#i font know. ... what other tags that fit this post
sotogalmo · 2 months
I'm not sure exactly how long Aunt Jane would spend in jail for committing multiple felonies (hiring vandals to trash Mike's place of work, being an accessory to what eventually became of them, etc) but I do picture at least over a decade in bars.
I can just imagine Aunt Jane getting out and coming across a full-grown Abby in the grocery store with a teenage boy (Sammy Emily) and her niece turning on her heel and leaving with the boy.
And when Aunt Jane tries to protest, Abby just glowers at her coldly and states "When I was a kid, you saw me as nothing more than a means to get money for your cigarettes. You were willing to trash Mike's workplace, just to get him fired, you're just as responsible for what happened to those vandals you hired," she would then slowly approach her former Aunt, glowering at her with disgust and rage "Mike has a full-time job and he supports me in any way he can. He will always be my father figure. You lost, Jane Schmidt."
I mean, Abby wouldn't understand it at the time of the first film (being 8-10 years old) but as an adult, she would be absolutely disgusted by her Aunt and want nothing to do with Jane. Sammy would also be disgusted on Abby's behalf and even inform Mike, Vanessa, and Michael Afton that Jane tried to talk to them in the grocery store.
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^ me going autistic over this AU.
ABBY‼️‼️ GET HER ASS‼️‼️‼️ Sammy telling Mike Vanessa & Micheal :((. Me too buddy, me too.
And, actually yeah. I do think that Aunt Jane would be staying behind bars for a very long time (I have 'experience': mom's husband is in jail, but it just sucks for him because he's not gonna steal again (and he actually stole the thing he stole because he grew up inna very difficult area. It was out of necessity), and bro has paid a WAY TOO LONG time in that cell then ANY OTHER FUCKING RAPIST OR MURDERER I CAN EVER THINK OF. He was there since he was a teen, and now he's an adult. In his 30s. It's only supposed to be a few years give or take. BUT NOOO, jails are fucked up when it comes to letting out people who WOULD NEVER DO IT AGAIN, and letting out people WHO WILL DO WHAT THEY DID AGAIN into society)
^ OOPSIES POOPSIES. sorry for that‼️‼️ I just- yeah- 👍 (I guess that does show that I do know about how jail works/etc. mom used to work over there. But it was fucked up and tiring methinks. So she quit and took another job)
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canonkiller · 2 months
Hi, I'm trying to do art commissions, but no one has commissioned me yet. Do you have any advice for attracting customers?
I wrote a lot of words for you in hopes that at least some of it will be helpful, so I'm putting the bulk of this answer below a read more to save people the scrolling. The quick and easy two tips that I find people forget to do the most are:
Is your art easy to find? Having a pinned post with a tag for your art, a link in your bio, or an art-focused / reblog-light blog (like this one!) make it so that people know you draw, and knowing you've been posting art for a while makes you less likely to be a scammer.
Is your commission info easy to find? People can't buy things that they don't know you're selling; clear and accessible links to your prices and terms are important.
Now for the real bulky meat of advice giving, where I say a lot of words that may or may not be relevant:
I have a lot of advice, but I do want to say before getting into it:
A lot of selling art (especially in a non-industry setting, like with social media commissions) is luck.
There is no one size fits all method for selling art, and it's best to go with what feels right to you (I'll go more into this later)
Tips for selling are not necessarily tips for creating, and there will be advice in here that I don't apply to myself. Determining what you do and do not implement is something you should decide for yourself and your work flow.
Your art not selling doesn't mean nobody cares about it.
Personally I think the idea of intentionally curating a single subject demographic of Customer and Consumer for your work is limiting and doomed to burnout in a non-industry space. I will also touch more on this later.
Now for the rest of it in varying orders:
✨ Attracting Customers
This one is going first because you mentioned it specifically. It is kind of vague though, by nature of the term, so what I advise doing is specifying.
When you are thinking of a customer, are you trying to appeal to:
People who will buy pre-made art products? (Pins, stickers, prints, etc)
People who will buy custom work? (Commissions for specific subject matter)
People who will buy art resources you've created? (Fonts, bases, texture packs, 3d models etc)
There's also frequency: a repeat customer of custom art will usually be appealed to more by a wide range of options (like illustrations), while you might get more single-purchase customers if you only offer a limited range of options (like only icons).
Demographics also, of course, play a substantial role in just custom art commissions; furries get lauded as high spenders, but they're also a huge community that is focused around OCs, so by statistics alone they will have more people with spending money and will be frequent customers of people drawing OCs. A narrower audience means fewer people, but often the spread of the people within that audience is the same - and at the end of the day, selling an art piece only requires one other person, it's just a matter of happening to find them.
The follow up question is of course the finding: the average artist in fandom spaces selling commissions does not have the platform or budget for an ad campaign. This, however, is also its own category:
✨ Posting Online
Right out the gate: anyone who has told you that just drawing x thing is the way to get easy money is wrong.
"If you draw more fan art, you'll -" wrong.
"Nobody cares about that, you should be drawing this instead -" wrong.
"if you need to sell fast, just sell porn -" wrong. And also re-evaluate your perceived lack of quality or value about the subject.
The things you will be able to create easily and consistently will be the things YOU, SPECIFICALLY, like to create. It is also entirely impossible that you are the only person on earth to have ever liked those things, which means that if you create them, there are people out there who will enjoy them.
It feels itchy to be like "and those people are Potential Customers", but it is true; your work will resonate with people. They will want you to create it. It is vitally important to your own well being that the things you create, that you want others to enjoy, are things you enjoy as well.
(This is also why the "just draw porn" joking advice that gets tossed around is particularly fucked up. You as the artist should not feel forced into drawing things you aren't comfortable with, and the vast majority of customers for explicit content also don't want the people making it to feel forced into doing so. It's basic consent. I have strong feelings about this.)
If you are creating things and putting them out into the world, they will find an audience. That audience may be one singular person! The number does not matter, because that's still a person who - again, sucks to frame ig this way - has the potential to buy things from you.
If you're constantly chasing a bigger follower count, more interactions, etc etc for the future, it can genuinely be pretty taxing on the people who want to support you in the present. When you enjoy someone's work, and want to support them, being told constantly that that support is not good enough is frustrating. Trying to follow your work should not lead to seeing more "likes are WORTHLESS and NOBODY reblogs my things" posts than it does art. You are a person making things to share with other people, and you have to remember it or you will burn yourself out into a desiccated husk.
TL:DR consistency is key and the easiest way to be consistent is to just draw whatever the fuck you live drawing in whatever ways you want to draw it, and then slap it on the internet somewhere and Keep Doing That
✨ The Actual Commission Information
this one is just factual really. A lot of artists have really shitty commission sheet layouts, because advertising graphic design and illustrative art are different skill sets. That's fine. You don't have to remake the wheel. A good commission sheet should include:
More images than text (if you can't see what the examples are when zoomed out, you have to rearrange or cut down on words)
Examples organized by price / type, and clearly labeled
Your personal favourites for examples - one really strong example piece is better than twenty tiny images of work you think is just "okay"
Contact information - having a method that works WITHOUT a social media account (email.) Is important and way easier to keep organized, imo
A SIMPLE list of strengths (the things you draw the best) and things you won't draw (common example: mechs). You do not need to list every fandom or subject matter. Limit yourself to a top five.
A clear and easy to type link for your terms of service. Carrd, and sites like it, is good for this. This will go into details about your process, what you will and won't do, permissions granted to the commissioner (like "no, you can't make an NFT with this"), your privacy policy (saying you won't sell commissioner details to third parties), and other stuff. You do not want to have all of this on your original post, because it should be thorough and you want your main post to be showcasing your work and not your legalese. Here's mine as a reference; if you have trouble writing your own, feel free to copy from it and make the necessary alterations for your work.
✨ There Was More I Was Going To Write But I Forgot
I have a different document of commission related talk here, which is also incomplete but in a different way. It's in my nature. Hopefully some combination of this and that can be useful to you. Sorry if they're not. I love you have a nice day
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aventurine-official · 2 months
((any tips for starting an rp blog?))
(Mod Minie's rp tips and tricks!
I have quite a few tips, but of course, they don't work the same for everyone. Feel free to use only what you think is necessary!
~ First of all, most definitely do make guidelines. Make the rules clear for people who will be doing rp with you, and respect their boundaries in return. It's most definitely okay to tell others you will not be discussing nsfw topics even if you are not a minor. I've just found that having rules is a nice way to set your boundaries and to avoid incidents easily. I have a rulelist in my intro post, and if you'd like to borrow it or interpret it into your own words or adapt it to fit your needs, then by all means!
~ If your rp blog is a sideblog, send your asks on anon, naturally. But no matter what kind of asks you send, it can be useful to tag your url as a signoff so that when the other person answers your ask, you get a notif from the tag.
~ One of the most "obvious" tips is to have different symbols or font styles for different parts of your rp. Every system is different, and none are expected to be alike. For example, many people use brackets ( ) for when they are speaking out of character, and quotation marks " " for when characters speak. I like to use italics and asterisks * * for my muses' actions, but there are many other ways to do so. Don't be afraid to be creative, as long as the difference is clear to identify.
