#headcanons: masa
suguruslut · 1 year
Your first kiss
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
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Gwen’s Notes: smooch smooch up in here. cooties! beware!
-it happened late one summer evening when the sky was orange and pink, the two of you slowly walking home after getting a few groceries. it was warm, but not too warm, casual conversation breaking off when Tatsu suddenly stops to admire you
-he doesn’t realize that he’s stopped walking, and what else can you do but stare back at him, trying to decode that mesmerized, dreamy look in his eyes? nothing in particular prompted this urge, just you being you, maybe the sunset’s glow making you look even more like an angel than usual
-the man keeps boundaries at all times, and even before he leans a little closer, Tatsu asks if it’s okay. the last thing he wants to do is make an unwanted advance and have you hate him forever
- “This alright?” Tatsu asked with only a smidgen of fear in his voice. yakuza fights, getting yelled at by the boss man, fighting for sale items is nothing compared to this moment, and he’s secretly terrified
-you give him the okay immediately, but Tatsu still moves slowly, giving you several chances to change your mind. he knows he can be a bit intimidating at times, but is happy when you don’t seem to be afraid
-after what seems like an eternal moment of waiting, Tatsu’s lips finally meet yours, and it’s as sweet and gentle as you expected it to be. he doesn’t fully press your lips together until he’s certain you won’t shove him away
-Tatsu exhales the breath he had been holding and presses just a little more into the kiss, enough where you can feel his facial hair graze over your skin; you don’t mind. you’ve been waiting a long time to figure out what Tatsu’s flesh felt like against yours
-your movements are slow and memorable, even when you both suddenly remember you’re still in public, but the perks of kissing a former yakuza is that you know damn well none of them would say anything about what they saw, or risk being reprimanded by Tatsu about social etiquette 
-(sure, you’re breaking a few ‘social etiquette’ rules yourself, but try telling Tatsu that. “No rules apply when you’re in love, Y/N!”)
-your first kiss with Tora happened on a rainy night; you had just gotten off work, running to Tora’s crepe truck for shelter, only to find that he had closed up shop and was without an umbrella, too
- “I’ll protect ya from the rain, Y/N! They don’t know who they’re messing with!”
- “Who doesn’t know, Tora?”
-ignoring your gentle refusal, Tora rips off his outer layer and throws it over your head, and the two of you take off through the wet streets, avoiding cars and trying to find a place to hold up until the rain let up a little. you’re not sure when you startled giggling, but soon Tora was grinning along with you as you splashed through puddles
-after several blocks you two find a public park with trees that are full enough to shield some of the cold raindrops. Tora gently pulls you into the park, your laughter dying off as you both stare at the street, watching the rain continue to pour down. it was at this moment Torajiro looked down at where you were dripping wet in his jacket and felt the need to kiss you
-Tora Tora Tora...he’s been waiting to kiss you for a while, now, fighting the urge until the time was right, until he was sure you actually wanted to kiss him back. there were a few times he thought you were going to initiate it, but you chickened out, and certainly weren’t thinking about it tonight as you shivered and wondered when the sky would stop looking so stormy and gray
- Tora swallowed nervously, feeling a chill unrelated to the cold rain dribbling down his bare arms, and his nerves only increased when you suddenly gazed up at him with a smile so bright it made the gloomy scene look a thousand times less dreary. why did you seem so happy? he wasn’t sure, but knew he needed to make this perfect moment even more perfect for the both of you
- “Can I kiss you?!” Torajiro blurted out like an idiot. not so perfect after all, but imagine his shock when you said yes
-not wanting to hesitate or procrastinate any longer than he already had, Tora grabbed your face and tugged towards his chest; he swept down to kiss you, but realized with horror that he might have startled you, a fear that was quickly put to rest by you pressing your lips together
-your first kiss with Tora was pretty passionate from the get-go, neither of you caring if anyone saw you two. all Tora cared about was your lips moving together, undeterred by droplets of rain sneaking their way into your kiss
-one of Tora’s large hands moved away from your face to your back, weaving around to ensure that this was real, not another one of his crazy daydreams--this was a million times better than any lame fantasy he could put together. a first kiss in the rain, standing within a beautiful park? fuck yeah, romance
-when you finally broke apart after five minutes of kissing, rain pouring even harder and breaking through the trees, you started giggling again, looking so happy Tora finally allowed himself to believe that he was a good man for you, and you for him, letting you throw his soaked jacket over the both of you as you ran home to finish what you started
 -Masa is a lovable coward at heart, so it would take months for your first kiss to happen. you didn’t mind at first, content to hold hands, cuddle and tickle each other until someone almost pissed their pants, but after a certain amount of time, you realized you would have to make the first move if you ever wanted to kiss him
-you had just finished “making” dinner (takeout again) and were now doing the dishes that piled up over the last week, Masa whining under his breath as he dried the silverware
