#i couldnt fall asleep again so this is what i decided to do
floenz · 5 months
dfk 2023 thoughts in more orderly and english under the cut
- the whole thing feels sörta soulless and empty
- and in my amateur opinion the screenplay is nor very tight and even clumsy at points
- which im turn hindered the actors (Mrs Kreuzkamm falls victim to a bad script and Justus too at a slighlty lesser rate) and especially the kids actors
- regarding the kids: Jos characterisation is.....wrong
- like literally doesnt have anything to do with johnny
- nothing
- Matz and Uli were also just not it i cant explain it it just didnt hit
- but i actually enjoyed the martina storyline and execution
- but in general it did not feel like they were trying to tell the same story as the book
- like this doesn't feel like an adaption this feels like it wants to be something completely different
justraucher et al.
- justus is a math teacher and it bothered me at the beginning
- but thing is it fits this Justus vibes perfectly
- because he is kinda idk cold?? he doesn't feel kind so all the interactions with the kids fall flat
- "[...] you're not allowed to greet me for 14 days"~justus "thats all 🤨"~jo <- dragging two characters into the mud in one single exchange
- the nichtraucher tho holy
- ive read jinx say most bisexual nichtraucher yet and
- yes
- he sure has the vibes
- my only criticism for him is that he also doesn't really radiate kindness but ill allow it because he is kinds cunty and serves that so
- but yea his outfits, his ring, his nail polish
- king shit
- while we're on the topic: justraucher
- they are still very much dads but divorced dads which is actually an interesting interpretation
- when the kids reunify them the nichtraucher is sexy woodchopping in a sleeveless shirt and glowering at justus and im not saying the scene radistes sexual energy but slso it kinda did like at one point he is glaring at justus and ripping apart wood with his bare hands
- and then they meet again after uli fell down the wall and its like to exes meeing suddendly like fanfiction level of miscommunication but 👉👈 i enjoyed that
- justus gets angry and the nichtraucher goes like 🥺
- they make up over long and intense eye contacts during the play
- ok im done talking about justraucher
- the other ships:
- sorry cnka uli und matz is...not it in this movie none of them feel like fully realised characters and it's just very...distant
- matz just kinda stands there when they put uli in the rubbish on the cupboard
- martina and jo starts rough but they have some nice cute scenes in the end
- jo kinda mellows out in the end and then they start to get along
- matz really does get one hit K.O.ed after saying its not fair to fight cos he's a professional.......
- "when i was five my mum abandoned me in a disco😔"~jo killed me i had to stop the movie to laugh
- uli climbs a wall to prove he's not a angsthase and everyone's like nobody managed that before but the wall is like 7 m high 🤡
- justus always goes like ⌚️👀 its so late i have get some work done ⌚️👀 when the writers didnt know how to end a scene hkkcgkkbgjjvvk
- the train cart looks really cozy and cottagecorey here and i like it so much
- the nichtraucher is honestly just living his live vibin and being bi its wonderful
- he plays chess with himself
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
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felix catton x fem!reader
cw : none, no mention of y/n.
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saltburn was your favourite place to be.
you had been spending your summers there since you were 14 and you met felix at school.
at 16 felix decided to kiss you by the lake and you had been inseparable since then.
even at oxford, it was very rare that you'd spend a night alone, either sleeping in felix's dorm or having him over at yours.
your summers at the house were always enjoyable, unless god forbid you fell unwell over the time you stayed there.
and unfortunately, that had happened this year.
you were curled up in your bed, curtains drawn as the burning sun heated up the entire room.
even with the warmth from the sun, the hot water bottle on your stomach and the duvet over your body, you were still shivering.
of course your period had to come on the hottest day of the year, when you would be constantly taking off your covers and putting them back on moments later.
your eyes were clenched shut as you willed yourself to fall asleep so you could wake up and be rid of your devilish cramps.
but of course, that was not what god had in store for you as your boyfriend burst into your room.
" mornin' sweetheart " he said, making his way over to your bed where he sat down , his hand lifting to brush some hair from your face. " what're you doing sleeping in here? i was waiting for you last night "
while you would normally relish in the feeling of felix playing with your hair, right now everything was sensitive and you couldnt take it.
" you were asleep when i came in, didnt want to wake you " you muttered, clearly lying through your teeth as you lifted your hand to move his off of your face, instead choosing to loop your little finger through his.
that was about much touch as you could handle at the moment.
felix was not having that as the reason. you knew he didnt care if you woke him up, as long as he woke up to you in his arms. it was then that he noticed the furrow in your brow and the lick of sweat over your forehead.
" what's up, sweetness? you dont look so good " he said, shifting a little closer to you, his leg lifting up onto the bed so you couldnt avoid this conversation.
you were hesitant, never having discussed this with felix before as there wasnt ever a need to, but the soft movement of him sliding his hand into your practically made you melt.
" i got my period last night, didnt want to stain your sheets or keep you up with my fidgeting " whenever you got cramps it was impossible to get comfortable. no position was good enough to ease the storm in your uterus.
" so you deprived me of your cuddles last night because you didnt want to ruin my sheets? " he asked, his brow raising incredulously.
" didn't think you'd want to deal with my fidgeting either. " you admitted, clutching your hot water bottle a little tighter.
" oh, baby, i don't care. i want to be there for you when you're not feeling good. " he explained, shifting on the bed again so he was sat up agains the headboard. " now because you robbed me of your company last night, you have no choice in letting me take care of you now. " he said with a soft smile.
" you don't have to do that, lex- "
you were swiftly cut off by felix " i dont have to, but i want to. i'm going to get you something to drink, then how would you feel about a bath ?"
you had to admit that sounded amazing, being engulfed in warm water for a little while.
" that sounds really nice " you agreed, lifting your head slightly to rest against his leg, still clad in his pyjama pants. " but dont leave yet "
your final word caused a soft laugh to come from his lips, his hand lifting to rest on your back, the other still clutched in yours.
" okay, we can stay here a while "
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sanzuballs · 1 year
theyre the type toooooo….
ft. zoro, luffy, sanji, law, ace, robin, nami
hii guys. this is gonna be real fluffy (mostly) and sweet so hopefully u guys eat this up. have fun reading my bullshit headcannons.
zoro is the type of guy to come into the room at 12 am after a intense workout and want nothing but your pussy and then to take a nice shower after.
“zoro? is that you?” he replied with a grunt and grabbed you while peppering your face with kisses. “youre all sweaty, baby.”
“kay then let me fuck you then we can take a shower together, please?”
luffy is the type of guy to talk about your guys’ sex life to others on accident. hes just so proud to be with you.
“this would totally taste better if y/n let me eat it off her. oh! like she did last night!” he’d chirp aloud.
sanjis the type of guy to try not to admit his dirty thoughts when hes alone with you.
“sanji do you want me to start moving?” you said as you sat on his thigh with your arms around him.
“what?! you can do anything you’d please. i dont care what you do i want you to be happy! why would you think that?!” he’d spurt out.
ace is the type of guy to fall asleep right after sex with his cock still in you.
“fuck, ace you always do this.” you smiled as his sweaty body held you close to him. you were unable to move from his tight grip. it kept his cock snug in your pussy.
his face was too peaceful and cute so you just sank in.
law is the type of guy to make it so obvious he had a boner while trying to hide it.
“lawww!! do you like this dress?” you smile at him with your new small dress on.
“its so damn small.” he just decides to take a seat and set his hat down right ontop the fly of his jeans.
“law. i know you like it.”
robin is the type of woman to let you do whatever makes you happy. for example, if you want to cuddle on her boobs then go ahead, if you want to sleep inbetween her thighs then go ahead.
“robin im so tired but cant find i good place to rest on the bed.” you said as you shuffled around the bed.
“come here then.” she grabs you and your head hits her plush tits.
nami is the type of girl to seriously do anything for you.
“y/n? are you okay? you seemed a little down today.” she grabbed your shoulder. you turned around then gave her a smile.
“yeah i just got a headache today.” you replied.
“oh, do you wanna take a bath or nap?” she asked.
“im okay nami, thank you!” you smiled at her.
then you found the luffy and ussop and chopper with big welts on their head from nami punching them for being “too loud for y/n.”
monster trio again bc im inlove w them
zoro is the type of guy get jealous easily.
“that damn bartender couldnt keep his eyes off you.” he said as you guys left the bar.
“zoro you know im only yours.” you smirk at him in your tipsy state.
“y/n! you-u know what saying! i just dont.. um like sharing, okay??!” he turns away while blush covers his face.
luffy is the type of guy to overstimulate you so bad.
