#i have a picture of the kind of sound i want to achieve but am not sure what equipment achieves it
devkit · 1 year
something uniquely confusing is trying to get into a mostly subjective but also very particular hobby when you're overly eager and painfully impressionable. i'll ask a question and get so many conflicting answers and they'll all seem right in their own ways and it'll leave me about as confused as before i asked.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 4 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and Jungkook get to know each other a bit better Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 4.6k~ a/n: Took me a while to get back to this story so I made this chapter a bit longer. Hope you like it! Read from the beginning
"Again" Jungkook says in a commanding tone, watching as I pick up the book I had balanced on top of my head while he had me running through the steps for a waltz on my own. (yes, like you see in those cheesy princess movies)
"Why am I doing this again?" I ask, stopping for a second to prevent the book from wobbling so much. "It's to help with your posture and balance. Once you've learned how to maintain proper posture then we can fine tune it to make it seem more natural" he says an eyebrow raised as he watches me trying to regain balance of the book as well as myself. 
"How much longer do I have to do this?" I ask as I finally am able to regain my composure. "As long as I tell you to. Now please stop talking and focus on what you're trying to achieve" he says and I roll my eyes since luckily I have my back facing him this time, leaving me able to blow off a little bit of steam without him noticing. 
Ten or fifteen minutes later he finally lets me take a break. "Here" he says while handing me a glass of water. I look up at him with a confused expression, wondering what's gotten into him. He's hot one minute and the cold the next and I really don't know where things stand between us most days. "Are you going to take it or not?" he asks, clearly getting impatient. 
"Yes, sorry. Thank you" I say quickly reach for it, our hands subtly brushing up against each other and neither of us pulling away right away. "Um, Mr. Jeon?" I say, questioning why he hasn't let go. 
"Oh" he says and pulls his hand back, acting as if he had touched a hot stove. "Rest for ten minutes and then be ready to begin again" he says, clearing his throat and walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
Pulling out my phone I open Jesse's message thread and send him a text immediately.
'Bitch' I simply send, knowing that that kind of message will get his attention right away. 
'Bitch' is all he sends back, showing that he's listening. 
'Jungkook is acting weird again' I send, not really knowing how else to explain it. 
'Isn't he always though? What happened this time?' he sends, making a point but also wanting to know more.  
'He has me dancing around the room with a book on top of my head, you know very princess in training kind of situation' I send, annoyed at the fact that I've already been doing this for an hour. 
'Okay, doesn't sound too crazy to me'  he replies, not really sure where I'm going with this. 
'He's been doing stuff like this for weeks right? But today he's been leaning up against the wall and watching me, but I feel like this time he's checking me out more than anything. I don't know it just feels different. And he said I could take a break (hence why I'm able to talk to you now) and he gave me a glass of water' I send off, trying to get it all out before he gets back. 
'Okay and? Sounds like he's just being nice'  he sends back, not really getting the full picture yet.
'But the thing is, once he handed it to me he wouldn't let go of it. Like it took me a second to grab it because I was confused as to why he was being so nice to me but then when I finally did take it it was like he wanted to keep our hands touching. I don't know but it felt kind of weird' I send, hoping to get some validation for my feelings about this. 
'Oooo sounds like lover boy might be into you'  he teases and I can't help but smile and roll my eyes when I see the message. I of course told him about the dress incident and he's been teasing me about it ever since. 
'No he's not' I send, wondering though if he might be right. 
'Okay but what happened after that?'  he asks, pressing for more details since things have gotten a bit more juicy (how he would describe it, not me).
'Well I called out his name since he seemed to be in a bit of a daze and when he realized what he was doing he ripped his hand away and looked flustered? Nervous? I don't know but he definitely was more surprised by his actions than I was. And then he just kinda left and said to be ready to continue in ten minutes' I send, not really knowing how to describe his reaction. 
"Let's get started" Jungkook says, walking into the practice room again and I send Jesse a quick message telling him I have to go and lock the screen and throw it in my bag before I'm able to see his response. 
I stand up and smooth out my skirt and walk back towards where I had placed the book down and reach for it again but before I'm able to touch it Jungkook grabs my wrist and pulls it away and places my hand on his shoulder, and pulls me in by the waist. I take in a sharp breath at the sudden proximity and I'm left staring at him with a wide eyed look. "I thought I needed more practice with my posture" I say, confused as to why he's done this so suddenly. 
"You seem to be progressing faster than I had anticipated so I figured we should move on" He says, leaning towards me, leaving me having to close my eyes, not really sure what to do but I'm startled by the sound of music suddenly playing through the speakers again. Now just realizing he was leaning in closer so he could press play on the sound system. 
"Are you alright?" he ask with a smug look on his face after standing upright and seeing the blush that had started to form on my cheeks. "I'm fine" I say, clearing my throat and looking off to the side so I can avoid his playful gaze. I hear him chuckle under his breath and say something that I just can't catch which leaves me turning back to face him. 
"What was that?" I ask with my brows pinched together in confusion. "Nothing, now focus and try not to step on my feet like last time" he taunts and I grace him with a sarcastic smile in return before he starts to lead me in this waltz that we've gone through a million times at this point. 
"Head up, back straight, wrists relaxed" he lists off, fixing the small details to make everything look seamless and I can't help but agree. With these minor changes it feels more natural and comfortable with each and every turn. 
Once the song finally ends we both part and I do a slight curtsy to him and he bows back. "That wasn't horrible, wasn't the best, but better" he says, trying his hardest not to make his compliment go to my head. "Umm thanks?" I say with a questioning tone, thinking that I did a lot better this time but I guess he's someone who is never truly satisfied.
"Grab you things, we're leaving" he says and puts on his suit jacket and looks in the mirror, fixing the collar and making sure everything is in place. "What do you mean?" I question, quickly grabbing my jacket and purse off the table in the corner of the room. 
"Did your father not inform you? We're going out to dinner tonight, I need to asses your table manners and this would be the best way to go about it. We'll work on fine tuning the small details tomorrow if need be" he says and walks down the hall, rushing me out of his home. 
"I've made reservations for us so we need to make sure to be punctual, which you have gotten a bit better at so well done" he says and holds the front door open for me to head out first so he can lock up. 
For some reason that small bit of praise has a nervous feeling start to bubble in my stomach and I get slightly nervous at the thought of being with him like this. It's not a date or anything but it just feels weird, like it's uncharted territory for us. 
"We'll take my car. You father has already sent someone to pick yours up" he says, never bothering to give me a choice in the matter. I might as well not have a car at this rate, seeing as he always seems to make the decision to drive the both of us. "You know you don't have to drive me around right? I really don't mind taking my car and meeting you there" I say as I walk towards him where he's holding the passenger side door open for me. 
"I am well aware. It's more convenient this way. I have another meeting in the city again so I'll be dropping you off at home as well" he informs me and closes the door once I've gotten in. "You're really controlling did you know that?" I say, finally voicing my opinions since I'm tired of him making choices for me. 
"I believe I make decisions that would be the most advantageous for the both of us so if that's seen as controlling then yes I am. Are you done now?" he asks as he gets into the driver's side and puts on his seatbelt before starting the car. "Whatever" I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest and angling my body away from him. He decides to let this one go, honestly not seeing the error in his ways until I spoke up and makes it a point to discuss this later when I'm not already upset with him.
The drive to the restaurant is painfully silent and he doesn't bother to put any sort of music on leaving the tension that had built between us still thick with animosity (at least from my side). As we get closer though I start to realize that some of that anger and frustration might just be from the fact that I'm actually starving so I decide to make a note to give him a bit of a break, trying to be a bit more reasonable. 
Once we've pulled up I see that we're eating at one of the high rise restaurants that I've always wanted to go to and I can feel myself already start to salivate. "Close your mouth or you'll start drooling again" Jungkook says as he unbuckles his belt and gets out of the car, handing the keys to the valet, exchanging it for a ticket. 
I close my mouth and frown at him before going to do the same but before I'm able to open the car door on my own I see that he has yet again opened it for me and is now offering his hand to help me out. I have half a mind to brush it off and get out on my own but then I remember that we're in public and this is one of those times that I need to be showing off the skills that he has been teaching me, so I graciously accept it and step out of the car. 
"Good girl" he whispers to me and I turn towards him with a startled look on my face. "I could tell what was going on in that pretty little head of yours but you accepted my hand nonetheless so good job" he says and takes my hand, placing it on his arm to lead me inside. 
Being this close to him and especially in public feels different, he seems a bit more relaxed and isn't as short with me. It's nice but it feels weird, I just never know what version of Jungkook I'm going to get these days and it's making me dizzy. 
"Table for two?" the host asks us when we walk up to the podium. "Yes it should be under the name Jeon" Jungkook answers and I'm thankful that he does. I'm not a shy person so to say but I definitely feel out of my element so as the minutes go by he seems to bring me a sense of comfort and familiarity. 
