#hercules y xena
figurantesconfrase · 2 years
Lamarr se pone nostálgica y recuerda las series de verano que marcaron su infancia: los fines de semana viendo Los vigilantes de la playa, Hércules Sus viajes legendarios y Xena La princesa guerrera en TVE y los días de diario viendo la telenovela Pasión de gavilanes en Antena 3.
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unforth · 1 year
I've been trying for ages to figure out how to put something into words about The Youth In Fandom and I still don't think I've quite got it but I did reach an insight about it that I think is valuable enough that I'm gonna take a stab at writing it.
For starters, I want to make it clear, there is no "The Youth In Fandom Problem." Based on my efforts running the art sideblogs for danmei fandoms, I can say with a fair degree of confidence that a vast minority of people of all ages are antis, purity wankers, pro-censorship, ageist, etc. Even among people who mark their bios with their age, it's a shockingly low percentage of people under 18 who are being super weird about this stuff, and I think that's something a lot of older folks bemoaning The Younger Generation could stand to know and be reminded of. This isn't a majority, it's just a vocal minority, and tbh...that vocal minority has always been there, at least in my own fandom experiences.
That said, I've personally been the target of "y r u in fandom, old woman? Go take care of your kids!" bullshit, and yes it's definitely real and yes it definitely happens. (I am not old, I am not a woman, I was here before the people who said that to me were born, and I spend all the rest of my time taking care of my kids, so...).
All that introduction is to posit a theory:
The kinds of people who say "you should grow out of it, you're too old for fandom, etc." don't actually really...like what they like.
I know that sounds batshit. They're here blogging about it 24/7, of course they're obsessed! But I really genuinely find myself wondering...like...are they actually obsessed? Or are they just performing obsessed because that's what their peer group is doing? Are they just following along with their friends, mimicking their friends' enthusiasm, going with the flow because they're scared of what will happen if they say "actually I didn't think that show was very good"?
I ended up with this as a theory to posit because is to arrive at "you should grow out of it," you have to start with "I will grow out of it." And to get to "I will grow out of it," you have to start with "I may be into this now but I will definitely Change." And to get to "I will definitely Change," you have to start with the base assumption that loving certain types of media isn't just part of who you are, but rather a temporary persona you've assumed overlaying some deeper Self that will be revealed with time - or that's already been revealed and that you're deliberately masking for whatever reason.
Lemme put it less abstractly (but more longwindedly, lmao).
When I was 16, I was fucking terrified. There were all these things I loved - Star Trek, Hercules and Xena, Babylon 5, Slayers, Evangelion, Fushigi Yuugi, the Wheel of Time, many others - some I'd been into for years, some I'd only just discovered. And I looked at the adults in the world around me, who didn't sleep with stuffed toys, who got into long-term romantic and sexual relationships, who settled into careers that they stuck with for 20, 30, 40 years, who had heaps of responsibilities, and it was so frightening I literally had trouble sleeping at night. My senior year of high school, I trained myself to sleep with a pillow instead of a stuffie because "what would people in college think if they saw me snuggling a stuffed wolf?" That was something I was prepared to sacrifice to be An Adult (tm), something I was (irrationally) ashamed of, something that wasn't so much a part of my personhood that I couldn't give it up. When I left home to go to school at 17, I left my wolf at home. (I brought him with me a year later, and he's now on my bookshelf. Less disposable than 16-year-old me thought, as it turns out, but that's another story.) But there were things about myself I wasn't prepared to sacrifice to fit in during college. I still wore my Star Wars shirt. I still hung my anime posters. I still listened to J Pop. My roommate might judge me. My classmates might judge me. My professors might judge me. I didn't care. Loving those were part of who I was, and I wasn't prepared to give that up.
I found solace by looking at the adults in my life who hadn't had to give up their "childish fancies." I looked at my mother, who introduced me to Star Trek, and thought if she didn't have to stop loving Star Trek to be An Adult, then why should I? I looked at my grandfather, on whose bookshelves I first found the Lord of the Rings, and thought if he didn't have to give up LotR to be An Adult, then why should I? They might not wear fandom shirts, they might not go to conventions, they might not engage in the same way that I did, but they still loved these things, and it gave me hope.
When I was saw adults who still did fan things, who dressed how they wanted, who had cool hair styles or colors, who had tattoos, I thought "wow, what a cool person. I hope I get to grow up to be like them. I hope I'll be that comfortable in my own skin when I'm that age, because I'm sure not that comfortable in my own skin NOW."
I'll have to change in some ways - find A Career, figure out this "attraction" thing everyone keeps fucking talking about, buy a house, all the rest - but I'll be able to love the things I love.
I will still be "me" when I'm an adult, just Me-Plus-More.
I wanted to grow up to be that adult. I was prepared to take figurative arrows, to fight, to slog through, to retain the part of me that felt most valuable - my ability to love the things I loved without apologizing for it. And I knew I could do that, because I already had. Man, the shit people gave me in middle school for being an out-and-proud Trekkie? smh. It was baaaaad.
Time passes. Now I'm 40, and yes, I have changed. I've had more than one career. I got married. I figured out I never did have to figure out that "attraction" shit because I learned asexuality existed and. uh. Oh. I had children. I bought a house.
And I still have a bookcase of manga and I still have a Tumblr blog and I've found new fandoms - many, many new fandoms - nearly all for franchises that didn't even exist when I was 16 and so so scared that I used to literally break down and cry over the prospect of "having" to "give up childish things."
I got myself through on the belief that I'd still be me, and I was right. More than 20 years later, I AM still me.
And that's what leads me back to "why do The Youth think they'll age out of fandom?" And it leads me back to "I can only assume their fandom participation is mostly performative." Because look. This is who I was when I was 10 and read Lord of the Rings, and it was who I was when I was 12 and I started watching Star Trek when Voyager debuted, and it's who I was when I was 17 and I pulled an all-nighter to watch the second season of Fushigi Yuugi, and it's who I was when I was 21 and spent my birthday totally sober and gaming with my friends, and it's who I was at 26 when I got buried up to my eyeballs in Supernatural, and it's who I was at 37 when I watched The Untamed and knew as easy as breathing oh my god I've found the next obsession.
If it's an embraced, realized, adored part of your persona, there's absolutely no reason to think it's going to go away. And there's no reason nor need for it to. There are always gonna be people who judge others for having passions, and there are always gonna be people who embrace others for having passions, and you just gotta identify and avoid the former and find and adore the latter. If you're young, and you love fandom, and you're afraid you, too, will "have to" give up childish things...congratulations! You've got nothing to be afraid of! You never have to change that aspect of yourself!
But...I know these teens on Tumblr who are bullying others already know that because they can see us everywhere. And instead of going, as I did, "oh wow, those older people who still love the things they love are cool! how reassuring! I can be like them!" they think "EW OLD PERSON NOT ALLOWED THIS IS MY ROOM DO NOT ENTER."
And that's weird. When I try to think, "What kind of mentality would lead someone to feel that way, act that way, etc.?" I arrive at: being in fandom is something that they're embarrassed about. Something they're ashamed of, that they think is shameful. Something childish and therefore only for kids, even when the media they're a fan of is entirely made for and by adults. Something they think is made for them in that moment but that they'll be able to easily discard when they move on to more important parts of their lives. Something they know in their heart is transient. Something they're just doing because their friends are doing it.
That's when they'd think "why would an adult still do this?"
When it's something you "know" will be "just a phase," you don it like you don the identity of "high school student," something that'll get shucked a minute after graduation.
And while I found the idea of giving up fandom terrifying, I again can only assume that for these type of person, NOT giving up fandom becomes something terrifying. "Of course this is transient. Of course I'm going to change. I can't wait to change, I hate who I am now! Why did these so-called adults not change? Changing to not like this kind of thing is a sign of Maturity and Adulthood that I am eagerly waiting for, because I believe there's something wrong with being this way, and therefore I assume the adults I see doing this are immature, have something wrong with them, are childish, cannot be Doing Adulthood Right, because they didn't give up the thing."
"I know, in my heart, that I can't WAIT to change, so if they don't want to change, if they haven't changed, something must be wrong with them."
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is the only reason. People are way too complex for there ever to be One Explanation Of All. I'm sure some of the teens who engage in ageist bullying just think they're ~cool~ and ~different~ and their name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Others are just uncomfortable with adults, with or without cause, and think "you don't belong in the same space as me." Some surely have drank the conservative kool-aid even as they've tried to change and are pantomiming the bullshit they were fed by those around them in new and unpleasant ways. Some think "this media was made for people like me and anyone who isn't like me can't possibly be engaging it in the Correct And Proper Way."
Some will grow out of it - out of fandom, or out of thinking that being an adult in fandom is wrong/bad/inappropriate/immature/whatever.
A few especially unpleasant ones...won't.
Unlike young!me, who looked at fannish grown ups and thought "wow, I could grow up to be like them, they're so cool!", you think "ew, I hope I don't grow up to be like them, they're so weird!"
And if that's you...why are you here?
If you don't actually like who are you when you're in fandom, that's okay. You don't have to stay. If you lose your friends because your interests change, then those friends stink and you didn't need them anyway; people who actually care about you will always keep by your side even if your interests and theirs diverge. But just cause YOU are performing your interest in fandom...doesn't mean the rest of us are. Some of us genuinely like it here. And you might think that's fucked up of us, but it's honestly none of your fucking business. You do what you gotta do to grow up, and leave the rest of us already-grown-ups alone.
And if you do genuinely love it and you're just scared because you think you'll have to change - that you'll reach some mystical age of majority and suddenly wake up a different person...you won't. For better and for worse, you'll still be you, so if there's things about yourself you don't like, it'd be better to start working on unpacking that psychological baggage now, because there's never gonna be a miracle point where you Feel Better And Like An Adult unless you put in the effort to change.
Teenagers...you will not grow up to be a new person. You will never give up who you are. You will grow up to be You-Plus-More.
And if that's something you hear and go "omg that's great news!" then I'm glad to be the one who told you. Take heart. There's hope. You can be you and that WILL be okay. You can face up to and grow from the things about yourself you don't like. You can learn more about yourself. You have time, and you will be able to improve yourself, to become more like the parts of yourself you like and less like the parts you hate.
And if that's something you hear and go "oh god no that's the worst" then you need to stare that reaction in the face and understand that the only way change is coming is if you make it happen for yourself. No one is strong-arming you into being a fan. If it's not for you...then stop. It's literally that easy. But don't take out your uncertainty and fear on other random people who are more comfortable with themselves than you are. Most of us are not here because of fear. We're here in the face of our fear, as a fuck you to our fear, because we also grew up being told we'd have to give up so-called childish things to be An Adult, and it turns out that was a pile of bullshit and we can have careers AND anime posters. And we can afford more anime posters, cause our parents are no longer telling us how to spend our money.
If your participation in fandom is primarily performative...just stop performing. Be yourself, and find your OWN passion, and stop shitting on the people who have managed to be more true to themselves and their own interests. You're not cool and edgy and different; you're just an asshole and a bully, and I pity you.
Anyway as you can tell from this rambly mess of a post, I haven't really gotten my finger on my point yet, but idk. I've been thinking about this and I think there's something there???
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miraculousbohemian · 4 months
alright rating the Gods that have been cast for PJO, go. (Not by numbers, I'm doing this off of a screen rant article)
Lance Reddick as Zeus. Amazing honestly. Such a shame he passed last March, he would have been amazing to see the next few seasons. Can't say much except rip Lance.
Next up, Toby Stephens as Poseidon. idk much abt him, haven't seen him anywhere, he looks like an older Glenn Powell. Yep that's it, imma go watch both top guns again
Jay Duplass as Hades. ok I like it Picasso. Once again. Don't know him from anything but he seems ok. Very Hades-y like.
Now onto the man, the myth, the legend. Dionysus. Played by Jason Mantzoukas, I fucking adore this choice, ik some people wanted Jack Black, and that's amazing too, but so far, he's killing it.
And now, Adam Copeland as Ares. *big sigh* we all know what I think about Ares, and idk if Rick is gonna fix some of the things I saw people say Ares said or did in the books, I sure hope so because- *entire fucking essay* anyway, I'm sure he'll be great, but I won't love him more then Kevin.
Hermes. You little Puerto Rican shit, how did you end up here. (as someone lovingly called him in a post) I mean, ok, unexpected but alright. But who am I to judge, we had Percy floss, why can't Hamilton be the God of Travelers, Thieves and Merchants?
AND NOW. HEPHAESTUS. TIMOTHY FUCKING OSMUNDSON. AAAA- I, honest to God, screamed when I saw him on the cast list, because. *points at XWP* that shit. We're gonna have so much, but it'll all be worth it once I see this man not getting himself killed at Ares's blade (looking at you, Eli)
idk why they listed Chiron here but it's amazing casting so far. I watched all 50 episodes of Young Hercules and I think Ryan Gosling should have a brief cameo just for funnsies.
they have not cast Aphrodite yet, but yeah. I will seriously not see Aphrodite as anyone other then Alex Tydings but alright. Artemis and Apollo have also not been cast as of 6.1. but it would be so funny if someone who's connected to other Greek mythology focused projects somehow gets cast, I mean, look at Timothy.
My man went from Xena, to spn, to Percy Jackson in a matter of 20 years that's nuts. Really looking forward to seeing him cause, yk. Eli.
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Round 1 ✨Winners and Losers✨!
Everyone, please give a fond farewell to these most excellent of bards, who have been most valiantly defeated in this round:
Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth)
Gurney Halleck (Dune)
The Bard/Kiwi (Wandersong)
Callie Cuttlefish (Splatoon)
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos (The Trials of Apollo)
Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls)
Max Rebo (Star Wars)
Will Scarlet (Robin Hood)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Katalina (Tabletop Time)
Orpheus (Greek Mythology)
Dave BruBot/The Major Player (Toontown: Corporate Clash)
Elan (Order of the Stick)
Edward Chris von Muir (Final Fantasy IV)
Christian (Moulin Rouge)
The Bard (Shovel Knight)
Man with the Harmonica (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Diedrich Knickerbocker (Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story)
Bard the Bowman (The Hobbit)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
The Muses (Disney Hercules)
Robinton (Pern)
Cicero (Skyrim)
Michael Jackson (Real Life)
The Onceler (The Lorax)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
William Shakespeare (Something Rotten)
William Shamspeare (Ace Attorney)
Brook (One Piece)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princess of Power)
Frank Sinatra (Real Life)
Lias "Cliff" Bluestone (Discworld)
Essi Daven (The Witcher)
Stefen (The Heralds of Valdemar)
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Bard (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Nydas Okiro (Critical Role)
Charlie Pace (Lost)
Kitagra (Kings of the Wyld)
Father Gabriel (The Mission)
Haer'Dalis (Baldur's Gate)
Sylvando (Dragon Quest 11)
Gieve (The Heroic Legend of Arslan)
Kubo (Kubo and the Two Strings)
Guiliastes/Gui (1/2 Prince)
Asmodean (Wheel of Time)
The Pied Piper (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Franz Liszt (Classicaloid)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Hoid/Wit (Cosmere)
Noise (Roleslaying with Roman)
Rickety Stitch (Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Éile (The Witcher: Blood Origin)
Alastair Nobledrifter (Saving Throw - DnD Podcast)
Bill & Ted (Bill & Ted)
Imp Y Celyn (Discworld)
Bard Otter (The Last Dragonlord)
Maria von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
BMO (Adventure Time)
And give a round of applause and a pat on the back to those bards who will go on to the next round!:
David Bowie (Real Life)
Thom Merrilin (Wheel of Time)
Daeron (The Silmarillion)
Finrod (The Silmarillion)
Apollo (Greek Mythology)
Chong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Edgin Darvis (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem (The Muppets)
Starling Birdsong (Realm of the Elderlings)
"Weird Al” Yankovic (Real Life)
Carrie Wilson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle)
Raz'ul, Son of Daz'ul (BomBARDed)
Binary Bard (Poptropica)
Fflewddur Fflam (The Chronicles of Prydain)
Kyoami/The Fool (Ran/King Lear)
Hannah Montana (Hannah Montana)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Neil Banging Out the Tunes (Tumblr)
Thistle/Sissel (Delicious in Dungeon)
Loquatius Seelie (Critical Role)
Oli/TheOrionSound (Empires SMP)
Megamind (Megamind)
Mettaton (Undertale)
William Shakespeare (Real Life)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Classicaloid)
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Gerard Way (Real Life)
Snufkin (Moomin)
Rick Astley (Real Life)
Alan-a-Dale (Robin Hood)
Lúthien Tinúviel (The Silmarillion)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Kass (Legend of Zelda/Breath of the Wild)
Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Dob the Half-Orc Bard (Oxventure)
Kaylie Shorthalt (Critical Role)
Gabrielle the Battling Bard (Xena: The Warrior Princess)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!)
Tom Bombadil (The Lord of the Rings)
Steve McKenzie/Jester (Galavant)
Jaskier/Dandelion (The Witcher)
Rocky (Lackadaisy)
Neil Cicierega/Lemon Demon (Real Life)
Kermit the Bard (Tales of Tinkerdee)
Sir Robin's Minstrels (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Oscar Wilde (Rusty Quill Gaming)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Freddie Mercury (Real Life)
The Amazing Devil (Real Life)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Ron Stampler (Dungeons & Daddies)
Jack Black (Real Life)
Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role)
Hap Gladheart (Realm of the Elderlings)
Maglor (The Silmarillion)
DJ Cadence (Club Penguin)
Yara of Nowhere, the Wandering Bard (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Dorian Storm (Critical Role)
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan (Tales of Arcadia: Wizards)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
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mswyrr · 1 year
willow 2022, ep 1&2 [SPOILERS]
I’m enjoying it! The tone is fun and very nostalgic. The combo of humor and high stakes reminds me of Xena and Hercules.
-It has young women who are very different, distinct people going on coming-of-age journeys! ❤❤❤ There's no nonsense "girly girls are dumb and weak" stuff, which actually makes the butch-y girl feel stronger as a statement - she is WHO SHE IS, not because being that way makes a girl better. It's just who she is. some girls like swords and dressing masc and kissing girls and some girls like kissing boys and flower crowns and baking. neither is better than the other. they're people! 
-I am TIRED of comic book storytelling where a character stays fixed to a large extent or with a big RESET button installed so any change can be overwritten back to the status quo. I want dramatic changes and growth arcs! And here I really can see the beginnings of several growth arcs I’m excited to follow. For example - I love her, I am OVERJOYED by her canon queerness, but right now i currently find kit annoying and i'm glad! it's intentional - she's a kid at the very beginning of coming of age. she's annoying like i find A New Hope Luke when he's super whiny and an ingrate to his aunt and uncle annoying. he has to start there to have a fascinating journey, growing and becoming!
-I’m interested in everyone but I feel like Kit, Graydon, and Elora are going to have the most going on this season and I am intrigued by all of it. But there really isn’t a character I regret spending screen time with. I just think they’re going to drive the plot the most and/or have the most change.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 3 months
Info: I was forced to post this.
I was listening to Cupid and I had to think of Kirk/Bones and Kirk pining for the doctor. Enter Hercules/Xena!Karl Urban!Cupid (don't forget to mention, he's BLONDE) to help him. Yes, this is crack. Anyway, Jim is all: Bring me my love, please. And then: Cupid, y do you look like my Bones? Yeah, more crack, please. Jim tries to make out why Cupid looks like Bones or if Bones is actually part Greek!god xD Smexing is optional. (thread)
Fill: 1/1
Author: anonymous
Archive Link
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3hams · 8 months
My thoughts on One Piece live action…
The casting is fantastic. Every actor put their all into it. If I had problems with characters, it was the writing and not the performances.
Taz Skylar as Sanji. Very charming. Cooler than his dorky manga counterpoint, but not too much. That smile is killer and the way he approached the womanizing aspect was perfection. Funny but not gross.
Jeff Ward as Buggy. Everyone is right, he killed it. Hard to do an evil(ish) clown and not bring up thoughts of the Joker. He somehow managed it.
Steven John Ward as Mihawk. I confess, I am utterly uninterested in the anime and manga Mihawk, but this guy played him like a more butch Vincent Price with his tits out. It’s the kind of drama and scale I look for in an OP character. Thoroughly enjoyed him.
Emily Rudd as Nami. My absolute favorite by far. She is an incredible Nami and gave the show direction and emotional depth. Loved her dynamic with all of the crew. Her thieving was fun to watch. So so good.
Even some of the minor characters stood out to me. Lucky Roux and Yasopp. Nojiko. Kaya.
The sets are amazing. They really built their own world. Incredibly artistry there. The music was as epic and pirate-y as it needed to be. I loved seeing all kinds of people in the main cast and the extras. Racial diversity but also nationality and body type.
THE FIGHTS. Wow, the choreography was breathtaking. Of course, Mackenyu kills it as Zoro, but they also did a fantastic job on Luffy’s CG rubber moves and Nami’s staff fighting. I had a great time watching every brawl. They may have been my favorite parts of the show which is weird for me.
I was expecting the fish men to be cheesy and not scary, but they looked and sounded great actually.
Why this pacing? I was bored stiff during the unnecessary marine storyline and then they go and rush other stories meant to build on the camaraderie of our main cast and underline OP’s theme of freedom. The manga and anime regularly make me weep, but I was fairly unmoved by the sappy stuff here. It wasn’t earned.
Usopp got shafted. I get that they had to tone him down, but he disappeared for me. He wasn’t even the starring character in his own arc. He’s my favorite, so I was bummed despite the great acting.
Confused by some of the wig and makeup choices. Stylized and cartoony isn’t a bad approach, but some of these wigs would be mocked for crustiness at a local drag show. You can do a wacky orange but make it look like nice hair. Mihawk’s contacts looked like painted plastic to me. Why did they draw a random line of eyeliner on Sham’s nose?
Some of the camera angles were overdone and made me think of 90s fantasy shows like Xena and Hercules. All the low angles and fish lens.
Shanks and Garp lost most of their charm. Again, not because of the acting, but because they wrote the humor out of them. Shanks is scary because he covers his power with that sardonic goofiness. Garp is a senile doofus to hide his strength and threat to authority. The contrast is where the sweet stuff lies.
Like most shows these days, boy was this show dark. Not metaphorically. I could not see many scenes very well with my mid-thirties eyeballs.
Inaki is so sweet and cute as Luffy. He’s got his enthusiasm and his love for his people down. But he’s more naive than stupid and way more considerate than manga Luffy who never second guesses his decisions. I like them both, but they feel totally different to me. Live action Luffy is gonna be a lovable but slightly more traditional hero than my boy in the manga.
Deadpan Zoro is a lot of fun, but I do wish he were less cool and laughed more. Again, manga and live action Zoro are both great, just different. You can tell one of the show runners is gaga over Zoro. He got a lot of development.
I liked it, but didn’t love it. Not much desire to watch it again save for maybe a few scenes.
However, I definitely want it to keep going.
It has so much potential, and they can develop these characters more over time. A first season is often tough. Also, Alabasta is an excellent arc to adapt. It’s self-contained, lots of interesting enemies. Live action Crocodile has the potential to be amazing. And Robin!!
I hope this strike gets settled in favor of the workers and Netflix invests in more of the show. The roots are decent and can grow into something great. Please watch it to help that happen.
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norcalbruja · 2 years
Spirit world non-updates: Executive dysfunction, yay
All right, so about the whole “I need a few days to actually TELL THE SPIRITS I NEED TO LEAVE FOR X AMOUNT OF TIME:” In addition to my lack of boundaries, the memes for autism/adhd constantly talk about being unable to start things and that’s something I definitely have issues with.
Like, this would only be one or two steps for most people: “a) Tell the spirits ‘do not disturb’ and b) don’t do anything for X time,” but for me it’s a bunch of smaller steps:
1) Break through or climb the metaphorical wall that’s in my way for non-routine tasks (plus some of the “routine tasks that I don’t like”). Usually it works if I attach the task to something that I DO like, so I basically soften myself up into “doing stuff” mode. Example: “okay, play some Red Dead Online or Stardew Valley for an hour, and THEN figure out when start my break.”
2) decide on a date for starting / stopping the break, and mark it on my calendar so it’s official.
3) metaphorically sit down with the spirits and tell them that I’m not talking to them from X day to Y day.
4) remind myself to continue not-talking to them, because I lack boundaries AND I’m forgetful as fuck.