-you’re not sure what prompted it, maybe the househusband-like image of Masa actually doing housework for once in his life, but you slowly began to develop the idea of leaning over and kissing Masa right on the lips, breaking the ice that had built up for the past several months with one moment
-oblivious Masa just keeps doing his best at drying, not realizing you were up to something until he finished drying the last fork and triumphantly waved his dishtowel in the air like a maniac. he was so stupid you had to kiss him--there was no other option
-Masa’s smile faded when he suddenly saw your hands reach out and grab onto the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward. the boy honestly thought he was about to get a beatdown, the “tough love” method that Tatsu used to teach him a lesson, but what he got was the exact opposite
-your lips smashed against his, getting no response for several seconds, Masa too shocked that a super hot person like you was actually kissing him that he forgot he was supposed to participate. finally, Masa let his eyes close and began kissing back, unsure and uncoordinated, but still meaningful
-the kiss didn’t last too long, you leaning back to see Masa’s reaction, laughing breathily at his dumbfounded expression, eyes still closed like he was afraid this was all a really good dream
- “W-Well, it...it was just drying. I don’t know if my skills were worth that...” he mumbled
- “They were, Masa. Good job.”
-Masa’s eyes opened again and were lit up with joy, smile gracing his lips before he leaned back in for another kiss, hoping his aniki would be proud of him tomorrow for having his first kiss with you and for drying the dishes
                                                     🐉 🐅 🐕
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apricotronin · 7 months
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Older Masa doodle from 2022 cause I wanted to test out a new brush. Fun fact I always draw older Masa with my current hairstyle (at the time of drawing) He’s just like me fr okk??
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ginza-division · 10 months
Happy Pride Month!
— Masa
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As the Father of his church, Masa encourages his flock to, as is stated in the Word, "be fruitful and multiply". He encourages his followers to find love and be happy. However, he, himself, has put his personal feelings on the back wheel, as he is more concerned with trying to lead his people in the way they should go. He hasn't shown any sort of romantic feelings for anyone before.
On matters of sex, he is heterosexual but doesn't really have time for sex anymore than he does for love. He believes that men and women are fated to be together and that anything other than that is an abomination that should be destroyed. His opinions don't make him very popular with outsiders, but he doesn't care.
— Eiji
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As a shy, nerdy guy in his youth, Eiji didn't really find time for romantic endeavors, as he was either studying or hanging out with his other nerdy friends. In fact, he found love to be useless and meaningless. It wasn't until he found Maiya that his opinions changed. After years of dating, he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him, which she accepted. They are now happily husband and wife.
His feelings on love and sex are the same. He is heterosexual but only has eyes for his beloved wife. Despite his orientation, he believes that everyone should love and be with whom they choose to be with.
— Oki
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Much like his mentor, Masa, Oki doesn't really find time for romantic inquiries. However, unlike Masa, this is mainly due to Oki not being interested in romance or love. He's not interested in being tied down to one person for the rest of his life, which is why he has no interest in it.
On matters of sex, he is a heterosexual. He only lies and sleeps with women and nothing else. He doesn't really get why people would want to lie with anything other than the opposite sex. It's weird and crazy in his eyes, but he doesn't really care. People can do what they want, so long as it doesn't affect him.
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kulemii · 1 year
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he went skinny dipping...
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akitalockwood · 2 years
Oke so probably no one will understand this but it's just occurred to me that Dracula probably called his son Adiță at least a few times when he was a kid and this is the funniest shit ever
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etherbonded · 1 year
when I say himari can and will keep tabs on people I mean it literally !! ( masa doesn't have one solely bc she hasn't. she has a tabs on a lot of ppl, some being as a way to look out for them while others are in case she needs them for any potential danger towards her. Masa may be a danger but he's still her son. )
it's not only a defense mechanism for her, it's also her way of trying to keep the ppl around her safe too. himari is not above blackmail or threatening someone if she feels like someone she cares for is in danger. as to how she gets this info? she digs info from shido's sources and frames it as 'keeping an eye out for her husband' . or occasionally poking her sojiro about ppl sometimes.
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whenuwishuponastar · 1 year
Monika, sleeping: And a face mask! And a face mask! And a face mask!
Shige: what the fuck? Momo are you awake? Monika? MONIKA? Why are you giving everyone a face masks???
