#i SWEAR back in the day i used to be able to gif directly but importing clips into cs6
awfcspencer · 3 months
Steal Your Heart || alessia russo x reader
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prompt: Loosely based on this request
warnings: None!
Stepping on the Arsenal training pitch, you were greeted by the familiar sounds of football, shouts and laughter echoing across the field, and the thud of balls being kicked. You couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves, a sense of anticipation in the air. As Arsenal’s newest transfer during the January window, you were eager to prove yourself on the pitch and cement yourself as a vital piece to North London. Having recently arrived at the club after a particularly rough break up, you were determined to focus solely on your football career, swearing off love in the process. 
Your attention was soon drifted away from your thoughts to a familiar figure of Alessia Russo, one of Arsenal’s beloved strikers and England’s star girl.
“Did she just trip over her own two feet?” You questioned to Leah, the blonde center back who was put in charge of showing you around the Arsenal facility before training. Pointing to the slightly taller blonde who seemingly tripped over thin air and fell roughly onto the pitch. She ungracefully pushed herself up off the ground, wiping her now pitch-stained knees, and shuffled around to act as if nothing happened. 
“She probably did. That is Alessia, most of us call her Less though. She will most likely be the clumsiest person you will ever meet.” She explained to you as your mouth curved into a small smile. Her cheeks were rosy, most likely from embarrassment, but you found it adorable. 
She then led you to a man in unusually larger puffer jacket and several of Arsenal staff members you had met earlier in the day. 
“Welcome to the Arsenal. We are thrilled to have you here.” The Swedish man told you, reaching out to shake your hand. The weather in London was much colder than you were used to, but you didn’t suppose a sunny day like today warranted such a big jacket. You had to carefully stifle back your laugh and cover it up with a warm smile as you shook his hand. “Hope Leah was sufficient in her tour.” 
“Yeah she was great! Showed me the important stuff and introduced me to Win.” A dimpled smile as you remember the chocolate lab who you gave several scratches on the head to, and then she rewarded you with a few licks to the face. 
“Great! Girls get in partners, and we will begin training.” He yelled out.
Most of the girls already had their designated partners, quickly picking each other and heading towards the pitch, so you were left stumbling to find someone to partner up with. A tap on your shoulder and a slight swivel of your head you were met with the familiar figure of the blonde from before.
“Sure…” She had yet to properly introduce herself directly.
“Alessia, but most people call me Less.” She responded quickly.
Kicking the ball back and forth warming up the legs, you and Alessia fell into a comfortable conversation. She had a particularly bubbly personality and seemed interested in the answers you had given to her questions. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to Alessia and her awkward charm.
“How are you liking North London?” She sent you a solid pass to your right foot as you kicked it back to her.
“I landed only a few days ago so I haven’t really had the time to explore yet.” Apartment hunting had taken a majority of your time, but you were dying to experience what this side of London had to offer. 
Fortunately, your sister lived in London, and you were able to crash on her guest bed before you had the time to sort out an apartment for yourself. She was there for you over the phone to pick up the pieces of your broken heart when rumors of cheating flooded into social media after your ex was caught bringing another woman to your shared home when you were on national team duty. The Arsenal bid came a few days later and you gladly accepted, fleeing the city in which haunted your memories.
“I get that. There is a coffee shop right near training grounds that has coffee to die for. You have to give it a try sometime.” She suggested. 
Weaving in between agility poles interlocked with your teammate’s hands was not initially how you thought today’s training was going to go, but the blonde’s angelic laugh behind you as you pulled her hand to follow in your trail was all worth it. Especially when she had been moving so fast to keep up with you that by the time she left the poles she stumbled out tripping over her own feet once again.
“Less you might be the clumsiest person I have ever met, and we just met. That is what, the second fall today?” Alessia’s infectious laughter filled the air.
The flush of her cheeks you assumed was from her second wipeout mixed with the sun beating down on her during training. Nonetheless, you found her little blush cute and as cliché as it sounded, small butterflies filled your stomach. Quickly you let those thoughts flee your mind, you were here at Arsenal to focus on football. 
“Oh whatever.” She giggled, gently brushed your shoulder, pushing you forward on the pitch. Her touch was electric, sending little chills down your back. 
Despite your initial nerves, training was well underway, and you felt confident. 
“Nice pass!” Alessia exclaimed, a wide smile lighting up her face as she received the ball. She had a smile that you felt could light up even the gloomiest of days.
“Why thank you Miss Russo,” you replied, returning Alessia’s smile with one of your own. 
As the two of you trained together, you couldn’t help but draw near the girl and be amazed at the way she moved on the pitch. Her movements were graceful on the ball but as soon as she wasn’t doing something football related, she immediately acted as if she had two left feet. She was captivating in a way you couldn’t explain. 
It was a few weeks later and you had fully set into your place at Arsenal, making solid connections with a majority of the girls and finding success on the pitch. One specific connection with a certain blonde striker who felt like a beautiful ray of sunshine who made you question several things. Alessia and you had solidified each other as designated partners for training. The two of you had formed a close bond, she was calming to talk to, and her puppy-like personality made her warm to be around. 
“Team movie night at my house tonight, attendance is mandatory.” Leah yelled throughout the changing room after training. She used her fake stern voice that she typically used during pre-match huddles to let everyone know she was serious about the event. 
Turning to look at Less, “Are you going to go?” Her cubby was to the left of yours which meant every day you would return home with her vanilla scent cemented in your nose. 
Looking up from mindlessly scrolling on her phone, she met your eyes, “I’ll be there if you will.” Sending you a cheeky wink, returning the smile you had sent her. 
Overhearing your conversation Leah yelled “You both better be there. No excuses.” 
Mimicking her attitude and batting your eyes to Alessia which only caused the two of you to break out into laughter. It was a typical scene your teammates had come to realize. The two of you in your own little world, most of the time giggling at some sort of joke one of you had made. You and Alessia had become close very quickly and there were some lingering thoughts of a possible relationship with the striker, but each time you forced the thoughts out of your mind. 
Your sister had thankfully drove you over to the England’s skippers’ home, you had stopped on the way at the store and grabbed a couple bags of chocolates to share with the team. Secretly, the chocolates you had picked out where a favorite of Alessia’s that she had mentioned one day during training. 
Inside Leah’s home, a few team members had arrived before you and were grilling Alessia for not making a move on you yet. They watched the way the two of you interacted, and the way Alessia suddenly became a bundle of nerves around you. 
“Come on Less, you’re in love with her. I’ve never seen you so nervous to just be around someone, and I’ve known you for years!” Lotte told Alessia, Leah, and Lia who were sat around the kitchen island. 
“She just got out of a relationship and who knows even if she feels the same way?” Alessia had been secretly falling for you, but she had trouble figuring out if you had felt the same way. You confided in the girl about your last relationship and your solemn swear to focus on your professional career. 
A knock at the door brought them out of the conversation as Leah opened the door and allowed you in. 
Leah’s living room was transformed into a cozy area with blankets and pillows spread out wide and popcorn at the ready. It was a challenge to fit almost twenty women into a room, but the greatest challenge was trying to figure out a movie that everyone could collectively agree on. 
You found yourself slotted next to Alessia on a plush cushion as you let the girls around you argue about what they wanted. Thankfully, Leah made an executive decision, declaring that since it was her house meant that she had final say, and turned on a rom-com. Every so often your shoulders would brush against the blondes in the dim light. Despite every intent you made to remain guarded and build a strong wall around your heart, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort in Alessia’s presence. 
As the movie played on the screen, you learned against the blonde, her warm seeping into your skin with a small blanket over the two of you. A feeling of contentment washing over you as you watched the movie together. Even in the low light, you could see Alessia’s crimson red cheeks.
When the movie came to an end far too soon for your liking, Alessia and you had yet to move until your phone began pinging. Your sister had been called into work and was unable to pick you up. You first thought about taking an Uber home, not wanting to inconvenience anyone, but you decided to ask first. 
“Hey, can anyone take me home?” you asked.
 “I can, only if you want though. I’m sure anyone could,” she mumbled out, her voice was soft and gentle.
“I would love for you to be my chauffeur Less.” Quickly accepting the offer with a shy smile and a small flutter of excitement in your chest at the prospect of spending more time with her.
The streets of London were quiet as Alessia drove you home. You found yourself stationed in her passenger seat opening up to her in ways you hadn’t with anyone else. Sharing stories and dreams as if you had known each other for years. You both shared your hope and dreams, your fears and insecurities, and once again you couldn’t help but feel a sense of a deeper connection growing between the two of you. Your conversations flowed effortlessly, each word building a bridge between you two, it was something you usually found difficult, but with Less it was always easy.
Before you knew it, you had arrived home. Ushering the girl a handful of thank you’s and sealing it with a side hug. But before you could say goodbye and exit the car, Alessia grabbed your wrist. 
“Hey, would you like me to drive you to training tomorrow morning? We can stop at the coffee shop I told you about? It is cool if not, no worries.” Alessia said softly, her voice was filled with nerves.
Your heart soared at the invitation and eagerly accepted the invitation, “That sounds lovely, see you tomorrow Less.” You were secretly counting down the hours until you could see Alessia again.
The next morning, Alessia arrived right on time and drove the two of you to the coffee shop. In the car, Alessia even let you play your music, something you knew was not allowed to many of your other teammates because everyone knew Alessia’s car was like her baby. Alessia’s eyes sparkled in the soft morning light as she drove.
Alessia ordered her drink and yours and you tried to hand the blonde your card to pay but she insisted she would pay. 
“Less please let me pay, as a thank you for driving me yesterday and today,” shoving the card more in the striker’s face. She simply resisted, handing the barista her card as a loud huff left your mouth.
“You can pay for the next one.” She told you, sending you a wink.
“Who says I want to get coffee again?” Pretending to be upset, crossing your arms and turning towards the window.
She quickly became nervous, mumbling out words you couldn’t even begin to depict. 
“Less. Less, I am just joking with you.” A fond smile tugged at your lips.
“Right. Yeah I knew that.” Her fake confidence only made you laugh. She handed you your drink as your fingers brush, its quick but it lights a familiar fire in your stomach. A feeling you were beginning to have around her often. As you arrived at the training ground, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were exactly where you needed to be- with Alessia by your side, making you laugh and smile like no one else could. 
The first game you would be playing in the Arsenal red was against Watford for the FA’s Women’s Cup. You had a clear prematch routine, one that always ended with braiding your hair. In the changing rooms, you were nearly finished with the last section of your hair when Alessia walked in. 
“I like your hair.” She complimented. She carefully watched in a slight trance.
“I can braid yours like mine if you want?” You asked, a playful smile tugging at your lips. Alessia looked up at you, eyes widening at the offer.
She nodded eagerly, stationing herself bent in front of you, allowing you to gently gather her hair in your hands. You watched in the mirror as Alessia closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of your fingers weaving through her hair. You finished the braid relatively quickly as Alessia had shorter hair, securing the braid with a small hair tie. 
“All done.” Admiring your handywork in the mirror. “You look beautiful Less.” You couldn’t help but admire her beauty as well. The way the sunlight caught her hair on the pitch, the curve of her jawline, or the softness of her lips. 
Alessia looked at herself in the mirror, a smile spreading across her face, “Looks amazing, thank you.”
She sealed the deal with a quick peck to your cheek, and a hug that lasted a little longer than it should, leaving you a puddle as she left. You couldn’t help but feel the warmth that lingered in your chest, a feeling that perhaps there was something more than a friendship blossoming between you and the striker.
Maybe you should have followed in Jona’s footstep in wearing a large puffer because several days later you found yourself sick. What made it worse is that you were supposed to be going out with the team to celebrate the next international window break. You had been looking forward to celebrating the evening but now found yourself bedridden and alone.
You quickly sent the group chat a message saying you would not be in attendance and found yourself cuddled up on the couch with piles high of blankets and reruns of Love Island on your television. 
A knock on your door surprised you. You blinked in confusion, wondering who could possibly be visiting you. You dragged yourself from the couch and made your way to the door.
Alessia stood on your doorstep with a worried look on her face. In her hands, she held a steaming bowl of soup covered with a lid.
“Less what are you doing here? You should be out celebrating?” Your voice thick with surprise.
“I heard you were sick,” Alessia said softly, her voice filled with concern. “My mom used to always made me this soup when I would get sick. She says it’s her secret recipe for curing colds.”
There was a rush of gratitude that washed over you at Alessia’s thoughtfulness. Stepping aside to let Alessia in.
“Thank you Less,” your voice soft with emotion. “That is really sweet of you.”
“It is no problem really,” she said. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.
She followed you to the couch, settling back into the warm cushion as Alessia took a seat beside you. She placed the bowl of soup in your hands and encouraged you to try some. It was delicious and you could see how it always did the trick. For a while, you and Alessia sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds in the room were the television and the metal hitting the bowl each time you brought the spoon to the bowl.
“This was really sweet of you Less.” It was like a tidal wave of emotions, the surging thoughts you had desperately tried to keep at bay so long coming to the forefront. Sat on the couch as your hands with the striker interlocked, both of you kept silent at the action. 
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you were about to say. “Less,” your voice barely above a whisper. “There is something I should tell you.”
Alessia turned towards you, “What is it? Is the soup not good? It’s okay I can make a different one if you would like?” she asked, her voice laced with concern. She even made movements to leave the couch, but you grabbed her hand and ushered her back down.
“I can’t pretend anymore. You need to know that I have grown to care for you, deeply.” You explained to the blonde. “I know it is kind of crazy given we’ve only known each other for a short time but I can’t shake this feeling.”
Alessia’s eyes widen with shock, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly as she struggled to find the right words.
You felt a surge of panic rising in your chest. Had you made a mistake? Had you ruined the friendship with the reckless confession?
Alessia reached out and took both of your hands in hers, her touch was warm and reassuring. “It’s you. It’s always been you. Since the day you stepped on the pitch on your first day.”
There was a surge of joy welling in your heart, a feeling of pure joy. Without another word, you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers. Your heart soaring as you felt Alessia’s strong arms wrap around you.
533 notes · View notes
myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 3: Double Penetration - Steve/Bucky
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Kinktober Day 3: Double Pentration -  Steve/Bucky x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, hatefucking, threesome, nicknames, size difference, choking, lots of swearing, discussion of masturbation, oral (m and f receiving), multiple orgasms, piv sex, anal sex, anal fingering, cum swallowing no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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You couldn’t get away from them quick enough, feet aching with each stomp as you exited the quinjet into the Avengers tower.
Tony was waiting at the entryway, “good mission then?” he smirked, having already listened to the argument on the comms between you and the two assholes and Tony being a smug prick rushed to welcome you back to the building. He had also been the other option to go on the mission but nope, you had to draw the short straw and endure the suffering of the two super soldiers.
It wasn’t like you attended these missions in a foul mood, prepared to argue, you were always keen to follow the instructions given by Fury. However, like usual, the two men had nearly caused you to be compromised thanks to Steve’s superiority complex, putting himself directly into the middle of the action instead of following the stealth instructions. This meant that you spent more time fighting off people than trying to save the captors and by the time you were aiding them out of the hell hole they were being kept in, you were shattered and bruised. Especially as you were not able to heal as quickly as the other two, it wasn’t as simple as having a drink and walking it off before continuing with the action.
This led to a shouting match on the journey home, with Bucky backing up Steve’s actions leaving you 2 vs 1 as per usual. You were fed up following them around, nearly getting killed AGAIN because of their stupid decisions, you weren’t going to let them get away with it for much longer.
Dropping your bag onto the floor beside Tony, you huffed irritated, “I’m never going on another mission with those assholes ever again Stark, keep them out of my way”. Your feet couldn’t walk you quick enough as you rushed to the tower elevator, not stopping to listen to whatever shit Steve and Bucky had to say, relief easing your muscles as the doors finally closed and you were alone.
It was hours later when you were finally in bed, having showered, applied cream to the forming bruises on your arms and legs and had some shitty film on in the background.
Just as your eyes were dropping with exhaustion, did a firm knock sound at your door. Your heart plummeted in your chest, not having any energy to have a discussion with anyone right now.  “Yes? What do you want?” you asked dryly.
No one answered which only caused you to roll your eyes and release another exasperated sigh as you heaved your body from the bed, once again stomping to show your displeasure and hastily swinging the door open.
“Oh for fucks sake, what do you both want? I thought we agreed to debrief tomorrow?” Stood before you were the two men you least wanted to see in the world. Gone were their expensive superhero suits and instead replaced with matching grey SHIELD t-shirts that hug their muscles, along with some dark grey joggers, hair slightly damp from recent showers.
Bucky was the one to respond, chuckling deeply and rolling his shoulders to relieve the tension and displaying his obvious annoyance. “It’s not the debrief Doll, that’s not why we’re here”.
Moving your weight from one foot to another, folding your arms sternly across your chest as you moved, glancing between the two men you replied, “well, what the fuck do you want, I was just about to get some well-deserved sleep”.
Steve now inched forward, standing to his full height, making your neck strain back further to look him in the eye, “let us in, this isn’t a conversation for the corridor”.
For some reason his words sent a panic through your thoughts, he never spoke to you in that calm tone, maybe something had truly gone wrong in the mission and needed discussing.
Contemplating it for a moment and glancing behind you to check your room and to see it in an organised manner, you moved to the side, holding the door open further for them both to enter.
Steve and Bucky stepped in and you noticed the way both of their eyes flicked to every inch of your room, assessing it, even this pissed you off, it was your safe space they should stop being so nosey but you refrained from sighing again as you shut the door, turning to face them, leaning into the wood.
“Well? What is it then?”
Neither answered immediately, both still walking around the room slowly.
Bucky spoke first, but not about why he was here, “I didn’t have you as a book reader” he mumbled, hand skimming over the book you’d left open at your desk.
This time you couldn’t hold back the sigh and rolling of your eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day, “so you’ve come to my room to talk about books?”
Steve turned to you now, pointing in your direction, “there you go again, sighing like being in our presence really is some horrific burden”.
“I mean it is, I’ve not exactly kept this a secret, Rogers” you retorted, walking further into the room.
Bucky shook his head in a condescending manner. “You’ve got a real mouth on you, you know that Doll?” 
Snapping your head towards Bucky you couldn’t help the aggressive tone as you snapped, “I’ve asked you to stop calling me Doll, I’m not one of your stupid dames from the 1920s”.
Neither men responded, instead, they looked towards one another, still wandering slowly around the room before Steve settled on the edge of the bed, a sight you never thought you would see and one that you weren’t sure how to feel about, it sent a sort of thrill through you but you shook it off as he began talking.
“You know, Stark mentioned something to us after you stomped off like a child”.
You scoffed, “fuck off Rogers-”
“Let me finish. He mentioned something that we initially shrugged off, in fact, it sort of repulsed us at first but the more we thought about it, the more it started to make sense”.
Steve left you pondering on his statement, “well? What did Stark suggest?”
You watched as Steve stood, taking strong steps towards you, distracting you from Bucky as he too stepped closer from behind. It wasn’t until they stood only a step away that you became a little apprehensive, neck once again straining to look up at the blonde.
“He suggested that we all needed a god, hard, fuck to get over whatever tension there is between us”.
You laughed. Hard. Like really belly laughed until tears were dripping from the corner of your eyes. You had also expected both of them to laugh as well at the ridiculous notion that had been presented to you but they both were watching you with hard expressions. “Wait, you aren’t joking? You can’t be fucking serious, do you really think I want to touch either of you? What a joke.”
Bucky’s cool metal hand was quick as he cupped your throat, cutting off your laughter, his grip hard enough to have you struggling against him but still be able to suck in small breaths. “What the fuck are you doing Barnes?”
Steve began tutting, “No, here’s the thing, you are going to listen to us for once”, he raised his hand to grip your cheeks so that your mouth smushed together so you reached up to hold onto his thick wrist, hoping to ease the grip he had but of course, he didn’t budge. It also didn’t help the situation that you were dressed for bed in only an oversized t-shirt and underwear.
“You have been a pain in our sides since you joined the team, but, we won’t take away that you are an asset on these missions but that doesn’t explain the reason as to why you decided to fight us tooth and nail with every single fucking thing that we do”.
Steve took a breath to calm himself before continuing, “now when Stark said his stupid idea we both brushed him off, but then we thought about it more and more. The way the tension was always thick in the air when the three of us are together, the way my cock twitches in the shower when I think about you in that uniform of yours. We all clearly just need to get things off of our chest or at least…get each other off”.
His lips smirked up as you contemplated this. But surely they couldn’t be serious right? This had to be some big practical joke… but then again, you couldn’t deny the initial attraction that you had when you’d first seen them. I mean, who wouldn’t be attracted to Captain fucking America and the Winter Soldier? They were tall, handsome, incredibly strong, you couldn’t help the schoolgirl crush the first time you’d been introduced to them.
However, after spending more time with them and seeing their arrogance and self-righteousness attitude, you’d ignored that impulse that had struck through you. So no, there was no way that you were actually contemplating this, he had to be making this up.
You were about to try and shove him off again but as your eyes dropped low, you could see the very prominent and remarkably sizeable shape that had formed in his joggers, maybe that serum did more than grow them in height and strength.
Steve caught you staring at his erection, glancing wickedly up to Bucky behind you as he stepped closer, both of their bodies now touching yours so that you could now feel Bucky’s firm rod being prodded into your lower back.
Ok so they were both definitely into this and your mind was racing, images flashing through your mind as to the potential of whatever it was that they were asking for, and your body betrayed your strong willpower as arousal hummed through and in between your legs, causing you to rub your thighs together to ease the tension.
