#he wanted to eat lokius
meep-meep-richie · 5 months
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Loki was ready to EAT
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nygmobblepot-trash · 7 months
I really wish the show would stop bringing up Mobius' life on the timeline. He doesn't care. He only wants to go on adventures with Loki. Sylvie and Brad both didn't go back to their timelines. They made their own lives. Why can't Mobius do the same?
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catwouthats · 8 months
Reasons Lokius could be canon:
Sylki was probably mainly canon to teach Loki self love. Now he can finally love without hurting others.
It didn’t hurt as much for Loki to stay behind at the TVA this time (bc he has Mobius)
They mentioned Loki is bi in season 1 (and it’s Disney so it might have been for a reason)
Pie Symbolism (It symbolizes comfort, eternity, love) and their little pie date (plus mobius eating Mc-apple pie while staring longingly at Loki)(but tbf, mobius did also pick up sylvie in a pizza pie car in s1)
The close ups during intimate moments
Brad and B-15 called Loki Mobius’ pet (also he acts like his pet. Waiting for his permission to use magic, being compared to cats, literally a collar??, following after him)
They are so smiley around each other :]
They care for each other and check up on each other
Mobius risking his life for Loki
Mobius supports Loki’s mischief
The fact that they both got betrayed by their possible female love interests last season and now are just depending on each other
The contrast between the lokius and sylki shots that now exist in s2
Their little parallels to timeslayer (examples: when Victor and Loki fell, Ravonna ran to Victor and Mobius to Loki literally in the same shot. Timely gave her a cone shaped flower and Mobius gave Loki the paper cone filled with Cracker Jack. Probably more.)
Love is a dagger according to Loki, and Mobius gave him two daggers in s1 (though 1. he wasn’t the only one that had dagger moments with him obviously (though he was the only one to give him two) and 2. they got taken away from Loki immediately (symbolism))
Mobius knows Loki’s whole life like the back of his hand (this annoys the shit out of all his coworkers
Loki comparing himself to how his brother Thor went to Earth and went soft… (because Thor fell in love with a Mortal…) this was right after he defended Mobius…
Loki fixing up his jacket and hair before he sees Mobius/Don again. (He does this with no one else)
Don/Mobius always mentioning how he is now single when talking to Loki (first: “it’s hard being a single dad” than “oh yeah I don’t have a wife anymore so you can take that jet ski”)
Loki wants his friends back (he wants Mobius back)
The way everyone one else is always awkward whenever they are bickering (third wheeling)
Reasons Lokius won’t be canon:
The head writers are fucking idiots (when it comes to queerness)
Is coded canon? Disney wouldn’t let it show on screen but… is coding canon?
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charcubed · 7 months
"What did we do wrong?" "I don't know."
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🙋🏻 I think I might.
It's the hot cocoa.
Or rather… it's Loki semi-unintentionally siding with Sylvie over Mobius.
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In this episode, that's the tipping point. And so is lack of trust.
What we just watched is the version where things go very wrong and they fail.
But here's the delightful part to remember: things had to go wrong exactly like this, so eventually things can go very right. Because as "wrong" as this was, it had at least one purpose: Loki pruning himself.
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That being said... "What's wrong?"
We've got a list.
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-Timely's gone.
-Miss Minutes is back (and so is Renslayer).
-Dox and her team are dead.
Now work it backwards.
Miss Minutes / Renslayer get in, Brad is freed, and Dox and her team are killed. D-90 isn't there.
Why isn't he there?
He was sent to be with Victor.
D-90 is killed and Victor is taken at the hot cocoa machine, which delays everything.
Why are they at that machine?
Because Mobius got cocoa.
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Why did Mobius get hot cocoa?
Because he wanted pie, but Sylvie yelled at him.
And when Loki didn't defend him in that crucial moment and actually walked away from him instead, Mobius simply got hot cocoa by himself as a pick-me-up.
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Therefore: Lokius is the tipping point.
What did they do wrong?
What happened?
Loki and Mobius were separated and weren't on the same page. THAT'S what happened. And so, everything fell apart.
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Words – or the lack of them, in Loki's case above when he didn't defend Mobius – can change everything.
For good or for bad.
(These shots are back to back:)
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Lack of trust is also why things fall apart.
Sylvie attacks Mobius because he walks away, trusting the work to O.B. and Casey and Victor.
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She can't fathom that. She sees it as a weakness. But it's one of his greatest strengths, and it's their only way forward.
It's also part of the "trust for others" theme that's been present from the very first episode of the show, and it's a primary lesson that Loki's first had to learn through his relationship with and love for Mobius.
And the necessity of trust is showcased throughout this episode in other places. Sylvie accuses Loki of putting a lot of faith in the others, and simultaneously she keeps talking about the TVA as a corrupted place / institution instead of seeing the individual people capable of change.
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But Loki explains to her that it's about the people. He lists the names of his new family – the people he trusts – as being the heart of things. What's worth saving and worth fighting for.
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Brad and Dox are mirroring the trust theme here too, of course.
Brad doesn't trust B-15, and he doesn't pick trusting or aligning with anyone. He dooms Dox and the others to die.
But she sees the big picture and is willing to die with integrity rather than betray the PEOPLE of the TVA.
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And Victor?
He says he doesn't trust anyone… but then he chooses to change. With O.B., he chooses to have a partner.
(Not dissimilar to the ways we've seen Loki change over the show, too.)
And were it not for the ~hot cocoa,~ in THIS regard, things were going "according to plan."
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So as Victor says in the season 2 trailer in a clip we haven't heard yet (!!!): they have to "make the hard choice," of course.
Trust each other, work to fix what's broken, have hope, and STAY.
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And Loki and Mobius, the personification of chaos and order in balance, HAVE to stay together or it turns to shit.
Loki can't turn into a better leader if he ends up being Who Remains all by himself. He's gonna need his partner and the rest of his people for the TVA to truly change.
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But how are they gonna do that if they all just blew up? Lmao.
Well… that part of the theory's a work in progress.
But this involves both butterfly effects and time loops. Somehow we'll likely be going backwards to earlier versions of them that will be trying again.
And depending on just how far back they go… Loki and Mobius' influence on each other may be a snake eating its own tail, just like Ouroboros and Victor.
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Regardless, pretty sure Mobius is correct here. As he tends to be, lol.
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It's gonna be Loki's turn. God of Mischief becoming the Loki Who Remains that Mobius needs, etc.
And it always comes down to the two of them at the heart of things, somehow.
Last thing:
I'm not convinced those versions of them all survived the blast that happened because of these wrong turns, to be honest with you.
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But if anyone did… the gods did.
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And they're (hopefully) not gonna make the same mistakes twice.
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Originally posted as a thread on Twitter here.
My other Loki posts on Tumblr are under the tag "chars loki posts."
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daisybell17 · 8 months
Lokius hc’s:
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Loki would listen to Mobius talk about jet ski’s for hours, just sitting across him while Mobius whipped out like 10 magazine’s and ranked his favourite ones
One night they were both working way too late, Loki had fallen asleep. No breaks were allowed in the TVA, so Mobius placed a blanket over Loki and finished all their work. Loki repaid him by conjuring a custom jacket for him
They always argued over which was better: Coffee or Tea. Loki was a tea guy, Mobius was a coffee guy. It’s been ages and neither of them can agree, although secretly they have been trying each other drinks out…slowly realising why the other likes it so much
Mobius only learned more about Loki’s bisexuality once they met in the TVA, he was fascinated with his story. He was the only one that made him feel safe and seen.
Loki always plays silly little pranks on Mobius, some days Mobius can see it coming but still plays along
Loki sometimes cooks for Mobius if he’s not so busy, at first Mobius was hesitant but now he can’t stop eating Loki’s cooking
Mobius comforts Loki when he gets nightmares at times, he’s always holds him close and reminds him he’s loved.
Loki does the same thing for Mobius when he overthinks about his purpose in the TVA
Loki thinks he’s hard to love, while Mobius thinks loving Loki is like breathing, so easy, so simple, just pure adoration and love for him
Mobius got hurt on a mission once and this sent Loki into a rage, he watched every step Mobius took for days and was extremely possessive of him
Mobius used to tease Loki about him and Sylvie, which he only did as a deflection of his own jealousy
Loki loves Mobius so much…he’s always afraid of loosing him, he constantly keeps him close, he’s the only person whose loved him this much in his entire life…Mobius always reassures him that everything will be ok, and that they’re going to be alright
(a/n): very short and simple Lokius hc’s! honestly i just wanted to get some cute little hc before tomorrow’s episode! excited for ep 3 woo!!
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illiasha · 3 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Lokius. Loki, while trying to fix the loom, slips back to an earlier period when he and Mobius were alone.
Thank you @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for tagging me! 💕💕
“Loki, really, I don’t get how this is supposed to help me relax, I mean, c’mon, I completely lost control of myself back there, and you want me to eat pie?”
Mobius sat reclined in the flimsy metal chair, fork in hand and a smear of whipped cream stubbornly stuck to his mustache, a complete contrary to his protests.
Loki leaned forward, his own fork abandoned in pursuit of a more satisfying treat.
“I want you to enjoy the time we have together, Mobius; the quiet moments, our only brief seconds of peace together, and don’t we deserve it, after everything we’ve been through, after everything we’ve fought for?”
Mobius looked at him then, an intelligent gleam in his eye that Loki knew meant he was beginning to catch on to the temporal paradox…and that he was running out of time, always running just a few seconds late, never fast enough to fix things.
Those things were Mobius’s excruciatingly taunting lips which were always so close but permanently out of Loki’s reach, the things he always came back for but denied himself of every time he got too close, every time Mobius started to catch on because he always caught on, damn him, and Loki could never just torture himself in peace.
So, he consigned to watch as those beautiful, prying lips threaded away into all of space and time, and it was only Loki who was left bereft of the answer to the question he would never dare to ask.
Had so much fun with this!! 💚💚
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art-ro-vert · 5 months
Uh, another angsty Lokius thought 😫
Everyone writes about post-canon reunion, where Loki comes back and he and Mobius declare their feeling for each other. And they live happily ever after!
But let me present a version where that does not happen..
