#i can't believe it worked out on an actual monday lol
rms-writes · 1 year
Current WIP Monday
tagged by the illustrious @the-stray-storyteller
Rules: Post something you wrote for your current wip, from the last week. If you haven't updated it in a while, this is your time!
from Finding Hope rewrite.
Morgan paused in the doorway, scanning the house. The familiar scent of old beer, weed and mildew washed over her, momentarily stunning her. She exhaled through her mouth, closing her eyes briefly before pushing herself forward. Her room was also at the back of the house. She slowed her movements when she neared, keeping her eyes on the door at the end of the hall. The door to her room was opened and it was obvious someone had gone through her things. She closed the door behind her and dropped her bag on her bed. A few of her dresser drawers were partially opened, the end of a piece of clothing sticking over the edge of one. She opened each drawer, fixing everything that was out of place. The sound of footsteps pounding down the hallway grabbed her attention. The door swung open, and Tobias stormed into the room. He walked to her bed and grabbed her duffel bag, furiously unzipping it and rummaging through its contents. He pulled things out and threw them on the bed and floor. Morgan stood by her dresser, back to the wall as she watched. He found what he was looking for and pulled her phone out, holding it up so it was clear to see. “Get in the kitchen.” He ordered, storming out of the room. Morgan released a breath as soon as he was gone. She grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair back into a messy bun, pulling off her jacket and replacing it with a long sleeve shirt. She went over to her bag and dug through it. Her fingers grazed the cool metal of her knife, and she pulled it out, weighing it in her hands. She stared down at it for a moment, flicking it open and watching the light glint off the blade. With a sharp intake of breath, she flipped it closed and shoved it in her pocket. She shuffled through the bag again, her actions suddenly becoming frantic. She looked through everything on the floor, then checked under the mattress. Not finding what she was looking for, she sighed in defeat, her posture deflating. She wiped at her face angrily, picking everything up off the floor and throwing it on top of the bag before leaving the room. She stood in the center of the kitchen, taking in everything. The sink was full of unwashed dishes, the stove covered in spilled food. A couple pots and pans sat atop the stove, one still containing food. She opened the fridge and glanced over its contents. “Make something." Tobias ordered. "I’m starving.” He stalked into the kitchen. “And clean this up, this place is filthy.” Morgan looked at him but said nothing.
no pressure! tagging: @blind-the-winds, @zmwrites, @inkspellangel, @indy-gray, @j-1173
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thewayitalknj · 4 months
Friday, I'm In Love?
Eddie Munson x Female Reader.
When random corny love notes start appearing in your locker, you're wondering who the hell Is taking time out of their day to think of you.
Quick Notes - Happy Valentine's Day! I got this idea while playing our Valentine's Day Playlist at work and thought I would write something. Super short but to the point, lol. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count - 849 (Told you it was short) Warnings - None! Enjoy :)
Monday That's when the first note fell out of your locker. When the small piece of paper fell onto the floor you were confused. You had all your notes, what could this possibly be? You opened it up and read the message ; Let's commit the perfect crime. You steal my heart and I'll steal yours.
"The actual fuck?" You laugh.
"Whacha got there?" Eddie snatches the note from your hand and reads it in the most dramatic voice you have ever heard, clearly used for DM'ing only. You close your locker and lean against it. "You have a secret admirer? That's adorable." You take the note back and stuff it in your bag.
"Beats me. Probably someone playing a stupid prank."
"Or someone's in love with you."
"I highly doubt that."
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Tuesday ; They say true love hides behind every corner. I must be walking in circles.
"So, who do you think it's from?" Jonathan asks as you walk the track field for gym.
"No idea. I just find it odd. Why now? For fucking Valentine's Day?"
"Maybe they think it's the right time since it's a holiday about love."
"I still think it's a silly prank."
"Or someone is in love with you." He smiles.
"Well, I highly doubt it."
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Wednesday ; Romance is the icing, but love is the cake.
"I like this one, it has to do with food." Robin snarks, holding all 3 notes in her hand.
"That's such a you comment to say."
"What are you guys talking about?" Nancy takes a seat next to you at the lunch table.
"Someone has been leaving me stupid notes with pick up lines in my locker everyday this week."
"And you don't know who it is yet?"
"You haven't recognized the hand writing?"
"See, this is why you're the smart one." Robin states.
"I never even thought of that, let me take a look." You examine the writing on the notes. "Yeah I got nothing. Who knows, it could be very obvious and I don't even see it."
"Or, someone is in love with you."
"Again, I highly doubt it."
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Thursday You fling your locker open and there fell a note. ; If I were a cat, I would spend all nine of my lives with you.
"Okay, that's it. I'm done with these. Thank god tomorrow is Friday."
"You haven't figured it out yet?" Eddie asks.
"Nope, I haven't. Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No, of course not. But speaking of stupid," He pulls out his math binder. "Here are the math notes you needed."
"Thanks, I'll get them back to you tomorrow. I can't believe you actually paid attention."
"Well if I want to graduate I gotta do some work, ya know?"
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Later that night you're doing homework in your bedroom and started organizing your math notes. Using Eddie's notes from earlier you flip over the page to continue note taking when you notice some scribbles at the bottom, definitely not pertaining to math. Let's commit the perfect crime. You steal my heart and I'll steal yours. ; They say true love hides behind every corner. I must be walking in circles. ; If you were a fruit you would be a fine apple ; Romance is the icing, but love is the cake. you're a 9 out of 10 and i'm the 1 you need ; well i'm here so what are your other two wishes? if you were a cat, I would spend all nine of my lives with you ; if you let me borrow a kiss I promise I'll give it right back to you.
A lightbulb goes off and you immediately reach for the love notes in the front pouch of your backpack.
"Holy shit." You whisper.
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Friday The morning bell rings as you slip a note into Eddie's locker. ; Roses are red, Violets are blue. I found out who you are, and you must admit it to me too. Meet me at the picnic table after school.
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The afternoon bell rings as you take off towards the woods to meet Eddie.
You sat on the table impatiently waiting, bouncing your leg up and down until a familiar face appears before you.
"What's this?" He asks waving the note in his hand.
"It's you."
"What do you mean it's me?"
You wave the four notes in front of him this time. "Didn't get one this morning. I beat you too it."
"That's not me."
"Stop lying Eddie."
"But it's not. Can you prove it?"
"Your math notes." He looks at you confused, taking out his backpack and finding his notes. As you watch him flick through his eyes get wide.
"Holy shit." He whispers.
"Yeah I said the same thing."
"Look I'm sorry-"
"Why are you sorry? And why didn't you just say anything in the first place?"
"Because it wasn't suppose to end like this, and I didn't know how you would react. So I thought this would be a good way to ask you out. Maybe. Possibly."
