#i love this fricking chess piece so much
kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
haii! love your headcanons! (I dare you to find out who I am nyehehe >:3) sorry if this sounds odd but do you have any headcanons on my furious 5 + Po ships, Tigress x Po (of course lol-), Monkey x Crane, and Viper x Mantis? thank yew UwU
👀 I have a strong feeling you're yarart4ever
Also dang I expected for me to have a ton of headcanons for each but it turns out I didn't even have that many qwq meh whatever-
Tigress x Po
Tigress is not one for emotional words, much less emotional actions (you can really see how she takes from Shifu here lol), so she could be all head over heels for Po but he would have no idea until she tells him
Po is aware that Tigress doesn't seem interested (hint: SEEM), I mean she doesn't even seem to be buying into their friendship but she does care a lot for him, it shows if he's severely injured, she's just really,, sophisticated.
Po is always trying to get her to loosen up and also to spend some more time with her and Tigress is always unhappy with it and she pretends that she hates it, but as more and more time goes on it's getting harder and harder to hide the fact that she really does enjoy these outdoor trips
Tigress: Would you all stop accusing me of having a favorite. I like Po and all of you non-Pos equally.
Po: wow thanks Tigress
I kinda feel, Tigress confessing to Po would be a total accident, and while she's bewildered at what she's done Po just kinda.. laughs it off and reassures her that she's completely fine, and that he feels the same way back
Tigress is always the first to get up in the morning, Po always sleeps in. He does the cooking for the house tho lol cuz Tigress kinda can't cook.
I really wanna call Po a simp cuz he kinda does simp a lot for Tigress but I'm not too sure if I, someone that's not in the franchise anymore, should determine that-
Po is really loud and open about their relationship while Tigress just wants him to pls be quiet about it for once cuz for her it's a bit of a private thing
The thing is everybody knew that even though she claimed to not have a liking for him, she did, so when they announced they were a couple the gang wasn't too surprised
Crane x Monkey
Tbh, a lot of stuff that can be said for this ship, can come from Prane, since Po and Monkey kind of have similar personalities.
Only difference is, Crane has (obviously) known Monkey longer, and he's more used to his antics
Crane is chewing on the last piece of gum from a really good pack, Monkey pulls him into a kiss so he can lowkey steal it out of his mouth 😂😭🖐️
Would fight over blankets in bed
Crane would sometimes ask Monkey to do a pose or something so he can draw him, cuz he does art, and he's darn good at it too xD
The most likely to get lost during a road trip. Like they suddenly realize they're out in the middle of nowhere and are like "oh well" and cuddle in the backseats
Monkey uses all his bad pickup lines on Crane and Crane laughs cuz it's funny and it's also really cute too
Monkey is good at puzzle games and stuff that requires strategy like chess, checkers, etc, Crane on the other hand isn't good at them at all. So Monkey will teach him to be good at it and use correct strategy
Monkey comes up with the stupidest sh/t and makes Crane watch him, because he refuses to join him. There was that one episode of Legends of Awesomeness where Monkey and Po where spinning in the turtle shell thing in the Training Hall and then where dizzy as frick and trying to kung fu- yeah that's what I'm talking about LOL
Viper x Mantis
Pretty unexpected, but ngl, they go together really well 👀
Sometimes Mantis will get really flustered at how kind and loving Viper is to him lol
Viper loves to go shopping and sometimes she'll drag Mantis along with her-
Mantis: Are we done yet? I wanna go back.
Viper: Yes, we're done...
Mantis: Woohoo, finally!
Viper: ...with this half of the shopping list :).
Mantis: ...
Mantis: Why must you be so cruel to me?
PLEASE I HEARD THAT IN THEIR VOICES 😭😭😭 anyways- Viper knows that Mantis doesn't like shopping (he actually doesn't mind it it's just Viper shops for HOURS on end and that's what he can't stand) so she'll only take him with her if she really wants the company
Mantis will on the occasion pick out some flowers and make them into headpins for Viper to wear. He'll also make flower crowns for her.
Both of them are really good at picking out gifts for the other.
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renquise · 3 years
Okay okay okay here I am fully two weeks late to the CR finale with Thoughts, Especially About Essek, which is about par for the course for me.
In extremely incoherent, bullet-point form, probably forgetting half the things I want to say and wandering off onto personal tangents:
- Ah, gosh. Some things I loved, some things I was more eh on, and mostly--it’s a very gentle, dissipating-energy kind of ending episode, which is strange to say about something that figured a full-on Wizard Fight. Circumstances kind of made it so I had to watch these seven hours in bits and pieces, and there’s something that made it very beautiful? Like, this slow letting go of this story in bits.
And--okay, this is weird, perhaps--I’m almost kind of glad that it wasn’t the kind of ending that was so perfect that it makes me go, like, welp, that’s all there is to say about it, I don’t have anything else to add. Like, I kind of love that in my mind, the ending of the series was last episode’s impossible, beautiful series of events, and this long unraveling is more nebulous in my mind. I don’t know if that’s a bug or a feature, but I’m selfishly glad that it’s the kind of ending that makes me want to play around in this sandbox some more.
- Okay okay okay Veth floating in the water of the grove’s pool in just her skin. So so so beautiful. Like. What an image.  
- It’s funny, the way I don’t know how to feel about Kingsley? It’s interesting--on one hand, it’s great, I love this not-so-accidental-pirate-king, yes, give me all the pirate politics shenanigans. But on the other hand, I loved that conversation at the beginning of the episode between Beau and Yasha about not wanting to impose their memory of Molly on the person that they brought back, but Yasha obviously wanting the person she loved back so badly. I almost wished they had left it on that ambiguity, perhaps, because that ambiguity is more interesting and more poignant to me?
- Full disclosure, I started watching the episode live, promptly fell asleep on it while it was still running, and woke up at like 1AM to HEY SURPRISE TRENT IKITHON and let me tell you that I wasn’t unconvinced that I had dreamed half of it
- ASTRID i got nothin i got absolutely nothin. I know that this is where they had to end the show, because where do you go from the unlikely miracle of last episode. but damn god damn would I eat up the complicated political mess of navigating the Assembly’s dissolution with a SPOON.
- Everyone picking off Trent’s Fancy Magical Stuff made me laugh so frickin hard oh my god are they even going to use this or just bring it to their friendly local pawn shop. Either way. Hilarious.
- I totally didn’t expect Jester and Artagan’s epilogue to get to me the way it did, but I SHOULD HAVE. Artagan asking her what she wants. Jester saying that she wants to see everything. Jester going to kiss him and biting him on the nose. The way that Artagan enabled Jester to go see the world and come into her power and the way Jester changed him profoundly, in a way he never accounted for. God. I love them.
- Beau and Yasha being beautifully domestic together. Aaaaaaaa.
- Ha ha ha. Predictably. The cheek kiss and enveloping hug and “Don’t be a stranger” and “Try to be kind. To yourself.” Killed Me. I love that the evolution of this relationship could be analyzed entirely through forearm grasps and the follow-through on this touch. I love that this one is just--so gentle. So quiet. So much about closing this space between them.
- Listen. Listen as someone who is always very happy to write things that are resolutely non-canon and are never going to be, and who took one look at Caleb and Essek playing social manipulation chess when they met in Rosohna and was like, I Am Compelled--it is absolutely surreal to me that Essek not only has his own epilogue, but shares it with Caleb. I’m so delighted.
And like. Frick. I remember watching the episode with Essek’s first appearance after the year-long hot boi drought and just--desperately wanting more of his story, whatever it might be, and being overwhelmed, overjoyed when his story became interwoven with the Nein’s in a way that is now impossible to separate. I’m just over the moon at what the series delivered with his character.
- Geez. I think that the intensity of my feelings about Essek’s “ending”--and it doesn’t feel like an ending, it feels very much like a beginning--needs to be contextualized with what parts of it resonate with me. I’ve always moved around my entire life, and I’ve grown used to having to appreciate that you need seize and cherish friendships in the moment in which they exist, and that you will sometimes have to leave some of those connections behind--and that as someone who is way on the aroace spectrum, those connections are incredibly, incredibly dear to me, however brief. 
And gosh. Essek, always moving around, assuming a different identity in every place he visits, but hearing from the Nein constantly, and always orbiting back to Caleb as a constant in his life--oof, that, that is something that gets me right in the chest, both as an ideal ending for him and as something that retains that bittersweet edge, that sense that all things are temporary and that you have to hold them close while you can.
Essek has been stuck in a society that is unchanging or changes in only in vast tectonic shifts, with lifetimes upon lifetimes of gradual change, and as a new soul, he’s been expected to keep up a certain image--and this image is likely one that would be expected of him for lifetimes more. But in exile, he can remake himself anew in another city, try on another costume to see how it might change him, taste new ideas constantly and experience the very opposite of stagnation--that, I think, is so dear to me.
And the idea that in these wanderings, he also makes a home with Caleb, that he can find a nest with him in the time they have, that he can have both this opening of experiences and this person to share his life with--fuck. That’s ideal. That’s so good.
I wonder if, eventually, Essek will have that same crisis of identity that strikes people when they’ve lived in many different places or who live in exile--that though he’s been formed by the Dynasty and Xhorhas and must hold some parts of it dear, however subconsciously, that eventually someone will ask where he’s from and he won’t really know what to answer, how to explain what places and people have shaped him.
And I love that his relationship with Caleb feels hard to define, but that it’s unambiguously intense, intimate, vulnerable, trusting--that they share something with each other that binds them to each other in a way that they can rely on each other. Like, I’m so glad that there was explicit confirmation of their relationship, but that that space of possibility between them is also so beautifully undefinable, so rich with what is and what could be and what they choose to make it. Like. Again, that might be the aroace feelings talking. But man.
- Good stuff time to rewatch c2 again I guess. Man I can’t believe I’ve been watching these chucklefucks since they stole a ship.
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azrielsbxtch · 3 years
Gwynriel Friends to Lovers Headcanon.....
Listen I know Enemies to Lovers is hot and everything but I swear Friends to Lovers can be very hot too. We’ve gotten our Enemies to Lovers from Feysand and Nessian so now I want FTL from Gwynriel. They already have amazing banter. Just imagine them growing closer and closer.
1. To the point that if anyone wants to know what’s up with Azriel,they just ask Gwyn.
2. They become so close that they can’t deny each other anything. If Gwyn asks Azriel something he does it. Immediately. No questions asked. No matter how busy he is he always makes time for her.
3. They drop whatever they’re doing to be there for each other. They become the best fricking duo. All the while fighting off their attraction to each other.
4. The whole IC knows they’re into each other but both of them are stubborn and they pretend they’re just best friends.
5. And the moments they have alone are so hot and charged with tension and heat. It gets to a point that Gwyn switches from Cassian to Azriel during training because Az wants to oversee her training himself. And they still train after hours.
6. Whenever they have free time they’re always hanging with each other. Talking. Laughing. Teasing. Training. Arguing. Especially arguing.
7. Because Gwyn does not back down from a challenge. And Azriel isn’t used to someone so challenging. Gwyn is the only one who can make Azriel’s infinite patience run out. Whenever they argue,Azriel’s shadows always side with Gwyn. And after that,both of them literally cannot function properly until they make up.
8. Azriel who likes to be alone goes from that to always leaving meetings with the IC because Gwyn wants to do something with him,or Gwyn is waiting for him and he’s late. The IC are completely flabbergasted because they never thought Az could be that open with someone.
9. The spend hours strategizing and making plans to win the snowball fight.
10. They also do the whole “Communicating without talking” thing. During family dinners they could be sitting across from each other and just burst out laughing. Azriel with his soft laugh and Gwyn with her cheerful laugh. And everyone is confused except Rhys and Feyre who study them curiously. They do it during training too and Nessian gets so frustrated because they need them to speak actual words.
11. They’re always there for each on their bad days. Azriel goes to the library with Clotho’s permission to hang with Gwyn and when Az has bad days,Gwyn just sits with him for hours,holding his hand until he’s ready.
12. Gwyn is very protective of him. Whenever they hang with the IC and they’re all bantering and making fun of each other,Gwyn comes to Azriel’s defence immediately. Especially when Cassian is teasing him and Az just rolls his eyes while Gwyn gives a hilarious comeback and Azriel just smiles at her. It’s become so normal that they know not to come for him when Gwyn is around. Because she’ll dish it right back.
13. Azriel introduces Gwyn to his mother and they love each other. They talk about their experiences and his mother is so happy he met someone who challenges him and brings out his playful side more often.
14. It’s not unusual to find Gwyn sleeping in Azriels room. It’s a safe place for her. The IC have also found them asleep on couches in the library after they fell asleep talking,or Az teaching her chess or reading.
15. Whenever Azriel travels somewhere for spying or for a mission,he always brings Gwyn back a gift. Since she can’t leave the library yet,he brings back a little piece of outside for her. So she has items from the summer court,winter court,day court....pretty much all the courts and other amazing places in Prythian.
16. One time,Gwyn injures her wrist during training and Az fusses so much that she gets mad and they start arguing. Gwyn saying she can take care of it and Azriel saying it’s bad and he needs to take care of it for her and they argue and argue until they fall quiet and start laughing.
Keep in mind they do all this....AS FRIENDS.
Because they’re so oblivious to the fact that they’re mates and they’re ignoring all the signs and tension and heat.
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killian-whump · 3 years
Leaving this on your doorstep and running away, make of it what you will...
Here it is, here for you all to enjoy... The Pirate House!
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It looks lovely and normal from this angle, doesn't it? Well, our Nonny friend found this for us, and thought we would all enjoy the wonders enclosed inside of it. "Why us?" You might wonder. "And why are we calling it a pirate house?" Well, I think by the time you reach the end of this post, you'll all agree with me that there's only one person in the world who could've designed this fever dream of a house, and he's really very cross that someone's gone and listed it for sale, since he's still living in it, despite his wife's protestations of "this isn't normal" and "I'm leaving".
Ah, but before we go inside... Let's take a look around first. What's that strange-looking patio display over on the right side of the picture?
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Nothing much, just an enormous chess board with matching pieces. They'd have shown us the black pieces, as well, but there's apparently tear-stains and hug-marks all over the knight on that side... "I just... I really miss my daughter sometimes," says the homeowner. "She lives down the street!" his wife reminds him. "Still..." he says wistfully, looking teary-eyed.
ANYHOW, before we go inside, you'll also want to note...
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The fucking cannon aimed at the neighbors. "You could've aimed it at the field!" our beleaguered homeowner's wife cries. "But the neighbors need to know we're serious!" he insists.
But let's go inside, shall we? Apparently, the first sight one's met with when they walk in is a gigantic fishtank. And on the other side of the fishtank... an even more gigantic pool.
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Now, I'll be honest. It's truly a beautiful pool. Clear blue water, scalloped edges, a decorative tree or two... Why, one could almost forget the fact that this pool comprises approximately 85% of the first floor of the house, with the kitchen, living, and dining rooms tucked in around the edges of it in little nooks. Oh, or that the pool has a fucking island in it. With trees. And a jacuzzi.
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Even the home's listing is titled "It's All About the Pool" - and obviously, the whole house IS. Does a fricking MERMAID live here? "Only during the cold months," the homeowner says defensively. "And I want her to feel at home."
ANYWAY. Aside from the mermaid pool taking up almost all of the first floor, there IS a second floor, which has a nice office and a library overlooking the first floor pool.
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Wait. Are those... Those aren't books. That's literally wallpaper with pictures of books on it. "But it overlooks the pool," the homeowner says with a shrug. Well, it does, but there's no actual books in your library, so is it really even a library? "But... the pool," he says, looking dreamily at the waters below.
