#genuinely haven't stopped thinking about this since reading this interview
rassicas · 5 days
Hello Rassicas.
I am working on a video about Nintendo’s lgbtq characters. Of course when it comes to splatoon, there’s a certain duo that comes to mind, off the hook.
The problem I’ve been having is that it seems a lot of the information, wether that be the English/japanese bits of dialogue, interviews and other bits of lore, seems to be completely scattered around.
Considering you describe yourself as the “CEO of splatoon lore” I was wondering if you could help me compile any bits and pieces of those two gay cephalopods.
(My apologies if this is moreso something I should be asking in dms instead)
i think the ask box is a good place for this, i'm not as hardcore of a shipper as other people are (more of a worldbuilding enjoyer), but i know there is so much and I don't wanna dig for all of it. I'll share a few off the top of my head. pearlina fans reading this, please feel free to share anything else in the replies/reblogs. 1. Pearl interview from Octotune: its on my mind since i just brought it up in a previous ask I think the artwork in this interview has the strongest implication that pearl and marina live together. Also the question: Q17: What is the best gift you have ever received? Pearl: The chance to meet Marina. 2. Marina's manga, "Dear Pearl". a manga that, in-universe, is drawn by marina.
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genuinely i think this is one of the gayest things there is in canon like theres hearts in that LOVE letter thats directed towards pearl COME ON (i consider it canon as its drawn by seita inoue, who handles splatoon's art direction and a lot of lore/worldbuilding). you can read it here
3. Marina's tagline on Splatoon Base calls her a 恋する乙女 "young lady in love". the word for 'to love' (恋する) is specifically romantic.
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4. Off the Hook didn't fight against each other in the s2 final splatfest like the Squid Sisters did because they're on such good terms with each other.
I’ve heard people saying that since the final fest for the last game was a showdown between the Squid Sisters, this time it was bound to be between Off the Hook.
Nogami: I think that’s probably the obvious conclusion, but the development team don’t actually want those two to attack one another. Since the Squid Sisters have their own talents and abilities, even though they are a duo they are also kind of rivals, so we thought we would pit them against each other. Off the Hook, though, are much more of a unit and on good terms with one another, so we didn’t want to force them to fight.
5. Marina has a photo of pearl as her desktop wallpaper. the framing of the photo very much looks romantic and intimate. there is no heterosexual explanation for this
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i'll stop here, there's definitely more and I don't wanna be here for hours. I haven't even touched on any in game dialogue. again guys feel free to make additions to this with sources. is there a pearlina masterdoc or something LOL i feel like thats something that deserves to exist (someone please make it because i wont)
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bisonaari · 9 months
Rambling about the finnish language because I have thoughts. They probably won't make a lot of sense, but it's mostly for me hahaha
First of all if you haven't downloaded the app Drops, you should!! It's super fun to learn vocabulary so far, and the interface is soooo cute!! Idk how effective it is on the long term, but it can't hurt to practice more hahaha.
Then this should have actually been first but whatever lol. I'm having so much fun learning the language. I hadn't felt that since I started learning japanese in 2006, and I've tried maaaaany more languages since then lol. I'm genuinely looking forward to my duolingo everyday! Every time I understand a new word in a song or an interview or something it's like my brain has solved a new puzzle and the SEROTONIN I SWEAR
Finnish has started to sound familiar for me now? Like earlier today I was watching an estonian/finnish comparison video and when the guy started speaking estonian I was like "oh yeah I def recognise the intonation and a few words, but that's it". Then the other guy started speaking finnish and my brain had a moment of "OH!! I know this!!! This is our stuff!!" Like I don't even feel that with spanish, and my spanish is better than my finnish by a LONG shot lmao. (It's still shit though I'm like three years old toddler level lol)
Idk I wanted to say something else but I'm just so so so happy a a a a a
OH YEAH also I'm a dumb fuck and since my third language is japanese I've hard-wired myself into pronouncing stuff the japanese way every time a language is nor english nor french, and it PISSES ME OFF. Because I KNOW how to pronounce the sounds but my brain is like oh did you mean [japanese sound] lemme fix that for you NO I KNOW WHAT I MEANT LET ME SAY WORDS GDI
So here is a list of stuff that I need to deprogram
from japanese
U pronounciation. In japanese, u is like a y/u mix and it's so hard to undo once you start doing it URGH
Soft-rolled r. Rolling r hard is kinda bad manneers in Japan so I never really forced myself to do it
L/R confusion. Since it's the exact same sound for both in japanese sometimes I just L my R or roll my L it's so silly hahaha
From french
T/D stridulation. It's pronouncing t as ts and d as dz instead of a hard t or d. It's only found in quebec french and it took me A BILLION YEARS to learn when I moved here, and now I have to undo it???
Ä/A distinction. Already said it, but it's more of a matter of accent in french so I need to stop using them interchangeably
Learn to fucking read y/u and ö/o GDI BISON IT'S NOT HARD
Stress of the first syllable. Almost impossible for a french speaker BUT I SHALL PERSEVERE
From both:
Thank you for reading my scrambled mind lol. I'm training for another department at work and it's a lot of info so my brain is about to leak from my ears, and it shows in my writing lmao
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possibleplatypus · 2 years
I just saw this article and I'm somehow even more disappointed.
But it turns out no one warned Captain America himself that a very personal piece of his history was about to be broadcast to the world. "I laughed my ass off," Ruffalo tells EW. "I'm like, 'Does someone need to talk to Captain America about this?' I haven't. I was afraid he was going to have it cut. Too late now, buddy. The cat's out of the bag."
Like... yes? He would have it cut because it's such bullshit? The fact that Chris who genuinely cares about Steve and who played that character for ten years wouldn't approve should've been an indicator.
Reducing Steve to jokes about his virginity is such a cheap shot. Avoiding that Sam is Captain America is too. I don't even know anymore.
My friend.... this is really funny, because I also just read this article today, and I was all geared up to write a rant about it when you popped into my inbox 😂
This is one of the most asinine articles I've ever read 🤣🤣🤣 and I've read quite a few in regards to certain characters in the MCU.
First to address your point about Chris Evans-- I do feel pretty bad for him. I think he genuinely connected to and cared about Steve Rogers as a character. From the interviews in which he talks about Steve, and particularly Steve's relationship with Bucky, I can tell he really put a lot of thought into Steve's heart and frame of mind, and I think he really made MCU Steve Rogers his. Certainly any new film incarnations of Steve will be measured up against Chris' interpretation, haha.
It's just... I don't think Chris would have wanted Steve to be disrespected like this. Ruffalo himself said he thought Chris would have put a stop to it. So it's distasteful that everyone would just go ahead and make obsessing over Steve's virginity a big part of Jennifer's character while laughing at it all the while. (I can't read Chris Evans' mind-- maybe he doesn't care, though I like to think he does.) As a big fan of Steve, Disney has not failed to disappoint me time after time, and this is just the icing on the cake.
And Sam, our new Captain America! Why does the MCU seem to forget that they have a new Captain America? Is it because they're spending all their energy marketing another Captain? 🤔 You'd think he would be of more note to a Manhattan lawyer's mind since he stopped freedom fighters antifa terrorists from killing the GRC members? Hell the Hollywood Reporter forgot and Chris had to remind them. I do feel bad for Anthony Mackie. 🤦 Silver lining-- at least She Hulk isn't obsessing over Sam's virginity??
And yes, I do agree that reducing Steve to jokes about his ass and virginity are a cheap shot. And it shows how puerile and insipid the MCU has become. They have nothing of note to say and they grab for anything that they think is funny, to the point of making jokes of their most beloved characters. I know they're aiming for the widest audience imaginable, including kids, but that doesn't mean they need to write like high schoolers (though tbh I know fanficcers in high school that write better than these guys). What mature adult honestly gives a such a huge crap about whether or not a (thought to be) deceased public figure and national hero had sex?
The first paragraph had me rolling my eyes already:
Jennifer Walters is the hero we all deserve, because in the very first episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, she finally gets to the bottom of one of Marvel's biggest mysteries: Did Captain America die a virgin?
And it just gets worse.
As She-Hulk continues, viewers can expect to see more hilarious, meta, and, yes, horny moments like this. "The horniness! That stuff is my favorite," Maslany says with a laugh. She loved how Jen is obsessed with Captain America's virginity because "it's the human side of him, the real side, the thing that she would [relate to]."
You're telling me that Jennifer Walters, a lawyer whose opening scene showed her practicing her closing argument for a case against powerful business interests that caused the deaths of innocent people-- that Jennifer Walters, who was standing up for the little guy-- that this strong, compassionate woman, is "obsessed" with Captain America's virginity of all things because it's the "human, real" side of him that she would relate to?? Not the side of him that stood up against bullies at great detriment to his own well-being, even before he had the serum? Not the side of him that curled over a grenade to protect his fellow soldiers? The side that went into a Nazi death camp solo to rescue his best friend (and hundreds of other POWs) when the army left them for dead? The side of him that leveled a Nazi-infested US intelligence agency? The side of him that did exactly what she was shown to be doing right at the beginning of her own show??
I think @luna-rainbow said it best-- "to reduce “the human side of Steve” (or anyone, for that matter) to whether or not they fucked…is seriously superficial, intrusive and just pathetic."
But the actress admits she had no idea this was something Marvel fans have been wondering for years, adding, "I love that that's how everybody's thinking. In that vein of that question, there's a lot more Easter eggs like that throughout the season. There's something later that's a really great moment with a cameo that I won't say what happens, but it's basically like a walk of shame that's really funny."
I shudder to imagine what horrors await us.
And if any fans are wondering how credible Bruce's intel is, the debate can be put to rest: This is officially the true story of how Captain America lost his virginity. "We didn't set out thinking that we were going to be able to answer it," Gao tells EW. "It used to just be a running joke, that it's going to be a lifelong obsession for Jen, that this is the one thing that keeps her awake at night. It actually used to be in the show a lot more, where in every episode there would be some little reminder, like you'd see that her search history was this, and she was always in asides talking to other characters where everybody's reaction was like, 'She's talking about this again.'"
You're kidding me right? Does nobody on this team see how creepy it is for a grown woman to be obsessed lifelong with a dead man's sex life? Compare it to a random male character obsessing every night over whether or not Natasha had been a virgin when she died. And for this to be the thing that keeps her awake at night? Out of all the things she's experienced??
But then Gao got the definitive answer — and permission to use it — from Marvel's mastermind. "It was actually Kevin Feige who said, 'I know the answer. I can tell you. We can do the answer,'" Gao recalls. "And I was like, 'You have the answer, and we can tell everyone?' And he was like, 'Yeah.' So this is Marvel canon. This is straight from Kevin Feige."
SO IT WAS YOU, KEVIN FEIGE!!! Honestly when I read this I almost felt relieved. If it's Feige's own fatuous headcanon, I can ignore it. Why does the status of Steve Rogers' virginity take up so much of his headspace that he feels the need to insert it into a show that has nothing to do with him? And they were going to have it in every episode? Why?! PLEASE tell me they aren't doing that anymore. I don't want anyone in the MCU to ever utter Steve's name again.
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halliescomut · 1 year
Lucid MV discussion
So...1-spoilers (duh). You can watch the Lucid MV here, and I 10,000% recommend you do before reading the rest of this...and these are just ramblings about the theme and ideas that I feel about the MV. I haven't searched out any interviews or anything about the ideas behind it...I'm just going off what I see.
The vibe I got, and one that was echoed by others in a Discord... very much Peter Pan vibes. It's what I thought of right away. The overall story of the video, the visuals, it's all very much classical Peter Pan, with a bit of Faerie prince.
I guess we're going chronologically, because that's what makes sense to me, we start with wide shot of the room where Pornappan is sleeping (that is the actress's name, and it seems weird to just refer to her with no name at all, so we're going with real name, and I'll also just be calling Jeff Jeff).
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And we see the open window, with curtains fluttering, which is a visual you will see in many retellings of the Peter Pan story. (This is not, as far as I can tell from a Peter Pan retelling, but it had the vibe, and this post is already gonna take me an hour +.)
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The setting itself is also very western fairytale inspired, from the location and decor of the room, to the costumes. All of it has a traditional English countryside manner type of feel, and I do genuinely wonder when and where it was filmed, as it doesn't necessarily look like my own preconceived notions of Thailand visually.
The initial seeing of Jeff asleep on the floor, reminded me so much of the scene in Hook where Peter remembers seeing Moira for the first time that I had to rewatch it because I thought I might be misremembering.
I wasn't. It's not an exact match by any means, but it very much has the same emotional feeling I think.
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Just the general awe of seeing a person so beautiful...which like...yeah.
