#he thinks bucks adorable but he also really wanted to fuck Eddie let’s be real
bloodyminyard · 2 months
a (long) comprehensive list of buck related things in 7x04 that have me losing it as i rewatch:
- the stupid starry eyed look he has while getting the tour from tommy
- the terrible “i need mo jo” joke that tommy laughs at purely bc it was endearing
- “you didn’t call me because you wanted to see the toys”
- “you need to raise your bar kid” my GOD the “kid”
- ofc, the “no way!! eddie was in the army!”
- god they are so FLIRTY “really?” “my fees are competitive” “let me buy you a beer no WAY buck is this clueless
- eddie being so excited about the fight, and specifically the idea of buck joining help
- “keeping my options fluid” SIR
- evan?!?!?!????
- the close up shot as the fly off my heart
- the look on bucks face when eddie talks about tommy, boy is devastated
- “i saved a baby in a pipe once!” yes you did were so proud
- not buck related: but i adore ravi so much
- OKAY BUT BUCKS STUTTER !! they way he trips over his words when he’s surprised or nervous or even upset 😭
- “i do. i really do.” MY GOD OH MY GOD FUCK ASHHH AHHH
- and the SIGH after as eddie walks away, the building up the courage to ask more
- “i keep saying, chris it’s not a video game” “because it’s harder than a video game???” maddie i see you and am so sorry you have to deal with this
- SAME WITH “he’s made an impression in a very short time” “i can see that” LIKE SHE IS SO NOT GONNA BE SURPRISED WHEN BUCK COMES OUT TO HER 😭
- “i don’t think you lie to a child just to ingratiate yourself” bro it’s not that serious i promise
- sorry brb imagining buck asking chris all these questions about tommy and chris going 🤔🤔🤔
- buck being upset that eddie invited tommy to play basketball even though eddie always asks him and he says no bc he doesn’t like it… he’s so me i can’t
- “was there a heart around it?” there might as well been maddie!!!
- peacocking buck we love and hate to see (it’s so embarrassing i have to close my eyes. “maybe we should hoop” sir please stop)
- the pouting OLEASE he’s so
- his smile
- the “evan” throws me off every TIME but also it kindaaaaa
- “what are the odds?” bro chill
- the smile when tommy fists bumps him oh i see you gay boy even if you don’t yet
- “so i’m your basketball beard” brother you don’t even KNOW
- i’m sorry the song that’s playing while they play basketball is “playing with the boys”🤔🤔… the lyrics too “i don’t wanna be obsessed but my desire with the boys” (and YES i am aware it’s a top gun reference, however that movie is also gay is hell and so is this song, moving on)
- tommy cocking his head when buck runs into him like oh my
- poor chim does not deserve to be put in the middle of all of this
- “well you bucked that up didn’t you” :(
- okay this scene between maddie and buck afterwards is actually so important to me, i love their ability to communicate, and how buck openly admits that he doesn’t know if he meant to hurt eddie or not, and that he was angry and lashed out, and maddie’s reaction to it :( “that’s not how you get someone’s attention”
- “i guess i was trying to get his attention” buck is the representative of the “i don’t know why i do the things i do until tons of self reflection after the fact” club, same im the president actually
- i do love that we get to watch him try and figure out why he acts and feels the way he does in real time! even at the end he still doesn’t entirely know until tommy is in his face staring at his lips
- the stutter is back 🫶
- this entire scene drives me crazy btw i can literally pick it apart piece by piece… but the way he smiles throughout it makes my heart go akrjeidjdjsjd
- the chemistry is fucking IMMACULATE btw!! the flirting is so natural and it shows through buck being oblivious about it!! like brother no one stands that close to each other
- buck figuring out how he feels AS he speaks!!! poor boy is trying to catch up as fast as he can
- everything about the “okay” after tommy says “i can teach you”… the smile, the eye squint, the head tilt, like oh my GOD
- the way the tone changes when buck says “good” my GOD, the way his face drops as he comes to the realization that maybe it was about tommy the whole time
- the “cause trying to get your attention has been kinda exhausting” punches me in the gut EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS LIKE FUCK OH MY GOD BUCK LIKES MEN FR? and the way he says it GOD, like i said, he’s literally figuring this out as the words come out of his mouth (“i guess so”)
- okay my ONE nitpick about the kiss scene is that tommy grabs his chin, and then when it cuts it’s the two fingers under the chin, it’s inconsistent and i think i like the chin grab better
- the absolute STUNNED look in bucks eyes after the kiss!!! as the perfect oliver stark put it: he’s found something he’s been missing for a long time
- tommy is so worried in the split second before buck tells him that it was okay
- the wordless nod after tommy asks if it was okay THIS MEANS SO MYCH TO ME
- you can FEEL the sense of relief and wholeness radiating off of buck
- “better than fake mouth static” AKSHSISHS
- his eyes following tommy’s lips as he laughs, and then the brief look down like his whole WORLD has just been turned upside down before tommy speaks again
- i am so fucking here for buck being asked out and being stunned by it
- the stutter again 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
- tommy’s smile as he leaves like tee hee ur kinda cute
- the entire of his expressions at the end. there’s panic, there’s confusion, there’s happiness OLIVER STARK THE MAN THAT YOU ARE !!!!
in conclusion: this is everything i wanted and more, the brain rot is everywhere, i cannot escape this episode
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
911 season 7 episode 3!!!
fjkdf i love when we get a little montage to introduce minor characters in the episode, and i love when that's fun, and i think this family is fun (corey!), but they really got me when the grandmother went "we need to get to the lifeboats. i want a good seat!"
the thing about 911 is. the thing about 911 is that at some point i WILL end up crying a little from the stress of the awful terrible horrible situations these fictional characters end up in
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"dead men don't bleed." bobby throwing out a banger of a revenge western title
"what are you all doing! on the ceiling!!!" that's a VERY good question, norman.
i'm, let's say, a little skeptical of the real world feasability of this rope and climbing rescue plan bobby is executing, but i do love when 911 goes hey! what the fuck! enjoy some action movie shenanigans!
"wish buck could have seen you do that." "honestly, i would have much rather seen buck do that." <3
love the way maddie is trying to have a phone conversation with chim but buck and eddie keep half joining in, like kids in the back seat of the car only catching half the conversation between their parents.
"so who's missing, bobby and athena or hen?" "yes." one of those lines that's extremely obviously something the writers set up for themselves, but i can't fault them for it, because i will admit i do like a corny overused joke.
"how are you feeling?" "like my world's been turned upside-down." man, this is a guy who knows how to milk his situation for fitting witty comments. first the whole gambling thing, now this.
"hen, where are you?" oh, she's just doing illegal paperwork. <3
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dear god. so far, counting the communications officer who died last episode, this is turning out to be a survivable emergency unless you're a black man.
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so this is where tommy shows up!!
"could be why i haven't been getting your christmas cards." fdjkfd.
i felt like i'd probably seen every scene with tommy in it giffed ten different ways by now, but i did NOT see much of this, or realize that this is how he came back into the picture. good for him. he's immediately making up for past bad behavior by randomly having hen's back.
oh, of course. not random!! it's family, doing ill-advised heroic things that should get them fired togetherrrr. <3
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"oh, i think this is an open channel." "do you, buck? do you really?" fjkdfd.
awwww. the 118: WHO CARES. 💪
always a fun time when the guy behind the controls of the helicopter says you're probably all going to die anyway!
lola: "i've never been with another man." norman: "neither have i!" ?? evan buckley, SECOND bi character this season
mr. doctor stepping up!! love that for him!!
"well, unless you feel like swimming back, that's all we've got." i do love this personality they've given tommy!
also, i realize tommy's last name is kinard, which has entirely different origins, but i keep hearing canard, as in french for duck, which would be kind of funny for a man flying over water.
tommy being stupidly willing to go along with the 118's stupid let's-just-maybe-all-die-here-for-hen's-hunch plan! i adore that this is how we're introduced to him again, it's so good, hard not to immediately love him.
guy who's been very rightfully and realistically skeptical of their chances of survival from the start: "but there's nothing out there." [helicopter noises] < continuing the tradition of characters with a normal reasonable view of the world being smugly proven wrong on this show, fjdkfd.
the thank you for choosing oceanis blue last words, oh my god. very goofy.
"i'm not supposed to go with strangers." corey, i love you.
"what are we gonna do?" "we're gonna keep trying." damn if that isn't bobby coming up with a way better line than buck's off the top of his head. the 118: we're gonna keep trying.
fjdkfd sorry but if you're bobby trying to rescue a little kid and the door above you closes up and you can't get it open and the water keeps rising and you're about to drown (again), and then the door DOES suddenly pop open and buck and eddie in full gear are grinning down at you when there's supposed to be absolutely ZERO chance of them even being on this sinking ship in the middle of the ocean in a hurricane to begin with, i think that maybe, for at least a quick second there, you might think that this time you finally did die.
ohoho! see this, of course, i did see giffed.
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hen thanking maddie is good. bobby calling hen captain is great. bobby and athena getting back home and taking their fast food into the bedroom is lovely. love when there's at least a little time to wind down from the episode. <3
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littlerosetrove · 1 year
My spoiler thoughts for episode 6x13
dfcghvjk Everyone at the call was ????? Buck knows math now ??????
Shut up, the first scene with Bobby and Athena was hella cute.
Chimney very much has an uncle vibe with Denny.
THE BUCKLEY-DIAZ SCENE. That was so fucking domestic, OH MY GOD. Buck saying “I’m the guy with the answers… I like that.” Me thinks this means Buck is figuring his shit out. 👀 So he’s that much closer to knowing he wants and can be with Eddie. 👀 Buck had SUCH heart eyes any time he looked at Eddie, although Eddie never saw them hmmm. Christopher thinks Buck can do anything, everything. That kid adores Buck (re: his other dad). 🥺
Please. Eddie and Buck were so husband shaped swindling (??) money out of their coworkers. 😆Eddie be like, “My husband can do math now… Huh, let’s see how WE can make money out of this 😘.”
The guy doing the haircuts? Did he even ask if the teenage girls wanted to be in his video? Idk, maybe they knew, but I didn’t dig that.
THE. POKER GAME. YEAH UM, EDDIE AND BUCK LOOKED SOOOOOO GOOD. Eddie joking about taking Buck’s newfound skills to Vegas. (and a surprise wedding hm?) The chief caught on real quick to Buck counting. 😆 Eddie had nothing but heart eyes for Buck. Buck can do math, and hat’s hot. 😏 No but seriously, Eddie was 🥰🥰🥰 at Buck the entire time.
Toni and Ramon are the only grandparents/parents that have rights. I said what I said.
The vibrator call. Drfghjkrtcfghvhuk PLEASE. Only Hen, Buck, and Eddie were there too? Seems… queer. 👀 And RIGHT WHEN Buck starts talking about previous women he’s been with, Eddie is all, “No. Buck, not now and frankly, never. Thanks.” 😆😆 Eddie doesn’t want to hear about, like, any women, I think when they pertain romantically to Buck or even himself. Goddddd Eddie is so gay hahahaha. And jealous. I loved this silly call. I love silly calls like this.
Omfg Buck is calling previous women he’s slept with to see if it was good? If he was good????? dfghytredfg
They arrested a woman for a coupon scam? …Okay, well that’s a new flavor of copganda where they roped in Chimney and Bobby this time. Ew. Maddie’s already helped a previous cop thing I think back in 5B or something. Didn’t care for that.
Yesss Karen. Ma’am. Idk y’all, just loved Karen this episode. And I appreciated the open but hard conversation Hen and Karen had with Denny’s dad.
Buck is Chris’s other dad!!! They were making cookies together!!!! We should all know this is to help the audience (especially the general audience) understand that Buck and Chris 1) have a relationship outside of Eddie, and 2) showing that Buck is another parent to Chris. And did y’all notice Chris wearing a shirt with skateboards on them? Yet another time Chris has worn a shirt like this to tie back into the big event of Buck and Eddie building a special skateboard for Chris in season 3.
So anyway I think Bathena remains the kinkiest couple. Shut upppp the “after their run” scene was cute.
We were FED with Buddie content this episode, I am LIVING. I’m also curious how after *gestures* all of that? How in the world is Eddie going on dates?? I’m not mad, I’m just hella curious. Is Eddie gonna go on dates really just to make Pepa happy or something? I’m intrigued how that will play out, like, beyond the dates not working out. Because hello? Again, Eddie and Buck were sooooo married in this episode.
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on-maars · 3 years
Indigo Night
Just a cute lil fic based on this post because it was honestly hilarious.
Title doesn’t really have anything to do with the fic, I just like the song. 
Read it on AO3.
It’s a quiet night inside the fire station.
Eddie is comfortably seated on the couch, waiting for their next call but secretly hoping he can sleep until the end of his shift.
Hen is seated on his right side. She seems focused on a book but from the way her eyes keep shutting every few seconds, Eddie knows she’s one second away from falling asleep.
Chimney’s there too, sprawled on the armchair, his eyes fixed on the television currently broadcasting an old episode of Friends, his mouth agape.
And then there’s Bobby, seated at the table, focused on some documents. Only Buck is absent, probably still fast asleep in his bunk downstairs.
“What you doing, Cap?” Hen asks from the couch, her voice low.
“Just getting the paperwork ready for when Eddie and Buck finally get together.” Bobby answers and his voice is deadly serious but a small smile still stretches up his lips at the edges. Eddie whirls his head around and rolls his eyes at him.
“That’s hilarious, Cap.” He says sarcastically and sighs, throwing his head backwards until it touches the backrest of the couch.
“He’s not wrong, y'know.” Chimney adds. “Just tell the damn man you’re in love with him already. This is getting embarrassing.”
Eddies lets out a small laugh and shakes his head in disbelief. There’s no point in denying it any longer – he thinks. Because he is. In love with Buck, that is.
And it’s not breaking news either. It might have been a few years ago, might have been a few months ago, even. But not anymore.
It seems to be a widely accepted truth among the 118. Whether it be among his closest co-workers or among the b-shift as well, everybody just seems to be in the confidence. Nobody questions it. No-one even doubts it. It’s just there, so vibrant, so loud, and Eddie just came to the conclusion that there was simply no need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. No need to make it clearer than it already is. Not after what happened. Not after that day.
Not after the shooting.
Christopher knows, too. Eddie thought he had been discreet enough not to arise suspicion from his own son, but when this one asked him whether the reason he broke up with Ana was because he was in love with ‘his Bucky’, Eddie realized that he had read it all wrong once again. Christopher was just too damn smart for his own good.
Even his own family. Abuela, Tia Pepa, his sisters, all of them confronted him with the truth the day after his break-up with Ana.
“For the love of god Eds please tell him because we’re getting real tired to hear you whine about it every single time we have you on Skype.”
And in his defense, Eddie’s trying. He’s trying really hard to get the message through the thick brain of his best-friend but he may as well waste his breath.
“Yeah well.” Eddie starts and rubs his temples with his hands, holding back a yawn. “I’ve been trying, guys. Buck is just… Clueless.”
“Maybe it’s time you use a more direct approach?” Bobby dares asking after a few seconds.
“Clearer than making him the legal guardian of my own son?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows at him, unimpressed.
“Fair enough.” Hen admits quietly. “But you know, maybe you should just be m-”
The rest of the sentence dies in her throat as Buck makes his way upstairs. His steps are heavy with sleep, a steady beat that gives Eddie more comfort than he’d care to admit. His hair is completely disheveled, his face grizzled as he makes his way towards the couch. He takes a seat next to his best-friend, their thighs pressed together and that’s just another thing that drives Eddie crazy, the way Buck always seems to seek comfort in his arms, whether it be after a short nap inside the fire station, after a long shift or a hard call.
And who’s Eddie to deny him? He can’t.
So once again, he lifts his arm and his face softens when Buck instantly leans against him, shyly, discreetly, as if he’s still wondering if it’s allowed, as if he’s still wondering if that’s not crossing a line in their friendship. Eddie wraps his left arm around his shoulders and ignores the knowing looks of both Hen and Chimney, tracing small patterns on Buck’s chest instead.
“What were you guys talkin about?” He says, his voice still groggy from his nap.
“Eddie’s new crush.” Hen says so naturally Eddie almost misses it. But then Buck suddenly sits straight, whirling his head around until his eyes are fixed on him.
“Your… Your new crush?” Buck asks and his face scrunches up in the most adorable confusion Eddie has to physically refrain himself from cradling his chin and kiss him right there on this couch. “You… You didn’t tell me you were… Interested in someone.”
“Yeah well… That’s actually the reason I broke up with Ana.” Eddie tells him, looking at his best-friend without batting an eyelid. For a few seconds, Eddie thinks he can see a flash of hope and longing cross his best-friend’s eyes but it’s gone just as fast. Buck’s eyes still shuttle back and forth, though, as if performing an internal scan of his face and Eddie only wishes he could know what kind of thoughts invade his best-friend’s brain.
“Oh.” Buck only answers, looking away. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion and there’s that faraway look plastered on his face, the one he gets when his brain is working too fast for his head to catch up. “I- I didn’t know.” He adds. “That’s cool, man.” He says, his tone so cheerful and it’s like a switch flipped in his brain. There’s no confusion, anymore. No hesitation. No hope either. Almost like he pushed these feelings far, far in the back of his brain and forced himself to adopt his good old careless, bright and sparkling attitude.
“Yeah. I’ve actually been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for, like, six months now. No response.” Eddie says. Hen snorts next to him.
“Wow they sound stupid, Eds.” Buck answers.
“But they’re not.” Eddie contradicts him. “They’re really smart, actually. Just… dense.”
“Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like I don’t know… ‘Hey I love you.’”
Eddie raises his eyes until they fall on Chimney and Hen who’re both watching him with so much expectation and what the hell? Eddie thinks, the opportunity is right there and it’s too good to be true and he would be damned if he didn’t use it.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” He says, and takes a deep breath before adding: “Hey Buck, I love you.”
“Yes exactly!” Buck answers, smiling big and Eddie raises his eyebrows in confusion. “Just say that!”
“Holy fucking shit.” Eddie whispers while pressing his hand on his forehead, disbelief clearly shown on his face. Hen dissolves in laughter and Chimney hits his head with his book, like he can’t quite believe he saw that scene with his own two eyes.
“If that flies over their head then sorry Eddie, but they’re too dumb for you.” Buck adds after a few seconds, and really, Eddie always prided himself for being a patient man but there’s only so much he can do. “What’s her name?” Buck goes on asking and Eddie sighs.
“She’s a he, Buck.” Eddie instantly answers, exasperated. “He. Masculine. A guy. I like dudes, alright?”
“Really?” Buck smiles. “Do I know him?”
“Oh for Christ’s sake.” Hen groans, rolling her eyes.
And just when Eddie thinks he got through to Buck-
The bell rings.
