#historical potraits
heartshapedcaskett · 1 year
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The last two pages that belonged to the unamed woman pictured in this photo series. This time featuring loved ones. 
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sonia-cosplay · 2 years
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Photographer: Artigiano della luce Model & costume: me (Facebook | Instagram | Twitter)
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vittravals · 8 months
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As dusk falls
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
okay to talk about somethin a little random
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the capitvating princess got that change in portraits at one point, though the game still switches btwn both, and im just hm. i know they often don't think about historical context with designs but i will.
So the art changes from having her hair up to having her hair down. Which, if you're aware, adult woman in the victorian era Did Not wear their hair down, typically. It wasn't respectable, and you were expected to begin wearing it up in your later teen years (and of course, having long hair was a point of pride. often hair would be bought from poorer women and girls for the comesitc usage of the wealthy. anyway tangent there).
all that is to say, i find it interesting that the princess has her hair down in the second potrait, considering her highlight as The Top of society and her renown.
So random potential thoughts:
a) in doing so it shows a level of not caring; she is above all the expectations and can do what she wants, can show off the length of her hair. it is her who sets the trends and no one elses expectations can force her actions
b) it incites a sort of youthful level to her appearance (despite her actual age). a further level of false security around a predator.
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emotiandon · 3 months
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OC x Canon week: Day 1 @theocxcanonweek
Prompt: Play fighting, Kuroo x Emi (Haikyuu)
Dialogue: “Yeah it’ll totally be weird if we kissed” Kiyoko x Yuri (Haikyuu)
Fashion: Historical, Xander x Seraphina (Fe fates)
Kuremi…., fuck them two. I was struggling with a pose- with picking a couple. Garry fucking oak was the runner up. But I bailed for another prompt for my boy Garry. This piece was actually faster than I Imagined (probs because I was tried and wanted to get something out). This piece was straight forward other then the previously mentioned issues and the only other problem was the fucking background like wtf why is it so hard. Thankfully Pinterest carried me and found me some good poses (ikik it's not really playfighting but uhhhhh guys playfighting poses doesn't exist Ig) and my main inspo was Miss Mai (I MISS MAI I LOVE YOU) mid piece but considering the time pretty good 6/10 Black cats
For Kiuri, I wanted to make a comic for my favourite lesbian and her straight crush. “She likes a boy” by Nxdia was on loop during this piece wile I was dying but I wanted to make this piece gay, cute, pink and the panels not scroll made (does that make sense??????) also ist apparently I can’t find (ground??????) kaebeadon so I had to use my big thinker brain. Also I changed Yuri to be Gyaru last minute just because her old hair was so hard to draw like wtffffffff. Uhhhh cute bows and hearts to spruce it up. Yeah I don’t hate it but god I wish I could have thinner line art. 9/10 lesbians
Xanderphina my love, I created the art on a whim after looking through old paintings and landing on this masterpiece
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"Composer Miháy Mosonyi and his wife" By Henrik Weber, Or as me and my brother had dubbed- the Girlboss painting.
Such a slay piece- my only issue was that I could not replicate the girlbussy she has. Also I had such a hard time picking the background colours and the frame colours wtf. Miss Loola gave me the good old potrait addiction. The fashions was hopefully Victorians ish enough, I tried my best lmao 8.5/10 Nohrian scum
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renzakiaoi · 8 months
What If your favorite historical figure is in Ikemen Vampire Universe
My Favorite Is:
Raden Saleh Syarif Boestaman
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Potrait painting Saleh Syarif Boestaman by Carl Johann Baehr
Raden Saleh Syarif Bustaman
(1811 – 23 April 1880) was born in the village of Terboyo, near Semarang on the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia).
He was born into a noble Hadhrami family; his father was Sayyid Husen bin Alwi bin Awal bin Yahya. He was the grandson of Sayyid Abdullah Bustam through his mother, Raden Ayu Sarif Husen bin Alwi bin Awal. Through his sister, Roqayah, Raden Saleh was uncle by marriage to the famous religious leader Habib Ali Kwitang.