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As Jeff starts returning to visit Pornappan, the Peter Pan vibe really solidifies for me, he brings her the fruit and the flower and it's all very innocent and sweet, very reminiscent of the thimble-kiss.
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She sort of patches up his injuries, which made me think of Wendy sewing Peter's shadow back on.
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And as we go on we see that he stops coming, but we don't know why. In the sort of 'standard' story of Peter Pan, he does return year after year, but eventually Wendy grows up, and she can no longer go with him. What's a very lovely piece of storytelling is how the song's lyrics touch on replaying of memory, and we see that towards the end, Pornappan is remembering their times together as she worries why Jeff hasn't returned.
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Then, it was is a bit of a twist, both on the lyrical content of the song, but also on the 'fairy-tale standard' Pornappan goes to look for him, venturing out and finding Jeff asleep amongst flowers and vines.
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The final scene, or piece is Jeff beginning to open his eyes, and Pornappan opening her own, showing that it was all a dream, or at least that last bit was, which is just so bittersweet.
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But what ended up being so interesting is that because I thought I remembered the similar scene in Hook with Peter and Moira, I rewatched the whole movie (it's available on Netflix, in the US at least) and our final scene with Tinkerbell when Peter returns from Never Land is this:
Which is very much the emotion and feeling being portrayed by both the song and the video. Now, I wouldn't put it past Jeff to have seen Hook, though it came out a few years before he was born. It is considered a classic for many reasons, and generally in the 1990's western media would take a couple of years to find it's way to the rest of the world, barring outrageously groundbreaking movies, which Hook is not. And since Jeff is bilingual, the chances of him encounter a foreign film like Hook are of course far more likely. So, I find the ideas presented in the MV, and they way they so closely mirror many of the moments of Hook specifically fascinating.
Switching gears for just a moment, I already analyzed the English lyrics of the song, as in the lyrics of the English version (you can read that and an analysis of all his English songs here), but as I was writing this and rewatching the video I notices that the translated lyrics are VERY different. Not so much in content, but more in perspective. Jeff is the speaker in both cases, but in the English lyrics he has been left behind, while in the translated lyrics he is the one who left. This matches up with the MV, where Jeff is a Peter Pan/Fae Prince who has been coming to visit Pornappan, but eventually leaves and doesn't return.
This is a screenshot of both sets of lyrics side by side:
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In the translated lyrics Jeff is talking about knowing their time is brief, it only exists in the moonlight, and he states being afraid that she will forget him in time, that his memory will fade. And he's begging her to keep those dreams close to her heart, so that they won't fade.
But looking at both sets of lyrics it could almost be two sides of the same story. The English lyrics could almost be Pornappan's perspective of what is happening throughout the story of the MV.
Now there's a multitude of reason for the changes between each set of lyrics, the obvious one being that the pretty vast differences between Thai and English necessitate some pretty drastic changes to allow the lyrics to keep with the melody of the song. Totally makes sense. I would very much have to take a look at the difference in his other songs to see what those might reveal, and I honestly might, just because the very concept of bilingual songwriting is fascinating.
But I hope you enjoyed this little deep dive, it got far deeper than I anticipated. About 1100 words...that's 2.5k words on Jeffrey just today. I hope you enjoyed and you may enjoy this gif of some Jeffrey cake. (We don't get a lot of it, he honestly struggle a bit in the cake dept., but we adore him anyway.)
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lihikainanea · 1 year
So happy to hear your sweet baby is out of surgery and all is going well! Good to see you're still around too 😊 You said in your post that you're not a Bill fan anymore but will eventually write more Tiger and Bill. They really are fun to read! I'm not a fan of his anymore either. Just too much crap and drama around him and his life choices (to put it politely lol). For me, it takes away from his once incredible acting. I've heard from a lot of others who are no longer fans, some for the same reasons and some for other reasons. I'm curious about your reason ... if you don't mind sharing.
I just have a hard time stomaching him. I don't think you need to adore someone on a personal/personality level to be their fan, but over the past year or so I've found myself seriously rolling my eyes at whatever comes out of his mouth. He seems arrogant with a shocking lack of self-awareness in every way. I like his goofy side, watching him during the Soul of a Man interview was fantastic but every time he gives his genuine opinion about something, I cringe. He seems like an idiot with a self-inflated ego.
There are some things about him that I can't forgive either, and his friendship with Brian McGreevy is one I will never stop talking about. It's not okay. And while I know I'm a Landon fan and people have pointed out his friendship with McGreevy, I'll also say that I've never actually seen any photos of Landon and Brian hanging out just the two of them without Bill. It seems that Brian is more Bill's friend.
And on a professional level, he's just...not making any projects that I want to see. I don't do horror or extreme violence and that seems to be the only thing he wants to do these days. Clark was okay, I watched it just to watch it but I haven't seen it again since. I couldn't get over the nepotism, especially not from a guy who gets so angry when you even broach the subject that he, too, is perhaps a beneficiary of nepotism. I didn't see Barbarian, I won't watch The Crow, I've never been a John Wick fan and Boy Kills World seems gratuitously violent.
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raposarealm · 2 years
ulala yume for the ask thing?
(Again, these are still open for submissions! I only got a couple, so go ahead and send someone in!)
Ok so I'm gonna preface this one by saying that I haven't actually read Ulala's MSS, I only read the summary of the first part of her event, and I barely read anything on Ashen Revolution. The reason for which being that the little I've heard about the events in Yukuni/Ulala's background has really distressed me due to some personal trauma from my own childhood. So! I'm just writing here from the bit I've seen of Ulala's character from early Arc 2 as a PB member, and the small amount I've heard otherwise. Anyways!
Why I like them
Ulala's a people pleaser, but I don't mean that in a negative way this time. She's hard-working, amiable, and quite a skilled fighter, due to her diavolo skills. She's a natural entertainer and a cheery person despite her distressing backstory. She's lauded as a prodigy with the diavolo, but she never lets that get to her head, and keeps working hard to improve even more. However, she also still has clear complex issues in the manner that every prodigy character does. Ulala's constantly focusing on her shortcomings, thinking that she's not as hardworking as her former partner Kurara because she [Kurara] was always practicing more, seeing herself as a newbie magical girl and therefore weak and unsuited to the harsh Promised Blood despite her having shown impressive skills in spite of her newbie status, etc. Hell, the first part of her 'Farewell Party' event shows us that she's got issued verbalizing and even realizing her own emotions, when she can't figure out why she's so distressed over leaving the Promised Blood that she swears she doesn't care that much about, beating herself up over Sakuya's, err, stage-right exit, only finally moving on in a way by eavesdropping on Ryoko explaining to Chika how Sakuya was a dear friend to her despite being from a rival faction, and overhearing Sakuya's track team at Kamihama University Affiliated mentioning how they were worried that Sakuya hadn't come back in a while, since she was such a core member of the team to them... Wait, this wasn't about Sakuya, crap.
Ulala sees the best in others, but the worst in herself. Despite joining in order to spy on them, she genuinely comes to care for the Promised Blood members, empathizing with them over their similar backgrounds of being hunted for who they were or which group they belonged to. She might be part of Folklore, but she still holds a cheery outlook, even if it's a desperate one. Her interview from the recent chapter 11 even mentions how she wishes that, when she gets older, she wants to talk to Kurara again, saying that maybe the two of them could finally reach an understanding. Kurara, y'know, the one whose life Ulala used her wish to save, who then turned around and bereded and cursed Ulala for becoming a magical girl to save her friend's life. Ulala still wants to be Kurara's friend, even after Kurara basically told her to eff off and die (and reminder who the leader of the Eradication Faction in Yukuni is? That's right, Kurara.) That's a whole lot of hope in someone who belongs to Folklore, the faction with no hope for the future. Maybe it's having been around the Promised Blood that did it, who knows?
On a more surface level, Ulala's concept of 'yoyo meguca' is also pretty cool. Her weapon is a giant diavolo yoyo, and could you imagine the stunts she could pull with that thing as a weapon? I'm kind of surprised she doesn't have bind as part of her kit (why does she have fog, f4? That makes no sense.)
Why I don’t
Aoki Ume you've got to stop giving literally everyone mid-drifts, it's not original. Actually, I'm not sure I'd even call Ulala's shirt a 'mid-drift', it's less of a shirt and closer to whatever nonsense Kaede has going on. Basically, poor Ulala's design could use some work.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
The scene from the first part of the 'Farewell Party' event, with her listening in on Ryoko and the school's track team talking about Sakuya, and Ulala coming to the conclusion that Sakuya wasn't lost if people still held memory of her. (It's also that conclusion that sends her back to Futatsugi one last time, due to a promise she'd made to Sakuya before the fighting escalated.)
Favorite season/movie
Same as above, I guess.
Favorite line
From her interview with Kagome in the recent chapter 11:
"And when I've grown up, I wanna talk with Kurara one more time. If both of our hearts have changed, maybe this time we'll come to understand each other."
She still holds hope for the person leading the group that's responsible for driving her out of her hometown and into the middle of a intercity war. Godspeed, Ulala.
Favorite outfit
Her school uniform! Her sweatshirt has lil' orange-shaped pins on it and it's the cutest thing!
I don't have one for Ulala, sorry.
Uhhhhh Ulala with the other Promised Blood members seems to be quite comical at times, and her event implies she was buddies with Sakuya, so I guess one of them?
Head Canon
She keeps coming up with excuses as to why she's wearing a school uniform from a school outside of Futatsugi. (E.g. "My normal one got dirty!" "It got lost." "This is why you're careful who you let into your dorm!")
Unpopular opinion
I don't even know what popular opinions people have about Ulala, much less unpopular ones. At a loss here.
A wish
Let her go back to her friends in Promised Blood (if she wants to, which it sure seemed like she did.) No reason she can't be part of two factions if they get along now, right?
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Lemme just say this: Kurara, if the Eradication Faction gets out of Yukuni, watch your back.
5 words to best describe them
Cheery, Humble, GREEN, Agile, Skilled, and a bonus word: very traumatized-
My nickname for them
The context being that I had to distinguish Magireco's Ulala from Envy Phantom's (Harumaki Gohan album) Ulala, and the harugo discord likes to call Envy Phantom's Ulala 'Godlala' (don't ask,) so I started calling Magireco's Ulala 'Froglala' in response. People kept making jokes about Ulala and frogs, after all.
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
!!SCREAM 2022 Spoilers under Read More!!
This is only stuff about Billy and Stu from the movie, since some people are curious. MASSIVE spoilers regarding what is mentioned about them. No killer reveals, no other plot points, just stuff about them.
So I have not seen the movie yet and probably wont for another week. But I read p much all the spoilers in the live reddit discussion thread regarding Billy and Stu because, well, duh lol.
-So, Sam is Billy's daughter from an affair he had behind Sidney's back. The mom used to be an old friend of Sidney and Tatum's, and their friendship ended over Billy, but Billy hooked up with her on the downlow.
-This isn't some big twist, you learn it early on in the movie. And it's the reason Sam leaves Woodsboro in the first place.
- Allegedly, she finds out in a pretty horrible way too - via her mom's diary. Imagine finding out that of the two infamous serial killers in your town, one of them is your dad. And that your current dad isn't biological.
- Sam is plagued by hallucinations of Billy, who is urging her to kill the killers after her and Tara (which kinda makes Billy the hero of the story lol?? Since he's pushing her to stop them.)
- Skeet appears via de-aging technology!!!! That's all I know besides that he urges Sam to kill. No idea if it looks good or not.
- Vince, despite looking like Billy, is actually Stu's nephew.
- Stu had a sister! (God, I wonder what her reaction to everything was :c )
- Stu is mentioned as 'Billy's accomplice' at one point, which is kinda selling him short but I guess it's realistic; In a (in)famous duo, there's always gonna be the more "popular" one.
- Stu is dead for sure I think, because I haven't seen a single person say that they mention Stu in a present context in the movie.
My thoughts:
- As long as it's done well, I'm fine with Sam being Billy's daughter. I honestly kinda expected some relationship to the OG killers. It's a cliche, and in a series that relies on the meta and deconstructing it, having the original killer's daughter be the new final girl fits right up that alley.
- It makes sense that Billy was sleeping around behind Sid's back; If he was willing to kill her, he was willing to cheat on her. Probably more than once, probably with more than one person.
- I guess Billy is more like his father than he wanted to be. Just finished rewatching OG Scream, and I just noticed now how he made a fucking beeline for those girls in the video store lmao. This dude bagged on Stu for subtlety, but then hits on girls in broad daylight??? Where Randy could see and possibly tell Sid??? Foh Billy.
- Makes his whole blaming Sidney and Maureen schtick even worse imho.