The call is not bad. Nothing too major. No fire. No major injuries. Just a small car accident, the people involved more frightened than injured. They still take a few minutes to make sure everyone is okay and Eddie’s honestly thankful for the distraction.
Buck is there with him and they’re working in sync just like they always do, but his friend seems to be in a faraway land, his face constantly scrunched up in confusion. Eddie can feel his gaze out of the corner of the eye and there’s nothing more he wants than to turn around and kiss him to finally remove any doubt from his best-friend’s head but they’re on a call and Eddie knows that this is probably the least suited place to have that kind of conversation.
They need to keep it professional.
The drive back is silent, filled with an uneasiness no-one dares to question. Buck is seated right next to him in the ambulance, their shoulders touching with every turns and jolts. No-one questions it anymore. They stopped doing that a long time ago. Hen and Chim are there as well, facing them, invading their safe space and so Eddie gently nudges Buck, making sure his best-friend knows he’s there and ready to talk as soon as they can have some form of privacy.
When they get back inside the fire station, Eddie is once again drawn to Buck. He takes a seat next to him on the couch and smiles to himself when Hen, Chim and Bobby all collectively decided to give them the room.
Eddie can sense the anxiety radiating from his friend’s body and so he decides to take the matter into his own hands and gently catches Buck’s wrist and regularly taps his soft skin with his index, until he can feel his best-friend’s body relaxing next to him.
“Eds, this… this guy.” Buck starts, his voice uncertain, filled with doubt. “Is he uh... a good friend of yours?” He asks and Eddie knows there’s more to it than Buck lets himself express.
“Yeah, Buck.” He answers, squeezing his wrist and looking up at him. “The best-friend I’ve ever had.” He says and Buck’s breath catches in his throat.
“Well for the record, I- I’m pretty sure he likes you too.” Buck says, glancing at him nervously but looking away just as fast.
“Oh, you think?” Eddie teases him and that brings a smile to Buck’s face.
“I know.” He corrects himself. “I know he does. He just- I guess he just didn’t know how to tell you, and- and he also needed to be 100% sure that this was the direction you two were taking to- to actually do something about it.”
When Buck looks up, Eddie smiles softly at him and runs his right hand through his hair, letting it on the back of his head afterwards, making sure he has his undivided attention before saying these next few words.
“Then maybe you should tell him he’s it for me.” He says, and then adds: “I’m all in, Buck.”
“I love you.” Buck blurts out but he doesn’t stop there. “And I love Christopher. So damn much.” He adds. “So damn much.” He repeats. That makes Eddie smile. “But- Eds, you- I’m a lot of hard-work and I- I’m so messed-up man you have no idea how messed-up I am.” Buck marks a pause, and adds. “I mean, who am I kidding, of course- of course you do because you’re you and you’re putting up with my shit all the damn time and I’m just-”
Eddie cuts him off by pressing their lips together.
His thumb rubs his cheek while the rest of his fingers play with the roots of his hair. Buck’s palm is pressed on his chest and the next second, Eddie can feel Buck’s fist hold his shirt tightly, creasing it.
“There’s nothing to put up with.” Eddie says against his lips, cupping his cheeks with his hands to make him look up. “Alright?” He adds.
“Alright.” Buck’s voice is still fragile.
“Good.” Eddie says. “Glad we got that cleared up.” He adds casually and Buck scoffs. “Next time though, maybe be a bit quicker on the uptake?”
“Oh fuck off.” Buck says, nudging him playfully. He stays silent for a while before adding: “Can we go back ho-” He closes his eyes and shakes his head, correcting himself. “Can I hang out at your place tonight?”
Eddie sighs and intertwines their fingers together.
“Course you can.” He only says. “This is your home too, Evan.”
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Which DC museums would the Anubis kids visit?
I’m originally from the DC area, and there are a lot of museums around here of all different kinds, many of which I have been to multiple times. So, I figured I’d put my expertise to good use and do a little exercise: which DC museum would the Anubis kids go to on a hypothetical DC outing? Most of these are part of the Smithsonian institution, and a few are not. These are all specifically museums or part of the Smithsonian, so no memorials like the Lincoln Memorial or Washington Monument or anything. Some of these hypothetical scenarios are gonna send them out in pairs, and some will be solo.
Nina & Fabian - They, of course, go to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. They’re big big nerds, and they’re gonna spend the whole time in the Egypt and ancient history sections. They also might take secondary trips to the National Archives Museum and Library of Congress.
KT - National Gallery of Art. The art gallery actually has 2 buildings, east and west; it’s massive and it’s really cool. Known photographer and probable art freak KT would absolutely love it in there. You’d have to find her and drag her out when it’s time to leave. Alternative options for her: Hirshhorn Museum, National Portrait Gallery
Mara - Mara would love the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. This is definitely the most science-related museum in the city. It’s big, sciency, and technical, which Mara would enjoy. She loves learning about even the most minute technical detail, and she absolutely exhausts her tour guide with all her questions. [Side note: there are actually two air and space museums around here. And while this one is awesome, the one 30 minutes away in Chantilly, VA is much bigger and much better, trust me]
Mick & Willow - I’m sending them to the Smithsonian National Zoo. Yeah, that’s a bit of an odd pair, and they never actually interacted, but I believe they would have been friends if they’d overlapped. Either way, neither of them have the patience or interest for a classic museum, and the zoo is part of the Smithsonian, so I’d send them there, they’d have a GREAT time running wild at the zoo. Mick loves the lions and tigers, and Willow loves the bird house and the small mammal house. And both of them are absolutely delighted to no end by the pandas. [Side note: Yes, they are ADORABLE. I once watched them do somersaults down the hill in their enclosure. Best zoo trip ever]. They both leave with animal hats from the gift shop.
Joy - Joy is going to Madame Tussauds Washington DC. She wants to have a good time, and she’s here to see wax statues of celebrities. She could spend all day in there. Mara tries to tell her it’s not a real museum but she ignores her. She’s not interested in the hall of US presidents but they’ve got Zac Efron and Beyonce in there and that’s what she’s here for.
Alfie - International Spy Museum. I mean, what else is there to say about that? Yes, it’s as cool as it sounds. I considered sending Alfie to the zoo or the natural history museum to check out the dinosaurs, but my man loves ninjas (which I believe are featured in the spy museum!) and all the spy stuff would just delight him. They try to make the entire experience a little immersive, like YOU are the spy on the mission. Alfie finds everything in there super cool.
Jerome - Jerome doesn’t actually go into a proper museum, he goes to the Sculpture Garden, and there’s a specific reason. Now, I’d like to preface this by saying I LOVE the sculpture garden, I think it’s beautiful. It’s an extension of the National Gallery of Art; it’s basically an outdoor exhibition/garden featuring large art pieces. My favorite is this bad boy. You can walk around and look at everything or you can just chill in the gardens. The sculpture garden also features an outdoor ice rink, a cafe, and a fairly large fountain, and a lot of people loiter and chill around here. Now, why does Jerome go to the sculpture garden? Does he go to look at the art? No, absolutely not. He goes to set up camp and try to scam people. He thinks in the big city he can fool tourists and sell fake stuff and run scams to make a quick buck. (Oh, Jerome, you are a tourist, and the DC scammers AND locals would eat you alive). It goes well for awhile but eventually he gets chased out by security.
Eddie & Patricia - Eddie drags Patricia to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History so he can boast and gloat about America. It's fun for awhile, but eventually they get bored of it and start horsing around, and they get kicked out of the museum. Later they join Alfie at the spy museum.
Amber - She would go to the Newseum. Now, the Newseum was AWESOME, I friggin loved the Newseum, I went there so many times. It was dedicated to journalism and news and communication and all that stuff. But why would Amber want to go there? Let me tell you. This was an interactive museum, and on one of the floors was an entire interactive newsroom with cameras and screens and everything where you could pretend to be an anchor or reporter or even a weatherperson and you could do a little fake news report in front of a greenscreen, and if you wanted you could buy the footage and take it home. This is where Amber would spend all of her time. She’d love the attention and seeing herself onscreen and trying to be a star. However, I say “was” because the Newseum closed in 2019 and isn’t there anymore, which is a fucking TRAGEDY. So, she can’t go there. She’d probably settle for tagging along with Nina and Fabian to the natural history museum. She spends the whole time in the gems exhibit. Absolutely enamored by the Hope Diamond and Nina and Fabian have to convince her not to steal it because she will absolutely be cursed if she does.
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sarcasticfina · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
How many works do you have on AO3? 263
What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,901,188
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? including the fandoms on FFnet, that haven't yet been moved over to ao3, that'd be a total of 37. separating the larger fandoms (marvel, dcu) into their individual parts: Thor; Arrow; Smallville; The Vampire Diaries; Glee; Captain America; Supernatural; Teen Wolf; Iron Man; Life with Derek; Firefly; Friday Night Lights; X-Men; Fantastic Four; Harry Potter; Sons of Anarchy; Girl Meets World; Batman; Daredevil; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series; Transformers; Lost Girl; Game of Thrones; Banshee; High School Musical; The OC; One Tree Hill; CSI: New York; Degrassi; Gossip Girl; NCIS; The Unusuals; Criminal Minds; iCarly; Secret Life of the American Teenager; Twilight; and The Listener
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. and I wonder (if everything could ever feel this real forever) - darcy/bucky - Steve tells him that Darcy's harmless. Bucky imagines, on paper, Darcy is harmless. HYDRA wouldn't give her a second glance. But he does. He can barely keep his eyes off her. He's not sure he wants to. | Kudos: 5576
2. I Climbed The Tree To See The World (When The Gusts Came Around To Blow Me Down, I Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me) - darcy centric | darcy/steve - The path to self-discovery, including becoming Coulson's assistant-slash-liaison-slash-bff, Captain America's lady love, and rating fourth on the SHIELD BAMF scale, was like the yellow brick road; it was chaos and confusion around every bend. | Kudos: 3973
3. Take a little piece of my heart (and keep it for yourself) - oliver/felicity - A collection of Olicity prompts on Tumblr posted here for easier access/reading. | Kudos: 3498
4. You put your arms around me (and I'm home) - darcy/bucky - A collection of Darcy/Bucky oneshots, drabbles, and prompt fills. | Kudos: 3293
5. you (anchor me back down) - darcy/bucky - "I'll be right back." Famous last words. | Kudos: 2747
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? not all of them. i do try to keep up on them, especially on longer stories when there's been significant wait times in between chapters, or when a reader is asking a question or is unclear on something. and especially when someone writes a really indepth comment/review, i like to respond to those and talk about motivations and character growth.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I've written a number of fics that either had suicide or major character death, so i'm not sure if one outranks the other in terms of most angsty... hmm... i remember "be still and know that I'm with you (be still and know that I am here)" and "light a match, burn the world to ash (I will watch it die, and hold your hand as I fly)" both got some pretty intense reactions when they were posted. And "It's Your Song That Sets Me Free (I Sing It While I Feel I Can't Go On)" was basically just angst from beginning to end. buuuuut, i think i'll say "so you think you can tell (heaven from hell" was, only because there's a build up of everything going so right, only to pivot at the end, so it feels very bittersweet.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i loooooove crossovers. i find writing in the marvel fandom makes things quite easy, but also smallville. as long as i can find a common thread, i enjoy finding a way to overlap two shows. i'll say the hardest one to write was "ruby red slippers (unavailable in her size)." I'm not sure why, but i found writing each personality together just felt strange. i liked the idea behind the story, but i definitely remember feeling like i was really forcing myself to keep going, like something just didn't fit right.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? oh, definitely. you cannot please everyone, it's impossible. for the most part, hate comes and i either argue back, take the criticism for what it's worth, or just ignore it when it's baseless. i think the hate that bothered me the most was a homophobic PM someone sent me re: "you know I will adore you ('til eternity)," on FFnet. i actually went and searched it up. they've since blocked me so i can't read our whole thread back and forth. but i did put part of it on tumblr so i could rant on it a bit, so you can see that here.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? ha. yes. depending on the story, it can be really detailed or really flowery. it depends on the ship, the plot, and how graphic i feel like being. i've definitely become more comfortable over the years with my writing. that said, i think everybody likes something different. i once had a reviewer tell me a sex scene was too much, just too intense. it was a stefan/caroline story and to be fair, that entire oneshot was just them fucking, lol, but it is what it is. to each their own.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Multiple times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! for the record, i am always happy to have my stories translated and shared. i just like having a link sent to me and to be credited.
What’s your all time favorite ship? i have a list of OTPs, because interests change and as shows come and go, my love for a ship can be shelved for a while before it pops back up at random. currently, i can't get enough of buck/eddie from 9-1-1. and, historically, chloe/oliver (smallville) and felicity/oliver (arrow) have been two of my top OTPs. but i think i'd have to go with bonnie/damon. they had all the potential and the show dropped the ball by not exploring it. at the same time, that's kind of a blessing, because i don't trust those writers to properly explore what they had without eventually destroying it for the likes of de/ena. it means a treasure trove for writing where it could have gone and all the what if's.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? the intention is always to finish. but given how i feel about allison mack and how that impacts my feelings re: chloe sullivan, pretty much anything with her as a main character is not something i see myself returning to.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? i'm putting these together because my strength is my weakness. i love to write. when i get an idea, i go all in and i will skip eating and sleeping to just write write write. but i also eventually hit a wall and i get so many ideas that i hyperfocus on one until the steam is gone and then i hyperfocus on the next one to maintain that need to keep writing, accidentally leaving the last story in the dust for entirely too long. i also have clinical depression that comes and goes, which hasn't been super great mixed with covid and isolation, so more often recently, i find myself overly exhausted and despite wanting to write, can rarely get motivated to do so. so, pre-covid, wrote so much i left entirely too many stories dangling. during covid, i've just been reading and struggling to get myself focused enough to do what i love.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i appreciate the authenticity when possible, but i've recently been reading more about how native speakers of other languages feel when a) their language is butchered by google translate, or b) it's just not genuine in terms of how bilingual speakers act or speak.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? it was smallville, but i remember adopting it out to someone else because i wasn't going to finish it. so if you look at my ffnet, the first fandom i wrote for appears to be x-men: the movie, but i remember writing a chloe/oliver story prior to that.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? i have a lot. i mean, on ffnet, i have 576 stories, many of which were transferred over to ao3, with a lot of oneshots and drabbles getting joined together into collections. so there's a ton to pick from that span a 14-ish year timeline.
"you know I will adore you ('til eternity)" and "let me break (the walls that surround me)" hold a special place in my heart.
honestly, each story is important in its own way. there are bits and pieces of each that i love. every time i write something new it feels like my favorite. my best. and then a new idea comes along. there are scenes i've written that i loved more than the whole of what they became. lines that stand out that are almost too good to be a part of the larger picture.
one of my all time favorite passages i've written was bonnie's thoughts on damon and herself in 'if you love me (let me go)":
He is far from perfect. He is a novel of red, corrective ink. He is frayed pages and torn binding. His life, his choices, his mistakes leave lasting effects on everyone he meets.
She is a lifeboat with a hole in it. An anchor that drowns in the sea while everyone else remains steady above. She is both the calm and the storm, and while she screams that she will not be tamed, she cries. Bittersweet tears that go unnoticed and uncared about.
there are other stories, other pieces of dialogue, that i've been proud of. that make me laugh when i re-read them. that make me cry. and i love them. there are others that make me wilt and cringe and regret. it's a process. love and pride and growth, all bound together.
Tagging: @absentlyabbie, @anonymous033, and anyone else who'd like to fill this all out, haha
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ur-not-reddie · 4 years
Just Friends
a/n: sorry this took a million years but here it finally is! :) this also goes out to the most lovely human ever @heterophobicrichietozier <3
pairing: reddie 
word count: 2.7k 
warnings: smut
aged over 18, modern day AU
Richie and Eddie lay in Richie’s bed, both of their faces in their phones as they lie next to each other in comfortable silence. Eddie goes back and forth between different games and social media apps, he’s lost in profound thought when Richie sits up suddenly and looks at Eddie with a wide and somewhat sinister smile. Eddie gives Richie a strange look in return.
“Oh god, what?” Eddie groans as he props himself up on his elbows, Riche’s facial expressions drooping to an unimpressed frown. 
“Why do you always say that?” Richie crosses his arms, furrowing his brows. Eddie sighs in frustration. 
“I don’t know, Richie?!” he huffs. “We’re lying here all nice and calm, then you sit up like you’re possessed and give me a creepy fucking smile!” Eddie sits up from his elbows to crisscrossed. Richie rolls his eyes playfully and snickers. 
“Well I had an idea…” Richie trails off in a singsong like tone. Eddie is the one with furrowed brows now. 
“And what is it?” Eddie grows slightly anxious.
“Well, you know how you’re gay and I’m bi…” Eddie tilts his head in confusion at Richie’s words. “What I’m trying to say is that you’ve never done anything with boys and I only have experience with girls, so, I was thinking, maybe we could do it together?” Richie flashes a nervous smile. It takes Eddie a few seconds before he realizes what Richie’s asking. 
“Oh?” Eddie asks in initial shock, still trying to process Richie’s question. “Oh,” he says again, this time in a shy tone, cheeks flushing pink as reality sets in. Eddie falls silent for a couple moments before nodding his head. “Y-yeah, why not?” he shrugs his shoulders as butterflies swarm his stomach. Richie’s face lights up, not thinking Eddie would go through with the idea. “But…” Eddie adds.
“But what?” Richie scoots back a bit, starting to worry that maybe he’s pressured Eddie into this. 
“What is this going to mean for us?” Eddie gnaws at his lower lip, the butterflies pounding harder at his stomach.
“Well, it doesn’t have to mean anything if we’re just doing it for practice.” Richie says, shrugging his shoulders as he tries to keep his cool. He doesn’t want Eddie to see right through his act...  
“Yeah, right.” Eddie forces a grin. Really, he wanted Richie to say that it could maybe mean something to him, but he knows it won’t. Eddie shakes it off as best he can knowing Richie will never feel the same way in return. 
Richie smiles back, looking Eddie up and down before he grabs his hips gently and pulls him into his lap. Eddie’s blushing from cheeks to ears as Richie stares the other deep in his eyes. Eddie wraps his arms around Richie’s neck as he bats his eyes sheepishly. Richie reaches up one of his hands, his thumb landing on Eddie’s lower lip, dragging it across. 
“If it hurts too much, you tell me and I’ll stop, okay?” Richie’s voice is low and husky, but his words are sugary and sincere. 
“Okay,” Eddie whispers, his nerves rushing through his veins now. Richie takes his thumb away and connects his lips with Eddie’s gently. Eddie can’t help but sigh into the kiss, thinking ‘finally’. 