The blonde noticed, his eyes lowering to watch before glazing back towards your face with half-lidded eyes, his pupils widely dilated with arousal.
Pushing on his wrist that was still firmly gripping your cheeks, he let go as you tried to speak with confidence, “fine, if we do this, it doesn’t mean that I’ll stop hating you guys because I still fucking do, but I’ll do whatever it is that you want to do”.
Steve didn’t seem convinced, “not quite what we were hoping to hear. It’s not just what we want to do, I need you to say it’s what you want as well, otherwise, we’re walking straight out of here and not returning and you can continue to think about us whilst in the shower, rubbing between your legs, shouting our names like our super soldier serum can’t hear between floors at just what you do after a mission”.
Your cheeks were burning hot, it had only been a few occasions that you’d done this, you just felt so wound up that you needed to relieve the tension and they both just happened to be the first people you thought of whilst masturbating.
“Fine Rogers, I want this ok? So hurry up and fuck me so I can kick you both out of my room”.
Steve chuckled darkly, squaring his shoulders as he looked above your head towards Bucky and gave a quick nod in his direction.
Bucky’s metal arm finally released your neck, allowing you to take a deep breath in for only a second before you were having his hands grip your thighs, lifting you up until you were folded up against Bucky’s chest, legs now spread in his grip. Scared that you might fall, you reached behind to grip the back of Bucky's head, pulling on his shoulder-length hair.
Steve took a step back, admiring the view before him, and without wasting another moment, he gripped your underwear in two places and effortlessly ripped them in half, chucking the offending material somewhere over his shoulder, now leaving you completely exposed to him.
“Even though you are the fucking bane of my life, I’ve always wanted to do this”, his voice was dark and gruff as he spoke, face inching forward before finally pouncing onto your moistening cunt. Your shout for euphoria made your ears ring from the volume but you couldn’t help it as he didn’t hold back at all, eating you out like a man starved.
His tongue delved deep between your folds, making sure not to miss a single nerve ending, spending specific time to push it into your eager hole, loving how he knew the exact spot to flick his tongue to have your head falling back against Bucky’s shoulder. He then spent time concentrating on your clit, kneading it with his tongue, rotating in circles, sucking it into his mouth, everything so deliciously pleasurably that you were pulling Bucky’s hair harsher, shout out as it all came crashing down, the waves of pleasure pulsing through you.
Steve released your clit slowly, looking up at you with hungry eyes as you tried to regain your breathing, the man definitely knew what he was doing with his tongue that's for sure. Tapping on Bucky’s head, he understand that you wanted to be put down, slowly easing you to your feet.
“My turn”, you seductively whispered, dropping to your knees, ignoring the pinch of pain from the bruises that were on your knees from the mission as you looked up expectedly, mouth wide open and ready.
Both men eased their cocks out of their joggers, leaving the material halfway down their delicious thighs, hands tossing themselves off as they down at you.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to see you on your knees like this” Bucky explained as he directed you to his cock, pointing it in your face. You were mesmerised by the sheer size of them both, thick and long, it had your mouth watering and also cunt pulsing in anticipation.
Reaching forward you gripped the base of Bucky, making sure to hold his eye contact as you licked along the underside of his cock, wetting it before sucking on his tip and enjoying the way he sucked in a breath at the sensation.
You were only able to take half of his cock to the back of your throat before you were gagging, so you made sure to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks as you moved up, enjoying the salty taste of him. Reaching out with your hand, you gripped onto Steve’s cock, not wanting him to feel lonely as you were able to suck off Bucky and toss off Steve at the same time, loving the sensation of having two of the world's biggest heroes in front of you, falling apart as you used your body.
As tears started to form in your eyes due to gagging over Bucky’s length, you pulled off and started to suck Steve’s cock, alternating between both men’s cock with your mouth or hand. The duo were groaning, hands on the back of your head to hold you there causing strings of saliva to dribble down your chin, mixing with the tears that were flowing down your face from the stimulations
As you tried to take Steve as far as you could into your mouth, the other hand gripping onto Bucky’s member so that it tensed, Steve finally tapped your cheek. Pulling off him, he signalled for you to stand but your knees were wobbly from being in that position so he effectively picked you up, your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you to the bed.
He placed you in the centre of your unmade bed, pulling off his clothes to match Bucky who had already stripped off. As they stood there watching you lean up on your forearms to inspect their every move, Steve asked, “who do you want first, me or Bucky?”
Smirking up at them, you responded, “why do I have to only pick one when I could have you both”. With that you turned on the bed, lying face first and lifted your arse into the air, presenting yourself to the two of them.
Bucky whistled at the sight, “you really think you can take us both?”
“Oh I know I can take you both, now hurry up and fuck me already”.
Bucky chuckled, “always so demanding Doll”, he knelt on the edge of the bed, pulling your leg back causing you to slide and then turning you so you were once more on your back. Looking down at you with an eyebrow raised he asked in a deepened voice, “What? Not going to chastise me for calling you Doll?”
Scoffing you refrained from rolling your eyes, “there's no way I’m having a go at you right now, not when you stand in the way of providing me with orgasms, Barnes”.
“Hmm”, he leaned over you, forearms resting on either side of your head, his mouth close to yours that you thought he might kiss you but he didn’t, instead he shifted his hips closer. “See, I think you secretly love that name, shall we test that theory?”
“What are you-”
Your words became caught in your throat as he began thrusting into your cunt, slowly and tentatively as to not hurt you, doing a good job at really stretching you out, feeling as if you were nearly at your max already but he kept going and going until finally he brushed against your cervix.
“Fuck” you cursed loudly, eyes rolling back now for a completely different reaction as he allowed your time to adjust until finally, his voice snapped you out of the blissful state.
“So how are you feeling… Doll?” Your pussy squeezed around his cock at the nickname, revealing another one of your well-kept secrets that you did, in fact, enjoy him calling you that name.
Bucky’s face was alight with amusement, loving that he had discovered this about you, “I had the suspicion that the name was turning you on, is that why you so desperately fought us to not call you that, was it because you were becoming aroused?”
“Fuck you, Barnes”.
“Actually, I think it’s more fuck you, Doll” he eased his cock out before sliding back in again. Bucky’s hips snapped into yours, starting off slow before building momentum, your cunt clinging to his cock desperately with each thrust.
It turned you on further to think that Steve was standing just beside Bucky watching you being fucked and with the hyperstimulation of his girthy cock and the fact that this was even happening, your orgasm came on quickly and suddenly. You only just had time to warn Barnes that you were cuming, hands grabbing onto his back as your cunt convulsed around him, squeezing him thoroughly.
Not giving you any time to come down from your high, the brunette whilst still balls deep, turned you both over so he was now underneath and you were now lying on his chest. Tiredly, you looked over your shoulder, smiling as Steve climbed onto the bed and remained behind you.
“Come on then Rogers, let’s see what you’ve got to offer”. Steve smirked at your taunting, reaching to your lips to press his fingers against them, hoping you would open them which you did, and sucked on them, coating the two digits with plenty of spit.
Pulling them out, he aimed them towards your puckered hole, easing one finger in at a time, making sure to thoroughly stretch you out, and adding three more fingers until he was satisfied that you would be able to take him without hurting yourself.
All the while Bucky had remained sheathed in your cunt, still thick and hard, you guessed that this had something to do with the serum that he could stay like this for so long. Without any further waiting, Steve’s cock brushed against your asshole, his warm tip taking its time to tease before being eased in. You felt your body trying to tense at being stretched from the second hole but you willed it to relax, and inch by inch disappeared into your hole.
Just as you felt like you were going to explode from fulness, he stopped, breathing heavily himself. “You’re so fucking tight” he muttered between breaths. The sensation was extremely intense, all of your vulnerable nerves were being touched in both the front and the back.
Steve’s hand fell into your hair once he had composed himself, pulling back harshly, effectively lifting you up from Bucky’s chest so that you had to lean your hands on his pecks whilst his hands rested against your breasts, which were still covered in your oversized shirt.
As Steve began to move, making sure to work with Bucky’s movements, you couldn’t believe how incredible pleasuring it felt, it was almost too much as each graze of someone's cock had you twitching to cum. 
It was an endless cycle of smacking hips together, orgasming hard and then them continuing. You weren't even sure how many times your pussy had convulsed around them both but by this point you had more dribble leaking down your chin and your mind was filled with white noise. The boys noticed that you seemed to be nearing your end and willed themselves to stop holding back their own orgasms.
“Fuck I’m going to cum” Steve stuttered first, pulling out at the same time as Bucky and man-handling you onto your back on the bed. You couldn’t even feel your legs, you had been well and truly fucked as the two super soldiers knelt over your face, tossing themselves off vigorously.
Noticing their plan, in your deliriously fucked out brain you managed to open your mouth and stick your tongue out in preparation for their cum. Steve was the first to shoot his load into your mouth, not missing a single drop as you eagerly licked your lips to make sure his salty goodness was drunk. Bucky followed him soon after, also cuming in your mouth but having to catch a drip with his thumb, pushing his white seed back into your mouth which you eagerly suck and drank down.
Closing your eyes, you were completely exhausted, only just being able to hear the boys beginning to redress themselves. Smiling to yourself, you managed to croak out, voice laced with tiredness, “could you both kindly fuck off and close the door behind you”.
Both of them chuckled as they exited without another word, leaving you to sleep peacefully.
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general-fanfiction · 1 year
Police Cars And Paintings. (Wally Clark x Reader)
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Summary: Wally helps Y/N get her justice.
Word count: 2,593
Gif Not Mine. Requests Are Open!
Warnings - Murder? Swearing.
“Y/N Y/L/N was loved by all, caring, supportive and kind are just three words that her family and friends used to describe the young woman whose life was so tragically cut short at the age of seventeen. Y/N was a senior at Split River high school, with hopes of attending New York Fashion School, in order to pursue her dreams of studying fashion design. She was the valedictorian with a passion for the arts. We learn today that her body was discovered in the school’s art room, with multiple stab wounds to her  neck, chest and stomach. Police believe the attack was premeditated and to remain vigilant as her killer is still yet to be caught.”
Letting out a pained scream, I launch the tv remote directly at the screen in front of me, causing the image to shift and blur before settling into a dull, gray static. Feeling multiple pairs of eyes on me, I grip my hair, tugging slightly to feel the tightness in my skull as a way to relieve the emotional pain weighing me down.
“Hey, let’s not do that okay. It won’t help you.” Wally tells me, gently grabbing my arms and forcing them down as he wraps his arms around me in a comforting hug. Well as best as he can leaning from behind the sofa.
“Are we not gonna talk about the fact that she just broke the tv? She’s ruined movie night for everyone.” Rhonda complains, eyes shooting daggers at me.
“Like you even care about movie night. There’s other TV's in this school, we’re not gonna miss one.” I snap back, rage still coursing through my body. “At least your murderer was caught.”
Rhonda scoffs, turning to look at Mr Martin, who has remained oddly silent, as she slips her lollipop back into her mouth. Mr Martin simply shares a disapproving glance, not impressed by either of our actions or comments though he still remains silent. Not wanting to make the tension in the room any worse. It’s so thick you could cut it with a knife, cliche I know.
“At least you know who did it, that’s got to count for something and I’m sure the police will work it out soon enough. I mean, they already know that it was a planned attack.” Charlie comments, hoping to make me feel a little better, yet I still feel just as bad. If not worse than moments prior.
“Yeah and he’s still walking about school as though nothing happened! The cops don’t give a shit Charlie, I’m already dead, it’s not like anything worse is going to happen to me that they have to worry about.”
Wally’s embrace relaxes as he stands up straighter, arms falling to his side, causing me and everyone else in the room to turn and look at him. A serious expression is settled upon his face, an unusual sight as he is normally sporting a soft smile or at least a playful lightness in his eyes.
“Wait, the guy that did this goes to school here? He’s still here?” Wally asks, his questions directed at me as though nobody else is even in the room. Clearly something has rattled him.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m so pissed off. I still have to see him every single day and there’s no escape. Not even in death I get peace.”
With a huff, I push myself off the sofa. Forcing a smile at the group as I make my exit, the moment I step out of the gym I start running. Sprinting as fast as I can to the other side of the school before climbing up the stairs to the rooftop. The art room used to be my quiet place, where I would find myself able to relax and feel at ease. Not anymore. So, the roof is my quiet place now. After moving all of my art supplies here, I’ve found that there’s no reason for me to even step foot in the art room anymore. It’s been a month and it’s still too painful to be in there.
Picking up my paintbrush and dipping it into my paint to continue the mural I have been working on, I hear another pair of footsteps lightly jogging up the stairs. I know it’s Wally, I don’t even need to turn around to know it’s him. Ever since I arrived in this world, he’s been my rock. Helping me get through everything and it’s safe to say that in the short amount of time I’ve known him, he’s found a special place in my heart. It’s not a crush. I swear it’s not a crush. I just happen to have a soft spot for him.
“Holy shit. I knew you liked art but this is insane, why have I never seen this?”
Wally’s stare is glued to the mural I’ve painted, each ghost gazing back at him from their position on the wall. Rhonda’s trademark moody stare, Charlie’s sweet but somewhat shy smile, even Dawn’s curiosity shines through in her chestnut brown eyes. I watch as he notices himself. A proud smile resting on his lips. Wally was the most difficult to paint, I wanted to make sure I captured his beauty properly, though that tends to be very hard to do when someone is physically perfect.
“You even got my necklace, Y/N this looks so real. Like you’re so talented, this belongs in a gallery or something.” Wally continues, brushing his finger down the side of his painted face, still in awe.
“It’s still a work in progress. I haven’t even started on Mr Martin, or the band kids or the girl in the theater whose name I always forget.” I tell him, swatting his hand away from the wall before he smudges any paint that may still be wet.
“Yeah, but do you really want them on there? Mr Martin sure, but the others, they never show up to the support group. You should keep it contained, no? You haven’t even painted yourself yet.”
“That’s kind of rude Wally. I painted Dawn and she never comes to the group, but she’s my friend.” I tell him, placing my paintbrush down and beginning to walk over to the rail at the edge of the roof. “We’re all dead, we deserve some sort of memorial.”
Leaning against the rail, I watch the kids below living their lives as normal. As though nothing is wrong, as though I wasn’t just murdered a month ago. God, if they knew this is what happens after death, they’d be terrified.
The football team are running drills on the field, accompanied by the cheerleaders who are going over the same routines. Students sit in the bleachers, either reading or making notes as they study. Occasionally laughing together as they discuss the latest gossip or show each other something they’ve seen on social media. It’s a peaceful scene, watching as they stress over things so trivial, things that won’t matter in ten years time.
“How come you never told me that the guy who killed you still goes to this school? I knew he hadn’t been caught but I assumed that’s because was on the run or something.” Wally asks me, leaning with his back against the rail so that he can watch me rather than the school.
“I don’t know. I try to avoid him and I know how nosey the rest of that group are, especially Rhonda. No doubt you’d all be following him around the school like a bunch of creeps.”
“Yeah but that’s just because we care about you.” Wally nudges me as he speaks, trying to get me to smile, which proves to be very easy as I make eye contact with him.
My heart flutters, making me nervous as I stare up at him. Wally’s height would intimidate me if I didn’t know how much of a big softie he was. I truly don’t think there is a bad bone in his body, he breaks the stereotypical idea of what a jock is. Charming and popular, sure, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Feeling his hand touch my chin, my smile grows wider as it gently moves to cup my cheek. His other hand combs through his hair, a nervous trait of his. Something I picked up on a while back, it doesn’t happen often because Wally isn’t one for getting nervous. He opens his mouth slightly, about to ask something. However, before he can my eyes catch sight of something on the field below.
“That’s him.” I point out, a flash of disappointment crosses his face before he removes his hand and turns to see what I’m looking at.
Harry Cole, clad in a dark hoodie is walking by the side of the field, heading straight to the art block. His pace is quick, almost like he’s in a rush and it’s the most panicked I’ve seen him since my death. Clearly something’s happened, a breakthrough in the investigation maybe? Police hot on his tail. Whatever it is, I need to know.
“That’s the dickhead that killed you?” Wally asks, scowling now as he takes him in.
“Yeah, come on, he’s up to something.”
Without even a second thought, I grab Wally’s hand, taking off in a slight run in order to catch whatever Harry’s up to. Wally’s gripping my hand in a firm hold, as if he’ll lose him if he lets go, thumb gently tracing circles into my skin despite us running.
Upon entering the art room, I immediately see Harry at the sinks, furiously scrubbing at something. Sharing a confused glance with Wally, I slowly approach him. I know he can’t see me and yet I’m still worried that I’ll disrupt him and spook me off, leaving me with no answers.
The closer I get the stronger the smell of bleach is, and then I finally see what he is cleaning. Butcher knife gleaming under the bright white lights, I spot the specks of blood still coating the handle and I know he’s trying to remove any evidence. Gloves adorn his hands in an attempt to mask his fingerprints. A silent tear rolls down my cheek at the thought of him never getting caught.
Wally’s arm wraps around my shoulder delicately. “You don’t need to see this.”
To my surprise, I don’t fight with him as he gently escorts me out of the room. I make no noise as I let the tears fall down my cheeks and I know Wally sees. Yet, he stays quiet. Not wanting to further upset me. He helps me to sit down on the old sofa that resides on the roof. With his hands on my knees he crouches in front of me, a concerned look on his face.
“You’ll be okay Y/N. I promise.” He tells me, words soothing my pain little by little. “Look I’ve got to run somewhere but I will be back so fast. I swear.”
Nodding my head gently, he presses a soft kiss to my forehead before dashing off to wherever he needs to be. Allowing me to wallow in my pain. The more days that pass, the more I feel as though justice isn’t possible. The more I feel like Harry will get away with everything.
Curling up into a ball, I allow my emotions to take over. Wails audible and body shaking with anger and sadness. I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I don’t understand how the others do it. They’ve been dead longer but surely they still feel the pain and anguish of being dead. Surely they must be hurting too.
I’m brought back to reality by the sounds of sirens, I’m not sure how long I was sat consumed in my sadness but I know that Wally is standing by the rail. Watching whatever it is that is taking place below. The sirens ring through my ears and I jump up to stand beside him, his arm instantly wrapping around me despite no words being said.
Police cars fill the car park, grabbing the attention of pretty much everyone in the near vicinity. Students stand in shock at the commotion being caused. Each window is filled with faces, eager to bear witness to what is happening outside. Wally’s arm squeezes my shoulders, a show of encouragement and support. I swear if he wasn’t by my side, physically holding me up with the arm that is wrapped around me, I think I would be a nervous heap on the ground.
With that, I spot it. Several police officers surround Harry as he is walked out of the school building in handcuffs. His hood shielding his face from view to the majority of students, however, I know it's him. Same outfit, same demeanor, same person. They’ve got him. I feel a weight lift from my shoulders and I let out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding.
“How did that happen? How did they know it was him?” I ask, completely bewildered by the entire situation.
Wally looks down at me, a shy smile on his face. He knows something I don’t. Turning to face him properly, I take his hands in mine, raising my eyebrows in an attempt to get an outside. Only for him in turn to focus his stare onto the floor.
“Dawn has a pretty big social media presence within the school community. She runs it as though she’s an anonymous gossip blog, nobody knows who she is but everyone knows her.” He starts, still leaving me confused as to how this happened. “I managed to get her to the art room in time to take a picture of him with the knife. She posted it, it went viral and now the police are here.”
Feeling a rush of emotions run through my body, I somehow gain the confidence to pull Wally down by his gold chain. Gentle enough that it doesn’t snap but with enough force that he’s taken off guard. My hands hold his face as I press my lips to his, feeling his hands hold my forearms as he delicately moves his lips against mine. As I pull away slowly, my mouth drops open in shock as I gaze at Wally who is now eye level with me. Hunched over in order to kiss me.
“I am so sorry Wally. I have no idea where that came from, I just -”
Wally cuts me off with his lips on mine once again, he maneuvers slightly so that my back presses against the rail and I wrap my arms around his neck as the kiss begins to grow more passionate. His hands are holding my waist, body pressed tightly against mine as I feel every inch of my body tingle with excitement. I know Wally feels it too. When I force myself to pull away for some air, he doesn’t hesitate before moving to press light kisses against my neck.
“I’ve never felt this with anyone before Y/N.” He whispers against my skin, goosebumps raising at the feel of his lips moving against my neck.
He moves to look at me, a big, goofy smile on his face as I move my hands to play with the necklace dangling in front of me. Wally places his hands on the rail besides me, watching me eagerly, awaiting my next move.
“I really, really like you Wally.”
He chuckles softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I really, really like you as well.”
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Fucked Up - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Words: 5.3k+ Type: Smut Summary: Hangman makes a mistake in training that could've cost your safety, and you've had enough of his way of being. Warnings: Fem!Reader [no mentions of race or bodytype]. Mentions of a possible accident in the jet, being a naval aviator, and lack of teamwork. SMUT [sex in communal shower, piv, no protection (she's on the pill), risk of getting caught, hair pulling].
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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By clicking to read more you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and mature enough to read mature scenes :)
Jake knows he fucked up. Truly, fucked up bad. He has been called out by people like Phoenix or Maverick about how he’s not exactly a team pilot. He has always begged to differ. He has always been there in the case of emergencies and helped people out when they needed. Yet, his thick skull could never really understand how bad he is in tests or training.
