#got several fics in the works that deal with this so get ready
heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
Not a Baby Anymore
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to get on the same page regarding Axel, who clearly lets you know that he is tired of being treated what he believes is unfairly by you
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Axel hadn't been your biggest fan after he had asked you if he could go to soccer camp after school was going to be let out in a few weeks. You had your hesitations of him being away from you for a long period of time and even though he was getting older, you weren't quite ready for it. So, of course you told him no. That led to him catching an attitude with you and running straight to his room but not before telling you that ‘You never let me do anything. I wish dad was here more.’
You were trying to explain your reasoning to him, but he didn't want to hear it. Jack was due to be back later that evening and you had a strong feeling that he was going to try and convince you otherwise.
Once Jack had made it in the door and saw you sitting in the living room on your phone, he simply sat down next to you before sliding you onto his lap. Your arms immediately went around his neck and he gave you several kisses.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips before giving him another kiss which instantly made a smile come to his face.
“I missed you too. Where are all my babies?” Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around you.”
“Ivy and Autumn are in the backyard, Cam and Cash are with my parents, and Axel was in his room the last time I checked. Nova is working on her science project.”
“Hmm, that's weird. He's usually all up under you. I'm surprised he lets you breathe sometimes.” Jack knew early on that the bond you and Axel shared was special since the both of you almost lost your lives.
He remembered when he was going back and forth from your hospital room in the ICU to the NICU to see the triplets and how he was probably either going to lose his wife or one of his children. Those were the longest few days of his life and he didn't know what he was going to do if you left him before he properly got to have a chance at fixing your marriage.
“Aht! Not too much on my baby boy.” You answered while playfully hitting Jack who laughed.
“Our baby boy is almost fourteen.”
“Your point!? But I know he missed you.” But you didn't mention the argument that you two got in earlier which was why he was now in his room. Because he didn't want to be near you.
“Well let me go check on them. I'll be back.”
Jack slid you off his lap before kissing your forehead and going upstairs to see Axel.
He noticed that his door was open and he poked his head in, excited to be reunited with one of his oldest babies only to see him angrily wiping tears away from his face.
“Ax what's wrong? Did something happen?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into his room and sat next to him on his bed.
“I want to go to soccer camp.”
“Okay, just let me know all the details about it and we'll pay for you to go. Why the tears?” Jack answered, but he could tell that there was something else.
Axel shook his head no and Jack looked at him confused.
“I already asked mom and she said no.”
“What? Did she tell you why?”
“No, I walked away from her. She never lets me do anything especially when you aren't here. She lets my sisters do anything they want, but I have to stay home.”
This was the first time that Axel vocalized this to Jack and he quickly grew annoyed with you.
“You want to go?”
“Yes. All my friends are going.”
“Then that settles it. I’ll deal with your mother.”
“I don't understand why she always tells me no.”
“Don't worry. I’ll talk to her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner? If I had asked mom she would have probably told me no too.”
Jack stifled a laugh before answering him.
“We’ll order it when Cash and Cam come back.”
Little did Jack know that you had been standing on the top step listening to their conversation and was going to confront him about it. You quietly snuck back down the steps to sit in the living room and bide your time.
Jack stayed with Axel for another twenty minutes before going to see the girls and then made his way back inside.
“Jackman….” Jack heard you say his name as he heard your footsteps approach from behind him and he immediately sighed because he knew a shitstorm was coming. He had just left Axel's room for the second time and had made his way downstairs to find something to snack on.
“Yes, baby?” He replied as he turned around to face you.
“Why did you tell Axel that it was okay for him to go to soccer camp when I specifically told him no?”
“Because you are overprotective of him and never let him do anything.” Jack said being completely honest as he shrugged.
“What? No I'm not!”
“Babe, yes you are. You aren't like that with Ivy and Autumn and let them do anything that they ask within reason. Why doesn't Axel get the same treatment?”
“I do give him the same treatment!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You let me teach him how to play and it took me months to convince you to say yes. Our baby boy is growing up and it's about time you accepted that.”
“Well yes! He has asthma! That was my entire reasoning.”
“That is well controlled. He hasn't had an attack since he was 6 and takes his meds on a daily basis.”
“But what if something happens and I'm not there? Did we forget that we almost lost him?”
“Y/N…. Thirteen years ago. He is fine and going to make good choices. All of his friends are going and I don't want him to feel left out.”
“I still don't know. The thought makes me nervous.”
“He's not going to be far from home and it's only for two weeks.”
“TWO WEEKS? No, that's too long for him to be away from us. Absolutely not.”
“So let me ask you this. When he becomes an adult because you know that's eventually going to happen, right? Are you going to be babying him like this? And sheltering him? How is he supposed to experience anything? I'm convinced that you're going to go to college with him too.” Jack explained, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“My answer is still no.”
“And I told him yes. My second born came to me in tears, upset and told me how when I'm not here and he asks you to do something nine times out of ten you tell him no. This is something that he really wants to do and his mom shouldn't be ruining that for him.”
“But he's my baby.” You quietly said as you were trying to blink back tears. All of your children held a special place in your heart but you admit you took extra precautions when it came to Axel because he wasn't dealt the best hand when you brought him into the world.
“And he's mine too. I want all of them to be able to experience things and have opportunities but one child shouldn't feel like he's being left out.”
Just then you heard footsteps and turned to see that it was Axel who was trying to wipe the remnants of his tears away before you saw them making your heart break.
“Axel…” You started to say, but he immediately went over to Jack.
“She won't let me go will she?” He asked as he looked up at him and all Jack did was sigh.
“Ax, turn around and ask her.”
“Why? She's probably going to say no like she always does.”
“All I want to do is protect you.” You said as your eyes started to water.
“I'm not a baby anymore! And I'm tired of you treating me like one. I take my meds every day and I haven't been in the hospital since I was six. I want to go to soccer camp with my friends!”
Crossing your arms, you gathered your thoughts before responding.
“I know that you aren't a baby anymore, but this is hard for me. I know I say this all the time, but I didn't even think that you would make it to six months old. So can you understand why I`m so hesitant. But if this is what you want, okay.” You responded while shrugging.
“Wait, that's it?” Axel asked, thinking that you were going to put up more of a fight.
“But there are going to be rules that you have to follow.” Jack piped up and Axel eagerly nodded.
“You call us everyday, set an alarm on your phone for your meds and take your inhaler with you. If at any point you don't feel well, you tell them immediately so that they’ll be able to get you the help you need. This will be the test to see if you can be responsible enough to be away from us.” Jack explained while Axel was actively listening.
“Okay, I will. Promise.”
As you stood off to the side, Jack looked at Axel and nudged his head in your direction while you weren't looking.
Axel didn't respond, but instead hugged you and you tightly hugged him back.
“I promise that I'll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
“That woman has one more time to look at you before I go off.” You told Jack as both of you were at Axel's championship soccer game for his team. It was the last day of summer camp and you could tell that you and Jack made the right choice even though it took a little convincing on his part to get you to say yes.
All Jack did was laugh before wrapping an arm around you and kissing your cheek.
“Baby, please don't. We're here to see Axel play.”
“She is giving you bedroom eyes. I can focus on two things at the same time!”
“The only person that I'm going into a bedroom with is you so she can forget it. But focus on Axel!”
“Fine, but when the game is over I'll deal with her.”
It was down to the last few seconds and the game was tied when Anthony, Axel's best friend and teammate passed him the ball which he kicked right into the net and scored, winning the game.
You and Jack erupted in cheers as his teammates gathered around him and picked him up.
Once the crowd died down, you and Jack made your way onto the field and Axel immediately ran to the both of you. Once he reached you, both of you immediately brought him into a hug.
“So proud of you.” You whispered in his ear as he hugged you both tighter.
“Thank you for letting me come.”
“Anything to see our baby happy. Now where are we going to celebrate your amazing championship winning goal?”
“Hmm Wing Stop?”
“I… seriously?” Jack said as he looked at the both of you.
“Momma's baby. You should already know.” You responded while shrugging.
The three of you were walking back to Jack’s car when Axel turned to look at him.
“Hmm, I guess you are a good teacher after all.” Axel told Jack.
“Obviously, you get your talent from me.”
“I thought that I got it from mom?”Axel playfully asked.
“WHAT? Since when does your mom play soccer?”
“See? Our son knows he got all his good qualities from me.”
“Not that attitude.” Jack shot back and you immediately rolled your eyes as Axel laughed.
“But being a soccer mom does look good on you.”
“I make anything look good.” You said while winking.
“Including dad.”
“HEY! Don't you two start! But I have to agree.”
“Mom, do you think I'm good enough to go pro?” Axel asked as your eyes went wide.
“Um Ax, let's just get through the rest of today first. I don't think your mom is ready to have a constant series of panic attacks if you play professionally.”
“Only if I come with you to every practice, workout session, and game of course!”
“On second thought, never mind.”
“I'll get us all matching shirts.”
“Dad, make it stop.”
“Nope, you asked for this.”
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bolithesenate · 6 months
you know what there isn't enough of?
aggressively social jedi
you think mandos are bad with all the adoption? well too bad, your cousin gred looks real padawan shaped. no it doesn't have to do anything with the fact that gred is having a hard time and cannot legally leave the planet under his own name because of student debt. also it is padawan gred now and he has been a valued member of the jedi order since years. no mister border control guy, you didn't not see him when the jedi delegation landed because he wasn't there, you didn't see him because he is shy.
or that nice little cafe that's been having a hard time paying rent because of a property tax increase? well sure would be strange if there was a sudden increase of patrons with all the same religious background.
not to speak of the children. you can't afford to pay tuition for a regular school? well, here's a full on praxeum ship that doubles as a mobile academy and there's always space for more students and never enough helping hands. no this offer doesn't come with hooks, apart from that these nice EduCorps people would sure like to have a look at the custom modifications on that land speeder of yours because by all known laws of physics that should have exploded long ago and they have already founded a new field of research over it
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feninina · 9 months
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𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐞 ༉‧₊˚.⁀➷
therapist! jonathan crane x female reader.
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: when your father decided that you needed therapy, taking you to his dear friend dr. crane to treat and help you, you thought it wouldn't work at all, but it turned out to be everything you needed.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: SMUT(minors dni!!), noncon/dubcon, depression, cursing, crane is a mysoginistic prick, using therapy for unhinged reasons, smut, hair pulling, jonathan just being an creep, choking AND strangulation, dacryphilia, hitting, unprotected sex (safe sex its great sex!!), breeding kink, forced breeding, power dynamics, i think crane should be a warning himself, reader being borderline stupid and naive. also this has a lot of backstory i’m so sorry i got carried away lol.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 7.1K
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: omg my first fic on here!! this is also my first work on english and my first smut ever so i apologise in advance for any mistake!! i hope y'all enjoy it anyways ahahahaha live laugh love jonathan crane👏🏻 feedback its very appreciated so i can improve and continue to publish better works, anyways enjoyyyy 💓
𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁
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It was awkward, to say the least.
You were sitting across from Doctor Crane in the couch at your dad's house, legs crossed as you watched him write on his clipboard, something about it making you feel anxious, a little nauseous, even.
This wasn't your first session, you started doing this four months ago, not long after your divorce that caused you to fall into a spiral of sadness and misery. Your failed— and short marriage was the main reason you started taking therapy with your dad's friend, the chief of Arkham, Jonathan Crane, and still, you couldn't bring yourself to talk about it.
He was patient, you told him several times that he was a saint. Regardless, before you started with the sessions, he explained to your dad that he didn't really do this; therapy really wasn't his strong suit, but for a friend, a desperate one, he would gladly do it.
Your dad came to him, offering a big stack of money if he would talk to his little girl, make her recover her once joyful personality, like you had one to begin with. Jonathan really couldn't say no, and not really because of the money, he had other reasons in mind, unethical reasons.
And there you were now. You were quick to open up to him, eager to talk, to be listened and he, on the other hand, was ready to listen, to give you advice, console you and help you get through the sorrow that was following you since you were young, playing the role of your knight in shinning armor.
"I can't believe you don't actually do this" you said once, sniffling your nose with a handkerchief he gave you as he examined you with a warm gaze, an empathetic grin on his face. "You're really helping me"
Jonathan was quick to wave his hand and tell you that it wasn't a big deal, that he was just doing his job, and if you weren't so innocent, so stupid, you would have noticed the mischievous sparkle that flickered in his eyes for a split second.
You were landing right in the palm of his hand.
Not even thirty minutes into the first session you told him everything about your past; every little thing you thought he needed to know to treat you. And you were slightly right; he did need to know those things, but not to treat you, just to manipulate you and mold your little brain into what he was envisioning for you and your future together.
Truth was, you hated everything about your life, regardless of the fact that you had everything. That's what you've been told since you were a child; a big house, a lot of money, maids taking care of you so you wouldn't have to move a finger and just sit pretty and relax inside the walls of the huge mansion that confined you since you could recall.
You have everything. That was bullshit.
Sometimes, you couldn't help but think that people told you that out of pity, like they knew how miserable you felt, but not daring to say a word about it. Your dad was a powerful man, and you were aware of that, ever since you were born, he had bussines with Falcone and you knew that people feared him, he practically ruled Gotham, that lifeless and dangerous city that you had to live in.
You have everything. You were tired of that sentence. You didn't care at all about these nice things surrounding you, those dresses in your closet, those diamonds in your jeweler, that fancy car you owned since your eighteenth birthday, no, that was useless in your eyes, because all you really wanted, was love.
It was a lonely life; you learned how to do everything by yourself, how to comb your hair, how to deal with your period when it first came, how to dress up properly and do your makeup. You didn't even had to learn about boy problems because there weren't any boys in your life, you were homeschooled. So you were quiet, not really having to talk at all, there was nobody to talk to.
And since Jonathan was the only person you were talking to at the moment, you started to feel like you loved him, the idea sitting right with you without you even knowing it, thinking that this was how therapy normally went.
Loneliness striked your life at a young age; your mother died from a strange disease when you were eight, leaving you with a shattered heart thad bled everytime you walked past her bedroom, or saw a picture of her. You practically watched her die, a witness of how she lost her strength, how her once beautiful skin turned pale and yellow, and lost every little spark within herself, and the worst part was that all the money you had, couldn't even help her.
It was a deep wound that you carried with yourself, with nobody to talk about it.
Your father spent his days locked up in his office, and when he wasn't there, he was out in the city doing unthinkable things that you didn't even wanted to know about, leaving you on your own, having to fill all of those silent and empty rooms by yourself, with nobody to laugh with, nobody to hold you and see you grow. He wasn't really around, working all the time, too busy to know that his daughter didn't seem to care about all the expensive stuff he bought for her, not even taking the time to have dinner with you or hold a simple conversation. He loved you, you knew that, he just wasn't the type to show his affection with words or actions, but with gifts. And you hated everything about it.
But now, Jonathan was there, making you feel listened, finally saving you from falling into loneliness again. Your whole life, you thought you had a horrible sickness, that you were doomed to this awful destiny of sorrow and silence, but now, with his sweet words and good company, you couldn't be more than relieved.
You wished sometimes that you met him earlier, that this whole therapy stuff started before, and you even confessed it to him. And it irked him a little, that you didn't even remember how you two really met each other, hiding his annoyance with a warm smile.
Some months ago, your father started to brought you to parties he attended, parties were all the corrupts scumbags from Gotham reunited and celebrated how they were dragging the city to the gates of hell on their benefit, and you couldn't be more happy to attend them. You knew he was bringing you because he recently broke up with the young girl he carried with him— that was most likely your age, and needed a pretty thing to hang of his arm and take care of the people he didn't feel like talking to.
So you accepted this new life, eating up this role of socialite like it was made for you.
It was a chance to know people, to speak and make new friends, but you learned quickly that those people weren't there for that, and picked up on how mostly of the people who talked to you just wanted to climb up the social ladder and gain some extra points from your father.
He, even, introduced you to a couple of people that seemed close to your age, and you chatted with them, feeling extremely anxious because you weren't used to this, so it was weird to them seeing such a pretty woman, with your status and fortune, acting so shy and quiet in a place that your dad practically owned.
After a couple of hours, you learned the agenda. All you had to do was put on a fake smile, get them off your father's shoulders and pretend you were very interested in what they had to say, hiding your uncomfortable expression behind your glass of champagne, promising them that you would arrange a reunion with your father someday.
One of those nights, your father introduced you to someone, someone who you didn't pay much attention because he seemed to be uninterested too, only being there for the sake of his job.
"Pretty girl, come here" your father said, a cheerful tone of voice as grabbed you by the shoulder to get your attention, snapping you out of your train of thoughts. "I want you to meet my friend, Doctor Crane"
You looked at the man in front of your dad, his pale blue eyes already sizing you up discretely, looking at you up and down in a way that didn't go unnoticed by you, a shiver running down your spine as his eyes finally locked with yours.
You couldn't help but feel small under his gaze, your glass now forgotten in your left hand, the right one extended to take his and stretch it for a quick second, returning to your first position, his expression remaining serious.
"Nice to meet you" he spoke, his voice sounding like velvet in your eyes, not quite sensing the undertone behind it. "Your father told me wonders about you"
You grin, the irony of that sentence making you laugh a little, what wonders could your father know about you? But you kept your composure, the conversation not going any further, and you forgot about him fast enough, when in another of those annoying parties you met the love of your life — or so you thought.
That same night, when you went back home, you were thinking about spending the rest of your life with some guy that flirted with you at the bar, and Jonathan, prayed to whatever thing listening to him up there, that crossed your path with his again.
He practically obsessed with you, because it felt right. You were young, beautiful, wealthy and had a last name that could open even more doors for him, getting tired of saving Falcone's man of going to jail; you were an opportunity, tied to a nice pair of legs.
After a few weeks of stalking, it kinda broke his heart that naive as he expected you, you got married to the guy from the party; he told you then his name was Lewis, and now you doubted it that was even true.
You were finally going to get what you always wished for, a family, love. And it was perfect. Everything was perfect.
It was a dream that you were living in. A dream that shattered in front of you no longer than three months after.
After you contracted married with this man, you took care of the house, now learning all of these housewife duties that you didn't know anything about, but making your best effort to please him, to be the perfect woman ever created, departing from your old life and habits and adjusting them to his own.
You couldn't be more happy, regardless of your bad cooking, the bad-swiped floor and the half-done bed that welcomed you both every night, you finally had love.
It lasted three months. Your wholesome real life fantasy of a marriage destroyed when you found out, accidentally, that this man was just an employee of your dad, willing to get a promotion if he married you. At that moment, you didn't know who you hated more, if the bastard, or your dad who was literally bribing the bastard to love you.
But your dad only wanted to make you happy, tho.
You were embarrassed, not quite sure of how to tell this to Jonathan, because after all, he was there for you, just for the money your dad was paying him. Your cursed the day your dad became rich, because all of it was making you miserable and it felt like it wasn't going to stop.
At this point, a feeling of despite against you was growing within Jonathan, after a few weeks treating you, he quickly remembered why he didn’t chose this path of career, but remembering that he was there because of a major reason; a reason more important than your helpless cries for attention.
He was sick of you, all you ever did was complain in the commodity of your million dollar house, unaware that there were more important problems in the world. It isn’t completely your fault, Jonathan thought one day, you were just an ungrateful brat, and his work was to tame you, and he planned to do just that today.
"So," he startled you, narrowing his eyebrows, an expression in his face that you could only understand as concern. "remember, if you don't speak, I can't help you".
You chuckle and shift your weight in the chair, immediately feeling your eyes fill up with tears as you confronted the fact that you had to speak about it, right now. He was quick to offer you his handkerchief, as he always did and with shaky hands you took it, sniffling onto it, closing your eyes as you felt your whole body shake with each one of your cries.
You felt Jonathan put his hand on your knee, softy caressing the skin that his thumb could reach, opening your eyes and looking at his, Jonathan welcoming you with a pitying look. You put the tissue aside, both him being so close and his scent impregnated on the piece of fabric making you feel a little giddy, a little confused.
Why was your heart racing so much? He was your therapist, here to talk about your former husband.
Jonathan couldn't help but grin a little, knowing he was maybe breaking a rule here, touching you like this, being so close. He couldn't care less, after all, he wasn't here listening to you cry and bitch about your whole life for the sake of your well-being. He was here because he wanted you to break and get on your knees to him. Figuratively and literally.
"It's so embarrassing" you struggled to spit out "He didn't even love me, Doctor"
He hummed, dragging his chair so he was a little closer to you, you looked at him through your teary lashes and tried to keep it together, this wasn't the first time you cried in front of him, but the reason itself was enough to make you feel full of shame.
He didn't say anything, this being a motivation for you to continue.
"My dad was paying him" you murmured, cleaning the mascara off your cheeks. "It was all a lie"
The whole situation was absurd, what happened to you still felt like a sick joke they were playing on you, your dad and Lewis, probably waiting for the perfect moment to tell you the truth.
But that wasn't going to happen, right now the only thing that felt true to you was Jonathan. He set you up to that, and you blindly fell on his silly trap.
"Poor thing" he cooed you, moving his hand a little further up your thigh, noticing the goosebumps on your skin. A mastermind, that's how he felt. "How could they?"
That was all the mendacity he fed you with since you started seeing him, making you believe he was actually empathizing with you, full of loathe against everyone who hurt you, who dared to leave you alone, but now he was there, his task being to pretend to care.
"It's pathetic" you blurted out, leaning into his touch when his prying hand went up to your cheek. You really couldn't say anything more, crying against his hand like it was something you did every monday morning. "I'm so sad. I don't know what to do"
He shook his face, your eyes meeting his with a confused expression, black stained tears dropping on your lap and wetting his hand before he returned it and looked over his clipboard, pretending to think.
You were so vulnerable, ready for him to destroy. He finally got you where he wanted. He then explained you that you were so sad that it made you unaware of a lot of things, blinded by your own pity against yourself that every door that opened, you closed. It all came down to a thing; you needed a diagnosis.
He gave you a moment to process the information, ready to continue with his plan.
"Actually," he started, his tone now more firm, more strict, the one he used when you were approaching the end of the session. On the last one, he recommended you to touch yourself, to liberate oxytocin on your brain or something you really didn't understood.
It was almost evil from his side, he knew that your only thought while doing it would he him ordering you to do so.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of such awful news, Y/N" he stated, making your heart skip a beat. "But I think you're sick"
You nearly gasped, the air got stuck in your throat, more tears gathering in your eyes. You lifted one of your hands to your chest, a million thoughts crossing your head as Jonathan's clever eyes examined your expression.
"Sick" you repeated after a moment, almost like you were making peace with the revelation. "How sick?"
It was an innocent question, your tone of voice shaking as your inferior lip trembled, holding it with your teeth in an attempt to not burst into tears again, your whole body feeling like it was going to break into a million peaces by how much you were shaking in the couch.
Jonathan was quick, standing from the chair he was on and taking a seat by your side, his hand swiftly placing in your knee. You looked at him confused, he never got this close, maybe your sickness was serious.
"What am I, Doctor?" you whispered, your eyes showing him a hint of fear that made him finally lose all his faked professionalism. "Depressed? Crazy?"
Both of you were dying of anticipation now; meanwhile you feared that you were going to get admitted to Arkham, Jonathan was seeing the golden ticket to the best future he could ever achieve, and all thanks to you.