“luffy, you said that was the last one.” you whined as he rammed into your overstimulated pussy.
“im sorry baby. i love when you tighten around me so much. you know that right?” he smiles at you.
you couldnt even hear him as you were on the verge of passing out.
sanjis the type of guy that you would just napping in your bed with a pair of your panties in his hands.
“sanji?” you found a lump of a man in your bed. he was definitely out but in his hands you saw a pair of your favorite panties.
“you perv.” you smiled as you got into the bed with him.
this was so funnnnnn <3
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
How do we feel about monsterfucker!hoon? 🤔
pairings: park sunghoon x f! reader
warnings: monsterfucking + somnophilia + creampies
💌: i am so into this i literally couldnt decide what monster to write ab bc they both are v appealing so i might have to write ab vamp! reader soon :3
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sunghoon’s interest in the supernatural is almost laughable. he’s constantly going on and on about different myths and creatures.
his most recent obsession is succubi, looks up ways to summon them and fantasizes about a pretty demon using him for her pleasure.
after months of memorizing the spell and doing proper research he finally attempts the ritual. after he finishes reciting the spell he expects a lust demon to appear immediately, after all, that’s what the stories led him to believe.
but you don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he was successful, instead waiting til he’s asleep to show yourself.
“stupid boy,” you whisper, voice soft and sultry as you watch him sleep. your wings unfold and you use your pointed tail to expose his dick, salivating at the sight.
his cock is so perfect, not only is it long it’s also girthy and you know his sexual energy could keep you full for days.
once his length is fully hard you straddle him, tail still wrapped around his cock helping to slip it inside. he fills you up in ways no human or demon ever could and it’s addicting.
sunghoon moans loudly, thinking he’s having the best wet dream of his life, but oh? this feels too real and your pussy clencing around him causes him to wake up, immediately overwhelmed by the sight.
“what the fuck? oh my god,” his words make you chuckle. “it worked?” he’s in shock and the way you fuck yourself on him doesn’t make it any easier for the boy to think.
as you get closer to your orgasm you can’t help but praise him. “bein’ so good for me, human. need you t’cum inside,” your tail is thrashing behind you and sunghoon impulsively grabs the base, tugging hard.
his action rips a moan from your throat and your entire body tenses, cunt creaming around him. he uses his grip on your tail to fuck into you, his mouth falling open as he fills you up.
sunghoon is insatiable. his cock is already hard again and he uses his strength to switch positions, hovering over you.
he spends all night buried in your cunt and his thickness helps keep you plugged full of cum, “love this cock so much, need to keep you around forever.” his dick twitches at that, and you consider keeping him as your pet.
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myabsurddreamjournal · 6 months
Fate (part 4)
Soldier boy x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
She was tense.
The streets were different than what she remembered.
It was more crowded, more gray, more concerete
Even air felt more different.
people where everywhere, rushing to their jobs, talking on the phone, No doubt she missed being outside. But not this. She missed the green, forests, trees, the silence, Being able to lay down on grass and daydream for hours. Away from people, away from the world.
Lost in her thoughts y/n didn't realized that she was clutching to his arm.
He was tense as her, feeling it, she turned her head to look at his face. There was confusion in his eyes, which didnt surprised her, he was asleep for 40 years after all, must be a nightmare she thought, falling asleep to a awful world. Then waking up to even more awful one.
But there was something else in his eyes too.
Anger, or disgust maybe?
Well she couldnt blame him again, all the things humans did to him.
-"Are you okay?" she asked
It was like he didnt hear her, still looking at surroundings.
She squezzed his hand gently, asking him again.
He heard this time, Confused look suddenly vanishing, a confident one taking over. He answered while sueezing her hand back.
"Yes, doll why wouldnt i be?"
She knew he wasnt, she could see it. The slight twitching of his mouth, The tense shoulders, and jaw. He was faking it. She decided not to talk about it.
"dont know, i thought it might be a hard for you, i mean you are seeing the world after 40 years."
"This is nothing to compared the things i seen doll, dont worry about me. I fought the nazis, i was locking up the assholes even before you were born."
-"yeah, i know B-ben -sorry i mean soldier boy, i read them in your files. Very brave of you."
"Ben is fine." he said smiling slightly.
-"But what about you? Your heart is beating like a bird." He added.
"Oh, shit, of course he can hear it." She told herself.
This was one of his powers.
-"I-its nothing, i always feel nervous in crowds."
-"Is that so? why?"
-"I-i dont know i always been like this."
Whatever you say doll he said, she had a feeling he didnt believe her either.
They walked and talked, he asked her about the things he saw on the street
And she tried to explain them, which was hard.
Especially "rectangle things" that people hold in their hand, or put in their ears very confused him.
-"do you have one too?"
-"yes, i mean i had one, before they took me. I used it mostly to listen to music."
-"you can listen music it with?"
-"yes, we can get you one too, when we have money. Actually i had a bank account, we should check it."
He pointed the wall behind her suddenly, there was poster of a blonde guy with blue eyes.
-"Who is this punk?" He asked. This is the 10th time i seen him today"
"O-oh he is Homelander. The strongest supe"
"Strongest supe?" He scoffed, arrogant expression on his face.
-"People really love him here, more like worship him. I always found him a bit off tho."
-"Why is that?"
-"Dont know, she shrugged her shoulders. Just a feeling i guess."
-"well doll, i agree with you."
He said absently, he was one of them, He knew how different supes were from what media made them seem. Far away from the saints people thought they were.
How would she feel if she knew? He thought to himself.
The things he did.
Would she be afraid of him too, hate him too?.
a sound, made him snap back from his thoughts. a music was coming from a distance:
"За окном кудрявая белая акация, солнышко в окошечке, алым цветом лес
У окна старушечка, лет уже немало, с Воркуты далекой мать сыночка ждет
У окна старушечка, лет уже немало,"
He was almoat hypnotised, starting to walk towards it. Dragging y/n too, with their still interwined hands.
Hearing Russian song made her flinch.
-"Ben where are we going?"
He didnt answer, turning to right,
It was an empty street. Just a truck waiting on the corner. Few boxes with vegetables in it. And a old radio
He halted suddenly looking at the radio.
"-Lets go ben this song is getting on my nerves too." she told him. Pulling him soflty.
but suddenly his bag fell from his shoulder. He leaned forward. Breathing heavily.
-"Ben, whats happening are you hurt?" She half screamed. putting her hand in his forehead,
He was burning.
It was like he wasnt hearing her. Just like in the lab.
His chest started glowing.
She realized in horror. It was happening again. "No, she thought no one can see him they would lock him up again, they would hurt him."
She could never let this happen again.
With shock ,She did the first thing to came her mind again.
She hugged him, with her all strenght. Covering his chest with her body.
And started whispering to his ear.
-"We are not there anymore. We escaped Ben. You are free."
-"you saved me too, you took me to a plane, remember. Remember please,"
She continued to whisper. Brushing his hair. While crying.
Didn't know how much time passed, but eventually his breathing turned back to normal. His body cooled down.
He pulled back slowly, looking at her face. His expression normal and strong again.
But she was far from it. Her whole body trembling. Her lips were quivering, nose red, fat tears on her cheeks.
He wiped them with his fingers. Patting her heas as if she was a cat. As if he wasnt about the explode 2 mins ago.
"lets get out of here doll. I know where to go."
Notes: Guys i forgot my laptop in grandmas house thats why chapter is late. 🤡
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch @mfnqueen1 @ponypickle @butchers-girl @verypostcrown @angelbabyyy99
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
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A/N - I love post covid kyle sm, he's amazing. FYI this is pretty shit so uh yh
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KYLE fell onto the other side of the bed, letting out a groan. It was clear that he was annoyed at the fact his old friend- Eric Cartman was his name- and his family began to stay over since they couldnt any where else.
You turned your head to face your husband, a small smile resting on your features. " Hey its okay hun, im sure it wont be too bad " You shifted your body so you'd be on your side, staring at him. Hearing him sigh he turned his head so you'd be face-to-face, his brows knitted " Y/n, you know i love you but you dont know Cartman- he was an absolute asshole when we where younger, he still is now ! "
Quietly laughing, you ran your left hand through his red locks, to which he eased up, letting you do so. He really enjoyed having you by his side, it just made things so much easy for him. " Im sure it'll be fine baby, its been years since you've seen him, im sure he's changed! " " Yeah for the worst " He groaned again before lifting himself up throwing his side of the covers over his body.
