#gosh I love those three gremlins so much
So the new Barbie trailer dropped and with it came a new meme template...
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obviously i had to adjust it for the three of them but either way it was fun to draw :)
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callsign-songbird · 3 months
OK ok ok, my mind is churning with an AU
So, we know Charlie's wonderful slasher Simon AU, right? Well, I just finished the second scream movie and BOY do I have thoughts for my own vaiernt of the Slasher Simon AU.
Of course, not for any convoluted reason like Micky or Ms. Lumen, no. Just because Simon had a rough upbringing, and it's one of the only ways he knows how to releive stress. Besides, he's always found knives and firearms fascinating, especially his KBAR and his Snake Eye. The first time was an accident, the second time felt good, and after that? After that was just... Ghost.
They can go to an rotc specializing college (idk if those exist, but it's 4 am, I'll finesse the details later) ANYWAY they can be split up by Dorms!! Like, dorm TF141, and K0RT4C.
Laswell could be the headmistress, or Vice President
Price would totally be the golden boy dorm leader. He has to make sure that the boys under his jurisdiction stay safe and abide by dorm rules. He totally acts like the father of the group and always gets mistaken for a teacher (although, he does tutor students who fall behind, even if they aren't in his dorm)
Gaz could be the clumsy right-hand man who always has the scoop around campus (Golden retriever boy) always wears a baseball cap or letterman jacket, sometimes both.) He's the little brother of the group, definitely. Not to the point where he is baby, but definitely to the point where the others help him out a bit more and tend to give him advice (whether it's warranted or not) and he totally looks up to Price.
Soap is a study abroad student from Scotland who takes his studies almost as serious as his Rugby. A total Jock, but not the sleazy kind, the kind that takes a drunk girl home and writes her a note explaining what happened while leaving a bucket by her bed and some pedialite on the bedside (because not everyone can drink like him) going with the brother theme, Soap is TOTALLY the older brother, you can't tell me I'm wrong. I totally headcannon that he grew up in a stable household with three younger sisters, so he's just used to being the big brother.
Simon would (obviously) be the Ghostface. The scream movies are really good at keeping you guessing who the killers are, so it really wouldn't be obvious at all. He's buff from sports and the time he spends either at the gym or training in martial arts for his expected military career, of course he still likes dark humor and really bad jokes, and has a penchant for skull themed clothes, going as far as to wear a skull-print balaclava in winter. (Soap has declared himself as Simon's best friend. Simon won't admit it, but it's true.) Keeping up with the brothers theme, Simon is DEFINITELY a middle child. Quiet, reserved, brooding, tries to keep to himself so people tend to overlook him. Middle child all the way in this dorm dynamic. (Though, being a murder isn't exactly his LIFE, more of a hobby to let off steam, so it isn't really the focal point of the AU so much as college shenanigans)
And Roach (Because in my AU roach is alive and well) if the dorm is a family, then Roach is the pet, or the Wine uncle who occasionally shows up at 3 in the morning to steal snacks. Roach is the dorm party animal, always up to trouble, always has a drink, everyone loves him, and he always seems to know everything about everyone on campus. But he's also a feral gremlin who says and does weird things (like taking naps in the ceiling on lunch) all the time, so half the time no one takes him seriously. Odd and feral as he may be, he's still part of the dorm, and everyone treats him as such.
I still have to think about the K0RT4K dormmates and their dynamic, as well as the Ghosts squad, but oh my gosh, let me know if you want any more, and please send asks if you're interested! Though, I'll probably be drabbling more about it anyway, lol
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bu-blegh-ost · 10 months
whos your favourite riptide chaaracter?? :>
Hehe, I'd be lying if I didn't say Gillion. All three are absolutely amazing, but when it comes to the main cast, Gilly got me from the very start. I have a soft spot for funny dummies, but even softer spot for characters that have been raised to be dangerous and ruthless and yet have so much love and softness inside. Together with his adorable confusion, I just can't have enough of him. I love his character growth and how much of a feral gremlin he can be (I enjoy those scenes way too much xD) without loosing anything that makes him a relatable loving, beautiful being with depth.
Jay and Chip are both in the second place, I cannot simply choose between these two ^^ I have so many things to say about them as well, but I'm probably overresponding enough already xD
Honourable mentions of characters I would absolutely die for are but are not limited to:
-Drey Ferin (gosh, he just does nothing most of the time but the times he actually talks to the captains, he's like the most uplifting and helpful uncle in the world and his input into their growth...we should appreciate this Man so much more, thank you Drey)
-Kira (I'd let Kira arrest me. I bet we'd have a fun chat together while she's escorting me. She's just so fucking chill, I adore her energy. Kira, my beloved, pls become a Riptide Pirate)
-Edyn (I have so many things to say about Edyn. Her situation is such a mess, but a mess she made out of pure love and desire to have her brother back and damn I just cannot fault her for that. I Hope she gets to assassinate Elders one day. She deserves at least a few kills xD)
-Ollie (I'd die for this child. I'd kill for this child. I'd dry the sea for this child. I'd keep the child safe. I'd put the child in bubble wrap so the child will never be unsafe again. I'd revive Chip with necromancy if I have to just so he can come back to this child as he promised)
-Old Man Earl (Old Man Earl.)
A lot more characters tbh, but again, I think I already did more than I was asked for, oops 😅
Take care anon <3
I'd love to hear some of your favourites!
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crowdvscritic · 2 years
round up // DECEMBER 21
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’Tis the season for Christmas favorites and squeezing in potential Best of the Year contenders. This Round Up is shorter than usual since December is for rewatching lots of Christmas favorites—you can find some all-time faves in my Letterboxd list if you’re still in the Christmas spirit. (I still am!) 
The fun facts about this Round Up comes in threes…
There are two three-quels
There are three musicals
Andrew Garfield, Vanessa Hudgens, and Lin-Manuel Miranda all make more than one appearance, and you can catch them all together in one of my picks
At least three of these movies will almost certainly make my Top 10 of 2021—check back in on my January Round Up to see which ones make the cut
December Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Free Guy (2021)
Ryan Reynolds further proving he is a master of the comic facial expressions. Also, I just want Joe Keery to be a movie star! Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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2. The Running Man (1987)
Before The Hunger Games (or Squid Game), Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in a Stephen King adaptation about a life-or-death TV show in a future dystopia. It’s a spoof of consumerism and culture that wants us to entertain us to death; it’s also a solid ‘80s action-adventure. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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3. Double Feature - Absolutely Bonkers Sequels With Christmas Settings: Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) + The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star (2021)
Do you want Christmas movies that are shy on the schmaltz and heavy on the bonkers? These sequels are made for you! In Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10), much of the original cast returns, as do those evil little buggers with a knack for destroying everything in their path. It’s somehow even more bonkers than the ’84 original, and now features a Gremlin who can talk! In The Princess Switch 3 (Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 4/10), Vanessa Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens play a lookalike heiress, princess, and baker from Chicago, respectively. It’s the best kind of bad movie, full of over-the-top fashion, convoluted/poorly explained hijinks, and tons of Christmas decor. 
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4. Spider-man: No Way Home (2021)
Some of the best cotton candy you’ll ever taste. You’ll realize later there was no lasting substance for the arc of Tom Holland’s Spider-man, but gosh darn it if it wasn’t the most delicious, spectacle-filled snack. Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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5. Encanto (2021)
If spending the holidays with your family has confirmed your belief that your family is both the most amazing and the most dysfunctional group out there, Encanto knows how you feel. Mirabel’s family can control the weather, grow flowers, shape shift, lift anything, cure any ailment with baking, and hear a pin drop between them. But, like all families, the Madrigals have some drama. Fortunately, we get to work through it with new music from Lin-Manuel Miranda and another solid story in the Disney canon. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
December Critic Picks
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1. House of Gucci (2021)
Gaga! Driver! Pacino! Irons! Heck, I even loved Leto in this. House of Gucci was exactly what I hoped it would be—so much so it’s one of maybe 15 movies for which I would happily watch a 3+ hour version. This fashion-filled, Italian accent-overloaded, Macbeth meets King Lear drama of greed, succession, and murder rules. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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2. West Side Story (2021)
I wasn’t sure Steven Spielberg could pull off a worthy remake to one of my all-time favorite musicals, but this updated interpretation matched or exceeded the ‘60s classic in almost every way. (I did miss Russ Tamblyn quite a bit, though.) I suspect it’s even better when you don’t need to make an unplanned intermission for a tornado watch. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 10/10
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3. I’ll Be Seeing You (1944)
Joseph Cotten and Ginger Rogers meet on a train over Christmas holiday and are immediately smitten, but secrets and a nosy cousin (Shirley Temple) threaten to ruin their vacation. A sweet but not-too-sentimental (and under-seen) Christmas classic. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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4. Double Feature: Being the Ricardos + TCM’s The Plot Thickens Season 3 (2021)
Guys, I’m all in on Sorkin, and I love Lucy—Being the Ricardos is for me. While it took a bit for me to warm up to Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem stepping into the pearls and coif I grew up watching in reruns, they won me over in their portrayal of all the drama behind one of the great sitcoms. Listen to TCM’s third season of their podcast all about Lucille Ball to learn how accurate Sorkin’s take on this season of her life is. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. tick, tick…BOOM! (2021)
Yes, this taps into my I’m-almost-30-and-what-have-I-actually-done-with-my-life anxiety, but Andrew Garfield and Lin-Manuel Miranda are affirming why they’re both big winners of 2021, and Jonathan Larson’s musical is full of music you’ll want to listen to again and again. Bonus: Vanessa Hudgens reminds me why I want the High School Musical squad in tons of musicals! Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
Also this December…
On SO IT’S A SHOW?, Kyla and I got smart with Get Smart in the season 5 finale of Gilmore Girls. It’s a a James Bond spoof that is still making us laugh today. So put down your shoe phone—unless that’s how you listen to podcasts—and join us for a discussion of spies, robots, KAOS, brainwashed dogs, switched briefcases, lots of apologies to the Chief, and a couple that likes to steal yachts for date night.
I checked out Finch and The Mitchells vs. the Machines in my quest to watch buzzy 2021 movies before the end of the year. They didn’t make the cut for my Round Ups, but it did inspire me to make a Letterboxd list of movies with notable St. Louis moments since my hometown appeared in both of those films. 
Photo credits: IMDb.com.
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Check In (Intrulogical)
A/N: Finished this fic relatively quickly! It's a lot shorter than the Roceit one I posted earlier this week but it's still kinda a long fic lol!
Summary: Directly following the events of WTIT, Remus pops into Logan's room for what he claims is a quick chat, but that quickly grows into something more when the two actually get to talking.
Content Warnings: innuendos, swearing, intrusive thoughts, implied NS/FW (but nothing happens, dw), hurt-comfort
Logan had taken shelter in his room the moment Thomas got home from his outing with Nico. The logical side couldn’t stand to be around the other sides at the moment and he needed to sort out what was going on in his head.
The spectacled side took a deep breath and sat at his desk, staring at the wooden tabletop before slamming his fist down on it. “Fuck!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, infinitely thankful for the magic soundproofing around everyone’s rooms. What would the others think if they heard the rational, level headed (yeah right) Logic yelling expletives at random in his room?
He straightened his tie and glasses and got up, summoning a straw dummy labeled “Thomas”. He stood in front of it and glared at the doll, visibly angry, before he began ranting to it. He talked and talked, yelling at the dummy about how angry he was at being constantly ignored and pushed aside and made fun of, and if the familiar 10 notes announcing a certain Creativity’s presence hadn’t gotten his attention, he would have continued.
“My my Logan, you’ve got so much to say and no one to say it to, huh!” The moustached side raised an eyebrow, smirking at the nerd.
“...what do you want, Remus.” Logan’s words were curt, like he was trying to say just little enough to make the Dark Side leave.
“Gosh, I can’t just talk to a friend?-”
“We are not friends.”
“Ouch!” Remus pretended to be injured. “You’re so prickly, like a kinda sexy cactus! What’s up your ass today?”
Logan stopped and consulted his flashcards, hearing Remus snicker at this and trying to ignore the fact that his face was burning slightly. “Um… Ah.” He found the card he was looking for and examined it a little. “Nothing is ‘up my ass’ today, Remus. You know full well why I’m upset.”
“Uh huh, cuz I called you out on your lying ass.” He sounded irritatingly proud of that fact.
“Yes, well, you got what you wanted. Are you just here to rub it in my face?” Logan stared at Remus, though he noticeably avoided direct eye contact with the gremlin of a side.
Remus frowned. “No, actually.”
“Then you’re here to make me… feel… worse, correct?”
“Nope!” The green-sashed monster grinned.
“Then what do you possibly hope to gain from this interaction?” The blue tied Side frowned. Remus wasn’t here to bug him, or to upset him further? What reason, then, did he have to come to Logan’s room?
“It’s like I said earlier, I wanted to talk to you!”
“...what about?”
Remus shrugged. “I dunno! What do you wanna talk about?”
Logan blinked. “...excuse me?”
“Yeah! Let’s hear what you wanna talk about!” The Duke sat down on Logan’s bed and grinned up at him.
“...” The teacher was silent. “...you’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Remus blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Why would I-?”
“Yes, I figured as much. Remus, I don’t have time for your games and if you’re simply going to make fun of me you can just-”
“Woah! Pump the brakes Lo, who said I was making fun of you?” The green side looked legitimately confused.
Logan crossed his arms. “Remus, statistically speaking, a total of… Zero sides share any of my interests. A total of three sides have shown aversion to or have mocked the things I consider interesting or enj- er, have a vague liking towards. Why should I believe you aren’t here to add to the latter set of data?”
“First of all, because I sat through that whole talk.” Remus joked. Seeing that Logan just rolled his eyes, he continued. “And secondly, because we also have some of the same interests! Your census of mockery only includes J-Anus, Emo Boy, Hop-Pop Patton and my dumbass brother!”
“Really? Then what are some of those shared interests, oh Duke of Imaginary Death?”
“That was terrible, one.” Remus held up his pointer finger. “And two, we both like chemistry, and poisoning, and astronomy-”
“Wait wait wait.” Logan held a hand up to silence Remus for a moment. “You… like astronomy?”
“Sure! What’s more existentially terrifying than imagining going hurtling right into the sun, or a black hole, or-” Remus’s eyes widened as he talked about the possibilities.
“Thank you, Remus.” Logic sighed. “But… why talk with… me?”
“Cuz… I kinda owe it to you? After being a dickhead all day?”
Logan blinked. “You didn’t have a phallus for a head today?-”
“Figure of speech, teach.” Remus explained curtly.