- Jokes aside, kinda frustrated yet again about the Stuilly situation? And not just this.
- Pride Source did an interview with Neve, where later in it, the interviewer asked if maybe Stu was hotter for Billy than vice versa in whatever relationship they mightve had, and when Neve said yes, he mentioned that he had talked to Kevin on Monday to confirm ot anyway, but that if "Neve says its true it must be!" lol.
- At least Stu's feelings were real! But this also won't change how I write them, I'm still gonna make Billy a sucker for Stu in poly fics, so no worries to any readers. It'll stay a triad and not turn into a hinge.
- If I'm being honest, I'm more curious how Sam's legacy as Billy's daughter will play out in the future? And I wonder how (or if) Sidney reacts to Sam being Billy's. I'm sure its a tough and embarrassing thing to discover, and cements the fact that Billy truly, genuinely, felt nothing for her.
- Once I see the movie in full, I'll do a bit more regarding how I think this revelation will play out in the future.
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emma-what-son · 2 years
I wrote down my thought and observations while watching the Harry Potter reunion special. I hid it in order not to spoil anything for those who haven't watched it yet.
-The first person we see is, of course, Emma... in a bookstore. Really?
-Emma's the first one shown at the trainstation and the first one to enter the hall. Not Daniel! Nope. It's not as if Harry was the main character or anything. I'm guessing Rupert couldn't film any of this since he was in Toronto at the time.
-Aaand here is the now infamous Dramione moment. This opening would've been a lot more magical if I hadn't watched the behind-the-scenes video.
-Where's Daniel???
-Okay he's getting his own intro. Could've been a bit more special than him creeping around Diagon Alley in the dark, but I'll take it. Top marks for adding that bookquote. It never fails to make me emotional whenever I read or hear it.
-Did HBOMax seriously make the mistake of using Emma Robert's toddler pic thinking it's Emma? Bad look HBO.
-Asshdhdjdjjsjs of course Tom mentions Emma when talking about auditioning for the part.
-Yep, they added footage from a Rowling interview from 2019 where she talks about not being able to find the perfect Harry.
-10 minutes in and we've had a walk through memory lane and getting our first clip of the 3 sitting together in the common room.
-Tom, Alfie and Matt get their own little sit down in Gringott's bank. It's fun to get their perspectives also from working on HP since we've already heard about the main trio's experience. It's pretty short though.
-20 minutes in and it feels more like a documentary than a reunion. There's some talking, but there are more behind-the-scenes clips with info that I, for the most part, already know.
-Aaww sweet moment of Dan getting a bit choked up because of Columbus' comment of him being a good actor in reference to the "I'm not going home, not really" scene.
-Yeessss. Give me some Weasley content!
-So cute to see Mark Williams sitting at the table with Bonnie and James and Oliver Phelps. I miss Julie Walters.
-I'm glad Toby Jones was asked to join. I bet that a lot of people don't know that he voiced Dobby.
-Jason Isaacs being his funny and charming self.
- I never knew Richard Harris thought that the phoenix was real hahaha
-Was Gary Oldman just petting Pettigrew in that behind the scenes clip lmao
-Alfonso Cuaron looks gooooood!
-Great moment between Gary and Daniel talking about Alan Rickman.
- I never knew Mike Newill cracked a rib while showing the twins how to wrestle in gof hahaha
-Emma talking about Dan during gof: "we had that older brother, younger sister thing." REeaLly? Mind looking into the camera while saying that? It's like she's avoiding eye contact lol
-I love the Rupert, James and Oliver friendship!
"Emma and I have always loved each other, really." You're not even trying to be subtle anymore Tom.
-Oh god Dramione make it stop
-So the I love him quote was literally taken from the reunion. Looks like Dailymail wasn't sucking anything out of their thumbs.
-Emma stresses at the end that nothing romantic ever, ever, ever, ever happened between them. They just love each other, she says with a sneaky smile and finishing with "that's all I can say about that". She could've just stopped talking with the first sentence tbh. Now she just looks like she's lying.
-Ralph Fiennes!!!
-The Dan and Helena segment is the most fun by far! I don't care if anything, like the letter, was planned. They make it all so natural and sweet!
-So they bring up the fact that Emma didn't want to continue filming. There were a few reasons given. That she was lonely, that the fame thing finally hit home, but no mention about her education.
-Okay, that was short.
-They're acknowledging the actors that have passed. Starting with Richard Harris. Very touching. Tom genuinely getting emotional about Helen McCrory. And they, of course, talk about Alan as well. They also acknowledge some lesser known actors.
-Oh god, not Emma mentioning that hamster again. Dan doesn't remember most of that.
-Emma brings up the dance scene from DH. I'm tuning that out.
-Jason calls Draco a hero. I mean... sure?
-Yes Romione!!! They're talking about the kiss lol
-Some cute clips of tiny Emma, Dan and Rupert. Probably from the first day.
-Sweet moment between Rupert and Emma. You can tell it's genuine. Rupert usually isn't this open with his emotions.
-Nearing the end and getting a bit emotional.
Some things that I noticed:
-No scenes with Daniel and Emma or Daniel and Rupert.
-Very little Ian Hart.
-Most of it was old footage that we've all seen before.
-After watching it: I don't think enough time has passed to warrant a reunion. It would've felt more special after a few more years.
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Folklore [song series]
Modern Day AU! Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
[word count: 2265]
[a/n: sorry for the wait. it was my birthday last weekend so i was just chilling. but here it is, just in time for the anniversary of folklore's release. the final chapter of my folklore song series. i started this last fall, and it's now the end. thank you to all who read the story and commented and showed it love. you don't know how much that means to me, that people liked it so much. thank you for joining this journey with me, and I hope the ending is a nice little bow to finish it off]
Series Masterlist
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Age: 27
Year: July 2021 [two weeks after engagement]
Location: New York
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Two weeks after their engagement, Steve and Elizabeth were still living off of the high from their engagement.
They were currently spending some time in New York. Liz had just graduated from law school that spring, while Steve was still working at the same architect firm. That was actually also why they were in New York.
The company was opening another branch in New York. Steve was offered a promotion, but it would only be available at the New York office.
In the few years since Steve graduated, he's been excelling in the architect world. He's really made a name for himself. Last year he was named the "hottest" up and coming architect. Ever since then he's been very busy. His boss gave him the month off, to propose to Liz, and to take a tour of the new office.
Steve told Liz that they'd only move back if that's what she really wanted. Especially since she just finished law school, and she still needs to take the state bar exam. She would need to figure that out soon, because the NY state bar exam date was closing in on her.
She and Steve decided a month in NY would help them both decide if moving back would be best. If they did decide to move back Steve would already have job waiting for him. Liz on the other hand might not.
Luckily for her, Loki was currently working at a law firm in NY. He was able to get her an interview while she was in town. He couldn't promise her a position, as there were a lot of people up for the job, some had even interned there. But Liz still went to the interview giving it her best.
Loki and Scott moved to NY two years ago, both their jobs taking them there. They ended up eloping right before their move, two years after Thor and Wanda got married.
Thor and Wanda had officially been married for four years. They were also considering the move over to the east coast. Both of their families lived out there and it just made more sense to them, especially with them trying to start a family.
Family was a massive pro for Steve and Liz as well. Moving back would mean seeing their loved ones a lot more. Especially now with Poppy about to turn six, part of them felt like they were missing out on their goddaughter's life. Steve also missed Bucky.
Bucky was doing really well in his career. He's currently working as a sound engineer for a movie studio. A big step up from the local recording studio he started in.
He was currently looking for a place to move to in Manhattan. Now that Poppy was about to be six, and she was already going to school in the city, it was time they officially made the move.
Actually he's no his girlfriend had decided to move in together.
Dr. Jane Foster is a pediatric fellow. She was in her first year of fellowship at a private practice in Manhattan.
Bucky and Jane met three years ago, through Sam Wilson. Bucky was hesitant at first to date, because he's a single father, and his main priority has always been Poppy since the day she was born. But
Sam had convinced Bucky to go on just one date. One date was all it took. Bucky was immediately hooked. Same went for Jane.
Jane was incredibly understanding of Bucky's situation. And it also helped that she loved children.
Jane met Poppy four months into the relationship and since then everything has been going great for the three of them. Jane instantly fell in love with Poppy and Poppy loved Jane a lot. Bucky had truly never felt happier. When he was alone with his girls he felt complete. When Bucky brought up the idea of officially making the move, he and Jane made the decision to move in together. They were practically already living together at that point. They were all very excited about this next step in their relationship.
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Steve and Elizabeth were watching Poppy for the day while Bucky and Jane worked. They decided to spend their day in the city, walking around what could possibly be their new neighborhood. Poppy was loving having them around, and talking up their ears about school and all the friends she has made.
Around lunch time Poppy started to get hungry and sleepy. They decided to stop at a café and get some lunch.
Liz went inside while Steve and Poppy sat outside. Poppy ended up falling asleep on Steve while they waited for Liz. Steve found himself thinking about the possibility of living there.
Truth be told part of him did want to move back. He genuinely missed the New York City way of living. As he relaxes into the sounds of the city, he hears his name being called out. He looks straight ahead, looking for whoever called him, or if they were calling another Steve. As his eyes scanned the crowd, he met the eyes of the last person he would ever think he would see again.
He was completely shocked.
"Peggy?" Steve questioned, as the woman stopped in front of the table.
"I thought that was you," she smiled, "Wow. You most certainly aren't 17 anymore."
Peggy checks him out, as he stayed in his seat. She wasn't being subtle about it either.
Steve cleared his throat, noticing the way Peggy was eyeing him up and down, "Well it has been a decade wince we've last seen each other."
Peggy glances at the sleeping Poppy in his lap.
"Is this your daughter?" She asks pointing at Poppy, then glancing at his left hand noticing there wasn't a ring on his finger.
"Oh, no. This is my goddaughter. She's actually Bucky's," Steve tells her.
"No way," she gasps, surprised by this information. At that moment Elizabeth walks out of the cafe with a number plaque for the table.
"Oh my gosh! Elizabeth?" Peggy greeted.
"Peggy?" Liz asked confused at this older version of Peggy Carter.
"Yeah," she smiled.
Elizabeth put the number plaque on the table, Peggy catches the shimmer of her engagement ring.
"Oh wow! Congratulations," she says grabbing Liz's left hand, "You have a really beautiful daughter. I'm so happy for you and Bucky. High school sweethearts, making it til the end."
Liz was confused, she looked at Steve, hoping he could get them out of this awkward, and slightly uncomfortable situation.
"Um actually, this isn't her daughter, and she's not engaged or married to Bucky," Steve says, "We're actually the ones engaged."
Peggy was taken by surprise at this brand new information, not expecting to hear those words come out of Steve's mouth.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. My mistake," she apologizes, embarrassed.
"Well Congratulations," she awkwardly says, glancing at her watch, "I better be on my way. But hey here's my card. I moved back a couple of months ago. But we should all get dinner and catch up. There's clearly a lot I have missed."
She hands Liz the business card and walks away.
"Well that was random," Steve awkwardly laughs.
"What are the odds," Liz says sitting across from Steve, "Didn't even know she was back."
Liz cleared her throat and tried to focus on the city around her.
Con: Peggy Carter.
Steve and Elizabeth continued on with their day. At the end of the day, they dropped Poppy off at Jane's apartment and headed to their hotel.
Throughout their day there was a slight tension between the couple, it didn't go unnoticed by the both of them. Neither could figure out what the tension was. They both knew it had to do with the sudden appearance of Peggy Carter.
They laid in their hotel bed, each with a book in their hands. Their nightly read.
Elizabeth had a hard time focusing on what she was reading. She tried to force away thoughts of Peggy Carter out of her head. She flipped the page and stopped when she noticed her engagement ring. She took a long stare at it.
"Do you regret it?" She asks, turning her head towards him.
"Regret what?" He asks putting his book down and turning to face her.
"You and Peggy breaking up," she says, "Do you regret it?"
Steve is taken back by Liz's question.
"No," he shakes his head, "I don't regret it."
"Do you ever wonder what you're life would've been like had she stayed?"
Steve ponders over the question, "Truthfully? No. Once we said our final goodbyes in London, that was it. I never once gave it another thought. I closed that chapter as soon as I boarded my flight. Not that the breakup didn't hurt. Because it did. I just knew then that she wasn't my future. I never thought I would see her again."
"But you did," Liz quietly says.
"Yeah, which was weird," he says.
"I wouldn't blame you if you wanted out of the relationship to be with her," she says tearing up.
"What? No," Steve quickly says, sitting straight up, "I don't want that."
"I just mean, if you wanted to. I would completely understand. She was your first love."