They get Loki back and they have an emotional reunion with Mobius, hugging each other and crying, but what if no one shares how they really feel ? (I personally think it is more in character)
The last things Mobius knows is that Loki took Sylvie’s side in the argument and then disappeared into the tree. He has no idea that Loki defended him, that he cared for him and that he wanted to give Mobius a choice.
So, Mobius has a very good reasons to suppress his feelings. He might think that Loki is still into Sylvie. And he values their friendship so much that he will never put it at risk. So basically he won’t say anything if that means that they could be at least friends.
On the other hand, we have Loki. Who has been watching and hearing Mobius, seeing his grief and pain. I highly doubt though that Mobius ever directly declared that he loves Loki even when he was alone. But even if he did, that does not mean Loki would immediately make the first step when he is back.
A few reasons:
1. Loki is still insecure, he might think that he is not the best end game for Mobius. And that would be enough for him to stay quiet, giving Mobius the chance to find someone else, someone better.
2. He might think that if he initiates anything with Mobius it will be like taking the choice from him. He wanted to give Mobius the right to decide about his life, he might want Mobius to be the one who decides if they are friends or lovers. And he would be patient with it for internity.
3. Depending on how fast they get Loki back, Mobius might start to move on apparently. What if a lot of time passes and Mobius starts to enjoy life little by little? Meeting people, traveling, eating pies? If Loki gets a chance to see that Mobius is moving on without him, he might want to keep his distance even when he is back. Again, to give Mobius the opportunity to live the life he chose.
So, yeah. They would have an emotional reunion. But I think after they will keep the distance and not really know how to approach each other.
Mobius might continue miserably living on the timeline to give Loki space with Sylvie in the TVA. While Loki would avoid visiting Mobius not to be pushy and let him choose his life.
A lot of pining and self-loathing as you might imagine…
Loki taking Mobius’ old room in TVA, smelling his forgotten shirt and thinking that he is doing the right thing even if it hurts.
And Mobius being sure that Loki is with Sylvie, while trying to make himself enjoy life with a broken heart.
I think it would be Sylvie who will drive them together in the end, cuz she will get enough of their misery.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Five Fics Friday: April 19/24
Happy Friday everyone! Check out today's selection of fics to get you through the weekend! And be sure to give the boosted fic some extra love, as it JUST finished being written! :D Enjoy!!
The Curious Case of the Casablanca Killer by meet_me_in_samarra (G, 55,886 w., 16 Ch. || Post THoB, Case Fic, Bromance / Friendship, Clever John, John is a Conductor of Light, BAMF John / Sherlock, Sassy John, Cheeky Sherlock) – Deemed a three at best, the case of an invisible burglar in a historic cinema who stole nothing only caught Sherlock’s attention because he was bored. Also, he wanted to do John a favour. In the end, this proved to be a real stroke of luck. Otherwise, Sherlock would have missed an intriguing mystery that quickly ramped up in complexity.
Licence to Kiss by fellshish (T, 13,740 w., 4 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Bond Jokes, Angst and Humour, First Kiss, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining) – John loves James Bond. For his Birthday, Sherlock decides to organise a spy adventure. Sherlock begs Mycroft for a real case with some extra gadgets. And perhaps some actors pretending to be criminals. What could possibly go wrong?
Guess Who's Coming for Christmas Dinner by Raina_at (E, 18,623+ w., 2/4 Ch. || WiP || University AU || Fake / Pretend Relationship, Accidental Fake Dating, , Oblivious John / Sherlock, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship, Christmas, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Alcohol, Past Drug Use, Not-Nice Holmes Family) – Sherlock hates spending Christmas with his snobby parents. John has nowhere to go over the holidays. The heat in 221B is broken and their fridge is empty. Plus, Sherlock's parents will hate John. So of course Sherlock takes John along. It's not his fault that his parents assume John's his boyfriend. Of course John is perfect and all, but Sherlock doesn't do romance. So what harm can there be in pretending, if it makes his parents this mad?
Only Yesterday by Berty (T, 43,378+ w., 17/18 Ch. || Alternate Timelines / 'Yesterday' AU || Post-TRF, POV John, Grief, Mental Instability, Angst, Unrequited Love, Suspense, Scotland, Hurt John, Developing Relationship, Doctor John, John is a Mess) – Sherlock has been gone for two years and John Watson is doing okay. He goes to work. He sleeps (sometimes). He eats. He has colleagues, some of whom are even friends. He has purpose. If it's not a life as others might view it, it's a fair approximation. It's fine. He's fine. One night the lights go out and when they come back on everything is the same except for one important thing. For John it's the most important thing. And suddenly John is not fine at all.
Magic Like You by Anonymous (NR [M], 9,714 w., 5 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Post-S2, Light Angst, Soft, Friends to Lovers, Jotunn Loki, Pining Loki, Heavy Pining, Bed Sharing, Jealous Loki, POV Loki, Living Together, First Kiss/Time) – Loki and Mobius are trying to carve out a new life for themselves after all the chaos and hurt and destruction that was caused by the TVA. This story explores Loki's new life and his relationship to Mobius through magic. (With lots of stupid fun and soft moments along the way, because with these two, it's inevitable.)
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trutrustories · 7 months
Part 3: 1893
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Episode 3, here we go:
22) matching suits part 2 anyone, who work on those costumes: I want to kiss you all!
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23) Another exhibition of touches:
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the challange name is: "how close we can get, before we sink into each other"
24) "And they lived happily ever after..." They had some lokius fan in the editing room, I´m telling ya! This retro movie style transition... THAT is my roman empire...
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like seriously? what is the purpose of this? I can´t wrap my head around it. someone just thought that it is really crucial to end this scene with two of them in a circle. OK.
but WHY?
It was LITTERALY used only once! (I´m sorry, but as someone, who works as an editor, this just driving me crazy 🤒🫠)
25) Loki and Mobius enjoying popcorn:
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I have several things to say here:
ever heard about when one person is "forced" to have fun for the first time, and to try new things by the other person, and he´s protesting and is all about work and serious matters, but secretly loves it and is visibly relaxed and happy? - Because I´m sure this is some bloody romantic comedy trope, that everyone have seen about hundred times!
"Oh look, you have a piece of food on the chin, let me just…"
I know I already said this somewhere, but, this is the moment, where in my language suddenly (completely randomly) switched from formal way of speaking to each other to intimate way of speaking to each other. (I´m Czech, btw, and I have no idea, what happened in that recording studio but it had to be interesting)
26) Also... Bickering like married couple (part 3)
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27) "You know sometimes I forget, that you are one of them... Blows my mind!"
Mobius being Loki´s fan.
Also yeas. Loki is one of them. God. And Mobius is a small, normal dude. JUST A HUMAN. Analyst, even! And they´re eating popcorn together.... also Loki will do whatever Mobius wishes
28) another "let´s be as close as we physically can" challange
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Loki can´t keep only eye on him. he needs hands, because reasons
29) Mobius supporting Loki in using magic...
... or I should say Loki using Magic, whenever Mobius wishes, because...
"Will you handle this please?" "Gently!"
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And on top of that... not him, explaining, what just happened, to the public, by: "The amazing Loki, everyone! He´ll be here all week! 🥳🥳🥳"
who the heck asked, Mobius? stop showing off with your magical boyfriend
30) Victor/Ravonna - the most transparent mirror ever:
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THIS scene? Are you kidding? Ravonna running towards Victor: "Mr Timley! are you okay? And Mobius running practicly at the same time towards Loki with: You allright?" and both helping their man up on their feet?! IN SYNC! this is too much.
31) THE BIKE THIS. this is the most GREENLY green point, I can think of. Someone had to have this vision. This idea. And put it in to screenplay. Someone had to find the bike. Someone was shooting this. Camera is moving around them. And they were all like GREAT idea, let´s have them riding tandem bike while chasing Ravonna and Timely, that makes complete sense! (even when we have Loki chasing Brad USING MAGIC one episode back) anyway... ever heard about "let´s do this crazy stupid thing - absolutely not - and then they do the thing" trope?
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32) Loki going with Mobius, not even thinking about it anymore.
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And to think, that I was expecting something like S01E03 (Lamentis episode)! Once again, I wasn´t prepared for amount of Lokius content I was actually served. What a surprise! 🤯
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carebeartherese · 7 months
My live reactions to Loki ep 4:
(Already 7 mins in and I’m angry with Kang)
-hell yea the clock lady wants you (what the fuck)
-mobius and Loki are very boyfriends rn
-shit the loom
-I love this Victor timely fella tbh
-oh fuck dox
-B15 my love <333
-no don’t let dox live
-oooooo words
-Víctor is so autism
-ob and Casey <3333
-ob and victor meeting each others idles
-snake eating it’s own tail= Ouroboros
-mobius is so sweet
-lmfao petty ob
-mobius and Loki fighting like an old couple is my favorite
-Sylvie = third wheel
-Loki is in fact super fast
-ooop victor is think
-Casey and ob are so bf coded
-PIE DATE 2???
-sylvie pls let them be a couple
-dude this bitch
-pie pls
-oh brad
-please don’t start a prison riot
-don’t bring Galileo into this
-Stfu dox
-uhhhh this tension is strange
-B15 !!!!!!
-brad doing the same hand-resting thing with his collar
-wait sylvie gtfo
-ohhhh please let them fight about MOBIUS
-Loki monologue incoming
-lmfao Thor mocking
-also Loki character development???
-yea those people live because of his lover
-damn wise words ig
-I don’t like them as a couple please don’t let this happen again
-yea sylvie thats kinda the point of hope
-i don’t hate her she’s just annoying on occasion
-ok but you are gods tho
-thx Loki also back tf up
-damn that pie room is the real star or the show
-fuck dox srsly
-also crazy bitch Ms minutes honorable mention
-oh shit life on the timeline?? Fr???
-oh fuck no you crazy bitches
-Brad that was fuckin cold
-see even ravonna doesn’t actually give a fuck who you are brad
-Casey x OB x Timely???
-It’s hotchoc victor
-I love victor
-mobius is so supportive
-what’s happening with the tempads tho???
