#i just noticed it and thought it was neat
sonderlysouls · 3 days
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FEATURING ; Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi x reader, fluff, modern au, characters in ages 15-16.
SYPNOSIS ; In which, you’ve been one of Megumi’s closest & only friend since childhood. Now both of you are in highschool, a day goes by as you notice Megumi hasn’t answered your messages after not showing up to school. So you decide to go over to his house to see what’s going on.
NOTE ; This is short & I made it in less than an hour okay.. theirs probs things that don’t make sense but still enjoy :p
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As time continued to pass, the day dragged on, no text from Megumi or a word heard from him since yesterday, the day proved to be uneventful and mundane without him.
You wondered why Megumi wasn’t here and why he hasn’t answered your messages—usually when he doesn’t show up to school he texts you from his house. So what’s so different this time ?
You soon enough found yourself outside Megumi’s house. The reasoning behind your distracted and overthinking mind, was the same reason you were in this position. After you knocked the door it seemed like you waited hours for some one to come and open it. Soon enough the door flew open, revealing a bright smiled Tsumiki.
Tsumiki welcomed you inside, closing the door quietly behind both of you. Once both of you were inside Tsumiki gave you a long tight hug after not seeing you around for some time.
“How have you been..? Is Megumi okay?” you asked, voice filled with worry as the words rolled off your tongue, hoping Megumi is okay and nothing bad had happened.
“Well Megumi hasn’t felt so good these past couple days..and today he ended up feeling worse..as for me I’m fine..if you want to see him, you can just don’t get to close to him or he might get you sick, and we don’t want that to happen.” Tsumiki said, making her way to Megumi’s room as you followed quietly behind her.
Soon enough both of you were right in front of Megumi’s door as Tsumiki’s hand made its way to the door knob, slowly opening the door. The girl made room for you to be able to enter, and you did. Tsumiki stood by the door. “He’s probably asleep, just give him a few gentle shakes, I’ll go finish up the tea I’m making him.” Tsumiki said as she made her way back to the kitchen.
You slowly made your way towards Megumi, the room was awfully quiet and peaceful, neat too. The boy was laying on his bed, blankets and pillows covering his body completely as his hair was a mess. You could only hear your foot steps and the sound of Megumi’s stuffed nose, as he took short & slow breaths.
“Megumi..?” you called out, your voice barely above a whisper as your hand gave his shoulder a gentle shake. The movements caused Megumi to scrunch up his face as he turned the opposite way from your body, not wanting to be interrupted in his rest.
You have Megumi another shake as his head slowly turned towards your direction, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “Hm..?” Megumi barely let out, his tone full of confusion as he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or if you were actually in his room.
Without even letting him wake up fully from his slumber he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck, slightly squeezing his body onto her body as the warmth between both of you was all you felt. “I thought you were dead, dumbass.” you said in a playful tone as your arms were still around his neck, your face facing up to look at him. “I might as well be dead..my whole body hurts..and my throat feels like it was put on fire.” he responded, a cough interrupting him in between words.
“You had me worried all day in school, you didn’t answer my messages, plus the ones from yesterday when we did text a bit after school before you stopped responding.” you said, looking at him as you pulled away from the embrace you were both in. “M’ sorry I wasn’t already feeling good these past couple days..then yesterday after school my head hurt so bad so I took a nap—well I ended up falling asleep then today my whole body felt sore, I haven’t even opened my phone since the last time we messaged.” he said.
“Well good thing I know you are alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere.” you said as you gave him a light smile, before hugging him again, not remembering you might also get sick from hugging him.
The days went by as you would take time out of your evening to stop by his house. During these past few days your body started to feel more heavy. During school you would have a runny nose, making you have to keep spare tissues.
You made your way to Megumi’s house since your parents told you they would be out for the night. They even told you if you wanted to stay the night at Megumi’s house you could. By now, you’ve come to the conclusion that you had gotten sick, so you could just stay over at his house since you were sick & he was sick too.
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“So your sick too? Wait I got you sick..see this is what you get for always hugging me knowing I’m sick.” megumi said, his voice a bit stern as if it sounded like he was scolding you for not being more careful. “I know but I’m staying over for the night. Either ways I’m sick now, oh well.” you said as you looked at him, both of you sitting in his bed. “Let’s sleep then, okay? I’m think I’m getting better but I’m still tired.” he said, his voice a bit dry. “Okay then.” you said as you watched Megumi make space for you in his bed, the room was dark, the only light coming from the blinded windows in his room. You slowly made your way next go Megumi as he laid the blanket over your bodies.
You guys were friends, but both of you cared deeply for each other and had a soft spot for one another. That’s what made your friendship pure, or something that soon enough could turn deeper than a friendship, but for now both of your were happy like this. Close to each other as the warmth created by your bodies comforted both of you.
