#haha sorry i can't pick just one clearly
sssammich · 6 months
10 and 26 for the fic writing ask!
hello hello let us see
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
Ooh, good question! despite the tender angst i dole out on a regular basis, i actually really enjoyed writing my supercorp big bang not for nothing because i was really trucking along. it was a pretty emotional fic, but i was happy going through the entire writing process.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
oh boy can i actually pick just one? okay i will say that i basically surpassed all of my writing goals (including stretch goals) before the year ended. that was very satisfying to reach 200k words for the year because i've been steadily writing all year. so definitely that!
(honorable mention is actually also my supercorp big bang where i ended up writing the longest fic to date)
fic ask meme
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ganseybois · 2 months
tommy (at this point already casually dating buck) hanging out with eddie and calling him out on his feelings
alternatively eddie last minute helping maddie before the wedding and maddie calling him out on his feelings
or both
both? both. both is good :D i hope you enjoy it, it got a little long haha! if you want to send me a buddie prompt, click here!
Tommy is the first one to bring it up.
They're finishing up on the basketball court, and everyone has filed out by this point, leaving the two of them alone. Tommy is driving Eddie back anyhow, and today was an intense game, so they're taking their time.
Why Tommy chooses to bring it up before the car ride, Eddie doesn't know. But what a way to make it awkward.
"Hey, man I need to tell you something," he says as they return to the car. "So you're not blindsighted when it happens."
"Everything okay?" Eddie asks, clearly concerned.
"Well, not really." he lets out a tired laugh. "Uh...I'm going to be breaking up with Evan. I wanted to tell you so that, you know, you could do what you do and be there for him."
Shocked, Eddie steps in front of Tommy, "Wait, what? I thought things were going great with the two of you." he feels his gut twist uncomfortably - the last thing Eddie wants in the whole world is to see Buck hurt again. "Tommy, come on, Buck is great. He's amazing. There's not a thing about him to not like."
Tommy scoffs, "Believe me, Eddie, I know that."
"So then what's wrong?"
"Eddie, seriously?" Tommy rolls his eyes. "I can't keep dating him and ignore...whatever it is you two have going on. I like Buck, a lot, I do but, there is clearly something between the two of you."
Eddie lets out a small laugh of disbelief. "Tommy," he says, grinning, trying to find his footing in this conversation. The rug has been swept out from under him. Him? And Buck? No way. "He's my best friend. That's all."
"You know Eddie," Tommy rolls his eyes, walking past him now. "I know everyone is a bit of an idiot with love, but you're acting obtuse purposely."
Eddie turns around and follows, "Hey," he snaps. "I'm sorry if we're too close for you to handle, but I'm not going to apologize for being his best friend."
"I don't want you to Eddie, really, I don't. But you should both take your head out of your asses so that you can stop hurting other people." 
That stops Eddie from making a retort. 
Tommy picks up his pace as he walks over to unlock his door, as though he can escape Eddie and erase the fact that he is also driving Eddie home. That they are going to have to share a space for twenty minutes before Eddie can leave and be alone, and send Tommy on his way to break his best friend’s heart. 
Does Eddie love Buck? 
Of course. 
Buck is his best friend. Why wouldn’t he love him? How could he not? Buck is beautiful, and kind, takes care of his son, and has been there for Eddie since the day that they met. Buck is honest and hopeful, Buck is tender and funny, he is knowledgeable and earnest. He’s the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Eddie knows all this, and of course he loves him for it. 
But that doesn’t mean he’s in love with him…does it?
“Thank you so much for helping me Eddie,” Maddie sighs as they walk into her house, Eddie with boxes stacked in his arms. He doesn’t even know what’s inside them - Maddie needed help, so he agreed. 
“Sure thing,” he kicks the door shut and follows her to the kitchen, gently laying the boxes on the table. “Here’s okay?”
“Perfect,” she rubs his back. “Want some coffee? You’re welcome to stay for a while.”
“Coffee sounds great, thanks,” Eddie nods, watching her move around her kitchen. He feels a little awkward–he likes Maddie just fine, but really, he hasn’t spent too much time with her, so he isn’t sure where to strike conversation. They already spent an hour talking about kids in his truck, he feels like he’s used Christopher enough. 
“So,” she says, tone careful and light, prepping mugs. “Did Buck tell you about Tommy?” 
“Yeah, he did.” Eddie murmurs, Tommy and Buck broke up three days ago. Eddie listened to Buck tell the story, and hugged him tight. He gave him beer, ordered him food, and let Buck stay over for the night so he wouldn’t have to be alone. 
At least you’re always going to be here, Eddie, right?
Nowhere else I’d rather be, Buck. 
Eddie broke up with Marisol a day later. He has tried not to think too hard about why that is but…he has spent the last three days thinking about what Tommy has said. 
Eddie clears his throat. “It sucks, I thought this would work out for Buck for sure.”
Maddie sighs sadly, starting to prepare the coffee for them, before she turns around and gazes at him fondly. “I already knew it wouldn’t.” When Eddie just continues to look at her, she rolls her eyes and smiles. “Eddie, come on.”
“What?” he asks. 
“Seriously? You’re going to make me spell it out for you?”
He feels his heart skip a beat, understanding dawning on him. “Maddie,” he shakes his head with a small laugh, although what he wants is to run in the other fucking direction. “Listen-”
“All I do is listen, Eddie. I listen to my brother talk about you like you hung the sun in the sky. I listen to him complain when he can’t see you and Chris. I listen to him talk about everything you do for him, everything you say to him.”
“He’s my best friend,” Eddie says, feeling cornered. 
“I know that I really do. And maybe I’m wrong, maybe I don’t know you as well as I think I do but…I know my brother. It could have never worked with Tommy, because he was too busy being in love with you.”
“Hey, maybe I’m wrong,” she says, pouring their coffee. Why do these things never happen when he’s about to leave? “But look into his eyes Eddie, and you’ll see it. Promise me.”
Eddie doesn’t know what to do. 
A little part of him admits that he’s afraid to look. Afraid of what he’ll find. 
“Maddie,” he says softly. “He’s my best friend.”
“Eddie.” she sighs. “You look at Buck the way I look at Chimney. The way Karen looks at Hen. The way Bobby looks at Athena. This is so far beyond what you think it is. Promise me you’ll think about it.”
“I promise.”
Eddie thinks about it all the way to Buck’s house. 
He thinks about his life, about what makes sense, about his son, and what makes sense in his son’s life. He thinks about the obvious - is he happier when Buck is around? Yes. Did he like Marisol? Not really. Was that because of Buck? He doesn’t know. 
Does he miss Buck when he’s not there? Yes. 
Does he think Buck makes him a better person? Yes. 
Does he love Buck? Yes. 
He makes it to Buck’s apartment and knocks on the door. It opens a moment later. 
Look into his eyes, Eddie. 
Eddie looks. 
Buck smiles, bright as a thousand suns. Just because Eddie thought to come over, to just spend time with him. 
Buck’s eyes sparkle – there is love there, warmth, undying devotion.  
Eddie, finally, can see.  
“Can I come in?” Eddie asks. 
Buck steps aside, and Eddie takes the first step into the rest of his life.
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warrior cats dash sim anyone?
#no canon characters #sorray guys thats too much #im just gonna do some made up dudes
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🔲 yourfave-tunnel-guy-deactivat
Guys I hate tunnellers. Lmao.
🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
By StarClan, I hate this mindset. Tunnellers are such an underappreciated part of WindClan society. Just because we don't do as much running or typical hunting doesn't make us less valuable than you. Op and cats like him are so stupid.
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Crow-food-worth reading comprehension lmao. It was satire (the url clearly states "tunnel.") Also, her*
🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Ok I see where that was probably satire (OP should have made that more clear though) Where are you getting "her" from though lmao. OP's url is "yourfave-tunnel-guy"
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
I'm getting "her" because I'm OP. This is my new account. I'm trans. Hope this helps.
#i said so in the tags of the last addition #but as i said. crow-food-worth reading comprehension #prev probably didnt even read my tags lmao
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🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
I am goingto fucking kill Jadestar. Lmao.
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
Clanblr user barncat-vibes is from rc confirmed??
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Haha I already knew that, I'm mutuals with them on their main, plus we're IRL friends. Forgot that wasn't common knowledge.
🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
tbh I always assumed they were wc since thats the clan closest 2 the barns...
🪵 i-eat-moss Follow
Uh sorry ar ewe just glossing over how @barncat-vibes and @trouttail-prefers-bass are IRLS???!!!!?
#mutuals i can understand since they have the same ideas on like #social justice stuff... they both post trans stuff sometimes #but #IRLS? #SOMEONE is fucking with me #i met trouttail once at a gathering #nice dude #suuuper weird to imagine him knowing barncat-vibes
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🌅 kit-names-inspo Follow
I've decided to make a full post on this, since I've noticed this issue a lot lately. So let me make this clear:
I am NOT comfortable with "transgender" cats using my name suggestions to pick out new names. The service I provide is to help queens who have or are having kits, not confused males who think they're mollies.
STOP using my blog for your delusions.
🌅 kit-names-inspo Follow
Go ahead and unfollow me. I didn't want you 200 transgenders on my blog anyway.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
Anyone else find it funny how after this post OP lost 200+ followers? Anyone?
Anyway for a better source of names for trans mollies, toms & enbies, @name-lists-by-theme has much better names, sorted much more cleanly, AND she's not a transphobe.
#trans #fuck transphobia #fuck transphobes #fuck terfs #<- kit-names-inspo is a self-proclaimed radfem&terf btw
17,092 notes
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🤍 snwtl Follow
I can't believe we're being told to "normalize" cats becoming kittypets now. Do you have any idea how many cats would just abandon their families if it became socially acceptable to run off and live with the twolegs???
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
Honestly (as someone who left the Clans because I had a mate in the twolegplace), I haven't seen this to be as true as you're saying. I've seen one cat who "abandoned" his family to become a kittypet, if you count his abusive ex-partner, but for the most part, the cats we leave behind are understanding and okay with the fact that we have to move on. I wasn't meant for warrior life, and I left it, and I'm happier for it.
🤍 snwtl Follow
The fact that you would even imply it's okay to abandon your family for a life as a kittypet only serves to prove my point. You make me sick.