-oh sorry b15 it’s people goo now
-Aw he made the guard hot coco
-shit Ms minutes
-loki and mobius need more screen time together
-this feels much scarier than it should tbh
-ohhh….hey ravonna….sorry about all that
-oh shit ok
-mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry-
-brad please relax with your 70s hair
-oh fuck this is it ig
-real Ms minutes sucks
-shits getting real
-loki is gonna get pruned by himself
-sylvie constantly plays elevator music in her soul
-this is where Loki gets pruned!!!! Probably by himself
-yup I was right prune yourself
-damn sylvie strong
-good job loki???
-sorry just had to kill past me rq
-WHOS calling???
-and th e call was coming from IsIdE tHe HoUsE
-oh dammit ob you scared me
-mobius is so worried about his boyfriend he’s willing to reboot the whole system
-Aw poor timely they aren’t mocking you
-you’ll never be him.
-that shit was menacing fr
-oh DONT send brad out on his own!!!
-he gonna die
-fuck that was kinda hot ngl
-anyways hi sylvie/brad
-lokius has had way too few scenes today
-loki <333
-oh thank god
-oh loki please be safe
-don’t send timely out pls
-no dont!!!
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dewdropreader · 9 months
6. "Did you lie to me?" - lokius
(I got carried away with this! I hope you enjoy this no context provided little fic!!)
“Did you lie to me?” Mobius asks, not fuming with rage, just looking calm and eerily relaxed.
Loki feels something hot burning his gut, something he faintly recognizes as shame. He doesn’t want to unpack that.
“Of course I did,” Loki snaps, instead of allowing his brain to linger. “That’s all I’m good for, you should expect that by now.” Loki forces venom into his tone to disguise the fear and exhaustion.
Mobius just shakes his head, not patronizing but deliberate nonetheless. “That’s not true, Loki.”
“Isn’t it?” He snarls, not even able to muster the energy to point out the irony there.
“You’re a skilled liar, maybe even a frequent one, but that’s not all you’re good for. You’ve shown me time and time again that you are more than that.”
The smooth gentleness in Mobius’ tone is so disarming. Mobius should be angry with him, he should be shouting and getting in his face. Loki knows he’s capable of it, even if it’s not his natural state, so why isn’t he?
“Don’t sabotage yourself, Loki,” Mobius murmurs, stepping closer. “If there’s one person you don’t have to lie to or hide from, it’s me.”
Loki shakes his head meekly but struggles to respond. “I… I don’t…”
“I don’t want to change you, I don’t expect you to never use that beautiful brain of yours to make some mischief or tell a tall tale, but for this to work you need to be honest with me,” Mobius says, gaze fixed on Loki’s.
Loki feels himself shiver with the intensity of Mobius in his space, his eyes seeming to tear right though all of Loki’s defenses, reading him like a book. Loki should be used to this, he is, really, but sometimes his old habits of fighting and distancing himself to prevent heartache kick in.
Finally, he steps closer to Mobius, his whole body tense with signs of wariness and caution. He tries to open his mouth to explain himself, apologize for being such a mess, but the words get caught in his throat and die with a pathetic whimper.
But Mobius knows, of course he knows, he always has, has known Loki sometimes better than he knows himself. Knows how his defense mechanisms cut like daggers and how his fear eats him alive if he isn’t careful, how he feels everything so deeply that sometimes even the mildest of emotions can turn volatile.
So, with all that known, Mobius doesn’t continue to interrogate or try and pick out the truth, at least not for now. Maybe later when the tensions are lower Loki will be able to explain what happened and they can work through it like they always do, but for now Mobius knows that Loki just needs a reminder of love, so he just steps fully into his orbit and scoops him into a hug, pulling Loki’s body against his own and squeezing perhaps a bit tighter than necessary, to ground him.
Loki desperately tries to hide the shudder that leaves him as he collapses into Mobius’ warm hold, gripping him back just as desperately.
“I’m sorry,” Loki whispers, his voice thick.
“I know, Loki,” Mobius replies. “I’ve got you.”
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meep-meep-richie · 7 months
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# all he wanted was pie, instead he got himself a hot cocoa
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tickle-bugs · 11 months
Hellooo! If prompts are still open can I request some ticklish loki? :) maybe the prompt “ you’re not ticklish? Really now? Lets see about that”
Or somethin, feel free to improvise :))) teehee
Thank you so much!
In Fond Memory
Summary: As an analyst, Mobius's knowledge of Loki comes from stale sets of data. He wants to know more about his partner. Loki decides to take them on a tour of his memories...to interesting results. Pre-relationship to confessing Lokius!
This got wildly out of hand. We're a little over 6k words. Not super happy with this fic, but I'd been sitting on it for too long to start over. Have the long-simmering origin story of Loki's eighth rib lmao.
The TVA cafeteria is chilled and reliably empty when Mobius and Loki take their lunch break. As usual, the break consists of Loki watching Mobius eat--both lamenting his agonizing pace and soaking in his company. 
“I know nothing about you.” Mobius takes a thoughtful bite of his salad. His non-sequiturs phase Loki less and less these days. They make an interesting pair, he thinks--a fallen god burdened with caring and a mustached auditor who speaks only in riddles. 
“I thought you knew everything about me.” Loki huffs. 
“More like bits and pieces. I know little factoids. What makes you tick.” Mobius points at Loki with his fork, a tomato skewered on the end. 
“So then you know what you need?” Loki plucks the tomato off the fork and pops it in his mouth. It crunches beautifully. 
“Well, I mean, I’d like to know more. If a certain someone would like to share with the class.” Mobius replaces the stolen tomato with a pointed stare. 
“You are terrible at asking for what you want.” Loki steals a crouton from Mobius’s salad. 
“Yeah? Pot, meet kettle,” Mobius chuckles, wiping his hands. Loki smiles, but the thought rattles around in his brain. Mobius makes so much noise, truly. Noise about morals and fixing things, about proving himself better than the TVA believes him to be--useless, frivolous noise. 
Compelling noise.
“Fine.” Loki sniffs. He holds out his open hand. 
“Fine…What?” Mobius raises his eyebrows. 
“Your TemPad.” Loki wiggles his fingers insistently. Mobius stares at him, clearly calculating the risk, and then slides his TemPad into the waiting palm. Loki balances the weight of his past smoothly in one hand--he’d expected the TemPad to fall heavier with a sense of occasion. He frowns at it.
These little reminders that he’s not special—significant, really…they start to grate on him after a while. 
“You don’t have to do this, Loki.” Mobius’s voice is worn smooth by something like fondness. It’s compelling to the cowardice still within him, but Mobius will stop looking at him like that if he doesn’t at least try. 
Loki fiddles with the device until the clock hands on Ms. Minutes’s digital face spin rapidly backwards. A portal of orange light opens beside the table. 
“Shall we?” Loki gestures. He can’t quite make eye contact. 
They stride through the door to Old Asgard’s throne room in all its glittering glory, when its majesty seemed untouchable by the whims of war and time. Mobius gapes at the high ceilings and intricate stonework with a wide grin. It’s cute, stupidly so, but then the grand doors open yet again and Loki’s hackles raise.
He pulls Mobius behind one of the grand pillars and puts his finger to his lips. 
“They can’t see us, Loki. It’s a memory—“
Loki clamps a hand over Mobius’s mouth. Mobius rolls his eyes. He’s right, of course he is, but the survivalist in him can’t take the risk. Not with Odin. 
A younger Loki, toothy and tiny, races up to Asgard’s great throne. He stops before the giant steps, cradling something in a bright red cloth. Odin heaves a great sigh. 
“Father, look! I got my spell to work!” Young Loki carefully holds up the bundle. The fabric falls away to reveal a bulbous little frog with stark blue eyes. It blinks each eye separately.
“What is this?” Odin looks down upon the creature with disdain. 
“It’s Thor.” Young Loki beams. The frog leaps onto his shoulder, then his head, and ribbits triumphantly. He laughs. 
“Bring my son back to me at once!” Odin hisses fiercely. 
“Now!” Odin’s shout still tears something open in Loki all these years later. He flinches back into Mobius. The younger Loki does the same, but there’s no one to hold him. 
With a shaky voice, he murmurs an incantation and folds Frog Thor back into the fabric. He tosses the bundle ahead of him and, in a flash of green, a young and shiny Thor stumbles on newly human legs. He’s shorter--still taller than Loki, as he always was--and rounder in the cheeks, but he’s the unmistakable spitting image of his father. His cape, no longer frog-sized, unfurls to brush his ankles. 
“Woo! Loki, that was awesome!” Thor cheers. He pulls young Loki in for a sweeping, spinning hug. His boyish giggles are infectious--soon young Loki joins in, clinging to his brother to keep from falling. 
“Get out.” Odin seethes. The throne room doors slam open, echoing his command. 
“Father--” Thor tries, but one icy look from Odin silences him. He immediately bends the knee, so small that his cape nearly swallows him whole. Young Loki looks at him in disbelief, but when he reaches for his brother, Odin clasps his gloved hand around the shaft of Gungnir, the Spear of Heaven. 
Young Loki stumbles backwards, then flees, scrambling right by his older self without a thought. Loki turns his eye to Odin, the golden sack of shit, and scowls. 
“Come,” Loki says hollowly, following himself outside. He doesn’t look back. He knows Mobius is with him. 
He walks the familiar grounds but the stone doesn’t remember him. The sky is too bright, the torches too warm--this is a childhood preserved in amber. It’s too clear to be real. He passes his hand through the braziers, bitterly amused by the way the flame clings to his fingers. It’s not hot. 
Loki finds his younger self exactly where he expects him to be—no amount of years could erase that instinct to hide, to wait, to be forgotten until he could emerge again. The child is tucked between a pillar and one of the giant braziers, his dark clothes lending themselves as camouflage. 
Young Loki didn’t have that fire in him, yet. The scorn of being lesser. He was still naive, still thought Odin’s love was a real, attainable thing. 
“Loki?” Frigga approaches. Loki looks up at his mother’s face for the first time in years, but she peers directly through him. He steps aside as she approaches his younger self. When the child doesn’t answer, she crouches in front of him. It’s unbecoming of a Queen, but she’d never cared much about that. 
