#found at homegoods
very-valentine · 1 year
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lyekisses · 2 years
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first halloween haul of the season 😈🦇🖤💀
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witchqueenofthemoon · 2 years
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HomeGoods finds, 6/20/22 blessed be! 🌙🌞
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notmusa · 4 months
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fuckin mushroom basket at homegoods is $40 i almost found the perfect laundry hamper but who spends $40 on a basket??? i want it tho goddam
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focsle · 2 years
I never did a long thing about scrimshaw, so it’s time! At 1 am, apparently.
I think scrimshaw is one of the most fascinating material goods to emerge from the history of the American whaling industry (which is the context I’m discussing here, though of course the artform exists across numerous eras and cultures outside this brief blip of nautical history).
It’s one way to see amatuer art that usually doesn’t often survive in other forms. To see the art project of an ordinary man who was bored and needed something to do with his hands. Others were highly skilled craftsman, creating intricate engravings or mechanically expert tools. The most common scrimshaw was images etched on sperm whale teeth. Sometimes those images came from the maker’s own imagination and sometimes they were copied illustrations. Ships & whaling scenes, women, mythical figures, and patriotic symbols make up the bulk of the visual language in those pieces that survive.
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But alongside the teeth were all a manner of carved items: canes, candle holders, pie crimpers, children’s toys, sewing boxes, yarn swifts, corset busks. So much bone fashioned into quiet little homegoods. And it’s that contradiction within scrimshaw that fascinates me. The brutality of the industry, this ivory from an animal that frankly died terribly, that’s then softened into a little domestic item. An object that could have hours to years of work put into it. Some were made to be sold but many were made as gifts. In the long stretches of boredom at sea, in the lull between back-breaking work and life-threatening terror, scrimshaw gives a window into where the minds of these men continually turned. It shows where their hearts were and what they were holding on to over all the years they spent adrift in saltwater and blood and oil. That’s the poetry I see in scrimshaw. Pain and love and longing and creativity and playfulness all bound together in these complicated little pieces that found their way out of the hands of their anonymous makers to preserve a small part of their story.
Some scrimshanders names are known. Frederick Myrick is one of the most well known American whalers, not so much for the scope of his life (of which little is known) but for his scrimshaw. Born in Nantucket in 1808, he first went whaling in 1825 on the Columbus and then again on the Susan 1826-29. In the last few months aboard the Susan, Myrick engraved over 30 sperm whale teeth, all depicting the ship he was on (though there are a handful that depict other vessels). He signed and dated nearly each one. These pieces are often referred to as ‘Susan’s Teeth’ now, and when one comes up at auction it’s not unusual for it to sell for six figures.
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Many of the teeth Myrick scrimshawed included an inscribed couplet of his devising: A dark wish for luck that succinctly gets at the violent and unstable heart of American whaling.
“Death to the living, long life to the killers Success to sailor’s wives, and greasy luck to whalers”
Sometimes large scenes were etched on panbones as well.
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Moving from scrimshaw on teeth and jawbones, pie crimpers are some of the more common sculptural items. Popular motifs included animals (dogs, snakes, and unicorns/hippocampus are big), body parts (mostly clenched fists or lady’s legs), and geometric designs.
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Others were more mechanically complicated, such as automatons and children’s toys with moving parts and gears. Here’s one of a small rocking sailboat, perhaps made for someone’s child or younger sibling.
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Sometimes a particular creative fellow created something more eccentric, like this wild writing desk kit fashioned out of a carved panbone and sperm whale teeth.
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Another frequently scrimshawed object was a corset busk that would be slid into the front of the garment in order to maintain the posture. A rather private item compared to others. And one with a very on-the-nose message of wearing close to one’s heart the memory of someone who’d be gone for 3-4 years, who might never come home again. On some level, so many of these daily objects whispered ‘forget me not’, ‘think of me while I’m gone’. 
