#hahahaha hell yes
catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Your attitude to fandom gets so much healthier when you divorce the concepts of "technically good", "progressive", and "to my tastes" from each other.
A thing can have groundbreaking representation, but still not be to your tastes, and also have shitty ass writing.
A work can be a technical masterpiece, but you can find it horribly dull.
Stop lumping all of these three things together under "good."
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k-yujin · 7 months
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read the tags !! // officially quit
#⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ​⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀#ok first of all why am i writing in tags you may ask#well i find it less awkward to express in my tags rather in the actual post it self since im one hell of an awkward piece of shit hihi#ANYWAY TO THE TOPIC OF ME QUITING#this has been very long due#like i mean everyone has to have seen it coming#specially since i dont post as frequently and j lost most of my motivation#one. because school is my current priority (teachers pet ang peg HAHAH CHARIZ)#two. is my personal life !!! i’ve been vry vry busy keeping up with irl frends and also my family#but the main reason had to be my lack of motivation as in its non existent#next topic !!!#i will be deleting most of my asks and random posts soem of which are memorable to me will be rbloged to @diorasz my personal acc !#ah and yes will i be coming back?#probably will be lurking time to time but who knows i might actually come back on joshuas bday solely to post a joshua mb HAHAHAHA#ilovemyman frr#I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THIS ON THE DAY JOSHUA ACTUALLY POSTED ON HIS IG#ok im getting sooooo off topic#but like hooray my last theme is actually jjong toram HAHAH#i actually quited before november like the end of oct but i was too lazy to make a post about it hehehe#but luvi knew ofc :>#anyway if were close moots frel free to add me in discord not like im actually really active#@stariaz. 🤓#who knows i might actually take this back if suddenly the little devil inside me decides to revive itself#anyway this is user k-yujin offically(?) signing off 🤓🤓#ALSOOO DOESNT MEAN I QUITED PPLCAN USE MY STUFF W/O GIVING CREDS !!! (ehem ehem my dividers 👁)#please give creds or i will literally come alive#i still have someone who acts as my eyes here even though j wont post no more#guys i have to wake up at 5 am gud night 🤩#also i cut my hair 😶#thabks for 3.4k though 🫵🫵
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
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The pirate’s brown eyes narrowed sardonically. “Captain Orion Amari, are you? Forgive me, but I have a lot of trouble seeing this woman being a member of your crew.” “There are several women under my sail,” said Orion, indicating Skye and Jules. “And this one is not one of them.” The pirate’s voice had gotten a bit harder as he too got right up in Orion’s face. “Don’t toy with me, Amari,” he said so quietly than only Orion and Carewyn (who was right behind him) could hear. “I know who she is. You cannot convince me that a Commodore of the Navy is in line with you, and I have no interest in having you sail off with such a prize.” Orion’s dark eyes narrowed, but his calm, stony expression didn’t shift. “…Then I invoke the right to parley with your captain,” he said calmly.
~POTC AU, Act I, Part IX: Black Jack Roberts
Oh gosh, this really turned out just the way I hoped! X3 I was revisiting the only POTC AU I wrote back during the pandemic, and I thought I'd try drawing some scenes that previously had no proper visuals...so here's Carewyn and Orion's first collision with Duncan Ashe, First Mate of the infamous pirate ship Tower Raven! (I don't think I realized how much I've missed drawing my precious ghost boi, especially with long hair, until I started working on this!) The conflict in this moment is particularly amusing for me considering the full context of Orion being Carewyn's love interest and Ashe being Jacob's life partner -- even before getting to know and becoming attached to Carewyn himself, Ashe is baring his fangs figuratively on "Jack's" behalf, upon this intruder trying to take the person who Ashe is just about positive is Jack's little sister away before she can be reunited with him. Hooray for future brothers-in-law!! 😂
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho! Hope you all have a lovely day xoxo
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's October 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Hello hello! My October list is a day(ish) late for the 28th, but I wanted to still get it out while it was still October, and I made it! Even with 30 fics having been read somehow this month hah!
The podcast is still on a break, but will return as soon as I'm able to manage it. I still hope to do a catch-up series like I did before, so fingers crossed that can happen, and sooner rather than later.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
hold this thread by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (27k, E, Nick/Harry, Alternate Universe, Model Harry, DJ Nick, Nick is essentially the Nick we know and love but Harry's a model hehe, Meet Cute, Flirting, London Fashion Week, Kink Exploration and Negotiation, some BDSM fun in such a great way)
There was a lot done in this fic regarding the dynamic between the two of them that had me squealing and screaming in happiness and awkwardness and excitement and just sheer enjoyment. Maggie did such an amazing job with this fic and it is absolutely one of my fav gryles fics I've read
Uh oh, it’s Magic (when I’m with you) by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (7k, E, Harry/Louis, Astro Fest fic, Alternate Universe, Magic, Meet Ugly, basically hehe, Camping, Searching/Waiting for Magic Powers, Magic Dick, no like really lol)
This fic was so insanely ridiculous and silly but also so much fun lol It was funny, sexy, cracky... all the best things thrown together in a little fic that has you feeling so happy by the end. I loved every moment.
Jealousy, Jealousy by @wabadabadaba / wabadabadaba (26k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, non-traditional A/B/O dynamics, alpha/alpha, alpha Louis, alpha Harry, new relationship, bi character, jealousy, alpha nesting, figuring out how to make a new relationship work)
This fic was just. WOW. I love non-traditional A/B/O dynamics, but this one took it in a direction I've not seen where the characters have a lot of challenges to overcome that aren't entirely external as they adjust to being in a relationship with another alpha. It's handled so beautifully and shows the love they have for each other as well as the way they are both so concerned and nervous as they figure out how to express their concerns and what they're experiencing and it's just a lot and fantastically done.
In the midst of a storm by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (55k, M, OT5 Relationship, Alternate Universe, Guernsey, Angst, Sadness and Loneliness, Exes to Lovers, Polyamory Negotiations, Friends to Lovers, Family Drama, Confronting your Past, in a myriad of ways)
I wish I had the words to talk about this fic, but it has been almost a month since I finished it and I still cannot find any that sufficiently describe this fic. There is such a depth and wealth of emotion found within every character in this fic, yet you see all of them through the POV of Zayn. You know there's a history, but you don't know most of it until you need to, you just know enough to understand at least part of what Zayn is grappling with. The island is such a strong character to the fic as well, and Zayn's grandfather as well as others on the island are just so rich and powerful. The entire fic transports you to another place and makes you feel so safe with these characters, even at the most distressing part of it all, that you can't help but want to stay with them. I just... this fic was hands down one of my favorites I've read all year. End of.
I know I've got this (because I've had it all along) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (16k, T, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Girl Direction, Boudoir Photographer Harry, insecure Louis, Best Friend Liam, side Ziam, Body Positivity, talk of past abuse from a partner, Self Empowerment)
This fic is so vulnerable from the moment it begins. Mia is incredible when it comes to infusing her fics with All The Feelings, and this fic isn't an exception, except instead of the traditional angst and painful feelings that make you hurt and cry, this is entirely different. It still cuts you to the core, but it's due to the fear and ghosts and everything Louis is still dealing with paired with the gentleness and care Harry takes as she does her best to help Louis let go of everything she's held on to for too long. It's incredible and powerful.
Will Death Be Our Last Kiss, My Love? by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Harry Potter Crossover, Harry and Louis are partners at the Ministry of Magic, Half-Selkie Louis, Kidnapping, Murder Investigation, Dark Fic, Mystery)
This fic was incredible! It was part of the Tri-Wizard Fic Challenge and I have no idea how Tabby manages to fit so much backstory and worldbuilding in addition to plot into so few words. It feels like a fic that is so much longer than it actually is because of how much she manages to fit into those words, and it's insanely effective. I felt like I was also trying to solve the mystery of who it could be and the fear and worry lacing the words were felt as I read as well. The way canon HP characters were woven into the story with people we know from our fandom was also so much fun.
More Than a Mic Drop by @haztobegood / haztobegood (8k, E, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Singer Louis, Sound Engineer Harry, Flirting, Dom/sub, I would say undertones but honestly it's not even undertones by the end lmao, Mic Drops, LTWT22)
I'll be honest, I read the complete fic, or as complete as it WAS, closer to the beginning of October and Jinny has since added a sixth chapter. I'm gonna go ahead and still rec it even though I've not read that last chapter she added a day or two ago yet, because I'm sure it's still amazing. This fic is so playful and fun and Louis is SUCH a brat in it, I was like... almost cowering because I knew his punishment wouldn't be BAD but also I had no idea how far Harry would also push it. It was amazing to read them both kind of feeling each other out and figuring out where their boundaries were, and it's just... so fun and so sexy and so cool to read the bits we have actually seen of Louis' stage antics turn into such a fun dynamic.
