#have a nice day!! thanks for dropping by :DD
buckybarnesb-tch · 12 days
Mafia!Bucky’s Girl gets Arrested
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Mafia!Buckys Girl gets Arrested M-Board
Warning:Police Brutality, DD/LG dynamics and Daddy Kink, Protective Bucky and Mafia!Bucky (which is its own warning)
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She always knew that it was a possibility but it never really crossed her mind as something that was going to happen. Ever since getting with her Mob Boss boyfriend, the man who had decided she belonged to him the second he set eyes on her and stalked her relentlessly until she finally agreed to be his girl, she had almost always been right by his side.
Bucky knew that Y/n was as loyal as they come and he didn’t doubt her love for him or her dedication for even a second, but he still didn’t want her out of his sight. There are plenty of men out there who want to hurt James Barnes and he refuses to see his Princess be a victim of an idiot with a vendetta or to even see an ounce of pain on her perfect face.
This day however, it was unavoidable.
Bucky had a delivery that needed to be picked up and he had to oversee it personally, something he wouldn’t bring his girl along for and so he gave her a Black Amex that he had just for her and dropped her off at her favorite outlet. He knew that she could shop around there for hours and that she gladly would until he picked her up later that evening.
‘Stay in public Princess, don’t go anywhere outside of this outlet, understand?’ Bucky warned, opening her car door and helping her out.
‘Yes Buck, I promise I will stay here. You know I’ll shop for a few outfits before ending up in the bookstore for the rest of the time.’ She teased making the notoriously angry Mob Boss smile. He had recently cleared out an entire bedroom in his mansion and lined it with wall to wall bookshelves so that she could have her own perfect reading room. She was fixing it up exactly how she wanted to make it perfect and was spending a lot of his money to give herself a library, apparently needing 1000 books before it actually counted as one (not that he minded spending money on her, especially not for something that made her so happy and often inspired new things to try in the bedroom thanks to her Dark Romance books).
‘That’s where I will pick you up, okay? I’ll text you when I’m finished and you meet me here, okay?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ She teased, knowing how much he loved it when she called him that as she pulled him down to her by his suit jacket and pressed her lips to his. ‘You’d better make sure you’re done all your work by the time you pick me up because you’re all mine for the next 2 days.’
‘Yes ma’am. I promised you a nice, quiet weekend just the two of us and I meant it.’ With all the extra time Bucky had been working after one of his biggest allies was arrested, he needed to make it up to his Princess and he had sworn that after the delivery he was all hers for the entire weekend. ‘I’ll see you soon Babygirl.’ With that he kissed her nose and hopped back into the car, leaving his girl to shop for the afternoon.
Y/n spent about 2 hours in her favorite stores getting several outfits and even stopping to pick up a few new lingerie sets that she knew her Daddy would love before entering the bookstore. By the time she had been there for an hour she had purchased 11 books and could be found sitting in a chair by the window with a hot chocolate and a muffin, reading to her hearts content. And that is exactly where they found her.
‘Y/n L/n?’ Y/n looked up to see a small women with her hair pulled into a ponytail holding a badge out to her and couldn’t help the confused look on her face.
‘Um…can I help you officer?’ She couldn’t help her confusion, she hadn’t done anything to warrant being spoken to by the police.
‘Get up!’ The man beside her barked, pulling out handcuffs and yanking her up from her chair causing her to cry out, the scalding hot drink spilling on her hand as she was moved violently.
‘Ow! What the fuck?! You can’t treat people like this! I haven’t done anything wrong, and even if I had you didn’t even give me a chance to comply! Ow!’ The cuffs went on painfully tight as her arm was twisted at an odd angle.
‘Hey, you can’t treat her like that!’ A barista spoke up, phone in hand and recording the interaction.
‘Mind your business unless you would like to join her!’ The man barked, his partner staying quiet.
‘Okay, you need to grab my stuff at least, I have bags there. Hello?! So not only are you violent, you’re deaf and stupid, good to know.’ She groaned.
‘We’ll hold your things in the back. You come and get them whenever you can.’ The same barista said, following with her phone as she was dragged out.
‘Thank you. My boyfriend will be by looking for me when I don’t answer him, my phone is in one of the bags! I-the least you can do is let me make sure my stuff is taken care off asshole!’ The next thing Y/n knew she was slammed against the police car, her face suffering the brunt of the hit as it collided.
‘Y/n L/n, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.’ The women spoke, reading her her rights as she was put into the car. ‘Do you understand these rights as I’ve read them to you?’
‘Do I also have the right to not have your boorish partner throw me around like I’m his red headed step child? I don’t think that was in there. I’m not saying anything to you, and I haven’t done a single thing wrong.’
‘Sweetie, you’ve been doin’ shit wrong since you said “yes” to a date with James Barnes.’ The asshole spoke, starting the car and driving away from the bookstore.
‘Oh, now I understand. You don’t have shit on my boyfriend who you think is some kind of criminal for some unknown reason and so because you’re so shit at your job you violently arrest his innocent girlfriend. Gotcha.’
‘You ain’t been innocent since you started suckin’ his cock. You know it, he buys you pretty things and you stick your tongue out. You’re an expensive whore and nothing more-‘
‘That’s enough Tanner!’ His partner snapped and she listened to them argue about Bucky while trying to get feeling back into her arms and hands that she was leaning on with her knees pressed painfully to the cage between the front and back seat, all the while blood was leaking down her face and onto her sundress. It was sad, this was one of Bucky’s favorites, she only wore it because she knew he was supposed to pick her up to start their long weekend together.
She was led into the precinct pretty easily before walking through the bullpen and seeing multiple cops that she knew Bucky employed. She pushed down the instinct to smile knowing that they wouldn’t get ahold of Bucky or Steve tonight but also knowing someone would call Andy. She had met Andy several times and loved Steve’s twin brother dearly, knowing that if anything ever happened that Andy Barber would be the one getting her out of it. He had taken his wife’s name in law school to get away from his “criminal” last name of Rogers and yet he still represented them as he knew he always would.
‘Sit here, I’ll get something to wipe off your face-‘
‘No thank you, I’ll stay like this. I don’t need your help.’ Y/n told the women who looked at her sideways. ‘I’ll wait until I’m out of here and my lawyer can see the state that 2 police officers put me in just to arrest a women who was perfectly cooperative. He’s going to have a field day with your department.’ She glared, now seemingly pissed off herself, slapping a folder in front of her and opening it to show her pictures of her and Bucky together. One was him helping her out of the car, one was them walking into a premier, her boyfriends arm around her waist possessively as it was in every single picture they had.
‘Seems like he’s pretty taken with you.’ Y/n raised her eyebrows, not willing to say anything about Bucky what so ever. ‘Just like he was with this girl, and this one-‘ she showed pictures of two other girls with Bucky from before they were together. Bucky and Y/n had had the “Ex’s Talk” and they were both honest about past relationships but the thing that sealed it for Y/n right now was that seeing Bucky with these women, he didn’t hold them like he held her. It wasn’t even close to the same and if ever there was doubt that she would rat on her man (which there wasn’t) there sure as fuck wasn’t any now. ‘Let us help you get away from him, he’s a bad man. He’s killed people, God only knows how many of them.’
‘Oh My God!’ Y/n exclaimed, looking at one of the pictures and while the cop seemed to think she was getting through for a single second she was quickly proved wrong. ‘I was having a really bad hair day. Do you think we could get rid of this one? I just look awful.’
‘You’re not taking this seriously at all.’
‘No, and I’m not going to. You assaulted me, violently dragged me in here and now you’re questioning me about my boyfriend like he’s some kind of criminal! He is the sweetest man alive and he would never hurt anyone, now, I’m not going to be saying anything else without my lawyer.’ Her partner scoffed as he stood by the door watching this go on.
‘Yeah, we’ll see how quickly we get around to calling him.’ He laughed and Y/n just rolled her eyes.
‘He’ll be here soon enough.’ She mumbled.
‘What was that?! What are you mumbling you little bitch, if you think for one fucking minute that we give a shit about that murderers whore you’re wrong, and he ain’t gonna save you either! We’ll let you sit in here for days and guess what? Eventually you’re gonna give him up! Just to see daylight again!’ The officer raged before pulling his partner out and slamming the door shut, all lights but one going out and leaving Y/n in almost complete darkness.
She couldn’t tell you how long she sat there in the dark, quiet room just staring at the window mirror. It felt like hours by the time the door opened again and the lights were thrown on making her squint as her eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness. Y/n could hear a familiar voice screaming and the look of apprehension on the women’s face was fantastic after her treatment.
Suddenly a man who looked way too much like Steve stormed in and took in Y/n’s appearance. ‘Jesus! She’s fucking bloody, you have got to be fucking with me if you think this is alright Captain! Uncuff her this instant!’ Andy demanded and the large cop gave him an angry look before doing as he was told, the “discreet” look from his Captain being enough to spur him into action. ‘Are you alright Miss. L/n? Do we need to go to the ER?’ He offered but she shook her head.
‘No Andy, they offered to wash the blood off, I just wanted you to see where they had slammed me into their car.’ He nodded, making a gesture that told her to be quiet and tell him everything somewhere else.
‘I’m taking my client home. I will expect the recording of this interrogation, all of it, every second, to be sent to my office by morning. If even one second is off I won’t stop until this precinct is a fucking In-n-Out burger! Now fuck off!’ Andy took Y/n’s hand and pulled her along gently, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already was. ‘You did well, I want to take a few pictures of you to have it documented, then we’ll get you cleaned up.’ She nodded along as they exited the building and moved to his car where he took pictures of her face at every angle as well as her bruised wrists and burned hand.
They had just gotten into the car when Andy’s phone began ringing Bucky’s tone and he put it on Speaker immediately. ‘Andy! She’s Gone! You Need To Get Her Back Andy! I Can’t-‘
‘Boss! It’s okay! I got her, I got a call from Officer Bowers when they walked her in.’ She nodded along.
‘He called right away, I saw a few cops that recognized me and the looks on their faces were priceless.’ She joked, hoping to pull a laugh from Bucky but it did not happen.
‘Princess! Are you okay? I swear to God, if they hurt you-‘
‘It’s okay Daddy. Stay at the bookstore, Andy’s dropping me off there, he wants to talk to the barista who recorded my arrest. She was nice, she promised to hold all my bags until you got there.’ She realized as she heard her Daddy’s voice how badly she had just wanted to fall into his arms and cry herself to sleep.
‘Okay Babygirl, I’ll get your stuff into the car. Get her here Andy, now!’ Her Daddy demanded before hanging up the phone, clearly upset.
It took another 10 minutes to get to the store and the second Y/n crossed the threshold she was grabbed and pulled into Bucky’s arms. He was warm and strong, just like every time he held her but this time she needed him to hold her like he never had before as she felt her mind sink back to that small, regressed place that she didn’t go to very often and it was like her Daddy physically felt it happen as her mind receded back into her safe space.
‘Daddy’s here Babygirl. Your Daddy’s got you, not a thing to worry about.’ He swore, not even caring about the fact that he’s in public as he lifted his girl into his arms and cradled her like an infant. ‘Daddy’s gonna take you home now Baby, gonna go home and get you in your jammies, and all snuggled up in the blankies.’ Bucky turned and walked back out the door from where Y/n had just come, Steve promptly opening the back door and letting his boss climb in before going back to start the SUV. ‘Is my Baby hungry? Daddy has food being made right now for my Princess’ dinner.’
‘So hungry!’ She groaned, clutching to his suit jacket and nuzzling close to his warm body.
‘We’re gonna get you all fed and snuggly warm in our bed baby, don’t you worry. I love you so much, Daddy is gonna make sure those awful cops are taken care of…do you want to talk about it?’ She pouted in response and he brushed his fingers through her hair to comfort her.
