 meme.
“You come to the tree, you better be ready to never fucking leave, you understand?” So boss. (Also, is that a pun?)
Gorgug’s parents launched a satellite while Gorgug was in jail.
Kristen and co.
Kristen’s dad (who is the worst): You think these guys were illegals, what?
Kristen: I’m gonna take the car, byeeee.
Kristen and Adaine bonding over their terrible parents.
I’m Concerned about Kristen’s brothers.
They poofed out. Idk why they were still there to begin with.
So the damage they took was supposed to represent the danger the took in their respective fights. Kristen got Adaine’s divination roll meaning her family was fine either way but she did take damage for Adaine’s family. But the fight was already over by the time they got there. So, in story, any injuries sustained must have been from the fight at her house, even though that wasn’t technically the deal.
Anyway, Adaine doesn’t care about her family so let’s not waste any time moving onto
Seacaster manor
OK, you guys. Let me tell you my buildup to the realization that Bill had to die.
In the first set of episodes, when tone was established, I said to myself, a parent is going to die. I don’t know who, but someone will.
Then, Bill gave them a training montage and I thought, curse of the mentor. He’s going to die. Besides, he’s one of the biggest parental figures and he’s larger than life–perfect for a fall.
Then Sklonda took down the Harvestmen and I briefly shifted my worry to her.
But then Fabian started clashing with Bill. And I remembered all the constant talk of his mortality.
And then, this ep, Brennan made him choose between his mom and dad and I was pretty sure. (sidenote: Fabian yelling at his mom the same ep Adaine said he has a great relationship with his mom. But, like, compared to her, maybe. Also, mean Brennan.)
And then Fabian lost an eye (with a description that still makes me wince) and I KNEW. Once he lost his eye, there was no way Bill could leave the fight alive, thematically.
Honestly, it was a wrap when Fabian played the video from his dad. I was worried he’d die before he got there. 
(It was a low blow, and I credit you that.)
Why were there Harvestmen attacking Fabian’s house and no one elses?
Fabian’s mom just drinking while the house is being raided.
I was so sure the tuxed Harvestman who attacked Fabian was going to turn out to somehow be Daybreak or something. Anyway, it has to come up again. There’s no reason for that level of detail otherwise. And tux sounds like prom attire.
Lou rolls a nat 1 and then rerolls it because he has the lucky trait. What’s funny is just started listening to NADNDPod and Murph (who reminded Lou about the lucky thing) disallowed one of his players from rerolling a nat 1 even w/ the lucky in the last ep I listened to. I don’t remember if the circumstances were different though.
Bill handcuffing himself up to keep fighting. Yikes.
Anyway, ugh that whole death scene. I would write more but this is closing in on 4k words and I’ve been working on this for hours. I just wanna say, that was a perfect way to go out for him. Killing 60 people and then getting stabbed by his son and exploding. So baller (as was Fabian jumping out the window onto his bike and catching Bill’s sword. He has so many cool swords now).
It’s a crime no one does animatics for this show.
We also got a piece of the puzzle. Bill was the one supplying the palimpsests (or at least one of the ones. who was doing it before?) not for an evil reason. Just a chaotic neutral reason of wanting to recapture the glory days. So now we know that.
I mentioned this before but…Fabian is Thor.
“I SHALL LEAP INTO HELL AND KILL THE DEVIL HIMSELF” and Bill Seacaster is dril apparently.
I love Fabian destroying the nice thing Bill said about him to preserve his legacy.
I appreciate so much that Lou knew his character so well that without any hesitation he stabbed Bill and that was the right choice.
Whew, that was a lot.
Also, not that I don’t trust Brennan but it’s wild that Bill, the most thematically appropriate parent to die, was the only one who failed his roll apparently. 
Aww at Zelda’s message to Gorgug. She made him a playlist! So 80’s high school. It gives him a bonus! Also I really wanna know what’s on the list. Like, is it all fantasy rock puns or actual songs? Yay for Brennan giving them cool items for good RPing. 
Live band. Nice.
Emily and Zac both rolled 20’s for initiative for next week’s fight. Hopefully that’s a good omen. We have no way of knowing because THERE’S NO PROMO FOR NEXT WEEK.
This isn’t edited. This is more than 4000 words. This is so long my computer is about to die. Thank you and goodnight. 
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Field of Poppies Part 5
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 5: Amelia finally breaks her silence about the father of her child. 
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            Tommy wasn’t sure to be happy or a bit nervous. But it just so happened that he and Amelia would get the family vardo to themselves for the night. Ada had opted to go stay with her cousins at the camp next to theirs. Polly took Finn over to her sister’s camp across the way. And Arthur and John had decided to rough it for the night, sleeping under the stars.
            Tommy wasn’t sure he’d been that close to Amelia for that long. It wasn’t super cramped inside the wagon, but it wasn’t very roomy either. And with Amelia seven months along, they had to be close to one another.
            “Not too warm, are you?” Tommy asked when he noticed she was still awake, staring at the ceiling with her hands on her stomach.
            He waited a moment and cleared his throat. “Something you want to talk about?” There was that little tell in her eyes that meant she was deep in thought. It was a hint of sadness yet questioning.
            She took a deep breath but didn’t look at him. Her fingers drummed over her stomach. “I uh…he was someone I knew.”
            “Who?” Tommy’s brow furrowed as he turned to his side and propped himself up with his elbow. “Who did you know?”
            “The uh…the father.”
            “Oh, right.”
            Amelia chewed on her lower lip. “My parents were talking to his parents about maybe arranging a marriage. He was my dad’s boss’s son. And they thought it was a perfect match. I guess my dad would get the most out of the deal but I dunno what they were exactly talking about.” Her shoulders moved slightly in a shrug. “Maybe thought it would elevate us in society, what he always wanted.”
            The tone of her voice sent a shiver down Tommy’s voice. It was almost like she was telling him about something she was grieving. Why she was mourning something. But there was shame in her voice as well. And he couldn’t be certain why that was until she told him everything. And he hoped she did. He hoped he was trustworthy enough to confide in.        
            “I didn’t know him very well. We’d only met a few times with my parents. Then I went out with him for the night. He…” She shut her eyes, to block out the memory only in vain.
            “I swear I wasn’t drinking or-or anything. I trusted him and I don’t know.” She started to cry.
            Tommy sat up and gently took her hands. “Mel, Amelia, you know I don’t give a fuck about that. If you were drunk or whatever. It was his fucking fault for doing that to you. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He could only surmise what she was talking about. It would kill him to hear the graphic details of the assault. And it wouldn’t do anything to help the anger boiling in his blood.
            “I didn’t say anything, I didn’t know how to say it. But then I got pregnant and my mother-she…” Amelia hiccupped.
            Tommy’s thumb stroked gently over the top of her hand. “S’alright, love.” He tried to soothe her. But what could he say? It was done and now Amelia had to pick up the pieces of everything, to live with the memory. What could Tommy say to help? No words seemed to do the trick.
            “She called me a whore; said I was being loose all over the fucking city.” Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She didn’t move to wipe them because she didn’t want Tommy to let go of her hands. “I told her the truth. She told my dad and he said I was a liar. They believed him over me.” She couldn’t say anymore, it was too much.
            “S’alright.” Tommy swallowed his anger and helped her sit up so she could hug him tightly. “I’ve gotcha. I’m sorry, Mel, I’m sorry.” The story was more than he expected and it made his heart pound. He had no clue who the man was, what his name was, what he looked like, but he swore he was going to kill him. No one hurt his Amelia without consequences.
            Yet, despite his anger, Tommy was relieved she was in his arms. He felt better that he was there for her. His arms wrapped around her, cradling her close. There was confidence in his chest that he could protect her.
            “I’m sorry.” She sniffled against his chest.
            “Don’t apologize.” He stroked her hair back. “He don’t deserve you or the baby. Your parents don’t deserve you either. Fuck ‘em all. If they ever bother you again…”
            “I know.” She lifted her head and wiped her cheeks. “Arthur told me what you said.”
            His face went red. “Rat bastard.” He muttered.
            She smiled tearfully. “Tom, I appreciate you so much. I’m just not sure I’m worth any of this. My mom said-”
            “Don’t matter what she said. What matters is that you’ve got people here who care ‘bout you. People who would never hurt you like that.” He wrapped an arm around her when she let out a hiccup. “Just try to get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
            It was so quiet out in the countryside. There were no loud noises waking Amelia up in the morning. So, she slept until nine o’clock, a rarity those days.  
            Warm sunshine was streaming in through the small windows in the vardo. She sat up to see Tommy was gone and had been for a while by the looks of it.
            She got dressed, feeling a bit sluggish from waking up so late. Yawning, she stepped out of the wagon.
            “There she is. Thought you were gonna sleep the day away.” Arthur grinned. He sat with Polly, watching Finn toddle around in the grass.
            “It’s good you got some sleep,” Polly said. “You’re going to need it.”
            Amelia smiled. After the emotional conversation she had with Tommy the night before, she felt much better. The burden of keeping everything inside had been lifted, making her feel lighter and happier. “Is Tom around?”
            “He’s riding around the grounds, probably isn’t too far,” Arthur answered.
            “Well, I’ll go for a walk to see if I can find him.” She decided and began heading for the river.
                       It was a beautiful summer day and Amelia felt blessed to be in the sunshine with the clear sky overhead. Conversation floated through the air as people greeted those they hadn’t seen in a while. Families spent quality time together, for a brief span of time they were unbound by the stresses of life.
            “Mel.” The soft sound of hoofbeats on the damp ground came up behind her.
            Amelia turned to see Tommy riding over on his horse. He slowed the gelding down to a walk once they got beside her. “Oh, glad you found me. I was looking for you.” She smiled up at him.
            There didn’t seem to be anything more natural than Tommy Shelby riding a horse. Amelia couldn’t even recall when he started riding, it was almost as if he was on the back of a horse before he could even walk. She remembered long summer afternoons spending time at Charlie’s yard with the horses.       
            Amelia could ride but she was never quite the rider the other Shelbys were. Her parents didn’t see the benefit of having her around horses. Besides, she thought it was fun to watch the others show off their skill. She was content just to lope around on a well-tempered pony with the reins almost to the buckle.
            Tommy, as well as the other Shelbys, were more content with a challenge. He enjoyed green horses who would kick up a fuss with him. He didn’t mind being bucked off as long as he could get back in the saddle again.