Your eyes were gently closed, the sound of his & your breathing slowly was the only thing that made its way to your ears. Soon enough you felt the touch of someone, it was Megumi’s touch. He was carefully wrapping his arm around your waist. Bringing your body more closer to his slowly, making sure you wouldn’t wake up with the sudden movements.
Megumi had noticed that every time he was around you he felt different then when he was around other people, and he wasn’t dumb, he knew he had gained feelings for you. He was sure you also felt something back, which you did. The thing he wasn’t sure is when he would let you have the key to his heart; to tell you his feelings & for you to reciprocate those feelings back. But for now he was okay with this.
And slowly a garden bursts into bloom. The love between one another is a beautiful, fragment flower adorned with petals of passion, the connection like an intricate pattern of stems and tendrils that twist around each other, intertwining and becoming one. Every touch, every moment, is like a warm sun, nourishing and nurturing their love until it turns into a beautiful field of love.
— © sonderlysouls 2024. Please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my work.
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jjkamochoso · 3 days
Hi again :3 more noritoshi stuff,,, it's his birthday soon! Maybe reader takes him out on a date to celebrate ^_^
Yessss omg I’m loving writing these birthday fics because I’m the biggest lover of birthday celebrations so this is a total treat for me!! And as everyone knows Noritoshi is my number one so let’s celebrate him as much as we can🥳🎉 thank you for your request, I appreciate it so so much!!! Also I kinda ran away with this so I hope it still meets your expectations lol🫣❤️
The Best Birthday Boy
Noritoshi Kamo x gn!reader
Warnings: none
When you asked Noritoshi what he wanted to do for his birthday this year, he told you he had never given that June day much thought and every year he treats it as any other day, going through the same routine and not doing anything special. You definitely weren’t letting that happen this year so you immediately went into planning mode, deciding how to make this day filled with memories he’d cherish for a long time. Now you were standing outside his door, balloons and flowers taking up all the use of your hands while you tried your best to knock on the frame with your foot. He either heard your knocking or your struggle outside but either way, he was there in an instant, opening the door to reveal you and your gifts.
“Happy birthday!” you greeted. Noritoshi looked taken aback as he let you inside.
“Is this all for me?” he asked, taking the bouquet from you so you weren’t juggling as many things.
“Of course, silly,” you replied, tying the huge group of balloons to his bedpost, “and this is just a taste of the fun to come. Are you ready for your big day of surprises?”
“Trust me, this is more than enough,” he told you, sincerity shining from his gray eyes as he wrapped you in a big hug. “You by my side is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.”
“Sounds like you’re getting sentimental in your old age.”
Noritoshi playfully scoffed as he pulled away from you to fill a vase with water for the flowers you brought him. “It’s my birthday, you have to be nice to me.”
“I am!” you whined. “Besides, I could’ve greeted you today with birthday punches instead of gifts. One for each year.”
“People seriously do that?” His voice was filled with concern as you laughed and shook your head.
“Yep. Apparently it’s very popular. But,” you ruffled his hair a bit, “I’d never lay anything but a loving touch on my precious Nori.”
He ducked out of your assaulting reach as you fell into another bout of giggles and he rolled his eyes.
“Alright, where are you kidnapping me to first?”
“Can’t tell ya.” You winked. “But I can say we’ll be outside and then walking around other places so dress casually and wear comfy shoes.”
“Got it.”
He left to get dressed and you looked around his place thoughtfully. Everything was always in such neat order and you were awestruck by the high level of organization and cleanliness he never failed to commit to. You noticed that there weren’t many personal items present as he opted to keep the decoration to a minimum, but your heart did a flip in your chest when you spied a picture frame showcasing you and him together. It was a selfie you had taken on one of your dates and while you were smiling at the camera, Noritoshi was resting his softest loving gaze on you. It was a picture you both treasured and you were honored that he felt strongly enough about you to keep your relationship so brazenly on display. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard him enter the room again and your breath hitched in your throat when you saw how handsome he looked. He was sporting dark linen pants and a white t shirt that accentuated his muscles perfectly. He opted for white sneakers and topped the whole outfit off with a black fanny pack slung over his shoulder. He looked breathtakingly attractive in this sporty outfit and you were quick to let him know.
“Woah. You always look hot but this look really suits you.”
Noritoshi couldn’t help but blush at your words. “Are you trying to embarrass me into oblivion on purpose?”
“What? No,” you said, pouting a bit before placing a kiss on his cheek, “but it’s my duty as your partner to remind you how alluring you are.”
You started peppering more kisses on his cheek before moving to his nose, chin, other cheek, then placed one on his lips.
“There,” you mumbled, “instead of birthday punches, you get birthday kisses.”
“Much more agreeable,” said Noritoshi, locking your lips together once more. When you pulled apart for air, you jumped out of his grasp as fast as possible.