Dionysus actually tried to initiate the break on his own, either last night or the night before then, but I was like “WAAAIT, I NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN SO I KNOW YOU LEFT TODAY!” and he just chuckled and went “oh boy, I skipped too far ahead.”
When I mentioned the Discord group’s concerns that my half-baked poetry drafts were offending the gods, Dionysus also went on a... Rant(TM).
He technically agreed with me, but what he FOCUSED on was unexpected.
“Hang on, I keep quiet about Tagalog culture, but they think the art and insanity god is offended by a crazy girl’s rough-drafts? I KNOW how to tell fiction from reality! And crazy people are a LOT of my worshipers, so I’m PROBABLY used to dealing with folks who get the wrong ideas! Do they know how NICE you are with your blasphemy or hubris, whichever one they checked the dictionary for? I’d think ‘asking Ariadne, a woman, for permission to have a relationship with her husband’ or writing about how ‘a man talks about common interests with YOU, a woman,’ would disqualify you IMMEDIATELY from intentional harm or excessive boasting! Women didn’t get opinions in Ancient Greece! Men didn’t ask their wives for permission to boink someone else! If I was like my father or if I'd ruled men instead of spirits, I could have taken you as a war-bride, a concubine, ‘the farm-girl that His Majesty sleeps with,’ and that’s it! I wouldn’t ask EITHER of you how you fucking feel!
“And if however many years of research and the utmost bow-and-scrape politeness towards the gods is needed to avoid blasphemy or hubris, then what about all those Greek pagan bloggers, untainted by your pop-culture weirdness? Rick Riordan? The Xena and Hercules writers? Hollywood? If we haven’t wrecked enough of their lives to confirm that blasphemous writing or questionable god-spouse claims are badwrong and Must Be Punished, or at least we have the TIME to go smiting humans for that, then why would we be homing in on you, Miss Can’t Get A Break?!”
Keep in mind, dear readers, that I did not literally hear a long and intact monologue, even from the actual theatre god. He was stewing for a couple of days, and it dribbled in a few sentences at a time, most likely because the subject matter is... uncomfortable, to put it lightly.
As my poem denotes, Dionysus usually tells me I’m NOT crazy, so even his secondhand jabbing about other people who think so is unpleasant, and his tangent about Ancient Greece’s miserable treatment of women was, uh... very painful.
Look, Dionysus is not a COMPLETELY warm and fuzzy god, as his tendency to show up as Greek Anakin Skywalker shows, and he certainly has myths where his morality is questionable, but compared to the OTHER Greek gods (especially his father), his stories show him as remarkably compassionate towards women.
Also, new development: Dionysus often wears either the comedic or the tragic “theater mask” now. An oversized one that he could probably use as a breastplate, if he shifted it a couple feet lower. Think of “Kitty from Courage the Cowardly Dog” for the mask-to-person ratio.
I have seen his non-pop-culture form several times (curly brown/black hair, clean shaven, neon-blue eyes, very much a “younger version of Zeus”) and I definitely don’t die since it’s still a “don’t burn humans alive by accident” dilution of what he actually looks like, but, um... the mask is spooky, and I think going easier on his pop-culture filter and the sudden creepiness for good measure is to prove that, well, he’s not a figment of my imagination.
I wouldn’t think of THAT method to “distance myself” from a potential trickster pretending to be a god.
And one thing that struck me about the Discord group’s response to the Buwaya, is that they’re concerned about how she showed up AFTER my baby-step wards got set up. They were like, “some of your stuff doesn’t sound right, but we also have no idea why you’re clearly going through horrible shit like the demon-child births, or why the crocodile came up AFTER you started warding.”
And while I was trying to digest the stuff they were typing, I was just thinking, “well, that’s a problem. All I know is the obvious stuff like ‘I realllllly don’t like birthing demon-children, and literally all the other spirits try to help me remove / kill them asap once they’re out.’ Or ‘the crocodile is intimidating as fuck, but she is also helping enforce my boundaries and certainly not trying to eat me, plus she can dig out the demon-children in a much less traumatizing way than how they force themselves out.’”
Because yeah, one thing Lola mentioned is that the demon-children make their expulsion/births as unnecessarily painful as possible, because spirit-world or not, that’s going to make my monkey-brain go “NOPE NOPE NOPE, THAT’S GONNA HURT,” and then I’m forced to keep them around.
As for "how can an entirely new crocodile-spirit can get through my wards against spirits with ill intent, even as awkward and barely-assertive as they are,” I have asked if Lola is the croc/dragon character I wrote about from The Crocodile God just in case.
She got highly offended that I’d worry about her being a liar OR not being “an actual spirit,” and in her words: “I got through your wards because I do not have ill intent! And I am not in your head! You ask the nuno who they are?! Your ancestors by spirit?! Anak, if I was pretending to be a crocodile this size, at my age, the real ones would come after me soon enough!”
And after the mess with me forgetting that ‘anito’ did not always have a clear-cut meaning of ‘a given people’s deity / pantheon,’ Lola was insistent on which use of ‘nuno' she meant, because sometimes it means ‘goblin / spirit,’ and other times it means ‘ancestor.’ 
So I was like, “Lola, they actually have good advice--I shouldn't be trusting random spirits RIGHT AWAY anymore.”
And she went, “NAPAKA BUWISIT. Of course they tell you good advice--speak properly, fix your writing, put up wards against strange spirits--but what they’re doing with it is making you afraid of everything! What use are all their classes if they do not recognize my people?! They say the words that ‘reptiles are guardians,’ ay, but they don't remember it when I come to you! I have not lied to you! I’m too old to take any character’s face! They can disbelieve your stories and blog and strange speech, that is their right, but then they think I’m lying or just in your head?! What lack of faith they have in the buwaya! What damage they do to you! It took my son five years to get you to look for Tagalog spirits, and now you’re worried that we’re all tricksters or thoughts in your head!”
And honestly, I did not like the reminders that I thought the Tagalog gods were dead for years, but Lola’s particular BRAND of affront just makes me feel strange, like how Dionysus mentioned how I can’t be hubristic for my poem because Fictional-Me cares about another woman’s feelings, and that bare minimum of “asking a married woman if she’s okay that I want a relationship with her husband” is leagues better than what happened in Ancient Greece, or even with his own family.
Lola’s angry, sure, but she’s also UPSET that the Discord group doesn’t think she’s real OR that she’s here to help. If I had to transcribe her remarks to me literally, it’s a constant stream of, “THEY DON’T EVEN BELIEVE ME?!” Like, she’s constantly griping about THEIR disbelief in HER, not just that I’m nervous myself.
So I went, “Well, how does the Water-Spirit fit in with everything? He lied about being Haik, but he also turns into a crocodile / dragon.”
She surprised me because... well, her energy shifted in an unexpected way. See, while the Water-Spirit himself is pretty used to me questioning him lately, Lola just felt upset on his behalf. She was giving off major "what did I just tell you, anak?" vibes.
But she also knows I’m confused as fuck right now, so she looked at him very intently, not even opening her mouth or anything, and he just flinched and automatically spilled out something like, “Please, Lola, I am a water-spirit, the same as your kind. I lied about my name, but not about everything, please, please, please.”
She didn’t seem QUITE satisfied with that, but she just shrugged and left him alone very pointedly.
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faveficarchive · 5 years
Truth or Dare
By Word Warrior 
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Xena and Gabrielle are trapped in a cave-in and work to escape. To keep their mind off of the stress they’re under, they occupy themselves with a little Truth or Dare. After a second cave-in, though, Xena is severely injured, and it’s up to Gabrielle to save them. 
"In here!" shouted Xena over the roaring of the wind. Quickly, she led Argo into the mouth of the cave, hurrying Gabrielle who had fallen a bit behind. The wind tore at her flesh, the rain stung as it slashed in slanted fury. Gabrielle's face was white with fear and the cold. She was shivering uncontrollably and Xena gave her a worried glance before coaxing Argo into the black maw of the cavern. Lightning streaked the sky, the thunder instantaneous. She heard a tree crack and watched over her shoulder as flames erupted from the forest they'd left only seconds ago. "Wh... what's g... g... going to ha... happen to uh... us?" asked Gabrielle, her teeth chattering so violently Xena could barely make out the words. "Nothing. We're safe here." Suddenly, the interior of the cave was illuminated by a bright flash. The thunder echoed and rumbled through the cavern with such volume both women held their hands to their ears, grimacing. Argo reared, pawing the air in fear. The rumbling changed tenor slightly and Xena looked around, her eyes wide, suspecting what was about to happen. She stared at the entrance to the cave as wave after wave of boulders spilled in front of it. Another flash and a tree crashed into the rockfall, jutting partway into the cave, missing her by inches. But the cascade of rocks and debris didn't stop. Endless amounts seemed to fall, each building on the other until the entrance was completely obscured. When the last echoes finally died, they were in absolute darkness. Even the sound of the storm was muted and distant. Their safe haven had, in the flash of a single bolt of lightning, possibly become their tomb.
"Gabrielle? Are you all right?" asked Xena quietly, her words sounding hollow and small. "Y...yes... I'm f... fine..." came a whispered answer. "Don't worry. We're in no danger. I'm sure there are other ways out of here. We just need to make some torches and then we can start following all the tunnels until we find daylight." Xena thought of Argo, knowing the horse wouldn't be able to maneuver through narrow passages. The idea of leaving her trusty mare behind to starve -- trapped and alone in a cave -- was too horrible to contemplate, so she turned her attention back to her friend. "S...sure. Th... that's what we'll do," said Gabrielle, unable to control the shivering. "Need to make a fire," mumbled Xena. "Have to get you warmed up." Carefully, she felt her way toward the entrance until her hand encountered a jutting branch from the tree that had fallen amidst the rubble. The sibilance of steel being drawn from a scabbard sounded loudly in the deathly quiet of the cave, then with a whoosh, she slashed a couple smaller branches free. "Speak to me, Gabrielle, so I can find you." "Oh... I... I'm o..o...over... here..." she said. "Good. Keep talking." "H...how do y...you know there'll be o...other ways out?" "Because I *want* there to be other ways out. And what I want I get. Always have," said Xena with a smile. She waited for an answering chuckle from Gabrielle but there was only silence. Xena laid the branches down and removed her fire tools from the pouch at her waist. "C'mon, Gabrielle. Say something." Silence. "Gabrielle? C'mon! Here's your chance -- I'm *asking* you to talk." Striking flint against iron, a spark flew onto the small pile of tinder she had retrieved from her pouch and died. Xena stopped a moment to consider. They needed the fire. They needed light and warmth. The temperature in the cave was uncomfortably cold and Gabrielle showed signs of slipping into hypothermia. But the utter blackness told Xena she needed to be careful. If there was no natural chimney in the cave, the smoke from the fire -- especially fire using wet wood -- could overwhelm and kill them. She decided to make a small torch instead. It wouldn't give off much smoke and at least she could explore the cave and get Gabrielle settled. Xena gave a low whistle and heard Argo's answering snort. Moments later her muzzle nudged her shoulder. "Good girl," she whispered, then felt along the mare's neck to the saddlebags. Xena withdrew a small bolt of cloth. It was the one Gabrielle had purchased only that morning, the one she had planned to make a new top with, having finally tired of the ugly green 'carpet' she had been wearing. Xena sighed as she ripped off a length, hating to see that project delayed. She attached the cloth to one of the wet branches then lit the head of the torch. Taking a moment to adjust her eyes, she held the torch high, looking around her. Gabrielle was sitting on a small rock, curled into herself as she shivered uncontrollably. Quickly, Xena grabbed all the blankets they owned and wrapped her friend in the lot of them. Gabby smiled up at her, unable to speak, but thanking her with her eyes. "Better?" asked Xena. Gabby nodded. Xena was grateful for the small warmth of the flame as she started on a careful circuit of the cavern. She would've liked to have kept one of the blankets for herself, but instead would wait until Gabrielle was out of danger. With meticulous attention, she studied every crack, crevice and inch of the cavern. To her dismay, there was nothing but solid rock. The entrance was the only way in or out. Carefully, she examined the rockfall which blocked the opening. The tree had wedged several large boulders into immovable positions. She doubted even Hercules could clear this mess. "D... did you find a tunnel?" asked Gabby. "How are you feeling?" "Better." "Good. Stay wrapped up. I'll be there in a minute." "Okay," Gabby said, watching Xena as she scrutinized the rocks at the entrance. "Um... you didn't answer my question. Why are you looking there? Isn't there a tunnel?" "No. No tunnels. This is our only way out," said Xena, her voice speaking none of her fear. "Oh. That's bad, huh?" "Yeah. That's bad." Gabrielle was silent for a moment. "But... it's gonna be okay, right? I mean, you've probably already figured out a way to get us out of here, right?" Xena turned away from the wall, a headache settling in just above her eyes. She squatted next to Gabrielle who had begun to regain the color in her cheeks. She touched one of the blankets and with a lifted brow, Xena silently asked if she could take it. Gabrielle nodded. The warrior wrapped herself in the blanket. The torch was already beginning to sputter and wouldn't last long. Xena walked over to the pile of wet branches she had made earlier and placed the torch under them on the tinder, hoping it would burn long enough to dry the wood so it could catch. She planned to watch the fire carefully, knowing that if a natural chimney existed, the smoke would find it easier than she would. "Come over by the fire," Xena said, helping Gabrielle stand then lending her strength as they walked over. She knew she was doing it more for herself than for her friend. Xena needed to feel strong and useful, because contrary to Gabby's prediction, she had no idea how they would escape their current trap. "Is that the cloth I just bought?" asked Gabby. "Yes. I needed something to make the torch." "Wish you'd said something. I have an old shift that I wouldn't have minded saying good-bye to." "Sorry. It was the first thing at hand." "I just wish you would've asked, is all. Not like you ever do, of course. I don't know why it should surprise me," grumbled Gabrielle. Xena stared at her, trying to figure out if she was really bothered or if it was simply the tension of their predicament. "I think a bolt of cloth is the least of our problems." Gabrielle didn't answer. She picked up what remained of the cloth and ran it through her fingers. It was sturdy homespun, but had been dyed a delicate shade of peach which had immediately caught her eye. She'd never seen cloth exactly that color before and had been overjoyed at the prospect of something new to wear. Now there wasn't enough to make anything but more torches. She knew Xena was waiting for her to say something conciliatory, as Gabby always did. But she just didn't feel like giving in. A bolt of cloth may not seem like much to Xena, but it had meant something to Gabrielle. Yet the warrior had torn it without a thought; without even thinking of asking if there was an alternative. The torch under the branches was burning low but a couple of the sticks of wood had begun to sizzle away their moisture. Smoke was floating upward toward the cavern ceiling and gathering at the rock-filled entrance. A muffled crash sounded outside and the cave shook as if by an impact. Xena reflexively threw her arms around Gabrielle, protecting her as bits of rock and dust fell from the ceiling. The rubble at the entrance shifted as something very large hit the tree outside. Several stones tumbled into the cave itself and Xena feared they might be buried alive if the barrier didn't hold. Soon the deep echoing rumbles stopped and it was silent again. "What was that?" whispered Gabrielle, still holding onto Xena. "Another rock slide. Don't know if it helped us or hurt us, though." "How long is this storm going to last? I've never seen the skies this angry. It can't go on for long, right? It has to end sometime." "Yeah, it'll end," said Xena, disentangling herself from Gabrielle. She poked at the wood with the torch, and blew on the flame, brightening it. Gabby's fearful face jumped out in sharp relief. "We're safe in here," Xena lied, stealing a glance at the rock pile. "Oh, sure, I'm not worried about that. We're safe in here. But it gives me the creeps, all that muffled thunder. It reminds me of the stories I used to hear about Zeus's temper. I was always afraid of storms when I was a kid. I used to think Zeus was mad at *me* and I'd think back on all the things I'd done that might anger the king of the gods. Every storm, I'd run to my room and worry about having pulled Lilla's hair or stolen an extra dessert -- stuff like that. As if Zeus had nothing better to do than punish a little girl's mischief." Xena smiled indulgently. Idly, she wondered what it would've been like to grow up with Gabrielle. Would they have been friends? Probably not, she admitted to herself. She'd had little patience for girls like Gabrielle when she was a child. She had preferred the company of her brothers and their friends. Never one for playing house, she was always found outside whooping and screaming in neighborhood war games, practicing with the small wooden sword that her absent father had made when she was a baby. She had loved that sword. When she was five years old she had fashioned a scabbard out of bits of discarded leather she had found at the tannery. She used to swagger down the streets of Amphipolis to the indulgent smiles of the adults, her sword at her side. "I never had a chance," Xena muttered, realizing that her fate had been set from the beginning. "A chance?" asked Gabrielle. "Nothing." "No, c'mon. A chance at what?" Xena sighed. "At being afraid of thunderstorms." Xena rose and walked over to the tree, cutting off another bundle of branches. They needed to conserve wood, but she may as well get this group drying. Then she chose a sturdy limb to use as a more permanent torch. She unsaddled Argo and placed their packs against a wall. The horse nickered softly, telling her she was thirsty. "Sorry, girl, you'll have to wait a bit. Let me figure out how to get out of here, first." "Can we wait until the storm is over?" asked Gabrielle. "Don't worry. We won't be leaving that soon." "Oh. Good. I think." Gabrielle stared as Xena rummaged through the packs, placing their water skins in a pile, starting another stack for food. "Is there something you're not telling me?" she asked, unnerved by the tense set of the warrior's shoulders. "No," said Xena curtly. Then she stopped what she was doing and returned to sit next to her friend. "Look. That wall of rocks over there isn't going to be easy to move. And there's always the danger that loosening the wrong one will cause a worse slide and we'll be buried in here. You need to understand this and prepare yourself. We've got a lot of work ahead of us." "I see," said Gabrielle, fearing Xena's worried expression more than her words. "Thanks for being honest. I can take it, you know. Don't worry about panicking me or something. And I'm pretty strong," she said, making a muscle. "I'll help all I can." Xena smiled. "I know you will, Gabrielle. We both will. We'll get out of this." "Because you want to?" "Because I want to." Gabrielle smiled, but couldn't help thinking of the tunnel Xena had wanted, yet didn't exist. Not everything happens because you will it to be so, she thought.
"Not too much. That's all the water we have," said Xena. Gabrielle stopped mid-sip and looked at the skin. It wasn't full, but there were two others that were. Still, for an extended stay, it wasn't a great deal of water. And they had Argo to consider as well. What would the horse eat and drink? "What are you going to do about Argo?" she asked. "What about her?" asked Xena, curtly, not wanting to think about Argo. Even if they could clear a passage for the two women to slip through, the problem of her horse still existed. How could Argo ever escape this trap? "You know, food and drink and stuff." "Oh. I have some oats. And she'll share our water." "But there's not much of either. We're lucky we just bought new food stores today, aren't we?" "Yeah," said Xena, her back to Gabrielle. She had just gone through and taken an inventory of their possessions, weighing each item for its possible uses. They had adequate food and the water might last if stretched. They had medicine and cloth for bandages and torches, thanks to the unwanted shift and the peach homespun. As long as they were able to devise some means of escape in the next couple of days, there wouldn't be any problems. Xena walked over to the rock wall again, staring at it as if trying to unlock its puzzle. The tree was the wild card. How much weight was it supporting? And why did no light shine in from the pockets that had to be there? Were there so many rocks piled beyond the entrance that a year's worth of digging wouldn't dislodge them all? "We're lucky to have the tree, huh?" piped in Gabrielle, standing at her shoulder. "How so?" "Well, we have wood for fires and torches. And maybe we can make braces out of some of the branches. You know, to shore up any digging we do." Xena looked at her companion and smiled. "Yeah, maybe we can." Gabrielle beamed under the implied praise and returned to the fire, feeding it another branch. The stew pot was simmering and filled the cavern with a rich, beefy aroma. There were no fresh vegetables to cut in, but she had added some dried herbs to the jerky soup and it looked like it would be a satisfying meal. Best she could do under the circumstances, she mused. Xena had climbed several of the rocks and was searching the mosaic, looking for a starting point. She noted again the place where the smoke was disappearing, and decided to climb to it. Delicately, she took her time, testing each boulder before putting weight on it. Finally, she reached the top of the cavern and put her hand in the line of smoke. She felt a cold draft. "Fire's going to be okay," she said. "What? Why wouldn't it be?" "There's a strong draw here. For the smoke. We don't have to worry about suffocating, as long as we keep the flame low." Gabby glanced worriedly at the new branch she'd just put in. Did that make the fire too big? she wondered. Should she have waited until most of the others had burned down more? "Soup's ready," she said nervously, wanting Xena off the wall and back with her, telling her what to do. She watched as the warrior clung like a spider to the rocks. To Gabrielle, it seemed very dangerous to crawl around up there. "In a minute," Xena said, tugging on a small rock. It came loose and she tossed it to the ground. She peered into the hole but just saw more rocks. She worked another free, then another, but still there was no end in sight. The smoke continued to curl lazily through the wall, finding a passage she couldn't track down. "I'm gonna eat, okay?" asked Gabrielle. "Fine." "But you should too, y'know. You can do that after dinner. You haven't eaten all day." Gabrielle had eaten a large falafel sandwich for lunch in the village. But Xena had skipped the meal, listening instead to the problems of one of the village men. It turned out to be something that had no need of a warrior. Xena had advised him to take it to the city elders, giving her own opinion of how to solve things amicably. 'Something about an unruly neighbor,' she'd muttered to Gabrielle's inquiry. After buying supplies, they'd left, trying to beat the brewing storm. Things like that happened a lot, Gabby mused. Xena's reputation as a hero for everyday people had been spreading. And some people tried to take advantage of her change of heart, asking her to solve problems with the violence of her sword instead of using negotiation and compromise. Strangely enough, Xena had more patience with these fools than Gabrielle. It bothered the bard to see people try to use the warrior for their own selfish means. But Xena took it all in stride with a shrug of her broad shoulders. "Why don't you get angry with them?" Gabby asked as Xena began the climb back down. "With the rocks?" Xena asked quizzically, stopping her descent. She'd found no further clues to the draft and the soup really did smell quite good. "No," Gabrielle said, laughing. "With the villagers who try to take advantage of you. Why don't they make you more upset? They sure get me mad, and you have a much quicker temper than I have." Xena resumed her downward climb. "Most of them genuinely think their problems are too big to solve," she said, jumping the last few feet. "But they're usually so silly!" "Not to them." Xena sat next to Gabby, helping herself to a cup of soup. "Don't make any more soups. They use too much water." "Well, I'd started this before you mentioned the water. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." "It's okay. Now you know." "But I should have thought of it. I mean, it's not like there's a stream in this stupid little cave. Now I've wasted all this water and we could die because of my foolishness." "First of all, it's not wasted. We're getting the moisture through the soup. Second, we're not going to die because of a small mistake like that." Xena looked at Gabby who refused to meet her eyes. Xena sighed, put down her meal and turned to face her friend. "Look at me." Gabrielle refused to comply, but said softly, "why?" "Because I want to talk to you." "I can hear you. You're sitting right next to me." "Gabrielle. Please." Gabby looked up reluctantly. Xena had a small smile on her face, her eyes tender. "Okay," the bard whispered. "Good. Now listen to me, because I'm only going to say this once. The biggest danger in here isn't water or rocks or food or anything like that. What is far worse -- what is deadly, in fact -- is loss of hope. If we give in to our fears; if we stop trying to find a way to escape, then we will surely die. No one is going to come crashing through that wall to rescue us. No hidden passageway is going to be mysteriously found. We need to accept what's happened and then figure out a way to help ourselves. And there is a way. We just need to find it. Okay?" Gabrielle looked into the clear blue eyes of the woman who meant more to her than anyone ever had in her life. Not her mother, her father, her sister, Perdicus or any other living soul had ever given Gabby as much as Xena had; had ever shown her the respect, friendship and love that Xena had shown. Slowly she nodded her head. "Okay." "Good. I'm not going to keep reminding you, because I don't want that burden. I don't want to have to hope for the both of us. I need your help." "Anything, Xena. You know I'll do anything for you." "For us. Just stay optimistic and tomorrow, we'll start clearing those rocks. We could both use a good night's sleep tonight, so clean up here and get in your blankets." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to finish my soup, take care of Argo then hopefully, have a dreamless night." "Okay," said Gabrielle with a smile. She poured the last of the soup into Xena's cup then used some of the sand that covered the cave floor to wash the pot. Without water she wasn't very happy with the results. Not that it mattered, she realized. There would be no more soups, or cooking until they escaped the cave. From here on, it was jerky, fruit, cheese and the sticky sweets she had tied up at the bottom of her pack -- a surprise she would save for later, she decided. Xena had a bit of a sweet tooth, and Gabrielle delighted in tempting her with various savory treats she'd find in the markets. Gabby stretched, removed her clothes and slipped into her remaining shift. She glanced over at Xena, who was cooing softly to Argo. Feeling much more optimistic than she had since the rockslide, the bard pulled her blankets up and faced the fire, letting the mesmerizing flames lull her. Everything would be okay, she decided. No way were a bunch of rocks going to defeat the Warrior Princess.
