#gotham my best friend this is about you. it never had a message or even a moral it did not retract twenty times over
mouseratz · 2 years
I don't care about canon or fanon. what matters is messages and theming and then trying to tie everything else around that. even when that message and theming is absent in a vapid and messy text that meanders around saying anything at all.
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sigmalaussene · 3 months
Top ten weird ways Oswald Cobbepot gets called in Gotham
As I was rewatching Gotham, I decided to write down every name that people in the show canonically call Oswald Cobblepot aka the Penguin. It was a wild ride. Please enjoy
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10. "Funny looking fellow"
(season one)
We start with a simple one. This isn't even an insult, it's just a fact. He is, indeed, a funny looking fellow. I'm pretty sure they say it more than once too.
9. "The Dapper Gangland Kingpin"
(season two)
This one it's just silly, especially since it was written on a newspaper. Just... that's weird ? Idk it's silly it makes me chuckle
8. "Yellow rat snitch"
(season one)
We start getting a little weirder. Why a rat? And, more importantly, why yellow???
7. "Stupid lame birdbrain"
(season four)
Just so mean. Especially since this scene it's his dumb husband making a room full of people chant it
6. "Golden goose"
(season one)
Right back to season one and it's incredible dialogue. This one is particularly amazing thanks to Oswald's reply to it, which was, of course: "Honk honk". I can't even start to describe that scene. It's a classic.
5. "Beaky nosed freak"
(season five)
Definitely the best nickname the last season had to offer. Like, you know that moment when a guy kills your bestfriend/girlfriend and you call him the silliest name you can think of? This is one of those times.
4. "Scaley faced bitch"
(season one)
This is the first one in the show, directly from the first episode. I am a firm supporter of calling men bitches when they deserve it, and he did, so I wholeheartedly approve this message. Adding the scaley face part just makes it more poetic.
3. "Sad little breadhead"
(season two)
This one from never fails. Imagine it delivered with the most condicending tone in the world. Just amazing. Makes me laugh every time.
2. "Fruitcake leprechaun"
(season two)
This. This is the one that started it all. It was thinking about this one that I decided that this rewatch I was gonna write down all the nicknames. I dont know if it has something to do with english not being my first language, so I don't have the background of the word "fruitcake" used as an homophobic remark, but this name is one of the funniest things I have ever heard in my life.
1. "Limping little chickenbutt second banana"
(season one)
This couldn't not be on the first place. I am obsessed with the writers of this show, i want to get inside their brains. Because like what does it mean? How did they come up with this? I need to know every thought that crossed their mind for them to write this. This is art. This is poetry. Incredible. Amazing. Absolutely insane. Kudos to the actor who played Maroni because if they gave me that line I wouldn't be able to say it with a straight face.
(For the fans, he is also called "the only thing Nygma cares about". Just... you know, in case you forgot)
Some recurrent nicknames are: "Pengy", "Ozzie", "freak", "cockroach", "punk", bird related names (bird/birdman, feathered friend, chicken, turkey...) and "little"/"tiny" followed by almost anything (man, friend, dirtbag, bastard, creep, twerp, freak, weasel...)
Edit: i realize i didn't mention "Major Crumblepot" and that's on me sorry guys
His haircut is described as "disco vampire hair" at one point (another classic)
He is also called "specimen", which is really funny, and "dewdropper"?? for some reason I don't remember but it was in my notes and I couldn't ignore it lmao
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter nine
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: Nobody told me that chapter 8 was labeled chapter 7 again lmaooo (I fixed it). Anyways, thanks for reading and for the uptick in comments/ messages etc, I love it!!!! Slight NSFW themes at the very beginning of the chapter!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.6k
He said something she didn’t catch on her way out. 
It sounded a lot like, “It’s always been my business to keep you safe.” 
But she knew those words weren’t true.
There was warmth against y/n’s back. She hummed and arched into the decidedly male body. There was a delicious hardness against her ass. A hand traced her hip and splayed against her bare stomach under her shirt. A mouth brushed against her neck, hot and wet and teasing. Everywhere he touched trailed fire. 
She pushed herself against him and gasped as the hand on her stomach dipped below her underwear. 
She rolled over, hands greedily reaching for the hardness that had been pressed against her, and Bruce’s eyes met hers. 
Y/n jerked awake. Her body was slick with sweat, her legs clenched tightly together to try and alleviate the ache between them. 
She rolled onto her stomach and groaned into her pillow. “Fuck.” 
It would be a lie to say she’d never had a sex dream starring Bruce Wayne. But it seemed like heartbreak had put a stop to it. Three years and her dreams about Bruce were usually more like nightmares, reliving the worst night of her life.  
Until now. 
She tried not to remember how it felt for him to look at her with desire, something that had never and would never happen in anything other than her dreams. 
“Stupid Bruce Wayne walking around shirtless,” she muttered into her pillow. She rolled back over and pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes. She could see the barest hint of daylight behind her dark curtains. Her heart still raced. She took several deep breaths to no avail. Her hands fisted in the sheets. 
With nothing else to do, she got up to take a shower. It was already six in the morning, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. The dream was already haunting her, and closing her eyes again would only make it worse.  
And haunt her it did. All day, the ghost of Bruce Wayne’s warmth followed her. Thankfully, she didn’t see him or Alfred and have to pretend to be normal. She was afraid, if she looked Bruce in the eyes, he’d be able to see straight through her. 
But she couldn’t stop remembering the dream. Wishing it was real. Aching with want. 
She had known staying in Wayne Tower was a mistake. There were too many memories. There was too much of Bruce’s presence, even when he wasn’t around. 
The dream that was the final straw that pushed her into insanity. 
Ten o’clock that night, and she had practically paced a hole in the floor of her bedroom, hallway, and library. Since she’d already spent a week straight deep in a research hole for the article, she really didn’t have much else to do. She couldn’t focus on reading or watching anything and she wanted to wait to hear from Gordon about the pub before digging into anything else. 
Every time she turned a corner she preemptively jumped, half-expecting Bruce to be there and able to see her sex dream written on her face. 
She glanced at the time on her phone. She had made the mistake of taking a nap earlier in the day and was wired all over again. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep and she had absolutely nothing else to do. And she didn’t want to wait around for Bruce to appear from thin air, which would only make matters worse. Besides, what if he was shirtless again? 
If she didn’t get away from Wayne Tower, she really would lose it. 
She called Gordon. 
He answered with a sigh and, “I’m looking into it.” 
She couldn’t help but smile. She stared at the study windows but was too afraid to go near them. Mobsters probably had snipers in their employ. “That’s not why I’m calling, but thank you. Do we just not say hello anymore?” 
“Hello. What can I do for you?” His voice was teasing. Poor Gordon had gotten the brunt of her boredom the past week, especially when Martinez was working and couldn’t send her memes. 
“If I don’t get out of Wayne Tower in the next five minutes I’m probably going to jump out of a window, or go outside with a neon sign inviting the Gallo family to tea.” She said it in one rushed breath. 
“Cooped up too long, huh?” Gordon said, a noise like a car door shutting in the background. “Surprised it took you this long to lose it.” 
“Yeah yeah, you’re a riot. I’m serious though. I really am losing it. I don’t care if you take me to the fucking corner store and back, I can’t be here another second.” Desperation bled into her voice. The walls felt like they were closing in on her like they had all day. 
All because Bruce Wayne had forgotten his fucking shirt. 
“I just got off a double shift with Martinez. Let me see if our other friend is nearby, alright? I’ll call you right back.” 
“Thank you,” she said, relieved that he was willing to send someone to get her out of there. Even if it was a guy who dressed like a bat. She probably would have preferred Martinez’s easy company, but at least if she met with the vigilante she could sate her unending curiosity. 
Gordon was calling back in two minutes. Y/n already had her shoes on, camera around her neck, and her pepper spray in one hand. 
“He’ll be there in five minutes. Do not go outside before he gets there. He’s going to text you when he arrives.” 
“Text me? Wow, I must be special.” She felt giddy. A vigilante was about to text her and take her…she didn’t know. Out of Wayne Tower. That’s all that mattered. She wondered if he’d let her take photos of him for her article, then imagined her camera being chucked off the top of the tower with the bat signal. 
“Only because we need you alive. And before you even try it, he uses different burner phones.” Gordon paused, then added, “You sure you’re alright?” 
She almost laughed but bit her tongue. Because she had planned on looking up the phone number and seeing what she could find. How nice would it have been for the Batman to use his own personal cell phone? 
“I literally just told you I was about to jump out of a window or invite mobsters to tea. I’m not great.” She shrugged even though he couldn’t see it. “I…the tower is just too full of memories.” 
Gordon was silent for a long moment. “I get it. Just–don’t try to dig too much into who he is, okay? Respect that boundary. The city needs his anonymity.” 
She bit her lip because that was exactly what she had planned on doing. “Okay,” she finally said. 
“I mean it. I know the temptation for a reporter like you is going to be hard to resist, but he’s a good guy. There’s a reason I haven’t tried to find out who he is, even after three years.” Gordon was passionate about this, she realized. “Promise me.” 
The fire in her gut banked slightly. She felt the oily slickness of guilt in her stomach. Because now she was imagining the guy underneath the mask–the one so desperate to do good in Gotham. A guy willing to risk his life, night after night. Gordon’s words had suddenly humanized him. She swallowed hard. “I promise.” 
“Good. And don’t push his buttons too much.” 
She snorted. “Now you sound like a dad again. I can’t make any promises about that. Can’t just turn off this amazing personality.” 
Gordon chuckled. “Whatever you say. I’m going to bed. Don’t kill each other.” 
They hung up and her phone buzzed almost immediately.
A text from an unknown number. Outside. 
How do I know this isn’t a murderer? she sent back immediately. I’m not supposed to talk to strangers. 
She silently apologized to Gordon as she walked to the elevator. She just couldn’t help it. Something about a guy dressed up as a bat made her want to push his buttons. 
First alley to the left. 
She stuck her tongue out at the new text. Party pooper. It was no fun if she couldn’t get a rise out of him. 
After checking in with the security guy–Alfred had told her his name was Blake–y/n stepped outside and turned left. Blake seemed loath to let her go. She wondered if Alfred had threatened him. But she wasn’t a prisoner, even as much as she felt like it. 
The Batman materialized out of the shadows of the closest alley. She tried to hide her flinch. 
“You’re kind of a creep,” she said instead of hello. He stayed where he was and let her get closer to him. She could see him eyeballing her camera. 
“Where to?” 
“Wow, great service.” She ran a hand through her hair and glanced around. “Um. I don’t care. What were you going to do? Could I do, like, a ride along?” 
“A ride along?” he repeated skeptically. She thought that one of his eyebrows was probably raised, hidden behind the mask. “Don’t you need to…?” He seemed uncertain how to finish the question. 
“I told Gordon my options were to get out of Wayne Tower or I was going to jump out of a window. Or, if neither of those panned out, get a neon sign and stand out here inviting the Gallos to tea.” She shrugged and glanced around again. It wasn’t too late that the city had gone to sleep, but no one seemed to notice them in the darkness of the alley. She was jittery, nervous. She wondered if Bruce or Alfred knew she’d left. But she didn’t owe them an explanation. 
Batman frowned. “I was going to take a look at that pub. Maverick’s.” 
She perked up immediately. “A stakeout?” 
“That camera could help.” He nodded towards it. “But if there’s any hint of danger, I’m bringing you back immediately.” 
“I never thought I’d say this, but a stakeout sounds way better than what I had planned.” She was giddy. Gordon had given her the best gift without even knowing it. He’d given her a night out of Wayne Tower and a way to be involved in the investigation. 
Batman just grunted. “Come on,” he said in that low, low voice of his. She wondered if he was deepening it on purpose and had to bite down to keep the question from coming out. She made a promise to Gordon, after all. 
He led her further down the alley to…a motorcycle. 
“What if I refuse?” she asked, just to be difficult. 
“Then I guess I can walk you to the corner and back.” 
She sighed but had to press her lips together to keep from smiling. “Fine. Do you at least have an extra helmet?” 
“Here.” He held one out. 
She raised an eyebrow. “What about you?” 
He lightly knocked a fist against his mask, which was also basically a helmet. “Bulletproof. Probably safer.” 
Without waiting for her, he swung a leg over, the bike dipping under his weight, and turned a key in the ignition. It roared to life, the sound of it echoing down the alley and back. 
She slid the helmet over her head and gingerly got on behind him. 
“Alright?” he asked over his shoulder, his voice slightly muffled through the helmet. 
She nodded and accidentally thunked her head against his back. 
“Hang on,” he said, and that was all the warning she got. 
Her arms tightened around his waist, the armored pieces digging painfully into her. His cape was squished between them, providing a little bit of padding, but her thighs ground into the armor on his legs. 
He was like a cactus or something, she thought, then snorted to herself. Cold wind whipped through her clothes. She’d dressed warm on purpose but it was no match for the wind. 
The movement on the bike came naturally to her even though it had been years. 
Bruce had taught her how to ride and…when they were seventeen, they had ridden together, just like she was riding with Batman. They would sneak out, take the bike through Gotham’s streets or sometimes out into the suburbs. 
Tears pricked her eyes at the memory of Gotham at night speeding past them. She had felt alive, free. Bruce had laughed, so loudly she could hear it through the helmet. His skinny waist had been warm in her arms and she’d pressed herself as tightly to him as she’d dared. She had pretended to be scared just so she could cling to him. 
The tears fell and caught in the helmet padding. 
She couldn’t escape Bruce Wayne no matter what she did. 
When the bike slowed to a stop, she yanked the helmet off so she could breathe. She hastily wiped her eyes, but Batman noticed. 
“Are you alright?” he asked. Again something in the journalist part of her brain gave a quiet nudge at his voice, but she pushed it away. She had promised Gordon not to try to figure out his identity but it was hard to switch off that part of her. “Too fast?” 
She shook her head, then nodded. Better for him to think she was afraid than learn she was crying over a man she had never even dated. 
“I’m fine. Let’s go.”
Batman surprised her as he grabbed her waist and lifted one arm. 
“Hold on,” he said, his voice in her ear. There was an odd noise like a muffled gunshot and a distant clank from above.
She shouted as their feet lifted off of the ground. She left her stomach somewhere down by the motorcycle. 
Her feet touched solid ground seconds later. She stumbled away from the Batman and landed on her ass. They were on the roof of the building they’d just been standing under. 
“You fucking bat bastard,” she gasped. She was close to the edge, too close. Her gaze snagged on the motorcycle several stories below them, tucked into a hidden dead end of the alley. She groaned and put her head between her knees. “I thought we were going to switch to a car and have a normal stakeout. Fucker.” 
A low chuckle reached her ears. “Not a fan of heights?” 
“Or unexpectedly flying!” she snapped. She knew to keep her voice low, but it was hard. Her heart or maybe her stomach was trying to come out of her mouth. She swallowed thickly. If she barfed in front of Batman she was never going to forgive herself. Or him. 
“Sorry,” he said, but didn’t sound sorry at all. 
“I’m only forgiving you because you’re doing me a huge favor,” she muttered and got unsteadily to her feet. She stumbled and bounced right into his chest. 
“I won’t let you fall,” he murmured and the swoop of fear in her gut changed into something else entirely. 
She looked up at him. But he turned his face and stepped away. 
“Will you be able to take pictures?” he asked after a moment. “You’d have to be closer to the edge.” 
She pushed away the strange feeling he had unexpectedly created in her. 
“Yeah. I should be fine. Just–seriously, don’t let me fall.” 
A ghost of a smile then he was facing away from her again. 
Y/n cursed silently. She used every word she knew and made up a few. 
Because, for a moment, she had thought about kissing Batman. And her brain hadn’t immediately tossed the thought away because he wasn’t Bruce. 
For the first time, she wanted to kiss someone who wasn’t Bruce, and the thought didn’t make her ache.
Next Chapter
taglist: (hi please let me know if your blog name has changed!)
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @warsaur @lachillona02 @crazyunsexycool @doetic @alexiris @that-girl-named-alex @harry-bowie-mercury @vaniasagitaa @widows-writings @missing-loki @exactlyelegantwizard @miriamnox
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igotanidea · 1 year
Hoodies and sneakers : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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@mxtokko asked me to make part 2 of my ff Beneath (Jason Todd x fem! plus size reader). This is sth that may or may not be treated like this. @jasontoddsthickbabe - I take the liberty of tagging you since you were the one who requested previous part.
Summary: Y/N may (or not) have got through her size complex, but something new is creeping in. Something about her wearing tomboy-like clothes and not being feminine enough......
It was pretty rough day. Not because of work or the intensity, but because of late Y/N has been spending a lot of time inside her own head. Dealing with her thoughts and demons that seemed to feed of the smallest piece of insecurity and doubt. It was getting harder to deal with them and focusing on work was becoming impossible. How could she possibly concentrate when the world was going crazy before her eyes and she was slowly loosing grip of who she was and what was her place on Earth.
She was really better and sort of lighter before Jason confessed how he felt about her and they started building a relationship. Before that, she was fairly aware she was not an object of desire and therefore never focused on that. But now…. More often than not she was wondering whether she was the girl she was supposed to.
The problem was, Y/N was always the kind of girl who felt best in leggings, or even sweatpants, and hoodies. Messy hair, lack of makeup and domestic vibes were definitely her style. She was rocking sneakers, using bus instead of cab and never cared about the brand. This was fine, before Jason turned her world upside down. And now? Irony being that when she became the girlfriend the world started overflowing her with the images of hot girls in tiny dresses, feminine-like with perfect hair, painted nails etc. Real girlbosses. And that was only feeding her fears.
However, she was doing her own thing, not showing how she felt inside. It was working for a while, but after a few weeks she was getting more and more sad and frustrated and the time bomb was ticking in the stepped-up pace leading straight up to explosion.
Since Y/N was still working as a journalist in Gotham biggest newspaper and considering her part-time job as Wayne tech expert she was spending a lot of time working remotely, from the manor. Sometimes it was just too much dealing with the colleagues, but of course, from time to time she had to show in the office. For a debriefing for example. She never treated those differently than any other work day, so she was not prepared for what was coming for her.
“Wait. What do you mean photoshoot?” he eyes grew wide at the sight before her. All those professional photographers, cameras, lights and photography equipment got her head spinning
“Oh, Y/N. didn’t you get the e-mail? I sent you all notification a couple weeks ago….”
“E-mail. Right. Of course I did. I just….. forgot to open it.” In fact, when she saw a message entitled “Sitting” she just deleted it without opening. Grave mistake.
“Don’t worry about it, dear. I bet we can find some more appropriate clothes for you. The girls can borrow you something. You surely cannot show yourself in this.” Her boss pointed out towards her worn jeans and a simple, basic black T-shirt.
“I don’t think anything will fit me…..” now, the plus size complex started to creep in. Great. She felt sick. Again.
“Are you all right, y/n?” her work best friend came from behind and quickly realized what must have been happening inside her head.
“I’m fine….” She swallowed strenuously “I think I;m just gonna sit back and watch.”