“Okay! You’ve bewitched me enough today, sir, it’s now time for the birthday celebration to begin! No more smooching or we’ll never leave.”
“Fine by me,” he shrugged and you shot him a look. “I mean, uh, let’s get going.”
“That’s what I thought,” a triumphant tone coating your voice. You took Noritoshi by the hand and led him into a Kyoto neighborhood that was about 20 minutes away.
“This is an interesting route you’re taking me,” Noritoshi hummed as you walked along the empty streets.
“I’m glad it’s quiet today. I think the universe is on our side.”
You continued walking until you finally arrived at your destination.
“A cafe? Coffee sounds perfect right now,” said an excited Noritoshi, opening the door for you. You walked in and had a quick conversation with the woman at the counter, keeping Noritoshi out of earshot. When you joined his side again, he narrowed his eyes at you.
“What did you plan for me here?”
“Don’t worry, it’s fun, I promise. Just be patient.”
“I’m going to say I trust you but I’m not sure how accurate that is right now.”
“You’ll get your coffee in a few moments, no need to get feisty.”
“You’re a pain, you know that?”
“But I’m your pain.”
You gave him a wink and the woman called you two over to a secluded table in the back. Laid out in front of you were 10 small sized cups, each filled with a different coffee flavor.
“It’s a tasting selection,” you explained to Noritoshi, thanking the woman as she left, “these are all rare, specialty coffee flavors you can’t get anywhere else in the city. I talked to the owner and she’s allowed us to try each one and whichever we like the best, we can get a full cup of and a bag to roast at home.”
His eyes sparkled with gratitude. “Y/n, that’s… this is amazing. You’re amazing. Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” You gave his hand a quick squeeze before he pulled the chair out for you and you took a seat, him doing the same across from you. You had a great time sampling all the variations while chatting aimlessly with your happy boyfriend. You were relieved that he was very much enjoying himself, liking the challenge of identifying all the flavor notes in every cup. When they were all empty, you told the owner which ones you two liked the best and she gave you each a full to-go cup and bags of the beans. You thanked her profusely once more as you took your leave, sipping on the delicious drink.
“That was truly one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced,” said Noritoshi, holding your hand as you walked to your next destination.
“I’m really glad you liked it. I was nervous that it would be too boring or something.”
“What? No way. Coffee can never be boring. It’s my favorite thing ever. Behind you, of course.”
“Nice save,” you replied jokingly. As you traversed the city sidewalks, it seemed all the birds and animals were out for their own strolls, too. You and Noritoshi had a fantastic time watching them scurry along on the mild summer day. There was one squirrel who seemingly led you to the park where the next birthday surprise was.
“Here we are!” you announced. A picnic blanket was splayed out under a big shady tree and on it was a huge array of snack foods, games, and art supplies. Noritoshi stared in wonder and delight as he took in this new portion of the celebration, unsure of what to say.
“I know, it’s a lot, but you deserve it all.”
“How did you…?” His sentence trailed off, finding it difficult to come to terms with the kindness you’d showed him.
“Miwa,” you confessed. “She set this all up while we were at the cafe.”
“Woah,” he breathed out, sitting down on the blanket. “I really don’t know… this is beyond words, y/n. I don’t know how to thank you.”
“It’s your day to be doted on because I’m celebrating you and how happy you’ve made me all this time. I wanted to return the favor and make you feel as special as you make me feel every day.”
You leaned over and grabbed the paint brushes and some games. “Alright birthday boy, what’s first? Painting plein air or party games?”
Noritoshi chose to paint first and you set up the canvases and paint while he snacked on the food you prepared. The afternoon went by in a flash as you created artful pieces and played games to your heart’s content. You even took some time just to lay on the blanket and watch the clouds roll by as Noritoshi held you to his chest, not wanting to let go of the person he loved so very much. As the sun started to go down, you decided to pack everything up and head back to your room for one more surprise. You made Noritoshi wait outside as you put away the picnic supplies and prepared the rest of the celebration.
“Okay, I’m going to cover your eyes so you don’t peek,” you said, placing your hands on his face.
“An old man like me can’t be trusted to not spoil a surprise?” he teased.
“I won’t hesitate to cover your mouth, too. Don’t test me.”
You slowly walked him into your room, being careful to not let him trip.
“Ready? Three, two, one.”
Your hands fell from his skin and he couldn’t help but gasp a little at the sight he walked into. Your whole room was decked out in birthday decorations, streamers and balloons covering almost every inch of space. A stack of presents wrapped in brightly colored paper was residing in a corner and a round cake with candles was placed on one of your tables.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Noritoshi couldn’t form a coherent thought, glancing between you and the festive room a few times before settling on bringing you into a long, deep kiss to show his appreciation when words failed him. Even though you’ve kissed him a fair amount of times during your relationship, you never lost the butterfly feeling in your stomach every time he pulled you in and met your lips with his own. You didn’t want to pull away but you also didn’t want the cake to start melting so you reluctantly shimmied from his gentle grasp and grabbed a lighter, setting the candles ablaze.