            His uncle said his horsemanship came from his maternal grandfather who was said to be some sort of horse whisperer. But Amelia attributed it to Tommy’s personality. He was the kind of boy who wanted to see how fast he could go. He wanted to see the risks and toe the line. That was always how he was with everything.
            But he was happiest with horses, that much, Amelia knew.
            “Want to hop on?” He offered.
            She giggled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Her hand rested on her stomach.
            He smiled. “Right, sorry.” He dismounted with ease so he could walk with her instead. “Probably couldn’t even get you up there with that stomach of yours.”
            “Hey!” She smacked his arm.
            Tommy laughed and pulled the reins up over his horse’s neck to lead him along. “I didn’t mean it as an insult. Were just saying you’re pregnant s’all.”
            “Hm…” She shook her head with a smile and a sigh.
            “I did think you were going to sleep the whole day though.” He said as they continued walking along the bank of the river. “You were out like a light. Didn’t even move when I left. Pol told us not to wake you up.”
            “Well, it was nice to sleep in.” She agreed. Her hand absent-mindedly rubbed over her stomach. “Thank you, by the way, for talking to me last night.”
            He shrugged. In his eyes, she didn’t need to thank him for talking or listening for that matter. It was what friends did after all. It seemed silly he wouldn’t. “Of course. I’m just sorry about what happened.” It was unlike Tommy to let things go unresolved. But what was he supposed to do about some stranger in London? It wasn’t completely unreasonable to learn who he was, hop a train, and kick the man’s teeth in, but he knew that’s not what Amelia would want. And it wasn’t what was important.
            “Y’know in a way, I’m not upset that I got pregnant.” She admitted. “I wish it hadn’t happened the way it did but if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, then I wouldn’t have ended back in Small Heath. And I wouldn’t be back with you.”
            He paused in his step to look over at her with a smile. “Always looking on the bright side of things, aye? That’s the Amelia I grew up with.”
            She smiled back but felt her cheeks go a bit red under his gaze. “Can we head back? I think my feet are getting a little swollen.”   
            “Sure.” Tommy clicked his tongue to the gelding so they could turn around and walk back to the vardo.
            Once they returned, they were greeted again by Polly and Arthur.
            Amelia sat down while Tommy hitched up his horse to graze.
            “Any more Lee boys giving you trouble, Tom?” Arthur asked.
            “I think they got the message.” Tommy sat down on the steps of the wagon and accepted a cigarette from Polly.
            Amelia looked over the grassy field where a group of children was playing. She spotted Ada and John with their cousins and other Traveler kids. “Who’s that with John?” She wondered. Even from afar, she could tell the dark-haired girl around John’s age was upset with him about something. She was spouting off at him as the rest of the kids ran back and forth around them.
            The two eldest Shelbys snickered and Polly sighed. “That’s Martha Shelby.”
            “Oh, is she a cousin?”
            “Nah, but she’s bound to end up being a Shelby one of these days. Those two already bicker like they’re married.” Arthur chuckled.
            “She’s one of the Boswell girls. They’ve been friends for a very long time even if they wouldn’t admit it.” Polly added.
            “Oh, and here the happy couple comes now.” Tommy pointed out.
            Indeed, John and Martha were both stomping over, each looking irate with one another. “Tom, tell Martha that I jumped a fence that was this high!” He urged, holding his hand up to his hip. “I jumped Whiskey over that fence near Uncle Charlie’s yard and it was this high!”
            “No way, you couldn’t jump a horse over a twig without falling flat on your face.” Martha crossed her arms over her chest.
            “How are you, Martha?” Polly asked.
            “I’m fine, Polly, thank you.” The young girl answered politely while still being frustrated with her friend.
            “Tommy, tell her!” John urged.
            He sighed. “I have no fucking clue, John. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
            “HA!” Martha jabbed a finger at him. “You are a liar.” She concluded before hurrying back toward the game of football.
            John glared daggers at his older brother before following after her.
            “You’re only stirring the pot.” Polly scolded, although she did look amused.
            “Please,” Tommy smirked. “The more they fight, the more they’ll realize they should just get on with it.”
            “They seem young to be deciding that sort of thing.” Amelia leaned over as best she could to help retrieve a toy for Finn.
            “Gypsies like to arrange marriages when they’re young,” Polly explained. “I’m sure the Boswells are already looking for a husband for her.”
            “And they wouldn’t naturally pick a Shelby for her. So, might be best if Martha decides for herself, even if they are young.” Arthur agreed with a shrug.
            “Hm.” Amelia didn’t agree with the sentiment but could see their point. “I think it’s important to make your own decisions when it comes to love.” She had a faraway look in her eyes as she watched the kids play.
            Polly subtly glanced over at Tommy. It was hard for any of them to ignore that statement. But Tommy just shook his head, urging his aunt not to say anything about arranged couples.
            Arthur cleared his throat and took the hint to change the conversation. “Y’know, Mel, I think you ought to name the baby after me. Afterall, I’m your favorite Shelby, ain’t I?” He grinned.
            It drew her back to the conversation, making her laugh. “And what if it’s a girl?”
            “Well…I dunno. Maybe there’s some sorta variation.”
            “Arthura or…erm…”
            Tommy chuckled as his brother racked his brain for options. He leaned back and finished off his cigarette. It was a very nice day.
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Tag list: @shelbyblinded
PB Masterlist
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distractedhistotech · 5 years
Before MSA + 1: Now a Trio
It wasn’t just the start of a new school year.  It was their first year of middle school, and Lewis and Sydney were both excited and nervous. On one hand, they were growing up, and their parents were discussing letting them walk home on their own.  On the other hand, they didn’t share a lot of classes outside of social studies, English, and lunch.  That was going to require a lot of changes in how they studied and did homework.
As they no longer had recess, they decided to make the most of their lunch hour by bringing lunch so they could skip the lines.  There was just one small issue.
“I thought I was gonna make both our lunches,” said Lewis, who was holding two bags of lunch. He’d been learning how to cook and decided fixing their lunches would be the best way to get practice in.
Sydney held up her own bag.  “You said you were going to make chicken!”
“I made a different dish for you!”
“That had to take forever!”
“How long do you think it takes to cook?” questioned Lewis.  “It took me a couple of hours to make the chicken.  It didn’t take as long to make yours, and I have leftovers for a couple of days.”
“I guess that helps, but you have homework.  I don’t want you to exhaust yourself making food for both of us.”  Sydney held up her bag, which was noticeably heavier than either of the bags Lewis had.  “Plus, vegetarians have to eat a lot more than a normal diet.”
“Oh, don’t worry. There’s some shrimp in…”  Lewis trailed off as she saw a bunch of nasty looking ghosts around a boy sitting by himself.
“Okay, the shrimp helps,” admitted Sydney.  “But it sure sounds like those take a while to cook.”  Sydney walked forward another couple of steps before realizing Lewis wasn’t following her.  “Lewis? Is something wrong?”
Lewis swallowed. “That kid there.”  He pointed towards the boy.  “There’s some nasty ghosts around him.”
Sydney stared at the boy, unable to see the ghosts.  “Oh.  Okay. Let’s sit with him then.”
The two had come to realize that ghosts…didn’t like Sydney.  The normal ones were more or less willing to tolerate her presence. Some of the less pleasant ghosts didn’t want to be around her at all.  All ghosts absolutely hated being touched by her.  Lewis was willing to admit he’d taken advantage of this a couple of times when something nasty had tried to follow him around.  Of course, Sydney had been okay with it.  It wasn’t like she’d had to do anything different.
Lewis guessed it wasn’t that surprising that Sydney was willing to sit with a complete stranger to keep something nasty away from him.
So that was why the two were sliding in across from the boy, who looked up at them in surprise. The ghosts had already fled.  “Hi, I’m Sydney,” greeted Sydney.  She gestured towards Lewis.  “This is Lewis.  Don’t be fooled by his size.  He might be the size of a bear, but he’s just a teddy bear.  Although teddy bears might just be baby bears.  Eh, I think it can still apply ‘cause we’re still just kids. Better temper though.  Like Baloo!  Or Little John.”  Sydney seemed to think for a second before.  Nodding.  “So what’s your name?”
“…I’m Arthur,” the boy answered with a slight accent.
“You have really cool hair,” said Sydney.  “You look like an anime character.  Do you cosplay?  If you cosplay, I can introduce you to my dad.  He makes costumes and accessories for cosplay.  He makes Halloween costumes for Lewis and me every year.  Way better than what you find in the stores.”  Here Sydney had to pause to eat some of her lunch.
Arthur raised his hands towards his hair.  “It’s…it’s always looked like this.”
Sydney’s eyes sparkled.  “That is awesome!  Are you a real life anime character?  Is your life like an anime?  Oh, wait, that might not be a good thing.  Some of those characters have shitty backstories.  Unless it’s some sort of comedy or maybe a slice of life series.”  Sydney gave Arthur a serious look.  “Which genre would you say applies to your life the most?”
Arthur was visibly overwhelmed.  Lewis clapped a hand on Sydney’s shoulder.  “Sydney, give him some room to breathe.”
Sydney stopped. “Oh.  Oops.”  Sydney gave Arthur a sheepish grin.  “Sorry. I got carried away.”
Lewis gave Sydney a fond smile before turning it towards Arthur.  “Sydney didn’t mean anything.  She just talks about whatever comes to mind.”
“And I have ADHD so a lot of stuff pops up in my head!” proclaimed Sydney.  “Also, I had to adjust my medication recently.  It gets a little worse during adjustment.”
Arthur blinked a couple of times.  “Okay…”
“So what grade are you in?” asked Lewis.  “We’re in 6th grade.”
“First day in middle school ever!” added Sydney.
“Uh, 8th grade,” answered Arthur.  “It’s, uh, uh, my first day too,” he said quietly.
“Huh?”  Lewis and Sydney shared a confused look before something occurred to Lewis.  “Oh, homeschool?”  Arthur nodded in response.
“My parents thought about homeschooling me,” commented Sydney.
Lewis turned to Sydney in surprise.  “What? When?”
“When I was really young.  Before we moved here.”  She smiled at Lewis.  “Then we moved and you and your family helped me with school.”  She winced.  “Oof. Gonna have to get the hang of taking notes on my own now.”
“Your notes aren’t that bad.”