Perhaps we should move on. The bedroom, perhaps?
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OH DEAR LORD. "No," the homeowner's wife allegedly said upon seeing her spouse's finished room. "Just... no. I'll design my own." And so, she did:
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Our home designer insisted on keeping his room, but he spends almost every night in here with his wife, anyway. "But I'm not happy about it!" he proclaims. "Shut up and come to bed," she retorts. And he does, of course, but not before he's stood at the helm and made sure everything is ship-shape, as it should be. 'Wait,' I hear you saying. 'The helm?' Yes. The helm.
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Just perfect for a land-bound captain to at least pretend he's on the high seas... and just in case he gets lonely in his dream world, all he needs do is look up and...
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Ah, a valued first mate - or worthy adversary, depending on the mood of the evening. In either case, our pirate homeowner feels right at home with a friend in the rafters. "Get down from there," his wife calls. "You'll break your neck." "But we're having tea!" our homeowner claims. "Why don't you invite Smee over for tea?" she asks. "But he's not my Smee," the man responds with a sigh. "Well, he's A Smee..." "You can't just replace a Smee with another Smee; that's not how it works!" But he comes down from the rafters, nonetheless.
"Can we fire the cannon?" he asks. His wife sighs, but the grin she tries to hide gives away her amusement. "Only if we aim it at the field first," she says. "But the neighbors-" he begins. "The FIELD," she insists.
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 2...
[Warning: Spoilers for Volume 2 and Long Post.]
New antagonists! More huntsman action! More characters and interactions! And the fights, tho. THE FIGHTS!
*Ahem* Okay, clearly I just need to start from the beginning...
Episode 1
We start the new season by being reintroduced to our new antagonists, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. They may be villains, but they're also obviously teens (Mercury radiates prick energy) and they're dynamic is entertaining. Also, RIP Tukson, he seemed like a nice dude...
We then cut back to Team RWBY and JNPR, who are apparently on break at the moment. It's also nice to see Sun again, and we also get to meet Neptune. Anyways, someone throws a pie in Weiss face, and you know what that means...
Seriously, THESE KIDS ARE CRAZY. Ruby can apparently surf on lunch trays! Weiss used ketchup and a freakin' swordfish like Myrtenaster! Blake used baguettes and a sausage link like Gambol Shroud! Freakin' YANG was punching things with TURKEY! JAUNE... threw a melon, that was cool; nice to see that he's losing the noodleness of his body. NORA RIPPED OUT A PIPE, STUFFED IT TO A MELON, AND CALLED IT MAGNHILD! Note to self: never challenge Pyrrha to a fight near a vending machine (or anytime, really). Ren can kick WATERMELONS, and fight with LEEKS. HOW CAN THEY EVEN DIGEST ALL THAT FOOD!?
RIP Neptune's hair though, I hear grape is hard to wash out...
Then we cut back to the White Fang and Torchwick, who are then met with Mercury, Emerald, and later the great Cinder Fall herself. I'll admit, Mercury's funny but a jerk, and Emerald... I'm pretty sure I was mentally screaming "YOU'RE BEING MANIPULATED" when I saw her and Cinder. First she doesn't give Emerald a hug, then she tells her to not think and just obey? RED FLAGS. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE.
Oh, speaking of Cinder, while she does radiate boss energy, I'm glad that I don't personally like her. I don't know what it is, but it might be the fact that she's treating everyone else like her pawns (and considering she used a chess piece later in this volume, I wouldn't be surprised). I mean, good villain, but like any good villain, I want her to get roasted, though that might not work given her Semblance.
Also, Roman Torchwick, you beautiful jerk, never change. I love ya, but I also love seeing you get dragged, which is what Emerald did to you at the end of this. Yep, I'm on board for this season!
Also, the new opening. I thought nothing could top "This Will Be The Day." I was wrong. Haven't listened to all of it yet, but "Time To Say Goodbye" SLAPS.
Episode 2
So, several things. There's board games, insert Yu-Gi-Oh reference here... Yang has too much power. Also, if I remember the lingo right, then this is also the episode where the White Rose shippers got crumbs, the White Knight shippers were once again denied, and where the Iceberg shippers were born (while the rest of us were titling our heads in confusion with Jaune). Jaune continues to be a social dork (what's with the blonde boys blowing Blake's secret? Don't think I've forgotten about Sun...). Blake is being consumed with the burden of RESPONSIBILITY. I feel that Blake. Oh, and the ending...
Why do out villains have to be clever enough to infiltrate the actual school!? And Weiss' "We're doomed." I hope that's not secret foreshadowing...
Episode 3
Jaune fails yet again at wooing Weiss (at least Yang comforts him at the end), and the gang begins their espionage. We meet Penny again, Weiss deals with her past, albeit briefly, and Penny... oh boy. She's hiding something, and the hiccups make it obvious. What could it possibly- oh...
Episode 4
Most of us had our suspicions, what with Penny's awkward demeanor and ludicrous super strength, but yep, she's a robot! Aw, get yourself a real one like Ruby. Oh, and Neptune's useless with Yang around. Speaking of, HEY, good to see you again, Junior! So Blake and Sun intercept the White Fang rally and... oh fudge they got giant robots. BAIL! We also get to see Neptune's weapon and Sun's semblance (before they nope off the road and leave the rest of the fighting to RWBY, while they go off and get ramen, the jerks...). Also, nice to see that they have team attack names (I believe some of them double as ship names), and this is where we get to meet the Ice Cream Queen Neopolitan (not to be confused with the now officially dubbed Ice Queen Weiss Schnee. If even the villains are calling you that, then congrats, you have a new title)! Neo then proceeds to give them the slip, and I personally believe that Yang only disliked Weiss' pun because it highlighted her failure.
C'mon Yang, at least she's TRYING!
Episode 5
Pyrrha is a combat queen. 'Nuff said. Suck it, CRDL.
Oh no. Mercury is both a smart aleck AND smart. This will not end well.
Blake, take a break. No, seriously, working yourself to death just because you think you can doesn't mean you should. You will only feel worse. TAKE A BREAK.
Well Jaune, mission failed. You'll get her next time.
Pyrrha Nikos. Sweetie. We're talking about Jaune Arc here. He's not gonna get the hints you're dropping unless that "hint" is a full blown irrefutable confession so obvious that even he can't screw it up. I know you want to help him because you like him (and yes, even like like him), but it's clear Weiss isn't interested, at least not now. Capitalize on that!
And our villain group continues to be dastardly. *Chuckles* We're in danger.
Episode 6
The dance draws near, and it seems that both Blake AND Jaune could use a pep talk!
Poor Blake. It appears your faunus trait makes you more cat-like than just the ears.
Also, poor Ren. He just wants a nice bath, but alas, the power of bromance.
Oof, tough love from Yang. Pretty good flashback, though. Also, Pyrrha, your selfless nature will be your undoing, listen to Nora.
...oh God, if I'm saying "listen to Nora" when the world isn't ending, we might ACTUALLY be in danger.
Aw, the dance looks fun. Poor Jaune, tho. Don't worry, at least Yang, Blake, and Sun are having a good time (and this is the part where I realize I'm becoming a SunnyBee shipper, crap). Poor Ruby, having to wear heels. Don't worry, Ozpin will keep you company.
Oh crap, the villain kids are here! What are you up to!?
Episode 7
This one gets the runner up for my favorite episode. Alternatively, I give it the title "Team Leaders Know What's Up."
Jaune, you may be a dumbass, but you're the rare "Surprisingly Competent Dumbass With A Heart Of Gold," and you get my respect for that. Being socially awkward with Ruby? Comedy gold. Putting things into perspective for Neptune? Props, my dude. Comforting Pyrrha? Friendship goals (even though it should be more than friendship goals, but hey, you put on the dress, I'll give you that). Nice dance moves, by the way, JNPR.
As for Ruby... drinking Jaune's punch? Iconic. Noticing Cinder sneaking away? Nice. Fighting her in heels of all things? You, my dear red reaper, are on another level. A shame that Ironwood couldn't get there faster and that Cinder had to bail, but oh well.
Also: Penny continues to be heckin' adorable. I will never NOT stan.
Episode 8
HEAR YE, HEAR YE, THE NOBLE DOG ZWEI HAS GRACED US WITH HIS ADORABLE PRESENCE. Tremble before his ability to fit in boxes and melt Weiss' heart. Oh, and RWBY gets exposed to Ozpin, but surprise! Even Ozpin doesn't have to play by the rules! Though that could get him in trouble with Ironwood later...
Why does this show keep showing me characters that I want to get to know better in record time!? Team CFVY looks so interesting, and it's nice to see Velvet again! Ooh, I hope we see them more later...
Also, Professor Oobleck, I know we saw a bit of you in Volume 1, and I wish we got to know you better. You seem delightful.
Episode 9
Okay, my previous statement of DOCTOR Oobleck still stands. I love this chaotic fast man.
He's both funny AND deep! His reaction to Zwei? Comedy gold! Him picking apart RWBY's motives and the Grimm? Disturbingly thought provoking, but enjoyable. Also, Ruby, you're great, but you're not entirely a genius, you're just a little bit lucky.
In conclusion: there are a lot of characters to stan in RWBY. Dr. Oobleck is one of them.
Episode 10
We learn about WBY's motivations, now excuse me while I go crying in the club right now.
OH NO, RUBY GOT KIDNAPPED! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER SCYTHE! FRICK, it's a mindset kind of deal! Without her scythe, she thinks she's useless! Oh, and Roman's there too, that's not good.
...that is REALLY not good, Oobleck! Get down there, all of you! Wait, is your thermos... your WEAPON!? HOW THE FU-
(Sidenote, I looked up the name, since most weapons have them and I'm impatient for them getting name dropped. "Antiquity's Roast," eh? Fitting...)
Episode 11
So... this episode.
Poor Ruby. She failed to fight back, she almost ran away but then it turns out Melodic Cudgel is also a GRAPPLING HOOK. Thank god Yang and company finally busted their way in.
...why are Roman and the White Fang going kamikaze with those train car bombs? Oh right, the Grimm. Crap, that ain't good.
Ah, Oobleck. You may have accidentally repeated Ruby's line, but a swig of your thermos/club/flamethrower and then using it to bat Zwei into a cannonball of death redeemed you!
So Neo's back. She's skilled, sassy, has something going on with her eyes... Oh boy, Yang's getting outclassed by a pipsqueak. That's gotta suck.
Does every faunus (baring Blake, Sun, etc.) hate the SDC? Seriously Weiss, what did your father DO!?
Roman, do not get flirty with Blake. Junior tried something similar with Yang way back in the Yellow Trailer, and he got socked in the face. You deserve that kick in the head.
Oh look, Yang's mom is here! Nice, now Neo can't kill her (don't you dare, you little ice cream, I swear...). Oh. OH. That's a big sword. Yeah, ya better run, Neo. You ain't winnin' this fight. Great, now I want to know what Yang's mom's deal is. Figures she just warped away afterwards...
And now the Grimm are above ground. Yeah, seems like a good time for the season finale.
Episode 12
Now THIS is my favorite episode.
Look at that, Jaune's getting good instincts! And it's nice that Team JNPR was able to help RWBY. Also nice that Jaune can actually kill a Grimm now. Good job, man. You earned Pyrrha's smile of approval.
As much as I'm wary of the antagonist trio, I'll admit, they can fight good. Especially Emerald, her guns are sick. Why am I warming up to her so fast? What is this magic!?
...CFVY. CFVY. WHY ARE Y'ALL SO BADASS? Seriously, Yatsuhashi's carying an entire sword and a half. Fox just pulled a Ren and caused a Grimm to explode. Coco... God, Coco- WHY DOES RUBY HAVE SO MANY QUEENS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!?
"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die."
And she just murders Grimm with a BRIEFCASE. That turns into a GATTLING GUN. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT'S ALSO A GUN. (BTW, Gianduja is a really cool name for it.)
And now I want to know Velvet's weapon! It doesn't look like much now, but apparently it took a semester to build. And we know that Velvet can fight based on what we saw with her and Fox, so how does she ADD to that!?
Welp, Roman got handled, though I doubt it's for long... Yay, RWBY finally gets a break! Oh boy, trouble brewing between Ozpin and Ironwood, that ain't good.
...bull man's back. Uh, guys, Adam's back! And he's helping the bad guys! THIS IS REALLY NOT GOOD.
...oh, so your name is Raven? And that's what you look like under the mask. There's the resemblance... Oh boy, where have you been all of Yang's life?
So all in all, Volume 2 was even better than Volume 1, in my opinion. It's like they took the first volume and amped it up to 11. Longer runtimes, great comedy, great action sequences, great CHARACTERS. It's just a complete trip! 10/10, would ride again. Welp, it's getting late, so I can't immediately start Volume 3. But what Volume 2 gave us is good enough to tide me over.
...I am so glad I started this series. Well, this is goodbye for now. Cheers, internet!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (22 March 2020)
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Falsetto’s Tour Review...
Sooo nobody caresss but I saw Toursetto’s Sunday June 2nd with Nick Adams as Whizzer, Max von Essen as Marvin, Eden Espinosa as Trina, Nick Blaemire as Mendel, Audrey Cardwell as Cordelia, Bryonha Marie Parham as Charlotte, Thatcher Jacobs as Jason an here are my thoughts ! 