‘They were all rough and mean. Showed me pictures of us and pictures of you with your other girlfriends to make me talk bad about you.’ Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes.
‘Clearly they’re morons if they thought my Princess would turn on me.’ He chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. He knew how loyal his girl was, and he knew that (despite the fact that he would never let it happen) she would have gone to jail and kept quiet the whole time. ‘Don’t worry baby, this whole week is all about Daddy loving on you. Okay? You’re gonna be sick of my hugs by the end ‘cause I’ve rescheduled all of my meetings and appointments. It’s all about you now.’
‘Could never be sick of you, Daddy. I love you so much!’ She swore, nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his heavy scent. As always he smelled like peppermint and his cologne which was very earthy and smoky which he knew his Babygirl loved, however after having been working tonight she could also smell gunpowder which would have made her ask questions and worry if she weren’t completely at the mercy of her regression right now.
Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead for several seconds as Steve pulled up the driveway and finally parked outside of the cabin style mansion in the woods. Her Daddy knew it was her favorite one of his houses to spend time at which is why he picked it for the weekend before extending it to the entire week after watching her arrest video and the interrogation video that Andy sent him just before they got to the bookstore. Some of her comments genuinely made him chuckle, and he was so proud to hear her defense of him and wonderful acting as she could have really convinced people that her boyfriend was just a sweet business man being targeted by the police maliciously. However after seeing how they treated her, Bucky knew that she would be needing his love and comfort, hating to hear that they had called her a whore and tried to make her think that he was just using her for her body.
As they laid in bed that night after her Daddy had fed her dinner and given her a bath filled with bubbles and sweet smelling bath salts he held her tightly to his chest, caressing her bare thigh as she snuggled him in her panties and one of his Henley’s (which was his favorite outfit to see her in of all time, including both fancy dresses or lingerie).
‘You know that your Daddy loves you more than anything else in this world, don’t you Princess?’
‘Mmhmm…’ she mumbled, half asleep already, Bucky’s ability to make her feel safe and comfortable enough to sleep so quickly being a subject of great pride for him.
‘And you know that you’re not a whore…I mean, sometimes I enjoy it when you’re Daddy’s good little whore but…you know you are so much more than that to me, right?’ She nodded into his chest subtly and he momentarily wondered if she even knew what he was saying.
‘Not a whore. Just Daddy’s whore…I love you Daddy.’
‘I love you too Princess. You sleep now, you can be Daddy’s good little whore in the morning…’ he promised, hearing her little moan and kissing her head before pulling the covers around her tighter, allowing himself to drift off to sleep with his Baby safe in his arms.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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popquizhot-shot · 11 months
Father Mine- 2. Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
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Just note- this and father mine aren’t in the canon of Miguel’s and mini Miguel’s story line<3 also this is absolute crap and I’m so sorry it has a lot more plot and less of Miguel and mini Miguel interaction. Though whatever they do have is pain. (ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE I LOVE ALL OF YOU) please comment and reblog if you liked it :DD
Warnings: angst. FATHER MINE PART 1 Part 3
“Where is she?” He asks Jess.
“She didn’t follow.” Is what the woman replies and that’s that.
A spark of worry shoots through him but he ignores it. Now is not the time to worry about anything but the anomaly.
He scans his surroundings and tries to look for wherever the kid may be.
A part of his mind still screams he’s just a kid.
That weak thinking, letting things slide mindset was ahat got Gabriella killed. It was what killed an entire universe. He couldn’t let more people be killed for the sake of the life of one man.
“Split up. Look for him.” He orders Ben and Jess and they leave promptly.
Not now. Not now. He’d check up on you after.
“Miles!” You whisper-shout at the boy.
He almost shouts but you cover his mouth with your hand, “you’re in the wrong universe, you’re on earth-42.” His eyes widen, “I’m here to help you.”
“Why should I trust you?” His eyes narrow at you.
“I don’t know.” You look down, “But I’m asking you to trust me anyways.”
After a beat of silence he talks, “how did you know I was in the wrong universe?”
“You were bit by a spider that was from here. It’s venom altered your dna to this universe. And the go home machine scanned your dna, which was this universes and sent you here, I’m running out of breath and I can hear your mom from this univers walking here so let’s please just go.” You pull him out through the window just as the door opens and Rio steps in.
You and Miles drop down into an abandoned alleyway, and you hide a wince because of the pain in your leg. He turns invisible and you open a portal. Just as he walks through, Ben comes into view and sees you.
“Mini Miguel! You’re here! You know your dad was pretty worried you didn’t show! I’ll tell him you’re here wait- I” you web his mouth and eyes and as he flails about you launch yourself upwards and unhook his watch.
“I’m sorry, Ben.” You apologise to his mumbling form as his hands thrash around to remove the webs.
You jump into the portal and it closes.
“We’re in Miguel’s APARTMENT?” Miles’s all but shrieks and you wince.
“Jeez, bro. Don’t worry. He won’t look here.” You hand him a bottle of water from the minibar.
He drinks it all in one go and breathes deeply. You calm him down, “this is just for a few hours. Then I’ll shift you to your own universe.”
“Why not now?” He asks.
“You need to eat, and you’ll be fine. No one’s going to be named Captain tonight right? You can’t help anyone if you’re half dead.”
He clenches his jaw and sits down as you go to the kitchen and get a leftover pizza from the fridge. It was from that family night you had with Miguel and Lyla the day before Miles’s arrival.
You head to the living room after heating his food and his eyes are transfixed on a photo frame in his hand.
It’s a photo of you and him that Lyla had managed to sneak and Jess had printed for your birthday.
“He seems nice. When he’s not trying to kill me.” The boy scoffs.
You don’t answer, just handing him his food.
He eats in silence and you take the time to clean the house. Even if you did hate him just a bit, it didn’t mean he deserved to live in a messy house because he was too busy working.
“You really love him, huh?” Miles piped up and you look up from fluffing a cushion.
“Hmm.” You hum in response, “I don’t know.”
“If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here fluffing up his cushions and cleaning his home. Or should I say your home as well.” He raises an eyebrow.
You throw the cushion, “his home. Come on, we need to get to his office so I know what universe you’re from.”
He follows you to the window and has to swallow a gasp when you walk through it and float like you’re walking on air.
You chuckle, “it’s an illusion, sort of like that Indiana Jones movie.”
“The thing with the grail?” His voice is shaky as his foot comes to rest onto the platform connecting the window to the opposite balcony.
“Yeah, I got it made to fuck with Miguel.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I bet he would have freaked out?”
“You have no idea.” You smile a little at the memory as you jump of the platform and land lightly on the terrace.
Every few minutes you usher Miles into the few dark alleyways in the futuristic city of Nueva York to use the hidden pathways that are used by the underground thug gangs that you had managed to sniff out.
It takes about half an hour to reach the tower, and Miles turns invisible, “you couldn’t have done that before?” You raise an eyebrow.
He just looks sheepish and you try not to roll your eyes, “come on.”
He follows you through the entire area, sees them all wave and smile at you as you walk to where spider-byte may be.
“Ben, come in.” Miguel speaks, “Ben!”
With a groan, he phones Lyla. She picks up immediately and her voice is frantic, “you need to get back. Now.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s Miles.” She informs him, “mini you is with him.”
His eyes widen under the mask and without a word he opens a portal to go home, “Jess. We’re going back to base.”
“1610. Earth 1610.” You recite as you make a portal.
As soon as it opens, the door to the room swings open.
It’s a sort of déjà vu if you think about it.
The same room, the same scenario. But this time it’s you he’s after.
Your blood runs cold and you push Miles inside, “save your dad.” Are the last words you say to him as the portal closes in time just as Miguel pounces through air.
He looks at you and you freeze. His eyes are red and his fangs are out.
As he stands to his feet, your breathing becomes uneven.
Fuck you’re panicking. And it’s weird, because you’ve faced evil villains before. You’ve fought people that make Miguel look like a shortie.
So.. why the fuck are you so scared? Or were you always just a coward?
“You’re hurt.” He says in an eerily calm voice.
“Why-why do you care?” You huff out and his eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean?” He raises his hand and you flinch. You notice the way his eyes widen and the hurt that floods the pools of his eyes.
He takes another step forward and you back away, “Stay the fuck away from me.” Your hand shoots forward. Only widening the chasm between the both of you.
“What. Happened? Who hurt you? Was it Miles? Did he force you to help him?” He snarls.
You stare at him dumbfounded, “Who hurt me? Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
You scoff, “I helped him of my own accord.”
It’s then that he takes a deep breath and a step back.
“That’s right. I helped him get away!”
“….how could you do this to us? To me?” He points to himself.
“What are you going to do now? Try and kill me like you did him?”
“I would never. I am your father-”
“You are a selfish monster.” You say and his breath hitches. The look on his face breaks your own heart and all you want to do is hug him.
“Don’t say that.” He points at you, “you don’t mean it.”
“I meant every damn word.” You scowl and reply, “you are not my father. I am not your daughter.”
He schools the hurt on his face, “So be it.” He webs your watch and breaks it into tiny pieces in a matter of moments, “it’s cute that you thought you could one up me. Really.” He chuckles, “You are relieved of your duties effective immediately. You will never be allowed into Earth-928 or any other dimension hereafter.”
He webs you closer to him as he opens a portal into some obscure universe, one you’ve never heard of, and just before he pushes you in, you glimpse the tears in his eyes, your own running down your cheek as you scream profanities at him.
The last thing you see is his face before you’re thrown into complete darkness.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Does Whatever A Spider Can
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Summary: You’ve spent the day with Peter. And picked up some new habits...
A/N: So I have like 9 WIPs and I swear I will get to them but this woke me up at 4 am and I can’t let it go sooooooooo :D
Warnings: DD-LG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, reader is a bit of a daredevil, grumpy totally not jealous Daddy, threat of punishment, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
Bucky knew it was a mistake before they even dropped you off. 
Fury had a mission for him, Steve, and Natasha- one that required both diplomacy and stealth, hence all three of them being called up. It was to be a quick one, so Steve asked Pepper if you could hang out with her and Peter for the day. You were so excited- you had been missing hanging out with your bestie one-on-one and this was the perfect opportunity. You begged Daddy to let you wear your favorite shortalls with your favorite pink shirt, as this was a special occasion. He of course obliged you, but something didn’t hit him right at that- you never wanted to dress up for anything that wasn’t Halloween. 
You were so excited when you got to Tony’s apartment that you barely remembered to say goodbye to your daddies after hurtling yourself at Peter, who caught you in a huge hug. Bucky had to holler goodbye loudly to get you to realize that they were leaving, at which point you detached yourself from your bestie. You ran back to the both of them, giving them big, hard hugs and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. You giggled and raced away with Peter, ready to begin your adventure. 
Bucky was a bit nonplussed at your behavior, but Steve was chuckling. “Looks like the two of them are going to be nice and worn out by the end of the day,” he grinned at Pepper. She laughed once, low. 
“Hopefully, there’s enough caffeine in this apartment for me to keep up with them,” she joked back. “You all be careful, see you tonight.”
The mission went perfectly well, exactly as they’d all hoped. But Bucky couldn’t keep his mind off you. He felt a confusing stab of jealousy remembering your eagerness to spend the day with Peter, but he shut that down immediately. That was ridiculous. He wasn’t jealous. You were HIS baby, you...just were excited, that’s all. You’d be just as excited to see him when he came back. Right? 
And you were. Just not the way he expected. 