"Yes, she was. But I don't love her," he says, "I know this is only coming up because we saw her today, and there's been this out of awkward tension in the air ever since. But I don't want to be with Peggy."
Liz glances down at her engagement ring again, trying to hide the tears of insecurity rolling down her face.
"Look at me," he softly says, placing his hand over her's, "I love you and only you. I asked you to marry me because you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You and only. Peggy doesn't mean anything to me. I haven't even thought of her since high school. You mean more to me than anything in this world. Especially more than some high school ex-girlfriend. You, Elizabeth are my entire world."
"Why would you even think that?" He gently asks
"Just seeing her and the way she looked at you before she realized we were engaged," she says, "She wanted you. Then my mind started to wonder if maybe that was a sign for you two to get back together. And maybe you'd realize you regret proposing to me."
"There isn't an ounce of regret in me that makes me feel like I'm making the wrong decision," he assures her, "There is no one else for me. You are it. Proposing to you wasn't for confidence. Proposing to you was the only thing I've ever felt so sure of. It was the only thing I've ever done that I didn't second guess. You are the only thing I've ever felt so sure of."
"This," he grabs her and and gestures between the both of them, "Is where I want to be for the rest of my life. This brings me a peace like no other. You are my peace."
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Age: 27
Year: May 2022
Location: Somewhere in Upstate New York
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"You are my peace," Steve sniffles, as he holds Elizabeth's hands, tears flowing down both of their faces as they stood up in front of their closest friends and families, reciting their vows.
"I don't think I would be where I am today without you and your continued support. I meant what I said years ago about following you wherever you went. All I ever want is to be by your side. Nothing else has ever meant to me as you do. My future doesn't exist if you're not apart of it. Nothing matters if I don't have you. Since the day we met, twenty years ago, I knew you would play such an important part in my life. We clearly aren't the same people we were then. Yet over the many years you haven't strayed away from being this kind supportive, understanding person. To know one day our future kids will have that as a mother, overwhelms me with joy and love. They will be the most luckiest kids in the world.
"You are it for me. You are my world. I know everyone says weddings and getting married is the start of a new chapter, but it doesn't really feel lie that for us. It just feel like our story is continuing. There's no end in sight. And I'll make sure of that, by being supportive, kind to you for the rest of our lives. There won't be a time where you ever have to question my love for you. Because Elizabeth Sanchez, you are love."
Elizabeth has tears streaming down her face. She didn't' care how she looked. The only person that mattered was the man standing before her, professing his never ending love for her.
The pastors signaled her, that it was now her turn to speak.
"I figured I'd try and keep it short and sweet, because you know exactly how I feel about you Steve," she begins, "There's only one thing I want to say, more so I want to thank you. Thank you for giving me love. An unconditional love that never seems to fade. Since day one of our relationship. You've been patient. You always say I'm the supportive one, but you fail to see that you are too. Even more than me. You've always been willing to drop everything, not just for me but for all the ones you love. Anyone who has Steve Rogers' love, should count themselves as being incredibly special. I am the luckiest pet one out of them all because I get to be the recipient of your love every single day. I am the one who gets to spend the rest of their life calling you my husband. My partner. My life. You've shown me a love like no other. So thank-you Steve, for loving me."
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Folklore series taglist: @iheartsebandchris @perksofbeingabookworm @atomicsoulcollecto @void-imaginations @stumbleonmywords
Permanent taglist: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl-blog1 @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @also-fangirlinsweden @rororo06 @getlostinyourparadise @small-death-and-codeine @bonkyboinkybucky @sincerely-kizzy @loudthoughts-softspoken @aquariuslavenderhoney @cherriesanwine @goalexis123 @sassyslytherinshai @loving-books-is-easier @katiaw2 @xoxabs88xox @osugahunnyicedtea @katierpblogg @thefridgeismybestie @maybeimkate @lou-la-lou @demirunner @celineann91 @marie1115 @fangirl-couch-potato @lokisironthrone @daughterofthenight117
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮" (𝐭. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; after losing you, todoroki moves on with his life. you know you never stopped loving him, and he's desperately wants you back. but life has a funny way to do things.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; this is a continuation from this ficlet, so probably there are a few things you won't understand if you haven't read it. anyways, enjoy.
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you had moved on, and to say it had been hard was an understatement. you absolutely believed todoroki was your soulmate, but when you found out what he did, it simply devastated you. even thinking of him made your heart ache. you knew you made the right choice, getting out of every shared space you two had, distancing from everything that reminded you of him. transferring to shiketsu was by far the best way. of course, you had to leave all your friends, but they would always be one call away.
for todoroki it was the other way around. no matter how hard he tried, everything had a piece of you in it. his room was full of memories with you, all the times you fell asleep on his bed, your study sessions that always ended up in something more, you dancing and singing to mamma mia's soundtrack. he ended up staying at midoriya's most days, but even then, he would think about you. it was his default mode, somehow, his mind always went back to you.
he shut down completely after seeing you with yoarashi, no one could make him talk about his beloved or his feelings. he started to go to the gym more often, train alone in the woods at night. he barely slept, and as soon as he woke up, he'd start exercising. he was so tired that he didn't think of you. that was his way of moving on, though in every sense of the word, he never actually did.
focusing all his life in becoming a hero, he came first of the class with a big gap. at his twenties, he opened his own hero agency. since your break up, he never had another partner, too afraid that no one could be like you, make him feel what you did.
in your case, after graduating you went to work with mirko. everyone knew you being her sidekick. it wasn't weird to hear about your ex boyfriend on the news, he had achieve all his goals in life, and that made you happy. you no longer held any remorse against him. he was a good person who made a mistake, of course you had forgiven him.
"so, [hero name], you've been going up in the charts like a rocket, could you be thinking about starting your own agency? some heroes, like shoto, are already making their way through the industry" the interviewer asked you. for the first time since highschool, someone asked you about todoroki as a hero.
"i love working with mirko, she's amazing and i think i still have a lot to learn from her. i do admire heroes like shoto, he's undeniably good at what he does, but i think is still too soon for me" you smiled when you mentioned him. even after all those years, when todoroki watched that interview, he caught on those little details. it felt good hear you saying his name again.
it's confirmed! pro hero y/n and yoarashi inasa are getting married! the rumors were confirmed by a picture posted on their social media accounts showing their engagement rings and captioning "she said yes/he finally asked". we are w–.
to todoroki, it was extra hard that you were marrying you highscool boyfriend. he couldn't stop thinking, if he hadn't messed up, you would be marrying him. an hour later, midoriya called.
"how are you?" even though izuku was trying to not be obvious, shoto knew what he meant.
"in another timeline, y/n and i would be getting married".
todoroki finally met someone, you heard on the gossip chanel. great, that was great, he deserved to feel the happiness you felt with inasa, right? of course he did. he was an amazing boyfriend, any person would be lucky to have him, you were happy for him. that was what that knot in your throat was, that sudden urge to cry. come on, you couldn't be so selfish, you were getting married with another man, you broke up five years ago, why were you so upset?. it's not that you dreamed about him at least twice a week, or that you heard his voice clear as water even when you hadn't spoke in so long. you love inasa, stop having those thoughts. you decided with whom you'd be spending your life with years ago, it was about time todoroki moved on too.
"...and i didn't know what to say, but he was so persistent. anyways, i told him we were going to discuss it, what do you think?" your fiance's hand was moving in front of your eyes, trying to catch your attention back.
"can you repeat it, please? i-i got distracted" he smiled at you, kindly. he always did that. no matter what you did, inasa was the kindest person to you, because he genuinely loved you.
"one of my advisors gave me a list with all the pro heros we had to invite to the wedding, i told him we'll talk about it" he pulled out a paper from his briefcase with a lot of names printed on it "give it a look while i take a shower" he got up, kissing your head on his way to the bathroom. most of the names were your old classmates from u.a. and shiketsu, some of your teachers and heroes of the moment.
ground zero, red riot, creati, charge bolt, shoto, cellophane, deku, froppy[...].
you stared at his name for longer than you thought, because inasa came out of the bathroom only with a towel, asking your opinion on the matter. he knew you dated todoroki back in highschool, but obviously didn't think you had feelings for him now. because you didn't. you didn't, you couldn't.
"yeah, okay, let's invite them".
todoroki's jaw almost hit the floor when the invitation arrived at his mailbox. his girlfriend, a model he met at an event, laughed at his reaction. were you actually asking him to go to your wedding? it seemed like a cruel joke to him. the cruelest of jokes.
"isn't she one of your classmates from u.a., baby?" his girlfriend asked, taking the paper out of his hands. he never talked about you, with anyone, not even with midoriya. your chapter had been closed by force, locking all your memories away. but that lock was always on the verge of breaking, something as small as saying your name could unleash his buried feelings.
he was so confused. his irrational side was screaming to accept the invitation, eager to face you again. but he knew it would hurt him. he knew it, if he thought about it enough, he still remembered how his heart break years ago. his mind kept wondering back to you, how beautiful you would look in your white dress, your eyes filled with excitement. it was too much for him to handle.
"yes, i will let them know we're going".
somewhere in yourself, you wished todoroki hadn't replied. in that same place, it hurt to see the "plus one" option marked. right, he had a girlfriend. a girlfriend he most likely cherished, in some level at least. it was okay, you had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you were going to marry in two months. both of you had moved on. maybe repeating that to yourself would convince you.
he got up that morning and went for a jog, like when he was a teenager trying to get off his mind the girl who broke his heart. we could say he was trying to do the same thing.
the only reason you got up in time was because uraraka knocked on your door. inasa had gone to a friend's house at night, arguing he wasn't going to see the bride before the wedding. if it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, then what is that pain in your chest?.
"you have to hurry, the ceremony starts at four,  we're meeting midoriya at three and you haven't even showered!" todoroki practically was forced into the shower by the girl, he had no will to get himself ready. what was he thinking? he clearly loved you, as much as always, why did he agree to see you marrying someone else?.
everything was ready, just as planned. like in the movies, you were expecting some sort of crisis to happen and could cancel the wedding with an excuse, but it wasn't the case. things were perfect. your hair, your dress, your make up, even the guests arrived just on time. you felt like puking.
not a single thing was out of place, that was certainly planned by you. he could see your unique touch in decorations, colors, even how tables were distributed. and he could point at everything yoarashi had done, because it didn't match at all. it was like a stain in your perfect design, a stain he couldn't remove or avoid anywhere he looked.
uraraka had to grab your arm when the music started to play, and push you out to the aisle. inasa was waiting on the other side. he looked so beautiful and happy, his eyes overflowed with love. but your eyes got lost in the crowd, searching for a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes.
you were like an angel fell from heaven. todoroki expected you to look pretty, but it was mind blowing. he was standing next to a pillar in order to get a perfect view from you. he felt his legs weakened when your eyes connected.
"do you, yoarashi inasa, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold[...]?" you couldn't see todoroki from the altar, and it was unbearable. all you wanted was to look back into his eyes again.
"yes, i do" inasa's voice was so determined, that you realized what was happening. before you knew, the priest was saying your vows.
he couldn't watch. he tried, but just couldn't. when he said the priest saying your name, he had to turned around.
you were sure that with one look, you'd knew if shoto still loved you. that was all you needed to go back to him, to see his eyes.
"[...] till death do you apart?" it was now or never. you turned your head, heart beating like a drum. please, please, love me.
oh how much he loved you. as you once said, his undying love for you was so big, that's tearing him apart. a single tear left his eye.
he wasn't even looking. he didn't love you anymore. a lonely tear ran down your cheek. you were too late, you had lost him. "yes, i do".
he had lost you, again. 
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 years
OC Interwiev: Faladlain Farstider
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Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
This Interview is sponsored by @i-mybrunettelady
Can you introduce yourself?: Of course! My name is Faladlain. Just Faladlain, the "Farstrider" is just on my books. I am 9 years of age and I've spent those nine years travelling the entire continent and writing about it. I have at this point written and published sixteen books, seven Traveller's Guides and nine City Explorers, the newest one being the Elonian Expansion. I am currently applying the finishing touches to City Explorer: Amnoon and already have my eyes on Palawadan as my next project.
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?: I am a man, I am oriented in a north-north-westerly direction and I am currently single.
Where and when were you born?: Well the where is pretty obvious, and as I mentioned I was born in 1325.
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: My preferred fighting style is "not", but if I have to I have a custom made sword fashioned to look like Caladbolg.
Lastly, are you happy?: I am very content with my life yes. My friends joke that I always in a good mood because I walk too fast for my problems to catch up. Would probably be true if I had any problems.
