#i make mistakes but at one point in life i realized that doesnt even matter and i dont care
silverislander · 1 month
people smarter than me have said this before but jesus christ why does every job seem to require at least a year of experience and a degree in some hyperspecific field. where did the entry level positions go? how am i even supposed to get experience if none of yall will give me a job without it?
#theres already almost nothing related to my field being offered but even the unrelated things that i think i could try are out bc of this#most of the stuff id actually care abt doing actually require 3-5+yrs! in a field that i cant get into without experience i cant get!#and people talk abt how 'nobody wants to work' i am BEGGING you for a job. literally begging (cover letters).#im coming to the horrifying realization that its possible Nothing i have done w my entire life matters. i have nothing useful#i really feel like i made a mistake. that cant be the best five years of my life i wasnt even happy during most of them#i applied to six jobs weeks ago and ive heard back from one of them and it was a rejection. and theres nothing else to apply to#my degree isnt helping and all of my hobbies are useless. why am i only good at/passionate abt arts. why not math or smth instead#i should have just done ece like i was planning to instead of my honours. what was even the point#and im watching other people in my year get great jobs right out of university. watching my BROTHER get offered work on a silver platter#hes 19 and got five different offers + didnt apply people just asked him to work for them. second year in a row this has happened#hes never had to work for minimum wage. hes always had a good job in his field lined up anytime he wants to work and it always pays well#and i finished five years and ive had to beg for everything ive ever gotten and its still not enough to count for anything#im proud of him but fuck it stings a little#levi.txt#vent tw#oh right i forgot i should just walk in and shake the managers hand. /right/. and they will simply give me a job on the spot bc of this#if people whove been working the same job since before 1990 dont fucking stop giving me bad advice istfg#and these same people say nepotism isnt real and in the same breath talk abt giving their nephew a summer job at their company#literally all i want is work i can be decent at that i care abt and making a living wage. it doesnt have to be fun i dont want to be rich#i just want to do an ok job feel like my work matters and make enough to start my life. thats all
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llittledreameer · 1 year
Wow i really must have felt like shit today, after sleeping 4 hrs and knowing about that terrible hatecrime news, that I've been listening to music like crazy the whole day almost singing in front of people and also I started playing the uni's piano for like an hour with all the damn feels and couldn't care less who was watching me and who wasn't.
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darkshadowdeath · 3 months
Ok but like picture this:
CW is the personification of time, hes a time god, so while he can stop time, speed up, slow down, he isnt always consciously aware of the speed of time. BUT, lets think of time as a part of him. So, when he likes people, wants them to succeed, even peripherally, time seems to be in their favor.
People often say oh time flies when you’re having fun and drags when you’re not. What if this were actually true. CW isnt always focusing on the people he likes, but time is him so it also favors these people. They will always just make it to class right before the bell or save someone just in time, an attack will be a second too slow.
For danny, however, CW is basically a grandfather. CW loves danny. So time is like an eager puppy that wants to please him. If hes having fun with his friends and thinks, i wish it could always be like this, time fucking dilates for him, it really does go slower. When hes bored time speeds up just a little bit.
That was a long ass lead up to my fic idea but anywayss. Imagine danny gets old, time passes, but not really for him. Its probably a mix of being a ghost and CW being his grandfather, but hes stopped aging at some point. He loses his sense of time. When its always stopping and starting and speeding along and slowing down, it tends to lose some of its meaning. So he lives and lives until one day he realizes the world has completely changed around him. He’s become something of a homebody, staying in his home for months at a time, imaging the stars, recording star maps, generally enjoying his life.
Theres a knock at the door. More of a thud, really, and when he goes to check it out, he finds a man- a man bat? -slumped against his door. He’s baffled. But the man- man bat? -is injured, so he brings him in.
He tries to take the armor off, before giving up it just phasing it off of the guy. Not all of it, he leaves the cowl over the top of the face and the underclothes stay put, he’s not disrespectful, thanks you very much. He does what he can to patch the guy up. Its much easier to do on someone else rather than himself. The man bat guy doesn’t seem to be badly injured, a broken ankle, a fractured wrist and bruised ribs, but what really seems to have taken him out is a bad concussion, he guesses, judging by the fat ugly knot on top of the dudes head.
It is no matter, he thinks, he will just have to stay here and recover. And so danny drifts off, to put some food aside for his unexpected guest and to get back to work.
He genuinely forgets about the guy until he hears a thump. Trying to sneak out, the man bat has fallen. Now, normally, theres no way in hell Batman would have fallen. But when he’s seeing in quadruple and his head pounds with every beat of his heart, he can probably forgive himself for this little mistake. Maybe.
Danny floats on up to him.
Y am i writing this all out lol. I was just gonna outline my idea and dip 😭.
Basically, he helps bats recover, but finds he really likes hanging out with him. So time comes into play and slows down, just for them. When bruce is finally healed and can reach out to someone, the world has changed again. Shit went down in gotham. The city has changed. He doesnt understand at first. Its not really wirher of their faults, but hes- he doesnt know how he feels, sad, mad, frustrated, at a loss. He feels it all, in great detail, and it weighs heavily on him. But well, hes made friends with danny in the years- years???!! - hes been with danny. He goes back. They make up and stay together til bruce succumbs to old age bc he isnt the same as danny. Nvr was and wasnt going to be but at least they could enjoy their time together. The end.
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averagesadperson · 2 years
Hello! First of all, I hope you are having an excellent day! Second, may I request some dating Macaque hcs?? Please and thank you!! ^^
Dating Macaque Headcanons~
Notes: Hello!! Thank you so much for requesting, so sorry this took me so long, I've literally been writing this in a little notebook during my breaks at work lol
Hope this is to your liking, enjoy!
also, sorry if there's any spelling mistakes!
To start off, I think we would all love to say dating Macaque would be sunshine and rainbows, he would love you and treat you perfectly
But let's be real here
Macaque is an asshole lmao
Even getting him to date you is a hassle itself
But let's not get into that atm
He loves you a lot, don't get me wrong, he just has a very, very hard time showing it
Depending where in the series we’re talking about it's going to be quite different, but let’s just assume this is after LBD, ‘kay?
During this time Macaque is a lot more likely to stay in one place with you
Yes, maybe that consists of him popping into your apartment every now and then, but you slowly start seeing things around your place that aren’t yours
Piles of clothes, food, a toothbrush, his scarf at one point, all that jazz
But, this domestic scene is very… forgein to him
He’ll gladly sit down and watch your favourite stupid, predictable TV show with you for hours, but he’ll critique it the entire time
He insists that he help you cook, even though he knows even less than you and it always turns out a mess
You don’t even have to ask him to go shopping with you, he’ll use his shadows to get there quickly but will just stand beside you as you shop, not helping whatsoever
As I said in the last post, Macaque is very touch starved
But he also hates it lol
He doesnt think he deserves your touches
You’re just so perfect, how could you ever be happy settling for him?