You and him never really became friends in the years that you’ve known each other. You are closer to Phoenix and Fanboy than anyone else, but Jake likes what he has with you. It’s a healthy mixture of playful banter and insults whenever you two fly together.
You tease one other on everything. It has been like this for years and never changes. Jake likes to have someone to annoy. It’s just a little extra something for his ego to have someone that actually fights back.
Yet, even in the middle of all the fights and bantering, he always loved the way you would crack and eventually shine a smile at him. You would always turn your head so he wouldn’t see and think he won something in your discussions. And, even when it’s not as common as he would like it to be, he thrives on every bit of those days.
There are also other days that he swears that you are flirting with him. It may be after a few beers, but he indulges every word.
But, today was different. Whenever Jake screws up with you in the air, he gets an earful in the coms. He's your wingman, he’s supposed to make your flying feel safer by either his coms or his firepower.
Yet, not only is it difficult to keep up with his speed - something Maverick made sure to switch you up with Phoenix since you seemed to have an easier time with it -, he is almost dead silent the whole time.
If doing canyons and pulling 4G’s on each wasn’t bad enough, having to follow a reckless speedy pilot who doesn’t even get to use his coms whenever he needs to is simply a bonus you get to have. Jake is able to communicate, sometimes, but not always. And that is exactly how he messed up today.
He was going too fast because, even though you were constantly telling him in his ear to slow down, you were able to keep up with him, and he likes that. He thrives on that too with absolutely no shame. Yet, speed and tight spaces don’t go too well. The two of you were too close for the speed you were going in and, as soon as Jake noticed how close he was to the side of the mountain, he didn’t have time to say anything and simply decided to pull himself off.
You had good reflexes. You were able to not hit the mountain, but when you pulled off from Jake’s back, he also moved, meaning that you had to pull much farther back. If adrenaline wasn’t already high in your body, it was so much worse now. You almost hit Jake.
The circuit that you had to do is tight. It leaves no space for errors, and you two just so happened to do one.
Right as you were pulling away from Jake, you pulled upwards and directly in range of the missiles. A voice in the coms informed you right after, and your hold on the stick tightened with anger.
Your backseater was the one to explain in the coms what happened to Maverick, and Jake continued on with the course nonetheless.
You don’t think you’ve ever been so angry. You expected that as Jake continued on and you were left in silence on your way back, your anger would cool you down, but it didn’t.
You were annoyed. It was a mistake, sure, but one that could’ve been avoided with communication. If the two of you had reacted at the same time, this would’ve gone well. You probably would’ve finished it. But, no... Now, you have to try it all over again tomorrow.
Minutes later, you are still quiet in the coms, not really finding any strength in you to speak after what happened, but you still speak enough to do your job.
“You alright there, Chaos?” Hangman asks through coms.
You don’t answer, but your backseater does once noticing your silence.
“We’re good.” He said for you.
Jake lands before you, which you're happy with since it means he will be out of your way when you leave your own jet.
You let out a little breath as you wait your turn to land. With the golden sunlight hitting your face, you are silent, still trying to get yourself back to normal.
You’re called in for permission to land after a few minutes, and you easily do so.
It takes everyone some time to get out of the landing strip and then park the F-18, but you only feel relief when you're done.
The canopy hisses open as you calmly unstrap yourself, and the light breeze hits your face. You let your backseater leave first, and, only once he's a few steps back, you make your way off your seat and down the ladder.
Helmet off your head and get ready to leave, you're facing the building where the locker rooms are. You really only need a shower and go to bed. You truly do not want to have to deal with anything else.
No one really says anything to you, knowing it’s better to just leave you to cool off. Yet, not even ten steps after, you already hear a familiar voice in the wind.
“Hey, Chaos!”
You didn’t look over your shoulder, you simply ignore everything. And seeing you walk away without a word to everybody was worse for Jake than your silence in the coms. He was waiting for your lecturing and your disappointed sighs, but neither ever came to his ears.
He watches you walk away, unstrapping some of the things across your chest with a helmet in one hand as you do it. Jake waited with some hope in his heart for you to turn to him and just scream at the top of your lungs. But you never began to think to do such a thing.
Jake walks off from the conversation he was just having, not even remembering to excuse his abandonment in the first place, and starts over to you. You don’t turn to see whose steps are getting close, you only push the door of the building open and walk inside, not caring to hold it for Jake, behind you.
When he is able to get in as well, he takes a look at you. He doesn’t say anything and you don’t ever look at him, not even when you have to turn around the corner. Your eyes don’t ever lift to his, and your mouth doesn’t ever open.
Deep down he knows you wouldn’t listen to a single word if he spoke. Hangman never apologizes for any of his fuck ups. He simply finds excuses on why he fucks up. Never even comes close to muttering the word "sorry". And, because of it, you do not care.
As you get to the locker room, you expect him to stop following you, but you are very wrong. Jake walks side by side with you and stands there watching as you open your locker and begin to unzip your flight suit.
You unzip it at your thighs, undoing the laces right after, and Jake just stands there, watching you ignore him.
No one really gets in the locker rooms at this time, and you know you two were the last ones in the air today. You're completely alone with him for a good following minutes.
Right as he opens his mouth to speak, words are said by you first.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
Jake shuts his mouth and looks at you as if in shock. He feels a little bit of every emotion bubble in his chest, but the fact that he got you to talk just now, it’s still annoyingly a win in his book.
“Come on. Don’t be like that.” He says to you, and you hear the smile on his words. God, as if you could get any angrier. “Can you at least look at me?” He asks.
You slip your arms out of your flight suit, appearing in your white tank top, and continue ignoring him. The suit stays secure on your hips, and Jake begins to think of something else he could do.
He needs to ignore all that is going on in front of him. Ignore the way your skin is shining under the light because of sweat, how tight the tank top is to your chest, and especially how he can very much peek into your shirt on accident from where he stands.
“About what happened-” He tries again.
You stop moving to speak.
“But I do not want to talk.” You speak slowly, “Nor do I want to see your stupid fucking face, right now. So… leave.”
As soon as you had let anger get the best of you as you spoke, even when it was just a slip-up, you regret everything. Insulting someone like Jake was like adding fuel to a fire. It doesn’t make him angry, it excites him.
“My stupid fucking face, uh?” He repeats, and you don’t answer him.
Jake begins to move. In fact, he doesn’t walk away from where he stands, but his arms and hands do the work. Jake Seresin is beginning to undress too.
Your eyes quickly go over to him, but he’s not looking at you, his eyes are focused on every strap he’s undoing and every lace he’s untying. As soon as his hands come back to his chest, you force yourself to speak.
“What are you doing?” You ask him.
Your eyes meet and neither of you tries to look away. You just stare at one another. The looks of both of your eyes clash. Your hardened eyes are filled with anger, and his with nothing but mischief.
“Getting ready to shower.” He answers easily.
“This isn’t your locker room.” You remind him.
“I need to get you to talk to me, don’t I?” He says, pulling at the last strap on his chest as he finishes the sentence. “Nothing like making you have to see my stupid face for a little longer to make you talk.”
You watch him for just a few seconds, and Jake finally unzips and slips his upper body out of the suit. He has a tank top under it as well, but his tan skin shines with the light, and his ridiculously muscular arms and shoulders reach your field of view.
“I’m not talking” You assure him.
“And why not?” He doesn’t stop with the undressing, but he keeps his gaze on you constantly.
“Well, if you haven’t noticed already. I’m fucking mad at you.” You tell him, “Now, leave.”
He doesn’t say anything.
“Just talk to me.” He tells you, a grin appearing as he says that to you, his hands pausing the undressing.
You force yourself to look away and restart your undressing. The message is easily received by Jake as well. It’s entirely weird how neither of you even hesitates on continuing with stripping.
You’re one step ahead with the process as you now stand in the locker room with just your tank top and underwear. Jake swallows dry at the sight of your legs, but he keeps on going strong.
“You-” You begin to speak once more, ready to remind him that he cannot take a shower here and the many reasons why, but something stops you.
Jake’s shirt flies over to the bench beside you, and you swear that you have to hold your head in your hands to not blatantly stare at his naked chest. You slow down your breathing, trying to seem absolutely calm and collected, and, to your every bit of distaste, Jake notices it.
“I what?”
“You can’t shower here.” You tell him while staring forward into your locker. At this point, you’re spitting your words with anger. “Your stuff isn’t here.”
He stays quiet for a little bit and, out of habit, you look at him to find a reason for his silence. He offers you a shrug with a tight lipped grin, dismissing whatever you just said as if that wasn’t a great argument against his decision. As id someone will take a shower without something other than water.
“I’m sure we can share.” He tells you all so seriously.
You look at him for a little longer, forcing your eyes to stay on his face, and finally turn your entire body to face him. You two stand just a few inches away from each other, but neither of you hesitates or thinks of taking a step back.
You carefully look at the door of the room, scared that anyone could very much walk in on both of you, even when, deep down, you know how improbable it is. And then look at him, forcing yourself to remember what he did and how risky today was only because of him, and soon, annoyance covers your face again.
“Leave, Hangman.” You tell him in a low and stern tone.
He lowers his head so that the two of you stand eye-to-eye and he whispers, trying to match the low tone of your voice.
“No.” And his perfect white smile shines on his face.
You grab your towel from the bench, and as you go to grab the rest of your things, you pretend to forget about the man that is standing beside you. The same one that is just now standing in his boxers. You swear that you don’t even order your eyes and head to turn, but they try.
With all of the things you need in your hands, you hold them close to your chest, and you notice him step a little closer, leaning his shoulder onto the metal door of your locker.
You finally are ready move to the showers and slam your locker closed, turning your back to him. Jake is right on your tail yet only after a few seconds of distance due to his sight-seeing. You put down your towel by the last bench, the one closest to the exit, and enter the white room of the communal showers.
You can’t believe he’s still following you.
You put some things down on the ground by the shower head you’re going to use, and look over at Jake. The two of you standing in minimal clothing, looking at each other as if to see who will be the first one to pull out. It's a bad plan since the start because the two of you are the most stubborn people on the entire base.
You bring your hands over to your tank top and pull it up, throwing it over to the bench - right on top of your towel. Next up is your bra, and even Jake turns his head just in time to give you privacy.
It’s unbelievable how the two of you actually finish getting undressed and, without any hesitation, turn on the water.
If the two of you weren’t already tense, the cold water didn’t really help your case.
As the water turns automatically off (navy showers), you grab your soap and casually just lather yourself with it, acting as if everything is totally normal.
Your stomach turns and twists, yet also bubbles with some sort of anxiety as you stand near Jake. Jake eventually needs the soap too, and it doesn’t help that he takes it from your hands right as you’re done with it. The feeling of his larger hand against yours made some sort of heat run through you. His hand is larger, more calloused, strong, and with surely longer digits. Okay. You need to calm down.
“Let me know if you need help washing your back.” His voice echoes in the open room.
You pathetically aren't able to hold back a grin with his words.
“I’m sure you’d love that.” You tell him, trying to sound bitter.
He doesn’t answer, and you find yourself looking at him. Your grin is already gone. Jake is looking at you in the eyes, but your staring ends as you move to turn back on the water.
It’s difficult to have to keep looking at him in the eyes when his body is right there. When his hands are moving over his muscular arms, his hairy chest, or his abs.
The cold water shuts off your mind right away, calming down the heat of your own body. Jake doesn’t look away as quickly, but he finally has to force himself to do such a thing. He needs to stop thinking about how the water is washing and running down your skin, the way the soap must have looked all throughout your body, or the way your hands could feel on him.
Jake turns the cold water as well and looks at the ground as it hits his warming skin. You look at him for just a second as you finish up with the rinsing off the soap. You watch him as he closes his eyes under the water, and you shake your head while looking away again. Your staring will get you in trouble.
Your water is cut off shortly after, and you look over at Jake. He’s already looking at you. You don’t look as mad anymore, but he knows that as soon as he mentions the training again, which he will have to eventually, all of it will go down the drain.
“Can I have my soap back?” You ask him, seriously.
Jake smiles at you and right as he’s about to hand you the soap, his water cuts out, leaving you two to stand in silence. You bring your hand closer to his, and you carefully grab the soap from his palm. Your fingers touch, even with so much effort.
All of the warmth the two of you were able to wash away with the cold water has now come back, stronger than ever, right as the two of you stand completely naked before each other and try keep your eyes on each other’s faces.
“Still mad at me?” He asks over the overbearing silence.
You expected his words to reawaken your anger, but they don't. You still have some deep-rooted anger bubbling down when you remember the exact moment of your error as a team, but not as strongly as before. You look at him for just a little longer and shrug.
“Wouldn’t you?” You ask him fairly, “If I were the one that screwed up?”
“Maybe.” He nods, voice still low, “But not for too long.”
You almost laugh at his words. Jake Seresin is one of the biggest perfectionists of all time. Any pilot is, yet he takes the cake. He hates every time someone screws up his perfect timing, his perfect mission, his literally anything. You know he's lying, through and through.
“Is that so?” You ask him, tilting your head attentively.
His eyes quickly look over at your collarbones as he stares at you. Your words are enough to pull at his full smile, and, soon, his eyes are back on your face.
You hum at him, obviously doubting everything, and he is only more amused by it. You two stare at one another for a little bit in the same silence as before.
“Am I your favorite, Seresin?” You ask him. “Must be. With how quick I’m able to be forgiven.”
He chuckles at you, and you smile.
“Depends... Who’s your favorite wingman?”
The real answer floats in your mind, but you definitely have other plans.
“Rooster.” You nod as you speak, but your smile is your biggest enemy. It makes it obvious to the blonde that you never lied so hard in your life. “He’s the safest.”
Jake takes a step closer with your words and his perfect smile still shines on his face. You look up at him, noticing how the two of you have totally grown more than natural about your lack of clothing, and force your own entertainment to not seem so apparent.
“Is that so?” He asks, and you nod, “Safest.” He repeats as if he’s testing the word out loud.
He leans his head down closer to yours, worsening the heat spreading over your body, and you stare back at him.
“He never put me in danger.” You recall back at him, “Whereas for my second favorite…”
“Second favorite?” He smiles at that too.
“Coyote.” You smile back, “He's less safe, but still up there as one of my faves... And then, there's you. The worst of them all.”
He chuckles in your face at your choices and then nods.
“That’s fair.” He comments, “I actually had Phoenix as my favorite this whole time.”
You smack the side of his head for that and it makes the two of you laugh. Your eyes fall on the skin of his chest, and you take in the view. When you look back up, Jake catches you red-handed. Two complete seconds of silence and both of you with only one idea in mind.
Your lips touch and your heart practically jumps out of your chest. Jake was the one to close the space between you two. Your hands slide over to his neck, and you don't hesitate to kiss him back. Jake’s hands lay across the skin of your sides, and he pulls you closer.
Your naked bodies brush against each other, and Jake is the one to move you two around, while still in the kiss, and lean you against the wall.
Jake’s tongue touches your bottom lip and, as soon as you open your mouth and your tongues touch, the whole demeanor of the kiss and your touch changes. Your grip on the back of his neck, pulling him down harsher and closer to you; and Jake’s rough hands running through your body, touching every bit of skin he can reach.
Your fingers run through his wet hair, pulling at the strands when the kiss roughens exactly how you want it to. You sigh when Jake pulls away from the kiss and his lips begin to move down your neck. He bites onto the skin that he notices you to be more sensitive.
One of your hands comes down from his shoulders to his chest, running through his perfectly sculpted body, feeling every hilt of muscle as your other hand still grips onto the strands of his soft hair. Jake comes back up to kiss your lips, and you let out a soft moan. One that makes Jake’s whole body react as the vibrates against his lips.
He pulls away from the kiss and, for a split second, the two of you look into each other’s eyes.
Jake grabs your hips and turns you around.
“You’re on the pill, right?” He asks, and you sigh your answer.
You lay one of your hands on the tiled wall and take a discreet deep breath, trying to hold yourself together.
Jake never really leaves your body untouched. His lips come back to kiss your shoulder, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he moves up to your neck and jaw. You lay your hand on the back of his head as he’s close enough, and his hands continue to grip your hips.
You arch your back, leaning closer to him as Jake continues to kiss your neck. His hands on your hips slide across your skin and feel one of them move in between your legs. His palm lays over your pussy, never trying to not do anything further, and you lean your forehead on your outstretched arm.
His fingers slide in between your folds, and you cling to his hair all over again. His middle and ring finger slide down to meet your entrance and he groans on your neck at the feeling of your juices covering his fingertips.
His other arm wraps around your torso and pulls you flush against him, letting you feel his cock, already hard, behind your back.
Jake’s fingers slide slowly inside of you, and you gasp. They're a severe difference from your soft hands, but that only worsens your ability to stay quiet and still. His fingers are much bigger and rougher than yours.
He begins to move them inside of you, letting all of your juices wet his skin, and then you feel his thumb over your clit.
You lean your head back, biting down at your bottom lip to stay quiet, and your head lays against Jake’s shoulder, exposing your neck further to his mouth. His fingers move inside you, curving and sliding into you. All in ways that make you have to fight the urge to close your legs, and that is soon abandoned, as Jake notices.
“You want to cum on my fingers first, sweetheart, or-” He asks against the skin of your neck.
“Just fuck me, Jake.”
He smiles at your words and before pulling his head back, he makes sure to nip at your abused skin one last time. His fingers are pulled out of you, and you groan ever so slightly at the fast action.
Jake maneuvers you with such ease that you almost don’t notice the way he pulls you away from him ever so lightly, lifts your hips, and just aligns the tip of his cock with your cunt. The arm he had around your torso stays tight, and slowly, you feel him slide inside of you.
Jake’s hand flies and covers your mouth faster than you expect him to and you cannot keep yourself quiet for much longer.
Any noise in the showers echoes. Anything. Any noise seems louder than it really is in the room. And when you have to control the sounds that leave your mouth as Jake slides his cock inside of you, it's harder to keep quiet. Much harder. He’s bigger than you thought, a lot bigger, and you swear that you feel like being slowly ripped in half.
The hand you have on his head comes to hold onto his wrist, feeling his soft skin against your palm. Jake gives you time, leaning his cheek on the side of your head, trying to control his breathing too as he feels your smooth wet walls squeeze him with anything he does.
After some time, Jake begins to move his hips and you hold onto him tighter. His thrusts into you make you close your eyes and lean your head back further, feeling and loving the way he stretches you and already fucks you so well.
His movements gain speed and remaining quiet gets harder for Jake too. He holds back any grunts or groans, he closes his eyes tightly and holds you closer to him to fight the urge of letting anything past his lips. Soon, the sound of his thrusts is also audible in the room and no matter how much you two try to hide it, they’re there. Everything is so silent, you can hear the sound of your skin slapping loudly and both of your heavy breathing.
A little moan escapes both your lips and Jake’s hand as you feel his dick directly hit your g-spot. It sounds like a little scream, even though muffled, it still echoes and makes Jake almost feel himself go entirely crazy. He leans his head back against yours, and repeats what he just did, secretly wanting you to slip up again. And he accomplishes exactly that.
Your hold on his arm gets tighter and soon your hips move against his as he drills into you. You continue to let out soft little noises, all of them echoing through the room and possibly ruining your plan to stay secret to everyone that could be outside of the locker room. The walls of your pussy have grown impossibly wetter and tighter around Jake, and he knows that you’re already close.
It’s all a mixture of the pleasure from the sex with the risk of getting caught. It all makes another type of adrenaline course through your blood. Your every action can be risky as you can be very much caught by anyone that could either need something from the room or simply clean it. Any of your superiors can walk in on you two too.
You sob out a moan against Jake’s palm, and he forces you closer to him. He uncovers your mouth for just a second and uses his hand on your chin to turn you to him. Your lips and tongues touch into a messy and sloppy kiss. The two of you almost can’t even concentrate enough to do it. You force yourselves to stay quiet, and you feel like you’re going to explode already.
Jake covers your mouth again and feels you grind your hips against his every time you connect. Your walls squeeze him tighter and tighter, and your small moans become louder underneath his hand. Jake never falters on his thrusts, sliding his dick back and forth inside of you just like before, and, with just one harsher thrust, you come undone around him.
Jake covers your mouth, trying to make you stay as quiet as humanly possible, but your moans do spill. A hand can only muffle so much, and Jake is secretly praying to hear every single one of them, fighting his urges to just uncover your mouth entirely.
Your walls squeeze him so tight, and you move against his body in tiny spasms in a way that it doesn’t take Jake much longer to cum as well. He brings the arm he has around your torso over to your hips to hold you in place. You let moans spill out due to the overstimulation, and Jake’s thrusts get faster yet sloppier with each one going into you.
His head comes to the crook of your neck once more, and your hand comes back to cling to his hair. The small pain of the pulling at the strands drives Jake to his last needed stimulation, and he finally feels his muscles contract much tighter than before. You grind your hips against him, and Jake finally reaches his climax as well.
Your movements never pause, no matter how tightly he holds onto your hips, and the ropes of his cum fill your insides. He groans onto your neck and you turn your head to pull him into a kiss. The kiss is softer than before and you’re the one that dominates it, this time. Jakes kisses you back and even chases your lips whenever you try to pull back.
Jake loosens his hold on you and you two finally pull away from your kiss. He disconnects your hips, and you gasp out loud at the feeling. Jake eyes you down as he does it, watching his cum slowly slide out of you, and the image alone makes him close his eyes to stay sane.
You turn back around slowly as Jake still holds onto you, and your chests are held flush together. The two of you are breathing heavily while looking at one another, and he’s the one to break the silence.
“I better be your favorite wingman, now.” He whispers, his tone never so serious.
