#however..... nessa is also here :)
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au where moon fills in while sun is "on vacation" and nothing bad happens
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coruscatingcorvid · 6 days
Hello my dearest friends. Though the time is never specifically stated, through some extremely scientific sleuthing I have determined the likely time period the flashbacks between Annabel and Lenore are taking place.
First off, from the very general vibe of their clothing, we can put them in the late victorian to early edwardian era (roughly 1880s to 1900s). Since we rarely see either of them in bustle dresses, I would assume at least 1890s. While we don't see very many of the iconic 1890s giant puffy sleeves, Annabel's dresses in particular that we see are reminiscent of late 1890s evening wear. For example:
Annabel's dress in episode 67:
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Evening dress from 1898-1900:
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ADDITIONALLY, in episode 90, we see Annabel's wedding dress. While not exact, it is distinctly reminiscent of lace insertion dresses which grew popular during the edwardian period. Though it is not a part of the dress itself, Annabel's necklace is similar to dress collars at this time.
Annabel's wedding dress:
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Wedding dress from 1902:
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Lace insertion dress 1908:
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We also see other dresses from this time period on other characters through episodes 65 and 66.
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(Dress from 1898, [4])
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(Shirtwaist ca. 1900, [5])
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(Shirwaist 1900-1910, image copyrighted: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86042 [6])
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This (above) is particularly interesting case because it reflects an earlier time period than much of the other clothing. The character who wears this is Annabel's maid, Nessa. However, this could easily be reflective of the historical precedent for wearing clothes after they were fashionable, since clothing is expensive. The dress she wears here is very similar to dresses from the 1880s.
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(Dress, 1885-88, [7])
Brief hair interlude:
Nessa has exactly Gibson Girl hair, which was popular from the 1910s to about WWI [8].
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Annabel, meanwhile, uses rag curls, a type of heatless wet set.
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(Unfortunately I haven't been able to find historical images of rag curls with reliable sources, though this was one of the more consistent ones, and is purportedly from 1870. Additionally, I could not find any copyright free photos of what setting it looks like, but Annabel's hair in the first image is how you set rag curls, so feel free to look into it yourself!)
Unfortunately, I can't really speak on the menswear, as I don't know enough about it currently to be able to note details that have been translated into art.
I do want to add the caveat that I am not an expert in historical fashion, just a nerd, and while I do have a good amount of background knowledge, there could very well be inaccuracies in this. Additionally, none of this is meant to try and nitpick any historical inaccuracies--the art in the webcomic is gorgeous and I am 100% here for artistic license/artistic interpretation/vibes.
SECONDLY, the most concrete evidence we have for the time period comes from the conversation between Lenore and Annabel's father in episode 67. He says to sail to England on the ship Oceanic on the White Star Line. The RMS Oceanic made her maiden voyage on September 6, 1899 from Liverpool to New York [10]. Upon its launch, it was the largest passenger ship of its time [11]. On September 8, 1914, the ship ran aground [10]. Which is a pretty big time period. BUT, Annabel's father says that she is "The largest and finest ocean liner in the world," which she was, until 1901, when she was surpassed by the RMS Celtic on July 25, when she made her maiden voyage [11, 12].
Thus, the flashbacks (as far as we have seen in episode 105) between Lenore and Annabel Lee must take place before July 25, 1901, and begin after or around 1899!
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finelinevogue · 1 year
attention, please
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summary - az wants attention and you just want to read
word count: -1k
a/n: just fluff my friends, kinda suggestive language but nothing r rated
You were quite content, sitting quietly in bed with your new romance novel, until he decided that wasn’t okay.
For a midweek day it had been relatively quiet around Windhaven. Feyre was at her art studio, Rhys providing her “company”. Nessa and Cassian were “training” and who knows what Mor, Amren and Emerie were doing. Azriel had dropped off some food for Cassian, per the Warlord’s request, and had come back to try and find you.
You’d spent the most part of the day hidden away in the library, with your new novel - completely captivated between the pages. However, when Az had gone to see Cassian you had moved to the comfort of your shared bedroom, with Az, for a more relaxing reading spot.
That’s where Az had now found you, laying on the bed on your front with your book before you, twirling your legs in the air.
“There you are.” Az announced himself, as if he’d been looking millennia for you. Well, technically that had also happened.
“Here I am.” You smiled at him, before returning to your book.
“No greeting kiss for me?” He asked, wandering from the door to you.
“Well you’re all the way over there.” You exaggerated.
Suddenly Azriel appeared next to you, climbing on the bed to the side of you. Before you could speak, he had placed his strong arms on either side of your head and manoeuvred his body so he was hovering over yours.
“Az.. What…” You laughed, before getting cut off his Azriel’s lips on the side of your neck.
His body pressed against yours and you could feel every hard part of his body. Some parts incredibly harder than others. His body never crushed yours though. It was a challenge for him to not completely let himself lay on you and focus on really providing you pleasure.
“Now I’m all the way over here.” He said, kissing your exposed neck some more and more and more.
“You…” You struggled to focus on the words on your page.
You pushed your body up so it completely pressed against Az’s. He groaned against the place between your shoulder and neck and the small vibrations made you smile with delight.
“I’m reading. Go away, you pest.” You laughed, trying to push him away with the force of your hips since your hands were protecting your book at all costs. Your book came before all else. Your beloved.
“I’m certainly not going away if you keep pushing up into me like that, now, am I?” He rhetorically asked, biting down on the skin on your neck to mark you.
“Azzz…” You whined.
“Y/NNNN.” He replied with the same tone.
“I wanna read.” You pouted, flumping back down on the bed. You laughed when Azriel completely flopped down on top of you, making your slightly winded from the heavy Illyrian force. “You bastard.”
“I love you too.” He kissed your neck again. Once, twice and then a third.
“You’re so annoying.” You laughed, not being able to actually bring yourself to be mad with him.
“Is it so wrong of me to want to love on my mate? Hm?”
“It is when your mate is reading. Everyone knows to never come between a girl and her book.” You explained, dropping your book on the floor after you’d slipped the bookmark between the pages. The bookmark that Az had gotten you as a gift.
“Do you love the males in your books more than me?” He asked, his face still tucked between your neck and shoulder. One of his hands was tracing the skin on your arm lightly, making your eyes flutter closes with relax.
“I’ll never love anyone more than I love you. I promise.” You turned your head to the side and was met with his face close to yours. You saw a slight smile on his face, his dark curls falling slightly over his eyes.
“Good.” He smiled more before leaning in to kiss your lips this time and you gladly met him in the middle.
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55sturn · 3 months
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series masterlist!
pairings: matt sturniolo x fem!reader [eventually, in this chapter, they are not friends]
synopsis: in which y/n receives the news of her life and she feels on top of the world, as if nothing could bring her down, until she meets her dorm mate, rather, until she re-meets him.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, cigarettes, drug usage [weed], alcohol consumption, cocky!matt, flirting, bitchy!reader.
important notes: i’ve been so excited to post this! this is going to be slow burn, and updates will be slow as well while i’m in the process of deciding what i want done with back to december, povs will change regularly between reader’s pov, matt’s pov, and third person pov, each pov is vital to the story and each character’s internal battles throughout the series.
playlist for this series! song below for this chapter below!
my hands shook as i held the letter that determined whether or not i’d have a chance at landing a job in screenwriting or directing, or literally anything the film industry would give me. landing a spot in this course, was extremely tough. it was only open to twenty five students, and there were thousands of applicants to rifle through each semester. it was a prestigious course, and if you excelled in it, the professor would consider sending out a letter of recommendation to any companies he knew were offering an internship. it was such high demand because the professor had a lot of sway when it came to massive filming and production companies, and would often land one of his students their big break.
but in order to apply, at least three years of training under some sort of local theatre was mandatory, the applicants needed to prove that they understood how screenwriting, production, and set or stage management worked, and there was still more that we needed to cover but those were top three areas of experience this course looked at. each applicant needed to prove that they were completely fit for this course and that they genuinely wanted to pursue a career in this field, and if you didn’t show it well enough, you weren’t even added to the consideration list.
it was a tough spot to land, and i would give anything to land a spot in this course. i had fought tooth and nail throughout all of high school to get grades that proved determination and hard work, the only university i ever had in mind was harvard, and if i didn’t get in, i wouldn’t know what to do with my life.
so here i was, freshly twenty-one, and finally holding the letter that led to the rest of my life, good or bad.
“come on you pussy, open it already.” jocelyn groans, she had been my rock throughout the entire application process. she’s been my best friend since we were six and bonded over having the same pencil case when she moved to boston in first grade. however, she’s been a bit callous to the idea of me being nervous about reading this letter. she was the type that barely scraped in high school, and she had decided pretty early that she didn’t want to go to any college or university. she excelled online and had amounted a huge following.
“joce, i love you but please shut up. this is the most important letter i’ve held in my entire life. i’m scared, what if i don’t get in?”
“please bitch, you’ve worked harder than anyone i know, i’m sure you’re going to get in.”
“thanks joce, but i genuinely don’t trust your judgement after the last guy you hooked up with. so i am going to take a shot and then open it.” i laugh, walking over to the cupboard above the fridge, grabbing the bottle of tequila we had bought in preparation for this very moment. i also grabbed two shot glasses from the mini bar-cart we had beside the fridge of our shared apartment, and began pouring a shot for the both of us.
“oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god!” she gasps from behind me, making quickly turn around, only to see that she held the open letter in her hands.
“you fucking got in!” she exclaims, causing goosebumps to rise along my skin as i stand and watch her eyes dart back and forth along the page, reading the words aloud.
“dear miss l/n, i am pleased to inform you that the committee on Film and Visual Studies has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard class of 2025. dude you did it!” she beams, her voice full of pride and excitement, causing tears to well along my waterline as i stare at her.
“oh my fucking god, i did it.” i sob, feeling genuinely accomplished for the first time in my life.