You nod your head and look down to the ground.
"So?" He ponders.
"So what?" You look back up.
"Can I take you out on a date?"
You smile.
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magewritesstories · 1 year
First date with Eli moskowitz headcanons?
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i have a few ideas, also i didn't know whether it was supposed to be like Eli or Hawk so I did both lol. i hope it's what you wanted!
Eli Moskowitz
okay so obviously he's super nervous
he actually can't even believe you said yes (this poor boy needs love)
he asks everyone for ideas on where to take you out on a date
he gets a lot of different ideas
in the end, he decides to take you to a movie (Sam suggested one)
once you two actually get there he's even more nervous than he was on the drive there (as if that's possible)
he's kind of jittery and playing with his hands while you both stand in line
after a while, you just take his hands into yours, and when I tell you, this boy goes red
you both watch the movie, and every time you brush hands while reaching for the popcorn his brain stops functioning
after the movie you guys get ice cream, and he makes sure to memorise it for the next time
God, he really hopes there'll be a next time
he walks you home, you give a sweet kiss on the cheek, and say that you'll see him at school on Monday
nothing special doesn't fail to make his heart start beating 10x quicker though
you best believe he's going to keep Demetri and Miguel up until sunrise to tell them about the date
now hawk, he asks you in a completely different way
no nervousness, no stutter, nope none of that "loser shit" as he phrases it
but, just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean he isn't nervous
now, Hawk is a confident dude, but you, man you're a goddess, how can he not be anxious about your date?
he was also kinda amazed you said yes
he decides to take you to the arcade, makes the classic win-you-a-teddy-bear move
cut to Miguel complaining that Hawk is stealing his moves
It doesn't really work in his favour though
hawk is fantastic at fighting, but shooting games? not his best suite
so instead, you win him a teddy-bear
he's kinda embarrassed but he shrugs it off
he's on a date with a girl who can beat him at his own game, and he's extremely happy about it
you two get some pasta at a restaurant nearby and he asks you questions about yourself
he memories everything you say, making sure he can put together a perfect second date
after that, he walk you home
at this point, it's probably very late, and cold
so of course, like the gentleman he is— or at least is trying to be— he gives you his jacket
he walks you always the door and kisses you. twice.
the first time it's soft, kinda slow and a little nervous
the second one is a lot more passionate
I'm talking like hands on waist, pulling you in kinda passionate
after that, he just kinda gave you a goofy grin and bid you goodnight
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vtforpedro · 15 days
life update - long
It took me a hot minute to find the last update. December, I guess? I'm so tired I never stop being tired and time is not real anymore. Anyway. Disability Stuff: I won my case in federal court in February. They said it'd take a year so I was a little hm. Found out the SSA voluntarily asked the judge for the remand because the written decision was indefensible and they were gonna take another look. Pros: Hey, I won! I get a second hearing! Cons: I didn't get a brief written by the federal law firm because there was no time. This is actually a tactic used by the SSA. I have no doubt they're fine tuning another denial. I also have to wait for the lower level court to figure out what was so bad about it (that they'd already ruled was perfect) to give to the judge I will have another hearing with. The same judge. Who said I was a liar multiple times and omitted eight months of medical evidence and said mental health issues are subjective hahaha. I hate this country. Health: Boy howdy it's been better and worse. I had the tilt table test in late December, went... ok enough, but my neuro didn't like how ambiguous the report was and sent me back to them to speak to an autonomic disorder specialist. Scheduled in Jan, just had my appt with her this month lol she is busy. She ordered: genetics test, labs, and skin biopsy. I've done the first two, third is scheduled in July and I'm gonna be a mess because needles u_u Brain stuff is much of the same. Episodic. Manageable times are a godsend, bad times are really bad. My heart started to do some funky ass shit a few months ago. My mom kept writing it off as anxiety no matter how much I explained that it felt like my heart was pounding after exercise. My BP and pulse shot up high for a while and b/c my pulse never came back down and it was interfering with, you know, living, my PCP sent me to cardiology. :') Cause I wanted my heart involved in this mess One 24hr holter monitor, echo, and heart ultrasound later, and I have a new heart condition. He said 'your heart is beating so fast you would normally see it with exercise' bada boom baby and has nothing to do with fucking ANXIETY >:[ I'm on heart medication. 10 meds. I need to start another med for my psych but that's 11 and I'm honestly getting upset because it's so fucking much medication in one day but every single one of them is necessary so what can really I do? Personal: Relationship with my mom is at an all time low. This is extremely unfortunate because a few weeks ago, my mom told me she is basically being 'laid off' (she's not losing her job for a while, just retiring earlier than expected) and I have to leave my home of 10 years by mid-August. Got no sympathy from her about it *finger guns* I've gone through the devastation of that and am kind of just stuck in how is any of that gonna work. My brother and I can't live together, so he's gonna move into a family friend's rental. Except he has no job and hasn't been able to get one in months. He started one on Monday, is gonna leave by Friday because it's horrific ig. Anyway my mom promises he won't be there. We have to move based on my disabilities and my mom's house is gonna have to reflect what we have here. I'll see it when I believe it. I don't trust her anymore. Extra unfortunate that I'm gonna be living 24/7 with my mother who has been an abusive person in my life the past two years. The short break thru the day that my apartment is just mine, quiet and gentle, is gonna be gone. I'll be introducing my solitary 11 year old cat Lilly into a house with 3 other cats. She only knew Isis her entire life. She was just diagnosed with neuro issues this year after going through an MRI. We don't know if she has seizure activity or if it's movement disorder, but the med she's on treats both and she has gotten better. Same process Isis went through. Cannot believe I have two cats with neuro issues and likely the same one. May 18th was one year since Isis passed. Rough, tiring day.
I don't know how it has been that long. Feels like it just happened. I can still see her and feel her through my apartment and losing it in August will probably shatter me most because of losing the last place she existed in. I miss her more than I can say.
She was my little soulmate and her absence is felt in every corner here. Writing/Fandom:
I went through a whole fucking situation over in the Stranger Things fandom that has left me not wanting to post anymore. Idk if neuro shit has destroyed my ability to write but it's humiliating and painful every time I post a fic.
I posted stucky (1 out of 2 fics this year) on my main acct and lost 8 fuckin user subs? Like goddamn. What'd stucky do 😭 anyway it was even more devastating and kinda like 'here's your big ass sign to keep your writing to yourself.'
Between the god awful shit that happened in the ST fandom and my inability to put together even a good one shot, I'm feeling really down about one of two creative things I can do in my life. I used to love sharing my stuff. I want to write and share but it feels like it's harming my MH. I can't draw or paint right now, either. And I can barely move around my apartment without pain. I can't even leave it except for doctor appointments.
