#i didn't get it but id dont want to fight her
oldmemoria · 6 months
okay heres the fucking thing about this script controversy that some people don't seem to get.
just gonna say it blatently:
strap in babes this is gonna be a long one!
The way Miguel O'Hara is written in the leaked transcripts is blatantly racist, here's why from a Latino himself!
all wrapped up in a sweet little bow for everyone who doesn't know how to comprehend what they're reading, cheers!
er. i mean.
Miguel fans are not mad that they depicted him in a bad light and that they made it clear that he is in the wrong
Miguel has been depicted as a morally grey asshole since the early 1990s, which is when Spider-Man 2099 was initially debuted. And while yes, the movies are.... inaccurate, to say the least, it still stands.
The issue here is how he is depicted. They directly call Miguel O'Hara, a Latino man, an ANIMAL (he is directly called an animal TWICE. FUCKING TWICE.)
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[1st image id: Miguel leaps onto Vulture, Clawing his way in past the renaissance armor. he is an ANIMAL. (keep in mind ANIMAL is literally in all caps.) /end id]
[2nd image id: Miguel SLASHES at the walls of light that surround Miles. Clawing the energy field apart, an animal in the throes of bloodlust -- /end id]
I need you to really soak in the fact that he is called "AN ANIMAL" twice. I'm awful at alts and ids but I feel I must so you can read it in plain text. sorry if they suck.
Our issue is not that the writers seem to have a bias against the character. a lot of writers write characters they dont particularly like and in turn tend to write them from a foggy lense of their own perception. An example would be Kate Cary and how she didn't like Crowfeather, a character she had to write about. I'm sure some of her bias seeped through. but this is different.
writing a Latino man as a bloodthirsty animal, implied to be called a predator because they call one of the people he fights (im not sure if its miles or the vulture, im leaning towards believing the former.) his "prey", THOSE ARE ALL RACIAL STEREOTYPES. ALL OF THEM.
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[3rd image id: But Miguel can only see his prey: /end id]
There is no context to be needed here, the context is that this is miguel we're talking about and that they call him an animal. it does not matter if he is a villain or not (which he isnt, factually he fucking isnt im tired of having this conversation, fuck you). it matters that he's depicted in a racially insensitive way.
and this person brought this up pretty well actually, I didn't even think of it:
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[4th image id: Tumblr user @/404-505 saying:
i want to be so mean to them
they couldn't write miguel crossing the border and stealing a job so they wrote him crossing into another universe and stealing his own identity
they couldnt write miguel as a drug addict so they gave him spider steroids instead /end id.]
They bring up a really good point about these clear stereotypes being seemingly. . . disguised behind points that are narratively relevant? This could literally just be pure coincidence, but noting how the writers wrote him before... it isn't looking too good for them. Sorry. Not sorry.
It is clear that there is some kind of bias against miguel that led to really disgusting, racist retoric. Whether or not it was intentional or if it was a first draft or whatever, the writers, which may i remind you were white, still wrote this at some point.
it makes me question whether or not they hated him because of his "bullshit utopia", their words not mine, or because of their own racial biases.
We cannot know because miguel is the only mexican character on the cast. I know Miles is Puerto Rican, but there are differences between how they were portrayed. also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans come from competely different cultural backgrounds that share simularities but are still different dont even try i will destroy you.
Using another users words again, but:
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[5th image id: Tumblr user @/transmiguelohara says:
Don't talk to me about the Miguel parts in the script. I'm so disappointed in how the writers view him.
The difference between the way Miguel is written (antagonist, not the villain) vs Spot (the villain, whats to kill Miles' dad and everyone he knows) is soooo.....I don't know man it just screams racism in sorry. Describing Miguel as a bloodthirsty animal? Repeatedly? Treating him like he's mindless and has no motivation beyond having a hair trigger temper? It sucks man. /end id]
It also strikes me that now that we finally have a brown-skinned miguel, they write him like, well. this.
I don't really know if this is petty or not, but I want to wrap this back to the way the fandom also sees Movie Miguel.
Because TRUST ME it is not good either.
Miguel O'Hara Vs. FANDOM: Spoilers, it's been troubling since the beginning.
From the beginning (and by beginning in this case I mean since he was announced to be a character in this movie) Miguel has been continuously sexualized, beyond belief. He is repeatedly called "papi cholo" which NEED I REMIND YOU "Cholo" is a derogatory term used to call someone, usually a mexican person, a criminal or a delinquent.
FUCK YOU if you are not Latino OR hispanic and use this to describe people. from the bottom of my heart.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who called/ still currently call him "papi cholo" are mixing it up with "papi chulo" (white people moment.) which means something completely different but is still troubling as hell.
"papi chulo", which is slightly different in the way, just directly translates to "big daddy". Which again, Latino men being overly sexual "Latin Lovers" is ALSO A RACIAL STEREOTYPE. also its just blatant fetishization. Point blank fucking period.
Not only that but I notice a lot of art and fanfiction depicts him doing a lot of violence, or being very overbearing and demeaning, or in short terms.
a lot of people write him as physically and sexually aggressive.
fuck do you mean he growls during sex i can and will send you to space with no return.
for the millionth time
racial stereotype
halleluiah or however you spell it.
Having him say random spanish phrases you don't know the meaning or connotations of in your fanfiction is icing on the cake at this point.
fucking end me.
it isn't even only sexual depictions, since he's been shown in the movie, a lot of people seem to just see him as this guy who goes off and tries to kill children at a hairs trigger. which uh. fun fact no he fucking doesnt.
you clearly didn't watch the movie as well as you thought you did. hes just sarcastic and generally pretty level headed through the majority of his runtime, whether its implied by how characters around him act, or its just what we see on screen.
He doesn't necessarily have anger issues, the moment we see at the climax of the film is quite literally a mental break. he is not acting in a way that he usually would because he was cracking under the stress of holding the multiverse together with some scotch tape and orange glitter glue.
Also side tangent but he also has a mental break in the comics that's a little more... droopy and sad as compared to the movie, but it still happens. he has shitty mental health is what im saying. he only really lashes out angrily when hes at his wits end because that's how he grew up. he was taught to suppress his feelings and seem smaller when he was upset.
he is the result of abuse and neglect. of course he wouldn't be amazing at emotional regulation.
Which before anyone says it no, this is not an excuse for his actions. just an explaination that isn't "hes an angry animal that has it out for miles UwU" that everyone seems to have in their brain. I'm tired of you all. truly.
the sentiment that hes agressive and angry and his only emotion is anger and upsetness unless he's horny which is when he experiences all these emotions tenfold is. racist. idk how clear i have to be for people to get it through their damn skulls that the way the fandom depicts him is harmful. do i need to slap you in the face with a fish until you understand. do i need to burn your fanfiction. will you get it now that a 15 year old latino boy has to scream it in your face.
and dont even get me STARED on how inaccurately he is written
this is a more light hearted section because idk. feels like i should have it because this part is just comical, pun intended. How can you fuck up this hard guys.
I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt because "Miguel has fresh trauma!" "He only shows up for like 10 minutes!" "insert 3rd reason!" for his drastic change in demeanor and personality, which, without context, are valid reasons for him to be a little different. trauma fucks you up man. we only see 10 minutes of him. but at this point im chalking it up to complete incompetence
it doesnt take that long to read a comic book guys. you could have done a little research, I know you can do it.
first off:
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[6th image id: Miguel's SPIDER-SENSE goes off! He races to the edge if the building and peers into an empty alley -- /end id]
Unless you didn't get the total of TWO jokes that they made in ONE scene (the vulture fight scene), Miguel doesn't have a spider sense. at all. He has elevated senses, but he doesnt have a spider sense.
I cant help but laugh! this is a rookie mistake! these are seasoned writers! They could have done at least a little research, or at least remembered that he doesnt have one, no? is it that hard? or does his lack of a spider sense only matter when you're making fun of your least favorite character? thats what I thought.
this one is less funny. not to sound like a stereotypical comic nerd but this infuriated me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.
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[8th image id: tumblr user @/darksidecorner reblogged tumblr user @/spiderxpawz with:
They definitely didn't
a screenshot of the script reads:
AN INDUSTRIAL TANGLE OF HUGE PISTONS -- the literal DARK UNDERBELLY that undergrids Miguel's bullshit Utopia.
Miles doesn't know where to go... but he doesn't need to: SOMEONE YANKS him up into the safety of an alcove.
the user then continues:
This in particular made me PISSED because they quietly canonized that Miguel is CEO of Alchemax while conveniently ignoring that he did everything in his fucking power to BETTER Neuva York. Downtown wasn't built by him. It was built by people WAY before him.
I can excuse and defend some comic deviation, but THIS? Holy FUCK /end id]
I honestly cant tell if I find this part funny or pathetic because seriously. he did not do this. why are you blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. i dont think he decided "hey i should build a city for rich people over poor people because reasons" when he was like... not even alive. Alchemax did this before he was even sentient. it had always been this way since he was born. he also actively hated this decision. because he actively hates alchemax.
but right MIGUELS bullshit Utopia yeah HE did this that EVIL LITTLE BABY i cant believe him
kill me.
In conclusion:
I. . . Don't really know, to be honest. I'm still processing all this. I am genuinely disappointed and upset because this isn't okay. It never will be, and if it takes yet another blunt essay with absolutely no filter for people to understand it then so be it. I don't care if this comes off as mean. This is something I feel qualified to talk about and I will express my disappointment and anger if I want to.
All of the posts I reference I have reblogged within the last 24 hours of making this post, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but if you want the links to them here they are:
if you want your image to be removed or for your link to be removed just ask and I'll do it. but currently im kinda bummed out and tired.
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sunraies · 1 year
my request is kook!reader who gets along with Camerons very well. tutores to Wheez, gives her old study notes to Sarah, chit chats with Rose etc. and Rafe is adoring her. but they have some problems lately like Rafe's friends behaviours or Rafe's addiction or something about her idk really. and all these little problems becomes a big one and they finally have a fight. BIG. at Camerons. Wheez worrying, Rose is confused and Sarah is like 'finally, Rafe dont deserve you.' idk end however you want.
actually to me FULL ANGST. but however you want to end it honey. whether fluff or angst i am sure id love it. love you.
Oh my god! You are gotta make me cry 😭😭😭🥰. I love you too x
I hope this does your request justice. I tried to make it angst filled, but I'm such a fluff girl!
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - Angst. Some fluff. Drug, alcohol and addict behaviour.
Your lifelong friendship with Rafe started to break slowly, but when he learns that you are leaving, it hits breaking point.
You spent as much time at the Cameron's as you did your own home, if not more. Your family lived next door, having moved there when you were young. Being neighbours meant growing up closely together and having Rafe Cameron as a best friend was a rollercoaster.
From the moment you first met Rafe, he adored you. The little blue-eyed boy with a wicked smile didn't know what hit him, literally. One minute, he was pulling your hair, and the next, you were punching him in the stomach. When questioned what happened, neither ratted the other out. It was you and Rafe against the world.
As you grew, you were always there for each other. He was there for you when Hank Harrison broke your heart and you were there for him when his mother left, leaving behind a broken Rafe, a small Sarah and baby Wheezie.
Your lives were tangled and waver together so tightly that you never thought it would break.
It started to fray after senior year. With the pressure of the future, you noticed a change in Rafe.