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There’s something tender to all the various domestic items that were fashioned on the job so long and far from home, but it’s the yarn swifts that really captivate me. They were one of the most complicated pieces of scrimshaw to make, with over one hundred different pieces that would have to be carved. It could take someone the length of the voyage (2-4 years) to complete a single one. Unlike teeth which were comparatively very quick to make and were frequently intended to be sold, it’s very unlikely that a swift was made with the aim of selling it because of the significant labor that went into it. They were almost certainly all gifts, and very special ones at that. Every time I see one I can just feel the love towards its intended recipient radiating off of it.
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Scrimshaw captures a specific snapshot of a moment in time. On a broader scale it’s a surviving reminder of a bloody industry that flared up and winked out, preserved in the form of a long-lost ship and the spout of a long-dead whale inked on a yellowing tooth. But that snapshot also reveals the emotional world of the men who were caught up in such an industry: what they valued, what they thought about, what they missed, and what they wanted to be remembered of them.
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boag · 1 month
Homegoods hasn’t been giving me any shifts so I got a second job at a fast food place by my house that actually pays a couple dollars more an hour (!!!) and I’m supposed to start training tomorrow but I need to get some non slip shoes before they’ll let me work. I found a cheap pair on Amazon that I can get delivered on time using my mom’s prime membership but I’m completely broke bc of the lack of work lately so I still need like $20 😭😭 if anyone can spare anything it’d rlly save my ass and I can even pay u back when I get paid 2 weeks from now if u send me a screenshot on here. ❤️
My paypal, venmo, and cashapp are all karmabauer
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 11 months
Unsmooth Operator
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Femme!Reader
Summary: It’s summer in Hawkins and Eddie finds himself caught up on the cute girl working at the record store in the mall
Warnings: Reader uses she/her pronouns, brief mentions of sexual content (nothing sexual actually happens), swearing, potentially lethal levels of adorableness 
A/N: First of all, sorry it’s been so long since I posted my last fic. My poor little ADHD self is a slow writer, I’m afraid. But anyway, I kind of wrote this as a sort of prequel to my Henderson!Reader fic, but there’s no direct mention of Reader being related to anyone, so you can either read it as that or not. Also, special thanks to Mr. Joseph Quinn for confirming that Eddie Munson has no game. 
My Master List | Ao3
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It’s June in Hawkins and the summer heat has already grown practically unbearable. The shitty window A/C unit Eddie’s been using has finally crapped out, and in the heat of the day the trailer is approximately the temperature of the sun. Mercifully, he’s found a sweet, air conditioned refuge in the newly built Starcourt mall, a temple to 20th century decadence and consumerism that also happens to be a very pleasant temperature inside. 
Jeff and Gareth are tagging along today, which is fun except for the quick pit stop they had to make at the homegoods store so Gareth could pick up some new linens for his mom. They’ve finished that now, though, and Eddie’s already got their next destination in mind. 
“I’m gonna do it”, Gareth insists as they go, “I’m gonna get a tattoo.”
“Your mom would kill you”, Jeff replies.”remember when she caught you smoking? I thought she wasn’t going to let us see you ever again after that.”
“It’s different now”, Gareth tells him, “I’m 16. I’m gonna be a junior. It’s time I make my own choices, you know?”
“Good luck with that”, Jeff laughs. 
“Let’s hit the record store next”, Eddie cuts in, “I want to pick up the new Bob Dylan album for Wayne.”
“More like you wanna see the cute girl working the register”, Jeff teases.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, Eddie retorts, desperately hoping his cheeks aren’t actually turning as red as he thinks they are.
In truth, he does have an ulterior motive for wanting to go to the record store, and it is you. You’ve been going to Hawkins High for the past three years, but admittedly Eddie had never really been more than vaguely aware of your existence until this past semester, when you two had PE together. He had this routine he’d do where he would imitate the gym teacher when the man wasn’t looking, and it never failed to elicit a giggle from you. One day Eddie noticed how cute you looked when you laughed and well, he’s been a little bit stuck on you ever since. 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Gareth comments, as if it’s just that easy.