The kiss is slow and gentle at first, lips moving in sync before Richie licks at Eddie’s bottom lip, asking for entrance. Eddie immediately submits to Richie and opens his mouth for him. Richie explores Eddie as his grip grows tighter on the other’s hips, making him rock them. Eddie gasps slightly as he grinds against Richie, Richie chuckling against Eddie’s lips as he breaks the kiss and helps Eddie rock a bit faster. After a few moments, Eddie gains enough courage to do it by himself. 
“There you go,” Richie says softly. “Good boy.” he praises.
Eddie is still feeling bashful, the nerves never ceasing or dissipating. He starts moving his hips faster, letting out soft moans and weak whimpers as Richie muffles them with his own lips. At this point, Eddie gets lost in his desperate pleasure, bucking his hips wildly as his moans and huffs echo throughout the room. 
Richie watches Eddie through half-lidded eyes, finding his desperate noises inviting. Richie’s hands slide from Eddie’s hips and to his inner thighs, taking Eddie off his lap and laying him down on his back. Eddie’s heart starts pounding in his chest, the beating so loud he swears Richie can hear it too. 
Richie crashes his lips back onto Eddie’s, Eddie startled at first since he wasn’t expecting it. He returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around Richie’s neck as Richie traps Eddie’s body under him. He swiftly slides his tongue back inside Eddie’s mouth, Eddie letting out a soft moan as he melts at Richie’s rough kisses and light touches. Richie starts peppering kisses along Eddie’s jaw and down his neck, causing more pleased sighs to escape past Eddie’s lips. Richie slides his hands up and under his shirt, stroking the soft skin of his torso before pulling it over Eddie’s head and lets it fall to the floor. Eddie is blushing yet again, causing Richie to chuckle.
“You blushing is quite adorable,” Richie smirks, peering down at the other. 
“Oh, shut up.” Eddie’s voice is soft and the least bit threatening, making Richie to chuckle even more. 
“Oh, you scare me so much.” Richie’s words are coated with sarcasm as he grinds hard against Eddie. Eddie lets out a gasp, completely forgetting his terrible comeback that he had prepared. Richie then presses more gentle kisses to Eddie’s neck that then travel down to his collarbones where Richie sucks dark purple bruises. No one on the outside will be able to see, but when Eddie is alone and undressed, he’ll be reminded that what he and Richie did was real, and that drives Richie wild. 
Once Richie is satisfied, he paves a path with more kisses down Eddie’s middle before stopping at the waistband of Eddie’s jeans. Eddie’s eyes shift downcast, glancing at Richie as Richie’s smirk grows wider. Eddie’s anxiety and nerves morph into excitement and pure arousal, and it’s showing in Eddie’s jeans. 
“Eager?” Richie bites his lip, forcing back his laughter. 
“Maybe,” Eddie says shyly. Richie hums as he pops the button on Eddie’s jeans then pulls down his zipper. Richie hooks his thumbs in the beltloops before yanking them down the other’s legs. Eddie helps kick them off and Richie takes no time to take Eddie’s boxers off as well. 
“Fuck,” Richie moans at the sight of him, unable to keep his hands off of him. Richie runs his hands down Eddie’s soft, slightly tanned skin. Eddie closes his eyes, letting out soft whines, about to get lost in Richie’s touch again until he opens his eyes and sees that Richie is still fully clothed.
“Well?” Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well, what?” Richie asks, his facial expressions mimicking Eddie’s. 
“Why am I the only one that’s naked?” Eddie pouts. Richie eyes him over, humming to himself.
“I don’t know, but I sure like it.” Richie practically purrs. Eddie furrows his brows, grabbing Richie by the collar of his shirt and pulls him down, their faces inches apart. 
“Please?” Eddie begs softly. 
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Richie gives Eddie a quick peck on the lips. He takes off his shirt, lets it fall to the floor next to Eddie’s. A smile forms its way on Eddie’s lips as he runs his hands down Richie’s arms. 
“Pants too,” Eddie tries to demand, tugging at Richie’s jeans. 
“Patience,” Richie’s voice is stern, causing Eddie to fall silent. 
He takes Eddie’s hard cock into his hands and starts to pump him slowly. Eddie throws his head back, slamming into the pillows. He bites his lip as he arches his back, eyes rolling shut as he lets out the loudest moan yet. Richie takes in every second of this moment. Seeing how beautiful Eddie looks like this and Richie wishes that he could vocalize this. Richie starts pumping Eddie harder and faster, his own jeans growing to tight. Richie works up Eddie more, pumping him so fast that Eddie’s moans are soundless. And as Eddie is about to cum, Richie pulls his hand away. 
“Fuck!” Eddie gasps out once he’s able to find his breath. “Why’d you stop?” he asks as he opens his eyes. 
“Because I don’t want you to cum yet,” Richie says, his tone dripping with dark lust. Richie finally takes his own jeans and boxers off, leaving them both naked. Eddie can’t help but land his eyes on Richie’s cock, noticing how large he is, Eddie wonders how Richie will be able to fit inside of him. His eyes then shift back up to meet Richie’s gaze. 
“Y-you’re big,” Eddie’s blushing yet again. “I’m a little nervous…” Eddie admits, his heart beating so fast he can feel it in his throat. 
“It’s okay,” Richie lets out a heavy breath. “I am too.” he admits honestly. Hearing that makes Eddie feel a lot better, knowing that Richie is just as nervous as he is. 
Richie smiles, kissing Eddie briefly before he grabs the lube from his bedside drawer. He opens it and coats his fingers. Richie spreads Eddie’s legs wide as he settles between them before he circles his finger around Eddie’s entrance. 
“Again, if it hurts too much you tell me and I’ll stop, okay?” Richie reminds the other, because the last thing on earth that Richie wants is to hurt Eddie. 
“Okay,” Eddie says with a nod of his head, grabbing the back of Richie’s neck and smashing their lips together. Richie smiles into the kiss, slowly pressing his finger inside of Eddie. He’s trying to remember all the things he’s read about over time, wanting to make it feel good for both him and Eddie. 
Eddie exhales heavily, feeling Richie’s finger inside of him. Richie keeps his lips attached to Eddie’s, waiting a few seconds before he starts slowly pumping his finger. Eddie opens his eyes, spreading his legs wider as he starts to get used to the feeling of Richie’s finger inside of him, starting to feel delightful. 
Richie breaks the kiss, pumping his finger before he adds a second one, pausing as he lets Eddie adjust. Their eyes gaze deep into each other until Eddie is ready for Richie to move his fingers again. Richie pumps his fingers slowly, stroking Eddie’s walls. Eddie starts squirming and squealing, Richie having to take his other hand to pin down Eddie’s hips, holding him still as he works his fingers inside him. 
“Please, another.” Eddie begs, tears starting to form in his eyes from pure gratification. 
“Fuck,” Richie moans at Eddie’s pleads. He nods and adds a third finger, Eddie wincing as he feels Richie’s thick fingers stretching him open. “Does it hurt?” Richie asks, about ready to pull his fingers out. 
“It’s just a little uncomfortable, but I’m okay, I don’t want you to stop.” Eddie admits quietly. 
“Okay,” Richie says, stealing another kiss from Eddie’s lips until he nods his head, letting Richie know he can move again. Richie starts moving his fingers, Eddie trying to squirm more but is still trapped by Richie’s hand that’s pinned on his hip. 
“R-Rich-” Eddie is cut off by his own moans, arching his back as his hands grip at Richie’s shoulders, his nails digging into his skin. Richie spreads his fingers apart a bit, really trying to work Eddie open. “Fuck- fuck! Richie!” Eddie lets out a loud mewl, feeling like he’s close again and Richie stops, pulling out his fingers slowly. Richie wants to tell Eddie how beautiful he looks… How he loves him… 
“Again?!” Eddie groans out, slamming his head back into the pillows in frustration. 
“I want to cum with you,” Richie nearly growls, grabbing Eddie and yanking him down so that Richie’s cock is lined up perfectly with Eddie’s entrance. Eddie’s cheeks turn cherry red, Richie lubing up his length before teasing Eddie’s hole, making him plead and beg again. 
Richie complies and starts pushing himself inside of Eddie. Eddie tenses up a bit which makes Richie stop. Eddie tells him not to, so Richie keeps going until he’s balls deep then stops, making Eddie adjust even though he’s desperate and so is Eddie. Eddie takes a few deep breaths as he relaxes as much as he can. Richie pulls back and thrusts gently back inside of him. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, Richie!” Eddie drags his nails down Richie’s back, making him hiss. Richie thrusts in a bit harder, moaning for the first time that night, sounding like music to Eddie’s ears. 
“Shit, Eds.” Richie breathes heavily as he starts to gain a steady rhythm, the two locking eyes as the only thing that’s breaking the silence is their deep and high moans. 
Eddie wraps his legs around Richie’s waist, Richie’s hands running all along Eddie’s body, Eddie’s fingers wrapped in Richie’s dark curls. Richie picks up speed again, starting to feel closer and closer to his climax as Eddie tightens around him each time Richie strikes the other’s sweet spot. Richie’s about to cum when he stops himself, Eddie about to scream out in irritation. 
“Richie,” Eddie exhales heavily. “Why do you keep stopping?” 
“I-I can’t… I’m sorry, Eds, I just really can’t...” Richie is about to pull out when Eddie stops him. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Eddie speaks as he tries to catch his breath. “Why are we doing this then? You’re making me so fucking confused!” Richie sighs before deciding to tell the truth. 
“I wanted to do this because… I like you, I’m in love with you... And I wanted to do this because, well, I can’t imagine myself doing it with anyone else but you.” Richie’s gaze falls to the floor, unable to look Eddie in the eyes. 
“What?” Eddie asks confused, not really believing what he’s hearing as he stays hushed, trying to process everything. 
“I just fucked this all up, didn’t I?” Richie breaks the silence, starting to feel embarrassed and ashamed. 
“No, no!” Eddie says quickly, making Richie look at him. “I… I’m in love with you too.” Richie then looks back at Eddie, unable to hold back his laughter. 
“You’re lying,” Richie  says, about to pull out again, but Eddie stops him. 
“Why would I lie?” Eddie asks simply. 
“To make me feel better,” Richie continues to laugh. 
“Well, that’s not the case. I do love you.” Eddie says merely. 
“Can you tell me why?” Richie raises an eyebrow. 
“Because you’re a fucking idiot,” Eddie says with a blank face. Richie stares back with the same deadpanned look. There’s a moment of intense staring before Eddie busts out in laughter causing Richie to exhale loudly, laughing along as well. “No, but really, I love that side of you. Even though you piss me off, it just makes me fall in love with you even more.” 
“I do it because you’re cute when you’re mad,” Richie playfully bites the tip of Eddie’s nose. 
“I am not!” Eddie pouts, Richie giggling at Eddie’s annoyance. 
“You are,” Richie smirks as he thrusts hard inside of Eddie, making him squeal. 
Richie starts thrusting deep and slow, wanting it to be more meaningful than how Richie originally led on. He places more kisses along Eddie’s jaw and neck before capturing his lips again. After some begging and pleading for Richie to go faster, Richie’s unable to hold himself back and caves, going faster. He grabs back at Eddie’s hips, holding him close as he rams over and over into Eddie’s prostate. 
“Richie, I-I… I’m gonna cu-” 
“Go ahead,” Richie cuts Eddie off, Eddie cumming almost immediately with a loud keen. Richie cums close after, inside Eddie as he’s too weak to pull out. Richie holds himself up as best he can on his shaking and frail arms. 
“Fuck,” Eddie pants out, trying to catch his breath. 
“Fuck is right,” Richie pants out as well. Richie slowly pulls out of Eddie, flipping them over so Eddie is laying on top of Richie. They lay in comfortable silence until Eddie’s thoughts get the best of him. 
“What are we going to tell the others?” Eddie gnaws at his lip nervously. 
“For right now, nothing. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.”
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soft eddie prompt? you got it! sleepy eddie???? just sleepy eddie, i don’t care what u do but i just want sleepy tactile eddie and i want him to get all the love and appreciation he deserves
Anonymous said:
How about soft sleepy Eddie, early in a morning with Buddie and Christopher either still asleep or at a sleepover???
please enjoy 1.5k of soft, sleepy, touch starved Eddie. 
some things never sleep on AO3
Tuesdays, by far, were Buck’s favorite days.
Tuesdays were the magical days where Buck and Eddie were both off shift.
Tuesdays were the wonderful days where Chris had a late start at school.
Which meant, best of all, the best thing in the world—
Tuesdays were days that Buck and Eddie got to sleep in.
Buck had learned, very early in their relationship—before they had said the L word, before they had moved in together, and before Buck had the familiar weight of an engagement ring on his finger—that there were very few things that Eddie valued more than he and Christopher. And that made him all warm and fuzzy inside, sure.
But sleep… well, Buck was well aware that for Eddie, sleep was a close second.
Buck honestly had never had a relationship before where “sleeping together” actually meant falling asleep in a bed together and waking up together before it meant fucking, but that definitely wasn’t the only way that Eddie was a first for him. Honestly, though, Buck wouldn’t change it for the world.
He got to wake up every morning with Eddie, secure in his arms (and god, that had blown his mind, when Eddie had mentioned in a way that very much was not as subtle as Eddie had hoped, that if Buck ever wanted to be the big spoon, well, he would be okay with that).
Eddie liked being the little spoon. Who would have fucking thought it?
Buck knew himself pretty well—he knew that while he was a very, very physically affectionate person, it was unlikely that he was going to get that same amount of affection back in a relationship, especially in any of his relationships with men. And don’t get him wrong, he loved any skin on skin contact with Eddie, but not enough to risk jeopardizing their tentative friendship, or beginning of a relationship, with the amount of hugs and affection he preferred.
He should have known he didn’t have to worry about that—as soon as Eddie had deemed him a safe source of tired cuddling, he became the first person that Buck sought out when he was feeling even moderately tired, resting his head against the space in between Buck’s shoulder blades, using any part of him as a pillow, regardless of where they were or which teammates were watching.
(“Buck, no one's concerned about the cuddling.” Hen had told him one night, while Eddie was batting away at something in the gym with Chim, and he and Hen were tossing cards around on one of the collapsable tables. “Honestly, the only issue comes when you're both on different shifts. He turns into grumpy cat. It’s annoying.”
“You know who grumpy cat is?”
“That is not the point, Buck.”)
As much as Eddie loved sleep, Buck loved waking up even more. Waking up meant he got to press kisses against Eddie’s neck, got to tighten his arms around Eddie’s waist, got to witness first hand the half hour between sleep and full alertness where Eddie was… well, where he was adorable. Not that Buck would ever admit that.
No, he would take that secret to his grave.
When they had first gotten together, Buck had actually assumed that Eddie was a morning person. He was up with the sun, almost every morning. He could go from asleep to awake in a frighteningly short amount of time. He didn’t even need coffee to get his day going—he could literally just open his eyes and roll out of bed.
Buck thought, more or less, that Eddie was at least part android.
The first time things had changed was also the first time that Eddie had a nightmare while Buck was over, weirdly enough. One moment, Buck had been on his back, with Eddie curled up against his side, using his chest as a pillow while Buck flipped through the last few pages of his book, the next, Eddie was ramrod straight, his breathing tight and labored, body a weird combination of stiff and shivering.
Worse than the nightmare, though, was how Eddie acted when it was over. The flailing, okay, the initial shout, that was fine, but having Eddie crying? Telling Buck that it was okay for him to go, that he deserved someone less broken? Well, that was un fucking acceptable, and he made that point more than clear when he wrapped Eddie in his arms and dove back into bed.
(“You make me feel safe.” Eddie had confessed after his tear tracks had dried, lying on Buck’s chest, barely audible over the steady sound of the Santa Ana winds against the window. “I just… I feel safe when you hold me like this, when I’m in your arms.” Buck hadn’t responded—hadn’t needed to—he just tightened his hold on the other male, face buried in Eddie’s shorter hair.)
The next morning was the first time that Buck had ever woken up before Eddie, and he took extreme advantage of it—he kissed every inch of Eddie’s head and neck he could get to, he tightened his arms around Eddie’s middle, he made all sorts of adorable noises against Eddie’s mop of hair while sun spilled in through the window.
If Buck had known what he would be encouraging—nay, unleashing—he would have done this all so much sooner.
Buck was still, regularly, the first to wake up. And Eddie’s hair may have been shorter now, but that didn’t mean Buck couldn’t nuzzle into it whenever he woke up.
All of the other physical affection, though… that came from Eddie, even in sleep.
Eddie was a fucking koala.
It didn’t matter how they fell asleep—side by side, chest to chest, curled in with one another, hell, even when they were in separate bunks in the station—Buck almost always woke up with Eddie completely tangled up with him, wether it was just holding Buck’s arms with his own and looping their legs together, or finding himself completely wrapped up in Eddie’s limbs, nose buried in the hollow of Buck’s neck or the dip right in Buck’s collarbone.
The nights where they fell asleep chest to chest were the absolute worst, though; not because Buck didn’t like waking up with Eddie’s lips in kissing distance, because Eddie madE the saddest, sleepiest, little pouts when Buck tried to wake him up. It was nearly impossible to actually get to work on time when he had an Eddie in his arms that looked like he was about to cry if Buck actually wanted them to both join the land of the living.
Because worse than Eddie’s clingy fucking octopus tendencies—
(as if any of that was actually a bad thing)
—was that when it came to getting up, Eddie was a fucking child.
Like, a bigger child than Chris.
“Come on, Eds, we gotta get up.” Buck murmured, lips pressing along Eddie’s temple, settling right at the center of his forehead as Eddie let out a whine.
“I know, you big baby.” Buck tried again, with no heat in his voice, as Eddie let out a string of unintelligible curses and buried his face in Buck’s throat.
He tossed the blankets off of them, feeling Eddie grip around his waist even tighter, feeling oddly pleased with himself as Eddie groaned into his skin, finally working on real words. “Buck, noooo. It’s Tuesday. We sleep on Tuesdays.”
“I know we do, Eddie,” Buck started, finally working himself into a sitting position, Eddie melting down the front of his body until Buck’s lap became a pillow, Eddie’s arms easily wrapping around his middle.
Buck sighed as he rubbed along Eddie’s back, kissing his head as he leaned over and playfully swatted his flank, grinning at the surprised groan he got in response. “You gotta let me go so I can make breakfast. I’ll make your favorite waffles, but I gotta get started on them now.”
“You can’t leave, Buck, I’m your fiancé. That’s not fair. Fuck the waffles.”
Oh, it was a ‘fuck breakfast’ kind of morning.
“I don’t want waffles, I just want you.”
Damn it, Buck knew he was going to regret it, but he had to look at Eddie’s face, the sad sounds only amplified by the image of Eddie rubbing his eyes, looking legitimately like he was about to cry.
Buck had fallen for that many, many times before. And he probably would fall for it many, many times in the future.