Idk. Very walls are closing in type of feeling and I hate it. In short: I'm tired, struggling, and too many things are happening at once. I love you all 😩💜 thank you for your patience and love and kind words. Your support is felt through one update to the next. I hope you're all well and I'm sending all my love and hugs to you.
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beatlespkmnfan · 1 year
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(ddlg/kink please do not interact)
This is a bit of a late brag as I got most of these a week ago. But I work at a thrift store of sorts and somebody donated a lot of ponies, mostly G1, to us last Monday. We don't typically take toys, but all of my coworkers including the managers and supervisor know I collect MLP as I've talked about it before, so they took them in for me.
Overall, I added 18 new ponies to my collection, got upgrades for two I had prior, bought one I had just to clean her up (Cotton Candy), and also a bonus Moondreamers toy.
I literally yelled "holy shit" out loud when I pulled Mimic out of the container. I have literally had DREAMS about thrifting this bitch that I woke up from extremely disappointed. I have been collecting these damn plastic horses for over 11 years! Mimic all but felt like a pipe dream! One week later and I still can't believe I have her. Maybe now I can actually work on completing the Twinkle Eye set.
Powder is on her own in a photo not included with the rest because I got her later. She came in with the others, but for some reason I incorrectly thought I had her, maybe because she is so common. But I did not, and so I bought her some days later because she was still there.
My manager, and I cannot thank her enough for this, priced the ponies very well for me. Some more common ones like Powder are maybe around their value, but she priced the majority of the normal sized ponies + Roary at $5, Mimic at $7 because she's more expensive (yes I did show her the eBay sales for Mimic LOL), and babies and Flutter ponies at $3 since they're smaller.
The ponies themselves were in various conditions. Obviously from the photos, Cotton Candy was and still is the worse. I have FF Cotton Candy already, but I've really been wanting to get my hands on a gross pony just to clean them, and she was the perfect candidate. She, and a good handful of the other ponies, had this sticky pink crap on her body. My suspicion is that the person who had these ponies as a kid (the donator's now adult daughter, according to my manager) probably had sticky candy hands or something and touched the ponies with said sticky candy hands (possible only Cotton Candy as she was the only one caked in it, perhaps CC touching the others got it on them too). They've mostly cleaned up very nicely, with the pink stuff leaving some minor pink staining on some of them. Cotton Candy though still has a lot on her. I have to scrape it with my fingernails to get it off which is really gross and it's just very tedious with her.
Thankfully, even though Mimic did have a couple small spots of it on her, she cleaned up the best and doesn't seem to have any staining from it. She's one of the best conditioned ponies of the lot.
I am so, so lucky for this find and it was quite the way to start my MLP collection additions of 2023. Great way to start the new year!
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thegeminisage · 6 months
ok, tng update time. i'm quite behind! monday we did "deja q," tuesday we did "a matter of perspective," and then wednesday was "yesterday's enterprise."
deja q: NOT as bad as i feared but still not great. turning q into a human was a fantastic idea because in general it helps facilitate empathy when you see a character suffer, which worked a little on me, and then also i greatly enjoyed seeing him suffer because he was so annoying before, lol. guinan and worf kicking him when he was down were the best <3
another smart choice was to have data be the only one who had any sympathy for him - precisely because data's "feelings" ""can't"" be hurt and he's less likely to hold grudges. also, because data is wonderful and it's easy to get behind his cause of reforming q into some kind of functional being
AND it was good that the first time q felt shame it was because data almost died for his ungrateful fucking ass...correct response
unfortunately i still have many problems. during that section right before data's sacrifice move, all of the goodwill q generated by being fun to laugh at kind of evaporated because he was being annoying
SECONDLY, i have realized the reason i dislike q is because his main two personality traits have aged horribly. firstly is the "randumb~ XD" humor (the mariachi band at the end of this ep, the random napoleon soldiers from the other ep, his various costumes...). i think the only person who could ever do that kind of humor well was robin williams and they didn't cast him as q and also he's dead now, so knock it off. his second personality trait is that he's smarter and more powerful than anybody else in the room which he (and the people writing him) seems to think is a license to be an asshole to them, as long as it is charming assholery. think t*ony st*rk, house, bbc sh*rlock. this of course is a deeply flawed premise to begin with, but he doesn't even do it WELL. nothing about his assholery is charming. specifically i am thinking of all the "worf is dumb because he's a big brutish klingon" jokes, which are for sure fantasy racism and border on ACTUAL racism, because they're derivative of horrible antiblack stereotypes. not that q is the only source of this kind of stuff aimed at worf, but it's really damning that it's ALWAYS the first thing out of his mouth and played for laughs and made his "but worf i'm a klingon at heart too!" bit extra unfunny
anyway, bringing in a SECOND q to praise him for his "selfless" act is eeehh considering one q is already one too many and the act wasn't even that selfless. it would've been better if he said the only reason he was doing it was for data, specifically, so he could stop feeling shame - that's more genuine than trying to get me to believe he'd give himself up for that ship of people even if really what he was mostly doing was committing suicide.
nonetheless i DID really enjoy getting to see data laugh at the end. GOOD for him <3 also lmao, the moon is falling, so true. JUST like majoras mask
a matter of perspective: the one thing i don't understand here is the bit where picard is a horrible painter and then data insults his art. like yes it was funny but i thought it would have something to do with the main plot. riker sees events this way and that lady sees them this way. not unlike in the art room where everyone interpreted the nude model in a different manner!
ALSO, WHY IS THERE A NUDE MODEL. does that woman not live and work on this starship. does she not have to command respect from her coworkers the rest of the time. they didn't even do this in the holodeck where that sort of thing would have made sense!! the one time you WANT the holodeck around...
anyway, i thought this episode veered dangerously close to dud territory. trial drama is fine, even though it begs the question of why no lie detector in tng. holodeck recreation also fine in this instance, as was the murder mystery
but why ON EARTH did they feel the need to show a fake version of riker attempting to rape this lady and then have deanna go well that's the way she remembers it because i sense no dishonesty from her :) this is just the true way each of you remembers it :)
LIKE THERE IS A CANYON OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIKER'S VERSION AND THAT LADY'S VERSION. it's not like they can both partially be true. in one instance she flung herself at him despite his clearly being uncomfortable and in the other he forced her despite her asking him to stop!!! like in this case what you do is believe the woman except because riker's our protagonist we know he didn't do it except they never CLARIFY that he didn't do it??? obviously i don't think for a minute that he did, but of all the fucking things to leave open...
anyway i hated it. i actually hated it more than catherine did which may be a first for tng
yesterday's enterprise: TASHA YAR?????????????????????????????
ok, the premise of this was kinda confusing at first, but i don't give a single fuck. TASHA YAR!!!!!!
