#i decided i liked this way better even if it was 1000% more effort
bunnakit · 5 months
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kdtm i want a baby meme
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art · 1 month
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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ana-cantskywalker · 8 days
Because this is my current favorite Sabezra song-- them and 11:11 by Ben Barnes?
Confession time; I wrote half of a fic for this and it was going down a VERY angsty and painful path, and then I remembered what I did to you with CLEAR and decided to be nice and write a fluffier and sweeter one. So, yeah.
Also ICONIC song choice Ben Barnes is 1000/10
The base on Atollon had changed some things in how the Ghost crew spent their time. Between their increasingly busy schedules and a designated area where all the other rebels ate, mealtimes spent with just the six of them were not as commonplace unless they were on a mission.
As such Ezra found himself with Wedge and Hobbie. In an attempt to branch out and make some new friends, and also get to know the people he was fighting with, he’d made a conscious effort to take some of his meals with some of the other guys his age. Their constant chatter filled his ears, they were easy to talk to. Debating over which starship models were superior was interesting enough, even if he didn’t really care quite as much about it as them. And yet, he couldn’t stop looking at her.
Who could blame him?
She was beautiful.
All the way across the mess hall Sabine sat, eating with a group of girls he didn’t know, likely trying to do the same thing he was in terms of branching out. Even from such a distance she managed to stop his heart. Her expression held that reserved smile she saved for people she wanted to like but didn’t trust. She was slightly uncomfortable, if the tension in her shoulders meant anything, and he knew it did. He wasn’t surprised, it was months before she was even comfortable around him. Not that he could blame her, he probably wouldn’t have liked the annoying flirt either. It was a miracle she liked him now.
He had left behind the overt flirting as he’d started to grow up, but his feelings remained, lingering under the surface, ready to jump out at any given moment if he didn’t keep himself in check. Sometimes he wished he could rid himself of them, as if it were really that simple, but he had resigned himself to the fact that they were here to stay.
But really, who wouldn’t have a crush on Sabine Wren? Not even considering the fact that she was perhaps the most beautiful girl in the galaxy, she was so much more. She was like a fire that raged across the plains, mesmerizing and dangerous. She was fierce both with her sharp wit in conversation, and her precision on the battlefield. Most who came in contact with her held a deep respect, or atleast a healthy fear of her, because sometimes she was downright terrifying. But he knew her better than most, he saw beneath the plates of armor she wore to protect her heart. She was determinedly loyal and unwaveringly kind to those she felt deserved it, he knew she would do anything to protect those she cared about. He felt blessed to be considered one of them.
He wouldn’t dream of being so bold as to presume she might ever feel the same way, but it didn’t matter, being her best friend was pretty great too.
He wasn’t quite sure when it had even happened, when he had gone from being an annoyance she tolerated to her best friend. Somewhere in between arguing over mission assignments and knowing each other so well that they could predict what the other was going to do before they did it, they had become each other's person. At the end of the day, that was enough for him.
While he would always hold a hope that the stars might align and she might reciprocate one day, it wasn’t the most important thing in the galaxy to him. If he could have one wish, it wouldn’t be for her to feel the same way, it would be for her to be happy. It would be that one day this rebellion would be over and she would be free to live her life in the way that she wanted to. He wanted only the best for her, whether or not that included him. But he would still always be there, in whatever capacity she needed him, for the rest of their lives.
Because that’s what you did for the people you loved.
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First, that was an important and valuable lesson for me to know. I was hit with the realization that I've been doing it more often than not.
My ex (fake) bestie. I will never, ever absolve myself of how shitty of a friend I was to her, even if it wasn't totally purposeful or malicious but rather idiotic.
However, instead of her saying anything that can be interpreted as a CLEAR ENOUGH signal of "look. this is too much. Step down.", she decided to slander me behind my back (while treating me like the best person ever to my face), until she got sick of me enough to stab me in the back under the guise of a rightful accusation that she's been bottling up because of her problems with saying no.
I cared about her so much, and now I despise her. She preached this exact same lesson in the post when I thought we were friends. In that context, it's that fucked up.
In other words, she WAS that 1/10 I was too unfortunate to meet. That's why I've had trust issues, and yes, me having trouble not panicking when I get told that I'm hurting someone is a symptom of that. In addition to me struggling with ADHD emotional dysfunction and RSD all my life.
I guess there is nuance; sometimes people have actual reasons for having a hard time with that. It's certainly no excuse for not trying, but that I'd like my struggles to be recognized and accounted for and respected accordingly, not invalidated in an ableist way, even as/because I'm making the effort.
Well, I have quite a rap sheet of things I've done to others I'm not proud of, and from my experience, remorse is *devastating* to feel. Especially when I did the wrong thing out of ignorance and I wasn't complete aware at first, and it all of a sudden hits me that yes, I did hurt that person that badly. (Which is natural to feel, and 1000% my responsibility, not the victim's. I'm mad at myself for what I did.)
As I'm trying to be better, I have no desire whatsoever for absolution, but rather to make it right, and if I can't, just SOMEHOW find a way to live with it that doesn't crush me. I desire less pity for being guilty (because that's a sentiment that comes from absolving myself when I'm not and shouldn't be so that makes me mad) and more... faith that I can be better?
Remorse is not something to reject, it's a necessary feeling to process so you come out of the experience a better person, even if you aren't forgiven.
But then again, sometimes in the midst of it I realize I lost so much trust in myself, that I want to regain but I'm not there yet. Which is why trying feels Sisyphean, but it's the right thing to do, and a lot better than more blood on my hands because I wasn't vigilant enough.
But that was a very illuminating point, because as someone who has been hurt unintentionally before, I know very well that intent and impact don't always equal each other. I'll handle myself with more composure in such situations next time.
And it's important to note that toxic people often can't be reasoned with. So when someone says "hey here's a general tip for improving communication", there will be certain people and certain relationships where that strategy won't be applicable because it simply isn't a healthy relationship built on respect and care. So whether she hurt you or you hurt her or both of you harmed each other, it's okay to look at a post like that one you linked and know that it doesn't always work out that way
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transfigurationofelle · 5 months
He makes everything so easy...
My life has taken an amazing turn over the past years but I haven't really had an outlet to share mainly due to privacy concerns (and no friends lolololol). But today it got me thinking about all the diary blogs I used to read as a teen that inspired me and were outlets for the writers themselves... Blogs like that have mostly died out these days though because of the Googlfication of the internet. These days no small blogs or forums appear in search and it sucks soooo much. But anyway, I remembered tumblr was still around so here's me trying it out. I'm actually nervous. Now, to get to the main point of this post (lol). I've been seeing this new guy (going on dates, nothing more) since November 2023 and it's been so amazing. We first met on the first week of November and on the day I wanted to cancel because I wasn't feeling good (personal life challenges). In the end I decided to go and I can't express enough how glad I am I did because ever since then this guy has been making such an effort to make life easier for me. It's interesting because even the other guys I'm currently dating or have dated before have tried to do that in some way for me too but this one just does it on a different level. It's the way he does things and the things that he does, without hesitation.
On the night of our date I ended up getting really tired and was yawning a lot. Tell me why the next day he just sent me $1000? with the message "take yourself to the spa and get some waffles". The waffle part really got me because I'd only mentioned briefly that I hadn't eaten waffles in a long time. It was such a minor detail in our conversation the night before. It might not sound like a big deal but it really made me feel cared for especially with everything that's been going on in my personal life. I've also never had someone be so expressive after the first date but I love it and want more of it lol!! For our next date we had dinner at a French restaurant. The food sucked but I love how intimate the restaurant was, I liked the feeling of being "alone" with him. We were there for hours until they closed and then he found a little bar for us to go to and they had a rooftop which was empty!! At this point things started to get really heated. I don't usually kiss my dates until like the third or fourth date (or never) but I honestly wanted to kiss him the moment I saw him (help me). So when he went in for the kiss I didn't hold back lol. Of course I made sure to go home before anything went too far but then I didn't see him for weeks and it was so gruesome haha.