"Oh, no, no" he purred, his hand making its way up to your thigh. "You're sick, not crazy"
You parted your lips as his hand moved more further, not really sure of what was happening, not daring to stop him, too scared of your mental health to think about anything else, not helping the way your legs started to part too.
A sudden gasp left your lips as his hand squeezed your tight, a smile you never saw on him appearing on his face. The crying stopped a moment ago, the surprise of having him so close making you go a little numb.
"I know what a girl like you needs" he said, almost sternly, like his hand wasn't centimeters away from your panties.
Was in that moment, that you knew this wasn’t about therapy anymore.
"You think so?" you whispered, your voice still shaky, but now for a whole different reason. "And what is it, Doctor?"
"To be fucked stupid"
It almost shocked you how he said that as it was a normal diagnosis, like he gave you a name of a medicine you could go and buy at any drugstore in town. You gulped and didn't move when his grip tightened on your leg, your face growing red.
A loud gasp escaped your lips when at your lack of response, Jonathan grabbed you hard by the jaw and forced you to look at him. Your eyes glistened with nothing but fear, your brows narrowing as you mumbled something that he really couldn't understand, and it wasn't like he wanted to.
"You're sick, Y/N" he repeated, more harshly this time, his hand moving your head as he spoke. "And I'm going to cure you"
He let go of your face to clasp his lips against yours, a kiss very far away from sweet, his mouth moving roughly against yours. You never had been kissed like this, so you tried to play it along, trying to show him some of the love you felt for him, that you thought you owed him.
But he didn't care if you felt loved during the kiss, trying to assert the dominance he held upon you, his hand now holding firmly the back of you neck to prevent you from pulling away.
It was a mess; your teeth clashed, drool was dripping from your chin as his tongue explored every space of your mouth, not leaving anywhere of it untouched. Your movements were a little stiff, unsure of what to do, trying to provide the sweetness that he lacked.
His hand moved to your the front of your neck and squeezed it a little, making you yelp in surprise, the sound muffled by his mouth. You tried to get away from the kiss, confused about his rough actions against you, a little scared of him even, almost like you didn’t trust him every little part of your brain in this same couch for the last couple of months.
But then it clicked on your foggy brain, he knew you, perfectly— you only knew his name, you didn’t know what this man was capable of.
You could only move a few centimeters away from his hungry mouth, your lips parted as tears welled in your eyes from the pressure he was applying to your neck.
“Stop” you managed to stutter, your breath mixing with his. “I can’t- breathe”
You doubted that he listened to you, your voice not coming out of your throat at all and getting stuck in your larynx, your voice-box completely muffled by his strong grip.
“Shut up, brat” he spitted, his tone sounding full of abhor, your eyes wide open as you felt the air leaving your body and your lungs starting to burn. “Always getting what you want”
You weakly placed one of your hands around his wrist, another attempt of gasp elicited from your agape mouth as he lifted his other hand and choked you with both, something in your dizzy mind telling you that he was possessed.
“Crying all the time- complaining” he continued, not caring if you were listening, the suffocation being to much to bare now. “So selfish”
And maybe he was.
Your brain was filled with fear, wondering how it all went from a kiss to this— almost getting killed by your therapist in your couch. You opened your eyes to meet his, feeling like your chest was on fire as there wasn’t any air flowing in, seeing how the blue of Jonathan’s eyes has darkened and his lips were parted as well, the muscles of his jaw twitching as he choked you to death.
Your eyebrows narrowed together in terror as you noticed that familiar tingly sensation in your lower belly and your thighs clenching together. Maybe it was something about him exercising this power over you, how you felt so feeble under his touch, that was probably leaving bruises on your neck for you to carry and show around what he was making you do it.
You didn’t have enough time to think about it, you were practically dying.
“And you are enjoying this?” he said with an amused tone, probably noticing how your thighs fragily contracted against one another.
You felt yourself slowly lose your consciousness when finally the relief came and the air started to flow again to your desperate lungs, taking long and loud puffs of air when his hand let go of your neck. Your erratic breath was interrupted by a loud moan that escaped you when Crane yanked you by your hair and shoved you to the floor.
He was quick yo position you between his legs, looking at you through his unfixed glasses, giving you a twisted smile that made you quiver in fear, that growing wet patch on your panties making you feel like a really sick girl.
“Doctor-” you mumbled, closing your eyes as he pulled your hair, withdrawing a mewl off your mouth. “Hurts”
“You talk when I tell you to talk” he snickered, adjusting the way his fingers gripped your hair. You thought that he might just pull out the strand he was tugging. “I’m sick of your whining”
You felt more tears well up in your eyes; not sure if it was from the pain in your head or how his words felt like a knife that landed right on your heart. You were confused, sad, angry— a little hot, too.
“I pay you yo listen to me” you said, your voice so shaky you were lucky he could understand you. You wished he didn’t understand you.
Another sort of moan left your lips as a hard slap made a landing in your cheek, your face turned to the side because of the impact. You closed your eyes in disbelief, a cry coming out as you felt helpless, wondering if this was some exposure therapy he was experimenting on you.
He repeated himself, instructing you to talk only when you were told so, nodding in defeat as you accepted whatever this was and continued to play along with Jonathan’s sick fantasy of controlling you, without even knowing it.
You looked at him with nothing but inquietude, the look in his eyes giving you the foreboding that nothing good was about to happen now, frightened of what we would do to you.
He didn’t show any hints of letting go of your hair anytime soon, just holding it firmly to keep you looking at him through your heavy lashes, a wicked grin on his smug face.
“Let’s give that whining mouth of yours a good use” he said, and you gulped, understanding what he wanted and quivering in fear, not really understanding why the sticky sensation between your legs grew.
“Undo my pants” he commanded, and you stayed still, your eyes not leaving his even when another slap landed on your tear-wet face. “Do as you’re told, brat. This might be your only cure”
You couldn’t help but sob a little, his tone sounding so definitive, so professional. Your trembling hands reached his belt and unbuckling it ungracefully, taking longer than he expected, you heard him chuckle as you unbuttoned his pants afterwards, then putting your hands back in front of your lap.
“C’mon” he pulled your hair again, causing you to moan in pain. “Don’t make me tell you what to do”
You looked at him again in nothing but shame, trying to resist to this humiliating request of his, but complying it anyways. He said he was going to cure you, but now you doubted it, right now, you only wanted this to be over.
With a last look at his eyes you returned your attention to the growing bulge in his slacks, the shame in your brain being present at all times, not quite helping the way your eyes were fixated on his clothed member. You were quick to free him out after your staring earned you a other harsh pull of hair, your lips turned into a line when his cock slapped his abdomen, causing his dress shirt to wrinkle a little.
“Go on, Y/N” he encouraged you, as you looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him for mercy, knowing that even if you screamed it at him, he just wouldn’t listen. “This isn’t about what you want, anymore. Is about what you need”
A tear slid from your eyes and disappeared down your cheek when his free hand placed the tip of his hard cock on your parted lips, gesturing you to take it and not waste more of his time— more than you already did.
“Open up, whore” he said under his breath, using your hair as a device to move your head and help you shove his length down your throat. You complied, the tears in your eyes now soaking in you cheeks by the effort that you were making trying to welcome his thick shaft down your mouth.
You were sure you scratched him with your teeth a few times as he bobbed your head up and down with his strong hand, manhandling you without care for his own pleasure. You placed your hands on his knees, trying not to gag, but when his tip touched the bottom of your throat, you couldn’t help it.
You cried as you felt suffocated again, now for a whole different reason, a more humiliating one, and you almost wished he killed you then. His hips buckled everytime your lips reached the base of his cock, the room filled with the sounds of your mouth and saliva coating his shaft and the soft moans that came out of his poisoned lips.
“Take it, whore” he said, his voice now husky and distorted by the pleasure, the pain that your teeth accidentally inflicted on him turning him even more. “God- you are horrible at this”
He chuckled between heavy breaths, pulling you by the hair and releasing his cock from your mouth, a vulgar pop filling both of your ears at the sudden separation of your lips and his member. Your eyes looked at the floor, feeling such a shame that the mere thought of meeting his face with your fearful face made you cringe, the pulsating pain on the back of your head making you dizzy.
“You can’t suck dick properly” he said, his tone sounding like he was making fun of you. “No wonder why your husband left you. You’re just pathetic”
You finally rose up your face to look at that insufferable smile of his, ignoring the way his cock was still hanging there in front of you, almost brushing your nose. His fingers finally untangled from your hair and giving you some sort of solace, the consolation that this traumatic session was over.
Maybe the remedy was worse than the sickness itself.
“Jonathan, stop it, plea-”
Your imploration was completely ignored, followed by another slap on your wet cheek that made you cry even more, not understanding how this man could’ve been the same one who made you felt loved and finally listened. You fell for a lie once again.
“Get on the couch” he simply said, his words were like a bucket of cold water fell on you. “Stop the bitching, don’t want to hear it”
“And I’m your doctor. Not Jonathan” he reminded you, making you feel even more ashamed.
You did as he told, again, half-standing from the floor and sitting next to him, trying to take as much space from him as you could before he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, your face growing red as his face was now centimeters away from yours.
“You look so beautiful when you cry” he whispered, caressing your face but trying to nor wipe the tears away, almost like he was admiring you. It made you melt into his touch, glad that his kind demeanor was there again. Even if his words made you cringe— and the fact that his cock was still out, you felt your heart grew warmer by the way he tenderly touched you.
It didn’t last much longer, when his lips twitched into a malicious smile and went down to nibble your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses around the bruised skin and bitting where his fingers hurt you previously, making your fingers wrap on his hair and cry for mercy, trying for him to stop hurting you this much.
“Shut up, stupid brat” he repeated that same insult, making you swallow your cries, closing your eyes in disbelief as he continued to injure your already suffering skin.
You arched your back in surprise when all of the sudden his hands reached for your breasts, groping your tits like his life depending on it, stimulating you through the fabric of your shirt, but all you felt was fear and anger, impotence flowing through your veins because you just couldn’t scream and push him away, fear was freezing you on the spot.
The worst part? You maybe didn’t wanted to push him away. Because maybe if he gets what he wants now you would be cured and he’ll be back to normal, returning you the sweet Doctor Crane that you met once, not this monster that was groping you like a piece of meat.
He clicked his tongue and dropped both of his hands to spread your legs open, forcing your back to drop onto the hand rester of the couch. You looked at him with big eyes, your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest and scream to Jonathan that enough was enough, you just couldn’t take any of this anymore.
But your heart stayed there, between your lungs that seemed incapable to hold any air, making your breathing erratic. So nobody screamed Jonathan to stop, and he continued with his profanation against your persona— your dignity.
He bit his lip at the sight of your fucked-up face, your legs open as it showed him the dark patch on your baby blue panties, darting his eyes from your half-exposed crotch to your teary eyes.
“God, keep crying and I might come now” he growled, lowering his face to meet your pussy, kissing it through your underwear, making you mewl, closing your eyes at the sudden attention your core was getting.
You felt embarrassed at how much you enjoyed when he moved the fabric to the side and started making out with your cunt, swallowing your fluids like a starved man.
“So wet” he mumbled against your labia, the vibration making your eyes roll back, bitting your lip to prevent any moan to come out; he was raping you, why did he make you enjoy it? “I bet you like this, to be treated like a whore”
You shook your head, more tears falling out of your eyes as you felt nothing else but humiliation, pleasure washing over your body everytime his tongue brushed your clit, your back arched against nothing.
“You like it?” he said, finally pulling out and pushing his body up so his face was in front of yours, his cock grazing against your now stimulated pussy, a gasp leaving your lips, a gasp that quickly turned into a hurting moan when his hand slapped you again, this time in your throbbing cunt. “Answer me”
“I- I do” you whispered, gripping his shoulders when you felt him align the head of his member with your whole, scared of how it was going to fit. You had trouble taking it when he face-fucked you, how the fuck it was going to fit down there?
“I’m going to fuck you so good” he whispered between pants, jerking himself off before entering you. “You’re going to forget that pathetic husband of yours”
You couldn’t help but cry, trying to push him off by the shoulders, a terrified look on your face. “It won’t fit, Doctor” you pleaded, a crooked grin on his face as you keep on calling him that. “I beg you, don’t-”
“Yes, beg me” he said, starting to push his member inside you with a slow but relentlessly pace, not giving you enough time to adjust, just to scream and hit him weakly on the chest, face and shoulders before ge grabbed your hands and pinned them down, on the sides of your body. “I’m going to cure you- do you so good”
His voice was low, as he barely could speak when he felt just how tight you were, your walls hugging his cock just the right way, his pulsating head making your mind dizzy, the stinging pain starting to be forgotten.
But when he slid out and entered back it, the hardness of his movement made your insides burn with pain, a loud cry echoing in the walls of the living room as he started to trust into your pussy with a fast pace, not caring at all if you felt good.
He snapped his hips against yours with an animalistic force, growls escaped from his mouth every time his cock was welcomed by the warmth of your stretch whole, the sensation making him go even more feral, making you cry more.
He let go of one of your hands and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at his eyes as he fucked you vigorously, the blue on his iris not existent anymore, only his widely dilated pupils meeting yours, your blurred vision distinguishing the depraved expression in his face.
“You- so tight” he snarled, his voice barely audible, covered by the sound of skin slapping and your loud cries. “I bet your stupid husband didn’t fuck you like this”
You felt nothing but shame as you felt his cock now sliding in and out more easily, the wetness of your cunt growing as he spoke to you like that, that familiar heat flourishing in your lower belly as his words degraded you, your cries quickly becoming moans.
“This was all you needed- fuck” he said, his spit splashing your face as he talked, his words full of disdain. “A good dick, that’s all it takes to keep bitches like you quiet” You nodded, thinking that if you agreed he would stop. How wrong you were.
In a quick movement Jonathan took his cock out and spun you around, not giving you time to get on your ass up by laying your chest down before he stabbed your hole again, pushing your skirt all the way up to see how his pelvis came into collision with your ass.
You were moaning like a bitch in heat now, sure that the maids were listening, not really caring about it anymore. Jonathan was fucking you nice and hard, your mouth wide open as his tip brushed your cervix, screaming to him to keep it right there.
“I’m close” he said, pulling your hair back to press his chest to your back, his other hand going down to play with your swollen clit, wanting your to come around his cock like the slut he knew you were. “Come with me, you whore”
“Yes” you moaned, your tongue out as his cock hit the right spots, making your hips to move against his, grinding against his hand and dick, feeling your wetness drip down to your thighs. “Yes, yes, I want to”
He laughed, approaching your ear with his tongue to bite it, leaving a long and wet kiss underneath it that made you grow hotter, your eyes closed as you let him use you; the only thought in your mind being him and his wonder-working cock.
Truth was, he was fucking you stiffly, every slam of his hips stronger than the last one, but you were so deprived of touch, so dick-starved, that even if Jonathan was fucking you like a lifeless doll, only for the sake of his pleasure, you loved it, even when it hurt you.
“I’m going to fill you up” he said against your ear, his hand leaving your clit unattended as he grabbed your hip to increase the velocity of his thrusts, ramming your hole like a demented man, making your head drop against his shoulder and scream at the ceiling, now knowing what he meant by curing you.
“Going to get you pregnant” he said, more to himself than anything “so you don’t have to bitch about being alone anymore”
You opened your eyes with terror, you didn’t want children, you were so young. The idea made you frightened, the moaning now sounding like little nos and pull outs, but Jonathan didn’t listen.
“Doctor please, please, pull out” you pleaded, reaching for his hips and trying to push him away, one of his hands slapping your ass and pulling you down by your shoulder blade so you wouldn’t fight anymore. “Doctor Crane please”
“I will fucking fill you up, Y/N” he chanted, laughing at the idea of your round belly and your swollen tits, carrying his baby all day and feeling all worked up and needy all day, only waiting for him to fuck you all day. “You won’t be alone again. You won’t be sad again”
Then you realized it.
When he came, your hot walls creamed every single drop of his cum, making his thrusts sloppy and slow, his moans filling your ears as you sobbed under his touch, feeling his seed paint your walls and load your insides with his sperm.
That was your cure.
His hot release that now flooded inside your leaking cunt, that was your so-promised antidote. He took away your solitude by giving you his and yours firstborn, a bastard baby that would give you the company that you lacked.
You felt him chuckle as he rode out his high, the chase of his own climax made you forget yours, so now there you were, your swollen cunt looking for its release while his rested among your insides calmly, like it was meant to be.
He didn’t pull out immediately, taking his time to appreciate the sight of your skirt resting in your hips all rolled up, your bruised neck and messy hair, the way your ass was exposed to him by the way he had you arching your back. All for him— for him to wreck.
He pulled out and rolled his eyes when you started crying, now being annoying instead of hot. You sat on the couch and saw him button his pants and fix his hair, hissing when you felt nothing but pain growing in your worn-out pussy. You explained through your weak voice how he ruined your life, that he was the worst person you’ve ever met and that now you had to carry the product of his sick and twisted rapist-fantasy, even tried to hit him, but your pathetic tantrum only gained you another slap in the face, and a stern look.
When he tried to stand up and leave, you grabbed him by the wrist and begged him not to, he couldn’t just leave you, not now, not ever.
“Don’t be so ungrateful” he said, a smile that made you feel nothing but trepidation in his face. “You’ll never be alone again”
You couldn’t help but feel scared. Scared of him, of what just happened, of what’s going to happen next, scared for your future son with this evil specie of a man.
When you continued to cry, and he pulled you for a hug as he assured you that he would never leave you; and how could he? He had a long life of success waiting for him now, giving a girl of your status his last name, his children. Oh, it’s going to be wonderful, he just needed to tame you and make you the perfect slave for him, and that wasn’t going to be hard.
You were sure that you’ll never be loved, but at least now Jonathan was going to be with you. You’ll never be alone again.
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thanks for reading. w/love, fenina;)
taglist: @lovesickxcherries @genini @ilunapb @ostricx @devotedlyshadowytheorist
if you want to be added let me know, it’ll be my pleasure🫶🏻
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surftrips · 5 months
pairing luke castellan x fem!ares!reader
summary y/n's guitar practicing is interrupted several times.
author's note slowly introducing more of the social media aus into these fics! you can view all of the characters’ twitter accounts here.
→ installment of this au read for context
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The weather outside was beautiful. Kids were strewn out around camp, some were by the lake while others found shade in the armory or stables. You, however, were in your cabin all alone. You knew that this was one of the few times it would be empty, so you snuck away from archery to practice your other instrument– your guitar. 
You began strumming the first few notes to a song you had been working on. Quietly singing the lyrics to yourself, you were reminded of a time before camp.
It was back when you were still with him. You recall how your back leaned against his as he helped move your fingers to the correct strings, how he guided your hands to the right positions, he was always so patient with you. But that had all come crashing down when the monsters in your head became real, too real for him to deal with. 
Anyway, that was a long time ago now. You went back to strumming your guitar and tried to push the memory away, but you couldn’t. You hated that he still occupied your mind, no matter how hard you tried to move on. 
You thought that coming here would help, and it did for a while. Other boys became distractions and temporary fixes, but then there was Luke, who confused and terrified you.
When Annabeth and Clarisse brought him up at your sleepover the other night, you felt the need to hide. The bravest girl in camp, and you couldn’t face your own feelings. It made you feel weak, and you hated that.
Realizing that you got distracted once again, you resumed singing for a third time. 
It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of keys dropping followed by“shit.” You looked up from where you were sitting cross-legged in bed to see who it was.
“Hello?” you called out.
A bashful curly-haired boy peeked his head into your door. You frowned. 
“Hey Y/N, sorry for interrupting you,” Percy said, slowly. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”
“Y-yes,” the boy stammered. “But Luke needed me to get something from Hermes cabin for him.”
“You do realize this is Ares, right?” 
“Right, I just-” 
“Just…?” You knew you were being a little rude to the boy, but it had been a while since you messed with the campers. You couldn’t have them thinking you went soft all of a sudden. 
“Sorry, I was just walking by and I heard someone singing and I figured it must be you, so I just stopped for a second to listen.”
“Okay, stalker.” 
“I wasn’t stalking, I swear!”
“Whatever, just get going before Luke gets mad at you too.” 
Not needing you to tell him twice, Percy rushed away. Sighing, you went back to your guitar for the umpteenth time. 
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You enjoyed about 30 more minutes of peace before you heard a soft knock on your door. Grumbling, you climbed out of bed, ready to scare the camper away. 
“I swear to god-” you started.
“Hey, hey, I come here in peace,” Luke put his hands up defensively. 
“Ironic because you’re actually disturbing my peace. What is it with everyone bothering me today?” 
“Look, I came here to apologize for Percy earlier.”
“You wasted your time because this could have been a text then,” you said. You were usually nicer to Luke than the rest of the campers, but you hadn’t been in a good mood recently, not since the sleepover and not since you started working on this song. 
He must have noticed your change in attitude toward him because he asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” you said quickly. “And even if it weren’t, I’m not going to bother you with my problems.” 
“You’re not a bother,” he responded sincerely. 
“Well, I’m glad you think that. But us Ares kids, we have to take care of ourselves. I’m used to it.” 
“Just because you’re used to something doesn’t mean it’s the way things should be.” 
“Oh, my bad, Castellan. I didn’t take you for a philosopher.” 
“Alright, whatever. I just came to apologize for Percy, I’ll leave you to your moping.” 
“Hey! I’m not moping!” you said, defensively. 
“It sure does look like it,” he said, scanning the room and landing on the mess of sheets on your bed and the snack bags you had discarded haphazardly on the floor. 
“I’ll have you know I’m actually working on a very special project, so. This is what the room of an artist looks like.” 
“Oh?” he chuckled. “Is that so?”
“Mhm, I can show you.” 
“Alright, bet,” he found a spot next to you on your bed and watched as you set up your guitar. 
You strummed the first few verses of your song, hyper-aware of how close the boy next to you was right now. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and closed your eyes as you slowly allowed yourself to lean into him, softly singing the lyrics. 
When you got to the chorus, you cleared your throat. “Uhm, here is where I’m getting stuck a bit, because everyone keeps barging in here.” 
“Is this the part where you ask me to leave then?”
You stared into his brown eyes. You wondered how anyone’s eyes could look so soft, could hold so much emotion. Did he look at everyone like this? 
“Y/N?” he said, after a moment.
Shit, how long were you staring at him for? And was your mouth open the entire time? 
“Sorry, I thought I saw something in your eye. Probably just a piece of dust,” you laughed nervously. “Uhm, yeah, I think I need another hour or something to finish this song, but I’ll see you at the campfire tonight, yeah?”
If Luke was disappointed, he didn’t look it. “Yeah, of course, I gotta head back to my counselor duties anyway.” 
He saluted you playfully as he turned around to leave, being sure to close the door after him.
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CM New Beginnings Fics
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Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who participated. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
First, check out @emberfrostlovesloki 's 🌈 Masterlist of Entries ☀️: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Hotch, Emily, and Spencer fics! Check out their page for even more!
🌼 SFW S.R./Reader Entries 🌼
Play Dates by me: [GN] Reader finds out Spencer hasn’t had many dates and offers several Play Dates.
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by @foxy-eva: [GN] Spencer was the right person at the wrong time, no doubt about it. When Reader is finally back in town, they're ready for a fresh start. 