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Crow-food-worth reading comprehension
#yeah #snwtl (snowtail i think?) needs to use their eyes lmao #starclan this place gets on my last nerve #thinking of taking a break from clanblr because of shit like this
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uhh... where am I. My dash looks weird...
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silverskye13 · 3 months
Cursed/turned into an animal Tanguish, make him actually a cat
"How do these things happen to you?" Helsknight asked, crouching down on the balls of his feet so he was closer to Tanguish's level. Closer, but not on his level, as Tanguish, by some clever, terrible miracle, had been transformed into a cat. He was a handsome enough little creature, all blue-black, with a handful of sparse white hairs that salted his back and shoulders. But there was a large difference between handsome little cat and the full helsmet he was supposed to be, and Tanguish was, understandably, he thought, upset about his current circumstances. Even more upset now, given Helsknight seemed incapable of taking it seriously. "No really, I'd like to know. If I make an offering to whatever god or saint you pissed off, they might pass me over."
Oh haha, very funny, Tanguish said. Or he tried to say. What actually came out of his cat-shaped mouth, which made itself unavailable to forming human words, was a string of yowls that conveyed vague allusions to indignation. His fur spiked up his back for good measure, and he flattened his ears, just in case Helsknight needed the extra hint.
"I don't speak cat," Helsknight informed him helpfully, crossing his arms on his knees and raising his eyebrows in an amused expression. "You know, I've always been more of a dog person. Matches my aesthetic better. Do you think you could shape shift into something a little more intimidating? Even a large cat would do. You're a bit too scrawny and gangled, if I'm being honest."
Tanguish rumbled back a growl that he hoped would sound fierce and insulted.
"I'm terrified, truly," Helsknight informed him patronizingly. "Would a sardine help soothe your temper, O Mighty Feline? Maybe some cream?"
Tanguish swatted at him, tiny, impotent claws raking across Helsknight's boot.
"Hey now, be grateful," Helsknight tsked disdainfully. "Cream and sardines are an expensive find in hels. Probably worth your tiny cat weight in diamonds."
Tanguish huffed a sigh out of his nose, and then sneezed when the sensation tickled his whiskers. He was still getting used to whiskers. A tail and claws he was used to. The eyes weren't so good as his sculk sight, but not so different that it took a lot of adjusting. No, it was the whiskers that made his body feel the most awkward, little strings attached to his face that made him feel like he was constantly in danger of getting stuck somewhere, only to realize no, he'd just walked a little too close to a wall. It was his whiskers that told him, while he pawed miserably at his nose, that Helsknight had reached for him. Before he could jump away, Helsknight had picked him up by the scruff and tossed him on a pauldroned shoulder like he was nothing.
"So I guess we'll start with a quick prayer to my Saint," Helsknight sighed, "and then we'll start visiting alters until some priest comes up with a solution. Have you tried respawning yet? No, don't hiss at me. I don't know what that means. Just meow once for yes and do that weird growl-thing for no. So have you tried-- no, didn't think so. Put the claws back Tanguish, I'm not going to kill you. Killing cats is bad luck."
Tanguish snorted indignantly again, and then sneezed again, and at least got some satisfaction at the disgusted look Helsknight flashed in his direction.
"Sneeze somewhere other than my ear next time please."
Tanguish growled.
"I'm sorry, was that a no?"
He meowed brightly.
"You know, you've got at least nine lives. I'm sure my Saint will forgive me if I wring one out of you."
Tanguish swatted him on the side of the face. If Helsknight was bothered, he didn't show it. Instead he walked off down the street, clearly intent on his plan that Tanguish was sure wouldn't work, but they might as well try. Under his breath Helsknight hummed:
"There's an old poem about cats and monks. Can't really remember the lyrics. Something like... Pangur, white Pangur."
Helsknight chuckled.
"Tanguish, O Tanguish, how happy we are. Alone together, warrior and cat."
Tanguish settled down on the knight's shoulder, tail held out stubbornly for balance as he strolled down the street. He had to dig his claws in to Helsknight's cape to keep from falling off, but at least if was warm place to sit.
"Each has his own work to do daily; For you it is hunting, for me, slaying. Your shining eye watches the wall; My fair eye is fixed on a blade. You rejoice when your claws entrap a mouse; I rejoice when my mind fathoms a problem. Pleased with his own art neither hinders the other; Thus we live ever without tedium and envy. Tanguish, O Tanguish, how happy we are, alone together, warrior and-- are you purring? That's hilarious."
Tanguish, who hadn't realized he was purring, stopped abruptly, feeling vaguely betrayed by his own contentment. He swatted Helsknight's face, careful to keep his claws sheathed.
"What? It's not my fault you can't keep your little cat noises to yourself -- stop swatting at me! That's rude. Do it again and you can run your little paws off through town all on your own."
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drenched-in-sunlight · 9 months
hello hi!!! grfhvhghr i am in love with your artwork so much you cant believe-- i wanna ask if you have any tips on how you lineart and colourpick?? no pressure to answer tho, have a great day/night!! again, love your art <33
hi!! thank you for your kind words!! since i got asked about these a lot, im answering this for all the other ask asking about lineart and colour tips too! You can see some previous post here.
also i could only give out tips that work for my drawing style - which is heavy lineart / colours pop up the line (believe it or not it's American comic book style. ppl cant understand why my art doesnt really look like usual anime/ Asian webtoon style, even though it is still clearly anime / Asian webtoon style, but when i told them it's because im drawing these by studying American comics, no one believes it either lmao.
i do study but i do my own things too, so most of my art inspo is really unexpected to ppl, but they r really where i learn things from, cuz i dont even go to art school TT_TT).
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Changing the brush size will help you achieve thick/thin lines better without having to put pressure on your wrists. Keep your hold relaxed and let bigger brush size give you the thick strokes.
I like messy sketch, to me the sketch is just an outline shape to fill details in when i do the line, it also gives more freedom to wriggle as i draw! cuz i dont really plan out everything from the start, just wing it as i go, so a lot of my work is actually very spontaneous.
that leads to this point: when you do the lineart you should start deciding which colour style you want from it to adjust the details amount. the ink shadow blocks in my art aren't there randomly, i adjust them to best complement the shape language and colours.
for piece where i want the line/shadow to...idk hit (?), the colours are almost flat with textured brush adding depth to them, so the inking is the shading, thus there are more details in the lineart / ink blocks.
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for the video above and piece like this where i want the colours to be clear and pop out, the use of ink blocks are minimized and i do the shading during colouring process. but! the ink blocks can still make some places pop very nicely! just use in moderation!
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when doing the base it's good to keep the colour on the left side of the colour wheel (low saturation), but as you do shading and lighting, try to spread out evenly so it won't look washed out.
toggle around with hue and saturation slider as you go! the key is always adjusting! you're making hundreds of decisions at once, being conscious of your choice in why a line or a colour should be in a certain way will help improve your process a lot! (i think you can tell which art i turned off my brain and just draw for stress relief ........ which is also a valid way to draw and sometimes the result might surprise you! but for more serious stuffs i try to be aware of most of the move i make. it's problem solving, yeah?)
i find that one way to keep your art from appearing too...yellow in the end (which is sth that haunted my ass for a long while) is always aim for cold tone, so if you accidentally make it warm either way in the end it won't be too warm (and yellow :cry:)
well that's all the stuffs i can think on top of my head. sorry i can't give more advice on colour picking cuz it's sth i don't really know how to give advice on???? i think my colours now are still pretty lame haha........ if there are still any questions i'd gladly answer within my ability, though im very slow to answer ask ( i do read and be happy at all of them tho!)
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flownwrong · 28 days
dS rewatch shenanigans
So me and @mannequin3thereckoning rewatched 2.04 Bird in the Hand, 3.02 Eclipse and 4.03 The Ladies' Man (or 4.05, depending on the region; I like this ordering of the episodes better, it makes the season more equally paced to me). Somehow we picked a nice equal distribution between seasons 2-4 (sorry s1, I just did not have that much free time!)
It was fun to compare the impressions between us, a person who's fresh off a rewatch and one who didn't touch dS for some years :) Unlike my rigorous friend, I don't have it in me to do a separate post for each episode. It's all pretty chaotic, but here goes:
Bird in the Hand
It was funny to notice how much easier it is to judge the pacing of an episode while also chatting about it in real time compared to a regular watch. This one is pretty much perfect!
It's a great showcase for the side of Fraser that sometimes gets lost between screen and fic, or screen and meta—his lowkey permanent annoyance with his circumstances ("I'm not sulky. I don't sulk," he said. You know, like a liar!) and his masterfully contained intense anger. It's so funny how annoyed he gets with Turnbull! Finally, someone at the consulate who gets more shit than he does haha.
Also another great example of Ray consistently ready to both stir up shit and take shit for Fraser in a highly stressful situation where Fraser's hands are tied. “He’d shoot him for you if you asked"—even Dad knows <3 Linking this wonderful art to express my endless appreciation for how well-oiled Ray and Fraser's banter is. No one does put upon like Ray Vecchio. No one.
And, I mean, the emotional centerpiece of the episode is BRILLIANT. The tone balances on the usual dS edge between wacky and weighty juuust right for juuuuust long enough via Ghost Dad, and then it cannonballs right into heartbreaking because of the Ghost Dad in the span of two lines, sustains it for one of the most effective conversations in all of dS and eases out of it by—you guessed it—Ghost Dad diffusing the tension with continuous murderous overtures.
And I think Fraser's ✨Plan✨ in this one is a rare example of his speechifying that actually bares his underbelly as opposed to only expressing his beliefs illustrated by his experiences. He's very self-aware: he says to his father, "I'm no better", I, too, can't ask for help, I, too, can't express my love and my hurts—and then he goes and does exactly that—and then he immediately follows it by turning the tables on everyone and going "ah, but I stunned you all with my emotional openness on purpose so I could get the upper hand in the stand-off"—but it works both ways, and it's clearly also him using the excuse to actually be vulnerable for a second. Man, Fraser is a thing to behold in this episode.
But you can actually see how far he's come since the pilot, and how his partnership with Ray affected him—it's cool that this happens only two episodes after Ray bullies him into admitting his dissatisfaction with his circumstances. And here he's expressing grief, not the anger, not the desire for revenge, but grief, out loud, to everyone. "You broke my heart." Jesus.
10/10 episode, highly recommended.