"Ah yes Mr. Jeon, if you will follow me please" the host replies and leads us to our table that seems to be set up in a nice almost intimate corner of the restaurant. Safe from the pressure of the masses that are seated all around. 
I could've sworn I saw a senator or governor around here before we sat down as well as a CEO or two so it's nice to not have to worry about perfectly keeping up appearances as of yet. That's just what our family needs, a scandal because of me spilling a drink on someone important or not chewing my food properly and being called a slob. 
Okay that last one was probably a stretch but still it's not something that needs to be added to the list since our family is already under fire for my stepfather marrying beneath his social status. I want to do everything I can to keep from adding something else to his plate so I guess I should still be on my best behavior. 
"Good evening" our waiter says when he comes around to no doubt take our orders. "Oh Mr. Jeon, how lovely to see you again. Is this another one of your students?" he asks, looking over at me with a friendly smile. "Yes this is Miss y/n, my newest pupil" Jungkook replies, matching the same warmth the waiter has offered to us both.
Looking at him as he exchanges pleasantries with this man I can see almost a hint of a smile, a genuine one at that. They must know each other well since he recognizes him and already knows what Jungkook does for a living. "We'll have the set menu please with a glass of merlot for the both of us" Jungkook finishes and I'm startled out of my train of thought at the fact that again he didn't give me a chance to make a choice for myself. 
He notices the slightly narrowed gaze I'm giving him and he has the audacity to smile, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Why didn't yo-" "At the various events you shall be attending this fall you won't have much of a choice in the menu so it's better to get used to eating food that you wouldn't necessarily order on your own" he says placing his napkin on his lap. 
"At least you ordered the kind of wine I like" I mumble, mirroring him with my napkin at well. "What was that?" he asks, clearly using it to subtly scold me and ask me to speak properly or not speak at all. Or that's what he's told me in the past. 
"I said you have an excellent taste in wine" I respond with a pained smile, hating that I'm complimenting him, no matter how small it might be. "I asked Matthew what kind you tend to prefer and he gave me a few options" he says and takes a sip of the water that had already been placed here for us. 
"You asked what my favorite type of wine is?" I question, confused again by this constant push and pull between us. "Did I not just say that?" he says and before I'm able to respond the wine in question is brought to our table. "Your first course will be out in just a moment" the waiter from before says and he leaves us again as quickly as he had come.
"Try it" Jungkook says and waits for me to take a sip before he does the same. I do as he says and let the subtly sweet flavor envelop my tastebuds leaving me letting out an almost inaudible moan, surprised that wine could even taste this good. 
"Needless to say it is to your liking?" Jungkook asks, clearly amused with my reaction and I can't help but nod feeling embarrased. "Yes I guess you could say that" I respond awkwardly before taking another sip, trying to hide my reaction to it a bit more this time. 
The dinner goes on without a hitch. Jungkook and I actually engage in pleasant conversation and I end up learning a bit more about him. "So what you're saying is that because you hated how bratty and rude rich kids around you were when you were growing up that it made you want to become an etiquette teacher to fix the future generation of rich kids" I summaries, the thought of it almost laughable. 
"In so many words yes, I guess you could say that" he says, smiling at my simplified version. "So you've been a control freak from day one. I mean-" I say, my eyes wide while covering my mouth after I've realized what I had just said. "I think this wine has gone to your head y/n" he teases, this time using my name without any sort of formal title attached to it, somehow causing butterflies to stir in my stomach. 
"Yes you're probably right" I say, just now noticing the fact that he only had one glass at the beginning of our meal where as I am on my third. I set my glass down and start drinking water to hopefully clear up my head a bit but I guess the damage has been done. 
As we walk out of the restaurant with my arm linked with his just as it had been before we went inside I turn to face him while we wait for the valet to bring the car around. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, what I had said in there was completely uncalled for" I say, admitting to my fault. "It's fine, I guess I have been quite harsh with you from the very start and that hasn't been very fair to you" he says, again surprising me with the walls that seem to be breaking down showing me what a kind and considerate person he can be. 
Before I can say anything else our car has stopped right in front of us and Jungkook leads me over to it and opens the door to help me inside, trying his best to maintain some sense of subtly at the fact that I might be a bit tipsy. Wanting to hopefully keep both of our images in tact. He closes the door after he's made sure that I'm all set and exchanges the keys with the ticket and gives the valet a tip before going to the drivers side and closing it behind him. 
He looks over at me and leans over towards me, leaving me confused and closing my eyes again just as I had done before in the practice room today and before I'm able to say anything I hear him pulling the seatbelt over and buckling it around me. I open my eyes and see that he's still close even though he had already fastened it and we both just sit there for what feels like hours studying each other's features. 
"Thank you" I say barely above a whisper which seems to break him out of the momentary trance he had been in for a few moments and sits back up straight mumbling a quick "You're welcome" before pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the road. 
Again the ride is silent but this one is filled with more of an awkward air to it with some sort of tension as well. What kind of tension is something I'm not sure of but he's definitely gotten close enough to kiss me on multiple occasions today alone but I'm not exactly sure if that's just the kind of guy he is or if there's something else going on in his head. 
As we round the corner to my house I see Jesse's car parked outside with him sitting inside of it while on his phone. "Jesse?" I say aloud, perplexed as to why he would show up unannounced but I'm happy about it nonetheless. "Who's that?" Jungkook asks, his clear curiosity a surprise to me. "Just a friend" I say casually, trying to gauge his reaction and to my surprise I see the muscle in his jaw tense as he clenches his teeth a bit before tonguing his cheek soon after. 
When Jesse finally notices the car he looks up and smiles when he sees me and then looks over to the driver's side and sees Jungkook for the first time and gives him an unreadable expression. Unreadable if you're not familiar with him but with how close the two of us are I can tell that he's trying his hardest not to freak out after finally seeing him in person. 
As Jungkook moves his car further up the driveway Jesse makes his way up towards the house as well on foot, meeting us when Jungkook parks his car right outside the front door. "Jesse hey! Were we supposed to meet tonight?" I ask, still confused as to why he's here. "Yeah we were gonna watch a movie, remember?" he says in a voice much deeper than usual, throwing me off guard and checking out Jungkook who is standing right behind me. 
"Oh sorry Jesse this is Mr. Jeon, he's my teacher I had talked to you about. Jungkook, this is one of my friends from college Jesse" I say introducing the two, kind of catching on to the reason for Jesse's change in behavior. Jungkook comes closer and goes to shake Jesse's outstretched hand but still stands behind me, making him press up against my back, our bodies flush together for only a moment before he let's go and take's a few steps back to his previous spot. 
"Thank you for dinner Jungkook, I really enjoyed myself" I say turning to face him while Jesse makes his way over to the door waiting for us to say our goodbyes. "Jungkook?" Jungkook says, raising a brow at me, this being the first time I've used his first name. "I-I mean Mr. Jeon" I say, feeling flustered by my need for correction. 
"It's okay, you can call me that if you'd like" he say before reaching back into his car to grab my jacket and purse that I've left sitting in the passenger seat. "Oh, thank you" I say taking both of them and taking note of how he again brushes his hand up against mine. "Goodnight y/n" he says, placing his hand almost protectively on my waist before glancing over and giving Jesse a quick nod which he returns. 
"Goodnight" I say and quickly scurry off before I try to do something stupid and make matters worse and what I don't notice is how Jungkook closes the passenger side door and leans up against his car watching as I go and takes in the small interaction that Jesse and I have while I'm pulling out my keys to go inside. 
I only notice when I turn back around to close the door where we make eye contact for only a second before he pushes himself off of the side of the car and walks over to the drivers side and drives off. 
As I watch his car slowly disappear I don't take notice into the fact that I've slowly leaned further and further out of the doorway to watch him go until I hear Jesse's deep voice scare me half to death behind me. 
"Girl you got it bad" he says, laughing while I almost fall on my face from the precarious position I had put myself in. "I do not!" I say and turn around to close and lock the door before running up the steps to my room with Jesse hot on my heels. 
"Did you see the way he was looking at you? At me?" he laughs, seeing how defensive and flustered I am. "No" I continue and shush him so he doesn't wake up the whole house. "If looks could kill I would be six feet under" he says once we've gotten to my room. "Why were you acting all masculine out there? I mean not to say that you aren't masculine but you know what I mean" I say, pretty much knowing but wanting to make sure. 
"I wanted to see how he would react to another guy being around you. One that he thought was straight and close to you" he teases while throwing himself on my bed. "Why would you want to do that?" I question, taking off my heels and grabbing some clothes to go change in in my bathroom. "Because I wanted to see if he would get jealous and if jealous was a person his name would be Jeon Jungkook" he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Why would he get jealous? He hates me" I say, not even believing the words that are coming out of my own mouth. "Please, he was practically green" he says laying on his back and picking up one of the books that I still haven't finished and thumbing through it. "He was not!" I say finding his observations ridiculous. 