So I didn't get to see him for a while because I was dealing with a lot of personal things and then ended up having a bit of a financial challenge. I wasn't going to say anything but he told me I can't keep postponing on him and if I don't like him I should just tell him. Uh OMG NO, if only he knew how into him I am... But because of this I just sort of let him know what was going on and he responded so quickly asking how much I needed??? Not only that but then he sent double 😩 This is the life I was born for I swear hahaha. Naturally I let him see me that week and we played tennis then had lunch but I cut it short because I had to go fix my life. Things are much better in my personal life now and I haven't gotten to see him yet this year. He went to visit his family for the holidays and is away on business this week but he said when he gets back it's go time!!! I seriously can't wait to see what we get up to
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
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Last day?!? Oh how time flies! Please don’t mind me being late to this, but it’s better late than never, right?
First I wanted to say, Congratulations on this milestone that you received. It just shows how many hearts you’ve touched across the world with your writing and personality! I’m always happy to read your stories, and of course the angsty ones are my absolute favorite, your writing is very addicting. I hope you know that I appreciate all the effort you put into your stories, and behind the scenes takes on the characters. 
It never ceases to amaze me, with the amount of talent and passion you have when you write your stories. Each story you write is special in its own way, and I’ve already told you which are my favorites, and as always IBFIBG will have a special place in my heart, no matter what. If one day you decide to step away from writing for any reason at all, I hope you know the impact that you have not only on myself but also on each and everyone of your followers/subscribers.
 I hope you continue doing what you love to do. You have probably received many congratulations and hopefully receive many more, I just wanted to share how much I appreciate you not only as an author but as a person as well. I feel as though people seem to forget that behind every name there is a person, and your name will always be special and one that I look forward to seeing each time I go on Tumblr or A03. Your writing is truly captivating and I hope you know that even if you are unhappy with your stories for whatever reason, someone out there is falling in love with the stories you chose to share. 
Now for the asks, both game/TSwift
 Getting to know your fic writer:
#61) Why do you continue writing fics? 
#24) Worst writing advice anyone has given you? 
TSwift Song lyric game:
#31) This is me swallowing my pride (Only if you want to of course, no pressure)
Hopefully you’ve been getting enough rest. If not, feel free to hold off on responding to this until you get some much needed r&r. I’m happy to have read one of your Jilymicro fics while I was scrolling through Tumblr. I hope you never doubt your abilities when it comes to writing, because there are a lot of people who care for you, and love seeing you on their dash, including me of course. I wanted to send this before I head off to work, again congrats, you deserve all the recognition that you deserve and then some.
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Nena I'm gonna cry over here, you are so lovely and I hope you know how much I enjoy seeing YOU on my tumblr/discord/ao3. <3333
For someone who's written over 200k words this year, I fear I can't find the right ones to fully respond to all your kindness except thank you, I appreciate you, and thank you again <333333. I'm so happy (and baffled) that people continue to read my little scenarios and feel affected by them. I know I've said I've been a little burnt out lately, but I don't plan on stepping away (in a permanent capacity) any time soon. Just need a little R&R (if I could actually make myself stop and rest, that would be GREAT lol).
I know I've already tagged you in your prompt (here on ao3), so now for your questions!
#61) Why do you continue writing fics?  I enjoy it, and I keep. getting. ideas. 😅 I remember when I was finishing up restless waves rise and fall I was like "oh man I only have like 4 other ideas....what happens if I run out?" and let's just say that is 1000% not a problem anymore. Now my problem is "how can I get through all these ideas before something in RL demands my undivided focus?" which might account for why I've been SO active this year.
I talk about how I work in a creative field, and that's true, but I don't get to create from scratch, and fic scratches that itch. And it's totally at my whim! No client briefs to meet, no writing to rigidly fit what other people expect, just....whatever the fuck I want.
#24) Worst writing advice anyone has given you?  "Write what you know." I think that's fine advice to get your feet wet, but if we all did that, I think ao3 would be boring as hell 😅. That's not to say if it works for you, don't do it—if writing what you know is what works, great! But for me, I had to break out of that mindset to really start writing some of my favorite things.
Thank you again, Nena! I appreciate you so much! <3
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tamibae · 2 years
Congrats for the 1000 followers! So happy for you❤️
It's almost a year and a half since you've joined the Tumblr fandom, what are some things you feel different about than how you felt before? Are there any things you used to like but don't like it now or vice versa?
Thanks a bunch anon, I'm grateful🥰
Hmm, opinions of mine that have changed over the time... let's see! (Some of them are controversial)
Nowadays, I feel indifferent towards Gajevy. Don't get me wrong guys, I like them together, just not into the ship as much as before. And it's not because I ship them with other characters now.
I don't like how the sequel portrays Juvia/Gray/Gruvia. Feels like they can't have their own moments without somehow the ship being involved. I wish Mashima gave Gray some good fights, Juvia some relevance to the plot.
I love Jerza much more than I used to before, they're now my favorite after Nalu!
I don't want Jellal to join Fairy Tail, let him be on his own missions with Meredy and the former Crime Sorciere members. It'll be great if he's relevant to the plot and meet Erza in between for onscreen progress.
I don't want Ignia to hurt Lucy to trigger Natsu. I want Lucy to have her own connection to the Ignia plotline if she's going to be involved in the mess.
I don't want Aquarius Stardress to merge with any other since that completely destroys the uniqueness of the other one used. Let her get other combos. Enough of bikini outfits.
The sequel sometimes does injustice to Natsu's character by playing him as dumb which isn't the case at all.
I don't want to see another broken fight between Lucy and Brandish for Aquarius' key. Let them decide the ownership in a more mature way.
I love Rogue x Yukino more than Sting x Yukino and Rogue x Minerva.
As of now, Selene is a better character and villain than Ignia. But Ignia is more interesting.
Erza vs Laxus puts all other Erza fights to shame, even Erza vs 100 monsters.
Lucy's Capricorn outfit is absolutely sexy but as a stardress of a combat oriented spirit, it doesn't do much besides saving her from hypnosis. She should have combat abilities more.
Lucy's Cancer and Sagittarius outfits are better with the black leggings added by the anime.
Atsuo can't draw women as good as Mashima does. The thin waists and wider hips seem funny. Lucy and Juvia look bad in his style. That said, I appreciate his efforts to keep Mashima's artstyle a lot but it just doesn't work for me. Also Laxus' body shape looks absurd at times.
That's it for now lmao.
And yeah, I don't like the sequel's treatment to Nalu as well. Just in a different way than Gruvia.
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ExtraLife Success - 3rd Year in a Row
What a year 2022 was! Will go into more of that later, but let's focus on charity fundraising for a little bit for this particular post.
I found out about ExtraLife in a pretty unique way and in a much needed way too. We were in the midst of the pandemic and I was looking for something to do, some sort of purpose as I took a job that gave me very little joy and wanted to do more with my life. On Facebook, my ExtraLife team now for three years, posted about their big game day fundraiser where they had gamers in my city schedule their own 24 hours charity streams all to raise money for my local Stollery Children's Hospital. I happened to have that weekend off in November of 2020, and decided- let's go for it. I set a donation goal of only $300 USD because I knew I was coming into the year long fundraiser late and tried my best to advertise my schedule, my incentives, and even share the link wherever possible. A few donations came in before the stream and it felt like it was possible! I could hit this goal. Then came the stream day that year and it was the worst stream I had ever had...for a charity stream and so much support before hand, I only had two people come by in the 24 hours, and received no donations... I felt like this was not the path for me and decided to only have one more stream that year then quit it altogether... but we hit the goal and I was encouraged by my team to keep going the following year.
