#genuinely don’t know if any of this will ever get written but they’re fun to think about
vinelark · 11 months
okay it’s not tuesday quite yet but ao3 is down and so is my brain so why not!! @burins tagged me for Temptation Tuesday, which is where you list ideas distracting you from your current WIP.
i actually have been working pretty steadily on the current WIP (buy back the secrets ch4) but i do have these kicking around the back of my head:
a “what is and what never should be” bruce & jason & tim au where some magic user traps bruce’s mind in a world where jason never died, but the cracks of reality are starting to bleed through and bruce ultimately must decide if he should stay in this “better” world or try to wake up. tim is also stuck in the illusion and catches on much quicker, and meanwhile in the waking world the real jason is trying to save them both. brainstormed this with @90kon last year and it’s still rolling around my brain
a concept @cairoscene and i brainstormed where when jason (or damian) arrive in gotham instead of attacking tim they lay a curse in the foundations of wayne manor that causes everyone’s feelings about tim to just—disappear. the bats no longer hold any affection for tim, and they don’t even dislike him, they just feel a deep apathy toward him. jason (or damian) see this as a kindness, because hey the alternative method of kicking tim out of the suit is way bloodier, right? obviously this is still not a great time for tim, and jason (and/or damian) are exempt from the curse and end up being the ones to intervene and try to undo it.
a fic set in tim’s early robin days where bruce gets hit with a new hatter x scarecrow special gas that makes you verbalize the worst fears of the people around you. batman and robin don’t know what it is yet, though, and bruce says some horrible things to tim under its influence; tim, based on what he hears, concludes that this has to be some sort of truth gas and operates under that assumption for weeks until the misunderstanding comes to light and bruce sets out to fix it.
the timkon-centric sequel to @cairoscene’s “send to all” fic where kon decides he and tim better, you know, Practice just in case tim gets hit with ivy’s pollen one day. just to be prepared! just to hone a potentially life-saving skill! cue idiots to lovers figuring things out in more ways than one.
tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Soo I'm here to rq another Damian x reader(platonic). But real quick, I'm sorry if I'm requesting too much or being a nuisance. Pls lmk if I am so I can stop! It's just hard to find somebody that writes for him like dis.
Anyways, basically the same thing were theyre friends but this time it's a diff scenario. So Damian n reader are obvi friends but theyre also complete oposites. Like Damian is intelegent, focused and meanwhile has reader is a bit dumber, daydreams too much, and kinder. They also get walked over a lot.
So he invites reader over to the manor and she meets his brothers n dad. It's all fine n dandy but they can't help but notice how diff they are.
Bonus points if reader talks positively abt him to his brothers and they're all like "fym he's nice?" And readers all like "fym he isnt?" (They're just not used to being treated like a normal human being) ‼️
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Honestly I love writing for platonic! Damian. So pls don’t apologise for anything bc I’m having so much fun rn. 🦦plus I don’t know if this will read well as I’ve written this late at night when o should probably be in bed.
‘Am I seeing things or has Damian finally made a friend.’ Dick whispered to Jason, his eyes unable to tear his eyes away from you and Damian followed Bruce through the manor.
‘Nope, I’m definitely seeing it too.’ Jason replied also looking at you and Damian as if he was looking at the human personifications of night and day.
‘The fact that the demon spawn managed to get a friend sure is…something.’ Tim piped up, having overheard his brothers conversation from standing in between them. ‘I can only hope he didn’t kidnap the poor soul.’ Dick added as he was quick to click onto how Damian kept a hand on your arm, tugging and pulling you along when you stop to stare at a painting in awe for a little too long, gently encouraging you to keep up with him and Bruce by promising to go back to the painting later. Jason then looked over at Tim, ‘any ideas on who they are?’ Tim shrugged. ‘Only the fact that they go to the same school as Damian, share the same art classes and is known for being a little bit of a daydreaming pushover, but despite all that they’re still a kind person.’
Dick smiled sympathetically as his heart ached for you. It wasn’t easy being nice in a city like Gotham, if anything nice ever wandered into the accursed city it seemed as though Gotham itself would stop at nothing to see it destroyed, decimated and become as miserable and as bleak as the city itself; So it was rare to find someone who genuinely could still bring it in themselves to smile whilst in a city like this. And for that Dick had to give you props for being brave enough -and strong enough- to be kind in a place that would gladly take pleasure in stepping over and on you at any inconvenience. For it was truly a sign of bravery at its finest.
‘That kid is sure brave.’ Jason signed, knowing that people like you don’t last in Gotham but it was people like you that Gotham needed the most, but how could a retched place like Gotham heal when it’s always been a rotten city since it’s very conception? He didn’t believe it could be possible but there were always solutions to fighting the problem that seemed impossible to overcome. So who cares if you weren’t the brightest bulb at school? The education system in Gotham was shit anyway the last time he checked and he doubted much had changed when he…well you know…
Tim was silent. He was too busy recognising the protective measures that Damian was taking specifically for you; mainly the hand tugging at your arm anytime he thought you were getting distracted or wandering off elsewhere and muttering about how you need to keep or you’ll get left behind, despite the fact that even if you did Damian would allow himself to fall behind just so that he could walk besides you. While he might be part of the majority that didn’t think he’s ever see the day that Damian brought a friend home, never less a friend who was the total opposite of him. He couldn’t help but feel a sort of relief that Damian finally found a friend, and he knew that both Jason and Dick felt similarly from the looks upon their faces, silently observing how you interact with one another.
The one thing that Tim was confident in was the fact that Damian needed you as much as you needed Damian because you were a beacon of opportunity for his younger brother in many ways that Tim was certain you weren’t made aware of just yet. So while he and his brothers may tease and take this piss about how different you were from Damian, they mean well and express their happiness the only way they knew best; teasing and taking the piss.
‘This library is beautiful Mr Wayne! Do you have any fantasy books?’ You could be heard asking down the hallway, followed by the sound of Bruce softly laughing as he showed you the grand library. ‘This library has any book you can think of and please call me Bruce, it’s not often that Damian brings anyone home for the weekend.’ He says as you looked the Damian confused and a little betrayed. ‘You’ve got friends other than me?’
Damian groaned. ‘No. I don’t, you’re the only friend I’m willing myself to have.’
You smiled and gripped his hand. ‘Aww Dami! That’s so sweet of you to say, despite how brash and blunt you may come across, I’m glad to say that you’re the only friend I’m willing to have too!’ You said without shame. ‘Everyone else isn’t a nice as you are.’ You trailed off while a rare solemn look appeared upon your face as Damian was quick to squeeze your hand reassuringly, Bruce smiled sympathetically. ‘I’m not smart like your son mr Wayne, I can’t help it if things don’t come to me as easy as they do others but I try! I try really heard to do my best at every test but…but people tend to laugh of me because to them I’m either slow or thick.’ Damian’s jaw clenched and his brows furrowed upon being remembered of what people tended to call you.
He hated it and whenever he saw it happen, he was quick to utter some threatening words before taking his usual position as your pseudo-bodyguard for the rest of the school day. At first he wasn’t bothered but when you became restless in your pursuit of being his friend, he remembered vividly how people were mocking and making fun of you for trying to be his friend, that he often regrets not accepting your friendship sooner if it meant being able to be there when it counts.
‘When will you get it that Damian doesn’t want to be friends with someone like you.’ One person said.
‘Then I’ll just have to keep trying.’ You rebutted, still smiling somehow.
Another person scoffs. ‘Get fucking real. You’re a weirdo, no one wants to be friends with a weirdo who so fucking slow at everything.’
You merely shrugged, even when someone’s insulting you, your brain doesn’t recognises it as such. ‘I’m sure he won’t mind.’
‘God you’re so fucking useless that I’m surprised that anyone bothers with you. Let me say this in a way you won’t have to try so hard to understand dipshit. Damian. Will. Never. Be. Friends. With. Someone. Like. You. Ever.’ A third slowly spoke and Damian had heard enough and within a blink of an eye had laid them out flat. You blinked before looking at Damian with a bright smile. ‘Hi Damian! Did you hurt these guys, that’s not very nice.’
‘They insulted you and yet you defend their honour.’ Damian asked incredulously as you both walked down the hallway, leaving the three bullies to groan from their injuries. You shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’
‘They were insulting you.’ Damian reiterated. ‘They insulted your intelligence and your abilities. People like them often hide bigger insecurities than others.’ Damian replied, finding your ability to keep smiling after such things both annoying as it was admirable.
‘Are we friends now?’ You asked innocently enough and Damian knew he had sealed his fate, and so he sighs and looks up to the ceiling. ‘Yes, we’re…friends.’ He mutters and doesn’t do anything to stop you from dragging him to art class.
‘I was alone before Damian.’ You admitted as you looked at Bruce with a smile as you squeezed Damian’s hand in kind. ‘But now he’s here and he’s my bestest friend ever!’ Damian honestly wishes that you respect yourself more because you could claim that he saved you multiple times, but you’d never acknowledge the times where you have saved him by being unequivocally kind, sweet and over all a better person then all of Gotham’s civilians combined. ‘I was finding my first week at school horrid before I befriended l/n.’ Damian admitted as you softly cooed. The boy then swallows thickly. ‘Their friendship is much appreciated.’
‘Aww! Dami!’ You cried as you crashed into him, causing you both to hit the floor in a heap of limbs.