His hands quickly grabbed at our waist and pulled you closer to his body, a high pitched yelp left your lips as he did so. Even though he's done this for a good few years it still manages to shock you when he does. He held you body close to his, resting his chin on your head " Ya know, im glad that somehow i managed to find you " he pressed a kiss onto the place where his chin rested not only a second before.
" Same " You grinned against his chest, arms lazily warped around him, " Lets go to sleep now hun, its late " you could hear Kyle hum in agreement but before you could both close your eyes and fall asleep a loud noise and clapping sound could be heard from one of the other rooms. Immediately you could hear Kyle sigh angrily.
Trying to ease him again you gave him a slight squeeze but it did practically nothing as when the voices of Eric and his wife came through the door about their love for Judaism you also got quite annoyed, not to mention uncomfortable. Sensing your discomfort Kyle grumbled quickly letting go of you and getting out of bed, leaving the room.
You knew something bad was gonna happen between the 3 and you really didnt want to intervene even though it would be the best idea to do so. While you were contemplating whether you should or shouldn't go Kyle returned, clearly stressed and upset.
" They'll be gone in the morning n/n " he muttered getting back in the bed, by your side quickly wrapping his arms around you just as he did before. You hummed, brows furrowed "Kyle, let them stay, they have no where else to go " your husband shook his head " No, n/n, i dont want them in our house. They made you uncomfortable for fucks sake! " "So what? Everyone fucks their partner Kyle!" "But no one does it while yelling about their love for Abraham!" "Whatever ..."
deciding to just let it go you pressed your face into his chest, your hold on him loosening causing the man to stiffen, realizing he upset you. he awkwardly hummed, hiding his face in your hair " Ive upset you havent i? ah- shit- I- im sorry babe, i'll uh.... i'll let them stay " you could hear the annoyance in his voice when he talked about letting them staying but you were glad he was gonna let them.
"Thanks hun, i love you"
" I love you too "
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jisvno · 1 year
tokyo revengers characters when they see you cry and they comfort you
ft; mikey, kazutora, rindou
genre; partly angst?? with very comfort fluff
tw; mention of abusive parents (kazu), period one (is tw needed? idk but in rindou part)
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♡ manjiro 'mikey' sano
it was another hard day. school, people, emotions, everything was overwhelming you today. you thought that at least you would meet your boyfriend in the afternoon, but he already had plans with ken, so you were left alone. comfort series and sweets did nothing good, but they caused you to get a mental breakdown. you started to cry, overloaded with the day and the lack of any happiness today. manjiro finished meeting with the draken, and he promised you that you would meet today, so he came to your place. he knocked on your door a few times but you wouldnt open it for him, being too tearful, so manjiros got a bit confused and he used the spare key you once gave him and went inside. he immediately heard the sound of crying coming from your room, and after a while he appeared there, seeing you all tearful, tears streaming down your face, red cheeks and shaking body. He immediately came over, sitting next to you and lightly stroking your back with his hand. 'what happened, honey?' he whispered, wrapping his arm lightly around your waist and hugging you. 'tell me, ill listen and try to help you..' he said softly, all the while stroking your back and shoulders. you finally calmed down enough to tell him about what a hard and overwhelming day you've had. manjiro listened to you the whole time, wondering how he could help you. when you finished speaking, he cupped your cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs, looking into your eyes. 'i love you so much, you know? You are really strong and i believe that youll be able to overcome this and tomorrow will be better. remember, im here for you' he said, leaning back slightly and laying on the bed on his back, pulling you in and hugging you tightly. you felt his body heat, the smell of his perfume and just closeness and comfort, so after a while you stopped crying completely. manjiro said sweet things to you all the time, complimented you and talked about how much he loves you and how important you are to him. he decided to stay here for the night so you can rest in his arms. he lightly stroked your hair, which made you feel safe and after a tiring day you fall asleep in the arms of your most wonderful boyfriend
♡ kazutora hanemiya
you were just at school, coming out of your math class. you couldnt believe that despite studying for so long, you got another F. you were disappointed in yourself, fact, but the most stressed thing was what your parents would do after discovering your another bad grade. they were strict and always yelled at you for bad grades, they also hit you sometimes, you were afraid of them and thats why you spent so much time studying, which didnt always work. you were stressed that once again they could raise a hand on you for another F, so tears came to your eyes. you saw kazutora, who was walking towards you with a smile, wanting to show you something after the end of the lesson. but you were in bad shape now, so you ran away from him, ran upstairs to an empty auditorium, where you sat in the corner of the room and cried. you curled up, burying your head in your knees and crying silently, stressed out by the grades. kazutora ran after you, and when he saw you, his heart broke. he sat next to you, he didnt touch you, just looked at you. 'hey, what.. what happened?' he said quietly so as not to scare you. all you could whisper was that you got another F. kazutora knew what your parents were like, you told him that, and he saw how stressed and scared you were. he didnt quite know what to do, but he got up, taking your hand and gently pulling it to get you up. he walked out of school with you and put you on his bike, he sat in front of you and off you went. after a while you and him came to an empty place by the river, full of grass and flowers, you could see most of the city from here, it was really quiet and peaceful here. kazutora got off the bike, giving you his hand, and you sat down on the grass together. still not saying anything, he started picking the flowers, making a wreath out of them, and put it on your head, smiling slightly at the sight. 'you look beautiful, darling' he said, placing his hand on your cheek and stroking it with his thumb. 'i cant help people, but remember that im always here, ill always find time for you to sit with you and take your mind off the bad' he said softly, looking into your eyes. you were thankful to him for not continuing the topic. you two sat on the grass for a while, and then he took you on a bike ride around the city, and finally he took you to his house, where he made you stay the night, where you watched cartoons and laughed all night. you were very happy that you have such a great boyfriend who will always help you take your mind off the bad things
♡ rindou haitani
you were just at your boyfriends house when you felt you had to go to the bathroom. you just got your period, so you use your pad and went back to his room. rindou was sitting at his desk, looking on the computer for something he wanted to show you, and you sat on the bed. suddenly you felt very painful cramps, that you lay down, slightly cringing from the pain. it was so strong that after a while tears flowed from your eyes and you cried silently, unable to bear the pain. when rindou heard your cry, he immediately turned to look at you. 'baby, why are you crying?' he asked softly, and when you told him that you had just gotten your period and were having terrible cramps, he got up, took some painkillers from the cupboard and gave you along with water, then lay down next to you, hugging you tight from behind and stroking your belly with his warm hands. it helped you so much, just his warmness and closeness. he started telling you a story about another 'dumb' thing that ran did, and how stupid he is, because we all know that rins favourite thing to do is teasing ran. after a while the medicine kicked in and you felt a little better and rindou kissed your hair. 'i dont like it when you cry, it makes you look ugly. you look prettier when you smile or laugh,' he said, and immediately had an idea of ​​how to make you feel better. yes, you spent the rest of the evening teasing and arguing with poor ran, who tried to defend himself, but it was 2vs1 battle so he was loosing, which of course kept a smile on your face, you were really grateful to your boyfriend for being there for you and rindou was pleased with himself that his favorite activity gives you a lot of pleasure too
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~ vani's note
first writing here! im not very proud of it, but i guess its not that bad, hope that youll like it! you can request your things, and please tell me if something was bad or just tell me your thought about it!
see you next time!
~vani ♡
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ifimdreaming · 1 year
could i request jack hughes? any plot:))))
jack hughes x reader || mostly fluffy
summary: you are feeling sick adn just need jack by your side
word count: 0.7k
you finally woke up from your nap at around 6pm - at least 4 hours after you had laid down. you hadnt had this bad of a migraine in forever and felt so awful you couldnt even stand up. 
You knew jack was busy with practice and didnt want to bother him with how you were feeling, but all you wanted was to have him by your side.
You tried and failed to make your to to the kitchen to get some water, quickly retreating back to your bed after a dizzy spell. 
defeatedly, you gave in and decided to give your boyfriend a call and tell him how you were feeling.
you call him once and he doesnt answer, so you try him again - “hey is everything ok?” he finally picks after a few rings, clearly out of breath from practice.
“im so sorry to interrupt practice j, but i had to call you…i have a fucking migraine and i feel so sick i dont know what to do” you say as your voice cracks and you begin to cry just from the pain.
“hey, hey, hey, its ok, dont worry baby!” he says, gently calming you down, “can you wait about an hour? I can leave practice early. I just need a bit more time, does that sound ok?” he reassures and you sniffle and wipe your tears as they fall down your cheeks. 
“yes please. thanks jack” you say between sniffles.