Sweet, naive Gareth. Maybe for guys like Steve Harrington it’s that easy, but Eddie isn’t Steve Harrington. Gareth wasn’t there for Eddie’s early high school days. He wasn’t there during Eddie’s sophomore year when two hot juniors decided to prank him by convincing him their cheerleader friend was “super into him” or his junior year when he invited that girl from drama club to join Hellfire and she laughed out loud at him. Most girls don’t even want to be seen with Eddie “the Freak” Munson, let alone date him. 
“Jeff’s talking out of his ass”, Eddie lies, “come on, let’s go.”
You are, of course, there at the counter when they walk in, and oh God, is that an Iron Maiden shirt you’re wearing? Fuck, as if he couldn’t be more into you. 
“Um, Eddie, you good dude?” Gareth asks him and he realizes he’s stopped right there in the entrance of the store, just staring at you. He quickly turns away and walks the rest of the way into the store, thankful that you’re currently checking out a customer and probably didn’t notice him ogling you like a total weirdo. 
Admittedly, this may not have been a good idea, at least if he wants to convince Jeff and Gareth he’s not into you. He quickly grabs a Bob Dylan tape and starts making for the door, desperate to just get out of there and spare himself anymore humiliation.
“Um, you gonna pay for that?” Jeff asks and fuck. He’s shoplifted before but he’s not interested in getting barred from the record store, so he’s not gonna risk it today. 
“Right”, he mutters and then he forces himself to go up to the counter. 
He feels like his heart is going to explode in his chest when he walks up and you flash him that brilliant smile of yours.
“Hi, Eddie”, you greet and his eyes grow wide because you know his name. Well, obviously you did, you had a class together, but it just sounds so good coming from your mouth that he momentarily ceases to function. 
“Did you need help with something?” you ask after a moment.
“What?” Eddie asks, “oh no. Just um, just this.”
He sets the tape on the counter and you grab it to ring it up.
“Dylan”, you comment as you do, “not your usual fare.”
“It’s for my uncle”, Eddie explains, “he’s a big fan.”
“Cool”, you say, “I like your vest by the way. Dio. Nice.”
Well, that’s it. It’s over. Eddie’s done for. 
“That’ll be $6.30”, you say.
“Oh, right money”, Eddie sputters and fishes a ten out of his pocket. He knows Jeff and Gareth are standing nearby, watching this all play out and probably laughing with each other about it. He’s definitely never living this down.
“You want a bag”, you ask as you finish gathering his change. 
“Oh, I um, I guess”, he replies, not actually processing the question. You hand him his change, then place the tape in a bag and slide it over to him. He goes to grab it, and because he’s not at all paying attention to anything but you, inadvertently sends the display of Beach Boy tapes sitting on the counter tumbling to the floor.
“Oh shit”, he hisses, “oh fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay”, you reply, coming around the counter, “I keep telling Doug he shouldn’t put that stuff so close to the register.”
You bend down to start picking up the tapes and years worth of Wayne’s lectures on behaving like a gentleman come flooding back to Eddie, so he quickly follows suit.
“Let me help you”, he says.
“Thanks”, you say and you’re smiling again and Eddie kind of wants to die. 
With the two of you, it doesn’t take long to get everything cleaned up and back in order. 
“I’m really sorry”, Eddie says again as you make your way back behind the counter, and then before he can stop himself, he blurts, “maybe I could make it up to you somehow?”
“What?” you ask, clearly unsure of what he means.
“I mean like, maybe I could buy you a-a coffee or something sometime”, he stammers.
You peer at him for a moment, and he braces for the inevitable rejection he’s about to endure.
“I like ice cream”, you say, “if you meet me here at 3 tomorrow, you can buy me some ice cream and we’ll call it even.”
Maybe Eddie’s already dead and this is heaven. That or he’s being punked somehow. Either way, he stands there like an idiot for a second, trying to process that you just suggested the two of you meet for ice cream. 
“Um okay”, he says.
“Cool”, you grin, “see you then.”
