#him hardcore crushing on her immediately
tsukishimasbaby · 4 months
Maybe some Percy Jackson HC’s or Hellva boss
-🍼 anon
Helluva Boss Agere Headcanons!
A/N: This is only part one, and for this part I’m just doing my favorite characters. But I’ll do more characters in separate parts!
Characters: Blitzø, Moxxie, STRIKER!!! (MY FAV 💗💗💗)
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Flip, with a little lean!! He’s mostly an age regressor, he needs some way to let out all that trauma and stress. His little ages are about 4-6.
He is VERY chaotic when he’s regressed, like even more so than usual. He’ll run around the IMP HQ, jumping on furniture, leaving his toys everywhere, etc.
Moxxie and Millie are his main caregivers, actually! He loves Stolas, even though he’d never admit it, but he doesn’t trust him enough at the moment to tell him something that vulnerable about himself.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s not really a suitable dad caregiver. He’s more like a silly, chaotic older brother or the uncle that’s fresh out of jail.
He likes to spoil littles, he thinks it’s cute when their faces light up and they start giggling.
Thinks it’s super funny to help littles prank their caregivers. He does this even when he himself is regressed too.
Like. Imagine Little!Blitzø hanging out with Moxxie’s and Millie’s little or something. That would be so chaotic pls.
He LOVES coloring, and he hangs his own drawings up himself. He draws horses a lot. He also gives some of the stuff he draws to his friends and caregivers.
Controversial opinion, but flip with a cg lean!! He’s responsible enough to be a caregiver, and he wants kids himself one day so this is good practice he thinks. He does regress sometimes in order to relieve some stress.
He does well with littles of all ages, but he finds that baby regressors are surprisingly the easiest! They aren’t hyper and chaotic like a lot of toddler or kid regressors. He just has to feed them, give them attention, make sure their hygiene is good, etc and it’s fine!
He’ll play his guitar and sing little songs! Maybe while Millie dances around and helps tell stories or sings with him or something.
Him and Millie do everything together, which includes taking care of a little, so if you ask Moxxie to be your caregiver, that’s going to include Millie as well.
He’s actually one of the best people to play pretend with, surprisingly enough. Like it takes him a while to get used to it and he’s not too good at making stuff up on the spot, but when he gets into it, he gets INTO IT.
When he’s little, he also still likes to sing and play his guitar.
He reads kids books a lot or those small little science books for kids.
Or books about history for kids.
He is a nerd. And I love that. Me too, Moxxie.
His caregiver is Millie, of course. And he CLINGS to her when he’s regressed, like hardcore clings. Will not let go of her and has to be at least holding her hand at all times.
Okay I have a feeling this one is gonna be long. He’s my absolute favorite and I love him so so so so so so so so so so much.
I may or may not have the fattest crush on him.
Caregiver! He had absolutely no clue what age regression was before you told him about it, and it took him a while for him to warm up to the idea.
Like it took him a fat minute for him to fully process what it is.
He feels bad when he realizes you do it because of trauma, though.
Like…you had a bad childhood??? You were abused??? Do you want him to like…kill your parents for you…?
Cuz he will. You know he will.
You’re like the only person he feels any amount of sympathy for. It may take him awhile to get used to it, but when he does…MAN.
This guy is clingy and overprotective. If he notices you’re slipping at any time throughout the day, you’re immediately being carried or you have to hold his hand TIGHT for the rest of the day. He knows you’re vulnerable, and he knows it’s very dangerous in hell; obviously, it’s hell. And he wants to keep an eye on you at all times.
The first time you called him “dada”, he blushed. Not because of anything weird but because. Wow. You trust him and love him like that? Like…you care about him and see him as your protector? …Woah.
It takes him a bit to get used to parental nicknames, but he likes it nonetheless!
Does pretty much the same with any type of regressors, but because I’m projecting, I’m gonna say he likes the dependency of baby regressors.
He likes being leaned on and trusted and relied on. And when you’re regressed so deep like that, you need help with a lot of things, and he’ll do them for you.
Feels bad because he can’t be around a lot. He’s got an important and demanding job that he’s absolutely not letting a little baby like you witness.
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evansbby · 2 years
𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐞𝐬 {𝐩𝐨𝐲𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞}
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, noncon, dubcon, daddy!kink, hardcore misogyny, degradation, possessive Steve, inebriation, mentions of alcohol. MINORS, DNI.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve throws a Halloween party and you try your hardest to be the perfect little host. {happy spooky szn, everyone!! this poyt drabble is a halloween special, set after Steve mated with Omega, and has no effect to the plot/main story of preying on you tonight}
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“What the fuck is this?”
The abrupt sound of Steve’s voice makes your blood run cold, the orange and black crepe paper slipping from your hands and dropping to the floor.
“Steve, I… uh.” Daring to meet his heated gaze, your heart pitter-patters pathetically and you immediately avert your eyes, staring at the ground and fingers fidgeting nervously.
“Hi, Steve!” Natasha says brightly, giving the alpha a huge smile. She’s sat cross-legged next to you, sorting through a bunch of sparkly jack-o-lantern wall stickers that she’d brought over with her. You’re both on the floor in Steve’s and your bedroom, sorting through various party decorations.
He glowers at her before turning back to you, “What’s she doing here?”
“She’s… she’s just…” It’s not an ideal moment for your stutter to flare up, but Steve looks so annoyed. And you knew he’d be like this the moment Natasha showed up at your doorstep with a peppy smile and a bunch of Halloween decorations in her arms, matching the ones you’d bought just this morning.
Steve, Bucky and Sam were hosting a Halloween party tonight. Steve had only just informed you yesterday, and in the early hours of the morning, while Steve was at football practice, you’d gone to the nearby party shop to stock up on decorations. Because parties needed decorations, right? And the three alphas hadn’t really done much to spruce up the place. In fact, you’d spent the majority of the afternoon vacuuming and cleaning the downstairs area before Natasha had shown up to help you.
“We’re making streamers, duh.” Natasha blinks up at Steve innocently, but her nonchalance seems to wind him up even more.
“Omega.” Steve gives you a stern look, and immediately you stand up, scurrying over to him. He puts a heavy arm around your shoulders, crushing you into his chest. “You know you’re not allowed to have people over.”
You’re about to apologise before Natasha pipes up.
“Relax, Steve. I came over unannounced. Thor told me about the party and I thought she could use some help since I doubt that you’ll be doing any decorating.”
Steve doesn’t even look at her, but you can see his eyes flashing with annoyance. And you know why he’s mad too. Steve likes to have you ready and waiting for him on his bed when he comes home all riled up from football practice. Carnal, sweaty, amped up and filled with testosterone and pent-up aggression, he usually fucks you hard and fast when he gets home, before dragging you to the shower for more sex. But he can’t quite do any of that with Natasha here.
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly.
“You don’t have anything to apologise for.” Natasha says from across the room, making Steve glare at her with blazing eyes. If looks could kill…
“Maybe you should keep your mouth shut and just observe.” He jeers, “Learn how a well-trained omega is supposed to act around an alpha.” He tightens his grip on you, making a show of reaching down to squeeze your ass. You yelp helplessly, wishing he wouldn’t do that in front of her.
“Congratulations, Steve. You run such a strict regime that she’s literally afraid of you.” Natasha rolls her eyes, her voice dripping in sarcasm. But she bites her lip and shoots you an apologetic look when she sees you wince.
You know Natasha’s dynamic with Thor – her alpha boyfriend – is a lot different from you and Steve. You’ve seen her make fun of him, roll her eyes at him, and even raise her voice at him. You could never do any of that with Steve – but was it that obvious that you were afraid of him?
“I’m gonna go put the streamers up downstairs.” Natasha says, quickly getting to her feet and skipping over to the door. She turns back to pointedly look at you, ignoring Steve, “You can join me later and help me with the balloons.”
The door has only just closed behind her and Steve’s already dragging you to the bed, sitting down with his muscular thighs spread, and pulling you onto his lap.
“What is all this?” He gestures at the decorations strewn about on the floor.
You squirm, “I just thought that we’d need some decorations for your party. But I can tell Natasha to take them down if you don’t like them.”
He frowns, “Did you buy all this yourself?”
“How many times have I told you to use my card when you’re buying things?” He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tugging upwards till you’re looking at him.
“I…I have my own money, Steve.” Well, not much of it ever since he made you quite your job. But your bank balance never decreased, seeing as Steve paid for literally everything for you; from your food to your clothes to your shoes and everything in between.
He doesn’t answer, instead reaching into his pocket for his phone and tapping away. Not ten seconds later, you feel your own phone vibrate.
Steve R. transferred you $200
Your eyes widen, “The decorations didn’t cost that much–”
You’re interrupted by his lips pressing down on yours, large hands cradling your face gently as he kisses you. And if you could replay it every time he kissed you, just replay it in slow-motion, you would do it a hundred times over. It’s insane how the butterflies erupt in the depths of your tummy as he draws you closer still, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip.
“An omega is not meant to pay for anything – it’s the responsibility of her alpha to take care of her.” He says against your lips before pecking you a few more times, “But it’s pretty cute, you know. You going on a little grocery run for the party.”
You nod, “I tried to think of everything we’d need. I’ve never hosted a party before so I wasn’t sure.” You pause, “Sorry, I know I’m not hosting this party. It’s your party.” You shake your head, averting your gaze from his because looking at him too long makes you all nervous and squirmy.
“I – uh – I got all kinds of decorations from the Halloween section – like streamers and balloons and whatnot. Natasha got some too.” You try not to get distracted by his finger sensually tracing shapes on your thigh. “I also got snacks. Like chips and popcorn and soda. I was also going to bake cupcakes with orange and black frosting but I didn’t have time. I’m sorry. But I got store-bought ones that look pretty good.”
Steve stares at you for a prolonged period of time during which about a million concerns surface inside your head. Had you done too much? Had you not done enough? But you breathe a sigh of relief when he leans down to cover your face in kisses, his lips sponging from the corner of your mouth before dipping down to nip at your jaw and finally finding their place on his mark on your neck.
“Look at you, running errands like a perfect little housewife.” Steve pinches your cheek condescendingly, “I always knew you were such a good little omega, baby. I’m proud of you.”
Proud. You glow at his praise, subconsciously nuzzling your cheek against the warm palm of his hand, chirping happily when he strokes you. It’s insane how much his praise and approval means to you, with the omega inside of you bursting with joy at the fact that you’ve pleased your alpha. You always want to please him. You want to make him even more proud.
“I also bought some party games,” You add shyly, hoping he’ll approve. “There’s a pin-the-hat-on-the-witch and there’s also bobbing for apples, and–”
Your voice cuts off when you hear what sounds like a suppressed laugh. Glancing up at Steve, you see the corner of his mouth quirk upward, and a sparkle in his eye. Immediately, you shut your mouth, heat rising in your cheeks and heart wilting. Was he laughing at you?
“On second thought, the games sound babyish. I’m sorry.” You mumble, mentally kicking yourself at even bringing it up. It didn’t help that the last time you’d been to a Halloween party was back when you were in elementary school.
“I’d like to see you bob for apples,” He teases, reaching down to squeeze your ass. But he says nothing more about it, continuing to make out with you until you’re both unceremoniously interrupted by Natasha’s bellowing voice carrying from downstairs.
“She’s a fucking pain in the ass,” Steve says darkly, “Nothing but trouble. If I gave more of a fuck, I’d speak to Thor about keeping her in check. But it’s a good thing he hasn’t marked her – she’s a cheap whore anyways. Nothing like you, baby. And I don’t want you getting influenced by her bullshit.”
“She was just helping me.” You say softly, wanting to add that Natasha’s the first and only person at this university who’s actually been nice to you and treated you like an equal.
“I don’t care, omega. She’s not setting a good example for you and you’re not allowed to hang out with her anymore, do I make myself clear?”
It’s horrifically unfair, but Steve’s scent is so overpowering, so persuading in making you listen to him. And so you nod, hoping that maybe later he’d come around. You don’t want to lose Natasha as a friend. As pathetic as it sounds, she’s kind of your only friend.
“Good girl. Now get on your knees. I’ve had a long day and it’d be good to unwind before the party tonight.”
“But Steve, I gotta decorate–”
The look on his face is enough to get you scrambling down to your knees in record time. And it’s a little later, when he’s got a death grip in your hair and your mouth suckling on his balls while his heavy dick rests on your face, that he asks you casually, “What’s your costume going to be?”
You come up for air, breathing hard and trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs. “Oh, it’s – uh – it’s a surprise.” Even you don’t know what your costume is yet because Natasha had taken it upon herself to provide one for you. She’d said all would be revealed tonight, and a costume was the least of your worries.
Steve – surprisingly – doesn’t question this, instead guiding your head back down on his cock, bobbing it up and down and throwing his head back, a low hiss escaping his lips.
“Whatever. Just remember to check with me beforehand. I need to approve of whatever you’re wearing before anyone else sees it, you got that?”
“Yes, daddy.”
The party is in full swing, and it’s wilder than you anticipated. Thor walks in with about a dozen sixpacks in tow, with Natasha squealing and jumping on him as soon as he enters. Bucky and Sam have invited what looks to be more than half of the female population at the university, all of them scantily-clad and surrounding the two alphas, hanging off their arms in costumes ranging from sexy kittens to sexy cowgirls to sexy nurses.
Your own costume is prettier than you anticipated; a light pink satin slip dress – almost like lingerie – that flows yet clings to your body in a flattering way. Glittery pink fairy wings are attached to your back, small enough to not get in the way of anything but big enough that one could appreciate the swirling design. See-through nude stockings adorn your legs, complete with lacy trimmed tops accented with ribbons. Dainty glass heels cover your feet, and your makeup’s minimal and glowy, with a lot of body glitter added everywhere. You don’t know how Natasha’s managed to create such a pretty costume for you – but she’s a fashion major after all.
“Steve doesn’t deserve you in this outfit.” Natasha had commented earlier when you’d tried it on, “But that doesn’t mean he won’t go crazy over it.”
And Steve had gone crazy over it, inspecting each and every angle while you stood in the middle of the room like a piece of meat at the butcher’s shop. He couldn’t help but squeeze your ass, fondle your breasts, tug your dress up to “check what panties you were wearing” as well as a lot of other things. Finally, he’d resorted to dragging you to the bed, pushing you down on your hands and knees, flipping your dress up and fucking you right then and there.
“M-My costume– it’s gonna get ruined!” You’d cried, but to no avail.
“Fuck, my little baby omega, think you can dress up like some sexy fucking fairy and your daddy won’t fuck you in your little costume, huh?” He’d said through gritted teeth, grabbing your flimsy little wings and pushing them to the side so he could press down on your back. “The only way you can be seen in this outfit is if you looked freshly fucked – so everyone knows exactly who your daddy is, you got that?”
Now your wings were permanently crooked and you had a slight limp in your step, but at least Steve had allowed you to wear the fairy outfit to the party downstairs. Granted, he had his arm around you the whole time, showing you off obnoxiously like you were some kind of shiny object.
“Isn’t she cute, Barber? You should’ve seen her earlier, trying to put up the decorations but she was too little to reach.”
“She cooks, she cleans, and she looks like a million bucks. Can’t say the same about your omega, huh, Curtis?”
“Don’t fucking look at my girlfriend, Jensen. Who even invited you, anyways? Get the fuck out of my sight. Go bob for apples or some shit.”
You sigh, watching poor Jake Jensen’s face fall as he retreats to the corner of the room where the crate of apples is situated all on its lonesome. No one else is really indulging in your party games; in fact, you’d seen someone rip the pin-the-hat-on-the-witch clean in half – which wasn’t nice at all.
On top of that, your Halloween cupcakes were currently mush on the ground, someone had stepped and trodden on them, which made you sad. Even your punch – which you had so painstakingly mixed until it was perfect – tasted kind of funny. You were on your second cup, hoping that you were just imagining the bitter taste of the drink.
“Steve, this tastes funny,” You mumble softly, tugging at your boyfriend’s sleeve. For his Halloween costume, he was just wearing his football jersey and claiming to be a “football player.” Less than minimum effort, but a bunch of girls had gushed and squealed, telling him how good he looked. Steve had ignored them, but that didn’t stop the omega inside of you going green with a strong sense of jealous territorialism.
Even Steve Junior’s costume was more creative than Steve’s. You’d had a black and white striped shirt that had shrank in the wash, and to your glee, it fit your stuffed teddy perfectly.
“He’s a convict!” You’d told Steve proudly, earlier after he’d finished fucking you and you were sitting there trying to catch your breath and straighten your fairy wings, and the alpha had snorted, grabbing the teddy by the neck.
“Oh yeah? What’d he get arrested for? Watching us fuck?”
“No!” You’d answered, completely appalled.
Steve had laughed, easily keeping the stuffie out of your reach when you’d lunged to grab it, “You’re a little pervert, aren’t you, Steve Junior?” And Steve Junior’s coal black eyes had only stared blankly at Steve before you’d snatched him back.
At least now, the stuffie was safe upstairs in the bedroom. The same couldn’t be said about you, however, downstairs in the midst of a party that only seemed to be getting wilder. You’re on Steve’s lap, his hand laid down on your bare thigh possessively as he downs a beer and laughs at whatever he and his friends are talking about. How they can talk when the music is so pulsating and loud is beyond you.
“Shhh, baby, just drink your punch.” He says, pressing a kiss on your lips before continuing his conversation.
You pout, “But it doesn’t taste right–”
Your quiet complaint is drowned out by the noise of the party and you sigh, feeling slightly dizzy as you try to reposition yourself on Steve’s lap. But that only makes your alpha growl lowly, gripping you tighter and thrusting his hips up against your ass – right in front of everyone, no less! Normally, you would’ve begged him not to do that but right now you feel weirdly slow and sluggish… and kind of horny. Wait, what?
“Stop fidgeting or else I’m gonna have to fuck you right here in front of everyone.” Steve whispers in your ear through gritted teeth.