Ryouko: if you two don't shut your damn mouths, it's 2-fucking-AM.
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flyingpochama948 · 2 years
GekiShipping thought
Once they started going out, Stephan started to affectionately refer to Montgomery as "Monty". Montgomery wont allow anyone else the honor as he finds it too informal. Also it makes him sound less threatening. But sometimes Georgia does just to annoy him, as Georgia does 😀
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Ryomen Sukuna x Douma! Lectora(TRADUCCIÓN)
Solicitud de @angel-tsugikuni-kamukura.
¿Puedo pedir más de la douma femenina pero con Sukuna enamorándose de ella?
Un día aparece, imagínela a ella y a Gojo siendo amigos, ella siendo demasiado perezosa para hacer su trabajo y Sukuna descubriendo en quiénes los humanos fáciles confían en ella y es como "la voy a tener como mía o como recipiente"
Género: Headcanons
Lector: Mujer
Advertencias:La lectora tiene el pasado y la actitud de Douma de KNY, es decir, tiene dificultades para comprender y expresar emociones. aparte de un pasado turbio y es adorado por una secta. ella tiene ojos de arcoíris y cabello gris, si te molesta un lector con una apariencia específica, no leas esto. LOS CULTOS Y LO QUE CONYEVAN, SUKUNA. creo que es todo.
OK, para ser justos, esta no fue la primera vez que Sukuna vio a una persona como tú. al menos no en este momento.
Sukuna había vivido siglos, más que cualquier hombre, había visto nacer y morir a personas como tú, con una apariencia única que eran vistos como dioses por los habitantes de Japón.
Todos eran diferentes, algunos se lo tomaban más en serio, otros eran bufones no dignos de su tiempo. pero hubo uno en la era Heian que definitivamente llamó su atención. Era muy parecido a ti.
una mujer con cabello gris y los ojos de arcoíris más hermosos que un humano podría tener.
Incluso si era hermosa, tenía el alma de una maldición. Sólo vivía para su propio placer, no le importaba nada. y lo mejor? Los humanos la amaban aun así, ella manejaba muy bien a las masas.
Sukuna podría respetar un poco los trucos de vuestras vidas pasadas. pero cuando desarrollaste tu propia técnica maldita similar a la de Uraume.
Se convirtió en un hábito para él buscarte en tus vidas posteriores cuando fue sellado, para ver cómo progresabas y te volvías más poderoso.
Destacaste mucho, así que fue muy fácil.
Hasta que en algún momento... dejaste de aparecer en su radar.
Fue muy extraño. Pero cuando intentó buscar su próxima vida, parecía como si ni siquiera hubiera nacido, como si el ciclo se hubiera detenido indefinidamente. lo cual lo frustró mucho, fuiste muy entretenido de ver en acción, ¿qué había pasado?
Incluso consideró que habías nacido en otro país, pero no estaba seguro, porque sino habría noticias al respecto, eras muy raro cuando aparecías, único, él tendría que saber cuándo naciste. pero no supo nada de ti durante mucho tiempo.
cuando ocurren los acontecimientos actuales. Ya había perdido interés en encontrarte, pensando que simplemente ya te habías mezclado con humanos que habrían contaminado tu extraña herencia. una pena según él. Tenías mucho potencial.
Pero entonces, un día, algo sucede.
Ya está con Yuji como su recipiente para este tiempo. para su disgusto.
A Yuji le dijeron que conocería a un nuevo maestro que se dedicaría a educar a su grupo temporalmente, un maestro del cual no tenían mucha información para ser honesto. Pero sí sabían que ella era fuerte y que era muy hermosa, lo que obviamente les llamó la atención.
Sukuna simplemente puso los ojos en blanco esperando algo interesante. y lo encontré.
Imagínate su sorpresa cuando Yuji entró al salón de clases y la persona que estaba allí eras TÚ, con tu cabello gris y tus ojos arcoíris, idénticos, igual que tus versiones pasadas. Sukuna prestó atención de inmediato.
Esta era la primera vez que sería testigo de cerca de tu personalidad y habilidades, y si ahora eras la mitad de poderoso que en la Era Heian, entonces tendría que aprender un par de tus movimientos, en caso de que terminaras siendo una molestia en tu camino o, en el caso contrario, un posible aliado.
Digamos que no decepcionaste.
Tu actitud seguía siendo similar a la que Sukuna había escuchado en tus versiones anteriores, despreocupada, relajada, demasiado, más que preocuparte por enseñar, te preocupabas por divertirte haciendo Hechicería.