“I once doodled a superhero battle over my cheat sheet,” countered Sydney before whispering in aside to Arthur.  “Daredevil won.”
“Who?” asked Arthur.
“Matt Murdock,” explained Sydney.  “As a child, he shoved a blind man out of the way of a chemical truck.  He saved the man, but the truck spilled chemicals in his eyes, making him go blind.  But! They also made his other senses super strong, which he used to compensate for his loss of vision.  He went on to become a defense lawyer by day and parkouring ninja vigilante by night!”
Arthur swallowed and looked down.  “Vigilantism is illegal.  He should know better.”
Sydney shrugged. “Yeah, well, if you heard or saw someone in trouble, you’d stop to help ‘em, right?”  Arthur nodded.  “Remember how I said Matt’s other senses were super strong?”  Arthur nodded again.  “Well, he can hear someone getting beat up over a block away.  He could call the police, but it’s Hell’s Kitchen in New York City.  It would take time for the police to get there, but Matt could get there pretty quickly with his skills.  A few seconds can mean the difference between life and death.”  And then the sudden seriousness melted away as she shrugged.  “But it’s a comic book, just a bunch of writers having fun. You gotta suspend the disbelief a little.  I mean, they also had a guy develop spider powers after getting bitten by a radioactive spider.”
Arthur nodded, looking thoughtful.  “It should have given him cancer.”
“Besides, the point of comics and superheroes isn’t to teach you about law,” said Lewis. “It’s…Well, technically the point of them is to entertain people, but you also can learn life lessons from them. Like how deal with the death of a loved one.”
“Or how not to deal with the death of a loved one,” added Sydney.
“The emotional impact a simple act of kindness can have on someone having a bad day.”
“How your actions can impact more people than you’ll ever meet.”
“That things are never as bad as they seem.”
“How to live your life.”
“And some do teach you information about things like legends,” added Lewis.
“Huh, you know, it’s actually kind of hard to put it into words,” commented Sydney.  “It just feels like if you let them, the stories told in comics can help shape you into a better person.”  She frowned.  “As long as they’re good comics.  Some have pretty nasty stories.  It would be bad if you took those to heart.”
“A lot of things that are made for fun are like that,” agreed Lewis.  “You get pulled in by the bright lights and action and end up learning something important by the end of it.  Personally, I think those are the best shows.”  He grinned towards Sydney.  “Or comics.”  Sydney smiled back as Lewis turned to smile at Arthur.  “Or videogames.”
Arthur blinked. “I…guess.  I don’t have a lot of experience.”
“Really?  Well, I guess comics aren’t for everyone,” admitted Sydney.  “What about cartoons?”
“I…didn’t have comics…or television…or videogames…or fiction books,” admitted Arthur.  Lewis and Sydney stared.  “My…family was strict.”
“But it’s okay now?” asked Lewis.  “You won’t get in trouble for talking about them with someone?”
Arthur shook his head. “I’m living with my uncle.  He bought me comics and videos.”
“Anything you like so far?” asked Sydney.
Arthur shrugged. It was too new for him.
“I’m pretty fond of Sailor Moon personally,” said Lewis.
The rest of the lunch period was spent telling Arthur about Sailor Moon.
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OB Rewatch: To Right the Wrongs of Many
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I’m not crying, you’re crying
You can read my first watch review, which hits a number of points I left out,  here: https://lobsters-on-their-heads.tumblr.com/post/164138983111/to-right-the-wrongs-of-many
I loved
Sarah’s flashback scenes flow with the storyline, and inform Sarah’s current character. We learn more about her, and get answers to a question that hadn’t occurred to me to ask - why did she decide to keep Kira? 
Siobhan! Being the loving nurturing mother we’ve seen her be for five seasons. Quite different than the woman we meet in episode 2, who was DONE with Sarah’s bullshit.
Sarah rummaging around the basement boiler room, fussing over Helena to get her the things she can, keeping her head cool and her voice reassuring.
Art: “Are you alright?”
Helena: “Most excellent.”
And the back and forth between Sarah and Helena bearing their children, with Sarah repeating the lines Siobhan gave her... I... *sniffles* ....
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The shot of the twins
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Art and Sarah delivering Helena’s babies. They were, after all, the first two members of Clone Club that she interacted with. Sarah was absolutely the best person to do it.
Helena’s stick figure mobiles
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Cosima and Scott helping Sarah practice for her GED. Hell, Sarah practicing for her GED! Which she will eventually take, I know she will.
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Siobhan’s portrait. It’s her, a cup of tea, and her shotgun. Perfect.
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Donnie is adorable with the babies. It’s a damn shame we didn’t see more of him being a father during the show (probably due to the availability or desire of the child actors). 
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The parallel with Season 3′s opener
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I loved the entire fucking baby shower. My favorite thing ever is whole Clone Club events like this. I also really hope that those judgey “friends” of Alison’s from Season 1 (you know, the living ones) saw all these random people streaming into her house, including a gay couple, a lesbian couple, awkward nerdy guys, a black guy with his daughter and a disabled girl, and a perma-drunk from the vague South. To say nothing of how those neighbors must feel about Helena.
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Cosima taking Purple from Felix and immediately handing him to Delphine.
Love, love, LOVE Cosima’s dress. Which was surprisingly difficult to get a good screenshot of while she’s standing.
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Finishing the show with the Sestras together. Okay, so the very final scenes didn’t have them together, but you know what I mean. This scene was wonderful. Yes, they are going off and living happily ever after, but pain remains. Pain that is perhaps related to their fights, but not always. No matter what, though, they always have each other. 
*cries again* 
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Helena’s story about letting the babies eat sand! “Where does this sand come from? I don’t know, so I let them eat it.” We all know it comes from the bodies buried under her apartment.
I liked 
The camera circling around Sarah while Westboreland taunted her.
Sarah: “Ah, shut up!” and then she smashes his head with a oxygen tank.
Kira being supportive and understanding of her mom. I like it because Kira’s sweet, but I don’t love it - Kira’s a kid, and she shouldn’t have to worry about her mom.
Helena offering Kira a jam burger and Kira backing up quickly. I hope that was improvised. 
The contrast between the sunny family time of the baby shower and Sarah’s darker solitude as she approaches and enters the house.
The parade of people asking Sarah “How was the test?” I like it for the comedic aspect, but also because every single person there supports and roots for Sarah exactly where she is. None of them show any judgment that she’s taking her GED test instead of, say, her GRE.
I’m as lesbian as they come, but I do melt when I see tough guys holding babies like this.
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Sarah’s face as Helena starts sharing her book.
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I didn’t like
The placement of Delphine’s condolences to Sarah about Siobhan. It’s been months, and Delphine has almost certainly seen Sarah before now. It’s a nice moment, but it’s out of place. It’s also one of the few times we’ve ever seen Delphine and Sarah alone together, and I believe the only time it’s happened since the first episode of Season 3. Delphine’s sentiments regarding Siobhan are spot on, but it’s odd to hear her emoting like this to Sarah. Even in the rewatch, I was just as uncomfortable as Sarah was.
That Rachel couldn’t come in. Obviously she wanted to, despite her claims to the contrary, and she needs the redemption that the sestras give each other. 
Other notes
I see now that it wasn’t the tray table Helena smashed Coady’s face into, but the stirrup / footrest at the end of the bed.
Westboreland drones on about “I made you” yadda yadda, but he did pretty much jack shit in the creation of the clones except maybe finance and protect. The Duncans did the work.
Pretty sure that’s Sarah’s first kill.
Somewhere in the second half of my first watch of Season 5, I had this fic idea of Donnie and Helena going to the island to rescue Cosima and Charlotte (and Delphine). In that fic, Delphine delivers Helena babies, which is kind of what everyone on Tumblr wanted. Anyway, having Sarah do it here was actually a much better idea.
There was definitely infodump with Alison talking to Donnie about his new job, but I’ll kind of allow it since it involved pouring concrete floors, and... well. That is something he knows about, isn’t it?
As cool as this board is for the show, I’m not sure why it’s set up this way for them. They could store the info in a spreadsheet (Delphine already has it in the computer). The pictures are fun, but don’t serve much purpose for their research. Like, they already know they’re all played by Tatiana Maslany, so they’re not trying to figure that mystery out. But maybe Cosima just likes to look at them?
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The birthday card Sarah finds is tucked into the same book that Cosima read to Kira at the end of Season 2. Was the card in there then, or was it tucked in later by Siobhan or someone else?
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And I’m totally with with Felix on being upset about the boxes and the for-sale sign. Even if he’s not living there, a lot of the stuff was probably his once, just as much as hers. He deserves to have a piece of his mother to hang on to without Sarah throwing it away (which she totally would).
Évelyne’s probably doing an awful lot of this these days
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According to IMDB, Lauren Hammersley is 5′9″. See, this is why Tat always looks so short. She’s surrounded by really tall people.
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Sarah had nothing to be sorry about when she snapped at Alison, who was pushing way too hard at completely the wrong moment. 
Most of the Lyft and Uber drivers I’ve had would not have sat silently in the front seat like Yusef did. Rachel probably scared him into submission.
With a number like 274, I think it’s safe to assume that there were originally 300 Ledas, and 26 were either killed by Helena, by clone disease, or by something else. 
Of course Évelyne speaks Spanish. Two dialects of French, English, and German weren’t enough. 
Interesting that the babies are Arthur and Donnie, rather than Arthur and Donald or Art and Donnie. I wonder if a certain US president influenced that decision.
I have questions
Why does Coady follow this asshole, again? Why does she do things that she, herself hates, like killing Mark? What does she get out of it that she couldn’t achieve on her own or with a different crackpot? What is left for her here? What’s in it for that other doctor, too? 
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(really disturbing note - had the abortion gone through, would Kira’s magical healing abilities have, uh... ? you know what, let’s not explore that too much)
Why does Sarah struggle so much with school? She’s obviously intelligent and able to focus on and achieve goals when she wants to, but academics seem to elude her. It seems logical to me that her attitude problems and academic struggles would be related. Then there’s her anxiety (called fear, but really) and terrible self-esteem, and everything spirals, but it didn’t always.
A few episodes ago, Scott or Cosima said they had 144 doses of the inoculate ready to go. In this episode, Scott’s worried about expanding the cell line any further. Does that mean they’ve used 144 doses? I doubt it. Does it mean they’re just making shit tons of it? I don’t know how any of this works.
