#he is NOT mature he just acts like a 50 year old man
luvrbug · 1 year
Hello I can request a Headcannon from Law, Ace, Luffy having a reader who loves hats, that's how each one would react to seeing the reader wearing someone else's hat. ♥️
THIS IS SO CUTE IM CHEWING ON THIS REQUEST SO HARD :[[[[ !! i don't know what ace's hat's backstory is my apologies. i think he just saw it one day and was like uhh fuck yes ? and stole it.
«─────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────────»
▸ Luffy loves his hat. You love Luffy's hat. Luffy loves you. These three key factors lead into one situation; you wearing his hat whenever possible.
▸ His hat is literally the most important thing Luffy owns. It is literally the physical manifestation of his dream, and his "crown".
▸ So, naturally, you getting to wear his hat is the highest privilege. He's essentially trusting you with his dream.
▸ So when Luffy sees you wearing Brook's tophat.. He's a little distressed. Does this mean you like Brook more than him...? :[
▸ Hes not absolutely heartbroken, but it stirs something new and unpleasant in his gut. (jealousy). He plops his hat on your head and everything's fine again :]
Ace + Law under the cut!
▸ So naturally Ace shows the whole world you're his by placing the biggest statement piece of his outfit on you. The hat.
▸ But if you voluntarily want to wear the hat? Wear a piece of him on you because you just. Like it? Ace is on his KNEES. He struggles to feel wanted and to know that you love having a part of him with you??? Its so good. It soothes his soul.
▸ So of course the minute you meet Sabo, one of the closest people to Ace's heart- You destroy him emotionally. Hes devastated, betrayed, absolutely heartbroken.
▸ How could you wear Sabo's stupid little tophat ??? with the goggles that don't even serve a purpose??? Ace is disgruntled. He's offended. And he will be giving you the silent treatment for an hour tops before he comes crawling back.
▸ His hat is practically shoved onto your head. He's still mad, still has that little green monster clawing at his insides, but he's calmer with his oversized (equally stupid) hat perched on your head.
▸ Law's hat is So important to him. It was given to him by his parents, so naturally to even BEGIN to earn the right to touch his hat is a Long, arduous journey.
▸ But once you've wormed your way into Law's heart- every part of him is yours. Including that sweet, warm hat.
▸ Law loves how you look in any of his clothes. He has a possessive streak a mile long, and no matter how good he is at hiding it he ALWAYS has a little smirk on his face when you wear anything thats his.
▸ The hat just ramps this up to 11. Something That core to his appearance, identity- unmistakably HIS, on you, who is now also unmistakably his? A dream come absolutely true.
▸ So naturally when hes sees the captian of the fucking strawhats putting his .. straw hat on you, Law nearly explodes. The straw hat is unmistakably LUFFY'S. The straw hat that is LUFFY'S, which is now on your head. Law short circuts. Seriously considers ending the alliance here and now by swapping Luffy's head and leg.
▸ He comes to a ... Peaceful? resolution when His hat is placed on its rightful pedestal... and Luffy (and hat) are out of his line of sight.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 26 days
Bros, Bros, and more Bros
I made a mistake! My cousin told me about this fortune teller that cast a spell on him. Apparently, it made every man he ran into act like a fatherly figure in his life. I had an awesome dad, but I've always struggled to connect with guys my own age, so I tracked the witch down and begged her for another spell. She eventually came around, but the effects aren't quite what I expected...
"Sup, dude! Wanna skip and hit the park?"
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My eyes stretch wide to take in the sight of my own father, carrying a skateboard over his shoulder like it's the most natural thing in the world. He's been acting like this for weeks; not washing his hair, barely even washing himself, and constantly wearing that stupid cap backwards. He's lost any sense of his old self!
"Dad, it's Monday. You've got work," I reply, not wanting him to piss his boss off.
"Work blows!" he sneers, "I hate wearing this stupid tie, and I'd rather hang with you, bro."
I sigh as my father tosses down his skateboard and extends a palm, pulling me into a cliche bro-hug where he claps me on the back. My dad used to give out hugs all the time, but it was never as performatively masculine as this. All this stupid curse did was turn my father into an 40 year-old frat guy.
"You're going to work," I say firmly, "And I'm going to school. We can play videogames or whatever when we get back later tonight."
"Bruuhhh!" he groans, "Fine. I'll catch you later, dude. There's pizza in the fridge if you want."
The idea of leftover pizza this early in the morning makes my stomach ache. My dad used to cook an entire meal every morning, complete with fruits and veggies. Now, he'd probably settle for a bag of chips.
The man leaves the skateboard behind and grabs his suit jacket, pulling it on with an attitude. He gives me one last head nod before bounding out of the house, hair flowing behind him. I imagine it's only a matter of time before my dad's boss is fed up with his new persona. I can't imagine a bro-personality is very conducive to getting work done in a corporate office. Hopefully, he'll mature soon.
With an empty stomach, I saunter out of the kitchen and walk to campus. I'm grateful to live close to the university. Hopefully, my curse won't get in the way of my day.
"Hey, how's my favorite student doing, bro?"
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My professor yells and breaks into a goofy grin at the sight of me. I close the door to his office to give us a bit of privacy. Mr. Carlton only acts like this when I stop by, so his colleagues would be shocked to see such a drastic shift in his usually stoic personality.
"I'm good, Professor Carlton," I say, "I wanted to check on my grade for this course."
"No need to be so formal, dude," he smiles, clapping me on the back, "You can call me Daniel. Want a drink? I have some bourbon."
"I'm good. I really just-"
"Relax, bro," my professor says, shoving a glass in my hand, filled to the brim, "This is good stuff. I save it for special occasions, so sit down! Kick your shoes off! I don't care!"
The department head pulls off his suit jacket and leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk and stretching his arms behind his head. I'd never seen the man act so unprofessional, but ever since the curse, he's started treating me like his closest buddy.
"Professor...sorry...Daniel, I just wanted to hear about my grade."
"I got you, bro!" he laughed, "Just keep doing what you're doing. I don't care if you don't show up!"
My shoulders relax. That's what I want to hear. It's not that I don't want to attend his lectures, but the last time I did, he started acting like a jackass in front of the entire class of 50 students. His presentation went from ancient monetary systems to ratings of best celebrity nip-slips. It's a miracle he didn't get fired!
"Ok, good. I have to go," I say checking the time, "And you have class in 20 minutes."
"Shit, I know," he groans and gulps down the rest of his booze, "Another day another dollar, I guess. When can we hang out, man? Tonight? I really wanna hang out with my guy."
"Nope, sorry!" I tense up and grab my backpack, "Good luck with the lecture."
"Right on, bro," he holds a sad hand up for a high-five, swallowing the rest of the drink he poured me.
I give my tipsy professor a halfhearted clap and scamper out of the office as quickly as possible. These interactions make me cringe so hard when a grown man acts young and cool for me. It's especially awkward to see such a respected individual sink to such a low level. What would we even do if he came over?
"Dude! Long time, no see!"
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In the hallway, I run into the football coach and two of the team's best players. The three of them look like they're getting back from an early morning conditioning session. They're all sweaty, panting, and happy to see me.
"Oh, hey," I muster, feeling increasingly less cool around these jocks. I hate to admit it, but guys like this wouldn't give me the time of day before I got that bro-curse.
"Hey, man! You gotta come hang out with us," the brunette grins, "The team's still changing, but you're cool to come in the locker room!"
"Yeah, bro!" the blonde quickly adds, "We'd love to have you in there!"
My heart pounds faster and faster. This is why I've never been able to connect with guys my own age. I find myself boning up every time they look in my direction. Now that these two athletes are practically begging for me to join them in the locker room, my erection is bursting out of my pants!
"We can take care of that too," the coach suddenly mentions, pointing a finger at the tent I'm trying to hide in my crotch.
"What?" I stammer with a dry mouth.
"What do you think bros are for?" the coach continues, clapping his two players on the back, "My boys would be happy to help a brother out!"
The two football jocks nod. It feels like I'm dreaming, and I don't know what to do. Before I can decide, the two athletes have approached and grabbed me by the arm. Their grips are firm, and I realize I'm being escorted into the changing room whether I like it or not!
"Who's this guy?"
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My stomach drops as I enter the locker room, finding an array of footballers in different states of dress. They all glance up at me with confusion, like I'm not supposed to be there, but then their faces soften. The gypsy's magic sets in, and they don't see a stranger when they look at me. They see their bro.
"Oh, it's you, bro," the same jock says, letting down his guard. I think I recognize him as the quarterback.
"Oh yeah, dude!" the massive lineman stands up and pulls me into a sweaty hug, "Glad you're here!"
"That's right guys," the brunette at my side says, still holding me tightly in place, "Our best bud is here, and he needs some attention."
My face flushes as I suddenly remember the problem poking out between my legs. By now, the entire football team is staring at it. If anything, it's only become more rock solid.
"Let me take care of that for you, bro," the quarterback says, grabbing my crotch without any hesitation.
"Move, I'll do it," says the lineman, pushing the quarterback out of the way and getting on his knees. He opens his mouth wide and-
"Shut up, all of you!" the coach suddenly roars! The locker room falls silent: these athletes are really well trained. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right. Line up!"
"Yes, coach!"
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The jocks back up and form a line in front of the lockers. Even the blonde and brunette that were holding me, release and join the rest of the team on the bench. Suddenly, I'm standing with the coach, looking at an entire team of well-disciplined football players. My throbbing erection is very apparent and pointing right at the small crowd of muscular men.
"Our bro deserves to be kept satisfied, right?" the coach slams a hand on my back.
"Yes, coach!" they shout back.
"So we don't just want to get our boy off once and move on, now do we?" he punctuates his question with another slap, this time lower on my back.
"No, coach!"
"We're going to set up a system for us to get him off whenever he needs it!"
"Yes, coach!"
The broad-shouldered and balding coach gives me one more slap, clapping me on the ass this time while staring into my eyes. "I'm gonna have my boys take turns sucking you off, bro. You just tell me which one's your favorite. Sound cool?"
I manage to mumble my assent, and with one look from coach, the quarterback is on his knees crawling towards my crotch. He pulls down my pants and unleashes my aching hard-on. "I got you, bro," he says, before putting his mouth to work.
After a few minutes, the coach pulls the jock off my pole and orders the linebacker to get busy. Before long, it's the brunette's turn, then the blonde's. I cycle through all 30 of the team's exceptional players, and I've gotten off more than just a few times. It's impossible to choose a favorite.
At the end of it all, the coach pushes the last player aside and says, "My turn, bro," before opening his mouth as wide as he can.
The entire football team watches as I spend the next 15 minutes just filling their coach's eager throat. When I'm finally done, I feel completely spent. I swap numbers with each jock and am repeatedly promised that they will be available whenever I call, but it isn't enough. They want to hang out with me now. They want to go out and party. I find it too difficult to say 'no' to a group of 30 eager athletes, so I let them sweep me up and take me to the nearest bar.
Needless to say, we end up causing a bit too rowdy of a scene.
"I got a complaint about a bunch of college idiots causing a ruckus. Would that be you?"
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The officer was all business when he first walked in the bar. My football bros were dancing and yelling, barely even paying attention to the policeman scowling at the wild scene in front of him. He looked pissed, and his glare only softened when it found me.
"Woah, didn't know you were here, man," the cop says, cracking a slight grin on his hardened face.
"Well, I am!" I cry, feeling the effects of all the drinks my bros had been buying for me, "You should forget about work and party with us!"
"You got it, dude! Screw this badge!" the officer yells, pulling me into a tight embrace. I guess the bro-curse even works on law-enforcement!
Just like that, I'm dancing with a policeman in the middle of the dance floor. He doesn't have any moves, but he loosens up after we get some beer down his throat. The football team loves watching the cop party right alongside them. Apparently, this guy has broken up many of their parties in the past.
"Drink! Drink! Drink!"
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The officer gulps down his seventh beer and slams the glass on the floor. It breaks, but the shattering is largely drowned out by the music. His onlookers go wild, but I can see the intoxication on his face. Beer is plastered around his mouth and dripping down his neck to soak into his uniform. I doubt this man has ever been this drunk in uniform before.
He stumbles over and throws a muscled arm over my shoulder, "Come here, bro. Let's do some shots or something!"
"I think it might be time to call it a night, officer," I yell in his ear.
"Oh, screw that!" he whines, "And don't call me officer! It's so formal!"
"Ok, what should I call you?"
"I dunno..." he mutters, "Buck! Call me Buck. That's what my wife calls me."
I roll my eyes at the mention of his wife. Of course this guy is taken. He's a complete stud of man. I've always liked a guy in uniform.
"How'd you like to come home with me tonight, Buck?" I ask sheepishly.
He lights up, "Bro, I thought you'd never ask!"
The cop grabs my arm with a wicked grin and stomps his way towards the door, dragging me along like I'm the prize he won at a fair. The players on the football team all stare at him with envy, mad that he's stealing their new best friend away for the night. I could see how badly each one of the jocks wished they were the one having a sleepover with me tonight.
"Hop in, I'll drive," officer Buck slurs his words and gestures to the police cruiser with his free hand.
"I think I'll handle the driving, if that's alright," I say, "Just hand over the keys."
"Anything for you, bro."