He was considered to be the first "modern" artist from Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies), and his paintings corresponded with nineteenth-century romanticism which was popular in Europe at the time. He also expressed his cultural roots and inventiveness in his work.
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Potrait painting of Raden Saleh by Friedrich Carl Albert Schreuel in 1840.
Young Raden Saleh was first taught in Bogor by the Belgian artist A.J. Payen. Payen acknowledged the youth's talent, and persuaded the colonial government of the Netherlands to send Raden Saleh to the Netherlands to study art. He arrived in Europe in 1829 and began to study under Cornelius Kruseman and Andreas Schelfhout.
It was from Kruseman that Raden Saleh studied his skills in portraiture, and later was accepted at various European courts where he was assigned to do portraits. While in Europe, in 1836 Saleh became the first indigenous Indonesian to be initiated into Freemasonry. From 1839, he spent five years at the court of Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who became an important patron.
From Schelfhout, Raden Saleh furthered his skills as a landscape painter. Raden Saleh visited several European cities, as well as Algiers. In The Hague, a lion tamer allowed Raden Saleh to study his lion, and from that his most famous painting of animal fights was created, which subsequently brought fame to the artist. Many of his paintings were exhibited at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Several of his paintings were destroyed when the Colonial Dutch pavilion in Paris was burnt in 1931.
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Studio Potrait in 1872
23 April 1880, Saleh suddenly fell sick. He claimed that he was poisoned by one of his servants, and subsequently died; however post-mortem examination showed that his circulatory system was disrupted due to a clot near his heart. Saleh was buried two days later in Kampung Empang, Bogor. As reported in Javanese Bode newspaper, 28 April 1880, his funeral was "attended by various landheeren [landlords] and Dutch officials, and even by curious students from nearby school.
Raden Saleh Painting
During his stay in Paris, Saleh met Horace Vernet whose painting frequently took themes of African wildlife. Compared to Vernet, Saleh's painting seems to be more influenced by the romantic painter Eugène Delacroix. This could be seen in one of Saleh's work, Hunting Lion, 1840, which has similar composition to Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People. However, Werner Kraus, a researcher in the Southeast-Asian Art Center of Passau, Germany, said that Saleh "never mentioned Delacroix. Perhaps he saw Delacroix's, and possibly Vernet's, works during an exhibition.
And one of my favorite painting by Raden Saleh is:
The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro
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Raden Saleh is particularly remembered for his historical painting, The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro,   which depicted the betrayal of the rebel leader Prince Diponegoro by the colonial government, thus ending the Java War in 1830. The Prince was tricked into entering Dutch custody near Magelang, believing he was there for negotiations of a possible cease-fire. He was captured through treachery and later deported.
The event had been previously painted by a Dutch painter Nicolaas Pieneman, commissioned by Lieutenant General Hendrik Merkus de Kock. It is thought that Saleh saw this painting during his stay in Europe. Saleh made significant changes in his version of the painting; Pieneman painted the scene from the right, Saleh from the left.
Pieneman depicts Diponegoro with resigned expression, while in Saleh's he appears to be outraged. Pieneman gave his painting the title Submission of Prince Diponegoro, while Saleh gave The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro. It is known that Saleh deliberately painted Diponegoro's Dutch captors with large heads to make them appear monstrous, as opposed to the more proportionally depicted Javanese.
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De onderwerping van Diepo Negoro aan luitenant-generaal baron De Kock by Nicolaas Pieneman 1830–1835.
Raden Saleh’s work has been regarded as a sign of incipient nationalism in what was then the Dutch East Indies / Indonesia. This can also be seen it the depiction of Diponegoro's men. Pieneman had never been to the Indies, and so depicted Diponegoro's men in a more Arabic fashion. Saleh's version has a more accurate depiction of native Javanese clothing, with some figures wearing batik and blangkon.
Saleh finished this painting in 1857 and presented it to Willem III of Netherlands in The Hague. It was returned to Indonesia in 1978 as a realization of a cultural agreement between the two countries in 1969, regarding the return of cultural items which were taken, lent, or exchanged to the Dutch in the previous eras. Even though the painting did not fall under any of those categories, because Saleh presented it to the King of the Netherlands and it was never in the possession of Indonesia, it was nevertheless returned as a gift from the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, and is currently displayed at the Merdeka Palace Museum in Jakarta.