They picked you up (literally- Bucky couldn’t stand to not possessively have you in his arms after the entire day) from the Starks. Pepper was happy to report that you’d been an angel all day- you and Peter had come to the table the first time she’d called, eaten your lunches, went down for naps without complaints. Outside of that, the two of you had been in Peter’s playroom all day, giggling and playing and having a grand time. Steve and Bucky thanked Pepper profusely, and after you all said goodbye, headed home. 
Steve rubbed your back and kissed your cheek. “I’m so proud of you for being such a good girl today, angel,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. 
You wiggled in pleasure. “Me and Petey had so much fun today, Papa! We did ALL the things!”
“Yeah? What did you do?”
“ALL the things!”
Steve laughed at your joy, and Bucky bounced you a bit, feeling better having you so near. You turned your attention to him. “Daddy, Petey showed me how he sticks to da walls!!” 
“He did, did he?” Bucky said, a red flag suddenly popping up in his brain. You hadn’t earned your nickname ‘Trouble’ for no reason... 
“Yeah, he’s sooooo good at it. Imma learn to stick to walls too!”
“Yeah, not gonna happen, Trouble. I ain’t letting you within ten feet of some souped-up science spider.”
“I don’t wanna do it like THAT! Silly Daddy.”
“Then how exactly are you planning on sticking to the walls?”
“I gonna ask Unca Tony to make me something to stick to walls!”
“No, you’re not,” Bucky said, suddenly grumpy. He gave Steve an annoyed look when Steve failed to hide a small snort of laughter. Steve immediately tried to smooth his face out, but he couldn’t quite get one corner of his mouth to turn down. He looked back at you with his best Daddy Eye. “You could get hurt, and you know that’s against the rules.”
“But Petey doesn’t get hurt! And I watcheded him fall lots today. You hafta fall on the SOFT things so you don’t get hurt,” you explained patiently, thinking that Daddy just simply didn’t understand how it all worked. You were more than happy to educate him. 
Bucky just sighed. Hopefully, once they got you home and got you distracted by your own toys and maybe a bribe or two  that you’d drop it. 
Silly Daddy. 
The second you entered the apartment, they got your shoes off you and your feet hit the floor. You raced into the living room, eager to show them what you learned. Steve didn’t even have time to remind you to not run before you reached your destination. You clambered up onto the big sectional sofa, standing on the cushions. “See?? Watch what I can do!”
“Hey! Get down, right now,” Bucky scolded loudly, but you’d already begun your descent. You flung your body into the soft cushions, giggling madly. You popped your head up, grinning wildly. 
“See? I fall on the SOFT things!” you said triumphantly. You scrambled up and flung yourself down again, laughing like crazy. Suddenly, you felt yourself swooped up into a pair of strong arms. 
“I’m very glad that you learned to fall on soft thing, kitten,” Papa said, nuzzling your nose with his and smiling. “But this is starting to look like when you ran into the sliding glass door. Remember that?”
You blinked up at him innocently. “But Papa, dat was HARD. Dis is SOFT.”
“And you can sometimes get hurt on the soft things, too. You don’t want to get hurt again, do you? We don’t do dangerous things, right?”
“Right, Papa!” you said, eager to please. But you had to add, “But dis doesn’t hurt?” You were confused as to why this was maybe dangerous.
“Tell you what- we can make a pillow pile later and fall into that together. That way, Daddy and Papa can make sure you don’t get hurt and we can all play together. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah! Is good!!”
“Okay then. So no more falling into the couch cushions right now. Got it?”
“Got it, Papa!” 
“Good girl. I’m going to go shower, why don’t you tell Daddy about the rest of your time with Peter today?” Steve said, failing to hide his grin at the increasingly grumpy look on Bucky’s face as he watched the two of you. He knew Bucky would rather keep you from flinging yourself around altogether, but the odds of you not doing that were now slim to none. At least this way, they had a measure of control over it. Steve pecked Bucky on the mouth cheekily as he passed you to him and got a grunt in return. He laughed as he made his way to the shower. 
Bucky sat down on the sofa to cuddle you into his lap. You stayed for exactly three seconds before wiggling away and standing up on the couch again. “Hey! What did Papa just say?” he scolded again, hands darting out to hold you in place. 
“He said no falling,” you replied innocently. “I not gonna fall, Daddy.”
“You might if you stand on the couch cushions. Don’t do it again.”
“I said no. No climbing, no falling, no...flinging. Got it?”
“But what about da pillows later?”
“That’s later. Right now, just...don’t. No climbing. None.”
“You no fun,” you pouted, plopping down on your bottom, adorable consternation on your face. Before Bucky could figure out a way to prove that he was fun- he was Sergeant Daddy, after all- his phone rang. Out of pure annoyance, he stood up and answered it. “What?” he snarled into it, turning his back to you so you wouldn’t get upset at his tone. 
You took this opportunity to crawl up onto the top of the sofa, like you’d watched Petey do to the walls today, just because you simply could not sit still. You crawled along the area that was against the wall and turned the corner to the part that was separating the living room from the dining room, moving stealthily like a superhero. You felt so awesome and it was so much fun! Until your left hand slipped. 
You let out a squeak of surprise as you fell, bracing yourself for the impact. But it never came. 
A silver hand shot out over the back of the couch, snatching the back straps of your shortalls when you were a mere two inches above the ground. You felt yourself being lifted up, up, up, until you were nose to nose with a very displeased looking Daddy. You smiled at him and waved happily. 
“I’m going to have to call you back,” he growled into the phone, then tossed it on the couch. He kept you dangling in the air with the stern look on his face. “What did I just tell you not thirty seconds ago?” he said, his tone indicating that he was not to be messed with right now. That sobered you up in an instant. 
“No climbing on the sofa,” you replied meekly from your mid-air position.  
“So you wanna give me a reason why you deliberately disobeyed me the moment my back was turned?”
“I didn’t, Daddy!”
“Excuse me?!”
“I didn’t climb on the sofa!”
“Oh really? Now you’re gonna try to lie about it?”
“No! Not lying! I didn’t climb on it. I crawled on it.” You smiled sweetly at him, tilting your head in that adorable way that he couldn’t resist. 
Bucky’s face morphed from furious to resigned in an instant. You were well and truly nicknamed. “Trouble,” he said wearily, still holding you aloft. “How about you just TELL me what you and Peter did today? If you keep trying to demonstrate it, you’re gonna give me heart failure.”
“Okay, Daddy! Can I sit in your lap and tell you all the things?” 
Bucky took comfort in that, trying to hold onto the fact that you wanted to be close to him and tell him everything instead of the ridiculous jealousy that was trying to worm its way in every time you mentioned that little shit Peter’s name. He plopped you down on his lap and cuddled you as you excitedly shared your adventures with him. 
Meanwhile, Steve had stuffed a washcloth in his mouth while in the shower to keep Bucky from hearing him laugh. His grumpy, grumpy love. 
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sakasakiii · 1 year
I love your work!! Your art is very pretty. Do you have a specific idea of how old everyone is ? Do you lean more towards canon or do you have your own dates in mind ? If don’t wanna a answer it’s ok!
Hope u have a nice day
(Remember to drink water!)
hiiii nonnie!!! thank you for checking in, and im happy u like the stuff i put out!! when it comes to ages, it's difficult to answer sometimes bc of the way professor tolkien's timeline is-- it makes gauging one singular place where most of the cast can be compared something that makes my tired brain go 😵🤧🤕 but i love the prompt youve given! and thus heres my attempt at it
with most of my tolkien stuff, i always try to stick to canon wherever possible emphasis is on try lmao and the topic of ages is one such place. i do make exceptions to the Professor's canon sometimes for a few reasons: 1) i like some of the scrapped ideas in his drafts, or 2) i just prefer other options. with ages, i think the only charas with canon-established ages i deviated from are fingolfin, finrod, turgon, and aredhel. i try to keep cases like these minimal tho, so i hope it doesn't bother anyone too much... 👉👈
anyways i figured just dropping a list of numbers would be kinda boring to look at so heres an illustrated guide to what the ~rough~ ages of the finweans are in my head whenever i write or draw. Y.T. 1495 (the year Finwe dies) is the controlled medium ive used to enable a fair comparison of the Finweans
note: "born Y.T. xxx" means this is the canon date of birth listed on Tolkien Gateway. "est. born [xxx]" means this is a noncanon estimate:
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the First Age gets a lot more muddled from there due to the hullaballoo of everything going on, so ill only be including the doriathrim and a few other denizens of nargothrond:
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it's mostly the older elves that are more undefined/vague with their ages (i.o.w. others like elwing, earendil, the peredhil twins, and most Men all have set dates of birth), so they're all i'll be doing for now. but it's that vagueness which makes hcing all the more enjoyable, isn't it! plus since we’re on this subject, under the cut are just a few headcanons and musings ive had that i wanted to put somewhere 😙
Finarfin and Earwen were born within months of each other! Finwe and Olwe made a Really Big Deal out of when they found out their wives were pregnant at the same time. As a result, the two were often sent on many playdates with each other to “bolster healthy relations” between the Noldor and the Teleri. It wasn’t an arranged marriage situation, but I like to think they were goofy for each other from the start… Resulting in the two eventually getting married as soon as they came of age, the fastest out of all of Finwe’s kids to do so. 
The reason the Ambarussa are significantly younger than the other Finweans (especially the Feanorians-- there’s a 100 Valian year gap between them and Curufin alone!) is because I imagine they were accidental babies that even Feanor didn’t expect to conceive. too bad morgoth said "its morgin time!" and started Messing Things Up shortly afterwards.....
Anaire was Lalwen's good friend long before she married Fingolfin; they met through Lalwen who wingmanned Fingolfin the whole time. i like think Anaire'd be the best out of all the wives at keeping good, healthy bonds with all the women of her family :DD
luthien's potential 姐姐/big sis dynamic with all the younger doriathrim elves is something i daydream about a lot 😌 but sometimes the fact that she's older than finarfin keeps me up at night
this has been really fun, so thanks again for asking-- annnd yessir, i am chugging water as i write this so you better be doing the same ❤️ have a great start to your week!
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hiramekiicotl · 3 months
Hello I'm the survey anon, I'm here to ask you some questións about cotl. First: how did you get into the game? Second: What's your favorite part of the game? And Third: If you could add or remove anything? What would it be? Thank you for your time, tumblr user Hiramekiicotl. (I'm not an official account or anything, just a curious guy.)
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Oh hey hii!! thanks for stopping by my blog :D !!
to answer your questions,,, firsty, i always heard the name of the game tbh but i just saw one of my fav youtuber start playing it soo i wanted to play it also :D
my favorite part of the game is LITERALLY ALL OF IT ŞLFKSDŞLFKŞSDKF-- from the character designs to world building to gameplay i just think this game is a masterpiece! :> but if i had to pick one thing it would be the charcters. i just love'em <3
hmm if i could add anything i would add more dialoges between player and the old faith when you have them in your cult at the end of the game tbh, maybe more unique quests or lore drops you know
And thank you for your questions survey anon! :DD have a nice day/night!!!!
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
ALSO i saw 💃🏻 15 and it would be criminal to not ask for that with matt 🙏🏼🤲🏼 please and thank u HEHEH luvyew
— u know i would write ANYTHING u asked. so here is this. inspired by that scene in dd bc i wanted to be karen so badddd dhfjejcjd if there’s any typos pls don’t look i tried to edit as best i can but i’m stupid okay.
💃 15. your heart is beating so fast right now
— warnings: swearing, slightly sexual but it’s matt and he’s a whore so what do u expect
[grippingbeskar’s 2k night out celebration!]
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“I can play, technically. I just suck at it.” You yell at Matt over the music at Josie’s, and watch him sink the 8 ball for the third game in a row.