"Looks like someone got lucky!"
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"Oh my God. Dad you're still up?"
"Bro, you said you'd play videogames tonight and then you never showed! What was I supposed to do?" he retorts, unbothered by the late hour or the cop hanging on my arm.
"You have to go to work in 4 hours!" I scream, "And you haven't even changed out of today's work clothes! What are you thinking?"
"Chill, bro," my dad says, turning to the drunk policeman holding my hand, "Take him to the bedroom and show him a good time. I'm sure you were going to, but the dude could use some extra help relaxing tonight."
The sound of my own father encouraging the man I brought home to 'show me a good time' makes me question everything again. My dad just witnessed his son bringing home a cop that's the same age as him. He doesn't even care! I want to tell him to grow up and be the man I used to know, but Buck is already jerking on my arm.
"Let's go, bro," he mumbles lowly, using his strong arms to drag me into the bedroom.
"Enjoy your new cop friend, bro!" my father calls and I hear the sounds of his videogames start back up.
I barely have time to worry about any of it. Has this curse gone too far? Will my dad make it to work tomorrow? Does Buck have a wife I need to worry about!?
It all goes away when I'm thrown on the bed. The intoxicated officer flips the lights down low, and stumbles in front of me. He may be drunk, but he is certainly not a disappointment. The cop stares down at me as he rips his state-issued hat off and unbuttons his dark uniform shirt, all the while moving his hips to the beat of gunfire from dad's videogame in the living room.
With his hairy chest exposed, he crawls on top of me and whispers in my ear, "Where do you want me to start? Us bros gotta look out for each other, don't we?"
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 1 | Bucky Barnes
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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It was supposed to be easy, but it's not.
He felt his hands and sensed they were shackled to this agreement. While everyone chatted and laughed at this lunch party, he couldn't share the same sentiment.
Today was the engagement party of two influential conglomerate families.
The daughter of Celestial Enterprises, which owned Luxury Goods, Smart Home Technology, Media & Entertainment, was Victoria Sinclair.
She was a strikingly beautiful woman, exuding an air of sophistication, yet there was a hint of maturity beneath her seemingly spoiled demeanor.
With a shy gesture, she reached out and gently touched her fiancé's hand. Her soft touch snapped him out of his daydream.
She gazed at his face, mesmerized by his striking features. He could easily be the most handsome man she had ever encountered in her life. Despite meeting countless models and actors, none of them held a candle to him.
Bucky Barnes was the epitome of sophistication. With his jet-black hair, piercing blue eyes, and impeccable suit, he exuded an aura of intelligence and quiet confidence.
As the heir to the AstraNova Group, specializing in aerospace, renewable energy, and real estate, his wealth and influence were undeniable.
He felt something creeping on his hands, he glanced down to see his fiancée Victoria touching him. Despite his discomfort, he clenched his fists, fighting the urge to lash out.
But he had to keep it together. Tonight, his psychiatrist would have to listen to his anxiety. He couldn't let anyone at this party know about his Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
He was overly sensitive to sensory input, including touch. In this room, only his parents knew about his disorder.
Bucky smiled and gently pushed Victoria's hand away from him. He could only tolerate it for five minutes. But it seemed this woman didn't understand him.
If she were just another woman, Bucky would have instructed his assistant to escort Victoria away. But he couldn't do that.
Because this woman was necessary, in fact. Her family's money was crucial. This was a business marriage. Bucky wasn't a social man, so when his family arranged the marriage, he complied with their wishes.
He thought he could go along with it, but his disorder acted up every time he got close to Victoria. She was glued to him.
"Fuck," he thought. He wished his parents had chosen a woman who preferred shopping over clinging to him.
"Look at this couple. Hohoho… Like newlyweds," remarked Victoria's mother, Genevieve, a woman around 50 years old, exuding opulence in her elegant gown adorned with intricate lace and jewels.
"What a joyful day," nodded Bucky's mother, Juliana, a woman of similar age, dressed in a modest yet tasteful attire, her eyes fixed on her son who appeared calm. However, she couldn't help but notice Victoria's persistent touching.
She prayed that Bucky wouldn't lose his patience.
"By the way, where is the oldest daughter?" slipped one of the guests, causing a ripple of unease among the attendees.
Even Victoria lost interest in getting close to Bucky. She stopped leaning toward him and sat up straight.
Her silent expression mirrored Genevieve's, catching Bucky's attention.
This was the first Bucky had heard of another daughter.
“You have an older sister?” Bucky asked Victoria.
Victoria responded with a nervous voice, “I do... She's... how should I say this? She's complicated. She's never at home. And when she is, all we do is fight.”
Bucky nodded, understanding her explanation. An estranged sister.
But he had never come across any mention of this in his fiancée's family background.
Were they hiding their other daughter? An illegitimate child?
Bucky noticed Victoria's father, Jonathan, a distinguished man in his sixties, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, who had stopped drinking and focused his attention on the table.
Genevieve laughed elegantly and remarked, “Haha… She doesn't enjoy these kinds of events. She prefers outdoor activities.”
On the first day of their engagement, Bucky found himself embroiled in family drama.
Then, a voice from outside could be heard, “I'm sorry, miss. This room has been booked,” said the security.
“It's booked for Sinclair and Barnes, right? What a coincidence. I'm a Sinclair too,” a playful female voice retorted.
The private door burst open from a forceful kick, startling the guests.
All eyes turned toward the newcomer.
Even Bucky turned around to see who it was.
She was wearing black leather boots, black pants, and a gray turtleneck sweater. Her attire stood out starkly against the elegance of the room.
She looked at everyone, then stopped at Victoria and Bucky. Then she scoffed, causing Victoria to clench her fist and bite her lips.
Compares to Bucky. He wondered what had happened to her. She was wearing a hand cast, a band-aid under her right eye, and small new scars under her lips.
Two things he realized were that her demeanor and facial features were different from Victoria's.
Victoria nervously laughed, "We thought you wouldn't come."
You smirked and grabbed a glass of wine from the server who was serving drinks.
With a bow, you said, “Congrats on the engagement. Pardon my lateness. Seems like a rat ate your invitation.”
Victoria forced a smile, determined not to take the bait, especially in front of her fiancé, Bucky, to avoid any confrontation.
You walked past the couple and headed towards your father, Jonathan.
He showed no reaction, simply sipping his wine.
Standing beside him, you didn't even glance at Genevieve, who gritted her teeth, continuing to smile at the Barnes family.
You said to your dad, “Is this what your wife asked for? I must say I'm impressed.”
Bucky was taken aback when he heard that. What did it mean?
Genevieve gripped her wine glass tightly. The stories of her as ‘the other woman’ were in the past. She had worked hard to be accepted in this socialite world, and it had made everyone forget that she was the second wife. Everyone had called her Madam Sinclair, and Victoria the only daughter.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I'm just impressed that my sister could join the Barnes household. She didn't have to steal someone's husband like her mom.”
Victoria gasped and started sobbing.
Genevieve exclaimed, “How could you make your sister cry?”
You drank the wine in one gulp and put the empty glass on the table. “I want to vomit when I call her my sister. I need that wine to clean my tongue.”
Genevieve looked at her husband and whispered, “Jonathan, stop your daughter.”
You looked at your father, who was also looking at you, both of you silent. This is the relationship between father and daughter. Both of you used to be close, but everything changed after the other woman entered the family.
He won't say anything. He never does.
Turning to the new couple, you observed Victoria drinking water and her fiancé Bucky.
You didn't know much about him. What an unlucky man, you thought.
Walking towards him, you stopped in front of Bucky.
Bucky was looking at you too.
You said, “She throws away everything that I own or touch. I wonder…”
Your fingers touched his chin, and your face came close to his. You could see his eyes clearly.
You smirked and said, “I wonder if she still wants you after I do this.”
What you did next made everyone gasp.
Victoria screamed, “Get your lips away from him,” as she pushed you away from Bucky, acting as a barrier.
You wiped your lips, achieving your goal of seeing Victoria panicked.
With a salute gesture, you said, “I've got what I wanted. Goodbye, everyone,” and left the party.
Victoria grumbled, looking at Bucky and touching his hand. “Are you okay? I'm sorry. If you're mad at my sister, I apologize.”
Bucky pushed her away from him, his action shocking her slightly, but understandable since he had just been kissed by a stranger.
Bucky remained silent, not because he was angry, but because he had a million questions.
His disorder prevented him from being touched by someone, and yet he had just been kissed.
This is also his first kiss.
And... he didn't vomit.
Bucky looked at the closing door, wondering where you had gone.
He knew he had to see you again.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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jksprincess10 · 6 months
'Tis the damn season || DBF!Joel Miller x reader
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Summary: Each year, you go back to your hometown for Christmas, hoping to get a special treat from Mr Miller. This year might just be your year.
CWs: dbf!joel, a bit of soft dom!joel, innocence kink, big ol' age gap (20s and 50s), reader didn’t have many partners before but she had sex a few times, reader has a crush on Joel since she was a teenager so maybe a bit of power imbalance, alcohol consumption (no one having sex is drunk), explicit smut, protected p in v, fingering, daddy kink, size kink, choking on a dick, lots of pet names (baby, sweetheart, etc), not wearing underwear, reader is a menace, praise kink, reader is a bit insecure, mentions of religious figures, somehow very fluffy for some reason ??? anyway (4k words)
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The drive home is long and boring, music and your own voice being your only entertainment. You usually had another friend going back home riding with you, but she decided to stay on campus for Christmas. The radio predicted a storm like you haven't seen in years. So, you just hoped you wouldn't be stuck in your hometown longer than necessary.
Your parents were simple people. Christmas was never a big thing. Until they started celebrating with the Miller's. Both of your families were small, yours consisting of three people and the Miller's of Joel and his daughter. Sometimes, Joel Miller was even alone.
You convinced yourself every Christmas that you came home for your family. But you knew deep down that you came back every year for Joel Miller, your dad's best friend.
You had a crush on him since you were a teenager. The first time you had a fantasy, it was with Mr. Miller in mind. The first time you touched yourself it was with Mr. Miller in mind. When you lost your virginity, you had Mr. Miller in mind.
Since you were now in your 20s, you had hoped he saw you like the woman you were and not the daughter of his friend.
This year, you were on a mission: get Mr. Miller's attention. Whatever it took.
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When you get home, you exchange small talk with your family and help your mother with the food. Your family wasn't the gifting kind, but you always brought food and lots of alcohol to the table.
While you waited for the hours to pass, you got ready in your childhood room, changing your outfit at least three times. You chose a black velvet dress that hugged your body with a deep V in the back back and matching tights that had a hint of sparkle to them. You also did your makeup: bloody red lips, shimmery lids, and fine black liner that finished in a sharp wing. You had hoped it made you look mature enough to finally get what you wanted.
When you get downstairs, your parents compliment you. You all get in the family car and take the road to the Miller’s house. It’s a 20-minute drive, as he lives in another neighbourhood.
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This house was his pride and joy. Joel didn’t like to buy extravagant things for himself – hell, he still wore his old hole-filled t-shirts and jeans old enough to have kids. But his house was nice. and he liked having people in a comfortable setting.
When he bought the home after Sarah left for college, it was nice enough first, but it got even better when he renovated it with the help of Tommy and his wife, getting rid of walls to make it mostly open floor, changing the whole kitchen, repainting, the whole shebang.
He was always anxious and happy to have your family over, especially when you were there. Of course, he had seen how pretty you’ve gotten on the pictures you posted on Facebook. You were his best friend’s daughter, but he was a man with eyes and needs... and he could see beauty.
Sarah wouldn’t be there to entertain you with her girl talk. Her flight got cancelled due to bad weather, so it would be just him and his best friend’s family. He had to act natural around you.
The bell rings and he walks to the door, beer already in hand. Without any surprise, his favorite family is in front of him. He kisses the cheeks of your mother and hugs your father tightly, stopping when he gets to you.
Since you had gotten older, he didn’t really know what was the proper way to greet you. A kiss to the cheek? A hug? He was afraid to touch you, afraid of what it would do to him.
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 Joel opens the door, the warmth of his house spreading outside as he hushes you all inside. You see how he freezes in front of you, so you go in for a short hug. You can smell the cologne he wore every year for special occasions. You had memorized it, but you liked having a reminder. It was a complex fragrance of sandalwood and freshness.
He also wears the same red flannel – his festive flannel, he calls it. Joel seems to love routine. The only thing that is different this year is the black-framed glasses on his nose. You immediately notice them. You can’t deny the electric feeling of arousal it sends through your body. He looks amazing.
“Already old enough for glasses?” You tease him with a smile.
“Don’t go around tryin’ to take Sarah’s spot at teasing this ol’ man, sweetheart.” Joel responds with false anger.
“I would never.” You bite your lip in a flirty manner and disappear into the kitchen.
Your mother takes everyone’s coats and hang them up like she’s in her own house. You don’t know if you’re imagining it, but you feel Joel’s intense gaze on your bare back as you bring the food to the kitchen.
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Of course, you had to wear that stupid sexy dress. It’s like you were on a mission to taunt him. He wondered how it would feel to kiss the soft skin of your back, how long it would take him to kiss every single mole there. Joel does stare, until his best friend catches his attention and asks for a beer.