My sketch prototype
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I'm still trying to improve my digital art skill. And i think i will try to write story au about him in Ikevamp universe. I'm sorry for my bad English 😭😭
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hankoptimistic · 2 years
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The entrance
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a Giant Study hall
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Computer room
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Lounge ish place
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a more private Study room
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Art room
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San Telmo Library
Inspired by Spanish baroque architecture, i had built a BASE GAME ONLY library in Oasis spring. although it looks too fancy for such a desolate location (i mean other than the 4 lots its literally entirely empty and void of any buildings, even fake ones) i still think it fits perfectly with the world
there is also a completely empty room for you to turn into whatever you want, maybe a kid's play area
it is in my gallery - HANKIT2004
cc info-
@felixandresims - EVERYTHING (other than the recent grove set)
@thejim07 - X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X (this took me ages lol)
@themarblemortal - Kerylos set , Family potraits
@harrie-cc - Livin rum , Orjanic , Kichen , Jardane , Brownstone , Brutalist
@pierisim - office mini kit , oak house
@the-regal-sim - historical living set
@strangestorytellersims - sectional library set , neoclassical parlour
@peacemaker-ic - elsie bedroom set , gwendeline sofa
@itskingfalcon - fuvwara set , railing set
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 67: Tadeo and Company vs The Law
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I thought this was just "a curse has been released, a mummy is missing from the museum and we have to set things right unless we want the world to panic" matter for Agents Pickles and Ramirez.
But then thanks to the trailer it turns out is more than that. A lot if we think of it.
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Not only Tad almost ruined an excavation that could have nasty consequences on a Mexican Sacred ground, even if he discovered the sarcophagus he compromised Sara and all those people present to have charges dropped on them.
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Then he runs in the museum for what it looks like is a really big rock (Indiana Jones reference) that could and most likely will destroy valuable artifacts in the Chicago museum and he also opens the sarcophagus that made him being fired from the excavation.
Assuming they have cameras, then it could be that the whole "everyone against Tad" aspect is justified by him messing up the museum and compromising a prior excavation. He could be considered a danger for archeology, his childhood dream job. That is in my opinion, very tragic.
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And that could possibly be one of the reasons he SO much wants to be famous, not only because Sara deserves better, but because he will think making a big the discovery of the "Emerald Tablet" will justify him messing up with the egyptian artifacts, just like many mighty archeologists have done before in the name of "discovery and science!"
But not only Tad is in deep waters with the international law, oh no. Not surprisingly, Mummy's "status quo" of not being seen and his existence in the living world not "being a big deal to others" is starting to disappear.
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He makes videos of himself that he posts online, trying to cover up with the app's fliters but he's not careful about the fact that what he really is. His user name has "mummy" in it and he calls his followers "Mummyfans".
If the movie is to take seriously as many members of the crew say, then we can delete for real the fact that Pickles and Ramirez will see Mummy as just a guy with a really cool mummy costume.
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No, if they want to make this movie more adult, we can't get by The Bad Guys logic. These agents can and WILL see the incan mummy for what he is on the outside: A ancient, living monster with the potencial for making trouble in the living world.
And sadly, they are right. Mummy, as he is behaving in the third movie, IS a danger to the living world, just not in the "classic movie" way of draining souls and bringing plagues to the world, but in an accidental, mischievous way.
Like how he is most likely the one that brings Ramona to life by accident or how he, I don't know... VANDALIZED the Mona Lisa because he thought the woman in the potrait wasn't "happy" enough. I could understand if he vandalized a conquistador's potrait or statue giving his background. But THIS.
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This has not excuse, and I can't blame Tad if he decides to have one of his angry fits on Mummy because the potrait is a highly valuable historical artifact and now is ruined thanks to Tad bringing his best friend on an adventure and not paying attention to him to notice what happened in the Louvre museum.