“just try to relax ok?, ill be there soon, love you”
“I love you too”
you didnt realize you had fallen asleep again as you are awoken by the sound of your bedroom door quietly opening and closing.
you blink to adjust your eyes to the brightness of the room and are met with a messy haired jack standing over you, one hand holding a delicate bundle of pink tulips and the other a small tub of ben and jerry’s ice cream and some pain medication.
you smile at the sight of him and he comes over to you and leans down, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“hey hunny - how are you feeling?” he says gently and quietly, trying his best to be respectful of the state you were in.
“Ok..” you say as you sit up on your bed and scooch over so jack can sit down beside you.
“I brought you these” he sets the tulips on your bedside table and sits at the edge of your bed facing towards you, “do you want the icecream now? I can go get you a spoon?” he says as he rubs your leg. 
"im - just not very hungry...sorry" you say quietly, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
"hey, its ok, ill just put in the freezer, yeah?" he says and you nod in response.
jack comes back quickly with a glass of water, handing it to you, and you take a sip as he begins opening the headache medication.
"do you want to take these now?" he asks you, trying to do anything he can to help.
“honestly? I just need you” you say as you begin to break down again, softly crying as you cover your face with your hand.
“oh baby” he stands up to set your water and medicine down next to the flowers and sits beside you again. you crawl into his lap and he cradles you in his arms as you cry into his shoulder.
he begins to shush you and rub your back, and it doesnt take long for you to calm down. just being in his touch is enough to make you forget about the pain.
“you ok? how can i help?” he asks as he lifts up your head, looking into your eyes adoringly.
“just lay with me?” you say wiping your tears, peering down at the tear stains on the side of jacks devils tshirt.
“until you ask me to go.” he says as he begins getting more comfortable on the bed, leaning against the headboard with you lying in his lap between his legs.
you nuzzle your head into his chest and close your eyes, as theyre starting to sting from crying, and from the brightness of the room.
“jack?” you ask up at him, “hm?” he responds as he is gently placing kisses on the top of your head, his arms wrapped around your body.
“thanks for coming over” you say in a whisper as you begin to feel sleepy again. 
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grrw--boy · 11 months
•Sweat dreams•
Morpheus takes care of his sleepless lover♡ (morpheus x gn!reader)
Prompt: so many things got pilled up so you're unable to sleep properly for the last days, and morpheus decides it has been enough.
Tw: anxiety, trauma(?, fluff, comfort.
Its has been a hell of a month, maybe even a hell of years.
You'd haved never had a peacefull life, but lately life seems harder than ever, days feel longer and even more tiring, that not even the soft carress of my lover seems to erase the frown on my face.
Morpheus, dream, my love, he has always helped me feel normal, calm, wanted. So i cant help but feel guilty of being so distant from him lately, knowing full well he always tries to help me in any way he can.
But i cant really help it, can't i?
Work has been anything but gentle, with the amount of late doing work i have, im almost restless, not really taking breaks ethier.
Morpheus was anxious, scared even, he knew your work was tiring but this looks extreme.
Its been days since he saw you in your dreams before youd woken up a few hours later, and even in your own dreams you looked exhausted with dark eyebags and a marked scowl on your pretty face
So he had enough
Everyone has bad days so he though youll be okay in a few days, but it has been weeks, so he decided to visit you when he finally had time to. As this not only worried your fisical state but your mental state too.
He remebers years ago when youll end breaking down in his arms, telling him how you couldnt go on like this in tears.
He'd never wish to see you so sadly lonely again, it would personaly pain him too much.
So after he had remotily finished his work he was running to see you.
You where comsuded by another work fit at 3 am when you heard a knock to your aparment door, in confusion of who might be visiting, you shouted a wait to the door while stoping your work and rushing to the door*
"Who is it?" You move your hair to look more presentable trough your stress.
"Its me dear,-" at hearing his voice after so much time you open the door without second thougth, not letting him finish his phrase, seeing your certain tall, blue eyed lover.
"-morpheus." He chuckles at your eageress to see him, but quickly noticed your tired look, unsurpsingly.
"My dea-" "morpheus!, what are you doing here?, so late... is everything alright?" Your voice quickly changes to worry while you question the reason of his visit.
"No, no, dear, everything its okay i just..." he sighes before saying "missed you, we havent seen eachother in a few weeks and i have noticed you havent being coming to the dreaming a lot ethier" he finishes while coming inside as you opened the door more for him to come in.
"Yes i- i have been busy lately, im sorry love, i think i didnt realise we havent seen eachothee in that much..."
"Theres nothing to be sorry about my dear, i know you're stressed, i want to help you" he notices the amount of work in your desk "and its quite late too, you need rest, and love. come on to bed now" he holds your arm to the bedroom.
"B-but morpheus! Theres to much to fini-" "no, to bed now, tomorrow youll finish your chores, when you're well rested"
You sigh giving up, as you cant convice the dream lord of anything especially about your care, and because the offer didnt sound so bad.
Morpheus gides you into bed before turning of the lights in the office, going to laid with you and give you your well needed rest. He goes to hold you as you get more comfortable next to him, already feeling sleep taking over you while feeling dream kissing your forehead and rubbing your head as you cuddle with him.
Before you knew it you were magicly falling asleep in your lovers embrace, feeling some beat of calmness in a long time, before hearing some soft whispers of your lover, knowing youll get some enticing dreams tonight
"Sleep well my love, ill see you in a moment".
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 2 months
I'll Look After You - Bucky x Y/N
This is my first ever fanfic. I dont know why I wrote this, I never ever thought I'd actually write a fic or post it. But this just wouldnt leave my head. I hope you enjoy and please give me feedback!
It had been a tough misson. They lost a lot of men. Bucky had gotten a bad concussion and broke two ribs. Despite Buckys protests that her was fine, he was put straight to the infirmary. He was told he would have to stay there for at least a week if not longer. At this news Bucky almost had a fit. He wanted to go back up in the air as soon as possible and 'show those Nazi pigs who's boss'. His protests went on deaf ears.
She noticed on the first night that he was awake much later than the other patients. She turned out the lights and told him to rest, to which he just nodded. At 4am when the other nurse came to take over; she noticed he was still awake. Surely soon sleep would take over him.
Bucky couldnt sleep. No, Bucky refused to sleep. With sleep came nightmares. Nightmares of torn off legs and burnt faces. Planes exploding right infront of his eyes. The sound of his men screaming in pain and fear. No. Bucky would not sleep.
The following night she was greeted to the same thing. All the men fast asleep and Major John Egan wide awake. Though it was clear by his sunken in eyes he was exhausted. He tried his best to hide his frequent yawns behind the book he was reading, but she could see and hear them clearly. 'Major Egan, you should be asleep by now.' 'I'm not tired.' he said as he fought back another yawn. 'You're exhausted. And your body needs sleep to recover. You'll never be cleared to get back in that plane if you dont sleep.' Noticing the stern look on her face Bucky decided to feign sleep so she would leave him alone. 'Fine, I'll go to sleep. Goodnight.' 'Goodnight Major.'
As much as he tried not to, Bucky did fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Around forty minutes passed, forty minutes of blissful slumber. Cradled among the warm blankets and soft pillows of the infirmay; his body was totally serene. His mind however, was in turmoil. As the nightmares came once again, Bucky started to cry out in his sleep. 'Curt! Curt! Engine 3! Buck...' She heard him straight away, he wasnt the first pilot to have these types of dreams. His body thrashed against the bed. 'Major Egan, its okay, Major wake up.'
He shot upright in his bed with a scream. He wasnt flying the misson. He was in bed, with two thin arms wrapped around his torso. He looked at her then, really looked at her. She was scared. A shocked and timid look on her face. Was she scared of him? 'I'm sorry, I dont know what-' 'You had a nightmare. It's okay. It's normal.' Normal. Bucky did not feel normal. He had always been able to keep his cool. Not feel a thing. Now all he could do was feel. Feel the ache in his soul and the ache in his ribs. 'I'm sorry Nurse...' 'Y/N' she said with a warm smile. She was sitting on the edge of his bed. He hadnt seen her this up close before. She had long hair, it looked soft. Her eyes were kind, and her gentle smile made him feel something he wasnt sure of. 'Y/N' he played with her name on his tongue, he liked the way it sounded. It suited her perfectly.