As if he wasn't already.
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Hope you enjoyed this!
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moon-fics · 1 year
Who Is She?-Simon "Ghost" Riley
A/n: This is definitely a slay! REPOST! This is my work I'm reposting it! I hope ya'll enjoy it!
Summary: You're new to the team but there's something about you Ghost can't quite understand.
Warning: Swears, mention of injury/blood
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When Ghost first saw you, he was caught off guard by your appearance. You had a mask that covered the bottom half of your face, an emotionless glaze over your eyes. He almost attacked you with how tense you looked while under his glare, assuming you were an enemy spy snooping around. You got lucky that Price appeared right behind you with a warning look pointed at him. When you noticed Price your body relaxed enough to put Ghost at ease. 
“Simon this is-” Your eyes widen as he begins to introduce you. Before Price can continue, you butt in.
“Trick.” You finish Price’s sentence with a low tone. Price is unfazed by your interruption but waits in case you have more to say. After a few seconds, he guesses you don’t want to talk anymore and pats your back. 
“She’ll be joinin’ you on the Taskforce’s mission. She’s got inside information that we can use and she’s a bloody good shot.” Ghost is barely listening to Price as he observes you. Your eyes are locked with his and he can’t tell what you’re thinking. Usually, he’s able to read someone quickly, but he can barely stand looking at you directly. There’s something about you that makes him uncomfortable and he can’t figure out what.
“I hope you two can work well together since she’ll be next to you the whole time.” Price has a tone that tells Ghost not to argue.
“Him?” You point at Ghost with curious eyes. Price raises an eyebrow in amusement and nods. Ghost is sure he’s missed an important conversation to make Price chuckle at your confusion.
You took Price’s words literally because even before the mission you stand near Ghost. Not close enough to bother him or get in his way, but enough to be noticed by the other teammates. Soap has tried to make conversation with you but whenever it gets too personal you put up a strong wall. 
“You should have seen us on our last mission! We barely made it out alive, I’m just glad Ghost didn’ crash the car we used to get away!” Soap explains with a large grin. You nod along, listening to his every word. Ghost is sitting next to you busy making sure Soap doesn’t fabricate any details to make himself seem cooler. “You ever been on missions?”
“I have and they’ve all been successful.” You say nonchalantly as if that isn’t something to be proud of. Ghost can’t help but want to hear about them, but he knows you won’t tell. However, Soap does not and he presses deeper.
“Any impressive injuries? I’m sure ya have a few intense scars!” Just as Soap finishes his sentence there’s a shift in you. From a willingly social attitude to an empty person, your smile falls. The wall builds itself back up and just like that Ghost loses you.
Not a single member has been able to get a single detail of who you are, but Ghost has seen a few things. 
For example, you always smell like roses, except one day when you smelled like vanilla, you seemed upset you had a different shampoo. He also notices you like watching him polish his guns, even if that means sitting in silence awkwardly. 
Even though you hide the bottom of your mouth he can still tell when you’re smiling or frowning because you’ll allow your eyes to give it away. Those are the only times he can actually get a read on you, any other and you’re like a brick wall. It’s not because you show too many emotions or hide your eyes, you just have nothing within them. Nothing he can understand at least. 
You sit next to Ghost as he sharpens his knives carefully. Your eyes never leave his hands and it makes him feel nervous. He doesn’t understand why his hands are sweating and why your eyes are so pretty in this light. 
He reaches for another knife to sharpen and your eyes lock onto it. There’s the smallest amount of interest showing and he can’t help but enjoy how comfortable you’ve become with him. It’s only been a couple weeks but you’ve been showing more emotions around him, only him. He sharpens the knife and puts the cover over the blade. He sighs heavily before handing you it. You give him a smile that not even the mask can hide and gladly take it. 
Ghost doesn’t converse with you often, instead, he has small moments like this. He honestly prefers silent company over eggshell conversations and he can tell you do too.
A week before the mission you seem to sit closer to him and try to be closer physically. He can’t tell why, but he assumes it’s your nerves. You seem protective over him, keeping an eye out whenever you’re around him. He can’t say he doesn’t enjoy having someone to be alert with.
Ghost sits next to you on a rooftop, sniper rifles resting on the edge. It’s dark out now, the stars lighting the sky beautifully. Both of you are sitting against the roof edge waiting for the signal to aim. He hasn’t said a word and neither have you.
After a few minutes, Soap comes on the line telling them the targets are in sight. Ghost was assigned one man while you got the other but knowledge was limited on what to expect. Ghost already has his rifle aimed at his target, but something doesn’t feel right.
“I used to know him.” Your voice is low while staring through the scope of your rifle. It takes Ghost a second to realize you’re talking to him and not yourself. His eyes land on your figure, your hands trembling over the trigger, hesitating. For the first time since he’s met you, he can tell exactly what you’re feeling and he wishes he didn’t. When you pull away from the scope your eyes reflect such an empty void. “It’s a trap!” You yell right as gunfire rings out. Bullets barely miss Ghost’s body and you quickly knock him down. The border around the roof is the only thing keeping the two of you from getting shot. 
Ghost watches as you crawl to the roof ladder, the only way off the building. He’s quick to follow, hoping they aren’t too exposed. He’s about to ask how they’ll get onto the ladder without getting killed when you quickly lift him up to his feet. He’s amazed at your strength, almost bamboozled by it. You shove him over the edge and he almost misses the ladder’s steps, gripping them to stop from falling to his death.
“Are you fuckin’ crazy?!” He yells. He’s safe on the ladder, whoever is shooting at them can’t get a view of him here. You on the other hand are extremely exposed and you know this. You have mere seconds to join him on the ladder and yet you don’t. Instead, you disappear from his view, retreating back to the rifles. He screams your name but gets no response. He hears you fire your gun and the sound of screaming from below. You hit your target but compromised yourself in the process. He begins climbing up the ladder to make sure you aren’t dead when your covered face reappears. He sighs in relief, climbing back down to give you room. You make it over the border of the roof and climb down as fast as you can, but it’s not enough. A bullet grazes your shoulder and one hand lets go of the ladder. Blood is soaking through your sleeve and your grunt in pain. 
“Fucking climb, dumbass!” You scream at him and he follows your orders even though he’s in charge. You struggle to reach the ground successfully and Ghost has to grab your waist to make sure you even touch it. He’s still surprised by your tone earlier. Not once have you ever raised your voice like that and it kind of amuses him. Once the mission is over he’s going to get more information on you one way or another.
You’re leaving the Taskforce soon, you said so yourself yesterday. He was minding his own business, walking back to his room when he ran into you. You didn’t smell like roses, you didn’t smell like anything actually. You seemed distant towards him, unable to make eye contact. Your mask was sloppily put on, revealing a bit of your nose. The way you spoke was cold and it stung him. It felt like all the progress he made with you had been crushed by your wall.
That’s when he decided to confront Price, to get answers on who you are and how you knew the enemy enough to know the mission was a trap.
“Who the bloody hell is Trick? Why did you bring her in for this mission?” He demands. Price is sitting behind his desk, files piled in front of him. He’s not new to Ghost’s frustration and he understands where it’s coming from. You seem to know way more than you let on about the people the force is targeting. Price also understands that it’s not his place to talk about what you’ve gone through.
“Either she tells you or it remains unknown.” Ghost knows better than to argue further, but he can’t watch you leave without all the answers he needs. It’ll eat him up inside with all the questions swarming his head.
So, he heads to your room, his feet stomping the concrete floor. Once he reaches your room he knocks loud enough to wake someone up. He waits a few seconds before banging again. This time he can hear movement from the other side.
You open the door with your mask perfectly on. You have the same infuriatingly empty look on your face and he can’t stand it anymore. He can’t handle all the new emotions inside him, especially how scared he was when he watched the bullet scrape your arm. How fragile you looked as you helped you onto the helicopter back to base. You weren't masking yourself anymore and he could see the fear in your eyes the entire ride back to base.
“Who the fuck are you?” He’s harsh with his words and you don’t even move. He’s never been angry towards you, sure you’ve seen him yell at someone, mainly Soap, but never you. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually ask.” Your words reboot his brain. He was expecting push back or a refusal of information, instead, you step away from the door and wait for him to enter your room. It’s going to be a long night.
“I knew the target because I used to date him.” You explain, sitting on your bed. You’ve answered all of Ghost’s questions, every single one he can think of. You were open to him for the first time and you didn’t hide your emotions, you let them out. It’s a sight only he’ll get to see and he’s happy about it. “It was before I knew what he was doing, I swear. I had already been trained for combat before I met him so it was easy to escape. I had already begun taking out his connections when Price invited me to the team.” 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Is all he can ask, it’s his last question. He knows you’re probably exhausted from hearing him ask so many things.
“I was ashamed that I dated a man as bad as him. I know it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t know about what he was hiding, but still.” You hum. 
There’s a long silence, Ghost digests the information you’ve given him and he begins to understand you more. Price most likely handed you to him because he knew you’d be comfortable around someone who doesn’t talk as much as the rest of the team. You wouldn’t be questioned by him and you wouldn’t feel as inclined to hide. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see your hands coming up to your face. You remove your mask revealing a scar along your lip. It’s not deep but it’s noticeable. That’s the final indicator that you trust him, that maybe these feelings he’s been having aren’t solely his.
“So, what now?” You question, your voice soft. A single word pops into his head the second you spoke, and it grows bigger the longer he remains quiet. It’s practically screaming itself in his head.
“Stay.” Your eyes are wide when looking at them and he loves what he sees inside them. There’s a spark of hope, something he’s never seen from you. It makes him challenge himself to see if he can cause that same look every day. 
“Maybe I will.”
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bobbyonboard · 2 years
Peppermint [Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader]
Summary: i saw this tiktok of lewis pullman and it was so goddamn sexual my brain wouldn’t shut up until i wrote something about it. also know as--it’s 115 degrees in Lemoore and the AC in Bob’s truck is busted. 
Warnings: swearing, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, hair pulling, please assume the reader is always on some sort of contraceptive in my fics unless i state otherwise, bob is a switch and no i will not be taking any questions at this time, minors DO not interact with me you lil shits 
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: y’all were so nice with my last one regarding Rooster, I had to write one for my main man!!! also cannot get over I have like 300 new followers. never be afraid to come talk to me!!
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“Fuck. Off,” you grumbled in the direction of the television as you heard the chipper weatherman inform you that the high today in Lemoore, California was going to be a record-breaking one hundred and fifteen degrees fahrenheit. One hundred and fifteen fucking degrees. You never hated the Navy more than you did in that moment. Who the fuck gets stationed in Lemoore? No beaches, no shade. Just heat, and lots of it. But where your husband goes, you go–and unfortunately, you both were stuck in Lemoore. 
The July air was thick and it wasn’t even nine in the morning, so you made sure that you didn’t have a single thing to do that day except stay inside the apartment, laying upside-down on your couch directly in front of your tiny window AC unit. You’d always loved being a teacher, but days like this, when you thought you actually might melt if you went outside, you were sure as hell glad you had summers off. 
Your day passed by lazily, only shuffling between the couch and the kitchen to get more water what seemed like every thirty minutes. Before you knew it, it was already four o’clock, and you were expecting Bob home any minute. 
Bob had told you that morning he was heading out to run a few test flights on some newer planes, so you expected him to come home freshly showered from the Naval base locker rooms, smelling of Old Spice and car air freshener that had been blasted over his clothes from his aggressive truck air conditioning. But instead, when you lazily glanced over your shoulder to the sound of keys jingling, you were greeted with…well, certainly not that. 
Bob’s hair was frizzed and stuck straight up in the back, almost as if he had just taken off his helmet. His clothes were stuck to his skin, large sweat stains covering most of the material of his t-shirt. His cheeks were a dark shade of red, and his eyes looked as though they were currently in the process of holding back unshed tears. 
“Bobby?,” you frowned, quickly standing up, crossing the room, and quickly taking his duffel bag from his hand to toss on the floor. “Honey, whassamatter? You okay?,” you asked, putting the back of your hand on his forehead and physically wincing at how hot his skin was to the touch. 
“Pipes burst,” was all he murmured out, bottom lip trembling just slightly, and it was quite literally breaking your heart to see him so miserable. “We landed and–and went to go shower and they told us a pipe burst, so the showers weren’t working. So I couldn’t shower and–,” he started to breathe a bit heavier, almost as if his own clothes were weighing him down worse than any g-force. 
“I got to the truck and the AC was just blowing out hot air. So I rode all the way home with the windows down and I’m just so hot,” he finally whimpered, and you just brushed his wet hair out of his face with a soft coo. 
You hated to see him like this. You couldn’t imagine how hot he had to be in that plane today, only to land and not be able to cool down like his body so desperately needed. An idea suddenly popped into your brain, and you were taking off down the hallway. 
“Put your arms up, honey,” you purred ever so gently once you returned, producing a cold packet of wet wipes. You pulled one out of its bag, sighing softly at the gentle smell of peppermint, and you immediately began to wipe down Bob’s face and neck. 
“Thank you-u-u-u,” he practically sobbed, arms stuck straight out at his sides as you began to slide the wipes under his t-shirt, along his shoulders, under his armpits, his chest, and his waist. “What does it do?,” he asked after a moment, almost afraid to open his eyes for fear that this was all some fever dream and he’d be standing back on the tarmac, dripping sweat. 
“I keep these in my little fridge in the bathroom, with all my skin care stuff,” you hummed sweetly, pulling a fresh wipe out and continuing on the bit of skin where you left off. “It helps me freshen up before I go to bed at night, or when I come back from the gym and I’m just too tired to shower before bed,” you chuckle, ghosting a feather-light kiss over his brow as you continued to work on cooling him down. 
“Feels so good,” he whimpered, and his once red cheeks were now only a soft pink, his breathing returning to a relatively normal pace. 
“Good, baby. You’ll feel better in just a minute, yeah? Got this AC on you, and you smell all peppermint-y,” you teased, and you don’t know if it was the practically obscene noises Bob was letting out, or the way he was absolute putty in your hands, but you let the wipes in your hand dip a little lower into the waistband of his pants. 
A strangled moan escaped Bob’s lips, and you just let one hand pop open the buttons of his pants, sliding them down his legs. 
“Gotta get you completely covered,” you whispered, dropping down to your knees where you began to work on wiping down his thighs. After mere seconds, you glanced up to see a ten already forming in your husband’s boxers, and damn, if that didn’t make a girl’s ego soar. 
“M’sorry,” he almost cried, shivering under your touch. “Just–feels so good. You make me feel so good.”
“I always wanna make you feel good, honey,” you purred, peppering his thighs with kisses and feeling the leftover peppermint oil tingle your lips. You eventually stood back up (despite a noise of protest from your husband) and stripped him down to only his boxers, getting a final fresh wipe out of the pack and letting it drag along his skin. 
“Come sit,” you took his hand, leading him over so he was directly in front of the AC unit, resting on the plush couch as he immediately tossed his head back out let out a pornographic moan, which caused you to clench your thighs together in delight. 
“Y’so good t’me,” Bob practically slurred, completely overwhelmed with the lavish attention he was receiving, and his skin began to prickle when the freezing cold air blew against his minty skin. 
“You deserve it all, Bobby,” you whispered, moving to straddle his hips, your thin pajama pants and his boxers the only thing separating the two of you as you wiped his cheeks down for the final time, before pressing a chaste kiss to the apple of each one. 
Bob said your name with a strangled cry, hips immediately rocking up to get some friction, any friction at all. And who were you to deny such a pretty boy something he wanted so desperately? So you just relaxed yourself slowly, lazily rocking down on his achingly hard cock and letting out a soft moan of your own. 
Your nipples were hard from where they were currently being assaulted by a barrage of cold air from the unit, and they were settled right in front of your husband’s face, which proved to make his next task considerably easier. He hooked his fingers in the straps of your tank top and tugged them down your arms before his lips were wrapped around your right nipple, sucking on it lightly and letting it roll between his teeth. You let out a soft cry, your fingers tangling immediately in his damp hair as you began to rock yourself against him a bit faster. 
It was only a few minutes before he pulled off with an obscenely wet ‘pop’, letting his head rest against your sternum. 
“Y/N–,” Bob choked out, his hips stilling immediately. 
“Okay, sweetheart,” was all you said, lifting yourself just slightly out of his lap to give him a moment to focus. 
It didn’t take him long at all, because just a second later you were being pushed onto your back on the couch, with your lover’s fingers hooked into the waistband of your shorts and panties, sliding them down your legs and tossing them to the floor. Not a moment was wasted as he immediately licked a long, hot stripe between your folds, fingers digging into your hips. 
“Robert,” you gasped, and you swear you could feel that son of a bitch smirk, even face first in your cunt. If his hair wasn’t already a mess, it certainly was now, the way you were tugging on it and rocking your hips against his face to try and get the perfect rhythm. 
It didn’t take long. It never did with Bob. He somehow knew exactly what to do to have you coming on his tongue in five minutes flat, keeping your hips pressed down to the couch. 
“Bobby–,” you tried to warn, but it was too late. At your cry of his name, he gave a certain flick of his tongue and you were coming fast and hard, riding his face like your life depended on it, his tongue pressed flat against your clit as you shook with each pulse of your orgasm.  
You barely had time to think, no less to actually say anything, before he was tugging you into a new position. You were bent over the back of the couch, face perfectly aligned with the air conditioning as Bob got behind you, one knee on the edge of the couch. 
“You ready for me, darlin’?,” he asked, and God, you could have died right there. 
“Always, baby.”
You felt him slide into you smoothly, using one hand to guide himself and the other slide up your body to your hair, gathering a handful and giving you a harsh tug. The way he bent you had your chest getting covered with cold air, nipples hard enough to cut diamonds. 
“Fuck, you always feel so fuckin’ good,” he moaned, putting his other knee on the couch as he began to piston his hips against your ass, the slapping sounds your skin made filling your small apartment, loud enough to be heard even over the roaring AC. 
You, however, were unable to respond, due to the absolute overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through your body. Your head and neck began to ache deliciously, and the way the head of Bob’s cock brushed against your sweet spot with each thrust had you mewling under his hands. 
“I’m not gonna–,” Bob grunted, and you understood, Whenever he was needy, he never lasted long, and that was certainly fine by you. Like you said–it was an ego boost. 
“S’okay, baby,” you panted, and he reached forward to play with one of your tits, his chest pressed to your back as he fucked you even harder. 
“So good for me. Fuckin’--fillin’ my pussy up. Fuck, Bobby, you’re gonna make me come again,” you practically sobbed, and the fact that the two of you were sweating from exertion but also cool from the air conditioning made everything that more sensitive. 
The praise went straight to Bob’s dick, and you could feel it twitching already. 
“Please–,” he gasped, trying so hard to last until he could make you come again. 
“Go ahead, honey. Come for me. Come for me, Bobby,” you groaned, wincing in pleasure at how your sensitive cunt was already teetering on the edge of orgasm. 
You had barely finished your command before Bob was spilling himself inside of you, letting out a high-pitched whine as he emptied himself. He managed to let the hand that was in your hair slide down your body and move to your pussy, fingers rubbing quickly at your clit. 
“Baby, come for me. Wanna feel you come on my cock,” he practically begged, even though he had already orgasmed, he would simply die for the chance to feel you clenching on his softening cock still inside of you, practically milking every bit of come he had given you. 
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, gripping tight at the back of the couch as you felt your orgasm wash over you for the second time that evening, cringing out softly each time your cunt squeezed your husband’s cock, feeling it nestled deep inside of you. 
Soft whimpered and moans spilled from Bob’s lips, along with various words of filth that didn’t exactly form a coherent sentence, but they were so goddamn sexy all the same. 
As he pulled out slowly, he leaned over to press a soft kiss to the small of your back before two of you landed in a messy pile on the couch, trying to catch your breath. 
You curled up next to him, almost (dare you say) chilly from the constant cold air on your skin, and your eyes closed to enjoy those post-coital moments together before you had to get up and clean yourselves off. 
“You know,” Bob started, fingertips brushing lightly over your sides. “Bet we could really cool down in the shower.”
taglist: @walkonthewiidside​
people that might be interested in this idk: @bradshawsbaby​ @callsignbob​ @thebradleybradshaw​
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neteyamssyulang · 8 months
Knife kink
Day 10
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Pairing: Neteyam aged up x Fem tawtute reader
Summary: Being mated to Neteyam was amazing, he was a wonderful mate to you. The problem though was his ruts, anytime they were near he left without telling you leaving you with his family. So this particular one you decided to seek him out.
Warnings: Neteyam in rut should be a warning😭, Mentions of blood, P in V, Forced knotting/Creampie, Marking.
Word count: 802
Translation(s): Syulang -> Flower, Tawtute -> Human
A/N: Considering I have this kink it was fun to write. This could’ve been better I apologize if it’s bad especially the ending🥲
Tags: @teyamsatan @pandoraslxna
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You knew he was out of control when his rut came, he’s warned you multiple times and yet you ignore all of as you wander deeper into the forest calling out your mates name.
“Neteyam?” “Neteyam where are you?” You call out searching for him. Your ears suddenly perk up hearing soft whimpers coming from behind a bush. Carefully trying to not make any noise you walk towards it moving it aside and gasp silently.
Neteyam is there leaning back against a boulder, his tewng pulled to the side while stroking his thick shaft coaxing out whimpers and moans, ears flattened against his head and his eyes squeezed shut.
As much as you want to stay you go to leave but accidentally step on a twig making noise and as you look back towards Neteyam he’s looking directly at you. His eyes normally golden are dark and filled with lust, slowly he crept over towards you with a devilish smirk on his face.