You're Gonna Go Far, Love by @writer-in-theory: [GN] After relapsing, Spencer takes the first flight with no plan other than to get a fresh start.
Love Like the Sea by @rynwritesreid: [GN] After Spencer lost Maeve, he swore of love, until Reader came around.
Cowboy Like Me by @foxy-eva: [Fem] Spencer decides to fulfill a childhood dream to become a cowboy.
In Sickness and In Health by @pathologicalreid: [Fem] Minutes before Reader's wedding is supposed to start, Spencer gets cold feet.
Maybe We Found Love Right Where We Are by @andiebeaword: [Fem] Spencer just got engaged to Maeve on Valentine’s Day. Finding out his best friend’s heart will be broken changes things. 
More ratings and pairings below!
🌼 Other Pairings/Gen SFW Fics 🌼
Silent Demon by @angellsell: [Derek/Fem!Reader] Reader celebrates a month milestone of sobriety, but she isn't very proud of it.
Hearts on Our Sleeves by @angellsell: [Hotch/Fem!Reader] Aaron and Reader decide to give a try at a new relationship after a long dry spell.
Good Fortune by @reasonablerodents: [Hotchreid] Spencer and Aaron are the only ones without a partner for a New Year's Kiss.
And When Dawn Came by @snarkylinda: [Gen] Spencer calls Emily the night that Cat has the baby he decided to adopt.
The Date by @codename-mom: [Gen] Jessica didn't expect what her former brother-in-law was going to ask her.
Last Recruit by @/codename-mom: [Gen] There's a new agent at the BAU eager to start her new life. Her name is Penelope Garcia.
First Steps by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Rossi found a young agent named Aaron Hotchner who could be a good new recruit for the BAU.
First Day at School by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Jack is now old enough to go at school and his father has trouble to deal with this very special day.
🌼 NSFW Entries (S.R./Fem!R) 🌼
Second Time's a Charm by @foxy-eva: Back in college Spencer Reid and Fem!Reader left many things unsaid. Years later they give it another try.
It’s Too Cliché by me: Reader and Spencer are the worst at friends with benefits. After an exchange of gifts & nasty words, the two reunite on a very eventful NYE.
For the Love of Lace by @reidmotif: Reader decides she doesn't want to pine for her best friend anymore but needs his help deciding what lingerie to wear for her date.
Sweet Agony by @incognit0slut: After tragedy, Reader believed she was unworthy of love. Spencer proves her wrong.
Maybe Someday by @dudeitiskarev: (Mini-series) A case brought you back to Spencer, and this time, he won’t let you slip away.
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Co-Creator Bonus List
🌼 SFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
The Only Hoax I Believe In by Foxy: Spencer struggles with his addiction after prison until Reader is determined to help him, no matter the cost.
The Perfect Plan by me: Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
Impromptu by me: Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.
Defining Family by me: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Clean Shaven by me: Reader helps Spencer shave after prison.
Drunk Dial by me: It’s been years since Reader talked to Spencer, but after a bunch of drinks it seems like a really good idea.
Repentance by me: Spencer is confronted with his second chance at life, finding it full of regrets. Reader tries to talk him through it.
Happy Hydrangea by me: TransMan!Reader. JJ is corrected in finding out Spencer has had a boyfriend for a while now.
🌼 NSFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
Lily of the Valley (Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3) by me: Unsub!Reid. Spencer was found guilty but mentally ill after the torture and murder of several men. He finds solace in his psychiatrist at the institution.
Duet by Foxy: Letting the love of his life get away was Spencer’s biggest regret, so he decides to go after her.
Honeymoon by Foxy: Spencer and his wife are excited about their future (and their honeymoon).
To Have and To Hold by me: Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Stork Song by me: Spencer and Reader try to find intimacy again following a terrible loss.
Domesticity by me: Reader gets worked up watching Spencer with kids. He notices.
Different Kind of Daddy by me: After a rough day, Reader has good news for her husband.
🌼 Other SFW Pairings 🌼
Till Death Do Us Part by Foxy: [Emily/GN!Reader] Reader didn't expect grief to linger after Emily came back from the dead.
Motherhood by Foxy: [Tara/Emily] Emily and Tara finally become mothers.
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Happy Reading!
P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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syrupgirl · 1 year
descriptions of blood(like fr), mentions of death, i call neteyam’s injury ‘a hole in the chest’, my very limited knowledge of medical procedures(both human and na’vi), me changing the severity of his injury probably, that’s it methinks?
a/n: this one just fell out of me. a fix it fic if you will.
Lie si oe Neteyamur -Neteyam
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“You cannot rush this, daughter.” Your mother says as she strokes your head.
It has been days since the battle. Many lives were lost, even more injured. And as selfish as it is, you mind would not drift away from one person.
You had been in charge on taking care of the injured that were brought back to the village. Being a Tsahik in training, you mother deemed it essential to have experience in real conditions to feel the pressure you would be carrying until you passed on the status to the best Tsahik.
After countless gruelling hours of tending to the wounded, you heard your name being called from the shore. After passing of your patient off to your partner, you down ran to the beach, only to be greeted by a sight you never thought you would have to see.
Sand kicked out from under your hurried feet as you approached Tsireya who had a bleeding Neteyam attached to her side.
“H-he..He was shot! It went straight through h-him.” The poor girl was hysterical. The blood of her friend covered her hands and even some of her stomach.
Neteyam himself looked terrible. His complexion was blanched and his eyes could barely stay open. Across his chest, he looked to be wrapped in seaweed, probably to stop the bleeding. You guessed that once you undid the bindings you would also find sea moss plugged in the wound as well. Curtesy of your sister, you guessed.
As much as you wanted to curl up and cry until you couldn’t anymore, Neteyam didn’t have that time. Right now, you weren’t Neteyam’s…friend..You were the one in charge of saving his life, in charge of his healing, and, if all went well, his recovery.
“Here, give him to me, I will take him to our marui.” You shouldered his body and he groaned. “Yes, yes, I know and I’m sorry.”
Neteyam didn’t seem to be capable of conversation but keeping him conscious was your top priority until you could get your remedies.
It was a struggle up the shore but you made it, with Tsireya stumbling behind. You lay him down as gently as you could.
“Neteyam? Neteyam, can you hear me? It’s yn.”
You spoke to him as you checked his body for any other injuries. Anything that would make it more difficult to deal with the hole in his chest. Nothing turned up so you continued to speak to him.
“Neteyam? I’m going to unwrap your chest now, it will hurt but I need to to stay with me, okay?”
He was awake but you had no idea if he was actually hearing anything you were saying. With a deep breath, you slowly started to unwrap his chest.
You weren’t ready for what greeted you.
The tight wrappings had slowed down the bleeding but there was still so much. It covered your palms and wove itself between your fingers. You heart was beating out of your chest and you got closer and closer to his naked chest.
Neteyam was moaning and muttering above you but you didn’t want to take your eyes off his injury.
“Tsireya? Is he still awake?” You asked your sisters, fingers still working on the makeshift bandages.
“Uh..uhm.” She knelt down closer to his face. “Yes, I think h-he is.”
“We need to keep him with us, as much as it will hurt him, we cannot risk him slipping away.”
Tsireya nodded and started to try make conversation with him. “Your brother still needs you, he is lost but he needs you to bring him back.”
You felt yourself tear up at her words. It was not just his brother who still needed him.
After discarding the seaweed in a pile, you came face to face with the bloody mess. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to be bleeding as much as it was before and just like you thought, there was a large clump of sea moss packed around the wound. You picked it up as gently as possible and the boy above you jerked.
“It- it hurts!” He whined and you put a hand gently on his shoulder.
“I know and i’m sorry but it is what needs to be done.”
He didn’t respond after that but kept whining in pain and wriggling slightly.
“Tsireya-” your sister looked up and you handed her a tightly woven basket, “-fill this with water.”
She nodded and takes it from your hands hurriedly. You use the sea moss to clean up the sight as much as you can before putting is next to the seaweed.
In record time, Tsireya ran back to your side, handing you the basket now filled to the rim.
“Thank you, sister.” You said. You brings your hands up to her face and she closed her eyes. “Be calm, he will live, i’m sure of it.” She meets your gaze again and sniffs. You try to give her a reassuring smile before turning back to Neteyam.
With the basket in hand, you shuffle up next to his shoulder. As slowly as you can, you tip the container forward and watch the water wash into the hole in his chest. The blood melts off of him as the water takes its place.
Neteyam sounded like he was downright sobbing and you hear Tsireya whisper to him, “Be still, Neteyam. You are in good hands.”
You hoped she was right.
It had taken many hours of tears and screams but you had managed to bring Neteyam back to where he was stable. He now rests in his family’s marui like he has been for days, surrounded by the love of his family.
And as much as you want to see him, you know better than anyone how important family is in times like these. They need space.
“You did a great thing, without you, my love, the loses would have been so much greater.” Your mother is known for her stone cold resolve and tough exterior but you wouldn’t have it any other way. She loves you and your siblings in her own way. “I feel so proud knowing I chose you to take my place as Tsahik of this village once I return to our great mother.”
“Thank you, mother. It is a great honour.” She smiles down and you and holds you closer.
That night you cannot sleep, opting you go for a swim, a now common occurrence since the battle. You lie of your back, floating on the surface and looking up to the sky. You remember your father telling you that Jake Sully was from one of the distance stars. How fascinating.
Small waves lap underneath you. A small light shoots across the sky. Everything is still.
Well it is until someone dives in next to you.
You’re so surprised, you slowly a mouthful of water.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” It’s Lo’ak’s voice you hear while dying cough out all of the water from your mouth.
“It is okay,” You splutter, turning to face him. “Why do you come to me, Lo’ak?”
He looks down into the water and it is silent for a beat. “To thank you. I should have done it sooner and I apologise, but I just couldn’t..couldn’t-”
“Leave him?” You interrupt him and he nods. “I understand. After something so major, your family needs to heal. That includes you.” The sound of lapping water fills the silence between you.
“That’s not the only reason i’m here.” He continues. You look up to him again, slightly confused. “Neteyam, he has been asking for you.” Your eyes widen a little. “While our parents aren’t around, he asks us where you are and how he still has to thank you.”
It’s a bit sill, but you can feel small tears well up in your eyes; he’s been asking for you?
“Since his..injury, he has been moved into a separate marui to heal and he asked if I would bring you there.”
Now you feel like laughing; this whole time while you have been aching to see him, he has been feeling the same.
“I would like that, Lo’ak.” You sniffed and Lo’ak grins.
“I had a feeling you would.”
Before you reach Neteyam’s marui, Lo’ak decides to go back to his family’s marui. You try to insist that he joins you but he flat out denies and just grins while he walks away.
When you arrive to the doorway and look inside, you see Neteyam sitting up against the side of the dwelling.
“Neteyam?” His head immediately spins your way and there is a big smile on his face. It is contagious.
“yn, it’s so good to see you!” He whispers as you kneel next to him.
“How are you feeling? Should you be sitting u-”
“I knew that would be the first thing you ask me.” His smile gets even bigger and again, you match it.
“I’m sorry, force of habit.” You both chuckle. “Was there any reason you wanted to see me?”
“I want to thank you, for saving me.” You are about to tell him that you were just doing your job but he keeps going, “I was..I was so scared. I felt like a little kid again. But when Tsireya brought me here, to you…I knew that I would be okay.”
“Oh Neteyam…” Your eyes well up with tears and Neteyam out his hands on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry.” His thumbs caught the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You suddenly wrap your arms around his neck. “I have been so worried for you Neteyam…” Your words are muffled against his skin and he can feel the vibrations echoing up his neck. Neteyam hesitates, before wrapping you up into his embrace. Silence blanketed the two of you, interrupted only by the sound of your occasional sniffles and the waves breaking against the beach.
Neteyam is the one to finally shatter it.
“While I was out there, I fought as hard as I could…To defeat our enemies, yes, but also…I knew that, whatever happened, I had to get back here,” He brings a hand up to your face that is still planted in his shoulder and lifts it gently. “I was so scared…”
Your eyes flutter close and another tear slips down your cheek, down past your quivering lips.
“But when Tsireya brought me here, to you.” A smile weaved itself into his voice and you looked up to him. “I knew that I was going to be okay.”
Neteyam looks like he is crying now and you can’t bear it.
“Oh Neteyam..I’m so happy that you’re okay.” You lean forward and rest your forehead again his.
“The great mother is not ready to meet me yet.” He chuckles and you let out a watery laughter with him.
In this moment, all is well, all is calm. He is here. With you.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your dear Neteyam.
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urgonnaneedabiggership · 11 months
Perfume Regret
ExBoyfriend!Miguel O'Hara x FemReader
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Summary: A fic inspired by Attention by Charlie Puth. Your ex-boyfriend Miguel O'Hara left you heartbroken and no matter how intense the effect he has on you still is, you're determined to use this party to get even.
Warnings: +18 meaning SMUT AND LANGUAGE MINORS DNI OR SO HELP ME GOD. Also there's angst and good old anger-fueled sex. The ending isn't heartbreaking don't worry.
Word count: 4K
I know that dress is karma 
Perfume regret 
Got me thinking 'bout when you were mine 
Nightclubs had never been your scene. 
While you weren't strictly averse to them, you didn't thrive in that element as much as some of your friends did. Yet, whenever you decided to make an appearance, it wasn't the stroboscopic lights, the promise of a few drinks with friends, or the energizing music that made the night worth it. 
It was the hunt. 
And the preparations began long before you even set foot out of your apartment, from the moment you stood in front of the mirror wearing nothing but a fluffy bathrobe, your face a blank canvas. Getting ready with your favorite, emboldening playlist was usually a luxury but not tonight. Judging by the way you struggled to apply eyeliner over your lids with such shaky hands, tonight, you were in dire need of a crushing amount of confidence. 
So much so that a glass with one remaining sip of red wine stood next to your makeup bag, waiting for you to take that last bit of liquid courage. 
Yes, the mere thought of the chase always made your chest swell with excitement. The stolen glances from across the dancefloor until someone gave in and tried to make contact. Loud music left people no choice but to hold conversations in loud whispers that tickled your ear. The desperate attempts to make themselves worthy of your time and the small concessions you made to make them feel like the most special person in that tiny, packed, overpriced club. Flirting was a tango meant for two, and not knowing what kind of partner you'd be dancing with was exhilarating. 
Not this time, however, you thought as you picked up the glass and poured the remaining wine down your throat. Tonight you were after a much too familiar prey that you'd once been dumb enough to let get away. 
As soon as you got the digital invitation to the Alchemax Innovation Department New Year's Eve party, you knew it was time to settle the score. 
A short buzz coming from your phone interrupted your train of thought as the screen lit up with a text from whom you considered to be your work best friend, Liz. 
Heyy :) u coming? 
Yep. Be there in 20, is everybody there already?
O'Hara is missing. Idk if he's coming, though. 
You felt your stomach drop at the thought of all of this being for nothing. Whatever,. Who cared? You weren't doing this for him. You were doing it for yourself because you wanted to go out and have fun. 
A weak smile tugged at your lips when you couldn't even convince yourself with that blatant lie. God, you felt like a terrible feminist at the moment. Screw you, Miguel O'Hara. 
Those had been the last words you said to him before marching out of his apartment and slamming the door after you. Ever since that week during which he’d vanished from work with no explanation, your boyfriend had started to cancel your dates at the last minute or still be out at odd hours, and when he started to simply disappear and not answer your calls or texts several times throughout the day you began to worry.
When he asked if you could talk about something important, you figured you'd be getting an explanation, not dumped. 
The reason, according to him? He was dealing with some personal issues that he could not tell you about, but he'd single-handedly decided it was in your best interest to just move on with your life, so he'd decided to break things off. His face when he said all of that remained engraved in your brain since that day. Cold. Logical. As devoid of any visceral emotion as a doctor would be when recommending you to give up carbs or red meat. 
Two years of your life you'd given to him. You were planning to move in together. You were happy. For what felt like the very first time in your life, you were in love. 
You took a deep breath to keep tears from running down your cheeks and ruining your mascara. 
Even almost six months later, your heart painfully fluttered at the mention of his name.
Carefully, you dried your eyes with a piece of paper and took another deep, slow breath. Your eyes, beautifully framed by a smoky eyeshadow, slowly traced the reflection of your body in the mirror. A sleek, simple dress with a small slit on the side hugged your figure. You loved the color: a nearly black navy blue that matched your chosen makeup palette. 
At the sound of your phone, your eyes drifted down to the lit-up screen. 
Oh, nvm, he just got here. 
The game was afoot. 
As much as it hurt your pride to admit it, you were decidedly nervous as you made your way into the dimly lit nightclub, your eyes discreetly scanning the crowd in search of a particular set of brown eyes. 
Suddenly, a voice made your face in the opposite direction. 
"(Y/N)! Over here!" Liz called from the bar, waving at you with a huge smile that you returned as you walked towards her after wistfully looking at the busy crowd one last time. It wasn't until you reached the bar that you noticed she was sitting next to a man you didn't recognize. 
"So, this is she," she nearly yelled right next to the man's ear when you got close enough to be heard above the deafening electronic beats. 
"Hi, (Y/N), right?" He said, reaching out one hand, "I'm David. Liz has told me a lot about you," 
"Dave here just joined the team," Liz explained, giving his arm a gentle squeeze, "I thought it would be nice to make him feel welcomed. I'll leave you to it. I have to go say hi to a few people," She continued as she left the bar, not before giving you a certain look that made you realize you'd walked straight into a trap. While David was decidedly handsome, and you could've considered him to be your type under different circumstances, right then, your mind was somewhere else. 
"Sure," You replied distractedly, "So why did you choose to work here?" 
That should be enough to keep him talking for a while about his college education and how all he'd ever wanted to do was work for this company and so on while you focused on the matter at hand. 
Where the hell was he? 
Could it be that he'd just popped in to greet a few people and had left before you arrived? Before the countdown? 
Maybe he was celebrating New Year's with somebody else? 
"Sorry, one shot of tequila, please," You loudly called as the bartender walked past you. 
"Make that two, thanks man," David added with a flirtatious smile that you returned out of politeness, mentally praying for Liz to come back soon, knowing damn well that if she'd done this on purpose, there'd be no way out of this conversation. 
You downed the shot as soon as it was placed in front of you. 
David asked you something, but his voice reached your ears as if he was underwater. For a minute, you wondered if such a small amount of alcohol could make you feel so dizzy until you realized it was something else. Your eyes had landed on the back of a familiar head. Brown, scruffy hair and a hearty laugh that had your hands shaking again as you placed the glass back on the wooden bar. 
"God, I'm so sorry. My head's all over the place right now. You were saying?" You said, leaning closer to David. 
"I asked if Alchemax tends to go easy on the new guys or kick them to the curb at the first mistake." 
You laughed as if he'd just told an amazing joke, your eyes covertly going from his face to your target right behind him. At the sound of your laugh, his back stiffened, and you could see he was about to turn around. Right before he did, you quickly tore your eyes off him and glued them to David's face. 
"Oh, don't worry, you'll be just fine. I'll tell you what, I'll look out for you. How's that sound?” You replied, a more relaxed smile plastered on your face. David's eyes lit up. Poor guy. He probably thought that out of nowhere, his luck had shifted. 
Slowly and without losing the amused grin, you peeked over David's shoulder and found Miguel O'Hara's searing eyes staring right into yours. Unlike you, he wasn't smiling. Instead, he let those same calculating eyes unashamedly scrutinize every inch of your body that your gorgeous dress didn't cover and secretly fantasize about what it did. 
Another loud laughter leaving your lips made him snap out of a trance-like state and look into your eyes. Hunting on grounds you were no stranger to had its advantages, such as knowing what to do and when. And so you didn't look away. You held his gaze, undaunted, as you took David's unfinished tequila and brought it up to your lips to take a sip, barely sticking out your tongue to slowly lick the last droplets off your lower lip. You mouthed an apology to the man before you as you walked away from the bar, both for the stolen tequila and for what was about to happen. 
Trying your hardest not to smile or look at him, you made your way through the crowd straight toward Miguel, whose eyes you knew had remained with you since that intense visual exchange back at the bar. You felt them so intensely that you wondered if he could make you burst out in flames just by looking at you. You clenched your jaw as you got close enough for the scent of his enticing cedarwood cologne to fill your nostrils and travel all the way down to your chest, where your heart beat so strongly that it physically hurted. 
You only had one shot. This was it. 
It wasn't until you walked right past him that you finally acknowledged him, gifting him a faint smile as you stepped around him and walked toward the restrooms. 
As soon as the door closed after you, you found the two stalls were empty. After confirming you were alone, a nervous grin took over your features. Biting your lip, you approached the mirror and distractedly began to comb your hair back in place and even retouched your nude lipstick, your eyes set on the reflection of the bathroom door. 
Almost as if you'd timed it, the second you finished applying your makeup and threw it back into your purse, Miguel stealthily slid inside and shut the door after him. 
A minute that felt like an eternity to him transcurred while you kept patiently tucking strands of hair behind your ears, concealing a smug grin. Something had to give. More often, sooner than later. 
"Mind telling me what the fuck was that?" 
His voice bounced off the walls and reached your ears like a once-favorite song you hadn't heard in months. 
"What do you mean?" You calmly asked, never interrupting your task. 
"(Y/N), stop that and look at me." He commanded, his patience wearing thinner by the second. 
"I am looking at you," You nonchalantly replied, your eyes transfixed on his tense shape in the corner of the mirror as you slowly wiped some smudged lipstick off the edge of your bottom lip. 
Outside, the one-minute countdown began. Neither of you could care less. Inside that dimly lit, empty nightclub bathroom, time was irrelevant. 
In less than five steps, Miguel reached your side and, placing his hands on your shoulders, firmly spun you around to face him. 
"Carajo, ¿Tú no entiendes, verdad?" He hissed, his next leaving his mouth after an ominous pause, "Now look at me."
Not happy with the way you were being handled, you shoved him away and shot him a glare with your arms folded before you. 
"There, I'm looking. What do you want?" 
"I want you to tell me who's that asshole and why you seem to think he's so damn funny," 
"I'm sorry, O'Hara, that's none of your business anymore, is it?" You spat out.
"It was none of my business,' He agreed, wincing at the dry use of his last name, "Until you showed up in here looking like that, laughing like a dumb teen at some guy's dumb jokes, making sure I'm watching after you did some pretty extensive research to make sure I was coming."
Wanting to rebuke that argument, you immediately opened your mouth just for him to interrupt you. 
"What? You thought I wouldn't find out, bonita?" 
Miguel started to move towards you without giving you a chance to explain yourself. Still, you weren't sure of what you would've said had you been given the time. Three seconds later, he was standing right before you, trapping you against the cold stone of the sinks.
"Why are you doing this?" He absentmindedly asked, as if he was actually questioning himself or already knew the answer. Before you could react, he suddenly leaned in, burying his face in your neck and taking a deep breath, taking in the scent of your perfume along with something else that you couldn’t perceive but seemed to pull him forward so violently that he had to use both his strong arms on either side of you to hold himself back. Still, he kept babbling against the soft skin of your neck, “I didn’t want to do it…I didn’t…I shouldn’t have…mi amor, I just wanted to protect you,” 
“Protect me from what?” You asked in a breathy whisper, your self-control flaking when you felt him move even closer until your backside was pressed against the sink and your front...
