#i am so fucking sorry if you feel this is bland
sanstropfremir · 1 year
Hi! Have you seen that nct jaehyun, dooyoung and jungwoo made a sub-unit? Their song is called perfume and it is just SO FUN! The song itself reminds me of some of the old suju songs because the beat is so fun and makes you wanna dance, but the choreography is also ridiculously fun! You should check it out) I was reading your posts about the lack of fun in kpop, and this was honestly very refreshing to see. The mini-album is also quite good, and they even did a live-band cover of their songs. As always, nct guys are incredibly talented musically, good job
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i actually really did not like their release....or their subunit.....or the album............
#like are they musically talented? yes. are the songs fine and technically good? sure#but i find them SO bland and im pissed off that theyre using the full nct brand for this discount cbx nonsense#should have been an nct lab!!! or an sm station!!!#also ngl i fucking hate the mv. like i HATE it. i have NO patience for pov fanservice stuff it makes my skin crawl. its insufferable#is it an effective method? sure. but i am NOT the target audience and am very much Too Gay for that#its one of my true pet peeves. i really. really fucking hate it and the fact that the mv was mostly like. 'chic perfume commercial'#was quite literally rage inducing.#so uh. sorry. that release is actually the opposite of fun (for me)#text#answers#nct w#slkdjfsd im so sorry you send me an ask and its RIGHT on a topic that i feel very strongly in the negative about lmao#pls dont be offended its not personal#also i need to clarify. i never said that kpop itself wasnt fun. kpop has and will always be fun.#i specifically said that a lot of fans (kpoppies) TREAT kpop like its not fun/actively eschew the fun parts of kpop#like flop groups or brighter concepts or just. taking it all too damn seriously#fans are not willing to look outside the main popular groups and so they dont actually SEE groups doing fun and cool and interesting things#like if you want to watch an actually fun mv go watch blitzers macarena#also idk how to tell you this but. ACTUAL nct music is so insanely fun. this ''subunit'' was just made to appease all the ''fans''#who complain nonstop about 'how nct sucks now' when THEY DONT Y'ALL JUST WONT ACCEPT THAT YOU DONT LIKE SOMETHING UR FAVES MADE#anyways. i will stop talking now since this is probably gonna make ppl mad lmao#my nuclear take is that most nct fans dont actually like nct as a concept. they only like the idols. and those people are wrong
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babblish · 1 year
absolutely no pressure to answer this, and this ask is only born of curiosity, but what was the 'sibling' peace you mentioned during ordership week?
(once again no pressure at all to answer, i know there's an..... amount of 💿🐴 (disk-horse) surrounding that whole topic haha)
I... I... Anon, if you're talking about my end note on the 🔞 art piece, by "sibling piece" I meant a diptych and to the best of my knowledge there's no discourse surrounding those, at least in fandom spaces.
Basically in the middle of the process of creating the first (and to date the only) piece I had this fanciful notion of using what I had already done and tweaking a few details resulting in two structurally similar but contextually distinct artworks. You know, in much the same way Observatory Musings B-side and A-side are sibling pieces, just in text in form.
😔I'm sorry for the english language if there has been some form of misunderstanding. It's after 1 am for me and there's a strong possibility I'm making a fool of myself, but in fairness I'm absolutely excellent at that at all hours of the day.
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arcann · 2 years
“How can you expect obi wan to fight well after 10 years of not fighting?!?!” translates to “how can you expect disney to make a scene with emotion and depth when 1. they’re Extremely and Ridiculously afraid to become a meme and 2. they simply don’t pay for good writing, ambience setting and won’t use any element in star wars besides “dusty and oppressed town that is coded as outside usa”?
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minecraftdog · 4 days
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b-rainlet · 1 year
Coworker played the first two episodes of W*dnesday today....absolutely not
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duke-daemon · 4 months
hazbin hotel redesigns wooooooooo
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okay so. i'm gonna discuss my thoughts about them n shit, putting under a readmore bc it's gonna get long and rambley. sorry in advance for the shit formatting, i'm on mobile </3
just some general shit about how i would rewrite it. i think the premise of redeeming sinners is entertaining but is executed horribly. i also am a fan of the "heaven isn't great either" idea but again, executed horribly. i'd make the hierarchy of angels more accurate because it's cool as hell and i have autism about it. the characters from hell would swear still (albeit not as much), but the angels would outright refuse to swear or make vulgar jokes ever. this would be partially to further the gap between heaven and hell and make the differences more stark.
hell would also be more like dante's inferno (again because i think its cool). the ars goetia would get a full redesign and would be more prevalent in demonic society.
now for the characters!
starting off with vaggie, or Valtiel as i've renamed her because let's be honest her original name sucks. Valtiel (Val for short) was an aspiring power angel who wanted to be an exorcist. she looked up to lute and thought the idea of killing demons was really cool and badass. however when she actually was on the field for the first time she discovered how awful this actually was. she tried to help a few demons but lute figured it out and felled her right then and there. the rest of her story is relatively the same. personality wise she's more stoic and less prone to all-out aggression. she still get angry, sure, but it's in a quieter and more menacing way. you DO NOT want to fuck with Valtiel.
next up is charlie! i had two ideas for her. the first one (unsettling drawing) has her as a mannequin/doll type demon. lucifer and/or lilith was unable to conceive and as such they built a kid from scratch. she's overall similar to og charlie personality wise, very kind and cheerful despite her unsettling appearance. she struggles with empathy sometimes but really does mean well. her motive for rehabilitating sinners is so they get to see their family again. being able to see heaven from where they are in hell must make them sad, so she wants to help make them happy again!
the second idea for charlie has her as an angel. specifically i casted her as a dominion angel due to their reputation as holy judges. she was once a demon but has been rehabilitated and has risen into angelhood! she now wants to help her former kin do the same and redeem themselves in heaven's gaze. again, similar cheery personality, but a bit more prudish in this rendition
tangent time!
as a side tangent, valtiel and charlie would have a different relationship in this rewrite. their relationship felt shoehorned in in the original show, like it was just there for the hell of it. we didn't see much development between them and it just felt kinda bland. so in my rewrite, charlie and valtiel are amiable exes. they tried dating when valtiel first fell (when charlie was still a demon in the charlie-angel version) but realized their feelings for each other were much more platonic than romantic. they ended things off on good terms, deciding they were much better as friends. they are still besties to this day! later charlie ends up with emily (or 'ellie' as i plan to rename her)
back to the characters
note: i made alastor mixed-race, which could be seen as bad by some due to vivzie saying he's black. however, as many have pointed out, he has no ethnic features whatsoever and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that just to get away with using voodoo symbols (a closed religion) in his imagery/design. like viv, i am incredibly white and have little to no knowledge of voodoo, and even if i did i would not use it for something like this anyways due to the stigma the religion already has and (again) it being a closed practice. as such i removed it from his concept altogether, but made him mixed race (white passing) because.. why not i guess, i forgor my actual reasoning
with that being said...
alastor is by far my favorite of the redesigns and i'm honestly tempted to turn him into a legally distinct oc. i imagine he's somewhat reserved, along the lines of norman bates albeit a bit more extroverted. during his life he was a serial killer with a day job as a radio announcer. he took pleasure in reporting about his own murders on the radio, but that is eventually what got him caught (ie accidentally letting slip info that wasn't released to the public). as a result he was sentenced to death. upon arriving in hell, he quickly rose through the ranks to borderline overlord status and is a feared presence by demons and sinners alike. why is he bothering to assist in the hotel project? who knows... his motives are a mystery, like the rest of what he does
(he isn't actually alastair crowley i just thought the naming convention was ironic. however he may have also dabbled with satanic magic in lifetime..)
Angel Dust:
TW: brief discussion of SA
this is definitely my second favorite redesign. i loooove insect themes and wanted to do more than just Extra Arms, so he now has fucked up legs and a lot of eyes too! story-wise, angel used to be a criminal mastermind, hated by both the mafia and the feds. he was a gentleman thief, arranging massive heists under the cover of night while also partaking in the occasional drag show. he ended up a cocaine addict later in life, which caused his work to become sloppier. eventually he was killed in a heist gone wrong, specifically shot by the police.
i'm not gonna go too in-depth on the SA part of his story, but he is hypersexual due to being assaulted in both his life and afterlife. it would be something he'd be working on in the rewrite. his reason for coming to the hotel in the first place may have even been for help with this trauma. underneath his sultry exterior is a broken guy who really just needs someone to care about him for who he really is and not for what his body can do.
so lute and adam are some of the characters i have the most gripes about. the biggest one being why viv chose adam as the leader of the exorcists in the first place. if she wants a biblical figure tied to demon killing, Archangel Michael is RIGHT THERE, aka the one destined to kill satan during the events of Revelations. if she wants the first human to die, that would be Abel, not Adam. and i kinda doubt abel would want to do the stuff that HH!adam has been doing. if she wants an angel related to torture, Dumah is her guy! an angel that rules over wicked souls and tortures sinners every day except sabbath. so many better options...
with that out of the way, Lute is still the lieutenant of the exorcist, who are a specially chosen group of powers sent to purge hell once a year. think navy seals. she's pretty much the same as in the show, albeit more muscular and visually different from other exorcists (seriously why do they all look exactly the same?????) she's a very repressed lesbian who hasn't had time to work on that due to her duties
i also redesigned the exorcist uniform/armor because those LED purge masks are fugly as hell and their clothes don't even look remotely like armor.
Adam + Final Thoughts
i did start a redesign of adam but got bored of it. regardless, i think he'd be the head of C.H.E.R.U.B. instead of the exorcists. he doesn't want his children to make the same mistakes he and eve did, so together they started C.H.E.R.U.B. to help lost souls stay out of hell
final thoughts uhhhh i'm tired. show sucks, it had so much potential but viv ruined it by being a shitty writer and an even shittier person. the designs are fine i guess but they all look exactly the same and are in desperate need of variety. the humor is dogshit, saying dick and balls and penis over and over and over again doesn't make it any funnier than the first three times you made that joke. anyways that's it, i hope you liked my inane ramblings. gonna go vanish for another forty years or so, adios
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menuliso · 8 months
i actually think i have some sort of brain damage from chapter 403 because now ive taken my bkdk obsession to a whole new degree. like, i was insane before, but now i feel as if i should be genuinely put into an asylum.
ive gone through a full on awakening.
before this chapter i refused to believe that bkdk would become canon/hinted bc like its wishful thinking. but now? ive fallen into the fucking deep end. i am of full belief that bkdk will become canon or at least be hinted bc horikoshi is cooking something and im so glad im not the only one to see it.
there is no way that man doesnt know what hes doing. bkdks entire arc has been fucking perfect and this man just keeps BUILDING UP. like all this talk about feelings, and how bkdk have never really spoken about them to eachother before??? this is like, building up to a fucking love confession i swear, because katsuki DIED for izuku, and izuku cant control his heart when it comes to katsuki, and like… what other explaination is there? atp i consider it canon that theyre in love with each other.
and the other most likely ship that i thought was gonna be canon, izuocha, just is not feasible. its not like i dislike the ship, no hate to it at all, but making it canon would be so fucking harmful to izuku and ochakos characters and we dont talk about that enough. it would a dissapointing, flat conclusion with barely any build up and itd be the bland, predictable formula. like, ochako has already basically wrapped up her thing with izuku with that entire fight with toga. shes admitted herself that her crush on izuku was more admiration than anything of massive substance. and dont even get me started on izuku. barring some fluster and embarrassed blushing in the early seasons, this boy has NOT reciprocated AT ALL. its actually ridiculous. izuku has been focused on like, two things only: hero work, and kacchan. izuku does not show ANY romantic feeling to ochako whatsoever.
surely, surely if horikoshi were to make this canon, he’d put in a little more effort? add some more chemistry, more development, more than just ‘boy meets girl. blush and get shy. little crush. get married. the end’?
that is bad storytelling, and horikoshi is anything but a bad storyteller. this guy adds foreshadowing YEARS before the chapter. horikoshi is INSANE when it comes to character + relationship + plot development. if horikoshi throws all that out the way, and makes izuocha canon, id be extremely, extremely disappointed. not because i hate the ship, but because itd be out of nowhere, disregard practically ALL development, and be nauseatingly dissatisfying.
talking of which, for the entire day ive been thinking about the foreshadowing for bkdk.
there. is. so. fucking. much. it feels like everytime i read like a new section of the manga, their relationship is described in the most frutti tutti rainbow gay way. im sorry, shigafo, did you just say that katsuki is closer to izuku than ANYONE else? excuse me, aizawa, did you just describe them as pair, a pair that the class revolves around? dont even mention the shit that izuku and katsuki say referring to each other. i cant even choose one to add in here, but every out of context bkdk quote has like these SEVERE more-than-platonic undertones, especially when you consider their past and their development. i feel like horikoshi has been doing some fucking insane foreshadowing for something MORE.
yk, i keep on thinking about how in the double spread in 403, the words ‘the beginning’ are displayed right over bkdk, as they find each other. call me delusional, but that has to be on purpose. i also keep on thinking about izukus green and orange gloves in so many official arts, and the light in both their eyes when they see each other, and the way theyre both always observing the other, never speaking about how they feel directly.
their relationship is just so, so……. and i feel like the only next step is for them to talk. just. fucking. talk. its been hinted at for so long, and horikoshi is doing SOMETHING.
them simply being together would be the most satisfying, developed, beautiful ending.
if they arent canon, i will die. ill say it now. bkdk canon. there is too much proof. as a writer, i know for a fact that i write everything for a REASON. why would horikoshi write this, if he wasn’t going to do anything with it?
bkdk will be canon. i dont care if i sound insane, or get proved entirely wrong. i now fully believe that the last page of the manga will be bkdk at a theme park eating crepes.
thank you chapter 403 for driving me off the rails.