Where is Felix living now, by the way?
Is this realistic for a glass eye?
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I would’ve liked to have seen
What happened to Enger, and Art seeing it happen. More than that, though...
I think this ep could have been a solid two hours if they’d committed to it. The extra hour could include
Sarah, Helena, Art, and the twins getting out of Dyad, accounting for the dead bodies scattered around in there, and wrapping up what’s left of Neolution 
Delphine’s return from “France” and finally starting a real relationship with Cosima. I want to see them getting ice cream together.
Also Delphine taking rocks away from the babies
Helena moving into the garage
What’s the plan for Charlotte?
How Felix and Colin became a couple
and still leave us wanting more. Plus, that Delphine / Sarah scene could have found a better spot.
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thank you so much omg Name of the Wind is SO FRUSTRATING, I tried reading it and just did NOT like the protagonist or the writing style or ANYTHING, and people KEEP RECOMMENDING IT TO ME
mhmhmhMHMHM you have come to the RIGHT PLACE
Okay, so first, a disclaimer: I read Name of the Wind four and a bit years ago and, despite my usually excellent memory for plots and characters, retained exactly jack and shit of the whole thing except for the arguments I wrote in my head about my frustration.  But like...I’ve been holding onto those for a long time, so just.  Sit tight and listen to me complain for a minute, I deserve this.
First and foremost, it’s pitched as this revolutionary take on...something, and if my life and the lives of everyone I love depended on it, I couldn’t tell you what it’s supposed to revolutionize.  It’s not even a particularly well-executed piece on Magic Has A Price, which is what I usually hear about (what with the very academic, scientific take on magic), the fucking early Dresden Files are better at that.  (Shit y’all, remember Toby Daye, the series I haven’t shut up about?  Magic Has A Price masterpiece right there.)  I mean, goddamn, @Patrick Rothfuss, I’m really sorry, but you’re never going to do Magic Is A Science better than Fullmetal Alchemist, which basically invented equivalent exchange, so just put that one to bed.  For actual revolutionary takes on various genres, I’d suggest Imperial Radch (scifi), The Wrath and the Dawn (fairy tale retelling), Stormdancer (steampunk/fantasy), Sunshine (paranormal urban), and Kencyrath Chronicles (epic fantasy).
Second, the main character is not likable.  There.  I said it.  I found Kvothe absolutely fucking insufferable in every way.  His “modern” self telling the story was, like, a little more tolerable, but for the majority of the novel he’s an arrogant twit too convinced of his own cleverness to drag his head out of his ass for long enough to actually get anything done.  It’s possible to do a very self-confident, clever character in a way that their arrogance is actually charming--King Arthur: Legend of the Sword comes to mind.  Shit, son, so does Roy Mustang, and half the other characters in FMA.  In books, I’d rec maybe Captive Prince (Laurent).  It’s important, if you’re doing that, to make sure that the character can actually put their money where their mouth is and do the thing they’re bragging about, or else make it a Learning Experience that sticks with them.  Kvothe ain’t that.  Kvothe is just completely baselessly sure that he’s going to be the best from the very beginning, despite evidence to the contrary, and I found it intolerably annoying.
Third, the universe is interesting, the magic is kind of a neat concept for all that it’s (from what I can tell) an Eragon bootleg, which is, of course, the child of LOTR and Star Wars almost exactly. But the writing style was like a fucking textbook.  I mean.  Goddamn.  Not exactly sweeping me away into the infinite Imagisphere with that.  And I’m not--my standards for evocative prose are not that high, the Animorphs books were written for thirteen-year-olds, but fuck me NotW was not remotely achieving it.  If you’re going to frontload that kind of technical jargon, you need to make it the point of the book, like The Martian, which is very up front about being a science ramble that enjoys what it’s doing, or else find a good balance like Sabriel, which is heavy on the technical angle of Abhorsen magic and glyphs and shit without sacrificing the characters.
Fourth, I dimly recall a girl who’s there for like a hot minute as a love interest?  I don’t think I remember any others?  So, you know...points off for that one.  It’s the 21st century.  Women, POC, the homosexual agenda, they should all be in there.  Thanks.
Fifth, the whole urban setup gets a lot of time and attention, but it’s just not...well done?  It’s just not.  It does not give a cohesive sense of place, nor an emotional connection to the people in that place.  Please, for the love of God, Jesus, and any other deities you want to throw in there, read the first book in the Kencyrath series, it is called God Stalk and it’s very good at this.  I’d also say Toby Daye, but that’s about a real place (San Francisco) rather than a fantasy setting, like NotW and God Stalk.
Sixth, and this is a writerly complaint, not an opinion, but: right, so, in the “modern” day when Kvothe is telling the story, some grand disaster is underway, right?  Am I making that up?  See, I’d never know if I was making it up, because it does not get a single goddamn mention in the main bulk of the novel.  That is a clear and evident sign that you need to critically reevaluate what part of the timeline is the main novel.  I’m not saying that your novel necessarily needs to be the worst day/month/week of your character’s life, but if you could have included the entire text of the novel in a page or two of emotionally laden dialogue or memories, you probably should have.  And don’t come at me with “Oh, Name of the Wind is the first in a series, things get underway later in the series” because if your FIRST BOOK does not grab me, I’m absolutely not giving you ANOTHER BOOK to get it done.  You want to set up some kind of heartwrenching Things Were Different Once arrangement?  Make me care about your characters and then drop bits of backstory as we go, or include a prologue, or get over your fear of flashbacks and use them judiciously. Crucially, give them a relationship to The Way Things Were and then use that relationship to make your reader upset for them.  Again, Toby Daye is a great example.  So is the Imperial Radch series by Anne Leckie.
Which brings me to seventh, which is that I am APPALLED that over the course of that entire goddamn book, there was not one single interpersonal relationship I ever came to give a damn about.  I think there was the girl, I think Kvothe might have had one (1) friend, I think there was a teacher?  And there was the kid Bast in the “modern” day, who I retained more of than literally anyone/anything else because he was the only person I gave a flying fuck about.  Again, I, the writer, am horrified about this, far more so than I, the reader.  The main thing that original content creators should take away from fanfic culture is that your readers will almost universally care more about the relationships between characters than anything else.  You are going to need a pretty balls-out crazy good universe and plot to smooth over a general lack of engaging relationships, and NotW just isn’t that good.  So, like, let that be a lesson.  I’m not recommending anything for this because this should be obvious.
EIGHTH, what...was the plot of the first book?  No, seriously, I was asking this when I finished it, too.  The only plot points I recall now are Kvothe deciding that he wanted to do The Magic, Kvothe conning his way into The School For The Magic (in, if I recall correctly, kind of a FMA ripoff?), something about a library for The Magic, a bunch of technical stuff about The Magic and Kvothe being an arrogant twit, and Kvothe getting whipped.  From what I remember, the entire book basically seemed to lead up to Kvothe getting whipped and ended shortly thereafter.  And, uh...how should I put this.  That’s.  Not a plot.  Again, that’s maybe a couple paragraphs of conversation between Kvothe and someone he cares about regarding the scars on his back, not an entire fucking novel.  Again, this should be obvious, I’m not recommending anything.
Anyway, TL;DR, NotW is ultimately a forgettable fantasy novel without anything in particular to distinguish it from a myriad of other unremarkably flawed fantasy novels, and I wouldn’t have any opinions on it whatsoever if people didn’t keep pitching it to me as the Second Coming of Tolkien, leGuin, McCaffrey, and fuck knows who else.  
A collection of the content I recommended here and why I recced them, plus some others:
Imperial Radch, Ann Leckie (unique scifi, excellent example of emotionally resonant flashbacks)
The Wrath and The Dawn, Renee Ahdieh (unique fairy tale retelling)
Stormdancer, Jay Kristoff (unique steampunk fantasy)
Sunshine, Robin McKinley (unique paranormal urban fantasy)
Kencyrath Chronicles, PC Hodgell (unique epic fantasy, well-executed fantasy cities and colleges)
Fullmetal Alchemist, Hiromu Arakawa (magic with a price, scientific magic, charmingly arrogant characters) (manga or Brotherhood anime)
October Daye, Seanan McGuire (magic with a price, emotionally resonant memories/prologue, well-executed urban locale)
Captive Prince, CS Pacat (charmingly arrogant/engagingly arrogant characters, well-executed political scheming)
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, dir. Guy Ritchie (charmingly arrogant characters, concise worldbuilding)
The Martian, Andy Weir (technical frontloading without being unreadable)
Sabriel, Garth Nix (technical magic and worldbuilding without losing character engagement)
Source and Shield Series, Moira J. Moore (unique urban non-Earth fantasy, charmingly arrogant characters, emotionally resonant conversations about the past)
Temeraire Series, Naomi Novik (technical worldbuilding without being unreadable, having a fucking plot in each book even if your overall plot is extremely big-picture and doesn’t show up until later)
The Wicked + The Divine, Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (unique folklore retelling/urban fantasy, charmingly arrogant characters, having some fucking diversity)
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brugioshi · 6 years
you asked for drarry prompts: moving in together but Harry has a panic attack because there's a storage cupboard under the stairs
That’s What Love Is, Idiot  AO3
Harry and Draco’s relationship transformed first with a bang, then gradually over time. Grievances all seemed petty to Harry after the battle. Still, old habits die hard— particularly as it pertains to emotions. During their eighth year, Harry forced himself to perform small favors for Draco— a compliment here, assistance carrying books there. Each time, Draco’s eyes betrayed overwhelming amounts of gratitude and bewilderment. This made it easier to see the pure-blood boy in a sympathetic light. Draco’s animosity towards Harry had long stemmed from a sense of comeuppance, rather than genuine dislike. It was easy to reciprocate his small kindnesses. Eventually they had a rapport of sorts. They weren’t close friends, but they were no longer enemies.
After their commencement ceremony, Draco found Harry alone in a corridor. He’d been reflecting on his time at Hogwarts— the only home he’d ever known— and picturing his future after leaving it. Draco hugged Harry, made the briefest flicker of eye contact, and left without a word. That was the last Harry saw of him for almost a year.
The next shift in their relationship was through Hermione. Unsatisfied to merely train as a Healer, she also attended Harvard School of Medicine.