Xena lay on her bedroll, unable to sleep. She kept puzzling through the jigsaw of the rocks, trying to see a way to clear enough of them to escape without tumbling the whole mess in on top of them. And what about Argo? How was she supposed to get out? The only way to save all three of them would be to clear the entire entrance. But some of the boulders were huge, weighing hundreds, maybe thousands of pounds. And what about the tree? How was she supposed to move an entire tree? Xena restlessly turned to her side. She looked across the glowing coals at Gabrielle, sleeping soundly and undisturbed. I'm sorry I led you into this trap, she thought. It's my fault we're in here. I should have foreseen the possibility of a rock slide, but all I cared about was getting you out of the rain and warmed up. You are my weakness and my strength. Such a heavy role for one so young and innocent. The warrior stared at her traveling companion and best friend. Yet again she wondered why Gabrielle stayed with her. I'm as hard, cold and unrelenting as this cave, Xena thought. I don't tell you what you want to know. I don't share my confidences. I walk a knife edge every single day, fighting the darkness that's forever threatening to overwhelm me. And yet you stay by my side, putting up with my silences. You weather my tempers with calm. You accept me no matter what horrors hide in my past. How can that be? How can you not fear me? I struck you and you stayed with me. I've left you behind for days at a time yet I always found you waiting patiently for my return. My enemies have attacked me through you, threatening any manner of unspeakable acts, yet you remain steadfast in your trust that I will prevail. How can that be? What holds you here -- tied to a used-up warrior desperate to atone for a lifetime of sins? What force is great enough to keep you trudging by my side, your life so often in danger, your blood innocence threatened at every turn? All this and so much more, yet still, here you are, trusting me, helping me, and remaining true to your code. How can that be? I'll never understand you, Gabrielle. I'll never understand why you chose me as your friend. Xena closed her eyes and immediately saw the puzzle of the rocks. As she drifted to sleep, she continued to search for an answer.
Gabrielle opened her eyes but the change was imperceptible. The cave was in darkness again, a cold breath of air chilling her beneath her blankets. She looked at the fire and saw one glowing ember, barely alive on the ashes. Quickly, she wrapped her blanket around her and felt along the cave floor for more wood. She put it on the ember and blew on the coal to fan it. Slowly the branch began to smoke, then a lick of flame shot upwards. Soon she had the fire burning to her satisfaction. She glanced over at Xena who was mumbling in her sleep. Gabrielle tried to distinguish what she was saying but couldn't make it out before the warrior faded into a deeper sleep. Perhaps Xena would remember her dream in the morning and tell her what happened. Fat chance, thought Gabby. Xena never talked about her dreams. Even when Gabrielle had shaken her awake to drown the warrior's screams, her friend had remained silent about what had happened in her night terrors. Not that there was anything Gabby could do to help. These were Xena's personal demons and far beyond the touch of the young bard. Gabrielle watched the fire for a moment, then let her eyes drift back to Xena's now peaceful, sleeping face. In her warlord days, there was little Xena wouldn't do in her quest for power. She had used her body to seduce friends and enemies alike. She had used her cunning to betray and destroy. She had set herself up as a prize to be sought -- rewarding those who served her well; killing those who hadn't. Gabrielle found it difficult to reconcile this with the woman she now knew. Although today Xena was often cold and distant, she was always fair and never cruel. Yet she kept such a tight lock on herself. Sometimes Gabby would touch her in an offhanded, friendly way and Xena would freeze up, shaking off the contact. The warrior seemed to conserve all her passion for the battlefield. Oh, there were exceptions, Gabrielle realized. Hercules, for instance. Gabby had seen the doe-eyed looks from Xena, so uncharacteristic in her stern friend. And she had seen the passion with which they had kissed good-bye. But Gabrielle suspected that Xena's relationship with Hercules was more that of gratitude for his having set her free from her life as a warlord, and hero-worship for someone who was as much a god as a man. Xena admired Hercules; his ideals and his goals. He had taken a chance on her, and Xena never forgot a kindness like that. And although Gabrielle firmly suspected that they had been lovers at some time in the past, Xena didn't act like a woman who mooned over a lost mate. And then there was Marcus. Gabrielle wasn't quite sure what to think about Marcus. Had he been the love of Xena's life? The man destined to be her soulmate? Somehow, Gabby didn't think so, though she was unsure why. Yes, Xena had loved him. And his death had wounded her. This had become obvious when the shade of Marcus had sought the warrior's help against Adamineus in the Underworld. When Xena had emerged from the lake, alone again, she had cried in Gabby's arms -- something rare enough to shake the bard to her core. Had Marcus stolen the passion from Xena's life? Had he received the last of her love? Gabrielle sighed, wishing she knew the answers to questions like these. And why must you know the answers? she asked herself. Tell the truth. Whisper it aloud in an empty field so no one can hear, but tell the truth. Because I am in love with Xena, she answered in her secret heart. Gabrielle stared at Xena's sleeping face, willing herself to stop, but failing because this was the only time when it was possible to do so. Gabrielle harbored one very deep, very dark fear -- a fear she kept so quiet and hidden that if it ever saw light, she knew she would die on the spot. Her fear was that Xena would find out that Gabby was in love with her, and would send her on her way. So Gabrielle played a game with her emotions every single day. She hid the love in her eyes; tamped down the passion in her heart and kept her distance from the dark warrior. She knew that letting this secret out would be the end of their friendship forever. Didn't Xena sometimes pull away when Gabby touched her? Didn't the warrior forever keep secrets from Gabrielle, rarely letting her in on plans, dreams, or feelings? Sure, Xena liked her company. And they were friends. Xena had said that often enough for even Gabby to believe her. 'My best friend' the warrior had said. Oh, the joy I'd felt the first day she had said that! thought Gabrielle. 'My best friend.' There was sweet music in the words. Knowing she could never have what was in her secret heart, this was almost enough to compensate. And Xena does show her friendship in many ways, reasoned Gabrielle. She protects me, helps me, teaches me, smiles at my jokes -- she lets me know. Still... sometimes I wonder why she keeps me around. I know I occasionally get on her nerves. And it wasn't like she asked me to join her in the first place. I really forced myself on her. But by a miracle of the gods she let me stay and now I think she would miss me if I were gone. She sure seemed to miss me when I went home to Potidaea or when I went to the Academy in Athens. And when I married Perdicus... Gabrielle stared at the fire a moment, letting the flames calm her. Then her eyes inevitably strayed back to Xena's sleeping face. Perdicus, she thought. I think I hurt your feelings when I did that. I threw away our friendship, didn't I? Wish I could tell you why I did it. Wish I could explain that it hurt too much to be around you every day and every night and not be able to tell you how I felt. And then he came and he offered me safety, and love and we had always gotten along when we were kids and I wondered what it would be like not to be in danger anymore. I wondered what it would be like not to spend my life afraid that I'd slip up and be banished from your life forever. And when he was killed because of me, well, I felt so guilty. I had used him. I wasn't in love with him, but I had married him anyway. To make you jealous? Maybe. To force you to talk to me -- to make you tell me not to go? Maybe. To pretend I was like all the other girls in the village and not feel so alone and different? Maybe. To keep myself from screaming out my love for you? Yeah. All of these and more. What choice did I have? What choice *do* I have? I can stand anything but you hating me, Xena. And now we're here in this cave and there's no way out and I'm going to die without ever telling you. Aphrodite will probably insist I go to Tartarus for my sin. In her mind, Gabby heard Xena's strong, low voice. 'The biggest danger in here isn't water or rocks or food or anything like that. What is far worse -- what is deadly, in fact -- is loss of hope.' How had she forgotten this lesson so soon? Gabrielle wondered. She looked over at the puzzle of the rocks. I'm not letting you beat us, she thought. We'll win this fight, like Xena wins all her battles. We'll use our strength and our cunning and our sweat and we'll solve your puzzle. Don't think we won't. And when we do, we'll head off to another adventure; another challenge. Just see if we don't. Gabrielle lay back down in her blankets, content that the fire would last until morning, and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Xena was balanced precariously at the top of the rubble, meticulously loosening and throwing down rocks. Gabrielle's job was to carry them over to a pile at the back of the cavern. It was hard work and both women were sweating despite the chill of the cave. They had been working for over four hours without a break and Gabby kept opening her mouth to ask if they could rest when yet another rock would slam into the cave floor. Suddenly, there was a low rumble and the pile shifted, throwing Xena off her perch. She spun in the air, finding her feet just as all her hard work was erased in a matter of seconds. The hole she had so carefully excavated had disappeared, filled in completely with a new batch of rocks. Gabrielle stared despondently, wondering if this sort of thing was going to happen a lot. Xena let off a few choice curses, left over from her days as a warlord, then brushed her hands on her leathers. "We'll break for lunch then get back to it." "Why did that happen?" asked Gabrielle, staring inconsolably at the new cave-in. "I must have loosened a keystone. I was afraid of that, but there's really no way around it. Without knowing how this thing looks from the outside, it's going to be difficult to judge." Disheartened, Gabby took out a few strips of jerky and a wedge of cheese. The first water skin was empty, so she grabbed the second, cursing herself again for having made the soup. Argo needed so much water to wash down the oats that the bard feared they'd run out of supplies before ever solving the riddle of the rocks. "Here. Start with this. I'm going to bake some bread," said Gabrielle. "Mmmm," muttered Xena, staring at the wall. She took the food, then set it down without tasting it. Instead, she began clearing the rocks that had fallen into the cave when the wall had collapsed. Gabrielle looked up from her bread mixture and frowned. "Can't that wait? You need to eat." Grunting, Xena carried a large rock that the bard wouldn't have been able to lift, toward the corner. She tossed it down then returned for more. "In a bit. Just want to finish this first." Gabby rose to help, but Xena stopped her. "Make the bread." With a shrug, Gabby went back to her mixing. Don't lose hope, she told herself. Don't lose hope. Don't lose hope...
"Was it okay? I'm missing some of the stuff I usually put in." "It was fine," said Xena, finishing off the last of her meal. "When we get out of here, I'm going to give you the best dinner you've ever had. That's a promise," said Gabrielle resolutely. "Your meals are always good." Gabby brightened, her smile lighting her face. "Really? Thank you for telling me that." Xena shot her a quick glance, eyes narrowed. "Am I that bad? I thought I've said it many times before." "Well... not exactly in words. But you always eat everything, so I sort of guessed I was doing okay." Gabby watched as Xena studied her for a moment, her thoughts disguised. Nervously the younger woman waited to see if she had said something wrong. To her surprise, the warrior smiled and sat down next to her, throwing one muscled arm around her shoulders. "Well, that's my fault, then. I *do* appreciate you. You're a big help, an excellent cook and the best friend I've ever had." Gabrielle was silent, staring at the wonderful woman who could make her feel so much joy with so few words. Xena looked back at the wall. "And you've worked very hard today. Those rocks are heavy and you never once complained." Embarrassed by this sudden praise from the taciturn warrior, Gabby hid her blush of pleasure. "Well, getting out is both our problem, so..." Xena squeezed her shoulder. "I know. But that doesn't make the rocks weigh less." Gabrielle felt a lump in her throat and fought to swallow it, not wanting Xena to see her tears. Since becoming trapped in the cave, Gabby had found tears were always near the surface. The smallest thing would make her want to weep. "Thanks," she mumbled, unable to say more. I should be making some silly joke, she thought. That's what Xena expects -- for me to lighten the load; to make her smile. She glanced up and found Xena staring intently at her. "What's this?" Xena asked softly, putting a finger to her cheek to trap a tear. "Feeling kinda bad, huh?" "I'm sorry," Gabby said, looking away. Xena gathered her in her arms and held her gently. "I know how difficult this is," said Xena, her voice a low rumble. "And frustrating. All that work this morning and we're no closer to getting out. But you're being very brave, as you always are. You have such strength, Gabrielle." Xena paused a moment, staring deeply into Gabby's eyes. Then she smiled her crooked smile and, rubbing the bard's back affectionately, said, "And I'll make you a promise. We *will* get out of here. And when we do, we'll go off on another adventure so you can fill a scroll with it. No more petty village problems for us. We'll find something daring and epic so you can write about it." Gabrielle tried to think of something wonderful to say, but found herself without a voice. Somehow, hearing Xena promise that they would escape, made her feel so much better. Then Gabby heard the soft melody of an old folk tune. The warrior hummed quietly, continuing to hold the bard in a loose embrace, her eyes far away. Gabrielle snuggled just a bit closer and closed her eyes, soothed; cared for; safe; hopeful.
That afternoon, there were two more cave-ins, but at the end of the day, a small hole was visible, shored up by several branches. And although it only led to more rocks, the sight of progress, even this minor, was enough to cheer the women up. "Gods, but I could use a bath," said Xena, rubbing a tatter from the discarded shift over her arms. She would have liked to have wet it, but was afraid to use water for anything other than drinking. With the amount of dust and strain they had been through, both women had sipped more than they would have liked throughout the day. Argo nickered disconsolately in the corner, begging for more water. Xena turned away, knowing it couldn't be spared. The horse had already finished her ration. "You and me both," said Gabrielle, sitting against the wall, trying to catch her breath. Every muscle in her body was screaming in pain from carting rocks all day. Her hands had several cuts and her big toe throbbed from a hit during one of the cave-ins. She looked over at the pile of rocks in the corner and marveled that she had managed to carry so much. "How is our food holding out?" asked Xena. "Okay. There's still salt pork, some apples, another wheel of cheese and the last of the bread I made earlier." "Good. But no salt pork for either of us. It'll make us thirsty. And we should start to conserve on the rest of it." Gabby frowned. She had been looking forward to a hearty meal. She was famished from all the work she had done and to her eye there was plenty of food. Xena saw her expression and smiled. "Don't worry, you can still eat a good dinner. And afterwards, why don't you tell me some of your stories, to make the time go. If you're not too tired, that is." A huge smile lit the bard's face. "Oh, I'm not too tired! And I won't eat too much. I'm just hungry. Soon as I get a nibble or two I'll be fine. Which stories did you want to hear? Anything in particular?" "Whatever you want to tell." "Okay. I'll think about it and choose some good ones." Xena nodded then went over to the tree and hacked off some more wood. They were almost out of the smaller branches. Soon she'd need a way to cut into the larger limbs without disturbing the wall. Another puzzle. They ate their small portions ravenously, and both women finished without feeling satisfied. Gabrielle jumped up, rummaged in her pack and brought back two of the sticky savories she had bought in the village. "Where'd you get these?" Xena asked in surprise, her eyes lighting up. "Just a little treat I bought to tempt you." "It worked!" She took a bite and closed her eyes. "Oh, yum. It's the best I've ever tasted. This *is* a treat!" Gabrielle beamed, loving the fact that her surprise had met with such enthusiasm. She looked at the one she had picked out for herself, then put it back. Better to save them for Xena, she thought. "What story are you going to tell? Or is it going to be poetry to start?" asked Xena, licking her fingers with delight. Gabrielle looked over at her friend and was struck again by her beauty and self-assurance. Here they were in a situation where it was almost impossible to find optimism and yet she had never once shown anything but. And despite the lack of baths and the hard work, Xena was as breath-taking as she always was, her face unmarked and lovely. Without realizing she was saying it, Gabby murmured: "She stood alone, Her face in shadows Cheekbones strong and high Against the bone Her lips were meadows With eyes that tasted sky" "That's beautiful," said Xena. "Who is it about?" Startled that she had spoken aloud, Gabby searched her mind for a lie. "Um... it's about this princess. From a castle. A castle princess. Her father was a king, which is, of course, why she was a princess. Not like being a warrior princess. Forged in battle and all that. No, she was just an ordinary princess. Who was very beautiful and couldn't find love and when she did, he died and then she was sad so she killed herself and I'll tell you a different story, because that one is kinda icky." "Okay," said Xena with a smile. "Though I don't remember ever hearing that one." "It's very obscure." Gabrielle immediately launched into the tale of Narcissus, telling the familiar story with verve, but inwardly screaming at herself for making such an error. If Xena had figured out the poem was about her, she would have surely seen what was in Gabby's heart. And then she would never hold her again, like she had earlier, humming softly and keeping the demons at bay. She would never smile at her in friendship and treat her as an equal. "Very sad," said Xena when the tale was finished. "But so stupid. To love yourself so much you never look for it in another. Especially when it's so satisfying to be loved." Gabrielle looked carefully at her friend. What was she saying? Who was she thinking about? "Xena..." "Yeah?" "Are you in love with Hercules?" Xena's smile was wry. "What brought that on?" "Well," said Gabby, flustered. "I was just wondering." "I love him as a friend. And will always love what he did for me. But I'm not 'in' love with him." "But were you ever 'in' love with him? Like when you and he were, y'know, closer?" "Why the sudden interest?" "C'mon! Girl talk! Can't we ever just talk about stuff? You never do, and sometimes it drives me crazy." Xena sighed. "I drive you crazy, huh?" Her expression was hurt and Gabby jumped in immediately. "No! You don't drive me crazy. Well, sometimes, but everyone does sometimes -- you changed the subject on me. Very clever. Now will you answer my question? Were you ever in love with Hercules?" "When do I drive you crazy?" "Oh for!" Gabby said, exasperated. "Look, I'll answer your question if you answer mine. We'll play 'Truth or Dare,' okay?" "What's 'Truth or Dare?'" "You never played that game as a kid?" "The only games I know are war games." "Well, you have to pick: truth or dare. And if it's truth someone gets to ask you a question -- any question -- and you have to answer truthfully. And if it's dare, well, you have to do whatever the person says." "Sounds risky." "It can be, yes. You need to trust who you're playing with." "I don't think I like that game." "Fine, no one's forcing you. I just wanted to find out something about you. You can be very secretive, y'know?" Xena looked at Gabby, silently. The bard squirmed under the frank stare until finally, Xena looked away. "I do trust you, Gabrielle. Okay, we'll play your game. But be nice." "I'm *always* nice. Now, pick one: truth or dare?" "Dare." Gabby looked up in surprise. What kind of dare was she supposed to give her? All the silly things they used to dare as kids came back to her, but none of them was appropriate for Xena. "I dare you to tell the truth about Hercules," she said lamely. "Isn't that cheating?" "Kinda. But I can't think of a dare right now." "Told you this was a stupid game." "All right, all right. Give me a second and I'll come up with a dare." "What sort of things did you dare when you were a kid?" "Oh, the usual. We'd dare Timiphus to talk to Old Man Cratea, or make Kicker take down his pants, or dare Lilla to kiss Darvon. Silly, stupid things." "Why did you make 'Kicker' take down his pants? That seems cruel." "Because he had bow legs. And yes it was cruel, but we were kids." "And Lilla didn't want to kiss Darvon?" "Actually, she was dying to. So she made me promise to dare her." "Why didn't she just kiss him without playing a silly game?" asked Xena. "Because Lilla was Lilla and she was too embarrassed to do it unless it was part of the game. This isn't helping, Xena. I can't concentrate on a dare if you keep talking like this." "First you complain I don't talk enough, and now it's too much. Make up your mind, my little bard." Gabrielle laughed. "You're right. This is a silly game. Forget I mentioned it." "No, now I'm intrigued. What do you want me to do? There's no old man to talk to, and I'm not wearing pants, nor do I have bow legs. So I guess that leaves kissing. Am I playing this right? Or do you want to think up a different dare?" A deep blush instantly covered Gabby's face. She tried to cover it but knew it must be obvious. "Um...okay, I dare you to kiss me." Xena leaned over, put her hand behind Gabby's head and put her lips softly on her cheek. "That was easy. Now is it my turn?" Xena asked. Gabby nodded silently, unsure if she was happy or upset that the kiss was so innocuous. "Truth or dare?" Xena asked, getting into the spirit of the game. "Uh...truth." "Why do I drive you crazy?" "Stinker." "It's your game," Xena said logically. "Right. My game. Okay. It's just that sometimes I wish you'd open up with me. We're together all the time and yet there are things about you that I... well, I don't know anything. Important things, like stuff in your past and if you're in love with someone and like... that..." she said, trailing off. "Is that everything? Or is there more?" "Well, sometimes you treat me so good. And I know you consider me your best friend. And that's wonderful. But other times I get the feeling you wish I'd just go away. Not so much anymore, but sometimes you look at me and it's as if you're angry with me. Like I've done something wrong, only I don't know what it is." Xena dropped her eyes. "I'm sorry. I... there are a lot of things about me I don't want anyone to know. It's tough to face them sometimes. And you're so gentle and innocent and well, I don't like the idea of you knowing about them. Then I look at you and get angry that some of 'me' might rub off on you. Some of my darkness." "I can handle it, you know. I'm a big girl. I know there's a lot of bad stuff in your past. But have you ever thought that it just makes me admire you more? That you were able to put it behind you and become who you are?" Xena was silent for long minutes. Gabrielle put another branch on the fire and straightened the blankets, though they were already perfect. "Your turn," said Xena, softly. "Oh. Um, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Were you in love with Hercules? Did you sleep with him?" "That's two questions." "Yeah, I guess it is," said Gabby, trying to figure out which one she wanted answered. "I'll take one on account. No, I wasn't in love with him. I think I might have imagined so at the time, but I was really in love with what he represented. The honor and purity of his life and deeds. And yes, I slept with him. My turn. Truth or dare?" "Dare." So she *had* slept with Hercules. "Back to that, are we?" asked Xena with a chuckle. Her flustered friend smiled sheepishly. "Well..." "That's okay. Another kissing thing, right? Then I guess I dare you to kiss me. On the lips," said Xena. Gabrielle's eyes opened wide. Xena lost her smile and said, "you don't have to, of course. We could stop the game if you're uncomfortable. I just couldn't think up a good dare, either, but I had to do something to best yours." "Oh, no, I'll do it. It's part of the game, right? Sure, I'll play," said Gabrielle and leaned over. She kissed Xena softly on the lips, trying not to linger, though not quite succeeding. "Very nice. Very sweet. How many women have you kissed, Gabrielle?" asked Xena, slyly. "No fair. It's not your turn," she said, blushing. "You're right. I'll take truth." "How many women have you kissed, Xena?" Instead of the reaction Gabby expected, Xena laughed and said, "You want the actual number? Or just--" "Rough estimate will do," said Gabby, trying to sound sophisticated. She's kissed women? she wondered. This put a whole new light on things. "Around six. Though only four with passion. Okay, my turn--" "Waitasecondhere!" broke in Gabrielle. "You've kissed four women with passion? Does that mean, y'know..." "What?" "Well, that you've been with... that is, that you've, um, with women as well as men?" "Does that thought frighten you?" Xena asked seriously. "No! No, of course not. Why would it?" "You look a little scared. That's why I asked." "I'm not scared. Honest. Heck, it's very interesting. I didn't know... This is exactly what I was talking about, though. Telling stuff and letting me know better who you are. What makes you tick." "Does the possibility of my having been with women give you clues to my 'ticking?'" "Sorta," said Gabrielle. She was unnerved by the conversation and Xena's openness. She didn't know what to think. There'd be no sleep tonight despite her utter exhaustion, because she had to replay this interesting evening over and over in her mind, gathering clues, figuring out exactly what had happened and what had been said. Absently, she asked, "Whose turn is it?" "Mine. Truth or dare?" I want another dare! her heart screamed. But Gabrielle knew that she had to pick truth. She was too close to so many of Xena's secrets now, and didn't want to ruin the mood of honesty that was all around them. "Truth. Ask me anything." "Okay," said Xena, staring at her speculatively. "I have a two-part question." "You only get one." "Ah, but you asked a double earlier and now I'm calling it even." "Oh. You're right. Go ahead." "Do you have any secrets you're keeping from me?" Instantly, tears formed in Gabby's eyes. This was it. The moment she'd dreaded since she'd discovered the truth of her own heart. Xena's next question was obvious and she would be forced to tell her everything. In a whisper she replied, "Yes." "You're crying. Let's stop this game right now. I don't want to see you hurting," said Xena. Immediately, she crawled into her blankets and turned her back. Gabrielle didn't move at first. She was mortified that she had ruined the intimacy of the evening with her tears. Finally, she pulled up her blankets, hiding her face from the fire. A whisper. "Gabrielle?" "Yes?" "It's okay to keep some secrets. Isn't it?" "Yes. Some things shouldn't be told, I guess." "That's what I thought. Goodnight." "Goodnight, Xena." Both women pretended to sleep.