“It’s all right, I swear. I was never a fan of showing off after all. But by all means, you go ahead. It’s your time to shine.” She pushed her friends towards the other girls, who were just flawless. Showing off, smiling, teasing and flirting. High heels, office looks…. Y/N felt like a preschooler amongst the confident, beautiful women. She never get to feel like this. She never needed to be on the spotlight. So why the fuck did it hurt so much. Knowing that she would never look so hot and mature. Jason told her he loved her (yes, he finally used those words), but what if was just a toy? A way to kill time before he found someone better? Hotter? Sexier?
“Not again….” she whispered as her heart started beating rapidly due to all the projecting she was doing.
“Y/N? Are you familiar with the photo equipment?”  one of the snappers asked
“Yes! Yes I am. Do you need help?”
“Um…. I do. But are you sure you don’t want to pose with….?”
“NO! I mean, no, I’m good. I’d rather give you a hand……please…..”
“You sure….?” The guy was still hesitant. Why the hell did he ask her if he was withdrawing now. “You don’t want the attention?”
“I’m good behind the scene. Now, give me that.” She practically whipped the camera off his hands “what do you need me to do?”
So she spent the day acting all cool and goofy, assuring everyone she was fine. Even if all her coworkers knew that was a lie, no one found any words to convince her to join the session as a model, not a helper. All that situation left her with the bitter taste of not being worth the attention. How could she ever compare?  She could count the times she wore a dress on the fingers of one hands and even then she looked like a kid dressed up in her mother’s gown rather than a grown-up women she was. This was a disaster every time. So maybe she was not worth any attention?
With dark thoughts she came to the manor. Normally she would tell everyone to fuck off and leave her alone, but Dick was quite persistent, trying to bribe her with some new tech ideas Bruce came up with and with which he needed some help. So, despite her attitude she changed her plans of sitting in front of Netflix with some ice cream.
“Y/N!” Dick opened the door, beating anyone else in it and hugged her closely in welcome “you look sad. Is everything all right?
“Peachy” she muttered, looking like a storm cloud “where are those new gadgets?”
“Straight to the business, huh? How about we try to wipe that frown off your face first?”
“Listen to me very carefully now, boy wonder. If you don’t cut on your sunshine and rainbow attitude I swear I’m gonna shove your smile up your ass. See who will be wiping what then.” Dick’s eyes widened in surprise. Y/N was known for being fast talker and having harsh tongue, but this?
“Um…. All right, then…..” he muttered “let’s go to the cave. Guys are already there.”
“All of them?”
“Yes? Why? Does that bother you?”
“No. I’m actually glad. Plenty of people to pick up the fight with.”
“Y/N, are you sure you are ok?”
“I swear to god if one more person ask me this question today I will draw blood!” she exclaimed making Dick jump away and raise his hands in surrender. Shit, she was more angry than Jason when he first came out of the Pit. Grayson had a bit of experience with angered girls and knew well enough this was no joke. It was better to just keep his mouth shut. Perhaps, Jason or Tim would be able to calm her down, but he’d rather live some more. “Now, move Grayson! I don’t have all day!”
“What’s with the sad face?” Tim asked the second she walked through the entrance to the cave
“HOW ABOUT WE FOCUS ON THE TECH!?” Dick chimed in, before Y/N could answer meeting with a surprised (Tim), condescending (Damian) and amused (Jason) looks of his brothers. He exhaled deeply. “That’s why we are gathered here, right?”
“Damn it, Grayson. You sound like you were about to officiate a wedding. Should we know about something?” Damian smirked and looked at Jason and then at Y/N, who was now red like a tomato, clenching her fists. “Um…. Y/N?”
“Can. we. Just. Focus. On .The .Work” she hissed through clenched teeth moving towards the table where the tech was displayed, the boys moving out of her way. Even Jay, who usually had his ways of making her chill now just let her pass, his mouth agape. None of them has ever seen her this angry.
“What did you do to her, Dickhead?” he hissed towards his brother
“Nothing. She came here like this.” Dick tried to defend himself
“Can you two just shut the fuck up!?”
“Sorry Y/n.”
“Yeah, sorry, babe. But if you want to talk then……”
“All right, all right, I’m gonna be quiet from now on…..” he mumbled, looking down, acting like a beaten dog. Normally the rest of the boys would laugh at him for being like this, but at this point even Damian knew better than to mess with the force of nature Y/N became.
There were silence for like five minutes, before Steph and Cass entered the cave, followed by Babs.
“Y/N!” Steph jumped forward and hugged her friend, causing boys to go through a little heart attack “Alfred told us you are here. It’s wonderful. We are going shopping. You need to join us. I saw this cute little outfit that would be just perfect for you. I bet Jay would like you in it and …..” oh, poor Steph did not get to finish
“AGH!” Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs. “I’M DONE! I’M OUT! JUST LEAVE THE FUCK ALONE!” the tears finally started to fall down her face, since she was not able to hold them back anymore “I just can’t…. I can’t …. I’m sorry guys….” Her voice broke and she rushed off the cave blindly, not caring about the gadgets, the scene she was making, the tears or anything else. She felt like she was suffocating when she run upstairs, towards the manor, further away from all the people.
“What…. what just happened?” Babs stuttered “what the hell did you do?” her accusatory gaze landed on each of the boys separately
“I did nothing!” Tim exclaimed “Ask you boyfriend, Oracle!”
“Oh, come on. Why do you always suspect me? I had nothing to do with it. Jay is supposed to take care of her so….”
“Speaking of you, Jason. Why are you still here?!  Run after her, before she does something stupid!”
“Do you think she can…..?”
“Just go, you dumbass!”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He slowly threw his shock off “Oh, fuck! You’re right! Y/N! Y/N, wait!”
‘Did I say something wrong?” Steph gaze was fixed on the floor, her voice barely above the whisper “I did not mean to…..” Cass just took a step forward and put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“You didn’t. I bet she just had a bad day or something like that…. She’s been nervous and stressed for a while now.”
“Guys” Babs was already searching through the web “I think I know what might have caused it.”
At the same time, Y/N was sitting in her favorite spot on the manor roof, slowly calming down. Legs bend and hugged to her chest, chin resting on the knees, hands hidden in the sleeves of her sweatshirt. She was a bit ashamed of the scene that she caused. Poor Steph was probably blaming herself now. Poor Dick who was verbally attacked by her. Poor Jason who….
“Safe to enter?” …. who was just slowly moving towards her, cautious of every step.
“Sure…” she muttered, not looking at him.
He plumped on the floor next to her, legs crossed, not saying a word, waiting for her to start speaking, But the second she opened her mouth to let it all out her phone chimed. The message she received contained the photos that were made barely a couple hours earlier.
“Well, that was fast…” she muttered rubbing her eyes, irritated from the crying.
“What happened? Who do I shoot?” Jay asked using the opportunity of her distraction and grabbing her hand in his.
“Possibly me.” she smirked “I did some stupid things today.”
“Really? Stupid?” he smirked “I bet no one noticed. You act so normal.”
“You’re an idiot” she cuffed his arm and chuckled which made her hiccup
“Then we match each other, right?”
“Don’t push it, Jaybird.” She warned moving closer and leaned her head on his shoulder, his arm automatically wrapped around her waist pulling her closer shielding her from the wind. It was cold and he did not want her to get sick.
“If I do I give you permission to push me off this roof.” He laughed kissing the top of her head “Tell me what happened. Seriously Y/N. As much as I love you with all that fire we need to put it out before it burns you.”
“It’s better now…..”
“No. Talk.”
“How about I show you?” she reached for her phone and presented the photos to him “you see that?”
“A photo of your work friends?”
“There was a photoshoot at the work today and…..”
“So where are you in this picture?” he frowned taking the phone from her hands and blowing the picture up. “what did you do?” the girl mumbled something inaudibly “Y/N? I can’t hear you. What. Did. You. Do?”
“I hid.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Oh, come on, Jay…..”
“Don’t tell me it’s because of your size, again. We’ve been through it.”
“It’s not about the size. “
“Then what.” he tightened his grip on her and she winced “I’m not letting you go until you confess.”
“I’m not hot, all right? I mean, look at them. They are all exceptional. And I’m wearing a hoodie, torn jeans and sneakers, Jay.”
“So what?”
“So what?  Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious. What is the problem with your clothes?”
“I…..” she hesitated for a while, blinking in surprise “but …..” how was she supposed to put in into words “isn’t that what all the guys want?”
“Meaning?” he narrowed his head. This bastard knew exactly where her words were heading and yet did nothing to make it easier.
“A girl who captures attention? Don’t you want to brag about catching a babe? A chick? I don’t know…. Don’t you wish to have  a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets? I’m not like this.I am totally average. Vanilla. Boring. Ordinary. “
“Look, I’m fully aware I’m not the person who catches attention, all right? Not… looking like this. Sometimes I even believe your family pities me. And you too. I mean, have you seen the girls that were lining up to talk to Dick and you at the latest gala? Isn’t that what you want?”
“Will you just shut up?” he leaned to her and cut her race of though with the most gentle and delicate kiss that got her melting on the spot “Come here.” He twisted positions slightly, pulling her on his lap, grabbing on her hips while her hands locked on his neck. “Have you lost your mind?”
“Is that a tricky question?”
“Obviously. Let me rephrase it then. You did lose your mind. Do think you are undesirable?”
“Do you think I would toss you away because of a girl wearing mini skirt? The girl that I don’t know? Do you have so little faith in me?”
“In men, in general.” She bit on her lip and hissed when Jason pinched her side “Auch!”
“Well you deserved it for having such silly thoughts. You read too much fanfiction.”
“I don’t….” she objected turning red.
“Don’t deny it. I know you do. Look, all those stories? They are highly overdrawn. They make girls believe than guys only want them if they are skinny, flawless and wear nothing.” He shook his head ”I don’t mind lingerie, but that does not mean I don’t love in you in that damn hoodie you mentioned. Or a simple T-shirt. Preferably mine.” He smirked ”Look Y/N, I know you don’t feel comfortable in dresses or anything like that and I don’t mind. You are the hottest to me when you have that spark in your eyes, when your hair are tousled because your mind is racing. I love you in trainers, when you run the streets searching for a new story. I would never, never want you to wear mini or an revealing top if it’s uncomfortable. Did you think you can only capture my attention this way? With thong and lack of bra? That I would fall for an exposed body?”
“I…..” she started but realized something  “Wait. How do you know so much about fanfiction, Jay?” she grinned. Darn, she was so going to use that in the future.
“Did you? Yes or not?” he didn’t even stutter, keeping his cool.
“Auch!” he gasped “Really?”
“I’m sorry. I just got insecure….”
“I know. And I forgive you. But only because I love you, you silly one. And because I know a lot about insecurities. First handed.” he kissed her nose gently “Now, promise me, this was the first and last time you doubted yourself.”
“I don’t like empty promises.”
“Well then you leave me no choice but to make you….” once again he captured her lips in his, ready to be convincing her for the rest of the day, evening and even the rest of his life if needed.
She was his one and only.   
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avelnfear · 1 year
Chapter Five
Danny leaned back in his chair with a sigh. He finally managed to complete the paperwork for the Joker’s breakout and subsequent recapture. There was a stupid amount of paperwork required, and Danny no longer had a coworker to share the load with, making it even worse. As Danny leaned a little farther back, his back popped several times in rapid succession, and he sighed again, this time in relief, as he felt his back relax. Leaning forward again, Danny closed the second binder of the day with a sense of wonder that it was finally over as it seemed like the paperwork would never end.
“Paperwork truly is the worst form of punishment… Maybe I can use that elsewhere…” Danny mused aloud as he put his desk back in order before picking up the binders and heading for the door.
Walking through the halls was a simple affair of nods of acknowledgement for and from the guards around him. The head guard’s office was only four halls from Danny's, but there was a mandatory increase in the number of guards due to the recent breakout. In no time at all, Danny arrived at the head guard’s door, so he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was no response for enough time that he knocked again, louder this time.
“Come in!” The gruff voice calling out from inside the room didn’t belong to the head guard, but Danny entered regardless. The office looked the same that it usually did, cabinets at the walls, desk towards the back, and the only chair behind the desk. This wasn’t a place to dally for anyone but the head guard. The difference was that Warden Claw sat in the chair with Head Guard Chancey standing behind him.
“Warden Claw, Head Guard Chancey, I have the paperwork here for the recent breakout and for those already recaptured.” Danny set a short, respectful nod to each of them before putting the binders on the desk.
Warden Claw grabbed the binders, looking over them before handing them to Chancey. Danny stood still in the usual respectful posture that guards should have before their superiors although he did want them to hurry it up already. Jason had messaged him earlier that the Batsiblings from the Batburger were safe and all crashing at Jason’s apartment for the next little while as a safety precaution, but Danny hadn’t been able to respond in the chaos of making sure that everything was running as smoothly as possible.
Finally, the Warden looked up. “Do you know why I’m here?” His voice was gruff and harsh, clearly trying to be intimidating since Danny had heard the Warden sounding less harsh and gruff before.
“No, although I assume it has to do with making sure I’m not in league with any of the escapees.” Danny made sure to keep every outward appearance of being respectful even as he rolled his eyes on the inside, almost insulted at the idea that he would ever willingly work with a clown.
“Exactly that. What can you say to convince me that you aren’t in the pockets of those hooligans.” The Warden folded his hands and leaned his face on them, a posture that normally inspired a sense that the person doing it had authority or something like that, Danny was pretty sure he tuned Jazz out when she tried to talk about that stuff.
Danny tilted their head, trying to convey the idea that they were thinking about the issue at hand. “Well, depending on whether or not you already suspect me, there might be nothing I can say to convince you. All I can say is that I’m not native to Gotham although I had heard about it before I moved. Where I used to live, I managed to get some heavy clown trauma, so I’d never work with Blinky or whatever he’s called. I don’t really care about what Harley does because she’s a therapist, or used to be one, and I have therapist trauma. I got enough lectures about the environment from my best friend, and I have developed a healthy respect after that one breed of plants tried to kill my town. That means I wouldn’t go anywhere near Ivy on account of not wanting to get attacked by plants or eco-lectures. As for Penguin, money isn’t my motivation for anything. I’m already paid well enough here, and it isn’t worth going with any of them just to run into the Bats and Birds.” Their head tilted the other way and their eyes squinted as they thought further about the issue at hand. “Furthermore, for one reason or another, admittedly usually to avoid getting on the other end of an angry or working Bat or Bird, I wouldn’t go to any of the Rogues. There should be a note about that in my file from my interview.”
The Warden stared at Danny for several long moments. “Well said. I guess we’re glad to have you. Just don’t quit on me, I don’t want to have to find someone to replace you, if that’s possible.” His voice was much smoother and more gentle, proving Danny’s theory about intimidation right.
“I’m not going to quit on you, I have no reason to.” Danny nodded to give his words a sense of finality to them, trying to reassure the two that he meant what he said. Without saying anything more, the Warden got up and left the room, going back to his own duties most likely.
Head Guard Chancey settled back into her chair and set the binders down on it. “Sorry about that. I tried to tell the Warden that you weren’t the type of person to work with the Rogues here, but he wanted to make sure of that himself. Now, you will watch over the Arts and Crafts Room until your shift ends. The Joker is there, so try not to antagonize him. Any overtime caused by the recent breakout will be paid to you as both overtime and emergency pay, so expect a larger paycheck than normal. Dismissed.” She looked down immediately after she stopped speaking, making the dismissal doubly clear.
Danny headed to the Arts and Crafts Room on autopilot. It wasn’t unusual for inmates who escaped to immediately go back to their old schedule as part of the rehabilitation process, but Danny hadn’t been assigned anywhere near the Joker before this. Danny had considered it a minor blessing and thanked the Ancients for this small piece of goodness. Now, he had no choice but to be in close quarters with someone who had killed his Jason in three lives. Someone who’d killed-
Blinking revealed he was in front of the A&C Room, Danny shook the memories out of his head, there was no time to think about that now. He lowered his head for a second, locking his emotions from showing on his face, not wanting to give the psycho clown any unneeded information. As soon as he felt ready enough, he opened the door smoothly and quietly, closing it behind him and heading to his post with no words said to the occupants of the room. Interactions between guards and inmates were supposed to follow a strict protocol, but not many of the guards actually followed said protocol, Danny mostly included. The Joker looked up and grinned at him, and Danny instantly knew this was going to be a long ending to his shift.
Danny finally put the last completed sheet into the binder, the words on the page blurring horribly due to their tiredness. Somehow this binder seemed even thicker than the ones from earlier in the shift, but that might just be a product of faulty memory seeing as Danny had now been at work for way too many hours. They couldn’t even see the clock clear enough to figure out how long it had been. 
Taking a deep breath and summoning enough willpower to move, Danny strode purposefully towards the head guard’s office once more, keeping their face blank of any and all emotion. Arriving at the door, Danny saw that it was open, Head Guard Chancey leaning on the wall just beside. It seemed she’d been waiting for them because she waved them in without a word and shut the door behind them.
“Are you okay?” Her voice was concerned, but Danny couldn’t figure out why, not even having the energy to tilt their head in confusion.
“Why-” Danny cut themself off at how gravely their voice sounded. “Why do you say that?” Their voice wasn’t much better, but this time it didn’t feel like swallowing gravel, merely sand.
Chancey raised an eyebrow while gesturing for the binder in Danny’s hands. It took two tries to get the binder to her, and Danny had a horrible sinking feeling forming in their gut. “How long do you think you’ve been at work?”
The odd question threw Danny off and made the horrible feeling grow stronger. “Like twelve? Maybe? I can’t exactly read the clock right now, too blurry.” Danny had to put some conscious effort into sounding better this time, and even that didn’t fully make their voice sound better.
“Danny,” there was clear concern in Chancey’s voice this time, and that was odd for a reason Danny couldn’t muster up the energy to figure out, “you’ve been here for thirty hours, not counting the two you spent dozing at your desk. Is there someone I can call to take you home?”
Danny didn’t even bother trying to process how long he’d been at work, focusing on the second part instead. “I’ll be fine. Just need to make it to the apartment without giving that stupid clown any sense of satisfaction for getting to me, and I’ll be good. I’ve dealt with worse, don’t worry.” He had to blink hard for his eyes to focus before taking a deep breath and summoning more willpower, standing straighter and bringing the world back into focus. “See?”
Chancey stared at him in mild horror. “You do see how this is just more worrying, right?” Chancey merely sighed at his nod. “Fine. I’ll take over filing this properly for you, just make it home. If you miss two shifts, I’ll assume you died. Contact me when you wake up so I know not to frantically hire someone to replace you. Go home.”
Danny nodded slowly, trying to hide how much the motion made the world swirl for him. He closed his eyes, taking in another deep breath and willing himself to appear perfectly fine. Clocking out and leaving the asylum was a blur, and Danny blinked only to find himself in the elevator to his and Jason’s floor of the apartment building. Danny just needed to make it in his door before he passed out, that was all, he could do that.
Jason heard the elevator announce its arrival and immediately headed out into the hall to see who it was. The other Batsibs were asleep right now, staying at his place until they were sure Danny was okay. He was grateful that they were willing to do that for someone they’d barely met yet who clearly meant a lot to him, but the apartment was driving all of them crazy with the lack of privacy it offered.
The door opened, and Danny blinked blearily at him, still in their uniform, which was odd enough, but their eyes were also unfocused in that way that only tiredness causes, extreme tiredness. They looked even more similar to Tim than usual, but Jason quickly put that from his mind, going to support them. This proved to be a mistake because as soon as Danny wasn’t responsible for supporting their own weight, they collapsed into sleep, nearly taking Jason to the ground with them.