“What’s wrong, darling?” Frigga takes his younger copy’s face into her hands. She wipes away his tears with her thumbs and his skin briefly shimmers its natural blue. 
“Father, he…” Young Loki shakes his head, retreats further. “I upset him.”
“Oh.” She swipes more tears from his face. “Let us spend the day together, hm? I have new tricks to show you.”
The child allows his mother to lead him away, down onto the giant lawn beneath the terrace. Loki watches them go, the bitter sting of grief still raw, even after all this time. 
“My mother was…is everything to me.” Loki sniffs. He can’t tear his eyes away from her. It’s selfish to miss her, but he’s a selfish wretch. 
“She seems like a wonderful woman.” Mobius’s hand is warm on Loki’s shoulder. He leans into it. 
“Extraordinary. There’s no one like her.” He leads them over to a bench on the terrace, one that overlooks the most spectacular view of the palace lawns and waters beyond. He watches his younger self fling bursts of magic back and forth with his mother. 
“Can I ask you a silly question?” Mobius turns to face Loki better. Loki raises his brow. 
“Are you still…blue? Under here?” Mobius gestures at Loki’s face. “I’m not too sure about how this magic stuff works. It’s fascinating.”
Loki barks out an embarrassing laugh and does his best to rein it in, but surprise still leaves him chuckling. Mobius looks at him like…well, he’s not entirely sure what that look is. No one’s looked at him so softly before. 
“I was raised Asgardian, but the nature of changing forms is…fickle. Do it too much and you lose sight of where you start.” He turns his hand over, back and forth, and his skin glimmers blue. Mobius takes his hand, wrinkling his nose slightly at the cold. 
“That’s awful wise of you.” Mobius squeezes his fingers. 
“I like to think I have my moments.” Loki smiles. Mobius holds out the TemPad to him. Loki pushes a few things on it, opening another portal. They step through it with lighter hearts. 
What greets them is not the stale brutalism and dizzying expanse of the TVA cafeteria, but the very same terrace, gleaming in summer sun.
“Okay, so this…isn’t headquarters.” Mobius gestures. Loki scowls. He presses a bunch of buttons at random. The machine beeps at him. The animated Ms. Minutes icon sticks her tongue out at him. He scoffs. 
“I noticed.” He slaps the TemPad into Mobius’s hands. Mobius stares at him, plainly amused, and Loki scowls harder. 
“Well? Fix it.” Loki turns towards the lawn to lessen the weight of Mobius’s gaze.
A great shout rings out across the green, utterly unmistakeable, and Loki runs up to the terrace railing. Sif and the Warriors Three mill about on the lawn, their chatting only perceptible by Volstagg’s loud and grating laughter. 
“Brothers, please. I need some help!” Thor’s voice cuts clear and desperate through the air. He can’t be far past coming of age--he’s taken on all those distinctive features that won’t budge as he grows. His hair sweeps his shoulders the same way his cape sweeps his ankles. He supports a drooping teenage Loki as they stumble towards the trio. 
On the terrace, Loki’s eyes widen. He squints at where Thor is hauling his younger self--yep, the little shit is definitely alive and well. Which means only one thing. 
“What’s all the commotion?” Mobius shades his eyes from the sun and looks out towards the fields. 
“Did you fix it?” Loki snaps impatiently, gesturing for the TemPad. 
“Hm?” Mobius blinks. “Yeah. What’s happenin’ down there, though?”
Loki snatches the TemPad and punches in whatever he can. A wave of orange energy ripples over and through them with a loud woosh. Loki opens his eyes to….
The same field. The same day. He’s actually managed to put them forward in time. Just splendid. 
“Get help!” Thor spins and launches his Loki like a shotput. He barrels straight through Sif and Fandral. Their mingled screams of surprise and displeasure ring out. Thor cackles, doubling over, as Sif chases Loki around the field. 
On the terrace, Loki buries his rapidly heating face in his hands. Mobius snickers up a storm beside him. He leans into him for support. 
“Get help?” Mobius wheezes, eyes wet with mirth. Loki’s chest flutters and his face progresses into full redness. 
“It was…a phase. An ill-advised distraction--”
“Seems to me like you used it plenty. One of your variants did that with Thor on Sakaar.” Mobius wipes his eyes and flicks the tears away, grin still splitting his face in two. 
“Shut up.” Loki groans into his hands until silence falls. He can feel Mobius’s keen eyes on the side of his face. He hopes for a random bolt of lightning to put him out of his misery. 
“You’ve changed, y’know.” Mobius bumps their shoulders together. 
“Have I?” Loki drawls, mostly unamused. The sincerity on Mobius’s face makes it hard to keep up the act. 
“You willingly showed me an embarrassing memory! You’ve changed plenty.” 
“I wouldn’t say…willingly,” Loki grumbles, rolling his eyes. 
“You and I both know you can fight a lot harder than that. This is growth, Loki. It’s good for ya.” Mobius pats his shoulder. Loki hums in acknowledgment.
“Careful, Mobius. I might start to think you’re fond of me.” Loki smiles teasingly. 
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Mobius chuckles and squeezes his shoulder. “Let’s get outta here.”
Another flash of orange, another failure to return to the TVA. Loki contains the urge to scream. 
“Where are we now?” Mobius puts his hands on his hips. 
“…I don’t know.” Loki frowns, turning in place. 
“That’s generally not good.” Mobius quips. Loki makes a snarky, incoherent noise at him as he takes in their surroundings.
Vaulted wood ceilings, immaculate stone walls, and green silks welcome them. Atop a giant fireplace, a regal painting of Loki leers at them, foxlike and empty-eyed. He cringes and turns away from it. He briefly considers throwing himself down on the green velvet divan and smothering himself in the throw pillows. 
“We’re on Asgard, certainly, and this is my room, but….” 
The doors fly open of their own accord and the hearth flares. A brunette with a strong build strides through the doors, their fingertips dripping with red motes of light. They’re clad in reds reminiscent of the magic--flowing fabrics gathered neatly under bits of strong leather armor. With a twist of their wrist, the leather breastplate falls away and arranges itself on a stand, right next to a stand with his own armor on it. 
“Who is this handsome devil?” Mobius raises his eyebrows and elbows Loki, but he is far too windswept at the sight of them. 
“Signy,” Loki breathes. 
“Who?” Mobius furrows his brow. 
The doors fly open yet again. A past version of Loki enters in similar dramatic fashion. It’s uncanny to see himself like this. Signy turns their gaze sharply towards him. The fire once again flares in the hearth. 
“Hello, darling.” Signy purrs, pulling Past Loki in for a kiss. They drink him in possessively, as if he’s going to evaporate without their claiming touch. He leans into it as much as he can without drowning. When they pull apart, they murmur to one another, low enough for the fire to swallow their words. 
“Ah, I see.” The bitterness in Mobius’s tone pushes Loki to clarify. 
“They were wonderful, but their jealousy often got to them. For all our happiness, we made each other worse over time.” Loki whispers conspiratorially, but Mobius doesn’t seem entertained. 
Signy and his past self begin to raise their voices, yelling at each other in an incomprehensible tumble of Asgardian. Mobius’s brow knits in concern. 
“Were you always this…loud?” Mobius frowns. Loki swallows the joke he wants to make.
“Like I said, we made each other worse. Much worse. We were betrothed all of two months before they tried to assassinate me.” Loki pulls back his shirt collar to reveal a thin, curved scar on his neck. 
“Assassinate—what?” Mobius touches it and Loki shivers. 
“It’s fine, Mobius. My Signy had naught but poison in their soul. This one seems…kinder.” Loki watches as they take his past self’s hands to stop him from wringing his tunic. 
“How is that fine—“ 
Their voices escalate into a tumble of shouting. Concern morphs into frustration and confusion. Why does Mobius even care? It happened, he survived, whatever—
A flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. His past self is…staring at him.
Loki squints at his past self and he squints back. Loki looks over his shoulder, then back at his past self, who is suddenly beginning to behave less like a memory and more like a—
“Variant,” Loki breathes. He opens his mouth to shout, but—
The variant disappears in a gentle flash of green light. Fuck.
“I think you just got outsmarted by yourself.” Mobius hums. Loki whips around, panic starting to bubble in his chest. 
“You said this was a memory.”
“It’s supposed to be.” Mobius rubs his chin. “With all the buttons you pushed, it’s possible that you sent us to a branch instead of a projection of your history. I’ll take a look at it.”
“Loki.” Signy eyes him carefully. They take him in with warm, red eyes that crackle with the hearth. 
“Heyyy…Signy.” Loki gestures awkwardly. Mobius snorts. 
“Darling, I apologize. You’re under much pressure.  I shouldn’t add to it.” Signy wraps their arms around Loki’s shoulders and pulls him close. He knows he should derive some comfort from it—he hasn’t been hugged in years—but it feels more like a creature pulling him into its clutches. Their fingers glide over the scar and Loki snatches their hand. 
“I’m…also sorry.” Loki pats their arm awkwardly and tries to worm out of their grip. 
“No need, my blade.” Signy presses in closer, cradling his cheek. Mobius snickers at the nickname off to the side.
“Don’t.” Loki, blushing, points an accusatory finger at Mobius. He holds his hands up, the perfect picture of innocence. 
“I think you’re lovely, but I’m not…your Loki.” He puts his hand over theirs. Their face pinches sharply. The fire kicks up. 
“You are beyond ungrateful. You are mine. I made you.” Signy grips his chin and forces him to look at them. Loki presses his lips into a line. 
“Perhaps you need a reminder.” They press their hand to Loki’s side, right over the ribs on his right side. He panics and grabs for their hand. A tiny green spark jumps from his fingers, but it cannot stop the pulse of scarlet magic that wriggles deep into his skin. The magic snaps into cords, winding like puppet strings around one of his ribs. 
A strangled sound slips from him before he can stop himself. A terrible, toe-curling tickle—a powerful scritching like the blunt end of a quill over the bone—sends him clutching at Signy’s shoulders for dear life. 
“We are each other’s undoing. There is no you without me.” Signy pulls sharply on the threads of red light and Loki yelps.
“Oh my god.” Mobius makes a noise that can only be described as a squeak of delight. Loki flips him off. 