Examine by @louistomlionson / sitandadmire (42k, E, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Footballer Louis, Doctor Harry, Past Abuse, Mental Health Issues, Trauma Responses, essentially both are pretty fucked up and they are fucked up together, but by the end they try really hard to work on their issues lol)
I'm reccing this fic while I still can because It's not going to remain on AO3 for much longer! So download it if you need it! haha I actually started this fic ages ago when it was on anon and then it was taken off anon and I lost it for a time, but finally found it again so I could finish it. For real though, please read tags and be safe, because this fic is HEAVY and dark and deals with a lot a lot a lot of hard topics. It's angsty and painful but is such a journey that you cannot help but cheer for them as they continue through their difficulties. I really came to love them so much.
ghost of you by @beckydoesthings / beckywritesthings (109k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Star Wars AU, non-linear narrative structure, Jedi Master Harry, Harry is Obi-Wan, Mandalorian Duke Louis, Louis is Satine, Padawan/Jedi Knight Zayn, Zayn is Anakin, Strangers to Lovers, Plot Twist, Time Jumps, You don't need to know Star Wars to enjoy this fic!)
Uh, yes, this fic was fucking MINDBLOWING. I know I keep raving about these fics and saying they're the best I've read, but I'm being serious every time. This fic was incredibly done. I've mostly just seen the films and a couple of the TV series that Disney has done, so I'm not so well versed on all the Mandalorian things, but it didn't matter. I was able to follow all of it so well that it actually helped me make sense of some things I'd seen in the films/shows. This fic is an epic journey in so many ways, and the depth with which you get to know and love the characters was incredible. The way the men we love were merged with the characters they were meant to be portraying was amazing as well! And the way the narration was set up was so incredibly compelling as well. The plot twist and the time jumps are all done so perfectly for maximum emotional impact and I just cannot rave about this fic enough. It is stunning and stellar and I want everyone to read it lol
Outside Is Just A Blur by daggerandtherose (18k, NR, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Single Dad Louis, Struggling Louis, Protective Louis, Baby Dialling, Wrong Number, kind of?, Strangers to Lovers, Online Friendships, again kind of, It's complicated)
I actually don't even know how I found this fic honestly lol but it was such a great read! Louis' baby somehow manages to call Harry, without knowing who he is or having his number previously, repeatedly when playing with Louis' phone, and that's the basis for everything. The friendship and relationship that develops from there is so pure and lovely and they are exactly what they both needed, but there's also so much difficulty they have to work through and it's just so sweet and lovely. Such a fun read.
Plant New Seeds by @hellolovers13 / HelloLovers13 (LilianAngel) (2k, T, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Neighbors to Lovers, Mystery/Secret Plant Watering, Fluff, that's literally the entire thing and it's so perfect lol, Fluff, Humor, and perhaps my favorite tag I've read this month, "No Plants Were Harmed" lolllll)
This fic was like the alternate universe version of the Guerilla Warfare Planter on Campus Harry fucking Styles fic and I cannot express how very much that pleases me lollll This fic was so silly and Louis was so quick to believe almost anything but the real thing that happened and the exasperation on Harry's side is just palpable and... yeah. I could not stop giggling while reading this and isn't that just the best feeling? A perfect little pick me up, for sure.
Just Pretend by @kingsofeverything (90k, E, Harry/Louis, Silver Fox Louis fest fic, older divorced dad Louis, older divorced dad Harry, both have teenage daughters, both are small business owners, Fake Relationship, One Night Stand gone wrong lol, Small Town USA, slow burn, pining, bed sharing, just all the good things)
I'm not sure how she managed to do it, but Lauren took all of my favorite fic things and threw them into a fic then added some new things to the mix like silver fox louis and divorced dads with teen daughters and just made it like a siren song for me lollll and it was still somehow even better than I expected it to be? I put off an entire day's worth of chores around the house and other tasks that really seriously needed to be done (like MEAL PLANNING and GROCERY SHOPPING and IMPORTANT PHONE CALLS BEING MADE etc that keep the family running) and just... read while the toddler of terror sat in my lap and demanded different videos on YouTube. I didn't fight him. I gave him what he wanted because that's how I was able to continue reading in relative peace, and you know what? I regret nothing. This fic was fucking incredible. Left you feeling so fulfilled and happy and just SO pleased with how things turned out. Cannot rave enough.
silver dress feels like a cure by @finelinegynandromorph / finelinegynandromorph (11k, E, Harry/Louis, Bottom Harry Fest fic, Alternate Universe, Ballet Dancer Louis, Boudoir Photographer Louis, former Ballet Dancer/now Pole Dancer Harry, Trans Harry, Non-Binary Harry, Intersex Harry, Strained kind-of Ex-Rivals to Lovers, It's complicated lol)
It is so funny that I somehow managed to find and read two boudoir photographer fics in the same month and how, despite being such a niche and specific plot in a way, they were so different! This fic was at times a difficult read, just because of the things mentioned in the tags and the difficulties Harry had to deal with as well as the internal struggles Louis had, but the way it was all handled and information was given to the reader was so fulfilling. I appreciated how they talked through the awkwardness and just handled everything. It was a great read.
A Friend's Gambit - It Begins by @laynefaire / Layne Faire (HisDarlin) (1k, T, Zayn/Liam, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, This is just part 1 of the series, I haven't read the rest yet lol, Tooth Extraction and the Dentist, or at least talk about it)
I am FINALLY catching up on everything from @wordplayfics I have missed in the past three rounds. sigh. Anyway, there will be several more from this round following because I started with this one! haha I'm still working on week 1 from round 4, so while this is the beginning of the story that will be told over the course of the five weeks, it was such a great way to start it off and it has me so excited about what is to come!
In a Little Bit of Trouble by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen (5k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Girl Direction, Louis is Agent Carter, Waitress Harry, Spies and Intrigue, Historical fic, 1940s, Action/Adventure)
This fic was SO fun because it was like a little slice of a larger story and yet it still felt so complete! That doesn't mean I don't want more, because I do, but mostly because Molly does it so perfectly she makes me want to just hear the rest of this larger story and learn more about everything she references in passing. It's killer world building, the dynamic between the two women is incredible, and it's SO HOT and yet still smut free. Perfection!
Vanilla Extract by @maelstromroots / Maelstrom_Roots (4k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, COVID and Quarantine, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Date Night during a Pandemic, This makes it all sound so heavy but it's not, it's actually so soft)
Oh man oh man, where to start. This fic was so fucking relatable and in some ways still felt like it was too soon, but maybe that's just because I still feel like I'm struggling with a lot of the feelings that Harry is in this fic lol That said, it was so cathartic to read and so beautiful to see their relationship and how much they really were/are still looking out for each other despite their struggles. It was so soft and careful in so many ways while still dealing with the hard topics, and I just really appreciated the way all of it was written about so it didn't feel preachy or condescending, but instead it felt relatable and like you were getting a big hug at the end as you were told it would be okay. If that even makes sense? I just really loved it.
In the Homestretch of the Hard Times by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (5k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Zombie Apocalypse, Scientist Harry, Protective Older Brother Louis, Harry is looking for a Cure, Louis might be the cure, sounds about right yeah? lollll)
Okay so this fic is such a fun metaphor for everything we were in the midst of in 2020, or that's how it felt to me. We were just looking for a way to stop it all and help us become immune, so to speak, and while we never did find a cure, I loved seeing how it all worked out in their world. The way they were essentially able to save each other in different but still incredibly important ways. It was such a beautiful story, and I keep thinking about it.
A+ Patient by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (2k, G, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Dentist Louis, Dental Assistant Niall, Patient Harry, Anxiety, Humor, Mutual Pining, Fluff)
Harry in this was so fucking relatable lmaooo The way he put off going to the dentist until he couldn't anymore even though he knew it made things worse and almost was embarrassed because of how bad it was and he wanted to get a good grade as a patient, as if that was a thing? I couldn't stop laughing because it felt like Nic had somehow managed to write me to perfection in this fic lol And Niall with the humor and begging Harry not to sue them and just... all of it was so great. I loved it all so much.
This is Not My Cat by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (3k, G, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Hybrid Harry, Confused Louis, Thunderstorms, Humor, Fluff, Meet Awkward, lolllll)
I forgot about the random things Emmu sent while writing this fic until I was reading it and could not stop laughing and cooing as I did so. This fic is so funny and so cute and I love Hybrid Harry and Gemma with my entire heart. It's the perfect crack-y Emmu fic we have all come to expect from her, I think, and it does not disappoint. Such a fun read haha
Watching Camboys on Lockdown by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherain (1k, E, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Camboy Louis, Viewer/Supporter Harry, COVID and Quarantine, Lockdown, Harry learns about Camboys from Gemma, and I cannot stop laughing about that)
I read part one of this fic as part of @wankersday back in 2020 and cannot believe it has taken me this long to continue reading it lol I am so happy Roni continued this story for Wordplay. Louis is a bit of a disaster his first time and I just keep thinking about the way his foot kicked out and knocked over the camera and giggling all over again but Harry is so protective from that first time and it's just such a great start to the rest of the series and I cannot wait to read the rest.
captivate by @ohmydarlin / heartland (605, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Reading, Books)
This fic is so short and simple and so perfect! The way Louis learns that Harry's favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and immediately has to read it is so sweet and lovely and I just think it's such a cute start to this series. I can't wait to read the rest of this as well!