~ Another tip is to slowly make yourself comfortable in the rp community you're in. Don't be afraid to talk to other moderators because most of them are really great people! This is also a skill that will come in handy later if you need to discuss the conditions for a rp thread or about doing rp for a certain ship together.
~ This is not necessary at all, but I highly recommend making tags. Whether it's to separate your asks from your reblogs, to sort interactions with certain other characters, or to identify your anons, tags are super useful for being able to organize your threads. As some people might not want to see the rp threads that get very long on their dash and instead want to see asks, that way other people can benefit from your tag system too by either following tags or blacklisting as they need. Also-- as a person who like showing some of my rp to other people, the tags are handy for me, too.
~ If possible, find a mod with a masterlist for your rp community. In my case, @/dr-ratio-official holds the HSR masterlist :) It can make it easier for people in your community to find you and to interact!
Mod Minie's rp advice!
These next ones are not tips, necessarily, but I find them incredibly important to know, especially if you're a beginner.
~ There is no rush. Rp doesn't have a time limit, and most other mods will be thankful they get a response from you at all and do not mind waiting from a few days to a month. Please do not let anybody pressure you into answering an ask or into replying to a thread when you do not have the energy. Rushed rp might not always be in character.
~ Don't worry about picking a character somebody else has roleplayed for! Picking a new character can be a handy choice to integrate into a community and to make yourself known, but you should only rp as muses you like! Don't worry if you share the same muse as other mods, just have fun!
~ Don't be afraid to have headcanons for your muse! You don't need to run around trying to prove it's true or get it approved officially. If your headcanons apply to your interpretation of your muse, so be it! If it bothers other people, that will be their choice to avoid interactions or not. In fact, I've often seen other mods agree with headcanons lsagdkagskf
~ Do not feel forced into discussing topics you do not want to discuss, whether in character or out. If you get an ask you'd feel uncomfortable answering, just delete it. It's easier and much less stressful.
~ Do not feel guilty about having favourites or about being someone's favourite, if your muse (or someone else's) has several mods who rp as them. Of course, certain people will have bias towards certain interpretations of characters. Some mods like doing more multi-paragraph rp, and will tend to interact more with certain mods who rp a muse versus other mods who rp the same muses. It's the same thing for more silly, less serious rp! It all depends what style you like, and I'm sure you'll find wonderful people who you enjoy doing rp with :)
~ Make sure your rp community (whomever you choose to interact with) is a safe and fun space for you and others! Do not be afraid to speak up if something makes you uncomfortable, and do not feel badly for cutting off interactions with a specific mod or anon if they do not respect your rules or begin to harass either you specifically or somebody else.
~ Lastly, just have a blast. That's what rp is for, bringing joy to yourself and others, as well as growing closer to your muse(s)!
I'm so glad you asked me for advice ahaha it makes me feel more experienced than I am! I hope this helps :) ~ Mod Minie)
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monarchisms · 1 year
oh yeah, now that it's closed, here's the post i wanted to make about that rt rebrand poll i made last week. this will be pretty long and kinda rambly, so feel free to just blacklist the "long post" tag :)
so like, i made the poll because of 2 main reasons: 1. because of a mix of comments i saw on other sites from people who also didn't know what color it was supposed to be, and 2. because of myself confidently believing it was some shade of orange until i switched from looking at it from my laptop screen to my phone screen.
it being a godawful shade of red/red-orange was mentioned in the article itself, which is why my question was phrased "what color do you guys think it is?" since either red or orange is both technically correct. going more into the specifics of the poll numbers:
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tumblr doesn't show the specific number of people who voted for any given poll option by default, just the percentage, so i went digging and followed this tutorial to get the raw data using firefox's inspect tool. the final results are, with 934 votes total, red at 551 votes (59%), orange at 303 votes (~32.4%), and other/a secret third thing at 80 votes (~8.6%).
red winning wasn't a surprise, really, but i was pleasantly surprised at how many people didn't have a definite answer or switched between answers like i did. i can't exactly pin down why that is, but if i had to wager some guesses...
the color scheme has a high chance of being a callback to rooster teeth's Popular Web Series Red Versus Blue™:
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and with a want/need for rt to rebrand, the idea of keeping the color scheme while also making it modern and pop out is really cool, but its execution is uh...
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i couldn't fit everyone's tags, but you get the gist. it fucking sucks, man.
as @god-of-arts-and-crafts has pointed out:
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orange and blue are complementary colors, with them being opposite each other on a color wheel except the people who made the rebrand chose a deeper shade of blue??? they couldn't even get that right, oh my fucking god, so while its technical color is red-orange, it can be overwhelmingly orange when paired with a similarly bright shade of blue, which is what's causing many people eyestrain. hell, the first time i looked at the picture when the news dropped, it literally gave me a headache lol
finally, as i've said in the tags of a different post about this eyesore, this is an accessibility nightmare. with the worst color combination possible, the colors used for the new font and logo are definitely not ada-compliant. there are free sites out there to test images for general accessibility issues. contrastchecker is what i use sometimes, and below is what i got using red-orange as the background and blue as the foreground, and vice versa:
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(both versions had the same ratio and color difference lmao)
the americans with disabilities act recommends that the contrast ratio be 7 at the lowest, but should ideally be higher than that, if possible. this is objectively and subjectively a very bad corporate rebrand, and i really, really want rt to break their "no jokes on april 1st because that's our anniversary" rule this year. if for nothing else, then just so that people who haven't read the variety article and/or the reactions on social media aren't jumpscared once the new intros/endcards/whatever else start rolling in.
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epitomereally · 1 year
You’re so talented. Every time your fan binding pictures cross my dash I stare at them for *hours*. The amount of care and detail you put into your books blows my mind. I know you talk about the process for each individual book on your fic binding posts but I wanted to ask: how do you plan your fic binds? Do you visualize what the fic would look like if it were a book while you read it? Do the colors and illustrations you choose come to you as you read the fic, or after? How does your approach to fic binding differ from your approach to writing? Etc. I’m curious about your creative process, though the technical part is also super interesting!
Ps: I love all the fics you chose to bind but I was so excited when you picked GallaPlacidia’s Ship of Theseus - probably my favorite of theirs. You have great taste 😁💚
Eek Elise THANK YOU! I’m so flattered & honored. Also always happy to talk fanbinding, especially binding design (my one true love)!
I would say planning takes the vast majority of my binding time—it’s something I love and I agonize over and I struggle with—while the actual binding often goes quite quickly! I often start with one element that I’m excited about & feel fits the the specific fic: a color or spine stitching pattern or a chapter title concept or title page (like the hand-dyed cover + birds for You Open Always or the blooming morning glories for Meet Me at Midnight) and then, because I have no chill or a single subtle bone in my body, I just roll with that element through the whole book until it’s totally exhausted (wish I could spoil some of my upcoming binds here, but you will SEE VERY SHORTLY what I mean). Every single time I make a book, around the time where I’m printing out the typeset, I feel that I’ve made a grievous error in including one more item than I should have, like it’s way too much. An example is the blackletter ornate font I ended up using for the title of You Open Always—you can see in my draft Illustrator document where I was trying out tons of concepts using stock images that most of my title page concepts were with a much simpler, more modern font that I used for the chapter numbers. However, in the end, I’ve always been happy that I’ve gone completely 100% on my vision, even if it’s a lot. In that way, I feel like it’s like writing—I may be incorporating all the elements I want to see imperfectly and have doubts about them, but I’m still putting everything I want in there & I’m proud and happy for that, even if I still have more things to learn.
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One last design element I want to highlight: BODY FONT! This is something I am still learning so much about and the Renegade Discord has been incredibly helpful (a recent message I sent: what font would you find in a pulpy 60s mystery paperback?). A gorgeous title page or chapter header or cover is great for setting the mood when you open a book, but the body font is 90%+ of what you see when reading, so I spend a TON of time trying different fonts to fit the vibe of the fic. I have no thoughts or advice or guidelines though—it’s like porn & you just know it when you see it.
I also get a ton of inspiration from fellow fanbinders, both on the Renegade Discord server & here on tumblr. A lot of time, I see a technique or cover or typeset and think that that would look incredible for XYZ fic. An extremely abbreviated list of people who inspire me daily: @a-gay-old-time (Emma, you're a BLESSING), @queercore-curriculum, @bindsbymunchkin, @pleasantboatpress (one of the most welcoming members of the Renegade server, in addition to being an incredibly inspiring binder), @chubsonthemoon, @no-name-publishing, @zhalfirin-binds, @dontcallmebree, @amywaterwings & @runawaymarbles. Sorry for all the tags, but want this as a resource for others! I would absolutely love to know how all of you come up with your artistic vision for the binds that you do (and please tag me if you post!). 
P.s. Ship of Theseus was a request from QC but I am SO HAPPY they requested it, because it’s one of my favorites too :)
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ramzawrites · 1 year
A different kind of self-hatred - 2k12!tmnt x rottmnt Reader crossover - Part 1
Part 2
Pairings: none
Characters included: Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, Raphael (Their 2k18 and 2k12 self)
Warnings: mentions of blood, stabbing and swearing
Series: A drabble somewhat
Summary: A little before and after moment of Y/N who after jumping universes tried to explore the hidden city only to come back with the answer to the question “If you punch yourself and it hurts are you weak or strong?”