This episode is like a favourite well-worn hoodie to me. Apart from the iconic "Do you find me attractive?" exchange it offers so many joys.
It's funny (The "now it's broken and it's working" exchange and "Mom, how you've changed—into cuban cigars" are both beautiful moments).
There's Fraser's "I'm acquainted with loss and, on occasion, loneliness" line which is I think a great thing to learn about him early in the season both if you tuned into the show without seeing s1-2 and if you're Ray Kowalski.
There's the great Ray intro, doubly so because we already had the intro, and were even given a lot of the info there that Eclipse reinforces (like Ray's compulsive need to express his vulnerabilities in hope of protecting himself from being judged too harshly, but also his competence—even if my man should really keep those glasses on—and his ability to think on his feet and his obsessive tendencies and his soft romantic underbelly and I could go on, we learn so. much. stuff. by the point we hear Fraser's exposition on Ray's professional record we're not even surprised).
I love that Fraser is immediately comfortable with his new position of being the more emotionally stable one in the duo, haha—while Ray Vecchio had his insecurities and great moments of learning to trust himself with Fraser's help, Fraser is clearly both fascinated by Ray Kowalski's openness and ready to offer his shoulder to lean on, with an added bonus of being in less danger of being perceived while near this dude who constantly makes himself available for perception.
Random little notes: I really love how Ray says his own name with so much disappointment when introducing himself: "I'm... *frustrated sigh* Kowalski." I love how he tentatively asks Fraser to repeat "friend" after his declaration of friendship. I love that he's a dork who throws the dreamcatcher like a frisbee. I love the b-plot letting us hang out with the station gang a little and see them stand up for each other. I love the insane angle on Ray's face while he's being interrogated (see: my eyelashes gifset). I love the birthday party. I love the crypt as a setting, and I love everyone in that impromptu holding cell.
And, in the words of my wiser friend, "ray finding out his imposter syndrome was caused by a guy who doesn’t even remember him is so very ray". I take my hat off to everyone involved in making this episode.
The Ladies' Man, which I'm very glad my friend suggested, bc otherwise I probably would've forced her to watch it anyway, and I'm not a fan of such cruelty.
Let's get some things out of the way:
Ray looks incredibly good in this episode. It's a crime to look this good AND suffer prettily on top of that. The fact that the camera that was already pretty obsessed with CKR these two seasons gets, like, terminally stuck on him here does Not hurt matters.
I have some Questions for the episode, and I'll get to them, but it's my top one dS episode on a pure viewing pleasure level because it pushes my buttons.
Can't say much about the cold open because it's pretty much perfect, tight and tense and we get the Homoerotic Calling Off Your Rabid Dog Partner When He's Losing It Before He Kills Someone, which is a timeless classic (complete with the obvious and iconic Look at me! Look! At! Me!), and Ray and Fraser are perfect characters to act it out. CKR is on fire, no notes.
One moment I somehow forgot from my many previous rewatches that really struck me during this one is Fraser's almost casual admission of imagining murdering his father's murderers—thinking again about Bird in the Hand up there. It's a great reminder late in the show, where we see this aspect of him less often, and it's cool that he can safely share it in the face of Ray's rawness, you know, as opposed to it being a great and painful admission when he's the vulnerable one.
A brief interlude to shake my fists at the sky and wail Why, o Paul Gross, did you have to add the singing—it's not just that the joke didn't age well, it didn't even land at the time, and I don't think it would in any episode, but especially here???— and the bark tea flirting—which is par for the course as far as dS goes and could be cute but it feels totally disconnected from the rest of the scene, let alone the episode, so, again, ???? It's not that I wanted a mournful monotony of an episode with no laughs—I would pick a different show then—but like, I think better jokes could've been made. Like later in the episode, where during a climactic scene they drop the "actually, all that exposition makes me feel a little thirsty" line, it works.
Back to the point: Dixie Seatle is fucking amazing??? Her and CKR work so well together that all the noise of failed gags and nonsensical continuity of Ray's cover and whatnot is super easy to wave away because they're the emotional core of the episode, and they deliver. They have such a fragile thing going on, with him being exhausted from all the guilt and her also being exhausted from his guilt on top of the, you know, the whole death penalty thing.
Which, speaking of, UM, that's one of Thee Darkest Premises in the whole show and encountering it for the first time was a trip, during a season I was not a fan of and considered dropping. And yes many rewatches later I'm still confused but grateful about it all. The world in this episode is brutal in the way it rarely is in the show; integrity and redemption and whatnot are big motives in dS, and the big point is usually that the world, imperfect and unfair as it is, can respond to kindness with kindness and this is worth upholding. It is Not So here; scenes like the whole precinct cheering away at the prospect of Beth's impending execution are just—wow, okay.
So, as far as dS goes, this is a super solipsistic episode. It's perfectly self-contained, and even though it could have, I don't know, implications for Ray the way some of Fraser's Bad Shit did for Fraser, it just isn't addressed in the end. And I don't think it should be. It's a character study, and whoever decided they needed a very heavy one for Ray is my hero. (Note: I think this is the reason I never read a coda for this episode that I enjoyed. Having your blorbo break down in tears right in front of his boyfriend right before the credits with no follow-up kind of begs for a coda, but—newp. It works so well because it cuts off with no big resolutions.)
And whoever wrote those two closing scenes deserves a medal; to have this much restraint is an achievement for late season dS. CKR and Dixie Seatle also deserve a medal each for creating something this excruciating with super precise line deliveries and body language.
Small things my mind always catches on:
Welsh and his pink duster, looking out for Ray
CKR's rolling over the car stunt (steam comes out of my ears)
tiny flashback Ray checking his hair in the mirror at the crime scene because of course he does
Ray casually fiddling with Fraser's hat as they walk around
Sam Franklin's whole deal. I mean, there's tension there. For god's sake he pats Ray's cheek like a proud mentor he played the whole time when Ray takes his gun during his arrest. I mean. Uh. Yeah.
the fact that truepenny quit her meta right before this episode is a human tragedy
Probably like 40% of what you've read above have been brought up or articulated by @mannequin3thereckoning, so thank her for all the fun. I hope we can do this again some time <3
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rosie-rosem · 1 year
hate pt 1
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❥ pairing: nonidol!jake x fem!reader
❥ genre: angst, fluff?, highschoolau!
❥ summary: y/n is the quiet type; however, she cannot stand bullying. Is it because she been involved with something similar or not?? jake, her next-door neighbor and childhood friend (not really), is dating the girl who is making y/n's school life exhausting. she can't catch a break between being at school and home. But she also can't express her feelings...
❥ warnings: crying, grammar mistakes, not proofread, bullying, let me know if I forgot something
WC: 2.8k
A/N: It's been a while since I last posted. this is going to be 2 parts just cause wanted to post something by today but wouldn't have been able to finish it so here you are. the second part should be posted sometime next week! please be patient with me :3
school. not exactly your favorite place, you don’t get the best grades or have to many friends. There is too much bullying at your school, an unexceptionable amount. Your school like isn’t a normal public school, it’s more like an all “rich kids” school, not quite private either though. The only kids who get picked on are the scholars which is completely stupid because they are probably smarter than half the non-scholar kids there.
you, on the other hand, are not a scholar which is only beneficial because you do get a good education (even if you suck at it) and you don’t get picked on too much. Your parents are quite wealthy. your father owning a tech company and you mother working for a fashion company. Your parents obviously want you to go to college, graduate and find some amazing career, but that’s not going to happen so quick. You fortunately don’t have the pressure of being an heiress for your dad’s company due to your older brother already being next in line.
Compared to you brother, you are more troublesome and carefree. Him being a workaholic and definitely more mature. Of course, you get compared to him. but while he’s finishing up his years in college you're finishing up yours in high school. oh, can’t you wait to graduate from school, especially this school. You don’t exactly like cause trouble, it just happens a lot, which brings us here.
you rolled your eyes at the scene that was happening in front of the class. You just wanted to rest your eyes a bit more before the bell rung but you clearly got disrupted. Cha Soo-Yun, the most annoying girl you’ve met, she’s always the one to pick on the scholars which annoys the hell out of you. She was currently picking on a transfer student who got the scholarship and gladly switched schools, she’s a junior and her name is Soon Yunji. “Haha, look at all this garbage” Soo-Yun said laughing with her one friend after dumping Yunji’s belongings from her backpack on the ground. the poor girl looks traumatized, who wouldn’t I mean Soo-Yun looks like a clown with the amount of makeup she wears to school. You couldn’t stand seeing Yunji look so pale from being embarrassed so you stood up and gladly walked in front of the girl’s desk. Soo-Yun just scoffed “ruining the fun again i see.” she crossed her arms. “it’s kind of pathetic that the first 20 minutes after you arrived, you're already picking on someone.” you must look tired but also annoyed because that’s exactly how you feel.
“Why do you always get in my way?” Soo-Yun complains. You cough, aiming it towards her, she scoffs and backs up in disgust. “Sorry, I’m getting over a cold, wouldn’t want to catch it princess, would you?” you smile to her in an annoying way, which just pisses her off even more. “euk, I can’t believe someone like you goes to this school” she states, still looking at you with disgust. you sigh, shoulders dropping “and I can’t believe you looked in the mirror this morning and thought your makeup looked good.” you give her a slight smirk. she fumes as some of the other kids in the classroom whisper after your comeback. she sprints over to you with an arm raised, she goes in for a slap, but you successfully dodge the hit. “Ah, you missed.” you say, eyebrow furrowed. You sigh after lifting your chin a bit more “it’s okay, hit me. I can take it. plus, I probably deserve it…right?” you say, stretching a bit, read for a hit. she scoffs once again as she glares into your cold gaze. “Unless you're scared.” you cock your head to the side which an eyebrow raised. Soo-Yun breathes a frustrated sigh. “a few minutes ago, you didn’t seem so scared to- “you state before feeling a stinging pain on your left cheek.
she did it. she fell for it. you hear a few gasps leave other classmates' mouths after the girl slapped you. you chuckle to her. Soo-Yun frowns “why are you laughing” she practically growls. “I need you to realize that I didn’t start this fight, okay?” you say, she furrows her eyebrows “what? -" she begins but before she finishes you kick her at the waist, causing her to fall to the ground. “Oh, I’m sorry, did that hurt” you crouch down and give her a mocking look.