“Come on. No guys at college ever did the old ‘teach you to play pool’ trick on you?” You roll your eyes, and he laughs as if he knows you did it. 
“Boys were too busy banging their way through my dorm hallway, so I missed out on that formative experience.” Your mind drifts back to your college days, and all the nights spent with headphones on the loudest setting to drown out the moans of your roommates. “So, not only was I a loser in college, I’m a loser who can’t play pool.”
“So dramatic.” He taunts, moving his way around the table. He leaves the pool que where it was, and suddenly the room feels a whole lot smaller. When he finally reaches you, he squares his shoulders, tilting his head down so you can hear him. “Bend over the table.”
“Matthew! You haven’t even bought me a drink yet.” You jump back and he laughs, one hand brushing against your hip to encourage you back.
“Dramatic.” He drawls, and you roll your eyes again, but do what he says. You lean over the table, adjusting your pool que so it was facing the ball in the middle of the table. 
All of a sudden, you feel him pressed up behind you. You knew he was being deliberate, purposefully not pushing certain parts of himself into your nearly exposed ass, but it was enough that the warmth of his body almost absorbed into you, your entire being sparking with heat.  
His arms come around your head and rest along your arms, and he uses his hands to feel how you are holding the que, leaning forward a little more to feel where to ball is.
“A little lower, sweetheart.” His breath is hot against your neck, and you stay perfectly still, afraid of moving wrong. You let him guide you, shifting the stick where it’s meant to be. There was no way you would retain any information, but maybe that was an excuse to have him bend you over again. “There you go.”
“Do... do I hit it now?” You rasp, and you feel him laugh behind you. Feel it— the way his abs tense against your lower back, how his nose brushes against your neck as his head drops.
“Pull back... nice and slow.” He keeps his voice that low, gravelly tone and your toes inadvertently curl with the sound in your ear. “Elbow down.”
You almost forgot you actually had a task to do. You do as he says, and he hums in approval. His head drops again, feeling the ghost of his lips on your bare shoulder. The thin strap of your dress hides no skin from him, and one small, open mouthed kiss has you shuddering under him— putty in his hands.
“Your heart is beating so fast right now.” He kisses you again, a little higher up this time. “You concentrating?”
“Fuck no.” His lips curl upward, and one of his hands tap at your elbow to put it down again. You blink furiously, trying to see the ball through the red haze of lust clouding your vision. 
Then, in one smooth motion, he wraps his hands around your forearms and pushes you forward, the stick hitting the ball perfectly, and it rolls into the far corner hole without hesitation.
“Oh.” You say, completely unimpressed with sinking the ball, because now Matt has no reason to stay this close to you. He hasn’t moved yet though, just allowed you to stand up a little more comfortably. 
“See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?” He drags his hand from your wrist up slowly, leaving it wrapped around your upper arm and holding you close.
“Um— no. I think I’ll need you to show me again, though.”
“Yeah?” You were nodding furiously, gripping the pool que like a life raft. You heard him laugh over the music, head tipping back as you both moved around the table to hit the next ball. 
You spent most of the night like that, tangled up in each other under the guise of hitting a ball, and by the end of the night you were practically an expert, but you were still going to ask him to teach you again tomorrow. 
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yoo-jeongneon · 10 months
the sticky tab series | sticky tab three: 5B
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× minors/ageless/empty blogs dni. you will be blocked. ×
× series masterlist × main masterlist × × <- previous × next -> × seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader genre: mystery, thriller, drama warnings: journalist!reader, strategy consultant!joshua, alcohol/food mention, written as a journal entry in the first person, dates given as dd/mm/yyyy word count: 861 taglist: @hipsdofangirl × @strawberri-uyu × @asyre × @minhui896
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When our conversation was done, Jeonghan thanked me. He expressed that it was nice to talk to someone new after years of living alone and speaking to the same few people over and over again. I merely smiled, unable to make a comment.
He opened the door to his apartment and told me to wait there while he strolled over to 5B and knocked three times. The door eventually opened, and a man with similar length, more reddish hair greeted him cheerfully, before he eyed me with confusion.
I remembered that Jeonghan had talked about him - his name was Joshua.
Jeonghan explained who I was. Joshua was intrigued; he told me they hadn't seen another person's face in years. It truly struck me then how, while solitude is a positive factor to living here, that loneliness could still be prominent.
Joshua was open to having a chat with me, after Jeonghan told him the broad strokes of what we talked about. He similarly remarked that he did indeed have a lot of things he could tell me, and even joked that my journal would be full by the end of the day.
By that point I realised the sixth floor had since gone quiet.
I rolled my shoulders back and headed over to 5B; Jeonghan then whispered something in Joshua's ear that I couldn't decipher, but it caused his jaw to drop and him to say a small 'oh, absolutely'. I didn't pry.
Jeonghan went back to his apartment, and Joshua happily invited me inside.
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name: joshua hong date of birth: 30/12/1995 date moved in: 10/12/2017
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Much like Jeonghan had said, 5B was equally small and the floor plan was near-identical.
We sat down beside one another on matching cream recliner chairs. They were made of velvet, and I could feel the texture between my fingers.
Between the chairs was a wooden side table with a glass top. An intricately detailed pitcher with a golden liquid sat in the middle, and four clean, delicate drinking glasses were right beside it. "Care for a drink?" he offered. I politely declined, but I confirmed if he wanted one, and said I would pour the glass. He smiled and thanked me, then lifted a glass while I poured the beverage: whiskey, with a particularly strong smell.
"Today is turning out to be quite the rollercoaster, huh?" he chuckled, taking a sip of the whiskey.
"You could certainly say that again."
"I feel as though I should apologise. You weren't expecting to wander in and find that note at the reception desk. I didn't actually think he'd do it."
"Do you have any idea of why he might have?"
Joshua shrugged. "That's something you'll have to ask him. Definitely a provocation of sorts, but honestly it's any guess with him."
I opened up my journal and started taking notes. "Jeonghan told me that there was a landlord here, but that he left before anyone moved in."
"Project Drawbridge was a failure. In every sense of the word. Too far from anyone, built on an old, desolate part of land where a warehouse once stood." My brow pricked up at that. "Oh, yeah. Used to be a waste facility if I remember rightly. Nobody was ever going to live here."
"So, why did the thirteen of you end up here, apart from the fact they were essentially free?"
Joshua took another drink of his whiskey and set it down on the side table, before looking me in the eye. "Let's just say, it gave us all the fresh start we were looking for. I suppose Junhui didn't tell you he stopped being a journalist because he feared someone finding out he lived in the 'Silent Dweller', i.e, the source of much speculation and mystery."
I shook my head, but the casual drop of such a revelation shocked me more.
"Thought not. If his company found out, he'd have to explain himself, and thus everyone knows now. He left quietly."
I sat with this information for a while. Joshua took another drink of whiskey, before getting up and walking over to the fridge. He took out a punnet of grapes then shut the door.
When he sat down on the opposite chair again, he offered me a grape. My shoulders were still tense from that information. I declined.
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Details of note from our discussion:
joshua was a strategy consultant for a major business, but left not long after he moved in
project drawbridge switched contractors multiple times
2A wanted his (joshua's) apartment, but joshua refused to switch
3B leaves the apartment block the most
the last person who entered the apartment block was a potential investor, in 2020 - he heard noise coming from 1A, and thought it was haunted, promptly leaving
drawbridge drew its 'silent dweller' reputation from this event
3A is not a horrible person by any means, he just has strong opinions
1B is the youngest resident
1A is a very social person - he held a housewarming party in his apartment back in 2018
6A can be quite defensive but he's not horrible - he's really just a calm, reserved person
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× yoo-jeongneon ×
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Hello!! >:3
I see we share same F/O from Hazbin Hotel! :DD yay!!
I’d like to ask for headcanons where S/O had snake when alive and they kinda treat him like their snake pet? (Feeding him mouses/rats, trying to find his skin or helping him “undress” from his old skin to new one)?
Thanks! Have a nice rest of the day/night!
Ayyyyy another Sir Pentious simp spotted!! Excellent taste anon, excellent taste :D
I dunno about treating him like a pet since that strikes me as kinda weird (that and I think we'd be shot if we tried to baby talk him for the adorable expressions he pulls when excited) but pulling in experience from having had snakes as pets in life? Absolutely!
Sir Pentious x ExperiencedWithSnakes!Reader:
For the most part he's pretty self sufficient - he dropped into hell over 150 years ago so he's had plenty of time to get used to his new physiology - heck he's been a snake longer than he was human, so if you treat him as a helpless invalid he's going to get snappy with you.
That's not to say he doesn't appreciate a helping hand - he loves being treated like a treasure, admire his scales more darling they're shiny~
It will take a long time of waiting before he lets you get anywhere near his shedding times. He despises being vulnerable and unpresentable, and shedding induces both. It's also practical to keep you away until he knows he can trust you: over a hundred eyes and shedding renders every one of them blind? In Hell it's a miracle to find someone who wouldn't take advantage of such a weakness.
Once deemed trustworthy though you're getting to work helping him get out of the old skin. He's over 15 feet long and it's i t c h y.
There's no 'finding' the skins once they're shed since he makes sure to collect it all up during the process. He also chucks it straight into the furnace of his airship since he's learned the hard way that Hell's magical community can use body parts, even old and shed stuff like hair and nails, as a target for spells.
That and the eggs like to dress up in it which is too weird even for him.
If you're going to feed him rats/mice etc can you PLEASE put it on a plate first?? Manners dear, this gent grew up with knives and forks and is Determined to keep using them, circumstances and lack of gag reflex be damned.
He's too big to be carried on your shoulders, but your body warmth is much appreciated, let him coil around you like a sentient beanbag so he can take advantage please.
Due to your familiarity you've been able to pick up on a lot of his more subtle body language that the vast majority of Hell misses out on. You're not even sure if he knows he's giving off the signals, but your timely intervention has been much appreciated on a few occasions.
To your delight he actually shows off more snake like habits when he's relaxed, usually with you. He absentmindedly tastes the air a lot when thinking, has a tendency to sway gently in place, and find places to literally 'hang' on his ship so he can relax the human portion of his body from being upright all the time.
He gets serious muscle cramps from forcing himself upright to mimic standing. Prideful git refuses to drop into a full body crawl as his physiology demands, but the massages you give him to ease the pain are divine.
You, uh, have tried to move him before out of habit from scooping up your previous pets. Sweetheart, love, he's nearly a metric ton of danger noodle, don't even try. He doesn't want you to throw your back out.
He first time he genuinely hissed at you you jerked back in shock and bopped his nose out of sheer muscle memory, "Don't take that tone with me!" It worked, much to both your embarrasments.
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actualbird · 6 months
Hi Zak, hope you're doing all right! :DD If you could pick a song to play (like for a hypothetical credits haha) after Luke's third birthday card, what would it be? Although no worries if there's nothing that comes to mind of course!!
/ luke bday card spoilers, spoilers for SSR Burning Reminiscence
hi hi galena!! this is SUCH a wonderful question which made my brain rifle through its entire songlist of Favorite Songs. my spotify wrapped for my entire life, if you would HAHA. and my answer is this:
Your Universe by Rico Blanco
and i have a Lot of reasoning and an entire imagined animatic for it that im gonna take you through LLSJFSDKJF
so context, this song is my most favorite love song of all time. it's the one that i think encapsulates Love the most, and not just romantic love, but All Of The Loves. love between friends, family, the love you feel when you just see something beautiful on a nice day, to love you feel when you wake up and you realize you enjoy living and youre happy to exist another day. it's The love song to me, because it's about gratefulness. it's a song that says, over and over again without actually saying it, thank you
now stanza by stanza i imagined the hypothetical credits playing along with certain scenes.
warning: im about to get horrendously sappy from here on out
Tell me something When the rain falls on my face How do you quickly replace it With a golden summer smile?