Extraction Plan Alpha Prime by @soidiallednine / soidiallednine (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Sci-Fi, Space, Warring Planets, Undercover Agents, Spies, Hiding, Escape, Action/Adventure)
There was so much world building and adventure and excitement in this that I forgot it was only part one of a series and was SO SURPRISED when it ended and nothing had been resolved lmaooo You can imagine my relief when I realized there would be more coming in following weeks haha For real though, the way this was written felt like I was watching an action sci-fi movie play out in front of me. I have a lot of trouble visualizing things I've never seen before, and yet the way they described things it was all done in a way that made it feel like I was physically in the space it was happening in. It was incredible and so good and I'm feeling a bit stressed thinking about it right now because I want to read the rest so just let that speak for itself hahaha
Your Voice, Leading Me Home (Extraction) by @phd-mama / phdmama (5k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Spies, Undercover, Secret Identities Compromised, Escape, Danger,)
This fic, y'all. Especially following the previous one, it was just A LOT OF TENSION because phdmama does such a stunning job of throwing us right into the action. Harry is undercover and his identity has already been compromised and he's trying to escape and he has Louis in his ear trying to help him escape and it's so dangerous and so much is at risk and holy shit my heart leapt into my throat at one point and just there's a plot twist and it's so good I cannot explain! It was such a well written story and had me on the edge of my seat as I read as fast as I could as if that would somehow help anything lol It was just SO good and exciting!
Fun Time Candles by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren (1k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Parents, Parenting while Active in the BDSM world, what a great premise honestly lol, candle making, specialty candles hehe)
This fic is so great because the humor and hilarity of Harry and Louis trying to navigate the pitfalls of their child being able to read while having scandalous labels for your specialty candles specifically geared towards wax play is... just the best thing I never knew I needed lol It was so funny and real and wonderful I adored it.
Extract: Japan by @sashinalash / SashinaLash (676, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Canon Compliant, Harry in Japan)
This fic is so unique and beautiful and I cannot even explain why exactly, you just have to read it and experience it yourself. It almost feels like poetry, the way it is structured and how it flows. It has a vibe of stream of consciousness and yet it is so much more? It was one of those fics where I read it and then had to sit with it for awhile to really take in what exactly I had read. It was stunningly beautiful and such a cool way to explore it all.
Get You a Husband Who... by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove (3k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Youtuber Louis, Baker Harry, Humor, Baking, Fluff)
This was another one where when I realized there would be more from this universe coming in the later weeks, I was so excited. This was such a cute setup and I loved the dynamic they had together as well as the humor of the entire situation while also getting behind the scenes details on Louis making the video itself and their relationship was just so soft. I loved it all, what a cute idea and I can't wait to explore more of their adventures together.
my love will never leave you by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (10k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, World Building, Illness, Memories, Loss of Memory, Very Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vibes while also being so different, Memories are Currency, Established Relationship, Angst, Pain, Hope, Sci-Fi almost, super super cool)
Mia out here throwing down a 10k fic of an entirely different world that was essentially created by her as far as I know and it's completely stunning? Like how? So wild. The pain and longing and angst in this fic is so much, though. I would summarize the fic except it's so complex I could never do it justice here so hopefully someday I'll do the podcast for this month so I can fumble my way through that for you haha Just... it's almost exes to lovers except also strangers to lovers because its complicated and yet is also a happy ending? It's just a stunningly beautiful and wonderful fic and had me wanting to just inhale the entire thing and yet also jump into the world and start a revolt myself to free them from the system they were stuck under lol it was just insanely good. So good.
The Sweetest Thing by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours (100, G, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, A/B/O dynamics, non-traditional A/B/O dynamics, omega Louis, omega Harry, meet cute, drabble)
This drabble was so cute and sweet and fun! It was the perfect opening to the series Megan continued with this round of Wordplay, so as I keep saying, I can't wait to keep reading as I catch up!
to tell you the truth... by @hogwartzlou / 5sexualhomos (1k, G, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Alternate Universe, friends to lovers, exploring the woods, alien plantlife)
This fic is so fun? It's such a fun and mysterious and almost creepy set up and it turns out so perfectly fluffy and cute and sweet and fun. It was one of those perfectly fluffy and fun reads that you can read in a few minutes as a little pick me up and I loved it for that exact reason.
It's Paradise As Long As I'm With You by @loveislarryislove / LiveLaughLoveLarry (3k, T, Harry/Louis, Wordplay 2020 fic, Established Relationship, Parents, Harry's Birthday, Domestic Fluff, Baking)
This fic was so perfectly cute and sweet. The strength of their relationship to each other and their kids was so palpable and lovely. The way that Louis was doing his best to celebrate Harry's birthday in the way he knew he deserved while also respecting his wishes was so wonderful and also their getting alone time was so perfect, or maybe I just felt that way as an exhausted mother of three who struggles to find time alone with her spouse at all haha It was such a soft and sweet fic, and just a joy to read.
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
heyyyy guys guess whos getting a rash bc he was stupid and pur on too many bracelets today ://///////
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Okay your tags were incredibly TOO cute, I just want to give you a hug and tell you I think you're a sweetie
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Done with chicken necropsy. I unfortunately destroyed the brain while trying to extract it 😭
Also doc heard i was bringing home the breast for my dog, then proceeded to broadcast to the class that they give me their chickens' breasts
So now i have a bag of about 6 of them to take home 👁👄👁
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thisfuckofagun · 5 months
holy fucking shit i’m going through my pacific rim fanfic notebook, i was a poetic motherfucker listen to this:
“I think that the absolute deepest reach of the theme of connection that Pacific Rim proposed can be found within Newt and Hermann. That’s not me being insane, really. I’m saying that by nature of Flick and Newt Gottlieb existing in the proto-script and Newt and Hermann existing the way they do now, at some point the parts that made up themselves were combined in a way that can never really be separated, like ‘at some point we were different people, but ever since i’ve known you I’ve been changed forever in every version of ourselves’. Soulmates? No. Well sort of, more like ‘the parts that made me used to be yours, I couldn’t have existed as I do if I hadn’t known you’”
literally eternally linked through the storytelling process FUCK
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 11 months
hey if anyone has any reading recommendations regarding socialism, leftist politics, feminism, queer history and issues, and/or Christianity, please share with me. this off season I really want to become a more knowledgeable, learned person. really understand what I believe, where I stand, know where we’ve come from, etc., etc.
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itsjusthockey · 6 months
Hughes Your Daddy? - Jack Hughes
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hahahaha finally
If I get 10+ comments/asks ill make a part 2
Yes, that's me bribing you, I want more interactions
w.c: 3,007 (credit to gif maker) (don’t steal my work)
The last few weeks of college are the worst weeks of a student's life. There’s nothing but studying, finals, and pure hell. Yet, when Ellen Hughes calls and tells you to get on a flight to Vancouver to be present at the Hughes Bowl, you fucking get on a flight to Vancouver.
The flight itself is terrific; you study a bit of your flashcards, drink some hot cocoa, and even get in a solid half-hour nap. You honestly feel a little sad when the intercoms go off, and they announce your descent into Canada.
The sadness washes away quickly when you clear the clouds and realize how excited you are. This trip, tomorrow’s game, is a very, very special event. Each Hughes brother will be playing on the ice tomorrow night, and you’ll be sitting, as requested, in the Hughes box overlooking it all.
As soon as the 737 touches down, you’re quick to switch your phone off airplane mode. You appreciated the few hours of bliss without endless notifications, but life has to go on. As soon as the iPhone gets service, a flood of messages rolls through. One from Ellen, to which you respond. Two from Quinn, which you answer. And 36 messages from Jack, which you ignore.
You should respond, and you will, but first, you have to get off the plane and find your favorite chauffeur.
Without further delay, you exit the plane, grabbing your carry-on and swinging your backpack over your shoulders. You smile at the few flight attendants on the way out and throw an extra thank you to the woman who gave you some extra cookies when she saw your flashcards.
The Vancouver airport is bustling, and you can’t help but feel the positive vibes radiating from the space. The entire airport is decorated for Christmas, and you’re reminded why it’s ranked one of the best airports in North America.
You make your way to the baggage claim, checking your phone to ensure you’re heading toward the right spot. You are, and while you’re walking, you pass all the cute little shops. You see a couple of little knickknacks, and you make a mental note to pick up something on your flight back. Now, however, you must focus.
The baggage claim area is pretty full, and you’re dodging people left and right. You’re unsure in the sea of people where Quinn might be hiding until you hear your name shouted from somewhere to your left. You turn your body, and there he is, waving a bit and standing with a small smile.
“Oh my god, is that Quinn Hughes?” You say in mock shock as you get within his earshot. “The newest captain of the Canucks and Vancouver's most precious gem?”
He rolls his eyes back as far as he can when you approach, but nonetheless, he pulls you in for a hug.
“Please stop.” He groans out as your part and takes your carry-on from you.
“Never.” You smile as he leads you out of the airport.
It takes mere minutes to get to the car, and you both catch up about whatever. It’s been months since you’ve seen Quinn, and whenever you’re with him, you’re reminded why he might be your favorite besides Ellen and Jim, of course.
As soon as you are settled into the passenger of Quinn’s car, he reaches back behind him and pulls out a small gift bag.
“Here, before I forget.”
You give him a questioning look, and he just gives you a slight smirk.
“Just open it. It’s more of a gift to everyone else.”
You squint your eyes a bit suspiciously but pull the tissue paper from the bag. As soon as you do, you see the familiar blue and white colors, and a laugh burst from your lips.