Just as you stand up from crouching a familiar scent comes quickly, Sim Jake. Helping Soo-Yun up, he glares at you, and you shrug, “you need to control your girlfriend Jaeyun.” you say before quickly turning around and help Yunji pick up her things from the ground. “You good?” you ask, she just nods “yeah, and thanks.” she smiles you nod, “no problem.” you respond before standing up and heading back to your desk. You lay you head on your desk once more, trying to find enough peace to rest a tiny bit more but all you hear is Soo-Yuns' whiny voice complaining to Jake about you.
You weren’t worried about possibly getting in trouble at school, you were mostly worried if your parents would find out, which of course they did. “Why did you attack Cha Soo-Yun at school today.” Your father spews his anger out quite quickly once you get home. “Who told?” you said which no expression on your face. “That doesn’t matter right now y/n! I’m asking you a question.” his jaw clenches, you sigh “was it jake?” you ask. he lets out a deep, frustrated sigh. “Unfortunately, we had to hear the news from his parents, do you know how embarrassing that is?” he rests his hand on his forehead in embarrassment. “that’s why tonight i made plans to have dinner with Jaeyun and his parents, you're not only going to apologize to jake but also to Soo-Yun tomorrow in school.” he points his finger at you. you nod, acknowledging that you're listening to him. “Okay now head you your room, I’m tired of you.” he says with annoyance in his tone.
"Tired of me, oh please." you say as you lay your head down on your pillow after falling onto you bed. once again jake’s being an asshole. you look over to your window only to see Jake walking around his room like he’s looking for something. you stand up and walk over to the window, he also sees you, giving you and annoying smirk only for you to reply by harshly closing your blinds.
The time came, when Jake and his parents were invited over that day. You work a baby pink sweater with a knee-high white skirt. "You look good, Hun" your mother complimented. you slightly smiled to acknowledge that you heard her. "Is everything fine at school?" She worriedly asked you. "everything's fine mom, Soo-Yun is just problematic and jake's not much better." you said with a frustrated tone. "Plus, dad just clearly likes jake more than me so..." you slightly rolled your eyes at the thought, you mom sighed in return. "You know your father-" She began but got cut off by the sound of the front door opening and familiar voices be heard.
you and jakes' families have been close for as long as you can remember. Part of that being because both dads grew up together another part being because you are neighbors. Although, you and Jake started disagreeing a lot more once you both hit puberty. You both were never very close but close enough. Well, until high school.
"y/n!" a sweet voice calls out to you as you walk towards the door. You give a soft smile to the beautiful lady. Jakes mom, she was so sweet, she was like another mom to you. You loved her. You opened your arms and gave her a tight hug. "How are you, my love?" She pets your head with a gentle touch. You nodded to her with a genuine smile, still in her arms "good, I've been good." She soon let you go, to which you walk over to Mr. Sim, Jakes dad. You look up to him, awkwardly. "Ah, come here" the man says, pulling you into his side, with a hug. You smile, once again.
You were quite close with both of Jakes parents, they were like a second pair of parents to you. You loved them dearly. "Hey kiddo" Mr. Sim says. "hey" you laugh in return. You both let go, only to walk back over to you mom but turn to look at Jake and slightly bow your head a little just to show a bit of respect, to which he gives nothing in return.
You all head over to the dinner table and get settled to start eating. A few conversations start but you just listen quietly. A bit longer into dinner, you get asked something. "So how has school been y/n?" Mr. Sim asks, genuinely curious. You look up from your plate, "It's been okay." You pick at your food while answering. Jake gives a quiet scoff which only leads you to sigh. "Speaking of which, I believe there's something you would like to say to Jake, isn't there y/n." Your dad says while giving you a glare. He motions you to stand up. You assumed you would be able to apologize to Jake privately, but no, Hes making you do it in front of everyone. Everyone else looked a bit confused, besides Jake of course.
You gulped and stood up from your chair. You hesitated for a bit, "I'm sorry..." You said but soon continued after you dad gave you a look suggesting that you continued. "I'm sorry for how I treated Soo-Yun today. I will be apologizing to her separately as well, but because she's someone you care about, I'm apologizing to you too." You said, keeping you head down, biting the inside of your cheek in embarrassment. Jake just nods his head but then continues to eat. you sigh. Meanwhile, everyone else felt the awkward tension. "Good enough." your father says, which absolutely outrages you. You sit down as your lip quivers. You dad basically showed everyone how much control he had over you, and you hated it.
You held back your tears and continued to eat while putting on a smile to not show how upset you felt. After a little bit, when the tension cooled off you spoke up, "Excuse me, I'm going to use the bathroom" You gave a soft, yet fake smile.
Instead of going to the bathroom you went to your backyard patio and sat on the little bench swing. You felt even more frustrated and upset than you did earlier. You dad was nothing like jakes, and of course you didn't want to compare them, but your always jealous of how jake gets treated by his dad compared to you with yours. You sat there with a frown, picking your nails but soon hear heavy footsteps getting closer, Jake. "That was tense" he says, sitting next to you. "You enjoyed it, huh?" you said, still not looking his way. "Not as much as I will tomorrow when you say it to her." He says which makes you finally look at him. how did he know you were going to apologize to her tomorrow, your dad only told you to a few hours ago. "What if I don't do it tomorrow, huh?" you raise your eyebrows at him. "I would, because I can easily tell your father." he chuckles. You clench your teeth. "What, are you mad I know your weakness?" he says. "Weakness?" you question. "Your dad." he says. you squint. was he right? was your dad your weakness? "You don't know anything about me Sim Jake." Your lip twitches. "we'll see about that" he says, you stand up and walk away.
When you return to the others, you speak out, "I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling very well. I'm going to have to say goodbye now so I can lay down." You explain and say your goodbye before heading up to your room. Once you close your door, you feel an overwhelming sense of sadness and panic. Your dad is your weakness and that hurts your heart so much realizing it now. You dad wasn't always like this, he was kind, loving and fun up until you hit middle school. you don't know what happened, but it was like once your older brother left, he was terrible.
You walked over to your window and opened the closed blinds, sliding the window open to get a bit fresh air due to feeling suffocated. You didn't want to cry, but you couldn't help it. What's happening to you.
You eventually head over to your bed and fall asleep with shiny streaks on your face from the tears.
I hate you sim jaehyun.
The next day at school was nothing you ever imagined. It felt like all those k-dramas you watched where you were walking towards your classroom and everyone around you was whispering while you walk past. You felt confused. When you walked into the classroom, all eyes were on you which gave you chills. You scan the room only to see Soo-Yun crying in her seat, arm wrapped in a bandage. You sigh as Jake glares at you.
“Park y/n!” you turn to the crying girl. “Do you see what you caused?” she stood up and stomped your way. you eyed the ground annoyingly. “Ah, about that, I apologize for how I acted yesterday. It was wrong of me to kick you” you looked at her, apologizing. Jake kept a close eye on you while his girlfriend let out a snotty comment. “You realize that you're the bad guy now, right?” she chuckled, you turned to her. “That doesn’t matter to me. Just be happy I apologized.” you glared at her for a moment before turning away and heading to you seat. “Hah, only cause your daddy told you to.” she scoffed, you turned around in shock by her words. “What?” you said with furrowed eyebrows. You tightly closed you fist at her words, how did she know anything about that? you looked at Jake, he just looks back with no expression at all.
you looked around to see everyone looking at you like you just committed a sin, what the hell is going on. You ran out of the classroom, only to bump into someone on your way out, “sorry.” you mumbled not paying any attention to who they were, and you heart was racing, it felt like you were going to throw up, why though?
“Can you pick me up?” you called you brother with a shaky voice. He said he’d be there soon, so you just had to wait.
Did Jake tell? What was going on. Why were you so affected by your dad getting brought up? You brought you hand to your chest and rubbed it to get your heartbeat to slow a bit. “y/n” someone called for you. you turned to the familiar voice with anger and hurt in your eyes and a quivering lip. “What?” you practically yelled. Jake walked closer, only for you to back up. “Did you get what you wanted?” you said, holding you tears back. Jake really hurt you this time. “What?” he asked. Just then, a car pulls up. You brother rolls down the window and greets jake. “Go.” you say to you brother after getting in. He’s confused, but still listens.
You sit across your older brother in his apartment. He gave you a juice box which you were currently drinking. “So, what happened?” he asks, putting his elbows on the counter in the kitchen. “Nothing much, I just felt like skipping today. And please don’t tell dad!” you practically begged him. “Is he still giving you a hard time?” he asks. you were always comfortable telling you brother things, but this was different. It was your dad, and he was very close with your dad. “Ah, no..” you lied “he’s just been busy lately.” you say, reassuring you brother with a fake smile. “Hm, okay” he pets your head.
“But what was Jake doing outside with you?” he questions. “Not sure, but I don’t care. he’s an asshole,” you frown more when thinking back. “What?” he asked. “Him and his girlfriend are both assholes.” you share, still feeling mad. “I hate him.” you start tearing up. “Huh? what’s up?” he walks over to you. you start crying harder. “he’s so stupid.” you say. Your brother pats you back. “What do I do?” you question into your brother's chest. “I’ll make some ramen.” your brother says, you sniffle and nod.
hope you liked pt 1! come back for pt 2 (here) <3
© rosie-rosem
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Okay Hello, no one knows me, I have 0 follower, I never post and no will read this but I HAD to share this Miguel O'hara/ Y/N thought, which can probably be applied to a lot of characters
Imagine : The sun is setting during a chill day in summer. In a cemetery, Miguel is sat before his sweet daughter's grave. How long has he been there ? Don't know, but when he arrived the sun was high in the blue sky. He talks to the rectangle marble stone in front of him, the picture of Gabriella never ceasing to smile.
The gravel crunches under the feet of someone, but Miguel doesn't seem to mind nor to even notice, focused on all the things he wants to tell his lovely Gabi.
The person stops in front of a grave, probably the one of someone they loved and cared for. A family member ? A friend ? Only them know. The scent of the flower bouquet they hold fill the air around. They stare at the name(s) written in golden engraved letters with a soft grin. A sigh passes through their lips as they slowly start to bend to place the colorful bouquet of hand-picked flowers, when their eyes drift to the broad figure of a man crouched on before another polished stone.