Word count: 2113
Authors Note: Sometimes when I work on bigger projects I just write out moments that are in the middle of the story to get it out and on the paper so I might be able to work on it in the future or just as a way to remember. Since I don’t plan to do anything with this idea currently I thought I’d post it because why not 🤷maybe you guys will get some enjoyment out of this like me
Oh shoot before I forget, Reader is part of the 2k12!tmnt universe originally in case this wasn’t clear enough in this lil thing I wrote
Y/N has learned a lot over the last few days.
One, and probably the biggest revelation, other dimensions do exist and it’s possible to visit them. It certainly wasn’t a planned trip but if Y/N has learned anything over the years of being friends with mutant turtles was that you better just go along with the punches the world throws at you. Better to just concentrate on how to get out of the mess rather than how the mess started in the first place.
Two, being surrounded by your best friends and alternate versions of them was weird. Trying to address anyone in a group of eight people when there were only four names was a mess, hence why it got silently agreed upon that one half, the half Y/N knew, would be called by their full names and the new ones by nicknames. Let’s not forget the weird feeling of standing in front of what should be your best friends, but they were slightly off. Or as Mikey said, it’s them but slightly to the left or in a different font. Y/N thought that was a fitting description.
Three, Y/N might think they knew New York but they certainly don’t know this New York. Who would have thought that when you crossed dimensions there is a chance that the city you grew up in has a different layout.
Four, and the last thing, magic was real. In fact, there was a whole hidden city just for yokai who practiced magic on the daily.
So, when the turtles were busy with their alternate selves to see what was different and what stayed the same, Y/N decided to explore the Hidden City further. It’s been an interesting few days, so they knew their way around a bit and once again over the years they did learn how to find their way around better. Besides Donnie mentioned something about a magical library and when the others get the chance to learn more then Y/N would go out of their way to learn a few things on their own as well.
Also, it was a chance to explore. It’s mostly about exploring a magical city.
They made sure to not cross anyone else’s path in the lair as they snuck out so no one would try to tag along. Maybe they needed a moment after all to process all of this. Or maybe they just wanted to be alone, that’s a valid thing as well!
With their hoodie pulled up they ran happily through the Hidden City, sometimes stopping to take a quick peak inside shops or at stalls but they mostly made sure to stay on the move. They weren’t exactly sure if running around as a normal human was a good thing or not, but Y/N figured if they kept their hood up and continued walking it should be fine. After all they didn’t plan to stay long.
Yeah, all should be just fine!
Everything was not fine.
When Y/N rounded the corner back into the lair again they were met by shocked gasps. Eight pair of eyes stared at them as they desperately held onto a wall to keep themself up.
“Uh… so… Something happened.”
Donatello was the first to jump up “What the shell happened to you? Is that blood? Is that a knife in your hand?!”
There was indeed a silver dagger stuck inside the hand that hung uselessly next to their body. It was something they tried not to think too hard about right now.
He immediately made his way to sling one of Y/N’s arms around him to help them stand, Leo was close by since apparently this Leo was the medic of the team.
Leonardo looked worried but Y/N already knew that he would probably give them a stern talking to later since they just snuck off like that in a different and foreign dimension. As if getting the absolute snot beaten out of you wasn’t punishment enough.
“ ‘S fine! Didn’t you teach me once not to pull a knife out when you get stabbed?”
“That’s not fine!” Donatello retorted angrily “And maybe but still! That’s not what I meant!”
Leo begun moving “Let’s bring them into the infirmary and bandage them up.”
The small group started to walk but Y/N pulled on Donatello “Wait, wait, wait. Raphael?”
Said turtle rose his eyebrow as he waited for Y/N to speak, confused what could be so important that they couldn’t wait for it after being bandaged up.
“You remember the whole talk of if you punch yourself and it hurts, are you weak or strong? I can confidentially say I feel really weak right now.”
He blinked for a second as he no doubt tried his best to understand what they just said “Y/N did you do this to yourself?” Obviously he sounded very unsure of himself since this sounded just as ridiculous said out loud than inside his head.
They chuckled “Kinda? I met alternate me, and they are a bitch.” There was an insane amount of venom dripping out of their words, their face scrunched together as if they just smelled something horrendous.
“What?!” Both Mikey’s exclaimed simultaneously. The two seemed to get along the best by far in this group. Y/N could definitely not relate.
Y/N nodded “Yeah. Spotted them and they just fucking attacked me.”
Leonardo pulled his eyebrows together “Why would alternate you just immediately attack you once they spot you?” His mind no doubt already running a mile a minute trying to decipher this situation and wondering if this will be a problem that they all had to deal with.
“I don’t know. Probably saw their only chance to finally kick their own ass and took the chance?” Y/N chuckled weakly only for it to evolve into a coughing fit.
Leo hissed at that “I mean I have heard of self-hatred, but this is just ridiculous.”
Y/N would have loved to make finger guns at Leo for that but frankly they were just tired, and their body ached, so they just accepted their fate of hanging off Donatello’s shoulders like a wet towel. Speaking of Donatello, he was holding on to Y/N without much trouble. He was just busy eyeing them over with worried eyes, probably already determining what wound to deal with first.
“Our selves and our alternates selves do look considerably different how did you even know it was you to begin with?” Donnie asked seemingly unconcerned with Y/N’s condition. To be fair Y/N was just as unconcerned as him, after all they were still able to talk coherently. That meant something, right?
“Maybe we should do twenty questions after we took care of them?” Donatello brought up but Y/N shook their head.
“Nah, I can answer this. For starters they actually looked very much like me only they had like scales and claws and a tail. Like they were a full-on dragon human looking person. Also, I asked for their name and seeing how we otherwise shared the exact same face I just assumed they were my alternate self.”
“Wait” It was Raph this time who spoke up “Did they just approach you, you exchanged names and then they beat the hell out of you?”
“Pretty much.”
He winced in response.
“Okay, let’s take care of Y/N because the more we stand here the more I’m worried that they are bleeding out with the way they are beginning to slur out their words.” Leo finally stopped the interrogation, moving Donatello and Y/N along before more questions could be thrown their way.
At first Y/N wanted to protest but they had to agree with Leo on this one. The world was a bit wobblier than it should be. Damn, maybe it was a miracle that they managed to get back into the lair on their own after all. But they got back on their own, so, who is laughing now? Honestly it’s probably still Alternate Y/N.
Inside the infirmary the two turtles began silently bandaging up the wounds as Y/N sat on a stretcher. It was when Donatello took a look at Y/N’s neck that he let out a silent “Yikes.”
“Oh, yeah, they fully held me up by my throat using their tail. It was crazy. I bet you are seeing the imprints of their scales right now, right?”
Leo took a second to inspect their throat as well “You know we’ve been talking about why it hasn’t happened yet that we met your version here while other us are friends with you but suddenly I am kind of glad we haven’t. No offense.”
“None taken. You should be. Other me is a bitch and they are lucky they are some sort of dragon person, or I’d have kicked their ass for sure. I’ll kick their ass next chance I get.”
“Normally I would make a comment that making self-deprecating jokes like that is bad but, in this instance, I can understand your sentiment.” He smiled as he started to disinfect the wounds.
“Where were you that they just attacked you like that?” Donatello asked as he began investigating their stabbed hand. Which still hurt like hell by the way but again Y/N tried not to think too hard about their hand, instead they just concentrated on how much Alternate Y/N sucked. Even if their blood red metallic looking scales looked cool.
Man, why did Alternate Y/N get the cool looking scales and not them? They definitely deserve it more than the feral one.
Y/N thought for a second as they tried to get back on track again, remembering that Donatello asked them a question “Uh, I just left a library. By the way Leo I saw interesting posters of you and your siblings there. But yeah, left the library and literally ran into myself.”
“Hey, Leo, we gotta pull the dagger out. Y/N this will suck.” Donatello let go of their hand to grab some bandages to no doubt press on the wound once the weapon was out of their hand.
“Hehe, they might have kicked my ass, but I got their magic dagger.” Y/N chuckled to themself, ignoring how the two medics began crowding around their hand. They were just happy that they stole this dagger from their annoying self.
Leo looked at Donatello with a raised eyebrow “Are they always like this when they get beat up?”
“Oh, they are definitely loopier than usual but actually? Kind of yeah. I remember one time they dared a Foot Ninja to stab them with one of their swords so they could legally take it back home.”
Leo let out an amused huff “Really?”
Donatello sighed “Yep. They were really annoyed when we didn’t let that happen.”
“I could have had a cool sword...”
This time it was Donatello who looked at Leo with a raised eyebrow as if to say “See?”
Y/N was so caught up with their seeming victory of having, definitely, stolen the dagger that they were caught by utter surprise as the metal left their hand and the feeling of bandages being pressed down on the wound appeared.
After a lot of cursing and wailing their hand finally got disinfected and properly bandaged. They won’t be using their left hand for a while now as it seemed. And as Y/N grabbed the cleaned dagger to put it through one of their belt loops, Donatello gave them a disappointed sigh and shake of his head.
Y/N just mouthed “Mine.” To him.
But Leo had other ideas “Actually, let me have a look at that dagger. You said it’s magic? Maybe we can find some things out as you rest.”