“Oh my god.” You shriek out, laughing, pulling the Canucks jersey from the bag.
You both immediately start laughing, and you can hardly contain yourself.
“Of course, you don’t have to wear it for the game.” Quinn says. “but he’s gonna flip if he sees you wearing it when they get here.”
You scan the Jersey and agree with the boy next to you. Your boyfriend is very possessive when it comes to jerseys, and he hates everything that isn’t red, black, or white and doesn’t have Hughes 86 plastered on the back.
“Oh, this is gold, Quinn.” You say, tucking the jersey back in as Quinn moves the car out of the lot.
“Ma and I thought so, too. She said it might humble him for the night.”
Speaking of humbling your boyfriend, you reach for your phone and go to text him back. You scan the many messages and roll your eyes at a few. Most of them are him just wanting attention, but the last one catches your eye.
we’re 2 hours behind ur flight. No fun or smiling before I get there
You read the text allowed to Quinn, who rolls his eyes at the statement, and you’re quick to shoot a response back, telling Jack that it’s too late and you’re having the best time ever.
As soon as you step through Quinn’s front door, you hear a happy yell, and Ellen is pulling you in for a long-awaited hug. You practically melt as she squishes you, and the happiest of laughs exits her.
“Oh, my sweet girl, I’m so happy this worked out.” She says to you, pulling back just enough to look at your smiling face.
You look behind her as Jim is standing nearby, waiting his turn. You give Ellen one less squeeze and then turn to the original Hughes and give him a big hug.
“Hey, kiddo,” He says. “Glad you’re here.”
As soon as you say your hellos, you move to get your stuff settled into your room. As quickly as you can, you throw your stuff down and pull on the New Jersey, making your way back out to the kitchen.
As soon as you enter, Jim laughs, and Ellen raises her hands to her mouth.
“Oh, Jack is gonna hate it.” She turns to Quinn and laughs, using him to steady her.
“Oh, we know.” You say, high-fiving Quinn as you grab a cup of some water.
As soon as you get your water, you all settle into the living room, and questions are flying left and right. You talk about school, work, and whatever else comes to mind about the time you’ve spent away from them. They hang onto every word, and you can’t help but smile. You’ve always been close to Jack's family, but when the one-year mark passed, it’s like they fully accepted you as one of them. Now, almost two years in, Ellen and Jim treat you like the daughter they never had, and they tell you often how much more they like you than any of their sons. You always laugh, but you know deep down that you are special to them. And that fact alone makes you consider yourself one of the luckiest girls.
“They just landed,” Quinn announces. “Almost showtime.”
Ellen winks at you from her space on the couch, and you settle deeper into the comfortable space, counting down the seconds until your boyfriend walks through the door.
About half an hour later, you hear loud commotion as the door swings open and Jack and Luke enter the building. It takes less than three seconds for Jack to yell.
“Where is she?”
You laugh at him and yell back from the living room. “I’m in here.”
In mere seconds, Jack is in the room, making a beeline toward you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him in a month, and you won’t lie; he looks pretty good.
You make your move and step off the couch, going to hug him, but he halts in his place a few feet away, giving you a once-over.
“Get that shit off you.”
As soon as that leaves his mouth, everyone busts out laughing, and Jack gives you a less-than-impressed look. You feel a bit bad, so you give him a small smile and lift the jersey off your frame, revealing a Devils t-shirt underneath.
As soon as you throw the jersey away, he takes two long strides and engulfs you in a hug. You thought that nothing could beat Ellen’s hug, but Jack's grip nearly breaks your back.
You pull away after a second and pry him off of you. You love him more than anything, but you’re not about to show massive amounts of PDA in front of his parents, who are sitting a few feet away.
He gets this because he lets you go and gives his parents and brother a quick greeting, then leads you away from the living room. Everyone allows it to happen, and you find yourself in the privacy of the bedroom.
“You’re funny, but you better have my jersey for tomorrow night.”
You let out a small laugh and cross the room again, linking your hand behind his head and pulling him closer to you. His hands find home on your waist, and his fingertips dip under your shirt a bit, gently squeezing.
“I promise, J,” you grin. “I’ll do my best to show support to the losing team.”
He releases a soft gasp and gives you a slight look of betrayal.
“Losing team?”
Your grin goes even wider. “Check that stats, bud. You’re in a bit of a losing streak.”
He narrows his eyes a bit, and with one quick motion, he grabs your frame and tosses you on the bed. He enters attack mode, lays his entire weight on you, and begins grabbing at your sides. You, of course, go into defense mode and fight to push him off. You fight for power for a minute before you pull your defining move. He gets close, too close, and you give him your best doe eyes. The second he catches your stare, he folds, and he puts himself at your mercy.
For the first time in a hot minute, you pull him to meet you; the second his lips are on you, you implode. It’s been too long, and there is nothing more comforting and familiar than the boy lying nearly on top of you. You kiss him for a minute, your lips molding perfectly together before you pull away, gently patting his face.
“I think your family would like to see you.”
You push him away again as he rolls his eyes.
“I see them enough.”
He goes back to try to kiss you, but you push him away, putting a finger to his lips and shaking your head.
“Come on.”
He lets out an annoyed huff and removes himself from the bed, pulling you up along with him. You make your way back to the family room and laugh yourself into the family events.
Soon, you’re all playing board games, and you find out very quickly reminded about how sore of a loser your boyfriend is. You play board games cards, and when it gets late enough in the night, you all make your way to the living room for a movie.
You watch something light-hearted, and you can’t help but feel bliss as you’re tucked into Jack's side, surrounded by the entirety of the Hughes family. It’s a nice moment, and it’s the times like this that have you thankful you’ve stuck with the boy at your side.
Before the sun rises, Jack's alarm blares next to you, and you can only groan at the noise. Alarms are truly nothing but an escape from bliss, and you wish you could stay forever in this little bubble. You’re warm comfy, and you don’t mind the boy you’re cuddled next to.
But alas, he is a slave to hockey, and he presses a quick kiss to your lips and swings himself out of bed. You follow a few minutes later, moving at a sloth pace. Instead of getting fully ready, you make your way downstairs to where the smell of bacon is wafting through the house. You’re almost giddy as you see Ellen and Quinn making breakfast, and you get even happier when Ellen places a steaming mug of coffee in front of you.
“You’re an angel, thank you.”
She gives you a big smile and pours another cup for herself. As soon as you catch the time, you offer to take Quinn’s place with the cooking, to which he gladly accepts and runs off to shower and get ready for the big game.
As soon as all the Hughes boys are out of earshot, you get down to business.
“I’ll raise to fifty on the Devs.”
Jim scoffs at your bet. “I love ‘em, but I disagree. Offense has been a bit sloppy. I’ll raise to a hundred on the Nucks.”
You quirk your eyebrow, then turn to the Queen, who seems to be pondering.
“I’m sorry (Y/N), but I think I’m gonna say Nucks too.”
You let out a soft groan but hold your ground.
“Alright. Final bet is a hundred. Winner takes all.
You all shake hands, sealing the deal.
As if you weren’t up to gambling, you act as naturally as possible as the three boys enter the kitchen. Each one is clad in a suit, and it warms your heart to see them all together. They look adorable, and you can’t help but laugh when Ellen demands a picture. They oblige, but like every other photo they take, it slightly looks like they’re being held at gunpoint. But you win some, you lose some.
Eventually, you’re all fed, happy, and once another alarm goes off, you know it’s time. You say your goodbyes to the boys, wishing them the best of luck. You hug Quinn, do your secret handshake with Luke, and press a quick kiss to Jack's lips.
Once you finish, they say their goodbyes to their parents and make their way toward the door, but they don’t get far before Jack pulls you toward him one last time.
“You ready to watch me destroy Quinn?” He teases.
You roll your eyes, pushing him away with a laugh. Nonetheless, you give him one last peck, swat his ass, and yell one final encouragement as he heads out the door.
“Don’t embarrass me!”
He flips you the bird as he gets into Quinn’s vehicle, and you smile and give him one back as you head back into the house.
You sit back down to finish talking with the parents l, and time ticks by faster than you’d like. Soon enough, it’s time to get ready, and you throw on your devil's jersey. You say a little prayer and hope they all do good. Things like this don’t happen often, and you hope it’s simply a good game.
You smiled as wide as you could as the three Hughes brothers posed for a couple of pictures. You could see the distaste on all their faces, but they did it anyway.
Once they do the appropriate media, the game begins, and you’re sitting on the edge of your seat. It’s a good game, no, a great game. Soon, the first period is almost over, but not before your boyfriend has to remind everyone who he is, and he scores a goal.
It’s known that the Hughes parents don’t show much emotion at the games, and even more so when it’s their sons playing on opposite teams. So you control yourself, but you don’t miss when Ellen squeezes your hand.
The game continues, and it’s a nail-biter. Each minute you watch, you get more and more tense. Maybe it’s because you’re just nervous, or perhaps it’s the fact you have a hundred bucks on the line. But either way, you pray the clock ticks faster.
It doesn’t, but once Luke scores, you can’t help but start to think that this might be the end of a losing streak. You laugh on the inside because, of course, all it takes is a little brother rivalry to get the Devils back into motion.