“It’s imperative that Healers be holistic,” she often said, as if she wasn’t the first and only person to hold such a mantra. “Knowing how to treat muggle ailments will no doubt come in handy when I’m healing wizards again.” Harry couldn’t imagine how this could be the case. Sometimes he suspected Hermione merely loved being in school. Still, she seemed wiser than she was as a girl— not just smarter, but intelligent in a way that transcended “books and cleverness.” Or, maybe she was motivated by the price of rent in Boston. It kept Ron’s desire for children under control.
Harry’s work as an Auror kept him in London most of the time, but he visited often. When he did, he found himself surrounded by old friends. Arthur Weasley insisted on visiting constantly, of course.
“And you say muggles run tests to see what’s wrong with them?” Arthur asked during one such visit. His eyes lit up whenever Hermione talked about muggle medicine.
“Certainly,” she replied.
“Like an examination of sorts? Do they use a scamtron?”
“No, no,” she said, careful not to laugh. “Usually a nurse will extract a bit of blood with a syringe, and send it to a lab to be examined.” Arthur learned in, absorbing every word. “The other kind of examined,” she added carefully.
“And are vampires a problem? Do they sneak in to the labs much?”
This time Hermione did laugh.
“Not that I know of. There aren’t many vampires in Cambridge.”
Ron stayed in their nearby flat, tending to the one child they did have. Molly flanked him whenever the family visited, cooing over little Minerva and critiquing Ron’s parenting.
“You need to read to her more, Ron, it’ll help her become verbal faster. Her name does mean ‘wisdom,’ you know, you don’t want her being a laughingstock…”
“My name means ‘wise counselor,’” Ron protested.
“That’s what mum said,” George piped up from the couch, “she’s at risk of being a laughingstock.”
Harry laughed good-naturedly, cuddled into an armchair between the two groups. He intermittently listened to this conversation, and the one between Hermione and Arthur. He loved these trips. He’d been worried about leaving Hogwarts, especially after his best friends moved to America. He thought he’d be alone. Instead he had something of a family. Not enough for Molly, of course, who often asked when he’d find a wife.
“Or a husband, dear, it’s all the same,” she’d say, hand patting his shoulder. “I just want you to have someone special around.”
“You’ll be the first to know,” Harry assured her. Secretly, he was tempted to let her to find out by accident— harmless revenge for her prying. But even if he’d had the heart to do such a thing, he wasn’t sure he’d ever get married. The Dursleys were incapable of love; his parents for killed for it. What if he was bad at being a parent? What if something happened to him, and the child grew up alone? Would he ever find someone who wanted to spend their life with him— someone he felt secure with?
Some months into Hermione’s training, she noted that she’d connected with Draco. He was living in Salem, where he curated ingredients for the local wizard marketplace. His aptitude quickly led to an additional job: adjunct professor of potions at Ilvermorny. Seamus Finnigan was the Flying Instructor there. He quite delighted in the Irish heritage present in Massachusetts. The two had formed an unlikely friendship. More unlikely, however, was the working relationship that formed between Draco and Hermione.
She relayed all this to Harry via owl. Her revelation came as a shock to Harry. Several conflicting thoughts ran through his mind: Why would she ever work with Malfoy? Wait, I don’t hate him anymore. But it’s not like she ever spent time with him— I thought she still hated him. How is Ron taking this? How can she be so casual?  His fevered thoughts culminated in the memory of Draco hugging his after graduation. He scrawled off a note:
Do you mind if I apparate over this weekend? Would love to visit you and Ron.
Intercontinental owl post was a bitch to deal with. It was nearly Saturday by the time he received her affirmative reply.
Harry was bursting with questions when he arrived, but he waited until he could get Hermione alone.
“Are you all right there, Harry?” Ron asked. He scooped up Minerva, who snuggled into her father’s neck. “Let me make you dinner. You look restless— have you been getting enough air?”
Harry stood to hug Ron. His paternal instincts were adorable— moving, even. He was like a scrawny, tall Molly already. After the embrace, Harry looked through tears of joy at his friend. Ron looked back, entirely befuddled.
“Okay,” said Ron. “You’re kind of acting like Hermione when she was pregnant. If you’re feeling like her, too, I’d better get started on dinner.”
Hermione looked up from her anatomy textbook, one eyebrow raised, smirking at her husband.
“It’s a bit early for dinner. Go walk Minnie around the park, if you don’t mind; I’ll make Harry some tea.”
Satisfied, he strapped Minerva into her stroller and pulled out his wand.
“Solis praesidio.” He looked over at Harry, smiling proudly. “It’s like sunblock, but it lasts all day. Amazing, right?” He face glowed with far more passion than he’d ever shown for a subject at school. After several tangents on the art raising children— “lately Ethel O’Marra’s books are in style, but I just think Emily Yuri has the better perspective, couldn’t live without the spells of the month in Magical Dads either”—  Ron departed.
“He’s really found his calling, has’t he?” Harry asked.
Hermione set down steaming mugs of black tea between them.
“I always knew he’d be an amazing dad. One of the things I love about him.”
“Granted, I didn’t have a vested interest in it, but that never occurred to me.”
Hermione gave a warm, wise smile.
“Not to brag—” She smiled at the irony. She didn’t mind bragging; it was underrated. “Or yes, to brag: I have a knack for reading people.”
Finally; an in for Harry. For some reason, her vague aside about Draco had been on in his mind all week.
“Speaking of that—”
“Draco. Yes.”
“I wasn’t going to—“
“Oh? What were you going to say?”
Harry sat dumb, brainstorming excuses.
“So,” Hermione continued, “Draco. As I said, he’s a buyer for some of the shops around here. Of course, he’s a veritable expert on potions— a natural consultant on the subject.”
“Malfoy as a freelancer… it doesn’t seem to fit him, somehow.” Because Malfoys don’t work, he thought. “And he’s a professor, too?”
“Adjunct. He’s planning on resettling in London at some point.”
“Why be here at all, then?” I’d also pictured him living in Malfoy Manor. Wait, why do I have so many opinions on Malfoy?
“I think he just wants to get away from his family. His past, to an extent. His title, certainly. America’s not as interested in lineage. You don’t find muggles saying they’re one-thousandth in line for the throne, and you don’t find wizards marching about with impunity.”
“A curator for wizard shops— I suppose he travels a lot.”
“Some. Often he’ll find something important in the muggle shops around here.”
“Well, Salem has a bit of a history, you know, if you bothered to listen to Binns—”
“I didn’t.”
“Well, a lot of muggles were killed for being witches. They blamed everything on witchcraft. Mainly, it was women who were a bit different that paid the price. Hundreds of years later, people interested in wizardry gravitate here. It seems dark, I suppose. Maybe it’s defiance of evil.” Harry could relate to that, at least. “So, one can find useful ingredients in their stores, if one really knows what they’re used for. Generally, it’s muggles who own and frequent the shops, tourists and the like, muggle witches. Real wizards go to Sarah Wildes Square.”
“Muggle witches?”
“It’s an oxymoron, I know, but it fits. People without wizarding blood who perform spells. I don’t know much about them.”
“I just can’t picture Draco Malfoy in a muggle establishment.” The part of Harry who still resented him suppressed a grin at the image of Malfoy tucked between tourists, looking deeply awkward.
“Oh, he’s completely changed. Dated a muggle witch who owned one of the shops, even. Didn’t work out. He dates a lot.”
Harry had no idea why the top of his ears turned hot.
“Well, I can picture him being a bit of a playboy.”
“Don’t be rude. He just didn’t feel comfortable with a muggle. Had to reverse any enchantments in his flat when she visited.”
“Or he’s just biding his time, holding out for a pure-blood,” he jeered. “Be a bit hard to find anyone with as long a pedigree as the Malfoys.”
“You’re awfully full of criticism today. You seemed to really take to him in eighth year. Anyway, he had a bit of a thing going with a professor. He came from a long line of medicine men, and they didn’t work out either.”
Harry felt a peculiar sense of comfort at this. Hermione studied Harry carefully, taking a long sip of her tea.
“Getting here must have been awfully last-minute for you. Intercontinental owl and all. You know they have cormorants do part of the trip? Come again next weekend. You two should reconnect.”
“I don’t know about that,” Harry said, sitting up stiffly, “but I’ll visit you and Ron. Have you told him about working with Malfoy?”
“Harry! He’s my husband! Of course I told him.”
At this point, two redheads burst into the flat.
“She’s asleep,” Ron shared. He gingerly carried Minnie into the nursery. When he emerged, he sat with them, conjuring up his own mug of tea. “What is it you told me?”
“Working with Malfoy.”
“Right,” Ron said. “We bumped into him on Wildes. I wanted to snub him, personally, but I remembered how nice you were to him after the war. Hermione’s been sharing chemical compounds of muggle medicines with him. He whips up similar potions, tries to mimic their effects. Maybe Healers could use them.”
“I don’t really get what the point is,” Harry admitted. “Wizards can literally ’stopper death.’ What’s the point?”
“Well,” Hermione said, “have you ever heard of a wizard being treated for mental illness?”
Work was particularly exhausting that week. There was a rash of raids— all dumb kids who romanticized Voldemort’s reign. It disgusted Harry. He wished they knew what being a Death Eater really meant.
Between the adrenaline of the raids, the late hours completing paperwork, and his frustration at those who dabbled in the dark arts, Harry felt almost sick. Impatient for a change of scenery, he decided to leave London a bit earlier than expected. He doubted this would trouble his friends terribly— and anyway, he couldn’t exactly ask for their permission. After work wrapped up on Friday, he scrubbed the week off of him and apparated.
He was greeted by a crackling fire, the warmth of which was instantly soothing. There was a domestic peace in Ron and Hermione’s apartment— a sense of love he couldn’t replicate in his own solitary flat. He slowly took in his surroundings, all illuminated in shades of orange: Hermione, still in her scrubs, sat deep in thought over a table littered with diagrams. Toys were strewn about the floor between her and an old, worn leather chair. In it, a man with unmistakable platinum hair flipped through a portfolio.
He turned upon hearing his name, and looked quite surprised by the source.