“however it does say that the only available dorm situation is co-ed, since you had applied for on-campus living.”
“that’s fine with me honestly.” i shrug, wiping the tears, unable to rid my face of the smile that resides on it.
“alright, let’s take some shots and then start packing the rest of your shit. i can’t believe i’ll be living without for so long, i can finally walk around naked.” she hums, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as i sigh, my arms winding tightly around her waist.
i let out a loud laugh as i grab the bottle of tequila, followed by the two full shot glasses, sliding jocelyn hers as i stare at her.
“you’re acting as if you don’t already do that.”
“touché, however, here’s to my bitch starting her dream career.”
the next few days blew by in a blur as jocelyn and i finished packing everything i wanted to take. she was going to help take my stuff from boston to cambridge. the eight hour drive was going to be brutal, but it was completely doable, especially know that she’d be along the way. instead of driving sixteen hours total, she was going to spend the first night with me, she also wanted to scope out my dorm mate to make sure they’re not a total freak.
“i can’t believe i leave tomorrow.” i sigh, resting my head on jocelyn’s shoulder, the two of sitting on our balcony while she puffed her joint. jocelyn stifles a laugh before straightening out her expression, and turning to me.
“your mom would be so proud of you.” she says, her face blank as the absurd comment leaves her mouth.
“as fucking if.” i snort, rolling my eyes, taking the joint from her fingers, taking a small hit as she laughs.
“she’d probably ask why it took so long to get a response and then tell you that you didn’t try hard enough and that your acceptance letter was a pity letter.”
“probably.” i whisper, handing the joint back to her as i watch the setting sun, feeling a strong tinge of hurt swelling in my chest at the mention of my mom.
her and i never really had a steady relationship, when i was younger she was never really around, she was a big part of the film industry, quite the requested screenwriter, and was always in high demand which meant she didn’t take time to nurture me.
when she was alive and around more during my high school days after she was forced to retire from the spotlight due to her cancer, she was constantly berating me, the high ninety grades and constant participation in local theatre was never good enough. she always said i wasn’t shooting high enough. but she fell deathly ill my senior year, and that was a rough patch for us. i had snapped and told her that i hope she regrets the way she’s treated my entire life, and that i won’t be found at her deathbed. but when that time came, i was the first one to hold her hand and tell her i love her, but the reply never came from her, she just stared at the wall blankly until her boyfriend showed up and then suddenly she was lively as she could be while dying.
but i’ve moved on from that year, and it took a long time and shit ton of therapy to realize that i was never going to be the daughter she wanted, but my dad and my step-mother, melissa, have been as supportive as they could. they’ve been with melissa’s mom in maine for the last two months, helping her with everything after her husband’s passing.
i sigh again as i look at jocelyn, leaning my head back on her shoulder.
“we should probably head back to bed, we’ve got a long ass drive tomorrow.”
“yeah, wanna eat some ice cream first?”
after our ice cream, we finally crashed, both of us only getting about four hours of sleep after having to wake up at nearly six in the morning. we quickly got dressed, and grabbing the last few bags and boxes that needed to be packed into the car before leaving to grab food and drinks. after that, we finally started on our way to cambridge.
the drive was full of numerous stops, causing to get at the dorms around four in the afternoon.
“alright you stay with the cars while i go to the admissions centre and grab my key and i’ll go unlock the door and then we can start.” i hum in joce’s direction through her open window, grabbing my bag off the front passenger’s seat while jocelyn nods, climbing out, and stretching.
“i hope you get a hot roommate, you need a boyfriend.” she calls out, rolling my eyes, and flipping her off.
“i’m walking away i cant hear you!” i call back, following the signs that direct me toward to admissions office, as i enter i nervously approach the lady at the front.
“hi i’m here to pick up my dorm keys, room 496, y/n l/n.”
“here you go! so you’ll want to turn right, then take two lefts and follow the numbered plaques on the wall to the co-ed section of the dorms! and lastly, welcome to harvard!” the older woman chirps, flashing a warm smile that eases my nerves just the tiniest bit as i begin following the directions that she had called out.
as i reach my door, i fish the key from my pocket, quickly shoving it into the keyhole, wanting to get into my dorm as quick as possible. as i’m about to turn the knob, someone clear their throat from behind me, causing me to turn around. and once i meet the eyes of the person standing behind me, i immediately wish that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
“what the fuck are you doing here?”
“this is my dorm?” he coughs, making my skin crawl at the idea of sharing a dorm for a year with the one person that i genuinely wish didn’t exist in my life.
“there’s no way in hell i’m sharing a dorm with you, matt.”
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @verosivy @florcult @33sturniolo @greatooglymooglyyy @sugrhigh @rootbeerworshiper @soursturniolo @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @lustfulslxt @sturnifyed @teapartyprincess4two @mangosrar @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chris @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @gnxosblog @sturniolopepsi @wronqness99 @sturniolossss @hesvoid3434 @mattsfavwh3re @inlovewithmattstur @melanch0lybby @whatrulookingat11
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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lillifaba · 4 months
My thoughts on the Wicked movie teaser trailer... so far.
Before you pop off in my replies and reblogs yes I know, this is just a teaser trailer and not the official tralier. Regardless that doesn't give this movie a magical critique pass. Most of my critques on this teaser come from my own thoughts and some of points raised in this post. This is also just me rambling into the void. Don't like don't read lmao.
If you've been following me for a while, then you already know my opinion on the Wicked movie and casting. Surprise surprise, you guessed it... I am extremely underwhelmed and disappointed. For so many reasons.
I'll start off with some things I like.
Johnathan Bailey is hot asf as Fiyero. (even if he looks way older than Fiyero is canonically meant to be)
The set and props. I think some of them actually look pretty neat. I'm glad they didn't use a green screen for Shiz and put in the effort to build a university campus. The train from Shiz to Oz looks kinda dope. I was always wondering what it would look like and I'll probably use that as inspiration for my fics and art comms.
Jeff Goldblum as The Wizard. I won't lie, I haven't seen a lot of movies with Jeff in them so I was cautious about his casting. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much his look and his performance so far actually fits Oscar. Time will tell if he can hold up to those standards.
I'm happy a WOC is playing Elphaba. Everyone complains about Fiyero not being racially book accurate but nobody talks enough about Elphaba being discriminated against as an amalgamation for rac!sm. More women of color should play her on stage.
THE NAILSSSS. Come on people this is the Wicked Witch of the West we're talking about she should be SERVING WITH THOSE CLAWS! Although personally I would've preferred them sharp but I'm over here with almond arylics what do I know lol.
I'm happy they casted a disabled actress to play Nessa. I always wondered why they never did that.
With that out of the way, let's get into a million reasons why I hated this trailer and why I'll most likely hate the movie anyways.
Arianna as Glinda. Look, I don't hate Ari. I like some of her songs and even bought some of her perfumes because I like smelling good. At worst I just don't care about her. However whenever I see Arianna as Glinda, I'm sorry I just don't see Glinda, I see ARIANNA GRANDE dressed in last minute cosplay for a Halloween party. I heard one line... ONE LINE from her and the delivery is NOTHING like Glinda's character or cadence, it's just Ari in drama class.
The wigs and costumes. What the hell was the makeup and hair crew thinking when they selected that wig for Arianna???? It's an ashy dull blonde that brings no color or life to the character. The #1 thing about Glinda is her vibrant blonde hair, it's even mentioned IN THE SONGS. MULTIPLE TIMES. This wig looks like a botched bleach job. Then, there's the costumes. Good lord what are those glasses on Elphaba's face??? I get they're trying to be all "whimsy" and "peculiar" in tone with WOZ, but they just look silly. Why not stick to the glasses in the musical? Why overdo it? I fear how the Emerald City sunglasses will look (if they even add those in) Also why are Glinda's clothes so dull? Where's the vibrance? Where's the pink frilly coquette contrast to Elphaba's dark coquette?
The camera work and Elphaba's entrance. This is Wicked the musical. I'm expecting a huge and grandiose presentation, especially when it comes to THE MAIN CHARACTER. Showing Elphaba from the back of her head in slow motion while she's walking to the entrance is just... boring and an overused cliche. Not to mention the underwhelming reactions from the extras. The cinematography is just meh. I'm expecting better for a fantasy film. It's been done before.
Cynthia as Elphaba. Listen, Cynthia is a great singer and talented actress. I have absolutely nothing against her. With that being said I'm going to be brutally honest: much like Arianna, she is not Elphaba... at least not entirely. Like Johnathan, Cynthia is way older than Elphaba is meant to be canonically and the editing team clearly used the de-aging filter on her to the point where it looks unnatural. If this movie had been made at least five years ago or earlier Cynthia would've fit perfectly.
Continuing my point with Cynthia: the singing. I'm sorry but what the hell was that riff with Defying Gravity??? I'm not entirely blaming Cynthia for this because this has become a massive problem with a lot of musical film adaptations which I like to call the popification of songs. It happens in nearly all the live-action Disney movies and I'm sick of it. What confuses me is STEPHEN FUCKING SCHWARTZ is involved in the musical production. He wrote the god damn songs, how the hell does he not direct Cynthia to sing the right note instead of letting her do whatever she wants??? I don't think he did that with Idina, which is why this riff is so iconic. Come on, if a tiktok meme trend can do that riff better and more accurately than an actual singer can, that's just embarrassing. I'm not good at explaining myself in terms of singing, so I'm hoping a youtuber I occassionally watch does a reaction video to the trailer and does a better job at explaining than I can.
The acting. Like I said with Arianna, the delivery is so bland and dry. I'm trying not to judge all of the acting on a teaser trailer but if this is how the leads are going to act throughout the whole movie then I'm disappointed.