The person scan him, no ounce of judgment in their mind; He happily talks and chuckles to the photo despite the obvious remorse rolling down his cheeks.
A discreet grin is now drawn on their lips, endeared by the sight. They approach him, carefully stepping forward not to startle him, but he doesn't seem to have noticed them.
Miguel eagerly tells Gabriella about the latest news that happened in his Spider life ; how the cafeterias vending machine was completely destroyed after everyone fought for the last piece of some random candy he always found too sweet and doesn't understand the hype for, how he finally found one of Lyla's jokes funny, how he forgot what Jess looked like without her round belly and how healthy her baby is..
He is involved in each of his words.
A set of legs enter his vision. He immediately shoots his gaze up, ready to pick a fight with whoever interrupted him and Gabi in their one-sided conversation.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.." The stranger embarrassly states. While he raises an eyebrow, still perplexed, they kneel down. Their face always showed a soft expression clearly displaying their lack of wrong intentions. Under his curious eyes, the person starts to choose some flowers in the lot, seriously thinking about the one that suited the best the framed, smiling girl. Happy of their second little bouquet, they proudly grin, and place the gathering of flowers on the grave, in front of the picture.
"I hope she isn't allergic to pollen" They say, offering a warm smile to the man, who, despite being dumbfounded by their action, seems to appreciate it.
Miguel chuckles.
"She was, but she loved flowers too much to care about it. I always had to carry allergy medication because of that"
They both chuckle. He was glad to share her memory with someone
"I can't blame her ! I always loved to go on walks just to pick every kind of flowers I came across to"
"Believe me, she did the same. The appartement was always full of dead flowers because she was too sad to throw them away"
Both of them laugh, and, the now 'not really a stranger anymore' settles on their rear and crosses their legs, eager to know more.
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(Fanart not mine, I don't have the name of the artist, sadly.. I randomly picked it from my gallery, I'm really deeply sorry)
Also, I'm not a native English speaker, and since this is a drabble, I didn't take the time to look for translations or correct orthography, so don't hesitate to tell me if I made a mistake, that's how Iearn haha
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Now that I've had a few hours of sleep and am marginally a human being again, let's talk about the mario movie some more! SPOILERS ALL THROUGHOUT THIS POST UNDER THE CUT (if you want to see my non-spoilery thoughts and the first part of my spoiler talk as well, here's that post from last night! Be warned that it's pretty all over the place because it was 4:30 in the morning and I was really tired lolol)
After thinking about it more, I truly do have some PROBLEMS with this movie (will talk more about some of that below and I covered a lot of the issues in my first post too) and I do wish it was better overall and not so painfully surface-level with all the character interactions - I can understand why some people REALLY don't like it while others love it! It's joyful and energetic and BEAUTIFUL but if you spent months and months theorizing and speculating about deep character interactions and a very emotional story, it does really sting to finally see how there is virtually NONE of that and the plot feels kinda empty as a result. :(
But! I'm definitely not upset or anything like that, and I'm still gonna see it two more times in theaters with a smile on my face! TRUTHFULLY (and if you've seen my blog before, you know this about me) what I cared about most in this movie was getting to see Mario and Luigi be adorable onscreen and have a good, healthy, loving relationship, and you do get that to some degree, even if it's nowhere near enough. I can make my peace (and write a lot of fanfic, LOL) regarding the rest. :)
Here is a list of moments between Mario & Luigi that made me happy:
FIRST OF ALL, SOMETHING THAT I'M NOT ACTUALLY SURE I LIKED BUT WAS CERTAINLY A CHOICE: Mario's nickname for Luigi is Lu????? He calls him that 3-4 times and at big moments, too. It started to be cute to me, even if I wish they'd gone with "Weegie" or something similar, but it's a little jarring at the beginning for sure.
In general, they are just very physically affectionate with each other! There are one or two quick hugs in the beginning scenes before we even get to the reunion. Also, I can't remember the specifics but the very last scene is them basically teasing/poking each other before running off into the day together and it's cute. :)
Mario is SO protective of Luigi in the Brooklyn scenes and let me tell you, as someone who cares DEEPLY about that, i was LIVING. He gets mad at Spike and tries to pick a fight only when he insults Luigi, and there is also a silly scene with an angry dog and Mario just instinctively puts his arm up in front of Luigi when things get a little scary/focuses on making sure he doesn't get hurt, and I was just having the BEST time. Honestly, I loved the Brooklyn stuff so much that I sincerely wanted the whole movie to just be about that, and things took a downhill turn for sure when the separation happened. :(
Someone definitely predicted this before the movie but Mario hates mushrooms as a food and Luigi likes them. During a dinner scene, Mario is slyly separating mushrooms from his food and putting them onto Luigi's plate in a way that suggests he's done that a LOT. Such a quick shot but I just liked the detail!
THE RUNNING THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND MARIO DOING RIDICULOUS PARKOUR BUT ALSO STOPPING TWICE TO MAKE SURE TO TURN BACK AND OPEN THE GATES SO LUIGI COULD COME THROUGH NORMALLY. There was just something SO funny and sweet about [crazy jumping and leaping] [quiet, thoughtful pause to open the gate] [MORE CRAZY JUMPING AND LEAPING, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING, SIR] [another quiet, thoughtful pause to open the 2nd gate], I loveeeeee
Once again, just gotta be obnoxious about being right that the dialogue in the warp zone was "nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" I HEARD THE LINE AS THIS IN THAT PREVIEW FOOTAGE AND EVERYONE CONVINCED ME IT WAS DIFFERENT BUT LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING NOW (i'm sorry, just let me have this win haha)
There is a sad moment where Mario and Luigi's dad clearly doesn't believe in their business and he even says to Mario something like "the worst part is that you're dragging your brother down with you" which is clearly upsetting to Mario so he leaves the dinner table - but then Luigi leaves the table too to come and sit with him and reassures him that he's not dragging him down and it's just a sweet, comfortable moment between them that I very much wish went on a little longer (the theme of the whole movie lol)
(Also, Mario and Luigi still live with their parents and share a room, they're clearly pretty young and are treated like the "babies" of the family. I wish we had seen more of their room other than a very extremely brief shots!!)
Luigi DOES immediately sell out Mario when Bowser goes for the serious mustache damage, LOL, but the way it's done is honestly so cute and once again, just reemphasizes how much Luigi loves Mario XD He's basically like "YES, I know him, he's my brother Mario and he's the best guy ever!" (And then Bowser, who is preoccupied with Mario = romantic rival for Peach's affections, is like "would a princess find him attractive???" and Luigi is like "if she has any common sense, she should!" (lol, that line could be TOTALLY wrong, I don't remember, but that's the gist of it, I promise) or something like that - just hyping Mario up when he's not even there, LOL
in Mario and DK's "darkest moment" scene where things seem hopeless and they're arguing, Mario says something like "well, at least your brother's not going to die because of you!" and noooo, bb, it's not your fault ;; (this scene could have been done SO MUCH BETTER with a few tweaks, btw, but I will get into that)
Luigi bringing coffee for Mario at the end of the movie in their respective cups :) :) :) So simple but I am a very simple person who just wanted to see little moments like this :) :) :)
I have GRIPES with the final battle scene but seeing Mario and Luigi work together and take care of Bowser as a duo was still good!!! Nothing can hurt them when they're together!!!
Also, already talked about this at length in my first post, but one more time: Mario saving Luigi from falling into the lava and their reunion hug is just my favorite moment of the movie, no contest, it goes by so fast and I wish it was longer but I can be happy with that alone and I can't wait for the screenshots/gifsets where I can see all the details of it more clearly and don't have to rely on my awful memory. Literally just going to think about that split-second of Mario holding Luigi's face with both hands in an unbearably sweet, gentle way forever. These brothers love each other very much, your honor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
First of all, still CANNOT BELIEVE that "I'm not afraid! I'll do anything for my brother" didn't make it into the movie, are you SERIOUS, it would have been perfect in SO MANY PARTS, they recorded it and everything, why???? IS THERE A DELETED SCENE??? ARE THERE SEVERAL DELETED SCENES??? I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THAT PERFECT LINE, I WILL MOURN IT FOREVER
The editing in general is a little odd sometimes and it really DOES feel like a lot of scenes should be there that are missing. Another VERY weird cut is in the scene where Peach, Toad, and Mario are crossing the bridge with the Cheep-Cheeps and they just immediately cut the scene when one latches onto Mario's face and don't even include the cute stuff from the trailer with Peach trying to help him??? Like, WHY???? WHY DID THOSE FEW SECONDS NEED TO BE CUT??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
I think one of the most painful things about this movie is that, as a writer/creative person, I can see SO many small opportunities throughout the movie where a couple of extra minutes and some tweaks in the writing would have made SO much difference. An unbelievable amount of difference! The overall structure of the story and the plot is good! The story of Mario wanting to reunite with his brother and Peach wanting to protect her kingdom (that took her in and cared for her when she was all alone in the world) is solid! But they never give the EMOTIONS surrounding these things ANY space to breathe beyond one line here or there, and that is SUCH a mistake and I can't believe no one thought to do something differently here.
FOR INSTANCE: The "darkest moment" scene with DK and Mario! It goes by so fast, but there is some good stuff there that, if the movie took a MOMENT and really let their pain/fear for their loved ones and their shared complex of unsupportive fathers BREATHE, would work SO MUCH BETTER. Like, I can easily imagine a rewritten version of that scene with very similar dialogue but just MORE of it (more pauses, more emotion, more reactions to one another's problems, more recognition of their similarities, etc) would have made it like a DAGGER in the heart. SUCH a missed opportunity. I am itching to rewrite it, LOL. (I am itching to rewrite a LOT of scenes!)
ALSO: Luigi is my LOVE and he is adorable throughout this, but I'm gonna be the first to admit that his scrap of an arc in this movie (if you can even call it that) is so lackluster and his heroic moment at the end genuinely doesn't feel that earned! AND ONCE AGAIN, WITH A LITTLE EXTRA WRITING/ROOM IN THE RUNTIME, IT'S A VERY SOLVABLE PROBLEM
And the solution is: build out the prison scenes and have Luigi actually talking to someone else who is locked up!!!!! Other than a couple of lines and jokes, the prisoners don't TALK TO EACH OTHER and Luigi just spends a lot of time looking sad. We don't get ANYTHING about his thought processes while he's captured other than he is thinking of Mario and hoping his brother comes to save him like he's always done.