i was so happy and confused to see her but the more scenes she had...man. like, ok, they did not HAVE to have her make out with this guy. even in death they will not stop doing this to her. but the whole thing where guinan was like your death was meaningless and empty in this timeline so she decides to go back and die in the past instead...GOOD for her
also, i'm a little confused on my canon - i think the battle that other enterprise went back to die in was the one that worf's parents were killed in? which is why he wasn't on the bridge because he fuckin DIED at age 6 or whatever? i guess they must have done enough good to save at least some people??
anyway, ABSOLUTELY adored this one. tasha yar redemption arc. that was the LAST thing i EVER expected to see on tng but here we are. they even made that other captain a woman although lmao in the end they refridged tasha nd this other captain. STILL. if shes gotta die let it be better than the death she got in canon. i'll miss you queen
my one gripe, aside from her boyfriend, is that she and data had a lil scene in the elevator and im mad we could not infer from it whether or not they had fucked in this timeline. rip :(
NEXT TIME: "the offspring" and "sins of the father," which is a normal title that does not at all match the title of a merlin episode i wrote a 130k coda about
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itsbrittnibitch · 3 months
I had a date scheduled tonight and she bailed on me. (Not the first time this has happened to me yay.) We had a lovely chat on Thursday, no red flags, then she disappeared the next day. I thought, fine ppl work and be busy. Now it’s Monday the date we had scheduled. I’ve texted, called but no response. On WhatsApp it says last active Thursday…
Because I’ve been catfished before, (I accept my silly errors then and after that trauma I’ve tried to move forward) I’m extra cautious and know the signs. the first time lasted a long time but after finally trusting my gut, I decided to look at the red flags, and using catfish websites i discovered and confronted the catfish- to which they confirmed. Good times.
Then the second time I can only assume this person was but never confirmed, cause they’d have the classic excuses of ‘don’t have social media or WhatsApp’, never sent vids with their face and kept canceling plans. Plus the classic asking for nudes.
The one after that disappeared after I said: “the pic you sent me you have blue eyes but in your profile their brown?” They deleted their profile. Lol.
Now this one, who I assume just lied about who they are (or straight up died) and thought it’d be funny to have a chat and then leave. I did check online and checked their pic and it looks catfishy.
Why do I have a collection of catfish?
I’m actually tired. I feel like I want to throw up. Then disappear.
Thave no idea why this is happening? How am I finding these shitty people?
l'm a lesbian so it's already rough out here. Then adding fake profiles on dating apps? It's all of them.
How many times must the universe thrust this upon me? l've learnt my lesson. I know when people are lying and what red flags to look out for. But fuck me it's exhausting.
I'll match with someone like once every 2 months and they are fake? Like? It's fucking insane now.
I simply want to have a date with a women who we both have mutual attraction. I want to fucking meet someone.
Women on social media are like dates with women are hard. And l'm like I actually wouldn't know cause can't get past the talking online and actually FUCKING MEETING A GIRL.
I'm a spiritual person and honestly my faith is wavering.
I don't understand why it's happening.
I want to believe that the universe is creating opportunities for me but like? What opportunity is this?
How to loose trust?
If anyone knows plz let me know cause l'm exhausted and want to crawl into a hole and start again.
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
Amity seeing the twins again. 10/10, made me tear up (where tf is Alador tho. i need to see my cringefail husband again)
Willow bottling everything up like girl same lol. i'm so happy to see more of her, but at xhat cost </3
SO MUCH MATTHOLOMULE CONTENT. so his name is Mat(t?) Tholomule?? Mattholomule Tholomule??? why does everything need to be so complicated wit this kid. i like the fact he's never corrected anyone either in the past like ajhsajhsf ALSO HE'S DOING ABOMINATION MAGIC?? I MAY BE DRUNK BUT I SWEAR I SAW HIM USE ABOMINATION MAGIC. AND GUS TEACHING HIM ILLUSIONS IS CANON. GUSTHOLOMULE NATION RISE UP, I WANT ALL YOUR BEST FANARTS ON MY DESK BY MONDAY
[edit: it was just Amity's in Matt's place. i may be dumb, but hey i could see him try abomination magic]
i'm so happy he gets so much screentime and so many interactions with Gus like!!! i've been FUCKING FED. still no palisman tho </3 (unless i've missed it?? i've blacked out a couple times i think)
also i can't believe his facial hair was actually drawn on, i guess i have to update the comic i'm working on ajhsfajsf SHIT. "Man-ttholomule" my ass. it's funny how the Matt fans instantly recognized that the weird faces the squad was pulling in one of the trailers was actually because of him, we know him so well <3
LUZ'S PALISMAN IS SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! i love how everyone thought this was gonna be a snake aaand close enough <3 lil shapeshifter friend. a lovely pal. can't wait to see more of them (i can't remember their name I'M SORRY-)
why is Kikimora always so extra. i swear this woman is going to be the death of me, like ma'am this is a school full of traumatized kids, get outta here
i actually cried at Camila talking to Luz right before her palisman hatched. i wish she was my mom and would kiss my dumb lil forehead
the Collector being manipulated by Belos ONCE AGAIN ASAJSF i swear he's going to be his therapist's most loyal patient </3 i was really expecting him to lose his powers and thus Belos being the true villain of the very last episode idk
also can you guys leave Raine alone for 2 minutes. my pal's been through enough, let them just kiss their monster wife in peace like 🙄
HUNTLOW SHIPPERS HOW ARE WE FEELING..... Hunter tackling Willow into a hug like he had 10 seconds left to live......... mgnhmmn
SPEAKING OF WHICH i knew Hunter gaining Flapjack's powers was a popula theory BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED LIKE!!!! GO WHITE BOY GO
Boscha being Amity's bitter ex is so funny to me. it shouldn't be bc hey, Amity dropped her to hang out with a stranger that has been here for just a couple months, but it's still funny to me. stop white girl stop
also hot take but i'm really not a big fan of Lilith's new haurcut I'M SORRY </3 she's prettier with long hair imo. she's very cute as a ginger tho (no comments on Eda, she's as hot as ever)
i can't wait to see what(s gonna happen in the very last episode!!! i'm still convinced the Collector will lose his powers in some way and Belos will get his ass kicked
speaking of Belos i'm relieved he didn't get to use one of Caleb's bodies, could you imagine the trauma for Hunter to see this shit?? also the weird Caleb ghost following him around like. my man's haunted by the narrative etc
last but not least: this was Odalia's most huiliating episode. would recommend watching just for that tbh
in summary: 9/10 could use more Steve content tbh
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sweetdreamspootypie · 1 month
I'm flying out tomorrow
Had a good night tonight
Vent / processing / just capturing some of the stuff I've been thinking about
It's so strange how different my worldview is because I'm a Covid nurse
Or maybe everyone else is insane
Who is to say
TW car accident, child injury
Managed to go see the last set of cousins tonight
My aunt was like
" oh yeah last few days I've been really sick
Had a really bad flu
Still coughing actually
But we don't believe in taking to our beds for just a flu lol"
And my cousin mentioned she doesn't know when the last time she took a RAT test was. Didn't even recognize the name. Said "oh yeah that's kind of outdated"
And NOBODY I've talked to has even been aware that there are still Covid booster vaccines happening and relevant?