When Gabrielle awoke, Xena was already hard at work. She had used the last of the branches to shore up the hole and the fire was dying. Gabrielle looked at the remains of the tree and wondered how they could slice off more wood without disturbing the wall. Especially with the tools they had. A sword wasn't an ax or a saw. "Xena?" "Yeah?" "What about the fire?" Xena threw another large rock onto the cave floor with a grunt. "What about it?" "What do we use for fuel?" The warrior stared at the dying flames and sighed. She leapt off the wall and walked over to the tree. The smallest of the large remaining branches was the size of her waist. Xena grabbed her sword and swung at the base of the branch. The sword buried itself a few inches into the wood. Using a seesaw motion, she eased it out and swung again. After each cut, she would wait to see if the vibration had penetrated the wall. Minute after minute of painstaking blows and waiting passed as she gradually made progress. After what seemed hours to Gabrielle, Xena made the final cut and the branch fell off. The sweating warrior swayed, staring at the wall while she wiped her forehead with a swatch of cloth. She returned her sword to its scabbard and tossed it over by her chakram, easing the tension in her shoulder muscles now that her hands were free. Gabby stood next to Xena, looking at the large branch and wondering if she was supposed to carry it alone. Suddenly, there was a low rumble. Both women stood stock still for a moment, frozen by the ominous sound. Then Xena grabbed Gabrielle and leapt toward the far wall. When they hit the ground, the warrior covered her friend with her body. Dust blew up in clouds as the giant rock wall shifted. The wooden bracers in the hole snapped and flew like projectiles through the cave while rocks filled the cavern, spilling like water into their living space. Argo whinnied wildly, bucking in fright. When the last rumble finally faded away, there was silence in the cave. The only movement was Argo's bobbing head. Both women lay still as death.
"Xena?" Gabrielle whispered, dust choking her. "You can get off me now, I'm fine." There was no answer. Gabby squirmed and twisted until she was able to face her friend. Xena's eyes were closed. Blood ran out of her hair across her face in grimy, flowing streaks. "Xena!" Gabby gasped. "Oh gods, Xena! Wake up!" No movement answered her plea. Carefully, she eased herself out from under her friend, making sure not to move her too much. Quickly, she searched her for wounds, but other than a few cuts and bruises, the laceration on her head was the only serious damage. Then it occurred to the bard that she was able to see without benefit of fire. She looked up at the entrance and saw a small pathway to the outside at the top of a cascade of loose rocks and boulders. Bright sunlight shone in, bringing with it the cool autumn air. "Look, Xena. The sun. We can get out." The warrior didn't move. Gabby searched for their remaining water skin but it was buried somewhere in the rubble, along with their packs. Argo neighed softly and she noticed a trickle of blood running down her flank. It didn't look serious, so she turned her attention back to Xena. Ripping off a piece of her skirt, she held the cloth to her friend's head, trying to staunch the flow of blood. Xena's usually bronzed face was colorless, the skin standing out in stark relief against the bloody frame of black hair. "Wake up, Xena, please! I don't know what to do!" Gabrielle knew she needed to get Xena to a healer and fast. She looked up at the rock wall, her eyes fixed on the spot of sunlight. If she could widen that, she could scramble out and go for help. But that would mean leaving Xena alone in the cave, hurt and vulnerable. What if the rocks fell again? It was too risky. No, somehow, she had to clear a space big enough for both of them and carry the warrior with her. The blood on Xena's head was beginning to clot under Gabby's constant pressure. When she was sure it had stopped bleeding, the bard slowly lifted Xena's head off her lap and tried to arrange her in a comfortable position in the small space left in the interior of the cave. She needed to find water. The wound had to be cleaned and the blood replaced. Water was the only thing that could help. Gingerly, Gabby climbed onto the sloping rockfall to the place where their supplies had been kept. Trying not to move too many rocks, she studied the area, looking for a bit of leather poking up, or the edge of a pack -- anything. There was nothing. Everything had been completely buried. Gabrielle glanced toward the opening at the top of the slide. Cautiously, she began climbing the sloping wall of rocks. Half-way up, some stones shifted loose. She glanced back to make sure they weren't headed for Xena. Luckily, the opening was at the opposite corner. Argo wasn't happy, but she was unhurt by the few pebbles that had rolled her way. The horse neighed and stamped her feet. "What do you want me to do?" asked Gabby, impatiently. Then it struck her. How was Argo going to escape? This must have been the reason Xena always changed the subject whenever Gabrielle had brought up the horse. There was no way for the animal to get out of the cave. "I'm sorry, girl. I guess I was so worried about Xena and me that I didn't think... I'm sorry." Reluctantly, Gabby turned back to her climb. When she reached the small opening, she was shocked by what she saw. Everything within her narrow view outside the cave was burned black, the trees only wounded stalks. A forest fire had ripped through the area, killing everything in its path. "The cave-in saved our lives..." Gabby mumbled in awe. There was no way either of them would have been able to outrun a fire of that magnitude. And had the cave been open instead of protected by the rock wall, they would probably have suffocated from trapped smoke. A sparkle amidst the charred landscape caught her eye. About 50 yards away was a small stream, catching the sunlight as it tripped along the rocks. Instantly, Gabby felt her thirst assault her. It felt like it had been a lifetime since she had tasted the cool, fresh water of a free-flowing stream. Xena groaned softly in the corner. Gabby scrambled back down the rock slope, unable to hide her relief that the warrior was alive and gaining consciousness. "Xena? Xena, can you hear me?" the bard asked as she picked her way over the last of the rockfall. Xena opened her eyes, her pupils dilated and unfocused. "Xena -- it's me, Gabrielle. You're safe. You got hit by a rock or something, but I'm going to get us out of here. Look! There's sunlight. There's a hole in the rock puzzle, Xena -- we're going to be okay." "Gabrielle?" Xena said weakly. "Yeah, I'm right here," she replied, sitting next to her friend, stroking her face. "You're going to be fine. We're okay now. We can get out." "You...go..." "We will, soon as I clear us space." "No. You go..." Xena said, the tiniest thread of her strength returning on the emphasis. "Oh right! Like I'm going to leave you behind." "Not safe," Xena said, swallowing several times to lubricate her dry throat. "Too risky... to stay." "I know, I know, that's why I'm going to get us out." "No...Please. Go. Too risky..." The words faded as she passed out again. "Xena? C'mon, Xena! Stay with me!" Gabrielle wanted to cry in frustration. It wasn't like Xena to give up. Ever. Was she hurt as bad as all that? Did she know something that Gabby didn't and was trying to spare her? "You listen to me! I know you can hear me, so you better pay attention. I am *not* going anywhere without you so you're just going to have to deal with it. And I'm not taking any guff from you, okay? I won't be leaving unless you're right there beside me. Now, I have some work to do. I need to open up that space so I can crawl out to the stream. So you're going to have to sit here and keep your self-sacrificing, warrior, over-protective hoo-doo to yourself, because I'm not listening." Xena's still form gave Gabrielle the strength to add, "and do you want to know why? Because I'm in love with you. That's why. I'm so crazy in love with you I can barely breathe when you're near. Every word you say, every glance, every smile, every frown, every whisper, every gesture, every deed -- it all adds to the fire which is raging out of control inside me. That's right. Your best friend is head over heels in love with you and you're just going to have to deal with that. And that means dealing with the fact that I would rather die right here than live without you, so get ready to travel." Gabby stood up with new determination and scaled the rockfall with a minimum of trouble. Immediately, she began pushing stones through the hole, widening the passage. When she was able to pull half her body through and look around outside, she was astonished at the size of the barrier which had entombed them. The wall must have been several yards thick -- way too large for them to have ever burrowed through before dying of thirst. It would've taken at least a week or two to forge a passage large enough for them to escape. But with the new slide, Gabby was finding her progress swift and satisfying. Within a few hours, she had a hole large enough for her to crawl through and emerge on the other side.
Gabrielle foraged among the charred stalks for something with which to weave a quick water holder. There was very little that hadn't been burned to charcoal, but eventually, she gathered enough material to make a crude water carrier. Thankfully, she had found some pitch to seal it so it would last until she had cared for Xena. She attached it to a loop on her skirt and scrambled back into the cave. "Xena? Xena!" she called. "Answer if you can, Xena, please!" "Gab...rielle?" came a faint reply. "Oh, Xena, I'm so glad you're awake!" said the bard, settling next to her friend. "Here's some water. Drink as much as you can, there's plenty more." "Where...?" "I've got a passage to the outside now. Soon, I'll have it wide enough for both of us." "How?" "I told you I was strong. Strong like Cyclops!" Gabby said in a silly accent, hoping to cheer her up. Xena's lips twitched in a semblance of a smile, and Gabby beamed back at her. "Now drink, please." Xena took several sips. "Thanks. Better..." "Good. Now let me clean that gash on your head. This, um, could hurt, I think." "Why didn't... you leave?" "You still owe me seven dinars for the cloth you ripped up. I always collect on my debts. So I had no choice." Gabrielle poured some of the water on Xena's head. Old blood oozed onto the sandy floor and the bard grimaced. "I'll bet that hurts, huh?" "Not... too bad. Can't really feel anything." "Ah. Okay. So while I'm working here, let's play another round of truth or dare. I think it's my turn. Truth or Dare?" "Dare," said Xena, a small smile on her lips. "Hmmm... Dare, you say? Well, I can think of lots of things to dare you right now. I dare you to feel better. I dare you to hang on until I can get you to a healer. I dare you to regain your strength. I dare you to stop telling me to leave. Yup, lots of dares. But I think I'll dare you to accept another kiss from your best friend." Gabrielle leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips, stroking her face tenderly. "There. You're a brave woman, to have allowed more of my kisses." Xena focused on the bard for a moment and the shadow of her former self settled into her eyes. "That wasn't bravery. Truth or dare?" "Truth," said Gabrielle, concentrating on cleaning the wound without breaking it open. "Why won't you save yourself? And no jokes." "Because you're my best friend. You're going to be fine. And I love you too much to let anything happen to you. Want another drink?" "Yes." Xena took several more sips of water. "I love you too, best friend," she said. "I know," said Gabby, trying not to read anything into the statement. "Truth or dare?" "Truth..." Xena was tiring, her voice breathy. "I think I'll save my question for later. You should rest. I've got this cleaned up as best I can for now. The medicine kit is buried or I'd be able to do more. So I guess I'll go work on clearing a bigger passage." "Okay..." Xena said, closing her eyes. Gabrielle bent down and kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep well," she said then returned to the rocky slope.
Gabrielle worked through the day and into the night clearing the passage. She was lucky there was a full moon so she was able to see, though the chill of the evening seemed to seep into her bones. Unfortunately, their blankets had been lost and Xena shivered with both cold and shock at the back of the cave. Gabby built a small wall of rocks around her to cut the wind that whipped through the opening, but it didn't improve things much. Finally, she tore down the wall and coaxed Argo to lay next to her mistress, the steed providing the warmth she couldn't. When Gabby realized she was too exhausted to be careful, she wearily climbed down the rockfall. Argo had left Xena's side a few minutes earlier so Gabrielle took her place. She lay next to the warrior, gathered her in her arms and tried to give her whatever warmth her body had left. The two women shivered together for several minutes until finally their closeness warmed them. "Gabrielle?" Xena whispered. "What is it, Xena? Do you need something? More water? I'll go get--" Gabby said, beginning to rise. "No. Stay." Gabby lay back down, delighted not to have to go to the stream again, enjoying the warmth and closeness of lying with Xena in her arms. "What did you need?" she asked. "I took truth. Ask me my question." Gabby smiled. She was utterly exhausted and knew she could be asleep in seconds, but all thoughts of herself left her instantly, knowing that Xena needed her; needed to talk. "The truth, then. How do you feel? Really. No fair being brave." "Terrible. My head is pounding, I can barely see, and this is the first time I've stopped shivering for hours. There's no way I'll be able to walk out of here. I think you should go for help." "Can't. The rock pile is too sensitive. The slightest thing could tumble it all again and you'd be buried. Sorry, but it's me or nothing. Truth or dare me." "Gabrielle -- you can't--" "Don't tell me what I can or cannot do, Warrior Princess. You're in no shape to be giving orders. Besides, I'm an Amazon Princess and that means I outrank you. Now c'mon, it's your turn to ask." Xena smiled and squirmed a bit closer. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "How did you get this strong?" asked Xena, seriously. "How did the wide-eyed, talky little Gabrielle who joined me on my quest become this woman of power?" Gabrielle wished the moonlight was bright enough to illuminate Xena's face. She wanted to see her; to see her expression, the tilt of her mouth, the arch of an eyebrow -- anything to gather clues behind this question. Does she mean it? wondered Gabby. Does she really see me that way? I'm so frightened I can barely think and so terrified I'll fail, I'm nearly paralyzed. "How? From being with you. You have all the strength and power in the world, Xena. Some of it had to rub off on me. I just kept thinking 'what would Xena do?' and went from there. But it's not real. I don't have any strength. I'm just so afraid for you that I'll do whatever I have to to make you well." "That wasn't the truth, Gabrielle." "Was so!" "No, the power is real. I can feel it." Gabrielle was silent, digesting these words. Was it true? Had she changed from who she used to be? Her arms tightened. Now the important question, she said to herself. Do I have enough strength to tell her how I feel? "I think we both need a dare," whispered Xena. Gabrielle felt Xena shift in her arms then warm lips were pressed on hers. But instead of ending almost as soon as it had begun, like all the others, this kiss deepened. Gabby felt Xena's tongue touch her lips, parting them. It caressed her teeth and when the bard opened herself to its exploration, she became lost in sensations of tenderness and passion. Endless moments passed, as the two best friends, united through fear and injury, worry and love, both gave permission for a change in their relationship. There were no more silences, though no words were spoken. There were no more secrets, though no game was played to divulge them. They simply accepted the reality of their love and expressed it in a single kiss. And when at last it ended, Xena's head went back to its cradle in Gabby's arms and she slept. Gabrielle took a bit longer to find the haven of Morpheus. But eventually, the taxing day of physical labor claimed her muscles and her mind.
I need Argo, Gabrielle realized. She had opened enough of a passage for her to drag Xena and herself through, but once outside the cave, there was no way she could carry the warrior all the way back to the village. She needed Argo for that. She had spent the morning working on the rockpile, yet her mind never stopped thinking of ways to get the horse out of the cave. Only one plan kept occurring to her. A plan so ridiculous and impossible that she had already dismissed it several times. But no alternative was forthcoming. Instantly, she had eliminated the idea that she could clear a path to the cave floor so that Argo could walk out on her own steam. That would takes weeks of labor. And they would all probably be killed in the process. So somehow, she had to get the horse through the passage at the top of the cave and that's where she was stumped. It would be impossible for the animal to navigate the rocks. And the passage would have to be widened much more to fit her height. No, the only plan that had even a possibility of working was the crazy, silly, stupid idea that she kept pushing out of her mind. Well, she thought, time to face it. It's all I've got.
Gabrielle was so exhausted she could barely move. She had worked all day widening the hole so that it would be large enough not only to carry Xena through, but to execute her stupid Argo plan. She should have rested hours ago, she knew. She was stumbling and clumsy and ready to pass out. But she didn't care. The only thing that mattered was getting out of the cave for good. Standing back, she looked at the hole she had cleared. It would have to do. She walked through it, able to do so almost without stooping, and looked at the charred forest. She shivered in the brisk autumn wind which whipped through the hole, watching as daylight slipped away. Time to get Xena. Her legs barely obeyed her commands as she stumbled down the rocky slide toward her friend. She had made the trip so many times, she no longer heeded which stones were loose, and which could bear her weight. She knew them all by heart. Or so she thought. She took a misstep and her foot went out from under her. She was barely able to keep herself from tumbling down and realized that she needed to remember to respect the danger at all times. Shaking her head, she looked down and saw that she had dislodged several stones in her carelessness. They tumbled down, picking up others and as Gabrielle's eyes grew wide in horror, headed straight for Xena. Xena looked over at the rock wall when she heard the patter of the stones and saw the onrushing danger. Unable to move out of the way, she twisted her body, trying to cover herself as she was pelted by the stones at the front of the fall. The majority of the slide missed her, but several found their mark. One hit her on the shoulder and she yelped in pain, her arm coming away from its protective grip over her wound. At that moment a large, jagged rock smashed into her unprotected head. Gabrielle was shaking with fear for her friend as she tried to descend amidst the tumbling stones. Thankfully, the wall itself still held firm, enabling her to pick her way down. Small stones at the tail end of the avalanche continued to strike Xena, but the wounded woman gave no indication that she even felt them. She lay unmoving at the back of the cavern, as still as a corpse. "Xena?" cried Gabby, finally reaching the cave floor. "Xena! Say something!" There was no answer. Gabby saw where the stone had struck her shoulder and touched it gently, stroking the muscled arm to try and awaken her friend. "Xena, please..." Then she looked at the warrior's head and gasped aloud. Blood was flowing from the wound, which seemed to have doubled in size. "Oh, Gods, Xena, I'm so sorry..." she said, grabbing the edge of her skirt, tearing off another strip. "Water, I need water," she said, looking for the carrier she had woven. It lay in a puddle of mud, smashed by one of the rocks. She turned her attention back to Xena, applying direct pressure on the wound, willing it to stop bleeding, knowing her friend couldn't spare what she had already lost. With a single-minded determination, Gabby stayed with her friend, working on sealing the wound, bandaging it with the strip of cloth. When she could do no more, she carefully climbed the rockfall to get water. By the time she returned, dusk had settled in. She knew she needed full daylight to climb the rockfall while carrying her friend. So she spent the night holding Xena, lending her warmth and comfort, talking to her in low tones, telling her one story after another. But by morning, the warrior still hadn't regained consciousness.
"Please, wake up," said Gabrielle, shaking Xena by the shoulder. A few minutes earlier, she had heard a groan. Gabby continued to prod until the Warrior rolled her head slightly, grimacing. "Time to go," insisted the bard. "I need you awake, Xena. I need your help. Xena moaned again. "I'm going to carry you out of here, but if you could put your arms around my neck, it would help a lot. I'm not sure I'm strong enough without your help." There was no response from her friend, but she was moving slightly, which gave the bard hope. "You don't think I can do it, do you? Well, just watch me." Still on her knees, Gabby managed to maneuver Xena until she was leaning on her back. The warrior appeared to waken somewhat at the movement. "Come on, I'll hold you as best I can, but I need you to use what strength you have to grab onto me. There are places where I need both hands to get past." Xena moaned a protest, but Gabrielle ignored it. Instead, she hoisted the large warrior until she was in position then stood, almost buckling under the strain, for Xena was bigger than she had imagined and weaker than she had hoped. The warrior had no strength at all, not to hold onto her friend, nor to keep herself conscious. So with both hands gripping muscled thighs and stooping to maintain balance, Gabrielle began the climb up the rockfall. Carefully, Gabby picked her way across the treacherous slope. One misstep could tumble them both, she knew. And although she had gotten used to scrambling up and down while digging and taking care of Xena, she knew that this was a very different trip. She no longer had the balance she was used to, nor the use of her hands. She shook with the strain of the dead weight on her back but never paused in her climb toward the open passage to freedom. Those parts of the journey where she had always needed her hands she took as slowly and carefully as possible. Somehow, she maintained her balance, always thinking in terms of her next step, instead of the many steps yet to go. Sweat fell freely from her brow and chin, the muscles in her legs and arms shaking; threatening to cramp at any minute, but still she persevered. Gabrielle did not need the strength of the warrior's arms around her neck. She was in control. And her determination was impossible to break. Finally, she found herself on the other side of the rocks; staring at a cool, sunny autumn day and a charred forest. Without resting, she began her descent.
Gabrielle laid Xena on the bed of bracken she had scrounged painstakingly from the burned forest. She placed a woven basket of water next to her in case she woke. For long minutes, Gabby did nothing but stare at her friend, too exhausted to move, but too fearful of Xena's cold, white silence to collapse. "Xena?" So far, nothing had penetrated the warrior's wounded sleep. "Please, Xena, I can't move. I've lost all my strength. I need you. I need to hear your voice before I can go on." There was no reaction. Xena's chest rose and fell in shallow breaths but otherwise she appeared lifeless. Her pallor had grown worse. Somewhere in the climb, the head wound had reopened. Both women were sticky with blood. And although Gabby had once again halted the flow, she feared this time it was too great a loss. "I'd give you my blood if there was a way. I'd connect our hearts and let it flow into you. C'mon, Xena, you never let anything stop you -- how can you give up now? Not after what just happened! Don't you get it? I'm in love with you! And you're in love with me -- don't try to tell me otherwise. That has to be worth fighting for!" Gabby fell to her knees next to her friend. Tears flowed freely in sudden release. "Damn you! Damn you for finally letting me know how you felt and then just giving up on life! I'll tell everyone that Xena, Warrior Princess, ran away from the biggest fight of all. Just see if I don't!" Then the very last of her strength left her and Gabrielle crumpled into a ball, nothing but shaking limbs and tears. "Damn you, Xena..." she moaned. How long she remained like this, she never knew. But finally, something penetrated her grief. It was the softest of sounds, and yet somehow it cut through the noise of the forest and her own wailing torment. "Dare..." was all she heard. She looked up and saw Xena's eyelids flutter for just a moment before she returned to unconsciousness. "Xena...? I heard that! You're in there, aren't you? You know. You know you have to fight. You know you have to live, don't you?" This time, Gabrielle didn't need an answer. Instead she lowered her head and gave her friend a tender kiss. She felt no response, but that didn't matter. Wherever Xena's mind was, Gabby was convinced the warrior would know her dare had been answered. "Look, I'm going to have to leave you, but don't worry. It won't be for long," Gabrielle whispered. "And I'll come back and check on you as often as I can. You should be okay here. No one can see you from the path, so you're safe." She pressed the water basket into Xena's limp hand. "There's water here, and I'm nearby. I wish I could have found your sword and chakram for you, but they're buried with the rest of our stuff. I know how much that's going to hurt when you get better. To lose your weapons, well, that's got to be one of the worst nightmares of a warrior. But don't get too upset, okay? They're just things. You're much more important. Better to lose your chakram than your life, right? So don't think about that. Rest and feel better and I'll be back soon." Gabrielle lifted herself painfully and turned away from the warrior, hating leaving her but knowing she had no choice. Argo was still in the cave.
"This is a stupid, stupid plan," said Gabrielle to Argo. "You agree with me, doncha girl?" The horse nickered, as if understanding. "I know, I know. And if you've got any better ideas, I'm quite willing to listen." There was silence. "Huh. That's what I thought. Not that good at creative problem-solving, are ya, Argo?" Gabrielle walked the horse through it one more time. It had taken nearly half the day to clear the necessary path inside the cave, especially with her frequent trips to check on the still unconscious Xena. "That tree makes a lousy ramp, huh girl? Well, nothing we can do about that. But the turn. It's way too tight. You need more room in that corner if you're going to be able to do this." Gabby set about moving still more rocks. "I hate rocks," she grumbled. "If I never see another rock as long I live I'll be the happiest bard in Greece. Rocks should all be sent to -- hello... what's this?" Quickly, she cleared more rocks away and uncovered a bit of leather. Curious, she dug further, unable to figure out how any of their stuff, which was stored on the other side of the cave, had gotten near Argo's sleeping place. Finally, she rolled aside a rather large stone and saw it. Xena's scabbard. Of course! she thought. Xena had stored her weapons near the saddle, which wasn't with all the rest of the stuff. It was near Argo. Quickly, she uncovered enough of the scabbard to withdraw it from the rock pile. The sword was still sheathed within, undamaged. Smiling happily, she continued to burrow until her patience paid off. Reverently, she removed Xena's chakram. "Oh, you are going to owe me big time for these, Xena!" she said happily. Immediately, she set to work on the tree. After over an hour of hacking, chipping and sweating, she knew it was as good as she could do. Her strength was again near depletion. Argo snorted, pawing at the ground. "Restless? Okay. One last time around and then it's all up to you." She walked the horse through the cleared rubble and this time, the corner was wide enough and the tree had some purchase. "Okay girl. Remember: on my whistle." Gabrielle hugged the horse and patted her neck for perhaps, the last time. "Visualize, Argo. You're Pegasus. You're a magical winged steed. You can do this. You belong to Xena!" Gabby glanced at the remains of the tree. It had taken Argo's strength to shift it into place, and her perseverance to carve its shape, but in the end it may not matter at all. Knowing there was nothing more to do in the cave, she scrambled up the rock wall and slipped through the large passage she had excavated to the outside. Then she descended as quickly as was prudent, anxious to see if her insane plan had even a chance at success. With a final prayer, she whistled.