“Even when I’m right in front of you, you cast your attention elsewhere.” Signy turns Loki’s jaw toward them, eyes darkening possessively, but their lips curl up in that damn smile that had drawn Loki back in over and over. 
There was a time when he’d daydreamed about Signy by his side on the throne. Now, he can’t fathom it. 
“You’re mine, Loki.” Signy tweaks their fingers, manipulating their magic, and Loki chokes down a screech. He laces his fingers into theirs and the magic blissfully vanishes. 
“Yes, yours. Mobius, help.” Loki casts a frantic look in his direction, gesturing at Signy. Mobius makes a ‘stall’ motion, then starts fiddling with the TemPad. 
“Look at me.” Signy pulls sharply on his tie. They sigh deeply, and their edge begins to wane. 
“Thanos has you dreaming of more, my love. I want more for you. But have you not enough here? Am I not enough?” Signy smooths their hands down Loki’s chest. He freezes.
“Thanos?” He asks quietly. Dread sinks into his gut. Signy’s expression softens.
“I know that you crave what you are owed. Your family has robbed you of your birthright. You are meant for greatness, Loki, but not at the cost of his greed. Asgard is yours for the taking. By my hand, you shall have it.” Signy leans their foreheads together. He squirrels away as much of this momentary comfort that he can. 
“Why would you help me?”
“Have you contracted your brother’s oafishness?” Signy playfully holds their hand to his forehead as if checking for fever. “I love you, you fool.” 
“Oh.” He blinks. He looks towards Mobius and finds him with a haunting expression, like some sort of ache had burrowed forth into his face. A suffocating hollowness crawls through Loki’s chest. He swallows thickly. 
“Yes, ‘oh’.” Signy curls their fingers beneath his chin. He laughs softly, involuntarily, and flinches away. Mischief and embers dance in Signy’s eyes. 
“My, you are…handsier than I remember.” Loki twists out of their grip. 
“Can you blame me?” They appear behind him in a scattering of red sparks. Warm hands wrap around his waist, tracing feather-light shapes that seem to burrow into his skin. He chokes on a quiet, suspiciously giggly sound and they light up.
Mobius scoffs and clears his throat loudly. His scowl seems baked into his face, a chilling force against the fireplace. 
“Okay, so I’ve got good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear?”
“Bad news first.” Loki wrestles with Signy’s roaming hands. Signy trips and tumbles backward onto the divan, scattering the pillows. They start tugging at Loki to try and get him to follow. 
“Your collar is broken. Kaput. S’probably why your variant was able to escape. TemPad can’t get a read on which one of you is real. You also MemLocked us, which is fascinating—“
“I’m sure it is,” Loki huffs, fighting to leverage Signy under him. Mobius barrels on. 
“MemLock allows us to manipulate a branch as if it were a memory, but the tech is volatile, so we rarely use it. It is neat though. Lets us walk right through as if we were invisible. Shame it ain’t workin’ on you.” Mobius snaps his fingers next to Signy’s face. They don’t seem to notice. 
“And the good news?” 
“I can probably fix it.” Mobius smacks the back of the TemPad and a panel pops out the side of it. He starts fiddling with the components. 
“Probably?” Loki’s voice cracks. 
“Well, I don’t wanna take the wrong Loki back with me. That’d be a fiasco. Though Signy—“ Mobius draws out their name with disdain— “probably wouldn’t even notice.” 
“Jealousy is unbecoming, Mobius.” Loki’s joking, but Mobius’s eyes don’t light up the way they usually do. 
“Y’know, far as I recall, you got yourself stuck in this mess. You should be thanking me for helping you.” Mobius puts his hands in his pockets. He tilts his head with a smile, easy and mischievous. Loki lobs a throw pillow at him.
Mobius punches something into the TemPad and, with a glorious beep, Loki’s collar disengages and clatters to the floor. Mobius scoops up the collar gently, letting the straps dangle between his fingers. 
“I’m keeping track of what you owe me.” His half-smile is somewhat dim. 
“I’d expect nothing less,” Loki breathes. Mobius nods sharply and turns towards the door. 
It’s an unfortunate distraction, one that lets Signy discover they can buckle his knees if they tickle him there, but Loki can think of nothing else but the reflection of the firelight on Mobius’s cheek. 
Mobius ducks quietly into the hall, shutting the chamber door behind him. The stone floors eagerly amplify his footsteps, tired of its own quiet. 
It’s unsettling, this place. People don’t seem to live here as much as they haunt it. Mobius can see how Loki turned out the way he did. It sets loose an ache in him. 
Mobius turns around with his hands raised. The variant twirls a dagger in his hands. He’s clad only in a green shirt and soft pants, his feet bare against the cool stone floors. This Loki is duller—he’s exhausted around the eyes in a way Mobius’s Loki isn’t. 
His Loki. Hm.
“Who are you?” 
“I’m afraid that doesn’t concern you, Your Highness,” Mobius says calmly. Loki disappears in a flash of green and reappears behind Mobius. 
“I could have you executed.” Loki’s dagger materializes across the plane of Mobius’s throat. Mobius tips his head back slightly to avoid the sharp edge. 
“I’m not scared of you, Loki.” He says it firmly, even as his skin prickles at the kiss of the blade. 
“Maybe you should be,” he snarls lowly, his lips brushing Mobius’s ear. Mobius flinches away. He kicks himself for it--Loki follows him easily with morbid interest. 
“Aren’t you curious about what I know?” Mobius hums. Silence stretches down the long hall. There’s a suspicious lack of guards in this wing. Is Loki’s chamber not worth protecting?
“You have a…clone of me. Why?” The blade presses in again. Mobius takes a careful, measured breath. 
“He’s my companion. We took a bit of a tumble, ended up in the wrong place.” A smile quirks at Mobius’s lips. Loki doesn’t look as confused as he thought he might—more…thoughtful. 
“Wrong place being?”
“That I can’t tell you. I can tell you that we’re trying to leave. If you don’t mind.” Mobius puts two fingers on the dagger and gently pushes it away from his throat. Loki releases Mobius but keeps his blade leveled at him. He’s tired, so tired, Mobius can see it in his bones. His eyes, dark-rimmed, seem frightened of closing. 
“You, uh…” Mobius pauses, taking in Loki’s twitchiness-- “I noticed you tryin’ to escape your beau in there. Signy, right?”
Loki stiffens at the utterance of their name. The blade remains steadfastly pointed at Mobius’s throat. 
“They ever hurt you?” Mobius clenches his jaw. Loki eyes him warily. 
“No. Never. Never.” The blade wavers with Loki’s voice. “But we don’t…agree on many things.”
“Well, I think you could do better. For the record.” Mobius steps forward—how could he not? But Loki’s knife and hackles meet him. He stops. 
“I’ll be sure to tell them you said so.” The fingers on Loki’s other hand twitch, glowing the faintest green. 
“You fancy making a deal, Your Highness?” Mobius sticks his hands in his pockets. He tries to keep his demeanor light, but he clasps his hand around the collar where it’s hidden. 
“I’m listening.” Loki shifts his fingers on the dagger’s hilt. 
“My Loki and I will distract Signy for you if you stay with us long enough for us to secure an exit.” Mobius jerks a thumb in the direction he came from. Loki follows the movement with his eyes. 
“All you require is my presence?”
“That and preferably that you refrain from using that toothpick of yours. Rather fond of my Loki.” Mobius inclines his head towards the knife. A wealth of emotions flickers across Loki’s face--he’s always been terrible at hiding his feelings, it seems. He tries to steel himself back into something sharp, but it just turns…sad. 
Loki lowers his blade. He loosens his fingers and it falls, but it vanishes before it hits the ground. 
“I agree to your terms.” Loki sniffs sharply, once again locating his arrogance.
“Excellent. Shall we?” Mobius gestures. Loki nods. They stroll back towards the bedchamber, relishing in the quiet comfort of their footsteps falling in line. 
“What are you to him? To me?” Loki’s voice goes soft. Mobius is usually quite adept at compartmentalizing, but it escapes him at this moment. 
“I’m not sure.” Mobius swallows. It’s easier not to think about it. 
“But you’re fond of him, as you said.” Loki sweeps closer, a familiar teasing grin playing across his lips. 
“I am.” Mobius huffs. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“The honor’s all yours, mortal.” Loki tilts his head, his smile growing wider. Mobius rolls his eyes. 
Mobius opens the door for the variant and they’re greeted by a wall of noise. Loki screams bloody murder and Signy yells over him in Asgardian, their sharp fingernails plucking at his ribs. They’ve switched positions, with Signy expertly pinning and tickling Loki down into the divan. 
The variant snickers, covering his mouth to hide it, but Mobius’s ears have long-since been tuned to his partner’s laugh. Interestingly enough, Signy looks up too. They furrow their brow as if searching for something, eyes glazing right past their variant, and then return to taking Loki apart.
An idea prickles at the back of Mobius’s mind. 
“You.” Loki shouts from the tip of his toes. His hair is a frizzy, disheveled mess. The variant goes to run, but Mobius scruffs him by the collar.
“You okay over there?” Mobius calls. Loki’s red face grows redder. He points angrily at the variant. 
“Come take your place, you sniveling little brat—“ Loki hisses, but he’s cut off by Signy tickling his waist. The most hysterical little giggles slip free and he buckles under them. 
“I’m afraid I can’t help you. That weakness is your plague to bear, not mine.” The variant’s regret is all mocking. 
It’s a stupid idea, but it’s an insistent one—the longer Mobius gazes at this variant, the more he finds that he can’t let it go.
“Sorry, just to clarify—you’re not ticklish?” Mobius doesn’t bother to hide his amusement. The variant eyes him stubbornly. 
“No. I’m not a child.” Oh, but like with every Loki, his eyes betray him. 
“Well, that’s a shame.” Mobius regards him thoughtfully. The variant turns a lovely pink. “Then, would you mind asking Signy to release my friend? Seeing as they pose no threat to you.”
Mobius crowds in closer. The variant pulls his dagger. Mobius tuts at him and pushes it away. The dagger’s point makes gentle, insistent contact with his stomach.
“This wasn’t part of the deal,” the variant snaps, but Mobius stands before him un-stabbed. 
