puckishley · 2 years
1. No Godmodding. I play my character, you play yours, NPCs are fair game!
2. NSFW content will be present. I’ll tag triggers, but not NSFW. I don’t do smut unless it’s with someone I trust and know extremely well, but I’ll write most of what leads up to it. (Making out, getting handsy, etc.) If things get to a point where I’m no longer comfortable writing, I’ll probably request a timeskip or fade out.
3. Mun does not equal muse. Puck has a very colorful past, and while it can be fun to write about, that doesn’t mean I condone everything that he did or does.
4. As I said I tag triggers. The tagging system I use is (trigger tw) with no parentheses. If there is a specific trigger you would like me to tag, shoot me a DM. I don’t have many triggers, aside from graphic motor vehicle accidents.
5. I have a job that stresses me the fuck out. Five days a week. Unpredictable timing. I don’t always have the spoons to be online and/or productive. I might disappear for days/weeks/months on end. That isn’t my intention, of course, but it’s happened before and it’s likely to happen again. Please be patient with me. If it’s been a while since my last reply, shoot me a DM, but please be respectful about it.
6. If you send Anon hate, you’re a coward. Say it to my face or don’t say it at all.
7. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Just don’t be an ass about it. I do research my muses before attempting to play them, and while I don’t know everything about Shakespeare, I don’t need anyone trying to subject me to an involuntary game of Um, Actually.
8. I don’t format my posts a whole lot beyond bold, italics, strikethroughs, and/or fun colors, and I probably won’t always use icons. I do try to cut my posts, but I mainly am on mobile, so I may forget from time to time. I don’t like using small text or unnecessary spacing. I don’t know how to use fancy fonts other than the ones in the normal dropdown menu. You can do whatever you want, as long as I’m able to read it without my eyes hurting.
9. Please don’t kill Puck without my permission. Ask first. It’s just rude not to.
10. I ship chemistry. I’m not going to force my muse on anyone who doesn’t want him, and that doesn’t just go for sex and romance. That being said, I play him as being pansexual and he can be a flirt when the mood strikes him. If your muse isn’t interested, tell me. If your muse is interested, tell me!
11. Likes are fine, but please do not reblog my roleplay threads if you’re not my partner. It clogs up the notes and makes it hard for me to find replies.
12. I don’t do drama. I’m not here to make enemies or get involved in discourse. I’m here to dick around and have fun. If you’re looking for trouble, do me a favor and go somewhere else.
13. Don’t try and start shit with my friends. If you have a problem with them, you have a problem with me. I’ve known most of them for years now and I trust and love them deeply.
14. If you are a TERF, homophobe, biphobe, acephobe, racist, antisemite, any other sort of bigot, or you support Ambe.r H.ea.rd, get the fuck off my blog. You will see no mercy from my block button. I support Johnn.y D.epp in most things, and I use him as Puck’s FC because he fits the character well. I’m not gonna stop because of your bullshit, so don’t even start.
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