Deciding to handle this like he would if Tim was passed out in the hallway to his apartment, Jason picked up Danny, ignoring how light they were, and carried them to his apartment. Opening the door was proving to be a bit of a struggle though because he’d locked the door behind him out of habit. Before he could do anything drastic, Dick opened the door with a confused look on his face that quickly turned into concern when he caught sight of Danny in Jason’s arms.
When Dick stood aside, Jason walked in with Danny, heading straight to the bedroom to put Danny on the bed where they’d be comfortable. As he walked quickly though the apartment he noticed that Tim and Damian were also awake. Both of their reactions were nearly identical to Dick’s when they caught sight of Danny slumped in Jason’s arms, worry and concern. 
Jason would have found their reactions to Danny being unconscious heartwarming if he wasn’t too busy being worried about Danny. He’d never seen his friend like that, although he’d never seen them after a breakout either. Jason really hoped this wouldn’t happen every time a breakout happened, his heart couldn’t take it.
As soon as Danny was situated, Jason headed back to the front room to find the three Batsibs talking about what could have caused Danny to be like that. “You guys are thinking about it too hard.” Jason said instead of any form of greeting. “When I met him in the hallway, he looked like Tim after a day of no sleep and no coffee, maybe slightly worse. The most likely conclusion is that he didn’t get any sleep dealing with the aftermath of the breakout.”
The others considered that as Jason went to the kitchen to work out some stress in a healthy manner that would also keep him close enough to be there if anything went wrong with Danny, cooking and baking. Even without being able to see the others, he could almost feel their concern when he didn’t decide to suit up and beat some guys up to get out the stress. Stress cooking and stress baking were usually reserved for times when Jason didn’t know if he could trust himself not to kill anybody, but this wasn’t one of those times.
“You good, Jay?” Dick asked, trying and failing to keep his concern out of his voice, merely muffling it.
“I’m fine, just don’t want to leave Danny alone in the house with you idiots.” Despite the harsh words, Jason tried to keep his voice light to convey that he was teasing. When he heard some chuckles, he knew he’d succeeded. Now he only hoped they could keep this light atmosphere until Danny woke up to answer their questions.
Danny came to with the smell of delicious food and baked goods in their nose. They kept their eyes closed, their body relaxed, and their breathing even, not sure who was in their house. Wait. This wasn’t their bed, the sheets were of a different material and the bed wasn’t a brick. Where were they? Familiar voices reached their ears, but they couldn’t put their finger on who the voices belonged to, their brain still trying to claw its way free from the grabbing hands of sleep.
They focused on their breathing while they waited for their brain to fully wake up, content to just rest in this bed that smelled like Jason. Wait. Jason. They’d made it to the floor of the building that held their apartment, and Jason had met them in the hall. He’d moved to support them and then… and then they must’ve fallen asleep. That means… the voices clicked into place as their brain surged back into full awakeness mode. Jason, Tim, Damian, and Dick were teasing each other outside the door.
Danny basked in the comfort and peace from being so close to their loved ones without having to confront the fact that none of them truly knew them anymore. They would get moving shortly, messaging the people that needed to be messaged and going about things like a normal every day adult, but for now, for now they would simply relax in the bliss that was in such short order in their life. Before Danny knew it they’d drifted back into sleep, a truly restful one this time instead of the sleep of the truly exhausted from before.
Jason raised an eyebrow at Damian as he came back from the position he’d taken up by the door to the bedroom. Damian huffed, yet answered the unspoken question anyway. “Nightingale has fallen back to sleep.” Jason waited to see if an insult was forthcoming, but there was none, Damian simply settling back down at the table. Jason and Dick traded incredulous looks while Tim just stared into his coffee like it held the answers to the universe.
“You seem tame today, Demon Brat.” Jason remarked, careful to keep his voice from dipping into the accusatory tones that would set the small terror off.
“Tt. Just because Nightingale has proven to be more competent than the rest of you, minus Cain, doesn’t mean I’m tame. I’m not some wild animal you have to carefully tame.” Damian let his disdain show in everything from his voice to his face, but Jason saw something in his eyes that he couldn’t decipher. 
Jason didn’t respond, simply humming a vague non-answer as he turned back to the chocolate chip pancakes. There was something off about the way Damian was acting lately, but Jason didn’t know what. It didn’t seem to be a bad thing, a gentle Damian couldn’t reasonably be an entirely bad thing, but Jason didn’t like not knowing. Call it Bat training, good old paranoia, the assassin training, or whatever you’d like, but Jason didn’t like not knowing what was going on with the people he was close to.
Dick stood up suddenly. “I have to start getting back to Bludhaven, tell me how Danny is when he wakes up?” Jason nodded, not wanting to take his eyes or focus off the pancakes. “Thanks for breakfast Little Wing. See ya Baby Bird, Baby Bat.” Dick nodded towards Jason, then Tim, then Damian before leaving to head back to his town.
Tim stayed staring into the coffee, barely acknowledging Dick’s farewell. Damian gave a curt nod before focusing on the food in front of him. A comfortable silence descended over the apartment, the smell of pancakes and other foods making it seem much cozier than the impersonal decorations did. Time passed like that, no one talking as food was prepared and eaten. Jason felt something within him settle, felt the green go even more quiet than normal, and he didn’t want it to stop.
The quiet calm atmosphere dissolved quickly when the door to the bedroom creaked open and Danny stumbled into the kitchen, falling into a seat at the table that was, thankfully, empty. Without speaking, Jason set down a couple plates of food and a cup of coffee in front of them. They hummed in a grateful tone before digging into the meal before them, washing it all down with coffee. Jason just kept supplying them with food until the consumption rate slowed down and they looked more present.
“Ask away.” Danny ordered softly, not looking up from their food just yet.
“Why were you alone in the hallway when you were that tired?” Jason tried to be gentle yet show how concerned he was.
Danny hummed again, this time in a tone Jason didn’t know how to decipher yet took to mean that Danny was still slightly tired. “I didn’t want to let the stupid clown have any sense of satisfaction for getting to me, so I declined the head guard’s offer to have someone take me home.” Danny pushed aways the last empty plate and rubbed their face with their hands. “I hate clowns, especially ones like Bozo er Blinky er Smiley or whatever his name is. You would not believe the amount of paperwork I had to do simply because a clown drew a picture of killing me, showed it to me, and then broke a pencil. After all of that, there was absolutely no way that I was going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he got to me.”
“The Joker did what?” Tim asked, finally looking up from his coffee.
“So that’s his name, huh?” Danny blinked a few times. “Yeah. It’s stupid, but I had to put together another binder because of the incident on top of the two for the breakout and recapture stuff. I get that my late coworker was probably corrupt, but why did he have to die and leave me alone with the paperwork?” Danny let their head fall to their arms on the table, likely still not entirely awake.
Damian suddenly leaned forward. “How many hours did you work to be that tired?” Jason figured it was probably a profiling question from the Demon Brat, but it was a little out of character for him to sound that worried.
“According to Chancey, the head guard, I was working for thirty hours not counting the two I dozed off for, but I don’t think I dozed off at all, more likely just got lost in thought for a stupidly long amount of time. Plus several of those hours were spent guarding the A&C Room, the Arts and Crafts Room, meaning I was also expending energy to lock my emotions away so that the stupid clown wouldn’t be able to see anything that could be used against me in the future. I also don’t think I managed to snag a lunch break either, so there’s that.” Danny hummed tiredly again. “I’m off then.”
“Off?” Jason questioned, mind racing to try and figure out what they meant.
“Yeah. I’m going to message Chancey and then sleep in my own bed for a little while. Not that yours wasn’t comfortable enough, just think I need some time to recharge and get stuff sorted out before I have to head in again. It was nice seeing you guys.” And just like that Danny was gone, the door closing behind them. A short time later the sound of another door opening and then closing reached his ears and he sighed. Danny sure was a mystery.
Taglist: @blacksea21090 @chrysanthemum9484 @samgirl98 @may-rbi @justwannaseesomebrozawa @serasvictoria02 @treepainting @fluffykster @enderglace @sigdexae @persephoneblackrose @angelofsongsoteira @lazy-bouqet @littlefeather345 @icedbluesoul @autumnwulf @thefearfullone @alixanterm @skulld3mort-1fan @dulceringo @vidimirrayne @betinaplayingwriter @the-legal-shipper @currant-owo @crystalqueertea @fisticuffsatapplebees @bugaboo25 @dannyphantomphan @botwadtict @kyrianclawraith @mnemovoid @lyra689 @demiourgias @d4ydr34min9 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit I think that’s everyone
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“You are my sunshine”
Part 17: The art of alcohol and yearning for love
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: Alcohol
Status: Finished
Author’s note: Writing under pictures! Enjoy!! I will never get tired of saying how much i ADORE your feedback!!!
Taglist: @lorosette @milas-teapot @screeching20s @alecmores @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
Series Masterlist:
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-•-Jason’s POV
it had been a stressful day for Jason
Not only had the press mistaken Artemis friendship with him potentially straining his relationship with his soulmate
and yes he is aware, she IS his soulmate, they are bound to be together and connected for the rest of their lives, but what the fuck, he cares cause he loves her so damnn much he…
Jason doesn’t go down that path knowing damn well it won’t end well at the moment
He called Bruce and went to the Manor
Tim and Bruce are calling Gotham Gazette and making sure the article is taken down, yk fixing any damage that it might have down
he has been trying to call Yn all afternoon and she wont answer
he’s left a bunch of messages and even thought of going to her apartment but he opted to give her some space to calm down
the rest of the day was spent thing of scenerios that could possibly happen
Artemis wanted to pass by and see how he was going but he told her it was better to stay away from the manor and out of sight together whilst the whole thing went away
She still mega tube to the cave, thanks Artie for being such a good friend (hope you taste the sarcasm)
Jason goes down to the cave and greets her, she is not looking happy and an unhappy amazon is NEVER good.
“Care to explain why i am not allowed to be seen with one of my best friends?”
“Artie, it’s difficult to explain, with the whole article blowing up its a little tense right now”
“why? it’s just press, we both know it isn’t true and that it’ll cool off in a few days”
“yes but there is someone believing it is true and i need for her to stop believing it is true”
“i see why your panic is so evident then”
“well yes-“
“who would have thought? Jason Todd panicked because of the media. Never in my life-“
“mmkay enough, is my misery amusing to you?”
“yes, quite a lot, especially if it’s because of a girl after you swore your only relationship in life would be spite and chaos. i must meet this girl!”
“yes we’ll right now neither of us is gonna have any luck with talking to her seeing as she probably isn’t the happiest with me right now”
Artemis starts to laugh and Jason looks at her questionably
“She probably thinks we truly are a thing! That’s ridiculous”
Jason is confused by what she says…they have had encounters in the past, like they HAVE fallen to bed together, why is it ridiculous
Seeing her friend still confused , Artemis chuckles and explains “I had come with news my friend. You see, let’s just say your girlfriend has more chances of having me as a lover than you.”
Of course
as if this couldn’t get anymore ridiculous to believe
Jason laughs in disbelief
“Well, that makes my explanation to her 10 time easier”
Artemis starts to laugh, “Let me see her, all the pictures you post of her don’t show her face”
Jason takes out his phone and starts to show many of the pics he has with her.
“hmmmm and are you sure she is completely off limits? Cause if it fails with you, i can come and pick up the pieces” Artemis says with a teasing look in her eyes
Jason glares at her and rolls his eyes
“Yes absolutely out of limits, she is MY soulmate after all, My person! get your own”
Artemis cackles in response and just when she’s about to respond a notification pops up
- yn__truly just made a post-
At that Artemis lost it
“YOU HAVE HER NOTIFICATIONS ON!?!?! OMG JASON!!! YOU ARE WHIPPED!” She howls. Her laughter sounding through all the cave.
Jason’s face was worth it. He was red in the face, trying to fight of a smile and trying to come up with what to say.
“Oh fuck off”
At that, another fit of giggles erupted from the girl.
He opens his instagram only to find out that Nola and Yn are at some rich asshole’s party and they were drinking A LOT.
The captions were concerning so he decided that that night he would leave his phone without do not disturb, just in case ANYTHING happened
And how thankful he was of making that decision.
After Artemis had left, Jason opted to stay this night at the manor and not go to patrol, Alfred advised it was for the best seeing has his emotions were all over the place. Instead of staying in the cave, he walked towards the library, grabbed a book, and sat down in his section.
Time went by and before he knew it, it was nearing 1 am. Just as he is about to turn the page, his phone rings.
He looks at the caller and sees Yn’s contact name, “Light of my eyes”
The day his siblings found out that was her contact name, they had a field day. But that’s a story for another time
He picks it up and the cringes at the loud music
A voice he didn’t recognize
“Yes, who’s asking?”
“Oh perfect! This isssss Nolaaaaa! I’m a bit tipsy right now but you should seeee Y/n, full out gone! I’m calling you cause cause causeeeee well cause….i don’t remember my reason…”
he laughed a little, she really did sound like how Yn described her
“but AnyWAYsssss, come pick up Yn, she’sss like drunkie drinkity drunk drunk and i’m not like you know soberity sobers right now so yeahhhh!”
Fuck, he didn’t hesitate to answer
“Alright, text me the address and i’ll pick her up and make sure to take her back home”
Nola told him the direction of the hotel and soon he arrived.
He wore black sweatpants with a white t-shirt and his grey running shoes. He had his signature red hoodie in the car just in case yn got cold.
he walks to the lobby and spots Nola and sun sitting in the sofa giggling out of their minds until they spot him.
“JAY!” Yn screams and runs to him with open arms. He lets her embrace him and holds her there whilst Nola walks over.
“Thank you for taking her home” she smiles and blows a kiss to Yn, “bestie you are in safe hands” says Nola as she walks away and opens the door to the ballroom, starting to dance as she gets in.
Yn is literally cuddled up to him, clearly not sober and looks up at him
Her eyes look watery and soft as she takes him in
Before she can say anything, he holds her and starts carrying her bridal style to the car
On the way to her apartment, yn got cold and Jason gave her his hoodie. Even if the tight black dress looked nothing less of delicious on her, seeing her in his clothes killed him
She had worn his leather jacket various times before, and every time, it made him almost dizzy with love
She then connected her phone to the aux and started blasting her favorite songs and screaming the lyrics out
From Bad Bunny to Shakira, she sang every word with her heart and soul
He found it amusing and even adorable
This is not something new, she has done this a few times in the car, but seeing her do it drunk and mess up the lyrics and even almost cry at some was another thing and it made him laugh.
“El mismo aire” from Pablo Alborán and Camilo starts to play
(i’ll write the spanish version lyrics with their translation, an amAZING FKN SONG EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO)
“tu y yo, pasamos de ser todo a nada” (you and i, went from being everything to nothing)
“de comernos con la mirada” (of eating each other with our eyes)
“y ahora estamos frente a frente, y ni siquiera puedes mirarme a la cara” (and now we are face to face and you can’t even look at me in the eyes)
“vivíamos de boca a boca” (we lived with our mouths touching)
“los labios no querían soltarse” (our lips didn’t want to leave each other)
“y ahora aquí en el mismo cuarto no podemos respirar el mismo aire” (and now we are in the same room and we can’t even breathe the same air)
yn opted to sit back and just whisper the song
the whole vibe of the car started to tone down to one more intimate, slow and relaxed.
“Llévate el tapete” (pull away the rug)
“llévate mi vida que agarraste de juguete” (take away my life that you took as a toy)
at that, Jason heard a small sniffle and turned to looked at her, she was numbly looking at the road, her eyes watery and a single tear running down her cheek. They were already nearing her apartment.
“Llévate ese par de anillos que nos comprometen” (take away those rings that compromise us)
“y, aunque no quiera perderte, te diría vete, pero el que se va soy yo” (and even if i don’t want to lose your, i’d say leave but the one who leaves is me)
“y cuando me vaya me llevo el reloj, pa llevarme el tiempo que pase contigo, que no fue perdido” (and when i leave i’ll take the clock and take all the time with you, which wasn’t lost)
the song carried out, but yn stayed silent. more tears ran down her cheeks
He had heard he talk Spanish before but my God, was he addicted to hearing her singing it. It was intoxicating and it didn’t help that she had a nice voice. For a moment, he forgot everything and just let himself be mesmerized by the girl next to him. His heart beat so strong for her, it pained sometimes.
She turned to look at him
“Jason…” she whispered, voice full of sorrow
he looked at her, it was noticeable she still wasn’t sober by the way her gaze fell on him.
“yk…you strangely look a lot like him, mr. uber nola hired” said she and there he got his confirmation that Lord she was not there yet.
“well mister uber, i have a question, have you ever been in love with someone you knew from the start you couldn’t have?” she questions him and Jason just stares at her. He shakes his head no, which prompts her to continue
“Lucky you, my friend, lucky man. I am not so fortunate you see, I fucked up. I fucked up! and i’m so stupid for it,” at this, she closes her eyes and more tears start to go down her checks, “Jaosn fkn Peter Todd, maybe you know him. Well you probably do…he’s Bruce Wayne’s son you see. You might be wondering how i got myself tangled up with him. Funny thing is, i have no idea. One day you go to a gala, the next you are the Wayne kids’ current obsession and one of the is hitting on you and asking you on a date and romancing you and you think you are special and you feel loved and noticed until BOOM! He changes to someone else and you don’t even know what did you do wrong to make him leave….” she takes a deep breathe and tries to wipe her tears. “Who knew rich kids could be so fkn cruel?!?! Just because they have money doesn’t mean they can just USE civilians for their enjoyment!”
HUH!?!?? Is…is that what she thought it was????
“My theory is that they hold a game to pick one random civilian and have one of them romance them just cause and see how far they can get and my bet is that because i was not being easy on Jason, he got bored and went to get someone of his actual league.” she says slumping against the chair dejectedly
Jason was stunned and flabbergasted. Oh his sweet girl, how wrong could she be about ALL of them. She had never expressed anything about this (well he couldn’t exactly blame her either). Had they given that impression? He thought about his siblings obsession and bet. He thought about the challenge and how out of the blue it was. She was right to believe something weird was going on. She had every right to not be trusting because it HAD been weird and they hadn’t noticed because of their excitement to meet her and have her be a part of the family. And then, the pictures with Artemis. Fuck. He was suffering from a cause that wasn’t even his fault, it just was a LOT of lack of communication. Her feelings were so valid.
“I was just a toy, a joke, a charity case, a nothing, a small moment of a good time” she kept on going and a fresh round of tears began, “the worst part of it all is that I’d repeat it in a heartbeat, I’d say yes all over again, cause if i get to be part of Jason’s world even if it’s a small portion of it. You know…there were times i could swear his soul and mine were made of the same magic…we just fit, you know” her voice starts to tremble and she shakes her head, “how foolish of me to think I could have someone that surely was never meant to be mine” she finished and continues to wipe her tears.
“If only you knew my love, my light, my soul, if only you knew, that our souls ARE made by the same magic and were made to be intertwined” Jason couldn’t help but think
They stayed in silent as she finally calms down, “i am so so sorry, i’m here spilling my heart out to some random uber” she starts to apologize and he almost chuckles, she is still so drunk out of her mind she hasn’t recognized him. “it’s alright” he responds
He parks the car, turns it off, helps her out of it and bring her to her apartment. He’s been there a few times and already knows his way around.