“Sure it was. I said we would distract Signy.” Mobius smirks. “Just never said that you were part of the distraction.”
God, Loki is really rubbing off on him. 
“I’ve been told I’m quite stabbable, if you’re not amenable.” Mobius gestures to the dagger between them. The variant shifts his fingers on the hilt. 
“D-Don’t you dare touch him!” Loki pipes up through gritted teeth. He’s managed to pin Signy underneath him, but judging by his twitching, they’re not quite done with him.
Mobius grins at him. Loki makes an endearing little pinchy face and refuses to meet his eyes. The variant takes the chance to try and slink away, but Mobius grabs his wrist. The dagger disappears in a flare of green sparks. 
In a slick maneuver, Mobius loops the collar around the variant’s neck and it magnetically fastens. It beeps in confirmation of acquiring its target. 
“What is this?” He hisses, tugging at it. He flexes his fingers, calling for the dagger, and nothing happens.
“Just a bit of insurance. Now, would you like to deal with them—“ Mobius gestures to where Signy is wreaking havoc— “or me?” 
“I’m sure there’s a third option.” The variant chuckles almost nervously. His eyes dart around for an escape. 
“Oh, no. I don’t think so.” Mobius sighs deeply, as if it pains him. The variant’s eyes widen, and—
There it is. A flicker of thrill. 
“If you think you can stand to a god, I welcome you to try.” The variant spreads his arms wide. Mobius puts his hands on his hips. He’s never considered himself a particularly great fighter, but he prides himself on knowing his targets well. For example, he knows that nearly every Loki lacks small-scale patience. If he just waits…
The variant snarls and charges. Mobius ducks past him and loops his arms around his torso. 
Any Loki is deadly with or without their magic, but thankfully Mobius doesn’t have to worry about killing him. Or harming him at all, for that matter.
The variant lets out a confused, almost-offended squeak, like a kitten being bested. Before he can speak, Mobius starts clumsily tickling him. The resulting stilted laughter is interspersed with threats he can’t understand--both for being peppered with giggles and incoherent Asgardian. The variant tries to headbutt him in a way that doesn’t seem entirely on purpose. Mobius dodges predictable flying elbows and waits.
Over on the divan, Loki’s mostly given up. He’s wheezing more than anything, more focused on hiding himself from view than doing anything helpful. The quiet allows for the variant’s patchwork laughter to carry, just as Mobius hoped. He folds on a particularly powerful guffaw and Mobius follows him with a snort. S’cute, sometimes, the ways in which they’re the same. 
Signy’s gaze snaps up. Loki squirms out from underneath them and darts to the other side of the room, clutching his side. He makes eye contact with Mobius. His gaze is so full of sheer fondness that Mobius has to look away. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” The variant tries to back up. Mobius squeezes his side and he yelps.  
“How’d you get over there?” Signy narrows their eyes. 
“Suppose I’m quicker than you.” The variant falls immediately into his role, ever the Loki. Mobius curls his finger into the collar and it disengages. The variant whirls on him, but then Signy starts to stalk across the room. 
“We’ll see about that, love.” Signy’s tongue curls sharply around the word. The variant bolts for the door. Signy laughs and chases after them. Their footsteps echo down the empty hall and carry them both from sight. 
A wave of green magic slams the door shut so hard that it rattles in its frame. Loki hefts a bookshelf in front of the door, then a heavy chest, then about every piece of furniture he’s capable of moving in the room. He slumps down onto the divan with a heavy sigh. Mobius hovers by his side, shoving his hand in his pocket so he doesn’t start fiddling with the disheveled bits of Loki’s appearance. 
“Well, come on then.” Loki bares his throat with an impatient gesture. There’s an imprinted red line where the collar usually sits. Mobius runs his thumb over it, gently, and Loki scrunches his nose with a smile. The sight is so lovely that Mobius spaces out a bit. 
“You are cruel and terrible, you know that?” Loki grumbles. Mobius remembers himself and tries not to savor the brush of Loki’s jaw against his fingers. He holds the transmitter box of the collar to Loki’s throat, scooting it around a bit in search of a signal. Loki twitches. 
“Mmm, just the worst. Stay still, will ya?” He huffs. Something in Loki’s collar clicks and the TemPad chirps a jolly tune. Both of them sigh in relief. 
Mobius punches in a few things and the familiar orange door opens up before them. He looks down at the collar in his hand, then shoves it deep into his pocket. Loki makes a soft noise. 
“Why?” He blinks almost innocently. Mobius swallows. 
“You wanna go back or not?” He juts his thumb towards the portal. Loki pulls him through as if it’s going to disappear. 
They have duties to complete, but living so many years in a day has thoroughly eroded what tiny sense of duty Loki has. His mind is abuzz with various iterations of he trusts me--a new and exciting thought--and it leaves him with zero desire to do anything but sit in Mobius’s presence like a flower in the sun. 
So, when Mobius heads for the library, Loki hooks their arms together and drags them towards the cafeteria. Responsible grumbling turns into fond chuckles, and soon enough, they’re assembling God's mistake: frozen yogurt.
They enjoy their spoils on a bench deep in the massive sprawl of the TVA. The complex sprawls out infinitely before them, twinkling in the abyss. It’s a prettier sight than this place deserves, but Loki can only pay attention to the unnatural strawberry hue of Mobius’s lips. 
“This is awful,” Mobius laughs, cringing through a spoonful of frozen-solid chocolate chips. 
“It’s perfect. Completely mediocre in every way. Humanity’s only worthwhile creation.” Loki bites a gummy worm in half with a smile. He offers the other half to Mobius and he takes it.
Loki thinks of Signy, of the look of muddled pain on Mobius’s face through the entire back half of their misadventure, and he cringes. Mobius pauses in picking at his froyo. 
“No, not quite. I want to…apologize, Mobius.” Loki fiddles with his fingers. He looks up just in time for the back of Mobius’s hand to gently slap against his forehead, as if checking for fever. 
“You? Apologize? Maybe I did bring back the wrong Loki.”
“Hilarious, you bastard.” Loki rolls his eyes and bats away the hand. 
“Well, don’t let me get in the way of history. Say your piece.” Mobius sweeps his hands out. Loki turns to straddle the bench, facing him fully. He leans his back against the wall. The cold of the concrete leeches through his shirt. 
“Earlier, things got…out of hand. I hoped if I showed you my past, you might find some detail, some tiny minutiae that would set me apart from the other variants. But, I suppose nothing you saw surprised you.” Loki runs his fingers over his throat, right where the collar usually sat. He felt lighter without it and, strangely, more exposed. 
“I wouldn’t say that.” Mobius mumbles around a strawberry piece. 
“I spent my life chasing after destiny. Everyone in my family had a grand purpose to fulfill, and I believed mine would be the greatest of all. Now I know that my destiny is to be disposable. The only significant thing I’m part of is the time I’ve spent here with you.” Loki pokes at his froyo with the spoon. Mobius swings to also straddle the bench, grumbling as he does, but it gets Loki’s attention. 
“I’ve got my own confession to make.” Mobius chuckles. “I don’t actually know everything about you.”
“We established this.” Loki scoops up an Oreo piece and pops it in his mouth. 
“Well, yeah, but—“ Mobius makes a series of grand gestures— “I mean, I don’t know everything about you, Loki.”
“Now you’ve said the same thing twice.” Loki frowns. Mobius makes a frustrated little noise.
“Look, you’re different. Sure, your story starts the same as the others, but you overwrote my expectations the moment we met. You are unique. You’re a unique pain in my ass, really, but…you’re a good partner. A great one.” Mobius gestures more with his spoon. 
“Go on.” Loki takes the cherry into his mouth, stem and all. A few moments later, he pulls out the stem—tied in a perfect knot. He smiles at his handiwork. 
“I’m trying to compliment you.” Mobius huffs. 
“I’m aware.” Loki grins teasingly, but the mischief caves easily under a wave of genuine joy. 
“Alright, wise guy.” Mobius narrows his eyes. A flutter of thrill picks up in Loki’s stomach, but no chase ensues. He tries not to be disappointed. 
“What I’m trying to get at—“ Mobius huffs dramatically— “is that it’s not your past that makes you. I’ve always studied you guys in patterns and matrixes. I thought a flip would switch and I’d understand how you fell into my lap instead of any other Loki. But…you defy sense. Turns out, you can bake some drastically different cakes with the same core ingredients.” 
“Careful, Mobius,” Loki says softly, so his traitorous heart doesn’t hear. “I might start to think you’re fond of me.”
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Mobius smiles. 
“No, we can’t.” Loki’s eyes flit to Mobius’s lips. The air between them pulls taut. Loki scoots forward, bringing their knees to touch. 
“You have something on your face, right here. Terribly distracting.” Loki gestures to his lips. Mobius furrows his brow and pats his face with a TVA-branded napkin. Loki bats his hand aside and kisses him. It’s shorter and tamer than what his heart screams for, but he can’t dive into untested waters. Not yet. Not with something so important. 
Mobius, wide-eyed, follows Loki’s every move. He swallows once, thickly, then clears his throat. Not a single coherent word comes out of his mouth. His eyebrows move in nearly every direction as he tries to string some words together. Loki tips his chin up, catching his eyes. Mobius quiets, succumbing to a lovestruck smile.
“Did you get it?” Mobius gestures to his face. Loki laughs, knocking his head into the wall behind him. Mobius scrambles forward to catch him far too late, but they’re close. Close enough for Loki to see the pink froyo flecks actually hiding in his mustache. He smirks. 
“Hm, only one way to be sure.” He pulls Mobius in by his tie and kisses him like it's the end of times.
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alexthenbee · 6 months
Hi Tumblr! I wrote a fanfic for Lokius to help our shipping hearts. Spoilers for the season 2 finale
"No!" Shouts Mobius as Loki opens the door to the Loom. He's not sure what he's about to do, but that soft smile Loki sends him can't be a good sign.
"I did it for you, for all of us," Loki explains and turns towards the opening door. He steps out and Mobius runs upstairs to watch through the window. Mobius watches as Loki struggles to reach the destination of the Temporal Loom. With each step, memories come flooding back to the human. He was the first one to see something in Loki. The first one to believe Loki can be more than an evil God of mischief. He recalls all the little stuff. Eating pie together. Doing paperwork together. Riding a two person bike to catch the bad guy. All the little taps they gave each other. This, and this, and this the memories keep flooding Mobius.