“Sorry, daddy, didn’t mean to!” You cry not-so-softly, trying to grab on to his leg to steady yourself before realisation hits you like a bucket of icy cold water dumped unceremoniously onto your head. Did you just call him “daddy” right here? Out in the open? In front of everyone?
There’s a moment of silence, and then…
“Oh, so you’re daddy huh?” Andy barks out a laugh, nudging Steve.
Sam rolls his eyes, “I’ve heard worse. I keep telling him the walls are thin.”
“Look at her now, trying to hide under her daddy’s jersey!” Ransom hoots with laughter, making you freeze in the middle of trying to tug the sleeve of Steve’s jersey over your face.
“Stop looking at my girlfriend, Drysdale.” Steve shoots back, but he looks smugger than ever, clearly unperturbed by your little slip-up as he smooths your hair back condescendingly. You feel absolutely mortified – what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you feel so disoriented and less in control of yourself??
You take another large gulp of your punch before standing up.
“Bathroom.” You tell Steve before stumbling off, thanking your lucky stars when he doesn’t pull you back.
All around you, there’s bodies dancing to the pulsating music, and you try to dodge them but it proves to be difficult in your disoriented state. Suddenly, the bathroom seems so far away, when you remember it being only about a few steps outside of the living room. There are too many people, too much noise, too much chaos. You can’t even hear your heartbeat thanks to the thumping music, and you feel the sudden need to go back to Steve and his protective warmth.
Turning back, you see Natasha and Thor have joined Steve’s group. Thor’s wearing some kind of Norse God costume (as he’d excitedly told you when he’d first walked in) and Natasha looks amazing in her cheerleading outfit, the colours of her costume matching Steve’s football jersey.
“They’ve fucked, you know.”
You jump at the voice in your ear and the hand that presses down against the small of your back. A flash of light blue eyes and the flurry of a black cape. It’s Bucky, dressed up as Count Dracula, complete with fake blood dripping down the side of his mouth. For a split-second, you’re reminded of the night Steve had marked you; his bite, the blood, the pain…
You blink stupidly, “What?”
“Steve and Natasha. He’s fucked her.” Bucky smirks, his hand still on your back, stroking up and down but you’ve yet to register it, “What, Steve didn’t tell you? I thought he or Nat would have… seeing as she’s now your friend and all…”
Now it feels like your head is spinning, and you sway slightly in your heels, unwittingly gripping Bucky’s arm to steady yourself. You glance back at Steve, who’s too busy laughing with his friends while Natasha looks at him in disgust, shaking her head and grabbing Thor’s hand.
You know it shouldn’t affect you, that it must have been from before you and Steve had got together… But why hadn’t Steve told you? Why hadn’t Natasha told you? Face crumpling, you back away even further, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot.
“Hey, you don’t look too good. Why don’t you come into my room and lie down for a second. Steve won’t mind.” Bucky tries to grab your wrist but you slip out of his grip, turning on your heel and stumbling towards the bathroom, trying not to get swallowed up by the sea of writhing bodies.
You don’t know how long you sit in the bathroom, on the toilet seat with your head in your hands. But Steve finds you there after a while, coming in and locking the door behind him.
“Did you die in here? It’s been twenty minutes.”
You sigh, but say nothing else. Steve doesn’t seem to like that, however, grabbing your wrist and yanking you up to your feet and tapping your cheek lightly, “I expect you to answer me when I’m talking to you.”
“I’m not having fun.” You say softly, wanting Steve Junior except he’s upstairs and going upstairs right now seems like an impossible feat of physical and mental strength.
“Oh yeah?” Steve eyes you up and down, licking his lips when his gaze zeroes in on one of your dress straps slipping down your shoulder. “You wanna fuck?”
“All the decorations are torn and ruined, my fairy wings are crooked, nobody’s playing bob for apples or pin-the-tale-on-the-bitch – I mean witch – and no one ate the cupcakes and…and…and,” you hiccup, choking back a sob, “and my punch tasted weird! I hate this party an’ I hate Halloween!”
Steve cups your face between his hands, tipping it upwards and surveying you carefully before a smirk spreads across his features. “You’re drunk.”
“Mmhm, I think someone might have spiked the punch. Your pupils are completely dilated.”
Cold terror courses through you, and you grip his hands which are holding your face, “D-Don’t wanna be drunk, Steve! Don’t like being drunk!”
He snorts, “Relax. A little buzz won’t hurt you. And anyways,” He shoots you a devilish smirk, backing you up until your back hits the marble sink, and he picks you up and places you on top of it, stepping between your spread legs. “Baby omegas like you tend to get horny when they’re drunk. Good thing your daddy’s here to help you out with that…”
“No!” You cry, and it’s something you never would’ve done if you were sober, “don’t want to, Steve! You slept with Natasha!”
Steve, who’s in the middle of pushing your straps down your arms and kissing up your neck, stops short, regarding you carefully, “Who told you that?”
For the life of you, you can’t seem to remember. Who had told you? Everything seems foggy, but Steve hasn’t denied it, so you soldier on: “Don’t remember who told me, but...but…but, you–”
“Yeah, I did.” Steve cuts you off, before flipping your dress up and bunching it around your waist, his hand going straight between your legs as his lips return to your neck, lapping against your jagged mark. You gasp – either at what he’s said or the feel of his fingers ripping your panties in half, you’re not sure.
“Mm, you’re so fucking hot, baby,” Steve murmurs against your skin, almost as if he hasn’t just confessed to doing exactly what you accused him of. His thumb and forefinger pinch your clit and you jump, “My little baby fairy, all drunk and innocent, waiting for daddy to take care of you, huh?”
“Steve,” you whine, not wanting to fall victim to his expert touch, how he knows your body so well. Pushing your dress down and exposing your breasts, his mouth immediately latches on to your nipple, and you resist the urge to moan, “Steve, please! You… you and Nat… you–”
Steve groans in exasperation, giving your nipple a hearty suck before lifting his head back up, looking half bored and half annoyed. “It’s not that serious, omega. It happened years ago, just forget it.”
You pout and he sighs.
“It was freshman year, okay? I barely remember fucking her. Bucky fucked her too. And Sam. In fact, she’s gone through the entire football team. I told you she’s a cheap whore – nothing like you – and this is why.”
Your mouth drops open, even in your drunken state, you don’t like how he’s talking about her.
“You’re my perfect little baby, all pure and innocent,” Steve coos, pinching your cheek before kissing you, pressing his leg between your thighs and grinding it forward, making you gasp and grab hold of his strong arms. “This is why you’re different from them, omega. In your cute little fairy dress while the rest of those sluts out there are dressed like trashy whores.”
You hate how he’s talking, hate how horrifically misogynistic him and his friends all are. Because your dress is practically lingerie – you’re just as scantily clad as the other girls at the party. But his scent is distracting you, as is the alcohol pumping in your system, making you needy, making your carnal want for him amplify times ten.
“Gonna fuck you in your little fairy dress again, baby.” Steve informs you, turning you around abruptly and giving your bare ass a harsh slap. Your poor panties lie ripped up somewhere on the floor, but that’s the least of your concerns as Steve pushes you down till you’re lying flat on the sink top, your ass in the air and Steve’s dick in his hand.
“Can’t get enough of you in this little get-up. And I just know all the guys are so fucking jealous. They all wanna fuck you, but they can’t. Only I get to see you like this. My baby omega, bent over and getting fucked like it’s your job.” He gives your ass another harsh slap before entering you, and you gasp, gripping onto the counter, all the drunken worries slowly dissipating as your head goes empty when you feel his fat dick against your tight walls.
“Look at you, head’s already going empty, huh?”
“Mm, daddy,” you mewl.
“That’s right, forget about everything else. You did so good, omega, planning your first Halloween party. You made me so proud, baby, so you can stop thinking now. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
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THE END! I know that was kind of an abrupt ending but trust me, i had to end it somewhere otherwise i would’ve kept going! i was just in the mood to write something on theme for october for this pairing, so there we go! PLEASE, please, please do let me know what you think! Feedback is so so SO appreciated!! Also, POYT 4 is coming very soon, i’m almost done with it! i just love writing poyt drabbles sometimes too! Please let me know what you think, and i hope you enjoyed! thank you!
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julilovesyou444 · 10 months
the only exception ~ tom kaulitz
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background: you and Tom had been hooking up for a while now, probably close to around half a year. you had a big crush on him but were very aware that he didn’t do relationships, so even though you were ‘physically’ with him, you never let yourself get super emotionally attached. Tom couldn’t say the same for himself, though. He wanted you, and only you.
warnings: nothing much just kissing and swearing lol
a/n~ sorry for being m.I.a!! I had to visit my dad in serbia and it sucked because I hate my dad and he hates me lolllll speaking of I wrote a fic that was requested where like the ready has daddy issues and tom like helps her through it but I think I made it wayyyy to like serious I think the word is? and its very long so I’m considering scrapping it idk, also I’m getting to all ur requests that I wanna do dont worry !!
“hello?”, i said, picking up my phone. it was tom, my long-term fling. I can’t remember exactly how I met him, or exactly how we started hooking-up. I had heard about his band before we met, and I thought they were cool, but i didn’t quite understand just how popular they were. Until after meeting Tom, i didnt know about his ‘reputation’ either. I didn’t know until after the first time we hooked up. He had made us trade numbers, and i was expecting a call at least a day or two after we had seen each other, but nothing. I decided to do some research, just to find out that the boy i was crushing on was in fact a hardcore player. A womanizer, if you will. Part of me wanted to never go out with him again, the smart part of me. But another part of me wanted him so badly, so overwhelmingly bad that I went with my heart instead of my head. I liked Tom, I really did. I couldn’t help it. But I didn’t want myself to get hurt, so I expected just about nothing from him. We fuck and then it’s over. Whenever he would ask me to stay the night or do any of that stuff, I would politely decline and leave. Sometimes we would go out and do non-sexual things, but they always ended sexual. I learned to become okay with that, and I ultimately stopped expecting us to do anything that was hooking up.
“Hey, are you busy?”, he asked.
“Hmm, i dont know, maybe, depends on why you’re calling.”, I teased. he chuckled.
“Uh-huh… well I was thinking, that if you’re free, I could take you out somewhere.”
“take me out, huh? is that code for fucking?”, this earned me another laugh.
“no, no, it can be, but I want to actually take you out.”, he chuckled.
“are you asking me out on a date?”, i asked, a little confused.
I was quiet for a second, apparently a second too long.
“look if you dont want to, we don’t have to, I just thought-“, he started.
“no, no! sorry! I was thinking but yes, I’m free and we should go out!”, I interrupted. I heard him release a breath he was holding, probably one he didn’t intend for me to hear.
“okay, yea, cool. when can I pick you up?”
“hmm let’s say in about 30 minutes? does that work?”
“mhm, I’ll see you then.”
“bye.”, he said just before I hung up.
tom kaulitz. taking me out on a date?? what????
I got up almost immediately and started to get ready. I wanted to look as cute as possible. I ran over to my wardrobe and searched through it for a good five minutes. I found this super cute, also pretty tiny, pleated denim skirt and this purple and black top that had a lot of lace detailing and these little puffy princess sleeves. I put on some jewelry, makeup, and these black boots I had. I left my hair down, i noticed that when I did, Tom always complimented it. I grabbed my purse and threw some gum, lipgloss, my phone, and my little digital camera in there.
I glanced at the clock and saw that he should be here any minute. I stepped outside and waited for about 3 minutes, which would’ve been fine, if it wasn’t as cold as it was. I didn’t feel like going back in, just in case he showed up right as i did. I was shivering a tiny bit and got some goosebumps, but to my relief, and pulled in front of my house not too much later. I got in, the warm air of his car heaters hitting me.
“shit, you look freezing. how long were you out there for?”, Tom asked, looking genuinely concerned.
“I’m cold but I’m fine.”, I laughed it off.
“okay, do you need a jacket or-“
“No!! I’m serious! I’m okay.”, I laughed some more.
“okay, okay! just checking.”, he smiled. I watched as his eyes did a quick scan over me.
“you look pretty. your hair looks really nice too.”, he said, his eyes averting back forward as he began to drive away.
“thank you. you don’t look too bad yourself.”
he playfully rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help but smile as well.
“sooo… where are we going?”, I questioned.
“you’ll see.”
“Oh, c’mon. I hate surprises.”
“You’ll like this one, trust me.”
I sighed and faced myself back forward. Some radio station was playing softly in the background as we raced down the highway.
the drive to the mystery place wasn’t far, only a 20 minute drive, which I filled with a lot of talking. mainly about random stuff, Tom telling a few jokes which never failed to make me laugh. He pulled into a parking lot which only had a few other cars. I looked around, it looked like we were at some kind of fancy park. A garden maybe? He leaned over the center console and grabbed something from the backseat.
Tom dropped a large black zip up jacket in my lap.
“My jacket, so you aren’t freezing your ass off the entire time.”
“Oh, thank you.”, i said quietly. He got out of the car and made his way to the back. I followed his lead, getting out of the car, putting on the jacket but not zipping it. I walked around to the back of the car where the trunk was open. There were two big woven picnic baskets. Tom grabbed both and I shut the trunk door as he began to walk off. I caught up with him.
“Do you want me to carry one?”, i motioned to the baskets.
“It’s okay, just follow me.”, he said, continuing his venture into the park. I followed close behind.
We didn’t walk for long, it was a really beautiful park. There were lots of flowers and little benches everywhere. Lots of really big and beautiful trees too. We stopped in front of this big pond, the water was so clear you could see the miniature fish swimming. there was a swan that swam around too.
Tom opened one of the baskets, revealing a big blanket. Without a word, I helped him spread it out over the fluffy grass. He sat down on it and patted the little space next to him, indicating for me to sit down as well. I did. He grabbed the other basket next to him and moved it to be in front of us. Tom opened it and inside were a ton of snacks. All of my favorites. I was shocked to say the least.
“Oh my god, how did you know?”, i said, mouth slightly agaped. He looked proud of himself.
“You mentioned some of your favorite snacks once or twice.”, he nonchalantly shrugged.
“This is lovely, Tom.”, I replied, sounding as genuine as I ever had. His eyes met mine and I gave him a little smile which he returned.
“What is all of this for?”, i added.
“Just wanted to do something nice for you, I guess.”, he mumbled and looked away.
I gently placed my hand over his, his head turned to mine.
“I appreciate it, I really do.”, i smiled. my thumb caressed his hand for a second.
“I like spending time with you, y’know? even when we’re not…”, he trailed off. I laughed, taking my hand off his, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by Tom.
I grabbed one of the many snacks he packed and started to eat. In between bites, I would ramble about different things. He always would just listen to me talk, admiring me as he did. This went on for a while. Tom started eating some. Somewhere in the midst of this, my position changed. I now had my head laid across his legs, my legs stretched out and my hair splayed all over his lap. i stopped eating and just started talking. Tom gazed down at me. Eventually he lit a cigarette and started smoking. He held the cigarettes between his pointer and middle finger, moving it down for me to take a puff. I did, peering into his eyes as I did so. They weren’t filled with their normal lust, but they looked like they had something else in them. I couldn’t figure it out.
Tom talked some too, mainly making crude jokes. I always laughed, no matter how stupid. I think he enjoyed that.
He took a hit and then leaned over, his mouth hovering over mine. I opened and allowed him to blow the smoke in my mouth. He sat back up and watched as slowly blew it out.
“I know this isn’t a normal thing to do when we ‘meet up’, but i really like it.”, Tom said, his fingers intertwined with the ends of my hair.
“Really?”, i asked. I knew for a fact he enjoyed my body, but I wasn’t aware he liked spending time with me when we weren’t doing one another.
“yea… why’s that so shocking?”
“Um, i dont know. I guess I thought you really only wanted sex from me.”
“Uh, I guess that’s just what I wanted at first. But the more I started seeing you, the more I wanted to see you again.”
“Yea, and whenever I would invite you to stay over or do anything like that, you would always say no. Kind of assumed you were the one who only wanted me for sex.”
“I don’t, I just assumed you were trying to be polite or something. It’s stupid, I guess.”
“No, it’s not. At this point, you know me and you know the reputation I have, so i understood why you thought that.”
“Sorry…”, I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Don’t be sorry.”
We sat in silence for a few moments, but it wasn’t awkward.
“I was thinking about maybe doing this kinda thing more often with you, I mean, we can still do our normal things we do, but maybe we can start doing more of this too.”
“What? Like go on dates?”, i furrowed my brows.
“Yea, something like that.”
“I feel like that’s something only couples do.”, i sorta laughed. He was quiet, which made me sit up, I looked over at him. He was staring at his lap in my absence.
“Is that… not a possibility?”, he murmured.
“But… I thought you dont do commitment? and relationships?”
“Yea, i dont usually.”
“I can’t go on dates with you and act all boyfriend-girlfriend unless you are actually going to commit. I’m not going to do that to myself, Tom. I can’t let myself get hurt like that.”, i said quietly but sternly. I had to be sensible, i didn’t want to be just another girl that got fooled by Tom Kaulitz.
“I know, but i want to try.”, he looked up at me with pleading eyes.
“What changed? What’s different now than from when I first met you?”, I asked, still unsure.
“I hate talking about my feelings.”, he huffed.
“I’m not gonna judge you or anything, I just need to know.”
“You changed me. You did. I didn’t want to date any of the girls I hooked up with for one night because they just weren’t worth it and they didn’t mean that much to me. You’re one of the only girls I’ve consistently seen for more than a month. I haven’t gotten with any other girl than you for like 4 months. I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t ignore it. And I want more of you. More than just the physical aspects. Dont get me wrong, I love those parts of you too, but i want you for more than just your body. Dude, I can’t stop saying stupid ass jokes to you just because I want to hear your laugh. So yeah, I haven’t ever really commited before because I didn’t really do relationship. But, for you, it’s different. You are the only exception.”
“What? Really? I had zero idea you felt that way at all…”, I replied, astounded.
“Well I do feel that way and have for a little while now.”
“You aren’t playing with me, right?”, i asked, still not believing it.