It just took one look from Donatello for Y/N to give in. When Donatello wanted to, he could be even more stern than Leonardo.
“Yeah. Sure. It was crazy they just kind of threw the daggers through the air and it could change directions and even change their form.” They placed the dagger safely into Leo’s open palm.
“Now, go rest. Maybe in a few hours we have more info on other you and we can decide what to do.” Donatello pushed the human down on the stretcher who just kind of let it happen, having been through this spiel a few times already with him.
“Knowing me, they are probably just an asshole and there isn’t much else. I still wanna kick them.”
Leo snickered as he patted Y/N patronizingly “And you will, sweety, after you slept for a few hours.” His voice up an octave, obviously joking around.
“Will do, mom. Man, no matter what universe Leo will always be a mom, huh, Donatello?”
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stevetown · 10 months
On The New Tumblr Desktop Dash
I've been using the new Tumblr desktop dashboard for a few days now and I have some Thoughts that I thought would be useful to put out in to the wild. Most of the reaction I've seen has been...abnormally harsh about this UI update, so I think it would be interesting to actually go through the changes and point out what I like, what I don't, what I think could use some improvement, and maybe break down a little about why those Twitter comparisons are way off the mark.
More below the fold, but the tldr for me is - I think it's great! At the end of the day, I feel like I use the desktop version of Tumblr more and more since the change. Whereas before I used to just pick up my phone and refresh the app, now I get a hit of dopamine flipping over to the Tumblr tab when I need a work break.
The change is clean and logical, and as someone who came to Tumblr a year ago and still never quite grokked what all the icons at the top meant, having them spelled out is much nicer than guessing what they mean, even for someone who has become more familiar with the site. And to be clear, from what I can tell that's the goal of this change - to make it easier for newer people to use Tumblr and find their way around. Despite all the hate this change is getting, that is an unabashedly good thing.
The Left Nav
It's really, really clean. The old dash had a lot of unused space on the left, it makes sense to carve some of that out to have a menu that actually lays out what each icon means. The font size and style is comfortable without overcrowding. It just feels more...confident? Like these are the features Tumblr has. Use them! It's also just a more familiar web browser experience for anyone who has been using web apps since the dawn of email.
The badges also fit much nicer with the left nav. They don't float above an unclear icon, they're right next to what it says on the tin. You got 20 new posts to read, buddy. 5 new notifications. 1 anon ask. It's just better on my eyes.
I do understand the gut reaction that things are "too" cluttered. One of the first things I did was snooze Tumblr live and that helped me out a lot. Just removing all of the noise of live tags and loading-in thumbnails of people I'm not interested in watching went very far. It brought the post content further up on the screen.
A little before and after snoozing Live:
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I didn't even know what Explore was used for before. It was a compass icon. I think I thought it was some kind of search? I can't remember if I ever clicked on it before. Explore is much more interesting to me. It makes me curious. For a site that struggles with getting new users to find new content, it's a beacon that says "Find some cool new stuff!"
My problem with Explore is that clicking on it...doesn't get me much. The landing page just takes me to a feed from @todayontumblr that almost never has any content that I'm interested in. The "For You" tab on my regular dash is where I go mining for new blogs, along with "Your Tags." If Staff finds this change leads to more Explore click-throughs, I'd love if the tab itself get some love and made it a hub for finding new content easier. Maybe mixing up a feed of any tags you're following, trending posts, and other algorithmically sorted goodies that I'll want to take off the shelf and put in my chronological dash. I want it to be a place with the goal of encouraging me to follow new blogs.
The transition to the Live page doesn't feel good to me. You're taken to a totally different kind of page, and the UI jumps all the way to the left. It feels like you're going to a separate site. At least when you snooze Live it also removes the menu item. That's really nice! But I'll save Live thoughts for another day.
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I never knew how much I suspected these things were a bit redundant, but I'm glad now that they're separated and labeled correctly. I don't have to remember what the face icon/mail/lightning bolt all mean or why they're different. Things are much cleaner in that regard.
I don't really care for the popups when you click on them. Those do feel cluttered to me, like I'm going to lose sight of my dash, or the notifications. I don't have much UX advice here, other than to say I think I prefer how the Inbox is handled, where you're just taken to a full page view of the page. However maybe another solution would be how the Account and Settings icons are conducted...
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This is the section that sold me on the new dash. On the old dash, I found navigating the Account and Settings options...ephemeral. I was afraid I was going to lose my place if I didn't find the menu I needed. Here, having them slide out as a drawer, keeps me in place and lets me orient myself easier. It's made exploring settings overall frictionless. I've changed dash palettes like ten different times just because I could and it was easy to find. Maybe something similar for inbox/messages/activity would make the UI feel more consistent and less overcluttered-feeling?
I do notice that the Account dropdown adds a new scrollbar which makes things like the t logo and badges jump to the left. That can be a bit disorienting.
TumblrMart/Get a Domain
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The Get a Domain menu item is fine, but TumblrMart feels like it needs some love. On a new refresh, clicking the icon loads for a total six seconds before the mart pops up. By this point, if I wasn't intentionally testing, I would have just moved on. Again, I also just don't like pop-ups like this. Feels loosey. Much prefer the full-spread domain page you get.
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This is maybe my least favorite change. Every time I switch to my Tumblr tab, I see it in the bottom left and think it's the "Where were we?" button. When I do want to create a post, it feels like I have to travel far to get to the button, and then I have to travel again when the dots come up to select what type of post I'm making.
I wonder if just tucking it at the bottom of the menu under "Get a domain" would be better? Or at the top of the menu? Not sure. I feel in my jellies there's a better spot for this one.
On Twitter
If I can address the most frequent criticism I see on this site, which is that @staff are trying hard to "ruin" Tumblr by "turning it into Twitter," I understand that gut reaction.
But I'd encourage folks to think about that for a minute. UIs change, and a left-aligned nav is extremely common for a reason. Since the dawn of email, menu navigation has been relegated to a left sidebar. Twitter is not "burning to the ground" because their nav bar was on the left. Having a left sidebar means literally nothing in the grand scheme of what makes a website what it is.
What, truly, has this nav update changed? It does not change the functionality of the site at its core at all. It doesn't change what you can post, how you can post, what content you find, reblogs, or tags. For a site that struggles with new users "getting" the site and finding their way around, this nav change makes it much easier to settle in with something a bit more ubiquitous to the modern browser-viewing experience.
Thus leading me to believe the only reason people hate on this change so vehemently is they don't want to see new users or any effort at all to attract them at all, and I think that's exclusionary crap. Knock it off.
Change is Scary!
That said, the change is scary! Having your muscle memory interrupted isn't fun and can take a while to get used to. Every change has a growing period. I get that. For me, I got over that period fairly fast, but I recognize this process is different for everyone, especially those who have been around here for a lot longer than I have.
The change is also open for valid criticism. There are usability and likely accessibility concerns for sure. Staff needs time to iterate, and they need to know what problems are actually worth fixing and addressing. "I hate it turn it back" doesn't help anyone - it doesn't help Staff, and it doesn't help new users who are trying find a new place on the internet to call home after *shakes fist at the rest of the internet.*
I really like this change as a starting point, and I can't wait to see it iterated on further.
And on a small end note, if you also have thoughts and opinions that you want to tell Staff, please, please, please remember there are other human beings on the other end of line.
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miagwynwrites · 7 months
Henlo tis I @emeraldbabygirl! I’ve decided to make a blog just for my writing as I feel like my main blog is becoming a bit too messy and tbh my brother found my masterlist and I was so embarrassed so I’m making a new blog.
Hopefully this introduction won’t be too much but I did want to say that my main blog is the tagged above incase anyone sees a familiar fic floating around and thinks I stole it. So far I’m not sure if I’ll actually rewrite my fics and post them here or if I want to just reblog my older fics to this blog. However I will be writing all new fics on this blog from now on.
Another thing that I might do is reblog other fics I like on this blog too instead of my main but I’m not exactly sure if I will do that or if this blog with only be for my own writing.
I’ve been wanting to make this introduction post for a bit but I was still thinking of how I want to run this blog and what info I want to give out in my introduction. I would love to make this blog pretty though as I’ve seen a lot of writing blogs, especially my favorite ones use cute emojis and cute fonts and setups and gifs and things and I really want my blog to be aesthetically pleasing and not an eyesore. So far this introduction is doing just that but I don’t know how to make it all fancy and things so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated! I just want one blog that I really like and think is pretty as my main blog is super messy and my others aren’t as pleasing to the eye.
So far not a lot is set in stone as far as who and what I write for. I am however not taking requests because I really suck and getting fics written and posted and I don’t want people to get impatient with me if their requests aren’t out soon. This being said, in the past I have freely written fics for my friends on my own time but those were not requests I just wanted to make something for my friends. Right now I’m writing for kpop idols mostly but I do want to write for jpop idols and thai idols and I have written some ideas for non kpop idols. I think it will just depend on what I’m into at the time. Maybe I’ll write for anime characters I’m not sure. As far as which idols again it depends on my mood and who I actually want to write for. You might see a lot of VAV and E’last and I do want to write more for those groups but it all just depends on how I feel and what I’m into at the time. Also IMPORTANT! I mostly write nsfw and some slightly darker themes so just be aware and I will be using better descriptions and making use of the content tags to help as well but just a warning this blog won’t be all fluffy and happy.