Quickly you stumble out of the bushes and start running back to the village but you don’t get far before your tackled to the ground with your wrists held tightly behind your back.
“And where do you think your going little one?” He says huskily ripping your loincloth from your body and plunges himself deeply into you causing you to scream.
“N-Neteyam please stop!” You whine and try to get out of his grasp but he only tightens his grip on you and pounds harder into you groaning.
“Nah take it bitch! Take it like the good little slut you are” he lets go of your wrists and moves one of his hands down underneath you grabbing your throat squeezing it while the other grips your hip.
You whimper trying to crawl away, that just made him angrier and he rearranged himself so he slams against your sweet spot with every thrust.
Not being able to hold back anymore you moan digging your nails into the forest floor.
“Attagirl beautiful, just let go” he coos pumping harder inside you. You swear you can feel his mushroomy tip kissing your cervix with each thrust he delivers harshly.
“Nete- I... oh eywa!” You scream out your mates name as you cum on his cock. He groans feeling your walls flutter around him clenching tightly.
“My sweet syulang... did I say you could cum?” He tsks suddenly pulls out slapping your ass hard causing you to yelp in pain.
“N..no I’m sorry Teyam” you whimper as he stands up pulling you up by your hair. Neteyam turns you so your facing him before pushing your back up against a tree.
“No.. No your not” he pauses before continuing “But you will be”. As those words leave his mouth you gulp.
He then grabs his knife unsheathing it with one hand and slowly presses it against your neck making your eyes widen.
“N-neteyam.. what are you doing” you say as tears start rolling down your cheeks.
Without warning he slams back inside you while still pressing the knife against your throat.
“Eywa you feel amazing baby...” he moans pressing his forehead against yours. The sound of flesh slapping against eachother and whimpers fill the area.
You try to speak but all that comes out is pathetic mewls while your nails dig into his shoulders making him hiss.
“Does my little tawtute like this?” He smirks now rolling his hips up directly into your sweet spot causing you to scream and clench around him.
“P-please Ma’Teyam..” you plead with your mate to let you cum but it falls on deaf ears. “Please what baby?, use your words.”
“Please daddy, can I cum?” You mumble but loud enough so he can hear. Neteyam grins nodding picking up his pace frantically “Cum princess”.
‘Oh!- oh..Neteyamm!” Your legs lock around his waist as you release on him, your juices coating his lower abdomen.
He groans at the sight feeling himself getting closer to his release. Removing the knife from your neck he watches small drops of blood fall from the wound.
“So beautiful..” you feel him lick your wound cleaning the blood off making you groan.
You could feel his fat veiny knot prodding at your hole begging to be let inside. “Ma’Teyam you..you can’t knot me, your too big..”
"Shut up and take this knot!" He growls in your ear disposing of the knife somewhere off to side before forcing his knot into your tight hole cumming inside you while his fangs sink into your neck making you scream.
A few minutes pass before he unlatches from your neck admiring the mark he left, he then carefully rolls you both over so your laying on top of him.
The both of you just lay there as his knot won't go down for atleast another two hours, but that's ok. You got to help your mate, that's all that matters.
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
A Trade Off
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Summary: Desperate to finally get some sleep, Y/N goes to Joel in hopes of getting some pills to help her. 
Characters: Joel Miller & the reader (OC, third person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45693934
Warnings: Swearing, smut, cheating, a small amount of coercion, etc.
Notes: I kind of wrote this very quickly this morning. It’s a short little one-shot with no plot really just smut. So I hope you enjoy it. Y/N obviously means your name or whatever name you choose to use. 
Exhaustion had become a well-known friend for Y/N these days. To say she was lacking sleep would be an understatement. Between her fear of the infected and FEDRA working her to the bone, she couldn’t shut her brain down to get some sleep. The only form of relief she could get these days was the kind that came in the shape of a pill and she hoped she would be able to get the same thing again.
Heading through the narrow, damp hallways of the apartment building she was in, she was praying that Joel or Tess would be home. The smugglers that were known on the streets to help get you anything that you needed. A few times in the past they had given her samples to test out their stash of medication. Joel more times than Tess. Tess was strict on how much she was willing to hand out, while Joel had been a little more understanding and lenient with her.
Stopping before their door, she knocked once and heard nothing on the other end. Waiting, she knew that she should have just turned around, but she was so tired and she knew that she needed some help. Knocking harder this time, she heard a grumble at the other end followed by the sound of something falling over behind the door.
“Dammit, I’m coming,” Joel’s deep voice rumbled making her thankful to know that he was actually home. She didn’t realize just how desperate she actually was to get some sleep. When the door pulled open, she felt her throat go dry seeing Joel’s dark eyes falling upon her. His arm rest against the doorframe while his other hand clung tightly to the door. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry for bothering you, but I was hoping that you could help me with something,” she whispered looking down the hallways making sure that they were alone. With a grumble, Joel held the door open further for her allowing her into the apartment. Once she entered, she waited at the center of the living room area while Joel limped into the room. With his disheveled appearance, she assumed that meant that he was sleeping when she knocked. “I’ve been having some trouble sleeping lately…”
“We all have trouble sleeping,” Joel scoffed, folding his arms out in front of his chest while he waited to hear directly what it was that she wanted. “What are you looking for?”
“I was hoping to get a few pills to help me sleep,” she pushed her hands into her pockets knowing that she felt she was doing something shady coming to Joel to get medication that only he and Tess were capable of getting.
“Okay, but you have to pay for them. No more freebies,” Joel reached back to caress his fingers over the back of his neck and then up through his messy hair making her nod her head. She knew that was coming. There was only so many free samples that she would be able to get. “How many did you want?”
“I don’t know, ten?” she came up with a random number making Joel’s eyes narrow out at her before nodding. Joel headed into a different room leaving her to herself to eye over the things in their apartment before she cleared her throat. “Where is Tess?”
“She’s on a supply run,” Joel’s southern drawl called out from the other room making her swallow down hard. Joel returned with a bag of something and when he stepped before her she couldn’t help but eye over the ruggedly good looking man that had drawn her eye on more than one occasion. “We’re running low on some things, so she’s out there getting it for us.”
Clearing her throat, she saw Joel hold the bag up and she gave him a nod, “I can’t give you the bag, so whatever you take you have to carry in your pocket.”
“How much are they?” she reached inside her pocket to pull out her ration cards making Joel shrug his shoulders.
“For ten hydro? Fifty rations,” Joel answered hearing her let out an overwhelmed sound when she counted what she had. When she counted it and realized she didn’t have enough, she raised her stare up at him to see Joel shrug.
“I only have forty-five and I still need to eat,” she reasoned with Joel who simply shook his head, his stare cold showing that he wasn’t breaking on the price.
“Forty-five gets you nine,” Joel pointed out with a bob of his head, lowering the bag at his side. “I can’t give you any breaks here Y/N. Tess is paying attention to our inventory here and I can’t be handing out any more samples for you.”
“I thought they were two a piece before,” she thought back to when Tess tried selling her more of the pills in the past and she turned them down knowing that she wanted to save her money to live better, but there would be no living at this point if she didn’t finally sleep.
“Low inventory, price goes up. So they are five a piece now,” Joel declared with another shrug of his shoulders. Y/N was taking her time to try to figure out what she should get and Joel dramatically exhaled. “Listen, are you going to get any or not?”
“I guess I’ll go with five,” she knew how much money she had and knew that she still needed to have enough to make it through her normal life as well. Hopefully with five, it would help reset her system and get her to start sleeping again. Joel started to open the bag before thinking something over and closing the bag back up to put them in his pocket. “What is it?”
“You really want those ten?” Joel pushed making her stand before him, not quite sure how she could even get them to begin with. “I’ll give them to you for thirty-five as long as you do something for me to make up for the rest you don’t have.”
“What could I possibly do for you?” her eyebrow arched in curiosity feeling Joel moving around her and she heard him drop down on the couch behind her. Turning on her heel, her eyebrow arched and she let out a shuddering breath. Joel was looking up at her with his chocolate brown eyes. His right arm draped across the back of the couch, while his left hand laid across the center of his groin almost in a suggestive manner. His eyebrows bounced up and she felt her heartrate quicken. “Are you saying…?”
“I reckon it’s pretty obvious what I’m saying,” Joel’s fingers stretched out enough for him to palm in over the front of his pants.
“What about Tess?” she inquired seeing him sliding further down on the couch, pushing his thighs further apart.
“What about Tess? She’s not here,” Joel pointed out, tossing his hand up for a moment before smirking. “Plus, knowing about Tess didn’t stop you that one night.”
“Oh, so now you’re acknowledging that something happened between us that night?” she threw out there making Joel’s head tip to the side. “Because as far as I was aware, when I woke up in the morning you were gone and you never acted like that night happened.”
“What was there to say? It happened, we went on with our lives,” Joel’s face twisted in contemplation, “and now I want it again.”
“How much do you want exactly?” she inquired making Joel smirk when she folded her arms out in front of her chest.
“How many pills do you want?” Joel’s expression didn’t change much when she thought about the whole situation. “You want your five, you can take your five. You want your ten, I’ll give it to you if you work that mouth of yours and if you want fourteen, well…I’m sure you could figure out a way to persuade me.”
“And when Tess notices that the supply is lower than it should be?” she quipped back making Joel sigh loudly.
“Then I tell Tess I went on a bit of a binge. It wouldn’t be the first time,” Joel grumbled under his breath watching her slowly lowered down to her knees making his dark eyes narrow. Gradually, she moved across the floor moving between his legs. Raising up higher, her palms slid in over his knees before sliding up over the lengths of his thighs making Joel let out a tight breath. “Now make it good…”
“I’m always good,” she claimed with a shake of her head, caressing over his thighs giving them a tight squeeze. Adjusting her body, she slid her right hand up toward the center of his pants. Finding the root to his masculinity, she palmed over his body through the material of his jeans feeling him hardening beneath her touch. Squeezing faintly made a small rumble fall from his throat with his lips parting while she teased him.
“You must really want those pills, don’t you?” Joel watched her fingers slide up toward the button in his pants pulling it open with ease. When her fingertips dragged down the zipper, he lifted his hand up to drag his thumb in over her bottom lip. With a purr, she kissed at the pad of his thumb before taking it between her lips making him grunt. Her tongue lapped at his flesh before pulling her head back with a wet sound.
“It’s not like I’m going to have a problem doing this,” she replied with a slur, working to pull apart the material of his pants. When they were separated enough, she worked her hand into his pants. Arching his hips up, Joel helped her pull his erection from behind the denim prison it was confined in. The way her eyes surveyed over his length sent a chill through his entire body. She looked at it with such awe before her fingers delicately wrapped around his girthy length to take her time to stroke over it. “You have such a beautiful cock.”
Leaning over his lap, she pressed faint kisses at the underside of the tip making Joel hum out in approval. Involuntarily, his hips arched up when her grasp got tighter and she started to pump her hand over the length of his shaft while her tongue dragged out over the tip. Purring out, the taste of him lingered on her tongue. Raising her eyes, she stared out at Joel for a moment longer before grabbing a firm hold of the base of his cock. Taking Joel between her parted lips made a grunt escape him when the warmth of her mouth surrounded him.
This was something she was enjoying. The way her tongue lapped at the ridges of his manhood and the sounds she made drove Joel wild with desire. Between her tongue and the wet kisses she would place at the swollen tip, she had him eager for more. Tangling his fingers into her hair, Joel helped lead her to his length knowing that he wanted a bit more than this teasing she was giving him.
With a proud smirk, she allowed Joel to push her further down his length having his tip hit the back of her throat making her let out a wet sound before pulling back. Joel set a tempo of her head bobbing over his length having her drag her tongue along the underside of his cock with every pull back. Her blowjob was something that he had been thinking about since the first night they had spent together. It was something he never thought he would have again with her, but when the opportunity arose, he couldn’t turn it down.
Closing his eyes and dropping his head back against the couch, Joel couldn’t help but enjoy himself with her pleasuring him. And she was certainly working hard for it making his abdomen tense up. By the sounds she was making while giving him a blowjob, he wondered who was actually enjoying this more. Him…or her. Regardless, he couldn’t help but enjoy getting the time to be pampered upon.
Tightening his grasp in her hair, Joel led her further down his length making her tense up when she took him as far back into her throat as she could. After a few seconds, he loosened his grasp and allowed her to pull back for a breath. When her wet lips pulled from his cock, her fingers still caressed over his body coating him in her saliva before she licked her lips.
Returning to her previous place over his lap, she wrapped her lips around the tip and the way she varied between using her tongue over him and her mouth had him twitching forward, his hand sliding down between her shoulders when his breathing grew louder. He was right on the edge of coming and he knew it. Closing his eyes, his whole body tensed up only for him to let out an unpleasant sound when she pulled her mouth away from him and licked her lips.
“What are you doing?” Joel grumbled looking down at his straining cock. It was solid and eager to get its release that she had stolen from him. Lifting his head, he watched as she pulled open her pants and eagerly tugged the material down her body after kicking out of her shoes. Swallowing down hard, Joel’s eyebrows furrowed when he watched her shimmy out of her panties making him lick his lips.
“Getting something out of this for me too,” she breathed out moving back to the couch to reach for Joel’s pants to tug the material further down his body. They finally dropped at his ankles when she crawled in over his lap. Resting her knees at each side of him, she felt Joel adjusting beneath her with his hands sliding up and over her bare hips.
“So none of that was for you?” Joel muttered, his right eyebrow arching while her fingers worked to open the blue denim shirt that he was wearing. After getting the material separated, she took her time to palm up and over the lengths of his abdomen toward his chest. It made Joel growl out, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat when he looked up at her with his dark stare. “It sounded like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Maybe a little bit,” she snickered, biting down into her bottom lip before reaching between the two of them to grab a hold of his solid cock, stroking it a few times to prepare him for her. “Try not to come too fast. I know you were right there when I stopped.”
“I’ll do my best,” he rumbled when she lined the tip of his body up with her already wet entrance. Pleasuring him earlier undoubtedly turned her on with how wet she already was with him. Lowering her hips over his length had her clutching tightly to his shoulders, a whimper falling from her full lips while she took him slowly into her. With her body parting to him, Joel couldn’t help feeling chills while she got adjusted to his size. Clutching tightly to her bare thighs, Joel knew that his grasp was strong enough that it was going to leave a mark on her, but she didn’t seem to care. When he filled her completely, she paused making Joel groan out with her surrounding him. Pushing his fingers up over her sides, he tugged at the material of her shirt and pulled it off to drop it onto the couch beside them. With his hands returning, he caressed up and over her ribcage before cupping her breasts making her purr out and drop her head back. “You’re something else.”
Joel’s rough thumbs circled over her nipples making her shudder against his touch before his head dropped forward to start pressing wet kisses down the side of her neck toward her collarbone. It was more personal than Y/N thought he was willing to go, but she liked it. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she purred out and started to raise her hips up almost all the way to the tip before dropping her hips back down. It made Joel moan out against her flesh sending a chill down her spine. One of Joel’s hands settled at the small of her back while she started to rock her hips over his length. The tip of his tongue circled her nipple before taking it between his lips with a faint sucking motion. The more animated her movements became over him had him letting out winces against her body. Dropping his head back against the back of the couch, his other hand fell to her hips to help her bounce over his length.
“Your big cock feels so good inside of me,” she whimpered out, digging her fingers into his shoulders while she had her way with him. Even exhausted, she found herself absolutely loving this. Being with Joel was addictive and she was eager for each movement she made over him. Having him inside of her was the sweetest stretching full feeling that she could have asked for. “Joel.”
“Fuck…” his moan was faint, but with his eyebrows furrowing and his head tipped down to watch the way his cock disappeared inside of her time and time again, it fueled her. Getting him off would be a present to her. Whether she got five pills or ten, she didn’t care. All that mattered was this moment right here with Joel. For so long she knew that Joel belonged to Tess so she never thought getting to be with him again would even be a possibility for her. Joel’s fingers curled around the side of her neck bringing her forward with a hum. “Come here…”
Joel’s lips covered hers, surprising her and slowing down her movements over him while his lips caressed over hers in the most demanding hungry sweep. The last time they were together, Joel didn’t kiss her so this was sensational for her. It made her body feel like it was on fire with him deep inside of her. The throbbing of Joel’s cock inside of her to his lips claiming her in the most animalistic of ways had the room spinning around her.
“Keep going,” he nipped at her bottom lip, his hands finding their way back to her hips to get her moving over him again. This time he led her over him in strong, swift movements knowing that he was searching for that release she had kept from him previously. Joel’s hips were now meeting her movements, arching up from the couch leaving a smacking sound surround them with each thrust he made beneath her. “Good girl.”
Hearing him praise her like that kickstarted her heart. She liked it. Taking it as encouragement, she started to roll her hips over him harder, her lips hovering over his while she took as much control of the situation as she could. Her cries fell from her lips while Joel watched her facial expressions. He wanted to witness what this was doing to her. It was an arrogance thing, but it turned her on all the more. His lips parted and a muscle at the corner of his jaw flexed.
“Yes,” she kissed him this time finding a fire growing at the pit of her stomach. They were both so close to their breaking points. Joel winced against her lips and she could feel his cock twitching inside of her. The warmth of his release started to fill her. Hot strands of his cum poured out into her making her purr against his mouth. Keeping up with her steady movements, she felt Joel’s tongue press between her lips and it drew a fire throughout her. Even after he came, she was looking for that release herself until she finally got it with her eyes slamming shut tightly. Falling in against Joel, she buried her head against the side of his neck and felt her heart pounding inside of her chest.
Joel’s hand caressed in over her hip before his hand found its way to her bottom. A gasp filled the air after he firmly smacked over her bottom making her arch forward toward him with him still inside of her, “Good girl. Very good girl.”
Licking her lips, she pulled back enough to look between them. Easing her hips up from his length, she watched it smack up against his lower abdomen when it pulled from her. His release slid down her thighs making him smirk when he reached between them to sweep some of it away with his thumb. Reaching up, he dragged his thumb coated in his release over her bottom lip making her purr when she took his finger between her lips cleaning his cum from his finger. It made Joel growl before pulling her down to him to get her to kiss him once more.
With a final firm smack over her bottom, she felt Joel adjusting her over him and moving her next to him on the couch. It took a while for her to gather herself while she watched Joel pulling his pants back up his legs. Her throat went dry watching him push his softening cock back into his pants before buckling them back together. Joel left his shirt open while he walked through the apartment. He went over to the counter to drop out the pills that she had come for.
Shakily reaching for her clothes, she pulled each garment on one by one. Standing on unsteady legs, she headed beside him seeing that he counted out fourteen pills for her and pushed them toward the corner of the counter.
“Thirty-five,” Joel held his hand out watching her smirk and shake her head. Grabbing her ration tickets from her pocket, she counted out what he asked from her and handed them over. Joel shoved the ration tickets into his pocket before glancing over at the pills. “They are all there.”
“So that’s it?” she watched him head over toward the bottle of whiskey that was there to pull the lid from the bottle. Joel’s eyebrow arched in amusement before he took a long swig of the burning liquid. “So I take my pills and leave? We never do this again?”
“I mean, it all depends on what you need next and if you have enough rations to pay for it,” Joel gave her a wink starting to button up his shirt.
“Or if Tess is home,” she pointed out watching Joel tip his head from side to side.
“That too,” Joel agreed biting at his bottom lip before nodding to his door. “Which is for another week or so. So if you think about something you are going to need more of, feel free to come back at any time. I hope you finally get that sleep you were looking for Y/N.”
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dc418writes · 4 months
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✨Pairing✨: NFL!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader
Summary🪄: Your brother has the worst timing
🚨: allusions to past happy adult fun times, mention of nudity (brief), mention of parent death, pretty much all floofy hilarity
🎤: an early Valentine’s Day-esque fic based off an idea I recently had. Hope you guys like it☺️!
*DISCLAIMER!: although visual made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they were all found via Pinterest*
“What are you doing here?,” you ask locking the door after your brother casually saunters in. Unannounced and uninvited you might add
“Wanted to treat you for Valentine’s Day,” he answers. A slight tilt to his brow - looking every bit like your father - from your unusual greeting. “Sup with you? Why’re you acting weird?”
“N-Nothing I just wasn’t expecting you. Plus you typically call first and let me know you’re in town.” Which would’ve been very useful right about now.
“I wanted to surprise you. Plus I knew you wouldn’t be doing anything.” Rude.
Arms outstretched, he flops back on your light pink sectional making himself comfortable as if it were his own home. His wide smile instantly twisting into a smirk noticing the bouquet of mixed flowers along with a yellow duckling plushy leaning against the clear vase. Luckily you're able to grab the notecard before he can prompting that eyebrow tilt again
"Who're those from?"
You nonchalantly shrug your shoulders, "A friend.”
"This friend got a name?"
"Marshall I don't come in your place being nosey," you sigh feeling yourself becoming increasingly annoyed. "And you haven't been doing anything for Valentine's Day, so why now?"
The mood between you visibly shifts from the drop of his playful smile to something more serious. Regretful even.
"...Since dad passed, I uh..realized how we really don't know when our last day is you know?," he explains slowly rubbing his hands together. His eyes focused on them as a way to help clearly put his plaguing thoughts into words. "I just don't want something to happen to you or ma and I have all these regrets about what I didn't say. How I could've done more."
