#help me bros
novenathefox · 1 month
I've not seen a SINGLE PERSON hc Sonic as demiromantic and I just gotta say. Why?
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still kind of hilarious that people in the witcher universe are often extremely racist against witchers. like bro. how you gonna have beef with the pest control guys. sure they have yellow cat eyes and creepy magic powers but they got those specifically as part of the process to become the pest control guys. your pests are six feet tall and killing the neighborhood kids. why are you like this
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ahllohehn · 22 days
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i do art to do bullshit like this: hephaestus kid mumbo jumbo
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specshroom · 2 days
Wolf hybrid who is sooooo excited to experience his bunny hybrid partners first heat. So excited that he vastly underestimates just how horny bunnies are in heat.
He's expecting his cute little bunny partner (you) to cry and beg for his knot. Which you do and he knots and cums inside you twice but then right after his knot deflates you look up at him and go "Again?"
He's a little tired but he can't say no to you...
Until it's the sixth fucking round and you're still bouncing on his very overstimulated cock. He knows it's very bad to interrupt a bunny while they're so deep in heat but he might just pass out and you're so lost in the sauce you might just keep going if he does.
He needs to think of a way to satisfy you that won't literally kill him. He gets an idea and reaches for his phone. It's really embarrassing but the best thing he can think of at that moment is to open the group chat, aptly named "The Boys", and hastily text:
[Hey guys can u come over]
[I need sum help with something]
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relaxxattack · 17 days
homestuck in the year 3000
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tam--lin · 2 years
The thing is, you don’t have to have a diagnoses to make simple “unmasking” changes that make your life easier. You don’t even have to self-diagnose! You are not appropriating anyone’s culture or struggles or hijacking anyone’s movement by allowing yourself to sway in line at the grocery store or buying a weighted blanket or using study or household hacks intended for people with ADHD. If you start favoring the needs that make your brain and body unique over the arbitrary norms of society, you’ll be better off, and you’ll be expanding the norms. It’s a win/win.
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
I hope u guys don't mind me posting these au doodles while I work on things ahaha
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I also gave JD slightly longer hair in these doodles as a funny haha but I don't think it's funny anymore he looks genuinely good with his hair like that ahahaha I hope you're not mad at me for changing his au design a bit
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yukiire · 1 year
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based on Nightbringer’s lesson 3-10 dialogues, but adjusted slightly for cool scenes and mc’s involvement 
(I try to minimise mc to make this comic to still allow some form of self insert, but this mc here is yuki, the default name mc)
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yooo-lets-go · 1 year
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Ghost: sticks a finger in Soap’s eye
Soap: what are we 😳
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chunklet · 8 months
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adam and amanda commission for @scene118
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Shang Qinghua: I swear to fuck if you keep nagging at me, I WILL kill off your favorite character in my next novel!
Shen Yuan: You. Wouldn’t. Dare.
Shang Qinghua: The hand that yeetith can just as easily yoinkith away, bitch.
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saw this on twitter months ago and just /had/ to put this on paper, it's so cuteee
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lifemod17 · 30 days
I don't think I've seen this here yet? (Or I just wasn't paying enough attention) BUT!!!!
Source: my dearly beloved G @darkliingg on Twitter
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redsray · 2 months
if tim and jason were allowed to be a villain duo I think the world would burn at their feet and I need a bucket of popcorn and a front row seat.
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heyimkana · 6 months
So there's this drama CD where Yuuji's VA is your cute boyfriend who turns out to be a sadist in bed and listening to this made me realize that if he didn't get to voice yuuji in the show, he would've been great as Mahito too LMFAO 💀
A quick translation:
“Now, now... That's not good. You cummed right after I told you not to, didn't you? You couldn't hold it? What a bad girl. It's settled then. You'll be punished."
“I will keep fucking you like this, so accept everything.”
“Hahahaha…. You're so wet, it feels so good!”
“That's right, get crazier. Cry even more!”
“I won’t stop even if you say so. It feels so fucking good, I can't stop."
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dokupine · 4 months
this is more abt the world than rlly the biology but since mario seems to be pretty human, is there anything particularly notable about the way he interacts or communicates with the mushroom kingdom? or is it more notable that it might not change much
Ohh I was so excited to answer this.
Peach and Mario communicate primarily with tactile sign language. Peach uses only two of her manipulator limbs for this, as to not alienate Mario. There's added nuances from each others voices, but most of the information is communicated via touch.
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The language being tactile is important because Peach's compound eyes aren't great at focusing, and her hearing is imprecise. Her world is blurry and muffled audiovisually, but her sense of touch (and chemoreception) is sharp. She experiences the world in a very different way, but touch is one of the things she and Mario share.
She prefers to "hear" Mario's laugh by gently pressing a limb to his throat. She's also sweeping him with her pheromone receptors here, it's equivalent to studying someone's face to commit it to memory.
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Before developing tactile sign language, though, Mario attempted to communicate with Peach in a way more familiar to her. Peach sends chemical signals to her subjects via a mycelium network and can process a lot more information this way. Finding the communication gap frustrating, Mario connected the mushroom kingdom's mycelium network to himself.
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although the mycelium might be connected to the benevolent beings he lives among and calls his friends, it has no moral compass. It will begin to disassemble you regardless of your intentions.
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This made him extremely sick. It was a lot more alarming for Peach, though, being sent signals every second of her friend's body being rotted inside out. Needless to say, this is not how they communicate anymore.
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