Logan ‘ah’d’ and nodded.
“And anyways… I wanted to apologize.”
That caused Logan to stop. “...you… wanted to apologize… to me?”
“Yeah, it’s weird for me too, but it’s true! I didn’t mean to make you so mad you - figuratively - blew up, I just wanted to prove a point.”
“I appreciate your use of the word figuratively Remus, and… thank you.”
“No problem!” Remus grinned and thought for a second. “So… wanna talk about forensics?”
Logan’s eyes lit up. “Do I ever!-” He stopped. “Ah, uh, I mean… If you’d like to…?”
Remus giggled. “Cute! But you don’t have to hide that, not around me at least!”
“...thank you…” Logan smiled softly and the duke’s heart just about stopped.
“Uh, um… no problem Nerdy Wolverine.” Remus smiled weakly at the cute nerd.
The logical side rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Remus’s shoulder, which brought the moustached side’s attention to just how touch starved he was - a problem for another day, Mus.
“So what d'ya wanna talk about? Black lights, true crime?”
“Both interesting conversations, but… how about another topic you mentioned earlier?” Logan sounded timid, like he was scared Remus would stop listening if he dared to change the subject.
“Oh? What’d you have in mind?” The intrusive thot tilted his head at a sickening 180 degree angle, but that didn’t seem to bother Logan.
“You mentioned being fascinated by astrology as well. Would you like to talk about that?”
“Of course I would, my nerdy Astro-Boy Toy~” Remus laughed at his own nickname, to which Logan rolled his eyes again. “What about space, starlight?”
Logan’s smile grew ever so slightly, thankfully drawing Remus’s attention to that as opposed to his pink cheeks. “Well… let’s talk about constellations. You’re a storyteller of sorts, what’s your favorite constellation origin story?”
“Ooh, how fun!” Remus grinned. “Well, I personally love the story of Aquila, the king who got turned into a golden eagle messenger thing because Zeus got jealous of how much people liked him! You know, he’s the one who brought Zeus his cupbearer, Ganymede? That’s where the Aquarius constellation comes from! He was some Trojan prince, he ended up being the god of homosexual love! Historians think his name was a euphemism, since it’s a combination of the Greek words for ‘gladdening’ and ‘genitals’!”
Logan nodded and watched Remus explain the stories, smiling at how enthusiastically Remus shared the information. Remus noticed this and stopped. “Well, how ‘bout you, teach?”
“Huh?” Logan blinked, being pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Remus’s voice.
“You wanted to talk about constellations! What’s your favorite story?”
“Oh, um… I enjoy the story of Orion, the hunter who killed so many innocent creatures that Gaea sent a large scorpion to kill him and then put both of them in the stars for all eternity.”
“Huh! So that Scorpio constellation…?”
“Yes, that’s its origin story as well.” Logan smiled.
“Funny! I would never have guessed it!” That wasn’t true. Remus knew each and every constellation origin story like the back of his palm. He loved Greek mythology, but the only thing he loved more than that was seeing how Logan’s face lit up when he got to explain it. “Any other stories?”
The teacher blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh, um… I also enjoy the Cassiopeia story…”
The duke’s face brightened, eagerly awaiting Logan’s explanation. The spectacled astronomer’s face turned pink when he realized this, not sure what to do with this sort of attention.
“Well, Cassiopeia was a queen in Ancient Greece and she claimed to be the most beautiful thing in creation, which Posideon took personally since he had made what he considered to be the most beautiful creatures, and those were the sea nymphs. So Posideon sent Cetus, this giant sea monster, to torment the town, and he told the citizens that if they wanted him to get rid of the monster, Cassiopeia would have to apologize. She didn’t, so they asked if they could do anything else, and Posideon said if they sacrificed Cassiopeia’s daughter Andromeda to him that Cetus would go away, so the townspeople kidnapped her and brought her down to the pier. Poseidon didn’t like that, of course, since he was really just trying to get Cassiopeia to apologize and didn’t want some poor mortal’s blood on his hands so he let Perseus save her and kill Cetus.
“As punishment for almost letting her daughter die to save her own pride and for insulting the gods, they put her in the sky upside down on a chair to humiliate her for the rest of time.” Logan had gotten pretty excited while he explained the story, grinning widely as he finally finished it.
Remus was silent the entire time, watching how happily Logan told him a story he’d heard a million times before and thinking about how nice it was to be able to hear it from the nerd’s perspective.
Logan, finally remembering Remus was there, coughed softly and adjusted his tie, his smile fading. “Um, apologies, Remus. Thank you for letting me ramble.”
“Lo, you were telling a story! That’d be really dickish for someone to just cut you off during a story, you know?”
“I know, but I still appreciate it.” Logan yawned and Remus realized he looked tired, like the story had exhausted him.
“You wanna take a nap, teach?” The duke frowned and tilted his head.
“I… I have to finish up my work for the day…” The logical side moved his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
“You had a long day. Yes it was cuz I was being a bitch, but still, you need to get some sleep. Or, y’know, I’m gonna be even more of a bitch to deal with!” Threatening intrusive thoughts usually worked to get Janus to go to bed when he refused to sleep, so he figured he’d try the technique out on Logan.
The nerd however simply shook his head and laughed softly. “I don’t think so, Remus. I can… I can handle you…”
“You couldn’t today, could you?” Remus accidentally blurted out before immediately covering his mouth. “Oh my god I didn’t mean that-”
“It’s fine, Remus.” Logan stated, rubbing his eyes. “You’re right. I couldn’t handle you today. But I really do have to finish working on this-”
“I’ll stay with you if you go to bed!” The duke once again blurted out. “Cuz I don’t think you’d wanna stay alone with Orange so close by, y’know? I can stay and like, fend him off!”
Logic blinked at the proposition and squinted. “...you… want to stay with me? Why are you so adamant about me getting proper sleep?”
“Well one, cuz it’s already 10:30 at night, and two, cuz… you know, I don’t wanna end up actually hurting you!”
That further surprised Logan. “You don’t want to end up hurting me? I was under the impression that that’s something you enjoyed.”
“Well…” Remus was hesitant to explain - that tipped Logan into the fact that it was probably something more than that.
“What’s really going on Remus?” The stern side crossed his arms and stared at the Creativity.
“...okay, I don’t wanna be alone tonight!” The duke stomped his foot and crossed his arms, looking away. “My nightmares have been getting worse and Janus is hanging out with Roman and Patton today and Virgil hates my guts so I figured I’d at least try to hang out with the one side that for some reason still tolerates my dumb ass!” He sounded a little hurt, and added, “Or, one that wouldn’t immediately kick me out or hit me with a broom at the mere sight of me.”
Logan blinked. “Nightmares? You suffer from nightmares?”
Remus sighed and tugged on his sash. “Yeah, they suck ass - not in a fun way - but it’s part of the job description, y’know?”
“I don’t. But… does this mean you also suffer from intrusive thoughts?”
“...yeah… They’re kinda the reason I came in here in the first place...”
The logical side sighed. “Remus, you could have told me sooner you just needed company. I’m not the best at keeping up conversation but I could have at least put on a movie for you to refocus on something other than your intrusive thoughts.”
The duke blinked. “You… you’re not gonna just kick me out?”
“Why would I? You’re in need of assistance and I’m going to provide it for you.” Logan got up and rummaged through his DVD stack. “What would you like to watch?”
Remus stretched and looked over. “Whatever ya want, Sub-astute but Super Cute Teacher.”
Both sides flushed red when they realized what Remus had said.
“...interesting nickname, Remus.” Logan gulped, looking down.
“Yeah, uh…” The duke laughed weakly. “Well, I guess that cat’s out of the plastic bag it was choking in, huh?”
“What, that you think I’m cute?” The teacher looked over at the moustached Creativity. “You already called me sexy.”
“Well yeah, but that felt less… sappy, than calling you cute. And anyways, I meant that I was into you. Ooh, do you have Coraline?”
Logan stopped. “...repeat that, please?”
“The Coraline thing?-”
“The thing before the Coraline request.”
“Oh yeah, I like you.” Remus was right to the point, like always. “When I saw you take the shuriken to the face and just keep on moving right along… God, that was an image!” The duke gripped his thigh and shook his head, stopping himself from reaching down his pants.
“And you’re telling me this now… why?” The teacher was still reeling from the initial confession.
“We don’t get to talk one-on-one a lot! Plus, I don’t really like talking about cutesy emotions - that’s Roman’s department, y’know?”
Logan nodded slowly.
“Anyways, I changed my mind on the movie, can you put on Monster House?”
The spectacled side nodded and got the CD for Monster House, putting it in the DVD player and sitting next to the green-sashed side. He should have figured Remus wouldn’t be the type to linger on his feelings, and he was grateful for that at least. He couldn’t handle talking about feelings for long periods, especially not his own, but to have one of the most passionate sides just drop the fact that they liked him and immediately move on from that fact? It was odd. He almost couldn’t believe it.
Remus meanwhile was laying on the bed and watching the movie intently, smiling brightly at the screen before realizing that Logan had gotten into bed next to him. He turned over a little and growled “seductively” at the teacher, who laughed softly at the dark creativity. The sound caused butterflies to erupt in the duke’s stomach, flustering him a little. He smiled back at the logical side before returning his attention to the movie.
Logan meanwhile admired Remus, watching as he talked excitedly about the movie. He found it strangely endearing, how excitable Remus got when he was able to talk about things he found interesting. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he found himself falling asleep soon after the thought passed through his head. The astronerd yawned and passed out, sleeping peacefully next to the intrusive side.
The duke didn’t notice until he felt warm arms wrap around him. It startled the hell out of him, but he relaxed after he realized it was simply the sleeping teacher clinging to him. He carefully took Logan’s glasses off and turned off the TV before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
**The next morning**
Logan woke up first the following morning, still a little tired but feeling much better than he did the previous night. Vision blurry, the blind scholar felt around his nightstand for his glasses before realizing he was curled up into another person. He quickly got his specs on and saw the sleeping form of Remus below him, remembering that Remus had asked to stay with him the night before.
He looked at the sleeping creativity, who looked much more peaceful (and admittedly much cuter) asleep than he ever did awake. Still feeling somewhat tired, the Sherlock kinnie looked away and closed his eyes, feeling his face start to burn. When did he start thinking of Remus as “cute”?
Logan didn’t have too much time to dwell on it as he heard Remus start to stir. “Ugh… morning starshine…”
The teacher jumped and sighed. “Oh, good morning Remus. Did you sleep well?”
“Like an asphyxiated baby… you?” Remus groaned and stretched, waking up a bit more.
“I slept well too.” Logan fidgeted with his hands. The dark creativity, sensing the spectacled nerd’s unease, sat up and went to get off the bed. He was somewhat shocked to feel Logan tug on his sleeve. “Stay. I wanted to talk about what you said to me last night.”
“Oh… that.” Remus sighed and sat back on the bed. “What about it?”
“I… I’m not entirely sure what it feels like, but I think I reciprocate your feelings?”
Remus’s expression changed from slight concern to a poorly hidden malicious grin. “Oh? You’re into me?”
“I… think I am.” Logan nodded slightly.
The duke was silent for a moment before bursting into a grating cackle. “Oh- oh my god! Oh my god, you’re gonna kill me nerd!”
The scholarly side tensed up and blinked. “Excuse me?-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! What kind of goddamn loser are you, to think I - or anyone really - would like you?! Especially after the bullshit you pulled yesterday, like Jesus Christ you’re pathetic!”
Logan’s heart sank as he heard Remus say this. “So you were, what, mocking me?!”
“No shit, Sherlock!” The intrusive side cackled once again before morphing into a huge octopus-human hybrid monster and grabbing the teacher. “You’re so fucking stupid! What on Earth made you think someone like me would like someone like you?! You’re lucky any of the others even talk to you anymore!”
Logan panicked as the tentacles pulled him up to Remus’s razor sharp teeth, about to chomp down on his head, when-
“Lo! Logan, wake up!” The logical side heard Remus’s voice coming from somewhere it should not have been, and Logan woke up with a start. Remus frowned as the teacher practically flung himself away from him.
“Get away from me!” Logan’s voice sounded frantic and panicked, like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah!” The creativity held his hands up in surrender. “Teach, it’s me!”
The teacher took a few deep breaths and grounded himself, looking around. “...right, right… Apologies, Remus…”
“No problem, Nerdy Wolverine. Now, care to tell me what happened?”
Logan sighed and moved over to Remus, explaining to him his nightmare, tentatively telling the nightmare inducing side that he’d tried professing his mutual love to the other before getting horrendously mocked and belittled.
“Sounds a lot like my Nightmare Nico scenario. Has this happened before?” Remus had managed to ignore his thundering heartbeat and the cheering going on in his head - Logan likes me back!! He could focus on that later. Right now, Logan needed his help.
“No. I don’t normally dream, period, so to get a nightmare is extremely unprecedented.”
“Huh… so, I’m the reason you had the nightmare?”
“That would be the logical conclusion, though I had assumed that your effects would be… muffled, in my room?”
“Maybe it’s a mix of psychological and my effect on you guys? Like you were stressed or anxious about last night so my ability to give people nightmares got amplified?”
Logan nodded. “Interesting hypothesis, and it’s… definitely possible. I apologize for yelling at you earlier.”
Remus shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay, I’ve heard worse.”
The nerd nodded and the two were silent for a moment before Remus sighed and asked what they were both thinking. “So. I like you, and you… apparently like me back? What does that make us?”
Logan hesitated. “I… I’m not sure. What would you like us to be?”
The duke grinned. “How about boyfriends?”
The scholar smiled. “I think I’d like that.”
Remus beamed brighter and moved a bit before stopping. “Can I kiss you?”
Once again mildly surprised by the other’s bluntness, Logan nodded and scooted closer to the dark creativity. Remus quickly pulled the former into a kiss.
Logan was the first to pull away, flushed red and smiling to himself. “I think I could get used to this.”
Remus grinned and took the scholar’s hand. “Me too, Lo. Me too.”
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lilfellasblog · 3 years
I tried to choose a question but, I'm pretty interested in answers to all those tbh
You. I like you.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. - Tiencha (Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha), which is why I'm very sympathetic to those also suffering in rarepair hell.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Destiel, Tiencha, Analogical
What’s your current OTP? Oof, I think I gotta go Prinxiety! So much potential for angst with hurt/comfort.
What’s your current NOTP? You know, I honestly can't think of any tbh.
Do you have any poly ships? For my OTP question, I originally answered LAMP/CALM, so definitely that!