Finally cracking under pressure, Buck resorted to the big guns, his voice low and slow as he laced his arms beneath Eddie’s. He alternated between speaking and kissing where he could, pulling the other male into a sitting position, more or less in Buck’s lap. “Cmon, Eds. I’ll tell you what. Let’s get up, get Chris some breakfast, go for a nice walk along the greenbelt he loves, drop him off at school, and then we can spend the entire afternoon wrapped up with one another on the couch. You can take a nap, I’ll let you pass out on me, and I’ll order out for dinner so I don’t have to get up before Chris comes home with Carla.”
Buck really hated using Chris against Eddie like that, but it was the easiest way to get Eddie to pretend to be a functioning adult in the moments between sleep and a fully-oxygenated brain. He almost thought that he won their regular battle when Eddie finally leaned back against his chest with a happy sigh, tilting Buck’s head down for an easy, good morning kiss, eyes heavy and half lidded. And fuck, Eddie was always beautiful, but there was something about him in the early morning, soft and pliable and so loving that made Buck’s heart fucking ache, especially in the —where Eddie opened hs mouth and really just put the final nail in the coffin.
“I love you, Evan soon-to-be-Diaz.”
(It was another twenty minutes before they left the bed.
Buck had absolutely no regrets.)
53 notes · View notes
himbo-buckley · 4 years
Sex, Intimacy and Buddie (better known as I have a lot of feelings about this show, some of which are related to the before mentioned topics) - Part 4
Ciao, ragazzi,
i bims, die Kriz and I will be your tourguide today. (Yes, we’re on first name basis now, congratulations, kid, ya’ll earned it!)
Okay, so I rewrote this intro like 5 times by now. 3B has been so hard on me in a way that the rest hasn’t been. While I was writing 3A I had so many thoughts and ideas and conclusions from the get go, my main worry was to fit it all in and to make it coherent. And it took me a while to get there with 3B - but don’t worry, my friends, I did not disappoint and it is just as long as part 3, despite Tim Minear   personally coming to my home and vibe checking me for saying he had daddy issues. Which is fair, tbh. Sorry bro, I’ll stop calling you out like that. (No, I won’t.)
Also if you need a „quick“ refresher of what happened so far or you just forgot, here are:
part one - part two - part three
And also, the usual spiel:
This meta was supposed to be a lot shorter and only talk about how both Buck and Eddie use sex to distract their respective partners from whatever topic they actually wanted to talk about but since I decided to rewatch the show to make sure I don’t miss any such scenes, it has exploded a bit and taken on more topics
I should also mention that I am a Buddie shipper and while I tried, you will find several references and arguments for the ship in this Meta, not all of which necessarily call for a romantic pairing but just: These two are deeply connected and you cannot look at one without discussing the other and they are each other’s strongest emotional connection.
I should also preface this by saying that the whole of the 118 has some obvious intimacy / commitment issues except Bobby (which is sort of surprising) but *John Mulaney voice* we don’t have time to unpack all of that!
On another note I cuss a little in this Meta because my parents let me listen to TicTacToe as a small child and after that it never stuck that cussing is wrong so, uhm, parental supervision is advised or something
This Meta will so far have FIVE parts now. The original plan was to do three, one for each Season, and have it organised by episode so you could technically follow along (which is still true), but due to personal reasons, also known as *feelings*, Season 3 had exploded disproportionately and for readability reasons I have split it in three parts - there is part 3 which ends with the Christmas Episode, part 4 which spans what aired of 3B so far and the final part 5 which will include the final and my conclusion, if by then I am able to form thoughts again / still
Alright you guys, drumrolls please: part 4 (also called „*butterfly meme* Is this growth?“)
Episode 3.11:
I wanna be honest with ya’ll, Season 3B is sort of a mixed bag for me, because while yes, all the episodes have been great viewed separately, they just feel so … separate from each other, and with 3A having so many episode-spanning arks, it’s a bit of a letdown to return to the standalone episode format. Especially because it makes the whole two steps forward one step back thing so much more apparent as it feels like what happens in one episode has no consequence for the next. It felt a little like they burned through too much in 3A already and didn’t know where to go from there. Which is also true for me, so maybe I should stop judging.
Anyways, I’ll stop bringing the house down now.
Let’s continue with: Don’t you just love stan-ing two adorable, complicated badass firefighters? Yeah, me too.
Also, I wanna see the Doc again. Tim, can we? He could be friends with Frank? We could see them have tea and talk about those dumbasses at the firehouse? (And also legs, since, you know, Frank only has one?)
And also the bank guy, Harrison was fun. (This whole episode was.)
And I know it has nothing to do with Eddie or Buck or Intimacy or Sex (okay a little with those) but I do wanna point you to that damn meatball scene, because it’s so chaotic? First, why are all the ingredients laid out on the table but Maddie is making balls already only to then cover them in water? Look, I’m basically vegan (haha, how long do you think I’ve waited to shoehorn this in here) and haven’t cooked meat since I was … fourteen, probably? And even to me that just seemed wrong! Not to mention AFTER touching raw meat, Maddie only cleans her hands with a towel before opening the door? You used to be a nurse, Madeleine / Maddison! (Do we know her full name? I feel like we don’t.)
One thing I really love about 3B (so far) is how happy and settled my main man Edmundo Diaz is. It’s in the eyes, you guys! I don’t know if it’s a Ryan thing or a deliberate acting choice but whatever it is it translates well (haha, well, yeah, we’ll talk about that one later) into his character and it really makes you feel like Eddie is so much better. Like for all the analysis of Eddie I’ve been doing, I didn’t notice how much colder he grew since the beginning of Season 2 until this episode came and suckerpunched me with the warmth in his eyes. Good god, proceed with caution! Oliver could call me right now and say „Look, Buddie isn’t real, I just keep getting lost in Ryan’s eyes.“ and I wouldn’t even be mad, I’d just be like „How’d you get this number?“. (It was Tim, wasn’t it? Damn it, we talked about this, mate! I wanna meet his cat, not him!)
The episode doesn’t hold a lot of relevance in terms of this meta (aside from some parallels I’ll talk about in a moment) but I still want to discuss it a little bit because it means a lot to me. I just love Howard „Chimney“ Han with all my heart.
I wanna say something controversial now because we’re 500 words in and I feel like I haven’t made you regret reading my rambling yet, so here is controversial thought of the day #1: All these fucking characters are grey as fuck except Howie. Howie is good to the bone. He is the goodest boy. He is so gentle and sweet and non malicious and yes, I am including Evan in my list of grey characters because he pulled some SHIT! Okay, a little bit of shit. Things have been *implied*! (I don’t even know anymore. Maybe he’s just off-white or something.)
And what’s the worst my best friend Howard „Chimney“ Han has done on this show? Lied to his girlfriend a buncha times so she likes him better? I lie all the time. I just lied to my mother 5 minutes ago (Yes, Mom, I’m working on my thesis.)! And Howie just lied to make someone like him better. That’s not bad, that’s horrible self esteem!
Which brings me to another thing I wanna say because thank you, Jennifer Love Hewitt. If anyone from the cast gets to call me, it’s you, because you clearly had your thinking pants on when you took one look at Chimney and said: I want that one! You a real one and I will name check you on my way to heaven - not, that they’ll let me in, but the thought counts?
Now, lets talk about those parallels I mentioned before:
The Hans vs. the Buckleys.
Now, we still don’t know a lot about Mr. and Mrs. Buckley and what exactly made them bad parents (though I’m firmly team a little neglectful but not abusive) but we know a lot about Mr. Han.
One thing of the bat I wanna mention is that this episode confirms that Maddie at least had a hand in raising Buck - which doesn’t actually have to mean too much, because based on JLHs age, her relationship with Dough and the way their sibling relationship is played it’s safe to assume that Maddie is supposed to be between 5-10 years older than Buck (assuming she started nursing school after High School at around 18 / 19, which I think takes 4 years in the US? And she was an ER nurse for 8 years, making her AT LEAST 30 in Season 2, but considering how she emphasised that Buck noticed something was wrong with Dough even as a teenager and she met Dough at 19, I’m gonna assume Buck was younger then 16 because Dough won’t have shown his abusive tendencies right of the bat, so probably about 12 / 13, making Maddie like 6 years older than him? And since we DO have a definite age for Evan, Maddie is probably around 33 in Season 2 (which also works because they wanted to put her and Eddie in a relationship and Ryan Guzman is in his early 30 as well). And look, as the youngest child of two people I would call more than adequate parents I can tell you: older siblings always have a hand in raising you, especially when the age difference exceeds 4 years. One of my sisters is 5 years older than me and I was more scared of telling her about having a bad grade than I was of my parents, so…
Anyways, back to what is actually happening in the episode and how it both parallels and contrasts the Buckleys and Hans.
Like Maddie and Howie are the older siblings and Buck and Albert are the younger siblings, yet Buck and Howie are paralleled as are Maddie and Albert. Also, Howie resents his brother for the relationship he assumes Albert has with their father, but Maddie recognises that Buck probably had similar experiences growing up as she did. Of course one could argue that Howie and Albert never had a relationship before while Buck and Maddie grew up together, but look, Maddie was in an abusive relationship for quite a while and hadn’t been in contact with her brother for 3 years prior to Season 2 but it’s safe to assume they didn’t have too close of a relationship before that either, or the Buck we know would have gone to Maddie to investigate and find out why she dipped. So…
(Despite all of this, Maddie knew she could come to her brother for help in Season 2 meaning one, our boy is such a good boy always and the Buckleys can’t be all bad if Maddie knows she can count on her brother, meaning she didn’t think her parents screwed him up too much in the time since she moved out and gradually left his life. Just another thought.)
I also love how her firm believe in the strength and meaning of familial relationships triggers a shift in Howie. Please keep this in mind for when we discuss 3.16 in a few minutes, friends.
Also that kitchen scene has all my heart. They really said kitchens are a Buddie thing now, didn’t they? (Also from a non shipper perspective, Maddie and Buck are just the sweetest and for a TV show actually fairly realistic siblings. At least if I compare them to my siblings and I.)
Also in terms of the actually topic of my meta’s: this is our first indicator that Eddie considers the 118 his family. And we have another moment of Chimney seeking reassurance / being open with Eddie. I love that they have a friendship like that. (He was so excited about meeting Chimneys brother as well. A little bit puppy and like another reason why Evan and him are friends. (As if we need more)) Also love that Eddie is secure enough to voice these feelings!
(Eddie really does seem so healed in this episode? So open? And happy? Damn, Frank, you know your shit! My man had some growth.)
Now, for some sidenotes to round off this episode, because I have some and I wanna share them:
On the Buckley parents, I think the episode wants to imply that they had plans for Buck? Maybe career wise? Because in the pool scene he says something along the lines of: „Sometimes you have to put / get a little distance“ and since it’s been implied that Buck is also from Pennsylvania or somewhere close by, we can assume that he was talking about himself here. Like he moved all the way across the continent.
I’m also just gonna throw out a prediction for Season 4: since Nia is only a foster child and like 2 years old, it’s safe to assume that she has been only recently taken in. While I do not know the US-Foster system, I do have some knowledge about the German system, so I’ll just predict that either one or both of the birth parents try to get their child back.
Or they just sort of forget about all of this by Season 4.
And I really really really dislike the cancer storyline and how the show is handling it, at least in this episode, specifically in regards to May, who in my opinion, has been both written and treated by the show as someone younger than 18 here, only for the show to then turn around and go all: wow, such an adult, look how wise she is. So awesome. Like nah, son! 3A has shown that she is much maturer than she was treated in this episode.
And Eddie finally got to say „seen this before“ again. I feel like he says that a lot. Should I start a counter for that too or do ya’ll just wanna think about him naked for a bit? (I know, you guys, I know! Should I befriend someone who can make me a bunch of gifs of shirtless Eddie I can pepper in every time we get to heavy around here?)
Episode 3.12:
Ah, yes, „Fools“! The one episode I have to say I can not look at without wearing my shipper goggles. So be warned.
Which is why I’m gonna start with the elephant in the room: Ana Flores.
Now, I’ve seen (and maybe liked / reblogged / queued / drafted (Idk anymore, I’m up to 600 posts in my drafts, 300 in my queue and like 300 liked / reblogged already)) an interview with Ryan Guzman where he talks about Ana and how he isn’t sure yet wether they are heading for romance and how it needs someone incredibly badass to get through Eddie’s defences, because Eddie is barely over his wife’s death and yeah, that!
Look, if you’re here, I’m gonna assume you have read the other three parts of this „meta“ and therefore know that I am a proud member of the Shannon Diaz - defense squad and will fight anyone who says a bad word about her. And you will also know that I attribute most of the stupid things Eddie did in 3A to the fact that Shannon died. So there. All caught up.
Now, as for Ana Flores herself (and I’m writing this after 3.16, so who knows what happens next): She might be in Season 4 (I think the interview said something about it or she tweeted something) but I don’t think it has been confirmed yet? So considering what Ryan said they probably won’t end up in a relationship by the end of Season 3 (again, please remember when I am writing this).
I’m not gonna comment on the actress aside from saying, damn, I wish that were me! Other than that? I don’t really care about actors unless I think they are hot and then it’s more of a: uiiii, me like-y. (Madeleine Patch, call me!)
As for the actual scenes, well, I have mixed feelings.
On the one hand side, as I’ve said before, I work with children and the idea of dating the father of one of my babies is just plain wrong to me. So there is that. Morally speaking that storyline would be trash. (And very OOC for Mr. „My son needs to be protected above all“)
Then of course there is what’s actually happening between them which, one, from the get go she seems to not reciprocate Eddie’s advances (he keeps telling her to call him Eddie, she keeps calling him Mr. Diaz). Also that whole speech about horses? Yeah, I know you’re an english teacher but ähm, what? (Put it on the list, Tim, I need answers!)
To sum it up (and explain why I brought up Shannon aside from how much I like her), I don’t think it’s headed for a romance quite yet? They may be playing the slowburn game, but I think it was more like Ali in Season 2. Because as @greyhello pointed out to me in Part 2, Ali might have been there to show us that Buck was ready for a commited relationship and it had never been Abby that made him like that, just as Ana is here to tell us: hey, Eddie is finally accepting his wife’s death and maybe, possibly, some time in the near future, ready to date again. Probably. We’ll see.
Aside from that, I actually think a little crush could be something healthy and healing for Mr. control issues. But, again, we’ll see.
So, elephant addressed. Now let’s move on.
Sidenote: I feel like the parent-teacher conference made Eddie really regret so many of his life decisions. Someone needs to tell Buck so he can make a million puns from here on out and drive Eddie crazy.
(Sidenote: Carla said „big blue eyes“! You know who has big blue eyes? Ah, now I’m just clowning.)
Now this episode returns to the Season 2 formula of giving Eddie and Buck similar storylines:
Because while Eddie meets someone he could potentially be interested it, Buck is also made aware of his single status and the fact that he hasn’t dated in a while.
I do think Buck’s stance in this episode was both curious and familiar. Familiar because it reminded me a lot of Eddie in 2.04 and I think, just like Eddie did before Shannon came back, right then Buck is closing himself off from making connections, be they physical or emotional, because he got hurt too much.
Which is why I call it curious. Because I can not decide wether I consider his behaviour growth or a step back. In Eddie it would definitely be a step back, but in Buck who had been so willing to take any chance for physical intimacy just for the sake of a connection in Season 1 to now at least seem somewhat settled in himself and comfortable with what he has does feel a little like growth? (Then again 3.16 shows us he is just scared of getting hurt again, so probably just covering up is depression.)
Also, again with the kitchen! That puts us at five (?) scenes of Buddie talking about each other or with each other in a kitchen setting (six, if you count 3.03). Now I’m probably clowning myself real hard right now, but whatever!
But I do wanna point out how comfortable Eddie and Buck are discussing Eddie’s parenting struggles, which just shows how much he trusts him.
Now I know, I myself have made a textpost about Eddie discussing his parenting struggles with literally anyone, but ya’ll know I was kidding, right? It isn’t actually true. In canon he talks with exactly 5 people about Christopher:
They are Christopher’s therapist in „Triggers“, Carla, Hen, Lena … and Buck.
Now, here comes something interesting: For Carla and therapist, it is literally their job to help Eddie with his parenting struggles, but all the other scenes? Connected to Buck. Yeah. That.
Look, the Hen scene in the Christmas episode literally involves Buck and as I’ve said both Eddie’s and Buck’s reaction here heavily implied that Eddie has had a conversation with Buck about his fight with Chris before telling Hen all about it.
As for Lena, again, she is *literally* there as a substitute for Buck. She uses his locker. Her name is taped over his - and that is actually such a nice visual, that I wanna talk about it real quick, because I’ve seen it called disrespectful a few times and I don’t agree.
One, the fact that they left the „B“: funny af, someone from set dressing is probably laughing themselves silly about this and is allowed to call me now; also a constant reminder who’s locker and place she is actually occupying. Also how she can never really fully replace him, she can’t cover the hole he left fully, he is always there, lurking.
Two, the fact that it is tape: tape is slightly see through. It is temporary and easily removed. Tape is just a quick, momentary fix. Tape can be taken off / away without effort.
So to sum it up: There’s no one he trusts more with his son.
Which is also why Buck is there at the end: because Buck is who Eddie trusts. Buck is who Eddie goes to when he’s struggling as a father. Buck is who Eddie wants by his side cheering Chris on. I mean, they are literally pushing him together while Carla films (stands on the sidelines, ready to help as needed, but not fully a part of their family unit).
So, to go back to the elephant in the room? Right now I’m not at all worried about Ana Flores.
On another note it’s also one of the last real Buddie scenes we got in 3B so far and while I do understand that there just wasn’t any storyline for them to do such a scene organically, I am very worried about what it could mean. Because I still remember when Teen Wolf stopped putting Tyler H and Dylan in scenes together because people kept screaming queerbaiting.
I don’t want that to happen here. I love Buddie and what it could represent but I’ve also written too much about their respective characters AND their connection by now to disregard how meaningful they ALREADY are and how important even as a platonic pairing they are. Because they make each other so much better and proof that straight man can have deep connection with each other and how two flawed people can help each other heal in a way that I don’t think any other relationship in this show shows.
Back to the episode, though. The ark between Christopher and Eddie here is truly beautiful and I love the way we see Eddie growing as a parent. And I think the show wrote those scenes so well and they felt truly natural and were incredibly important, both for Eddie and Christopher.
I do think, as much as I love Christopher always being Eddie’s number one priority, no matter who Eddie ends up dating (yes, even if he dates Buck) we need to see a bit of a shift here. (Also, just in general, because Christopher will grow up, even if he’ll never be as independent as a fully abled bodied child might someday be.)
Eddie needs to learn to let go of control and of Christopher a bit. Look, a partner will never come before Christopher for Eddie (unless Chris is like in his 40s and has moved out and is living his own life. And even then it’ll be close.) but in order for anyone to ever fit into his life he needs to make a little space at the top and that includes taking away a bit from Christopher.