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hi I'm queenie! TEMPORARY HIATUS!!
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★once I've got my stories going, don't be afraid to ask about them!
★but please be respectful! This is what I won't write for:
★ •trans or male reader! I don't mind doing them, it's just I don't know how to write for them and since I'm not either, I don't want to accidentally miswrite them and upset somebody. But you can still ask, I'll probably take a good long while though 💧
★ • classic Wattpad y/n. I like to keep my darlings as relatable as possible. I'm tired of seeing submissive bland (names). Time for 'go fuck yourself' y/n
★scat. Pedophilia. Minor x adult. WATERWORKS ❌. Incest. Stepcest. Age regression. Furries. Oc x oc unless I really really like it.
★minors please do not interact
★what I will write for: pretty much everything, I'm not picky! Pitch in your own ideas, I'd love to hear them! {Warning this'll include yanderes: I don't condone them but they do have Me a little interested}
★I'm mainly a fem! reader writer so, my male readers, I am so sorry 🥲 I'll try and make some gn fics just for you
★that's it really, I don't mind. Just be respectful to me and the other people who would like to enjoy my nonsense!
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Current works:
Riley Sanderson x reader 🖤, doing his makeup
Yandere farm x farmhand reader 🌾, returning their feelings (cow couple, quintuplets)
It's raining cats and dogs 🐱🐶🌾
Country roads take me home 🐮🐴🌾, big daddy smut , taking a nap
Where the birds and fish gather 🦚🐟
Pure as a lamb 🐏🐐, Kim the goat
Yandere popular girl x reader x emo boy, sick darling, date at the mall!, crack imagine
oc kink list: part 1, part 2
Mild yandere circus x reader: part 1 Wendy!
Yandere bunny hybrid x reader, extra details + doodle, cotton x meat eater!darling
Yandere playboy x reader, reader escapes
Yandere florist x reader
yandere cupid x reader, househusband!
Yandere online boyfriend x afab!reader, sadistic reader
Yandere church boy x reader
yandere rockstar x FEM!reader
Oc's ethnicities
Yandere cheerleader x fem!reader, random headcanons
Yandere friend group x FEM!reader, reader dates kiross, what do they want?
Yandere fantasy party x gn reader
Blackwood academy masterlist
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Headers by: @pixiesite @cafekitsune
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The anons: 💕 - 👍 - 🍧 - 🐁 - 🍄 - 👾 - <3 - 🎀 - 😶‍🌫️ - 🦖 - 🇦🇶 - ☔ - blorbo - 🐢 - 🦌 - 🐮 - silver anon - 🎸- 🎶 - 🏮- ✂️ - 🩰 - 🥭🧚🏿‍♀️ - ❓
Note to self:
@a-goblin-named-cherry wishes to be tagged on all farmhand reader content
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Am I an asshole because I told someone to shut the hell up about his autism?
Now, please read this before making your vote.
I (21 F) started going back to school recently, I signed up for classes late because it took so long for the paperwork and processes to be finalized. I was taking a speech class in the morning and we had to do a group project in class. Now, I spoke with the professor and told her I did not do well in group projects because I either get treated like literal crap or I do all the work. She said she didn't care, either I join a group or get a 0. Someone (20 M) was watching, we'll call him Ed for clarity. I asked if I could join Ed's group and he said yes. I tried being really nice to Ed and waited for our group members to meet with us after class. He showed me which music he liked and I said it was nice. So, during the entire time period of this project I would meet a lot with my group mates and we'd do the project. It was very difficult because professor wanted over 10 resources and a certain length for the report, then to top it off a PowerPoint we'd be presenting too. Ed did a lot of things to make me feel very uncomfortable, but my group mates ignored it and didn't say anything. He'd talk about how he visited the dark web and looked into hitmen. Then he showed us an intro to a porno. I felt very uncomfortable and mentioned it to the other girl in our group, she said she would talk with the other boys in our group about it (they all had been friends since highschool except Ed) , she said the assignment did require us to find an intro that was terrible, but maybe a porno intro was too much. The assignment in question was basically a research project about why introductions are very important. They ended up choosing some 90's tv show intro, I don't remember which one it was, just that the show got 2 seasons and the intro was too stereotypical for the time. During the time Ed would send me random "hi"s and he added/followed me on all my social media. He would comment on everything and would try to make conversations on them when I wouldn't text back. I kept the texts as bland as possible. Ed just gave me a bad vibe and kept doing shit to make me uncomfortable. Now here's where the autism part comes in. I was talking to a guy I had a crush on instagram and I guess Ed noticed. So Ed basically calls me and asks if I'm not attracted to him because he has autism. I said what the hell and hung up. It made me feel so uncomfortable then he started bringing up his autism on all my photos, posts, tweets, you name it. I didn't know what to do anymore. Ed kept blowing up my phone too. He'd message me every 5 mins and would get mad when I wouldn't answer right away. So back to my crush, Ed messaged him I wasn't interested in dating him! Like dude! So my crush says he doesn't have time for immaturity and blocks me despite me trying to defuse and apologize hundreds of times for that. So I asked for some advice and basically I got that his autism was making him act like that. I don't want to sound ableist, I'm sorry if I give off that impression, but enough was enough. I told him to fuck off or else I'd get the authorities and school involved since what he was doing was harassment. He said he can't harass since he has autism so I told him to shut the hell up about his autism since it wasn't a "get out of jail" card so i finally blocked him everywhere. I don't know if I'm being an asshole or maybe I'm just not patient or equip to handle Ed? Even then, I am in no shape or form attracted to Ed nor was I ever. Now I just never want him bothering me again.
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mausinly · 4 months
Soap MacTavish x fem!curvy!militarynurse!reader who’s secretly insecure about her body and thinks that Soap is only interested in her to get in her pants or it’s a prank but he comforts her and proves that she’s wrong and how much he genuinely loves her and that he’s been obsessed with her since she was moved to 141’s base?
Never Far From You
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John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
Sorry this isn't exactly what you asked for, nonnie, but just know I am already attached to this reader and I will be slowburning this prompt. This story is getting unpacked layer by layer. I know you specified Nurses body type but it's never mentioned in this part. I couldn't find a way to casually fit it in with the idea I had but I will make it the forefront of another piece, don't you worry :]
This is also my submission for @glitterypirateduck and their Soap It Up challenge.
Prompt 2: "Do I make you nervous?"
Prompt 14: "I've been looking for you."
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You haven't had to look around corners to check if the coast was clear since high school. It makes you feel childish. Makes you feel like a helpless teenager trying to avoid the prettier girls that whisper and leer when you walk past. You're too old to feel like that.
You don't know if you should be grateful you're not hiding from bullies or be more fearful of the person that's really chasing you.
You don't think you've ever been chased like this before. The girls in the halls never sought you out, and the boys that did only followed to continue jabbing at you as you tried to walk away.
No, this is much different. Too different. You don't know what to do with yourself.
Another nurse told you earlier that someone was looking for you. She gave a knowing smirk, telling you who with a teasing, sing-songy voice.
"Soap MacTavish." She grinned, leaning over the front desk, resting her chin on her hand.
You don't know why everyone thinks you like him. No. No, actually, you know exactly why. He won't leave you alone.
You left one of your patients room—a poor sap going by "Wick" that caught the nasty end of a bayonet—down a few halls to the nearest storage room. You stop before turning the corner, a suspicious feeling bubbling in your gut.
You peek over the corner, met with the rest of the long, bland hallway. He's not here. You don't like the feeling that replaces the suspicion. It's a sinking sensation.
This whole ordeal is eating at you. You know he's around somewhere. Unless he gave up after a while. Took him long enough, in your opinion. Part of you wants to run into him, though, just to get it over with and tell him to fuck off so you don't have to worry about it.
You straighten up again, pulling away from the corner and letting out a heavy sigh.
"So, who're we hiding from?" A horrifyingly familiar Scottish accent said from behind you, low and husky and almost a whisper.
You yelp and whip around to look at him, jumping back a little. Your feet scream to run, but you realize how ridiculous that is. You're an adult, you don't need to run, you're not in real danger.
The way he looks at you is dangerous, though. His eyes are lidded, relaxed as they take you in like he could do it all day. Those striking blues drag up and down your body, landing back at your eyes with such intensity that it makes you want to shy away.
He's so casual it infuriates you. He's just leaning against the wall beside you, arms crossed as he waits for your reply.
"I'm not hiding." You brush him off, tearing your eyes away from him and turning to walk away.
You pause, though, when he lets out a little huff of a laugh, almost a scoff. "Sure." He replied, not sounding all too convinced.
You look over your shoulder to glare at him but he only flashes you one of his little grins, eyes lit up with amusement and brows raised.
A real scoff leaves your own lips and you turn away again and continue down the hall. You suppress the urge to groan aloud when you hear heavy footfalls behind you as the Scot gives chase.
"I've been looking for you." He said, walking only a step behind you.
"That so?" You hum, trying to sound uninterested. Your tone doesn't sway him, it never does.
"Mhm, just asked the lass at the front where they keep the bonnie nurses and figured I'd find you around." He replied easily, and you don't have to look at him to know he's got that smirk on his face.
You hum again, not sure how else to respond. He follows you like a lost dog through the hallways until you reached the storage room. You open the door just enough to slip inside and much to your distain, Soap follows in suit, making a show of opening the door wide and waltzing in like he owns the place.
The storage room is fairly large, filled with rows of files and medications and equipment all broken off into different sections. You wind through the isles and try not to think too hard about Soap's heavy footfalls behind you. It makes you uneasy, fluttery in a way you don't want to think about. You feel like you're being hunted, like a little bunny that pops it's head up at the smallest branch snapping, unaware of the beast lurking just behind the foliage.
You stop walking and quickly turn to him, making him halt in front of you so easily that you think he was expecting it. You don't like that. You're not predictable, damn it!
"Do you need something?" You ask with exasperation, pumping up the attitude and irritation in hopes it scares him off.
You think it works for a second when his smile falters a bit and he has the decency to look a bit surprised by your outburst, but that hope immediately dies when he ducks his head down with a small chuckle that makes your stomach flip. He pulls one of his hands from his pocket and leans his arm on the shelf beside you.
He leans forward just a bit, those overwhelming blues flickering back up to you. "Does there need to be a reason?" He flashes you a lopsided, boyish smile and you feel like the ground is giving away under you.
"You always have a reason." You shoot back, cringing at the way your voice falters.
He notices, eyes looking back and forth between yours as his brows raise a little. "That I do." He replies, voice softer than before.
Soap takes a step closer, back straightening a bit in a way that makes you feel small in comparison. You straighten your back as well, taking a breath that comes in shakier than you wanted. Your attempt at coolness and defiance shatters when his other hand slips from his front pocket and slowly lifts towards you.
He's tentative, eyes holding yours and god, you can't look away. His hand lands on the side of your neck, fingers tenderly ghosting over your skin to see if you flinch away. You don't. You want to. You want to slap his hand away. You want to claw and sink your teeth into him so he'll scurry away with his tail between his legs.
But that won't happen. He'll just drag his way to your exam room and whine until you wrap him up, ask you to kiss it better. You almost want to.