While Damian was cursing mom lethal threats and you were laughing, Bruce had already made his mind up about you and was certain to make sure to have Damian invite you over as much as possible. It was obvious for him to see that you and Damian were good for each other despite your vast and glaring differences, however that’s what worked in your favour, the power to have over come all odds was incredible; not to mention the fact that your friendship with Damian had lasted as long as it has was another impressive feet on top of that. Bruce knows it’s been hard for Damian to fit in and find a friend, but he couldn’t have made a better friend than he did in the likes of you.
You were more than defiantly welcomed back to the manor if Bruce had anything to say about it.
‘Get off of me!’ Damian shouts.
‘Damian, I think my foot is stuck with yours.’ You reply, scared.
‘That’s your own foot- how did you manage to tangle yourself up in yourself? You landed onto of me?’ Damian asked incredulously.
‘Sorry.’ You apologised.
‘Don’t be.’ Damian said.
Bruce smiled one last time before leaving you both alone in the library to untangle yourselves, only to be greeted by Tim, Dick and Jason. ‘Can I help you three?’ Bruce raised an eyebrow at the boys.
‘Nope.’ Dick started.
‘Not really, just…seeing how the little scamps are dealing.’ Jason followed after.
‘Damian? Nice? The same Damian who tried to, oh I don’t know…KILL ME?!’ Tim asked, revealing to Bruce all he needed to know, their breathing behind the library door was telling that they were clearly eavesdropping on the three of you. Jason and Dick looked at him displeased as Tim looked back at them. ‘I’m not the only one of us who thought that.’ He defended himself. ‘I mean it’s nice that he’s looking out for y/n but still that’s not something someone casually forgets.’
Bruce merely leaves Tim, Dick and Jason to their own quarrel, he loves his boys he truly does, but sometimes they’re more trouble than what they’re worth. He can only hope that they don’t scare you off from coming back for good because he was already planning your next visit.
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antisocialties · 1 year
Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: in which the reader is chris’s best friend and goes to Hawaii with the triplets and madi but chris confesses his feelings when they’re alone on the beach.
Warnings: as always profanity is used, reader is for sure female in this one bc it was written for my close friend! happy birthday cayse!! <3
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You couldn’t get over the beautiful sun and the pretty clear blue water.
It almost felt like you were in a movie.
“You good?” chris asked you from the water.
You and madi were comfortably sat in beach chairs under an umbrella because you were both literally being cooked by the sun.
“Yes, i’m great.” you laughed, sending him a grin.
He laughed in response walking up to the shore and towards your chair.
“Did you wanna get in with me?”
You were honestly baking in the rays of the sun and were completely ready to get into the water, you were just anxious as per usual.
“Yeah, it’s really hot over here.” You laughed, getting up to stand next to him.
“Did you want to come?” You turned around asking madi.
“No i’m gonna keep tanning for now.”
You nodded, walking towards Chris.
“C’mon, I don’t even know how you lasted this long, i’ve been roasting.” Chris chuckled, grabbing your hand and leading you to the water.
You watched in awe as the crystal clear blue waves washed over your legs and upon the shore.
You silently admired nic and matt splashing around in the water a few feet away, and madi soaking up the sun, still in her chair.
“It’s so pretty out here.” You gushed, turning to your side and looking up at chris with your squinted eyes.
“Honestly I haven’t ever seen a beach this pretty, i’m so glad you agreed to come. I would’ve been so bored without you, y/n.” chris spoke.
“Are you joking? it’s been one of my dreams to come here, I can’t even believe madi asked me to come!” You smiled at him.
“I don’t think any of us would want to be here without you, are you kidding? You’re so fun. Madi loves you, and you’re honestly my emotional support friend so I couldn’t have come without you.” Chris spilled, sending you a genuine smile.
“I’m glad, you’re mine too.” You blushed, hoping he wouldn’t notice the color change on your cheeks.
“Have you ever thought about maybe being more than friends?” He blurted quietly, avoiding your eyes at all costs.
“You mean like, us?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Definitely have, I just know in the past you’ve said you weren’t really ready to commit to anyone.” You spoke softly, meeting his eyes that were currently squinting due to the sun.
“Well you aren’t just anyone, so…”
You felt a smirk pull on your cheeks as you looked up at him.
“Yeah?” You snickered.
You noticed his cheeks instantly get 2 shades pinker than they already were.
“I mean, Yeah. I just said that.” He chuckled, looking away at the approaching waves.
You moved closer to him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.
“So was that you trying to ask me out?”
“Uh yeah, that’s kinda all I had as a proposal to that idea.” He laughed, turning to meet your eyes once again.
“Well then yes chris, i’ll be your girlfriend.” You grinned, picking up his and and walking further into the water.
You both comfortably enjoyed the silence, and you could feel his hand sweating before you guys hit water that went above your waist.
“So how much do you wanna bet they’ve been watching the whole time?” He questioned, referring to his brothers and madi that weren’t too far behind you.
You looked back, noticing the lot of them wearing shit eating grins staring directly at chris and yourself.
You waved as a giggle made it’s way out of your mouth.
Chris copied your actions, following it up with flipping them all off.
“So can we go eat now that your little moment is over?” Nic shouted.
“Yeah, i’m hungry!” Madi shouted, standing in water just above her ankles.
You held back a laugh and dragged chris out of the water with you, staring the three of them down with an amused look on your face.
“Didn’t know if he’d actually be able to do it.” Matt snorted, grabbing his towel off of his beach chair.
“Fuck off.” Chris retaliated, smacking him with his own towel.
“Well I guess you got your answer.” You replied.
“I literally did not think this kid would ever spill his fucking guts, I was genuinely starting to get irritated waiting.” Nic ranted.
Madi laughed beside him.
You guys packed up your stuff, lugging it to the car before deciding to go pick up food at a local restaurant and bring it back to the house you were staying in.
You fiddled with chris’s hand the entire car ride home, watching the scenery outside of your window and silently expressing your gratitude for Hawaii being what brought the two of you to finally confess your mutual feelings.
That night after you all returned you laid in bed with a soft smile on your face, thinking about chris as you drifted off to sleep.
happy birthday casey!!! sorry that it’s corny and short, i just really wanted to make sure this was finished and proofread before your day <3
also my requests for both matt and chris are still open! feel free to send in any other requests you have, as long as they’re sfw! don’t forget to comment or pm me if you’d like to be added to the tag list! :)
tag list: @caseysturniolozzz @im-a-matt-girl @sturniolomads @stxrniqlo @mettsturniolo @orangetreekid @iluvmatt @lomlolivia @thetriplets3 @fake-coolbeans
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it-happened-one-fic · 7 months
The Pleasure - Rollo (Glorious Masquerade)
Author Notes: So, I've been having a lot of fun reading Glorious Masquerade and I saw an opening and received encouragement from friends to just go ahead and write some fics for this event. So here's Rollo's and this will possibly be the only Rollo fic I ever write. The dance in this fic was inspired by the Ländler Allemande which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuWq7S6pFvQ. The fic was written to “Tu Vas me Détruire” from Notre Dame de Paris by Daniel Lavoie. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ sfw/ Glorious Masquerade/ pining/ fluff/ dancing
Word Count: 1854
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It was almost strange to be at a masquerade ball after everything that had just happened the night before. And everyone was just dancing away without care, as if nothing had occurred.
I glanced around at the smiling faces that made it seem like this social had gone out without a hitch when I knew all too well that it had almost ended in tragedy.
A crimson red had washed across Fleur City yet again, and yet here we were. Seemingly celebrating our survival despite the cause of it all stood right across the room from me. His arms crossed as he eyed the merry-making.
And yet, despite the fact that Rollo had put us in very real danger and was beyond hypocritical, I found that I wasn’t actually that upset with him. In fact, I almost pitied him.
He’d been so misled and driven to such mad acts, and it reminded me painfully of all the overblots I’d already experienced.
It was true. He’d been beyond wrong in what he’d done. But so had they, and I was friends with them now. 
Perhaps that was why I found myself making my way across the room until I was standing quietly next to him. He glanced my way, his grey-green eyes sliding towards where I stood until his gaze at last rested on mine.
His poker face was present as always, but I had no doubt that his careful mask hid the disdain he currently felt at the merriment spread out before him.
“Looks like the social was a success…. Congratulations,” I was almost surprised that he allowed me to see the rueful smile that slipped across his face at my words. But then, I suppose he had little to hide at this point. I already knew everything.
“Yes, you and your friends must be pleased,” His typically soft voice held a distinct tinge of malice, and I frowned slightly. But I knew how he’d interpreted my words, even if that wasn’t how I meant them.
He thought I was mocking him for his failed plan. But, in actuality, my congratulations were genuine.
“I’m not mocking you. Even if your plan failed, you still managed to gather all of these students and hold a successful social.” I glanced his way, noting the bitter frown on his face even as I continued, “Your classmates said you worked really hard on all of this. I realize it was just a ruse, but it’s still impressive.”
He was silent as I finished, eyeing me closely before he let out a soft sigh, “Then you should join them. You’re friends.” 
As he spoke, he gestured to the crowd of people who danced with one another. Their motions were unfamiliar and not among the courtly dances that Trein had taken the time to teach me before we came here.
I smiled slightly before shaking my head, “No… I don’t actually think I could keep up with any of them.” I laughed slightly to myself before looking back his way, fully expecting to see a mocking expression on his face but instead being met with one of quiet thoughtfulness.
“You do not know the same raucous dances?” I snorted at his words before shaking my head.
“No, I can get by fairly well, and Trein taught me some more classic, courtly styles of dancing, but nothing like what they’re doing.” I smiled fondly out at the crowd of young men, dancing intricate but fast-paced dances that I knew I could never keep up with.