“Right”, he says, “see you then.”
And then he’s swiping his bag from the counter and stiffly making his way back to Jeff and Gareth, his body still trapped in a state of shock.
“So”, Jeff prompts, “what was all that?”
“I um, I think I’m meeting her for ice cream tomorrow”, Eddie informs them. 
The two younger boys exchange glances, mouths stretching into a matching pair of shit eating grins. 
“Talking out of my ass, huh?” Jeff teases.
“Shut up”, Eddie snaps, “I’m just being polite okay? It’s not like a date or anything.”
“Sure it isn’t”, Gareth replies smugly. 
“Whatever”, Eddie huffs and the others know not to continue the conversation, even if they spend the rest of the afternoon exchanging amused glances at each other.
Eddie waits until he’s back at the trailer to let everything sink in. When it does, he feels a vague sense of panic washing over him. 
Embarrassing as it is, Eddie’s never had a real, serious girlfriend before. Hell, aside from a brief flirtation with Tammy Thompson that ended in a very awkward hand job in the school parking lot, he’s never really had any experience with girls (or boys for that matter) at all. And Tammy was the one that initiated that. He wasn’t even really into her, he was just desperate for some sort of female attention. 
You, though, he is into you. Very, very much into you. And he has no idea what the hell he’s supposed to do or say. He finally, finally has a chance to go out with his dream girl, and he’s almost certainly going to say something wrong and scare you off like pretty much everyone he’s ever been into. 
He wonders what the weather in Wisconsin is like this time of year, because he’s halfway to hopping in his van and heading there now, never to be seen or heard from in Hawkins, Indiana again.
Then again, maybe he’s over thinking it. It’s not like the word “date” ever came up in your conversation. Maybe this really is just him paying you back for his clumsiness, and afterwards you won’t even spare him a second thought. In the end, he figures that whatever the case, he’s not just going to leave you high and dry, so he has no choice but to go. 
Eddie shows up outside the record store at 2:45 the next day. He stands there awkwardly, fiddling with his rings and secretly hoping that you don’t show up and he doesn’t have to deal with all of this.
No such luck though, you appear exactly at 3, looking as cute as ever in your jean skirt. 
“Hey”, you greet and Eddie momentarily forgets how to speak.
“Hey”, he repeats, unable to formulate a coherent enough thought to do anything but copy your greeting.
“You ready to go?” you ask and he nods. 
The record store is a fair bit away from Scoops Ahoy, and for probably the first time in his life, Eddie finds himself unsure of what exactly to say. Thankfully, you take the lead.
“So, have you heard Megadeth’s album?” you ask, “I got it the first day it came out and I love it.”
“Me too”, Eddie says, and he can feel himself being knocked out of his stupor then, “you know, my friends and I have a metal band.”
“Really?” you ask.
“Yeah”, he tells you, “we perform Wednesdays at the Hideout, if you ever want to come see us.”
“I’ll keep that in mind”, you smile and Eddie thinks his heart momentarily stops. 
Walking into Scoops Ahoy with you by his side is an almost unreal experience. You and him go up to the counter and Steve Harrington is there in his little sailor suit that Eddie almost feels sorry that he’s forced to wear. 
“Hey Steve”, you greet.
“Hey Y/N”, Steve replies, and then he notices that Eddie’s with you and he gets this super confused look on his face. 
“So, uh, get whatever you want I guess”, Eddie says.
Once you two have ordered and gotten your ice cream, you eat it while idly wandering around the mall, just chatting about anything and everything. Eddie, as always, is frequently cracking jokes, and God is it mesmerizing to see the way you laugh in response. 
It’s quite the disappointment when you’re finishing your ice cream and you’re bidding him farewell. 
He knows he has to at least try to see you again so he tests the waters with a quick “that was fun, we should do it again sometime.”
“I’d like that”, you smile.
“Awesome”, he replies.
“Here”, you say, rooting around in your purse, “give me your hand.”