The pads of his fingers drag up your neck and across your cheek. His palm is warm against your jaw and you're frustratingly pliant when he tilts your head. His eyes fall and you swallow when his thumb slowly traces your bottom lip.
"Do I make you nervous, hen?" His voice drops about an octave, low and just above a whisper. His eyes flit up to yours and you're halfway through your brain rebooting when you realize he's waiting for a response.
He isn't, really. He just wants to watch you try.
"No." You manage, a small murmur that in no way can be convincing.
He lets out a soft hum, head slowly tilting as he observes you. You feel like he's picking you apart, piece by piece. Pulling back your hardened shell to watch your innermost workings as they turn and click.
His thumb presses down on your bottom lip, tugging it down a little and he can feel the muted gasp you take. He leans heavier on the shelf beside the both of you and his hand drops away from you. A long, almost pained groan rips from his throat and he pulls back to run his fingers through his mohawk and tug at the strands. He drags his hand over his face and peeks at you through his fingers.
His eyes are narrow and hungry before he tears his eyes away again, waving you off. "Bah. Go get what you were looking for, I'll be finding you later."
You try not to sigh too audibly as you take a few steps back, your body visibly untensing as you put a bit of distance between you two. "Right, see ya." You say, a little clipped before turning on your heel and walking away.
Soaps eyes follow you until you turn a corner and step out of his line of sight, the back of his head falling back against one of the shelves with a thump. Run, little bunny. You're lucky he likes a chase.
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marcellaasblog · 11 months
Dreams do *cum* true.
Modern Older steddie x reader x older Billy
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Summary: Your boyfriends wanted to spice thing's up a bit in y'all's sex life,How will it go when they invite a close friend of theirs to tag along and make their dreams come true.
Warnings: p in v , squirting, multiple orgasm, switch steddie, dom billy,switch reader, spanking, hitting ,alcohol, ,digrating kink,pervert billy,masterbation, brat reader,a bit of angst,lots fluff!
Author's notes: (Eddie is 39) (Steve is 38) (billy is 37) ( reader is 22)
Also if I missed anything in the warning I am so sorry,I'll makes sure to edit it in!
Also everyone mentioned in this fic are adults,And let's just pretend billy is a good person!
Okay so I was a little insecure about my writing, but I decided just try again after a very sweet person message me saying say to not to let negative comments get to me,so here I am trying again 💜
You loved both of your boyfriends so much
They knew that.
Eddie and Steve paid attention to you like no other.They know every little mole on your body,every face you make and what they mean,or when you get frustrated or sad they know exactly what to do.
You are their princess and they made sure to show you.
But the most important thing they know is how to please you. They know where all your sensitive places are at ,especially the ones that get you all nice and wet and ready for them.
But sex has been very bland lately, not that you aren't good at what you do, they just wish they could try new things or different ways to please you, because it was the same thing everytime. Eddie would eat you out getting you all wet and ready for Steve then him making you cum multiple times while Eddie would take your mouth or ,they would just sandwich you in between while Eddie takes you from behind and Steve fucks your pussy both using you as a personal fresh light.
You know the same old same old type of shit. 
The problem was they just didn't really know how to bring it up in a conversation but when they did, they would just throw little hints here and There to see if you ever caught on, but you never did, which was alright with them.
They would never want to put you in a uncomfortable position
If Eddie and Steve were going to be honest with themselves,they honestly didn't want you to get bored or tired of them and then just leave them.
That was their biggest fear.
You are a beautiful young woman with so many things to accomplish in life and so many younger, stronger,built men to go sleep with you had options and alot of them to be honest .
They were a little insecure about this whole relationship, being very confused on why you chose them when you could be with someone your age not with a "couple of Grandpa" they would tell you .
Your boyfriend words hurt you.You didn't like it one bit the way  they would talk about themselves.
They were more than just good in bed but they listened to you,they worshiped the ground you walked on,they understood you in a way you never did yourself.
But most importantly they always suck by you and it was not easy to find people that did that. Family and friends come in go but Eddie & Steve they stayed no matter what was going on in that pretty little head of yours,and you would do the same for them in a heartbeat.
You caught onto the little hints they would throw at you.
You know you shouldn't feel insecure about what they say but you couldn't really stop that bubbling feeling of anxiety at the pit of your stomach.You knew your boyfriends didn't mean no harm to what they say,but it made you question your sex life with them.
Are they bored of you?
Did they want someone with more experience?
Did you not satisfy them enough?
You couldn't really assume things before asking.But you couldn't really stop yourself from the doubt you feel .
But tonight was different. You could feel it.
Every Friday y'all had a movie fright night where y'all would binge watch y'all favorite horror movies and get wasted, stuffing your face with all sorts of junk food .
You loved these nights,you loved having Eddie and Steve all to yourself for once threw out the week and these nights always ended with being drunk off your asses and maybe if your lucky you would get fucked in the ass too.
This night was a little different this time.
Eddie and Steve invited one of their old friends back from highschool.Never knew a lot about this guy,but his name.So you really didn't mind Billy coming over as long as you had them the rest of the night you had no problem with him.
Eddie and Steve were laid out on their nice cushion sofa eating the leftover food yall had in the refrigerator popping open their second beer of the night.
You  really didn't want to eat leftovers so you ordered 2 boxes of pizza, one being a regular pepperoni pizza and another one with all different kinds of toppings on it just in case your boyfriends decided not to be old farts for one night.
"Alrighty lady and gentleman what will we see first this time" Eddie asked picking up the remote heading to Hulu 
"What that one movie where that one dude goes crazy and tries to kill his wife and kid and there were those two evil kids in it?"You asked, looking over at your boyfriends covering your legs.
"Uh every scary movie that ever existed " Steve said sarcastically raising his eyebrow
"You know what I mean Steve" you throw your hands up in defeat
"You gotta be more specific baby" Eddie said smirking at you "you know Steve is not all there" he said messing up the poor man's hair.
"Fuck you ass,I'm not that old" he huffed sipping his beer
"Yeah sure and I'm batman" eddie said with a sarcastic grin
"Actually,you kind of are  once you think about it" Steve said trying to hide his grin.
"Wow low blow babe." Eddie sarcastically cries as he holds his chest.
"GUY? Hello the movie" you point at the tv.
"Oh right sorry babe.okay,keep on explanting it to me" 
" Okay, uhm,oh! I think one of the characters name were johnny and he has an ax with him that he split the door with and then tried to kill his wife and son" you say 
"You mean the shining" Eddie asked defeat look on his pale face
"YES! That's it" you jumped up from your stop  proud at your descriptions
"God you made us sound so old" Steve chuckled looking at his boyfriend patting his shoulder
"The shining it is" Eddie said searching up the movie
"Wait! Shouldn't we wait for your friend?"
"Nah billy watched this too many times, it won't kill him to miss a couple of  minutes" Eddie put his hand on your thigh
"Actually he just texted saying he's getting off of Staple street.He should be here in-"
Before Steve can finish the doorbell rings
"Perfect timing" Steve says heading to the front door
"You're gonna love him" Eddie whispered smacking your leg making you squeeze your  thighs around his big hand.
Eddie smirked 
oh this is just the beginning sweet girl.
"Hey freak.how have you been " billy joked as he side hugs Eddie 
"It's been good man.How have you been?" He asked, smirking at Billy when his eyes made contact with you.
"I've been alright man ,but who's this pretty little lady over here?" he walks up behind Eddie , standing in front of you.
"This is y/n. She's out girlfriend we've been telling you about."Billy smirked above you, making you feel so small and unpowerful. His blue eyes roamed your body Before he put his arms out asking for a hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you sweetie.The guys tell me so much about you." billy mumbled into your shoulder.
Billy was a huge guy.His biceps were huge and he legs were thick and long .His hair was an ashy blonde curly mullet that stopped at his shoulders .This man was full of tattoos from where you could see.Billy's eyes were a bright frosty blue that felt like he could stare into your soul.Billy smelled like cheap men's cologne you could sample in a magazine and cigarettes. And oh god, his voice,his voice was deep and raspy and it was soothing to listen to.
"It-s It's good to meet you too." You whispered, fumbling at your words as he pulled away.
You eyed billy's huge body,taking in every detail quickly before he could catch you .
The things you were thinking about this man ,could send you straight to jail.
"She's a shy one isn't she"billy asked looking over at your boyfriends 
"Mhm not really" Eddie shrugged his shoulder
"What seems to be the matter, baby?" Steve asked, moving your hair out of your face.
"Mhm nothing." You tried to sound convincing
"Ya-sure? Nothings bothering you? Steve asked, swiping his thumb on your chin.
"Promise." You nod your head.
"Do I scare you or something sweetie " billy asked with pleading eye
"What? No I'm good, let's just start the movie already" You crossed your hands on the  top of your chest as you sat back down in your spot 
Hopefully he didn't think you were being rude.That was not your intention,you were just very irritated by yourself thinking of Billy in such a perverted way,while you have your two perfect boyfriends standing right next to him.
"Actually." Steve interrupted Turning to the kitchen.
"I WAS THINKING WE COULD PLAY A LITTLE PARTY GAME INSTEAD!" Steve yells from the kitchen before coming back with wine glasses ,and a bottle of sherry wine which is Steves and your favorite.
"What! Tonight movie night.we have never missed a day. " You say before jumping off the couch quickly trying to grab the remote from Eddie's seat.
Eddie snatched the remote, putting it in his back pocket.
"Don't be rude baby.we have a guest here." Eddie pointed at Billy as he took the empty seat next to you."
You smacked your lips rolling your eyes 
"Whatever." You whispered
"What was that?" Steve asked as he passed you your wine
"Mhm?oh,I didn't say anything." you looked up at Steve already wanting to just chug your drink and call it a night.
"Yeah sure you didn't." Eddie snickered.
Billy coughs as he changes the subject as he could feel the tension in the room build up.
"So,what game came to your mind Harrington?"
"Well you know just the classic never have I ever" Steve says as he puts his legs in Eddie's lap .
"Sounds like a plan, I'm in" Eddie stated
"Sure,why not? I'm in too "Billy said, sending Steve and Eddie a smile.
Eddie smacks your inner thigh to get your attention.
"What about you baby? You wanna play with us "Billy and Steve laugh at his cocky question.
"It's not like I have a choice" you put your drink down 
"Okay, perfect, here's how we play,if you have done it raise your hand,and if you haven't done it keep it down. Got it!." Steve asked as he put a thumbs up.
"Good.let's start.who wants to go first" your boyfriend said tapping his chin looking around the room as if he was an English teacher deciding in who to call on next.
Eddie raised his hand "I'll go."
He cleared his throat "never had I ever gone skinny dipping" he eyes then roamed the room as Billy,Steve and himself picked up their hand.
"Well I saw that coming" you say, taking a sip of your wine, looking at the men around you.
Steve turned towards you "you've never been skinny dipping bae?"
"Nope.Never was a fan of it"
"Well you should try it sometime,you can't let that pretty body of yours not be shown off" Billy say's with confidence.
Did he just say that ? In Front of Eddie and Steve.?
To Eddie and Steve they didn't mind.That was the whole part of the plan was to get you all flustered and whiney for them. And to be fair, Billy wasn't wrong. you do have a beautiful body and trust them when they say that ,cause they know.
"Uh yeah I'll make sure to mark my calendar" you say as you put your glass down.
"My turn. Uh Never have I ever hooked up with a close friend of mine." You watch as all four of y'all raise your hands.
"Oh god who" you asked very curious for your boyfriend's answer.
"Well, uh how do I put this, me and Eddie hooked up with an ex of mine." he paused "at the same time".
Your eye could bulge out if your socket any second now.
"Oh I remember,y'all told me this story, that how y'all found out y'all liked fucking each other instead" billy said chucking at the memorie of Eddie and Steve Blabbering about how it was "life changing".
"Wait! I wanna know now? Who was it? Do I know her?
Steve scratched the back of his head .
"Uhm do you remember Nancy? The one that's married to Johnathan.
Your mouth opens, you can't even push the words out of your throat.
Steve and Eddie and Billy laughed "oh god no. Maybe she just knows you're having a good time with us" Eddie said, sending you a wink.
"Ew gross" you shrug your shoulders.
"No, I'm pretty sure she was just checking you out" Steve intervened.