"Did you see how possessive he got with you? How he purposefully leaned against you to shake my hand instead of going around. How he held your waist when he said goodnight. I'm pretty sure I heard him say that you could call him Jungkook now instead of Mr. Jeon right?" he lists, showing me what Jungkook's behaviors added all together really showed.
I groan after I come out of my bathroom, throwing myself on the bed next to him and staring up at the ceiling trying to process everything that happened today. "What am I supposed to think about all of this? What am I going to say when I see him tomorrow? What is he going to say?" I ask aloud, dreading the answers to these questions even though I know I won't be getting any answers tonight.
"Just go in tomorrow and act like everything is fine. Try out that more casual approach by calling him Jungkook like he told you you could. I don't know just take it easy and follow his lead and see where things go from there" he suggests and I take a deep breath, taking in everything he's saying and deciding the best thing I could do right now is try to distract myself. 
"Why are you here anyways?" I question, turning towards him now realizing that we never talked about him coming over tonight. "I wanted to hear about what happened after what you told me earlier today but I think I saw all that I needed to see" he says turning over to face me with a teasing smirk and I push him a little in response. 
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" he suggests. "Please" I groan out and he laughs at my response. While he turns on my tv I send Jungkook a quick message just trying to hopefully clear the air after what happened tonight. 
'Drive safe :)' I send before I can second guess myself. 
'Always x'  he responds almost immediately, leaving me smiling. Who knew that one little 'x' could make me so flustered.
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homeb0ys · 7 months
So, last night Antony Starr shared this on his IG story:
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What does this mean? It’s anyone’s guess. Given what he’s shared to his stories recently, I think he’s been going through a really tough time lately. And the whole Mortal Kombat mess didn’t exactly help.
To clarify: Antony made a post on Saturday sharing pictures of him with his dogs. A fan commented asking if he would be voicing Homelander in MK1, to which he simply replied “nope.”
Of course, it’s now all over twitter with tons of news articles about it much to the anger and disappointment of fans. Not only that, but tweeting him directly about it.
I’m not saying this post to his story is in relation to the MK thing, but it does go to show that fans can be the best and worst part of a fandom. There’s still time where he could be brought in to do the voice work, the strikes are now over and the Homelander DLC doesn’t drop till March. We also don’t know the circumstances. He might not even have been asked to do the voice. We simply don’t know, but attacking Antony directly won’t achieve anything. He could also be under a NDA.
There’s now concern over his story post as it just reads like he’s at his wits end with the world, everyone and everything, and I truly don’t blame him. Aren’t we all?
Please, please, please take this as a reminder to be respectful towards actors. We don’t know them and they don’t know us. They aren’t our friends, they don’t owe us anything. And even if it seems like they’re living the good life with fame and fortune, they’re still human just like us. Attacking actors because we don’t get our way does NOT help.
And as an added reminder: Antony wasn’t paid for his Gen V Cameo. He attended set and filmed on his days off. He did it for the fans, as did Karl Urban.
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Now again, to clarify: I’m not saying it’s because of fans that Antony made this story post. My point is that attacking him with question after question as to why he isn’t “giving us what we want”, isn’t helping.
I truly hope he’ll be okay and has folk around him to support him. But it sounds like the poor guy just needs his space, and we need to respect and give him that.
To anyone else feeling this way, sending tons of love and hugs your way. Please know you aren’t alone, and if you need to talk to someone, I’m here. As is my Homelander ( @hom3land3r ). While I am in no way a professional, I can absolutely lend an ear. And if Homelander gives you comfort, he’ll also be there for those that need it.
Love you guys.
Be kind. 🫂💙
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stromuprisahat · 1 month
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
After some deliberation I've decided to put almost everything from the first part of this chapter under a single post, because all of it is thematically intertwined. It paints a picture of the state in which Ravka finds itself, its treatment of Grisha, all the reasons Aleksander attempted the Coup, and how he's about to get repaid.
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Wow, I wonder why would anyone mind being perceived as no more than (annoyingly) living, breathing furniture...
... at best.
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Why is Ravka so behind in military development?
There wasn't an involved Tsarevich to sweet-talk the Royal Couple into letting the Fabricators work on ~that~, because let's be honest- it certainly wasn't Alina, who persuaded them.
And the best mind they have doesn't want to create tools of destruction (and apparently the big, bad Darkling didn't MAKE him, if David's so shocked by use of Alina's powers to spread the Fold).
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As if he'd never done that before... as if the Darkling were a stranger to battle...
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Shadow and Bone- Chapter 10 & Rule of Wolves- Chapter 33
Yeah, he sounds exactly like the kind of general, who stays in the rear...
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Look, I know Sikurzoi are supposed to be uninhabitable or whatever, but let's be honest- which mountains (in mild climate) are completely uninhabited? Why wouldn't Aleksander- a lives-long student of survival- use otherwise hostile place to hide?
I know ~I~ would.
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Do you mean "Are there any living Grisha left, stationed there?".
Zoya truly doesn't acknowledge the First Army massacres, does she? And the word ~would~ have reached them at this point, even if we ignore the dead from Grand Palace. Fedyor's group's in Little Palace!
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Remember, children: It doesn't count as war, if they only regularly attack your villages, draw back, and their government claims it knows nothing!
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He’s never faced the might of the First and Second Armies working in tandem... I wonder why... Could it be because your precious First Army hates his people so much they went to slaughter them the moment the Darkling's out of the picture?
I know this is Naïve Nikolai, but the way he puts it... as if otkazat'sya working alongside Grisha weren't exactly, what's Aleksander trying to achieve for centuries. As if he didn't manage it on smaller scale with his oprichniki. As if he should be surprised by mere possibility of it!
The weapons will be only a cherry on the top, the reason he keeps using nichevo'ya even though it costs him dearly. It's the kind of weapons he fears, because he knows, what it can do to his people (aside from rendering them strategically useless). He's seen massacres, he caused massacres, he cannot prevent them. And let's not forget he might be in the front line, but it will be those remaining 80 % of Grisha right behind him. And Nikolai's fancy new machine guns won't miss them more than his Army's weapons did.
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This is horrifying.
They intend to slaughter the man for the crime of standing up to their regime and finding a way to substitute his people with canon fodder of magical variety, completely disregarding whys, or bothering to check if they're not living in a glasshouse first.
Why is no one asking about the pogroms? Why is no one questioning Grisha safety FROM FIRST ARMY?! Why do they act as if another massacre of Grisha should solve all their painfully obvious issues?!
Why am I supposed to wish THEM success?!
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In a way...
How is your victory gonna ensure Grisha a place in Ravkan society, Alina?!
You murder the Darkling together, good... then what? Ya'll get a nice house in the country and your neighbours won't burn it to the ground? Stone you to death next time something bad happens? Never again- Grisha being dragged out of their beds in middle of the night?!
THAT'S what Aleksander feared- once Grisha are no more necessary for the wars, there's no place for them in THIS Ravkan society! Unlike otkazat'sya, those weapons don't make them vulnerable only physically!
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This makes my head hurt.
Are they truly this blind?!
There's not a single voice raised against cooperation with the very same people that have been murdering theirs mere weeks ago, but the Darkling is some sort of ultimate evil on word of one (1) girl and the remains of her semi-official ménage-a-trois?!
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poimandresnous · 8 months
Can/Do Bad People Cultivate The Great Inarticulate Dao?
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Short answer: Yes, they most certainly do. The reason is the Dao's ability to penetrate and be a part of All Things.
What brings this to my attention is chapter 62 of the Dao de Jing, and I am working with Rudolph G. Wagner and William S. Wilson's translations and Wang Bi's commentaries.
The sections I want to focus on are as follows:
Wilson: "It (the Dao) is a treasure for the good man who is a blessing for all, and a place of support for the bad man, as it would carry him on its back as though he were a child." Wagner: "It (the Dao) is what is treasured by good men. It is what men who are not good protect."
Two very different translations here. Not sure which one I prefer, but regardless, working with two or more translations is an essential component for studying the Dao de Jing or any other Daoist literature, as an English-only reader.
The first thing that is glaring to me is the Dao's non-discriminatory qualities. For the bad person and the good person alike, both confide in the Dao, even if their crafts differ. For the bad man, we will use the character of a thief, and for the good man, someone who is pious and an upstanding, law-abiding citizen, and perhaps someone with privilege (someone with political status or a well-respected business person). If we recall the story of Lord Wenhui and Cook Ding in book three of the Zhuangzi, we can see that even for someone with high status, and more privilege, it is not enough to cultivate the Dao. In that story, Cook Ding astonished Lord Wenhui with his mastery and cultivation of the inarticulate Dao. Rich or poor, rank, privilege, and societal status are never prerequisites for cultivating and mastering the Dao. For more on this story, please take a look at my commentary on this particular section of the Zhuangzi.