They only ever had the initial course of 3 or 4 and then stopped? Didn't even know that further boosters are a thing at all?
and cousin told me that you don't take time off work for Covid here because it's not considered life threatening anymore
What the fuck is wrong with england
Why would you invite guests over if you actively have the flu?
Fuck man
Like it was actually a pretty good evening and it will probably be fine
But it's just so weird seeing the increasing divide in basic values
Like yeah I value hard work and discipline and etc etc and I want to get better at it
But how do these people value self care so little?
Idk I'm just hyper aware of it as well bc of my family's thing with chronic fatigue syndrome and how precarious wellbeing is
But also stuff like
Hard work is "being responsible" because idk doing your part at work on the project or whatever
But in my line of work
If I don't rest
If I don't eat or take my breaks or I haven't been sleeping well or burn out
Then I cannot provide the healthcare to others that is needed
I've got such vivid visceral memories of standing there as I'm realizing I need to hit the medical emergency big red button, at times when I'm over tired and not feeling my best self
Feeling my words and thoughts running like treacle and just being so aware of oh shit I'm not actually up for being responsible for this right now actually
And when I'm in that state and the adrenaline hits, it just makes it worse
I can feel my heart pounding in my ears and my dehydration headache and having to muster ok I have to be reassuring and communicative and make sure I'm dexterous enough to manage a complex situation
And if I can't manage it, people get hurt
And there's a very real risk that someone gets closer to death than they needed to, or would have if I had been on the ball and my best self
The other day, on Monday
I had a coffee at 12 noon
It was a really nice rich mocha from a chocolate specialist
I'm not accustomed to caffeine any more these days, so I was awake until 4am Monday night
On Tuesday night, despite being tired, I was also awake til 3am because of the disturbance to my sleep schedule it caused
On Wednesday, I was feeling gross from the sleep disturbance. I went to my room and tried to take an afternoon nap
At 4pm on Wednesday, there was a car accident outside of our house. A car hit a 3 year old child crossing the road with his mother.
My dad came to get me because I'm a nurse and that's my job.
When he came in I was in a groggy half asleep haze
I had my shoes on and was out the door but was still carrying a head of groggy haze
The kid was fine
Someone else was checking him out, asking all the right questions
And within a couple of minutes an ambulance arrived, and got to do a further assessment
It looked like the child had a bit of a bumped knee, probably from where he fell, but was otherwise just fine
Mum with him was being a champion at visibly keeping it together until tonight after the kids are put to bed, when she'll fall apart
I was able to be there to see that it was under control and looked on until the ambulance arrived
But I was so aware that I wouldn't able to clearly speak. Wouldn't be able to project calming competence with even just the simple fact of introducing myself as a health worker available if needed
Everything was fine
But if it hadn't been
I would not have been able to fulfil my role
Because I hadn't taken proper care of myself
I'm going to remember my guilt over one badly planned coffee I had on Monday, for years
Because my job is to be the one who knows how to make it alright when everything is wrong
Why the fuck can't other people do the simple things like isolate if sick
And not expose illness to people going back to the home of their 89 year old grandmother
I don't want to live to work
I want to live well
And wellness and happiness are important values and resources
And not contradictory with working hard to make progress on goals
People need to learn to rest
I didn't realize how bad it was
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830poll · 10 months
(Happy Saturday! Today's housekeeping is rather hefty, so let's get right into it.)
(I'm sick again. Yes, really. For the third time in as many months. And for unrelated reasons. This week's ailment is a perpetual, very sore throat. Not exhausting so much as very annoying so we'll see how my concentration levels hold up.
My work/life balance is getting shifted around next week. That sounds more dramatic than it actually is lol. Point is, I'll either have way more or way less free time soon. Won't know 'til it happens so we'll see how the ol' update schedule goes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tumblr is trying very hard to be pre-Musk twitter, and that's messing up the story's archives. Okay, this is the big one. So as you've probably noticed, Tumblr has been going hard on copying Twitter's layout this past year. Some of them - like adding polls - are great news for us! And then you get the changes to the app layout and the toolbar and this tumblr live shit and good lord just stop. What worries me most is the website trying very, very hard to pivot away from custom blog themes. Most links redirect to the in-dash browser, asks can no longer be sent from people who are logged out, and if you try to read a blog without an account it eventually cuts you off and tells you to sign up. For a webcomic - even a silly, informal one like 8.30 Poll - this is very bad. It's impossible to view the story chronologically when on mobile, and posts with polls in them are set in stone so I can't even manually go back and add in links to each update. If custom themes really are getting removed then these problems will extend to desktop as well. In short, I need to find a way to back up or mirror this story. We're not moving sites because we can't. There isn't another platform out there that has all the features necessary to run a story like this (besides maybe /tg/, but I'm not prepared to run this there lol). So instead I ask how I should go about backing this up. A plain .pdf with the text and images? The animations wouldn't work but it'd be easy and accessible. A HTML5 archive (similar to the Ruby Quest ones) would be more time consuming to put together and would be incompatible with screen readers, but would improve the pacing and allow for animations. Either way, we're almost at a hundred updates so if ever there were a time to start thinking about it, it's now. 'Cause the longer I wait the more of a pain it's going to be to maintain if/when tumblr shits itself.
...And that's about it!
Thank you as always for reading, and for your patience. Can you believe this thing's been going for six months now? Wild.
Will see you all on Monday, barring unforeseen bullshit!)
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
MAG 92 - baking apple pie
HOLD ON! Is that operator and Chief Inspector Hannah "Laura Popham/Jane Prentiss/Rosie Zampano" Brankin and the officer on the phone Alexander J"ared Hopworth/Martin Blackwood" Newall??? The operator sounds fairly clearly and the officer just sounds like Alex disguising his voice to sound deeper (or it's just edited like with Jared). Not so sure about the Chief Inspector. It lists both of them as additional voices, so it's possible?
"My dear Jonah" - ¬‿¬
"I know that what is done by those I cannot see might be felt here" - clever, using a place of Beholding to uncover those turned invisible by the fog. So… Did Barnabas know what the Institute was? What Jonah could do?