[SCENE: The Past. luke's birth. rena and percival are so happy theyre crying tears of joy, and one of it drops onto luke, who is also crying, as babies do. rena gently wipes the tears off of luke's face, and at his mother's touch, he quiets down and smiles, his very first of many to come]
Tell me something When I'm feelin' tired and afraid How do you know just what to say To make everything alright?
[SCENE: The Past. luke is a toddler now, beginning the arduous process of learning how to walk and as he tries, he falls down and sniffles, about to cry at his failure. rena and percival, who were video taping luke, immediately go to comfort him. the video shows percival taking luke by his small hands and guiding him back up, encouraging him with his words "come on, don't give up! you're almost there, lukey!"]
I don't think that you even realize The joy you make me feel when I'm inside your universe You hold me like I'm the one who's precious I hate to break it to you, but it's just the other way around You can thank your stars all you want But I'll always be the lucky one
[SCENE: The Past. luke's second birthday. hes small and his parents are so happy and while he doesnt understand why theyre happy, even a child's mind can understand that them being happy makes him happy. even though he cant say it yet with the exact words, luke knows he loves his parents, and he knows he'll love them for forever.]
Tell me something When I'm 'bout to lose control How do you patiently hold my hand And gently calm me down?
[SCENE: The Present. we see SSR Burning Reminiscence's scene where luke is still trying to avoid the matter of his parents. it's a tough topic, and after all these years, it still brings up negative emotions of regret, grieving, and longing in his heart. but with mc's insistence and support, he grounds himself and finds the courage in himself to connect with his parents]
Tell me something When you sing and when you laugh Why do I always photograph My heart flying way above the clouds?
[SCENE: The Present. luke's birthday as it happens in the card, and his heart is full of joy seeing mc happy, feeling happy himself, and feeling so grateful for being able to connect with his parents' memory and their wishes for him]
and for the last chorus, it comes together
You can thank your stars all you want But I'll always be the lucky one I'll always be the lucky one I'll always be the lucky one
[SCENE: The Past and The Present intertwined in a montage. we see luke's smiling face eating cake with mc, then we see luke as a baby laughing with his parents as they open his gifts for him. as these images come, one after the other, we get the impression that rena and percival arent just happy and proud for their baby, but also for the wonderful man he'll grow up to be]
.......so yeah, thats my SSR Burning Reminiscence end credits song ;w;
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
salutations ✨ u deserve a throne for keeping the nadi brainrot festering lmao, would love to see mc calling nadia mommy accidentally and her reactions in ur style. cheers n have a nice day :DD
Hi, Anon! Thank you so much! The Nadi brainrot shall never stop, and I hope you're having a nice day as well!
I think it's obvious to everyone that Nadia likes being called mommy. I mean, just look at her and tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. It's mommy. It has to be mommy. She's the kind of woman that makes people feel the need to get on their knees every time she opens her mouth. I certainly feel that way.
We might need a sexy oneshot about this, folks. I mean, just imagine Nadia saying, "You like it when mommy rides your face, don't you?" That should tell enough about my oneshot idea.
Mommy? Sorry.
It was supposed to be a simple apology without anything unexpected. What would be so special about it? Well, this:
"I'm sorry, mommy," MC said to Nadia, making her jaw drop.
She needed a second to process what MC had just said. Surely, she misheard them. No way they just said that.
So Nadia asked MC to repeat themselves. "I'm sorry, mommy," MC said again with flushed cheeks.
Horny Nadia mode on.
Nadia liked it. A lot. She was a blushing, smiling mess, biting her lip and instantly turning her sexy dominant mommy mode on. It's something she has always wanted, and hearing MC say it made her so damn wet that she thought she might sit on MC's face right there and right now.
Next thing MC knows, they're in Nadia's bedroom, feverishly making out on her bed.
Needless to say, Nadia fucks MC so hard that the whole palace hears them screaming one word. Mommy.
However, if this happens in public, Nadia turns into a very embarrassed, blushing Countess.
Later, they have a talk about it. Nadia asks MC to never call her mommy again in public since it's a very inappropriate thing to do that might do some damage to her image. She's the Countess, and she can't let that happen. People need to respect her.
MC still gets fucked because, despite her protest, Nadia still loves it, and she's secretly turned on.
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mackmp3 · 5 months
9th doctor
:DD thanks cath!!
how i feel about this character -
tbh i don't have quite as many super strong opinions on nine, i think cos we don't see him for quite as long, but i still really really like him hehe. he's often portrayed as the grumpy one which isn't exactly inaccurate but also i feel like he gets a bad rap for just not being as immediately likeable yknow? even though he does still laugh & joke around he's far less emotionally vulnerable & quick to get to 'you humans are all stupid', even in his first episode, although some of this is probably a self-defence, having literally just destroyed gallifrey which is, yknow, a massively traumatic thing to happen, & he hasn't had a companion for a bit, & in any case is just a bit more sarcastic than other regenerations. but also you know that feels deeply he just tries to cover it up. but also truly no one is doing it like the ninth doctor, some of the stuff he does (telling a dalek to kill itself) like ten wouldn't say that unless he was really at the end his tether yknow? but also the absolute joy at the end of the doctor dances!! 'every body lives rose! just this once everybody lives!!' and telling the kid 'pop music in 20 years you're gonna love it!' and his smile is so fun hehe he really does just :D & he has some really wonderful funny bits as well hehe. also he has THEE BEST leather jacket
all the people i ship romantically with this character -
imo all the nuwho doctors are some variation on aroace & i really Really don't see him in a romantic relationship with rose (or jack. though the would be a little bit fun hehe) but i feel like nine is the kind of person who, had he been allowed more time in that regeneration would slowly start to feel both romantic & sexual attraction. just that in the situation he's in, The Horrors are kind of more immediate things to deal with. like he just doesn't have time for that. also he probably thinks that anyone who gets to close to him will die horribly which is why he's a bit brusque. but yeah if he'd been allowed more chill time without the Horrors & time to process Everything he would be gradually more accepting of his own attraction to people and willing to do something about that. just where he's at he simply doesn't feel attraction & it doesn't even cross his mind that that's an option.
non-romantic otp for this character -
Rose. yes their weird qpr-situationship has it's issues ('i feel awful about my planet being destroyed, to show off on out first playdate i'm gonna take you to see your planet being destroyed') they just work well together hehe. BUT he would be Excellent with donna noble methinks OUGH if only they got to meet. the sarcasm would be tangible
unpopular opinion about this character -
idk really know what the popular opinions of nine are but. he could have been a bit nicer about having accidentally dropped rose off a year late. just a little.
one thing i wish had happened with this character -
honestly i wish we'd got more time to see him develop. like even one special would have been nice. one! just one! i feel like we leave him behind too quickly. it would have been nice to see him & rose do something chill together & not have to worry about dying or the planet dying.
my otp -
idk?? like probably rose but if we're talking romantically i don't think that would really work. idk why it just doesn't.
crossover ship (platonically) -
does it count as a crossover if it's a dr who character from later?? cos like i think he would get on really well with donna noble hehe. but from an actual different thing - nanny ogg & granny weatherwax from discworld, i can just picture the three of them sitting down drinking tea & bitching about some stupid supernatural/alien entity that tried to disrupt their day AGAIN yknow?
headcanon for them -
i think nine would like old arcade videogames. & he'd make a point of maxxing them out so some little kid would be astounded by his prowess at pacman or something. & he'd get mad when he lost as well. idk i can just picture him yelling at an old video game hehe
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coffee-in-veins · 4 months
Hey coffee! Hope you don't mind that I continue the ask game from a bit ago!
5 11 (drop a playlist if you want!) 14 and 24 (more like, where do you get your references) and 30!!
Have a good day <3!
hullo hullo o/
thank you for the ask! and don't worry, you can ask anything and even from very old asks if you wanna ^^ if i can answer, i will.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
lately i'm posting almost everything i have that i feel "finished" online because it makes dopamine and i could really use that. if we're talking art, i think all the art i've got is posted online. if we're talking texts... well. most? some i have but again, few people are interested in them compared to art, so i post them more rarely.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
oh yeah! when i write, i have a huge playlist of postrock:
when i draw - whell, it depends, i have Witcher 3 OST, Hades OST, Final Fantasy 9 OST, and i have a few playlists which actually have words! ^^ which is so nice T^T i can't write when i have songs with words in the background...
i love turning this one on when i draw dd:
one for them is inspiration for RRR. it's quite old one, it was made a few years ago.
now the unpleasant stuff: i'm ashamed to admit but it has songs from a folk group called Melnista. which is ruzzian. they were somewhat against the war... but not too vocally. maybe afraid. dunno. them being against it is the sole reason i've not deleted the playlist alltogether. i haven't edited the playlist since i have to be honest that those were the inspirations, but... i'm very torn on this one and whether or not i should edit it and remove all of those. so... yeah
and one which is a bit of a spoiler if you look at the specifics of the name:
14. Any favorite motifs
oh dear... probably soulmates. finding someone you feel welcome with, even if it's through shit, dirt and blood - either your own, or someone else's. importance of physical touches. found family of horrible people for horrible people who manage to work through their shit and become better while still perceiving themselves as horrible people. lights. undying loyalty, often betrayed because and by another undying loyalty.
24. Do your references include stock images
i hafe a few galleries for stock images, but i also can ask people around me to help with taking a quick photo if i'm desperate, to have at least some approximation.
this thing can help someone but it sucks to set it up and i often forget i have it ^^'
also https://www.tumblr.com/bodytachi is amazing to have a reference for a pose
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i'd put "Kiss your perfect day goodnight"
it's the first time i managed to draw them together. and i'm incredibly proud of how this one turned out... not to mention that rey had been a bitch to draw ever since
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chexie · 7 months
interdimensional gateway fic update for 3rd anniversary
haha kidding
it takes forever to write fics so I applaud you for still managing to keep up with it, especially multi-chapter fics. and especially especially ones that are over like 5 chapters.
I would've forgotten about it and then just hoped the readers weren't that into it so i could abandon the thing
(have done that in the past but then again they never got many likes 2 begin with haha)
anyways wish u luck on it, dont worry about meeting deadlines n shit
Oh honestly at some point this past spring I had this silly pipe dream that I’d have Gateway’s epilogue up in time for it’s third birthday lmao it’s even pipe-dreamier now, but hey, who knows (I knows, I absolutely probably won’t finish it by then but yknow it’d be nice)
But at the same time the fact that this ask is like. Even here at all is so so wild to me because this is the first time I’ve had people engage with my content so positively and consistently, and I feel like that’s been one of my reasons that work on it’s been so ‘consistent’
(That and the Darkside communities size. Back then we only had 7 fics to pick from so it was my civil service to the community, obvs)
At the end of the day, while the stunted progress in 2022 was just another cost of a mentally taxing year, 2023 has just been me wrangling my brain to focus on anything for more than two weeks and clinically failing, and the lack of engagement chapter 9 got around its release ended up burying DD in my head
I’m not,,, entirely certain what my point was in all of this? But. Thank you. Maybe chapter 10 will drop by year’s end. Wouldn’t that be rad?
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
Adaptive Nature
Chapter 3
“Yeah.” He nods, “Yeah, you still owe me a story, after all.”
“I do?” Pixl pauses in splitting the orange, directly down the centre, to look at him.
“The stag brothers.”
Pixl hands him his half of the orange with a sigh, disturbing the small lantern and causing the flame inside to flicker with the movement. “I told you that’s not my speciality.”