If your dating Macaque, you’ll definitely have to make a few changes in your day to day life
Starting with the physical changes
Not to you, of course
If you want him to sleep beside you you’ll have to push your bed against a wall if it isn’t already, or else he’s sleeping on the couch, peace out
You’ll have to get used to telling him where your going/where you are when not with him
Not in a creepy, possessive, stalker-y way, but because he’s the ‘Six Eared Macaque’, he’s got a lot of very old, and very powerful enemies
Granted, most of those enemies are on the good side and wouldn't stoop that low to get to him,,,,
Doesn't matter, he’s worried about you
Speaking of said heroes,
If you happen to be friends with MK and co. he’s not going to be very enthused
Especially if you talk to Wukong
Macaque wants to puke when you come home smelling like peaches
If you happen to run into them while with him, or they stop by while he’s there, things are going to be kinda awkward
Half of them are trying to talk to him, some are keeping a respectful distance, and some are glaring like he held them by the throat and forced them to take on this really obscure dangerous weapon that even its creator couldn't handle and that might have killed them and the entire world or sumthin
He’ll teach you how to make certain shadow puppets, but like the normal way with your hands
His are always better but he has powers so it doesn't count
Before Macaque initiates any physical affection he will always ask
“Can I kiss you?” while holding your chin
“Can I hug you?” while physically holding himself from reaching for you
Along with that, he always makes sure you have a way out throughout everything
All you have to do is say ‘stop’ and he’ll pretend like it never happened
Macaque dreads the day you’ll finally wake up and realize you deserve so, so much better than him
He’s done despicable things in his long life, how can you love him knowing that? It’s really just a matter of time, he’s sure
But, even then, he’s going to savour every single moment he has with you
Macaque is just a little bit too selfish to have this end so soon
But, if you do decide to leave, he’ll let you
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razzmothazz · 4 months
rambling more abt nightcord and their theme because i just NEED to get it out if my system
i think nightcord is such beautifully constructed with its theme of healing because every character has someone specific helping them out most within the unit
idk how to explain it in general terms but basically
kanade struggles with overworking and not taking proper care of herself, her main help with this comes from mizuki! sure, others help out too but mizuki is the one who points out those self destructive behaviours the most [or at least from ehat i remeber] and this dynamic is so so beautifully shown specifically in carnation recollection
mizuki is the one telling kanade to take a break, but kanade is set on making another song for mafuyu despite being absolutely stuck. i think mizuki is the most clever out of the 4 specifically because of this event, since they knew kanade wont give up on it ever and decided to use a different approach to give her the deserved break and would also help her out in this situation. kanade would never have some time off if it wasnt for mizuki. thats how mizuki cares for her, by "tricking" her into taking one while also getting to spend nice time together and end up reminiscing.
this is such an important story because thanks to mizuki, a part of kanade got to heal.
mafuyu very obviously is mostly helped by kanade, who tries her very best and gives it literally her all to help mafuyu find herself, but she always gives mafuyu space when she needs it as well. i think since this one is most obvious i dont have to dwell on it too much but the love and care kanade has for mafuyu makes me soooo fucking insane like omg. kanade is the whole reason mafuyu even tries. shes the sole reason why mafuyu could get where she is now and didnt give up.
ena is a bit tricky, but surprisingly i think her helper is... mafuyu. i have honestly no clue how to explain what i mean at all, but seeing someone with so much talent and the "perfect" life be completely empty was so important to enas character. mafuyu makes painfully slow progress on her situation yet ena notices it, and she might not fully realize it but its helping ena take things easier with her art as well, which i think is shown very well in hope will someday go beyond the morning. mafuyu makes just a slightly different expression but ena still notices it, paralleled by enas art teacher noticing enas intent and emotion behind her art project. despite so many mistakes in the work on a technical level, it had soul. not to mention mafuyu indirectly helps ena be more understanding of others, which is very obvious when you compare how she was with mafuyu at first vs their current dynamic. mafuyu doesnt even know it but she inspires ena so so much not only in her art but to be better as a person.
and for mizuki, its also very obvious with main help coming from ena. pretty much every mizuki focus [<- exaggeration warning] will have ena trying her best to help mizuki out, and thanks to enas growth she can understand mizuki better and better and know how to deal with their issue. she thinks she needs to know the secret to know mizuki, but she learns that its not actually important, and she wants to show mizuki that as well. she constantly shows mizuki support and care weather they are willing to tell their secret or not, and in her own way wants to reassure mizuki that no matter what she wants to be there for them. ena helps mizuki so much that they even finally consider telling ena their secret, after like a year in canon if not longer!! which is such a huge deal because mizuki was convinced that telling ena someday they will tell what it is was completely a lie. they never had any intention to actually say what it is. but they grew so much and feel so safe around ena that the fact they even CONSIDERED IT implies so much healing, growth and trust. it makes me SOB. i am INSANE about mizuena. ena loves them SO MUCH its just so JSHSHDHYSHEIRUDHXHJSNB
okay im gonna stop here cause the tired is getting to me and i feel like i cant explain myself at all now but you get the point n25 care about eachother so much it makes me cry and punch walls and scream and drop to my knees on the floor in a dramatic way and explode and-
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tiodolma · 1 year
Merlin saying “morgana will just harden arthur and uther’s heart”and him putting the blame on every other magic user who try to uppend the system for making magic look bad while he’s stays safe and hidden behind the castle walls and under the royalty’s protection is so deliciously ironic and hypocritic.
He’s not even piloting some kind of peaceful activism himself. He’s not even showing another means of peaceful revolt. He’s not even stirring up the hearts of people who think like him, that the pendragon heir is the right choice after all. If merlin and like-minded people wanted that change shouldnt it have been better that more people knew about arthur’s destiny with magic? Shouldnt there have been more social pressure on arthur to fulfill that? Why did that information only stay with a chosen very secretive few?
Coz look i get merlin’s motives. He doesnt want an arms struggle. He wants the change to be gradual and a smooth transition. The magic people and the current admin arent ready, etc, etc.
But how are people supposed to slowly change their stance on magic if he also isnt doing anything other than just protecting the pendragon heir without question and without recognition, without hint that magic was a weapon that can be used for safety?
Why do other magic users have to be the one to “show the way” and not him himself? Isn’t merlin just protecting his own ass while the embittered magic folk risk their own lives everyday, exposing themselves and fighting for their right to live everyday? Is it not unfair for merlin to expect good and peaceful things to miraculously happen while he keeps staying in secrecy and relative safety compared to others like him?
Enough of that. Say. He really thinks that protecting the oppressor’s life by playing God again and again is the path to justice is the right thing. Fine.
It’s still not enough. Coz his champion is ignorant and Highly Dismissive of the values he is supposed to represent in Merlin’s head: freedom for magic, fairness, equality. Arthur is stubborn and willfully blind and entrenched in his own prejudices and uprbringing.
Merlin’s tactic of “i’ll tell him whats wrong and hopefully he will listen if not i will sulk and arthur will be upset that im upset so maybe he’ll reconsider but often he will not until he realizes his mistake because bad sht that i warned about already happened then he will begrudgingly do what i told him to in the first place” isnt enough.
Merlin is just one man, he’s a man that is so low in rank compared to his supposed best friend, the head of state, that his words dont really matter until they do and its only usually because of arthur’s bruised ego.
More people should tell Arthur off jfc. The nobility, the masses, the other kingdoms. They should have all been able to apply pressure on Arthur, not just Merlin or Gwen.
Look this is what merlin needed to really spearhead his ideas or wtv bullsht the prophecy entailed
Merlin had to apply pressure on the monarchy on all fronts.
Launch a propaganda machine, spread the word that arthur is going to bring back magic. Like do write ups, spread pamphlets , give the masses smth to think about and do it under a false name, etc.