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When you’re all sat and eating together, conversation drifts to the usual small talk.
“So, why isn’t Sarah here?” You ask innocently.
“Her flight got cancelled. There’s some bad weather comin’ our way. I’d rather have her safe and see her later than not see her at all.” Joel answers between bites. He doesn’t look at you, only at his plate.
“Yeah, I’m happy you got here before the storm.” Your mom tells you.
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Joel visibly tries to ignore your presence at the dinner table. He really does. But he sees the way you bat your eyelashes innocently at him, the way your red lips close around your fork for a little too long, the way your eyes linger on his arms stuck in the sleeves of his flannel that were getting just a bit too tight. It didn’t help that you looked like sin in that dress. He just wanted to tear it off your body. 
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Like every Christmas dinner, you all end up in front of Joel’s fireplace. Like every Christmas dinner, your parents are loud and laughing too hard while you’re still sipping on your first glass of wine.
Unlike every Christmas dinner, the weather outside is ugly; wind loud, snowflakes coming down the sky and covering the ground in thick coats.
“Y’all should stay the night. Don’t wanna be responsible for a crash.” Joel says as he looks through the window, where the city is getting covered in a white coat.
“We’ll take the guest room; the bed is so comfortable.” Your dad slurs his words, and you roll your eyes discreetly. You hated the way they still acted like teenagers who didn’t know when to stop drinking.
“I’ll take Sarah’s room.” You mumble.
“Maybe y’all should rest. Drinkin’ doesn’t do no good for old people.” Joel jokes and helps your parents climb the stairs to the guest bedroom as your dad curses him for laughing at his old age.
Your stomach twists in anticipation; you could make a move on Joel when he comes back. You decide to make yourself look busy, so you load the dishwasher while you wait, your body bending down in hopes that Joel catches you.
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And he does catch you, his eyes catching the curve of your bare ass and your glistening pussy under your tights. His grip on his empty beer bottle tightens and he takes a deep breath. You’re too young. Too sweet. You’re his best friend’s daughter. Why are you doing this to him.
“Oh, Joel.” You sound surprised, like you got caught. You turn around with a soft smirk dancing on your red lips, lips that he stares at. “Did mom and dad get to bed without any accidents?”
“Y-Yeah, they did.” He stutters. Joel abandons his empty bottle on the counter. He should stop drinking now. Maybe two cups of hot chocolate would help.
His neck is red and warm, he feels sweat on his eyebrow.
“I always tell them they shouldn’t drink so much.” You giggle sweetly, and he wants to swallow the sound and keep it for rainy days. Your fingers tease the flannel covering his arm. “Let’s go back to the living room, I’m cold.”
“Yeah, just gimme a minute, sweetheart. I was thinking about makin’ some hot cocoa for us. What do you think?”
“Sounds lovely.”  
Joel drinks a glass of cold water in one go like it’s a shot in hopes to clear his mind getting clouded by dirty thoughts of you. He makes two cups of hot chocolate, just how the two of you liked it. He remembers you staying over and drinking hot drinks with Sarah on cold nights. Yeah. All of this was so wrong.
But when he finds you laid on his couch like a pretty painting, he loses any hope of redemption. He prays to God in his head and sits near your feet.
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“So, how’s school? “He clears his throat as he sets the fuming cups in front of you too.
“Oh, school is fine. I have good grades. How’s Sarah? I should text her more often.”
“She’s great. She’ll be an amazing psychologist when she’s done. I’m so proud of her.”
You both take your cups at the same time, your fingers so close to his you could take his hand in yours. You smile shyly and follow the sight of the cup in his massive hand. You wondered how it would look around your throat.  How his thick fingers would feel in your pussy.
“And boys?”
You laugh.
“College boys are… very immature and have nothing in their head. You see, I prefer older men.”
You look at him from the side and your smile widens when you see him try to speak, but the words get stuck in his throat. You were feeling very bold and you hoped that the signs you detected weren’t false.  
“M’not sure what you mean, sweetheart.” He finally says after swallowing some of the warm liquid. You watch as it goes down his throat. You both abandon your mugs on the table after that.
“I think you know, Mr. Miller.” You say as you straighten up. “Or if you don’t understand, I can demonstrate.” You throw your leg over his and straddle his thighs, looking down at him with lustful eyes. He tries to keep his hands to himself, looking up at you with restricted want.
“Older men will also break your heart. ‘Specially this one. M’not good for you. We shouldn’t…” Joel looks like he’s about to list every reason that keeps him from wanting you. But you stop him with the sweetest whisper in his ear.  
“Please, Joel.”
“God forgive me.” He says as he looks up to the ceiling and puts his hands on your waist. He’s barely touching you and your body is already hyperaware, goosebumps forming on your skin. You bend down and your lips latch onto his. His scruff is rough against your skin, his hands are traveling lower and lower. He lets you have control for a few seconds before he pries your mouth open with his tongue. Joel kisses you deeply, without restraint. It was even better than what you had imagined in your numerous fantasies. When he leaves the comfort of your mouth, his lips go down your jaw, your neck. You tilt your head to the side to grant him better access.
“You fuckin’ filthy girl. Not even wearing any underwear. You did that on purpose, huh?” Joel growls. “Your pussy’s out just waitin’ to be touched, huh?”
Your eyes roll in the back of your skull, and you whimper at his words. When you don’t respond, he slaps your ass, as soft as he can. He doesn’t want to scare you with his roughness.
“I-I did. Hoping you would finally notice me.”
“You’ll be a good girl if I give ya what you want?” He asks, teeth scraping against your skin.
“Y-Yes, Joel. I will.”
He helps you out of your tights, and you grind your bare pussy against him, trying to get some relief. His big hands stop you from moving.
“Nuh-Huh. You said you’d be good, sweetheart.”
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Turn around.”
You obey, your back now facing his chest and your ass resting on the hardness in his pants. Joel keeps kissing your neck, until he gets to the bare skin of your back. You shiver and repress a moan.
“Open up your legs for me baby.” He helps you, though, a rough hand spreading your thighs. You hike up your dress, so he has better access. He puts two thick fingers against your bottom lip and you open your mouth, taking them in and wetting them.
“You sure you want this?” He asks as he pops his digits out and bring them to your bare pussy, just hovering over where you want him the most. You nod enthusiastically, but it’s not enough for him. “Tell me with words, sweetheart.”
“P-Please Joel, I want you. I want everything you can give me.”
Satisfied, Joel starts caressing your slit with the pad of his fingers, going up until they hit your clit. You already feel like putty in his arms and you’re thankful that one of his arms is holding you. He draws tight, expert circles on your bud of pleasure, and it’s better than your own hand or anyone you had before. His name comes out of your mouth softly because you know you can’t be too loud. Joel finds a fast rhythm that is guaranteed to rip a rapid orgasm from you. When you’re just over the edge, he slows down. You feel his hot breath against the skin of your neck.
“I’d usually take my time with you, darlin’. Discover every little thing that makes you spasm and cry. But you’ve been teasin’ me all fucking night and I feel like I’m gonna explode.”
“I-I’m sorry…” But the little smile tugging at your lip tells him you’re not.
While his thumb keeps circling your clit, his thick index finger enters your hole. You squeeze around him, and the sounds of him touching you are already sinful.
“Already havin’ a hard time taking my fingers, how are you gonna take my cock, huh?”
You try to relax, your back laying against his chest and you spread your legs a little more, your feet holding you up on the couch.
“I can take it.” You assure him.
He thrusts his finger in and out a few times, before slowly adding a second one. You feel a slight burn, that is soon replaced with blinding pleasure.
“How many boys have ya had sex with?”
“F-Four. Couldn’t stop… thinking about you, Joel.”
“You bad girl.” Joel tuts. “Thinkin’ about your dad’s friend like that… What am I gonna do with you?”
You feel Joel’s fingers curl inside you as his thumb keeps circling your clit. Your legs spasm lightly and your head falls on his shoulder, your mouth slightly open.
“Fuck… T-That’s it, Joel.”
He keeps hitting that spot again and again until you can’t take it anymore. Your walls close around his fingers as you come like never before. You could never find anything better than this. He leaves you empty as you try to control your breath.
“You did so good.” The contrast of the soft kiss he leaves on your cheek with the dirtiness of the words that came out of his mouth earlier is striking.  “What else do ya need, baby?”
“Need to suck your cock.” You turn your head, so he has access to your lips. His rough, still wet fingers are on your cheek as he kisses you softly, ignoring the heaviness in his balls.
“C’mon, let’s go somewhere more comfortable so you don’t hurt your legs, hm?” He slaps your thighs as if to prove his words and you get up on wobbly legs. He hooks a strong arm around your waist and helps you move upstairs to his bedroom.
The guest bedroom’s door is closed, and you can hear the familiar sound of your dad snoring. You follow Joel to his bedroom, and he closes and locks the door behind you. You realize you’ve never been in this room before, it felt so personal. You only got glimpses of it when you went to Sarah’s room. Joel’s bedroom is messy, on the contrary of the rest of his house. But you like it.
“Quit snoopin’ around and c’me here.” He’s sat on the edge of the bed, shaky fingers trying to get rid of his old flannel shirt. You smile and stand in front of him, your hands coming up to his face to delicately take off his glasses. You set them on the bedside table, and you come back to him, fingers helping with his flannel.
Of course, you had seen Joel shirtless before. But not in the quietness and secrecy of his bedroom. His shoulders are wide, freckles are decorating his chest. His tummy is hanging over his belt a little, and you just want to lay your head there. Joel pushes his pants down and kicks them off, before laying down on the bed, looking up at you with attentive brown eyes.
Your fingers find the hem of your dress, and you pull it off your body slowly, before letting it join the mess of clothes on the floor. You’re not wearing any bra as it would ruin the backless look.
“Jesus.” He sighs, like your beauty physically pains him. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Thank you. Not so bad yourself, for an old man.” You crawl on the bed between his thighs. Without waiting, you slide off his boxers that do little to hide his erection. You had imagined his cock countless times, the color, the shape, the size of it. But your fantasies didn’t do justice to the real thing. You press a kiss to one of his strong thighs as you take the base of him in your hand. You leave a little red mark on his skin. His breath gets stuck in his throat. He’s so sensitive, more receptive than you thought.
You start by licking the head, red and angry. You discover every sensitive spot there, everything that makes him twitch, before taking the tip in your mouth. You suck on it softly as you move your hand against his length at a slow pace, wanting to drag this moment as long as you can. You want to memorize the way he tastes; how big he is in your mouth. Joel threads an encouraging hand in your hair, guiding you without putting too much pressure.
“You’re doin’ so good, sweetheart.” He encourages you in a low voice.
You tighten your grip a little as you slide your hand at a faster pace, the tip sucked in your mouth. You simply feel euphoric when you hear him moan. You can’t believe you’re doing this to Joel.
You feel bold, so you take more of him in. You really try to get to the base, but you feel yourself choking. Joel pulls on your hair to take you off his cock.
“Oh baby.” He soothes you as he attracts your body closer to his. You lay on him and hide your face in his neck, ashamed by your failure. “C’mon, look at me.” He cups your face and pulls you to his level, his fingers making the tears on your cheeks disappear. “You’re such a good girl. You did so good. You were just a little greedy.”
“I’m sorry. Do you still… do you still want me?” You ask shakily, suddenly all your confidence drained from your body.
“Of course, I do.” And you believe him with the warm smile he gives you.
He rolls over you, his strong body trapping you beneath him. You can’t describe it, but you feel safe. Joel leaves a kiss on your forehead before he stretches his arm to fetch a condom. You wish you could have him bare, but still. Safety first.
You watch as he pumps himself a few times and roll the protection over his cock. He uses his knee to open up your thighs, before grabbing your legs with his hands. You slowly start to feel him, the burn of the stretch. You try to keep your eyes open so you can burn the image of him fucking you in your mind. He stops when he’s fully sheathed in you, and that already knocks the breath off your lungs.
“I know it’s a lot.” He coos. “I’ll go slow.”
You nod, thankful that he’s so soft and caring with you.  He rests his palms on each side of your face, his stare holding yours as he starts moving his hips slowly. You try to repress any sound, but you still let out a soft moan.
“Feels so good, daddy.” You don’t miss the way his face gets red at your dirty words.
“I know sweetheart. You’re choking my cock.”
“Hmmm.” You close your eyes for a few seconds, taking the time to just feel. “You can fuck me harder. Please.”
“Yeah? Stop me if it’s too much.”  His hands grab your legs and he pushes them up slightly, making half of your body bend, and accentuating the sensations for both of you. The snap of his hips becomes more powerful, and you have a hard time keeping your eyes on him as they just want to roll in your skull.
“So fucking good, daddy. Never had anyone like you.” You let out, completely shameless. The words seem to encourage him, as he fucks you deeper and harder with every thrust. You feel him hitting every sweet spot in your being, and you feel like you’re gonna burst. No man has made you come on his cock before.
“Think you can gi’me another one, sweetheart. C’mon. Touch yourself.”
One of your hand cups your tits as the other one travels down your body. You draw fast, tight circles on your clit as Joel keeps fucking you harshly. You feel your walls clamp around him, and his thrusts getting messier as you hit your own high. You think you feel him spasm in you as he spurts in the condom.