Inside the cave, Argo's ears perked up and she whinnied. There was silence for awhile and then it came again. The whistle. She pawed the ground, anxiously, looking at the rock wall. Another whistle. Argo reared and neighed loudly. Whistle after whistle could be heard, driving the stead into a frenzy of nervous motion. Finally, unable to remain standing when her mistress needed her, she began to trot around the track the small blonde woman had cleared. With each whistle, she picked up speed, her fury at being trapped and away from her Dark Goddess driving her legs. The last whistle was strong, clear and demanding. Argo did a final circuit at full speed, ran up the flattened tree, then leapt for the hole at the top of the cave.
Gabrielle knew that she had failed. What had made her think that a plan as stupid as this would work? Argo was just a horse. She wasn't Xena in equine form. She couldn't do the impossible. She couldn't fly... Through the hole at the top of the cavern sailed the most beautiful, magnificent, amazing sight Gabrielle had ever seen. Her legs tucked tightly, Argo passed through the opening and stretched for the ground beyond the rubble. Her back legs hit some rocks and she kicked off, giving herself just enough height to clear the danger and land on the forest floor. Argo, the Pegasus of war-horses, had done the impossible. She had escaped.
When Gabrielle returned to Xena, the warrior still hadn't regained consciousness. Her color was frighteningly pale and her pulse so faint, Gabby had to try three times before she found it. Suddenly, it occurred to her that Xena may not be able to survive the trip to the village. There was so much at stake, the bard thought. One error and Xena could die. What do I do? Argo snuffled her nose next to Xena's arm, urging her mistress to rise. Gabby looked at the horse, knowing what she had to do, but fearing the decision. Using a different whistle than she had before, she commanded Argo to her knees. The horse instantly complied. As carefully as she could, Gabby lifted Xena onto the mare's back, then climbed on behind, cradling the warrior with both arms. Argo rose and walked back to the path. Gabby grabbed the reins in one hand and directed her toward the village. "I have to do this, Xena. I know it's not good for you to bounce around like this, but I have to. I have no medicines, no poultices, no bandages -- no knowledge! You need a healer, Xena, not a bard. And this is the only way to get you to one." Argo seemed almost humanly aware of the danger to her precious cargo. Her gait was as smooth as she could make it, and although it was a hurried walk, she never tried to jump into a trot or canter. Gabby held onto her flanks tightly, not used to riding without a saddle. She hummed in Xena's ear, trying to soothe her; to heal her with music, love and touch. Keeping a close eye on the head wound, she never let her grip falter, holding the larger woman by shear strength of will.
The villagers stared as the two women entered town. They had assumed them dead in the fire, having seen the direction they had traveled just before the storm struck and the forest had been set ablaze. And although the warrior appeared to be a corpse, the younger woman held her as though she was still alive. "Get Widgie," said the innkeeper to a nearby village boy. "Over here, girl!" he shouted to Gabrielle. "I'll set up a room. The Healer's been sent for." "Thank you," she said, ready to fall off the horse at the slightest provocation. Gingerly, she helped the innkeeper take Xena from her, then slipped gratefully from Argo's back. "Name's Jorgos," he said, carrying the wounded warrior into the inn. "Where're your things?" "Thanks, Jorgos. But no things. We lost everything. Got caught in a cave-in the day we left your village." "Don't say? How'd you get out?" "Moved some rocks. Xena got hurt, though. Really bad." "Looks that way. In here," he said opening a door with a kick then laying the warrior on a clean pallet. "I'll have some men go to the cave and see if they can't dig up some of your stuff." "Don't. It's too unstable. A saddle and some possessions aren't worth it." "Suit yourself. But we know how to deal with caves in these parts. You got nothing of value?" Gabrielle thought of her scrolls, on which she had been painstakingly recording all of Xena's adventures. She remembered her staff, a treasured gift from an Amazon sister. Argo's saddle, the barrilis token they'd found near the Temple of the Fates, their bedrolls, spare clothes... So many things. So many memories. And although Xena was still wearing her leathers, she had removed her breastplate armor and it was lost with the rest. That was going to be hard to admit to her, Gabby realized. "No, nothing of value. Not to anyone but us." "I see," he said, looking hard at Gabrielle. "Been rough, has it?" "Yeah. It... I... I'm worried about my friend." "She worth worrying about?" "More than you'll ever know." "Then I'll tell the wife to pray to Hermes for you." "Thank you. I'd appreciate that." "She's got a touch of the oracle, my wife. It'll help." "Thanks. Is there water around here? I need to wash her up and I could use a bath myself." "I'll have it brought." He was silent a moment. Then he looked toward the door. "Healer's here." He left. Gabrielle knelt next to Xena and stroked her face. "Hear that? The healer is here. You're going to be fine. Just hang on a little longer and she'll fix you right up, okay?" An enormous woman wearing a bright yellow tent-like dress, covered in bangly, clinking jewelry, waddled into the room. Her face was flushed red from the walk, and she was humming a tuneless melody. "This be her, then? The Warrior Princess her very own self, aye?" asked the woman. "This is Xena, yes. She was hit on the head by a rock. She's lost a lot of blood." The healer glanced at the wound. "Been open more'n once then?" "Yes. Can you help her?" "Aye. But 'tis up to the Warrior to make the healing work in time, t'ain't so?" Gabrielle was tired to the bone. She noticed everything the healer said sounded like a question, and it didn't instill much confidence. "She's a fighter. If anyone can survive this, Xena can." "Good'n then, aye? That be as it be. Lemme take a looker at the head then. Run tell Jorgos t'get me a chair, aye?" Gabby left the room reluctantly to go in search of the innkeeper, Jorgos. When she returned with a large, sturdy chair, the healer was humming again, bent over Xena, dwarfing her in size. The healer was probably four inches taller than the warrior and weighed six times as much. "Here," said Gabrielle, placing the chair near the pallet. "Aye, then. You've got naught to do?" "I want to stay with Xena." "Your lover then, aye?" Gabrielle looked at her in surprise. The healer laughed, jiggling from head to toe. The jewelry clinked and clanked musically. "Oh, have I shocked you then? Don't worry, Chit. I saw't when you two was here last. 'Twere the way she looked on you, put the thought there, aye? Such a hard, cold woman but when you was in her eyeline, she softened like cream." This was before the cave? Gabby thought. Xena looked like that before the crisis; before she was hurt; before the threat that they would both die alone? Gabrielle turned the thought over in her mind as the healer cleaned the wound with a tenderness the bard hadn't expected. "Poor little mite," the healer whispered to Xena. Gabby almost laughed aloud, having never heard anyone call the warrior a 'little mite' before. "So..." said Gabrielle. "You, um, think that Xena is in love with me?" "Aye, that I said, t'ain't so?" Before the cave, thought Gabby. And suddenly the doubts she had been holding at bay, refusing to voice even to herself, rushed in and as quickly, departed. She had, in her secret heart, feared that Xena's show of affection had been due to circumstance. Maybe the warrior feared she would die alone and had reached out to whomever was near. Or maybe she had sensed Gabby's need and wanted to give her a final gift, knowing that soon nothing would matter. Xena had been hurt, hit in the head -- Gabby had wondered if the rock had scrambled something in Xena's mind, making her do things she never would. She could think up so many excuses for Xena's actions, but the one she had wanted -- the one she had needed -- had seemed less and less likely. Now, though, she had a prayer; a chance. If the healer had seen it. If the healer told the truth. If the healer knew love when she saw it in another's eyes. If... if... if... "Just a bit more, Warrior, and then ye'll waken, aye?" said the healer to Xena, in a sweet, caressing voice. She had cleaned, treated and sewn Xena's wound with remarkable skill and her low rumbling voice was almost like a lullaby in its soothing tone. Her touch, Gabby noticed, was both coldly efficient and caressingly tender. "She be a beauty though, t'ain't so?" the healer said to Gabrielle. "Looka th'bones and th'lips. Strange one, though. T'have all that and not trade on't. I'd've picked her for a beguiler of men and a conqueror of women. But you be no pet, be ya Chit?" Gabby reddened, not quite sure what the healer meant. "We're... she's my best friend." The healer laughed and jingled and shook. "Oh aye, that what they're calling't now?" Then she seemed to forget Gabby was there as Xena stirred. "Bold One, don't fight't so, let't happen. Put away the dreams and find yer mind, then. Take't slow, Warrior, don't be pressed. We be here, and we be waitin' 'til you'm ready." Xena moaned. "Gab..." "She's here beside. D'ya think she'd be leavin' ya then? Her 'best friend' and all? Where's yer trust, Warrior?" "Who...?" Xena croaked. "They call me Widgie, silly name though 'tis." Xena appeared agitated, until Gabrielle took her hand. The stress left her instantly. "Hi, Xena," Gabby said. "Welcome back."
Xena opened her eyes then shut them tightly. After a moment, she opened them again. They darted about, a touch of panic in them that Gabby couldn't decipher. "What's this then?" asked Widgie. "Share yer thoughts, Warrior." "I can't... It's... nothing," Xena mumbled. "Feh. Keeping secrets from Widgie, areya? That be a stupid idea, t'ain't so? I could leave, could I. Fend for yerself you will, keeping secrets from yer healer." Widgie's words were harsh, but her manner was soft and cajoling. Gabrielle stared at the woman, trying to understand the mind of this unusual mountain of a person. Xena frowned. "How did... the cave...?" "I finished the passage," said Gabrielle. "You? But how..." "I carried you," Gabby answered, anticipating her question. Widgie chuckled silently, the only sound that of her jewelry. "A wee puppet as yerself? Carried the Bold One on yer back, didja?" She leaned down to talk to Xena. "What do you think of that, Warrior? Wager y'thought you be the strong one, t'ain't so? Now the truth are out. You be helpless and the Wee One be the strength of ya. Think on't. And keep no secrets from yer healer, ere the Chit give ya a strike t'keep ya in line!" Widgie laughed fully, the folds of her body rippling in waves setting off a cacophony of jangling. Gabrielle smiled at the absurdity of the thought, but she noticed Xena just closed her eyes, her expression closed and unreadable. "Xena? C'mon, Xena, don't--" "Let'er be, Chit. She'll come round, t'ain't so, Warrior? Aye, t'so." Then Widgie did a most extraordinary thing. She leaned down, picked up Xena as if the warrior weighed no less than the feather blanket on the bed, and cradled her in her arms like a newborn. Softly humming, she rocked Xena, using her generous body as the ultimate mattress. And to Gabrielle's surprise, Xena not only allowed this, but appeared to sink into the folds willingly. As if she had indeed given up her strength and surrendered to the comfort of the healer's warmth. "Get gone then, aye?" Widgie whispered to Gabrielle. "This be a private thing and not t'be witnessed by yer eyes. She'll not thank ye for seeing it, mark that. So get gone afore she's no dignity left." Gabrielle fought herself into a standing position, every inch of her crying out to stay with Xena. But she knew that the healer spoke the truth. It wasn't something her friend would want witnessed. Surrender was so difficult for the warrior.
Gabrielle was sitting against a tree in back of the inn, exhausted. She had carried the burden of their survival for so long, it felt strange to have nothing to do. She looked up as a twig cracked and saw Jorgos carrying a large bowl and a loaf of nutbread. "Thought you might need food," he said, placing them before her. "I'm not hungry," Gabby replied, knowing that she should be starving, having not eaten for almost two days. But her mind was in such turmoil, she wasn't sure if she would ever be hungry again. "Well, you might consider it anyway. The wife made it and she gets powerful upset if her food is refused." Gabby frowned and broke off a corner of the bread, stuffing it in her mouth for show. She chewed slowly, the rich, sweet taste enticing her palette. "It's excellent," she said, taking another bite. She dipped the spoon in the stew and brought it to her mouth, her taste buds exploding on contact. Before she had realized it, the stew was gone along with the entire loaf of nutbread. "I...guess I was a little hungry at that," she sheepishly admitted. "Aye, I guess," replied Jorgos with a smile. "I'll tell the wife her plan worked." "What plan?" "She knows herself, she does. Knows her talents. And food, well, she can do things no other can with it. 'Get her to taste and she be mine' she told me." Gabby laughed. "I think I need to meet your wife," she said. Jorgos looked up in surprise. "That you have! 'Tis my Widgie taking care of your friend." "Widgie? You're married to Widgie?" "Aye," he said, pulling away from her, his eyes narrowed. "Oh, but that's wonderful!" she said quickly and saw him relax. "I didn't know because, well, you called her the healer and everything." "When she's got a patient, she's the healer. When she's got a prophecy, she's the oracle. When she's got a stewpot, she's the cook. Widgie is many things and to keep it all straight, we name her for them." "I see," said Gabby, not quite understanding but marveling anew at the woman who had held Xena like a child, rocking her gently; healing her just by being near. "I think Xena was very lucky to have been hurt near this village." "She was that," Jorgos chuckled. "When do you think I can see her again?" "Widgie will let us know. This part of it isn't for your eyes." "Yeah, so she said." "Don't fret about it. Widgie can draw things out of folks that, well, no one should see. There is a great darkness in your friend. Widgie has to get through that before she can heal. My wife can't abide darkness; 'specially not when lives are at stake." "Well, Xena does have a past..." "The Warrior Princess. Aye, we've all heard of her, of course. Most famous warlord around a few years back." "But she's not like that anymore. She's good now. A hero. She spends her time saving people," said Gabrielle, defensively. "Aye, we've heard that as well. After all, you two came here at the quest of a neighbor, remember?" "Oh yeah. That's right. Did he solve his problem?" "He did. Xena showed him the path." "I hope she's okay..." Gabrielle whispered. They were both silent for several minutes, the bard's mind preoccupied with worries about her friend. "Get the Wee One, Jorgos!" came a bellow from the inn. "There'll be your answer," said Jorgos. Gabrielle leapt up and ran back to the room.
Xena was asleep on the palette. Widgie lifted herself from the chair amid much jangling, jiggling and grunting. "Let her be. Sleep is curing." "Okay. Is she all right? Will she live?" "Aye. The strength of her be immense, t'ain't so? That weren't the problem. She's another worry now." "What?" asked Gabby, stricken with fear. "'Tis her eyes. Poor little mite's all but blind..."
"Blind? Xena is blind?" gasped Gabrielle. "Aye, 'tis near that. She can see shapes and colors but naught else. And e'en that be leaving her, swiftlike. Soon t'will be only darkness. Odd that, t'ain't so? Darkness inside and darkness without now, aye?" "No... I won't believe it. It's just temporary, right?" "Only time and the warrior can tell us, t'ain't so?" "No! You know, don't you? Tell me! Will she see again?" "Rest a bit, Wee One. 'Tis a shock to hear of a friend afflicted thus. Lie beside yer lady and hold her, then. She needs yer touch, aye? Aye." With that, Widgie waddled out of the room, deaf to Gabrielle's continuing spate of questions. Defeated, Gabby sat on the edge of Xena's palette. The warrior was sleeping soundly, her face relaxed and unworried. Gabrielle straightened some stray hairs, then gently stroked her cheek. "Oh, Xena. Don't let this be true. It can't be. You're going to be all better and then we'll ride off on another adventure. You promised, remember? Once we got out of the cave, everything was supposed to be okay. No more cold darkness. No more walls in our way. No more worries. Just the two of us..." A tear slid down her cheek, unnoticed. It wasn't fair. Everything *was* supposed to be okay. Surely the cave-in was torture enough -- they didn't need any more trials. Xena couldn't be blind. Not the Warrior Princess. What would she do? How would she deal with such a blow? "It should've been me," Gabby whispered. "I should've been hurt. You would've found a way to save us without anything bad happening. It's all my fault. If my foot hadn't slipped and started the rockfall which reopened your wound... That's the one that did it, isn't it? It wasn't the lightning that caused this, or the tree shifting -- no, it was *me*! I was careless and let myself forget about the loose rocks and there you were helpless, unable to do anything. You were hit because of something I did and it... it blinded you! Oh gods, Xena, I'm so sorry. I'd understand if you never forgave me. I would." Gabby laid down next to Xena and gathered her in her arms. "I should go away. Before you wake. I should leave so you never have to see my...hear my voice again. You won't want the person who did this to you to be around all the time. I should go..."
"Gabrielle," came a soft whisper. Gabby opened her eyes slowly. The room was bathed in orange shadows, lit by a single candle which had burned low. She was lying on the palette, wrapped in Xena's arms, her head cradled on her friend's breast. "Gabrielle, wake up," she heard again. "Xena? You're awake?" whispered Gabby. "Yeah. My head is clearer now. Please...Where are we? It's so dark, but this isn't the cave. We're on a palette..." "We're at an Inn in the village." "How did we get here? Who rescued us?" "Um...I sorta did." "You? How?" "I cleared the rocks and kinda carried you out. On my back." Xena was silent for several seconds. "And... Argo? Did you leave her enough water and food or..." "Argo's safe. She got out as well." "Argo got out of the cave? How?" "I cut the tree into a ramp and cleared a space for her to run and she was able to jump through the hole I'd made." "You saved Argo..." Xena said, a crack in her voice. She hugged Gabrielle tightly. Gabby was filled with self-disgust. She was supposed to be gone, but she had fallen asleep. She had only wanted to hold Xena one last time. That was all she had meant to do. But instead, she had fallen asleep and now she couldn't just disappear. "Hey, light a candle or something," said Xena. "I want to see if you're okay. Dark as pitch in here. Where's the moon? Aren't there any windows?" "I'm fine, honest," said Gabby, glancing over at the still flickering candle and the moonlight illuminating the corners. "I wasn't hurt, you were." "I feel much better. What did you do? Are you suddenly a healer as well as a horse trainer?" "No, the healer in the village took care of you. Widgie. She's... unusual, but very skilled." "Must be." They were both silent for several minutes. Xena was absently stroking Gabby's hair, holding her tightly. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Xena," whispered Gabby. "Me too. Haven't felt this good in days. Still pretty weak, but that'll change. Please find a candle, Gabrielle. I want to look at you." "Later, okay?" said Gabby, wishing she had the strength to tell Xena about her eyes. "Okaaaay," Xena said slowly then paused. "Truth or truth?" "What?" "The game. Only I think you don't want to play. And if you did, you'd keep picking 'dare' because you're hiding something from me. So truth or truth?" "Cut it out, Xena. I'm not hiding anything." "Truth or truth." "I'm not playing. I'm too tired." "Hmmm... two lies. You really stink at this, Gabrielle." "I don't -- fine. Truth." "What aren't you telling me?" "We should wait for Widgie." "No, I don't want to wait for Widgie. I want to hear it from you." "I can't." "Yes you can. You cleared a cave-in, carried me out on your back, saved my horse, got me to a healer -- and now you're saying you haven't the strength to tell me what's wrong with me? I'm not buying it." "Damn you, Xena." "I'm sure that can be arranged. Now talk." Gabrielle took a deep breath, every muscle tensed. "It's your eyes," she blurted. "What about my eyes?" said Xena, a note of apprehension in her voice. "Well, they're... Xena, I don't need to get a candle because there's already one here," said Gabby, picking it up. She brought it close and held up Xena's hand, to let her feel the small heat of the flame. "This isn't right. How can there be a candle? It's black as pitch in here," the warrior said in a commanding voice. Gabby returned the candle to the shelf. "The second wound, when the rocks fell while I was clearing the entrance, well... you're blind, Xena. I'm so sorry," said Gabrielle then buried her head, weeping in shame. "Blind...?" "It's all my fault! I slipped and the stones started to fall and you were so weak and the rocks hit you and it's all my fault!" "Hush..." Xena said, holding her while she wept. "It sounds like an accident." "I was careless! I was tired and should've quit working but I didn't, I just kept going. And I knew it was stupid but I did it anyway because I was sick of being in the cave and just wanted to get out. I wanted to get you to a healer because I knew I couldn't help and I wasn't paying attention and I slipped!" "Shhh..." "Oh, Xena, now you're never going to forgive me and I'll have to go away and I love you so much and I've blinded you because I was stupid and--" "Stop it! Right now. You're not going anywhere," commanded Xena. "Don't even think about it." "But... how can you stand being near me?" "Oh, I'll manage somehow, my love." Gabrielle pulled away from her embrace. "How can you call me that, after what I've done?" Gabby tried to rise, but Xena held her, pulling her back. The bard stopped struggling, afraid she'd hurt her friend even more. "Don't make me lose my temper, Gabrielle." "I'm not -- I won't, but--" "Listen to me. If I'm truly blind, then the one thing I'm going to need more than anything else, is a friend I can count on. I was pretty sure I'd found that. But if you're going to run away at the first sign of trouble, I'm wondering if I have." Gabrielle suddenly realized how foolish she had just been. How could I have done that? she wondered. How could I talk about leaving just when Xena needs me more than she ever has? Then, knowing it was time once again to be honest, she admitted to herself that she had never seriously considered leaving. She had been trying to be noble; to keep Xena from having to tell her to leave. No, she thought, again looking only for truth. That wasn't nobility. It was fear. I was afraid of what she'd think of me. Afraid that this was a mistake she wouldn't be able to forgive. Afraid that I'd hear her tell me to go, which would break my heart. "I'm sorry, Xena," she said in a small voice, laying quietly down on the palette. "I wasn't really going to leave. I guess I was just -- I don't know what I was thinking." "Well, I do. It's called 'guilt' -- and I know all about it. You did something you regret and now instead of facing it, you want to run away. Running doesn't help, Gabrielle. Trust me." Xena's voice softened. "Look. I don't blame you for any of this, so please give yourself a break, okay? Everything will work out. Somehow, we'll deal with this. But I need you to be strong just a little longer. I know you're tired. And being strong is hard sometimes. Very hard. But you've done so well. You managed to save our lives and Argo's and get me to a healer. You did all this on your own. And now this talk of leaving me..." Xena took a deep breath. "I don't want to be alone now, Gabrielle. I *need* you." "Of course, Xena. I'm here. I'll always be here. I'll never leave you," said Gabby quietly. "Good. Now get some sleep. I imagine you haven't had much lately." "G'night, Xena." Gabby felt Xena's hand move from her arm to her face, the fingers fumbling to find her lips. When they had, Xena lowered her head to kiss her softly goodnight. Then the warrior turned and closed unseeing eyes tightly, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.