Eso ya fue algo que llamó la atención de Sukuna, en el buen sentido. Tenían ideas similares. solo vivías para tu propio entretenimiento y placer, incluso si eso significaba ser visto como un vago o irresponsable por tus compañeros o estudiantes.
pero también hubo algo que Sukuna notó y que despertó un mayor interés. Fue el hecho de que realmente no sentiste NADA.
Estaba claro como el día, la sonrisa forzada que lucía todo el tiempo distaba mucho de ser genuina, cuando estabas triste porque tus alumnos te llamaban flojo no era una tristeza real, se podía ver que realmente lo único que hacías era cambiar tu rostro. expresión a la situación pero realmente no alteraste nada más, era una fachada, una máscara.
No podías engañarlo entre todas las "personas", aunque demostraste una emoción genuina. enojo.
Me enojé cuando Megumi Fushiguro te dijo que sonabas como un robot payaso. Allí Sukuna pudo ver la rotura de tu máscara, como realmente hubo un cambio total en ti aunque fuera mínimo.
para que puedas sentir emociones ¿eh? interesante.
Luego de eso Sukuna intentó generar una última emoción que le interesaba ver en ti, el miedo.
así que hizo aparecer una boca en la mejilla de Yuji para hablarte directamente. principalmente obscenidades.
¿Y qué consiguió?
que lo mirarías con una GENUINA expresión de FASCINACIÓN....
¿Fue eso menos de lo que pensaba? Sí, pero ¿mejoró aún más las cosas? ¡Si tambien!
Después de eso, Sukuna tendría algo así como estas pequeñas conversaciones contigo tratando de descubrirte, tanto en carácter como en técnica ritual. No podía decidir si realmente no sentías ninguna emoción o si era sólo una reflexión muy bien hecha.
Aunque no fue fácil porque Gojo se dio cuenta de que Sukuna tenía interés en ti y como buen amigo trató de mantenerlo alejado de ti, al menos durante las horas de clase.
¿Qué pasaría si te negaras a irte? Bueno, eso llevó a una pelea bastante sangrienta que Sukuna tuvo la suerte de ver, por suerte tampoco has cambiado mucho en el poder. pero no solo eso...
En algún momento, Gojo falló un golpe suyo y le destrozó parte de la mandíbula, pulberándola.
Sukuna estuvo a punto de tomar el control para salvar tu pellejo, pero luego vio cómo regenerabas tu propia mandíbula como si nada e incluso bromeó diciendo que "ese fue todo un puñetazo".
Sukuna decidió algo en ese momento, ¿te iba a tener como compañero? ¿Como una vasija nueva? quién sabe. pero él debe tenerte.
Si vamos a términos avanzados de "relación", tú y Sukuna sois prácticamente una pareja perfecta.
Nunca tienes problemas con el dolor ni nada por el estilo, incluso lo disfrutas, a Sukuna le gusta infligir dolor, por lo que los dos terminan en una relación sorprendentemente equilibrada.
Sukuna tiene sentimientos encontrados sobre tu culto, por un lado le encanta cómo manejas a las personas y lo encuentra entretenimiento de buena calidad, pero por otro lado está bien solo con Uraume, aunque no creo que mataría a tu culto a menos que eso cometerán una gran ofensa contra ti, algo que él sabe que es poco probable que suceda.
Le gusta que tu secta te mime, los -amenaza- les insta a que lo hagan más seguido. lo que se traduce en terminar sin hacer casi nada en todo el día porque la secta ya lo tiene cubierto para que puedas pasar más tiempo con Sukuna.
PODER.PARA. Incluso si Sukuna pelea solo, te considera su segundo al mando (junto con Uraume) en caso de que suceda algo. Su general, básicamente.
¿En este punto Sukuna puede leerte a ti y a tus "emociones" muy bien y honestamente? el lo ama. Eres tan confuso, tan perverso y egoísta, pero sientes una genuina fascinación por aquel que te hace ignorar todo lo que supuestamente te "importa".
Eres como la personificación de sus ideales, por eso él puede "amarte" de alguna manera.
A Sukuna le gusta verte feliz, por extraño que parezca, por lo que no se limita a aprender qué cosas te hacen feliz y cuáles no. En estos últimos casos siempre acaba riéndose a carcajadas de tus reacciones. asco, ira, tristeza, sorpresa. cualquier verdad. Él vive para ello.
Tu Culto es un lugar normal para descansos y un muy buen lugar para tener algo de privacidad, con tu naturaleza perezosa, simplemente lo pasas en el regazo de Sukuna mientras él planifica su próximo movimiento, como un gato.