♔ When I saw the block sitting in the middle of the stage I almost started crying ♔I couldn’t make out what they were saying at the beginning of Four Jews, but I’ve seen people say that Nick Adams says “Yeehaw” lol 
♔When Eden sings slavery-- she sings the OBC version instead of the higher notes Stephanie did ♔ I was sHOOK when Max opened his mouth to sing and sounded SO MUCH LIKE CHRISTIAN BORLE??? I was so WOW ♔ The Thrill of First Love gave me such a different vibe than the Revival version did. For starters, I did not hate Marvin in act one which is really unusual. In this song I usually view Marvin as mean and abusive, but I just felt myself feeling bad for him. This version of the song was more playful and less aggressive I think. ♔Whizzer doesn’t say “wash n’ wear” he says something like “what is this? A poly -blend?” ♔Marvin rips open Whizzers shirt and damn Nick Adams has some serious muscles lol ♔NICK BLAEMIRE??? Was soooo funny. He had me laughing to the point of tears. He was absolutely amazing. ♔ I didn’t realize in ‘Marvin at the Psychiatrist’ Whizzer was pissed when they called him ‘smarmy’ ♔Jason is so cute and his voice is so big ♔ When he says “just because you failed as parents” he says it through his teeth and his voice is really quiet ♔ I’m not sure what it was about Max portrayal, but he was literally just sad and decrepit. (Of course I didn’t like Marvin, but he just felt less mean) ♔ When they pull the chair away from him at the end of This Had Better Come to a Stop, Marvin turns and literally face plants ♔I’m breaking down was absolutely the highlight of Act I. Eden Espinosa was absolutely fucking amazing. In both productions, it was clear that Trina was having a breakdown, but here its less tears and more cackling and laughing. ♔ When she said “you ask is it fun to cry over nothing?” Her face was totally blank and sarcastic ♔ Of course we love a queen chopping a penis banana. ♔”Sure things’ll probably worsen but it’s not like I’m some happy person” she sits in the middle of the stage and laughs hysterically for a good ten seconds. ♔ “A freak who needs it maybe every other week” she stops and feels her boobs and sighs saying “ohhhhhhhh that feels reallllllly gooooooood” ♔ Every Trina belting with a banana in her mouth is a fucking icon. ♔ She fucking bolted off stage with the knife in her hand lol ♔ “YAH,, this is Mendel wisenbach-FÉLDDD” ♔ When Trina says “chicken marengo” she rolls the ‘r’ im gay dont @ me ♔ When Trina says “I’ll wait for you” she holds out the note really long as she runs of the stage with the chicken marengo and then theres a crash and offstage she shouts (SHIT) ♔ During a marriage proposal,, after he says biblical times— theres a long pause and Marvin leans in and was like “YOURE DOING GREAT” ♔ March of the Falsettos was amazing,, and somehow?? Nick Adams still sounded fucking amazing singing it lol. ♔ The chess game was heartbreaking as always. I just fricking love nick?? He did so well. Also Max??? seemed so much less aggressive than christian borle… and just more disappointed. Idk how to describe it. ♔ I don’t know how I just realized that they are making a home out of what’s left of the set after Marvin and whizzer break up ♔ THE GAMES THAT I PLAY?? ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT OF THIS ACT. Nick sounded sooo amazing and I either got chills from how cold the theater was or from his voice and I’m pretty sure it was the latter ♔ Marvin hit Trina. Yeah. This was completely heartbreaking. Honestly this Jason was shook to the core and you could see it (when Marvin hit her) and it was probably the saddest part of the scene. ♔ Also Whizzer is the one who made the slapping sound behind Marvin, ♔ Marvin tried to hug Trina and Mendel PUSHED him away ♔ Marvin put his hands on his head and let out this really pained wail.  Honestly I hate him, but I was like damn get help bc it was highkey sad. And poor Trina was trying to comfort Jason. It was a mess. ♔ Father to son was heartbreaking too bc Jason didn’t want to be anywhere near Marvin. Whenever he tried to touch him he would flinch away and Marvin was crying and hngggg. ♔ All I could say is that when he shined the light in our faces and called us homosexuals,,, it was blinding lol ♔ When he said a teeny tiny band and pointed to the orchestra the crowd cheered like crazy which is honestly what they deserved ♔ THE LESBIANS. THE LESBIANS!! Everyone was great in the show, but Dr. Charlotte. wow. She was so fucking amazing. I got excited every time she had a line because I knew she was about to slay. They were really cute together ♔ When Whizzer asks Marvin if he was still ‘queer’ in the baseball game Marvin’s voice got all old and he made his hands shake when he said “It’s been so long since I could tell” ♔ Good news, Nick Adams didn’t have a boner during a day in falsetto land LMFAO ♔ Something bad is happening. I was excited bc as I said. Bryonha is fucking amazing. She. Not only was her singing stellar, her acting was amazing. She was so angry and had so much passion despite her obvious confusion. Also Audrey Cardwell was the cutest Cordelia. ♔ During holding to the ground, three white sheets fall from the ceiling making the hospital room that Whizzer stays in. ♔ Not sure if it means anything, but I realize that the items at the hospital are the only things not made from the cube. Just an observation lol. ♔ I think Nick Adams Whizzer is my favorite (I think acting wise, I like Andrew better, but singing Nick takes the cake.) You gotta die sometime was beautiful and I started crying when he belted the last note. ♔ Jason’s Bar Mitzvah. Yeah. I was crying. They were all smiling but it looked so painful. ♔ Whizzer covered his mouth like he was about to cry and then reached out to touch Jason. He thanked him and left. Jason tried to follow him but Marvin stopped him and ugh. ♔ Before what would I do started playing (in the transition) the white curtains fell to the ground and pulled towards the edge of the stage. And when everything is gone marivin started singing. I like this— it made everything feel officially over. ♔ what would I do. This is my favorite song in the entire show and they were both so amazing I was crying uncontrollably (Even though was orchestra and pretty close to the stage, I was using my opera glasses ((yes I’m that bitch)) and god I could see Max was crying and FUCK I WAS RUINED. ♔ For falsetto land, they bring the block back on stage, and there is a piece sticking out. In the revival, they brought the block together from two pieces on either side of the stage, but in the tour they pushed it from stage left. ♔ Marvins sobs were really LOUD and heartbreaking. ♔ They put a spotlight on the chest piece until the blackout and I. UGH THANK GOD FOR WATERPROOF MASCARA.
♔I have seen so many Broadway In Chicago shows, and WOW this is definitely in my top three. The acting the singing, the orchestra and JESUS IT WAS JUST AMAZING
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downstvged · 5 years
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s u r v e y  :    p e y t o n    p e l l e g r i n o.
what’s this? there’s something paper clipped to the page... a stick of juicy fruit. how thoughtful.
basic information
FULL NAME: jamie claverton  peyton pellegrino PRONUNCIATION: PAY-ton pell-eh-GREEN-oh MEANING: noble, royal REASONING: his kidnapper father said he always looked like a peyton. strong, wise, dignified. NICKNAME(S): pey, pellegrino, pillsbury ( monty ), sparkles ( tess ), etc. PREFERRED NAME(S): peyton BIRTH DATE: july 24, 2000 AGE: 18 ZODIAC: leo GENDER: cismale PRONOUNS:  he/him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual NATIONALITY:  american. ETHNICITY: italian-american. his father’s got pellegrino pride.
BIRTH PLACE: milton, delaware  HOMETOWN:  milton, delaware.  his dad said he was born in ohio. everyone thinks he’s from cali, when they meet him. SOCIAL CLASS:  upper-middle. FATHER: presley claverton. matthew pellegrino. fire chief. 52. west ham’s most eligible and charming single father. and peyton’s best friend. faceclaim. MOTHER: theresa claverton.  francesca milluzzo. peyton never knew her. his dad said she deserted them shortly before his first birthday. SIBLING(S): none. BIRTH ORDER: first of three. the clavertons needed to fill the void. first and only. PET(S): none. but he adores anything fluffy. OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES:  n/a PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: n/a. he’s always been too scared of his own shadow to ask a girl out. ARRESTS?: squeaky clean. PRISON TIME?: not unless you count double-shifts delivering pizzas.
occupation & income
SOURCE OF INCOME: works part-time as a pizza delivery boy at one of west ham’s most beloved pizza joints. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: very content, usually! people tip well and peyton enjoys the small talk. PAST JOB(S): assistant life guarding at the local pool in middle school, but that quickly ended after he had a panic attack on duty. SPENDING HABITS: peyton’s pretty frugal! his idea of a fun time is boarding around town with monty, or grabbing a scoop of ice cream at one of the local places. he’s not too big on driving, if he doesn’t have to. longboards almost everywhere. his dad’s job gets them ample cash, being fire chief, but they live modestly. pellegrino men are humble. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: his longboard. unfortunately, his anti-anxiety meds.
skills & abilities
TALENTS: deduction, longboarding, mock trial, stage lighting, studying, making people smile. he’s mario kart champion and he’ll never live that down. SHORTCOMINGS: overthinker. often, he limits himself just by thinking in circles. he... finds the good in people. assumes the best. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, and enough italian to get friendly with the kitchen staff. DRIVE?:  yes. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes. RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes, but longboards are way better. SWIM?: yes. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: he has a guitar and plays it decently well. sometimes he’ll hum a little tune and strum a few chords, but it’s nothing too major. PLAY CHESS?: yeah. BRAID HAIR?: ha! him? able to braid hair? he wishes. TIE A TIE?: he can double-knot his shoes. PICK A LOCK?: no.
physical appearance & characteristics
FACE CLAIM: noah centineo. EYE COLOR: deep hazel, primarily chocolate with pools of mossy green. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: wavy/curly. it does what it wants, and he rarely styles it, unless it’s for a mock trial competition or a student gov event. reference. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: he has a glasses prescription but always wears his contacts. DOMINANT HAND: right. HEIGHT: 6′1. WEIGHT: 165 lbs. BUILD: lean, trim, athletic. EXERCISE HABITS: he’s co-captain of the lacrosse team with monty, so they have daily team workouts. he goes for runs a lot, and likes HIIT training. does longboarding count? it should. he’s boarded all over this town countless times ( it’s also how he chooses to deliver pizzas, when the weather’s alright. ) SKIN TONE: tanned, smooth. reference. TATTOOS: none. he can’t handle needles. PEIRCINGS: none. MARKS/SCARS: a few on his arms and legs from nasty longboarding falls. NOTABLE FEATURES: his wild hair. million-watt smile. USUAL EXPRESSION: peaceful, welcoming. CLOTHING STYLE: reference.  leather bracelets, cuffed jeans, lots of solid colored and colorblocked tees. when he dresses up for mock trial, the girls kinda swoon. boy looks dashing in a suit. has a glasses prescription but always wears contacts. his dad says he looks sharper that way ( but it’s actually because, with glasses, he looks too similar to the claverton family. )  beat up chuck taylors, kind of untied on purpose. he’s got that whole loosely kept together, sleep deprived look down pat. JEWELRY: leather bracelets. sometimes he’ll wear a thin chain. ALLERGIES: n/a. BODY TEMPERATURE: the standard. he runs a little warmer than most. DIET: lots of pizza. mountain dew. juicy fruit gum’s basically a whole other food group. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: n/a. he can be a bit jumpy, sometimes, if he’s feeling on edge. his left pinky kind of clicks funny when he makes a fist, from when he broke his hand his freshman year.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good. TEMPERAMENT: phlegmatic. ELEMENT: earth. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: anxiety disorder. SOCIABILITY: very approachable. warm. kindhearted. there’s a reason he’s the one tasked with getting class dues, as class treasurer. there’s a reason why he leads the lacrosse team. EMOTIONAL STABILITY:  typically very levelheaded. his anxiety can make that fluctuate, though. PHOBIA(S): having another panic attack in public. he hasn’t had one in front of anyone besides monty in a year. ADDICTION(S): does juicy fruit qualify? DRUG USE: none. very straight-edge.  ALCOHOL USE:  occasional, as much as you’d expect. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: not at all.
QUIRKS: peyton shoves his hands into his pockets when he’s nervous. he always looks for monty or tess in a crowded room, to get grounded. whenever he wears a flannel or a sweatshirt, he always pushes the sleeves up midway to his elbows. HOBBIES: lacrosse, longboarding, mock trial, reading, parkour ( a phase in freshman year ). watching football games with his dad. trying out weird recipes. HABITS: biting the edge of pens. turning his head to the side when he’s listening. offering people pieces of his lunch until he realizes there’s nothing left for him. NERVOUS TICKS: not knowing what to do with his hands. trailing off. looking at the ground. laughing. counting his own fingers. biting the tip of his tongue. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: he genuinely wants to see people happy. he wants everything to run smoothly and willingly along.  FEARS: his meds will stop working. he’ll have a panic attack in front of his classmates, who are supposed to see him as calm, collected, put together. he’ll never get to know more about his mom. it bugs him. POSITIVE TRAITS: benevolent, bona fide, conscientious, suave, tenderhearted. NEGATIVE TRAITS: anxious, critical, restless, self-limiting, yielding. SENSE OF HUMOR: puns. wit. a lot of inside jokes with tess and monty. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: not really! he’s more likely to say frick or flipping than anything bad. CATCHPHRASE(S): “ oh shit ! ” & “ dude ! ” & “ what’s good ? ”
ACTIVITY: longboarding, hands down. ANIMAL: he’s got a super soft spot for rabbits. BEVERAGE: mountain dew or 7-up. BOOK: growing up, he loved the percy jackson series. CELEBRITY: stephen hawking. COLOR: green. DESIGNER: designer? he guesses, like... is gucci the right answer? he’s not really plugged in to that. FOOD: does juicy fruit count? FLOWER: he’s learning more about flowers, but he thinks sunflowers are pretty nice. kelly’s teaching him more about those. GEM: tiger’s eye. HOLIDAY: christmas. that’s when the famous pellegrino slutty brownies surface. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: longboarding !! MOVIE: original star trek. MUSICAL ARTIST: saint motel. QUOTE/SAYING: “ we’re dead !  we survived but we’re dead ! ” – dash, the incredibles. SCENERY: rolling hills. sunset. SCENT: cinnamon. SPORT: lacrosse. SPORTS TEAM: in connecticut, he’s surprised he hasn’t been vilified for being a chicago bears fan. but he and his dad spent some time there, and going to those games became a weekly tradition. they watch them now, and it’s like a little piece of their story. TELEVISION SHOW: saturday night live, honestly. WEATHER: that golden-hour sunshine, just before sunset. lukewarm. mid-60′s. VACATION DESTINATION: hawaii. he’s always wanted to longboard down those colossal volcano-side roads.
GREATEST DREAM: go into tech/lighting design for broadway. ask cassandra pressman out, for real. GREATEST FEAR: his dad won’t be able to function without him in west ham next fall. he’ll panic in front of people when he needs to seem strong. MOST AT EASE WHEN: he’s with his squad, the belugas. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: he’s allowed the time to overthink. when his dad doesn’t come home from his fire shift on time. when things don’t feel right. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: the west ham mock trial team won the state championship this spring. BIGGEST REGRET: he never pressured his dad more about finding his mother. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: he had a panic attack in the middle of his treasurer speech freshman year. someone pulled the fire alarm right as he couldn’t breathe. to this day, peyton has no idea who that was, but he’s so friggin’ thankful. BIGGEST SECRET: his biggest secret’s not even known to him yet. matthew pellegrino isn’t his father; he’s his kidnapper. peyton pellegrino’s fake. doesn’t exist. TOP PRIORITIES: having monty and tess’s backs. taking care of his dad, since he’s still reeling from peyton’s mom leaving almost 17 years ago. bringing the lacrosse team to the state championships. making sure every single thing he does for west ham high’s theatre department is flawless: making art on that stage. finding out how to... conquer this anxiety. finding out how to muster up enough courage to make a move before it’s too late.
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Nova Bright- Chapter 4
(Thanos x OC)
I am so so sorry that it took so long for me to get this out. I had gotten stuck with it for a long time.
I paced back and forth in my cell. Ugh. What had I been thinking kissing Thanos? Like I would have had a choice anyway. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to steady my breathing. Had I betrayed Loki? Not really. Loki was dead. But at the hand of Thanos. I rubbed my arms. Damn I wished they would hurry up with my new room. Now that knew that they were making this room colder on purpose, I was more than ready to move out of it. I replayed what had all had just happened again in my head. What was this place called Knowhere that that alien had been talking about? Had it had anything to do with the Infinity Stones? Gods, I hoped not. The bastard already had two of them. And I still didn’t know what Thanos wanted with me. I covered my face with my hands. Why did I have a feeling I was about to become a pawn in the most epic battle of chess this universe would ever witness?
I heard a familiar crackling sound and turned, lowering my hands as I did so. Neri came inside.
“Boy am I glad to see you,” I told her.
I could have hugged her, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Your chambers are ready, Lady Nova.”
I quirked an eyebrow at her. Lady Nova? What was with the formalities all of a sudden?
“Thank you, Neri.”
She gave me a weak smile. “So you know my name.”
“Thanos told me. So you give him updates about me?” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“He sends me to take care of you.” She folded her hands in her lap. “I also am to tell you that he wishes you to dine with him.”
My eyes grew wide. “Really? So soon?”
“Do you wish to? I know I had said for you not resist him. But I do not wish for your discomfort either.”
Neri scowled. She idly rubbed her wrists. I had noticed her doing that before. It made me go back to my original assumption about her being a prisoner.
“I dunno.” I shrugged. “I guess I kinda want to. I am very curious of as to what he wants from me. I know I shouldn’t want to be anywhere around him considering what he just did not even hours ago.”