It doesn't have to be a long or especially deep conversation, but some lines of dialogue like this would make that moment where Luigi realizes that Mario is right, nothing CAN hurt them if they're together and he's gotta be strong for his older brother too and he jumps in to protect him from Bowser hit SO much harder. That's all it would take!!!
I HAVE ACTUAL WORK TO DO TODAY AND CANNOT GO ON AND ON ABOUT THE MARIO MOVIE FOREVER BUT LAST THOUGHT FOR NOW: the more I think about the final battle, the more I'm conflicted, haha. The twist of everyone from the Mushroom Kingdom ending up in Brooklyn is definitely SHOCKING in the moment and pretty creative but I don't know, I had my heart set on a more classic version of Mario VS Bowser. It just doesn't hit as hard as it could in the end because of how silly the setting is. :( (But the Mario and Luigi teamup with the power star is great, and the music IS fire) (Also LOL at myself for thinking "Luigi won't fight at the end, that wouldn't make sense since Mario had to train" - he just knows how to fight, the movie goes with what's cool over what's logical and that's fair XD)
Also, the end of the movie is a tad confusing and has some pretty huge repercussions for this version of canon? ARE THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM AND THE REAL WORLD PERMANENTLY MERGED TOGETHER BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED??? That's definitely what it seems to imply with Mario and Luigi waking up in their Brooklyn room and then walking out straight into the Mushroom Kingdom! It's pretty bizarre! (Honestly, what I was expecting was that the Bill would destroy the warp pipes and Mario and Luigi wouldn't be able to go home, which I might have preferred, as sad as that would be.)
That's all I got for now! I'm sure I will have more thoughts in the future, haha.
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danieyells · 9 days
Omg I'm so emo over the Rui lines 😭😭😭
I have no idea if he was already a flirt before he was cursed (highly likely) but it's be really interesting if he at least exaggerated his persona to be extra frivolous (I can't think of an English word rn but basically whatever is the equivalent of "charai otoko") so that it's obvious he's "Looking for a good time but nothing serious" bc he can't touch anyone but at the same time craves human connection so his best bet is to just be a chatterbox who everyone likes to hang out with but never expect smth deeper out of. Can see it with MC too like how he randomly asks her out on dates but if mc actually says yes he's like oh sorry you gotta get permission to go out of campus with me(one of the campus talks) like he wasn't actually expecting her to accept.
But then ofc he actually starts growing feelings and keeps inviting her to stay over so they can at least talk more 😭😭 his max affinity line 🥺🥺😭
Ngl I'll go crazy if in the Obscuary chapter he accidentally makes contact with mc during the heat of battle or smth and they find out she's not affected by it and then he gets obsessed bc wow finally someone he can touch without worrying about murdering bc he is very clearly touchstarved!!!
And the irony that IF by chance that is the case, then he can only touch her within the year bc by then either she's dead or they lift her curse and the counter effect is gone 😭😭😭
HE REALLY IS PRETTY TRAGIC LIKE. . .HE MUST FEEL SO LONELY. He has to stay away from people even though he clearly loves people a lot haha. . . .
Based on the line about how he used to go surfing and pick up women I assume he was a flirt beforehand! (I imagine the best way to translate チャラい男 would be like. Playboy? Maybe womanizer or player if you want a negative context.) Maybe not as much as now(or maybe he was even worse back then--he is attractive and back then he could touch people, so I can see him as the handsy type, or a total playboy who slept around a lot) but he was probably still somewhat similar! But I can absolutely see him playing it up more once he can't touch anybody because it's like. . .the only way he can express himself is through words and actions now, not touch. Even being too close makes him nervous. He doesn't usually go into the main building(it's so crowded he's worried about accidentally touching and killing someone) and Tohma said his movements are quite restricted(because, again, can't get around too much if you're a kill-risk!) so he must feel pretty lonely. . .but being the shoulder to cry on, being able to provide the service of running a bar(although it seems like mostly other ghouls show up), being the flirty friendly guy who's just out of arm's reach makes him extremely popular and well loved while also keeping everyone safe. . .it lets him have some company without putting anybody in danger.
Sure, his clothes and gloves probably keep him from really putting anybody in danger, but who wants to test that? The possibility of being able to touch somebody isn't worth the risk of somebody dying to test it. Valuing peace and harmony is one of the generalized traits of Obscuary students--if it means everyone can be at peace and be safe, then he can sacrifice his needs for physical contact. If it means his curse does no harm he can stay away from people.
But yeah it does seem like he, as flirty as he is, sometimes doesn't expect to actually be taken up on his offers. Especially when some of them are really extreme, like when he suggests you stay overnight and such. On the other hand, I think he would let you stay overnight. . .just in another room or bed. You can sleep with Lyca! He'll curl up on you like a big dog should. I think he would go on dates with you on or off campus, if you had permission. But i think he'd also be scared of getting too close. Because that's how accidents happen. Even with how popular he is among the general students, the general students fear ghouls and probably keep their distance no matter how much they like him, even if they don't know about the curse. That combined with, like you said, he's clearly not in it for a commitment which helps keep the safety of space. . .but that doesn't work with the pc. They want to be close anyway.
And his affinity goes up and he likes the pc more and more. . .he wants them around but also is so scared of what he could do to them if they get too close. . .why couldn't he just have been normal. He wants them close by. . .he starts to indulge. He says they can come over whenever they want. Let them in on his personal life a little. He'll talk, he'll listen, he'll feed them and give them someplace to call a second home. They're part of his little family.
He wishes he could do more. Even if it were just holding their hand.
But imagine if he failed that test of his curse's limits with them.
Then they'd be gone. And it'd be his fault.
I HAD THIS THOUGHT A WHILE AGO of something I wanted to write--Rui and the pc find that he can, in fact, touch them through clothes. And Rui doesn't want much like one might think. They convince him to lie his head on their lap and take a break from housework. And while he naps they carelessly touch him and die.
But it doesn't end in tragedy. I'll write it out someday haha. BUT YEAH I REALLY HOPE THEY LEARN IT'S ACTUALLY OKAY FOR THEM TO TOUCH IF ONLY A LITTLE BIT IN THE OBSCUARY CHAPTER. . .and then he gets one real good hug in. That's all he really needs. That'll keep him going for a long time, I think--I can't imagine him wanting to ask too much, just. One good, solid hug. It's support for both of them to get through their curses.
It's important to remember the ring too! It protected them when it was Hera's Snakes, I feel like it's gonna protect them from death somehow. It's stuck on their finger after all, it wouldn't want its host to die!
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wingedduckdoctor · 30 days
Part 3 (final part)
You holt. Body becoming frozen.
"I need to know," He says, voice sounding hoarse.
"What more do you want" you respond, so drained
"Did you...who...the hotel reservation, who?"
Your humourless laughter comes out before you can control it. Surely, he mustn't have forgotten. You turn to look at him, and you feel the little energy you have left. Leave you.
"Did you really think I would reserve a hotel room, an expensive one at that, to have a FLING...ON OUR ANIVERSERY...I AM NOT YOU"
"I just needed.."
"No you don't get to talk, you're really something you know that. I have been trying tirelessly to get you, to restore us, but what am I supposed to do when you have completely left us. I tried for months, I called marriage therapists, set up appointments. I even went as far as asking for an appointment time from your secretary, just so we could go"
"I didn't.."
"Who do you think Ratcliffe was, that was me. Remember we met in Ratcliffe at that stupid cafe that smelled musty. Heck I went as far as spelling it wrong lyrics like the cafe had done. But you didn't even bother"
"She didn't...I didn't know that was you, if I had known"
"You'd have what, come running? Clearly, your heart had already changed before then."
"Look, if you wanted me to come, you should've said something"
"When? Between you making trips and barely staying home, besides not picking up my calls. Heck you couldn't even see me when I cam to your office because you had to meet with investors"
"I'm sorry."
"Is that all you have to say? Seriously"
"What more do you want me to say? I can't change the past!"
"I want a divorce, I don't think space will do, I'll send the papers when I get settled"
"Where are you going to go?"
"To the same hotel my supposed lover was supposed to be in"
And with that, you leave the house and order a cab.
~at the hotel~
You step into the hotel entrance and head to wards the receptionist.
"Um reservation under S/N please"
"Of course, one moment....(enter typing sounds)..so it seams you have been upgraded to our presidential suite (insert wink from receptionist)"
"I'm sorry, that won't be necessary. I'm not going to be having any guests, it'll just be me."
"I'm so sorry to hear that, but we will still keep the upgrade, its just that the food..?"
"Don't worry about it. You guys do have an affiliation with the homeless shelters nearby correct?, well if it's surplus, you can always send some there"
"Of course ma'am, here is your room key. Do enjoy your stay"
"Thank you"
Shortly after you are in the elevator headed to wards the top floor. As the doors close, you hear
"WAIT...wait, hold the elevator"
You press the button to keep the doors open, and you're soon joined by a a very tall man.
"Thanks...wait are you Marilyn?"
"Uhh no"
"Sorry, I'm looking for a client. But the receptionist mentioned she was headed up, I guess she took the stairs...haha"
<insert awkward silence>
You reach your floor, and you immediately step off, you gently drag your bag out.
"Um, goodnight, enjoy your stay"
And the doors close.
*in the elevator*
'She was so quiet, almost as if she just wanted to be invisible'
Two beats later~
'Wait, didn't Terence say he booked an anniversary for today, Heck he even convinced me to do the upgrade."
<elevator opens to penthouse>
Phew, home finally.
'I wonder what she is doing, wait, she went to the presidential suite. Does that mean she is the one who booked...what happened to her, why was she alone'
@@@ I'll end this story here (sorry the ending is so abrupt), but do let me know if you'd like me to continue" happy reading @@@
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dailyhelldorm · 6 months
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Archive from twitter
Eichi, Hokuto, and Chiaki's little talk in the "Heart from ME STREAM".
Including characters' lines on screen and chat comments! In the chat, 3 people are commenting: Midori, Tomoya, and Shu!
Text is below.
Heart from me STREAM! Eichi & Hokuto & Chiaki
Note: this is two-part story.
Part 1
Location: Makoto, Adonis, Chiaki's Room
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Chiaki: …Haha! Good… -ting! …-ming!