When Gabrielle returned from breakfast, she heard voices coming from their room. "Did quite a job on the Wee One, didn't you, Warrior?" Gabby heard Widgie say. "What are you saying?" came Xena's threatening voice. Gabby moved closer to listen. "Settling her fears, givin' her the all's right. You done well in that, t'ain't so?" "I suppose. What's your point?" "Not that I think you needs telling, as you is a sharpie, you is. But you be holding back, t'ain't so? Forgot t'mention a wee fact, aye?" "What fact is that?" Xena sounded as if she was keeping tight control of her temper. Gabrielle shivered. "A blind warrior be a useless thing, t'ain't so? Useless. No reason t'live, much as I can tell." "That's my business, Healer." "Aye, 'tis that. I can fix what bleeds but not a soul what wants no fixin'. Not that I'd try on you, Warrior. No, t'would be a waste of my gifts, aye? You doesn't want fixin'." "Perhaps you'd better leave." "Aye, that too. Always best to chase away them bold enough to hold a mirror, t'ain't so?" Gabby couldn't hear Xena's mumbled response, but the healer's answer was clear and cruel. "You be pathetic, Warrior. Not worth the waste of breath." Gabby heard the jingling that preceded Widgie's rise from the chair. Quickly, she slipped around the corner to hide until the healer had passed. Widgie waddled through the door and without looking, said, "gw'on in then, Wee One. See if'n you can reach her." Gabrielle sheepishly showed herself. "What was that all about?" Widgie didn't pause, just kept walking in her slow, jangling waddle, saying over her shoulder, "ask the warrior, aye? Your friend be a fool, but s'worth a try t'least." Gabby slowly entered the room, putting a bright smile on her face. "Hey Xena! The food here is fabulous. Have you tried the nutbread?" "Morning, Gabrielle. No, I haven't had much appetite. And you can stop smiling. It's not like I can see you." "Oh," said Gabby, the smile disappearing. "Waitasec, if you can't see me how'd you know--" "It was in your voice." "That's great! It means you're starting to use your other senses to compensate for your... well... your--" "Yes?" "--eye... think we need to talk, Xena. Just you and me. No healers, or anything." "Yeah. I'll go first." Gabrielle sat down on the palette next to her. She took her hand. Xena pulled it away on the pretext of scratching an itch. She didn't offer it again. "Okay, good," said Gabby with false brightness. "What's on your mind, Xena?" "I've been thinking about what you said last night." "Yeah, I want to thank you for--" "Please, it was an accident. Let's leave it, okay?" "Okay..." "Good. That wasn't what I wanted to talk about. I was thinking about you wanting to leave, to go out on your own. It's a good idea. You should do it." "What?" Gabrielle was stunned. She didn't want to go out on her own. "But I--" "Really. You're obviously able to take care of yourself now. You don't need me anymore and I would be no good to you like this anyway. I think you should go. Maybe back to the Academy or something. You shouldn't have given that up." "But I don't want to go to the Academy. I want to be with you." "Well I don't want to be with you," said Xena harshly. Gabrielle stared at her friend whose eyes were unfocused and drifting. "Truth or truth, Xena," she said coldly. Xena bristled then forced a smile. "Look, I'm not angry or anything. I just... it's going to take awhile for me to recover. I have to get used to living without sight and it'll be boring for you. There'll be no adventures and what's a bard without adventures? It just seems a perfect opportunity for you to take the classes you need. By the time you graduate, I'll be an old hand at being blind and then we can get back together." "Uh-huh," said Gabrielle, not trusting her. "What's this really about, Xena? Truth or truth, what are you thinking?" "I'm just being realistic. I talked it over with Widgie and she'll help me get used to things. Help me learn to deal with being sightless." "I could help you." "Yes, you could. But I don't want that. I don't want to turn you into some kind of servant, spending your days waiting on me. You're too talented. You should be studying to be the greatest bard this land has ever seen," said Xena, her smile now genuine. "You have that potential, Gabrielle. Live up to it. Be it. Tell the whole world about your adventures with the Warrior Princess. Maybe that way, I'll always have sight. I'll be able to see through your stories." Gabrielle was quiet, digesting this. Was Xena being honest? Was this what she really wanted? "You'd be lonely without me." Xena's smile cracked but she fought her emotions and retrieved it. "Yeah. I would be. But I'd survive." "What about me? I don't know if I can live without you." "Oh come on," Xena cajoled. "You'll be fine. I'll still be around. You can visit me on breaks." Gabby took her hand and Xena squeezed hers affectionately. "What about, um, what we did in the cave?" asked the younger woman, shyly. "I don't understand." "The 'dare', Xena. What about the dare?" Xena smiled tenderly. "That was both truth and dare, Gabrielle. Nothing has changed. I still love you. More than I love myself." "You do? Swear it?" "I do. Swear it." Xena's hand fumbled for Gabby's face so the bard leaned forward, into her palm. "Gabrielle, you are my heart. Please, listen to me on this. Follow your dream. I'll be here when you get back." Gabrielle had no intention of leaving her friend, but she wanted to know why Xena was suddenly so anxious to have her gone. "So... you want me to go to the Academy but visit you, is that it?" "Yeah." "And the only reason for this is because you want me to be a great bard?" "That and I'll learn how to deal with my blindness. What's so difficult about this?" Xena asked, curtly. She put a hand to her head, rubbing the palm on her forehead, an expression of pain on her face. "Nothing. Except I don't believe you." "You're calling me a liar?" the warrior asked, beginning to lose her control. "No! Well, sorta but only because I don't understand why you'd want me to go away. Last night you said--" "Last night I said a lot of things. But I've had more time to think now." "Oh," Gabrielle said, "I see. And this is what you want?" "Yes. Now go take care of Argo or something. I need some time alone." "Take care of Argo." Gabby's eyes narrowed as she stared at Xena's face. Her friend looked ready to hit something, but the bard had no idea where all this anger was coming from. "Okay, I think I will." "Good," said Xena between clenched teeth. Gabby stood and walked to the door. "But don't think this discussion is over, Xena. I'm not leaving. And I don't think you're being honest with me." Gabrielle noisily left then quietly returned to the door, watching Xena. The warrior was beating her palette with balled fists, her expression dark and fierce. "Damn you, Gabrielle," she growled in frustration, continuing to mindlessly strike the bed. "Think, Xena. How do you get rid of her? Think, damn it!" Gabrielle silently slipped away.
"Tell me what's going on with Xena," said Gabrielle, her voice hard, her eyes steel. Widgie glanced her way then returned to chopping vegetables. "She been honey-talkin' ya, aye? Used that dazzle smile of her'n, made plans for yer future, t'ain't so?" "Yes." "Add the dinars, Wee One. What be the total, then?" "I don't know. That's why I asked you." "Aye, that ya did." Widgie silently put handfuls of fresh cut greens and roots into the soup pot. Without looking at Gabrielle, she grabbed a freshly-caught rabbit and began to skin it expertly, using only a few strokes then lifting the pelt off whole. She hummed her tuneless melody, chopping the meat into small, nearly identical squares. "Well?" said Gabrielle, her patience at an end. "Are you going to answer me?" "T'appears not, aye?" "Oooh, you are so frustrating!" growled Gabby, her fists balled. "Aye, s'been said afore." "Why won't you help me?" Widgie threw the meat chunks into the pot, dipped her hands into a bucket of water, then wiped them on a clean cloth nearby. She turned to face Gabrielle, her jewelry swinging and jingling. "You be an odd one, then. So much you be doing when yer friend are unable, aye? Carried her on yer back e'en though you be a wee chit." "Yeah, so?" "Now you be unwillin' t'use yer own mind on a simple puzzle, t'ain't so? T'so. Stop relying on the warrior or me, Chit. Find yer own steel, don't be borrowing ourn, aye?" Widgie turned back to her soup pot and stirred, humming. Gabrielle let out a small "hunh!" and spun around, stalking away. Widgie's jewelry shook and jingled.
Gabrielle cautiously approached the room. Someone was making a great deal of noise and Gabby readied herself, fearing it was an intruder bent on harming Xena. She flattened herself against the wall, then peered into the room. Xena was on her feet, clumsily crashing into the sparse furniture. She grabbed anything that came to her hand and threw it angrily, appearing to be searching for something. She bumped into a small table and yelped, then furiously upended it. A wooden bowl flew off and clipped her arm, the impact startling her. She pawed at the air, spinning around, tripped on some of the things she'd thrown earlier and fell to the ground. Defeated, she crumbled into a fetal position, clasping her head in both hands. Gabrielle could hear the sound of ragged weeping. Slowly, the startled bard stepped into the room. "Who is it? Who's there?" said Xena angrily, her tears forgotten. Now crouching on the ground, her body a coiled spring, she was ready to leap at the intruder. "Xena?" Gabrielle whispered. "Oh. It's you," said Xena, easing herself out of fighting readiness. "What do you want, Gabrielle?" "I heard the noise and I--" "I was loo-- searching for something," said Xena, her head turned away. She hid her face, hastily erasing the evidence of her tears. "What is it? Maybe I can find it," said Gabrielle, helpfully, as she started to straighten the room. "Yes, of course you could," said Xena sweetly, a false smile on her face. "Be a dear and give me my sword and chakram, won't you? You know how I hate to be too far away from them." "Yeah, I know but--" "Don't argue with me!" Xena snapped. "Okay, I'm looking! I'm looking," said Gabby, worried. Xena was never without her weapons if she could help it, so it made sense that she'd want them near. But having blades around wasn't exactly a good idea when Xena was this... volatile. "Where are they, Gabrielle?" asked Xena. Though still smiling there was a thread of desperation beneath her voice. "I put them over here," said Gabby, rummaging through some of the mess Xena had made. "They were buried in the cave-in, but luckily, when I was clearing Argo's running path, I noticed the edge of the scabbard. It took some digging but I found them both. Wouldn't do for a warrior to loose her weapons, y'know? I knew it would've really upset you if they'd been lost." As she rambled, she realized, despite the jumble Xena had made of the room, that the weapons weren't where she had put them. "Well? Where are they?" asked Xena, edgy and tense. "Huh. They're not here. I guess Widgie must've taken them for some reason." "Yes, I'll just bet she did," said Xena, her sightless eyes narrowed, her voice dripping with venom through her smile. "I'll go ask her where they are," said Gabby. "No! I mean, no reason to bother a woman as busy as Widgie, right? You go look for them. I'm sure they're around somewhere. Just find them and bring them back to me." Gabrielle stared at Xena, who was still crouched on the ground, her head cocked to locate Gabby by the sound of her movements. "You shouldn't be out of bed," said the bard, approaching her friend noisily so she'd know she was coming. She reached down and grabbed the warrior's upper arm. "C'mon, let's get you back to your palette." Xena threw off her arm. "I don't need to be led around. I can find my own palette." Absently, she rubbed her forehead just above her eyes. "Sure you can, I didn't mean you couldn't. I just wanted to help." Gabrielle stood uneasily, watching as Xena slowly rose. "You're always so helpful, aren't you, Gabrielle?" the warrior asked with sickly-sweet sarcasm. "I, uh, try to be. Look, Xena--" "I can't 'look!' Get that through your head! I'm blind, Gabrielle. Blind!" she shouted. "I know that, Xena," Gabrielle said in a small, reasonable voice. "It was just a figure of speech. I'll try to be more careful about that." "Good. Do that." Xena swayed slightly on her feet, her fingers now rubbing her forehead just above the bridge of her nose. "How are you feeling?" asked Gabby, reaching for anything that might keep the warrior from exploding again. "Still have a headache?" Xena frowned, pulling her hand away from its ministrations hastily. "What do you care?" Gabrielle walked to within inches of her friend, not touching but making her presence known in the very air around them. In a controlled voice, she said, "Don't question my caring, okay? You know damn well I care. You can try to scare me away, or whatever it is you're doing, but don't you dare pretend you're unaware of how much you matter to me. You're my best friend. And more than that, you're the woman I love. Seeing you like this -- hurting and in pain, well, it's tearing me up inside, okay? Hurts like hades. For the love of Aphrodite, Xena, I caused this! If I could trade places with you I would! I would do anything in the world if I could make you well again. Anything!" Xena lowered her head, her expression contrite. The edgy darkness which had almost crackled around her seemed to dissipate. "I'm sorry, Gabrielle. I had no right to say that," she said softly, "I *do* love you. You know that, don't you?" "Yes, I know," said Gabby softly. The warrior appeared to be her old self again. "Good. Always remember that, okay? No matter what happens, keep in mind that my love for you is pure and very real." "What's going to happen?" asked Gabrielle suspiciously. "Nothing, I hope. I just want you to understand -- really understand -- what you mean to me. I... I want to show you, Gabrielle. I want to show you how much I love you." Xena found her friend's face and touched it gently, closing the distance between them, kissing the bard with a fleeting caress. "Will you let me do that? Let me show you how I feel?" she whispered. "Yes..." answered Gabrielle. "Please..." Xena kissed her again, this time with passion and hunger. As her lips and tongue demanded satiation, her hands roamed the younger woman's body, as if memorizing every detail. Gabby felt her clothes being stripped away and moments later, Xena's warm flesh touched hers, the warrior's body also bare. Gabby's head was spinning, the passion of her friend's caresses so sensuous and arousing she could barely stand. She'd always known Xena had played the role of seductress in her warlord days, but had never realized how skilled she was. Every kiss, every touch, every movement of Xena's body evoked such powerful responses in the bard, she lost her ability to think and reason -- wanting only the satisfaction teasingly promised by the warrior's every caress. "Gods, Xena..." whispered Gabrielle, allowing herself to be lowered to the palette. With the satisfying weight of Xena on top of her, Gabby closed her eyes, surrendering completely to the frenzied love-making of her friend. Xena's hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere at once with a desperation Gabrielle didn't understand, but welcomed just the same. Never rough or harmful, the warrior managed to bring Gabby to the brink swiftly, appearing to delight in the bard's moaning satisfaction, then started anew, bringing her back to the peak all over again. Two... three... four... times Gabrielle reached a state of mindless sensation until she was almost unable to think or feel anything. Her senses overwhelmed, Gabby managed to roll Xena onto her back and began her own exploration. But the warrior's hands never stilled; her lips finding and exploiting every inch of exposed flesh that came within their reach. Eventually, Gabrielle brought Xena to thrashing satisfaction then collapsed on top of her, her breath coming in gasps, her muscles weak, bones liquid. Gabby felt herself drifting into sleep, still lying on top of Xena's naked flesh. "Gabrielle," she heard whispered in her ear. "Hunh?" she muttered sleepily. "Don't forget to find my weapons." "Mm-hm. Okay." She felt Xena's body relax beneath her and her last conscious thought was surprise that the warrior could have been so tense after what they had just done.
Gabrielle had searched every inch of the inn, except Widgie and Jorgos' private quarters. She was loathe to intrude on their personal space, but she needed to find Xena's weapons. Cautiously, she opened the door to the innkeeper's bedroom. Before her stood the largest palette she had ever seen. It almost took up the entire room and Gabby marveled at the depth of the cushioning mattress. It must have cost a fortune. Glancing around the room, she realized that the weapons weren't there and was about to leave when an angry Jorgos entered. "Hist! What are you doing here then?" "Oh, is this your room? I must've taken a wrong turn, sorry. I do that sometimes. Don't know where my head was. Well, I'll just be going." She glanced out the door. "Oh look! Left, not right!" Gabby slapped her forehead in mock dismay. "You can play those games with the other villagers, but no man who would marry Widgie could be so brainless as you assume, aye?" he said coldly. Gabrielle gave up the act and with sincerity, said, "I truly am sorry, Jorgos. I was looking for Xena's sword and chakram. They've disappeared from our room and I promised her I'd find them. She's a warrior and she never feels right if her weapons aren't at hand." "Aye. That sounds closer to truth. But if Widgie took the blades, then there'll be a reason for it, mark my words." "Oh, I'm sure she thought it was a good idea. But she doesn't understand -- Xena is a warrior! A warrior always has to have her weapons nearby. They're like part of her clothing, you know? So if you'll just tell me where--" "You'll have to ask Widgie, then." "Really? I don't want to disturb her." "Who put that thought in your head, young'un?" "Nobody! I just..." Gabrielle paused. It was Xena who had suggested she not disturb Widgie. "Well, actually, Xena said--" "Aye. As I suspected. Run along now. And stop looking for trouble. Xena shouldn't have weapons now. She's in no danger from the outside, so there's no need." Defeated, Gabrielle slipped out the door.
"Is that you, Gabrielle? Did you find my sword and chakram? Give them to me, please," said Xena when Gabby returned. "I'm sorry, but--" "Sorry? You don't have them? Why not? Did you look? C'mon, Gabrielle, I'm not asking much." Xena rose from the pallet and used the table to feel her way around the edge of the room, trying to approach the bard. Gabby walked over, touched her friend's arm and Xena instantly grasped her by the shoulders, her face tense, unseeing eyes narrowed. "Where are they?" "Widgie hid them somewhere, I think," said Gabrielle. "I looked everywhere, even in their bedroom. Oh, Xena, they have the biggest palette I've ever seen! It's about--" "Shut up!" Xena shouted, giving her violent shake. Gabby tensed as Xena's hands bit deeply into her flesh. "Xena, you're hurting me..." she said, suddenly afraid of her best friend. Xena let go as if she had been burned, her expression rippling quickly from surprise, to realization, to shame. "I'm sorry," she whispered and held out a hand which found Gabby. The hand was gentle, caressing and tender. "I... guess I'm a bit on edge. All this darkness. I can't even see vague shapes or colors anymore. Haven't for awhile. There's nothing. Like in the cave before I made the fire. I feel like I'm still there, sometimes. Trapped behind a wall, living in the dark." "Oh, Xena, I'm so sorry." Gabrielle put her arms around her and they stood for a moment, comforting each other. Their lives were so changed, thought Gabrielle. So many things were different. Xena, the strong, fearless warrior who never backed down from any fight was in danger of losing for the first time. It was a battle being raged in her own mind as she tried to come to terms with her new limitations. So many changes, she thought. They had finally shared physical intimacy for the first time. It was a memory that Gabrielle dared not even explore, her feelings were so awestruck and new. She had never imagined she could feel the way she had when Xena had made love to her. The reality outstripped anything she had dreamed of before. And yet, for all that, there was a distance between the two women for the first time since they had begun their voyage together. It was as if the rockfall had cascaded between them, and every time Gabrielle tried to pry away the stones, Xena sent more to fill the holes. This emotional barrier was far more frustrating than the cave's had been. At least there, they could see the problem and attempt to find solutions. With Xena, nothing was clear anymore. Everything *should* be getting better. Xena's wound was healing. She was out of bed and beginning to learn how to get around without sight. They had finally lain in each others' arms. Gabrielle should be feeling hope. Instead, she was feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Suddenly, she remembered Xena's words in the cave. 'What is far worse -- what is deadly, in fact -- is loss of hope.' Did it apply here as well? Could both women have lost their hope and it was that loss that was fueling the break-up of their relationship? For despite the physical intimacy, Gabby felt that emotionally, they were farther apart than they had ever been. "There has to be something I can do," she said aloud. "There is," said Xena, startling Gabrielle out of her thoughts. "Somehow you have to find my sword or my chakram. And then you need to leave for Athens." "I thought we've already been through this. I'm not going anywhere," she said, testily. This was *not* what she needed right now. "You must, Gabrielle," pleaded Xena. "I won't have both our lives destroyed because of my helplessness." "You don't need to be helpless," said Gabby, reasonably. "Lots of people are blind and not at all helpless. Some of them do amazing things. There was a girl in our village who couldn't see, and she used to play the harp and the pan flute -- better than anyone I've ever heard. And she could imitate birds just by whistling and she could--" "I'm sure she was very special," interrupted Xena, "but I'm not exactly the 'bird imitator' type." Xena absently rubbed her forehead, making Gabrielle suspect that another of her headaches was settling in. The warrior sighed. "There's not much call for warriors who can't see. And without that, I have no way to atone for my past. I can't spend the rest of my life sitting in a village, learning the pan flute while others take care of me. I can't," she said, morosely. "Drums'd be more yer speed, t'ain't so?" said a voice at the doorway. Gabrielle looked over and saw Widgie. "Pan flutes? Feh. Them're fer wee lasses and goat gods, aye?" "How the Hades did you approach without my hearing?" asked Xena angrily. "I'm light as a kitten, when I wants t'be, Warrior. S'not good always t'announce the self, aye? You miss so many interesting things that way, t'ain't so? T'so." "What do you want?" asked Xena. "Naught but to bring yer lunch, Bold One. I be but yer humble servant, aye?" Though she couldn't see the healer, Xena still managed to assume a baleful glare. Gabrielle cleared her throat. "Um... Xena wanted to know where her--" "Hush, Gabrielle!" Xena snarled. "We don't need to trouble the 'servant' with that." "Wee One, come put th'Warrior t'the table for her meal." Gabby complied and Xena let her lead her to a chair. Widgie calmly placed a bowl of rabbit soup and a loaf of new bread in front of her. From her pocket, she withdrew a spoon. She grabbed Xena's hand and slapped the spoon into it. "Try not t'use th'good china as a weapon, Warrior," she said with a smile. Xena grinned maliciously and with lightning speed tried to stab Widgie with the handle of the spoon. To her shock, the healer parried it easily. Then the woman patted Xena gently on the cheek and turned to leave. "Wow, did you see that?" said Gabrielle, awed. "No, Gabrielle," said Xena, caustically Gabby blushed crimson. "Oh! I'm sorry, I--" "Never mind. They're just words." Xena felt for the bowl so Gabby pushed it within reach. Xena found it with the spoon and raised the utensil to her mouth. The bard could tell instantly that she enjoyed it, though the warrior tried hard to hide the fact. "Good?" "S'okay," Xena grumbled, continuing to spoon the chunky broth, hungrily. She fumbled for the bread, broke off a piece and popped it in her mouth, a small moan of pleasure escaping as she chewed. "Widgie's bread is the best I've ever had," said Gabby. "It's a little dry," lied Xena, her mouth full. Gabrielle smiled. "You really hate her, don't you?" Xena shrugged her shoulders. "No, I don't care one way or the other. I don't like her, don't hate her. She's pretty full of herself, though," she added, breaking off another piece of bread. "Oh, I dunno. I think she's just very accomplished and knows it. Like you when you're fighting. Like the way you are in the middle of a battle and it's life or death and all the men you're fighting are scared or angry and you just laugh this evil little laugh, knowing you're better than all of them so you let them know it, too." Xena didn't answer, just continued to eat the soup and the bread, concentrating on not spilling or missing with the spoon. Absently, she continued to rub her head and eyes, pain pulling down the corners of her mouth. "And when you fight you're always smiling," continued Gabrielle. "You get such joy out of your skill. I think that's what Widgie feels, too. She gets a lot of pleasure at being such a good cook and such a gifted healer. You should've seen her face when she held you like a baby, singing to you and rocking you. Why she was glowing--" Gabby felt a tight pressure on her wrist and looked down to see Xena's hand grasping it, shaking. "When she did what?" Xena asked, her voice low and barely controlled. "Uh... Xena... my wrist..." "Answer me." "Um... well... when we first got here and you were so hurt. Unconscious, really. You sort of drifted in and out. Asked me how we got out, but I don't think you remember any of that." "I don't. Go on." Gabrielle tried to move her hand, but Xena's grip was iron-strong, and unyielding. Gabby started to sweat, the pain in her wrist overwhelming. "Well, Widgie sort of picked you up and she kinda..." "Yes?" "She held you -- cradled you in her arms like you were a newborn or something. And you sort of allowed it to happen. Surrendered to her and she just rocked you and then she kicked me out, saying you wouldn't want me to see what happened. I don't know what she did after that. But the next day you were so much better. It was like a miracle or something." Gabby winced as the grip on her wrist deepened even more. "Please, Xena, let me go... it hurts so bad." Xena lifted her chin, fire in her eyes. "I'll kill her," she growled, removing her hand from Gabrielle, without apology. "No! Don't you get it? She healed you! You can't be angry about that?" Xena swept her arm across the table, sending the soup bowl and the remainder of the bread flying across the room. "Oh can't I?" she shouted. "Can't I?" "Xena! Stop it! You're scaring me!" "And you just let her! You let her humble me! Treat me like some sort of child -- right in front of you! Gods, I'll wring her neck," Xena said dangerously, knocking her chair back as stood. She paced in front of the bard and Gabby noticed that Xena seemed more familiar with the layout of the room, as she never neared any objects, keeping only to the cleared spaces. "And she knew, didn't she? Knew that I was blind and still she healed me. She forced me to survive so that I could live like this? The most useless thing in the world! A blind warrior. Well, I'll show her that blind or not, I can still kill. And I don't need my weapons to do it." "No, Xena! I won't let you harm her!" shouted Gabrielle. Xena spun to face the source of Gabby's voice. "You. Won't. Let. Me?" she said with dangerous deliberation. Gabby stood to her full height, her expression hard. "No. I won't let you. You'll have to kill me too." "That should be easy enough." "Big talk, Warrior Princess." "Get out of here." "No, I'm stay--" Xena fumbled on the shelf near her, grabbed a candlestick and threw it at Gabrielle, shouting, "Get out! Now! Go!" It was right on target, but Gabby ducked in time. She picked up the candle and set it on the table, glad that it was unlit and the shelf was now empty as Xena's hands searched for something else to throw. She stared at her friend for a long moment. "I don't know who you are anymore," she whispered then left the room. "Get the Hades out of my life, Gabrielle!" Xena shouted. "I never want to hear your voice again!" Behind her, Gabby heard Xena throwing things, breaking anything within reach, roaring with unchecked rage. As the bard rounded the corner, she heard Xena fall to the ground, the unmistakable sound of her ragged weeping echoing through the hall. Gabrielle didn't look back.