Sukuna no es alguien que considere la apariencia primordial o importante, pero aprovecha al máximo tu apariencia única y los beneficios que tiene con los humanos (no solo con tu culto, sino con otros movimientos religiosos, por ejemplo).
aparte de que en general siempre hay cierto orgullo por tener cerca una esposa tan hermosa como tú.
Hoy en día no creo que intente tenerte como recipiente, simplemente ya no le ve el sentido ahora que su principal objetivo es recuperar su forma original.
y cuando lo hace? Ohhhh chico, ustedes dos se van a divertir mucho juntos.
Si recupera su forma original, lo más probable es que también quiera que usted obtenga sus poderes originales de la Era Heian, lo que los hará a ambos imparables.
Por lo general, Sukuna al principio se interesa por ti para ver si cumples con sus expectativas, pero cuando no sólo haces eso sino que las superas, termina en un interés más intenso y "genuino" que termina arrastrándote al lado más oscuro de la historia.
Sukuna al menos te cuidará bien.
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twirlingwithourpals · 2 months
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♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡ . . . Spoilers / Storytellers . . . he / they / it . . . 14 - 15. . .
. . . what do I make ? . . . (・о・) ?
˙⋆✮ can do! - icons, rentry graphics, ghost and pals related media , dying mind macabre the puppet collective, omori, the flash drive files, blood rust and bullets, sunshine mansion, vocaloid, ouran highschool host club, gifs, resources, horror related, unlisted media (please attach image + additional stuff ) infodumps, headcanons, etc . . . ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
( o_o) . . . okegom, MASA, MHA, eddsworld - iffy . ! - ✮⋆˙ ˙⋆✮ will not do. . . - ranfren, real people, proships / comships, nsfw, dsmp, hazbin hotel, south park, others 2 be listed . . . (¬_¬")
. . . inbox never closes but if 2 many requests will be delayed . . . . . . reblogs + likes would be appreciated + credit :3 . . . . . . bundles . . . main blog . . . . . . boosting this would also be lovely of you :) . . .
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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Again, thank you so much for requesting such a wonderful idea, anon! I really hope you like what I came up with (:
Way Of The Househusband HeadCanons
Parents!Tatsu and Miku X Confectionary!Child
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• When it comes to being supportive parents, no one could ever compete with Tatsu and Miku
• Tatsu is eager to teach you all of his recipes. I see him being a firm yet patient teacher… even more patient than usual considering you are his child.
• He also looks forward to mastering any and all new recipes you wish to learn, baking side-by-side next to you.
• Miku is more than happy to buy new baking equipment for you, always on the lookout for deals while shopping with Tatsu.
• She is even happier when you ask her to sample all of your newest desserts.
• Baking with Tatsu is a wonderful bonding experience, bringing you both closer together than ever before.
• Just expect him to take lots of photos every time you create a confectionary masterpiece (which is literally every time you bake something)
• You basically become an unofficial translator for Tatsu during trips to the grocery store.
- “Got any more of that good white stuff?”
- “Sorry! What my Dad means is that we need flour.”
- “Don’t you go forgettin’ that sweet crystal powder, (Name). Pure and uncut.”
- “And sugar.”
• The employees are forever grateful to you.
• Masa will be forced by Tatsu to become your sidekick in the kitchen whenever he visits.
• This always involves Tatsu following you both around like a shadow as he cleans up the mess you make along the way, lots of praise from an awestruck Masa when he sees your final product, and three delighted bellies as you all indulge in the sweet treats.
• Just never forget to save some for Miku later!
• You think Torajirō had a rivalry with Tatsu before? Well now it’s even worse… and involves you, too!
• But it’s not your fault that your crepes are to die for. Both Tatsu and Torajirō literally dropped to the ground in a dramatic heap the very first time they ate your crepes
• Your baking skills aren’t reserved just for human desserts, either.
• With Tatsu’s help, you learn how to create the most adorable and yummy baked goods for pets.
• This encourages Gin to always remain by your side when you’re in the kitchen, watching and waiting for you to reward him.
• One fateful day when you were out shopping with Tatsu, you ran into your father’s old boss.
• The moment you noticed the Boss’s dog pop his little head out of the doggy carrier draped over the man's shoulder, you reached into your bag and happily offered one of your homemade pet sweets to the pup.
• Now whenever Pinky sees you, he runs over to you with a waggly tail, sniffing at your bag and offering his paw to you in exchange for a scrumptious treat.
• Needless to say, Tatsu’s former boss has a major soft spot for you.
• I can picture Tatsu encountering a rival gang at some kind of baked goods sale and him just boasting about how his talented apprentice bakes the best desserts in all of Japan.