How do you feel about love triangles? I think they can be intriguing if done well. If there's cheating involved, it would be pretty difficult for me to feel sympathy for the cheater.
How do you feel about RPF? It's fine, do whatever you want. Fanfic has always been for fans, not for creators. Purity culture and entitlement needs to stop. It's like seeing a sign that says "Snapping Turtles", jumping in the pond anyways, then yelling at the people who put up the sign after you lose a couple pounds of flesh.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Tbh, the closest I've gotten is wanting different characters to adopt me and take me from my home. But I don't think I've ever romantically shipped myself with someone.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? *cries in All Of Them*
Do you ship any characters that have never met? Huh. I don't think so tbh.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Well in college there was- Oh! You mean fictional characters! :3 I think Virgil's first kiss with Roman in Healing Broken Wings is my favorite.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? *cries in It's Never Happened*
Has a ship ever broken your heart? In fanfic? Yeah, I've read some sad endings before and that's usually not my jam.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? I'm fine with it so long as it ends in "Yes they will!"
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Analogical, actually!
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I think when Remus first appeared, I had a hard time imagining him with anyone because of what a gremlin he is. I've come around to the trash rat tho.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Destiel.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Season 6 of Supernatural. Destiel. >:(
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Kind of? I've done spite fics with spite ships.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Tiencha, or Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha. They'd be so cute together!
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Any ships that are part of fandoms I'm not in. I guess maybe Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers? They have such different values and ethics. They literally need a threat to the entire universe to come together.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Oh Analogical, easily. Royality too I think.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Tiencha :(
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Lmao no.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Yes I have! Crowley/ Aziraphale.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Not really, it's kind of all over the map.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Tiencha.
Does shipping come easily to you? Yes, I am trash.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Definitely not. I was a Potterhead, and I still don't really ship anything there.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics. I'm not in those fandoms tho.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Roman is playfully protective of Virgil, and Virgil teases him by dramatically swooning.
Share five must-read fics. "Unexpected Destinies" was my first fic that I got into. Destiel fic, very complex and interesting AU. I think it got deleted during a LiveJournal purge tho. I got really into the "Battle Scars" series for a hot minute. Disabled Goku/ disabled Yamcha. "Perfect Attendance" by Periwren is great hurt/comfort starring Roman and Logan. "Welcome to the Neighborhood" by LeFay_Strent is absolutely hysterical. Shenanigans with Remy and Virgil, background Prinxiety, baffled Logan, it's a good time. And "War is Hell (but crushing is way more awkward)" by Jasper01 is incredible in so many ways! Funny, tragic, accurate, romantic, sweet, heartbreaking, all the things!
Name your favorite fanartist(s). So many fanartists have moved away from Sanders Sides, so I'm having a hard time thinking of many. To make sure I cover everyone, if there are any recs please let me know and I'll signal boost!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. *Googles fanmix* It would appear I have none.
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Gosh, so many of the shipping blogs I follow have become inactive in the Sides fandom. So! If any of you shipping blogs would like a shout-out, lmk and I'll signal boost!
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Fic. So much fic.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? I mean I'm partial to Healing Broken Wings AU. As for trope, I'm a sucker for angst with hurt/comfort.
Do you like and use ship names? Definitely! Much faster to type.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? I'm taking the word "fictional" literally here, because there is someone I'm in unrequited love with that I'm working on dealing with and I would really love a relationship with this person even though I know any hope is fiction.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Prinxiety, and that Roman would get some goshdang therapy!
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Would you be willing to write about the turtle boys + April and Casey with a beekeeping friend?
I know nothing about Beekeeping. But I respect people who are able to gain the trust of the buzzy little creatures.
Now let’s get into it!!
Why... would you keep bees??
“I like ‘em! I love my job!” “Well... okay.”
Is kinda neutral about it
Like, he doesn’t hate it and he’s glad you have a passion!
It’s just... well they’re bee’s
But, to be fair, last time he interacted with one he got stung
He was just vibin’ near the bee, doing nothing, BOOM stung
His tune kinda changes when you convince him to help you one time.
Look... they’re so tiny... little babies just doin they thing
It’s the gear, it’s like a safety net for him
Will ask when he’s able to help out again
This is a baseless head-cannon but Leo is OBSESSED with bugs like he is magic
Do I have a reason? Absolutely not. Will I still die on this hill? Absolutely I will
Those Bee tik toks that have people moving the bees or taking care of them OBSESSED sis, just OBSESSED
Loves talking to you about your bee keeping job and because he knows a lot ya’ll exchange memes over it sometimes
You need help with moving a hive into the safety of your bee-farm. Who better to ask?
He kinda didn’t give you a choice, as soon as you mentioned it he jumped at the chance.
You let him hold the Queen and he is in HEAVEN
“Oh mi gosh we gotta do this again sometime!!” You, chuckles: “I’m sure we will, since the bees loved you so much.”
Oh dear he’s- oh dear he’s ascending because he’s so happy we need some HELP-
Asks you what it’s like being a beekeeper
“You could just google it,” “True but why when I have you to simply ask instead?”
Of course you don’t mind, you love talking about your job and he always seems willing to listen
Had tried a couple times to make you something to make bee-keeping easier. But with his reputation of inventions (given to you by April) you don’t ever use them on the bees
He’s surprised when you ask him to help out getting honey from the hives
“Why??” “I think you’ll find it satisfying.”
He did, in fact, find it satisfying to watch how honey is collected
“How often do you collect honey?” “‘Bout three times a year, why?”
Will ask when you’ll do it again, and has the date saved on his phone.
Likes the aesthetic of it all
Will make you bee related trinkets
“Ooooh does fresh honey taste better than store bought?” “Uh... I don’t think so. But I do know that I personally prefer the ones with a comb in them. Makes the honey stay fresher longer in my personal opinion.” “So... yes?” “... Yeah I guess so.”
Your basically his honey supplier at this point
Can’t help it! It’s easier then trying to find a Hidden City store that sells it or asking April (He feels bad making her spend money on spices enough even with Donnie paying her back)
Is ECSTATIC at the idea of helping you with the hive
“And I will name this one Mikey Jr.” “... Mikey... nvm Mikey Jr. it is”
Mikey Jr. is the Queen Bee (you find it kinda funny because he didn’t even know it was the Queen)
Loves the hive’s look, paints it at some point
Usually is asking you how to keep bees away from her
“Look I don’t mess with them they don’t mess with me ‘kay? That’s just how it be honey”
All the bee related nicknames, sorry I don’t make the rules
She doesn’t hate bees and understands their a necessary part of the plant system or whatever. But that don’t mean she’s gotta deal with them IN HER APARTMENT
Made the mistake of putting a bowl of sugar water out the fire escape window
You.. don’t ask for her help with bee keeping stuff because you respect and understand that she would never
But you appreciate the little things she does to help out the bees that doesn’t involve her having to interact with them directly
She... oddly knows a lot about bee-keeping already
“Auntie was a bee-keeper, used to spend my summers with her. You learn a thing or two after a while”
Actually knows a few things you didn’t about bee-keeping.
Is... oddly calm and gentle with the bees. Which isn’t really what you were expecting when she’s... ya know, Casey.
“I don’t wanna be stung, are you nuts?”
It’s surreal to watch her handle the bee-keeping duties
But you like it, seeing a different side of her outside of “aggressive gremlin child craving competition”
“Man, you might as well take my job now Casey” “Ha ha, very funny”
You still think about it sometimes, it’s just wild to see how different she is in such an environment
Annnnd done! Sorry, this would’ve been out sooner but I’d been lacking some motivation. Just recently got it back and I figured I’d answer this before I forgot! Sorry if Casey’s ooc, idk why but I just felt like changing up her vibe for a bit. Plus, I’d imagine it’s pretty hard to be as intense as Casey is when your surrounded by bees.
This was a lot of fun! I learned a few bee facts along the way! Thanks for the ask!!
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
May I request smut prompts 11 "I heard shower sex is dangerous, but right now, I’m willing to take the risk." and 13 "You’re so much fun to touch.", with Ivar, please? 😊
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I hope you’ll like this, I used the Tinder Date! AU (hence I am tagging @youbloodymadgenius) and I hope that isn’t a problem, but if it is just let me know and I’ll rewrite this!
Have a nice day!
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex, Men Being Pigs, Hvitserk Being A Pig, Moving in Together.
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Moving in with the love of your life felt damnably strange.
Although it was a formality since you had basically started living with Ivar three months in your relationship, casually dropping over at his place, even when he wasn’t there, mostly because you and Hvitserk would either be playing videogames or you’d cook for the forever-food-hungry boy.
‘Sometimes I wonder if I am your favorite of the two’ had mumbled once Ivar, who dreaded your closeness with his brother, although it would get him half of the time free meals, which he appreciated (if Hvitserk left him something).
And it was one of the reasons why he had suggested you two moving together.
‘Think about all the space we’d have for ourselves, without empty boxes of food or used condoms’ he had suggested one night, as you were watching ‘Criminal Minds’ at his house, on the small empty place without food and other strange stains on the sofa.
‘Oh that isn’t because of Hvitserk, it’s because you men are pigs’ you had replied and had even grunted, making Ivar tickle you, as you tried to stop him without too much conviction, and he almost laid you down on the dirtied sofa, making you shriek in disgust, as you gripped tight on him.
‘Say that you’ll move in with me’ although his tone was jokingly, his eyes had meant it, staring at you attentively as you gripped tight on his shoulder ‘… or I’ll drop you and let you figure out whether it’s yogurt or…”.
‘This is not fair’ you complained, as you moved an hand in Ivar’s hair, gently pulling on them as he moaned softly ‘… you aren’t giving me much choice’.
‘… because you shouldn’t think about it too long’ he commented, faking a harsh glare ‘… think about all the good sex we are going to have, all alone, without Hvitserk or Elaine barging in’.
He was still mad at that time Elaine had barged in your room, although you had evidently told her not to come home before six, to steal your sweater, making you and Ivar stop your ‘love-making’, wished you ‘good night’ and then moved away, disrupting the mood.
For the amount of two hours and then he was back at it like a rabbit.
‘I can’t believe that I changed you in a sex gremlin’ you joked softly, as he instead looked at you with a annoyed glance, although you could feel his eyes lowering themselves on your body, as he lowered you even more, making you yelp out ‘… ok ok, I am moving in with you’.
‘Are you serious?’ he had asked so so suddenly, growing serious as he gently tightened his hold onto you, bringing you upright in his arms.
‘Nope’ you had blurted out in his face, giggling lightly as he immediately dunked you ‘… I was joking! I was joking!’.
‘If I am a sex gremlin, you are a mean faerie’ he replied, keeping you slightly dunked this time against a small stain of what was definitely pizza, rotten from weeks of disinterest ‘… don’t play games with my heart: would you, mean faerie, move in with me?’.
‘Of course’ you had mumbled on his lips, as you had brought him in a sealing kiss.
And six months later you were finally resting after the mess of boxes you had had to unpack (with the awful help of Ivar’s brothers and Elaine, you were still disgusted on the flirting that had been going on between your old roommate and Bjorn), as you both tried to set up a small table on the ground since most of the furniture would be coming in tomorrow.
It was a rather funny thing and it was an amazing adventure.
You were actually thankful that he had suggested it.
Ivar was slouched down on the floor, as you tried to put a small tablecloth on a full box, putting on it the take-out boxes.
“… if anybody had told me that it would have been that bad to move an entire house, I would have paid somebody to do it” he mumbled softly, as he tried to get up, eventually accepting your help “… Gosh, don’t you have sweat in places it shouldn’t be”.
“… babe… don’t talk about your sweat kink in front of my burrito” you retorted softly, as you batted his hand away from the tortillas “… hey you don’t get any, after you didn’t do anything to stop the Elaine-Bjorn’s train”.
He laughed softly, and eventually you allowed him to gently eat a few of your chips, as you both talked about what remained to be done.
‘… thank God the bathroom is all set up” mumbled Ivar as you both finished your small dinner “I need a shower”.
“I need one too” you commented, looking at the late hour and realizing that you’d have to wake up early tomorrow “…  what about we save water and we share one”.
“You know that in movies it always results in shower sex?” joked Ivar, although you could already see the familiar blush starting from the back of his neck, only worsening as you dropped down to kiss his neck “… and real shower sex sucks, even more when your partner is a cripple”.
“I also heard shower sex is dangerous, but right now, I’m willing to take the risk” you giggled softly, kissing up his ear, as you gently hugged him from behind, dragging your hand through his sweaty shirt, as you gently raised it, revealing that happy trail of black hair, you loved so so much “… and we have a very sexy bathroom chair you”.
He turned around to send you a ‘seriously’ look, but it didn’t hold his usual bitterness, as it always did when his disability was brought up.
Slowly with you, all those insecurities had washed away in your inner and stupid jokes.
“…you have the weirdest kinks” mumbled Ivar as you dropped an hand in his pants, making him hiss at the sudden contact, finding him hot and ready for you.
“And you…” your lips laced in a soft hickey on his neck, before biting the abused skin “You’re so much fun to touch”.