“Really?? I practically just confessed myself to you and you still don’t believe me?”
“Okay, I’m sorry! You’re right, this was just, unexpected from you.”
“So… what do you think?”
“I want you too, Tom.”, I managed to say. A smile grew on his once nervous face. He cupped my face in his hands and began to lean in.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Mhm.”, i responded. He kissed me so passionately, I felt like I was floating. My hand went to his jaw, my thumb subconsciously tracing little hearts on his lower cheek. I could feel him smile into the kiss. I pulled away, my forehead still connected with his. I started giggling a little, looking away and hiding my face.
“Oh, c’mon. Dont be shy, now.”, Tom pulled my back towards him so I was leaned against his frame, his arms wrapped around my torso. He left little kisses on the top of my head.
“Hm?”, he hummed.
“Can’t believe I was your only exception.”, i said with a cocky smile in attempt to poke fun at him.
I could feel him roll his eyes.
“Uh-huh, whatever. Its true.”
“I kinda never thought this day would come.”, i said, my finger trailing up and down his, that rested on my stomach.
“Yea, me too, I guess. But I’m glad that it did.”
I smiled, turning my head around to kiss him again.
A new beginning.
His first real relationship.
It was me, I was his only exception.
Something about that phrase made me feel like the most special girl in the world.
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robbsstar · 11 months
cute crush head cannons w jace ! pls 💕💕
of course, my love<3, will be my firs time doing a headcanon 😃
Jacaerys Velaryon has a crush on Reader- fluff
masterlist <-
-Jacaerys was known for being one of the most respectful man in the Targaryen blood line, also a gentleman. But he also had quite the pride being the heir to the iron throne and all that- ignoring that he IS a bastard.
-He would behave just like his mother had taught him. Respectful and kind. He had never met you or your family, he only heard from Daemon and his mother that your family was an important asset to theirs.
-Since he had never met you before, he of course would be struck by your beauty, he would make it known by lingering his eyes on you. His body posture immediately straightens after your gaze found his and your eyes checked him out with a shy smile.
-It was not a secret that your parents were trying to unite your houses with a wedding. While you stayed in Dragonstone, he would be the one showing you around Dragonstone and making you feel welcome.
-Your conversations would first be about your political views or random and awkward topics like the weather. Though after you grow closer you would share your interests and conversation in general would feel not so forced anymore.
-Jacaerys would be the type to recognize his feeling toward someone and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Yes he would feel nervous around but he would have it under control- ignoring Lucerys in the backround, the younger one would so try to ruin your image of the 'Respectful and Kind Prince Jacaerys Velaryon'.
-Jace would make it his mission to 'woo' you as Daemon told him he had apparently done with Rhaenrya. His goal was to have you impressed by him and have you admire him.
-He would definitely be the type to get your attention by 'accidently' brushing your hand or hip. As his objective would be to impress you, Jace would gift you either a jewellery piece with a historical meaning behind it or he would surprise you with something you hold dear- like something from your hometown. He would memorize anything you tell him.
-When you aren't present he would make a list- a plan- and listed the things he wanted to show you- impress you with. Jace would so hide it under it somewhere in his room so Lucerys would not find it.
-He would ask you if you wanted to see his dragon. At first you would be a little sceptical about meeting the he-dragon since they weren't a stranger for burning people and sheep alive but your worries slightly vanished after Jace promised you he had Vermax under control and nothing would happen to you.
-Since Jacaerys is a gentleman, almost womanizer- I am a HARDCORE believer he would lead people- women- by placing his hand on their waist or hip while walking behind them. So on your way to his dragon, Jace would hold you by your waist and walk just half a step behind you while whispering reassurances in your ear, making his and you hearts flutter like crazy.
-On the outside he presents himself as confident and sure, especially in front of you. Hence Daemon likes to watch his stepson fidget in front of a mirror, checking his hair or attire for any stains or wrinkles before going to you. The rogue prince would often share the gossip with his wife, Rhaenrya.
-He would want to teach you more about the Targaryen history but most had important Valryian phrases which would make the stories way more exciting. So would Jace prepare and force himself to take more lessons in Valryian. He would ask his mother to teach him more, hoping she would not tease him. Rhaenrya loves her children- of course, so she would encourage all decisions by her sons. His nervousness would instantly be replaced by faith and self-confidence.
-The day would come where he wishes to tell you about all the historical events regarding the Targaryen's, wars and deaths. You two enjoyed the walk in the halls while you clung to his arm and he took you to statues or paintings.
-Since his attention is on you all the time, he would notice your eyes staring at him while he explained a Valryian Phrase, clear admiration shown in your eyes. So he his confident would spike and pride fill his heart AND head.
-Soon the pride would turn into a disaster. While Jacaerys spoke, he would feel your head lean on his shoulder and your hands squeeze his arm. You had meant to show him that you were paying attention but his thoughts left his mind like his confidence his body. He would begin to stutter and butcher his quick learned Valryian. He would feel so embarrassed, he tried to avoid you the next hours.
-He would shame himself and his efforts. Jace would think he had done too much and he was beginning to annoy you- he did not but he didn't know that. No one else before him had made you feel so appreciated, so you were deeply moved by his antics.
-After one time you had finally caught him and take him on a walk on the beach, he would muster up the courage and apologize to you for 'ruining' the day and trying to to avoid you. So he continued to make you feel joy with success and fails.
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little-emerald-snake · 5 months
Smutmas Day 24
"Do you think of me when you touch yourself?" - Garreth Weasley X F!MC
937 words
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Warnings: forced admission of crush
Garreth had brewed a perfect Veritaserum. He hadn’t had a chance to test it but he knew it, could feel that it was perfect. It was the same sense of knowing that had him feeling like the new girl was hardcore crushing on him and had refused to say anything.
Garreth had a sense of things and while many people teased him for this knowing he ignored the jibes. This knowing had never let him down before and it wasn’t about to now.
He’d originally brewed the Veritaserum for an extra credit assignment for Professor Sharp, a special assignment to have Sharp be a positive reference for jobs in the future.
But he’d thankfully been able to sneak just enough of the brew for his own dose. He knew it was wrong but when he was so certain she wanted him he would do anything he could to get the secret out of her.
He’d brewed her a special drink for the holiday, bringing it to her in a little red jar in the shape of a heart. There was a white little bow around the neck of the bottle as well.
When he’d caught up to her in the Great Hall as she decorated for the Yule Ball he’d quickly pulled her aside and presented her with the gift. “Hello, gorgeous, I made this for you as a gift. But…it does come with a condition.”
Her eyes sparkled with interest as she turned to him, gaping at the pretty bottle. “Ooohh, Garreth! What is it? What’s the condition?”
Garreth was internally fist pumping at her excited reaction, the shy little tilt of her head as she looked him head to toe in a more than friendly way made his heart soar. “Tomorrow while everyone is at the ball…come see me in the potions classroom. I want you to try another drink like this one, one that I think you’ll like better, but I just need a taste tester for it.”
She smiled brightly, accepting the bottle from him and nodding as a small blush crept onto her features. He smiled, knowing he had it in the bag as he walked away with a sly grin.
The next day he patiently brewed her the sweet drink he’d concocted with her favorite flavors in mind, his heart rate speeding up at the sound of light knocks rapping against the door.
He turned just in time to see her step inside and shut the door behind her. “Hi, Garreth. I’ve come to taste your brew. The one you gave me yesterday was incredible.”
He smiled, making sure to block her view as she stepped in, using it as a distraction to add the truth telling concoction to his mixture. “That’s wonderful. If you like that one then this should definitely be to your taste then. Come on and sit down. I’ll pour you a cup.”
He did exactly that as she took a seat on the stool beside him, wiggling in her spot to get comfortable. He handed her the cup and she took a sniff before sipping from the steaming warmth.
Although it appeared steaming, it was the perfect temperature for her to drink. It tasted even better then the one he’d made her yesterday and she hummed in appreciation.
His eyes narrowed as he turned, hiding the smirk while he asked. “How’s it taste?”
Without even thinking she blurted out. “Tastes amazing! Even better than yesterdays! Like you brewed it with my favorite flavors in mind.”
She blushed at the admission but it wasn’t too odd since it was the truth. She couldn’t help but feel like the answer was almost forced past her lips though. “I’m so glad you like it darling. I have another question for you. Do you like someone here at school?”
She answered almost immediately. She put her hands over her mouth, cheeks going red as she hid her face. “Yes. I do like someone. Wait, I didn't mean to say that! What?!”
Garreth grinned wickedly. “Yes dear, I know you didn’t. But I know a pretty, shy girl like you won’t be honest with me. So I had to make sure you’d be a good girl, and tell me what I want to know. So tell me. Who is it?”
She tried to keep herself from speaking but the words were nearly forced from her mouth as he leaned back against the edge of the potions station. “It’s you. I like you.”
She hung her head, shame burning her cheeks, but she didn’t move, didn’t even try to escape which he’d almost thought would be the case. “Is that so? Do you think about me often, darling?”
Through clenched teeth she confirmed that she did and he could almost swear he heard her heart beating as he pushed off the station, coming to stand in front of her, placing a hand on her chin and tilting her face up to his. “Oh? What about when you’re alone in your bed and your body is craving something. Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
She went nearly scarlett in the face, her glittery eyes meeting his with a lustful / embarrassed expression swirling within them. “Yes.”
He chuckled darkly, leaning down and connecting their lips briefly, allowing the hand on her chin to slide up her thigh, thumb tracing small circles as his other hand gripped onto the station behind her. “What a good girl, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear, how I think we should go let you experience these fantasies now, since you’ve been so good for me.”
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ravcns · 10 months
Cool With You
spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: you are hardcore crushing on your coworker not knowing he feels the same and everyone else sees it but you two
tw: usual criminal minds stuff, violence, choking, near death experiences
You were waiting to get coffee; the kitchenette was quite crowded since everyone needed it. Your attention was on him though as he added two packs of sugar to his coffee. Then you saw something out of the ordinary he was making another cup of coffee, adding a generous amount of creamer to it. He was walking your way you hoped your staring went unnoticed. “Coffee the way you like it; enough creamer until the drink turns almost white.” Spencer said with a smile, handing it to you. Upon taking a sip you realized it tastes similar to when you would make it. You thanked him, hoping that drinking the coffee would hide the blush growing on your face. The team watched on as the two of you avoided eye contact.
It seemed the only people oblivious to your secret crushes were you two. For a team of profilers they put it together quite fast; the lingering stares when the other wasn’t looking, small gestures, things you both remembered about eachother that even the team didn’t, and of course the most obvious sign was the way you both clammed up when somebody asked you about one another. But of course it was chalked down to, “We are just really good friends.” Neither of you wanted to admit it for some reason and it was painful to watch, even for Hotch. When Spencer came over to play with Jack the ever so observant kid could see it too. “You like Y/n.” Jack said, putting a puzzle piece down. This caught Spencer off guard. He quickly replied, “I do not she is my colleague and good friend; I respect her.” Though he did stumble over a few words, causing Hotch to laugh from the kitchen; Spencer wanted to crawl in a hole. “How’s the puzzle going?” Hotch asked, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee for himself and water for Spencer. “Daddy, Uncle Reid has a crush on Y/n!” The energetic child stated. Aaron even cracked a smile at this, “Oh really?” He said. “Hotch I don’t.” Spencer responded. “I don’t know. What do you think buddy?” He picked up his son and asked. “You do too!” Jack stuck his tongue out and laughed. Hotch wondered how you both were so unaware.
“Watch your step.” Reid warned, guiding you up the hill. “Thanks Spence.” You said. The current case at hand was catching a serial killer and the team had him cornered. Problem being was that his cabin is at the top of a steep hill; no vehicles could get up or down and the path was hard to walk. When the team finally had arrived they quickly busted down the front and back doors. You and JJ took the basement, “Clear and we found the victim, she’s alive.” JJ informed the team. You left her with the young girl and walked up the steps catching the guy making a break for the back door. “I got eyes on Carter he is making a run for it, pursing him now.” You said, sprinting after him. “Alex Carter, FBI; You’re under arrest for the murders of Lauren Palmer, Emilia Cruz, Morgan Lee, and the kidnapping of Brianna King. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” You had him that’s the thing the dude was handcuffed now. “We just found three unidentified bodies in the attic.” Morgan said into the comms. “Three?” You repeated back. “Yeah, Hotch and Reid are coming out to you now.” He responded.
That’s when the unsub started to struggle. He began moving erratically, irritating you. “We can add refusal to cooperate to the list of you keep struggling.” You stated. He just looked at you with this sick and unsettling expression, suddenly you could hear the sound of handcuffs breaking. Then he pushed back against your body and kicked you in the shin, causing you to lose your hold on his arms. Immediately Carter was on top of you, squeezing his hands on your neck. All that could come out strangled gasps for air. “Step away from the agent, Carter.” Hotch said when him and Reid arrived. Spencer just watched in horror as you struggled to breathe and tears streamed down your face. “Think about your sister Alex, would she have wanted this?” Hotch asked, trying and hoping to find some reason. It didn’t seem to get through and a shot rang out in the air, alerting the remaining team members in the cabin. Reid immediately rushed to you, pulling you out from under the unsubs slack body. His gun was long forgotten. Hotch was thankful it was only a shot in the arm that shocked the guy who realized what had happened. Once again he was handcuffed this time by Hotch who said, “No funny business; you’re also under arrest assault on a federal agent.”
Spencer stuck with you from helping your trembling figure down the hill to sitting with you in the back of the ambulance ride. Even in the emergency room he refused to leave your side. “Spence I’m fine.” You told him for the billionth time while grabbing your stuff and exiting with him following behind you. The team immediately greeting you in the waiting room voicing their concerns and asking how you were doing. “They said the bruising should fade in a few weeks.” You informed them. Hotch inquired since it was protocol after all that you take time off but it was declined. “Aaron if I get put on paperwork I’ll lose it, please.” His mouth formed into a straight line before he answered, “Alright then, take it easy.”
It a few weeks later during one of your movie nights with Reid that he couldn’t take it anymore. “How are you doing?” He asked with a genuine look on his face as the random horror movie you selected played. “I’m good, why?” You responded. “Y/n, I know all your tells.” He stated. “What?” You just stared at him. “Playing with the left front strand of your hair when you are in thought, you bite your lip when you’re upset or annoyed, and when lying you twist the bracelet on your wrist atleast two times as if it irritates you like you’re doing right now.” Spencer said, causing you to stop yourself mid second turn. He continued, “I’m a profiler but first I’m your friend. Did you not think I wouldn’t notice somethings wrong?” At the word friend it felt like your heart was being squeezed and you had to stop yourself from biting your lip. He really was right about your tells and you didn’t know why but this upset you. “And you’re upset now that I said something.” Reid stated the obvious. “I’m not.” You responded. “Then why are you getting defensive?” He questioned, causing you to sigh in defeat. “I think I’m going to head home now.” You said. Spencer looked at your figure sadly as you grabbed your stuff.
He was tired of dancing around his feelings; you not being aware of the fact that other people care and just continuously putting yourself in dangerous positions. He desperately wanted you to know that you didn’t need to do those things. “I don’t want to watch you just walk away.” He said in this small voice, causing you to pause. Spencer took this as an invitation to continue, “There are so many people who care about you and just want to be here for you, I care. I can’t let you leave and ice me out because your too stubborn to let someone in.” You started moving again to leave and this time he stopped you. “I want to be the person you lean on when you’re in pain, help your realize that you don’t need to go through these things alone, or the fact you don’t need to prove yourself to the team or me.” Reid stated, looking you in the eye. “Y/n I think-”, He stopped himself then looked like he was in thought. “No I know that I am in love with you, Y/n L/n, and I have been since that day in Los Angeles.” Spencer spoke with clarity in his voice.
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faretheeoscar · 1 month
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But Steven I love Him
Swiftie! Steven Grant with mini HC (self insert)
•Steven is a hardcore Swiftie and has been listening non stop to TTPD since it dropped out last week
•The day it came out he was eagerly awaiting in the living room refreshing non stop all platforms available until it popped up
•He also immediately got the hoodie and has been wearing it non stop like the cute fanboy he is 🥺
•After Fortnight started playing, Steven cried not even 20 seconds into the song
•Also….Is that Harrow on the music video almost lobotomising Taylor?!
•He info dumped and theorised on which song was dedicated to which ex man in Taylor’s life, surprisingly he has a vast knowledge on Taylor’s love life (he denies it but has a HUGE crush on her, who is her trying to fool? Me? Nah)
•When he listens to The smallest man who ever lived he starts ranting about how outrageous the song is
“This song is definitely for that muppet Healy”
“Oh my days, what a bloody shame for us brits”
“I need to apologise to her in behalf of all British men”
“Cause we are not like that and you know it luv”
•He’s definitely annoyed towards that certain band member I’m wearing a sweatshirt from
That he totally got pissed also for me buying it when I went to the concert with my friends last month (He’s low-key jealous of “muppet Healy” )
“Luv what do you mean this was 70 quid?”
“Steven you spend much more money in books and other stuff”
“Yeah but is educational, I don’t spend that much amount of money on an ugly washcloth” *sighs*
“But you spent 85…”
“I’m gonna go online and try to buy you a decent sweater like mine, we don’t want to keep seeing you with that sickening thing”
•I think due to his personal beef TTPD is now definitely his favourite era
•and of course his favourite song is “So Long London”
“Are you kidding me? She wrote that indirectly for me, it’s basically my old life!” (Before I found you 👉🏻👈🏻)
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In conclusion
My hyper fixations clashed again and I needed to doodle it cause that’s how my brain works.
I’m a 1975 enjoyer but also I’m a swiftie BITE ME STEVEN, I will keep wearing the sweatshirt to annoy you 💜
Shout out to both my friends Alyssa that screamed the same things to me that steven is pissed about when we listened to the album together
Also in a month I finally get to go to The Eras Tour! yay’
Let me know if you have theories about Steven being a swiftie!