- The rival gang challenges Tatsu’s claims.
- Now imagine the look of pure shock on their faces when you appear, a mere child carrying a platter with the most delectable looking sweets.
- All of their skepticism and hostility leaves their bodies as they sample your otherworldly creation.
- You are officially dubbed a confectionery genius, your father swelling with pride as he stands next to you.
- The hostility returns once they learn this new baking protégé is Tatsu’s kid. But your nickname stays, since they cannot ignore or deny the raw talent you possess.
• As his child, you would become well known purely from accompanying Tatsu throughout all of his antics and shenanigans.
• In time, you will follow in your father’s footsteps. But instead of being “The Immortal Dragon”, you will become the feared “Immortal Baker”.
• For now though, you are just happy to bake for all of your friends and family.
• Your cakes will be the highlight of every birthday celebration, especially since you customize each cake to personally suit your loved ones.
• Miku was overjoyed when you presented her with a Policure decorated cake.
• Tatsu actually shed a tear when you created a yakuza inspired birthday cake for him, complete with little guns and knives made out of fondant, strawberry purée blood splatter, and an icing sheet decorating the top of the cake to display a replica of Tatsu’s dragon tattoo.
• No matter what happens, your parents will always remain your number one fans and biggest supporters.
• Just never tell Tatsu that your sweets are better than his. He secretly knows that himself already, but those are words that must always remain unspoken.
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This was a super cute idea, anon! I really enjoyed writing these HCs, I just hope you don't mind me adding the other characters into the mix haha ^^"
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suguruslut · 1 year
The Way of the Househusband Headcanons (Masterlist)
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 🇧‌🇾‌ 🇬‌🇼‌🇪‌🇳‌
<<< 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪🐉| 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙖🐅| 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙖🐕 >>>
Your first kiss
First date
Date night
Going to a carnival
You get a tattoo that matches theirs
Couple outfits
Your wedding (part 1/ part 2)
Telling them you’re pregnant
Going to a concert
General relationship headcanons: Masa & Tora
ˡⁱˢᵗ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ! ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏˢ ᶠᵒʳ ʳᵉᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ~
                                                     🐉 🐅 🐕
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apricotronin · 4 months
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Ahhhh we have a canonical name reveal for Masa’s elder brother!!
It’s Tsukoyomi, and it’s actually adorable because according to Japanese folklore Tsukoyomi (moon god) was the brother of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. And they have a younger brother, Susanoo, which is…the storm god! Specifically thunder and lightning. And WHICH element has Masa been shown to extensively use? THUNDER AND STORM SHIT!!! AHHH I love this, it’s kinda cringe and yet kinda really cool too. Anywho, here’s my depiction of the two eldest siblings. I like to think that Tsuko is the calm quiet rock to Amaterasu’s more impulsive nature. Later this month we’ll get to see Masa’s dad!! I’m so excited!! I’ll share my headcanons on the Hashimoto family soon!! Gotta get these theories out before anything’s confirmed lol.
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ginza-division · 1 year
Last Judgment Team Dynamics
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Masa, despite being the leader of the team, is often placed in the back by his cohorts, due in no small part because of how effective his ability is, which heals his allies at the cost of his own health. Despite how much he trusts and relies on his teammates, he often stands back and lets them soak up the punishment, whilst he comes from behind and plans a counterattack.
Eiji is the group's main form of defense. He's not the best attacker, but he can provide assistance when needed. His HP is the lowest on the team, mainly because of his leg injury. Despite that, he still fights on the front lines. Out of all three members, he is the only one who looks out for the others, knowing he can't win by himself.
Oki is the group's attack specialist. The only one with any real rap experience, he is considered to be the group's ace in the hole. Much like Masa, he's not overly concerned with his teammates. He'll help them if needed, but if he considers them dead weight, he'll gladly abandon them and push on without them. He's good at soaking up damage as well as attacking. The problem is, the more he is attacked, the angrier he gets. And the angrier he gets, the more damage he causes, not only to others, but also to himself.
— Masa
Eiji to Masa is his acquaintance, one whom he had heard of long before he met. Hearing of his social media platform, PROFILE, he commissioned the CEO to help him create a page for his church, hoping it would increase the number of followers, which it did. To thank him, Masa donated a hefty sum to Eiji's company, Sigma Inc. As such, the two have a good relationship. Though he finds Eiji's love for technology to be somewhat annoying and scary, Masa does respect the man's intellect and the love and affection he has for his family; Masa believes many males have forgotten how to love and care for a family, so he is glad Masa is not one of those.