Once inside, he carries her a lays her on her bed
Because of all the many nights they have gone facetiming, he knows her night skin care routine by heart, so he sits her up, takes her make up with her make up wipes and helps her with it. He is so gentle with her, as if he fears she might break. He ties her hair up, knowing she hates sleeping with it loose.
The entire time she is looking at the abyss, her head in another world.
Finally he tells her to get changed, which she nods and goes to the bathroom and does.
The entire time is spent with soft orders and a comfortable silence.
once she is changed, she tries to give him his hoodie but he tells her to keep it.
She gets in bed and before he knows it, she’s sound asleep
Today must have been just as draining for her
He goes to the kitchen and comes back with some pain killers for the morning and a water bottle. He puts them on her bedside table and kisses her heads He whispers goodnight and leaves, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the apartment door as he leaves.
Jason sits on the car, and sighs as he turns it on and starts to drive back to the manor
Tomorrow will be hell, that’s for sure.
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hopechan16 · 9 months
I've mentioned several times before that I wrote a fanfiction and it was extremely long. Besides, that's a bit the principle of my blog, it's my personal Batman universe, even if sometimes I mention the official comics.
I would like to publish it one day, I would, but as I want it to be well written and well translated, it won't be right away. That said, I wanted to give you a summary, so that you understand a little better what I draw, because ultimately I don't draw a lot of fanart strictly speaking.
Summary Batman: Through the Looking Glass.
Batman is sent into a magic mirror that the gods created thousands of years ago, and which will confront him with a reality that can either save him or lose him forever.
In this mirror his whole world seems reversed. He's not Batman and he never lost his parents.
There he meets Jack Napier, the Joker who never fell into the toxic vat, who became a comedy star and a popular actor, all thanks to a great evening where Bruce Wayne and the little actor were able to link their destiny.
He discovers that he is a wonderful man and the most disturbing thing is that he ends up realizing that he is the person of his dreams, the person he always needed and who Gotham needs. But now, once back in his reality thanks to a relentless and retrospective investigation of his subconscious, in the company of Jack….Batman tries to pretend nothing happened. His reason pushes him to continue his life, and he tries to reassure himself as best he can in his habits, except that he will end up making serious mistakes. In truth he can no longer get Jack out of his head. As much as he wants to forget everything and stay lucid, it doesn't work. Forced by events, he will have to face his worst enemy, whom he no longer sees quite as before. Well, he's going to break down, think he's going crazy, until he realizes that the key to his problems may have been simply in front of his eyes all this time. Did the mirror send him a message? For the first time he really seems to see Joker as a weakness, a human being, more than a creature, at least this is the first time he objectively admits it to himself.
If Batman sees in his reversals a spark in Joker, Joker sees himself very distraught but not for very long, since he sees here the opportunity to dream of destroying his adored Batsy, he bets it with Harley. It will be his most Machiavellian trick, the Bat eats out of his hand and his heart will be broken forever. Above all, Harley sees Joker as blatant denial and bets that Batman will put an end to this doom clown once and for all. The bet is launched.
Well, Batman is not fooled, he suspects the Joker's jokes except that now he is determined to believe in him, or rather to believe in Jack, convinced that it is indeed this man he must save from the clutches of the Joker. But a how?
Sans follows Batman's various maneuvers to free the man in his life from a curse for which he blames himself and a Joker who pursues his evil designs, until memory problems plague our great detective... where Is the Joker card hanging in the batcave? To overcome his sudden memory lapses, Batman searches through his files and comes across old articles of his parents' deaths, but nothing seems the same anymore? A young boy is found in crime scene photos? Who is this boy ? He had never seen it before! Nothing is going right anymore, Batman feels lost, he is starting to believe that he is still in the mirror, or is it this crazy clown who planned everything? Mad with rage, he attacks the Joker, against all the promises he had made about him, right at the moment when the latter was almost convinced to abandon his future crimes. Too disturbed, Batman collapses, a great light invades him.
He's actually in a hospital, Gotham Children's Hospital, and he's the one who's hospitalized.
His parents died recently. Harley, his psychologist, takes care of him; he appears to suffer from serious personality disorders. While his friend Jack tries to keep in touch with him despite this imaginary world that he invented to protect himself from the reality that terrifies him...
After which the story is built in two stages: 1) in Batman's universe, and the other in Bruce's reality.
In total there are 10 major chapters: Which deconstruct all the issues of the Batman universe, with the survival of Gotham at stake in the face of relationships: Batman/Joker, Batman/Bruce, Joker/Jack, Batman/Jack and Bruce/Jack. And of course ! All this against a backdrop of investigations and intrigues of all kinds, that’s Batman! If most of the story is centered on Batman and Joker/Jack, the fact remains that I take care of all the most cult characters: Cat, Ivy, the batfamily, The Mad Hatter, Justice League, Two-Face, Maroni, Falcone, the Penguin, Killer Croc, in addition to the characters I invented for the story.
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Hi I got more questions about the starburst duo!
1: what’s their favorite video games?
2: what is their favorite anime and/or cartoons?
3: Chris has a brotherly/uncle relationship with Kon-El/Conner, what’s Jake’s relationship like with Kon-el?
4: you know how in some movies and tv shows a pair of best friends would get into a fight and act like: “your not my best friend anymore!” And towards the end they get back together, has that happen before between the two of them?
5: what’s the rouge galley for the both of them?
Silly question :p
6: on a scale of 1-10, how likely are they gonna aim for the crotch against a dude villain/goon? Speaking of that what’s their reaction seeing that stuff in movies like how in the first kung fu panda movie Po got hit in the tenders?
(Cracks Fingers while grinning wildly)
Back for more I see, my friend? Very well then…
1) In no particular order, they’d like (in spite of Dick and Lois having some second thoughts in allowing them for playing M Rated titles)
Mortal Kombat
Blitz The League
Dark Souls
Asura’s Wrath,
and perhaps their all time favorite,
The Rockband series (out of them, The Beatles Rockband being their top one. Chris can do both Vocals and Bass while Jake does Drums and Harmonies)
2) Dragon Ball…basically all of Dragon Ball. Whether it’s The OG, Kai, GT, or the upcoming Daima, they’ll be lined up in their best shirts that are either patterned after Piccolo’s outfit or have the Z Fighters on it with their snacks by their side on the couch and engage with an all night marathon of episodes and films. Their favorite character is unanimously Son Gohan
3) Those two get along as good friends though from Jake hears about Conner courtesy of his Uncle Tim and ‘Aunite’ Cassie, whenever Conner inevitably screws up with trying to win a girlfriend off the streets with his egotistical charms and attitude, Jake gleefully takes the chance for snarking about that screw up, much to Conner’s conniption.
Aside from that though, the two make it a sworn oath on working together for making sure Chris is safe and secure from the threats even he’s too great to handle, whether externally or especially his own internal ones including tendencies of low self esteem and fears of abandonment. Conner and Jake are there for him no matter what
4) Much to even their own surprise, not exactly. Yes, there have been moments the two have gone separately from each other before reuniting in full but the thing is, they never had said to each other that they’re no longer friends. They’re never actively taking pot shots or any sort of bad mouth each other even during their lowest points in their friendship.
In fact, it’s because of their close friendship, it’s how they’re able to communicate the message of “Hey Man, I really like to hang out with you but I don’t if it’s the right time right now. Maybe a little later? Still love ya as a friend btw” with little to no words whether it’s face to face or via phone texts. They have mutual respect and understanding of those moments and take their time.
Once they have a chance though, like say in the middle of a crisis or few, they’ll rush to each other’s aid and make up for it once it’s all said and done. Even in a hypothetical Civil War between all the superheroes which has the two in opposite sides would have a similar pattern between them.
5) I once answered this in a earlier ask but I feel like it’s the perfect time for a sort of expansion to that list. Some names here would be old classics while maybe one or two would be OCs of mine for villains.
General Dru Zod (Chris’ birth father and somewhat arch nemesis due to his….very tough love approach to put it very very mildly think of their relationship akin to say Omni Man and Invincible)
Mr Victor Zsasz (Jake’s own Gotham based arch enemy due to a particular case involving street orphans and urchins forcibly fighting a gladiator style tournament to the death and Jake facing Zsasz face to face at the climax of said case, a duel involving a rather brutal beat down since Jake’s powers were shut down briefly that includes a sharp blade and that old damned crowbar)
The Gordanians (Since Jake’s mother is Kory aka Starfire, it should be pretty self explanatory and easy to understand his dislike for these particular aliens)
Deathstroke the Terminator (Similar enough reason to the Gordanians only in this case it’s via what he done to Dick throughout the years as a Titan, whether it includes the forced apprenticeship or other misdeeds)
The Court of Owls (not only due to both Mar’i and Jake being offsprings of the ‘Gray Son’ but they also can sense Chris somehow being a unique sort that distinguishes him from the other Kryptonians (I.e. his unique physiology courtesy of his birth in the Phantom Zone and being a host for the Nightwing entity) that they can claim for themselves, an evolutionary step in their arsenal of Talons)
Cinderblock (The big dumb concrete lug frequently challenges Chris and Jake for a challenge in Bludhaven’s streets which they’re all too happy to take. He’s fun for them to take on)
Xa Du, The Phantom King (As the main ruler of the Phantom Zone himself, he naturally sees Chris as an obstacle to his own path of universal domination)
(And time for some OCs I have in mind)
NKVDemon (an ex-Spetznaz and apprentice of the KGBeast though his goals and methods are far more grand and widespread in comparison than his mercenary teacher’s. While not a cyborg like KGBeast or enhanced like Deathstroke, he’s dangerously intelligent, at peak human condition and utterly ruthless to the core)
Lion Master (a constantly bullied street orphan who ran to join a traveling circus where became the apprentice of an old kindly lion tamer, it all truly went downhill during one performance at Ivy Town when due to a simple mistake on his part, the kid ended up causing the old tamer’s unfortunate demise in front of the crowds, leading to him being kicked out of the circus he called home and the lions ordered in being out down. Not willing to see the felines he can call his friends meet their ends, the orphan frees the four big cats. Now with nothing left to lose and returning to the streets once more, the old tanner’s apprentice turns to a life of petty crime with his four kings of the jungle by his side and at his beckon command; competing his transformation into the Lion Master. Has a beef yet also somewhat a bond with Skybird due to their own connections to the circus yet Skybird and Nightwing ‘Phantom’ always foil his crimes)
La Llorona (‘The Weeping Woman’ herself; the Duo once encountered her during a vacation their families were taking in Mexico. A one time antagonist who they actually were able to communicate with in order to help her find peace with them but certainly a memorable one)
The monkeys and undead guardians of El Dorado (Ling story incredibly short, Time Travel shenanigans had Chris and Jake land in the a time lopping ancient city of gold with these monkeys and zombified warriors attacking the intruders almost every step of their way within their adventure to escape)
Vla-Bol (A Kryptonian juvenile delinquent who led an equivalent of a street gang doing all sorts of petty crimes and ruled their city streets/Hallways with an iron fist. At first, The Kryptonian High Coucil had Vla drafted into basically boot camp under the command of an ancestor of a certain Kryptonian General, Grand Admiral Gro-Zod. Unfortunately for Vla, despite or maybe because of taking the Admiral’s teachings and philosophy to heart, he went on committing plenty of bad conduct and failed to hold back his fury during war time as a Private. For this misconduct, Vla-Bol was banished to the Phantom Zone at the age of only 14 years, swearing vengeance on the House of Zod for this indignity. It just centuries later and once he finally is able to leave the Zone and find planet Earth, there happens on being a descendent of the old Admiral, Lor Zod aka Chris. Vla-Bol is an utter show off and Grade A jerk who flaunts his powers without any hesitation or second thought. Powers that are surprisingly deviant from standard Kryptonian ones as while yes he can fly, lift extremely heavy objects and exhibit super human speeds, for one he relies on Moonlight to fuel them. Also, in place of heat vision and x ray vision, Vla-Bol instead can make copies of himself composed of shadows and summon dark energy from the Zone itself, capable of leveling entire city blocks at the palm of his hands)
(*Phew* I think that should do it lol)
6) Chris: 3, Clark taught him well enough to not resort to dirty tricks in fighting his opponents
Jake: 10, Being raised in Bludhaven by Nightwing and having Red Hood as an Uncle….it’s pretty obvious he would fight dirty like they can lol
As for their reactions, both of them would giggling at those moments.
Okey Dokey, I’m pretty sure that’s a plenty for my answers, Anon
If there’s any suggestions to add or constructive criticisms, please Reblog/Reply. It’ll be very appreciated ;-)
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plzu · 2 years
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Salted Caramel Latte - (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x f!barista!Reader)
part four ☕️
posting quickly before i disappear into the night to have HOT POT.... so apologies for any typos or w/e alsdjfl i read and re-read as i write but i stay missing things 🤷🏽‍♀️
Summary: You kiss Adrian. You keep kissing him, even after he stresses to you that he's super never killed anyone before. Like, ever.
Warnings: no real obvious ones this time around???, brief mention of serial killers (Dahmer), no Y/N, horny thots, allusion to bad relationship with parents, sad reader ???, lmk if i missed any & i'll add to the last :]]], not explicit/18+ YET...
Word Count: 3.6k+
So. You kissed Adrian Chase.
You… initiated the kiss, even. In the cramped space of his Sebring, surrounded by the soft sound of rain and the quiet static of radio station chatter. Seat belt straps biting uncomfortably into your bodies. Hands roving lostly with shaky determination. It tasted a little bit desperate. You were sticky from work--stray splashes of syrup and burnt milk marked you like battle scars. Noses bumped and there was the definite collision of teeth from the hasty carelessness.
And it was the best kiss you’ve had in a very, very long time.
This scares you.
See, Evergreen is dull. Even with masked vigilantes running about (after all, it was no Metropolis, and definitely nowhere near as bad as Gotham, crime-wise). Since returning, it is this dullness that you rely on, the way it buzzes over your skin a much needed reminder that you have to get out of here as soon as you can. Save up enough money, move out of your parent’s house again, and at least get as far out as Seattle. Some of your friends from high school live there now, so at least you wouldn’t be alone. 
But Adrian - he visits the cafe and brings with him a frenzied sort of vibrancy that can’t be ignored. His presence adds color to the otherwise dreary canvas of your life. It’s something you’ve found yourself looking forward to, daily, and you chastise yourself for it--after all, what’s the point in getting swept up in ephemeral happiness?
Sure, nursing a festering crush is one thing. Cradle it close to your chest and fondly imagine what it’d look like if you let it grow. But don’t ever let it see the light of the day. Especially when it’s only been, what? A week or so since he walked into your job and recognized you, and decided you were worth risking a caffeine addiction for. 
And, yet..! You kissed him anyway. Caught up in the placid proximity. Gobsmacked by his forthright, unabashed confession-(“I really want to spend more time with you.”)-there was nothing in the world you wanted more in that moment than to kiss Adrian Chase on the mouth.
As discussed, he picks you up the following day, before both your shifts at your respective jobs. Last night’s rain has long since stopped, but is still evident from the splash of passing cars and cool, gray autumn air. In the short walk from your front door to Adrian’s car, you have to decide whether you want to brush off the kiss and pretend it never happened, or if you should just give in and run giggling into his open, waiting arms-
“Adrian, what are you doing? Get back in the car,” you demandingly hiss, arms flailing in a shoo-ing motion. 
He’s standing on the passenger side, as if ready and waiting to open the door for you. Upon noticing your frazzled and bewildered expression and animated hand gestures, the smile on his face turns crooked in confusion. He tilts his head. “What?”
“Before my parents see you! Don’t wait for me like this, all- all chivalrous, and gentlemanly, or whatever!”
Your expression turns pleading. Your neck is stiff with the effort it takes to not whip your head around to check over your shoulder, see if your mom or dad are peeking through the window. Someone doing you a favor to pick you up at your house is one thing- someone getting out of their car to wait for you? It sends a different message. One your family would easily interpret as intimate, pluck an assumption out of so they can nettle you with it later.
Something seems to click for Adrian, and his shoulders slump minutely in dejected understanding. You’re too distracted by your fretting brain to register the light dim from his eyes before he trudges around the front of the car back to the driver’s side. He did not open the door for you.
It’s only once you’ve heaped yourself into the passenger seat, door slammed shut, do you chance a peek back at the house. Seeing no movement at any of the windows, no subtle shifting of blinds, you exhale and  fasten your seatbelt.
“Sorry about that,” you start as Adrian settles into the car. “That’s probably not the best way to greet you when you’re doing me such a huge favor.” Your laugh is sheepish, smile apologetic when you glance over at him.
He just kind of shrugs in response, putting the car in drive. “Yeah, I get it. You’re embarrassed by me.”
You blink at him. “What?”
“Look, I totally understand. Gut was that way, too.”
Shame heats your face as you listen, wide-eyed, to Adrian talk resignedly about being the Embarrassing Other that people don’t enjoy associating themselves with. You hadn’t even considered that would be his takeaway, too caught up in your own feelings. It seems obvious though, now- the boy who grew up nearly friendless. The annoying younger brother. An ostracized afterthought, the skinny nerd with glasses too big for his face and voice too high-pitched to be taken seriously as puberty overlooked him to instead lend itself to his peers.   
You scramble to interrupt. “Adrian, no, I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot.” He gives you a sideways glance, mouth hanging slightly ajar as he continues driving. “I… didn’t mean to make you feel that way. You don’t embarrass me.”
“Oh,” he says. Like he doesn’t quite believe you yet.
“I just didn’t want my parents to see you and get the wrong impression.”
“What, that I’m more than just your Uber driver?” He smiles. Laughs, even, but something in his tone makes you flinch. 
Truthfully, you didn’t think Adrian had it in him to put bite in his words. Not directed at you, at least. But maybe that was presumptuous of you. You probably deserved it. Even so, tears prick stupidly at your eyes (something that has been happening quite a lot since moving back to Evergreen). He’s the one that even offered to do this in the first place! So you clear your throat and try to explain:
“I spend more time at work than at home, okay? If my parents saw you, they’d think you’re the real reason, and that I’ve been lying about working overtime.”
He frowns. “I don’t understand. Can’t you just talk to them?”
“I don’t expect you to,” you mutter, attempting to curl in on yourself. “‘Sides, we don’t really… talk.”
With no further explanation provided, Adrian prods. “Okay, well then… why are you working so much OT?”
You absently pull your bottom lip between your teeth. The truth is that coming back home makes you feel like a burden. Since returning, shame has barely allowed you to make eye contact with your parents. If you stay out of sight, maybe they’ll forget you’re even there. 
So you found a job at a cafe that needed an experienced barista to help manage their newly-opened store. You haggled for night shifts so that you’d have an excuse not to be home for dinner. Your bosses--a frugal, married couple that don’t want to spend too much on employees but still need to make sure they give people their due days off--reluctantly agreed to your terms but had to put their foot down and give you at least one day off a week.
You’re not about to unload all of that on Adrian, though; you tell him the partial truth instead.
“The quicker I make money, the faster I can move back out.” 
“This car thing is gonna set me back, though,” you grumble, more to yourself.  