The second year and even this year was such an amazing success! I did not stream much throughout the last two years as I did not want to have that awful sinking feeling of failure when no one came or no one donated... so I learned more about marketing a bit- hashtags to add, emails to send, and shared with more loved ones in my life that I was doing this thing for a hospital that meant a lot to me when I was younger. Through all of those efforts, last year I raised just a smidge over $1000 USD and with that came some rewards- a silver medal and a gold medal, as well as some ExtraLife specific D&D dice... which, yes, did make me cry as D&D has become so important to me in my life and was surprised at the support I had to receive these incentives and hit that amazing goal.
This year, I am nearing the end of 2022 with just a day left and we are currently sitting at $1060 USD- another silver and gold medal under my belt, an ExtraLife puzzle, and- for my precious D&D heart, an ExtraLife Dice Tray. I was worried about this year. The bar was set high on reaching this milestone again as I did the year before and to be honest? It was not until the second half of this year that donations did start rolling through. Part of that was from me getting more active again on socials to share the link and awareness of fundraising money for kids to get better health treatments at my local hospital, but the other part of this was me streaming again! It has been mainly Minecraft the past couple of months but through streaming, social media saaviness and reaching out to so many more people, my community has expanded so much the last little while and we have done so well as a community to hit another huge milestone.
What charity fundraising has taught me is to never give up. I thought about giving up often this past year- why should I keep trying if no one is noticing? If no one is interacting? If no one cares? However, that was not the case at all- people are noticing, they are seeing this effort, they can also see how much this means to me. Through tears and long hours- I can do this. We can do this. We have done this. Not going to lie though, it would be funny to see if we can fundraise another $51 USD though because... well, a final fundraising goal of $1111 would be amazing. XD
Long post and story short though, ExtraLife has been amazing despite the ups and downs, the doubts, and the small moments of asking myself "is what I am doing even going to matter?" I have met new friends, became a part of a community dedicated to charity, streaming, gaming, and fundraising, as well as slowly becoming more integrated into the my local team.
What's next? Well, year 4 is coming up and I am definitely participating. I want to set a higher goal for next year- $1250 USD. I want to join my local team in more events and make even more friends. I also want to stream regularly, at least 1-2 times a week to keep stretching myself as much as possible. I am ending 2022 feeling more lonely than I thought I would be despite the community that has been built- let's hope that for 2023, we will hit a larger goal fundraised, make more friends, and maybe not end 2023 as lonely as I am in 2022.
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roundthewheel · 2 years
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some ramshackle thoughts on Stephen King's newest, FAIRY TALE, having recently finished it:
there is definitely a feeling like King is condemning his generation for not equipping future generations to properly deal with their problems. Howard Bowditch says many times "brave people stay, cowards give presents" which at first is as odd and inscrutable to the reader as it is to Charlie, but which makes total sense once you see what's going on in the other world. King says the idea for the book came during the pandemic when he asked himself "what would it make you happy to write?" but it seems like he was pretty angry too
biggest criticism by far is that major threats are dispatched way too easily. many of them should matter a lot more than they end up doing. there are no real clashes of wills. I don't want to spoil the exact means of removal, but every villainous presence gets taken care of thoroughly yet incredibly quickly. it can be an enormous ogre, a spectral undead, or an eldritch horror; doesn't really matter. once any real confrontation begins, it's over in one or two paragraphs
I thought there would be something more supernatural or at least preternatural about Christopher Polley and then there just kind of ... wasn't. King invests a lot of energy in making him seem like this Rumplestiltskinesque figure when really he's nothing more than a weird crackhead. big head scratch
a lot of aspects of the other world are left a total mystery and it's about 50/50 on how successful it is. modern fandom requires every piece of world-building and/or lore to have a clear origin or explanation and King rarely indulges that craving. sometimes it's refreshing, sometimes it's frustrating. I don't read a lot of high fantasy but I feel like now I understand a little better why books in the genre clear 1000 pages so often. I never thought "this Stephen King book could have stood to be about 300 pages longer" would ever be a sentence I found myself saying but here we are
like a lot of late-period King, it's not gonna knock your socks off but it's nice to see him trying to stretch some different muscles. a lot of authors could decide to be really complacent at his age but his effort is still noticeable even if it doesn't translate to super-amazing results. I give it a B
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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This he said it would be an awesome evike with one minor change that you carry the battery is offered as a replacement battery online it's a haiwan battery and it sounds like that and you could get batteries for 100 bucks and instead they lock you in and try and get you for another hundred bucks and they don't sell many bikes it also make it a dual battery. Wants us to make one like this make it square tubes maybe drop the seat down a little I keep the rest of the bike up there and make two versions and we agreed one version would be what you see here and with the seat dropped down but same configuration and with a carrying bracket on back and really the rest of it's just right it's a little high up but it would work for our son but most people don't like it way up there and we would put in the tool battery or a single battery for a e-bike and then you add the dual battery with a thousand watt or an option for a 2000 watt for a moped that's it and it'll run on the same battery no you need a 52 volt for the moped but you would get the one that you can get under online there's two or three different manufacturers it's the same battery and you pick one and you use the exact same battery it's a replacement battery and you try you can charge more for your website if you want to but really made it cost more and it's it's a pain cuz it's not compatible but with this bike the way it's set up you can turn it into a moped with hardly any effort at all and have a separate battery for the lights cuz you want to mess with your power battery and you charge them all just by plugging in not taking the batteries off it is a wonderful idea and you have to have dual shocks and front and back and you don't need to have two in front back but you need to have them in front and back has to have suspension this is a great idea to make it possible to be a moped if you buy an e-bike you can upgrade to have a more powerful motor even decide to be mid drive as an option but you can put in a different motor and sell a kit at the evike company and you register it. The metal on the braking system is only slightly different it's like 5 mm thicker which is really hardly anything it's less than an eighth of an inch on the break and you can actually put the new one on and still use the brake system so that would be part of the kit to make it able to be registered as a moped and to register moped you just need to have driver's license yes. But you can put the license plate on it and drive it on the street you need to have lights for signaling and you can add a kit and you need to thicken your brake caliper you simply shim the hydraulic piece and he knows how and really it's just a few washers in each and you screw it together and it still works and people have done it you just need the exact same diameter to the outside of the brake disc then you've got yourself a moped and you can have it as a moped with it standard if you change the computer you can go up to about 45 miles per hour because your batteries will run down
Really that's all you need for a moped regulations to be met you don't have to have any special pedal and stuff like that the seat has to be a certain height and it meets that actually looks like a moped and the speed and stuff they don't monitor that so you would have a working moped with just a couple changes with this particular bike
The changes you would have to make are as follows
1. Add turn signals. There is a battery system that powers the lights and you can tie into that and that would cost about $10
2. Change out the disc for the hydraulic brakes to be dot thickness and the change that would be about $8 and that does not include selling the old ones which you could
And that's all there is to it we recommend tires or better on the street and you go faster but you can get the base model or the dual battery or the 1000 w motor from this company and it's very sufficient the dual battery with the 1000 watt motor will go about 50 miles an hour top speed 60 MPH with new tires and a constant speed of 35 miles an hour and you can go out to 20 miles. If you switched out for a 2000 watt motor you could go about 40 miles at 35 miles an hour and most rural roads and things like that people don't go zooming around on now. Sufficient speed for a moped. The speed limit on the 41 is only up to 45 miles an hour and you can actually do it and people are bringing extra battery and it's wonderful it's about freedom and 35 to 40 miles you can go from our son's house to downtown fort Myers and back that's how far it is it's not that far at 35 mph but you'd have to have a 2000 watt motor if you were to buy the thousand watt double battery you could go from his house up to shark Pier and back I'm going to charge on a charge on the road there are things to make it faster but this includes the new tires motor and they don't sell it like that the mid drive motor and if you put a mid drive motor kit on this and you took out the rear hub motor and you could go about 70 mph and you can go 40 miles an hour and go all the way to Bradenton and back on one charge
Thor Freya