When his gentle eyes - doe like and dark brown - finally look up to meet yours, an instant warmth mixed with sorrow fills your chest and strikes deep in your heart. At the reminder of your father’s sudden passing and hearing your twin be so vulnerable.
Since college, it was pretty much football 24/7 with Marshall. Training to be the best and improving in any and every area so he could eventually make it big. Now in the NFL, there wasn't much change. If anything it got a bit worse now having to keep up with public appearances and meet with press here and there. Needless to say, you figured you and your parents rarely crossed his mind besides for the occasional, and rare, check-ins
To hear his worries, it sends a pang of guilt from the pit of your gut and throughout your abdomen
“Marshall,” you quietly speak taking a step towards him before a thud startles you both.
"The hell was that?,” he asks.
"Probably the neighbors kids,” you answer with a wave of your hand as if it were nothing. “They play around a lot."
Another thud followed by an “ow”, has your brother standing to his feet ready to investigate. "That sounded like it was in here though."
"Well you know they make these walls thin. Plus it doesn’t help their room is right next to mine," you nervously giggle. Actually it was the bathroom sharing a wall with you, but he didn't need to know that. “I’m gonna go ahead and get changed. Meet you in the car?”
“Uh..yea sure.” You know he’s still suspicious from his hesitation. Taking one last look towards your bedroom - where he could swear the noise directly came from - then at you flashing your most innocent smile, he strides from your living room and to your door. “Aye try not to take so long. I wanna get there before I’m 60.”
Rolling your eyes, you just nudge his chest - well try to at least - urging him past the threshold and choosing to ignore his little jab as he chuckles on the other side.
“What’d he want?”
Turning your head, you’re equal parts annoyed and flustered seeing Ari - your boyfriend not boyfriend? - standing in the doorway of your bedroom naked as the day he arrived on Earth. His sun kissed skin, smooth and toned, with dark hair sprinkled along his strong and defined pecs, arms, and legs. Being a linebacker for the NFL, you wouldn’t expect anything less than the gladiator physique
“He wants to take me out for Valentine’s Day. And what was that? You promised you’d stay quiet.”
“I’m sorry somebody threw my shirt behind the bed,” he retorts rubbing the back of his head with a wince checking to make sure no blood was left on his fingers
“Get mad at yourself then. That was your doing when you took it off me in the middle of the night.”
A smirk forms on his pretty lips remembering that exact moment. You lying peacefully on your side throughly exhausted from your earlier rounds. Lips pouted as your even breaths fanned across his arm under your head.
With your backside positioned right in front of his crotch, he just couldn’t help letting his large hands wander and mouth attack your neck and shoulder. Feeling you push back on him amid your tired groan, he silently chuckled before his shirt on you was gone and moans were filling the room again.
“Oh yea,” he chuckles biting his lip. “Definitely should do that again when we get back.”
“Ari I’m going with Marshall,” you say gently brushing past him for your closet to find something to wear.
“I was here first though.” Even with your back to him you can clearly see his toddler like pout. How his thick arms are more than likely now crossed on his chest. And you can’t lie, the adorable reaction makes you want to stay to make him happy again.
When did you turn so soft for him?
“But he’s my brother,” you call over your shoulder as you scan through your dresses. “I’m not gonna say no if he wants to spend time with me.” Ari knew he couldn’t get too upset at that, but that didn’t stop the small ache at his ruined plans.
“Plus I uh thought dinner last night was it?”
“That was the main plan, but I dunno..was open to see where it went,” he mumbles towards the end with a shrug. At his slightly defeated tone, you turn around unfamiliar with this side of him. Since your first meeting, he maintained that confident and uncaring attitude he carried on the field
Some might even call it arrogance how he paraded around with chest puffed and that signature tilted smile
Stepping towards him - a dress in each hand - you give him a sympathetic smile wanting to hold him but restraining yourself
“Maybe we can do something tomorrow? Or later this week,” you suggest.
His tongue clicks against his cheek. “I’m busy this week. Maybe you could come to my game for once..?”
Ari’s playful, blue eyes and finger tapping under your chin makes you softly giggle. “You know I can’t.”
“No one would know who you’re there for. Just a fan lucky enough to get in a suite.”
“Or someone wonders why Marshall’s sister is there,” you counter. He simply tilts his head back and forth. There goes that hint of disappointment again. “One day though.”
A fraction of that brilliant smile returns on his lips making you feel somewhat better. “One day,” he begrudgingly agrees before his gaze drifts to the dresses in your hands. He goes back and forth for a moment before pointing to the shortsleeved, burgundy knee length dress in your left hand
“This one. And take your black sweater. The long one you usually wear because you know you’re gonna get cold.”
Your stomach flutters as a shy, “thank you” leaves your lips and his soon press against yours. Softly at first, but then moving together how they were last night - and many times before then. So passionate and needy until you’re both left breathless yet still craving more
“Get dressed. He’ll be calling soon,” Ari says leaving one final peck on the corner of your tingly mouth. “I can use the spare to lock up.”
Then that guilty feeling returns. The same one that you’ve tried ignoring the past few times you’ve hung out with him, but just couldn’t shake immediately thinking of your brother. How you’re slowly yet surely falling for his rival
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As the Sun Sets // New Beginnings // Part Eleven
TW: Kissing, cursing?
Part Twelve
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Scarlets POV:
My legs burn at the speed at which Theo drags me out into the halls of the dungeons. He is insisting that we need a quiet place to talk. Alone. “Th-” I start but he cuts me off with a ‘sush’ as he continues to pull me along. 
Theo leads me through the castle, outside to our spot on the side of the black lake. As we make our way towards the there is this eare of awkward silence. The kiss that me and Theo shared left a lot unsaid. Where does this put us? Is there even an us? Is this something that I have all made up in my head?
Once we are at the lake Theo sits down, casually pulling a cigarette out of his trouser pocket. Placing the stick in between his lips and lightning it every so skillfully with the tip of his wand. The embers of the cigarette glowing with his inhale, before they die out with his exhale. The action was truly mesmerizing.  
The sense of unease has me hesitating before I decide to sit down. I can feel the warmth radiating off of him. Why didn't I grab another blanket before we came outside? Oh right, he wouldn't tell me where we were going.
I pull my skirt down some to cover more of my legs. At this movement, I catch Theos' eyes raking over my thighs before they snap back to the lake with his jaw set. 
Theo must have been able to sense my discomfort, because he takes off his jumper and hands it over to me. I’m immediately surrounded by his scent. Lime, violets and tobacco. A blush creeped to my cheeks. After I put it on he holds the cigarette out for me. “Thank you.” I breathe out grabbing it from him taking my own inhale.
It's not unusual for Theo to sense what I need without me asking for something. After an awkward silence filled with the ruffeling of clothes and the whooshing of the lake, is when I finally gain enough courage to open my mouth. “Theo.” 
He waits a second before giving in and slowly turning his head towards me, but not meeting my eyes. His normally sea green eyes are dimmed with occlusion. I swallow anxiety. “What did he say to you? Adrian. O-on the pitch?”
Theos eyes harden as he seemingly relives the moment from earlier.. “It doesn't matter.” He muttered, turning his head back towards the lake. “Theodore Nott. Look at me. Dammit.” I cursed, grabbing the sides of his face, forcing him to look at me. 
There was a pause, as if he was trying to find the right words. “It doesn't matter, Scarlet. He was being disgusting and an areshole.” His eyes soften, searching my face I am desperately holding on to as he waits for me to continue. 
Taking my time, I let go of his face and reach for the stick that is lying limply between his long fingers. I take a long inhale from the cigarette and slowly release the smoke from my lungs, before I look back at him again. “I chose you Theo.” A weak smile pulling at my mouth. He is still staring at me.
Confusion seems to be littered over his face. “He told me to choose. You or him.” “I remember.” Theo mumbles staring directly into my eyes. “I chose you Theo. Adrian- He wasn't a good boyfriend anyways. You're my best friend.” I explained grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. 
We sit in silence, just staring at the water, watching the mermaids come to the surface in the moonlight. A breeze passes through us and I can feel goose pimples breaking out over my pale legs. 
While we sit here I still can't understand why he was so upset about Adrian? He’s been with plenty of girls over the years and I’ve never been that upset about any of them. Okay -- outwardly, upset towards him. 
I built up the courage to ask him the question that has been bubbling in my head for days and take a shuddering breath. “Why were you ignoring me this week?” There's silence and I swear I can hear him gulp. “I wasn’t ignoring you.” 
“Yes you were. You didn’t talk to me in any of our classes. No witty banter, no teasing remarks. You wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. I’ve never been that cold to you.” I say sadly, tugging the sleeves of his jumper to attempt to trap the heat inside.. 
I can see guilt riddled on his face. “I just didn't like the way he talked to you. Scar, you would get upset anytime any of us would bring it up, so I just figured it would be better if I just kept my distance.” 
It was a good lie, I'll give him that. But there is something more. I can sense it. He’s still occluding. And hard. “You’re lying.” I say staring at him with narrowed eyes. 
I can feel anger start to replace the nervousness within me. He’s never lied to me before. At least not like this. 
“Why are you lying to me Theo? I can tell that you’re occluding.” I exclaimed a bit angrier than I meant to but I kept going. “You have always hated Adrian. Ever since I first told you about us dating. I-I’ve never been this cold to you. Not even when you are sleeping your way through the entire bloody school!” 
His head snaps to me, his eyes darken. “I do not sleep my way through the entire school.” He defended angrily. 
I scoff, rolling my eyes at him. I can name at least 5 girls from the start of term that he’s slept with, or at least tried to. I've been unfortunate enough to catch him on multiple occasions in hidden alcoves near classrooms or even in the bloody common room!
My reaction must have caused something to spark inside of him because I can see him fighting with himself. Fighting off the anger that is trying to explode out of him. Theo turns to face me, his green eyes bore into mine. “You want to know why I occlude Scarlet?” He pauses. Deep, ragged breaths are exhaling through his nose and his face is getting redder with anger? Annoyance?
I wait impatiently for him to continue. Besides my better judgment, I try to exacerbate it. “Yes, Theo. tel-”
He cuts me off “You want to know why I occlude? Because, I'm drowning in this pathetic, all-consuming love for you. It's embarrassing how desperate I've become. Pucey is a stain, a leech clinging to someone as magnificent as you. He doesn't deserve a single glance, a single touch from your delicate hands! You deserve the universe, Scarlet! You radiate beauty, kindness. It drives me insane – watching that arrogant arse treat you like garbage! Every time his hand brushes your thigh, or he touches you, I fantasize about ripping his arm from his body. I get the dark urge to Avada him for even daring to touch you! The very thought of him hurting you? Emotionally or physically… it-it tears me apart. But through all this fury, one truth burns brighter than all – I love you. I love you with a fire that consumes me.” 
He’s breathing heavily now. He looks at me with such intensity I don’t know what to say. It’s all I have wanted him to say for the last two years and now everything I have wanted to say back to him is stuck in my throat, unable to break free.
“I am in love with you, Scarlet Johnson. I have been in love with you since Draco first introduced us on the train to Hogwarts. I have loved you from the first time you smiled at me, the first time you corrected me in potions, the firs-“ I threw myself at him. Arms wrapping around his neck and kissing him a little harder than I should have. 
“I love you too Theo.” I breathe, opening my doors fully. 
Theo POV: 
“I love you too Theo.” 
I don't comprehend what's happening until her hands are playing with the hair on the back of my neck. Before she decides to let go, changing her mind I wrap my arms around her small frame and bring her to straddle my lap letting my hands wander under the wool of my jumper she's wearing. 
I need to feel her, touch her everywhere she will let me. She lets out a quiet moan into my mouth. It's the sweetest sound I have ever heard and I start to harden. She starts grinding down on me. “Fuck” I moan and have to pull away. I can already tell that I will not last long now that I have her hand on me and the first time she sees me come undone will not be from just making out with her on this bloody blanket outside. 
My walls have fallen down completely, allowing myself to feel every moment with her clearly. Looking into her eyes she has also opened her doors and her eyes are the prettiest green I have ever seen. 
“I love you Theo.” I almost come just from those words alone. She leans back in to continue kissing me, but I have to stop her. Her face immediately saddens and I start to panic. 
“Oh, I’m sorry” she stammers, embarrassed, as she removes her arms from around me to help push herself off of me. 
She thinks I don't want this? “No.” I say grabbing her arms stopping her from getting up. “I just--” How do I say this without completely embarrassing myself? “Stay with me tonight. Before everything goes to shite.” Her face suddenly changed.
 “I have a perfect place for us to go.” She is smiling wildly as she makes to stand, but before I let her up, I catch her lips with mine one more time.
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ATSS Masterlist
ATSS Tag List: @helendeath
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Can you write mitsuya fluff, thx 😊
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Word count: 777
Summary: It's a rare night where you and Mitsuya get to relax, so you spend it watching movies. The night ends with a cute little duet.
Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x gender neutral reader
A/n: Thank you for requesting. I know It's short but I couldn’t think of much, but listening to my Disney playlist gave me this idea. I hope you enjoy, remember to hydrate or diedrate, and enjoy your REQUEST ARE OPEN
    It was a rare night that both me and Takashi were completely free to do whatever we wanted. Normally we would either have a Toman meeting or Takashi would have to watch his sisters. But today was one of the few nights his mom was able to watch the young girls, giving us a night to finally relax. We decided to spend the evening at my house because my parents were out of town and it limited the chance of interruptions.
    We just wanted to enjoy the night so we decided on a relaxing movie night. Taking turns picking the movies made for some interesting genre changes. He picked first and we ended up watching the first Star Wars movie, directly following that I picked Moana. It was a back and forth of Star Wars and random Disney movies. We are about five movies in and it’s my turn to pick the sixth movie. And I have the best one in mind.
     “Ok it’s your turn, what movie this time?” He asked, handing me the remote. “And I swear if you play Frozen I’m leaving and taking the pizza with me.” He said with a straight face as I opened the search feature on the tv. As I finally found the movie I was looking for, I heard him groan slightly. “I take it back, Frozen is great, please I'm not singing along with you.” I couldn’t help but smile, he knew me too well sometimes.
     “Come on, but you fit the part so well. You’re a delinquent who showed me the world and I helped to soften your tough exterior.” I said explaining my thought process. “Plus I love Tangled, and it’s this or The Nightmare before Christmas, and since it’s nearly February I dare say it's not the best time for the pumpkin king.” I said playing the movie.
     He sighed and begrudgingly agreed, though I could see he was happy seeing me happy. I set the remote down on the coffee table and then leaned back to cuddle up to him.
     As the movie went on I sang along with all of the songs, while Takashi just watched me enjoying the fact that I was having fun. I couldn’t help but get excited as my favorite song from the film started to play. I stood up ready to sing my heart out, I was surprised to see Taka join me in front of the tv.
     And so as Repunzel started singing, I sang along.
“All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see
Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you” 
     There was a pause in the song and Takashi grabbed my hands, before his part started.
“All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go”
     I couldn’t contain my smile as I joined back in for the rest of the song.
“And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you
Now that I see you”
     As the song ended we leaned in to give each other a gentle kiss. We moved back to the couch to finish the movie, unable to wipe the smiles off our faces. Even if he acted like he didn’t like Disney movies, I know he enjoyed watching them with me. 
     “Thank you Takashi, it means a lot that you did that with me.” I said cuddling closer to his side.
     He pulled me as close to him as possible before kissing the crown of my head. “OfCourse, I’d do anything for you, love. I love you so much.”
     I smiled, looking up at him. “I love you too.” I said before letting out a small yawn, falling asleep against his side.
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
Lunchtime Confessions
Summary: Robin seeks advice from her favorite teacher when she realizes she has a crush on you.
Pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
A/N: I got the idea for this fic from the robin podcast, but if you haven't listened to it, you should still be able to read this and understand it. I hope you enjoy! as usual, feedback, likes, and reblogs are appreciated!
CW: swearing (if i missed anything let me know!)
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“Do you have y/n y/l/n in class this year?” Robin asked as she took a bite of her sandwich. 
She had been eating lunch in her favorite teacher’s classroom for years now, both because she enjoyed his company and because she didn’t have any friends to spend her lunch periods with. Their lunches were spent in a mixture of silence, as Robin read or listened to her language tapes and Mr. Hauser graded essays, and conversation, either discussing their literary thoughts or personal lives as they ate. Robin loved having an adult she could confide in at school and Mr. Hauser loved knowing that he had an impact on at least one of his students, their lunches were a highlight for both of them. 
“Yes, she’s in my class for the period after your class. Why?” Mr. Hauser questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking up from the essays he was grading. 
“Oh, n-no reason,” The blonde tried to sound nonchalant but failed miserably, “I just think that she may be a good travel companion for operation croissant, you know?” 
“Miss y/l/n is a nice girl, but what happened to Tammy Thompson? I thought you wanted her to go with you to Europe?” 
“Not anymore,” The blonde shrugged, “y/n is funny, curious, and passionate and Tammy doesn’t really care about anything but herself..” 
Hauser nods, giving her a knowing smile, “Robin, do you think-“ 
“y/n sits beside me in biology and she always makes me laugh. I couldn’t get through that class without her leaning over and making fun of Mr. Reed’s southern accent or cracking a joke about one of our classmates. But she pays attention! And she’s genuinely interested in our experiments and she wants to know more about the world around us. She’s always asking brilliant questions; ones that I never would have thought of. She also told me that she wants to get out of Hawkins when she graduates and it took everything in me not to reveal operation croissant on the spot.” Robin rambled, her hands flying animatedly. 
“Robin,” Mr. Hauser started again, “Do you think that you may have a small crush on y/n?”
Mr. Hauser was the only person that knew that she was a lesbian, other than Steve. She didn’t exactly come out to him, but he caught on based on how she spoke about Tammy Thompson sophomore year. It was an unspoken understanding. This was the first time that he ever directly spoken about it though, and it caught her off guard. 
“What? No! I just think she’s cool and would like to be her friend outside of class, that’s all.” 
Hauser nodded with a small chuckle as he got back to grading essays. He soon looked up at Robin again and broke the brief silence that fell over them. 
“Then hang out with her.” He suggests, twirling his red pen around his fingers. 
Suddenly, Robin regretted bringing the topic up at all. Her teacher was always talking about how although he would always be here for her and his door would always be open for lunches, she needed friends her own age. She tried to tell him that she had Steve and occasionally hung out with Nancy Wheeler outside of school, but he insisted that she try and meet people that she could hang out with during the school day. She should have known that he would push her to try and hangout with you. 
“Ask y/n to see a movie or to come over and do whatever it is that girls your age do these days. Get to know her.” He shrugged, dropping his pen on the stack of papers on his desk, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new best friend.”
“I can’t do that,” Robin stated plainly as she twisted one of her rings around her middle finger. 
“Why not?”
“I mean you said it yourself,”  She threw her hands up and leaned back in her desk chair, “I’m the weirdest girl in school. I can’t just ask her to hang out with me!”
“I think you’re selling yourself and y/n short here,” He pointed out, “She doesn’t strike me as someone who cares about appearances. And you’re different from most of the students here, but that’s what makes you interesting. You just need to find the right people, and y/n seems like she might be one of them.”
Robin stewed on that for a minute, but she doesnt get a chance to respond as the end of lunch bell rang out, interrupting her thoughts. She silently gathered her trash and stood up, throwing her backpack over her shoulder and offered her teacher a small wave as she headed for the classroom door. 
“Robin,” he called out to her, catching her attention as she paused in the doorway, “Promise me you’ll try.” 
She nodded and walked out the door. 
The next day Robin bursted through Mr. Hauser’s classroom door, just as the lunch bell rang. She quickly set her backpack and lunch down on her usual desk, the closest one to Mr. Hauser’s desk, and started pacing the floor. 
“I’m going to y/n’s house tonight and I’m a nervous wreck.” 
He perked up, abandoning the novel he was reading to look at her, “So you asked her to hang out! I’m so proud-“ 
“No, no actually she asked me…” She trailed off, but quickly started again, “She and I were talking after class yesterday and she brought up this movie that she wanted to see. I mentioned that we had it at the video store and I’ve been meaning to watch it, then she just… asked if I wanted to come over and watch it and like a dumbass, I said yes.” Hauser shot her a warning look for her language and she gave him an apologetic smile before continuing, “What do I wear? What if I talk to much and she decides she hates me? I have to be her lab partner for the rest of the year! How will I get through biology with a lab partner that hates me?” 
Hauser couldn’t help but chuckle at her ability to stress over something that hadn’t even happened yet, “First of all, sit down before you pace a hole in the floor.” 
Robin obliged, taking a seat in her normal desk. 
“Second of all, you know she doesn’t hate you, Robin. You told me that she cracks jokes with you and talks to you after class.” he reasoned, “Not to mention, she wouldn’t have asked you to hang out outside of school if she hated you.”
Robin nodded and started to eat her lunch, “I just don’t want to mess it up. You know I have no filter sometimes and I can’t stop talking. Not to mention my lack of social skills in general.”
“Well, from what you’ve told me, it seems you’ve done well so far. Just be yourself. That’s what you do in biology, right?”
“Yeah, but biology is a low pressure environment!” She argued, breaking her cookie in half and taking a bite with a slight pout. 
“Tonight doesn’t need to be made into a high pressure environment either. You’re just two friends watching a movie together.” 
When he put it that way, Robin had to admit that she was overreacting. It’s not like it was a date or anything… why was she treating it like one? Before she could give it much more thought, the bell rang and she collected her things. She gave the other half of her cookie to Mr. Hauser on her way out the door. 