“Okay.” His voice is soft. Not entirely understanding, but soft. “Well, the drinks you make me are fucking delicious, so I’m sure you’ll get a raise in no time. Also, you’re so pretty so I bet the customers tip extra when you’re working. I see it happen at Fennel Fields all the time.”
This startles a laugh out of you. You had pieced together that Adrian has a habit of shamelessly saying whatever’s on his mind, filter be damned, but the outright compliment still surprises you. 
You don’t quite take in the way his eyes kind of soften at the sound of your laugh.
“I let Ashe and the others take all the tips,” you say. “Besides, you may think I’m pretty, but I can be kind of… accidentally… rude, sometimes. To customers.”
“I mean, you did offer me cocaine that one time-”
“It was a suggestion, and I was joking, Adrian-”
“But still, I don’t think you’re rude! You’re nice to me.”
You snort. “I’m rude to you, like, all the time. But also, I like you, so you get special treatment.”
Adrian all but beams. His smile stretches across his face and it makes his cheeks glow, drawing your attention to his pink cheekbones beneath his frames. You watch him as he faces the road through the windshield. Gosh, you wish you got to see his face last night. It must have been flushed from the brief make-out session, and you didn’t even get a chance to enjoy it.
Enjoy it.
You hold your hands in your lap, rubbing soothing circles against the palm of one with the thumb of the other, and chew thoughtfully on the inside of your cheek, ruminating over how fucking miserable you’ve been. How isolating it’s been these past few weeks, in the self-imposed prison of your childhood bedroom. Well- teenhood, really. Getting only snatches of joy from making the perfect foam for cappuccinos, honing your latte art, and in visits from one cute bespectacled man.
Maybe it was time to stop wallowing. Maybe it was time to allow yourself some happiness on purpose. 
When Adrian parks in front of The Evergreen Bean, you’re quick to undo your seatbelt. As he turns his head to face you, your palms cup his cheeks--you’re fully facing him, torso twisted, left leg mostly propped onto the seat and against the center console--and you search his pretty, startled green eyes (his face feels so soft and warm and nice)-
-and you pull him closer and press your lips to his and watch his eyes flutter shut, and yours follow suit, his posture relaxes and you both sigh into it-
And so you continue to kiss Adrian Chase.
The cafe is quiet today. There’s no line of customers, just a couple of people sitting in cafe with laptops or books or engaging in quiet chatter.
Adrian has time to kill before his shift starts, so he follows you into the cafe and is immediately lauded by the morning shift barista.
“Oh, Ashe, is this him? He is kind of cute, actually.” 
“Matty, behave,” you reprimand, going behind the bar to clock in.
Matty is around Ashe’s age, one of the shift supervisors at The Everbean Green that was more than happy to take on a majority of the morning shifts while you closed up shop. A morning person in every sense of the word, his exuberant, sunshine-y demeanor balanced out your more quiet, reserved personality at work. 
And currently, his and Ashe's attention are zeroed in on Adrian’s suspiciously swollen lips, which slowly break into a smile. “Wait, me? You think I’m cute?”
You bite back a smile as Ashe laughs and Matty affirms that yes, he finds Adrian cute, and you watch the compliment turn the tips of Adrian’s ears pink.
“Yeah, I’m loving the whole serial killer vibe,” Matty praises, resting heavily against the counter, chin propped up by his open palm. 
Adrian’s smile slips, eyes widening in panic, and you briefly consider punching Matty in the throat. “What? No, I’m not- I don’t- I’m not a serial killer. Why would you say that?”
“I’m not saying you're a serial killer, babe, but the glasses? The neat, combed over hair? The endearingly hideous sweater? Very Dahmer. I’m into it.”
“Well, I’m not a serial killer. Or any kind of killer, for that matter. I’ve- I’ve never killed anyone before and wouldn’t- wouldn’t even know how to. I mean, sure-”
“Okay, alright-” you cut Adrian’s stumbling defense off, coming to his rescue. “Matty, you can’t say things like that to him. He’s, like, super against breaking the law. Freaks out at the idea of it.”
Matty’s shoulders slump. “Oh, ew, really? Boring.” 
Losing interest, he returns his attention to shift supervising. Ashe teases him for his serial killer fetish. You drown them both out as you tie your apron behind your back.
Adrian looks- nervous? Shoulders tense, rigid. Like he still needs to justify that he’s not some kind of psycho killer. You try reeling him back in. 
“Adrian, hey, it’s cool. Just ignore Matty. Let me make you something new today, yeah?”
He distractedly concedes, so you turn your back on him and get to prepping his drink. When you turn back around, he’s leaning towards you over the counter, softly calling your name.
“You don’t-” he pauses to clear his throat, lowers his voice, and continues, “you don’t think I’m a murderer, or anything, do you?”
Even for Adrian, it’s kind of weird he’s being so adamant about this. Still, though- you brush off the uneasy feeling tickling the back of your mind with a snort. “Please, Adrian. I know you wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Oh, no, I’ve definitely killed flies before,” he corrects, voice returning to a normal volume. “And spiders. But it’s not- those are fine. Not illegal or anything. I checked.”
This makes you genuinely giggle, and Adrian visibly relaxes at the sight, a smile returning to his face. Like your laughs are a balm for his nerves. The very thought makes you sheepishly avert your gaze, and finish up his drink.
“Here,” you say, popping the lid onto his latte, smooshing down the whipped cream (you know you give him soy milk, but it’s just some whipped cream. You gotta try the drink with the whip!) “A seasonally appropriate salted caramel latte. Hope you like it.”
“Ooh, goody!” he exclaims, and promptly burns his tongue on the first sip. “That’s-ow-it’s hot-”
“Yeah, no shit, it’s hot. I steamed the milk. You saw me do it-”
“I’m just so used to the iced ones. You always make me iced ones.”
You keep squabbling like that until a couple more customers enter the store, at which point you start shooing Adrian away. He points at his mouth before backing up. “Tongue still hurts.”
You roll your eyes. “And?”
“You gotta kiss it better."
Heat spikes through you, and your mouth twitches in amusement. “Get out.”
The plan is to wait for Adrian’s shift to end so he can give you a ride back home. He was worried about how late you’d get home, but you waved it off as an unforeseen upside of the whole situation. It provides an excuse to get home later, after your parents have definitely fallen deep asleep.
Restlessness overtakes you, however. On any other night, with a car of your own and the freedom to leave when you want, you wouldn’t mind just chilling by yourself in the cafe after close. But waiting for Adrian makes you antsy, and maybe you can blame it on the four shots of espresso you decided to drink last minute, but impatience crackles beneath your skin and you just really want to make your way towards Adrian. 
Impatience. Or the eagerness akin to a schoolgirl with a stupid little crush. 
Adrian said Fennel Fields was just down the street, so you make sure the back and front doors are securely locked and venture out into the chilly October night. 
Turns out “down the street” means trekking past some seedy bushes and weird shifting shadows and a small stretch of road that doesn’t feel very pedestrian-friendly. But you brave it anyway, because that’s what people with caffeine coursing through their nighttime veins do, right?
Maybe the PM coffee wasn’t that bright an idea, but, whatever.
You enter the restaurant, and the hostess that meets you at the front is nice and professional enough to ignore your labored breathing. 
(You may or may not have jogged the last leg of the way upon hearing the terrifying snap of a twig.)
“Hi, how many?” she asks, giving you a once over. “Or, are you here to pick up an order, or..?” 
“Oh, I’m not here to eat! I’m just waiting for Adrian.”
She tilts her head. “Who?”
You blink at her. “Adrian? Adrian… Chase? He works here..?” You scratch at your cheek, suddenly unsure. The sign outside was definitely a poorly-drawn graphic of a fork twirling a single strand of spaghetti, like Adrian said. 
Luckily, you spot him carrying a tub of dirty dishes between the rows of tables, and wave him down. When he notices, his face lights up with surprise and, distracted, his steps stumble and you watch him struggle to keep from toppling over. He marches over to you once he finally rights himself, glasses partially askew.
The hostess looks between you both--her glances towards you a little disbelieving--before finally going, “ohh, right. Sorry about that.” She slinks off with a shrug once Adrian reaches you.
Adrian puts the tub of dishes down on the podium where the menus sit. “What are you doing here?”
“How does your co-worker not know your name?” you ask at the same time, scrunching your face distastefully in the direction she disappeared to.
“Did you take an Uber, or something?” Adrian peers behind you out the storefront windows into the night, ignoring your question.
“No. You’re my Uber, remember?”
Adrian adjusts his glasses with quirk, jerky movements so the frames sit pretty on his nose again. He gives you a wide-eyed, disapproving look. Is he… angry with you? Like, for real?
“Uh, hey, maybe let me know next time?”
Pfft. “Are you serious? It was just a short walk.” A short, mildly horrifying walk. “What’s your problem?”
He does that thing where he puts his hands on his hips in disapproval, and you’re having a hard time taking him seriously. He looks so cute in his work uniform.
“There are some real creeps out at night.”
“Pssht, please, no worries. Vigilante would save me.” You grin up at him, laughing off his worries. 
Adrian gets flustered, raises his voice at you. “Yeah, well, he can’t be everywhere at once!”
Something in you falters. You reel in your enthusiasm, taking a quick glance around the remaining customers in the restaurant. People are looking. 
“Okay, Adrian, chill out,” you soothe, voice soft. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’ll send a text next time.”
Adrian nods, diffusing, taking a steadying breath that expands his chest beneath his tan-colored apron. To stop yourself from staring at the movement, you instead focus on the curls peeking from beneath his silly little work cap. An adoring smile graces your face as a result.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
“No,” you shake your head. “Your uniform’s cute, by the way.”
This melts whatever remaining worry was creasing Adrian’s brow. Replaces it with a smile. “Yeah? Thanks.” A pause. “You’re not making fun of me, are you?”
“Cross my heart.”
“That’s nice, but that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Hurry up and get out of work so I can kiss you again, dork.”
It’s a little past midnight when Adrian clocks out, and you drag him to the backseat of his Sebring. The parking lot is mostly empty. The lights from the streetlamps barely illuminate the space within, where you once again have Adrian’s lips pulled flush against yours.
It’s very easy to ignore the small, nagging part of your brain that’s worried this might be inappropriate, with your hands tangled in his messy hair and his hands grabbing feverishly where they can on your body. And his moans, God, he’s so noisy, appreciative sounds rumbling in his chest, filling the space between you.
This is fine, you tell yourself. This isn’t sex.
(The warm, syrupy feeling that pulses low in your abdomen kind of wants it to be sex, though.)
Your tongue slides eagerly against his lips, and he groans before breaking the kiss, his panting breaths earning themselves a sweet spot in your fluttering chest.
“Is this fine? Don’t I have to get you home? Your parents-”
“Please don’t bring up my parents when I’m trying to stick my tongue down your throat,” you say, lips skimming the skin of his cheek and trailing down against his jaw. He shivers against you.
Your lips skirt lower to the enticing expanse of his neck. He somehow keeps talking.
“It’s just- with what you said earlier.”
“Mm,” you hum against him. His hands tighten their hold on your back and waist in response.
“Now I really am the reason you’re not home.”
“Adrian,” you murmur, sighing into the warm space of his neck. “I’m kind of trying really hard not to think about all of that stuff right now. Hence, this makeout session.”
“Sorry, sorry! It’s just, I kind of get the feeling that-hhhffuck-!”
You cut him off with a delicious scrape of your teeth on the side of his neck, latching your lips to suck at the skin there. Adrian tenses up against you, breath hitching, becoming trapped in his throat.
You pull away from him, search his eyes in the darkness. “I’m sorry, was that too much? I probably should’ve asked permission first..”
“Honestly, at this point, you can probably do whatever you want to me forever,” he replies, breathless.
You erupt into triumphant giggles, and he descends upon your mouth and swallows the bubbling laughter. Adrian licks into your parted lips. And everything that plagues you stops mattering so much.
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starsscribble · 2 years
Fandom: DC Characters: Batfam
  Like most people his age, Dick had heard of the ‘Am I The Asshole?’ page on Reddit. He has even seen some of the stories read on his Tik Tok fyp. He was no stranger to it. Yet he didn’t think he would be one of the people sharing his story on the subreddit. Yet here he was with a laptop in his living room. Pissed off girlfriend in their bed. The title to his post already written.
Am I the asshole for telling my girlfriend I won’t stop my sister from hugging me?
Let me start by saying I never thought I would end up posting here. But here we are. My gf (23) Abbie and I M (24) have been together for a year now. Abbie has met my family and they all seemed to get along. The problem started a day ago at my younger brother Ty's party. I don’t live too far from home but I’m also not close to visit as much as I would like. So I don’t get to see my siblings a lot. This is where the problem started. One of my younger sisters Y (18) is touch starved. And out of the family, I’m one of the few huggy ones. So when she was younger and I was home I'd hug her as much as I could. I still do this now even tho she has gotten better and more members of the family have helped over the time I’m gone. Unknown to me this was a problem with my girlfriend. When we get back to our place after the party she blew up at me. Telling me it’s weird that I hug Y so much. How Y is now an adult and needs to get over being touched starved. How people will think Y and I are together since we’re not real siblings.
I lost it at the comment about Y and I not being real siblings. I yelled at her. Told her that I won’t stop hugging my sister. And if she keeps pushing this I would end the relationship. She ended up locking herself in our room. Yesterday her friends messaged me calling me an asshole. Saying that it’s not much to ask to stop hugging Y. Today I got a message from Y telling me that she didn’t want to ruin my relationship and that she won’t hug me anymore. I know my sister and I know this had to hurt her to write.
When I brought up Y’s message to Abbie today she said she didn’t send any message to Y and it must have been one of her friends. But she was happy that Y was understanding of the situation enough to be an adult and back off. I told her Y didn’t need to back off. And we got into another fight. She once again locked herself in our room and refuses to open up. I’m getting messages from her friends again. And I just need some help and advice from people not in my life.
It was posted. Not only did he use a different account but he made sure the IP wasn’t anywhere near Gotham or Buldhaven. He made sure to cover his tracks. With all that done Dick laid down on his couch and tried to get some sleep for the coming day.
It was a quiet day. Arielle; his girlfriend, didn’t say a word to him. Not a good morning and not a goodbye. Total silence and he tried to speak with her. Tried to be civil. So he left for work. A normal day in the corrupted police force.
It was at lunch that he got a text from one of his siblings.
Tim : Ty really? You called me Ty.
Dick : What are you talking about.
Tim : The Reddit post. It wasn’t hard to figure out it was you who post it.
Dick sighed as he typed out his text messages. Of course, Tim figured it out. Dick had hoped that no one in the family checked that sub-Reddit.
Dick : Does anyone else know?
Tim : You mean does Y/n know?
Tim : No
Tim : Not yet anyways
Dick : Please I don’t want her to know. She already thinks she is messing up my relationship.
Tim : I will do my best.
When he was in the middle of his paperwork was when Jason texted him.
Jason: Really
Jason: A Reddit post.
Dick: Did Tim tell you?
Jason: No. I live for drama and Am I the Asshole is full of it.
Dick: Why am I surprised?
Jason: Idk. You shouldn’t be.
Jason: But this isn’t the point.
Jason: The point is. Y/n is going to see this.
Dick: She barely uses Reddit.
Jason: But not Tik Tok!
He sighed again. He didn’t think this was going to get as big as it had in his family. Closing his phone Dick set to finishing his paperwork and heading home.
On his way back home he received a text from Cass.
Cass: Break up with her.
Dick: Let me guess you saw the Reddit post.
Cass: No.
Cass: Arielle texted Y/n. Now she is upset.
Yet again he sighed. This whole thing had blown up and now he had to fix it.
Getting home Arielle was her normal happy self. She greeted him with a kiss, mentioning something about making his favorite meal. Setting all his things on the table he watched her for a bit before speaking up.
“I think we should break up.” There was no skirting around this. And he didn’t want to. Yes, Dick loved Arielle but he loved his family more. He loved you more. Because he still remembers the scared teenager who sunk into their first hug. Who loves her hair being ruffled. And doesn’t mind being used as an armrest at the Batfamily cave meeting.
“What?” Arielle's happiness dropped as she stared at him. “You’re joking, right? Right?” He wasn’t and he made it clear.
“You have a problem with-”
“All I’m asking is for her to stop touching you so much and you allowing it! People-”
“You mean the media! The media who know and understand that Y/n and I are siblings.”
“Well. I…” She huffed throwing the bowl in her hand onto the counter. “Get out.” She pointed to the door. Which threw Dick for a loop.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me get out!” Storming over to him she began to try and shove him out of the apartment. “You’re breaking out with me. Get out of my apartment!” Dick was quick to pull her away gently so as not to hurt her.
“This is my apartment. Not your.” He stated staring her down. She tried to match him but he didn’t work. She quickly looked away.
“It’s the least you can do. I don’t have a place to stay.”
“Then call a friend. I’m sure one of them will come.” With that, he walked out of the kitchen and away from her. He needed a shower in the worst way. Not only to remove the grim of the day but all the emotions that were brought with it.
Two days. That was all it was and Arielle was out of his life. Her friends gave him dirty looks as they helped her move. Whisper nasty words under their breath but he didn’t care. Once she was gone and he had the spare key back it was like a breath of fresh air he didn’t know he needed.
He went back to Gotham right after. Surprising everyone in the manor. Y/n shrank away from him but he quickly; and easily scooped her up in his arms.
“But you’re-”
“I broke up with her.” He cut her off. Setting you down. He could see the blaming of yourself start to form in your eyes. Hug you again tightly he spoke. “She wasn’t the right one. I don’t need someone in my life that doesn’t get why I would want to hug my sister.”
“No buts.” He pulled away placing a kiss on your forehead. “You didn’t do this. It was her. Don’t blame yourself for something she did. Got it?”
“Ya,” you whispered out.
“What was that? I didn’t hear that.” He pocked your sides causing you to laugh. And try to get away from him.
“I said ya!”
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inutaffy · 1 year
oh also uh for context. i had three (3) episodes to watch until i was finished with the show. each 22 minutes long. okay. stick with me.
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anyways. I HAVE SCHOOL TMR. i wanted to TALK TO PEOPLE TODAY. HEAD IN HANDS. i also got the sonic game and i was gonna start that but. Turtles. and i also wanted to write today but. Turtles. and i also also wanted to finally message some friends back and Have Conversations but TURTLES. WHAT THE FUCK. THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. this is so much worse than batman oh my god. this is entirely uncharted territory i’ve never been so obsessed with a show in my entire life (no we aren’t gonna talk about ninjago or monkie kid)
genuinely what the hell. omg. i dont even know how this HAPPENED. HOW DID I GET HERE. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM. i was so normal about these turtles and then it was like BAM i became insane over night
it happens to the best of us ♥️ did you SEE me in my gotham hyperfixation..... awful....... and danganronpa.?????? (<- reformed from that one tho. i had to force it but i have been rehabilitated. i will never put dr on ur dash unless they're a character in a poll)
anyway. yeah how did it take five hours. someone get on the case there's no way you took no breaks and it took five ho ur s did you black out what happened
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the-wandering-mage · 2 years
Writing prompt
"I told you if you put me a room with _____ I was going to punch them in the face."