Taking the liberty to tag 🏷️
@winniethewife @marc-spectorr @justafandomgvrl @femmeanonymelives @rams00
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gretavanfleetlove · 2 years
Miguel Diaz having a crush on you~~
Before we start there may be S5 spoilers. I’ve been watching it I have the last two episodes left!!! I dunno but this is going off of S5 :)
So likeee
This boy is ACTUALLY smitten by you
You guys met through Hawk, you were one of his friends first
He introduced you and Miguel because he had just broken up with Sam. And you had just broken up with Robby.
“H-hey! … I’m Miguel by the way.”
“I figured haha. I’m Y/n.”
After the awkward introduction, Hawk decided to leave you guys alone.
And you hit it off immediately!!!
Afterwards, you start sitting with Miguel, Hawk and the others at lunch.
The group adopted you immediately, except for Sam
During class Miguel kept staring at you
At the end of the day he invited you over for dinner with Johnny, Robby, Carmen, and his Yaya
They love you!
Which of course you were ecstatic about
Johnny and Robby, continually winking at Miguel when they thought you weren’t looking
It was a tad awkward for you with Robby being there. But he was honestly happy for you and Miguel.
It was a relief to see how close Robby and Miguel have gotten.
After Miguel walks you home he calls Hawk and Demetri immediately
“DUDE you guys are gonna get married”
I literally don’t know how men talk to each other-
“Miguel you have to ask her out on an actual date.”
After your guys’ first kiss he spirals.
Even after you guys start dating you are still his crush
He never gets tired of being with you, listening to you talk, etc
You’re literally his biggest fan!
And he’s the same for you!
After Carmen has the baby…….
He’s so happy he is literally SO happy
You love watching him hold the baby he’s so caring and gentle
Placing little kisses on its forehead.
He never lets Cobra Kai mess with you anymore..
After Eagle Fang/ Miyagi Do got into the tournament. And they found out you’re friends/ helping them.
They went after you hardcore! Especially Kenny
But either way you guys care for each other constantly. And that situation really highlighted that.
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
My Girl (Pt.2)
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!)
Top!Robin x Top!Nancy x Trans!girl bottom!reader (Somewhat Modern)
Notes: Reader is AMAB and transitioned hormonally before puberty, underage drinking
Part 1:
You and Robin had been dating for months now and the two of you were so in love. One night, you and Robin were talking about everyone in the group while tipsy. It all started a couple days ago when your parents said they were going to be leaving this weekend to go visit some family members. You called Robin immediately and told her the news. It was now Saturday night, Robin had just gotten off from work and came straight to your house. When she arrived, the two of you greeted each other with a kiss and you said, “Guess what I have?” With an excited smile on her face, Robin said, “What? Tell me!” You walked into your kitchen and pulled out a bottle of vodka from a cabinet below the sink. Robin said, “Yes!” and you said, “Have you eaten enough to drink?” She smiled at your concern and said, “I had breakfast, lunch, and snacked throughout the day, thank you for caring, sweet girl.” The two of you opened the bottle and passed it between each other. You started talking about the group and Robin said, “Do you remember your first impressions of everyone? I’m really interested because I’ve known them or known of them for such a long time. You were new though, you knew nothing about them.” A puzzling look appeared on your face and you said, “I uh- I think so, yeah.” Robin replied, “Great! Okay, cool. What was your first impression of Steve?” You laughed and said, “A big flirt and someone who’s way too obsessed with his hair.” She replied, “Well, you weren’t wrong on that one, (Y/N). You hit the nail right on the head.” You laughed and said, “Now that I know him though, I know that he’s much more than that and he’s a very caring person.” Robin smiled and said, “He is. He’s changed a lot, he’s a great guy. Don’t you dare tell him I said that!” You laughed again and said, “I wouldn’t dare give him an ego boost.” The two if you were dying laughing now and after you both calmed down, Robin continued. She said, “What about Eddie?” and you replied, “Oh, Eds! So, from his appearance I thought he was super scary and probably mean. Once he starts to talk though, I realized it’s just a facade. He was so sweet and funny, I liked him a lot when I first met him.” Robin said, “That was mine too! Yeah, totally thought he was this hardcore metal guy that was super dark. He’s really the total opposite!” The two of you giggled and here comes the question you didn’t want to answer. Robin says, “Last but not least, Nancy.”
Your face went red recalling your first impression of Nancy, you looked back on it, replaying it in your head. Everyone was at Steve’s waiting for you and Robin to arrive, waiting to meet you. When you first saw her, your heart stopped for a moment, seeing a beautiful girl with a smile on her face waiting to talk to you. Your first impression was that she was stunning, that was it. Then, when she started talking, asking you interesting questions, and wanting to get to know you more, you realized how much you enjoyed talking to her. You replied back, “I uh- I uh um- I don’t remember.” Robin studied your face, your red cheeks, your body slightly tense, and said, “Bullshit.” She laughed and said, “Wanna tell me the truth now, sweetheart?” You looked down and said, “I uh- I- Well, found her very nice and I liked how she asked me interesting questions. Mhmmm, that’s all.” Again, Robin said, “Bullshit” and laughed. She said, “You totally thought she was hot, didn’t you? You can admit it, (Y/N), it’s okay.” You continued looking down at the floor and mumbled, “Y- Yeah. I uh- I did. I thought she was beautiful.” Robin teased you and said, “You have a little crush on Nance!”, then started giggling. You shot your head up and replied in a playful tone, “I do not! I love you, you idiot!” with a smile on your face. She smiled back and said, “I love you too, but you totally do!” You playfully shoved her and she said, “I mean, who hasn’t. It’s Nancy fucking Wheeler for crying out loud.” You giggled and replied, “Good point”, then Robin cupped your cheeks. She said, “I have the hottest girl to call mine, right here” and she kissed you lightly. The two of you kissed for a while, before Robin admitted to being tired after her long day of working and dealing with customers. You both went to your room and got ready for bed. After you both were in your pajamas, Robin laid flat on the bed and you cuddled into her. Once you were comfy, she turned the light off and you two said, “I love you” to each other, before falling asleep. The next day, everyone had taken off work to hangout at your house and watch movies. You were in the living room with Robin and you got a call close to 11:00am from Steve saying that he and Eddie weren’t feeling well. Something about Eddie cooking dinner for him last night and he believes Eddie gave them food poisoning. You laughed and said, “Alright, I hope you both feel better.” Robin said, “Who was that?” and you said, “Steve, he said he and Eddie are sick. Apparently Eddie cooked them dinner last night and Steve thinks Eddie gave them food poisoning.” She started laughing and you said, “Looks like it’s just the girls.” Robin teased you and said, “Mhmmm, just two beautiful girls, what are you gonna do with yourself, pretty girl?” You lightly shoved her and said, “Don’t make me regret telling you what I said last night!” Robin smirked and said, “You don’t already?”, then started dying laughing. After she stopped laughing, she grabbed you by your waist and kissed you. You kissed her back hard and she reciprocated.
When you released from the kiss, out of breath, you checked the time on your watch. You said, “We do have some time before Nancy’s supposed to be here.” Robin said, “So needy pretty girl, so needy for me. Huh (Y/N)?” You replied, “Mhmmm, want you Rob. Need you.” She grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your bedroom. You closed the door behind you and Robin pushed you onto the bed, a moan leaving your lips, as your back hit the mattress. She smiled and said, “Mmmm, those pretty moans get me every time, sweet girl.” Then, she started kissing on your neck, which turned into sucking deep bruises. Her hands were under your shirt, pinching your nipples and making you breathily moan her name. You started to get hard quick and buck your hips, causing Robin to grin. She said, “You want me to touch you, pretty girl?” You replied, “Fuck, please Robin! Robin, please!” Robin pulled down your pants and underwear, then started stroking your beautiful cock, causing you to moan. She said, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this. So beautiful and ready for me to use.” You whined and said, “R- Ride m- me, please! Please, Rob!” Robin said, “Good girl, using your manners, that’s my good girl” and she got off the bed. She took off her pants and underwear, then climbed back onto the bed. You took a finger and put it right on her clit, rubbing it a bit to get her more wet. After 30 seconds or so, Robin climbed on top of you and you gently guided her down onto your pretty cock. She moaned at the feeling and her head found it’s way to your chest. You started guiding her hips up and down, both moaning at the sensations. It only took a couple minutes for the two of you to get close to reaching your climax. You and Robin were so drawn into each other that you didn’t hear a knock at the door. What’s even worse is that neither one of you heard it open or Nancy calling for either of you. Neither one of you heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, nor the door to your bedroom open. You didn’t notice Nancy until a loud gasp and “Oh shit!” left her lips. She stood at the door, eyes wide and too in shock to close the door.
You felt uncomfortable, not only because you were naked, but mostly because now someone else knew your secret. Robin got off of you, making you whimper from being so close to your climax. She turned to face Nancy and noticed that her cheeks were pink. She also noticed her pupils were starting to expand and a big grin appeared on Robin’s face. Robin said, “Like what you see, Nance?” and Nancy replied, “I uh- I uh- no, no, no. I’m uh- I’m-” Nancy was cut off by Robin, who said, “That’s too bad cause, I know (Y/N), thinks you’re beautiful. She has a little crush on you.” A bright red blush formed on your cheeks, but you noticed one formed on Nancy’s as well. She peaked her head from around Robin’s body and said, “You- You do?” You replied with a hesitant nod and Robin said, “Be a good girl and use your words for Nance, sweetheart.” A whiney hum left your mouth and you said, “Y- Yeah, I uh- I do, Nance. I think you’re absolutely stunning.” Nancy smiled and said, “I think you are too, (Y/N). Absolutely, beautiful.” You said, “But um- Nance. I do have to say, I’m not uh- I’m not biologically a female. I’m uh- I’m transgender, so if that changes anyth-” and Nancy interrupted you. She said, “Why would- Why would that change anything, (Y/N)?” You smiled and said, “I just wanted to make sure, I guess.” Robin still had her big, stupid grin on her face and said, “Well, Nance, you’re welcome to join, if you want. You caught us at sort of a bad time, we were both close to our orgasms.” Nancy grinned and said, “Oh? Is that so?” Your eyes were going back between her and Robin, not knowing who to focus on. Robin said, “Oh, Nance?”, she replied back, “Yeah?”, and Robin said, “I’m okay with whatever you want to do with her and (Y/N) will be a good girl for you. Won’t you, sweet girl?” You started nodding your head rapidly and said, “Mhmmm, I’ll be such a good girl. I’ll be a good girl for both of you, I promise! I’ll be a good girl for you, Nance!” Nancy’s pupils now engulfed her blue eyes and her grin grew wider. In a soft, condescending tone she said, “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you? Mmmm, let mommy take care of you, darling.” You moaned at her tone and phrasing, calling herself mommy made your pretty cock somehow get harder. Both girls watched as your hips slightly bucked at what Nancy said. Robin said, “Nance, I think she liked that” and Nancy looked at you, then replied, “You want mommy to touch you, baby?” A whine left your lips and you begged, you begged for Nancy to touch you. You said, “Please mommy, please! Please, touch me! Please!” and she giggled at your neediness. She climb over on to the bed and sat on her heels between your legs. She said, “Can mommy kiss you, (Y/N)?” and you replied with a little whimper, saying, “Please.” She grinned and said, “Such a well mannered girl, so good. Such a good girl, (Y/N).” You bit your lip, holding back a moan, but Nancy leaned in and kissed you. It was weird kissing someone other than Robin, but you liked that she was watching and both of you trusted Nancy. You stopped thinking about it so much and focused on her lips. Her lips were soft and sweet, tasting like vanilla. When she released from the kiss, your lips tried to chase hers, which made her and Robin laugh. Nancy leaned back down, after she had caught her breath and kissed you again, this time more heated. She bit your bottom lip, eliciting a pretty moan and slipped her tongue in your mouth. You swirled your tongue with hers and before you knew it, her lips left your mouth, again.
Nancy moved to biting tender spots on your neck, then licking them afterwards, easing some of the pain. Then, she said, “(Y/N), can mommy take this off?” and tugged at your shirt. You replied back, begging and said, “Please mommy! Please take it off! Want you to take it off!” She said, “So needy, baby” and grinned, then lifted your shirt over your head. Nancy dropped it to the floor and let out a small moan at the sight of your chest. She said, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful, (Y/N). Be a good girl for me and lay flat on your back.” You did exactly what she said and then she was hovering on top of you. Nancy looked deep into your eyes and said, “Good girl, (Y/N).” A whimper left your mouth and Nancy grinned. She moved her face down and pointed her tongue, then experimentally flicked your nipple. You let out a slightly loud moan and she continued. Soon, Nancy’s lips were latched onto your nipple and sucking, causing you to moan even louder. She moved over to the other side, giving it the same attention. Once Nancy was satisfied, she looked over at Robin, who was sitting in a chair, watching the two of you like a hawk. You saw Nancy’s head was looking at her, so you looked too and were met with seeing Robin trying not to touch herself. Nancy said, “Rob, come here” and she immediately got up, then stood next to the bed. Robin said, “What’s up, Nance?” and Nancy said, “Do you want to touch me?” Robin’s face turned bright red and she looked at you for approval. You giggled and said, “Sweetheart, after everything I’ve done with Nance, I don’t think you need my permission.” Robin nodded, then looked at Nancy and said, “Please, I do.” Nancy grinned and said, “Kiss me. Kiss mommy, Rob.” Robin moaned and then quickly leaned in to kiss her. She kissed her slowly, making you whine, both from watching them kiss and you needed their touches. Robin tugged at Nancy’s shirt and Nancy released from the kiss for a quick moment, so Robin could take off her shirt. Before they went back to kissing, Robin said, “Mommy, can I take off your bra too, please? Please, mommy?” Nancy said, “Mhmm, only cause you asked so nicely” and Robin quickly unclasped her bra. She let out a moan at the sight and stared at her bare chest. Robin pulled Nancy back in for a kiss, then started kneading her breast. Nancy breathily moaned and you whined, your pretty cock was now throbbing. You knew that if you touched it you were going to get punished, so you sat there, needy and whining. Nancy released from the kiss and said, “Rob, can mommy take off your shirt?” Robin nodded and said, “Mhmmm, want you to mommy.” Nancy lifted it up and over her head, then let out a little moan at the sight of Robin’s bare chest. She immediately started kneading her breasts and Robin threw her head back, breathily moaning, “Fuck.” You whimpered, too needy and impatient, to just sit and watch. Nancy retracted her hands and looked back at you. She said with fake pity, “Aw, poor thing. So needy, darling. So desperate to be touched.” You whined and said, “Please mommy! Please Rob! Please! Need to be touched! Need you, please!” Both of them laughed and Robin said, “Hmmm what do you think Nance, should we touch her? I mean, she’s been a good girl. Her pretty cock is throbbing. My needy little slut needs us, Nance.” You whined at Robin’s words and Nancy said, “Hmmm, I think she’s been a good girl. Yeah, Rob, let’s reward her for being a good girl.”
Nancy said, “Rob, you ride her. Okay?” Robin looked at you and grinned, “Mhmmm, more than okay.” Nancy looked at you and said, “Can mommy ride your face, darling?” Your eyes went wide and you gulped, feeling excited, but also nervous. You said, “Y- Yeah. That’s- That’s f- f- fine. Mhmmm.” Robin knows that you only stutter like that when you’re nervous. She looked at you with soft eyes and in a soft tone, she said, “Are you nervous, sweetheart? You gotta tell us if you are or if you don’t want to do something.” You said, “Want to, want to so bad. Just- Just don’t wanna mess up.” Robin said, “Sweetheart, just relax, okay? You’re gonna do just fine, sweet girl. I promise.” Nancy cupped your cheeks and said, “(Y/N), you’re gonna do great and if you want I’ll guide you, okay?” Your eyes softened and you looked at both of them, then said, “Yeah. Okay, thank you.” Both of them smiled and your body relaxed, no longer tense. Nancy wanted to help you relax a bit more, so she said, “(Y/N), be a good girl and come help mommy take off her jeans and panties.” You shot up from the bed and said, “Yes, mommy!” Robin giggled and said, “So eager to please, such a sweet girl.” You hummed and dropped to your knees in front of Nancy, then started unbuttoning her jeans. Once they were unbuttoned and unzipped, you pulled them down her legs, then helped her step out of them. When her jeans were off and you looked back up at her panties you saw the big wet patch on them. A moan left your lips and you said, “Mommy you’re so wet.” Nancy grinned and said, “Mhmmm, can’t help it when I’ve been touching two beautiful girls.” She watched as both you and Robin blushed at the comment and was proud of herself for flustering both of you. You slowly pulled down her panties and helped her step out of them. Both you and Robin gawked at Nancy’s naked body, taking in the beauty of it. Robin said, “Holy shit, Nance! You’re so fucking hot” and you said, “Mommy you’re so beautiful.” Your pretty cock was throbbing even more now. You let out a whimper and Robin said, “Okay, sweet girl, it’s okay. Mommy and I are going to take good care of you, sweetheart. Be a good girl for us and go lay on the bed, flat on your back.” Quickly, you got up and got yourself comfortable on the bed, flat on your back, like Robin instructed.