(AO3 Link)
(6,390 words)
as always reblogs help more than likes! i hope you enjoy it :DD
He pushes into his tent, holding back the flap to let Pixl follow in behind him. Norman makes a small chirruping sound from where he’s lying, curled up, raising his head but not bothering to move from the mess of blankets he’s made into his bed. There’s a lantern already lit, and he thanks whoever did that for him, casting its soft glow over the canvas walls of the tent.
“Hey Norman,” he coos, crouching beside where he’s lying to stroke him, scratching behind his ear. Norman rolls over a little, stretching out and exposing his stomach. He resists the urge to pet it. It is a trap. He turns to look at Pixl, “I can't really offer you a cooked meal, I think the others would kill me if I started cooking meat this late.” And the thought of meat makes his stomach turn, bile beginning to climb up his throat. For some reason. He ignores it.
“Aren't you their Sheriff?” Pixl looks slightly worried. And a bit confused.
“Doesn't mean they can't kill me.” He moves away from Norman, closer to the bag he keeps most of his supplies in. Most importantly, the snacks he’s been hoarding for a while. He picks through his bag, finding an orange and several dried fruits, stored in little packets. There’s about a handful of almonds, too. “How do you feel about nuts?” He asks.
“They're nice,” Pixl shrugs, “Why?”
“Do you want some almonds?” He offers a few of them to Pixl, already chewing on one himself, picking through his bag to see if there’s anything more substantial. There isn't, and he gives up, turning back around with his dried mango and pineapple, and singular orange.
Pixl takes the offered almonds.
“It’s a nice place you've got here.” Pixl says.
“Thank you,” he digs his fingers into the muscles by his neck, hoping to relieve whatever tension that’s been building up over the past few days and causing his headaches. It doesn't work and he drops his hand to collect another almond, chewing on it thoughtfully and trying his best to ignore the headache that seems to pulse through his head every time he chews.
“So,” he looks up again, “Anything you do outside of being the Sheriff?”
He stiffens, the dried mango packet crinkling in his hand as he stares at Pixl. “Not much.” he manages, “I'm the Sheriff and the Sheriff is me.” He shrugs and laughs, “That’s how it is, you know?”
Pixl watches him, studies him, and he shifts a little from side to side, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. “I don't know, no.” Pixl says. “Say, what did you say your name was?”
“Oh,” he stares at Pixl, “It’s nothing important, don't worry about it. Probably best if you just know me as the Sheriff.”
Pixl frowns at him again.
“Do you want some dried mango?” He offers the packet out towards Pixl, and he takes it, still regarding him with suspicion. It makes him feel slightly uneasy. Pixl takes the dried mango, and he keeps the pineapple for himself, pulling it open and taking one of the pieces out. He prefers the pineapple to the mango.
Pixl doesn't complain as he eats, even though he probably expected to have something a little better to eat than dried fruits in a tent in the middle of the night.
“Is anyone expecting you?” Pixl gives him an odd look, and he quite quickly realises how creepy that sounds. “Not in a weird way!” He hurries to correct, “Just, is anyone going to be losing sleep if you don't get back?”
“No,” Pixl laughs a little, and it breaks the tension that had settled between them, “They're used to me wandering around, they might miss me if I'm not back tomorrow evening without a word, but not tonight.”
“Oh,” he nods, “That’s good.” He finishes the pineapple, tucking the bag he kept it in back into his supplies bag. He can probably use it again later, maybe for pineapple again. He weighs the orange in his hand, glancing over at Pixl.
When he meets his eyes they're glowing purple and he flinches backwards, dropping the orange on the floor. It rolls away from him, but he can't tear his eyes away, he can't look anywhere else. He can only continue to stare as the purple grows brighter and brighter and brighter, until all he can see is the glow. He can't even see Pixl’s face anymore.
The pressure in his head increases as the glow does, and he flinches back, gripping his head and hissing a breath out between his teeth. He still can't pull his eyes away, left staring into the purple glow that’s less in the shape of eyes and closer to just pure light that doesn't fade.
He blinks, and then folds over, gripping his head as it seems to explode with pain. He swears his ears are bleeding. They aren't, his hands aren't sticky where he presses against them, trying to soothe the last of the pain in his temples.
“Sheriff?” He looks up at Pixl’s voice, blinking once, then again, when he stares at Pixl, his eyes blue once more. He can still see the imprints of the light when he blinks. The splotches cover almost all of his vision, and he has to blink several times to get rid of it. Even then it still remains, as though permanently burned into his retina. He hopes it’s not. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah?” His voice cracks and he winces, closing his eyes as another jab of pain shoots through his head.
“You sure about that?” Pixl smiles at him.
“Not really?” He tries, “Just been having…headaches. I think it’s the mesa heat, and we’ve all been working kinda hard to get into the fishbowl and stuff.” He leans back with a sigh, wincing as the sudden change in position makes his vision swim slightly and his head throb with a vengeance. “I probably just need to drink more.”
“Make sure you do then,” Pixl’s holding the orange, he notices, and he’s halfway through peeling it. There's a small pile of pieces of orange skin next to his knee, “I thought we could split this orange,” he continues, “If you want to.”
“Yeah.” He nods, “Yeah, you still owe me a story, after all.”
“I do?” Pixl pauses in splitting the orange, directly down the centre, to look at him.
“The stag brothers.”
Pixl hands him his half of the orange with a sigh, disturbing the small lantern and causing the flame inside to flicker with the movement. “I told you that’s not my speciality.”
“I don't really mind,” he shrugs, peeling one of the orange segments away from the others to eat. “I just want to know about it.”
Pixl sighs again, and it seems to echo around the tent. Norman stirs beside him, and he strokes his head absently until he curls a little closer and goes back to sleep, a slight purr escaping him.
“It was a story, presumed a true tale because of the historical accounts that followed, that was rediscovered during the Age of Empires, which, not my speciality so not my strong point. My friend would probably be able to recite the tale to you from memory.”
“And your friend isn't here.” He counters.
“I suppose not. Besides, the tale was distributed throughout all the empires, with at least one text in each of the twelve empires. We have what is suspected to be the original, but it is written in that indecipherable language, though we have some copies in Common. It was discovered by the ruler of the Mountain Empire,” he pauses, “We don't actually know it’s true name, that was also lost to time and language barriers.”
“The story?” He prompts, “What happened in the actual story?”
“Oh,” Pixl blinks, and stares down at his half of the orange in his hand, as though it holds the secrets to the universe. He eats another segment of his own half. “A millennia before the Age of Empires, there was the Age of Corruption, where a corruption of unknown source spread through the land and wiped out entire civilizations. The gods of the time came together to banish it, driving it back, and subsequently falling into a slumber. All but two.”
“The stag brothers?” He guesses.
“Yes, Aeor and Exor. They ruled together for a long while, yet Exor grew jealous of his brother because of the way he was praised by the people that were meant to worship them both equally. And as Aeor’s worship grew, so did Exor’s jealousy. However, Exor still had followers, and Exor and Aeor’s followers began to grow apart, splitting the once peaceful Mountain Empire in two. Exor believed that weaker beings should not survive while his brother believed in keeping everything equal. Aeor’s followers eventually drove them out.”
“Exor and his followers, because they remained loyal, even then, after being driven out of their homes, they set out into the world, conquering and destroying other towns and cities. Aeor set out after his brother, challenging him to a fight that lasted for days between the two of them. Aeor won, and imprisoned his brother within the mountain, capturing him and his followers, in the hopes that they would not be able to harm others again.”
“Wait,” he interrupts Pixl, “Let me guess, they harmed others again?”
Pixl laughs. “You’d be right about that. It was many years later, and worship of Aeor was still prevalent in the empire, but most people considered the gods as nothing more than stories. There were two children, two brothers, that were playing on the outskirts of this empire when they discovered a cave with ancient ruins within. One of the brothers, Alinar, remembered the stories of the old gods and asked his brother, Cohnal, to leave. Cohnal refused, likely already sensing the power that lay within the mountain, and ventured deeper. Cohnal continued to visit the ruins after that night, even as Alinar urged him not to.”
“Time passed and the brothers drifted. Cohnal became more violent and Alinar joined the High Council of the empire. Cohnal was banished by the townspeople when his actions were exposed, more…unsavoury things coming to light.” Pixl pauses, glancing at him. “I'm not going to tell you what it was that was uncovered, by the way, I couldn't sleep for days afterwards and I don't wish for you to suffer the same.”
“Thanks.” He has two segments of his orange left, but he leaves it for now, mind filled with whatever this Cohnal could have potentially done.
“It would later be revealed that Cohnal was following the voice of Exor all these years, and his time following that voice changed him- warped him into something unrecognisable, until even the townspeople he grew up with could no longer recognise him, instead reporting sightings of a strange creature, a demon, lurking on the outskirts of the city.”
“During this time, Alinar had become a lot more religious, visiting the shrine of Aeor regularly and worshipping. During this time, it is unknown when but that was likely when Exor selected Cohnal as his Chosen, but Alinar was also selected by Aeor as his Chosen. The stories say that Alinar grew mighty antlers, like a deer, but they were pure gold, as though someone had carved an elegant headdress for him. No one had, and there are a few accounts of other Chosen throughout the ages growing similar antlers. It’s said to be incredibly painful, beginning as headaches and often odd visions that allude to past experiences. People say they're from other lives, but the pool of information is so small that it’s hard to tell what is true and what isn't.”
Pixl pauses then, and looks up from the pile of orange peel that he had slowly been shredding into smaller pieces. He doesn't say anything, just staring at him, eyes piercing. He almost expects them to start glowing with how intense his stare is. They don't, and he continues his story.
“Alinar, hearing of this creature on the outskirts and receiving knowledge from Aeor, went to confront his brother - because he knew it was his brother, even if the other townspeople didn't. People had been going missing, and Alinar knew it was time to put a stop to it, even if there was only one solution to that and the cost would be great. He discovered his brother in the ruins they had first discovered as children, the remains of the missing people surrounding him.” Pixl breathes in, hands tightening around the orange peel before relaxing again.
“He didn't recognise his brother anymore, didn't recognise him as anything more than the monster he had turned into. He had antlers, just as Alinar did, but these twisted around his face, looking as though they had been implanted in his skull rather than growing from them. There was corruption hanging from these antlers too, seeming to drip endlessly from them. Alinar called out for assistance from Aeor, and he responded, allowing Alinar to defeat his brother, killing him and weakening Exor, before Aeor banished him to another dimension completely.”
“Wait,” he holds up a hand and Pixl pauses, “He kills his brother?”
“That was what we got from the text. It never explicitly said that he killed him, but it is heavily implied. Stories and legends like these often like to skip over the deaths that are caused in the conflicts they discuss, preferring to praise the heroes and an infallible good. Revealing them to have killed someone damages this image slightly.”
“Yeah,” Pixl winces, “Not the best. Do you want me to continue?”
“There’s more?”
“Uh, yeah. We’re pretty sure Alinar died shortly after the battle, if not directly following it after Aeor stopped using him as his Chosen. There’s no mention of him in any history books or records afterwards; however, it does state that the minds of people were wiped, so perhaps there was no need for him to gain special mention, as he was completely ordinary.”
“But they weren't the only Chosen, right?”
“No, they weren't. It continued throughout history, these antlered people, always from the Mountain Empire, appearing to fight each other. The one blessed with golden antlers always overcame the one cursed with the horns of a demon, continuing the cycle. It always seems as though both Chosen disappeared after their final battle with each other, so either Aeor was continuing his trend of wiping people’s memories, or both Chosen died.”