He tried to sit up against the headboard, make himself look less vulnerable. As he moved he gasped at the stabbing pain in his ribs. 'God damn!' 'Easy there Major, let me help.' She adjusted his pillows and helped prop him up. She was so close he could smell her perfume. Warm, vanilla, like a freshly baked cookie. But also spicy. He felt intoxicated. He missed the last thing she said to him he was in such a trance. 'I'm sorry what did you say?' With concern all over her pretty face, she said 'I'm just going to get you some more pain meds okay?' she turned and walked to the medicine cabinet.
He took a deep breath and tried to calm his heart rate. He wasnt sure if it was going so fast because of the nightmare, or her. She returned a moment later with two painkillers and a glass of water. 'Here you go Major.' He took the pills from her delicate hand. 'Bucky. You can call me Bucky.' He swallowed the pills. 'Mm Bucky. Cool nickname.' His heart skipped a beat hearing his name from her mouth. And she thought it was cool? He felt like a fourteen year old again. 'You should go back to sleep Major. You need your rest.' Bucky knew there wasnt a hope in hell of him going back to sleep, but he smiled and nodded so to not dissapoint her.
An hour later she was doing her rounds, checking on each patient; most of who were sleeping. Except one. Major John 'Bucky' Egan. 'Bucky, why arent you sleeping?' He lifted the book in his hands 'It's just this book Y/N, I gotta know how it ends!' She smirked, 'I saw you finish that book yesterday.' His face grew red. He'd been caught. But he couldnt possibly humiliate himself by admitting he was afraid of going to sleep for fear of his own mind.
Y/N could see it. Just as she'd seen it plenty times before. Though this case was definetly the worst. She didnt know much about Bucky, but the way the other nurses talked about his charm and swagger made her this he was not the type of man who would willingly admit his fear. She wouldnt force him to either. She grabbed the chair next to his bed and pulled it closer. She picke up the book from his lap and opened it on the first page and started reading. 'In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind...' 'What are you doing?' The confusion on Buckys face would have made a great picture. 'You've read this book twice in two days? I have to see what all the fuss is about.' She continued to read out loud in a soft melodic voice. A voice so soothing and gentle it sent Bucky straight to sleep. Even after he nodded off Y/N kept reading. Hoping that her voice could reach him in his dreams and keep him away from the darkness that lurked in his mind.
The next morning, Bucky awoke to a sight so rare, so unthinkable, he had to blink several times to make sure it was real. Y/N was still by his side, asleep on the small wooden chair, her cardigan draped over her. She had stayed, stayed by his side all night long. It was at this moment Bucky realised this was the first night in a long time he'd slept the whole night through without a single nightmare. Because she was there to protect him.
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indigoblwe · 7 months
heyy do you guys ever think about the first few nights after the satosugu breakup
how gojo probably couldnt sleep at all, about how he kept crying alone and quietly, in his room. because now he was alone, at least he thought so, and he was alone in the most painful way possible. because he'd lost geto. and that couldnt have happened. why did it happen? what could he have said? he shouldve paid more attention. he shouldve asked if geto was okay. why didnt he ask? why didnt he tell him he was unwell? they couldve talked, worked it out.
how he keeps thinking: i wanna see suguru. suguru isnt here anymore. we can still fix things. he already decided his destiny. we can talk. he hates me. please, let us talk. he wont ever stop. i just wanna be with you. dont do this to me. come back home. he wont ever come back.
and how his mind keeps looping over these same thoughts, until he couldnt take it anymore, until he couldnt cry anymore. and then, finally, finally he falls asleep.
and do you guys ever think about how, years later, when suguru dies. the next few weeks. gojo keeps having to remind himself: suguru is dead. suguru geto is dead. i killed my best friend. i killed suguru. i want to see him. he is dead. i shouldve tried harder to get him back. he is dead. i miss him. he is dead. please come back. i killed him.
and how later on, when he faces kenjaku, his mind swirls and twists, and his heart aches and yearns: geto is here. no, geto is dead. we can be friends again. this is not suguru. why is he here? i killed him. i killed him. we can be us again. this is not suguru. this is not suguru. this is not suguru. what are you doing with my best friends body. this is my fault. its my fault. this is not suguru. we can never go back.
because i think about it, like, a lot. and it Hurts.
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nozomi-akamivt · 1 year
Scalpels and Paintbrushes || Chishiya Shuntarô x Reader
- read ‘til the end for notes -
When a freelance artist travels to Japan to rekindle her passion for art and her life, she finds herself in a whole other predicament. Dangerous games, dangerous people, a dangerous world with dangerous rules. She’s alone, fending for herself, until she meets a disoriented medical student that will bring her comfort but might bring more difficulties and heartbreak aswell.
TW: gore, Niragi being Niragi
Chapter 7: I am not a Woman I'm a God
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The first two weeks of being alone without Chishiya were the worse, I felt disoriented, like I was a ship lost in a turbulent sea without an anchor to keep me in place. I lost an arm and it also felt like I had lost a friend, or more than that... a lover.
I didn't know what we were, everyday, I wrapped my wound and felt the stump left instead of my arm, wanting it to be him helping me lick my wounds. Everyday I fall asleep with my walkie talkie clutched tight in my arms. I was waiting for him, because he was the only one I had left. And unlike Hide or Yumeko, he wasn't dead, I didn't kill him, he was fine....was he? Is he? I still have no news and I am starting to lose my mind. I try to be positive, to tell myself he'll call but then another week passes. Two more games are completed. They are harder when you only have one arm left.
"I should get in better shape, I'm back at letting myself die at this point."
Looking in the mirror I see that the chub that used to be around my hips and waist, and the one around my legs and right arm are gone. My face is looking thinner and my clavicles start to show. It has been hard taking care of myself while lacking an arm and someone to help me in this disorienting situation. I still needed to find ways to make everything easier for myself.
"I need to eat more, and I definitely need to do something about this nest of hair."
"Seriously, I need to put on some muscles, I won't be able to help anyone out if I'm a dead woman standing. C'mon (y/n) he'll call when he can, when he's ready. He said he needed time, and so you will need some too, not thinking about him, but getting better for others and him to see that you are here, alive and well and ready to help."
Because that was my vow to Hide and Yumeko. That I'll help others in this shitshow of a world.
And with a sigh I cover up the mirror and prepare myself to go get the traps I set outside for wild rabbits, hoping for a good catch. Hunting by setting traps was by far the easiest way to get food for me, as I couldnt hunt with only one arm, or at least not yet, I'd adapt sooner or later I hope.
Fortunately, three rabbits were caught in my net. Enough to last me two days, and as I could make broth out of the bones they would last me even more.
That was how my life was since Chishiya left. One armed lass against the cruel world of the borderlands, waiting for her beau to call. Playing games when absolutely needed and hoping they didn't require two arms or else she'd be royally fucked.
And then three weeks turned into four, then five, six, seven, two months, then three, then four.
And as I lost hope of ever seeing him again, whether it be because he died or ghosted me, which would be the same in essence, I decided to take it upon myself to get stronger.
So one might expect a training montage while I say this and honestly it might be better but the reality is more cruel unfortunately.
It started after the one month mark:
In the mornings I'd wake up and run until my legs and lungs gave out, having two arms to catch yourself is easily taken for granted in situations like this one and I most often than not face planted.
Nose bloodied I made my way to the traps, some days luckier and more bountiful than others.
More often than not I'd go to games whenever I could in the evenings, they'd keep my mind sharp and would force me to adapt to my new disability. And as monstrous as it sounds, you easily get adapted to the sight of brain matter and organs on the floor and walls.
My stump hurt like crazy still, it also itched under the bandages. And more often than not, I woke up with the phantom pains, feeling as if my arm got ripped from me, again and again.
I could rarely fall asleep, so I went to take Chishiya's old blouse and used it to cuddle as i curled on myself during the hard nighs, which were most of them.
After the two months mark I got better:
My legs and lungs had a harder time giving out so I ran further and faster until they did.
I also barely managed to cut my hair at this point, it was down to the middle of my back and looked just about ready to be a rat king. So with gardening scissors, a lot of shaking and a lot of patience I managed to look like a little boy who cut his hair with daddy's ball trimmer. It was bad, but more breathable, easier to take care of, and I mean who doesn't like a short haired, one armed wonder?
I didn't but you get used to it when it's all you can have.
I also started hunting bigger catches, like wild boar. And to do so I had to learn by myself, with the help of books I found in the mall book store. My japanese, having gotten much better in the bast two months, helped me enough that I could decypher how to observe and analyse the tell tale signs of the presence of boars. Bite marks on the trees, shape of frictions on the ground, hoof marks...
