#The Most Loyal Soldiers
markantonys · 1 month
it's interesting that in the coup it's framed largely as the young trainees taking elaida's side vs. the older warders taking siuan's (though i'm sure there was some mixing and it wasn't a 100% clear-cut division, especially since plenty of older warders would've sided with elaida because their aes sedai did). the ages feel significant to me, because it feels like the kind of thing where the younglings are doing what's right in a by-the-book way (upholding tower law by preventing the jailbreak of a legally-deposed* amyrlin) because they are too young and too inexperienced with the world to be ready to question authority or see potential nuance in a situation. it's the older warders who are able to think "hmmm, this may technically be legal but it still doesn't feel right" because they have the life experience to know that tower law and aes sedai are not infallible and can make mistakes or act out of shady motives. whereas the younglings are still in the early phase of trusting the tower as an institution 100% no matter the situation (which we see later on too, when gawyn is growing disillusioned with elaida/the tower but knows he can't voice this to any of the other younglings because they'd kill him for being a traitor to the tower).
this makes me curious about the novices and accepted. i think some fled with the rebels since i remember nynaeve and elayne needing to teach classes in salidar, but how did that happen? was it only a small minority of blue-leaning students who went, or was it a more even split? i suppose that aes sedai students may have had more direct interaction with siuan and/or elaida and more opinions on the blue and red ajahs than warder trainees and so maybe they were more likely to have personal reasons for choosing one side over the other, while the warder trainees kinda defaulted to Tower Law As Written since they were pretty far removed from the politics & emotions of elaida deposing siuan (bar gawyn who did have plenty of direct interaction with both, which made him predisposed to trust elaida and distrust siuan).
*siuan was not legally deposed, but i don't think anybody fully realizes that until much later when they find out that some of the sitters who voted against her were black ajah. on the day of the coup, most inhabitants of the white tower have little to no reason to doubt the legality of the deposition; at most they would have a Bad Feeling about it but no real evidence that it was illegal.
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swiftmitsu · 17 days
Swift I have something to Admit…
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ntamain · 11 days
There is just something soo *clenches fist* about the way the zombie vieus works in TWD.
Like the whole concept that EVERYBODY is infected. Like there is no way out of it!! There is no more peaceful death!! No more noble sacrifice where you die to protect somebody that you love because you will come back!!
Your loved one sings you to death and then has to murder you to keep you from coming back!!! Your noble sacrifice can end up costing them their life anyway because you might be the one killing them!!
It's just sooo [unintelligble screaming]
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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As sharp and serious as a pistol to the eye
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uu-tella · 6 months
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Tella's Karuta cards, from chapter 87
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ironunderstands · 3 months
recreated this painting thanks to an idea my friend gave me
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 5 months
The most underrated character relationship dynamic, imo, is how a captain loves their crew, and vice versa
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pixelatedquarter · 10 months
Who do you think will win tonight? Statistics and MANIA's Summer of Folie or The Allegations?
Because it would be infinitely fucked up, such a stroke of genius, and perhaps one of Pete Wentz's greatest rpf achievements this tour if one of the 8 balls was Hold Me tight Or Don't after two days (well a bit longer but 2 contiguous days) of Pete laying it on really fucking thick and the very next day to him saying Patrick is like a teddy bear who he'd like to cuddle (but who gets the job done).
Yea sure, everything about the "hold me tight, or don't" literal line and the whole Patrick hugs everyone but Pete talks about wanting to hug him in the hypothetical like he's not allowed that.
And the societal collapse that could be caused by "and when your stitch comes loose I wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you". In all senses of that line, the one where it's all about "No matter what I want you, even if you're torn away/even your insides which may not be the same as you look outside" but also the one where it's "I hope you're torn away and when you are I will finally be able to be at peace and sleep in your broken remains" but also also the one where it's "When you lose it and drop the nice mask and you show whatever's your deepest guts that's the you i want", on a tour of healing and showing some of their scars, keep that in mind.
But also the rest of the song that is the danceable bop that has you shaking hips to the sound of "realized I can't not be with you or be just your friend, I love you to death, but i just can't pretend we were lovers first, confidants but never friends, were we ever friends?" which mayhaps would be ridiculous to direct in the direction of the soulmateism if it wasn't for that pesky "wow we really need to defuse any earnestness and talk about wanting hugs because all our friends that have joined us on this tour can get Patrick's amazing hugs live onstage except for Pete fr" that's giving us some *chef's kiss* levels of potential for any angsty rpf fic
Anyway "the distance between us it sharpens me like a knife" would be an absolutely MURDEROUS line for pete to get into his "I'm standing right next to patrick, yet nowhere near as close as I used to get bc we don't do that anymore" position onstage and I fully encourage that man to do it, it would be so messed up it's funny.
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morninkim · 9 months
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another redraw, this time of last night's oc's twin brother
Hayato Ishino - JUMP Soldier
Ruriko here
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badolmen · 10 months
For the longest time I understood shipping from a distance - I’ve never been that invested in couples or pairings, even if I thought they were cute or worked well together. I never understood that ‘omg they give me serotonin’ feeling, just a dull ‘huh guess they’re cute together.’
So tell my why some random ass blorbos from the most random ass game (that I don’t even like the gameplay of) has me scrolling through their ship tag and smiling like an idiot.
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hearties-circus · 7 months
Also monsoons boss theme is the only wind of destruction boss theme to not. Actually. Bring up wind at all
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sangfielle · 1 year
the probably most defining thing that shrike 1 did that made shrike 2 the thing that it was when that character started getting made was the fight where shrike 1 - a person who does not have or fight with a mech, and instead largely uses his own body & a few short range tools like knives - jumped up onto one of the mechs the group was facing off against and started breaking the mech apart with his hands and claws to get to and kill the person inside of it. very central moment for thanatos (shrike 2), the giantkiller
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c0rpseattack · 2 years
he is addicted to tower control (Jeremy)
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daisyvisions · 1 year
as Soon as i saw the notif that you posted about the pc i just Knew what you were about to say 😭 but omg.. you’re still thinking about the ticklish lips thing… you’re welcome !! 😭🐶
(first of all yes thank you for that information you've ruined me 😭)
the more posts I see about sangyeon's lips, the more I spiral down jksdnsdjknf I just want one taste, ONE MOMENT THATS ALL IM ASKING NOTHING MORE
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ironunderstands · 4 months
Look either the Tsaritsa genuinely cares for Childe and treats him like her Child(e) or she treats him like a piece of trash that can be discarded at any moments notice. There is no middle ground for me, and I genuinely believe those are the only two options that really make sense for her. The only amount of nuance I will accept is if she does care, but has to keep it hidden for whatever reason
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colorfulatlas · 10 months
discovering the existence of the huion kamvas pro 12 gives me pain. I should've waited and not bought that other screen tablet 4 years ago
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