You pressed your lips together to keep a noise that would be much too revealing from leaving your lips. 
Still, you realized your trials and tribulations weren’t over when his hands slowly moved closer to your thighs until his thumbs were tracing faint circles on them. 
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked in a hoarse voice before burying his nose behind your ear once more. You had to want him to stop. Before you could gather up the courage to tell him off as you should, you leaned forward and feverishly pressed your lips against his in a kiss that was all but sweet. Without breaking the kiss, in a display of both strength and coordination that was new to you, Miguel slid his hands under your thighs and lifted you effortlessly, placing you on top of the sink with a gentleness that contrasted sharply with the way he nudged your legs out of the way so he could grind his lower half into yours. This time there was no way in hell you could contain your moans. 
Pleased with the beautiful sounds he was eliciting from you, Miguel’s hands found their way back up to the thin straps of your dress, which he gently slid off from your shoulders before gripping your chin in his hand and tilting your head to the side so he could devour every inch of skin available, occasionally trapping it between his teeth to make sure it’d leave a mark. Even in your haze, you could notice there was something new to the way he was ravishing you. It was as if he was desperately trying to be gentle, to take things slow, just for something primal to take over and coerce him into taking you for himself. 
Once again, you stopped thinking when he pressed the hard bulge in his pants against you, the friction over your barely clothed clit throwing all logical thoughts out the window. 
“We don’t have much time,” You urged him, not even sure if he’d locked the door after himself. However, deep inside, you knew your motives had less to do with the little privacy and more with the way he unhurriedly worshipped your body and peppered kisses all over it, how his hands gently roamed it as if he was trying to commit every detail to memory. It reminded you of what you two had in a way that was still too painful to remember. You wouldn’t lose yourself to the memories of your past and miss out on how good he was making you feel right now. Tonight you weren’t two people deeply in love with one another trying to fight back the regrets of letting go of what was most precious to you, but two strangers about to fuck in the bathroom of a nightclub. 
As if to reinforce that thought, he swiftly pushed you further back onto the sink and pushed your legs apart even more, your dress ridding up almost all the way to your waist. You shivered as new skin was exposed to both the cold beneath you and the heat from Miguel’s skin as he fumbled with the fly of his pants. Meanwhile, you kept yourself busy trying to unbutton his shirt with shaky hands and silently thanked he wasn’t wearing a jacket in the first place. You needed to get him out of as many clothes as possible in the little time you had, needing to feel more of his skin against yours. 
Your desire wasn’t fulfilled until the shirt slid off his tan, broad shoulders, and you were pressed against his bare chest, his hands resting at the curve of your lower back as his head barely slid over your soaked slit, prying a raspy moan out of his throat that sounds almost painful. Still, even when you slid your hands around his shoulders and intertwined your fingers behind the nape of his head, he didn’t move further. 
“What are you waiting for?” You breathlessly asked, arching your back towards him with a huff just for him to move his hips away, escaping your touch, trying to regain some control over himself. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” He muttered. Shit. Not right now. Out of the whole night, he had to choose this precise moment? No. He hurt you. He owed you. And now it was his turn to shut up and take it. 
Taking advantage of his low guard, you hooked your feet behind his back and roughly pulled him towards you, another needy moan escaping your lips as you felt him right at your entrance, whatever remaining reluctance keeping him from sinking into you. It took every ounce of willpower to keep yourself from begging. 
“Alright,” He finally says, his hands sliding under your thighs to hold you firmly in place, “If this is what it takes for you to listen to me, bonita, así le vamos a hacer entonces.” 
He accentuated his words by slamming into you and immediately picking up a maddeningly fast pace, the loud music outside hopefully drowning out your endless string of broken moans. 
“I just…wanted you to be happy,” He spoke in a strained voice in between thrusts. 
“Shut up,” You snapped at him. You were happy. And it did nothing but further enrage you to see he was unaware of how miserable you were now without him. Or maybe he was aware because he reached that spot that always made your legs uncontrollably quiver and focused all his energy on it as if he was trying to make up for everything. 
“I love you,” He blurted out as he felt you clenching around his length, his hips stuttering for a second before the sigh that left your lips made him lift your leg further up his torso and slam into you with renewed fire, “God, (Y/N) I love you so much, I can’t do this anymore,” 
“Shut up,” You sobbed, this time as a plead and not an order. Your heart fluttered as you heard the words you’d waited months to hear, and feeling him roughly stroke your walls at this new angle became too much for you to bear. A string of ‘shut ups’ and sounds that resembled his name left your lips as your hands fell to his stomach, trying to push him away while paradoxically needing him to be closer, needing to feel more of him just in case this was the last time you felt him stretch you out in a way you were hauntingly certain nobody else would ever come close to. 
And he wasn’t doing any better. He wanted to pull your head against his chest and wrap his arms around you. He wanted to get on his knees and spend the rest of the night apologizing using his words or his tongue, whatever you wanted as long as you went home with him that night. He wanted you to live a happy, normal life. He couldn’t give you that anymore. Not after that night. Not after the accident. 
But those bad thoughts melted away in his brain when he saw your eyes pressed shut, your beautiful, furrowed eyebrows arching over them perfectly as you chased that high that Miguel knew only he could give you. Something that sounded like an actual sentence left your lips so quietly that he had to lean closer to get it. 
“What was that, bonita?” 
You pressed your lips together, unwilling to repeat yourself until another perfectly calculated thrust pried the half-coherent words out of your mouth. 
“Need you…inside. Please, Miguel, please,”  
Hearing his name being called out like that for the first time in months was all he needed to come undone, his pace faltering as he pressed himself against you, strong arms gripping your waist as he spilled his load inside you with one last labored moan. 
Nothing but extenuated pants could be heard inside the bathroom for a whole, tense minute before you finally moved, taking a few sheets of paper from the dispenser next to the sinks to clean yourself up. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as you straightened your dress and tried to somehow fix your disheveled hair. 
“You wanted to apologize, you did, and I forgive you,” You categorically answered, “But don’t expect me to come running back into your arms as if what you did was nothing,” 
Still, you needed him to know there was hope left for the both of you. So you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and then his cheek, granting yourself one moment of vulnerability as you looked into his eyes with a gentle smile. 
“I love you too,” You whispered, giving in to the urge to kiss him again. You basked in his shocked look before turning your back to him and going back to the party, where you bumped into Liz less than five minutes later. 
“There you are! Where the hell were you? You missed the countdown!” 
It wasn’t until you looked around at the confetti-filled floor and the large numbers on a screen that you remembered. 
“I went to the bathroom,” You replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and reaching out to take a glass of champagne from one of the several trays atop the tables, “Where did your friend run off to?” 
“David?” Liz asked, a deep red blush spreading over her cheeks, “He had to go home. I hope you don’t mind, but we’re getting dinner next Friday,” 
“Don’t mind at all,” You replied with a bright smile, eyes already scanning the half-empty club, once again looking for that same face. The one you knew you’d always look for in a crowd for the rest of your life. This time, thanks to the small number of people left, it wasn’t hard to come across his eyes. Amused, you raised your glass at him with a soft, genuine laugh. He did his best to look annoyed, but the minute you tilted your head and gave him your best apologetic look, Miguel rolled his eyes and shook his head with a reluctant smile that made you laugh again before taking a sip of that cheap champagne. 
This was going to be a great year.
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grandmother-goblin · 5 months
The Best Kind of Gift
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Ao3 - Masterlist
Summary: When Gale's preparations for an end of the year party fall behind schedule, he expects a mad rush of cooking once he gets home in order to have everything done on time. His wife has other plans.
(The smutty Gale holiday fic! The world was against me getting this done in time lol)
Relationships: Gale x Female!Tav
Rating: Explicit (18+) for smut.
Word Count: 5.2k
Tags: Smut, oral sex, cunnilingus, fingering, penetrative sex, breeding kink, light dom/sub, she calls him 'Sir', hypothetical talk of pregnancy.
Four hours ago.
Gale was supposed to have been home four hours ago.
The sun had long since set by the time he unsequestered himself from his office at Blackstaff Academy. He was only supposed to have been on campus for an hour or two. Just long enough so he could finish enchanting Sarana’s present and wrap it in secrecy. It was the first year they got to spend the winter holidays together as a married couple, and he had wanted to do something to make it special for her.
While he was glad that he finished the present, the enchantment took much longer than he expected. He simply lost track of time. Most days, that would not have been a problem. But most days, Gale had not made a promise to his esteemed colleagues to provide several main dishes for their end of the year gathering.
Gale brushed a snowflake off the tip of his nose with the back of his gloved hand as he walked beneath the orange glow of a street lamp. Snow-slicked sidewalks meant he couldn’t rush himself, and he had exhausted his magical energy creating Sarana’s gift so creating a portal was an impossibility as well.
Gods, he was so screwed. The gift was definitely worth it, but he was definitely screwed.
Clasping at the collar of his thick, gray overcoat, he pulled it a little tighter, wishing he had remembered to bring the scarf Sarana had knitted for him. Sarana did so much for him. Everything from the Netherese orb, the whole ordeal with Mystra, to dealing with the Absolute… She even moved to Waterdeep for him. Not because she had to, but because she wanted to.
For him.
If she had asked, he would have gladly done the same for her.
There wasn’t another soul out there who loved him the way she did. She always told him that he was enough, just the way he was. That he didn’t need to do anything or get her anything to prove his love for her. Although giving his lover a gift had gone catastrophically wrong in the past, he still wanted to get Sarana something.
Unfortunately, the gift-giving would have to wait. There was so much that needed to be done before the party. So much food needed to be cooked, he had to factor in time to make himself presentable and not to mention travel time.
As he made his way down the road toward the home he shared with Sarana, he mentally ran through the list of things that needed to be done.
The honey glaze ham would take the longest. Even if he started the oven the exact moment he arrived home, he’d still be at least an hour late by the time the ham was ready. Then there were the bacon-wrapped dates, the savory hand pies, and Morena Dekarios’s signature seafood stew. Not to mention at least three types of cookies; chocolate chip, cinnamon sugar, butter cookies…. The list seemed endless.
Once again, his own ambition was his worst enemy.
Thankfully, he had done the majority of the prep work the night before. Sarana had offered to help out in whatever way she could, but he hadn’t wanted to trouble her. Still, she insisted on at least doing the dishes. Although, all that work mattered very little anymore. It would take a bloody miracle for him to get everything done in time.
With a defeated sigh, Gale pulled his keys from his coat pocket as he arrived at his front doorstep. Though his fingers were numb despite his gloves, he managed to unlock the door to his house with little trouble.
Maybe, he thought as he pushed the door open, he could just pick something up from a restaurant on their way to the party. It wouldn’t be nearly as impressive as a home-cooked meal, but he promised to provide food.
Showing up empty handed simply wasn’t an option.
The wall of warm air that greeted him the moment he stepped into his house felt like heaven after trudging two miles in the snow. It was a relief to take a breath of air that didn’t send an icy chill straight to the back of his throat and his lungs. Gale removed his overcoat and gloves, hanging both on the coat rack by the front door, before sitting down on a nearby bench to unlace his winter boots.
It was as he worked on unlacing his boots, his body gradually recovering from the cold, that he noticed it. The sound of music from his enchanted piano, Sarana humming a cheerful tune, and a mouthwatering melange of aromas that make his heartbeat quicken.
Gale could smell the salty-sweetness of roasting, honey-glazed ham. There was the scent of garlic and melted butter and spices. Of chocolate and cinnamon and sugar. He couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips even as anxiety tugged at his stomach.
Gale knew Sarana was perfectly capable of cooking and following instructions, but she didn’t do it very often, saying that she preferred his cooking to her own. But when she did decide to make a meal for them, it was always something simple. Delicious, but simple.
Though Gale had told Sarana what he planned on making for the party, he hadn’t provided her with the recipes. Not because they were secret or anything like that, but simply because he thought he would be home to make things himself. While most of the recipes themselves were straightforward, the way they were written were not. Several of them were family recipes that just had a list of ingredients and instructions like ‘measure with your heart’. Most definitely not very friendly to a cook going in blind.
“Sarana?” he called across the house, not sure if she would be able to hear him over the sound of the piano. He toed off his boots, leaving him in just his thick socks, dark slacks, and a deep burgundy sweater Sarana had knitted for him and started toward the kitchen.
He didn’t make it two steps before Tara landed at his feet.
“Mr. Dekarios!” she greeted, staring up at him in a disappointed yet affectionate manner that only cats could manage. “Heavens, you’re late. You must see what your lovely wife has done in the kitchen in your absence. You’ll be so happy.”
Gale narrowed his eyes. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
Tara’s side brushed against Gale’s calf as she passed by. “I would never,” she said and hopped up onto the bottom step of the stairs that led to his wizard tower. Without offering any further elaboration, she bid him farewell with a flick of her fluffy tail.
Though everything smelled wonderful, Tara’s words gave him cause for concern. On one hand, she didn’t particularly enjoy it when things went wrong for Gale. On the other hand, she did enjoy seeing him sweat on some occasions. Kept him humble, so she claimed.
Brow furrowed with a mix of concern and curiosity, Gale started toward the kitchen.
Lantern lights above the counters and fire cracking in the fireplace from the adjacent living room illuminated the kitchen in a soft orange glow. The kitchen table was filled with trays upon trays of hand pies with a golden, buttery crust. Steam from a large metal pot on the stove swirled and disappeared into the air, carrying the delectable scent of exotic spices throughout the entire room. Then there were the cookies.
So many cookies.
Gale’s mouth fell open as he stood in the entryway, taking in the sight with an equal sense of wonder and disbelief. When he had smelled the food cooking, at most, he had thought Sarana might have gotten things started. Not that she would almost be finished with everything.
Sarana had her back turned to him as she removed yet another tray of cookies from one of the two ovens in his kitchen. A little smile tugged at his lips when he realized that she was wearing his apron, which was far too large on her, but it did a decent job of covering up her pale pink sweater and dark brown leggings. She had her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, highlighting the sharp beauty of her Gith features; her tiny nose, the adorable spots on her cheeks, her delicately serrated ears, her plush pink lips that deserved at least a million kisses.
Gale gathered himself before he got lost staring at his wife again, which happened more often than he cared to admit. “Good heavens, Sarana,” he said as he stepped into the kitchen, looking to see that yes, she even made the bacon-wrapped dates.
Pretty much everything he had planned was done, and from the looks of it, it was down quite well. Exceptionally well, as a matter of fact.
“Gale!” Sarana greeted with a big, sharp-toothed smile that always brought a flutter to his stomach. “Sorry I got started without you because I know how much you enjoy this. But look—” she tilted the cookie sheet toward him ever so slightly so he could clearly see what was on it “— I made little wizard cookies.”
Lined up on the tray were the most perfect gingerbread cookies Gale had ever seen. They looked soft and chewy, the edges of them were clean and sharp, making the silhouettes of wizards in pointy hats and robes. Rounded feet and hands gave them a cute, whimsical quality. She bit her lower lip as a smile still rounded her cheeks, looking adorably proud of herself as her bright blue eyes gazed up at him. “I was gonna give them all little peppermint sticks for staffs.”
If there wasn’t a hot tray of cookies between them, Gale would have kissed her right then.
He ran his hand through his hair as he took in the kitchen once more, a small breath of laughter passing his lips. “This is incredible,” he said and approached the counter, completely taken away but the sheer amount of effort she must have gone through. “I can’t believe you did all of this. I can’t begin to thank you enough.”
Sarana set the tray of gingerbread cookies on the counter and removed her oven mitts. “It was no trouble at all,” she said with a bright smile and untied the apron. “Once I realized you were running late, I figured I’d get started. Tara was kind enough to show me where you keep your recipes and Us helped out a bit as well.”
“We stirred,” Us said directly into Gale’s mind with that cute, yet creepy, voice of theirs. Although he couldn’t see where the little intellect devourer was, the creature never strayed far from Sarana.
Well, except when Us had to hunt. Given its diet, that was probably for the best. Though Tara had mentioned that ever since the creature moved in there had been an uptick in pigeons flying into windows. But Us made Sarana happy. Gale supposed he didn’t mind that Us was likely singularly responsible for lowering the collective IQ of the pigeon population so long as it kept its promise not to hunt more intelligent creatures.
“You truly did not have to do this for me,” Gale said and placed his hands on Sarana’s hips, spinning her around so they were face to face. “I feel absolutely awful. Grateful, but awful knowing that you went through all this trouble due to my careless—”
With a swiftness that took him by surprise, Sarana playfully pushed a warm cookie against his lips. “Gale, it wasn’t any trouble,” she said with a smile as he accepted the cookie.
Cinnamon sugar dusted the soft, golden brown cookie. When he bit into it he was met with buttery richness that practically melted in his mouth. It wasn’t his recipe, he noted, but he was definitely going to add it to the Dekarios family cookbook.
With sugar surely still on his lips, he pulled Sarana in for a kiss, feeling an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude for the woman he had married. He could feel her smiling against his lips. He couldn’t help but smile in return.
“You know, not everyone can pull off something like this,” he said, gesturing to the entirety of the kitchen.
“Well, I was raised by halflings,” she replied with a twinge of pride in her voice. “Big family dinners and food with friends is kind of a thing for us. If I didn’t know how to make a full meal with a couple of potatoes and whatever I could find in the pantry, my mother might have considered sending me back to the crèche.”
“I think our mothers would get along well.”
“Oh! Speaking of your mother, I want you to try the stew before we add the fish,” Sarana said and guided him to the pot simmering on the stove. “I saw that it was your moms recipe, so I really didn’t want to mess it up.”
When Gale tasted the broth off of the wooden spoon Sarana offered to him, it immediately brought him back to his childhood. The spices, the tomatoes, the hint of lemon juice; it was all spot on.
The sense of love and warmth that washed over him in that moment was almost indescribable. There was just something about Sarana learning his mother’s recipe that just felt so unbelievably special. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that bright, wonderful feeling building in his chest.
Quietly, he reached for a dial on the stove and turned down the temperature of the burner below the pot just a bit. “How much longer does the ham have in the oven?”
A cute little wrinkle in Sarana’s brow formed. “A little more than an hour. Why? Wait. Do you like the stew?”
“I love the stew,” he replied and placed his hand on the subtle curve of her waist. “But I love you more. And I feel like if I don’t kiss you now, I might explode.”
With a giggle, Sarana stood on her toes and looped her arms around his neck. “Well we certainly can’t have that.”
Gale brought one hand to her jaw, his thumb brushing over the little black spots that decorated her golden cheeks. Tilting her head up, he lowered his mouth to hers in a slow and tender caress. He could taste the faintest hint of something sweet as his tongue coaxed her lips apart, deepening the kiss.
Her fingers sank into his hair as her lithe frame melted into his. Without breaking the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her, suddenly feeling like he was not able to hold her close enough or tight enough.
A small flick of her silky tongue against his ignited a fire somewhere deep in his chest. Every brush of her lips made that fire grow brighter, burn hotter. There were no thoughts in his mind except getting closer to her, wanting nothing more than to share the flame that she had sparked within him.
His cock strained against his trousers, prodding Sarana’s stomach far too eagerly, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Sarana certainly didn’t seem to mind either, judging by the way she rubbed herself against him. Gale groaned when her hand slipped between their bodies and she cupped him through his trousers, giving him a gentle squeeze.
He pressed himself into her touch shamelessly as his hands trailed down her sides. Then with one strong movement, bent his knees and linked his arms just under the curve of her backside. She gave a little squeak of surprise when he lifted her off her feet with ease.
“I think we have time for a little break, don’t you?” he asked as he began to walk her towards the living room.
Between Mystra curing him of the orb and Sarana’s insistence of having a work-out partner, Gale had gotten into probably the best shape of his life. It wasn’t but a few months ago that he wouldn’t have dared to try such a thing for fear of pulling a muscle. But now? Gods, he loved being able to pick her up whenever he wanted. She certainly seemed to enjoy it as well.
Soft hands cupped his face as she stared down at him, Sarana’s eyes were filled with so much love it almost hurt. “If we don’t, we’ll make time.”
He took her lips in another brief, silky, caress. “Good.”
Another giggle burst from her lips when he deposited her on the couch. He wasted no time caging her beneath him, cradled between her legs as he captured her mouth with his again. Those little laughs of her quickly dissolved into the sweetest moans as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him as if she could breathe him in.
His hips moved between her legs in subtle, instinctual movements as his mouth trailed down to her neck. When he reached the collar of her sweater, he pulled the material aside and nipped at her collarbone, marking her skin and drawing out a pleasured gasp.
Blunt fingernails lightly dragged across his scalp as Sarana tangled her fingers in his hair. “Gale,” she breathed as her hips tilted up, grinding herself against the hardened ridge in his trousers. “I want you.”
Gods, he wanted her too. Muttering an incantation under his breath, he ran his hands slowly down her body as if he were memorizing them for the first time. Her soft, cashmere sweater shimmered and vanished under his touch, sent away to the nearby armchair. Gale cupped her rounded breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples as the lacy material disappeared with another glimmer of magic.
He drew one rosy-pink nipple into his mouth, sucking and lapping at the sensitive peak as his hands ventured down further. The rest of her clothing faded away with just the touch of his fingertips, leaving her completely bare to him.
There was something about her being naked while he was still fully clothed that made him feel powerful. Trusted, but still in control. Like she believed with her whole heart that he would take care of her. And he would damn well prove her right. Every single time.
Part of him still didn’t believe that she was his. That she wanted him, chose him, made the decision to be with him every single day. He didn’t want her to regret that choice for even a single heartbeat.
Gale kissed his way down her body, over her breasts and taut abdomen down to the soft mound between her legs. He pushed her thighs apart and she lifted her hips, baring her slick, soaking pussy to him. The scent of her arousal was strong; a feminine musk that went straight to his cock. Impatient for a taste, he dragged his tongue through her folds with a rapacious moan.
“Fuck, Gale,” she gasped, arching almost off the couch as she threaded her fingers through his hair.
Using his forearm, he pinned her hips down as he covered her with his mouth. His tongue circled her clit, teasing her with practiced licks as her fingers tightened in his hair. When Gale closed his lips around the stiff bud and sucked, she cried out as she writhed beneath him.
Sliding his hand up her thigh, he sought her center and found her completely soaked. Her back arched when he plunged two fingers deep into her core. With his mouth still on her clit, he curled his fingers inside her, massaging her walls as they tightened around the intrusion.
Her thighs began to tremble, her legs pressing into his back as if she was trying to push him closer. Sharp, panting breaths puff from her lips as the trembling turned to full on shaking.
��Gale, I’m going to—” Her whole body went taut as an orgasm tore through her. Her walls clenched around his fingers as he continued to lap and suck at her clit, wanting to draw her pleasure out as long as he could.
As her breathing evened out, Gale withdrew his fingers and began kissing her inner thighs, nibbling the tender flesh, once just hard enough to mark her again.
He wasn’t sure what it was about Sarana that made him want to claim her in such a way. To mark up her skin so anyone could see that she was taken. Even if no one but him would see the insides of her legs, he still wanted to leave a little love bite. Just for the two of them.
His cock was so hard it was almost painful as he sat up, her legs still thrown over his shoulders and giving him the most gorgeous view. The way her golden skin turned slightly pink in the aftermath of her orgasm, the hard, pointed peaks of her breasts, her slick and swollen pussy.