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?: I have thousands of siblings and a mother who is quite busy caring for all of us, you can imagine the drama. I've talked to mother directly, which not every one of my siblings can say of themselves. Twice actually. People not so familiar with Sylvari always ask how it is to live with such a distant mother, and what I think they don't grasp is that she isn't that distant at all. All the teaching and caring happens when we are growing in our pods, when we wander the dream. In a way us awakening from our pods is similar to a young adult moving out of their parents home.
Have you ever ran away from home?: That's the first thing I did after awakening actually. I returned about an hour later because I wanted to thank my siblings that cared for the pods and they advised me to stay in the grove a bit. Learn from my older siblings so that I don't venture into the world without any preparation. There isn't really something as running away from home with us, some just take off earlier than others.
Would you consider marriage or having children?: No. I don't think that kind of commitment is for me.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?: This question is odd to me. I value honesty very much, and I'd always tell someone if they were really annoying me. I don't think anyone genuinely hates a friend. Some behaviour or view of theirs? Sure, but not enough to hate the whole person. Not someone you'd consider a friend.
Which friend knows everything about you?: Any that reads my books. I put enough of my soul in there that you could probably make an identical copy of me just from those pages.
Are you literate? Have you been to school?: I can obviously read and write but I have not been to school precisely. I awakened with that knowledge from the dream, as most sylvari do. But since then I have learned both Asuran and Elonian. I'm not particularly good with either, but it's enough to get by.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: To count this as eerie is questionable, but the moment I first saw a map I looked at Elona and said "I will go there". I promptly informed that that would not be possible, I'd either be stopped by pirates, risen or the absolutely inhospitable land route.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: That my books would motivate others to travel. I began writing them so that people could stay at home and still experience the wonders of Tyria, so quite the opposite. I have quite a dedicated group of fans, some of which try to retrace my journeys.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?: I've sustained a large collection of injuries over the years, but nothing that left any permanent damage. Mentally, well, I have been told that some of my travel plans are crazy. Climbing up a volcano to get a better view of the surroundings is a little reckless I admit.
What is your current main goal?: Travelling to Palawadan to write about the city, after that I'm not sure. I'd love to visit Fahranur, but the pact has it under lockdown. Oh and I've always wanted to write more about the Hylek.
Drink or food?: Hard choice. Drink I think. Hate eating with a dry mouth.
Cats or dogs?: Dogs. I've had to run from quite a few of them. Very dutiful animals.
Early bird or night owl?: I'm a duskbloom, so I don't have a preference. Though I am not often awake at night, walking all day really helps you sleep.
Optimist or pessimist?: I am very optimistic. And so far I haven't been wrong haven't I?
Sassy or sarcastic?: Can I be neither?
Been caught sneaking out: Yes, very uncomfortable situation actually. I was travelling down the Lionsroad with a group of charr traders, and one night we were camping on the roadside because we didn't make it to the next haven before dusk. I had heard of a lake in the area which was unusually deep, probably connected to a cave system, and at night glowing skelk would swim closer to the surface and it would be a beatiful sight. It was a spontanious decision to go see it, and I hadn't mentioned it to anyone so when I got up at night and carefully snuck away -I didn't want to anger anybody by wakeing them- the night watch got suspicious. She thought I was a bandid trying to sneak away and alarm my bandid friends.
Broke a bone: My leg once, two fingers, my lower left arm twice and I have sprained sooo many ankles. Thank the Dream there's magic, I wouldn't be here without some quick healing.
Received flowers: Many times. Can't excape them if you are somewhat famous.
Ghosted someone: Not that I can remember. I mean it could've happened accidentally, walking away is kind of my thing, but that's not really the meaning of the word is it?
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get: More often than I'd like to admit. Distant places have a lot to joke about that you never even encountered.
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
Hello! Sorry for the long ask, but do you wonder if some of the things the Manics have said in the past crossed the line between shock-factor and simple bad taste. I've come across an interview in which they mentioned that they don't care about police brutality (I think it was in 94'?) and the interviewer mentioned how even though he loved their music, that discussion left a bad taste in his mouth. Again, still love them, but every now and then, the way they phrased things made me a bit...uncomfortable? Just wanted to ask your opinion and how do you balance their "shocking-ness"?
Sorry again for the long winded ask. :)
I'm not sure where the quote you're thinking of about police brutality is. It's not immediately familiar to me, so either I haven't read the interview, or I've forgotten that one. In terms of that apparent quote in particular, I would turn to a Richey interview from 94 where he says that people should listen to his lyrics because they're about how the world really is. Nicky and Richey would say all sorts of things in interviews to rile up journalists or get media attention, but when you look at their lyrics, which are more thought out manifestos of their beliefs or polemics against social or political issues, you get a better idea of what they truly thought. It's interesting that that's the quote you pulled, since ifwhiteamerica, Tennessee, Intense Humming, Baby Elian, Let Robeson Sing, Revol, among others, all deal with racism and/or fascism and critique/condemn it. Richey also mentioned in interviews either while they were in America or after they came back (I’ve forgotten) that police were the main problem in the racial tensions that were happening in 93. They were there essentially during the Rodney King riots and recognized in interviews the importance of those events.
Nicky has mentioned over the last few years that Richey did a ton of research before they ever broke into the scene and had a whole thing laid out about how to get noticed and how to get people to pay attention and iirc there was some mention of Richey using that interview shock factor just to get people to stick around and read an interview and/or listen to the music. I also do genuinely think that in the earliest of days they just really liked riling up journalists, which is fair because the journalists so rarely actually asked them about their lyrics and it was mostly about their clothes or onstage antics.
There are some things that are just straight tasteless with nothing at all to redeem them, and they mostly come from Nicky's drunken onstage vitriol. The most intense one being him saying that he wished “Michael Stipe would go the way of Freddie Mercury,” which he apologized for a few years later and has mentioned many times since as a big regret and the product of him being extremely drunk. The Glasto “build a bypass over this shithole” is another famous one but it mostly upset festival-goers and I think it’s not the worst thing, especially since the Manics have been notorious since the earliest days for playing festivals while slagging off festivals at every festival interview. (And also slagging off a festival and/or town while drunk really isn’t a big deal). Most of these can be recognised as Nicky being drunk and talking shite he doesn’t actually believe, because at least post-Richey he did tend to express regret about them after the fact.
In terms of Nicky saying stupid shit now (which I can’t think of anything off the top of my head) or at least post-Richey, idk. He has become more cautious and more sensible since he stopped drinking and stuff, and Richey was always the person who was willing to take a wild stance just to bother a journalist (see: 4Real). I think the big difference is the wild stuff they said in the early days is so obviously just them doing the soundbite thing, trying to rile people up or pull people in or get a reaction. Because they were big on situationism and such back then, on doing the sort of one-two punch of saying something wild or ridiculous to get people hooked in and then a few questions later actually talking about what they believed or thought or were writing about. I also think Richey, for all his intelligence and political critique, sometimes said things without nuance or without doing research. There’s a quote from an interview where he says RATM’s “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” from Killing In The Name is a vacuous lyric, which is hilarious to me considering the context of the song. But I think he’d just get stuck in his head that his lyrics were more critical because they were filled with more direct references or whatever, and he’d forget that things can have nuance (ie, non-white musicians singing about racist police violence).
I have to leave for work so I’m gonna stop here but I might add more to this response when I get back? I’m not sure. The biggest takeaway is that yes, I think some stuff was said purely without nuance or taste in mind and it’s shitty but if it came from Nicky he has likely expressed regret. And that a lot of stuff that they said in interviews they either contradicted with more nuance or more thought in lyrics, or they were likely saying to get a rise out of journalist.
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puncture · 3 years
Real life has been uneventful but also eventful. Mental health has been fucked but it's kind of getting better since a job I interviewed for months ago has gotten back to me (annoying but also it's my dream job at the moment) and I have two different interviews the week after thanksgiving. One is for said dream job and the other is for a retail position. I know how much retail pays and it's pretty good, I have no clue how much dream job pays but I have a feeling it'll be less than retail. I think the experience even if for only a year or two will be worth it though. Also Endwalker comes out in less than two weeks now and it's all I can think about! I'm also playing Shin Megami Tensei V and having a blast.
So not a lot new happening in my studies. Still doing my WK anki deck every day. I'm on level 17. When I stopped years and years ago I was on 20 and I'm hitting a place where kanji is getting harder. I might go to 10-15 new cards a day instead of 20 once I feel overwhelmed. It still takes no more than 30 minutes a day on new kanji days. Purely new vocab days it's only 15 minutes a day. Both of these are with reviews so it's not time consuming at all. I just know there's only a certain amount of material I can feasibly retain through anki (and not outside exposure) before it's just throwing words at my brain until I can hit "Good" and forget them by tomorrow's reviews.
Grammar has halted because I feel stuck. Still very much in a cloudy gray N4 area but not sure how to move on. Reading the book I was reading has gotten to where I felt like I was white noising, which isn't good. So I took a break from it. I don't know if I should reread Tae Kim or if I should reread my beginner textbooks.
The thing about my beginner textbooks is that they don't help me not struggle with the things that native material causes me to struggle with. My main issue when reading is parsing long and complex sentences. I can skip to the final reading in Genki II and won't come across something that exemplifies the problem I'm having. Does that mean I'm in any way shape or form mastered Genki II? No not at all, but I can stumble my way through N4 stuff (I'm not aiming for JLPT but just giving somewhat of a metric) and it never gets that complex structure-wise.
I have even read the first readings in the three most popular intermediate textbooks: Tobira, An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, and Quartet I. Despite those all being difficult for me (and in different ways!) none of them hit the nail on the head. I know this should be pretty obvious why. Native material is going to be harder than what you learn in a textbook, where things are staggered. I understand this. It just makes self study feel fragmented and frustrating.
I will say that Quartet has a very cool section in its textbook that teaches you reading strategies. I haven't delved too far in though because I don't think I'm ready. Also of all the intermediate textbooks I mentioned above, it's probably my favorite. Even though I'm not a fan of how spacious the pages are, or of how it's split into two books with like six units in each. I picked up the first book from honto.jp. They have a coupon where I could get it for half off, it ended up costing less than 15 USD. I just wanted to satisfy a curiosity but if I use this book I will probably buy it physical. I'm not a fan of Honto's apps for e-reading and I'm not a fan of the fact that I can't turn the book into a pdf and read it how I want or import it into notetaking apps on my ipad. I could technically screenshot every page and do that but that's a lot of work.
So what do I do? Well I'm impatient and foolish so I don't know. I don't know when to give up on beginner textbooks, since I'm not in a classroom setting and my learning is tailored to being able to read and listen. I wish I could be a person who just immerses and uses online resources and never touches textbooks but I genuinely enjoy flipping through them and the culture readings. I'm not a fan of the study abroad student dialogues but the passages are always interesting and the way grammar is presented is also nice. It might be time for me to try a video series like Cure Dolly (R.I.P.).
There is some good news when it comes to my immersing though. The first two volumes of 阿部くんに狙われてます are free on amazon.co.jp so I grabbed them and they're very easy to read. I know everyone recommends Yotsuba& but from what I read of that years ago, this is easier. I will caveat that if a person has never watched anime in their life it might not be that easy. The main love interest, Asahi-kun talks in slang. All the characters do but Asahi in particular I find is easy to understand just because I've heard these phrases and words so often in anime. I don't know if this has drama cds or will ever get animated but I imagine Asahi as being voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya! So even though I have put a pause on my book that's for like, 12 year olds, I have had success with this manga. Only problem is I can't afford the rest of the volumes right now but when I can I'll get them!
I guess that's it for now. Rereading what I wrote it just feels like analysis paralysis and lack of discipline, though at least my anki is going strong. I've definitely learned a lot over the past four months so I'm proud!
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 10
Word Count: 5,487
POV: Reader then changes to Sid
Warnings: Language
Notes: This is fluf again, but I think we’re getting a little closer to the smut...haha. Sorry this chapter is a little long. Happy Reading!!! As always feedback is welcome!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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 It felt like the last twenty-four hours hadn't really existed. One minute you were celebrating with the team that you were going to the Stanley Cup finals and the next, you were waking up laying on top of Sidney. As if that wasn't enough, you'd actually agreed to go out with him. What were you actually thinking? You shouldn't be mixing business and pleasure. There was part of you that was screaming that you were becoming everything that Christian had said that night in DC. Your rational side told you that things with Sid weren't like that, that he genuinely cared about you.
 It was in the way he held you when the elevator stopped and the lights when out. The way he came running after you, after your encounter with Christian, and also the way he talked to you into staying and working for the team. All those things added up and showed you just how much he really cared for you. The problem was you didn't want to be a distraction right now for him. It was your job, to help these guys not make think about bringing you flowers and taking you on a date, especially not at a time when he needed to solely be focusing on hockey.