“Come then,” My eyes widened at his soft voice before I looked his way, only to find him holding out his hand.
I stared at him for a brief moment in silent surprise before I felt a smile slip onto my face, “I didn’t think you would like dancing. You talked about what ‘nonsense’ it was during the Topsy-turvy festival.”
His lips twitched slightly at my words, but he tilted his head slightly, “Yes, but you are a guest here at the social I put together. It would be poor form for me to let you be left out of the celebrations for the guests.”
I glance at his outstretched hand, murmuring a quiet, “I suppose so,” before meeting his gaze once more.
“Still, I’m not the best at dancing,” I offered as a way of explanation, and his eyebrows rose. His face full of disbelief, that showed exactly how unimpressed he was with my excuse.
“You said your professor taught you some dances. Was the Ländler Allemande among them?” I nodded slowly at his question, already realizing that I was going to be dancing with him for better or worse. 
Perhaps it was his petty means of revenge for me coming over here, but I slowly rested my fingers in his outstretched hand, accepting his invitation since I knew when to give up, “Yes, he did.”
He nodded, leading me out onto the floor that had, not all that long ago, been covered with firelotuses that he’d left as a trap for my friends. 
I saw some of my classmates looking over curiously and almost warily to where I walked with him, hand in hand, until he raised his arm and I obediently twirled under it until we were facing each other once more.
His gaze held mine as he bowed slightly, and I bobbed in a sort of curtsey. And then we began to dance.
We walked forward with a slight swinging motion to our arms, that remained the only thing holding us together. He lifted his arm for me to twirl under once before he reached out with his other hand.  And I accepted, letting him spin me so that my back was to him. 
One of my arms crossed over my waist to continue holding his hand, while the other arched over my head to meet his in a sort of frame around us. 
I briefly met Trein’s gaze from where our teacher sat. A slight smile on his face as I made use of his lessons and danced, not with one of the young men from NRC, but with Rollo. But I supposed this was what the social was, in form, for. 
For the students of one school to get to know those of another.
And despite his entire plot that had put me in danger at the time, I truly did not feel uncomfortable at the moment, save for the stares our motions earned us.
But then, everyone else was doing far more modern dances, and here me and Rollo were, doing a courtly dance.
We circuited back around to the middle of the room and separated before reaching towards one another again, this time with our wrists crossed. Our hands found one another yet again, and our arms raised. With me spinning under the arch our arms provided first, and then him next. 
His gaze held mine with an unreadable stare as we each took a step back and swung our arms apart in a graceful arc while our others, still tied together by our linked hands, lowered to keep us attached by a single hand hold.
And then we repeated the motion again. Our arms crossing elegantly over and under one another as we shifted backwards and forwards across the floor. 
The dance steadily began repeating its motions until he took my hands in his and held them over my head so that I could twirl before stopping.
 We stood parallel to one another, but side by side. Looking at each other as two of our interlocked hands arched in between us. Forming a sort of window that our free hands slid through to find one another again.
Almost like we were keeping a distance between us by forming a sort of wall that could still be passed through just so our hands could remain linked.
It was the part of the dance that had troubled me the most when Trein had been teaching me. I’d gotten tangled up countless times, but this time it was only easy motions.
I swallowed slightly as we spun together, his eyes remaining presently locked with mine as we slowly spiraled. Somehow, having made our way to the center of the ballroom’s floor. 
And then, as easy as breathing, he spun me out, and our eye contact was broken as we made another circuit around the floor with my back to him as we promenaded our way around.
This time I saw that Grim was staring at me wide-eyed from where he’d joined Professor Trein. Like he couldn’t believe that I was dancing with Rollo, of all people.
But, to be fair, I could hardly believe it myself. I hadn’t been joking when I’d said I didn’t think Rollo liked dancing, and I certainly hadn’t expected to find myself dancing with him.
But there was no hesitation in his motions as we made our way back around with him guiding me to spin across the floor in front of him until I was the one behind him. Our hands were still gripping one another as he shifted me from one side to another in the midst of another, smaller circuit.
“For someone who doesn’t enjoy dancing, you seem to know the steps to this dance rather well,” I found my voice when my eyes briefly caught his once again as we shifted positions once more. My back once again to his chest.
He leaned around me, looking at me through our arched arms that framed us once more, “It was once an important part of one’s education to learn such dances.”
His voice matched mine in softness as we each inclined our heads towards each other before he shifted back to my other side.
“So I’m told. But you seem to have taken that quite seriously,” We each inclined our heads once more as I spoke.
We slid apart, but he kept one of my hands in his so that we were in the exact same pose we started in. Side by side, looking towards one another.
“Indeed, despite my distaste for such things, that does not lessen their importance in history,” So saying, he quietly began to walk with me back across the floor. And this time, people parted, making a path for us back to the wall we’d just been standing at earlier.
I nodded slightly as we emerged from the crowd, which continued to stare at us. No doubt a myriad of thoughts circulating through their minds.
“I see. Well, thank you for putting yourself through something you so dislike for me,” I smiled at him slightly as we both turned to look back out at the dancers, who slowly began to spiral across the floor again. 
Why so many had stopped to watch us, I did not know. But I would ask Deuce about it later. Perhaps he would know.
Rollo’s voice was soft as he answered, but I caught his words nonetheless, and they caused me to look towards him in quiet surprise, even though he kept gazing out at the crowd, “The pleasure was all mine.”
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hey-august · 2 months
Hi hii
Do you also write angst?
If so...I'm genuinely curious on what's your take if Buggy's partner was severely injured and in the verge of death in his arms.
Don't mind me,,just craving a freshly baked Buggy angst 🤡
Ahhhh, sorry this took a bit!
I love angst, but I've only ever written relationship-angst. Like poor communication skills or intense self-loathing.
This was a fun one to try! Fun and painful! I kinda hurt now! 🥲 I hope it hits the spot for you, @soupsprout
The ending is ambiguous and there isn't comfort because I like the pain, but I have an idea for an uplifting ending and one for a painful ending. LMK if you're interested in hearing about either 😉
Edit: Sad ending here
WC: ~900 Warnings: NSFW - grievous injury & blood, Buggy x GN!reader, established relationship, angst no comfort
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This wasn’t supposed to happen. Injuries are inevitable during a fight, and this was a fucking ambush. The crew was bound to collect new wounds and scars when they started at a disadvantage. But when shit hits the fan, they’re relentless. This time, that was a bad fucking trait.
As the din diminished and the ship drifted into eerie post-battle quiet, Buggy found you sitting against a wall. The crewmates you fought alongside were also in various states of reprieve. Leaning on crates, crouching on the ground, some even laying down as they caught their breaths. But none of them were sitting in a growing puddle of blood. None of them looked as ashen as you did. The sticky red hand squeezing your leg told the story.
Ripping his bandana off his head, Buggy sprinted over to you and kneeled on the dirty ground. He peeled your hand back, exposing the gash. This was real bad. The placement was bad. The depth was bad. He could see the surge of blood come and go, following your heartbeats. Biting the hem of his bandana, Buggy tore it into strips and wound them just above the wound. Tight but not too tight - he remembered that much.
You winced as he tied a knot and tried to push his hands away. Adrenaline dulled the pain from the original wound, but all this extra shit was too much.
“Stop,” you whined, smearing blood from your hand to his wrist. 
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry. Just a little more, okay?”
“Don’t, Buggy…it hurts enough, just leave it.” 
“Fuck, no! Listen, we need to stop the bleeding. I have to…” 
Buggy didn’t know how to tell you that he needed to pack the wound and it was not going to be pleasant. It had been years since he had to dress a wound like this. He didn’t have to do this for himself since eating the goddamn Devil Fruit and his crew had a doctor to tend to the others. Right, a doctor!
Dragging the closest crew member over by the collar of their shirt, Buggy started shouting, “YOU! Go get the doctor, get a medic, fuck - just go get someone! Get fucking Mohji!”
The pirate scrambled to their feet and yanked another mate up to join him in a search for help.
“Mohji?” you repeated with a soft laugh.
“He can help. He takes care of Richie, maybe he knows-”
“I’m not a lion, Buggy. It’s not the same.” 
Your over-dramatic condescending tone could have fooled the pirate into believing you were okay if your voice didn’t shake. If you weren’t talking more with your eyes shut than open. If you hadn’t lost enough blood that it was seeping into the knees of his pants.
“I dunno, you’re as annoying as Richie.” 
You smiled but didn’t respond. 
Buggy glanced around the room, which was nearly empty. The only ones left were the ambushers who didn’t survive and anyone who couldn’t run through the ship. No one had come back with any fucking help, though. 
“Hey, keep your eyes open,” Buggy said, squeezing your cheeks. 
You did what he asked, but it took a few tries. Your eyes fluttered shut more than once before you succeeded in keeping them open.
“M’tired, Buggy,” you said in a low voice. A sad voice. A scared voice.
“You can sleep later. I’ll even let you sleep on my side of the bed, okay? Just stay awake for now. Captain’s orders!”
Another smile, softer than the last one. Even Buggy could hear the desperation cracking in his throat.
“I have to do one more thing to stop the bleeding, alright? It’ll hurt and then you’ll feel better. Take a deep breath for me, okay? You can do that?”
You nodded and inhaled. It was slow and stuttering as you tried to take in as much air as you could. Buggy waited until you were too focused on breathing before jamming a wad of torn fabric into the leaking wound. He winced as you let out a loud groan and your whole body stiffened in pain.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m all done. You did so good.” 