He had always loved partying hard, the girls and the booze, but no matter how far he took it, it never affected his daily life or how he treated you. You were his VIP guest to every party. It wasn't until he met Barry and a friend in the form of white powder that you had your first small fight.
You had been dancing with Sarah most of the night, having a good time until you became tired. You found Rafe surrounded by people, some you knew like Topper and Kelce but others you didn't. He was trying to convince Topper to take his first bump.
"Rafe," you called over the pounding music. He frowned before giving you a lopsided smile and pulling you into his lap, earning a few glares from the girls sitting around him.
"There's my girl." He grinned and wrapped you in his arms. "I missed you,"
With you, he didn't care if people saw him soft. You were his sweet other half. You brought out the softer side in him. He never admitted it to you, but he was sure he had loved you since the age of 5.
"I have been here all night," you said softly, seeing his pupils blown so wide, broke your heart a little. "I was coming to say goodbye,"
"Goodbye?" He frowned as you ran your hand through his hair, making him sigh. "The party's just started,"
"It's 3am."
"Stay, have some of the good stuff." He offered you a sip of his beer before grabbing a rolled up bill for you.
"Rafe, I don't want that,"
He groaned and loosened his grip on you, rolling his eyes and throwing his head back "Don't be so fucking boring"
"Good night, Rafe," you whispered, moving out of his lap and heading for the door. You heard him calling after you, but you didn't go back.
The next slightly bigger argument you had was when you and Wheezie found him, drunk and high in the kitchen. You had been over to help Wheeze with her French homework. Being completely flunt, you were the best person to help.
You had gone to the kitchen for snacks, finding Rafe stumbling, slamming cabinet doors as he muttered away to himself. Something about hidden money, that his dad must have a stash hidden in the kitchen.
Ward had stashes in every room of the house, and you were sure of it but never thought of looking into the theory.
"Rafe?" Wheezie asked softly. He span around to her and sighed.
"Have you seen any of the money, dad hides?" He asked but Wheeze shook her head "Fuck"
"Why do you need it?"
"Cause, I fucked up Wheeze" He groaned "I fucked up big time!" He took a swig of the open whiskey bottle from the counter top before offering her some.
"Did you really just offer me, booze?" Wheezie frowned. "I'm 13"
"Shit, god. I'm sorry, Wheeze." He covered his eyes with his hands and groaned again. "I'm so fucked, but I'm gonna fix it"
"Go upstairs, Wheeze. I'll be up in a minute. " You fixed one of her braids, and you watched as she hurried up the stairs before turning back to Rafe.
"What you do this time?" You asked, arms folded as he looked over at you. It was like he had just noticed you were there.
"Why does it have to be something I did?" He asked, frowning as he took a drink again
"Is it Barry again?"
He laughed "No it's not fucking Barry. Just get off my case"
"Rafe, you just told your 13 year old sister, that you need money and offered her whiskey" You pointed out "Now tell me what the fuck the problem is"
He looked you up and down. "My sister. Exactly. It's a family problem. Don't worry yourself over something that isn't your business"
You tried not to take it to heart. He was hiding the fact that he was in trouble by cutting you out. It wasn't the first time he'd been in debt to Barry, but it was the first time he didn't admit it to you.
"Rafe" Wheezie whispered from the door way. She had a small bundle of dollar bills in her hand "Will this help? It's all I've got for now"
She received a small allowance from Ward, something all the Cameron kids had. Being the youngest, she didn't get as much, but she saved it all, claiming she wanted to buy her own first car.
"Shit," Rafe muttered as he suddenly broke down in front of you both.
You hurried over to him and cradled his head to your chest as he sobbed. Poor Wheezie stood helpless as she watched her big brother crumble in your arms.
Later, you found out that all the money Rafe paid Barry back had been stolen by Sarah. You hoped that day would be a wake-up call to make him stop, but it only got worse.
You hadn't seen Rafe for a few weeks when you sat in the Cameron's kitchen, munching grapes as you sat on the kitchen island, speaking to Rose as she made a pot of coffee.
"I'm so proud of you." She smiled. "I can't believe our girl is going to Paris!"
You smiled back. You had come round to pick up Sarah for a shopping spree and told Rose the news that you had been accepted to a collage in Paris.
"I can't believe it either." You popped a grape in your mouth. "I honestly didn't think I would get in."
"Of course you would. I mean, look at you. They would have been stupid, not too. "
"Not to, what?" Rafe stumbled into the kitchen, his hair messy from sleep as he wore only sweatpants, he smelt strongly of the night before and had a light sweat on his brow, clearing in the middle of a come down.
"Not accept her to their collage." Rose smiled as the kettle boiled.
Rafe nodded and grunted as he grabbed a cup before he paused. "Collage? What fucking collage?"
You had told him a million times that your dream was to go to Paris. Collage was the perfect way to have the chance to live there.
"Paris," Rose answered, slightly oblivious to the tension building in the room. You flinched as Rafe dropped his cup down, harder than needed on the side.
"Yes, Rafe. Paris, " You muttered. It was meant to be the most exciting news to share with him, but with the way things had been, you hadn't got the chance.
He stared at you as you stared back. He was waiting for the punch line. It had to be a joke. You were leaving him.
"Rose? Have you seen my white Converse?" Wheezie asked as she entered the kitchen before looking between you and Rafe.
"No, honey. Maybe in the sunroom?" Rose suggested before going to look with her.
"Fucking Paris?" Rafe frowned
"Yes, Rafe fucking Paris" You said back, in a even tone.
"So you were just going to up and leave me?"
"No, I told you about this before. Not that I'd been accepted, but I've been wanting to go all year"
Soon, you were yelling at each other so loudly everyone in the house could hear.
"Just fuck off to Paris, then!" He yelled "I don't fucking need you anymore! Always dragging me down!"
"Oh, I'm planning too!" You snapped back. "Sorry to have been such a downer. I'll be gone in no time!"
"Good! I'll be fucking free!"
"So free! Have fun fucking the girl you have up stairs!"
"Wow. Jealous?!"
"Nothing to be jealous of," you said calmly. You never insulted him back before. Normally ending the arguments quickly but this time you were done "Just a drunk, drugged up dickhead"
He stared at you, "Fuck off" He muttered
"That's the plan." You didn't want to leave him behind, but you needed to go after your own future.
"Ready to go?" Sarah asked, looking between you. The looks you were throwing it each were deadly.
"Yeah. I'm done here." You pushed yourself off the island and left Rafe to watch you go, smashing the cup against the countertop after you left.
You checked your passport, ticket, and flight number three times as you stood with your family and the Camerons, minus Rafe. Everyone hugged you goodbye. You subconsciously glanced around as you had the heavy feeling of something missing.
"You don't need him here," Sarah said softly as she pulled back from a long hug. "I'm sorry, I know you want him here. But you don't need him."
You nodded, knowing she was right. You didn't need the Rafe you'd seen recently, but part of you wished you had your Rafe there.
The one who gave your first kiss when you were worried you would never get one. The one who snuck into your room with your favourite ice cream after punching Hank Harrison and spent hours holding you. The one who checked in on you at parties. The one who took you to prom, claiming he was the only date worthy of you. You knew he'd threatened anyone who tried asking you, but at the time, you didn't care. You had your Rafe.
After a long goodbye and a final call for your flight, you made your way to the gate when you heard him calling your name over the sound of the music in your earphones.
You frowned, turning around slowly as Rafe Cameron ran towards you. He was completely out of breath when he made it to you, but he looked different.
His eyes were clearer, those gorgeous ocean blue again. He smelt of his cologne and not of the night before.
"Don't you dare tell me not to go." As a part of you was happy to see him, another was worried.
He shook his head and gently grabbed your arms. "No, no. I would never"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm going to miss my flight."
"I'll make it quick. I promise." He moved his hands to your cheeks when you didn't move away from his touch.
"What is it?"
"I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye," He whispered before slowly moving closer to you. "I'm so sorry, baby."
You sighed softly and nodded. Your heart rapidly beating in your chest.
"I have to go," you whispered, but you made no move to leave as they announced your flight again.
"I know, I know." He breathed as his lips made contact with yours.
You whimpered against him, unable to control it before deepening the kiss. The airline announcing they were on last check-in broke you apart.
"I love you," He whispered against your lips
"I know, I know." You breathed, pulled back. "I love you too."
"Go on, baby." He smiled, nodding towards your gate as the last few people walked through the doors.
You gave him a quick kiss again before hurrying away. Leaving him to watch you go with a smile on his face.
Just as you were setting your phone to airplane mode, you received a message:
'I'm getting clean. I mean it this time. I love you, I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I promise you, baby. I'll see you in week' Rafe sent a picture of a plane ticket he just purchased.
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ooctlt · 2 months
I really like this blog most of the time, but sometimes you take reasonable earnest asks that are trying to be thoughtful, and are such a dick about it.
Like if it's the characters being dicks, fine. But you could say something in the tags or post to indicate you're not just viciously mocking someone for trying to engage.
I still haven't submitted an ask since seeing your response that led to comments along the lines of "anon should go die in a hole" for asking, pretty reasonably, why harrow would want to stay with people she didn't seem to like or want to be around or interact with.
(i know, because she does like them and does want them around but doesn't know how to show it) but it's an ASK blog. How do we hear that from her unless someone ASKS
i understand it might be surprising and a bit hurtful to see an ask answered with the characters being mean/flippant, and for that i do apologize that it wasnt made clear that it would be a common thing in this blog. id like to issue the disclaimer: there is always the possibility that the characters here will not take your question well. they might answer rudely, and instigating behavior is not only encouraged but expected on both ends. this does not reflect my personal opinions as the artist; there are over 250 asks even after i constantly compile duplicates, and i will answer the asks that i personally like.
i will assume you are referencing the two most recent posts where gideon acts rudely and i repost an old panel: for the former i thought anon was really sweet for being so heartfelt and encouraging, but gideon isnt the kind of person who needs to be told shes brave for doing that by a stranger. it was a simple act of survival. and harrow is still very much in the passive deprogramming phase. the latter response was meant to kickstart (spoilers) what i will call the "dicks last resort" arc, where i clean out the inbox and share more simple, low effort, but potentially rude responses*. this is because i have roughly drawn almost daily for 87 days straight, and would like to recuperate without being burnt out because i love this blog and i love art.
this leads me to my next point: some of these answers will be curt and short and rude, because they are easy to draw. if i only prioritized the "good" asks or to make certain ask responses kinder, or longer, it wouldnt be a daily blog. it would be a monthly blog where 5 asks get answered among 100s. i didnt anticipate people asking about harrows piercings, and i considered shutting it down by just having harrow say she likes them etc. but i did want to give more insight into harrows character even if she wouldnt say so herself, and that took roughly 3 full unemployed nights. if i treated every ask in good faith the same way i wouldnt have time for anything else, because they take more effort and have to be seriously considered for the future. i can retcon their favorite ice cream or play off griddlehark fighting - it takes more to keep track of a narrative about people talking Around their issues
* by rude responses i mean "this will affect the 679ers negatively, much like making your sim 🧑‍🤝‍🧑➖➖ someone" there are a few asks planned to hurt in the same way one drafts a bad end in a visual novel, and this type of interaction is encouraged. of course if you dont want them to get worse dont send asks telling gideon she should flirt with MILFs (you cant send this ask now i already said it), but i encourage the banter.