Everything feels blurry, like a dream when you come down your high. You feel him coming out of you, vaguely see him getting up to put the condom in the trash. He sounds out of breath. You feel his weight beside you on the bed, and you feel the soft caress of his fingers on your cheek.
“You should go pee.”
“Hmmm.” You lazily get up and disappear into the bathroom linked to Joel’s bedroom. When you’re done, you open the door to see him already under the covers, with a spot open for you.
“You can stay.” He offers. “Your parents will probably sleep forever… We just need to wake up before them.”
You nod and take the spot beside him. He pulls the blanket over you and he brings you closer to him, warm arms around you as you lay against his chest.
“Can we make this a new Christmas tradition?” You ask, looking up to his face.
There’s a smile tugging at his lips, even though he can’t promise anything. “We can.”
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alphajocklover · 25 days
So I’m a gay guy in my early 30s but I find that I’m more attracted to mature men like in their 50s. There’s a guy I want to ask out by he’s a big muscle daddy in his 50s and that’s all he says he’s interested in. Do you think you could help me become the perfect mature hairy muscle man that he wants to marry?
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Clive was literally everything you had ever wanted. Handsome, distinguished, muscular, he was exactly your type physically. A muscle Daddy. Having him as your roommate was driving you insane with lust. But your feelings for him were so much more than just physical, so much more than just lust. In the short time you had known Clive you had fallen head over heels in love with him. Everything about him made you weak in the knees, from the small habits he had, like slightly pulling on his silver beard when thinking, to the big things he did, like how considerate and caring he always was. Most people would feel awkward about having a roommate so much younger than they are, but he had always treated you like a friend and an equal. You wanted him more than anything. But… you knew he’d never love you back.
Clive was 25 years older than you, literally old enough to be your actual daddy, and he was well aware of the age difference. He never treated you like a kid, but he was a big believer in keeping sexual relationships within his own generation. If he was attracted to you, you knew he’d never act on it because he didn’t wanna be a creep. He always dated people closer to him in age, and seemed to have similar taste to you. All of his boyfriends were muscular, hairy, older gentleman. Muscle daddies. In other words, the opposite of you. You were, for lack of better words, a twink. You had tried to gain muscle, tried to grow more hair, even tried gaining weight, but you were one of those rare people who couldn’t put on weight instead of not being able to keep it off. So, you suffered in silence, the object of your affection so close but far, constantly pining. It was humiliating, and made you feel like some sort of pathetic schoolgirl, but… you couldn’t do anything to change the situation. You couldn’t change your feelings, you couldn’t change your body, you couldn’t even afford to move. You were stuck.
And then… you saw the ring. You don’t know how it happened. You can’t even remember why you walked past that jewelry store on your way to work. Usually you took a more direct route. But that day you walked past that new jewelry store, your eyes caught on something in the window. A simple diamond engagement ring. It wasn’t anything special. You shouldn’t have stopped and gone into the store. But you did. You shouldn’t have bought the shockingly cheap but beautiful ring. But you did. You shouldn’t have skipped work and headed back to your apartment to set up. But you did. And as you did, you changed. When you walked up the 7 floors to your apartment, you began to gain muscle slowly. A ridiculous amount of muscle, going from twink to twunk to jock to certified beef. When you entered the apartment and prepared a special bottle of wine you didn’t remember having before to (hopefully) celebrate, you gained a respectable smattering of hair all over your body, though the hair on your head seemed to shorten and fall away. As you ordered a beautiful bouquet of flowers and changed into an expensive suit you shouldn’t have been able to afford rent for a night but now remembered buying, you grew older, your hair becoming peppery and your muscles becoming thicker and more solid. By the time Clive opened the door, there you were: an older muscle daddy in a handsome suit, on one knee with love is your eyes.
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Obviously Clive said yes. Afterall, you had been dating for 3 years now, living together for 2, and were perfect together. You were both head over heels for each other, in a good place financially (mainly due to your very well paying job as an executive), and you were ready for the next step. Before the wine you had bought was even half gone, Clive was stripping off your suit as you grinned happily. Clive was everything you had ever wanted. Well, almost. You had never expected to end up with someone younger than you, since you usually dated older men, but it was only a 2 year age difference, and it turned out you kind of liked being the older guy for once.
**Hey there! My first muscle daddy story. I usually write about jocks but I never turn down a challenge and like expanding my horizons. I hope I did a good job! I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to send me more story suggestions.**
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indieyuugure · 9 months
On the rise, which of the two do you think is the older twin? Leo or Donnie? And why?
While their ages are both listed as 14 years old in the first episode, different species of turtle age at different speeds. Now of course it would be a little different since they’re also half human, but, on average, Softshell turtles live longer than Red Eared Sliders. So 14 years is different for species that lives longer than one that lives shorter.
Example: If a pet turtle that lives for 60 years. After 30 years, that’s 50% of it’s life. However if you have a pet turtle that only lives for 40 years, 30 years is 75% of it’s life span. So in a way the turtle that has a shorter life span is older.
Red eared sliders have an average life expectancy of around 30 years. Average that with the human life expectancy which is 70 and it’s something like 50 to 60 years old (it’s obviously very flexible since these are averages)
Soft-shell turtles have an average life expectancy of around 50 years. So then average that with the life expectancy of a human and you get something like 60-65 ish. (I’m erring on the side of humans because they are mentally humans and seem to age similarly)
So scientifically speaking, Leo is older.
Going with the feelings approach, I concur with this. Leo takes on a lot more “older brother” roles than Donnie. Leo and Raph’s roles are almost perfectly flipped from other versions of TMNT. Raph is the leader and Leo is his right hand man.
Though he’s not as mature as Raph, he’s reliable and acts as an amazing strategist. He’s the second in command and so holds more authority than Donnie and Mikey, which you really see in the movie as Raph is kidnapped by the Krang and so Leo has to step up as the leader.
I might also have a bias because my younger sister is like a female version of Donnie down to the oversized purple hoodie and grey headphones, but idk. Donnie just gives off a more younger sibling menace vibes, while Leo gives of older sibling menace vibes, which I think is especially obvious in the way they teases their other brothers.
Donnie: “Oh, hey guys. What’s the haps? Huh? Oh, oh this? I didn’t realize I had it on. This is my sweet new purple satin jacket.” (‘Be envious of me,’ a common younger sibling thing to do)
Leo: “Second place, huh? What's that feel like?…Because I only get first.” (‘I’m better than you,’ a common older sibling thing, especially with brothers)
To sum it all up, I think Leo is older, scientifically and dynamically.
Good question! :]
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adelliet · 10 months
Joel miller x f!reader
Ur too young for me
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Summary: it's your mom's birthday party and her boyfriend Tommy is of course invited, but none of you were expecting he'd bring his brother too, which you had no idea he even have one.
Warnings: 18+, rough but soft, unprotected sex ( p i v ), age gap, drinking alcohol, teasing, sexual allusions, fingering, flirt, dom & sub
A/N: Hi! Sorry I wasn't active these days…trust me I have load of ideas and concepts, but I have no time :/ also sorry for the mistakes, of there are any, english isn't my first language! Enjoy, sedning love <3
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You stood in the corner of the kitchen, far away from all those 40-50 year old people, who were talking so loudly that if you wanted to, you could hear every detail of their conversation. But you didn't care about that, you didn't care about any of that, and the only reason you're here is your mom. She does enough for you, so you want to at least pay her back and attend this boring senior party where absolutely nothing happens. The only good thing here is alcohol.
Since there are enough people here that mom won't see you drinking Gin or Vodka through them, you take the opportunity to get drunk to the point of unconsciousness so you don't have to spend any more time here. However, when you wanted to pour another glass of Vodka into the red plastic cup, you felt a woman's grip on your forearm. Before you could turn around to see who it was, you were led to the front door.
Of course, it didn't take you long to realize that your mom was dragging you to the door. "So, straighten up and be nice" your mom ordered as she smoothed the dress over her stomach and reached for the handle. You just rolled your eyes and looked at the door in disgust until Tommy appeared in it. A really forced smile appeared on your face by the second and you tried not to be mean like your mom told you to.
Tommy is a nice guy, you gotta admit, but you don't even know why you "don't like" him. Like it was some kind of natural instinct because none of the guys mom found after dad died were smart or nice. They all acted like whores and wanted only one thing from mom. Maybe your hatred is also from trust issues, but you haven't had much time to think about it now. Your mission to get drunk must succeed, so you did everything to make it happen. “Hi Tommy” you greeted him and wanted to offer your hand for a shake but he forcefully ignored her and pulled you to his chest as he wrapped you in a hug. At first you thought how gross it would be, but it felt pretty good. When he finally let you go, he hugged your mom too and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Your mom was as red as a tomato and her happy smile just couldn't be shaken off. You were glad that she was happy after such a long time.
"I hope you don't mind that I brought my brother too" this sentence that came out of Tommy's mouth caught us both by surprise. We stared wide eyed at Tommy until we heard footsteps coming down the hall towards our door. "You have a brother?" Mom asked in shock and Tommy nodded. Then he said something to her, but I stopped noticing everything that was happening around me as soon as I saw a muscular, mature and slightly older man standing in the doorway. He was tall, with a light gray beard and hair so silky you fought the urge to run your fingers through it. Wearing a green plaid shirt with a gray belt around the waist and slightly flared jeans. You wouldn't say that such a sexy and attractive man is Tommy's brother. Now the fun begins.
All of a sudden, everyone fell quiet and there was an awkward grave silence as everyone but one stared at the man standing in the doorway with a serious face that exuded genuine respect. Seeing this man on the street, you wouldn't want to mess with him. The silence became too long and deep, so our birthday girl decided to break it. "You must be Joel, is that right?" mom asked sweetly, suffocating me a bit to get a better view of him. I couldn't believe it. Tommy was literally standing next to her and she was even redder than before paying attention to this man. On the other hand, you should not be surprised. You don't see such a handsome man very often.
“That's right" Joel spoke and his voice was even more beautiful than you imagined. A deep husky voice, to hear it so grainy in the morning, oh my god. He accepted your mother's offering hand for a shake, giving you a better view of his soaked and muscular whips. He must work out at least 3 times a day.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. You looked at every detail of him, his sharp beard, the beautiful brown eyes that looked so sweet, but they were formed strictly. On his muscles and you imagined how his body must look under all those clothes. It must certainly look like it was created by god himself. When your mom finally pulled away and finished chatting with Joel, she made room and now you could see the handsome guy face to face. You started to get nervous. What's going on?
You were never nervous with any boy before, whether you liked him or not. This is weird. Everything is strange and especially your feelings that you can't describe right now. "And you are?" a manly deep voice interrupted your thoughts and you regained your composure a bit. You made eye contact with him and that was your bottom. You could feel your knees buckle and your legs shake. The heat was boiling inside you and your heart was beating at least 4 times faster, as if you were charged with some energy. "Y/N" stuttered a little but you finally answered, and accepted his massive hand that he was offering you. His grip was strong, he surrounded your entire palm with his, fingers thin and long enough, god you had to move away from him or you wouldn't be able to hold on and it would end badly. "Nice to meet you" he added but no smile appeared on his face. You didn't know how it was possible, but the fact that he wasn't smiling at all added 100+ points to his attractiveness.
“Nice to meet you too” you squealed so quietly, that you couldn't even hear yourself, but Joel heard you very well because you could see his corners lifting slightly up, when you spoke. "Well…how about we all introduce ourselves hm?" Tommy jumped into your eye contact and broke it. You, Joel, you mom including the other people, were looking at Tommy, but you knew very well that everyone was interested in Joel. You were jealous a little, but at least you could do anything and everyone's attention was on the massive man, not on you.
You decided to take advantage of this and carefully sneaked into the kitchen with maximum stealth, where you picked up two bottles, each a different type of alcohol, and locked yourself in the room, as you sneak there the same way you sneak into the kitchen. Everything went so smoothly you couldn't believe it. Everyone was really only looking at Joel, both women and men, including your mom. She looked at him suspiciously peacefully, but at the end of the day you decided not to deal with it and to fulfill the mission you ordered from the beginning of the party. Get drunk.
After a few minutes and a few sips of Vodka, the bottle was already half empty and you felt a slight dizziness, but still nothing terrible. You stared at the wall and all you could think about was Joel. You tricked your thinking into drunkenness, even though you knew full well that thinking about Joel Vodka really wasn't to blame.
As you were about to take another sip from the bottle, you suddenly heard dangerous footsteps approaching your room. You immediately took the bottle out of your mouth, even doused yourself a little and hid it and the other one under the bed while you cleaned yourself up and checked your breath for the smell of alcohol. Suddenly the door opened aggressively and to your surprise Joel was standing there. He looked quite stressed and as soon as he entered your room without permission he slammed the door behind him and leaned against it. He rubbed his face with his large palm and exhaled until he saw you sitting on the edge of the bed. He was so startled that he jumped slightly on the spot and had to grab his heart. "Oh my God" he breathed out and you tried as hard as you could to fight the urge to immediately imagine his light outpouring in some deviant scene in your head.