I had an idea for a scene for a fanfic where Neal Caffrey from White Collar, a character known for being non-violent if you haven't watched the show, punches Bruce Wayne in the face and says the above to Peter as he walks away with blood on his fist. I realized this would in general be a good writing prompt.
If your curious my idea for this crossover AU was for Neal and Jason Todd to have been best friends growing up who later were in a secret open relationship. Both being polyamorious bi or pan. They of course told the girls they had flings with that they were in an open relationship just left out it being with a boy.
Bruce held a private funeral and didn't invite any of his friends from school (or wait for Dick to return from space) and also let everyone find out via newspaper of Jason's death. Neal emotionally couldn't handle being in Gotham anymore after he visited Jason's grave to mourn.
Neal spitefully did what he could without crossing into the city to hurt/ inconvenience Bruce and W. E. He basically vowed though to give a good right hook to the man though if he ever saw him just like Jason taught him. Knowing there was a chance working in white collar he might actually see the CEO and that assault would probably get him put back in jail he put in his contract that he was to never be put in the same room as him. To hide his personal connection other weird eccentric things were debated and later negotiated out of his contract with the FBI. Peter thought this was just Neal being theatric since he was adamantly non-violent. He just couldn't see him doing something crazy like punching Bruce Wayne in the office. Peter interviewed the man in his personal office without Neal but, didn't take it serious enough to have Neal entirely out of the office while Bruce was there.
Bruce by this point knows he handled Jason's Death horrendously doesn't press charges cause he knows he deserves probably more than a punch to the face and the hassle/stuff he knows Neal stole. His emotional clue-by-four courtesy of one Dick Grayson who actually reached out to Jason's BFF after he got back. Dick also was there when Neal said his goodbyes at Jason's head stone and Neal revealed that they had been in love and in a committed relationship for years.
Eventually this incident will prompt Bruce to try despite the fact that their relationship is just finally reaching stability, to get Jason to tell Neal he is alive. (Dick told him about the secret relationship when Neal first caused criminal trouble.) Bruce wants to try to at least try to right this one wrong. Dick is more than happy to join in on the cause. (The other bats are just surprised to find out about the secret relationship and are staying out of it though they are shameless eaves dropping and rooting for them to get together. Some because they ship it and some because they hope it will chill Jason out.)
Jason who knows how strongly Neal hates violence and why is scared to face him. ( Jason used to do all the violence and protecting so Neal didn't have to on the streets.) He thinks Neal will be horrified and disgusted with him. He is also afraid that he will accidentally hurt him because or the pit madness. He is very grateful he didn't know where Neal was and was too focused on his vendetta to have gone after him when he was still not fully in control and delivering duffle bags of heads. (The pit madness getting less potent the longer a way from exposure & the person becoming more experienced in handling the rage.)
Of course Jason eventually decides he owes Neal to honor his promise to Neal that they would always be together/ find each other even in the next great adventure. He leaves a note written in there special code in there favorite book on his table explaining everything and giving him the option to meet him or send him back a message if he doesn't want to see his face.
Neal has a breakdown which Mozzie walks into. Neal tells him what happened to the first love he'd mentioned so often (usually when drunk). Mozzie freaks out and does not want Neal to go and then he freaks out that Red Hood might have overheard via bug and was going to kill him for coming in between them. Neal talks him down defending Jason. Mozzie gets scared all over again because he can see in Neals eyes what Neal knew he'd do as soon as he realized Jason was really alive, he was going to find him. (And kiss him)
Neal was too grateful to have his love back again and was upset for Jason. He could see how the pit and the league's manipulations had twisted the good in him. Neal meets up with Jason and points out all the good parts of Jason that poked through in his actions under the corruption. He will take Jason with all the trama and the near meta human abilities and rage and help him heal. He still loves him no matter how damaged he may be just as he knows Jason would do the same for him. Just as long as they have each other they can survive anything.
If anyone wants to write this fic with the level of story telling I currently don't have the patience or ware with all to write please go ahead and tag me or my AO3 is The_Wandering_Mage. I got too many WIP right now and I'm currently trying out new medication and are possibly suffering from malnutrition these are unrelated but, my cognitive capabilities at the moment definitely are not up to snuff. Also I'm sleep deprived and probably shouldn't be posting at all but, I got nothing better to do and at least this way it's out of my head. Breaking my own don't post while not completely cognizant rule.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Toxic : Dick grayson x reader pt 2
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Just FYI: As I mentioned I changed the readers proffesion (forensic scientist and tech expert) and her alias - to Flux (you'll figure it out), but everything else is the same.
I made a life for myself outsider of Gotham. Leaving the past behind hoping it would never come running after me. Since I was always interested in science and criminology (no surprise given my adoptive father’s side job) I became a forensic scientist and technician for the LAPD. I worked hard to become to best in my profession and the one people relied on. What was funny, despite my rather reserved outside and dislike of any office gossip I was also known as the one who gave the best advice. Maybe it was because of my abilities. Oh, and speaking of that other part of me, I tried to give up on them. Being Ghost just did not work out anymore so I made a choice of being ordinary, no-super-enhanced YN. Funny thing was that despite my quitting they developed. After year one I discovered that apart from being an empath I could also draw people’s energy and use it to form some sort of shields and protections. Shit. Is that what you get when you try to bury the past?
But this, this was fine. I was still able to make it work in line with my normal life. I got back in touch with an old friend, Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl, who used to be my best friend back in the titans day. We worked quite well together, her extravert nature filling well enough for my introversion and vice versa. We met from time to time, keeping our friendship afloat. Once she made a mistake of asking me about what happened in Gotham that made me run away and whether this concerned Dick (after all he was her friend too), but I shoved her off, probably a bit harsher than intended. But I knew she understood my motives.
Life was good for a couple of freaking years. And then all Hell broke loose. By some crazy accident I came to the information that our department will be energized by the new detective. Normally I would let this news pass me by without giving any more thought into it, but when I got the notification of the upcoming employee I could not believe my own eyes. We would like to inform you that starting today we will have another detective on board. Please give warm welcome to detective Dick Grayson. Fuck! What the hell was he doing here? Was it some undercover mission for Batman? Surely he did not know I was working here as well. It’s been such a long time and I thought I was over feelings for him. Ha, ha, ha….. Good joke apparently. Thank god I had my lab on the other side of the floor so, luck help me, we would not be seeing each other too often. Knowing myself and knowing Dick, this could got awkward.
Thoughts and memories started bombarding my head up the point where I forgot about “starting today” part of the message and if it wasn’t for some other detectives who saw me sitting and staring at the wall I would just miss this warm welcome. Not that I would complain if it were to happen. But they were reluctant to all my excuses starting from the pettiest one like “I got a lot of work to do” ending on the most unbelievable one’s like “I got an old injury in my leg back and I can’t move.” Damn detectives. They just dragged me out of the office into the conference room.
“What is this? A kindergarten party?” I muttered crossing my arms and trying to stand in the back
“Oh, come on YN, don’t be grumpy. You are going absolutely wild in this solitary lab of yours. Aren’t you at least a bit curious about the new meat?” detective Todd Carson asked me
“Nope. Not even a little.”
“I’ve heard he is hot, you know. You could use some distraction” Amanda, the secretary winked at me.
“Leave the girl be, guys.” Captain Sarah Anders cut them off, as always when situations get a bit more serious. “we are still at work and you know the  HR policy on the matter of relationship between coworkers.”
“Thank you captain” I sighed “can I just go back to the …..?”
“Absolutely not. Despite everything you need to act nice towards our new colleague. Or at least, appropriately. And that requires meeting him”
“Believe me, I already had the pleasure” I mumbled almost inaudibly
“What were you saying?”
“Nothing. Sorry boss.”
“Good. Here he comes apparently.”
Fuck! He did not change a thing. Maybe brazened a little bit but apart from that he still got those messy, soft hair, smart, glistening eyes and straight posture. His energy was buzzing and it did not take my powers to see and fell that. I could not help the slightest blush that came onto my face.
“Changing your mind already, my dear?”” Amanda smirked at me “he is hot, isn’t he?”
I simply stayed silent since I couldn’t really deny and agreeing was not an option. At this moment I wished I could just turn invisible. Oh, wait….. Everyone was so busy with the introduction, captain Anders included that this might as well work out. I took a step back, towards the door to test the waters. No one noticed, so I took another one and then another and another. And just as I was about to cross the threshold Dick’s super-sensing made him turn head in my direction. It was …. Well, I don’t even know how to describe it. The way light froze in his eyes, but his facial expression did not change. The way his pupils dilated as he saw me, showing so many different emotions ranging from disbelief, though surprise, guilt and pain. It was physically hurting me, feeling all the same as he did. It was mere seconds before we both regained our cool attitude. Years of training made our reflexes and adapting abilities better than most people. He got back to greeting his teammates and I fled back to my safe space, my glass cage, controlling my breath and heartbeat in desperate need of something to focus on.   However, I couldn’t stop wondering what will his next move be.
He didn’t come to see me. Obviously, I did not come to see him either. Like I mentioned my lab was on the other side of the floor so most likely he got too invested in whatever case was assigned to him to take any sightseeing tour. Was this a relief? Yes. Really. But for how long?
He broke three days later. I was sitting in front of the files and samples with headphones off but I still heard the knocking and instantly knew. Everyone else just busted through the door.
“Come in, detective” I sighed turning around.
“Are you hiding from me?” he cut straight to the chase
“Is that even possible? Given all you can do? All your trained skills?”
“YN….” He sighed and plumped down onto the chair next to me
“Sorry.“ I mumbled looking down “been a while. How you’ve been?” I tried acting cool, keeping all my questions at bay. Are you just passing by? Are you on a mission? Are still with…
“Small talk, YN?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just trying to be warm and welcoming, but might as well go big right ahead. Why are you here?”
“I quit.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I quit being Robin.”
“What happened?”
“I was becoming too much like Bruce. And I never wanted that. So I….”
“run away?” I asked eyeing him carefully
“Seems like we have something in common.”
“You had different motives for that.”
“I guess. But the results turned out to be the same.” I hesitated before speaking again “are you going to stay?”
“I left almost right after you. ” He spoke at the same time and it made us both go silent
“Um…. Do you need any help with your cases?” I swiftly changed the subject but it was already awkward.
“I might, if you are willing to give me a hand. Everyone speaks so highly of you.”
“It’s just the job, Dick. I try to do my best.”
“You always did.”
“Apparently not good enough in some matters.” I just couldn’t stop my bitterness and reminiscence of the past from getting out.
“I’m sorry.” He said after a while
“I know. The past is in the past.” I was terrible liar and he knew that “how can I help you? With work of course?”
It’s been a couple of weeks during which we worked together a couple of times. It was strange at first but soon this tension between us just went off and we were able to work without any inhibitions. It was clear to see he has changed. Definitely trying his best to not be like Bruce and move past all the aggression and pain he was raised with. So yeah, we were back to being friends or at least working it out this way. That was until a very special and very scared girl showed up at the precinct.
“YLN, there’s a call for you.” My solitary work was interrupted by fellow detective named Anderson
“Is it urgent?” I frowned, not used to being summoned this way.
“Apparently. Otherwise no one would dare interrupting you.”
“Who’s in need?”
“I’m not even surprised.” I sighed “I’ll pick it here if you don’t mind” I motioned him towards the door and he was quick to get out “What’s up Grayson?”
“YN, I might need a bit of your help in the interrogation room.”
“Interrogation room? I think you are mistaking my roles in this office, Dick. Unless….” I cleared one’s throat “who’s help are you seeking exactly?”
“I think you already know.”
“No, Dick. We’ve talked about this. I gave up that part of me.”
“Did you?” he mocked
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Look YN, I’ve got a kid…..”
“Well then congratulations daddy” I could almost feel his blood boil at this word.
“Stop it! She’s scared. There’s something …. Different about her. I’ve never seen her before and she knew about the circus and the accident and all the history….. YN, I really need your help here.”
“What’s her name” I sighed standing up and getting ready to get to the second floor where the girl was.
“I’m on my way. But I don’t like it, Dick. At all.”
“Rachel?” I walked through the door where black-dressed teenager was sitting
“Are you Dick’s friend?” she looked at me with eyes filled with terror
“That’s the word he used?” I smirked “I guess you can say something like that. He mentioned some…. things about you…..”
“There’s something inside me….” She shook in fear
“Ok. We can work that out” I felt so much pain and struggle coming from inside “I’ll help you. We will help you.”
“How?” she looked me straight in the eyes “I don’t think you can do this.”
I sighed. Rachel was clearly something more than human. More like…. Me. But how do I explain to her the range of my abilities without compromising my work here. Been there, done that. Once you start again it’s like an addiction creeping inside your mind and craving more. Damn you, Grayson! You couldn’t just leave me be.
“Give me your hand, will you?” I put my palm forward but she was hesitant to grab it “don’t worry, you won’t hurt me. I know how to protect myself, ok? You have to trust me on this.”
The girl just nodded and gently touched my hand. None of us expected what happened later. Sudden splurge of invisible energy made us both gasp in pain. It was only a couple of seconds but I felt everything that was inside her coming at me and drowning me in. I immediately put an internal force field to save myself from being consumed but damn it was harder than everything I ever dealt with before. I could also sense she saw something about me.
“What just happened?” her eyes was wide with fear
“What did you see?” I panted breaking the contact “how much?”
“A couple years in the past. You and Dick and how you used your powers…..”
“Please keep it to yourself, will you?”
“Sure. What did you see?”
“I felt. What’s inside you is bigger than we can deal with ourselves. I will help you, Rachel, I promise. Just…. Stay here for a while, ok? I’ll get Dick and we will figure the rest out.”
“Please don’t leave me here” she sobbed
“Rachel, hey, don’t crack. What we are dealing with is not normal, but in case you didn’t notice neither am I. We will work it out.”
“Pinky promise” I smirked “that’s still a thing, right?”
“Yes” finally the faintest of smiles showed on her face.
“Good. I thought I was getting out of touch with teenage slang. Wait here, I will put a force field on, all right. No one will hurt you.” I turned towards the door
“Thank you.”
I just nodded without a word. Now, I had a problem. And by saying I, I meant Dick had a problem as well.  
to be continued
@somest1 @pinksirensong @deadpoolgirl23 @bearly-koalafied @vanessa-boo @shadowmarvelartist
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comiicii · 2 years
Gotham Tales
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Backdrop: You and Bruce have been friends since childhood. You are both heirs to your families' legacies. As years passed, things between you and Bruce changed and became strained. Takes place a year before the events in the film but takes elements that were established from before the film. Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Batman (R. Pattinson) x fem!reader Warnings: some anger-fueled cursing for a second. my crap writing as I haven't done this in a long time. there's a slight spoiler (i guess??) about the movie in regards to certain characters and their role in the film. Author's notes: i am apologizing ahead of time in case no one likes it. Word Count: 3k.
You were one of the only people Bruce still had some kind of communication with. As children, you were thick as thieves. Your father and Thomas Wayne were best friends so it was only natural for you and Bruce to grow up together as well. He was just a year older than you. Even as children, the press indulged on the idea that the two of you would marry and continue the dynasty of your respective families. It was innocent and to say you didn’t daydream about it during your younger years would be lying.
After the death of his parents, Bruce changed. He didn’t smile as much as he used to around you. He became angry with the world—and sometimes you when you would appear on his doorstep to check up on him. Alfred tried his best to have you come around to bring some joy to Bruce but as you got older, you stopped trying. Your life in the public eye dwindled as you opted to follow in your parents footsteps of being a volunteer worker.
Volunteer work didn’t offer up juicy stories like the papers wanted. You were happy being out of the public eye for the most part. You were still photographed when you made an appearance at a gala or fancy new restaurant with a new man but you didn’t mind. Most, if not all, reporters held you in high regards and didn’t trash talk you. You never divulged about your personal life — always up for speculation. You were rumored to be engaged a handful of times and always linked to some new “do-gooder” (as the Gotham Tribune dubbed them) in Gotham. At events you were still known as Bruce’s childhood friend and one-time (rumored) girlfriend. You never hesitated to reach out to Alfred for his birthday and send your best regards to the remainder of your childhood. Many wondered if you still talked with Bruce, the recluse billionaire.
“Ms. Y/L/N, any word on Bruce Wayne’s next public appearance?” a small-time paparazzo asked as he took your picture. “You are still friends with him, right?”
“We both have lives, John.” You put on your best fake smile — one you mastered by the time you were 10 — and continued walking.
“Alright then, what about Batman?” Your mind short-circuited for a moment at the name but continued without pause.
“What about Batman?”
“You think he’s doing any good for Gotham?” John asked with a sincere smile.
“I think…he’s doing what he thinks is right for Gotham. We all are. Who am I to judge him for how he handles what he deems as issues in this city?” you spoke with sincerity, “We all do our part to make the world better, it’s a matter of what you deem as the most effective way of doing so-“

“Are you agreeing with his methods, Miss? ‘Cause it sounds like you a—“
“All I’m saying is, everyone does things differently.”
“Sounds like you’re on his side”
“And what if I’m vengeance itself? I have plenty to be angry for, too.” you playfully teased at the man with a wink. He laughed and got the message that you weren’t going to discuss it any further.
“Have a good night, Princess.”
“You know I’m no princess, John!”
“But you’re the closest thing Gotham’s got to one!” he yelled as he crossed the street, looking back at you with a big smile. You couldn’t help but mirror his smile. You never did get used to that nickname.
“She’s back at the old manor.” Alfred spoke without looking up at the nocturnal billionaire.
“She stopped by this morning but she insisted I didn’t wake you.” Dory chimed in as she came into the dining area with some tea for everyone. He kept silent, he knew you were back in the old manor, noting your father’s old car in the driveway from his window. “My, she’s gotten to be such a lovely young woman, looks just like her mother.”
“She misses you..” Alfred started once more, sipping on his tea while reading the newspaper, “She dropped off an invitation for a gala she’s hosting at an art gallery for Gotham’s troubled youth. I think it’d suit you well to join her and apologize for whatever you said to her a year ago.” He sternly stated as he slid the invitation to the silent Wayne.
Bruce wondered if you still thought about him. You two didn’t exactly have a friendly conversation the last time you two spoke. You had an argument the last time you saw each other.
“Why do you insist on making things difficult for yourself, Bruce? Why do you think you need to be the one that saves this city?” you asked as you stared at the man you once considered your closest friend in the world clad in a bulky suit that hid every soft feature of his.
“No one else is going to do it and it doesn’t seem like anyone is making any real changes in Gotham.” He gruffly responded, not backing down from his decision to take on the scum of Gotham with his own two hands.
“Your father wouldn’t want you to do this!” you raised your voice at him. “He was about saving people, not hurting them, Bruce.”
“And what do you think we should do, hm? Cuddle up to every new and rising politician? All of them eventually turn and it doesn’t seem like your funding has done any good to this city.” He spat back at you, his voice rising with each word, coated in anger and frustration at your naive tactic of making this city better. Hadn’t you learned from his father what getting involved in that world could mean for you?