TL;DR this is the "characters think you are weird for personal questions" blog. i am sorry i didnt warn of the ask-response banter, because i also enjoy drawing these characters being dicks. i do like when aggravation and conflict leads to character development. "how do we get earnest answers unless someone asks" sometimes you will never explicitly get that from them, and thats what the dead ends are for: to let you know to try something else and read between the lines
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rainyamidala · 1 year
authors note; if you dont like the "has kids and is pregnant" trope, this is not for you !!!! this is basically a headcanon explaining why jake is so tough on his sons in atwow !!
d/n = daughters name
s/n = sons name.
i didn't want to make up names in case readers would like to do that on their own. personally i imagined the kids in way of water lol
theme; you tell jake he's being too hard on your kids - he tells you why.
pairing; dilf jake sully x reader
warnings; bad ending !! clearly what i need to work on the most. mentions of death and war. intentional lower caps
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"Jake." I began, looking at him with that look on my face as he finished lecturing our son. This conversation we were about to have must not be had in front of the kids, as that might make it seem like i don't respect jake when he sets a boundary or makes a decision. if thats what it looked like to our kids they could start not listening to him - which is the last thing i'd want.
but it was getting out of hand, and it made me uncomfortable.
we had three kids, one on the way. two boys, one girl.
i always thought him being much more strict with our sons was because they were older and needed to take more responsibility than our daughter had to - because i agreed with that. he did lecture d/n when he had to (so she wouldn't get a suffocating attitude and behavior as a grown up. parenting !) but with our boys it was very different. he'd lecture them about everything, and being very harsh and closed minded when he did so.
jake caught on, nodding.
"you guys go ahead, your mother and I will be right behind you." he said, patting our oldest sons back twice before they went off, mumbling to each other.
"i told you he'd freak out!"
"shut up, jerk. it was your idea."
"oh, yeah? you're the one who started it!"
i waited until they were out of hearing distance before i began again, turning from their direction and to my mates.
"you are very hard on them." i said as i turned around, gaining a sigh from jake in response.
"we've been over this, y/n. they're teenagers. they can't grow and mature with kisses and hugs."
"but it is more than that. you cannot expect them to make no mistakes." it is hard enough already for them with their father being who he was. but like every other na'vi they wanting to make their father and anyone with his name proud - that wouldn't be such a fight if he didn't have so high and unrealistic expectations.
"i don't." Jake responded fast, sounding over it already. he hated having to explain his reasoning - having to explain and defend himself.
"they think you do. that's whats important - they think you have expectations they will never be able to fulfill."
"they said that?"
"once. but they do not have to. i see it - i feel it." i felt very close to all of my children, like if they were physically hurt, I was too.
"I'm their father - its my job to be hard on them. toughen them up for the real world."
"your daughter is growing up in the same world - you don't treat her the same and they see it, jake." the absolute last thing id ever wish for is for jake to be so tough that it creates a wedge between two sons and a father.
"what do you want me to do, hm? let them run off and break every rule we set for them? that is not the kind of example i want to set for the youngest; that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want with no consequences." as he said the word youngest, he placed a hand on my stomach. ever since i got pregnant, he had gotten even more strict. i thought it was because he didn't want to stress me out with our kids (specifically boys) being wild, doing things they shouldn't be doing, but i'd never asked.
"talk to me, ma jake. why are you like this?" before we had our oldest, s/n, jake was very fun. definitely the wildest man i had ever met, always doing something he shouldn't. he was still like that, but less than before. i knew it was because he had matured massively since then, but i wish he'd seen himself in our sons before being so quick to judge their excitement for the world around them.
"because that's how my father raised me and my brother - i think i turned out alright. that's what i want for them. to turn out alright. more than alright - i want them to be the men they were born to be." he explained, struggling a little to keep the eye contact between us.
Jake was not one to talk about his family or his life before Pandora. i knew about his brother and his warrior background, but his parents weren't a subject he'd heavily touch on unless heavily forced.
"when i was a marine, i could be careless. it's more to the story but in the end, i lost my legs because i wasn' thinking two steps ahead. i didn't have my father to correct and lecture me, so i'm giving it to my kids." Jake was very grateful for this chapter in his life, more thankful for this than anything. being able to wiggle his toes and run in the forest was a gift he did not recognize until it was lost. not being able to do so as a human threw him to the wolves of depression - same affect as losing his brother.
he'd hate for one of his sons to get badly injured or even worse: one losing the other like he had lost his brother many years ago.
i opened my mouth to respond, but he quickly shut me off by continuing.
"my father raised me like this and I will continue raising my sons like this. you might not agree with me on everything, but i know i'm doing the right thing."
In response, i just nodded, looking down. i felt slightly bad for bringing it up, seeing the direction it had gone in. Jake had lost his brother and didn't want our kids to fall in his footsteps of fate.
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡'𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫
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FANDOM/GENRE: Horror, dark romance, scream 6, Ghostface, Ethan Landry
TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul, @zspen, @h34rtsformilli, @alice121804, @kylespencersvocalcords, @babywantskith
REMINDER: Do NOT translate, transfer, modfiy, copy or steal my ideas!
CW: Attempted murder, stalking, stabbing, breaking and entering, usage of a knife, knife mentions, fighting, shouting/screaming, swearing, blood, passing out
"You fuck up!" An angry Quinn slams her hand on the small, wooden coffee table. "I wasn't going to sit there and watch you kill the love of my life!" Quinn scoffs. "Richie didn't care about trying to kill Sam!" Ethan rolled his eyes. "That's because he was with Amber! He didn't care about Sam, none of them did! Billy, Stu...I care about [Name!]"
Quinn lets out a frustrated groan. "You fucking virgin..." Ethan shrugged. "That changed with [Nam ]" Quinn pretends to gag. "Dude, overshare!" Ethan raises his hands in a 'whatever' matter.
"Dad won't be happy about this. You're messing up the plan...!" Ethan mumbled 'i dont care...' to which Quinn responded by bumping into him, hard.
She slammed the door shut, making Ethan flinch. "Cranky..." He faked shivered.
You hummed while listening to music on your headphones, glancing outside your house window, remembering your terrifying experience on the makeshift ladder while trying to escape.
You shook your head and lifted your shoulders up and down, continuing on munching on your small snack.
Your phone rang. You were hesitant to pick up after seeing the callers ID, 'unknown caller,' but it could be Gale, prank-ers, etc...
You decided to play the safe game by hanging up, nibbling on your sweet treats.
You received another phone call again. You started getting pissed off and grabbed it in a swift motion, 'Tara' it read.
You took a deep breath in before answering and putting the phone to your ear.
"Hey, Tara, whats up?"
You could hear faint breathing from the other side.
"Hello, [Name]..."
Your breathing stopped, all of your movements stopped.
That same fucking deep, moderated Ghostface voice.
"How have you been since the last time we met, hmm? That ladder stunt you pulled was impressive, but incredibly bitchy at the same time..."
You turned to your window and then your door.
"You're acting like you wouldn't pull something like that if you were on the brick of death, cocky asshole."
They chuckled.
"You've got a point, so vulgar though..."
You scoffed.
"Says the fucker who said my surviving skills were bitchy!" "Feisty, i like it..."
You grimaced.
"Fuck you, you perv!"
You ran to your knife holder, pulling out a knife. You were about to hang up until you heard Ghostface shriek.
"Hang up and ill have you hanging on those trees on your front porch like ornaments, and we all know Its too early for Christmas so you'll be an early Christmas gift! You hear me?!"
You smiled and flashed a smile grin.
"You think I'm scared of you now? Maybe at when i was on the ladder, but this is my house and I'm for sure not gonna let you parade around MY house trying to kill me and doing whatever the fuck you want!"
You hanged up, stuffing your phone in your pocket. At first, it was quiet. You stayed still trying to figure out where Ghostface could be hiding.
You heard some clothes shuffling in the background. There. You swung your head to the left of you and a gloved hand holding a knife came in contact with your right that held nothing.
You kicked the figure in the back of their knee, making them fumble forwards. You held your knife and swung it at them, but they had also lifted their knife, clashing it against yours.
During that process, the knife in your hand flew from the impact. "Fuck!" They tried stabbing you again, but you dodged by crouching under their arm and running to the kitchen counters.
They were hot on your tail. Your current goal was to get another knife, but chances were slim with this fucker running and partying. You pulled on one of your cabinets, letting it fly right into Ghostfaces mask, hitting them directly without the mask too.
You reached out to the knife holder, until the clothed arms slithered around your waist. They raised the knife and let it sink into your waist. You scream in pain.
You lifted your right foot up and then down, kicking them from your behind, pushing them back too. The knife went with them as they flew.
You took this chance to run upstairs, going into your bedrooms closet and stuffing yourself behind a suitcase.
"Goddammit...where did she go?" Ethan huffed in frustration. Text after text, Quinn didn't respond. He passed the room she was staying in, sending another text, but hearing the notification come from her room.
He opened the door to her room, slowly going in after curiosity got to him. He spotted Quinns phone on her bed. "She probably forgot to take this..." He grabbed her phone while it switched on.
'Tara and [Name] have to be got to be taken care of.'
He opened her phone, and paused before putting the password in. He scrolled through messages until he found the message between Quinn and detective Bailey.
Quinn: Im telling you. That fucker, [Name], has Ethan under control! He beat the shit out of me for trying to kill her. If i wasn't wearing the mask, i would have a massive black eye! Detective Bailey: Tara troublesome too. More than Mindy. Quinn: Mindy's such a fuck ass. Nagging about whose this whose that, what can be the killer or what cannot. Killer history! I never asked for it. Detective Bailey: Well, we have to be patient. Quinn: No, the fuck we dont. I dont even have the patience either. That bitch, [Name], is getting me on my nerves. I have a plan anyways. Detective Bailey: And what is that plan, Quinn? Quinn: You go for Tara, i go for [Name]. We get rid of them and dont tell Ethan the plan. Detective Bailey: What do you suggest we do other than what you said? Quinn: I just need Taras phone, to call [Name], then you can have your way with Tara while i have mine with [Name]. Detective Bailey: Alright.
"Shit!" Ethan rushed out of Quinns room, running towards his own. He fell foward into his room, scrambling to get his own Ghostface costume.
"No...no, no, no!" Tears build up in his eyes
You sighed in relief, feeling your phone still in the same place you had left it.
You dialed the police, explaining your situation to them. They asked you to stay on call, but the closet door burst opened. Ghostface. Out of panic, you hanged up and put a hand over your mouth, also putting your phone on silent and low light.
They rummaged through your clothes, even taking some out. They grunted and slammed the door.
After a few minutes of silence, you crawled out of your closet. You put a hand over your chest, in relief that they werent here, but wait... something felt wrong?
You turned around to see Ghostface charging at you. You yelped and threw yourself to the left again, making them miss their hit and run.
They turned around and lifted the knife in their hand. You ducked under their arm and grabbed the lamp of the nearby, throwing it at their mask, causing them to grunt.
You tried to take another swing before Ghostface held your right arm that held the lamp. You brought your foot up and kicked their arm away. You hit them with the lamp. Right and then left, their head went.
You ran out of the room and slammed the door closed. You heard your door crack from how hard the door hit. Your throat felt tight, the collar of your shirt was snatched, but as soon as it was snatched, it was let go.
You heard a grunt and felt the Ghostface chasing you not so hot on your trail anymore. You turned around to see two Ghostface brawling it out.