“Sorry, didn't know you're here” Joel apologize but entered in the room anyways so, it's too late to apologize. “It's okay” you assured him, but you didn't ask the crucial question that was running through your head. Why is he even here? Shouldn't he enjoy partying with people of his own age and equal? Shouldn't he be enjoying the fame and being the center of attention? Probably not his cup of coffee. He looked pretty tired and beat up, like he'd just been hit in the head with 40 footballs.
He laid down on your bed without any warning or question, automatically covering his closed eyes with his hand. You bounced a little on the bed when he jumped there. You watched him and looked at him like a he was some treasure. “Those people are wild” he complained and when he finally spoke in a normal tone, your body calmed down a bit. You laughed at his good point and pulled the bottles from behind the bed. You wanted to drink one of the bottles but the familiar voice stopped you. "Aren't you too young to drink this?" you slowly turned over your shoulder only to see Joel, even hotter and more attractive than five seconds ago. One hand was tucked behind his head, the other rested on his chest, and his beautiful brown eyes were only fixed on you. "You're not my dad" you snapped at him and drank anyway. You have no idea where you got the courage. It sure does the drinking.
"Fine, but I won't hold your hair when you gonna throw up in the toilet" he got comfortable and finally closed his eyes after he said that. His words took you a bit by surprise and left your head spinning, but you ignored it anyway. "What are you doing?" you asked him curiously and slightly offended as your pupils widened. "Taking quick nap" again, that deep husky voice that made you cross your legs and ignore the throbbing down there. "And who let you lie here?" you asked him in a sussy voice, but immediately ducked your tail as Joel mopped the floor with you. "Who let you drink alcohol?" Shit, he's good. You decided not to answer and drink again.
You looked at him. You watched his nostrils expand every time he breathed air out, you watched his chest rise slowly and calmly, it was so calming to watch him that you got tired too. Your bed isn't very big so there wasn't much room left for you with Joel taking up most of the space, but she decided to rub herself in and lay next to him. He turn to side so now he wasn't laying on his back, but on his side. His face was right in front of your back, but you decided to not really care, or at least, try to not care.
But you couldn't lay down without touching Joel at all, and right now you were touching a really sensitive spot. You could feel your ass in that tight red dress touching Joel's pelvis. A normal person would have moved forward a bit or just ignored it, but the alcohol in your brain was starting to take over and so were your wild thoughts, so you decided to do something that could get you into trouble. You lay with your back to Joel, unable to see his face just imagining it. You slowly started moving your hips from side to side, provoking Joel. You waited for his reaction but nothing so far, just his sleep breathing purring into your neck, but no reaction at all. So, you didn't stop and keep going, maybe add a little more power.
Suddenly you heard an annoyed deep exhalation and at that exact moment you felt Joel's hand on your tiny neck. He had her propped up under your head, so you were practically lying on his arm. You gasped a bit from the surprise, because you weren't ready and expecting this to happen at all. You though that he may be telling you to fuck off or something, but definitely not this. His huge palm was covered all over your neck, his grip strength was small, but he would only need to add a little more strength and you would be suffocated in no time. You played a dangerous game but you loved it. "What do you think you're doing?" he barked at me quietly, his half-sleeping voice were sending chills down your spine and a flame of fire to your feminine parts. You felt your nipples harden and goosebumps appeared all over your body. "Getting myself comfortable" you said innocently, trying not to let your plan be known, to make Joel hard by teasing him with ur ass. You were so horny in your life right now, you never been like this before.
“Do that again and you'll regret it" he hissed making it clear that he was pretty pissed off but what did you take from that? That a dangerous game was starting to turn and you decided to provoke Joel even more and put yourself in more danger. Of course you were frozen when he said this and you waited a moment until you heard that cute purr on your neck again and his grip softened. You then started slowly moving your ass again, but this time, in a different direction. You weren't afraid to challenge him at all and moved your hips back and forth, hitting Joel's lap hard. You could feel the slowly growing bulge in his jeans, but it didn't last long as Joel huffed aggressively and woke up again, now even angrier than before.
Not only did he tighten his grip around your neck, but his other hand literally pressed down on your hip with si much preassure. He was holding your body so hard you thought he was going to break your bones. Your breathing quickened but it wasn't that you were afraid. The reason for your rapid heartbeat, pulsing and breathing was all too clear, you were so turned on. You could feel the wettness in your panties, dripping off to your inner thight and landing on the mattress. And it get so much worse.
"Didn't you hear me the first time you little brat?" he growled into your ear and squeezed your hip even more, making you curl your toes and stretch them out. So much pressure, so much tension, so much horniness and lust that you screamed ‘I want to have sex’ without even turning your face to Joel. You ignored his question, which may have been a mistake. "This is wrong you realize that?" he was asking you questions in anger and frustration, but you felt as if you were speechless and unable to verbally respond to them in any way, but that didn't matter because Joel could clearly read what was on your mind from your body movement.
"We're going to be in trouble…" he breathed out, his voice a little calm but grainy and so deep it was as if the bear himself was speaking to you. You felt his hand on your hip as it slowly traveled lower on your lower abdomen but it didn't stop there for long as it then traveled to your thigh where Joel then left his palm print as he squeezed it hard. That imprint will be there for a long time. You squealed softly, full of temptation and your body as hot as concrete in the summer. Joel felt very good about you and knew what to do. He always knows what to do.
"Tell me, has anyone touched you like this before?" another question, which was already much more pleasant when Joel was rubbing your thigh, his palm moving up and down and slightly returning the provocation when he sometimes went lower, where your thighs met and where you needed his hand the most . But he never stayed there very long, which frustrated you even more than being at your mom's party with old people. “Answer my question”
His grip on both your neck and your thigh twitched and gained strength as you remained silent and tried to enjoy this. You shook your head in disapproval but it wasn't enough for Joel. "Words" the grip even tighter and you felt that you were starting to feel your neck slightly. "No" you finally answered, all shaky but as soon as you said it, Joel's grip on your neck took away that strength, but on your thigh it was the oppostite and be just added more. "Good girl...where did the courage to speak go, huh?" this was a sarcastic question and you both understood that you weren't supposed to answer it.
After a bit of teasing, Joel decided to start doing something more, maybe it's because of his hard dick, which twitches every time you move or make any sound. "Will you be a good girl and be quiet?" he asked as he forced his hand he fell between your legs and caressed your inner thigh, where he sometimes 'accidentally' flicked his finger against your wet panties. He let out a small giggle when he felt how wet you already were, but decided to save his comment until after your answer. "Y-yes" you stuttered, all hot and eager as you moved your hips to feel Joel's fingertips just a little bit where your flame was heating the most. "So wet and we haven't even started..." he sighed as he finally touched his fingers to your panties and began to slowly and gently rub.
You let out a cute quiet sight, but you try really hard not to be loud, as Joel told you. "Good girl...you wanna feel my fingers inside you, don't ya?" what the fuck is happening. Are you fell asleep and this is a dream or are you that drunk that you are imagining things...or is this really happening? Is the most hot and attractive man in this house and in your whole life rubbing you through your panties and saying dirty stuff in your ear? What kind of porn-story is that!?
“Please~” you moaned, head turning so you could scream into the pillow and not be hearen, but Joel didn't fucking let you. He likes how you you begged and pleaded but he wasn't going to let you trick him into not controlling your squeals and whimpers, so he lifted his shoulder that you were laying on and rolled your head back to the original position it was in before. “No cheating, or you won't get what you're asking for” god his voice only added to your wetness and body temperature, you were as hot as a falling meteorite. This was the worst torture what could you have experienced but you deserved it. You shouldn't have provoked Joel with your ass and none of this would happened, but do you regret it? Absolutely not. This is so much better than be drunk, which you practically were.
“Do you want it?” He asked you as his body get closer to yours, that you could feel his muscular chest hiding in the clothes and his popping bulge wanting really hard to get out of there. His hot breath was know on your back of your neck, and you couldn't move. You were locked in Joel's touch and there was nothing to do than listen to him and do what he told you to do, so you could finally get what you fucking need. “Yes” you answered, this time full of confidence which Joel likes but not as much as he heard you begging.
“Beg for it” he said as he put much preassure on his two fingers rubbing against your wet panties that were probably soaking inside. Your clitoris was plumbing as much as your hole, fuck this man. "Please" you moan once again, trying really hard to give him his ego and the dominance he lost for a moment but regained immediately. You could feel his annoying grin ear to ear as he heard you. “See how easy it is” he stopped rubbing your vagina over the soft material which made you freeze a bit and you let us out with what you had at least for a little while and now you lost it but you didn't wait too long as Joel took off your panties in one jerking motion until they came down to your ankles and you shook them to the ground. "Let me feel how wet you really are" and before he finished this sentence, you could feel his bare fingers, rubbing your labia back and forth. Finally. The exhalation from the feeling that you have finally passed to the next stage kicked you so much that you forgot your promise and let out a slight loud sight. Joel immediately covered your mouth with the hand that was originally on your neck. "Shhh...we have a deal honey, don't break it" your eyes rolled back as he started to looking for your clit by his one finger and find it immidietly, then started doing small circles around there, making you go crazy and scream into his hand so fucking loud.
“God…you have no idea what're you doing to me” he whimpered into your ear and you could tell from his voice and shaking that he was in such tension and he couldn't last very long without interacting with him and his needs. You wanted to help him, but he wouldn't let you. You couldn't even turn or look at him, just trying to lie in a still position and not make a sound, which was quite hard task for you, especially when Joel added strength to your clit and started rubbing it hard and fast. You automatically pressed your thighs together, squeezing Joel's hand as well. You felt so close, but there was still something missing, which Joel filled in after a short time.
He stopped teasing your clit, but instead stuck two fingers straight into you. As soon as you let out a loud controlled sigh and your eyes squeezed tightly, Joel started curling his fingers inside you, slowly but with passion. His fingers were big, string and long, so when he goes deeper, he hits your g-spot really fast. You started shaking, eyes with tears when you couldn't move and could only scream Joel's name into his own hand, that were still covering your mouth. "You're close, aren't you?" he teased you a bit, but you nodded your head roughly and moved your legs when you really felt the climax coming. Joel makes it even worse, when he uses his thumb rubbing your clit too. It was totally over for you.
The tension were so close and you were tense and hard, but suddenly Joel pulled his fingers out of you. You opened your eyes in confusion and furrowed your brows as you angrily turned to face Joel and were on your back on the bed. Although you were upset that he didn't finish you off, the sight of him licking his fingers and muttering happily while doing so made you forget about it right away. "Did you think it would be that easy?" he asked provocatively and before you could react Joel was on top of you. One hand resting on the bed as a helper to keep him from falling, the other hand on your hot red face, softly rubbing it with his thumb. You liked this angle better.
Joel didn't leave you in the pleasure for long though, breaking your eye contact with him as he forced his lips to yours. You felt his hard erect cock, pushing in his pants and rubbing against your inner thighs, very close to your core. The passionate and ardent kiss turned into an intense kiss that clearly indicated that it would go to the next level soon. Joel's hand on your face very quickly moved to your neck where it stayed long enough until Joel couldn't take it and used it to pull off his pants freeing his partner. All this time, you were glued to each other not only with your bodies, but also with your lips. Your saliva was mixing and you were trying to inhale as much oxygen as you could because you couldn't tear yourself away from Joel.
The atmosphere was starting to thicken and your bodies were starting to heat up, forcing you to roughly unbutton Joel's shirt, finally exposing his godlike body. Joel didn't let himself be talked down to and decided to cooperate as he slid his arm under you and lifted you up a bit pulling you closer, your lips still on his. Joel was unzipping your dress while you were unbuttoning his shirt and when all the buttons were done, you tore the fabric off of Joel like a wild animal, and immediately broke the kiss to look at the miracle, you wanted to see since the moment you met Joel for the first time, a few hours ago.
Those toned muscles, those muscular abs, and that unshaven hairy chest that clearly indicated what an alpha male Joel was. It looked even better than you imagined. You couldn't hold it for much longer, knowing that every second you were getting closer to what you so desperately needed, so without any warning, you stuck your tongue in Joel's mouth again and gently ran your hands over his massive body. You swear you felt an egotistical smirk from Joel, but chose to ignore it.
You weren't the only one who wanted to see the other naked. Joel was so curious about you, so excited and mostly so horny that he literally ripped your red dress off you. You immediately pulled away from his lips and shot a ‘are you serious?’ look. "Are you fucking kidding me?! They were expensive!" you raised your voice after him, but Joel could care less right now. He was so amazed by your body, that he ignored the fact that you literally yelled at him. If you weren't almost naked, you would be in so much trouble. "You look much better without them" he said in his husky-bear voice again.
There was only one thing standing in his way now, apart from your angry face, and that was your black bra, which Joel passionately lunged for and in one graceful movement, with no effort in, unhooked your bra and gently threw it to the floor. It was a strange feeling to see Joel not knowing where to look first. He loved your body, if he could he would have hearts instead of pupils. He didn't know where to look first. He wanted so badly to squish your body and leave huge purple and painful hickeys everywhere, but he decided to save that for another time. He couldn't resist, and after a few minutes of just watching and admiring your naked body, he had to go, and he wasn't afraid to take a challenge.
He cup one of your tits, he slowly squeezed, and your natural reaction was to throw your head back and sink your teeth so deep into your bottom lip that you could feel the blood coming out after a while. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen" you melted at his words. You felt his cock twitch almost every two seconds, and all the blood from his body was just there. He was so close you could feel his head and a little wetness on it as the pre-cum started to form. He was just as horny as you, he wanted it just as much as you, but the only difference was, that he was so fucking patient.