(Also just selfcare reasons, you guys, parents need to learn that it’s okay to sometimes think about themselves! And we already saw Eddie break once cause it became too much, how easy do you think that can happen again?)
Sidenote: We all know Buck built that, right? He’s been shown again and again to have some mechanical / maschinary (?) understanding plus fairly interesting problem solving skills.
Episode 3.13:
I love the locker room scene. Firstly, it’s a definite reminder that these three have bonded a lot and it’s such a sweet familial scene.
Also Eddie’s advice: yet another hint that he’s healing from Shannon’s death.
Compare it 3.08 and the conversation Bobby had with Eddie. There are no definite callbacks or anything like it, but it is very very very obvious that Eddie is talking about his dead wife here. Who he told he loves her in her last moments. So there.
Now, as for the healing part, could you imagine 3A!Eddie saying something like that to anyone?
Even in 3.03 or 3.06 with Buck, the person he lets himself be the most vulnerable with, there are still always terms and conditions with his words.
He trust no one more with his son, which, okay, is what the scene was about and what has the highest priority in his life but still, his trust isn’t bound to himself, it’s bound to his son, not to himself, not something he has in general for Buck, but something he has for Buck in regards to his son - that Eddie trusts Buck with himself is only ever implied.
He forgives him - „also what it means to be a part of a team“. Eddie sort of impersonalises his forgiveness here, he doesn’t forgive him because he’s Buck and he’s Eddie, he forgives him because they are part of the same team.
With Eddie there is always a wall.
But here in the locker room there isn’t. It’s just: if you love her, tell her, cause you might not get another chance - Eddie certainly doesn’t have another chance to tell Shannon.
And okay, you might say, isn’t that kind of a condition as well? Saying ‚I love you‘ because tomorrow isn’t promised? And sure, it kind of is. But Eddie’s also basically saying: once upon a time I told my wife, who art now in heaven, that I loved her as she was dying and then I got real mad at her and the world after because she left me and she was planning to leave me anyways and now I’m here and I’m over that and I’m just glad I got to tell her ‚I love her‘ one last time. I’m no longer angry.
Growth, you guys.
Episode 3.14:
I feel like the writers read some of ya’ll’s Buddie fanfiction, realised how it mischaracterised the relationship between Buck and Chimney gets and said: not on my watch!
In other words: If Eddie and Buck are different sides of the same coin, Buck and Chimney are the same sides of different coins. They share so many traits and experiences!
Now, this episode. Man, you guys, it really has me stumped. Part of me thinks it doesn’t have relevance and part of me keeps going back because it thinks it does?
Oh man, you guys, I’m lost. I don’t know.
All right, executive decision: no relevance, just another drop on the breakdown-stone that is 3.16.
Someone please tell my man’s boy they need him!
Episode 3.15:
Fun fact to start ya’ll off: this was only the second episode I watched somewhat live being a little new to town and the first I saw without spoiling myself on tumblr. So it has a special place in my heart any way you look at it.
(But then again this episode also involves several of my nightmares: drowning! being below earth! Being in small enclosed spaces! Being buried alive! Huge amounts of mud that will not leave your clothes and fingernails for the next six hundred years!)
Also, uhm, did I say „Fools“ was the *one* episode I could not look at without shipper goggles? So I’m contradicting myself. It happens. Move on. (Yeah, or repress it and join a fight club! Also name check me with your therapist, please! We may have breakdowns but we do them healthy around here!)
Because these fuckers went off! Whew! I’m serious, after watching the episode I sent a clip of that scene to my roommate and asked to rate how platonic this was. Which she did not. Because she doesn’t know math, apparently. - My point is, she sees it and she doesn’t know the show.
In other news this episode convinced me Oliver is pulling an Andrew Robinson (and yes, I know he said it was in the script but then Andy also followed the script, so…).
Sidenote: Eddie is the oldest, right? Damn, for some reason I thought he was the middle child. He has big middle child energy.
(Also why they namedrop Galveston like that? I googled it an it’s just a town? Why, Tim, why?) (At this point he is just torturing me, I know it. This feels personal.)
Anyways, this episode, you guys! I have thoughts! (And they are very hard to put in order so please excuse any jumping around at this point.)
The birthscene is great and can we just for a moment think about 25 year old Eddie hugging his mother in law so very lovingly? He’s so happy here. So soft. (Also I’m about to turn 25? I would not be able to deal with being married right now either?)
And yes, this episode confirms that Eddie has killed people, and while I know it was selfdefense, I just, it’s very weird to me because these characters have become so real to me, so to see one of them kill without a care is kinda off-putting. (This is why I will always consider Eddie grey and why I can never consider Buck white - because he had been planning on joining the Seals meaning he had to consider the possibility of killing and has probably learned to kill (Do you think that’s why he’s so non aggressive? because he knows he could take everyone down?))
I’m just gonna come out and say it: anyone who says Eddie isn’t impulsive has not watched this show. In fact I’d even say he is more impulsive than Buck.
Yes, Buck will do weird and dumb shit on a whim because the thought just crossed his mind and it sounds good and he doesn’t think about the consequences, but just does it. (I could make a case that our boy has ADHD but this is not what this meta is about)
But Eddie? Eddie is impulsive in his reactions. Everytime he is in distress (emotional not physical) he stops thinking about consequences and just starts reacting. Especially if it’s about a child!
Shannon is pregnant - lets sign up for the army.
Our child has a developmental disorder - lets stay in the army.
My parents want to take away my child - lets move halfway across the country.
(Not allowed to talk to your best friend? - lets go streetfighting.)
Eddie probably thinks these things through to a point and he mostly has a plan, but he is so reactionary. He is like a raw nerve and that’s what makes him impulsive.
It’s why, instead of letting them pull him out enough until he can radio, Eddie cuts the fucking line. Because this is a child, this could be Christopher and Eddie needs to be enough to save him.
(Are you crying yet?)
I’m not gonna talk about Afghanistan except to say: ah, Eddie. My man, you are enough! Always!
(But maybe that was his guilt over killing talking? Maybe he does feel bad?)
Also why did the woman emphasis ‚Staff Sergeant‘ like that? Was that an indicator that Eddie got promoted?
Also Eddie the fucking boy scout / alter boy / goody goody two shoes trying to get up because of a superior office despite lying in a hospital bed (and not even having been cleaned from his blood yet, urgh that’s gotta itch!)
Sidenote: in light of 3.16: do you think Eddie still talks to Mills, Binder, Norwahl and what all their names are or do you think that would be too hard for him? I’m leaning toward not talking but I really liked Mills (she reminded me of Buck and Lena, tbh.)
And now, for our regular scheduled program: Shannon and Eddie.
First of all I loved all of it. I loved that we could really understand why Shannon left. I love how much they clashed but still had those little moments of recognition.
And look: The juice box scene was very rough. Eddie is likely currently suffering from PTSD, definitely having a culture shock and here is his wife who is barely holding on as well and she just wants to leave, she can’t deal anymore and both of them are so desperate and wow, just wow. Kudos Ryan and kudos Devin Kelley, I’m sad we won’t see you again, but I do hope I’ll see you somewhere else one of these days!
I’ve talked about their relationship a lot already, so I’m not sure if I have any fresh takes but I will remind you of a few you already know:
Eddie is not in love with Shannon after Afghanistan (haven’t decided yet if he was in love with her in the birth scene)
Shannon *needed* Eddie to open up to her just as much as she needed to be open with her
Eddie was not able to be emotionally intimate with his wife
they cared about each other very very much and I do think they tried
they are family (remember what I said in part 2 about Eddie talking to the 118 about Shannon? This here proof that he definitely defended her actions at some point to them as well)
Shannon was in an impossible situation with her mother and a special needs child and likely burned out and just … she needed someone to have her back, which Eddie couldn’t because he himself was suffering from PTSD at that point
I’m still mad as fuck, they killed her off! If they give Eddie any other endgame romance that isn’t Buddie without like two seasons buildup after killing off HIS WIFE I will riot!
Which brings me to Eddie and his parents which was rough, you guys!
Look, as someone who worked with children I can see where his parents are coming from in that scene but also wow, just wow.
How cold and insensitive and fuck, no wonder someone is repressed as shit, that was horrifying and I really can’t talk about this more than to say this hurts and also explains too much about Eddie. (Can we have the locker room three bonding about having horrible parents in Season 4, please, Tim? And can Buck come too? We could do it at the loft?)
As for his conversation with Christopher, obviously it was cute as fuck and also I love how he began the conversation talking to his child like every adult male I have ever met talking to a kid about something he knows will go over it’s head („It’s like we’re talking about completely different people.“). (Okay, maybe not just adult males. Maybe we all talk like that around children sometimes. I know I do.)
I really liked how they reinforced once again that Eddie wasn’t a natural at being a dad (compare how he holds his son to season 1 Buck who most definitely knows how to handle a child (And now I’m wondering if him being good at it was always planned or a „Oliver did a great job the first time we had him interact with a child so we decided to make it a trait“-thing. Damn you, Tim, for making me think so much!)) but became good at it because he was willing to learn and he cared! Dads of the world (also Moms, we aren’t all super duper either) take note!
That being said the conversation also left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth because, one, it felt a little petulant of Eddie to turn around and leave for LA, the way it was presented here and two, Christopher at that point didn’t understand yet what Eddie was actually asking him about and it felt a bit like manipulation. Please everyone, do not consider a conversation like that consent from a child. Any adult can get a child that age to say anything they want because children just want to be liked (It’s why when children are involved in criminal proceedings it’s so hard to interview them because children follow every suggestion because they think this is what the adults want them to say.).
Now, let’s talk about puppy!boy for a second!
In 1.05 Buck tells Abby: „no one is good when it’s personal“ - well guess what buddy boys, this one is very personal for one Evan ‚Buck’ Buckley, thank you very much, that boy is losing it.
Okay, let’s compare it to the episode before and then two episodes later:
Now, obviously the situation with Maddie was a little different. Mainly because this was a hostage situation and he realised (because Seal training, remember?) that there wasn’t a lot he could do to help her right then but then again … neither was there in Season 2 when Maddie was in danger and he still acted far more frantic in the car with Athena than he did here? Like the only stupid thing he did was drive a little dangerously this time?
And of course, two episodes later we see Bobby react when Athena is in danger and while we don’t see him be frantic we do see him get ready to kill someone, so, yeah!
 It could of course be inconsistent writing or deliberate to keep the attention and worry more on the people in the call centre but since they haven’t pulled anything like that before I’m leaning more into my clowning.
I mean, we also have to consider that Buck was Eddie’s lifeline here, he was supposed to be the one to get him out, so he feels extra responsible but then again we have Hen make this comment about having two cut lines, which of course says that Hen thinks that one: whatever reason Eddie had to cut his line will definitely be considered a just as valid reason by Buck to cut his line but also: BUCK WOULD DECIDE TO DIE DOWN THERE WITH EDDIE. Sorry for the yelling, but no, I do not think Buck acted out of character in 3.14.
(Which is very irresponsible, you guys. You are fathers! What happens to Christopher when ya’ll die in a well somewhere in fictional California? I can not live in fictional California! I will not be taking care of your child, Buddie! Figure it out yourself! No. We are done here! This conversation is over!)
(Okay, not quite, because I actually don’t think that would be realistic! More realistic: Buck giving Eddie his harness so he can get pulled out first and then dying down there alone.)
Like I’ve said in the at the beginning: Oliver might be pulling an Andrew Robinson. It might have just been the way they thought Buck would act if he lost Eddie while being responsible. It might have been fever making him delirious (which, btw, kudos! Because you can hear how sore his throat was and omg, that shirt hurt!)
Never mind I found the heavy focus on Buck in an episode about Eddie fairly curious - which is why now it’s video-talk time!
First: I will not bear Shannon slander around here! Yes, she was in way less scenes than Buck, but the actress also was never a main character, so ya’ll need to remember there are like 2 scenes of them as a family. And they probably didn’t have the time, money and energy to film some just for a montage - especially considering that the three of them have hardly been a family together, because first Eddie was gone and then Shannon, so…
But yes, we do have to admit that Buck was in most scenes, and yes, we do have to consider the implications of this which are: Buck is definitely a vital member of the Diaz family and when Eddie says: I’m always gonna come home to my family, this now includes Buck and I hope we see him tell him that at one point in the final cause I need him to!
And then of course there is also the radio scene in the beginning (which lead to one of my proudest tumblr-moments to date in form of this post!) which did ease us into the concept of Bucky-boy being a member of the Diaz family! So it is canon now?!
One thing I wanna point out about the school scene in the end in regards to this is that little boy’s question. Sure they used it as transition to calling Christopher his good luck charm but, uhm, why did they have Buck ask about it in the beginning then? Why have this sort of unnecessary callback to the beginning of the episode unless they want us to remember Buck?
Something to ponder for the next week, I think.
Also the episode sort of reinforced my believe that we don’t really have to worry about Ana Flores. Sure, this scene was also a chance for Eddie to redeem himself in front of a teacher he screamed at just a few weeks prior but the only interaction they had was her asking that question at the end and Eddie hardly looked at her.
(Also, if they really wanted to reinforce Eddie being interested in her, they could have had Carla make a dig about it in the beginning, even with Christopher there, but they didn’t, which to me confirms that they don’t really know what to do with her yet.)
At least Ryan was finally taking his shirt off again, I know that’s like catnip for ya’ll.
Episode 3.16:
One thing that really confuses me is how many people seem to think this episode points out only how important romantic relationship are and I don’t see that?
I mean, I see that it’s one of the points that is being made but I don’t think it’s the only possible reading of this episode.
To me it was about connection and family more than anything.
It begins actually with Eddie (the person most connected to Buck) being the first person to decline Buck’s invite, not in favour of spending time with a romantic partner, but because he has a prior commitment with his son! (And several other people, including, but not limited to, at least 2 other nine year olds. For Eddies sake I hope less than 5 or that Carla is around because he is a single father and children unionise by nature.)
And it continues with Buck by forming a connection to Red and then bonding with Maddie.
And can I just say, before we delve more into all of this, how proud I am of Evan „Buck“ Buckley after this episode? Just look at him!
This is Buck at his lowest, lower even than during the lawsuit, because back then he had something to fight against, which he doesn’t have here. Because he can’t stop other people from leaving him (that is the whole point of the episode after all) and what does he do? Instead of going full on Buck 1.0 and just finding the nearest interested person to form a meaningless physical connection with to substitute for the lacking emotional intimacy he craves so much, he goes to a bar alone and befriends an old man. And spends the rest of the episode bonding with him. And bonding with his sister. And addressing his issues, both with his sister and his family. That is huge!
(Which is why I’ve decided him not wanting to date? Symptom of his deeper issues, yes, but also a sign of growth.)
And I’ve seen some people on my dash talk about how, compared to most other 911 episodes, this episode has a fairly bleak ending, which one I agree with, two think is actually a theme with Buck centric episodes, but three don’t actually mind / think is a bad thing? It’s fairly realistic after all.
To get personal one second: I remember being a very idealistic 20-year old intern working in the foster system five years ago and my mentor, who was less than 10 years older than me but fairly badass teaching me something that technically is a well known proverb but that I, a idealistic 20-year old, had not actually understood until I worked there and saw it myself: manchmal muss man den Karren an die Wand fahren  - translation: sometimes you have to let the trolley drive into the wall, which means sometimes you have to let things play out till it’s natural end before you can help. Or to use an english proverb: Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom.
And this is what I’m thinking - no, hoping - is happening here. Because, look, you don’t just solve like 20 or more years of abandonment issues in one episode and considering what a big part of Buck’s character from the moment we met him they have been, that would have been unsatisfying to watch anyways!
What we need right now, in terms of Buck’s storyline is catharsis. A cleansing. Buck needs to get to his worst (which I think he did or he will, once he talks to Abby) before he can begin to get better, can begin to heal, can begin to learn that he is not alone. And that is not a bad thing!
And yes, I know our boy is suffering and we along with him because we all love Evan Buckley to death but sometimes you gotta let things break so you can fix them instead of just putting tapes over the holes you see (haha, see what I did there?).
As for the episode, here we go:
I wanna start with something else real quick which is Hen’s subplot which I found important. Because they addressed that hey, she went through a trauma not to long ago as well and maybe she is not as okay with it as we thought?
Also it shows Bobby’s double standard again, but then I think he would have reacted differently if the guy had died and it was evident Hen realised she should never pull a stunt like that again. And maybe I’m giving Bobby a bit to much credit right now. Urgh.
I do wanna say, while Chimney seemed fine at the end with what went down we did see his reaction in the next episode and honestly he is mad, it’s just that Hen is his best friend and Chimney lives on the principle of forgive and forget so there.
Now I do really like the rope rescue scene because it was badass and also because Eddie seems so done in the beginning and Bobby just looks at him like: well, he’s not doing it alone and he’s probably not gonna cut his rope!
(Also notice how Eddie cut his rope willingly but Buck’s was cut for him? What does that mean? - For reals, I may see the connection but I can’t yet make out the meaning.)
But I did appreciate Hen’s comments about them being their best guys a lot! I kind of want an episode like they used to do on Star Trek were they focus on background characters and give us the way everyone probably sees Buddie as some kind of superhuman supermen who pull the craziest stunts and somehow make it!
And now, let’s get into Evan!
First of, I now Cindy was meant as a parallel to Abby but I also think to Ali because Abby didn’t leave because she couldn’t handle the fear but Ali did. So there, a sort of Ali Martin mention! Thanks for listening, Tim.
But of course with everything else Cindy is quite the parallel to Abby from the way she just left and Red never really got closure, just like Buck.
What is interesting though is that Red, different to Buck, doesn’t want closure. He wants to remember the good times and imagine what could have been. (This could of course be due to the fact that his life is about to end.)
Buck on the other hand side really craves closure, and look, I know when we first learned she is definitely coming back I was really unhappy about that, but since then we learned they run into each other which makes it fine to me. Because I thought we’d have another instance of Buck running after Abby for validation and I did not want that. But he’s not actually running after her, it’s just a coincidence so I’m happy for him getting a chance to have closure, finally.
And this is were I think the episode proofs that it’s not about romantic love as the only way to be fulfilled, first because after talking about Abby Buck asks „Do you think I’m lonely?“ which is not about romance at all (had they wanted to make it about love it would have been: „Do you think I’ll find love again?“ or something). Also the conclusion of this episode is Maddie telling Buck he is different to Red because he has her (and in general those scenes between them, yes, they were also about Abby because she was another person Buck has been left by but just like they mention a best friend in terms of people Maddie left behind it is not about the romantic aspect, it is about people he loves in general), because he has a sister and she won’t leave him again - so there, familial love! The pinky swear! The importance of family. (see 3.11)
Also had it really been about love you know what would have happened since then? We’d have seen Buck calling Abby! Maddie would have said something about Buck still being young and having time to meet someone! Instead Abby and Buck run into each other by accident and Maddie makes a pinky swear to never leave again, so yeah, I just think sometimes we need to wait for how stuff plays out before we judge.