ELIAS "No, it was because he was curious. Because he had to know, to watch and see it all. That’s what this place is, John, never forget it. You may believe yourself to have friends, to have confidantes, but in the end, all they are is something for you to watch, to know, and ultimately to discard. This, at least, Gertrude understood." - Jon did better! Jon tried to help and save every single one of them! And in the end, exactly this was his doom to become the Archive. Gertrude did let all her assistants die, let others do the dirty and deadly work, which prevented her to get marked be all the fears.
MARTIN "Uh, sorry to interrupt, er, J-Jon’s here!" - Awww, he sounds so happy about this!
ELIAS "Goodness, Jon. Whatever happened to your hand? And your neck?" - Letting us know that the blunt knife did actually do some damage. Also Elias sounds so bored here. I mean, of course he Knew what happened, but usually he puts in a bit more effort to sound surprised or concerned.
JON [Chuckles] "I’ve had a hell of a week." - Yeah you did. On this day Jon got marked by the Vast and the Hunt. And just 4 days ago he got marked by the Desolation. (It is a Friday btw. and he met Jude on Monday.)
DAISY "Before I strangle the grinning bastard." - Letting us know, that Elias finds this whole situation amusing…
Oh yes, the static's pretty loud when Jon consciously compels someone.
Even though Elias sounds amused about the feeling of the compulsion, he also sounds like it takes a bit of effort to resist it.
ELIAS "There’s so much of this place, of ourselves, twisted by forces far beyond us. I just wanted you to know –" - Okay, was he about to talk about the Web? Since he wanted the others to know that he was not controlled and acted of his own free will. And conveniently in this moment Martin retrieved the others and interrupts him! Another Web!Martin moment!
BASIRA "Ah… Oh, god! And you killed him? You sure we shouldn’t be giving him a medal?" - Lol. Nobody liked Leitner xD At least his reputation.
God, the others finding out what really happened to Sasha… Martin and Tim I mean, I guess Jon already told Melanie.
ELIAS "Precisely. It finally tried to kill John. Then Leitner killed it. Then I killed Leitner." - THIS is a huge clue that Elias can't see what happens inside the tunnels! He couldn't see what actually happened to the Not!Them and he also couldn't hear Leitner (because of his A Disapprearance tho) when he told Jon that he entombed it.
Ben makes such a good villain! That chuckle when he phone rings!
ELIAS "No, there are plenty of other rabid dogs out there, mad with the hunt." - Smirke'ian name of the Hunt first time drop!
Martin doubting the police would do something like this reminds me of that The Fresh Prince of Bel Air's episode where Carlton thinks the police was only "doing their job" when they stopped him and Will and threw them in jail. That naiveté of disbelief that people wouldn't take advantage of their power.
ELIAS "Basira is now tied to the Institute. All of you are. Like fingers on a hand. And I am the beating heart of it. Should I, or the Institute, be destroyed, you will all, unfortunately, follow suit." - When I was first listening to this I stormed out of the kitchen to the group of friends staying at our place (because we would go on vacation together the next day) and babbled something incoherent to them about OMG THEY CAN'T LEAVE OR THEY'LL ALL DIE!!!
ELIAS "To offer some congratulations. You’re doing a lot better than I expected." JON "Feels like all I’ve managed to do is… not die." ELIAS "And believe me, that is a remarkably rare skill." - It's kind of true. All Elias needed was for Jon not to die. Yet.
ELIAS "The easily-digestible sort that wipe away any doubt and fear, and neatly organise your new world into happy little" - DOORBELLS!
ELIAS "These are things you must discover on your own." - This and with his explanation of Leitner "Telling Jon too much too soon!!!" I thought was a bad excuse. Turns out later, it was and it was intended! It was just an excuse to get Jon marked. Something I first considered lazy writing suddenly turned into brilliant writing!
ELIAS "Precisely. It is your job to chronicle these things, to experience them, whether first-hand or through the eyes of others" - Jon theater-kid explanation.
JON "I never chose this." ELIAS "You never wanted this, no. But I’m afraid you absolutely did choose it. In a hundred ways, at a hundred thresholds, you pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see. Our world is made of choices, John, and very rarely do we truly know what any of them mean, but we make them nonetheless." - Elias kinda gaslighting Jon here? How can it be choice if we don't know, what it means. When we don't even know there was a choice. That's kind of a philosophical question here that everyone can see differently… Also door motif!
ELIAS "I could. But I believe that if I did so, you would fail. The Stranger is antithetical to us. We thrive on ceaseless watching, on knowing too much. What we face is the hidden, the uncanny, and the unknown. If you are to stop them, you need to get better at seeing." - Ok that one actually does make sense. But I believe that in this instance Elias was also genuine and not making excuses to get Jon marked. Not directly at least. He needs him to survive death.
The explanation of the Unknowing, what it is and does was also pretty mind-blowing for me the first time listening.
Jon lingering to ask if he's still human is so sad…
Even though Elias does sound like an absolute villain, grooming Jon into horrible things, I was still not entirely convinced Elias is the super bad when I was first listening. He does want to stop the Unknowing after all.
Elias' ambiguous villainy and obvious asshole-ness was performed so well in this episode
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
i'm in the middle of my third time reding this, gathering my thoughts for a review, and i wanna point out some things real quick
- balcony memories on new years and now on christmas!
- yoongi calls the reader love and i don't even know how to react lol almost swallowed my fist when i realized it
- i'm not 100% sure, but i remember that when the reader finds out about vmin, it's in a context of taehyung acting weird for a while and then saying some stuff about no one likes to be hidden and shit. so it's so so so nice to read they're getting more comfortable to be publicly together (idk if their group knows, but it's p likely)
- if i got it right (and that's a stretch bc my first reads are super dumb lol) the reader was cheated during christmas, right? and, besides, there's some shared trauma with bro, something that happened eight years ago and all, and since there's a bunch of dialogues of bro having to look out for the reader and being her only family, i'm guessing their parents died? can't be sure but... seems pretty likely
- i felt the atmosphere here seemed a bit different from the other chapters (especially bc now i'm reading it all again for reviews). i'm not quite sure what's changed, but i'll investigate. it created a whole different effect, an euphoria and intensity (not the angsty type) that i can't quite place rn... 🤔
anyway, i'm still processing everything ok
but i just wanna say once again, that all your hard work definitely payed off! i'm sorry you had to stress so much over it :( but it truly is perfect. you keep throwing those mesmerizing works everytime and i just can't believe an author like you exists. i'm completely addicted to the way you create and window was just another proof of how talented you are.