Hokuto: Morisawa-senpai, your pin mic appears to be not picking up.
Chiaki: …? Sorry, is this okay?
Eichi: Everyone, can you hear our voices clearly? Can you comment something?
Hokuto: Alright. It seems that we are now streaming without any trouble.
Eichi: Fufu. The chat is asking what Chiaki was saying, and a lot of interesting answers are coming in. Chiaki, can you clarify it for us?
Chiaki: Umu! If I have to convey this feeling then no matter how many times, I will keep on telling you!
Fuhahahahaha! Good kids out there! I have kept you all waiting! Now it is time for the idle talk streaming!
Today, I will tell you about the splendor heroes to my heart's content… ☆
Hokuto: If, we can pull that topic card. Tenshouin-senpai, please pull one.
Eichi: Understood. For today's topic… "On stream, if you can pull any content, what kind of content will you pull?"
Part 2
Location: Makoto, Adonis, Chiaki's Room
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Eichi: In Chiaki's case, certainly it is going to be the heroes' talk?
Chiaki: Umu. I want to have a deep discussion with all the hero experts out there, and tell all the lucky children, who haven't known anything yet, about the charm of heroes.
Hokuto: Lucky children?
Chiaki: That's right. They haven't understood anything, so from now on they can experience the joy of knowing. Learn about the heroes, and you can be a hero too…☆
What about you two? What kind of things are you planning to do?
Eichi: You see, normally I will do what I want to do, so I can't think up anything significant… Maybe making the "Idol Karuta"?
Hokuto: Idol Karuta?
Eichi: You read the words that give hints about idol's features, and you have to guess the idol correctly. You can deepen your knowledge while also talking about idols until you are satisfied.
Hokuto: You guys are just doing talkshows…
I want to try to do some educational sweets-making stream.
Eichi: Educational sweets.
Hokuto: Like doing crafts, but you are making your own playable sweets. For kids, it might be the same familiar treat but if they are making it, it will be a new thing that they never tried out before, right?
Eichi: Something like that is different from the trend. Sounds good, I want to try it.
Chiaki: "I want you to make it!" Thank you for the comment. Someday we will certainly make things happen… ☆
Hokuto: Now then, it appears that i’s time to wrap everything up. Thank you for watching our stream.
Eichi: Fufu. Please look forward to the "Idol Karuta" plan too. Well, let's us meet again ♪
Translator’s note:
Karuta are Japanese playing cards. There are many kinds of Karuta, but supposedly Eichi is basing his Idol Karuta on the E-awase game. The yomifuda (reading cards) will write idol’s characteristics on it while torifuda (grabbing cards) will have idol’s face on. You have to match the correct yomifuda with its torifuda.
Educational sweets that Hokuto mentioned are the kind that you make and eat, like a kit set of DIY candy.
Characters’ lines on screen
Chiaki: Today’s stream is from mine and Yuuki's and Otogari’s room! Can you tell where is my private space in the room?
Hokuto: You can slightly hear Morisawa-senpai, that because our pin mics are picking up his voice. His volume is tremendous.
Eichi: Today Chiaki seems to be having more fun. The look of the people who can talk about the thing they like is nice, just gaze at him is enjoyable ♪
Characters’ comments on chat
@Midori_T: Uwa~ That person already has an accident right at the beginning.
@Itsuki_S: What is the point of watching Tenshouin’s stream?
@Tomoya_M: Hokuto-senpa~i!! I love you~!
Continuation: Aira, Tatsumi & Rei's talk.
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yautjaamongmen · 2 years
Hi I just saw your work and thought it was great so I just have to asks are you going to continue the story A Friend Indeed? It’s sooooo gooood. Sorry if this question is annoying haha.
Sure can! Didn't know if people were still interested! :]
A Friend Indeed
Part 5
How did this happen? How did you go from a normal, average, human life, to housing an alien and being stuck in what was basically a war zone?
You had been shoved aside by Friend, and you quickly climbed under a table, hearing the screeching and watching the green blood splatted on the ground. They were clearly tearing each other apart, and your home was being absolutely trashed.
You saw friend get thrown aside by the other one, and your heart dropped as you felt your ankle be grabbed and you were dragged out from under the table. You were lifted to his height. him bending to your level and growling lowly, his piercing eyes almost looking through you, quizzical and angry.
You called for friend, looking around...just intime to see him duck out the window. with a roar, you were dropped, and you cursed, both in pain and at Friend, the yautja growling, but he didn't chase. He looked down to you, and as you tried to scramble away, with a quick hit you were knocked out.
You wake up in a sweat, the room you found yourself in so incredibly hot, waking up and looking around, confused and disoriented. You sat up, looking around, finding yourself locked in an almost bare room. The door opened, the large yautja from earlier stepping in, those same eyes quickly finding you, his head tilting as he silently stared.
"What do you want?" You said through the thundering pain in your head, doubting it understood you. "The Yautja," It spoke, catching you by surprise, "How did you find him?" You slowly stood up, staring at him, "I just found him. I don't know," He stalked closer, crouching down to your level. "What do you know?" you shook your head, growing annoyed, "Nothing! All i know is that the bastard left me!"
He clicked, in an almost...Amused way? He was laughing at you. That pissed you off more, but you weren't quite ready to pick a fight with him. "You made the mistake of trusting a bad blood," He purred looking over you with amused and curious eyes, "Truthfully I'm surprised he left you alive. One of his kind show very little mercy."
You blinked, a sudden pit in your stomach. "What do you mean?" "He's a bad blood, a fugitive. He murdered one of his own in cold blood." You were shocked. No, not possible. Him? You came to know him as a friend, he was..introverted but kind. Could he really have done something so bad? "He must have found you useful. Now he's left you behind."
You looked down, it truly setting in what's happened. your chin was taken by the yautja. "Don't be so upset. The coward won't get away forever." "Then can I go home?" you asked, still nervous. His mandibles pressed together and his browed furrowed, taking his hand away. "...no. not yet. Our kind has a code, and you know far too much." He stood up, "I will return, soon." He said, turning to leave. "Wait!" you called, "Who are you?" He turned, staring before saying, "I am Na'ta" then he turned, leaving you in the room alone.
Now you sat, confused, scared, betrayed. But you still found it hard to believe, no, no that can't be right...he tried to protect you at the start of the fight, if he didn't care, then why did he do it? Will he come for you? You had so many questions, all of which unanswered, but one holds the most...
Who do you believe? This new stranger Na'ta, the first to give you ANY answers, or your friend who seemed to protect you, then left you behind?
Hey everyone! I want your input please, who do you want to lead this more, aka who do you want your character to trust? This new yautja, named Na'ta, or the one you've come to know? That will help lead the story!
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asheanon · 8 months
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So, uh... I stated over on the Xitter how I wanted to go on a Dissidia (personal story/fanfic - yes, it includes OCs and original material. This is Ashe writing this, after all) tangent so badly, but hate fighting with text limitations with these sorts of things, so here I am, hopping over to Tumblr to go on said tangent. 🕺
(Tangent placed beneath a cut. Proceed with caution! Maybe.)
⚠️ Disclaimer for those who have played the game: I'm still experiencing the game. I'm not going to know everything. I just can't help but feel the inspiration blaze through me at certain points throughout the Dissidia OO experience, which compels my mind to take off with thoughts galore (whether or not I want it to. I can't control this brain of mine; it's like a wild animal sometimes, trust me!) I am inspired af, but please keep in mind I could be incorrect about certain bits of lore and still have a lot to experience - and I am fully aware of that even in writing this out.
Also, no spoilers. NONE. Furnish me with the informations only if I ask. If I'm wrong about something, I promise I'll concede that when I later find out about it. For now, this is just me having fun. Let me have fun. I'm just getting all these thoughts out of my head before they drive me crazy...! Hahaha!
Anyway, sorry. That disclaimer may or may not be longer than the tangent itself. Onto the actual tangent!
So...! 🤔 Given how there's a tiny bit of "wibbly wobbly timey whimey" stuff going on with how characters are brought in, if you will, I can't help but to think about some wacky situations that may make for some neat story potential…
I'm going to start with the more "conservative" thoughts. Thoughts on characters from the same world being pulled in from different parts of their own respective timeline, so you have different sections of experiences and memories to play with.
Particularly (spoilers): Sal experienced the deaths of some particular characters who are not only alive, but they were brought in from a time where they had not died. She has a lot of memories about them that they have yet to experience.
When all of this is over, she's going to return to a world where they're no longer alive. And she has that good ol' fun time looming over her. : )
Which, as tragic as that is, I do dig that kind of narrative - I mean, to boot: I dig it, but I started realizing that it was one I'd worked with before, even... it was one she experienced in The Anomaly (FFVII x Original fanfic.) Of course, the moment I realized that, I was like "how original, Ashe. Good. Guess we'll do this song and dance again because you can't resist it, clearly." Haha!
BUT... it was then that I had the less "conservative" thoughts... Namely: since all this "wibbly wobbly timey whimey" stuff is happening anyway, what if... I didn't just inject Starlight (FFIX x Original) material in this, but also injected The Anomaly material? What if both of those stories were allowed some agency in this?
And by extension, what if the Sal (the Sal, you read that correctly) that is brought in has only experienced one of those stories (Starlight, because I'm biased at this time) while the characters from the other story (The Anomaly) experienced a different version of her than what is present? They met her (some rendition of her.) She never met them (that version of her never did.)
Again, reminder: Sal is a world hopper. For her to be part of any given FF world in this type of FF scenario is really just a matter of chance. Technically speaking, she has experienced at least two of those worlds - in different timelines, but given that there is only one Sal present... I was utterly delighted by the oddity of just picking one rendition of her to have amidst the wild and random chance that the renditions of the FFIX and FFVII worlds/characters have characters that both experienced her and didn't.
It's so weird and self indulgent on my part, I know. I get it. (It's also my own little Dissidia-esque excuse for being able to include some FFVII OCs and story beats from various perspectives, haha!) I literally cannot resist thinking about it in all of its weird and self indulgent glory, though. I cannot be stopped. 🥴
Even if I don't use the idea, I'm still going to think about it, you know? And talk about it too, apparently. Haha!
All of that being said, though, I have entertained the thought of Sal's actual "world" (the original one - not just her inclusion in fanfics) being included in Dissidia as well. This would include characters like Nat, Tsuniah and, well, Vance. This guy.