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yesokayiknow · 4 years
i'm new to your blog so i apologize if this is common knowledge or if you've talked about this before, but can you rank the doctors/companions and why? thank you!!
i have not actually! (also bc uhhh i’ve only been posting abt dw for like a month so like EVERYONE is new to my blog dfkldf) (also also personal opinions! not expecting everyone to agree etc etc)
fave aka My Doctor
12 - i just love this funky lil space granddad so MUCH okay also s8/9 aired during uhhh hard time and dw was just a real big comfort to me then. also like the doctor’s always autistic & nb okay but!! the way 12 displays those things are very similar to the way i do!!!!
top tier
13 - gremlin gremlin gremlin. grimy lil possum who represses everything apart from rage and the urge to punch. i love her SO MUCH
9 - sarcastic bastard who was struggling with ptsd and depression and still just kept trying bc he just!!! he just wanted to help!!!!!
war doctor - he just showed up and immediately started dunking on 10 & 11 AND he liked clara so much he regenerated into basically the male version of her???? g o o d
1 - ‘hee hmm hmm he. heh. i think i’ll go commit a war crime’
ruth!doctor - I Mean Have You Seen Her
middle tier
10.5 - still has ten’s shitty qualities BUT got that lil bit of donna to balance it out. also he can tell the difference between yknow. trying to destroy the entire universe and killing the ppl who tried to destroy the entire universe
bottom tier
10 - okay so ten’s a tricky case in that i really do enjoy watching david tennant go ham and also s4 has one of the ULTIMATE queerplatonic relationships but also yknow. dudes who neg don’t get rights !
lower than bottom tier (aka i hate him)
11 - i’ve talked before abt why i hate him and i just can’t watch that dude be sexist for 3 series straight i’m sorry it just Angers me (i like fanfic!11 usually bc He’s Not A Sexist Asshole)
n/a (bc i haven’t met them yet)
everyone else lkjdss
clara - okay so like. i’m gay. and she’s really pretty and chaotic. but ALSO i just. i really love how she ended up?? bc there was this running theme of travelling with the doctor makes you Better but like travelling with the doctor really let clara sink deeper into those self destructive ego-maniacal qualities of hers huh
top tier
martha - saved the goddamn WORLD!!!!! kept 10 alive literally every ep!!!!! somehow didn’t punch his teeth out!!!! also D E S E R V E D  B E T T E R (see also : reasons why ten is bottom tier)
donna - i mean i don’t gotta explain to you why donna is amazing lbr you Know. also deserved better (see also : reasons why ten is bottom tier part 2)
bill & nardole & missy - okay so the reason these three are together is because i ADORE the s10 family so MUCH like i love them individually too (pre s10!missy is also Very Fun) but gosh the family,,,,,,,,,
ryan - SON BOY SON BOY SON BOY & also!! i have dyspraxia too!!!
middle tier
everyone else lmao - i don’t hate any companions (or any that i’ve seen so far) it’s just that those five (+) are Higher
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keiwritesstuff · 4 years
With You
Kuroo Tetsuro x f!reader
Summary : Kuroo and her are classmates, but never really talked to each other since he’s a social butterfly while she prefers to do things alone. One day, their teacher assigns both of them to be assignment partners, and they discovered new things about each other.
Genre : slice of life, soft
Notes : Long. Written in 3rd person ‘s POV. Absolutety self-indulgent. Slowburn-ish. Happy ending. Bokuto is adorable.
“For this topic.. Kuroo Testuro and L/N F/N,” the teacher announced before nonchalantly proceeded to name the other pairs. She subconsciously straightened her back, totally not expecting to be paired up with a boy, what more a really famous one. She’s not that interested in sports, but she knew enough that he’s somehow very popular, considering how he’s the captain of Nekoma vc and is very often surrounded by people (mostly girls, but what’s the difference?).
She prefers working alone, and knows that she’s very good at it. But this project… this presentation, will contribute to her getting good grades should she does it well, and she would really like to maintain the ones she had achieved, if not get better ones.
She has to.
After the teacher had finished assigning the topics to all pairs, the teacher had them sit together to start their discussion. From what Y/N knew, Kuroo is good in Science. She had never seen him fail the subject, if that is any indication.
It won’t be too bad, she told herself.
 “I’ll be in your care, Kuroo-kun.” she spoke.
“Same goes with me.” he smiled before taking out his textbook to start the discussion. “I don’t think this topic is too difficult to present on, but I do think that we need to look for more examples to make our explanation easier to understand.” he added. She was rather impressed, considering he hadn’t even turned to the page related to said topic.
Both of them immediately set up a schedule for upcoming discussions since he is busy with volleyball practice.
 That weekend, he goes to her house to work on the contents of the presentation. He was greeted by a young boy, who welcomed him into the house. The boy brought him to the kitchen, where he saw Y/N cooking, with a pair of twin boys clinging onto her legs.
“I didn’t know you’re a single mother.” he started, couldn’t help himself from doing his habit of teasing people.
“Shut up.” she laughed (which amused him, since he didn’t take her as someone who accepts jokes easily).
“These are my brothers. My parents are out working. Usually mom is at home taking care of these kids, but whenever I can do it, she’ll be at the shop, helping my dad.” she spoke, still busy stirring the food in the pot. “I think you can put your stuff on the couch. I’ll be there in a second.” she continued, somewhat apologetically, since she couldn’t immediately start their discussion. Kuroo sensed it, and quickly replied, “Alright. Tell me if you need a hand, though my assistance does come with a hazard warning.”
He saw her smile again before walking to the living room. He didn’t notice the warmth blooming from somewhere inside his chest.
   After making sure her brothers have finished their meal, she rushed to Kuroo with iced peach tea in her hand. “Sorry. I’ll try .” she starts to jot down and rearrange the notes that she had collected through her own research for Kuroo’s opinion. Kuroo looked at her and noticed the conforting smell of homemade oyakodon. He couldn’t help but smile. Though they rarely talked in class, she had always given him this impression that she prefers to be left alone. Who would’ve thought that at home, there are three little gremlins glued to her hips all the time?
 After school, both of them stayed in class along with other pairs who seem to be struggling as well. Both Kuroo and Y/N are more exhausted than usual, and Kuroo definitely took back what he said about the topic being easy. Linking the examples with the main points has been proven to be more difficult than they deemed it to be, especially in efforts to make it as simple and as easy to understand as possible. Y/N wanted to ace this assignment, and Kuroo noticed how she was struggling to digest the notes, reading the same page over and over again but to no avail.
“You reeaally want to ace this presentation, don’t you?” he asked.
She rested her head on the table, a few strands of her hair tickling her nose.
“Of course. I need to make sure I maintain impressive grades in my result transcript. Gotta get those scholarships.” Y/N replied, exhaustion could be heard from her voice, probably from taking care of her younger brothers. Funny, Kuroo thinks, that he couldn’t notice this side of her before. Had she been this… at ease before?
Y/N nods. “Yeah. I’m aiming for Tohoku University.” she replied. “It’s not easy to get a scholarship there, but their Natural Science department is top notch and I’d love to study there. Not to mention, if I survived uni, that Tohoku logo would look good on my CV, don’t you think?”
Her head is still on the table, but her eyes are looking somewhere else now, her facial expression clearly shows that she can already visualize that life, that dream.
Kuroo was rather impressed. Tohoku isn’t so easy to get into, it is not a place for everyone, and if anyone wants to earn a scholarship there, they have to work extremely hard (and maybe offer a sacrifice to the gods for good measure).
“That’s pretty amazing,” he commented. “But what about your brothers? Will they be okay? Aren’t you worried? They seem to be really attached to you.”
“I am, but at the same time I want to work hard and secure a good job so that they don’t have to worry much about money, just in case one day they want to apply to any college institution.”
If Kuroo was impressed before, now he has an utmost respect for Y/N.
“Well, it’s just a dream for now, but, just like how your team works hard to win matches, I’m going to work hard to make my dream come true.” Y/N said, patting her cheeks hard, back straightened, tucking those stray hair behind her ears, and re-reading that page, again.
On Friday, surprisingly, Kuroo was suddenly absent without telling Y/N. They were supposed to have another discussion after school, since Kuroo won’t be available that weekend due to volleyball practice (there is an upcoming match with a strong team whose captain is a dorky owl, he said. Not that she understood, but he seemed ecstatic, so she just agreed on the change of plan in the schedule.).
She texted him during recess, but received no reply. He didn’t even read them. Did something happen? It’s not like him to ignore her texts like this. At least, he had never done so before.
Would his teammates know what happened to him?
She stumbled upon a familiar second-year student on her way to the gym hall after school. He had a game console in his hands. If she is not mistaken, she had seen him before, walking with Kuroo.
“Uh, excuse me, sorry.. You’re Kuroo’s friend, aren’t you?” she said.
He looked at her. “And what if I am?”
She gave him a meek smile. Sheesh. What’s with that attitude?
  “Do you know where he is? We’re supposed to have a pair discussion today for our assignment, but he’s absent and didn’t reply to my texts. I mean,I get it if he’s occupied with practice, but it would be nice to receive a heads up.”
She has a life too, you know.
The second-year stood straight. “Oh. I see. I thought you are one of those girls who are constantly bugging him.”
 “He told us he wasn’t feeling well yesterday. His blocks were easily broken through too. He didn’t reply to my texts, either, let alone answer my calls. So, it could only mean one thing.”
She raised her eyebrow.
“He is definitely sick. Most likely fever. I’m planning to check on him after practice today.”
Kuroo stirred in his sleep. The doorbell is ringing relentlessly.
Oh gosh, do I HAVE to open the door?
Dragging his feet, he could feel his joints ache with every movement. He rarely gets sick. He takes pride on that. But when he actually does, he could not deny how bad it can get. Fever is the worse. His head feels heavy, cloudy. His throat is in pain. His body is in pain. He doesn’t have the strength to move, and usually it’s either Kenma or his grandmother who would help to nurse him back to health(Kenma is not really good at it, but he tries).
He opened the door. “Hey Kenm---eh..?”
It was not Kenma.
“I told Kenma I’d check on you. He won’t be coming over today.” Y/N said.
“Are you sick?” she took a step forward, putting her hand on Kuroo’s forehead, startling him in the process.
“Yep, you definitely are.”
“Ojamashimasu*,” she invited herself in, and Kuroo is still standing in the doorway. Weak, but shocked nevertheless.
Wait a minute. Hold up for a second. What is all this? What is she doing here? What is going on? Did she just come into the house? Eh..? Has she always been this forward?
And then he remembered the discussion that they were supposed to have that day. Oh no.
“Uh, hey, Y/N.. I’m sorry I didn’t inform you earlier--”
“Rest, Kuroo It’s fine. Just take out all your have on the assignment, and I’ll see what I can add to the contents. You, rest. I’ll be here for a while though. I’ll leave whatever part I can finish on the table so you can take a look at them later. Is it okay with you?”
Goodness grief, the determination in this girl. How important can that scholarship be?!
“S..sure..? I… I’ll make you some tea..” he winced in pain, taking a step towards the kitchen, but stoppped when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned, only to face a stern-looking Y/N. “Kuroo, rest. I know this is your house and I’m a guest, but in your defense, I came here on my own accord, and you’re sick. You should rest. I will drag you to your bed, by your feet if you insist on entertaining me.”
What is she? A mother? Oh wait, she kinda is.
He chuckled. “Okay, okay..”
He wanted to say more. Thanks for coming. Make yourself at home. I’ll buy you ice-cream when I get well. Thanks for helping me with the notes. Thanks for understanding and not getting mad.
But his body is aching all over, and all he could do is to just listen to her, and walked into his room. After handing everything he had on the assignment to her, he fell onto his bed , sleep immediately overtaking him.
  He gained consciousness every now and then, only to shift his position and fall back into slumber. His fever is really bad this time around, and the fact that he has his assignment partner doing all the work in his living room is making him feel even worse. Not to mention, his family members are not around.
He dreams of warm, chicken soup. He has no appetite to eat, but it would be nice to have some, to help him get better.
He felt something cool on his head. A hand. He wasn’t sure if his mind is playing tricks, but he could smell chicken soup.
“Kuroo-kun, hey, wake up.”
Another hand shook him gently, and he pried his eyes open, only to see Y/N sitting on his bed next to him, a bowl on her lap.
“Y/N..?” his voice came out hoarse.
“Here. I made you some porridge and ginger tea. Can you sit up?”
Truthfully, the ache on his joints says no. But the captain in him insisted, and as he was struggling to sit up, he noticed that she had her hands steady on his shoulders, ready to guide him if he suddenly falls to his side. His head is spinning, and it takes some time for his vision to clear.
Wait. She said she made porridge?
He stared at the bowl on her lap. She handed him the cup of tea. “Did you just---” he pointed to the bowl.
“I know, I know.. I used your kitchen and some ingredients in the fridge.. I’m sorry. I waited for a while to see if any of your family members would come home. Maybe they would bring home some food. But no one did, so I went ahead and cooked.. sorry.. I’ll pay you back for the ingredients I used. It’s just.. you looked like you hadn’t eaten anything today.”
 No, that’s not the point, silly.
He stared at her in disbelief.
And something, like a gentle wave, is washing over him from all sides.
 Kuroo looked at this girl.
This unbelievable girl.
 Did he do something to deserve this kindness?
Why is she so nice? So unquestionably thoughtful?
 Stop it.
If he didn’t feel it before, Kuroo can definitely feel it now, that warmth inside his chest, blooming bigger and bigger. Like an onslaught, refusing to spare him.
As if it’s going to explode anytime soon. Has it always been there?
 “Yeah.. my dad usually comes home from work at night, and my grandparents are visiting our relatives in Chiba for a week. So.. yeah.” he took the bowl in silence, inhaled the smell of chicken, rice and spices, and at the first taste of the warm porridge on his tongue, Kuroo immediately slumped, his emotions are suddenly so overwhelming that he could feel heat prickling on his eyes. He hadn’t felt this fragile in such a long time.
Bullets fly, from his left and right, front and back. There is nowhere to hide.
She noticed the change. “Kuroo-kun..? Hey, you alright? Is it too hot? Are you in pain?” Y/N panicked, quickly taking the bowl away and trying to get him to drink the tea.
What is this?
He couldn’t understand.
Kuroo shook his head lightly. For some reason, words just failed him. What is this feeling? Why does it seem like he had missed this feeling for so long? This gentleness, this--this
The next thing Y/N realized, she was in his arms. She couldn’t see his face, her own is buried his chest, but he was shaking, and she could hear a faint, shaky whisper of “thank you” from him, and it was enough for her to understand.
How he didn’t mention his mother. How there seem to be a lack of a female’s touch in certain corners of the house. How she noticed that there were mostly men’s shoes in the doorway.
She gently pat him on his back, as she would often do when her little brothers get sick.
“You seem off today.” said Kenma, fishing his water bottle out of his bag, panting. Today’s practice is harsh as usual, but exciting nevertheless, since they are very much looking forward to see their good friends from Fukurodani.
“Do I?” Kuroo asked. “The Science assignment, I guess. I’m just hoping that I’ll do well. I mean, Y/N wants to maintain her grades. She’s aiming for a scholarship, you know.”
There was a short silence before Kenma chuckled and spoke, “Why does it sound like you’re bragging? You make it sound like she’s your girlfriend or something.”
Kuroo tensed. It was a nonchalant comment, but it definitely got to him.
  He had never thought about dating anyone. He had always been occupied with volleyball practice. Y/N however, might be different. She’s probably dating someone, considering how wonderful she is. Kuroo stared at her, her eyes  are currently focused on the sheets of paper and cue cards.
Does she have a boyfriend? Who is he? Does he get upset whenever she spends her time with him?
And somehow, that thought alone irked him.
 “So..maybe it’s better if we connect this part with this example right here. I think it’ll  make it easier for us to get our point across.” she said, pointing to said contents on the notes.
“Yeah, okay. Sure.”
That attitude did not go unnoticed.
“Kuroo-kun.” she called. “Are you alright?”
“Hm? Yeah.” Kuroo doodled circles on a piece of paper, refusing any eye contact.