“Thanks for the advice,” She said sincerely, “I feel much better about tonight… for now, at least.” 
“I’m glad I could be of service,” He chuckled, waving at her as she headed for the door, “See you tomorrow!”
The lunch bell sounded and right on cue, Robin walked through the door of Mr. Hauser’s classroom with her backpack on her shoulders and her lunch tray in her hands. 
“So…” She started, setting her lunch tray down on her usual desk, “I may have a slight problem.” 
“And what might that be?” Hauser asked, once again setting his grading aside in favor of listening to her. 
“Well remember that first day when I brought up y/n and told you about how she sits next to me in biology and you asked if I had a crush on her?”
He nodded. 
“Yeah, well I said no and I lied because I had a tiny crush on her, but after last night, it has grown to massive crush. I’m doomed.” 
“So it went well then? She doesn’t hate you?” He joked with a knowing smile.
“No. She actually asked me to hang out again today… she’s taking me home after school and we’re going to go roller skating.”
“That sounds like fun!” 
He really was proud of her for putting herself out there and meeting someone new. 
“Yeah, except for the fact that I am a total klutz and will end up falling on my face in front of a pretty girl!”
Mr. Hauser chuckled, “Why didn’t you suggest something else if you were uncomfortable with skating?”
“Because she was so excited about roller skating and her smile was so pretty. I didn’t want to ruin it!” She huffed as she split her cookie in half and handed one half to Mr. Hauser. She shared her cookie with him every day and considered it payment for having to listen to her ramble, especially these last couple of days. She’s sure shes been insufferable. 
“You’ll be fine, Robin.” He reassured her, taking a bite of his cookie, “I’m sure that it wasn’t skating that she was excited about, anyway.” 
“You think so?” 
“You didn’t hear it from me, but before my class started yesterday, I heard y/n talking about how excited she was to hang out with you.” 
“What?” She practically jumped out of her seat, “You’re serious?” 
He nodded, smiling at her excitement. Suddenly she was much more confident about hanging out with you, the roller skating of it all amost completely forgotten as she imagined your excitement to see her. Hauser let her get lost in her daydream for the rest of lunch and picked up his stack of papers to grade. When the end of lunch bell rang, Robin collected her things and looked at her teacher. 
“You really think Ill do okay tonight?” She asked with furrowed brows as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. 
“I do.” He dropped his grading pen on the stack of paper, “Go get ‘em.” 
Robin laughed, rolling her eyes at the corniness of her English teacher. 
“See you tomorrow, Mr. Hauser!” She threw a wave over her shoulder as she headed out the door. 
“Are you sure this is allowed?” You asked nervously as you stood outside of Mr. Hauser’s door during your lunch period. 
Robin nodded, squeezing your hand reassuringly, “I eat in here with Hauser every day,” She paused, “That makes me sound like a dork, doesn’t it?”
You giggled, bringing your joined hands up so you can kiss the back of her hand, “Not at all. Hauser’s cool. You’re cool.” 
Robin felt her cheeks heat up at your words. You thought she was cool! 
“Shall we?” The blonde asked with a soft smile. 
You nodded in response as Robin pushed the classroom door open. This caught the attention of Mr. Hauser, who looked up from his novel to find you and Robin walking into his classroom hand in hand. His heart warmed at the sight. The blonde took her normal seat and you took the one next to her. 
“Robin, y/n,” Mr. Hauser greeted with a warm smile, “How are you girls doing today?” 
“We’re good!” Robin perked up, “I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend.” 
You waved at him with a sheepish smile, “Hey, Mr. Hauser.” 
He beamed proudly at Robin, “Congratulations to the both of you. When did this happen?” 
“Last night at the roller rink,” You flashed a lovestruck smile at the blonde beside you. 
“Turns out I’m not quite as awkward as we thought,” Robin jokes, nudging your side with her elbow and shooting Hauser a knowing smile.
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be-lovas · 1 year
Serendipity - prologue
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Your eyes wander across the room you're standing in. It is so cold, you think to yourself. It can sound ironic to think such a thing since the only place you've ever known is Winterfell, but it is your home. Or at least was. From now on, your home is supposed to be the Red Keep.
You glance at your brother's figure across the room, his eyes full of sadness as he gets that you'll never go back North with him. Your mother is standing beside him, her arms around his frail shoulders as she's doing her best not to cry. You don't dare to look directly in her eyes, because you know for a fact that you won't be able to hold your tears back from falling.
Cregan's words echo in your mind. For the North. For the sake of House Stark.
“What have you done?” You ask your brother as you rush into the Great Hall. Your tone is rough and direct. When he briefly looks away, you know it is bird of ill omen.
“Cregan,” you insist, approaching the seat he's sat in as he's mindlessly looking through the fire of the fireplace.
“Aegon has suggested a bethrotal between his brother and you,” he attempts not to give away his unease.
The air in the room becomes thick, unable to reach your lungs. The room itself seems to closing up to yourself. The very same room you've experienced laughs and tears into.
You urge forward your brother in an attempt of slapping him. He quickly stands up and circles both of your wrists with his hands.
“You promised!” You yell at him, attempting to yank away from his hold. “You promised me I would chose the man I would marry, just as Father promised-”
“War is coming!” His tone is straightfoward, but his outburst allows you to see the panic in his eyes.
He'll never admit it, but you can see he's frightened. He received both Jacaerys Velaryon and Aegon Targaryen in a matter of 3 days, both demanding him to swear his fealty to Rhaenyra and to Aegon himself.
For a moment, what you see in front of you is not the Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, but only your brother. The brother who used to teach you how to wield a sword and escape from the maids to go with him and Sara playing in the snow when your parents thought you to be busy with sewing.
“War is coming,” he repeats, but this time it is softer. “And House Stark must survive, not matter how.”
You are confused, to say the least. You don't understand how you, Y/N Stark, can make your house get through a war. You're barely an adult, and Cregan wants to put all this responsibility on your shoulders?
“Marrying Aemond Targaryen is the most secured thing to do for the sake of our house. By marrying him, House Stark will stand by the Blacks and by the Greens,” your brother explains softly.
The name only makes you frown. Aemond Targaryen. You don't know the man, but you've heard that he lost an eye when he was a child and he and his dragon killed one of Rhaenyra's sons in cold blood.
Only when he sees your features relaxing, he releases your wrists to take your hands into his.
“What did you respond?” You ask, though you already know the answer.
Your brother is not your father. Except the obvious features he inherited from Rickon Stark and their sense of honor, Cregan had nothing in common with his late father. You know he would sell you without second thoughts if it means to gain more influence or stability.
“It was a common agreement, Y/N,” he tries to soothe the situation and you can't help but scoff at his response. You feel tears gathering up at the edge of your eyes, but you slightly turn your head over so he cannot see it.
It is not fair and he knows it. Why should you be the one sacrifing your chances to find the husband you would want to marry while it was your brother who was supposed to carry the burden of the eldest child? Why should you marry a man you don't know when your own father promised you to never propose your hand at the most opportunists and to let you chose freely?
“For the North, for the sake of House Stark,” he pleads.
The noise of Aegon clearing his throat snaps you back in reality, making your head shifting back to where you should be looking. You glance at Aemond for a brief moment before setting your eyes on your hands. Held by Aemond's.
You realize he's waiting for you to pronounce your vows, so you have no other choice but to level your gaze to his and giving him a small nod, indicating that you're ready.
You're not ready, not in the slightest. Your chest is about to explode as you feel your heart pounding, but it's not pounding out of love and care for the man facing you. It is pounding out of fear and torment at the mere thought of what is about to happen.
Tears gather up at the corner of your eyes as you think that your Gods, those who remain in the North, will never witness this union. You remember how intimate a wedding in the Godswood is, and you have to bite your lip to prevent tears from falling.
“Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger,” you both say, and you can sense that he wishes to be anywhere but here. You sense it because you feel it, too.
“I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”
“I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”
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case-of-traxits · 6 months
I’m sure you’ve probably talked about this before, but how do you think reeve’s inspire works?
So funny fact here: I've never actually formally meta'd about this publicly. I'm pretty sure. I've talked to a few individuals about it, but never in like, a definitive, "This is definitely how I think it works," sort of way.
Maybe it's time to change that?
First though, let's talk about why I use the Inspire ability at all, because a lot of that leads into how I think it works.
An Argument for Why I Use the Inspire Ability
I would love to start with Reeve's original bio, but of course, as we know, Reeve didn't get a bio in the original game manual. So instead, we're forced to rely on his Ultimania bio:
The head of the Urban Development Department. Involved in the construction of Midgar from the very beginning, he watches over the town’s development like that of a child. By utilizing his special ability, “Inspire”, he is able to cause inorganic things to emit life; his “child”, the “cat”-shaped robot, Cait Sith can be controlled from a great distance. After Meteorfall, he became the director of the World Regenesis Organization (WRO), which is devoted to the purpose of restoring life to the planet.
For what it's worth, Reeve's bio has been shockingly consistent with including his Inspire ability. I go into that a little bit over in my WRO Reeve + Heartbreak meta.
Now, I know a lot of people don't like the Ultimanias. They find them confusing, or contradictory, or whatever the current "I don't use them," reason of the day is. That's fine! Let's take a look at Cait Sith's original bio from the game manual:
Cait Sith rides on the back of a huge stuffed Mog he magically brought to life. Megaphone in hand, he's always shouting orders and creating dopey attacks...
So there you go. Mog and Cait Sith cannot simply be robots, since it's stated quite plainly that Cait Sith brought Mog to life magically.
(As a side note, Cait Sith in the OG comes equipped with the Manipulate materia. This is a fun multi-layered reference, don't you think? Pokes a note at him being a spy and kind of gives you a thing to consider about how he possibly controls Mog.)
(As a second side note, Cait Sith also has one of the highest magic/spirit scores in the OG, so he's clearly meant to be your caster.)
Now, that said, Reeve clearly did build Cait Sith as a robot. His Ultimania profile clearly refers to Cait Sith as a robot, and in BC, Cait Sith has a controller of some kind in his back, and he gets damaged and broken into pieces and the Player Turk has to put him back together.
(As a side note there— and I swear, I'll stop doing these soon— if I recall correctly, the pieces the Player Turk has to collect are the body, the head, and the crown, implying that Cait Sith's crown is in fact an important part of him, and not just a cute fashion accessory.)
In addition, it is worth noting that Rufus Shinra is well aware of Cait Sith and that Reeve "controls" him, and yet, Reeve is able to directly communicate with AVALANCHE during a board meeting where Scarlet and Heidegger are talking Rufus into loading up No. 26, the rocket from Rocket Town, with huge materia and crashing it into Meteor in an attempt to save the world. Reeve not only does this, but Rufus gives no outward indication that he's aware of it. So however Reeve "controls" Cait Sith, there must not be a visible component to it.
My point is that Cait Sith, from what canon shows us, appears to be a robot that Reeve can control directly, without need for any sort of external control system. And, based on some thoughts that Cait Sith has during BC that cannot reasonably be attributed to Reeve, Cait Sith is still somehow independent of Reeve himself.
So why don't I go with Cait Sith simply being a learning AI of some kind? Well, mostly because of Mog. If we go back to the original bio for Cait Sith, it reads very similarly to Reeve's Ultimania bio. So Reeve grants life to Cait Sith, who can, in turn, grant life to Mog.
Functionally, Cait Sith is a mini-Inspire of his own.
Canon Exploration of the Inspire Ability
Now that I've written out my premise for why I go with Inspire Reeve, let's get to the heart of the original question:  How do I think it works?
Well, let's look at what we have to work with:
[Ultimania Bio] Reeve causes inorganic things to "emit" life.
[Ultimania Bio] Reeve sees Cait Sith as a child.
[OG Game Bio] Cait Sith inherits the Inspire ability.
[OG/BC/DoC] Cait Sith is capable of acting autonomously.
[OG/BC/DoC] Cait Sith can be directly controlled (to some extent, at least) via Reeve.
[OG] Reeve can speak through Cait Sith without other people in the room noticing.
[OtWtaS] Multiple Cait Siths can be 'active' at a time.
[DoC] Reeve and Cait Sith can move in sync with one another.
[DoC] Even if Cait Sith 'dies,' he can somehow convey information he learned right up until his death to Reeve/other Cait Siths.
How Does the Ability Actually Work?
So, with all of this in mind, here's how I usually go with Reeve's ability working:
The short answer is that I see it as a low-key, always-on mental connection between Reeve and Cait Sith.
A longer explanation starts with the fact that I see Reeve's Inspire ability as sort of... it has both passive and active modes for me.  Basically, in the passive mode, Reeve is always influencing inorganic material around him.  It's more noticeable when his emotions are heightened, but things like his phone and his car develop... quirks.  His car isn't really conscious, exactly, but it does read his intent, and to some extent, it basically functions as a self-driving vehicle when Reeve is the one behind the wheel.
Now, for my Reeve in particular, this is in no small part because the car was his father's, and he has worked on it extensively over the years.  It's a classic car, basically, and it gives him an outlet for fiddly work that's outside and not in a reactor or tied to Shinra.  If you're going with a Reeve who doesn't love his car as much, then obviously, that probably would be a bit more odd.
A more common variant on this, I think, would probably be that I usually roll with Reeve having... partially Inspired the reactors.  All of them.  All of the ones he has access to.  And in this case, it's less because he wants them to be alive and more because he wants to have that access to them.  He wants to be able to check statuses and know what's going on with a reactor at any given moment, and no matter how advanced the tech is, nothing will be faster for him than a direct mental connection.
Of course, that can have some less than stellar side effects when, say, a reactor explodes.  @ladykf-writes wrote me some amazing ficlets that feature my headcanons about this after much rambling with her about them. So I highly recommend checking those out if you're interested in this idea.
Then he has the active mode of his ability. I've written a ficlet (Heritage and Legacies) about the process of actually Inspiring Cait Sith (and it makes mention of Reeve's first disastrous accidental Inspiration), but in short, it involves more or less willing the inanimate object to life.  I usually go with the explanation that Reeve is literally feeding the object a bit of his own personal lifestream (or soul, depending on how you want to talk about it) until it starts circulating it on its own.  This gives me a built in explanation for why he doesn't animate hundreds of things at once and such.  I do like to have caps on things.
But because it was his personal lifestream that he used, he can basically retain... think of like a narrow, unseen string between Cait Sith and Reeve, no matter how far apart they get. And across this string, they can send thoughts, memories, and sensations.  That's how Reeve knew what happened to Cait Sith when Nero ate him with shadows.  Cait Sith had immediately connected with Reeve and told him.
Now, I do a few hand-wavey things for my own sanity when writing.  I assume that when a Cait Sith dies, all of their memories get imprinted in Reeve's mind, and when he Inspires the next Cait Sith, they get a copy of all of those memories.  This can create a bit of a jarring dissonance within the memories for a new Cait Sith, as they might remember being Cait Sith 1 and being Cait Sith 2 in the same conversation.  But for the most part, it works.
The other thing I usually do with Cait Sith specifically is that I say that when he was first Inspired, he was very much like a baby or a toddler.  He needed to learn a lot of things.  I don't have any fics currently up featuring this (I will after the holiday events though), but basically, I go with it having taken Reeve a while to get Cait Sith to talk at all for example, and that he had to learn a lot of things on his own rather than relying on Reeve's memory of the things.
Now, because of the hand-wavey memory thing I already talked about, new Cait Siths don't have that same initial problem.  They basically just get imprinted with everything Cait Sith 1 learned before he died.
(And for what it's worth, since Cait Sith's accent is supposed to be based on Reeve's parents, I always go with Cait Sith not speaking at all for a few months after he was Inspired.  Reeve tried everything, from toddler help books to reading books to trying to bribe him, and couldn't get a single word out of him.  And then, finally, Reeve was on the phone with his mother, trying to discreetly ask her for advice without admitting to his abilities or to what he'd done, and when he hung up the phone, Cait Sith looked up at him and spoke for the first time.  In the accent Reeve hadn't realized he'd slipped back into with his mother.)
The other hand-wavey thing I do is that I usually have Reeve and Cait Sith share the ability to communicate mind-to-mind, no outward dialogue needed.  I mostly justify this with it being a side-effect of them sharing the same personal lifestream rhythm.
I will say though, something I do that I don't know that I've seen anyone else do (I don't have any fics left up featuring this either, actually) is that I say the control can go both ways.  So Reeve can reach for Cait Sith and speak through him, but so can Cait Sith.  Now, I usually say that Reeve has to let Cait Sith do this, whereas Reeve can just take control from Cait Sith, but I  chalk that up to Reeve being the one who did the initial Inspiring.  Following that suit though, it would make sense that Cait Sith could do the same thing with Mog, if he wanted.
Now, I also headcanon that Reeve does his absolute best to let Cait Sith have whatever autonomy he can.  My Reeve, in particular, didn't exactly have the happiest of childhoods, and he has spent a lot of time being told exactly what he can do and when, so he tries to give Cait Sith the childhood he never had.
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If you read all the way down here, oh my goodness, but thank you.  It's... a lot.  Like I said earlier, the short answer is that I see it as a low-key, always-on mental connection between Reeve and Cait Sith.  And I kind of flex it around, depending on what exactly I'm doing with the fic in question.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
It hurts to let go
but sometimes it hurts more to hold on or: How they would break up with you.
→ Masterlist
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Summary: How they would break up with you.
Characters: Ayato, Zhongli, Diluc x (gn!) Reader (separate)
Warnings: Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, breakups, swearing
A/N: Wooo, I'm already back with new content because I started writing this in a daze yesterday and just finished it now!! Trying to finish a new chapter for my Diluc x Fatui! Reader fic this week as well still, I wanna write as much as I can before my exams so you have something fresh to read. Asks open if you need backrubs after reading this <//3 let me know what you think! :3
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You entered Komore Teahouse bubbling with anticipation. Ayato had asked you to come here today to meet him and how could you possibly ever refuse him? 
You had barely been able to contain your excitement all day and before coming here you had even made a detour to one of his favorite food stalls in Hanamizaka to buy his favorite sakura mochi which you had neatly stashed away in your bag as a surprise for him now. You and Ayato had met each other about half a year ago in your kimono store when he had been looking for a new outfit for the local festival and despite not being able to make your relationship public yet, due to matters that concerned public affairs, you hoped that one day the moment would come and you'd finally be able to show everyone he belonged to you and vice versa. Your heart yearned for it to become a reality for the longest time already and maybe today was finally the day.
When you entered the small room and saw him sitting on the floor with a hot pot of tea on the table already you couldn’t help but smile. For the first time since you met him he wasn't busy with some sort of paperwork. He sometimes even had his retainers carry some ink and documents into the teahouse so he could work here, so today must truly be some special occasion
"Hi!", you whispered into the cozy atmosphere of the room, bubbling with anticipation. Ayato looked up at you but unlike usual, he didn’t smile, he didn't stand up to guide you to the table and press a kiss to your temple, instead he just motioned you to sit across from him at the table with an undecipherable expression on his face.
"Please sit."
You immediately knew from the way he was behaving that something was up and that it must be why he had asked you to come here today. You could feel how your heart painfully contracted and sunk to your stomach. The once cozy atmosphere of the room now suddenly felt gloomy and so heavy you’d be able to cut it if you would have a knife to do so.
When you attempted to grab his hand as you sat down, he immediately pulled it away and clawed both of his hands around his teacup instead.
“What is wrong, Ayato?”, you asked, your voice filled with concern.
“Do you want some tea?”, he tried to divert the topic. His usual soft spoken manner was nowhere to be found anymore and he was clearly attempting to avoid your gaze, by simply staring into his teacup.
“Ayato?”, you asked again, attempting to reach for his hand once more only for him to abruptly yank it away and knocking his cup of tea over in the process, spilling the hot liquid all over the table.
“I can’t do this!”, he yelled, carding through his hair in frustration with both of his hands.
“Do what?”
One word that struck like lightning. Your heart painfully contracted in your chest and you felt like all the air was sucked from your lungs. You felt like a ship in a tumultuous thunderstorm whose anchor was forcefully torn off from it by the crashing waves of reality, in turn being pulled into the dark depths of despair that lingered at the bottom of the ocean.
“You don’t mean that.”, you croaked after a brief silence and shook your head in disbelief, looking directly in his beautiful lavender eyes. If there had been a time where there was any emotion in his eyes in the past whenever he had looked at you, now it was all gone and all that remained was a dull expression that was devoid of any emotion. Your bottom lip started quivering and you wiped your eyes in frustration, attempting to stop the tears from falling but they did anyway, trailing warm, damp paths down your cheeks.
“I do.”
“Why?”, you cried.
“Our relationship would inevitably create problems for the Yashiro Commission and for our standing within the Shogunate, there are people who have seen us together already and the rumors are spreading. I-I cannot be with…”, he hesitated to speak out the last part of his sentence but you immediately knew what he wanted to say.
“A commoner.”, you finished his sentence for him and he replied with a defeated nod. You’ve always had a feeling that if anything was to get between you and Ayato it would be politics, which were inevitably present in his life, but the fact that you were a commoner, was not something you had ever considered to be a problem.
“So what? You thought you’d play with me for a little while and then throw me away like a kid that has had enough of his little toy?”, at this point you were screaming at him, tears violently rolling down your face both out of unbearable grief and anger towards the man sitting in front of you with that same, stupid, dead expression he has had the entire time you’ve been here today.
“Did you even love me? Or was I just your fun little side activity?”, you fumed.
“I did - and I still do.”, he muttered after a brief hesitation, looking down at his hands to try to avoid looking at you directly.
“Then why?!”