Wow this is unbelievable there's a moped right there and you can't even find electric mopeds like they don't exist and people keep asking why don't they have an electric moped I'm going to get the double battery with the 1000 Watts so I can just drive on the freaking road and I don't know I'll go like four miles a day but I can go top speed is 50 or 60 miles an hour there's plenty and I can also change the motor out and I know how to do that and get bigger batteries but wow all you got to do is get turning signals and change these break discs which is ridiculous why not make the disc a little bit bigger there's people suck they're stupid I didn't get one I'm going to get one cuz I'm tired of this crap looks like a moped too but seriously these things are a pain in the ass this is going to change it and I'm happy about it I don't want to deal with this s*** anymore
Mac Daddy
Yeah that's annoying as hell not that you can't ride it in the street it's just too slow I see people riding the street and then they can't go over 28 miles an hour so I see you're going to try and get one of these with that thousand Watts and some people will get them and put the new motor in and it will run off the batteries particular motors will and it'll go a lot further so I'm trying to figure out what to do no I'm going to get a thousand one
The only $1,200 for a thousand Watts he can turn it into a moped that's not bad I think I'm going to try and do it and really they're not going to have a big problem with you on the sidewalk and he said that you can make the license plate and quick removal type thing and take it with you anyways they have smaller ones for these moped things and then just go up in the damn sidewalk I figured out something that's pretty clever
Mac Daddy
I'm going to do that too
Me too
Mike tew
I'll see why I shouldn't I can't go anywhere this is a pain in the ass and these things are cheap I can actually afford it and I know how to make the changes
Were going to have to piggy back this because it's sales are going to be too much and we are going to prep to try and get him one possibly and to try and have him turn into a moped no but everybody else will and it's going to be awesome it's a great idea we need it now. A 2000 w motor is not an option but people will be asking for it and they might just do it because of company is progressive and they're going to be amazed they won't know how to handle all the sales and the motor should be the one that you have online as a replacement that's cheap I don't know why people don't do that we're going to be piggy back in the sales eventually we might change it unless they do
Wow you got really noticed this time it's amazing and it's about time this is a great idea this thing is almost ready to go change the tires add lights to the existing power light system and the brake discs and that's it and hardcore people might add a 2,000 watt motor and change out and change it out actually and you can sell the other one this is amazing it's a find they make other ones too and there's one with a higher wattage motor and you can buy it and just stay at a couple things but this is pretty close and you pick this one cuz it has rear suspension I don't know if the other one does but people will look at this design it's made for the road and a lot of e-bikes were pot that look like this and the ones that look like BG bikes with the walkthrough pass through whatever is and you can put motors on them and they can actually handle it with street tires that's going to be coming up next
Thor Freya
I just can't seem to get the power but if you put a 2000 watt motor it's going to go like hell and the guy already showed will you put it in the fifth mode and it's just standard it goes 28 mph if you change the computer we think it'll go 35 someone says in pedal assist which doesn't really happen you usually have to but use the throttle now I'm going to get that but I'm going to get the one with the tool batteries and the 2000 watt motor I'm going to order at the same time and it comes with new spokes and you just feather them in and I'm going to try and find the brake system and the turn signals are easy I do it right now
Mac Daddy
It's a nice looking back and I like to be on the road with it a little not a ton I'm sure nobody's going to care if I'm up on the sidewalk they can make the license plate flip up that's even better of an idea he says I like it too
Mike tew
This is a great idea and I'm going to get it going
Jeff by buying one and modifying it myself couple rules and that's it I mean this is great to be on the road and to be able to just assuming the place zoom out and not be hassled it's not too far off the ground
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Enjoy it while it lasts, and get as much done as you can, because you haven't hired any bureaucrats yet. Sites of this type will get their attention. The fact that there's no conventional number. Don't fix Windows, because the remaining. And what drives them both is the number of new shares to the angel; if there were 1000 shares before the deal, this means 200 additional shares. This is not as selfish as it sounds. For the average startup fails. It spread from Fortran into Algol and then to depend on it happening. Seeing the system in use by real users—people they don't know—gives them lots of new ideas is practically virgin territory.
Auto-retrieving spam filters would make the legislator who introduced the bill famous. When someone's working on a problem where their success can be measured, you win. I was a Reddit user when the opposite happened there, and sitting in a cafe feels different from working. However, the easiest and cheapest way for them to do it gets you halfway there. No one uses pen as a verb in spoken English. We'd ask why we even hear about new languages like Perl and Python, the claim of the Python hackers seems to be as big as possible wants to attract everyone. Conditionals. Poetry is as much music as text, so you start to doubt yourself. Between them, these two facts are literally a recipe for exponential growth. In languages, as in any really bold undertaking, merely deciding to do it. I fly over the Valley: somehow you can sense something is going on.
It's easy to be drawn into imitating flaws, because they're trying to ignore you out of existence. Google. Long words for the first time should be the ideas expressed there. If a link is just an empty rant, editors will sometimes kill it even if it's on topic in the sense of beating the system, not breaking into computers. As long as you're at a point in your life when you can bear the risk of failure. I'm less American than I seem. The distinction between expressions and statements. So perhaps the best solution is to add a few more checks on public companies. Let me repeat that recipe: finding the problem intolerable and feeling it must be true that only 1.
Well, I said a good rule of thumb was to stay upwind—to work on a Python project than you could to work on a problem that seems too big, I always ask: is there some way to bite off some subset of the problem. A company that needed to build a factory or hire 50 people obviously needed to raise a large round and risk losing the investors you already have if you can't raise the full amount. And isn't popularity to some extent its own justification? I realize I might seem to be any less committed to the business. Surely that's mere prudence? The measurement of performance will tend to push even the organizations issuing credentials into line. Number 6 is starting to have a piratical gleam in their eye. About a year after we started Y Combinator that the most important skills founders need to learn. When the company goes public, the SEC will carefully study all prior issuances of stock by the company and demand that it take immediate action to cure any past violations of securities laws. Within a few decades old, and rapidly evolving. I didn't say so, but I'm British by birth. Investors tend to resist committing except to the extent you can.
I'm talking to companies we fund? But if we can decide in 20 minutes, should it take anyone longer than a couple days when he presented to investors at Demo Day, the more demanding the application, the more demanding the application, the more extroverted of the two founders did most of the holes are. We funded them because we liked the founders so much. And such random factors will increasingly be able to brag that he was an investor. You'd feel like an idiot using pen instead of write in a different language than they'd use if they were expressed that way. The safest plan for him personally is to stick close to the margin of failure, and the time preparing for it beforehand and thinking about it afterward. The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur. S s: n. Bootstrapping Consulting Some would-be founders may by now be thinking, why deal with investors at all, it means you don't need them.
It's not just that you can't judge ideas till you're an expert in a field. And the way to do it gets you halfway there. Angels who only invest occasionally may not themselves know what terms they want. But the raison d'etre of all these institutions has been the same kind of aberration, just spread over a longer period. If someone pays $20,000 from their friend's rich uncle, who they give 5% of the company they take is artificially low. But because seed firms operate in an earlier phase, they need to spend a lot on marketing, or build some kind of announcer. There are millions of small businesses in America, but only a little; they were both meeting someone they had a lot in common with. We present to him what has to be treated as a threat to a company's survival. S i; return s;; This falls short of the spec because it only works for integers. He said their business model was crap.
I was a philosophy major. Programs often have to work actively to prevent your company growing into a weed tree, dependent on this source of easy but low-margin money. And I was a philosophy major. This leads to the phenomenon known in the Valley is watching them. I definitely didn't prefer it when the grass was long after a week of rain. As many people have noted, one of the questions we pay most attention to when judging applications. I'd like to reply with another question: why do people think it's hard to predict, till you try, how long it will take to become profitable. Raising money is the better choice, because new technology is usually more valuable now than later. The purpose of the committee is presumably to ensure that is to create a successful company?
One recently told me that he did as a theoretical exercise—an effort to define a more convenient alternative to the Turing Machine. This is actually less common than it seems: many have to claim they thought of the idea after quitting because otherwise their former employer would own it. If you look at these languages in order, Java, and Visual Basic—it is not so frivolous as it sounds, however. VCs they have introductions to. VCs ask, just point out that you're inexperienced at fundraising—which is always a safe card to play—and you feel obliged to do the same for any firm you talk to. The lower your costs, the more demanding the application, the more important it is to sell something to you, the writer, the false impression that you're saying more than you have. What happens in that shower?