My masterlist won’t be up for awhile as I’m really going to rewrite it and make it fit this blog better I suppose. Also please don’t expect new fics until after I get my old fics and my new masterlist up and running. I might not be on this blog often but just know that I’ll be working behind the scenes trying to fix and improve my fics for this blog. If you are interested in my works you can always read them on my main @emeraldbabygirl they are all still up. I’m debating whether I want to delete them from my main blog or not, I’ll need a lot of time to think and prepare.
With small things like emojis and maybe anons because I’m thinking about allowing asks on this blog I’m just not sure how I want to go about it. Same for my tagging system. It’s going to be a bumpy ride in the beginning but I hope with some help and a lot of hard work I can get things to smooth over. Sorry if this intro is too long but I wanted to get all my thoughts out and share what this blog will be about. I’m already dreading the rebuild of my masterlist but I will do a little bit at a time and hopefully she’ll appear here. 🦬
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shellxrls · 5 months
I'm starting a blog and have no idea what to do lol, and since I love your blog aesthetic i was wondering if you have any tips??? (sorry if this is overstepping lol, ignore this if it is)
it’s not overstepping at all i love questions like this. so for me, it was a lot about finding an aesthetic i like and going off that. there’s a lot of ways in which you can do this:
- i recommend going on pinterest and trying to create a moodboard to fit the aesthetic you want for your blog, its a good way to plan & envision and it can help if you want to add images to your blog later.
- for headers/borders/banners you can search up ‘[colour/design] headers’ in either pinterest or tumblr. tumblr has some great and rlly creative banners if you’re looking for something with patterns or more intricate, and pinterest is good if you’re just looking for a certain colour or a very specific image.
- for symbols of any sort, you can just look up ‘symbols’ on google and browse through the websites, maybe make a list of those you think match the aesthetic you want to portray, and later use them when doing bullet points or any formatting.
- if you want to implement emojis in your blog, try to create a list of emojis that all resonate with a certain aesthetic or even colour so you can refer back to that list later.
- try to learn how to work with tumblr and its formatting - i won’t explain all of it here bc it’s a lot, so maybe look up some faq on google. once you’ve learned how to manipulate it you can start implementing more complicated format choices. for example, you can make things bold, you can choose specific colours or even gradients, you can even change fonts and make something smaller or indented. there’s basically a ton you can do even just in-app, and it’s all very helpful
for general knowledge:
- tagging is super important, if you want to get any reach at all you need to make sure to tag all your posts.
- try to make your page as user-friendly as possible. make sure everything is laid out neatly & easily to find, and people won’t get confused going through your blog. you can do this by adding links to different pages, organising certain posts by certain tags, and etc.
- tumblr’s algorithm runs off the basis of reblogs, not likes, so do everyone a favour and don’t only like posts - reblogging keeps posts alive and boosts them to a larger audience.
i hope all of this was helpful, do let me know if you have any other questions and good luck in starting your blog!!
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Hello! In honor of my birthday I was going to post a fic everyday of November, but I decided a good old "why not make it an event". The primary aspect of this event is to do/create what makes you happy and to have fun!. (Reblogs welcomed!!!)
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This is a open multi-fandom event that is open towards all participants of fandom weather you make art, gifs, rant post, fan fic, fanvids, crochet, or simply love to support your fellow creators. Each day has a theme and three prompts to accompany the theme. The prompts are their just to help In case the theme alone doesn't spark the creative juices, but the prompts don't have to be used.
Continue below for the rules and a list of the Themes/prompts in ID format
Multi-fandom event, any and all fandoms are welcomed!
All forms of media are accepted (fic, art, gifs, moodboards, comics, edits, videos etc.) If making media is not your thing then there are also alternatives. 1) make a rant post about the theme for the day.. 2) Arts and crafts projects are welcomed as well! Crochet, knitting, felt work, cross stitch, you name it, it's welcomed!...3) support your fandom creators and reblog your favorite media surrounding the theme of the day!
You do NOT have to create a new entry for each theme. If you already have a existing project/work in progress from past events or that you never got around towards finishing, that fits one of the themes, finish/polish it up and use it!
You can use no prompts or all three prompts, doesn't matter as long as it matches the theme!
Nsfw content is allowed! Ship and let ship! (Please tag everything appropriately!) Everything (and I mean everything) is allowed!!
The "Free Day" can be used three different ways. 1) use it as a free day, take a break and don't post anything... 2) Create whatever makes you happiest!... 3) Create something along the theme of current events going on in the world right now.
There are NO Maximum or minimum requirements for any type of media. It can be a single sentence fic or just a pencil outline of art, everything and anything counts!
Crossovers with other events are welcomed as long as the other events are okay with it too!
This event STARTS November 1st and will technically END December 1st. But you can post any entries/fills as early or as late, the event takes place during November but early or late participation will all be accepted!
Please tag me @xviruserrorx in your creations/post so I can see them and also tag #novemberfandombash2022 along with the following: Ex. #fandom, #day, #prompt, #form (fic, art, etc), along with other things that need to be tagged (warnings, triggers, etc)
If you are uploading Fics, Please be kind to people's news feeds/dashboards and use the read more!
I don't know the amount of participation for this so I am not going to make an Ao3 collection unless anyone wants it. And if so, please send me an ask so I can make it. 😁
If you make a Masterlist please tag me as well so I can see and reblog all the lovely creations you make!
I want to make this all as accessible as possible so please provide an ID on all imaged/gifs and if possible video transcripts. As well as to make sure to tag stuff correctly (flashing/strobes, body horror, phobias, eye strain etc) I understand some of the media may be difficult to put an ID of but something is better than nothing 😊.
[Image Description: A beige background with three colourful spots. The words "November Fandom Bingo" are in black and a bold cursive font. The following is listed.
Day 1: Culture/Religion/Customs - Celebration | Touch of faith | "May I?"
Day 2: Favorite Headcannon - Change | Lie gone too far | "I Care!"
Day 3: Favorite Trope - Bedroom | Light as a feather | "Oh, really?"
Day 4: BROTP - Jealousy | So far so good | "What are you doing?"
Day 5: OTP - Domestic | Achilles heel | "Best part of fighting is..."
Day 6: Favorite Male Character - Apology | A dead king, king laid | "I forgot..."
Day 7: Gen Relationship - Comfort | Caught red-handed | "How could you?"
Day 8: Symbolism - Stars | Penny for your thoughts | "look!"
Day 9: Fem-Slash - Vanilla | Love at first sight | "So... do we?"
Day 10: Found Family - Acceptance | House is not a home | "I can explain."
Day 11: Aro/Ace/Apl - Ring(s) | Hi pot, meet kettle | "Are You Ready?"
Day 12: FREE DAY
Day 13: QPR - Cuddling | True love is not one I "What did you do?"
Day 14: Female Minor Character - Constriction | Swan song | "Make me."
Day 15: POC Character - Power | Draw the line | "Forgive you?"
Day 16: Genre - Chain | Fate worse than death | "Why me?"
Day 17: Sibblings Dynamic - Platonic Love | At a lost | "Who did this?"
Day 18: Favorite AU - Boat | Fit as a fiddle | "How did we get here?"
Day 19: OC - Coincidence | Old flame | "Whose This?"
Day 20: Disability Awareness - Love | As it is | "Not again."
Day 21: Favorite Female Character - Freedom | At the mercy of | "Watch me."
Day 22: NOTP - First | Beck and call | "You hate me."
Day 23: Rarepair - Hand Holding | Sharing is caring | "I missed you."
Day 24: Male Minor Character - Adventure | Like a Moth to a flame | "Where Were You?"
Day 25: Screw Gender - New Experience | Skeleton in the closet | "Don't worry, I know."
Day 26: Next Gen - Start | Hand-me-downs | "I need your help"
Day 27: Family Dynamic - Betrayal | Lost & Found | "They did it!"
Day 28: Polyamory - Affliction | Two hands | "Why not?"
Day 29: Neurodivergence - Space | Break the ice | "Right..."
Day 30: LGBT+ - Equality | Barking up the wrong tree | "Are you sure?"
If there are any questions on anything please send an ask or message me and I'll answer the best I can 😊
*There will be no bullying, harassing, sexism, racism, homophobia, or anything in those regards tolerated in this event by any user participating. Thank you!*
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Fandom: The Glass Scientists
Current rating: T
Chapter: 1
Title: Fugue
A/N: This fic is sort of a canon-divergent, wish-fulfillment drabble piece that started as a lot of different fics i wrote that i discovered had scenes that would fit better together as a single fic, and so i took snippets from those and stuck them together and whittled the whole mess down into something more manageable. Lots of late night editing sessions for something I'm doing for free, but I was motivated to finish this by someone being so very enthusiastic in the tags on the WIP excerpts I posted, which was honestly such a delight to wake up to. Thank you so much btw @greedycanine I really appreciate that boost and I hope I meet your expectations in the full chapters :)
The comic has updated several times since I began writing this, and I did add some non-canon elements (for instance, that Lanyon Knows, which is a common enough trope in this fandom and one that I enjoy immensely.)