 Though you couldn't help remembering the feel of his fingers as they ran up and down your arm this morning, or the way he smelled as your head lay on his chest. Just the thought of it all gave you butterflies. Butterflies that you shouldn't be having; you told yourself. You needed to focus on the team, just like Sid needed to focus on hockey. The only thing you could do was immerse yourself in work. Of course, you were at every practice, just like always, but you took extra time making sure the guys had everything they needed. When you weren't at the rink you were planning ahead for when you were in San Jose. Coach Sullivan had approached you that afternoon about doing an outdoor workout again. So, you were busy getting that set up for when you were in California.
 You also took extra time making up care packages for all the teams' families that would be coming in for the game. They weren't staying at the same hotel as you guys, but you did know where the arrangements had been made and you wanted to make sure that they knew they could reach out to you as well. That was the whole point of this job.
 The first home game against the Sharks, the Pens were on fire and while Sid didn't have a goal, he did have an assist. After the game, Sid did a bunch of interviews and was the last one to leave the locker room. You were finishing up a few things in your office when he stood in the doorway. "I thought you'd still be here."
 "Oh, really, and what made you think that?"
 "Because you take this job as seriously as I do." Well, maybe not quite that much. "Come on, I'll walk you to your car." You gathered up a few folders you needed to take home and your coat and headed out the door with Sid. The hallways were somewhat bare, as most of the players had already left. The garage was eerily quiet and you were glad Sid was with you. He walked you down to your car which was parked a lot further away than his, but then he was the star of the team.
 "Nice game tonight." You told him when you finally got to the vehicle.
 "Thanks, I could've been a little better, but at least we got the win." He rubbed the back of his neck and you couldn't tell if it was just sore from a hit that had happened in the second or if he was stalling for more time with you.
 "Your neck ok? I saw that hit. It was kind of jarring."
 "What? Oh…uh ya. It's a little sore." He brought his arm down then and put his hands in his pockets.
 "Can I?" You'd been told you were pretty good at giving massages and you really just wanted to help him out. He turned around then. Thank god you were wearing your heels. You were still a couple inches shorter than Sid, but it made massaging his neck a little easier. You slid your fingers into the chords of his neck muscles and could feel the tension there. "Damn Sid, didn't you have Chris look at this before you left?"
 He sighed as you hit a particular spot and the knot worked out. "I was too busy with interviews." You circled your thumbs down at the base and felt some of the tension leave him. His shoulders could use some work, but it was a little hard to get to them through this suit.
 "Well make sure you get to the rink early tomorrow, so he can squeeze you in before practice."
 He twisted around; your hand falling away as he turned. "If he can't, I'll just come over to your office." He said with a wink. You were starting to wonder how bad his neck actually hurt. Shaking your head, you opened your car door to leave.
 "Thanks for walking me to the car. Now go get some rest."
 "Trying to get me into bed, eh? And we haven't even had our first date." That damn crooked smile of his came out and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him until the sun came up.
 Instead, you told him, "Oh you'll know when I'm trying to get you into bed." For added effect, you went up on your toes and whispered into his ear. "And you may not want to leave once I have you there." You pulled back to a see his jaw go slack. "Goodnight Sidney." With that, you ducked into the car and headed home.
 The next two days were a whirlwind. You were getting everything ready for the game the next night while trying to prep everything for the away trip as well. Coach Sullivan had decided that it would be easier to just fly out to San Jose right after game two; so you also needed to pack as well. Suitcase packed, you threw it in the car and headed to the arena. The Pens fans came out in full support of their team, covering the seats in a sea of gold, towels waving nonstop. The guys played their hearts out and ended up coming away with a win in overtime. Everyone was exhausted as you headed on the plane, and while you normally sat with Beau; you decided to head to the back and get some sleep.
 Horny had the very last seat behind you and was fast asleep before the plane even took off. Your nerves still got the best of you during takeoff, so you waited until the captain stated it was ok to turn on your devices before grabbing your travel blanket and pillow and curling up in the seat. You were just about to close your eyes when you heard. "Is this seat taken?"
 You looked up to see Sid, already sitting down beside you. "No, but then I think you knew that." Sid just simply shrugged. "Why aren't you sitting up there with Flower?"
 "He's sleeping." Funny, you'd plan on doing the same until a moment ago. "And he's not near as pretty to look at when he's asleep as you are."
 "Shhh." You chided him as you looked to see who was seated in front of you. Thankfully it was just Dana Heinze and he was out like a light.
 He leaned over then and whispered in your ear. "Why can't I say how pretty you are when you sleep? I love how your lashes lay against your cheek and you have the cutest little…"
 "Sid," you said, a blush staining your cheeks. "You shouldn't be saying those things. Especially here." That crooked smirk came out again, and you just shook your head at him as he muttered fine. "Now is there something you need help with, or are you just tormenting me since everyone else is sleeping."
 "Well, I wouldn't call it tormenting?" You giggled softly, you wouldn't necessarily call it that either, but you liked making him flustered. "Can you massage my neck again? We didn't really have time after the game." You looked across the aisle and saw a couple of the trainers chatting, and knew he could've asked one of them, but who were you to argue.
 "Turn sideways." He had shed his jacket once you were on the plane, so it was a bit easier to rub his shoulders this time. His neck did feel tight, but not as bad as the other night, so you were pretty sure this was just his way of flirting with you. He slowly relaxed under your hands as you massaged him for a good ten to fifteen minutes. "Better?"
 "Mmm," he hummed out, turning so he could recline in the seat beside you.
 "Anything else you need?"
 "Some of your blanket. It's freezing back here." It was always cold on the plane, so you learned early to bring a small throw.
 "Don't you have a seat, that's missing you? Like I'm pretty sure I heard that you always sit in that seat for luck." It was just another one of his superstitions, but you actually thought they were kind of cute.
 "I did sit in it, and now I'm sitting the rest of the way with you. Now fork over some blanket, so we can get some sleep." You just shook your head at him and spread the blanket between the two. "If you come over this way, we'd both have more." You scooted to his side instead of leaning against the window.
 "There, now go to sleep." You shut your eyes when you felt his knuckles brush across the back of your hand. His fingers lightly caressed your skin, before lacing his hand with yours. It was so incredibly sweet, yet you found yourself asking. "This doesn't seem like business as usual?" referring to the fact that he was not supposed to be pursuing you until after the playoffs were over.
 "Maybe it's going to be from now on. Now be quiet so I can go to sleep." He shut his eyes, but a huge grin was spread across his face. You closed yours as well and tried not to think about the man next to you. You weren't doing anything but holding his hand under a blanket, yet it felt so intimate, and you hoped no one would notice. It took a few minutes before the motion of the plane lulled you to slumber.
 When you woke up, your head was resting on Sidney's shoulder and his was leaning down on yours. You could only imagine the picture that the two of you painted. The plane was still quiet, as it seemed most people were still asleep. His hand was still interlaced into yours and you took a moment to just breathe in his scent and cherish this moment. You knew you couldn't stay like that for fear of someone seeing the two of you. The small pillow you brought was on the other side of you, and you grabbed it to prop Sid's head on as you carefully extracted yourself. Luckily, he slept on.
 A quick check of your phone showed you were only about thirty minutes from landing, so you expected everyone to be waking up soon. You tried to unlace your fingers from Sid's but even in sleep, he wasn't having it. As much as you were trying to keep it business, you couldn't help but smile sitting there holding his hand. You took a moment to just look at him as he slept, even though it was dark and hard to make out some of his features. He looked so peaceful and so carefree in sleep, and you wondered if he ever let go this much when he was awake.
 You weren't sure how long you sat there gazing at Sid, thinking about what it would be like to wake up in his arms again, but all too soon the captain came on and told everyone to fasten their seatbelts as you would be landing shortly. Most of the guys woke up, but Sid just slept on. Gently, you rubbed his bicep, the one that was still holding your hand. "Sid, time to wake up."
 His head tilted over to you, and he whispered low. "Mmm, I know. Just wanted to see if you'd kiss me awake." You shoved his shoulder then.
 "How's that instead?" He just chuckled at you, and you had a feeling he'd been awake a lot longer than he was letting on. "You can go back to your seat anytime now." You teased.
 "Nope. You're stuck with me until we land."
 "Fine, but I'm stealing my blanket back."
 Sid stopped you. "You might not want to do that, as I don't plan on letting go until we land." He squeezed your locked hands.
 "Seriously, what am I going to do with you?"
 "I have a few ideas," he muttered raising his eyebrows suggestively at you, to which you just rolled your eyes. Thankfully, the stewardess came by checking your seatbelts and effectively changing the subject.
 The two of you made small talk the remainder for the flight. Sid did finally let your hand go before heading off the plane.
 The next couple of days were filled with practices and watching films. There was really wasn't any time that you got to spend with (Y/N) alone or even semi-alone for that matter. While the team was off watching endless hours of tapes, she would head over to the hotel where all the families were staying and make sure everyone there was fine. The only reason you knew this was because of your mom. She mentioned that she ran into (Y/N) in the lobby and how she was checking on everyone.
 Your mom also mentioned how (Y/N) had done gift baskets for everyone and how that someone should snatch that girl up. Of course, she was insinuating that someone should be you, to which you simply told her you were trying. That comment led to a whole conversation about what you should be doing to win her over. You took in all her advice but thought you were pretty much on the right track at the moment. You just needed to win the cup and then (Y/N)'s heart. The fact that you lost game three, didn't help your endeavor in either case.
 The following day, coach had you all train at the beach again. Which of course, (Y/N) had made all the arrangements for. It was again the pick me up the team needed and helped you to a game four win. As you headed back to Pittsburgh, you knew everyone had one thing on their mind and that was to win and to do it at home. Tensions were high, the entire flight home and all into game five. You felt the pressure pouring down on you, from everywhere; the team, the fans, the city, even your family, everyone but (Y/N). You'd pass her in the hall and she would always send you a reassuring smile. One time you waited to walk her to her car like you did before. She held your hand the entire time and refused to talk about hockey, trying to take your mind off of everything. Unfortunately, it didn't help and the team lost its chances of winning at home in game 5.
 As you headed back to San Jose, (Y/N) took the seat way in the back again. She must have sensed you needed some time with her. It was a morning flight, so you couldn't really cuddle up with her as you had previously. "Are you doing ok?" She asked.
 "Yeah," you breathed out. "It's a lot but I know we're going to get it this time."
 She smiled over at you, totally agreeing with your statement. "You will." She stated simply. "So, let's focus on something else. I think you have enough hockey on your mind for three seasons at the moment."
 "True. How about we talk about where you want to go on our date?"
 While she shook her head at you, a becoming blush started to creep onto her cheeks. "Sid, we're not supposed to be talking about that until after this is all over."
 "I thought you were going to take my mind off of hockey?" It was a cheap tactic, but one you used to your advantage.
 She side-eyed you before giving her reply. "Point taken. Where would you like to go?"
 "Well, I have a few thoughts." You said with a suggestive raise of your brow.
 "Sid," she whisper yelled at you.
 "What? I was thinking of that cute little restaurant on Mount Washington and then maybe ice cream afterward." You didn't point out that you wanted to lick the ice cream off of her body.
 "Yeah, sure you did." The rest of the way you talked about anything and everything, well except hockey. By the time the plane landed, you were feeling good about the game and your upcoming date. Which hopefully would be taking place soon.
 Game six was intense. Halfway into the first Dumo put you on the board, and you could almost taste the champagne coming out of the cup. The Sharks rallied though in the second as Couture, put one in the back of the net. Not a minute later, you got the puck on a pass from Shears. You weighed your options as you dangled the puck back and forth, finally flipping it over to Tanger who slapped into the net for you guys to take the lead. The rush was amazing, and you couldn't help but wonder if (Y/N) saw that; knowing, of course, she probably did.
 Minutes ticked by and it seemed like the slowest third period you'd ever played in your life, but with every passing one, it put your closer to winning. Finally, you were down to a little over a minute in the third, you were able to steal the puck away from the Sharks and pass it on to Horny who threw it into the empty net, sealing your fate as the new Stanley Cup Champs. The bench erupted and it took everything in Coach Sullivan's power to settle everyone down for the few seconds. You stayed out on the ice and when the buzzer sounded gloves and sticks were thrown in the air. The crowd was somber, nothing like if you'd had been in Pittsburgh, but it didn't matter. Everyone piled on top of each other to celebrate and as you emerged from the pile your eyes scanned the bench looking for (Y/N), yet she wasn't there.