In Rap Battles, Masa allows Eiji to protect him while he provides support. When he notices the CEO's health getting low, the priest will provide him with some of his own to keep him alive a bit longer until an opening can be found.
Oki to Masa is his student whom he views as a 'son of sorts'. Though he considers all of his sheep his children, he makes a special case for Oki. Seeing so much potential in him, he tries to mold him into a perfect disciple of his. He occasionally lectures the young man, but does it in a kind, fatherly manner. He encourages Oki's anger, but frequently tells him to 'not let his anger control him, but not to diminish it either'. His dream is to make the former rapper a 'man worthy of inheriting his mantle', meaning that he may want Oki to become his heir apparent when he retires. In Rap Battles, Masa allows Oki to unleash his anger and fury on his opponents while he aids him. He's not overly worried about his student, knowing full well the former rapper can take of himself.
— Eiji
Masa to Eiji is his acquaintance, whom he met after the priest hired him to create a PROFILE page for him. Though he was initially suspicious of the priest, the two developed a good partnership that continues to this day. They often have disagreements about the way the world should be. While Masa wants to create a world free of chaos and sin, Eiji is more interested in a world ruled through the use of technology, in hopes that it will make life easier. This is one of the many quarrels the two have, but they've agreed to disagree, and wish each other the best to see who will change the world first.
In Rap Battles, Eiji tries to keep Masa alive and unharmed via his ability, which provides a strong defense. He always relies on Masa to aid him when he is feeling weak and has no doubts that the priest will back him up when needed.
Oki to Eiji is his thuggish partner, whom he tries to avoid dealing with unless he has to. He has many qualms about the man's personality and attitude and isn't afraid to let his opinions known about him. He respects the man for his rapping ability and for once being a part of one of the most famous rap groups in Japanese history, but that is as far as his respect grows. Though Eiji wonders why Masa accepted Oki as the third member of their team, he can't dispute the rapper's talents. In Rap Battles, Eiji works alongside Oki on Masa's orders to defeat their opposition. He'll occasionally step in to protect his cohort, but more often than not, he leaves the so-called "Titan" to fend for himself.
— Oki
Masa to Oki is his teacher/father figure whom he respects. Though the two have not known each other for very long, the former rapper often looks to the priest for guidance. In fact, Masa is one of the few people in the world able to get Oki to let go of his pent-up anger and frustration. He is also the only person who respects Oki for his efforts, his talents, and his passion to avenge his friend. Though Oki has stated he has no intention of taking Masa's spot when he retires, Masa simply smiles and tells the rapper to, 'Give it time'. Oki doesn't know what that fully means.
In Rap Battles, Oki works to protect Masa, soaking up damage for the priest so the both of them can launch a ferocious counterattack. Though Oki frequently tells Masa he won't save him if he feels is getting weak, neither men truly believe this.
Eiji to Oki is his snobbish bore of a partner. He respects the man for his intellect and for creating a popular social media platform, but other than that, Oki has nothing but contempt for Eiji. He hates Eiji's subtle insults and frequently tells the CEO that it's only because he is friends with Masa that Oki doesn't hurt him, which isn't entirely false. What none of them know though is that Oki, though he'll never admit it, bears a bit of envy towards Eiji for his family and success, both of which Oki has lost. In Rap Battles, both Oki and Eiji do some serious damage to their opponents. And despite their disliking for each other and claims that they won't help one another, the two of them wind up working together without even really noticing. Though he hates it when Eiji steps it to save him, Oki is quick to return the favor when Eiji's in trouble.
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masaworkdesignfan · 3 months
(since I have no intro)
Pronounces : any of them (not genderfluid)
Hi I'm dhia! Or you could call kubinashi!
I'm also transgender and lesbian because uhhh- don't ask.
I have cats!
Yes cat.
I like drawing in different styles! And some times nfsw drawings....
My new YouTube account is : ssaikolovesryou (impossible to find)
I basically love some fandoms y'all didn't know so here's the list!
-little nightmares (main)
-masa work design
-evillious chronicles
-the amazing digital circus
-danganrondpa (udh,the,sdr2,drv3kh)
-dave and bambi
-rolli und rita
-onibi series
-maha series
-stranger things
-lapor pak! (INDONESIAN show)
-poppy playtime
-hazbin hotel
Also here's a question
[Also! My post could be underages because on how suggestive they could be!]
