#gay carrots
guys i drew two cool carrots and they're in love
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and @cookiesnpaste added a heart
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zagreuses-art · 7 months
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The fine Rank and File (or at least the rank) of the Ankh Morpork city watch! I've been figuring out my designs for them, and I wanted to put them in a lineup to see how they look beside one another. makes you realize how ridiculous the height difference between some of them is
[ID: three digital drawings of the Watch members, against a police lineup background with height marks and an ankh morpork city watch watermark and logo. The featured members are in order of height: Detritus, Dorfl, Carrot, Angua. then Reg Shoe, Visit, Colon, and Vimes. finally, Nobby, Cheery, Buggy Swires and Wee Mad Arthur. they are all wearing variations on the watch uniform of brass colored armor, chainmaille, leather boots or sandals, and a skirt of studded leather straps. end ID]
more detailed description of the designs under the cut
First drawing: standing at over 8 feet is Dorfl. He is a grey-green troll with a very muscled top heavy build, patches of moss on his skin, and angular features. He is wearing oversized armor with pauldrons, one with sergeant's stripes painted on it, and scale mail underneath. the Piece Maker (a siege weapon crossbow) is strapped to his back. second, standing at 7 foot 4 inches is Dorfl, a reddish Golem made out of patchwork clay, with a overall gingerbread man look, and glowing red eyes. he is only wearing a breastplate, and he has his sergeant's stripes painted on his arm. Third at 6 foot 6 inches is Carrot. He is a redheaded white human, with a sturdy build, round face, and a cheerful smile. he has a captains pip pin in the collar of his shirt and his armor is visibly shinier than all the other's. fourth at 6 foot 2 inches is Angua. she is a white human with lots of very light blonde hair and slightly pointed ears. Her armor has straps at the shoulder rather than being one piece, and she is wearing her badge on a collar. (end of first drawing)
Second drawing: first, standing at 6 ish feet is Reg Shoe. He is a green zombie with a hunched posture and several missing chunks and lines of stitching visible, most noticeably the right half of his mouth has no lips, exposing his teeth. he wearing a tattered and patched flow-y white shirt under his armor, which is also the strap style, and there is a red ribbon in his long-ish dirty blonde hair. second at 5 foot 9 inches is constable Visit. He is a brown skinned human, with slicked back 80's business guy hair and a slightly strained smile. He is wearing a very crisp white shirt under his armor as well as khaki pants and a Omnian turtle necklace. he is clutching a bundle of pamphlets. Third at 5 foot 6 inches is Colon. He is a white human with a heavy-set build, a mustache, and a large bald spot. his armor has sculpted muscles in it and he is wearing sandals. Fourth at barely 5 foot 4 inches is Vimes. He is a white human with messy greying brown hair, and a five o-clock shadow, he looks a bit like house era Hugh Laurie. along with his armor he is wearing a red cloak and a sword. (end of second drawing)
Third Drawing: First, standing at 4 foot nothing, is Nobby Nobbs. he is a white-ish human with vitiligo spots, several suspiciously red or green patches of skin, and very scruffy black hair and a five o-clock shadow. he is smoking a cigarette and has several dog ends behind his ear. he has managed to tarnish his armor. second, at 3 foot 4 inches is Cheery. She is a white dwarf with a stocky build, blonde hair and a blond, braided beard. she has some burns on her arms, ears, and forehead, and is missing her eyebrows. she has a full lentgh leather skirt rather than pants. third, at 7 inches is Buggy Swires. he is a brown skinned Gnome, with grey hair and pointed ears. he is not wearing armor, but instead a rain cloak. next to him is his pigeon, which carries his badge and is a foot tall. Finally, at 4 inches, is Wee Mad Arthur. he is a blue nac mac feegle with red hair. he is in a watch uniform with a kilt, and is carrying his badge like a shield on his back, unlike the others he has a dynamic aggressive stance, rather than standing straight up. (end of third picture)
background of all drawings: a lineup height marker background, with the initials AM (ankh) CW and the city seal in the top right corner. the city seal is two hippos on a shield, with a tower between them. they are in shades of copper or bronze, as is the overall color palate of the drawings. (end of ID)
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solargeist · 26 days
Quick while the other followers are asleep draw Archer!! We need spider boy content!!
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spider boy !
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averokagejd · 6 days
happy gay month bc yall gay n stuff /ref
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char7 · 7 months
Everybody is like "Be Gay, Do Crimes!" until Flint starts murdering people and then y'all get all judgy.
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cloudmancy · 3 months
[coming down from general anesthesia] kerapin is so canon...
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leonardoeatscarrots · 7 months
Transgenders your Dionysus
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Vegan Tom Kha Gai (Low FODMAP)
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orangetubor · 3 months
Hello! You may know from some other posts about my friend, @peterkats . He used to be a refugee in kakuma because his country wasn't safe for him as an LGBT person.
Recently, Peter has fled kakuma as it wasn't safe either, and has made it to another encampment, which still isn't safe. Refugees there are not provided with adequate food, water, healthcare or shelter, so I've made this gofundme to help peter
However, (you may know from previous posts) the person who we had in mind to organise the funds for the gofundme backed out, so I can't actually get any money to Peter, as I'm under 18.
So if youre over 18, live in the UK, and are able, could someone volunteer? (Just DM me) I can deal with spreading the gofundme around, but I need someone to collect the funds and send them to Peter (via world remit or send wave)
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kcamberart · 1 year
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eat a slice?
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psychicbluebirdfan · 2 months
The Marauders in the great Hall after a full moon.
Remus eating an entire carrot cake for himself like his life depended on it.
Remus: Merlin I love carrot cake!
Sirius dreamily looked at him: Merlin I wish I was a carrot cake.
Pete and James: WHAAAAT
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bedlund · 6 months
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keepersofmyheart · 2 years
Pinto bean bread
He loves it
And I am shocked
And he is hilarious as always
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coochie-sniffer3000 · 8 months
hmo. if blue/red pikmin are gay and white/purple are lesbians then should rock/pink be enby queers??!? it would be sick promise
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carro-carrot · 1 year
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leonardoeatscarrots · 1 month
Oh look I'm an artist who made art
Crossover ship of my OC, Craig, and my friends OC, Orru
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Mermaid au
My friends comic is King of Crows on Tapas and webtoons
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