I'd talk more about what makes the inclusion of Vance and different timelines + funky memory loss stuff going on especially fascinating (to me) here, but it really... wouldn't make sense to the rest of you. It's all original stuff; story I know and have yet to tell the rest of the world, so... yeah. 🥲 But there's potential in that too that I'd love to play around with!
In that respect, between the Dissidia shenanigans and Fall To The Moon ones, should I ever actually manage to write out some story stuff for them, I may yet instill some intrigue in regards to who he is along with these other OCs of mine. Create my own Dissidia effect - basically, compel people to want to get to know them outside of AUs and fanfics (because Dissidia OO makes me want to get to know characters I have yet to get to know, let me tell you. Haha!)
Anyway... Lawdy, I'd say that's a good ol' tangent right there. That'll do it, for now. To anyone and everyone who stopped by to read this... madness... thank you. I hope it was entertaining, otherwise, sorry I wasted your time...! 😅
Until next time.
🌌 😎👆👉
-Moonwalks back into The Twilight Zone.-
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Idk why but seeing your ml say you write for Saiki and Encanto my brain was literally like: How annoyed would Saiki be if he just heard the music on repeat in my head (I have The Family Madrigal and we Don't Talk About Bruno memorized so it plays on loop in my brain. Sometimes Surface Pressure and All of You are there but I don't have it memorized quite as much.)
So literally like in class, and then Saiki picks up my brain "My Tia Pepa, her mood affects the weather. When she's unhappy, well the temperature gets weird. My Tio Bruno- We don't talk about Bruno. They say he saw the future; one day he disappeared. Woah! That my mom Julieta here's her deal-" or like in the middle of a test just "GRANDKID ROUND UP!" Or just walking by him and "Seven foot frame, rats along his back-"
One day he just hears "You're the real gift kid, let us in."
How quickly do you think it would take for him to be sick of the music xD
(To be clear this wasn't really a request, I just wanted to express my dumb idea. If you wanted to write it alright but if not you're not pressured lol.)
He'd be so annoyed 😆 Haha
Sorry its late, life stuff.
Saiki X Reader:
The Encanto Brainrot
Gender neutral reader for everyone to enjoy!
Saiki had a surprisingly peaceful weekend. Just him and his coffee jelly while watching the TV drama that the thoughts of people haven't spoiled for him yet.
He hoped it could be like this everyday.
But that's just wishful thinking.
The moment he sat down at his desk, there was a noise that just seemed to keep playing over and over. Occasionally it would change but again, that noise would repeat.
Eventually it got louder the closer the person got and he was finally able to hear what it was clearly.
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no~
We don't talk about Bruno- But!
It was my wedding day
It was our wedding day!
We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky
Oh, it was a song.
Saiki thought and just shrugged it off, not thinking much of it.
Glancing over, he saw that it was you who had been playing the tune in your head. It was somewhat of a surprise since you were so quiet in class and even your thoughts were sometimes hard to hear.
I guess they must be in a good mood.
The pink haired teen concluded and went back to getting his things set up for class.
Good for them I guess.
After a few classes it was finally break. You had a different song playing in your head this time.
Under the surface
I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service
A flaw or a crack
The straw in the stack
That breaks the camel's back
Not good for them, geez. How long can they play those songs in their head?
Saiki heard these songs repeat all throughout class. The only upside was that he didn't hear Kaidou and Nendou talking.
"Hey buddy! Buddy! Pal!", Nendou kept calling out.
"Can't you see he's thinking! An oaf like you wouldn't understand how hard it is to know that Dark Reunion lurks on this planet.", Kaidou says, covering one eye dramatically.
Oh great, these two idiots are here.
Sighing quietly as the two bicker, the psychic hears the song switch after repeating four times.
Welcome to the Family Madrigal!
Saiki holds back from banging his head on the desk. This had been the song they were listening to earlier.
Please just stop.
The day was just filled with the same music. Occasionally some background music, and random characters saying certain lines, but mostly the "We Don't Talk About Bruno" song.
The next day, and the day after, the whole week. A whole week of the same music from the movie they watched.
Thankfully the music started to only happen once in a while now.
Then came the movie quotes.
For some reason, Nendou decided to include you into the group for lunch and dragged him to the cafeteria.
Kaidou was being nervous and just stood in front of the doors.
Randomly, Saiki hears your thoughts sounding different.
You're the real gift kid, let us in.
Deciding to just get lunch over with, Saiki pushes with Kaidou one of his abilities into the doors and they open.
Another time is when Teruhashi wanted a group picture.
It continued for a long, LONG time.
~Seline, the person.
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kashi-prompts · 2 years
Kakashi and Reader visit a puppy shelter? I need fluff. haha
Prompt: Above
Rating: E
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
You could hear the breeze against the trees, rustling them as the mid-morning wore on. You held your cup of tea close, your gaze fixed toward the sky as you frowned.
You had just finished putting away your late cat's little toys. The tiny bed he would curl up and sleep in broke your heart as you tucked it away in a closet, too broken to find the strength to throw it away.
"Hey," you felt a hand slide up between your shoulder blades, "everything okay?"
You nodded solemnly, a weak smile crossing your lips as you turned to look at Kakashi. He planted a soft kiss on your temple.
"I'm sorry again about Rufus," the corner of his mask scrunched in a frown, "I know he meant a lot to you."
"He did," you nodded, taking a sip of your tea, "he always greeted me at the door, like a dog would."
"Hm, yes," Kakashi looked out the window himself, seemingly pondering your words. You looked over at him, your eyebrows knitted together.
"Do you mind if we go somewhere?" Kakashi asked, turning around to head towards your apartment door. "It'll do you good to get out of the house after this week."
"Where?" you sighed, placing your tea down on the counter. The string of the teabag swayed as you set it down. He smiled at you, a warm smile that you couldn't resist.
"Just trust me," he said with a small chuckle, "It'll be worth it."
"What is this place?" you asked, stepping in front of a rather dated looking store front. You looked around, searching for a name of the place.
'Dog Shelter', the sign read.
Gently, you felt a hand on the small of your back and you looked back at him, your somber eyes wide as you searched his face.
"Oh, Kashi," you frowned, "please, I can't-"
"We're just looking," he lifted a hand assuredly, "Maybe it'll lift your spirits to pet a dog. And if you don't want to stay, that is fine too."
You looked back at the door, seeing the receptionist through the glass window smile at you both warmly. You sighed, picking at your fingertips.
"Okay, fine," you yielded, looking over at him reluctantly.
"It'll be fun," he said, kissing the top of your head. "C'mon."
The pair entered the shelter, the smell of dog a both funky yet comforting smell to you. The sounds of dogs yipping behind the receptionist desk filled your ears.
"Hello! How can I help you?" the woman asked, looking between the two of you.
"Could we just look at some of the dogs you have for adoption?" Kakashi responded, clearly excited himself. You looked over at him, the sight of him giddy over animals warming your heart.
"Of course, you can go right on back. Although I must warn, we were just wiped out, actually. Someone came and adopted most of the shelter dogs. Truly a wonderful thing!"
"That is wonderful," you smiled.
"However, we do have some puppies that just arrived this morning. Brand new little guys, with little specks! Go on back and take a look."
Clearly, the receptionist was giddy as well. Kakashi raised his eyebrows at you with excitement. You followed him toward the back, past the receptionist who waved happily to you.
The sounds of little yips filled your ears. Kakashi stopped at a large window, looking in and beaming immediately. You laughed lightly at his enthusiasm. He looked back at you, waving you over to the window and sliding a hand around your waist.
Inside were 5 small puppies, all looking to be about 8 weeks old. They jumped and played with each other, wrestling and gently biting the ears of one another. One toppled over its brother, hopping back on top of him, its wet nose sniffing the others ear.
"Oh, they're so precious!" you managed, a hand sliding up to your mouth in awe of how adorable they were. Each had little specks of black on white short fur, like little dalmatians. They scampered around. Another laid peacefully on its side next to its food bowl, sleeping with its little potbelly sticking out.
"Could we go pet them?" you asked him, looking over as his eyes followed the two wrestling. He looked down at you, still smiling.
"I don't see why not," amused his plan had worked.
Carefully, he opened the door and slid his body inside, followed closely by you. You quickly closed the door as one little puppy eyed the escape route closely.
"Hello little fellas!" you heard yourself cooing, kneeling down. One scampered over to you, its two little front paws perching up on your knee as he reached up to sniff your face. You petted him down his back, his little tail wagging incessantly as you caressed his soft fur.
"Well how cute are you!" You laughed, a lick sliding across your nose.
The other 3 dogs immediately went to Kakashi, all sniffing his feet. The one that had been sleeping perked its head up, wobbling over to him as well.
"Well aren't you special," you laughed, watching him attempt to give attention to all four dogs at once. They yipped at him, their little feet jumping off the floor at each noise.
"They know I'm a dog person," he shrugged coolly, clearly enjoying himself.
The one you had been petting took its feet off your knee and sat before you, its little paws politely tucked in front of him. He looked up at you with wide, puppy eyes. Little black orbs above a tiny pink nose.
You petted his head again, watching as he turned from you suddenly. You frowned, thinking he would join Kakashi's fan club to your right, but quickly he came back with a soft toy in his mouth.
"Oh," you laughed, "you're bringing this to me?"
The pup set it down at your feet and barked, it's little voice squeaky.
"He wants you to throw it," Kakashi offered. You picked it up and gently tossed it across the room, a foreign concept to someone who always had cats. The pup's little feet scampered across the tiled floor, skidding to a halt in front of the stuffed toy before returning it. Without hesitation, it jumped on your lap, kissing your nose again.
"I think he likes you," Kakashi said, fending off one pup that was in a riveting game of tug of war with his glove.
"I think so too," you replied quietly. You looked down at the pup, petting its spine as it stared up at you lovingly. Your heart fluttered happily as you sat petting him in silence while Kakashi roughhoused with the other siblings.
"Maybe you should bring him home," Kakashi offered awhile later once he had worn them all out. He smiled softly at you. You grinned down at the dog. "Give him a nice home, with a wonderful owner."
You laughed, your heart warming immediately as you stared down at the little pup, watching him gnaw at your fingers.
"I think I will, actually," you nodded, "a new friend."
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