“Make a wish,” you whispered, your face warming from the affectionate stare of your lover. He blew out the candles in one swift exhale and you got to work slicing up pieces of the cake. You handed him a big slice on a paper birthday plate, then began savoring the delectable dessert.
“This is so delicious,” Noritoshi complimented. “It���s almost as sweet as you are.”
“Oh stop,” you chided, wiping a small bit of frosting on his nose. “You have a little something on your face.”
“I wonder how that got there,” he replied sarcastically. You giggled and grabbed a napkin, cleaning him up. When your plates were empty, you cleared them and brought over his gifts.
“Y/n, I can’t take much more of this whole birthday thing, I feel too guilty. You’ve done so much already, I certainly didn’t need presents as well.”
“Aww, that’s too bad I lost the receipts and can’t return any of them,” you shrugged. Noritoshi just shook his head while chuckling a bit and began opening his gifts. You had gotten him a fancy coffee machine that could make almost any type of drink his heart desired, a gift card to the local sporting goods store for archery supplies, and a shiny yet understated silver chain bracelet.
“I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me today,” Noritoshi said as you clasped the bracelet onto his wrist. “I still don’t think I’m worthy of all this spoiling but I’m thankful for you showing me how much you care.”
“You’re the love of my life, Noritoshi. You being born is a worthy cause for celebration in my book. I don’t know where I would’ve been without you in my life and I’m appreciative that I’ll never have to know what that’s like.”
The black haired man took your hand in his as he ushered you to the couch, eager to cuddle you in the quiet calm of your room, away from any prying eyes or gossipy mouths. More of these tender moments with you were what he wished for earlier and it seemed to have already begun coming true. You both eventually fell asleep, content in the comfort of each other’s arms, stomachs and hearts full. If you thought today was filled to the brim with fun, Noritoshi couldn’t wait to show you how he’ll celebrate your birthday next.
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zwedexx · 14 hours
Day 5 - Kailen Sheridan x Teen Reader
Summary: R is struggling with anxiety and turns to unhealthy coping mechanisms
WC: 1,424
TW: Bad Mental Health, Alcohol, Addiction
A/N: This fic takes place in 2027, the reader is 17 and Kailen and Dominique adopted her when she was 10. | Also I'm sorry its coming out today. I just realized my scheduled release was in July.
You wake up every morning with a knot in your stomach, a tightness in your chest that never seems to go away. Anxiety has become a constant companion, whispering doubts and fears into your ear as you prepare for another day.
At school, you try to blend in, to hide the turmoil within. You laugh at jokes, engage in class discussions, and spend time with friends, all while feeling like you’re on the brink of breaking down. The constant buzzing of worries—What if I fail? What if they don’t like me? What if I’m not good enough?—plays in your mind, a relentless loop that drains your energy.
It was a Friday afternoon when you heard it for the first time. Sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by the chatter of your friends, someone suggests that a drink might help. Just one or two, they say, to take the edge off. You brushed it off at first, but the idea planted a seed in your mind.
That weekend, the curiosity and the promise of relief become too much to ignore. Alone in your room, you reach for the bottle you found in the back of the kitchen cabinet. You hesitate for a moment, the warnings from your parents echoing in your mind, but the desperation for calm wins out. You take a sip, then another, the bitter taste quickly replaced by a warm sensation that spreads through your body.
As the alcohol takes effect, you feel a strange sense of calm. The constant churning in your stomach eases, and for the first time in months, the worries in your mind quiet down. You like the way it feels. It’s as if a heavy burden has been lifted, even if only temporarily.
Over the next few weeks, you start to rely on that feeling. At first, it’s just a drink or two on the weekends, but soon, you find yourself reaching for the bottle more frequently. The temporary relief it provides becomes something you crave, a brief escape from the relentless anxiety.
You tell yourself it’s just to help you cope, that you can stop anytime you want. But deep down, you know it’s more than that. The alcohol has become a crutch, something you rely on to get through the day.
One morning, the anxiety is particularly bad. The thought of facing another day at school felt overwhelming. You decided to take a drink before leaving the house, just a small one, to make things easier. It worked, at least for a while. School felt more manageable, and you could get through the day without the constant gnawing at your nerves.
That became your new routine. A drink in the morning to start the day, another in the evening to unwind. It’s a secret you kept to yourself, hidden from your parents and friends. You became more secluded, retreating to the safety of your room more often.
Your schoolwork starts to slip, the once neat and precise assignments now sloppy and rushed.
You don’t care, as long as you can keep the anxiety at bay.
The drinking increases, a few sips turning into full glasses. You start to notice the effects more clearly. Your thoughts are muddled, and you’re more irritable than usual. But the relief is still there, and you cling to it desperately. You can’t stop, don’t want to stop. The alcohol has become a lifeline, something that makes the unbearable slightly more bearable.