Had it just been hours? And my anger and sense of loss was actually starting to die down. Damn. I must be more far gone than I thought. Being with Loki for so long must have really desensitized me.
“If you wish to decline, I can tell him you are too tired.”
“No, I’ll go,” I responded dolefully. I glanced down at the floor and scuffed my boot against it. “I don’t want you to get in trouble. Besides,” I gave her a shy smile, “maybe we could be friends one day.”
She smiled at me, a genuine smile. “I would be honored, my lady.”
I cringed inwardly. The last people who had called me that were all dead. If there were any parts of them still left. I still didn’t know what had happened to me and Thor’s ship after Thanos had taken me.
And I never wanted to either.
I stared down at the outfit that was lying on my new bed. I don’t know who picked this out, but whoever it was had a killer sense of fashion. There was just one problem.
“Is that the top?”
There were two pieces to my new outfit. I pointed to the much, much smaller one.
“Yes,” Neri replied as if she meant to say ‘of course, dumbass’.
I picked up the shirt by its straps and held it up in front of me. It was a shimmering light green, perfect to match my eyes. The design was asymmetrical, with the right side coming down to just a little under my breast. The left side went down to my waist. The straps were as wide as those of a halter top.
“You know, I think Thanos wants us to be twins,” I muttered sardonically.
When Neri didn’t respond, I glanced over at her. She was standing next to me. She tilted her head sideways at me.
“Oh. It’s uh,” I tilted my head side to side. “People who look exactly alike who are born at the same time. Brothers or sisters. Or in our case, it would be people who are dressed alike.”
She smiled at me. Yeah I was gonna have to get this chick to open up more. I so badly wanted to hear her story. But first I had to get changed and get wined and dined by the big boss man. Neri left the room so that I would dress. The top fit me well. But the skirt was a bit snug. What can I say, when you get used to hanging out with Thor and his friends, you learn to develop an appetite. There was a slit in the skirt that came midway up my thigh too. There was no mirror to see myself in, but I glanced down at myself and smiled. Not because I thought I looked good, but because I was still wearing my grey boots. Yep that was me—part chic, part tough girl. As an afterthought, I decided to braid the left side of my hair to help add to my warrior goddess look. Finally I threw open my bedroom door. Neri was standing there. I spread my arms wide. “Well? How do I look?” She gave me a quick once-over. And then she smiled. “You look...lovely.” “You think Thanos will like it? I decided to put my hair up.” “Well we shall see.” She gave a nod, her hands folded in front of her again. I wanted to grab her arms and shake her and say ‘loosen up’. Everyone had been so stiff on Asgard. So formal. Which was probably why me, Loki, and Thor had all gotten along together so easily. We all fit into that gray area. Formal but badass. Is that why Thanos was so interested in me? Had Loki told him about me and Thanos had thought, hey maybe me and this chick would get along?
My nerves could not have been any more on edge as Neri led me to the dining hall. I don’t know why I was so nervous. I had already been up close and personal with Thanos. It’s not like he was going to throw me on the table and start fucking me right there.
Was he?
Neri led me to a room with large double doors that were almost as wide as the hallway. Two burly guards were standing right outside. As we neared, they grabbed the handles and pulled them open. As soon as  I caught a glimpse beyond, my jaw dropped. The room was long and not near as big as I had imagined it would be. It was mostly filled by a long table with chairs to sit several people on each side. Thanos was sitting to my right. He was holding a goblet that looked to be made of gold and was just lifting it to his lips as we walked in. But it was what lay straight ahead of me that really caught my attention.
A large oval window adorned the wall. I could see the stars beyond. The frame was a dark metal, with metal arms extending towards a smaller circular window in the middle. It reminded me of a dark, celestial egg. Thanos’s head turned towards us.
“Ah. Neri. I see you got my guest to take up my offer.”
Always the epitome of calm. Bastard.
“My lord.” Neri stopped and bowed her head. “I have brought you the lady Nova as requested.”
I raised an eyebrow as my head swiveled back and forth between the two. What the frick, you guys? I wanted to holler.
Thanos smiled at her. “Thank you, Neri. You have always been so…accommodating.”
Aha. Master and servant with a sexual twist. And then a thought occurred to me that made my stomach drop like a stone. Had he ever forced himself on her? Surely when they were together, it wasn’t because she wanted to be. Would he try to force himself on me next if I decided I didn’t want to have sex with him? Would he split me in half trying to ram his giant-
“So, Thanos, this looks like a pretty slick room.”
My voice was chipper, but my stomach felt like it had rabid chipmunks trapped inside it.
Thanos regarded me with a curious expression. “Slick?”
“Uh…” I felt my face flame up. “Cool. Nice. Sorry you must not know much Earth lingo, you probably don’t visit there very much.”
I was rambling. Thanos raised an eyebrow at me and I could see the corner of his mouth lift as he lifted the goblet to his lips again and drank. I wanted to run back to my room and hide. Not out of fear, but because I was clearly making a total fool of myself in front of this powerful warlord.
“Do you miss your home, little one?” He set his goblet down.
I was guessing he meant Earth and not Asgard.
“Yes. Earth.” He started caressing his goblet with his thick fingers.
I took a really deep breath and let it out. “Sometimes. I miss my friends. The Avengers. I don’t even know where they are or if they would even still speak to me. Not after what Loki tried to do to…”
And then it hit me. Thanos had known about New York. And he had said earlier that he and Loki had a history together.
I glanced up at Thanos from under my lashes. My voice was flat as I spoke my suspicions. “You were the one who sent Loki after New York, weren’t you? He was working for you. So were the Chitari.”
Another grin. Part of me wanted to smack that smug ass smirk right off his face.
“So you’ve figured it out. I was hoping you would eventually.”
“Why?” I drew the word out. I was so confused now.
“Because I figured you wouldn’t want the details from the man who killed your…boyfriend.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “More of a partner, really. I think we’d been together long enough. And unfortunately, yes, I am very curious about what all transpired between you and Loki. But I’m sure that’s not why you invited me to dinner, is it?”
Thanos nodded. “A woman who likes to get down to business. I like that.” He gestured to the chair right in front of me. “Please sit.”
I cocked an eyebrow at him. Thanos was telling me please? I pulled out the chair and sat. It felt strange doing something so basic, like sitting at a table, with someone so much larger than normal people. It reminded me of being around the Hulk, except Thanos was a purple and a lot more suave and collected.
He gestured with his goblet to Neri. “Refill our cups. And bring our meal. Now that my guest is here.” He shot me a suggestive glance. I couldn’t help but blush. Neri went around to a small cart against the wall that I hadn’t noticed earlier. A pitcher lay on it. She filled both of our goblets and then returned them to us.
“Thank you,” I said when she set mine in front of me. Thanos said nothing.
I picked up my cup and glanced down at the dark red contents. I lifted it to my lips and took a small sip. Then another.
“This tastes just like…” I narrowed my eyes at Thanos, “pomegranate.”
“Are you shocked, little one?”
“Yeah. A little. I didn’t know what to expect. Maybe wine. Or something else entirely.”
“Pomegranates aren’t native to just your world. Maybe one day, when all is said and done, I can take you to where these came from. You can drink your fill.  And partake in…whatever else you like.”
Thanos placed his gauntleted hand on the table and moved it towards mine. The man was a relentless flirt. A wave of fatigue hit me.
“I have been through a lot this night.”
It wasn’t an accusation, just a reminder that I would need to sleep at some point, and not the kind of unconscious sleep that I had partaken in earlier.
“I know.” His voice was gentle. “And is that not the story of your life?”
My eyes grew wide. “And what exactly do you know of my life?” I asked calmly.
At that moment, the door opened. Neri came in carrying a tray of food. And there was another woman. They set our food in front of us and left. The smell hit me and my stomach grumbled. Even though I had just eaten not too long ago, the stress that I had been going through must have really hit me hard.
The girls left. I looked to Thanos, who had already started tearing off a piece of meat with his hands. I grabbed my fork. It was the same kind of meat and pasta looking stuff from earlier, but this time I could tell someone had spruced it up some.
“You were saying?”  Thanos said.
“Oh. My life. How do you know about it? Did Loki tell you anything?”
“Perhaps. But then, you were one of the Avengers, were you not?” He took a bite of his meat.
I chewed thoughtfully. “So you were spying on us? Through Loki or someone else?”
“You’d be surprised how far my eyes and ears have reached…And for how long.”
I started to remember my past. Had he been watching me in particular? Did he know about the School? About my parents?
“Let me ask you this…”
Uh oh. Thanos had raised his voice. Time to get down to business. I squirmed in my seat and tightened my grip on my fork.
“If you could get revenge on all of those who have wronged you…would you?”
I scowled at him. “It’s not that simple.”
“It is.”
I raised my eyes to the ceiling. “No…it isn’t. You know how many people I would have to wipe out? How many people have been afraid of me? Have hurt me? Have you ever been tortured? That wasn’t exactly a picnic. But you know what? I’ve moved on. You know why? Because people are people. They hate and fear what they can’t understand. Nothing is going to change that.”
“Then they haven’t met me.”
I slowly lowered my fork, my gaze falling to meet Thanos’s. What exactly was he implying?
“You want to destroy Earth?”
“I want to bring balance it. The whole universe in fact.”
I slowly shook my head. Crazy. Thanos was crazy. There was no other explanation.
“That isn’t possible,” I whispered.
But I knew it was. That was the purpose of the Infinity Stones. Of the gauntlet. I had to stop him. I had to warn the Avengers. But how? Even if I could escape and get back to Earth, I didn’t even know where they were. And Thor was more than likely dead, maybe even the Hulk too.
“Let us play a game, my dove. I believe you humans call it True or False.”
I wanted to flee. Everything in my body was telling me to flee. But I couldn’t.
I shook my head hard, my eyes on my plate. “Crazy. You’re fucking crazy.”
“True or false. You despise your parents for giving you to that institute.”
“I’m not playing this game.”
“True or false.”
“Go fuck yourself. I am NOT playing this game!” I stood abruptly.
Thanos reached out and grabbed my arm. I let out a yelp.
“You will do exactly as I tell you to.”
Thanos’s voice was quiet. Lethal. I tried to pull away, but his hand was like a steel trap.
“Answer me, Nova.”
“Alright. I hate my goddamn parents. Is that what you want to hear? True. I hate my parents!”
I leaned towards him as I spoke.
“True or false. You hate those who tortured you. Those who experimented on you. Who turned you into what you are.”
“I fucking HATE THEM!!” I screamed.
“Do you want them to die?”
I was shaking, I was so angry.
“Do you want them to go away, Nova? To cease to exist?”
I sank back into my chair. “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked in a quavering voice.
“Because Earth is a place for humans. And for those who like to play at being gods. But they do not know the power of a true god.” Thanos stood, still grasping my right arm. I was almost seeing red. How dare Thanos try to compromise me like this. He knelt next to me and held up my arm. “They do not know this kind of power.” I felt a strong jolt go straight through my arm and cried out. The metal clasp on my right wrist came open and fell with a clatter. My mouth fell open as my gaze shot from my wrist to Thanos’s face which was looming dangerously close to mine. “True or false. You hate not having your powers.” I nodded. What a question. “True,” I breathed. “True or false. You like the idea of the kind of power I can show you.” It was then that I noticed the power stone was lit up. I glanced up at Thanos. I tried to access my own powers and almost cried in relief as my hand lit up silver. Thanos looked at my hand and smiled. His gaze met mine. “Fate led you to me, Nova.” I didn’t say anything. Had it? Loki had never been a big fan of fate. He just believed in wanting something and then taking it upon yourself to retrieve it. No matter what the cost. Thanos’s face came closer to mine. “True or false.” “True.” Thanos’s face was now inches from mine. “True or false. You swear fealty to me.” My powers bubbled inside me like a volcano. My powers. The only thing I had ever been able to trust. Thanos was offering to give them back to me. In exchange for my fealty to him. What else can I say. I’ve always been a survivor. I grinned at my new master. “True.” I heard the clatter of metal on the floor as my second cuff fell off. Thanos leaned forward and kissed me. And I kissed him back.
@pinoflicious @tongueofareadywriter  @scarecrowsragdoll  @fridgebiscuit  @trashboaat  @annoyingwonderlandchild  @jakechillenhaal  @h3artshaped-box  @leauvel  @kurochan3  @coolblueintrovert  @the-lululemon
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gamingofkenna · 5 years
KH3 Day 7
I only have three plot-related achievements to go, so I think I’m pretty close to the end....!
I do Not like flying around in this giant space cube. Free me.
the Keyblade Graveyard I’m very worried. The Sephiroths appear and start talking about trying to start another dark war, but for the purpose of the great creation that comes after the war or something like that. So OK, pretty standard ‘im gonna do the evil thing for the benefit of all’ bad guy BS.
There are a million enemies onscreen how is the CPU handling this.
So they find ‘Terra’ but he’s been possessed by the villains, and his hair literally turns white. I’m real sick of white hair being the villain marker. Look your hair color should say nothing about the character of your heart this is not a mechanic I’m here for.
Why are they still protecting Kairi when her whole shtick this game was that she wanted to be strong enough to fight for herself and protect Sora? I’m also pretty sick of the ‘cute tiny eternally-underaged-looking girl who must be protected while she stands there defenseless’ trope. Let her fight. She and Axel trained together idk what her background before this was but she should at least be about as ready to fight as he is?? Let me see Kairi’s keyblade. Let her kill the big bad.
So... we lose. There’s practically a gameover scene. And then we’re back up to the chess board, except they’re different chess players? They look like maybe the same players, but younger now, and there’s a ‘checkmate’ by mini-Sephiroth, but young Hanzo pulls his king back and says the game isn’t over.
The Final World.
OK so all of this is.... very meta and existential and dramatic. Can we talk about how the spikes in Sora’s hair make it look like he has cat ears on close ups?
I don’t... really understand what happened with Kairi there. Was she the star in the final world, and by talking to her there Sora already saved her? (Was it possible to get through the final world without talking to that star? I wanted to talk to ALL of the stars it was so weird and sad and interesting) Was she never really gone in the first place because Sora seeing them all get taken and assuming all was lost was really jumping the gun on his part?
Why are we... repeating this scene? Did we time travel? I think we time traveled.
OK we revived all the keyblades from the original keyblade weirders but these looks like usernames?? Like Earthbound ending level meta but where are these usernames drawn from??? Is this just meant to SEEM like you’re calling upon the community or do these actually come from the KH community, winning the day for us?? Either way that was SO COOL!
The X-man is trying to make the X-blade. My joke comes full circle.
So the whole picking everyone off one by one thing is very tedious yes, but ALSO very thematic and I love getting closure on all of these faceless nameless pions. Blue-haired-guy gets a happy ‘death’. Weird antennae girl gets a happy death. Sora reassures someone’s just going to get ‘recompleted’ whatever that means and it sounds VERY dystopian scifi.
ROXAS IS BACK THE BLACK CLOAK GOOD GUYS TRIO IS REUNITED!! Yay congrats y’all!!! The girl’s name is Xion apparently which is funny to me, both that it’s another X name, and because I finally realize where that weird Japanese manga name ‘Shion’ comes from.
Ugh don’t kidnap Kairi again this is getting so boring.
So Xion must be the girl Axel was seeing in Kairi when he was kidnapped and trapped with her on a deserted island by a crazy wizard. They do look a little similar? Not that there’s enough variety in face models for that to be important - two main characters are literally like identical twins or something.
Y’know this fight would be so much easier if Roxas and Xion didn’t look exactly like the bad guy I’m fighting.