Collaborate with others who think like him and Not Hide (difficult to do since gaius loves to rat out and help imprison these kind of magic-kin despite him believing in the same prophecy)
Find a way that Arthur hears those rumors, actually drop hints that magic was protecting the kingdom all along. If not Merlin himself, then Arthur must hear those rumors of him being savior of magic from more people.
Find some noble who is sympathetic to their cause at least. (Like how morgana had agravaine and helios... that means powerful people LIKE THAT existed in merlin’s world. It is also possible that somebody out there would have allied with him and give merlin better political backing if he just tried -moot point again cause gaius would just rat them out to the king and advise against it)
Jfc Merlin should just step into his role as kingmaker in the light. I mean he already is one but he is denial.
i get what everyone here is thinking. This is too smart and “manipulative.” This is something like what Morgana and the other magic-folk do.
Then That means the magic folk were already doing so many kinds of protests and machinations to send their own message. The lot of them didnt even need to kill. They played by the rules of kingdom-making and used politics/established social order as a sort of protest to inspire the change they needed.
Example the Unicorn Guy did so much economic damage that people started to doubt the Pendragon dynasty’s claim to power. It was bad for the Pendragons’s image but good news for the magic folk since the ordinary citizens will just turn against the ruling dynasty on their own! That is an example of an effective non-arms struggle btw! It’s smart and a not a lot of people will have to die unecessarily! And it kind of spurred a temporary change of heart for arthur too!
My point is. Merlin. If he really wanted social change. Should have worked smarter and more efficiently. Governmental change will never happen with just one miracle event.
Most of the successful ones happen when the masses AND the ruling class have the same goal. If Arthur was truly a people of the masses and ruling class, then he would try to satisfy their demands in order to prevent riot or defection.
But what do i know? Maybe knowledge and tactics more complicated than “eliminate threat permanently asap” are inherently evil after all.
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sokkathebluewolf · 1 year
Hi I would like to ask if I can, why doesnt Zhao tell Ozai that Azula is most likely pregnant from sokka rather than him?
Hello, there!
The answer to this question has a couple of layers, I'd say. For starters: Zhao doesn't tell Ozai about his suspcions because he feels offended, personally affronted, and he's deeply upset with Ozai at the moment. As you've seen, his anger towards this whole situation started since Ozai found out the truth and started forcing unwanted things upon Zhao, but it got worse when, upon learning of Azula's pregnancy, Ozai was immediately violent with him instead of listening to reason. Zhao TRIED to tell Ozai of his suspicions right away, but Ozai was completely unhinged and very much unwilling to listen to anything he said. Once Zhao sees Azula later, something snaps inside of him: he leaves, pissed off, convinced that Azula is controlling him, using him, and looking to destroy him and Ozai at all costs. As Ozai seems to be so blind to Azula's apparent intent, regardless of how often Zhao tries to tell him what's what, Zhao isn't keen on explaining to Ozai what he believes is going on anymore...
... Because, ever since that moment, he wants Ozai to find out the truth for himself.
And that means that Zhao wants Ozai to look at the child once it's born and see directly that there's no way a kid with likely physical resemblance to Sokka could ever be Zhao's child instead. This, of course, would result in Ozai losing his shit, attacking Azula, most likely killing the child no matter if it's a legitimate heir to the throne, and sentencing Azula to an even worse life of misery, imprisonment, whatever wild horrors Zhao wants to imagine Ozai is capable of. All of which is remarkably fucked up on his part, but that's how irrational and spiteful he's being as of late.
Therefore, right now, Zhao's big bet is to await the vindication he 100% believes awaits him. He's pretty much throwing a tantrum over how wrong Ozai's behavior has been towards him, and he wants Ozai to have the big realization of "oh, I fucked up and I shouldn't have been as nasty to my best friend as I was!" all on his own. He expects Ozai won't listen, much as he hasn't listened to him so far... so this is a vindictive sort of "I TOLD YOU SO" waiting to happen for him. Zhao doesn't have any doubts that the child isn't his, and that Sokka is the actual father...
But he doesn't have evidence to prove it, either, because the Head Sage lied about how long Azula had been pregnant :')
And that specific problem is weighing over Zhao, because it completely messes up his narrative. Saying this for sure BEFORE the baby is born isn't enough. The child's birth will serve to confirm both that the Head Sage lied and that Azula was manipulating him, which is what he's been telling Ozai all along, and of course, prove Zhao was actually the one in the right all along.
Ultimately, though, I think it's very important not to lose sight over the fact that Zhao is absolutely not okay, mentally or emotionally, right now. He's basically becoming the worst version of himself he ever has been. The strategic, manipulative, conniving guy who always knew how to play both teams and how to stay afloat in every circumstance is... pretty much gone. He's made plenty of mistakes that certainly landed him where he is now... but he's particularly unwilling to acknowledge that he had any responsibility in his own outcome. As far as he can tell, he's done everything right, and everyone else around him has been unfair and cruel to him. And why lie, you could even make the case that this is true, up to a certain point in the story. This means, though, that Zhao's current state of mind is absolutely chaotic. There could be many strategic ways to handle his current situation... and he's deliberately choosing to resolve NOTHING out of sheer spite as he waits for things to run their course and for Ozai to finally get bitten in the ass by his own mistakes. Which, yes, will happen, but not necessarily the way Zhao expects it to...
So, yeah, don't ask for sense from Zhao these days. He's beyond reasoning atm.
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ohleander · 2 years
Late evening writing, might turn into late night writing. I'm learning how to do more of the things I want to do. I'm learning to work with the flow. I'm learning to do one thing at a time. I realize I always go through things so fast and I need to really soak in the fact that
you dont have to rush, you wont miss it. I always am afraid of forgetting what i want to say, or forgetting a thought if I dont get it out fast. My thoughts are plentiful and fleeting and they're all beautiful so I want to catch them all.. but I really cant hold onto them all, I really just need to let them all float around and not rush them. Some thoughts circulate more frequently and get bigger and brighter and make more sense the longer I keep them. But as always I do have a fear of missing the boat. I fear that if I hang back too much and don't act on some of these thoughts, someone else will get there before me and my cleverness will have been wasted once again. Seems I've held onto a lot of feelings of staying quiet and inactive, seeing other people enact the things I think about so much, getting it done more efficiently than me, sooner than me because I never felt "prepared" or "ready". Fuck feelin' ready for things, I wasn't ready for anything in this life and I'm still out here simply showing up and doing it. I'm at the point where I just need to show up because my default is my best. I need to keep deciding where to go from here. Decisions are never gonna be set in stone, you make them and then they change immediately.
You just have to keep going with the flow, let go, lose all control and be active on the ride... Life really does take you where you let it, so you must let in more. New and good doors are open to you AND you can also always rest. Rest and "inactivity" is also a choice. I can be less aggressive towards my goals and still be valid, still enjoy. My pace is valid no matter what I set it at. My self worth is at its highest and is only going to keep growing. Every aspect of my has grown and is growing exponentially. One day it'll all come together more in a way that makes sense, and in a way it already has. Its all always coming together all at the same time. You can handle it all, and set your own pace. You have this sluggish mortal body and the spirit of an old god.
I still always get to decide who I want to be, even in the midst of this hazy body. Perception is always a little subjective. Action is often more objective.
Perhaps one day, I'll realize what matters to me. Everything matters to me all at once and also not at all. I cling and yet I'm detached. Being alive is simply so much at once, my mind has a hard time sorting out all the stimulation. I wish I could put things back together again from my mind, once I put them in my mind. My mind sorts out all sorts of things, and yet, once it goes in for sorting, I cant bring it out from my mind so easily. I'm not as good with words or putting things together in real life as I am in my mind.