Fuck. When he brought her to the couch, he mostly only had her pleasure on his mind. Not his own. But seeing her like that beneath him, her eyes dark and glassy with lust as she gazed back at him…
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he said and pressed his lips to one of the adorable black spots that dotted her calf. “You make me want to do all manner of things to you, none of which are very gentlemanly.”
A sultry smile spread across Sarana’s lips. “You can do anything you want with me, Sir.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. When she called him ‘Sir’ it was like another part of his mind took over. A part of his mind that was very much not a gentleman at all.
Sarana’s gaze followed the movement of his hands as he unbuckled his belt and pulled at the ties of his trousers. Her breath hitched when he freed his aching cock, her eyes locked on his engorged length as a bead of precome leaked from the tip. When her tongue darted out past her lips, Gale could barely stifle a groan. As much as he loved seeing her lips wrapped around his cock, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
Not only that, he was desperate to fill her up. He wanted to claim her inside and out. Oh, he might feel a little embarrassed later, but at that moment the idea of Sarana attending that party absolutely filled with his come drove him wild.
He notched the head of his cock at her entrance, mesmerized by where their bodies connected. “Do you want to see what I see, Sarana?” he asked and pushed himself just barely inside of her. “Do you want to see how gorgeous you look right now?”
Sarana nodded frantically. “Yes, Sir.”
“Then close your eyes,” he said and projected his vision directly into her mind. It was a simple spell, just a minor variation of a basic illusion cantrip, but he had certainly never used it like that before.
Her pussy clamped around the head of his cock as her face flushed red, her eyes clamped shut but seeing through his eyes. Watching as he did as he sank into her. Inch by devastating inch.
Sarana’s mouth fell open as she stretched around him. “Look at you,” he said as he watched his cock disappear into her deliciously tight core. “Look at how well you take me.”
An erotic, high pitched whine passed her lips as she bucked her hips with the limited movement she had, bouncing on his thick length. “Please,” she whimpered, her body practically vibrating with need.
“Don’t open your eyes until I tell you too.” He wanted her to see what he saw. To see how badly she wanted him, how beautiful she was, how she came apart on his cock. He wanted her to see how he could absolutely fill her to the brim with his come.
Gale withdrew himself almost completely before he slammed into her again. “Harder, Sir,” she pleaded even as her fingertips dug into the couch cushions.
And who was he to refuse her?
The couch scraped against the floor with the force of his next thrust. “Oh, gods yes!” Sarana squirmed beneath him, her hips rocking to meet every brutal movement. Obediently, she kept her eyes shut, so Gale knew that she could see how sweetly she took his cock, the sinful view of her pussy wrapped around him as she took him to the hilt. He knew she could see the way her breasts bounced as he pounded into her and the way her face contorted with pleasure.
Gods, he really wasn’t going to last much longer.
Leaning forward slightly, he practically folded her in half as he rocked into her, putting pressure on her clit with his every movement. With the new angle, his every thrust was met with sweet yelps that she tried to stifle with her fist.
At some point, he lost his concentration on the illusion spell. The moment claimed him completely. It was just him and her, the feel of her body joined with his, her skin against his.
Her walls fluttered around him, like she was trying to hold him tighter and pull him deeper. Then with a choked cry, her body seized up, her legs trembling on his shoulders as another orgasm tore through her.
That look of complete ecstasy was all it took. Gale felt his balls begin to tighten, threatening release. He gripped her legs hard as he impaled her on his cock, the sounds of their bodies slapping together filling the room.
Fire licked up his spine as his thrusts lost any sense of rhythm, doing what felt right without any thought behind it. A deep groan rumbled in his chest as he buried himself to the hilt, stilling as he unloaded deep inside of her. The intensity of his release sent sparks across his skin, his whole body trembling in the aftermath.
Sarana’s hands cupped his face and pulled his mouth to hers in a slow, luxurious kiss until both of their bodies relaxed. Her legs fell from his shoulders and wrapped themselves around him, still holding him inside of her. Her walls continued to flutter around his softening length as if trying to squeeze out every last drop.
Gale rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I got you a present,” he murmured and swiped his thumb across the curve of her cheekbone. He could feel her smile under the movement. “I was going to wait until after the party to give it to you, but….”
He pulled out, feeling some primitive satisfaction as he watched his come leak out of her. Without really thinking, he scooped it in his fingers and pushed it back inside.
Sarana squeezed around his fingers with a small laugh. “If your present is another orgasm, I won’t want to go to the party at all.”
With a chuckle, Gale pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned off his fingers. “Well, then the next one will have to wait until after the party, won’t it?” he joked and reached into his other pocket and found the gift he had crafted for her.
It was something he knew she wanted, they had talked about it on multiple occasions but it always seemed like an impossibility. But now? Gods, now he was a little nervous to present it to her. What if the only reasons she seemed enthusiastic about the idea was because it was something that seemed so far out of reach?
His throat felt dry as he held out a dainty, golden chain necklace with tiny pink diamonds set between every couple of links. It was a piece of jewelry that he knew Sarana would love, but it was the enchantment imbued within that was the true gift.
For both of them.
“I spoke with a Githzerai researcher outside of Candlekeep,” he began as Sarana took the delicate chain from his hand, smiling at the gleaming gold and sparkling jewels. “I can tell you all the details later, but if you wear this…” Gale swallowed and traced his hands down her sides. “We might be able to conceive.”
Bright, ocean blue eyes blinked up at him as Sarana took in his words. She held the necklace to her chest. “You mean….”
Gale inclined his head, his heart attempting to beat straight out of his chest. “We could have a baby.”
“I thought Lae’zel said it was an asexual process.”
“With all due respect for Lae’zel, she has been wrong about many things regarding her own people. This—” Gale tapped the necklace “—will allow us to at least try.”
Sarana blinked again as moisture gathered in the corners of her eyes, a wobbly smile on her lips. “We can have little Gales,” she said and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder.
“We can have little Gales,” he confirmed as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding her tight as she snuggled into the crook of his neck.
Pressure built behind his eyes, tears threatening to fall over his lashes even as a smile pulled at his lips. Provided that there were no issues on his end, Sarana could make it so she could conceive as soon as she put on the necklace. And Gale was more than happy to help out with the rest.
“Help me put it on?” she asked.
“Let’s get dressed first,” he replied and returned Sarana’s clothes to her with a simple hand gesture and a thought. He buttoned up his trousers and righted his clothes before he took the necklace from her hands. Back turned toward him, Sarana swept her hair over her shoulder, giving him access to the back of her neck.
He had barely finished clasping the necklace before she was throwing her arms around him again. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Sarana pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I want seven.”
Gale straightened. “Seven what? Necklaces? Or — if you want seven little Gales I know a great variety of duplication spells that —”
A clatter of utensils and cutlery sounded from the kitchen, and they both whipped their heads toward the source of the sound. His mind immediately went to Tara as his heart dropped to his stomach. Tara had been on her way up to the tower when he last saw her, if she had come back to the kitchen… gods he would never have been able to look the tressym in the eye again.
Not only that, Tara could be a horrible gossip and he did not want his mother to know about his and Sarana’s baby-making plans quite yet.
Us stood on the counter, a wooden spoon wrapped in one of its tendrils, ladles and spatulas strewn at its feet. “We stirred!”
Thank the gods. As creepy as Us was, it did not care in the slightest what he and Sarana did in its presence.
Sarana gave Gale a quick peck on the cheek before hopping off the couch. “Come on.” She held out her hand, her new necklace glinting in the firelight. “We’ve got little wizard cookies to decorate.”
And little wizards to make, he thought to himself as he took her hand and followed her into the kitchen.
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sseomtada · 1 month
being [ruben dias]
so, how are you and ruben doing after everything?
warnings: 18+ | wc: 5152 | part: 8/8
a/n: literally didn't expect to write anything this year much less finish a fic?? if you read this entire thing tysm 💌
Some time had passed since that night at your place.
Even though it was an ordeal that could’ve upended everything for you, the effect it had was starkly the opposite. Sure, there were days where your chest ached and your mind got stormy. They were becoming less frequent though.
Your anger had managed to boil down to a simmer, but you still weren’t ready to have that conversation with your mom yet. After everything you’d been through, you just wanted to lean into all of the fullness that your current life had to offer.
Work had become something of a mad house again. Deals with brands like Carhartt and YSL Beauty, along with the continuing project of managing Erling’s personal branding kept the three of you on your toes.
That didn’t stop the conference room from turning into the occasional tribunal about your personal lives. You gave Cindy the rundown on your relationship with Ruben. How you’d known each other for ages, dated for a while, broke up for complicated reasons beyond your control and eventually found your way back to one another.
That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard! She cooed with clasped hands.
Aki gagged dramatically.
Her and Ruben’s friendship had began to mend. They spoke not long after she found out the truth. She expressed the same things that you did - what he was forced to do wasn’t fair. Aki also didn’t blame him for making her collateral damage. There wasn’t a world where they could’ve continued being friends after the fallout and she knew there also wasn’t one where he would’ve made her carry the burden with him.
When she tried to play it cool at the suggestion that you should all get together at your place, you hid your wide, knowing smile. You knew she missed having him around. Their bond was something she hadn’t found in anyone else during those years apart.
If you guys don’t hug it out, I’ll wrap you in the same blanket. You threatened as they stood awkwardly in each other’s presence.
Like two siblings who were forced to reconcile by their parent after a fight, they shuffled closer until they exchanged stiff pats on the back. You sneakily recorded the moment - or so you thought.
Hey, I see you! Get back here! Aki yelled as she chased after you.
Escaping the clutches of one was easier than evading the duo that boxed you in, ganging up on you like old times. She scooped you up from your arms while Ruben got your legs. You struggled but eventually conceded, letting your body turn into dead weight in their hold before you were tossed onto your sofa and pummeled with cushions.
Aki took a picture of your disheveled form, hair sticking up in several directions. Sweet revenge.
Ruben smoothed out the wild strands and peppered your face with kisses. His head was the next to fall victim to a flying pillow. He gasped with wide eyes at Aki who shrugged, do that on your own time. You chuckled and returned his gesture.
It was one of the best nights you had in a long time.
You and Ruben also finally got around to doing things like going out on dates in public. He started off by showing you his favorite spot to go when he wanted to clear his mind. The weather had warmed up, making a walk along some trails at the reservoir a comfortable excursion. He brought you an ice cream cone from one of the trucks at the car park, indulging in some as you took in nature.
Ever the romantic, he brought along a blanket and some snacks. You fought against the urge to feed the cute little birds that flitted about while he asked how far you’d made it down your travel bucket list.
I finished it last summer, you grinned.
When you first wrote it, there were only a handful of cities. At that point in your life you never could’ve imagined that you would be able to visit all of the destinations you dreamed of. So, you settled with aiming for only a few.
Let’s make a new one, he pulled out his phone.
You reclined on his chest as you told him anything that came to mind, even the most random choices that left him confused. In the calmness and serenity of your surroundings, you were lulled into a nap beneath his soothing strokes of your waist. When you got home that night, he sent you a screenshot of a booking confirmation to the first new destination.
The following date night found you getting all dressed up for a fancy dinner. As much as you liked staying in and being cozy with Ruben, you also thoroughly enjoyed the princess treatment. He never let you touch a door handle and made sure to pull out your seat for you.
Ruben gazed at you over the dimly lit table in a way that made you wonder if he was hungry for the food or something else. When he told you that you looked ravishing, your silent question was answered. Though he was visibly eager to get you out of your dress, he practiced patience.
To opt for a distraction, you decided to play a game with the other couples around you. Guess their jobs, how long they’d been together and if they actually get on well.
I would hate to be in the room when that guy finds out she’s only using him for an expensive meal, you whispered.
How do you know? Ruben’s mouth dropped.
She’s been texting this entire time under the table, you nudged your head towards the faint glow behind the linen.
Not everyone there was playing pretend. Beside you two being evidence of that, there was another couple on the other side of the room that were so obviously in love, it made your lips tug. Your eyes widened, shoes tapping Ruben’s as you saw the guy sneak a box out of his pocket.
They didn’t make a scene, her yes coming quietly with a series of excited nods before he slipped the ring onto her finger. When your bill came, Ruben asked for theirs as well. On the receipt, you both congratulated them on their engagement and wished them endless years of happiness.
In a way, you felt like you were writing that note as if it were a wish for your future. You and him had went through enough bumps in the road and derailments to last a lifetime. The only thing you wanted to experience now were moments like this - his hand enclosing yours, smiling lips dropping to your bare shoulder and you holding his head there for just one second longer.
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You woke up before your alarm, but didn’t feel exhausted.
A consecutive week of good sleep had been bestowed upon you. Whether it was due to having days that left you fulfilled or nights mostly spent cuddled up to Ruben, you’d take it. Last night was one of the few occasions you’d slept alone. He was off again on football duties, but stayed with you on video call up until it was time for lights out.
You took the opportunity the extra time gave to take a long shower and put on that sapphire two piece you had as an option for Erling’s launch party. It looked even better on you today. A slight tan had returned to your skin from basking in a rare sunny day on your boyfriend’s balcony.
The outfit helped you feel like the head of a company, which was what you needed going in to today. Things were doing well enough that you were finally in the position to expand. Cindy had shortlisted some candidates for receptionist and senior developer positions. Naturally, their finals rounds would be held by you.
You made a stop at your favorite cafe on the same street as your office. Along with putting in an order for you and the crew’s regular coffees, you got a box of assorted pastries with varying options in consideration of dietary restrictions - should the prospective hires want a treat as well.
That’s definitely her. MCFCWAGS just posted a picture on their story yesterday.
Your ears caught onto a whisper coming from the table by the window. As tempting as it was to fully turn around, you instead found a reflective surface in the form of an espresso machine to spot a group of teenagers.
She’s prettier in person, how annoying.
That made you squint, unsure of how to feel. Was that a compliment or the backhanded counterpart of one? It was so hard to tell with the unironic/ironic sense of humor Generation Alpha had.
I like that she’s not some thirsty influencer trying to get more followers by being with Ruben.
Someone said they actually grew up together so-
Your order was called, snapping you out of your eavesdropping spell - which perhaps was for the best. There was a simple reason you stayed away from blogs and pages about player’s personal lives: ignorance was bliss.
On your way out, you kept your eyes ahead despite seeing their gazes follow you in your periphery. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding once you were in the clear. Thank goodness they’d spotted you today and not that time you couldn’t be bothered to change out of your pajama bottoms.
“I would kiss you, but unfortunately I know where that mouth’s been.” Aki plucked her iced americano from the cup holder.
“Poetic as always.” You shook your head.
“Cheers, love!” Cindy beamed. “I’ve organized the CVs and notes from my previous interviews in the meeting room for you.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” You groaned appreciatively. “Wish me luck.”
Not long after you’d gotten through browsing the information laid out and finishing your drink, you began your rounds of interviews. The pressure was off on your end since they wouldn’t have made it here if they didn’t meet all the necessary criteria.
All you were interested in was hearing about them. How they preferred to work, any goals they had set professionally or personally and how working at Bana could help in achieving them. Also, any unique qualities, hobbies or experiences, no matter how irrelevant they sounded to the position. You wanted to surround yourself with people that you could learn from, no matter their background.
The good news was that the interviews flew by and went well. That unfortunately was also the bad news. It made an already difficult decision of having to choose only one of them per role even harder. You roped Aki in for objectivity since she didn’t have bias formed on a face to face basis.
By the time you’d came to a consensus, working hours had wrapped up. There was no need to go overtime. For once, you didn’t feel the urge to overachieve and push your projects ahead of schedule. Everything was moving right on track and that was enough. You were learning to be satisfied with that.
“Did you get Ruben’s message?” You asked Aki in the lift back up to your floor.
“Yeah.” She rolled her eyes and when she caught you waiting for the response to your unasked follow up, she plastered on a smile. “And yes, I’ll be there.”
One of the few things you had yet to do as his girlfriend was go to see him play in person. It wasn’t as if you were actively avoiding doing so, at least not in your eyes. You were just waiting to feel comfortable enough to step into a space where you’d only be seen as Ruben Dias’ WAG.
The reason behind why that made you feel a bit of pressure was still unclear, but you didn’t want to delay things any longer. Besides, Erling was pestering you about not taking up his offer from ages ago to give the Etihad a visit. You were approaching the upcoming debut of sorts with a two birds, one stone mentality.
When the weekend rolled around, you found yourself pulling on one of Ruben’s jerseys. A myriad of emotions spun through your mind. One part of you was blushing and giddy, pride swelling at having his name stretched across your back. The other made fun of you for being so cheesy, it sounded like your own mini subconscious Aki.
Hurry up, I need over-buttered popcorn stat.
You laughed at the text sent by your best friend and then clutched your growling stomach. That did sound like it would hit the spot in your intense ovulation cravings. Your purse was quickly stuffed with its essentials before you dashed down to the garage to meet her.
As tempting as it was to poke fun at her wearing a sky blue jersey of her own, although not sporting a name on the back, you kept it inside. She might’ve been the master at heckling, but couldn’t take a jab when she was expressing a bit of vulnerability in her own way.
Cindy was bouncing excitedly when Aki pulled up to load her into the car. She mentioned that she was in fact seeing John and that they were taking things slow. It was her first time attending a game as well, which also added to your reasons for finally mustering up the courage.
Settling into the stadium was a breeze. If there was one thing you wouldn’t complain about that your girlfriend status brought you, it was gonna be the VIP treatment. Aki finally got her popcorn (which you raided), Cindy was joining in with the crowd’s chants and you were busy keeping your eyes peeled for Ruben.
They spotted him as he emerged from the tunnel for team warmups. You blamed your upcoming period for the wetness gathering in your tear ducts. It was just such a full circle moment to be here, seeing him do the thing he’d always wanted to. You cursed yourself for letting your mind overthink and keep you away for so long.
Ruben was completely focused on hyping himself and his teammates up. To be honest, you were getting kind of jealous. Did he forget that you were coming today? Why were they getting all of his attention? You flinched as a stray kernel landed on your forehead.
“No long faces!” Aki did a gesture that told you to smile.
Luckily, you didn’t have to force one on her account. It seemed like her playing it cool act was out of the window then. She was very superstitious when it came to matches. No one was allowed to be negative - not even badmouthing the opponents, should karma be swift - until the final whistle blew.
Your smile turned into a full on beam once warmups were done and Ruben found you. He waved happily, blowing you a kiss to add to the collection in your pocket. It put you at ease enough to recline in your seat until the team came back out for the match start.
Ruben looked…so fucking good. Your gaze found itself falling into his strong arms and back, that jersey of his really doing him every favor possible in emphasizing his best features. Then there were those long, lean legs of his. And his firm ass -
Another popcorn kernel, judgmental glare on the other side of it. “Don’t make that face either.”
You untucked your bottom lip from your teeth and pulled at the neck of your shirt as you mentally smacked yourself. Trying to not fall into some jazzy background music, heavy sigh sound effect riddled daydream about Ruben was easier said than done.
Football was a fun sport, but it was personally not the most entertaining. You were only invested where he was involved. As long as he played to his standard, stayed healthy and won, you were a happy camper. When things didn’t go so well, you were there to be his shoulder to lean on.
Thankfully, the current match seemed to be going in City’s favor. The ball stayed mostly in the opposition’s half, but on the odd chance that it wandered to the home team’s back line, Ruben or John were there to snuff out any threat. Your mini erotic fantasies nearly returned when he made a clean sliding tackle. How did he manage to move so gracefully while literally throwing his body to the floor?
You shook your head to snap out of it just as the final whistle blew. Cindy and Aki stood to their feet, their arms pulling you into a hug that ended in your small huddle jumping together. It was refreshing to be with the girls outside of the office, and you had a sneaking suspicion that match days would be a regular for you three moving forward.
“We’re gonna grab some pints at a nearby pub, you in?” Aki did a shimmy.
“I have plans.” Your face scrunched, response earning you a round of boo’s. “I’ll be there next time and I’ll even pick up the tab for missing out tonight!”
“No taking that back, you know?” Cindy pointed.
You swore you would do no such thing before sending them on their merry way. They skipped happily, probably already contemplating how much damage they were going to do to your poor debit card.
Ruben texted you instructions on how to get to the player’s car park. The pass you had around your neck allowed you to navigate without being stopped or questioned. You were pretty sure that security knew what the player’s partners looked like though. Or rather, you were certain Ruben had shown them a photo of you at least. There were a few extra warm smiles aimed at you as you made your way around back.
“Perfect timing.” Ruben’s voice sounded from behind.
You spun around to see him closing the gap between you two. His arms circled your body as your chin tilted upwards, lips pursing in search for his own. He chuckled and met your request with a firm peck.
“I understand why you have so many obsessed fans now.” You sighed.
“Stop!” Ruben gasped, taking your hand in his.
“Okay, but seriously.” You laced your fingers together. “Watching you play was mesmerizing, awe inspiring, everything of the sort. I’ve never been prouder.”
Reducing him to blushing was one of your favorite things to do, especially because it was so hard to achieve. He was normally the one dealing out the sweet words that had you mentally kicking your feet. This time around though, you promised yourself that you’d return the favor of much as possible.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Ruben kissed your forehead and then your lips again.
You sank into the passenger seat after he opened the door for you to slide in. He ran around to his side and started up the car to get your seat warmer on. The nights were still a bit unforgiving despite the days not being too miserable anymore.
Ruben’s eyes kept darting to your torso. You thought that you were maybe painting him with your own brush when you caught him the first few times, but when his tongue darted to the corner of his lips, you were validated. He was definitely playing his own version of a sensual montage in his head.
“Careful, you might start drooling.” You warned playfully.
His deep laugh slipped out. “I can’t help it! You look so good in that.”
“Do I?” You bit your finger. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to cook breakfast in nothing but your jersey…”
That made him pick up the pace. A drive that already wasn’t too lengthy, the stadium visible from his balcony and all, went by even quicker than usual with your tempting words replaying in a loop in his mind.
Your lips were claimed by Ruben as soon as you both crossed his threshold. It was a desperate and dizzying kiss that spelled out the need to show you everything he’d imagined doing to you earlier. The same energy was returned, if not more so, from your end. You cupped the back of his head, tongue grinding against his urgently.
“I wanna ask you something.” He rasped after you pulled back.
“Ask later,” Your head shook as you dropped to your knees and tugged at his joggers. “This first…”
Any protest he might’ve had subsided rather easily with your hand wrapped around his cock. Ruben groaned, brows pinching at the sight of you knelt before him. You opened your mouth wide and took him as deeply as you could without pause.
That was the kind of mood you were in tonight. All you wanted to do was taste him, take him, make him feel so good that he begged you to stop - or not. Ruben saw it in your eyes that looked up innocently. A startling contrast to the lewd noises his length made while prodding into your throat.
You came up gasping for air. It was a rather quick intermission, your lips skimming along the side of his dick while your jerked him off slightly. You kissed his leaking tip and then you were sucking him off to the point of gagging once again.
“Fuck you’re so pretty like that, baby.” He ran his fingers through your hair. “Can you handle some more?”
You nodded rapidly, begging for him to use your mouth the way you knew he was hoping to from the moment you fell to your knees. Ruben’s palm rested flat against the back of your head before he pushed it forward slowly.