The flaws in this one might not be as glaring as my over-anxious mind anticipates, but if you notice them, I probably have too. It is likely best read as a self-contained hypothetical with hints of canon plot woven in. It's a bit messy, but I think it may be enjoyable nonetheless.
Here is the first part of this great beast. It consists mostly of a conversation, beginning with some emblematic Jekyll and Hyde mirror-bickering. I thought it would be interesting to explore one of those moments where Hyde has something insightful to say, even if it's something of a means to an end for him.
The font changes are something of a fanfic guilty pleasure for me, but they're also a tool I love to use to show who's speaking and how, without necessarily using a dialogue tag every other line, especially when we have two characters who have the ability to communicate both in ways only they can hear and in ways others can.
Hope all of that works for y'all. Happy reading :)
Chapter 1: Fugue
“Are you ready to let me back out yet? Believe it or not, hanging over your shoulder all day does get old.”
"Not now."
“Why not?”
"I don’t want you getting involved in this. We've just made it through into the thickest of this whole ordeal. There’s still too much at stake."
“Ugh. That’s how you see every situation you can’t directly micromanage. It’s like the whole of your world is always resting oh-so-precariously on the head of a pin, ready to be upset by the slightest deviation from your expectations. Lighten up just this once, won't you?"
Henry sighed heavily at that and slid his finished page to the far side of the desk, thinking better of his initial impulse to reply. Pulling a fresh sheet of paper into view and dipping his pen into the inkwell again, he continued to write, attempting to ignore the familiar but currently disembodied speaker.
“Don’t act like you can’t hear me all of a sudden," the voice grumbled impatiently.  "You know, I’ve noticed something lately, Henry. You always insist on framing our situation as though you’re the most responsible party between the two of us, but you never seem to have any really substantial backup plans on hand, in case those delicate matters you like fussing over so much go awry. You never give yourself a real margin of error, despite the fact you're always angsting over what could go wrong.”
Ink pooled slightly on the page under Henry’s pen as he paused, scoffing at the insinuation that he’d been anything but diligent. “And you do?” he prodded back sarcastically, speaking aloud this time, his voice firm but quiet. He was rather aware of precisely how audible he was behind his office door. It was more risky to communicate this way, but he seemed to have an easier time filtering himself when he wasn’t trying to speak internally, and that was important when he was dealing with his incorporeal counterpart.
The lengthy mirror standing off to one side drew his eye when he heard the reply.
“Oh, I always figure something out, one way or another. Surely you know that better than anyone.” 
Henry rolled his eyes at the hazy silhouette that suddenly could be glimpsed in the mirror’s reflection of the opposite wall. “Abandoning every situation that doesn’t go your way and playing hopscotch all over the city’s rooftops is not a backup plan,” he muttered bitterly, composing the end of a follow-up letter for a prospective sponsor before setting the page aside to let the ink dry.
“It can be, if you’re clever enough," the shadow replied. "Also, you're one to talk about giving up easy. Just a few weeks ago I watched you nearly forfeit your whole operation just because Lanyon told you he didn't think things looked sound after you passed out mid-speech. Face it, you’re all or nothing when it comes to solving problems. What is that about?”
Another exasperated sigh as Henry spared another glance at the shadow in the mirror. "Can we not do this right now? You only ask these questions because you already know what gets under my skin. You don't really care about the answers, do you?"
When the shadow spoke next, it was with a mockery of a hurt tone, the dark shape leaning back slightly. A silhouetted hand rested against an approximation of the chest, in a gesture best described as theatrically wounded.
"Why, you insult me, dear doctor. I'm only curious, for both of our sakes, being as close as we are," came the snidely-sweet reply.
Henry narrowed his eyes. “Do you honestly expect I could believe you truly care about what happens to me? After all you've put me through? You take such joy in my misfortune. Really, you can drop the saccharine nonsense, Hyde."
Letting the name slip from his mouth was a mistake, but wouldn’t be costly this time since they were alone- and he only uttered it the one time, Henry reasoned quickly. It was mostly to try to quell the dread in his stomach at the prospect of someone in the hall happening by as he said it out loud, in an otherwise perceptibly empty room.
Hyde vanished from the glass, only to reappear, more thoroughly illuminated, in the empty air near the desk, looking slightly more like a person than an apparition now, as well as irritated.
“I’m trying to tell you that you might actually benefit from trying things my way. Be a little more spontaneous. Roll over the bumps in the road, instead of just counting on things going the right way the first time, every time. It was funny to watch you flounder at first, I must admit, but honestly it's just getting old. I wonder what would happen if you switched things up and proved me right," he paused briefly, noting Henry's contemplative expression.
"And another thing!" Hyde exclaimed, pointing at the ceiling for emphasis. "You told me you'd let me out after the exhibition, then not at all, and now here you are again running yourself uselessly into the ground. The bourgeois types you find yourself groveling to yet again are notoriously hard to satisfy. Why should you have to rush if they already know what you and the others are capable of?"
Stretching a little as Hyde went on, Henry stopped a moment and glanced out the window with a pensive look in his eye.
“That's one of the few times you’ve been right about something, amongst all those snide remarks.”
“Hey!” Hyde sounded affronted at first, then did an almost comical double-take. "Wait, you agree with me?"
“I can certainly see what you mean, even if I can't abide by that advice in the same way you might,” Henry began. “We need everyone's projects to come together smoothly if we're to maintain what good standing we've managed to acquire with our sponsors. They have high hopes and even higher expectations after the splash everyone made at the exhibition. We would need to plan for every eventuality within reach of what we set out to do, but… I do miss things while trying to account for the unexpected, don’t I? Always, something unforeseen gets in my way.” Henry turned in his seat and reached into the cabinet above, pulling out a leather-bound notebook tucked behind a row of vials. Flipping to the first clean page, he dipped his pen into the inkwell once more. "Somehow the fact you managed to worm your way back to the front of our mind to pester me once again is not one such surprise.."
Hyde furrowed his brow in displeasure, rolling his eyes at Henry's little jab. “Of course it isn't. Did you really think I could be held down so easily? You made it harder for me to take over the body on my own, but I'm still here." he paused for a moment. "How long is this going to take?" 
“Not quite as long as you seem to be concerned about. I just have to jot down some…alternatives so I remember them while the subject is fresh,” Henry spoke mildly, but his expression was disgruntled and contemplative.
Hyde rolled his eyes, and did not look at Henry's page, whose looping, slanted script looked far too dull for him to devote attention to at this hour, restless and bitter as he was.
Henry went on, "I'm still upset about that stunt you pulled on the stage, but I'm certain you figured that out already. It was cruel even by your usual standards."
“Cruelty is the very thing I'm made for, but now that you mention it, I actually did you a favor by dragging you down into the dark and the quiet," Hyde spat."You're just addicted to working until you pass out. It's a real fuckin' problem."
As he grew more impatient, the East-London drawl that Hyde had picked up since his creation was seeping further into his inflections. Beneath that, there was a slight but distinct lilt which gestured toward shared memories of Glasgow, making an uncommon cocktail of tones that were unmistakably signature to him. Like so many things about Hyde, Henry noticed, it produced a quality both familiar and foreign. It was, fittingly enough, a faintly haunting thing to witness, a reminder of just how right Hyde always was about the extent of their connection.
Henry squinted his eyes shut as if to abandon that train of thought, trying to remain bearably numb to the reality of being forever stuck arguing with a living distillate of the most confusing parts of himself. “If I'm doomed to be addicted to anything at all, as you say I am, I'd much rather it be something useful,” Henry replied coldly after a moment, the page under his pen nearly full.
Hyde paused, nose wrinkled in defensive chagrin. "I don't concern myself with counting the ways I can be used by others. At least my addictions don't rely on people telling me what to do," he muttered. "Are you done yet?"
Henry shook his head in stiff silence, much to Hyde’s dismay. He gave a frustrated groan. “You can pick this up tomorrow! It’s getting close to evening by now, and you always take so much longer with these things than you say you will."
Once the page was dry and flipped over, there was no reply but the continued, now noticeably forceful scratching of Henry’s pen. His brow was creased with irritation, a deepening frown on his face. 
Hyde growled in frustration. “Jekyll!”
Henry grit his teeth, snapping a look over at Hyde that was a mixture of anger and anxiety. "Must you be so childish?! Don't think I don't know what you're doing by now, I am not as much of a fool as you seem to think. Why should I go out of my way to let you out again, when you have proven time and time again that you don't know how to keep your excursions from ruining everything I strive for?"
He could not stop the impatient edge from entering his voice, as much as he'd wanted to avoid raising it tonight. As he spoke, Hyde's features twisted into a mask of indignation and rage.
"You don't know the first thing about ruin! Try being in my position for a change- less than nothing, a ghost of a ghost! And for what? You have no idea how lucky you really are. My entire existence is eaten up by watching another man live a life I could do so much more with if I was given the chance!"
Jekyll shut the notebook with a forceful swipe of his hand down against the desk, eyes downcast. "I would love to see you try living my life for once," he replied flatly, "If perhaps you weren't so preoccupied with immediate gratification, maybe I'd even trust you with making an attempt."