"What the fuck...?" One of them jumped at you and hugged your body, pushing you away from the other one trying to snatch up.
The Ghostface that was holding you pushed you aside and punched the first Ghostface to appear. The first Ghostface to appear hit the back of their head on the hallway mirror.
The second Ghostface grabbed the same mirror and smashed it on the other Ghostface head, making them go limp and all movements stilled.
The other turned to you, and you stayed put, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, they embraced you, before pushing you away. "Leave. You're bleeding..." You nodded, confused.
You turned around and ran downstairs, limping your way onto your porch and streets. Your vision went black and everything had caught up to you. You were just saved by a Ghostface and your waist is bleeding as in status SOS!
Your head throbbed and everything twisted and turned in your vision.
The last thing you remember was losing your breath before hitting the concrete ground.
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idle-compy · 13 days
extremely messy live reaction
watched ep 1 from the roblox thing and didn't live react so
ep 2:
ben eating out of a boot what is wrong with him
this whole van scene is fucking hilarious
gonna make me cry on ep 2 I see how it is
darius just being overall disgusted with bens lifestyle I'm drying
"benjamin if you don't pull over I'm jumping out of your moving van is that what you want"
"is your friend ok?" "no 🙂"
ben has brown eyes at 17 mins
the roadtrip vibes are immaculate once u get past all the conspiracy stuff
why are these 2 licorice fanatics I hate them sm (affectionate)
ep 3:
"that is not at all what Hay smells like. have you never been around Hay before?" I'm obsessed with the dialogue
"why are we running? we do not have a good track record with running!"
she still picks him up 😭😭
mantah corp island investigation hmmm..
"that destructive carnivore" DONT SPEAK ABOUT MY DAIGHTER LIKE THAT
is that the fuckimg pink jakcet
sammy holding thr box with no effort anf bens big ass almost dropping it
why is so much happening in Sammy's life I wanna give her a hug
"he's getting more than a mud pie! he's getting a knuckle sandwich!" "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
now sammy has blue eyes wtf
damn that atrocitaptor really hates pies
bumpy basically telling ben to leave omfg 💔
do his eyes ever stay on thr road
the hug 😭😭
Ep 4:
this eps called "brothers" time to cry
darius mocking ben I love him
"she's fine 😌" "I'm not fine!"
ben calling bumpy a "strokg independent woman" " strange thing to say but ok"
fuxk this
"she lives in.. europe?" he met her on that fucking conspiracy site didn't he
ben u eat food out of a boot u cannot talk ab kenjis place like that
"were not exactly on speaking terms" WHEN ARE YOU EVER
did kenji fucking shrink why does he seem so small
"this is. really something kenj!"
oh good lord the tension
"that's where my dad lives" OH FUCK
"I think we should split up" "you and yaz?!" TJE DISTRESS IN HIS FACE
his hand on his heart for the rest of the conversation he would've been more hurt by a breakup then they wouldve omfg
sammy tickle attacking ben THE FACT THAT SHE KNEW IT WOUD WORK
kenji masterfully climbing while darius is fighting for his life trying to put the gear on
"I can't be with you anymore if you're not going to be with me" 😭😭😭
ope kenj I saw that smile
ep 5:
"that bush looks like ben" what does that even mean darius
I love this relationship ben and sammy have they're acting sm like siblings
ben and sammy being dino activists ik that's rihht
mr king dino they could beat ur ass
"did you have brooklynn killed?" straight to the point ok
"worried what?? that I'd double cross ya??" WHAT WAS ON THAT STICKY NOTE
he can't say the right thing to save his life
"just never had a father around to practice with" YEAH YOU GET HIM KENJI
"yeah ok I'll get my violin" kenji ily
sammy and ben causing mass destruction without meaning too hold habits die hard ig
bens list of loyal and amazing friends:
1) bumpy
2) corndogs
3) his van
4) sammy
"he's just so!" "graah?" "yes! yes! exactly"
oh God I hope kenji has a backstabbing plan with this agreement
"I won't let you control me anymore" YEAH KENJI WALK AWAY
"there was something about her that was different. almost dangerous" I am taking everything be says with a grain of salt but things are getting so suspicious??
what in the goddamn green earth is that woman
daniel u may have saved kenji but I still don't like u
she seems so robotic I'm terrified
now who is this
not him speaking Japanese 😭 he needs a hug so bad
ep 6:
her ptsd is hurting her so much omfg
moment of respect for the outfit changes in the memories
brooklynn got yaz into dino immersion therapy 😭
these memories are killing me man am I allowed to stop cryjng
"we haven't really talked much lately" does ANYONR have a good relationship in this show
"It'll be good for you two to reconnect"
"yeah.. I hope so" IT WILL BE SAMMY IT HAS TO BE
the gfs are still healthy all it good all it well in the world
"no dinosaurs?" "judging by the look of that thing I'd say we have one now"
oh sammy really is treating her like a fragile flower
I already watched this scene in the released clip but bens scream is somehow even more funny
ben still callimg her fadoula I love their relationship
"girlfriend?" "why does everyone act so surprised when insay that" bc u are gay
I feel so bad for all these people like imagine dinos get into the place ur promised they won't be
off topic but I am obsessed with the end credit cards
ep 7
the ep is called "that night" I am in fear
oh that's the moment sammy saw how much yaz has grown calling it now
I feel so bad for kenji rn hes in so much pain :((
he's probably so conflicted rn. daniel only ever hurt him but he's all kenji knows as his dad
"I'd be dead if it wasn't for her!" what do you know mateo WHAT DO YOU KNOW
"it was there on purpose" AAAAAAHHHH I mean we knew but AAAAAAHHHHHHHH
"I can't have the last thing I see be bens soggy van!"
oh shoot did he accidentally help the bad guys
now why would he get out ofbthe truck in such suspicious circumstances
oh wow the wet hair animation is so much better omg
"I guess we need each other huh" *makes out*
them having their moment while bens grieving his baby
"ciao cara mia" I hate him
kenjis night just keeps getting worse
bros been DYING to throw those phones
"oh I am so gonna haunt them from beyond the grave" never change yaz
where on earth are they gonna hide on that truck
mateo seemed like a decent guy hope all goes well for him
her apartment was cute asf ok brooklynn
kenji stop reminiscing ur gonna make me cry
darius putting all the pieces together is so rad bc I sure am not
I hope she was doing it for an investigative purpose SHE BETTER HAVE BEEN
but why didn't Daniel bring it up HMmmmmm...
"or what else she was hiding from us" OH HES HURT HURT
darius driving the motorcycle instead of kenji I'm cackling
ep 8:
not the dino smacking rhe lips it doesn't have
now why is she gonna stand on the dino instead of getting bens giant self to look out the gap
the drop is gonna be how they reunite isn't it
kenji screaming bc of a spider he's so real
oh so they're working for extra cash too hmm
oh this place actually looks nice
I am sufficiently uncomfortable thanks for asking darius
the boys are fighting again JUST VET ALOMG PLEASE
darius misses her so much seeing a bird made him think of her 😭😭
lookimg at the dates on the voicemails it's been at least 3 months since she died
DARIUS IN BATHTUB I laughed this is supposed to be sad and I laughed
I sense something big coming I gotta walk around for a bit
now I REALLY have to walk around for bc WHAT
rewatched the scene and I am no more sane ab it
"boo." Yaz ily
"were brothers righr?" HE SAID IT HE SAID IT WE WIN
every single moment with these 2 is so painful how am I supposed to exist in these conditons
love the steggos just watching everything
yaz was smart with the lights u go girl
my heart is genuinely pounding for bumpy I am too attached to this fictional dinosaur
avocado costume?????? girls be fr
I hope the sino causes chaos later
"with me by your side, you kon climb anything too"
"bumpy.. are you dying?" NUH UH BEN DONT SAY THAT NOPE
kenji doing everything with graceful agility vs darius and his childlike experience
sammy kicking kenji TWICE now
the hugs are so much more natural in this series the animation improvement is insane
"creepy micro bangs'" that is a fantastic description kenji
sammy being bumpys other parent 🫶
istg I'm already cryjng
if they kill bumpy idk what'll happen
bumpy is genuinely a part of their family they are completely falling apart rn
"move her tail!" IS SHE ABOUT TO LAY AN EHG
BUMPYS A MOM????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???@?!?!?!?!?!?!??
them passing the egg around like a baby in a hospital such a proud family
"wait what?" "don't think about it bud"
"ben! you're gonna be a grandpa!" glad they also see her as his daughter
ep 10:
cabrera thats his name
she is genuinely somebhorror movie shitnor something
that scene was genuinely so intense I completely froze
obsessed with the shot of the t Rex in front ofbthe explosion hell yeag
"leave my girl alone!" SCREAM IT YAZ
about time this man died
creepy lady is actually super pretty I hate that she's evil and kinda insane
darius finally stopped blaming himself 😭
"my guy. you're still here?" "unfortunately yeah. you all get real vulnerable with each other. it's weird" I'm dying
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boyinthevoide · 25 days
this might be very obvious or like well known but one thing i think goes kind of unspoken about and i think is really interesting is how when eridan does his whole "fight sollux and kill fef and kanaya" thing, he does not initiate the fight. he doesnt show up with the intention of fighting, and he certainly doesnt show up wanting to kill two people.
(its under the cut because there's a LOT of images, i wanted to make sure as much stuff as possible was in context.)
first, kanaya, because it's short.
when kanaya tells eridan about her plan to restore the troll race, this is what he says:
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[Image IDs: two screenshots from returniabound, where eridan is angrily saying "if theres goin to be any sort a hope for our race as the prince of hope i demand to be involved so dont go anywhere without me got it".
End ID.]
firstly, this implies he isn't literally on his way out and stopping to get feferi. this also makes it very clear he didn't start out wanting to kill kanaya, because if he did, he wouldn't've gotten involved in her plan. obviously. she wouldn't be able to go through with it if she was dead.
then, feferi and sollux, because he talks to both of them at once.
the thing is, the way eridan and sollux's interactions work at least to me is that they're both just vaguely annoyed with each other, then when they interact they basically just provoke each other the whole time (i dont ship erisol it just doesnt fit to me). their interactions here follow this formula.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and sollux. it goes thusly:
sollux: "oh GOD it's him. [feferi] can you tell him to go away, i don't even have the energy for this."
eridan: "hey finless this doesnt concern those with mustard sludge slippin through their veins [...] so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open over my next meal"
sollux: "w/e bro, not interested".
End ID.]
admittedly eridan isn't exactly fond of sollux, and he is threatening him, but eridan does just kind of talk like that. they're both just pretty hostile towards each other.
and to feferi, eridan says this:
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[Image ID: eridan saying "all i want to do is have a word with you" End ID]
this is just an honest statement. he has no reason to lie about this.
then, theres the actual thing that causes all the problems.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and feferi, that goes thusly:
eridan: [...] so im gonna ask you this one last time and give you the chance im about to go please come with me
feferi: Go with you? Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you?
eridan: of course i was and we should do it together
feferi: Jack Noir is INSANELY powerful Eridan! Please, I don't want to see you doing anything foolish by trying to fight him.
eridan: fight him are you fuckin nuts [...] im goin to join him and youre gonna join me in joinin him too fef come on lets go [...] only thing left to do is serve him and hope he spares us and im extending the invitation to come with me cause even though you dont think so i really do care about you
End ID.]
then there's some more dialogue and feferi resolves herself and sollux to stopping eridan.