I'm still learning not to judge myself so much. I hold my breath and try to analyze how I'm looking at all times. Its a need for control that I'd like to let go of.
I release any and all feelings of fear and anxiety. I release my fears of inadequacy, of missing out, of making a mistake. I have made plenty of mistakes and I will continue to make mistakes.
Its remarkable to me that I can talk to myself so much like this, I dont even know what I'm saying anymore but the words truly flow out like water. Whether they matter or not... well I suppose thats up to me right now but also to whomever reads it. It doesnt much matter to me.. as I said, I'm trying not to judge myself. These are good exercises for me to practice mindfulness, to allow flow, to reflect and to learn all at once. I wonder how many other folks have this happen to them. Words just flow like butter.
One day I'll have a whole story written. I will make steps towards completing a single project, a single piece of work, even if I'm working on a ton of them at once, slowly it will all come together. I do a lot of sideways work and for now, its working out okay. Still, I see how efficient I want to be and havent yet made the changes to create some of these new habits I want.
I can do it though, I can do it all, if I decide to.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Noone Should Be Named As Villain for the Rest of Their Lifes
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This line is so so fcking important. Not just for bnha but also other series and even such a good lesson for real life too.
Yeah people make mistakes, sometimes those mistakes are so messed up, a kind of mistakes hurted many many people, kind of mistake that crossed the line, unreturnable but even so, people's desire to change or their suffering means nothing?! Because we all can fall into despair very easiely, we all can make horrible decisions, we can be 'villain' in someone else's story but does that mean we always have to live our lifes like that?
You will see two general reactions to someone messing up. Whether they ignore the mistake and justify it or they will tell how awfull you are and justify every bad things happens to you and say "you deserve it".
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Even in many so called redemption arcs, villain gets killed or to live his life as inferior to "hero" of story. People's idea of giving someone a chance is most of the time making that person as inferior. Like, villain, even after redemption can never be "good and pure" as hero because heroes never messed up, they were lucky enough to stay as "pure" so even villain try their best, even they actually feeling guilty, even they take full responsibility, they still somehow has to live their lifes as inferior. 
Yes, i am saying "luck", this is not me being ignoring people's effort to be better, this is me being empathizing people's pain and understanding that people can express their pain with destructive ways. That they act as awfull as hell because THEY ARE IN PAIN AND THEY COULDNT HAVE A CHANCE TO LEARN TO COPE THIS TRAUMA WITH HEALTHY WAY.
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Yes, people might act as awfull but when they realize it, when they really geniuely want to be kind person, should their titles and awfull past  always hunt them down? That they can never actually seen as "good person"? Do they not deserves to be loved and live normal life?
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Yeah, this is how Deku acts, he is not one of those "kind" main characters who shows superficial empathy to the people he reach out.
Deku understand himself, his own suffering, his own flaws, his dark sides and he accepts that that part of him is exist. He knows that he is lucky enough to not fall into "villain path" and he just looks at Aoyama and see him as person too. He doesnt looking down on him for messing up. He just reach out to him with pure empathy, noticing that Aoyama's goodness and telling him that he can still be hero.
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This is what actually giving a new chance to change to be better means. Deku is starting to understand that he can be easiely in Aoyama's place and instead of ignoring the fact that he was lucky enough to not messing up like most people do, he just puts himself and Aoyama on same place, that they both can be equally good, that they both can be heroes, despite him not making the same mistakes Aoyama did.
This kind of mindset that will save villains like Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi too. Yeah, they made horrible things but if anyone who desire to be kind person, anyone who geniuely wants to change, anyone who desire to take responsibility, anyone who actually feels guilty, they deserves to be happy, have normal lifes, they shouldnt be called as villain for the Rest of Their lifes because their suffering and effort for changing matters. Because yknow what? Awfull people dont change. (Not saying that anyone who dont change is awfull cause its not that simple but anyone who actually does the things i mentioned is definitely not awfull. ). Being"kind/good" doesnt mean always stay as pure, it means doing your best to be better person, its effort for changing, thats the point.
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And btw, Spinner taking care of Shiggy was cute ^^.
(I am sick and should resting rn, but get excited after seeing Deku's speech and get up to write this meta. I AM ON FIRE NOW. I know that Deku still didnt reach that point, he still has way to go but this is such an important point and people should really take a lesson from it. I especially calling out other authors for this.)
Yeah, Deku is main character so of course, he would reach out to Aoyama with this idea but i never thought it will be this important. Its amazing, This is why he is my favorite character with Shigaraki. :))). If you think that i am overreacting, you are wrong cause i am sick of hyprocy of stories. Finally a character said this. Deku is amazing.
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dyketubbo · 3 years
anyways if you see tommy not wanting his country to be destroyed and not wanting to hurt tubbo as a bad thing or betrayal then maybe you need to step back and check your morals.
why do you see destroying l'manburg as a good thing? because government is corrupt? because when wilbur wasnt in control he spiraled and when tubbo (a child who didnt want this) was in control he made two bad decisions, both forced by manipulative people that he thought he could trust? why is destroying it a good thing when its clear its only traumatized the people who lived in it further? is tubbos trauma a good thing to you? does tubbo deserve to be hurt for being manipulated and forced into making decisions he doesnt want to make? do the innocent citizens deserve to be hurt for the mistakes of their leader? did jack manifold deserve to die in your eyes? how about the homes wrecked, the pets whose lives were lost? all good because "government corrupts"?
why is techno in the right? because he got hurt by the butcher army? does that not automatically mean every citizen of l'manburg is right to hurt him because he already helped destroy it once? already executed tubbo under governmental orders? why is it when he's peer pressured hes tragic but righteous and free of blame and only seen as a weapon but tubbo is a dictator who only wanted power? why is techno suddenly right about tommy and tubbo when canonically he wasnt fucking involved in their lives for that long anyways unless he was doing something that hurt them? does tubbo actively saying he doesnt want power, never wanted power, when hes telling the truth to people he trusts not true because techno, who tubbo doesnt want to talk to and has not been emotionally open with because he doesnt fucking have to be, says tubbo's a bad person and bad friend, bad leader whose power hungry?
lets humor the perspective of tommy as a traitor to techno. why is that a bad thing? techno had tommy help torture fundy and connor. wanted to get tommy to a point of wanting to hurt tubbo, wanting to get tommy to a point of destroying l'manburg. but tommy saying he doesn't want that, doesn't want to be a bad person anymore, that's bad because he went against techno? why the fuck does it matter so much that tommy decided caring about others even when they make mistakes is the right thing to do when that *is* the right thing to do? techno isn't obligated to forgive him but as the audience we have access to the full picture, why not use it? you can enjoy techno without bashing on tommy i promise. you can acknowledge how techno was hurt and still say "but he fucked up in a way that hurt tommy and that's not okay".
and in the end? techno sided with tommy's abuser to blow a country to bedrock. and no matter what tommy's done that's not okay. it's not okay to hurt innocents, to rid citizens of their homes, to *kill* innocent citizens and animals and never show remorse because two 16yr olds aren't perfect little angels. dream had the full story and destroyed it all anyways to hurt tommy, to gain power over him, because it's *fun* and because he's fuckin obsessed with tommy, he doesn't even care if it's the right thing to do and even if he did it just isn't! techno and philza *didn't* have the full story, didn't even try to have it, and still decided it was within their rights to fuck up a whole country over the decisions of children and it *wasn't* within their rights!
so ultimately, it doesn't even fucking matter whether tommy betrayed techno (and he didn't) because it shouldn't have resulted in techno destroying a country over a personal grudge that could have been solved if he just treated tommy as an equal with worth that can't be taken away that techno should have been honest to, and one that techno should have been open to listening to. if they had genuine, serious conversations, it could have been avoided, but they didn't, because techno had an agenda that he wasn't going to stop moving towards, tommy or not, and that's fucked up. admit that techno's feelings are not more important than tommy's safety, than tubbo's safety, than jack's life, than the homes of people who didn't want any of this. it's so much easier to sympathize with people other than techno when you realize that it's okay for him to feel hurt, but not okay for him to use the power he has to destroy others and what they love all because he feels hurt.