 Handshakes commenced; a tradition long upheld at the end of a playoff series. It was only after, as you still celebrated with your teammates that you saw her, standing in the back, waiting with some of the other staff members to watch you receive the Stanley Cup. Her smile was brighter than the sun and while you knew you had a perma-grin plastered on, yours grew wider just looking at her. You were awarded the Conn-Smythe trophy and you were able to hear her say congratulations when you skated it back for someone to take back to the locker room for you. It wasn't enough, but it would have to do for now.
 The Stanley Cup presentation took place next, and you raised it above your head, cheering and skating around the ice. You passed the trophy off and quickly had microphones shoved in your face, giving a few quick interviews as it was passed from player to player. Finally, it was time for the team photo and you saw Mario drag her out on the ice. You knew she didn't feel as though she should be there, but you were glad she was. As soon as the was over, everyone's families crowd out to congratulate them. Your parents and sister were right there in the front and after a few pictures with the cup and them, you skated around joining in the celebration. Over to your left, Anna had her legs wrapped around Geno, the two sharing a passionate kiss, and to your right, you saw Vero and Flower doing the same. It was then you realized how incomplete the cup win actually was. Oh, you were still thrilled that you'd won your second championship; it just finally hit you that it would've been so much better to celebrate it with (Y/N). You wanted her legs wrapped around you, kissing you senseless, and pictures with just the two of you and the cup. You vowed right then and there that you'd win another one, just so that you could have a moment like that with her.
 You spotted her then. She was standing off to the side with Tanger's son Alex, crouched down low talking to him about everything that was going on. You skated over to him, lowering yourself to his level as well. "Hey bud, are you excited?"
 He shook his little head. "Uncle Sid, Nous avons gagne la coupe!"
 "Yes we did, win the cup, Alex."
 "He was teaching me how to say it in French, weren't you Alex?"
 "Oui." You scooped him up in your arms then, for even as excited as he was, you could see that the late-night was taking a toll on him.
 "I was just watching him for a minute, while Kris and Catherine had an interview or something." Alex rested his little hard on your shoulder and (Y/N) moved closer to the two of you to brush his hair out of his face. "Are you sleepy buddy?" He reached out his hand for (Y/N) to take him.
 "What, Uncle Sid is no good now or what?" You teased the toddler.
 "She sings better than you, Uncle Sid."
 You handed the boy over, and he wiggled around in (Y/N)'s arms trying to get comfortable. The problem was you were all still on the ice, only (Y/N) was still in heels. You reached around to support her more until Alex finally determine what obviously was the place he wanted to rest his little head, her breasts.
 Things winded down on the ice and everyone moved back to the locker room. You waited until almost everyone was back there, then brought the cup in. Everyone was cheering, champagne was flowing everywhere, in the air, in the cup; it was complete chaos in the best sense. You were soaked head to toe in some form of alcohol. After pouring several bottles into Lord Stanley's Cup, you took a drink then held it up for your teammates, coaches, and staff. Eventually, Tanger and Flower coax (Y/N) over to partake as well. You tried to pour as little as possible but of course, it ended up all over her just like it was everyone else. She was just as soaked as everyone else.
 The team partied in the locker room for a couple hours, then headed back to the hotel. As the captain, you were entitled to keep the cup for the night, so you carried it into your room and set down next to all the things (Y/N) had put in your room for this trip. You still really hadn't gotten to celebrate with just her, you'd only had that brief moment with her and Alex. Pulling out your phone, you shot her a quick text. If you have a sec, can you come down here? You didn't have to tell her where for you knew she'd assigned the rooms and would know where you were staying. Be down in a minute. She sent back.
 About five minutes later there was a knock on your door. "Everything ok?"
 You opened the door for her to come in, then shut it behind her. Her hair was slightly damp, probably after the shower she'd just taken to get the alcohol off, and she had an oversized Pens Championship t-shirt, the same as you, and a pair of leggings on. She looked adorable and sexy at the same time, a combination that wreaked havoc on your senses. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
 "When you text me, I thought something happened with the cup and you needed me to find fairies with little metal hammers to take the dents out."
 That caused both of you to laugh. "Fairies, really (Y/N)?"
 She simply lifted her shoulder in a shrug. "With a trophy this old, you never know. Anyway, what did you need?"
 "Oh, well I just realized something."
 When you paused a second, she asked. "What's that?"
 "Just that I haven't got to celebrate the win with you at all tonight." A sweet little smile graced her face.
 "We celebrated in the locker room." She countered.
 "Yeah, that wasn't what I meant." You took a step closer to her, now only inches separating the two of you. "There's been something I've wanted to do all night."
 "And what's that?"
 "This," you stated as you closed the gap between you, capturing her chin between your thumb and index finger, before closing your lips over hers. She was taken back for only a second, and then her hands slid up around your neck and she pressed her body to yours. You took possession of her mouth then, your tongue sweeping in and swirling with hers. Kissing (Y/N) was everything you had dreamed; your only regret was that you hadn't done it sooner. She was soft and pliant under your hands, as you skated them down her back. Her mouth molded to yours, as she returned the kiss.
 When you finally broke apart, you were both breathing heavily. You rested your forehead on hers, cherishing the moment for a minute longer. "That was…" she sighed out, eyes still closed.
 "Perfect," you told her and hoped she felt the same way.
 "So…I was thinking?" You pulled back to look at her.
 "Then we must not have been doing it right." A light laugh escaped your lips.
 "I was thinking of this before we did that." She raised her eyebrows at you. "Stay with me tonight?"
 "Uh…um…" she sputtered out.
 "Hear me out, before you answer." You quickly continued before she could protest. "Tonight has been perfect; everything about it. There's only one thing that could make it better and that's spending it with you in my arms." You felt her sigh before you actually heard it, and you weren't sure if it was one of acquiescence or rejection. "I just want to hold you, like I did that night at my house. Nothing more…not yet at least." She blushed then and you may have as well.
 "But Sid, what if someone sees us?"
 "No one will care (Y/N). Besides, they'll eventually find out, once I officially get to take you on a date."
 She closed her eyes again, shielding you from her thoughts. Your hand rubbed circles on her hip, coaxing her to say yes. "Ok," she softly whispered.
 Her agreement was like winning the Stanley Cup all over again, and you dropped a swift peck to her lips. "By the way, this looks good on you." You tugged at her shirt pulling her towards the bed before she changed her mind.
 "It's a bit big."
 "I have some pants that would go with it." You told her referring to the ones she wore when she was at your house.
 "Oh my god, I still have them." Her face turned a delicious shade of red.
 "Keep them. I have a feeling I might need them for when I stay over at your place."
 "You seem pretty confident, about that happening, Mr. Crosby." She playfully swatted at your chest, before spinning around to turn down the bed, shimming out of her leggings before climbing in.
 "I'd say hopefully optimistic."  She crawled into the bed, scooting over to the other side, while you shucked off your identical t-shirt and shed your sweats so that you were only clad in a pair of boxers. You were under the covers before she even knew you had discarded the clothing.
 "Hmm, maybe I should sleep on top of the covers." You gave her a questioning look. "Can't have you getting overconfident." All you could do was shake your head and pull her close; her head resting on your chest, just as it had days ago. She still fit perfectly in your arms, and you took a moment to appreciate everything you had at that moment. "This is nice, just you, me, and that big silver trophy. You played a hell of a game Sid."
 "Thanks, but it wasn't just me."
 She propped her chin up on her hand to look at you. "There are no cameras at the moment, take the compliment."
 "Only if it comes with a kiss." She leaned over then, her lips hovering above yours for the briefest moment before they gently caressed yours. She sucked on your bottom lip, before sweeping her tongue in and stealing your breath away. You moved your bodies so that you were both laying on your sides, as your hands roamed over her hips and back. You deepened the kiss even more, and she moaned into your mouth, the sound causing your cock to stiffen. It would be so easy to just slide her onto her back, coax her out of her shirt and make love to her. However, you'd all but promised her you wouldn't go that far; so you found yourself pulling away from the kiss earlier than either of you liked. You rolled onto your back, pulling her so that half her body was on top of you. "We should sleep before this goes any further."
 She planted a kiss on your chest and you returned it with one to the top of her head. It wasn't long before both of you were fast asleep. Sunlight stole through the curtains causing you to wake up. (Y/N) still lay sleeping on your chest. It was around eight in the morning and you knew everyone would be getting up soon and meeting for breakfast, before heading back to Pittsburgh. You hated that you had to wake her, yet it couldn't be helped. "(Y/N)," you whispered lightly shaking her, then rubbing your hands across her back. "Baby, it's time to get up."
 She moaned slightly, still in a sleep fog. "Mmm, did you just call me baby?"
 "Um…maybe?" You hadn't realized you'd let the term of endearment fall from your lips. "Is that ok?"
 "Mmm…" Every time the light hum slipped out of her lips it elicited wicked thoughts from you. "Yeah…I kind of like it."
 You kissed her nose then. "Good, because I have a feeling, I'm going to use it more often." Your lips dropped down to hers then, stealing a kiss.
 She pulled back too quickly for your liking. "I should go."
 "I can't wait until you don't have to." She giggled then, before squirming out of your arms and out of bed. "I'll meet you down at breakfast then?"
 "Yeah, I'll be down as soon as I pack." She tossed her leggings back on, before throwing her hair in some type of messy bun. You got up and reached for her, pressing her close to you.
 "Let me make sure no one is in the hall first." You didn't release her though, instead, you kissed her again, letting your mouth worship hers one last time before having to pretend there was nothing going on between you. "You know next season; you're going to have to make our rooms next to each other."
 "Oh really?"
 "Mmmhmm, better yet they should be adjoining. I'll be sure to put it on my paper so you remember." She just laughed and shook her head at you. "Wait, I have an even better idea." She pulled back, to get a better look at your face. "We can just share a room; it would save the team money."
 "You'd be sick of me."
 "Never," you answered before kissing her again.
 "I better go." You released her, before opening the door to check and see if anyone was in the hall.
 "All clear. I'll see you in a bit." She went to leave, and you pulled her back one last time for a quick kiss before she headed down the hall and back to her room. The last twenty-four hour had been the best of your life and you had a feeling they were only going to get better from here on out.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
A Letter To My Love.
P1: Chaotic Interviews.  ALTML MASTERLIST. 
Copyright © 2020-2021 by Veles.
SUMMARY: Tamaki Amajiki, also known as the Pro Hero Suneater, has been your friends for years. You’ve known each other since U.A. During his entire life, Tamaki has fought against his internal demons, insecurities, and voices that rage in his mind. With the help of his friends Nejire and Mirio and you, he was able to overcome his fears and become one of the most successful Pro Heroes in Japan. 
In the last few years, writing has become an outlet for Tamaki when he feels troubled. And being a Pro Hero comes with great luggage- including hyper fans and their strange romantic theories. One of them being 'TamaY/N', a romantic ship created by his fans. As an anonymous writer, Amajiki can finally express the love and affection he's harbored for Y/N for several years through fanfiction when he has spare time. But when Y/N discovers the infamous fanfiction after an awkward interview, drama, heartbreak, and confusion are bound to break loose.
PAIRING: ProHero! Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ProHero!reader
THEMES: pining, fluff, angst, etc. [SERIES]
TW: cursing, sexual innuendos, mature themes. 
a/n: my requests are open for business lovelies! i proofread this but if i made any mistakes, please let me know! as always, please leave a like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! i appreciate the support and feedback <3 
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''His heart sings in joy in her presence. Around her, he's blessed with a sudden warmth that soothes his bones and washes over all the tension and strain in his muscles.'' 
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''Good morning!'' you greet hurriedly to all the workers you leave behind as you race towards the third floor.
Shit, shit, shit! You had an interview with an important press with Tamaki today and it was about to start in three minutes! Luckily, you'd managed to make it to Tamaki's agency on time, but you were yet to arrive at the designated floor. Once you reached the elevator, you let out a sigh of relief. It was empty and while you waited for the elevator to open, you began to pat and smooth over your Pro Hero costume.
It consisted of a sleeveless loose black top with a pair of black shorts, with silver armor that started from your shoulders up to your elbows, paired with black combat boots and silver gloves with some metal and gadgets that allowed you to improve the use of your quirk Liquify.
Before you knew it, the elevator dinged open and you quickly stepped out, plastering a bright smile on your face. The third floor had been emptied- and the equipment from the press stood in the middle- two elegant chairs, cameras and lights, and a few dozen reporters mingling. At the back of the floor, you noticed Tamaki, wearing his Pro hero suit. He was facing the wall- he tended to do when he was nervous.
''Good morning!" you greeted the reporters, who smiled in response. ''I apologize for my tardiness.''