Quietly, Gabrielle asked Jorgos if she could have another room. Without a word he led her down the hall and into a room very similar to the one she had shared with Xena. Gabby thanked him, and sheepishly admitted that she had no dinars but would find some way to pay. Jorgos nodded in understanding, offering to let her work off both women's debt by doing some chores around the inn. Gabrielle happily agreed. She needed to get her sparse belongings from Xena's room. One of the village girls had given her a sleeping shift and another had loaned her a skirt to replace the one she had torn for bandages. She waited until Xena fell asleep, not wanting another confrontation. Quietly, she found her things and turned to leave. "Not even talking to me anymore?" asked Xena from the palette. "Oh, I thought you were asleep. Sorry." "Yeah. I'll bet that's what you thought. Probably waited all day for it, too." Guilty as charged, Gabby paused, not knowing how to answer. "Of course not, Xena," she said, lamely. "Stick to the truth, Gabrielle. You are the world's worst liar. Even a blind woman can 'see' that." Xena rose and stretched. Gabby watched the play of muscles on her arms. The warrior's breasts were thrust forward as she leaned to crack her back, the nipples standing out against the thin, black shift she wore. Gabrielle swallowed once, fighting her own attraction. "Well... I guess I'll talk to you later. You look... tired," said the bard. Xena smiled a slow, sensuous smile; frightening and predatory. "So soon? You just got here." "Yeah, well, I have some stuff to do." "Oh, too busy to talk to your lover anymore, is that it?" Gabby backed away as Xena came forward. "No, not at all. If you feel like talking I can stay a little bit longer..." Xena maneuvered Gabrielle until the bard was standing with her back against a wall. Slowly, the warrior reached out a hand and caressed Gabby's right breast. "Yes. Talking. You love to talk," she said then dipped her head, capturing Gabby's mouth. The kiss was unlike anything the younger woman had ever experienced before -- slow, sensuous... cruel. "Xena, stop..." Gabby gasped when the warrior finally broke off the contact. "Stop? But you used to like my kisses. Kept daring me, remember? This game was your idea, my sweet." Seductively, Xena removed the shift from her body and stood naked before her friend. "Well, I dare *you*, Gabrielle. I dare you to grow up. I dare you to take me right now. Show me how strong you are, little bard. Be my master," she said, unlacing Gabrielle's top. "No, Xena -- this isn't you. This is wrong, you're not yourself." The younger woman struggled against the warrior, but Xena was so much stronger, she subdued her easily, stripping her to the waist. "You don't find me attractive any more?" Xena asked innocently, her expression feral and dangerous. She teased Gabrielle's nipples until they were erect. "Oh yes, I can tell how much you hate my touch." One hand dipped lower, snaking under the waistband of her skirt. "But you're not excited by me. Oh no. You don't care about me at all..." "Of... of course I do." Gabrielle fought her body's reaction as Xena's hand slowly inched downward. She had never been so frightened in her life. "I love you, Xena, but--" "Always a 'but', isn't there? No one says 'love' without adding something to dilute it. And I had such high hopes for you, Gabrielle," said Xena, taking one of Gabby's nipples in her teeth and biting it. "Ow! That hurt!" "A little pain with your love-making adds some spice, don't you think?" "No. I don't think that at all. You're scaring me, Xena. Is this what you used to do when you were a warlord? Frighten everyone so no one could get too close?" Xena frowned. She shoved Gabby's top into her chest, pushing the younger woman away from the wall toward the open door then stalked back to her palette. "Get out of here, little girl. I don't need you to find satisfaction. I don't need anyone." She rubbed her temples, her sightless eyes narrowed. "You heard her. Git out then, Chit," said Widgie from behind Gabrielle. The bard spun around, startled. "How long were you--" "Long enough t'step in, 'case the Bold One got dangerous w'ya." Xena laughed. "Amazing, isn't it, Gabrielle? People are always protecting you. Everywhere you go, someone steps in to fight your battles for you. Incredible." "Have ye no work t'do then, Chit? Are ya not helping Jorgos this eve?" "Yes... I... yes, of course," said Gabrielle, hastily donning her top. She glanced at Xena who stood and stretched her naked body. It's almost as if she's trying to show off to Widgie, Gabby thought. As if she's flaunting herself; showing how perfect and beautiful she is. Gabrielle backed away, but stayed just beyond the door, wanting to see what happened next. "Brought you sompin t'help ya sleep," said Widgie, approaching Xena. "How thoughtful!" said the warrior, her every move a seduction. "Aye. You'll be wantin' t'put yer shift on, t'stay the cold, aye?" "I'm not cold at all, Widgie dear. I'm the 'Bold One', remember? The Warrior. We never *feel* anything. No pain, no cold, no discomfort. Here, see for yourself. Touch my skin," said Xena, taking Widgie's hand and placing it on her bare breast. "See? Not cold at all, am I?" Widgie frowned. With a speed that defied her size, she bent and picked Xena up, throwing her roughly on the palette. For a moment, there was panic on the warrior's face as Widgie leaned over her. Then the healer shoved a small bottle of cloudy liquid in her mouth, forcing her to swallow. When Widgie straightened, an outraged Xena started spitting and throwing punches at where she thought her target stood. But the healer had moved and the warrior found nothing but air. "You cow! What did you just do? What was that?" "Toldja. Sompin' t'help ya sleep. Want yer shift then?" Calmly, Widgie retrieved Xena's discarded garment and tossed it to her. The warrior started to stand, then fell back, a look of surprise on her face. "You filthy, ignorant pile of horse dung! What gives you th'right to..." Xena's words slurred and her eyes closed. "Sweating pile o'fat..." "Aye, I's a large woman. 'Tis hard to take offense when ye speaks the truth," said Widgie, chuckling and jingling. "Sleep well, Warrior. And leave the Chit alone, aye? Ye'd have no stronger regret than if'n ya was t'hurt the Wee One." "Never... hurt... Gabrielle..." mumbled Xena as she fell into a deep sleep. As Widgie efficiently dressed Xena in the shift, Gabby turned, ran outside and vomited until she was too weak to stand.
Gabrielle didn't go near Xena for two days and tried not to think about her friend, sitting alone in perpetual darkness. Every time she felt sympathy rising and wanted to go to her, she remembered that this Xena was a stranger. A very dangerous stranger. Instead, she kept busy; cleaning, helping Widgie with the evening meal, waiting tables at the dinner rush and doing general chores, to help earn the price of their rooms. Gabrielle knew that she would have to face Xena soon. She wasn't about to give up on the woman she loved. But she had to have some distance first. She had to recover her sense of self. Xena was so strong that it was easy to get lost in the warrior's identity, feeling what she was allowed to feel; doing what she was told to do. Now wasn't the time for Gabrielle to let this happen. She needed her own strength now. The battle lines had been drawn. And the bard knew that *she* had to win this one. Xena was going to have to surrender, or Gabby would die in the attempt. It was strange to think that Xena could actually kill her, but Gabrielle knew that it was now possible. The rage inside the warrior was running unchecked. She had become the darkness she had fought so hard to overcome. Like an animal in a cage, there was no predicting her next move; no taming her impulses. Widgie seemed uncommonly able to handle herself with the warrior, but Gabrielle's heart was always getting in the way. She still looked like her Xena. Occasionally, there were glimpses of the tender woman who had loved and protected her for almost two years. It was this Xena who stood between Gabby and victory. It was her memory of their adventures together, their discovery of love in the cave and their shared passion that had prevented the bard from fighting as an equal. That has to end, she realized. From now on, it's me against the warlord. I can't think of her as anything else, or I'll surely lose.
Gabrielle stood silently in the hall, watching her. Xena was prowling around the room, picking up whatever came to hand and testing its weight and feel. She found the chair and smashed it against the stone wall, breaking it into kindling, then meticulously picked up each piece, thrusting and parrying the wood like a sword. A leg appeared to have the proper balance and she went to work rubbing the end against the stonework, sharpening it. Gabrielle shifted her weight, the movement causing a whisper of sound as her leather boots creaked. Xena stopped, instantly alert. "Who's there?" Gabby remained still, not even daring to breathe. "Who's there?" Xena roared. "I can hear you!" Gabrielle didn't move, suddenly afraid. Xena had the jagged piece of wood in her hand and her feral smile on her face. "Come to watch the show have you? Come to laugh at the blind warrior?" Xena inched forward, spinning the wood in her hand like she used to twirl her sword. "Come on in. I won't hurt you, whoever you are. After all, what can I do? I'm just a blind woman with a stick. No harm there, right?" Xena laughed. Gabrielle turned and ran. As she rounded the corner she smashed into the wall named Widgie. "Whoosh! Slow down, Chit. What're ya about?" "I... Be careful, Widgie. Xena's armed herself with the leg of the chair." "Aye, I thought she'd do as much. Good. Things be happening just as they should, then. 'Tis time for't." Gabrielle stared at her in surprise. "What? You knew this would happen?" "Aye. D'ya think I'd leave the chair in't room without thinkin' what the consequences be then? T'would make me a foolish woman, t'ain't so? T'so." "But why? Don't you understand she can hurt herself with it? I think she wants to die, Widgie. I think she'll try to take her own life!" Gabrielle said mournfully. She had realized this when Xena had been so insistent about getting her weapons and about sending Gabby to Athens. But she hadn't known how to deal with it, so she had searched for the sword and chakram, buying time and trying to determine if they were hidden well enough. "Aye, t'so. She wants death. Or thinks she does, aye?" "What are you saying?" "Your Xena be a proud woman. And this be the lowest blow she's e'er received, t'ain't so? It be a test of her, t'so. If the darkness wins, she are beyond my help. But I doesn't think't will, aye? You knows her. You knows her mind. You knows her strength. Does she cotton t'losing battles? I thinks not, t'ain't so?" "T'so..." mumbled Gabrielle, not realizing she was aping the healer's speech. Widgie laughed and jiggled and jangled. "So what happens if she wins?" asked Gabby. "I helps her get her sight back, aye?" "You can do that?" she asked, stunned. "Aye. P'raps. But I need the Warrior's help and this woman, she aren't a warrior. She are a coward. Cowards ain't no help to no one, t'ain't so? Patience, Wee One. The battle's begun." Gabrielle turned as she heard Xena laughing in the far room. Cautiously, both women returned to watch. The bard was amazed at how silent Widgie could be when she wanted. Not a jangle or a jingle could be heard. Gabby made sure she was equally as discrete. No creaking leather this time. Xena was furiously sharpening the stick, testing the tip every few minutes. Her progress was amazing, the jagged edge taking shape under the firm muscles and sensitive guidance of a woman possessed. After several minutes, the chair leg had a very lethal point on the end. Xena cackled at the touch of it, drawing a drop of blood on her forearm as she tested the weapon. The warrior carefully scooped the blood on her finger, feeling the wetness of it, then placed the finger in her mouth, licking it clean. There was a palpable sensuality in the small act and Gabrielle shivered. Xena moaned, throwing her head back, her lips parted, her tongue slowly sweeping the edges of her upper teeth. Gabrielle wanted to turn away. This was too difficult to watch, she thought. I can't stand to see her like this. She's the most frightening person I've ever known. Not even Callisto can scare me like this Xena. No wonder people would quake in fear when we rode into a town that only remembered the warlord she used to be. No wonder Xena fought so hard to contain the darkness inside her. Gabrielle suddenly had a glimpse of the turmoil Xena faced each day and every night in frightened faces and tortured dreams. How had she done it? Gabby marveled. How had she changed? How could anyone find the strength to keep rage like this bottled up inside? Xena was sitting on the floor, fondling the wood reverently. She lifted her face to the ceiling and whispered some words Gabby couldn't hear. Her features were composed, almost peaceful. Her beauty never more evident than at this moment. Xena placed the pointed end of the stick under her breast, between two ribs, positioning it carefully. Both hands held the opposite end. Gabrielle's eyes grew wide and she opened her mouth to scream, but a huge hand clamped over it, silencing her completely. She struggled to get away, but she was held in the strongest grip she had ever felt. And with all this, not a sound was made by either woman in the hallway, though one part of Gabrielle wondered how that could be. Xena, completely unaware of her audience, smiled serenely. "Good-bye, Gabrielle. I'll always love you," she whispered, then she tensed her muscles readying for the thrust.
Gabrielle strained against Widgie's arms, the tears flowing unchecked, her heart beating so wildly she feared it would explode. Never in her life had she felt such desperate torment. She was about to watch the woman she loved kill herself. Xena lost the serene expression as her muscles began to shake. Her lips curled back and a wave of black rage twisted her face. Then, just as she was about to plunge the wooden 'dagger' into her breast, she screamed and dropped her weapon. Widgie whispered in Gabrielle's ear. "'Tis the most important part now, Chit. Watch closely, aye?" Xena's hands were balled into fists and she pounded the floor until they ran red with blood. She continued to scream, grabbing her head in her sticky hands, wailing in pain. "Gods!" she cried. "Oh gods, make it stop!" Frantically, she felt around on the ground until she found the wooden spike. She threw it from her, the weapon barely missing Gabrielle and Widgie as it sailed out the door into the hallway, and smashed into the far wall. "Coward!" she shouted. "What does pain matter? It's meaningless! Since when do you end a life that has worth? Since when do you run away from problems and setbacks? Since when have you let the darkness be your master? You stinking, worthless coward!" Gabrielle watched, mesmerized. She still didn't trust the warrior, but she was beginning to feel hope. Xena continued to mumble to herself, her tone berating, though her words couldn't be distinguished. Then she dropped her head, curved her arms around her body and rocked soundlessly. "Now be your part, Chit. Have ye the spine t'accept her as is, then? Y'know the darkness she has, aye? If it be too much, walk away now. You be doing her no favors if ye stay 'thout accepting her complete, aye? Make t'decision then, Wee One." Widgie opened her arms and Gabrielle ran to Xena's side. "Xena? It's me, Gabrielle," she said, touching her softly on the shoulder. The warrior's head snapped up, her face a mask of pain, but at the sound of the bard's voice, joy washed across her features like dawning sunlight across a lake. "Gabrielle? Is it really you? You didn't leave me?" "Of course I didn't leave you, Xena," she whispered. She took her friend into her arms and was filled with wonder as the proud warrior melted into her, holding her as if she was the anchor in an otherwise drifting life. Xena's breath was gasping and shallow; tears spilling unheeded. "Gabrielle... Can you forgive me?" "Shhh... There's nothing to forgive. I love all of you, Xena. Who you are, what you were and whatever you'll become. You can't frighten me away or leave me behind." Unnoticed, Widgie left them alone, an enormous smile on her dimpled face. "But I'm such a coward. You don't know..." "I know all about it. I was here the whole time. I saw what you almost did. But I also saw you win your battle." "You... saw?" asked Xena, raising her head. She reached out one hand and felt the expression on Gabby's face. "You don't hate me for it? Don't hate me for almost taking my life? For being such a coward?" "You're the bravest woman I've ever known. Now stop worrying about what I think and let's talk about you. I'm going to make some demands and you're going to agree to all of them, got it?" For the first time in days, Xena genuinely smiled. "You dare me?" Gabrielle chuckled. "That's right. I dare you. One. You are going to let me help you deal with your blindness." "I accept." "Two. You are never going to consider yourself worthless again. Do you think being a warrior is all that you are? The woman with many skills? Give me a break!" "Okay. I'll remember." "Good. Now we're making progress here. Three. You will never -- I repeat *never* -- try to send me away for my own good again!" Xena nodded, contritely. "Four. Well, I can't think of four right now, but you better believe there's going to be a four and a five and even more if I think you need it." "Yes, ma'am!" Xena said smartly. She kissed Gabrielle on the mouth; a kiss that was long, loving and tender. "That would've been a good four, I think," said Gabby, marveling at the depth of love Xena was able to express in so simple an action. "You can have as many fours as you want," Xena replied in a low, sexy murmur devoid of the feral undercurrents of their last meeting. "Good," said Gabby, her voice cracking on the word. She took a few moments to get herself under control, then cradled Xena's head against her breast. "I think I'm going to like being a take-charge kinda woman. I can really see the allure." "Me too," whispered Xena, claiming the bard's mouth once again. She's back, thought Gabrielle. My Xena is back. Thank the gods, it's really her.
Xena stood alone in a clearing in the small forested area behind the inn. At a safe distance, Gabrielle watched her, afraid. Slowly, a man crept up behind her, a sword in his hand. Xena appeared not to hear him, her concentration on listening, with a cocked ear, to a woodpecker in the tree. Suddenly the man charged, his sword raised. Xena leapt out of the way, withdrew her sword and slashed at him, bruising his ribs. The man fell with a grunt of pain. Three more men attacked and Xena quickly dispatched each of them, miraculously 'seeing' them without the use of her eyes. The four men abandoned their weapons, crawling out of the way of the tense warrior, who waited in case there was another attack. Finally, she sheathed her sword and said, "Thanks, guys. You can come out now, Gabrielle." "Whoa," said Gabby. The four men clapped, whistling their approval. Xena ignored them, walking directly toward the bard. "That was... that was amazing, Xena!" Gabrielle said. "Yeah. Quite a parlor trick, huh?" replied Xena, disdainfully. "No, I mean it was-- like you were magic or something!" "Nothing magic about it. When I trained to be a warrior, we did a lot of work using blindfolds. Attacks could come at any time, from any place and we had to be ready." Xena withdrew her sword, a crude wooden facsimile of her weapon, similar to the ones her 'attackers' had used. "Gods, even the feel of this thing brings back painful memories." She threw it on the ground behind her. "So... you're sort of prepared then. To be blind. You already know how." "I know how to sense an enemy's attack. I know how to see without sight. How to count steps, to hear breath, to smell distance, to taste air. Yeah. I know how to be blind." "You once told me how to listen for arrows. Was that...?" "Yeah. Lesson number one. Basic survival." Xena's fist flashed out, rushing millimeters past Gabrielle's ear and landing with a thud on something right behind the bard. Gabby hadn't heard a sound, but when she turned, she saw one of the village men holding his bloody nose and groaning in pain. "Press hard, right here," Xena told him, demonstrating on herself the best place to apply pressure. "And don't whine. You're the one who decided to surprise me." "Bid bistake," he moaned. "I have got *so* much to learn," said Gabrielle. "No. You don't need any of this, Gabrielle." "But I do! Look at you! You're better blind than most warriors are with sight! You're amazing." "Yes, all that training saved my life more than once. And it might do so again -- for awhile. But there'll come a time when someone with my skills comes along -- only he can see. And then, I'm dead. It's over, Gabrielle. My life can't be the same, not without sight." Gabrielle looked at her friend. She stared at the beautiful, familiar blue eyes of the woman who had stolen her heart. They seemed the same eyes she had always known. Still crystal clear, still breathtaking, only now they were just window dressing -- useless jewels on her perfect face. "That damn blindfold," mumbled Xena. "I hated it. Hated having it there, a barrier, a piece of cloth taking away half my world. But I always knew I could take it off. Any time I wanted, I could untie it and I would be able to see again." "Did you? Take it off before you were supposed to?" "No. I kept it on. For weeks, I lived in darkness, constantly under attack. Always listening. Learning to live without. And when it was sliced off in a final ceremony, I knew I'd never wear another. It was too hard, Gabrielle. I hated it." Xena drew a deep breath. "And now it's back again and somewhere, I have to find the strength to keep it on. Forever." "Isn't that what you just did? Found the strength, I mean? You could've taken it off. You had the means. You could've killed yourself." Xena smiled a crooked smile. "Yeah. That was the plan. Only you messed that up, didn't you?" "I didn't do anything. You're the one who made the decision not to, Xena. You're the one who found the strength." "Only because I had your love as a tether. I tried everything I could to get rid of you. Even in the darkness, I knew that I'd crossed every boundary; and hated myself for doing it. Then, when you didn't come by for days, I thought you'd gone. I thought I'd lost you forever. It wasn't strength that kept me from killing myself, Gabrielle. It was you. I held the weapon to my heart and suddenly I felt you. In the room with me. Felt your anguish and your love. And I decided that wearing the blindfold was better than causing you more pain." Gabrielle reached up and tenderly caressed Xena's cheek. The warrior smiled and bent to claim her lips. Gabby closed her eyes, lost again in the wonder of being able to do this -- to just want the closeness and it was hers for the taking. She heard another thud, opened her eyes and saw that, without breaking the kiss, Xena's hand was raised in a fist and another villager was falling to the ground. "They just don't learn, do they?" Xena asked with a smile. She turned and said, "go see Widgie. She'll sew that up good as new. And you'll have a nice scar to brag about to your friends." Gabrielle smiled as the man shambled away, holding his cheek with both hands. "So you're going to be okay?" she asked. "Yeah," Xena said. "I'll be okay. As long as you stick around." "Oh, I think that can be arranged." "It's a bad plan!" Xena shouted to the seemingly empty forest. "Go help your friends instead." Two men shuffled out from behind the trees, and gave Xena a wide berth. She turned back to Gabrielle. "Now where were we? Ah, yes, we were doing something rather daring, right?" Gabby smiled and offered her lips which were taken without a fumble. Having rid herself of the headaches and the darkness, Xena's skill at being sightless had expanded well beyond the warrior craft. Unless told, no one would guess she was blind, Gabby realized. It was both a blessing and a curse. The bard now feared the day when that nameless someone of equal skill came to make a name for himself as the vanquisher of Xena, Warrior Princess. Whether she remained a warrior or not, Xena's blindness could still mean her death.
Over the course of the next few days, Gabrielle spent every day with Xena, helping her to become accustomed to a 'permanent blindfold.' Now sharing a room again, they spent each night in the much more entertaining pursuit of discovering each other, filling each other with joy, pleasure and wonder. Having decided to push away her fears, for just these moments in time, it became one of the happiest weeks of Gabrielle's life. Xena's victory over her internal demons was so vast that she was no longer plagued by nightmares and slept peacefully the whole night through. Not that the darkness was gone forever, Gabrielle realized. There were still moments when she could see her friend struggle. But Xena had gained so much strength and power over it, that the struggles were brief and the outcome never in question. Gabrielle accepted these bouts, helping her by being at her side, supporting her and loving her through the episodes. And Xena finally was able to accept that support, willing to share the battle with the gutsy bard.
"So, you'm thinkin' you be leavin' us, aye?" "How did--" Gabby said. "Whoosh, Chit. I be an oracle, t'ain't so? I sees things, I does." "I forgot. Did you see anything about Xena and me?" "Aye. 'Tis why you came to th'inn, t'ain't so?" "What do you mean?" "What are you two talking about?" asked Xena, walking casually into the kitchen and plopping down on a chair with barely a touch to assure it was in position. "She knows we're going to leave," said Gabby. "That so?" said Xena, slyly. "Aye, Warrior. T'so." "Any objections?" "Nay, there be naught. Lessen you'd care t'have yer sight back, then." Xena started. "What are you saying?" she asked in a carefully controlled voice. "Be yer ears plugged?" "C'mon, Widgie, don't play with us, okay?" said Gabrielle, a bit shaky. If what Widgie said was true... "Whoosh, Chit. Ye've no sense o'fun, t'ain't so?" said Widgie chuckling and jiggling and jangling musically. "Course'n I can give it back. 'Twas me what took it, after all!"