Thanks to Dan Bloomberg, Trevor Blackwell, Garry Tan, Nikhil Pandit, Reid Hoffman, Geoff Ralston, Slava Akhmechet, Paul Buchheit, Ben Horowitz, and Greg McAdoo for the lulz.
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson | a little miracle
Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader
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plot : After getting banned from Asgard, Loki found shelter in your home. You two easily grew closer as time passed, engaging in a long term relationship without you ever being able to carry his child due to the none-matching genetics. During Christmas Eve, you and the demigod stumble upon an abandoned baby on the steps of your porch.
warnings : mention of nudity and child abandon.
The 24th of December marked a rather cold and ruthless evening. The sun had set low hours ago, which allowed you and your long term love interest to spend a delightful night whilst having dinner nowhere far from the soothing sound and warmth which erupted from the working chimney. Even if he often criticized midgardian food, Loki had made an effort to worship your roasted chicken which in fact resembled what he used to eat every day whenever he still was allowed on the lands of Asgard. The man would often tell you about the nice adventures he had had the pleasure to experience, whilst also verbally exploring the many beauties that carried his homeland.
Of course, you never seemed to get tired of hearing his stories. His arrival in your life had offered you well needed company, especially as you lived far from the city; in a little country house within a low populated village. Besides, he was also the most interesting and intelligent man you ever got to meet. No matter how many bad actions you knew he had committed, your heart still managed to hold a special place for Loki within your chest. Often, you would reassure his anxiety by claiming that everyone deserves another chance. Long story short : you felt overly grateful that he was now here to keep you safe and sound.
After dinner, the two of you had moved to the couch before the chimney, easily getting rid of your clothes and engaging in a never ending cuddle- the type of snuggles that you liked the best : skin to skin. Feeling his warmth against yours made the fire from the chimney appear irrelevant, and the sweet caresses he offered your sensitive body felt better than any silk sheets anyone could ever dream to possess. These kind of moments were never about sex, but always about sharing a special and dedicated contact with the man you had fallen in love with. Surely the two of you often allowed yourselves to spend some sexually pleasurable time together, but those kind of cuddles overcame any of these private intercourses.
His lips collided against yours in a smooth manner, both of your respective eyelids remaining closed as his naked body rested between your legs. You never grew tired of those motions, your organism constantly begging for more and reacting to any touch coming from your partner. His hips rocked against yours just so slightly, the dry humping being part of the overall loving mannerisms. And right now, it was enough to satisfy you. However, an unwelcome detail managed to flash itself back into your mind, pulling you out of the romantic moment you were attempting to spend with Loki. Opening your eyes, you allowed your palms to rest against his shoulders in order to stop him through his motions.
“I forgot to turn off the candle on the porch..” you murmured, earning a tired groan coming from the large man. “I won’t be long.” You affirmed after you had laid a loving kiss on his cheek, watching as the demigod sat up in order to allow you to shift off the couch. Your hand reached out for your sweater and panties, putting both of those pieces of clothing back on before lazily making your way until the front door. Scratching the back of your neck, you finally pushed open the door of your house before taking a step forward in order to be able to put your hand on the candle. However, your foot stumbled upon a foreign mass, easily leading you to step back out of surprise as unhappy cries began to escape the layers of dirty drapes.
Your hand landed against your chest, orbs starring down at the scary sight that you wish wasn’t what you thought it was. However, it undeniably was and remained an abandoned baby resting on your porch. Your first reflex was to seek for any silhouette lurking within the darkness of the snowy night, eyes squinting as you attempted to distinguish the potential parents of this child. “Hello?!” Fear echoed in your voice, though you soon gave up on trying to figure out who had left this child here as you couldn’t tell for how long this poor baby had been laying on your doorstep- which allowed you to jump to the conclusion that those gruesome individuals were probably gone and far by now.
You looked back down at the newborn who now only allowed a few tired whimpers to escape their lips, body crouching down so that your hands would be able to remove the layer of sheet which covered their face. Upon being revealed to the light, a new whine echoed throughout your ears, your empathetic self feeling sorrow invade your organism. You picked up the baby with a lot of care, face still diverted towards their grimacing one right before Loki finally made an apparition behind your silhouette. “What’s taking your so long-“ he began to ask, the smile on his face fading away as soon as you turned around and revealed the child to his bare eyes.
“Where did you find this?” He asked on a tensed tone, visibly not appearing too happy about seeing you carry a foreign toddler. “I found it on our porch. Someone must’ve left him there...” you admitted on a sorrowful tone, looking down at the little piece of sunshine who clearly didn’t deserve to be in the situation they were in. Your empathetic self couldn’t even believe that people still did those kind of things nowadays. It disgusted you to even think of it. “Put it back.” Loki demanded, earning a confused yet absolutely irritated stare coming from you. “Are you mental? I told you I found it right here. Who am I supposed to return this child to?” You answered sadly, feeling more than shocked by your partner’s inappropriate and rude behavior.
Loki looked down at the baby’s face, earning a few gasps from the newborn who kept their eyes closed. No form of care nor empathy seemed to show on the grown man’s face- which once again was a detail that left you speechless. “We can’t leave it there. Poor thing would freeze to death.” You affirmed whilst gently rocking the baby in order to make sure it would stay calm and sleepy. Loki remained silent for a couple of seconds, his mind probably trying to find a good response to your previous statement. “What if.. what if we kept it?” You suddenly offered, looking up at your lover who simply scoffed as a response. “Keep it? This isn’t a fairytail. You can’t just keep a child like this.” Loki answered harshly. Currently, if both of your arms haven’t been required to carry the toddler, the demigod would’ve probably earned a slap across his face.
“You’ll bring him to the authorities tomorrow. Now let’s get inside.” Loki ordered, turning back around as he began to take a few steps forward in order to join the warmth of the house. However, you stopped in front of the doorstep. “Why are you acting like this? This isn’t like you.” You accused sadly, your arms still patiently rocking the child. The truth was, this situation simply reminded Loki of his own past- how Odin had found him abandoned on a rock on Jotunheim. He had suffered due to his new environment mixing up with who he truly was, and didn’t wish to put anyone through the same bother he once had to go through. “Everyone deserves a chance.” You suddenly affirmed, causing the demigod to stop through his track. This statement struck him right through his heart.
Your eyes anxiously stared at his back, waiting for an answer coming from your partner who had decided to behave so harshly. Loki finally ended up turning around, green eyes making contact with yours as he slowly began to make his way back to you. Face to his silence, your anxious self couldn’t help but add a few decisive words. “It’s the child we’ve always wanted. It’s a.. miracle.” You affirmed sadly, feeling tears fill up your orbs at the thought of finally being able to look after a child of your own. Of course, Loki knew how much this topic meant to you, and that even if he had never planned to have children of his own before stumbling upon you and your desires. But in that child, he couldn’t help but see himself.
Patiently, the demigod accepted to take a new look down at the baby who now had their eyes open, a gentle whimper escaping their lips upon making eye contact with the adult male. Loki took the initiative to take the toddler out of your arms, carrying it in his own limbs without ever speaking a word as he made his way towards the chimney. The demigod had began to gently rock the toddler, looking down at them and allowing the baby to toy with his long strands of black locks whilst he patiently sang to them in that beautiful Asgardian language of his. He kept a low tone, making sure not to scare the baby without ever breaking the eye contact he had engaged with the toddler.
Leaning against the entrance of the living room, you finally allowed yourself to smile out of relief face to this soothing sight. This was everything you’ve ever wanted : seeing Loki carry a child, and that even if it wasn’t necessarily yours. No matter where this baby came from, this house would now become his home.