So the Dao makes no distinctions between the good and bad man, okay, cool. So does this mean a thief can practice their craft with Virtue and in step with the Dao? According to Zhuangzi, yes. In a section I have not read yet, Robber Zhi's disciples ask him if there is such a thing as the "Dao of thieving?" To which Robber Zhi responds: "Which profession is there that has not its (The Dao's) principles?"
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As seen above in the picture, the thief exudes the principles of the Dao.
As suggested by Wang Bi's commentaries on these verses from chapter 62, the one who is bad and practices the Dao, they avoid harm and the punishment of their thievery. When taken at a surface level-reading, this sounds like Daoism or the Dao itself excuses bad behavior. But this is not the case. What this is saying, I think, is that the Dao and Virtue are the bedrock of the world. As suggested in the photo above, the thief cannot but help to practice thievery with at least some virtue and principles that are in accordance with the Dao. Daoism doesn't promote thievery or any kind of bad behavior, but it encourages us to be true to our nature, be true to ourselves and our circumstances, and act accordingly to what Fate presents us.
I wish to impose a suggestion that when a thief practices thievery in step with the Dao and its principles, they can eventually turn away from their life of crime. This sentiment is not explicitly mentioned in the Zhuangzi or Wagner's translations of chapter 62. But if we turn to Wilson's translation of the last few words in his copy of the Dao de Jing, it states as follows:
"Why did the men of old treasure this Way? Didn't they say that those who seek it out will pick it up along the way, and that those who have been caught like fish in the nets of crime will be pardoned and given new life? Thus, it makes all under Heaven treasure it.
Compare it with Wagner's:
"What is the reason why the ancients valued this Way? Did they not say: If the good ones strive by means of the Way, they will achieve it, while those who have committed crimes avoid punishment by means of The Way? That is why it (The Dao) is most valued by All Under Heaven."
As you can see, Wagner's translation still gives off a vibe that the Dao excuses those who commit crimes and can thus avoid apprehension and repercussions. While this is one correct way to look at it, we must dig deeper into what the text is trying to tell us. I will take advantage of this opportunity to stress again the importance of working with two or more translations with these kinds of texts.
Focusing on Wilson's translation gives more leniency to my imposition that the thief can eventually turn away from their life of crime when they practice Virtue and the principles that are in accord with the inarticulate Dao. While it may be argued that the thief or good man has no choice but to rely on Virtue and the Dao in their craft, as suggested by the photo of the excerpt from the Zhuangzi, I dare say there is a choice. Some people are ultra-violent and have no code of conduct for their crimes; I can attest this much from first-hand, anecdotal experiences from my life as a former thief. We must remember the Dao supersedes and transcends all human-noted distinctions (Zhuangzi chapter 2) and that any Dao that can be articulated is not the Unchanging Dao (Dao de Jing 1). What "is" good and what "is" bad has no room when embarking on the Inarticulate Dao. The only example I can give you, wonderful people, is my own life experience with crime and turning away from that.
When my old using buddies and I would embark on a boosting heist (I'm making this sound all fancy, but it's really just a clever way to steal from department stores in plain sight), we would only steal what we need to get to feel better, get high and put food in our bellies. We never robbed people at gunpoint; no threats or violence had ever ensued. Did we practice thievery in step with Dao and its Virtue? Perhaps, perhaps not. But as suggested in the picture above of Robber Zhi speaking to his disciples, we practiced all of those things unknowingly, of course. It is truly an anomaly that we were never apprehended and faced repercussions. We can throw out any suggestion of white privilege because I was just the driver, not the one actually going into the stores and performing the boost. The ones who got their hands "dirty" were all people of color. Though, I'm not suggesting at all that my hands were ever "clean" because I was just a mere getaway driver. I am simply pointing out that race had no play in our evading of repercussions.
Here we were, as suggested by Wilson's translation, all caught up in the nets of crime such as drug dealing and purchasing, and thievery. I know of two people who have been pardoned and given new life, myself and the one who actually would go in and perform the boost. I've kept in contact with the "master thief" who would actually go into these department stores and perform the boost. He is sober, doesn't steal or boost anymore, and has a well-paying job; and importantly was never arrested for these crimes we committed together. Whether he is telling me the truth is beside the point because I, too, have turned away from my life of crime, and it seems like my friend has, too. If he did face repercussions, then, of course, my white privilege could've been a massive factor in my evading repercussions for these particular crimes. My friend has no reason to lie about this, though. So I can't help but think that both of us (when mainly it was just us two doing the boots/thievery) evaded harm and repercussions because we practiced our craft with virtue as our bedrock. We are both good people who didn't wish to live such a life that was fueled by petty crime and drugs. With our virtue still intact, we escaped the vicious cycle of drugs and petty crime.
So, in conclusion, yes, both "good" and "bad" people cultivate the Dao and its Virtue. We should not "gatekeep" the Dao and its teachings to only the good, pious person. The Dao and all its teachings should be available to everyone: the Cook, the beggar, the thief, and the King. The Dao doesn't discriminate between our petty human distinctions, and we should be more aligned with Nature's natural distinctions. Just as the Dao is a treasure for the goodman who is a blessing for all, it (the Dao) is equally there for the bad person and is its place of support.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
Hello, I'm an aspiring fanfic writer and I'm just asking: how do you do it? Like, how do you get the confidence and motivation to write? I'm so worried about making and posting my work after spending hours on it for it to be hated. Another question, how do you write non-dialogue parts so well? I feel like I can write dialogue well, but I'm worried about writing actions and stuff like that will be too difficult and too "non-fluid like"; it just being non descriptive. I'm asking since you are one of my favorite authors on the site, and I want to get your advice on this matter. Thank you for answering if you do!
First of all, I am very flattered you are asking me for advice! It’s wild that people come to me to seek help like this, I still remember when I was 11 writing terrible fanfiction for the first time lol.
Personally, my main piece of advice regarding motivation is this: find an idea you really like, for starters. This may sound obvious but a few times I’ve liked a few things I want to write in theory, but then I sputter out half way through and realise that I was only writing for a small segment and had no idea what to do after this. Obviously, this is still fine, and is what oneshots are for - and it also makes good practice! But motivation wise, always find an idea that really makes you want to sit down and write it all out! I often do fanfictions in one big burst of inspiration in a few hours, but for other people this may be different.
Secondly, never let yourself be talked down out of posting anything! Like I mentioned, I’ve been writing since I was 11, and let me tell you some of those first fics are…interesting, to say in the least. But the act of posting them, even if no one interacts with it, should give you pride and confidence in yourself. Because you’re awesome - you just wrote a story and posted it! People can choose to interact or not, love it or not, but at the end of the day this is still a massive achievement for you.
Try not to get caught up in whether a story is doing “well” or not (for example, views, likes, kudos, etc). This doesn’t matter. If you are happy with your work, this is half the motivation to keep going. You often find one or two people that are really hooked with your story no matter what - personally I think the fanfiction community (at least the ones I’ve been in) are very kind and don’t interact just to hate. The feeling of having even one person loving your story is enough, trust me.
If the performance of the story matters to you, I highly suggest polishing off how you write summaries if you want to grab people. Personally, a confusing summary with excessive emojis or an unclear description makes me less likely to read something. I would advice posting a small snippet of your fic, and then a general summary (this is what I do for all my fics).
If you are struggling, I don’t mind creating summaries/proof reading fics for anyone! It’s hard, especially as a new writer, to do these things. For this, the old saying is the best - practice makes perfect.
You also asked about how I write my descriptions, so I will share my tricks of the trade. Most importantly - visualise the scene in your head.
I mean this literally. Imagine the conversation. How do you want your characters to be acting? Are they standing still? Where are they? How is the environment interacting with them? What are their feelings, and can these be described? Who are they talking to, and what is their relationship with them? Many of these questions can be answered much easier if you picture the entire scene in your head, from start to finish, and then write out all these little actions that you may miss.
Additionally, you also ask about the less literal things, like my descriptions and such - these are actually my favourite parts to write, so much so that I get a little carried away. I cannot really give much advice on this I’m afraid, apart from I write them just by expressing what comes to my mind as it comes. I don’t plan these segments like I do with plot and dialogue, but more so on a whim to extend the characters feelings. Is the character sad? How deep does this go? How does this actually feel? Like churning waters of anxiety that they can���t escape from, or small waves slowly increasing as the tide draws inward? Feelings are very abstract, and so you need to make the most of this. Metaphors are good ways to do this, or descriptions of these feelings also go well. It gives depth to the character and situation they are in, expressing more to the reader exactly how high the stakes are emotionally and physically.
Also, I would advise reading other fics, and picking what techniques you like from those. For example, if you like the way someone describes environments, write down why and then try and replicate this yourself. It helps narrow your writing style, and refine your skills, like finding an art style.