When the clock hits zero, and the Devils win, you practically die in your seat. You’re so thrilled for Jack and Luke, but a small part of you is a bit depressed for Quinn. But you know, if anyone can handle a loss like this, it’s the eldest Hughes, so you’re not too worried. Instead, you focus on your boyfriend, who, even from the box, looks the happiest he’s been in a while. He was given the title of the first star of the game, and you absolutely love it when he’s like this. You know he’s going to be in one of those unstoppable moods. You love it, but he can be a cocky little shit, and you know he’s going to be almost insufferable. You’ll take it, though, and embrace every part of it.
A few minutes later, the area starts clearing, and you’re all getting ready to leave the box, but you almost forget what is happening when Jim slides you a crisp hundred-dollar bill and winks at you.
“Jack really pulls out the stops when you’re at a game.”
You let a blush creep onto your face as you take the bill. You’d be lying if you said that you felt bad. This isn’t the first game you’ve bet on against Jim, and it certainly won’t be the last.
“Alright, you two gamblers, let’s go see the boys, shall we?”
Ellen leads the three of you down to where you’ll see the men of the hour. You feel the happiest you’ve felt in a while as you follow behind them, and when you get close enough, you can hear your boyfriend laugh from a short distance. Your heart skips the noise, and as soon as he spots you from across the room, he moves as fast as lightning to get to you.
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 2 months
[Would love some silly moments between Simon and Reader too]
“Simon where’s my glasses?!”
“It’s right on your head, love.”
“You’ve seen my phone, sweetheart?”
“You’re fucking holding it, Si.”
“We got kimchi stew for today?” Simon wandered to the dining table, two pots of steaming stew were welcoming him with the alluring smell.
“Yeah, the store’s trending on the internet.”
“You remembered to order mine as mild?”
“Of course!”
5 minutes after, Simon hadn’t stop pouring milk into his mouth after he took a huge bite. In contrast with him, you felt like they forgot to add spice into yours, so you opened your Ubereats.
“Oh shit, I selected spiciness oppositely.”You looked at the 'Hot' behind Simon's stew and the 'Mild' behind yours.
You two bought paired shirts with “He’s my man” and “She’s my woman”, and you chose (forced Simon) to wear them to meet Soap and Gaz
“pfff hahahaha—what are ye guys wearing?!” Soap burst into laughter, while Gaz was already taking photos of you two.
“Fucking hell, delete those pictures, Kyle!” Ghost reached out to snatch Gaz’s phone, surprisingly, Gaz just let go without any struggle.
“It’s too late, LT.” Gaz blinked at Ghost with a smirk.
‘KyleGGarrick: LT. has a man now. (a picture with Simon wearing ‘He’s my man’ shirt while you stood beside him was attached ) Alejandro, Rudolfo, Farah, Alex, Laswell and Price leave a kudo.’
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luxthestrange · 5 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#160 BAGELS!!!
Imagen before the fight that was supposed to be Shiva bs Adam...turned into Zeus vs Adam...someone got to Zeus first and...killed him, So now Hera and the rest of the Greek pantheon along with Adam's family after being suspected of...murdering him are brought to tell the news
Hermes: Zeus is dead...
Adam: Say what now?...
Hera: Wait, my husband is dead?*Frowns and raises her brow*
Hermes: Yeah, Uncle Hades's office just notified us...
Y/n*Raises hand*...Um
The Gods look at the secret member...or rather recently integrated member of Adam's family, not sure what to expect from such a small frail-looking human...Hera allowing you to speak, wanting to hear your input curious about what you have in mind
Y/n: No way that's true, As Zeus says when he sees deodorant,
"I'm not buying it"
Hera*Letting out involuntary laugh*...HA-HA!-*Coughs seeing her son and others looking at her*
After Everyone saw the king of gods in his special tomb
Y/n*Parading through the halls with a bag of pastries and bagels* Ding, dong, the king of sexual assault is dead. Bagels for everyone!
Cain: So I guess you believe it now?
Y/n: Yep, Wanna see the selfies I took?
Cain: Actually, yes~
Y/n: I'll share the album with you!~
Heracles*Coming to you and your brother Cain, tearful* Oh, my God!, I just heard about Father! he was so young!
Y/n: For a redwood tree...Uh, I don't understand, what's going on, Why are you crying?
Heracles: Somebody is dead, I feel sad
Y/n: Well, I know just the thing to cheer you up! ZEUS is dead! Bagel!Bagel!Bagel!*Throwing bagels to every person, who happily catches them and eats it...hell some gods passed by you are also happy*
Turns out...You were selected instead of Hera or any of his children to give a speech to speak highly of him...You were of course brought by Heracles to the Greek pantheon room...
Heracles: All you have to do is say a few nice comments during the memorial!
Y/n: As a Celestial said when he tried to sneak past the gates into the afterlife:
"It ain't happening, honey."
Hera*Holding her sides letting out the biggest laugh in the room*HAHAHAHA!
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RIP captain dad holt/Andre Keith Braugher...you will be missed...
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A/n: u guys r gonna have to imagine alot w these pics 😭 but i wrote whos supposed to be who so it makes a bit more sense!!!!! THIS ONLY MAKES SENSE IF YOU READ THE FIRST BIT
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Liked by 3,308,252 people
Prepare for the ‘Anastasia’ photo dump 😈
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tomblyth: yummy cake 🍰😋
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: i'm craving it so bad rn 🤤
user2: Y/n and Tom's on screen chemistry is insane...
user3: her smile in the second picture 🥹
user4: empress Marie was a slay
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: she honestly was
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Liked by 2,920,163 people
this is what we gotta say to those who haven’t watched Anastasia yet 🖕🖕🖕 (we’re kidding)
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user1: how was filming in St. Petersburg??
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: had the best time of my life 🙈 St. Petersburg is so gorgeous.
user2: yesss feed us w more Anastasia bts please!!!
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: yes ma’am 🫡
user4: everyone go watch Anastasia rn. It’s a masterpiece😟
user5: she’s so gorgeous it’s not fair
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pics of me eating the most 21st century food in my 20th century fits 😋‼️
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tomblyth: fun fact, I took ALL of these
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: 😂😂😂
user1: this is so funny to me LMAO
user2: the fits 🤌
user4: so this is what u guys do behind the scenes? eating?
↘️ tomblyth: yup.
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: pretty much!!
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Liked by 4,305,262 people
‘Anastasia’ out now in the cinemas!!!! So incredibly grateful to have worked with such amazing and talented people, experiencing it with y/n made it even better 💗
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y/n_y/l/n: i’m tearing up…. It was so much fun, I’m going to miss everything about it 💔
↘️ tomblyth: gonna miss seeing u in ur costume 🥹 you looked absolutely gorgeous
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: awee I love u!!!!
↘️ user1: my parents r so adorable 😣
user2: third pic is everything!
user3: they did so good with the casting!
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St. Petersburg weather was smth else 🥶
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actorwhoplaysrasputin: it wasn’t even that cold y/n 🙄
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: says the person who wore 4 jackets in between takes 😟
↘️ actorwhoplaysrasputin: zip it.
↘️ user1: I love this duo 😂
actorwhoplaysphlegmenkoff: it was a pleasure to work with such young, talented actors like yourselves!!!
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: awee thank you actors name!! It was an honour to work with you!!
↘️ tomblyth: appreciate it man 🤝
user2: them casting actors name as Rasputin was the best decision ever. Can’t see anyone else for that role!
user3: this movie had such iconic actors and actresses 😭
↘️ user4: I just know this movie was expensive 😃
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Anastasia dump pt. 2974822? 😂
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↘️ y/n_y/l/n: felt xtra cute so I had to 😛
↘️ user2: Tom not looking amused in the back 🤣
↘️ tomblyth: I’m used to it
actorwhoplaysvladimir: miss you guys!!!
↘️ tomblyth: you act as if we don’t live in the same street 🤣
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: literally walk the few steps and you’ll see us lol
user3: I can’t wait for more of your bts vids to come out on yt bc man they’re so entertaining!!
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: I’m posting a 30 min bts vlog tomorrow 😙
↘️ user4: YAYYY
↘️ user5: y/n has a yt channel and I haven’t heard about it?
↘️ user6: she’s had it since she was in high school 😭
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Liked by 6,958,212 people
Can’t believe ‘Anastasia’ has been nominated for best film adaptation of books!!! Thank you everyone who voted :)
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↘️ tomblyth: 🥳🎉
themichaellockshin: 🤩🤩
actorwhoplaysnicholas: hell yeah!!
user1: they’re so cute omg 🥺
user2: actresswhoplaysdowagermarie is such a slay 😭
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: she literally is!
↘️ tomblyth: we love her!
↘️ user2: ahhh you both responded 😭
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Liked by 10,037,297
Cheers again for the love and support for this movie!! To all the cast members I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are all such talented people and it was wonderful working with you all!
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y/n_y/l/n: thank you Michael ❤️ will never forget this experience :)
↘️ themichaelockshin: you and Tom were spectacular 🤩
tomblyth: what a journey we went through!
actorwhoplaysrasputin: miss you all!
actorwhoplaysolga: thank you Michael!! Filming with you all was a wonderful experience 🫶
user1: ice cream during the winter?