And that also meant I had to learn how to make spears. You never know how much more useful can your legs get until you use them as a second arm to hold wood down as you sharpen it. And they are definitely of use when trapping a boar down as you pin the beast with all your weight and deliver the killing blow.
That also meant my right arm got much stronger, I mean to compensate for my lacking left one, I had to make it better than it was. So, remembering Yumeko's self defence lessons I started to use them on real people in games.
To train of course.
But also because those people really need to get a grip. The lack of physically present autorities and the permission to commit atrocities really get to some people and they need to get their brains out of their asses before they get got.
Of course if assholes died it isn't much of my fault, I mean I do warn them. But do I go out of my way to save a guy that just groped a middle school girl? Nah. Fuck that. I much prefer saving the pregnant woman from getting killed by a masked kitsune.
And the third month I started to see:
My stump had healed almost fully by this point, it was itchy yes, the phantom pains were killing me, also yes. But there were almost no signs of fresh flesh or almost no risk of infections. That was one less worry to have? But to give me more balance I put a belt around it and gave it some weight, it would help me be better and faster on my feet without fearing that I'll fall every second that I live.
The walkie talkie was loud with silence, it teased me, laughed in my face at my abandonment so I hid it in Yumeko's stuff. And speaking of Yumeko and Hide, I organized their stuff in boxes, but not without crying at the memories and reiterating my vow to them.
I swore once more to them that I'd live once more, but also that as much as I'll help the ones around me I won't trust anyone to be close again. Not if it ends up with death, not if it ends up with them leaving
I left the idea of Chishiya contacting me again, maybe he did die, maybe he really did just leave, or maybe he broke or lost his walkie talkie. But I have to forget him, as good as it was he isn't here anymore so I have to learn to be by myself.
And that had to be the hardest thing.
"Goodbye Shuntarô."
I say as I close the box containing his scrubs, ID and white vest.
And until the summer I thrived:
After the third and fourth months I felt it, how I hardened mentally. The loneliness didn't feel quite as gruelling, the sound of silence not as mean. The pain in my stump stopped and other than my flashes of phantom pain I was, almost back to normal, as normal as I could be lacking a limb.
During a game in Harajuku I also found much better clothes than what I had. And I decided to treat myself, a trench coat, similar to the one from the Kuchisake-Onna game that felt was years ago. But also better, stronger and more comfortable combat boots. The rest was easy enough to find as Harajuku is the fashion district of Tokyo. But looking in the mirror, it was a different me than the one I was when I first came to Japan.
"It pains me to say it, but this batshit insane game really did give me my spark back. Just not in the way I had hoped."
But a win is a win, and I was not about to refuse something alright happening to me.
Hunting was bountiful, once every four to five days I could catch a boar and on the daily would be fish, some rabbit too. I also started to grow chillies, soy, sorghum and wheat as they were easy to conserve and create durable meals out of.
As time passed I saw some sort of faction make itself more and more known, people dressed in bikinis and other swimsuits rolling around in old cars with guns and a strong smell of weed following them. They were loud and participated in a few games with me, seeming more excitable and deranged than the average game player around.
So, I kept an eye on them, danger is common around here but they were trouble.
"Why are you looking at those people like that?"
I turn around to see a tall lanky girl with dreadlocks looking at me curiously.
"It's fine, they just seem way too excited to be here."
"I hear you. I'm Kuina, nice to meet you."
"You're part of their org aren't you Kuina-san?"
"Oh please don't be so formal with me. And yeah, I am. Is that a problem?"
She asks looking a tad bit nervous.
"As long as you don't cause any problem, no. But if your friends do don't expect me to go easy on them."
"You didn't tell me your name?"
"It's (y/n). You've been with them for long?"
"Nah, only a month or so? I had a good card they wanted so they brought me to their boss and boom."
She shows her wrist, showing a locker key bracelet with a number on it.
So, it seems this org was looking for cards, did they want to have every number from every suit? Why would that be?
Could it be their answer to being out here, could it be a way out?
It would be stupid, but maybe not impossible.
All of a sudden a chime is heard.
"Game, Eight of Spades: The Cage. You will have weapons at your disposition and the group will be separated in four smaller player groups, each fighting in one of the four arenas until only one is left alive. The four players left will be granted their visas. Good luck!"
Damn, my fucking arm. I'm fucked, but I need to try.
On the four tables are an array of simple short range weapons, american fists, many types of knives, boxing gloves reinforced with metal, batons, tonfas, bo, kendo swords. All in all, they'd be better for abled people.
All except for one. A long and strudy steel chain whip with its blades looking ready to shred flesh.
I close my hand in a fist, trying to calm my shudders, and take the whip. It was heavy but not too much, the lack of material made it lighter than a two handed sword but the length made it harder to manipulate than a butcher knife. They will do, they have to. and all of a sudden it glows teal, displaying my name on the pommel.
"Players, please separate in even numbers to form the groups"
Kuina and five other people are sent to one side of the room to an arena as she nods good luck to me and I to her. A bald and tattoed man, feeling similar to a snake somehow, lead his group to another arena. A long black haired man with a monochrome patterned shirt and a sadistic smile lead his to the penultimate arena. And I was left walking with my own group to the last one.
Here we were given earphones.
"Welcome to arena four. The rules are simple, the matches are one to one and end only when one of you is dead. The winners will fight each other again one to one until two are left, the winner of this last fight will recieve their visas and be granted the right to keep their weapon. Good luck."
Some look anxious and others look extatic, as for the latter one of them approaches me and grabs me by the stump.
"I'll take you, it'll be an easy win for an easy woman."
"Of course you go for the disabled one, trying to compensate for something big boy?"
The people around us laugh.
"Cause if so c'mere, mommy will put you to sleep so you can think on it. Unless I bashed your brains in enough that I destroyed your last braincells."
I get in the arena and motion for him to come teasingly.
"(y/l/n) (y/n) against Yoshitsuke Kunizaku"
And Kunizaku doesn't waste time, coming at me full speed with his machete. So I drop to the ground and kick his feet from under him, his momentum making him fall harder than he would've normally.
He is like a boar.
He attacks again and again, brashly but with a strength to worry about. So just like a boar I slowly turn around him, I make him lose his breath with unnecessary chases.
He nicks me on the face, under the breasts, on the arm, on the leg. But he breathes herder, and as I evade him I swing my whip, and I cut and lacerate his legs.
And so they give up on him.
And he is left writhing, clawing his way to his machete and when he does he blindly cuts as he tries to get back to his feet.
"You see the sad thing about a bladed whip is that I can't kill you at once, so don't make it harder for yourself little boar."
The whip is lashed at the man, and the arm holding his weapon is cut again and again until only bone and mangled flesh are left. And as he bleeds and screams I swing the whip again and again and again. My rage, my stress, and the pain felt during the past months possessing my senses as I finish by wrapping the whip around his head and cutting it clean off.
"(y/l/n) (y/n) wins"
And I pant as I get off the arena, people looking at me while I pant and wake up from my haze. The rest of the fights are a blur until mine.
She was fast and slippery like a fish. She hit with small cuts, nothing impairing but definitely would make you lose enough blood on the long run so that she could win.
So instead of playing around like with the boar, I take her by her hair and kick her to the ground, then make her a belt out of my whip. I try to shut my brain off as I saw her in half and she screams in agony.
What am I doing with myself. That I what I ask to the inner me who laughs and just say one word that rises bile in my mouth.
Yeah, right, survive.
"(y/l/n) (y/n) wins"
My last oponent is a very tall man, probably ex military. He looks, blank. And I would be scared of him, if I wasn't already of myself. This game was only one of the many after the Eight of Hearts in which I had to kill someone....multiple someones. And I was doing it flawlessly. As I did last time and the time before. And the fact that I didn't feel much while doing it was disgusting me.
But that's how the borderlands are. They change you, and it's never for the best.
"(y/l/n) (y/n) against Hikaru Kazushi"
He waits for me to attack first. He is patient, almost catatonic. It's a game of who will crack first and give the upper hand to the adversary.
So I slowly approach, wating to tease, to tempt him to attack first but he doesn't. So I turn around and prepare my whip, acting as if I was preparing an attack.
And he beats me to it.
Hitting the back of my head with his american fists. He turns me around expertedly and hits just about everything he can.
My eyes start to fade to black.
I need to find an opening
But where?
I don't want to die, not yet, I need to repent, I need to uphold my promise
"Found it."
He was using his left arm more, flinching when using his right. When I heard him move, he limped and seeing as he ended with his right leg he limped from the left.