You had done your best to help Gotham. It was your home, too. Funding resources that would help the disenfranchised is what you set out to do. Your father had told you that you had to make friends with the people you knew had everyone’s best interest in mind. That took practice, though. You learned through trial and error about the people you needed to trust with your money and develop tough skin to deal with those who wanted to tear you and your family name apart. You wanted to open up your own mansion to the orphaned and troubled youth of the city. The Wayne and Y/L/N family mansions were just outside the city and were by each other which is why your families were so close. The family estate lawyers disagreed to move forward with your vision as they felt it was better to leave the house in your name to raise your future family instead. Tears began to fall, you considered the Wayne’s family for the longest time.
“If you do this Bruce, you know it’ll only be a matter of time before you’re all alone and have nothing to show for the Wayne family. Your mother didn’t suffer for most of her life for you to beat people to a pulp…I loved them too, you know.” you reached forward, placing a hand on his covered chest, “I’m angry for a lot of things in this city, too but you’re going to get yourself killed, Bruce” you softly spoke, bringing yourself to look at him with your tear-stained face.
“You have no right to use my parents like that,” he coldly spoke, “Get out.”
You left spilling tears to your home and drank your sorrows that night.
At his behest, Bruce found himself at the entrance of the gala. He was still in his car, though; mentally preparing himself to see you for the first time in a year. He had seen you on the news, always talked about in glowing terms. You really were Gotham’s own Princess Diana. You seemed to get more beautiful as the days passed. Every time he saw your photograph on the newspaper or on the monitor in his bat cave, he could feel his chest cavity tighten. You seemed to have that affect on him since you were young children. He felt something for you ever since you asked him if he wanted to follow you into this secret room you had found in your grandiose home. You were 9 and he was 10. He finally heard a knock on his window, knocking out him out of his head and cue for him to exit his vehicle. Once he stepped out, the cameras clicked around him with fury. It had been awhile since he last made a public appearance.
“Hey, that’s Bruce Wayne! Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wayne!” yelled reporters from both sides as he made his way into the gallery, he never liked them taking his picture. His face remained rigid as he entered, eyes searching for your figure.
“Didn’t think you had the time with your busy schedule.” a soft voice pierced his ears as a hand gently tapped his shoulder. Bruce knew that tone in your voice. It may have been playful but having known you for years, there was a sharp bite to your words. As he turned to face you, he tried to remind himself to breathe. Your close proximity to him never helped his heart.
God, you were breathtaking. The small slate grey satin dress you had decided to wear accentuated every natural curve of your body, the décolletage sitting low enough to be appealing to onlookers but still high enough to be tasteful. Your hair, soft tresses resting along your shoulders to accent your face and natural beauty. If he could kiss your soft pink lips, he would. If he could take you in his arms and keep you there forever, he would. If he could find the right words to say to you at all times, he would.
 “Alfred insisted I come-“
“Ah, I see…you were forced into this scenario.” You quickly cut him off, flashing that lovely smile of yours and adjusting his collar, “Feel free to get out if you’re not going to be useful.” you sharply finished through your smile as your hands rested on his clothed chest and swayed your way to another guest. Bruce could only watch your enticing frame in a mixture of shame and awe.
Having Alfred in his head, Bruce didn’t leave right away. He had been so far removed from the high-society scene for what seemed like forever. Not used to everyone’s whispers about him. a few journalists had managed to make their way into the gala, personal invites from you being their ticket in to Gotham’s elite schmoozing up to you to make the city a better place. Like most, Bruce didn’t expect to see Carmine Falcone draping his arm around your satin-clad form. Despite his father saving Falcone, he didn’t trust the man. Surely, you’d remember this significant detail about Falcone. At first glance, it would appear as if you were enjoying his company but having known your mannerisms and mastered the same ones since you were young, Bruce knew you were anything but comfortable. His arm coiled around your waist, holding you as if you were the most delicate jewel in the room. Your smile gentle and warm to the crowd that had surrounded the two of you.
“Can you believe the nerve of that guy?” a man spoke, breaking Bruce’s concentration on you and Carmine. He looked at the shorter man, noting the camera hanging around his neck, resting against his button-up shirt. Bruce could only scoff, shocking himself at such a poignant action that showed his agreement with the reporter.
“One of the biggest crime bosses thinks he can waltz in and hold Gotham’s princess like some prize as if to show he would actually help the people of this city… Now that’s the scum of Gotham. Most of these people are, and they know it. Just can’t admit it ‘cause only then they’d be admitting to being one of the many problems in this city.” the man rambled. Bruce kept silent, not trusting his own words at the moment; paranoid at the man secretly recording him and printing his words in the paper the next day.
“Princess, what’s a beauty like you doing all alone at her own gala? Prince Charming didn’t show up?” Carmine teased, much to your displeasure. You bit your tongue. You wouldn’t have let him have his arm wrapped around you but you weren’t in a position to object.
“Carmine. Always a pleasure to see you. What brings you here? Thought you were a recluse.” You graciously smiled at the criminal, trying not to let your repulsion for him be too evident.
“Thought I’d make an appearance for you, beautiful. Besides, I’d like to see some art for my place. Maybe you could help me decorate it, hm?” His thumb grazed your waist, something he did whenever he had you in his arms. It wasn’t a secret that Carmine adored you. Anyone with sense could tell that he loved having you in his arms and you being in his presence. What no one else knew was that it wasn’t the only reason why he adored you. See, your father had made a bad investment one year and it came back to haunt him down the road. You didn’t want to know exactly what it was that got your father to turn to a man like Falcone but it meant that you were now attached to him whether you wanted to be or not. This meant that the two of your were on the same boat and Falcone reveled in the fact that you would do just about anything to make sure that this little secret didn’t get out to the press. ‘Gotham’s Princess owned by one of the biggest mob bosses in town’ was a juicy headline that the tabloids would eat up and ruin everything you’ve built your reputation on. Carmine liked that he held this leverage over you. He relished in the idea of you being putty in hands. This was a two-way street though. You knew that you had to work and please Carmine enough to make sure he didn’t leak the story to the press. While he never asked for anything physical from you except a kiss on the cheek and to hold your waist when in your presence, you observed that you were a weakness of his. An older man loving to be in your presence and adoring your appearance. He always complimented you and treated you with such kindness that it wasn’t hard for you (or anyone) to come to the conclusion that you were the only object of his affections.
“You going to make a donation for the cause, Carmine?” you looked at him through your lashes, giving him your best doe-eyed expression that he couldn’t refuse. His arm ever so slightly tightened around your waist.
“Of course, beautiful. Anything to make sure you help out the people of this city.” He looked at you with a smile, placing a small kiss on the crown of your head. While it may have sounded sincere, you knew that he didn’t care for the city. He never had anyone’s interests in mind except his own.
Bruce couldn’t help the anger that coursed through his veins as Carmine showered you with nothing but adoration and affection. In reality, it should be Bruce holding you close and planting kisses on you but that was nothing but a daydream at this point. It seemed like your paths would never you both to be where you wanted. You caught Bruce’s eyes on you as you laughed at a couple before you and Falcone. You could see the confusion in his mind. He was probably assuming the worst in you, he tended to do that.
“If you’ll excuse me,” you graciously unwrapped Carmine’s arm from your waist. “I’ll be right back.” you smiled at the couple and Falcone, hoping he wouldn’t be too upset at you undoing yourself from his arm.
You made your way to the bar to which Bruce followed you. After ordering your drink, you heard his voice - ordering a scotch.
“What are you doing with a man like Carmine Falcone?” His voice barely above a whisper but you heard him.
“Sleeping with him,” You said with a smirk on your face as you took a sip. Bruce tried hard not to choke on his drink, “What? Isn’t that what you asked me?”
“Because I enjoy his company, Bruce.” You dramatically sighed as you took a generous sip of your drink. He knew that you were lying. It was a tell of yours. You would take a turn for the sarcastic to deflect the true answer or if you were uncomfortable.

“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N.” he sternly spoke before taking a sip of his drink.
“It’s none of your business.” you retorted. Bruce turned his body to face you, he knew that you were hiding something. “I don’t owe you anything, Bruce.”
“I know you’re upset with me but—”
“It’s a little late for that, Bruce.” you sighed as you hung your head. You wondered what he would think of you, of your father if he knew the truth of the twisted relationship you inherited.
Bruce knew that if he pushed you too much, he’d lose you completely and he didn’t want that. That was the last thing he wanted. As much of a terrible friend he was to you, he wasn’t prepared to lose you forever. He didn’t think he could live a life knowing you hated him. Sure, you were mad at him but the fact that you still invited him to your events and were talking to him now was a sign that you still held out hope for him. You didn’t agree with what he was doing but he was still your friend.
You looked up at him, your eyes beginning to gloss over with sadness and longing. You opened your mouth to say something but before a syllable could escape—
“Beautiful, who’ve we got here? Ah, Bruce Wayne — the man more reclusive than me!” Carmine rejoiced. Whatever you were going to say got caught in your throat as you felt Carmine’s arm find itself back on your waist as it was a metaphorical muzzle. Bruce could see your eyes switch back that look you had earlier around Falcone; a facade of comfort and grace.
The truth would have to come out some other time.
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deathbymeow · 2 years
Tempting Fate with a Pixie
This is for @boldlyanxious @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @izanae @mochegato @ktreereads and LeoLeonte
This may have been a weird and shitty year but I'm glad to have met you all and your talent is a blessing to the Maribat fandom 😘 💜
How did Jason get himself into this situation you may ask? Jason was smart, he was a strategizer, he’d been a mob boss for crying out loud and he had no problem with saying no to people. Even to his oldest brother with his hopeless puppy dog eyes. So how the ever-living f!#k did he get talked into babysitting one of Dick’s friends while he went away?
And to make matters worse, Jason was totally not crushing on his brother’s friend. Nope. No. Not gonna happen. Totally wouldn’t go there. So what if she was extremely attractive, that wasn’t even the best part about her.
She was a little firecracker, always spoke her mind and never backed down. It drove him crazy and frustrated the shit out of him, but f!#k did it do things to him. She could be yelling at him and all he could think about was grabbing her and shoving his tongue in her mouth. Dick would kill him, hell she’d probably kill him. It was a bad idea, but Jason lived for chaos and this woman was the walking embodiment of chaos.
It had only been three weeks into the living arrangement and Jason was starting to wonder if he was going crazy or if he was living with an actual pixie. Things kept mysteriously breaking or disappearing only to turn up in the most random places.
Like his guns for example. They should have been well hidden, but he’d come out to grab a drink and found then in the fridge, then they turned up in the fruit bowl two days later. But that was only the beginning of it.
He was in the shower after a rough night’s sleep, when he reached out to grab his shampoo bottle his hand was met with cold metal. Confused he rubbed the water from his eyes to investigate only to find his precious gun balancing on the shelf next to said shampoo bottle. Grumbling “it’s too early for this shit” he finished up in the shower in a worse mood than before. When he got out, he grabbed a fresh folded towel off the shelf only for his other gun to land on the bathroom floor with a loud bang. At that point he’d yelled a long list of profanities forgetting he wasn’t the only one in the apartment. Marinette’s worried voice had come through the door asking if he was ok. He’d answered with a “yeah just stubbed my toe”.
Each time he found his guns somewhere they shouldn’t be was a near miss of Marinette finding them. He wanted to ask her but then he’d have to admit to keeping guns in the apartment and try to explain why he had them in the first place.
Jason’s jacket, keys and wallet were also victims of the mysterious prankster and were never found where he left them. Alarms on his phone would go off at random times of the night and ring tones were changed to ridiculous song. Trying to explain to Marinette why I’m a barbie girl started playing when Bruce called him was embarrassing, but he had to admit her giggles were adorable and made it worth it. He was really starting to wonder if he was losing it or if the apartment might be haunted.
But let’s back up a bit and find out just how Jason got himself into this mess.
Jason had only been back in the country for an hour when Dick started to blow up his phone. It wasn’t unusual when he’d been off the grid for there to be a back log of messages, but his family should have known not to bother him until he contacted them.
When Jason finally met with Dick, Dick begged Jason to help him out. He’d explained a friend of his had moved to the states from Paris and he’d offered up the spare room in his Gotham apartment. Dick hardly used the apartment but planned on staying in Gotham until his friend was settled in and more familiar with the city. He was worried the friend was going into get themselves in trouble.
Unfortunately, Justice League business came up and he had to go away for an unknown amount of time. That’s where Jason came in. Dick wanted Jason to move into the apartment so his friend wouldn’t be alone, and Jason could also show them around the city while protecting them from any unwanted attention.
Jason knew he should have said no especially when he found out he was Dick’s last choice, but he owed Dick a favour after losing a bet. Jason had been living out of one of the safehouses while he was looking for a new place, so he thought why not. He could live rent free for a few weeks and look for a new apartment in the meantime.
How hard could it be? Sure, some of Dick’s friends were a little to straight edged for Jason’s liking, but he was sure he could put up with the guy for a few weeks right?
As soon as Jason met the friend, he knew he was in trouble. It was an instant attraction. Even dressed in an oversized t-shirt and tights with messy hair from unpacking she looked stunning. He internally cursed Dick for not mentioning his friend was a petite French woman with a smile that could bring greater men to their knees. And don’t get him started on those blue bell eyes.
He’d reached out to shake her hand, but she went up on her tippytoes and kissed both his cheeks. Now Jason was no stranger to attention from both genders and he’d never been one to get flustered, normally he oozed confidence, but this woman had him lost for words and blushing like a pre-pubescent schoolboy.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Dick, who gave him some type of shovel talk before he left.
“I don’t care if you’re my brother Jason. You don’t touch her. Do you understand?”
“What do you take me for, Dickhead? Don’t forget I’m doing you a favour.”
“Yeah, I know Littlewing, but I saw the way you looked at her. I’m trusting you. Just promise me, ok?”
“So, you like her huh?”
“No, no not like that. More like another sibling.”
“Whatever, she’s not my type anyway.”
“Trust me, she’s everybody’s type, that’s why she needs protection.”
“What the fucks that meant to mean?”
“You’ll work it out. I gotta go.”
It didn’t take Jason long to work out what Dick meant. Wherever they went people were drawn to her. Her smile could light up a room and that was like putting a target on your back in Gotham. Men and woman alike hit on her, and Jason felt his jealousy flair every time.
Marinette tried to lose him on more than one occasion and came close several times. It didn’t take her long to figure out Dick had asked him to look after her. She was furious and it ended up in a heated argument where Jason learned a few new words in French. She’d locked herself away in her room all day. Jason tried to apologise through the door, but it went unanswered.
At 8pm Marinette’s bedroom door opened, and she sauntered into the living room dressed to kill Jason’s promise to Dick. Going by her outfit she was trying to prove a point. What that point was Jason hadn’t worked out yet, but it was sure as hell distracting.
The design student seemed to have skimped on material for her latest outfit. The red satin slip dress barely covered what it had to. It skimmed the tops of her thighs and sat low on her perky chest. Jason tried not to let his eyes linger on the way the satin pulled across her breasts when she moved. The little minx wasn’t wearing a bra. Yep, clearly trying to kill him.
“You’re not going out in that.” Jason grumbles throwing his book onto the table.
“Oh sorry, did I ask you?” She asked cocking her hip to the side and raising a perfect eyebrow at him.
“Come on Pixie I know you’re shitty at me because Dick asked me to look out for you but isn’t this a bit much?” He motioned to her dress.
“What, you don’t like it?” She smirked and took a step closer to him.
“That ain’t the problem. This is Gotham. You don’t want the type of attention that dress will get you.” He was struggling to keep his eyes on her pretty face, and he heard her snicker when they momentarily dropped back to her chest.
She took another step towards him with a cat like grin on her pretty face. “And what type of attention will it get from you?”
He swallowed thickly while trying to say anything but what was on his mind. Before he could answer a loud bang came from the bathroom. His instinct was to reach for his gun, but Dick made him promise to keep them out of sight. Instead, he grabbed Marinette’s sewing scissors from the table. “Stay here.” He ordered missing how she rolled her eyes.
The bathroom was empty, the only thing out of place was Jason’s aftershave that he’d neglected to put away. It now lay broken on the ground. Jason was left scratching his head as to how it had mysteriously fallen.
He scooped the broken glass into the bin and grabbed a towel to clean the rest of the mess up. When he walked back into the living room Marinette was nowhere in sight. “Oh hell no. Why’s this shit always happen to me?” He growled grabbing his jacket and keys before storming out the door.
Three hours later Jason walked back into Dick’s apartment hoping Marinette had safely made her way home. He’d been unable to find her. At first he’d been pissed off but now he was starting to worry. He checked every room but no Marinette. He was just about to go back out when he heard the front door shut.
Jason rushed to the entrance hall and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Marinette standing in the hallway. His eyes travelled over her outfit. She still wore the questionable red dress but the way she styled it took the sex kitten edge off it and brought it back to adorably cute. Black combat boots with black knee-high socks and a black long-sleeved top under the dress gave it a nineties feel. The dress was still short, but she wore a long lose fitting jacket over it. How she’d changed in the short time he was in the bathroom he had no idea, he was just glad there was more to her outfit as he previously thought.
“Where the hell were you? I’ve been out for the last three hours looking for you.”
“Not that it’s any of your business but I had a meeting with a client, and I didn’t need you scaring them off.” She took the jacket off and hung it on the hook by the door. Jason didn’t miss the way the dress lifted when she stretched her hands over her head.
“A client?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, a client. You remember design student and successful business owner.” She waved her hands over herself. “Not to be mistaken for an escort. This isn’t a pretty woman re-enactment here hot stuff.” She scoffed walking over to where he was standing and looking up at him with her hands firmly placed on her hips.
“Right no, no I knew that. That’s a good movie thought, we should umm watch it sometime.” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled down at her forgetting for a moment why he was angry at her. “I could have come with you Pix. I know you think you don’t need me but it’s not a safe place, especially at night.”
“I’m twenty-one Jason. I don’t need a babysitter. I can look after myself. I’ve been here three weeks, and this was the first time I’ve been out without you following me around.”
“Hey I’m great company.” Jason mumbled crossing his arms.
“If that helps you sleep at night.” She poked his chest. “Don’t you have work or something?”
“Nar, I’ve got a few weeks off so I’m all yours.” He playfully winked at her and ruffled her hair.
“What did I do in a past life to get so lucky that I get the exclusive Jason Todd to chaperon me around?”
“Must have been something pretty spectacular cause I don’t offer this service to just anyone Pix. Have you eaten yet?”
“Not yet, did you have something in mind?”
“How bout we order pizza and watch a movie? I’ll let you pick. Think of it as a peace offering.”
“Can I get pineapple on the pizza?”
“You’re killin me Pix, but if it makes you happy, I’ll allow it but don’t tell anyone.”
“Fine, I’ll go get changed while you order.”
An hour later the two were full of pizza and curled up on the couch together. It wasn’t a small couch by far, but Marinette had sat right next to him, and it hadn’t taken her long to curl her feet under herself and rest her head on his shoulder. Jason looked down at her and smiled. He hardly knew her but already he felt completely at ease with her. Her warmth stirred something in him, and he realized he’d been avoiding physical contact, too afraid to open up to anyone who might see him for who he truly was. Strangely he wasn’t scared of Marinette finding out all his secrets, not that he would admit that to anyone, himself included.
Jason couldn’t ignore her petite body pressed against his side anymore and he wrapped his arm around her. He expected her to move away or voice her discomfort but instead she snuggled further into his side and mumbled something that sounded like “mmm so warm”.