AHHH thank you so much for 1000 followers!!!!! I couldn’t feel more grateful. For the occasion, I had to write something for you guys. It’s different from what y’all probably have the habit to read, but I hope it was enjoyable to read still! Love you and take care!!! Special tag for @seasexnsun who turned out to be my 1000th follower!
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I'm bored and I messed up my knee, soooo
Genji is like a fun big brother to the other agents at Overwatch (I know he's the youngest of the Shimada's but he just gives me these vibes)
He totally games with Hana since he used to play videogames when he was younger
Cole Cassidy was the first person Genji actually warmed up to the quickest during Blackwatch and before he found peace
Genji has flashbacks to when Hanzo tried to kill him, and when he does, he gets put in a very dark place, he often either goes to Zenyatta, Angela, or Cole for comfort and guidance
Genji is at peace with Hanzo, but he still feels some sort of guilt and anger towards him, it's only natural, but he hates that he feels this way
Genji as a kid named his dragon something funny, like Noodles or Machi, but when he grew older, he decided on the name Ryu (taken from the name Ryujin which is the name of the Japanese dragon god, and it's one of the words that he says in his ultimate)
But sometimes he calls his dragon Noodles or Machi as a cute nickname
He doesn't really wear clothing since he doesn't have to due to him being mostly cybernetic, but when he wants to wear clothing, he mostly wears a hoodie and sweats and calls it a day
He pretended to date a guy when he was younger and still living in Hanamura, but only to piss off his dad (he mostly didn't like his father for running a literal Yakuza with drugs and murder, so, yeah)
When the guy's life was threatened by his dad, he immediately told him it was a joke...he never joked like that with his father again...
He's asexual, and demiromantic, sure, he was a ladies man in the past, but he mostly just flirted with those ladies to try and figure out who he was, yeah, he never figured out like that
He always made sure to back off when he knew he was about to go to far (like the girl was interested in "taking him back to her place" and he would always have an exuse not to)
Once he got his limbs replaced with cybernetics, he kinda got a bit more reclusive, before, he was an extravert, but now he's an ambiavert, more so leaning towards introvert
Being rebuilt like the way he is, destroyed alot of his confidence in his looks and being, sure, Zenyatta and Angela have been HUGE help, but he's still healing and still learning to accept himself
When his brother finally joined Overwatch, it took him a couple days to actually talk to him, he starts off small, saying "good morning" each morning and "good night" each night, but eventually, he starts making small talk, and even has conversations with his brother, Zenyatta is very proud of him for working himself up, and Angela has noticed alot of improvement
Genji sees Zenyatta as a father figure and a mentor, Zenyatta taught him things he should have been taught as a child (ie: it's ok to show emotions, you can rely on others for help and it doesn't make you weak, it's ok to not be ok, it's ok to take breaks for yourself, ect ect) and Genji appreciates this so much
When Genji goes out on missions, he likes to buy atleast some kind of chocolate, and likes to take it to Angela as a present, they have a bet going on, saying that if Genji can find chocolate from anywhere that's better then Switzerland Chocolate, then she'll finally take a break from doctoring and go out to an arcade with him for once, he's proved unsuccessful so far, but Angela is happy with his determination and efforts (I've actually tried Switzerland Chocolate, and it is literally the best thing I've ever tasted, 1000/10 would recommend)
Genji and Tracer constantly race each other, and they often end in Genji jokingly accusing Tracer of using her teleportation, and Tracer will jokingly accuse Genji of using "dragon magic" as a joke, they end up laughing over it every time
Anytime Cole complains about his metal arm, Genji likes to hold up a soda, or tea, or whatever drink is near him, not take off his visor, and just make judgemental slurping noises, sometimes Cole just laughs and apologizes, but when he's down, he apologizes and says how "I shouldn't be complainin' about it.." , and Genji has to reasure him that it's ok and that it's just a joke, and often trains with Cole to get his mind off of it
When Genji sees Reaper (aka Gabriel Reyes), he always tries to talk with him, saying how "it's not to late to change your fate" and "I can help you find peace, if you just let me in", and Reaper always says "My fates already been decided, you're the only one who can't accept that though" and "Let you in where? My soul? That thing is long gone, kid" (edge lord Reaper)
Genji always feels bad when he remembers Gabe, Gabe was like a father to him during Blackwatch, and now that he's turned into this persona named Reaper?...It makes him feel like that could have happened to him if he didn't choose peace, and he always feels like Gabe is in there somewhere, and that he just need to keep trying
Genji often listens to Lucio's music, it's much different from the songs he heard in Japan, so this new style of music is interesting to him, Genji really likes how it makes him feel pumped up, and understands why Lucio is very passionate about his music making skills
Genji knows literally every Vine due to the fact that Hana made him watch alot of Vine compilations when he found peace and returned to Overwatch
Genji is still getting the hang of trends and trendy things to say (ie: lit, poggers, blorbo, SUS, bussin, ba-dussy) and often says it at the wrong parts of a sentence, and this absolutely KILLS everyone, Jack just looks so done with it all, Hana is dying by how wrong he said it, Lena is dying and cringing at the same time, Winston is hella confused, Lucio already recorded it and posted it, and Angela and Hanzo are shaking their heads like 'god help me please'
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[[REMEMBER, these are all headcannons and therefore are not true, these are solely based on what I think would happen, and some parts are based on lore]]
I hope you all enjoyed this! Don't forget to request things I should write! (Please I'm desperate, I don't know what to write ;-;) I hope you all have a great day
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zgvlt · 2 years
You wrote feel free to leave brainrots so here I go ~ Imagine, MC's main fave friend group other than the first years are faes from Diasomnia. And faes tend to snatch human children right, imagine them being so attached to MC and one day Lilia's approached by them saying "Vice dormleader can we keep them ? Please ?", "You raised Silver so can we keep the human ?", Even better if one of them is holding MC like Simba.
fun idea, thought about what might have led up to the situation so here's a... ficlet i believe is the term? anyway took ur idea and ran with it with my own interprettion. im a family friendly blog (insert angel emoji here) and i feel like the concept can go dark or light and funny so we're going the lighter route hihi
it's not properly written but have 1000 words of sleepy nathya writing okay good night
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Yuu, simply put, was an incredibly interesting human— what kind of being could manage to be bold and blunt with an occasional hint of spite despite their circumstances? The one who has no home in this world, should they not lament their fate, cower at the unfamiliar, curse the olden gods who chose them as the hero for what was brewing to be a twisted story? If they feel as such they certainly don't show it, certainly not with them even getting into all sorts of mischief, laughing with relief and smiling without a tinge of regret.
A nameless fae looks at another. 
“It's in our nature to be drawn to mischief, and Ramshackle's prefect seemed like they'd be fun to play around with, so why should we prevent themselves from taking Yuu under our wing?”
“Besides,” another fae mentions, “they're a little pitiful, aren't they? We're simply so benevolent to take care of them.”
They hardly see the prefect as a respectable human, at least at first, approaching them mostly out of curiosity, partially out of sympathy, but entirely out of amusement. Their intentions are not the purest, but honestly, who really was that pure in a place like Night Raven College?
Their plan was barely thought out, but it hardly mattered with how easily the prefect had fallen into their trap. No, it was hardly even a fall, more of a willing entrance. Yuu was surprisingly easy to lure. Despite the initial reluctance, all it took was the promise of food to get them to sit at their table, and through the manner of classical conditioning they had officially adopted a human, arguably NRC's most unspecial and special human, into their group of faes. 
Yuu's clearly the odd one out, so much so that even outsiders point it out, but Yuu, friendly and outgoing Yuu, still tries to get along with them to the best of their abilities. They're young and a little naive when it comes to this world, and more than just a little clueless when it comes to the culture of their fae friends, but they try to understand it. To the faes who are often feared, often misunderstood, they cannot help but be endeared by their efforts, including that of their failures. 
The plan was to stop stringing Yuu along with them once they grew bored of the magicless human, but it could not be helped that the faes choose to keep the prefect around a little longer.