"Perhaps if we had any more of that potion of ours made, I would be able to seriously debate if I wanted to take you up on that. But I am mostly stranded now, and it isn't my fault I wound up that way. You're the one who made that call." Hyde shot back, moving phantom-like toward the doorway that led to the other portion of the office, where many of their experiments had taken place. 
Jekyll tucked the notebook into a drawer under his desk, slamming it closed in irritation. "Not your fault? I had to destroy it. You would have found some way to get your hands on it when I was needed most, because that is what you always do! You didn't give me another choice!"
Hyde's image distorted slightly for a moment, like smeared paint on canvas, before resolving itself, as if reacting physically to emotion. "There is always another choice! This is what I'm talking about. All or nothing. We are two parts of a whole, you know that. Or, at least you ought to by now."
His voice, as well, seemed faintly doubled, the translation of a will to be heard. "You need me around, you know you do, even if you can't admit it. How many times have you watched me indulge in what you couldn't? How many times have you deliberately sent me into the world to voice the thoughts you must otherwise claim to revile? How much benefit have you reaped from our cooperation? You can't keep me locked away forever. You will always need the outlet I provide."
Jekyll's head began to ache a bit the longer he considered Hyde's point. It was true, he knew, that he found a secret kind of fulfillment in watching things he could never partake in play out vicariously from behind Hyde's eyes. This was a fault, really, or at least he thought so. However, a fault that he had not managed to shake off, for the better part of fifteen years. It would take a lot of willpower to break a habit like that after so long. That was partly why he had destroyed the potion to begin with. He knew Hyde was probably right, that he was not really strong enough to resist the temptation of such freedom.
Technically, the potion could be recreated if it was necessary, though it was always an arduous process. They had needed to do that many times over a decade and a half. But Jekyll had cut himself off from that last ready-made batch as a last desperate bid for control, and had thought never to make it again.
Thinking about how much work still needed to be done before the lodgers' new project deadlines was a miserable uphill battle. Even now, deep down, he wanted to be somewhere else tonight, doing anything besides wearing himself out, cooped up in the office for the umpteenth time. Acknowledging that, even privately, felt like a betrayal of a higher caliber than even Hyde's, but the thought persisted even still.
He sighed. "Well...be that as it may, you are still an enormous liability. And, besides which- what do you even want me to do? What remained of that batch of the potion is gone now."
Hyde paused, and his expression shifted, from anger to mild disbelief, and finally into a smug, cheshire smile. "Well, I have been thinking about that, and I realized- it's not all gone," he moved toward the tall, solid wooden cabinet against the far wall of the office. It was the one Jekyll kept things that were risky to have visible behind glass (copies of the will written in his name, for instance.) It was also, Jekyll realized with dawning horror, where Hyde kept his physical set of clothing tucked away when Jekyll was in control. 
Among them was a tattered overcoat, with two stolen vials of HJ-7 tucked into the inside pocket.
Enough for exactly one last night on the town before the potion would have to be remade entirely. A final obstacle in the way of true control. A pacifying bargaining chip to buy himself more time before the pair of them would argue like this again.
Hyde seemed to recognize the way Jekyll's eyes shifted in thinly-concealed conflict, bordering on panic, and if it was possible, his grin widened.
"You remember the night I went to Blackfog, don't you, Jekyll?"
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lockejhaven · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 1,444 times in 2022
That's 1,359 more posts than 2021!
202 posts created (14%)
1,242 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,337 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 67 posts
#other writers - 184 posts
#answers - 115 posts
#others' writing - 98 posts
#locket rambles - 96 posts
#lockejhaven - 89 posts
#others writing - 84 posts
#resources - 84 posts
#inspo - 71 posts
#boop - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#feel free to confront me directly so i can fix what my brain has done
My Top Posts in 2022:
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 —————————-««
rage of the kindhearted is an astounding tragedy.
it commands a silence, a long-awaited recognition from those that mistake it for weakness.
it condemns such broken judgement, that swallows respect as if unconditional, and consumes patience as if infinite.
it pounces at throats laid bare, long past a futile snarl of warning, chest aching with inconsolable defeat.
and above all else, rage of the kindhearted is an imminent ending.
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 —————————-««
~ Of Fables & Feathers,
🕊️ Locke J. Haven
locket’s tags:  ╔═════════════════════╗
@365runesofwriting@enchanted-lightning-aes@thepixiediaries@midnight-and-his-melodiverse@perasperaadastrawriting@fearofahumanplanet@orphicpoieses@thepoetpromptsociety[ your tag could be here... ]
35 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“That, my love, is the tragedy of it all. Once, you did.” Spirit crouches down beside Warlock, listening to their rasping breaths. Her empathy is empty. Her words drip with hollow meaning.  “When you stood by my side; when you understood the joy and worth of the world, you had as many chances as you could have wanted. Instead, you just had to follow your destiny.”
Warlock laughs. A brittle sound, dragging and clawing its way up their smoke-scorched throat. “There is no chance with people like you. People too caught up in their own definitions of right and wrong. While you kill those that may threaten the peace, I stand alone for the innocent.” They break off into a coughing fit before determination spurs them to continue, “That truth will follow you. It will settle at the bottom of your stomach, until one day, you will find yourself overcome with the burden of your actions.”
locket's tags:   @365runesofwriting  @enchanted-lightning-aes  @thepixiediaries  @midnight-and-his-melodiverse  @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet
44 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
↪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 + 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝 --- a notion template
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 —————————-««
Hello, my sprites!
I've been super busy lately with organizing my characters, and as I was working, I had the idea to make a notion template based on my own masterlist. The template includes a general masterlist page and a character sheet template. There are two versions available with different fonts for legibility vs. aesthetic.
Please reblog if you use this!
VERSION 01 Default
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See the full post
67 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
a writeblr masterlist
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Hello hello! I've made a masterlist for aaaalll of tumblrs writers to apply to! All are welcome; simply fill out the form, and I'll add you!
Please make sure that... - the icon you link is 200px by 200px - your description is as short as possible - you have only linked one blog for the masterlist
the form // the masterlist
91 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tumblr is struggling right now.
I know a lot of veteran users are a bit nervous; that we'll lose the one 'typical internet hellsite' to the 'capitalist hell' that has taken over most other popular media sites.
But that is exactly why it is INCREDIBLY important to educate the new users, and not just, try to scare them off. Education is the biggest way to gain allies and keep the site as we like it.
The site with blogs based on creativity; on stories. On art and writing and music, and NOT advertisement and force-fed content lacking critical thinking.
It's going to take a lot of energy, I know. And it's a serious pain in the ass that this has happened during NANO, of all times. But if we want to keep our safe space, it's necessary.
So if you see a user follow you, and they have nothing to their blog, give them the benefit of the doubt. Tell them about how NOT to look like a bot, and direct them to some tumblr guides.
Educate users on why we like this site, and what we can do to keep the freedom we have. And why that freedom is a good thing.
Our strongest defense is education.
Please, please reblog this, along with any and all guides you find. Share resources on other platforms. Send them to your non-tumblr friends.
899 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
LSA and their narcissism and total lack of self awareness... they're out for you & your blog because they couldn't find out where chris is (they even posted a pic of an AC appliance for reference). They started the day claiming you run a private thread over there and are kicking out ppl (how many threads do they need to NOT figure out anything about Chris's life?? Lol 70?? ) & Now they're claiming you're nuts bc you posted what an anon sent you about a dance school. Carly has given interviews about the theater scene in MA btw the resident troll over there mila / mute harassed his nephews, tagged them in comments calling CE a pedo. She used what they posted about Tara's ig, the follows, the like abd she made a video about it and is still bullying family members and friends. We all know you're bored, lsa aunties, because you can't bully CE's gf in case he has one but learn that you're the ones who need to go and STFU
PS- give no fucks about them and keep on being like this. A normal person
Other anons:
"Yup, for some weird reason they seem to love talking shit about me. Good for them// I really hope that you do not pay attention to this, because this is nonsense. You have a wonderful blog and you have the right to publish whatever you see fit. And they definitely need to first look at themselves and study their own publications full of shit. The problem is clearly not in your blog ❤️"
"It's hilarious that LSA is judging anyone. They are the worst at conspiracy theory shit and all the reaching they do on a regular basis. It's their fault that most of these rumours go on forever. Unbelievable that they would preach the moral high ground here."
"Sorry but stalking his family that hard that you know where Ethan and Stella are and in which dance school is just way too much…// And sorry mod but actually posting about it was not cool. It’s not one’s business. These are people living there normal life.😔"
Honestly, I know I shouldn't have posted that ask in the first place. When I got it, I was debating on whether to post it or not, and ended up posting it because it was answering to something else another anon was saying (and thought that by blocking details and key words nobody, or at least not as much people, would be able to tell where it was).
I also know some fonts on RT just used this as an excuse to jump at my throat and have a field time (when they know they've done way worse shit). As if they genuinely gave a shit about privacy, boundaries and his family after everything they've done and said the past months. They can go and argue with the wall or go spill their theories and hatred to one another.
*Tbh I don't even check those threads myself, because I know what a toxic place it was back in 2020 (and I'm not really curious on whether it got better or worse). I don't really care.