Novels and comics!↓
Novels :
missy flowered but I began to loose it volume 1
Missy flowered but I began to loose it volume 2.5
Missy flowered but I began to loose it volume 3.0
Happy hotel au : episode 1 season 1 hello and welcome miss Vuitton
Comics :
Angel dust toture and life
Head canons :
Hazbin hotel headcanons
Oc :
Demon's (seven deadly sins aka spooky month oc's)
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summoner-j · 2 years
(This started out as rambling, turned into a fic prompt, then rambling again)
The Sheriff is the Codfather
This is mostly several headcanons of mine for this man finally coming together and creating this mess in my mind; ok this is based on the basis that nobody knows The Sheriffs name, and that he was wandering the masa before finding the hat he bases his whole identity on. And we know leaving the ocean causes memory loss (Jimmy and Lizzie not realizing that they’re basically Demigods and seablings) but we don’t know to what extent, like we know that they remembered their own names the first time but what about the second? And while Lizzie forgets almost immediately, we can see it’s because the ocean’s blessings are wearing off, and she got the blessings because of the orb, and the orb also gave her her axolotl-like form.
You know who didn’t get their orb? Jimmy! He could theoretically have lost his memory more slowly then his sister, slow enough to forget his name and not realize it. He could have also slowly turn more human-like as the years went by. Mind and body changing almost unrecognizable to the past, he finally grew stubble(ah yes the whole sea monster thing with smooth skin for scales to grow in)! Changed so much that he could find a hat and therefore his new identity so quickly. He’s The Sheriff. Him being anything else is inconceivable and blasphemy to the Law. He then changes to fit this role, he’s more strict, more aggressive, he tries to be more serious and respected, he’s less laid back. Now this isn’t to say he’s totally different, The Sheriff is still Jimmy even if he doesn’t know it.
But is he still the Codfather? No. He can’t be both. Then what’s with the title? Idk. But here’s where we take canon and put it in the blender because it’s time for a canon divergence! I haven’t watched the recent stuff because this has been distracting me from recent possibly headcanon breaking lore, so I’m going in blind. And I can’t write.
Now I heard somewhere that the hat got destroyed, and since I didn’t want to go through the trouble of removing the hat this is where we start off the divergence; the hat still gets destroyed just differently; The Sheriff somehow got blasted into a mangrove tree in the swamp, hit his head, fell into the water, accidentally killed a cod and got its head, and then drowned in the shallow part of the water. Everyone is confused, he should have died when he hit the tree, or at least broken his bones, but no, drowning killed him. 
Anyway, people gather his stuff (including his destroyed hat and the cod head that someone accidentally put in) in a chest and wait for him to respond, but when he does he and everyone present (not much are) are confused, he’s quite, which isn’t weird for just respawning but it is weird when you look at his expression, he’s acting like he’s respawned in a room full of strangers, and then it hits, he must not have healed properly, which is a relief since he just needs to eat.
FWhip hands him his stuff, and instead of immediately grabbing his hat he grabs the head right next to it and wears that instead. People, of course, laugh, as it’s not everyday you wittiness someone you know experience respawn confusion, let alone that someone being The Sheriff. It’s funny until he says “Hi, I’m Jimmy, and you guys are?” No one speaks, in the 10-15 years he’s been The Sheriff, he has not once addressed himself differently, even jokingly, this feels invasive, like they found out something they shouldn’t have.
And that’s the end of my writing, but sometime after this Joel comes and they find out Jimmy doesn’t know about Toy Story, as that was a recent play and his mind is like decades into the past, and even if he did know he wouldn’t be as offended since he doesn’t see the resemblance “Woodys a sheriff” “Okay, and?” The rest of the rulers quickly find out something’s wrong, The Sheriff isn’t upholding the law like he use to and is actually acting like a political figure and is calling himself The Codfather, food did not help.
Everyone knows The Sheriff’s not in his right mind, only three people know his name(they’ve sworn themselves to secretcy, even though he’s ‘delirious’, there’s the slight chance that’s his real name and they don’t want to out him, he should tell them when he wants to, not because of some ‘glitch’), and Joel, Joel’s having a rough time. The whole ’toy’ thing started because Joel didn’t know what The Sheriff was, but he did know The Sheriff wasn’t fully mortal, and he didn’t like that, so he chose to believe The Sheriff was a toy, because the alternative was something Joel didn’t like thinking about because some stuff should stay in the past.
Jimmy has no idea what’s going on, like he still remembers his time as sheriff, but it’s been over shadowed by thousands years worth of memories returning all at once, and the fact that he’s pretty sure all his friends are reincarnated (that means that he’s sister is dead(or is she?)) and two are now gods. Shelby (Shrub?!) makes a potions to cure him by rewind, and now he no longer looks human and looks more like himself in season 1, Shelby doesn’t know what went wrong. Everyones freaking out and it’s chaos. Scott also found an orb,
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