Loki reaches the end of the walkway. He has changed. While Mobius was recalling their memories with each step, Loki changed costumes with each step. He's now wearing a fancy green suit with a golden horned helmet. Loki reaches up and uses his magic to destroy the Temporal Loom. Everyone around Mobius goes silent. It's all destroyed... or is it? Lokie grabs at the strands of timeliness. Using magic he fixes them. He carries the timeliness with him. He accepts the burden of holding the timeliness forever. This is his glorious purpose. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Mobius watches Loki walk away until he couldn't see him anymore.
Afterwards, Mobius couldn't find a reason to stay at the TVA. It used to be the only home he's ever known. Then he met Loki. Perhaps home isn't a place, but it's a person. Maybe Loki was his person. But now Loki is stuck with the burden of keeping the multiverse safe. Mobius is content with just letting time pass.
That is, until he heard a familiar sound of a particular God's magic. In confusion he turned around. "Loki? Is that you?" He asks the raven haired God.
"Sort of," chuckles Loki. "I used my magic to make a clone and I put him in this timeline. I can watch all the timelines, but just watching isn't as exciting."
"I bet. Do you ever get lonely? Watching everyone from afar?"
"I suppose so... but somebody has to take care of the timeliness. I made this decision. I have to deal with the consequences."
Mobius smiles, "Wow. Look at how much you've changed. The Loki that I first met would have been more reluctant to accept such a responsibility. I lo- I'm proud of you."
Loki's breath hitches when Mobius stuttered. He wonders what Mobius would have said. Perhaps it is best to leave it unsaid though. "Thanks, Mobius. So how is the world? What have you been up to?"
"Same old. I finally bought a jetski. It's fantastic! I took it out on the lake and I had a ton of fun." Mobius doesn't say that he felt like he was missing something on his ride.
"That's great! I'm happy to hear you had fun."
"Yeah. Hey um... I was wondering if I could maybe help out somehow. Or just sit around with you and keep you company."
"Mobius, that's a kind offer. But I have to say no. I don't want you to be forced to help me with this burden. I have to do it on my own."
"See that's where I think you're wrong. You don't have to carry that burden alone. And I wouldn't be forced to do it. I'm offering and making a decision just as you did."
Loki stays silent for a moment thinking. "Fine. But if you want to leave just let me know."
The gray haired man smiles, "sure thing."
Mobius goes to Loki. He looks at the timelines in awe. It resembles yggdrasil, the tree of life in Norse mythology. He walks towards the tree and sees Loki on his throne. In green mist a second throne appears on Loki's right. "Wow. Loki this is amazing!"
The God chuckles, "thanks Mobius. I took inspiration from home."
"I can see this," Mobius smiles and sits in the throne designated for him.
The two sit in comfortable silence for a moment. Mobius grabs some timlines from Loki's hand and holds them for him. Then Loki speaks up. "Earlier you said you were proud of me. But you were going to say something else. What was it?"
"Oh. You caught onto that? I forget how observant you are," Mobius chuckles. Loki smiles softly but waits for Mobius to answer the question. "I love you, Loki. I always have."
Loki looks affectionately at the silver haired man. "Really? Even when I first arrived at the TVA? Or when I was a villain?"
"Yes. Even then. I knew that you had potential to become a kind God. I've always had faith in you."
"Thanks, Mobius. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love you as well."
"For all time," Mobius smirks. He will love Loki until the Earth stops spinning and the timelines cease to exist.
"Always," Loki smirks back. He'll always love Mobius. In any other timeline they would meet and fall in love, he was sure of it. Their love is ineffable. Something that is certain in every universe.
The two men smile at each other. They hold hands and stare out at the beautiful, vast universe. Maybe this glorious purpose doesn't have to be fulfilled alone after all.
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Loki Episode 5 Coherent Thoughts
Spoilers for Episode 5. Once again, I have not rewatched before posting.
Most of this is lokius related because I'm still a damn fool.
I want the twist at the end to be that Loki gives Mobius (and the others) back his memories to give him the choice to go back to his life, and is just really sad about it, because he expects Mobius to want to go back to his kids who don't have a mother. But he gives him his memories of his past and they're... not what he saw when he found him. Like at all. I'm not gonna speculate on specifics (*cough* Theo Bell *cough*) but he doesn't have the responsibilities of being a single parent. And Loki's like 'No, but you had two boys,' and he tells Mobius about them and they both kind of realize at the same moment that they looked like Mobius but acted like Loki. None of that was real. Mobius made all that shit up and it somehow manifested. Because he's got it B-A-D for Loki, like a middle schooler with their first crush imagining an entire life with them.
Alternatively, I saw only one other post about this but maybe it's gotten some traction by now, but maybe Mobius's wife got Blipped four years prior. So the good thing is the boys are gonna have a parent in a year even if Mobius decides to stay with Loki.
Hi hello I'm still disturbed that these very young children have been possibly left home alone for eight hours (he says his shift is 9-5), and Mobius couldn't even answer the phone when they called. We don't see a babysitter. Mobius, this is neglect. For the children's sake, I fucking hope either A. they aren't real, or B. a more responsible parent is about to come back and take care of them in 2023. (Ugh, but Love having cousins who are about her age and just as chaotic as she is would be amazing.)
I've come up with the worst Dad joke and a way for Mobius to get out of his bribery with his kid he for sure cannot deliver on. He brings OB around for dinner. OB's timeline name (if I read the subtitles correctly) is A.D. Doug. ADDOUG=A DOG. And his TVA name is Ouroboros, the SNAKE eating its own tail. (Alternatively, you now know Loki, you can borrow his sons Fenrir and Jormungandr. Blended family.)
I know it hasn't been explicitly stated, but I thought the whole thing with Alioth in season one was meant to imply that Loki now knows how to restore memories. So why the fuck doesn't he try it in this episode? Even if he's pretty sure they're all where they were prior to the formation of the TVA, it's still after for him, so why wouldn't he at least try it? When he kept moving toward Mobius in the garage scene I thought he was gonna grab his head but he doesn't. (Maybe he was interrupted by OB, but he has ample opportunity later.)
It just needs to be said because I love history. I am obsessed with Casey being Frank Morris. Both he and Loki being central to these ongoing (technically) mysteries is amazing. Like unlike Cooper it is generally accepted that Frank and his co-escapees drowned during the attempt, but no bodies identified as the men were ever found (if my shallow dive into the wiki article immediately following the episode is to be believed). OB, your boyfriend's a convict lolololol!
AD Doug is still gender-neutral though. It's 1994 but my boi can still be enby. (I'm aware enby people existed well before this but, and the wiki is not being helpful, I think the specific term was coined in the mid to late 90s or possibly later, so OB may not have been aware of it.)
I don't think Marvel is moving toward Casey/OB (at least not before the end of this season, if we get another season it MIGHT be a different story), but fuck it would be so funny if they met so much later than lokius but were able to get their shit together faster than lokius. I think it'd check out for for everyone involved. Hell, maybe they're already together and it just hasn't come up yet to the group. That'd be funnier (bonus points if B-15 already knows though).
Loki for some fucking reason: Hold on, I gotta look cool and suave for this dork of a single dad who's already informed me at least three times of his own volition that he's single.
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chrisbitchtree · 7 months
There Are No Words Left To Speak
“Mobius loves to lavish words of loving praise on Loki, but sometimes the god has a hard time hearing it, so Mobius has to show him.”
2.7k - E
My first foray into writing Lokius fic!
Before meeting Loki for the first time, Mobius wouldn’t have considered himself a leg man. He wouldn’t have considered himself an anything man, really. Of course, he wasn’t immune to beautiful people, could appreciate shapely breasts, nice, wide shoulders, or a perky ass, but he knew he was a leg man the second his eyes tracked their way up Loki’s body, dragging up, up, up his mile long legs, the first time the god was presented to him. Even with Loki donning his dull, tan jumpsuit, Mobius knew there was something worth worshiping underneath. He’d seen every milky, delicious inch of him on video but seeing him stand before Mobius somehow made it all different.
He could barely form words, so overcome as he was with thoughts of getting his hands on them. The god had quirked a brow at Mobius’ wide eyes, and the files he had to hold in front of himself to disguise his interest, but he thankfully hadn’t said a word. He knew he should be especially grateful for that small favour as he and Loki got to know each other better and Mobius was reminded time and time again how often Loki wouldn’t shut his big mouth.
For months, Mobius had to try to disguise what Loki was doing to him. It wasn’t just Loki’s legs, it was his elegant hands, long, thin fingers that looked like they were made for playing piano, not fighting in battle, it was his shining ebony curls that Mobius would give anything to run his hands through. It was his handsome face, it was the clear, shining laughter that only rang out for Mobius, and it was the private smiles only for Mobius’s eyes. But it was his legs above all else that kept Mobius awake at night.
When Loki would sit, long legs crossed as he sat across from Mobius in the TVA’s cafeteria, pants riding up a couple inches to reveal his delicate ankle bones encased in dress socks, Mobius would pass off his quiet moans as an intense interest in the pie he was eating, which face, it wasn’t too hard, considering how good the key lime pie was.
When Loki would plop down on one of the low chairs at Mobius’ cubicle, his knees rising almost all the way to his chest, Mobius would pretend that his deep groans and flushed cheeks were just frustration at a lack of leads in their latest case, not because all he wanted to do was rip Loki’s stupid brown dress pants off and have his way with him right there on his desk, mountains of paperwork and nearby coworkers be damned.
It was unfair, really, what those pants did for Loki. On himself, Mobius didn’t think the pants were too flattering. They were loose in all the wrong places, and tight in even worse ones, accentuating the pooch of his belly and his thick thighs, but on Loki, the same pants hugged all his curves, perfectly, and caused Mobius to walk behind him, to sneak in more glances of his ass. Who cared if Loki kept teasing him for being so slow when he got that kind of view?