Why do all the trios have one girl? I mean I know the answer is sexism but what’s the in-universe answer? Is one of the ‘guys’ really nonbinary and it’s now my job to figure out which one it is in every trio because that’s what I’m doing now.
Now we freed Terra!! I think that’s everyone we were trying to find? Except the girl who’s in Kairi, and now we’re also looking for Kairi again ugh. Look Kairi doesn’t need to be a butt-kicking hero of the day like Aqua is, but can you elevate her somewhat above ‘cute little girl who is always in trouble’?
Last big fight with the Sephiroths, and then we’re coming for you, Baldie.
Aaaaaand.... he killed Kairi? Or something? I guess we know that coming back from the dead is totally an option so.
And we are In! Kingdom! Hearts! I think!
OK wait actually X-man calls this ‘Scala ad Caelum’, the nexus where all the worlds are born. Literally the ladder to heaven. Probably the topmost level of the Inception dream - beyond this is literally only our actual reality.
I died like fifteen times in that fight.
So one of X-man’s moves was literally to pull the light out of Sora, turning him into the dark Sora form that I jump into whenever my health is low and I really don’t wanna die. I’m still not sure if I morally should be doing rage form or not.
Holy friiiiiiiiiick ok so the chess game was a long time ago, like when the first Keyblade war was.... and Terra’s teacher along with X-man were there, or something, being the chess players, and grew up to be the Keyblade teachers - except X-man was all doomsday prophet and all that, and decided to do time travel shenanigans to try to reset the whole world. Which like, valid? But also Sora’s whole ‘thats not your call to make’ should be your FIRST thought when you decide the world sucks and you wanna reset it!!
Anyway, Hanzo/Equius/whatever his name is.... probably like died or something in a previous game, or maybe even before the series started, except death is fake and he lived on metaphysically to help the new kids stop his old chess-mate (lol) from resetting the world and hopefully now y’all can CHILL.
Is Kingdom Hearts like actually just the moon tho. Was this game Majora’s Mask the whole time.
“His heart and his mind are made up” yeah but like technically.... this whole game is made up....
No joke if I was even a hair more invested in this I would be crying, I would be sobbing about this ending sequence, everyone moving on and being happy and having friends and the cat-thing found not-Roxas and some girl gets put in the replica body I don’t know who she is - is she Namine?? - but Riku is really happy and I don’t know how y’all can stand this. They’re playing on the beach with old bad guys and and Kairi is there in the sunset and they’re holding hands and Sora is gone???? He pulls a Luke Skywalker and vanishes what is this???
There’s more after the credits - eyepatch from before shows up at the Keyblade graveyard, with the black box everyone was hunting for earlier and promptly forgot about. Four white-robed people with animal masks show up too.... I don’t get any of this, but it suggests there’s something bad still on the horizon (of course).
Then we’re back to the chess game and baby Hanzo says there’s a new game - baby X has seven pieces (four of them have animal tops like from the previous scene) and then Hanzo pulls out the king (representing Sora!) and says ‘Just watch’!! So??? New series???
OK and I didn’t get enough hidden mickeys to unlock the secret ending to brb while I do that.
I would assume at least - I actually looked up the phrase and apparently it’s nonsense that’s at the end of all the games so that’s nothing - but we see Sora, alive, and he and Riku are in the Verum Rex world, so I’m guessing.... that means something? There’s more I guess is what it means.
OK it’s midnight, I’m spending three more bucks just to sleep and turn this game in tomorrow, I’m posting this tonight and I’ll make a proper post-game tomorrow.
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drx3-imagines · 7 years
ah can i request an angsty scenario where izaya gets into an argument with his s/o (maybe about his health) and they both say hurtful things before she leaves to get some space and ends up being shot or jumped while she's out?? thats sounds confusing. does that sound confusing? if chilli peppers are hot, why do they call them 'chilli' peppers?? who knows.
So when Christopher Columbus went to America to steal a bunch of crap for England he discovered the chili pepper and mistook it for black pepper, hence calling it “chile pepper” - frick knows when it was turned to chili maybe someone was like oh hey it’s funny if there’s two i’s either side of the L lmaolmao Anyway there’s your history lesson time for some depressing stuff
Whilst you had always understood what it meant to beinvolved with Izaya Orihara, there were times you stopped and had to take astep back, just to see what was happening and why everything was speeding at adramatic pace. Whilst he might not have been the most romantic of partners, hewas a powerful partner to have - his connections and knowledge had helped youout on many an occasion.
Still, you couldn’t help but be concerned every now andthen. For someone who insisted they “loved all humans” and constantlyplayed his twisted games with the powerful figures in Ikebukuro, he sure actedall high and mighty about it. Whilst most days he was bearable, there were somewhere you just couldn’t understand him and his attitude.
Today was one of those days; you had left the bedroom tofind him at the table, his usual chess board set up with the variety of gamepieces spread across. He was bent over it, muttering to himself as he pushedpieces together. To an outsider such as yourself, the order made no sensewhatsoever - it just seemed like someone with either a vivid imagination orsomething wrong.
“Hey.” you approached him with a small smile.“I didn’t see you come to bed last night.”
“I couldn’t sleep.” he responded, whilst pullingout a sheet of paper and drawing up a list; most of the time you couldn’t makeany sense of the hasty scribbles he made. “I was too busy figuring out thenext move in my plan.”
“Which plan is this?” you asked, a cynical twistto your brow. “The ‘get rid of Shizuo’ plan, or the 'ascend to Valhalla’plan? Or maybe the 'make the Black Rider’s life hard’ one? I don’t know, I’velost count.” you walked towards the kitchen to make some breakfast only tofind dinner still out by the side.
“Ah - Izaya? Did you even eat last night?”
“Of course not.” he dully replied. “Who couldeat at a time like this? This is crucial and I need all my brainpower to figureout each move.”
You crossed your arms in irritance. “You still need toeat!”
Izaya looked up at you with a wry grin. “Oh, I’msorry,” he snickered. “I had no idea you were now my mother.”
You blinked back at this. It wasn’t the first time he hadsnapped at you in such a way, and probably wouldn’t be the last. And of course,being a man you trusted with your past and your weaknesses, he knew how tostrike you strongest when he really needed to. You had seen him strike againsthis enemies using everything at his disposal - a cruel and brutal attack thatalways hit the mark.
“I’m only concerned for your health.” you tried toreason with him. “It’s not good to keep staying up late at night and noteating. You’ll become weak, and what would I do if you suddenly collapsedwhilst out on a job? I can’t be with you all the time.” You reached out ahand to touch his shoulder, only to have him push it away with his arm.
“You don’t have to be with me at any time.” helooked at you with cold eyes. “If you don’t like how I do things, or livemy life, you’re free to leave at any time.”
“You don’t mean that!” you snapped back, and youcould feel tears prickling inside your eyes at the blank words he was giving.You could tell the lack of sleep and food was affecting him, no matter how muchof a breakthrough he was supposedly having. You knew it was best not to take itpersonally…and yet…
“Izaya, I love you. I don’t want to see you hurtyourself like this! How could you talk about me leaving when I only want tomake you happy!” you slammed your hands on the table next to his arm, anattempt of a passionate exclamation to him. And yet his eyes still seemedlacking of emotion as he sneered.
“You know what would make me happy? If you left anddidn’t come back until you learnt your place in my perfect little world.”
You gave a shaky sob as you stood back up, twitching as ifslapped by the poisonous words.
“Well…if that’s how you feel…I’ll go out and giveyou some space for a bit.”
You stepped away, hiding your face from him so he wouldn’tsee the tears now rolling down your cheeks. A few minutes later and your shoeswere on your feet, ready to leave the apartment. You opened the door, andhesitated for a split second. What worth would it be if you went back to himand embraced him, tried to show your feelings for him physically? Would he snapout of his trance and apologise?
Something inside you whispered that no, he would react justthe same. He was in the mood where there was no way of bringing him backanytime soon. The best thing to do, as you agreed, was to give him space tothink; and maybe time for you to think yourself as well. With a heavy sigh, youclosed the door with a heavy bang, your anger taken out on the wooden frame.
Walking out of the apartment building, you stood, trying tothink of where to go. You could always drop by Ikebukuro and see if any of yourfriends were available for a get together, or wander to the Shinjuku cafes andsee what was on offer. Your tummy rumbled as you remembered you hadn’t eatenbreakfast yet, and yet a guilty pang shot through you as the image of the leftdinner flitted past your mind’s eye. You shook your head, trying to forget theevents of the morning as you set off in one direction.
You didn’t notice the black car with tinted windows that wasmaking its way down the road towards you. You didn’t see the window roll downto see a man in black shades and a suit identify you.
“Nothing personal, sweetheart.” he called out,causing you to whip round to face him. “Just leaving a message to yourmeddlesome boyfriend.”
A horrific pain shot through your abdomen as you realisedall too soon the man had shot you, no noise made by the silencer attachment.You tried to let out a scream but your breath had been taken from you, as youcollapsed onto the pavement. You raised your hand to your face and saw throughyour blurring vision the blood stains on your fingers. And then everything wentdark.
“Is this Orihara?” a voice drawled down the phoneto Izaya’s ear.
“The very same.” he replied, still scribbling downnotes and moving the position of the pieces.
“Well, we got a bone to pick with you. See, we ain’thappy with the way you treated our boss, see? So we figured, if you’re gonnastick your nose into our business, then we might as well stick our nose intoyours, ya see?”
Izaya frowned as his hand closed on a white queen chessfigure, rolling it around with his fingers. “And what exactly does thatmean?”
“Well, ya little bird took a little flight, right? Didn’teven see it coming. Direct hit on the stomach. If any luck, she’s alreadygone.”
“What are you-” his eyed widened in fear as hestopped moving. No way. Could it have been…?
“It’s a shame, too. She was real pretty. Too bad shegot involved with a scum like you. Laters.”
The phone clicked dead as Izaya jolted up from his seat,knocking the chess board over. Pieces scattered across the floor with anechoing clatter.
The only thing left was the white queen still held in hishand, held so tightly it was creating an indent in his palm.
- Mel
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tiny-smallest · 7 years
Rating: T Characters: Bendy, Alice, mention of various characters Warnings: there’s some light body horror with Alice’s ‘halo’ and the reference of lots of abuse and also murder Description: Bendy decides to invite Alice over for a talk. Predictably, it doesn't go well.
Also on AO3!
So I’ve fallen in love with @the-vampire-inside-me‘s Inkborne AU. I’m not very sure what a lot of the backstory is in it yet-- for example, whether or not Joey was abusive, whether or not he made Boris, Bendy, or Alice, or how quickly the Ink made the place decay, or... a timeline in general. But my brain sure wanted to find out, and it had the idea that this Bendy and Alice have a very strained relationship, and so this thing happened that assumes a looooooot of things about... everything I just mentioned. And explores why that relationship is strained. Trigger warning for talk about torture because boy howdy. Joey was. Yeah, he was a special kind of dick.
So anyway, have this drabble, otherwise titled “I write angst to deeply unfitting music.”
He sat under the tree high up on the manor grounds, staring out over the decaying city. Seemed like just a short time ago that the Ink took over. But his view of the passage of time had always been weird. Maybe it had something to do with being a demon. Yeah, that was probably it, right?
Man, it was a good thing Joey’s ancestor had decided that a regular plot of land wouldn’t do; he had to build the manor on an area built up on top of a cliff overlooking the town like a show-offy jackass. Whatever mess was going on below wouldn’t actually reach here, if ever, and thank god.
Now if only his grandstanding ancestor had built the manor on the taller mesa instead of the smaller one. So much would have been avoided if escape had been possible from this miserable town, but the sheer cliff of the taller mesa back beyond the manor grounds meant that there was no other way out. Why was this entire stupid town in what was basically a fucking bowl of land?
Ugh, this was not the mood he wanted to be in for this meeting. It was already going to suck enough without moping and fuming. Closing his eyes, he breathed in and out for a few minutes, but the sound of wings quickly drew them open.
Alice was here.
She landed several feet away from him, the delicate magic, threads of white sprouting from her back into some overly decorative wing design, slowly folding back up into her back from whence it came. She nodded a curt, polite greeting.
Bendy, however, was not much for politeness. “Surprised you came.”
Her mouth puckered into a frown as she lifted the veil covering her face. “You asked. I saw no problem with answering your request.”
“Why? Did they run out of praise for ya?” He didn’t even bother trying to hide the sullenness from his voice. So much for trying to start this off on neutral grounds.
“If you just drew me out here to insult me, I’ll leave.” She was having none of his shit today. When had she ever? Even back when what he’d had to say had been logical and reasonable, she hadn’t been interested in listening to him, oh no. He huffed, standing up and stretching the soreness from his muscles. Yeesh. He needed to stop falling asleep sitting up.
“Well? Why did you want to meet me?”
Yeah, being abrasive was seriously the wrong choice, but he’d made it. Whoops. “… I need yer help.”
“You have a funny way of asking for it.”
“Look, it’s been a rough-” Day? Week? Year? More like lifetime. Yeah, ‘lifetime’ sounded about right, but ‘week’ would be accurate, too. The dead horse he’d hauled back in chunks to the manor was all eaten now. He was back to eating squirrels. “-week.”
Deep breaths, Bendy. Because they worked so well last time. Augh.
“I wanna get outta this shithole. You can’t fly far but you got power; maybe you could help-”
“Absolutely not.”
Despite his preperations to hear that answer, a rock dropped into his stomach anyway. “Why the fuck not!? You’re strong! I’m strong!” Inexperienced despite his best attempts at not sucking, but strong! That counted for something, right? “The two of us together could ditch this place so fast our heads would spin! I don’ know what the world is like out there but god Alice, it’s gotta be better’n here!” Anywhere would be. Anywhere.
Her face softened. Shit, he must look more pathetic than he’d meant to look. “… I’d help. I really would. But it’s dangerous, significantly so. And I can’t risk my life when there are others depending on that life, much less actually leave the city with you.”
His face twisted into a scowl. This trash again? “They don’ own you, Al. You don’ owe them jack.”
“I can protect them. If I can do it, I should, and I can, so I choose to.” Her words, calm and deliberate, held a match to a boiling pit of gas in his belly.
“I don’ understand! Why are ya doing this!?” he exploded, gesturing furiously to the hellscape below, covered in ink and blood and dead things and nightmares, and in the center, the tower of a chapel, the only place untainted by the evil of the Ink… but very much tainted with the evil called humanity. “Why is this so important to ya!? Don’ you realize yer literally playin’ right into Joey’s hands, here!?”
Her eyes widened with something he couldn’t entirely place, but he guessed might be fear. The hand that rose halfway to her mouth didn’t help her case if she wanted to pretend that accusation didn’t freak her out. “What… what do you mean?”
“He did this to ya, Al! He did-” he gestured at the thing that could possibly be considered a halo nailed into Alice’s head “-that! God, Al, he tortured you same as either’a us! And yer gonna just- go along with yer ‘purpose’ after all that!? He made ya to clean up his mess, he fuckin’- nailed a thing into yer head so you could actually be equipped to clean up that mess, cause you ain’t a person, yer a tool to him! You know what he did to me! To Boris! You too! And yet yer jus’- gonna do what he wanted ya to do like a good little girl!? Like a goddamn chess piece!? He ain’t even here anymore! God knows where he fuckin’ slipped off to but there ain’t any ‘father’ to appease, Al!”