Too much CGI in some parts. I get it. This is a fantasy movie there's bound to be certain effects you can't do practically. But that's no excuse when this is a $145 million dollar movie. The flying monkeys are so painfully obvious CGI. This was a wasted chance to get Doug Motherfucking Jones to play Chistery in prosthetics. So much of this movie ends up looking like those garbage Oz spinoffs. (If you know you know) The CGI is just bad. The bubble and Emerald City buildings look so cheap.
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO DARK? This is suppossed to be OZ! Why do I have to turn up my brightness to look into the shadow realm???
Now onto some things I'm confused about.
Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible. I'm praying to god she'll blow us away because she's such a good actress and is serving c*nt in her costumes. I haven't heard her sing (I'm dumb but unless the opera song she sang in EEAAO was her then WOW!)
The silver slippers. I KNOW! I KNOW! The ruby slippers are copyrighted and can't be thrown in all nilly willy wherever you please. But keep in mind this is a 145 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE ALL FOR PART ONE. Do not tell me they couldn't shill a few extra bucks on signing a few contracts. AND YES I KNOW. The musical uses the silver slippers in the first act in ode to the L. Frank Baum books which I love, but don't forget, they turn red when Elphaba enchants them to give Nessa the ability to walk. Dorothy shows up after Nessa is killed and has her shoes stolen. Why aren't they red now? Not to mention most of the audience might not know the original slippers in the books were silver. This would've been a great chance to combine two different canons.
WHO IS PLAYING DR. DILLAMOND???? ifitisjamescordenandyouusecrappycgiiwillgotoyourhousejohnchuand-
Finally, why did John Chu absolutely insist on this being a two parter movie with a year long intermission? Is this shit show really that fantastical that it can be akin to Kill Bill part 1 and 2?
That's pretty much it for now but expect an update to this post with a reblog with updated thoughts when an official trailer drops. My mind probably won't change though. I'm totalllllyyy not considering pulling an Eddy Burback sneaking into Morbius for a week when this movie comes out lol.
Universal Studios and AMC theaters that was a joke please for the love of god do not send Nicole Kidman after me.
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dykevanny · 6 months
Sorry I don't know all of the wererabbit lore could you explain to me? Sorry if you already have by the way!
Ok so basically. Idk when exactly it takes place but the aftons are all alive, henry and Charlie are alive, the glamrocks are a few 20-somethings with a shitty transgender garage band, cassie tony and Ellis are hanging around, cassidy hangs around Evan and Charlie, and well basically. Vanessa and Gregory were both homeless (they met at 17 and 6)(vanessa ran away, gregory has dead parents LOL) and ended up living with Freddy yay! Nessa soon got a nice normal job at a totally normal local diner (Fredbears) and ends up meeting william yay!! They hang around a lot and it’s nice :] will gets someone new to monologue at and vanessa gets a whimsical father figure. Unfortunately for literally everyone William has made a discovery!
For some fuckass reason he’s discovered how LITERAL KOOKY MOON MAGIC works and is using his favorite employees as his TEST SUBJECTS. He tried to turn bonnie into a wererabbit and the guy DIED. Surely this did not impact anyone in any sort of way. Well after perfecting his funky spell he decided to test it on Vanessa and .. it worked.! So now during full moons she turns into a giant rabbit creature that William can command. He uses this power for murder of course- because he is quite silly. Vanessa does not remember anything that happens as the werebunny and is quite distressed whenever she wakes up in the woods in her PJs covered in somebody else’s blood. Not fun. However she hasn’t. Told Gregory or Freddy because she doesn’t wanna worry them.. also William knows about this issue and says he can help so surely she doesn’t have to worry right? one night, the afton kids had gregory over for a goofy sleepover!(Michael was acting like a chaperone all ‘ohh well I’m the oldest so i better make sure you guys don’t set lizzy’s room on fire’ when actually he is participating equally in the chaos.) they end up playing hide and seek in the woods…. Which sounds stupid but trust me living in front of the woods does that to ya. Anyways they encounter the werebunny (ran away from will.. turns out giant neurotic prey animal is difficult to control sometimes) and these whimsical children take it home with them because they noticed it had been chained up and decided they HAD to save it.. so of course the beast had like 13 bows in it’s fur. They have it sleep under lizzy’s bed just in case mrs afton walks in and sees it and well in the morning they check and. WHY IS VANESSA HERE.!?
……………so basically the kids know vanessa is a werebunny. Vanessa is just finding this information out and is very distressed. William doesn’t know his kids found the werebunny but he knows SOMEbody is tampering with his murder freak animal (and well, gregory treats the werebunny like an oversized lapdog, Liz and Ev are living their Disney princess dream, and Michael is having his HTTYD era but ultimately that doesn’t affect Will’s control over it he’s just got control issues)
Um and yeah it’s uh basically a goofy silly au from my Powerful Transgender Mind uhh yeah 👍 fucking bunby reblog if you agree
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mamwieleimion · 4 months
Feanorian fall from grace
What if the Valar favoured the feanorians? Wouldn't that make the Darkening and all the Kinslaying even more tragic?
I say yes, so let's dive into it.
So obviously, we start with the easiest Feanorians.
Feanor, Curufin, Nerdanel (yes I'm counting her in, no I will not be answering questions as to why) and Celebrimbor (yes, he also counts, yes he is the cinnamon roll of the family, no that does not make him any less of a chaos agent and mischief maker).
So they, of course, were favoured by Aule. Don't ask me, why (it should be obvious), when nor in what way.
Maybe he guided their hands when they worked, helping them along. I don't know. I'm a writer, and I honestly can't say what smiths, jewelry makers nor sculptors do (that's a lie, it's literaly my thing to say/write something in a way people think I know what I'm doing.)
Second - Maedhros or then Maitimo Nelyafinwe (yes, I'm puting his mother name first, no I will not explain myself). I feel like he would be favoured by Nienna, or Manwe, or both of them. It's a hunch. Nothing more. I just like it. Also maybe, a strong maybe, Este. Because Maitimo is the healer and peace maker of the family. He cares for others and their well being.
Celegrom and Ambarussua are favoured by Orome. They hunt, they love to do it, they care about nature and the hunt and nature cares and loves them. That's the story. Orome is pulled in by the fire of Feanorions and it stays like this (even the kinslaying couldn't fully break the connection)
Caranthir. I headcannon thet he sewed, like Miriel. And thus, Vaire. They are cool with each other. And both like history. I have no idea what is really happening and I'm okey with that. For more detailes go to them. I, however, take no responsibility about what you may find there. (a tea party, and cookies)
And finally Maglor. Here I had a problem bc I had so many ideas and at the same time, none. So heres a list of Valar whom I considered and a little bit of why:
Ulmo - for rather obvious reasons, like you know, wandering the shores, singing to the sea and all that.
Irmo - I know, I know, not something you might expect but.. who is Maglor if not a dreamer at heart? All articians are.. And Maglor can wave his dreams into reality of others minds with his song. So Irmo it is.
Varda - and, here even I paused. Because I have absolutely no idea where it came from. And then I started to consider it and here we are. I think Maglor loves the stars, and Varda likes his voice so here we are, once again. (I will not be answering questions on this one.)
Nessa - I have absolutely no idea. It just feels right and so it shall have a place on this list.
So.. yeah. I know Feanorians and Valar usually don't mix, but the fall from grace would be.. great (not great great but Great). I will maybe write a follow up blog on this about said fall from grace. I might not. I don't know, we will see if motivation strikes me anytime soon.
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rossresources · 2 months
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━ ​ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ: ᴄᴏᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ━
(Sorry for the long post)
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Hi! I have some news. My new pinned post also contains this info, but here it goes! I've received some asks regarding skin commissions. So... I finally created a page for this info which you can read here. I currently have 2 ongoing commissions (check my pinned post for updates), so I'll be focusing on those.
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Olá! Tenho novidades. Esta informação também vai ficar no meu post fixo. Eu tenho recebido algumas asks sobre comissões para skins. Então, eu finalmente criei uma página informativa que pode ser lida aqui. Atualmente, eu tenho 2 comissões em andamento (vê o post fixo para atualizações), então vou estar focada nessas.
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━ ​​ɴᴇᴡ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ​​: @illunis-avatars ━
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Ross Resources started as a resource blog for roleplay, by posting my edits and codes. However, since my blog gained some attention (a lot more than I ever imagined), I've felt the need to separate the two quite a few times to make it more organized. I finally did it. I will only post codes on Ross Resources, but I have a new blog with all my edits, on which I will be posting all my edits from now on. If you like my edits and would like to see new ones, follow @illunis-avatars! This new tumblr is managed by me and my super talented friend @persephonaeblog, we will both be accepting requests (yes, they're finally back)!
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O Ross Resources começou como um blog com recursos para roleplay, para postar os meus edits e codes. Isto porque todos os fóruns de recursos em que eu já estive acabaram por floppar, então eu cansei-me disso e queria o meu próprio tumblr para ser o meu espaço e partilhar tudo o que eu quisesse, quando eu quisesse. Eu nunca esperei ganhar tanta atenção aqui, mas eu acabei por sentir a necessidade de separar os edits dos codes várias vezes, para organizar melhor as minhas coisas. E finalmente fiz isso! Só vou postar codes no Ross Resources a partir de agora, mas eu tenho um novo blog para os edits. Se gostas dos meus edits e quiseres ver os novos, segue o @illunis-avatars! Este tumblr vai ser gerido por mim e pela minha amiga (super talentosa) @persephonaeblog, que vai ajudar-me com os pedidos (que sim, voltaram, amém).