He had you locked in place, there was no way for you to retreat without him releasing you first. You hummed around his cock, relaxing your throat for him. Ruben bared his teeth as he moved his hips back and forth.
Hot tears ran down your cheeks while he fucked your face. You held out for as long as you could, fingernails biting into your palms to help your focus. If he wanted to see who would break first, you were hellbent on making it a very tortuous experience for him.
Your tongue flattened even more, spreading along the back of his cock and sliding side to side across the large vein. Just as you began to curl it slightly, Ruben yanked you off of him and back to your feet.
“Trying to make me cum?” He murmured.
“That’s typically the point of giving head, Gato.” You taunted.
It was a ploy to continue receiving this same version of your boyfriend. He could save the loving and romantic side of himself for the inevitable second round. Right now, you just wanted to be used by him until you were aching.
Ruben spun you around and bent you over the kitchen counter. You bit your lips as he made quick work of getting rid of your trousers and panties, arching your back so that he could see your soaking cunt.
“You’re lucky I need you so bad right now.” Ruben leaned over your body, nibbling your ear.
One of his hands slipped between your thighs to rub your clit in painfully languid circles. You pressed against him with a drawn out moan, eyes fluttering shut. Your hips had barely picked up the rhythm of his fingers before he pulled them away.
The rest of his name was cut off by a sharp inhale. He had thrusted fully into you, quickly and powerfully. Your walls trembled with the shock and only began to relax when he slowly started to rock his hips into yours.
Your hands searched blindly for something, anything to grip onto while your pussy got the same treatment that your mouth did earlier. They settled for the other edge of the counter, arms stretched above your head. Ruben found a steady pace with ease, going so deep every time he bottomed out that he had you on your tippy toes.
“Where you going, hm?” He circled your waist, pulling you flush against him.
Something between a laugh and a mewl left your mouth, “Fuck you.”
How was it that every time you made a plan to overwhelm him, it always backfired? Okay, it was definitely your fault that things didn’t play out the way you hoped on this occasion. You shouldn’t have riled him up, much less when he still had residual adrenaline pumping from his match.
You certainly weren’t complaining, though. Ruben had you a shaking mess in his hold in no time. You let your cries out, some floating into the air and the rest of them swallowed by him. Your legs turned to jello and were all but useless until you felt a hand come down hard on your ass.
“Shit!” You whimpered.
“Keep these open nice and wide for me.” Ruben chuckled.
He actually didn’t leave you much of a choice. One of your legs was lifted, bent knee propping up onto the counter. You muttered something about him just taking the piss at that point, your head dropping back to rest on his shoulder.
It felt like he was everywhere all at once. A hand toying with one of your swollen nipples, the other swiping some of your slick from your soaking core before two fingers dipped into your mouth. All while he fucked your cum back into you until his own was released, so much that you felt a hot trail run down your inner thigh.
Before even more mess was made in his kitchen, you both scurried over to the bathroom for a quick shower. He sat on the bench while you perched on his lap to wash his hair. Once you were done, you closed your eyes to let him do the same.
“That mouth of yours is…” Ruben shook his head.
“Hmm, let me guess.” You snuggled into the pillow. “It’s your favorite?”
His teeth softly sank into the back of your thigh and you yelped. The sweet version of him was back. He was so concerned that he was a bit too rough earlier. It lead him to kiss up your legs and back as you lied on your stomach.
“And people think I’m the cocky one.” Ruben nuzzled his face in your neck.
You couldn’t help breaking out into laughter. Not because his words were that hilarious, but because his beard was making the gesture tickle. You wiggled around to face him and cupped his cheeks.
God, he was so beautiful. Your fingers connected random lines between his freckles, ran down the length of his nose and traced the shape of his mouth. You’d never get tired of him watching as you marveled in his features.
“Oh!” You gasped. “What did you want to ask me earlier?”
Ruben peeled himself from your hold and disappeared out into the main living area. You sat up, bunching the sheets around your naked body in an attempt to replicate the warmth you’d just lost.
“Close your eyes.” He poked his head back into the room.
Unlike seemingly a lot of people, you loved surprises. There was just something so sweet about someone wanting to do an act or provide a gift, no matter how big or small, that would make their loved one happy.
You did as you were told and let your other senses take over. Ruben’s footsteps came closer until they seized, the bed sinking under his weight again. He took one of your hands in his, quickly placed a slightly sticky object into your palm and wrapped your fingers around it to form a fist.
“Okay, you can open them.” He whispered.
Your left eyelid lifted slowly and then your right. The hand resting in his own remained folded, shaking. It was obviously what your mind deduced it be to based on the size and feel, but seeing it was going to leave you even more wordless than you already were.
You let your fingers spread to reveal a ring.
Not just any engagement piece that was trending or gaudy, but one that held special meaning. You were taken back to the moment you were making vision boards with him on New Year’s in 2017. The company logo you wanted to intern with, pictures of southern Italy and your dream designer shoes made the cut.
What interested Ruben the most was the image of a ring. It wasn’t the most extravagant thing in the world, just a simple but elegant cut of your birthstone surrounded by tiny diamonds. You remembered blushing furiously, making light of its presence on your vision board by saying a girl can dream…
The exact ring was now sitting in the palm of your hand seven years later. It made you wonder if he had it this entire time, if he had gotten it shortly after that day and was waiting for the right moment that year to propose.
“I’ve never pictured my life with anyone but you. At each turn, in every corner of my mind and my heart, I always find you, Y/N.” Ruben stroked your wrist. “This might be sudden, but I just had to ask since I’ve been meaning to for so long.”
He confirmed what you were thinking, making your eyes weld with tears. On top of everything, he carried the additional burden and pain of being robbed of the chance to do this back then.
“What are you waiting for then?” You sniffed. “Ask me.”
Ruben took the ring and held it up, “Will you let me call you mine, forever?”
A laugh broke through your tears. You stuck your left hand out, wiggling your fingers in anticipation. It didn’t shock you that the ring fit perfectly given that your size hadn’t changed. Your ring finger moved up and down, testing the weight of its newest addition. It felt good, right. You grinned.
“Is that a yes?” His thumb ran along your knuckles.
“Yes,” You opened your arms. “Come here.”
Ruben pounced on you, kissing you all over. You surrendered to his seemingly never-ending pecks and compliments. You let go of past anger, hurt and miscommunication. Instead, you opened yourself up to make room for everything that was to come.
All of the moments that would make you proud to call Ruben yours. Forever.
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sitp-recs · 2 months
Hello again! Thank you for your recommendations, I really liked several of them.
I wanted to tell you that I recently read Away Childish Things by Lettered and I loved it. This left me wondering, do you know of other drarrys who talk about the mistreatment Harry suffered under the Dursleys? I think it's very interesting to see the consequences of childhood abuse growing up and how someone (Draco in this case) can help heal that.
Hello friend! Happy to hear you’ve enjoyed the recs. Ahh yes, ACT is so uniquely cathartic - I still remember the awe I felt reading it for the first time, the emotional depth and character development are top notch. I can think of a few fics touching on Harry’s abusive childhood:
Timeshare by astolat (M, 14k)
“It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”
Conquering the Dark by noeon (E, 24k)
Harry's a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy's an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo's. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
The Elusive Mate by 0idontknow0 (E, 26k)
Harry had done it (a) to save lives and (b) because the idea of him being Malfoy’s mate was clearly ridiculous, but now he had to tell Malfoy.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
A Piercing Comfort by talithan (T, 44k)
When Harry Potter hits the lowest point of his life so far, it is not his friends who keep him honest. With Draco Malfoy's patience and guidance, Harry learns to stand on his own. The thing is, after the fact—he's no longer sure he wants to.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always.
Harry Potter and the elusive day off by pleasebekidding (E, 71k)
Auror Potter needs a fucking break. He is wiped. He is exhausted. He probably didn't intend to put himself into a magical coma but these things happen. And who cares, really? He is comfortable in a house where he has hidden away all the shit he can't deal with.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (M, 146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions.
102 notes · View notes
place-called-space · 3 months
it’s finals week and i’m genuinely dying trying to write all these final projects and essays for my classes but... there’s a smutty one shot idea for our favorite lawyer that’s been rattling around in my brain for ages and i’m not sure if i can ignore it for much longer🫣
it'll be my first relatively plotless one shot that i'd post on this hellsite but there's been such a drought of matty fics recently that i feel compelled to feed and water the masses
i probably won't get around to actually writing it until after this week, and we'll be lucky if i post it by the end of next week, but for now let me set the scene 🫶🏼
content warning: dom/sub dynamics (orgasm control/denial, ruined orgasm, edging), semi-public phone sex? (matt’s in his office with the door closed but it’s implied that karen and foggy are in the next room), masturbation (male and female, but neither of them actually cum), fingering, reader is ✨sexually frustrated✨ so she slips into subspace easily, body worship/fantisization? (reader has a very active imagination and she actively imagines several naughty situations with matt), reader’s wet dream (not super detailed, just mentioned in passing)
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it feels like it's been weeks since the two of you have spent any real time together.
the firm has been busy with some high-paying client that they're not in a financial position to turn down, so it's been all hands on deck for the better part of the last month. matt has to leave before you get up, but he nudges you awake to say goodbye, pressing a kiss to your forehead and letting you know if he has a lunch meeting or not so you can call and hear his voice for a blessed 30 minutes.
and because the universe hates you, matt's duties as daredevil haven't eased up either. all you've been able to get out of him is that he's been staking out one of the smaller crime families in hell's kitchen that have been looking for an opportunity to gain more power. he hears whispers of smugglers and arms deals and he barely has time to scarf down some eggs and toast-
(carbs and protein to hold him over until he can turn in for the night and warm up the plate you always left for him)
-before he's sheathed in kevlar and leather, shouting over his shoulder to not wait up for him before fleeing out the roof access door.
and of course you miss him.
you used to make coffee for you both as he got ready for work, chatting idly about that crime docuseries karen had recommended and getting matt to translate the legal jargon. you'd loop his tie around his neck, tightening the knot before pulling him down for a kiss, passing him his briefcase before sending him off to work.
he'd come home after work, smiling as he came through the door because he'd been able to hear your voice from the lobby as you made dinner, singing along to one of his favorite vinyl records. soft jazz and pasta sauce and you would smother his senses as soon as he stepped into the apartment and as soon as he shucked off his shoes and set his briefcase down, he'd round the kitchen island and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, nuzzling at your neck and peppering your skin with kisses, reveling in the delighted giggles you let out.
but with his new schedule, the apartment seemed so empty.
you were eating alone and washing one set of dishes, sleeping in a bed too big and too cold for just you. you missed the way his arms would wind around you as you slept, the fearsome vigilante that struck fear into the hearts of criminals throughout the city suddenly becoming a cuddle octopus, greedy to feel your skin on his.
you missed all the small, sweet things about him, the romantic moments that would make your heart melt... but you also missed the steamy, intimate moments where your hands would wander each other's bodies, unwilling to be separated for even a moment.
it had been weeks since you'd had sex, and you missed the way his cock split you open, the low, hoarse growl his voice would become as he crooned poisoned honey into your ear, the delicious mix of praise and degradation turning your brain to mush.
you could feel your own impatience building with each night you went unsatisfied, a dull ache beginning to throb between your legs as your body struggled to adapt. you'd gone from cumming at least once a day to nothing at all in the blink of an eye, and you were having trouble adjusting.
waking up to an empty bed for the third week in a row had nearly sent you into a fit, your panties already soaked through from the remnants of a blissful dream where matt had tied you up, your legs bent and spread wide as he toyed with your puffy folds, his fingers slick with your arousal as he'd slowly slid them inside you...
fed up, your hand had already dipped below the waistband of your sleep shorts, your fingers barely brushing your clit, a soft moan leaving you as your body finally got some relief-
but then your phone rang, matt's handsome face beaming up at you. taunting you.
you answered the phone with a breathy call of "matty" because you knew he'd heard you and two could play at that game, and the low octave with which he says your name makes you moan again, pleasure sparking to life in your core as you sink two fingers into your drooling cunt.
matt calls your name sharply, clicking his tongue in disapproval.
"naughty girl," he admonishes, his voice somehow both sweet and condescending. "so impatient. i'd wondered how long it would take you to break, but i didn't expect it to be so soon."
you whine into the receiver, your anger melting away as you remembered you hadn't been the only one suffering these last few weeks. it must've been nothing short of torture for matt to wake up to the smell of your arousal, his rapidly swelling cock nestled against your ass, aching and eager to satisfy the primal urge to mark you in every way possible. and yet, every morning, he'd forced himself to ignore it, to take a cold shower and hurriedly get dressed, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before shuffling out of the apartment, still half-hard.
the thought only made you more desperate for him. god, did you wish he was here with you, with his much thicker fingers stuffing your pussy, stretching you out and prepping you so you could take his thick cock. you wanted him under you, breathlessly kneading the flesh of your tits as you bounced on his cock, your eyes rolling back as his impressive length dragged against that special spongey spot inside you with each smack of your hips against his, your cunt squeezing him tight and drawing out the pleasure for both of you.
but the apartment was empty and his side of the bed was cold, his scent faint on the silk sheets you both adored. a pang of loneliness hit you then, wanting his skin on yours and his voice filling your head with mindless praise.
frustrated tears stung at your eyes, but you were determined to make the most of this. you had him on the phone, you had a shot at getting what you wanted. all you needed was a few more words from him, maybe a countdown if you were lucky. you were so worked up, you could probably cum just from him reading you the new york penal code.
so you beg.
"please, matty," you whine prettily, another breathy little moan leaving you as you begin to pump your fingers in and out of your dripping pussy, the friction delicious after so long with nothing. "i need-"
"what you need," matt cuts you off swiftly, his voice so dark and commanding even through the phone that your body freezes, "is some manners. i enjoy spoiling you, sweetheart, but that doesn't mean you can cum without permission."
the whine you let out this time is significantly more petulant than before, the sound high and needy, but matt quickly curbs your bad attitude with another click of his tongue, his disapproval clear.
"don't be a brat," he says, patronizing and confident in his control over you. "just because i've been busy doesn't mean i forgot about my sweet girl."
the pet name makes your breath catch in your throat. matt hardly ever called you that. he'd always preferred the softer, more affectionate nicknames. sweetheart. darling. the occasional honey and sweetie.
but sweet girl? that coveted term of endearment had always been wreathed in coarse shadow instead of suave charm, cooed in the low, dangerous tone of the Devil.
your cunt clenches around the fingers you still have buried within yourself, though they had long since stalled their movements, and matt, damn him, somehow knows that he has you hooked, a satisfied purr meeting your ears.
"there we go," you hear him murmur, pleased. "there's my sweet girl. so good for me, i didn't even have to tell you to stop. no punishment for you, then, but you'll still have to earn your reward."
the breath that leaves you is half desire, half relief, already squirming on the bed. surely he just wanted a show, something to hold him over until the work day was done and he could come home and have his way with you. your moans would replay in his head all day, your breathless cry of his name making his cock twitch beneath his desk every time it echoed through his mind, his thoughts muddled and disjointed as he struggled to focus on the case.
"tell me what to do," you plead, your own thoughts already growing fuzzy around the edges, dizzy with anticipation of the climax he was sure to grant you. "miss you so much, matty... i wanna be good…"
matt groans low on the other line, an excited shiver running through you as you hear the barely audible "fuck" accompany the distinct sound of his belt unbuckling.
"need to hear you, sweet girl," he hisses. a shaky exhale leaves him next, and you imagine he's just freed his cock, the vein running along the shaft throbbing. the tip is probably flushed a dark pink and probably already leaking salty precome, his balls heavy and full from almost a full month of not satisfying himself.
christ, was your mouth watering?
"go on, sweet girl," matt tells you, his voice hoarse. "keep touching yourself. make yourself feel good."
far be it from you to disobey a direct order.
your fingers began thrusting once more, your low, breathy moans becoming high and whiney within minutes, not making an effort to silence yourself. matt wanted a show, so you were going to give him one, noise complaints be damned.
it doesn't take long for the knot within your belly to tighten, your body teetering on the edge of a long-awaited orgasm. you were practically half-delirious, so grateful for the pleasure that you'd already begun expressing your gratitude, your thanks garbled and slurred but genuine nonetheless.
you don't hear the mean, condescending bark of laughter, too caught up in your own ecstasy. you were so close, your forearm burning and your cunt beginning to pulse as you neared the edge, your jaw falling slack as you prepared for the monumental release of pleasure-
your body obeyed without consciously thinking about it, your fingers slipping out of you. your poor cunt clenches and flutters around nothing, feeling achingly empty as your pleasure stalls and curdles, spoiling like milk in the sun.
you lay there for a moment, your chest heaving as you try to figure out what happened. your pussy was sensitive and tingling, still pulsing weakly with a ruined orgasm that had given you no satisfaction. you wanted more, damn it, but most of all, you wanted him.
"matty," you cry brokenly, vision blurry with frustrated tears. "why did you... why..."
Your rambling was slurred but audible to your tormenter, his delighted chuckles making you shudder.
"sorry, sweet girl," matt said, not an ounce of remorse in his voice, "but i wanna be there with you when you cum. i need to feel that pretty pussy squeeze my cock, need to hear you moan my name as i fuck you."
he lets out a strained groan, and you imagine he has his fist wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, preventing himself from reaching the pinnacle he'd so cruelly snatched you away from.
you hadn't cum, but neither did he.
you whine at the thought, your pussy still fluttering weakly. you sniffle quietly, still mourning your ruined orgasm, and there's a burst of static, like he'd just sighed.
"you did so well for me, sweetie," matt murmurs, his tone no longer mean, but warm and loving. "i know it hurts, but i'll make it up to you tonight. i'll make you feel so good, you'll forget this ever happened."
though your eyes are still glassy with tears, matt's subtle switch in temperament did wonders for your mood, the promise of pleasure soothing your wounded pride. you sniffle again, working up the courage to meekly inquire, "promise?"
matt hums again, and you can imagine the pleased grin on his face as he purrs your name, the sound of his voice making you melt.
"i promise."
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a/n: my brain literally couldn’t focus on anything else while i had this mf rattling around in there. this will be an actual oneshot at some point where we actually get some gratification, maybe even a two-parter! depending on how fried my brain is after cranking out multiple 2k word finals, it could be posted in either 5 days or 5 years or anywhere in between.
i do actually like writing guys i swear 😭 but i’m a humanities major so i do a lot of writing for my degree and my free time consists of thinking about the roman empire (for my major) and reading greek philosophy (also for my major).
glad i got this out as proof of life, didn’t mean to be horny on main but there is no other valid response when it comes to mr. murdock. i hope you guys enjoyed and let me know what you think!
- estrella ★
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
(send me recs pleassseeee ;-;)
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Hey this'll be the last time I use colored words for characters!
I think it's a bit too distracting, and the only reason I was using them was to let ppl know if their fav was in there, but now I'll probably just use CW/TW to mention character heavy asks/fics :)
Thanks for being patient with me for so long if ur still reading my stuff :0 <3
Listen as you read?
EDIT 1/1/24: Hey I expanded more about this on my Eldritch Fanfic Part 2 post, but unfortunately I did a form of exoticism by including the term "Huangdi" inappropiately here. I have since replaced it with "Emperor" as was the original untranslated term I would've used. I'm genuinely sorry that I did this, and will absolutely be on the look out/do better in the future. I hope you can understand.
also im so sorry?? Idky i was in such a scenario mood today??? Ig im in my exectutive dysfunction paralysis state so maybe that’s why, like it unconcoiusly wants me to waste more time not catching up on uni work??? anyway, hope u like this chaotic addon 😭
or i just love this ask sm, that’s entirely possible too <3
ok but they’d totally heard ur music tastes thru the screen right?
like just imagine-
the video game music is normalized, and to them its just another one of those “all kinds of magic in teyvat” causing the music, like the seelies wandering around all the time or elemental energy
Jean is flipping through a folder filled with the reports for the week, she’s got to get the routes ready for the week, then there’s the liyue shipments the knights need to help escort over, then checking in on any of the emergency stations/rations throughout Mondstadt for weary or hurt travelers/merchants-
She sighs, and yet another irritated thought is thrown Varka’s way in her mind, she can’t even muster the energy to make it outright dislike she’s so tired…
Jean was so concentrated she just now is starting to hear the Favonious Headquarter’s music once more, it’s peppy upbeat tune… grates like nails on a chalkboard.
and if she has to hear that damn flute for the next hour she works, she’s going to start banging her head onto her desk.
Out in Jueyun Karst, Xiao is dealing the finishing blow to a flying ruin hunter
He’s huffing and stabs his spear into the ground to lean on and catch his breath, the gentle music of the peaks begins to float around him once more
The Yaksha feels the earth beneath his feet shake. Not like from his Lord, not the other adepti angered, but an enemy so large it’s stomps shake the ground he stands on
Xiao quickly straightens less he fall over, pulling his spear out of the dirt with a little more effort than it probably should’ve taken…
The high sounds of the guzheng trickle through the air, a perfect representation of the base of the slopes, trees, streams, and nature all around him
Xiao turns to face the enemy behind him, his arm popping with tired joints,
…A ruin grader, two ruin hunters, and finally regular three ruin guards, follows it. they come around the corner of the bottom of another slope, and they're still simmering with black smoke, curling off their metallic shoulders.
Xiao sees several red targets layer over his chest,
the music fades a little, but sticks around, plucking strings gently. Xiao sighs, exhausted already.
Kazuha and Beidou had to redirect the Alcor from a nasty storm at sea that intercepted their usual route between Inazuma and Liyue,
the storm had practically chased them further and further down form the Inazuman islands
it wasn’t until Kazuha, from the crow’s nest, spotted fog on the waters that they realized they’d be forced to go into said creepy fog, what with the crackling looming clouds at their backs pinning them in
“Not good Captain, the fog is miles long, I’m not sure I can see a way around it…” Kazuha calls down to the deck, Beidou letting out a sharp sigh through her nose
“Damn… fucker’s not even sentient and it practically backed us into a corner, feels like we literally gotta escape the damn thing… BRACE YOURSELVES CREW, WE’RE HEADING INTO THAT FOG!”
The Alcor makes it’s way into the fog, a piano swells with a strange tune…
Beidou, Kazuha, and the crew know to listen to the music of teyvat, especially if you have a life at sea, where storms can appear in the middle of the day or other pirates could attack any moment.
The music means nothing good, but at least Kazuha can see the storm staying at the border of the fog, moving no further in, unlike themselves
“Shit… see anything up there Kazu?” the Captain steering the ship doesn’t even reach a shout, for the music has creeped out all conversation on board
“No ma’am, wait,” a chill breeze brushes through the wanderer’s white hair, he feels goosebumps jump on his neck and spine,
“…Yes! Portside Captain, land, no enemy movement yet!”
“Alright, here goes a bad idea…” Beidou’s arms flex as she easily turns the heavy wooden wheel, steering left,
the Alcor gently comes ashore, and they make anchor.
…there are no enemies, like Kazuha said, but the tune worsens, it had gotten louder now that they’re actually on the theme’s land
It plays slowly, encasing the crew of the Alcor in a paranoid quiet, and it almost has a melancholy note
Crows caw and fly off of a stone gate up ahead, they can see flickers of a strange blue light further inland, like figures carrying lanterns everywhere they go…
“Damn music, I wouldn’t feel half this anxious if it didn’t sound like we were walking into a monster infested cave…” the first mate says, the first person to break the quiet the music held over them.