“You don’t look alright. You’re clearly upset.”
“How’d you know?” Kuroo asked.
“You scrunch your nose when you’re upset.”
“No, I don’t!” he exclaimed, covering his nose.
Y/N laughed. “Okay, you don’t, but still, I know you’re not okay. Is something bothering you?”
 Kuroo was silent before answering her. “It’s.. nothing. I’m just not thinking clearly, I guess.” Kuroo scratched his head. How does she know?
“You want to talk about it?”she asked again, this time staring at him straight in the eyes. To make sure he knows that she will listen if he decided to share something.
That stare. Those eyes. Oh, how different it feels whenever he’s with her. With her, he is not the captain of Nekoma vc. With her, he doesn’t have to focus on leading anything or anyone. With her, he doesn’t have to hide his feelings (she can see through him anyway). With her, he is just Kuroo Tetsurou from Class 5.
There it is again. That warmth. Blooming. Bigger and bigger.
She still waits for his response.
There is no escape.
“Y/N, I..”
She listens.
“I..I think I….li--”
 The classroom door slid open, revealing a tall boy with light grey hair, panting for air.  “Captaaaaaiin! I’m here to get you!”
Kuroo almost fell off his chair in shock. Talk about the worst timing ever. “Lev..! You idiot!” he muttered under his breath.
 “Where were you?! You’re late! Practice started 15 minutes ago! Why didn’t you text back?! They had me searching for you all over the school!”
“What? Oh! Crap! I forgot!” Kuroo stood up in panic. Crap crap crap. Now he even forgets his captain duties. The practice match with Fukurodani is on the weekend and here he is, not being able to function well in neither his assignment nor practice!
 “You have practice today? You didn’t tell me?” Y/N looked at him
“Yeah. I forgot. Sorry, both the presentation and the upcoming practice match with Fukurodani is getting to me, I guess.”
He lied, hoping she would not see through that lie.
Fortunately, she didn’t. With a soft sigh, she placed her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Tetsurou. We’ll do well.”
As if he was struck by lightning, it took a while before Kuroo could move. Tetsurou. Tetsurou. It sounds different when she says it. It sounds good when she says it.
Y/N stood up and tidied up the table, packing her stuff. “You go ahead. I’ll clean up. Uh… Lev-kun? Sorry you had to come all over here to look for your captain. If I had known, I would’ve sent him to the gym hall.” Y/N gave the tall boy a smile, and Kuroo noticed how the younger boy’s ears turned into a darker shade of red.
“It… It’s okay!” the boy replied enthusiastically.
Kuroo doesn’t like it.
“Let’s go,” he simply said, and dragged the boy with him.
“Let’s do this.” Y/N whispered, their presentation is being projected onto the white screen. Kuroo nodded. They had done everything they could for the contents of the presentation, they even did a mock presentation the day before to make sure they deliver the contents smoothly.
“For some reason this feels like a volleyball match.” he commented, gripping his cue cards in both excitement and nervousness.
She smiled at him, though she too, shares the same feelings. “Well then, if that is so, I’ll be in your care today, captain.” she smiled.
His heart beats faster, harder, not because of the presentation alone, and Kuroo knows it.
Bigger. Blooming bigger. Hotter.
  “Phew, that was nerve-wrecking!” she exclaimed, obviously relieved that everything is over. If the applause they received from their classmates and teacher is any indication of how well they did in their presentation, they could say that they did pretty well.
“Now that this is over, I can focus on the practice match with Fukurodani this weekend.” Kuroo puts away his notes, sighing in relief.
“I wish you luck with that. Sadly there is nothing I can help you with.” she said apologetically.
“Nah, you’ve done enough. I still hadn’t bought you your well-deserved ice cream, for taking care of me the other day.”
She laughed at him. “Well, don’t you forget that.”
Kuroo took some moment before speaking, unsure of how he should choose his next words.
“Uh, anyhow, Y/N.. Do you want to come to see our match this weekend..?”
Kuroo himself didn’t expect that he would say that. It just came out, and he immediately added, “I mean, if you have time! If you don’t have anything to do on that day! You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it would be great if you’d come, you know!-- For.. for--”
He stopped himself when he noticed her staring at him with an expression that he could not read.
“-for moral s..support..”
The last part came out shaky.
Her eyes brightened. “I’d love to. Not sure how much support I can give, though. I don’t know much about volleyball.” Y/N replied, pink tinting her cheeks.
Kuroo beamed. “N..No worries! Just cheer for us!”
The day came, and when Y/N arrived at the hall, she immediately noticed the white jackets close to her, warming up and talking to each other. Nekoma’s team is across the hall, but she doesn’t think that it would be appropriate to come up to them. After all, the only person she’s familiar with is Kuroo, and she had only talked to Kenma and Lev once.
Lost, she looked around to find a place to sit and wait for the match to start. As she turned around, a tall presence stood behind her.
“Hey hey hey? You seem lost!”
No lie, she felt like a midget next to him. He isn’t just tall. He’s pretty big, as well. Looking at his grey spiky hair and big eyes, Y/N couldn’t help feeling a little intimidated.
“Uh, no… I’m just waiting for the match to start.. I…I’ll be going, then..”
Her attempt to escape failed when the boy spoke, “Wait! Will you be cheering for us? You should! We’re pretty awesome, you know! We will win this--”
Kuroo ran from afar and tackled the boy down.
 “Idiot rooster head! What was that for?!” the boy pushed Kuroo off him. It seems like that tackle didn’t affect him even a little bit.
“What were you doing to Y/N, Bokuto?” Kuroo asked, calm, but irritated. He pinched Bokuto’s cheeks really hard.
“Oi, oi! I did nothing! Oww! AKAAAAASHIIII!”
Y/N can only watch. Another dark haired boy came and tapped on Kuroo’s head. “He asked her to cheer for us.
“Haaaaah??!!” Kuroo pinched harder.
After a few smacks on his arm, Kuroo finally released the boy he called Bokuto, and stood next to Y/N. “She! Will! Be! Cheering! For! Me!”
Bokuto stared at him in disdain and pouted.“Huh? Why should she? You’re not even that good.”
 As another one of their bickering started, Kenma tapped on Y/N’s shoulder. “I think you should go up there. It’s pretty dangerous down here during the game.”
It was like a new world for her. The crisp sound of the ball being hit, the cheers every time any one of the teams scored, and the intensity of the game itself truly amazed her. She got lost sometimes, not understanding why points were given, but it didn’t stop her from watching the whole match.
Bokuto and Kuroo, she noticed, despite being good friends, can also get on each other’s nerves very easily.
And Kenma radiates a different energy when he’s in the court. He was right, too. Y/N could’ve easily get hit by a stray ball if she stayed close around the court.
Kuroo, on the other hand, looks so different. He’s not the same person as he usually is in class. From what Y/N could observe, the team really listens to him, respects him even and there is this intensity to his demeanor. Where did the laid-back guy go to?
 It was clear to her why all those people (again, mostly girls, but what’s the difference?) surround him all the time.
 He looked up, looking at her after he successfully blocked a particularly hard spike from Fukurodani (Bokuto’s, to be exact). He flashed her a wide, teethy smile and gave her two thumbs up. For some reason, her ears feel hot, and she smiled back at him. Lev noticed her looking at them from above and frantically waved at her. She waved back, laughing. Kuroo frowned at him.
Lev noticed his captain’s stare and pouted. “I blocked that spike too!”
  The game was exciting to watch. If she had known all along that this is how it feels like to watch a match, she would’ve come to every volleyball match as much as she could. Kuroo had once mentioned the names of other strong teams, one of them being Karasuno High School, complimenting Karasuno’s ‘shrimpy’ especially. She couldn’t help thinking that if Kuroo himself (who loves his team the most) respectfully acknowledges that team, then it definitely means that they must truly be a force to reckon with. A match between Nekoma and Karasuno would be as intense as this one, if not more.
As the match proceeds, the heat in the court gradually got to Y/N, and she doesn’t notice that she is no longer holding back her voice. She cheers for Nekoma, claps her hands when Fukurodani scored points (smug was evident on Bokuto’s face, only to spur Kuroo on), and without realizing it, as Bokuto was about to spike hard, she was screaming someone’s name.
Everyone in the hall cheered in amazement. Nekoma managed to block that spike, the ball bounced back too quickly for Fukurodani’s libero to save.
Y/N’s breath hitched when the whistle was blown, ending the match with Nekoma’s victory.
 Her eyes automatically darted to Kuroo, who fantastically blocked that last attack, and she saw the pure joy on his face, smiling at his teammates and rival team, before finally, at her.
And she swore she felt time stopped.
   She stood outside the gym hall. She wasn’t sure how long she should stay inside, or if she should see Kuroo to congratulate him and the team.
“Hey hey hey! It’s you again!” Bokuto appeared behind her, with the team. Why is he everywhere?
Y/N bowed. “Your team was amazing. Please do come again for practice matches, Bokuto-san.” Y/N said, already familiar with the grey-haired captain. The boy beamed with joy. “We were, right?! Ah, if only you didn’t cheer for that rooster head and cheered for us instead, we could’ve won!” Bokuto said, though Y/N wasn’t sure if he was just joking or truly regretful.
 “Wait, did you hear me?” she suddenly grew alert. He couldn’t have, right? Was it that loud?
 “Hm?The whole hall did? You called Tetsurou’s name like, really really loudly.”
 And in an instant, her face turned beet red.
Suddenly, she remembered. She actually did call Kuroo’s name. Screamed, to be exact.
 “Tetsurou, you can do it!!”
 Oh. Oh no.
 What was she thinking?!
It wasn’t like her at all! What is this?!
 “Ah, her face is red.” Bokuto commented in confusion. “But like I said, next time, you should definitely cheer for us! We are much better than---OWWWW!”
Bokuto was tackled down again, Kuroo appearing out of nowhere, pinching his cheeks for the nth time that day.
Kuroo waves his hand as Fukurodani’s bus leaves the premise. Y/N stood next to him, doing the same thing. After the bus disappears from sight, Kuroo turns to her. He was wearing this smile that Y/N couldn’t read. “Thank you so much for coming, Y/N.” he spoke. The setting sun hits him differently. He looks gorgeous, Y/N thought.
Y/N doesn’t know why, they are talking normally as they always do, but her heart seems to beat faster than usual.
“Well, I hope I managed to give you the moral support you asked for.” she replied.
 Kuroo smirked. “You definitely did. I didn’t even know you can scream that loud.” he chuckled.
She turned red again, this time caught by Kuroo. He laughed. “You should watch us play again next time. It’s good to hear people cheering for you. Especially when they’re suuuper loud.”
 She huffed at his teasing. “You normally have a lot of friends to do that, anyway.”
 “Yeah, but I want to hear yours.”
 Y/N was rendered speechless. She looked at Kuroo, looking for any hint of playfulness, maybe he’s joking around again, maybe she should tease him back,-
but there was none. He was looking at her, eyes intense, awaiting for something from her.
“I--” he cut her off, “I don’t know how to say this, Y/N.. I’m not used to it.. but..I just…I know that.. I want to be with you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched quietly, not expecting Kuroo to confess his feelings so directly like that.
“You don’t have to answer immediately. I just.. I don’t think I can hide it any longer. Especially after you screamed my name in front of everyone like that. I thought I was going to explode out of sheer happiness.”
Kuroo took a shallow breath before continuing, “Whatever your answer is, I just want you to know that I enjoy you around me a lot. Even if you can’t return these feelings, I still hope we can still be friends. It’s nice to have a--”
This time, Y/N cuts him off, pulling him down into a tight hug. Kuroo’s eyes widened in shock.
“This is my answer, Tetsurou.” she spoke, voice trembling, burying her face into the crook of his neck. Trying to get over his shock, Kuroo gently wraps his arms around her waist, trying to hold himself back. He wanted to hold her tighter, to wash away any traces of disbelief in his heart, -she likes me too?- but he wasn’t sure how she would take that.
“Y/N…” he whispers her name, and she tightened her embrace. If there’s anything that he understands about her, he knows that she is definitely more actions than words. He understands what that means.
I like you. A lot.
This time, Kuroo doesn’t hesitate. He hugged her tight, unwilling to let go even a second. His heart is bursting with love and joy, and he instantly becomes sure that this is the person that he wants to be with.
For the rest of his life.
  Eventually, they pulled apart, because Lev and the rest of the team emerged from behind them.
“I want a hug too!”
Y/N laughed while Kuroo stared at the first-year in disbelief. “How dense can you be? Can’t you read the atmosphere here??”
“Then go hug Yaku!” Kuroo pointed at said boy.
“Aw, hell no!”
Yaku ran when Lev sprinted towards him.
[A/N] How did this get so long? Thanks for reading! I’ll work hard to improve!
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
F/O February Day 1: Reverse Self Ship
welcome to F/O February y’all!! :D for this prompt, I decided to do a little drabble! because I felt it would be easier to explain that way XD” honestly the reverse selfship AU is so good??? so here’s my contribution for today! XD (warning for brief mentions of self-harm and other injuries, other than that this should be a perfectly safe read!)
           “Rex Rex Rex! It’s on!! Quick, we gotta catch it!!!”
           “Okay Emmet, I’m coming, jeez!”
           Rex hoisted himself off his bed with a low grunt as Emmet scurried to the living room couch. He knew how excited his brother got over his favorite show. Four years ago, popular sitcom Where Are My Pants? had been his all-time favorite television series, but then his heart was stolen by a quirky cartoon called Light in the Darkness that he stumbled upon by chance. The show followed an adventurous, tomboyish young woman dubbed Light and her interactions in the secret world of monsters of all kinds, fighting the evil ones and befriending the good ones. There was quite an uproar within the fandom when the titular lead came out as agender a year before, and quite a bit of discourse since she still considered herself female in a vaguer sense. But none of that mattered to Emmet. He loved the character for her personality, and couldn’t care less about her gender or lack thereof.