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durolenz · 1 year
The Dos and Don'ts of Designing Custom Name Badges
If you've been tasked with designing High quality custom Name Badges ,welcome to the club! You're probably feeling a little overwhelmed. I know I was when my company first started using name badges. Thankfully, there are some easy things you can do to ensure that your name badges turn out looking good and being functional as well. 
This blog post will give you some helpful tips for designing name badges that will help make the process easier for both you and your co-workers.
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Do's of Designing Custom Name Badge
Take your time
Taking your time to design the custom name badges is important, because you can always make changes later. It's also good to know that there are many templates available that can help you with the design process.
If you choose a template that is too complicated or hard-to-use, then it may be difficult for you to customise and change later on down the line when necessary.
Keep it simple
Keep it simple. The most effective way to use name badges is by keeping them simple and clean, with bright colours and fonts that are easy to read from a distance.
Use a template that you can customise
Using a template is the best way to make sure that your badge looks exactly how you want it to. Templates are pre-made designs with specific elements, such as text and graphics, that can be edited. 
Use bright colours
When it comes to colours, the sky is the limit! You can use bright colours or muted tones. It all depends on what you want your badge design to accomplish.
If you're looking for a way to make sure that your guests can read their name badges at an event, we recommend using a contrasting colour scheme.
Don'ts of Designing Custom Name Badge
Don't use clip art symbols or logos on your badges
Clip art is not professional, and it can be perceived as unprofessional if you're trying to convey a serious image with your name badges. 
If you want something more personal than text only on the backside of a badge holder then consider using illustrations instead of photos or graphics; just keep them simple so people don't confuse them for clipart!
Don't make it too large or small for the badge holder size you selected
Badges should be small enough to fit in the badge holder, but large enough to read easily from a distance. If your design is too small, it may not print at all on some printers and will look pixelated on others. 
Don't use heavy borders or backgrounds on the name badges 
Don't use a background colour for the badge holder. Again, this can detract from what you're trying to convey with your custom name tags by making them appear too busy or distracting from one another's designs.
I hope that this blog post has given you some ideas on how to design custom name badges for your company. If you're looking for more inspiration, check out our blog! We have tons of great articles about how to make the most out of your business' brand identity and create an effective marketing strategy.
Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/bestcustomnamebadges
0 notes
Tumblr media
I posted 1,448 times in 2022
That's 1,448 more posts than 2021!
743 posts created (51%)
705 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,447 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 552 posts
#morrigan replies - 526 posts
#wip: atqh - 250 posts
#blorbo blursday - 149 posts
#storyteller saturday - 149 posts
#oc asks - 142 posts
#morrigan.txt - 126 posts
#sts - 123 posts
#other's writing - 113 posts
#atqh: kris - 111 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(everyone at my high school had to read it freshman year although i did not.  i was on a different track and got to read macbeth and hamlet
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[ID: a neautral-toned picture of an open book, shot from an angle.  Above the book, in a serifed font, are the words “memento-morri-writes: a writeblr (re)intro” /end ID]
Writeblr Intro, Take 2 (+ Nav)
Basics: - Morrigan (aka Morri) - she/her - 18 - student - neurodivergent (autistic + ADHD) - bi ace (also aspec?? maybe??) - ask game and tag game friendly!
My name is Morrigan.  I have an addiction to sci-fi and fantasy, and a deep seated hatred for “insta-love” and melodrama.   I write mostly fantasy at the moment, but there might be some sci-fi popping up eventually.
Some of my favorite tropes / content in media include found family, morally grey characters, LGBTQ+ and POC characters, neurodivergent and mental health representation, hurt/comfort, sarcastic characters (bonus points if they’re the narrator), reluctant allies to friends (basically anything to friends), slow-burn romances, and magic with a cost.
I participate in Worldbuilding Wednesday, Blorbo Blursday, and Storyteller Saturday!
My WIPs:
All the Queen’s Horses:
light fantasy, (probably YA), 3rd person limited POV, slow-ish burn romance with a bi main character, no real magic.
- intro post - wip page (+ story nav) - story tag - content masterlist (not all content is on here!)
Call of Shadows:
YA fantasy / adventure, first person POV with multiple narrators, no romance, lots of magic.
- intro post - wip page (+ more nav) - story tag
General Navigation:
- answered asks - ask games masterlist - oc list - oc asks - storyteller saturday - worldbuilding wednesday - blorbo blursday - non-writing posts - reblogs of other’s stuff
57 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Underrated Whump Trope: POISON
There's just so much you can do with it!! So many different delivery methods and symptom combos. And if you can't find an existing poison/poisonous substance that fits your needs, just make one up!! But like, the shock, the panic, the potential for betrayal... The diversity of potential symptoms, and of their effect time. The panic of trying to find an antidote. Not knowing how long the character has, because you have no idea what poison was used.
Plus, if your WIP involves magic, you can have all kinds of bonus stuff. Like, a poison that resists magical healing. A poison that turns the victim's magic against them. A poison that renders their magic useless.
Just, poison.
89 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
a concept: ghosts who grow more powerful with age.
ghosts whose essence seeps in to the building they haunt, til they can open doors and close windows with a thought. ghosts who become the building.
ghosts who've haunted ruins since they were new, who do what they can to preserve them, in hopes that someone will remember them, or the place they lived.
ghosts so old, so powerful, they can change the weather. (have you wondered why the weather is so strange by the ruins?)
ghosts who lose their shape, becoming nothing but energy. they are so much more powerful now, without their cage to limit them.
ghosts who are afraid of losing their shape, because how can they exist without a body? alternatively, ghosts who can't wait to lose their form, because they never felt at home in it anyways.
ghosts who slowly spread out, from one house to the next and on and on until they can touch the entire city.
ghosts of lost shipwrecks, trapped under the water until they learn to swim, to fly, to expand. they learn the ocean is not their prison, it is their home.
138 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
thinking about self-sacrifice in media, and how we tend to see it as heroic. but what if people self-sacrifice because they don't value themselves? what if they think the best way to give their life meaning is to die to save someone else? thinking about characters who unlearn that ideology and choose to live, choose to find another way to save people. not because they don't want to help, but because maybe, just maybe, they started to see that they are valuable alive.
After all, what is self-sacrifice but self-destruction for a cause?
228 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fantasy doesn't just mean magic and monsters and castles or quests and far-away lands. Fantasy means "this is my fantasy, and if I can't live it, I'm going to let my characters live it for me."
361 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
puckishley · 1 year
1. No Godmodding. I play my character, you play yours, NPCs are fair game!
2. NSFW content will be present. I’ll tag triggers, but not NSFW. I don’t do smut unless it’s with someone I trust and know extremely well, but I’ll write most of what leads up to it. (Making out, getting handsy, etc.) If things get to a point where I’m no longer comfortable writing, I’ll probably request a timeskip or fade out.
3. Mun does not equal muse. Puck has a very colorful past, and while it can be fun to write about, that doesn’t mean I condone everything that he did or does.
4. As I said I tag triggers. The tagging system I use is (trigger tw) with no parentheses. If there is a specific trigger you would like me to tag, shoot me a DM. I don’t have many triggers, aside from graphic motor vehicle accidents.
5. I have a job that stresses me the fuck out. Five days a week. Unpredictable timing. I don’t always have the spoons to be online and/or productive. I might disappear for days/weeks/months on end. That isn’t my intention, of course, but it’s happened before and it’s likely to happen again. Please be patient with me. If it’s been a while since my last reply, shoot me a DM, but please be respectful about it.
6. If you send Anon hate, you’re a coward. Say it to my face or don’t say it at all.
7. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Just don’t be an ass about it. I do research my muses before attempting to play them, and while I don’t know everything about Shakespeare, I don’t need anyone trying to subject me to an involuntary game of Um, Actually.
8. I don’t format my posts a whole lot beyond bold, italics, strikethroughs, and/or fun colors, and I probably won’t always use icons. I do try to cut my posts, but I mainly am on mobile, so I may forget from time to time. I don’t like using small text or unnecessary spacing. I don’t know how to use fancy fonts other than the ones in the normal dropdown menu. You can do whatever you want, as long as I’m able to read it without my eyes hurting.
9. Please don’t kill Puck without my permission. Ask first. It’s just rude not to.
10. I ship chemistry. I’m not going to force my muse on anyone who doesn’t want him, and that doesn’t just go for sex and romance. That being said, I play him as being pansexual and he can be a flirt when the mood strikes him. If your muse isn’t interested, tell me. If your muse is interested, tell me!
11. Likes are fine, but please do not reblog my roleplay threads if you’re not my partner. It clogs up the notes and makes it hard for me to find replies.
12. I don’t do drama. I’m not here to make enemies or get involved in discourse. I’m here to dick around and have fun. If you’re looking for trouble, do me a favor and go somewhere else.
13. Don’t try and start shit with my friends. If you have a problem with them, you have a problem with me. I’ve known most of them for years now and I trust and love them deeply.
14. If you are a TERF, homophobe, biphobe, acephobe, racist, antisemite, any other sort of bigot, or you support Ambe.r H.ea.rd, get the fuck off my blog. You will see no mercy from my block button. I support Johnn.y D.epp in most things, and I use him as Puck’s FC because he fits the character well. I’m not gonna stop because of your bullshit, so don’t even start.
0 notes