“Yes, while we might need to stay here for awhile, I think we’re all very aware how dangerous this is…” Kazuha agrees, crossing his arms and squinting at the moving blue lights… the piano plays on.
You open on Spotify on your computer, clicking on your favorite kpop playlist, it’s been rainy all day, so you need the peppiness of this dance playlist to actually not be half-asleep playing Genshin-
You hum along to the Korean lyrics as you boot Genshin up, ugh, ur in-game music is so loud, u forgot u turned it up last time to hear the new Sumeru music…
Turning it down, you let the Kpop songs fill ur headphones as you nod to the beat, your team materializing on screen. Right, off to do commissions first!
Jean is like.. seconds away letting out a scream of frustration, anger, tiredness, loneliness, etc. her hands clenching her hair and ruining her ponytail when, thank Creator, the theme quiets down finally.
The loss of her immediate ire gone, she lets go of her hair, her hands just kind of hovering midair, not knowing what to do with herself, all the negative emotions giving her face wrinkles just melt off, leaving her stunned, blank face behind
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
Acting Grand Master Jean actually screams when abruptly a song in an unrecognizable foreign language, blasts into her office, around it, filling the entire Favonius Headquarters with its… cheeriness??
Jean lets her hands fall onto the desk, still in shock
..well, she quickly decides she’s grateful for the new music either Barbatos or the All-Parent had heard her pleas for…
…actually, it’s kind of,, catchy?
Jean takes out her ponytail, massaging her aching scalp, huh, she really did have it tight she’s just now noticing, she feels a small smiles appear on her face,
she actually kind of wants to do something now (she kind of hopes this new foreign bard song sticks around..)
If you asked Xiao what happened in that battle he’d be hard pressed to tell you,
without going completely red in the face. LMAO
He probably wouldn’t tell the other adepti this, especially Cloud Retainer, but Xiao had definitely had to get used to fighting brutal battles to the sound of gentle summer day-esque music
Right as the aruguably, army of ruin machines spotted the Yaksha, he’d launched himself into the air to try and evade the rusted beasts, aiming his jade spear, adding winds to swirl around the staff to better boost his attack, the machines warm up, their targets moved and locked onto him midair, right as both sides launch their attack-
🎶 Geogi neo I fancy you! Amuna wonhaji anha Hey, I love you (Love ya!) 🎶
Xiao nearly falls out of the air.
Quickly recovering, he uses his anemo power to propel himself off to the side dodging, he swears to his Lord and his Emperor himself, delayed attacks, as if the machines were caught off guard too,
missiles whiz by him, exploding behind, the peppy song of foreign women’s voices sings out into Jueyun Karst bright and happy-
🎶 Geurae neo I fancy you! Kkumcheoreom haengbokhaedo dwae 'Cause I need you! (What?) 🎶
Xiao’s face goes from being confused to concentrated throughout the rest of the battle, and the worst part… it actually helps his energy levels.
and he finds himself nodding along
Kazuha takes the lead, his sword unsheathed and at the ready to cut down the slightest movement before it can get to any of the crew behind him,
He’s flanked by the Captain of the Alcor herself, Beidou’s electro shield emitting a deep hum as it blocks in front of both himself, and the crew behind him
all of the pirates have unsheather their own weapons, daggers, swords, claymores, bows, their all on high alert, waiting for.. well, any enemies at all.
In fact, Kazuha hopes he sees hilichurls soon, just for the familiarity it could give him and the his crew-
the music begins to fade away.
The crew stops just shy of the entryway that was perched with crows before they scattered, the white fog hasn’t moved beyond its lazy drifting, but the creeping sounds have stopped entirely. Not good.
Captain Beidou sighs after a few silent moments, other than the quiet breathing and shuffling of weapons from the Alcor crew.
She lets her claymore sword thunk against her shoulder, and just as she opens her mouth, turning to address the all, deciding camping here will have to do for the night-
🎶Fancy! youu, ooh Nuga meonjeo johahamyeon eottae Fancy! youu, ooh Jigeum neoegero gallae Fancy! ooh!🎶
Kazuha’s shoulder shoot up to his ears in a flinch, red eyes wide, he barely stops his reflexes from taking a hard swing with his sword, several crewmembers shriek, collide with metal clinks into one another, Beidou drops low, her sword swinging off her shoulder into almost a full swing at the ground-
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
the music plays on, the only one making any noise as the entire Alcor crew just, stop. after their initial shock.
Kazuha’s the first to break.
He desperately tries to contain a quiet chuckle, which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full-on wheeze, as he buries his sword into the ground to brace himself on it and one of his knees
the Captain cracks by the time Kazuha wheezes, her laughter going straight to guffaws and knee slapping, her claymore shaking the ground where she stabs it to lean against
the crew erupts into laughter, both as the peppy foreign song echoes into the mysterious fog, and Beidou’s ridiculous laugh, as always
they don’t recover until two songs later when there’s finally a slow kpop song, Kazuha’s had to sit down, tears streaming down his face, Beidou’s half-dead, wheezing out complaints about her stomach, as the crew keep sending each other into more and more laughter right as they think they’re done.
They decide their Akitsu Mikami must have the best sense of humor and must just be sitting on their celestial throne pranking some of their subjects from time to time, and the Alcor crew find themselves all the more appreciative for it, their nerves entirely gone about the island
Kazuha and Beidou are constantly asking other bards they meet to try and see if anyone can recreate the song for the crew sometime they liked the beat and the memory so much, Fancy by Twice will still get a laugh out of Beidou and Kazuha, and they’d quickly let you in on the inside joke so you’d be a part of it too (afterall you did it lol)
Who’s DANCING!! w/o u needing to do anything but play the music:
NILOU (she got those choreos done in like, an hour flat everytime u teach her, shes always begging for “just one more dance lesson Greatest Lord? 🥺”),
YUNJIN (difference betweeen the two dancers is that nilou asks :) → yunjin lowkey demands, she like always gets u into a situation where you have plenty of time to teach her and feel obligated, u just got gaslight gatekeep girlbossed into teaching her another kpop dance LMAO), they also see it as they’re (literally) god-given job to dance better than any idol you’ve seen do it before, esp when they recruit groups of other dancers to join for group choreos
Yoimiya! cutie #1, CHILDE, amber, eula, ITTO, bennett,
Collei (but shes shy u gotta encourage her),
Diona (cutie #2),
FISCHL (would form an actual group to dance all the choreos like a real kpop group),
Gorou (shy #2, needs encouragement),
Kazuha (tbh I think he’d have fun and be weirdly good at it, fem or masc dances),
Ayaka (shy #3, needs encouragement and would rather die than dance in front of ppl other than you),
Qiqi (but u gotta teach her slow bc she needs to memorize it, and also it takes her a bit to write down the dance steps in her journal so she doesn’t forget as much),
Razor (another person i think would just have fun with it! also he’d do it but it would be very, aggressive? like making finger hearts but violently shoving his arm out at ur face lmao),
HEIZOU (shutup he’d actually be good at it and brag- and flirt at you-),
Aether (shy #4), VENTI, xingqiu, xinyan, KAVEH
BARBARA (she literally stalks u around Mondstadt all like “oh hello your highness! just happened to walk by you and was wondering if you heard any new of those “kpop” dances, you know I’d LOVE to show it off at my next show-!” like she hasnt been a block behind you the entire day 💀)
babygirl Wanderer (he literally surveyed the area before he finally let u teach him any moves, and refused to any sort of dramatic moves, like fem or masc),
Alhaitham (but only like a small part of a guy group choreo like a bit from God’s Menu or smth, he was too lazy to do anymore even for u lol),
Cyno (dammit some of these bitches look way too good doing even girl group dances-),
Diluc (u got him to do like, a pose. LMAO and he saw Kaeya in the distance and quit immediately LMFAO),
Kaeya (but it didnt take much convincing, if anything it just took forever to teach him, he’s talented in footwork for swordfighting but apparantly not dancing, at least not modern dances he tripped so much ur convinced he did it on purpose at one point so he’d fall into your arms again lol),
Ganyu (super shy, wont do it around anyone but you, and maybe Shenhe),
speaking of Shenhe (she just took awhile to teach bc she wanted to stay upright a lot, kinda stiff),
Keqing (once again, another who’d only dance when it’s just u two lol),
Yae Miko (she just wanted to learn the whole choreo that’s what took so long… and now she’s making comments like “My goodness, my god wants me to dance for them? They’ll even show me how? Oh, now I must do it perfectly so I can satisfy you, my Kami.” STOP TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT UR TEACHING EVERYONE-),
Ayato (he’s acts so theater gay he refuses to do anything but the girl group dances/fem dances lol),
SARA (easy, give her ur strongest, saddest pout and she cracked like glass, u got her to do a whole dance with u/she actually got into it too, its her secret guilty pleasure now lol),
Kuki (did one sort of move then got BARRELED OVER by Itto’s crazied boy group acrobatics he likes so much, u know the backflips over each other type of ones? yeah. ),
Ei (the god herself/not the puppet, catch her never doing that lol, she tried but didnt, get it? she’s also pretty stiff, but she looks like she’s having fun so u just keep teaching her moves, and she likes that its you teaching her something new),
Thoma (shy #5 ? idek what number we’re on anymore lol),
TIGHNARI (u nag that bitch so hard he nearly throws a drink at you to get u to stop bothering him- NO he does NOT think those dances would suit his ears- dammit he wont do that dance, no matter how much he likes you- DAMMIT MY LORD-),
Xiao (if u thought nagging Tighnari was hard, this is like nightmare mode, not only does he not wanna do the dances, but he also wants to understand WHY u want him to dance each and every move- !! bc he would “look cute or cool”?!?!!?!!! …yeah he’s gone, he went so red u cant even get him back with tofu),
Zhongli (would like, be so confused on how to make his body do that, that he ended up just sort of posing, at least he looks cool)
(anyone not on these 2, u did, in fact, not manage to convince, yes, even if their god asked them to, nor are they doing it of their own volition lol)
also, im like, three weeks away form graduating uni? NICE, soon i will be free to assault u all with responses mwhahahaha (rubs my little gremlin hands together)
Safe travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
My Writing Masterpost
List of Subscription Posts (Follow for Tumblr Notifications on any of my fics.)
Good Omens:
The Demon Piper: Crowley is in Hamlin, Germany in 1284 and offers to help the children of the town. They take him up on it and the legend of the Pied Piper is born.
AO3, 24k words, rated T
An Evening In: Human AU. Aziraphale has a bad day and Crowley promises to make it better. PWP
AO3, 18k words, rated E
Carry On: After the garden, the First Family has to find their way in the wider, more dangerous world. But Heaven and Hell aren't ready to leave them alone so Crawly and Aziraphale tag along. When Cain has the idea to sacrifice the best of his harvest to God, Abel also wishes to sacrifice the best of his lambs.
God chooses Her favorite and the First Family is left to pick up the pieces as best they can.
AO3, M rating (Prequel to The Demon Piper)
DP x DC Fics:
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and when Danny's parents take his reveal poorly, Tim helps get him safe.
Tumblr prompt fill, 3.5k words, M rating (for fandom typical violence)
Subscription Post
Alternative Reunion: This is an alternate way the original fill could've gone if Tim hadn't been there to get Danny out, but Danny still managed to escape to Gotham.
Rewrite - Friend Request (Arc 1): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Silver and Gold (Arc 2): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Arc 3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Ghost!Robin Haunts Jason AU: Jazz is dating Jason, so she and Danny are invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet the family. Danny arrives and meets Jason for the first time only to be distracted by the ghost of the dead Robin that is hanging off of him. T rating
Original Prompt (and collab fill), Subscription Post
Arc 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Arc 2: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Answer My Call: (Wrong Number AU) Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
T rating (might go up to M for fandom-typical violence)
AO3 Link
Subscription Post
Tumblr Links: Original Prompt and Fill, (actual) Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again): Danny and Jason meet in the zone after Jason's death. They become friends (and more). But Jason doesn't think it's enough. He finds Desiree and wishes for his life back. But for every wish, she exacts a price.
Chapter 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Danny's Arc: Part 1
The Two Ghost Motel: Danny is tired.
Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over.
“I’m fine, Ember.”
Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really.
But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel.
He checks in.
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Want to Hold on and Feel I Belong: Danny is finally settling into his new life with the Waynes and loves them. But then he finds out their secret identities. The Justice League works with the US Government. And the US Government funds the GIW. He won't go back to them. He won't.
Tumblr Links: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
AO3 Link
Empathy Verse: Jazz literally runs into someone outside the library when she's distracted. She's about to apologize when she feels the ghost-empathy radiating off the stranger. Instead she relaxes into his embrace.
Tumblr Link: Parts 1-5
Something to Feel: Danny moved to Gotham for university. However, the lack of other ghosts in the city is leaving him restless. He needs to get away from people and let off some steam.
Then he meets another halfa in the park. They're about to start fighting when Danny realizes their might be a more fun way to vent their frustrations.
Rating: E (smut)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Remember, Remember: Danny is a failed clone of Dick by the Court of Owls. Erasing his memory, they threw him out onto the world where he eventually got adopted by the Fentons. If the portal accident somehow knocked loose the mental block hiding his memories… Who knows what could happen.
Tumblr Link - 1k
AO3 Link - 1.3k
Electricity: Danny Phantom has been brought into the Justice League and it's great!
Or, well, it would be if Danny could be paired with anyone who wasn't an electricity user. The post-mission panic attacks are getting old and Jazz is worried.
Tumblr Link - 1.5k, T rating
AO3 Link - 2.4k, T rating
School Nurse!Danny: Danny gets a job as the nurse at Tim's school. He recognizes the type of injuries Tim comes in with almost immediately but doesn't say anything, happy to patch him up in the office or let him take a nap when needed. Until Red Robin decides to go out in costume the day after Tim was in his office with a broken arm. Looks like he has to call a parent-nurse meeting.
Tumblr Link - 1.6k words, G rating
AO3 Link - 2.7k
Kidnap Buddies: Tim and Danny are both kidnapped in Gotham when the goons couldn't figure out which black haired, blue eyed boy was Tim Drake. They bond as they're locked up and Danny uses is powers to help them escape.
T rating, 1.6k, complete. Tumblr only currently
Solved with a Touch: Danny and Damian Twin AU. Danny seeks out refuge with his birth father after he is forced to leave Amity. But he and Damian just cannot get along. So much time has passed and both of them have changed so much that they just cannot figure out how to reconnect. Until Dick forces them to go to a carnival together and they get hit with Poison Ivy's cuddle pollen.
Tumblr only, T rating, 2.8k
Johnny and Kitty overshadow Batman and Superman: What it says on the tin. Danny thinks the Justice League is expecting him to take care of the ghost problem in Amity alone. But when he goes to Gotham apologizing profusely for letting Kitty and Johnny get past him, the heroes have no idea who he is. Or why he was left to deal with a problem so severe on his own. As a teenager.
Half filled prompt, opening scene with Danny rushing to Gotham. Then it skips ahead to the heroes discovering the state of the Fenton household in Amity.
Attack on Sight: Demon Twin AU. Danny is in Gotham with his parents and Jazz when he sees Damian. League instincts kick in and the two are at each other's throats before Jazz or Dick can intervene.
Tumblr only, 1.1k, G/T rating
Constantine Bingo: Danny is being introduced to the Wayne's as Jason's boyfriend. During dinner, he gets notice that he won that round of Constantine Bingo.
Tumblr prompt fill, 873 words, G rating
Stalker Danny: Jason is being stalked and threatened by some sort of pit demon. Danny hopes the new halfa he just came across will accept his courting gifts.
Tumblr prompt fill, 764 words
Justice League Mechanic!Danny: When Danny applied for his position as civilian engineer with the JL, he filled out the demographic information stating he was a half ghost. Apparently, a number of the heroes didn't get the message and are freaked out when his heart stops beating or he puts a pause on the whole breathing thing.
1,060 words, T rating
DC Only
Obligatory Truth Serum Fic: Tim Drake gets captured and injected by a truth serum. Now he has to escape both the up-and-coming villain and his family before he can be asked any questions he doesn't want to answer.
2k, G rating
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drawingjester00 · 2 years
A small sample of the DC x DP fic I'm working on. It's a Damian/Danny (Dead Serious) fic
Danny wonders why these things always happen to him. This was just supposed to be an end-of-year trip to Gotham. One week he didn't have to fight ghouls or deal with Vlad's fruitloopiness. The universe hated him. At least that's the only conclusion that makes sense.
It started at one of Gotham's museums. Everything was great. They were looking at old stuff and he was joking around with Tucker and Sam. Then his ghost sense went off because of course.
It wasn't a surprise to see a few ghosts come in and start wreaking havoc. How did they know where to find him? He quickly got his answer when he saw Vlad. Vlad grabbed a random kid and fled. Sam and Tucker reassured him they got the other ghost to go after Vlad.
Damian was ready to body slam this vampire-looking man. Who the hell was he and where did he come from? The man turned them both intangible, going through several walls before ending up in a mostly empty room. The man tied up his wrist and ankles but left him otherwise unrestrained. Damian was able to press the call button on his watch.
"Hey vampire, you're a long ways away from Transylvania." Damian snarked.
"I'm not a vampire you insolent brat."
Damian rolled his eyes, "Then maybe you shouldn't dress like one."
Vlad went to retort but was tackled by Danny flying through the wall. Damian would have been surprised if weird shit didn't happen to him on the daily but still he had to put on a performance.
Damian looked at the fighting pair deadpan, "oh wow gee looks like I'm in quite a jam."
By the time Vlad was sucked into the phantom thermos Damian had already freed himself. Danny looked at the kid bewildered.
"You know staring is rude."
Danny scoffed, "I wasn't staring. Who the hell are you? What did Vlad want with you?"
"I have no clue. You came in before his villainous monologue," Damian paused before snickering, "is his name really Vlad? Like Vlad the Impaler, the original Dracula."
Danny can't believe he hadn't made that connection himself. He couldn't help but laugh. Damian raised a brow.
When Danny calmed he looked at the kid, "So kid are you hurt?"
"I would think that's the first thing you would have checked for. I could have bled to death while you went hysterical."
"Since when did twelve-year-olds get so snarky."
"I'm not twelve! I'm sixteen!"
"But you're so small."
"You are only a few inches taller than me. I'm also still tall enough to kick your ass. Who are you anyway? Batman doesn't like metas in his city."
"A what now?"
"A meta," a big man stepped out from the darkness, "You okay Damian?"
"Yeah, hood. Is it just you?"
"For now, yes," Red Hood looked at Danny, "who are you kid and why are you in Gotham."
"I'm Phantom and I'm supposed to be on a school trip but one of my arch nemesis found me but I stopped him so I should get going."
"I should go back to Hood. I'm fine and I'm sure the ghost boy would be willing to bring me back."
"Uh yeah sure let's go." Danny flew off.
Red Hood lowered himself and whispered, "keep an eye on him. If you have a tracker, use it."
"I'm not an idiot. I was already planning on it."
Danny flew back into the room, "you coming?"
"Are you gonna walk 'cause I certainly can't fly or phase through walls."
"Oh yeah. Let me just, " Danny scooped Damian up in a bridal style, "there we go. You ready now?"
Red Hood snickered as Damian turned red, squawking at the poor kid holding him.
"Put me down! Don't manhandle me!"
"Sorry but this is the quickest way."
Danny rushed off. Damian scowled like an angry cat. Danny chuckled, causing the other to start another rant full of foul language. Finally, Danny landed. Sam and Tucker were there waiting.
Sam gave him a confused expression, "Why are you carrying the youngest Wayne."
"Me dumbass! Put me down!" Damian squirmed.
Danny set him down. Damian adjusted his expensive uniform muttering. Sam grabbed Danny by the ear and pulled him aside.
She whispered," What are you doing carrying the Wayne kid."
"Vlad had him. Plus I still don't know who Wayne is."
"Wayne as in Bruce Wayne, " Sam pinched the bridge of her nose as Danny stared at her blankly, "Wayne as in Wayne Tech Industries."
"Oh… ohhhh. So maybe Vlad had him for some rich guy reason."
"We should keep an eye on him. He is just some pampered rich kid."
Danny nodded and went back over. He was surprised to see the kid was still there. He shuffled uncomfortably, unsure what to do from here. What he didn't see coming was the quick peck to his cheek followed by a growled thank you. Moments later the kid was gone.
Tucker grinned, "look at you, Danny. You just get all the rich babes don't you?"
"It was just a hero kiss," Sam waved her hand in front of Danny's face, "you still there."
"Yeah yeah just wasn't expecting that."
"Go change and catch up with the class."
"Good idea."
That night Danny patrolled the city. Gotham was a whole different beast at night. It was still busy, the lights were bright and the people were completely unfazed. He decided to take a break in the park. Not even five minutes he was being dragged by a vine. Now he was upside down face to face with a pretty green skin lady.
"Whatcha got there?" The blonde lady next to her asked.
"I think this is the mystery meta that Red Hood was talking about."
"He's a cutie ain't he? What do you think we should do with him?"
"Interrogate. Why are you flying around our city?"
Danny gulped, "just making sure none of the ghosts from the attack earlier weren't causing more chaos."
"Responsible young man aren't ya."
"Look I don't want no trouble I have enough of that —"
"Ivy put him down," A boy came down from the tree tops dressed in a costume, "he hasn't done anything wrong yet."
Ivy hesitated but she dropped him. Danny landed with an oof.
"You spooky kid come here."
Danny hesitated but went over. The kid narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue.
"Of course it's you. I heard about you," Damian walked over to Ivy, "I will deal with this," he gestures to Danny before putting his hands on his hips, "Isn't tonight date night?"
Harley smiles, "it sure is. Let's go Ives I think we can still make our dinner reservations."
Ivy grabbed Harley's hand, " be careful kiddo." She and Harley left the two vigilantes.
Damian went back over to Danny who just looked confused. So much happened in the past few minutes and he wasn't able to process it.
"You kid, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Uh patrolling."
"Gotham already has its team of heroes. We don't need you stirring the pot."
"I'm trying to help. I don't think Gotham's heroes know how to deal with ghosts."
"You don't know anything about Gotham."
"You know you're right. How do I know you're not a villain?"
"Because you would be in big trouble already. You're lucky those two are reformed."
"I guess you're part of Batman's crew although you're pretty short. I'm surprised the big bad Batman lets you out past curfew." Danny smirked.
Damian growled, "you better watch it, ghost boy."
"Oo did I strike a nerve."
Damian scowled and swung. Danny faked a yawn and went intangible. Damian ended up stumbling. He was quickly getting irritated. Damian tries to land a few more hits.
Danny laughed and pinched Damian's cheek, "so cute."
"I'm not cute. I'm gonna figure out what exactly you are and then I'm gonna kick your ass."
Before he could get another word in his ghost sense went off. It was the box ghost being annoying as fuck. Danny rolled his eyes before swiftly kicking his ass. Damian watched amused. Once the box ghost was away Danny was again at Damian's side.
"I didn't recognize that villain but you did adequately I guess."
"That's 'cause he is one of mine. He's a ghost."
"So you're both ghosts. Did you," Damian paused, "did you die?"
"Yeah, kinda I guess. I never thought about it that way."
"That is never easy."
"You say that like you have experienced dying."