           Oh, he loved her alright… his Tumblr was filled with screenshots and fanart of Light, he had all the merch of her he could afford, he even had a plush of her, which he was currently holding in his arms. He was immediately attached to her as soon as he got into the series; at first he thought she was just a comfort character, but before long, he realized he was actually flat-out in love with her. He had always gushed about her, and occasionally other characters, to Rex, and constantly pushed him to watch it. Rex always listened to Emmet’s gushing and supported his love for the character, but for the longest time, he didn’t get around to watching it. He was in a terrible mental place at the time; he engaged in risky and destructive habits, he drank, he smoked, he self-harmed, he got in trouble with the law, and developed other unhealthy coping mechanisms for his insecurities and mental issues. He was a troubled soul who was paranoid that their mutual circle of friends hated him and that he’d never be good enough for anyone. He distanced himself from everyone he loved—even his dear brother Emmet, with whom he had always been joined at the hip before. It was only when he got involved in a reckless motorcycle accident after an argument with Emmet that Rex realized just how much danger he was putting himself in, and how much he was worrying his brother. After that, he vowed to better himself and get some help. He also moved in with Emmet as his insistence, saying he wouldn’t worry as much and that he could help Rex get on track. That turned out to work like a charm, and he was happier than he’d been in a long time ever since.
           It was only then that he was finally able to watch an episode of his brother’s favorite show with him. He didn’t know exactly what he was expecting from the cartoon, but it certainly surpassed whatever those expectations were. Rex was surprised that Light in the Darkness contained more adult-oriented humor, as Emmet typically didn’t watch those kinds of shows. And he also understood why Emmet loved Light so much—she was a goofy, funny, charming, kind, and humble hero who knew what it was like to feel like a nobody or that you’d never be good enough. It also happened to be an episode in which Light tried to talk to and reform one of the main villains, and she gave a clumsy but convincing speech about how she could relate to the villains struggles, but wished he would handle them in a way that benefited both parties. Rex didn’t want to admit it, but that damn speech pulled at his heartstrings. And by the end of the episode, Rex found himself smitten with Light as well. At first he tried to hide his feelings from Emmet, thinking he would be angry with him for encroaching on his selfship. But Emmet did find out eventually—and he was ecstatic. He was beyond happy to share her with his brother, as that meant they could gush about her to each other more often, and soon the brothers agreed that Light had enough room in her heart for the both of them. After coming to that conclusion, they created their own self-shipping sideblog that they co-modded together.
           Now Emmet wasn’t exactly the creative type, and sometimes he was jealous of all the great artists and writers within the community, but he did enjoy remaking the three of them in Picrews and other character customization games. He also gushed about Light a lot, using lots of capitals, exclamation points, and heart emojis in said gushes. Rex, on the other hand, was beginning to dabble in photo editing, so he took a screenshot of Light and Photoshopped her into a picture of him and Emmet, among other such edits. He gushed about her too, of course, but his were more straightforward and consistent to whatever specific quality of hers he was talking about, with less weird emojis.
           Neither of them told anybody in their respective workplaces about their love. Emmet tried way too hard to fit in and was already seen as weird despite that; he didn’t want to add onto that as a grown man who was hopelessly in love with a cartoon character. Meanwhile Rex didn’t give a damn about fitting in or what his coworkers thought of him, he just wasn’t the type to open up to people he didn’t know well enough. However, their mutual circle of friends knew very well about their selfships with Light, and they all shipped them. Their best friend Lucy had even created a few artworks of the three of them, which they both proudly displayed on their blog (with proper credit, of course). They had been doing this for almost a year, and at this point they were perfectly content opting out dating real people in favor of shipping themselves with a fictional character.
           “It’s a new episode!!” Emmet squealed, plopping onto the couch and kicking his feet excitedly. “I can’t wait to see what she does today!”
           “You think she’s finally gonna give Lord Beelzebub what’s coming to him?” Rex asked.
           “I hope so! Now that guy is a real jerk.” Emmet puffed his cheeks out. This particular villain was beyond hope of reformation—Light tried, multiple times, but it was clear that he wouldn’t be happy until his evil deeds were done. Emmet pouted very briefly over this fact before perking up to sing and shimmy in his seat to the theme song. Rex chuckled at how excitable his brother could be. He kept his mouth shut after that, as Emmet hated when people tried to talk over his show.
           The episode started out with Light hanging out with some of her monster friends and being her usual dorky self, but that only lasted a couple minutes before she was alerted of some other villain’s plan. The scene then transitioned to a dramatic montage of Light putting on cool-looking armor, then panning from her toes to her head as she heroically posed in the armor.
           “Wow…” Emmet swooned. Rex gave a low whistle.
           She only stood like that for a few brief seconds before random pieces of the armor suddenly fell off and clattered to the ground, much to Light’s dismay. “Aw damnit, no! Get back here!” Light complained as she crouched to pick up the fallen pieces. This elicited a giggle from Emmet and a chuckle from Rex. “Dork…” Rex lovingly muttered.
           By the next scene, she has duct tape all over her armor, making the brothers laugh again. She and her monster friends were devising a plan of attack when Emmet’s phone buzzed. “Shush,” he said, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. He was mesmerized as Light led her friends into battle, but before they could see just who they were up against…
           “Gahh, commercials,” Rex groaned, muting the TV. “This is why watching things online is so much better.”
           “Yeah, but this is a new episode, we gotta catch it as it airs and support the creators!” Emmet argued.
           “Yeah okay. Aren’t you gonna answer that text message?”
           “I suppose I could since it’s a commercial break.” Emmet reached into his jeans pocket. “But whoever it was should no better than to bother me during my show!” He pouted as he checked his phone. “Oh, it’s Lucy…” He opened the message, and a mere second went by before Emmet cracked up laughing.
           “Must’ve been a good one,” Rex chuckled.
           “Oh my gosh, Rex, look at this!” Emmet laughed, shoving the phone in Rex’s face. It turned out Lucy sent a meme that read “when you storm a dragon’s cave and discover it’s hoarding mac and cheese” with a redraw of Light in the “it’s free real estate” meme. People who weren’t fans of the show wouldn’t understand the meme, but it made Rex burst into raucous laughter.
           “Oh my god!” he roared. “She would totally say that!”
           “She would!” Emmet giggled. “That’s amazing.”
           “Our datefriend is high-key a dork,” Rex laughed. That statement sent Emmet into another fit of giggles.
           “She’s our dork though.”
           “Hell yeah.”
           “I just wish I knew her real name in full.”
           Rex sat up, surprised. “What do you mean, ‘in full’?”
           “Well, remember in Clash of the Chimeras when she was signing the form thing for that order? She could only write the letter K before she got interrupted by the gremlin breaking things in the other room. So that means her real name must start with a K, and we don’t know anything else about it.”
           Rex nodded. “And you would rather call her that because…?”
           “Because it would help me feel closer to her.” Emmet held his plush a little tighter.
           “Well, you could always give her a headcanon name. or just call her K until her real name is fully revealed, if that ever happens.”
           Emmet pondered this for a moment. “I suppose that could work.” Suddenly, he perked up. “Oh! It’s back on!” He hurriedly un-muted the TV and his eyes were glued to the screen once more.
           Soon enough, Light and her friends were battling the villain, and at some point, her left gauntlet fell off. Emmet gasped as the villain used this opportunity to slash his claw across her arm.
           “Oh no…” Emmet whimpered. Rex lightly traced his own scar on his shoulder from his motorcycle accident. The two were at the edge of their seats until the end of the fight scene—the villain was defeated, but Light was still bleeding. Her worried friends crowded around her, but she still seemed in high spirits.
           “Guys, I’m fine!” she insisted.
           “You’re bleeding,” a friend argued.
“Just out of my arm. I’ve bled from far worse places.”
Emmet made a choked-out noise in surprise.
“Oh my god,” Rex laughed.
Still, Light let her monster friends bandage her up. Luckily, there were plenty more laughs to be had by the end of the episode. As the credits rolled, Emmet kicked his feet excitedly again.
“Ahh, that was so awesome!”
“As it always is.”
“Poor Light though. She doesn’t deserve any nasty scars.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Rex agreed. “But it won’t get her down. Knowing her, she’ll probably be proudly toting it and bragging about her battle by the next episode.”
“Yeah, probably,” Emmet chuckled. “But if she was real, or if I lived in her world, I’d take care of every single injury she got and kiss it better!” His loving smile gradually morphed into a longing frown. “I’d give anything for that.”
Rex patted Emmet’s back. “Me too, kid. Me too.”
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50, 39, 32!
32. Tell us a theatre story
There was that time the house manager thought he had the authority to hold actors that entered through house at the top of the show to let late comers into the house and sit down. A good three minutes AFTER I asked for and confirmed closing of house. :)
I was livid.
39. Favourite tool?
I don’t really have one, I think every tool is special and beautiful in their own way :)
Here are a few I really appreciate and I think every SM should have in their kit:
Needle nose vice grip pliers
A good tape measure
Super glue
and of course gaff / spike tape 
50. Tech week survival tips?
Oh gosh….
I always prioritized sleep. I am one of those people that needs at least 6 hours of sleep a night to NOT become a grouchy Gremlin.
Try to stick to water. I don’t drink a lot of coffee, and I find drinking too much caffeine makes you have to tinkle all the time and dehydrates you. The last thing you want while trying to put together cues is being dehydrated and grouchy because you drank too much caffeine. But obviously don’t quit cold turkey if you drink caffeine all the time and everyday. That will just give you a really bad headache.
Have power bars with you. I am hypoglycemic so if I go a certain amount of time without eating I get REALLY bad migraines and super shaky.
I love Luna bars (#NotSponsered) they have many tasty flavors and keep you somewhat full between meal breaks.
Encourage breaks. I like to take a 10 minute break every two hours. At all the theatre’s I have SM’d at, the SM gets to decide when lunch and breaks are. 
Don’t be afraid to move people along. I once had a director stare at light cue for a solid 3 minutes before saying anything about if they liked it or not. So don’t be afraid to say “what do you think of that?” “Does this look okay to you?” and “Are we good to move on?”
Take deep breaths, think of how much the audience will enjoy your show and remember theatre is a collaboration. 
Hope this helps!
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 32: Tampered (Transcript) - 18th April, 2016
tw: none
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
I grew up watching a television show called MacGyver. If you’ve never had that chance to watch this icon of the 80s, do yourself a favour and give it a try. Sure, the clothes are outdated and the hair… oh my gosh, the hair. But aside from all the bits that didn’t age well, MacMullet and his trusty pocket knife managed to capture my imagination forever. Part of it was the adventure, part of it was the character of the man himself – I mean, the guy was essentially a spy who hated guns, played hockey and lived on a houseboat. But hovering above all those elements was the true core of the show. This man could make anything if his life depended on it. As humans, we have this innate drive inside ourselves to make things. This is how we managed to create things like the wheel, or stone tools and weapons. Our tendency towards technology pulled our ancient ancestors out of the Stone Age and into a more civilised world. Maybe for some of us, MacGyver represented what we wanted to achieve: complete mastery of our own world. But life is rarely that simple, and however hard we try to get our minds and hands around this world we want to rule, some things just slip through the cracks. Accidents happen. Ideas and concepts still allude our limited minds. We’re human, after all, not gods. So, when things go wrong, when our plans fall apart or our expectations fail to be met, we have this sense of pride that often refuses to admit defeat. So, we blame others, and when that doesn’t work, we look elsewhere for answers, and no realm holds more explanation for the unexplainable than folklore. 400 years ago, when women refused to follow the rules of society, they were labelled a witch. When Irish children failed to thrive it was because, of course, because they were a changeling. We’re good at excuses. So, when our ancestors found something broken or out of place, there was a very simple explanation – someone, or something, had tampered with it. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
The idea of meddlesome creatures isn’t new to us. All around the world, we can find centuries-old folklore that speaks of creatures with a habit of getting in the way and making life difficult for humans. It’s an idea that seems to transcend borders and background, language and time. Some would say that it’s far too coincidental for all these stories of mischief-causing creatures to emerge in places separated by thousands of miles and vast oceans. The púca of Ireland and the ebu gogo of Indonesia are great examples of this – legends that seem to have no reason for their eerie similarities. Both legends speak of small, humanoid creatures that steal food and children, both recommend not making them angry, and both describe their creatures as intrusive pranksters. To many, the evidence is just too indisputable to ignore. Others would say it’s not coincidence at all, merely a product of human nature. We want to believe there’s something out there causing the problems we experience every day. So, of course, nearly every culture in the world has invented a scapegoat. This scapegoat would have to be small to avoid discovery, and they need respect because we’re afraid of what they can do. To a cultural anthropologist, it’s nothing more than logical evolution. Many European folktales include this universal archetype in the form of nature spirits, and much of it can be traced back to the idea of the daemon.
It’s an old word and concept, coming to us from the Greeks. In essence, a daemon is an otherworldly spirit that causes trouble. The root word, daomai, literally means to cut or divide. In many ways, it’s an ancient version of an excuse. If your horse was spooked while you were out for a ride, you’d probably blame it on a daemon. Ancient Minoans believed in them, and in the day of the Greek poet Homer, people would blame their illnesses on them. The daemon, in many ways, was fate. If it happened to you, there was a reason, and it was probably one of these little things that caused it. But over time, the daemon took on more and more names. Arab folklore has the djinn, Romans spoke of a personal companion known as the genius, in Japan, they tell tales of the kami, and Germanic cultures mention fylgja. The stories and names might be unique to each culture, but the core of them all is the same. There’s something interfering with humanity, and we don’t like it.
For the majority of the English-speaking world, the most common creature of this type in folklore, hands down, is the goblin. It’s not an ancient word, most likely originating from the middle ages, but it’s the one that’s front and centre in most of our minds, and from the start it’s been a creature associated with bad behaviour. A legend from the 10th century tells of how the first Catholic bishop of Évreux in France faced a daemon known to the locals there as Gobelinus. Why that name, though, is hard to trace. The best theory goes something like this: there’s a Greek myth about a creature named kobalos, who loved to trick and frighten people. That story influenced other cultures across Europe prior to Christianity’s spread, creating the notion of the kobold in ancient Germany. That word was most likely to root of the word goblin. Kobold, gobold, gobolin – you can practically hear it evolve. The root word of kobold is kobe, which literally means “beneath the earth”, or “cavity in a rock”. We get the English word “cove” from the same root, and so naturally kobolds and their English counterparts, the goblins, are said to live in caves underground, and if that reminds you of dwarves from fantasy literature, you’re closer than you think. The physical appearance of goblins in folklore vary greatly, but the common description is that they are dwarf-like creatures. They cause trouble, are known to steal, and they have tendency to break things and make life difficult. Because of this, people in Europe would put carvings of goblins in their homes to ward off the real thing. In fact, here’s something really crazy. Medieval door-knockers were often carved to resemble the faces of daemons or goblins, and it’s most likely purely coincidental, but in Welsh folklore, goblins are called coblyn, or more commonly, knockers. My point is this: for thousands of years, people have suspected that all of their misfortune could be blamed on small, meddlesome creatures. They feared them, told stories about them, and tried their best to protect their homes from them. But for all that time, they seemed like nothing more than story. In the early 20th century, though, people started to report actual sightings, and not just anyone. These sightings were documented by trained, respected military heroes. Pilots.