They stayed like that until the movie took a turn for the worst and they started to playfully banter about the awful plot. Marinette slapped his stomach when she disagreed on something, and he retaliated by tickling her ribs where his hand was resting.
It all started out very innocently. Marinette turned the tables on him and quickly found out that even the toughest of guys could be ticklish. She was having trouble controlling her laughter as he squirmed and begged her to stop. He finally grabbed her hands and pined her to the couch. She was left staring up into his pretty aqua eyes while he held her hands above her head. His body was pressed up against hers and his eyes flickered to her lips then back to her eyes.
The movement wasn’t lost on her and she leaned up to meet his lips. Just before their lips met there was a loud bang and the lightbulb in the lamp shattered. Jason jumped off the couch and took a defensive stance infront of Marinette.
Once they worked out what had happened, they cleaned up the mess in silence. Jason was internally freaking out. What was he doing? Dick had told him she was off limits. Maybe that’s the only reason he wanted her so bad. Was his mind really that fucked up that he only wanted what he couldn’t have? He decided then and there to distance himself from her.
Marinette tried to talk to him, but he excused himself and headed to bed. That didn’t mean he got any sleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about how she felt under him. How her eyes bore into his and how perfect her lips were. How the fuck was he going to get through this. He reminded himself he had no choice. He could do this, he had god damn assassin training and if worse came to worse cold showers were always an option.
Over the next week Jason distanced himself from the temptress. He’d seen her on more than one occasion walking from the bathroom to her bedroom in nothing but a towel. Then there was the cute dancing in the kitchen when she was cooking oblivious to him watching her. Short sleep shorts and a cute crop top that she conveniently forgot to wear a bra under became lounge wear. He didn’t know if it was on purpose, but it was killing him and all he could think about was kissing her and running his hands over her soft skin. Even his dreams weren’t safe.
He was running out of excuses to avoid conversations with her. He hated the hurt look that crossed her face when he didn’t seem to care that she was going out. She even asked if he wanted to come, he refused and told her to have fun.
There was no way he would let her go out in Gotham unprotected he just didn’t want her to know that. So, he’d taken to shadowing her from a distance and took to the roof tops. Now that she thought she was alone he was surprised at the people she was meeting up with.
Monday it was Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn for lunch in the gardens. Tuesday an afternoon coffee date with Conner who seemed too friendly for Jason’s liking. Wednesday breakfast with Diana aka Wonder Woman. Thursday was a meeting at WE with his own brother Tim and Lucius Fox.
Jason was left wondering what the hell was going on. If that wasn’t enough Friday’s lunch date was the last straw.
He’d watched from the rooftop across the road wishing he could hear what was being said. Marinette was deep in a heated conversation with none other than Bruce Wayne. It started off with pleasantries. A handshake and polite but tight smiles but both parties seemed on edge. The conversation seemed calm until Bruce said something that set Marinette off. From there it seemed Marinette was giving Bruce a verbal beat down. Several times his adoptive father tried to interrupt with no success. Jason watched him deflate seemingly giving into the French woman who stood up and stormed out with her head held high.
Jason was left questioning, who the hell he was living with? What had Dick got him involved with? Who was this mysterious beauty who seemed already to some degree familiar with the people in his life? And, why did this make him want her even more?
Early Friday night there was a knock on the apartment door. Jason came out of his room to find Marinette checking her reflection in the hallway mirror. She was wearing a little black dress with red stilettos that were forever going to be etched into his brain. Her long dark hair was loosely pinned up and her lips were a deep red.
“Where are you going?” Jason asked crossing his arms defensively over his chest.
“Like you care.” Marinette answered barely looking at him as she walked to the door.
Jason was quick to move in front of her. “Who’s at the door Pix?”
“None of your business Jason. Now get out of my way.” She grabbed her jacket and bag off the hallway table. It didn’t go unnoticed by Jason that her jacket was red leather, and he took a deep breath to try and slow his racing heart.
“Like hell I’m going to let you go out with some guy who probably just wants to get into your panties.”
“Fuck you, Jason. Like you care. You’ve been avoiding me all week and I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. And for your information if someone gets into my panties, it’s because I want them too.” She leant into his space and whispered in his ear. “If I’m even wearing them in the first place.”
The combination of her words and her breath in his ear nearly drove him insane. The room was suddenly way too hot, and he was struggling to breath let alone find words for some witty come back. “You… you can’t say somethin like that to me sweetheart and then just leave.”
“Watch me. Not like you’ve given me any reason to stay.” She said reaching for the door handle.
Jason blocked her way again and opened the door first keeping her behind him.
“Oh fuck no. What the hell are you doing here Conner? You know what don’t bother answerin.” Jason slammed the door before Conner or Marinette could stop him.
“Jason this isn’t funny. Move.” Marinette hit him with her bag.
He responded by gently touching her lips and smearing her red lipstick across her cheek.
Marinette stared at him, clearly shocked at his childish act before her brain restarted and she growled at him. “You’re ridiculous Jason. What is wrong with you?”
“You had a little somthin on your lip.” He pointed at her face smirking at her frustrated pout then bopped her on the nose smearing more lipstick in the process.
“Argh… Jason.” She yelled stomping her foot in frustration.
He reached over and pulled the pins out of her hair and ruffled it making it stick up at all angles. “And in your hair too.”
“How old are you? You… you asshat. All week you’ve ignored me after you nearly kissed me and now you think someone else is interested and you… you argh.” She snarled stomping her foot again.
“Marinette are you ok? Todd open the door. I don’t want to have to explain to Dick why he needs a new door.” Conner’s voice came through the door.
“Take a hint Conner. Marinette has other plans tonight.” He took a step towards Marinette. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Why should I?” Marinette crossed her arms and turned her face away from him.
Conner banged on the door again. “Todd open the door.”
Jason ignored Conner and gently turned her face back to his. His hand lingered on her chin, and he lent down till he was only a few centimetres from her lips. “Tell me to stop then.”
Marinette dropped her bag and jacket and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to close the gap. Their lips crashed into each other ruining the rest of her lipstick that was now smeared all over Jason’s face as well.
After a few minutes they broke apart slightly breathless but still holding onto each other. Jason leant his forehead against hers and smirked at her. “So, Conner huh?”
“Not like that. Just friends.” She breathed against his lips. “He has his eyes on someone else and I’m right where I want to be.” She reached up and kissed his nose smearing more lipstick in the process. She made a mental note to buy a less messy red lipstick. Something gave her the impression she was going to need it.
Jason almost felt giddy, and his heart swelled with happiness hearing her say that. He caught her lips again and moaned into her mouth as her hands travelled under his t-shirt and over his hard stomach.
“You know I can hear what you’re doing right?” Conner yelled sounding amused now.
Marinette broke away from Jason to reply, “Sorry Conner. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“You better. Be safe M. You hurt her Todd you answer to me.”
They heard Conner walking away and Marinette giggled as Jason started to kiss her neck. They blindly walked back into the living area, to busy kissing each other while their hands explored any exposed skin to know where they were going. It wasn’t until Jason’s back hit the kitchen counter that he registered where they had ended up. He grabbed her backside and lifted her up onto the bench the whole time his lips never left hers.
Marinette moaned into his mouth as his hands travelled up her smooth legs and under the hem of her dress. In one swift movement he lifted her dress over her head and threw it on the couch.
She raised her eyebrow at him. “What, didn’t you like my dress?”
“Oh no, I love your dress Pix. I just didn’t want to ruin it.” He answered smirking at her.
She nodded in agreement then tore his t-shirt off. “Only fair don’t you think?”
“Yeah, you have a good point there.” He breathed in her ear as she ran her hands over his exposed chest.
She captured his lips again and Jason happily let her tongue explore his mouth. A loud crash startled them apart. Before they could investigate water started to spray from the kitchen sink wetting both of them and the surrounding kitchen.
“The fuck is wrong with this place?” Jason yelled throwing a nearby kitchen towel over the broken tap.
Marinette was done with her meddling Kwami. She jumped of the bench and grabbed Jason’s hand. “Don’t worry about it. Who every broke it will fix it if they know what’s good for them. I hear eternity in a box with no cheese is rather boring.”
“Hang on what…”
“Long story. Not the time. Less talking more kissing Jay.” She pulled him towards her room smiling seductively.
Jason glanced back at the kitchen and saw that the water had stopped. Weird was an understatement but when he turned back to Marinette the kitchen was instantly forgotten. Her underwear was red and black with his bat symbol on the front and her bra matched with a little red version of his symbol dangling from the clasp that sat in between her perky breasts. Her hair was wet, and droplets of water were running down her toned body. “Yes ma’am, whatever you say.”
Three weeks passed since Jason gave up on his promise to Dick and he didn’t have any regrets. He didn’t know how Dick was going to take it and at this point he didn’t care. He’d never met anyone like Marinette and in a short time he couldn’t imagine his life without her. She made him feel alive in ways he’d never felt, even before he’d died.
Both of them had shared some of their darkest secrets after an accidental reveal. Turned out Marinette already knew about his alter ego. So it was only fair he got to meet the mischievous pixies kwami he’d been living with after he’d caught her climbing through the window in a skin-tight red and black bodysuit. The kinda suit only superheros or vigilantes wore. The Kwami mostly Plagg all apologized for messing with his stuff and interrupting his time with their Guardian.
The pair quickly decided with all the tragedies in their past that they didn’t want to waste time hiding anything from each other. Marinette joked about being star crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet, but Jason pointed out he’d already died and didn’t recommend it. Her response had surprised him. Turns out he wasn’t the only one who’d died.
It was mid-afternoon and Marinette was laying on top of Jason giggling at his rumbling stomach while he pouted at her. They’d been in the middle of preparing lunch when Jason noticed the lack of underwear underneath her skirt. It proved to be too much of a distraction for him and lunch was abandoned for other activities. They’d left a trail of clothes to the couch where they now lay naked in each other’s arms.
“Don’t laugh at me. It’s your fault we missed lunch.” He said kissing her nose.
“Nice try Jay. Not my fault if you’re too easily distracted.” She playfully pushed his face away.
“No panties is just asking for trouble Pix. It’s a known fact if one’s girlfriend doesn’t…”
“Girlfriend huh?” Marinette asked in a teasing tone raising her eyebrows at him.
Jason wanted to slap himself. What if she wasn’t ready? Her past relationship had been a rocky one and her past just as messy as his. He sat up, pulling her up with him so he could look her in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes that he wanted to stare into for the rest of his life if she let him.
“Well, I mean that’s if you want…”
Jason never got to finish off his sentence. Marinette grabbed his face and kissed him hard. He took that as a yes and wrapped his arms around her. It wasn’t until they heard the front door open that they broke apart. Jason grabbed his t-shirt from the back of the couch and pulled it over Marinette’s head in one swift movement.
He grabbed his gun from the coffee table, stood up and pointing it at the hallway where the intruder was approaching from.
“God Jason put some clothes on before Marinette sees you and I thought I told you to keep your guns hidden.” Dick grabbed Jason’s pants from the floor and threw them at him. He was thankful that Jason lowered the gun and quickly put his pants on before innocent Marinette got home.
It was at about that point he noticed female clothes scattered across the floor and a familiar head pop up with messy bed hair.
“Hey Dick. How was your trip?” Marinette asked smiling widely at him. She watched as different emotions passed over his face before he turned back to Jason who had sat back down.
“What the actual fuck Jason. What didn’t you understand about keeping it in your pants? That’s my little sister.”
“Sister?” He turned to Marinette and raised one of his eyebrows.
“Apparently what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas till the Justice League did a DNA test on me. Turns out my mum and Dick’s dad had a one-night thing when their paths crossed in Las Vegas.” She shrugged and turned back to Dick. “I’m thankful that I get the chance to get to know you, but Jason makes me happy. I know he’s your brother, so this is kinda weird but he’s not my brother.”
Jason smiled at Marinette. “My girlfriends got a point there Dickie. So this sounds like a you problem.” He grabbed Marinette’s hand and started towards her room calling over his shoulder. “And asking tiny gods to cock block me is a new low, even for you.”
Dick was left staring at the closed bedroom door where his new sister and adoptive brother had disappeared. He turned to Plagg and Tikki. “What the hell went wrong. I thought you had my back.”
Plagg shrugged. “Couldn’t argue with piggy tails sorry Grayson. She threatened the box and no cheese.”
“Ok fair point but Tikki?”
“The Guardian deserves to be happy and if that’s with Jason then so be it. Who are we to stand in the way of love?” Tikki smiled at him as she munched on a cookie.
Dick dropped his bag and flopped down onto the couch. “I knew this was a bad idea. Damn roommates to lovers is one of the strongest troupes. What was I thinking?” He mumbled running his hands down his face.
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theafternoontrain · 2 years
hi!! i saw your post of taylor swift lyrics prompts and you don't know how excited i get! i am a big swiftie myself. i was wondering if you could write dick grayson x reader with prompt #77 (i think) it was from the song closure—one of my favorite song from evermore; “don't treat me like a situation that needs to be handled”
dick is trying to get closure from reader after weeks of their break up but reader is so done with dick and they wouldn't take him back.
take all the time you need! i hope you're having a good day/night!
A/N: Hi friend, thank you so much for the prompt! I think it’s so fitting for my first prompt to be for Dick, knowing that he was my first love when I got into comics all those years ago. Closure is also one of my favorite songs from evermore, and probably one of my all time favorites of Taylor’s. When I was making the prompt list I KNEW I was pulling a quote from it. I hope you don’t mind, but I made a few extra references to the song.
Pairing: Dick Grayson x gn!Reader
Summary: You didn't need to get closure from the relationship with Dick, and you definitely didn't want it. But the same can't be said for him.
Word Count: 1273
Warnings: SAD, definitely angst with much hurt and zero comfort, minor cursing, mentions of DickBabs and Dickkori
Prompt List: Here!
It’s been about a month since you’ve seen him in person, but you see him all the time. How could you not?
He’s Richard Grayson, adopted son of the big Bruce Wayne, as well as Gotham’s precious golden boy who could do no wrong. The entire city of Gotham was obsessed with him to say it lightly. So, you weren’t exactly surprised that the press somehow knew you guys broke up only days after it happened. “Gotham’s heart-throb, Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson, is back on the market ladies!” news headlines would yell out from the TV. You would switch the channels, an attempt to escape Dick, only to be met with him again. But this time, he had the mask on- this time he was Nightwing. The part of Dick that ended up destroying the relationship.
It wasn’t that you wanted him to stop being Nightwing- you never would have asked him for that. Nightwing is the embodiment of Dick’s love for helping people, and that kindness pushed you to fall in love with him. So You knew asking Dick to give that part of himself up for you was just unreasonable, but what you did ask for most definitely could have been done.
You had sat Dick down one night, tears in your eyes, and begged him to distance himself from his women teammates. “I can’t stand watching you put your hand so low on Batgirl’s back,” you choked, “And it makes me sick listening to the flirty banter with Starfire.” You had felt so guilty, so selfish, for begging your boyfriend to think about you during battle.
And he said he would- no, Dick promised, that he would do better. That he would distance himself enough that he wouldn’t hurt you while protecting his friends. But he didn’t keep his promise, and at that point there was only so much you could take. So, you made the choice to pack up the things you left at his apartment, the things that made his home yours. All that was left of you was a small piece of notebook paper telling Dick that his stuff would be in the lobby of your apartment complex.
Initially, you were a mess. You called out of work for a few days, allowing time to heal. Thankfully, you had your friends, who made sure you had everything you needed at all times. If you felt like you couldn’t be alone, someone would be in your apartment in minutes. Your best friend even went grocery shopping for you at one point. They also helped you delete the countless messages from Dick, the ones that begged you to talk to him. To keep him from you, your friends were the ones who met Dick to give him his stuff.
Now, it’s been a month since you’ve seen Dick’s face in person- and you’re doing okay. You get your silly little coffee from your favorite coffee shop every morning, and then head off to work. And honestly, you loved your job. Sure, it was a pretty boring desk job, but your coworkers were amazing- and your boss is pretty great when he’s in a good mood. Unfortunately, today was not one of those days. There’s a relatively big project going on right now, and the deadline is approaching at a rapid pace. Luckily, you and your team were ahead, but that didn’t mean the stress of the project wasn’t looming over the office’s head.
You were tapping away at your laptop when your office phone started ringing. You put the phone on speaker, “Yes?” you say, continuing your work. “Y/L/N, someone is here to see you,” the receptionist said into the phone, “And he is extremely adamant that you come down to talk to him.” You stop typing for a moment to look at the phone. You couldn’t think of anyone who would need to talk to you so urgently that they needed to show up at your workplace. “Who is it?” you asked. “Richard Grayson.”
You could feel your heart stop for a second, you honestly couldn’t believe it. Dick showed up to your place of work? Wasn’t it obvious enough you didn’t want to see him. “Tell him I’m busy,” you say, feeling the anger bubbling in you. “I tried,” the receptionist said, “He insisted.” You give a more than frustrated sigh. No need to get angry at the receptionist, she was only a teenager who was just doing her job. “I’ll be down in a minute,” you said as you hung up the phone. You make sure that you save your progress before standing up. “I’m taking a ten,” you tell your coworker, who just gives you a thumbs up, before heading down to the ground floor.
Your anger only grows as you walk toward the elevator to get to the ground floor. It was just so frustrating that he chose to show up to your workplace. As annoying as it is that he was trying to talk to you at all, you would’ve maybe been a bit more perceptive to talking to him if he showed up to your apartment. But no, he’s an idiot.
When you finally made it to the waiting area, you saw him sitting there with what looks to be your favorite coffee and a bouquet of flowers. You instantly recognize the scheme to get you back, but you made up your mind already.
As Dick stands up to greet you with a sad smile, you cross your arms angrily. “What are you doing here?” you spit at him, “You are quite literally the last person I want to see right now.” Dick reaches out to touch your arm, but you pull back fast enough before his skin could meet yours. “Y/N,” he begs, a break in his voice, “Please, can we talk about this?” You let out a sharp laugh, shaking your head with an angry smile, “No, we can’t. I’m not playing this game with you, and I’m especially not playing it while I’m at work-” you were cut off by your boss's voice.
“Y/L/N,” your boss barks, looking between you and Dick, “What is going on here?” You look at him, uncrossing your arms and standing up straight. “I apologize sir, just a personal matter I’m trying to get out of my hair,” you say, ignoring Dick’s pained expression. “Hurry up, then,” you boss said, “We don’t have the time to fuck around this week.” You give your boss ‘a yes sir’, promising to get rid of distractions before he leaves you alone with Dick once again.
Dick grabs your wrist, making you look at him; you could see that pain that has taken over his usually so playful blue eyes. “Don’t treat me like some situation that needs to be handled,” Dick begged, but you removed him from your wrist. “But that’s exactly what you are, Richard,” you spit at him, “A situation that I don't want to handle in my place of work. A situation that I already have closure from, and shouldn’t have come here.” You give him one last angry look before turning around to go back to work.
“What about me?” Dick asked, “What about my closure?” You huffed, not looking back at him. The pain in his voice wasn’t going to win you over. Dick had his chance, and he blew it. You weren’t his anymore, and he was no longer yours. Dick Grayson and Nightwing were both free from you.
“Go find it in Babs or Kori,” you say, voice flat and unmoved, before walking onto the elevator.
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