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[Image ID: feferi saying "That's it. This makes me sad, Eridan, but now we have to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading him to us." End ID.]
eridan didn't want this to happen. he wanted feferi to agree and leave with him. he didn't not want to fight sollux but it doesn't seem to have been part of his original plan.
but here's the thing. eridan doesn't kill sollux.
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[Image ID: sollux lies against a wall he's just been blasted against. there's blood trickling from his mouth and in a trail down the wall, and there is text on the right reading "KO'D." End ID]
he ko's him.
and that's important, because the move he uses is a very similar/more powerful version of the move he uses to kill feferi and kanaya.
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[Image IDs: three images of eridan using hope magic to laser someone. in the first he engulfs sollux with it, in the second and third he is blasting feferi and kanaya respectively with it. End ID]
i have no trouble believing he could have killed sollux, but he doesn't. he doesn't want or need to. maybe it's just energy conservation, or maybe...
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[Image ID: eridan saying "im not going to very well kill you am i that would be fuckin unconscionable what kind of friend would i be"]
...he just doesn't want to kill his friends?
because he only turns to killing after this set of panels:
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[Image IDs: three panels from homestuck
panel one: feferi stands over an unconscious sollux with a horrified expression. eridan lurks in the background.
panel two: feferi turns to eridan with a furious expression.
panel three: feferi lunges towards eridan with 2x3dent in hand and still looking furious.
End ID.]
maybe feferi didn't want to kill eridan. but lunging towards someone with a murderous look and a sharp object does tend to have that sort of implication. eridan for this whole time is literally just standing there. feferi is the one to escalate it to possible attempted murder.
he then kills kanaya, who only actually attacks after he destroys the matriorb. fair enough! he had no reason to do that! but at that point his ex-moirail/flushed crush had just tried to kill him and he'd killed her, so it's safe to assume his emotional state wasn't exactly stable at this point.
so as a recap/TLDR:
eridan didn't start out the conversation wanting to end up killing/maiming three people. he made a plan with kanaya that basically requires her to be alive, he has every ability to kill sollux in the duel and quite specifically doesn't, and the entire reason he's here in the first place is to protect feferi and keep her alive. he doesn't initiate the fight, and he doesn't escalate it to murder.
basically he would be correct to go "they started it"
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enden-k · 3 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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saltynsassy31 · 7 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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imagine-silk · 10 months
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His favoritism is blatant and as subtle as a parade float, that's nothing new. Yours is. At first it's just that he could get away with touching you, shoulder clasps and such, but after a while you prolonged it by not moving. When you realized it you then initiated it. Straight up walked up and leaned on him while he was talking to someone. Others are jealous, especially because he will not shut up about it.
The closest person to Peter's status is Hobie. He is a naturally touchy person so it's usually fine if you're neural or higher, it can be allowed, or at least shaken off. That being said, he's also the most punched out of everyone. Not that your always in a bad mood, he goes up to you at random sometimes and startles you, even if you were in a good mood.
Gwen was a yes in your book, she just really passed the vibe check the first time you met her. And she generally cleaned up her mistakes so it was usually forgiven on the spot. There are a few times it took a while to forgive her though. Like the time she opened your collectable.
Pav was so difficult to describe to you. He just ran around and said exactly what he meant. It was very nice for you. But he was also very adamant on his goal to be better than Peter and become the new favorite. It was very cute and you didn't really know how you felt about it so you just didn't think about it and enjoyed his company.
Now Miles was and is annoyed he started late in the race. To becoming your favorite of course. Everyone else knew you and he just got there. He tries to cheat and gives you things. Things that sometimes fail miserably or hit completely. If you smile at him your being polite and just taking it, the more strained it is the more you don't like it. If your face goes blank it's a hit. Added with the statement that is something like 'thank you' or 'you have no idea how excited I am' he knows he hit the jackpot. He also does this away from the others so they don't get any ideas.
Miguel and you share a common enemy; you're both not funny, at least not intentionally. But you're both kinda fine with it. He had work to do and you wanted work to do. The others laughing around you was nice though, another common thought you had.
As for hyper-fixations Miles is the first one to figure out things. You have a new book in your hands and pots of plants with a coffee press on the counter. Two plus two equals you're trying to make coffee completely by hand. Pavitr would be the one to take time to learn about the things you do to the fullest extent he could, balancing school and home life. But after all of that Miguel is actually the one to take you place to do things, he has money and a driver's license.
Speaking of Miguel, he would never admit it but he was also fighting for first place, he just didn't have a lot of time to do it. He's a busy man who takes work he really should just delegate. So if Peter's gone for awhile he'll pick up the slack before you start to decline. It's all under the guise of you doing him a favor or vice versa. You said he needed to go out and touch grass so it was a good way to make both of you to do it.
Having said all of this, Peter will still never be dethroned. He's not blind, you like everyone else, he's just better. To say you boosted his ego would be the world's biggest understatement.
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seriousbrat · 1 month
hi this may be long so sorry in advance but
i always loved hp and when i got into the marauders i started caring about sirius, remus, and james more (peter hater till i die unfortunately i can’t get behind him) and like every marauders stan i despised despised severus, i thought that since he was in a known death eaters friend group and called muggle borns mudblood he was unredeemable. but then i saw more and more pro snape content and it made me feel bad for him, james bullied him (which i’m still not even sure if it was classified as bullying because james didnt have any power over him and it wasn’t even 1 vs 4 it was 1 vs 2 so i’d like to know your opinion on that as well) and he had an abusive parent, but then i saw snily shippers (i am a major jily shipper fyi) saying how james basically manipulated lily into marrying him by not telling her he still bullied snape, how the prank was the best thing to happen to james because their “fights” wouldn’t be seen as bullying but as a teen rivalry, how james was the rich boy who got everything he wanted and he got the poor girl as well, how it was him constantly asking lily out and her always saying no etcc, so ik this may sound stupid but i love ur takes like ur always sooooo fucking real so if u want to share your opinions on these like if u think any of these things are wrong 🙈 id be glad bc i dont know how to feel about severus and idk how to feel about jily either which is just making my small world inside of my head crumble bc i used to love them so much
Of course and thank you! First of all as I've been saying I don't think it's necessary or even really a good idea for us to base our preferences or interests in fiction with our moral beliefs. so we can accept that snape or james did bad things and still like them. Fiction gives us that freedom to delve into aspects of humanity that in real life we might try to avoid. So I don't think you should feel bad for liking james or severus or jily or whatever. Ok, that being said let's get into it:
First it's normal to feel sympathy for Severus, he's a sympathetic character in many respects! That's what makes a good anti-hero (or even villain. we're even supposed to feel sympathy for voldemort and barty crouch jr at certain points)
what james and the marauders did was definitely bullying. there's no way around that. you say james didn't have any power over him but he did; social power. You touched on economic class, which is a big factor, but James was a popular student and Sev was deeply unpopular. whether it was 1v4 or 1v2 or 1v1 doesn't really matter in terms of whether it was bullying, though tbh it was really 1vthe whole school because the spectators also participated in Sev's humiliation.
However, in my mind there's almost no way that Snape wasn't instigating just as much, possibly more, in seventh year. Like you think he was just going to sit around and accept that his worst enemy was dating Lily? lol. I tend to believe Sirius when he says that Sev "never lost an opportunity to curse James" like good for him get his ass. But I think it was definitely a different dynamic in 7th year than in 5th. there's this tendency to portray Sev as being a meek little helpless victim his whole life but personally I feel that's a disservice to his character-- this is the guy who invented sectumsempra 'for enemies' like three guesses who 'enemies' was.
re: jily, I really doubt that James manipulated Lily into anything, I think that's such an overdramatic reading lol. We don't know much about the way they got together-- although many fic writers have taken it upon themselves to fill in the gaps-- but everything points to them having been happy and in love, that clearly was the intention by the author. If James didn't tell her about duelling Snape that isn't great, but there are a lot of things that can be imperfect in a relationship without jumping to manipulation and abuse which require a specific pattern of behaviour that we have no evidence for. We also only have the external perspective of Sirius and Remus, which is likely incomplete.
(also James 'always asking Lily out' is fanon, we see him ask her out ONCE albeit spectacularly badly. it seems more likely to me that lily 'you make me SICK' evans simply saw james grow into someone she rly liked rather than gave in and gave in so fully that she married him bcause he was pressuring her. idk she didn't read like a pushover to me.)
So no need for world crumblage! It doesn't sound stupid at all, but I think it's important to keep in mind that we can enjoy fictional characters/relationships that aren't perfect, in fact those are the ones that I find more enjoyable. It's totally possible to be a fan of snape and james and jily and snily all at the same time, fandom tends to create conflicts or 'shipping wars' or whatever lol but idk if that's necessary. I don't see it as a moral debate or an either/or, I just find all the characters and the dynamics between them interesting.
For instance, you mentioned the class differences between Lily and James, and I always thought that was probably a point of contention in the relationship; but to me it's one that makes it more compelling to explore. Relationships irl are rarely perfect and evenly-matched from the start, they take work. Similarly people are never perfect- they learn and change and grow. James did, Snape definitely did. otherwise they would be boring and unrealistic as characters.
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ase-trollplays · 4 months
When We Were Kids (Part One)
...s-so... how are you feeling?... ...s-still s-sore?...
Y'all got no idea. The only thing that don't hurt is blinkin'. I swear, soon as I can move again, I'm suplexin' Dan inta next sweep.
...he only picks on you because he cares... ...its his way of making s-sure you dont obsess over everything...
Ya mean like the fact I fucked myself an' can never have anythin' close ta a normal life ever again cuz I lost my fool head?
...yeah... that... ...im just relieved you werent killed... ...i... ...i was going insane thinking id have to bury another moirail...
I wouldn't be too relieved. I can't go out in public ever again with legis an' fleet dogs out fer my head. Prolly got a hefty bounty, too, an' rewards fer turnin' me in. Y'all two ain't safe either if anyone finds out y'all know me.
...yeah... ...when dantli comes back... we s-should all talk about where were going from here...
Ugh, I can't even get my shit from my hive. It's prolly bein' watched or somethin', or it's been raided an' bugged by now in case me'r one a y'all shows up. God, my lusus ain't gon' know what happened ta me, an' he can't come here like yers. I ain't sure he'll wait a sweep fer me ta come back like when I was a kid.
...that reminds me... ...when i was in the hospital... you s-said you knew exactly how i felt when i was being held captive... and that i s-should ask you about your childhood...
Yeh. Yeh, I did say that, didn't I? I'm guessin' this is yer way a askin'?
...yeah... if you dont mind...
Alright. It ain't a happy story, but I'm sure ya already figured that. I guess I'll start from the beginnin'.
I was even more a a hotheaded stubborn shit when I was a kid, if y'all can believe that. Pickin' fights with every troll I saw an' tryin' ta befriend the ones who beat me. Which was damn near all a them cuz fer all my bluster, I was a twiggy scrawny little toothpick, ain't had a ounce a muscle on me. I didn't want nobody thinkin' I was weak just cuz I was a skinny rust.
I was always gettin' my dumb ass beat up an' hurt tryin' ta prove I ain't no wimp, but I did get some good friends outta it. Even had a li'l flush crush on one a them, a girl who beat me in a fight just by knockin' me down an' sittin' on me 'til I wore myself out tryin' ta get her off. I had a whole group a friends back then. I can't tell ya what their names'r caste was, but we were a happy li'l group.