Robin got on top of you and kissed you, then you helped her position herself down onto your pretty cock. You both loudly moaned as she slowly took all of you inside her. Nancy waited until Robin was fully sat on your cock before she went to position herself on your mouth. When she hovered over your mouth, you stuck your tongue out flat and pulled her hips down on you. You tasted her wetness, then moaned at the taste and Nancy moaned feeling your tongue on her sensitive pussy. She started grinding on your face and Robin started riding you. You grabbed Robin’s hips, helping her move up and down. The moans coming out of your mouth were muffled by Nancy’s pussy, but the vibrations from them got Nancy closer to her climax. Nancy was moaning loudly, saying, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck, you’re doing so well! Such a good girl for mommy! Fuck! Keep going, (Y/N)!” Robin was also moaning loudly and Nancy’s moans were making her climax approach faster. She moaned out, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck! So good! God, you feel so good, (Y/N)! Fuck!” You started bucking your hips into Robin, causing her to scream out in pleasure. You moaned and the vibrations, mixed with the fast pace of Nancy’s grinding was going made her scream out in pleasure too. Nancy moaned out, “Close, (Y/N)! I’m so close! Be a good girl and make mommy cum, baby!” As Robin said earlier, you were eager to please, so you grabbed Nancy’s hips and held her still on your face. You started sucking on her clit and you moved your hands back to Robin’s waist. Your hands gripped her waist tight and you roughly fucked up into her. Both girls were moaning loudly at your movements and you felt yourself about to come undone. Nancy and Robin screamed at almost the same time and came. You were only seconds behind them and your eyes rolled back as you came inside Robin. Nancy hopped off your face and next to you on the bed, then you started heavy breathing, catching your breath. Robin slowly got off of you too and both of you whimpered at the loss of contact. She looked at your face and grinned, it was covered in Nancy’s cum and wetness. She moved closer to you and kissed you, tasting Nancy on your lips. Robin hummed in pleasure at the taste, then released from the kiss and looked at Nancy. She said, “Mmmm Nance, you taste so sweet” and you hummed a “Mhmmm” in agreement, with a blissful smile on your face. You weren’t sure what you were expecting as a response, but her whining definitely wasn’t one of them. Robin looked at her and said, “Nance, what’s wrong?” Nancy replied, “It’s- It’s stupid.” You said, “No, nothing you say is ever stupid, Nance.” She said, “Well, I uh- I wanna um- I wanna ride your pretty cock. I want to so bad, (Y/N).” Robin grinned and said, “(Y/N), you want Nancy to ride you, sweetheart?” Your eyes were wide and in shock, you nodded your head rapidly.
Nancy said, “Use your words for us, darling” and you began begging. You said, “Mommy please! Mommy please ride me! Want you to, please! Please, mommy!” Nancy said, “That’s a good girl, baby” and moved to position herself kneeling over top of you. You grabbed her hips and helped her position herself onto your pretty cock. She loudly moaned as you slowly guided her onto your cock. She said, “Holy shit! Fuck, (Y/N)! That feels so good, fuck!” You started moving her hips up and down, then threw your head back, letting out a loud moan. Robin moved to where Nancy was sitting before and reached her hand out, then started rubbing Nancy’s clit. Nancy screamed out, “Fuck Robin! Fuck (Y/N)! Fuck!” and her body started twitching. Your pretty cock started twitching inside her, getting close to your second orgasm. You moaned out, “Fuck, mommy! Fuck! I’m close! I’m close, mommy!” Through broken moans, Nancy said, “Me- Me- Me too, baby. Make- Make mommy- Make mommy cum, (Y/N). Be a- Be a good girl, (Y/N). Be a good girl and make- and make mommy c- c- cum.” You gripped her hips tight and started roughly bucking your hips into her. Robin started rubbing her clit faster and faster. She screamed out, “Fuck yes, (Y/N)! Fuck, Robin! Fuck! Gonna cum! Gonna cu-!” and she was interrupted by her orgasm hitting her hard. Robin moved her both her hands to your chest and took her fingers, then harshly pinched your nipples. You screamed out in pleasure and with one more rough buck into Nancy, you came. After you came again, you were completely fucked out. Your face was blissed out and both the girls thought you looked so cute like that. Robin said, “Aw Nance look, she’s completely fucked out.” Nancy replied, “Such a pretty little thing, all fucked out after we used you. Mommy loved using you, pretty baby.” You replied back with a hum of pleasure and Robin said, “I think we fucked her dumb too, Nance. She can’t even speak, she’s so blissed out.” Both Robin and Nancy giggled at you, while you nodded your head in agreement with Robin. After about 15 minutes of laying there, you tapped Robin and she looked at you, concerned. She said, “You okay, sweet girl?” and you nodded, then mumbled, “Want shower.” Robin could tell it was hard for you to talk, so she didn’t pressure you, she said, “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll go start the shower, do you want to shower alone?” You shook your head rapidly, no and she said, “Woah, okay, (Y/N). Relax, for me, sweetheart. Okay? Do you want all of us with you?” You nodded your head and looked at Nancy. Nancy said, “Mhmmm, that’s okay with me. I think we all need to shower.” You hummed with a smile on your face and Robin kissed your head. Then, she got up and headed to your bathroom, to go start the shower. Nancy gave you a kiss on the cheek and said, “You’re so beautiful, (Y/N).” Your smile grew wider and you gave Nancy a kiss on her cheek back, causing her to smile too.
Robin came back a couple minutes later and said, “Okay, shower’s warm and ready.” Slowly, you and Nancy got up, then walked to the bathroom. You had a large shower, so the three of you could easily fit inside of it. The three of you showered together, then dried off, and changed into some comfy clothes. After everyone was dressed, the three of you went downstairs and watched movies like you were supposed to hours ago. You sat on the couch cuddled up between Robin and Nancy, confused on what’s supposed to happen now. Robin saw you weren’t focused on the movie and looked nervous. She got up and paused the movie, which had Nancy confused, until she looked at you. Robin quickly went and sat back next you, then placed her hand on your knee. She said, “(Y/N), what’s wrong? You look upset.” Nancy started scratching your back lightly and you stuttered, “I’m- I’m-” You took a long pause and loudly said, “I’m confused! I don’t know what to- what to think of this!” Nancy’s face dropped from concerned to guilty and she said, “I uh- Maybe I should go, I’m sorry, (Y/N).” You grabbed her wrist and said, “No, Nance. Stay, please. Please, stay.” She was tense on the couch, but stayed and Robin said, “Okay. Well, let’s talk about it. What’s confusing you?” You looked at her with tears in your eyes and said, “I love you, Rob. I love you so so much. You know that I do, but I also love Nance.” Then you turned to look at her and her face was bright red. You said, “Nance, I love you. I love you more than a friend, just like I love Robin as more than a friend.” Tears starting running down your face and Nancy said, “(Y/N), I don’t- I don’t know what to say.” She cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with the pads of her thumbs. Robin said in a calm tone, “Well, do you love her, Nance?” She looked you in your eyes and hesitantly nodded, then looked at Robin and said, “I love you too, Rob. I’ve always loved you.” Robin’s face turned red and she said, “W- Wait, w- w- what?” Nancy said, “Yeah, honestly I’m surprised you never noticed.” Robin smiled and said, “I wasn’t uh- I wasn’t expecting that, but I love both of you, so much. So, why don’t we all three just date? It’s called a polyamory relationship.” Both you and Nancy looked confused and Nancy said, “I don’t- I don’t know how that- how that works.” You nodded in agreement and Robin said, “Neither do I, but if the two of you want to, we can figure it out. Step by step, for right now, but only if you two want to.” Nancy said, “I’d uh- I’d like to” and you said, “Me- Me too.” Robin smiled and said, “Great! So does that make the three of us girlfriends?” You and Robin looked at Nancy, who was smiling and she said, “Mhmmm, girlfriends.” The three of you were smiling and giggling, all happy that the three of you were so in love with each other. All of you happy that everyone’s feelings were out in the open. Robin looked at you giggling and said, “Now, can you admit that you have a crush on Nance?” You giggled and cupped Nancy’s cheeks, then kissed the tip of her nose. A smile appeared on your face while looking at her and you said, “Mhmmm, I definitely do.” The three of you giggled and you said, “This is probably awful of me to say, but I’m so grateful for whatever Eddie cooked Steve last night.” The three of you laughed so hard and both girls gave you a kiss on the cheek. Robin got up and played the movie, then the three of you cuddled on the couch, with you in between them. The only thought you had in this moment was, “I could get used to this”, with a smile on your face.
This turned into a poly relationship, but I’m not mad about it. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed part 2!!😊💖
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iamapoopmuffin · 1 month
Powerpuff Girls episodes explained badly
Monkey See, Doggy Do: Everyone is a dog and/or naked.
Mommy Fearest: The girls try to turn some lady they just met into their step-mother and regret it immediately.
Insect Inside: Bugs are gross. Or are they?
Powerpuff Bluff: Cosplay for crime reasons. And to look cute.
Octi Evil: Bubbles trusts in her plush toy when it suddenly starts talking to her like one of those imaginary friends that tells you to burn things. It goes as well as you'd expect.
Geshundfight: There's too many people on this earth, we need a new plague.
Buttercrush: 1 1/2 year old develops crush on 17 year old who uses her crush to manipulate the shit out of her.
Fuzzy Logic: You don't touch another man's banjo. Ever.
Boogie Frights: An endless disco party ends in Bubbles turning off her targeting computer and blowing up the Death Disco Star
Abracadaver: Zombie magician comes to town and does zombie magician stuff.
Telephonies: Crank calls lead to the one moment in the entire cartoon my family constantly quotes, literally any time anyone says 'him' in any context. Also we learn how HIM stays so fit!
Tough Love: HIM farts on the entire city and it makes everyone hate the Powerpuff Girls.
Major Competition: Pretty much the exact kind of thing I'd expect Jeff Bennett to voice comes to town, kicks a puppy and gets praised.
Mr. Mojo's Rising: Mojo reveals he is both the Professor's former pet and the technical other parent of the Powerpuff Girls.
Paste Makes Waste: Be careful who you bully in kindergarten because they might eat a radioactive fly and become giant glue monsters.
Ice Sore: It's a hot summer's day and gee whiz, Blossom sure blows!
Bubblevicious: Bubbles is hardcore.
The Bare Facts: Your typical 'no-one's account is fully accurate as they piece together the story' story, but with crayon drawlings and a naked old dude.
Cat Man Do: Evil cat possesses the professor and does evil cat things.
Impeach Fuzz: Fuzzy becomes the perfect mayor. Crime is down 100%, the Powerpuff Girls now get called to catch pigs.
Just Another Manic Mojo: Mojo Jojo's morning routine ft. annoying children.
Mime For A Change: Clown steps into oncoming traffic, gets covered in bleach, causes an environmental disaster and ruins everything.
The Rowdyruff Boys: Rule 63 the episode.
Uh Oh Dynamo: Kaiju vs murder robot. The city loses.
Stuck Up, Up And Away: Spoiled brat tries to buy superpowers, like Batman.
Schoolhouse Rocked: Teenagers who were abandoned in a dump before ever going to school meet a truant officer who becomes the first person to ever care about them, then go to school and get expelled on the very first day.
Collect Her: This is you, you obsessed freaks.
Supper Villain: Man gets sick of pancakes for breakfast and lives out secret supervillain fantasies. (Second most quoted line of the show in my family is here.)
Birthday Bash: Happy birthday, here's some death. Also why the hell is a 5 year old girl in a prison where every single other inmate is a grown man?
Too Pooped To Puff: When completely exhausted from their constant hero work, the girls tell the city to put a toaster in a bathtub full of water.
Beat Your Greens: These kids are so reluctant to eat the only good green vegetable that vegetable aliens arrive to teach them to stop being pussies.
Down n' Dirty: Buttercup refuses to bathe and it's fucking disgusting.
Dream Scheme: In The Sand Man you play as Sophie Grundler, a girl suffering from insomnia. Exhausted and unable to sleep, Sophie wanders into town to discover everyone else has fallen into an eternal sleep. Wait, wrong sand man-
You Snooze You Lose: Mojo falls asleep, loses some schematics and goes completely batshit insane. Then the girls eat gum that was in Junior's mouth earlier. Then probably get sick from Amoeba Boys germs again.
Slave The Day: Billy, who we thought was dead, pledges allegiance to the girls and Blossom yells at him.
Los Dos Mojos: Bubbles is Mojo now. But twice as hardcore.
A Very Special Blossom: Blossom turns to a life of crime.
Daylight Savings: Actual consequences to these small children having to go out at all hours to fight crime.
Mo Job: Mojo and Princess build a gun and shoot children with it.
Pet Feud: The Professor genetically engineers a neopet that eats everything.
Imaginary Fiend: A child's imagination is a dangerous weapon. And may tell the child to set the school on fire.
Cootie Gras: A kid who never bathes decides to play kiss chase. When that grosses people out, he gets used as a dangerous weapon.
The Powerpuff Girls Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever: The Powerpuff Girls play The Powerpuff Girls.
Just Desserts: Man's supervillain fantasy is adopted by his entire family.
Twisted Sister: The girls create a new sister who is severely disabled and then promptly dies.
Cover Up: Security Blankie the episode
Speed Demon: Back To The Future but scarier.
Mojo Jonesin': Mojo deals crack to toddlers
Something's A Ms.: Sedusa has sex with the Mayor so she can steal shit.
Slumbering With The Enemy: Mojo goes on RuPaul's Drag Race and infiltrates a child's sleepover.
Fallen Arches: Old People Fight Club!
The Mane Event: Blossom gets a new haircut and gets bullied. I like her hair like that though.
Town And Out: The Utoniums move to a new town with real world consequences for senseless property damage.
Child Fearing: Mojo babysits and regrets every decision that led him to that moment in life.
Criss Cross Crisis: Mandatory body swap story from hell.
Bubblevision: Bubbles has sudden sight loss issues and gets ripped to shreds for it. Also there are ants.
Bought And Scold: Princess' dad buys the city and she legalises everything, then gets robbed.
Gettin' Twiggy With It: Neglected trailer park kid abuses a hamster.
Cop Out: American Police officer attempts to kill three children. Nobody is surprised.
Three Girls And A Monster: Well, they aren't adopting it, but they aren't murdering it either.
Monkey See, Doggy Two: Everyone's a dog again except the girls, so they can beat the shit out of things still.
Jewel Of The Aisle: Cereal mascot tries to rob diamond.
Super Zeroes: Cosplay 2 electric boogaloo. Also who the hell trusted Blossom with a car?
Candy Is Dandy: What happens when you introduce sugar to children who aren't allowed sugar.
Catastrophe: Don't shove cats up your arse.
Hot Air Buffoon: The Mayor goes into the sky and punches people.
Ploys R' Us: The Professor sleep steals and the girls profit from it.
Equal Fights: The Powerpuff Girls get brainwashed by a TERF.
Powerprof.: Embarrassing dad becomes superhero just to spend time with embarrassed children.
Moral Decay: Buttercup steals teeth and sells them on the black market.
Meet The Beat Alls: Mojo, Fuzzy, Princess and HIM form a band and live in a yellow submarine.
Him Diddle Riddle: HIM canonically has the power to end the entire world with a flick of his wrist but instead spends his time making the girls solve riddles to inconvenience them for shits, giggles and not having customers Karen their way out of paying for flapjacks.
Film Flam: Fake director tries to take advantage of impressionable young girls and it takes their dad in drag to stop him.
All Chalked Up: Butterfly HIM teaches Bubbles art therapy and then brings the therapy to life.
Get Back Jojo: Back To The Future again
Members Only: Big manly men have their masculinity threatened by little girls, then a giant dick joke from space voiced by Mr Krabs kills everyone.
Nano Of The North: Tiny robots eat your clothes
Stray Bullet: Squirrel with huge nuts becomes super squirrel after small child force feeds him chemicals
Forced Kin: Mojo has beef with some shiny silver dude
Knock It Off: Dexter's estranged uncle or something comes to town, makes a shittonne of artificial children to sell for profit and many of the children die.
Helter Shelter: Bubbles kidnaps a baby whale
Power Lunch: Teenagers with terrible diet have stomach issues.
Superfriends: New kid in town falls victim to peer pressure.
Keen On Keane: Girls, seriously, have you not learned your lesson about setting your dad up on dates with random women yet?
Not So Awesome Blossom: Blossom has an anxiety attack and loses all self confidence.
Power-Noia: The girls eat cheese before bed and have weird nightmares.
Monstra-City: Segregation is right.
Shut The Pup Up: The girls consider beating a dog to death.
Toast Of The Town: Babysitting an old guy who wants toast.
Divide And Conquer: A glorified maths lesson featuring amoebas.
Burglar Alarmed: The girls try to silently deal with a burglar because daddy is tired.
Shotgun Wedding: Fuzzy tries to marry Professor Utonium, then has sex with a pile of mud.
Save Mojo: Vegans ruin everything.
Substitute Creature: Ms Keane is sick and the girls learn they're racist against green people.
The Boys Are Back In Town: Oh yeah rule 63 is back and spikier.
Pee Pee G's: Mojo breaks into the girls' house and pisses on their bed. He faces absolutely no consequences for this.
Boy Toys: Boys don't like girls, boys like cars and weapons.
Seed No Evil: Frozen caveman steals sunflower seeds. This one feels like a really shit fever dream.
City Of Clipsville: The show runners take the absolute piss out of every fanfic writer in the fandom.
Lying Around The House: A lie gains sentience and fucks shit up.
Bubble Boy: Bubbles steals Boomer's clothes, identity and family.
A Documentary: Guy stalks children and tries to record videos of them.
Girls Gone Mild: Karens ruin everything. Again.
See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey: Jack Black a gnome creates communism through the power of music
Curses: The girls learn how to swear.
Bang For Your Buck: Kids compete in a life or death struggle to earn enough money for ice cream.
Silent Treatment: Silent movie kidnaps man and steals his voice.
Sweet 'n' Sour: Plushies rob entire city and get away with it because they're cute. Also they hate children.
Prime Mates: Brainless monkey ruins everything. Just like Twitter.
Coupe D'Etat: Sentient car is a homewrecker.
Makes Zen To Me: Buttercup joins a peace cult.
Say Uncle: The girls adopt a sasquatch and Utonium does not recognise his own brother.
Reeking Havoc: How do you fight a giant fart? Asking for a friend.
Live & Let Dynamo: Kaiju Robot is back and is committing crimes for fun.
Mo' Linguish: Mojo teaches a class at an adult education centre. Sadly it is not street dancing for self defence.
Oops, I Did It Again: Normal little girl AU
A Made Up Story: In which makeup is evil
Little Miss Interprets: Bubbles ruins a surprise party
Night Mayor: Another weird cheese dream but this time it's the Mayor dreaming about having relations with pickles
Custody Battle: HIM and Mojo have a messy custody battle in the middle of Townsville and both lose.
