#these and the super complex epic-length AUs i make up for my bedtime stories that are definitely never going to get written
vinelark · 11 months
okay it’s not tuesday quite yet but ao3 is down and so is my brain so why not!! @burins tagged me for Temptation Tuesday, which is where you list ideas distracting you from your current WIP.
i actually have been working pretty steadily on the current WIP (buy back the secrets ch4) but i do have these kicking around the back of my head:
a “what is and what never should be” bruce & jason & tim au where some magic user traps bruce’s mind in a world where jason never died, but the cracks of reality are starting to bleed through and bruce ultimately must decide if he should stay in this “better” world or try to wake up. tim is also stuck in the illusion and catches on much quicker, and meanwhile in the waking world the real jason is trying to save them both. brainstormed this with @90kon last year and it’s still rolling around my brain
a concept @cairoscene and i brainstormed where when jason (or damian) arrive in gotham instead of attacking tim they lay a curse in the foundations of wayne manor that causes everyone’s feelings about tim to just—disappear. the bats no longer hold any affection for tim, and they don’t even dislike him, they just feel a deep apathy toward him. jason (or damian) see this as a kindness, because hey the alternative method of kicking tim out of the suit is way bloodier, right? obviously this is still not a great time for tim, and jason (and/or damian) are exempt from the curse and end up being the ones to intervene and try to undo it.
a fic set in tim’s early robin days where bruce gets hit with a new hatter x scarecrow special gas that makes you verbalize the worst fears of the people around you. batman and robin don’t know what it is yet, though, and bruce says some horrible things to tim under its influence; tim, based on what he hears, concludes that this has to be some sort of truth gas and operates under that assumption for weeks until the misunderstanding comes to light and bruce sets out to fix it.
the timkon-centric sequel to @cairoscene’s “send to all” fic where kon decides he and tim better, you know, Practice just in case tim gets hit with ivy’s pollen one day. just to be prepared! just to hone a potentially life-saving skill! cue idiots to lovers figuring things out in more ways than one.
tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
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