''It's okay. It's a pleasure to meet you, Pro Hero Unda,'' a busy looking woman approached you. She glanced towards Tamaki. ''Do you think you could get Suneater ready for the interview?''
You shoved down a stressed sigh and nodded. ''I'll get him right away!" with one last smile, you stepped away and approached the nervous blue-haired man.
''Tama,'' you spoke in a soft voice and pressed a hand on his shoulder. He was slightly trembling and was muttering something along the lines of 'I want to go home.'
''Y/N,'' his voice was trembling. ''You're late.''
''Ma'am?'' you called out to the lady that had approached you earlier. ''We're ready.''
You sighed and pinched your nose. ''I know, Tama,'' your heart felt heavy. ''I'm really sorry. I was busy doing paperwork and time flew by. Can you forgive me?''
He nodded and turned around and you nearly jumped with joy. The two of you approached the press and sat down on the chairs.
All of the workers quickly surrounded you and you clenched your fists on your lap. Now that they were all crowded around you, it felt like all of them were studying you, nitpicking and silently judging you in their eyes.
You glanced towards Tamaki. It wasn't a surprise that he looked like he felt the same as you. Offering him a small smile, you squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. He offered you a weak smile.
''Good morning, Japan! This is your favorite reporter, Hirano Chizue! I'm live with our two favorite Pro-Heroes, Suneater and Unda!" the smile on her face was so dazzling you were sure it was fake.
''Alright! Let's get started!'' the businesswoman clapped her hands and sat down on the seat in front of you. ''Camera crew, get in position! We're live in 1..2...3!''
You heard several workers move behind you-most likely the ones with cameras and the lady in front of you held a microphone as she smiled towards the camera.
''How are you two doing this morning?'' She pointed the microphone towards both of you.
''Fine, thank you,'' you smiled softly. Tamaki swallowed and raised his gaze towards the businesswoman.
''I'm feeling okay, thank you for asking,'' his voice was somewhat low but at least he replied.
''Good, good!'' Hirano said. She pulled out a clipboard with a neat stack of papers.
''We're honored that you accepted to the interview. Do you mind if we start? The questions are fan-submitted and others are from our crew! Since the two of you are new rising heroes, Japan is eager to know the two of you!'' 
You didn't notice how Tamaki froze at the word 'fan'. You were barely a few minutes into the interview and you already felt exhausted. Nevertheless, you smiled and nodded. 
''Not at all. Ask away.''
Hirano grinned- you didn't miss the hungry glint in her eyes- what type of questions had she chosen?
''This question is for Suneater!'' she shot him a brief smile before trailing her eyes on the paper. Hirano's smile grew.
''What's your relationship with Unda? Are the two of you dating?''
You coughed awkwardly, averting your gaze towards the floor.
''N-no,'' your friend sounded nervous. ''We're good friends, that's all.'' 
When Tamaki said the word 'friends', you couldn't stop the painful ache that throbbed in your chest. You knew that he meant well but you had hoped for years that one day, the two of you would be more than just friends. Clearly, today wasn't that day.
Hirano hummed in response, but she didn't seem convinced. 
''The two of you have a beautiful friendship,'' she complimented. The two of you muttered a 'thank you'.  Hirano's beady eyes focused on you. 
''This question is for Unda! Tell me, your fans are dying to know more about your quirk! Could you give us a brief explanation of your quirk, Liquify?''
A good question, you thought with a smile. Even though it was modern times, the oppression of women and misogyny hadn't been fully eradicated- and it showed during Pro Hero interviews, asking women nothing but shallow questions while the men received interesting ones. Her question was quite refreshing. 
''Of course!" this time, your smile was more genuine. ''So, my quirk Liquify focuses on the state of matter of an inanimate object. I can turn any inanimate object- it doesn't work on plants or animals- into liquid and bend it to my will! I can also return the material into its original state, but I can change its figure and volume,'' you waved your hands as you explained.
''That's a marvelous quirk! Would you mind giving us a demonstration?'' 
''That was an excellent demonstration, Unda!'' you shot Tamaki a glance. He was staring at the ground but when you glanced towards him, he met your eyes and smiled. You smiled back.
With a nod of agreement, you rose and grabbed the closest thing- an empty mug and wrapped your hand around it. When you opened your palm, the once red mug was now a red liquid hovering about your palm, sloshing side to side.
The press gasped in amazement and applauded. You smiled gratefully and returned to your seat.
''Thank you, miss.''
''Now,'' she flipped a page. ''Ooh. This is another question for you, Unda. It's quite a juicy question,'' Hirano bit her lip and grinned. 
''Have you ever read books about TamaY/N?''
Next to you, Tamaki flinched in his seat and coughed lowly. No one seemed to notice, the attention was on you.
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head. 
''I'm sorry, is it a book? What's TamaY/N? I haven't heard of it before...'' you trailed off and glanced at Tamaki, hoping for some kind of help, but he wouldn't meet your gaze. You noticed that the tip of his pointed ears was turning red. Was he feeling okay?
Hirano cackled and shook her head. ''No, TamaY/N is the ship name for Tamaki and you. The fans seem to like seeing the two of you together. It's called fanfiction.''
''Oh...'' you said, feeling clueless. Once the information sunk in, you felt your cheeks bloom with warmth. ''Oh.''
''Oh indeed,'' Hirano agreed. ''It's quite scandalous, you should read some on your own! You'd understand what I'm talking a-,''
''Oh, um, well...'' you nervously played with your fingers.
''Isn't this a professional interview?'' Tamaki snapped. His voice was loud and firm and Hirano flinched in her seat.
''I appreciate the support of fans but we are Pro Heroes and have a right to main-maintain our privacy. The status of our romantic experiences is private and will remain that way.'' 
You nodded in agreement, remaining silent as you had nothing else to add. Hirano looked surprised- she cleared her throat and quickly recollected herself with a smile.
''My sincerest apologies, Suneater, we didn't know you felt like this about your... relationship status. Here, let me find another question for Unda...''
The interview continued for half an hour- but the tension was much more tense and awkward than before. Tamaki gave short and clipped answers.
After the interview, Hirano quietly thanked you for your time and the press quickly left. After an hour, the only ones left were Tamaki and you. He was sitting in the corner of the room. He didn't look particularly nervous but the scowl on his face made you frown with worry. 
Slowly, you approached him and sat down next to him. You spent a few minutes in silence before speaking up.
''Are you okay, Tama?''
You shook your head. ''It's okay. If you want to keep those inquires private, that's perfectly fine. And to be fair, it's better that way. The press feeds on any source or evidence of romance in the Pro Hero industry.''
Tamaki was silent. You noticed how he clenched his fists and lowered his head.
''I'm sorry,'' he mumbled. His shoulders slumped. ''I was being very rude and distant...''
Tamaki smiled at you- but the look in his eyes was distant.
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After the exhausting interview, Tamaki and you had worked for hours in his agency- racing outside to save civilians, filing paperwork, until it was eight o'clock- his agency would be closing early today. The two of you walked towards Mirio's department- he said a celebration was necessary. 
''Helloo!'' Mirio yelled loudly. You laughed as he grabbed Tamaki and you into a tight bear hug, squeezing the air out of your lungs. Even though he wasn't a Pro Hero, he was immensely strong.
''I saw the interview!"' Nejire popped up behind the blonde. ''It's your first interview, I think we should celebrate!" 
''Congrats, Tama and Y/N!'' Eri said and joined the bear hug, along with Nejire.
''I-I can't breathe!" you complained and Tamaki groaned in agreement. Nejire and Eri giggled in amusement as the hug feel apart and everyone stepped back. Mirio jogged towards the dining table and brought a tray with four bowls with delicious takoyaki.
''I think we should celebrate with takoyaki. I've put on a movie that I think everyone will enjoy. Dig in!'' 
Immediately, Tamaki snatched the bowl and raced towards the sofa. You laughed in amusement and followed, holding your bowl of takoyaki.
You spent the rest of the night huddled next to Tamaki and Eri on the small sofa, eating takoyaki. Maybe it wasn't a fancy or expensive celebration, but you wouldn't trade anything in the world for moments like these- lively nights with your best friends. All previous thoughts of the awkward interview and whatever that lady had mentioned washed away, only to be brought back tomorrow. 
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a/n: well!! this is my first time writing for my baby tamaki!! what do you guys think? should i make a tag list for this series? dm me if you’re interested! xx 
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I've been thinking about this for a few weeks, hope it's fluffy enough even though it's not class A!!
So, I have this HC that since they've gone pro Dynamight and Deku have hogged the number one position.
Deku has had it most years, but Dynamight has snatched it quite a few times. Every year has the entire population of Japan betting on who'll be in the top spot this time.
Eijirou isn't jealous, never has been, on contrary he's very proud of his explosive boyfriend and, honestly, has been doing quite well for himself!!
Red Riot gradually-but-costantly climbing up the ranks and he's proud of it because it means more and more people are seeing and appreciating his hard work, but ultimately he never wanted to be a hero for the fame or glory of it. So, while he's pretty happy about seeing that the people he protects like him, he never put more effort into getting/keeping the public's favor than what's asked from his PR team. He just wants to genuinely help people and he's happy just doing that.
He helps save and rescue people in danger, he protects them and his fellow heroes, he reassures them. And while most heroes leaves it at that (plus public appearances), Red Riot goes way beyond that.
He's the hero that makes sure you make it home safely (or accompanies you there himself), that talks you down of a panic attack, that helps old ladies and gentlemen cross the road and carry groceries, that stops to help parents with fussy children or lost kids and takes photos and gives out autographs to everyone who asks it. He's also the hero that keeps contact with the people he saved (and ask him to stay in touch), he's the one that always answer the phone when one of them needs to talk to someone, that accompanies them to therapy and holds their hand in support groups, that visits hospitals and orphanages alike, that shows up for protests and campaigns to grant people their rights. He's the hero that cares about the villains too. He goes visiting them in prison, helps them to reform and find jobs, that eases them into re-inserting themselves into society (given that it's possible and that said villains wants to reform).
Everyone loves him and slowly but surely he's gaining popularity. People starts to notice his efforts and how they're not publicity stunts, but just how the red-headed hero is. Forums and fan pages about him start to get more and more popular, his merchandise sells increase more and more, he gets requests for interviews and tv/radio appearences.
And the Sturdy Hero gets a new, softer nickname in the streets and the web.
And the thing is, Eijirou is still completely oblivious to it.
Like, he genuinely doesn't notices because he never cared about ranks, or popularity. He has alerts on his phone for news/citations (hope is the right word) for basically every other hero besides himself and every year he's completely blindsided by his jumps up the statistics.
He's in the top 100, then the top 50, then the top 20, then the 10, then he's the number 8 hero, then he's number 5. Last year he finally gets in the top 3 behind Deku (#1) and Dynamight (#2) and he can't believe it, he's completely flabberstagged, it takes him three months (and a good deal of Katsuki's delighted screeching -sue him, he's fucking proud of hi bf- ) to start responding to the call for the #3 hero.
This year though, he's sure it's Katsuki's year, he's ready to celebrate his boyfriend in a very special way, a little velvet box sitting heavily in his pocket, a ring and question closed tight in it.
The announcer finally calls for the Top 3.
Deku's third, which is expected as he had to cut a bit on hero work to take care of his newly-born, rambunctious, triplets baby girls.
What is not expected in Dynamight being NUMBER FUCKING 2.
And finally Number 1 is announced: RED RIOT IS THE NEW NUMBER ONE HERO.
Kiri almost dies on the spot. He?? Number one?? When the fuck did it happen?? But all his friends are cheering and whooping like crazy and lots of them are crying (Deku fucking stop, you're gonna drown us!!) and Katsuki is shaking him and hugging him and has tears in his eyes ("hypocrite!" "shut thE FUCK UP NERD") and Eijirou starts to cry too because what the fuck? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?? How did he get to number one when there are so many amazing heroes out there??
Then Kami and Mina and Uraraka and others are showing him their phones, all opened on different sites and social networks, showing posts upon posts about all the things Red Riot has done for the people, from small personal favors to big heroics deeds that made the titles, all throughout his career, from when he was just a first year student to that same day.
And, of course the top trend on each of it: #The Caring Hero, Red Riot.
(The surprises of the day haven't finished yet because at the party that night he found out he wasn't the only one to have bought a ring)
I just freaking hopped all over the bed reading this, making inhuman noises, and repeating "oh my god shut up. Oh my GOD shut the fUCK UP"
Kiri being the hero who talks you down from a panic attack?????
Kiri being the hero who visits hospitals and helps crying kids ???????
Kiri being so fucking humble he keeps up with everyone except himself ????????
Keeping up with the people he saved AND trying to help villains reform?????????? HE IS SUCH A GOOD-
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