As a final, I would like to say - no one is perfect. No one is amazing at any skill right off the bat. It’s impossible and is never expected from any sane person. What is most important is that you are proud of your work, and this will provide all the motivation you need to keep going and growing as a writer.
For me, personally anyway.
Seriously though, thanks for liking my stuff!
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
There was this writing prompt in the wotr fandom, to describe why the KC loves the LI they chose, and I think I'm too late to the party, but since I didn’t post any writing for a very long time, well, I guess I just leave it here. It’s very rough and unpolished though.
"You maneuvered through the political shoals most elegantly, there is no denying it."
As always, she managed to make even a well-aimed compliment sound like a secret insult.
"You think me a usurper, don’t you, Lady Konomi?"
"This kind of candor would be inappropriate, my lord."
Her fork found its way to her half-empty plate. She ate the way she spoke: Stilted and with finicky consideration – allowing all too clear insights into her preferences and dislikes. He still had to get used to seeing her at least attempt to make use of her so-called diplomatic skills instead of only promoting them.
"But yes, I do."
A smirk played across his lips, amusement, almost delight. There it was. He enjoyed the confirmation that some things would never change.
"You must forgive me, but you ask us to put our faith, the wellbeing of this whole country, in an ambitious stranger.”
“A stranger, even now? I failed to prove myself in your eyes?” The calm amusement had not left his tone and he took a sip of his wine.
“As a military leader? You did without the slightest doubt. It is by no means my intention to disregard your impressive achievements. But to Mendev itself, with all its history and entanglements? I’m still of the belief that the successor of our dear queen Galfrey should be a member of the countries elite, not a visitor from Absalom.”
A visitor. He raised his brow.
“Though I admit, I underestimated you when we first met. I didn't recognize your skill and … determination."
"I know and love this country, Landy Konomi, and I was trained and educated for this very purpose: to rule."
"No matter the price, I assume?"
"No matter the exertion it costs."
"And no matter the tools, as it turns out. Although, observing your methods, I would have expected you to pick the one standing at your side with greater care. You want his name, I am aware, but with the reputation you gained, you could take your pick among other influential noble families of Mendev without choosing the worst rake this country has to offer."
“The Arendae name will be of immense value,” he admitted openly and in complete calmness while putting his empty glass down on the table and giving the waiter a gesture. “Barely any other name in Mendev carries the same weight.”
“This move leaves us with this dangerous wastrel on the throne you’ll share.”
“A throne he is the next in line for – without me in the picture as well.”
“A right he would never claim without you in the picture.”
“Maybe so,” The waiter refilled his glass with graceful routine and silently left them again. “And it would be a tremendous loss for Mendev and its people.”
Konomi looked at him with undisguised discontentment.
“It’s not a disguise,” she observed. “You actually have a high opinion of him.”
“The highest. Or I would never have fallen in love with him.”
“But …” A hint of genuine surprise lay on her features. “But why?”
He leaned back and crossed his legs.
“You don’t observe, I’m afraid. You think in categories and clichés, but you don’t see him. – Not even in the field you call your profession. His wit, his broad knowledge, his charm and courage, all of it allows him to disarm and maneuver political allies and opponents alike. It’s remarkable to watch and a pity he likes to disguise his qualities. Nonetheless, I love him for those remarkable features he hides as much as for this endearing mask.
I love him for the obvious things, his eloquence, his taste, his intelligence. But even those seemingly superficial things go much deeper: It feels good to be with him, it feels like belonging.”
Konomi listened attentively without interrupting him, curious for more, it seemed, and so he continued:
“I love him for his lightness that makes every burden disappear, for his humour, as dark as it will get, the offended faces of those around him who can’t even tell when he is joking and when he becomes serious, for the way he bathes in their reactions.”
“Quite despicable,” she commented.
“You think so? I cherish his skillful, shameless provocations. But even more his shining passion for life itself. He enjoys it in remarkable ways and every single day. It’s intriguing. It’s inspiring.”
A little smile appeared on his face.
“I love him for the things we have in common – in upbringing, our hobbies, vulnerabilities we prefer not to show and if we do …, well, then never easily. At the same time I love our differences with an equal amount of passion. He complements me, opens my eyes to new points of view, corrects me in anything I have been too sure about. Every once in a while, I think that he may know me a little too well.” No one before had ever made an effort to go that deep. – While, of course, he’d vehemently pretend not to. “He understands and even in cases he doesn’t …” The smile on his lips turned into sobriety while he searched the words for an emotion too big to be captured by sentences and his little speech. “He is at my side, there for me, no matter what it takes and he has proven it over and over again during the crusade.
I love him for his courage, for his deep loyalty, for the moments the good in him becomes so strong he can’t hide it, but also for those where the cruelty wins over. He wants me as I am, the inconvenient parts as well, and I want every facet of him, the bright and the dark. What we build we build together. And what scared him in the beginning of our journey became his true freedom. Our true freedom.”
Konomi stayed silent for a long time before she eventually cleared her throat. “Well, I have to admit you still surprise me. I didn’t take you for a romantic.”
The amusement was back in his eyes. “Only a chosen few are aware of this little fact.”
“In this case, I feel honored, commander.”
Something in her face – and he couldn’t quite place it – seemed softer than before. She took the menu and started to look for desserts while the waiter came and took their plates.
“And thank you,” she suddenly added, “I may reconsider my opinion about him. Slightly.”
“Please don’t.” He smiled and took his glass. “He would be inconsolable and never forgive me, I fear.”
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salvatwh0re · 9 days
I didn't meant to come off as rude at alllllll 😭????!!!!!!
U said u don't want to share your personal life, I understand, neither would I. But any of the things I asked u to do couldn't reveal your personal life....!!??
And u said u don't share those pic to prove that u entered void but then why when an anon asked for prove u showed the pics of u in Morocco ( if I remember correct ) I'm talking abt the post in which u showed your backyard
Any ans now?
Hi! I understand that, if you read the post in its entirety you would see that I was just using your ask as an example, and not directly calling you rude. What you were asking is a part of what I’ve explicitly state many times that I am not willing to share. Like I’ve said before, even sharing pictures of myself is uncomfortable for me, but I understand that it makes most of you feel closer to me to know who is actually behind the blog. The pictures from Morocco were not at all proof of the void, it’s just “proof” of why i was gone for a few days. It wasn’t even an answer to an ask, it was its own separate post. The only time I’ve ever used pictures as “proof”was the very first time I did a face reveal. I didn’t really intend for it to be proof, I just used it as a way for you guys to understand that I’m a living, breathing, human being that makes mistakes just the same as all of you. Just because I’ve tapped into the void state and manifested my desires doesn’t mean I’m some magical all powerful being that transcends reality and saves the universe. It may sound cringe but I’m literally just a girl from California that wanted to travel the world, be confident in her body, and make her mom proud. There’s nothing special about it, I have absolutely no desire to make things float with my mind, or make myself levitate or something, I just wanted to improve my life so i could live it the way I wanted to without as much stress and hardship, as I’m sure most of you want too.
A lot of people are satisfied with my “proof” and if you’re not, then that’s definitely something you should work on! I have plenty of posts and subliminals that can help you fix your mindset and achieve your desired outcomes. I used to be in your position once before craving some sort of hard core proof that would suddenly make me fully believe in the void, remove all my doubt, and teleport me to the void. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work that way. As long as you give power to your doubts, they will always win, no matter what kind of proof you’re given, your limiting beliefs, blockages and doubts will always find a way to convince you that you cannot achieve what you desire, and until you work on that, it’s going to be very difficult for you get where you want to be.
P.S: sorry for the tough love, I really don’t like being so “aggressive” in my responses, but I get so many like this and I just want to be able to get through to you guys. Love you all, thank you for trusting me and sticking along with me through this:)
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izicodes · 1 year
I’m a beginner w programming and I really need motivation :((( I feel kind of dumb because it takes me a while to understand basic concepts. What did you do when you felt like this? (when you were starting out )
Honestly, how I did it was I had a lot of people who were either depending on me to succeed with programming with my apprenticeship or wanted me to do well. I come from a fairly poor family and a lot of my family live back in Africa so I also have the privilege to be here to get free education. By constantly reminding myself (but not overdoing it) that I need to do well in the course, that kept me motivated.
Other things include the ability to create cool projects. I used to watch Frontend Web Development tutorials on YouTube way before I actually started coding and I wanted to make all those cool aesthetic websites! “One day I’ll make something like that but more amazing” and here I am learning programming to achieve that.
The other major motivation for me is I found learning about new languages or technologies fun. When I got the hang of HTML, I was super excited to learn CSS and then I learnt some Python and that was such a good feeling ticking the box of “Oh yeah I learnt that one, and built a couple projects”!