In a snap, his mouth was on your neck, sucking and leaving red fresh marks on your sensitive neck. You weren't thinking about anything but Joel's tongue, hand placement and his definitely huge dick, you want to feel inside you so badly. Just make things worse, he started to teasing you. His head of his cock was really slowly started brushibg against your labia, and you thought you gonna cum already. He is fucking asshole.
He wanted it as much as you did, to push his member inside you and fuck you so good, but he loved the feeling of you being helpless and able to plead for Joel, which is exactly what you did. He had you wrapped around his finger, manipulated you didn't even realize what Joel was doing to you. All you focused on was sex. “Please~” you sighed, throwing your head back and pulling Joel's hair slightly, as the feeling of his teeth on your shoulders and the top of his member softly rubbing you, and start teasing your clitoris too. Joel loves your fingers inside his hair, your moans and sights, but he wanted more. His head with his lips went lower on your body, stopped when he met one of your tits, and start slowly sucking and licking your nipple. You never were on this kind of ‘stuf’, like breast playing, but gosh it felt so fucking good! He also included his other hand in the game, which he used to roll your other nipple and his elbow was resting on the bed so he wouldn't lose his balance. On top of all that, as if it wasn't enough, he added power of provoking your pussy and not only started to speed up, but also started getting inside a little bit.
“Fuck~” you moaned, thugging Joel's slightly gray hair more and arched your back, when you started feeling your legs shaking and your underbelly hurting from how hot it was. Joel wasn't stopping with playing not only with your breast but even with your vagina, having you under his control. “Tell me, how much you want it?” he asked you as his hips still moves around you and played with you like with some toy, but you were so desperate and helpless for him, that you would do anything to get what you want. “Badly” you sighed and lick your lips as Joel started giving sweet kisses on your nipple and softened. “How badly?” you wanted to punch him so much. “So badly I~…I'd do anything” he loved seeing you in that state.
When he first saw you in that door, he never could have imagined it would turn out like this but he liked it maybe more than he should have. But Joel wanted to hear you begging, begging for his cock, begging to be fucked by Joel Miller. "Anything huh? What do you offer…" his mischievous grin widened as he stopped whatever he was doing giving you a chance to breathe in oxygen and reply in a notmal tone without sighing or moaning. Of course you took advantage of that and straightened your body so you could look into his eyes. You completely forgot about the question, how fired up you were, and the whole situation as you lost yourself in Joel's eyes. 'All eyes are the same' they say, but he showed you that's not true. You can read so many things in them and stare at them for hours as you melt into Joel's hands massaging your hips. "Hm? Did you hear me?" he woke you up a bit from the day's vigil and you thought about your answer. "Anything you want...I'm all yours" this was exactly the answer Joel needed to hear. Not only did you allow him to do whatever he wanted with you, but you also admit you are only his. Joel is very possessive and your answer gave him even more ego than he already had, which seemed impossible. "What a needy girl...I'll do what you want so badly for the last minutes hun, but you need to beg" this is where the final game starts. Joel started rubbing the tip of his dick against your labia again, making you open your mouth out wide and squeeze really hard your eyes. “I am begging you Joel…please~” this was a lullaby to his ears. "What? Didn't hear, can you said that again?" fuck this man. "I. am. begging. you." you blurted out and when Joel realized you couldn't talk anymore, he decided to take pity on you.
He carefully leaned back and directed his cock to hit. You were starting to find it really weird that he wasn't saying anything and not really doing anything either out of nowhere, so you opened your eyes, but when you looked down, at that exact moment, Joel thrust his cock into you. Even though it was what you wanted so much, it extremely hurt.
You hissed in pain and dug your nails deep into Joel's back leaving gashes. It looked like he had been attacked by a wild beast, which actually wasn't that far from the truth. He did nothing for a while and let you get used to it and wait until you stopped destroying his huge back. "U're okay?" he asked nicely and placed one of his palms on your face when he saw tears coming from your eyes. You nodded roughly through gritted teeth, but Joel didn't believe you. You didn't look like you were 'good' or enjoying yourself like you were a few seconds ago.
“S’okay…we have as much time as we want” Joel's voice was suddenly soft and caring, that you wouldn't believe your ears. After a few seconds, when you didn't feel the pain as much, you nodded to give Joel's permission to continue. He understand your sign immediately and push more into you, he stretched you more and you felt so full. Pain started to surround you again, but Joel's hand on your hip and cheek made it better. Added to that were his lips on yours, sweet small kiss making you feel butterflies again. “God that's a lot” you sighed in laugh as you finally felt better and open your eyes.
But your laughing immediately stopped, when you saw Joel's face, which was not as happy as yours. You frowned at him and cocked your head to the side in confusion. "It's only halfway" he whispered and your eyes widened by at least 7 inches. HALF?! IS HE FUCKING KIDDING?! You already felt full and the thought of him having to push that much length into you one more time intoxicated you so much that you closed your eyes again and tried not to think about it.
"'Kay, do it" you said quickly and your whole body was in such tension. "Are you sure? We don't have to rush this-" "I am." you snapped at Joel and your brow furrowed and your teeth clenched as you felt him continue. It really hurt a lot, you couldn't imagine such pain even in your worst dreams, but when Joel was all the way in, you knew it would only get better. He waited again for a while as he kissed you passionately, trying to distract you, which was half working.
His kisses and the way he squeezed and touched your body sent chills down your spine and juice into your already big fire down there. After a bit of kissing and groping, Joel began moving his hips very gently, in a circular motion. This movement sent pain to the back of your head and you couldn't help but let out sighs of happiness. The pain gradually fades to pure pleasure, and as your moans began to sound more intense, with more force and volume, Joel began to change direction and speed.
“Fuck…you have no idea what you're doing to me” Joel gasped as his orgasm started feeling closer, so does yours. Pain wasn't there anymore, only pleasure instead. Very soon you started to feel on your edge, cuz Joel didn't search for long and found your g-spot very quickly, then he just hit it every time, whenever he thrust into you.
His thrusting started being more aggressive, more intense, that the whole bed started shaking too. Joel needs to cover your mouth again, and this time really put strength on your lips, because you no longer had control over the sounds you made or over your body. You twitched in tension whenever you felt the strange sensation of going to the bathroom.
You couldn't hold it for long, and you could tell by Joel's expression and the way he wasn't continuing at the same pace, stuttering and sighing much more often, that he was damn close too. A few more thrusts and you already arch your back, but Joel did it again, he stopped.
It frustrated not only you but also him, but he knew very well what he was doing. As if your fury could not be greater. First he didn't give you that first orgasm, then he ruin your clothes and now he doesn't want to give you another orgasm? What is wrong with this man?! "Joel-" before you could even ask him anything, Joel grabbed you closer to him and roll that he was laying on his back while you were sitting on his lap, this time he was under you. You were still inside him, not moving a muscle. You looked at him confused, but not for a long time when he said: "I wanna see you ride me" and that made your pussy pulse again.
Right after he said that a devilish grin appeared on your face from ear to ear, and you started moving forward slowly. Joel was sighing the same way you were, he was looking at your belly, then your breast and then deep into your eyes, repeatedly. You only looked at his face in the hope that he will tell you instructions, because you never 'ride a man' before. Joel corrected you with his hands on your hips, gently pushing you back and forth as you let him lead you.
After a moment, when your vagina and yourself calmed down, you threw your head back and opened your mouth wide. "Joel~" that was only thing you could say, correctly, moaned. This position makes your orgasm come even faster to you, and you just hoped you wouldn't be so loud, since Joel can't really reach your mouth and can't shut you down.
"Yeah, good girl...just like that" he said as he started making you go up and down on his cock, practically jumping on him. At first it was slow, you couldn't even hear the smacking of your ass against his thighs, but after a while when the atmosphere kicked into high gear and in your liquid started to accumulate in the vagina, your slaps whenever you land back on Joel's legs started being louder and louder. After a few seconds, Joel didn't even have to continue guiding you because even though you didn't know what to do, your body definitely knew. Joel was admiring your body, your breasts moving up and down to the rhythm, your moaning and literally screaming his name, it was beautiful. "Joel I-" "I know baby, I know~" Joel groaned as an angry wolf and his grip was thick and strong, just as your pussy. You both felt the climax coming, it started being so intense that Joel is definitely going to have red marks of your ass on his thighs. The bed started to creak so much that you thought it was going to break but now you weren't focusing on that at all. All you focused on was your orgasm, which was so close, and you finally reached it when Joel pushed you a little and started rubbing your clit. You came first but Joel didn't let that stop you from riding. The post-orgasm feeling was amazing, but you started feeling overstimulated. Of course you wanted Joel to reach his orgasm too, but your vagina was just as tired as you. It didn't take long and luckily Joel did and respectfully and honestly, his face and the sound that came out of him when he squirted into you was something like euphoria for you. The overstimulation thing fades out really fast, as you saw Joel, breathing heavily as you and when you realize, YOU make a man come. It was amazing and you had so many mixed feelings right now, that you don't even know how you feel. The only thing you know for sure is that you are fucking exhausted, that's why you passed out right next to Joel, breathing heavily as he did.
It was akward silence, except your and Joel's loud breathing, trying so hard to catch breath and not pass out by low oxygen in body, and the people talking loudly in the other room, where the party is still going. you were quite surprised that the celebration wasn't over yet. Even though the sex with Joel seemed endless, it only lasted a few minutes, that's how good the fuck was. You tried to ignore your surroundings and focus on only two things, breathing and thinking about what the hell happened. It's wrong, this whole situation is wrong, this shouldn't have happened, but these negative thoughts immediately passed you when you felt Joel's large, muscular arm under your neck. He then pulled you closer to his warm manly body. Even though you were both covered under the covers, you could still feel the nakedness and sweat from the other. You couldn't find the words. Even as your breathing calmed down and so did Joel's, you didn't know what to say. You wanted to thank him so badly because the way he made you feel and relieved you was unforgettable.
“Thank you…” you chirped softly but loud enough for Joel to hear you. As soon as you said it with a shaky voice, Joel scoffed and made you tilt your head, so you were looking into his eyes. "Are you kidding me? Are you thanking me right now?" he asked eagerly, and it was clear that Joel thought you were being sarcastic, but when you remained silent and formed your lips into a thin line, Joel rolled his eyes and sighed in disappointment. "Boys haven't been nice to you in the past, have they?" he asked, softness in his voice as he rubbed slowly and comfortably your back by his big palm. You sigh as a clear answer. "Oh baby...don't worry, you have me now and I'll show you how a man should treat a girl like you" the way that he said that made you blush and you needed to burn your face into his chest , making him giggle a bit. "But promise me one thing" still rubbing your back and sometimes stopped at your hair, slightly played with them. You look up at him again and give him a shy little 'hm?'. "Do not tell anybody about this...especially not your family members" it was like all your power and confidence just woke up, as you imagine ur mom finding out about this.
“Are you kidding me? Do you think that my mom would jump with happiness that I slept with…basically my uncle? Oh my god saying that out loud makes me want to puke…” The typical ‘dad laugh’ came out from him and he agreed. Your mom would literally tear you and Joel appart on pieces, then cook the bodies and serve it on parties like this…like some Jeffrey Dahmer in female version.
Well, I think she needed to hear us because there is absolutely NO WAY that she came to my room without knocking, that's what she always do, and of course, cough us. The timing was too damn perfect so I couldn't bealive that. I think mom is some kind of wizard and she is just plying with time, when she is alone.
She stare at us, in shock, behind her was Tommy, who stare as same as my mom. I and Joel stare in shock too, we had no idea what to do or what to say…
Well, we're FUCKED-
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watchmorecinema · 6 months
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Yukio Mishima has been trending this week for uh, reasons. He was a world renowned Japanese author and all of his work is overshadowed by his actions on November 25, 1970. You might not want to read more about this guy because he is horrible and disgusting, but he's utterly fascinating and the movie about him is brilliant.
He's a really interesting character, to the point that he sounds fictional. He's gay, obsessed with ritualistic death, a right wing lunatic, led a private militia that was halfway to a cult, and also was a legitimately great author. His life is covered in the film Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters and it's easily the most beautiful film I've seen in my life. Look at the stills I posted above; every frame of this movie looks like that. It's all just a series of beautiful paintings with people living in them.
The way the film is structured is that it tells the story of his life in three ways. His past is told in black and white flashbacks with static cameras. This is closer to how a movie from the 50's would look like (specifically ones directed by Yasujirō Ozu). The events of three of his books are told with this beautifully stylized look, with sets that look like stage plays. The events of November 25, 1970 is told in an almost normal fashion, with regular colors and competent camerawork. The past is nostalgic, the present is mundane and only in fantasy can you truly come alive.
Through this movie we see the ideology of Mishima coming through. His nationalism, his sexual feelings and his thoughts on beauty and death all come together. Death isn't just a violent and tragic end, it is in itself a beautiful act. Beauty is the only true goal of life and creating beauty brings honor. Growing old and ugly is an act of hate; to die at your peak is to give love back to the world. It is therefore treasonous to live long enough to die peacefully. He pities what heaven must look like now; when men died young and beautiful it was paradise, but now it is filled with old men.