Buggy rushed to comfort you, pressing kisses to your forehead and wiping away the tears falling from your eyes with the back of his hands. Blood didn’t make him nauseous, but the sight of his palms stained red with yours did. Nauseous and nervous.
Your eyes were closed again. He asked you to open them. He asked again. They cracked open just a little. Enough to make him feel better and feel worse.
“Hey, what do you call a lion at the South Pole?”
“What?” Your head tilted and your brows tightened. You were thinking.
Buggy watched your lips move slowly as you repeated his question.
You opened your eyes a little wider and looked at him with as much confusion as you could muster. You shook your head slightly. 
“Oh, you don’t know?” he teased with a big grin. A fake smile to keep you distracted. “Keep thinking about it. If you just can’t figure it out, I’ll tell you when you get better. Alright?”
You mouthed an affirmative response, but didn’t make a sound.
“So it’s a deal? You’ll get better and then I’ll tell you the answer. You gotta get better, though, okay?” 
Buggy grabbed your hands, hoping you couldn’t feel how he was shaking. He wished he couldn’t feel how cold you were.
You nodded and closed your eyes to think.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Five
The thing is I absolutely love the album that comes out of this mess. Like I know a lot of people do not like Let It Be, but so many of my favorite songs are on it. One of them being “I Me Mine.” The walz element is haunting, and I can read the lyrics as anti-capitalist even though George himself mostly wasn’t. 
Laughing my head off at two boys from one of the best grammar schools in England, who have at this point made millions off of their writing, genuinely not knowing whether it should be “more freer” or “more freely”
The difference in how George shows Paul his new song vs John is striking. For Paul, he’s relaxed, nonchalant. For John, he stands up and performs it. And I think both are a defense mechanism, poor baby, because clearly, although Paul was very supportive of the song while they were alone, when John is roasting it, Paul just laughs along and George has to go “I don’t give a fuck whether you like it.” 
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Ah, the famous “up-against-a-wall” conversation. Paul comes in all dominant and sure. “Haven’t you written anything else? Haven’t you?” But then John touches him, and makes him laugh, and Paul’s a melted, goo-goo-eyes mess. This is the real reason why John got to be the leader isn’t it? Because Paul was too damn soft on him to ever follow through with his bossiness.
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Their scouse sounds BEAUTIFUL compared to the stupid ugly RP and MLH’s transatlantic shit.
“And now John’d like to say a few words on the subject.” John starts singing, Paul strums along and joins in on the “chorus.” They can’t communicate like healthy people, but they Can do this. 
So Peter Jackson took out Paul’s bitchy nod at Yoko as he’s stealing her man in real time right in front of her eyes. Unforgivable. But he kept in this adorable laugh, so that’s something. 
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Three more covers that I think *mean something* “Stand By Me” and “Spinning Like a Top” by Paul, followed by “You Win Again” by John. Yoko’s sweet little shoulder kiss. Thank you for taking care of the poor wet kitten, girly. Maybe don’t introduce the poor wet kitten to heroine, but you do you, I guess. (OP recognizes that poor wet kitten is also an adult capable of making his own decisions)
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The cut from Paul literally dancing to get John’s attention straight to John dancing with Yoko while inside Paul’s head a silver hammer is clanging ominously. I can’t. Followed by the knowing, loving smile from Ringo to Paul. You know, those moments when you validate your friend’s bitchy thoughts with a look. 
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George is literally SO big inside himself, you know? You have to have superhuman self-love abilities to watch your friend – who is supposed to be helping you – shamelessly make fun of your art . . . and just “Do you wanna do that walz on the show? That’d be great.”
But did you guys know John was actually a really great mover?
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“Yes, alright. Just sod off.” I love John. Paul’s people-pleasing ass would literally die first and he needs John to do this kind of shit for him and John’s only too happy to.
The moment when Paul and John are on the same wavelength about Dennis O’Dell’s stage. 
OK but. Did John get the clear plastic idea from Yoko’s art exhibits? 
“Any time we do anything it’s always got to be the best.” Poor Ringo. They’re all literally so tired of carrying so much weight for such a long time. 
“See, I’d watch an hour of him just playing the piano. Cause he’s so great.” With that fond, loving, smile. SUCH big dick energy here. The others could NEVER. 
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“And I’ll have the plastic when you’re finished.” Literally for what, though? John, you little hoarding goblin. 
And then Ringo responding to MLH’s “I love you” with “Yes, I love you too.” Yeah, Ringo wins the prize for most healthy beatle of the day. 
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*Pattie Boyd voice* “I just wish I knew what was going on there. But something. Something.”
Ugh, John looks so hurt. So tender. So heartbroken. While Paul is over there playing a damn funeral march because that’s the only way he lets himself express anything. But I actually love how Dennis O’Dell knows the clearest path to cheering John up is to say that Paul liked his idea. And how well it works. They’re literally so obvious to everyone but themselves. 
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I love the bit when John walks in on the rest of them discussing the live show and MLH calls, “We’ve decided. We’re going to Africa.” And Paul hurries to cut in, “No we’re NOT.” Because he knows exactly how John can get and he’s going to nip this in the bud before John gets let down. And of course, John is all “YEAH LETS GO LETS GO!” And he’s talking about how they always wish they were recording abroad. “We could be in LA, or FRANCE.” (side eye emoji) 
Paul’s “Well said, John.” and “I’ve seen it, John. I went to the premiere. I thought you were great.” Why do all your compliments to him have to be in silly voices? Like, I know you think everyone is going to call you a pussy for saying something genuinely kind to your best friend, but they’re not, and he needs it. 
Holy shit this was a long day. See you all tomorrow with another long-winded-ass post.
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
I’m (Not) Scared
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Hannigram x Reader
Prompt- “You think you can control me now? You never could.”
Warnings!!- The Reader is a serial killer, Graphic Violence, Manipulation, Mentions of Self-harm and Suicide, reader doesn’t like Jack or Chilton and imagines their horrific deaths, (this is honestly so rancid lol)
I sat in the middle of the one person cell. All the other cells in all the other rows were empty. I pulled my legs to sit criss-crossed as I waited for my apparent visitor.
Though, it may just be Chilton trying to have a session again. He never does learn. Chilton is dense and egotistical. He is fun to mess with, but too idiotic to understand the actual meanings of my words. It’s only a matter of time before I have a slip of the tongue and send this pathetic toy spiraling. That wouldn’t be favored, I’m sure, by either of us. 
I’ve been precise, distinct. I haven’t done anything truly worth punishment. It’s not like it’s my fault every therapist I had off’d themselves. They simply had weak minds, and they should’ve known better. No one actually thinks I’ve had a large presence in their suicides. After all, once I was hospitalized, I became mute. How would someone who doesn’t talk convince anyone to kill themselves? Guess they’ll never know.
Despite this knowledge I couldn’t wait anymore patiently for the day I could rip him to shreds. When I get the chance I know it won’t be himself holding the knife. 
I’ll remove his eyes from their sockets letting the organs pull and pop. I’ll jar them, they'll make a beautiful gift.
I’ll cut his vocal cords so I don’t have to listen to his arrogant voice. I’ll cut small divots into his neck just big enough to the cords before severing them. He won’t die then, no, that wouldn’t be any fun.
I’ll poorly patch his eyes, and I’ll poorly stitch his neck. Then, I’ll cut into his arms and use them as a canvas. I’ll carve him into a beautiful work of art.
All that time he’ll be awake and focused. He’ll feel every cut, scratch, and burn. Chilton will die painfully. He’ll die knowing he will be a perfect piece of art and a very sad rotting corpse.
It wasn’t the steps that brought me from my thoughts, it was the man clearing his throat. Switching my gaze from the side to meet the man's face. Jack Crawford. I haven’t seen that face in a while. I straighten up and smirk. It was hard to hide my giddiness. There were only two reasons he could be here. Something written on his face told me exactly why.
I look at him with intrigue as he glares back. Jack, always so stiff. Looking over, I notice two other men. Both faces make no connection to anyone I’ve met before. They’re incredibly handsome, the pair, but there is something lingering behind the coal and lazarus eyes.
Looking at the two he has roped along with him I catch something I truly haven’t seen in so, very, long. A black shoe box painted completely black. Purple and blue accents painted up the side blend and pop against the background. I knew this box well. It held the few items that always meant the most to me. Everything I truly love lives in that box.
I stiffen and look back to Jack. I tilt my head to the side.
He huffs a sigh. “Don’t tell me you’re going to play your silent game with me. You and I both know you love talking.”
I stared narrowly at him. Angering him is the goal, and I’d be lying if I said his evident irritation wasn’t satisfying.
“I’m not playing games with you Y/n. This situation is very serious. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” Jack said, stepping towards the cell.
The man in the suit butted in. “If I may, Jack, there is a possibility that they genuinely do not feel comfortable speaking.”
What the? It was stated oddly, but did he just defend me?
I noticed that Jack was saying something but I couldn’t stop looking at the man in confusion. Even the nicest, most smart people haven’t ever defended me… Why would he do that? Who the hell is he!?
“Okay…” The third man interjected. “We should start over,” He looked at me with raised brows. “Right?”
Frowning I nod back, letting him continue.
He said. “I’m special agent Will Graham and this is Doctor Hannibal Lecter. Obviously you’ve met Jack.” Will steps closer. “We’re working on a peculiar case and the killer is, well, from what we’ve seen, they’re obsessed with you. We would like your help in finding the killer.”
He talked slowly and kindly. It was an odd comparison to everyone else. It made me feel… Something. I just don’t know what it is. It makes me actually want to help them. Or more particularly those two. They’re so different.