"What do you mean? You asked 
"Well Nancy isn't really open about things, but she had this massive crush on one of our friends,you remember robin right? Well after we broke up  she slept with robin and you know so on she figured out she likes women too but then robin got with Vicky, and then Nancy married Johnathan cause she was madly in love with him still,but yeah that pretty much all. So I'm pretty sure she was just checking you out,plus she texted me a couple of time after the get together telling me that you looked very sexy in red and you should wear it more often." 
Your cheeks flustered at the thought of Nancy saying you were hot.
"And what about you Billy boy, who was the lucky one." Eddie asked, sticking his tongue on the roof of his mouth.
"Y'all remember Chrissy?Chrissy Cunningham from school"
"No way! You fucked the cheerleader? Steve asked.
"Yeah well it was ongoing for a while until she got back with jason, which was cool I guess, those two shit head deserve each other" bill laughed 
"Well what can I say,you can't really trust the popular people" Eddie said, patting Steve's leg.
"Oh fuck off.That was years ago.Im a new man now!"
"Sure you are" you jokes
"Well now baby, who was the close friend you fucked"
Shit you forgot you had to answer too.
"Well he's not exactly my friend,but he's y'all's friend so I count him as mine"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT SAY ARGYLE! Steve screamed, covering his eyes.
"Oh god no.he's not my type"
"So who was it then?" Billy asked 
" Okay okay! We weren't together at that time, so y'all can't get mad at me for this
But do y'all remember that one night,when you sent hopper Up to my house to check up on me cause I wasn't answering y'all's calls? And then hopper never answered y'all back"...
The room went quiet for a minute.
"NO! NO! NOOOOO! YOU FUCKED HOPPER!" Eddie asked in disbelief.
"Shhh it was one time.Calm your tits babe." you laughed throwing your head back
"Damn you do have a type" Billy shook his head making his hair fall to the front of his face.
"I'm not surprised" Steve said
"What does that mean?" you asked annoyed by Steves stuiped comment.
"I mean come on  baby,I saw you eye Hopper the day we introduced you to everyone,it was the same way you looked at Billy when he walked in."
Oh Steve knew what he was doing. You were just too blind to see
"Wha- i- I wasn't eyeing Billy '' you say not knowing where to look so you bow your head.
"Oh quit the bullshit pretty girl. Don't act like your eyes weren't roaming his body.Eddie said, propping up his feet on the coffee table.
You felt bad but you didn't want to lie to them again.
"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean too' You apologize to your boyfriends.
"So.you admit you were checking me out doll" billy whispered in your ear moving your hair away from your face.
"Yes billy.I'm sorry." You apologize again as you feel your eyes starting to get blurry.
"Do you want to fuck billy baby" Steve asked moving  you taking your head into his hands.
"No" you lied
"I'm gonna ask you again okay? Do . You . Want. To. fuck . Billy? 
"Don't lie to us baby.we know when you lie and you know we hate lying little bitches like you." Eddie spoke up, putting his head on Steve's shoulder.
"Yes what?" Steve asked
"Yes, I want to fuck billy" you  down on your lip,tears spilling out of your eyes as you confessed wanting to fuck another man.
"Oh, you're such a filthy little whore" Steve said, letting your face go. 
Eddie gets up from the couch grabbing the wine and the wine cups ,jogging to the kitchen as he puts them up .
"I'm sorry Steve I really am." you cry out loud this time feeling bad for your boyfriends.
Steve moves the coffee table away making more empty space on the floor.
"On your knees In Front of Billy NOW!" You obey Steve not questioning him.
Billy spreads his legs open more, getting relaxed as he lays his arm open flat on the top of the sofa.
You looked really pretty on your  knees crying.
Steve and Eddie sit back in their spots looking at one another.
"Take his belt off baby." Eddie demanded
You didn't question, you just did what you were told to do.
Your shaky hands reach over to Billy pants undoing the claps of his belt.
"Fuck" you hear come from  mouth.
"There you go baby. Now undo his zipper." Steve says as he and Eddie slowly slide down their sweatpants.
You did as you were told, while you laid your eyes on Steve and Eddie taking their own cocks out .
"Nuh uh baby,look at Billy not at us." Steve said slowly messing with the tip of his cock as he spread out hitting his knee on Eddie's.Steve lowered his head spitting down onto his cock slowly putting pressure on it as he jacks himself off with his own spit and cum.
"Fuck, good girl now take his cock out" Steve pleaded
"Steve i-"
Your eyes begin to tear up as you nod your head putting your little hands in billy boxers taking out his pre- hard Cock.
It was beautiful. His girth,his size,the thickness of it, and the blue veins that roamed on each side of his cock. It made you squeeze your legs together rocking back and forth putting your head down taking billy into your mouth.
"Oh - oh fuck" billy moans putting his big hand on the back of your head guiding you up and down slowly as he threw his head back from the blissful feeling of your mouth.
"Fuck, she has a good mouth doesn't she?". Eddie asked as he looked at Billy's pleased face, roaming his empty hand all over Steve's body as he teased himself.
You bobbed your head up and down his length.you could feel Billy's heavy hand on the back of your head as he smacked the back of your neck causing you to choke on him.
"Oh fuck yes,choke on my cock pretty girl"
This time you can't control your sobs as Billy hits the back of your head making you choke on his long length.
You loved it. You loved being a toy to Eddie and Steve,and you love how Billy is handling you with force and deep desires.
You don't really remember how this ended up,but you could care less right now.
"Don't worry billy, you can be harder on her,she likes it rough."Steve says  letting go of his throbbing cock,he whines from his hand not touching his sensitive tip. He slides down his pants, kicking them off his ankle,as Eddie goes towards his boyfriend helping him with his shirt,Steve huffs frustrated wanting to go back and play with himself. Eddie drops his hands from Steve's shirt knowing what to do.
"Don't worry pretty boy,I got you." Eddie whispered into Steve's ear as he lowered his head onto Steve's cock not even caring about the  shirt anymore,just wanting to please his whiney baby.
"Oh- oh fuck yes" Steve moan throwing his head back as he faced billy seeing how drunk he was on your mouth around his Cock.
Without thinking Steve roughly grabs Billy's head smashing his lips into his,moaning at the taste of cigarettes and wine.
You gasps at the sudden scene In Front of you.Billys cock slips out of your mouth as you watch Steve make out with billy.you clenched your legs together trying to get some pleasure,but the only thing you were feeling was the pain of your throbbing clit and your aching hole that wants to be filled up so badly Right now.
Billy felt you let go of his cock,he roughly takes Steve off his lips as he grabs you by your hips throwing you in between of where he and Steve were .
Eddie looked up, threw his bangs seeing your red puffy face in his view and his boyfriends squished up face from him sucking his cock and playing with his balls.Eddie rocks his hips back and forth into the couch feeling like he had no control over his body. He was a mess, a whiny little bitch in heat.
"Oh fuck, right their baby,come on, make daddy come Eddie." He gripped the back of his boyfriend's head Turning it to the side as rams his cock into Eddie's mouth .
You could see Eddie's face as he was used as a hole for Steve. He had his cheek squished into Steve's inner thigh as Steve buckled up his hips hitting the back of his throat . Eddie was a mess.you can see tears forming out of his eyes and you could hear the wetness of Eddie's spit and Steve cum.
Billy by that time was on his knees In Front of you. 
"Do you trust me?" Billy asked roaming your leg
"Yes" you whispered 
"Yes what?" He grinned 
"Yes sir." You look into his blue eyes,to only be met with darkness of desire 
"Good fucken girl.can I take off your shorts baby?" 
"Yes, please take off my short sir" you moan,which catches Steve and Eddie's attention  as Steve lets go of Eddie's head seeing Billy tells you to lift your hip up a bit ,sliding your black biker shorts down your  legs .
He moans at the sight of your red panties.
"A thong really?" Billy chuckled.
"Well yeah ev- every Friday ends with us-us fucking so i made sure to be prepared."you say squeezing your legs together.
"Aww how sweet of you to get all cute and ready for us ,too bad we're not the ones fucking you tonight." Steve pouts.
You whimper at Steve words as you try to close your legs feeling fussy that your boyfriend was taunting you .
Billy didn't let you.He forced your legs open as he put them on his shoulder and dipped his face into your cover pussy as he sniffed the smell of your wetness.
"Shit.yall weren't lying when y'all said she smelled good." Billy said, dipping his head back into your covered pussy as he licks a stripe over your underwear.
"What do you mean they weren't lying" you asked confused but your brain was so foggy you could even get mad.
Steve chuckled at your pathetic little question "well,we like talking about you,and you know baby he's a friend and billy is sometimes too lonely so friends help friends out baby,do you get what I mean?" Steve said, kissing your red cheek as he put his head on your shoulder.
"Take off her panties billy, I wanna see you eat out my girlfriends pussy, like a man."
Billy looked back up at you,before he could ask permission from you , Eddie interrupted him .
"Hey if we're okay with it, she'll be okay. Now! Make her feel good or leave." Eddie said with venom rushing through his words.
Billy wanted to punch Eddie for talking to him like that but all he thought about was your poor little pussy needing some attention.
Billy ripped off your panties.
he ACTUALLY ripped them off.
"Hey!" You say as Billy lowers his head, licking a fat strip of your cunt nudging his nose to your clit as he brings up his veiny hand, spitting on his two middle finger then teasing your hole with his spit and your cum as he forced his thick fingers into your tight hole.
"Oh shit!" You moan, grabbing onto Eddie's full tattooed arm.
"Aww what's wrong baby?" " He's making you feel good?" Eddie laughed at your pathetic little wines,as he looks down at Billy finger fucking your little hole.
He didn't know what was hotter you or billy.
"Oh fuck me! Billy slow down please!" You tried to move his head away from your pussy,but he would just slap your hand away, getting back to sticking his long thick tongue in your hole or his finger. It didn't matter, it just felt too good.you didn't want to come right now.
"Nah uh baby don't be rude he's our guest." Steve said , laying his head on Eddie's shoulder as your boyfriends both watched you getting your pussy eaten from an old friend of theirs.
How ironic.
"No! Please i- I don't wanna cum yet" you cried out in pleasure trying to move away.
"You want billy to fuck you baby?" Eddie asked as he  moved your sweaty hair away from your face. You looked beautiful, all blissed out,red cheeks,a little bit of your mascara was running down your face, your lips were puffy and bruised from the face fucking.
"Mhm yes please." You cry as Billy lets go of your trembling legs as he flips you on your stomach dragging your bottom half off the couch facing your ass up.
"Mhm shit billy" you wiggled your ass in Billy's face.
L"God  you have such a nice ass sweetie" Billy said as he massaged the red marks he left on your ass.
"She sure does." Steve says getting up from the couch, walking to the counter grabbing his wallet, and he pulls out a condom.
"Why do you have them in there?" You giggled looking back at Steve as he tosses Billy the condom plopping himself back down on the couch.
Steve   "you know just in case my baby's get too inpatient".
Eddie comes close to your face kissing your forehead then your cheek "enough about that right now,do you want billy over Their to fuck  you still pretty girl?" He asked as you smirked at the fellow metalhead.
"In one condition" you looked over at Steve as he teases the tip of his cock edging himself. "You let Steve fuck you." you whispered into Eddie's ear.
Eddie's body filled with goosebumps as his breath got heavy.
"You wanna see Stevie ruin me baby?" Eddie asked pleading eyes as he smacked your ass, causing you to jump back on Billy.
"Mhm please" you demanded
Eddie smirked getting up from his spot as he knelt down In Front of the couch,in the same position as you.
"You owe me" he whispered to you as you bit down on your lip giggling at Eddie's flustered face.
"Steve baby come on,our girl wants to see you fuck me" you didn't have to tell Steve twice.He quickly got up from the couch positioning himself behind Eddie.
Billy looked over at your boyfriends and then at you.He ripped open the condom package slowly sliding it on his thick length. You moan at the connection of the rubber from the condom teasing your little hole.
You watch as Steve spits on his thumb bringing it to Eddie's tight asshole lubricating the spot pressing it firmly into Eddie.
"Holy fuc-fuck that feels nice!" Eddie whimpered into the cushion of the sofa, tangling his hands with yours.
Slowly without a warning Billy pushes himself into your cunt making you squeeze Eddie's hand as you rock yourself back and forth trying to adjust to Billy's size.
"Oh! Fuck you fe-feel so good bi-billy"you cried out as billy grabs your hair as he rams his cock into you,you could hear the sound of his hips meeting your ass and the sound of your wet cunt sucking him in.
"Fuck! I- haven't had a young pussy in so long,feels so good baby, squeezing my Cock so well "Billy moans as he smacks your ass watching it jiggle.