City Of Nutsville: Bubbles swallows a bee and squirrels kill everyone.
Aspirations: Sedusa takes advantage of a group of teenagers who have been abandoned by their mothers and also never gotten laid while also turning them into criminal masterminds.
That's Not My Baby: The girls find an abandoned baby and decide caring for it will convince their dad they're ready for a hamster
Simian Says: Mojo takes over the show
Sun Scream: PSA: Wear sunscreen.
City Of Frownsville: Man with terrible depression develops machine that cures his depression by giving it to everyone else
West In Pieces: Back To The Future 3, the wild west one
Crazy Mixed Up Puffs: Oh god they've fused
Mizzen In Action: Pirates of the Caribbean but less interesting
Roughing It Up: The Professor takes his kids on a camping trip and becomes rival dads with Fuzzy
What's The Big Idea?: The girls are made giant and it's a whole mess.
Nuthin' Special: Buttercup has no unique abilities. Any she had before are no longer unique.
Neighbour Hood: Children's TV show demands money.
I See A Funny Cartoon In Your Future: Gypsy and goose steal things along to a terrible rhyming narration.
Octi-Gone: Bubbles holds a fancy dinner party hostage to solve the mystery of the murder of her plushie, the one that told her to burn things.
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steddiesrobin · 1 year
bff stobin x 90210 headcanons
it’s officially 1990, robin and steve are flipping through the five channels that they have and stumble upon the premiere of “Beverly Hills, 90210”
they watch the two part premiere and actually love it??
it’s nice to watch high schooler’s live a life that doesn’t include fighting monsters and simply be teenagers
robin and steve are both hardcore simping for kelly taylor.
steve hates steve. so much. every time steve sanders opens his mouth, steve (harrington) just yells “BOOOOO!!!!”
robin does the same
robin is convinced that there is something going on between brenda and kelly (she’s just like me fr)
episode four absolutely alters steve’s brain when luke perry as dylan mckay comes on screen
“rob… you can have kelly”
after episode four, it officially became routine that every wednesday the two would watch the new episodes
they could only watch the episodes with each other
on one of their 90210 nights, eddie is over, and he’s complaining that he doesn’t want to watch the “stupid rich kid soap opera”
but it’s very important to both steve and robin that they watch the episode
so eddie finally agrees
he ends up getting sucked in very quickly
“who is that? do we like her? why do we hate him? why are they doing that?”
eddie goes home that night and watches all the previous episodes
on halloween that year, steve, robin, eddie, and nancy decide to be the core four of 90210
robin as brenda, steve as brandon, nancy as kelly, and eddie as dylan
robin is a blushing, flustered, mess when she sees nancy in a blonde wig. it also doesn’t help that robin very much ships brenda and kelly
they all giggle at robin and eddie being brenda and dylan bc they’re the furthest thing from the relationship b & d have
steve and robin cry at brenda’s departure at the end of season four
a new crush unlocks for the both of them when tiffani amber thiessen as valerie malone is on the screen during the season 5 premiere
with the two of them getting older and having “real adult lives”, it’s harder to get the time to watch the new episodes when they air at night
there’s a new episode airing one night where steve couldn’t get that night off with robin
steve confirmed it would be okay to watch without him, but robin didn’t want to. she invited nancy over and they decided to watch it anyways because the cliffhanger from the past episode had them on edge
during this episode there was some type of message about not betraying your friends, which lead to robin having a breakdown. she called steve immediately.
“rob, it’s fine. i promise i’m okay with it– yes i know we always watch it with each other but i swear it is okay that you did without me.”
a few years later, it’s 1998 and season 8 is airing. steve is kind of over the show, so many plot lines and episodes it’s getting overwhelming. it’s also been eight years.
robin is still very hyper-fixated on 90210
but season 8 is WILD and steve gets hooked and refuses to miss ANY episodes (and almost gets fired from his job for taking nights off)
(spoilers if anyone hasn’t seen the show & is interested) with season 8 having plots of kelly getting shot, revealing valerie killed her father, and brandon & kelly almost* get married was quite insane. but one episode triggers something in them
there’s an episode where donna is being held hostage and threatened to be killed, which gives both steve and robin a bit of a ptsd attack; thinking back to the russians at scoops ahoy. this is what opens steve’s eyes as to why robin is still so attached to this show, it was to help her escape the trauma that they both went through years prior. steve had thought she’d move on, but seeing a character they’d both grown fond of and having been in that same situation, it was hard to watch.
skipping info abt season 9 and most of 10 due to the fact i barely remember those seasons (cuz they kinda sucked ngl), steve and robin make a whole event for the series finale in year 2000
the party is at robin and nancy’s place, since steve and eddie have gotten their own place (they live next door to each other.) the fruity four get decide to wear their 90210 fruity four halloween costumes from years prior, along with telling everyone else they invite to come in costume
(spoilers again) after 10 years of the show, this is an emotional night. everyone is spending their night watching donna martin and david silver finally get married. seeing characters that have left the show comeback for the finale made the night even more emotional.
seeing nat walk donna down the aisle made steve hardcore sob. like. his eyes were red and puffy.
the sobbing doesn’t stop when donna and david say their vows and tell each other “i do.” which leads to eddie getting down on one knee and proposing
steve truly cannot take anymore crying.
he says yes, obviously.
getting back to the episode, dylan and kelly are back together which comes to everyone yelling out “BOOOOO!” bc they’re dylan/kelly anti’s
the finale comes to an end and everyone is a jumble of emotions.
steve realizes that robin is crying. “rob, what’s wrong?” he asks her. “it’s just…” she starts, “i can’t believe it’s over. this made us closer than ever, i loved spending my 90210 nights with you, and with it being over and you now getting married… i don’t want to lose my best friend.” steve softly chuckles, “you’re not gonna lose me, rob. i’ll always be your best friend. i also live right next to you, if anything you’ll be begging to get rid of me.”
and that’s their night.
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shuxiii · 1 year
Everyday pt. 13
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Hanni Pham x reader pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt14, pt15
a/n meowmoewmeomwoemwoe its still 7 am and part 12 died so soon and too late and now I'm part 13 so sorry for their lost, credits '' every day'' by David levithan
Day 6016
I think I remember everything. Where are you today? Instead of writing a long email, I want to talk.
I am roughly two hours away from her when I read this email, in the body of a boy named Park sunghoon. He’s a hardcore design geek, and his room is an orchard of Apple products. I access him enough to know that when he really, really likes a girl, he creates a font and names it after her.
I write back to Hanni and tell her where I am. She writes back immediately—she must be waiting by her computer—and asks me if I can meet her after school. We arrange to meet at the Clover Bookstore.
Sunghoon is a charmer. He also, from what I can tell, has crushes on three different girls at the same time. I spend the day trying not to commit him any closer to any of them. He will have to figure out for himself which font he prefers.
I am a half hour early to the bookstore, but I’m too nervous to read anything but the faces of the people around me.
She walks in the door, also early. I don’t need to stand or wave. She looks around the room, sees me and the way I’m looking at her, and knows.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey,” I say back.
“It feels like the morning after,” she tells me.
“I know,” I say.
She’s gotten us coffee, and we sit there at the table with the cups sheltered in our hands.
I see some of the things I noticed yesterday—the birthmark, the scattering of pimples on her forehead. But they don’t matter to me nearly as much as the complete picture.
She doesn’t seem freaked out. She doesn’t seem angry. If anything, she seems at peace with what’s happened. When the shock wears off, you always hope there’s understanding underneath. And with Hanni, it seems as if the understanding has already surfaced. Any vestige of doubt has been swept away.
“I woke up and I knew something was different,” she tells me. “Even before I saw your letter. It wasn’t the usual disorientation. But I didn’t feel like I’d missed a day. It was like I woke up and something had been … added. Then I saw your letter and started reading, and immediately I knew it was true. It had actually happened. I stopped when you told me to stop, and tried to remember everything about yesterday. It was all there. Not the things I’d usually forget, like waking up or brushing my teeth. But climbing that mountain. Having lunch with Minji. Dinner with my parents. Even writing the letter itself—I had a memory of that. It shouldn’t make sense—why would I write a letter to myself for the next morning? But in my mind, it makes sense.”
“Do you feel me there? In your memories.”
She shakes her head. “Not in the way you’d think. I don’t feel you in control of things, or in my body, or anything. I feel like you were with me. Like, I can feel your presence there, but it’s outside of me.”
She stops. Starts again. “It’s insane that we’re having this conversation.”
But I want to know more.
“I wanted you to remember everything,” I tell her. “And it sounds like your mind went along with that. Or maybe it wanted you to remember everything, too.”
“I don’t know. I’m just glad I do.”
We talk more about the day, more about how strange this is. Finally, she says, “Thank you for not messing up my life. And for keeping my clothes on. Unless, of course, you didn’t want me to remember that you sneaked a peek.”
“No peeks were sneaked.”
“I believe you. Amazingly, I believe you about everything.”
I can tell there’s something else she wants to say.
“What?” I ask.
“It’s just—do you feel you know me more now? Because the weird thing is … I feel I know you more. Because of what you did, and what you didn’t do. Isn’t that strange? I would have thought that you would’ve found out more about me … but I’m not sure that’s true.”
“I got to meet your parents,” I say.
“And what was your impression?”
“I think they both care about you, in their own way.”
She laughs. “Well said.”
“Well, it was nice to meet them.”
“I’ll be sure to remember that when you really meet them. ‘Mom and Dad, this is Yn. You think you’re meeting them for the first time, but actually, you’ve met them before, when they were in my body.’ ”
“I’m sure that’ll go over well.”
Of course, we both know it won’t go over at all. There’s no way for me to meet her parents. Not as myself.
I don’t say it, and neither does she. I don’t even know if she’s thinking it in the pause that ensues. But I am.
“It can never happen again, right?” she eventually asks. “You’re never the same person twice.”
“Correct. It will never happen again.”
“No offense, but I’m relieved I don’t have to go to sleep wondering if I’m going to wake up with you in control. Once, I guess I can deal with. But don’t make a habit of it.”
“I promise—I want to make a habit of being with you, but not that way.”
And there it is: I had to go and bring up the issue of where we go from here. We got through the past, are enjoying the present, but now I push it and we stumble on the future.
“You’ve seen my life,” she says. “Tell me a way you think this can work.”
“We’ll find a way,” I tell her.
“That’s not an answer. It’s a hope.”
“Hope’s gotten us this far. Not answers.”
She gives me a hint of a grin. “Good point.” She takes a sip of coffee, and I can tell another question’s coming. “I know this is weird, but … I keep wondering. Are you really not a boy or a girl? I mean, when you were in my body, did you feel more … at home than you would in the body of a boy?”
It’s interesting to me that this is the thing she’s hung up on.
“I’m just me,” I tell her. “I always feel at home and I never feel at home. That’s just the way it is.”
“And when you’re kissing someone?”
“Same thing.”
“And during sex?”
“Is Sunghoon blushing?” I ask. “Right now, is he blushing?”
“Yeah,” Hanni says.
“Good. Because I know I am.”
“You’ve never had—?”
“It wouldn’t be fair of me to—”
“I am so glad you find this funny.”
“There was this one girl.”
“Yeah. Yesterday. When I was in your body. Don’t you remember? I think you might have gotten her pregnant.”
“That’s not funny!” she says. But she’s laughing.
“I only have eyes for you,” I say.
Just six words, and the conversation turns serious again. I can feel it like a shift in the air, like when a cloud moves over the sun. The laughter stops, and we sit there in the moment after it’s faded away.
“Yn—” she starts. But I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear about Minji or impossibilities or any of the other reasons why we can’t be together.
“Not now,” I say. “Let’s stay on the nice note.”
“Okay,” she says. “I can do that.”
She asks me about more of the things I noticed when I was in her body, and I tell her about the birthmark, about different people I noticed in her classes, about her parents’ concern. I share the Yeeun memory, but don’t tell her my observations about Minji, because she already knows those things, whether or not she admits them to me or herself. And I don’t mention the slight wrinkles around her eyes or her pimples, because I know they would bother her, even when they add something real to her beauty.
Both of us have to be home for dinner, but the only way I’m willing to let her leave is to extract a promise that we’ll share time together soon. Tomorrow. Or if not tomorrow, the next day.
“How can I say no?” she says. “I’m dying to see who you’ll be next.”
I know it’s a joke, but I have to tell her, “I’ll always be Yn.”
She stands up and kisses me on the forehead.
“I know,” she says. “That’s why I want to see you.”
We leave on a nice note.
Day 6017
I have gone two days without thinking about Haruto, but it’s clear that Haruto hasn’t gone two days without thinking about me.
7:30 p.m., MONDAY
I still want proof.
8:14 p.m., MONDAY
Why aren’t you talking to me?
11:43 p.m., MONDAY
You did this to me. I deserve an explanation.
6:13 a.m., TUESDAY
I can’t sleep anymore. I wonder if you’re going to come back. I wonder what you’ll do to me. Are you mad?
2:30 p.m., TUESDAY
You have to be the devil. Only the devil would leave me like this.
2:12 a.m., WEDNESDAY
Do you have any idea what it’s like for me now?
The burden I feel is the burden of responsibility, which is a tricky one to deal with. It makes me slower, heavier. But at the same time, it prevents me from floating away into meaninglessness.
It is six in the morning; Vanessa Martinez has gotten up early. After reading Haruto’s emails, I think about what Hanni said, what Hanni feared. Haruto deserves no less of a response from me.
It will never happen again. That is an absolute. I can’t explain much more than that, but this much I know: It only happens once. Then you move on.
He writes me back two minutes later.
Who are you? How am I supposed to believe you?
I know that any response I give runs the risk of being posted on Reverend Poole’s website within seconds. I don’t want to give him my real name. But I feel if I give him a name, it will make it less likely he sees me as the devil, and more likely he will see me for what I am: just a person like him.
My name is Akira. You need to believe me because I am the only person who truly understands what happened to you.
Not surprisingly, he replies with:
Prove it.
I tell him:
You went to a party. You didn’t drink. You chatted with a girl there. Eventually she asked you if you wanted to go dance in the basement. You did. And for about an hour, you danced. You lost track of time. You lost track of yourself. And it was one of the most fantastic moments of your life. I don’t know if you remember it, but there will probably come a time when you are dancing like that again, and it will feel familiar, you will know you’ve done it before. That will be the day you forgot. That’s how you’ll get that part of it back.
This isn’t enough.
But why was I there?
I try to keep it simple.
You were there to talk to the girl. For just that one day, you wanted to talk to that girl.
He asks:
What is her name?
I can’t get her involved. I can’t explain the whole story. So I choose to evade.
That’s not important. The important thing is that for a short time, it was worth it. You were having so much fun that you lost track of time. That’s why you were at the side of the road. You didn’t drink. You didn’t crash. You just ran out of time.
I’m sure it was scary. I’m positive it’s hard to comprehend. But it will never happen again.
Answerless questions can destroy you. Move on.
It’s the truth, but it’s not enough.
That would be easy for you, right? If I moved on.
Every chance I give him, every truth I tell him, lightens the burden of my responsibility that much more. I sympathize with his confusion, but I feel nothing toward his hostility.
Haruto, what you do or don’t do is no concern of mine. I’m just trying to help. You’re a good guy. I am not your enemy. I never have been. Our paths just happened to cross. Now they’ve diverged.
I’m going to go now.
I close the window, then open a new one to see if Hanni will appear in it. I realize I haven’t yet determined how far away I am from her, and am disheartened to find she’s nearly four hours away. I break the news to her in an email, and an hour later she says that it was going to be hard to meet up today, anyway. So we aim for tomorrow.
In the meantime, there’s Vanessa Martinez to contend with. She runs at least two miles every morning, and I am already late for the routine. She has to make do with a single mile, and I can almost hear her chiding me for it. At breakfast, though, nobody else says anything—Vanessa’s parents and sister seem genuinely afraid of her.
This is my first tipoff to something I will see evidenced again and again throughout the day: Vanessa Martinez is not a kind person.
It’s there when she meets up with her friends at the start of school. They, too, are afraid of her. They’re not dressed identically, but it’s clear they’ve all dressed within the same sartorial guidelines, dictated by you-know-who.
She has a poison personality, and I feel that even I am susceptible to it. Every time there’s something mean to be said, everyone looks to her for a comment. Even the teachers. And I find myself stuck in those silences, with words on the venomous tip of my tongue. I see all the girls who aren’t dressed within the guidelines, and see how easy it would be to tear them all apart.
Is that a backpack that Lauren has on? I guess she’s acting like she’s in third grade until her chest fills in. And, oh my God, why is Felicity wearing those socks? Are those kittens? I thought only convicted child molesters were allowed to wear those. And Kendall’s top? I don’t think there’s anything sadder than an unsexy girl trying to dress sexy. We should have a fund-raiser for her, it’s so sad. Like, tornado victims would look at her and say, “No, really, we don’t need the money—give it to that unfortunate girl.”
I don’t want these thoughts anywhere near my mind. The weird thing is that when I withhold them, when I don’t let Vanessa say them out loud, I don’t sense relief from any of the people around me. I sense disappointment. They’re bored. And their boredom is the thing that the meanness feeds on.
Vanessa’s boyfriend, a jock named Jeff, thinks it’s her time of the month. Her best friend and number one acolyte, Cynthia, asks her if someone died. They know something’s off, but will never guess the real reason. They certainly won’t think she’s been taken over by the devil. If anything, they’re suspicious that the devil’s taken a day off.
I know it would be foolish of me to try to change her. I could run off this afternoon and sign her up to volunteer in a soup kitchen, but I’m sure when she arrived there tomorrow, she’d only make fun of the homeless people’s clothes, and the quality of the soup. The best I could probably do would be to get Vanessa into a compromising position that someone could blackmail her about. (Did you all see the video of Vanessa Martinez walking through the hallway in her thong underwear, singing songs from Sesame Street? And then she ran into the girls’ room and flushed her own head in a toilet?) But that would be stooping to her level, and I’m sure that using her own poison against her would cause at least a little of it to fall back inside me as well.