This is an objectively insane way to view the world but it is also fascinating. How much of this was what he believed, and how much of it was just begging for attention? In one instance when asked why he moved to the right politically he said "because the left was full". It was a joke answer, but he clearly wanted to be in the spotlight. His shield society was a paramilitary group dedicated to living a virtuous life of beauty, honor and old ideals. It was also a group of good looking, athletic young men led by a (barely) closeted, conservative gay man. So much of his life could have gone differently but also he was pretty much in control the whole time; he was independently wealthy and revered on the world stage. He could do whatever he wanted, and apparently the way his life went *is* what he wanted.
What's special about Mishima, both in the film and in real life, is that he's a smart and eloquent guy. In films the guy with a crazy worldview is someone like Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver or D-Fens from Falling Down. Travis couldn't understand the alienation and loneliness he felt and he couldn't find any healthy solutions. D-Fens was smart enough but not emotionally strong enough to confront his problems or deal with them maturely. These are people that could benefit greatly from therapy (other examples include Joker from Joker, Rupert Pupkin from the King of Comedy, Frank Murdoch from God Bless America, Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Tyler Durden from Fight Club and so, so many more).
These are either 20 something year olds that are lost in the world, alienated and lonely, or 40 something year olds with a mid life crisis when they realize that everything has fallen apart. People who don't know where to go, or realize it's too late to change things. Travis Bickle had basically no friends, no family, no charisma with women and a lot of rage and anger. D-Fens lost his job, his self respect and was estranged from his ex-wife and daughter. These are people who's lives are shit at best (Patrick Bateman is a bit of a subversion. He is rich and successful, but his life is completely hollow, his relationships are shallow and he personally is very, very pathetic. I need to write about American Psycho later that film is great too.).
Mishima is different. He's smart enough to understand his issues and how to find help. He's got the money and means to do so. He's famous and rich enough that he could basically get away with anything weird or eccentric so long as it was harmless. On the world stage he was a popular author, and at home he led a life of political activism. If he was unhappy he could easily find healthy ways to fix it. His self destruction was the most avoidable of any of them, yet he's the only one that existed in real life. You expect these people to have serious personality flaws and unfixable (or seemingly unfixable) problems, not to be poetic writers that adhere to healthy living and regularly journal about their emotions, while enjoying respect from their peers and fulfillment in their work.
It's a hell of a film. Paul Schrader has not written or directed anything better (he actually wrote Taxi Driver too, so he had some experience with this type of character before) and it stands out as an incredible experience to watch. Like, Mishima's life is public knowledge and you can probably guess how it went, but I've purposefully not said what happened on November 25, 1970 because I don't want to spoil it. It's an event that actually happened but it's better for you to find out via the film than some wikipedia page.
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blubushie · 10 days
It's bitching hour I see, don't mind if I join! A lot of the TF2 fandom (mostly just Tumblr/Twitter parts of it) seem to be huge pussies about shipping. There has been talk about straight Pauling ships already and this falls under it too. TF2 fans on here seem to just fear being slightly unconventional with ships, no age gap more than 5 years or so, only the three most popular ships or else eat dirt, no straight Pauling ships, what do you mean bi people exist? It's stupid. You like a ship that isn't fucking red Octoberfest? Starve! Nobody will write or draw anything for this pair for months! Like a ship that's slightly controversial within the fandom like basically any pairing with an age gap, classcest, M/F Pauling ship, anything with pyro in it (also dear god this fandom treats pyro like an uwu baby that doesn't know sex when the guys a full grown pyromaniac with a job! He's mentally ill not a fucking child!! Sorry for side tangent) will get your head stuck on a pike ffs. I remember when I joined I really liked the popular/non problematic ships too but the attitudes of some people smh. TF2 side of Tumblr please get a bit more open minded with what you ship or just leave the people who ship unconventional shit alone. I know there's a line that 90% of the fandom won't cross and it's for a good reason imo (talking about incest ships here) but a relationship with an age gap of more than 10 years is not on the other side of that line, have fun and explore silly relationships with these fictional characters for once!! Let me have my toxic yaoi and toxic yuri in peace :(
Also I'm sorry about putting this long thing in your ask box, this escalated quickly
Agreed fully and also I'm gonna say something that's gonna rustle a lot of feathers–
People love SniperSpy. It's generally accepted that Spy is somewhere in his 50s to 60s, judging off Scout's age alone, and with SniperSpy he's sleeping with someone three years older than his own son.
And there is a absolutely nothing wrong with this when both parties are consenting adults. What I have an issue with is that I've seen a lot of people who ship SniperSpy then get on the arse of MedicScout shippers because Scout is "too young" for Medic.
My question is why? Why is it ok to ship Sniper, at 30, with Spy, a man at least 20 years older than him, but it's not alright to do the same with Scout, who's 27, and Medic, who's probably about 20 years older than him? Why is that? Why do you have an issue with one and not the other?
And it comes down to two things:
1. People think Scout looks too young. Which, I'm sorry, but at someone who's 5'2" and looks about 16-18 at all times (depending on whether or not I shave) despite being 23, fuck you. You do not get to decide if someone's physical appearance is "mature enough" when that person is a fucking adult. Get fucked.
2. Ableism. Scout is notoriously immature and often acts like a teenage. HE IS ALMOST THIRTY YEARS OLD. Maturity/behaviour ≠ age and the funny part is that these are the same people who tell you not to infantilise autistic people for perceived immaturity but then go on and infantilise A MAN WHO IS ALMOST THIRTY because he acts immature. Practise what you preach or get fucked.
People NEVER do this with Sniper and I'm not sure if it's because Sniper looks like he's 40 or because he acts like he's 40. But I'm inclined to think it's the latter, because people often do this with Pyro too as Pyro also often acts childlike.
So hey, if you do this, check yourself. Cuz you're probably being ableist. Ask yourself why exactly you think an almost thirty year old man can't have a romantic or sexual relationship with a man older than him when they're both mercenaries on a team of hired killers who kill people and break things FOR A LIVING. Are you normal about neurodivergent people? No, are you really?
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evansbby · 30 days
YESSS!! the whole immaturity thing is so trueee. i dated this 38 year old when i was like 18/19, and in every argument he had to bring up the fact that i’m younger than him. i remember once this woman was flirting with him and i got angry and he said that she was an old friend and that ‘I don’t understand because i’m too young’ like what??😭 then why are you with me if i’m too young wtf. and there r so many instances where i just didn’t know if it his behaviour was normal but then he’d say that i’m inexperienced and should just trust him and what not. (he wanted me to move in with him 5 months into dating so he’d have “easier access” to me😭😭). PLUS HE HAD 3 KIDS LIKE WTH AM I GONNA DO TAKE CARE OF THEM??? he definitely clung onto the fact i have daddy issues bc he would use that against me so many times 💀💀
i met him when i worked as a barista, i was freshly 18 as well. like seriously there were so many red flags i ignored, idk why😭 he was love bombing the fuck out of me, and then when we’d have a argument he’d use that against me and say “i did all of this for you and this how you repay me, thank you so much” THIS MANIPULATION AT ITS FINESTTT. and i would feel so bad as well 💀
so…dilfs are better left as a fantasy 👎🏼👎🏼
I feel lowkey bad for all the teenage girls out there who went through the canon event of dating a 40 year old manchild. Like that man should’ve known better bc why is he dating someone THAT much younger than him? Other than to manipulate her bc she is more naive than the women his age who know better.
And I agree with you, the dilf fantasy is just a fantasy. Most of the time. Bc look, I grew up reading dilf fanfics from like the age of 12/13. I was reading huge age gap fics and I was like “omg yes, I need an older man! They are more mature and better etc” then I grew up and realised there’s a reason I was/am so attracted to dilfs from the fanfics — bc they were WRITTEN BY WOMEN. They are a woman’s fantasy that oftentimes is NOT a reality. In reality, the dilfs I met were always lowkey creepy bc like… why are you interested in a teenager bro!!!??? I could be your daughter!
I realised that just bc they’re older, doesn’t mean they aren’t immature. This isn’t always the case but most of the time it is. Now despite all this, if I met a dilf who acted exactly like he was written by a woman writing a fanfic, someone like SUGAR DADDY ARI LEVINSON, then yes I would marry him in a heartbeat idec he could be 50 lol.
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
and another very small, very minor entry on the list of Things I'm Getting Just a Tiny Little Bit Miffy About Seeing Repeated (Not Angry Just Ever So Slightly Annoyed)TM:
dnd elves do, in fact, mature at the same rate humans do. they're not "like children" or "not considered full adults" until they hit 100- not to anyone other than other, older elves.
like I get where the thought comes from, I fully understand it, I've read many of the source materials myself, I've read Mordenkainen's and see where the misunderstanding comes from, but... to a human, or a tiefling, or anyone else shorter-lived than an elf, a 50-, 60-, 90-year-old elf is just like a 50-, 60-, 90-year-old of their own race would be. they just look much younger than their age, and act in accordance with their personality, which is.... much less tied to someone's age than many may think. (I mean, have you never met a 50-year-old who seems just staggeringly immature? a 20-year-old who is wiser than their years would allow? have you never been to a retail establishment???????)
it's only the other elves who view a younger one as emotionally immature, and that's mainly because they have yet to bury their first generation of friends and loved ones: something a shorter-lived person only has to do once, while elves may very well go through several cycles of that in one lifetime. They have also not yet had their Drawing of the Veil, when they stop being able to access primal memories, memories of their soul's previous lives, but it's mainly the "all my once-powerful and vibrant friends are now frail and dying from old age, and yet here I remain, as young, strong, and beautiful as the day they met me, untouched by the inexorable crawl of time, what is mortality, what is death" thing.
if the people of Faerun in general thought of a 40-year-old elf as immature, as if they were a child, Astarion would have just patently not been an appointed civil administrator and judicial officer (which is what a magistrate is) 200 years ago. like he could have of course been lying when he said that that's what he was, but taking it as the once-truth, nobody would have let someone they see as a child fill such a position of responsibility. It was, however, a perfectly mundane thing for a learned adult man, such as he was, to do. (what he may or may not have done with the power he allegedly had, the kind of person he was, and whether letting him have power was the right move overall, is pretty much completely irrelevant at this juncture. corrupt officials exist regardless of age, just look at the judicial system of any country today.)
an older elf like Halsin, their maturity is not just on a different level, it's measured by a different metric than that of a shorter-lived character.
it's hard to accurately roleplay or grasp something like this with our human minds, none of us have ever spoken to a 300-year-old after all, but.... a 100-year-old elf is not a "young adult", unless you're an elf yourself. If you're a human, they're just... an adult.
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ended up dumping vaguely chronological secondo headcanons down so enjoy. or dont im not your dad.
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got middle child syndrome HARD
he tries to make up for it by being nasty to terzo for a lot of their life. can range from stealing his stuff and calling him a baby despite their age difference being only 3 months, to pushing him down a flight of stairs (broke his arm. terzos fine.)
despite this they are near inseparable. mischief team extraordinaires
always admired primo for his level head and wished he could get over his hotheadedness (he will learn eventually how to smother his emotions) (this is not necessarily a good thing for him)
in the same breath hes incredibly jealous over terzo’s brains and charisma. he wishes he could BE terzo.
incredibly melancholic guy. he is not against writing sad angsty poetry and lyrics. just for himself tho. it will never see the light of day. (ok maybe zombie queen will.)
he grew up underachieving bc he could never outpace either of his brothers when he did try.
people still expect SO MUCH from him despite trying to look as useless as possible. theres a small part of him that hates his family and the expectations hes dealt because of it. hes SUPPOSED to be better than this. why cant you be like primo. why cant you be like terzo. secondo is asking the same questions. why CANT he just be them.
likes working out bc he can put on his tunes and be by himself for a few hours. terzo once asked if he could join him and secondo told him he looks great so he doesnt need to. (working on not snapping. doing better)
becomes an alcoholic very soon after becoming old enough to drink.
one day in their twenties, terzo comes to him seeking comfort bc he failed a class outright and feels like his life is coming apart at the seams. terzos crying freaking out like hes going to get in trouble despite him being an adult and secondo finally gets it through his thick skull that his perfect brothers are people too and are going through their own shit. he comforts terzo and secondo airs out his resentment.
hes getting more mature and tries his best to act like an adult. hes trying to do a lot of things actually. puts all of himself into the ministry and the business side of things. he becomes very close to sister imperator in this time. hes being nice to copia.
hes riding the high of being appreciated and acknowledged by others for his hard work. it might not be perfect, but it feels nice.
over the years he gets to be known as someone who only cares about business and getting shit done with a pissed off face. all work and no play. people dont like approaching him. this is perfectly fine for him.
likes to startle people with his jokes and just breaking his stoic character around them. why yes, mr angry accountant priest man will make dick and fart jokes. this is one of the few pleasures in his life currently.
wears readers to look at papers and computer screens. has a single pair of prescription sunglasses for when the hangovers get bad but he still needs to work.
didnt start partying hard until after 50 where it hit him he needs to fucking live a little and stop himself from rotting behind a desk. instead of getting drunk at home he now gets drunk at bars and random peoples houses. hes sleeping around. hes blowing his money away. typical midlife crisis things.
sister is disappointed to see secondo go back to shirking his work like when he was younger. when she tries to talk to him, he insists its not a problem and that hes still getting his work done, and at that point, he is.
seeing primo be a rockstar really did inspire him to want that as well. he started writing songs even before the mantle was passed to him.
secondo promised sister he could handle being the lead to the band and the world domination plans before primos retirement was announced to everyone else. sister wanted to trust him, and she did, but couldnt help thinking he wouldnt take it seriously.
he doesnt. he uses it for more parties and to get laid.
after getting fired from the band he retires from the ministry and parties like theres no tomorrow. who cares anymore. what else is there to life than the temporary.