I think this is just a me thing, but I sign up to do courses that has a fancy certificate at the end solely because of two things: I learn the new language/technology and… I love seeing my name on a certificate! Sounds stupid but I really do! One day I’ll have a wall with all the certificates I’ve ever completed! THAT definitely motivates me!
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When trying to stay motivated, you’ve also got to stop comparing yourself to others or feel like you have to know everything “right” way or go a certain path. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, everyone is different and programming is a lifelong learning process.
Find a project that you're passionate about or something that motivates you to learn programming. It could be a game, a website, or a tool that you need in your daily life.
Find the reason you wanted to learn programming. “Because I study it for university/school/online course/etc” does not count. WHY did you start the course? WHY did you pick programming and not knitting or law whatever? WHY do you think you’ll be good at programming? Find that inner passion for programming, write it on a sticky note and have it where you constantly be looking (study area) and keep reminding yourself
Example from me: I wanted to learn how to build websites about my interests (Hello Kitty, Anime, Lana Del Rey and music). Now I want to work towards create mini adventure games one day. Hope that one day I’ll get to work for The Sims/Electronic Arts in the Game Development team. I’m doing all of this to make my Dad proud and feel I was worth it after all the years of sacrifice he did to get me here where I am. I’m learning so I can live comfortably with my fiancé (husband in the future obvs) and spend money on buying him gifts and funding his little hobbies! (He’s super adorable) <- Write something like that
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In terms of feeling dumb:
Accept that it’s normal to feel that way. No genius becomes a genius after 1 day of studying. Not even 1 month of studying. Programming is a freaking hard subject to handle. Accept that it’s normal to feel dumb sometimes. You’re not the only one.
Please don’t look at the whole picture when learning. By that I mean, yeah C# (for example) looks like a freaking hard language from the outside but when you start to break it down into topics like variables and data types etc and even break it further into subtopics, suddenly the language doesn’t look at scary! You just have to tackle the little guys and poof! You beat them all and now you know your target language/technology!
Don’t be too pride or too shy to ask for help. From teachers to the users in a programming discord server, ask for help please. Ask even the dumbest of questions “Does does HTML mean?” Do it. Learn from the answer. Keep it in your memory. Move on. Keep doing that throughout your learning!
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Programming is a skill, and like any other skill, it requires practice. Try to write code on a regular basis, even if it's just a few lines a day. Don't push yourself too hard, take breaks, and come back to programming when you feel refreshed. Remember that learning programming is a journey, and it's okay to take your time to understand concepts. Don't give up, stay motivated, and keep practicing!
** I made other tips for beginners in another post - LINK
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rabbit-harpist · 7 months
O Segredo Na Floresta (episodes 1 and 2)
Thoughts on a first-time view of OSNF
To start I’d like to say that I’m just an English-speaking gal and the only Ordem knowledge I have is from osmosis and Quarentena. Which I loved, so I’m trying to get into the subtitled seasons of Ordem Paranormal now.
I did not watch the first season (subtitles take a lot of brain energy and I heard OSNF was more settled into the flow of the series) but I did watch an ‘Ordem Paranormal but very very fast’ animation!
-It was interesting that Mr. Verissimo is an actual guy they can just talk to? It felt like he was going to be much more mysterious, or a symbol for the order, or perhaps a late-revealed villain. He still could be, I really don’t know.
-It’s been a bit since I watched the first episode, but I liked the characters. The dynamic between Cesar and his father is so interesting—Christopher can’t stop him from joining the order; he’s his own person and he can make his own decisions. But he knows that this isn’t safe and he doesn’t want his son near it—I want to see them be forced to understand each other better.
-Also, that overenthusiastic police guy. He was funny. It’ll be great if he comes back later and gets immediately killed off. Talking to him also helped make me feel how remote this place is—it makes sense that something paranormal could be hiding out here.
-What happened to the first investigation team? They couldn’t have gone through the sanatorium—all those monsters will still trapped and waiting when the player team came through. There’s so much story waiting to be uncovered and I’m fascinated by the planning it takes to make a campaign like this work.
-The sanatorium was very gross. Worse than everyone kept saying Christopher was. And very creepy. It’s awful what they were doing—the critical mass it takes to get a paranormal meltdown so bad that everything is transformed must be hard to achieve and they did it without even meaning to.
-the discovery of the fused women and the spiral goop! the sequence as Liz unconciously reached for it, began tracing out the symbol, felt as if she was regaining health only to be revealed she was losing sanity—so good!
-I love Cellbit as GM:
‘Wait a minute, I’m taking out my /list of mental diseases your characters can develop/‘
The noises! He narrates calmly but any battle scene must be acted out with full monster noises and impassioned gestures. it’s one of my favorite things about this honestly
the other noises too. In the subtitles it’s all rendered as (punch sound) (growls) (sound of door opening) and it’s all him doing it
-Jyoui and calling Liz Liz-senpai and being so happy when she gives him any kind of compliment. it’s sweet. he’s great. I want him to be okay at the end of this.
-Christopher’s bad english accent. I find this funny because I cannot pick up on it (I’m bad at recognizing accents even when they’re /in/ English) but it was the focus of multiple scenes
-that moment when, after the defeat of an enemy near the end of the second episode, Jyoui, overcome by admiration for Christopher, asks to take a picture of him (holding up his phone in real life.
cellbit, very seriously, asks for a photography test. Jyoui takes an okay picture. Christopher rolls and fails horribly. He is the worst model possible.
it was just very funny after a lot of tense fighting and I really liked it.
-also the ‘gods of death eat apples’ because I got the reference and also duolingo is doing something! I know ‘eat’ and ‘apple’!
-I like this! it’s difficult to find time when I’m able to focus on reading subtitles but when I am watching they don’t impact my enjoyment much. I enjoy the characters and the vibes and I’m really interested in what’s going to happen in all the many episodes. I’ve only seen quarentena, I’ve got no idea how that works.
so cool. it’s so cool and I just want to record my thoughts to go back to. when I’ve finished the next episode (could be awhile) will record more thoughts
Thank you so much subtitle people!!!! If you ever see this I’m so grateful <3
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tsaritsa · 6 months
Congratulations on winning Nano!!! Any hot takes or unconventional tips on how to achieve a huuuge milestone like that in so little time?
Also, if you'd like to share, I'd love to hear more about the piece(s) you worked on during this year's event! Big yay if you want to tease us with a sneak peek as well. 🙂
Congratsss again!!!
ty!!!! i am afraid my tips might seem kind of obvious and not that much of a hot take but here's what worked for me:
writing sprints. do 10 min. do 17 min. do 30 min. whatever it is, just get words down on the page. after each sprint was finished i'd look at what i wrote, fix up the most glaring mistakes (espe if the words looked terrible. i've learned to live with a lot of spelling errors bc otherwise u waste too much time. during nano each day i'd prolly manage between 2-3 sprints -- usually enough to net me between 1000-1500 words each day. i wouldn't stop if i hit the daily total, i'd stop when i could feel the motivation waning. my lowest day was under 300 words, my biggest was just over 4000.
get a community. writing sucks alone. i feel very grateful that i've made some friends on here who were also trying to write regularly, so now there's 5 of us in a little discord i've made. we do sprints with each other and share lots of snippets, memes, pretty pictures etc. it keeps us excited about our own projects, but also allows us to cheerlead each other on.
get used to placeholders. i use TK. anytime there's a word i need but it's not on the tip of my tongue? TK my beloved. sometimes i'd write like she sighed in a TK kind of way, or like harry opens his mouth to argue about TK TK some work thing he's doing TK TK. it just keeps u in the pace of writing ur in, but allows for a few words to be spent writing down a piece that needs further expansion.
establish habits and goals. for me, it's stuff like trying to write the bulk of my writing with a nice candle lit, but also the silly stuff like putting on lippy so I feel like. Ready to do shit. have a few drinks avail. one to hydrate (ice cold) one to caffeinate (also ice cold). play music or sounds that will help u get into the zone without overly distracting. now that i've won it i'm gonna treat myself to some silly purchases as well bc i should reward myself for such hard work and dedication. i'm thinking a v comfy hoodie.
overall if i didn't have the community i had this month i think my external motivation would've been lost quickly, so find friends to yell at about ur project. watch yt videos about ppl doing writing! make posts and don't give a flying fuck about being cringe or not suiting ut 'aesthetic'. this is u. do it for U.
in terms of this project: the short version is hermione goes back to hogwarts post book 7 and has to slowly begin to recover from/learn to live with the PTSD she's gained. alas, draco is also back and she's gotta learn to make peace with the fact that he's allowed to want to change and that he's making small steps to become a better person than who he was. they're gonna kiss and be disgusting with each other. ultimately this is a story about hermione's journey, as the whole thing is written from her perspective, so although the dhr aspect is there, there are also other important relationships i want to focus on -- especially her and harry.
i'm ignoring/expanding on a lot of canon, and using some details from the movies i prefer over the books (namely her mudblood scar bc mmmmm parallels). i don't really know if anybody is in character but i don't care! this is my story and i'll do it how i see fit haha.
the following excerpt comes from late sept in the current draft. at this point dhr has been forced together a few times already. draco has surreptitiously managed to drug slughorn with a potion of his (slughorn's) own making during their potions class bc the potions professor was spending an entire lesson just showing off instead of. u know. teaching.