And how he finds out? It's not confirmed 100% by now but I'm very sure the reason Tad found out about the Mona Lisa behind a rock far away from Paris is because Pickles and Ramirez told him that in this scene:
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They are behind him on a boat, the mummies and the explorer are surrounded by the agents and their staff, agent Pickles has a megaphone on his hand. By this point it is almost confirmed he told the rogue group the crimes that are the whole reason they are in trouble with the international law.
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And Tad being angry with Mummy about how careless he is with the whole "hiding from the world" aspect that the Incan cared so much in the first movie enough to murder all those who entered the lost city and cost him his home will be probably the cause of how they manage to escape from the agents, thanks to Mummy becoming full Ammit and flying away.
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Because if the theory that he reaches full form when he is really upset is true, then if he doesn't trasform because Tad angrily points out how he makes his life more difficult, then it will be because he realizes, after too many screw ups and random shenanigans, that he just put in danger the safety and peace of Paititi, of its citizens, of Peru and even South America because he wanted to be somebody that could be relevant and loved among humans because he also wants to be recognized.
But that is another theme for another day. I can't promise this is the last time I use this sentence in this countdown but... things really got out of hand.
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realcatalina · 2 years
Scallops as symbol
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Mr Mathews in his reidentiication of Catherine of Aragon’s portrait by Sittow, has claimed that Catherine had no reason to wear scallops, because her symbol was pomegranate. But he had gave no reason why Mary Rose would wear them. They weren’t her symbol either”
Mr Mathews ignored the detail otherwise, as if he was thinking the symbol of scallops is otherwise completely unimportant. Hence he didn’t bother to research it. But in 1957 whole book was published about it-The Scallop: Studies of a shell and its influences on mankind.(and you can still buy it over interenet, it’s not even expensive.) That alone should give you clue, it is not unimportant subject.
In historical paintings no detail is unimportant, everything there has some symbolism and while i didn’t buy the book yet, I tried my best to find some of the historical examples of scallops and their associations and symbolism.
1)Shell of St. James the Great, symbol of this apostle  and of Way of St. James(Camino de Santiago), the pilgrimage to Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. 
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St. James the Great was patron saint of Spain and his shrine in Santiago de Compostela is to this day, the most famous and visited pilgrimage site in all of Spain.
To say the symbol of scallops is still asociated with Camino de Santiago, might be understatement.
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Not always the typical shape, but it is everywhere!
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One of these is from Brussels! And on wikipedia, another example is from Poland! Among catholics, this is very famous pilgrimage, and very famous symbol asociated with it.  
Why scallop? St. James used scallop to beg for food and water, showing that even poorest can fill the small shell and help him along the way-which is also why it is symbol of journey to his shrine.
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Catherine made this pilgrimage on way to England.(and he says no reason!)
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Catherine wasn’t only one in her family who comemorated her pilgrimage with golden scallops, Isabella made the pilgrimage too:
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And on occasion, very similiar jewelry can be found in Iberian potraits:
Francisco de Los Cobos y Molina by Jan Gossaert:
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 Pilgrim badges, were of course mostly made from something cheaper than gold and rare stones. Lead or lead-tin alloy usually.
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Badges to wear around your neck on strong, or to pin to your clothes were however not only thing you could comemorate a pilgrimage, another is for example is ampulla(ampullae).  Ampullae were designed to carry holy water and were sold as souvenirs at sites of Christian pilgrimage, typically bearing imagery relating to the saint venerated there.
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Which interestingly when it comes to scallops doesn’t have to necessarly be pilgrimage to Saintiago.Other shrines including Mont-Saint-Michel, Rocamadour, Cantenbury and Cologne adopted the motif of scallops as well. Never as prominently though. 
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For ampullas some sort of shell was very popular motive, and not all were from Santiago. For example this one is from Cantenburry:
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Had Mr Mathews been smart, he’d use this as his reasoning for why Mary Rose would wear it. Maybe she made pilgrimage to Cantenbury. 
Nowadays the Way of Santiago is usually asociated with white scallop:
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Or all kinds of natural scallops(guess where Pope John Paul II was visiting?):
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And for some reason this blue and yellow combination, where shell is almost unrecognizable and more resembles the sun:
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Certainly around Santiago de Compostela souvenirs in some shape of scallops are plenty, from natural scallops to ceramics, metal and other. 