“There was one event, however, that seemed to bring an end to the conflict. Rather than there being solely red Corruption, which was the Corruption that Exor brought with him, there was a blue Corruption, fossilised evidence of which has been found, and was presumably brought forth by Aeor. The only other difference from other accounts was that the blessed Chosen was transformed too, into an almost horrific angelic being. This is the only account where both  were confirmed to have died after the fight, Aeor’s Chosen just barely outlasting the Chosen of Exor. Apparently the townspeople were too afraid to approach either of them, and their bodies were simply left outside of the town to decay.”
He stares at Pixl. “That’s horrible.”
“It is, but it seemed to bring the conflict to an end, as both gods retreated. Some of my colleagues with more of a specialisation in the Age of Corruption or Gods suspect that they both overextended themselves and retreated to lick their metaphorical wounds. However, it wasn't the end of the conflict.”
“It sounds to me like these gods were more trouble than they were worth.”
Pixl laughs, breaking the hushed silence that had settled over their camp. He doesn't even want to think about how late (early?) it might be, listening instead to a few more complaints from outside as Pixl’s laughter dies down.
“I suppose so, but the next battle was truly the last of them. The last emperor of the Mountain Empire was Aeor’s Chosen, this time around, which was odd, as Aeor often chose those from lower backgrounds than his brother did. However, the Chosen’s brother had been missing for several decades, so it was presumed that they had been selected by Exor. The Chosen discovered a shrine to Alinar, where his antlers were laying upon a pedestal, apparently accompanied by a copy of this tale. Foolishly, he tried on the antlers, only to throw them away as soon as he had them on, apparently due to an overwhelming sense of pain.”
“He tried them on?”
“From our records, yes. We have a more in-depth recounting of this event as his husband was the emperor of the Codlands, and they had an incredibly extensive library.”
“Gay rights.”
“What?” Pixl frowns at him.
“Gay rights? You said he had a husband, so, gay rights.”
“Oh, yes, I suppose so,” Pixl laughs, “I’d never really thought of it like that.”
“Did his husband write the book?”
“It is suspected that he did, because there’s one paragraph in which the writer describes the way his eyes looked under the End’s sky. For a whole paragraph.”
“That’s epic.”
“Not really,” Pixl winces, “This emperor had very few ties with other empires, and he and his husbands had been enemies at first. The other emperors grew suspicious of him after he began to grow the antlers, and his brother had already begun to appear at the outskirts of empires, terrorising people. And likely none of them had heard of the Clash of the Great Stags, so they had no context to work under.”
“Two of those working with Exor’s Chosen captured Aeor’s Chosen, and he was tortured until being rescued by his future husband, who had apparently taken a closer interest in him after his antlers began to grow and was concerned by the other emperor’s treatment of him.”
“He might have just been using him,” he says.
“He might have, but the emperor of the Codlands seemed a kindly soul in any recounts of his rule. Though, he may have just been using him. Regardless,” Pixl shakes his head, eyes refocusing as he pushes his story back on track, “He helped the Chosen regain his feet just in time for the End’s portal to be opened, with Exor’s Chosen staging an attack on the Dragon to absorb Her magic. She was believed to be one of the last Titans.”
“Didn't they all die?” He asks.
“Only those in the Overworld and Nether.” Pixl says, “And this magic would allow likely Exor to regain power and defeat his brother for good. Obviously, Aeor’s Chosen and his newfound allies charged into battle, during which the two brothers engaged in battle. However, Aeor’s chosen abandoned his purpose to save his future husband from falling to his death. This distraction allowed them to kill the Dragon, but She had already passed Her power onto the next Dragon, and the wizard from the empire below the mountains saved it, keeping it safe from any further murders.”
“So was that it?” He asks, finding himself way too invested in this story now to leave it, “He ignored his purpose to save his husband-to-be?”
“Yes and no. They still fought later, during which Aeor’s Chosen won, at the cost of an antler, but he did sacrifice that battle, and the Dragon.”
“At the cost of an antler?”
“Exor’s Chosen just kind of,” Pixl mimes a snapping action, “Broke it off.”
“God.” He leans back a little, the movement disturbing his headache again. It rears its head with a vengeance, and he had almost managed to forget about it up until now. He blinks his eyes open a bit wider, hoping to dispel the black lurking at the edges of his vision.
“That’s all there really is to the story.” Pixl shrugs.
“All there is to the story?” He scoffs, “You just spoke to me for an hour straight about one story. Not that I'm complaining, it was a pretty cool story, but ending it with ‘that’s all there is’ is a little silly.”
“I suppose.” Pixl says, then laughs. “You're an interesting one, Sheriff. You better make sure to visit the Guild every now and then- look, give me your comm and I’ll give you my number.” Pixl makes a gesture with his hand, and he hands it over before he really thinks about it, watching Pixl as he taps his number into it.
“Thanks.” He says, when Pixl hands it back.
“No problem,” Pixl smiles at him, “I should probably get to sleep, I've gotta get back to the Guild, process a few things I've found.” His eyes linger on him then, studying him as Jimmy turns away to prepare to sleep as well.
“I can give you a ride back?” He offers.
“I'm fine, thanks.” Pixl smiles, but it’s more of a grimace.
“Hey, don't worry, Arrow’s a bit to get used to, I get it.”
“Thanks.” Pixl pulls a bedroll out of his bag, which, where had he been keeping that? “Goodnight.” He has it rolled out in one swift motion, laying down on it the next.
“Night.” He responds, laying down and curling an arm around Norman, even though he knows he’s going to wake up with a dead arm in the morning. He faces away from Pixl. He still can't get the image of his eyes glowing purple out of his mind.
He has a feeling he won't be sleeping much tonight.
 --- --- ---
Pixl is already packing up when he wakes, feeling a lot less rested than he had hoped he would be. That seems to be becoming a common occurrence at the moment. He turns, watching as Pixl rolls up his bedroll, tucking it back into his bag. He’s still not sure how he manages to fit that and all of the historical texts he carries around with him in that tiny bag. It looks like it could just barely fit the bedroll, not even including the texts with it.
“Good morning.” Pixl startles a little as he speaks, looking over at him with wide eyes, stuffing a few more sheets of paper into his bag.
“Ah, good morning.” He closes the bag, tightening the buckle to keep it closed, “I hope I didn't wake you.”
“You didn't.” He probably did, but he’s not going to say anything about that, “I needed to be up a bit earlier today anyway.”
“Oh?” Pixl turns his eyes back to his bag, away from him, but he still feels like the other is watching him. Studying him. He shifts slightly in place, and Norman complains as he disturbs him.
“Yeah, gotta get to one of the other empires in the area. Sanctuary, or something? They do woods, and we need quite a few of those.”
“Well good luck with that, then. The Protector of Sanctuary is rather nice, we’ve met a few times, but he can drive a hard bargain. Make sure you take more than enough with you, just in case.”
“Will do,” he nods. “Thanks.”
“It’s not a problem.” Pixl shifts and stands, clothes rustling as he shakes his arms out, “I really should be going now, but it was lovely meeting you, Sheriff.”
He stands too. “And you. If you need any protection while wandering around ancient ruins, don't hesitate to give me a shout.”
Pixl considers him, squinting at his face. “Thank you for the offer.” He says. “I will.” Pixl shakes his hand, unsure of when he extended it, and then takes his leave, disappearing from the tent in one swift motion.
He sits back down, unsure of what to make of the strange man. He was odd, fairly knowledgeable about the history of the area and apparently knows of the few other settlements around here. Odd. He’s definitely a little odd. He had a rather piercing stare too, as though he just looked through you and instantly knew all your secrets.
Norman meows then, rubbing up against him and purring. “Yes, yes.” He sighs, shooing Norman away a little, “I know. Feeding time.” Norman meows again, a little louder this time, and he shushes him, already elbow-deep in his bag and rummaging around for the last of Norman’s food.
He acts like he was starving when he eventually sets it out for him, eating the food probably a little too fast. He doesn't do anything else, setting out a bowl of water for Norman, scratching him behind the ears, and exiting his tent, into the sunny morning of the mesa. The bag of valuables slung around his shoulders weighs heavily on him.
A few others are already ambling around, and they perk up when he emerges, looking to him for their orders of the day. “I've found a trade partner for the wood,” he tells them, making sure to keep his voice low and not disturb those still sleeping, “I’ll have to head out there today, it’s a little further east, but in the meantime you can start making schemes for what we need to build? And perhaps reinforcing the path down, we’re going to need to fit wagons of wood down there.”
“That’s easy enough, Sheriff,” one nods, “What time shall we expect you back?”
“Mid-evening.” He tells them, “And save some food for me this time, would you? I was convinced me and my friend were gonna starve last night.”
“Not our fault you decided to go gallivanting around. And makin’ new friends too?”
“He’s from a local guild of some kind,” he replies, checking Arrow over for any clumps of dirt that might rub while he rides her, “Found him wandering the mesa last night, set on walking home through the darkness.” He’s not sure why he lies, but those around him accept it easily enough.
“Academics are insane.” He heaves the saddle onto Arrow’s back as he listens, “Imagine dedicatin’ your whole life to reading some old an’ dusty texts? Insane, I tell you.”
“You're probably not far off there,” he checks all of the straps one last time, tugging on the girth and ignoring Arrow’s displeased huff as he tightens it a little further. “Can't imagine it.” He jumps a little in place, hopping up and down to build up, before finally swinging into the saddle from the ground.
He’s suddenly a lot taller than those surrounding him, and they have to crane their heads back to look up at him. “Mid-evening.” One of them says, “Any later and I'm eating your dinner.”
“Got it.” They all step back as a group when he kicks Arrow into motion, and he laughs at their complaints, glancing over his shoulder to admire the dust cloud he kicked up on departure. He waves to them, and a few make a rather choice gesture at him.
He laughs as he turns back around, steering Arrow east and ignoring the memory of a pull in his chest. It isn't there anymore, and his headache thrums in time with Arrow’s hooves. He urges her a little faster, a little more forward, allowing them both to tear over the dry mesa, dust billowing behind them as he leans a little further forward in his seat. The bag thumps against his bag as he rides, in a steady pattern.
The headache continues to pulse behind his eyes and in the edges of his head, back and forth with the rocking motion of the horse. It’s exhausting, and they're likely not even halfway there yet. He wishes he had thought to bring some painkillers with him. Though, in his defence, he had left in a hurry, grabbing the two horses and fleeing before-
He shakes his head, almost immediately regretting it as his headache pulses again, viciously stabbing at his head and his eyes, sending pulses of white through his vision. He blinks them away as best as he can, focusing on keeping Arrow straight.
He has to slow to a sedate canter as they enter a more lush area, cautious of hidden vines waiting to trip Arrow and send him flying. He’s also a little reluctant to let her jump any logs, he’d watched his brother fly from the saddle one too many times while jumping to trust her with that.
He slows further as the trees around him seem to crowd a little closer, the foliage just a little too dense to continue at the pace they’d been moving at. There’s a winding path that he’s following and hoping it’s not just a path an animal cut through the trees.
The light flickers between the leaves, in and out of his vision, and it only serves to make his headache worse. He squints his eyes a little more shut, peering ahead and learning around Arrow’s head to make sure they're still on the thin track.
They are, and Arrow seems content to continue following it, only stopping once to nibble at a plant. He moves her on before she can bury her head in the bush, concerned with the way the sun is almost at its peak already. It’s taken him half a day to get here, and he needs to be back quicker than he arrived.
Light flashes through the trees, and he winces at the stab of pain that follows it, jolting through his head. He turns Arrow towards it anyway. It’s probably their best bet for finding Sanctuary in this mess of a jungle.
He emerges from beneath the canopy, only to find the sea lapping at a small shore. He stares at it, unsure of how he’s managed to hit the sea before Sanctuary. He peers around him, left, then right. He can't see very far due to the light seemingly intent on blinding him, but he is pretty sure that there’s something poking out into the water.