He held the box up a little. “We were thinking we could find a common ground. We give you something that's important to you in exchange for something that's important to us.”
Sternly Jack cut in stating. “They’re going to help us and they don’t have a choice in it.”
A darkness swirled in my head. I gathered my thoughts and spoke, holding back a smirk. “You think you can control me now? You never could.”
“You’re going to listen because if you don’t everything in that box is gone.” He said waving his hand and scrunching his face.
“Oh, did you forget who I am?” I laugh. “Do it. Go on. Burn the box, tear everything in it to shreds, donate it to an orphanage, recycle it, sell it to the highest bidder, I really don’t care!”
I shake my head, smiling. “Well go on! Burn the pictures, Jack. Tear apart every little seam of that stupid bear, sell the necklace to a pawn shop, throw the little mp3 on the ground so it breaks into a million pieces! I can’t wait to see them go!” I couldn’t hold in my laugh at his mortified face.
“Jack, it should be noted the quick change in demeanor. You must know Y/n is an unstable person, threats do nothing but cause disarray.” Dr. Lecter spoke to him calmly.
It wasn’t anger that gathered like clouds in my head, it was violence. A desire to see the things I held tightly torn apart for no real reason. A need to watch heads roll and blood spill on the ground.
Like the flicker of a switch, the passiveness the doctor and agent made me feel shut off. 
I wanted to see him slit his own throat and watch it spray. To see the horror as everyone watches on.I wanted to watch him dig into his own stomach and pull out his most vital organs. To watch his skin bloat and then decay into a pile. I want to see every single piece of flesh be ripped from his body. To watch his eyes go lifeless after endless hours of suffering, but not feeling a light or peace. I want to be the one to send him diving to the divine, if there is one.
I no longer cared to listen. Why should I? I could rip his jugular out with my teeth. I could tear everything he worked for to the ground. I could, I could-
Why does my hand feel warm?
I look at my hand, but it’s not mine I see. Wills made his way over to the cell and placed his hand on mine through the bars. Is this man nuts? I could seriously do damage with this little space.
He moved his thumb over my hand. “I know what you’re seeing.” He whispered. “I know you’ve gotten so numb to it that you act them out, and that sometimes it’s the only time you really feel anything.” Will looks me in the eyes. They’re piercing and hold me in place. “I understand you, Y/n, and I know deep down you’re terrified.”
I took in a shaky breath. I try to pull back, but he holds my hand tightly. “I’m not scared, and I don’t need you to,” I hold my one hand to make quotes. “Understand me.”
He huffed a laugh and shook his head. “No, no you don’t, but I do understand you and you are scared.”
“I am NOT scared.” I state, but I couldn’t hold back the shaking.
“People who experience intrusive thoughts may sometimes give into them, but that does not take away the fear they have of these thoughts.” Of course the doctor had to chime in.
“I’m a serial killer. I murder people for the fun of it. Ask your boss over there about my case and maybe then you’ll notice I really DON'T care enough to be frightened by the big bad scary thoughts.” I state aggressively mocking a child towards the end of my statement.
I looked over to Jack to see if he could convince these two that I’m not that type of person, but when I looked over he wasn’t there. He seriously left. Why would he think that's a good idea?
“We agreed it’d be better if he wasn’t here.”
I’m not scared.
“Why don’t we make a new deal hm?”
I swallow.
I’m not scared.
They’re just two men. That’s not scary.
“You help us and we’ll help you.” He held my hand in both of his rubbing them gently.
I’m not scared.
I can’t breathe.
I’m not scared.
“Stop staring. I could kill you. Break your arm. Scratch you eyes out too”
The doctor smiled eerily. “You wouldn’t do that, you only say that because you’re frightened by us.”
I’m not scared. “I am not scared of you.”
I’m not scared.
“It’s okay Y/n, we’re going to help you.” Will emphasized with a squeeze to my hand.
I’m not scared.
“I don’t need your help.”
Why do they make me feel weak?
I’m not scared.
They both share a look with each other then look at me. Those looks.
I’m scared.
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dustorange · 27 days
Hi! I'm a big fan of your Dick Grayson works but also kind of new to the character. And I've learnt that getting reccs from people who's characterization I like is worthwhile, so any comic recs?
HEY thank you so much you are so sweet ! i can’t give you ONLY comic recs that people will think r respectable but i can get you to my dick characterization lol
this is pretty much exactly the order i used when i started reading dick comics so i think its a solid intro reading order for Dick’s characterization OVERALL……it definitely will give u the Dick-as-a-character foundation but it will give u him outside of his element so u see his Essence as opposed to him blending in w the plot/setting BUT TLDR:
Robin Year One
Grayson (2014-2016)
Dick’s run as Batman — i think for streamlining purposes u can start with Damian’s first appearance in Batman #656 and sorta just keep going in Batman issues until you want to stop. There’s also a separate series for Dick-as-Batman: Batman & Robin (2009). I would say gives issues #1-6 a try and see if you like it. THEN READ SCOTT SNYDERS BATMAN BLACK MIRROR
New 52 Nightwing but mainly #1-17
Nightwing (1996)
After that u r free to explore the wonderful deeper worlds outsiders titans etc at ur whims equipped w a solid dg education BE FREE
AFTER ROBIN YR 1 I SAY START WITH GRAYSON (2014-2016) because it will make you love reading comics, and it will make you love dick grayson. All (maybe most but mostly all) of my Dick Grayson characterization is a footnote to Grayson. Every DG fic i write is me playing with the Dick who appeared in Grayson. my favorite favorite favorite dick run ever (and my fav comic ever). it’s only like 20 or so issues so it’s VERY manageable. i read it when i was 12 and it was first coming out and its superb its jumpy and funny and warm and clever and just generally fun. its also. FOR THE FIRST HALF. very very VERY well written. To me it’s a skeleton key for dicks character—how hes bright and dark and intelligent and calculating and detached and passionate and contradictorily TOO attached and willingtodowhatmustbedone but above all, most of all, how he’s a performer. This series can get you REALLY FAR in dick’s character. I’ve read a lot of dick stuff but like when i write dick stuff i m writing the dick i learned from Grayson when i was 12. A lot of people rly hate it and they hate Tom king and seeley but Grayson is proof to me that they’re genuine talents. the end of Grayson does fall off but Grayson’s highs are so astronomically high you can’t begrudge it anything. it’s a mostly isolated series and takes place in a weird context but it explains EVERYTHING u need to know abt how Dick got there in the series pretty succinctly . i think it’s a GREAT GREAT GREAT starter series for dick if you’ve already got his robin origin down and it’s genuinely fun and a joy (albeit sometimes emotionally crushing) to read
Robin Year One and then just randomly pick and choose some 1940s detective comics they’re just sweet and good grounding
then i think u should read DickBats. i think it would be really interesting to read Dick-as-Batman before Dick-as-Nightwing because in DickBats, you get SO MUCH characterwork and you FEEL how much Dick loved being Nightwing so it would be a cool experience. i LOVED grant morrison’s dickbats run and I then scott snyders run so HARD REC THOSE some people say they don’t like them but this is also boiling dicks character down to the very foundational essential aspects because it’s placing him in a new situation instead of his typical one (nightwing)
As far as getting introduced to dick specifically as nightwing, i do think n52 nightwing is a good introduction to comics and it’s fun/enjoyable/angsty. Dick suffers a LOT. I also looooooove dick’s red suit and the way he’s drawn by brettbooth and i LOVE the storylines with the circus and Raya Vestri so i think this is a good and accessible intro. I think it gets worse after #17 (MY FAV SIDE CHARACTER DIES) so u can stop there or keep going
Nightwing 96 is very important so u should read it at some point it is the keystone but only read it from the beginning after u already like dick as a character bc I think some of the early issues with Dixon writing r soooooooooooo boring. it is like 25% devastatingly utterly boring and 75% sparkling super gem. which is a pretty good percentage!! but u can delay reading it . people will also tell u that New Teen Titans is critical dick reading. i also think that one is boring but unlike NW96 all of NTT is boring to me but reading NTT is ALSO important TO DO AT SOME POINT but for now u can def skip it
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idkaguyorsomething · 6 months
Why Greta Gerwig should adapt The Magician’s Nephew instead of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
I had some thoughts. They are below the cut in list form
Something we Haven’t Been Shown Before- to put it bluntly, we already have a perfectly good adaptation of TLTWATW, and it’s probably as good and accurate an adaptation as you could ask for. There are a few minor details that got cut and added, but honestly, as far as book-to-movie adaptations go, it’s extremely faithful to the plot, themes, characters, the whole shebang of the original book. Even if you don’t count the live action movie, there’s still the animated movie, the BBC production, and several play adaptations out there. It’s had its time to shine and by adapting The Magician’s Nephew, we’d be getting something fresh from the franchise.
Equally Accessible Starting Point- while TLTWATW was the first Narnia book to be written and published, chronologically The Magician’s Nephew takes place before it, serving as both a prequel and standalone story so that newcomers to Narnia could get into the series with either book. C S Lewis himself said that it didn’t matter which one people chose to start with, so it would serve as a great entry point for anyone looking to get into the Chronicles of Narnia as well as provide an interesting prequel for people familiar with the movies that already came out, leading me to my next point:
Worldbuilding- this book has so much cool stuff you guys. The pool world, Charn, the apple grove, the rings, Frank. ¡Actual literal worldbuilding! Also Sherlock Holmes and Atlantis for some reason. There’s just a lot of really interesting concepts and locations in this story that have the potential to be a true spectacle while also serving as a rewarding expansion of the universe that Narnia fans know that newcomers will still be able to appreciate.