2)Other religious asociation is with St. Augustine of Hippo(no association to St. Augustine of Cantenbury-which is surprising). However, in paintings usually the scene with child has some other sea-shells, not neccesarly scallops.
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St. Augustine was strong advocate for child baptism, scallops were in past and still are  in christianity asociated with baptism, even in shrine where he(nor St. James the Great) is not venerated.
Often the baptismal font or the items to do with baptism have scallops on them. or some other shell.
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4)ancient and renaissance art and architecture
Prior christianity shells in general were asociate with fertility, and in Ancient Greek and Rome it was often part of architecture and also some everyday items. When renaissance art picked on, combined with its asociation with christian meaning, shells became popular symbol not just in architecture, but all of renaissance art. Probably the most famous example of renaissance scallop is the one Botticelli’s Venus is standing upon:
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and Venus was asociated with Scalops in roman times too, it was also symbol of feminine principle, of love and fertility.
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While romans mozaics of scallops on their own, didn’t inspire christians that much and some might have been asociated in antiquity with sun:
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This roman vessel proves that ampulas(which were already in early christianity), were inspired by roman items. 
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It is possible romans already used such items when worshipping their gods. I know from watching Time Team, that roman religious sites in Britain often were around water, with pilgrims throwing objects into water for luck. Which is often what christians did with those pilgrimage badges in the end(if they didn’t just show them off). So basically this roman tradition hold on. And who knows, it might predate Romans.
3)French order of St. Michael
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Usually St. Michael is depicted slaying the dragon. The necklace is from tassels forming bows, and of scallop shells or some other shells.
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There is plenty of portraits of order’s members, proudly displaying their collars.
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Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara:
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Of course one could argue Mary Rose was French bride, her husband was member, so maybe scallops were to do with him. But that doesn’t explain the Netherladish outfit, nor K and C initials(which could stand for Charles or Karolus in Latin). (But I know the hood is 1st half of 1500s, so I know it isn’t her. You can tell by lenght of the frill)
Another problem theory of order of St. Michaels, is that it got founded in only 1469. While Camino de Santiago was way older!
4)Heraldy-called Escallop(shell of scallop) or heraldic shell
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I could go on whole day how many families had scallops in their coat of arms. But I’d rather just post link, so you can see for yourself:
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And here is link to the various shapes:
Some don’t even resemble scallops that much. Some look like napkin in shape of dove. Nevertheless Mary Rose nor Catherine of Aragon have no heraldic ties to scallops as far as I am aware.
Hope you’ve enjoyed it.
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artfoli · 5 years
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Details in Pink 
Afternoon Tea for Three, by Frédéric Soulacroix.
The Love Letter, 1750, by François Boucher.
La Soirée, by Vittorio Reggianini.
Flirtation, by Frédéric Soulacroix.
Une Beauté en Rose, by Marie-Félix Hippolyte-Lucas.
The Artist Marie Suzanne Giroust, 1770, by Alexander Roslin.
Portrait of Mary, Countess of Howe, 1764, by Thomas Gainsborough.
La Jeune Musicienne, 1788, by Michel Garnier.
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Potrait of a Lady on Fire
I watched this movie last night. It's beautiful.
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eliaamaliana · 4 years
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Main yuk?
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himbosims · 4 years
historical gay romance anyone?
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vittravals · 4 years
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Idag mötte jag våren.
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villagepixelsmanish · 4 years
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 “For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else’s face.” ― Dejan Stojanovic #potraits #portrait #potraiture #potraitvision  #historical #historic #historymatters  #forgettonpeople  #tribes  #yourshot #natgeophotography #natgeophotos #thephotosociety #netgeoindia #natgeomyshot #shotoncanon #yourshotnatgeo #anthropology  #portraitmode https://www.instagram.com/p/CF21KnyHhDp/?igshid=1oins54o187j8
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lotusinjadewell · 3 years
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Some historical potrait paintings of Vietnamese women in Nhật Bình & áo ngũ thân.
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