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i'll sleep now cus it's super late lol and i'm not thinking straight. today at work i was randomly smiling and flushing bc something about the chapter randomly came to mind and my coordinator was throwing me looks like 🧐
LUAAAA i'm gonna answer this but just know i got your fantastic af review on the actual chapter and pretty much sobbed throughout the day because of it LMAOOO thank you so damn much !! it means the world that someone took the time to write all of that out?? to the point where they thought they needed to take some things out because it was too long (when there is no! such! thing!)? made my entire week and it's only monday<3 seriously, thank you endlessly!
as far as this commentary, i think it feels different bc we don't know if it's canon, but they're still themselves - if that makes sense? like the characters are being the same people but the environment coupled with the "side arc" aspect is probably what gives this one a different ambiance. it's a holiday special!! gotta have that sparkly tint on it, too.
and as far as the parents, we don't know yet. but we're slowly getting more and more info the further we get into the story, and i'm sure the full backstory will reveal itself in due time. but you're right about all the bro looking out for reader and all the pressure and stuff. and despite all the tension surrounding bro, the siblings are tight. we'll explore all of that as we go along!
hells yeah to the vmin development! and the yoongi saying that outside of a spicy context oh god my head was spinning??? bye. BYEEE. anyways, thank you so much for the commentary and incredible review on window (that i'm gonna read again soon ahaha.) i appreciate the heck out of you :(( i had a lot of fun writing this one so even though it wore me out, i think it was worth it.
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flurty · 2 years
It's great that you're feeling better! Being sick really sucks. Was it just the flu or like Covid?
It's actually been a pretty good day so far! My friend is moving tomorrow so we went out to get lunch and ice cream as well as go to the book store (I got a bee book and some crystals). Although I'm dreading Monday a little bit, a third person got added to the People To Avoid list but I have to work in very close proximity to him which is very distressing. And I have an unholy amount of projects that I need to be working on but I left those till tomorrow for the sake of a rest day today - although I did have to do a couple emails (derogatory). Sorry for be like essay on my day lol. What've you been up to?
*hug* is it just the mental blegh? I will throw hands with whatever (tangible or not) is bleghing you if need be. But it's good that it's better than before at least? Steps in the right direction :)
I think it was just the flu or something, I got tested and it wasn't covid.
Ooo you got some crystals? What kind :o
And a bee book? Is it about bees like an encyclopedia or something fiction?
And aww, can't believe there's another on the list. I'm sorry you have to work in close proximity with them.
And projects, the bane of my existence. Hate them. I wish you all the best with yours.
And never apologize for telling me about your day. I love it, darling.
And honestly it's kinda tied into why I created the tumblr is all. That's all I wanna get into but it is a certified bad time lol. The past couple of days I've been feeling a bit better than usual so it's an improvement.
Steps in the right direction for sure. ^^
Thank you so much for being who you are. You are sunshine on a cloudy day, beautiful and warm. Ilysm. Have an amazing day tomorrow, even with all the stuff lined up. You deserve an awesome day.
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living-d3ad-gh0ul · 2 years
Monday 5th December 2022, 4.52am
Well here comes an insomnia post from me haha. I've been lying here in bed for about an hour now, after falling asleep really early after dinner, so here we are lol. And I have to start work at 7am, I'm going to just try and power through the day, lots of coffee and lots of keeping myself busy with work. I have a couple meetings today anyway, I just hope one of them isn't one of those ones that could have been an email. I know the other one won't be, I just hate pointless meetings, especially on a Monday haha.
I'm so glad you enjoyed your time in Terry- I mean Tassy. Even if you did bring home COVID, I really hope you're still doing okay with that and it's still just a mild cold. I had COVID for the first time in July, during our heatwave too and it was awful having a fever during that. I was quite unwell and had to take a week off work. The first pub you mentioned sounds so nice (and looks nice if that was in one of the photos you posted) and I immediately had an image of us cosying up there together, talking and laughing and just looking at each other. Being with you in the bush around a fire also sounds amazing too, I'd love that. The dog you met looks absolutely ADORABLE too and I hope you told him he's a very good boy. I bet his awoos were the cutest ever. I sometimes look after my sister's dog, she's an all black long haired German Shepherd. She's very cute, but sometimes I have to be careful when I leave my bedroom at night, because she blends in with my rug in my hallway haha. Gotta be sure you don't trip over her.
It definitely sounds like you had lots of fun, even if you did feel alone. The trolley picture made me laugh, because that's exactly something I would probably do too. I can't believe your bandmate brought a girl back though lol you'll be glad that nothing happened with them, even if their snoring did keep you awake haha. All the scenery and everything you said about Tasmania and Hobart itself sounds amazing. I'd have loved all of that too. I could imagine us together at the street market you mentioned, just walking around together, picking up the most silly/crappy things and joking about buying them for each other haha. I wish I could have been in the crowd too. I don't know if it'd been better me standing at the front, where I'd be right in front of you.. or a little towards the back so that you'd be looking out into the crowd more haha. But either way, I'd love that. I'd love to see you play. I also can't believe you play bass now too. I miss my bass, I'm thinking of getting a new one, once I get a new piano (my old one is dead, it was oldddd)
All the photos you posted were fantastic. I was right, you're still just as handsome as the first time I ever saw you. I'm going to be brave and put some photos on this post too, so you can see me now and enjoy some things I've done this year too. Including going to the US for a month. I had an amazing time and visited some friends. That was back in March/April and doesn't feel like it was that long ago. I still can't believe it's December and it's almost Christmas. I've been rushing around trying to make sure I have Christmas presents for my family and my best friends haha. I actually spent Friday evening with one of my best friends and her boyfriend, I stayed at their place and we played games, made dinner, laughed, played with the cats, listened to music and had a few drinks (my favourite gin is Hendricks too btw, but I still love Jack Daniels haha). It was a nice chill night.
I am totally comfortable with these posts. I really like reading what you've been up to, what's on your mind, what you're thinking, how you're feeling. I read them all the time. I often think about what you do during the day too. Probably more than I'd be willing to admit. Sometimes I sit and wonder what you're doing at that exact moment, I'll sometimes check to see what time it is and if you'd be awake or sleeping. I get so giddy when I see there's a new post from you and I sit smiling like a total fool when I read them. Yesterday, I basically had a relaxing day, getting ready for the week ahead. I work Monday - Friday at the moment, so I always have weekends off which is great. I also get to work from home, which I LOVE! I've been in this job for the past year and I'm good at it. I'm always told how well I do and how much I help others out that I work with. I've stopped being afraid to ask questions and ask for help if I need it. I know now that it doesn't mean I'm dumb or anything, it just means I need some assistance and that's okay. We all need some help from time to time.