Eddie and Steve whimper at the sight of you getting torn open by their friend.steve leaves a kiss on Eddie's shoulder kissing him all the way down to the bottom of his back.
Eddie is whiny and needy and frustrated that Steve is taking his time with him.
"Steve baby,just fuck me already man,it's not time to be all lovey  while our girl is getting fucked Infront of us". Steve knew Eddie was impatient, but all he wanted to do was show Eddie love.steve grunted pulling Eddie's hair up "fucken brat.Thats what you want? You want me to fuck you hard.Ill give you what you want . Steve said, slamming his cock into Eddie's tight hole,not letting him adjust to his size.He slams into Eddie repeatedly.
"OH FUCK!" Eddie cried out squeezing onto your hand,as he watched your blissful face as you were Cock drunk from Billy splitting you open .Spit was coming out of your mouth as your eyes rolled back.
"Fuck! So tight baby,just for daddy!" Steve said ramming his cock into Eddie as he reaches to the front taking Eddie cock into his empty,he fastly jerks him off.
"OH! OH! FUCK! STEVE, BABY SLOW DOWN!". Eddie's hips buckle reaching down to Steve's hand trying to move it away from his painful cock.
"NO!" Steve yelled, smacking Eddie cheek as he whimpered from pain."you- you wanted this,so fu-fucken take my cock, fucked t-take it you little bitch!"
You looked over at your boyfriends feel a sense of guilt letting Billy fuck you instead of your boyfriend. You tried to leave it but you didn't want Eddie or Steve to think that you left them out.
"How- how does h-he feel baby" you asked Eddie clinging onto his bicep.
"Feels so fu-fucken full sweetheart" Eddie threw his head back as Steve rams into his, hitting him even hard as Eddie Cock hits the end of the sofa, hissing at the rough smacks on his cock.
"How does Billy feel, baby? Is he treating our pussy right"? Steve asked grunting and pulling Eddie's hair as he sees his cock disappear into Eddie ass 
"So so good Stevie,he's fucken ri-ripping md open so good" you moan leveling up your body trying to gain control back.
"Billy how does she feel?" Steve asked biting onto Eddie's shoulder, causing Eddie to scream of plain and pleasure.
"DAMNIT! She feels so fucken good,she feels like a fucken virgin squeezing me so tight I can feel my dick going numb." Billy smacks your ass again as he pulls out quickly Turns you on your back slamming his cock back into you with no warning.
"OH FUCKKKK!" you chanted
"I know baby,I know. It feels so good doesn't it? "Billy said, smashing his lips into yours as his hand slaps down onto your pussy, making you gaspe out of surprise.
"Mhhm squeeze me again" billy hit your pussy again , making you squeeze around him.
"Oh oh fuck I'm gonna CUMMM! You cried holding onto Eddie's hand for support.
"Wait! Don't you cum yet doll,wait for me okay? Bill said, as he speeds up his pace seeing your juices run down his thigh."oh fuck oh fuck I'm gonna cum,I'm gonna cum so deep in you baby.'!
"Steve please hurry I want all of us cum with her" Eddie pleased Steve fasten his pace as he holds Eddie down ramming into him getting off to the cry's in the room.
"Fuck I'm so close baby,so close. You want me cum in you? 
!Yes yes please cum in ME Please! Billy rubs your clit fast,it feels so good but hurts so bad.
"Eddie baby I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum!" Steve screamed as he held his boyfriend down not caring if he could breathe right now.
"Oh fuckkkk Steve gonna cum" Eddie choked out digging his nails into your hand.
All four of y'all are so close to cumming. You could smell the sex in the air . Feel the sweat of yours and Billy's body and you could hear the wet gushing sound as you squirt all over Billy cock catching him off guard . You let out a loud scream as Billy was still stuffing your hole. It was messy. Your juices were everywhere on Billy's face and legs
Your body feels free,your eyes closed into the darkness of your lids as pleasure runs through your veins.
"FUCK YES! FUCK YES! IM- IM GONNA FUCKEN CUM ! SHIT SHIT SHITTT! Billy moans as he cums into the condom pounding into your soft body riding high out as he grunts into your shoulder as his body goes limp.
Eddie cried as he hit his high body jerking from the pleasure as he took his cock into his hands finishing in his fist and all over the couch cushion.
Steve holds Eddie down trying to finish as he apologizes to Eddie.
"I'm almost their baby - jus- fuck! Oh shi- oh'-fuck FUCK! IM CUMMING BABY ,IM CUMMING, IM CUMMING SO HARD" Steve Cursed and cried ,ramming his dick into Eddie one last time before his body slumps into Eddie's back as he leaves small kisses on Eddie's shoulder.
Everything is quiet for a while.
Bliss and pleasure still ran through all four of y'all's bodies as they  jerked, still recovering from your orgasms.
Eddie and Steve started to giggle as Steve slides his soft cock out of Eddie apologizing.
Eddie taps billy to move off of you taking your body into his arms kissing your blissful face waiting for your eyes to open .
Billy breaths heavy laying back into the couch looking at the poor mess you guys made.he Gets up slowly heading to the kitchen wanting to grab a hand towel or paper towels to clean up as he gets up he hears the door bell ring,he curiously looks back as Steve moves his hair out of his face nodding at Billy to Open the door.
"Did y'all order pizza?"
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Hiiii! I loved ur Hermes kid!
Could I ask for a male son of Dionysus x either Leo or nico?
Sorry if I got ya wrong and don’t feel pressured or anything!
Have a lovely day!
When there isn't a lot of info in an ask I kinda have to make the reader a personality so that it isn't too bland too read so sorry to y'all that aren't like this <3
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Redecoration---Nico di Angelo x Son of Dionysus
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico had been glaring at the roof of skulls for a solid ten minutes, sort of hoping the hatred in his eyes would just poof them out of existence, when someone finally showed up. 
Apparently after an incident in the Aphrodite cabin, people weren’t allowed to just grab a bucket of paint and some new furniture to fuck around and find out, which was why Nico had been sent someone to help him fix the mess that was the Hades cabin.
Apart from the hundred skulls hot glue gunned to the rood, the beds were wooden coffins, the lamps were ancient looking chandeliers, and all of the walls were a dark ugly gray, like there was a serious mold problem. Now that he thought about it, the color might actually be a mold problem. 
“Never fear, goth! For I am here!” 
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Nico took a deep breath and turned around, obsidian eyes already narrowed with dislike as he took in the taller boy trotting over. He was holding a crate in his arms, filled with color swatches and chunks of fabrics, magazines sticking out of the top. 
“Excuse me?”
“You’re the one who needs redecorating, right?” The boy asked, already letting himself into the dim cabin that smelt of rich dark chocolate for some reason. “Yeah… no offense but we have to fix this, even if you're the wrong person.” 
Nico felt a sudden need to defend the atrocious carpet and bat shaped door knocker from this boy, who was wearing a maroon shirt picturing a glass of wine. “I was eight.” 
“No shame here, everyone makes bad decisions.”
There didn’t seem to be any point arguing with this boy, who had already dumped the box of supplies on one of the coffin bed lids, and was staring around at the dark cabin, hands on his hips. 
Nico just followed him inside, shoving his hands into the slightly ripped pockets of his aviator jacket. He peered into the cardboard box, which was promptly tipped out onto the ground. He watched with a frown as the son of Mr D sat on the carpet and began rifling through the empty notebooks and cut up magazines. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, scrapbooking? We can’t just start painting the walls yellow yet, you have to plan this stuff out, goth.” He said, as if it was obvious. Then he smirked. “You don’t like arts and crafts?”
Nico’s frown deepened, but he couldn’t let this mildly infuriating boy with surprisingly cool bracelets upstage him. “I love arts and crafts.”
“Whatever you say,” he hummed, and pulled out a leather bound book containing a few stickers and a strip of torn paper where a page had been pulled out. “Are you just gonna stand there in the corner and be grumpy?... That wasn’t sarcasm, you can if you want, I was just checking.”
Nico wasn’t an asshole, of course he was going to help. Still, he had to glare at the boy for that comment. Then he sat down and opened one of the magazines, which was featuring a life sized Barbie Dream House bed frame, fluffy pillows included. He flicked the page over with a grimace.
“So, what kinda vibe are we going for?”
“I’m assuming you're sick of Dracula,” he said, waving his arms at the general doom and gloom around them. “So what aesthetic are we replacing it with?”
Nico didn’t want to admit he hadn’t planned this far into the venture, he’d really just been hoping he could repaint the walls, or maybe burn the whole thing down and start over. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“Okay, well… I’m assuming you wanna keep it edgy, but seriously? A roof of skulls? You’re not a caveman. Maybe we should go with an Addams family style.” He shivered. “With less spiderwebs and disembodied hands. “ 
Ah, another gap in his modern education. “What’s an Addams family?” 
All Nico got in return was a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How do you not- okay, I’m making you watch the entire timeline later, but for now we need to pick a color scheme.” 
Nico opened his mouth.
“Not black.”
Nico closed his mouth.
“Obviously there’ll be lots of black, but you need another color to fit with it, something dark and scary but colorful.” He pulled out a binder of color swatches, and flipped it open, skimming the pages of baby blues and lavenders. “Maybe dark green, or...”
“Red.” Nico said, peering over at the pages of ruby and scarlet. He pointed to the dark one, which had a little title below, ‘Blood red’. It was a little on brand, but it was better than ‘Crimson Tide’. 
“Oooh, nice. If we keep the walls black, and pull up the black carpet, there’ll be floorboards underneath.” He started to ramble, ripping a color swatch out of the binder and gluing it into the leather bound book. He glanced around at the musty cabin. 
“We can get a red rug for the middle of the cabin, and definitely new beds, but if we get Drew to refurbish the chandeliers they’ll look great. Oh, and the coffin bed frames could be a bookshelf if we get the mattress out and ask Nyssa to put some shelves in. Do you read? Because otherwise it’s sort of pointless. But so are the skulls on the roof, so…”
“You’re good at this.” 
It took Nico a moment to realize what he’d just blurted, and when he did the warmth was already in his cheeks. He’d only been a little caught up in watching the son of Dionysus’s eyes sparkle as he talked, pointing to different parts of the cabin, and somehow ruined it. “I mean, you just sound like you’ve, you know, done this a lot.”
The glimmer in their eye didn’t fade, they only grinned harder. “I have. A lot. It’s fun!”
“I suppose so,” Nico said, his lips twitching, and opened another magazine. He skipped a page on clawfoot bathtubs [There was already a white one with gold trim in the bathroom]. There was a large heart shaped mirror, He ignored that too, and found a simple bedframe, painted black. He held it out gingerly. “What about this one?”
“Yes! Good job.” He said, snipping it out of the magazine quickly, and sticking it next to a picture of a glass chandelier. “If you’ve got a simple bed, we could find a zebra print blanket, they always look good with black and red, as long as you don’t have, like, leopard print.”
“I thought you’d like leopard print?”
“And I thought you’d like skulls on your roof and coffin shaped beds,” he teased, with a smug little smile. Nico rolled his eyes, and picked out a strip of dark red fabric, passing it over.
He shook some glitter from his hands, there seemed to be piles of it in the box. “It’s a little over the top, but it’s not as bad as Jason’s cabin. It’s just rock. Everywhere. And a giant statue of his father.”
“Maybe he can be my next client,” he hummed, wiping glue from his fingers onto the molding carpet beneath them. A few shards of rounded glass were taped to the pages of the scrapbook, shining in the light of the dusty stained chandeliers. 
Nico wanted to object. He didn’t know why, but he didn’t want the boy in front of him with glitter on his cheekbones and scissors in his hands to be cutting out pictures and teasing someone else. Instead he looked away, feeling something in his chest surge, something like fear. Fear of what, he didn’t know, but he cleared his throat and moved on.
“Don’t you have a sister too?”
The fear surged back forwards and Nico whipped around, his tone sharp. “What?”
“The roman one, I swear I saw her the other day, when Reyna visited to plan something or other.” he said casually, not seeing the pale tinge to Nico’s face. “With the overalls and the bulldog?”
“That’s Frank,” Nico said, his shoulder sinking with relief. 
“No, I’m pretty sure it was Hazel, she had those light up sketchers, with the little wheels on the bottom.” He said, somehow with a moon shaped sticker on his nose as he stuck little cut out paper skulls around the four page collage. 
“Frank’s the bulldog, he can turn into animals.” Nico had a strange urge to reach out and press the sticker on his nose, so instead he held his hands tightly in his lap. 