“I have sacrificed a lot to restore the reputation and standing of my family within the Shogunate and in Inazuma as a whole and I can’t risk destroying that by following through with the egoistic desires of my heart.”
Your mouth stood agape at his statement, letting out a huff, while more hot tears streamed down your face. You couldn’t believe this was how it was supposed to end.
“Do you ever think of anything but politics, Ayato? Think of yourself only for one goddamn time.”
“I can’t.”
You nodded in acceptance and got up from the table, taking out the box of sakura mochi you bought for him earlier and hurled them on the table.
“Farewell, Lord Kamisato.” 
You turned around to allow your tears to flow freely and left the room as a stranger without another word or looking back.
Once you were gone he finally allowed himself to cry. His heart was heavy with regret and grief but he knew it was for the better, not for him but for his family. There was a part inside of him that screamed at him to chase after you, beg you to forgive him and come back to him, but he knew it would inevitably end in a disaster for his clan one day, so he has to lock the matters of his heart away forever no matter how desperately he longed to be with you. But after all - politics were a lonely game to play. And who knows, maybe he deserved it.
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You had just arrived at the Wangsheng-Funeral-Parlor to pick up Zhongli from work because you had agreed to grab dinner together at the Third Round Knockout like every Friday. You were waiting on the bench in front of the Parlor when Hu Tao came out to lock up the Parlor for the day, waving at you enthusiastically when she spotted you on the bench . However, she was alone.
“What are you doing here?”, she wondered.
“I’m waiting for Zhongli, like every Friday.”
“Oh.”, she said, smiling awkwardly.
“He went home early today. I even asked him if you were not going out today but he told me you agreed to skip dinner this Friday.”
He did what? And when did he intend to tell you about this? You could feel the anger welling up inside of your chest but you tried to swallow it and hid it behind a polite smile in front of Hu Tao, this was only between you and Zhongli and didn’t concern her.
“I must’ve forgotten about it out of habit.”, you replied. “I’ll be off then.”
Hu Tao waved you goodbye and you immediately headed for Zhongli’s house, with flames of anger boiling in the pit of your stomach and tears biting at the corners of your eyes out of frustration.
Once you had arrived you rang his doorbell a couple of times, waiting for him to open and immediately stomped past him into his living room once he had opened.
“When had you intended to tell me that we were not going out today?”, you spat with evident vitriol in your voice, not even making an effort to greet him first. “I waited in front of the Funeral Parlor for at least thirty minutes only to then be told by Hu Tao that you already left hours ago!”
“Forgive me.”, he quietly exclaimed, staring down at his hand, twisting the ring on his thumb.
“Do you have any intent to explain to me why you didn’t tell me? If you don’t feel well, or whatever the fuck is going on then you could’ve just opened your mouth. and it would’ve been no issue. This is not like you!”
He knew you were right, this wasn’t like him. There had been a contract between you and he had violated it - you didn't have to tell him, he knew it better than anyone.
“Please sit down for a minute.”, he said, pulling out a chair for you, his eyes showing evident sadness. “I think we need to talk.”
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach and your chest suddenly felt constricted by the calm yet serious tone of his voice. You stared at the chair he had pulled out for you in shock, petrified on the spot you couldn't do anything but panic.
“What’s going on?”
Zhongli brushed over his face with both of his hands and exhaled a few times heavily as if he needed to mentally prepare himself for the words he was about to speak next.
“I think it’s for the best if we stop seeing each other.”, he said after a brief moment of silence. Fixating his amber eyes on yours that began to fill with tears. The initial anger you came here with had dissipated and was replaced by an indescribable emptiness that felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest.
“Zhongli, I’m sorry… if it is because I was so angry when I arrived here I-… just, please.”, you pleaded, tears now uncontrollably rolling down your cheeks and blurring your vision.
“It has nothing to do with that, dearest. Forgive me. All I am able to tell you is that it is not your fault. It’s for your best.”, he walked towards you and cupped your trembling hands with his own ones before you forcefully yanked them away from him again.
“How would you know what is best for me? I don’t want to lose you…”, you sobbed.
“I just want you to be happy.”
It was true, you were his everything and all he ever wanted for you was to be happy and he knew he wouldn’t be able to give you that. He wouldn't be able to grow old with you together, he wouldn't be able to have you by his side forever and just the mere thought of it killed him on the inside. You deserved to be happy with someone who could give you all that and more, more than he would ever be able to give you, for he was a god and you were a mortal. Was it selfish of him to push away the one he loved the most, the one who gave him so much comfort when no one else could, just so you could live a fulfilled life with someone whose clock ticks the same as yours? You would eventually get over him, find someone new and learn to love again, maybe even have a family of your own - things he would never be able to give you. Maybe it was selfish, but it would be even more selfish if he kept you around only to save his own heart from bleeding, because in the end your life would just fly by in the blink of an eye for him whereas he would be your whole world. It didn't seem fair - you deserved better - and he wished he could tell you the whole truth about why you did.
Seeing you cry, with puffy eyes and damp cheeks, made his heart feel sore and he wished he would have never been so selfish as to allow himself into your life.
"I can't be happy without you.", you muttered through quiet sobs but ultimately accepted the fact that this is where your fairytale ended. You looked Zhongli deep in his amber irises for one last time, which too looked glossy, his eyebrows turned into and evident frown and turned around, leaving his house. Standing on his doorstep you turned around to get one last final look at him, ushering a final I love you into the evening breeze, before closing this chapter of your life forever.
And thus your contract had ended. 
Zhongli wondered why fellow gods were always so fond of their immortality when all it had brought him was unimaginable loss and grief that he had to carry in his heart for all eternity. To him Immortality was a curse and you did not deserve to be the one to share this burden with him for the rest of your life.
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You woke up in the middle of the night, looking at the alarm clock on your nightstand showed it was 3:24 a.m. Shifting around on the bed you found the other side of it cold and empty, the side where Diluc was supposed to be right now but you were alone - again. 
You kicked away your blanket and slipped into your morning gown, walking into the living room and kitchen of your apartment to check if Diluc was maybe still up doing something. But no matter where you looked you were alone, he had left yet again without a trace.
Slightly frustrated you decided it was no use heading back to bed now anyway, so you brewed yourself a fresh cup of tea in the kitchen and sat down on your sofa to read a book. You don’t know how much time passed when you heard someone unlock your front door but you assumed it must’ve been a couple of hours since the sun was already showing its first bright rays above the horizon. 
Your anger had festered over the past couple of hours that you had sat in your living room, barely even being able to read the book in front of you, because your thoughts were just constantly spiraling around Diluc. Ever since you had found out about his little nighttime job you rarely ever had a peaceful night.
The man in question finally entered your living room and when he saw you sitting on the sofa his expression changed to the one of a child whose mother had caught them stealing candy out of the sweets jar in the kitchen before dinner. He looked at you knowingly, evident guilt painted on his face, knowing you were up already because he had been out again.
“Why are you already up?”
“Good morning to you, too, mister. Care to tell me where you were again? Did Mondstadt need you so desperately again that you had to go out all night again fending off monsters?”, you huffed.
“The Abyss Order–”
“–would overrun Mondstadt if it weren’t for you and the Knights are useless, bla bla. I get it.”
The silence that followed after your words was charged with your anger, his crimson eyes trained on you with guilt. He knew you were right but what else was he supposed to do?
“What do you expect me to do?”, he asked calmly.
“What do I expect you to do?”, you asked in disbelief, closing the book that had still been on your lap, slamming it on the coffee table in front of you. “I expect you to stop playing hero and finally prioritize yourself first. Prioritize me. Have you ever thought about the way I feel when you’re going out every night doing fuck-knows what?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“Of course you didn’t because all you ever think about is your precious Mondstadt. How could I even be so foolish to think I could compete with it? To think I’d stand a chance to possibly mean more to you than this goddamn city. I need you too, Diluc. But you are never there for me! Fuck, I didn’t even have a single night of proper sleep ever since I found out about your hero antics! You are gone every night!”
Every word you spoke stung in his heart but he kept quiet, enduring the thunderstorm of your rightful rage and wondered what he should do, what he could do to end the heartaches and sleepless nights he had been continually causing you, robbing you of your sleep, causing you distress and making you feel unappreciated. Even though the mere thought of it caused his heart to ache in his chest, he knew there was only one possible answer to this.
“Where are you going?”, you asked with uncertainty becoming evident in your voice as he walked past you into the bedroom. As you followed him you saw he had grabbed his bag and had opened the wardrobe, taking his clothes that he had stored here for when he had been staying over out of it and putting them in his bag.
“What are you doing?” 
Panic started to well up inside of you. You hoped that your eyes were deceiving you and that what he was doing didn’t mean what you assumed it meant. The fact he kept silent and wasn’t even looking at you basically confirmed your assumptions and you could feel tears burning at the corners of your eyes and a lump forming in your throat. This is not what you had wanted and the fact that he was truly choosing this city over you hurt even more on top of it.
“Are you leaving me?”, you coaxed, tears flowing down your face, standing in the middle of the room completely petrified. He closed his bag and flung it over his shoulder, looking at you with a deep frown on his face before slowly nodding.
“It will be for your best, you deserve better than me.”
At that moment reality crashed over you like an avalanche, burying you under layers upon layers of icy grief. You regretted getting mad at him, regretted confronting him about his activities because you had just irreparably destroyed what you had. If you were given the opportunity to turn back the time right then and there you would - going back to bed after waking up, knowing Diluc would return to you in the morning and spending another day with him, but you took that away from yourself now.
Diluc looked at you with a lingering sadness on his face, heading for the frontdoor and neatly placing the spare key to your apartment, which you had given him so he could enter at will, on the key hooks beside your door. He looked back at your shaking form in the doorway to your bedroom, throwing you a regretful smile as he walked out into the cool morning air.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind him you weakly sunk to your knees on the carpet, letting your tears flow uncontrollably, sobbing loudly into your hands. 
Mondstadt had won.
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TAGLIST: @irethepotato @ranhaitanisbraids @x-zho @stygianoir
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife, 2022
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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delacyrose224 · 1 year
Underneath the Tree
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Pairing: Han Jisung x reader
Genre: Pure Christmas fluff!
Word Count: 2.3k
Author's Note: Today's tune is Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson! This is my first SKZ fic, so I'm a little nervous to throw this out into the world, but what better time than the holidays. I hope everyone is able to rest and spend time with loved ones as we head into 2023. Enjoy!
You step cautiously through the doorway into a large cabin, enough to hold 10 people.
The man behind you exclaims directly in your ear, making you jump. You twist around, only to find Han Jisung laughing. You swat at his arm, catching him off guard.
“Hey, what was that for?!” He rubs at the spot you hit, pouting.
“For being a jerk, that’s what! You just yelled in my ear for no reason!” you pout back at him, huffing a strand of hair out of your face. It does no good, falling right back in front of your eyes.
“Not no reason, I wanted to see if anyone was here, same as you. Duh.” 
You narrow your eyes and he just laughs some more. 
“Well, no one’s here. Clearly. I thought Chris was supposed to be here before us…weren’t we the only ones that still had work today before the holidays started?” 
You were supposed to come up to this cabin for a long weekend getaway with Jisung, your best friend Meg, and all of Jisung’s bandmates and friends…yet somehow you had arrived first.
“Yeah, I wonder if they stopped for snacks or something on the way…they didn’t need to, the cabin came fully stocked. I made sure to double check when I booked it.” Jisung shrugs and turns to head back out to his car. “I’ll check in on them…in the meantime, I’ll grab all the games we brought. You need anything?” 
You shake your head and move to go inside and explore, but before you can go too far Jisung grabs your arm, turning you towards him. 
“What?” you ask.
He gently reaches forward, tucking the errant strand of hair you’d been fighting behind your ear.
You’ve been wandering the house for 30 minutes while Jisung has been back and forth unloading his car. The cabin feels huge, and houses 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (including one with a really fancy tub), a hot tub, and the biggest kitchen you’ve ever seen. You’ve found yourself in the living room, which has a fireplace as well as several giant bookshelves you’re now perusing.
“Anything good?” A sudden whisper in your ear causes you to jump for the second time that day.
Again, Jisung is laughing as you catch your breath and look at him. 
“Ji, if you don’t stop! You’re knocking years off my life, I swear…”
“That just means you will have spent more of your life with me,” he smirks. “My question still stands…find anything good?”
You feel slightly embarrassed as you motion towards a stack of books you’d been building on the side table beside you. There’s no way you’d get through them all this weekend, but that wouldn’t stop you from trying.
Jisung kneels down to inspect the books. “Meet Me Under the Mistletoe…The 12 Dates of Christmas…Once Upon a Time in December…seems like there’s a theme here, hmm?” He looks up at you, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Is it a crime that I want to read seasonal romances now?” you huff indignantly.
He stands up, his face closer to you than you’d necessarily be comfortable with. “Why would you want to read something like that when I’m right here?”
You don’t know how to answer that question. You’d been friends with Han Jisung for a good 5 years, and what he didn’t know was that you may or may not have had a crush on him for 4 of those years. It became apparent to you within the last year that you needed to move on and accept that the two of you were just friends. Most of the time, this wasn’t that difficult. When he was staring into your eyes, his face inches from yours, asking questions related to romance and himself…it got a little harder.
He finally breaks the silence with laughter, his cheeks rounding out in a way that you’d always adored.
“Anyway…” you clear your throat, “what happened to Chris and the other boys?”
Jisung’s face falls immediately.
“About that…so, Chris got sick last minute. No one else could drive.”
“And Meg had to go see family, which means…”
“It’s just us all weekend!” 
You stare at each other. Jisung has a tentative smile on his face, but the longer the silence goes on, the more it starts to fall.
“...unless you want me to just take you home?” he asks softly.
Could you handle all weekend with just him? You’re not sure. But you absolutely can’t handle him looking like a kicked puppy.
“Never. Let’s make the most of it!” you exclaim, trying to hype yourself up.
“Yes! I’m so excited, this is gonna be the best weekend ever!!” He runs over, throwing his arms around you and spinning you in a circle before placing you back on the ground.
Your heart is pounding from the close contact, and you’re desperately hoping your friend didn’t notice. 
What had you just agreed to?
After unpacking your things in one of the many bedrooms, you come back down to the living room, only to see a massive tree in the corner by the fireplace. You’re sure that wasn’t there before…you would have noticed a tree, right?
Jisung comes into the room just then, carrying a large gray plastic tub which he sets by the tree.
“Oh, hey…I didn’t realize you’d come down,” he grins.
“I just did, but what is this?” you gesture towards the tree, confused.
“Oh, I found that Christmas tree in one of the million rooms down here and brought it in here…felt more festive,” he shrugs.
You stare at the tree. It’s a pine tree for sure, but there’s nothing on it.
Jisung follows your stare and nudges the tub with his foot. “That’s what this is for. Decorations.”
“So the people that own this cabin left an undecorated Christmas tree and decorations? They really thought of everything.”
He shakes his head. “No, they left the tree. I brought the decorations.”
“I knew there was going to be a tree, but it needed decorations. So I brought some.”
You can’t help but clap your hands in excitement.
“So let’s decorate!!”
The two of you string white lights around the massive tree, which is easily at least 6.5-7ft tall. Once the lights are on, you turn back to the tub of decorations, which has a massive amount of blue and silver ornaments in it.
You lift a bauble delicately out of the container and place it gently on the tree.
“Perfect,” Jisung whispers beside you. You turn and he’s looking directly at you. 
Willing yourself to do anything but think too hard about what’s happening, you blurt out, “Blue and silver are my favorite colors for Christmas decorations…it looks like a winter wonderland!”
Jisung smiles. “I know, that’s why I brought them.” 
You wish you could melt into the floor. Alas…you are solid and your body refuses to be anything but.
“W-what about everyone else?” you splutter. 
“You get into Christmas stuff the most, so I figured everyone else could just deal.”
You smile despite yourself, knowing his statement is true.
His smile lights up, rivaling the lights on the tree. “Now let’s get this tree decorated!”
The two of you stand back, marveling at your handiwork. The tree is dripping with lights, and too many ornaments to count. 
The only thing left is a glittering silver star. Too bad the top of the tree is too tall for either of you to reach, and there’s no ladder in sight.
“Here,” Jisung hands you the star. “I’ll lift you up, and you should be able to reach the top.”
You stare dumbfounded. 
“What? Come on, I’m not that weak…I’ve been lifting lately!” he almost whines at you, pushing up his sleeve and flexing his bicep.
This is it…this is how it all ends. One of your best friends flexing at you, inviting you to have him wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up to put a star on top of a Christmas tree.
You find yourself numbly nodding, stepping forward as Jisung moves behind you, pushing up his other sleeve.
“Ji, be careFUL!!” you screech as you’re suddenly lifted off the ground with no warning, his arms wrapped snugly around you.
“I’ve got you, it’s fine,” he laughs, stepping slightly closer to the tree. You use one hand to steady yourself against the branches and use the other to extend the star towards the top-only problem is, you’re still not quite high enough.
“Hannie, I still can’t reach…let me down, it’s fine without a star.”
“Not on my watch…hold on a sec,” he tightens his grip around you before suddenly hoisting you up and lowering his hold from your waist to your hips.
You let out a small gasp at the sudden movement, causing the man beneath you to huff out a laugh. 
“Try now.” You steady yourself again, and reach towards the top with the star, managing to slide the decoration on the topmost branch.
“Got it!” you exclaim triumphantly, looking over your shoulder at Jisung.
“I knew we could do it!” he beams. “Hold steady…going down.” He loosens his grip on your hips, which makes you slowly slide down and into his arms. His hands end up on your waist again, but this time they’re on your bare skin, your shirt bunched up from the downward movement.
You turn in his arms, his hands staying on your waist. He looks a little lost for words, his eyes wide as they meet yours.
“You’re strong,” you breathe out. “Thanks for not dropping me.”
His eyes fall to your mouth, watching each word as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever heard. You can feel your cheeks color as you really come to terms with your former crush (who maybe is turning back into a current crush) having his hands on your waist and eagerly staring at your lips.
His eyes draw back up to yours. “Hmm?” His head tilts adorably to the side, making him resemble a squirrel.
“You can let go now.”
This seems to snap him back to reality, though you notice that his hands linger even while he removes them, seemingly in no hurry to stop touching you.
“I’ll start a fire for us and make some hot chocolate from scratch, how’s that sound?”
You hum in agreement and he smiles brightly.
“Grab a seat on the couch, I’ll get everything ready.”
Fifteen minutes later, you’re snuggled up on the couch, book in hand and a blanket over your lap. While you’d been decorating, the sun had set, so the only light in the room was coming from the fireplace and the Christmas lights on the tree. Just as you’re turning the page, you feel a presence behind you.
“Whatcha reading?” Jisung peers over the couch, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Once Upon a Time in December,” you smile, glancing over at him out of the corner of your eye.
“...’s good?” he asks, breath tickling your neck.
You hum in reply. 
“Good.” He moves back toward the kitchen, reappearing with two mugs of hot chocolate. “Homemade hot chocolate for the lady,” he says, gently handing you a mug that reads ‘Peas On Earth’. 
“Peas on Earth?” you snicker.
“And goodwill to men,” he laughs, sitting next to you. “Read to me?”
“Will you read to me? You said it was good…or were you lying?” he smirks.
“No, it is good. But why do you want me to read to you?”
“It’s a Christmas story, it feels appropriate…and I like the sound of your voice.” The latter part of his sentence is much quieter, with a tinge of embarrassment.
“...okay.” Your voice is quiet to match his, and you adjust yourself to a more comfortable position.
30 minutes later, you’re curled into the corner of the couch, Jisung’s head in your lap. He hums contentedly as you read, your fingers gently carding through his hair.
You pause for a moment and he looks up at you sleepily.
“Why’d you stop?”
You smile down at him. “I need to drink something, my voice is going away.”
He jolts up next to you, immediately concerned. “Why didn’t you say something before? I’m so selfish, wanting you to read, and now you’re going to go hoarse!”
You bring your hands to his cheeks, forcing him to stop talking. “Ji, hush…I wanted to read, you’re fine. I’ll just finish off my hot chocolate.” You reach over to your mug, draining the last of its contents.
You place it back on the table, waiting for Jisung to lay back down, but he doesn’t. Instead, he’s staring at you intently.
He scoots closer to you. “You’ve got…just there…” He reaches forward, gently swiping his thumb across your upper lip. Meanwhile, you would like to melt again. Or combust, whichever comes first.
You can see whipped cream on his thumb as he lifts it off your face, and your face colors both from embarrassment and proximity to him.
“Is it gone?”
Jisung shakes his head, leaning closer again-but this time, it’s his lips hovering just over yours.
“...is this okay?” he whispers, eyes locked on yours.
You swallow thickly, nodding. His lips connect with yours softly at first, then more insistently as one of his hands grabs your waist and the other works its way into your hair.
The moment doesn’t feel real-your crush of four years (okay, five) is kissing you, in a cabin, in front of a Christmas tree. Your heart is beating a million miles an hour and you can’t quite breathe-but that might be because you’ve just sighed into Jisung’s mouth and he’s now taken your bottom lip gently between his teeth.
Before things can get more heated, he draws away from you, eyes sparkling. “I think all the whipped cream’s gone,” he laughs, leaning in to place another quick kiss on your lips.
You reach out and swat at his chest, which makes him laugh even harder.
“I hate you, Han Jisung,” you giggle.
He raises his eyebrows, smirking. 
“I hate you more.”
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam
You can find more of my work here!
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