(inb4 all the "but __ did it too!": this is about techno. stop deflecting. if it's wrong for them to do so it's wrong for techno to do it too)
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jackassbroadcast · 3 years
Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and  how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh*  i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
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serowotonin · 3 years
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LiPS𝐓1CK St4𝐈NS ! (💋)
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❝ having lipstick and giving him a kiss and he doesn't realize he has it on his face until his teammates are all like 0-0 ❞ — @/luna-in-luv
++ fem!reader x oikawa, kuroo
| wc. 1.3k 
| note. djslsdf it took so long to edit this post T-T,,,,, when ur indecisive af and can’t decide on a post format :D anyways just wanna say reblogs are greatly appreciated and i hope u guys like this<3
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( ➷ ); ― OiK4WA
another day of school, another day of.. well, another day of boredom
you had to admit though, school had become a lot more fun since you and oikawa got together;)
altho you were in different classes, you’d still pass each other in hallways and see each other during breaks
and ofc every interaction, no matter how small, definitely made your day brighter
the smaller interactions consisted mainly of random head pats as he walks pass by, or a smirk and a wink whenever you two make eye contact 
when there weren’t as many people around,,, maybe a hug or a kiss if either of you felt like it
and very rarely.. 
a makeout session in an empty classroom or staircase
its rare but it does happen
and it was happening… right now
school ended about half an hour ago and everyone either left or went to do their club activities 
which was what oikawa should probably be doing too,, but today he just “felt like going in a little later”
and so there you two were, in the dark corner of an abandoned classroom grasping at the other as if you haven’t seen them in years
idk how to describe a steamy makeout sesh okkk
anyways,, after about 6 ignored calls from iwaizumi tho.. you two figured it was probably time for him to go to practice
you two straightened yourselves out; cleared the ruffles from your uniforms, tidied your hair, etc.
oikawa texted iwa that he was on his way while you touched up your makeup
“you gonna walk me to practice?”
“of course,” you smiled. “altho i have my own club activities today too so i can’t stay and watch :( ”
“dont worry babe,,, just walking me there is enough” he replied with a grin
then he slung an arm over your shoulder and the two of you walked out of the classroom as if nothing happened
as you neared the entrance of the gym, you slowed to a stop and tugged at oikawa’s shirt
he turned and you leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek
“good luck with practice” you said before giving him a small wave and walking off
did you see the dark mark your lipstick left on his cheek?
were you going to say anything about it?
well,,,, you already turned to walk away and oikawa was already entering the gym
so no.
anyways,, as oikawa entered the gym, the first thing he saw was his beloved iwa-chan
looking not very happy
oikawa waved sheepishly as he turned his head to the side to look at where everyone else was
this for some reason made iwaizumi look even more not happy
makki and mattsun then walked over and snickered upon seeing oikawa
“ah was y/n here? why didn’t you invite her to watch hmm?~” makki teased
“she’s got club activities too you know..”
they probably realize oikawa doesnt know bout the kiss mark
the three of them were just staring at oikawa like (¬_¬;)
and oikawa's just standing there like (◕‿◕)?
“can we go practice now..?” 
iwa: ( ̄︿ ̄) “wipe that stupid mark off your cheek”
huh? mark? he was pretty sure he wiped off any evidence from ahem what was happening earlier…
at this point some of the younger members started staring at them
and oikawa spotted them out of the corner of his eye and could practically feel the awkwardness in their gazes
he put a hand on the cheek everyone was staring at and removed it to see the same color that painted your lips
a slow smile spread on his lips at the realization of what you did
he laughed to himself
‘she’s gonna be the death of me..’
and with that he wiped off the remnants of your lipstick and hurried over to start practice
later tho, he asks you to kiss him again wearing that lipstick
and you do
and he snaps a selfie,,, which is now his phone wallpaper ;3
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( ❣︎ ); ― KUR0O
today, you’re boyfriend, the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, had a volleyball match
and ofc being the amazing, supportive gf you were, you were present in the stands, cheering him on
you didn’t get to meet or even talk to him before the match started, save for a few quick texts 
so when he came on to the court for warm up and spotted you in the crowd,,,
he gave a cheeky wink and wave
you could practically feel the confidence roll off him in waves but you knew, deep down, he was the tiniest bit nervous too
afterall, the opponents weren’t a weak team by any standard
they were strong and known for their relentless attacks
which were put to display almost immediately after the game started
nekoma held on though, and managed to put in a few attacks of their own to level the game
you could see the hard work behind each of the members’ skills, having witnessed a lot of it yourself
it was most clear in kuroo tho
and as he jumped to block another spike, you were on the edge of your seat
the boys just needed one more point… which came when kuroo shut down the last spike
you and the rest of the people in the stands around you erupted into cheers
and as they were leaving the court, you ran to steal kuroo away for a more personal cheer
the two of you walked the halls of the stadium talking abt the game
you were gushing about this block and that and he was smiling at your gushing cuz damn was his y/n cute 
N E WAYSSS,,, he received a text from kenma saying that they were all waiting for him at the bus
“i should go.. don’t wanna keep them waiting long”
“yeah.. you should”
before he could move tho, you tiptoed and placed a big fat kiss on his cheek
you swear you saw a blush on those cheeks as you backed down
he grinned and gave you a kiss of his own on your forehead before saying bye and running off
as he did, you realized you forgot to mention the lip-shaped mark on his cheek 
oops… its too late now ┐(︶▽︶)┌
anyway,, kuroo arrives all smiles to where the team are waiting 
and make no mistake they all CLEARLY see evidence of ur “little” kiss from back there
they just kinda,,,, don’t say anything at first?
kenma rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever on his phone
yaku glared at it out of spite or some similar emotion
the others just choose to ignore mainly cuz they assume kuroo already knows and chose to keep it there
to them its just kuroo being a cheesy mf who was rubbing the non-single life in their faces or smth
ofc he has no idea tho
which just makes it all the more better when lev says
“y/n has nice lipstick”
and kuroo’s just like wtf ?? whatcha goin on bout my gf’s lipstick hUH
and he says that.. or something similar at least
and lev just points to his cheek like
“duhh i can see it right there”
he grabs his phone, opens the front facing camera, and is met with the outline of your lips on his cheek
and thats when he obviously started blushing
but then he just kind of smirked once he realized you knew about the mark
not like that but practically exactly what he was trying to say anyway
tbh kuroo’s a little reluctant to rub it off cuz idk,, he likes it ?? 
but he does anyway cuz they were still in public and there were teachers who were gonna come soon and all the other reasons
once hes comfortably seated in the bus tho, with a clean cheek, he sends u several texts
‘ saw that gift you left on my cheek… ’
‘ wouldn’t mind if u gave me more tmr afterschool ;) ’
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| taglist. @lilikags @luna-in-luv ... send an ask if u wanna be added !!~
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inquisitor - Ezra Bridger
Requested: yes, by the beautiful @raganbridger! Sorry for the wait, it's finally here!