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One Piece - shipping drabble
Law x Nami
Just some silly, incorrect quotes about marriage and being in a relationship with pictures! That I personally think fit really well with the LawNa dynamic!
( I also think it is neat and fun to explore that possibility and idea between these two fictional characters)
Rating: SFW
Warnings: some minor bad language, but nothing too bad.
I am aware this isn't a popular ship, but any form of hateful or negative comments will not be tollerated. You can like what you like and that's fine~ Because we all want to have fun, and a good time here! A wise person once told me: "If you got nothing nice or actually constructive to say, then probably don't say anything at all."
Let's spread love and kindness. Not hate and war.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・:❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🩶🖤🤎
If you wanna see other stuff check out my
Main Shipping Harbor! Lots of verity there~
Heads up!
So marriage isn't just between a man and a woman. Marriage should be all about being with the one you love regardless of their gender or ethnicity. So long as it's not toxic or against the law (like actual cringe stuff)
Then go for it! Get out there and find love in whatever way makes you and your significant other happy~
Okay now that's outta the way...
To this self-indulgent drabble~
Sleeping together:
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"Some mornings, I wake up grouchy. Other mornings, I just let him sleep." -Nami
(Quote from:Unknown - Marriage humor of great men and women.)
"Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can’t sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can’t sleep with the window open." -Law
(Quote from: George Bernard Shaw)
The benifits of being married:
"Why do married people live longer than single people? I think it’s because married people make a special effort to live longer than their partner—just so they can have the last word." -Nami
(Quote from: Janet Periat)
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"Look, you want to know what marriage is really like? Fine. You wake up, she's there. You come back from work, she's there. You fall asleep, she's there. You eat dinner, she's there. You know? I mean, I know that sounds like a bad thing, but it's not." -Law
(Quote from: Robert Barbone - Everybody Loves Raymond)
Tolerance and Compromise:
"I love you no matter what you do...
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... but do you have to do so much of it?"
-Law and Nami
(Quoted from: Jean Illsley Clarke)
A doctors' take on marriage:
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"Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other’s minimum daily requirements."
(Quote from: Kathy Mohnke)
It's totally normal:
"My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce." - Nami
(Quote from: Dr. Joyce Brothers)
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"And she might be a pain in the ass. But she's my pain in the ass." -Law
(Quote from: A Very Potter Musical)
Extra benefits:
"I married for love, but the obvious side benefit of having someone around to find my glasses can not be ignored."
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-Law & Nami
(Quote from: Cameron Esposito)
"The first draft of my vows, which I wrote the day after we got engaged, clocked in at around 70 pages."
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(Quote from: Leslie - Parks and Recreation)
This was meant to be.
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"I never fell in love with you.
Falling is an accident.
No, I walked aggressively
towards love for you.
It was on purpose and
with purpose." -Law
(Quote from: f.k.q)
The greatest thing...
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"My most brilliant achievement was my ability to persuade my wife to marry me."
(Quote from: Sir Winston Churchill)
The End~
Picture/Art work credits:
Law playing with Nami's hair by: Unkown
Law and Nami in a comfy place: saram_80
Nami putting her lip gloss on Law: @ZSxJvsKNpB7AVoE
Law fighting with Sanji and Nami trying to stop them: One Piece Episode - 913
LawNa week day 4: Height Differences - Unknown
Straw-Hat's and Nami laughing at a not so amused Law: shevoj
Nami beating everyone up. Including Law: Unknown
Nami helping Law with his Dressrosa disguise: Unknown
Law passed out at his desk, and his crew sneaking in with gifts for him: Unknown
Law and Nami meeting at Sasbody: xMinyuV
Nami whispering something into Law's ear: Unkown
I do not own any of the pictures above nor characters from the One Piece franchise, but go give those artists and Anime/ Manga some love if you can!
And if you know who any of the "Unknown" Artists are, please send me a link to their portfolio (if it also includes the picture that's excellent too!)
Want more? Check out this other LawNa Drabble I did (warning it is kinda sad).
Also, my main Shipping Harbor. For even more stuff to explore here on this blog!
Like what you see? Consider sharing and / or leaving me a tip! Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day~
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callmewishful · 8 months
I saw your poll post in Mikky's tag (late to the party so I couldn't vote), and I was wondering what your thoughts would be about the idea of Miklan having gotten his scar from the Sreng raid at the time his mother died. Do you think it was from that or just something else in his life?
Ohh I have had many thoughts around this today! (It’s long but there is a summary at the bottom, promise)
See his nice little picture:
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My initial belief was that he achieved this scar later in life, after he was disowned, by some other bandits or whatnot. The part surrounding the scar line (which I tried to point to) is not very well healed/lots of damaged tissue (I say that like I’m a scar expert - I am not so maybe none of this makes sense) therefore I figured it happened when he didn’t have access to good healers, which would be post-Gautier-exile.
But! Now that I’ve thought about it, it totally could be from the Sreng attack too and that would be a very interesting take/Gautier trauma.
When I look at it with a Sreng attack light, maybe it’s the skin trying to compensate/stretch as he grew? (Sorry if that sounds icky) Something had to happen to it for it to be as irritated/pronounced compared to the other scars he has on his face, is my thought. I think stretching skin could definitely be a possibility, and honestly maybe even more plausible!
Also, it makes sense from a lore standpoint. Matthias sent his pregnant wife up to Sreng because he wanted to protect her from the plague. I always thought that Mik stayed behind because he was the heir to Gautier at the time and needed to train/learn, but as current heir wouldn’t Matthias want to protect him too in order to preserve the future of the territory, and therefore send Mik with his wife? It’s entirely plausible to me that occurred. It also would be another nail in Matthias’s thought-coffin of “peace with Sreng is naive idea” because if they were willing to do that to a defenseless child (Miklan couldn’t have been that old, I don’t think. I personally hc that Mik was around 2 1/2-3 when his mother died) then, in his head, they really would be the kind of people that would refuse to negotiate.
I thought of this piece literally as I type, and maybe this isn’t very fleshed out, but consider that Sreng gave Leif over because they knew they injured Miklan and they thought being “even” was giving Faerghus a child to do with as they pleased in return??
Please excuse me while I go cook this in my microwave brain.
Tl;dr: My belief up until this point was that it came from fellow bandits post-disownment. But now that I’ve considered this in response to your ask, it is totally probable that it is from Sreng and boy does that open up a fresh can of Gautier feels.
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tiredhawks · 2 years
PLEASE talk more about hawks struggling with reading and writing
Glad you asked. If you're here from my bio, then a fic I wrote https://archiveofourown.org/works/42568599 is about Dabi finding out.
But if you want my reasoning- children should be able to read by 6 or 7. But for that to happen, it's extremely important for the building blocks to be put in place years earlier. That means playing with letters, parents reading them stories, looking at picture books, watching children's TV shows, learning the alphabet, associating sounds to letters. Note that most kids are in preschool 3-5 years old.
Hawks was taken in by the Commission around age 7 and before then we know his parents were extremely neglectful. The only thing I can give him is that he occasionally watches TV himself because of his misconception of pro heroes being fake characters. However, watching TV in general is not useful for written language. It's specifically kids programs like sesame street where you're meant to learn things that would help. And it's for that reason Hawks doesn't struggle with spoken language. His parents talked, they talked at him, and he could hear the TV, and occasionally escaped from the house. And this is less logic based and more headcanon but birds have the most similar vocal chords to humans and even aside from parrots, there are birds that will mimic us. I like to think that their capacity for copying language has helped benefit him learning spoken language.
So, wouldn't the Commission have taught him to read and write? Of course, it's essential to hero work. The problem is that there is a time period in life where your brain is working overdrive and the idea is "the sooner the better". There's a million factors at play when it comes to the human brain so there's always going to be differences and exceptions. You'll hear most commonly that 9 years old is the cutoff for fluency, some will cite 18, and others will say 30 is the real decline for learning another language at all, while differences at even 1 year old have been studied- but all of these studies are referencing children who have normal childhoods and the right foundations. Hawks did not have that.
Which makes me more inclined to look towards the concept of "feral children". (Which isn't Hawks, but the concept it relevant) Children who were completely socially isolated and no matter what kind of program they went into later in life, never were able to achieve the same level as other people and without continuous learning upkeep, they would actually revert almost entirely. It's a very interesting topic you can Google.