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━ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ​ ━
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And lastly... I have another new blog, so that I can reblog avatars from any creators, not just myself. My goal is to have a blog where you can easily search for all avatars from any face claim. There aren't many face claims yet, but I will take requests to reblog avatars for any face claim. This new blog is @lunar-looms
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E finalmente... eu tenho um outro blog novo, que vou usar para reblogar avatares de outros criadores, não só meus. O meu objetivo é ter um blog em que dê para encontrar facilmente todos os avatares para qualquer face claim. Ainda não tenho muitos face claims lá, mas eu vou aceitar pedidos para reblogar avatares para qualquer face claim. Este novo blog é @lunar-looms
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rpking99 · 1 month
Gym Leaders
There are Twelve different Gym's in Luxure, however you only need to win Eight badges to qualify to face the Elite 4. The Gyms have no order and can be faced at any point in nay order, the Leader's shifting their teams depending on how many badges you currently possess
The Gym circit is just for fun so the Gym's all have a secondary, recreational, purpose. And defeating the Champion gives you a speical badge, a badge that lets you hang out with the Elite 4 whenever you desire. Basically a key to their secret club house
In Gym Battles, the Luxure Gym Leaders must be faced in Pleasure Battles (for more info, read here). This also applies to the Elite 4 and Champion, although the Elite 4 increase the strength and the Champion pushes it even further.
Sabrina (Psychic)
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Sabrina's Gym also acts as a meditation dojo and yoga spar. To help clear the mind and body.
The dominant and powerful Gym Leader tends not to play 100% fair, using her psycic powers to project sensual images in her opponents mind to weaken them in the battle.
Whitney (Normal)
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Whitney runs a farm as her gyms extra action. The farm helping to support all of Luxure, reducing the amount of food that is needed to be imported.
Whitney is the most fair when it comes to Pleasure Battles, however she does act bratty in hopes of distracting her foes and make them want to 'punish' her
Clair (Dragon)
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The dominant Clair runs a museum, her gym dedicated to Dragon Pokemon and the history of many tribes focused around the mystical type of Pokemon
An added twist to the Pleasure Battles with Clair is the fact the buzzing never stops.
Flannery (Fire)
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Flannery runs a hot spring with her gym. And the twist she runs, well the passioante and hot headed girl has herself and her challenger naked
Candice (Ice)
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Candice runs a skii lodge at her Gym. And like Whitney, does not have a twist to her Pleasure Battles
Elesa (Electric)
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Elesa being a model and a star, she has her gym at PokeStar's Studio. A more... adult branch. And the twist she uses is... you and her are being filmed while it happens. You get to keep the tape afterwards, lol
Skyla (Flying)
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Handgliding is an event held at Skyla's gym, gliding across the vast oceans of the region. And for her Pleasure Battle twist, she has some Gym Attendents groping both herself and you during the battle.
Mallow (Grass)
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Mallow runs an outsdie kitchen slash exotic garden, the kind girl being a bit kinky with her twist to the Pleasure Battles. Mallow and her challenger edge each other three times before the Battle starts
Olivia (Rock)
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Olivia does rock climbing with the cliff face near her Gym, both artifical and real. Seeing no reason, she has no twists on her Pleasure Battles. Although herself and her challenger do fuck before the battle.
Bae (Fighting)
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Bea, The Galar karate prodigy, is the Fighting type Gym Leader of Galar. Living in Stow-on-Side, she is a serious fighter. Trying not to show weakness she hides her emotions, emotions that some times leak out during the height of battle. She also loves sweets.
Her Gym in Luxure is an actual gym. Weights, treadmills, all that stuff. And you have to have a work out before you challenge her to a Pleasure Battle.
Nessa (Water)
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Nessa is the raging wave, the Water Gym Leader of Galar. From Hulbury, she is a fashion model on the side. She is very calm, but still highly competitive.
Her Gym is a small Water Resort. And the twist she puts on Pleasure Battles? There is none.
Klara (Poison)
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Klara's Gym works as a sex club. The bully bitch of a Poison Master enjoying the fun
And her trial during a Pleasure Battle has both contestents be under the effects of an Aphrodisiac during the battle.
Elite 4
When facing the Elite 4, there is no gimicks to the Pleasure Battles. The intensity is just increased between each level. And after you defeat them, well it is sexy time. It is a test on your stamina, endurance and will as well as your battle skills
Lorelai (Ice)
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Karen (Dark)
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Phoebe (Ghost)
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Rika (Ground)
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Against Cynthia, the devices used for Pleasure Battles might as well be called f-machines. The pleasure they give pushed to the ultimate limit. And at most, you have a half an hour break between the four and her.
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Cynthia is the Champion of the Sinnoh Region. Somehow radiates MILF energy without being a mother. A serious badass Pokémon trainer
Total Muses: 17
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seriemorder · 2 months
Why don’t you like vandermeer :( (not seriously sad just curious, I though annihilation was pretty good or at least interesting)
i just think he fumbled a bad bitch (a genuinely cool idea). annihilation is fine. its not exeptional and my only problem with it is in terms of plot choices which to each their own yknow that his story and he can tell it however he wants. and in annihilation the bones of the story are good like really good. he tries too much in some bits and i dont think he landed the tower descriptions they fall flat and dont convey the eeriness he was going for. that said annihilation is a ok book, i enjoyed it, and i wanted to Know, at least. havent watched the movie and cant comment.
the rest of the series, tho.... its a fucking mess. he loses the plot completely. he say nothing, he makes no valid point, theres no message to be gained. nothing. he created a beautiful world im genuinely obsessed with the premises of it. and then. then nothing. the second book i wanna shove every single copy of it up his ass. its genuinely the most infuriating book i have ever read. like imagine how hard you have to fuck up a plot with a man protagonisy for me nessa mysnogyny to hate it. its like a 180 degree flip from the previous one but tries to apply the same stylistic choices to a plot that doesnt require them. he hints and hints and hints when he has already showed us the world so we know whats there. every single character is insufferable and i was bored and could not care less about what happened because the good plot the bits everyone wanted were on the other side of the plot of this book.
the third one is slightly better. he created a good character and again i was vaguely compelled to know but again he fucked up the only good bit of it (the lighthouse) and by the third book he had too many narrative threads and didnt manage to weave them towards a satisfying conclusion. the one good character in this third book was underutilised and by the end of it youre like ok just die can you just die we've had enougn. protag of book 2 is here again this time even stupider and more infuriating. literally a waste of words. so like it has so so so little going on for it.
in conclusion, fuck jeff vandermeer. that man owes me money for illegaly downloading his books and reading them. fight me old man fucking fight me. also they are not well written like at all. my man needs less words, more creative writing courses, and also to give me the rights to his story so i can do it good.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
i'm simply aware i'm hard to resist
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summary: you shouldn't have asked baz to sit in on austin rehearsing the 68 special just because you wanted to force austin's hand on paying attention to you in person, but you like to think you have the upper hand anyway. you don't. relationship: austin x reader, elvis x priscilla, mention of past austin x vanessa rating: m. word count: 5301 warning: dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, age difference of almost ten years, public sex, trailer sex, p in v sex, fingering, unprotected sex, implication of edging/orgasm control. i think that might be everything? author's note: hi. it's been a while. so i had this started for a while and then i got wrapped up in some real life stuff and writing a bunch of requests. but i see that i have almost 900 notes on the last part and it seems very cruel to deny y'all any longer. so hi. it's been a long time. a long time baby. also. not my favorite chapter, but, the next one, trust me i love that one so much it's a very good one. i hope you guys enjoy and i'm sorry if this feels like a letdown. promise i'll make it up to you. this is a part of the you read your lines so cleverly and never missed a cue series. specifically it’s the third. the first part is here and here is the second part.
"Still think I'm a sub, darlin'?" His voice slides easily into Elvis's accent and depth as he curls a finger inside your cunt. The noise it makes has you groaning against the headrest behind his head. "Still think I was a lapdog to Nessa? Still think I didn't have her on her knees when she asked for it like a good girl? When she didn't act like a brat?"
"You've got your fingers-" You take a shaky breath, trying to get friction against his hand that he won't move. "Why are you talking about your ex with your hand-" He cuts you off with a bite to your neck.
"To prove a point, Little Dove. You have to ask for what you want from me."
"And if I don't?" You almost snarled back because Christ did that bite hurt but it wasn't unwelcome either.
You feel him start to move his hand immediately after you ask that and you can't help the whine of daddy that escapes you unbidden. He stops at the word and smirks. "Then the little dove is going to go back inside wet and aching for her daddy. Unable to cum again. Not able to feel how hard she made daddy." He paused. "Could even make her have to watch daddy take care of what she did to him in the passenger seat. No touching of course. Because she won't ask."
"So what will it be, Little Dove? Am I going to hear how pretty you coo with my fingers in you today? See how your face looks when you're spaced out and fucking yourself on them?" His teeth pull in his lower lip, biting it along the way. "Or are you just going watch your daddy?"
"You're not my daddy." You responded before anything else. "But I'd like you to let me cum. On your fingers."
He grins and it is so strangely soft you swear your heart skips a beat. "Your wish is my command, Little Dove. Was that so hard?"
“Y/N?” You hear your name being called, shaking you out of the daydream you found yourself having. You look up and see your vocal coach looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “Were you listening?”
You want to lie, you probably should lie but Isabelle is nice and you need her help at least for now to learn how to have your own voice flit easily to Priscilla’s at a moment’s notice. “I’m- not in the slightest, sorry Isabelle, the time change is still messing with my head.”
A half lie, but a half truth. Your body still hadn’t quite adjusted to the time difference and you found yourself on more than one occasion waking up in the middle of the night or passing out in your trailer during lunch However, you’re also entirely aware staying up late talking to Austin might have also been the problem. Part of it was that his rehearsals were taking up a lot of time, trying to perfect the moves was taking so much of his time and that wasn’t even getting into his vocal work- of which you really didn’t think he needed that much, but you never had asked him how long he had already been working on it. But really though, you were daydreaming and you knew it. Honestly, this was beginning to become a problem with you and not being able to- act on your daydream. Austin seemed into you and yes while you had said that you wouldn’t be calling him daddy you hadn’t figured that was a deal breaker for sexual contact that wasn’t over text. 