Here's the part where everythin' goes ta shit. When I was five, I was out patrollin' my li'l territory when I spotted a scraggly-lookin' teal prowlin' around. He was a adult an' a lot bigger'n me, but I challenged him all the same. He hauled off an' kicked me dead in the stomach an' told me ta get lost. If I was smart I'd a left it at that, but who said wrigglers are smart? I wasn't ready ta say I lost, so I picked myself up, grabbed a big ol' rock, an' chucked it square at the back a his head. Hit him so hard he started bleedin' an' staggered a good bit.
He looked back at me real mad at first, then he started smilin'. Said I had a lot a fight in me for a twiggy brat. I told him there's more where that came from if he don't git, an' he laughed an' said he'd have a ball breakin' me. 'Fore I knew it, he was right up on me, an' I didn't have no time ta react 'fore he got me in the gut with a stun gun an' knocked my ass right out.
I woke up in a cell with a couple other young trolls. I asked where I was, an' they said I was in the slave camp. Said I was here cuz they were gon' break me, train me inta a perfect li'l pet slave, then sell me off ta the highest bidder. Needless ta say, I wasn't havin' that shit. I made it my mission ta put up as much a a fight as I could an' refuse ta be domesticated.
First handler they assigned ta me was that teal that grabbed me. Since I already fought with him once, I knew what ta expect. He got a lotta good licks in over the first couple nights, but eventually he slipped up an' I was able ta steal his stun gun an' shock him dead in the eyes. After that, they decided to gimme their toughest, meanest, biggest handler.
He was a big blueblood who made us call him "Mister," an' he took that shit serious. I called him asshole exactly once an' he slapped me 'cross the face so hard he damn near snapped my neck. I couldn't feel my face fer a night afterward. Most a my abuse came from him, an' I just know he was havin' fun beatin' my ass every night tryin' ta make me give up.
But I'm the most stubborn bitch ever hatched, so I didn't make shit easy fer him. He beat me ta shit, starved me, locked me in a tiny li'l cage, an' made sure no one talked ta me'r tried helpin' me'r they'd be in the same boat. His favorite punishment fer me was the post. There was a big wooden post in a sort a courtyard outside with a pair a manacles attached. He'd lock me in, hike up my shirt, an' tear me ta ribbons with a whip. Afterwards, he'd leave me out there fer nights with only a thick blanket thrown over me ta keep me from bein' completely cooked ta death by the sun durin' the day.
He liked hearin' me cry an' scream in pain, so I'd try my damnedest to keep my mouth shut no matter how hard an' how much he whipped me. I'd stay quiet for the first thirty seconds, but after that I could never hold it in anymore. Then he'd whip me more fer resistin'. So many times I was close ta givin' up if it meant he wouldn't torture me no more, but I didn't wanna let him win.
...oh my god... ...im s-so s-sorry... ...i cant even imagine... and i s-said all that--
Y'ain't gotta apologize fer bein' mad. I get it. Ya were in a scary situation, an' hearin' that I never even tried ta find ya when this whole thing was my damn fault ta start with? I'd a been pissed, too.
...s-still though... ...it was s-so insensitive...
It ain't like y'all knew any a this at the time. It's fine.
...how did you get out??...
Heh, that's where shit gets real interestin'.
They kept me at that camp fer half a sweep torturin' me, but I held on. I dunno why they didn't just cull my stubborn ass a long time ago. My guess is cuz Mister wanted the satisfaction a breakin' me cuz ain't no one else been this much a a challenge fer him fer so long. If he let them cull me, it ain't a real win. But eventually he reached the end a his patience with me.
I managed ta get a hold a a fork an' taunted Mister 'til he grabbed me 'round the throat an' got right in my face ta threaten me. I stabbed him in the eye an' tried ta make a break fer the exit while he was screamin' an' cursin' an' bleedin'. A course, I didn't make it nowhere close ta the door 'fore I got caught. Mister was fumin' somethin' fierce, and I didn't even get a chance ta register what he was about ta do 'fore everythin' just became blindin' pain.
I remember one a the supervisors cussin' him out cuz they was plannin' on sendin' me ta The Pit, an' now I ain't in no condition ta be transferred. That fucker cut me open from rib ta hip with a dagger. I spent nights in the infirmary tryin' ta get stabilized an' patched up. I was so weak from bein' starved an' beat on a regular basis that I almost died.
But like I said, I'm the most stubborn bitch ever hatched. I was able ta recover enough ta get my stitches out, but after they they decided ta cut their losses and finally cull me. Mister wanted ta do the honors himself. After what I did ta him, he didn't care about winnin' no more. He wanted me dead. He filled a tub full a water, threw me in, an' held me down with his foot while I thrashed an' tried ta free myself 'fore I drowned. Eventually I lost consciousness.
I woke up chokin' on water an' hackin' the shit out my lungs in the middle a the forest. I figured they dumped my body fer the undead an' the animals ta eat once I blacked out. I didn't know where I was or how ta get back home, an' I was fuckin' scared. But I was free after half a sweep in captivity, an' that was more important than bein' afraid. I picked a direction an' started walkin'.
I didn't have no way a huntin' ta feed myself, an' I was still fuckin' weak as shit, so I didn't eat much a nothin' 'cept whatever bugs an' small animals I was able ta catch. I had ta sleep up in trees durin' the day ta avoid the roamin' undead. Eventually between the hunger an' bein' exhausted all the time, I dropped.
Next thing I know, I'm wakin' up in a hive belongin' ta some li'l jade even younger'n me sayin' him an' his lusus found me. I was still a ornery li'l shit an' wasn't exactly a good hiveguest. He still helped me an' everythin' though. Kept me fed, gave me a place ta sleep. Once I was mostly healed an' had my strength back, I robbed him blind an' ran. Took every piece an' scrap a food I could carry, stole a couple knives, an' I was off. I'd prolly apologize ta him if I ever see him again, not that I remember what he even looked like, an' I'm sure he don't remember me or wouldn't recognize me now.
I spent the next half sweep doin' whatever I could ta survive an' try ta find my way home. I stole, I killed, I broke inta hives, I did whatever I had ta do ta make it ta the next night. When I finally made it hive after that half a sweep, my pa was there waitin' fer me. He waited fer a whole sweep fer me ta come back instead a takin' in a new charge. I bawled the hardest I ever have in my life. Makes me feel extra shitty that I can't go back an' say my goodbyes ta him. He's prolly still waitin' fer me ta come back just like I did last time I went missin'.
...if you want... i can ask dantli to go to your hive and tell your lusus you arent coming back... ...i dont think hes on anyones radar s-since he doesnt s-socialize... ...i can tell him to make it look like he's robbing you s-so they dont get s-suspicious... and itll be a convenient way to get s-some of your things for you...
That ain't a bad idea. S'long as he don't say nothin' stupid'r incriminatin', that could work.
Anyway, speakin' a going back hive, when I finally made it back ta mine after my sweep in Hell, I couldn't function fer shit. I didn't wanna reach out ta my friends cuz I didn't want 'em ta see how broken I was. I didn't wanna look weak ta them, an' none a them reached out anyhow. In just that one sweep, they moved on from me, which still kinda hurts ta know that's all it took ta lose 'em.
Fer perigees after, I'd have daymares a bein' back at the slave camp, weak an' in pain with Mister standin' over me with the whip, then draggin' me out ta the post. I was barely gettin' any sleep, I couldn't eat, an' I was terrified a bein' in water. That's when I decided ta start bulkin' up an' gettin' stronger so I couldn't be taken back there or anywhere else.
Fer three sweeps, I had the mother grub a anxiety. A lotta nights, I couldn't even get the nerve ta leave my hive. I'd get anxiety attacks an' panic attacks when I saw highbloods, 'specially male blues. An' y'all know me. When I start gettin' anxious, I get real mad an' itchin' fer a fight. Even now, I don't hate highblood s'much as I get anxiety bein' around 'em. An' I do also hate 'em.
That's when I started drinkin'. It wasn't about gettin' drunk. It was a way ta calm my frazzled nerves an' keep my anxiety under control. Over time, though, it turned inta a addiction, an' y'all know how well that ended up workin' out fer me in the end.
That's basically everythin' about my childhood, so believe me when I say I know exactly what it's like ta not know if yer gonna live ta see another night, an' cryin' yerself ta sleep durin' the day cuz everythin's so awful, an' prayin' that yer loved ones ain't next or won't be too tore up if ya don't survive.
...i... im s-so s-sorry... ...no one s-should have to endure that... especially not a child... ...i... i...
C'mon now, y'ain't gotta cry about it. It sucks, but it's in the past now, an' fallin' ta pieces over it ain't gon' fix nothin'.
...i... i know... but...
It's okay, I get it. If it'll make ya feel better, go ahead an' cry it out. I can hold ya if ya want.
...but arent you s-still sore?...
Not so sore I can't comfort my pale. It ain't gon' kill me, so get yer li'l cryin' sniffly self over here.
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docilepillow · 2 months
March Media Diary Thing 2024
This one's a weirdo! I'm typing this first paragraph after the fact, because it's the 30th instead of the exact end of the month like i wanted to post it . This post's a two-phaser, just because the way i typed this one out was in a " Live thoughts as fresh as i got them on the day i did stuff " kind of format. I didn't realize that there'd be so many more embeds then in febuary and january, but i guess it's just that kind of thing where you end up doing alot or doing the same but having more to say on it because its Now and not Before? I guess? I dunno. Everything below this space was gonna be from the start of the month , approaching towards the end. Okay, see you at the end of the second media diary post, now ! I'm gonna mix up this one and like unlike the last two i'm gonna try and write to this as i finish stuff instead of leaving it all until the end of the month, i think. im wondering if it'll make my thoughts more consise or not, but honestly, i have no idea! the main thing i think that gets lost out from this is the fact that i'll probably have less personal anecdotes about the month itself. Ohhhh.... MIGHTY SWITCH FORCE! < Silliest 3DS Home Screen Jingle >
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i'm not giving this one a docism as a title just because it's kind of embarrasing to make too much more focal then it is, but the game's visual design and the way it flaunts itself does kind of make it a little distracting, but, i guess, more then anything else i've played from wayforward. um
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i dont think its nessisarily a bad game or anything its perfectly alright. its like a little short for the price it retailed at on 3ds at least but its like. mediocre good i think . its not like bad or anything. its mostly just a game that sells itself with cute girls. which is fine i guess. like the game design Holds but the games focus is kinda scattershot, but whatever. it doesnt overstay its welcome or anything. the design's sound its just kind of okay all around NO MORE HEROES 2 - DESPERATE STRUGGLE < voice clip game of all time >
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unintentional misogyny theming in this media diary oh no
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coincidentally as i was playing i learned that the day i chose to start this game came out 3 years after the first game, which, coincidentally , lines up with the game's actual in-universe timeline iif my opinions on this game lines up itll be like, (9) years until i play the next one thats for sure
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ok so my story with this series is that i played the first game accidentally completely handicapping my own experience with it because i didnt know you could upgrade your stuff in it and thus made everyone in the ggame into a big dumb hp sponge that wasnt enjoyable to figght and despite my best efforts to try and like this game more ( And, i will say, despite the very prevalent appeals to the male gaze, it CAN be charming ! ) i also took entirely way too long to learn about switching weapons worked functionally, just because despite SEEING the tutorial prompt for weapon switching, i didnt put it together because it takes a bit longer to activate then you'd expect, and thus, never used it. Oops! but yea this game mostly just stands on its own crass nature and in that respect its both very self aware and self indulgent. if you like that kind of vibe youll enjoy the game and its style or be mostly indifferent/uncomfortable with it . Shrug! shinobu is pretty cool. u get to play her after the events of the first game and its neat.