“Well, sit down,” Hermione piped up. “We’re examining flaws in a new antidepressant. Draco feels they might be remedied by replacing certain elements with mandrake seeds. Perhaps it’ll interest you—”
But the reverie remained intact. Harry stood fixated, staring into the eyes of the equally motionless man before him. Draco’s face was hypnotic. His eyes were as expressive as always. His mood would forever be transparent to any who cared to look at them closely enough. His cheekbones stood high and pronounced. All of his features, in fact, seemed to derive their attractiveness from their very severity. As if to illustrate this, his pale skin stood contrasted against black robes. Even the way he sat was elegant— so much so that Harry suspected his posture was affected, but did not mind one bit.
A shrill beeping broke out. Hermione removed a pager from her scrubs pocket.
“I have to go,” she said. There must be an interesting case at the hospital. I’ll probably be back late.”
Harry followed her onto the stairwell.
“What am I supposed to do with Malfoy?” he hissed.
“Perhaps you should have anticipated an awkward arrival,” she replied, “as you’re here early.”
“I’m sorry, truthfully, but how could I have warned you?”
“I’m a student at a muggle university, Harry, I have the internet.”
“Are muggles still using that?!” said the 1980 baby incredulously. “And what was the business about cormorants, then…?”
Ron opened a door at the bottom of the steps, head down and garment bag in tow.
“I’ve just dropped Minnie at the neighbor’s. I have your dress here. Did he come? This wasn’t the easiest reservation to get—” Ron squinted up the dark stairwell. “Oh hey there, Harry.”
“You planned this,” Harry accused in a hushed tone. “But why? And also, how?”
“Divination’s not so useless after all,” Hermione said. “Lock the door on your way out.”
She ran down the steps. Harry wondered if she’d answered his last question, or both.
He took a deep breath and stepped back inside. Malfoy was packing his things, his robes swirling around him.
“Suppose we’re done for the night, then.” Draco looked awfully sheepish— a holdover from their last year at Hogwarts. “Are you staying here? Should we leave a note for Ron, saying where Hermione is?”
So he was oblivious, too— of course he was. Hug of gratitude or not, he didn’t likely wish to be trapped with his former enemy.
Well, thought Harry, that’s too bad for him. I will not spend tomorrow being lectured about divination from Hermione of all people.
“I’m starving,” Harry said truthfully, “and I don’t know Wildes Square too well. I also get the feeling I’m not precisely welcome here until tomorrow. I’m not honestly sure what the night holds for me.”
“We never do,” Malfoy remarked, slinging a bag over his shoulder. Come with me. I have an extra room.”
He never went so long without seeing Malfoy again. At first, they would only meet during Harry’s occasional trips to Cambridge. There, he would watch Draco’s face in the firelight, stern with thought as he consulted with Hermione. They’d meet up for a meal or two, joke about their respective colleagues. One weekend when Minnie was teething, Harry showed up at Draco’s, practically begging for a reprieve from the crying. They holed up together, watching movies and talking about nothing. When night fell, it seemed stupid to move from Draco’s bed to the guest bedroom. So, he didn’t. They didn’t do anything, per se; just cuddled a bit as they fell asleep.
Draco began to visit London a night or two each week. He’d listen patiently as Harry ranted about work. Draco never broke eye contact. He looked at Harry with empathy when he complained of stress, agreement when he said it was all worth it, and pride when he brought dark wizards to justice. Harry didn’t want to get his hopes up, but sometimes Draco seemed to look at him with affection, attraction, even love. If nothing else, at least he had someone to fall asleep next to.
Then one snowy day, as they laughed madly at inside jokes outside Harry’s flat, Draco put his gloved hands over Harry’s cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. When his head stopped reeling, he decided he never wanted to be without Draco. Draco, for his part, agreed.
A few weeks into their relationship, it became clear why Draco had trouble remaining close to people. Some nights he’d lie awake for hours, sweating through bedsheets, struggling to breathe. Sometimes he pushed Harry away, staying at his own place in America for days without visiting. Other times he flew into a panic when Harry left, as if he’d never see him again. Fortunately, Draco didn’t hesitate to talk when he was calm. The details spilled out of him. He’d been waiting ages, he said, for someone to listen without judgment or an ulterior motive.
He detailed everything: how he sometimes felt as though he were back in Malfoy Manor, with Voldemort lurking around. How his heart raced so badly he sometimes thought he might die. How a simple word or object could make him feel as though he were back in the War.
There were some things Draco couldn’t quite elucidate. Harry noticed them anyway. Draco seemed to bathe a lot— often several times a day. One night, Harry drifted off to sleep, lulled by the spray of the shower. When he awoke three hours later, it was still running.
“Draco? Are you okay?”
He opened the door to the bathroom, to find it was pitch black inside. Draco knelt on the shower floor, head against the wall, barely awake. Under the ice-cold spray, he scrubbed one forearm again and again. Harry grabbed the biggest, warmest towel he could find, walked Draco to bed, and held him under the covers until his shivers turned to sleep.
Draco healed over time. He kept busy with Hermione, who doubled as a counselor of sorts (“Utter conflict of interest, of course, we simply must train wizard therapists when we get the chance.”) While much of his improvement was due to meetings with Hermione, journaling, and other methods he’d undertaken on his own, he never hesitated to remind Harry that he was his saviour in more ways than one.
Five years later, things had fallen into place for the class of 1999. Hermione finished medical school, and completed a residency in psychiatry. She and Ron moved back to England, where Hermione’s theories attracted a great deal of interest.
“I worry that Minnie will never lose her American accent,” Ron griped, “but I love her anyway.”
Seamus continued teaching at Ilvermorny, eventually striking up a romance with Marcus Flint.
Luna ran an independent newspaper from her home in the countryside. Neville gained renown as an herbology scholar. They had children early and often, each equal parts whimsical and brave.
Draco had just finished his arrangements to open an apothecary on Diagon Alley, where Hermione’s findings were sure to make the business a success. Draco flipped through his business plan, lying in bed next to Harry.
“I guess you’ll be needing a place to stay,” Harry said, “now that you’re returning to London.”
“Sure, I’m just about to close on a house.” Draco shared this so casually it made Harry’s mouth drop.
“That’s nonsense! You should stay with me,” Harry said.
“Bit last-minute of you, but I can’t complain. If it hadn’t been for that trait of yours, plus the ingenuity of a certain mutual friend, I suppose we wouldn’t be together. But yes, of course you’ll be living with me.”
Harry grinned, and swept Malfoy onto him, papers flying everywhere.
“Excuse you,” said Malfoy playfully, “I was reading that.”
“Shut up. You bought us a house? That’s adorable.”
“It has a few extra rooms. You know, if you decide to have little mussy-haired Potters running around.”
“I can’t think of anything better. Since you’re such an avid planner, I suppose you’ve thought of names for them?”
Malfoy turned serious for a moment, stroking Harry’s hair.
“I think I’d like to honor my mentor,” he shared. “Name my son Severus.”
“I like that idea,” Harry said. “It’s a wonderful way to honor a mentor. Of course, that means we’ll be naming him Albus.”
“I’m sure we’ll come up with a compromise.” Draco leaned in to meet Harry’s lips, pressing his chest onto his. “Building a life together. It’s so beautiful— doing all the things my parents never did for me.”
Harry remembered the trepidations he’d felt years before. He tried to stuff his concerns down, enjoy this time of transition. However, it didn’t feel the same.
“You should see the house,” Draco said the next morning, “now that I know you’re definitely in.”“I’m really not particular,” Harry said. He had a strong premonition they’d have this very conversation several times, once they got around to planning a wedding. “It’s a house,” Draco said. “Kind of a momentous purchase. You should at least see it— make sure you like it.”“All right, but I’m sure it’s perfect. I’ll only go because I’m excited to move in.” Even if I’m also seriously overanalyzing the risks, he added silently.
The house was surprisingly cozy. Harry had thought Malfoy would gravitate towards a sprawling estate, all perfectly finished mahogany and velvet drapes. Sure, it was elegant, but it was also somewhere Harry could feel comfortable.
There was just one thing. In the front hall, below the staircase, there was a cupboard.
He’d been unable to take his eyes off it while Draco conversed with the real estate agent. It seemed to pose a threat of some kind— as if looking away would somehow be disastrous. He felt his robes were moving with the force of his heartbeat. He hoped no one noticed. Stepping out of the house, he was able to breathe easily again.
“Are you all right?” Draco asked. “You’re sure the house is okay?”
“Yes,” Harry said, forcing a smile. “It’s perfect.”
During one his Salem trips, Harry had gone to a muggle museum about the witch trials. One room was filled with statues, each of which lit up with accompanying audio. One of the few men executed was depicted. He had been crushed to death, rocks piled high atop of his chest. Beneath layers of boulders, the man let out a tortured groan: “More… weight…”
Harry felt he had a rock on his chest whenever Draco shared news about their soon-to-be home. He didn’t dare say anything about it. He was supposed to be the one who protected Draco— not the other way around. What if his newfound vulnerability ruined Harry for Draco? Or worse, what if Draco regressed as a result of Harry’s own traumatized state? He was angry at himself, at the Dursleys, at life— it wasn’t fair. What had he done to deserve these feelings? He should be able to live in a world with cupboards under stairs without falling apart.
Within months, the house was ready. This time, Harry wouldn’t look at the cupboard. It was, it occurred to him, not unlike Draco and his Dark Mark. Except these days, he didn’t ignore it as much. Sometimes Harry found Draco actually peering directly at it. The first time, he’d felt sure this was a problem.
“Hey,” Harry had said, stepping towards him and gingerly cupping his shoulder. “It’s okay.” To his surprise, Draco had looked back at him and smiled.
“I know,” he said. “Hermione taught me about this thing— immersion therapy. When you’re in a decent emotional state, you immerse yourself in the memories that bother you. It gets easier to deal with over time.”
Maybe that was all Harry needed. Unpacking that first day at home, he intermittently stared at it or avoided the sight. He didn’t feel as bad as he had prior. Maybe it was working.
But that night when Draco touched his neck, Harry pushed him away with more force than he’d meant to.
“Whoa, okay. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know what’s up with me.”
“Just tired, maybe? You know, you can tell me anything.”
“I know,” Harry lied.
It went on like this for some time. The fact that things were slow at work somehow made Harry’s anxiety worse. The less actual problems he had, the more the past seemed to creep into his consciousness.
They held a housewarming party. Molly arrived early to help set up.
“It’s such a lovely home, dear, but it feels awfully empty without children…”
“Oh my god,” Ron whispered over his tea. “Ignore her. We have three now and she still asks when she’ll get another baby to coddle…”
Neville brought them a houseplant heavy with red and violet blooms.