From the way he was acting though, apparently it was. Apparently you were the bad sub who broke the rule and now you get this sad- attempt at attention. You want to pout about it, honestly, you want to march right up to him and ask if he gets off on leaving subs hanging. You thought he didn’t and yet here he was just leaving you hanging, wanting for more while not giving you anything beyond little crumbs. It was feeling like Papi all over again. 
“You’re lucky what I was saying wasn’t too important.” Isabelle shakes her head before sighing. “How about we try this again tomorrow? Hm? After you’ve gotten sleep and are focused on me and not- whatever else it is that has your attention.”
You have the decency to look a little guilty before you nod. “Probably for the best, I’m sorry, this- I’m usually much more of a professional.”
“I’ve heard. But Australia isn’t for the faint of heart. We’ll get you there.” She replies pointing to your lines. “But practice in the meantime. Get a partner if they don’t keep you awake too long.”
Your eyebrows wait until she leaves the trailer before they just raise up at her sentence. Telling you to get a partner to practice your Priscilla voice with. Yeah, that was going to end well. Honestly the only person you could think of doing it with was Austin because if anyone would know other than your coach how Priscilla should sound it would be him.
Come to think of it, maybe your vocal coach had a point about needing to practice with someone and honestly, you didn’t have anything pressing to do right in that moment. Where was the harm in maybe going to watch Austin as he rehearsed the 68 special. Where was the harm in maybe actually using it as a chance to talk to him in person afterward. He couldn’t very well ignore you if you were right there. You shoot off a quick text to Baz, asking if it’s alright for you to sit in on the rehearsal even though you weren’t necessarily in costume. His response was a simple yes with a picture of an empty spot right at the front of the stage. You couldn’t help but laugh a little as you walked to the sound stage. You had seen how Austin looked with his hair but you had yet to see how he looked in any of his costumes. In fact, you had heard that this particular one was a bit much probably due to the leather involved. Honestly, the part of you that respected the other side of the camera, the directing and the production side of it was just curious if Catherine had used actual leather. 
Hey. Baz said I could come by and watch you rehearse. Front row seat to how my Elvis looks all put together.
My hair isn't completely put together, Cilla.
Less of a hassle for hair and make up to put back together if someone messes it up.
Are you planning to? 
I mean I might not be wearing any panties under my skirt so maybe?
Jesus Christ, Y/N. Don’t say stuff like that. I'm in compression underwear but that can only do so much. Leather isn't that forgiving.
You don’t respond back with anything other than an angel emoji. Are you aware there is a possibility it might get you in trouble? Yes, you are but anything is better than the load of nothing Austin has been giving you. The walk to the rehearsal area takes longer than expected just because the assistant assigned to dragging you there is lost herself. Why you got one of the few assistants who don’t know their way around the set just yet, you have no idea but you’re stuck with her and it’s a little grating. You make polite small talk, all while trying to tell her that you go this certain way because you were paying attention the last time you had an assistant tell you where to go. Eventually you arrive and you smile before practically rushing the stage. Austin is nowhere to be found at the time, but still it doesn’t hurt to be in position for when he does show up.
Baz’s voice is what you hear before you see Austin show up, too enraptured in your phone but when you look up your jaw drops and you swear you hear yourself gasp. Intellectually you’re aware that Austin is attractive and intellectually you’re aware that the leather jumpsuit on Elvis is attractive. Somehow your brain didn’t combine both of these things together into one thought of Austin in Elvis’s leather jumpsuit would be as attractive as it is. It occurs to you in the back of your head that whenever he is completely in costume you’re not entirely sure you’ll be able to act like a professional without someone coaching you. Austin turns to see you before you have a chance to school your face into something more normal and he smirks like he’s less Austin Butler and more Elvis Presley and it shouldn’t turn you on but for some reason it does. Austin takes the long way around the stage, allowing himself to pass by you and have his fingertips graze your shoulders. You shiver and you know it’s not because of the cold air in the room. This is continuing to be a problem, oh this is going to become a very very big problem if he keeps this up. It takes him a second to get settled on stage, jumping around like he’s needing to adjust how the jumpsuit is gripping parts of his bottom half but when he does he looks at you and winks before launching into the scene he needs to rehearse. It’s been a minute since you’ve done extra work and this isn’t necessarily the full scene but you show your enthusiasm as you should at the right moments and if you didn’t know any better Austin appears to be feeding off your reactions, focusing on you versus Baz or Polly or anyone else. In a way it's flattering and your brain focuses purely on that and you feel almost like you do when you’re being praised before you’re brought back to Earth by the touch of Austin’s fingers near your chin. His grip isn’t tight but it forces you to look at him to see how his eyes- those blue eyes are looking like the beginnings of a storm at sea- dangerous but inviting all the same. Your breath leaves your body and you end up leaning forward just a bit before he drops your chin and stands back up with an ease you envy. You’re a professional but you swear you’re a little lightheaded. 
The thing was, it would have been one thing if Austin had just done it once, you could have handled that, brushed it off as Austin just wanting you to look at him just that one time, but he keeps doing it. The second you appear to be not paying attention to him and he’s on his knees in front of you he’s grabbing your chin. It should be less invigorating by now, less breathtaking but maybe it’s the combination of seeing him fall to his knees or maybe it’s knowing that he wants you to just focus on him and him alone but by the time Baz says something about taking a break you feel like you’re hearing him in a tunnel. You’re not, and you know you’re not in subspace but you still swear you feel your blood pumping through your veins, taking oxygen to where it needs to go. You realize that you need to get out of here, and you think you need to actually get Austin to come with you without anyone else accompanying you. It shouldn’t be too hard to do, just tell Baz that you two count as each other’s buddies and you’ll have him back within the hour. Thankfully Austin looks like he’s reviewing the footage with Baz as you get up and make your way to them, a smile on your face that betrays none of the problems going through your head right in that moment. 
“Y/N!” Baz exclaims, causing Austin to turn and face you. If he notices how you seem to stop breathing for a second when he looks at you he doesn’t comment on it, instead choosing to wrap an arm around your shoulder the second you’re close enough. In any other circumstance, with anyone else you would have already removed their arm with a sharp comment. The sharp comment is still on your tongue, but you let Austin keep his arm around you, enjoying the weight of it for once in your life. 
“Baz, that was amazing, I- if that’s just the rehearsal I think the actual scene is going to be amazing. Exactly what his special needs.” You pause, and look up at Austin through the corner of your eyes. “Can I steal my Elvis- your leading man for the hour? Or just a bit while everyone’s getting lunch. I think he needs to sit down- can’t have him passing out, am I right?”
Baz eyes both you and Austin curiously for a moment before he nods. “Only because I know you know as well as every assistant on this production that we can’t go around losing him. And I did see you try and shake off your own helper when you came in, I trust you know the way to his trailer from yours.” 
Your brain does not even process the words coming out of your mouth before you say them with a laugh. “Not intimately, but I do.”
Austin chokes on what you think is air at those words, coughing for a second as if to clue you in to what you said before he manages some form of composure himself. “Never intimately, because that’d be weird.” 
You wince with your entire body at that sentence, wondering what you were thinking saying what you said and what in the world Austin was thinking following up with that. “He-”
“Don’t worry, I understand. I’ll let you two “not intimately” find your way to the trailers.” Baz laughs quietly despite every part of his face saying that he finds the exchange to be the funniest thing he’s heard in a while. 
When Baz has turned and when Austin has started to turn with you still under his arm you let out a huff of air. “We’re never speaking of that again.”
“Agreed.” Austin quickly says before he looks down at you curled under his arm looking like you’ve always belonged there. “Did you like the show?”
The hum that leaves you is an attempt to buy you time, an attempt to make it so you can decide just how to answer that before you actually speak. You don’t trust yourself to go with your gut reaction. “It was- good.”
Good, you say like you haven’t been feeling half edged from Austin grabbing your chin while on his knees over and over again. Good, you say like you didn’t feel like every person from the 50s and 60s who felt some kind of way watching Elvis gyrate across the stage. 
Austin raises his eyebrows at you as the two of you exit the building, the sunlight temporarily blinding you both. “Just good?”
Your lips curl into a smirk. “Were you expecting a better answer? That it made me so wet you sticking your fingers in me would make a definite noise?” 
Austin forces both of you to stop and removes his arm from your shoulder and moves to stand in front of you. “Not that answer, but you’ve been chasing after my hand every time I took it away, Little Dove. Looking like a good girl wanting to have her daddy force her to look up at him.”
You hate how your height difference forces you to look up at him exactly like how he just described and you hate how you don’t stop his hand from moving under your chin as you do. Much like the weight of his arm against your shoulders, the grip of his hand against your chin feels like it should be there, feels comforting and in the back of your mind, you’re worried, you don’t know Austin well enough yet. You don’t know him well enough yet and- you know what happens when you give things up too fast, when you let yourself go too fast. 
"Maybe if my daddy had done something to me in person his little dove wouldn't be like that." You shrug and realize you called him daddy but you find that you don't mind necessarily. It felt like it was needed in this instance, like maybe Austin needed to hear you say daddy to get your point across. “I wouldn’t want to have daddy’s hands all over me. I wouldn’t have to put myself right in front of him to get his attention. And he still doesn’t get it.”
There’s a moment where Austin’s eyes darken just a hair and his pupils expand a little. It’s then that you know you chose the right path in saying daddy. He tilts his head and his grip tightens just a little. “What happened to not calling me daddy? Or did you lie in that text message? Too fucked out to realize what you were saying?”
Your hand finally wraps around Austin’s wrist and you find yourself tapping once while looking him dead on, not a hint of submission in your eyes. It’s not an answer to his question, it’s merely you telling him to remove his hand. Almost as if he’s been burned he lets it drop to his side and you hum in appreciation before starting to continue your walk to his trailer. "I just saw you fall to your knees in leather in front of me more than ten times in an hour. I'm only human, Butler." 