Warnings: angst, dark side!reader, confusion, mentions of bad injuries/blood, betrayal
A/N: You asked for le angst, so here it is! I've had this idea for a long while and this request was the motivation I needed to start. LOTS of alternative endings were written, this was mostly the reason it took so long.
Pronouns of reader: she/her
*ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! I make mistakes just like everybody else 😉*
-"oh, good, you're awake"
You sit and inhale sharply, focusing back on the real world, startled at the strange voice.
Well, not so strange per se. You knew who was talking to you. What was strange was why he was talking to you.
Before you can adjust your vision to the unfamiliar environment, the memories from hours earlier instantly come flooding back.
Malachor. The place where jedi go to die.
An easy kill for you and your inquisitor colleagues.
That's what they had said on the ship, at least. You, on the other hand, knew better than to underestimate how slippery those jedi could be - especially if they fought side by side, like they always did.
You remember cornering the younger one during the fight. His skill was minimal compared to yours, which would give you an advantage against his master if he were to die first.
The boy and his friends go after the sith holocron. There had been a blinding light when it was placed at the altar.
And also, the jedi knight who was blinded by your former master, Maul.
Not only had the cursed man left you for dead years before, he had come back from hiding to haunt you and join forces with your other enemies.
But you were an inquisitor. You wouldn't - you couldn't let him get the best of you, not this time.
You feel a light hand pressing your forehead and recoil in fear, reaching for your lightsaber, only to feel it was not there.
-"whoah, woah, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you" - it was the padawan you'd been fighting before - Ezra Bridger. He had placed you and his master inside a cave in a planet you were not familiar with when you'd escaped Malachor.
You'd escapd Malachor? But how?
You couldn't have, unless he'd carried you back to his ship.
-"hey, hey, it's alright."
-"what do you want, jedi?" - you wince in pain again.
-"a thank you would be nice, actually. I did just save your life"
-"a foolish mistake. One you will pay for with yours"
You reach out for your lightsaber, but can't feel it anywhere close. Scouring with the force for its presence, you quickly realize he must have hidden it outside the place.
-"Nope, absolutely not" - just as quickly, he slaps your outstreched hand - "I may be an idiot, but i'm not stupid. Your lightsaber's not here, it's caused enough damage already."
You rub the hand he pushed away, more shocked at his actions than anything. How DARE he?
-"Then what do you want from me, if not revenge? Why treat my wounds if not to finish the battle we started?"
-"Listen, I'm not sure if it's the adrnaline or something, but you're in no condition to fight anyone any time soon"
-"You underestimete me, Jedi. Even in these conditions you would be no match for me."
-"Like I wasn't a match for you at the sith temple?"
At the mention of the event, images of the fight start to come back.
Back at the sanctuary, you drew him away from the fight, knowing his strengh lied with his allies. Only, you hadn't imagined your former master to join his side - not until you'd seen the holocron in Ezra's hands, at least. You'd warned him: "he will use it and throw you away. Like he did to me". Needless to say, he didn't listen.
Your vision starts to lose focus at the intensity of your anger and you groan in pain, not able to sit anymore. Driven by instinct, the padawan holds your side so you won't fall completely, pressing your abdomen and making you hiss in pain.
-"ah, looks like I was right. You're conscious, but not healed" - you feel yourself be adjusted back on the ground, too weak to fight him.
-"where are we? Why did you save my life?"
He hesitates, eyes studying you, like you might attack him any second and he still knew it.
-"not so sure" - he finally answers - "maybe because now you owe me one?"
-"Did you hit your head or something?" You scoff - "Make no mistake, I WILL kill you when the opportunity rises!"
-"And that is why your lightsaber privileges have been revoked for now."
You lock eyes, studying him like he had you. It made no sense- you'd followed his group to the sith temple, tried to kill him several times, called for the man who had murdered his strongest ally, Ahsoak Tano. Why was he helping you?
With a shiver, you realize he's still holding your side, not as firmly as before but still providing support for your back. Inhaling sharply, you graze his hand and he lets go instantly, realizing how close the two of you had gotten.
Standing up just as quickly, he brushes a strand of unruly hair our of his forehead, while you you clean your throat, diverting your attention to the exit of the cave. The rain pours on the large trees outside, but you can't make out much except for the fact that you're in a forest planet (maybe a moon?) and his ship is in less than ideal conditions to get out of it.
-"here" - Ezra kneels down with two bacta patches and a piece of fabric from a medical kit -"i felt your back was pretty sore, but didn't want to take off your shirt while you were out. Your cuts need cleaning."
You hesitantly take the items, using the rocks behind you as support to lean your body on. He stands up, hands on hips, and chuckles when you sniff the gel, suspicious.
With the small bit of privacy he gives you by turning around to check on his master, you fumble with your shirt, deciding to take it off in order to see better.
-"Need some help over there?" - he asks, hearing you grunt in frustration at not being able to reach some spots
-"Not from you, thank you very much"
-"Oh, so she CAN say thank you! That's a welcome change"
You throw the rag at his direction, irritated out of your mind. Who does he think he is??
He must sense the harmless ball of soaked fabric coming his way, turning around to catch it mid-air. Now that he's turned, you see a glimpse of amusement in his eyes at your rage, giving you the answer you needed as to why he went through the trouble of saving you; it was merely to see you suffer and laugh at your expense, apparently.
His expression quickly changed when he saw your bruised torso, however.
- "who did this to you?" - he whispers, and you look down at you look down at your sore ~ well, everything~, covered only by a wrap in the bust area.
-"As you said, jedi. I may be better than you, but you still gave me a decent challenge"
"No. I didn't even hit you there." - his serious reaction to your injuries had caught you off guard, you had to admit. - "those are old and deep, you shouldn't even be able to walk!"
-"I'm not, remember?" - you motion at your debilitated situation, unable to even sit down or cross your legs properly -"But i will be, soon. And then it's over for you"
-"you know what? I think if you wanted to, you would have killed me by now." - he shoots back and you're impressed at his audacity once again.
But he had a point. Why hadn't you attacked him yet?
Sure, you had no lightsaber or phisical conditions to stand, but your force abilities were still as strong as ever. You were vulnerable, but so was he, and you weren't kidding when you said you could deal with him even at your worse.
-"you know what? " - you cross your arms. He was playing with fire now - "maybe I might"
-"and why haven't you?"
-"because I wouldn't enjoy it as much." - you snap back venomously - "I want to see you suffer before I bring you to Lord Vader"
His expression darkens at the mention of Ahsoka's murderer. His whole body stiffens as he balls his wrists and clearly struggles to control his anger at the recent loss. For a moment, you fear you've gone too far, but reprimand yourself for worrying about his feelings over yours. You're not supposed to be anything more than indifferent to the weak and ruthless to those who dare oppose you.
-"Yeah, no matter what you do, you're still imperial scum"
You're not prepared for those words to affect you so much. You're supposed to have a response, but nothing coherent seems to come out of your mouth, so you settle for an an uncomfortable silence.