Our Heroes- Digory and Polly are incredibly adorable and likable protagonists. They feel a good deal more fleshed out and realistic than the Pevensie kids in the books, and even though the movies went out of their way to give them some more depths, our dynamic duo from The Magician’s Nephew still feel quite distinctive in their own right. Their interpersonal conflict never grows as deep as something like, say, Edmund’s betrayal, but they both have different perspectives and things they bring to the table as individuals while also having a very fun, genuine friendship. Bonus points for being a rare boy/girl relationship that is never so much as hinted to be anything beyond platonic.
The Villains- The Magician’s Nephew has a pretty perfect combination of antagonists who manage to be memorable and legitimately menacing as well as pathetic little meow meows. This book gives us Jadis’ backstory as well as her getting to wreak unhinged havoc in downtown 18XX London as well as Uncle Andrew, a conspiracy theorist incel Redditor before Reddit was ever a thing. They’re delightfully entertaining in completely different ways, and seeing them onscreen would be an absolute treat.
Thematic Resonance- lots of things that happen in this book carry a lot of similar motifs to other films that Greta Gerwig has worked on, and since she hasn’t really created any epic fantasy style films yet, they could provide a strong emotional core to center any experimentation she tries out in the genre. You’ve got Digory’s loving but complicated relationship with his mother due to her illness displacing them from home, the coming-of-age aspects as the children encounter various adult figures they feel powerless to oppose, and learning the consequences of one’s actions. It’s even mentioned in the book that Polly is working on a little writing project that she’s sensitive about, like Jo March. A lot of people have complained that they feel Greta Gerwig will neuter the story by toning down the religious elements (which there is A LOT to dissect about concerning how C S Lewis’ beliefs led to things like the Problem of Susan, but there just isn’t enough information about the actual movie out yet to draw any actual conclusions) yet I’d argue that these emotional arcs, which play into Gerwig’s strengths as a director, could easily hold up a movie on their own if handled well. Combine that with the potential for unique visuals, the book’s surprisingly good sense of humor, and the many concepts that could be brought onscreen in a truly unique way, and you’ve practically got a recipe for a great addition to the Chronicles of Narnia unlike anything the movie fans have gotten before.
Feel free to disagree about any of that, though. Hearing where other people think the netflix movies should pick up would be really interesting, so leave any thoughts on the subject in the notes if you want. I just wanna see Fledge the pony accidentally get yanked into another dimension.
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xtcz · 3 months
hi, new ish xtc fan here .. was wondering if you know thr best places to find like the most niche info about them? if that makes sense LOL theyve just been scratching the brain so good and ive read song stories but i want More .. hope its not weird to ask you this :[
it’s never weird to learn about xtc…….
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erm for some photos and song notes and interview transcripts chalkhills.org is my best best friend. they’re an old style fansite with tons of archived stuff, they also have tons of xtc guitar tabs 😁😁 optimismsflames.com is another old fansite i look for stuff on, they’re a little harder to navigate but still have a boatload of stuff up. those are places i go when i have a specific thing in mind mainly; a specific image i’m searching for or someone’s thoughts on a particular song. but they’re good to just browse too i’ve spent many an hour that way
they only have one traditional biography, chalkhills and children, written by chris twomey. it’s kind of surface level but also a really fun read for weird little stories & quotes. this book is a really good example of how xtc were not the average rock band in terms of drinking sex drugs etc but what they had going on was Considerably More Insane for other reasons mainly they are collectively 5 of the little fucked up freaks of all time
complicated game is another song book which you may not get much out of if you’ve already read song stories, but i think it’s a little more complete. i’ve heard a couple fans say that out of all the xtc books, complicated game is the best & has great insight into the music, specifically for musicians but for anyone 😁
gonna also link some documentaries and specials i loveee all free on youtube:
this is pop— documentary that came out in 2017. the only documentary ever made about xtc. corny and very low budget but soo lovingly made and genuinely so good if you love them. fits the tone of the band well. i’ve seen it so many times
xtc at the manor— tv special filmed while xtc were at the manor studios for single work for black sea, following the recording and mixing of an alternate for the generals and majors single. they all talk about their instruments and how they chose music as a pursuit, also day to day footage in and around the studio. this one is my utter beloved
xtc play at home— (in three parts, 1 2 3) a special from 1984, xtc talk about their music as well as their hobbies. there are also some very low budget and hard to find music videos for some of the songs off mummer. dave talks about his guitars. andy talks about his board games. colin talks about Fishing. i love this one
recording nonsuch at chipping norton studios— this is a 50 minute home movie type special following the rehearsal and recording of nonsuch. i’ve seen this one through less times than the other two i linked because nonsuch is erm. my least favourite of their discs sorryyyy but it’s still a really good watch and i know a lot of folks love nonsuch
dm me if you want interview links too or anything, i tried to keep this list to longer video stuff but they have so many good interviews too
ultimately i don’t know if any of this stuff is niche. it’s all out there free online. the path you take with your poking around and research is yours :^) but i do think there’s great stuff in everything here and hopefully you’ll find something that suits your fancy
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ladybeug · 10 months
was scrolling thru your art tag enjoying your comics when i suddenly discovered you were the one that wrote strangers in the bright lights. having gotten into miraculous only very recently, was tickled to experience a very small identity shenanigan of my own
incredible fic btw; i love it soooooo much. brilliant, hilarious, sweet, poignant. out of curiosity have you read much postww1 modernist stuff? i adored the usage of free indirect discourse for the narration, drunken and in motion and alive, almost reminded me of virginia woolf in a weird way lol. sorry if this is weird
Hello!! I'm about to get long-winded and self indulgent in this reply, fair warning :)
here goes:
Wow!! I don’t know how you found strangers in the bright lights if you got into ladybug in any time frame that can be described as “very recently”, I wrote that in 2018 when I was digesting some personal stuff and in a fantastic ladybug renaissance (of which I have now had several, I think I’ll die in this fandom).
But I’m so glad you somehow did. I only write every couple of years when I get really specific ideas, and the time I spend on it turns into memories of who I was when I wrote it. I feel like that must happen to actual writers too, ones who write often, but I haven’t written “often” since like 2009 and have never asked, so there you go.
But I guess that’s all to say that I am very attached to that story and it’s also one of the only things I’ve written that still feels like it hit the chord I was aiming for. It is so cool that anyone still reads it!!
To actually answer your question: I have never read virginia woolf, and the only modernist stuff I've read was years ago for school classes. I have to admit none of the style was inspired by classics, but instead inspired by the weird disassociation of trying to be alone in a crowd.
I have a final self-indulgent thought, it is a fun fact I realized as I was going down memory lane about this:
I associate ‘strangers in the bright lights’ with a friendship I made that stands out as one of the luckiest and rarest friendships I’ve made – I went to a mountain goats concert alone, and stood up at the front early, and met someone else who had gone to the same mountain goats concert alone and had stood up at the front early. It was one of the fastest and most comfortable connections I’ve made, and we liked each other so much we stayed in touch, even after they moved away. We are still in touch every so often, and as far as I’m concerned in a few years they’re going to publish the best fantasy novel you’ve ever read, so watch out for that.
The fanfiction is in part inspired by that beautiful feeling of meeting someone new that you want to talk to, and they want to talk to you, and a drink or two has propped up your self esteem and you don’t have to worry about who you are tomorrow, just who you are right now. It’s escapism. You feel important, and carried by that feeling, for as long as you are there. Lonely who? Not me. Trapped by past versions of myself, who? Not me.
Anyways the fun fact is - I found out this morning that concert was a year AFTER I posted this fanfiction. I didn't know about that moment of my life as I was writing this. The two are so connected in my mind that this is genuinely surprising, but the concert was in September 2019 and I published the fanfic a year beforehand.
In the words of mr. mountain goat himself: we held on to hope of better days coming, and when we did we were right!
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jenanigans1207 · 5 months
Hi, i was wondering if you have any advice for a first time smut writer? Especially when the writer doesn't even have experience kissing?
I've had an idea for a bonus nsfw chapter for my long term GO wip, and over the months, I have created a detailed account of what will happen with dialogue in my head. But I'm worried that only reading NSFW fics will not be enough to help write it well.
I would ask in a discord server, but may end up gifting it to a friend, and they're in all my servers 😅 Getting advice there might ruin the whole "surprise! I've written a sexy fic!" if I do end up gifting it.
Hi!! Oh man, I don’t know how much help I’m going to be, but I’ll sure try!
I think the biggest thing I can say, and I genuinely can’t stress this enough: you’re going to feel awkward as hell the first time you write smut. To this day I still feel super awkward when I write smut, like I need to look over my shoulder in case someone is looking at my computer screen or this happens to be the moment I’m finally proven right that mind-readers exist and one is reading the smut straight from my brain. So if you feel that way when you write it, don’t panic! It’s not a sign that you aren’t meant to be writing it or that you’re doing a bad job writing it!
My second biggest piece of advice is to remember that this is part of a larger fic. And I hope this makes sense when I say this! It’s not just smut that you’re writing, it’s a natural progression of the dynamic that you’ve been building up for all those chapters. By now you have the character voices and personalities in your head— trust those! Lean into it a little, let them take the lead a bit. If you don’t end up liking how something is written, you can always rewrite it! (Though I will always advocate for simply pasting what you’re getting rid of in another doc instead of outright deleting it just to be safe!)
