#Tw car accident
skvwalker · 4 months
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Maybe the next time, darling. Maybe the next time.
CRASH (1996) dir. David Cronenberg
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kaithewhatever · 4 months
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Fanart for @samsketchbook
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unboundprompts · 4 months
can you do a prompt where you are describing how the car accident happened in persent. like; he speed up his car, breaking the rules and then suddenly the car hit something, no, someone.
Describing a Car Accident
-> tw for a sensitive/traumatic subject
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
His foot was heavy on the pedal, the car humming beneath his fingers on the wheel. Wheels spun on the rough road, the car all but vibrating as he reached speeds of 70, 80 miles per hour.
She listened to the roar of the engine, loving the sound of the purr as she stepped on the gas. She'd do anything to listen to that noise.
The speed limit was a mere suggestion, and they felt unstoppable in that moment.
The windshield shattered. That was the first thing he noticed. Cracks like a spiderweb and finally glass flying everywhere. He scrambled to hit the breaks, wheels burning on the road.
The noise was the worst part. The screeching of the tires, the scream that poured from her lips. The thud of the body. The silence that followed.
They hit someone. There was someone in the road. There was blood, so much blood. They couldn't breathe. Oh God, what did they do?
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lopposting · 2 months
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Geppetto vs. Geppetto vs. Geppetto
David Bradley; dir. Guillermo del Toro Nicolas Cage; dir. David Bowers Anthony Howell; dir. Jiwon Choi
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I was walking downtown when all of a sudden, a car hit me. I tried to get up and walk away but then I got hit by a car again. This kept going on in a never ending cycle.
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pistachi0art · 7 months
For the monster mash, you should do gordon as a ghost (either real or a good costume) and then benrey in a really shitty bedsheet costume or something
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Ghosting 👻
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zozo-01 · 2 months
im still so upset that david wasnt in the car with gabe when he crashed because that angst?? being scared and helpless and you're 10 years old again and you want dad. your dad passes out in the car but it's ok, right? maybe- no he's just passed out.
the ambulance comes and they take your dad first. there's only space for one and you can wait for a little while longer for the next bus. but it's fine, because the paramedics tell you he's only passed out. don't mind the respirators and ivs.
you get there, teddy bear in hand. it's stupid, you're a big kid now. but you need something to squeeze. something to keep you steady until you can hug your dad again.
you wait, hours go by and your friends. you're happy they're here, but you want your dad.
the doctors come with sad faces. he didn't pass out in the car. (you maul yourself to forget his peaceful face.)
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unorcadox · 9 months
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Uh oh!  Looks like things might be going wrong.  Do you want to wake up?  Yes / No
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liquidlycan · 2 months
can u make a ryker stimboard with cars moving at the camera and pliers
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with themes of car crashes and pilers...
cw car crashes
requested by @beastguts
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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eurydicees · 9 months
reasons each of the hosts are banned from driving haruhi’s car:
honey: one time haruhi saw him driving at a speed they didn’t know cars could go at and now they’re deeply afraid of honey going too fast and flipping the car when going around a corner. honey is convinced this is ridiculous but does respect the rule.
mori: not technically banned from driving but whenever he has to drive he has to change the seat and wheel placement, and haruhi has banned him from doing that because it’s too much work to put it back and find the sweet spot they like it at.
kyoya: gay. can’t drive.
tamaki: haruhi knows what that boy’s attention span is like. he’s not getting within two feet of the driver’s seat. haruhi is convinced he would see a pretty view on the side of the road, look over, and drive straight into oncoming traffic.
hikaru: simply does not know how to operate a vehicle. one time haruhi offers to teach him and he speeds straight through a stop sign and red light, one after another, and does not see the issue with this. “well, everyone stopped for me, didn’t they? nothing bad happened!” “pull over. put the car in park. now get the fuck out of the driver’s seat.”
kaoru: see kyoya.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 10 months
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Oops, sorry, my bad!
Leverage S03E01 The Jailhouse Job.
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chickenlover-19 · 11 months
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Was inspired to go thru my wip folder and found the layouts for that comic I teased a while back, and. I really. Want to. Get back to this.