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: yup. What abt it 😛
user2: awe I love this cast sm
↘️ user3: literally the best cast
515 notes · View notes
carewyncromwell · 1 year
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Percy 🤝 Carewyn
The summer of 1995 was a very busy time for Carewyn at the Ministry. Normally she would’ve been glad for the extra case work, as it would’ve allowed her to help more people, which had always been her dream and goal...but unfortunately, most of this “work” as of late had been to assist the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, in crafting some new legislation pointed directly at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Apparently Fudge was so fed up about Dumbledore having so much trouble finding suitable professors for Defense Against the Dark Arts -- in Fudge’s words, “one of the core subjects for a developing witch or wizard’s education” -- that he decided that if Dumbledore couldn’t nominate a suitable successor, the Minister (and therefore he) would just have to do it himself. Carewyn truly detested the idea -- but under the circumstances, she knew if she was both going to prevent Fudge from causing too much damage and keep the job she loved so she could continue helping people, then she’d have to be involved in putting that idea into action. So she’d accepted the role of legal counsel for Fudge while he developed this plan...even while simultaneously offering covert assistance to Dumbledore’s organization, the Order of the Phoenix, by leaving enough wiggle room to legally challenge the legislation. 
One silver lining about having to work with Fudge, though, was that it gave Carewyn the chance to make contact with Percy Weasley, who had been appointed Junior Assistant to the Minister of Magic earlier that summer. Carewyn had to break ties with the Weasley family, including her best friend, Bill, so as to stay at an advantageous position within the Ministry -- an act Carewyn was loathe to put on, given how much she adored all of them like her own family. But not long later, third-eldest son Percy was promoted to the role of Junior Assistant at only 19 years old -- an act Carewyn immediately pinpointed as Fudge trying to keep tabs on the Weasleys, who’d always been loyal and close friends to Dumbledore -- and right afterward, rumors started flitting around the Ministry that Percy had severed ties with his family, all because they supposedly believed the “Boy Who Lied’s” rubbish about You-Know-Who returning. 
Carewyn’s heart hurt, just hearing the rumors. She knew Arthur and Molly had to be devastated over Percy’s departure -- Bill and Charlie undoubtedly would be too, once they found out. Bill in particular had always been so protective of all of his siblings: his greatest fear, from the time he was young, was any of his family being hurt. And with Voldemort really having returned, it was truly dangerous for Percy to be shoving his head in the sand at this particular moment. 
Someone’s got to look after Percy and make sure he’s okay, Carewyn decided at once. If the Weasleys can’t, then I will.
So when Percy stopped by Carewyn’s tiny office the following morning to fetch the legislation draft and notes she’d written for Fudge, Carewyn couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him.
“Hi, Percy,” she greeted him. 
Percy was very stiff-shouldered as he gave her a slightly forced smile and nod. 
“Good morning, Carewyn,” he said, his slightly pompous voice coming out a bit brusquely despite himself. “I’m here for the notes the Minister requested...”
“I figured,” said Carewyn. She took out a file and placed it in front of her on the desk. “It’s all right here -- I enclosed a letter of recommendations at the top, for the Minister to read over -- ”
“Much obliged,” Percy cut her off as he reached out to take the file from her. 
He seemed oddly evasive. Carewyn could sense he was trying not to look into her eyes too long, but when he did, slips of memory emerged.
“ -- swear, it feels like she can look right through you, at times...”
“ -- it’s called Legilimency -- ”
The first voice in Percy’s mind she didn’t recognize, but the second she immediately knew was Bill’s. The thought of her best friend made Carewyn’s heart hurt. 
“You haven’t had breakfast, have you?” she said abruptly, as Percy turned to leave. “I’m brewing some coffee.”
She indicated the modified Muggle coffee maker next to her desk. 
Percy’s eyes flitted over to it. For a split second, Carewyn could see his father’s face in Percy’s gaze. 
“Thank you,” the bespectacled young man said uncomfortably, “but I should really get this back to the Minister -- ”
“I’ll send it on ahead for you,” said Carewyn crisply. 
She raised her wand. In an instant, she’d transfigured the file in Percy’s hand into a Ministry-of-Magic-approved paper airplane, which she then Charmed to soar out of the room, out toward the Minister’s office. She then indicated the empty chair across the desk from her with a gentler expression.
“You should eat something,” she murmured. 
Percy looked up at her, startled. Carewyn could see Molly in his eyes, this time -- Bill too. 
The third eldest Weasley flushed darkly as he averted his eyes again, his gaze falling over to the coffeemaker and Belgian waffle iron on the side. 
“...I suppose,” he said stiffly. “But I can’t stay long -- there’s a great load of work to do...”
Carewyn nodded respectfully as Percy sat down. If there was one thing she and Percy had in common, it was their workaholic tendencies. 
Once Percy had sat down, Carewyn set about fetching some mugs from inside the cabinet hosting the coffee maker, as well as loading some stored batter into the modified waffle iron so it could cook. She could feel Percy’s eyes on her, but when she looked up, he quickly looked away again.
“ -- Muggles use these things to cook different kinds of food! Don’t entirely get why they choose to iron it, but Muggles are truly fascinating things, aren’t they?”
Carewyn’s eyes softened a bit, hearing Arthur’s voice in Percy’s thoughts.
“Jacob made these for me,” she attempted conversation.
Percy looked up, startled. “...Oh, ah...your brother?”
Carewyn could hear Charlie in Percy’s thoughts.
“ -- kind of a mad genius, really -- ”
“Her brother disappeared because of those Vaults, Perce -- Carey’s not going to just give up on them -- ”
“Yes. I’d mentioned how irritated I was that the cafe’s line’s always so long and that I didn’t have any electricity so I could plug in my own appliances...so Jacob ended up enchanting these so he could gift them to me for Christmas. He even made a stop at a Muggle shop out in San Francisco to pick me up the waffle iron...” 
Carewyn couldn’t keep the fond smile off her face. 
“...It’s been helpful, in keeping everyone fed,” she said amusedly. “Ben especially -- he’s always skipping meals. And Talbott, Tonks and I work such late nights, it’s nice to be able to brew a pick-me-up or two, to get through it all...”
Once the coffee was finished brewing, she poured out two mugs, one for Percy and one for herself.
“Would you like milk?” she asked. “Sugar?”
“Sugar, please,” said Percy. “Two lumps will do.”
Once Carewyn had fixed his cup properly, she offered it to Percy, who quietly thanked her as he brought the mug into his hands and took a sip. As he did so, he kept his eyes locked on the coffee as much as he could -- even so, Carewyn could just barely sense the clipped memories in his head: Bill standing over Carewyn’s shoulder, Charlie wrapping an arm around Carewyn and calling her his “twin”...even the twins laughing.
“She’s like Mum!”
“Only cooler!”
That’s what it is, then, Carewyn thought. He’s afraid his family’s told me about his departure.
Her red lips came together grimly as she looked down at and took a sip from her own cup, contemplating how best to approach the issue. Then, taking a deep breath, she decided to say very softly,
“...I heard about what happened.”
Percy avoided her gaze all the more even after raising his head. 
“...From Bill, I presume?” he muttered.
The thought of her best friend made Carewyn give the slightest, longing wince.
“...No,” she said softly. “We...aren’t speaking, right now.”
Carewyn felt Percy’s wide eyes on her without looking up. There was a long silence, before Percy finally spoke again.
“...I see.”
His voice was very solemn and yet also oddly soft: almost empathetic. 
Carewyn swallowed. She could surmise what Percy was probably thinking -- that they’d had a similar falling out -- and as much as she wanted to correct the record, she knew it would be counterproductive. She knew Percy was in denial about Voldemort being back just as much as Fudge was, and he was just as deathly loyal to the Ministry as the rest of his family was to Voldemort. If she told Percy the truth about her helping the Order or the true reason why she wasn’t in contact with Bill or the others, then he would undoubtedly tell Fudge, and everyone else would only be in more danger. And so, reluctantly, she let it lie. 
When she looked up, Percy was looking her in the face again -- it made it so that his emotions were suddenly much better for her to read, through his eyes. 
“He’s using you, Perce, can’t you see that?”
“ -- wants at Harry -- ”
“ -- know you don’t want to believe it -- none of us do...but You-Know-Who is back, Percy!”
“ -- only believes what he wants to see -- ”
“And what about you? Blindly marching lockstep with Dumbledore, all this time -- even after he let Bill go running off after the Cursed Vaults with Carewyn -- after he left him and Charlie around the likes of Patricia Rakepick -- !”
“Don’t you see, you’re nothing but a pawn Fudge is using to -- !”
“Nothing?! Nothing?! And what have you done with all your time at the Ministry, Dad?! Besides....besides chasing after airplanes and collecting rubbish Muggles chuck away!?”
“At least I’m trying to do something with my life! At least I’m trying to provide for everyone -- to be someone my family can actually be proud of!”
“Ah yes -- proud of. A Ministry brown-noser that bows and scrapes before the likes of weak men like Cornelius Fudge, just to advance himself -- ”
“You’ve NEVER understood me! None of you ever have!”
Arthur’s and Percy’s voices yelling at each other was a strange feeling, for Carewyn. Both of them were destructive like out-of-control, reckless flames, and yet it was oddly vulnerable: like a wounded lion lashing out when deeply hurt.