Austin doesn’t immediately follow you, allowing there to be a small amount of distance between the two of you and you realize it about the time he decides to catch up to you right about the point you get to his trailer. You realize he’s caught up to you when you feel the heat of his body against your own and his breath against your neck and against your ear. “Remember how I told you all you had to do was ask when it came to what you want, Little Dove. You haven’t been. We’ve- talked over text but you haven’t asked me once. I was leaving you be-”
Turning around is a bad idea, you know this, you know you’re going to get caged in but hearing Austin’s whispers lights something within you, makes you mildly furious to the point where you instinctually turn around to defend yourself, spitting like an angry cat. “Leaving me be to what? Crawl after you like some pathetic girl who needs you? Needs your validation? Just because I let you dominate me doesn’t mean I need-”
Austin silences you with a look. A look of intention as he opens his trailer door. A look heated enough that you realize you might have overstepped saying that. He is not your dom, you have not given him consent but that look, that look where his eyes have become as dark as a stormy night has you pausing even though your natural instinct is to be more of a brat. The moment the door is fully open he exhales. “Leaving you be to choose if you wanted to fool around. I just got out of a relationship that lasted almost all of my twenties, I don’t- I don’t need this. The ball is in your court and I wanted to respect it.”
“What?” Your voice sounds softer than you realized it could be and sounds younger than you mean to sound. 
If Austin’s taken aback by how you sound he doesn’t show it and instead his hand moves to brush a bit of your hair out of your face before once again grabbing at your chin, “You can walk away from this right now. I’ll still be your costar, maybe your friend if you like talking to me enough. I don’t- It could be those two times as a fling.”
He is giving you the option to just throw this whatever away, giving you the option to not have to do anything to just have enjoyed him twice and then the two of you could just remain professional. It’s- you don’t sleep with every single one of your costars, but when you do it usually- you’ve always felt like you might not have had as much of a choice as Austin is offering you. You had already made a mess of things, you needed to stick with it. Between père and Austin- this is nice, you should just tell him that yes, you’d like to just ignore this and write it off as fling but you don’t want to. You want to see where this goes, if it ends poorly or if like père you can just- exit stage right so to speak with your dignity intact.
You don't trust yourself to say this. You don't trust your tongue to not trip over what you want to say because having this choice is a heady thing. Instead you close the distance between the two of you, kissing him with all the fervor of a woman dying for even a trace of water in the desert. You feel a growl against your lips or maybe it's in your soul because you swear things are just narrowing to you and Austin the more you kiss him, the more you feel his tongue against your own. Both of you are aware anyone can see you but Austin doesn't seem to care, choosing to somehow use leverage you hadn't quite realized he had to lift you up as your legs move around his waist. His grip on your thighs has you grinding just a little as you pull away, knowing you two cannot do this out in the open and you're right by the trailer.
"Trailer, daddy?" You practically whimper, your voice betraying just how much you want Austin and how- him telling you that you could easily walk away made you feel. 
His lips had moved to your neck in the short time you had separate and you hear a groan as he pulls away to grab at the handle of the trailer, almost throwing it open, not letting go of you as he almost stumbles into the trailer, finding the bed in what you feel is record time and dropping you on it. “Calling me daddy after all that talk about not wanting to. Aren’t you just daddy’s good girl, Little Dove. Get out of the skirt.”
Your lips curl into a bit of a smirk even as your chest heaves a bit at the praise and the order. It doesn’t take you that long to get out of the skirt, making sure to be careful with it lest Catherine get onto you for ruining a costume. You are wearing underwear, a lie that you’re sure Austin is going to note, but you find that you’re not entirely sure you mind all that much. “Daddy seems to be the only way to get you to do what I want, Austin. Still don’t think you’re my daddy. You haven’t-”
Your response is cut off with another kiss as Austin presses his lips against yours, his body pushing you against the bed while his hands move to grip your hips. “I haven’t what, Little Dove? What do I have to do to prove I’m worthy of you calling me that?”
His grip on your hips has you arching your back without meaning to and while he lets you arch just a little he stops you before you have a chance to cause any real friction. You groan in frustration, this was going to be the car all over again. “Not this-” You try and arch again but Austin’s grip forces you to stop. It doesn’t hurt and you’re okay with it despite your frustration. “I’m not going to tell you, that would make it too easy for you. You wouldn’t earn it.”
That might have been the wrong thing to say as Austin uses the grip he has on your hips to allow himself to slide your underwear off, exposing your cunt to a rush of cold air as it tries to clench at nothing. You’ve been wet since the second you saw him in the suit and here he is still in it on top of you pulling your panties down like it’s nothing, you shut your eyes, trying to escape the image for a moment. In your mind you see Elvis doing this to Priscilla and it makes you pause and your eyes shoot open before noticing that it’s Austin- you’re here with Austin and he looks like he’s going to eat you alive. He hums as he finally finishes taking off your underwear, balling it up and tossing it above your head. You think he’s sizing you up and it makes you squirm despite your best efforts to not. “I wouldn’t earn it.” He leans over you, his mouth placing soft kisses up your neck as he removes one hand from your hip to unbutton your shirt. “You’d know all about not earning things, Dove. You want to play at being a brat when all you want is to be someone’s good girl.” He finishes the last button and slides the shirt off enough to expose your chest and your bra. His fingers are gentle, a feather light touch that has your breath catching in your chest as you look at him. 
“You don’t- Austin- don’t.” Don’t tease, not when you’ve been wanting this every time you’ve seen him lately. Not when your daydreams are haunted by the feel of his cock and the feel of his fingers inside you. “Another time.”
He stops his touch on your skin and lets go of your hip. “Later.”
You look at him and frown. “Fuck me. You’ve got an hour, Austin and I’ll- consider it.”
“We’re going to be late.” He says as an answer, placing a series of kisses against your chest, nipping just a tad as he unhooks the bra. He needs to get out of his jumpsuit, he knows this, but he wants to see your chest heave for him, see how he’s affecting you in this suit. Still, he moves just enough for you to get your shirt off and your bra. 
“You’re overdressed.” A pause as you clench your thighs together. “Daddy.” 
The look Austin gives you is downright evil for a moment until he stands up and gets out of the jumpsuit quicker than you’d have thought was possible. The second he’s out of it and it’s folded- a little sloppily- off to the side, he’s against your body, his hand moving to cup your cunt. One of his fingers slides between your folds. “So fucking wet for me, so fucking wet for your daddy.”
You should correct him but he’s touching you and you can’t help the way you keen just a little. It’s embarrassing but his fingers are bigger than yours, feel thicker and you missed feeling them even after that one time. “Austin. Don’t tease, please, just- I want you to fuck me, please.”
“You learned.” He chuckles, removing his finger and pushing your legs apart so he can settle in between them. “You ask and I’ll give you everything you want, Little Dove.” He leans over you to place a gentle kiss on your lips. “Good girl.”
Your toes curl as he enters you slowly as can be. It’s an adjustment but you’re honestly wet enough that it doesn’t hurt, it just feels like a pressure that threatens to overwhelm you. You exhale softly, before you bite your lip, trying to remain quiet as your hands move to his back gripping it and you swear you feel as if you might be drawing blood when you do. Austin isn’t complaining as what sounds like a growl and a groan leaves his lips. You both don’t move for a moment until you speak. “Go on, fuck me Austin. Time’s wasting. Professionals aren’t late.”
That spurs something in Austin, has him thrusting slowly at first, watching your face to see what you’re enjoying as if he’s forgotten since you both had sex in the car. The second your hands move to his hair he speeds up, his body taking your hair pull to mean it’s alright to fuck you harder. Maybe it's the fact that you were already turned on, the fact that you’ve been wanting to feel him again but it almost feels too overwhelming. You’re not- you’re in the moment feeling the stretch of his cock, every vein, every slide of your skin against his. It’s- you don’t know how to describe the feeling to yourself or to Austin. You like to think it’s written on your face from how Austin looks down at you as he thrusts, it’s not with love but it’s not lust it’s something in between, something you can’t put a word to but it’s new. You want to chase it like you’re chasing your orgasm, but you know your orgasm will come quicker than a concrete definition of that look. 
You hear Austin murmuring things against your neck as he kisses a line up to your jaw and your lips and the second he’s close enough you can’t help but bite at his lips, trying to make him make some sort of noise and you’re rewarded with another groan into your mouth. You lose track of the time, your world narrowing to his lips and his cock and his arms- and everything that’s just the two of you and this bed and this trailer. Austin stills for a moment and groans into your neck you feel the warmth of his come before you follow him for what you’re pretty sure is your second orgasm.
“Aus-” You whisper trying to catch your breath. 
“Y/N-” He collapses next to you before flopping onto the bed and pulling you to his chest. “We- We’re gonna lay here and we can go again in a second.”
“We don’t have to- I came twice.” You look up at him, nuzzling at his chest. “Can we just lay here, you’ll need your energy.”
“Okay.” He answers, kissing the top of your head. “We’ve got about 15 minutes. I’ve got some nuts on the vanity.” 
You snort before you have a chance to stop it. “I’m glad you specified the vanity, because I know you have some nuts over here.”
Austin doesn’t speak for a good minute before his body shakes with a full body laugh that shakes you and the bed. “A nut joke.”
You start giggling, running your hand over your face. “A nut joke. Perks of fooling around with me.”
He takes a moment to catch his breath, moving his hand underneath your chin to pull you in for a soft kiss. “Great humor and you’re a brat. I won the lottery, didn’t I?”
You shrug. “I’ve heard I have a pretty good pussy too.”
“Careful, I might need to test that out again. With my pretty good dick.”