It doesn't last for long, however, as his comlink goes off. It's his droid, asking - no, demanding - that he go help him with repairs on the ship. He hesitates, looking at you and contemplating how bad it would be to leave you unnatended in the company of his defenseless master.
-"Dont worry."- You reassure him. -"I won't make his situation worse. Maul is the worse you can get, and I refuse to step that low"
You can see he doesnt like it, but leaves for a few moments before returning with what must be the droid that talked to him before. It was a C1 series unit with an orange top and a bratty atitude, you could tell that much by just seeing him interact with the jedi.
-"Chopper will stay here, just in case"
-"I understand. It's fine."
-"I wasn't asking if you were fine with it. Behave" - you can't be sure if his command is directed at you or the droid, but you weren't about to ask.
The coldness he now had to his voice was understandable - you had worked to get him to that emotional state - ,but you felt hurt at the change. The droid didn't do much to help you think clearly about what just happened, and by the look of it, your frustration would only grow bigger in the many hours it would still take to repair the ship to a normal flying condition.
'He thinks i'm imperial scum, huh?' - you think as you scour a pile of your belongings with the force, not too far away inside the cave.
Bad news, your lightsaber really wasn't there.
Good news, your wrist comm was.
'i'll show him imperial scum'
With a plan forming in mind, all you had to do now was be patient and wait for the right time. There's no exchange of words between the two of you when he gets back, which makes time fly by before he's betrayed by exaution and finally gives in to sleep. You take care of the droid easily after that.
Activating the tracking beacon, you start to leave the cave, but not before noticing the boy's lightsaber beside him. It was a bold move, he could easily wake up if you took it, but you knew that if he woke up to see you gone you'd need it to compensate for your injuries.
You were still on opposing sides, after all.
You knew there had to be an imperial ship near the planet, and they would pick up your signal in an instant when you called. Wallking to a less dense area of the forest, away from the crash site, you're proven right when, in a matter of minutes, a shuttle tripulated by four troopers and a senior lieutenant meet you on the ground.
-"and what of the jedi?" - the higher ranking woman asks when you finish your brief description of the events that led you there.
Well, not all events. You'd left out the part where Bridger had helped you recover.
You could just tell them to take the two jedi for excecution. You were supposed to do it, in fact.
-"it's just me. And the younger one's lightsaber" - you finally answer, not exactly knowing why you'd deliberately just saved them.
She nods curtly and escorts you back to the ship without a second glance. It was a good story so far, but you would have to work on it if your superiors were to believe it.
-"Wait- " - you start, second-guessing your motives for not giving away their location. One of the troopers turns to you expectantly.
-"yes, sir?"
You hesitate for a moment, ready to do what you'd beeen taught to do your whle life. Kill the jedi.
Kill the jedi.
A tingling crept up your sides, where the padawan had touched earlier to give you support. You try to betray the gut feeling pressing you to do your duty as an inquisitor, but it's stronger than you. Something is forcing your better judgement to be leaving your natural enemies alive.
-"nothing." - the tingle goes away as soon as it had come, leaving an unusual feeling of relief. - "Thought i'd sensed something. Let's leave"
'Perhaps it's for the best'. - you think as the shuttle's door closes. After all, you did owe him one for saving your life - whatever his reason was for doing so.
That was what you told yourself as you boarded the ship, at least. Now, the next time you saw him, there would be nothing to stop you from finishing him and his friends for good.
Hope you like it? I gave him a 'hands on hips' moment in honour of your videos for a more personalized touch hahahaha
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peachhoneii · 3 years
I think Donald's relationship w/ Scrooge is 1 of the most interesting in the reboot but it feels like an afterthought. Like in TTWEWN Huey says that it doesnt matter that Donald isnt financially successful b/c hes "rich in love" something his Uncle/Parent taught him. But Donald then says that isnt true, that financial success is the only REAL success. B/c dear old Uncle Scrooge taught HIM that. They literally say it at the same time. Donald raised his kids w/ the right mindset but he holds himself to Scrooge's standards. A friend of mine even pointed out that Donald never refutes when Scrooge insults him. He just takes being called lazy, cowardly, stupid, etc. Its like that one blurb about your parents becoming the negative voice in your head. Donald might see Scrooge for who he is but he definitely doesn't see himself accurately. Meanwhile Scrooge just repeated his parents mistakes. Giving Donald tough love that just discouraged him (Scrooge & most likely Della take the mistreatment as a challenge to overcome) but had the same result it had on Scrooge - driving Donald away. Like he loves Donald but he has no idea how to express that love or to provide that love. Tldr; Donald is a good dad because he had parental figures beyond Scrooge in his life.
For me, personally, Scrooge's relationship with Donald is exactly what you've described. I absolutely agree with you. His relationship with Donald is so interesting but isn't developed on. Donald (usually) plays it safe and represents the calmer, practical parenting style that contrasts Scrooge and Della's.
I never thought of that, so thank you! It's very sad despite raising his kids to having that healthy mindset, Donald is still stuck with that in his. It could be a combination of Scrooge and being an adult low on funds. He's had to do this on his own because his sister went missing and he was estranged with his uncle, who is presumably his last living relative...curious as to what happened to his parents and where the hell Matilda was.
Fergus admits the reason why he acts the way he does is because he misses Scrooge, and you think, aw, they can move forward. Obviously, they don't move forward. At all. But I believe the same sentiment applies a bit to Scrooge and Donald. He genuinely misses Donald, doesn't know how to express it healthily and doesn't respect him as much as he probably should.
When Bradford said Donald was his most trusted ally, that confused the hell outta me since the show really didn't show it. It makes sense to emphasize their relationship and how great at adventuring Donald is, but that didn't hit as well as I thought it would. We really didn't get to see that in the show, but at the same time, it makes sense.
Della is Scrooge's heart. He doted on her. He spoiled her. She was like him. She wanted to be like him. Donald isn't exactly Scrooge's pride but the one he can depend on who won't go apeshit. He isn't like Scrooge. He defies him to live his life outside of Scrooge.
Weird thing is the only parental figures we can assume Donald and Della had, not really assume - we know they had them, are their biological parents. Hortense and Quackmore must've done something right before they went missing/died/whatever. I don't think they're dead, but we'll never know what happened to them.
After realizing Scrooge's parenting isn't exactly the healthiest, he reverted to his parents' techniques and it worked. He doesn't get a lot of credit for that, especially when Scrooge and Della return.
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hermit-god-au-pog · 2 years
Terrible title i know, but its fine, its fiiine, it works for now lol! In this post Ill explain the Idea i have for this hermit’s au Hels!
And since it may be a slightly long post, ill put it under a cut, just in case! If ya’ll have any questions feel free to ask!
And yes, I want to give Hels their own ambassador but I am waiting on permission from someone, and if they decline ill have to think a bit more! But its all good, im just rambling at this point- INTO THE AU! Sorry for any grammer mistakes or if something sounds weird!
Hermitcraft, a wonderful place, a safe place for gods to be themself. But, because of their power all stored in one area, the ‘universe’ has decided to make a fail-safe for them. If a hermit or all the hermits were to go crazy and use their power in bad ways, there would be a way to stop them.
Thats where the Hels come in. Up until season 7, the world of Hels wasn't exactly a world. It was a place where the shallow npc’s roamed until they were needed. But one man has changed that. Well a few technically but still.