DP has me back in a chokehold, and honestly? I missed it a lot. And I’ve missed the people here.
Was in a really rough spot for a while and for the first time in a little while it feels like I can breathe again. Life update under the cut.
My grandfather passed a little while ago and I kinda dropped off the face of the planet. My family and I weren’t surprised by his passing, but we certainly weren’t expecting it.
On my way to his memorial, I was involved in a head on collision. Miraculously, no serious injuries occurred but my car was totaled. (For the record I was not at fault haha)
For a while, all I could think was “it’s just too much” because it just felt like shit just. would. not. stop. One of my family’s cats passed and a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer.
Looking back on it, it’s absurd that I didn’t believe that I was struggling with depression. It was a lot. And kind of still is to an extent. But I’m doing better.
Which is why I’m so happy that I’m wanting to draw again, that I’m back in the phandom and reconnecting with friends here.
Anyway, that’s all for for now folks (please, God, let that be all). Happy to be back here and hoping to be more active. Thanks for letting me ramble.
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my dad picked a great time to go on a twelve day meditation retreat with no contact with the outside world
in family happenings:
my cousins house burnt down
my aunt got into a car accident
in world news:
the whole titan submersible debacle
military coup in russia
so that was fun to explain to him
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joen-lenawley · 7 days
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Ringo bingo
Mine if you’re curious:
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godofautism · 2 months
I need some of yall to understand morally grey doesn't just mean they did some bad shit but also good shit because of trauma or characters that are evil purely bc their good at it and nothing else
(hfj)one spoilers below cut
Imagine you died, you got in a car crash. You are sent to purgatory. People see that one truly special person in their life, guiding them to their afterlife. You don't see anyone. There's two chairs, a mini table in between them and a radio on it. You mess with this radio for a little bit and suddenly you're transported to a new world. You are alone. There is an old computer, a miniature planet on a metal rod, and a mouse. There is nothing else. You are isolated there for at least an entire dedade, hell, maybe even two decade or more! Over time you learn that the computer makes planets. Not only that, but it can teleport people to your planets. You can even revive those who have died there. Now, you tried to host a game show before, but it went terribly wrong and you killed someone. You don't remember them by the time you learn you can revive people. You decide to name your gameshow "one". You take random people and against their will, transport them here.
That is Airy from (hfj)one.
He is a true morally grey character.
Because he killed a toddler (an unripe tomato).
He could have prevented it, but he didn't do it entirely on purpose. Yes, he revived the toddler but the matter of fact is he killed them.
He's also let someone drown. Now of course they were revived as well, but again, he could have stopped it.
Why didn't he?
Because he's apathetic.
The most important part, however, is that he doesn't know that what he does affects everyone.
You need to understand that he was alone and isolated for a decade at a minimum and these people are his only way of not being alone, of course he's going to have a weird sense of morals.
Every time some dies, the others are traumatized. He doesn't know this.
This is a morally grey character. He isn't forgivable, but he's not a villian.
We can't even say for certain this was a trauma effect as we don't know his backstory before the car crash
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fuck-customers · 6 months
(10/10) so i got into a car accident yesterday. i’m completely unharmed and the only damage to my car is that a plastic cover on the bottom came off. it can be reattached, no insurance required.
HOWEVER this experience DEEPLY rattled me. i’ve never had such a bad panic attack, i truly understood what people meant when they said the phrase “shuddering breath”. it was HORRIBLE and i was so emotionally drained even after it passed. i did not feel able to work in the slightest.
so i called my manager and let her know. i told her that i was in an accident and i was completely honest about it being minor, but i also said that i did not feel emotionally stable enough to work, which was true.
she started guilt tripping me and saying, “well you’re abandoning your team, you understand that right?”
i stood my ground and said, “i understand that, and i apologize truly, but i cannot work tonight.”
she didn’t even give me a chance to explain further before hanging up on me without so much as a “feel better soon”.
like. i have one more day left before i’m leaving. i NEED the money, i would absolutely come in if i wasn’t feeling like i was falling apart at the seams. this wasn’t just me feeling slightly depressed or anxious, i got into a fucking CAR ACCIDENT. so glad i’ll never have to work with this bitch again after friday.
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