Damian stayed quiet. Danny looked at him and was shocked. This boy had experienced death; his silence was answer enough. A million questions ran through his head but he shook his thoughts away and just hugged Damian.
"I don't know how that is possible but I'm not gonna question it."
Damian tense. It was weird the ghost boy felt so cold but it was comforting. Danny pulled away leaving a confused and blushing Damian. Damian was still standing there when Nightwing arrived.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
more than art.
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— geto suguru x f! reader
cw: art gallery owner!geto, art gallery employee!reader, just pure fluff-ish!!! geto trying to flirt :)
a/n: my first time writing a (short) fic for jjk & geto!! apologies in advance since i haven’t really grasped geto’s character that well! i got inspiration hehehehehe
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as you made your way to the office, you caught a glimpse of a tall figure slipping into one of the restricted access areas of the art gallery. you furrowed your brows as the male confidently walked inside and past the stanchions held together by a red velvet rope. the loud clicking of your heels reverberated through the quiet gallery as you made your way to the area the mystery man went, annoyance bubbling in the pit of your stomach, ready to tell him off.
“excuse me sir.. you’re not supposed to be in here.”
the man, genuinely shocked, whipped his body around to face you. he was dressed in a white button down, tucked into a black dress pants—the sleeves of his top rolled up to expose his veiny forearms. his onyx hair was securely wrapped into a bun, some stray hair cascading down his handsome face.
he raised his arms up in defence, giving you a sheepish smile, “oh! i’m sorry.. i was just looking at how this place was coming together.” you opened your mouth to say something in retort but abruptly stopped when you noticed how familiar the man in front of you looked.
those slender eyes and black earrings..
oh. oh. suguru geto
shit. he was the owner of this art gallery; a wealthy man. old money. you should have known, you’ve seen him close deals with several artists who’s art works don this massive gallery. your heart dropped as you quickly placed your palm to cover your lips in shock.
“o-oh my goodness! i’m so sorry, mr. geto! my bad, please, take a look for as long as you want!” you could feel heat spreading throughout your body as you profusely apologised, embarrassment engulfing you.
geto let out a small chuckle, his tone was full of velvet and honey. “no, no, it’s okay! you were just doing your job, i like that.” he wandered further down the vast room, analysing each framed work with such keenness in his eyes.
“hmm, this one’s quite the photograph, isn’t it?” he turned to look at you, finger pointing at the framed photograph behind him. you found yourself taking quick hasty steps to get closer to the man. “y-yes, indeed! i am actually very fond of this artist. the way they make such use of natural lighting.. it brings so much colour and emotions into the photograph. almost like you’re inside it.”
your eyes scanned the art before you, tracing every curve and bend of it as you allowed yourself to get lost within it’s artistic uniqueness. geto, on the other hand, studied the way you looked at the photograph with such passion. your eyes glimmering under the light like it held stars within them.
he thought you were cute.
“hmm, i like how you describe it.. kind of like reading between the lines, but in terms of art. most people don’t really appreciate the feelings behind every piece of art work.”
warmth crept up your cheeks as he complimented you. suddenly, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. your hand mindlessly reached up to your nape to scratch at it as you felt warmth creeping up your cheeks.
“ah.. thank you, mr. geto.” “oh, drop the formalities. just, suguru, please.” you hesitated for a bit but nodded, “yes.. suguru.” you didn’t miss the way the corners of his lips turned at the sound of his name falling from your lips.
the two of you mindlessly walked around the room, being cautious of the art in the room that were yet to be displayed. you’ve never really spoken to suguru up until now but there was just something between the two of you. your personalities clicked with one another. both of you meeting in the middle.
there were times where you rambled on about the photograph in front and he’d finish your sentence like he was reading your mind. and the both of you would just look at each other in awe, laughing at how bizarre it was.
you also didn’t miss the way he stole glances at you from the corner of your eye while you admired the art work ahead. your skin burned under his onyx gaze but you pretended not to see it, like it didn’t affect you at all.
“this one is truly beautiful.” you gaped at the photograph.
it was a photograph of the vast ocean. endless hues of cerulean engulfed the entirety of the photo—hints of sparkles of white here and there from the reflection of the sun. your eyes traced the curves of the gentle waves that creased the vast blueness. it was very detailed. to some, it was only a photograph of the water but to you, it showed how truly vast the ocean was. the unexplored depths of it, and the beauty of its azure body.
“mmm, beautiful indeed.” suguru muttered from beside you, his tone was a little off. almost like a dreamy sigh.
this time, you slowly turned your head to him. you were once again met with his intense onyx gaze, it was fixated on you.
you weren’t going to lie, it made your breath hitch. “..the art work..” you didn’t even make sense but you nervously chuckled, meekly pointing a finger at the photograph on the wall but suguru just shrugged, a small smile forming upon his lips. “oh, i am looking at a piece of art.”
your heart pounded against your chest as he said that without faltering. shit, was he flirting with you?
before you could say anything, he spoke up once again, “you know.. i’d love to talk about things more than art.. if you’re interested.”
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© mitsuyeaah
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tragedybunny · 1 month
Pretty Baby 2
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Astarion is a brat on several occasions and is duly punished for it. In between, he and Mommy (Fina) deal with some emotional issues.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Tav
༺Warnings༻ NSFW - PiV Sex, Anal Play, Femdom, Mommy Kink, Feminization, Forced Orgasm, Chastity Cage, Porn with Feelings, Porn streaming, Pegging, Astarion being a brat
༺Word Count༻ 3783
So, it's chapter 2 of a fic I never planned to write. Lol. And somewhow now we've got plot and feelings involved. Hope you all enjoy, I had a lot of fun writing it. And huge thank you to the best of betas and friends, @icybluepenguin
The chat is populated by Tav's and other characters from my friends, they all helped makes this a delight.
Check out two similar fics if you dig mine. Decadent Torture and Careless Whisper
Read On AO3 Chapter 1
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“Hush, a little more, then your punishment is over.” I let go of his cock, turn off the plug vibrating in his ass, and give him a short reprieve. 
Drawing gasping breaths, he looks up at me with pleading, tear filled eyes. God, his eyes are pretty; startling crimson, soft, and round. Normally, I cave when they're all watery like this. But not tonight - tonight is for lessons. 
I play with the little pink bow on his white thigh high stocking. Leaving him with only those, his white bra, and of course his collar, made him such a fetching picture for our little teaching session.
He'd spent most of the night on his knees in the naughty corner, those stockings peeking out of his pleated white skirt, a little pink cashmere sweater completing his look. I'd posted a few pictures that had his audience nice and worked up.
Demi_g0ddess: oh looks like Little Star was very bad today can’t wait to see what Mommy does to the little brat Bookworm420: didn’t realize Mommy was a thicc queen this might be too much for my ovaries
The chat had been crowded when we set up for the stream. Before the camera went on, I told him what to take off and how to prep, but not what I was planning. 
We went live and I made him give a little introduction. 
“I've had a very bad attitude lately and Mommy wants to make sure I'm thoroughly punished, so she's letting you all watch.” Every word was said petulantly as he leaned into playing the brat. 
Ari147: wonder what he did… Drag-onme: who cares, as long we get to watch the aftermath BardlockLongdick: is that a leather couch animal cruelty is not sexy.
“Go on,” I prompted, gesturing for him to get ready. 
The clothes he stripped were folded and set to the side, the chat cheering him on. When he kneeled down, I handed him a vibrating plug that made his eyes go wide. 
“Mommy, please…” he pleaded, but obediently went to work prepping and inserting it, cheeks flushed a deep red. I let him position himself in my lap, head propped on the arm of the couch. Then I started typing, Astarion watching with dawning horror.  
Mommy: Little Star has been an absolute brat about wearing a chastity cage while I’m out of town, because he wouldn’t be able to touch himself. So, tonight, I’m making him come as many times as I think he can handle. 
Demonbbyy: poor little thing got himself into a lot of trouble  TestyZesty: Mommy is way too nice about it but I’m still going to watch.
And here we were- Astarion, covered in his own semen, whimpering in my arms. I drag my finger along his cock, and he sucks in a shuddering breath. One more and I think he’ll have learned his lesson. I push the button on the remote for the plug.
“Fuck,” he whines the word. 
Penguino: aww, Mommy, I think he’s had enough  TestyZesty: nah, he’s still coherent  keep going Demi_g0ddess: Zesty, we’re sharing a brain cell  DrowDaddy: this chat is very mean tonight
I put a generous coating of lube on my hand and begin to work his shaft again. He pants and moans, desperate sounds falling from his lips as he builds to another orgasm. 
The chat continues to go feral as he whines and cries. I'm gentle this last round, languidly rubbing, letting the plug do its work. “That's it, one more for me. You've been so good for your punishment.”
He squirms at the praise, tearfully whimpering, hips weakly bucking as I take him to climax again. My other hand turns up the intensity on the plug. 
“Pleeeease,” he cries, voice ragged.
Another spurt of cum and he goes limp. I turn off the plug and lean down to kiss his sweat soaked forehead, letting him recover for a moment. He's so pretty like this, spent and helpless in my lap.  “Now, are you ready to apologize for being such a little brat the past couple of days?” 
He doesn't hesitate. “I'm sorry, Mommy,” he whimpers, tears running down his face. 
“Good baby. Almost done.” 
He tenses. “But...”
“Shh. They get to see because of the attitude.” He makes a noise. “Don't turn this into a spanking session,” I warn and he gets quiet. 
I take a warm, moist towel I'd set up earlier and clean up his pretty cock. The chat is losing it. 
KneelForMeSweets: and we get to see the cage  can he act up every night 
It's a pretty pink little chastity cage, just perfect for him. I slide the ring on first, then put the tube over his cock before locking it down. He's so quiet, I can hear every breath and the sniffles he's still fighting. 
Once they get a good look, I shut down the stream. 
Mommy: I'm going to go get this little brat cleaned up. Hopefully, he's learned his lesson.
Bitchybambi: I hope not, I want to see what you do next  KneelForMeSweets: she can DM me for ideas.
I kill the video and give him a proper kiss as he clings to me, spent and shivering. “Come on, you. Bath time.”
Astarion is unusually quiet during our aftercare session, and when he's settled into bed in a pair of oversized pajamas, I pull him close, and he snuggles into my neck on instinct. 
“You know, if you think it's too much to wear it, you don't have to.” I run my fingers through his curls and cover his face in soft kisses. He's done stints in the cage before, but I'm starting to doubt myself on this one. It would kill me to ever hurt him for real. 
He doesn't move; if anything, he burrows deeper into the crook of my neck. “It's not, and I am sorry for being a pain. It's just…”
He makes a small, frustrated noise and I keep petting him. “Take your time.” 
For a few minutes, he just takes shaky breaths, and then he speaks. “It’s this whole going back to school thing. I'm nervous, and you're going to be gone for the next two days. And what if this is a dumb idea and I can't do it.”
“It's not a dumb idea, you really like fashion design, baby. And why do you think you can't do it?” 
“Remember the last time I was in school? I failed out.” 
“Astarion, you didn't want to be a lawyer and you hated law school. You only went because Caz-” I feel him tense in my arms, “because he made you.” 
“I know.” He sounds teary again. “But it doesn't mean I don't feel stupid.”
“Love, my pretty little wife, you are not stupid. You’re capable and creative. And you know I won’t have time on this stupid team building trip, otherwise I’d bring you with.” 
“Still going to miss you, though.” 
“I know, baby. I’ll be back before you know it.”
The next morning, Astarion drives me to the airport. I put the keys for his collar and the cage in my jewelry box in case of an emergency or if it’s too much for him. It's cold and rainy, and he’s adorable in oversize sweats with sleepy eyes. After he unloads my bag, I pull him in for a hug and feel it pressed against me. A wave of lust courses through me; I can’t wait to come back and have a nice little session with him. 
“Call me when you land, Fina.” 
I don’t know if he realizes how much I’ll miss him. Astarion and I have rarely been apart since we met in grad school. It's just as hard on me to get on that plane and be without him.
We get one quick call before I’m off to the first of many “activities” the firm planned. I can’t be too angry about it, they pay a ton, and it finances my trophy wife’s lifestyle. I tell Astarion I’ll call him after dinner and karaoke hour. 
The whole day isn't that tortuous, and most of my coworkers get into the spirit of things for karaoke. I still make my exit as soon as I can to get some time in with Astarion. 
To my surprise, I see he's streaming. Sprawled out on the bed in a sheer black satin chemise that's ridden up his thighs enough to show off his beautifully caged cock. 
Instead of anything salacious, he's painting his nails. Not every stream is as action filled as last night. Some of them are just mundane things like now. I can’t fault the audience, I'd still pay to see him too, if he wasn’t mine already. I slide into the chat without announcing myself. 
Ari147: nothing fun tonight? :( 
“I’m afraid not, darling. If I don’t get any fun, neither do you.” He blows a cheeky kiss to the camera, and readjusts, spreading his legs more. One hand idly traces unpainted nails along a thigh while he blows on the ones he just painted. 
He’s such a filthy little tease. 
Mommy: glad to see you’re behaving yourself tonight
He sits up straighter, eyes lighting up. “Hi, Mommy. Missing all this?” His hand climbs higher, running up his abdomen to his chest. 
Demonbbyy: if she isn’t, I’ll take him   Mommy: settle yourselves down
Astarion leans over, getting on all fours to look directly into the camera, licking his lips. “Well, are you?” he pouts. 
Mommy: you know I am, and I’ll prove it when I get home 
His breath hitches. “That’s all for tonight, darlings. I want to give Mommy all my… attention.” 
The stream goes blank and he’s video-calling me seconds later. “Hi.” He smiles giddily. “I thought you might be a little later.”
“What can I say, I do actually miss you a lot. How was your day?”
We chat for a while and I watch him finish his nails, still in his chemise, which hides nothing as he shifts around. He seems less nervous about the school situation, which I chalk up to actually talking about it. 
“Alright, I should probably get to sleep. I’ll call you in the morning.” 
The morning call goes smooth enough, but the day is filled with seminars and an afternoon paintball session. Why do HR departments always think that’s a good idea? Astarion starts texting me around lunch, chatty little messages that I don’t have time to properly answer. Then the attitude creeps in. 
“Fine, if you don’t want to talk to me.”
“I. Am. Busy. Astarion. I’ll call after dinner.”
I forgot dinner is an awards banquet that traps me for longer than I’d anticipated. It never seems to end, and I start trying to text him during it. No response, and a part of me begins to stress that he’s not doing well. He’d tell me though if he wasn’t, I’m pretty sure. 
I practically run up to my room after dinner, skipping the cocktail hour after and all the great networking. All because he has me nearly panicked with worry. So of course, when he doesn’t answer his phone, I’m furious to find him on stream. 
He’s not actually wearing anything, sitting on the plush white rug, a cozy glow from the fireplace providing ambient lighting.
BaasaNova: weren’t you supposed to be in a chastity cage while Mommy is gone 
He gives his hard cock a firm stroke and moans dramatically, red eyes dancing with mischief. “If I’m getting ignored, I’m not going to listen. Besides, she’s busy, so what she doesn’t know isn’t going to hurt her.”
Bookworm420: this seems like a bad idea I don't want to see you get in trouble. 
It isn’t about disobeying me, or any other kink related thing. He really thinks I’d ignore him on purpose. And that stings like nothing else I've ever felt. 
I wait and lurk while he continues to touch himself. He's bubbly and flamboyant, basking in the praise of the chat. Normally, I'd be entranced by his hand working that gorgeous shaft, now I'm getting more furious. 
Finally, with an exaggerated cry, he comes all over himself. While his hand gives a few more lazy pumps, he glances at the chat. 
Mommy: I hope that was worth it 
His eyes get wide and he sits up straight. “Shit.” 
The stream dies just as he starts calling me.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…” he whimpers before I can say anything.
“Astarion,” I cut him off. “I want you to know that I still love you and that isn't going to change. But I'm so hurt and angry right now that you could decide I would ignore you on purpose.”
“Please, I just…” 
“No, we're not going to talk about this now. I'm going to give you until I get home tomorrow to get your thoughts together. But right now I'm too angry to talk to you. So I'm going to go to bed and will call you in the morning.”
 He sobs. “No, stay on the phone with me. Please, Fina.”
I sigh and relent. “I love you, Star.”
We lay in silence for a long time, the occasional sniffle coming from his end. Finally, I'm too exhausted and have to sleep, and reluctantly tell him goodnight.  
There's a subdued call in the morning and I tell him I'll get a cab at the airport, I don't think he should be driving while that upset. Then I'm on the way home. The anger has mostly worn off but this stunt of his still hurts. 
When I get home, hev hasn't left the bed, completely naked, almost hiding under the covers. I don't even think twice before getting under them with him and pulling him to me.
“I'm sorry,” he says softly into my neck, reminding me so much of the day we first kissed. The day I'd needed to take care of him after what Cazador had done to him. 
“I know. Tell me what happened.” I bury my face in his curls and kiss his head. 
“I started getting nervous again and started to panic, and I wanted to talk to you. And I got upset that I couldn't. I know you wouldn't just ignore me.”
“Then why didn't you say you were anxious? I could have made time if I had known you were panicking.”
“I didn't want you to think I was weak. Especially after you told me that you believed in me.”
“Astarion, love, you are always going to be one of the strongest people I've ever met.” My hands rub his back, fingers finding the scars of years of his adopted father's “discipline.” “I'm sorry too, I think I pushed you into something you didn't need while you were nervous. Even if you said you were alright with it.” 
He gets quiet for a moment before answering. “It isn’t your fault. You’re always the best you can be to me.” 
“Still, maybe we should take a break from some of the more performative things.” I feel him tense and kiss his cheek to reassure him. 
“No, it makes me so happy to be like that, to be so completely yours. Don’t take that away.” 
“Let's talk some more tomorrow. There's no need to rush anything.”
“Alright. And, well, you did say that you were going to show me how much you missed me?” His voice pitches soft and breathy. 
“Astarion, you horny little gremlin,” I tease. 
“Please, Mommy. I know I was very naughty, but don't I deserve a little treat?” 
I already feel slick between my legs, even if I'm not sure that I should let him do this. 
“I know what you're thinking, but I can handle some relatively vanilla sex right now. I want to be loved.” He gives me his best wide-eyed pleading look. 
“Alright, baby.” 
I sit up, and he helps me undress, leaving kisses wherever he can reach. My hand reaches out to wrap around his stiffened cock and give a few languid strokes. I catch his eyes wandering down to my breasts with naked longing. 
Relatively vanilla, he said.
“Come here.” 
I lay back, and he follows, slotting between my legs. His cock pushes into me as his lips latch onto a nipple, and he sucks frantically. “There you go.” I stroke his hair, and he starts fucking me with wild, desperate thrusts. “That's what you needed, huh, baby.”
He whines and sucks harder, teeth scraping until pleasure blends with pain. Molten heat builds in my core with each snap of his hips, and I doubt either of us will last long. 
“So good for me,” I pant as I feel myself contract around him and my body tingle with bliss. That does it, and he gives one last jerky thrust as I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him in tight to take every drop of him. 
He collapses on top of me, still suckling, and I let him stay that way, fucked and comforted.
After a very nice Saturday in our pajamas, we talk and settle some things between us. Astarion is still very nervous about school in a couple of weeks, but doesn't want to change the things he loves about our relationship. He even insists on punishment for his bad behavior.
We agree on three days with the chastity cage, the two he originally was supposed to have and one extra. No clothing at home, so I can see it at all times. It kills me not being able to play with my wife's pretty cock. But you know, discipline hurts me more than it hurts him, or something.  
And at the end of the third day, a very serious lesson. So, I arrange something special, to be shared with his audience, like he shared his misbehavior. He's been waiting in the bedroom while I set things up.
“Safe word, wifey,” I order when I come to collect him. 
He stares at my too short, black latex dress with my pale pink strap-on visible where it rides up over my thighs, and blushes. “Objection.” 
“Good, baby.” I lead him to the living room where the camera is already at the right angle to watch as I bend him over the couch arm, pushing his face into the cushion right next to the waiting paddle. I watch him shiver with anticipation and spare a glance at the chat. They’re in rare form tonight. 
DM_ME_UR_SYRUP: Back from my two week ban just in time.  Thornyonmain: Hggnnnnnn, god he looks so good like that am I enjoying the impending pain too much Bitchybambi: Nah, he's asked for this  Demi_g0ddess : You're so right, bestie Penguino: Aww, you guys, have a little sympathy
Picking up the paddle, I run it over the curve of his ass and hear him whimper. My hand pushes down on his back, commanding and reassuring. The first smack is light and I give him a moment. He trembles but says nothing. 
Another one, slightly harder, he whines but doesn’t say anything. I keep going, watching his pale skin burst into red blossoms with each impact. I can feel him shaking under my hand and hear when he starts to cry. 
“You’re being so good,” I coo.
He sobs in response. It’s been awhile since he had a serious spanking session. I keep whispering praise as I go, letting him know how well he’s doing, how much I love him. He’s a teary mess when I’m done, and I can feel the warmth coming from his skin. 
“I’m sorry I was naughty, Mommy,” he whines through tears.
“Shh, shh, I know. I think you deserve a little reward for taking the punishment so well.”
l take the lube I have waiting and coat my fingers. He whines for a totally different reason when I spread him open and push a finger inside his tight hole.
“Fuck,” he mewls when the second one enters. 
He pants through clenched teeth while I work them inside of him, getting him ready to take me. Each stretch and flex draws a new noise and when he’s ready, I coat the strap in lube and press the tip of it against his entrance. Even with a stinging ass, he rolls his hips into it, desperate and needy. 
I gave him a little playful smack on the marks darkening to bruises. “Behave.” 
He yelps but stills. Slowly, I slide it into him, relishing each little moan as I fill him. Then my hips rock, and I thrust deeply, before stilling again. 
“Please,” he begs, desperately. 
“Please what?”
“Fuck me, Mommy.” 
I reward him with another deep thrust, and began to move my hips with a quick rhythm. Under me, Astarion is losing himself, keening wails and pleading whimpers accompany my every movement. 
I'm aware just how achingly empty I am; later we’ll take care of me. Right now, I focus on making him properly blissed out. 
I know his cock is straining against the cage, leaking helplessly, as he reaches the edge. My fingers dig into his hips and I fuck him as deep as I can until a wordless shout rips from him and his whole body is shaking again. I press my hips tight to his, as deep into him as I can while his orgasm ebbs away with multiple whimpers, only pulling out when he’s stilled. 
Turning back, I give the chat a good-bye and end the stream.
SquidDomme: He has in fact not learned anything DrowDaddyG: I think he'll try to be better, he's such a sweet boy BardlockLongdick: Maybe you all should try opening a Bible instead of this website DM_ME_UR_SYRUP: Anyone know how I can get an air horn noise to play in chat (I'm joking, please don't ban me again)
Then I remove the strap-on and save it for later clean up. “Come here, wifey,” I say, sitting on the couch. 
Sluggishly, he obeys, coming to rest his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair and let him come  down from the experience. 
“I love you,” he murmurs into my thighs.
“I love you too. No more bratty behavior, right?” 
I feel the little smirk he makes. “Absolutely, lesson learned.” 
We both know he's lying, but I trust none of it will be super hurtful again. “Good little wife.”
Tag list:
@micropoe10  @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
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