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one thing i like about this games like direction is that its very well established that nobody in this game is a good person like even remotely and in that aspect it does get to explore cool stuff i can appreciate. i like that much. i tthink my favorite boss conceptually is the big robot you fight at one point in the battle royale segment. but id mostly consider this game as kind of a gimmick. i can see elements in there that'd make it a classic to a certain brained kind of person, but it doesnt appeal to me. i did wanna try and i did get at least to the very end until the final boss, at least. people say thats one of the worst final bosses in video games period and i gotta say they didnt lie shit doesnt really work
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i got endeared by this sign , so i took a screenshot of it . i also like the crickets in the bug minigame.
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pretty good though the games just kind of middle of the road for me overall. i didnt hate it enough to not completely finish it and as of typing this and as is its only 3/9 , so i might still truck through the final battle of this game, but, i wont really guarentee or force myself after 3 hours straight of it ----- ok nevermind literally the next day first thing when i woke up i first tried the guy lol games charming its just very peculiar
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get fucked idiot SUPER MARIO BROS DELUXE
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I technically started this last month but this is the month where i actually sat down and finished it just because MAR 10 ran around so like. might as well fish out some random mario sidescroller to play next also. its short and ive heard some ssay its like definitive mario 1 but the way mario's speed + the screen crunch make it kinda sloppy in a way. limitations of a gameboy color i know but i guess as a standalone way of playing mario 1 its not like. the worst in the world . ive never actually finished mario 1 before on my own so this is a new experience for me !
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if you think the 3ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!! if you think the ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!!
Dōbutsu no Mori ( The Animal Crossing Anime Movie ) < Ough-est main character >
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Watched this one again for the second time in a discord movie night! A very sweet and nice little movie with very very very cute characterrs. i see the able sisters on the screen and i clap
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whats wrong with her
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shes like a frog anyway the movies cute and theres aliens at the end. id describe it as a very loving adaptation of an animal crossing player's imagined version of events going on in an animal crossing gamecube-era town. though the biggest thing of all that endears me is AI i think theyre so silly looking
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Pictured : Another Silly Subject KERO BLASTER
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another game ive played many times before, but, considering my recent cave story fix, i felt drawn to playing it again. i still think its a cute and extremely solid sidescroller game..aaaa ithink everyone should give it a try if thats ur kind of game. also theres lots of very good video game enemies in this
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very simple but effective art direction theres like a very nice feeling of atmosphere to it ( cool game ) idk what else to say ive playedd this game like five times before and this is a media diary for documenting new feelings and thoughts and not for like full on game reviews, i think. < Mid-Month Side Note >
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i still havent completed this game's story mode to this day, but, recently, cus' the efforts of the team 0% team ( group of crazy freaks with the sole goal of making sure every mario maker 1 / 2 level gets cleared ) ive been driven to try and finish my super world recently. i might feel like showing off the levels ive made at the end of the week,as well, but it's honestly really satisfying, even if i know that the userbase for this game's comparitively shrunk since launch. idk! its fun to make mario levels. i think its satisfying and ill do it even if nobody plays them. also apparently i forgot to turn off my nso subscription so thats why im extra driven to upload lots of levels while i have it. I still hate how NSO is a paid service attached to online. it just kind of paywalls large swaths of games that don't need it and it's just dumb, evil, corporate greed. Ugh! That's the price of gaming in the modern era, i guess....
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PETAL CRASH < Thank you, Bison...! >
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game i've only played very recently, and arguably, doesnt fall under regular completion criteria, as it's mostly meant to be played on a whim in short bursts ( it does have a short story mode, though, plus a bunch of challenges i haven't played yet..! ) ( I might not be smart enough, for those... ) , but that doesnt really matter! This game is absurdly , amazingly, adorably adorable! !! !
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Look at these things!
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Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from having an adorable fairy character that appeals to every aestetic i love, its also a decently digestable GBC styled puzzle game ! thats really fun!! and ive been playing it on steam deck, where, i think, it really shines!! the character design in it is really good!
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i've yet to master it , as it's pretty fast paced, but its essentially a match game that bumps stuff togetheer good with cute characters like puyo. i havent interacted with that series before but i have played kirbys avalanche and star stacker and this is pretty fun like those. if you like those games you'll like this.
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Thanks to my BF for buying this game for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth < most symphony of the night award >
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the docism is kind of demeaning but this game is really solid i finished it just now in 6 hours ( 3/21 ) ( Wait, those numbers add up to 6! wow! ) i think this games strongest suit is how drop dead gorgeous the sprite art is . like . holy shit there are giant gorgeously animated ps1 quality era crisp pixel perfect sprites just everywhere
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the picture quality google images gave me doesnt do it justice but there are just like these fantastically rendered fantasy sprites wherever you wanna look for it and it just reminds me how awesome the ladybug developer team is. i think in terms of indie studios ive gotten attached to this is definitely like a dev i eagerly cant wait to see what they do next in the metroidvania sphere. like. considering the source material the actual designs dont stray too far from like what " conventional " fantasy looks like,( A little basic ) , they still kept my attention just from the number of moving parts and shit. and like. mechanically this game is actually pretty neat. they make you juggle a whole lot of projectiles on screen, but it becomes pretty managable when you learn how the two-prong element system works to be pretty engaging ( It reminds me alot of cave story's weapon system, actually! ) ( really cool! ) https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36872249/d5f18e9ecfb93d0547f6ccf894cd2e0bab2d12c1.gif WHAT???? tumblr posts have a 20 image limit! What! i didnt know about this! i think websites should let u post as many cool images as you want. i should make a neocities for these at some point if i keep doing them...... regardless i think this game is awesome even if the story is kind of like throwaway ( saying this as someone who hasnt engaged with the source material yet, which there apparently is, so maybe thats not a fair thought. on the games steam community page though i saw a gif of the main character in an anime adaption wiggle her ears around with a silly face, so maybe it'd appeal to me if i look into it? Huh. ----- PART TWO WILL BE POSTED SOME TIME IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS FROM THE EMBEDDING ISSUE -------------------
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rikigai · 15 days
hi <3 so this is gonna be a long ass jake request with two parts so bare with me as I explain my deepest desires lol
(1) firstly have you heard that song baby can I be your favorite something like this ?! I'm sure you did anyway there's a part in the song that goes "my name's whatever you make it" and first time I heard it I instantly thought that it sounds like something jake would say to a girl he's trying to hit on and is a simp for in the answer to what's your name ?! what should I call you ?! I feel like he would be the kind of man who would make you feel like you're the centre of his world, like he didn't exist before you he breathes for you, he's an idol now and making his fans feel so loved and special imagine how is s/o would be treated !! so therefore I was gonna request something like a simp jake having a crush on one of his friend's friend and finally deciding to shoot his shot and he is just such a romantic man he would start the sugar coating and flirting right away !! but at the same time he would still be the one in control of your relationship regardless of how soft he is to you man is a scorpio he will dominate your life softly !!!
(2) I saw this video on twitter that he says "what you gonna do in five seconds" in response to be my boyfriend for five seconds, and oh dear heavenly father the way he looks at the damn camera saying this ?!?!? I'm just on my knees instantly !! you know he's usually this cutie pie softie bubbly person running around being fun but then he suddenly shows his smart ass serious manly side and I just get physically shocked !! the way he looked dead seriously to the camera asking "what you gonna do with 5 seconds ?! tell me" it's like him showing that yeah I'm a cutie pie but at the end of the day you do as I tell you (NOT in a fake alpha wattpad daddy way BUT as in a mature guy even though he's younger than you but he's wise and smart and knows you so well way) so I would like to request yet another smut but also angst cause I'm sad and I wanna fight someone and who better than jake who would know his girls mood swings so well to let her cool off by pushing his limits until he ends up fucking the attitude out of her, it would be like the reader getting mad at him for the very small things and nagging constantly and picking up fighta until he's mad mad and he tries to hold her but she pushes his hand away harshly and he gets to the last level mad "okay you're done level" grabs her arm and take her to their room and ends up in fucking the frustration out of the reader
Here's the link to the video I yapped about for an hour:
also I said younger than the reader cause he is two years younger than me and I know it's not much but still he's the first ever younger bias I have and it felt weird to begin with but now that I'm seeing underneath all that puppy like personality he's actually mature and a man I need in my life I'm getting along with it better but still please somehow include this in them writings (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
At the end I just wanted to share my thoughts and I can wait for a response as long as you need (you can fully ignore it too I don't mind) but yeah thank you in advance hahaha
thank youu sm for the ideas hehehe, i’ll definitely look into the song ure talking about bcs im not sure if the song im thinking of is the one ure describing?? but omg id def write for jake using both of these sorta plots. feel free to always share ur thoughts in my inbox hsjahs i dont mind at all!! i enjoy reading stuff like this. thanks again anon, please look forward to the stories ill write for these reqs 🫶
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zeeposting · 22 days
stupid rambling about oc lore. warning its probably going to be very long so dont press "keep reading" or whatever it says if you dont want to read a lot
okok who do we start with. fries!
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lookie look, theres fries!! so they kind of put up a silly and carefree act to disguise their worries. what are their worries, you ask? haha. parental issues. fries has an older sibling, curly fries. uhh i actually need to develop some lore and characters so curly fries needs pronouns ermmm *stares at the video im watching for like two minutes.* xe/her for curly fries!! ANYWAYS. their parents are potato (f) and onion rings (m) and they got into arguments a lot. like. a lot. fries is maybe two years younger than curly, so fries was a lot more sensitive to it. they were always scared of the yelling and often found the most comforting place was their closet. yes they hid in the closet. curly was the only one who knew about this and sometimes would try to comfort them, but most times would just lay in xeir bed unbothered by the yelling. this ended up with potato (fries and curly's mother) leaving the family. fries' fear of the yelling carried on into adulthood.
now to skip on over to smoothie for further explanation on fries i guess!1 so smoothie uerhmmm she has 2 siblings. Lemonade, she/her, and uhh mango something hang on google helpme uhh ok anyways as i was saying, Mango Juice, he/they. mango is younger than smoothie (or Strawberry Banana Smoothie but who wants to type that 300 times) while lemonade is older. mango would often BEG smoothie to play or talk to something else while lemonade would always tease and affectionately bully smoothie. all this landed smoothie with something like anger issues! as an adult, it often gets angry at her coworkers and gets into arguments over call with them.
and now can you guess why we had to quickly switch to smoothie? heeahh. yeah sometimes it yells at its coworker which overwhelms fries. when smoothie's having an argument fries often hides in the bedroom (cheeb, fries and smoothie share an apartment) and if cheeb is there, he'll usually comfort fries until smoothie is done.