Hawks is very smart, we know his brain is levels above what's considered normal, and it's very safe to assume the commission worked on this relentlessly. That's why I would say he can read and write, but struggles with it. I'd assume he needs to focus far more than a typical person would and has to sound things out to compare it to a vocal word he knows, or has to read sentences twice. And because of that, stressful situations can completely mess him up. Like, say, an angry murderous villain impatiently staring him down.
Now I'm well aware Hawks read the MLA book and got a message into it but consider this, making that message was probably easier than actually reading it normally. The biggest problem would be the amount of time he spent piecing the letters together in his head because he couldn't write it down himself with the cameras. And because Hawks is so smart, once he gets the basic understanding down, he doesn't need to keep referencing the book. He can figure it out on his own and roll with it.
So yeah thanks for reading my thesis. I am not a psychologist or sociologist.
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thuganomxcs · 7 months
“Mama look..” A little girl spoke out pointing at the see-through glass of the nearby arcade. The arcade advertised that there’s a rather limited edition Watapon plush. Only ways to win would be to achieve a totally of ten thousand prize token and for the average gamer that was an almost impossible task..for the more experience? Probably a few hours spent in the arcade.
“Oh, what a cutie but I don’t think we’ll even have the time to try for something like that.” The mother spoke towards her child, she was highly doubtful her daughter would give up just like that so she came up with a compromise. “What if mommy gave you some money and you can try and win it tomorrow. It’s already winter break and I think you deserve a little fun before we go back home.” The woman said as the child looked on quite excited.
“Really mama?” She asked and her mother nodded, from then on she cheered as she continued to walk alongside her mother. A few other things were spoken between them how she wished her father wasn’t too busy with his own special ‘friend’ to help her get the little plush.
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AND as fate would have it Yusuke caught every word said, it’s not like he WANTED to eavesdropped but the girl herself was extremely loud. From the sounds of it that was a single mother because the father is off gallivanting with some broad. Yusuke could only picture the look on the kid’s face if she doesn’t win the plush. “Damn broad settin’ her kid up for nothin’ but disappointment.” Yusuke spoke as he stood next to Duke (sorry I’m a 4kids watcher). His eyes then peered at the poster stuck onto the arcade window. “Ten thousand game tokens huh..” It looks like the seemingly ‘street thug’ was thinking of doing something random and kind. “Hmm she did say she’s bringing her back t’morrow. Ugh, what am I talkin’ about..I don’t owe that kid a damn thing. Though, think you could pull it off if you actually camped out in here for the day?”
liked for a small winter starter / @devildukem
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thommi-tomate · 3 months
Interview with Robert Andrich
By: Sport1
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Mr. Andrich, there is currently a more positive mood around the national team. What is your impression?
I have a good impression of the team. The team spirit was never a problem anyway. We've also got a few new boys - older and younger. We are now trying to work out a game idea and hope that we can achieve our first successes in the game against France on Saturday. The big goal, of course, is to deliver at the European Championships. We still have four games before that, which are very important for our development.
The focus is currently on Toni Kroos, who is returning. What has changed with him? What does he bring to the table and how does he lead the team?
I haven't been around the national team for that long myself, but of course I've known Toni a bit longer through his brother Felix, with whom I'm very, very good friends. Toni isn't some kind of zampano (pompous and overbearing) who comes here and wants everything to go his way. He does exude authority, but in a calm way. That's what sets him apart. He simply tries to use his footballing quality and knowledge to make the team better. I am sure that he will succeed. On top of that, we have other good players who can contribute to a good overall picture.
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Kroos wants a midfield center that includes all facets. Strong tackling and healthy aggression should also play a role. You fit the bill. It sounds like we'll soon be seeing the Kroos/Andrich duo in the DFB squad. How does that sound to you?
It's great to be mentioned in the same breath as Toni. It used to be the Andrich/Felix Kroos duo, now it might be Andrich/Toni Kroos. (laughs) That would be a good number. I think it's important that it works between the two of us, but also for the team. It's my job to present myself in such a way that the national team coach will consider using me. Everything else is not up to me. But basically it could be a good fit.
What individual qualities would you like to particularly recommend yourself to the national coach? Where do you see your strengths?
Of course, I know that I have my qualities when it comes to tackling and mentality. It's also important that we have a certain stability in defense. These are things that I can and must contribute. But that's not all. The days when you just needed a kicker in the six-man position are over. I can also play the odd good pass. But yes, first and foremost it's about providing stability and having a good feel for dangerous spaces.
There are some "loudspeakers" in the squad - where do you currently see your position? Have your successes in Leverkusen helped you to move up the hierarchy?
Success at the club doesn't really help you in the national team hierarchy. But of course they make you self-confident. You certainly don't have to hide. The basic character of a player doesn't change just because of success. I bring a lot to the table just because of my age and experience. I'm a guy who likes to be loud on the pitch and likes to talk. I try to help my teammates accordingly. But it's important to find the right mix. It's not about shouting in every situation just to get loud.
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Your self-confidence is also based on your very successful season with Bayer Leverkusen so far. How is the exchange with the Bayern players here with the national team?
Of course, the one or other funny remark is made in turn. Thomas Müller is also a guy who likes to tease and perhaps wants to make us Leverkusen players a little nervous. From time to time we talk about the constellation in the Bundesliga, but at the moment the focus is on the national team. That's why we mainly talk about football here - that's more important than club football right now.
You became an international player relatively late. Is it perhaps an advantage that you joined the DFB squad as an "adult", so to speak? Is there less pressure on you than on a very young player?
Basically, I would have liked to have been invited to play for the national team as a 19-year-old. (laughs) But of course, all those years as a professional have certainly shaped me and contributed to my development. Some of the steps I've taken in my career weren't ordinary - but they've helped me as a person and brought me to where I am now. I now perhaps know more about what football is all about. I value things differently.
How have you personally experienced your previous appointments to the DFB squad?
I was called up to the national team for the first time when my limited playing time didn't really suggest it. I might have wished for a call from the national team coach a little earlier. But it was meant to be and I've earned my place in the squad. I've resolved to prove myself again and again and to keep at it in order to be nominated. Since the international matches in November, I've played more games in Leverkusen and earned the invitation
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You mentioned your physical presence and your mentality. You are often referred to in the media as a "plow horse" or "chain dog". Are these terms you can live with or would you prefer a softer image?
Because of the way I play and all my tattoos, I can probably say goodbye to a soft image. Journalists are welcome to come up with nicknames, but I don't really care about that. In any case, I've never come up with a nickname that I'd say is absolutely great.
You didn't only have good times in Leverkusen and were injured in between. Nevertheless, you never complained, but subordinated yourself to success. To what extent can that also help you with the national team?
It's not easy when the team is warming up and preparing for the game and you're sitting outside in your winter jacket. You can't help much at first, but you can try to support your colleagues with little things and motivating words. With regard to the European Championship, it's important to have a positive squad beyond the first eleven players, in which everyone wishes each other only the best. That's the key to a functioning team - one is sporting, the other is human. It should never be the case that you hope for a yellow card for your team's rival so that you are more likely to play yourself. I've often had the experience of sitting on the bench in recent years, but in the end, the success of the team is the decisive factor. It's above everything else.
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What influence does Xabi Alonso have? What is his message to the players, who are not having an easy time at the moment?
You can't always have lots of one-on-one conversations and give everyone a big hug. You don't have time for that in the football business. Xabi Alonso always says: "I'd like to field 22 players. So give me arguments that I can no longer do without you." If someone were to make a fuss if they didn't play, they would stay out all the more. That's how he manages to spur everyone on to top performance. That is the key to success.
What makes Xabi Alonso tick as a person?
He thinks about football 24 hours a day. He is incredibly meticulous and focused. He always radiates a hunger for success.
Leverkusen have been unbeaten in 38 competitive matches. Was there a point in time when you knew that anything was possible this season?
The first moment I believed in the realistic possibility of the championship was after the win at home against Bayern. We knew that if we won the game, we would be five points ahead. That's quite a house number. But it's more of an ongoing process in which the belief matures that you can win everything. One thing is certain: no matter how much we rotate, and we did that to an extreme at times, we have the belief that it will all work.
With Leverkusen, you have the chance to win the German championship, the DFB Cup and the dream of winning the Europa League is still alive. Where do you place the European Championship in your personal ranking?
I'm now here with the national team and have two games ahead of me. I want to prepare and present myself in the best possible way. My full focus is here. Then it's on to the really, really hot phase in the championship, the cup and the Europa League. And then the priority is completely on club soccer. In the end, I just want to hold up a trophy again. The last one was the championship in the 3rd division. That could be very special this season. I'll give it my all, both in Leverkusen and here with the national team.
You're a very fashionable guy yourself. What do you think of the DFB's new away kit?
I was a bit skeptical at first, but now it's slowly becoming normal. Every time I see it, it gets better. It's definitely something different. I'm still a fan of the home jersey though.
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