As the days pass, the signs become harder to hide. Your parents start to notice the changes in you. They ask if everything is okay, their concern evident. You brush them off, insisting that you’re just stressed about school. Your friends notice the changes too. They comment on how you seem different, more distant, but you brush them off, just like you did with your parents.
You could admit it yourself, the person looking back at you was different. You could barely recognize yourself. But even then, the thought of stopping filled you with panic.
One evening, Kailen asks you to come to one of her games. It’s a big match, and she thinks it will be good for you to get out of the house and socialize. The idea of being surrounded by people, having to put on a facade, sends your anxiety into overdrive. You feel the familiar knot tighten in your stomach, the fear rising like a tidal wave.
The day of the game arrives, and as you’re getting ready to leave, you realize you have barely anything to drink. Panic sets in. You need the alcohol to get through this, to numb the anxiety that threatens to overwhelm you. In desperation, you grab an emergency bottle you’ve stashed away for moments like this. You take a few quick swigs, hoping it will be enough to calm your nerves.
At the game, the crowd’s energy is palpable. You try to focus on the field, on Kailen, but the need is relentless. You sneak away to a quiet corner and take another drink from your bottle, the alcohol burning as it goes down. It helps, but only for a moment. You’re more relaxed, but you’re also more careless.
However, Jessie does. She watches you closely, noting the way your pupils are dilated and how you seem off balance. Her concern grows as she sees the strained look in your eyes.
“Kailen,” Jessie says quietly after you walk away. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Kailen turns to her, still smiling. “Sure, what’s up?”
“It’s Y/N,” Jessie begins carefully. “I think something’s wrong. She wasn’t walking properly, her pupils were dilated, and she seemed really off.”
Kailen’s smile fades, replaced by a look of worry. “You noticed that too?”
Jessie nods. “Yeah, and I think it’s serious. You should talk to her.”
Kailen takes a deep breath, her mind racing. “Thanks, Jess. I’ll handle it.”
That night, the anxiety begins to creep back in, more intense than ever. You pace your room, the familiar knot tightening in your stomach. Desperation claws at you. You need another drink, something to calm your nerves before they spiral out of control.
You make your way to the kitchen, opening the cabinet where you usually stash your emergency bottles. But there’s nothing left. Panic sets in. You know you usually buy it from others, but now you don’t have a choice. You need it now. Quietly, you reach for a bottle of your parents' alcohol, hoping they won’t notice.
As you’re about to pour yourself a drink, Kailen walks into the kitchen. She sees the bottle in your hand and stops, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. “Y/N,” she says gently, “what are you doing?”
Your heart races, panic setting in. “I… I just need it. Please, Mom, I need it.”
Kailen steps closer, her voice calm and soothing. “No, kiddo. You don’t need this. You’re stronger than you think.”
Tears stream down your face as you clutch the bottle tighter. The anxiety is overwhelming, the thought of facing it without the alcohol terrifying. “I can’t,” you sob. “I can’t do it without this.”
Kailen gently takes the bottle from your hands, setting it aside. She wraps her arms around you, holding you tightly as you break down. “Yes, you can,” she whispers. “We’ll get through this together. I promise.”
Your breathing becomes erratic, the room spinning as your heart pounds in your chest. Your vision blurs, and it feels like the walls are closing in on you. Kailen's voice cuts through the haze, a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions. "Y/N, focus on my voice. Breathe with me. In and out, slowly."
You try to follow her instructions, but the panic is overwhelming. Your hands tremble, and your breaths come in shallow gasps. The world feels like it's crashing down around you, and you cling to Kailen as if she’s the only thing keeping you afloat.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Kailen soothes, rubbing your back in gentle circles. “You’re safe. I’m right here with you.”
Gradually, your breathing starts to slow, each inhale and exhale becoming a little steadier. The tightness in your chest begins to loosen, and the room comes back into focus. You lean into Kailen, exhausted and shaky, but feeling a small sense of relief.
“I’m so scared, Mom,” you admit in a whisper, your voice breaking.
“I know,” Kailen replies softly. “But you don’t have to face this alone. We’ll get you the help you need. One step at a time.”
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bashslash · 2 days
Do you have any more HCS sihh..
I'm litilery going crazy justyce help
In fact I do hehe:
(gonna expand off the one with Dean going a little mad when Fulton gets stolen on a mission for a sec)
— dean goes off on his own, breaking the team’s safety protocols because this is Fulton and dean doesn’t care about protocols right now.
— he nearly gets himself killed in the process (it’s him against a few hundred armed guards like?? Who thought this was a good idea ? (It was him).
— post - saving Fulton , he gets yelled at by the rest of the team but then they hug him cause he brought Fulton back :]].