So I don’t try to change her. I simply halt her ire for a single day.
It’s exhausting, trying to make a bad person act good. You can see why it’s so much easier for them to be bad.
I want to tell Hanni all about it. Because when something happens, she’s the person I want to tell. The most basic indicator of love.
I have to resort to email, and email is not enough. I am starting to get tired of relying on words. They are full of meaning, yes, but they lack sensation. Writing to her is not the same as seeing her face as she listens. Hearing back from her is not the same as hearing her voice. I have always been grateful for technology, but now it feels as if there’s a little hitch of separation woven into any digital interaction. I want to be there, and this scares me. All my usual disconnected comforts are being taken away, now that I see the greater comfort of presence.
Haruto also emails me, as I knew he would.
You can’t leave now. I have more questions.
I don’t have the heart to tell him that’s the wrong way to think about the world. There will always be more questions. Every answer leads to more questions.
The only way to survive is to let some of them go.
Day 6018
The next day I am a boy named George, and I am only forty-five minutes away from Hanni. She emails me and says she’ll be able to leave school at lunch.
I, however, am going to have a harder time, because today I am homeschooled.
George’s mother and father are stay-at-home parents, and George and his two brothers stay at home with them each and every day. The room that in most homes would be called the rec room is instead called “the schoolhouse” by George’s family. The parents have even set up three desks for them, which seem to have been left over from a one-room schoolhouse at the turn of the last century.
There is no sleeping late here. We’re all woken at seven, and there’s a protocol about who showers when. I manage to sneak a few minutes at the computer to read Hanni’s message and send her one of my own, saying we’ll have to see how the day plays out. Then, at eight, we’re promptly at our desks, and while our father works at the other end of the house, our mother teaches us.
By accessing, I learn that George has never been in a classroom besides this one, because of a fight his parents had with his older brother’s kindergarten teacher about her methods. I can’t imagine what kindergarten methods would be shocking enough to pull a whole family out of school forever, but there’s no way to access information about this event—George has no idea. He’s only dealt with the repercussions.
I have been homeschooled before, by parents who were engaged and engaging, who made sure their kids had room to explore and grow. This is not the case here. George’s mother is made of stern, unyielding material, and she also happens to be the slowest speaker I’ve ever heard.
“Boys … we’re going to talk … about … the events … leading up … to … the Civil … War.”
The brothers are all resigned to this. They stare forward at all times, a pantomime of paying perfect attention.
“The president … of the … South … was … a man … named … Jefferson … Davis.”
I refuse to be held hostage like this—not when Hanni will soon be waiting for me. So after an hour, I decide to take a page from Nathan’s playbook.
I start asking questions.
What was the name of Jefferson Davis’s wife?
Which states were in the Union?
How many people actually died at Gettysburg?
Did Lincoln write the Gettysburg Address all by himself?
And about three dozen more.
My brothers look at me like I’m on cocaine, and my mother gets flustered with each question, since she has to look up each answer.
“Jefferson Davis … was married … twice. His first wife … Sarah … was the daughter of … President … Zachary Taylor. But Sarah … died … of malaria … three months after … they … were … married. He remarried …”
This goes on for another hour. Then I ask her if I can go to the library, to get some books on the subject.
She tells me yes, and offers to drop me off herself.
It’s the middle of a school day, so I’m the only kid in the library. The librarian knows me, though, and knows where I’m coming from. She is nice to me but abrupt with my mother, leading me to believe that the kindergarten teacher isn’t the only person in town who my mother thinks is not doing her job right.
I find a computer and email my location to Hanni. Then I take a copy of Feed off the shelves and try to remember where I left off reading, a number of bodies ago. I sit at a carrel by a window and keep being drawn to the traffic, even though I know it’s still a couple of hours until Hanni will show up.
I shed my borrowed life for an hour and put on the borrowed life of the book I’m reading. Hanni finds me like that, in the selfless reading space that the mind loans out. I don’t even notice her standing there at first.
“Ahem,” she says. “I figured you were the only kid in the building, so it had to be you.”
It’s too easy—I can’t resist.
“Excuse me?” I say somewhat abruptly.
“It’s you, right?”
I make George look as confused as possible. “Do I know you?”
Now she starts to doubt herself. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just, uh, am supposed to meet somebody.”
“What do they look like?”
“I don’t, um, know. It’s, like, an online thing.”
I grunt. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
“Shouldn’t you be in school?”
“I can’t. There’s this really amazing girl I’m supposed to meet.”
She looks at me hard. “You jerk.”
“Sorry, it was just—”
“You jerky … jerk.”
She’s seriously pissed; I’ve seriously messed up.
I stand up from my carrel.
“Hanni, I’m sorry.”
“You can’t do that. It’s not fair.” She is actually backing away from me.
“I will never do it again. I promise.”
“I can’t believe you just did that. Look me in the eyes and say it again. That you promise.”
I look her in the eyes. “I promise.”
It’s enough, but not really. “I believe you,” she says. “But you’re still a jerk until you prove otherwise.”
We wait until the librarian is distracted, then sneak out the door. I’m worried there’s some law about reporting homeschooled kids when they go AWOL. I know George’s mother is coming back in two hours, so we don’t have much time.
We head to a Chinese restaurant in town. If they think we should be in school, they keep it to themselves. Hanni tells me about her uneventful morning—Yunjin and Kazuha got into another fight, but then made up by second period—and I tell her about being in Vanessa’s body.
“I know so many girls like that,” Hanni says when I’m done. “The dangerous ones are the ones who are actually good at it.”
“I suspect she’s very good at it.”
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t have to meet her.”
But you didn’t get to see me, I think. I keep it to myself.
We press our knees together under the table. My hands find hers and we hold them there. We talk as if none of this is happening, as if we can’t feel life pulse through all the spots where we’re touching.
“I’m sorry for calling you a jerk,” she says. “I just—this is hard enough as it is. And I was so sure I was right.”
“I was a jerk. I’m taking for granted how normal this all feels.”
“Minji sometimes does that. Pretends I didn’t tell her something I just told her. Or makes up this whole story, then laughs when I fall for it. I hate that.”
“I’m sorry—”
“No, it’s okay. I mean, it’s not like she was the first one. I guess there’s something about me that people love to fool. And I’d probably do it—fool people—if it ever occurred to me.”
I take all of the chopsticks out of their holder and put them on the table.
“What are you doing?” Hanni asks.
I use the chopsticks to outline the biggest heart possible. Then I use the Sweet’N Low packets to fill it in. I borrow some from two other tables when I run out.
When I’m done, I point to the heart on the table.
“This,” I say, “is only about one ninety-millionth of how I feel about you.”
She laughs.
“I’ll try not to take it personally,” she says.
“Take what personally?” I say. “You should take it very personally.”
“The fact that you used artificial sweetener?”
I take a Sweet’N Low packet and fling it at her.
“Not everything is a symbol!” I shout.
She picks up a chopstick and brandishes it as a sword. I pick up another chopstick in order to duel.
We are doing this when the food arrives. I’m distracted and she gets a good shot in at my chest.
“I die!” I proclaim.
“Who has the moo shu chicken?” the waiter asks.
The waiter continues to indulge us as we laugh and talk our way through lunch. He’s a real pro, the kind of waiter who refills your water glass when it’s half empty, without you noticing he’s doing it.
He delivers us our fortune cookies at the end of the meal. Hanni breaks hers neatly in half, checks out the slip of paper, and frowns.
“This isn’t a fortune,” she says, showing it to me.
“No. You will have a nice smile—that would be a fortune,” I tell her.
“I’m going to send it back.”
I raise an eyebrow … or at least try to. I’m sure I look like I’m having a stroke.
“Do you often send back fortune cookies?”
“No. This is the first time. I mean, this is a Chinese restaurant—”
Hanni flags the waiter down, explains the predicament, and gets a nod. When he returns to our table, he has a half dozen more fortune cookies for her.
“I only need one,” she tells him. “Wait one second.”
The waiter and I are both paying close attention as Hanni cracks open her second fortune cookie. This time, it gets a nice smile.
She shows it to both of us.
“Well done, sir,” I tell the waiter.
Hanni prods me to open mine. I do, and find it’s the exact same fortune as hers.
I don’t send it back.
We return to the library with about a half hour to spare. The librarian catches us walking back in, but doesn’t say a word.
“So,” Hanni asks me, “what should I read next?”
I show her Feed. I tell her all about The Book Thief. I drag her to find Destroy All Cars and First Day on Earth. I explain to her that these have been my companions all these years, the constants from day to day, the stories I can always return to even if mine is always changing.
“What about you?” I ask her. “What do you think I should read next?”
She takes my hand and leads me to the children’s section. She looks around for a second, then heads over to a display at the front. I see a certain green book sitting there and panic.
“No! Not that one!” I say.
But she isn’t reaching for the green book. She’s reaching for Harold and the Purple Crayon.
“What could you possibly have against Harold and the Purple Crayon?” she asks.
“I’m sorry. I thought you were heading for The Giving Tree.”
Hanni looks at me like I’m an insane duck. “I absolutely HATE The Giving Tree.”
I am so relieved. “Thank goodness. That would’ve been the end of us, had that been your favorite book.”
“Here—take my arms! Take my legs!”
“Take my head! Take my shoulders!”
“Because that’s what love’s about!”
“That kid is, like, the jerk of the century,” I say, relieved that Hanni will know what I mean.
“The biggest jerk in the history of all literature,” Hanni ventures. Then she puts down Harold and moves closer to me.
“Love means never having to lose your limbs,” I tell her, moving in for a kiss.
“Exactly,” she murmurs, her lips soon on mine.
It’s an innocent kiss. We’re not about to start making out in the beanbag chairs offered by the children’s room. But that doesn’t stop the ice-water effect when George’s mother calls out his name, shocked and angry.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she demands. I assume she’s talking to me, but when she gets to us, she pummels right into Hanni. “I don’t know who your parents are, but I did not raise my son to hang out with whores.”
“Mom!” I shout. “Leave her alone.”
“Get in the car, George. Right this minute.”
I know I’m only making it worse for George, but I don’t care. I am not leaving Hanni alone with her.
“Just calm down,” I tell George’s mother, my voice squeaking a little as I do. Then I turn to Hanni and tell her I will talk to her later.
“You most certainly will not!” George’s mother proclaims. I take some satisfaction in the fact that I’m only under her supervision for another eight hours or so.
Hanni gives me a kiss goodbye and whispers that she’s going to figure out a way to run away for the weekend. George’s mother actually grabs him by the ear and pulls him outside.
I laugh, and that only makes things worse.
It’s like Cinderella in reverse. I’ve danced with the prince, and now I’m back home, cleaning the toilets. That is my punishment—every toilet, every tub, every garbage pail. This would be bad enough, but every few minutes, George’s mother stops in to give me a lecture about “the sins of the flesh.” I hope that George doesn’t internalize her scare tactics. I want to argue with her, tell her that “sins of the flesh” is just a control mechanism—if you demonize a person’s pleasure, then you can control his or her life. I can’t say how many times this tool has been wielded against me, in a variety of forms. But I see no sin in a kiss. I only see sin in the condemnation.
I don’t say any of this to George’s mother. If she were my full-time mother, I would. If I were the one who would shoulder the aftermath, I would. But I can’t do that to George. I’ve messed up his life already. Hopefully for the better, but maybe for the worse.
Emailing Hanni is out of the question. It will just have to wait until tomorrow.
After all the toil is done, after George’s father has weighed in with a speech of his own, seemingly dictated by his wife, I head to bed early, take advantage of having the silence of a room all to myself. If my time as Hanni is any proof, I can construct the memories that I will leave George with. So as I lie there in his bed, I conjure an alternate truth. He will remember heading to the library, and he will remember meeting a girl. She will be a stranger to town, dropped off at the library while her mother visited an old colleague. She asked him what he was reading, and a conversation began. They went for Chinese food together and had a good time. He was really into her. She was really into him. They went back to the library, had the same conversation about The Giving Tree, and moved in to kiss. That’s when his mother arrived. That’s what his mother disrupted. Something unexpected, but also something wonderful.
The girl disappeared. They never told each other their names. He has no idea where she lives. It was all there for a moment, and then the moment unraveled.
I am leaving him with longing. Which may be a cruel thing to do, but I’m hoping he will use his longing to get out of this small, small house.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
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Pairing: Kaitlyn Ka x gn! reader (useless lesbian trope but no reader pronouns mentioned)
Word count: 1929
Summary: The thought of getting to spend one more night with Kaitlyn had left you hopeful, however, as the night devolves into chaos you find yourself wondering if you'll even survive to confess.
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Sitting on the steps up to the lodge you found yourself sighing at witnessing Kaitlyn’s interaction with Jacob. You had been hardcore crushing on her for weeks now but knew you likely didn’t stand a chance against her thing for Ryan. Bringing a hand up to your face you laughed bitterly and squeezed your eyes, at least you weren’t the only one suffering. It seemed like all the counsellors had formed inclinations one way or another and no one was going to end up happy, especially Jacob who wasn’t taking being dumped very well. The clearing of said man’s throat had you jumping in slight fright, glaring now you whipped a hand out to lightly hit him in the thigh as the other went to hold your chest instinctively
“Jesus Christ Jacob, you scared the shit out of me” you said, finally huffing out a laugh at the satisfied smile on his face.
“You could just go talk to her you know” he replied cheekily, motioning his head over to where Kaitlyn was now standing alone. His words caused your skin to heat up and shoulders to hunch up as if to hide yourself from his knowing gaze.
“It’s a bit late for that now” you sighed out wistfully “besides she’s got a crush on Ryan anyway” your nose scrunched up thinking about it, missing the bewildered surprise on Jacob’s face. However, before he could interject Kaitlyn was yelling at him to hurry up with the bags. Shaking his head Jacob sent one last glance between the hopeless pair before making his way up the stairs.
Hours later you found yourself alone with the object of your current pining, waiting for the others to arrive for one last hurrah as the van had all of a sudden broken down. Mr Hackett’s behaviour had sufficiently freaked you out but the prospect of spending more time with Kaitlyn had ended up overruling all logic. The two of you were now sitting shoulder to shoulder on one of the logs causing your heart to beat furiously out of your chest. She was so close you could smell her, see the flecks of colours in her eyes, realising you’d been staring in silence for far too long you frantically shook your head and looked away. However, your sudden and erratic movement had drawn her attention as she worriedly took in your flustered state.
“Are you ok?” she questioned now looking you in the eye, confusion and slight worry present on her stunning face. Breath hitching at her closeness, at her concern for you, your mouth opened itself before your brain could catch up
“pretty” you blurted out before blinking in mortification at your useless brain “Uh, fine, pretty fine yeah… I’m pretty fine” immediately wincing as you pictured yourself banging your head against a wall repeatedly. Anything to erase the last few seconds from your mind, alas you had the feeling your behaviour would keep you awake for years to come.
Taking in your burning embarrassment Kaitlyn found herself unable to stop the laughter from erupting from her throat at how cute you were being. Adjusting herself slightly on the log you were both sat Kaitlyn slowly moved her hand to cover yours taking satisfaction in the sudden deer in headlights look on your face. Before either of you could speak up however, the arrival of everyone else had you bolting off, walking towards Jacob in an attempt to wipe the smug look off his face. Leading everyone except Ryan to miss the disappointment on Kaitlyn’s face.  
Truth or dare had well and truly gone to shit, just as you had thought it would. The hope that had bloomed in your chest as Ryan choosing to kiss Dylan after making knowing eye contact with you had been dashed immediately at Emma’s actions. You had chosen to run after Jacob, loudly swearing at the influencer that she’d done enough damage and giving Kaitlyn a disappointed look for deliberately stirring up drama.
The sound of Jacob’s cries upon arriving at the dock had your heart breaking for him. You didn’t agree with his overly obsessive behaviour, especially after Emma had made it clear they wouldn’t be together but the woman in question had definitely gone too far. Sitting next to him the two of you commiserated over your shared love life issues, you had known Jacob for a few years and the two of you had bonded over a shared hidden insecurity. Unfortunately, the sound of a scream ha the pair of you running frantically back to the camp. You had been split up at some point having accidentally fallen down a ravine as you waved off your concerned friend, the man hesitantly continuing his journey to find Abi.
You were definitely regretting that decision now as you wandered for what felt like hours in the dark and muddy forest. Your phone had died and the natural lighting was barely enough for you to see your own hand in front of your face.
Unbeknownst to you Kaitlyn had started to panic the moment Jacob had come back without you, the only thing stopping her from rushing out to find you was the heavily injured Abi and Nick. Before the group had sent Jacob back out to look for you Kaitlyn had found herself grabbing his arm and promising retribution should anything have happened to you, only stepping away at noticing his own guilty face.
Screaming in frustration you kicked the tree next to you only to immediately regret it at the pain that shot through your leg. It had definitely been a few hours now and you were cold, miserable, dirty and most of all lost. You’d finally made it back to the fire only to notice everyone had left, a note indicating the group had returned to the lodge to treat Abi’s and Nick’s injuries. Worry filled you at that, what the fuck had happened in your absence. Yelling in frustration you turned around and began to trudge in what you hoped was the direction of the lodge. A sinister feeling creeping up the back of your neck was the only the thing that had you suddenly lunging to the left, barely avoiding being barrelled over by some sort of creature. The darkness made it hard to see but whatever it was was not to be fucked with. Breath hitching, you turned in a random direction and began a mad sprint, fear filling you at the sound of its movements gaining on you. Through the fear you found yourself wondering if you would ever see Kaitlyn again. If the look of disappointment you’d shot her would be her last memory of you, if she would mourn you if you died here, if she would ever even find out what had happened to you. Tears filling your eyes in fear of your possible imminent death and as you accepted the fact you would likely never tell the woman how you felt about her.