Her eyes, glazed during his tirade, cleared, and she didn’t so much fold her arms as she did hug herself, though her eyes remained on his. “Don’t misunderstand my intentions, Bendy. I don’t do what I do out of any love for Joey Drew. Or for his plans. This isn’t a seal of approval on anything he did to any of us, and I’m no puzzle piece of his, whatever he might think of all of this, if he’s even still alive somewhere.” Her eyes narrowed as she let go of herself, back straightening. “I do what I do because I want to. These people need protection, guidance, and healing. The city is overrun, has been for a long time now, and they’re scared. They need me and whether I like how I got these powers or not, I have them. I may as well use them.”
“Why you wanna do what they want any more than what Joey wants!?” The demon waved his hands in the air, as if he could swat away the ridiculousness of this like a fly. Or maybe he was just so full of emotion he needed to move. Probably some combination of the two. “Don’ you know that if they realized yer from the same origin point me and Boris are, they’d turn on ya!? Humans are fricking awful; I’d’ve thought you’d’ve figured that out when they tortured and murdered Boris! Jus’ leave ‘em to rot; they’d’a done the same to us in our shoes! Who cares what their issues are!? Who cares if they all die off!?”
Something inside the angel hardened a touch and she leveled a stare at him. Bendy, undeterred as per usual, put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot. “Just because our father never loved us,” Alice said, eyes like daggers, “doesn’t mean we can’t love the world.”
“Why should I!? It ain’t ever loved me!” The little demon returned her glare, hoping it drilled holes in her stupid head. “I know I ain’t owed the world, but I was owed more than what I got, Al, and you fuckin’ know it.” Tears were smudging her into a black and white blur, but there was no stopping this train now that they were on it. “I didn’ deserve the shit Joey did ta me, I didn’ deserve bein’ locked up in that tiny closet full’a crosses an’ left to puke my guts out, or any of the lashings, or the chains to hold me down durin’ those rituals ta ‘increase my power,’ or whatever bullshit that was, or ta have this plague pinned on me, or any of the rest of the shit I might be forgettin’ that Joey did ta me! And! They murdered Boris! Lemme repeat that again since you didn’ seem ta hear it, but they murdered Boris! He didn’ like fightin’, he never wanted ta hurt a soul and I don’ even think he was capable of it; all he did was leave the manor grounds, and when the same goddamn people you now protect in yer stupid church found out, they hunted him down like- like an animal and tortured him and murdered him! They put his body on fuckin’ display! I can see, jus’ barely but I can, his fuckin’ corpse from a few places in the manor, all cause a bunch of humans decided he didn’ deserve to live and the bullshit magic that brought us to life doesn’t allow bodies to decay or somethin’!”
“It hurt,” she whispered, rubbing at an eye. “It hurt finding out that he died. And like that. He didn’t deserve it, not ever. But I refuse to condemn an entire town full of people for the actions of some who I can’t even identify. I don’t know who killed him; I wouldn’t shelter them if I did know. I just know I didn’t kill him, and that if I could, I’d bring his murderers to justice. His death isn’t my fault.”
“You abandoned us!” Bendy shrieked, tears streaming openly now, hands in fists. “Boris is dead, Al! He’s fuckin’- he’s dead! He didn’t deserve none’a that! But it happened anyway, and if you’d been there maybe he woulda survived!” With each word, her features grew calmer and calmer, harder and harder to read, and the more they did, the hotter he felt inside, ready to slug her. “You abandoned us and he died!”
“… You might be projecting a little, there,” Alice said, her voice a smooth sort of cool that didn’t sit well in the demon’s stomach. “Maybe if I’d been there, maybe, he would be fine. But you were there. And you knew he was antsy, you knew he was tired of being cooped up in the manor, you knew all of that… but I know you, and I know you wouldn’t stop talking about how much you wanted to get out, either. I wasn’t there, but you were, and you didn’t keep a closer eye on him, or reel in your fantasy talk, or any other number of things to preempt the situation. At the end of the day, it’s ultimately the fault of the people who murdered him, but if either of us are to blame at all, Bendy, it’s you.”
The world felt frozen. The sun was still out, but everything was so cold. His stomach felt hollow, and not just because of his squirrel diet.
“I think you better leave,” he rasped.
“I think I should,” came the icy reply. Without another word, she drew her veil up and spread her magic wings, leaving the tiny demon staring at nothing in the wake of the gust of wind her wings created from takeoff.
His legs gave out and he collapsed into sobs hard enough to wrack his whole tiny, thin body.
So basically the idea regarding the background information for this is that Joey made all three of them, was a horrific piece of shit to them, but vanished one day after the Ink outbreak. Bendy’s mention of ‘father’ was a reference to an old conversation in once Joey mused aloud that technically speaking, as he made them, he could be considered their father. Running off the idea that crosses don’t kill Bendy in this, but direct contact will burn and being surrounded by them will leave him with severe headaches and stomachaches. They make him literally sick. Idea about the room of crosses being a punishment inflicted whenever Bendy misbehaved comes from this comic.
Bendy, unable to escape the city alone, continued his residence in the very same Drew Manor that he’s lived in his whole life and has wanted nothing more than to escape from, only because it’s the safest place in town due to its location. Headcanon is that he needs to eat but can eat stuff humans wouldn’t be able to, so he lives off of whatever he can catch in the manor grounds and, occasionally, the dead horses of travelers to the town that he takes apart and brings back to the manor.
Being trapped in the same place of years and years of abuse because it’s ironically become the only safe place in a living hell is a kind of hell in it of itself; starving on top of that makes it suck even more.
Alice, meanwhile, escaped the manor at an odd period of time where the Ink was starting to make its way into town but hadn’t become a full blown plague yet. Though she escaped Joey, her heartstrings were tugged by the frightened people and she took up residence in the chapel, which became a safe haven when the real outbreak hit. She became a leader to the remains of the town’s population, keeping the Ink at bay with her powers and healing those who needed it. Boris died shortly after Alice left and I think it’s pretty clear how and why.
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fleetingfan77 · 7 years
The Flaw in Every Crystal
Chapter 12: ‘Retraining Arc’ Part 4
Aka: Getting to know you
Aka: None of this had to happen
Chapter first released on Zombie Jesus day, I’m reviewing about a month before his birthday, but I just couldn’t wait so let’s get into it.
So, after a few days of learning and review, Prowl decides that its time for exams in his EXTREME Wing Language Accelerated Course WL101.  
We see when Jazz first responds to Prowl early on that he isn’t ready to start earning trust points back quite yet. Rather he is still showing Prowl all the anger he still has in the situation. Then Prowl uses the threat of harm to Jazz to get Jazz to stop acting out. As this is still early on in the abuse cycle wherein the pain to Jazz’s wings hasn’t faded from his memory yet, Jazz complies. And this then of course justifies Prowl’s actions to himself since then he is able to get what he wants out of Jazz, erasing any guilt Prowl may have had in the moment of hurting Jazz via believing that getting Jazz to behave will prevent any future harm. We can see this in Prowl, instead of letting Jazz’s submission at the threat of violence be enough, threatening Jazz again with more communication isolation/harm to his new wings. 
Aka, as long as I can imagine a harsh even end, any means can be justified to prevent it.
As Prowl leaves for a full day, we finally get to see some of the isolation getting to Jazz more since he expresses relief at Prowl returning. It’s probably a pretty bad/realistic nightmare to Jazz that if Prowl died, Jazz would just be left in THAT ROOM to rot/deactivate all alone and super slowly since he would have until the drip ran out entirely. Granted this would probably not happen as Prowl’s assets, mate included, would either go to his family or the state if his family decided they didn’t want their son’s quarter/fifth trained mate.
And now more miscommunication, as Prowl won’t directly tell Jazz what he is feeling/thinking/expecting in terms of Jazz, Jazz sees all of Prowl’s actions as either random or a set up to pain. So when Prowl gives a generic “Sorry I’m late” Jazz right away is on edge trying to figure out a true meaning/code to the words that may not even be there. 
Interesting to note that in spite of everything Prowl refers to the house as “our home” to Jazz. This indicates that Prowl is still reminding Jazz that there is a reason for him to be going through all of this, as Prowl wants the end goal of them being mates/together, for a time at least. Prowl also mentions the house, but not the attack. Prowl actually doesn’t bring it up until he needs a reason to prevent Jazz from being released from suspension. (Though considering I read MTMTE, Jazz should be happy he was just strung up instead of “Getaway-ed”) 
Prowl also uses this conversation to remind Jazz pretty much of the old saying “Once bitten, twice shy” and that he will be watching Jazz for any deceit from now on. I can’t help but think that there are a lot of versions of Prowl that would actually love this little give and take, trying to see how Jazz will escape and what tactics he will use with anticipation and excitement as opposed to this versions irritation. It’s kinda sad really that there doesn’t even seem to be a hint of respect or admirable. In other story, this could be grade A filtration material right here!
"I am not looking for a pet of any sort," Prowl replied with a bite of anger.
Yes Jazz, its pretty obvious Prowl wants a doll more than a pet. Pets can attack and make messes after all. Dolls just stand there and look pretty while spouting off the same three lines over and over again. 
"Maybe if I wasn't forced into it, ever think a' that?" ..."Because that would have worked so well…" Prowl's wings now flared too. "You showed such opposition to the idea of remaining that it's impossible to believe you would have cared to be grateful."
Now this is an odd sentence. Prowl is making it seem here as though he made Jazz his mate to prevent Jazz from leaving right away. But the fact of the matter is that Jazz kept quiet at first about leaving, even wanting to take in all of the sights while Prowl was applying to make Jazz his mate. It was finalized the day that Jazz tried to make a brake for it true, but the ball had already been rolling long before that. And Jazz knows this as Prowl gave him the bonding certificate when he was about to bolt. Is Prowl blending the two in his mind or is he trying to gaslight Jazz about it in this moment? Maybe Prowl is trying to justify and get up some more righteous anger at Jazz trying to leave?
“ Maybe if we woulda' got along well I coulda' came back or you coulda' moved to Iacon...”
And this line means that Jazz must know that Prowl was planning things out for awhile to keep Jazz in Praxus. After all, Jazz is recalling how they did actually get along at first and it was mutual attraction with Jazz’s intelligence/creativity sparking something in Prowl to make him chose Jazz. Not love, not lust after learning Prowl’s true goal for kidnapping, but it was something at least that Prowl saw in Jazz that told him he could stomach spending a lot of time with Jazz. Which I just realized makes what Jazz said about Prowl moving to Iacon to be with Jazz has SO MUCH DRAMATIC IRONY. I think that’s the correct usage of that phrase at least.
So much trouble and hassle would/could of been prevented if instead of shutting the conversation down at this point, Prowl had just said, even in anger, that he would not have been allowed to move to Iacon. Not even give the reason, but just that tidbit for Jazz to chew on. BUT NOOOOOO. Though even at this point, I don’t know how well Jazz would have responded. Would Jazz have tried to pounce on cooperating right away or would he have still been too angry at what Prowl has already done to him?
What Jazz said must have struck at least some kind of cord with Prowl since Prowl does return later in the orn to give Jazz a second shot at “earning” his energon. And then Prowl uses one foot to step into the room since the other goes straight into his mouth. Trying to say that Jazz being disobedient is not earning himself energon on purpose and therefore Jazz is staving himself and must be watch over to ensure that he will not starve himself via....pissing off Prowl...who doesn’t give Jazz enough energon... therefore making Jazz starve...himself? I think Prowl’s chain of logic is missing a few links, but hay, what else is new?
Jazz is going along with it, though in the moment we don’t know whether its hunger or finally putting a new plan into motion that has more steps than “frick off Prowl”.For asking in such a way Prowl allows Jazz to hold the cube himself via releasing only Jazz’s arms from restraints. I don’t know if its because he is still being punished for early, to make sure Jazz can’t attack him, or if Jazz’s arm use was all Prowl decided Jazz was owned for how he asked. 
And then Jazz moves forward with his current master plan, “Frick off Prowl” and throws it in Prowl’s face. Great plan Jazz, this is why you grow into a master spy someday. *slow clap* Honestly surprised that a return to the start in Jazz being fully done up and mute was the punishment and not something harsher. Though Jazz did restrain himself by throwing it in Prowl’s face rather than spitting it. Probably because once it was in his mouth his hunger would force Jazz to sallow. 
Plan “Frick off Prowl” moves forward a notch as Prowl demands an apology from the now seriously starving Jazz. Jazz at this point is so angry, distinguished, and powerless that he just kinda accepts death out of sheer defiance. Then Prowl returns insult for insult by dumping the energon below Jazz. Prowl only leaves when he can get the last word lately I’ve noticed, and if Prowl doesn’t get the last word in, he mutes Jazz. 
Prowl takes some time to form up a new strategy since his current one is going pretty bad. Jazz on the other hand seems to given up on any plan beyond “Frick off Prowl” to the point of trying to make them both loose rather than risk Prowl come anywhere close to winning. Prowl’s new plan seems to be a war of attrition, just wearing Jazz down to the point where he will actually accept energon from Prowl now. 
Quick note on this sentence:  “ Alone Jazz would have gotten about as much on him as in him, all of his functions having slowed down quite a bit. so the other's assistance helped quite a bit. “ Kinda odd to hear the phrase used twice so close together, though I know I’m probably not one to talk about such things.
Anyway, now that Jazz is weak enough to be handled, Prowl goes for pleasant physical contact to try to remind Jazz of how things could be. Jazz, being so touch-starved, goes for it at first. We then go for another ride on the “Jazz emotional roller-coaster,sponsored by Prowl” as Prowl goes from petting Jazz’s head to harming his wing at Jazz’s delayed response to being petted by Prowl. 
"You have no right to act angry when it is your own fault for your present situation.” I feel that this is a phrase that SO needs to be tossed back into Prowl’s face at some point. Especially any time he riles Jazz up on purpose and then berates Jazz for his actions while angry, or just any time Prowl gets angry at Jazz. Kinda disappoints me that i don’t think it ever is... 
Jazz, I know I said before about using your life as a valuable game piece, but I was thinking more in terms of poker, or chess, not a freaking game of chicken or a staring contest!
And with Prowl’s declaration that Jazz will not die, Jazz’s goals suddenly become a lot clearer. 
Till next time!
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claidi · 7 years
I just saw the first episode of Vrains and I’m not sure what to think of it yet. It’s definitely having a different feel to it, I’ll give it that. Current main points:
-I want to see more about Yusaku. I love me some character centric episodes. This... didn’t have much about our don’t notice me hacker bro
-Let hot dog man sell hotdogs 
-Speaking of, that hotdog/hacker mobile must be freaking massive. How much room is IN that thing? 
-Yusaku is so not noticed in class that everyone leaves him sleeping. I CAAAN’T
-There’s a lot of name droppage and not many explanations yet...? I hope the whys come soon.
-I bet those deleted users wish they had physical cards right about now. Can you imagine that mess? “What do you mean you LOST ALL MY ACCOUNT INFORMATION?” “Calm down. It’s not our fault hackers broke in. Now do you have any proof of what you had on the account?” “How the FRICK does getting flamed by a virtual dragon LOOSE MY FREAKING DECK??? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MONEY I-”
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wellntruly · 7 years
Star Trek: DS9 Notes - S5, Vol. 6
I loved this season even more than last season and honestly if we continue with this pattern I don’t know if I'll survive this series intact, I will ACTUALLY float up into space, BORNE ALOFT BY LOVE.
So anyway let’s see if that happens.
5x23 ‘Blaze of Glory’ - I greatly enjoy Sisko hating Eddington, so am definitely signing on for this one - Jake SO DISTRAUGHT over having eaten ~purée of tube grubs~ is some fine hilarity by Cirroc Lofton - aw, Nog, being ignored like that actually really does suck
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Ben has a Space Chess set!!