I'm glad you think my songwriting is good enough. I criticize myself harshly in an artistic sense, so it's good to get perspective from other people. I'm proud of you for keeping on with the path you're on and bettering yourself and your life. Whatever will make you happy, I'm all for it. And I'll always be here, should you need a little encouragment or support. No matter how long it's been. I'm definitely trying to be a much stronger version of me too. I've had my own struggles and things happen over the past few years, but they're all lessons and I've got through it all. If I can get through the things that I have from my past, I can get through anything. I've learnt so much too and I've had so much shit thrown my way, and I can say this.. no matter whats happened, what hand you've been dealt.. you are deserving of love. I am too. We both are. I'm glad you don't drown in guilt anymore. I know that was a big thing for you and I'm so proud of you for working through that. You're doing so well and I think you're amazing. I dont think I could ever think of you as anything less than amazing.
I felt a weird but good feeling and smiled when you wrote the part about how it's not clothes or hair or anything else that makes me me. Even just thinking about it again makes me smile and scrunch my face up and giggle. I've never really thought of any parts of me as "beautiful", but I like hearing you say it. I do know how you feel about tattoos, haha. I bet your tattoos are lovely too. I'm glad to know that hasn't changed because I have some quite big ones now too. I plan on loads more. But right now I'm focusing on planning more things to do and going more places next year. That's what I really want to do. I want to explore and meet new people and have new experiences. I currently have a trip to London planned for mid-August next year, partly because I'm going to a concert there, but also because I want to visit my Uncle and I want to see different parts of London. Mainly Soho and the West end. Even if I'll be staying in North East London haha, the public transport systems in London is huge, so I'll be fine and should be able to get to everywhere I want to. I plan on staying for 5/6 days so I can see and do as much as I can.
I remember us talking about when you went to see Pale Waves. I actually still have the picture you sent me of you with them. I didn't get to meet them, but they were really good. I really enjoyed the gig. I've been watching all the Space-X launches over the past few years, ever since they did the first Dragon mission to the ISS. So of course, I know all about the Artemis missions hehe. Its a really exciting prospect, that we will one day visit another planet. And someday go back to the Moon. I'm sat at the spare bedroom/my office window looking up at the moon right now actually as I type this. She's very bright in the sky tonight. Almost ethereal, but of course.. beautiful.
I'm currently sat here listening to an album called Krystal by an artist I really like, Matt Maltese. I think you might like it too. I hope that this post wasn't too long and waffley haha. Although I know you'd probably like reading it anyway, even if it is. Oh and I really enjoyed your demos on SoundCloud. I especially loved 2am and Untitled. Those were my favourites. I've listened to them quite a few times now. I hope that's okay and you don't find that weird. I love hearing things that you make.
Here's some pictures for you.. how could I not remember everything about you? You're you.
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geminitarotmagick · 2 years
Hello, how was your day?
I am so sorry now it's Tuesday and I literally forgot that yesterday was Monday. So please, if you can't or don't want to answer my question is completely fine :)))) <3
My question is: I am curious to know where my people are, so "where are my soulmates usually at? (potentially)" like, where my soulmates are or in what field, like, I WANT MY SOUL PEOPLE
Julie, ♑
Hi Julie! You actually requested this a couple days before my requests opened, so I just saved it to answer when requests were open!
I just want to note that when you say soulmates or soul people, this will be covering both romantic and platonic soulmates, and to know where these people are or why they're not currently in your life right now. Just wanted to make that clear lol.
So with that said, let's get into your reading now!
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Cards used: Light Seers Tarot, Oracle of the Fairies
When it comes to your soul people, you haven't found them yet cuz you're not in alignment with them yet. You're being asked to go within first, and to work on ridding yourself of the limiting beliefs that you have about deserving these people in your life and about your worth. Once you're able to improve your self concept in this way, it'll help you to attract these people in easier. Believe that you're abundant, and that you deserve relationships and connections with people who speak to your soul, and the rest will follow.
You'll find these people by stepping out of your comfort zones and trying new things. You'll need to be open to new opportunities and new connections with people who you don't usually interact with, as you may learn that you both connect on a soul level more than you would think. You'll know these people are the ones you're looking for when you feel free and young around them. Even if it takes longer than you'd like, you're also being asked to keep looking for them and to keep putting yourself out there, and to know that they are out there. You just need to find them. You've got this, Julie.
If you like this reading, request a live chat reading with me! | Mini readings and kpop readings currently closed
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allylikethecat · 18 days
ally!! i am extremely busy with uni assignments rn and keeping my new puppy from destroying everything and unfortunately for me i have had NO time to read your wonderful updates.
i did however find some time to read the latest on a friday update today and i was going INSANE. tbh i’m about to treat myself to a re-read rn bc omg you are insane and this update was so good. (also can’t believe you double updated us that’s so crazy it’s like christmas - i cannot wait to read ducklings)
first of all fictional!matty’s distress was so wonderfully written i don’t know how you manage to devastate me and get me more and more invested each time u put him through something lol it’s SO GOOOD
secondly, i’m afraid i may have to accuse you of being a bit of a liar bc there is no way that you can claim to be a sub-par smut writer after this — this chapter was so intense and so well-written and i truly think your writing (smut and otherwise lol) is so wonderful — i just hope that you see that too!!!!!
p.s this dynamic between fictional!matty and fictional!george is lowkey super hot i love how u write these characters, my friend u r a genius !
— 💌
Ahhh hello my dear 💌 anon! No worries all oh my gosh! The updates will always be there! I hope that uni is going well and a new puppy is SO EXCITING even if they are trying to destroy everything 🥺
Ahhh I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the new chapter of On a Friday though!! I was feeling rather insecure about it since 1) smut isn't something I am very confident in writing (even though everyone has been so supportive and lovely and kind about my attempt omg) and 2) I was like... is it too jarring having Fictional!Matty going from crying in the bathtub to getting fucked lol
AHH I'm so happy that you enjoyed the angst portion of the chapter, I really wanted to show how panicked and not in the right headspace he was, and how irrational his thought process was (ex. he was paying the alpha to help him, everything was on his terms she was never going to actually hurt him and he was only able to shove her off of him because she let him because he was in control of their interactions the entire time) I'm so glad you liked it though I do apologize for the devastation 😬
Oh my gosh 🥰 this is honestly so kind of you to say. I'm so happy that you enjoy my writing in general but that you also enjoyed my attempt at writing smut! I know I have a long way to go, and will hopefully get more confident but I'm so glad that my first attempt wasn't as embarrassing as I feared it would be. I'm so glad that you like their dynamic! I've had a lot of fun working on it and building it up / fleshing it out- it's different from some of the other Fictional!Matty/Fictional!George dynamics I've crafted and leaning into those differences has been super fun and rewarding!
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ducklings when the time comes and I hope you continue to enjoy my fics! Thank you again for the continued support!! Once again I hope uni and the new puppy are going well, and that you are having a fantastic Monday and a great rest of your week!
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