Now of course I wanna mention the pool scene as well.
Firstly, I know we already traced a lot of what Buck says at the end back to Eddie and the grocery store but did ya’ll here Chimney say: „Seems like your making this about yourself“ and Bobby implying the same thing, so yeah, I wonder if it was them quoting Eddie or if this is what everyone is supposed to be thinking or if it was just a setup for the breakdown at the end.
Also let’s talk about Eddie real quick here, because I found it really weird that they didn’t reference his platoon from Afghanistan here? Like they could have easily have him say „I’m not in the army anymore but I still talk to my old platoon.“, especially since we MET them one episode before. So either they didn’t think of that, they wanted to reinforce the fear Buck has or Eddie may just be as lonely as Buck?
(Guess which way I’m leaning?)
(Look, children are great but they are no substitute for friends and adult conversation, just saying!)
But I love how hard Mr. Stoic and emotionally unavailable tries to reassure Buck, tries to be there for him. And also did ya’ll notice how, once Eddie speaks for the first time Buck’s focus never strays from him. Hen and Chimney and Bobby talk as well but it seems as if Buck never looked away from Eddie. (Which, definitely get that, he looked good here.) Also how Buck stresses the “That better not happen to us“ - man, what conversation could he be referencing? Man, I wish I had memorised this show by now so I could tell you about two scenes that happened in 3A between Buddie where the topic of us was emphasised a lot but alas I don’t and I can’t.
What the pool scene also proofs once more is that the 118 just like an actual family has a lot of communication issues because Hen and Chimney not being in contact with Tommy or so is a completely different situation but because of their bad communication they don’t realise that this is something they need to explain to Buck because they think this is about Red.
Bobby doesn’t get it either tbh.
But we all know who does, look, I said it about 3.03 and I’ll say it now: Eddie knows Buck. Eddie understands Buck. And Eddie is on the path of realising that Buck needs him to say the actual words and not just let his actions speak!
And my my if all of this pays off I will be one happy camper! (Hums Rihanna “We found love in a hopeless place”)
On a sidenote I hate that Red pegged Buck as a hothead because he really really isn’t! He’s just excitable and sometimes struggles with expressing himself and that frustrates him!
Also I never noticed the apartment had an outside area? did we know this? There is a grill?
Also really would love to see Gigi / Dana Strattford again, I liked her, she’s pretty! (But not like to date one of my guys, Tim, kay?)
(Also whats Officer Williams up to these days? Asking for … a friend?)
And to round this episode up: Oliver still looked so sick at times and they put a lot more makeup on him than they normally do? Usually you can see the slight scaring on his face but this episode you couldn’t but you could see the tears / snot mixing with all the makeup when he was crying and honestly, not his best look! (He still makes it work, though! Just saying, I miss 1.02 / 3.02 / 3.03 Buck, I know these episodes hurt but visually they are peak!)
Episode 3.17:
Was that episode amazing? Yes.
Am I still cackling about Oliver Stark having too much leg? Yes.
Did I love the Frank mention with all my heart? Yes.
Was Michael’s meet cute in an elevator less gay than any Buddie scene we got so far specifically any in 2.01 also known as their meet-ugly? That was a rhetorical question, you guys.
As for that comment I wouldn’t put too much stock into it. I mean, if you’re a single guy and you get invited out to fifth wheel at a double date with your sister and her boyfriend and his best friend and her wife, no matter how close you are, you will feel awkward so of course you invite the other single guy who happens to be your best friend who happens to be part of the friendgroup AND the team you’re working with making this a definite team/family/work - outing.
That being said: it took me 23h to come up with a reasonable explanation for this comment and I did scream at my laptop and pause the episode after it was made and I have been thinking “Buddie” confirmed about 100 times since then!
Also, they just spent a shit ton of time together, right? Like, if Buck’s there than so is Eddie and if Eddie is there than so is Buck and I’m clowning and not calm anymore!
Maybe “Buck invites Eddie” can be our always?
In other news this episode has absolutely no relevance for anything, but I love it deeply.
And we made it you guys! It was slower going but it worked!
Thank you to everyone who read so far and thank you to everyone who has been liking and reblogging and commenting! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express how much this means to me!
(Also please keep doing that! I too am an excitable puppy looking for validation!)
Now, to tag:
@angelcamael, @greyhello, @ipleiade, @the-family-we-choose-118 @chimbuckleys @sevensoulmates
82 notes · View notes
My dearest darling partner in crime, you know I have a mighty need for "Shannon actually divorced her husband instead of leaving him hanging for two years" S2 FWB Buddie if you are so inclined...*bats eyelashes*
Aha okay so this is now a multi-chapter mess. I have no plan. I don’t know where this is going or how I’m organizing this. But these stupid stupid boys won’t leave me alone, so here we are. Part one of what is sure to be an annoyingly feels-filled saga. You can also read it here on Ao3.
The first thing Buck thinks when he sees the new guy is oh no, he’s hot. The world seems to go into slow-motion. He swears he hears music.
The second thing Buck thinks when he sees the new guy is what the fuck is he doing in my station.
Okay, so maybe he’s a little cranky because with some encouragement from Maddie (who arrived in town yesterday) he and Abby had a proper talk for the first time in weeks and officially broke it off. Buck’s not exactly inclined to listen to Maddie on all things, since she did up and be good as gone from his life for years—thanks, Doug—but she was only telling him what his mind had already been whispering.
Doesn’t mean that the break up doesn’t hurt.
So he’s cranky, sure. And Eddie Diaz (that’s the fucker’s name) is confident, and handsome, and funny, and fine as hell, and daring, and pretty, and dedicated, and sexy, and…
It’s a lot for a guy to handle, okay?
Buck’s spoiling for a fight, and the confusing dance his stomach does whenever Eddie looks at him gives him the perfect excuse to be a brat, and even though Chim and Bobby and everyone else is giving him the side eye, he just can’t seem to stop. He fell in love, really in love, for the first time in his life and once again he was abandoned, and he just wants someone to yell at. And if it provides the added bonus of Eddie’s near-constant attention, well. Icing on the cake.
Except Eddie’s not playing back. He’s not posturing, he’s not snapping. Buck feels almost like a dog getting rapped on the nose with a newspaper. In the gym, Eddie doesn’t lose his cool. He seems almost amused. Like he knows what he’s doing to Buck, like he knows Buck’s drowning and just swinging his arms wildly to see who he can punch, like he knows his stupid pretty face is making Buck’s entire body squirm and heat up.
Maybe he’s being a bit of a jerk. Just a little.
A bomb isn’t exactly what most people would call a meet cute or a place to bond, but Buck can tell Eddie warms to him after that. And he can’t help but feel a bit warmer himself, basking in Eddie’s smile.
“You can have my back any day,” Eddie says, and Buck knows it’s probably nothing, but it sounds like more—or maybe he just wants it to be more, since he’s lonely and hasn’t had sex in months and he’s realizing he likes Eddie being pleased with him.
“Or you could have mine,” he blurts out, throwing in a bit of sauciness, just to see, just to test.
Eddie’s gaze flickers, maybe—just maybe—his eyes get a little darker, and Buck wonders if maybe there’s another way to get out all his frustration.
 “Another story to tell the family, right?”
They’re stripping down in the locker room, and Chim’s rolling his eyes because they all know how he used to steal their stories for Tatiana.
“I don’t think Karen will want to know about this one,” Hen says, grabbing her stuff. “Have a good night!”
Buck waves at her, then turns to Eddie. “What about you? Anybody to impress?”
Eddie shakes his head. “My kid’s too young to hear about that kind of thing.”
A kid. Buck glances down, tries to be subtle. No wedding ring. “You got a kid? I love kids.”
Eddie pulls out a picture of a smiling, golden-haired boy. Buck can feel himself grinning. He really does love kids and this guy’s adorable. “His name’s Christopher.”
“He’s cute.” Buck hands the picture back. “What about his mom?”
Eddie tucks the picture away and grabs supplies for the showers. “She’s… not in the picture. Divorced.”
“That sucks, man.” Eddie’s single Eddie’s single Eddie’s single—
“It is what it is.” That’s a shut door if Buck ever heard one, but he’s an expert at prying things open. After all, he’s a firefighter.
Eddie heads for the showers and Buck…
Carpe diem.
Buck follows.
“So nobody to brag to, huh?” he asks, quickly stripping off his clothes so he doesn’t get them blasted with water.
Eddie glances over his shoulder, and the look on his face seems to be trapped somewhere between are you fucking kidding me and oh this is adorable. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys who uses heroic stories to get into people’s pants.”
Not anymore. “Nah, I just bat my eyelashes.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet that works wonders.”
“Y’know, I do know sarcasm when I hear it.”
“Do you?” Eddie turns to face him fully and it hits Buck like a delayed webpage loading that oh, yeah, they’re both naked.
Go big or go home. “So are we going to do something about…” He gestures between them. “This? Or are we going to keep ignoring it?”
“What, the obvious alpha male posturing?” Eddie asks. “Or the fact that you want to sleep with me? Because I’m gonna tell you I got enough of the former while I was in the military and as for the latter, we’re coworkers.”
“Nothing against coworkers having a little fun.”
“I have a kid.” Eddie puts his hands on his hips and oh, okay, nope, eyes up top, Buck. “I just moved here. The last thing I’m looking for is complications.”
“Well lucky for you I’m a simple guy. As anyone around here will tell you.” Yeah, he’s aware of the joke about his intelligence, but whatever. “I’m great at keeping things uncomplicated.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, then reaches for him. Buck’s heart races—
—and then skips a beat as he’s blasted with cold water. He yelps, ducking out of the way as Eddie finishes turning on the showers.
The look of smug satisfaction on Eddie’s face is not attractive. At all.
“Real funny.” Buck wipes his face off and gets the water out of his eyes.
“Oh, hilarious,” Eddie agrees seriously. His eyes crinkle up at the corners when he smiles.
Buck stands there, not quite sure what to do. The water’s warm, now, feels good, and it sure as hell looks good, sliding down Eddie’s body. Eddie’s not saying or doing anything, but he’s not kicking Buck out, either.
He debates for about ten seconds before he thinks, fuck it. He did the mature thing and waited for sex and did everything right and it still got his heart dashed to pieces. Why not be a little reckless? “You saying you’d object if I wanted to blow you?”
Eddie inhales a mouthful of water and splutters fantastically for a few seconds. The look he gives Buck when he’s finished is impressive. “You really have no shame, do you?”
Buck shrugs. “Don’t have the time for it.”
And he really wants to get his mouth on Eddie’s cock. Like, that’s kind of all he’s been able to think about since the grenade.
Eddie’s eyes narrow, and for a second Buck’s certain he’s going to get hit with a talk about sexual harassment from Bobby in the morning, but then Eddie plants his hand on the tiled wall and says, oh so casually, “Well, if you’ve got your heart set on it.”
Oh hell yes.
Buck’s been very diligently restricting his ogling to Eddie’s face and shoulders (what, they’re great shoulders, broad and tan and perfect for biting during sex), so it’s not until he sinks to his knees—carefully, the floor’s tiled and this is the only pair of knees he’s got—that he looks at Eddie’s cock and realizes it’s hard.
Playing it cool and casual and this whole time he wanted Buck just as much as Buck wanted him. Buck is never letting him live this down. He looks up at Eddie through his lashes, a trick he’s learned works wonders when he’s about to eat someone out. “And here you are acting like it’s such a big chore to get your dick sucked.”
“Maybe I just like the idea of your mouth being too full to talk.” Eddie’s hand comes around to cradle the back of Buck’s head, his fingers combing through the short hair, tugging oh so slightly to get Buck’s head in place.
A shiver works through him. Jesus, that feels good. He hasn’t had a dry spell like this since he first discovered what sex was, and just the intimate touch of another person has his cock rising and his blood singing.
He leans in, nuzzling Eddie’s thigh, savoring the scent of another person, the feel of skin beneath his mouth again. And maybe he’s, ah, delaying things just a little, as he eyes the rather impressive dick in front of him, because. Well.
Here’s the thing that Buck kind of didn’t mention to Eddie.
He’s never given a blow job before.
But like hell he’s going to let it stop him now that they’ve reached this point. And besides, he knows what he likes, so it’s just a matter of remembering what that is and replicating it. This’ll be a breeze.
“You’ve never done this before, have you?” Eddie asks.
Buck glares up at him. “Have so.”
“You sure you’re twenty-seven? Because you sound like a five-year-old right now.”
Buck promptly takes as much of Eddie’s cock in his mouth as he can. He nearly takes too much and just barely saves himself from gagging, but Eddie makes a choked noise above him in response and that’s all that fucking matters.
“Ten points for enthusiasm,” Eddie mutters, and oh, it is so on now. He’s going to blow this guy’s mind.
Turns out, sucking dick is simultaneously eager and harder than he expected. Easy? Sucking. Holy shit. He could do this all day, he’s eaten ice cream cones that were more trouble than this.
Figuring out what exactly he’s supposed to do with his tongue? Difficult. Very difficult. It’s not until he has the bright idea of, hey, what if he treats a dick like a really big clit, that he starts to get the hang of it.
He’s never had a woman complain about his oral skills, after all.
Eddie’s hand tightens in his hair and he swears under his breath. “Again,” he orders, a bit breathless, and Buck repeats the little twist he did with his tongue against the slit of Eddie’s cock. He shivers at the order, at the implications of it.
“Oh.” Eddie’s voice is like a revelation. “Oh, you like that. You like when I tell you what to do?”
He can’t really nod right now, so he hums.
Eddie’s grip tights further. “Suck.”
His voice is a full-on growl and Buck’s cock jerks in response, electricity zapping every one of his limbs. Jesus, turns out there’s one place he really does like to be given orders.
“Jesus Christ, you should see yourself.” Eddie’s still growling, and now his hips are thrusting a little into Buck’s mouth, and Buck just lets his jaw go slack, lets Eddie use him. Eddie swears violently at that and speeds up, just a little, like he’s trying to hold himself back so he doesn’t hurt him, doesn’t go too far.
Buck feels like there’s a cat in his chest, purring, like he’d wag his tail if he had one, on his knees and being good and giving someone what they want. His jaw aches and his mouth is stretched but it feels so good, and if he’d known he would like sucking dick this much, hell, he’d’ve done it years ago.
He can feel Eddie tense up, his cock jerking against Buck’s soft palate, and Buck tries to open his throat to get ready—only Eddie pulls Buck off his cock and turns, spilling into the spray of the shower, the evidence washed immediately down the drain.
Buck’s voice is raw when he tries to speak. “I was gonna—you didn’t have to do that.”
“I didn’t want to assume.” As if he’s trying to make up for showing some softness and consideration, Eddie hauls Buck to his feet, a sly look in his eyes. “Now, what are we going to do with you?”
There’s a promise in his voice that Buck really, really hopes he’ll deliver on. He shamelessly plasters himself to Eddie’s front, lets Eddie feel his erection, and combs his fingers through all that thick, dark hair. Buck would kill to be able to run his fingers through it when it’s dry. Eddie’s hair always looks unbearably soft.
“Fuck me?” he says hopefully, grinding slow against Eddie’s hip. “I mean. I get recovery time, so… we can just make out until…”
Eddie’s hands find his waist and Buck whines, trying to catch Eddie’s mouth in a kiss. He wants that tongue counting his teeth, dammit.
“I’d let you,” he says, because oh, God, he would, he really would. Even though it’s reckless to let a guy you just met fuck you when you’ve never done it before. Buck’s gotten pretty far by being reckless.
“You’d let me,” Eddie says, something sparking in his eyes, and the next thing Buck knows, he’s been turned around and pressed face-first against the wall.
“You really think I’d fuck you here?” Eddie’s voice is dark and utterly filthy and Buck’s fucking trembling. “Hell no. If I fucked you, I’d do it right, get you all laid out on a bed and really take you apart. And you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Buck’s nails are scabbling at the wet tile, trying to find a purchase that isn’t there. He’s never felt this raw in his entire life and he vaguely wonders if this is what drugs feel like because if it is, he understands how people get addicted.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s lips are right at the shell of his ear now, his voice a heated whisper. “One look at you, boy, and I fuckin’ knew it. You just want someone to destroy you.”
Fucking yes he does.
Eddie bites at his ear right as his hand find’s Buck’s aching cock and oh, oh fuck. Eddie’s pace is brutal, going from tight and hot to feather light, the tips of his fingers dancing up and down, drawing Buck to the edge and then leaving him there.
Buck’s real glad that he got good at being quiet because of Abby’s mom, otherwise the entire station would probably hear him moaning and begging right now.
Eddie’s plastered to his back, his free arm around Buck’s waist like a band of iron, and Buck feels like everywhere they touch is on fire. “Jesus.” Eddie sounds half in command, half in awe. “You really fucking need this, don’t you?”
“So do you,” Buck fires back. “Or you wouldn’t have said yes to me.”
Eddie growls and bites his neck, like a wolf holding down another so he can mount him, and Buck goes lightheaded with lust. He twists his wrist on the upstroke, sucking on Buck’s skin, grinding against Buck’s ass like he might actually fuck him after all, and Buck comes so hard he goes deaf for a second, his ears going silent and then buzzing like a nest of hornets.
Buck rests his forehead on the cool tile and Eddie licks apologetically at the spot he bit, his grip loosening. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on with you, why you want someone to put you in your place, but next time, maybe try talking to a therapist instead of propositioning your coworker.”
Buck snorts. “I’ll take it under consideration.”
He turns, leaning back against the tile, as Eddie grabs the soap. “Does that mean I can’t come to you? After you made all those promises about… what was it… taking me apart?”
The look that Eddie gives him is incredulous. “You realize what would’ve happened if someone walked in here, right?”
Buck grins. “Ah, but nobody did walk in here.”
Judging by the eye roll he gets in return, his comment is not appreciated.
“This?” Eddie gestures back and forth between them. “Was a one-time thing. We’re not doing this again.”
Buck nods, swallowing the disappointment that’s hot and acrid in his throat. “Sure thing.”
 Well, obviously by ‘again’ Eddie meant ‘in the station’ because one week later they’re in the back of Buck’s car and Eddie’s mouth is attached to his neck like he’s a fucking vampire.
A car isn’t exactly the best place for maneuverability, so Buck’s not getting the fucking he was sort-of promised last time, but he doesn’t really care when he’s got a leg wrapped around Eddie’s waist and they’re grinding against each other like teenagers in the high school parking lot.