“Well, is there something Hazel’d like in the cabin when she visits? Does she read?” 
Nico sighed, and reached back for the magazine he discarded. He shook it open, cut outs of fluffy teddies falling into his lap. He found the page with the heart shaped bathroom mirror and ripped it out carefully. He could take a few hearts in his cabin if Hazel would like them. “This one.”
“Oh, that one's cute, Nyssa could totally make it.”
“I can ask Leo, he owes me a favor.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I haven't killed him yet.” 
                                  »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico pressed down the front of his shirt. It was a black Camp Halfblood shirt, which he’d gotten from Piper after the Aphrodite cabin had started making shirts in other colors. Apparently there were only so many outfits you could wear with orange. 
Black goes with everything though, so it wasn’t a problem for him. 
He made his bed [closed the lid of the coffin] and dragged the last of the furniture not nailed to the ground out onto the little deck all of the cabins had. His decking only had a few pairs of shoes and a pot of dead roses he’d never bothered to keep alive. Maybe he’d have another go. 
Drew had taken the chandeliers already, to polish them and whatnot, so he only had to wait for his assigned son of Dionysus to show up, and they could start hunting for zebra print blankets and ripping skulls off the ceiling. What fun. 
When he still hadn’t shown up, Nico finished pulling all of the previously made bedding from the coffins and dumping it to the side so that Leo could turn it to a bookshelf [He could read, he just had dyslexia thank you very much], and then set off to the Dionysus cabin. It was easy to find, the only male god on the female side, with trelice’s of ivy decorating the whitewashed walls and a grumpy looking leopard snoozing on the purple swinging chair out the front of the small cabin.
He didn’t really want to knock, but he was sure someone would report him for standing around too menacingly if he just waited. He was saved from indecision when the door opened, revealing a tall sandy haired boy.
“You’re the goth, aren’t you?” Pollux sniffed, his nose red. “We can’t help today, but Butch is free, he can do some heavy lifting, and I’m sure Drew’ll criticize your style if you ask nicely enough.” 
“Why, what’s wrong?”
“I mean,” Pollux started, rubbing his eyes, and Nico only then realized he was still wearing his pajamas. They had an elongated cartoon owl sticking out of a doorway on it. “Skulls on the ceiling is a bit much, and everyone think you’re a vamp-”
“I meant with you guys, not my style,” Nico interrupted, his eyes narrowed.”
“Someone, decided to go visit Lou Ellen even though we all know she has a cold, and now I have it-” Pollux was cut off once again, his mockingly loud voice reaching the people inside. 
“I’m sorry I was concerned for my friend, she wanted soup!”
“She always wants soup!” Pollulx yelled back, and Nico moved past the older child of Dionysus, slipping off his shoes and letting himself into the cabin. 
There was nasally muttering behind him and the door slid shut. Nico peered around, and saw a bundle of fluffy blankets on a couch, only a sneezing head poking out the top. “Why did you get sick?”
“I mean it wasn’t really on purpose,” he mumbled back, wiping his nose with a tissue and sinking back into his cocoon. “I can’t help today, but-”
“I don’t care,” Nico started, and plopped down on the white couch, avoiding a deep red stain that could be alcohol or blood. He couldn’t tell. He also didn’t know how to say he’d rather sleep in the coffin again then have to spend the day with someone else. 
He sniffed, falling sideways a little on the couch and squinting at the square tv, which was showing some old cartoon about cavemen. “Mkay, well you should probably go if you don’t wanna get sick.”
Nico thought for a moment, trying not to focus on how much he wanted to scoop up the bundle of blankets in his arms far too skinny for that sort of stuff. “Why don’t we watch ‘an Adam family’?
He got watery wide eyes in return and a toothy grin, “wait really?”
“No. If I was making a joke it’d be funnier than that.”
“Okay, let’s watch it,” he said, hopping off the couch and moving to a box of DVDs with a lot of energy for someone so sick. “And it’s the Addams family, goth. You have to learn the basics of this culture if you’re gonna have coffin bookshelves.”
He fiddled around with the tv and then a grainy black and white intro came on, tinny music over the top. Nico watched as he danced to the theme tune in his blanket burrito, all the way back to the couch, where he landed, coughing and winded. Nico raised an eyebrow. “I could’ve done that, you’re sick.”
“Yeah yeah whatever,” he mumbled, tucking the fluffy socks on his feet up onto the white couch and wiggling with excitement. Nico watched him for a moment, and then turned back to the TV, feeling his lips twitch into a grin.
Duh duh duh duh, click click. Duh duh duh duh, click click.
Their creepy and they're kooky-
                                      »»————- ★ ————-««
“Neeks, this mirror is so cute!”
“You’re welcome,” Nico muttered, rubbing his nose and rolling over, pulling the zebra print doona cover further over his head. 
He heard Hazel’s wheelie shoes click along the floorboards and she gilded out of the bathroom. When he peered out, her hair was in bunchies and she was pulling a purple hoodie over her head. “It’s so much nicer in here now, but how did you get sick redecorating?”
“Uhm..There was a lot of dust. I might be allergic?” 
The door slammed open, the clear chandelier hanging from the roof shaking as Nyssa trudged in, her work boots leaving mud on the fluffy blood red rug. She was holding the glitter covered scrapbook in her gloved hands. 
“So, I know I’m supposed to make everything in this, but what am I supposed to do with the polaroid of you kissing Mr D ‘s kid?”
                       »»————- ★ ————-««
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Truth or Drink 2
Pedro x fem!reader
WC: 1.4k
omg not her posting another Pedro one after she said she wouldn't for a while... not sorry
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Same spots. Same interview but under different circumstances. The makeup artist added the finishing touches to your face. Pedro was in awe of you as usual like a smitten kitten, love was written all over his face. You could feel it, you didn't even have to ask if he was looking at you. "Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?" He innocently shrugged. You rolled your eyes.
The two of you were invited back for another segment of Truth or Drink but this time it was no movie promotion, though you two had separate projects going on, this was about your blossoming relationship. Since the last interview, you and Pedro had finally confessed your feelings to each other and it'd been a blissful ride ever since.
A whole year of surprise dates, endless compliments and kisses, whenever he touched you it made bumps form on your skin as if every time was the first. You too had never loved anyone the way you loved Pedro, you would do anything for him and you made sure he knew that. The makeup was done and soon it was time to record, you were a bit more nervous for this one because the crew had told you guys these questions would be different.
"You guys ready?"
"As always," Pedro answered. The cameraman counted down and pointed for you two to begin, but neither of you said anything. "Am I doing it first this time?" You asked. "By all means."
You blushed and looked at the camera. "Hello, I am YN YLN and this is my... boyfriend Pedro Pascal-" He uttered a giggle and covered his mouth soon after. You laughed hiding behind your hands, this interview might be more chaotic than the last one.
"What do you guys notice about this interview?"
"We didn't have to write our own questions." You answered. "We have pulled questions from various sources. Instagram, Twitter and even people you two are close to."
Pedro playfully frowned. "Shit."
"Same rules apply. You ask, you either say the truth or drink, and you can go ahead with a starter shot."
Pedro picked the drink this time, pouring his and about to pour yours until you stopped him. "Can I have this one, please? I asked them to get me this one." You politely informed pointing to the bottle in the middle. He shrugged pouring your shot and closing back the bottle before placing it back with the others, just like the last time you raised your glasses with a little nod and, "Salud." Once your drinks were down you asked the first question. "Where did you take me on our first date?"
He became giggly all over again. "So, you've always said that you hate restaurants as a first date, too bland, too formal, so I booked out an entire arcade for the both of us and we were in there for hours."
You proudly nodded. "Best date ever."
"Good, I'm glad." He blushed. It was his turn to ask. He cleared his throat. "Do we have any pet names for each other?"
You winked. "You love my pet names. I call you Pedrito, Pookie, baby, love... papi Pascal." And judging by his reaction, that might be his favourite one. "My names for her are in Spanish though. So I'll call her mi amor, mi corazon, bébé... I think I'm missing one."
"Cariño." You added. "Oh yeah, she's my cariño."
You leaned back in your chair reading the next question. "What do you like about me, physically? Oh lord." Pedro rubbed his hands together and laughed menacingly, you hid behind your cards knowing he'll say the obvious answer. "Your boobs."
"Alright, interview over."
"No, no, no... relaaax." He played along. "I mean I do like your boobs, but, your eyes do it for me. They're so big and pretty and wondrous, they allow me to look into such a kind loving soul that puts up with me and my antics."
You pouted. "Aww,"
"Boobs are a close second though." He added. "I love your smile the most. When you smile or laugh your eyes close and it's the cutest fucking thing, your entire face lights up too and I could just squish you." You cooed.
You two continued your string of questions, so far nothing was asked that made you want to drink but you still took shots in between for entertainment and the fact that it's free liquor who was passing that up? The first round of questions, you were informed, were mostly from fans and that this round was from close friends and family so it was definitely about to get risqué. You sighed. "Do you think we have enough sex?"
Pedro beamed. "I think we may have too much for people with such busy schedules."
"Are you guys saying you do it whenever and wherever you can?"
You two nodded. "Have you ever done it at a movie premiere or something?"
He reached for the bottle and poured, both of your attempts at keeping a straight face were slowly failing, until you let out a snort that triggered Pedro's. You clinked glasses before taking the shot. "Do you think we'd last if we got married?" Pedro asked. You scrunched up your face, what a ridiculous question. "Of course. You are the most caring and kind person I've ever met, the way you treat me is insane, I've never had anyone love me the way you do," Your voice broke and your eyes burned, you fanned your face and giggled nervously. "Got me crying on camera and shit."
Pedro reached over grabbing your free hand, soothing you by caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. "You know I love you, mama."
"I know." You pouted. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much more." You rolled your eyes gently hitting his arm with the cards, he always had to get the last 'I love you.' He flashed that cute smile that made you melt 100 times over. "Come here," You didn't take even a second thought before getting up to sit on his lap, you rested your head on top of his while he held you close. "How long did it take you guys to say I love you?" One of the crew asked. "Three months," Pedro chuckled. "Truthfully I wanted to say it sooner."
You nodded. "Me too."
Last question. You had a surprise that came with this one. "Are you excited to be a new dad?"
The question didn't really register just yet. "Of course I am. I can't wait for us to start a family one day, and to have another cute face to wake up to. I mean I think maybe I'd wait until I could take a break and then that way I could spend all my time taking care of... wait."
It hit. "Am I excited to be a new dad? But we don't... you're not..."
Pedro bit his lip. "Are you pregnant?"
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out a folded picture of your first ultrasound. He broke. "YN... you're joking."
"I am not," You leaned in and pointed to the little dot. "That little peanut is ours."
Pedro sat speechless which was a rare occasion for him, he took the picture in his hand really trying to comprehend that he assisted in creating another life, that in just nine short months he'd get the one thing he deeply craved, that he yearned for. His own family.
He smiled as a tear slipped from his eye. You wiped it away kissing his temple. "Wait, so what have you been drinking?"
"Diluted apple juice," You answered, you turned the camera and pointed. "Which fucking sucks by the way so my faces were real."
The crew laughed. Pedro still stared at the photo, you rested your head on top of his. "You didn't answer my question. Truth or drink, are you excited to be a dad?"
"Of course, I'm fucking excited," He looked up at you, you pecked his lips. "Thank you," He whispered. "I love you." You whispered back.
"I love you more," He turned to the crew. "I guess the next time you see us we'll have another drinker in the mix." He joked. "Last time we ended this video as a potential couple and this one we are soon to be parents."
"When we come back we'll be married. I promise you that." He hinted. The cameras cut, the crew applauded and congratulated you two. Pedro grabbed your stuff and held them for you as you walked off-set. It's weird to think one little interview that involved a few shots would lead you to where you are now completely and utterly in love.
yes i made him a dad again. yes i warned yall i do this
if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. peace and love
tags @skyesthebomb
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
The Marriage - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: A concussion piled on top of a stomach flu on top of period pains and family drama and work drama. Wish me luck everyone. REQUESTS ARE OPEN BUT THEY MAY TAKE ME A MINUTE, I AM SORRY 
Warnings: Idk, lemme know? 
Word Count: 3517
Description:  REQUEST 
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The sunlight of the day begins to peak into the room as you lay on Aemonds bed, knowing you would have to get up soon. But how could you? His arm was locked tight around your waist and his hair strewn out across the pillow you both shared as he slept away. 