You try to respond but are overtaken by your laughter that feeds into his own and you find yourself thinking you could get used to this. This is a big opportunity for you and Austin but that didn’t mean that you both couldn’t enjoy yourselves while you were filming. Besides, what was the harm in being method to a point with Austin. It made sense for the two of you to be together onscreen and off. Filming would only be half a year anyway, nothing too serious. 
If only you had known.
taglist: @mesbouquins, @floralcyanide, @she-is-juniper, @butlerstyles, @elvisstyles i literally lost my taglist for this beyond what i had for last chapter and like one person i can remember offhandedly i think. so ask and i'll tag you for the next part.
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haikirii · 10 months
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine sent me a post from here on Tumblr about how sugarduo romantically wouldn't work because of q!Philza and q!Forever not fully understanding who q!Philza is.
And I also wanted to add that they wouldn't work either because q!Forever was projecting someone else into q!Philza. It's about q! Forever looking for someone he loves in a completely different person, he will always be loving someone who doesn't exist there.
s!Brunim is totally different from q!Philza, appearance aside. However, q!Forever loves him so much that he's willing to like someone physically similar just to have a little bit of s!Brunim around him. And that's actually pretty sad if you think about it.
s!Brunim is totally different from q!Philza, appearance aside. However, q!Forever loves him so much that he was willing to like someone physically similar just to have a little bit of s!Brunim around him. And that's actually pretty sad if you think about it.
I can only think of them being pulled apart out of nowhere. q!Forever didn't want to be on this island, his freedom was cut short so suddenly I wonder how his other friends are doing.
He's different from q!Cellbit, who has nowhere to go and all his friends are there. q!Forever has a place to go back to, he has a person he loves out there.
No wonder he's doing everything he can to have the option of leaving the island with his son.
tradução pt-br
Um tempo atrás, um amigo meu me mandou um post daqui do Tumblr sobre como sugarduo, de forma romântica, não daria certo por conta de q!Philza e por q!Forever não entender completamente sobre quem q!Philza é.
E eu queria acrescentar, também, que eles também não dariam certo por q!Forever estar projetando outra pessoa em q!Philza. É sobre q!Forever buscando alguém que ama em uma pessoa completamente diferente, ele sempre vai estar amando uma pessoa que não existe ali.
s!Brunim é totalmente diferente de q!Philza, desconsiderando a aparência. Porém, q!Forever o ama tanto que ele estava disposto a gostar de alguém parecido fisicamente só pra ter um pouquinho do s!Brunim perto dele. E isso na verdade é bem triste se você pensar.
Eu só consigo pensar em eles sendo separados do nada. q!Forever não queria estar nessa ilha, sua liberdade foi cerceada tão de repente que eu imagino como estão seus outros amigos.
Ele é diferente de q!Cellbit, que não tem lugar para voltar e todos os seus amigos estão ali. q!Forever tem um lugar para voltar, ele tem uma pessoa que ele ama fora dali.
Não atoa que está fazendo de tudo para poder ter a opção de sair da ilha junto com o seu filho.
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piers-official · 1 year
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Oi, M’Piers ex-gym leader of Spikemuth, Galar. I specialize in dark-type pokemon and create equally dark music.
Dunno why m’here, but Marnie says it could help build a fanbase, and get more people to visit Spikemuth. Plus, I got downtime now since retirin’, so I might as well do somethin’ with it.
-If ya wanna know more about me and the blog, just read below.
Basic Info and Shit:
Name: Piers Ravenwood (O’course)
Age: 24
Birthday: Aug. 24th (Virgo)
Gender: Genderqueer🟣🔘🟢
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/She/It
Current Pokemon Party:
Obstagoon (M): Danzig
Scrafty (M): Cash
Malamar (M): Bowie
Toxtricity Lowkey (M): Strummer
Skuntank (M): Ozzy
Marley (M): Honchkrow
My Uncle Grimsley is on here too if you wanna have a chat with him @grimsley-official
Sometimes Marnie pops up on here (ta m'own dismay) she signs off with 🖤M🖤 and writes in pink like this
Her info:
Name: Marnie Ravenwood
Age: 13
Birthday: May 28th (Gemini)
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Pokemon Party:
Morpeko (F): Siousxie (Soo-zee)
Liepard (F): Helena
Toxicroak (F): Veruca
Scrafty (F): Rebel
Grimmsnarl (M): Nephilim
New babies!:
Riot (F): Pawniard
Shirley (F): Krokorok
(If you do nsfw, fine, but keep it off my blog thank you.)
Piers wouldn't like you either, so shoo!
Mun Nova here, 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open!
DISCLAIMER: this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! I will be useing several different HC from the games, anime/manga and also personal
This Blog also takes place after the events in sw/sh.
(NOTE: NSFW is NOT allowed! However, flirting, teasing, and SOME innuendos towards Piers (NOT MARNIE) are fine. Use common sense! Any ask that goes against my rules will be deleted.)
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with "-Piers-official".
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid 
Check out my other Pokemon RP Blogs!
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
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outofangband · 1 year
Updated and Elaborated Eating Habits of the Valar
So the Ainur don’t have to eat or drink like incarnates do (and how exactly this works for the elves is perhaps up for debate) so here are my thoughts on how eating and drinking work for each of the Valar
I also headcanon that the Ainur can receive nourishment from non food and drink, usually through contact with elements of their domains. It is lack of this that can cause weakness and tiredness. 
It's also important to note that not all of the Valar consume food in traditional ways, depending on their physical form at the time.
When I make my second post about the nature of the Maiar (first one here) I’ll go into their eating habits too!
Manwë when taking a physical form will sometimes eat certain fruits or special pastries out of curiosity. He will also always eat what is served to him when elves hold festivals or ceremonies that he attends. He is energized by open air and winds. 
 Varda doesn’t eat or drink. She rarely holds a purely physical form. Even when she appears vaguely humanoid shaped, her body is made up of mists and vapors rather than flesh and blood. She is energized by stars and by natural sources of light. 
Aulë is intrigued by food on a technical level. He has stolen Fëanor’s lunch more than once out of curiosity. He doesn’t enjoy the sensations of it as much as some of the others but he is fascinated by the concept of it and by culinary arts. He is energized by the earth and its materials as well as fire.
Yavanna generally doesn’t although sometimes she will get offerings of fruit based things that she will eat! She receives energy through the natural world and growing things. She has more knowledge of energy and food than most of her kin even if she doesn’t often partake in it
Vána doesn’t usually eat either though she does it somewhat more than Yavanna. She especially likes the sweet nectar drinks of the elves. Like Yavanna, growing things can nourish her as can cycles of life and spring. 
 Oromë eats with the Maiar and elves he hunts with and at ceremonies.
Nessa and Tulkas both enjoy eating at events and ceremonies but it doesn’t really occur to either of them to eat otherwise.
Nessa, Tulkas and Oromë receive nourishment from open spaces and freedom, physical activity and movement, and even strong emotions. 
 I mentioned this in my domains of the Valar entry for him but Námo almost never eats or drinks. Occasionally he will have a sip of a ceremonial wine on very special occasions. But in general his head is veiled, surrounded by mists and what parts of it are actually there isn’t always clear
Vairë consumes even less than her husband. She’s never been known to eat or drink anything elves would recognize as food. 
Nienna is the same. She does not eat or drink even when her Maiar occasionally will on ceremonial occasions.
The Fëanturi and their spouses receive nourishment and energy from their domains and realms. Their forms tend to be utilitarian for their duties.
 Estë drinks nectar and fruit based tonics on occasion but doesn’t eat. 
Irmo is similar in this however he will sometimes sample foods at festivals! Of all the Fëanturi he is most able to leave his realm (through physical body or through visions or dreams). 
Ulmo loves attending human and elven feasts including occasionally incognito. He’s fascinated too by the food they serve. He is energized by the ocean, water and rain. 
Melkor considers eating beneath him and even after becoming locked in a physical form only does so rarely and usually for show, at ‘feasts’ in Angband and such. I headcanon that while he requires more rest and perhaps even sleep during his time trapped in a physical form, he still does not actually require nourishment in the typical sense. I’ve made lots of posts about food in Angband (and I’m planning on more!) but Melkor, while not requiring food himself, is absolutely part, at least occasionally, of the various food related cruelties and taunts. He knows perfectly well the need for nourishment among the incarnates and enjoys using anything that distinguishes them from the Ainur, especially after being trapped in one form
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 months
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An Exalted One's Offer
Day 7: Freeform
For: @feast-of-horns
Rating: M
Pairing: Telimektar/Ingil  
Themes: NSFW / NSFT
Warnings: Some sensuality
Wordcount: 1.7K words
Summary: Prince Ingil captures Telimektar’s attention, and is invited to join him on the dais.
Minors DNI | 18+
A/n: In the Book of Lost Tales, Telimektar is Tulkas’ and Nessa’s son. For this fic, I left him as a Maia who served Tulkas.
This is the last submission for Feast of Horns. Thank you all for reading!
This is also available on AO3
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Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, Ingil was too bold for one of the Inwir. He was a prince first and foremost, the second-born son of King Inwë. Others in his family, his father most of all, expected him to conduct himself with a sense of piety and propriety. And yet, such expectations often chafed at him. He yearned to free himself from the shackles of virtue and duty, and for a few glorious hours, he could finally do so.
His lord father did not care for the Feast of Horns, and neither did most of the other Inwir. Ingil considered it most peculiar, for the Elder King and the Queen of Stars—the Inwir’s greatest benefactors—often partook in the feast and indulged themselves without shame.
No matter, he told himself. I am here, and I am free to indulge myself however I wish.
Indulgence began with the food. Attendants garbed in flowers, supple leather, and the finest silks came to his seat, offering platters of roasted venison and grouse and fish. Others came to him carrying large trays heavy with haunches of wild boar cooked in honey and herbs. The meat was incredibly tender. His blade carved through it like it was nothing more than softened butter. There were fruits and cheese, pies, and tarts filled with sweetened cream. Ale and mead and wine flowed freely for anyone who had a thirst for them. In his father’s palace, guests and family were served only wine, and there was a sense of conscientious restraint when it came to meals and merrymaking. Here, he could eat and drink and laugh as much as he desired.