Carewyn’s eyes flooded with compassion, feeling Percy’s anger second-hand. Percy seemed to sense how much Carewyn was seeing -- before he looked down at his mug again, Carewyn once again could hear Bill.
“ -- it’s called Legilimency -- ”
“Suppose you read my mind, just now?” Percy asked with a dark smile. 
Carewyn shook her head.
“Thoughts aren’t something that can be read -- they’re not sentences in a book. I can only sense and feel someone’s emotions and memories.”
She paused. Then she reached out and took Percy’s hand. 
“...Percy...I’m sorry your father said that to you,” she murmured.
However right he was about You-Know-Who...and however much it is true that Fudge’s promotion of you was more selfishly motivated than you think...you’ve always worked so hard, to try to do well at the Ministry. Mr. Weasley must’ve known how much all of this means to you...
Percy’s eyes darkened. 
“He thinks I’m just thinking of myself,” he said lowly. “That I’m just running after glory for myself, and nothing else. But...”
His hand started to shake as he clenched his teeth, bowing his head.
“...But...but he’s always been the selfish one!” he burst out angrily. “Always running around, dawdling after Muggles...like his job’s nothing but a game! His was the only salary we’ve got to live on, since Mum’s always been at home -- sure, we want him to be happy, and yes, we’ve been able to manage...but we shouldn’t have HAD to just ‘manage!’ He should’ve been providing for us -- he should’ve been trying to climb the ladder, should’ve been looking for a job that could actually pay the bills, rather than make us constantly live on the edge...constantly have to buy things second-hand, constantly have to decline opportunities or make do with rubbish, just because we couldn’t afford better...constantly have to live with the stigma of being one of Arthur Weasley’s boys...”
Percy’s hand inside of Carewyn’s clenched into a fist. Carewyn gave Percy’s fist a gentle squeeze, but she didn’t speak: this was a time to listen, not to talk.
Exhaling heavily, Percy put down his mug of coffee down on the table, so as to protect it from his own temper.
“I wanted to attend the Slug Club party with you,” he mumbled self-consciously. “The one your brother was invited to, before you graduated.”
Carewyn blinked in surprise. 
“I’d heard all about the Slug Club from other students,” Percy explained earnestly. “About how Horace Slughorn’s only ever invited those he saw as the most up-and-coming witches and wizards to his events. I thought it’d be exciting to meet so many new, well-regarded people -- maybe talk to Barnabas Cuffe about what it’s like to work as a journalist for the Daily Prophet -- chat with some fascinating up-and-coming authors, before I read their work -- maybe even meet the Gwenog Jones -- tell her how much my little sister idolizes her...”
Carewyn’s eyes welled up with compassion.
“Percy, why didn’t you say anything?” she asked sadly. “Jacob and I would’ve loved to have you join us.”
Percy shook his head. "I was only fourteen. Slughorn would’ve had no reason to talk to me -- I hadn’t done anything that would set me apart as anything other than ‘one of Arthur Weasley’s boys.’ And I already knew I had nothing to wear that would be suitable.”
“Andre would’ve made you something to wear,” said Carewyn, but Percy shook his head again.
“I thought of that, but...at the time, I didn’t want to be treated like a charity case,” he said gloomily. “I was already so much younger than you, and...well, you’ve always been much closer with Bill and Charlie than me. Even Fred and George...”
“That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have been welcome,” Carewyn said very firmly, giving Percy’s hand a squeeze. “I only went to that party because of Jacob, and Jacob only went out of a sense of feeling like he had to, after how worried Slughorn was about him all those years. I know Slughorn would’ve loved having another person there who was just as thrilled to be there as he was.”
Percy gave Carewyn a weak smile. Through his eyes, Carewyn could feel just how warm and comforting her sentiment was.
“...Thank you, Carewyn.”
He paused. Then, taking a breath, he took the plunge.
“It’s...it’s lovely that you went to a party you weren’t even interested in, just to support your brother,” he said quietly. “I don’t think any of my siblings would go with me, if I got invited to a Slug Club party...they’ve never been interested in such things...”
Carewyn frowned. “You don’t think Bill or Charlie would’ve supported you?”
Percy looked uncomfortable. “In sentiment, maybe, but...well, Bill and Charlie always spent the most time together, at home. They were always each other’s best friend, before they got to school and met you. And Fred and George of course always had each other...even Ron and Ginny ended up together most often, just because they were the smallest and always needed the most attention...”
“...Leaving you all by yourself,” Carewyn finished grimly.
Percy’s eyes darkened again. Carewyn could sense the remnants of a very lonely bespectacled boy hiding in a hollowed-out tree outside the Burrow, reading a book, coming off of him.
Carewyn’s eyes softened and she gave Percy’s hand another affectionate squeeze.
“I’m sorry, Percy,” she murmured. “It must’ve been really lonely for you sometimes...even with how close your family’s always been...”
Her eyes landed on their hands rather than Percy’s face as she tried to shut out the isolating memories rippling off of Percy.
“...My mum’s family was a lot worse than yours...but she was the black sheep there too...and she’s always said that you should never be lonely, when you’re in a family. Even when you’re physically alone...you should never have to feel alone.”
Percy looked up at Carewyn, his lips twitching into a weak, humorless smile.
“Your mother sounds like a very kind woman.”
He paused. Then, after a moment, he spoke a bit more bitterly.
“...I...don’t suppose Fred’s followed up with you about taking over my old room at the Burrow, now that I’ve left for good?”
Carewyn’s blue eyes welled up with pain.
She got up from her chair, extended both of her arms, and encircled him in a big hug. The taller ginger-haired man flinched ever-so-slightly, but almost immediately grabbed onto her in return, burying his face into her shoulder without ever getting up from his seat.
“He didn’t mean it like that,” Carewyn whispered in Percy’s ear. She found herself maternally stroking the younger boy’s hair like she sometimes would Charlie’s, when he was sad.
“I know,” Percy’s voice came out slightly muffled beside her shoulder. “...I know...”
Even so, Carewyn could tell how much that barbed joke had really hurt.
Percy’s arms adjusted a bit around Carewyn, giving her a slightly tighter squeeze before he finally released her. He brought a hand up under his glasses to covertly wipe at the tear that had formed in the corner of his right eye, clearing his throat loudly.
“Excuse me, I...lost my composure. Silly thing...”
“It’s not silly,” Carewyn shut him down sharply.
Softening at once again, she walked over to the waffle iron, which had started to beep. She opened it, levitating out the newly cooked waffle inside with her wand onto a plate before summoning some butter and strawberry compote out of a drawer.
“I realize this makes for a rather sweet breakfast,” said Carewyn as she set about buttering and then drizzling the compote over the waffle. “But...well, Mum used to say that sometimes something sweet in the morning can take off the edge of a bitter night’s sleep.”
Percy eyed the full plate of food and then the clock.
“It looks lovely, but...” he said uneasily, “...I really should be getting back to work...”
“Then take it with you,” said Carewyn. “You can always bring the plate and mug back to me, when you’re done with them.”
Percy’s eyes softened a bit behind his glasses as he picked up his half-full mug and got to his feet. “...All right.”
He accepted the plate from her in his other hand as he headed for the door. He paused in the door frame, looking back over his shoulder at her with a slightly warmer expression.
“...Carewyn...thank you for listening. I mean, you clearly have a full day of work yourself to contend with, and -- ”
“My work might be very important to me,” Carewyn said firmly, “but the only reason it is so important is because it lets me help people. And the people I care about I will always help first.”
Carewyn could imagine Bill standing over Percy’s left shoulder, smiling fully and handsomely as ever. It made her smile that bit more warmly at Percy.
“...My office door is always open, if you need anything,” she said gently.
Percy smiled and nodded, before turning on his heel and heading out of Carewyn’s office, taking another sip of coffee as he went.
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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buckets-and-trees · 5 months
Mob Bucky walking into the kitchen and picking you up to carry you out to the bedroom when you spent whole day cooking. You argue that you still need to bake two pies and make a salad, or something, but Bucky doesn't care.
"You spent the past two days on your feet. Now you're gonna spend the next twenty four hours on your back. Maybe on hands and knees, if I feel like it."
Hahahaha! Because we WOULD. But it's our chef heart!
Fandom: MCU Collection: Devour Title: CUSTARD Characters/Pairings: Mob Boss!Bucky x female!Chef!Reader Word Count: 687
Content Warnings: referenced smut (vaginal penetration/fucking, oral: female receiving), mob boss Bucky
Logistical Notes: Takes place after the series (shh, I know I'm still working on the final chapter). Prompt from the ask in bold italics, and notching a Naughty prompt from @the-slumberparty's Naughty or Nice challenge in plain bold.
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James was calling your name, but you didn’t hear him until he was in the kitchen with you.
“What the hell are you doing?”
You didn’t register the dangerous chill in his tone either, too busy skimming your fingers back over the recipe you were studying, frowning back at the mixture in the metal bowl whipping up in front of you.
“Mmm,” you hummed, completely focused on your work, “will you taste this?” You reached for one of the small spoons in a jar on the counter, dipped it into the bowl, and held it out for your mob boss.