Even as Mobius tried to run away from his feelings for Loki, they became close, Loki’s icy, distrusting surface melting to reveal the warmth underneath. Before long, he and Mobius were telling each other everything, as thick as thieves, and Mobius couldn’t remember a time he’d ever felt this close to anyone.
Then, one late night, through some kind of miracle, after a particularly grueling day on the job, there had only been one piece of pie left in the cafeteria. Loki said that Mobius could have it, at the exact same time as Mobius said they could share, so Loki pulled a chair up next to Mobius’, and they’d sat side by side, legs pressed against each other, as they handed the fork back and forth.
When they were finished, only crumbs remaining, Loki had turned to Mobius, laughing softly as he pointed out a bit of whipped cream on his moustache. Mobius had tried to get it himself, but when he failed, Loki had reached over and swiped it off with his thumb. Instead of wiping the digit off on a napkin, he’d sucked the sweet cream into his mouth, keeping eye contact with Mobius the whole time.
It was like a dam broke in that moment, and suddenly, Mobius was pulling Loki to him, pressing their lips together as he gripped a handful of Loki’s shirt. Loki made an adorable squeak of surprise but didn’t pull away, and after a minute, he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Mobius’s mouth at the same time as he slipped his hands into the back of Mobius’s short, greying hair. After what could have been ten minutes or two hours, they came back to themselves, regaining awareness of their surroundings.
They sprang to their feet, Mobius taking a minute to tuck in their chairs while Loki stood in the entryway to the room, eyeing him impatiently, tapping his dress shoed foot on the floor, the sound echoing in the silence of the empty room.
They quickly made their way up to Mobius’s apartment, where they’d had the most bone melting, earth shattering sex of Mobius’s life. He’d woken up the next morning a changed man, taking the few minutes he had before he had to wake Loki up for work to take the sight of him in, from his long, dark eyelashes fanned out on his pale cheeks, his pretty pink lips pursed in a little pout, as if even his unconscious mind knew he’d soon have to wake and face the cruel world of the TVA, to his chest, littered with marks from Mobius’s teeth, to those legs.
One had found it’s way out from under the blankets and sheets, and it seemed to go on and on. Mobius longed to have it thrown over his shoulder as he brought Loki to the height of pleasure again, but there was no time. Unless they wanted to show up looking like disheveled messes, they had to at least quickly shower before breakfast.
It’s now been six months of bliss, of going to sleep with Loki cradled in his arms, waking up to the other man starfished over three quarters of the bed, leaving Mobius to chuckle quietly to himself as he tried to fall off the little bit of bed that’s been left for him. Endless movie nights and dessert dates, working side by side day in and day out, celebrating wins and mourning losses together, bickering over who finished the orange juice, or whose turn it is to do the laundry. It’s more than Mobius could have ever imagined, and after all this time, he’s still in shock that this amazing life with this wonderful, sweet, sassy, snarky, caring and loving man is his.
Mobius loves to use words to show Loki how much he loves him. He likes praising Loki’s beauty and grace, his brains, his increasingly kind and empathetic nature, his sharp wit and surprisingly tender heart. Some days, Loki will take the words gladly, standing proud and tall as Mobius heaps verbal affections onto him.
Other days though, Mobius can tell that words won’t work. Loki won’t accept that he’s good and loving, that he was born for more than causing pain, destruction, and death. Mobius still regretted ever telling Loki that, but he can’t take it back, he can only try to move on from it, and reinforce his feelings in other ways.
Like today for example. Mobius could tell early that it was one of those days. Loki’s been uncharacteristically quiet, muttering something about horrid, deathly pale sticks when Mobius had run a reverent hand over Loki’s leg as he’d dressed after his shower, and he’d barely cracked a smile when Mobius had told him what a good job he’d done holding back his anger when the variant they’d detained refused to submit to their questioning.
Now, they’re back at their apartment, dinner eaten, and dishes washed, dried, and put away, and Mobius takes Loki’s hand, leading him to the bedroom. I love you, he says with every kiss bestowed upon Loki’s lips, his hand cupping the back of Loki’s head, his fingers tangled in his raven curls. You have me, and you’ll always have me, he says with each nip and suck to Loki’s neck, each mark a reminder of Mobius’s deep affections. You’re glorious, he says by way of his lips trailing down every inch of exposed flesh as Mobius loosens Loki’s tie and unbuttons his shirt and discards both on the floor. His pants follow lighting fast, pooling at his ankles as Mobius works to strip himself next.
Once they’re both clad only in their underwear, Loki in sinfully tight black briefs, and Mobius in ridiculous cherry pie patterned boxers that Loki got him for Christmas, he guides Loki to the bed, getting him settled with his back against the headboard, and then Mobius climbs between Loki’s legs, ready to show him how special he truly is. Every moment spent away from these treasures feels like starvation, and Mobius is about to feast.
He starts with just his hands, running his calloused palms over the creamy expanse before him, starting at Loki’s perfect, delicate ankles. He takes his time running his hands over ever single birthmark and mole, the little freckle that he knows is on the back of Loki’s right knee. The area around it is ticklish, and Mobius always delights in the little gasps that escape Loki’s mouth when he tongues over the spot.
Somehow, despite how lithe he is, Loki’s thighs are still soft and plush under Mobius’s fingers as he kneads them. He loves seeing his hands against Loki’s skin, golden tan against milky white. It’s a study in contrasts, and it sends a shiver through Mobius every time. He motions for Loki to lift his hips so Mobius can divest him of his underwear, so he does, and Mobius slowly peels his briefs off, going a little breathless as he always does when he’s faced with Loki’s beautiful cock.
The length of it is as pale as the rest of him, but the head is flushed a gorgeous dusky pink, and he’s already half hard, just from Mobius’s hands. It never ceases to amaze the older man; just how sensitive Loki’s body is. They’ve tested it in the past, Loki coming untouched, just from Mobius sucking deep purple marks onto his neck.
His cock may make his interest apparent, but Loki’s face still bore a frown, and there was a little crease between his eyebrows, so Mobius slides back down to the foot of the bed and forges the same path upwards a second time, this time with his teeth and tongue. He leaves Loki’s legs littered with signs of his love; little crescent moons left as reminders of how special Loki is to Mobius.
When he gets to that spot on the back of Loki’s knee, he licks over it repeatedly until the younger man can’t hide the small grin trying to take over his face. His mouth still settles back into a frown after, but at least it’s something.
Finally, after making the miles long trek from his toes, Mobius is back up at Loki’s inner thighs, his favourite place to be. The skin is especially soft here, so smooth under Mobius’s lips, just waiting to be roughed up. He starts by sucking a line of bruises up each thigh, careful to make sure that they’ll last a few days. He follows the trails with his lips, ensuring to rub his moustache roughly over them. There’s nothing that Loki loves than beard burn, the sting reminding him of who he belongs to when they have to be apart.
When he’s done, he sits back and admires his handiwork for a minute. And lord, doesn’t the younger man paint a pretty picture, his cock now fully hard and leaking against his belly as he impatiently whines and presses his fingers into the fresh bruises.
Mobius takes mercy on him, not wasting any time before he settles back between Loki’s thighs, encouraging him to sling his legs over Mobius’s shoulders as he takes the head of Loki’s cock into his mouth, suckling gently. Loki whines, already wanting more, and Mobius give it to him instantly, swallowing him down to the root, his nose buried in the hair at the base of his cock.
He moans at how full he feels, so full of this man he loves so much, and Loki gasps at the feeling, burying a hand in the back of Mobius’s hair, not pushing him down, but gently guiding him. Together, they find a rhythm, and Mobius bobs his head, met by Loki’s hips thrusting upwards. He can tell that Loki’s trying to hold back, but he doesn’t want him to, so he pops off and tells him as much. He wants everything Loki has to give him and more.
It doesn’t take long after that for Loki to come down his throat. Loki tries to warn him, tugging on his hair, but Mobius wants every drop that Loki has to give him, so he sucks him down as far as he can so that he doesn’t miss a drop.
Loki lets a hand fall over his eyes, panting, even as his hips are still bucking into the tight heat as Mobius works him through it. Eventually, once Loki’s stopped moving, Mobius pulls off and gathers Loki into his arms. His own cock is still rock hard, sitting neglected in his briefs, but he knows he’ll get his turn eventually. Right now is about showing Loki how cared for he is.
He holds the younger man in his arms, pressing soft kisses to his hair and rocking him gently. They stay like that for a while, but eventually, Loki turns in Mobius’s arms, regarding him with soft eyes.
“Thank you,” Loki says, breaking the silence, before pressing a kiss to Mobius’s check. It’s sweet, and downright chaste compared to what they’ve just gotten up to, but Mobius loves it, just as he loves everything else to do with the god.
He tries to wiggle out of Mobius’s grasp and tells the older man it’s his turn, but Mobius has a better idea.
“Can I come on your thighs, pussycat?” Mobius can feel himself getting impossibly harder at just the thought of it.
“Please do,” Loki replies with a smirk, folding his arms behind his head and settling in for the show. It feels good to see the younger man back to his usual playful self.
Mobius peels off his already soaking wet boxers and gets onto his knees, positioning himself between Loki’s lovely thighs. He grips himself tight with one hand, bucking hard into the channel of his fist, and he runs the other hand up his own chest, pinching sharply at his right nipple before moving over to the left to give it the same treatment. His pecs are one of the most sensitive parts of Mobius’s body, and if Loki were helping him out tonight, he’d be cupping them in a tight grip, and nibbling at them, leaving marks of his own.
He gasps at the dual sensations of pleasure and pain, focusing on how good he feels right now between Loki’s long legs. It isn’t long after that he’s coming, painting Loki’s thighs with his spend, and as he bucks into his fist, riding the aftershocks, Loki reaches down, smearing his cum all over, making even more of a mess of himself, and Mobius could almost come again the sight before his eyes.
He collapses into Loki’s arms and the younger man strokes his back as Mobius’s breathing levels out and he comes down from his high.
“I know I already said it, but thank you, Mobius. Truly, thank you.” Loki whispers.
Mobius smiles into the younger man’s chest. “Of course, kitten. I think you deserve a thank you too, though.”
Loki huffs out a laugh. “Whatever for?”
“For being you, Loki. Just for being you.”
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