He rucks up Eddie’s shirt, gets is hands on all that smooth, warm skin on his back, and digs his nails in as Eddie gives a particularly hard thrust. He’s so fucking turned on he’s seeing stars and he should probably, y’know, suggest they take this somewhere else but he can’t, he can’t—his cock’s trapped underneath Eddie’s body, inside his pants, and Eddie’s mouth, and his hands, he’s—
His orgasm gives him vivid flashbacks to the less-than-glamorous trysts he got up to as a sixteen-year-old, but he doesn’t care because it feels so damn good. Eddie groans and thrusts harder, frantic, and he once again bites, this time Buck’s chest, as he comes.
Buck’s lying down, but he’s still dizzy. “I demand a proper bed next time.”
“There’s not gonna be a next time.” Eddie’s authority is somewhat diminished by the fact that his face is mashed into Buck’s shoulder.
The next moment, Eddie’s leveraging himself up and off of Buck. “We shouldn’t even have done that this time.”
“Why?” Buck follows him, sitting up, and nearly bangs his head on the roof of the car. “We’re two guys who don’t have time to date—I don’t even want to fucking date right now—you’ve got a kid—why not just use each other, y’know? I’m here, you’re here, I’m hot, you’re hot, our schedules line up, I’m not seeing a downside to this.”
“Of course you don’t see a downside,” Eddie mutters.
They regard each other for a moment, and Buck knows this is a serious conversation, but also his pants are soaked and they’re gonna start feeling tacky and gross any second now. “Look, I get it, you want to be smart. But I’m offering you a no-strings-attached-free-sex-whenever card so.” He shrugs. “If you ever decide you want to help me test out my new mattress, you know where to find me.”
Eddie’s dark eyes watch him for a second, his fingers tapping on Buck’s knee—Buck’s pretty sure Eddie’s not aware he’s doing it—and then he pulls back. “Yeah, I do know where to find you.”
He backs up and out of Buck’s car, and it’s a good thing Buck didn’t have any dignity to start with, otherwise he’d be feeling pretty undignified right about now.
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foundfamilie · 4 years
Sleepovers at the Diaz House
Prompt: Buck sleeps with Eddie (he falls asleep after getting him into his bed after a night of drinking) Christopher says buck had a sleepover with his dad leading everyone to think they had sex but the weirdest part is everyone is acting like that's completely logical and normal which buck and Eddie find weird until they realize everyone else knows about their not so secret feelings lol
@justsmilestuffhappens this one’s for you :)
Buck woke up feeling like he would throw up. He looked around. He was not at home, not in his bed, he was in … fuck, he was in Eddie’s bed. Oh shit.
It wasn't that he had never slept over at the Diaz’ house before, it was just that he normally slept on the couch. Why was he in Eddie’s bed? Had he …? Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. 
A noise at the door made him realise why he woke up. “Dad, we overslept!” Chris’ voice echoed through the room. 
Next to him, Eddie sat up in shock. “What time is it?” 
Buck looked at the alarm clock on the bed side table. “07:30.”
Pausing when he spotted Buck in his dad’s bed, Chris stared at them in confusion. “Hey Buck,” he said slowly, “What are you doing here?”
“I um…” In return Buck stared at Eddie, helplessly.
“We um,” Eddie tried, looking down at Buck, glad to see that they were both wearing shirts and boxers. So, nothing had happened, right? He hadn’t been that drunk. 
“Oh!” Chris said excitedly, “Did you have a sleepover?”
Eddie finally got up. “Yeah, something like that,” he said and scooped Christopher up into his arms, “Now let’s hurry and get you in the shower or we’ll be late for school!”
Buck got up as well. He didn’t know whether he felt nauseous because of the alcohol he’s had the night before or because of his nerves getting the better of him after spending the night in Eddie’s bed. He was obvious enough with how much time he spent with Eddie and Chris, how often he’s been with them in the evenings, he really needed to be more careful or Eddie would catch onto how Buck felt for him. That Buck felt more for him than platonic friendship. That Buck wanted to be more for him than just his best friend. And mostly, he needed to be careful to not make Eddie oversleep on a school day. What was he thinking? Nothing in Eddie’s life was more important than Christopher and Buck couldn’t just make Eddie fail his responsibilities for his son.
Responsibilities. Right. Buck needed to think straight. What could he do to make up for this? How could he help? This was an emergency, and he was a firefighter, he should be able to think straight in emergency situations. He looked around the room and his eyes fell on the alarm. 07.40. School started at 08.00. There wasn’t enough time for breakfast, not for Eddie and Chris’ usual share of cereal. Maybe he could help with that.
He looked around the kitchen to see what he could work with. Only a few minutes later he put a second piece of bread on top of an excellent ham, cheese and fried egg sandwich. Then, because he wasn’t sure what Chris would be in the mood for, and because Eddie and Chris were still not ready to leave, he also made a PB&J sandwich, just in case.
Chris was beside himself with joy when he saw them. Leave it to Chris to be so happy over sandwiches. He thanked Buck about a million times and Buck was so happy himself that he didn’t notice the look Eddie was given him.
“Thanks for helping out,” Eddie said appreciatively, “Yet again.”
“It’s the least I can do,” Buck said and hugged Chris goodbye, wishing him a nice day at school.
“How about you make us some breakfast as well and we eat when I get back?” Eddie asked cautiously. 
Buck’s mouth went dry. “Sure,” he said and nodded, internally beating himself up over getting excited. It wasn’t the first time he and Eddie would have breakfast together. They were best friends.  Of course, they liked having each other around and spending time together. Nothing special about that.
When Carla and Chris came by the station in the late afternoon, the whole team greeted them with big smiles on their faces. Everyone loved to have Chris around. He didn’t distract them from work, Eddie would never allow that to happen, but he sure did make work a whole lot more fun.
“How were the sandwiches, Chris?” Buck asked when Chris threw himself at him for a hug.
“Soooo good! The best!” Chris answered, “I ate both of them!”
Buck glowed with pride. “Both of them, really?”
“Buck made me breakfast this morning,” Chris explained to Hen, Chim and Bobby. 
“Oh, did he now?” Hen asked and sent a teasing look to where Buck and Eddie were standing. 
“Yeah, they were having a sleepover last night!” Chris went on and on about something that happened at school, not noticing that his comment made both Buck and Eddie want the floor to open up and swallow them wholly.
The team shot each other knowing looks, visibly pleased with themselves and neither Buck nor Eddie knew what to do with that. 
“Chris is inside with your abuela,” Carla greeted Eddie outside on the porch when he arrived at his house. “I’m sorry, I have to leave on time today.” It was Saturday now and Carla had stayed the night with Chris while Eddie had been on his 24 hours shift. 
“Of course, Carla,” he said, “Have a good weekend!”
She smiled and waved and went over to her car before turning again. “Oh, before I forget, congratulations for finally getting some Buckaroo!” She cheered.
Eddie frowned a bit at the wording of that but he felt far too worn-out to care. He really wasn’t good at hiding what he felt for Buck when even Carla noticed, even though she barely even saw them together. “How did you know?”
“I have eyes, Eddie dear,” she said with the kindest smile on her face.
Eddie heaved a sigh. “Yeah,” he said, his expression turning from worn-out to downright miserable. “I know I’m not good at hiding my feelings.”
Carla stopped short, turned to face Eddie directly and put a hand on his arm. “Why would you hide them?”
Eddie looked at her disbelievingly. “Because he’s not feeling the same for me?”
“Excuse me?” Carla yelled with a laugh on her lips. “I have two working eyes but you sure don’t. Have you not seen how this boy looks at you? How he looks at your son? He is so in love.”
The expression on Eddie’s face changed from disbelief to doubtfulness. “Do you really think so?”
Carla slapped his arm. “Of course! Or why would you sleep together every other night?”
“We…” Eddie started but then stopped, horrified when Carla’s implication settled in. “It’s not like that, Carla! We don’t sleep with each other. We sleep in the same bed, yes, but not… we’re not having sex.”
This time it was Carla to stare disbelievingly. “Now that’s too bad! What a waste of time.”
“Carla!” Eddie exclaimed, torn between laughter and shock.
Carla reached up to cup Eddie’s face. “Get it together, Eddie. Buckaroo loves you. I know him, I know him well. I know what he’s like when he’s ready to commit to someone.” By the way she said it, Eddie somehow knew, she really meant it. He just really couldn’t wrap his head around it.
“Don’t you have something to tell us? Chim told me what happened at the station today.”
Buck looked up at Maddie who was pouring him a second glass of wine. He didn’t even like wine, he was more of a beer kind of guy. Eddie liked beer too, and they’ve had a lot of it the night before. Two nights before actually. 24 hour shifts didn’t really count as nights. 
“What are you talking about?” Buck asked confusedly trying to get out of his head. 
“You and… Eddie,” Chim said celebratorily and clearly confused as to why Buck was confused.
“Me and Eddie what?”
Maddie looked at Chim in exasperation before turning back to Buck. “Well, are you official now?”
“Official?” Buck just parroted, having no idea what was going on. 
“Jesus, Evan,” Maddie exclaimed, “Officially a couple.”
Buck looked at her in shock. “Eddie and me?”
“Of course Eddie and you, who else?”
The stab Buck felt at this heart showed on his face. “Thanks,” he said drily,  “You can stop now.”
“Stop what?”
He looked at them accusingly. “Mocking me.”
Now it was Chim and Maddie’s turn to be confused. “Buck!” Maddie exclaimed once again, “We’re not mocking you, what are you talking about?”
Buck felt like coming out of his own skin. The last two days had been too much for him. Waking up at Eddie’s, spending time with Eddie, Chris’ comment at the station, having to go through a whole shift on Eddie’s side… this was getting more and more unbearable. He needed vacation to take his mind off Eddie Diaz and his adorable son. “I know I’m not good at hiding my feelings for him. I tried, okay, but I’m not.”
Maddie and Chim looked at each other once again. “Why should you? You’ve been sleeping with him for months now. I’m sure he’s feeling the same for you. You should just seal the deal.”
Buck’s eyes grew wide in shock. “I’m not sleeping with him! What are you talking about?”
Maddie and Chim looked at him, laughing humourlessly, not sure whether now he was mocking them. 
Chim was the first to break the silence. “But… you’re over at his the entire time!”
Buck nearly downed his wine. When he put down his glass, he felt dizzy and it was too soon to be because of the alcohol. He hid his face in his hands. “Yeah, to be there for him and Chris. We have dinner, we play games, we watch movies, we go to the park… stuff like that.” He rubbed his face and looked at the others. “Wait, did you guys really think we were having sex? Eddie isn’t even into men!”
Now Maddie was laughing for real. “Sorry, Buck, but this is bullshit, do you know that? How can you not see how into you he is? Everyone else sees it. Hell, we were convinced you were together for what, at least two months now?” She looked over at Chim who just nodded, evidently lost about what was going on right now.
For a while, Buck was speechless. “Really?” He then asked weakly and he looked so shattered that Maddie got up and hugged him tightly. 
“Yes, Evan, really,” she said sympathetically. “You guys should talk to each other.”
“I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
“I really don’t think you will.”
After that conversation Buck wanted to drink at least another three glasses of wine but he decided not to. What he really needed was a clear head. He drove home pretty much right after dinner and went to walk around a bit.
His whole body was buzzing with nerves when he finally found the courage to text Eddie.
Buck: can I come over? I would like to talk to you after Chris is asleep
Eddie answered almost immediately.
Eddie: yeah I would like that too. come over at 9?
Buck: will do
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hearteyesemergency · 4 years
Buck And Eddie Get Fake Married
Request: Can you write something for #5? “This is where we kiss, right?” Like with oblivious Buck?
A/N: Okay so a fake wedding au? You didn’t ask for it, but it’s what I’m giving you, sorry. I don’t know why y’all put up with me. I hope you like it!
Summary: A previous patient drops by the station to thank 118 one last time, and to see her two favourite firefighters get married, regardless of whether they’re actually together or not, and it might just be a little too much for Eddie’s pining heart.
Warnings: Um? Pushy elderly lady? And extensive mentions of feelings of anxiety.
It was just a week earlier when the team had been called to the home of an elderly woman, who managed to get herself stuck in the rails of her staircase as she used it for balance. She was kind, and stayed in good spirts as they worked around her, careful not to damage her fragile skin any further.
She was one of the good calls. The ones where they left knowing they made a difference, and that the person they had helped was genuinely grateful. It was a surprise to see her visit the station with her daughter, but she was adamant on one more favour from the team before she let them go.
“Before I die, I want to see my two favourite firefighters get married.”
At first, when the elderly lady looked in their direction, Eddie was confused, but once he understood, he scrambled to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Oh, we aren’t together,” Buck denied casually with an easy laugh,
The team jumped. Hearing a sweet, elderly woman swear like that was a whole emotion in itself.
“I’ve seen you two around town with your son, he’s adorable,”
“Thanks,” Buck smiled,
“But we aren’t together,” Eddie reaffirmed,
“Come now, I’m sure you two could give a Good Samaritan her last wish,” Chimney pushed.
Eddie was sure he could throw up. Did everyone have to keep implying he and Buck were together? He had been dealing with his increased fondness towards the other man in his own time, he really didn’t need the team thrusting them together. What if Buck didn’t feel the same way? Eddie was sure the ground would swallow him whole if he had to go through that.
“Let’s do it!” Hen clapped,
“No, no, no, not here! Somewhere bright! And beautiful,”
“There’s a park right down the road,”
Eddie glared at her.
How was he supposed to keep his feelings at bay and figure out what they all mean if he is going to marry Buck within the half hour. Why did they have to put him on the spot like this. He can’t fake marry the man he is potentially in love with, he might as well just tear his heart out and let the truck roll over it.
“Perfect! Bobby can officiate it and we will be the witnesses,” Chimney clapped,
“We can do it on the truck... bring some good publicity to the station,”
“Uh, are we all forgetting what happened the last time we did that?” Eddie tried,
“You’re not going to deny an old lady her dying wish are you?” The woman blinked at Eddie expectantly.
By now, Buck was also stiff beside him, the entire thing had been blown way out of proportion. They were getting married, although fake, in a very public place in a very realistic way. Eddie dared at peak at Buck, who looked back at him. He was shocked, but it was in Buck’s nature to quickly adapt, and Eddie knew that he’d get on board with the idea if someone said even one more time that it was a good idea.
“I’ll buy the beers,” Chimney bargained,
“Ready to get married, husband,” Buck slapped Eddie on the shoulder.
Everything inside him tingled at that. Husband. Off of Buck’s tongue. It was too much, Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if he fainted and fell right off the top of the fire truck later on. Still, he put one foot in front of the other, and while unwilling, we climbed into the truck anyway.
His hands sweat the entire way there. Eddie must have run them down his trousers a thousand times. The worst part, Buck had become far more comfortable and friendly with the woman on the drive. He was completely calm about the whole thing now. And Eddie didn’t want to say he was jealous, but... when she put her hand on his arm and he smiled back at her... he was jealous.
Why the fuck couldn’t that have been him?
Eddie was a little relieved when they arrived. It was a pretty quiet day at the park, or so it looked. A crew of firefighters with a truck always drew a crowd in a few short minutes. It took some time to get angles and the set up right, and then there they were, just the two of them on the truck, about to be wed.
Bobby stood with the rest of the team on the ground, surrounded by the spectators when he began. He cursed everyone who had encouraged them to hold hands like a real couple during the ‘ceremony.’ It gave Eddie’s brain too much to process.
How could he focus on Bobby’s voice when Buck’s hands were right there in his? His head felt stuffy, and he was actually a little worried he made pass out. The entire thing flew by, and before he knew it, they’d reached the most important part of the ceremony.
“I now pronounce you, husband and husband,”
“This is where we kiss, right?”
“Usually,” Eddie nodded,
“Do we actually have to do that?”
“Well! Kiss!” Chimney egged them on.
The boys looked at each other as the crowd on the ground below them all began to cheer.
Someone had it out for Eddie, he was sure. This may very well be the death of him.
Buck looked at him and shrugged, and before Eddie could protest anymore, Buck had a hand on his waist, another on his cheek, and their lips were pressed together.
Eddie was shocked for a split second, then all he could comprehend was Bucks lips on his, and how he really, really didn’t want it to end. So, he kissed back. Maybe a little too eagerly, but Buck wasn’t pulling back either.
Both of Bucks hands rested on his cheeks now, and Eddie couldn’t help but reach up and hold them, he figured that was safest. If he had his way, his hands would be all over Buck, but that wasn’t exactly park nor audience friendly. Though, Eddie was pretty sure he could get used to Buck’s big hands holding him still to kiss him.
He was weak under Buck, ready to give him whatever he wanted.
Buck tugged on his belt, pulling them closer, and Eddie couldn’t resist wrapping his arms around Buck’s neck, letting the kiss deepen.
“It’s a children’s park!” Athena’s voice broke through their moment, “please don’t make me arrest you for-“
Eddie gasped as he sprung back, completely out of Buck’s hold, leaving the other firefighter stunned, hands still frozen in the position they’d been in on Eddie’s waist seconds earlier.
He could hear the crowd below them cheering, but it was like an outer body experience. Like they weren’t really there. Buck still hadn’t moved, and Eddie’s head was rapidly telling him to abort mission. It went too far, it was too much.
Now he had screwed everything up. Screwed up everything for Christopher. He cursed himself as he made his way to the edge, ready for his feet to be on solid ground where he could run and run and run until he collapsed in a pile of self pity. He wasn’t ready to face Buck’s rejection yet.
“Eds. Eddie!”
Eddie was sure he was about to just throw himself over the edge rather than climb down safely, but Buck caught him just in time, and now there they were again. Still stuck atop a fire truck, collapsed almost on top each other, Buck the only thing keeping Eddie from ungracefully going over the edge.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I- we’ll forget it, yeah? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to fuck it up,”
“You didn’t fuck it up.”
And if only Buck knew just how true that was.
“It’s fine. It’s fine, it’s just...” Eddie couldn’t find the words to say,
“This can’t change anything,”
“For Christopher,”
“For Christopher!” Buck agreed, “...but I mean... If you liked it, maybe...”
“Maybe what?” Eddie pushed,
“Maybe we could try it again some time... maybe not with a bunch of strangers staring at us, because I really don’t even want to go down there and face it once, let alone again,”
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,”
“Wait, really?”
A weight fell off Eddie’s shoulders, and he laughed. Real and loud.
“Yes, really... but like, after we talk, because I’m not ready to-“
“Yeah, no, totally agreed,” Buck nodded, “we have the rest of our lives, right?”
Eddie could’ve slapped Buck. Did he have to say cute shit right now? Did they not just agree to put their feelings to the side until they talk about it? Eddie was pretty sure the first chance they get alone was in fact not going to be filled with a single word at all, probably a lot of lip work, but no talking. But could anyone blame him when Buck looked like... that.
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ravens-words · 4 years
911 3x13
This show is one of only two shows that managed to make me fall in love with all of the characters.
Seriously. Buck is my favorite character, and with most other shows I skip the scenes with the characters I don't like, but not with 911. I always knew I loved all these characters, but this episodes, which had only two or three small Buck scenes, proved this to me.