But a little longer turns from a few days into a month, for how could they part ways with their human friend who entertains them so? What's entertaining, one may ask? How the prefect, ignorant and inexperienced, much younger than some of them, tries to teach them the ways of their boring, magicless, human world. 
Entertaining, so much so that they cannot help but listen attentively, hang on to each and every word until they have the stories from their childhood etched into their brains, stories not their own to remember for the rest of their long lives.
It cannot be helped, they decide, the prefect must remain their one, human friend for a little longer, and because Yuu's their friend and their image reflects on them, they cannot help but make sure the human is well taken care of. 
It's not spoiling, they would insist, but the gifts Yuu begins to get from each of them say otherwise. Food and the occasional flowers and herbs from the greenhouse are a given, but the non-physical gifts hold more value than Yuu's probably aware of. As weird as the change has become, Yuu's grateful for the late night tutoring sessions from fae number one, the listening ear of fae number two, and the oddly sage advice from fae number three.
Well, they're not really gifts and more of what they owe Yuu for keeping them amused, but some terms need not be specified. They're not as cheeky when they're upset, not so willing to cause mischief when they're busy and stressed, so the gifts they hand hold expected returns.
Then the months pass and come the time for another school break, and the faes argue amongst themselves over whose home the fun human, their favorite human will reside in for the holiday. Do their families know about it? No, not yet, but that was besides the point. Deciding came first, asking came second.
Yuu, almost always good-natured and good-humored, only laughs, as if unconcerned with how the decision had come to the faes rather than them.
"It's like having a bunch of parents fight over having custody of me."
The idea comes from Yuu, actually, and of course Yuu wouldn't think anything about a comment like that. After all, as faes themselves, why would they tell them of their kind's... odd tendencies and habits? Of course, none of them have ever dabbled— two were still around the prefect’s age and the other, while older, was still young by the standards of their race. It wasn't that in style anymore to pick up random humans, and Yuu was far from a baby...
But the faes think about it. It's simply on the back of their minds at first, like a buzz they can ignore, but then they start talking about it amongst themselves. Two of them were far too young to be fathers and one of them liked to pretend he was too young to be a father, but family didn't have to be three fae fathers and one magicless human, did it?
"What do you think about having brothers?" 
"Specifically three?"
"Or one, if you happen to have a favorite hypothetical brother!"
Yuu blinks owlishly. 
"I guess I wouldn't mind. The three of you are kind of like my overprotective brothers anyway, so I imagine it'd be like that."
If the idea first came from Yuu, then it is also Yuu that essentially seals the deal, and it is why Ramshackle’s prefect finds themselves not at their rundown dormitory but at Diasomnia, presented in front of the vice dorm leader.
Yuu doesn’t really know what’s going on, even finds themselves shocked at the revelation that Silver was adopted by Lilia and how the secret is revealed so casually by these fae, but their friends seem excited and Lilia laughs despite claiming to be supportive and what was that about human snatching?
“I don’t know why you children chose to come to me. There’s no legal process, and I never asked anyone if I could adopt Silver, so shouldn’t you just do as you wish?”
“Oh, of course. Ahem. Well then, Yuu, Ramshackle’s prefect, from this day on we’ll be your family here in Twisted Wonderland.”
And just like that, Yuu found themselves going from an only child to having three fae brothers.
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maraudersftw · 3 years
Blueberry + Black + Bliss
Many thanks for this lovely prompt, anon! I'm sorry I suck at stopping under 1000 words.
Sweet Blue
Lily barreled down the stairs, massive package in hand, grin rampant over lips as excitement buzzed like a second skin around her.
The Gryffindor Common Room, bereft of occupants save for a few stragglers who’d decided to forgo some precious Sunday lie-in, flew by her periphery without garnering so much as an acknowledging scan as she skipped towards the Boys’ staircase. A foot had barely fallen onto the first step when she was halted unceremoniously by an amused call of her name.
“Oi, Evans!” his voice rang out, and she whipped her head around to spot a shock of black hair, smiling hazel eyes, lazy smirk. The sight of him, burrowed inside an armchair, instantly sent the thrum beneath her ribcage stuttering. “Off to accost some poor bloke this early in the morning? At least wait for the sun to rise fully, would you? Some of us need more time to collect our wit.”
She narrowed her eyes, thoughts clattering as she debated her next course of action. Futile as the pretence that she’d been on a path to accost someone who was not the boy in front of her was, it only took Lily another half-second to make the decision, step away from the staircase, and towards him. James’s gaze brightened infinitesimally, evidently pleased by the deviation.
“Don’t club in everyone else with yourself, Potter,” she remarked happily, rounding the couch to plop down on its unbelievable cushiness. “Not everyone’s as slow as you.”
He reached out one of those unfairly long arms to bridge the space between them and flick her nose. Lily held back the widening grin. “And there’s that cheek. Even at six in the morning.”
Rather than blush tellingly at the fondness he directed at her, she nodded at the pile of Transfiguration notes and books around him. “What’s this? James Potter studying on a Sunday? Am I dreaming?”
“Afraid of a little competition?” he threw back, fire glinting off glasses. “Don’t worry, Evans, you’ll still beat me in Charms and Potions.”
For a second, the golden glaze of the sun hitting his hair from the window behind stole the words from her tongue, the breath from her lungs. Prompted by James’s prolonged stare, a warmth blossomed on her cheeks, bringing back some sense. “I’d beat you in DADA too.”
“Ha! You can dream.”
“I don’t make it a habit to dream about you, Potter.”
“That makes one of us,” he said, completely unabashed.
Lily fairly choked on that honesty, muscles tightening near her clavicle with strange breathlessness. “You dream about yourself? Takes the narcissism to new heights.”
James cocked a brow, but let her deliberate misunderstanding of the phrase slide. “Technically, everyone dreams about themselves.”
“Ugh, it’s too early for this,” she groaned, sliding her legs into a fold on the couch, fluffy warm pyjamas keeping the December chill at bay. “I was going to your dormitory for a purpose, you know?”
James instantly leaned forward, pleased and making no effort to hide it. “You were coming to see me?”
“To see all of you,” she mumbled like a coward. Perhaps there was also some lie interlaced in there, because he’d certainly been the reason she’d felt an extra jauntiness during her excursion. Not willing to impart that particular knowledge, Lily held out the package to him. “Open it.”
Curiosity creased his brows, smile never waning. “What’s this?”
“Open it, you impatient tosser.”
James grumbled something about ‘mean harpies posing as Head Girls’ and ‘no appreciation for those of curious minds’ while carefully unwrapping the package, all of which Lily soundly ignored in favour of vibrating with anticipation. When the last of the brown wrapping paper fell away, she squealed at the pink box that was revealed, full with a glossy sheen and pretty prints and designs; exactly the way she remembered it.
James looked at her, back at the box, then at her again. Eventually, amusement had his lips pinching together. “If I don’t find at least two dragon eggs inside this, I’ll be disappointed.”
“It’s something even better, I promise!” She wiggled her palms, urging him to open the box.
When he finally popped open the lid, Lily found herself under the very real threat of toppling to the floor, so far had she leaned forward. Eager green eyes spotted the dozen or so confectionaries that sat cheerily inside, miraculously undisturbed during their journey across England. “They’re blueberry muffins!” she informed giddily. “I requested mum to send across some from this bakery in my hometown.”
James’s smile softened as he looked inside the box, so much so that when he turned his eyes to her again, the gold in them had melted into a warm honey. “You do get blueberry muffins here too, you know,” he said kindly, voice fond.
“I know, but those are just imposters. These are the real deal. Take a bite, go on. I can bet you’ll be kissing my feet in thanks.”
“Do I have to kiss your feet? Can't it be something else?”
Her heart bloated dangerously. “James.”
“Only kidding,” he chuckled, reaching inside dutifully and picking out a muffin. At her incessantly exaggerated prompting, he made a show of rolling his eyes before finally biting into the spongey cake. It was bizarre, but Lily could swear she felt flavours blue and sweet burst on her own tongue when James moaned aloud, eyes scrunched in bliss as he chewed.