So as he winds his right arm to hit my face I turn at the last moment, trapping it between my stump and my ribcage in my armpit. I kick his crotch a few times to destabilize him and turn us so I would be on top of him, his arm still in my grasp. And I wind my legs around his left leg and squeeze, hearing a pained yell from him and a crack from the leg. I then take care of the right arm and hit his elbow, hitting it so that it breaks and then bending the limb to an unnatural angle, the arm almost completely cut in two.
"See, now we're twinsies!"
I say as I agitate my stump in his horrified face and then use what is left of my left arm to cut his hair flow. With my right arm I grab my discarded weapon and bring it to the throat of the bleeding man beneath me and slit his throat.
As he gargles with his blood chimes are resonating all around the building.
"Takatora Samura, Suguru Niragi, Hikari Kuina and (y/l/n) (y/n) congratulations!"
I get up and as I do I try not to look beneath me as I fear I will vomit. And I stay here for a while, standing up without moving. My breaths short and rapid, body covered in blood, short hair sticking to me like glue with my sweat and blood.
"Damn woman, that was hot. Do you wanna do the same but in my bed, I'd love for you to draw my blood and use me as a fucking punching ball as I fuck you into my mattress and cut you open."
wha- What the fuck?
"What the hell Niragi, don't you know how to talk to a woman?!"
"As if YOU were a woman Kuina. Plus she isn't just a woman, she's a fucking war machine! A blood Goddess!"
I turn to see that Kuina was arguing with the man that flirted with me...? The psycho himself was the monochrome patterned shirt wearing man from group three.
"Blood Goddess? I'm flattered but refrain from talking to me like that or I'll castrate you kiddo."
The tattoed dobby wannabe snickered at that and full on laughed when Niragi glared at him.
"We've seen you around sexy, you've made quite the impression. Everyone at The Beach knows about you one way or the other, you've killed many of us and always seem to observe. We'd like to recruit you, we're sure you got some good cards, plus we could have some fun you and I. One on one, or if you want more I could always call more friends, fill you up real good with all of us until you're round and satisfied."
I visibly cringe at this, I've seen him around too. Always laughing, always smiling, always with his gun and always sadistic and horrendous towards others if he isn't already gutting them open.
"Listen I get what your org is trying to do and I'm fine on my own, why should I get in?"
"Why not, we have electricity, we have pleanty of food, booze, drugs, anyone you could ever want to have sex with. We have comfortable beds and a shelter that is assured against any type of exterior attack from greedy newbies or other factions."
"Yeah! And (y/n) I could really use a lady friend, shit is pretty much boring for me female wise there, they all act the same and you seem cool! Wouldn't you like a friend?"
"Not really no, you know what happens to people around here, I'm not losing someone else around here Kuina."
She nods, knowing the feeling. And then her head shoots back up with her eyes sparkling. And she starts to talk as we get out of the building and towards their cars.
"Listen I know you don't want to come and I won't force you but if you have enough good cards you could very much become a member of the executive council, and then you'd get infos no one else has and influence!"
"And why why would I care?"
"From what I know you want to protect people right? With those you could very well be the guardian of our people here at The Beach. There will always be a purpose for you there, and you won't be alone!"
That had me interested. Loneliness, I had gotten adapted to it but it was certainly getting to me at times. There I could go to my room or disappear outside if I needed alone time.
I also would have a permanent job. Whether as a card collector or as a "guardian" as Kuina put. It would certainly give me a purpose other than waiting until I get a new game and visa.
And it would certainly beat the emptiness at home.
So I sighed and climbed in the car next to Kuina who beamed at me.
"Niragi, drive before I change my mind."
He snickers and answers with a playful "yes ma'am" as he speeds on the road.
It was quiet surprisingly, the night was black and it was cold enough to stay awake but it was also so comfortable. The wind was blowing on us. And I stood straight, holding the headrest of Last Boss (as I learned he prefers to be called) and let myself relax a bit. The blood caked on me was going to suck ass but I'm finally going to be able to have a bath. From what I've heard they even have a sauna.
"How the fuck do you guys have so much, are you in a hotel?"
"Sorta, yeah. We're in a holiday resort, so there's the hotel but also a shit load more."
"Damn. That's fun."
"Where did you live before?"
"Oh a store in a mall that old friends and I made into a cool living space. We recycled rain water, and lately I even grew my own food for some things. I hunted for my meat in the suburbs, mostly boar and rabbit but also fish. It was calm enough but I had to wack away a few assholes that tried to overrun the place."
Kuina then stands up holding Niragi's headrest to be with me.
"We also recycle rain water, we use the fuel from cars to fuel our generators to make electricity and the old cars are our means of travelling since electronics are not worth much in this world compared to analog."
"Yeah, I can see you guys are self sufficient if The Beach hasn't crumbled yet in the time it has been around, even with the large number you guys seem to be."
And as I finish talking I hear yells from afar, they get louder and louder as we get to the coast where a resort is situated.
They scream at us like the public yells in joy after a gladiator wins his fight against a feral animal, like a country welcoming their war heroes. And I look at Kuina, silently asking her if it was always this way, and by the way she laughs at my face, it seems to be the case.
And after the car was parked Kuina said goodbye to me and Niragi and Last Boss lead me to where I'd be introduced to the "executive council". Overall, I respect the organization of...well, the organization. And so we walked, up many stairs and down many corridors until we arrived at a large double door.
"So uh lady let me tell you, the boss is quit an egotistical asshole so try not to bite his head off, though I'd love to see it."
"Niragi, I'm not interested."
"Hey, but you might be some time!"
"Yeah, no. I like my men less psychotic and my women nicer. Open the door please? I'd rather get this done quickly and be able to shower."
"Sure baby, come to me anytime you want to-"
And with that he knocked, calling upon the people inside who he contacted previously via walkie talkie, and opened the door with Last Boss. They allowed me to walk first and closed the door behind me.
"Come, come! Please sit! I am Hatter, the boss of this utopia that is The Beach!"
Yeah he's a hatter alright, a mad one for sure. Extravagant and loud but most importantly way too confident.
"And you, who are you sweetie? I gotta know who my future member is after all!"
"Not a talker are you?"
"Not really no, I'm efficient in my work, that's all you need to know."
"And that's fine! I love it when we have efficient players! What cards do you have darling?"
I reach into my backpack and pull a packet of a dozen or so cards and Hatter looks extatic. And as he looks excitedly through the cards that he snatched from me I look around the room. There is one man with glasses, he seems tense. A woman with sunglasses who seems to be impatient. A woman with short side bangs and long black hair who seems almost like she is pleased. A tall muscular man, probably ex military. And in the far back someone, in white...
In Hide's old clothes.
He looks at me, face lacking expressions but eyes showing surprise and maybe even fear.
The man that left.
The man who abandonned me.
The man I tried so hard not to think about anymore, not to love anymore.
Shuntarô Chishiya
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WELCOME BACK TO S&C EVERYBODY, I never forgot about this story I just had a rapidly declining mental and physical healthy I HAD to take a drastic time off of everything. Writing was the lesser concern so I appologize for continuing this story only nearly two years after last chapter. But due to my now stronger than ever mental fortitude, the new season of AiB and a multitude of projects that I have: I decided to come back and make it count. SO welcome to the new and bettered Arcanox tumblr which will in substance, be the my main hub of influence since it is where I have the most followers!
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alexinity · 2 years
Pov: waking up beside xiao
xiao x gn reader, basically anyone can read ig
note: i have no idea how to make my posts "pretty" bc im still learning how to use the app so sorry if it looks plain
warnings: none (a few curse words?)
genre: fluff
it was a nice morning, the opened window made the room feel refreshing, the sun had just started showing and the birds were awake and annoyingly singing.
y/n tried to focus their vision after just waking up but decided to give up and turn on their other side instead, where the light wasn't poking directly into their eyes.
"did u sleep well?" a sleepy and a little raspy voice asked.
"h-huh?" y/n said with their eyes closed "oh youre awake...yeah i slept well"
"you can barely even open your eyes" xiao said with a smirk
"well isnt that convenient for you, since i know for a fact that you wouldve blushed if i was staring at you...naked" y/n teased.
"i-its too damn early in the morning for this...leave me a-alone" xiao started hiding his face in his pillow.
"...okay pretty boy" y/n giggled and turned on their other side again, moving away from xiao. "i will bother you later then, now let me sleep" they said.