— he and Fulton spend the rest of the day cuddling, dean lets himself get a little emotional cause he really was scared as hell, he thought he was gonna lose Fulton :((, but Fulton nudges him every once in a while to remind him he’s safe, that Fulton is there, that he saved him, that it’s real.
— (Christmas HC) : when Fulton found out the meaning of mistletoe, he consistently finds a way to get dean under it with him throughout the entirety of December.
— dean sews patches on “fulton’s” jackets :3.
— fulton becomes a beavis and butthead fan (this one is self indulgent idc)
— fulton notices the things that affect dean’s sensory issues. He notices the things dean forces himself to do despite the uncomfortable feeling since he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. Fulton gets him to stop, because he shouldn’t make himself so uncomfortable just for other people.
— fulton will eat all the dried fruit in cereal, and leave the cereal 😭😭
— they both have messy handwriting (correction, Fulton’s only looks messy because it’s in alien, he has very neat handwriting. Deans on the other hand is chicken scratch)
— whenever fulton misses dean when dean is on missions he couldn’t go on, fulton will start to do things dean does throughout the day (listen to music, work out, sleep, watch tv). He copies what he’s seen dean do the best he can, and he also just wears like 5 of dean’s hoodies !
— Dean constantly complains to Fulton about things that bother him that the rest of the team do, and since Fulton is basically a cat, he doesn’t respond and he just kinda sits there so basically Dean can say whatever he wants .
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im-just-a-bug · 3 days
Finished In Stars and Time last night and want to put down my thoughts bc that was nuts. Spoilers ahead v
Theres still much I havent seen, and ive only gotten one ending but man this game blew me away. Here are some things i loved about this game.
Timeloops are such a common plot device, a way to help the mc level up for the big bad, and the way they flipped that narrative on its head! The instant shift from "this is a gift to help me!" To "who did I think I was, how stupid," is so satisfying.
The music, at the end, terrified me. That first time Headmaiden broke down, and the music glitched and deteriorated, i realized oh. Oh fuck this is a kind of horror game isn't it. I wasnt wrong.
The changes in character art!!
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The subtle things; the mirror never catches you by surprise again. Your battle sprite looks bored. You stop making silly noises at the birds.
That moment in act 3 where everything is finally going right, your companions love you and youve never felt more content, and Siffrin wins and gets to the end and they loop anyway. The way that the first time his party notices anything wrong is when he is completley and utterly heartbroken, the way they run to him. And he wakes up in the meadow, to allies that don't love him anymore. Who have no idea what hes going through. Who aren't grateful. And love didnt win the game so they go searching for answers and it makes sense but it makes everything worse.
You talk to King, and for a second you think everything might work out because stranger things have happened. And after a whole game of Bonnie being safe, Bonnie running away. Bonnie never being in any real danger. King picks them up and crushes them in front of you to 'teach you a lesson.' And the terror on Sifs face the next loop they reach the King startled me deeply, and reminded me that this game is a god damn masterpiece.
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The way this game sets you up to stop caring about how you treat others, only to give you a real ending after what was essentially the WORST loop youve ever had?? Incredible. Siffrin doing everything he can to manipulate his way to the end, even if everyone hates him bc hes just so desperate. There's no point being nice, there's no point pretending in the end, bc he hopes there won't be another loop but in their heart they Know there will be, so what's the point? And he fumbles every interaction, makes every one of his friends hate his guts, and then has to fight the King alone. And then they save him anyway. They follow him and pick him up at the end (which cinematically is a God damn masterpiece all on its own God DAMN) and you figure out the whole time Siffrin was looping not bc the country fumbled a Wish, but because he didn't want his friends to go. He wanted to stay with them so badly he wished for it on accident, and the universe listened.
I haven't even gotten into how in awe I was, putting together the little puzzle pieces of Sifs backstory, of his island. Even in act 1 I was squinting my eyes. Several mentions of a whole island wiped from existence no one can remember? A protagonist with severe memory issues and no connection to or knowledge of any culture left? God I love this game.
And Loop. I didnt learn Loops story on my playthrough, but i looked into it and man. Its so incredibly neat that you have this character, this other siffrin, who went through these loops so many times they got desperate enough to make a whole NEW wish, unspecified and uncaring, just wanting something to change. Wanting help. And got shoved into our Siffrins reality instead, because wishes never work how you want them to. Finding their star room and their journal and trinkets and lore was so incredibly cool!! Though im confused why the journal says they made a cooy of themself, but their battle dialogue says they got shoved into a different reality. Idk, but it's still cool. And their anger, that someone else got their happy ending? Fucking mwah.
These characters are so complex and interesting and a day later im still in awe about it. There are so many parts of this game i havent even mentioned here that are like a punch in the face. So many little interactions, so many art shifts.
I loved this game deeply, and the only thing stopping me from playing more is guilt at taking away that ending. When a game makes u care about the characters that much, you know its a great game.