Chancing a look back you didn’t notice the branch in front of you causing your body to tumble down in a mess of limbs. Desperately turning around you reached your arms up in time to grab whatever it was by the face, stopping its gaping maw from sinking its teeth into your neck. You couldn’t, however, stop the claws from digging into your sides ripping an anguished scream from your throat. Muscles straining in effort, you cast your gaze around trying to find something, anything to help. Reaching for a loose branch just above your head you managed to swing and make contact with the beast’s head, stunning it and causing its body to fall to the side. Branch still in hand you once again made a dash for the direction you now knew the lodge to be, thank fuck for the signs littering the trails. The sound of a gunshot filling you with even more fear as you stumbled onto the lodge grounds, hobbling over to the pool house at the sound of a scream. Head now well and truly woozy and the loss of blood and adrenaline you found yourself making eye contact with Kaitlyn before everything went dark and your knees hit the pavement.  
Kaitlyn had yelled your name, alerting the group to your presence as they watched her rush to your fallen body. Everyone froze in shock between Nick laying shivering on the ground and your passed-out form. A scream from the woman at your side had the group kicking into gear. Abi and Dylan grabbing the feeble Nick and Ryan rushing to help his increasingly panicked friend. Upon witnessing your ripped shirt and the slowly growing pool of blood under you Ryan found himself taking a staggering step back. Only coming back to himself at the feeling of Kaitlyn grabbing his pants, pulling him forward and desperately barking out instructions.
You weren’t sure how long had passed before you woke, sweaty and aching you blindly reached out only to be stopped by a set of hands and a voice you vaguely registered as Kaitlyn’s.
“No, no stop trying to move” she begged, pushing you back down onto the bed as your heavy body gave into her wishes. Trying to slur out your question you tried as hard as you could to listen to her explanations but your head felt as if it was underwater, only processing about 1/3 of what she said. A warmth encasing your right hand had you looking down to see hers entwined with yours in a desperate grip, confused eyes swinging up to meet her you found your heart stuttering upon noticing her already staring at you. You couldn’t quite decipher the exact look in her eyes before she was diving in for a kiss leaving you to squeak in surprise.
“Um, what” you said eloquently, brain unable to process the nights events as your body froze in absolute shock. Kaitlyn heaved something half between a laugh and sob at your reaction, leaning over to rest her forehead on your shoulder in an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability.
“I’m so sorry” she spoke up, confusing you even further “I knew Jacob had messed with the van but the prospect of spending one more night with you was too good to pass up on… and now your hurt, Nick and Abi are hurt and Kaylee Hackett is dead and” she heaved a breath cutting herself off and bringing herself up to look you in the eyes again. You probably should have been way more concerned at her words but the kiss had stolen all your attention.
“You, I what… Ryan!” was what you ultimately blurted out smartly
“What about Ryan” she replied confused
“I thought you had a crush on him this whole time” you said, noticing her expression twist at that
“What, why would you think that… Hold on, you’re lying in front of me incapacitated and completely ignoring everything else I just said to focus on that detail” she said, her turn to be absolutely incredulous at the dumbass in front of her.
“Well I can only focus on one thing at time!” you defended “Besides, you’re the most important thing to me at the moment” you grinned goofily as you relived the kiss once again. Feeling suddenly emboldened you leaned up for another kiss, laughing as you found her relaxing into it. Everything else could wait, for now you were going to make the most of your time with Kaitlyn…as soon as you lay back down cause holy fuck were your sides aching.
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byersfanclub · 1 year
ships aren’t the only things people care about in shows but I think that ppl lately highly underestimate just how important romance is in a story whether you personally care for a romance plot line or not. people like romance whether they realize it or not. it can be as simple as waiting for a character to finally pop the question to another character (proposing) that’s been hinted at, it can be the “ugh, finally” when two characters kiss in a season finale and a whole other array of examples I could use. people may not be into shipping culture the way we are, but ppl are rooting for romances subtly, without even realizing it. people like romance. it keeps you on edge, you want to see the outcome.
which is exactly why I think people have a hard time liking M1lev3n. It’s pretty much “established” from the beginning. There’s no build up to their relationship, there’s nothing really special about them, their romance story is as cliche as it can get and also a play on a super sexist trope within sci-fi “born sexy yesterday” but much more PG since they’re kids. you can’t deny it. mike and el are forced together, mike is a loser nerd that no girls like and (quote by Lucas Sinclair) el is the first girl who isn’t grossed out by him. she doesn’t know anything about the world, she grew up in a lab her entire life up until that point. she barely speaks, she doesn’t know what “friend” means, she doesn’t understand privacy and all the sudden a boy is being sprung in front of her and she doesn’t even UNDERSTAND what romance is and that she could even like/love another person— and he kisses her.
suddenly she vanishes and is yet to be seen for months and they’re suddenly reunited.
there’s no development between them. el only knows what she knows from reruns of old tv shows she watches which are highly dramatizied. again. this is all el can gather about romantic relationship. her and mike do not show any development or maturity in their relationship. all they do is kiss in s3 and suddenly they're broken up for most of the season and for months after the events of s3 end before the byers move away and suddenly she wants to tell mike she loves him back???
at this point, in my opinion, el is hyper fixating on mike since hopper “died”. she needs someone to fall back on, someone that took care of her and she feels (at least somewhat) comfort and safe with. but as we see in s4, mike doesn’t seem to be able to even give her that. I don’t think el loves mike and I don't think mike loves el romantically. they never have. they don’t know what the fuck they're doing. el wants to be a normal teenage girl and mike wants to be a normal teenage boy.
but that isn’t what stranger things is about.
M1lev3n being endgame directly goes against stranger things message. it’s forced conformity.
which brings me back to my point.
this is why the general audience of stranger things doesn’t care about m1lev3n the way m1lev3ns do. they aren’t hardcore shippers, they’re casual, and mike and el give off nothing to be excited about, because el’s storyline was never about romance, it’s about found family.
but who’s storyline was directly tied to romance in s3? Will. “I’m not gonna fall in love.” immediately set Will up to have a romance storyline. The beginning of s4 “I think there is someone he likes” set will up to have a crush. The painting scene directly set will up to HAVE to eventually confess his feelings for mike because mike is inevitably going to find out the truth (if he doesnt already know). will at some point is going to confronted about his love for mike whether you like it or not which is why so many ppl became attracted to byler as a ship after watching s4. with will being confirmed gay and in love with mike, it sets the stage for a newly blooming romance and so much context, subtext in earlier seasons to go back and watch with a new lens. the duffers know what they’re doing, and byler being endgame in s5 means byler has been intentional since the beginning. they have been writing the show, the dialogue, setting the scenes and lighting and set design to directly link back to byler falling in love with each other.
I'll end this off with byler being almost at 400k followers on Tumblr, being the most viewed ship in st on TikTok, the third most popular ship on ao3 and constantly trending on twt.
M1lev3n can barely beat out bower x luigi.
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love-anteros · 6 months
music taste of the ouran host club ᐟᐟ☆ .ᐟ
—personal ouran headcanons ♡ —some taylor swift hc inspo from @cold-heart-warm-writings
haruhi fujioka
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definitely a mitski girlie.
fav songs off mitski’s discography: “my love mine all mine,” “first love / late spring,” “class of 2013,” “once more to see you”
tamaki always recommends taylor swift songs to them; ends up enjoying folklore (“invisible string,” “august”) 
hc from tiktok (@/gyuldangie): tamaki told them that “when emma falls in love” reminded him of their relationship, and haruhi says that the song’s just ok. he later sees the song saved on her favorite playlist … :)
also enjoys ichiko aoba & lamp
tamaki pays for their duo spotify premium account ♡
exchanges song recommendations w kaoru; definitely has a few phoebe songs on their playlists
listens to red velvet w hani on occasion 
tamaki suoh
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hardcore swiftie. definitely bought front row seats + backstage passes for the eras tour and begged the entire host club to accompany him.
speak now + lover stan, loves a few songs off rep, 1989, & fearless 
“haruhi, do you think taylor thought of me when she wrote ‘king of my heart’ & ‘gorgeous’ ?~ “
“i absolutely believe that taylor pictured our beloved romance when she wrote lover, haruhi .ᐟ~”
fav songs off taylor’s discography: “lover,” “paper rings,” “you are in love,” “speak now,” “enchanted,” “love story”
also likes other pop artists: katy perry (“teenage dream,” “california girls”) harry styles (“adore you”)
a bit of classical piano mixed into his playlist; immediate jump from taylor to chopin when his spotify is on shuffle
he is absolutely a laufey fan .ᐟ (dedicated the entire bewitched album to haruhi … )
listens to a bit of mitski b/c of haruhi: “ hm … i think that ‘my love mine all mine’ reminds me of you, my lovely haruhi :) “
enjoys tv girl & ricky montgomery recs from haruhi: “lovers rock,” “mr. loverman,” “my heart is buried in venice,” “boy toy,” “line without a hook” ♡
hani introduced him to kpop, & he absolutely loves a few svt, nct, & txt songs .ᐟ — “perfume,” “to you,” “imperfect love,” “light a flame,” “way home”
hikaru hitachiin 
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frank ocean, tyler the creator, the weeknd 
“white ferrari,” “are we still friends,” “ivy,” “super rich kids,” “new magic wand,” “escape from la,” “foreword” .ᐟ
kaoru introduced him to rex orange county; likes “corduroy dreams,” “uno,” “open a window”
that one scene where hikaru comforts haruhi during the thunder storm? his headphones were def playing “sunflower” by rex orange county 
kaoru hitachiin
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phoebe bridgers, gracie abrams ☼
“i know it won’t work,” “i know the end,” “kyoto,” “motion sickness,” “garden song,” “where do we go now?”
likes a few taylor songs from red + folklore
a sucker for “all too well” — 10 minute ver.
absolutely sobbed to “i guess” by mitski; recommended by haruhi °˖➴ (“i guess this is the end / i’ll have to learn / to be somebody else / it’s been you and me / since before i was me / without you, i don't yet know / quite how to live”)
kyoya ootori 
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matt maltese .ᐟ
tamaki learned how to play the piano part of “when you wash your hair” for kyoya’s birthday ♡
fav songs from matt maltese’s discography: “as the world caves in,” “everyone adores you (at least i do),” “krystal,” “smile in the face of the devil,” “little person”
definitely does NOT cry & think about tamaki when he listens to “wish you’d ask me” .ᐟ
… secretly enjoys twice & attended a concert w hani + mori; mina bias 
small crush on yeonjun from txt
listens to mac demarco w haruhi (“one more love song,” “for the first time,” “heart to heart”)
a few classical piano songs recommended by tamaki on his favorite playlist ♡ 
mitsukuni "hani" haninozuka 
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diehard twice stan.
nayeon + momo bias 
also likes loona (esp chuu .ᐟ) & txt
♡ “blue hour” (& the other songs on minisode1: blue hour), “pop,” “heart attack,” “love countdown,” “chocolate” (day6), “polaroid love”
definitely doxxed a 12 yr. old b/c they said that nayeon flopped w her solo debut °˖➴ (he already didn’t have enough sleep that day after trying to get twice concert tickets all night … )
tried listening to kanye during his middle school “tough guy” phase … hated it.
listens to taylor every now & then w tamaki; fearless & speak now stan
takashi "mori" morinozuka 
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looks like he’d be the type of guy to listen to frank ocean & tyler the creator … listens to the most basic music in existence. (still love mori, though .ᐟ )
… imagine dragons 
listened to “high hopes” by p!atd on loop.
probably likes some drake songs 
listens to kpop w hani though & takes him to concerts; hani would sit on top of his shoulders so he could see the stage
—+ regardless of their diverse music tastes, they all bond over olivia rodrigo & definitely had a sleepover where they listened to the entire guts album ♡
—+ also, ik that ouran takes place in the early 2000s & they definitely wouldn't be listening to modern western music + kpop, but oh well .ᐟ (this is just a reflection of my own music taste, i think ... )
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yuriririnnie · 6 months
Someone Great
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A/N: I haven’t written fanfiction ever since I temporarily gave up hardcore fangirling a couple of years back. I’m so out of touch, but creativity has been creeping onto me lately because law school is eating up most of my life.
Do you wanna guess who she'll end up with? :)
Prelude and part one under the cut! ❤
PAIRING | Park Jongseong (Jay) x reader
WC | 1.6k
GENRE | fluff, angst, slice of life
WARNINGS | explicit language
SYNOPSIS | I was told that I was going to love six boys in my life before I meet the one I'm going to love forever.
Seven boys. I am going to love seven boys in this lifetime.
I went to a Chinese temple once when I was 10 because my mother was a hardcore fortune junkie and believed in these superstitions. She made (forced more like it) me come with her to see if I was going to grow up rich or something and while I myself didn’t believe in it, I let her do what she wanted because really at that point in life I never saw myself as anything or anyone once I reached my twenties. 
Not sure if they still have this now, but I inserted a coin in what looked like a gacha machine and pulled out a piece of paper (I vividly remember that I pulled a number 15) which supposedly contained my future and how life would be like for me in terms of health, wealth, love, and everything else. 
It said that I would meet and love exactly six men in my life before I meet the one for me. Back then I never obsessed on boys or the idea of dating in general, but as a young girl, it sparked my interest because the concept of love was something new. I kept that single piece of paper until I graduated college. 
Everyone remembers their first. First crush, first date, first hug, the first hand they’ve ever felt, and the first pair of lips they’ve ever touched with their own. 
His name was Park Jongseong. We called him Jay. 
Jay was the perfect first love. He was handsome, kind, lit up the room whenever he entered, valued his friendships, and was the ultimate momma’s boy. I met Jay when I was 13. He was 14, an only child of a business man, learned how to drive at 16, and was the boy of my dreams. 
He was tall, slender, had jet black hair that was often pushed back to show his sharp, manly features. He had a small scar at the top of his nose in between his eyes, and often had a cut in the middle of his lower lip. At first it made him look like a bad boy, someone your mother wouldn’t dream of you ever end up dating. But deep inside, he was kind, caring, and really embodied my love language (which is of course, acts of service). I dedicated literally every Taylor Swift song to him and thought that I was going to love him forever. 
I vaguely remember the day we met, but I do remember the first time I went out with him. I was so impressed by how much he spent on me considering we were just kids and didn’t really get much for a weekly allowance (at least that was the case for me). He was every boy a girl could ever hope their first love would be. He treated me to lunch, held my hand in the movie theater, and I even got my first kiss when he dropped me home that one day. 
“I’ve never done this before.” Because I really hadn’t yet. The closest form of intimacy I’ve ever had were hugs and hand-holding, and most of these didn’t even come from certain “significant others.”
“Just close your eyes.” He seemed experienced. 
Was I supposed to feel embarrassed for not knowing where to put my hands? When should I open my eyes? Should I say thank you afterwards?
See, these are the things I wished they taught us at school. 
And then, in the midst of all this overthinking, our lips touched. 
My first kiss was memorable because we laughed it off immediately after. He asked me how it was and I replied with, “Felt like a rough wilderness, but I guess it’ll feel better later on.” He never let that go because it was the object of literally every inside joke we have among our friends. 
Jay took care of me a lot. He made sure that I ate during lunch and that I received gifts every “monthly anniversary.” He took me to the movies, drove me around, even taking the long ways to places just so we can spend more time sightseeing. He would hold the door for me, carry my heavy bags full of high school necessities, and wipe the sweat off my forehead after cheerleading practice.
We had a lot of fun dating throughout those years, but when I turned 16, I got more and more exposed to school activities, boys in general, and learned more about myself and what I loved doing. Jay was extremely supportive in the things I did, and even if I didn’t get along that much with his mom, he continued to love me as though I was the only woman in his life. 
One fateful morning, I woke up after a busy day at school (we stayed up until midnight for a runway where I had to represent my class and model for the students who helped design clothes based on a theme) and I’m not sure if it was due to exhaustion or the gradual turn of events between Jay and I, but this was something I will always remember even up to this day. 
It was the day I realized that I was no longer in love. 
Going back to that very day, I was so angry, frustrated, and even disgusted with myself for even thinking about dumping my dear boyfriend. My dear, sweet, caring, Jay who treated me like I was glass. But the hardest part of it was accepting the fact that I no longer felt the same. I no longer felt the heat of the sun in my body whenever we touched. I no longer felt the sweetness in the laughs that we shared. I no longer felt the butterflies in my stomach when in fact it used to feel like there was an entire amazon in there. Everything just felt so empty. Was that how it was supposed to feel like? 
I forgot when and at what point I stopped loving Jay, but I knew that he did not deserve me the very moment I even started to doubt my feelings. The night before I finally admitted to myself that I no longer loved him was actually NORMAL. He picked me up from school, we laughed, shared stories, held hands, and even kissed before I hopped off the car when I reached home. Yet, I knew I couldn’t keep these feelings away from him. I couldn’t hide them in the depths of my young heart. I was just too small, and the feeling only grew more as I made every little thing that he did for me a big deal. 
“Did I do something wrong?” He choked. I felt the shock from his voice. He sounded like he felt every kind of negative emotion all at once. 
I took a deep breath and said, “I just don’t think I feel the same anymore.” 
“All of a sudden? Have you been feeling like this for a while?”
“I don’t know.” I really didn’t know. I just knew that even if I was still so young at the time, I spent three years of my young age with Jay. It was my first time ever sharing a huge chunk of my life to someone else. Back then, it felt like a mini-forever. 
It was a 23-minute phone call. 
We broke up that night, and I cried myself to sleep for the first time. 
It was my first heartbreak, and it wasn’t even for a guy who hurt me. He didn’t even try to hurt me. 
Jay lingered for a while. I understood why he held such as a special place in my life and I knew that he was someone my young heart had to experience to know what it was really like to reciprocate a feeling. He was my first leap of faith, my dip in the pool before I dove in, the sweet sensation at the tip of my tongue before I took a bite. I still so clearly remember how he held me the first time we hugged, and the scar he had on his lip when we first kissed. 
I was his first love, and he mine. 
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