He crossed the kitchen and was at your side in an instant. You only looked his way briefly enough to thrust the spoon into his mouth just as he opened it to speak again. You reached for another spoon to taste the custard’s current status for yourself.
“It definitely needs the nutmeg,” you murmured, wondering why the recipe you were referencing didn’t have any listed.
“You definitely need to be out of this kitchen!” James ordered.
You whipped your head back to glare at him. “I promised I would bring pie to the brunch, James.”
“And you’ve already made one.”
“But I didn’t make that pie for the brunch! It’s the backup pecan pie, and everyone deserves to have pie that was intended for the brunch. Pecan pie is not a proper brunch pie,” you argued. “I really should make a fruit pie to go along with this buttermilk pie, too,” you added for yourself, tone dropping back to your concentrated cooking tone.
“No! I forbid it!”
“You forbid it?”
“Yes, I forbid it! Against my better judgement, I tolerated you cooking the holiday meal with our families, but you spent the past two days on your feet when you’re supposed to be off, chef.”
He pulled the spoon out of your right hand and the spatula out of your left, flung them onto the counter, and flung you over his shoulder.
“James Buchanan Barnes!”
He didn’t speak as he walked you out of the kitchen and down the hallway. You squirmed a bit – knowing with all his strength there was no way he would let you fall, but also wanting to protest over being dragged away from your task.
He tossed you unceremoniously onto the bed and was on you immediately.
His large frame trapped you beneath him, though you tried to squirm away. He took each of your hands and pinned them in one of his above your head, while his other hand grabbed your jaw and angled your face for him to perfectly capture your lips in a kiss. He forced his tongue against yours, and immediately you could taste the sweetness of the custard still lingering in his mouth. He kissed you until you stopped struggling, softening beneath him. He released your hands, and you wound one around his neck and the other through his hair. His free hand didn’t stay free for even a second before it was palming your breast through your shirt, and you moaned.
Finally, he broke of the kiss, but only moving his head back a fraction of an inch.
“Damn you,” you breathed against his lips, but you knew from the look in his eyes that he knew he’d demanded and earned your utter and complete surrender.
“You’re going to spend the next twenty-four hours on your back,” he said. He pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, then drew the heat along your jaw and down your neck. The desire in your core was fully ablaze, and you could feel how wet you were already growing between your thighs.
He nipped at your collarbone, and you gasped.
“Maybe on hands and knees if I feel like it,” he added as he ripped the front of your shirt open.
The audacity of this man! you thought while you could still think.
An audacity that you gladly put up with until well after midnight as he had you cumming more than once on his cock, then woke up to first thing with his head between your thighs.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I just got this crazy idea with Reader having a pet dog and cat and is always distracted or always talks about there Cat and Dog playing, resting, cuddling with Reader and Vox just being jealous at this point wanting some attention too 😂
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What A Jelly TV
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Ah yes, the double edged sword- Vox is literally going to fight himself in this one since he himself is a pet owner. And yes, I'm mentioning Vark in this cuz about fucking time LMFAO- another slice of life chapter cuz I love writing these. That and we kind of get weird cuddles with the funny TV man, weird in the sense where it's literally a remote connection. Reader is kinda tired of Vox's shit but oh well HAHAHAHAH-
A/N: By the way, I just wanted to mention that timeline wise- this entire series happens AFTER Hazbin's Season 1. So I'll make references to certain things that happened but because I don't want to intermingle the story with canon lore too much- I made things happen after it all. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this installment- it was a little hard to write since I didn't have a prior vision to it but I think it turned out alright Hahahaha- and as always, Happy reading guys!
Vox would proudly admit he was a lot of things.
The king of the biggest technology empire in all of hell-
An oh so powerful overlord-
A conniving and esteemed businessman-
But this-
This was a new low.
Even for him.
Especially when the realization hit like a sack of bricks to the face.
Vox grew to like your presence in his daily routine-
Most of the time even bothering you out of boredom.
He found he liked your attention, not that he'd ever admit it.
He would rather die twice-
But when he figured out pretty soon that he had to share you-
That didn't really sit well.
"Dude, it's just a puppy. Stop being all pissy already-"
Vox just scoffed, you rolled your eyes at his antics.
You kind of expected it, remembering the incident you had with your initial desktop pet.
Glancing over to the open laptop screen nearby, the small digital Vox just waved at you.
Aha... yeah-
This was pretty expected.
"And they're not going to be here for much longer, just until [friend name] finishes moving into their new apartment."
It was only a little over a week ago when your friend called to ask for a favor.
You assured your overlord buddy that it wasn't anything you couldn't handle and Vox eventually just let it go.
Of course, that was until he found out what you had agreed to.
At the start, he didn't really mind.
Hell, he even showed you some pictures of Vark in return while you guys were talking about pets.
But as the days went on and you acted more and more affectionate towards your friend's pet-
It was starting to get under Vox's skin and not in a good way.
You'd coo and cuddle the little fur-ball so much that it was nearly all he saw whenever you guys were talking.
It also doesn't help that you would end up shifting the conversation towards [pet name] and how cute they were after a while.
Vox understood how it was like to fall in love with your pet, he had one of his own after all-
But he couldn't help the envy creeping in seeing the puppy just napping in your lap.
"It's been more than a week doll, just how much longer do you plan on keeping the puppy???"
You were shocked by the fact Vox had been counting days, you didn't really bother to take notice of it.
Not to mention he seemed a little... pouty even?
You just sighed.
"Look, I'll check with [friend name] how much longer they need. I give no promises. Why the heck are you so grumpy about it anyway? It's not like you're the one taking care of the puppy Vox."
The overlord buffered slightly, why was he...?
Honestly speaking, he didn't really know.
He didn't know why he was feeling the way he was.
Only what caused it.
The freaking puppy.
As Vox stared at the screen, he tried to find an excuse that won't make it seem like he got jealous of your freakin pet.
Well, it wasn't even technically yours.
But that isn't the point-
You just expectantly stared at up at the TV screen while the overlord opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish.
Your question was straightforward, no nonsense or beating around the bush-
And still he struggled with an answer?
Soon, a small yip from your lap snapped up your attention again.
You smiled down at the now awake pup and moved to pet it.
Okay that was fucking it-
Static white noise suddenly blared obnoxiously from the TV speakers and you had to cover your ears.
The poor frazzled puppy immediately jumped off your lap and ran off, leaving you and your digital companion alone.
"Ow?! The fuck was that for Vox?!"
He didn't respond to that, just nonchalantly looking off to the side like he didn't just try to destroy your eardrums.
You let out a frustrated sigh, what the hell was this guy's issue???
"Geez, what the hell is up with you today?!"
Vox cringed slightly at your harsh tone.
Okay, he might have gone overboard trying to scare the fur-ball away-
But he didn't think you'd be that upset with him.
Oh well, better to face the music than run.
"Well- maybe if you stopped only paying attention to that fucking fleabag then maybe I wouldn't have to scare it away!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, Vox instantly regretted saying them.
It was fucking pathetic.
Your confused expression didn't really help either, he was not going to elaborate-
"You- were you jealous of the fucking dog???"
You couldn't stop the amused grin on your face when you finally understood what was going on.
Not that you would've even noticed anything anyway-
"I- No?! Fuck you!"
This time you couldn't help but laugh at Vox's expense, the TV starting to fizzle and glitch while he uselessly tried to get you to stop.
It was a little...
What was the right word for it?
Not really-
Eh, whatever-
Point was, you felt a little fuzzy because Vox wanted your attention.
Like, he didn't know how to ask for it but the fact he still wanted you to just stay and interact with him made you feel funny.
That reminds you-
"Ah! Wait, let me just get something- I wanna see if it works with you-"
"Works? With me?? Doll, what kind of experiment do you want to launch me into this time???"
"Nothing too crazy I promise! Heck, maybe you'll like this one!"
Vox heard your voice call from out of view, the fact you had to run to another room to get it slightly concerned him.
He couldn't tell what you had planned this time, every single other instance he thought you couldn't get any crazier and you just did.
But instead you just came running back with a... pillow?
"Dollface, I think you have plenty of pillows already. What's up with that?"
You smiled cheekily at your flatscreen companion, sitting down on the couch before you plugged in your phone to the pillow.
It was a gift your friend got you months ago that they mentioned would help you sleep better.
The fact humanity managed to put tech in a pillow of all things was still surprising but in this case not unwelcome.
Vox was already surprised that the thing had to be plugged in, but he buffered when an odd warm sensation immediately spread throughout his entire body.
"Wh- What the hell did you just do??"
Your smile soon turned into a grin as you gently hugged the smart pillow, gauging Vox's reactions on the screen as he went from shocked to utterly confused.
It was like he could sort of feel being pressed?
Similarly to how you were hugging the pillow, he could feel himself gently being squeezed.
"So...? Any good?"
"If this is how you're trying to awkwardly hug me then I guess?"
"Ayyyy! It works! Okay, if I give you some cuddles would you stop being pissy at [puppy name] then?"
You knew you won when the screen suddenly tinged pink and Vox just stumbled over his words.
You bit back a snicker as you got comfortable on the couch, shifting slightly to better hug the pillow.
"I'll take that as a yes."
And to no one's surprise, the tech overlord had no complaints.
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