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boyinthevoide · 26 days
this might be very obvious or like well known but one thing i think goes kind of unspoken about and i think is really interesting is how when eridan does his whole "fight sollux and kill fef and kanaya" thing, he does not initiate the fight. he doesnt show up with the intention of fighting, and he certainly doesnt show up wanting to kill two people.
(its under the cut because there's a LOT of images, i wanted to make sure as much stuff as possible was in context.)
first, kanaya, because it's short.
when kanaya tells eridan about her plan to restore the troll race, this is what he says:
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[Image IDs: two screenshots from returniabound, where eridan is angrily saying "if theres goin to be any sort a hope for our race as the prince of hope i demand to be involved so dont go anywhere without me got it".
End ID.]
firstly, this implies he isn't literally on his way out and stopping to get feferi. this also makes it very clear he didn't start out wanting to kill kanaya, because if he did, he wouldn't've gotten involved in her plan. obviously. she wouldn't be able to go through with it if she was dead.
then, feferi and sollux, because he talks to both of them at once.
the thing is, the way eridan and sollux's interactions work at least to me is that they're both just vaguely annoyed with each other, then when they interact they basically just provoke each other the whole time (i dont ship erisol it just doesnt fit to me). their interactions here follow this formula.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and sollux. it goes thusly:
sollux: "oh GOD it's him. [feferi] can you tell him to go away, i don't even have the energy for this."
eridan: "hey finless this doesnt concern those with mustard sludge slippin through their veins [...] so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open over my next meal"
sollux: "w/e bro, not interested".
End ID.]
admittedly eridan isn't exactly fond of sollux, and he is threatening him, but eridan does just kind of talk like that. they're both just pretty hostile towards each other.
and to feferi, eridan says this:
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[Image ID: eridan saying "all i want to do is have a word with you" End ID]
this is just an honest statement. he has no reason to lie about this.
then, theres the actual thing that causes all the problems.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and feferi, that goes thusly:
eridan: [...] so im gonna ask you this one last time and give you the chance im about to go please come with me
feferi: Go with you? Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you?
eridan: of course i was and we should do it together
feferi: Jack Noir is INSANELY powerful Eridan! Please, I don't want to see you doing anything foolish by trying to fight him.
eridan: fight him are you fuckin nuts [...] im goin to join him and youre gonna join me in joinin him too fef come on lets go [...] only thing left to do is serve him and hope he spares us and im extending the invitation to come with me cause even though you dont think so i really do care about you
End ID.]
then there's some more dialogue and feferi resolves herself and sollux to stopping eridan.
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[Image ID: feferi saying "That's it. This makes me sad, Eridan, but now we have to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading him to us." End ID.]
eridan didn't want this to happen. he wanted feferi to agree and leave with him. he didn't not want to fight sollux but it doesn't seem to have been part of his original plan.
but here's the thing. eridan doesn't kill sollux.
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[Image ID: sollux lies against a wall he's just been blasted against. there's blood trickling from his mouth and in a trail down the wall, and there is text on the right reading "KO'D." End ID]
he ko's him.
and that's important, because the move he uses is a very similar/more powerful version of the move he uses to kill feferi and kanaya.
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[Image IDs: three images of eridan using hope magic to laser someone. in the first he engulfs sollux with it, in the second and third he is blasting feferi and kanaya respectively with it. End ID]
i have no trouble believing he could have killed sollux, but he doesn't. he doesn't want or need to. maybe it's just energy conservation, or maybe...
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[Image ID: eridan saying "im not going to very well kill you am i that would be fuckin unconscionable what kind of friend would i be"]
...he just doesn't want to kill his friends?
because he only turns to killing after this set of panels:
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[Image IDs: three panels from homestuck
panel one: feferi stands over an unconscious sollux with a horrified expression. eridan lurks in the background.
panel two: feferi turns to eridan with a furious expression.
panel three: feferi lunges towards eridan with 2x3dent in hand and still looking furious.
End ID.]
maybe feferi didn't want to kill eridan. but lunging towards someone with a murderous look and a sharp object does tend to have that sort of implication. eridan for this whole time is literally just standing there. feferi is the one to escalate it to possible attempted murder.
he then kills kanaya, who only actually attacks after he destroys the matriorb. fair enough! he had no reason to do that! but at that point his ex-moirail/flushed crush had just tried to kill him and he'd killed her, so it's safe to assume his emotional state wasn't exactly stable at this point.
so as a recap/TLDR:
eridan didn't start out the conversation wanting to end up killing/maiming three people. he made a plan with kanaya that basically requires her to be alive, he has every ability to kill sollux in the duel and quite specifically doesn't, and the entire reason he's here in the first place is to protect feferi and keep her alive. he doesn't initiate the fight, and he doesn't escalate it to murder.