“Aemond…” You whispered, a dreadful feeling having to wake him up and go back to normal life as he did as well. 
You wanted to stay here forever, be his in whatever way he asked and sleep the days away, marry him and brush his hair every night. But that was a false dream, one that would never happen. 
You were a ladies maid for his sister, Helaena, and had helped her through all of her pregnancies while catching his eye. It wasn’t long before he was stealing kisses in alcoves and dragging you to his chambers as you giggled. 
But with every night of passion, with every night of whispering praises and moments of love, came the bland morning after where you would leave his chambers and go back to not existing to him in the public eye. 
“Aemond” You try again, bringing a finger up to rub his cheek, successfully pulling his from his slumber as he looks around confused. 
“Why have you woken me little healer?” He yawns, stretching his body slowly and groaning when you use this as a chance to escape his hold. “No no no. Get back here.”
He wraps his arm around you once more, pulling you into the sheets as you laugh, kissing up your chest slowly.
“Aemond, I have to see to your sister.” You remind him, heart beating through your chest as he looks at you, eye squinted. “It is my morning-”
“Fuck your shift.” He smiles, diving to tickle you. You allow him to do so for a moment before crawling free from his grasp, grabbing your dress from the floor. 
“I will see you tonight?” You remind him, leaning forward to kiss him softly. His hand grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in deeper, a small groan leaving his lips as he does so. 
When you finally pull back he smiles softly at you, allowing you to leave the room and sneak your way to his sisters chambers. 
“Good morning Princess Helaena.” You bow, giving her a soft smile as she does the same, taking a second to clean up after her eldest child before moving to check on her bump. 
You had been a healer of the tower, some even said magic, when you were sent to kings landing to learn under the maestor. It wasn’t long before the ladies soon began asking for you as their handmaidens and nurse during pregnancies and labor. But none have ever been as kind as Helaena.
“Have you eaten?” She asks, a small raise of her brow as you touch her stomach lightly. 
“It is I who should be asking you that question your highness.” You smile and she kisses your forehead swiftly. You learned quite quickly that Helaena had random bursts of physical affection here and there, something to show her love since her words sometimes were confusing. 
“I know how late my brother likes to keep yo-”
“Princess.” You whisper quickly, an embarrassed blush traveling your body as she giggles. “No one can know.”
“Oh my mistake, I spoke too loudly in a room with one other person who happens to be my toddler.” She teases and you smile back. “I shall call for some breakfast.”
You laugh, standing to your full height and helping her stand, keeping a hand on her back to help her to the door.
You spent the morning with Helaena, brewing her a tonic to keep her healthy and kissing her forehead before dismissing yourself and making your way down to the village just as you always did. 
It was a secret kept between you and Helaena, one that she thoroughly enjoyed. Every afternoon she would cover for you, feigning that she had sent you to town for something she needed while you were actually seeing people who needed a healer. 
The brothel was always your first stop, catching them before their busiest hours. Madame Lersel swings the door open to greet you, a cheerful smile on her face as you greet her. 
“Never thought I would be happy to see a healer in me life.” She teases, hands reaching up to fix your hair. “The red keep been treatin ya well lovey?”
“It’s been amazing to me.” You answer with a smile, blushing a bit when her fingers trace over one of the marks Aemond had left on your neck the other night. 
“Come in, come in.” She rushes, slamming the door behind you as she leads you up the stairs. “You hear anythin’ on goin back home yet?”
“Not quite.” A lie. The queen, Alicent, had actually allowed you the privilege of going back home whenever you decided the time was right. But Aemond had changed those plans, and you had been holding off to stay with him. 
“Well if ya do, just know the girls and I will be here to help ya.” She smiles, pulling you into the room with the youngest girl. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon healing the females of the brothel before moving on to stable workers and farmers, your nose was bleeding badly by the end of the night and the front of your gown had been stained but you still managed to pick up some of Helaenas favortie flowers and make your way back to the keep. 
You made your way tiredly to her rooms, rubbing the blood from your nose and the sleep from your eyes as you walked in, a small smile etched on your face. It falls when you see Aemond there with his hands crossed behind his back, glowering at his sister.
“Did you send her with any protection at all?” He snaps and Helaena rolls her eyes, fixing her dress.
“I just sent Y/n out for some essentials, she should be back anytime now brother.”
“If people find out she is a royal healer they could attempt to hurt her, how foolish you are dear sister-” He rants, turning sharply before seeing you. “What. Happened.”
It’s then that Helaena sees you as well, gasping softly as she sees the blood down the front of your dress. “Oh Y/n…”
Within moments both siblings are on you, Aemond rushing to sit you down and helaena gripping your hand as you begin to get embarrassed. “It’s fine, truly I am alright-”
“Who did this to you?” Aemond snaps, hand coming to rub your jaw. “Tell me and I will have their head-”
“I am fine.” You say a little louder, catching his hand. “You must not worry,”
“You over did it again, Y/n we have talked about this.” Helaena mumbles and her brother is looking at her in an instant. 
“Overdid what? What have you done?”
“I was just healing and got a little carried away,” You explain, smiling as he clutches your arms. “It is fine. I am in need of rest.”
Aemond nods, moving to help you stand before holding out a hand. He raises an eyebrow when you do not move to grab it. “Shall we?”
“It would be improper brother. People will see.” Helaena snaps. “You go ahead, I shall escort Y/n to your rooms.”
Aemond looks as if he is about to argue, jaw tensing as he nods his head and storms out of the room, hands clenched. You turn to Helaena with a questioning glace and she giggles. “He had an important meeting with our mother today, once he got out early he rushed to come see you.” 
You smile softly, grasping her elbow as she makes her way to Aemonds chambers where he is waiting at the door, an anxious look on his face. 
“You took your time sister.” He snaps, closing the door behind the two of you and rushing you closer to the fire to where a warm rag sits. 
“I shall excuse myself before my brother gets hit.” She yawns, making her way back out of the rooms while Aemond begins cleaning the blood marks off your face softly.
“I have never seen you bleed whilst healing…..do explain dear one.” He murmurs, a slight smirk laced onto his lips as he wipes down your neck. 
“I went into town.” You admit, watching him closely. Something about him seemed tense tonight and you couldn’t place it.
“What on earth were you healing in town that caused this much of a nosebleed?”
“What has gotten you so tense tonight?” You whisper, grabbing one of his hands into your own. 
“I came to find you and I was told you went to the-”
“You came early. I would have been back before you got there.”
“This is a normal thing then?” He questions, the raise in his brow telling you he was not happy. 
“Aemond. What is wrong?” You ask, leaning in. He breathes out when your noses touch and leans in to kiss you. 
“I am to be married.” It was like a bucket of freezing water was washed over you, launching back from the kiss and standing from the chair. “Y/n… please don’t-”
“To who?” You ask, breath leaving your lungs as your eyes well up.
“A Baratheon girl.”
“I leave tomorrow to choose her.” He says plainly, figure tensing. “Don’t get angry.”
“I am not angry.”
“You knew this was to happen one day.” He snaps, turning away from you as you begin pacing. He’s right, you did. You had always known, so why did this hurt so bad?
“I am aware  Aemond,” You breathe out, eyes leaking as you try to catch your breath.
He can’t help but get defensive, a scowl crossing his features as he glares at you, a feeling of dread in his stomach. “If you wish to act like a child you can leave. I am in no mood tonight.”
Your head whips to look at him, a betrayed feeling filling you. “Am I not allowed a moment to think about this? I have given everything to you Aemond, I have given you my heart and my honor-”
“And what? Don’t tell me you expected to marry me….. You’re a lowborn Y/n.” He can’t stop the venom laced into his words, but he feels sick as he says them nonetheless. Watching you freeze in your tracks as he glares some more, still kneeling in the rug before the fire.
“So this is how it is to be? You use me then the second they throw a pretty little wife your way you are going to throw me out like a common whore?” 
“Don’t act like you are innocent in thi-”
“IM NOT!” You scream, before wiping at your face and nodding. “I will see myself out.”
He launches from the rug to stop you before you can go, murmuring your name softly as a feeling of panic claws up his throat while you shove him off. “Just wait, we can figure this out. You can be our healer and-”
“You want me to be your whore and take care of your wife?” You sneer, shoving him off and storming out. He hears the guards ask if you are alright, hands clenched in anger as you sniffle out your answer. 
He debates storming to find you all night, but he knows you need time, he would get this all fixed and you would come back to him. He just needed to give you time. 
So he paces his room until the sun comes up and then dresses in his traveling leathers, making his way to his sisters rooms to visit her before he leaves. He looks around for you as his pregnant sister gives him a kiss goodbye, giving him a knowing look. “She is not here.”
“Why is that? She is always here in the morn-”
“I gave her the day off.” She lies, looking to the floor just as she always did when she wasn’t telling the truth. “She will be back tomorrow.”
He nods, his mouth going dry as he moves to leave, checking the maestors office once before climbing on Vhagar and taking off. 
You had shown up to the brothel with no shoes, dried blood still on your dress and salty tears coating your cheeks as you pounded on the back door loudly. 
Madame Lersels youngest daughter answers, an excited look forming into one of shock as she sees you. “Lady Y/n-”
She is pulling you into the building then, launching to grab the blanket she had been curled up in before you got there. “Let me fetch mother.”
You see her disappear from sight before her mother is coming into view, kneeling before you. “Did someone hurt you?”
You shake your head, an embarrassed feeling crossing you. “No one hurt me. I must look like a fool to be showing up like-”
She stops you with a finger on your lips and a small hum. “Just because they didn’t hurt you physically doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt you.”
You nod slowly, letting her pull you into her embrace and lead you to one of the empty rooms. You tell her everything, a small smile on her face as she listens intently. “I want to go home. I don’t want to see him.”
“But you love him.” She whispers, brushing the hair out of your face.
“I can’t have him. And I don’t want to hurt anymore.” You admit, clinging to her while she laughs. 
“Oh, the pains of love.” She agrees, laying with you. “When the sun comes up we shall send you home dearest.”
And they did. When you awoke the next morning, throat dry from crying and eyes puffy, you were greeted with her three daughters all coming into the room. They gave you a dress and boots for the travel, a new cloak and a sack of coins to make the journey.
You thanked them all, moving to hug Madame Lersel. 
“I sent a raven to the queen, telling her you would be heading home.” She says, kissing your forehead and leading you to the market. “I also arranged for you to head out with a traveling group.”
“I don’t know how to pay you…..”
“You’ve been healing my girls since you were brought here at the small age of 12. You need not repay me. This is only a small amount of what we owe you, healer.” 
“I never did any of that for a debt-” You rush out and she laughs, nodding. 
“I know. That’s why I am so willing to help you.” She admits, holding your arm tightly. “You ever need anythin else dear healer you just come and find me.”
You give her a tearful goodbye before loading into the wagon, smiling at the young female you would be sitting by. She waves at you as the wagon begins moving, throwing out kisses as you laugh. 
Aemond returns a week later, his entire being rigid and angry as he dismounts Vhagar. His grandfather and mother are already there when he lands in the sands beneath him, both swarming him for answers as he tries to shove past them. 
He needed to see you, needed to see if you were okay and he needed to fix this rift. You had plagued his entire being, only thinking of you this past week and it was beginning to tear him apart. 
“Aemond- I received a note from Baratheon this morn-” 
“I need to head off Grandfather-”
“AEMOND TARGARYEN!” Otto shouts, anger fueling his entire being. Aemond whips around to glare at him, shoulders tensing as Alicent jumps in front of her son, glaring at her own father. 
“I received word that you denied all of the Baratheon girls for a COMMON WHORE-”
“WATCH YOUR TONGUE-” Aemond shouts, launching forward but his mother shoves him back and turns to her father once more. 
“It is his decision.” Alicent snaps, when he looks to argue she shakes her head. “He has already denounced the other suitors. He made his move. We must accept it.”
“You would allow him to marry a lowborn skunk?”
“I would allow him to marry a master healer. I would.” She nods, turning to nod at Aemond who gives her a grateful look before stomping off to find you. 
His first stop is his chambers, where you had always waited for him when you saw Vhagar land. He burst the doors open to be greeted with silence, a small amount of panic seizing him but he calms himself. 
You must be with Helaena, she was far into her pregnancy and you had always been worried about Targaryens through pregnancies so he picked up his pace and rushed to his sisters chambers. 
He doesn’t wait for the guards to announce him, once again bursting into the room. A group of maids all gasp and stand at attention as he looks around, no sister or you in sight. “Where can I find Princess Helaena?”