- SABER BEAR. sorry this is just the second mention of SABER BEARS and I got excited. - update on my feelings about the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine theme song: I now get goosebumps for the majority of it, and tear up an average of 1.5 times. just in case you are wondering how much of a sap you’re dealing with. - “Your generosity of spirit touches me.” glad to see Eddington is still a straight-up Hugo character - so actually, what is the Maquis timeline here. Chakotay and his peeps are already lost out with Captain Janeway by this point yeah? because my impression has been that the events of Voyager are running concurrently with DS9, starting when the series first overlapped in ’95...? - MORN HAS GONE SPACE CRAZY. WHAT. WHAAAAAT. oh that’s wild. that is exactly the fringe character to have that happen to. - one thing I do appreciate about Quark is how he never makes any attempt to hide the fact that he’s a wimp - Sisko: “Don’t worry Major, I’m not alone.”   SPIN REVEAL: it’s Eddington. of course it is.
- “I wasn’t aware that you were a food critic.” Ben. did he touch a nerve. - yeah but Eddington, you’re trying to paint a picture of the Maquis as this non-threatening little community growing tomatoes, and it’s like you’ve forgotten that I’ve seen you guys before, and you not only fight, but you fight dirty
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the theme of this episode is Jake Is Appalled
- hahaha, Sisko what are you doing, I’m loving this casual tone as the Jem’Hadar warships wend your way - Sisko: “One thing I will say about these replicators — they sure know how to make Klingon coffee.”
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that’s a new space mug style and I want one. is this the Starfleet runabout standard issue?
- Sisko, commenting on Eddington’s piloting, sipping from his silver coffee mug: “Very fancy.” - haHAHAHA, what!! now Eddington’s promising a mano a mano fight to the death once they deactivate the missiles? what even the hell! CHILL OUT, BOY SCOUT - a “lucky Loonie” — HE’S FUCKING CANADIAN. so in the future does Canada stop apologizing and start Getting Real. - btw did you notice that O Canada still calls Sisko Captain when they’re fighting together - hahaha wait: he’s gotta be French Canadian - “That’s a scurrilous lie!” Jake-o you’re my favorite - “Nog, you are definitely getting stranger as you get older.” - local writer who recognizes character development when he sees it - “A grim little fogbound piece of rock in the middle of nowhere.” yup, Edds is still Hugo-ing - what I enjoy most about characters who hate each other but are forced to work together is definitely the quick-fire insults. there’s something so freeing about knowing you aren’t going to have to leave space for the other person to be Shocked & Offended, so it just becomes a game of trying to get off all your zingers in the time that you have. - aw, that’s a lot of dead Maquis…. - “Well I’m glad one of us remembered they can do that.” lol, lol - wAIT WAS IT A CODED MESSAGE. has Eddington just been playing Sisko this whole time and always intended to come here to save them, and also knew the weapons weren’t even launched?! goddamnit, I’m so impressed and so aggravated - yeah, the Maquis always end up being cooler than you want - aw frick, Eddington! gotta go out hero-ing dontcha - oh, you need a rousing song to sing as you fight to the death, drastically out-gunned, for your hopeless cause? Eddington, I think you know. - “He was a complicated man.” Jadzia is correct. - good news Sisko, there are some Maquis still out there! very, very out there. like waaaayy out there.
5x24 ‘Empok Nor’ - ah ah thank you for this, I have now deduced that nor is Cardassian for space station! yes, woo, love a vocab word - OH mygod I started laughing SO HARD at that sudden loud noise in Quark’s. I am twelve. - Chief O’Brien is v impressed that Nog is watching what he’s doing and learning it himself. actually it occurs to me that you could use much the same approach to endear yourself to Miles O’Brien as you would Ron Swanson. - I. LOVE. SALVAGE MISSIONS. I love going to some abandoned space thing and scrounging for parts. it was shit like that that made Firefly fun. - Cardassians are known booby-trappers — even better! - Miles should therefore take along a Cardassian — EVEN BETTER
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up front: if we make it through this entire episode without you two talking about your Julian Bashir timeshare schedule I will personally find Bryan Fuller and ask him how dare he
- oh, related — I could have told you in advance who Bryan Fuller would want to tell stories with: ELIM GARAK. Bryan loves 12 things, and Garak contains all of them. 1. quips 2. mystery 3. stylized veneer of manners over a BLACK ABYSS of a backstory/present 4. ~whimsy~ 5. occupations that sound like they should only exist in the past 6. MIND GAMES 7. Ambiguously Gay 8. has killed, and could kill again! 9. allusions/quotation 10. sass 11. non-denominational but still highly theological codes of morality 12. good actors who have a lot of ideas about their characters - Garak is thrown by people on the station recently taking to TRUSTING HIM, ahahaha, bless - Garak: “Next thing I know people are going to be inviting me to their homes for dinner.”   Miles: “Well if it makes you feel any better, I promise I will never have you over.”   Garak: “I appreciate that, Chief!”   Miles: “Ah don’t mention it.”
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- Garak is playing a board game with Nog. bless Star Trek. - in fact Garak, I do not know about O’Brien’s distinguished war record from Setlik III, which is exactly why you are telling me about it now! I’M INTO IT. - well less than 10 minutes in and Garak is loftily referring to all the time O’Brien and Bashir spend together — B Fulls, I can always count on you - Garak: “So when you and Dr. Bashir go into the holosuites for hours at a time, you’re just repairing them?”   O’Brien: “What’s your point, Garak.”   can’t imagine - Garak isn’t letting this go. he’s describing their fighter pilot get-ups. I have collapsed. - he just reeeaally wants to engage with Miles in some sort of game and/or battle, HUH. very intriguing! - Garak to Nog: “The scanner in the airlock might mistake your enthusiasm as Cardassian—but not your DNA.” great delivery as always, Robinson
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NOW THIS IS CLASSIC, oooooohh I love Alien, I love genre!
- everything lighting up (well as much as Cardassians light things) in all the empty corridors! the empty static-y screens! THIS CARDASSIAN IN A STASIS CHAMBER?! - moment to appreciate Chief O’Brien’s categories of salvageable materials: Must Haves, Could Use, and Would Be Nice - young blue guy, it’s sweet that you found a souvenir for your bud, but if you don’t reorganize your Priority Concerns here, I fear you will die before you can give it to him
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great use of understatement. I would also have accepted “now where do you think you’re going”
- it ESPLODED - “Death To All” is a hell of a motto. that’s the New Hampshire of mottos. - Cute Lady Rando: “Maybe they’re just upset that we haven’t introduced ourselves.”   Balding Rando: “We should find them. Say hello.”   you guys are fun - yeeesss turn the whole station into a telegraph and signal S.O.S., that rules - oh---Garak is rubbing his palm where he got that biogenic matter on him. you’re not supposed to touch stuff in Alien movies, Elim. oh noooo. - Nog dramatically sweeping the cargo bay for foes while Garak and O’Brien chatter about mysteries in the background is A+ - I think I understand now why Security and Engineering are in the same department - oh goddamnit I’m legitimately scared - I SCREAMED - oh no, now Garak’s distractedly rubbing at his neck and getting snappy, ggaaahhhh - Garak, smiling unnervingly: “That’s the spirit! Why don’t you come with me, Chief? Kill a few Cardies. It will be just like old times.” omFG. OMFG. - stop taking this story where I think it’s going! (keep going) - Elim Garak you crafty, wily, creepy sonofabitch <3 - Garak: “I’m sure Pechetti would have appreciated it more, but.” hahahaha, fuck
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you are turning a sickly, Minas Morgul green
- O’Brien, sharpening: “You look different.”   Garak: “How so?”   O’Brien: “That’s not the face of a tailor.”   Garak: “I’m not a tailor.”   Garak: “Not for the moment anyway. :)”   I love this character so so so so so so so so much. I love how he can somehow use a mild delivery in a way that makes the shadows around you feel like they’ve grown deeper. - Security Rando: “He asked me to get a coil spanner for him. I just turned my back for a second.”   Garak: “That’s a shame. And the worst part of it is…this isn’t a coil spanner.”   Garak: [STABS HIM WITH IT]   Garak: “It’s a flux coupler.”   I SWEAR TO GOD!!! - poor O’Brien just like ahhhh hell, now I have to kill Julian’s other boyfriend - Miles Edward O’Brien is a good and decent soul, who has independently deduced that Garak must have gotten exposed to the same pyschotropic drug those Cardassians were. “That’s the only explanation!” bless your heart. - gotta take the fight to Garak. I mean that’s definitely what he wants, that’s straight from that board game from the beginning that rewards bold offensive action. - oh look, THE BOARD GAME HAS LITERALLY REAPPEARED - Garak: “I can’t help thinking what a perfect metaphor this game is for our present situation.” yeah me neither? [laughs] - strung-out Garak on the combadge describing the game tactics as O’Brien and Nog run through the halls to find him!!!!! NICE. - he feels ~alive~ in the hunt. he hopes O’Brien does too. where do I know this Fuller story from I wonder. - Garak: “You’re a killer, admit it! We both are! Beyond your Federation mask of decency and benevolence you’re a predator, just like me.”   Miles: “No. I’m nothing like you.”   gee I really, really wonder. - Garak: “You enjoyed killing them, didn’t you.” [throws hands up in the air] - anyway good luck explaining how you ended up in hand-to-hand combat to Julian when you get back - he strung up the dead crew members, Garak what sort of Khan spookiness is this!! - Garak: “Maybe it’s true. Maybe you’re not a soldier anymore.”    Miles: “You’re right. I’m an engineer.”    Miles: [activates A MAKESHIFT BOMB]    MIT should run this as a recruitment ad
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“I leave you two alone for one minute….”
- the great news here is that Garak is gonna respect him a lot now, because Miles just SHOWED UP. plus he was willing to kill him if necessary, and Garak always approves of that in others. - remember that time he led Julian into stopping him with the threat of violence? and now this. bonus points if someday in some dramatic peak of the plot, Garak tries to directly cajole someone into killing him.
5x25 ‘In the Cards’
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- not 2 be grand, but this might be the most fun I have ever had with the opening of an episode of television. HOLY FUCK MY FRIENDS! a shift in artistic form that you can only get away with in the fifth season, and that only will have this impact in the fifth season!! the MUSIC, the candles, the  p a n n i n g, everyone moving like they’re in a tragic tableau — and yes I know the point of tableaus is that they’re stationary but also there’s a way to move that’s basically just making discrete pictures, that’s what this is, and it’s brilliant, it’s so brilliant, it’s like the Last Space Supper, and I want to know absolutely everything that brought them to this place but also would accept NOTHING BUT AN ENTIRE DIALOGUE-FREE CHOREOGRAPHED DINNER where everyone drinks heavily and casts mournful eyes at objects/each other. just, god, give me the G-rated, heavily formalist, The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover Star Trek episode and I’m yours forever. - I’m gonna watch it again - fuck it’s still so good - wait where’s Jadzia though, Terry Farrell would have excelled at this theatre - oh god, and There’s A War Coming, that’s why, they’re staring down the break-up of the floe of society, uuuggghh this is so ~genre~ I’m in loooove - Odo hasn’t seen an uptick in thefts of supplies like this since right before the Cardassians were forced to leave the station. Julian is draining his glass. oh every beat of this is sterling silver. - quick question how weird is it that I have such fun with grim things as long as they are stylized to the nines? because that’s like half my deal. - his family’s lack of guile is consistently one of the biggest disappointments in Quark’s life, and I chuckle every time - “It’s perfect! This is how I can cheer up my Dad! You know how much he loves baseball!” Jake, my golden boy, my gentle space son - Jake: “He’s always doing things for me, I wanna do something for him for a change. And this is it. All I have to do is get him this card.”
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amazing. I didn’t know you can get away with a set-up this clear-cut as long as it’s MAXIMALLY SWEET
- Nog, with the air of someone who knows this quote’s gonna get typed up by people like me: “It’s not my fault your species decided to abandon currency-based economics in favor of some philosophy of self-enhancement.”   Jake: “Hey, watch it. There’s nothing wrong with our philosophy.”   me, crying: “no, it’s beautiful” - Jake learned how to transparently guilt people into doing the moral thing from the best: his DAD - Michael Dorn directed this episode! aw buddy, your instincts play to my heart exactly!
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this is fantastic
- this representative from the Dominion Winn is meeting is going to be Weyoun - who is this random non-Starfleet human bidding on our Willie Mays card! - everyone keeps pivoting over to him in shock this is hilarious - anyway it’s a bummer this card is lumped in with other objects because I imagine it’s one of those that this bloke wants - kismet! - why is this guy so damn shifty these kids just want to buy a baseball card - “Listen to me. I haven’t done anything wrong, and I won’t be hounded by you and your soulless minions of orthodoxy. I haven’t broken any laws…”
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hahahahahahahahaha wHAT??! omg I can’t stop laughing. I did not expect THAT! gooooood gracious, Worf To Direct Every Episode, what a BEAUTIFUL ROMP ALREADY
- oh look who’s here: Weyoun - Weyoun, delighted, as if he knows any other way to be: “I’m so pleased to see our relationship evolving beyond the stale, adversarial stage.”   Sisko, deadpan: “No it’s not.”   ok who wrote this one because I think I love them. Ronald Moore. yes I do love you, you’ve been involved in a lot of my faves. - oh so the madman invited you to his quarters? boys why are you not more suspicious, he is being THE UTMOST SHADY - actually what I want more than anything in this moment is for “Doctor Giger” to interact with more people on this station, be EXACTLY AS DRAMATICALLY SUSPECT as he was with with Jake and Nog, and have everyone else also just not blink an eye - hahahahahaaaa, he’s already turned his quarters into some evil scientist lair - I love this, I love everything about this plot and this tone, seriously my chest is like, seizing up with joy? - I can’t, I’m just — “Do you want to die?” - Giger: “And you, the unwitting victim of cellular ennui, are quite literally: bored to death.” incredible - “The cellular regeneration…[dramatic pause] and entertainment chamber.” Ron did you write this entire Theory of Death just so you could make this entertainment center joke because it is BRILL - Giger: “That’s the goal of my work. Nothing less than immortality itself.”
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I’m just giggling steadily at this point with no end in sight
- JAKE JUST OUTLINED A BRANCH OF THE DS9 GOSSIP CHAIN. if he tells O’Brien, O’Brien tells Keiko, Keiko tells Dax — and at that point Nog cuts him off because he knows the rest of the story - I thought they weren’t going to complete this task for Miles O’Kayak but they totally are and that’s lovely. it’s an actual economic exchange, just with goods and services instead of cash. - Jake, trying to use Nog’s ~incentive-based economics~ trick: “Can I ask you one question? Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else right now?”   Julian: “No.”   I don’t think I’ve ever seen “go away I’m busy” Julian and he is a laconic treat - oh Julian, oh Juuulian, tell us what would make you happy right now, good god what is it gonna be, embarrassing I hope
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sorry to Dr. Giger but I’ve rarely been more entertained and yet I’m still dYING
- actually this “stall” advice to Winn seems pretty darn good, Captain Sisko - “Refreshed, Rejuvenated, Mildly Entertained” would be a fun piece of film crit, if I could think of something it could apply to - I don’t know who this actor is but there’s no way this was not the most fun role he has ever been given - oh my gawd, Giger’s quarters are conveniently right below fellow suspicious weirdo Weyoun. Beautiful. - now Nog has to filter out all the subharmonic distortions in Worf’s opera recordings while Jake adds some humor to Kira’s speech to the agricultural delegation!!! this is the best quest ever - well I thought it was funny, hun - what the fuck where’d he go!! did Weyoun disappear him?? is Weyoun one of the Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy. I mean besides just personally. - see this is the problem with hanging around with walnuts like Dr. Giger — when you try to come up with the how & why they mysteriously vanished along with all their unscrupulously obtained supplies, you’re gonna make a fool of yourself in front of Odo - Jake: “Let me introduce you to a new human expression: we’re going to beard the lion in its den.”   Nog: “Lions, Gigers, Bears…”   Jake: “Oh my.”   ok never mind, my guy Ron definitely back-engineered this episode for that joke.