Xena was inches from Widgie's face within seconds, her fingers poised against her neck. "Talk, Healer. And no more vague clues. I want the plain truth or you'll find out one of *my* more fascinating tricks." "Aye. Pressure points. H've heard tell of't." "Good, then I won't have to explain. Now what is this about you taking my sight?" "Sit down, Warrior. I be tellin', aye? But yon fingers be pointin' t'the wrong spot and I've no mind t'lose feelin' in m'left leg today." Xena backed away, controlling her frustrations with having misjudged the pressure point. Had to be Widgie's size, Gabby reasoned. It must've thrown her aim off. Once again, the bard pushed away her fear, now focused on Widgie's startling statement. If it was true... Xena sat in the chair, her back straight and proud. Gabrielle stood behind her, her hands on her friend's shoulders. "Please, Widgie. Just explain, okay?" said Gabrielle. "Aye." Widgie looked at Xena who stoically faced forward. "Felt yer darkness I did. Alla way from th'cave. You was hit on't head in a bad place, t'ain't so? Bad place. When you was to be woke, you'da kilt her dead -- the Wee One," said Widgie pointing to Gabrielle. "Saw't in a vision. Th'rock scrambled yer mind a bit. It needed healin'." "I'd never hurt Gabrielle," said Xena. "Well... that's not technically true, Xena," said Gabrielle. "I mean, when you were in prison that time, you hit me really hard. And you did throw the candlestick at me here at the inn. And I sorta got the feeling you were searching for more ammunition when I ran away. And then later you bit my-- well, you were scary, all right? Really scary. Warlord scary." Xena frowned. "Okay, but that's not the same as killing her. I wouldn't do that." "Aye, Warrior, *you* wouldna. But you was not yerself, aye? In t'vision, I seen you come 'ere. Only I weren't t'be found, so you rode past, the Chit thinkin' she could get healin' supplies and be yer cure. Stayed in t'woods. Days passed and ye be fallin' deeper int' th'dark and the Wee One, she tries t'help but you'm strong, Bold One. Too strong, aye? A misplaced touch from the Chit and ya strikes her dead. I seen it w'me own eyes, t'ain't so? And my visions be never wrong. Never, aye? It were truth." Xena shifted uneasily in the chair. Having just experienced the depths to which she could sink, she didn't doubt that something like that could have happened. An accident, a careless touch when she was deep in the pit of darkness and it would have all been over before she'd had a moment to think. "Let's pretend you're right, Healer. What does that have to do with my eyesight?" "I knew t'was for me to save the Chit. So'm, I doesn't go 'way, like I was plannin' and when you come 'ere, I sends Jorgos to wave ya inside. Then I sends the Wee One t'get m'chair, so's I could use m'skill to block yer eyes. Had to slow you down, Warrior, aye? Make't hard for ya. Can't see, can't kill s'easy, t'ain't so? Aye, t'so." Widgie plopped a bowl of sticky treats on the table, the same sweets that Gabrielle had purchased in town that long ago day. Xena sniffed once and reached for the bowl. "Okay, I understand that," the warrior said, her mouth full. "But why didn't you just keep Gabrielle away from me? That shouldn't have been too hard. And would certainly have been safer." "When I met yon Chit, I knew't'was more'n just th'darkness needed fixin'. She wert in love with ya, Warrior. Deep and blind in love. But she had no darkness. No experience w't it, t'ain't so?" "Well, I knew Xena had a past when I met her. And I've seen her in some pretty bad moods. I even whacked her with a pitchfork once, when she tried to be a warlord again, so sure, I had experience with it," said Gabrielle. "No, Gabrielle," said Xena, understanding. "She means real exposure to it. You never knew me at my worst. You've seen glimpses of it. You've felt it in me, dealt with me when I was briefly overtaken, but you've never had to deal with me when I'm like that for any length of time. And never to the depths I'm capable of sinking. Widgie wanted you to know all of me, before you committed yourself. Before we took our relationship any further. Right, Healer?" "Aye. Knew you was a sharpie, Warrior." "Yeah, real sharp. I never even realized it was a problem." "And you, Warrior, you needed t'see that she'd stick by e'en though you was overtaken. Y'had doubts, aye? T'ain't so?" "T'so," said Xena with an ironic smile. "Aye. T'was that." Widgie smiled at both women. "So why didn't you give me back my sight when the darkness passed?" asked Xena. "Y'needed humbling, Warrior. Needed t'see yer blades dint be the only piece o'ya w'worth. Ye've as much light in'ya as dark, Warrior. 'Member that, aye? S'a balance. Findin' th'light -- s'tough, t'ain't so? 'Twas, I should say. Now ye've access." Xena smiled broadly. "Yes. I do. I've struggled for quite awhile. Now, it doesn't seem so hard anymore." "Aye. Ye've love now, Bold One." Gabrielle caressed Xena's shoulder, lending her support. Xena put a hand over hers, squeezing slightly to acknowledge. "You be a strong one, Warrior, but now, maybe stronger, aye? More balance twixt light and dark. Love and hate. Not so blind now, t'ain't so?" Xena laughed. "No, Widgie. I'm not so blind anymore." Xena stood, putting an arm around Gabrielle's waist. "So how do I get my sight back?" "Simple, now that yer t'help, aye? Come." Widgie turned to Gabrielle. "Stay here, Chit, n'stir th'pot." Widgie waddled out of the kitchen with Xena close behind. "Stir the pot, Chit. Don't watch, Wee One," Gabrielle mimicked. "I'm *still* getting left behind." She stirred the stew, breathing in the deep, rich aroma. "Damn, I wish I had her recipes." Several minutes passed. Gabrielle had just decided to sneak up on Xena and Widgie to see if she could witness what the Healer did, when Xena strolled into the room, a huge grin on her face. "Xena? Can you..." "Uh-huh," said Xena, looking into Gabby's eyes. "And you are the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life." She grabbed the bard in her arms and spun her around, kissing her deeply. "Oh, Xena! I'm so happy for you! But what did she do? How did she, you know, do the unblinding thing?" "I don't know." "What do you mean, you don't know!" "I mean, I don't know. I went into the room and the next thing I know I was waking up on the palette with my eyesight back." "Whoa. You think she's magic or something?" "Who knows? She's certainly a woman of many gifts. That stew smells fantastic. Gimme the spoon." "She'll kill me. No one taste-tests in her kitchen! I learned that when I was working off our bill." "When you were what?" "Well, when you went sorta crazy, I worked at the Inn for a couple days so I could pay them back for our rooms. We lost all our stuff in the cave-in. Everything. Argo's saddle, my scrolls, all our money." "T'ain't so," said Jorgos, entering and frowning at Xena who was poised over the stewpot with a large wooden spoon. "I wouldn't, Warrior." Xena shrugged and put down the spoon. "You know something about our stuff, Jorgos?" "Aye. I sent some of the boys out to find it. Wasn't buried too deep and they know their way about a cave. It's all there, less the dinars you still owed me. I took off what the Chit earned, so weren't much." "Everything? They found all of it?" asked Gabrielle. "Aye. Your scrolls are there." Gabrielle beamed at Xena. "Wanna go see?" "You go. I think I'll take a walk around the village. There are a lot of things I missed seeing when I was blind. I'd like to look in at Argo. Sit beneath a tree, watch the clouds..." "I understand. Okay, I'll get us packed and ready to go." "Yeah. Tell Widgie I have something for her when I get back." "Okay," said Gabrielle, wondering if she'd ever stop smiling.
Gabrielle found Xena standing in the woods behind the inn, watching a bird peck a hole in a tree, looking for dinner. "Xena? We're all set to go." "Okay. Beautiful day, huh?" Gabrielle looked around. It was overcast and muggy, with rain threatening to fall any minute. "Yeah, I guess it is," she said. They walked toward the inn, taking their time. Xena's eyes were everywhere, drinking in the details like a starving prisoner let loose at the king's feast. Standing in the door to the inn was Widgie. "Wanted t'see me, t'ain't so?" "Yeah." Xena walked over to Argo and searched through her pack. She took out a small package wrapped in cloth. "Here. Another piece of jewelry for your collection." "Barillis token, then?" said Widgie, examining the contents of the package. "I was once reminded how good this life was. That used to help me keep things in perspective. But this is a new life now. I don't need reminders anymore. I have Gabrielle for that. So, keep it. To remind you of a visit by a Warrior and a Chit." "Bard! I'm a bard -- not a Chit, not a Wee One -- a bard! Sheesh! You call her 'Warrior' and 'Bold One' but me? I'm a Wee Chit. I have *got* to work on my image." Widgie laughed, putting the token around her ample neck where it was immediately lost among the other jingling chains. "Take care, Warrior. And you s'well, *Bard*." Both women waved happily at the Healer. Then Xena jumped on Argo, helping Gabrielle up behind and started back on the road to another adventure, as Xena had promised they would.
The End
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gnorx · 6 years
Ask-meme/about tag
i was tagged by the awesome @carnahann (you go girl)
Rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
Star sign: Virgo, was my birthday sunday!
Gender: Male
Height: 5′10
Sexuality: Straight as far as I can tell
What image do you have as your wallpaper? Autumn woodland-y campfire
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hmm, hopefully in a job I find interesting, relating to what I’m about to start studying would be cool. I’d also love to get a small aircraft license too, nothing too extreme, but maybe a 2-6 seater. That’d be pretty neat I think. And then just go on a few adventures every now & again with somebody I’d care about (any kind adventure, travel/errands/bowling, that’d be fun)
If you could be anywhere else right now, where? Love the look of Canada, Outdoorsy, cold, MOOSE. Damn that’d be great. I guess anyplace throughout Europe though, I’ve not seen too much of it & would love to do some sort of tour. Also Austria’s been in my mind since I saw a “Big Hairy Bikers” cooking show like a year ago, and the mountains looked amazing and they kept finding yodeling people in the hills.
What was your coolest Halloween costume? Oh man, not sure if this counts but I did just buy the most horrific Mr Bean mask that looks like his face is starting to melt, just to surprise my friend.
What’s your favorite 90s show? (I just copied & pasted it to get the questions over & gotta agree with my friend) hell yeah Xena was awesome, also the Hercules show that ran along side it (still convinced his sidekick was Barney Rubble) But also Pokemon, Star trek:TNG, Farscape?? All magnificent.
Last kiss?: Quite some time ago I’m afraid
Have you ever been stood up?: Not yet
Have you ever been to Vegas?: No but I want to, I’m pretty good at poker now and would love to see some Elvis Impersonators.
Favorite pair of shoes: Just my casual trainers because they’ve got green on them.
Favorite fruit: Flavour wise? The original banana before the banana plague that destroyed the old species. But today fruit? I don’t know, honestly depends on what day of the week it is. Some days you’re just ravenous for oranges, some days you feel like a pineapple.
Favorite book: Y’know I’d probably tell most people the Odyssey or something because it looks like the more adulty choice. But if I’m honest it’s the one I read when I was about 15 about a wizard detective who investigates supernatural deaths. Storm Front it was called.
Favorite gif:
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I’m going to tag my bud @flakeycorn, @sesshiekaida, @honey-rat (think you were tagged already but thumbs up to ya anyway) and @hxwki because all of you are pretty rad & I’d like to get to know some of ya better. Feel free to ignore this if it’s not your jam btw
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alexandralumetta · 6 years
tagged by @phoenixyfriend !
Rules: answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you want to know better
A) age: Too many B) birthplace: Italy C) current time: 00:15 pm D) last drink you had: Water E) easiest person to talk to: that’s difficult (ah ah) F) favourite song atm: Let it burn by Red (it’s a Korra’s AMV fault ._.) G) grosses memory: Good, this is a can of worm I’m not going to open, EW.
H) hogwarts house: Ravenclaw I) in love: Nah J) jealous: Rarely K) killed someone: In fiction! L) love at first sight: for a stray cat, probably.  M) Middle name: I don’t have one N) number of siblings: One big sister  O) one wish: Find my place, I suppose. R) reasons to smile: Drawing stupid stuff S) song you last listened to: I was listing at War by the Poets of the Fall but now I’m watching Hercules. No. No the great Disney film. And no, not the recent films. THAT Hercules - meeting Xena at the moment. ANYWAY.  T) time you woke up: Boh? Nine I think, I worked until late so it was a slow morning.  U) underwear color: black V) vacation destination: ANYWHERE, JUST LET ME TRAVEL j_j W) worst habit: Procrastinating, stress over it then overdo it and suffer. X) x-rays: Dental, my back and my right hand and my feet.  Y) favourite food: The Sette Veli as a rare treat <3 Z) zodiac sign: Sagittarius!
@gothik-ichigo @federicacialona @redhothollyberries @mana-sputachu @enerimess @lelelittlelenore @frosty-haddock @kayadraws @muireann
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Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader
Fandom: WWE
Warning: None
“Hey lass, you home?” Finn shouted into the house. 
You were just putting the finishing touches on dinner. 
“In the kitchen!” You shouted back. 
Apollo, Finn’s  German Shepard, was snuggled up with Hades your Husky that you brought into the relationship in front of the sliding glass door. Zeus, the mighty St. Bernard, that the two of you adopted your first year together was watching you cook hoping that you would drop another piece of chicken. Artemis, the Golden Retriever and Athena, the Border Collie lay on the dog bed in the corner too busy cleaning each other to give you the time of day. 
You heard Finn enter the kitchen. 
“I thought maybe you got lost on the way home from the market,” You teased. 
“I had to make a little pit stop,” Finn said. 
“What kind of pit stop would you need to do?” You asked. 
Before Finn could answer you heard a small bark and then a whimper. 
“Finn!” You exclaimed whirling around to face your boyfriend. 
The Irishman grinned at you as he held out the newest addition to the family. 
“I know you’ve always wanted a Great Dane!” Finn grinned. 
“I said no more dogs, and what did you do?! GOT ANOTHER FREAKING DOG!” You shouted at him. 
“Come on lassie, it’s just one more,” Finn pouted. 
“That’s what you said when you brought home Athena,” You growled folding your arms over your chest. 
Finn turned his puppy dog eyes on you. 
“Finn, we already have five dogs, plus Xena, Ares, and Poseidon, ya know our cats, we can’t take in another one,” You sighed. 
“B-but, look at him!” Finn begged you. 
Sighing, you looked at the puppy in Finn’s arms. 
“Ya know we have to keep him sweets, Hercules belongs with us,” Finn said. 
“You already named him?” You asked. 
“Ya,” Finn grinned. 
You rolled your eyes. “He is a cutie,”
“Soooo?” Finn dragged out. 
“This is the absolute last one, Finn. I mean it,” You gave in. 
Finn rushed forward to kiss you quickly and then place Hercules in your arms. 
“Look at us! One big happy family,” Finn grinned. 
“You’re so sleeping in the doghouse tonight,” You said before taking Hercules and calling for the other dogs as you opened the sliding door. 
“You’re not serious are ya, lass?” Finn asked. 
You gave your boyfriend a look before shutting the door. 
“Y/n! Finn shouted as he hurried after you and you just chuckled to yourself. You liked seeing your boyfriend sweat a little bit.
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✨Bard Pictures & Propaganda Submission Statuses✨
(I'll do my best to keep this list updated, and you can, of course, write propaganda for bards that already have some)
Bards with both pictures and propaganda:
Thom Merrilin (Wheel of Time)
Chong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Orpheus (Greek Mythology)
Stefen (The Heralds of Valdemar)
Guiliastes/Gui (1/2 Prince)
Asmodean (Wheel of Time)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Hoid/Wit (Cosmere)
Hap Gladheart (Realm of the Elderlings)
Alastair Nobledrifter (Saving Throw - DnD Podcast)
Maglor (The Silmarillion)
William Shamspeare (Ace Attorney)
Dob the Half-Orc Bard (Oxventure)
Diedrich Knickerbocker (Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story)
Edward Chris von Muir (Final Fantasy IV)
Yara of Nowhere, the Wandering Bard (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Raz'ul, Son of Daz'ul (BomBARDed)
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos (The Trials of Apollo)
Oli/TheOrionSound (Empires SMP)
Bards with pictures and no propaganda:
Man with the Harmonica (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Classicaloid)
Kermit the Bard (Tales of Tinkerdee)
Franz Liszt (Classicaloid)
The Amazing Devil (Real Life)
Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth)
Alan-a-Dale (Robin Hood)
Tom Bombadil (The Lord of the Rings)
Starling Birdsong (Realm of the Elderlings)
Bards with propaganda and no pictures:
David Bowie (Real Life)
The Bard/Kiwi (Wandersong)
Daeron (The Silmarillion)
Callie Cuttlefish (Splatoon)
Finrod (The Silmarillion)
Apollo (Greek Mythology)
Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls)
Edgin Darvis (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem (The Muppets)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Katalina (Tabletop Time)
“Weird Al” Yankovic (Real Life)
Dave BruBot/The Major Player (Toontown: Corporate Clash)
Carrie Wilson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Binary Bard (Poptropica)
Christian (Moulin Rouge)
Fflewddur Fflam (The Chronicles of Prydain)
Bard the Bowman (The Hobbit)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Neil Banging Out the Tunes (Tumblr)
The Muses (Disney Hercules)
Robinton (Pern)
Loquatius Seelie (Critical Role)
Megamind (Megamind)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
William Shakespeare (Real Life)
William Shakespeare (Something Rotten)
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Brook (One Piece)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princess of Power)
Snufkin (Moomin)
Lias "Cliff" Bluestone (Discworld)
Rick Astley (Real Life)
Lúthien Tinúviel (The Silmarillion)
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Bard (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Kass (Legend of Zelda/Breath of the Wild)
Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies)
Charlie Pace (Lost)
Gabrielle the Battling Bard (Xena: The Warrior Princess)
Haer'Dalis (Baldur's Gate)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!)
Sylvando (Dragon Quest 11)
Jaskier/Dandelion (The Witcher)
Rocky (Lackadaisy)
Neil Ciciregea/Lemon Demon (Real Life)
The Pied Piper (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)
Oscar Wilde (Rusty Quill Gaming)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Noise (Roleslaying with Roman)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Ron Stampler (Dungeons & Daddies)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Jack Black (Real Life)
Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role)
DJ Cadence (Club Penguin)
Imp Y Celyn (Discworld)
Bard Otter (The Last Dragonlord)
Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan (Tales of Arcadia: Wizards)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Michael Jackson (Real Life)
Gurney Halleck (Dune)
Bards with neither:
Max Rebo (Star Wars)
Will Scarlet (Robin Hood)
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle)
Elan (Order of the Stick)
The Bard (Shovel Knight)
Kyoami/The Fool (Ran/King Lear)
Hannah Montana (Hannah Montana)
Thistle/Sissel (Delicious in Dungeon)
Cicero (Skyrim)
The Onceler (The Lorax)
Gerard Way (Real Life)
Frank Sinatra (Real Life)
Essi Daven (The Witcher)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Nyadas Okiro (Critical Role)
Kitagra (Kings of the Wyld)
Kaylie Shorthalt (Critical Role)
Father Gabriel (The Mission)
Steve McKenzie/Jester (Galavant)
Gieve (The Heroic Legend of Arslan)
Kubo (Kubo and the Two Strings)
Sir Robin's Minstrels (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Freddy Mercury (Real Life)
Rickety Stitch (Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo)
Éile (The Witcher: Blood Origin)
Bill & Ted (Bill & Ted)
Dorian Storm (Critical Role)
Maria von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
BMO (Adventure Time)
[Do note that some of these I will be able to easily find art for, just I haven't gotten around to doing it and nobody's submitted any]
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zwischenstadt · 3 years
Most of the time I just sort of forget how much I loved Xena and Hercules when I was a kid.  Just man, damn I was into that stuff, circa 10-12 y/o
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noloveforned · 3 years
we're on wlur this afternoon at 5pm for our regularly scheduled show. we'll also have TWO shows next week because i've been invited to bring back the april 1st show in addition to our regular scheduled friday show! we'll have a special two hour theme show airing at 1pm on thursday, april 1st. i'll try to post a reminder on thursday with a link to prior april fools shows.
as always, tune in live or catch up a week or so later on the website. last week's show is below for your files!
no love for ned on wlur – march 19th, 2021 from 5-7pm
artist // track // album // label april march // allons-y // palladium split 7” w/ olivia jean// third man billy nomates // petrol fumes // emergency telephone ep // invada * fried e/m // feel the void // modern world // lumpy mere women // heights // romantic notions // poison city fake fruit // stroke my ego // fake fruit // rocks in your head wurld series // distant business // what's growing // tenth court xerobot // tally ho // xerobot // chunklet industries sex tide // everything that happens // ohio // feeding tube s:bahn // sync or swim // queen of diamonds // polaks ibex clone // archicast // from nowhere // (self-released) the clean // champagne and misery // unknown country // merge the left outsides // the wind no longer stirs the trees // are you sure i was there? // feeding tube fruit bats // discovering // the pet parade // merge * maxine funke // eternity // eternity 7" ep // i dischi del barone rob noyes and joseph allred // a valid subspecies // avoidance language // feeding tube john butcher and eli keszler // hoog // first meeting // (self-released) bill dixon orchestra // voices // intents and purposes // superior viaduct juju // out of this world // live at 131 prince street // strut saba // ziplock // ziplock digital single // pivot gang emma-jean thackray // ley lines // ley lines // movementt genesis owusu // waitin' on ya // smiling with no teeth // house anxiety * nick hakim // whoo // will this make me good // ato ian sweet // sword // show me how you disappear // polyvinyl * the lodger // black and white // cul-de-sac of love // we were never being boring monogamy // oat milk apartment // more songs about apartments and lunch cassette // side wound worship linda smith // in this // till another time: 1988-1996 // captured tracks * the exbats // hercules // hercules and xena! ep // canon rat soda fountain rag // i keep my headphones on // keep my headphones on 7" ep // we were never being boring
* denotes music on wlur’s playlist
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Los nombres de perro mas populares
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¿Estas buscando un nombre popular para tu perro?
No quieres nada en especial muy rimbombante y sicodélico para tu mascota, tu lo que quieres es un nombre popular. Aquí vas a encontrar los 10 nombres mas populares para tu perro así como un listado de todos los nombres populares para perro de donde poder escoger el que más te guste para tu perro.
Los nombres para perro macho más populares
1. Max 2. Zeus 3. Bruno 4. Thor 5. Rocky 6. Toby 7. Lucas 8. Coco 9. Jack 10. Rocco
Los nombres para perro hembras más populares
Luna 2. Kira 3. Lola 4. Nala 5. Mia 6.Kiara 7. Sasha 8. Princesa 9. Maya 10. Nina
Todos los nombres para perros machos
A Aquiles, Apolo, Ares, Argos , Atila B Bruno, Balto , Blacky , Boby , Bruce C Coco, Chester , Copito, Cooper, Ciro D Duke, Duque, Drako, Danko, Dante E Elvis , Eros, Enzo, Eddy, Emilio F Felipe  Frodo, Fito, Fox, Figo G Golfo, Gordo, Goofy, Goku, Goliat H Homero, Hachi , Hachiko , Hercules, Hugo I Igor, Iron , Iker, Indio, Ivan J Jack, Junior, Jacko, Jacob, Jake K Kaiser, Kimbo, Killer, Kiko, King L Lucas, Lucky, Leo, Lukas, Lobo M Max , Mateo, Milo, Marley, Matias N Nerón, Nano, Nico, Niko, Negro O Oso, Otto, Odin, Osito, Oliver P Pancho, Pipo, Pepe, Paco, Polo Q Quillo, Quijote, Quique, Queen, Queco R Rocky, Rocco, Rex, Rocko, Ron S Simon, Simba, Sam, Spike, Sultan T Thor, Toby, Tyson, Tommy, Tango U Urko, Ulises, Urco, Uli V Vito, Valentino), Valentin, Vitto, Vincent X Xavi, Xic , Xip, Xico), Xenon Y Yako, Yaco, Yago, Yoshi, Yogui Z Zeu, Zar, Zeuz, Zero, Zack
Todos los nombres para perros hembras
A Akira, Africa, Alaska , Alma, Atenea B Bella, Bimba, Blanca, Bianca, Brisa C Canela, Candy, Camila, Chispa, Cocó D Dana, Duna, Dakota, Danna, Dama E Estrella, Emma, Estrellita, Eva, Elsa F Fiona , Frida, Flopy , Flor, Fifi G Gala, Greta, Gina , Gorda, Ginger H Hanna, Hera, Hannah, Honey, Holly I India , Isis, Iris, Isabella, Ira J Jade, Juana, Juanita, Julieta, Jana K Kira, Kiara, Kyra, Kitty, Kora L Luna, Lola, Lulu, Laika, Linda M Mia, Maya, Mora, Muñeca, Molly N Nala, Nina, Noa, Nena, Nana O Olivia, Osa, Ona, Osita, Oreo P Princesa, Perla, Pelusa, Pepa, Paris Q Queen, Queca, Quira, Quilla, Quiti R Reina, Rita, Renata, Roma, Roxy S Sasha, Sacha, Shira, Samantha, Sara T Tara, Tina, Tana , Trufa, Tita U Uma, Umma, Uva, Uka, Ula V Venus, Valentina, Violeta, Vicky, Vera X Xena, Xana, Xula, Xispa, Xuxa Y Yuma, Yara, Yuki, Yuka, Yoko Z Zoe, Zara, Zaira, Zafira, Zira Read the full article
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