“I… I am not sure Prince Aemond.” The redhead maid says fearfully, bowing slowly. He doesn’t thank her as he leaves, rushing to the maestors temple and looking there. 
“Ah Prince Aemond, what a pleasure-”
“Where is Y/n?”
The Maestor looks confused for a moment before shaking his head and shrugging. Once Aemond forgoes his manners and storms off, finally finding Helaena in the gardens.
“Helaena!” He calls, looking around to where you could be hiding. He hears his sister mutter a slight curse as she stands, holding out her hands.
“She is not here-”
“You sent her to town again?” He smiles, feet already moving to go find you but his ister is snatching his arm.
“She has left Aemond.”
“We received notice the day you left. She is moving her studies-”
“She sent the notice?”
“No. Madame Lersel of Brothel Helm sent it.” Helaena mutters, pulling the note from her locket and handing it to her brother. She mutters a soft apology as he leaves, hands clenched around the parchment while he snatches his cloak and whips it over his head. 
He pounds on the door, half his face hidden by the cloak as people pass by. A small 10 year old whips the door open with a stick in her hand and a fierce look in her eyes. “WE ARE NOT OPEN UNTIL NIGHTFALL!” 
“I am not here for the whores-” He snaps, an odd feeling in his chest as he argues with a young girl. “Where is your adult? Your owner?”
“My MOTHER is upstairs.” She snaps, glaring harder. 
Aemond nods and moves to pass her but she blocks the door and hits his chest with the stick. “There is a fee.”
“I’m not here to get it wet. I am here to speak with Madame Lers-”
“There. Is. A. Fee.”
“Fine. How much?”
“10 quid.”
“10 QUID?!” His eye widens in shock as the girl before him gives a victorious smirk. 
“Meetings outside of her business hours are expensive, see you tonight one eye.” She moves to slam the door then, but his boot catches in the frame and he debates just shoving her out of the way before pulling out the coins. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
He lets out a disgruntled ‘hmm’ as she lets him inside, waltzing up the stairs to find Madame Lersel. 
The lady, older than he would have thought but still younger than a hag, gave him a knowing smile as he came in. 
“That cloak is familiar but I am used to a more heartwarming face under it.” She laughs, a small feeling of pride filling his chest at the thought of you wearing his cloak. 
“She wore it?”
“Everyday she came in.”
“Why was she here?”
“To help my girls.” The lady shrugs, rubbing a damp washcloth over the head of the female in front of her on the bed, gasping in pain. “I should have known you would come around askin for her.”
“Where can I find her?”
“You cannot Prince.” She sighs, ringing the rag into the water, the blood marking the water a pink color. 
“Where have you hidden her?”
“She went home. To the tower. No males can enter.” She snaps, a strong brow raising. “She will be back in summer.”
“I cannot wait until sum-”
“Get married. Get your wife pregnant. I’m sure the healer will be back in time for your babe.” The women scoffs, casting a look to the girl in front of her once more. It was a dismissal that he took, stomping back out as his throat began closing up.
He could break the rules, fly to the tower and find you, but that would be treason. There were rules, no males allowed in the healers tower. 
He would have to wait for you to get back. And he would. 
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i-politely-disagree · 2 months
Sprace- Call
MODERN AU TW: Swearing??
(I've never posted on here lol)
Spot cringed as his phone call was answered. Usually, it just went straight to the far too familiar  “Hi it’s Racetrack! Don’t leave a message!” voicemail to hurt him even more with the fact that he was either blocked, or Race was declining all his calls. A harsh ‘What do you want?’ may not have been ideal, but Spot still smiled softly at the sound of his ex’s voice.
"Hey…Race," He started. The same words he had said almost every day a month ago. Throwing his bag down as he got back from work, striking up conversations at 2 a.m even though they both needed to be up early, Starting a call much like this one if anything happened. "Do you still have my white shirt with the sleeves?" 
When Race’s phone displayed Spot’s caller ID, he didn’t know what to expect. Maybe yelling, maybe an explanation that it was a dare, or maybe some tearful confession about how his love never died. Anything with more emotion than requesting an old shirt.
“Um… I’ll look around.” The conversation was too stiff, too formal. Race fiddled with the cuffs of the white shirt that definitely wasn’t Spot’s (it was) that he was wearing and paced around the couch he slept on. 
“What do you need it for?”
He’d never admit it, but Race missed Spot more than he could tell. Hearing his voice again was painful, but something to feel. He had been a mess the last month, living with his best friend, missing sleep and working his ass off to help pay the rent when it was paying the rent that got him into this mess. Spot had walked out after the topic of money had come up, only after many anger-clouded words had been thrown between him and Race. Just thinking about it, Race could taste the regret and adrenaline and feel the knot of codependency tighten as it had done that night when he realized how alone and helpless he was. Even though he hadn’t anticipated a break-up, it wasn’t like Race was expecting-
“A wedding,” Spot answered coldly and quickly. Dwelling on love around him wasn’t going to help him swallow the lump in his throat.
He regretted walking out every day. He knew deep down, that he could’ve walked back in at any moment with nothing fixed, another argument ignored, but weeks passed and Race lost the apartment he could only afford with Spot’s help. Spot lost the one stable thing in his life, the one person he felt like he could talk to, the stupidity, wittiness, energy and affection that came with Race and he missed it more than he was willing to admit. He knew it was his chance to salvage any scraps of a relationship but didn’t know how to begin. 
“I’m sorry.” It was a struggle to force the words out of his mouth, but Spot managed to sound a lot more stable than he felt. 
Race’s reply was so emotionless it hurt. No sadness, not even a quiver in his voice, no hope. Just a bland question reminding Spot he’d made more than enough mistakes;
“About what?” 
“Um, This. Calling you, acting like nothing’s happened, acting like I don’t care.”
There was silence on the other end of the phone and Spot knew he would have to address the elephant in the room.
“...And leaving. I was- I am so stupid for walking out. It sounds pathetic but I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I really lo- I really loved you.” 
Race’s soft smile threatened to fall at the use of past tense.  His mind tried to object, but a smirk tugged at his lips and words crawled out.
“You miss me.”  He observed, a mix of teasing and astonishment now unmistakable in his voice
“No, I just really want my shirt,” Spot said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as if Race could see him over the phone.  “Yes, I fucking miss you.”
Spot hated himself for giving in that easily. But at the same time, he knew lying wasn’t going to get him anywhere or anyone for that matter.
Warm hope bloomed through Race at the less-than-heartfelt confession, sudden longing for the one person he thought he’d never be allowed to long for again. A million hazy emotions flew through his mind but he couldn’t articulate everything he was feeling and couldn’t force every heavy sentiment through the phone. He needed to know this was genuine before pouring his heart out. 
Spot’s finger was over the ‘End Call’ button when Race interrupted their silence, “But you said-”
“I said a lot of things,” Spot cut him off, “We both did. But I’d bet this month's rent you didn’t mean half of it.” 
Race wanted to object, but it was true. He hadn’t meant anything close. And while he prayed to every god that he wouldn’t regret it again, heavy words slid off his tongue;
“I miss you too. But look, we can’t just…go back to whatever we had a month ago.”
“Bad communication and not-yet-healed commitment issues?”
Race exhaled deeply, “Yeah, that. But I can’t- I mean- I’ve got your shirt. Please just come and get it so we can at least talk in person.” 
Spot running down apartment stairs full speed to reunite with his ex-boyfriend was probably something countless medical professionals would advise against but, quite frankly, he was more than willing to break a wrist or two for another shot. He managed a couple of breathless words that were essentially just ‘See you soon’ before falling into his car in a haze of nerves and emotions pretty damn close to excitement. Serious conversations weren’t his forté but were better than a familiar voicemail.
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ever-eilish · 3 months
Could you do Billie Eilish asking r out
A (not so) bad day
billie eilish x fem! reader
a day that is supposed to be horrible takes unexpected turns, after you accidentally bump into a certain singer
author's notes: thank you so much for requesting, I really appreciate it! sorry if this is not what you wanted, I really hope you like it though! once again, english is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes, enjoy❤️
warnings: a bit of cursing, but mostly fluff
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Chaotic. That was the only way to define today. You know that saying that 'nothing is so bad that it cant get worse'? So, that saying has proven true today.
I woke up 30 minutes late, spilled the coffee in my white clothes, missed the bus, and now I'm here, standing in front of the bland beige door, waiting for my boss to decide to call me to give me some more of his scolding.
Bad luck. That's the only word that can describe my day, or rather, my week.
Everything that could go wrong, did;
I'm in the midst of a series of catastrophic events ranging from the simplest, like knocking my butter breakfast bread to the floor — with the butter-covered part facing down, of course — to the more serious, like being threatened with losing my job by my annoying, weird boss.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see the door in front of me open and the middle-aged man walk out of the room - which looks more like a chain saddle.
"Well, well, it looks like you've decided to be late again?" the wretch says.
As if I'd choose to miss my bus, spill coffee on my white blouse, and wake up late.
"That way I'll have no option but to fire you," he repeats the same words he's been saying to me for so long.
Son of a bitch.
"Sir, please! I promise it won't happen again, I love my job!" I lied.
"I'm sorry, but you're officially fired," he announces, as if announcing me as an Oscar winner. I take a deep breath, count to a thousand, take another deep breath and, with all the calmness in the world, say: "FUCK YOU!" I throw my badge on the floor, and walk towards the office door, ignoring all the crooked looks directed at me, and leave that musty-smelling place.
I didn't even like it there!
My God, how am I going to pay my bills? Fuck that old cuckold.
Fuck that old-man
Oh my God, I'm going to have to sell my computer.
I hated my. co-workers anyway.
My God, my computer.
All thoughts were running. through my head in a whirlwind when suddenly I bump into someone in front of me and fall to the ground.
Without even noticing who it was, I quickly stand up muttering something like, 'I'm sorry'; and I offer my hand to the stranger sitting on the floor.
And it is at that moment that, with my hand outstretched, I begin to notice the victim of my lack of attention.
The stranger wore a black blouse with white stripes — or white with black stripes - and black shorts. Her beautiful hair had the roots dyed red, while the rest was dark brown.
I could have sworn I knew her from somewhere.
It's very sudden when I feel her warm touch on my hand - which remained stretched - and I feel the girl partially throw her weight on me to get up.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I should be more careful" she says, with an embarrassed smile.
"I'm the one who apologizes! I've been walking around thinking about nothing and ! ended up bumping into you" I say,
scratching the back of my neck.
"Are you okay? You hit it really hard against the floor" was only when the girl tells me that I notice my throbbing hip.
"I'm great!" I lied knowing full well that the last thing I was in right now was 'great'. "Hm, so, you live here?" the stranger says, acting as if she wants to continue a conversation.
I don't have anything better to do, after all, why not talk?
"No! I live in my house," say, internally cursing myself for the terrible attempt at a joke.
Anyway, she laughed, and I felt my. embarrassment soon go away when I heard the good sound of that laughter.
"Oh got it, you're the funny type, then?"
she asks me, clearly joking.
"That's what they say"
We stare at each other for a while when very quietly, I hear the click of a camera. The girl seems to hear the same thing as I do, when she suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me nto the convenience store next to us.
What the fuck is going on?
She pulls me further into the store and 'hides' behind a food rack.
Holy shit, is she being followed?
My God, could it be that she's a serial killer and I recognized her because of that?
Holy shit, I'm too young to die.
What if...
I am interrupted from my mental breakdown at the sound of his voice.
"Hm, I'm sorry about that. You know how it is, right? Paparazzi are everywhere."
My God, I was right.
She's a serial killer and I'm her next victim. "Are you going to kill me?" my eyes widen as I ask.
"What?" she says to me, visibly confused, "my. name is Billie! I'm a singer."
I let myself take a deep breath when I hear what Billie tells me. Well, at least I won't die today.
"Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you, and I wanted to meet you again" she says, looking deep into my eyes "what do you think about going to a coffee shop with me one of these days?"
Is she asking me out on a date?
"Like a date?"
"I want to!" I reply promptly, and watch as she rummages through her purse for a pen.
"Here!" She finally finds a blue fine-tipped pen, pulls out my hand, and writes something.
Before I can process what was happening, I feel a small kiss being left on my cheek and watch her walk out of the store with her head down.
When I look into my hand, I read:
"Cafeteria 221B, Baker Street;
03/22, at 9:00 pm.
See ya<3"
Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.
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