He turns Arrow towards it. It’s their best bet, otherwise he’s going to be forced to return with nothing and set out again tomorrow to try and find some wood so they can stop living in tents. He’s sick and tired of the sand getting everywhere.
Arrow picks her way carefully along the shoreline, avoiding the lapping waves with a vengeance. He has to cling a little tighter to the reins after the third time she hops away from the water. He thought horses liked water. She jumps every time the water comes just a little too close to her hooves, and the jolting and jumping and the goddamn light is doing nothing for his headache.
“Hey!” That person shouting isn't doing much for it either, and he turns towards the sound with a tired sigh. There’s someone standing just inside the treeline, on the wooden structure he can now see is a dock. They have their hands on their hips and look, quite frankly, pissed.
He swallows, lifting one hand from the reins to wave at them. They don't change their stance though, and he leads Arrow a little closer to them, trying to exercise caution.
“What are you doing here?” They demand, face set into a frown.
“Uh, looking for Sanctuary?” He looks around, “Is this not it?”
“Oh.” The person blinks, face changing to a smile, “Well this is it, what can I do for you?” He thinks he might have whiplash from the swift change in personality, but dismounts anyway, feet clunking on the wood.
“I'm looking for some wood?” His head swims a little, “I've got a small settlement, probably,” he turns to look at the sun, “Just about west from here? And we’re a bit sick of living in tents. I just, I heard this was the place to ask?”
“Well aren't you in luck,” the man grins at him, “We’ve just got a new shipment in today!” He turns away from him, and hurries to lead Arrow after him, following him deeper into the jungle. There’s a flourishing town around the dock, and he can see several people peering at him from inside their houses, watching him walk past.
“I'm the Protector of Sanctuary,” the man introduces himself, “You may call me Sausage, if you so wish.”
“I'm the Sheriff.” He responds, ignoring the weird look that Sausage gives him at that.
“Just the Sheriff?” Sausage asks.
“Just the Sheriff.” He agrees. There’s a building at the end of the road they're currently on, several cut logs depicted on the sign in front. He gets the feeling that’s where they're headed. “Sheriff of Tumble Town.”
“Tumble Town,” Sausage hums, “That’s a nice name, new, did you say?”
“Relatively new, yeah, building up currently. I'm hoping it won't take long, especially not if the logs you stock are as good quality as I hear they are.”
“Oh, you're a flatterer aren't you?” The man laughs, “You can get most places in life with a little flattery, and it’s a good thing it works on me, hm?” Sausage spins on his heel in front of the building, opening his arms wide and startling both him and Arrow.
“I suppose so?”
“So,” Sausage moves on, “What can I get for you today? Spruce? Oak? Birch? Dark oak? Mangrove?”
“Uh, spruce and oak?” He’s trying to think of what goes best with the reds and browns of the mesa, which woods will blend in best while also standing out. But not too much.
“Right, right.” Sausage nods his head, as though in approval, “We can get a pretty large shipment out to you within the next two days, provided that you give us the coordinates, obviously. How many people did you say were living with you Sheriff?”
“There’s probably about fifteen of us in total?” He hasn't done a headcount but that seems about right to him. He’s struggling to think with the headache, it’s as though it’s springing from side to side of his skull, pinging back and forth with an electricity that leaves him feeling slightly sick.
“Fifteen.” Sausage nods, turning his back on him to write on a sheet of paper. “How does six bundles of each sound?”
“Six bundles?” He questions. The ground is swaying a little, his head pounding. All he wants to do is close his eyes and go back to sleep. He can't though, and he forces them open again. Sausage’s back is still turned towards him. He’s not writing anymore.
“Just over thirty logs in each bundle, should give you enough to at least get started, and you know where we are now, don't you?”
“Yeah.” He nods, but it’s barely that, barely an up and down motion. It still makes pain ricochet around his brain. “How much will that be?”
“What’ve you got?” Sausage turns to face him again, and he’s already pulling his bag from his shoulder, opening it for Sausage to peer into.
“Ooh, some gold would do nicely.” Sausage looks up at him, I’ll take all the gold you've got in this bag. I’ve been meaning to go mining, but last time I went on a trip there was all this stuff, just all over the walls.” Sausage shudders. “It was disgusting.”
He hands the gold over, letting Sausage tuck it away into his own bag. He raises his hand to shake, and Sausage takes it, giving it a firm shake to seal the deal. “What did you say your name was again?” Sausage asks, and he doesn't release his hand when he tries to tug it backwards.
“I didn't.” He pulls at his hand, but Sausage’s grip remains steadfast, gripping onto his hand hard enough that he swears he can feel his bones grind together.
“Oh.” He meets Sausage’s eyes, jolting back, fear making his heart begin to pound as he drops Arrow’s reins to claw at Sausage’s hand. The whole of his eyes, iris, sclera- all of it, has turned a deep blue, interspersed with pinpricks of light. “What is it, then?”
“I'm not telling you.” He grits out, yanking his hand back. Sausage releases it, and he fumbles for Arrow’s reins again. When he looks back at Sausage his eyes are normal again, and he’s staring at his hand in confusion.
“Sorry about that,” Sausage grins when he looks back up at him, “Must’ve spaced out or something.”
“Or something.” He mutters. His head hurts.
“We’ll have your logs along in a day or two. Pleasure doing business with you.” He sticks his hand out for a handshake, frowning a moment later and pulling his hand back towards himself. “There’s a more direct route through the jungle that way.” Sausage points him in the opposite direction of the dock, and he nods, already hurrying in the direction.
He can't help but feel afraid, casting Sausage a backwards glance as he mounts Arrow again. He’s still standing there, staring at his hand. As he watches, Sausage turns it over, checking over his skin.
He kicks Arrow into motion, tearing along the path a little faster than he probably should. He doesn't care. He doesn't slow, either, until he’s burst out of the other side of the jungle and is well on his way back to the mesa.
He only slows when his comm buzzes, and he pulls it up, peering at the words on the screen. He adjusts the brightness when it hurts his eyes and adds fuel to the fire of his headache.
<Pixlriffs> I’ve found information about a new ruins, and I'm rather certain I’ve pinpointed it on the map. Do you want to accompany me, make sure I don't die to the night?
He pulls Arrow to a stop to type out his response.
<SolidarityGaming> i can. when do you want to visit it?
<Pixlriffs> Tomorrow, sorry for the short notice. I won't hold it against you if you can't make it.
<SolidarityGaming> i can do tomorrow
He kicks Arrow into a canter once more, dust billowing behind them, as he considers their expedition for tomorrow. How had Pixl found another place to visit so quickly? He must've only just arrived back, unless he had someone else do the research for him. But also, why him?
Surely they have people better suited to accompany a researcher to an ancient ruin than some random sheriff from a barely beginning town.
His head hurts.
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chubs-deuce · 11 months
"Delete later" oh. Better speed run this shit then ajshdm
1, 5, 16, 26, and 30 for the music ask pls :3c
omg thank you!! I'm gonna answer these with hyperlinks to youtube videos <3 :DD also lmfao dw abt the "delete later" tag it's gonna be up for at least a day or sth and I might just end up forgetting it's there hahaha
anyways..... 👀
(1) A song you like with color in the title - like? A specific color? Or the word COLOR? Because, hilariously, I have one that fits both of those criteria lmfao: Favorite Color Is Blue by Robert DeLong ft. K.Flay! It's a fun, seductive kind of "fuck me up" song! >:D
(5) A song that needs to be played LOUD - ohhh I have a couple!
But depending on what kinda vibe I'm going for that particular day, Nemesis by VNV Nation makes me want to riot!!!! It's about seeing all the unfairness in the world and a guttural cry for justice!!!
Mate Um Bonito Hoje Mesmo by Marcioz on the other hand just fills my chest with an indescribable rush after the initial drop, like falling through a raging storm at high speed, watching the world around you go up in flames - but still ends on a gentle, if oddly somber note! It has to be played loud for the full immersive effect, in my humble opinion ÙwÚ
(16) One of your favorite classical songs - ok so this is 100% going to put me on blast as being a blatant and obvious remnant of my long-lasting past fnaf phase, but there's just something so genuinely, heartachingly beautiful and haunting about Ständchen by Schubert that I keep adoring
(26) A song that makes you want to fall in love - definitely Nothing by Bruno Major. There's so much beauty in the sheer domesticity of it, the simple comfort and everyday joys one can source from the most mundane of places that are simply better together, even if you don't add the specifically romantic lens!
(30) A song that reminds you of yourself - oh boy this was a hard one ngl. If you'd asked me this a couple of years ago it would've been something far more depressing, but now... despite the occasional downs I still often experience, I'm mentally and emotionally doing better than I ever have I think.
I have people who love me unconditionally around me, I'm growing in confidence through simple everyday life as a working adult, I don't feel like I have to hide myself and who I am around people as much anymore... It's oddly nice. It's the reason I get very teary eyed whenever I think of the Orange poem by Wendy Cope - just this reassuring sense that things really do get better :')
So Green Grass by Ellie Dixon will have to be my pick for this!
It's just the right amount of struggle and optimism, with a touch of external support that I finally feel like I have going much more of for me. Also a touch of motherly love and advice, which is something that hasn't always been as apparent and appreciated by me in my life as I feel it is now ;w;
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h0ney-mochi · 11 months
hii dear!! how are you? <3
i just watched the 3.8 livestream. (so spoiler warning i guess!!) those fontaine clips were so pretty??? fontaine is beautiful, it kinda reminds me of belobog from star rail, hoyo’s most recent game (i think i remember you told me you don’t play it so basically belobog is the first city where the protagonist arrives when they start their journey. and it looks very much like fontaine)
the events look kinda fun! i usually enjoy genshin’s summer events a lot :) they always have good visuals, vibrant colors, fun playstyles, random lore dropping etc. also, new kaeya skin heheh YUM
aaand my beloved scara is finally rerunning. i just got miko so i’m not sure i’ll be able to c4 my scara as i had planned, but tbh i realized i’m actually happy with just his c2. also if i don’t get him that means i’ll have more chances of getting cool fontaine chars as soon as they get released hehehe >:)
+++ WE GOT TO HEAR MAGE ALICE’S VOICE AGAIN :DD i like her a lot!! it might be because we have something in common. like. one of the only things we know about her, it’s something i have too. and no it’s not that she’s a mother. cuz i’m not one :)
did you watch the livestream? are you planning on pulling someone? :))
breaker anon~<3
Hi breaker!! I'm doing good, thanks for asking :) I have not watched the 3.8 livestream, but I did check out the stuff people shared on reddit about it (events, characters, ect) so ig I know a few things.
I saw a bit of Fontaine, but you're correct!! It looks pretty!!! And ooh, interesting. I played a but of Hsr, but I didn't get far lol. The events do look fun! I hope I'll get a chance to play genshin then. I haven't been on it in maybe,, 2 weeks? Purely just because I've got stuff to do due to us having a garden and more. I can agree on the summer events... so vibrant and just aaahh. Yes. (OMFG HE DO YES HE DO)
Well, you still have time to figure out! Do you want his constellations? Or are you able to wait for the next rerun, to have a chance at shiny new ones? Good to plan :)))
And oh !! That's nice!! I'm gonna have to watch a but of it then, just for her voice. Sounds interesting. Having something common with a character is always funky:D
As for pulling myself, I dunno if I'll be able to. I haven't been on the game in a while as I said before, and the days I missed are primogems lost.... I'd like to maybe go for Kokomi, since heals are very good, plus my best friend has her and she's mad good. I'll see what I can do!
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