He obliges, and you produce a pen, which you use to scribble something onto his outstretched hand.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“My number”, you reply, “call me tonight or tomorrow?”
“Sure”, he tells you. 
“Great”, you say, “I’ll see you, Eddie.”
“See you”, he says, hoping he doesn’t sound as absolutely lovesick to you as he does to himself. 
You flash him one final smile before departing, and he just stands there awkwardly for a second, watching as you go. Once you’ve disappeared from sight and he’s snapped out of his trance, he peers down at the numbers you’d scrawled onto his hand. He has to remind himself that it’d be weird to get them tattooed onto himself permanently. He can’t believe that it worked. You went on a date with him, in public, and didn’t care if you were seen together. You laughed at his jokes. You gave him his number and asked to see him again. You liked him. 
The trailer is as unbearably hot as ever when he returns, but for once, he doesn’t care. He’s too excited to call you later and hopefully set up another date. 
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❝𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬❞
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬~
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙🩵.❅ ˚₊⋆🌨️
Blankets- Whether found at a homegoods store or a thrift, as long as it's warm!
Accesories- Small yet sweet. This can be jewelry, bows and hairclips, etc
Books- Any books they have talked about or a genre they like!
Posters of their favorite bands, artists, movies, etc.
CDs and Records
A soft plush of their favorite animal
Creative utensils- Stationary, Art supplies, Journal, etc.
Warm socks or a new jacket
A new mug or bowl! With a pretty design you found in-store or at an antique place.
A makeup or skincare product they're running low on
Merch from a brand they like!
Anything handmade- Paintings, sewn, crocheted, drawn, etc!
A sweet treat- Baked goods, candies, drinks.
Homemade food- Something warm for the cold season!
Nailpolish in their favorite shade
Pressed flowers and leaves with a handwritten note
Figurines- favorite characters or cute ones you found at a thrift.
A new piece of clothing- shirt, pants, sweater, or dress!
𝐈'𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫-𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝! 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥!
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With TF2 being a main focus again, I’ve decided to at least write my self-shipping stuff for fun for myself!
Although Excavator will likely star in future writing and/or comics, I have to admit I have more fun just slapping myself next to Medic because that is self-love to me. So the lines may blur a bit
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Edelweiß (TF2 Storyline)
How did this happen? Excavator wasn’t sure herself. Seeing as Medic threw his hippocratic oath out the window, he isn’t the most reassuring. Yet they developed a close-bonded friendship with each other.
Excavator is the one who usually throws Medic a bone the most on the battlefield (and sometimes literally too). She’s fended him from near death experience many times. Her help extends in her free time to care for the baby baboon nursery and some voluntary projects.
Archimedes has taken a liking to the digging woman. She shares her sunflower seeds with him. There isn’t a day she doesn’t ask for him when seeing Medic.
It wasn’t until Archimedes had heard Ex open up about her feelings for Medic. Medic was intelligent, charismatic, energetic, surprisingly patient with her, incredibly dreamy… Archimedes spoiled this secret to the doctor!
At first, he thought it was endearing she found someone like him to be gush worthy. He might’ve playfully flirted with her in amusement to surprise her. But it’s not long until he realizes he felt the same way.
Excavator is his best friend. Ex always put him first and supported his dreams. But he also felt his efforts to protect her were fulfilled with being taken for granted. She was very sweet yet a force to be reckoned with. So much that factored in his deep-rooted affection for her. A grounding force for his racing mind.
Medic and Heavy already dated in the past, so he was worried of ruining another work relationship becoming awkward. He took the risk anyways, and luckily for him, everything turned out far better than expected.
Edelweiß (Modern AU)
Medic has cheated the devil before, so he WILL do it again! He not only lives in the same modern day as me, but he doesn’t look like he aged at all. Nothing genetic rewiring and black magic can’t fix! Doing so has allowed him to sneak into being a doctor again in a new state. He carries out his medical mysteries at home which may or may not include copious amounts of stealing for materials and tools.