basically he would be correct to go "they started it"
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[OLD ART ALERT] A COLLECTION OF SCENES FROM THE GILLIONS CATSCRATCH ARC THAT BROUGHT ME GREAT JOY. i love fishy chips especially when its just gillion being delirious and violent and hostile
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#jrwi riptide spoilers#JUST NOTICED A MILLION MISTAKES FUUUUUUUUCK BUT WWHATEVERRRRR IF I STARE AT THIS ANYMORE IM GONNA HHUURRRLLL#SO I REALLY LIKE FISH AND CHIPS RIGHT. IVE BEEN IN LOVE W THE SHIP EVER SINCE THAT NAT 20 KISS#BUT I THINK I SHIP IT WRONG. OR LIKE. I AM CORRECT BUT EVERYONE SHIPS THEM DIFFERENTLY#THE FISH N CHIPS I SEE EVERYWHERE ELSE IS SO FLOWERY AND SWEET AND ROMANTIC. AND THATS NICE! THAT STUFFS NEAT#but gillion and chip would NEVERRRR enter anything similar to a romantic relationship. chips too damaged and gillions too uninterested#I LIKE MY FISH N CHIPS ONE SIDED AS FUCK#bc 2 gillion chip is his best friend in the whole wide world but hes also kinduvagross little man that took him a MINUTE to really warm up2#but to CHIP gillion is this powerful and gorgeous and heroic paragon of destiny and his best friend in the whole world who will#bring about the eschaton. 'i didnt believe in destiny until i met you' until i met a champion radiating with a light thatll alter the world#OHH REMEMBER THE FIRST ICE ARENA?he was so mad.still probably shaking from the ordeal.NEVER had he felt true divine radiance CLEAVE through#his SOUL like that.do you remember that moment in the forest w the bugs. an alien from the ocean; lacerating the land w lightning#when the realization flickered in chip for a moment.that the thing standing before him was more powerful than he could ever fathom#remember when grizz mentioned that the nat20 kiss was the 'best kiss chip ever experienced'. that has nothing to do w this. where was i.#LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT. BUT HEY. I THINK at the beginning chip absolutely knew that gill was smth grand n powerful n scary#when gillion revealed what exactly the prophecy was;chip got defensive and mad.sure he was sleep deprived but OOH. HES SCARED!#he believes gillion too! he believes that his destiny is to eradicate either the sea or land and that scares him!#but then he gets past it bc ultimately he trusts his bestfriend gillion so so much. he fuckin loves this dude.#he would throw himself intothe path of fire for this dude. he would boat across the ocean for this dude.he would build arenas for this dude#even if this dude will end half the world.even if this dude wields the power and the obligation to eradicate him at any second.#even if this dude is going to throw himself into harms way for his own comrades.even if this dude is just going to sacrifice himself.#one way or another one shall die for the other.these self-sacrificial bastards click so well with eachother!!#chip believes his body is best used to pave roads and gill believes his body is destined to pave prosperity.WHATEVER!!#i really love their dynamic!! they care for eachother so much!in MY heart tho. the icing on the cake here is the fantasy that chip is#just a bit more In Love w gillion than he realizes. like this powerful fish guy is HOT and PRETTY and KIND and FUNNY and LOYAL and STRONG#but gillion would never rly feel that same sort of attraction towards chip. its just not rly his thing. aroace as fuck man.#thats how it is in MY little heart atleast. and i sit here and play w my touys in my brain n i explore my silly lil one sided fish y chips.
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omegalomania · 10 months
joe did a little demo of their tour setup with his tech ben (who some of you might remember as the guy who filled in for joe during his hiatus!) on instagram and i thought it was cool so im reuploading it here for posterity
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geraldmariaivo · 2 months
and another one! Thank you to @pixlokita for letting me use this wonderful lineart to color! Hot Topic Glamrock Bonnie made me laugh harder than it should have. I couldn’t pick one version, so here’s my favorites!
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I know glamrock bonnie is a much lighter/greener blue, i just darkened it to make him ✨more emo✨but I didn’t like the weird dark cyan that made so I moved it over into the pure blue a bit more.
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I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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oflgtfol · 5 months
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quick like 3 hour thing to sate my desire to see Narinder But As A Bishop. i tried to emulate the game style as much as possible, and i used shamura and heket as the primary references for the robe design
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bmpmp3 · 11 days
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dizzybizz · 1 year
blood on their hands.
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well, they do say that blood is thicker than water.
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coloredcompulsion · 7 months
My dad rewatching the FNaF movie with me: So that guy's the killer right?
Me: Yes! I'm kind of disappointed he's no longer British
My dad: He's no longer What
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keepthetension · 4 months
something something red thread something something
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coleomegilla-maculata · 3 months
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Me: yeah i made this little guy. might draw more of it, might not. idk
Me two days later: heehee hoohoo. teehee even
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