“It’s good, isn’t it?”
“What the fuck,” he whispered in disbelief after swallowing, staring down at the remaining muffin as if it had personally offended him by not being available before. “What the actual fuck?”
“I told you!” she crowed, smirking openly without a hint of modesty. “Isn’t it just the best thing you’ve ever tasted?”
“Merlin, I might cry.” He blinked, grinning at her. “Give me those feet, Evans.”
Lily’s smirk dimmed, veins strangely suffused with molten courage instead of blood as she reached forward and plucked the box from James’s lap, setting it aside on the table. The distressed cry he let out died abruptly when she looked at him again, face serious.
“Will my lips do?”
James froze, eyes wide, muffin forgotten in hand. “Lily,” he warned, voice low. “Don’t. Not if you’re still thinking—not if you’re not sure.”
Her fingers found his free hand, ran over the warm palm breezily. “I’m sure,” she confessed, lashes fluttering as she stared at his Quidditch-given calluses. “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long, but—I’m sure now.”
“Look at me.”
She did.
James’s eyes were aflame, even as his breath remained tempered. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want—” She bit her lip. “I want you to kiss me. I want to eat that muffin, and then I want you to take me to Hogsmeade next weekend.”
A beat passed. And then she found his hand snaking around her wrist, tugging her forward until she sloppily stumbled over to his armchair and right into his recently vacated lap. Distantly, she registered that they had an audience—however meagre—but she’d truly never cared less.
“Good plan,” James whispered, tossing the rest of the muffin into the box. Lily didn’t even feel inclined to chastise him for messing up the presentation, because he was gripping her waist the next second, pulling her closer until his nose brushed hers tenderly. “Always the perfect answer, Miss Evans.”
“Shut up,” Lily laughed, cradling his head, pulling him forward.
Their lips met, mouths opened, and blue and sweet burst on her tongue.
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
Spare Dad Batch with an expecting s/o 👀?
I WILL SPARE DAD BATCH ANY DAY OF THE WEEK especially the pregnancy and baby stuff holy—
I’ll do you one better: Dad Batch Hunter with an expecting S/O feat. Ori’vod Omega.
Warnings for talk of pregnancy and babies and maybeee allusions to a breeding kink if you s q u i n t.
I’ve always said Hunter is the first one to pick up on the pregnancy. He can sense the hormone changes early on, just the slightest shift in the composition but it’s kind of a daunting revelation and so he just keeps it to himself for the first few weeks until he’s 100% certain of his suspicion.
Omega picks up on it not long after. Omega is very... perceptive in ways not yet fully understood.
Hunter still thinks he’s the only one who knows and so he’s just been carefully observing the wife while she’s none the wiser and he’s struggling lol like should he say anything or just wait for an opportunity to present itself like how does this work???
The topic is finally broached at the dinner table one night, courtesy of Omega.
She’d long since abandoned her dish in favor of idly turning over the contents, a wondrous look on her face.
Hunter’buir sitting across the way asks what’s got his mirdala so awestruck. She shrugs, but the smile underscoring her features is profound.
“I can’t wait to be a big sister.”
Hunter watches as his wife turns to their Meg, positively befuddled.
She’s able to reign in her confusion enough to run a loving hand through Omega’s hair and ask, “What do you mean by that?”
“You’re going to have a baby.”
Hunter leans back in his chair, feeling very smug with himself while the poor wife just looks shell shocked.
Still, he decides to play along, though he can’t keep the amusement from his lips. “What makes you think that, Meg?”
Omega keeps her eyes trained on her plate. She won’t meet Hunter or Mom’buir’s gaze, but she leans into the touch. “I had a dream,” she murmurs meekly, and then in afterthought adds, “—And, it was just talking to me.”
Mom’buir senses her growing reticence, and keeps a comforting hand on her cheek. “What was talking to you?” She prompts gently.
Omega’s eyes fall to her still mostly uniform stomach. “The baby.”
Both Buirs take too long to respond.
Omega quickly asks to be excused. Hunter gives her a reassuring smile and a nod, and she scampers off without another word. Mom’buir watches her go.
She feels Hunter’s eyes trained heavily on her. She turns slowly to her Riduur, thoroughly unsure of what expression she’ll find.
“You’re pregnant?” His face is pulled taut with solemnity, his antics from a moment ago quickly dissolved. He looks at her almost imploringly, and she realizes, he asks with hope wound tight in his throat. It’s something they’ve talked about extensively, a desire nestled into wantonly moans during the height of their pleasure. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, Hunter wants ade more than anything.
She drinks in his heavy expression. What a question to ask, for a man of heightened senses. She knows, Hunter often asks questions he already knows the answer to. “You tell me, Ruus’alor.”
His smirk from earlier returns then, and he shrugs. “I’ve had an idea. Just been waiting until the right moment.”
“How very dramatic of you.”
“All part of the plan.” He fists the hair at the nape of his neck, a nervous habit she is not at all phased by. “Actually to tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”
“So you had Omega do it?”
Hunter laughs then. “No no, I had nothing to do with that. I have no idea how she knows.”
“You’re not at all concerned that your child demonstrated prophetic abilities.”
Hunter’s eyes crease, revealing a prolonged weariness. “It’s not the first time, you know.”
The wife nods slowly. Omega she’s... she’s always been ahead of her time, ahead of the game, and the change. The Buirs can’t say they’ll ever fully comprehend it. Her insight is not one to be trifled with. It will never not be slightly unnerving, but they’ve learned to take it all in stride.
She looks to Hunter again, but his gaze is lost to her midsection, to the fantasy-turned-reality. His eyes are soft and elated.
“You’re pregnant.” It’s spoken in a whisper of reverence, and instantly the suffocating feeling that came with keeping it suppressed all this time is lifted. He embraces her in an instant, gathering her adoringly close while his hand comes up to cradle the back of her head.
She hums into him. “And you’re not surprised.”
He kisses her crown. “I knew all that fun would pay off.”
She swats him but can’t help the laugh that escapes. She racks her brain to estimate how far along she could be. Given their... increased activity the past several weeks, she doesn’t have to think too hard, but Hunter makes her promise to get in with the medics first thing in the morning.
Omega of course didn’t stray too far out of earshot; she never does. Which is what earned Hunter his swat. It’s only a matter of time before Meg, with her sweet innocence and earnest mind, begs to know what “fun” Hunter’buir is alluding to.
But for now; she scurries over and wedges in between her embracing parents. She loves seeing them happy, and she feels like she’s flying when they both lean down and kiss her. They don’t have to lean far; she’s getting so tall, growing up so fast. Her thoughts fall to the growing baby.
“I told you,” she beams as Hunter’s lips linger on her cheek.
“You sure did, Om’ika.”
Omega’s excitement only grows throughout the pregnancy. When baby becomes more pronounced, Meg is more proactive in her efforts, her delicate hands practically glued to the burgeoning swell as she fawns and chatters away with her growing vod’ika. She simply can’t wait.
Her and Mom’buir grow immensely closer during the process. Omega loves snuggling up with her at night, hands resting on her belly anytime Hunter’s aren’t. She presses an ear to the soft swell so that she can better hear when baby “talks” to her.
They’ll often fall asleep like that, Omega’s sweet face pillowed by Mom’buir’s tummy. The first time she feels a kick, her awe is indescribable. She touches her baby sister every chance she gets.
Yes, Meg is 1000% certain she’s getting a baby sister. Her and Hunter’buir are very proud of their “Team Girl” assertions.
And they are both right.
Ori’vod Omega is a title well earned. She is Mom’buir’s biggest help, always by her side, fussing over her health—her medical instincts never leave her. She’s always asking questions and offering suggestions—even more so when baby arrives.
It’s an intimate experience for her and the Buirs to share, and Omega feels privileged to be apart of this new, unique take on life. It’s so very different to the labs back on Kamino. And, Omega decides, far more beautiful.
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