cheeb lore!??! haha you wish! yeah no cheeb doesnt get lore. no siblings though
smoothie, cheeb and fries all met in lets say uhh late middle school? yeah uhh. fries' parents really started getting in arguments when they were 14. they put up a sillier act so that their few friends didn't worry about their personal life (it was very complicated, and a few months into highschool is when fries' mother left) smoothie is the one who started the relationship like early highschool id say. smoothie and cheeb moved into fries' apartment eventually, but fries' bed didnt have room for them all soo they basically rotated someone sleeping on the couch until they could save up for a bigger bed. now they all sleep together woohoo
yeah! thats. mdbonncalds lore!!
okay who else hmm
night and spike are currently lore-less but i think inki is cooking somethng up for them
i would do scroll and quill but i feel like their lore would be best explained through writing the whole thing or writing certain scenes (couhg cough, scroll attacking inkpad, cough cough) <- wait what no who said that not me those arent spoilers at all inki doesnt even know the lore and shes practically the reason theyre still here!! i drew them once and she drew them so i was like "WOAH OC APPRECIATION??!?! THEYRE GONNA STAY!!" and. yeah! they have lore and yeah.
hmm hmm.. i could to laptop but shes basically a mephone knockoff... except featuring firey beefy die... (dont ask)
rat cage uhh i havent really figured out everything for her but i know the basis! nerd. she didnt have a home so she just lived in various alleyways and got in many fights. eventually, guess what?! her leg got cut off! because of her nerdiness she managed to find a whole lot of metal scraps and other stuff and built herself a new leg! woohoo! uhh and now she has a girlfriend. ferret cage. also they both have their respective animals, a rat named riley and a ferret named felicity. because i said so.
ok so they started out working idk somewhere shrugs and thats where they met. wet floor sign, due to having no arms (HAHA L FOR HIM!! L!!) was just used to mark out messes. mop, due to being a mop (HAHA L FOR THEM!! L!! HAHA!!) was the one who cleaned these messes. because they saw each other so often, they decided to start talking. they went on break together and stuff and exchanged phone numbers. fast forward a bit and theyre really close (though wet floor sign isnt a fan of mop's gen alpha slang but honestly finds it amusing) and uhh mop asks (that whole thing i wrote? remmeber that?) and uhh yeah they started dating and suddenly wet floor sign just. seemed depresed. so mop went over to their apartment and it was pretty much a mess. "dang bro you live like this" after talking for a bit and mop helping comfort wet floor sign, WFS (i dont want to type it anymore im sorry 😭) admits that his mother passed away eventually they get a job as janitors at scroll and quill's library hang on i have like a whole scene planned out shrieks chat hold on i cant play horse game and ramble at the same time 💔💔
ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scroll and quill do something and mop (to WFS) is like "i wish we had a bond like that" (they love ecahother but they still get in playful arguments a fair amount of the time) "they're married" "so whats the next step towards marriage?" "uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk moving in" "so can i move into your apartment? :]" "uhhhhhhmhmhahahhhhhh" "okay thanks" and mop moves into WFS' apartment! woohoo! yeha. n othing more than that.
hmhmhmhm what other ocs exist... i mean i can kinda go into globe
globe time!! ryu come get ya girl (not tagged because idk if you want to read this whole thing)
so uhh one time scroll and quill went to a park. quill wantwed to get ice cream because yes and uhh globe was just. there and started flirting with scroll who was extremely freaked out. when quill got back, he was weirded out because who is this and what are they doing with his husband. uhh and then globe embarrasses herself because she was into scroll but she just cant stop thinking about him thats basically how globe was introduced!! she has no childhood lore she develops weird obsessions with those that love her, so she scares off people, which makes the obsessions worse she has two cork boards to fill with pictures of people she likes only 3 people were actually (romantically) interested in her. soda bottle cap, MG and mug (made by ryu! woohoo!). soda bottle cap was freaked out with how she has a lot of pictures of people around her house, so he left her. MG was freaked out SHOOT MY FRIEND FOUND ME IN THE SILLY HORSE GAME anwyays MG was freaked out by globes weird obsessive personality and she fearfully left her. mug, though he literally mugged multiple people and is probably a criminal, was freaked out by how clingy and obsessive she was and left her. when she saw scroll, for some reason she just. fell so deeply in love. she stalks him. she has so many pictures of him that she took (WITHOUT HIS CONSENT) and most definitely has a body pillow of scroll MASSIVE OBSESSION. she even got herself banned from their library. quill absolutely hates her.
shes tried other people, shes tried dating apps, but no one was interested. no one really loved her (romantically)
yeha thats all her lore. who else... looks at my oc list
stanley? anyone want stanley? hhhhhhmmmm nah. i dont feel like her lore rn because its not quite developed..
oh golly lets do drawing pen. alcoholic idiot
so he was best friends with drawing pad since they were young kids. eventually, theyre young adults, and playing truth or dare beacuse theyre stupid and on the side of the road. seeing the road was empty, drawing pen dared her to cross the road. but RUH ROH RAGGY!!! SPEEDING CAR COMES AND SHES DEAD. haha corpse. drawing pen is so broken by this, he doesnt know how to cope. so guess what he does? gets a drinking addiction, of course! yeah. he needs it to stay sane i guess. because if he doesnt then he sees illusions of drawing pad! woohoo! yeha. kind of a father-daughter relationship with laptop i guess.
hmm who else
who is cord why are they on my list 💀 i gotta go through this list dawg idk who half these idiots are
*stares at percy on my list*
ok whats happening uhh scratch art paper!! she doesnt really have too much lore but she does have some! so her best friend is chalk, a blue piece of chalk uhh and yk her epick marks? well. they hurt to be made most of them she made herself its something like S/H. chalk helps her not do it again and LIGHTLY did one mark, but sometimes rainbow is tempted
ok hm oh theres activity hang on save as draft!
ok uhh what else theres no one else i think... origami has no lore... theres a lot without lore. what if i go into my non-osc oc's.
my warrior cats ocs...
my star stable ocs... (star stable is silly horse game!!)
dude my last warrior cats art was of this character i just made up and made no lore for
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ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
waitwait what if i make up an oc on the spot with yall. and lore. ok woah my friend just came back and is in peach stuff thats cute anyways random object generator go!!
bandana? wait hmm... no im just thinking bandana ii alternate reality reroll pleas... I GOT HANDCUFFS. BANDANA AND HANDCUFFS. no inspo plus they seem kind of hard to work with (how would i draw the handcuffs?) sooo reroll again
IDEA!!! school bell. like one of those stereotypical school bells.
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like this!!
okay. im thinkinggggg he/him? very loud. very obnoxious. only a few friends, lets say uhh... lunch tray (she/her), eraser cap (they/it) and hmmmm lets make him someone whos interested in him! paperclip? paperclip. she/her. paperclip has a crush on school bell and tries to appear cool to him but fails. shes close friends with eraser cap and tries to learn how she could get him to like her but in the end she thinks she'd embarrass herself. this is becoming too much about paper clip lets go back to school bell!! so he's kind of oblivious to paper clip (adiren agreste style) (<- sorry if that reference is outdated i never finished watching mlb i got like the first few episodes of season four and i havent seen it since 😭) and he uhh... im throwing them into school because i want to. theyre in highschool. anyways school bell is like a basic jock and tries to make his friends laugh over an actual grade. paper clip finds this cute. he has some sort of a crush on paper clip but he doesnt really realize it because i like torturing my characters that are in love uhh yeha eventually paperclip convinces eraser cap to give school bell a note from her (wow a lot of names) and uhh school bell kind of confronts her but uhh in the end they date. wow a lot of lore made up on the spot!! lunch tray only mentioned once. shes the most supportive of paper clip and school bell.
chat what am i doing 😭 why is there so much about lore? wait let me find out how many words this is
i hope you enjoyed this idk if ill make more but uhh for scroll and quill if you guys want me to write like uhh... scroll attacking inkpad, the confession, the first encounter with inkpad, any other scenes im thinking of but idk how to describe. like i would just summarize it as "nightmares" but honey thats not enough context ok yeah anyways if you want me to write some of those scenes i might thumbs up emogi im done this is a lot of writing woohoo! oc lore. fun. if you want to see any of them i will (HOPEFULLY) be able to provide you with art or at least their asset!!1 any other characters i forgot feel free to ask for their lore. i dont know what im doing shrieks YEAH THATS OC LORE FOR YA!!! i forgot penny, barnes and vanille (idk her last name. the desert tissue box.) but idk what their apocalypse situation is, they just exist with brief ideas as of now the other dream characters dont have lore sorry guys ok im going to stop rambling now. bye bye!!
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
what do u think abt the other burners zodiacs? :o ur headcanons are very interesting! id love to know more!!
geeeee. hmmmmm i actually dont know if i gave enough thoughts on everyones signs yet! i actually stalled on that zodiac part of the meme cuz i just decided it kinda... on the spot. then i finished it and went "hmm yeah, close enuf" and posted it. it started out as "lol wouldnt it be funny if chuck was an august leo" and went from there
but hell, if i did that there then i can do it with the rest of the burners here, right?
here we go
dutch: taurus sun, capricorn moon, aquarius rising (pisces venus, gemini mercury, pisces mars)
am i projecting a lil bit by giving them my sun and moon signs....... maybe. am i correct tho. also yes. the only reason why dutch hasn't up and abandoned the burners yet is probs also bc of their pisces venus and mars. despite all the sarcasm and eye rolling, he really does care for his team! he's a watery artsy lad and that cap moon wants to hide it but it all comes dissolving away once he interacts w ppl he cares abt (tennie, dar, his family, etc)
julie: gemini sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising (taurus venus, gemini mercury, aries mars)
julie being a gem sun is very stereotypical i know but trust me on this one. she seems way too calculating to be a fire sign, but she does have that lil flame burning underneath those hundreds of layers she puts on. it's what mike saw in her when he accepted her into the team despite everyone else insisting he didn't :') also scorp moon cuz she seems to be Trying Her Best with emotions but Yikes™
texas: aquarius sun, taurus moon, sagittarius rising (aries venus, pisces mercury, aries mars)
what more can i say.... he's a Weirdo, he's an oddly emotionally intelligent weirdo. his taurus moon does a LOT of heavy lifting and he seems to be ruled by neptune to me cuz i mean.... *gestures vaguely* so yah. pisces mercury definitely doesn't help when he wants to convey anything remotely serious. plus his sense of heroism doesn't seem to come from wanting to steal all the glory, which is where i think his aqua sun and sag rising help out with
BONUS bc i actually just realized i didn't give mike's own personal planets
mike: sag sun, aries moon, taurus rising (aqua venus, pisces mars, aries mercury)
despite how much flack aries mercuries get, i can See it in mike, he's always straightforward with his thoughts (except for when he Badly conceals his angst lol typical aries mercury i would know, after all i am one OUCH) and jumps into fights very quickly. but its for ppl he loves, so its okay LOL it's his pisces mars that reigns him in most times, otherwise all that fire in his chart will burn the whole country down
chuck's own signs in case anyone missed it: leo sun, virgo moon, gemini rising (virgo mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars)
now at first glance i know everyone will see these signs as a "jittery nervous talkative dork". and lemme tell ya, he is all of those things. but. cancer mars can shelter a LOT of explosive and protective anger, which is exactly what i see in chuck. this dude is PISSED like all the time, and all he wants to do is go home (lol cancer homebodies) and just... be safe. keep his loved ones safe, too. yuh
thx for reading this word vomit LOL i still love my children so thanks for the ask! it made me think Many Thoughts abt these children again which is always a treat :)
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