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spicybylerpolls · 4 months
In response to the ‘what does age 14 look like?’ anon…
The fact that byler look older irl is definitely a reason that means I find it easier to imagine them in sexual situations. In fact, I would say this happened naturally when I saw the way their storyline was headed in s4. It was romantic already, but when I saw the duffers included: 
1. The blocking that makes it clear mike is checking out will’s ass and 
2. The hose scene
… I was like ok! green to go, this is what theyre doing. This was all subconscious though, until I came on Tumblr and actually started dissecting my viewing experience. 
I think the main issue with sexual byler in fan spaces is that there are some people who wrote highly sexual fics when the show was still in its infancy and byler did indeed look like children, and in which byler were NOT aged up. the issue here is that they were written to act in the way that no 12/13/14 year old would - I’m not even talking sexual discovery, but rather the pornification of young byler. These works were clearly gratuitous in tone rather than remedial or exploratory, so I’m sure it’s no surprise that to most average fans, these works were considered uncomfortable. 
What you said about ‘what does 14 look like anyway?’ is an interesting one, and the root of many judgemental issues in society that extend to age gaps between lovers even into their 40s and 50s. The key here is about behaviour and build, I think. Film is very visual, and though I could suspend my disbelief that byler in s4 were 14, it was more like I just ignored their ages because they didn’t seem to matter to the plot (RIP me when birthdaygate becomes real). Primarily, I was LOOKING at mike and will, and their bodies, and the acting - the way they moved and delivered certain lines - is what made me unable to ignore, subconsciously, that these guys were not 14 year olds. They were post-pubescent. 
That said, s3 was an odd one. So let’s quickly list what byler should look like if Finn and Noah matched Mike and Will’s ages irl.
S1 byler should look like S1 Finn, S2 Noah
S2 byler should look like S2 Finn, S3 Noah (already its feeling weird)
S3 byler should look like S2 Finn, S3 Noah
S4 byler should look like S2 Finn, S3 Noah
Already you can see we have some issues because Finn looks so young and his build is so different to Noah’s. The costume designers discussed this in s4… it’s just a part of working with growing actors, and I personally believe that the duffers wrote the story to the actor’s abilities. Actually, they’ve said they do this, and I think it means that they up the ante to find a balance between what a fictional teen would actually do, and what the irl actors would look good doing. Finn was 18 playing mike in s4.. if he was still behaving like s2 mike, would it have been absurd? Was it an acting choice to make his delivery more mature? I especially think this is noticeable with MBB and eleven, who looks like a young woman in s4, especially with the final scene costume design. But then again, eleven is a unique character with a unique experience. 
Or maybe the directing and acting is just inconsistent. Maybe both. Who knows. Honestly, the duffers knew the perils of working with a young cast and so should have expected all the possible responses fans might have, including sexualisation. That isn’t to remove blame from (actually problematic) fans, but I do remember my main concern when watching in s1 being: man, I hope that these kid actors will be taken care of emotionally as they grow into adults. 
And I think that’s the rub in this debate - it’s that approach and the way the actors carry themselves when performing which lends itself to the emotional maturity of the characters. They were clearly children in the early seasons, and so sexualisation, then, just feels way off to me. After all, paedophilia is literally about adult attraction to undermatured, pre-pubescent bodies; its essentially considered unnatural and an error in the brain because you are seeing something that isn’t there; you are seeing a child’s body as though it is ready for sexual activity, and it’s not. That doesn’t happen until puberty physically. You dont need me to tell you that this is why teenagers are so horny as they go through the changes. But being emotionally ready? That gets complex. You could argue that’s also why people tell coming of age stories. Because it’s difficult and uncomfortable and INTERESTING. 
And it’s why the staunch line of a specific age itself, rather than bodily and emotional maturity, being the decider whether someone is an adult or not is so reductive. 
But, hey - we need structure and laws and guidelines otherwise everything gets too grey. So they decided 18 in the USA, but other ages elsewhere, and some people take that literally even when it’s inappropriate to do so, for example condemning their own needs. It’s all about whether you are hurting someone. Obviously, sexualising actual children is damaging to them, so it’s wrong. But exploring your sexuality when it appears in a healthy way is not damaging, and fantasy is hurting no one except, possibly, yourself. 
Tl;dr - yes people get attached to the actual imagery of byler, because tv is primarily audiovisual and this is who the characters *are* to lots of viewers. It’s also near impossible to age them up without thinking of the real life actors, which some people would consider crossing a boundary into rpf, even though this process is what casting directors, writers and creators in film need to do all the time. 
So my poll is a bit more specific, and about preference rather than censorship or whats ‘ok’. Please choose what best applies to you. 
I’m comfortable shipping byler sexually…
a. When byler are pre-pubescent and the actors were too (s1-2)
b. When byler are pre-pubescent but the actors were mid-pubescent (s3)
c. When byler are pubescent but the actors are post-pubescent (s4)
d. Once both byler and the actors are post-pubescent (s5 aged up)
e. Even if the characters are still 14-15 in s5, because I want to see their arc completed and if the duffers show it then it means it must be ok
f. No matter their age; theyre fictional and its not about the actors at all for me
g. Only when engaging with fan works, no matter their age, but only if sex is character exploration
h. Only when engaging with fan works, no matter their age, even if smut/pornographic
i. Only when engaging with fan works, post-pubescent, but only if sex is character exploration
j. Only when engaging with fan works, post-pubescent, even if smut/pornographic
k. I can’t picture aged-up byler without thinking of Finn + noah because we’ve never seen what aged up byler would actually look like 
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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papirouge · 7 months
man, I wish Christian natalists wouldn't get so predator-enabling/breeder fetishy whenever they speak...
I was watching a videos about a Christian woman making a testimony of her pregnancy with risks, "putting back" together her ligated tubes, and explaining how the Bible says we should have as many children as God decides and not us (so no contraception), and yeah why not
but THEN she got like "why would God make girls to have their period at 10 if it wasn't to have children? Why would women wait until they're in their late 20s-30 (the average age of women getting their first child)?"
IDK girl, probably for the same reason grown women aren't sexing barely pubescent boys to get impregnated just bc they virtually can? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
and then she explains she's from middle east and that her aunts/grandmother married respectively at 17 and 12 years old. Interestingly she didn't tell about their husbands age...🙃 ...and we all know how these marriage with weird age gap work in middle east... Even if Mary was 14 when she got pregnant like some pedo apologists argue (we never have evidence of that ofc), nothing says that Joseph was an old scrote old enough to be her dad.
She was like "yeah these marriage weren't perfect but they worked uwu" sticking into a marriage = marriage "working". Those marriage lasted because those women didn't have much alternative back then. Their backing support wasn't the same as those of modern/Western societies. Same in the West (because she also brought up old school family model with 8-10 kids). I mean, I'm ok for dunking on the sexual revolution as much as you want, but let's not act like access to a bank account, divorce and work didn't facilitate women nope'ing out of having big families. My grandparents stayed together until my grandpa died but I wouldn't say their marriage worked just because of that. Was she happy? Was she fulfilled? THOSE are the things that make a marriage working. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't tell spouses to treat well & cherish each other until death. Otherwise sticking together until the end would be enough.
She ended saying "when they get theirs period, young girls start having their hormones working.... If one of my daughter tells me she's interested in (marrying) a man I wouldn't tell her no" and that's how I noped out lmao
The excuse "hormones working" is like the WORST reason to get into marriage. When Paul said marriage was better than sexual immorality (sex outside marriage, masturbation), it was about people who weren't fit for celibacy, not those eaten by their flesh and eager get married just to have a valid situation to get their peepee wet.... The same Paul who said to not trust the flesh...but suuuure tHe hOrmOnEs 🤪
Also note how the "why would girls get their periods that early if it wasn't to get children" actually works both ways: if God wanted women to have children at 14 (like OP said) why would He make women have periods until their 60s? 🤔 Why would He made the window the be able to be a mother so WIDE (~50 years)?🤔Why did He show through the Bible several examples of MATURE women (not barely pubescent girls) getting children?🤔 The math ain't mathing.
She says, concerning the difficulty of having big families in the modern time, that God knew about how the world would work and would helps us go through it and therefore there's no reason to take contraception. Okie dookie, then why get mad at women getting children at later age?? God is good so he inspired doctors to make pregnancy safer at older ages. Women are living longer. Women don't have to get pregnant at 14 to hope seeing their children and grandchildren before dying. Why is it a problem?? 🤔 The Bible does ADAPT to a bunch of different lifestyle, so why not embrace it instead of shoving ONE model of pregnancy? Paul said that the good news was about FREEDOM.
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landograndprix · 7 months
do you think lando can be serious enough if someone close to him gets hurt? as in, visiting, caregiving, etc.? (ignoring his f1 schedule 🙃)
what about charles? or max?
they’re all young 20 year old men who act goofy in public but i think max especially? would be a serious caregiver, i truly don’t know about charles, he’s a serious family guy but also ?? hopefully you know what i mean by that. and lando i feel 50/50
I feel like max is definitely the more mature partner out of the 3 of them and I don't know if that's because he's a stepdad rn but i see him go an extra mile to make you as comfortable as can. Go with you to doctor's appointment, a new bouquet of flowers every few days, snacks despite you feeling like shit, etc etc (I've seen some max and kelly stuff and I truly believe this man is romantic as fuck even if he doesn't look like it 😭)
charles and lando scream "let me call my mother." to me 😅
I can never really place Charles, I feel like he'll order you some soup and sit down on the couch with you and make sure you're okay every so often, maybe run you a bath if its real bad..like he cares for sure but yeah, I don't know..he won't baby you..
and I feel like Lando would just be chaos overall, chicken soup recipe on his phone, poorly made bed, nearly ruined the laundry, checking every symptom on Google, telling you to see a doctor if your medication doesn't work after 5 minutes..like he means well but you rather have him do nothing at all and cuddle up with you, mans be stressing you out for nothing 😂
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naha-division · 2 months
Relationship: Family - Naoki Hamasaki
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Suto Hamasaki (50 years old) — Naoki’s father. He was a former manager of his own theater “Hamasaki theater” and currently a retired man. He comes off as strict yet serious but he has great love for theatrics. Naoki has a good relationship with his dad as he was supportive of his dream to be a kabuki actor someday. Suto was a successful manager and is favored with traditional ones. He owns the theater with amazing actors and actresses on stage while hearing cheers and applause from the audience. It was once famous in Okinawa until the theater eventually ran out of business which brought him to retire and the whole family (except Naoki) forced to move away, settling in Tokyo then another depressing event was his wife, Kiyomi died. After the death of his wife, he moved on to a new relationship with Umi whom he met in Tokyo and the two were dating for quite a while.
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Kiyomi Hamasaki † — Naoki’s mother. She was a professional stage actress and co-manager working alongside her husband’s theater. Naoki remembers his mom was the one who introduced traditional acting to him and always watches her perform on stage when he was young. He idolized her so much for her confidence and beauty as she dazzled so bright like a star that Naoki wanted to be like her. After the family moved to Tokyo, Kiyomi suddenly suffered a heart failure and was hospitalized for a few months then sadly passed away in her late 20’s which left him in severe depression at that time but Naoki determined to pursue acting in her honor and carry out her legacy. In Ryuunosuke’s resolution, Naoki was reminded how his family were forced to move out due to their losses and with no choice but to help him win to prevent losing his precious life work at his dojo.
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Umi Kyoko (40 years old) — Suto’s girlfriend. She met Suto when she was working at a restaurant in Tokyo. It was love at first sight for her and wanted to get close to Suto then the two were dating for quite a while as they genuinely fell in love with each other regardless of their age gap. Naoki wasn’t happy about the fact she’ll be his mother’s replacement at first but he slowly grew to like Umi and matured enough to accept her. Umi is an understanding and a good woman to his father just like his late mother felt for him. She’s surprisingly interested in Naoki’s kabuki act and became a fan of his work as a stage actor. He and Umi are on good terms with each other.
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Aimi Hamasaki (26 years old) — Naoki’s younger sister. She works as a clerk for Lolita dress store and currently lives in Harajuku by herself. Aimi is quite an easy-going person who enjoys her normal life and she does enjoy stage shows like her family as well although Aimi is different from them as she wasn’t talented as her brother— at least she can’t act because of her stage fright and prefers not being in the spotlight. Nevertheless, she accepted herself and never hated her family and Umi. Naoki loves his sister and they have a very close “sisterly” bond but they miss each other when they are separated. The good news is they’ve been in touch frequently. She's also a supportive fan of him when she heard her brother participating rap battle.
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