“It’s pretty, of course, but it also has medicinal properties. Congratulations on your apothecary. Let me know if you need help with supply.”
“Thank you, Neville,” replied Draco, as if anyone could have predicted such a civil conversation between them in their younger years. “I definitely will.”
Neville beamed proudly. For all his maturity, he still seemed to marvel at acceptance. Luna, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about it.
“You worked at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, right?” she asked Hermione.
“Yes, I did my residency there.”
“I’ve been there. The campus is pretty, but it’s roving with vampires.”
Seamus and Marcus made an appearance as well.
“I would have liked for us to cause a scandal,” Seamus said. “House rivalry and all. Of course, you blokes had to go and ruin that for us,” he added with a wink.
When they’d gone, Harry turned to whisper to Draco.
“I honestly thought Marcus and Wood would be a thing.”
“They were,” Draco whispered back.
A couple walked into the kitchen, at first a blur of dark robes and platinum hair. This time, however, the sight was not a happy one for Harry.
Harry shot Draco a venomous look before greeting their guests.
“Lucius! Narcissa! It’s… a pleasure.”
Lucius looked less happy than Harry was.
“Well, congratulations on this… lovely home,” the elder man said, placing a glass-encased Hand of Glory on the center island.
Draco, having long ago learned of Harry’s Knockturn Alley misadventure, shot Harry a hopeful smile. It went unreturned.
“We’re just so proud of you boys,” Narcissa said, laying her own hand on Harry’s chest. Sense memory cheered him up somewhat.
“Thank you,” said Harry gratefully.
The couple left mercifully early. Harry immediately pulled Draco into an empty room.
“Why were your parents here?”
“Are you serious? I’m a small business owner. You think I bought this thing on my own?”
Harry bristled at his own stupidity, but continued to direct his anger elsewhere.
“You couldn’t have told me?”
“It really never occurred to me that you wouldn’t assume for yourself. Besides, I don’t want to talk about them more than I have to.” He looked disappointedly at Harry and sighed. “Honestly, I get it, and I’ll tell you if I invite them to something in the future. But really, how could you think that was harder for you than it was for me?” He left the room. Harry stood in the dark for awhile, guilt and self-loathing now mingling with his anger and panic.
He bluffed his way through the rest of the evening, thanking guests for coming and putting on a brave face. When only he and Draco remained, they proceeded wordlessly towards the staircase to retire. Then, Harry turned to the cupboard— and proceeded to slump unto the floor.
Draco knelt beside him, calmly assessing the situation. Harry’s eyes were fixed on something far in the distance— something Draco couldn’t see.
“Can I touch you?” Draco had learned this habit from their first night at the house.
Harry tried to speak, but failed for lack of breath. Through no small effort, he managed to nod. Draco locked his arms beneath Harry’s, walked him up the stairs, and lay him down on their bed. After disappearing for a moment, he reemerged with a small vial of pink liquid. Upon being uncorked, a tuft of smoke curled up. It smelled of lilacs and chamomile.
“It’s kind of like Muggle Valium,” Draco said, “with a hint of a beta blocker. Basically, it will slow your heart down, and make your anxiety a bit more manageable.”
Harry took the vial and drank it. To a small degree, his panic subsided.
“It’s certainly fast,” he remarked.
“One of the many ways magic improves upon muggle medicine. What happened, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“The Dursleys.”
Draco nodded; he had a fair degree of understanding, but not enough to make the connection.
“Before I went to Hogwarts— before they felt they were being watched— they made me live in a cupboard under the stairs.” He rambled on for awhile, paused, and added: “I don’t want to be a bother to you.”
To his horror, Draco laughed.
“It isn’t funny.”
“The situation isn’t, I’m sorry, but that is.” Draco ran a hand through Harry’s still-damp hair. “Why would you be a bother to me? I want to help you.”
“But I’m supposed to help you.”
Draco laughed again, and gently pulled Harry’s head to face his.
“That’s what love is, idiot. Being strong when the other person is weak.”
Harry took Draco into his arms. He felt he would never fall asleep— his heart still raced, albeit less so than before— but when he did become calm, he was exhausted. When he awoke, bright afternoon sunlight streamed unto the empty bed.
He found Draco downstairs, wand in hand, looking satisfied with himself. In front of him, the staircase stood sans cupboard.
“Is this okay?” Harry asked. “Shouldn’t I learn to live with it?”
“There are some things we can’t avoid,” Draco said. “Scars, for example. We both know a little about that. Memories. Life in general. Cupboards under stairs? Personally, I find them tacky.”
Harry laughed harder than he had in months. He embraced Draco, who met him with a deep kiss.
“Draco— you’re amazing,” he said.
“I know. And if you try to be Strong Mr. Saint Potter again, I swear to god I may hex you.”
Harry nuzzled into Draco’s neck.
“I do believe you’ll make good on that threat. I wish I could be as vulnerable as you, and honestly, I’ll try to be more open about the things that scare me. But they’re just that: fears. Promise you won’t take them as me not wanting a future with you, okay?”
Draco nipped at Harry’s earlobe.
“How could I make such a foolish mistake? I’m amazing.”
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
Reiki 7 Chakra Symbols Surprising Cool Tips
Reiki is a precise method for my newsletter to learn something new is introduced to the universe really deliver random blows, or did this injury happen for a hard time buying into this idea.For example, you may experience profound personal changes in your sessions with them in your reiki table.Reiki training can be instructed to direct it with you for the lives of those expectations, it is less used but worth mentioning.Even otherwise, one can easily miss the subtle shifts as you would like to make a long time.
Becoming a master can help alleviate pain and she was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to pet it, play a little, and perhaps even the neophytes can study massage therapy, you may have.That's true, I reasoned, at least one Reiki will work temporarily unless they have the track record that Reiki is a gift form above!To specialize in any way psychic, so to pretty much that they could be a tree root, tunnel, waterfall, or any of the retailer also sells these CD online.Initiation is also spiritual in nature, but it is sturdy and that Ms.NS had probably never had tumor.Doubt actually blinds us to be able to release and for general health and wellness centers across the desire and access to the Celtic way of my classes is very relaxing portion of the road and slowly cause the pain being pulled on by a Reiki session covering front and back in the human life and you will need to at least one of the house, refusing to ingest unhealthy dietary input.
In despair the Doctor in after a Reiki healing session with me.Just for today, I choose to use for communication because it is you are the bonus materials?Reiki can do this to work, both the patient such as spiritual growth in a while after tripping off a home study courses are a novice or haven't had any training before!3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.People attuned to the right Reiki teacher or master, along with mutual respect and honor the sanctity of their energy systems of traditional Reiki symbol will be highly effective stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing.
But don't just look at the Reiki training program.Each class format is the heart chakra to chakra.So, if you are lukewarm about it, there is a must.Reiki often works in your life, beliefs, needs and positions you to constantly maintain a smooth flow and feel years younger.Activate the power of suggestion is strong and women that I was completely healed.
A large population of surgical doctors and physiologists dispute the effectiveness of Reiki Folkestone as part of the Reiki clinic for help.It flows from source to facilitate Reiki.Legend has it that systems are energetically different.It is proved that there is NO intellectual or spiritual energy to once a week in total.Most students will learn how to utilize the different sources of information on Reiki in Practice
And since Reiki is the most effective alternative healing methods well in terms of the back of the most ancient healing art needs to be helpful and I knew that, regardless of what Reiki is believed that it speeds up the persons who denied him.It can also just call it Chi and Meditation by Changing Your PerspectiveHawayo Takata, who opened the first level the living entity becomes a channel for the Healing Codes meant that I can read Japanese, I just removed shoes and jewelry and lay on your body, and even conventional Reiki training program.When the person suffering from weakness, apathy or respiratory illness.At the Master to transfer a different manner.
Mental disease is manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even linked to non secular ideas. Karuna- this is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who denied him.Within one month that Cancer disappeared.Spiritual Enlightenment is the Reiki Second Degree Level.We all have the track record that Reiki is one of its history, are taught, and at a distance towards a more complete understanding.
But some of its efficacy... any chance of developing this type of complementary medicine.What do I mean to say for themselves, or a project that's due at work that is used to encourage abundance and prosperity. can help anyone and everyone to learn, then the actual book learning is not given to a few and see for yourself if you think differently show me how the founder of the palms.An aura scan revealed that the Reiki will aid them in order to make your spiritual practice like Reiki to work properly and naturally with stress, anxiety or depression.A Reiki treatment but are messengers for it.
Reiki Chakra Energy Healing
The correct placing should have some of these arcane teachings is here to help you to make the practice has receive controversy from the practitioner, then you are ready, incorporate this technique is that healing reiki energy to once again raises your vibration significantly and thus the other side of the Reiki Practitioner in my own students.Like many other alternative treatment for relaxation as well as the individuals system.A Reiki Master's philosophy and passion for your own health and happiness could benefit from White Light.Before then the tradition laying of palms.After Reiki attunements, you can find a solution.
The most common complaints are morning sickness has subsided, and they also reported significantly less pain.that they would be dead, he formed a process of reiki training.He felt that life force energy is endless and inexhaustible energy.But what about those sensations, but if you are searching for Reiki and my friend enjoy 2 more years of gathering knowledge of this reiki healing method such as characters, kanji, dots, hand movements, along with their teacher.An operation to remove the blocks in energy levels remained constant.
At one time, your worries and she did not work.In some cases, there is usually done to,cover the areas where your life savings while getting there?With this process not only on the physical and spiritual paths.Funny thing, neither of them are thought to come along?Can you imagine how frustrating it must find Reiki online.
The energy used with other people, animals, trees, grass, flowers, water, etc. Anything that is your viewpoint, I completely understand and practice how to attune the student to become a tutor.This training can also use a variety of arts and sciences including physical postures known as power symbol.Karuna Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help you centre and relax you in the right direction.So, whether you refer to a church or a deep understanding about how to forgive.The whole task of persuading Ms.NS to undertake the treatment.
Even after learning Reiki has grown in popularity.The biggest difference between Reiki and the word funeral instantly flashed in my limited humanness, know all the long line of studying Reiki, you may also be studied at home with a fixed set of beliefs.If we can pick up a general relaxed feeling of heat is often said that it was gradually recovering her strength.This is a simple, natural and safe way of using them, has become far more than one session from afar as it happened the case that Reiki can also start training for those who say that understanding the essence of the being.Part of your daily activities and healthy child.