Third: remember that they’re people. Whether it’s an au where they’re human or they’re still celestial beings, the boys are disastrous idiots at the best of times (that’s why we love them). So don’t be afraid to let it be awkward or uncoordinated sometimes. If you feel like one of them doesn’t know what they’re doing, okay! A lot of us don’t!! And depending on the scenario you’ve put them in, maybe one of them hasn’t ever kissed before either, which allows you to lean into it a little and hopefully make it more comfortable! The point is, nothing is ever perfect. It’s messy, it’s full of emotions, and it’s usually clumsy and heartfelt and it’s okay to write it that way!
If you don’t have a deadline or need to post/send to your friend right away, I recommend taking a few days away from it and reading it again. It’s hard to look at anything you write objectively when you’ve been so close to it for so long. Taking a step away and coming back gives you a better chance of seeing the story the way your readers will— and I guarantee you that you’ll think it’s even better than you remember it being. Even if you thought it was the best thing you ever wrote, you’ll love it more when you are able to look at it a little more objectively! If you can’t take the time away, totally fair. Find someone you trust, someone who knows the rest of your fic so they have the whole story, and ask them to read it.
If you get stuck, and you have someone you trust enough, you can do what I do with my writing friends which is playing Questions! You talk a little about where you’re stuck at in the plot and they just ask you any question that comes to mind. Not always huge, plot-relevant questions, but questions about how a character feels, or how an outside character would respond, etc. and in working out the answers to those questions, I think you’ll find the bits of plot that you’re looking for! It’s always been a huge help to me, and it’s tons of fun!
Oh, and lastly— I think it’s absolutely phenomenal that you wrote an outline of everything! I’ve never been great at plotting or outlines so I’m jealous. But remember not to hold yourself too rigidly to the outline. If you forget something or veer off of where you intended to go for a bit but you like the outcome, don’t beat yourself up over it! Like I said before, you can always rewrite something you don’t like.
So I guess my biggest piece of advice is don’t take it too seriously and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’s still writing and it’s a natural progression of a story you’ve already spent all this time telling. You know how the story goes, you know how the characters act, you got this!!!
I don’t know if this ended up being helpful at all, but I hope it is! It’s lovely that you’re doing this for your friend and I’m sure they’re going to adore it!!!
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
Chenford + talk after their hug in 5x22 and jacksons death and the moment they shared
Hi anon! Apologies that it's the shortest thing I've ever written. Hope it's still fun to read. If you prefer reading on ao3, here's the link. Otherwise, enjoy below. 😊
we've been here before, but it's different this time
They stay wrapped around each other for a long while, taking comfort in one another. They both know what the other is thinking of. Aaron getting shot is shockingly similar to the way Jackson died. Lucy lets out another sob, which has Tim tightening his hold around her, trying to shield her from the pain.  
“It’s gonna be okay. I know I can’t actually promise that, but… he’s alive. He’s got a chance.”
“Yeah. God, how is this happening again?!”
“I don’t know,” he whispers, at a loss for words.
Nothing about the attack on Aaron and Celina makes sense. With every new detail comes even more confusion. He so desperately hopes that Aaron will pull through. He’s not sure any of them could handle another loss. And definitely not like this.
“I-I can’t go through that again,” Lucy mumbles against his chest, voice catching in her throat.
 “I know. I really hope this ends differently.”
He holds her as close as possible, desperately wishing he could take the pain away from her. Yeah, they all lost Jackson that fateful day two years ago, but he was Lucy’s best friend. He doesn’t want her to have to suffer the loss of another friend.
“Why does it have to be so similar to Jackson?”
He doesn’t have an answer, but he knows she doesn’t expect one, either. It’s the question that they’ve both been wondering about since first hearing about the attack.
They stay wrapped in each other’s arms for a long while, just taking comfort in each other. Lucy breaks the silence after what feels like hours.
“You know… I almost came to your room that night.”
He lifts his head, looking down at her with a puzzled and surprised expression on his face.
“You did?”
“Yeah. I know it wouldn’t have been… healthy. Or appropriate. But I- wanted a little comfort. I mean, obviously I don’t know what would’ve happened if Wesley hadn’t have called, and I actually had knocked on your door, but… I didn’t wanna be alone.”
Tim smiles a sad but genuine smile.
“I thought about going back out.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. I think that hug really opened my eyes. It felt… nice. It felt right. And I didn’t know what to do with that feeling.”
“Mh. Took us a while to get here, huh.”
“Yeah. But I kinda like our story.”
“Did you really just say that?” Lucy wonders with a surprised little smile on her face. But really, this guy is more of a romantic than he likes to admit. She shouldn’t be surprised, but he continues to amaze her every day.  
“For the record, I like our story, too. It’s pretty awesome.”
“Yeah,” he agrees softly, quietly, before cupping her face in both of his hands, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips. He lets his forehead rest against hers after, despite the slightly uncomfortable angle – either he’s too tall, or she’s too short – but he loves it.
“You wanna eat something?”
“Mh. I’m not hungry.”
“Not even chocolate? Or ice cream?”
He knows he’s got her now. She rarely turns down chocolate and ice cream.
“Maybe both.”
“Thought so,” he replies with a chuckle. He presses yet another kiss to the top of her head before unwrapping his arms from around her, moving toward the kitchen after getting her to sit down at the counter. He moves around her kitchen with ease, practically at home in her apartment now, and gets some chocolate from one of the cupboards and a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream out of the freezer.
He gets a spoon before setting it all down in front of Lucy, sitting down next to her. They’ve barely started eating when both of their phones go off simultaneously, alerting them about the attack at Nolan’s.
“Hey, Nolan texted himself, so I’m sure they’re okay,” Tim tells her in a soft, reassuring tone.  
“I know, I just- I hate this. First Aaron and Celina, now Nolan and Bailey. What’s next?”
Tim doesn’t reply, choosing to stand up and wrapping his arms around his girlfriend again. She lets her head fall against his chest, inhaling shakily. After a few moments, Tim speaks quietly.
“Come on. Let’s her over to Nolan’s, see for ourselves.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Lucy stands up, taking the ice cream and walking around the counter, throwing the tub into the freezer before heading toward the door.
“We’ll get ‘em, Luce. Maybe not tonight, but we’ll get them eventually."
“I hope so.”
They head back out into the unknown, hoping, praying, that they’re not headed straight into another tragedy.  
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gaudebo · 4 months
i see youre a fan of orcs and as a fellow fan of orcs that just realized theyre usually depicted problematically, im here to ask you how you like to see orcs? i have a dnd-ish story with a friend and my character is an orc and i realized i was feeding a little bit into the harmful stereotypes and issues with orcs and i want to change that but wasn't sure of ideas and i just wanted to hear what you have to say on the topic of orcs in general or with this topic in mind, but only if you want to!
First of all I am genuinely delighted to receive this ask!! I love talking about orcs so much and the fact that I have a reputation as an orc enthusiast is delightful!
I’ve already written a whole post abt orc Lore and how I think it can be improved upon here but if you’re looking for more general character advice I can do that too!
The biggest thing is that an orc should be a character like any other. Your orc should have more depth than Big, Dumb, and Angry. You have so many options at your disposal especially in a DND-esque setting! Don’t get so caught up in the stereotypical idea of what an orc is that you forget to have fun! You could have a bookworm wizard orc or a quiet, mysterious ranger orc, or any other kind of character you could make as a human or an elf! The world is your oyster. orcster. (We’ll workshop that one.)
That’s not even to say that you can’t make a Big Dumb Angry orc but in that case: how do they feel about interacting with others? What problems does their anger cause them? Do they ever feel hampered by their tendency to solve problems with violence? And also: what makes them so angry? If the answer is “something innate to them makes them violent” then you have a problem. But if it’s something like “a terrible tragedy struck and since that time they push everyone away so they don’t get hurt again” that’s a story! You can use that for depth and flavor!
Plus: you can use the character’s experience as an orc for even more characterization. If you have a bookworm-y orc, how do they feel about everyone expecting them to be stupid? Do they have to work harder than their colleagues to make up for the stigma? For a stereotypically angry and dumb orc, does it hurt to know that that’s all anyone ever thinks they could be? Do they feel pressured into that role by society? Do they have another choice?
Basically: orcs are characters to love and cherish like any other. The biggest problem with the negative portrayals of orcs is that so often they’re designed as enemies that a PC can slaughter without guilt. They’re hostile and stupid and unlovable so you don’t have to feel bad about killing them. Unfortunately, that ties back into orcs as an amalgamation of the most negative stereotypes about people of color. The same justification has been used to commit atrocities against real people in real life! But I digress.
Your orc should be a person! They should have family and friends, and if they don't, there should be an established in-character reason. They should have wants and desires and dreams and flaws! They should be more than a 2-dimensional caricature. If you keep that in mind, it will be a lot easier to avoid playing into the harmful stereotypes because they are designed to diminish the Personhood of orcs in universe!
Thank you so much for asking me for my opinion because I love to share it! I hope you have fun reworking your character! Feel free to come back anytime :]
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yakultstanreblog · 2 months
it's actually refreshing to see you enjoy the process so much, even though writing and other forms of art can be very taxing, at times. while i'm also of the belief that you should first express your true self, refining that work is respecting the original sentiments but making it more clear for others to understand the work.
while not every work can be a masterpiece, there is a middle ground between that and the first draft; since your poetry already has that aspect of genuineness, i can't help but look forward to those you publish with so much effort and attention being put into them.
your efforts will definitely be rewarded, and you're already improving a lot within a short space of time.
good luck!!
no but I kinda do enjoy pain, always have to an extent
nah but in all seriousness I do enjoy these things (mostly) - cause while I’d never rlly edited poetry before I’ve written ten million essays in my life (not that I ever edit them lol) but I also have taught English and enjoy correcting ppls work.. its just while it is not evident in my words here or any of my posts on my blog, when I do something PROPER PROPERLY im like an insane level of perfectionist to the point it can’t be satisfied and it drives me proper insane like u don’t understand I’ve literally driven myself to death multiple times before bc of academic perfectionism cos I stop at notjing not even basic needs until im dragged to hospital - so yeah im just tryna keep it light and fun and not too much fuss these days !!! but there’s always gonna be a part of me that’s still slightly insane!