It is as glorious as the singers say, he thought in wonder. Mummers and fire dancers drew gasps and applause from revelers whenever they performed, and minstrels moved from table to table, singing and strumming their harps. Fires burned brightly atop thick wooden torches, their light contending with the light of the stars. Ingil found his mood growing lighter and lighter with each passing moment. Perhaps it was due to all of the ale and mead he drank; perhaps it was due to the occasion itself. It did not matter. He found great delight in everything, and then he turned his attention to the raised dais at the far end of the feasting hall.
They are here, he told himself. They are all here.
The Exalted Ones and the spirits who served them were seated with Manwë and Varda occupying the places of high honor. Attendants hovered around them and tended to their every need, and the elves they favored the most had joined them at their table. Nelyafinwë was basking in Tulkas’ affections, and Celegorm had his place by Oromë’s right, as always. Írissë laughed at something Vána said, and Meássë had two elven lords seated on either side of her, regaling her with their tales. Ingil regarded them all with a flash of envy.
Will I ever be as fortunate as they are? The honor of dining with one of the Exalted Ones during the feast was a rare thing, and the Exalted Ones themselves chose their elven companions with a great deal of care. He did not expect any of them to ask him to join them at their table. It was his first feast, after all. He would have to wait.
Still, Ingil took his time to admire them. Tulkas wore robes of white and gold. Vána's robes were golden flowers that fell from shoulder to knee. Oromë and his hunters had garbed themselves in the finest leather and the softest of furs. Telimektar glittered in dark velvet slashed with cloth of silver. Tulkas’ Maia ate and drank with the others, his booming laughter rising above the roars of the cooking fires and the clangor of goblets and dishes.
He is as regal and magnificent as the rest of them, Ingil thought while he observed the Maia from afar. Telimektar ceased his laughter and turned to face him, as if he had heard his thoughts. The prince flushed and returned his attention to his meal, his cheeks aflame. Moments passed, and then, when he dared to look again, he found Telimektar studying him keenly. Then the great warrior called an attendant to him and whispered something in her ear. She bowed and left the dais not long after. Alarm rose and spread just beneath Ingil’s skin. The attendant was walking toward him.
“My lord Ingil,” she said when she reached him. The others stopped eating and talking and listened with rapt attention. “Lord Telimektar sent me to ask you to dine with him. Pray what is your answer?”
“I—yes. I will be honored to dine with him,” Ingil returned, rising. He paid no heed to the others and their stares, their hushed whispers. Some were no doubt wondering why he was given such an honor, but not any of them. Their opinions would have made little difference even if they had spoken aloud. Telimektar invited him and not the others, and he did not know if he was to be flattered or terrified.
“Why does your lord ask me to join him?” He asked, “and not the others?”
“I do not know,” the attendant said. She stopped and smiled when she sensed his apprehension. “Do not give your heart over to fear, Prince Ingil. Lord Telimektar is a kindly lord. He would not have asked you to join him if he had no desire for your company.”
Ingil nodded, and he allowed her to lead him the rest of the way.
“Come!” Telimektar called out softly. Another attendant was arranging a seat for him by the Maia. “Come and join me, my lord!”
Ingil bowed as deeply as he could manage before making himself comfortable by Telimaktar’s side. “So this is Inwë’s second son,” Nessa observed after the attendant announced his name and ties to the others. “How do you find the festivities, my prince?”
“Words fail me, my lady,” Ingil remarked bashfully. His eyes grew as wide as supper bowls when a dozen attendants came to them bearing a golden brown pie large enough for everyone at the feast. They placed it in the center of the table, and all who had gathered praised it and applauded those who had prepared it. Then the Elder King rose and called for a sword. His herald, Eönwë, offered his. Fragrant steam poured out of the crust when Manwë brought an elegant silver blade down on it in a glittering arc, and the great hall filled with the mouthwatering scents of sweet herbs and berries. “I confess, I have never seen anything that could compare to what I have just witnessed. And this feast is just the beginning of it all!”
“You wear a hunter’s crown.” Telimektar poured a measure of ale for him. He dragged his seat closer to the elven prince. “Tell me, Prince Ingil. Have you considered who you would seek during the chase?”
Ingil reddened when the drinking horn was pressed into his hand. “I do not know,” he admitted meekly. He sighed after the first sip. The ale was uncommonly light and far superior to anything he had tasted thus far. “There are so many lords and ladies here, and each one is as worthy as the next. How does one even choose?”
“Perhaps one of those present would offer themselves to you, if you would agree to it, that is,” said the Maia.
“Perhaps.” Ingil paused when an attendant placed a generous slice of pie before him. Then he turned to face the lord who had invited him to the dais. “But who would offer themselves to me as my prey, my lord?”
“That will not happen, Prince Ingil. It is not you who will seek another. Someone will seek you out instead.”
“Someone will seek me out instead,” Ingil repeated. Understanding dawned upon him. He would not be the hunter during the chase. He would be one of the hunted instead. “Who intends to seek me, my lord?”
“You must learn your seeker’s identity, my prince.” Telimektar leaned in and murmured just loud enough for him to hear. “Can you do this?”
His long, sculpted fingers brushed over Ingil's own. They slowly drifted to the elf's wrist and moved over his skin in lazy circles before gliding up his arm. The prince dared to look at Telimektar. The Maia smiled at him, almost as if in invitation, and a flash of heat spread around his throat. 
Is it him? Does Lord Telimektar wish to seek me out? Ingil felt dizzy. One moment, he could not even decide whom he should seek during the chase. The next moment, a great warrior—a Maia of Tulkas, no less—was offering to be the one who claimed him. 
“I…” Ingil hesitated and looked away. “I do not know what to say, my lord.” Telimektar extended his other hand and tilted his chin toward him, forcing him to meet his gaze.
“Do I frighten you?” He whispered.
“No. Far from it,” Ingil said without hesitation. “It is just that... I never expected one of the Most High to choose me. You honor me, my lord.”
“It is I who am honored.” Telimektar lifted Ingil’s hand and kissed the inside of his wrist, sending a welcomed shiver down his spine.
“You are a bold one, my lord,” the elf commented with a shy smile.
“Boldness must be expected from those who serve Tulkas.” Telimektar turned solemn and grew quiet for a moment before saying, “Have I offended you with what I just did, my prince?”
“No. I… I rather like it, my lord. And I heartily agree to wear your token during the chase.” 
“Just so.” Telimektar—pleased with Ingil excepting his offer to claim him for himself—reached up and carefully removed a horn from his crown, a heavy open circlet of true steel and pure iron, as hardy as the one who donned it. He fastened it to the elven prince’s belt with a ribbon he loosened from his own braid. Now, all who came upon Ingil during the chase would know that he was already claimed by another.
“Now eat and drink with me,” the Maia entreated, “and tell me more of yourself, son of Inwë. We have much to learn about each other before the chase begins.”
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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husbandomail · 9 months
If requests are still open could we please get some headcanons for dating Nessa and friendship headcanons for N, Red, and Riley? Complete self indulgent ask I have almost no shame in
this was getting really long, so here's the Nessa part, and I'll post the other three in their own separate post once that's done!
At first, a relationship with Nessa can be a bit difficult. Her career as a model can be incredibly demanding, and although she tries to spend time with you, Nessa isn’t willing to risk her stream of income for something that might not be serious. And then, of course, Gym season makes things even worse— having two full-time jobs is exhausting, and Nessa barely has the time to check her phone. Thankfully, she’s not interested in casual dating to begin with; when the two of you start a relationship, she intends for it to be serious. It just takes awhile to build that emotional connection, to turn it more into an actual relationship as opposed to some kind of weird business-feeling partnership. If you’re only looking for something short and fun, she’d suggest you pick a different girl.
It makes sense that she would be difficult to get to know! She’s had to deal with people only wanting to be with her because she’s famous; she was able to brawl her way into a spot as Gym Leader, and yet so many people only want her pretty face instead of caring about the actual hard work she’s put into earning her position. Once you get past her outer shell, though, she’s incredibly sweet. Nessa does her best to rearrange her schedule so she can see you more often; you’re invited to her photoshoots, and she comes to sit with you whenever she has a few minutes; when she’s walking onto the field at the start of each Gym Battle, she always knows exactly where you are in the crowd so she can wave; on days where she’s not able to push aside work to spend time with you, you get texts and pictures of everything that reminds her of you. Funnily enough, despite all the time she spends around cameras, the pictures she takes are terrible— what Pokémon is that even supposed to be—?
Nessa isn’t shy about being with you publicly. Some celebrities hide their partners, but she doesn’t care if anyone knows the two of you are together; however, she does also value privacy, so if you decide you’d rather not be on camera with her, she’ll respect that and do her best to keep you out of the public eye. She’s not too big on physical affection, but she does love holding hands— it makes her feel extra connected to you, after all the time she has to spend away. She’s also very open about her feelings, at all hours; it doesn’t make sense to just be vague when it comes to the people you love, so she doesn’t shy away from complimenting you, telling you she loves you whenever it crosses her mind.
A good way to get her flustered is with gifts. Admittedly, Nessa lives fairly comfortably, and she’s given a lot of expensive things through sponsorships or from her photoshoots— she can absolutely afford to buy whenever she has her eye on, but she’s not super materialistic, so she passes up on a lot of things. So when you present her with that necklace she was staring at in the store, she’s stunned; if you could afford it casually, she’s impressed you paid attention to something she didn’t say out loud. If you had to work and save for it, she’s floored that you put so much effort into getting something like that for her. Either way, it becomes part of her daily wardrobe, and she won’t even take it off while posing for cover photos.
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