Feel free to skip this post, because it's just gonna be me gushing about this episode.
First of all, let me start with the emergencies. Listen, this show has managed to keep me on my toes with the emergencies in the best way. They're never boring and never over the top. No other show, imo, has manged to do that.
Onto the characters:
Buck. I loved the first scene! Smart!Buck is my favorite thing, and it was adorable how proud he was of himself! I loved how happy he was when Chim said he was gonna tell Maddie he loved her!
Eddie. Man, him and Hen teasing Chim was the best. And what he told Chim about telling the people we love that we love them- I felt for him, and I agree with other people who said it was both about Shannon and foreshadowing, simply because they could've used that scene with the man who shot himself in the heart as a reminder.
Buddie. What Eddie said. The lunch together. Them being in sync. We didn't get much scenes, but to me, as long as there's no drama and no steps back, I'm alright with that.
Maddie. Listen, I went through so many emotions watching Maddie. How nervous she was about Chim calling her, how badass she was saving that woman's life with Chim. And she broke my heart a bit at the end there. She better be okay.
Chimney. I want a Chimney in my life. I need him. Loved his scene with Albert, lol. Also, he is just an all-around amazing human being.
Madney. They are badass. They are cute. They are everything. Seriously, they shone in this episode. They have such natural chemistry, it felt like it was all real. I LOVE them.
Bobby. I loved him in this episode. Seriously, I want a friend like him in my life.
Michael. This man brought me to tears today. His desperation to keep the traditions, his vulnerability.. they all came through loud and clear.
Athena. I love this woman. She is so fucking strong. I just- she's ana amazing mother, police officer, wife and friend. She is perfect. She better stay okay, alive and whole this season.
May and Harry. These two deserve the world, and it's so sad that they might lose their father so young.
Hen and Athena. As always, their friendship is amazing. I really would've loved to see Karen and Nia, too.
Josh. My poor baby. He was so terrified in that ending. I think the whole mugging thing was bigger than just that., cause it can't be a coincidence. Also, anybody has a hunch about this Jamal guy? Maybe he'll be a LI? I just felt it was weird we saw him in two separate scenes, also interacting with Josh. Maybe he'll be shot and admit he had a crush on him?
My babies better all be okay next ep or I'm gonna lose my mind, tbh.
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pennylanefics · 5 years
a/n: i did this with ben and his characters, so i thought i’d try it with taron :) hope you like!! will be doing more of these in the upcoming future. also, some of these came out longer than expected lol
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- after a long few months of taron being away for filming, he was finally back home and with you for the time being, before he had to start touring for press.
on the night that he got back, because he got back after dinnertime, you two chose to have a movie night, watching some classic movies and catching up, taron telling you stories of being on set.
a couple movies in, you were starting to get tired, and taron could tell. he held you tighter in his arms, since you were already cuddling, and peppered kisses all over your forehead. you sighed contently, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.
“love you so much, darling. but get some sleep, okay? i’ll be here when you wake up, i promise.” with a nod in response, you close your eyes, huddling closer to his body, and falling into a deep sleep, continuing to feel his lips against your head.
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- you, eddie, and bronson were all in Switzerland for one of eddie’s competitions. eddie had spent all day warming up and having pep talks with bronson, so you hadn’t had a chance to see him much. so, after he jumped, successfully qualifying, you and him took a walk around the town together, bronson retreating to the hotel’s bar.
since it was winter, snow was falling from the sky at a calming and slow speed, giving the air a sort of romantic feel to it. your hand was enclosed in eddie’s as you two strolled around the small village.
“my mum said congratulations, by the way,” you tell eddie, in reference to his qualification today, which you had called your mom about when you got to the hotel to change.
“tell her i said thanks. she seems like a lovely woman and it’d be great to meet her someday,” eddie replies, squeezing your hand gently.
“you will. i’ll make sure we set up a day where we can go out...what?” you pause your sentence when you notice eddie staring at you. he shakes his head and stops walking, which then causes you to pause your movements as well.
“you are so adorable,” he whispers, stepping an inch closer, eyes darting all over your face. a blush creeps up your neck as you glance down at your snow-covered shoes.
eddie’s fingers come up and lift your chin so you could look at him, and that’s when he leans in and gives you the lightest kiss on your nose.
“i love you,” he whispers.
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- “den, what’s the matter?” you jump up from your spot on the couch as dennis storms into your shared apartment. he had tears in his eyes, almost ready to spill over and down his cheeks. he just shakes his head, reaching out for you, letting out a strangled sob.
you immediately run and hold him in your arms, comfortingly rubbing up and down his back to try and calm him down.
“shh, it’s okay, dennis. you’re gonna be okay,” you whisper into his ear, bringing him over to the couch. you sit down, making sure he was comfortable enough, and just let him cry for however long he needed.
around ten minutes later, his sobs finally subsided, although a few tears were still falling. he still had yet to speak a word, but you didn’t care; you just wanted him to be okay, but judging by the time he’s cried for, you knew he wasn’t.
dennis finally raises up from your shoulder, and the sight broke your heart. his cheeks were bright red, stained with tears, and his bottom lip was still quivering. the look in his eyes said it all.
“what happened?” you hesitantly ask him, caressing his cheek with your thumb. he leans into your touch a little before reaching up to capture your lips with his. the kiss is needy and almost as if dennis was pleading you to never leave him. you kiss back with the same amount of passion, letting him know you won’t ever leave him.
when he pulls away, he keeps his forehead on yours, his breath hitting your lips.
“i love you so much, darlin’. thank you for stayin’ with me and putting up with my fucked up life.”
“hey, don’t say that. i love you, that’s why i stay and help you through everything. i’m staying for a long time, i’m afraid.” dennis laughs just a little, but it’s something.
“thank you, love. you mean so much to me.”
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- “babe?” dean's voice calls from the living room, trying to find out where you are. he had just gotten home from a business meeting, and all he could think about was bending you over the large conference table; he had to leave with his paperwork covering his crotch.
“in the office!” you reply, writing an answer to your homework on a sheet of paper. you continue doing your work with no thoughts of dean, until he makes his way into the office, standing in the doorway, watching you concentrate. your head shoots up at him when you feel his gaze on you, but you quickly return to your paper.
“what do you want, dean? i’m trying to study,” you tell him, thinking he would get the hint and go away. but, he steps forward, beginning to unbutton his dress shirt. you then hear the sound of his belt but don’t register it, staying focused on your work.
“come on, baby girl. take a break, will you?” dean purrs in your ear, leaning against your back. your breath hitches in your throat, your eyes closing to try and keep your composure. but, that soon is deemed impossible when dean’s lips attach to your neck. you quietly moan as he gently bites down, feeling him smirk against your skin when he hears you.
“so? will you come with me and help me with a different sort of problem?” he asks, continuing to plant kisses all over your neck as you lean your head back to give him more access.
“i g-guess,” you breathe out, closing your textbook and turning in his arms, jumping into them so he could carry you to his bedroom.
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- “(y/n) here will be designing your suit, so if you would please go into fitting room two and get measured,” harry tells the newbie, eggsy, as they walk into the Kingsman tailor shop. you had been working there as a tailor for incoming members ever since your father learned of your very impressive sewing and design skills.
“uh, are you sure i should be with her? ain’t that a little-”
“why? because i’m a woman?” you raise your eyebrow at eggsy, knowing he was most likely going to say it was ‘inappropriate.’
“don’t worry. she’s better than anyone else we’ve had in the past. she’s very professional and knows what she’s doing,” harry responds before you have a chance to make a snarky comment. eggsy follows you into the changing room, and you immediately get to work.
a few weeks later, when the suit is finished, eggsy comes back in for a fitting, thankfully not much had to be fixed.
“okay, you’re all set, mr. unwin,” you say, patting his shoulder gently.
“please, call me eggsy,” he responds. you nod and go to leave the dressing room, when he stops you, slowly leaning down to meet your face. he tilts his head and his lips come into contact with your cheek softly. a blush takes over them as he pulls away, a small smile on his face.
“if it’s okay, i’d like to make up for our first visit and take you out to dinner. i was a real jerk and didn’t give you a chance, and-”
“i’d love to, eggsy. i understand the discomfort of it, but i’m glad you trusted me and let me do what i needed to. pick me up at around seven, when i get off?” you say to him, a small smile on your face. his expression copies yours as he nods.
“i’ll see you then, love.”
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- “(y/n)!” you hear john call out to you from right outside robin’s manor. you were sat reading, while him and rob went into town to fight in the revolution. so, hearing john’s voice filled with so much distress really concerned you.
john stumbles in the door, holding a half-conscious robin to his side, frantically pointing for you to gather things as he brings rob over to his bed.
“what the hell happened?!” you question as you begin to rip robin’s clothing so you could access the wound on his shoulder.
“we were fighting and someone caught robin off guard, shot him in the shoulder. didn’t hit anything major, but he passed out from the pain. i couldn’t get the arrow out, and everytime i tried, he just screamed out. i knew you could do something, so i brought him here,” he tells you in a strained voice, breaths coming out short and jagged.
“he’s going to be okay. can you get me a bucket of water and a rag please?” john immediately runs off and retrieves the items you needed. carefully and quickly, you work to remove the arrow still sticking out from his shoulder, and get to cleaning the area.
it was late at night when robin finally woke back up, groaning at the pain shooting through his shoulder. his heart softens when he notices you lying on the floor next to his bed. he reaches his hand down to stroke your hair, which of course wakes you up.
“rob! you’re awake!” you exclaim, jumping up to sit next to him. he laughs and nods, grabbing your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
your emotions take over your body as you lean in and harshly press your lips to his, putting every single feeling and emotion into it, wanting him to know that you are thankful that he is okay.
“love, i’m alright, i promise you,” he mumbles against your lips as he pulls away. you smile, a few tears falling down your cheek.
“i know. but i came so close to losing you.”
“you’re never going to lose me.”
taglist: @loveharrington @toky-9101 @buck-barn @butlegendsneverdie @tarons-mercury @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme
dean gif is not mine, robin gif is by @taronegeton
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significantfoliage · 2 years
911 S2 E6 let's goooo:
- the Buckley family constant of not getting Chim's references. It fills my heart lol
- oof dang she like. Really maybe should've stayed with Buck longer. Or at least had him stay the night
- okay Buck fanning over the news chick is adorable!!
- oh noooo sad bobby 🥺
- also I really hope we get more personal stuff about this priest one day.
- hey uhhh why is Taylor at the firehouse
- lolllll are Eddie and Buck really about to both go after this girl?
- what the FUCK happened with the chimney???
- ma'am why would a firefighter want to be famous
- I fucking hate the camera overlay effect they're using for the news filming
At this point I got busy for 1.5 weeks and am just now resuming the episode.
- oh nooooo I don't want them to nag Cap about why he's a fire fighter
- I know it's a show and that's why the film crew is at this scene but still hate them being at this scene
- another "and everyone clapped scene"
- oh nooooooo Bobby's gonna have weird kid feelings isn't he 😭
- sometimes I think Bobby's face is too flat/emotionless but also it just fits the character really well so whatever
- are we gonna get back to Buck's sister and her living alone anxiety? That's one of the first cold opens I've been super invested in, where's the follow up
- how are there no cars in that parking lot
- okay okay charley horse and his name being Charlie did make me laugh
- thank you Cap and Eddie for escorting the camera crew away
- awww okay Buck loves his dad 🥺
- "we're just here to make sure no story ends before it should" is a great line
- I just asked to get back to the sister (I totally forgot her name in the week of not watching oops) and AAAA the flashes between her past and the call are stressing me out!
- oh noooo she's so stressed!!!!
- it Always cracks me up how Maddie wears her trainee shirt to show more tits than any of the background characters
- kinda wish Maddie had been given a friend or was talking about this to Buck or that we'd met this woman before. But tv shows and all that.
- nevermind Bobby has embraced a zen and dad like philosophical bullshit this is amazing
- can't do the third all caps in a row but the stilleto through face is WILD
- why would handcuffing them with police like metal cuffs be a good idea to prevent self damage? Cause I know those things can be really abrasive and bruising
- Athena and Hen's sunglasses are So Cool I want them So Much
- where the fuck did the spectators at the fire station come from???
- how many fire stations are in LA?
- okay it's actually super cool that they interviewed the people that were helped but also if the lizard lady doses the brownies/fudge that's Fucking Hilarious
- I wanna pet that kitty 🥺 Also this business is so far from ethical and maybe legal, it isn't even funny
- yesssss I deadass really hope Chimney gets with Maddie, they're my two favs rn
- oh camera operator they don't need a room cause it's never gonna happen
- lol we got real photos for my prom and it took so long to actually get the photos to the devices I owned so good luck team
- one day they will have to bring back Athena's ex's boyfriend (yes I forgot his name I'm bad at names aaa)
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thecreativeangel · 7 years
Dating Richie Tozier Would Include...
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- This is how you met
- After that, as the school year went on, the group he hung around clicked into place and you were happy to be part of it.
- Bill, Stan and Eddie were confused at why you and Richie suddenly liked each other, but they grew to like you too.
- Sass competitions. All the time.
- Getting Richie out of trouble is your job, usually.
- *Richie, with his heavily ruffled hair, bleeding lip and bruised EVERYTHING.* “I ran into a lamp post?”
- *You raise an eyebrow*
- “…You know how Patrick Hockstetter always brings vodka to school?”
- “Please no.”
- “I may or may not have replaced it with vinegar. And bug replant.”
- “I…I can’t even complain that sounds amazing.” 
- Stealing wearing his glasses.
- He acts pissed off but secretly thinks it’s kinda hot. 
- You help him when his mom having an episode, which happens a lot. Richie actually likes spending the night at your house because:
+ Movie nights™
+ Cuddles for hours
+ Junk food for days
+ Kissing sometimes gets heated, in the best way
+ You randomly boop his nose because fuck it he’s so cute
- When his mom is completely out of control he comes to your house with a hand shaped bruise on his cheek and you feel the urge to march right back to his house and punch her.
- You tried to help but he wouldn’t look you in the eye.
- Gently stroking his bruised cheek until he calms down.
- Richie doesn’t think you noticed that his eyes were red and watery but you did.
+ Even more cuddling
+ He’s the little spoon when he’s sad ‘cuz he likes to have your arms around his waist and you hug him from the back like a koala. You usually sling one leg over his hip and pull him closer 
+ Falling sleep on the couch
- You knew he only cussed to get the attention his mother never gave him, and you cussed right along with him so he wouldn’t feel alone. You knew that he needed attention so you gave it to him.
- Getting super defensive when people at school call him “Bucky Beaver” because of his buck teeth and glasses.
- You never call him this in public for the sake of his “trashmouth, practical joker” imagine but in private his nickname is Bambi because of his big doe eyes.
+ “I swear to god if you call me that one more ti-”
+ “Mmm, sure Bambi.”
+ He secretly loves how softly you say it. 
- You never told the other Losers that you were dating him, until Ben walked in on the two of you making out kissing a bit.
- To quote Ben: “I’m not even going to ask.”
- Over the summer you get a hammock
+ Sleeping on Richie’s chest
+ This boi has one foot on the ground so he can rock the hammock to keep you asleep
+ Cuz he thinks you look adorable when you’re dreaming
- When the missing children reports become too frequent Richie holds your hand a little bit tighter.
- You weren’t there when he was attacked by “It” but you knew something was wrong the moment you saw him.
- When he found a missing kid poster with his face on it in the Neibolt House, you were the one to tell him it wasn’t real. He wouldn’t be forgotten like the other kids as long as you were alive to remember.
+ Also you MAY have grabbed the paper, torn it to pieces, thrown the torn bits on the floor and stomped on them like a rabid donkey. For good measure.
+ *Richie has never felt so many emotions at the same time in his life*
- When Bill and Richie get into a fight after Neibolt House you were there to pick Richie off the ground but he swats your hand away.
- You’re shocked because no one will listen to you and Beverly.
- Trying to explain that IT will kill all of you if you split up. It’s no use. Even Richie stomps away.
- You attempt to pull him back to Bill so they could work it out but he nearly throws you to the ground to get your hand off his arm.
+ So, since his rudeness rubbed off on you, you punched him
+ By “accident”
- And for the entire month that the Losers were split up, so were you and Richie. 
- To get your mind off all the clown shit you went to the arcade. Well a humdidum dumbass is what you are because the arcade is where Richie is. ALL. THE. TIME. 
- But again, his stubbornness rubbed off on you, so even when you saw him, you refused to leave and resorted to avoiding him. You weren’t sure if he saw you; he was really into his game.
- And at 10:30, when the arcade was technically closed, he was still inside. He probably gave the owner money to let him stay. 
+ The arcade to Richie was like a bar to adults; a way to forget.
- You sat on the curb outside the arcade, sipping a slushie. You were supposed to go home, but since the clown at Neibolt you were scared of the flickering street lamps that lined your way home, and the arcade and other shops gave off a nice, bright light.
+ It was comforting in a way. Very aesthetic. 
- And Richie almost falls down on the curb next to you
- You want to be mad, but he looks so tired from staring at a screen all day, although you suspect the video games aren’t the reason his eyes are glassy.
- “Got kicked out?”
- “Yeah.”
- “Out of house or arcade?”
- “…Both.”
- You stand up and hand him the slushie, which he sips gratefully.
- “You’re leaving?”
- He looks exactly like a puppy, with huge brown eyes and messy hair. Well, a puppy in glasses, anyway. 
- “If I’m leaving, you’re leaving with me.”
- Richie gives you a sleepy smile and takes you hand.
+ The entire way to your house he slumps against you, sometimes falling asleep mid step and his head falls on your shoulder.
- At one point he closes his eyes and walks with them closed, his cheek pressed against your shoulder for support.
- Remember those nights when he comes over after a really bad day? This is one of them.
- So for the night, you and him are too tired to think about the huge fight.
- In the morning tho, you wake up to slightly burnt bacon and very burnt toast.
- Which would be nice, but..
- “How did you burn the toast but not the bacon? The toaster has a TIMER.”
- “It’s called Satan’s charcoal bread dispenser and you’re welcome.”
+ He’d feel soo bad for fighting with you??? Like, REALLY BAD
+ I mean, you did punch him in the face, so you and him were kinda even, but he still did all this extra shit
+ Playing with your hair
+ Sharing chocolate stolen from the store
+ Braiding your hair and you’re like “Richie??? You’re very good with your hands???”
- Yeah… you probably shouldn’t have said that.
- Richie never stops smirking. Holy fuck.
- “You know what else I can do wit-”
- “NO! Nope! No, no, no. Keep doin’ what you’re doing and shut up.”
- Really though, no fucking white paper-ass motherfucking bitchass dumbass pixie stick addict looking clown with a shitty pumpkin guts Halloween wig could break you and Richie apart. Period. 
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