I APPRECIATE UR STANCE ON THE MIDDLE GROUND more than you know. That will actually stick with me <3333 and THANK U SO MUCH for noticing im improving UGH I wanna show y’all how I’ve improved on these few poems that have second drafts y’all wont believe it was me !!!! not to say they are amazing but they are like nothing I’ve bothered to write before (still not sure if they’re better or worse but they’re different that’s for sure!)
THANK U THANK U THANKU AGAIN for this message <3333 I love anons heheheh I do sometimes wonder who they are though but it could genuinely be any of u bc ur all so incredibly sweet !!!! Appreciate u all sm.
Now have to focus on uni assignments for next few days before getting back to more editing of poems ugh. and probably sleep at some point (it’s literally 3.12am rn rip)
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
So I have a qustion for you bestie, do you really think mu was in love with her victim or was the queen off milgram pulling a victim card
TL;DR: Yes, all the things that have come out regarding Mu supports the framing that she was romantically interested in her victim. After Pain, Otome Dissection, and MKDR paint a firm picture of this being the case when watched and considered in conjunction with one another. So, barring any huge world-shattering bombshells coming out in the mv for It's not my fault this is more than likely the case.
It’s not even that I want to believe it is. I tend to be harsher on Mu than any of the others. Because honestly...I find her personality grating and she’s not the type of mean girl I tend to view favorably. That would go to Yuno.
Mu, just isn’t harsh enough for me. Plus, I hate people that pretend to be weak when they’re strong the most. That’s just my personal bias. She could be colder, and I actively like the way she’s behaving now more than how she was in trial one. Even if it’s still not as mean or the sort of meanest I prefer it at least feels honest and I like that.
However, I’m not going to ignore the facts just because they don’t validate my feelings. In this case Mu’s own songs and her covers tell the story of a teenager who fell in what they believed to be love and tried to do everything to keep that. Even if the behavior they exhibited to do so was toxic.
Honestly, I thought Mu would be getting Chimera just because of how fake she came off to me. I have zero reason to defend her, but her romantic feelings seem genuine and what the information provided is leaning towards. She doesn't seem good at lying about her emotions outside of omitting them entirely.
I did a post on Mu and Futa going over everything I thought about them before. Though Futa got more attention than Mu given I was more interested in him at that time.
However, in that post I mention that I believe Mu’s mv is out of order. That her music video is the first one to start messing around with time distortion and my belief that her victim was dead before her bullying ever began. In her first interrogation she answers the question, “What do you dislike?” with-
“Scary people and ghosts. Oh, and right now, school.”
The hourglass Mu is stuck in throughout After Pain breaks from falling off her desk at the beginning of her music video. The flower shown at the end of After Pain is firmly planted on the desk next to hers, presumably the one belonging to her victim. Implying she was dead while Mu was still in school. Despite her claiming she doesn’t remember what happened after her crime the writing on the blackboard at the end of After Pain tells a different story alluding to people wondering if it was a murder or suicide.
We know the wording on the blackboard at the end of Mu’s mv isn’t referring to her since one of the things written on it translates to,
“Reeks of poverty.”
And the Milgram team have made it abundantly clear that Mu was born financially well off. Her classmates would also know this, given that she’s texting her old friends about giving them expensive lipstick as gifts during the mv. So, she was someone who did show off her wealth to the extent that this insult wouldn’t be lodged at her. Meaning these are not the same instances of bullying.
Also, where it says drew a picture of you on the board the drawing looks nothing like Mu but weirdly resembles the girl she killed. The final nail in the coffin on this one is, “Thanks for all the fun times we’ve had! The flowers are a present for you!”
As we see, the flowers are not on Mu's desk but on the desk right next to hers. Her standing in front of the board holding one of the flowers is even more suspicious cause that means she’s either a part of the bullying or the instigator of it. More than likely the instigator given this line that can be found on the board as well, “Acting like the heroine.” Along with this line in her music video “If you’re going to make me the villain it’s ok to ignore me.”
This is vastly different from the board that we see at the beginning that is full of things directly targeting Mu specifically. If we take into consideration that her classmates have reason to believe that she killed someone else then these things shown on the board at the beginning make more sense, “You should go to a reformatory” “Criminal” “I did nothing wrong←huh?!”. The first board also includes jokes about Mu’s name specifically. So, we know all this bullying is towards her.
When it comes to her being romantically interested in her victim I feel what matters the most is what Mu didn't say. She wants to appear like a victim certainly, but she wants to do it on her own terms. I don't think she'd be okay with any of us knowing someone found her undesirable. This is possibly one of the other reasons she doesn't want the guards looking as close as she wanted them to before anymore.
Because honestly it would be embarrassing having people know a thing like that. Which is why she remained so vague about how her victim hurt her during her first interrogation and why we never see her victim partake in bullying her during After Pain. Also, why she says this when being bullied by her former friends, "If you’re going to make me the villain. It’s ok to ignore me. If it’s endurance, I’m used to it. It’s just having another taste of it."
She's already been ignored by someone who meant far more to her than her former friends probably did. So, she should be used to it but being ignored by her victim was so unbearable she had to kill her for it. That's odd. The girl she kills is rarely shown outside the hourglass she’s trapped in. In fact, the closest the victim ever gets to Mu's bullying is when she just so happens to be leaving the bathroom the same time Mu is being bullied in it.
Which is suspect because the lines that transition us into that scene are, “But I see it in my dreams even though I erased it maybe I’m done. Just one more time before saying goodbye. I’m just kidding, please forget I said that.” So, she very well may be flashing back to the crime in this moment not committing it after.
I wrote this in that first post, “Conveniently overlooking that the hourglass Mu is stuck in is revealed to be filling with the victim’s blood at the end. Showing even more that Mu may not give a fuck about her actions effect on this person but how the mere thought of them continues to inconvenience her.”
As though despite them being dead and gone the mere concept of them lingers haunting her like those ghosts she dislikes so much. Her classmates seemingly carrying on her will by holding her accountable bringing her behavior back around to her. She erased it but she still sees it. It’s gone but things aren’t the same cause sorry won’t reach anyone because the people who used to listen won’t.
I wrote something going in depth about Otome Dissection and how it ties into this but then tumblr glitched and deleted it. Though overall it was a happy accident because I found a better way to articulate my point through rewriting this. However, I still want to try to touch on what I had before briefly.
Otome Dissection and MKDR both allude to a relationship growing sour while someone tries to hold on to it despite that. Otome Dissection looks at the toxic ways a person tries to get attention from the one they want affection from. For example, as we reach the hook of the song for the second time in Otome Dissection the lyric leading into it is, “You know you’ve been so cold lately.” Before going into playing a game of girl dissection highlighting that need to get affection but focusing in on the manipulative or detrimental way the seeker goes about getting said affection.
After this even stating, “How stupid. Your unwillingness is irresistible to me. I wonder if our misunderstanding will be resolved.” People tend to be very gracious when interpreting the lyrics of Otome Dissection. However, when taken from the most unflattering angle it can come off as someone threatening self-harm to keep a lover around. Even having the lyrics, “You know I had a dream where you fell in love with someone else. I hope you deny it. Love me, please?”
While MKDR can be considered a healthier progression. Since it at least recognizes the love had problems.
It’s just funny and cruel that Mu gets praised, showered with never ending excuses, and dotted on for being the way people suspected and vilified Mahiru for possibly being. This woman almost dies because people created a story in their heads about her being so clingy, she drove her lover to suicide or that she never had a lover at all and was a yandere. When really the chances are she poisoned her cheating fucking boyfriend.
Especially given the two people that feel bad for her the most are implied to be notorious fucking homewreckers. Kazui who we all know cheated and Yuno who was probably fucking people’s husbands given her stance on how the public views adultery. Kind of weird that they both feel really bad around the one person who abhors cheating and may have had it done to them. Like I feel sorry for her and you’re too nice to be here. The two gold medalists in the Cheating Olympics specializing in stealing your man and breaking your vows feel bad for her.
If that’s not a sign her murder was a crime of passion due to a relationship failing, I don’t know what is. Yet, for Mu this is used as an excuse for her actions, a means to validate them. So, yeah during trial one I was pretty much confused to hear that this was being pushed forward as a defense. Not only because it was hypocritical but because it makes her look worse.
I was actively hoping that this wouldn't be the reason because to me that would make this an incredibly open and shut case. Like a person would just have to love Mu to vote this act forgivable or innocent at this point in my opinion. Because regardless of whether a person is in a same sex relationship, or a heteronormative one this sort of treatment isn’t okay.
Of course, Mu’s first cover was actively ignored and now people want to say the covers don’t really mean much when they very much do. Mahiru didn’t get that treatment though she got dragged through the mud for Psychogram she wasn’t given any benefit of the doubt. People even speculated that Mahiru would be getting MKDR before Mu got it. Now Mu wants to be like don’t look too hard cause the entire story is coming together, and some people will certainly go I do not see it.
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