When the Wright brothers took their first controlled flight in December of 1903, it seemed like a revelation. It’s hard to imagine it today, but there was a time when flight wasn’t assumed as a method of travel. So, when Wilbur spent three full seconds in the air that day, he and his brother, Orville, did something else: they changed the way we think about our world. And however long it took humans to create and perfect the art of controllable, mechanical flight, once the cat was out of the bag, it bolted into the future without ever looking back. Within just nine years, someone had managed to mount a machine gun onto one of these primitive aeroplanes. Because of that, when the First World War broke out just two years later, military combat had a new element. Of course, guns weren’t the only weapon a plane could utilise, though. The very first aeroplane brought down in combat was an Austrian plane, which was literally rammed by a Russian pilot. Both pilots died after the wreckage plummeted to the ground below. It wasn’t the most efficient method of air combat, but it was a start. Clearly, we’ve spent the many decades since getting very, very good at it. Unfortunately, though, there have been more reasons for combat disasters than machine gun bullets and suicidal pilots, and one of the most unique and mysterious of those causes first appeared in British newspapers. In an article from the early 1900s, it was said that, and I quote, “the newly constituted royal air force in 1918 appears to have detected the existence of a hoard of mysterious and malicious sprites, whose sole purpose in life was to bring about as many as possible of the inexplicable mishaps which, in those days as now, trouble an airman’s life.” The description didn’t feature a name, but that was soon to follow. Some experts think that we can find roots of it in the old English word gremian, which means “to vex” or “to annoy”. It fits the behaviour of the creatures to the letter, and because of that they have been known from the beginning as gremlins.
Now, before we move forward, it might be helpful to take care of your memories of the 1984 classic film by the same name. I grew up in the 80s, and Gremlins was a fantastic bit of eye candy for my young, horror-loving mind, but the truth of the legend has little resemblance to the version that you and I witnessed on the big screen. The gremlins of folklore, at least the stories that came out of the early 20th century that is, describe the ancient stereotypical daemon, but with a twist. Yes, they were said to be small, ranging anywhere from six inches to three feet in height, and yes, they could appear and disappear at will, causing mischief and trouble wherever they went. But in addition, these modern versions of the legendary goblin seem to possess a supernatural grasp of human technology. In 1923, a British pilot was flying over open water when his engine stalled. He miraculously survived the crash into the sea and was rescued shortly after that. When he was safely aboard the rescue vessel, the pilot was quick to explain what had happened. Tiny creatures, he claimed, had appeared on the plane. Whether they appeared out of nowhere or smuggled themselves aboard prior to take-off, the pilot wasn’t sure. However they got there, he said that they proceeded to tamper with the plane’s engine and flight controls, and without power or control, he was left to drop helplessly into the sea.
These reports were infrequent in the 1920s, but as the world moved into the Second World War and the number of planes in the sky began to grow exponentially, more and more stories seemed to follow – small, troublesome creatures who had an almost supernatural ability to hold on to moving aircraft, and while they were there, to do damage and to cause accidents. In some cases, they were even cited inside planes, among the crew and cargo. Stories, as we’ve seen so many times before, have a tendency to spread like disease. Oftentimes, that’s because of fear, but sometimes it’s because of truth, and the trouble is in figuring out where to draw that line, and that line kept moving as the sightings were reported outside the British ranks. Pilots on the German side also reported seeing creatures during flights, as did some in India, Malta and the Middle East. Some might chalk these stories up to hallucinations, or a bit of pre-flight drinking. There are certainly a lot of stories of World War Two pilots climbing into the cockpit after a night of romancing the bottle – and who can blame them? In many cases, these pilots were going to their death, with a 20% chance of never coming back from a mission alive. But there are far too many reports to blame it all on drunkenness or delirium. Something unusual was happening to planes all throughout the Second World War, and with folklore as a lens, some of the reports are downright eerie. In 2014, a 92-year-old World War Two veteran from Jonesborough, Arkansas came forward to tell a story he had kept to himself for seven decades. He’d been a B-17 pilot during the war, one of the legendary flying fortresses that helped allied air forces carry out successful missions over Nazi territory, and it was on one of those missions that this man experienced something that, until recently, he had kept to himself. The pilot, who chose to identify himself with the initials L.W., spoke of how he was a 22-year-old flight commander on the B-17, when something very unusual happened on a combat mission in 1944. He described how, as he brought the aircraft to a higher altitude, the plane began to make strange noises. That wasn’t completely unusual, as the B-17 is an absolutely enormous plane and sometimes turbulence can rattle the structure, but he checked his instrument panel out of habit. According to his story, the instruments seemed broken and confused.
Looking for an answer to the mystery, he glanced out the right-side window, and then froze. There, outside the glass of the cockpit window, was the face of a small creature. The pilot described it as about three feet tall with red eyes and sharp teeth. The ears, he said, were almost owl-like, and its skin was grey and hairless. He looked back toward the front and noticed a second creature, this one moving along the nose of the aircraft. He said it was dancing and hammering away at the metal body of the plane. He immediately assumed he was hallucinating. I can picture him rubbing his eyes and blinking repeatedly like some old Loony Toons film. But according to him, he was as sharp and alert as ever. Whatever it was that he witnessed outside the body of the plane, he said that he managed to shake them off with a bit of “fancy flying”, and that’s his term, not mine. But while the creatures themselves might have vanished, the memory of them would haunt him for the rest of his life. He told only one person afterwards, a gunner on another B-17, but rather than laugh at him his friend acknowledged that he, too, had seen similar creatures on a flight just the day before.
Years prior, in the summer of 1939, an earlier encounter was reported, this time in the Pacific. According to the account, a transport plane took off from the airbase in San Diego in the middle of the afternoon and headed toward Hawaii. Onboard were 13 marines, some of whom were crew of the plane and others were passengers – it was a transport, after all. About halfway through the flight, whilst still over the vast expanse of the blue Pacific, the transport issued a distress signal. After that, the signal stopped, as did all other forms of communication. It was as if the plane had simply gone silent and then vanished, which made it all the more surprising when it reappeared later, outside the San Diego airfield and prepared for landing. But the landing didn’t seem right. The plane came in too fast, it bounced on the runway in rough, haphazard ways, and then finally came to a dramatic emergency stop. Crew on the runway immediately understood why, too – the exterior of the aircraft was extensively damaged, some said it looked like bombs had ripped apart the metal skin of the transport. It was a miracle, they said, that the thing even landed at all. When no one exited the plane to greet them, they opened it up themselves and stepped inside, only to be met with a scene of horror and chaos.
Inside, they discovered the bodies of 12 of the 13 passengers and crew. Each seemed to have died from the same types of wounds, large, vicious cuts and injuries that almost seemed to have originated from a wild animal. Added to that, the interior of the transport smelled horribly of sulphur and the acrid odour of blood. To complicate matters, empty shell casings were found scattered about the interior of the cockpit. The pistols responsible, belonging to the pilot and co-pilot, were found on the floor near their feet, completely spent. 12 men were found, but there was a thirteenth. The co-pilot had managed to stay conscious despite his extensive injuries, just long enough to land the transport at the base. He was alive but unresponsive when they found him, and quickly removed him for emergency medical care. Sadly, the man died a short while later. He never had the chance to report what happened.
Stories of the gremlins have stuck around in the decades since, but they live mostly in the past. Today they are mentioned more like a personified Murphy’s Law, muttered as a humorous superstition by modern pilots. I get the feeling that the persistence of the folklore is due more to its place as a cultural habit than anything else. We can ponder why, I suppose. Why would sightings stop after World War II? Some think it’s because of advancements in aeroplane technology: stronger structures, faster flight speeds, and higher altitudes. The assumption is that, sure, gremlins could hold on to our planes, but maybe we’ve gotten so fast that even that’s become impossible for them. The other answer could just be that the world has left those childhood tales of little creatures behind. We’ve moved beyond belief now. We’ve outgrown it. We know a lot more than we used to, after all, and to our thoroughly modern minds these stories of gremlins sound like just so much fantasy. Whatever reason you subscribe to, it’s important to remember that many people have believed with all their being that gremlins are real, factual creatures, people we would respect and believe.
In 1927, a pilot was over the Atlantic in a plane that, by today’s standards, would be considered primitive. He was alone, and he had been in the air for a very long time but was startled to discover that there were creatures in the cockpit with him. He described them as small, vaporous beings with a strange, otherworldly appearance. The pilot claimed that these creatures spoke to him and kept him alert in a moment when he was overly tired and passed the edge of exhaustion. They helped with the navigation for his journey and even adjusted some of his equipment. This was a rare account of gremlins who were benevolent rather than meddlesome or hostile. Even still, this pilot was so worried about what the public might think of his experience that he kept the details to himself for over 25 years. In 1953, this pilot included the experience in a memoir of his flight. It was a historic journey, after all, and recording it properly required honesty and transparency. The book, you see, was called The Spirit of St. Louis, and the man was more than just a pilot. He was a military officer, an explore, an inventor, and on top of all of that he was also a national hero because of his successful flight from New York to Paris – the first man to do so, in fact. This man, of course, was Charles Lindbergh.
[Closing Statements]
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threewaysdivided · 5 years
For the fanfic ask: D, S, and U ;) thanks!
For wornquillsandspilledink’s Fanfic Ask Game:
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with your fics?
Hmmm… I’m not a particularly music-based writer - a lot of my inspiration comes from other stories, or visuals, or personal experience.  Usually musical associations come afterwards, once I’ve got a scene/character fixed well enough for a song to resonate with them.  It also means that I tend to associate songs with fic-moments, characters or fandoms-in-general rather than with a single entire story.  So, a list:
As mentioned before, the opening Instrumental of the Disturbed Sound of Silence Cover is a good match to the ambience of YJ:DW Chapter 15.
Coldplay’s Paradise gives me angsty S1 Artemis vibes.
For Danny Fenton, Coldplay’s Gravity and Simple Plan’s Astronaut get the sad feels going.
Most Imagine Dragons songs tend to make me think YJS1 due their being used in a bunch of super talented fan-animations and AMVs.
More broadly the general emotional tone of ColdPlay’s Fix You and The Fray’s You Found Me kind of underscore sadder, heavier moments of writing.
There was a lot more Sad™ and Coldplay in there than I expected.  Whoops…
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m one of those annoying Tropes-are-Tools-not-Guarantees types so there aren’t many tropes I can confess to seeking out for their own sake, or deliberately inserting into all of my stories.  That said, I tend to be pretty characterisation-focused (even though I like long-fics to have some kind of accompanying plot too), and there definitely some tropes/patterns I’ll gravitate towards:
Believable Depictions of Grief/ Trauma and Healing/ ClosureI enjoy finding stories that actually address the hard experiences or losses that characters have gone through, that the process is messy, and ways they might attempt to work through/ around it, while still letting them be themselves, have moments of levity, live their lives and eventually reach a point of closure.  Grief depicted like this is weepy, delicious, catharsis and I am here for it.
Trust and RevealsI can get a bit frustrated with stories (especially crossovers) that have characters just know or decide to immediately overshare secrets and personal information.  Always more satisfied when those secrets are treated as secret by the narrative, with characters having to sleuth it out or build genuine respect and trust before learning/earning the truth.
Intrigue and the Suspense of AnticipationLove me some Fair Mysteries.  Also when creators are willing to play games with the audience, letting us reach the answer ahead of the characters and wait in anticipation for the penny to drop.  Good stuff.
 Actual Communication and MisunderstandingsThere’s a certain sort of masochistic anticipation that comes from seeing two or more characters end up in conflict because their own personal biases and hang-ups are causing them to misrepresent and/or read  things into the other person’s words/behaviour that aren’t actually there.  Usually followed by either a fight or moment when someone says something that throws that misinterpreted reading off-balance and the whole truth ends up being brought to light and resolved.  I also like this because it lends itself well to grey-on-grey conflicts; no clear “good vs bad” but instead all sides somewhat sympathetic and somewhat at fault for poor communication.
Character studiesKind of self-explanatory: stories that focus in to put the microscope on a single character’s emotional reactions to, and reasoning behind, specific canon behaviours/ events make me happy.  The more believably close to canon-characterisation the happier this gremlin will be.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. 
Fair warning: I tend to read pretty widely, so this has the potential to balloon into a huge list. While I could definitely recommend some of the classic fandom bigs like BNHA’s PitViperofDoom and Laquearia, or DP’s Haiju (all of who deserve it and you should check out if you haven’t), I think I’ll take this chance to ping some writers from older/ wider fandoms:
tactfulGnostalgic’s Into the Spiderverse The Family Brooklyn Series.  Hits a lot of my personal trope favourites (character studies, reveals, believable depictions of grief, actual communication, accepting oneself) and also because oh my gosh that prose.  There’s an almost Markus Zusak-ian quality to their writing at points and the rest is just impeccable and fun.  Also packs some really good snappy dialogue.
skyflower51′s Skyrim storiesI really enjoy the environment design, side-quests and lore of Skyrim, and Skyflower51 does a great job of writing interesting characters to fill the blank-slate player-insert MC position, fleshing out in-game plot-lines and characters with much more nuance and detail by having a specific personality from within that world interact with and push them beyond what the limited RPG writing would allow, as well as exploring the possible identity/responsibility issues that come with being thrust into the role of legendary hero.  If you want a look at what Skyrim could be if written as a fantasy world instead of a videogame backdrop, these will probably scratch the itch.
Blackfriar’s Young Justice storiesOh hey, a fandom I actually write for.  Lovers of fluff will want to tread carefully here, as their stories are frequently rated M for angst and violence with good reason.  That said, if you like white-knuckled suspense, horror and anguish, or seeing Batman, Robin and Kid Flash being trialled by difficult situations both in and out of uniform, these will certainly get you your fix.  They also have some crossovers with Under the Red Hood which may satisfy those disappointed by YJ’s lack of Jason.
Also want to give a quick shout to Daruku Janubu/ DJAnubis, whose art for the TTxDP fic Turning Tables was what first got me into fanfic, and whose own story, Unfair Justice, made me cry.
Thanks for playing!