We bump into each other in the middle of a HomeGoods. Although he got in to escape the cops in the evening, I’m just looking for a lamp to put in my new apartment since I just moved into town. We feel drawn to each other and exchange numbers. It’s not long at all until we become great friends.
It wasn’t long until I found out his dirty little secret in his… medical interests. However! I promised him I’d tell nobody about it. But in exchange, he found that I would have to help him as his partner in crime
Of course, feelings manifested regardless and the two of us became the world’s most unhinged power couple (well, second most compared to Zhanna and Soldier)
Now time for fun mushy stuff!
We definitely enjoy just sitting beside each other and reading our books. Usually we pick out our own separate novels. But we do like to occasionally read the same book together before bed. This will vary from a picture book to huge medical textbooks
Our main ship song is Here Is The House by Depeche Mode. Runner ups include Edelweiß (yes The Sound of Music one), Who Knows What Love Is by Strawberry Switchblade and My Heart Goes Bang (Take Me To The Doctor) by Dead or Alive
We pretty much bounce off each other’s playfulness. If you stood in another room all you’d hear is endless giggling and maniacal laughter. His energetic, kooky nature is one of my favorite things about him
Medic does enjoy teasing me for his amusement. Something about seeing me so shocked or horrified over his dark jokes or some sort of medical rambling is adorable. It's never anything mean thankfully, just lighthearted banter
I do have to chase after him sometimes if he's accidently caused anything life threatening.
We do work together. Enjoying one another's presence is a big thing for us. There are two desks down in the lab extension to our home. One for his studies and another for me to craft nearby him.
I'm genuinely surprised just how much of a hidden romantic he is. He never fails to surprise me with roses and never turns down the chance to cuddle at all. He's old fashioned but never fails to make me smile.
We both have a shared past trauma about dating partners. We used it as strength to be better people for ourselves and each other. There's at least an understanding of what we don't want to ever put each other through knowing the feeling of abuse. With my more complex childhood things however, he's not at all bitter about it.
Nothing's better than falling for your super best friend <3
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vilvermin-sqwirl · 6 months
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i havent been able to do much art tbh.. ive been focusing moreso on decor and making our new room (oh we moved a bit ago btw i never said that here lol) look less like a hotel room. we have our own bathroom now and are going hard with a rubber ducky aesthetic and its so whimsical you dont even fucking know dude. anyways yeah thats where this thing comes in, we found a cute little bathtub-style toothbrush holder thing at homegoods and i decided to paint bubbles and ducks on it because idk what the FUCK do you want from me. i do what i want!!!!!!
anyways i think it turned out cute or swagever. one day i'll post pics of our room but theres still boxes everywhere bc we dont know where to put anything :sob: who was gonna tell me when you get an apartment you gotta BUY FURNITURE for it?? what the H dude.
anyways i will draw more at some point i have been through brain hell despite being in a way better environment. i got a button maker for christmas though so thats cool <3
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halloween-central · 9 months
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peanuts halloween blanket found at Homegoods for $19.99
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feminineladyc · 3 months
Look at this super cute martini glass that I found at HomeGoods! I’m determined to perfect my pomegranate martini cocktail recipe. So, I had to find a glass worthy of my mixology excellence. ✨
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witchqueenofthemoon · 2 years
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#codeorange at the IKEA y’all!!!! It’s June and I am LIVING 🎃🎃🎃
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more homegoods aro stuff i found
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acaseforpencils · 6 months
A Case for Decorations.
Hi everyone! I realize it's been a second since the last interview was posted on here—I've been taking a break from Case (hopefully, I'll get back to it after the holiday season!), but I haven't been taking a break from working on little projects. I have been having so much fun making holiday crafts, that I thought I'd share some of my work, and give some tips in case anyone else was interested in making their own little treats!