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- smash cut — Sisko: “YOU ACCUSED THE KAI OF BURGLARY AND KIDNAPPING?!” - I love that after Weyoun asks if Nog and Jake think he’s a fool, they sorta silently confer with each other like “idk, do we?” - amazingly Weyoun, everything they’ve been doing for the last 22 hours is not only innocent, it’s PRECIOUS AF - yes Jake, play into Weyoun’s desire for political intrigue in all things - Weyoun: “I believe you.”   the entire room, who had each to a man just been rolling their eyes: “You do??” - haha, no of course not. he believes the first story now. - omg please let Weyoun and Giger become besties? - !!!!!!!!! OH MY GOOODDDDD, BECAUSE EVERYTHING JAKE AND NOG DID FOR EVERYONE IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR HELP WAS TO CHEER THEM UP. AND SO THE STATION’S MOOD HAS TURNED AROUND!! ADORABLE MONTAGE WITH VO!! THIS EPISODE IS AN IRIDESCENT GEM - Jake & Nog: Deep Space 9 Goodwill Ambassadors
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well I am genuinely crying
- this was the best episode, it’s this one - also the last two in a row makes me wonder why DS9 didn’t dive into a Genre Of the Week more often, because they’ve built a show that can more than support it
5x26 ‘Call To Arms’ - are Leeta and Rom getting married??! omg - Garak is in his own personal Say Yes To the Dress nightmare, delicious - “My dear I find your blind adoration both flattering and disturbing—but she does have a point.” GARAK. ANDREW ROBINSON. - Keiko and the bebes O’Brien have left the station for Earth — you guys this is getting serious - never would I have thought that Leeta and Rom would be the first characters on Deep Space 9 to marry each other, and I’m just **god bless us every one** about it - the idea that I might be about to enter a proper War, enough to spin S6 into half-reboot territory, has dawned on me remarkably slowly given how here for that I’d be. and I’m not certain if I’ve EVER gotten five years worth of lovingly done character development and world-building before the war comes, so if what I think is coming is coming, what I think is coming is a glorious emotional tailspin of yours (welln)truly - aw Jake’s a tiny space journalist now! - you are gonna be a trial for your pops - Kira: “It’s a long story.”   Dax: “Those are the best kind.” - you know Odo hid his love for Nerys well when even Dax is blindsided - 60 degrees C is the precise temperature Benjamin Sisko likes his warm drinks. this is naturally something we have learned here on Drink Space Nine. anyway that’s actually pretty cool, by barista standards. that’s about what I would heat a child’s hot chocolate to. - Sisko, dramatically to his empty office: “The Romulans.”   Sisko:
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I’m taking this very seriously but also I’m laughing because I enjoy it so much
- I love that Rom just had an engineering brain wave in the middle of his panic attack over getting married. O’Brien and Dax are just like “well this is a ride.” - goddamnit Starfleet! what important secret thing are you up that leaves my darlings all alone! - more dudes should take the approach of deciding NOT TO ASK SOMEONE OUT when they can tell the other person is worried about them doing that. I respect you respecting her, Odo.
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their faces. yeah tell me these two aren’t happier being buds.
- Weyoun, how are you a successful ambassador when you are like, supremely untrustworthy at all times - this scene better cut to something immediately undercutting all this peacery that I don’t trust for an instance - lol, Sisko announcing to his senior staff “They are going to attack” will definitely do!! ahahahaha - aaahhh now all the Bajorans have to leave! LEETA - oh and Ziyal too I guess - Garak’s bedtime story rendition of his life in exile is very sweet - oh shit she kissed him! oh?
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- “You’ve got to go, Leeta. The problems of two newlyweds are but a small thread in the tapestry of galactic events.” Rom I am losing it. - the music is really amping up, buddies! - tell me the DS9 blooper reel contains three straight minutes of Avery Brooks casually swearing at Dukat - I enjoy how Jake is like the all-purpose assistant. remember when he used to help Miles with engineering stuff? and now this is the second time he’s been Dr. Bashir’s extra pair of hands.
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where to start....
- PLS. pls pls pls Odo, deputize Garak, you two are such a weirdass teeaaamm - Quark: “Well like I said…you’re an idiot.”    Quark: [KISSES THE BACK OF ROM’S HEAD]    this is truly the end times - I LOVE KIRA & SISKO - nooooo stop shooting at my space station - Dukat: “I’ve found it wise to never underestimate the Federation’s technical skill, or Captain Sisko’s resourcefulness.” BOOYAH, HUMANS. - wooo Bird of Prey to the rescue! - Dax: “Who says there’s never a Klingon around when you need one?”   Martok: [chuckles for a long time] - Weyoun: “This isn’t turning out quite the way I planned.” well I’m so glad. - oh that’s what Sisko’s secret program is gonna be right, some sort of self-destruct for after an evacuation? oh god - Worf to Jadzia: “This is war. We must put aside our personal feelings and focus on the task at hand.” NEVAR. - MOAR MAWWIAGE <3 - oh Sisko, oh I am getting so emosh! - yaaaaaasss Garak is coming along on the Defiant, oh fucking hurray - ok but what are Kira and Odo still doing on the station?
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Program Sisko 197!! satisfyingly lightningy
- oh FUCK Quark is going back to peddling kanar to Cardassians, AAH that’s a lot - Rom, in a stage-whisper: “Actually I’m a spy, working for Starfleet. But don’t—tell—anyone.” omg, no. YES. - Quark just comments that the Federation is more desperate than he thought, then loudly continues the charade. Quark! you have changed! :’) god this is such a good narrative set-up too… - Jake stayed on the station??? to report on the war, oh shit, what a good crazy little journalist - I swear Miles just asked Julian “Do we go back for him?” after Sisko threw his iPad onto the floor - continued eye-lines in this scene say he did, beautiful - BUT KIRA AND ODO ARE STILL HERE - oh but having Odo around is a gr8 call for keeping Weyoun all subservient and fluttery and me all uncomfortable - Dukat: “You, me, the Major — together again. It should be most interesting.” it should be.....many things - Kira’s blood must be FIRE right now, oh babe - your baseball! Ben what have you done - Dukat: “A message from Sisko. He’s letting me know…”
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- look I was so devastated to loose Deep Space 9 to Dukat, until I realized we’ve put 60% of my people ON A STARSHIP for the foreseeable semi-longterm. STARFLEET SHIPS. my Original Space Home <3
To be continued in: SEASON 6
[Tarra Treks]  [Captain’s Logs]
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alazic02 · 7 years
A new tag!!!
Tagged by @aceofstars16!
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke but honestly I’m a sucker for lemonade and other citrus juices.
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Disney will always hold a special place in my heart but I do love a lot of DreamWorks movies!
3. Coffee or Tea: Coffee, mostly bc I have like two cups weekday mornings. I do like tea though, it’s a different kind of mood.
4. Books or movies: jahskdjfasd Books but I haven’t had time to read a lot recently and it makes me so sad ;~;
5. Windows or Mac: Windows Apple more like Crapple ammirite
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel (but I’ve never been that into superheroes lol)
7. Xbox or PlayStation: What’s a video game. 
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: No really what’s a video game.
9. Night owl or early riser: Night owl but I have to get up early to get to school on time so really I’m just sleep deprived.
10. Cards or chess: Cards, depending on what game we’re playing. Hit me up with that Go Fish or BS.
11. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate for most things but I like vanilla milkshakes.
12. Vans or Converse: Converse!
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: What dis.
14. Fluff or angst: Both are pretty good but give me that plot-less fluff any day and I am always down.
15. Beach or forest: Beach. More breeze and less bugs and dirt.
16. Dogs or cats: Dogs bc they will always 100% love you if you love them.
17. Clear skies or rain: Rain. It’s been raining a lot in CA for the first time in a long while and I am living.
18. Cooking or eating out: I can’t cook aside from, like, the toaster oven, but the Meal Makers in my house all make really good food.
19. Spicy or mild food: Mild because I am #weak.
20. Halloween/Samhain or solictice/yule/Christmas: Christmas for the delicious real food but Halloween has those major candy sales which is a plus.
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold probably? Less sweating.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: There’s that post that explains why the power to refill anything is awesome so I’m pretty down with that.
23. Animation or live action: Animation because, for example, every tiny thing is done for a reason, whereas things like character interaction in live action can be attributed to good/bad acting/actors and whatnot.
24. Paragon or Renegade: Whot.
25. Bath or shower: Showers. I will say that Japanese baths are very relaxing though.
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Iron Man bc in Civil War Cap was being a bit of an ass hat but honestly they both were and if they just stopped being so bull-headed and fricking talked to each oth-
27. Fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy! Because can’t you involve some sci-fi elements in fantasy worlds? >v>
28. Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes, if so, what are they:
I knew the Facebook ‘Favorite Quotes’ section would come in handy one day!
"Stupid dreams. Even the good ones are bad, because they remind you of how poorly reality measures up” -Connor from Unwind by Neal Shusterman
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” -Dr. Seuss
I'm always sure of what I do. Sometimes I was just never sure if there was supposed to be a happy ending. -Cole from Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
29. YouTube or Netflix: Both of them but I check into YouTube more often.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I...I have a stronger connection with Percy “Best Boy” Jackson but Harry Potter is also a big staple in my childhood.
31. When you feel accomplished: When I make a piece of art that I just can’t stop staring at.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Both? But also neither? I have two brothers who are fans of Star Wars and my dad grew up watching Star Trek (and is also a Star Wars fan) so I’m aware of both by association.
33. Paperback books or hardcover books: Hardcover because I love being able to take off the dust jacket and look at the design of the cover! But when I collect a book series, I need to have them all have matching covers for #aesthetic so it’s all paperback or all hardcover when possible.
34. Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child: Haven’t seen or read but going off of what I’ve heard of Cursed Child, I think I’d probably like Fantastic Beasts more.
35. Rock or pop music: Pop probably, though I don’t actually know the specifics of what categorizes music genres.
36. What is the most important thing in your life: Probably my friends and making art. And the Internet.
37. Mountains or sea/ocean: Sea/ocean! It’s so open and there’s so much fresh air and water, I love it. Also less bugs and dirt than the mountains.
38. Name a couple songs you’ve been really into recently:
These two have been in my head for a few days, but only the chorus:
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
A Night Like This by Caro Emerald
And I just really love Adventure Time miniseries songs, so have a few:
Evolution from Adventure Time episode Preboot
The Founders from Adventure Time: Islands pt 5 Hide and Seek
Wow, that’s a lot of questions. I don’t really wanna tag anyone... if you wanna do it, go ahead!
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Desime Hogwarts AU Sins
They aren't really Sins in this AU, their Skills are basically very powerful accidental magic that they cultivated instead of controlling/stopping
They all share the last name Daemonium, but they aren't actually biologically related, it's just because each of them have a specific magical trait in their blood tat is the same
It's not really DNA or anything
You know how being a metamorphmagus is just kinda random? It's a bit like that
They each have their Daemonium names as their middle names,
Btw I'm putting them in the years that suit their human form
First off, we have Lust, 7th year
While Hufflepuff was an option, she ultimately ended up in Gryffindor
Her profile literally says that she's kind, loving, and friendly which fits with both the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff traits the best
However she honestly seems more Gryffindor now, since she's really flamboyant and has so much confidence in herself it's impressive
Her over protectiveness, and slightly obssesive personality seems like they could be Gryffindor weaknesses too
Wrath is next
He's technically already graduated, but let's say he's still 18 instead of 19
Like Lust, he is also a Gryffindor, though he was a Hatstall between that and Slytherin
Seriously, his strong points are all very Slytherin, while his weaknesses are really Gryffindor
But his brutal, blunt honesty is what lands him in Gryffindor
Also because people would get too suspicious of him in Slytherin but SHHHHHH
Then it SHOULD be Greed, but apparently she's like, 22 years old??? What the frick?
It makes a lot more sense how she owns Happy Cat now
Greed is a Hogwarts graduate
From Slytherin no doubt, her ambition, cunning, caution, and her care for herself, her profit, and the people she surrounds herself with above all else is something I can't ever ignore
Even during her Hogwarts years, she was already running a business and getting plenty of good profit
She sells a lot of technological and magical inventions
But one of her most popular creations was a type of Wizard's Chess she made in her 5th year
It was called Friend's Wizard's Chess, and it was about the players using their closest friends magical version of an AI instead of chess pieces
It tested both you strategizing skills and how well you knew you friend's skills, powers, weaknesses, even the smallest trait could change the outcome if you played well
Wrath is really good at it, surprising a lot of people wuth his great leadership and critical thinking, along with his knowledge of the other Sins
Gluttony is next, a 6th year
This dude was pretty hard to sort too
I was stuck between Hufflepuff and Slytherin for a while
I mean, he's so good at acting and lying it's crazy, and his ambition is super impressive
His intentions in lying was to take responsibility of it all alone, so no one would be able to help him
But I think he would be sorted into Hufflepuff
I mean, he worked so hard to achieve his ambitions, was incredibly dedicated to all of projects
But I think it really goes back to why he wanted to continue his memory erasing containment center project with Witchcraft
He wanted to help people, as the Doctor of the Sins, to forget their pain
And that's why he qualifies more for Hufflepuff
I asume that many people thought he would be Gryffindor (like, in the AU, not irl)
Anyway, despite his jokin and carefree personality, he's actually really smart
After all, he is the doctor of the Sins
He's especially talented at herbology and potions
To many people's surprise, he actually became a prefect at some point
Sloth is up next!
She's in the same year as Gluttony, and also in Hufflepuff
I'm not crazy, and I don't mean to offend anyone in my sorting decisions
Sloth cares about very little things, but when she does, she would probably risk her life for it (vey lazily)
That's a Slytherin trait
However, she lacks Slytherin's cunning, along with their ambition
However, Helga Hufflepuff was very generous and said that if someone didn't fit in with any house, they could stay in Hufflepuff so they could still stay in Hogwarts
Thank you, Hufflepuffs, and I'm very sorry if I've offended you. Too many people call you throwaways and such, and that's not true and I'm sorry if I've accidentally done the same
Sloth is still very lazy and chill in Hufflepuff
Despite a lot of people hating on her for being so lazy and "stuck-up", she actually doesn't care
It reassures one or two younger students, that they can tell her all their secrets and problems and she won't judge, care, or tell anyone
And the last one I'm gonna do for the Sins is Envy
Envy seems very Slytherin to me
He doesn't really like many people, but when he does, he would die for them
Looking at you, Cowardice and Kindness
He's one of the quieter Slytherins, and is so small that no one really expects anything special from him
You can imagine when Wrath, in all his tall, powerful, glory, explodes the door of Envy's dorm
And starts pouring his heart out to Envy
I'm honestly imagining Wrath, who needs to duck just to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling because he's too tall, complaining about life to Envy, who's about 20 cm shorter than him
The thought is hilarious
Anyway, Envy is one of the less noticeable Slytherins, but definitely the most powerful
I'll make one for the Virtues eventually
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