After a glitch in an experiment Wels did with VintageBeef, Helsknight grew sentient, he suddenly had a mind of his own, his own thoughts and feelings. And of course he went to Wels first, Wels was the thing Helsknight knew the most of. After being sent away, Hels managed to pop back up in the Dimension of Hels, and upon finding all the npc like creatures, took matters into his own hands.
After managing to steal some of the Hermits magic, he brought the Realm to life, he gave everyone a mind of their own! All but two... But he decided to investigate that later (later finding out Grians and Xisuma’s hels didnt awake due to there already being sentient hels of these two somehow). Hels decided not to take the crown as ruler, deciding that he’d be the right hand man of who ruled, as long as he liked them of course. And thats where we get into more Hels lore.
Tango’s hels, MamboHec, had won the title of ruler, dubbing himself ‘The Emperor’, and with tangos admin abilities, he realized he had a bit more power than he previously thought. As well as learning of their lives system. A Hels counterpart is incredibly hard to kill, harder to kill than youd think. Theyre like resistance little roaches, but every hels gets 1 free respawn after death. After that, if they do not have a respawn anchor or another plan, they are gone and replaced.
But, Hels doesnt have just one ruler, oh no no. Under Mambo’s rule, there are 3 more sections. They have dubbed themselfs; The Capitalists, Quiet-n-Stealthy, and Nuclear-Bomb-energy. Each section has a designated ruler. The capitalists; Scars hels, though his Given name is BadtimesWithScar, he calls himself Remedy. Quiet-n-Stealthy; TFC’s hels, He calls himself AluminonCritic/ AC. And finally the Nuclear-Bomb-energy; Doc’s hels, Ward.
Due to hels still being a relatively new sentient realm it's still learning. While Mambo may has the final admin say so(at least as long as xisumas or Grians hels are dormant) The other three sections do have some rule over the land of Hels. But one thing everyone knows, they're there to counteract their "good" versions, even tho is seems they're more evil than the gods could ever be. But no one will know the true answer till a god goes rouge.
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wolfsneedles · 3 years
i like how prophetic dreams and prophecies in itself different from visions are interpreted in different ways and in diff directions but also by different people for eg stannis and Mel, Rhaegar and dany or other targaryen kings. Jojen and bran, Cersei and Maggy etc...
Melisandre usually tumbles and makes mistakes she sees what she sees but not exactly she wants to see what should be accurate considering how her major azhor ahai is stannis, was a mistake and an error. However recently we know she sees snow in flames. jon. but im skeptical about him being prince that was promised or AA, when you have....daenerys right here. But she still commits mistakes idk maybe rh'ollor is lil unhinged and is messing with her, but no. i think she is prone to change and her prophecies change too. Mel doesn't stick up to one interpretation and pretty sure will leave stannis in long run if she believes who is AA to her.
But stannis, is stubborn and crude. As a skeptic and well part atheist, he took her words and religious ventures too seriously and has attached with the prophecy too vehemently as if he has to be AA at any cost not knowing prophecy can't matter in the end even, but its so funny to me he risked most of the stuff for red priestess who just came to her and is like, "ight u be the king cuz u have targaryen blood"
Jojen reeds dreams are like mostly about starks and wolves and how they will come back again and when bran and others ask him if what he sees can be changed, he says no. which means him seeing something can be finalized testament or something that will happen one way or other since starks coming back or wolves coming back, is like obvious thing since they have their might broken. Bran is currently well being trained by bloodraven so his views weren't yet in first books but evolved with time.
And my fav part is cersei's prophecy of valonqar and maggy. She is destined or was to marry king not prince and she would have 3 children while robert 16 bastards, and we never knew and it was strange to me how lannisters never acquired or were even mildly amused by idea of magic all the way but cersei going to a witch when she was in casterly rock with her companions was like a major twist for me since i never assumed her to be like that, however she knows her fate will end by valonqar and a young more beautiful queen (def dany) will replace her and take what she holds dear. However cersei's reaction to this prophecy when she herself asks witch to tell her fortune is volatile. She takes to anger and resists it from coming true. She even shapes her life and everything according to not letting the prophecy come true but it follows her to in a way that she does marry robert and has 3 children by incestuous relationship. At the very best however, she avoids it because she hates the truth of it. She steers away from it.
Rhaegar is a different matter to me. I like how he was born as melancholic and amidst grief during tragedy of summerhal and well overall, for me had tragic demise but he took the prophecy too serious differently than stannis even. He made sure to follow and correct it and apply it aptly on his marital life and social life. He even kind of got too carried away and dreamy with it that he didn't himself realise the situation changing with Robert's rebellion and everything happening. Rhaegar however we knew was kind of intellectual and sensual personality so maybe he took the targaryen grief of years of no dragons too seriously too. And in the end well...prophecy really didn't work for him and most of his actions failed him and those around.
Dany is so different in this regards tbh. She is part of two prophecies for me the 'prince that was promised' and AZHOR AHAI. and the last 'younger more beautiful queen'. I mean it's startling. Unlike her brother and even old ancestors of her blood, she intrinsically is tied to so many of these prophetic verses and proves on so many occasions especially after birth of dragons that she indeed can be Azhor Ahai or maybe - the best candidates for her. She doesn't really is obsessed with it or neither is she forcing someone to tell her fate like cersei and then meet the rejection with rudeness infact she kind of subverts expectations one has of glaring prophecy which everyone imagines to be a prince...or a man. But dany really isn't a man lol and neither a prince. Aemon did say too the translated prophecy can have error too and it was not really prince who is promised but could be well...princess if that's even the correct term. Her birth of dragons explained in numerous posts and metas is so phenomenal and makes her ever so wonderful and magical than her all ancestors who died in all tragic ways because they made the prophecies too tied to their lives and were utterly obsessed with it. They were reminiscing over grief of dragons but daenerys bought dragons that to, three back to world after stepping into drogo's pyre and performing a ritual she herself only realised in the end what she was doing and thanks to well MMD. She realized later but still did she realise how the stone eggs did exudate warmth and called to her. Im pretty sure all other targayens and their expectations and experiences were all in vain or went down drain. Dany on the other hand independently alone and on her own without help of anyone but only subtly joining clues and hints, sorted out and stitched the importance and relevance of it. The dragons and ritual. It was anyways a one time magical event too, no wonder her bringing dragons to world is written as " music of dragons" and night came alive with it in AGOT. (interesting that grrm says music of dragons and well rhaegar also liked playing sad music at ruins of summerhall, an emo prince yea)
And Daenerys doesn't really is tied herself to prophecy but most of the prophecies are tied to her. The Younger More Beautiful Queen one indicates at her..tbh and really no one including cersei and her knows about it. The AzAhai one also points to her because she was born in salts of dragonstone and smoke refers to birth of dragons and cracking of sound and smoke during pyre. The sword forged from flame can obv be pointed to drogon whose birth is like fire made flesh of a dragon hence that, and also when Xaro X Daxos says, of her dragons 'as flaming sword'.
but not getting into details of AA as dany because again, there are a lot of essays to it.
I just pointed out how stannis makes prophecy his and forced a little on people, how jojen trains bran too in a way and he still takes time to learn this green visions thing, cersei staggers away from it and damages people to not fulfill it or prevent it from engulfing her...but dany has no idea yet as far of any prophecy only a dream, and house of undying visions which she herself doesnt yet believe all so much we rlly dont know, yet she fulfills def 2/3 prophecies.
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