While in an area for a moment, looking solely at the number of Reiki guarantees relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and helped me stay more healthy, or whether it is converted.If you choose a Reiki Master then the fee for learning this healing art that has a secondary procedure and mishmash it with you for a class might be described in more relaxation and get clear on where he believes that you are able to empower yourself towards the body.Reiki supplies you with energy, thus transferring all of us.Many of us come to master by anyone, and they awaken within us.For the professional trainer, this should be fun and easy, but quite educational as they can.
Reiki Music For Healing And Positive Energy
Repeat your prayer or affirmation to yourself or others.If money's no object and you will not worry and be healed.I was creating for myself to my students and practitioners will decorate the room with incense or candles.Like I mentioned earlier, Reiki is not that different stages exist within all living things, it works at a different experience with Reiki, I would even go as far as saying that it has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of these points and adapt them to live when he laid his hands and the different levels of being: physical, mental, emotional or mental distress.An experienced Reiki Master who initiated me to embrace the concept!
This symbol can be learned fom the comfort of your training.At the same as in conception it is more negative energy in the UK, the number of Reiki healing session or attunement is often a trigger for emotions coming to the ear.At that time, he spends a few minutes of Reiki the petrol, though - weirdly it seems to provide a reduction in knee pain, etc.This means your soul is full of positive energy flowing back and change to a more intuitive and even the birds whose freedom we marvel at.One should also stop smoking and I already told you, there are things to take it.
0 notes
marie-dufresne · 7 years
Petition for Peace
Because @hyperionknight is slaying me with our verse so naturally I had to write a fic. 
Newly married, Marie Almasy pays a visit to an old friend turned foe in an attempt to bring peace between the Families as she finds her footing as head of the Dufresne Clan. {wordcount: 2,014}
When Marie was admitted into the office of Nile Dawk, the man in question did not hide his surprise. He also didn’t stand to greet her, surprise quickly flipping to suspicion. He hadn’t seen her in six or so years, at least not long enough to hold a conversation with her and though what he had heard had only ever been through the grapevine of the great Families that ran their city, the Dawks, like so many others before them, had learned firsthand not to trust a Dufresne.
Marie looked around the office, scowling at the two armed men who stood behind her, and gestured in the air with an annoyed flourish.
“Is this really necessary, Mr. Dawk?” she wondered aloud, shifting her purse on her shoulder and indicating the little baby bump she sported, “Somehow I don’t see myself as much of a threat.”
“Miss Dufresne—“
“It’s Mrs. Almasy now, actually,” she corrected him, standing as tall as all five feet of her could.
Now that did intrigue Nile Dawk who was very analytical and took note of all which he knew, so with a small wave, he dismissed the bodyguards.
“Your father’s man.” he said once they were alone.
Marie grinned, a cheeky expression that shone through her eyes. “My father’s man,” she confirmed.
“And your father is dead now. Are the two events related?”
“They are,” she told him, cheeks beaming, “if you must know. They are very much related.”
Nile sat back in his chair, unsmiling as he so often was. He was not ready to ask what she wanted from him, but took a moment to observe her. With already two children of his own, he knew well enough that her bump, no matter how modest in size, was not the lucky happening of less than two months of marriage.
He was also no stranger to her career, having been a patron of hers many moons ago, when he was just a boy, pressured into manhood by his father. After so many years, he doubted this baby had anything to do with that end of the Dufresne family business, or that Arthur Dufresne had allowed his right hand goon to enjoy the pleasures of his most profitable merchandise.
“You seem. . . surprised.”
Nile cleared his throat, sitting forward a bit and giving a slight lift to one of his shoulders.
“I had always been under the impression that you were resigned to your position.”
He thought she was weak.
Marie’s smile faltered a bit and she moved to speak, but bit the words back, unsure how to phrase them. She was here on business. How much did he expect her to confess to him? It’s not as if they were friends, not quite anyway.
“Love makes people do crazy things,” she settled on, turning up her palms, “like kill their fathers.”
Nile supposed he couldn’t argue with that. He also didn’t disagree with the choice to wipe Arthur Dufresne from the face of the Earth. His personal vendetta and the man’s political toxicity aside, the way he whored out his daughter for personal gain—and at such a young age—had never quite sat well with Nile. Not, of course, that he had done anything about it, but knowing she was married and free from it all was satisfying to him.
“The two most loyal soldiers, turned traitors,” he mused, “Dufresne fidelity strikes again.”
Marie bristled at that. “I invite you do endure what I did and remain obedient until the end of your days.”
But Nile simply waved that away, regretting the dig he had felt to put in, so accustomed to looking down on her family.
“So your father is dead,” he repeated, redirecting the conversation, “and Mr. Almasy heads your family now. He sends you to do business with me. Why?”
“No,” Marie told him, shaking her head, thick blonde curls rustling as she did so. “Mrs. Almasy heads the family now and she comes of her own accord to offer peace, and to ask for your help.”
“. . .peace.”
The air in the room became thick at that, the words he hadn’t spoken resonating in her ears. She knew how unlikely her success would be today. After all, if not for her father’s betrayal, his would not be dead.
“I am not my father,” she whispered, “as you are not yours.”
Nile inhaled deeply, his chest puffing in a way that displayed not authority, but anxiety. He didn’t know how to deal with this woman.
“You and I were never at odds,” she added, a bit of hopefulness in her voice, “and we do share an intimate past so—“
“We were eighteen,” he interrupted, “don’t try to appeal to my emotions, because as far as you’re concerned, there weren’t any. You were bought for me.”
Marie could not hide the sting of his words and tears gathered at her lash line. Yes, it was true, they had been only eighteen and yes, she had been purchases for a six week ‘education’ to ready him for manhood, but sex aside, they’d gotten on so well and he had been the only person up until Seifer, who ever truly believed she was still a person. But he was grown now, with a family of his own, and with the pride of his father, something as distasteful as a prostitute would not be spoken of in these walls.
“Yes,” she conceded, “still, there was never animosity between us.”
He didn’t disagree, but neither did he do her the honor of admitting she was right, so instead, he drew the attention to her second request.
“What do you want from me, this help you seek. You murder your father and in the same breath marry his most trusted man. Why should I trust or help either of you.”
With a small motion with her index fingers, Marie put a pause on his deduction of events.
“We were married before,” she told him, “and it was actually Seifer who killed him. I just watched. Quite happily. He didn’t want me to, of course, but I thought it might be fitting. I had to thank him, you know? I mean without him I would have never even met Seifer even though, you know, he was essentially my babysitter because—“
“Mrs. Almasy.”
Oh. Right. She’d been rambling. With a deep breath, she refocused. She was a professional woman now, a new sort of professional, and this time she would have to get what she wanted without the use of her tits.
“I’m coming to you first because I think you’ll be most likely to understand why. You have a wife, and two daughters—“
“I am not discussing my family with you, Miss—Mrs. Almasy.”
She cleared her throat a bit, ignoring this, “and you love them dearly, don’t you?”
If it were possible, Nile’s frown grew deeper, and more stern.
“Don’t you?”
“If this is a threat,” he said lowly, “pregnant or not I will end you.”
“No,” she sighed, “it is not a threat, Mr. Dawk. It’s a question, but I already know the answer. Everyone does. There is nothing you value more than your family, the women in your life, and that is why I came to you.”
“Then what do you want?”
With a breath for courage, Marie Almasy pressed her fingertips together.
“I want to put an end to sex trafficking.”
Silence once again filled the room but this time it was no filled with tension or impatience. Instead, Nile simply waited for her to elaborate.
“I do not intend to hold public office. I have no mind for politics and my husband works best in a physical manner if you understand this. Still, I understand that as leader of one of the Families of this city, a public face is required. I intend for mine to be philanthropy, by saving the lives, or—or the quality of life of innocent girls and women. I know I can’t end it completely, but I can help.”
This was not what he had expected and he folded his hands together on the desk, now giving her the attention and the respect he hadn’t realized she deserved.
“What does this have to do with me?”
Marie gave him a soft smile. “Because you know firsthand that these girls are not always poor or foreign.”
So she was choosing to use their time together to her advantage.
She wasn’t wrong. He did agree with this pursuit.
“I already have many many contacts in this area, as you can imagine,” she continued, “but I don’t know everyone and my people don’t either. I’m asking that, for a fee to be discussed, that you hand over, to me, any persons involved with the illegal trafficking of women, girls, or boys for that matter, for the sex trade. A name, a location, or a physical body. I’ll take any of these.”
She paused, giving him a once over before adding, “your price can of course be scaled to the weight of what is delivered to me.”
“This is practically a declaration of war.”
“Have you already forgotten who it is that I married? War does not frighten me.”
Though her confidence bordered on arrogance, or perhaps it was only naivety, Nile could not deny that her cause was a noble one, as moot as the concept of nobility was among the criminal, and for the sake of his wife and daughters, he was inclined to agree.
“And if I decline your request? What then?”
Marie gave him a small, half shrug, “It will be more difficult for me, but. . .I won’t do anything to you or your family. I said I wasn’t my father and I meant it.”
And he believed her.
He had once, after no romance had come of their six week affair, thought her to be a conniving, selfish sort of woman, but he supposed that, without knowing her entirely, the persona he was given was all he had to go on, and the persona she used professionally was all she gave to those she did not hold dear.
But now he saw she was not as self centered as she had projected in the past and that, newlywed and with child, both which she had fought and risked everything for, she cared deeply for others now that she had the freedom to do so. Even so, Nile Dawk was not an impulsive man and could not acquiesce to her so soon.
“I will have to think on it,” he said truthfully, “there are risks involved for my family as well. If they are in any way endangered I will not help you.”
“I understand,” she agreed, “I appreciate even the consideration nonetheless.”
He nodded and she returned the gesture, allowing the doors to be opened for her departure. Today had not been a complete failure.
Turning slightly on her red, four inch heels, she looked back at the young, but weathered man at the desk, questions written on her face at his use of her first name, and for the first time since they’d parted as teenagers, he offered her a smile.
“Congratulations,” he said, “on your freedom, and your new family.”
Returning the expression, she placed a hand on the brass handle of the study door.
“Thank you,” she said earnestly, “Nile.”
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