"h-huh..what am i supposed to do then..i dont wanna sleep anymore" the adeptus grunted and stared at their back that was facing him. "dont even think about falling asleep again-"  too late he could already hear y/ns slower breathing. "are you fucking serious y/n" he glared at them and sighed.
its been a few minutes and the adeptus couldnt do anything but stare at their bare back again while different scenarios from the previous night were repeating in his head again and again. the wonderful night they spend together, their date, the food..y/ns laugh, smile...their-
"what are you smiling for pretty boy?" y/n asked him
"W-when did u wake up again-"
"oh just a second ago..guessed i wouldnt be able to sleep more and i noticed u were staring into nothing and smiling like an idiot...what got u smiling like that?" they placed their head on his chest and traced their fingers around his neck in different shapes.
"nothing y/n...nothing" he hugged them and looked away hiding his embarrassed face.
"is that so? but i think i already know.." they smiled and looked up at him.
he sighed "of course you do" he smiled softly and thithened his grip on them.
xiao could feel his chest burning.. he couldnt remember for how long he was trying to tell them something yet he couldnt find the courage to-
"i love you" xiao suddenly whispered and his eyes widened, seems like his heart and mouth were betraying him and it was too late now.
he closed his eyes waiting for them to answer, deep down he was cursing himself for letting out something like that without wanting to. he wasnt ready for this
"look at me" he heard his partner say.
"cmon please"
sigh.."alright then" he could feel them snuggling closer to him and then placing something warm on his lips.
"mmm y-y/n-"
"shut up and kiss me properly" xiaos face turned red but he obeyed and tilded his head to deeped the kiss. His heart was running fast and he felt dizzy..it felt good.
he loved how y/n could always make him feel like that, making him forget his life and worries completely even just for a few minutes. he felt at peace
still making out and letting out little sounds of enjoyment xiao could feel the air in his lungs running out, but he didn't want to stop.
in that moment y/n pulled away and he finally opened his eyes and tried to fix his breathing. he felt them starting to move again.
"shh"  y/n turned on their back and placed him on top of them. they hugged him thith and snuggled into him again in a way of saying 'i love you' back yet with no words. xiao knew that they struggled just as much as him when it comes to emotions.
"you never fail to catch me off guard xiao... i like that about you"
"not gonna lie i kinda surprised myself too" he mumbled and heard y/n laughing again. he could feel his heartbeat going faster again and smiled at the beautiful sight in front him.
"how about we get some more sleep hm? its still kinda early..." y/n suggested
"you said you cant sleep anymore just a second ago.. but i wont mind...liyue can wait today" he yawned and closed his eyes.
"sleep well xiao.."
"you too" if he wasnt falling asleep he could probably feel
y/ns heartbeat running faster than the light right now. they prayed he couldnt feel it.
~AN: if anyone somehow recognizes this, i wrote this ff a few minths back on youtube under a playlist with the same pov
"...i love you too pretty boy"
i wanted to start writing here and decided to start with fixing this a bit before posting anything else :)~
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Hey same anon who has the narcotic plants special interest. I am sorry for a long ask I wanted to tell you a brief story that you may find funny or sad. Or sad but funny. I once took an edible with my 2 cousins, it was 300 mg so we split it in 3, this was not a problem for me in the past so i take approx 100 mg.
Unbeknownst to any of us, this was artificial/synthetic THC We had gone to the movies to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, we thought it would be fun to watch while high. Something in the artificial THC kind of cramped my brain. And by half way through the movie I was practically blind from how high I was. This was extremely unusual and my cousins were having strange reactions as well, one fell asleep and was unconscious through the loudest movie ever and my other cousin was *ravenously* hungry, like, more than you get with munchies. She said she felt like she was starving and no matter what she ate it couldnt satiate her for like 48 hours
For me though, I'm on psych meds. Antipsychotics, anti depressants, catalysts, and things for neurological problems which of course includes POTS and vasovagal syncope. Anyway I decide to head out first before my family because I was half aware that I was severely impaired and I was in heels so i needed to see if i could walk straight and not right in front of my grandmother, we didnt want our grandmother to find out (it wasn't legal here in CA yet) I head out of the theater and as i walk through the door, boom vasovagal response. Luckily I can tell when blood pressure drops so i know it's going to happen so I sat down and put my head between my knees. that's the last thing I remember, but i was going in and out of consciousness and while unconscious, it felt like endlessly falling backwards. I was only aware of my thoughts for brief moments of clarity when I would wake up, but i would just pass out again I do remember hearing the paramedics, when we arrived at the hospital, mocked me and said "i couldnt handle a little edible" They did a bunch of tests and basically found that the edible's artificial THC was something actually ridiculous like my portion was the equivalent of 1,500mg of THC
Apparently during the time I was unconscious I was screaming (constricted vocal chords) and crying uncontrollably and proceeded to have a pretty bad seizure. I was high from this for like a week straight and it wasnt the fun kind. It was the hangover type of high like, super bad headache, makes you feel like shit, tired, ugh i hated that feeling.
BUT! This event Gave me a super power It made me immune to edibles. At least THC edibles. I am dead serious. I was afraid to try edibles again after this event but i went through with 50 mg.... nothing. 100 mg.... nothing. 150mg.... nothing. I dosed myself like this, waiting for it to kick in and it never would. So i decided to use a tincture to see how long it took until I felt something. I gave up at 800 mg, I felt nothing, and im p sure 800 is enough to make someone uncomfortably high. it just. Doesnt work for me anymore So. I have to inhale THC to get high now. I try to stick to dab pens but theyre no better on your lungs than smoking marijuana. I hope this doesnt seem like trauma dumping or anything! i just wanted to share my superpower and story as well as maybe a warning for others if this is posted. Anyway, so sorry to ramble, have the best night/day/afternoon you can <3
Wow, I'm really sorry you had to go through that shitshow! I have had Too Much Edible on several occasions, but never anything that extreme. Who the fuck even WANTS weed to do that kind of shit?! 😭
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plantboiart · 26 days
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
Since I am seeing so much of it, and am liking it a lot-
Somnophilia + one(or two) other kinks of your choice
Maybe this time it is Slenderman?
Perhaps he has been stalking (Name) for so long, and Insitincts to make (Name) his arouse and they have been nagging at him for so long and he finally decided to do something abt it?
(also, if its okay with you, and not already taken, I will be marking myself as 🐺 anon!)
i hope u enjoi <3
(Name) let out a startled groan as he suddenly woke up, his mind was blurry for a few moments before he registered that something was currently thrusting up his ass, he tried his best to turn aroud only to notice the tentacles wrapped around his wrists.
He could only assume one of the same things holding his hands to his bed were the same as what was wrapped around his thighs and currently burrying itself into his ass. He turned his head again, streching around to see a giant white figure in a suit.
He let out a yelp and he began struggling against whatever the hell was inside of him, despite that the movement inside him had his eyes rolling back. "Nooo. Sto-stop please." A deep chuckle filled the inside of his head as the tentacle inside of him sped up. "You have no idea how long i've waited to do this." The voice was demonic and shook (Name) to his core, he froze in place as he felt another tentacle wrap around his stomach and neck.
He couldnt dent the heat that soared through his body, all his senses were lit on fire as the being used him. “No i do-dont-“ slendermans chuck cut him off as he gave a particularly hard thrust into (Name) causing him to moan loudly.
“So pretty.” (Name) couldnt help but close his eyes and let it do as it pleased, another high pitched keen left him as another tentacle was pushed into his hole. He tried to stop himself but he ended up cuming with a scream, clenching hard on the tentacles inside of him.
(Name) thought it’s stop there but the tentacles kept penetrating him, going as deep as they could. (Name) felt like his mind was melting, he could barely think as his body erupted in pleasure again.
Once he came again the tentacles finally pulled out of him, despite the over sensitivity wracking his body he still pushed back, chasing the tentacles. The being behind him chuckled before turning him around.
(Name) got a better look at the creature, fear filled him along with want. Slenderman pulled him onto his lap, positioning him above his cock. (Name) gulped, he already knew the creature would most likely tear him apart but he found himself excited for it. He let out a loud moan as he was slowly pulled down onto the beings cock. He let oht a choked cry once it filled him, he felt like he was falling apart.
The being didn’t wait long before it started bouncing (Name) on its cock, drool dripped down (Names) chin and he almost screamed with every thrust. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he closed his eyes and threw his head back. He didn’t bother putting effort in, the creature seemed happy to use him like a flesh light.
After a few more thrusts the creature filled him with cum, (Name) could feel it dripping out of his hole, instead of pulling out the creature instead wrapped its arms and tentacles around him, pulling him so they were lying down. It didnt take (Name) long to fall asleep with a tentacle softly rubbing his back.
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