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I had been coveting gingerbread houses that I had been seeing at places like HomeGoods, but wasn't feeling the prices. However, I saw plain wooden LED houses at Michael's for $4.99, and I had already been making little gingerbread ornaments, so I figured I could easily make my own gingerbread house, for relatively cheap! I first layered on brown acrylic paint, followed by a glittery acrylic paint top coat. After that all dried, I used a hot glue gun to build up the larger areas of "frosting." Then, I used puff fabric paint to cover the glue and do the more intricate designs.
The gingerbread tree (far right in the picture) is a florist's cone that I got with a 60% off coupon at Joann Fabrics. That required a lot of layers of paint, even though I used a sealant before hand! I already owned the mini plastic candy canes from a previous project, but I could see being able to make them with hot glue and paint!
With this project, I found that you should never try to do the fine details when the paint bottle is more than half full, if you want more control. I also recommend doing multiple houses at once, because you want to allow half the house to dry (which takes hours!) before doing the other sides. I had originally intended to do three, but it didn't seem quite like a village, and my mom kindly gave me two more of the houses, which was a treat!
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These little metal ornaments were fun and fairly simple to make! I had been seeing dozens upon dozens of cool little folksy ornaments being made out of scrap metal (such as pie tins), and had to try it myself! All you need is metal, something like a knitting needle (to draw designs), scissors, and an ornament hanger! I used hot glue to put together the flower. I really enjoyed this project, and hope to make more sculptural projects with metal soon!
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So for my birthday in October, I asked my twin brother for a gift card to Michael's, which has fueled a great many of my holiday projects! I saw these snow globes that you can fill yourself, and decided to make a holiday terrarium! You can make your own for very cheap—buy some holiday stems at Joann's or Michael's (or wherever you can find them), find a cheap glass receptacle at Goodwill, and add a short length of led fairy lights (with a timer setting of course) and you will have a beautiful centerpiece for less than $10!
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I found all sorts of blank wooden ornaments for decorating for 79 cents at Joann Fabrics, so I I have been having a lot of fun painting them. i designed my dream wreath, though it might be a bit expensive if I were to make it full size!
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I have always loved dried oranges, so I decided to make them in my oven this year! Word to the wise, they take FOREVER, so don't start them at 7pm on a weekday if you are hoping to get them done before 1 am! I attached them to a garland that I got at Joann Fabric's for ~$3 during their holiday sale this weekend!
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I had been seeing wreaths similar to this for years, but the ones I liked best seemed to be over $200, so I thought I'd take a crack at it myself! The little houses I had bought a while back, as Christmas tree ornaments, but I thought I'd paint them (with an extra glittery top coat), and use them on this wreath instead! Many of the trees I purchased at The Dollar Tree. The base of the wreath (not visible!) was less than $5 at Michael's (though I attached snowy boughs to cover it). If you find yourself with bare spaces, use cotton battiing (with glittery acrylic paint on top) to cover them up for a fun snow effect!
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I had made a gingerbread garland out of felt and fabric paint last year, and still had plenty of materials, so I decided to make a fun wall piece with what I had left over. The spoon was my mom's idea (a baking sort of thing)!
I hope to make more little holiday crafts in the upcoming weeks, and recommend you do the same. A lot of times, artists make a lot of art for others, but I think (if you can find the time!) that it's important to make little keepsakes for yourself, that you'll get to cherish for years to come. I was thinking about how holiday decorating is often not just something you do for yourself, but a way to bring joy to others as well. I can't tell you how many times I have seen a house with beautiful lights that just made my day!
I know that this hasn't been the easiest couple of months for most people, but I hope things brighten up soon, and that everyone has a happy holiday season! I've been doing this blog for close to ten years now, and I really appreciate your continued support! I plan on working on some cross-stitching next—you can keep up with me on my Instagram here!
If you enjoy this blog, and would like to contribute to labor and maintenance costs, there is a Patreon, and if you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee, there is a Ko-Fi  account as well! I do this blog for free because accessible arts education is important to me, and your support helps a lot! You can also find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram and Twitter! Thank you!
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marshmallowbee13 · 5 months
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Went to Homegoods and found the perfect little cat that I had a strong need to repaint as Grim. I should've gotten it.
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