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shankmeharder · 5 years
Daily Goodie Box(free and full of treats)
Daily Goodie Box is a lovely service that, once you sign up for it, awards free goodie boxes(a new box every month) to its subscribers. The best way to get picked for a free box is to be active on their social media and generally be very open with your opinions. After doing just that, I was awarded one for this month. Now one of the great things about this box, is that (as they love to remind you)  It's more than just Free Samples! The fullsize products they include(in addition to a couple sample size ones) allow you to make the fullest use of the product and really see if you like it, and want to add it to your routine,kitchen, or cleaning roster. I’ve decided to put my own assessment out there and after a week of testing, the reviews are in. The links for each product, or their brand website, are listed below their respective reviews.
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Starting with the snacks.
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First we have Sweet Potato Puffs by Spudsy in the Crunchy Cinnamon Variety.Now these I can see being a bit polarizing. First bite is not a great indicator for potential. You get a puff of cinnamon that slowly cedes the stage to the texture which is a bit like a rice puff but a tad less springy, not necessarily super appealing. However, in the spirit of giving it a fair shake, I gave it another go. By the fourth (tiny) puff, I was actually pretty delighted with them. They are not overly sweet, they don’t have any kind of unfortunate aftertaste, and it becomes easy to go through them.My daughter and  I finished the teeny sample bag before i knew it, and were a bit crestfallen when we realized it. I would definitely recommend these as a toddler or childrens’ snack, as they do remind me a bit of those other very popular puffs and may provide a similar and appealing texture to the young ones.I know my Bean was absolutely enamored of them. https://spudsy.com/collections/sweet-potato-puffs
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Next, we have the Gluten-Free Granola by Bakery on Main. This is the Cranberry Almond Maple variety, and let me tell you, I did not have high hopes for this product. I am not a huge granola person, a lot of them are too sugary or too dry and they just don’t appeal. This blew me out of the water. The maple flavor is very present but it doesn’t overwhelm everything. The bean crisps were a wild card for me and I found them delightful, just enough crunch and chew, and they were complimented very well by the tart dried cranberries. The almonds and seeds are lovely, nothing to write home about, but exactly what you would hope for in the Granola/ Trail mix hybrid. My only fuss, I wouldn’t mind a slightly higher cranberry to bean crisp ratio. This is honestly delightful, and the 1.1 oz bag is actually the perfect size for a quick snack on the go, or a little workout energy boost. https://bakeryonmain.com/shop/cranberry-almond-maple-granola/
Now on to the tea
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For our beverage offering we have Tipson tea in, Honey&Lemon Matcha Infusion. I will cop to the fact that I tend to be more of a coffee person, but lately I’ve been trying to cut back, drink more water, drink more tea. However, I am a sucker for homey and lemon, so this was providence. I’m not the biggest Matcha fan, but again, I give everything its fair trial before i pass a verdict. I brewed a cup to have with our previously mentioned snacks. The tea is definitely lemony, probably one of the most overtly fruit flavored teas, short of something pre-chilled and sold in a tall can, that I’ve ever had.The honey, however, loses its way and is hard to taste behind all that lemon. The matcha, being that this is a “matcha infusion” is also pretty hard to get, which is fine with me. I prefer subtle matcha. After my initial taste, I fixed it the way I normally fix my tea, with milk and (extra) honey, and it was lovely. I would recommend using honey if you want to taste it, but it is a lovely tea, nonetheless, and I’ll be enjoying each of my twenty-four remaining cups. https://www.amazon.com/tipson
First up in health and beauty is the face mask.
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Here is the detoxifying peel mask by Que Bella. I’ve made it no secret that this is the item I was most excited to try. On opening the packet, it seemed there was not an overabundance of product, and I feared I might have to use both packets for one mask. My fears were mostly allayed, when one packet proved to be just enough for one layer. The smell of the mask is quite pleasant, not overwhelming, in fact you become used to it quite quickly. The consistency is a bit thinner than I was expecting, but I smeared it on and geared up for the slightly painful peeling to come. The mask started to tighten within about three minutes of finishing the application, and it was lovely to sit in front of the fan with it on, like sticking your face into a cool mountain spring. I opted to wait the twenty-five minutes it suggests on the package, as I am the type of person that will keep poking and prodding and checking to see if it’s dry, unless I rein myself in.The peeling was not nearly as painful as some of the others I have tried, but i attribute that in part to my artful avoidance of my hairline, and how very thin the mask was. It was also quite a quick ordeal, and none of my peach fuzz got yanked out, so I call that a win. Upon removal, my cheeks continued feeling the “mountain spring” sensation for quite a while, probably fifteen minutes or so. My cheeks were noticeably smoother, as was my nose. My skin didn’t redden excessively, or puff up like I’d  been stung, so on all accounts, I’d give this mask two thumbs up. https://www.quebellabeauty.com/product-page/que-bella-professional-detoxifying-intense-black-peel-off-mask
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In our health selection, this month we were sent Napz, a drug free, non-habit forming, sleep aid. To preface this review, I am a nocturnal hermit gremlin and I almost never fall asleep before 3 a.m. In my (almost) week of usage, I found these were better for kicking my butt in the last hour before succumbing, than forcing myself into premature sleep. They do create a subtle drowsiness, but like most herbal remedies and aids, I think you must be very receptive to it, and do what you can to maximize its efficacy. The directions recommend taking an hour before desired bed time for best results. On the nights when i took it at midnight I did fall asleep 1 to 2 hours earlier. But taking it any earlier than that did me no good, as I just was not close enough to sleep. Would I recommend this to an insomniac, or someone with a preternaturally screwy circadian rhythms like me? Probably not, at least not in an attempt to “normalize” a sleep schedule. Would I recommend this to someone trying to get an extra hour before exams, or even just for relaxation? Hell yes! https://www.napz.com/
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This month we were provided with QuickStop! bandages by Curad. Wooo bandages! No sarcasm, I go through these like no ones business. Between blood thinners, a compulsion to pick my fingers, and an adventurous toddler, I constantly have plasters on, and my daughter goes through a couple a week. They are usually some cute design that I either bleed through, or that falls off within an hour, so anything that claims to stop bleeding faster, and stay on my damn fingers/toes/elbow/daughters knees. is a beacon of hope for me and my blood-stained button-ups. Now these were a interesting test, as I literally had to wait for myself to bleed, and like a watched pot, my finger refused to boil-I mean- you know what I mean. Yesterday I finally had an excuse to use them, oddly enough on a paper cut, and a needle prick. Apparently my self control was great this week, probably because I was thinking about it so much. Now when one is on blood thinners, they bleed a bit longer and a bit more than usual. Typically we are just instructed to apply more pressure and be patient, but if I get cut while dealing with a crying toddler (as is my luck) I may not have a free hand to apply pressure while trying to prevent a nuclear meltdown. Indeed, I didn’t need one. It was story time before bed, she was fussing and fighting sleep with the best of them, and wouldn’t you know it, my finger slips and I get a massive, (honestly, a little scary) deep, paper cut on my thumb. The Bean sees this and starts to cry more because Baba/Mama is bleeding and oh my gosh this is terrible. I pull a bandage out of my stash in her dresser and pop it on. No bleeding through, no leakage, immediately my thumb is story ready and suddenly there is no more reason to cry because “ooo mommy, what’s this?”.Despite her best efforts she couldn’t tear it off, and I got a toddler to bed without getting blood all over the sheets. Win-Win. The needle prick was less dire, but it happened while sewing a teddy bear up last night, and it lasted through my tossing sleep, and all this typing, so, again, I’ll call it a win.  http://curad.com/quick-stop/
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Pertaining to health and hygiene, the goodie box bestowed upon us...an oral rinse? I’m game, in fact I was sort of looking forward to this one, as I’ve just changed toothpastes and was considering adding another component to my routine. I don’t particularly care about the whitening aspect but on all other accounts I’d like to have a good rinse in my arsenal. This is unfortunately not it, at least not for me. It is described as “peppermint” but it more of a lemongrass/torture flavor. There is no tingle or sensation of freshness that comes with it, in fact it makes me want to rinse my mouth with something stronger. After a week of usage with my brushing routine(evenings only for this product) I did not notice a change in whiteness, and there seemed to be no breath freshening component, my toothpaste was pulling all the weight there. Maybe to someone who follows the “pristine protocol” with the recommended line of products, this would be useful. However, just throwing this into your routine, as far as I can tell, will not cause a noticeable change in dental hygiene or emotional fulfillment.  https://essentialoxygen.com/products/organic-brushing-rinse/
Last on our list of goodies we have our only household item.
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Ode to Clean cleansing wipes. These are billed as “all-purpose” wipes and claim to be skin safe and cruelty free, so what do i have to lose? Answer? Maybe my old wipes. I love these, I have finicky skin, I can’t get poison ivy, but i can get chemical burns from a couple drops of gasoline. So I never know what I’m in for with “skin safe” products. In this case, no reaction to be recorded. No welts, hives, rashes, etc. I tried them out on dried liquids, liquefied solids, and even some caked on semi-solids (I have a toddler, a lot of messes get made). They work like a dream. The scent is a bit citrus-y and a bit herbal, certainly not bad, but also not what you might be used to. They don’t leave behind too much of the scent, which is just fine with me, and they take all the mess with them, too. The only downside? I don’t have a full pack of them. 
Well there you have it, July’s Daily Goodie Box in a nutshell. If you would like the opportunity to to be awarded a future box with more full and sample size goodies, simply sign up at dailygoodiebox.com and start making yourself heard on their social media. They give out tons of boxes every day, you could get one next.
Have a great day, my little void children.
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wisepuma23 · 6 years
Roman’s Lucky Day
Pairing: Royality
Genre: Pure Fluff 
Warnings: None
Here is some emergency fluff for @notveryglittery , i got you! I can do fluff, I swear! Here is some royality fluff to cheer you today! It’s at a lengthy 1k because I just cannot write a drabble for the life of me! 
but i hope you enjoy! 
(read on AO3)
Father Winter howled outside their cabin and the windows were frosted over. The world outside was hazy and forgotten in a flurry of snow. December made its arrival well known. Roman woke up blearily to the soft snores of his boyfriend underneath him. His chest slowly rising and falling as Roman buried his head further into Patton’s warm neck. Waking up was for losers. Especially if it meant braving the cold beyond their thick white comforters and leaving his boyfriend’s arms.
Roman woke up several hours later to giggles.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, but gosh, it’s just your hair.” Patton’s giggles made his toes curl with its early morning gravel and roughness. Looks like Roman wasn’t the only one who slept in today. Roman tried to move his head to look up at Patton but was dissuaded by Patton’s gentle coax to stay nestled in his neck.
Roman groaned as he felt soft fingers card through his hair. His fingers were like magic. Again he felt the tantalizing seductress of sleep threaten to pull him down again. He wouldn’t mind drifting off to the feeling of his boyfriend around and under him. A few minutes passed like that, on that hazy edge between awake and slumber, until Patton bent down to pull up Roman’s jaw and kissed him.
Okay, maybe he can leave sleep for later.
“Good morning,” Roman said around a goofy smile, “How are you doing today, Pat?”
Patton’s blue eyes twinkled with mirth, “Much better now that the sun is up.”
“It’s like noon, and the winter,” Roman said, then at Patton’s blush, he finally got it, “Oh I’m the sun! OH! Me sun! Forgive my ineptitude, my world.”
Patton’s face caught on fire, “Roman!”
Roman laughed as he crawled closer in between Patton’s legs to pull those adorable sweater paws from his face. He pulled Patton’s hips closer to pull Patton into a searing kiss against the headboard. Roman swallowed Patton’s gasp and sucked at those chapped lips of his. Patton put his hands on his shoulders and pulled away with a giggle. Roman let out a playful growl and kissed him one last time on the cheek.
Roman was floating in a haze of happiness. Their dinky little apartment and their jobs, and Patton’s family of gremlins all felt so far away. Their passive aggressive comments had no place here. Roman was gonna love it up and they would stick it.
Roman was glad that Logan and Virgil lent their family’s cabin for winter break even if he didn’t know to make it up to them. Virgil simply shook his head with a smile at his question on the day before they left, and simply said, “It’s on the house, man.” And then dropped the keys in Roman’s hand before he could protest and walked back inside to join his husband and their darling adopted daughter of three months.
Roman wasn’t a fool. He knew what Virgil was insinuating with that eyebrow wiggle of his! Yes, he was going to fuck his boyfriend’s brains out in a picturesque cabin like out of a soft porno, that was a Given. No, it wasn’t that, but Virgil’s wink was the latest in a million hints over the past few months. Logan even told him point blank, “Just marry that boy already, Roman Lucky.”
Tying the knot.
Together until death do they part.
“Uh, you know we’ve been dating for six years right?” Roman said, nerves crawling up his spine, oh god was he really doing this? Roman licked his lips as he watched Patton tilt his head and then smile, “Six going on seven, Ro! Why?”
Time seemed to slow to a stop as he took in Patton’s curls, his freckles, and god his soft lips. Even if his hair was messy, his lips chapped and reeked of morning breath, Roman felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. Roman’s hands felt clammy and he sat up before he could stop himself. The blankets pooled around them as Patton looked at him with that concerned pinch between his eyebrows. God, he was in love with this man and it looked like he was never going to stop. Roman felt tears prick at the edge of his eyes.
“Oh Roman, honey, are you alright?” Patton said worried, “Do you miss home? I know we left our cat, Tiana, with Virge and Lo. She’ll be fine. Do you want me to facetime them? Hold on, I’ll get my phone and make some of those pancakes you like.”
Patton started to get up but Roman tugged him back down, “No, uh, I just wanted to say, oh this is so wrong! I forgot the ring at home and I had a whole thing but I can’t wait any longer, my love!”
Roman slipped off the bed and kneeled down as he took hold of Patton’s hands, “Will you marry me, Patton Day?”
Patton made a choked noise, then burst into sobs as he tackled Roman onto the cold wooden floor, “Yes! A million times yes! I love you!”
Roman squeezed him tight as ignored his own sobs, sue him he was a romantic sap, “I love you too, you are….you are my world, my sun, and my stars.”
“Stoooop! You’re going to make me cry even harder!” Patton laughed as he wiped away his tears on Roman’s red sweater, “Wait, so if we’re getting married, does that mean our last names will be hyphenated Lucky-Day?”
Roman burst out into laughter hard enough that Patton couldn’t help but join him. When they got married a year and a half later, it was exactly that, a lucky day. Logan dabbed at his tears with a handkerchief as Virgil had to resist turning his daughter's lovely little dress into a snot covered mess. He was emotional, okay? Roman and Patton couldn’t resist shedding a few tears too. Roman danced with Patton for hours during the reception and left in a dramatic display with Roman sweeping his newlywed into his arms into a hot pink limo and drove off into the night with glitter trailing behind. How else?
Roman and Patton Lucky-Day lived happily ever after.
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